#also got a new name so maybe he's not so much an old oc anymore
astravires · 2 months
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i sing in greek, i pray in latin, i ache in a language so old that even the earth no longer remembers; so dead that it has returned to dust....
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fleur-de-violette · 8 months
Dear Mom,
Dear Mom, I finally got a job at the Justice League Cafeteria! Or: Robin over the years, seen by a stranger.
Word count: 543 Characters: OC, Robin Genre: crack, humor
Dear Mom,
It is real! I still can’t believe I got my dream job: cook at the Justice League watchtower cafeteria! My coworkers have been very nice, and I have so much to learn from them! The justice league members are also very nice: Superman complimented my cake! But Batman scares me a little. I think he might be a vampire.
With love,
Your son.
Dear Mom,
Today, Batman came with a child. It made him much less scary! The kid name is Robin, and he’s a ray of sunshine. He likes strawberry cake the best. I’m a little worried for him, thought. Batman seemed to be treating him well but should a kid so small be with someone that scary? Is he a vampire as well? Do vampire like strawberry?
With love,
Your son.
Dear Mom,
I am doing well. I actually have two trainee that will start working under me starting tomorrow. By the way, remember Robin, the kid who was with Batman. Turn out he’s not a vampire, because he grew up! And oh, boy, was I that way in my teenage years too? (don’t answer that). Because the kid has some issues. I still give him some extra strawberry cake. Teenagerhood is tough.
With love,
Your son.
Dear Mom,
Ok, Robin might be a vampire. And apparently when teenagerhood is too hard, vampire go back in time. Because he had become a kid again, and the process might change some things, as he is now in love with my chocolate cake. I like my life at the watchtower: you never get bored!
With love,
Your son.
Dear Mom,
Robin is not coming anymore. I don’t know what happened to him. I still save him some chocolate cake.
With love,
Your son.
Dear Mom,
Good news! Robin wasn’t coming because he was doing his transformation process thing. Kinda like in Dr Who, remember Dr Who? We used to watch it. Well, that would track. So maybe Batman is a vampire and Robin is a Timelord? Should I ask him? But is it indelicate to ask if someone is a Timelord with just Dr Who as your reference? Maybe Dr Who is an inaccurate representation, and they all hate it? Anyway, this Robin likes caramel and is allergic to nuts. (Can Timelords be allergic to nuts?)
With love,
Your son.
Dear Mom,
You will never guess what! I got the head of the bakery position! This was really what I wanted, now I’ll be able to go full creative with my cakes! This is so, so cool. I ever did an interview for the Planet, be sure to read it.
PS: Robin is now a girl, good for her. She eats my blueberry waffle like they are made of air.
With love,
Your son.
Dear Mom,
Robin is not a girl anymore, and he did his age regression thing. Also his niceness was lost during the process, because he told me that he could teach me how to bake. Me. The head of the bakery.
I want to challenge him to a cooking show off, but also, what do I know? He’s probably like a thousand-year-old, he might destroy me.
With love,
Your son.
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diggitydoggo · 6 months
Beta Daisy and Dandy
I've actually been drawing Daisy for a while so I thought that I should at least dump all the old art somewhere. Time for a trip down memory lane!
First ever drawing
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Ah yes. When I promised myself not to make anymore OCs cause I already had a whole bunch of fnaf ones. So much for that.
Her colors used to be a lot less saturated which in my opinion didn't fit in with such a colorful cast. There are some parts of her outfit I kept like the overalls and her shirt. I just changed the sleeves so it actually looks like she's wearing gloves like I intended. Her attitude is pretty much the same.
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Fun Fact: Her Halloween costume is just her dad's old clothes.
He was also supposed to be dead.
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Still gay as fuck
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Next are drawings I made for old tiktoks of Daisy!
(If you wanna find them then my tiktok is linked in my bio)
"Maybe he's blinking when you're blinking."
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Second time ever drawing Julie! This is when I started to lean into my more cartoony style for Daisy. She still never trusted Wally.
"You're not my friend!"
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Finally leaned away from so much orange. I really liked playing around with Julie's design since she gives off Mable (Gravity Falls) vibes when it comes to fashion. Always wanting to change it up.
"Don't start picking fights with my costumers!"
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First time ever drawing Howdy! Really wanted to emphasize how tiny she is compared to him.
"Have you been there the whole time!?"
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First Wally drawing! Sneaky little guy. Definitely wanted him to look more off-putting in this one. And new Julie outfit! This one was a little Minnie Mouse inspired getup. I also like the idea of Julie's hair always being really big.
"I know saying someone looks gay is 'wrong' BUT LOOK AT HIM!"
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First ever Dandy doodle! This was after I made his beta design and wanted to tease him a little since beforehand I never actually mentioned Daisy even had a brother. Speaking of which.
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He used to actually be more two-faced and mean. Heck he wasn't even supposed to be living in the neighborhood originally. His appearance would've been exactly like those episodes in kids shows where a new "perfect" character is introduced but is mean behind closed doors to a certain character and the one character that doesn't like them gets brushed off as "jealous" but then it gets revealed they were bad the whole time to the others, then cue the group hug apology. Basically he would've been a meaner and more manipulative version of Daisy. Someone that really brought out her insecurities. Someone that loved being the "Better Daisy" Which is ironic considering he got replaced with a better version of him. As for his appearance I was trying to go for a more city-like look in contrast to Daisy's rough and tumble country vibe. But after a while to me it didn't feel "kid's show" enough.
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I completely forgot about this drawing so I'm adding it a whole two days later. But yeah they canonically have pets. Daisy has a flytrap she named Gertrude and Dandy has his pet mouse Mortimer.
Last drawings of Beta Daisy
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Some things really never change.
Well that's all of my old drawings of these goobers (Yes I only made three drawings of the old Dandy) It was nice looking back on some old memories. It's been a fun eight months having these two idiots live in my head.
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Si x Friend headcannons mayhaps🥺👉👈
......ANON I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
God it's been a minute and Si's lore got lumped in with me first trying to make an oc for the game before switching into self insert-
Friend 100% was Si's first crush even if he pushed Si away at first and while keeping in mind that neither of them knew what a crush was at that point.
Even before Friend's family dies, Si's family would hold up appearances and let him hide out at their house occasionally. Si's house was nowhere as clean as Friends no matter how much clutter and other junk were cleaned up, but to both of them, because it was happier together than alone, it was home. After the accident, Si was allowed more in Friend's household and Friend was allowed to travel more frequently between his and SI's place to get what little comfort and sense of normality he could hold onto.
Keagan caused a REALLY big rift in Si and Friend throughout high school until the two of them had their initial falling out. A lot of it was Keagan super hitting on Si, and one of Keagan's friends (blanking on his name atm) not only putting down Si, but putting down Friend at the same time. It was stupid and chalked up to peer pressure and SI not actually having a good support system that he distanced himself from Friend, when in reality they were each other's biggest rocks and something Si regrets betraying before the events of the demo.
The day Si calls Friend to pick him up after breaking up with Keagan and not wanting to ride in a car with a drunk driver was one of the hardest days in Si's life. He finally allowed himself to be vulnerable and rely on the one person he knew he could count on....and oh god was he glad it was still true.
During the events of the demo- I see Si being on the side of still harboring old feelings for Friend, but not wanting to mess up the second chance they have. He assumes Friend is being his usual flirty self since Si had heard about him being more of a playboy, and you expect your friends to change over the years, so he mostly pushes his feelings down and feels like he's the only one stuck in the past.
^ This also causes him to be a little too nice and friendly with people since he's used to his best friend "casually flirting" with him and doesn't think too much of the more subtle approach most people take....like Carter for example.
