#also gege did cool he wrote one of the best characters of all time he kind of came up 😭 im not even being biased despite being a Gojo girl
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tariah23 · 10 months ago

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ultfreakme · 1 year ago
junpei most wronged character in jujutsu kaisen. geto and megumi having their bodies invaded is something terrible for me especially if megumi died he was a character with so much potential. sukuna what an annoying villain. nanami deserved more. itadori poor thing just gets beaten nobara deserved more attention. noritoshi kamo, yuki hajime were wasted. ps; yuki I liked that she was nerfed I don't like her. wow, the worst plotwist is megumi's sister, my god, she was totally wasted, there was no construction with megumi, poor thing. inumaki deserved more attention, he has insane power and was a corner. Now gojo, in my opinion, his death was very shallow and forced he doesn't even look like the gojo that was sealed, a totally different gojo If he had fought and caused damage to the sukuna then it would be different but he dies like no one like any sorcerer. Now I don't understand one thing why he wanted a pat on the back from geto if his students were there supporting him. Now my hope is Megumi, I really want him to come back, poor guy, he just suffered, he lost everything and everyone, what a cruel fate for our boy. Sorry for something cruel I said, I would really like your opinion.
No need to apologize nothing was cruel, you're super considerate anon!! I agree with pretty much everything ;_; Junpei deserved better, the entire cast deserves better but I think Gege wants this to go this way. It's tragic, and that's unfortunately the point. The Gojo v Sukuna fight.....idk what to think tbh because I don't enjoy the way he died, but I also really liked the way his last scenes in the afterlife played out. I think Gojo was meant to die young, in a fight. JJK has this theme of the younger generation surpassing the older generation, of the older generation passing on their will to the next. Nanami did this for Ino and Yuuji, Yaga kinda did it for the Gojo generation of students. Gojo actually kinda does it for Ijichi and his direct students like Yuuji and the second years.
The old has to die for the new generation to grow stronger and be better. So Gojo was going to die, at one point or another and the only person who's capable is Sukuna. Gojo was never going to win against Sukuna, not because he's not the strongest, but because he isn't Yuuji. Yuuji is the person who will kill Sukuna, for like, narrative reasons.
I do wish the rest of the cast was explored more properly. It's a huge list of characters, Gege could have taken his time for more chill arcs where we get to see the characters more happy and interacting under less threatening situations. Right now, there's zero cool down time and it's fight after fight. The Culling Games forces this but we did have about a month's worth of time in-story where the characters were training, I wish Gege actually wrote that time period instead of showing it through flashbacks because frankly I'm exhausted from all the fights (side note: I'm a Yuki stan hehe I was super upset, and still am about her death ;_;).
I think Megumi will live for sure. His role in the story and his own desire is to be saved. Yuuji wants to save him and that's his biggest motive. Trust Megumi's coming back.
EDIT: i'm so sorry I forgot to answer why Gojo wanted Geto with him to pat him on the back. I think it's because Gojo still very much considers Geto his best friend, his special person. He's the one person Gojo considers his equal in a way no one else is. He explains it himself; in terms of understanding him, his students just don't. The difference in level of understanding is that Gojo thinks his students are like plants in a garden he really loves. You can love a plant all you want but it's never going to understand you. Geto understands Gojo. Gojo dies wanting to be understood and the only people who understood the loneliness that comes with strength are Geto and Sukuna. Hence, despite loving his students, he wanted Geto there.
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rwqv · 7 months ago
bro mahito was such a good villain like he was the first villain that genuinely pissed me off.,, his writing is soo good i love it so bad but like comeee ONNNN
DADDYJAKU IS CRAZY WORK but i sgree full heartedly
pls im doubling over in pain godd GODDD i luv jjk analyses especially with megumi. no matter how bad i love gojo, megumi will always be my favoeite with his writing. my brother was super annoyed that he kept summoning mahoraga, kept flashbacking to sukuna sayinf "thats kinda a waste of your talents right?" and kept flashbacking to gojo saying hes not using all his potential ... but thats the point!!!!!!!!! hes falling behind compared to yuji and he knows it ... and hes super depressed and hes willing to summon mahoraga so much because he literally does NOT care about his life in the slightest that man actively wants to kill himself... UGHHH AND HIM BEING CALLED POTENTIAL MAN LIKE DID U GUYS EVEN READ SLASH WATCH THE SHOW...... THATS THE POINT hes like a foil of yuji AND a parallel to geto.
