#also funny that “worrying about someone who was dragged into a fight by a bully” got twisted into sneakily scheming to turn her against him
melancholic-pigeon · 5 days
Okay this is the *actual* last comment, for real, but I just found out Spider is now smearing me as a convert and accusing me of being involved with drama I was not involved with because he mistakenly attributed my apologies for his public temper tantrum as being about something unrelated.
THIS IS A FALSE ACCUSATION and I do not appreciate having yet another bit of fake malicious intent falsely ascribed to my actions and* attributing a completely unrelated attack to me.
Also, it's very sad and disappointing whenever a Jew gets mad at a convert because something else is going on in the Jew's life and the convert happens to be in the splash zone and the Jew falls over backwards to smear the convert and invalidate her faith.
Just....the childish aggression is making me so, so sad and disappointed, from someone I used to think very highly of, who is now lying about me and publicly smearing me with false accusations based on a conflict he started because he misinterpreted something I said and I went out of my way to give him the benefit of the doubt when trying to clear up the mistake HE MADE that led him to decide bullying and attacking me for three fucking days was appropriate and okay and that I'm the bad guy for saying it's wildly unprofessional to behave like this in public to a former customer face.
Sorry, but facts, reality, linear time and the truth of what I actually said and did are on my side here, and I will not stand for being smeared and attacked and shat all over because I had the gall to try to kindly resolve his uncalled for, unjustified temper tantrum.
I am also not sorry that I left a side note in the tags that it was also unacceptable for HIM to drag his daughter into a stupid internet slapfight based on his own reading comprehension failure. Because it was and is unacceptable, and she needs to hear that message from someone.
End of story. Keep digging that hole as long as you like, Spider. It's not helping your case and is continuing to make you look progressively worse and more unreasonable, and the only person you have to blame is yourself.
*revised for clarity
#don't buy from nerdykeppie#all receipts are under this tag#if you're so offended because my reporting on the things you say and do makes you look bad maybe the problem is you#this whole thing was completely needless#and yet he is continuing to DARVO me because he's pissed that his usual method of smugly lashing out at people over their poor reading#comprehension doesn't work when it's him who failed to comprehend what I wrote in the first place#also REAL FUCKING INCHRESTING that he's lying about me being involved in the jewvestigation of him so he responds by......jewvestigating me#lol#lashon hara. maybe he should study it sometime.#and maybe he'll learn warning others about poor behavior from a business so they don't waste their money there is not lashon hara#but honestly I doubt it because he's never going to let go of his desperate complex about always being the smartest raddest dude in the roo#it looks pathetic and I think he realizes that or he wouldn't have had such a dramatic extended meltdown over the things *he* said to *me*#I also still find it funny that he has conveniently forgotten to address the whole “hey bud your timeline doesn't add up” part#and I think that's because he knows if he were to address the proof that he didn't remember it correctly he would be forced to admit that h#threw a massive shitfit at someone for no reason because his memory got mixed up#so so funny that he can't come up with an answer for that#almost like! he knows he fucked up bigtime and is scrambling to make himself the victim!#also funny that “worrying about someone who was dragged into a fight by a bully” got twisted into sneakily scheming to turn her against him#I'm not a scheming plotter I'm worried because the behavior you showed your child in public was wildly inappropriate TO HER.#it's sad! It's fucking sad and embarrassing and hypocritical and immature and SAD!#but the pretend me other people are attacking because they made shit up is none of my business#if he wants to keep writing fanfic about me he can go right ahead#because again#the more he talks the worse he looks#the more he digs this hole the deeper he gets mired in his own muck#and it's not my job to bend over backwards to keep him from experiencing the natural consequences of his actions.#I really should learn the lesson that people who are snide assholes in one situation are usually snide assholes across the board#really the worst part is knowing I defended him when he threw tantrums like this before#that's what I regret and feel guilty about: that I backed up his shitty behavior and gave it legitimacuy#that was wrong of me and I'm sorry for every time I jumped in as one of his flying monkeys
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navvyu · 1 year
HEYYY, Can I request headcanons for Leona, Rook, Vil, (Platonic) Malleus and Lillia of a southern reader who tries their best not to let their accent show for whatever reason. It's going well till someone/something pisses them off and it comes out, pointing it out or mocking flusters them and makes it worse - 🐇 anon
AN: thank you for requesting 🐇 anon! SO sorry for this coming out so late!! (writing blocks a b...) Hope it came out satisfactory! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Reader with a southern accent
*not beta read
Includes: Leona, Rook, Vil, (platonic) Malleus, Lilia (implied relationship)
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the first time leona heard your accent, he paused for a second, smirked, thought of ways to tease you later
then he de-escalates the situation and calmed you down
First, he tests your patience. He consistently annoys you just to try and hear your accent again (and also because seeing you angry is just funny to him)
Though he thinks that your accent is kinda funny (not in a mean way), he makes sure to not go overboard on teasing you
To prideful to admit he wants to hear your accent more often, so he 'subtlety' hits that he wants you to loosen up around him
(He kicks you and says, "Do the thing, herbivore.")
But he also playfully fights with your biut trivial stuff to try and trick you out
If you do speak in your accent around leona, he'd silently be proud that you trust him
May lightly take you about your accent every now and again but he means well
If your inseure of your accent leona will become the incarnate of angry cat emoji
He is very confused why you'd be inesure of something tart make you well... you
Makes it his life's mission to make you more confident sith your accent
If you are not comfortable using your accent in front of others he is totally okay with that, building confidence takes getting comfortable first
"Hey herbivore, do the accent. Why? Dont worry about it."
Enamored. That's how to describe Rook when he first heard your accent.
Though he did take a minute to help you cool down, he would not shut up about your accent
Disappointed if you won't let him listen to your accent, but he is incrediblely determined.
May or may not try and press your buttons to make you slip up. He do ANYTHING
...even if it means having to slightly bully it out of you
Well first rook tried flirting with you, but he felt bad because he didn't want you to get the wrong idea
So teasing you it is!
Though he feels slightly bad for teasing you, it's for the sake of beauty!
If you decide to use your accent around Rook, he'll be ecstatic!
If you're insecure about your accent he'd be confused
Thinks your accent is an interesting part of you
Slightly upset that you're insecure about it, but he'll make sure to help you become more confident about your accent because he thinks it's pretty
"Trickster! How long have you hidden this from me?"
If Vil hears you using your accent because you're angry, he'll basically drag you away from the person that's angering you, or he'll drag you away from whatever is making you mad
Half lectures you as he's dragging you away, complaining about how it's 'improper' to let your accent slip on something so trivial
Vil kind of ignores the fact that you have an accent for a decent amount of time
Though he may bring it up later
One time, when Epel was being difficult about his accent, Vil compared him to you saying: 'See how good they can cover up their accent? Why is it so difficult for you?' (+epel was surprised that you had an accent, he had no idea!)
After a while, Vil comes to acceptance with your accent, and he doesn't bother you about it, but he does apologize if he had said anything to offend you on the past
Encourages you to speak in your accent more, but he will slightly tease you about it
If you're insecure about your accent, he'd understand, but he'd feel slightly guilty because of his pickyness about accents before
Vil would bring you to a mirror, and he'd force you to speak on your accent, and he'd make you compliment yourself, commenting after 'See? Was that so hard?'
"Potato, fix your grammar, then you can speak your accent to me."
Malleus was interested as to why you even hid your accent in the first place
He thinks that your accent is very pretty and he wants to hear it more but he's too nervous to ask you, so he tries to find what makes you slip up
After finding that flustering you makes you slip, he tends to flirt and complement you a lot more
If you regularly start speaking in your accent around Malleus, he'd have a big dopey grin
Actively encourages you to speak in your accent around him, he likes hearing it
If you're insecure about your accent, he'd be confused. Why be ashamed about something so beautiful and unique?
Will pout if you refuse to use your accent because 'it sounds weird.' He dosent care if it sounds weird it's you!
Malleus forces you to say you like your accent every day until you genuinely like your accent, don't underestimate his patience. He quite litterally will wait an eternity if he needs to.
Constantly complementing your accent, it odsent matter where or with who, he kust wants you to know that je lo es that special little part of you
"Child of man, I was unaware that you had an accent. Do you not trust me enough with this knowledge?"
Lilia found out you had an accent by shamelessly flirting with you
Lilia often teases you randomly about your accent just because he thinks you make a funny face when he teases you about it
If you start insulting someone in the country, Lilia will cheer you on. Cheering, jumping up and down, the whole package.
If he finds out that you're insecure about your accent, he'd be confused.
He won't pry, but he'd want to know why you're insecure about it.
If you tell him, he'd either: assure you that he thinks your accent is beautiful or two, he'd get ready to throw hands
If you start speaking in your accent more, He won't outwardly say it, but he gives you big dopey grins as you speak.
"Kehehe~, your accent is so cute. You should use it more often!
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iyumeu · 3 years
but a wolf in sheep's clothing
...is more than a warning ♡
a more lighthearted companion of my yandere obey me fic spirit guardian featuring: a more violent, assertive (aggressive) MC premise: MC gets hurt by bullies. their demons get upset. MC realizes that they have the power of friendship and also incredible violence on their side. this is the origin story of lucifer's migraine. cw: uh not much, there's just a mild fight scene and also MC might have killed someone? probably not though.
⭒☆━━━━━━━━✿Ꮚⓛ ‸ ⓛᏊ✿━━━━━━━━☆⭒
From the very beginning you had known that you were being bullied.
It was definitely nothing you couldn't handle. Acidic rumors, ruined belongings, isolation... Things that you thought you left behind in high school. You should've known that hell was just another version of high school, except it went on for eternity.
Everything came to a head, however, when some of the demons tried to bring you to a shady place and you refused. You knew what a tertiary location was, and you wanted no part in it!
The demons weren't happy with that and almost broke your arm but you managed to wiggle your way out and run off before any further damage could be done. Unfortunately, the blue-black imprints of their grip remained starkly visible on your hand, causing a large commotion to happen over dinner.
Mammon had been the first one to notice the bruise on your arm and immediately flew into a panic, grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you vigorously. You held back your urge to wrap your arms around him tight enough to break his spine. He held your best interests at heart.
Once Mammon was content with the amount of shaking he had done to you, Belphegor was next, pulling your arm over to him and tracing a finger over the bruised skin. Beelzebub was sitting next to him, leaning over to catch a better glimpse of it. It was like none of them had ever seen a bruise before.
There was a sudden, loud crash and your head shot up to see Leviathan on his feet, bristling in anger in his demon form as his tail whipped around behind him. His chair was overturned, the source of the noise. Beside him, Satan was in his demon form as well, the cutlery in his hand bent and distorted from the strength of his grip.
"Who hurt you?"
Asmodeus was still seated with a smile on his face, but his eyes were glowing slightly, gaze fixed upon you as he asked his question.
"It was just some demon," you replied flippantly. "I don't know why but they seem to have it out for me."
"You mean that this isn't a one-off?" Lucifer asked. You shrugged.
"It's the first time things have gotten physical, if that helps," you offer. Lucifer closed his eyes with a sigh. Oh no, you knew that sigh. The I'm-not-angry-I'm-just-disappointed sigh.
"Why didn't you tell us?" he asked.
"Well, I told the teacher. They just told me to deal with it on my own." A low growl sounded throughout the room. You quickly continued before a fight broke out or something. "I also didn't want to be a bother, you know? It didn't affect me at all, honest. Most of the time, I just thought they were really funny."
"Did you..." Satan took a deep breath and the smile on his face stabilized. "Did you never think about getting revenge?"
"Oh. I was allowed to get revenge?"
Seven pairs of eyes turn to you.
"Huh. I thought that I needed to be tolerant and shit because I was a representative of the human world. Okay. Good to know. Anyway, it won't happen again, I can assure you that."
Uncaring of the tension surrounding you, you went back to your food, knowing that if you appeared calm enough, your demonic housemates would follow suit. And sure enough, on your third forkful of demon's hair pasta, they all calmed down and continued their meal. Little did they know, it was the beginning of the end.
But not for you! ♡
Mammon was sticking awfully close to you today, as was Beelzebub. They flanked either side of you like a pair of underworld bodyguards, rarely allowing you a moment to yourself. No matter where you went, one of the demons brothers would be either with you or in the general vicinity. Even Leviathan had gone to school, and it wasn't even mandatory for him!
You felt loved and protected and also incredibly frustrated. However, all good (?) things eventually came to an end and your demonic housemates could not look out for you forever.
It was lunch and, despite their best efforts, all of the demon brothers had been called away for one thing or another, leaving you alone to poke at your devil chili salsa potato wedges in the lunch hall. You waited for a bit and, as expected, the trio of demon schoolyard bullies appeared in front of you.
"Looks like your demon bodyguards are nowhere to be found," the lead demon mockingly. "And here you are, all alone and vulnerable."
You stabbed one of the potatoes and brought it to your mouth. It wasn't as good as Mammon's cooking but it was still better than Solomon's.
Frustrated at your lack of a response, the demon standing to the left of the lead one kicked your table, almost sending your metal food tray skittering off the edge. You quickly catch the glass of juice that did fall off the edge, fortunately without any spillage.
"Human, are you even listening?!" they snarled.
"Yeah I am," you replied. "I just didn't know what to say?"
One of the other demons grabbed at your arm and pulled you up to a standing position. It was the same arm that contained the bruises from yesterday and the rough treatment made you wince. They gave a snort of derision in response.
"Not so proud now, huh?" they sneered. You searched your memory for the words you used to say when you found yourself in such situations.
"Are you trying to harm me?" you asked, loudly. The cafeteria of demons glanced at you but otherwise turned a blind eye, as they always did. It didn't matter though, all you needed was for them to have heard your question, and the bullies' answer.
"I'm not trying," the demon said. "I am hurting you. And I will until you—"
With your free hand, you grabbed the glass on the table and smashed it against the demon's face. The glass shattered on impact and the demon reeled, letting go of your arm in the process. You wasted no time in picking up your chair and swinging it against the demon with full force and they flew into the, thankfully, empty tables beside yours.
"You— Get the human!" the lead demons snarled. You picked up your lunch tray and harshly brought it down onto the head of the demon charging at you. It impacted the demon's skull with a loud 'clunk' and the demon started to scream and claw their face. It appeared that some of the chili extract had gotten into their eyes. Oops.
You couldn't waste any time, though. The last demons, the lead demon, was fuming and making their way towards you. Lightning quick, you leapt onto the table and aimed a kick at their head. To your utmost surprise, the kick scored and the demon fell onto the ground. You jumped off the table and landed right onto the demon, making them shout in pain. Huh. The teacher wasn't joking when they said that that even you could deal with demons like this.
Still, you had to make a Statement. You had to reforge your Status in Demon High School as someone not to be messed with so as to deter any further bullying attempts.
So, you grabbed the demon below you by the collar and dragged them to the window. You hurled it open and then shoved more than half of the demon's body out of the window so that you were the only thing keeping them from a nasty drop.
"Wanted to bully the human, huh?" you asked. Your voice held no malice or anger. "Well, you should have killed me instead. Anyway, I hope you won't be bullying me, or any other human, ever again?"
The demon was whimpering, casting nervous glances at the ground below. Huh. You had a perfect quote for this, didn't you? You couldn't believe that an entire edgy teenager phase spent memorizing quotes you thought were cool would ever pay off like this.
"Perhaps you should worry less about gravity, who has already made up its mind about killing you, and more about me, who's still mulling it over."
The demon started to shake.
"I won't do it again!" they shrieked. "Please, let me off!"
You were going to pull them back in — you weren't going to kill them, that was illegal — when a loud shout startled you.
You whirled around to see your demonic housemates standing around the entrance of the cafeteria, all staring at you with varying degrees of shock. With reflexes honed from years of getting into trouble due to fights, both of your hands shot up to either side of your head.
"It was self-defense, I swear!" you blurted out. Behind you, there was a scream that gradually got softer. Ah. Well. They were a demon and there was, like, a pond below. They would survive.
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How would the main boys and pumpkin react to a random person (aka future S/O), risking their life to rescue them from an attacker about to dust them in an ally?
Undertale Sans - It's hard to surprise him that much, but that antimonster guy hits him behind the head and stunned him before he could teleport away. He was ready to fight when you suddenly pushed the guy on the ground. Sans takes the opportunity and teleports both of you out. He will pay for Grillby's to thank you.
Undertale Papyrus - A car hit him intentonally and is coming to end the job. S/O runs and manages to drag Papyrus out of the way. He's badly hurt, but he's alive. You stay with him on his way to the hospital, comforting him, then calls his brother while he's going on surgery as he asked. Sans can't thank you enough for saving his brother's life. That, and also, a few days later, Papyrus comes to thank you and to ask to be his friend. Guess what, you didn't stay just friends for very long ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Underswap Sans - It was during a hold-up in a bank. You are an hostage, and you know the guy is waiting for him to enter and shoot the cop who is coming to talk. You jump in front of Blue and got shot instead, which let enough time for the other police officers to stop the bad guy. Blue stays with you all the way to the hospital, feeling terribly guilty, but eh, it's not all bad, you meet each other in the process.
Underswap Papyrus - A group of teenagers abused of his kindness to lead him in a small street and beat him up. You were passing by when you heard him scream in pain, unable to defend himself because of how panicked he was. The teenagers flee, and you spend several minutes calming him down. Honey won't let you go and won't speak either so you take him to your home so he can feel better. A few hours later, his brother breaks down your door accusing you of kidnapping his younger brother. You're both in a pillow fort drinking tea and watching Disney movies. And confused.
Underfell Sans - He's not happy, but you intervene anyway to save his life as some of his brother's rival managed to block him in a corner. You get really hurt and he dragged you to his home, screaming at you all the way, and aggresively patching you up. But strangely enough, you're not scared at him, and you find his ego... funny? Weird. The hell is wrong with you. You must be broken. Though, he might be broken too because he wants to hear you laugh more.
Underfell Papyrus - He got shot, five times, and somehow he still won't let you call a damn ambulance. You made his agressors run in fear as you said loudly that you called the police, but now you're stucked with an angry hurt skeleton who refuses to accept he is hurt and you're starting to get angry too. You end the day kicking his but into the ambulance as you're both insulting each other... And for some reason, you goes with him because you can't let him all alone in this state. You're definitely hating each other though. That's why you're holding his hand.
Horrortale Sans - He's on the ground, hands tied behind his back, and people are trying to fill his head hole with trash. You managed to scare them away, but Oak is still not himself, very jumpy and agressive. You free him and quickly give him some space. He's watching you, and he will watch you for several minutes, judging if he can trust you or not. You're waiting patiently, and eventually, he thanks you slowly. You ask him if you need to call someone to pick him up, and then he notices his phone is dead, and he can't remember Willow's number and now he's panicking. You calm him down and drags him in the street. You walk until something seems similar and you managed to find Toriel, who calls his brother. Willow is very worry, but also very thankful. You say that they can reach you if you need a witness to make a report and give them your number.
Horrortale Papyrus - Some bullies are pushing him out of a shop because they don't want monsters in. Willow is trying to fight them, but they keep pushing him, until one of them made him fall, and he can't get up. You rushes as they start to be threatening and screams at them that you're calling the police. You call an ambulance and just sits next to him to comfort him, using your coat as a pillow, holding his hand and making some jokes. You can feel something is happening between you, but that's only when he calls you a few days later to ask if you wants to eat in his home as a thank, you know you're going to be friends.
Horrorswap Papyrus - A guy is asking for his phone and wallet, and is getting pissed off because he doesn't answer, mainly because he can't. You hits the man with a brick behind the head, and runs with Pumpkin out of reach. Pumpkin is thankful, but still shaking, so you propose to go in a cafe and have hot chocolate. He signs that he would love that, and when he sees you understood hi, his eyes are shining with joy.
Swapfell Sans - He has two broken legs, and he's still refusing you help him. You find some of his rivals breaking them with bricks, and they got scared of you and run, thinking he would dust. Right now, Nox is more determined to kill them back than healing right now. You're trying to convince him, and end challenging him into a bubble competition. You made the biggest bubble because he can't make bubbles and you win, you're taking him to the hospital. He likes your spirit, but he will come to have his revenge the second he's walking. You'll see if he can't make big bubbles too!
Swapfell Papyrus - Someone thew acid in his face. He's screaming in pain and you're throwing water to clean him. It doesn't make him blind, but it still hurts. You stays with him until he's back to normal, the time his magic rejects the acid. It's a long painful time, but in the end, he's fine. He's so fine and exhausted he fell asleep on you. That's your life now. Deal with it.
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yhwhsdaughter · 4 years
HQ!! Manager being protective when people insult their player
(ft. oikawa, hinata, tanaka, yachi, osamu, kuroo)
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Warnings: threats, physical altercations, bullying, public humiliation
I usually don’t condone the usage of violence, but I woke up mad today lmao
the pretty setter was getting ready to serve, his fangirls screaming in support while the rest of the team took a break.
to the side were a couple of guys staring in jealousy, “heh, his weak ass gets a big ego just because—”
they continued their insults and while they didn’t reach oikawa, his team members certainly heard it all
teasing oikawa was different when it came from them because they genuinely cared about him,, but for someone else to continuously bully the setter without reason?? it was infuriating
before any of them could kick their asses, their manager approached them.
