#also fun fact Max was looking of his skateboard
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pigeonfac3 · 7 months ago
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This took half of my soul to make and 5-6 days of my life
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cardiolove · 8 months ago
A shock
Max and Chris had known eachother for a little while, enough for max to discover the fact that Chris could do some weird stuff on command. Those said things included being able to raise his heart rate exponentially and heat his body up to a fever.
What they also had figured out about eachother is that they're both cardiophiles.
Max, short for maxine, was about 5'4, a bit on the curvier side and had blue hair. She also had an interest in medicine apart from cardiophilia.
Chris was about 5'9, tanner skinned and his hair was about as long as Max's but it was black. He was neither skinny to the point of bone but not obese either, somewhere along skinny fat.
They had planned a meeting at Max's house, not for their usual coffee and chit chat, but for a little medical fun. Truth is, they found eachother attractive and were close enough in age so that it wouldn't be weird. They had loosely made up a scenario they would role-play to and how it would eventually end, at least that's what Chris thought. What he didn't know was that Maxine had prepared a surprise for him.
Maxine sat in her kitchen, sipping a coffee and excitedly awaiting the doorbell. She was wearing scrubs, the type that doctors wear while working in the emergency room, and a Littman stethoscope draped around her neck.
After about 15 minutes and half a coffee later, the long awaited ring sounded and Max shot out of her chair like she had been electrocuted, spilling a bit of her coffee on the table.
At the door stood Chris, slightly winded from the stairs he had to walk up. He was wearing a loose black tank top and a pair of black sweatpants. His hands were carrying a skateboard and his hair was lightly stuck to his forehead as the heat of outside had caused him to sweat a bit.
"Hii!! Come on in" she excitedly says, jittery from the coffee and the thought of finally being able to enact a long lasting fantasy of hers.
"Hey, sorry for being late I had to pick something up" he says as he sets his skateboard down next to the door. He takes off his sneakers and then pulls out a small bag with 2 brightly coloured candies. "Had to pick these up from my friend Molly" he continues with a wink.
"Oh" she says, a smirk growing on her face as she sees his actions. "Do you want something to drink? A coffee or something?" She offers as Chris puts the bag back into his pocket.
"No coffee, wouldn't want my heart to actually explode now. Just some water for those 2" he said, chuckling. As she went to fetch the two of them some glasses of water, he oriented himself to the nearest mirror, angled his head up, and admired how his pulse was visibly beating already, excitement driving his naturally elevated heart rate even higher.
"Should we take these now or later?" Maxine asks, coming back with two glasses of water. She didn't even try to hide the fact that she was eyeing him, she traced her eyes up and down his arms, torso, legs, neck, shamelessly.
"Now's the best time, you have to wait a few minutes for them to take effect" he said, passing her a piece, grabbing a glass and swallowing the candy piece. "You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable" he reassures Maxine, seeing her looking intensely at the candy. She tells him it's fine and immediately swallows it, this being one of the last few times she's going to do what he tells her.
"Go ahead and get comfortable in the other room, the doctor will be with you shortly" Maxine tells, tearing a hard inhale from Chris as he nods and heads off to the bedroom. When the brunette enters the room his eyes glisten when he sees and ekg machine and a defibrillator, even if they won't truly be used he could still already feel himself stiffening and his heart thud against his sternum harder.
As he sits on the bed and takes a few breaths, their scenario not starting with full on panic level tachycardia, the door opens and Maxine walks in, her stethoscope swaying around her neck.
"Hello Mr. Gutierrez, I see here that you've been having some trouble breathing, is that correct?" She said, looking at a chart. Chris quickly got into character and started breathing heavier.
"Yes, it's been happening for a few days so I figured I should come here and get it checked" he said, resting a hand on top of his chest, feeling his heartbeat.
She extended her hand resting two fingers upon his carotid to feel his quickening pulse before moving behind him. "Lift your shirt up, i'm going to listen to your lungs, the stethoscope might be a bit cold" she orders him.
He reaches behind him and pulls the back of his shirt up. He fakes a faint wheeze when asked to breathe deeply, as they had talked prior.
"You have slight abnormalities in your respiratory sounds and your pulse is a bit fast for just resting, I will have to proceed to further investigations." She says, writing in his chart.
"My... chest h-hurts" he chokes, using his abilities he raises his heart rate into tachycardia, up in the high 140's as his chest starts heaving.
"Lay on the bed i need to listen" She quickly says but not before he grabs her palm and presses it to his chest to feel his heart fluttering. After he lays down she takes off his tank top, gaining better access to his heart while also running her hands up and down his body.
"He-help me" Chris pleads, enjoying the feeling of his heart slamming against his sternum, the Molly they took earlier starting to kick in. Max quickly puts her stethoscope against his chest and listens to his heart rate soar over the 150's, his heart thudding almost three times every second. Maxine listens closely, pressing her hand against his chest. Watching as her hand is moving to the rapid staccato of his heart, he throws a skip... a few seconds later another one. The mauve headed doctor is impressed by Chris' control over his heart. They had a safe word if anything went wrong so they knew to stop.
Thud thud thud thud thud-DUN
"Wow..."she whispered unconsciously, which only made Chris more turned on and made his heart gain even more speed. His dick was now almost fully erect, yet they were only at the halfway mark of their scenario. His mind was starting to numb and he basked in the feeling. After she finished listening, she started putting the ekg leads on him. Quickly, the room filled with rapid tempo beeping with the monitor showing irregularities here and there.
"I- I can't breathe" he said, this sentence being a signal for the next part of their scenario. After Chris said the key words, he rolled his eyes to the back of his head and he started shaking, no... not shaking, seizing. Maxine pressed a button on the ekg machine and the rhythm changed to a preset one she had set. The ekg line becoming erratic as he keeps seizing.
"I need some help here!" She said to the empty room. Maxine now secretly turned on the defibrillator, as the next step was flatline and fibrillation. What Chris didn't know is that the defibrillator was real and could actually administer shocks. Just as she set the voltage on the defibrillator Chris stopped seizing.
She pressed another button on the ekg that showed Chris was in ventricular fibrillation. "He's fibbing, charge the defibrillator at 150" she said, putting gel on the defib paddles. Not shocking him quite yet, just miming it like they had planned. He pushed his chest up against the paddles and then back down when she pressed them.
"Shit, flatline" she verbalizes, only exciting Chris more, his erection now uncomfortable against his boxers. Maxine placed the stethoscope against his heart, hearing it thrash around his chest. His heart was now visible on the left side of his chest, hard to notice but there. His whole body was throbbing in time with his thrumming pulse.
"Starting compressions" she announces, lightly pressing on his chest, not deep enough to cause true damage like real compressions would, but enough to feel amazing for both him and her, especially him. She could feel his pump battering at her palm. She finished a set of thirty and went to give him rescue breathes which he gladly took but also turned into kissing. Hungry kisses, so hungry.
"I need a better angle" she says seductively. Saying that she moves from his lateral and climbs on the bed, straddles his lap right on top of his metal grade erection and resumes compressions. His body Is burning and his heat is radiant. She finishes the second round of compressions and in between rescue breaths "come on" she pleads.
"Fibrillation again, charge to 200" this time, she presses the button to charge, the defibrillator set at 50 joules, enough to affect him but not kill him.
"CLEAR!" She announces, stops touching him, and shocks him. He shoots up, caught in an adrenaline high, he presses his hand to his heart and laughs.
"WOOO THAT FEELS INCREDIBLE" He shouts. Chris grabs the stethoscope and puts it in his own ears and presses it to his chest. With a mesmerized look, he hands the earpieces to Max. As she puts them in her ears he grabs her hand and puts it on his chest.
"Oh my God... are you okay" she says, almost drooling. She chuckles at the question she just asked, Chris' heart is beating around 200 times every single minute, that's more than 3 times per second. There's moments where he slips into atrial fibrillation and skips back to pulse. As incredible as this sounds to Maxine, the better it feels to Chris.
"Oh... it feels so good" the tanner says, grabbing Maxine and starting a make-our session with her, and Oh was it heated, in mere seconds they were creating friction and were moaning messes. Chris took off the top of Max's scrubs only to find nothing underneath but hot flushed skin. With the steth still on his chest, Maxine moves down from his lips and onto his neck where she sucks and bites like a vampire, leaving marks all over Chris' neck, she especially pays attention to his distended carotid, tracing it with her tongue before attacking it, feeling his pulse incredibly fast against her mouth.
Chris grabbed onto Max's hair and started bucking his hips forward, his body flooding with pleasure. The pain of her teeth, the thudding in his chest, the pressure on his dick. It was driving him feral.
"Your turn now" Chris said.
Shall be continued? Tell me what you guys think because this has been gathering dust in my drafts for almost a year. Also, not proofread so tell me if it's incoherent.
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Lumax headcanons? :D
Ooh yay!!
Lucas has separation anxiety from his partner, the same way Mike does, and can't stand being away from Max. He also insists on helping her with things to make her life easier, the same way Mike does, and just like Will, it drives Max insane.
Lucas and Max have a very real relationship. Even in Glimmer, after their movie date Friday, they take it slow. Despite the fact that they dated on and off for two years, they still took months to call each other boyfriend/girlfriend and such.
Lucas and Max travel together a lot. Lucas will have Max sit on the back of his bike and hold on while he slowly pedals (so Max's service dog can keep up and because she likes to fan her cane across the ground to 'see' what's around and feel the ground moving), and when it comes to skateboarding, Lucas will hold Max's hand so that she can stay steady.