I don't see Si getting kidnapped to the basement in the way that most do in that sort of route. I see Friend playing on Si's paranoia and convincing him that he can't trust anyone in the way he trusts Friend, and that it would be just like Keagan all over again. Why start all over with someone new when you can be with someone you've known....trusted....loved....your whole life? I see maybe one friend that Si makes outside of Friend possibly dying if they pry too much into Si's disappearance, but I would also like to think that if Si went willingly, Friend would try his best to scare them off instead of risking Si being upset with him more than he already is with the confusion of being gaslit and essentially talked into living in a fancy cell.
Alternatively....we can have two dorks who have been love with each other since there were kids where one person knew all along and the other took longer to realize it until their sense of love and comfort suddenly wasn't there anymore. Si and Friend are both on the demi spectrum iirc, but it takes longer for Friend to realize it and they fall victim to stupid high school bs in between everything. In this case, I see the cat cafe date being canon, with SI wearing a cute outfit just to TRY and shoot his shot again hopefully picking up on Friend's signals in the right way this time. Of course, this still means that Friend is weary of every move Si makes, but it opens up for more measures of security on Si's end. Si'll never know who killed the man who touched his arm or the woman who got to close to him while he was walking, and slowly Friend has more of a grasp on Si's day to day life to make sure he NEVER leaves Friend in the same way his sisters did. To Friend....he has nothing left to hope or LIVE for if he doesn't have Si, and he's not giving an inch of an opening for it to happen again....if he can manage it.
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case-of-traxits · 8 months
How about Vincent (maybe Tseng too if that last one didn't kill you haha) for the new ask meme :D
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
Whew. Sorry this one took so long. I uh... I went hard. This got so long. It's behind a cut.
Vincent Valentine, Turk Flavor (And then Vincent, post-Chaos) (And then Tseng)
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, but with a slight preference for women.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male.
A ship I have with said character: Vincent/Veld so much, thanks. I'm a sucker for partnerships in the Turks though, so this cannot possibly surprise anyone.
That said, I also absolutely love Vincent/Lucrecia. I have... so many feels about them.
The ship of my soul would probably be Veld/Vincent/Lucrecia, with Vincent as the hinge there. So good.
A BROTP I have with said character: Vincent/Veld. I mean, you don't really have too many options for back then, but I'm also super fond of several of @ladykf-writes's OCs as broships with him.
Honestly, I just shamelessly steal her OCs constantly. They're all deliciously written and they do so much to flesh out the world in those leaner eras.
A NOTP I have with said character: I have not personally seen anything I would consider a NOTP/squick for me with Turk!Vincent.
A random headcanon: Vincent's mother is a priestess at one of the Temples to Leviathan in Wutai. Grimoire met her while researching planetary flows, and while he drifted to and from Wutai during their relationship, he did eventually marry her. She chose to stay in Wutai though, offering him a home whenever he came back.
Vincent stayed with her for a lot of his childhood, but when he was about 10, Grimoire fetched him to start traveling the world. Vincent's not sure he's ever really forgiven Grimoire for removing him from the place he felt like 'home.'
General Opinion over said character: I love my precious cinnamon roll, okay. He's so wonderful. An absolute idiot sometimes. But wonderful.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
The child without a name grew up to be the hand To watch you, to shield you or kill on demand The choice he'd made he could not comprehend His blood a grim secret they had to command He's torn between his honor and the true love of his life He prayed for both but was denied So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise? Will all our sins be justified? The curse of his powers tormented his life Obeying the crown was a sinister price His soul was tortured by love and by pain He surely would flee but the oath made him stay
-- Hand of Sorrow, by Within Temptation. (You can thank @ladykf-writes for that one too.)
Vincent Valentine, post-Chaos
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Sexuality Headcanon: I don't know that post-Chaos Vincent really has the emotional energy to actually spend on being attracted to anyone anymore. That said, I think he's probably far more likely to develop a sexual attraction after he's developed a romantic/emotional one, so I'll just stick him in the demisexual box.
Gender Headcanon: Vincent barely sees himself as human anymore, but if pressed, he'd say male still, I think. (Let's be real, he'd say he was a monster first.)
A ship I have with said character: Ohhhh boy. Okay, so...
Vincent/Lucrecia. I do, I still love it. Post-OG, I think Lucrecia is too broken to actually do much, but I still love his pining for her. (And her pining for him too. Mutual pining idiots.)
Vincent/Veld. Some delicious old man yaoi at this point. And Veld has some trauma of his own to contend with, and they've both had horrible things happen to their bodies without their consent and just... It's still so good.
Vincent/Tseng. I can hear the record scratches now, but listen. I always HC Vincent as half-Wutaian, and Tseng as a former Leviathan priest, and I just. I want them to talk post-canon. I want those moments of just exchanging looks and getting it in a way that most people don't.
Vincent/Reeve. I do really like this. It can be a bit squicky, given the age difference (and that my Reeve sees Veld as a father figure), but honestly, they're so good together. Dirge was a delicious snack that I thoroughly enjoyed.
A BROTP I have with said character: Vincent+Tifa and Vincent+Yuffie are absolute favorite broships of mine for Vincent. And Vincent+Reeve.
A NOTP I have with said character: Vincent/Yuffie is really my only hard no.
A random headcanon: Vincent's fixation on Lucrecia isn't just his own love for her, it's how Chaos manifests his interest in someone that he sees as being basically his first follower since the Cetra "died off."
Lucrecia is the first mortal to be as thoroughly fixated on him as she is, and she's spent years now, crystalized in the tainted mako where Chaos is from. She feels like home to him and Vincent both, even if they're not good at quantifying it.
Vincent also really likes Marlene and Denzel both.
General Opinion over said character: I really do like Vincent. I was always a little meh on him in just the OG, but I was sold on him in Dirge. I think I was only meh on him because he was so damn popular originally. I was in my not like other girls phase at the time, after all. XD
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours But I sang 'em all to another heart And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love But all my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up, up
-- Another Love, by Tom Odell
Tseng of the Turks
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Sexuality Headcanon: Technically bisexual, but much like Reeve, functionally gay. His is for cultural reasons more than anything though.
(Surprise! Incoming HC)
In Wutai, same sex relations are strongly encouraged up until marriage to prevent out-of-wedlock babies. So for Tseng, as an unmarried man, he would absolutely expect and be expected to sate any urges with another man. Since moving to Midgar, he has managed to wrap his head around the realization that it doesn't necessarily work that way anymore, but he still feels horribly transgressive whenever he sleeps with a woman.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male, but he has absolutely zero give-a-fucks if someone were to misgender him. He's firmly of the opinion that Midgardians wouldn't have any clue what masculinity looks like if it bit them on the ass.
Now, getting misgendered in Wutaian when he isn't actively trying to pass for some reason? That would earn a side-eye, but more because Tseng cannot imagine it happening without it expressly being done as an insult.
A ship I have with said character: I love basically everyone with Tseng, okay. Like. So good.
Tseng/Reeve is so soft and so sweet sometimes, and they're still holding secrets and just... I love it.
Tseng/Rufus is an amazing complicated dynamic, with Tseng being his trainer/teacher and Rufus being the one to actually demand/control the romantic part of their relationship.
Tseng/Sephiroth is full of these meaningful silences (if there was ever a pair who can communicate entirely in unspoken glances, it's these two), and it's so deliciously tragic.
Tseng/Reno is also super complicated (I talk about it in my Reno answers for this meme).
Tseng/Vincent was talked about up there in post-Chaos Vincent section.
Tseng/Tifa is a wonderful favorite of mine too. I just... It's all great.
A BROTP I have with said character: Tseng and Reeve. I cannot not have them be close. If I'm not shipping them, they're absolute best friends.
A NOTP I have with said character: I wouldn't say it's a NOTP exactly, but I am not super fond of Tseng/Elena. It used to be a favorite ship of mine, but the older I get, the less I care for it, so... Yeah.
A random headcanon: Oh man. Okay, so let's just... I'll discount everything I gave you guys in the 50 Random Questions post. Let's see...
Tseng can play the Erhu and the Guzheng well enough to play for the Wutaian Imperial Court. He can also draft letters in Wutaian calligraphy. He loves poetry and likes to pick up Wutaian poetry/short story collections from vendors in Little Wutai.