(name) was perhaps the most polite individual they’d met; always patient and kind despite their antics
“ah, i can see the misunderstanding that oikawa is a weakling. he’s got a broken knee and constantly pushes himself despite the excruciating pain.”
the aura surrounding them suddenly turned dark and cold as (name) clutched the shoulder of the main bully with an iron grip
“what about you? shall i break your knee so we can find out if you’re stronger than him?”
at that moment, their gentle mannered manager had the eyes of a beast, unyielding as the guy tried to escape their grip
when they left, the players approached (name) who still glared in that direction. “woah we didn’t know you could be so scary (name)”
now calmer, they replied, “you’re my team, i would kill anyone that tries harm you.”
it was such a matter-of-fact that the males couldn’t help but laugh “haha you’re funny too”
“am i laughing?”
that day they learned their precious manager would deadass commit murder for them
extra: when oikawa found you defended him, he ran with open arms, “(name)-channnnn marry me!” squeezing the life out of you
competition hadn’t even started and people were already shit talking karasuno
“flightless crows” blah blah blah
as their third manager, you would be in the benches with yachi, supporting the team
however, hinata had gone to the bathroom and he wasn’t back. daichi had sent you to get him since the game was about to start
you found the team’s sunshine nearly corned by a tall player “aah you’re so short and you’re a middle blocker?? i’ll be looking down on you little shrimp!”
he didn’t get to say more because your leg swiftly hit the back of his knees, falling to the ground harshly.
no one and i mean no one messes with hinata without you getting a few hits in, regardless height
“oh look. you’re below him now”
mans was lucky y’all were in a competition, otherwise he wouldn’t have left unscathed
with that, you steered your baby hinata away from that asshole, throwing him a dirty look in case he wanted to try anything
if he did, you would not hold back. literally on sight
fyi hinata was totally not blushing the entire way back. everytime you approach him now he gets all flustered
everyone else is like ???
the ladies man, tanaka had encountered a group of attractive girls at the arcade so he decided to shoot his shot
when they declined, tanaka was prepared to leave them alone, respectful of a woman’s boundaries, but they decided to verbally attack him
“who’d wanna go out with you?” “yeah you’re so ugly, stupid baldie”
wrong move
unfortunately for them, you were also at the arcade, having heard how the entire conversation went down
you knew tanaka would never use violence against a girl, even if they were rude, but you would.
equal rights equal fights bitch
those girls never saw it coming, you grabbing the leader’s hair roughly and yanking it back, “you’re right, longer hair is much better”
you went feral; simultaneously slapping the others away when they tried to pull you off, your tight grip never faltering.
only when tanaka placed a gentle hand on your arm that you released her
“insult him again and you’ll be the baldie next time”
in short, tanaka now sees you as his personal deity. boy will adore you
the third years were gone now
kiyoko had left the team in your and yachi’s hands, with you mainly taking charge as the now-third year manager
the team all sat together for lunch (yes, tsukki too), they were waiting for you since you’d been talking with a teacher
a girl in front of you side-eyed yachi, watching with envy as the blonde sweetheart spoke with the handsome volleyball players
plan brewing in that toxic mind of hers, the girl pretended to trip, spilling her lunch all over yachi. the team didn’t have time to react, watching in shock as food splatted on her lap
sis even had the audacity to say “oh sorry didn’t see you there” as if she didn’t just purposefully throw her food on someone else
worry not, because you returned the favor.
as soon as she gave her faux apology, your food was already making its way down her head to her shoes
there wasn’t a part of her left uncovered
“my bad, i thought you were the trash” you did not look sorry at all
half of the cafeteria watched this unfold—tsukki even making some snide remarks. you grabbed yachi’s hand, guiding her to the restroom to help her clean off
from that moment on, people got the message to never mess with the volleyball team lest they face the wrath of their manager
osamu was your best friend, the reason why you joined inarizaki as their manager
currently, you were in home ed, making the assigned dish but it wasn’t difficult so your movements were lax so much that you couldn’t help but overhear the conversation going on in front of your table
at the mention of osamu, your ears perked up
“he was SUCH a jerk. i kept asking hoping he would grow tired and say yes, but nooooo. apparently osamu thinks he’s better than me”
some of her friends looks uneasy at her inability to take ‘no’ for an answer but the girl continued on her rant
the teacher stepped out for a moment. “HAHAHAHHAHA” the class turned to look at you, laughing like a maniac while you chopped vegetables with scary precision and inhuman strength
“you sure got some nerve, harassing someone like that.. especially my best friend”
that was the moment the grew knew she’d fucked up. she couldn’t even answer back because the teacher was back.
you made a point to ask the teacher if you could be partners with that girl for the next lesson, making her gulp in fear as you ran a finger across your throat
to say the least, she stopped talking for the remainder of the class
chemistry?? you and kuroo?? friends?? together in class???
a fucking chaos
just kidding. the two of you were actually really good students. the best, if you had to brag
despite being the teacher’s favorite, you were lowkey about it while kuroo liked to insert as many chem jokes as he could in presentations
it was kinda embarrassing and you subtly teased him, but never with malicious intent
during a lab, you got partnered with a bully. you tried to ignore him and continue working, but it kept getting worse.
the breaking point was dragging in kuroo to all of this. you’d rejected his offers of going on a date and when kuroo made a motion to ask if you were ok, the dude took it as a sign to talk shit
“seriously? him? he’s a fucking nerd. his jokes are lame and has shitty hair—”
your eye twitched. “oi you better stop if you don’t want me to burn your face off”
clueless in class, he didn’t know how to handle the material so you were doing all the work. he didn’t believe you
bringing in the acidic substance near his face is when he finally backed away, at which point you had already called the teacher and told them that he was playing around with dangerous chemicals
although it was the other way around, who do you think the teacher believed, their star student or the school bully??
lmao, bitch could ask his detention buddies out on a date now
kuroo: ??
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
A Man’s Promise: Daigo Scratcher Event
Daigo time! Look at these fancy new cards (and karaoke Akiyama, who is the scratcher prize for some reason)
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This one ended up being much longer and funnier than I expected, and we get to see Daigo being kind of cool!
Summary: Daigo goes to investigate rumors of Omi Alliance remnants in the outskirts of Kamurocho. He bumps into an old friend turned enemy and gets tangled up in the unintended difficulties the Tojo-Omi war has caused for a local elementary school.
<a certain day in 2006>
With the conflict between the Tojo and the Omi coming to an end, on the outskirts of Kamurocho, the root of the conflict between east and west is still smoldering.
Daigo: The remnants of the Omi Alliance are still around Kamurocho? Is that true?
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Yayoi: Yes, that's the current situation as far as we've been able to tell. Even though things are finished, one group has rallied and refuses to accept the outcome. Daigo: Tch, those asshole...! Kashiwagi: Just to be safe, I've informed the clan members to be ready to move out war at any time--at least until this dispute is settled. I'd like to avoid further burdening our members with this.
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Daigo: ....Then let's see how those assholes like dealing with me. Yayoi: Daigo, what are you planning on doing? Daigo: I'm going to smoke out those Omi remnants and drive them back to kansai. Kashiwagi: We need to avoid getting into a second conflict with the Omi. Daigo: Yeah... I got that. <Daigo heads out> Daigo: (Well, talking about hunting down the Omi remnants is all well and good, and they're supposed to be in Kamurocho's outskirts) Daigo: (But how the hell am I supposed to find the bastards...)
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???: Aniki. Daigo: You're... Shitamura? (Tl note: could also be Shimomura or Shikukira or probably a bunch of other readings but that's what I'm going with. No clue if he’s been in anything else, I don’t recognize the name!)
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Shitamura: You really remember me? Shitamura: When I heard my aniki had gone and become the head of the whole Tojo Clan, I figured you'd have forgotten all about me. Daigo: When you conspired with the other side, I was crushed. I haven't forgotten you at all. Shitamura: Haha, you remember stuff from that long ago? Shitamura: By the way aniki, do you think ya could put in a good word for me to join the Tojo Clan? Shitamura: I'm sure you can see that I'd be useful to you. Daigo: You better think carefully before making jokes like that. Daigo: Do you think I'd deal with a double-crossing man like that? Shitamura: Oh, is that so. Well if the Tojo Clan doesn't take me, won't that mean I have no choice but to work with the Omi? Shitamura: You understand the situation, right? Shitamura: There's still a considerable number of Omi remnants hangin' around Kamurocho. Shitamura: I'm holdin' my breath until the Tojo Clan gets tripped up by it. Daigo: What do you know about the Omi remnants? Shitamura: Who can say? Daigo: So that's how it is. If you want to join the Omi, that's fine. Shitamura: What? Daigo: Go join whatever organization you please. I don't have any right to stop you. Daigo: However, if you join the Tojo and betray them in favor of the Omi... Daigo: I'm destroy you with every ounce of my strength. Shitamura: Oooh, scary. Seems that you're the one tellin' jokes now. Daigo: It's fine if you think it's a joke... but it's not. Shitamura: Wait, where are ya going? We're not done talkin', right?
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Daigo: I have to investigate the Omi remnants. I don't have time to deal with you. <Daigo leaves> Shitamura: Shit. I gotta get back on the right track! (Tl note: struggling here. 調子に乗りおってからに!) Daigo: (I've been talking to people for a long time, but no one seems to know anything about the Omi remnants.) Daigo: (Is it already that late? I'll have to make another try tomorrow, then. Hm? That's....) Daigo: Hey, what are you doing out this late? (Tl note: I very briefly thought this was the same kid as in Haruka's scratcher lmao)
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Takashi: ...Who are you, old man? Daigo: You can call me Daigo. And you are? Takashi: ....Takashi. Daigo: I see.... Hey, Takashi, you should hurry up and go home, won't your parents get worried? Takashi: Leave me alone. Daigo: Well that's not going to happen. It isn't good for a kid like you to be out this late--especially when loitering by yourself, this street is hard to call safe. Daigo: So go home, I'm sure you have homework to do. Takashi: ...But, I don't want to go to school anymore. Daigo: Do you get bullied at school? Takashi: That's not it. Daigo: Well then, will you tell me why you don't want to go to school? Takashi: The event I planned just got cancelled. Daigo: Event? Takashi: It's a scratch card event, you could even win a prize. Takashi: I went and handed out scratch cards to all the old folks on this street. Takashi: If someone won, they'd get one of the rings or necklaces we all made as a prize. Daigo: So why did it get cancelled? Takashi: Because a bunch of scary old men are having a big fight in Kamurocho. Daigo: ....................... Takashi: If we held the event, we'd all get dragged into their fighting... Takashi: So, we had to cancel it. Daigo: So that's what happened. Takashi: All that planning we did? It ended up being for nothing... Takashi: We spent all of our free time after school doing our best making those scratchers... Daigo: ...But, the fighting is already over. If you held it now, there shouldn't be an issue, right? Takashi: We can't. Those scary old guys are still loitering around our school. Daigo: What? Takashi: They lost the fight but they said that even then they won't run away. Daigo: ....Takashi, which school do you go to? Takashi: Ochiyama Elementary. (Tl note: Literally "falling mountain" which is a really funny name for an elementary school) Daigo: (Ochiyama... that is a little bit outside of Kamurocho) Daigo: (Kashiwagi-san did say they were on the outskirts of Kamurocho, so are the Omi remnants hiding out at Ochiyama.....?) Takashi: Since the event I planned was cancelled... After all of our hard work........ Takashi: Everyone tells me that these things can't be helped.... but that just makes me feel worse.... Takashi: So that's why I want to stop going to school...... Daigo: (This kid.... I can't help but feel responsible for this.....) Daigo: ....Go on home for tonight. I'm sure your parents are worried. Takashi: But! Daigo: It'll be okay if you go home. Takashi: If you keep saying that I'll just go somewhere else. There's a lot of other places I can hang out.... Daigo: That's, uhh... Takashi: See ya. Thanks for worrying about me. But, I'm not going to go home. Daigo: ....If I go talk to your school and get them to run the event, will that make you go home? Takashi: Eh! Really? You'll talk to the old guys there so the event can happen!? Daigo: Yes, I promise. Takashi: Sure, I'll go home then! But don't you forget your promise, okay? Daigo: A real man isn't a backstabber. <the following day> Teacher: Principal, there's a guest here to see you. (Tl note: oh my god Daigo. imagine being this poor principal and the chairman of the local yakuza shows up like "hey you gotta run this scratcher event the kids worked really hard on it :(" I would die)
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Daigo: Pardon the intrusion, Principal. 
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Principal: So, which student are you here about? Daigo: I'm... a member of the Tojo Clan's Dojima Family.  Principal: T-Tojo clan...!? Daigo: I've come here today to make a request. Daigo: The event that the children thought of, can I get your approval on it being run? Principal: The... event? Daigo: The scratcher event. We've heard that it was cancelled. Principal: It's true that the event was cancelled.... But why are you interested? Principal: I think people like you have meddled with the children's event more than enough. Daigo: There's no deep meaning behind it. Really, we just can't forgive ourselves if we disadvantage children like this. Principal: Oh... So you're sticking to your own principles. Principal: You should know that the event was cancelled because of a yakuza attack in the vicinity. Principal: Do you think that by doing this you will end up causing us more trouble? Daigo: (There shouldn't be anybody on the turf around here. So that means it is the Omi remnants...) Daigo: .....I promise the children will be safe. So please, allow the event to happen. Principal: I can't trust in the promise of a yakuza. Principal: I can't stand to see a school become so noisy anyways. I was only doing the event for the board of education. Principal: Now, even if I run such an event, my evaluation won't get any better... Daigo: Oi, Principal... Daigo: Didn't you hear me? Principal: Huh? What? Daigo: I'm telling you that if there's any problem at all I'm here to clean it up. So there's no problem from you, right? Principal: O-Oh, right, that's what you said, sir. H-Ha ha... Daigo: Of course, Principal. I'm glad we're understanding each other.
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Daigo: Well, I'm off. I look forward to working with you after this. <Daigo leaves> Principal: Hoo... What the hell, why me..... Why do I have to suffer through meeting someone like that...!
<A few days later>
Takashi: Mister!
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Daigo: Ah, Takashi. Takashi: We're going to have our event! You really did keep your promise! Daigo: It's like I said. A real man never double crosses. Takashi: You're right. Thank you! Well, I gotta go prepare! <Takashi leaves> Daigo: Heh... I can hardly believe he was so depressed before. <Daigo's phone rings> Daigo: Hm? My phone is... This is Daigo. Principal: I-It's me. The principal at Uchiyama Elementary. Daigo: Ah, you. Have you decided to open the event? Daigo: I'll owe you one for this. As thanks. Principal: A-About that, just now a bunch of mean looking men just entered the school. Principal: They came in here to ask about you, and what we talked about. Daigo: What? What do you mean? Principal: I told them why you were here, and they stole all of the scratchers for the event tomorrow... (Tl note: rggo actually fucked up on this and marked this as Daigo dialogue when it clearly isn't lol) Daigo: All the scratchers were stolen? What the hell, who does something like that... Principal: The man, he was named Shitamura. Daigo: Shitamura huh.... And he took all of the scratchers? Principal: That's correct..... every single scratch card the children made, they're all gone, so the event won't be able to happen... Daigo: Shitamura, that bastard... What is he playing at...... Principal: That person did ask me to pass along a message.... Daigo: A message? Principal: He said he'll be waiting at Kamurocho's Batting Center... Daigo: Got it. I'll head there right away. <Daigo goes> Shitamura: Yo, aniki. Ya kept me waitin'.
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Daigo: Shitamura, why the hell did you steal all the scratchers those kids mad? Shitamura: Why, to lure you here... I knew you'd have no choice. Daigo: What? Shitamura: There's a lotta people that have a grudge against ya. Omi Member: Hehe. It's about time we repaid the favor. Daigo-san.
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Daigo: Seriously, you're... Shitamura: Yep. A buncha Omi men. Me, I actually decided that the Omi was the better deal. Daigo: Shitamura, you fucker... Shitamura: C'mon, I saw ya goin' into that Ochiyama Elementary school. Shitamura: And I got to wonderin' what that was about, and boy was I surprised when I got the story from the principal. Shitamura: My aniki, who's got a glare that could scare a cryin' kid into silence, is off doin' all this cause of a brat. Shitamura: Everyone's been sayin' ya lost your edge when ya went back to the Tojo Clan. Daigo: It doesn't matter what you think of me. Just hand over the scratch cards already. Daigo: Those kids worked real hard making them. Shitamura: Do you think bein' told soft shit like that will make me hand 'em over? Daigo: What are you hoping for, asshole? Shitamura: You're so cold to me. You really gotta let go of that grudge. Shitamura: For now the good people of the Omi want to get some payback. Shitamura: Of course, not even you can handle this number of people. Daigo: ....Well, we'll see. Shitamura: I'll let you in on something, as a final gift to take to your grave. Shitamura: That rumor about the Omi remnants hiding out around Kamurocho, I was the one who planted that. Daigo: What? Shitamura: That's why ya didn't find any Omi sniffin' around Ochiyama. Daigo: Then why is the Omi wandering around Ochiyama Elementary? Shitamura: That's just to extort cash from the principal. Shitamura: That principal is neck deep in gamblin' debt with the Omi. Daigo: So, the only one lurking around the school was you? Shitamura: Exactly. The remnants of the Omi was just a hoax to catch you off guard--and it seems like you, soon-to-be chairman, have fallen for the bait. Shitamura: Once I kill ya, my cred with the Omi will go through the roof. Daigo: So when you approached me about joining the Tojo, that was a ruse too? Shitamura: Yep, if I could get closer to you, I could get more info on the Tojo. Shitamura: The Omi pays top dollar for that kinda stuff. Daigo: Seems your backstabbing is alive and well. Honestly, I'm relieved to hear that. Shitamura: Why's that? Daigo: Since it was only a rumor that remnants were hiding, the Tojo can stand down from it's war preparations. Daigo: One more thing, none of you fuckers understand a damn thing about why I went into that elementary school. Daigo: So don't trust in your own power so much. Shitamura: ....Is that so. Shitamura: Though if the next chairmen died here, that would be a big problem for the Tojo, right? Daigo: Me, die? I already told you to think before you say stupid shit. Shitamura: Oh, well ain't you full of yourself? Shitamura: The Omi has a big grudge over the war. Think they're gonna be happy with a settlement? Daigo: I understand... It's on me to remind them about why the Tojo Clan is feared. Shitamura: Excellent, let's fuck this bastard up!
Shitamura: H-How the hell'dya win against that many people!
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Daigo: It doesn't matter how many weaklings you gather. It's pretty sloppy of you if you're only noticing that now.
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Shitamura: Shit! Daigo: With that out of the way, hand over the scratchers. Shitamura: What the hell.... Why's a guy like you want to help some elementary school event...... Daigo: I made a promise to a kid. I'm going to make sure that event happens. Shitamura: Th-That's it....? Daigo: I told that kid I was making a promise to him as a man. That's plenty of reason. Shitamura: Ha, hahaha.....! Daigo: What's so funny? Shitamura: ......I was small-minded in hinderin' ya, I think. There couldn't be more difference in the kind of man you 'n' I are. Shitamura: I wanna stop bein' a yakuza. Daigo: That's a good idea. Shitamura: The scratchers are stashed in this locker. ...Well, I'm off for good. Enjoy yourself, aniki. Daigo: Sure... <cut away> Kashiwagi: Pardon the intrusion.
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Principal: A-And you are? Kashiwagi: Greetings, I'm Kashiwagi, member of the Tojo Clan. Principal: A-Another from the Tojo Clan... What do you want this time? Kashiwagi: I have something to deliver to you. <a soft thump of paper hitting the table> Principal: Th-This is...? Kashiwagi: 3,000,000 yen. Please accept it. Principal: Eh!? W-Why are you giving this to me...? Kashiwagi: Our next chairman is indebted to you for your assistance. Principal: Next... chairman? Kashiwagi: A young man by the name of Daigo Dojima. He came here, right? Principal: That fucker- ah, I mean, that gentleman, he's going to be the Tojo Clan's chairman..... Principal: Wow. I had no idea who visited me.... or that I'd get so much money........ Kashiwagi: Please don't trouble yourself with that. This money has no strings attached. Please continue on exactly as you were before. Principal: I-I just don't understand this... Kashiwagi: You listened to our soon to be chairman's request. This is the reward. Principal: Th-That was really worth 3 million yen? Kashiwagi: The next chairman, for some reason he really enjoyed that event for the children. Kashiwagi: Without you, he wouldn't have been as enthusiastic about starting out..... You understand, right? Principal: Uh-.... right, I got it! Absolutely, I pushed through anyone who voiced opposition! Kashiwagi: The next time you hold an event, the next chairman would be thrilled to take part. You have the gratitude of all of us, Principal. Principal: Ha, haha... Th-That sounds great! How could I ever refuse something like that... ha ha ha............. Kashiwagi: ......Around here, Omi remnants have been appearing frequently--which is your fault. <Music cuts out> Principal: ..................Eh? <Music gets ominous> Kashiwagi: You know they've been coming by wanting to collect on the money you blew on gambling and playing around. Kashiwagi: That's why, in order to collect that money, Omi have been loitering around the vicinity... Kashiwagi: Therefore, the real reason the children's event was cancelled, is you. Principal: Well.... that's.... Kashiwagi: Furthermore, you've been hiding this fact--hoping that the Tojo Clan might wipe out the Omi around the school before the cause of it ever came to light... Kashiwagi: But it didn't, and I think you've made this very difficult for us. Did I miss anything? Principal: ..................... Kashiwagi: ........Come now, to hold the children's event a dangerous group like the Omi was wiped out.... Kashiwagi: So it's all done and dusted... wouldn't you say, principal? Principal: Y-Y-Yes sir....? Kashiwagi: If something like this happens again... We'll have no choice but to bring down the hammer. Do you understand what I'm saying? Principal: O-Of course.... Something like this will never, ever, ever happen again, I swear..... Kashiwagi: Well, I'm thankful you understand things now. Coming here today was a good idea after all. Principal: Y-Yes sir... From now on I'm going to be on the straight and narrow.... Absolutely..... Kashiwagi: Haha, no need to go that far. ....Just make sure you don't cause problems for people again and you'll keep living just fine, Principal. Principal: Y-Yes sir... Of course....! Kashiwagi: If you'll excuse me then. I'll drop by to visit some other time. <Kashiwagi leaves> Principal: Hahahaha.... haaa....... I'm.... going to stop gambling..... <cut to the park> Takashi's friend: Takashi-kun. The scratcher event was a huge success! All the old men and ladies on this street loved it! Takashi: Yeah. Did everyone have fun?
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Takashi's friend: Yeah, of course! Takashi: Nice! I better get thinking of how to make the next event even more interesting, it'll be so fun! Daigo: ...............
