#also gegg is here
cheese-water · 1 year
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burn away all that is rotten
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look at those cuties <3
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disgr-aced · 11 months
"I never touched a code"
Okay so we're all assuming codeflippa is responsible for the corruption qslime is going through. But. But but but.
qslime never knowingly touched a code. But yknow who did? Yknow who did very much did, and who also died to a code?
(no nonono wait stay with me for my completely legimate and not at all fever-dream-fulled theory)
I'm just throwing it out there that having an entity like that live in your body, take it over, gradually force control, and then die might have some longer term effects that we're only now starting to see.
Buckle in, we're entering crack theory territory.
It was glitchy, but right at the end of the Monday stream, I think qslime said there was something rotting inside of him. And that's such an interesting choice of words because that's what dead things do - rot. That's what corpses do.
Now, qslime isn't dead. That's not what I mean. But if Gegg was truly alive (he was) and had two little egg lives (he did), and truly died at the election dinner (perhaps), that means he died using qslime's body. A body that is still around, alive, but perhaps still holding a part of it that used to be Gegg, a part that is now dead. Rotting.
(Also it hasn't passed me by that twice now a Gegg has been killed in front of qslime, and both times he's said (in a panic) something like "no wait stop, he's a part of me". More death, more of his body dying.)
And his body can't deal with that, it can't reconcile the two completely true but mutually exclusive facts that qslime is alive, and qslime is dead. It's a paradox. An impossibility. A glitch, which if ran in a computer script would throw an error but this isn't a script, this is a living breathing person.
His cells are being given two instructions: you are alive, and you are dead. And because they physically can't be both, they do a secret third thing and glitch out.
The slime bits of his body have been the first to glitch. And we know that Gegg was a very slimy little boy. So it makes sense for these bits, the bits that composed Gegg, were the first to corrupt.
That's it. That's all my thoughts on the matter. Codeflippa apologists here's how we can still win. Goodnight.
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cellgatinbo · 1 year
i literally don’t even know what to do with all these eggs
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ramons-elevator · 1 year
Fuck it. Appreciation Post for the amazing QSMP admins.
Heres a list of just a small bit of the amazing shit that they did on/for the QSMP and its players:
Made a huge prison/event for Pac e Mike which later turned into a job for Fit for his lore
Helping Foolish out with his Titan by raising it up, lighting it up, and even making sure the brightness of the light blocks where okay for him
Listening to Fit and Phil the day the task was "Make a grappling squawk" and made it interesting with Walter Bob delivering the news
Making Gegg a reality and letting him run for president
Every event is so cool no matter how big or small. The dungeons the The Jaidens did was so fun and interesting. Every new players event is always chaos but very detailed. Even making stuff for French Independence day and the 4th of July so people could experience each other's cultures.
The amazing wedding cake and rings for Cellbit and Roier's wedding
Helping Tazercraft with the Hide and Seek Arena and making the code so they can actually play hide and seek easier
Giving Charlie, Roier, and Max (idk if theres more) key binds so they easily switch their skins and their names in game
The little jokes/ nods to stuff that happens on the server. Like the day after Missa came back and failed a water bucket clutch, they made one of the tasks "Have a water bucket competition".
Them elaborating on stuff that happens on the server. For instance, Bad putting up mini bulletin board at spawn so they keep everyone updated. So the admins started putting the newspaper there so people could see and be updated.
Philza found an insane mob that basically soft locked your game and Phil messaged the admins telling them that information, to which they immediately disabled the mob.
The side NPCs that everyone fall in love with them. From Walter Bob, a random admin who they let the players create a story and love for, to the Capybaras, which are basically the admins having fun but turned into them having their own lore.
The insane enigmas they make for Cellbit and the story it tells. They make the puzzles very detailed and sometimes can hint to other stories.
Fucking making Felps a new member
Making a button so people like Cellbit who frequently switch between Portuguese and English dont have to constant fiddle with the settings and can just switch easily
The fucking insane shit they do with Max and his story is so cool. From what Ive seen, they give him so much room and freedom to make what he wants. Im always so impressed by whatever Max does and the things he does with this server.
They make sure everyone's lore/story is seen/heard and also try to connect the lore together. From what I have seen, nothing is half assed. Cellbit finding books about a powerful weapon? It is used to trap Pac and Etoiles had to go through the nether to get the shield to counter the sword.