Speaking of, how about that one? Sector Eight is "The Turk sector" because Tseng moved there as soon as he could get his own housing in Midgar thanks to the high population of Wutaian ex-pats there. He ended up forcibly removing several infantry patrols from Eight pretty early on, all of whom had attempted to menace or attack him without realizing he was a Turk.
After that, he realized that Shinra would still need some kind of influence in the sector, so when Veld put him in charge of assigning schedules, he made sure to add patrols of Sector Eight to the standard Turk duties.
(Hilariously, I've always had Eight as the "Turk Sector," even well before CC established it as canon.)
General Opinion over said character: I love Tseng so much. He's an ass, much like Rufus, but I adore him all the same.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
We're going to hell, we're going to hell We're going to hell, we're going to hell my friends So what's that something sinister inside We act so civilized Devils in tuxedos Our sordid hearts are far too hard to hide What's that 'neath the floorboards? Boom boom Boom boom Boom boom We're going to hell, we're going to hell We're going to hell, we're going to hell
-- We're Going to Hell, by Cursive
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oldassweeb · 9 months
YYH LA EP1 first watch thoughts
They are clearly not trying to make a 1 to 1 recreation. It feels more like an alternate universe. I suspect once people accept this and try to enjoy it as a new original piece of canon media they will have more fun with it. I have fully accepted this so I will not be nitpicking the details here.
!!!!!Spoilers Under Cut!!!!!
I love Yusuke's new death and the early "in your face" approach to the demon insects and Sakyo's plan/chapter black with the sink hole.
Yusuke smoking was more prominent in the manga I think. Glad they brought it back.
Smile Bomb playing on the radio has already made this whole series woth the watch. TY
Yusuke's wake photo is sending me. This poor little autistic boy.
The characters' personalities are very on brand despite minor appearance differences. Yusuke is my favorite performance this episode. Though Kuwabara was a very close second. I didn't think I was going to like the new Kazuma but he really does the old one justice.
Kinda sad Kazuma and Yusuke don't go to the same school anymore.
The heaven and hell name drop yeeted me into a little wall ngl. Not sure if that's because I liked the original spirit world after death process more or because of my religious trauma though.
In regards to SW! I'm so glad we get to see Botan as the ferie man in the boat. Also it was way too pretty! How do I vacation there?
Who lives in all of those houses in sprit world!? I need to know. (And maybe make an OC)
So no spirit egg? I am going to miss Puu.
Keiko is the real MVP of this story, per usual.
I wonder if they are going to do Maze Castle with all of these insects or if they will chop up these round worms solely to Sakyo's efforts to destroy the barrier between worlds.
I love how much episode one feels like a zombie flick at some points. The grundy horror additions are really working for me. And these stunt performers look like they were having fun.
Sakyo really looks like the perfect Naraku.
I'm so fucking hyped that we got to see Kurama and Hiei fight in ep1. And the artifacts look super cool.
Wish the fight scenes (the whole show really) was a little more in focus, though.
I kinda want a multiverse crack fic where the anime and live action casts team up f9r a joint mission now
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eldritcmor · 1 year
Fast convo’s
Fast convos between multiple oc’s
@skylordgrey @dxivi
“Seriously, we got paired for this mission?”
“Aw come on, you love working with me.”
“Maybe before you decided to leave for those glory hounds.”
“Come on, ferret. They’re not that bad.”
“ So you didn’t see the giant come and kick me sign they wrote in neon letters.”
“To be fair, I did warn that them there would be major security risk if they wanted to do that tournament of champions thing. I unfortunately got out voted.”
“Also it’s no longer Ferret, it’s Captain Payne, now.”
A whistle and laugh, “Eh you’ll always be ferret to be me.”
A sigh “Fine but if we’re going by old names, I’m calling you Storm.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“So what were you’re plans today?”
“Apparently fight god in Egypt for the nth time. God’s why is there so much blood!”
The rustle of a person shifting fills the mic.
“You ble- Holy shit! How the fuck are you standing right now?”
“Uh most of it’s not mine…I think.”
“Yeah sure. Tell that to, is that a fucking knife in your gut?”
“Oh, it is, that’s new. Guess I got a souvenir after all.”
“Storm! Ah fuck hold still.”
The wet sound of something being extracted from flesh and muttered ow’s fill the air.
”Whisper, you copy?”
“Loud and clear, Ferret.”
“Tell cotton to get ready, once shit for brains and I clear the building we’re heading right for evac.”
“Who’s shit for brains?”
“Who do you think? I’m assuming you came here right on the back of your agency missions without rest or injury assessment again, storm?”
“Yeah. Ow! There’s no need to hit me.”
“Ferret, Cotton says stop battering her patient and get to work.”
“Yeah, yeah. Alright let’s get this shit show started.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be heading to debrief, storm.”
“Too wired to still through that. Punch me!”
“Please! I wanna fiiiight.”
“Last time Price tore us both a new one.”
“He doesn’t have to know.”
“The answer is still no, storm.”
“Are you sure about this? About leaving?”
“Yeah, yeah I am. I don’t think I can keep up with you guys anymore and this way, I’m not completely useless.”
“It is because of what happened?”
“A little bit.”
“Well in case I don’t see you again, it was good working with you Storm.”
“Thanks, Whisper. I’m sure we’ll meet again at some point.”
The bouncy notes of Storm’s guitar echoed through the common room. Ferret’s plucking sat just underneath. Their voices joined in duet as Whisper leaned in the doorway.
“I can’t climb Jacob’s ladder
Keep landing on the ground
But hell has an elevator
So just send my body down.
Whisper nodded his head along to the beat as storm’s heel hit table leg below them. A steady thump riding behind the notes of the song.
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spamton-addison · 1 year
okay all the questions I can think of before I have to leave
1 general backstory overview?
2 pronouns?
3 favorite food, movie, snack, book, and person?
4 an object they really like
5 sexual/romantic orientation(s)?
6 how many friends do they have?
7 cursed by the visions or doomed by the narrative
8 are you interested in maybe them hanging out with my characters sometime maybe…….
9 does their name have a meaning?
10 are they yours or did you revamp them? (Or are they just a blorbo?)
11 do they like rain?
12 favorite tv show
13 old television colorbars? Yes or no?
14 touch tone telephone or rotary dial phone?
15 why do they stand out to you so much?
16 I am out of ideas. I will send more if I think of them and pls keep writing if you’d like/can
1. sale is the oldest sibling of the addison family (hes 28 usually, but around 24 in some aus . hes always the oldest sibling though) he was happy once and then his best friend got cucked by a capitalist bastard which caused him to completely shut down emotionally in some fucked up misguided attempt to protect himself and his siblings from further harm its a whole thing . he is constantly overworking himself in order to avoid thinking about what happens and refuses to let himself cry ever
2. pronouns are he/him this man is CIS
3. favourite food: nothing i can think of specifically but he used to really like sour things and meat . he hates beef specifically though
favourite movie: he doesnt give himself time to watch anything recreationally. he probably wouldve liked deadpool/deadpool 2 if hed ever watched them though (sorry. my movie knowledge is limited and im projecting)
favourite snack: coffee is not a snack but it is to him . he probably ate coffee beans before the horrors as a joke
favourite book: he doesnt give himself time to read but he probably would like fantasy books . think like the dragon stones trilogy or eragon . also maybe the hunger games
favourite person: thatd either be his (missing) best friend Loveluck, his sibling Reverb (in aus where reverb exists) or his sibling Radio (in aus where radio exists)
4. he has this one specific pen that hes used for years and never throws away . he would rather spend a fuck ton of money getting ink specifically for this one pen than just buy a ton of new ones cheap . it is his favourite pen . otherwise he has a photo of him and his siblings he keeps in his room, but hes kept it facedown since the horrors (it hurts to look at)
5. hes aroace :D
6. anywhere between zero and maybe three . depends on the au
7. doomed by the narrative but also the narrative wants to save him . he is dead set on dooming himself . but also he suffers in nearly every au so i think that counts as doomed by the narrative
8. he doesnt get out much anymore and is kind of mean to most people but ABSOLUTELY . young sale (pre shutdown) is tolerable and a fun guy to be around probably
9. take a wild guess what the name Sale could possibly mean/silly
10. sale is my oc but he was Supposed to just be a generic yellow addison to act as the scapegoat . it got a little out of hand and now hes my everything
11. ya he likes the rain its grounding . when it rains is like the only time he lets himself take a break from work because he can just focus on the white noise of the rain . its nice to him . rain is actually one of the few things he likes now that he Didnt like before
12. he hates like everything to do with tv shows . probably the pokemon anime
13. possibly
14. touch tone . he has a personal vendetta against rotary dial phones
16. sale has like. two main character arcs to me, regardless of au . notably being his first arc, in which he digs himself into a terribly awfully deep hole, and his second arc being then realising he wants to get Out of it again . although in the aus where he Does get to heal he is never the same as he was before it all, he still heals and gets to move on with his life . even if it takes him literal years to get to a point where he can even start .