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Man in black: Daigo-san, are we going to continue watching these children? (Tl note: BRO your own bodyguard calls you by first name???) Daigo: No, there doesn't seem to be any more Omi in this area. There's no need for further observation. Man in black: Understood. <Man leaves, Daigo gets a phone call> Daigo: Kashiwagi-san, what is it? Kashiwagi: I've just received information that a foreign mafia group is trying to expand into Kamurocho. Kashiwagi: Daigo, we need you back at HQ to start developing counter measures. Daigo: Got it, I'll be there shortly. <hangs up> Daigo: (It's just one thing after another huh... Well, this is the responsibility that comes with my position....) Daigo: (The job of the Tojo Clan's 6th Chairman, a role I'm starting to step up to)
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Bonus time: 
can you imagine what that principal is going through. I know he’s a shit head and kind of deserved it but it’s just so so so funny to see Daigo and Kashiwagi bullying this guy
the most important thing about the entire event is that the scratchers looked like this
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please enjoy a faceapp by @majimemegoro​ as well that made me wheeze
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finally he can smile and not look like it’s hurting him immensely to do so
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bigteefsmallbrain · 3 years
General Soul Eater HCs please
Soul Eater: General headcanons
Death the Kid:
He’s an art critic
Hear me out
He is obsessed with symmetry, and loves the beauty in it
So when he sees something non-symmetrical, especially in art, he can’t help but to critique it
May go as far as to send a personal letter to the artist (If they’re alive) about how offensive it is that they created something so asymmetrical
If he can’t send a letter to the artist, he’ll send one to the owner/museum and request it be taken down, while listing reasons why it’s horrible.
Anything he writes has an even amount of letters and words
Be that his test answers
Diary entry
Speaking of diary entries, he definitely has one
But it’s actually just a catalogue of symmetrical things he’s seen
He puts photos into it and writes about how beautiful it was to see
He doesn’t care what it is much, just that it was beautiful
Meaning he takes photos of people too
Which can be unnerving at times
He’s probably taken a photography class before, or at the very least is self taught
Literally has a photo album of things he views are beautiful, but non symmetrical and he would die if anyone found it
Like a particular sunset with uneven hills
Or a flower with one too many petals
Definitely has an 8 ball, not a magic one, just an 8 ball, it’s placed on a velvet pillow in his room and he frequently polishes it
Elizabeth Thompson:
Makes several backup plans as a way to cope
Especially after dealing with an experience with a ghost
She has notebooks full of them, labeled and detailed
At one point she started putting them in alphabetical order but stopped immediately when she realized Kid’s perfectionist habits were rubbing off on her
She practices acting in the mirror
Usually so she can charm a man into dating her
But also to con people
She used to be a “Street rat” and that thought of ending up on the streets again constantly plagues her mind
She takes full advantage of the “Rich life”
Shopping sprees
Quality makeup
Salons and spa days
The works
She lets Patty’s thought that she knows everything get to her head
The fact alone that her sister believes in her that much is enough to make her a bit egotistical
And Patty’s admiration for the girl makes it ten times worse
She literally doesn’t care if she ends up being wrong because she’ll just be right next time anyways
So stubborn in that aspect
Patricia Thompson:
She likes dark humor
You can’t convince me otherwise, you actually can’t, I have evidence
She made an origami Giraffe, and broke its neck
Laughed when Kid said he “wants to die”
She literally pokes him with a stick when he’s depressed
She likes dark humor, and probably looks up jokes to tell others just for kicks
She’s secretly sadistic, and likes scaring her sister and others
She may act naïve and innocent, but she is anything but
She definitely has, more than once, banged on Liz’s door at 3AM just to hear her sister squeal like a little girl
Honestly, she probably purposefully gets their pose wrong, just to see her sisters annoyance and laugh when Kid gets smacked
She likes origami
Probably first got into it because of the paper ninja stars
Then just found it relaxing
She most likely makes the ninja stars mostly, and keeps a box of her origami creations somewhere
Has in the past, and will not hesitate to do so again, beat someone up for kicks or just to destress
Patty has two faces, the childlike innocent one, and the insane anger one
So it’s not too far fetched to say that she’ll hide her anger till she can corner someone alone and beat them up
Or that she gets bored and decides to do so
I wouldn’t be too surprised if her sister occasionally joined as well
Maka Albarn:
She’s a Harry Potter nerd and you can’t convince me otherwise
She loves the concept of magic
Loves the dynamic between Ron and Hermione, though feels a bit of Deja vu thinking about it
Probably used to write fanfiction, but in a way that made it seem like it was actually part of the story
She will hit you if you mention it
Definitely the type to compare books to their movie counterparts
Not in like, a critic way, but she will definitely rant about the differences, or how a character looks exactly like she imagined, or if they didn’t put in a particular scene she liked in the book
Forces Soul into movie nights, but it’s only the movie counterparts to her books
I can see her forcing everyone into a group study session
Be super organized about it, and setting it up in a way so that no one can refuse
She probably has specific ways for everyone to study
Like having Black☆Star work out while studying so he retains the knowledge better
Or setting up the session in a symmetrical way so Kid doesn’t freak out about it
She writes letters to her mom, as a coping mechanism for when her emotions get to be a little too much
Like when she’s having a bad day
Or if she’s particularly peeved at something Soul did
She writes a lot more letters when it comes around the time of her mom's birthday or death anniversary
She likes the thought of an old timey romance, and often listens to songs that give off that kind of feel
She really likes “It’s Been a Long, Long Time”, it’s one of her favorites
She also likes the old Disney songs, like “Once Upon a Dream” and “So This Is Love”
She would be so embarrassed if anyone found out though, especially if it was her dad or Soul
She isn’t quite sure why she’s so worried about Soul finding out though
Speaking of, she half realizes, half doesn’t with anyone's romantic feelings, including her own
She’ll fantasize about getting a love letter or having someone present her with a bouquet of roses
But if it actually happens she’s like “Oh, thanks friend!”
She knows the behaviors, she just can’t put two and two together
They would have to be extremely blunt, no over dramatic confession, just “I’m in love with you and want to be romantically involved with you”
She reads dictionaries for fun
She really likes to read out of date dictionaries, just to see what words and slang existed back then
She also highlights words she likes and uses them frequently on accident
She has most definitely yelled “I have cupid’s kettlebells*! I’m not flat!” at Soul before
Soul Evans:
Bottles. Up. His. Emotions.
He’s influenced by “toxic masculinity” and fully believes that being vulnerable in a serious way “isn’t cool”
He will bottle everything up so deep down inside that it seems impossible for it to surface
Feelings of inferiority to others? Bottled
Want to cry or break down? Nope, gotta be cool
Started crying in front of someone and can’t stop? He’s not crying, you’re clearly blind
Speaking of crying, once he starts, and I mean genuinely starts, it’s so hard to get him to calm down, and even then the tears don’t stop
Sometimes he’ll start to freak out and send himself into a panic attack because the tears just won’t stop
He’s that influenced by the thought of being vulnerable
On a lighter note, he does adore playing the piano, but the only person he’ll play for is Maka
He swears it’s not favoritism, and it’s partially true, but favoritism does play a large role in it
He frequently drags Maka to his room to show her a new piece he put together
And if he notices her feeling a little down that day, he’ll start playing a song that he knows she likes
He definitely knows about her love for old timey romance songs and is very embarrassed to admit a lot of the pieces he constructs are based off of that
The walls are p a p e r t h i n , he can hear her music through the walls
He secretly finds it adorable when he catches her listening to it because she’ll be dancing around to it
He also frequently finds himself thinking about those moments
He’s the stereotype that parents tell little girls about, with how boys will bully their crush
He’s a lot more playful and easy going, but still teases Maka, so much
Unlike Maka, he’s fully aware of his feelings, and acknowledges them, but bottles it up, only letting himself entertain the thought every once in a while
He jabs at Maka’s lack of “Cupids Kettlebells” as a way to try and ensure she won’t fall for him, because he doesn’t know what he’ll do if she does
He reads the same dictionaries that Maka does, not for fun, but so he can know just what the actual h e l l she’s saying
More than once he’s had to look up a particular word or phrase online because he can’t find it in the dictionary
“What the hell? It’s an old Victorian saying!? Where does she keep finding this stuff!?”
Subconsciously, as time goes on, he starts using old phrases as well, he was so embarrassed the first time he got caught saying “Keep your idle daddles* off of her!” when defending someone from a perv.
Is so unbelievably selfish with food
It’s not even funny
He will stab someone if they reach for his food
He surprisingly eats healthy most of the time though?
Says something like “I have to otherwise I’ll never surpass the gods!”
The only person who could ever p o s s i b l y steal his food is Tsubaki, but even that’s pushing it
He has the weirdest dreams, and I mean weird
Dreams like being turned into a potato and being cooked, mashed, and devoured by Tsubaki herself
He didn’t talk to her for a week after that dream, and refused to eat potatoes for a full year because “You never know if it could be a person turned into a potato!”
He was also very offended when Tsubaki ate potatoes during that time period
He takes things very literally
Like up above, if someone does something in a dream, he acts like it was real
Or if someone makes a joke about fighting, he will drag them outside to fight
He’s secretly scared of Tsubaki
But it’s for literally the stupidest reason
And he fully believes that because of it she could fight god and win
She used to have a pet cockroach
One of the flying ones
And he is so unbelievably scared of them, because for some reason they just don’t die, and they have w i n g s
So the fact she owned one as a pet scares him so bad even though it was literally for only a week
He has a soft spot for children
He doesn’t really know why
He just does
Is secretly really good with kids
Literally the definition of dad material
He has his flaws but still
Little kids are the only people who could steal his food and get away with it
Every. Time. and it makes the others so mad
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa:
What can I say, she’s perfect
She probably receives love letters
Reads them over when she’s feeling sad
Likes to keep them in a shoebox she painted
She definitely paints to unwind and relax
Likes to go outside and paint the sunrise/sunset
Takes note of beautiful scenery so she can come back in her free time and paint it
She probably draws/sketches too
Carries a sketchbook with her
More than likely has drawn Black☆Star doing something
Like napping or training
She’d never show him though, too scared of inflating his ego or giving him the wrong idea
Stress bakes/cooks
We know she cooks
Liz took advantage of it and pretended Tsubaki’s cooking was her own
So we know she does
Sometimes painting/drawing doesn’t cut it
So she heads to the kitchen and bakes away her worries and unwinds
The main reason Tsubaki would possibly be spared from Black☆Star’s stabbing habit with food is because she cooks all the meals
She makes sure everyone is comfortable around her
She’ll go as far as to learn someone's customs and practice cooking their unique cuisine just to make sure that they feel comfortable and safe in her presence
She radiates mom friend energy
She’s perfect mom material, perfect wife material, perfect in general honestly
*Cupid's Kettlebells is a old term for a woman's bust
*Idle daddles is a old term for hands
I Hope you like these general headcanons for the main seven! You didn’t say which characters you’d like to see, so I played it safe by putting the main characters! Thank you for the ask!
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
“Y/N is Mine!”
Oikawa, Kenma, Bokuto, Kuroo
Request: Can I have a head cannon for when s/o has a best friend who hates Oikawa, Kenma, Bokuto, and Kuroo. (Not sure what the max was sorry!) They always try to get s/o’s attention so they fight a lot. Like when s/o isn’t looking they start glaring at each other, always dragging s/o away to do something together, bully each other passive aggressively when s/o is around, stomp/shove each other, and etc. Btw I really loved the giant toddler club head cannon, probably my favorite head cannon I’ve seen😼💕 - @mini222rika
A/N for Requester: WHY WAS THIS SO FUNNY TO ME and sorry I haven’t really set rules to my requests that’s my fault so don’t worry! And thank you I’m glad you liked the Giant Toddler HC! Ur so sweet much love Bby 💞
A/N: Y/F/N* = Your friends name - sorry this took forever and it’s not that good, I don’t think it’s my favorite piece but I love the concept- I’ll probably re write this in the future! Requests are open! 🥳 kithes ❤️
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• Holy crap HES SO PETTY
• Your friend doesn’t really trust him, she loves you she just doesn’t want you to end up hurt
• Oikawa is your boyfriend, so when you started hanging out with him a lot and dragging your friend to Volleyball games - she wasn’t too happy
• You and your bestie hang out every Wednesday night! So if Oikawa tries to hang out with you, you reject him
Oikawa: You should come to my practice Wednesday
Y/n: But me and y/b/n* always hang out every Wednesday
Oikawa: You can miss one Wednesday
• You wouldn’t do that, especially with it being one day out of every week
• You often went out to lunch with Oikawa, and your friend would end up tagging along
Y/n: I’ll be back! I have to go the bathroom
• Things were... awkward
• Oikawa smirking while your friend glared at him, sending a spit ball his way
• When you came back to an intense glaring battle between the two you smacked them both on the back of their head
• It didn’t mean they stopped, they kicked each other under the table, threw stuff in each other’s drinks, and your best friend almost spit in his food until-
• They both looked at you, as you glared at them, making both lower their heads in shame
Y/n: Yes! Be ashamed! I don’t see why you two are so mean to one another!
Y/F/N: Because he’s taking you away from me!
Oikawa: Am not! You’re a Wednesday hog!
• The constant bickering between the two never ended and only continued when you were turned around
• One minute they were with you the next your hear slamming on the lockers seeing your boyfriend yelping in pain and your best friend looking around
“His fangirls do be crazy.”
• You sigh and help him up placing a kiss on his forehead, your best friends jaw dropping and him sticking his tongue out at her
• When you catch one of them in the act they automatically get scolded while the other snickers at them
“Oikawa! Don’t step on her!”
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• He seems like he doesn’t care, but he’s ready to throw hands ✨
• When he sees yours best friend glaring at him, he knows what’s about to happen
• He lays his head on your lap smirking at her while her jaw drops
• You automatically run your fingers through his hair
• They were really discreet about how they fought
• The moment your head turns Kenma hisses gives her a warning glare not to mess with him
• Kenma doesn’t care if y’all are best friends he’s going to call her out anytime
• You guys are getting lunch together?
“Y/f/n why’d you step on me?”
• You’re leading them back to class?
“Why are you glaring at me?”
• Overall you sit your friend down while Kenma smirks at her from across the room
• Dont cross Kenma
• You friend doesn’t necessarily hate him, she just thinks you deserve someone who’ll give you attention
“If you game so much why don’t you marry your game instead of y/n?!”
“That’s not legal and that’s weird, what goes through your brain y/f/n?”
• You sigh and hug Kenma looking at your friend
“I know you’re looking out for me, but Kenma is harmless... see?”
• As you lift his face up, his face squished between your hands as he looked confused
“He looks like a fish”
“You look like kuroo’s nasty foot y/f/n but you don’t see me saying anything.”
• They could never not fight 🙈
• There was something about Kenma that bothered your friend, and she was one to take action, and he was only attacking her because she was attacking him
• Kuroo usually stuck around to be amused at Kenma being so fired up, come on Kenma being fired up? That didn’t mean he was always happy with what happened
Y/f/n: Shut up your roots are showing!
Kenma: and your head is as big as Kuroo’s ego!
Kuroo: why do all his insults include me :(
Y/n: I’m not sure... *pats his back awkwardly*
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• When your friend would pull you away glaring at him he questioned what he did wrong
• When she would tell him you’re busy hanging out with her he was upset
• And Akaashi didn’t stand for Bokuto being upset so while you and Bokuto would invite them places Akaashi would protect Bokuto and You from seeing her seeth at the owl haired boy
• Akaashi protecc yes yes but he also attacc
• The moment your best friend is about to say you two have plans he pushed her face back
“What the hell Akaashi?!”
“Sorry y/f/n, you had a fly on your face.”
• But when Akaashi wasn’t there-
“Hey! Y/f/n! Y/n! Where did you guys go!?”
• She would drag you far away from him before you could say anything
• This would upset Bokuto, which you would walk over to him and kiss his nose
“Don’t be upset! It was a split second!”
• He would automatically light up with happiness he loved nose kisses stop
• You definitely were as clueless as Bokuto, because it wasn’t until Akaashi brought up your friend throwing things at Bokuto that you noticed
• This upset you, you knew Bokuto wasn’t the type to argue back because he wouldn’t wanna upset you or your homegirls 😎
• As much as you weren’t one to notice things right away, you were definitely one to confront people
“Y/f/n. You need to stop being rude to Bokuto.”
“I’m just worried about you is all!”
• You raised an eyebrow at this sitting with her
“I don’t want you to get hurt like the past few times - I don’t know Bokuto but the more I messed with him, I realized he didn’t even bother to respond because he didn’t want to upset you by getting angry with me...”
• You hold onto her shoulders and smile at her
“I appreciate you looking out for me but Bokuto wouldn’t even hurt a fly.”
• You friend ended up apologizing to him to which Akaashi apologized to her-
“I’m sorry I pushed your face..”
“I’m sorry I tripped you so you wouldn’t catch up to y/n and Bokuto.”
“Akaashi you threw a book at her?”
“At the back of her head and it was a paper copy so it wasn’t that bad.”
“....it was a thick book....”
“You’re alive with no bumps I don’t want to hear it.”
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• This asshole cuwnfowkfijw
• Niether of them were slick about it, and they didn’t care
• Oh, you have to go study with Kuroo?
“She’s mine!”
“She’s MY girlfriend!”
• With the amount of times they pull you by your arms and use you as a tug of war rope, you’d think your arms grew longer
Y/f/n: She has to come to my house, we have a test to study for *tugs you towards her*
Kuroo: Well Shes better off coming with me because you have no brain and I’m smarter than you *tugs you towards him*
• This goes on for awhile until Kenma just casually grabs you and walks away with you leaving them to argue and confused about where you went
• Sometimes when you force them to both study with you, you watch your best friend throw Kuroo’s stuff off the table
• Or he brings you a coffee and completely ignores her and let’s her go coffee-less
• They weren’t subtle and you had no clue as to why they were so mean to one another
• They crossed the line a certain day when you went shopping with Kenma, Kuroo and your best friend
Y/f/n: Shut it rooster head I’ll sell you so they can chop you up and have you for dinner!
Kuroo: You’re just mad you cant be naturally pretty like me!
• When she smacked Kuroo in the back of the head making him drop the coffee he was drinking and she claimed there was a “bug on his head” Kenma was already 10 feet away from y’all claiming he doesn’t know you guys
• Especially because he saw your fuming face he wanted no part in that
• As the two were bickering you stood over them, angrily with your fists to your sides both of the automatically getting quiet
“One more argument out of either of you and I’ll leave both of you here and take Kenma with me.”
• They both remained quiet and the rest of the trip was peaceful ✨
• Until you got home-
“She was MY best friend first.”
“She was not! Plus she’s my girlfriend that over rules best friend.”
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wolf-and-bard · 3 years
The Geraskier (and Lambden) H2O: Just Add Water AU of my dreams (bc Mermay is almost over and I haven’t done a thing for it and putting Geraskier into my favourite teenage shows is too much fun; this got long and messy):
-Geralt, Eskel, and Lambert grew up on the coast of Australia on an estate that is very big and private with its own sectioned-off part of the beach; among all their surfer kid school friends they are definitely the outcasts; they keep to themselves a lot and everyone thinks it’s because of their overprotective father who keeps them from throwing the best parties and also doesn't want them to go out into the ocean or have swimming lessons
-Vesemir is overprotective, but not for the reason everyone thinks; whenever he and/or his boys come into contact with water, they turn into mer-boys, complete with shimmering golden tails; he hoped this genetic oddity would pass them by, but it didn’t and so he taught them to be very careful for fear of them getting hurt
-they all cope with this in different manners: Geralt and Eskel mostly use their ability to do good; they protect little turtles from falling prey to predators, they collect trash from the bottom of the ocean; they also wrestle in the water a lot; Lambert tries to forget this is a thing and stays as far away form any body of water as he can; he spends most of his time secluded in his room, listening to edgy grunge music; sometimes his brothers can lure him out for a round of waterball in their private pool
-Jaskier is one of the popular kids one grade below Geralt (together with Lambert). He always gets the lead role in theatre, he has dozens of friends and a cool band and his outfits are outrageously fashionable; he vlogs a lot, he vlogs so much that anyone who has half a mind to get invested in his life will know everything from his morning routine to the night cream he uses; his favourite cafeteria lunch, the name of his teddy bear and his least favourite cousin
-Jaskier is also determined to befriend Geralt and his bros; he grew up in the same street as them and ever since he discovered Instagram, he’s been dying to take some shots in that house; he’s been over once, when Vesemir made the mistake of inviting a few kids Lambert’s age to his birthday party which ended up in a cake-throwing disaster; little Jaskier thought it was a great idea to tow the garden hose in and clean everything which ruined Vesemir’s favourite rug and had Geralt turn into a mer-boy on the spot; needless to say, Jaskier attributes this memory to a fever dream
-So, Jaskier starts following Geralt and Eskel around (he knows he’ll have no luck with Lambert) and they brush him off every opportunity they get
-What Jaskier doesn’t realize is that Geralt is hardcore in love with him, like so much so that his poor teenage mind cannot stop producing hormones on overload; he spends a lot of time out in the depths to distract himself from this
-What Jaskier also doesn’t realize is that he is falling for Geralt; it’s only for the sake of the 'gram, he tells himself, and because his followers seem to love the chunky mysterious senior with his strangely white hair
-Jaskier’s followers figure it out, the whole school figures it out, Lambert and Eskel figure it out (Geralt lets the guy sit at their lunch table, of course they’re in love) and eventually, even Geralt figures it out. Only Jaskier doesn’t and Geralt has a big-ass secret to keep anyway
-and so, to get rid of his pent-up frustration, he dives deeper and deeper; Eskel starts to worry, Vesemir says it’s just a phase, Lambert plainly doesn’t care
-Speaking of: Aiden is the snarky rich kid / bully that spends way too much time obsessing over uncovering their secret (bc he thinks he’s smart and always thought something about Vesemir was weird and he doesn’t like how they make such a fuss over their privacy). when he invities the three to one of his pool parties, he tries everything to make them reveal what they have going on, but Geralt doesn’t even show and Eskel keeps disappearing to play with Aiden’s dog and so Aiden is stuck with Lambert whom he definitely has a crush on, but won’t ever admit it. they’re enemies, okay? there’s a lot of tension and they end up drunkenly making out behind garden shed, something they both regret in the morning; Lambert doesn’t leave his room for a week straight and feigns a flu so he doesn’t have to meet Aiden at school; Aiden and Jaskier are friends ofc
-one day at school Geralt and Jaskier hang out on the lunch break alone because Eskel’s on a zoo trip with his class and Lambert is avoiding Aiden so he spends all his time holed up beneath the seats of the football field writing angry poems; Jaskier’s forgotten to charge his camera battery so it’s just them, stealing fries off each other’s plates, actually talking for once and Geralt’s sweating because Jaskier sits so close their knees bump and he looks ridiculously cute in his pastel dungarees and there’s this spot of ketchup on his nose that Geralt’s just itching to reach out and wipe away
-Jaskier isn’t all that hungry and he watches Geralt devour a third slice of pizza when he remembers his stupid childhood fever dream; he tells Geralt all about it, the cake fight, the ensuing mess and how he distinctly remembers Geralt growing a fish-tail and flopping around on the living room floor while Vesemir was screaming at them all to get out. “Funny, isn’t it? What your brain can make up?”; Geralt turns chalk-white and splutters a fake laugh
-he isn’t at school the next day and neither are Eskel or Lambert
-nor the next
-they are all a bit afraid, cautious and they just need to spend a few days, just the four of them, throwing themselves into the waves and being free of the shackles of their secrets; they chase each other around, they play some water ball and Vesemir makes them hot cocoa and rubs them dry the way he used to when they were younger and still unable to handle their transformation well
-as he does this, Vesemir thinks about moving somewhere more secure where there are less people, but he can’t take the boys’ life away; Geralt is clearly happy with Jaskier, Lambert’s coming around to opening up to someone, even if that someone is a giant asshole, and Eskel’s too easily unsettled to move elsewhere
-by the third day the boys don’t appear at school - and answer none of his texts - Jaskier gets unsettled; his followers urge him to just go and visit Geralt (they also finally enlighten Jaskier about his own feelings) and Jaskier does. thankfully, his camera is still uncharged and he forgot his phone at home or he would have filmed what he saw as he climbed their garden fence very ungracefully (no one opened the door)
-Geralt went too far out, too deep and got caught in the undertow of some massive waves, then was pulled under and cut himself on some rocks; Jaskier just about catches Eskel and Lambert dragging their brother ashore, his tail flopping helplessly; there’s blood washing away in the waves; Geralt’s eyes are closed and Jaskier understands with rare clarity that somehow this is his fault
-he hurtles towards Geralt, kicking up mud, so afraid that Geralt is going to die and as he does so he calls for Geralt, ignores Lambert’s curses and Eskel’s glower. They gently lower Geralt to the sand where the other two are out of reach of the hungry waves and Lambert runs for Vesemir, Eskel crouches down by Geralt’s tail, inspecting his wounds; meanwhile Jaskier is completely unfazed by the mer-boy thing, he simply drags Geralt’s head onto his lap and strokes his hair, apologizing over and over
-once Geralt is transformed back into human form, his wounds are patched up and Vesemir has given him a thorough lecture, he and Jaskier cuddle on the back porch couch and Jaskier keeps altering between laughing and crying; it’s ridiculous, Geralt is a mer-boy, but also he looked so fragile being hauled out of the water and Jaskier just loves him so fucking much
-and Geralt loves him back. and that’s how a spot of angst orchestrates their happily ever after
-meanwhile Aiden finds out when he has Lambert over for some making out one day and thinks it’s a funny idea to deposit his not-boyfriend in the pool mid-kiss; Lambert just floats in the pool, arms crossed, tail beating, waiting for Aiden to call the cops on him, but Aiden is super turned on and jumps in the pool with him and there’s more making out
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asmo-ds · 4 years
okay, last request i promise!! mc and asmo are having a sleepover and they're putting make up on each other and it's really cute and fluffy. like ik asmo is the avatar of lust and all but i headcanon him as one of the most fluffy characters in the game idk
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Slumber Party
Asmo x GN!MC Fluff
Word Count: 1408
Warnings: MC was bullied in the past :(, They also take a bath together but no funny business what so ever I pinky promise
Summary: Asmodeus finds out MC has never had a slumber party before and he refuses to let their life continue without experiencing a slumber party with the king of slumber parties himself
Ever since MC had arrived in the Devildom, Asmodeus had been inviting them to have a sleepover in his room. No matter how much he begged and pleaded with them to join him one night they said no every. Single. Time. 