Lucas goes up and taps Max's cane up around the basketball hoop so that she can hear where it is when they're shooting hoops together.
Max regularly recruits Lucas to tell her when someone is doing something/looks stupid so she can make fun of them.
Max hates people pushing her wheelchair (or her crutches), as it feels like someone is taking her autonomy away, but she lets Lucas push her around. (She trusts him to stop if she asks, to ask where she wants to go, and to not just leave her randomly.)
That's all for now! Thank you! <3
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blazedrawsstuff · 2 years ago
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Meet Maxillae "Max" Carpal, son of Curly the Skeleton
Maxillae "Max" Carpal
Son of Curly
Curly the Skeleton
Killer Style
The throwback look! Gotta have those windbreakers, backwards caps, high-top shoes, the whole nine yards!
Freaky Flaw
Folks keep telling me that I’m “obnoxious” and “lack any form of subtly”. As If!
Randy, He’s a wicked radical lizard of many colors!
Favorite Activity
Shredding the half pipe on my skateboard!
Pet Peeve
Other monsters call my style “outdated”, but whatever, the throwback look never goes out of style! Also I’d appreciate it if you just called me “Max”, my real name’s majorly embarrassing.
Favorite Subject
Gym. I know, someone without muscles likes gym class? You can thank my skatepark skills for helping me keep up with the other jocks.
Least Favorite Subject
Literature. All those words and paragraphs just have a hard time clicking with me…that and I’m a major noob at picking up themes from books.
Favorite Colors
Purple, Green, and Red
Favorite Food
Screechza, screechza, SCREECHZA! Screechza pockets, screechza rolls, screechza subs. If it’s screechza, then pass me a slice!
Friends Finnegan Wake Holt Hyde Kaze Tatsumaki (OC) Hemo Marrow (OC) Richard Blackview (OC)
Max loves to ride on his skateboard and do all sorts of tricks on it, in fact his skate skills are what allow him to keep up with his classmates in terms of athleticism. 
Max acts like the stereotypical 90’s kid. A fun loving, sporty, energetic kid who rides through life without much worry is overall enjoyable to be around. However he can be rather loud, sometimes to an obnoxious degree. As well as impatient and having next to zero sense of subtly. Max tries to look cool in front of his peers, hence he does not like being called by his full name. He is also a bit stubborn as well, as shown by his refusal to consider his style “outdated” and acknowledge his flaws.
Trivia/Additional Information
Max’s first name comes from the maxillary bones, which are the bones of the upper jaw. His last name comes from the carpal bones, the bones that make up the wrist. Max’s birthday is July 10th. The month referencing the month “Welcome to Dead House” came out, thus starting the Goosebumps franchise. The day referencing the ten short stories that are in each Tales to Give You Goosebumps books. This makes him a Cancer. Max is dyslexic His pet’s name is a reference to “Macho Man” Randy Savage, a professional wrestler who was popular in the 90’s. His headcanon voice actor is Ben Schwartz, who voiced Sonic in the Sonic The Hedgehog movie and its sequel. Max loves game shows, a favorite of his being “Where in the World is Scarmen Sandiego?”
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strgshazam · 1 year ago
Missing Out - Chapter IV - If you forget what I've done, I'll do it again
While she's smoking, he leans down and starts pressing his lips against her neck. She turns her head away from him and back towards the party to give him more room to work.
That's when she sees Steve Harrington coming their way.
She puts a hand onto Billy's chest before whispering to him, "Sorry babe, fun police is here."
Just as Billy's pulling away to see what she's talking about, Steve makes his presence known. Loudly.
"Harper! The hell are you doing back here?" Though he doesn't say it, she can feel the added 'with him' at the end of that question.
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a/n: writing has been especially tough because i'm traveling for work right now, but i'm doing my best. also, if anyone is interested in being a beta for this, please let me know!
about: billy hargrove x ofc, slow burn strangers to lovers modern!au
warnings: drug and alcohol use, substance abuse as a coping mechanism, dead dove: do not eat, eventual smut, minors dni, violence
10:14 AM billy the flirt: Hey. Can we talk?
He set his phone back down on his nightstand with the intention of going back to sleep (or at least attempting) for a few hours. Harper didn't typically wake up until mid-afternoon. To his surpise, his phone buzzed against the wood surface beside him almost instantly.
Harper: sure thing, honey. the sooner, the better. got some shit to take care of later.
He had spent the majority of the last three weeks pissed off - why the fuck had she lied to him? What was wrong with him that she was interested in...anybody else? It wasn't until he had driven Max home from school a few days prior that some sense was knocked into him.
"Get in the car, Max. You're already late enough as it is."
"I'm only like two minutes late! What's up your ass lately?" She tossed her skateboard into the trunk of his car - there's no way she's putting that dirty piece of wood on his leather seats - and climbed into the passenger's seat and shut the door with a light slam.
"Hey! Watch the door, shitbird, or you'll be walking home for the rest of the month," he turned the key in the ignition and checked his rearview mirror that just so happened to contain his own reflection before peeling out of the school parking lot.
She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, "Seriously, what's your deal? You been fighting with that girl?"
His head snapped to look at her ever so briefly, "What girl?" She let out an incredulous laugh. "The girl you've been spending all your time with lately."
"There's no girl. And mind your fuckin' business," he kept his eyes focused on the road.
Max made her eye roll obvious enough that he didn't even need to look at her to see it. "Then why're you so defensive? How'd you fuck it up, huh?"
"Watch your mouth, Maxine. I didn't fuck up anything."
"Oh right, I forgot that you've never been an asshole to anyone before. 'Specially not girls. Never been anything less than a gentleman while trying to get in their pants."
That's what set him off. The tires of the Camaro screeched to a halt on the side of the road before he reached over to grab her arm.
He pulled her closer to him with an intense grip, "Didn't I tell you to mind your fuckin' business? I didn't do anything. And there's no girl to fuck anything up with anyway. Now get out of my car before you piss me off even more," he shoved her arm back toward her and waited for her to get out. 
She climbed out of the car and held the door open, "Never been an asshole to a girl, huh?" She sneered at him before slamming the door.
He sped off without giving her the skateboard out of the trunk.
To no one's surprise, Billy had a hard time admitting he was wrong. What was worse than Max calling him out was the fact that she was right. He'd never admit that to her, of course, but she was.
The next day, he had taken her out for ice cream. Neil hadn't liked that.
He arrived at Harper's apartment and knocked on the door. He wasn't sure that he still was welcome enough to just walk in.
"It's open, Billy!"
He found her in her usual spot on the couch, but the...air of the apartment felt different. He could tell that she felt differently about him now. God, he really had fucked this up. He finally had accepted that they were just going to be friends, but now it was too late. Now it was-
"Holy shit, what happened?" He saw bruising on her cheek and a split lip that was no more than a day and a half old. He moved quickly to sit beside her on the couch and hesitated a bit before gently placing his hands against her jaw to get a better look.
She didn't flinch at his question. She didn't flinch at his touch. She only muttered, "I could ask you the same thing," as she pointed to her own eyebrow. The exact spot that he had a butterfly bandage on his own face and what little bruising remained from a black eye.
"You okay?" He gently touched his thumb against her cheek, which still didn't make her flinch. "I'm fine. You?" She stared directly into his eyes. When most people saw him like this, they couldn't stop staring at the injuries. But not her. She couldn't stop staring at him. 
He used his calloused hands to gently turn her head to try to get a better look, and that's when he saw it: the bruises on her neck that were in the middle of fading. Or the middle of developing?
"Harp. What happened to you?" His voice was barely above a whisper. 
She smirked at him, "You should see the other guy."
He dropped his head and let out an exastperated sigh, "You're not going to tell me, are you?" He pulled his hands away from her face and she shrugged, "You show me yours, I'll show you mine."
He leaned back against the couch and rubbed his hands over his own face, carefully avoiding his own injuries.
"Look, about what I said..."
"I forgive you," she smiled at him as much as she could without pulling her split lip open again. She reached forward toward the coffee table and picked up a joint. Holding it between her teeth, she lit it with the Zippo she pulled from her pocket.
Before she exhaled, she nudged her shoulder against his, "Hey. What's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo?"
He held his eyes closed for a moment, not wanting to just change the subject as if the situation they were in was funny. However, that was clearly what she wanted, so he gave in.
"One's really heavy, and the other's a little lighter," she absolutely beamed.
The joke wasn't funny. It was pretty stupid, honestly. But her smile...despite them both being in the middle of shitty circumstances, she was still wanting to make them both laugh. And it worked. His own smile was big enough to exceed hers. He dropped his head into his hands and muttered, "You're the fuckin' worst," while trying to hold back as much laughter as he could. 
She passed the joint to him as her smile faded, "You really wanna know what happened?"
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tenta-cute · 2 years ago
Billy Lore From 'Runaway Max': Chapter 10
I live... Sorta. Not gonna lie, friends, it's difficult to make myself read this book when I have like thirty tabs of red hot Harringrove romance open on my tablet.
This chapter has quite a bit of stuff. It very briefly touches upon the racism thing. Also, some domestic abuse in this chapter. It's mostly Hawkins with some San Diego flashbacks mixed in.
Spoilers and lore under the cut!