yghhh yuji sarcrifuce would tear me apart like i literally gave birth to yuji hes my baby my sonnn ... but i cant lie that would be a great ending
plot twist gojo comes back talking about some "im for real real!" LMFAOOOOOO jk ... as mych as i truth him to come back i think his like character development and arc was at a good enough point for him to die. like nanami's character did seem fully fleshed oht when he died but nobara (at the time) didnt seem that developed when gege killed her. but shes back baby so maybe we'll see more of her (in the remaining 5 chapters ........)
YES OMG UGH the gojo 30 questions was like the smallest glimpse we had of the gojo clan. what do you MEAN his parents are still alive and everythint TELL ME MOREEEUHHH..
did u see getos mom was on the popularity list thing rven tho we've never seen him LMFAOOO i just know shes bad asf
oh my god imb so mad. i wrote up a full lengthy response but i crashed and everythkng got deleted. ill type up what i remember but its pretty bad 😭 i was cooking before it gor deleted
i never actually thought of megumi that way holy shit
 esp with the fight between toji and him in shibuya
 like father: 0 cursed energy, no weapon vs. son: the 10 shadows technique and all his shikigami and he still “lost”. megumi would probably win if he couldve apply himself better. he def feels left behind just like geto did when gojo surpassed him quickly thats horrible
i feel so much more sympathetic to megumi now i feel bad 😱
i do also think gojos character arc is pretty finished. like i want him to come back but also he feels completed. he was the strongest but he lost (mommyraga saved sukunas ass) . gojo finally did what no one thought could be done, and he could no longer be used as a weapon (not cool yuta 😡) and he died on the same day that geto did + on the most romantic day.. i think gojo should finally truely rest now (with his shitty ass sleeping schedule he needs it)
to add on, gojo killed his best friend and had to watch as his adopted son was used as a weapon to kill him he needs to lay down and sleep. his whole sense of family too is pretty messed up w the clan things and also riko (i think they have a sibling bond but also it seems like he doesnt fully like her but that might just be siblings) and everyone who came close to him died
more things about the clan workings would have been cool too!1 the story only sorta fleshed out zenin but what about kamo? or gojo? like what would gojos parents think about gojo dying and stuff like that? the clans are supposed to be like a big part of jujutsu society but i feel like they barely get any screentime. did he love his parents? did his parents love him? did anyone love him as a kid? how did the clans clash back then?? like PPPLLLEEASSE WHAT ABOUT NORITOSHI AND HIS CLAMMN WHY
my point is gege is leaving so much open like the merger€? more character interactions would definitely allow people to feel better
 what about cursed tools backstories? cursed speech clan? international sorcerers? i know everyone was like jjk is dragging on and everything but 5 chapters could not resolve these plotppoints
10 spinoff series with all slice of life fluff now PLS
GETOS MOM WOULD DEF BE A BADDIE all of his genes are from her majestic ahh bro
 that nurse kenjaku(geto) relly shows it
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rosethornewrites · 4 years ago
Fic: and sings the tune without the words, ch. 4
Relationship: Jiāng YĂ nlĂ­ & JÄ«n Zǐxuān, LĂĄn ZhĂ n | LĂĄn WĂ ngjÄ« & WĂši YÄ«ng | WĂši WĂșxiĂ n, Jiāng ChĂ©ng | Jiāng WǎnyĂ­n & WĂši YÄ«ng | WĂši WĂșxiĂ n
Characters: Jiang Yanli, Jin Zixuan, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiāng ChĂ©ng | Jiāng WǎnyĂ­n
Additional Tags: Epistolary, Food, Music
Summary: An epistolary follow-up to “the thing with feathers.” Exchanged letters.
Notes: See end.
Previous fic in the series: “the thing with feathers”
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3
AO3 link
You’re the best gege anyone ever had! Lan Zhan told me you showed him the chili sauce to buy, and I remembered that time you took me all around the marketplace and got everyone to let us taste their chili sauce so we could decide which one we liked best, and this one made your face turn super red! I think I’d die if you hadn’t helped him buy it—the food here is so bland!