The Avatar was beginning to grow worried that MC was scared to be alone with him due to his sin.
“MC, I promise I’m not planning anything naughty!” He gave his best puppy dog eyes as he asked for the nth time to have MC in his room for the night. “I pinky promise all I want to do is normal slumber party stuff! We can do face masks and play with makeup, or we can play truth or dare - or truth or truth if that makes you more comfortable,” he pouts.
“Asmo, don’t worry I know you wouldn’t try anything dirty without my consent, i-its more of a me problem I guess…” MC trails off. 
“Oh?” He cutely tilts his head in confusion, causing MC to sigh and finally tell him why they’d been denying him since day one.
“In the human world I never had many friends,” they start, “and I guess because of that I was never invited to an actual sleepover unless you count one time in middle school when the popular kids had me over and humiliated me all night for their entertainment,” MC clenches their fists at the memory of being taunted after showing up so excited for their first slumber party.
“EH?! Seriously? Did someone invite you just to tease you? What a douche. MC please have a slumber party with me, I promise I won’t mock you or taunt you and I’ll show you a nice sleepover where we both relax and chill together,” Asmo holds MC’s hand in his own gently against his chest in a comforting fashion.
MC stares into his eyes for a moment, searching for any sign of ingenuine intentions. They let out a soft sigh as they fail to find any ill intent inside the fifth eldest demon lord. “...Okay, your room or mine?”
At 7 pm sharp, MC makes their way through the house of Lamentation, a bag and pillow tucked under their arms before they knock on the door that is almost immediately ripped open with surprisingly strong yet feminine arms pulling them into the blush-colored room filled with the scent of roses.
They look around and see Asmo had a bunch of areas set up, ready for them to do a night of intense self-care and relaxing activities together. 
“Here, put your bag in the corner for now, and you can put the pillow on the bed! OH IM SO EXCITED!” the rose eyes male squeals. “Where should we start? Makeovers or dress up?”
“Um I suppose we could dress up first so we know the makeup will match our outfits,” MC says shyly.
“Ah! Good thinking! You’re such a cute genius, MC,” Asmodeus giggles giving MC a soft boop on the nose before dragging them to his walk-in closet. 
“I knew you would look good in [fav color], MC!” Asmo praises, twirling them around and looking at the two of them in the mirror in their new outfits. “Now let’s get some makeup to match, then we can have a mini photoshoot!”
Asmodeus pulls two chairs in front of his vanity, digging through a drawer and pulling out the makeup he thinks will match their skin tone and outfit, placing them next time as he leans forward with a primer on his hands, rubbing it onto MC’s skin. He puts it to the side before grabbing the foundation and getting to work.
 MC and Asmo post in his mirror taking hundreds of photos. “Wait Asmo can we do duck lips!” MC asks excitedly giggling their head off.
“OMD YESSSS” He dramatically pushes out his lips and MC follows before he snaps a few photos. They laugh as they strike more poses and then perform like professional photographers for each other.
“Are you going to put these on Devilgram, Asmo?” MC smiles hoping he’d think they were good enough to feature on his perfectly aesthetic Devilgram page.
“Duh, who would be so cruel as to keep these pictures to themselves when they’re so stunning!” He smiles selecting a few photos to post. As he is scrolling through all the photos one of MC catches his eye. In the photo, they are smiling and laughing after Asmo had clearly done something to crack them up. He feels his heart flutter knowing he caused that smile and moves that picture to a special folder he keeps pictures of his family in (that he will never admit he actually has).
He tosses his D.D.D onto his soft bed and lets it bounce to a stop as he grabs MC’s hand to go to the bathroom. Once they are in there he pulls out some makeup removing wipes and skincare products.
“Wow I’ve never actually gotten a good look at your bath,” MC stares at the tub of constantly perfectly hot water with rose petals and all sorts of washing products lined along the sides of it.
“Did you wanna do all of the skincare and washing off in there? The bubbles will cover both of us for the most part and I promise not to touch your no-no zones,” Asmo giggles as he sees MC’s eyes widen. 
“Oh- uh- sure! As long as there’s no funny business Mr. Avatar of Lust!” They laugh giving his shoulder a playful shove.
“That’s LORD Mr. Avatar of Lust to you” he jokingly scoffs making MC laugh once more before he turns and faces the wall. “Go ahead and get in I’ll stay facing this way until you tell me to come in.”
After hearing clothes drop and the water move a bit as MC’s body descends into the steamy bubbles, he notices he isn’t actually filled with Lust at the moment, which is rare for him when someone else is in the room naked. He smiles when he realizes that he feels more adoration and relaxation in this situation than anything else.
“Wow MC, it’s kind of odd that I don’t feel lustful at the moment,” he voices his thoughts, “instead all I can think about is how excited I am to just chill out in the bath with you.” He shakes his head and lets out a chuckle.
“Well if you’re so excited then hurry up and get in here !” MC smiles at him as he turns. His eyes stay glued to their face with zero urge to wander elsewhere at that moment. He wishes he could burn that smile into his eyes and see it every second for the rest of his life.
He goes back to his room and grabs his D.D.D putting on his favorite playlist made by both of them and strips getting into the tub, bringing the face wash and makeup wipes with him before he moves through the water closer to MC, who closes their eyes as he raises a washcloth to their cheek.
MC and Asmo spend about a half-hour in the tub, relaxing and washing each other’s makeup off, then MC suddenly gets hyper and makes a mess of his bathroom. “Asmo look!” They excitedly say as they put bubbles on their chin forming a big bubbly beard making Asmo giggle.
“MC please let me take a picture of you right now you look so adorably stupid, sweetie.” Asmo grabs his D.D.D while laughing so hard he nearly snorts.
After he takes the picture and puts back his D.D.D, he gets hit in the face with water and opens his eyes to see MC laughing as they start a splash fight.
At the end of their bath, the floor is soaked with suds and water that had been splashed out by the pair and they cleaned it up before heading back into the bedroom.
“Are we sleeping on the bed together or do you want me to sleep on the floor?” Asmodeus asks.
“We can sleep in the bed together, just -”
“Yeah Yeah, no funny business I know, doll,” Asmo cuts MC off laughing.
After getting under the covers they both did that thing we all do at sleepovers where you can’t stop laughing for no reason and Lucifer came in to yell at them like the Mom he is.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
OMG ! Been waiting for this day for months to make a request ! Would have done earlier low key I hate social media cuz I get bullied but after bookmarking all your stuff for months you made me reconsider and I started a tumblr mainly cuz of your stuff ! If its ok could I request Kurapika and Leorio sharing a love they are like my favs ! Btw you really helped me in this pandemic so thanks a lot and also take care of yourself during this capitalistic nightmare of a holiday they call V-Day XD
😭. Tell me who your bullies are so I can fight them😡. Don’t let their words get through your head, you’re precious and you’re loved by many people❤️💖💝.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, overprotectiveness, mentions of kidnapping, death
Leorio and Kurapika sharing a darling
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⛓🧳They’re good friends, sure. But I can somehow imagine that there would be a lot of troubles when it comes to sharing a darling. First of all, Kurapika as a possessive guy would never share the darling with anyone and doesn’t even let them see his friends all that often. That’s how paranoid he is. And if Leorio would fall for you, Kurapika wouldn’t be above threatening him to stay away and better not try anything.
⛓🧳So in order for this to work I think you were most likely Leorio’s darling at first. Leorio is fine with letting you out and is also the type to proudly show you off to his friends and that pretty often. So Kurapika will fall for you during the many times he met you. At first he might just think that he sees you as a good friend and will often point out things to Leorio where he shouldn’t be so careless since it might affect your health.
⛓🧳Once Kurapika realizes his feelings for you he’s the type to drive himself crazy with worries and the fact that Leorio tends to let you out so often will increase his worries only tenfold. And he would instantly tell Leorio about this. He is aware and since you’re Leorio’s darling this would be another story as if you would have been Kurapika’s darling first. I don’t say that it would have been impossible in such a case to share, just much more harder.
⛓🧳There was a heavy argument over this, Leorio protesting against Kurapika’s new feelings and the way he thought he had the right to tell him how to treat you and Kurapika being angry at Leorio for being so incredibly stupid and just taking you anywhere. What if you would get hurt?! Gon and Killua had to stop those two before this might have ended in a fist fight.
⛓🧳It stands open to question whether Gon and Killua made the suggestion to share, the both of them came up on their own with it or even you were the one who came up with the idea. Let’s just say at the beginning none of those two would be really happy about it. Kurapika not because he’s possessive and Leorio endangers, in his opinion, your health with his carelessness. Leorio is on a more open side and would be ready to share, but he loves it when you’re happy and knows that if Kurapika would have the chance, he would lock you all day in, which wouldn’t be very good for your mental health.
⛓🧳The road is rocky and hard, let’s just say it like this. They will often get in arguments about how to treat you since their Yandere types are very different and there are in general a lot of opposite opinions about you. You’ll often have to step in before a fiercely argument turns into a physical fight. They wouldn’t kill each other of course, but both of them are on the impulsive side.
⛓🧳In the end they might come to a more or less unstable agreement since at one point you might get overwhelmed by them playing a game of tug of war with you to treat you like they think you should be treated. You will be allowed to go outside, you and Leorio needed a lot of time to convince Kurapika from this. But only if he can accompany you. He doesn’t really trust Leorio with you alone which will offend Leorio a lot, but at that point he’s just glad that he manages to convince Kurapika to let you out at all. Good luck when going out with those two under people. Kurapika will constantly hold you close to him with eyes glaring at pretty much everyone looking at you. Leorio’s natural jealousy and Kurapika’s paranoia aren’t that good of a mix and you can only feel sorry for everyone who gets yelled at by Leorio or terrorized by Kurapika. Be aware that Kurapika will be almost hasty to bring you back into your shared house again and only the slightest thing is needed for him to drag you back.
⛓🧳How the time between you is assigned is another issue. Both of them, especially Kurapika, need a lot of time alone with you. Whilst Leorio might be more willing to share the time with you together with Kurapika, he can’t deny that that blonde sometimes seriously ticks him off with the way he always thinks he knows how to treat you better and often lectures Leorio about how to treat you properly.
⛓🧳Another important thing to mention in here is Kurapika’s want to start a family. Per se Leorio isn’t against a family, but he has a problem the moment he realizes you don’t want one. That’s when there’ll blossom another argument between those two. Leorio would be a really happy man if he would have a family, but your happiness will always come first and like hell he’ll watch you being forced to do something that’ll influence your life so heavily. I don’t say Kurapika would force you into this, but he’ll lose patience rather quickly and will get pushy.
⛓🧳Kurapika’s intensity is in general a thing that can be really unnerving, especially with those red eyes of his that’ll make you want to disappear in a magic hole. On the other hand Leorio is really touchy whilst Kurapika has a bit more respect when it comes to private space.
⛓🧳Leorio has a really hard time to hold Kurapika back from killing and will often fail horribly. Getting rid of threats is another of those sensitive topics under them. Leorio is loud mouthed and hotheaded and when pissed off enough the type to throw hands and give someone a blue eye. But he’s more of a big talk and dogs that bark usually don’t bite. But that’s a whole different story with Kurapika. His reaction isn’t all that verbal. It’s a more quiet and far more terrifying one with his eyes glowing scarlet red and staring at whoever caused him to feel that way, who endangered you. And that person has to die.
⛓🧳The funny thing here is that we actually could have a good dynamic since we have the goofy and more harmless one and the intense and paranoid guy. But it’s all about how they click together. It isn’t the worst one, believe me, there are far worse ones. But here and there there might be the need for a few improvements. But I guess sometimes it’ll be laughable to watch those two constantly together and bickering each other over the small things. Leorio is the more fun guy to be with since Kurapika tends to be a bit too serious from time to time. Kurapika is the one who’s more quiet, but overbearing nonetheless. Both of them have to hold the other back from certain things in order to not overwhelm or scare you. So Kurapika has to keep an eye on Leorio not getting too touchy and Leorio has to make sure that Kurapika doesn’t get too vehement with you.
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strawberry1212 · 4 years
Asian drama female lead passivity
I feel like a lot of aspects of female lead (FL) passivity is discussed (the fish kiss being the most famous example), but I wanted to systematically analyze each trope under the theory of female passivity and its feminist implications.
This topic has been stuck in my mind ever since I read a blog years ago (literally like six years ago so I’m sorry I have no idea where it is, I can’t link it) talking about how intimacy in Asian dramas is always portrayed as something women relent to giving up half-heartedly, and men one sidedly pursue. Women are chaste, men are lustful, and women are yielding to men, that is the essential message.
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This dynamic plays out in Western media as well--the movie Don Jon is a super interesting analysis comparing how women are indoctrinated by romcoms, to how men are indoctrinated by porn. So women attach grand romantic gestures and romantic commitment to their self worth, because that’s what the girl gets in her happy ending, while men attach it to sexual prowess/having women do kinky sexual favors.
This dynamic is super harmful because it works to suppress female sexuality, as well as male emotionality. People are always surprised when a woman would rather just want sex (or a career) over a romantic commitment. And men are applauded for having the bare minimum of emotional awareness because it’s so rare.
I think a form of Asian drama female lead (FL) passivity that is most talked about is the infamous “fish kiss.” See exhibit A:
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The guy initiates the kiss on the usually unsuspecting girl, as if the girl ever going in for the kiss herself would be too sexually aggressive. And as if even enjoying the kiss would be too much, they have her just stand there eyes wide open. It’s awkward, and even slightly funny to watch, but our critique often ends here. But I think the fish kiss is a symptom of a much deeper problem. 
You will notice that female lead passivity is present in all physical interactions between the romantic interests.
The pull in hug:
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Which sometimes the FL looks uncomfortable to frightened in:
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I even found a meme, so I know I’m not the only who thinks this is weird:
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(meme/photo credit: https://goliath1357.tumblr.com/post/27115253892/kdramareasons-awkward-one-sided-hugs-k-drama)
What I don’t like about this trope is first of all, it makes female consent seem less romantic. It romanticizes this idea of male pursuit/female passivity, the man will protect her, the man will pursue her (basically like an object), the man will do all the work in making the relationship progress, etc., and it romanticizes this dynamic to women--this is easy to romanticize for us, because to the most of us that aren’t being constantly pursued by two hot men, this pursuit dynamic seems like a dream boat. Often the kdrama female lead (due to the Initial Misunderstanding trope) will even dislike and push away the male lead--and yet he still pursues her, how romantic! -_- Except in real life, the guy aggressively pursuing you and ignoring you disinterest is not romantic.
And the issue is on both sides, because it teaches women to just stand there, not express consent, and not express sexual/intimacy enthusiasm when we’re feeling it (that would be ~unladylike~). And on the other side, it teaches men to do all the pursuing and to assume that a girl standing frozen, wide eyed, and often looking scared as you kiss her, is consent. Sometimes the guy even interprets a clear “no” as consent. (Honestly I’m not even sure if these Asian drama writers are thinking along the lines of “xyz is consent,”...like I’m not sure how often they even think of the concept of consent tbh.)
But anyways, passivity. is not. consent!!!! That’s why we have the slogan “Yes mean yes,” meaning both parties must have enthusiastic, clear consent, for respectful intimacy. Asian dramas discourage women from expressing an enthusiastic “yes,” and it teaches men not to expect this “yes,” so they can steamroll past passivity and even rejection.
And I know some people will be boohooing me on this. “But sudden kisses and hugs are so romantic!” people will say. But what is “romantic,” like many things, is a social construct. We think things are romantic because they’ve always been presented to us as romantic, with swelling music in the background and the implicit understanding that anything is ok because they are Soulmates(TM) that end up happy together. We construct our idea of what is romantic largely out of media.
But that is not real life, and carrying those messages over to real life (as we inevitably all do), is dangerous. I just moved to Japan so this especially hits close to home for me: I dress conservatively by American standards, but I couldn’t bring a quarter of my clothes when I moved because I worried men on trains would interpret them as revealing, and therefore I would be “asking for it.” I, and I’m sure many women will feel me on this, think about and fear sexual assault very often. And when we don’t enshrine active consent, we perpetuate rapist culture.
Since “romantic” is anything our society constructs it to be, let’s romanticize enthusiastic consent! (like this NCT song!!) I think sudden kisses can be cute when you’ve established boundaries that it’s is ok, but it scares me that men and women are watching this and thinking suddenly kissing a person you haven’t discussed boundaries/intimacy with at all is cute. It’s all fun and games when it’s the hot male lead kissing the girl you know he’s going to end up with, but it’s not cute when it’s real life men thinking they’re entitled to women’s bodies.
Other examples of female passivity:
I stopped watching Moonlight Drawn over the Clouds at precisely this scene:
because it was so painful to watch her sitting there like a fish as the guys got these cool fight scenes. Like girllll literally do anything, throw a rock, something! First dramas routinely disable the female characters by making the male characters the able fighters, but even if you’re not an able fighter you can do more than just sit there like a lame duck -_- Especially the parts of these scenes where someone is standing over the girl with the sword and the writers don’t give the girl the presence of mind to simply run away, but they give the guy the presence of mind to somersault into the room, jump over ten monkey bars, slash the antagonist, and catch the girl bridal style on his way down. I guess the damsel in distress trope is as old as the book, but just the complete passivity so many female characters show in fight scenes as they need to be saved is really annoying and disempowering.
I think the worst part is their faces, they’re all like omg! this is so sad!
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well girl you could have done literally ANYTHING other than sit there as he took ten bullets for you lmao. Women don’t exist to stand by and be saved!!! This is a historical drama but the modern drama version is when the guy is getting beat up by bullies or whatever and the girl just stands by and does nothing but look upset.
Another good trope that is under this passivity theme is the double wrist grab, where we not only have ONE male lead (ML) manhandling the FL, but TWO MLs. Ahh yes the only thing better than forcibly ignoring consent and the FL’s wishes is TWO men doing it.
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I heard this recently even happened in True Beauty...which...that drama...truly I thought Kdramas were progressing until I saw how much people were hyping up that mess of misogyny (not to mention how boringly predictable it was). 
I can’t quite express this next trope in a screenshot, but something I also see a lot of is the ML professing his love to the FL and she sort of just stands there like O_O. Like she’s just sort of this object that sits there being admired? It’s just such an unnatural way to react to someone professing their love for you, and these scenes drag on for many minutes of just the ML’s dialogue so the female actress, having no lines, has no choice but to sit there O_O. Like give her lines! Give her reactions! Give her anything other than being wide eyed!!!!