The chapter starts with Max leaving Lucas behind and approaching Billy, who is leaning against his car. We get this scene where Billy grabs Max's wrists and tells her there are people out there that should be avoided.
He wants to know who Max talked with, what Lucas wanted, and also asks if he's causing problems for Max.
Max knows that Neil has many things to say about anyone who is not a white male Lutheran and assumes (emphasis mine) that Billy is the same.
Neil is not "openly" racist. He always claims it's about property value or crime rates or a million other keywords thanks to which he doesn't have to openly state who he is really talking about.
Billy has a history of making fun of Max's friends or interests and insulting her.
What she finds even worse is that sometimes Billy acts as if he and Max were in on some big secret together, as if they understand one another. As if he is actually concerned for her. Max believes he doesn't care for her and only acts that way sometimes to piss her off.
Ever since the Halloween night, the atmosphere in the house is very tense. While they used to be pretty angry at one another back in San Diego, they haven't been as openly hostile there.
Max realizes it's because Billy used to almost never be home back in San Diego, but in Hawkins he has a lot of free time. He started to fill it with parties, girls, and the baseball team, but all girls have curfews and the parties are rare.
Neil acts according to his routine: he leaves house in the morning and returns after 5PM. He ruffles Max's hair and buys Susan flowers. Underneath it all he's clearly ready to explode, though.
Max is hypervigilant around them, because if Billy fights with Neil he will take it out on her.
One morning Billy and Neil have a weird-ass confrontation during breakfast, lol. Billy picks up a carton of orange juice from the table and a moment later Neil reaches for it too. Billy doesn't let go. They end up quietly wrestling over it? And then Neil pulls hard enough that his elbow knocks Susan's sugar bowl to the ground, chipping it in the process.
Max finds this somewhat symbolic. She also mentions that she's been collecting signs of danger for the past seven months.
Max is not afraid of blood. She's played street hockey and tends to be pretty accident-prone with her skateboard, not to mention she loves slasher movies.
The first time she sees Neil assault Billy was in San Diego. Billy was driving in Mission Valley and was pulled over by cops.
Once Neil learns of this he goes all quiet, cold, and calm.
The scene starts with Max, Susan and Billy in the house. Max is cleaning parts of her skateboard. Billy is standing in front of the fridge and drinking milk straight from the carton, which he does because Susan hates it.
Billy is generally rude and disrespectful towards Susan.
Neil arrives, crumples up the ticket, and throws it at Billy, claims Billy is being irresponsible.
Max notes that the atmosphere in the house has been tense since that day Billy offered her a cigarette.
Max is initially shocked when Neil punches Billy.
Susan doesn't give a fuck. When Max looks to her, expecting her to step in, Susan reacts like she didn't see anything and keeps reading her magazine.
Another punch makes Billy stumble and hit a shelf. A mug falls off and shatters on the ground. Susan doesn't even look up.
Max suddenly realizes that Susan is not surprised at all by what's going on. She's horrified by the fact that her mother doesn't consider Neil's physical abuse a reason enough to leave him.
Billy manages to stand up, but he's unsteady on his feet. His lip is bleeding and his face is starting to swell. Neil tells him he's gonna teach him about responsibility and respect.
Susan leaves the room.
Neil beats Billy with a belt. When he does so, his eyes lose focus and it's like he doesn't even see Billy anymore.
Max is horrified and keeps expecting Neil to realize she's there and stop beating Billy up, but Neil doesn't care. He doesn't even seem to register she's there.
Billy is completely resigned to his fate. He doesn't make a sound and doesn't try to avoid the belt. In his eyes anger is mixed with fear and helplessness. He reminds Max of a stray dog she once saw in a dogcatcher's truck.
Right before Neil is about to start, Max tries to intervene and yells at him to stop. Neil just looks at her, smiles, and turns back to Billy to ask if this is how he raised him, to be a loser who needs a little girl to protect him. His tone is so full of disgust that it almost makes Max tear up.
Neil is not in a hurry. As he's beating Billy up, Max feels completely helpless. After he's done, Neil leaves the kitchen without a word.
Billy stays on the ground, kneeling on the floor. He doesn't say anything. After the silence becomes too much to bear, Max kneels down on the floor next to Billy and asks him if he's okay.
Billy seems completely empty when he tells Max to leave him alone. When she offers to bring him some ice, he looks up at her with hatred in his eyes that Max believes is directed at her. He snaps his teeth at her like a dog and snarls at her, once telling her to leave him alone. His voice is horrible, like a wild animals, and this time Max listens to him.
Oh man...
So, right off the bat we have confirmation that Neil is hella racist. Billy being racist is an assumption Max makes based on what kind of person his dad is, as well as the way he reacts to Lucas. Honestly, personally I think internalized bigotry is totally flavor of the month for Billy (alas, this might be a bit of a projection of my own experiences with extremely racist parents). That said, I think this part can definitely also support the popular theory that Billy wanted to keep Lucas away from Max because of Neil's bullshit? It was mentioned in earlier chapters that when it comes to politics and ideology Neil fully demands his household to follow his opinions and does not tolerate differing views. It's pretty clear that Billy is nothing like his father and doesn't want anything to do with him. It doesn't sound unreasonable to assume that his own views might be different than those of his father, even if he still enforces them for the sake of his own safety.
There is no doubt whatsoever about whether or not Max and Susan were aware of the abuse. They both know. Apparently Neil doesn't care about the audience.
This chapter was pretty heartbreaking when it comes to showcasing just how absolutely isolated Billy is in his situation and how strongly conditioned he is to believe that nobody can help him. First there's Susan driving the point home entirely on her own by completely ignoring physical abuse that is happening literally in front of her, but what's even worse is the way Neil instantly uses Max's attempt to help against Billy, in this case by trying to make him feel pathetic and ashamed for being defended by a little girl. Billy is literally taught that people trying to help him are only going to make it worse.
Like... damn, no wonder that kid is messed up. He's sad, he's scared, he's lonely, and he has no hope for things ever getting better. The fact that he didn't get his redemption arc is a crime. I once again reject canon and aggressively embrace fanfiction which gives Billy a happy ending.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years ago
Big brain moment for me: is realizing one of the main reasons Mike dislikes Max is because she's (subconsciously) a constant reminder that he isn't straight.
Dustin and Lucas are immediately into Max . And Mike questions this (since they don’t even know her). Mike"awesome??!you haven't even spoken a  word to her! " Dustin (already crushing): " Hey! I don't have to . I mean LOOK at her." 
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Troy (the homophobic bully, talking about el): "her head's shaved . She doesn't even LOOK like a girl." 
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(Not to mention all the people who also thought she looked like a boy and specifically thought she was Will- aka hopper, benny, and the diner customer).
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We also know Dustin is remarking about Max’s physical appearance in that ep1 scene since this videogame-scene  also occurs in s2e1 (the same ep Max is introduced) . This videogame- scene has  lucas and Dustin fight over princess Daphne -and Lucas mentions how “princess daphne” is his. Foreshadowing the ending of  the love triangle between the 2 boys (in relation to Max) .
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 What’s interesting is that historically dragon’s lair (was a nototriously difficult game)- and they used princess daphne’s attractiveness to convince straight-boys to continue playing the difficult game and waste their money .This is because, if the player finished the game- they would save and also marry  princess daphne. 
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 But what’s interesting is - Dustin plays it, and it’s implied Lucas has played the game the most (and even finished the game to get Daphne). However, we never see Will or Mike play the game or get sucked into Daphne’s ...appeal. In fact (right after this) Mike instead puts his arm around Will and suggests they get the top score in dig dug TOGETHER (and beat madmax’s top score instead). Not to mention in s1 Mike wrote a whole d&d story for Will-inspired by star wars/the events of s1 and replaced  princess Leia with a king (aka Will). The king has a medal ceremony for the heroes since they k*lled the 7 headed monster for him ( Will: ”it was a 7. The demogorgan it got me″). Mike is not into princesses (he literally replaced a women crushed upon by nerdy/star wars fan boys) and replaced her with a king. connecting it even more to his lack of interest in the princess videogame/girls in general (and interest in Will) .
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* These little details in ep 1 show how Mike isn’t like Dustin or Lucas. He doesn’t understand Lucas/dustin’s immediate attraction to daphne or Max in ep 1 (based on their feminine looks). Some people may claim he was attracted to El in Nancy’s dress/his grandma’s wig but i think this had more to do with the fact at that time El looked like the blonde popular girl jennifer hayes (who Lucas/Dustin were into). And so the idea of a girl who liked him (who looked like the most popular girl in school- who his friends were into )was appealing to his ego. Lucas (to Mike, referring to el while she is in her wig,dress, and makeup): “you’re just blind. Blind cause a girl isn’t grossed out by you.” Mike  in s1 even later specified he preferred her without the wig/makeup. He says in the wig/dress she’s “pretty” but when El removes all of it she asks “Still pretty?” And he says YEAH! pretty. REALLY pretty.” And sorry his compliment to her at the snowball seemed pretty rehearsed/forced. Just like how he refers to her fem look in s3 as “cool” (like how Hopper says El’s new punk look is “cool”).  In s3 we even have Lucas dress like the karate kid (cause max has a crush on him), nancy dresses based on 'new age' music (jonathan likes), so why does max imply El dresses in baggy male clothes for mike ? Saying about picking clothes " chose stuff that feels like you...not mike." Maybe cause mike prefers her dressing in a more masculine way?