Lastly, just listening to the members and hearing their concerns while also letting them having fun. They joke with the members/audience, but also hearing them out when they think something is unjustified.
The admins care so much for this server and put so much work and love for it. I hope they know it never goes unappreciated or looked over.
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ultra-violetra · 1 year
can you imagine joining a minecraft server and the people on it are like. yeah we're all stuck on this island forever but at least we're here together! we were forced to become parents to egg children. we all hate the government but are also all actively working for them. the capybaras started dating last week. be careful of land mines. several people have become pregnant with parasites. there's a binary code monster that appears sometimes just to beat the shit out of one of us. we can't go into the nether except for when we can. the president's first rule was to create an eternal banana. gegg. not even to mention the furry club
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sinistertophat · 9 months
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It took over 200 images and over 400 lines of code but I have made EVERY egg as a shimeji!!
Google drive with the eggs here and images of all of the eggs. To use the Shimejis you first must install Java 6 86x found here (*note, this is java 6 but apparently this doesn't work for everyone- if this isn't working try downloading java 8 instead) and then all you need is unzip the file and click on the Shimeji-ee.jar. (more in depth explanation in reblogs) Under the readmore I've attached images of all the shimejis and some info about them :)
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For every egg except Gegg and Biden they have both a cracked and a non-cracked variant so while every egg should display their canonical appearance theres also an alternate image set in the unused folder.
Official shimeji website here :3 psst. If anyone wants the java code or image sets I used to generate these they can be found here.
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
I need to post about Baghera or I'll go crazy.
I want to talk about how different her investigation and information seeking is from Tuboo and Cellbit, because evryone is talking about how similar they are, (though there is still diffrences) and in a way yes, they are much more confrontational, they know what to ask to get a lot of information, Cellbit is really good at solving puzzles and enigmas, Tubbo is naturally suspicious of a lot of people. But they also sometimes tend to miss big points, or link things together that doesn't necessarily make sense (mostly Tubbo on that one), and THAT's where Baghera differs, she is really logical and is really good at reading people.
Like the first moments she met Cellbit was when he was in his double agent arc, he was faking working for the Federation. She immediatly went "Mmmh... No... He cares about his family too much... He's faking it..." And she was then confirmed right.
There was then when Slime arrived for the GuapoWedding, it was her first day meeting him. She clocked immediatly IN CHARACTER that he was Gegg.
When Cellbit presented himself at the presidentials, his plan from the beginning was to let Forever run and win, he was just here to help in case of need, but this was made public later, he hid it at first, and Baghera's first thought was "No... You are smart Cellbit, you just got freed by the Federation, they still have power over you... I know you know that... You wouldn't be that careless..." and when she confronted him about it, he was forced to admit he wouldn't be the one running in the end.
Or Fit, she was the only one worrying about the messages he put in chat, she had an inkling of suspicion for him, but it's when the cats arrived, and she was investigating with him, and she said "But why are they following you specifically ?" and Fit answered "I don't know ! I have nothing to hide I don't understand !". She looked at the camera and said silently without words "This Bitch..." And she knew, Fit is here for a reason, she doesn't know yet what, but she knows there is one.
Last one was the most known one potentially, when she said for months that she was convinced Cellbit was still working for the Federation in a way or another, the Federation would have never let him go like that, they used him before, they can use him again, and Cellbit himself was convinced he wasn't, but to her that didn't make sense. No, there is something... And again, she was proven right, and the moment Cellbit revealed he had been tricked to her is still legendary to me. "*WHEEEEEZE* I FUCKIN TOLD YOU I KNEW IT ! FOR MONTHS !!!"
I need her to come back soon so that we can put Tubbo, Cellbit and Baghera in the same room so that they solve the mysteries of the island in a single evening.