And these physical interactions represent deeper emotional passivity in the female lead.
I’ve noticed it’s almost always the trend of the male lead falls later, but falls harder, and ultimately he puts more energy into making the relationship progress. Again, this buys into female fantasy, but it is an unhealthy fantasy that is grounded, I think, in our insecurities, and our fear of putting ourselves out there (so we would rather have someone pursue us than put ourselves out there and meet someone halfway).
This emotional passivity is why, weirdly enough, sometimes I will really like the drama because the girl is very stubbornly, openly, and aggressively pursuing the guy. A case of this is Itazura na Kiss, or Mischievous Kiss (there’s a Jdrama, Kdrama, and anime--I only watched the anime). Now the guy is downright meannnnn in Mischievous Kiss, this was not a healthy relationship at all, but there was something refreshing about the girl. Sure her aggression was in pursuing a man, but at least it was aggression, and I’d always only seen any hint of female sexuality/actively pursuing as something very stigmatized. 
I think a sister trope to the passivity trope is the innocence trope. The guy will literally take the initiative to profess his undying love to the FL and she’ll be like “what?? omg stop teasing you’re joking ahahha.” Why do FLs need to be so oblivious/innocent? I think it caters to the way media is seen through a male gaze but that’s a trope to deconstruct another time.
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigialnte: Part 16
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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 16
Chloé couldn’t believe it! They forced her to stay in Gotham Academy’s girls’ dorms. That witch Lila managed to talk Madame Bustier into stopping her from leaving. Marinette had her mother’s permission to stay elsewhere, but apparently, the change in accommodation plans invalidated Chloé’s father’s permission. She would resolve it with a single phone call if someone didn’t steal her phone . She of course tried to report it to Madame Bustier, but her teacher declared that she must’ve lost it somewhere and she shouldn’t be shifting the blame on others. 
That woman’s picture should be in every dictionary, right next to the definition of a hypocrite.
She turned the corridor. She could sleep one evening there and tomorrow Marinette would let her borrow the phone. She could try with one of the girls, but it’s not like she remembered every phone number in existence! She regretted that the akuma attack ruined their plans for the afternoon, but Damian had sword-fighting practice tomorrow and she would have her friend all to herself. 
“You’re Chloé, right?” A blonde cheerleader asked. The Parisian immediately recognized her as Erica and narrowed her eyes. There were five of them and one of her. 
“And you’re the Queen B. of this school. For now .” 
The Gothamite princess had the guts to actually laugh. “You can’t even touch me. You’re just some foreign student that came here on a whim of the Ice Prince.”
“Oh, right. You’re the golden princess of this school.” Chloé mocked her. “Lemme tell you something, Erica. I’ll offer you an escape deal. You leave Damienette alone and you can keep your position on top.”
“Yeah. Like you could be a threat.” A new voice joined. From behind the cheerleaders, a new girl walked. Lila now wore the cheerleader uniform too. “You’re just a walking akuma factory. It’s really no wonder that people avoid you. You caused more possessions in Paris than everyone else combined.”
“And you hold the record for times being akumatized.” The Parisian blonde retorted. “Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! You think you can take the Chloé Bourgeois?”
“Oh! We don’t think…” Erica started.
“We know.” Lila finished. 
“The deal is simple. You will stop your friendship with Maribrat and we will let you keep some dignity.” 
“Or we will make you a social outcast. Not only at school, but in the whole of Gotham.”
Inside, Chloé was raging. She wished she could show them what Cass taught her, but she quelled the idea quickly. I definitely spend too much time with Sabine and the Waynes… She thought to herself. Instead, she grinned. “You know the difference between a threat and a warning?”
“What are you babbling about?” One of the cheerleaders snorted. 
“A warning is a threat that will actually come to pass. And I warn you. You’re messing with fire here. Damian was raised very old-fashioned. He will draw blood to defend the honor of his angel.” She decided that they could receive a warning. It’s not like they would listen. “And Marinette’s aunt is very well connected.” Then, she decided to drive the nail deeper. “Plus, MDC’s client list is quite long and none would appreciate that you try to bully their favorite designer.”
“Like that doormat…” Lila started, but Chloé tested the glare Cass taught her. It worked well enough. 
“You’re not dealing with Maribear. You’re dealing with me. And I’m not going to lose.” 
“What’s going on here?” Allegra walked toward them and stood next to Chloé. 
“Scatter.” Lila snapped at her. 
“Funny. I was about to say the same thing,” she retorted. Now she stood side by side with Chloé and both stared at them. Allegra had an aura of confidence around her. 
“Be careful who you stick with, Kane. You’ll do well not to antagonize me.”
“Just because your mother married a famous baseball player doesn’t make me respect you more, Boyle.” 
“It’s Layton ,”The angry cheerleader corrected. 
“Right. I must’ve forgotten. She does change her last name a lot…” Allegra smiled. 
“You’re in over your head, Kane. You’ll do better to stay with your little outcast club.”
“Nah. I’m good. Also, don’t you have practice in five minutes? I heard the coach is in a mood today.” The mayor’s daughter smirked. “It would be a shame if he made you run around with the players.” 
This made all the girls quickly scatter to get to the practice, leaving Lila and Erica alone. “You’ve just made an enemy, Kane.” 
“You’re an inconvenience at best…” She dismissed the threat. Lila decided to cut their losses and dragged the fuming Erica away, sending the two blondes a murderous glare.
“Thanks for the backup,” Chloé started. “Of course I didn’t need any, but still.”
“No problem. I always hated that self-appointed princess.” 
“And have you seen her hair?” The Parisian huffed. “Utterly Ridiculous!”
“And I’m pretty sure her dress is too short by the school standards.”
Chloé smirked. “I think we’ll get along just fine.”
After Bruce returned, they tried to figure out what was taken from the inside of the vault. Out of various precious weapons, documents, several property deeds, the only thing that was missing turned out to be the content of the wall safe. 
During the night patrol, Marinette and Damian scoured the city for potential akumas. While he dealt with criminals, she often stopped by the victims to calm them and gave some support. After serious butt-kicking for the criminals. It just wouldn’t do for Damian to get all the fun. The superhero/vigilante duo (nobody was sure which one, not even them) made a positive first impression on the city. Citizens seemed to like them, both for their efficiency and how they always stopped to talk. 
After, Marinette noted that their transformations could hold for much longer now since they were together in this. When asked, Tikki explained that now that she had Chat Noir that was mature and they were technically both adults as far as magic was concerned, she could start developing her full potential. 
After the short report to Alfred, the teens left the Batcave to change into pajamas. Marinette fell asleep almost immediately, but Damian stayed awake for a bit. He swore he would protect his Habibti. No matter how far he would have to go. 
Marinette and Damian had roughly half of their classes together. Sadly, she didn’t share too much with her best friend, since Chloé was more into business management than arts and fashion. It was mostly the problem of the level. Classes that Marinette had at beginner, the Parisian blonde had at a higher level and vice-versa.
When she arrived at her class, Claude and Jon were saving her a place between them, which would help to protect her from the classmates that ended in the same group. There were also several GA students that she would rather not sit close to (Erica’s bunch). Generally speaking, the first part of her day went well. 
The same couldn’t have been said about Damian. He, Chloé, and Allegra were saddled with the class. And to his utter dread, there were no free places next to each other. They tried to ask some students to move. Well, Damian tried to threaten them, which worked, but too late. The teacher entered and decided to put Damian between Alya and Lila. It was as if the universe was punishing him for something. He suspected that Mister Scarlet did that on purpose to egg him. With this one, he had no idea what he did to make him dislike the Wayne heir. But the way he acted toward him made it clear that he took pleasure in the situation Damian was put in: Between Alya’s nagging to leave Marinette and ‘return’ to Lila, and the Liar who kept whispering stories about their common past. 
Finally, after they got to go for lunch, Damian stormed out of the class. Everyone in the corridor made way for him. His scowl was enough to deter anyone from trying to approach him. Well, anyone but Maps.
“Damian! You’re back!” She leaped at him and it took all of his willpower not to draw a sword. 
“Tt. Mizoguchi. It��s not the best moment.” He growled. 
“But you’re back! Did the headmaster cancel your expulsion!?”
“No. He just forgot to file the expulsion files within the week of the offense. Ergo, I was never expelled. I just joined the exchange program.” He explained. 
Her eyes practically shined. “Coooool.” 
“Tt. Can you let go of my arm?” He was really hoping it would work. 
“Nope. I just met you again. We’re glued.” 
“Sup Dames?” Claude chose that moment to appear.
“Tt. I’ve got a parasite.”
“That I can see!” The other boy laughed. Most people were still steering clear from Wayne and whoever was with him. They valued their health for the most part. 
“I’m not a parasite. I’m Maps!” The girl greeted Claude, who in turn made an exaggerated bow. 
“And I’m Claudius Chase. But please call me Claude.” He made a mock fighting stance. “Like Jean-Claude Van Damme.” 
“More like Jack Clown van Lame,” Damian muttered. “Your stance is all wrong. I could take you out in seconds.”
“Of course you could. You’re b…” The Wayne heir covered her mouth with his hand. 
“Tt. Not here. Now if you would let go of my hand, you parasite, I’m sure Habibti is waiting for me.” 
“Habibti?” She asked after letting go.
“His girlfriend.”
You could actually see Maps’ eyes form into twin stars. “Can I meet her? Can I meet her?”
“Since when are you into fashion?”
“Huh? Who said anything about fashion. She’s your girlfriend though, which means she must be sooo cooool!” Maps was practically vibrating. 
“Hero worship much?” Claude joked.
“Tt. Fine. Let’s go.”
The three arrived at the Cafeteria, where Allegra, Chloé, Jon, and Felix were already eating. They had lasagna that day. Quite a lot of people were whispering when Damian appeared, more so than usual, but nobody dared to look at him. When he sat at the table next to Marinette, they did their best not to stare.
“Grumpy Cat?” She asked, a bit worried. “You’re… tense.” 
“Tt. Because of that socially-inept, talentless, petty bookworm,” he seethed, “I had to sit between Rossi and Cesaire.” 
Immediately, Marinette pulled him into a tight hug. “Oh, my poor Kitty.”
This caused some of the gathered, who knew Damian from the previous year, to immediately tense. Some of the students sitting nearby (mostly females) even grinned, thinking that here died the relationship. There was no way that Ice Prince would allow anyone to refer to him as Kitty. Getting him on the first-name basis was considered a privilege allowed only to the family (and strangely Claude). 
To their immeasurable surprise, Damian didn’t explode. Instead, he melted slightly into the hug and some of the anger left him. It wasn’t a long hug, but after it, he was now acting less like a walking grenade looking for its pin. At least three people awwed at them. It was just too pure.
“Whoah!” And then there was Maps, who had the subtlety of a steam-train speeding through the Wild West. “You’re so cute together!” She zoomed next to Marinette to get a better look.
“And you’re…” Marinette eyed the overly energetic girl. She was short, with hair that reached barely below her ears. 
“Mia Mizoguchi. But you can call me Maps. I’m Damian’s friend.” 
“Tt. More like a stray.”
“Damian! Don’t be a Grumpy Cat.”
“Besides, isn’t collecting strays kinda a Wayne Tradition at this point.” Felix deadpanned. Everyone started laughing. Damian gave a dignified smirk. The blond proved to be able to match him in intellectual discussion, which gave some basis for mutual respect between them. 
The group talked a bit more about their classes. Marinette and Chloé compared every detail of their experience in the States with what it was like back in Paris. Maps was a fountain of questions, even if some of them were a bit… strange. But Marinette still felt she would like the little girl. That she was in the same class as her surprised her. 
After lunch came time for more classes. When they finished, Damian was supposed to stay for training while Marinette and Chloé would go shopping. They were already outside the gates when three rather packed teens from the year ahead stepped in their way. 
“You think you can steal Erica’s man and then threaten her?” The one in the middle asked. It was clear he was angry and not exactly thinking clearly. “Gotham Academy Grackles stay together. If you think you can just prance here and take over, you have another thing coming.”
“Um… Sure.” Mari just nodded. “Now excuse me while I go away.” She tried to move past them, but one decided to make a fatal mistake of trying to grab the front of her shirt. She raised her left arm under the grip, lifting his hand slightly. It exposed his stomach for the moment, which she took full advantage of and delivered a knee-kick to his liver. When he folded in half from the pain, as much as he could with her still supporting his hand, she then used her right arm to deliver a cutter toward the back of his head.
The boy was out cold in less than five seconds. 
Seeing their friend attacked, the other two charged at her. Marinette ducked under the punch from the first one and headbutted him in the stomach. She then wrapped her arms around his left legs and lifted him up. He fell on the ground and tripped the slower one. When they both were down, Marinette stomped on the hand of the one on top. There was an audible crack that signaled she managed to damage the bones. He would not be fighting. The one under tossed his pained friend away and jumped on his feet. He managed to get Marinette in a chokehold, but she pushed her arms between his extended arms and spread them apart. When he was exposed, she jumped up and kicked him with both legs. While she landed without any injury, the bigger player crashed into his two friends. 
“The police are on their way,” Chloé informed, putting away the phone that mysteriously found itself in her possession earlier that morning, giving more credence to the theory that she simply misplaced it. 
“What’s going on here!” A harsh voice boomed behind them. Hammerhead was standing there in all his glory. “To my office. All five.” 
“Maman’s going to be here in just five minutes,” Mari informed him. She was still full of adrenaline. 
“I don’t care.” He seethed in response. 
The only conscious boy helped his friends stand up. First the one with a broken hand, then they lifted the unconscious one together. They limped through the campus toward where the office was located. Behind them, Marinette and Chloé walked with heads held high. Tomorrow, the school would be full of gossip, but the bluenette was all too used to it by now and the blonde would run her PR magic to change it into something positive. Chloé loved playing the crowd. 
“I’m here.” Sabine practically stormed inside the office. “Now could you explain, sir, what is it about?”
“Your daughter got into an… altercation with older students today. Right in front of the school.” Headmaster Hammer started.
“Ah. And you’re curious if we’ll be pressing charges?” The woman asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Charges?” She managed to baffle the man. 
“Attempted assault?”
“Madame. You misunderstood me. Your daughter…”
“Defended herself. Yes.” Sabine cut in, her eyes filled with cold fury. “Unless I’m mistaken, Self-defence is not a crime.”
“You can’t call self-defense stomping on…”
“To prevent further fighting? Debatable. She is smaller, physically weaker, and was outnumbered. A good lawyer would argue that it was necessary for her to act that way for her safety and to avoid further fighting.” She stared down at the headmaster. “As for the charges…”
At that, two officers walked in. Hammer recognized the first one as Renee Montoya. The other was a blonde officer wearing a tactical vest.
“Sorry, it took so long. We’ve been a little short-staffed since the mess with akumas started.”
“Don’t worry. Luckily, my daughter managed to defend herself. Now, officer, what must we do if we wish to press charges?” Sabine asked with a cold voice, never breaking eye-contact with the headmaster. 
“I’ll explain everything while officer Sawyer takes the attackers into custody.” 
“Thank you so much.” The older woman finally broke the eye-contact and turned toward Montoya. She smiled with her usual peaceful smile, but the fire was still in her eyes. “My daughter is part of the exchange program while I’m visiting my niece.”
Marinette was stunned by how well her mother could take control of the situation. She wasn’t sure what precisely she was doing, but it was definitely effective. 
“Foreigners?” The officer asked, surprised. “I could hardly hear the accent. France?”
“Yes. Paris.” Sabine smiled. “Neither I nor any of my charges are really familiar with the procedures here.”
“I will walk you through it. Headmaster?” The policewoman finally acknowledged the elderly man in the room. “Were the parents of the culprits notified yet?”
“Not. Yet.” He muttered through clenched teeth.
“We will take it from here.” She smirked at the headmaster. “You will be notified if any further input is needed, sir.” She started to walk away and motioned for the three women to follow her. 
Outside, Damian was waiting with a sword. Luckily, there was no blood on it. Yet .
“Hello, Kitty. Don’t worry. I’ve managed it.” 
“Tt. I’ll still challenge them to an honor duel.” He scoffed. 
“You will probably have to wait a bit. I don’t think…” The officer took a glance at Sabine, who even with her smile looked like she was ready to fight God on equal footing. “They probably won’t be coming back to school this year.” 
“They won’t.” Chloé, Sabine, and Damian said at the same time. But they probably had different things in mind. Or maybe just Chloé…
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Spike x Summers! Reader
Warnings: language, make out scene, implied sex, nothing more than PG-13
Description: You hate bullies. Always have. You and Spike get into it when he continues joking about murdering your friends.
“Don’t go.”
You’re tangled up on the crypt’s couch after a long day of you studying and Spike trying to distract you from studying, but now your homework’s finished and it’s time for you to meet the gang at the Bronze.
“You could come with me,” you say, pushing him off of you lightly and standing up. Your notes and textbooks are littered across the floor from some unconventional study methods that took place earlier in the day, and you kneel to scoop them into your backpack.
Spike spreads out on the couch in the space you’ve left behind. “No thanks, love. I can barely keep myself from biting them now, even with the bloody chip. If Buffy and Riley make eyes at each other one more time in my presence, I might have to go for the jugular.”
It’s a small comment, no worse than some of the other things he’s said about them, but it rubs you the wrong way. It’s not so much that you thought he would stop hating your friends once you got together as you thought he would respect you enough to not hate them so loudly.
Your textbook thumps to the floor as you straighten, scowling. “Listen, I know you don’t like the Scoobies, but they’re my friends. You don’t have to come with me, but you can’t talk about them like that.”
Spike blinks at you. Then a slow grin slithers across his face. His fingers wrap around your wrist, drawing you toward his lap. “Hey, don’t be jealous. You know that if I got to bite anyone, you’d be my first—”
You yank out of his grip and pull on the straps of your backpack. “It’s not funny. Everyone else I’ve dated has gotten along fine with my friends. I mean, sure, they’ve noticed that Buffy gets into a lot of fights and Willow is into some darker stuff, but they would never try to isolate me from them. They’d make an effort, because they knew it was important to me.”
“Well, I’m not like everyone else you’ve dated, am I?” He gestures to the crypt, to his incisors. “The Slayer and I are natural enemies, in case you’ve forgotten. And by extension, her friends are my enemies, too.”
“And by extension,” you mimic, drawing your vowels out too much in a clumsy attempt at his accent. “So am I.”
“That’s different.”
“Is it?” Your hands are planted on your hips now. You still have to change clothes and drop your backpack off at the house, so you’re definitely going to be late, but this conversation has been building up for awhile. You’re glad, in a sort of angry spiteful way, that it’s finally out in the open. “Because Buffy, Dawn, and I are blood. You can’t separate us. And you wanting to, that’s not love. That’s possession.”
He sits up at that, and you backpedal, taking two steps toward the door. You’re not afraid of him, but you are afraid of what he’s going to say. Of how you’ll respond. Blood is rushing to your head, making you rash. Despite the cold of the mausoleum, you’re red hot.
“So now you don’t think I love you?”
The words hang between you, thickening the air with heat and tension. His sleeves are rolled to his forearms and you can see his veins pop slightly when his fist clenches. He’s trying to keep calm, but it’s a struggle for him. It reminds you of just how quickly the tables could turn if he ever gets the chip out.
“You treat me like a man,” he says, after a beat too long of silence. “And I’m not talking about the little bit. I’m talking about them.” He spits the word out like it’s poisonous, like he needs to get the taste it leaves out of his mouth.
“Maybe they’d be more likely to treat you like a man if you stopped being such a—”
No. You can’t go there. You won’t come back from it.
You suck in a deep breath, square your shoulders.
“I don’t want to fight,” you say, even though you really, really do. Both of you have been itching for it. Things have been almost domestic lately, which would be nice if you hadn’t spent the past few years always waiting for the other shoe to drop. You don’t know what to do with comfortable. Neither does he. “I’m going to go meet the others at the Bronze. I’ll see you later.”
“Fine.” He picks the remote off the coffee table and flicks the TV on, drowns out your footsteps with a crime show that opens with gunshots, makes you flinch.
Outside the crypt, you pull a stake from your bag and begin your walk home. You’re not worried about anything attacking you. You’re angry enough to hold your own. But you’re also not stupid, and it would suck if your night out was interrupted by another kidnapping. After you stop by the house to slip into something less comfortable, you go straight for the club.
The building is crowded with sweaty teenagers. The band on stage tonight is a good one and the music is so loud that you can hear it thrumming in your chest, taste it in your mouth. You dance your way through the throng to your friends’ table. Xander, Anya, Willow, Tara, and Dawn are squished around a formica top, laughing and drinking and having such a good time that your bad mood dissipates. You pull up a stool and Xander wraps an arm over your shoulder.
“We were starting to think you weren’t coming,” Xander says. He’s got a fruity cocktail in front of him that makes you smile.
“I got a little held up. I’m going to get a drink. Does anyone else want anything?”
“I’ll take a margarita,” Dawn says hopefully, and you narrow your eyes until she revises. “A coke would be good.”
“Uh huh.”
You drape your jacket over your stool and stand back up. On your way to the bar, you spot Buffy and Riley on the dance floor. They look a little stiff, but you’re proud of them for making an effort. Things between them have been tense ever since Faith slept with him.
Thinking of Faith makes your need for a drink extra strong. You throw back a shot at the bar and then get another to go, almost forgetting to grab Dawn’s soda. The bartender is flirty tonight. He’s cute, clean-cut. You’ve seen him around before, always hard at work, making people laugh with his jokes and getting them to open up. If you didn’t have Spike, you’d take the number he slides your way. As it is, you shake your head and smile.
“Sorry,” you say, and he seems to understand, going back to mixing drinks and chatting up customers. It’s nice, to have someone take your no at face-value for once.
When you get back to the table, you’re surprised to see Spike in your spot. Even though his discomforted expression verges on constipated, he’s carrying on a conversation with Xander. Well, they’re bickering, but you know for a fact that Spike could be a lot more cutting if he wanted to.
You slide Dawn’s coke across to her and flick Xander’s ear when he insults your boyfriend.
“Hey!” He clasps his hand to the reddened cartilage and Anya rubs his shoulder soothingly, although the corners of her lips twitch.