Anyways, back on topic.  s2e1 shows Mike doesn’t understand his friends immediate attraction to Max and Daphne’s feminine appearances and this ties back to Mike’s animosity to Max in the following s2 eps.
 Later mike yells at max "hate you? How can I hate you? i don't even KNOW you!" (Mirroring what Mike said earlier to the smitten Dustin -when Dustin remarked on how he doesn’t really have to know her to think she’s awesome because he found her physically attractive). Mike says this comment to Max- when in canon Mike knew both el and Max for the exact same amount of time -a week . So somewhere in his subconscious he realizes crushing on el (who he ‘doesn't even know’) based on her then "boyish" look /will like appearance (after only knowing her a week) means something. Cause his straight friends (at least initially) are into Max for her more feminine appearance (after also only knowing her for a week) .And Dustin and Lucas were never into the boyish looking El (in s1- like they were with max in s2). So yeah every time Mike sees her - he's reminded that (in canon) he unlike his friends has never crushed on a single girl (except one who resembled a boy/ his male bff). Which (at least subconsciously) agitates him to think about. Max in response to him saying he doesn't hate her. Max: but you don't want me in your party! Mike: correct! Max: why not? Mike: CAUSE YOU’RE ANNOYING!To mike- max's very presence is a constant reminder he's not straight. Her presence makes him at least subconsciously start to think about things- he'd rather not. Like why he was attracted to the boyish looking el (who resembled Will) but not max, princess daphne, or any girl prior?
In s1 we know Mike knows what "gay" , 'fairy', and 'queer' is- all words he heard as insults towards Will . And eventually Mike snaps and attacks Troy for a specific  hom*phobic comment making fun of Will being dead. Where Troy says,  “Will’s in fairy land now. flying around with ALL THE OTHER FAIRIES. All happy and GAY!” . He attacks Troy in the school gym for subconsciously reminding him he’s gay -same place he yells at Max for doing the same thing. EL EVEN attacks both Max and Troy in the gym using her powers! (cough next time Mike saw Troy he literally flew from where Will ‘died’. (aka like ‘all the other fairies’. Troy even told Hopper Mike “flew” . That is another  Mike is gay hint ) . So he probably doesn't even want to fathom the possibility he may be gay or in love with his male best friend (when taught it's something 'bad' by his peers and 80s society as a whole ). Especially when he sees how people already malign Will over such rumors.
So to Mike - Max is the personification of the thing he lacks - the ability to be attracted to girls-the innate ability to be what most deem 'normal'. The ability to be like his friends. And he sadly resents her for this.
Then in s3 max encourages el to dump him ( and says to Mike it's not just a break). And constantly points out how mileven just isn't that great- she yells at Mike about how he doesn't trust el nor respects her ability to make decisions. And tells el that he lied to her. And she also points out to Mike- how el was the one who decided to spy on him (and disrespect his privacy/boundaries). And even worse for Mike's straight facade with El (max gives El a feminine makeover in s3). Something he’s not genuinely attracted to.  
 To Mike(at least subconsciously)- she is a constant reminder that he’s not straight (in s2). And in s3, she points how the flaws of his comp het relationship with el .Which infuriates him .
So when Mike starts to accept his queerness- I suspect their relationship will improve.
Heck The fact MAX & Will also have a lot in common (but he’s only attracted to Will- a boy and not Max) could be another subconscious reminder he’s not straight (Which causes an additional layer of resentment).For max & Will: Both are poor,  their bio dads both abandoned them leaving them with their respective mothers, both like horror films, comics and videogames, both are the youngest of 2 siblings.  And both use bats in anger when emulating their ab*sers ,and both are heavily associated with rainbows (Max literally has a rainbow shirt collection/ Will's rainbow ship and the many other rainbow refs).  Both also yell at Mike about how sh*tty they think the mileven relationship is in s3. Both have posters relating to beach films (Will has jaws /Max has endless summer).Costume designers said his s1's vest was supposed to be in homage to Marty mcfly (from back to the future). They gave Max Marty mcfly's skateboard in s2.And on Halloween she even dresses up as a movie-character who as a child dressed up as a clown on Halloween (Will’s fear/ what triggered him on Halloween) and whose surname is Myers (Byers?)  
I also think Mike was a bit jealous and initially thought Will was into her too. But I think the prior reasons I just discussed was actually the main reason for the animosity.
*this annon pointed out a detail that pretty much just verified my first assumption.To mike- max's very presence is a constant reminder he's not straight-similar to troy doing the same thing (albeit for very diff reasons ). Her presence (and his inability to have a crush on her-like Lucas &Dustin do) makes him at least subconsciously start to think about things- he'd rather not. Like why was he attracted to the boyish looking el (who resembled Will)? And who he barely spoke to, and in his own words he “didn’t even know’ cause he only knew her for a week? But NOT max (who he knew for the same amount of time),and who Lucas/dustin have immediate attraction to/ think is “awesome”  without talking to her (because of their feminine looks) .To Mike - Max is the personification of the thing he lacks - the ability to be attracted to girls-the innate ability to be what most deem 'normal'. The ability to be like his friends
We see this by the use of one word....
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Having Max in s2 mention how Mike thought El was “awesome”  . Is just icing on the cake- showing she’s a reminder to Mike he isn’t straight (and his romantic feelings for El aren’t genuine). She literally threw Mike’s words back at him-where Mike was judging his friends for thinking Max was “awesome” because of her looks-not words.When Mike did the same to El.
Lucas even says the ‘no/yes’ line next to Mike’s heart sign (which has a rainbow propelling a heart on it). In s3 (when dating el) he removed this sign.  But symbolically we see it follow him everywhere -via El’s room having a drawing with a rainbow propelling a heart on it- with Mike’s name on it.  Which is shown when he’s kissing El- showing no matter how hard he tries to act straight-he can’t escape his rainbow/ queerness.
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In fact,in s3, when Max points out the flaws in m*leven she is wearing  rainbow shirts (illustrating that she -like the rainbow-sign & drawing is a constant reminder to Mike that he’s not straight -which  follows him everywhere). Similar to Troy who (in his rainbow shirt) interrupts Lucas claiming Mike has a crush on El- only to announce Will is gay/ and to only target Mike with such remarks after this .
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Not to mention this whole -Max reminding him he’s not straight and can’t like girls in s2-3 just ties in to my theory Mike was projecting when telling Will “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls.”-here. And the whole theory Mike is emulating his parent’s  loveless marriage with El-mentioned it here.
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tsugarubecker · 3 years ago
I’m rewatching ST s2 with a BFF & showing them how gay and subtly critical of heteronormativity it is, and man is that fun. Thanks tumblr analysts, namely @kaypeace21 and @strangertheory and @hawkinsschoolcounselor for writing your theories and allowing me to keep up a running narration to my friend as we’re watching, pointing out things like “look: is Mike upset because he’s actually waiting for El or bc he thinks she’s dead? Romance or trauma/grief?” “Why’s Mike upset Max is here? Could it be bc she represents the fact that he isn’t falling for girls/doing normal puberty things the same way as his friends? Why is he singled out? Is it grief over El or is that a misdirection?” “Look at that hyper sexualized cartoon in Dig Dug, don’t you think this show’s messages about heteronormativity are almost heavy handed?” “Look at El learning romance from TV shows” “Notice how Will didn’t list Mike when talking about people who baby him” (they actually noticed that themselves) etc etc. Also damn, sidebar, seeing El send Max flying off her skateboard made me seriously scared to see what El will do to those girls in s4. El could easily have really hurt Max there. Doesn’t bode well :/
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kikihargrove · 3 years ago
Iris definitely treats Eddie like a child and she is his therapist. They are D&D besties and wont fail to try to one up each other. Not to mention Eddie is Iris dealer which mean they spend quality high time with each other just making fun of the popular kids.
Iris twin brother constantly hides her makeup by putting it in Dustins room and blaming it on him. And he turns off the hot water when she is showering meaning she then accidentally pours bleach on his favourite shirts when she is washing the clothes.
Billy fell for Iris because she punched him in the face for saying her outfit made her look like a slut. Billy also hates the fact she has so many male friends and wont hesitate to put his hands on them if needed. They are secretly romantic<3.
Lucas and Iris always and i mean always play 1v1 in basketball so that Lucas can train because nobody wants to play with him. She also gives him tips on how to communicate better with Max.
Erica makes Iris teach her how to cook because Mrs.Sinclair always says Iris makes the best cupcakes and sweet treats. As well as Iris always babysitting Erica when Mr and Mrs Sinclair are busy at work or other events.
Iris and Kat have secret stick and poke matching tattoos on their inner thighs but nobody knows except them because they are slightly faded. They have a secret club that hides to skip classes, among many many other things.
Max didn’t know how to feel about Iris at first because she thought that Billy was playing her but now they skateboard together and sing the cringiest songs while Iris helps her get ready for dates with Lucas.
Jonathan had a crush on Iris in middle school and Joyce told Claudia Henderson (her mom) which made everything very awkward for Iris and Jonathan while growing up. They are friends now so its not as bad.
Will always looked for Iris when he needed advice and didn’t know who to talk to because she is like a mother figure to him as well as a therapist. Because Will struggles with figuring himself out and Father problems he feels open to talk about them with Iris as he knows she has also been through some things similar to that.
Dustin gets jealous of the younger kids liking Iris because he wants to be his sister’s favourite. Iris always tucks Dustin into bed at night and he made her promise not to tell anyone.