despite how poor his circumstances are (largely by his own fault but caused by the disappearance of loveluck) and despite how hard it is for him to keep going every day he never wants to die . he wants this hell to end but he doesnt want that end to be by dying . he wants to live . he wishes he still could . but he is so scared and he lets that fear control him and that is why he so routinely makes the shittiest decisions . he is trying his best but his best right now is terrible because of how centred he is on avoiding the past .
he means so much to me
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hider-n-friends · 2 years
For the mun from a curious anon: What got you into Minecraft askblogging of all fandoms? Is it an interest in a certain type of Mob? Inspired by a veteran mcaskblogger? For fun/curiosity? Or something else? Thank you!
Well.. It started back in Middle School for me!
I had taken an interest in Minecraft as a kid, and upon looking at fanart I inevitably stumbled upon the askblog fandom. Seeing Endy and the others for the first time sparked an interest for me! Though I didn't make an askblog back then, I did make an Enderman OC named Skai, and had a lil' mock "askblog" via a notebook and asking my friends if they wanted to ask him anything! (I also did this with non-MC OCs, lmao)
While he's not an active character of mine anymore, he still lives on in a way, as Ammo was my method of 'reincarnating' Skai before his story became a little more developed (albeit my continuous hiatus doesn't show it that much)
Here's the Ender himself <3
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Fast forward to 2021, and my interest in delving back into a bit of nostalgia sent me back into the askblog side of Tumblr, where I saw an ad for the MC Askblog Discord server. An opportunity to meet some of the artists that I had looked up to in Middle School was a click away- but I didn't have an actual askblog.
So Hider and Spooks were created! And thus I was able to delve into the server and further into the community. Albeit it was initially for a chance to talk to my childhood inspirations, I had been given a different outcome- one I wouldn't trade for the world.
I found myself within the midst of a welcoming and stunning community full of talented artists and blooming stories. I grew genuinely invested in my characters and began to toss together a story for them (as messy as it was at the start ^^") while becoming engrossed in others' tales and characters. I met new faces, talked, theory-crafted, laughed, drew, roleplayed, and watched as my art improved alongside so may others. I had made a cozy spot in this fandom, one that I continue to enjoy dearly.
Not only that, but I've become surrounded by cherished friends and memories alike from my stay here, and I look forward to meeting them all in person one day! Heck, maybe one day, I'd become the same inspiration to somebody else...
So I'd say I wound up here from a mix of several factors! Inspiration, love for the silly 'lil Minecraft mobs, storytelling, art... A little bit of everything, really.
I hope my answer is sufficient, and I want to thank this fandom and community for being so kind hearted and welcoming! I look forward to continuing to make my place here <3
- Luci
Some bonuses for this long read:
My first drawing of Hider! Drawn on February 5th, 2021. Damn, Hider's over 2 years old now!
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And the first concept drawing of Spooks! Made on the same day <3
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clonesupport · 2 years
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her eyes were as dark as the midnight sky, his eyes shining golden bright like the moon🌕🌃
just felt like making something quick for my old oc that i guess i completely left for dead and then now years later bringing her back into my open arms sobbing cuz i missed her FSHFJFJF
so quick little story dump about her and bigby “meeting for the first time” in fabletown: when the fables got thrown into fabletown, red became a stripper for a lack of better job options and well she thought it’d be fun and an easy way to make a quick buck. of course that’s how bigby and red reunited or rather properly introduced themselves for “the first time”. bigby visited the club for one odd evening not thinking anything of it but rather just to get away from everything when a certain dancer caught his eye.
the moment he saw her he knew she was a fable, and recognized her as the infamous little red riding hood. though not so little anymore. the red he knew was the experienced huntress, the lone resident of a rather protected cabin in the woods. he learned first hand that she was well capable of defending herself, he’s got a couple scars to prove it. he quickly learned that she and her axe or really any weapon you threw her way were no force to be messed with, especially when it came to protecting her family.
when he saw her that night, she still had the same devious charm flickering behind her eyes. her hair more fiery than ever in the light, her outfit leaving very little to the imagination, and she looked incredible.
red would be lying if she said she hadn’t noticed bigby the moment he walked into the club. the sheriff was kind of a known character around these parts. part of her was worried he came looking for her about an arrest, perhaps to threaten her like he did in their past lives. but instead he took a seat in the back of the room, legs kicked up on the small table before his booth and watched from the dark. rather characteristic of him she’d think. though she payed not mind, he was clearly just a customer tonight and she was the entertainment.
you’d also catch her lying if red ever said she didn’t find the sheriff attractive. she couldn’t tell if it was the danger of his presence that lured her in or the new face he’d been given in fabletown. maybe she could let bygones be bygones for a taste of what he could offer👀
of course they end up spending a night or two together after that🥴and eventually red becomes quits her job as a dancer and starts helping out bigby with his investigations. of course bigby didn’t want her to get into trouble or danger but also knew that if he fought her on this he’d probably end up with another broken bone and a new scar. there’s no arguing with a headstrong and muscle strong woman who can very well defend herself against trouble.
she still has her own little cabin just outside fabletown/new york but also has an apartment in fabletown to be able to stay local enough for jobs and stuff when needed. but usually you’ll find her at her cabin, bigby likes it there, often finding whatever time he can to get away from the city and stay with her a few nights. don’t worry about geographical canon because fuck it new york now has a little forest clearly right next door where red can have a cabin, this is fiction i can do what i want lol
they’re a hot couple, very much low key abo but like only on bigby’s part cuz um well dog. much protective werewolf bf vibes. much werewolf finding his mate/imprinting vibes👁️👁️. much i based red off red from once upon a time and also the red riding hood skin that ashe has in overwatch- her name is red, she wears red, her hair is red, so i wonder what’s her favourite colour?
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shadowchan209 · 2 years
Hehe.. Finally..
I'm in mood for posting my drawings ✨
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Meet Shadow!
My beautiful daughter 🤭
• 20/21 years old
• She has a twin sibling ✨ (but.. Her twin sibling's creator changes him/her to much. So I can't give a information for him/her)
• Omnisexual (mostly loves girls/women)
• She have a girlfriend/wife. Her name is Rosie. ((I will draw her later)+ Rosie is not my OC)
• She is an assassin. She uses daggers.
• She knows dark magic. Uses very smartly.
• She acts very silly and annoying but she is very smart and manipulator.
• She likes flirting and (dark) jokes. She also addicted to touch (friendly ofc)
———— FUN FACTS ————
1- She likes listen Russian songs.
2- She knows little Russian and little Korean. (Maybe little Japanese, who knows)
3- She trying learn to sign language.
4- She is a therapist friend. So, she knows all friends secrets.
5- When she was high school, she had a very severe(?) depression. Because, she got offended with her twin. (they reconciled very soon).