The aren’t any chairs left and the table isn’t all that big anyway, so you stay standing, watching Spike’s face intently when your sister launches into a story about a friend of a friend at school who swears the girls’ bathroom is haunted. He’s nodding in all the right places, interjecting with “bullshit!” and “bloody hell!” to egg her on. He’s laying it on a bit thick, really, but it warms you better than the alcohol.
Dawn’s eating it up, though. She’s not often the center of attention for anything mundane. It’s always about her being the key, never about her as a person. Xander’s rolling his eyes at Spike’s sudden rapt attention, but you think it’s sweet.
When Tara makes a joke that no one else gets, Spike booms with laughter. When Willow goes off on a tangent about her computer class, he almost nods his head off. Finally, the group dissolves as Xander and Anya sneak off to have sex and Willow and Tara twirl on the dance floor.
You stay with Dawn, unwilling to leave her on her own with Glory around. Spike keeps the conversation flowing, but his questions about school are clumsy and his small talk is bumbling. It’s endearing for awhile, how little he understands today’s education system, but you turn the topic to generalities when Dawn kicks you under the table. She respects Spike, in her own strange way, and she’ll be embarrassed if he knows how poorly she’s doing.
Then it’s all favorite movies and gossip and dirty jokes, keeping the conversation light even as you have to shout to be heard over the music. You don’t even tell him off when he details one of his old world murders to Dawn, figuring that she’ll hear—and see—worse in her lifetime.
When Buffy and Riley come back to the table for a breather, the awkwardness creeps back in. After Spike flounders for the fourth time while trying to find a safe ground to land on, with Buffy and Riley both giving him the stink eye, you drag him off to a more secluded spot under the stairs.
“I promise I wasn’t trying to offend Sargeant Square,” Spike says, holding up his hands. “I thought everyone liked to bitch about work. I didn’t know he had been demoted.”
Instead of answering, you rise up on your tiptoes and press a kiss to his mouth. His hands cup your cheeks automatically, but before he can pull you into something more heated, you lean back.
“I want to say thank you, before I forget,” you say. You wrap your arms around his waist, slip a hand into his back pocket teasingly. “And I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t do it for them.” His fingers trail down your neck, tangle briefly in your hair, squeeze your curves. Everyone’s too drunk to notice or care what you’re doing, so you allow it. “I still don’t like them.”
“That’s okay. We’ll work our way up to that.” He rolls his eyes, but he’s not in a bad mood, so you push your luck with a cheeky smile. “I can’t be your only friend.”
He scoffs. “I have lots of friends. You’ve just— you’ve never met them, because they’re dangerous.”
This strikes you as funny and you kiss him again, longer this time. Being here under the stairs, buzzed, wearing an outfit that’s maybe slightly too revealing, finding a slice of peace in the middle of a war, it’s all so good. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but you’re so happy. You need to tell him something, but you don’t know if you have the words to convey exactly what you want. You try anyway.
“The bartender hit on me earlier.”
Spike grins unexpectedly. His teeth seem very sharp. You’re worried he might have eaten the man somehow when you weren’t looking when he says, “I saw.”
“I want you to know I didn’t—” You’re not drunk, certainly not drunk from only two drinks even though they were Bronze strength, but it takes you a minute. “Guys like that used to be my type. But I didn’t even think about it. I only want you.”
“That’s the only reason why I didn’t kill him. That and the chip.”
“That’s not funny,” you say, but he’s holding you in his arms and smiling down at you like he’s going to swallow you whole and it is, a little, because for the first time you’re sure he doesn’t mean it. He trusts you. And you trust him.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t protest when he leaves to go buy you another drink.
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wonderlustlucas · 5 years
four - hwang hyunjin
⇢ prompt They say good things come in fours. Who? Couldn’t tell you, but they especially do during Christmas. Maybe that’s just Saint Nick. ⇢ pairing hyunjin x female reader ⇢ word count 11.7k ⇢ genre fluff ⇢ warnings swearing. mentions of alcohol & s e x. teenagerz being teenagerz. insane amount of fluff & stupidity. kind of ends w a smutty cliffhanger. ⇢ summary After suppressing how you felt about Hyunjin back in high school, you thought you were done going back on your feelings. Turns out, a little time apart, the spirit of Christmas, and an accidental nap is the perfect cocktail for falling in love with your best friend.—friends to lovers!au ⇢ a/n hello & merry christmas! here is a gift for you all on this very merry day. also, thank you for 1,000 followers! that in itself is one of the best presents i could ask for. thank you for all your kindness & support on my blog & for following me in the first place! it truly means so much to me. i hope you enjoy reading! ♥︎
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big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇[now] Sorry! I just woke up
big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇[now] Whats wrong fool
big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇[now] Did u rlly think 12 texts were gonna wake me up?🤦🏻‍♂️ godt damn u on some WACK shit
You roll your eyes in time with each consecutive text that Hyunjin sends, waiting for the lock screen of your phone to blacken after reading them. He’s about as useless as pedals on a wheelchair, you think, ignoring the texts and forcing the device into the snug back pocket of your jeans before transferring the last two excessively packed grocery bags into the trunk of your car with an exhausted huff. Christ, if the bagging lady put one more item in those bags, she would be the one to blame for six cans of soup rolling about the parking lot.
The license plate rattles when you slam the trunk lid closed before hurrying around to the driver’s side and anxiously hopping inside to start blasting the heat. It is obnoxiously chilly for the first of September. Well, not really. Your body is just beginning to get used to the ungodly wrath of summer’s sweltering heat leaving you in a constant state of sweat and nausea for the past three months. Not that you’re complaining, of course. You nearly did somersaults of joy when the morning news reported a temperature of sixty-one degrees with some wind gusts and welcomed the beginning signs of autumn with open arms.
You would never admit to Mom who told yo uon the way out to change out of a tank top or at least wear a jacket, but yes— you are, in fact, cold. But now you have godsent warmth blowing from the vents and the seat warmer on its highest setting beginning to thaw away the goosebumps painted on your skin. Giving your arms one last rub, you lean up enough to retrieve your phone and open the conversation with Hyunjin.
[2:37 PM] YN: please. smell my balls
[2:37 PM] YN: nothings wrong btw. i was GOING to ask if u wanted any specific snacks for tn buttttt someone didn’t answer
[2:37 PM] YN: and excuse u i called too. i may be an idiot but im not stupid
[2:38 PM] YN: ik u would never hear a text when ur having wet dreams of yeji
You stop there with a smug smirk when the three dots on his side appear, knowing you’ve hit his funny bone with this one.
[2:38 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇: Bruh
[2:38 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇 :I’ve literally never have had a wet dream ab Yeji pls stop
You cannot fight your shit-eating grin, thumbs circling over the keyboard in thought as he apparently deletes whatever other text he was going to send when the three dots disappear.
[2:38 PM] YN: mmhmmmm
[2:38 PM] YN: because last time you slept over you weren’t whimpering her name in ur sleep
[2:38 PM] YN: sureeeee
You decide to end your teasing there and continue once you’re home. It is starting to get late, after all, and Mom will begin to worry that the creepy employee always in aisle sixteen has abducted you. Plus, you’re cruel and like to watch Hyunjin suffer. Switching the ringer off, you throw your phone into the cupholder and drastically lower the heat and turn off the seat warmer. It’s starting to feel like a sauna in here, and not in a fun way. Can’t understand how anyone enjoys hanging out in a sauna to begin with anyway, but to each their own, you guess.
In the five-minute drive it takes until you are pulling into the driveway, Hyunjin calls three times. He is incredibly peeved at your lack of a response to his distressed texts and still wound up from your text about Yeji. As if! You’re already a clown not realizing his ever-growing affections for you, but to think he had a crush on Yeji? You’re the whole damn circus!
By the time he calls a fifth time, now sat up on his elbow in bed and strumming an annoyed beat of his fingers at his thigh because he really just wants to yell at you for being the most annoying person alive (and maybe to hear your voice, too), you have brought in the last of the bags and look to Mom who has started to put the groceries away and expects you to half-heartedly do the same.
“It’s Hyunjin. He’s having an existential crisis because I haven’t answered his texts,” you explain to her, unenthusiastically holding your phone as it vibrates against your palm. Half of you wants her to ask to finish putting everything away first just so you can torture him even longer. Alas, such extravagant wishes are denied, because when it comes to Hyunjin, your parents would undoubtedly throw you under the bus just to keep that boy happy. And so, just like any other time, Mom’s undying love for Hyunjin has her dismissing you from the kitchen with a hearty laugh.
“Jesus Christ! What?” You hiss, halfway up the stairs when you tap to answer his call on the last ring.
“Wow! Look who finally decided to answer!” Hyunjin shouts back, the swoosh of his sheets once he finally falls back against his pillow again rustling all too loudly through the phone. “I was driving,” you spit, marching into your bedroom and collapsing against your bed, the same rustle of your blankets sounding loudly into his ear. “There’s a thing called the speaker, ___. Ever heard of it?” He retorts, evidently shutting you up and he knows he won this round if your silence is anything to go by.
“Whatever,” you groan, using all your toe strength to kick the sneakers off your feet by their soles, “what was so important that you couldn’t wait and had to call me five billion times?”
“I had a question. And you hurt my feelings.” Well, shit. You can practically hear and see his pout through the phone and your heart positively swells in your chest at how undeniably, unjustifiably cute he is. You sigh.
“I’m sorry for making fun of you about Yeji. I’m going to do it again but next time I promise I won’t pull the wet dream card,” you apologize frankly; because, in all honesty, it would be worse to say you are not going to do it again when you most certainly will. Bullying Hyunjin is fun, what can you say?
Hyunjin heaves an exasperated breath from his lungs because he knows there is no point in arguing with quite possibly the most sarcastic human he knows and that’s the best form of an apology he’s going to get. Whatever. He’ll make sure to wipe his morning snot and droll on your shirt in the morning. “Anyway,” he grumbles, in the background you hear Kkami bark from a few rooms over, “I was going to ask if you wanted to come over my place instead? I know your parents probably want to see me and stuff but mine are out of town for the night so we can sleep in my bed until like three without Mom waking us up to force feed breakfast.” You roll your eyes. Of course your parents want to see him.
“Plus, Mom just put that grey comforter I know you really like on my bed so we can cuddle all night and watch stuff on YouTube,” he quickly adds as a convincing afterthought. He’s really got his sales pitch going on this one. Truth is, you have only slept in his bed with that stupidly soft blanket twice last winter break, but it’s still sweet that he remembers how much you loved it (aka how quickly you fell asleep and how grumpy you were being woken up because it’s just that darn cozy). Either way, you would never pass up an opportunity to snuggle up with Hyunjin in the comfort of his own bed with his citrusy, floral scent on the pillows luring you to sleep.
“My Mom is going to be heartbroken, Hyunjin,” you tease, “but who cares. You had me sold at sleeping until three. Do you still want me to bring the snacks I got?”
“Oh, thank God. I love your Mom’s cooking but I haven’t left bed all day and I really want to keep it that way. And yes, please. I’ve been eating dry cereal for the past two hours.”
“Hyunjin, have you brushed your teeth yet?”
“No. Didn’t you just hear me? I said I’ve been in bed all day. Eating cereal. When would I have brushed my teeth?”
“You’ve officially taken breakfast in bed to a whole new level, Jin. I’ll see you in a few hours. Oh, and please, you have no concept of personal space so make sure you brush your teeth before I come over.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Love ya, bye,” Hyunjin promptly hangs up, probably eager to get back to binging whatever drama he’s watching before you lecture him about his hygiene again. Not that it matters, anyway; chances are, it went in one ear and right out the other and you’re going to drag him out of bed later to brush his teeth.
Damn. You didn’t even get the chance to say love you back. Not that it matters.
It doesn’t, you quickly shut down the pesky thought that keeps you up at night and force it back into the storage part of your brain labeled ‘Deal with Later,’ because, really, you’ll have to think about that later. It’s not that you don’t want to think about it yet… you just don’t have the time to stop and really figure out what your feelings toward Hyunjin actually are. Yeah. That’s it.
And now isn’t the time, you tell yourself, scooting up the mattress in order to bury your face in the pillows to suffocate the pounding throb in your head. Hyunjin is nothing special.
Well, no. That’s a lie. Everything about Hyunjin is special. Anyone with eyes, ears, even a nose can sense that. You had quickly found out just how wonderful he is when you met him freshman year of high school. At the time, he was everyone’s sweetheart by the first day, but it just so happened his eyes were all on you.
He was obviously adorable, and every class you had together he always made a point to talk to you and returned your sarcasm with an impressive level of expertise. So, when it came to him asking you to the first homecoming, the answer was yes without a second thought. But during the last slow dance of the night, with his hands gently holding your waist, he at last listened to his conscience and revealed that as much as he liked you, he truly did not want to date in high school. Or right then, at least. And honestly, you were glad; Hyunjin was quite possibly your favorite person you had met thus far, and you would have rather kept him as a friend than commit to a relationship the second month of school and risk losing him later down the road.
And boy, keep him as a friend you did. As it turned out, Hyunjin grew to be your truest, best friend in high school. Sure, you each had your own friend groups, but the two of you were the iconic pair everybody knew. But strictly platonic, despite the rumors and wishes that went around for the next four years. You like to think that neither of you ever developed feelings past what everyone feels toward their best friend— an innocent, wholesome sort of love.
But when had things changed? Hormones, as always, were definitely a big part of it. Hyunjin was always a cutie, but it wasn’t until he grew into his own skin and developed a newfound confidence did you start to see him differently. Until everyone saw him differently. Neither of you missed the way people stared him down, pupils dilating every time he ran his fingers through the black tufts of his hair, hearts aching for some sort of interaction. Or when you started attending parties, groups of girls would fling themselves at him in a blundering disarray, most of which he would turn down with a gentle dismissal that flew over their heads, too drunk to actually care.
But then there were times his dick made the decision for him, desperation and deprivation weighing in on him and you’d watch with a tight jaw as he’d leave the room with the pretty girl of the night skipping after him. You never realized it was only on those nights did you wind up in the back seat of Han Jisung’s car.
But even after the physical attraction sizzled out over time, things were not the same. Hyunjin wasn’t your hidden little treasure anymore. All eyes were set on him and it took more than a glass of water to swallow your jealousy. But why? Why were you so resentful all of a sudden?
It’s hard to share Hwang Hyunjin, you decided. Once established that you were his main hoe and he was yours, it became a significant burden watching others try and get in between. Not that they did it with a malicious attempt to separate you, but it still hurt. You’re selfish, and you admit it— Hyunjin, quite frankly, is the love of your life. Romantic or not, nothing could change your feelings toward him. It goes beyond his unfathomable beauty and spunky personality. Everything about him from his nose to his hands, to his distaste for onions and the way his face scrunches up when he lets out that giggle of his and even to the way he prefers to sleep against the wall but will force you to when you’re over so he can “protect you in case there’s a monster” all mount into this big, giant section of your heart set aside for Hyunjin.
So despite your efforts to ignore the pang of jealousy each time he would find a potential someone or the joy whenever he’d find his way back because “they kept wanting to hang out in the morning even though I said I don’t wake up before noon,” this Hyunjin-shaped hole in your heart seems to only grow the longer you ignore it. Kind of like every medical condition out there: the longer you ignore it, the worse it gets. So, basically Hyunjin is your heart disease.
Yikes. Sounds a lot worse when you try putting it into words.
Well, he won’t be your heart defect for long if he keeps ruining those pearly whites of his by only brushing once just before bed, you chuckle to yourself, rolling to your side at the sudden lack of oxygen between your face and the pillow. There’s a fleeting moment without thought when you unconsciously reach for your phone to check for any notifications before the fattest revelation of them all falls from the ceiling and smacks you right upside the face.
Shit. Looks like you’ve gone right ahead and totally dissected each and every fiber of your feelings for Hyunjin.
Blinking up at the ceiling, the weight of your emotions isn’t as heavy as you expected them to be. Instead, it’s more of a breath of fresh air, as if you have finally accepted the way things fell instead of ignoring them. Your feelings for Hyunjin have always been there. It just took a little effort to get them out.
Nevertheless, it is going to be difficult hanging out with him in a few hours with your exposed emotions still needing to be processed. Especially when he will pull you to his side and keep you nestled there the entire night. Rubbing your temples, you realize it will take some serious self-control to put everything on the back burner and just enjoy the time spent with Hyunjin.
Sighing, you check the time on your phone again. 3:21 and a text from Hyunjin asking if you could bring green tea.
“Mom!” You yell, defeated. “You were right!”
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You used to think Hyunjin lived far away. Truthfully, he’s only fifteen minutes away if you go ten over the speed limit. But the only way to get to his house entails driving through the chaos of the mall and town center, which adds an extra ten minutes sitting through traffic no matter the time of day.
Now, Hyunjin’s college campus is two hours away. Well, technically five from you, since you’re almost three hours away in the opposite direction. So you’re lucky if you get to see him once a month with how hectic school becomes and how difficult it is trying to plan to come home the same weekend. Fortunately, it has worked out this semester. And while you should spend this time with your families, they know how much you crave one another’s company as the weeks drag on. The twenty-two minutes it takes getting to each other’s homes is totally worth it.
You expect Hyunjin to tell you to use the key hidden underneath the resin meditating frog statue in the front garden to unlock the front door when you text him you have arrived, but to your utmost surprise, he’s there, awake, to open the door for you.
“Stinky!” You yell, dropping your things on the floor to burry yourself in his embrace, standing on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck in order to really get the full experience of hugging your favorite giant. “Poopy!” He shouts in return, long arms winding tightly around your waist and even going so far as to lift you up a few inches. God. Hate when he does that.
“Why are you up? I thought I’d have to let myself in with you sleeping all your problems away,” you ask, smiling gratefully when he bends down to pick up your bag. “I realized Kkami hadn’t been out all day, so I came down to let him out and find actual food,” Hyunjin explains as he makes way into the kitchen, opening the back door to let said dog back inside. “Aw, poor thing,” you pout, squatting to scratch at Kkami’s neck when he zooms faster than the speed of light to you, “does that mean you brushed your teeth?”
“I did, actually,” Hyunjin snorts right back, scrunching his nose at you before turning away to open the fridge. Sitting on the floor with Kkami in your lap, you take the opportunity to finally get a good look at Hyunjin now that he’s distracted. And of course, he looks good. Really good. Last time you saw him he still was a brunette, a look he rocked during the spring and summer months. This is the first time you’ve seen the freshly dyed black hair in person. Even though he always looks handsome, something about Hyunjin with black hair completely changes his aura. Brings back memories of how badly you wanted him in high school. You shiver at the thought.
And, to top it all off, how he manages to stay in such disgustingly good shape despite his atrocious eating habits never ceases to amaze you. Like, come on. The boy eats worse than a raccoon seven days out of the week, lives off boba, works out maybe five times a month, dances in his free time and still keeps his body in tiptop shape. God, you hate him. His pediatrician probably hates him, too. You even go as far as to sniff the fries in your dining hall and you gain five pounds.
Even now, he looks unnecessarily regal in the baggy material of his sweatpants and flannel. And the warmth of his kitchen’s ambient lighting does nothing to suppress the heavy thumping of your heart. So casual is his dress, yet how immaculate he looks rummaging the cabinets for a snack.
“Are you hungry?” He asks, the familiar softness of his voice shaking you from your daze as he closes the refrigerator door after his unsuccessful search. Here’s the thing: you really aren’t hungry, but Hyunjin clearly is, so if you say no then all he will be thinking about is food until you decide that you are hungry. “Yeah,” is what you say, nudging Kkami off your crossed legs to stand, “I brought green tea and a few snacks, but we could order Chinese food or something. The place near Dunkin’ and the gas station makes bubble tea now, too.”
Hyunjin’s brows shoot up, flashing his boxy smile. “Is it good?”
“I mean, I’ve only had their pork dumplings and mango tea before, and it was pretty good. I don’t know about their noodles or anything, though,” you shrug, moving to stand beside him at the kitchen island. Distracted by Kkami trying to jump onto the sofa in the living room, you don’t look to Hyunjin until the poor dog is successful in doing so. Startled to find him already gazing down at you, your heart truly is not prepared for him to go right ahead and wrap his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. Totally not freaking out or trying to overthink his need to constantly cling, you justify his actions by quickly recalling the time he said, “My head is too godtdamn big for my godtdamn body.” More like his head is too heavy because instead of a brain it’s just a chunk of cement up there. He just needs to rest his head sometimes.
“Mm, I don’t know,” Hyunjin hums, swaying your body with his to an unheard tune. By now, any coherent thought has dissipated into thin air and all you can do is melt against him. “Why?” You manage.
“’Cus if we order anything that means I’ll have to get up and get it.”
“Oh my God, Hyunjin, really?” You laugh. Your hands naturally glide to where his are linked at your stomach, pressing to interlock your fingers overtop his. “If that’s the only reason for your uncertainty than I could always come get it, idiot.”
“No! It’s okay,” Hyunjin says, jumping back before you can even process it, “I’m not that hungry anyway.”
“Ohhh ‘kay,” you laugh breathlessly, whiplashed by the whole thing. Good thing you aren’t hungry, because when was the last time Hyunjin turned down food? Blinking at him precariously, he doesn’t seem to notice until one too many seconds of silence pass by.
“C’mon,” he demands excitedly, jumping back into reality, “my roommate told me to watch this anime called Soul Eater but I wanted to watch it with you.” Once again, before anything can even register past every single That Was Cute™ alarm ringing in your brain, Hyunjin is grabbing your bag and reaching for your hand, leading you out of the kitchen and upstairs.
You and Hyunjin binge aforementioned anime until he falls asleep first around 2 AM, only stopping to order food an hour in (he’s an indecisive man indeed), to get up to retrieve it, and to actually eat while catching up. For most of the night, you are able to forget the way his heartbeat against your back mirrored your own in the kitchen. But then, a little while after you fall asleep yourself, Hyunjin unconsciously shifts closer and you spend another hour blinking at his relaxed hand twitching against your abdomen, trying to keep the hurricane inside your heart at bay.
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You can’t make it home October. Hyunjin texted you to let you know he was going to be the third weekend in, and you tried desperately to manage your time in order to make it work. But one group project in chem lead to another paper in psych and before you knew it, your roommate was listening to you sob over a boy and curse out your classes.