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tu-es-gegg · 9 months
I swear down I had a post about it but I can't find it so like here I go anyway
It's so crazy the new qsmp members wouldn't have known about the crazy tribulations of the missclick family, or even WHY they have that reputation in the first place, Why THE flippa song was made in the first place, why litteraly they are the way they are
Like fit retelling the story of Juanaflippa and the unfortunate circumstances to tubbo and sunny; the whole trial that also acted as a custody battle, the whole missclicked not just on the bed but both of them with the sweeping edge bug
And only very few people knew how exactly much Slime and Mariana loved Juana and how much it broke them
Like with slime it is more apparent seeing as how more people are bearing witness to his immense denial in grief is blinding him to an imposter of juana even with all the very obvious evidence, and even before then slime would always name drop flippa because that grief of losing his daughter had defined him. everything and always
And more people esp not the original parents close would even know how much Mariana was shattered from Juana, very much strengthened from the fact both her final deaths were his fault, the first time she was final killed and had the trial, after learning that the trial would result in Juana getting taken away from him, god only very few people knew how much she meant to him
They both were distraught and broken at her final final death, they both fell into their respective despairs, slime's grief was just the one that had a lot more time to cook from the gegg to the codeflippa
At the end of the funeral stream, they were each others comforts, they and only them at the time could understand the overwhelming guilt seeping in because of their missclicks and what consequences emerged from it, but they had each other to be comforted, they were each others suports
Brazillians arrival stream, when they were getting jealous of the new people getting their own egg, they were by enabling each other and sticking togetehr, they would always find themselves back to each other no matter what happened.
No one could understand how much they loved Juana, them taking care of her on their own days from Mariana taking flippa out on the beach to slime litterrally on a no egg task day just to spend time with flippa; a lot of the original islanders could tell even though at any given moment those two bickers till the end, they wouldve done anything for their daughter juanaflippa
Lot of people can see how slime and Mariana ended up like this after Juana's death, so very few understand why
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bee-can-art · 1 year
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It's taken me two weeks but I finally finished all of my qsmp egg human designs!!!
I have a lot to say about the design choices I made, so I'll put those under the read more if you want to hear my headcanons!!
• Click for better quality (17/07/2023)
Some general headcanons:
• In order of shortest to tallest it goes: Bobby, Richalyson, Gegg, Tallulah, Tilín, Trump, JuanaFlippa, Pomme, Chayanne, Leonarda, Ramón, and Dapper.
• All of the eggs when found were wearing the same white vest/t-shirt and black shorts combination; along with their unique accessories. Any clothes that they're currently wearing, were gifted to them by the player characters.
• All of the eggs are the same age, and are all related (pretty sure that's canon tho).
• The eggs take on physical features from their parents, as an survival instinct. This includes basics such as hair and eye colour. But also includes things such as height and hair type.
• Eggs who's parents are avian/have bird-like features (such as wings), will adapt to have the same wing type as them. This also applies to other eggs, who are taken care of by avian players (see: Tallulah has dragon wings, but is growing black and golden feathers on them).
• The lower half of the eggs are dragon-esque; with scaley legs and clawed feet. The colour of their scales and number of toes that they posses are fixed and cannot be changed. Their ears and horn are a unique shape and colour, depending on the egg. The horns will continue to grow into adulthood.
They also have more naturally sharpened nails (like claws (but not sharp enough to hurt)).
• Wears one of Wilbur's yellow sweaters, the sleeves often hanging over her hands. The red dress she wears is actually meant to be a pinafor, which is a staple part of a primary school uniform, here in the UK. They're most commonly grey, which I originally coloured it but it didn't look right, so I changed it.
• Has a freckle under her right eye (to her) that matches Wilbur, but also has a reverse freckle pattern of Quackity (I'm a tntduo-er (sue me)).
• Due to being cared for by Phil, she has begun growing small, black feathers on her wings. She also has a few golden ones, which started appering whilst trying to get Quackity to confess to Wilbur.
• Takes after Phil the most, due to Missa's absence. This includes his wings becoming feathered crow ones, growing feathers on his face and tail, and has a hair and an eye colour to match Phil's. He also has a matching mole.
• Sometimes wears a helmet made from a large eggshell, painted to look like a skull (a nod to Missa and the fact that the eggs are... well, eggs). The skull on his t-shirt is also a nod to Missa (but he defo got it from Phil).
• His duck floaty has been replaced by a yellow hoodie, tied around his waist.
• Remember how I said that the clothes they wear were given to them by their parents? I like the idea (and think it's very in-character for him) that Quackity basically said, "I don't have any clothes for you, so just wear this until I find some", giving Tilín one of his jackets, and then they Tilín passed away before he could get him something else.
• He and Tallulah are the same height (again, I'm a tntduo-er (yes I am aware that Tilín's other parent has been confirmed to be Luzu, but this is my post so SHUSH). Also, similar to Tallulah, they have the same freckle pattern as Quackity, and an opposite placed freckle (under their left eye) to Wilbur.
• Has golden wings and feathers on face. Doesn't has a tail, due to low placement of their wings.