6- When she was high school (again), she had short hair.
7- She can control the shadows. Is the reason she's name is Shadow? No, another reason.
8- Btw.. Her real name is not Shadow. Shadow is a Nickname (Like "'Dipper' Pines").
Maybe.. I can give a healt problem or mental problems. Who knows~ 🥰
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They are her bitches now 😨
New hair for human desings ✨
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————————— N.N —————————
Yes, I started calling him N.N (NoName.exe) for now (I still trying give him a new nickname plshelp)
— Him birthday in December.
— He knows sign language.
— He is not Genderfuild anymore.
— He have a boyfriend now ✨ (I drew him but I don't post him for now).
— He loves kids so much. He doing babysitting too (He works cafes sometimes to).
— He is the least user bad-words/curses in my OC's.
— He likes to organize birthdays. (I call him sometimes "Birthday-Fairy" for this. Why? Idk but it's funny.)
— In human version; he is an orphan 👹
———————— RILEY ————————
— Her birthday in November.
— She is very talented and smart.
— She is half German and half Turkish (Her mom is German and her dad is Turkish).
— She knows half of sign language.
— She has a.. "pervert" (Calm down, her "pervert" is not pervert, just Riley call he/she pervert).
— Her memory is very strong (But, she just not remember people she doesn't care).
— She hate her mother and her mother hates Riley. (What a perfect mother-daughter relationship 🥰)
— She only saw her father in her childhood, but she remembers him.
— She wants to be best PvP player in Minecraft.
Uhh.. Thats all?? Less than I thought!?
Anyways, thank you for read them <3
Wanna more about them??
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frankensteinwitch · 2 months
Heyy this is my creepy pasta oc backstory it’s kinda short and cringe but yeah we are on tumblr
TW: transphobia, sight gore, bullying, homophobia, dolls. Slurs and insults
Today is the same as others, boring. Walking to school is boring, my parents are boring. Well at least I look not boring, being goth is much easier than being a cheerleading bitch. As I continue to walk to school I see my friend Clayton waving his hand.
“Marina ! Over here "
"Hey Clay, what’s up”
Clayton was my only friend, he was about 5,9 so he towered over me even in my boots. He had short gray hair that he dyed himself so it has spots of brown, he was a punk so he was also an outcast.
“Hey Marina , let's just skip school! You don’t want to go, I don’t want to go. Plus there is a new antique store in town!”
“Really? Think we can find anything good?”
“Maybe but it’s worth a shot, plus I know that you don’t want to go to after Jenny outed you as trans to literally the entire school”
“Hey don’t be sad, you got me don’t u?”
“Y-Yeah, let’s go. I’m interested in this Antique store.”
We arrived at the antique shop, it was interesting and old looking for a new store. We looked around and there was a lot of weird old stuff, I continued to look around until I saw this doll. It had dark skin like mine, but blonde hair and was dressed in a black dress and Mary Janes, black fishnet gloves and a pearl necklace. I liked her, so I decided to buy her then and there.
“You're going to buy that doll?” Clayton asked
“Yes, I feel like she wants to be my friend and she was lonely”
“You do have a soft spot for lonely people as u are one yourself” Clayton teased but then he sounded nervous
“Hey Marina , I-I um would like you to be my girlfriend, and idc that your trans bc your beautiful and your like a raven and um well-“
Without a second to think I pulled him into a kiss.
It was later that night, I was in my dark room with nothing but the moon's lights shining through my window. I couldn’t sleep, to many thoughts in my head, ones about Clay, ones about Jenny at school, my parents. And when as if I could think anymore my eyes landed on the doll sitting on my dresser.
“I haven’t given you a name have I?”
I started to think of names and then a rose petal from my vase felt on top of it
“Ah hehe La Rosa”
I picked her up and went back to bed but as I walked towards my bed I saw a figure outside my window on the street just outside. It was just standing there
I hid under my covers and tried to say quiet, hugging my doll. I slowly drifted off to sleep.
It's been a few weeks since me and Clay started dating, it has been different yet again nice. School was still boring and I’m stuck in math class. Jenny started to talk short about me but I could hear it. After class Jenny and her friends stopped me in the bathroom
“Well if it isn’t the school tranny”
“Leave me alone Jenny”
“Haha why should I your a freak and so is your faggot boyfriend, you shouldn’t even be in the GIRLS bathroom”
I tried to leave but her two friends pulled my hair down and slap me on the floor
Jenny started to beat me but this time was different. Inside me started to beat. I pulled Jenny off me and started beating her face, she screamed at me and cried but I didn’t stop. Her friends ran to get help but it was too late, she had stopped moving, crying and breathing.
I stopped with my hands shaking and before I knew it I ran out of the school and to my house .
I was panicking in my room when Clay came in to see how I was doing.
“It wasn’t your fault but we have to run away, the police are looking for you”
“…I can’t, I killed someone”
“I know but still…”
He grab La Rosa and gave her to me then grabbed our backs as we headed to the woods
While walking we stopped
“W-What is that”
We saw something in front of us , a man holding a doll that looked like Clay but matched La Rosa
“Who are you”
I asked but no answer. As soon as we stepped closer a black mist consumed us
As I woke up I was smaller, and I didn’t see Clay. All I saw was his doll variant. And I looked at my hands…my doll hands.
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deadcityhq · 8 months
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CHARACTER NAME: nathaniel / john mandrake
CHARACTER FACECLAIM: gabriel marques
CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if relevant/they’re not old af): 20, but likes to pretend he’s way older
CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC: he/him, thinks he’s a man in a manly man way but is actually just a guy, attracted to people who are either bad for him, will punch him in the face, or both.
CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant): bartimaeus sequence
OC OR CANON: canon
CHARACTER TYPE (for example: werewolf, shadowhunter, warlock, demon etc): magician/spirit but it’s complicated
HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN NEW YORK/WHY ARE THEY THERE ETC: he got thrown into this place in a brand new reality after being blasted to atoms, doesn’t really have a choice, is trying to figure things out and this just seems like a good place to stick to for that.
IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):
- first of all, if reading any of this makes you go “wow t, another wet and pathetic man raised in a fucked up system with strong social divide between people with and without magical capabilities who saw the flaws of the system and then subsequently died in a self-destructive/sacrificial way who you are now dragging back to life to make suffer some more?” then the answer is yes, absolutely.
- so imagine this: in a world controlled by magicians capable of summoning powerful spirits and bending them to their will, the british empire reigns over the world in our very own 21st century and, to avoid family dynasties forming, magicians adopt the very normal practice of paying non-magicians to give up their children so they could be trained in magic. you are nathaniel, aged five, and your mother just literally sold you to some man so you could have a chance at a better life. you are stripped down of your name (because spirits can use your true name against you), any identity but than of an apprentice, and forced to be a genius student of a very mediocre man (who forces you to have the fake wizard name of john mandrake). at the age of ten his work friend publicly bullies you so you spend years plotting an elaborate revenge plan against him, succeed but only by the grace of being constantly roasted by the powerful spirit you summoned (who knows your true name, whoops) and discovering that the guy was kind of planning to feed the entire government to a spirit of immense power, become a government official yourself and kind of a self-centered dick (don’t let the spirit return to his home plane because you’re scared he will tell your true name to someone, even though he is kind of your best and only friend and it almost kills him), finally slowly realize how fucked up the whole system is (both with dehumanizing people who can’t use magic and enslaving so many spirits), get faced with a brewing revolution because many non-magical people are resistant to magic now, find out even more evil wizard plans to be fucked up and take over the government, fuse with your spirit bestie in a profound and powerful display of human-spirit trust and equality not seen by the world ever before, fight the bad guys, win and then sacrifice yourself to save your human revolutionary not-girlfriend (but maybe girlfriend just a little bit, it’s complicated??) and spirit bestie, desummoning him from your literal body the last second before a fucking building collapses on you (and blows up).