Iris didn’t like Steve until she started working with him at Scoops Ahoy and turns out he is not as bad as he seems. He also actually showed up to one of her birthday parties once and gave her a friendship bracelet so him, her and Robin could wear it as the “Scoops Trio” as he called it.
Robin and Iris had a fling at a party once and to this day they joke about it and are pretty close friends. Robin confesses her secret girl crushes to Iris which in turn the blonde tries to help her get with and sometimes it doesn’t work out for the best but they try.
Nancy and Iris dont like each other but they tolerate each other as best as they can although Iris is always offering to beat up Nancy for her being cocky.
Mike and Iris dont get along because of the way he treats his friends however Mrs Wheeler seems to really like Iris and constantly asks her for hair tips since her hair, in Mrs Wheelers words “is always so fantastically done”.
Iris knew Hopper liked Joyce and so one time she made two postcards and sent it to Joyce from Hopper and the other to Hopper from Joyce, she essentially sent them on a date. Which they later found out it was her and Hopper (as her father figure) really argued with her about.
Eleven looks at Iris as an older sister and looks for her when there are mostly girl issues she does not know how to handle which made them get quite close, seen as Iris basically mothers the kids.
•On one note i don’t know if i forgot anyone its just so many people but on another note this is the wholesome content i am living for.
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berrymoos · 3 years ago
did i hear baby jonny was on your mind!? i might have a few things up my sleeve(>▽<)
the first time he was over steve’s house regressed for the night he was super embarrassed because he needs a nightlight to have a peaceful sleep and steve being the best babysitter ever could tell he was fake sleeping and jus wants him to feel comfortable
“ hey jonny you okay??”
*shakes his head because he doesn’t wanna speak*
“ do you need anything?”
he wants to say he wants to go home where his nightlight is but instead he just points to the light
“ you want the light on buddy?”
*nods sheepishly*
“ i don’t wanna wake the gang up so how about i put the tv on? is that okay?”
steve absolutely hates the glow of the tv shining on him but does it anyway for jonny because he loves him<3
now steve has a nightlight for whenever jonny’s over so he feels safe:>
another idea is that he enjoys being max’s doctor whenever she gets hurt from skateboarding and always makes her feel really good
“ jonnyyyyy i hada fall again!” *whisper yell bc she knows he doesn’t like yelling*
*he runs over to assess the damage and takes her hand and brings her to the bathroom*
he has a bunch of colorful bandaids in every print imaginable and he lets her pick which ones she wants
“ i wan’ ra’bow one’s pease!!”
*fixes her up and gives each one a kiss afterwards*
“ t’ank you jonny:)”
i also feel like eddie’s really sneaky and he’ll steal a few of jonny’s crayons and whenever he’s in a pickle he’ll trade the crayons for jonny to buy him some time
“ hey jonny i needa favor”
*shakes his head no*
“ pease pretty pease look! i’ll give you these!” *shows the colors that “mysteriously” went missing earlier*
“see? all for you jus don’ let stevie come in your room”
“ hey jonny can i go in your room? i think eddie might be in there and he’s in big trouble”
*shakes his head no*
“ why not? it’s really important buddy he gave stevie a mustache while he was sleep, hey don’t laugh at me!”
*shakes his head no again*
“ how about i get you two new coloring books later?”
the only thing jonny loves more than reuniting with his crayons is a new coloring book
“ m’kay”
“ thanks buddy:) eddie! i know you’re in here!”
(his favorite word is “m’kay” if you couldn’t tell)
i rambled A LOT but oh well(*^ワ^*)
💡 awww & steve flicks it to a some kid's show to help lull jonny to sleep — actual sleep. and and and steve stays up with him until he fully falls asleep with his head in his lap, but he still keeps the tv on in case jonny wakes up for any reason (*^^*)// steve buys a handful of nightlights too, in case any of them go missing or break; you can NEVER have too many nightlights ;~)
mmm i think mayybeee he might be a little shy when it comes to using his nightlight in front of the rest of the gang at first? steve and nancy r fine bc nance is his primary cg & steve is the one who bought him the 5 nightlights, but robin and eddie r iffy bc he doesn't know them that well!! it isn't until rob & ed reassure him that there's no way they're gonna make fun of him for needing some light in the darkness & actually use a nightlight one night they're all staying over that he fully feels comfortable w them <3
🩹 AWWW MAX'S INSIDE VOICE FOR JONNY (≧∇≦) the moment he hears her whisper yell from the door he drops his crayon & zooms to her before any cg can — like nancy could already be on her way to assess the situation & jonny races past her in the fastest little dash she's ever seen from him while in smallspace
he's got SOOO many bandaids, ur right!! blue bandaids, pink bandaids, puppy bandaids, kitty bandaids .. u name it, he's got it. max likes making it a game of asking for random bandaids to see if he has them, & 9 times outta 10 he does; he did not, in fact, have hotdog bandaids when she asked, but i bet he does now HSJSKS
but WAAAA jonny is such a sweetie <3 he will give kissies to all of her owies even if they don't hurt ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ max always always returns the favor when he takes a tumble & she fixes him up
🖍️ oh no eddie is deff a sneaky guy, regressed or not 👀 he steals the crayoms when jonny's napping or LITERALLY when he leaves for just a second & hides them until he needs them ,, jonny is well aware that his crayons are going missing but he really doesn't wanna worry steve too much so he just makes do with what he has (and has since learned the art of mixing crayon colors to get a similar one he wants)
& JONNY INSTANTLY GIVING IN THE MOMENT A NEW COLORING BOOK IS ON THE TABLE HSKDJSKDH ,, steve sticks true to his word abt them every single time which is the reason why jonny has like 10 coloring books stacked for later use in his room. eddie's deff been rubbing off on him in terms of being cheeky — never to his exactly level, tho — sooo sometimes only one or two new coloring books isn't enough 🤭
"hey, jonny? i think eddie's in there, and i need him."
he shakes his head no
"cmon, bud; it's super important, i think he hid my hairspray and i need to know where he put it."
he keeps coloring
steve sighs. "new coloring book?"
jonny thinks for a second ... & looks down to his coloring. "three."
"mhm. three."
"why not two, instead?"
"mm ... no. three."
and finally, steve sighs. "fine. three."
jonny smiles & shimmies from in front of the door. "tank ou."
and that, my friends, is how jonny got three coloring books in the same day
(ALDKSKDKS i see 🤭 short words like that r his faves in general: mkay, uhuh, nuh-uh ... things like that. AND NEVER BE SORRY FOR RAMBLING I LOVE BABY JONNY <333)
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hargrove · 3 years ago
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「 complicated relationship with max : I finally read that novel, Runaway Max. It’s not canon since it contradicts some stuff in the show, but I am going to cherry pick it for some material. To start, I’m making this Billy be from San Diego. That’s where he lived his whole life with his parents, and then later with just his dad before the Mayfields came into the picture.
Billy absolutely has anger issues. He does a lot of shit that’s toxic and wrong. He’s a tough older brother to have, always bullying Max by yelling at her, cursing her out, pushing her, making fun of her, and breaking her things. He’s definitely run over her skateboards more than once. Every time he looks at her, he sees a replacement family forced on him in the wake of his mom’s departure, so he resents Max and Susan.
However, we saw in his mind in the show that he wasn’t a total dick as a kid. His anger issues developed after his mom left. That, combined with the fact that Max was still sad about his death and even later expresses a wish that they could actually have been friends or like real siblings if he lived makes me think he wasn’t the entirely abusive asshole the novel paints him as.
While I won’t excuse his behavior at all, he’s still not a murderer. He’s not actively ready to just senselessly kill people.
There were moments in growing up with Max that they actually had a truce. Though few and far between, there were times when the step siblings got along in their own way. Usually it was whenever Neil’s wrath turned on Max. He never physically hit her, but he still abused emotionally her. Billy was way too terrified to ever stand up for Max, but on a couple of occasions, he sought her out afterward and would sit with her in silence, as though letting her know that he understands and she’s not alone.
There were also times that the pair were left alone and would bond over mutual mischief. Be it egging houses, sneaking into the R rated movies, stealing Susan’s car before Billy has a license, there was an unspoken bond between them not to rat each other out.
The biggest change from the novel is the reason they move to Hawkins. The story is posted here, but because of their truce not to rat each other out, that’s why he ends up doubly pissed off at Max when they get to Hawkins. 」
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writhingcreature · 4 years ago
I LOVE the idea of jock/nerd Mericcup and cheerleader/jock Rapunstrid, do you have any more headcanons for that au?