• Wears one of Slime's white t-shirts with the three red hearts. Also owns a pair of Mariana's red gloves (not included in the drawing).
• Her wings have small holes in them, due to going to hell and coming back again.
• Gun.
• Her hair colour is closest to Slimecicle's, but it's unknown why her eyes are green (not brown like Mariana or blue like Slime).
• The smallest of all the eggs.
• From Jaiden he has her wings, bang and hair sprout pattern and colour. From Roier he has his multiple eyes (bc spider), eye colour, and wears one of his bandanas like him.
(I forgot to include the paint stains on his clothes, but he has those too).
• Has small, rainbow mushrooms growing from their horns.
• From Foolish she has wings of gold (yes, you heard me. Leo's wings aren't like Tilín's with golden feathers, but are literally made from gold (yes she can still fly with them)). From Vegetta they have his hair and eye colour.
• Was given one of Dan's turtlenecks and jackets, which were never replaced because, 1) Dan went "missing", 2) he [Trump] died before getting anything else.
(On another note, it was so wild for me to draw that jacket. I used to be a HUGE DanTDM fan, and the last time I drew fanart relating to him was in 2016/17)).
• Took after Maxo in hair and eye colour.
• The tallest egg (bc qBBH is one tall motherfucker). • Obviously, all of his features come from BBH, including the shape of his horns and the shape of his tail.
(if you were to put Dapper and BBH next to each other, Dapper would literally just look like a tiny BBH).
• Her beret isn't all black like her egg model, but looks like a red apple.
• Has split-coloured scales (one side blue, the other red) to match the placement of the markings on her egg model.
• Has golden duck wings to match Baghera. I went back and forth on whether to give her those or the butterfly wings she wears in-game. But I like the idea that those are more simialr to those fancy-dress type ones you can buy.
• The bottom of her dress has an apple stiched onto it.
• Second tallest egg.
• Yes he has hair under the hat (I haven't made him bald, don't worry). The hat itself is a nod to Spreen, who is his other parent but hasn't logged on in a while. His general outfit is also mean to have belonged to Spreen, as his Minecraft skin is just a bear in Steve's clothes.
I changed the pants, and added a white shirt and monocle because I like the idea that he's a bit of a fancy boy.
• The moustache on his egg model is represented in his hair, which you can see sticking out from under the hat (bc, like Chayanne, I had no idea how to get it to work in a logical sense).
• The second shortest egg.
• I'll be completely honest, I have no idea where the prosthetic leg headcanon came from for him, but I liked it so I included it. The leg I gave him is a running blade, as he is a fairly active kid.
• His hair covers his eyes, but underneath they are brown.
(Yes I'm including Gegg, shush)
• His whole body is green goop. This is how qSlime would also look, but it's easier for him to have his skin appear human, when at his "correct" size. When he [Slime] becomes over emotional/damged, his skin becomes more slime like.
Gegg is qSlime's way of coping with both his own daughter's loss and also his own self image. Because of this, he is always in a state of hurt, and this is refelected in Gegg's physical appearance.
• Has sticks sticking out of him, as well as visible bones, rocks, and other debris within his body. They get stuck in his him, in moments where he has a hard time controling the stickiness/consistency of his body.
• Doesn't have horns, wings, or a tail like the other eggs. Instead, he wears a pair of green, fancy-dress, dragon wings. It's obvious to other players/eggs- because they're on the outside of his clothes- but no points it out.
• Jorts.
• His t-shirt says "gegg" upside down, because he wrote it on himself, whilst wearing the shirt.
• No nose. His eyes also hover inconsistently over where his hair should cover them. His glasses are also just qSlime's.
• Gegg for president.
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Here's the full lineup, for anyone who read alllll of that :D
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crt8ball · 1 year
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more slimecicle multiverse drawings, more dnd edition cause since the last post ive watched all of Apotheosis (heavily reccomend), and im in s5 ep5 of PD (also insanely recc)
also wanted to add all of charlies little companions interacting as well!!! cause its not a slimecicle character if he doesn't have a little friend beside him! duh!!
I added juanaflippa and gegg there just cause I liked the idea that in this multiverse Au it would just be Juana and her 5 weird dogs that follow her around (i had the idea of possibly adding barcode from bitb cause i feel bad to not add anything from it cause i adore it so dearly so ill probably do another multi post when i think of something)
squiggles is there as a stowaway, hes a menace.