It’s super quiet in the Cloud Recesses, and you’re not allowed to run, which is weird, but everyone has this way of walking super fast which is kind of a cool skill, so maybe I’ll learn how to do that, too. Lan-xiansheng is being really nice when I accidentally break a rule, but I’m trying to remember so I don’t shame the Jiang sect.
They have a Cold Spring here and Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen took me to meditate in, and it really lives up to its name—I’m shocked it’s not frozen over, with how cold it is! But it’s infused with spiritual energy, and Lan-xiansheng thinks it might help clear out the resentful energy some. 
Some of the elders are researching curses in the Lan library, which is super extensive. I get to read whatever I want when I’m not in class and studying and practicing my dizi. So I mostly look for stuff on resentful energy since maybe I can find something that will help me get more memories back. Lan Zhan is looking up scores that might be more effective, too!
Lan-xiansheng wrote to Wen-zongzhu to ask about the healing branch, so please thank jiejie for the idea. Even if they can’t help, it’s good to look into all the possibilities. 
Lan Zhan’s father came out of seclusion briefly to meet me. Lan-xiansheng was surprised when he came out. I guess he wasn’t really happy about the betrothal because of Lan An’s love story. Apparently the Lans take love super seriously. 
I told him what I remember about my parents, and what I remember about me, and how much Lan Zhan has helped me. I told him if Lan Zhan finds his fated one, we can break the troth. I don’t know if he likes me, but he hasn’t said anything and he went back into seclusion, so I guess he’s fine with it. 
People are really restrained here, and so I’m really loud and stand out in comparison, but it’s so fun to hear the Gusu dialect. It’s adorable! Lan Zhan’s ears turn red when I say so, though. 
I miss you, and jiejie, and meimei, and a-niang, and a-die. Please tell them all I love them, and give my regards to the disciples and snuggle little A-Yu for your didi. 
Jiang Wuxian 
I also remember you pushed me off the pier that day and said the water would help cool me down. You’re lucky you were right, or I would’ve broken your legs! There might be new vendors since we did that, so when you come back to Yummeng, we’ll taste all the new ones, too. 
I heard there’s like 2000 rules or so, but I guess that’s why Lan Wangji was surprised we don’t have many. I can’t imagine how you can do anything, having so many rules to keep track of. How can you remember anything else? Anyway, don’t worry about shaming the sect: you’re Jiang and Lan-xiansheng knows you’ll act like one. 
That’s an interesting way to meditate. I read once that some monks use hot springs that way too. I wonder if we could use swimming as a way of active meditation. I’ll ask a-die. Then we can get away with going swimming and calling it training. 
I wish we had a big library like that, but books don’t do well in the humidity. I’m glad they have a lot of resources to help you. When I go to the lectures when we’re fifteen, you’ll have to show me all the best books!
The Wens are pretty clan-oriented so they might ignore the letter, but I hope they send someone. But even if you get your memories back, you’re still my didi, okay? I’m your gege forever, even after we cultivate into immortality. 
Qingheng-Jun is supposed to be one of the top cultivators of a-die’s generation, so I’m jealous you got to meet him. He better approve of you, even if you don’t wind up marrying Lan Wangji. It’s already obvious you’ll be friends for your whole lives. There are different kinds of love, right?
A-Die says each region has different dialects. Maybe someday we’ll get to travel and hear all the different ones. Make Lan Wangji talk in the Gusu dialect when he’s at Lotus Pier next so I can hear it!
We all miss you, too. The new disciples are doing well. Meng Yao is really smart, and the kids you were helping are doing well in their lessons and starting meditation and exercises. A-Niang said some of them were hiding food in their rooms like you used to, but they know they can go to the kitchens any time and so they’re getting better about it.
A-Lian wants you to find her a pretty doll while you’re in Gusu, if you can. Jiejie says to make sure you eat well—we can send you more chili sauce if you need it. She’s learning medicine still, and her golden core is getting stronger. A-Niang and a-die said to study well and do your best. 
Make sure to learn some Lan forms and teach me when you get back!
Jiang Cheng
A-Ying is spending his first three month stint in the Cloud Recesses, and they managed to keep the chili sauce a secret until he got there.
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jelenedra · 4 years ago
Additional notes and ephemera for Restoration. Read with caution! There are spoilers at the end of this post.
Fun fact: the fic as posted to AO3 is 84,709. The amount of fic I actually wrote is 122,284. That means there’s 37,575 words of material on the cutting room floor. Oof.