- as if that wasn’t enough, after all of the events described above nathaniel didn’t die. his soul had been too altered by having fused with a spirit, his death had too much magic involved, but instead of drifting away to the plane where spirits dwell, he instead got sucked into another world of humans. (I’m not saying that it was because of some recent cosmic imbalance caused by various events, but maybe)
- surprise! his magic doesn’t work here anymore because there is no access to the spirit plane.
- also surprise! the last events before his death have left him so profoundly changed that he now has some spirit powers himself! those include shapeshifting, manipulating energy and the elements, and so on. he is pretty bad at it so far.
- he is also really trying to be a better person now, and maybe find a way back to his own world to be a better person together with his friends and found family, but the latter might just be easier than the former, because turns out it is really hard to unlearn a lifetime of awful habits.
THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER: a night spent pouring over ancient tomes, intimate conversations with friends, standing under the rain, thinking that you’re cool while you’re actually just kind of wet.
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linawritesocs · 2 years
vance's birthday ssr vignette!
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it's our beloved gamer boy's not you idia birthday!
some notes: this happens after vance's overblot, so his relationship with trey is not so good right now. also even though his oc appellations say that he would refer to mc as "prefect-san", i think he would call seth by his first name and "-kun" because he sees him as a friend.
(picrew link)
[ part 1 ]
[ heartslabyul dorm lounge - birthday venue ]
seth: happy birthday, vance-chan~
vance: !! seth-kun! i'm so happy you're here!
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seth: and you have no idea how happy i am to be here! you look so adorable in your birthday outfit too!
vance: hehe, thank you~ cater-kun took so many photos of me, he said that i look so cute, he just can't stop taking pics!
seth: if i had my phone with me right now, i would take as many photos as i could! but i have to focus on this interview thing..
vance: ooh, i think i heard about it before. you're gonna ask me some birthday-related questions, right?
seth: yeah, something like that. just remember that if any question makes you uncomfortable, you can tell me and we'll skip it. your birthday is supposed to be fun, right? we don't wanna ruin it.
*hayden's birthday ssr vignette flashback*
seth: *thinking* "i don't want the same thing to happen again.."
seth: okay, let's start! can you tell us about one of your past birthdays?
vance: hmm.. would my tenth birthday be okay?
seth: sure! ahh, i bet you were just as cute when you were little! just imagining tiny vance-chan running around makes me feel so warm and soft..
seth: i mean, you still are tiny-
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seth: okay, okay, you don't have to glare at me like that!
vance: so, me turning ten years old was a big deal for my family. everyone was super excited and i was so happy, because wow, i'm ten now! i'm not a little kid anymore!
vance: or so i thought. but later i realized that all of them still saw me as a little kid.
seth: i mean, when you're ten, you are still a child, even though celebrating your tenth birthday feels so special..
seth: but i totally get what you're saying! i can imagine that you were quite a rebellious type when you were little.
vance: oh, i wasn't like that at all, actually.
vance: everyone thought that i was a very sweet kid, who would never disobey his parents and grandpa and they often said things like "i wish my son was just as nice as you, vance-kun!" and "your parents are so lucky to have a son like you!"
seth: really?? wow, it's only a first question, but i learned something new about you already.
vance: well, considering my big brother's behavior, of course, people would think that i'm better than him..
seth: ah, wasn't your big brother a nrc student as well? i think he was in savanaclaw?
vance: yeah, that's one of the reasons why i wanted to be sorted into savanaclaw. he was much more loud and rebellious and he refused to listen to my parents and my grandpa especially.
vance: i still think he's really cool though! i want to be just like him when i become older!
seth: *thinking* "i heard that vance-chan's big bro was a huge troublemaker.. i don't wanna ruin his dreams or anything, but maybe it's better for him to not follow his example."
seth: *thinking* "riddle-chan wouldn't like that at all.."
vance: my tenth birthday was really fun, i got so many gifts, it was mostly toys, but i didn't mind.. though i wanted to get something more "mature" for once.
vance: my grandpa's gift was exactly like that, but it was.. the worst one, haha.
seth: your grandpa..
*vance's overblot flashback*
seth: um, i'm sorry that i'm asking, but what did he get you? i'm just curious, haha..
vance: ...
vance: *laughing* he thought it would be a good idea to get me this huge book about computers, how they were invented, how to build one, stuff like that.
vance: it was full of words that a 10 year old boy like me couldn't understand and i had to ask him what they mean, but he just told me that if i don't know that, i'm probably too stupid to read this book.
seth: vance-chan-
vance: but to be honest, i think my grandpa actually had good intentions.
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seth: huh?? why do you think so?
vance: well, i liked video games a lot since i was a child and he always told me how bad they are, but he still got me this book about computers for some reason even though he could get me something "more serious". you know, like, maybe a book about mathematics or biology.
vance: so.. i want to believe that he had a reason for buying that book and that reason was him trying to understand my interests better.
vance: it doesn't mean that i forgive him for what he did to me, though. that old man still sucks and i hate him with passion, but hey, i have to appreciate the effort.
seth: .. you're right, vance-chan.
seth: even if he's a part of your family, it doesn't mean that he deserves to be forgiven.
seth: i also want to believe that he got that book for you because he knew about your love for video games.
[ part 2 ]
seth: by the way, you can't eat sweet stuff, right? so what about your birthday cake?
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vance: ah, trey made sure it's more sour rather than sweet, so i don't have to worry about that.
vance: i could just tell him that i don't need a cake, but i still wanted to try one, because i deserve it and it's my birthday.
seth: *thinking* "he sounds kinda annoyed right now.. probably because of what happened between him and trey-chan."
seth: *thinking* "quick, gotta change the subject!"
seth: o-okay, so, did anyone wish you a happy birthday today, aside from the heartslabyul students?
vance: yeah, a lot of people actually! i'm pretty popular here, hehe~
vance: kalim-senpai, epel-kun, ortho-kun, hayden-senpai, merrill-senpai..
vance: idia also tried to say something to me, but he got too scared and left. he's so pathetic..
seth: wow, you don't like him at all, even though your interests are so similar.
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vance: well, that's because i'm better than him! i'm trying to quit that "using gamer slang every five seconds" habit of mine and i think i sound better like this. also even though i'm a gamer, i'm not a shut-in and i actually go outside and make friends! you know, i don't need reminders to go and touch some grass or anything! i even beat him in some games before!
vance: riley-kun beat him in a rhythm game before too. he's so cool, don't you think so?
seth: oh yeah, about him, did he wish you a happy birthday as well?
vance: he sure did! he was one of the first people to do that.
seth: and what did he get you?
vance: oh, riley-kun said that he's not good at giving gifts and apologized for that. he said that he hopes going to an amusement park later today will be enough and that he wants to tell me something really important there..
seth: interesting! so, did you agree to go?
vance: of course i did! i'm not sad about not getting a gift from riley-kun, i just really want to spend more time with him.
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vance: *blushing* s-so yeah, i'm very excited about it, hehe.. i'm especially curious to hear what he has to say..
seth: .. vance-chan, do you know what that means?
vance: huh?
seth: he asked you out on a date, you dummy! he's totally going to confess his feelings today!
vance: n-no, we're just friends, really! why would it be a date, haha..
seth: but do you want it to be a date?
vance: yes- i mean, uh..
vance: i-if that's what riley-kun w-wants..
seth: hehe, don't worry, your senpai's got your back. i will help you with everything, just stay calm, okay? riley-kun would never hate you or anything.
vance: um.. thank you, seth-kun.
vance: or would it be better for me to call you seth-senpai?
vance: honestly, even though you're a first-year, i feel like i can trust you more than some.. uh, other upperclassmen.
seth: *thinking* "oh, he totally means trey-chan."
seth: *thinking* "but i'm glad he thinks of me as a senpai! i just need to make other first-years think of me like that as well.."