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splatattackz · 11 months
you ever think about the horrors.
indulge in my senseless rambling for a moment.
imagine youre qpierre right now. you have just learned that you are not you. at least. this body isnt you. but this consciousness is? maybe? youre not sure. you think its you. youve made your own memories. your own experiences. so you think this is you. but at some point you died. you both died. in different ways. one mentally died and one physically. but you both died. how is that possible? the past you and the "other" you both died. you are dead.
and before you knew this, you were having nightmares. you didnt know what they meant. they showed memories. they showed phonecalls. slideshows. a conversation. all these confusing things. you didnt know what they meant. and then there was this stupid, white bear just telling you to sleep more. not helping you in your haze. and then it tries to erase the dreams from you. you are imperfect? you werent perfect to begin with. whatever. what did the bear mean by "The important thing is not what the Federation did to you, but what you have done and will do for the Federation.
Great things await you."?
and now youre here. in a room you dont recognize. theres a computer. and a bed. and something (yourself?) has been telling you to remember what happened. he is telling you to ask around to your friends see if you remember anything. telling you to ask about your past. your loves. your dreams. "Et alors peut être que tu saura si ta mémoire est intact." (And then, maybe, you'll know if your memory is intact.) you dont remember ever writing this. but you follow the instructions. and you dream. as you have quite a few times now. and this dream brings you back to the start. you are learning youre both dead. but youre also alive. its confusing. is there a "you" in this equation? arent they both still alive? though only half. you dont know. you are alive.
its just. the horror of it. i cant wait to see how the character develops because. qpierre is, physically, dead. and ayr0b0t is, mentally, dead. but mentally, qpierre is still here. and physically, ayr0b0t is still here. and both of those alive aspects are combined to create the charwcter we've most recently known. thats all we know for certain.
but still there are questions. and the questions are:
when did this happen? was it on the island? or before? its implied it was on the island. the qpierre in the dream has a gegg shirt. both in the operation and in the death tape.
and why? why did the federation do this? what use do they have for frankensteining him together? placing human conscience into a robot body? was it just because they could? maybe. but the book from one of the meetings implies he has use to them.
"Great things await you."
so.. hm... so many thoughts and questions...
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handbarfs · 1 year
posting some thoughts on the qsmp debates, I posted them on twitter but I wanna post them here too!
charlie slimecicle's angle with anarchy was surprisingly so well done with gegg, because most ccs treat communism and anarchy just as a funny bit, as opposed to actually reading and understanding these political ideologies deeply and THEN using properly using it as a 'funny bit' but also respecting anarchy as a long standing political ideology! plus anarchy absolutely works with the overall lore of qsmp,, the structure, the federation is the one that has been caging the players on the island. Time and time has shown that "trying to work with the federation" WILL NOT WORK,, the structure itself is rotten and anarchy will help unite all the players and set them free from the federation.
i genuinely hope anarchy gegg goes somewhere, because there is no other fruitful solution to the "federation" problem of the qsmp.
but yeah, writing wise, i have seen people use communism and anarchy as a punchline with nothing else to add, but charlie (master of character writing) seems to have done his research and it made me v v v happy!
q!forever, q!cellbit and all the other candidates were offering amazing additions the server and to help the players which is amazing, but that also means the players will have no problem just being caged within the isla, within the federation's hands...
the ONLY way to get back to the federation is to deny them any satisfaction of having power over the players, which means denying the legitimacy of a govt, denying the legitimacy of the elections, denying the structure. no matter how powerful the federation is (they literally are unkillable and have creative mode) the only way to get back to the federation is to fight against the structure, the foundation the federation has set up on qsmp, complete un-cooperation.
This is where i disagree with baghera and bbh too, councils and events are all great but if the players want to deal with the federation problem, sadly they have to give up of the false pretences of happiness (ie events that mask the real issue- the federation's control). and nothing can ever be changed from within the structure, the federation holds all the cards and will dangle them in front of the players.
the only hope is what gegg said- destroy and rebuild.
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legendaryblueoranges · 7 months
Is there going to be a second season to scrambled gegg comic? Also what happened after gegg got taken by Curcurcho?
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Meanwhile... in the Scrambled Gegg Alternate Universe....
I don't think I'm going to make a season 2, but I have thought about it...