Pinyin place names:
Fumodong : Demon Slaughtering Cave
Luanzang Gang : the Burial Mounds
Bujing Shi : the Unclean Realm
Yunshen Buzhichu : Cloud Recesses
Lianhua Wu : Lotus Pier/Lotus Cove
Buyetian Cheng : Nightless City/Nevernight
Jinlin Tai : Carp Tower/Koi Tower
Pinyin titles:
Huadan Shou : Core-Melting Hand/Core Crusher
Zi Zhizhu : Violet Spider
I believe all the other pinyin terms used are commonly used in fandom or are sufficiently contextualised to be understood, but let me know if there are any that need clarification!
Spoilers ahead! Gonna list the minor/background pairings.
Some of these are fairly textual, but with the exception of occasional flirtation/references in characters’ inner monologues, almost all actual romance occurs completely off-screen. 
Meng Yao/Nie Mingjue (nieyao)
Jiang Yanli/Nie Huaisang (sangli)
(implied) Lan Xichen/Xue Yang (xiyang)
(implied) Jin Zixuan/Wen Ning (ningxuan)
Wang Lingjiao/Wen Qing (lingqing)
I did not intend for there to be Song Lan/Su She/Xiao Xingchen (songsuxiao), but I’m told some people saw it in there, so. Have at.
Here are some notes about names of people, for those who don’t get names in canon. I was ably assisted by merakily and invitan in choosing these and am told they’re not wildly inappropriate! There are some spoilers in the details given.
Starting off with the nicknames for the babies, so if you’re not sure if you want to spoil yourself further you have two paragraphs to back out or continue.  
Xiaodou (ć°è±†, Adzuki) or Xiaodou Yeye (ć°è±†çˆ·çˆ·, Grandpa Adzuki) is a nickname given to baby Mo Xuanyu. Adzuki are a type of bean, also called red mung beans, and they’re commonly boiled with sugar to make an extremely delicious paste called anko. In Chinese cuisine it’s commonly used as filling for pastry dishes like mooncakes and tangyuan. The story of how he got that nickname is in chapter 12; in short, he was red and wrinkly, as many babies are, and the nickname stuck. The more common term for adzuki seems to be hongdou (çșąè±†) but xiaodou, chidou (蔀豆), chixiaodou, hongxiaodou, etc. are used fairly interchangably as far as I can tell, and I think the version that approximates to “little bean” is the cutest version to refer to a baby with.
Luobo Zhongzi is a nickname given to baby Wen Yuan. I used the characters for the words translated as “radish seeds” in chapter 74. In that chapter, Wen Qing scolds Wei Wuxian because she told him to go buy radish seeds and instead he fought Jiang Cheng. In my head, this is how that nickname came to be:
“Wei Ying,” Meng Yao says, with the fragile calm of someone an inch away from completely losing his shit, “I thought I told you to buy radish seeds.”
“Are you blind, Meng-shidi? Look at this handsome radish seed I have right here!” Wei Ying bounces the baby on his hip. “We’ll plant him and he’ll sprout right up, you’ll see.”
Meanwhile, Xue Yang sidles up to Wen Zhuliu and gives him his biggest, toothiest smile. “Gege, teach me how to punch someone in the soul?”
Some birth and courtesy names:
Fu Xiang (毌 ç„„); the fu here is still a relatively common character used as a Chinese surname today, and can also mean “wealthy” or “abundant” - a good name for a mercantile sect, especially one that wants to curry favour with Lanling Jin. The xiang means “auspicious” - also a fairly common name, in this case given by parents who hoped their daughter would tie them to one of the larger sects one day.
Mo Xing (莫æƒș). The character æƒș is commonly understood as “tranquil”, although it has an older literary meaning of “wise” or “intelligent”, as Mo Lang tells Mo Yu. However, Mo Yu is not particularly literate at the time she chooses it, and doesn’t realise that Mo Lang is rather unkindly choosing a name that’s homophonous with 猩, which means “ape”, and è…„, which means “fishy smell”.
Mo Lang (莫 角); in modern usage, lang means “jade-like stone”, “clean and white”, or “the tinkling of pendants” but it also has an archaic meaning as “white jade” i.e. the most valuable jade.