I tried writing this and got distracted and now O have to start from the beginning so... let’s try this again
- Hiccup keeps trying to ask Merida out but his awkwardness and self Doubt keep tying his tongue and hands and feet and he fails again and again. Merida knows what he’s trying to say but she wants to give him the chance to do it since she knows it might hurt his pride if she asks him. Eventually she does anyway though and Hiccup is so relieved he’s been put out of his misery he kisses her right then and there and everyone’s like OoO
- Hiccup and Astrid are neighbors and they grew up right next door to each other. Like, saw each other through the window and climbed onto each other’s roofs and such. They did that thing where they opened their windows and just... talked if they were too lazy to climb up onto the roof. So they’re like actually really close friends. As kids Astrid always found Hiccup annoying and it was like “your mom is friend with my mom” but eventually he started tutoring her and she thought she was doing fine at school but suddenly she was acing everything and it all made sense and after that she thought Hiccup was cool
- Merida and Rapunzel live quite a bit from each other but Merida skateboards and Rapunzel goes on morning bike rides and walks and jogs and skates (on rollerblades) and really ANYTHING that gets her out in the morning. They end up meeting when Merida falls off her skateboard and busting her knee - Rapunzel took care of it with the med kit she always takes with her everywhere. After that they were best friends and upon hitting middle school, joined sports together to figure out what they liked. Rapunzel was good at cheerleading, being very petite and acrobatic, and Merida was better at the classic sports (soccer, hockey, baseball, football, etc.). They do figure skating together. When Merida had to fight to be on the guys’ team, or just. Create a girls’ sports team, Rapunzel was there to support her every step of the way.
- Astrid and Merida are on a team together. Astrid does either hockey or soccer (or maybe both Idk which seasons they are but it feels like they’d be in different ones) but eventually Merida talks her into joining every one that Merida is in too. They get each other SO much and eventually develop like a secret language. No one knows if that’s true for sure, but these two girls can communicate without moving their body or saying a single word and it’s so effortless and perfect a system that people thought they were dating for the longest time. When someone finally brought it up (it was Snotlout) the two laughed so hard and so long that he blushed, and they NEVER let him live it down. It was just so absurd to them....
- Astrid and Rapunzel actually happened pretty fast. Everyone thought Astrid would take charge, and normally she does. She’s confident and sure of herself and has fingers in SO many pies, and she doesn’t ever shrink from any competition. Everything seems very easy for her and she never falters off fumbles... that is until she tries to talk to Rapunzel. Because Astrid can affectionately bulky Hiccup and Merida already gets her so well that she doesn’t have to try to communicate with her. But Rapunzel is... her opposite in a lot of ways. She’s small and soft spoken and artistic. Her mind is creative and her hands are gentle and her eyes are huge and her smile is warm. Rapunzel is this golden stream in a fairytale and Astrid is.... probably a rock. Of some kind. Anyway, the point is Rapunzel approaches her with that pretty smile and those large eyes and very clearly asks her out and Astrid’s lucky that Merida’s there to say yes for her because her mouth forgets how to move
- Rapunzel cheers SO LOUD for Astrid every game, and they start to sit on the bench together if there’s any free time. During the half time show, Astrid cheers just as loud for Rapunzel and the phrase “THATS MY GIRLFRIEND” gets thrown around a. Lot. They get super competitive all the time and end up having so much fun. Rapunzel is a bit of a softie and let Astrid win a lot in the beginning until Astrid called her out and called her a loser (affectionate) and from then it was ON. No one thought anyone could beat Astrid at anything until Rapunzel came around.
- Hiccup tries to follow what’s happening in the games but he often gets really distracted and confused and ends up analyzing the plays and bombarding everyone with questions afterward. Astrid and Merida eventually directed him to Rapunzel, who actually listened to him and realized how genius his ideas and observations were. They started to talk with the coach about ways to make the team better, and Hiccup eventually starts to just. Help the coaches in general and no one even asks anymore.
- Hiccup has a cat named Toothless and he and Rapunzel are the BEST of friends. Astrid didn’t like him at first but softened upon seeing Rapunzel and Hiccup be so adorable with the little creature. Toothless HATED Merida for the longest time no matter what she tried and it made everyone laugh constantly. Eventually the little thing warmed up to her but for a while there Merida stayed by Astrid “where it’s safe” as she said.
- Rapunzel also has a pet chameleon and she DOTES on that thing. She knows everything about them and anytime anyone asks about Pascal she just wants and rants and rants about fun facts. It’s the only time Astrid will without complaint Listen to someone just talk facts and knowledge. Astrid usually finds it so boring but Rapunzel is so adorable when she goes off about this thing she’s so passionate about that Astrid doesn’t even mind.
- After watching Hiccup with Toothless for a while, Astrid gets her own cat named Stormfly and they are a DYNAMIC duo. Stormfly is almost as well trained as Toothless a lot sooner, and they just have this very clear understanding. Stormfly doesn’t hate Merida, so the red head prefers this cat, and Toothless often glares at her for hours for it. Rapunzel and Stormfly take to each other even faster than Rapunzel and Toothless did. Rapunzel smells like Astrid and Stormfly is HERE for it
- Rapunzel and Merida take riding lessons on the weekends. It was something they looked into when they were really young and when they finally convinced their parents to let them it was the single best thing to ever happen to either of them. Riding Maxmimus and Angus are the best parts of their week in most cases (unless something special happens) and the horses are considered as much their pets as the cats or chameleon. They end up buying them after they get out of college and securing a house for all four of them with a big enough back yard to keep the horses in. It’s a good time.
- Hiccup works as a mechanic, fixing mostly cars but also small stuff like bikes and the such in his free time. Toothless came to him missing a leg, so Hiccup comes up with a lot of really clever contraptions and systems to help Toothless move around the house without Hiccup’s help. He still prefers to be lifted into bed, but anywhere else is free game.
- Rapunzel gets a job at first at a diner, where she spends her highschool and college career working her butt off. It wasn’t the best experience but it achieved the goals Rapunzel needed to so she could go to college and become an art teacher instead. It wasn’t the best paying job, but it allowed her to show others why she valued painting so much, and left plenty time in the year to also go traveling if she wished. She’s very good at saving money so she makes it work.
- Astrid works a lot of fast food at first and even takes a stint at the diner with Rapunzel, but her short temper ends up getting her into a lot of situations where she hates her job and ends up leaving after six to eight months. Nowhere was very good for her until she finally got a job at a gym where she ended up learning a lot of really fun skills like self defense and axe throwing. She did it for so many years and got so good that she was hired on as the instructor, and she’s never been happier than in a position where if a man pushes the limits or a Karen tries her patience, all she has to do is sink an axe into a target and turn to them with a raised eyebrow and ask, “What was that again?” It works every time and unless someone has an actual problem they don’t bother her.
- Merida struggles with work. She gets every job under the sun, taking stints at the diner with Rapunzel and the mechanic’s shop with Hiccup and even eventually at the gym and fun enter with Astrid. She gets bored very easily and doesn’t keep a job more than like four or fives months at Max. Ever. She doesn’t think she’s good at anything and might have peaked in high school... until she discovers archery. In an attempt to help her out, Astrid pitches to the fun center to add archery as an activity, and Merida begins to come to it. Unfortunately they can’t really find a teacher who knows what they’re doing and Merida is the only one who shows up so for a while it’s threatening to shut down. But then Merida teaches herself via the internet and insane amounts of practice, and tries out for the job. They give her the position, but tell her that without customers it’s still going to go down.
- the four gather ALL of their friends and begin mass sharing any and all information they can get out there about the fun center and Merida’s growing skills and how helpful she’ll be as the teacher. They just spread the news and encourage people to at least try it out. Through sheer force of Will and hard work, they get enough people with interests peaked who end up coming. Merida’s classes are full of all kinds of people of all kinds of ages, and she loves it.
- none of them get paid a LOT, but Rapunzel and Hiccup are very good at saving money and slowly, Astrid learns as well and between the three of them they can get things figured out even if Merida doesn’t want to waste energy on budgeting and planning everything out and such. When the fun center is out for winter time, and school is out for Summer, they start taking temporary jobs that pay a lot more money. These jobs end up being labor intensive, but they always try and work together and combined, they can find the fun in even the most annoying jobs. Sometimes Hiccup will join them if he’s having a slow time at work, but he never lasts long and the girls tease him a lot about it.
- Yes the hall live together and yes they have “family nights” where they all go out and do something fun once every month, and they eat dinner and breakfast together as much as they can and they’re all very close and mean a lot to each other god I love them.
There are obviously a ton of other characters in this little world I’ve built so if you have any questions feel free to ask!