It's much angsty-er than the original timeline... Tallulah goes into a coma due to being knocked by the Code Monsters during the election, since both Chayanne and Tallulah attended this time as body guards for Gegg. Afterwards Chayanne was very very depressed, but as soon as she woke up Philza and them had a sweet moment-- Before they inevitably disappeared... Gegg, technically won, but when he was gunned down at the banquet he disappeared for some time so Forever became president.
Gegg came back, and hung out with Quackity for a while. But Quackity's mental state had already plummeted at that point and he disappeared sometime shortly after Gegg and him were reunited.
Gegg then stayed with Philza even after the Eggs disappeared-- If your wonder why he didn't run off into the night, it's because he had been hiding and the other eggs decided he would be okay, since he could diseapper for months at a time-- also they were in a rush and didn't really have the time to look for him.
Philza took care of Gegg in secret, since he knew the real reason he hadn't gone with the other eggs- cause he was really Charlie- and didn't want to distress the other parents.
Then she showed up... A code dressed up like Tallulah. (Philza and the others were still getting crypt messages about the eggs warebouts) Philza knew she wasn't the real Tallulah, the fake ended up dropping the act and just tormenting Philza with, saying the reason they were here was because Tallulah had died.
Shortly before the Purgatory event, while fake Tallulah was tormenting Philza, Gegg stepped in. He attacked the fake, and ended up getting mortally wounded by the code. Philza did the final blow to the fake.
The following days after getting rid of the code-Tallulah, Gegg began to glitch out, and two days before the purgatory event Charlie woke up again. Philza had to help him out, since his mind had been utterly destroyed. Gegg hadn't died, but the code had forcibly made Charlie come out again.
Thankfully this lead to a bittersweet moment where Charlie got to see Juanaflippa again on Dia de los Muertos. Philza was also relived to find nor Tallulah or Chayanne among the dead.
The other server members were suprised to see Charlie, but off-put by his sudden distantness. He had a hard time re-adjusting to his body and Philza had to try really hard to get him to respond to 'Charlie' instead of 'Gegg'.
When Purgatory hit, Charlie still went insane with the rest of the team, but instead of continueing to die over and over, he ended up killing almost half the server one day, and people became extremely warry of the red team. They still won the entire event and the ending played out pretty much the same, except for the fact that when everyone returned to the island, he told Philza he needed to find someone and the day before the new eggs were introduced he disappeared.
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blipple-is-confused · 11 months
The big QSMPtober collage!!!!
Here it is, a month of drawings all in one image! It is chaotic as hell but I think that's pretty on brand for the QSMP
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I'm certainly not the best at human anatomy so this was a big learning experience and I'm even worse at seeing things through to the end, so I'm surprised and very proud of myself that I managed to do it!
I had fun sneaking in some little interactions between everyone and also put in a hidden second gegg so good luck trying to find him ;)
If you'd like to check out any of the isolated images they have all been posted on my Tumblr over the course of the month!
Now time for the hell that will be the tags lmao
I sure hope nothing bad happens on November 4th :) god I'm so scared
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thegayerestfrog · 6 months
I know I'm a day late, but I made some scrappy eggs from fandoms I like and wanted to cast them into the deep, murky depths, so here ya go !!!
1. Gegg (qsmp) both sides because OMFG painting those patches took me until 12 AM AND GOD DAMN IT IF I PUT THAT MUCH WORK IN ITS GONNA BE SEEN
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2. The egg (dsmp)
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3. Bobby (qsmp) ALSO front and back because those there straps had to be redrawn 12 TIMES also I was gonna add a halo but I finished it at 12:40 so yeah
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4. Sunny side up (qsmp) I was so done at this point so I just stained it light yellow and sharpies on sunglasses lol =P
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5. Ghostboo/Ranboo ?????? (dsmp) this was so rusjed. It is by far the worst egg here. I was so goddam tired and should have not done such a complicated design at 1 am. I also couldn't keep one half in the dye long enough to stain it dark purple so I painted over it with blue. Also the thing I used for most other eggs for the splotches or things you can dye by itself was frosting dye so it never fully dried out and still smears = [[[[[[[
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
hi!! this is kinda a weird question but ur post about characterization for french ccs is rlly helpful for writing, so i was wondering if u had any like . tips or advice about speaking patterns or like. common terms or phrases they use and stuff like that. i have a lot of issues with auditory processing and other hearing stuff that makes it like . hard for me to always understand speech patterns or just like . what people are actually saying so if u have any like . advice or info about like How They Talk that u could put in text or like specific that would be cool. no worries if u dont/cant btw i completely get it i just remembered that u were the one w the previous helpful post ::D