Mo Yu (莫玉); yu also means “jade”, but in this case, just regular jade, not fancy white jade.
Mo Lihua (莫 莉花). Li, “jasmine”, and hua, “flower”. The character used for her surname is the same as all other members of the Mo family, meaning “no one” or “do not”, but sometimes Mo Lihua likes to troll people by writing her name as 茉莉花, which is the full name for a jasmine flower (the literal translation would be “jasmine jasmine flower”.) Mo Lihua is a reference to the popular folk song Mo Li Hua, which definitely post-dates the CQL timeframe, but I already disclaimed my ahistoricity so we are all just going to deal with that. It’s very popular - Celine Dion and Song Zuying performed it at the Beijing Olympics - and I thought it was particularly appropriate because of a translation singeli showed me:
Oh beautiful jasmine flower / Oh beautiful jasmine flower / Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds / Fragrant and white, everyone praises / Let me pluck you down to give to someone else / Jasmine flower, jasmine flower  
Meng Jingqiu (ć­Ÿç»ç§‹); the jing comes from the Shijing, the Book of Songs, which really does use the same character as Meng Shi’s birth name (èŻ—). The qiu comes from the Chunqiu, the Spring and Autumn Annals. These are two of the Five Classics of Confucianism.
Meng Fuqiu (歟ćșœç§‹); the fu comes from yuefu (äčćșœ), which is a genre of classical poetry intended to mimic folk songs (class issues, anyone...?), and also means governance - something Meng Yao excels at. The qiu, again, comes from Chunqiu and links his courtesy name with Meng Jingqiu. I thought it was nicer than linking him to Jin Guangshitbag.
Wen Guijiao (æž© ćœ­è§’); this is a little complex. A gui was a long jade tablet or scepter, often shaped like a sword (here’s a plain one) (here’s one with poetry on it) (and one with animal masks) (and a very fancy one with dragons) held by imperial rulers for certain ceremonies. The pointed tip is called the guijiao (literally “corner of the jade tablet” but more usefully “tip of the scepter”, I believe). So literally the guijiao is the most delicate piece of an incredibly delicate and ornate piece of jade, but figuratively it means “talents displayed”, as in the chengyu bulu-guijiao (䞍éœČćœ­è§’) which is literally “do not reveal the tip of the scepter” and means to remain inconspicuous by hiding your talents. And I thought that was nice, for Our Lady of Hidden Badassery.
(here are some more examples of cool gui) 
Update: can’t believe I forgot the comically long list of Wen sect heirs in chapter 11!
Wen Qing = as per canon, “tenderness”
Wen Xu = as per canon, my best guess is approximately “warmth of the rising sun”
Wen Chao = as per canon, approximately “warmth of the dawn”
Wen Liang (æž©è‰Ż) = “warm and kind”
Wen Budun (æž©ćžƒéĄż) = Wimbledon, as in the tennis event
Wen Rou (枩柔) = “gentle and soft”
Wen Nuan (æž©æš–) = “warm” (as in, temperature)
Wen Hepai (æž©ć’ŒæŽŸ) = unusual variant of the word for “dove” but more commonly “moderate faction”
Wen Shu (æž© 淑) = “a gentle and kind woman”
Wen Gehua (æž©ć“„ćŽ) = Vancouver, as in the Canadian city
Wen Cun (æž©ć­˜) = “tender affection” or “to be attentive” in the romantic sense
Wen Huo (æž©ć’Œ) = “lukewarm”
Wen Chadian (æž©ć·źç””) = “thermoelectricity”
Wen Hexing (æž©ć’Œæ€§) = “tenderness”/“gentle character”
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tariah23 · 1 year ago
Genuinely curious: how bad did jujutsu kaisen get (i dropped off prettyyyy early but i thought it had potential! And i heard great things about it! But now it's like...hmmm not so good 🗿)
I wouldn’t say it’s completely BOOTY (It’s still pretty decent actually even though I do complain a lot about my grievances that I have with it!) After the Shibuya incident (the arc is fucking amazing btw. Idk how far you’d gotten but the Hidden Inventory was also sick as well!!! Two of the best arcs back to back! Gege was absolutely feeling himself when he wrote these 😭) the writing had definitely begun to noticeably take a nosedive.