[ part 3 ]
seth: okay, our interview is gonna end soon, but i have some questions left.
seth: now that i think about it, it's your first time celebrating your birthday here, right?
seth: so, did it turn out to be exactly what you expected from your dorm and this school?
vance: well, when i was sorted into this dorm, i hated the idea of celebrating my birthday here. i just knew that riddle-senpai will ruin everything.
vance: i even thought that he cares about unbirthday parties more than the birthday ones, haha..
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vance: *thinking* "riddle-senpai will definitely kill me if he reads this interview.."
vance: but actually, this birthday party is much more fun than i imagined it to be. riddle-senpai even said that he will allow me to do pretty much anything i want, because it's my birthday.
seth: oh, really? so what did you do-
vance: nothing special. i really want to do something dangerous or risky, but i'm way too scared of riddle-senpai even though he gave me a permission.
vance: also i have to stay safe if i want to meet up with riley-kun later..
seth: *laughing* you're right. i would support you no matter what you do, but if you end up injuring yourself again..
seth: even if you have riddle-chan's permission, he won't shut up about it and your future birthday parties won't be as fun.
vance: yeah. i'm surprised that he even decided to go easy on me today. i thought that he would be just as strict today..
vance: hm, maybe that's your influence, seth-kun?
seth: what do you mean?
vance: well, you two argue quite often and riddle-senpai never has anything good to say about you, but i noticed that he looks more.. relaxed when you're around?
vance: maybe he got this idea from you? i feel like he actually respects you a lot.
seth: .. i'm not so sure about that, but i'll ask him later.
seth: okay, is there anything else you're excited about, vance-chan?
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vance: do you know how some games have these birthday log-in bonuses and stuff? i can't wait to log in later today and get all those cool gifts!
vance: idia, if you're reading this interview, this is your punishment for telling me that i have awful gacha luck. maybe my luck isn't so good, but i have more in-game currency than you.
seth: ahaha, i'd love to see idia-chan's reaction to this!
seth: oh well, it looks like it's time for me to go. once again, happy birthday, vance-chan!
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pillsarchive · 2 years
RIDDLER (Edward Nashton) x OC (Could also be a reader insert if you ignore the names)
2k words
Summary : 19 year old Victoria Burlesconi really, really hates her parents, and after she's made aware of some strange happenings in Gotham, she realizes she really really loves the riddler.
(Im horrible at summaries, sorry)
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Victoria uses she/ they pronouns (if the story takes off and people want me to make alt versions with different pronouns I can totally do that)
Warnings ; Riddler associated violence, mentions of bad parenting (neglect, demeaning language, no physical abuse), Mentions of sex trafficking and abuse of said trafficking victims, Edward is a weirdo creepy stalker man but the reader is also very very strange and neurotic (they are meant for each other - two little freaks).
Victoria had never been much of a TV person. That was one of the things her father always got on her case about - even as a child. "TV is the way we connect with people, honey. If you dont smile for the camera everyone will talk about you badly and you wont make any friends, you'll look homely, doll. All those nice people out there wont talk to you anymore." She remembered him motioning to the press outside the city hall buildings big window and giving her his politician smile. Even then, even at age 8 she knew she hated him and she'd hate him forever. He had never really been a father. She had more of a relationship with the butler that taught her poker than she did with him. He didnt seem to understand that, though. The only time he lamented over their failed relationship was when he came home drunk, some pretty twenty something twisted around him, ready to do what she needed to steal some of the money in his underwear drawer and leave after he fell asleep. She always sort of hoped that one of the girls would take a picture in the act, or after, and it would get out. She always sort of hoped her parents would die.
That was why, when she turned on the TV to see a graphic blurred image of her fathers nude body lying on the bathroom floor, hands bound behind him, head crushed watermelon of a head dunked in his gold tiled bathtub, NO MORE LIES written out across the pale freckled skin of his back - she laughed. This wasnt real. This was a dream. She was having a revenge fantasy, soon her brain would fully flesh out the plot and she'd find out she murdered her parents to avenge herself then she'd wake up.
After two hours of reading through news headlines and looking at pictures she realized this was not the case.
Her mother and father had run some kind of sex trafficking ring connected to the Marone case. Famous men would pay for drops and a girl to take home, then leave. The entire exchange was confidential and only 60% of the girls made it back alive and unmutilated. Being allowed to enact violence on the girl you just bought was a well sought out and paid for TOS point. As Victoria read through the riddlers site she realized just how true it was. Her father was always gone, always with other women, and her mother never seemed to mind. She just stared at the girls he brought in with a look that said "Ill take this out on you later" and smiled placidly. Her parents had sacrificed her childhood, her happiness, her safety, to make blood money selling women like they were pounds of flesh at a butcher shop. Even now, she couldnt cry about it. She couldn't cry because her body didnt let her because her upbringing broke her somehow. Even after she'd gotten away from them they were still making her worse, making her life worse.
She could not cry, so she felt instead. First ; rage. The rage morphed into sadness, sadness for yourself and sadness for the death of the idealized version of them, then - oddly enough - overwhelming happiness.
Gratitude, maybe.
This man, whoever he was, he had done her dirty work. If she'd ever found out about this before their deaths she would have done it herself, put them both down. He took that burden from her.
She felt her eyes water as a smile formed on her face.
After that night she began to watch his streams.
He talked about anything and everything. Unstructured rants, the videos could go on for hours or minutes. Everyday, she sat, she listened, and she thought about him. First, the man that did her a favor. Then, the man that saved her from having to find out about what they did after they were dead of natural causes and she couldn't do anything. Finally, a person angry like her, a person she could relate to, a person ostracized - in need of a friend.
She could be that for him.
Maybe they were both lonely. Cooped up in the studio apartment she'd lived in since her 19th birthday, living off of the money she'd saved up when she was younger, she'd barely been living alone for a year and already she felt like she was beginning to fade into non existence. She couldn't imagine what it was like for the riddler. He didn't talk much about himself, but she'd written down the only information he'd divulged. Single, male, older than 30.
He said he'd never had anyone. Never. That meant that he had been alone for nearly thirty years.
She wondered about his face a lot. Was it sharp, rounded, did he have blond or brown hair? For hours a day she researched and finally she found her break.
A carry out box of chinese food with a blurry number on it, visible for a few seconds in the corner of one of his streams. He got so excited he pounded his fist on the table his phone was resting on and it shook.
He needed to be more careful, you'd tell him that when you two met.
The video was only from a week ago, the 20th of november, so you got to work ordering a fake police badge and getting together a "Composite sketch" - this would be easy.
"Ma'm, does your digital order pad keep a record of who ordered what when? The gcpd has reason to believe that someone very important to a case we're working on ordered here, takeout or delivery we dont know, about a week ago."
The tall womens eyebrows knitted in concern.
"Do you have a name?"
"No mam, that's what we're trying to find out. Unfortunately it's been pretty hard to get information on this one - he's good with computers. This is sort of a last resort."
God, you sounded so phony. You were surprised she was buying it. Then again, she did look old ( a serial police liker, you'd wager).
"Yes, yes, take a look then officer! You said a week ago? Ill just scroll back. Do you have a date?"
"The 20th, before 8 pm."
"Alrighty then....."
She pursed her lips in concentration for a moment, then smiled and presented the tabled to Vic.
"Here you go! Seems like only one person came in on the 20th, we dont usually have many customers sunday."
Name ; Edward Nashton.
Phone ; 212 - 000 - 00
Address ; Gotham Retreat, room 401.
You smiled at the women politely and ended the conversation as quickly as possible.
That wasnt an apartment, it was a hotel.
Edward woke up on the floor.
He didnt like sleeping, sleeping wasn't working and his purpose was his work. Often, this lead to him falling (sometimes literally) asleep anywhere his body deemed necessary. Still, he needed to be sharp if he was going to get anything done today. That meant breakfast, he would make it himself if his stove wasn't covered in rat trap prototypes - but, you know. He'd have to stop by the shitty little diner down the street. Their lattes were awful but they kept him awake and the food was good enough to sort of enjoy. He got up and brushed his fingers through his hair, put on his usual outfit (the same coat, sweatshirt and pants he'd had for years, the fabric seemed to have some special quality that couldn't be replicated, less itchy than every other piece of clothing he owned) and looked through the peep hole before opening the door and walking out.