September left you emotionally wrecked, to be totally honest. You hate Hyunjin and you hate the way he makes you feel and you especially hate how realizing you have a crush on him makes you unsure if everything he does is his way of hinting he feels the same or if he’s always been this touchy and you are just now recognizing it. So, missing a month of seeing your favorite human being essentially means missing another day of trying to decipher which actions of his go in the Friend list, and which go in the Questionable list. And that, my friend, is unacceptable.
You absolutely cannot not go home this month. November is the calm before the storm (the storm being exams looming the second week of December), and while it would be beneficial maybe staying on campus to continue preparing, you tell yourself going home will be just as helpful. Mental breaks, and stuff. Totally not just to see Hyunjin.
Either way, Hyunjin asks you if you would join him on the seventeenth to go to his second cousin’s christening and you absolutely cannot say no when you know how bored Hyunjin gets at family events when they aren’t for him. And so, fast forward to the third Sunday of November and you are ready to pass out ten minutes after entering the church.
“I’m so happy for you two! I always knew you would last into college,” one of Hyunjin’s aunts exclaims, pinching your cheeks but the only pinch you feel is that of your heart.
Clearly she is misinformed, or just prone to jumping to conclusions but yet again, you can’t really blame her with how couple-y you and Hyunjin are. Past the single tunnel vision of your gaze, you watch her smile falter when Hyunjin goes rigid beside you and oh my God this is the most embarrassing moment of my life, his whole family thinks we’re dating and here we are still stuck in each other’s friendz—
“I’m glad you think so, imo,” Hyunjin suddenly picks up, sneaking an arm around to rest his hand on your hip, tugging you close, “I don’t know what I’ll do if she ever decides to leave me.”
It’s nice to think that he means it, to imagine that you are here not as a tag-along but to join him in a family ceremony because you are part of the family. The thought turns your blood to sugar and everything surrounding you falls apart; you listen to the rest of their conversation without processing it, the precise detailing in the marble pillars blurs into a mass of white, and you still feel his strong hold on the curve of your waist yet you are lost in the swam of possibilities.
How lovely it would be to live up to her assumption. To ‘last into college’ as a couple, not as best friends. To be able to call him yours even when you’re not together, to come home and kiss his lips, to sleep in his bed and it mean more than the laziness of blowing up the air mattress. At some point, he leads you into the third pew to sit beside his parents, and when you greet them with a hug all you can think about is them viewing you as more than their son’s friend.
God, you hate it.
You’re not as religious as Hyunjin and his family. But for the first time in years, you find yourself looking to the crucifix during the service and praying to whoever is up there to give you some strength and patience, because Lord do you need it.
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Hyunjin is a funny guy.
Or so he thinks.
It’s not that he isn’t funny. It’s just— compared to your friends Minho or Changbin, he isn’t at the top of the list. When you think of Hyunjin, the first words that pop up are soft, loud, and dramatic.
It’s not that he isn’t funny. He’s just weird.
Insanely, ridiculously weird. For example, the time he called Jeongin a vitamin. Or the time he slapped half a bottle of sunscreen on his face. Or his random bouts of dancing at inappropriate moments. Just to name a few.
After the Baptism, Hyunjin acted like nothing happened. Didn’t even bring it up. Not even a joke. After the ceremony, you joined his family for a luncheon, which just involved the two of you being weird and making peculiar dancing videos on SnapChat with the swirly filter and complaining about school for a few hours until he drove you home. Obviously you stopped for food again on the way.
But that was it. Things went on as normal, and you returned to campus later that night and forced the whole experience to the back of your brain. It was officially grind season, and grind season meant studying for exams. No parties. No boys. And certainly no Hyunjin.
You both were home for winter break in the blink of an eye. And in normal Hyunjin style, he sort of vanished for the first week. Probably catching up on his strict sleeping schedule, you presumed, and accepted the fact that it was going to be a few days before you saw or even heard from him. The only anticipation you felt was wanting to give him his Christmas gift.
After what seems like an eternity away from Hyunjin, you get out of the shower on this fine Saturday before Christmas to find a slew of texts from him.
[5:52 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇: Aloha mamacita
[5:52 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇: How do u feel about getting froyo tn
[5:52 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇: We can get fat and then u can sleepover aaaand
[5:52 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇: We can stare at the wall for a few hours
[5:52 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇: And
[5:53 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇: *cough*
[5:53 PM] big tiddy jinny🍯🧸🌟🖇: Exchange Jesus gifts
See? Weird. Who wants froyo when it’s thirty degrees out?
[5:53 PM] YN: “aloha mamacita”
[5:53 PM] YN: uHmmmMMM
[5:53 PM] YN: im down mr president
[5:54 PM] YN: why do u want ice cream in winter tho. don’t u want like
[5:54 PM] YN: hot chocolate or seomthing
Obviously not. Two hours later, Hyunjin arrives to pick you up for froyo despite all your efforts in convincing him maybe you could take the train to the city and watch a light show, or simply drive around and swoon over the rich people houses and their Christmas decorations. He didn’t budge. This leads you to your second question of the day: why is it that when you threw on sweats for the occasion you called yourself a hag, but upon entering Hyunjin’s car you make a mental note of how hot he looks when he’s wearing the same exact thing? You groan at the thought. It’s because it’s Hyunjin, of course.
“Bonjour, mademoiselle,” he greets, flicking your forehead once you settle into the seat of his Subaru WRX because he’s a hotshot and likes to flex that he can drive a manual. Not really— the car is absolute garbage by now, having been his Dad’s old car (his Dad likes to flex too, apparently). However, Hyunjin takes care of it enough for it to seem five years old instead of ten, and, either way, watching him work the stick shift is unexplainably hot.
You swat his hand away. “Drive, bitch,” you huff, twisting to buckle yourself in. Once he’s reversed out of your driveway, you glance back to find him fighting against a devilish smirk.
“So,” you start once he has navigated out of your neighborhood. His brow twitches up. “Are you taking Hawaiian and French at school? You’ve been throwing quite a lot of languages at me recently.” Hyunjin shoots you an unamused look. You return it with a wrinkle of your nose.
“Anyway,” he ignores your teasing, pausing to switch gears for whatever reason so he can make it through a yellow light, “how did your exams go?”
“Well, you know…” You trail off, looking to your window. It feels a lot later than eight o’clock. With it getting dark so early in the evening nowadays, it feels as if nighttime is always following you.
“You know… what?” Hyunjin interrupts your daze, concern laced in his voice. “They were fine. I passed everything, I’m just worried about my major,” you explain sadly, barely glancing at him before you are turning back to the window to stare at the moon. Must be nice being a moon. Just get to hang out in the sky watching everyone and being watched.
“I mean, if you want to switch, now’s the time. Better do it now before the second semester,” Hyunjin advises, wise as always. Not really, but he’s right. “What are you thinking of going into?”
Yikes. He’s going to kill you.
“Nursing,” you blurt.
“Oh my Lanta, ___, are you serious?” He groans, stopping at a convenient red light presenting the perfect opportunity for him to smack his forehead on the wheel. Dramatic. “How are you gonna manage that? You’ll practically be two years behind everyone else!”
“I know,” you sigh, throwing your head back on the headrest, “that’s the problem. Bio just isn’t doing it for me. I don’t think I can spend the rest of my life in a lab watching mitosis. I need something more rewarding, so theoretically nursing is a perfect start. I don’t know, though.”
“Why don’t you switch to interior design or something? We could get our own HGTV show, ___,” he says, but you don’t meet his gaze when he glances over because beneath his words, you can sense some serious hopefulness. Interior design would be cool, but you’ve never considered that as a career choice. You once helped your parents pick out everything when they redid a bathroom at home and that turned out great, but as a major?
“I don’t know, man. I’ll have to talk to my counselor about it, I guess,” you shrug, pulling the hood of your sweatshirt over your head and tightening the drawstrings until the material covers your eyes, “why can’t you audition to be a K-pop star or something? I could be your manager. Heck, even your makeup artist. I’ve done your makeup before, remember?”
Hyunjin laughs, loud, and the sound sinks deep into your heart and makes you feel warm all over. Stress? Gone.
For the next few minutes or so, the ride is comfortably quiet. At some point, he turns on the radio and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” floods your brain and reminds you to look forward to exchanging Christmas gifts later. God, you hope he likes it. You really went out on the sentimental gifts this year.
Hood shielding your vision, you jump when his large hand suddenly comes to grab the top of your head, squeezing hard and you imagine he’s trying to press some hopefulness into your brain. “Hand on the penis stick, Hwang,” you bark, blindly reaching for his own head across the way and pulling his ear when you do so. Good Lord, you hope no one can see into the car because… what.
Hyunjin lets out a giggle this time, reaching to pull you into a headlock and even though he’s got your head shoved up against his sturdy chest and goes on to give you a noogie, you’re stuck being all high and loopy on the sound of his happiness. And hey, it’s nice to know you’re the cause of it.
“We’re literally parked, idiot. If you had your hood down you would’ve realized,” Hyunjin snickers, releasing you after watching you struggle for a few seconds. Jerking away from him, you swiftly pull back your hood. “Oh,” you laugh, reading the flashy Yogo Factory sign above the building in front of you, “you could’ve just told me instead of watching me bask in misery.”
Hyunjin suitably ignores your moaning and groaning by getting out of the car and standing in front of the car, illuminated by the headlights. Why? Why must he look so scrumptious in his black hoodie and grey sweatpants and four-year-old white Nike sneakers? He has no gosh darn right!
After fixing the mess he made of your hair, you at last join him outside the car, shooting him another glare and moving ahead of him to open the shop’s door without waiting for him. “From now on, we have to start texting each other what we’re wearing before we go out, ‘cus this looks a little ri-donk-ulous,” Hyunjin whispers in your ear as you make your way to the cup selection, trying to ignore all the stares you— no, he is getting along the way.
“What do you mean?” You ask, plucking two medium sized cups up before turning to look at him. Then you look down at yourself. Oh. Looks like you’re both wearing the hoodie from junior spirit week. “Nice.” Just Couple Things™!
Back to Hyunjin being weird— why did he drag you all the way out here just to get a cup of chocolate frozen yogurt and maybe half a scoop of peanut butter chips?
Meanwhile, he watches in absolute disgust as you blow through your own dessert. Vanilla yogurt with probably every topping offered because you physically cannot make a decision, especially when they have chunks of cookie dough up there.
“So,” Hyunjin starts, trying not to look you in the eye considering you look like a goblin shoveling globs of diabetes down your throat, “have you talked to Jisung recently?”
You choke on a Fruity Pebble at his inquiry, prompting him to reach across the table and slap your back a few times until your esophagus is cleared. “Ugh,” clearing your throat one last time, you take a few sips of water while shooting him a glare. Jisung? Really? “How dense are you?” You hiss unintentionally.
Hyunjin raises his hands in defense. “Just a question.”
Yeah, just a question. Dumbass. “I mean,” you laugh awkwardly, “not really. We have a streak on Snap and sometimes we’ll talk occasionally but I don’t text him every day or anything. How about you?”
He shrugs, concentrating instead on stirring his yogurt into a goopy mess. “Eh. We still use our group chat a lot but that’s it. He’s too busy making music in Malaysia.”
You chuckle at this, picking out the boba from your own cup and leaving the rest now that it has started to look like something sold at the Chum Bucket. “That sucks,” you offer, not the best at giving him consolidation, you opt for linking your feet around his own in some weird act of intimacy, “isn’t he coming home for the holidays, though? I’m sure you can all have a reunion soon.”
“Yeah, he is,” Hyunjin hums, suddenly too focused on trying to escape your trap under the table. Annoyed Hyunjin is cute. “Stoooop,” he whines, kicking at your shins before breaking into boisterous laughter at your relentlessness, “I will not hesitate to throw this cup at your face.”
“Yeah, right,” you scoff, “I’d like to see you try.”
At this, Hyunjin drops his stupidly long arms beneath the table and easily captures your foot by the ankle, pulling hard enough for you to slip down your side of the booth. “Hyunjin!” You shriek, panicking slightly at your sweaty hand’s insecure grip against the leather. You’re going to fall. You’re going to fall flat on your ass underneath a table at a frozen yogurt place because the boy you like pulled your foot too hard. Fantastic. Ignoring you, he starts to wiggle your shoe off your foot no matter how hard you try to squirm out of his relentless grip. “Stop trying to eat my toes in the middle of Yogo!”
Finally, he releases your foot, letting it fall limp against his thigh.
“God,” you huff, breathless as you squirm back up your seat, cheeks burning ferociously, “you are such an ass.”
Behind the playful smirk he fails to hide, something darker glints in Hyunjin’s eyes and it makes your heart skip a beat. Then, “We should go.” The suggestion makes the heat of your blush scorch even hotter down your neck and you instinctively turn away, only to find the customers on the other side of the shop watching you with just as perturbed looks. Fantastic, part two.
“Okie,” you squeak out, blinking after him in complete and total bewilderment as to what just happened when he gets up to throw his trash away. Whatever. Following after him, you too toss your cup out before quickly finding your hand engulfed by his larger one as he leads you back outside, the sudden sharpness of the cold air bringing tears to your eyes. You desperately want to ask him what that was about, or why he’s acting so sneaky, but you stay silent, too afraid your voice will come out shaky and vulnerable. Instead, you let him tug you into his side and try to keep up with him no matter how badly your knees threaten to buckle with each glance you sneak up at him.
It’s silent when you enter the car, watching warily as he reverses out of the parking spot and maneuvers through the lot. Your heart rate seemingly cannot slow itself down, adrenaline taking the place of oxygen the longer you stare at him, at the concentrated scrunch to his face, at the cute tip of his button nose and at the swell of his lips and you distantly wonder what would happen if you pulled him into a kiss at the next red light.
In the midst of your daydream Hyunjin clears his throat, bringing you back to reality and you realize with a startle that he has caught you. Jesus Christ! What has gotten into you? You mentally smack yourself upside the head, instantly turning away from his cocky little gaze and staring straight ahead in search of something else to focus on. “___,” he sing-songs, slow and sensual and entirely demolishing the walls you have built around yourself. It is at this red light you wish to simply open the door and run.
“Yes?” You manage, wincing at how small your voice sounds and while looking out his window instead of into his eyes, you notice him grip the steering wheel hard enough to turn his knuckles white. The tension is insurmountable, weighing in heavily on your chest and you desperately wish to arrive home, even though that means having to survive the next twelve hours with him. Anything is better than the small confines of his car.
“What do you want to do when we get home?” He asks, cool as a cucumber. You pale. It is a dangerous question and you do not know if he realizes that. “Um,” you cough, scooting to sit up straight, “whatever you want.” You whisper the last part, genuinely petrified because you have absolutely no idea if your brain is twisting everything to make it seem like Hyunjin is flirting or if things are totally normal. No idea.
“Hm,” he offers, tilting his head in thought, “we shall see.”
Yeah. We shall.
The rest of the ride is quiet, comfortably or uncomfortably you cannot say because you are too busy trying to calm the Spongebob burning office scene occurring inside your own head, hopelessly telling yourself that everything is fine, Hyunjin’s fine, you’re fine. Just pretend like nothing happened, you tell yourself when Hyunjin pulls into his driveway with practiced ease. “Ugh,” he groans after retrieving your bag from the back seat, and you watch with a raised brow as he skips up to his porch, yelling, “I have to pee!”
“Begone with you, piss boy,” you tease, holding the screen door open for him as he struggles to unlock the storm door and pulling on one of his hoodie’s drawstrings just to annoy him. “Stop,” he growls, low and playful but nevertheless sending a swarm of butterflies to your tummy. You ignore him. Finally unlocking the door, Hyunjin shoves the keys into his pocket and seizes your wrist, yanking your arm down with enough force to nearly topple you into him. “Why are you being so annoying tonight?” He frowns at you, nose and brows scrunched in irritation and it is only because of his proximity do you finally soften up.
“Sorry,” you pout back, bringing your other hand up to boop his nose, “I just missed ya.”
“Ew,” he snorts, stepping past the threshold and kicking off his shoes. You follow suit, closing the door behind you and clicking the lock into place as Kkami comes sprinting over. “B-R-B,” Hyunjin announces, presumably bouncing away to the bathroom.
“Oh, boy,” you huff, squatting to pick up the fluffy little dog and hugging him close to your chest, “your dad is making my life very difficult.” Pressing a quick kiss to the top of his head, you put Kkami back down and grab your bag before heading upstairs, knowing Hyunjin is going to take his grand old time and probably take a shit while he’s at it. Plus, you’re impatient and dying to take your bra off.
Aside from what light his Gudetama nightlight offers, Hyunjin’s room is ultimately left dark. Here’s the thing: he used to have a lamp on his dresser, but then he took it with him to college and only brings it home for summer because he’s lazy and sleeps the majority of the time he’s home, anyway. Instead, he put up his little remote-controlled Christmas tree in addition to the lava lamp he has beside his bed. Perfect. For Hyunjin, at least.
Switching both of these on, their subtle glow offers just enough to keep you from banging your toe against something. It’s happened one too many times. Hyunjin’s room isn’t messy— he really isn’t a messy person to begin with, but he will reorganize the furniture in his room fifty times a year and you never know where the crooked leg to his bedside table will be to ambush your pinky toe.
Setting your bag onto his bed, you excitedly fumble past all your layers and unclasp your bra, maneuvering out of it with a delighted exhale just as Hyunjin begins his ascent up the stairs, steps creaking loudly under his heavy trudging. “I’m an idiot,” he grumbles, leaning against the doorframe to catch his breath.
You don’t bother to look at him, opting to quickly retort instead, “We been knew.”
“Ugh,” Hyunjin groans, exasperated, and you finally turn to him after successfully jamming aforementioned undergarment into your bag, “anyways. I don’t know why I didn’t just come up here, because I have to wash my face anyway and you do too and now we’re both going to have to share a sink.”
“Aw,” you coo, tone dripping with sarcasm as you pat his arm, “poor baby has to share the bathroom.”
“I’m actually going to strangle you,” he sighs, nevertheless following after you into the bathroom.
Hyunjin glares, unamused as he opens a drawer for his pink bow hairband and your striped pink and blue one that he bought for you, but keeps here for sleepovers. Yeah. He throws it to your face. “Sorry,” you offer, pulling the soft headband up to hold your hair back, “I’ll try to stop. I’m just so used to annoying you.”
“Clearly,” he scoffs, flashing his stupidly cute teasing smile and in your head, you imagine raising a white flag in surrender— he’s got you, he’s won, it’s over. Time to call it quits and head home. Evidently shut up (for now), you offer him a roll of your eyes before turning on the sink to wet your hands before pumping out some of his scrumptious watermelon face wash. Maybe if you scrub hard enough, you’ll manage to rinse away all the overwhelming thoughts of the night, too.
Barefaced Hyunjin is immaculate. Well, Hyunjin is immaculate twenty-four hours out of the day, but barefaced, freshly washed, hair messy, ready for bed Hyunjin is immaculate, and you are one of the few people lucky enough to see this eighth wonder of the world as often as you do.
Now, maybe it has something to do with the unexpected ambiance the light from his laptop, Christmas lights, and lava lamp have created together that makes him look so unfairly beautiful at this given moment. Or, you’re just insanely pussywhipped and looking for an excuse. You try not to think about it.
“Why are you so squirmy tonight?” He asks, frustrated enough to interrupt Kermit singing ‘Shawty I don’t mind’ playing from his laptop. “I’m not,” you defend, a weak argument indeed, given that you have just finished adjusting your position beside him for the umpteenth time.
“I mean, four female Ghostbusters? The feminists are taking over! I’m an ad—”
“___, you’ve touched my dick like four times. Don’t try and tell me you’re not squirmy. What’s wrong?” Hyunjin interrupts a second Vine, and even goes on to talk over ‘I have the power of God and anime on my side!’ like a lunatic. Oh Christ, you have? Surely you would have noticed. “Sorry,” you mumble, embarrassed as you bury your face into the curve of his pectoral and instinctively move your leg settled between his away, “I’m just hot, to be honest.” Technically, it is not a lie. Hyunjin’s family definitely keeps their thermostat at a higher temperature than yours and you always manage to sweat your ass off every time you come over. This time, however, you are certain it has more to do with the assault your heart is facing rather than your sweat glands.
At the sound of his tap against the spacebar to pause the video, you wordlessly and reluctantly sit up from your comfortable spot beside him in order to rid yourself of your heavy sweatshirt. Now, here lies the problem. Sweatshirt: off. Nipples: out. Realistically, Hyunjin has seen your boobs a number of times over the past few years, and even if he hadn’t, he probably wouldn’t even bat an eye. But right now, your heart is on the line, you’re embarrassed and you’re trying to play it extremely safe.
You toss the hoodie to the floor and nestle right back where you were anyway, slinging your right arm over his torso and ignoring his sharp intake of breath when you snuggle closer. “Better?” He asks, voice strained and it literally makes you nauseous. “Yep.”
He resumes the video. You had started early in the night watching Pom Poko, which unsurprisingly ended with the two of you crying at the bittersweet ending, then moved to TikTok compilations on YouTube to cheer up before moving on from them and onto the classic Vine compilations. You paid good attention for the most part, chuckling along with him to ‘What up, I’m Jared, I’m nineteen and I never fucking learned how to read,’ ‘Bruh chill, I don’t know why you in a big time rush,’ and all the other absolute comedic masterpieces. But after the fourth or fifth video of the same six second clips with an occasional rare one, you began to grow bored and decided to do what you do best: admire Hyunjin.
Sure, ‘Come get yo juice!’ followed by the loud smash of the oven made you smile, but you found the flashing lights casting shadows beneath Hyunjin’s eyes and lips much more fascinating. Of course, this is not the first time you have been held so close to him. But it is, however, all too easy to get lost in the sight of him and you’ve noticed recently that you are in desperate need of a map. Whether it’s due to your time away from him or simply an appreciation for untouched beauty you do not know.