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river-bottom-nightmare · 4 years ago
For some reason BirdFlash gives me the look like nerds but are actually jocks vibe while JayRoy are the look like jocks but are actually nerds vibe. TimKon is the classical jock + nerd and since this came to my mind I can't unsee
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At first sight, birdflash gives off STRONG nerd vibes. wally’s actually known throughout the school for his science achievements, trophies, and awards. you don’t stand a chance against him in the science fair, don’t even try. and dick went to a fancy rich prep school where he scored some of their highest grades. just because he doesn’t like school doesn’t mean he isn’t good at it. and whenever they see each other in civvies, wally’s chattering on about this experiment he’s doing for fun and it seems like dick actually understands what he’s talking about, not just nodding along. and with a single visit to wally’s school, he revolutionized the tech department with a few careless suggestions. but really, that’s just their individual interests. wally might like science, but his entire life is running. he trains and trains, both with and without the speedforce. along with being trapped in that thing for years, wally’s pretty sure the reason he’s the fastest speedster is because of his strict track and cross-country training. and no matter what the circumstances, dick’s always happiest when he’s in the air. he possesses a natural athleticism that leaves others in awe along with skills finely honed to perfection for years that very few others could even hope to achieve. the two of them are long and lean and strong, and are in complete control over their bodies. they play different sports for fun, give each other leg warmers, socks, and water bottles for holidays, and go on early morning runs. the two of them are sports culture to the max (i actually made a post about that here)
now jayroy give off just the jock vibe, maybe even running into punk territory. first of all, lets get this out of the way: BICEPS. two of the biggest pairs of guns you’ll ever see, i swear. roy’s got a cocky smirk and he wears threadbare tank tops with dumb slogans on them and he never takes that trucker hat off. he makes his way into the basketball game going on at the courts on the bad side of town with a laugh. he squares up his fists for a fight any time there’s a hint of action. his nose is crooked from all the times its been broken and reset. not to mention his tattoos. and yes, roy loves lian with his entire heart and cares for her with everything he has, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was a teenager. now jason, jason just looks the part. he’s huge, and built like a goddamn brick wall. those muscles gotta be used for something, right? he’s always wearing those fingerless gloves, but his knuckles are constantly bruised anyway. you stop and take a double take anytime you see him when his lip isn’t split. almost everyone’s seen him with a gun. but he also spends his free time reading literary classics. his bookshelf is crammed full of old paperbacks, with everything from Frankenstein to Wuthering Heights to Farenheight 459 to The Importance of Being Earnest. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is a guilty pleasure of his. And he’s not just flipping through them either. no, he reads them. poking plot holes and other criticisms faster than a bullet. character analyzations sharper than his jawline. a lecture about the problem with many contemporary and modern novels longer than his dick. yea, jason devours those novels, and can tell you about all of them. as for roy, he’s inventive. always tinkering, always fiddling with a piece of tech, always creating. whether it be a new set of trick arrows or a coffee machine that spits out poison darts of a toaster that has 56 settings or a goddamn bazooka. he loves building stuff with his own two hands, a messy bun on his head, grease on his face, goggles shoved over his eyes as whatever he’s making sparks to life in his hands, bested only by the strike of pure creative passion in his eyes. textbook definition mechanic and geek, and we love him for it.
timkon is definitely the classic jock + nerd pairing. the only problem is that they always switch which is which. kon drapes his spiked leather jacket over tim’s shoulders when he’s cold, and later on at football games, tim cheers kon on wearing kon’s varsity jacket. but tim dropped out of high school because he has “better things to do” while kon just genuinely enjoys learning about stuff. kon does need help with his homework, so he calls tim, who always gives kon the math formulas he forgot the empirical formula of a compund that he doesn’t feel like calculating while simulaneously working on a couple other cases (he bounces his theories for a certain homicide off kon). but half of tim’s closet is made of sports jerseys for his favourite teams that he wears completely unironically even though they practically dwarf him, and he drags kon to all of their games while cheering and hollering, screaming at the tv when he can’t be there live,,,,and it’s not just one sport,,,,,nooo he’s got a good many he’s completely emotionally invested in. tim steals kon’s shirts so often that he just starts giving them to him, and dear god there’s almost nothing kon loves more than seeing tim wearing his clothes, looking tiny and misleadingly delicate and his. but tim carries around a skateboard and uses it practically 24/7, and one afternoon was spent teaching kon how to use the thing, including lots of laughing and falling over and steadying hands on waists, before a break at an ice cream parlour was followed by a sugary kiss. so yea, timkon is jock + nerd culture, with both of them being the jock and the nerd (also sorry anon i know you were thinking of kon being the jock and tim being the nerd, and honestly that’s how i usually view it too, its just this particular idea popped into my head and i had to write it) (also for timkon, i usually go for skate culture, and my hc for that is here)
ok wow this got a lot longer than i expected. i was shooting for a couple lines about my ships, and ended up with a whole new hc list instead. ooooof. tag list: @comicsandhoney @birdy-bat-writes @astroherogirl @anothertimdrakestan 
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yvainegelinemarie · 4 years ago
How The MLQC Bois React When You Do A ‘Baby/Cutesy Talk’ To Them.
🖤🦋🖤Idk if anyone has done this one yet so here it goes...
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𝚨𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖞 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌: ✨ ALL my writing promts are gender inclusive and promote love, kindness and fun for all! 
✨I know that each and every one of our boys would love and support each and everyone of you and I hope that my readings portray that comforting, accepting and loving nature through and through~ 
✨And with that I hope you Spookies enjoy~~
☪ 𝕱𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
☪ 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌:18+  Has mild talk about sex, mentions drinking/alcohol. 
☪ 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙 : Quick Read, bullet points 
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He eats the baby talk up!!! And does it right back to you with so much ease!
You guys have full on conversations with just the two of you using baby talk towards one another.
And you both have no problem doing it in public and annoying all your friends with how mushy and maybe a bit cringey you two can be.
Most of your baby talk conversations is the two of you whining back and forth about wanting food.
“Aww, Kiro can I pwlese haves a snack now? It’s been a few howers pwlesee?! 🥺🥺”
“Bwut what if I want a snack moreeeee?!”
You two stare at one another intensely with large, watery, puppy dog eyes and quivered lips.
Neither one of you is going down this easily over the remaining sweet candy that you have left. 
Kiro will ALWAYS use the cute talk on you when you are trying to keep him from eating sweets as Savin ordered. But the moment he brings out the cute voice and the puppy dog eyes you have lost.
It’s just so hard to not cave in to such a cute face!!! 
But it’s okay because he can’t resist yours either.
You and Kiro’s guttonness and cutesy manipulative ways towards one another can sadly only go on for so long before the fun comes to a painful hault.
It seems that you two have indulged in a little too much of the sweet treats, leaving you both to most likely take up a very simple yet painful month of dieting. 
Which is then filled to the max with pouty expressions and W words in hopes to just get one cookie from the bakery you passed on your daily run. 
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The world will NEVER know this side of Victor. 
He would probably throw himself off a bridge if anyone heard him use a cute voice towards you or anyone for that matter.
Even your future children and cute puppies will NEVER witness such a pure and child-like state with your stubborn CEO boyfriend. 
BUT surprisingly enough he has done it a few times.
You always tease him for it since he likes to make fun of you for when you try to use your cute voice to beg for pudding or a longer time for your deadlines. 
And although this tough looking CEO wouldn’t admit it, he likes seeing you pout your lip and add a W to every two words of sentence.
The one and ONLY time victor has ever used the cutesy voice on you was when you were really sick and asking for soup. 
He was caring for you for about a week now with little to no progress of your health improving. 
And aside for all the nagging you were getting from him for overworking yourself he was truly worried about you.
Now that your cold was coming to and end and with Victor in a tired state and comfortable enough to relieve himself of worry, along with being a bit flirtatious (probably from light sips of whisky he had been drinking to keep himself in motion) the cute words just kind of...slipped out...
You are in complete shock as your brain is trying to process what it just heard. 
Did Victor really just say “does my whittle dummy want some swoup?”
Trust me he is just as shocked as you are as he quickly escapes the bedroom with cheeks as red as a cherry.
He is so shocked in fact that it takes you a good three hours to get your soup so he could have some time to regain himself after the embarrassing encounter.
To this day he is still haunted by it as you taunt him every once in a while for it.
*poking his forehead lightly with playful giggles* “Aww, Come on Victor, don’t chu want to mwake me some swoup?” 
“If you have time to bother me then maybe I should consider raising your deadline to three days instead of the end of the week?” 
And with that you scurry out at lighting speed leaving Victor to wallow in his face palmed blushes. 
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Lucien LOVES the shit out of your cutesy talk.
BUT is probably the only one capable of not letting you get your way with it every time.
He loves to tease you not the other way around! 
His plans would be foiled if just your cute little voice defeated him.
He will however use a cute voice in comparison to yours. 
He likes when you say little words in a cute way like tank you instead of thank you or putting a w in pretty please 
and he will repeat them back to you the same way you said it. In a mocking yet flirtatious kind of way.
After a soft chuckle Lucien looks to you. “Pweety Pwlease?” He questions as you puff your cheeks at the fact that he doesn’t seem phased by your cuteness.
His eyes however, quiver with complete delight at just how cute you are to him.
Your Scorpio boi can only hide his feelings for so long and despite his calming expression his eyes alone can only hold what is truly running through his brain. 
There are times the Professor falls victim to your cute ways but they usually end in some more...explicit moments with you. 👀
You learn rather quickly that this seems to be one of the very few things you have in control over Lucien, unlike the multiple ways he has control over you. 
Though, your ways of manipulation are nothing to take lightly either. 
Lucien seems to be really focused with work right now. Staying up all day and all night eyes glued to books or his tablet filled with words that just give you a bit of a headache.
And despite not hating Lucien’s passion and hardworking energy towards his career you are now starting to realize that it’s been almost a month since you have been close and intimate with him.
So much so that you can’t even remember what his gorgeous body looks like under all that lab coat. 
And desperate times call for desperate measures. 
Setting yourself up into cutness overdrive and plopping yourself right down and in front of your boyfriends work and onto his lap 
along with a simple tilt of your head and eyes as wide as the moon doesn’t take long for all the blood to rush to you know where for Lucien. 
And when Lucien falls victim to you he FALLS. but he’s not a man who enjoys failure. (So be prepare for one intense and intimate ride.)
His sex drive and stamina is not something to question and if you sneeze just two octaves higher than normal 
you’ll most likely be attending his lecture with wet, shaking knees. 
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Also loves your baby talk and will say it back to you casually.
It is something that he only does around you though and doesn’t let anyone see.