As soon as he took the first step he fell face first into the carpeted hallway floor.
Quickly he scrambled away from whatever had tripped him before he realized what it was.
A package. Small, dark green wrapping, rectangular and flat - he hadn't ordered anything recently. As he cautiously, slowly inched towards it he realized there was writing on the surface.
Tumblr media
A million thoughts rushed through his head and he began to sweat. Someone knew. Someone knew about him and they probably wanted money (thats what everyone in gotham seemed to want), or they were going to blackmail him into killing someone, his plan would be ruined. The thing didnt look like a bomb, at least. He spent most of his waking hours building them, he was well aware of how they worked. If it didnt blow up when he tripped over it that meant it had to be timed, and if it was timed he would be able to hear the mechanisms.
His eyes wide, hands shaky, he picked up the package and briskly walked back inside, to his work desk. Jesus he might vomit. After the wrapping paper was cut off neatly and set aside he picked up an envelope on top of the box.
Im sorry If I scared you, I didnt mean to but I understand the whole gift hand delivered to your door thing is off putting. To make it clear, Im not going to hurt you and I dont want to mess up your "hobby" ;) for you. I just want to meet you - talk. You've done me a great service, helped me in a way ill never be able to adequately thank you for. I want to show my gratitude (And, selfishly, I'd just like to see you face to face. Im a fan of your streams.) Should I find you or should you find me? I'll leave you with a riddle since I know you're a fan of them. Apologies if it isnt very good, ive never written any before.
I am an era but im only 19 years long, I have more than one origin - every one of them gone, all seven parts of me start with an L, you already "know me" through people you fell.
Who am I?"
All of it was written inside an old fashioned halloween seasonal card - dracula latched onto a womens neck, her dress was pink and sheer, the background seemed to be a graveyard setting. It read "Seasons Bleedings!"
He opened the box up and pulled out a light pink Sudoku book ("hardest one I could find" written on the inside cover in the same flowy red cursive), a moleskin notebook, and a pack of candy hearts.
He sat stunned for nearly twenty minutes. Normally he could solve riddles like this easily but his brain couldnt focus on it. He needed food but going outside would only make this worse. People made him nervous.
As he looked up at the cieling and let out a shaky breath he was reminded of something. Something that made him feel safe. Her. He hadnt forgotten about her - no, he thought, that would be impossible. Even in the low quality picture she was beautiful, her hair was long and dark and her skin was pale. She wasnt smiling but the quirk of her lips gave her face a mischievous twinge. He giggled as he remembered the day when he took that Polaroid ; her father had been speaking in front of city hall, talking about increasing police budgets and spending less money on social security programs that "foster a failure oriented mindset" in the people of Gotham. When he'd come up he'd almost been pushing Victoria (the thought of that scumbag touching her made him sick) onto the stage. Her clothing was casual in contrast to the people around her, she wore a velvet shrug and a sweater over a button up tucked into some black corduroy slacks and the whole time she itched her arm nervously, playing with her fingers like she hated the fact that all the people in the audience could see her. Lucky for him, none of them really could do that - see her, really see her. All his, only his. She had a talent, fading into the background came naturally for her - he'd barely seen any articles on her (the ones that were published compared her to bruce wayne, eccentric, never seen outside in anything but all black, recluse. He laughed at the thought of his angel ever being anything like the precious little rich boy hiding away in his tower. ) and the only posts online mentioning her usually turned out to be surface level tiktok videos "Why is no one talking about John Burlesconi's daughter? I mean, look at her 🥵????" or people talking about the art she made. Another thing he adored about her. A gallery artist - he was in awe. She rejected her parents blood money and she used her talent, her own talent and drive, to make something of herself even though the odds of that were a hundred to one living in Gotham. His angel, always remaining above it all and still somehow managing to help people, donating the monthly allowance checks to organizations that really help people, never letting the part of society she grew up in influence her, she was supernatural to him.
Heavenly - giving, beautiful, funny, and (he thought most importantly) smart.
That's why, when he looked down at the letter again, it all made perfect sense.
"Oh - "
He giggled.
"Oh darling, see - this is why I love you."
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fictionfixations · 2 years
The Children's Rebellion|Revenge / DSMP Fanfic [Space AU - Tommy-centric] / Thoughts
Children of the Stars is the series that The Children's Rebellion is in, but people recognize the name 'The Children's Rebellion' on its own more so yeah.
The fic is nice. I cried. I'd recommend reading it. The first work is finished, standing at a nice 58 chapters. There's a sort of in-between story that happens after for Christmas [AND THEN there's a SEQUEL that happens after that continues the story because it's not done. its ongoing and im going to take you with me to suffer from the cliffhangers.] I don't wanna spoil much for you if you haven't actually seen the fic but are still reading what I'm saying because it's better when you experience it on your own, but Golden Duo POG
Basically Space AU but with Origins SMP kinda mixed into it. It's Tommy-Centric, and basically let me just tell you the summary it gives you.
"In which Tommy Innes, son of Sam Innes, Avian extraordinaire, meets up with old friends (all of whom are traumatized) and drags his new family and friends through a galaxy of problems (okay, maybe HIS galaxy of problems, because he refuses to tell anyone anything unless his tooth is being yanked out) because of some Avian named Chroma that really really wants child soldiers."
It tells the story really well, and honestly I'd recommend just trying it out, even if you think it might not be your cup of tea, because you never know. Hell, I don't like space AUs that much but I just LOVED this.
Also for once Dream not the bad guy woo- I'm like 80% sure Chroma's an OC but if Chroma's an actual person I never found out about please correct me.
So basically.. The story is complicated from an outside perspective so I can't really explain it. But. ..The Children's Rebellion is an event that happened on.. This is really testing my memory which remembers.. not a lot, honestly. I swear I'll do reviews on fics that I didn't read months ago so you won't have to bear with this.
But uh.. Tommy, Ranboo, Purpled, Hannah(?) and I believe someone else were what started The Children's Rebellion, Tommy being the leader. Uh. Because so Chroma is a dick and decided 'oh yeah why not make my own child army' or some shit and then decided to execute the people who go against him or are I believe too weak, and then said that if they didn't clap then they wouldn't get food, because everyone was starving there.
But they kinda just started a rebellion, and even sacrificing their lives, in which Tommy, Ranboo, and Purpled were the only ones left. The children did the Rebellion's symbol, which I believe is the middle finger, pointer finger, and the thumb out, meaning Fuck you, Loser, and Peace, because if it was just the middle finger then schools wouldn't actually show it in history.
It gets really complicated, but they kinda get to different places, and Purpled and Ranboo get help on the I believe L'manburg something, its like a ship thats run by the DSMP crew, but then Tommy ran off because I think he had to do something, but Purpled was too weak to do anything after being sick during majority of the time when the Children's Rebellion was happening, and then I think Ranboo got hurt really badly.
So then they end up in different places, Tommy kinda being in this.. place. I'd like to call it a prison but I don't know anymore. agh.
I forgot to mention too that Tommy's an Avian, and like the only other Avian was Chroma. (When you read the fic don't correct me.)
Avians age I think really fucking fast, and die soon. Avians are going to go extinct because no one likes each other romantically, and therefore no reproducing. :'D
Except them trying to get back at Chroma eventually ofc because the fucker needs to be put in his place kinda..
Well there's a sequel where we're still trying to get rid of Chroma.
Currently we are stuck on a cliffhanger after cliffhanger.
I'm terrified we're all going to die, or someone is going to die.
Join the waiting game today, and read the fics.
Also there are some triggers of course, like Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death, uhh Dark topics..
I'd be looking over the fic tags to make sure you're okay with whats going to be in it because there are probably some topics that people won't be able to handle.
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