Even now, your gaze flickers to his laptop once you hear ‘Get to Del Taco,’ but having already watched it five thousand times you tilt your head upward to catch Hyunjin’s silent giggle at ‘free-sha-voca-do.’ It’s a vicious cycle, really, going back and forth between wanting to simply enjoy the night and realizing enjoying the night lies totally in Hyunjin’s presence. And so, you continue to fall into this trap each time until you pay no mind to the videos at all, basking in the brilliance of Hyunjin’s joyous smile and the warmth his happiness makes you feel. It is this thought that slowly tugs you to sleep, a fight to keep your heavy eyelids open lost until finally, you give in to the comfort and allow yourself to drift off to the sound of ‘Step the fuck up, Kyle.’
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You think you are dreaming.
You think.
“___,” the softness of Hyunjin’s voice at the crown of your head eases you from the clutches of sleep and you stretch your locked limbs before curling further into his side. “We didn’t open presents.” Even though you can’t see him, you can hear his pout, and you realize you must be awake to hear the disappointed words caught sluggishly between his lips so vividly. You hum, hesitant to open your eyes because you really want to go back to sleep. Just for a little while. And so, you ask, “What time is it?”
“Just past two,” he whispers.
You hum again, trying to formulate a sensible sentence in the parts of your brain still asleep, “We can… wake up at four. And open gifts. Okay?”
“Okay, weirdo,” Hyunjin chuckles to himself, sliding lower down the mattress after shutting his laptop.
You think you are dreaming.
You think.
You can’t remember ever falling asleep facing each other. But yet again, your brain is clouded beyond capability and now, you know for certain you are dreaming. Hyunjin never faces you.
Blinking slowly, it takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the impenetrable darkness and you struggle to make out the features of Hyunjin’s face. You know you are dreaming, and so you tug him closer, throwing a leg over his thigh and an arm over his waist. Even in your sleep, you feel the sadness pricking at your heart, for even it knows this is only what dreams are made of. You like to make the best of it.
“You know I love you, Jinnie, right?” Your voice comes out funny, drawn out and mumbled like your tongue is numb and you fight the urge to feel for yourself.
“Of course I do. I love you too.” His reply surprises you. You thought he was asleep and, either way, hearing such fond words from him puts your heart at ease. He must be misunderstood.
“No. I mean like… I like you, love you. Like I want to kiss you… kiss you good morning and before bed love you. Send you hearts and take stupid couple pics and… go on dumb dates love you. You know?” Your words feel garbled and incomprehensible the longer you go on, trying to express how you feel when nothing is real proving to be increasingly difficult. God, if only you could do it when things are real.
You start to feel yourself slipping as he mutters a reply, mind in free fall and fuck, fuck, fuck, he’s whispering and you can’t hear him but you are too tired and helpless to wake yourself up to hear it. No, too lost in the next dream to go back. You can’t tell what is real and what isn’t. Christ, were you awake? You can’t tell. All you know is that you are warm, so, so warm and letting sleep take over you once more is the best answer to all your questions.
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Hyunjin always says he hates waking people up. Because he’s normally the one needing to be awoken, whenever the roles are swapped he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do.
This time, however, he takes it upon himself to repeatedly smack your face with his pillow. Not a fun experience when it’s coming from someone who fails to recognize his own strength. “Jesus, fuck! Okay!” You hiss, the cloud of sleep abruptly ripped away from you with the slap of his pillow against your skin. Arms raised defensively in front of you, you catch his next swing and tear the pillow out of his grasp to shield yourself all before you have even opened your eyes. When you do so, with the blatant intention just to find where he is and hurl the pillow at him, you are met with the harsh light from his ceiling fan and have to squint past the stinging white light to see his shit-eating grin.
“Was that necessary?” You groan, undeniably annoyed and wanting to glare at him more but needing to rub the ache out of your eyes. “Yes,” is all he says, reaching for your bag and catapulting it to you. He is incredibly lucky you are quick enough to catch it before it thumps against your head. What has gotten into him? Did he eat an entire bag of Pixy Stix while you were asleep? You watch, still dazed from sleep and reeling from the whole pillow smacking attack, as he flings open his closet door and turns back around with two neatly wrapped boxes. You squint to make out the dancing Santa T-rex wrapping paper.
“Oh,” you chirp, understanding, and you unzip your bag to retrieve the large box taking up the majority of space, “thanks for waking me up. I’m surprised you remembered. Did you stay up?”
A rosy blush burns its way across his cheekbones. Odd. “I, um— yeah. No, actually,” he stutters, really odd, given he was bouncing off the walls not even thirty seconds ago, “I set an alarm. You made me sleepy.” Hyunjin sits beside you once you have scooted over, leaning against the wall and crossing his long ass legs. He keeps his eyes trained on the boxes in his hands. “Oh,” you hum, looking to your own gift and suddenly wishing for the mattress to swallow you up, “sorry. I haven’t gotten as much sleep as you on break so far.”
“I don’t think anyone ever has,” he jokes and you finally look to him, sharing a cheeky smile before he gets all shy again, tongue darting out to wet his lips, “um, Merry Christmas, ___.”
It’s a simple phrase, but it makes your heart swell. “Merry Christmas to you too, Hyunjin.” Leaning over, you wrap your arms around his shoulders in an awkward side hug, but still end up feeling all drunk and loopy on love when he eagerly returns the gesture, arms curling around you.
“Okay,” you huff, sitting back, “me first.” You dramatically hold your gift out to him, jittery and nervous all over. Buying for Hyunjin is always hard. He’s just so easy to please, but when you want to do more than just please him it’s a constant battle trying to decide how far out you are going to go for him each year.
You watch impatiently as he tears the wrapping paper open first, and then finally lifts the flaps of the box up. “Aw,” he whimpers, pulling out the quokka plushie and attached certificate, “you adopted a quokka for me?”
You grin when he hugs the soft stuffed animal to his chest, the weight on your shoulders partly lifted from his positive reaction. He reaches back into the box, brow scrunched in thought as he regards the framed picture. “The First Day…?” Hyunjin asks, perplexed as he reads the title above the constellation poster. You scoot closer, leaning over to look it over once more. “This was the constellation of stars on our first day of freshman year. The day we first met.”
“Oh,” Hyunjin sniffs, “that’s really awesome, ___. Thank you. This is coming with me to school.” At this, he hugs you again, probably to hide the tears you know are threatening to spill because Hyunjin is Baby and cries every year. “Anything for my favorite fake Aussie,” you smile, leaning your head on his shoulder as he reads through the quokka adoption letter.
“Okay! Your turn!” He exclaims, setting his gifts back into the box and passing you the smaller one of his. He catches your curious glance to the second one he keeps by his side. “We have to open this one together.”
“Christ, okay. Looks like I’m gonna be crying tonight, too,” you sigh sadly. “Ooh,” jumping ahead of yourself, you wiggle your eyebrows at the white box before you, “Hyunjin if you bought me a Fitbit… I swear to God. How many times have I said I am not working out with you?” However, once you finish tearing open the wrapping paper you find it is not, in fact, a Fitbit.
“It’s not a Fitbit, idiot,” Hyunjin scoffs a second too late, waiting for you to slip the lid off the box. “They’re bond touch bracelets.”
“Explain,” you murmur, enamored but confused at the two little house arrest looking bracelets.
“So basically, we each wear one,” Hyunjin starts, taking one of the bracelets out and a burst of color blooms across its small screen at the motion, “and if you touch it, mine vibrates and I ‘feel’ your touch.” As he explains, he buckles it around your wrist, twisting it so it lies correctly. You silently take the second one and help it on him, brain too caught up to actually say anything.
“Try it,” Hyunjin whispers, suppressing his excitement.
You gingerly bring a finger to the little screen, tapping it once, twice. Nothing happens. Frowning, you try again, tapping and holding, then a second time, and finally— a strip of pink light appears and the bracelet gently vibrates as you tap and hold a random pattern. In response, the bracelet on Hyunjin’s wrist lights up blue, buzzing in the same pattern.
“Oh, Hyunjin,” you sniffle, fighting back your own tears because you refuse to let yourself ugly cry in front of him, “this is amazing. Now I can annoy you year-round. Thank you so, so much. I love you so much.” He hums, pulling you close when you turn to give him a proper hug. To your utmost surprise, however, instead of letting go he curls one fist into your side and helps swing your legs over to straddle his lap. “Oh.”
“___,” Hyunjin sighs thoughtfully, fingers playing with the sleeves of your tee, “I love you, too.”
You nearly spit up your coffee. If you were drinking coffee. Instead, you’re left with a dry mouth and a slack jaw at his words. Huh?
Glancing to the constellation picture peeking out of his box, and then to the matching bracelets you both wear, you find your mind reeling trying to make sense of it all. Yeah, you say the forbidden L-word to each another all the time, but most certainly not with you on his on lap and his lips mere centimeters away. The answer is so obviously clear as day you have trouble believing it.
“Fuck,” you laugh all of a sudden, as soon as the realization hits you, “I wasn’t dreaming, was I?”
Hyunjin lets out a joyous giggle, hands linking behind your back. Unable to hide his smile any longer, he clarifies, “You were not, madam. We literally just finished talking about when we were going to open gifts and then I got ready to sleep. Two seconds later you dumped your heart out to me, but when I answered, you were asleep.”
“Bruh,” you wince, hiding your face with your hands, “I am so sorry you had to deal with that.”
“No, don’t be,” Hyunjin comforts, reaching to tug your hands away. Your gut does somersaults when he intertwines his fingers with yours. “I was actually, uh, planning on doing some sort of confession to you anyway, but then you went right ahead and did it for me. So thanks for that.”
“Wow,” you chuckle, trying to wrap your mind around it all, “does that mean you, ahem, perhaps like me too?”
“No, I just got us really couple-y long distance relationship bracelets, pulled you onto my lap, and kissed you because I just want to be friends.”
“You didn’t kiss m—”
The sly little fucker interrupts your retort by quickly dipping down to press a fat smooch to your lips, missing miserably and you don’t know if he did it on purpose but you quickly fix the problem, releasing his hands to cradle his jaw and tilt his head the right angle. Finally, finally you kiss him, breathing in the smell of him like some sort of aromatherapy and whimpering into his mouth when his tongue swipes against your own. It is like nothing you have ever experienced, the taste and feel of him making you tremble and igniting a burst of electricity through your veins. You could kiss him forever, you think, sucking on his plump bottom lip greedily until he finally pulls back, desperate for air or trying to reel himself in you can’t say.
“You have to open your other gift,” Hyunjin reminds, chest heaving, and your gaze follows his long fingers as they comb his hair away from his forehead. Automatically, as if kissing Hyunjin once grants you some kind of free pass to do the same, you brush a few stray strands away from his face before leaning back to admire him. “Stoooop. You can’t do that and not expect me to kiss you again. Open. Your. Gift.” Hyunjin whines, squishing your cheeks and turning your head away.
“Okay, don’t blame this on me,” you huff, reaching for the second box before jabbing a finger into his chest, “you, sir, need to stop being so beautiful for like, two seconds.”
He scoffs, helping you rip off the wrapping paper, “You’re the beautiful one here.”
“Ew,” you wrinkle your nose, most certainly not used to Hyunjin dishing out such compliments, “this is too Hallmark Christmas movie for me. Let me open my gift in peace, ugly.” This box, unlike the bracelets’, is simple cardboard and when you lift open the lid, a brown leather book looks back at you. “You remember Up?” He asks.
On the leather, it reads Our Adventure Book in mismatched colors. “Yeah,” you whisper, flipping open the cover to find two baby pictures glued on the paper, one of Hyunjin, and one of you. At the top, it’s labeled ‘Before Shit Went Down.’ You laugh.
On the next page, there are random photographs from middle school, and then finally each other’s eighth grade graduation portraits. Then, written at the top is ‘Here It Begins,’ followed by a selfie he randomly took with you a few weeks into school freshman year, and then some from homecoming. Silently flipping through the rest of the book, your tears flow freely now, touched beyond comparison at all the photographs and all the memories accompanying them. Some are from large events like prom, others from random moments you don’t even remember, but each and every one comes together to form a special mold fitting perfectly into that Hyunjin-shaped hole in your heart.
The last picture is from the christening last month. Of course, it isn’t one of the nicer photos his mom took of the two of you, but a SnapChat selfie with the flaming sunglasses filter. He’s mid-laugh and you’re pressing a kiss to his cheek. Funny thing is, you don’t even remember taking it.
The page next to it is blank, aside from what’s written at the top of the page. “Togetha Foreva,” you read aloud, voice choked up and God, you cannot fathom how gross you look right now. “What the fuck, man!” You sob, punching Hyunjin’s shoulder before wiping your nose and cheeks with the back of your hands. “I didn’t sign up for this cock and ball torture.”
Hyunjin laughs loudly at this, pulling you into a hug and giving you a few seconds to recover. “Hyunjin, this is like… seriously the best thing anyone has ever done for me, holy shit. God, you Pinterest son of a bitch, this is such a good idea,” you groan, flipping back through the pages and getting teary-eyed all over again, “I can’t express how much this means to me, Jinnie. Thank you, really.”
Flashing that toothy grin of his, Hyunjin tugs you to lie back down with him and tilts your head up to press a much more accurate kiss to your lips. “I meant what I said before, ___,” he murmurs, “I don’t know what to do without you, and I know we only get to see each other once a month but I can’t keep living as just friends. You’re so much more than that. And I hope all the pictures we add from now on will show this new chapter of our lives. If not, well, then I guess I’ll just burn the book.”
“Are you asking me to be Kkami’s official poop-picker-upper?”
“Yes. Wait— what? No!”
You break into a fit of laughter, only to be interrupted with him pinching your side and causing you to let out a yelp. “Hey!” You bark, jumping closer to him and away from his hand until, finally, you give in to your self-indulgence and go right on ahead in swinging a leg over his hips and pinning him beneath you.
“You ruined my serious love speech, ___,” Hyunjin pouts, face scrunched up at you.
“I’m sorry, baby, go on.”
You pause, blinking slowly at him. He blinks back, the silence in the air weighing in heavily as both of your two brain cells bounce around trying to figure out what did you just call him?
“Never mind,” Hyunjin says, voice a low rumble of thunder as he reaches for your hips and easily flips positions, “I think you’re on the same boat.”
You laugh, tilting your head back and eyeing him indignantly. Fuck, he looks unfairly delectable hovering above you.
“Okay, how many more times do I have to tell you I love you for you to formally ask me to be your girlfriend, stupid?” You scowl, bringing your hands to cradle his neck, thumbs brushing delicately against his jaw.
“Call me baby again and we’ll see about making that happen.”
You raise a brow, tugging his face closer by the chain of his necklace. “You’re lucky it’s Christmas, baby.”
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oosizins · 3 years
Genre: angst,fluff Words: 1.952 Warning: bullies, swearing words and violence and a little kiss
AN: So this is a request by @seroonie
I hope you like it sweetie
Bichy Bich Club
All start when they were younger Jeno was a little boy who loved take care of himself everyone thought he was selfish until he went help a little girl named Y/n, who was bullied by some random person. Fom that everything start to turn into something else, and that until now they had grown up, the little selfish kid turn into a men who is now in highschool, part of the soccer team he have good grades, rich and everywhere he is going everyone is staring at him. The little girl had grown even pretier that before but no one was able to see it but Jeno and his friends. She was really silent and didn't want everyone to look at her like they are looking at Jeno. She also have good grades and if you're searching for her she is at the table next to the window watching her friends doing sports or just studying.
But like in all the stories they are antagonists and there it was a girl named Chloe really popular too, by a chance (or not ) she got close to Jeno, they start hanging out together and he even introduce her to his friends, here they are:
Renjun the older of theme all, he was cold from the outside but when you get to know him he was as warm as the cacao that you drink in a cold winter, Haechan he was always teasing everyone and even the teachers were weak but he's the sunshine of you're group. Jaemin everyone's favorite, he was kind, heart warming and sociable when they were younger jeno and he were always fighting but they learn how to live around each other and they discovered how they likeed each other. Jaemin was here for everyone who need love and support and finally Y/n the only girl that was really close to them all she was shy and talk only to the boys so imagine the face that Chloe made when she knew that Jeno had another girl in his life. But she anyways took the place of all the girls dreams and became Jeno's girlfriend. And from this situation they're history are starting
Hey Y/n we are here said Haechan while shaking his hand over his head.
Ye I'm not that blind Chan I just need to go somewhere. you mumble back
Ok we are going to wait for you in the library Renjun shout and you and you friends separate to your respective place, actually, you were going to the bathroom, it was now an habit that at 13h Chloe and her friends were here in the toilet waiting for you and if you miss one of there reunion it's the end, they gonna make fun of you in front of the whole highschool or you gonna be bitten up
So you got our history home work? Asked Chloe without even looking at you
No I didn't get the time you replied
Ow and why did you didn't get the time? You were hanging out with someone? A no I forgot that beside Jeno and his pets you don't have any one her friend commented
So what are we going to do with you? Hm? Maybe hurt you? Like slap you're ugly face? Or no maybe hurt you're friends? The second said
No! Hurt me but not my friends you begged I don't care if you slap me... but don't you dare do something to my friends. You suddenly had a wired felling inside of you like if you're blood start boiling and anger filled your eyes.
Ow so we want to play the superhero? Chloe ironically asked
No but if you dare touch one of there hair all the high school will know what did you did with Kai
Ow I see you gain in confidence, but why would they trust you when you have the courage to talk only to MY boyfriend and his friends?
Do you really love "you're" boyfriend? That is the question everyone beside you him and you're two dogs know that you don't like him for who he is but for his-
That is none of your business bich- She cut you off and you saw his hand fly and slap you're cheek Don't you dare talk to me like that again or you'll regret
What you are gonna do if I talk to you like that?
She grab your hair and smack it against the sink
That what I'm gonna do stupid, don't you're parents thought you how to respectfully talk to people or they don't like you too?....
And they're gone
That isn't actually the worst they've done, you're just gonna have an bruise and maybe a red cheek but that's ok .... Right?
Hay what happened? Asked Renjun a little panicked to see you with a black eye And you saw Jeno take out his water bottle to place it gently against you're cheek bone
You felt you're heart race and you're cheek heat up by the fact that he was looking at you and his hand patting you. He was so gentle even if he have strong arms long legs kick bullies booties he was so careful and sweet, he always had the habit to make you fall for him in a way
I got stuck in the bathroom and I hurt myself against the door you said silently and you heard Jamin replying
Y/ n it's actually the 5 time it happened maybe we'll go with you next time?
In the girls bathroom? Noooo I'm not going with you, they're all gossiping about how jeno is strong, beautiful and everything else! joked haechan
No but we can stay on the bench in front to wait and if after 10 minutes you're not out we go break the doors explained Jaemin
No it's ok guys I'm ok don't worry you thank them.
No you're not that courageous or brave that you want to be, you don't fight back you don't want to get into troubles like all those popular protagonist in the series.
After the classes you saw Chloe talking to a new guy he seemed to be uninterested in what she was saying and you laugh
What is funny Y/n ? Asked Jeno
Just you're girlfriend trying to catch that guys attention you laughed out
Oh I hope it's a joke you're not like the boys right? He groaned
But why out of all the girls did you choose her? She isn't even kind? And she look like a fish
Yes but she love me and I love her she is really nice she even get to know you and she is beautiful I don't know why you think she is ugly jeno said
Ye she is pretty with all that paint on her face and she is kind with those popular guys you mumble to yourself
Y/n I'm telling you that I like her can you just respect my opinion
And I want you to be happy and with that you're gonna be everything but happy, she's a whore and when are you gonna get it? You were screaming
You know what don't come to me I'm not letting anyone talking about my girlfriend like that and usually people understand but you don't seem to. And he walk away
No-jeno I... I'm sorry...you started to cry out but he didn't heard and you get inside the bus alone with no one to talk to or to lean on while listening to music but all you were able to do is cry cuz knowing Jeno for that long you know that he wouldn't let you come close to him so you were crying, you have lost you're best friend.
//:✨a week have passed✨://
As you knew jeno didn't let you come closer to him so you were talking to the boys,Chloe said that if she see you with Jeno she will beet The boys so you didn't try to talk to him neither, Haechan said that Chloe hook up with one of the newbie of the highschool and you were again thinking about Jeno...
Jeno was blind he thought that this girl liked him for who he was but no it's just that he is famous, his rich, he is sportif and handsome.
Like every other day you were walking down the strets to to you're house it's was dark and only the little lights were showing you the way across the little park. You get out of the park and you saw what you didn't want to see. Jeno walking alone, you did as you havn't seen him but he took you're hand and that makes you look at him in confution
Sorry Y/n.... I'm dumb we shouldn't have had a fight about her. he said and put you in his arms
No...hmpf.- Jeno let me go- you were trying to go out but his arms were too strong
It's killing me that you want to go out now when before the simple fact that I touch you're shoulder makes you blush he said and you were kinda surprised by how he new
Jeno what are you talking about let me go out what is someone see us like that, they.. they would think that you are...- you tried to explain
I don't care about the others I care about you! He shout out and you were again speechless
But me I have to care about them cuz if Chloe see us like that she gonna beet us up me and that boys you mumble and you felt tears dropping
What?! You are telling me that only now?! My Lord I'm so wrong come here he said and drag you by you're arms, So you are saying that all the scars the bruise and everything else it's because of this bich?
How are you talking about you're girlfriend? You asked a little bit shocked.
It's been a week sins she isn't my girlfriend. Cuz during this time when we were fighting I finally figured how.... How I love you Y/n that is unbelievable but I figured out that I was always watching you or asking where you were or how you were and everytime someone was talking about you I was smiling like a dumb crap in love. He looked at you and you were still inerpreting what he said and you were happy to know that he loved you
Are you confessing? You joked
Of course yes how can I not, you're the girl of my dreams and I want you to be my ... My girlfriend he confess while scratching the back of his neck
Can- I .. can I kiss you? You mumble while playing with your fingers.
He looked a little bit surprised but didn't refuse and took you're chin in his finger and close the distance between your two lips.
And after that day Chloe got in (garde a vue) and everyone left her cuz what she did was discussed
Y/n was finally getting more comfortable around people and lived a happy life with our dear Jeno who took extremely care about her, Renjun, Jaemin and Haechan were so happy that they finally confess to each other, they wanted to do like a little wedding (but they didn't cuz it was to childish in Jeno's opinion and Jaemin was sad but that's ok)
But now the most important is that everyone know that popularity is not being rich, being highly educated or perfect, it's being kind, humble and real.
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