Yeah, no problem I could try ! :D Now keep in mind again I'm not necessarily an expert, and I'm just doing this because it's fun. I still might make some mistakes, and miss some important details, but 'Ill do my best. SO
Let's go for HOW DO THE FRENCH (and swiss) CCS TALK :
Let's start with
ETOILES : So I feel like it might be the easiest because he's the clearest to me. He tends to speak at a normal space and in english with a noticeable slighly french accent, but not an extreme one. He likes to crack jokes constantly when he speaks with other people (most of the time hyping up others, and self deprecating, you know the "You are a legend, I am dumb".) . He can drop pearls of wisdom randomly through ridiculous metaphors ("You don't need to worry, My name means stars, that means that when you look I'm here." "It's like crossing the road, you have to, and there is cars, you need to be careful, but it can't be all you focus on. Wait I'm not sure about that one...") and sometimes actually genuine and inspiring, but more often that not in the tone of discussion, it doesn't sound like he's dispensing "wisdom of the elders", he's just a humble guy talking with you and giving a random advice. He often says in french "Wow a flop" when something doesn't work. Or "c.s.c." (Contre Con Camp, a football term meaning scoring against your own team) when he comments on someone being a tryhard for example ("WOW such a tryhard (csc)"). He'll often makes the joke that nobody likes him when they don't answer in chat to himself, (or chat) and will directly tell them "You want me to die irl don't you?" ensues a myriad of "holy shit you want me to die for real" answered by the "NOO" of the other one. Two last details that came to me, he rarely actually answers by "no" or "yes", he often use "Yeh yeh yeh", or "no no no". He also uses a lot of "euuuuh..." when looking for his words when speaking.
AYPIERRE : He is fairly simple too. He has a very relaxed tone, speaks slightly slower than most people, and has slightly noticeable french accent but less so than others. His tone differenciate between three states : Focused (while building or infiltrating a base), relaxed, and humourous. Note that he's never fully serious, he has that constant gremlin energy and smile that makes him want to make jokes that will make everybody cringe (his favorite pastime.) The only time he's been serious and slightly upset was when he earned gegg died or when he learned that the federation was trying to replicate his wine (there you can see his priorities). Most of the time people are assuming the worst when it's his countless time he starts a conversation with "So, I did something..." and is the type of guy to say "*known illegal act* is a strong word, let's say it's more like *not necessarily better*". I don't follow him as much, so I currently have no other mannerism in mind.
BAGHERA : I feel like she is a bit harder to pin down. When speaking in english she has a very noticeable accent, especially when she is tired. And talks a bit fast, especially in french. Though she doesn't crack jokes constantly, she has a constant chaotic energy that makes her say random things at times. She often say "Oh Yeaaaah" when she is happy or hyped about something, mostly when she is with other people to show them she is happy too. When she is ashamed or not understanding something she likes to take a voice we call the "Antoine Croute" voice (a character she played in a Rp series on GTA V), it's high pitched and really shy. (imagine a little "wut... ?"). She can be really serious, especially when investigating. She almost nver express vocally, in tone at least, her anger. Instead she sounds incredibly cold, like she was with ElQuackity. Her voice when serious drops a bit, and she speaks a bit faster. There is probably plenty more but I'm starting to get tired.
ANTOINE : He is the hardest to me because it is even hard to pin down in french. He has most of the time a very serious tone, while he ironically constantly making either dark jokes based on irony and cynism OR a pun. Because of this, it's sometimes hard to pin what's a joke and what's serious. His accent alternates between horrible french accent OR almost ProPeR eNgliSH. Even when discussing absolutely batshit insane things he sounds serious (he is not in reality, but it's a form of humor in itself). OCCASIONALLY he'll break and cracks a smile, and sometimes, even the heartiest laugh you've ever heard, a very vocal and deep "AHAHAHAHA" that you can hear a mile away (but it happens rarely.) Though I didn't specify, most people, including the french, stutter at least a little bit, and search their words, (like I said for Etoiles' "euh".) but Antoine tends to have a very clear speech, only occasionally looking for a translation. In the same vein, he also has a very quick reaction and can answer with a pun almost instantly (very impressive, especially when it's not his native language.)
That's pretty much all I can think of right now, and I'm tired. Maybe it's not exactly what you asked, but it's what I can muster. Hopes that helped :D
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