I remember Gege often getting sick, resulting in him having to take multiple hiatus after finishing up with Shibuya and it had even gotten to the point where he’d put out rushed chapters (he never used to do this so whenever he’d do so, it was pretty noticeable because his writing had always been pretty entertaining and fairly good (imo) up to this point
) and even incomplete chapters
. (When I first read that very specific, incomplete chapter, I legit thought that it had been drawn that way on purpose??? Like maybe it was drawn in a sketchy way for stylistic purposes! It was pretty cool to me at the time until I’d learned that he just couldn’t finish drawing the chapter and had to put it out as is
 then this is where the hiatus had began. Because he’d take a break (great! His health is more important than anything after all) and then come back with half assed chapters from time to time? (I believe all of the breaks definitely effected the momentum that he’d built up for himself tbh. But I’m glad that he put himself first regardless.)
Enemy curse users during both the Colony and the Culling Game arcs felt more like “villains of the week,” over than anything else and were just there to be defeated by the MC’s and to extract little pieces of information at a time. Most of them didn’t even stand out all too much outside of a few. Incidents that took place throughout these two arcs felt completely pointless and added nothing to the story whatsoever. Then there’d be long stretches of time in between the story where important characters like for instance: Megumi and Yuuji, would be absent from the story for unnecessarily long periods of time for no reason at all because Gege’s pacing had begun to take a toll on the writing side of things???
There would be instances where important and genuinely EXCITING things would happen only for the story to go back to feeling like a bunch of nonsense again and then this would become a sort of rinse and repeat type of thing. Don’t even get me started on the Gojo VS Sukuna fight

 both my fucking head and heart still hurts over what happened if I’m being honest because HOLY SHIT, Gege fucking sucks 😭!!! How do you do THIS to such an important character in the series bro. It still doesn’t even feel right like. What was even the fucking POINT of this 3 month long ass fight 😭😭😭!???!? Quite a few other slightly major deaths were poorly executed as well
 there’s just
. SO MANY INCONSISTENCIES and plot points that felt as if they were going to MATTER in the end; become important later on, only for them to end up not mattering at all

The plot is still unfolding but UHHH
 Also, depending on how far you’d gotten into reading or watching it, things do become extremely depressing after a certain point in the story like, the characters have not had a good time ever since the students played baseball with each other in that one episode/ manga chapter before ALL of the bullshit started 😭. Everyone is a wreck! Everything is a mess! What is the point!!! JJK is definitely misery porn. It excels in it.
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tariah23 · 10 months ago
This is true. I never got any sexual vibes from her at all despite her being naked all of the time. She was just another powerful ancient curse user tbh. Ppl make “gege is a misogynist,” jokes all of the time but I never really saw it in jjk outside of like, how Gege wrote for Shoko (he really never did much for her character despite how important she’s supposed to be to her friends and the story since she’s a rare sorcerer with the ability to heal) but I still ❀ her.) and and that one random girl who who was begging Megumi to keep her safe and shit because she’s a useless girlâ„ąïž but I get why he wrote her as pathetic as she was. I guess to show that not everyone would have the chops to survive in their world. She kind of seemed like the type of character who’d use her sex appeal to get ahead and use men to keep her safe and yada yada. Idc tho, I support her even though she wasn’t really much of an interesting character to begin with (most of the characters who appeared during the colony/culling games arc were whatever af so it wasn’t even just her) but yeah
 pretty much everyone gets treated the same regardless of gender. Like, absolutely no one is having a good time no matter what the fans say 😭. I never got the misogyny shit tbh. Especially if you’re looking at the full scale of the manga, literally every character gets shit thrown at them, not just the female characters like how some fans try to make it appear to be and most of the female characters were never sexualized outside of like, Mei Mei slightly but fuck her ☠. Even when Yorozu was running around naked as hell in her flashbacks, that also never felt all that sexual tbh. I can give gege THIS despite
 everything 🗿. I do think that gege is still decent at writing interesting characters, especially female characters, without having them have their whole thing revolve around men. Like, they literally just exist the same way the male characters do and that’s always been really appealing to me since this has always been pretty rare in shounen. Most new age mangaka are stepping out of the box and are now doing their best with how they write their female characters, giving them agency while making them stand out just as strongly as their male counterparts and I’ve really been loving it. As far as shounen is concerned at least! We’ve even been getting way more shounen feat. female MC’s
 so cool.
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