Gavin is 100% those TikTok videos where the girls are recording their boyfriends cutesy talking to them and then instantly start talking in a deep voice the moment they see the camera. 😂
Will use it a lot when you aren’t feeling good and goes nutso bananas if you use it to reward him.( Kind of like a puppy. 😂)
“Was ywu a tood boyfwriend today? Wes. Wes you were.” *Gives Gavin happy head pats*
Gavin is also a huge sucker for your cute ways and will not hesitate to compliment you on your new hair accessory, the way you did your makeup, or how you added a new watch to match the bracelet he gave you.
He’s actually really good at paying attention to small details despite not being the romantic.
And with this you'll find him getting you cute treats and toys to cheer you up. 
And even if he truly doesn’t quite understand why you are so obsessed and squeal as loud as you can when you see pusheen he can’t say that he hates seeing how excited you get when admiring the cute and simple things of life.
One moment in particular that will always be engraved in Gavin’s head is seeing you hold the chubby grey cat plushie as much as you could in your arms
you were practically swallowed behind it, it was just as big as you were, if not more.
Seeing you walk through the store and doing your best to avoid falling over not daring to let go of the giant fluff ball of cuteness sent a pierce through Gavin’s heart.
How the hell can they be so cute?!? Was the only thought running through Gavin’s head the entire time. 
And once he regained his composure he helped guide you through the store by your arm. 
Sadly you had to part ways with the kitty plushie when a small child became just as in awe of it as you were and knowing she was the last one, handed it over kindly.
Seeing you a bit sad only put Gavin in a low mood before motivating him to an idea.
And with that; a few weeks later a new fluffy, plushie cat as big as your front door awaited the front of your apartment with a cute (is that letter blood stained???) note from Gavin. 
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Hatesssss! The baby talk with a passion and will not ever use it with you.
You made the mistake to use it on him once and the amount of awkwardness in his expression was overbearing.
The two of you just sat in your apartment blinking wide eyed at one another in silence.
Shaw broke the awkwardness first by just flat out saying “yeah, no.”
And with that you sulked back into your seat realizing that he didn’t seem phased at all by how cute you were.
And for a moment a bit ticked off. I am cute Shaw?! Don’t ignore me like that! UGH! He can be so nerve racking sometimes!!
Despite not being a big fan of the voice, after dating Shaw for a while you have come to find that he doesn’t mind you doing cute things with him like cuddling up together, squishing his cheeks, or rubbing your face on his ect.
Playing with his hair when he’s strumming away on his bass or latching onto his neck when his skateboard slips from under your feet are some of his favorite moments with you.
But the big eyes and pout get him ALL the time!
He will try his best not to be swayed by them especially when the tears seem genuine.
Shaw and your relationship is like when the older sibling hits the younger one and they start crying and the older one starts to freak out. That. That’s you and Shaw. 
When he gets drunk he uses the baby talk on you!
Will mumble on his words but tell you just how pretty and cute you are.
But you know that if you bring it up to him he will never drink around you again so you have to keep it as a little secret between you and your friends
You even have recordings and voice messages of him drunk off his ass and calling you just to say.
“Babbbyyyy, I mwissed ywu so muchhh!! Ywu are dhe pwrettiest girl I know and I luv ywu and I just want to kiss your cute wittle face!”
He’s also a very clingy and loving drunk who can’t seem to stop from covering your face in kisses.
It is most definitely a moment in time that you will happily remember for years and years. 
𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝐤 𝖄𝖔𝖚!!! Spookies for giving this a read and for giving me the opportunity to share something fun and light hearted with you guys about all our favorite Evolvers. 
✨ I am hoping that more writings are to come to you guys from me but this is all a fairly new and a bit out of my comfort zone to do haha  so please be patient with me. 
✨ But please be open to comment feedback you may have through this post and In my asks on what you thought about this and if you guys enjoy more bullet point writings like this or would like more of a story style. I would love to hear what you guys have to say!!! 
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miyaniacs · 4 years ago
BABE your stylish ass better give us some nice content for the boys™️
Like i‘d love to know which style you can see the miya twins, sakusa, bokuto, suna, aran and tsukki in (ofc you don‘t need to do all of them, those were just the ones that came to my head regarding to style KEKDBDKE)
I got waaaay to into it bc im just a hoe when it comes to fashion lol 
SOOOOO i have to split this AHAHA 
also side note: this is simply my opinion so pls don't feel offended if anyone thinks differently- also feel free to leave some comments - I’d love to know what you think of those lol 
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their style pt.1 ( Atsumu, Osamu and Bokuto )  (pt.2)
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Atsumu is the fashionable boyfriend you always feel underdressed standing next to and he gives off bitchy vibes with his style 
ayt so his style is high-fashion mixed with techwear and eboy and accessories 
kinda blogger style ???? 
he definitely owns an oversized Cardigan ( preferable from a high end brand ) - one more basic in black and one ugly one that only he (and Osamu) can pull off -  AND YOU CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS 
also all the other expensive brands - he wont buy the fakes or knock offs - nahhhhh the real stuff or nothing 
now he also has more casual days where he’s wearing more relaxed fits aka sweatshirts, jeans, Vans / Jordans - kinda skater inspired ( also I feel like the twins skate ) 
but I feel he is more of a dressy pants person 
like something more formal ( the pants ) and mix those with something more streetwear 
uhm colors: BLACK and Nudes - yet he throws in some fun colors here and there as an eye catcher 
oh and he mixed gold and silver YET he’s more a Silver  Guy
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he’s the fashionable boyfriend you want and feel comfy with and looks chill and other turn around and try to dress their s/o that way
Okay so .. he is more relaxed 
Sweatshirts and jeans.
and Accessoires!!! he doesn't use as much as Atsumu, he has his go-to pieces 
but he masters the art of accessories so all of his Fits look as if he spent hours when in fact it took him 5 minutes - max 15 bc he couldn't find this one particularly T-Shirt that looks like the 20 others he owns
more colourful than Atsumu tho 
but also gravitating to the more pastel / coffee shop side
OH and I feel like he as a thing for socks !
ANNNNND he also busy high quality basics! brands like Acne Studios and Helmut Lang 
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SO I put this because there are some things I want to mention 
their style is kinda similar, they just combine the pieces differently 
so what they share : SHOES - they are addicted and it’s easier to share them 
Sweatshirts- yes those old vintage ones from nike or some high end brand  
Also T-Shirts - yet they are more from streetstyle/Skater brands ( Obey, Stüssy, GOLF WANG ) 
Also y’all know G-Dragons cap with this long af piece of fabric? they have one in white and black 
also a Kangol Flatcap 504
and yes they also share those cardigans and also some dressy shirts too
oh also not everything is oversized- either pants or shirt 
when both tho then there is a belt or a cross body bag involved to still give some shape 
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FUN FUN FUN - just looking at him you know that he’s the one who throws over the tower or enerydrinks at the store - also everyone wonders where his skateboard is? the boy we all wanted when we looked at those tumblr pics in 2014
90′s Windbreakers 
his closet looks like a colourful flower field 
JEANS light blue ! 
also sweatpants 
oh and NIKE SHOES !!!! ( only exceptions are vans ) 
also he can pull off matching sets 
uhmm still kinda eboy inspired further on... yes it was Atsumu's fault 
he literally just grabs something and puts it on and he looks as if he's  straight out of a fashion magazine 
oh and definitely oversized 
it’s really just a mix between sporty and blogger influences? 
he also got a thing for socks - will roll up his jeans to show them too 
OH and he owns a Casio watch in uhhhh gold. 
when he’s shopping he will just grab the most ridiculous looking piece of clothing and tries it on and BAM perfect match 
some brands..  well basically the typical skater / streetstyle brands tbh.. 
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hopetofantasy · 5 years ago
Culture, parallels & meta - S3 E1
Previous season Prologue: Vlogs (1) - Vlogs (2)
Zaterdag 21:43
The time lapse already showing us a string of places that will be important later, like the dark alley, the Meir with Noor’s workplace, the university neighborhood, the Scheldt river where the boys hang out, ...
Perfect parallel: 
The second season starts Zoë’s POV with a (washing machine) door, whilst the third opens with a door to a party that Robbe attends.
Robbe glances back at Noor passing through the shot this episode, an action he repeats when he spots Sander in the second episode. - A very subtle hint to where his love life may lead.
The first one starts with two unknown LGBT+ girls kissing at a party, the last episode shows two known LGBT+ boys (Sobbe) kissing at their own party.
The aerial shot through the floor to introduce us to Robbe’s POV here and the aerial shot through the roof to say goodbye to him in the last episode.
Moyo saying “No one would do you” to Aaron in this episode, Aaron realizing “No one here wants to do me!” in the last.
Where’s Wally? Noor greeting Marie, accompanied by Jana and Britt. Max dancing with Keisha in the crowd.
How ‘meta’ of you: Newsflash, yes you are!
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Nod to the OG: 
The deliberate messy POV: following everyone that we know already and then slowly settling on the Isak version in a tub.
Robbe saying Noor looks like ‘Natalie Portman’, which is what people said to the OG Emma when they flirted with her. Everyone, except Isak, that is.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Moyo keeps pressuring Robbe into explaining what type of girl he likes. The boys laugh it off when he answers that ‘he doesn’t have a type’.
Lost in translation: Moyo mocks Noor’s Dutch accent, making his ‘g’ and ‘st’ sound harsher, while also adding ‘hoor’ at the end - a typical word used by the Dutch to emphasize a point.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is playing with the weed bag. Keisha is one of the girls that Moyo mentions as Jens’ ex-girlfriend or ex-fling. Not only did Noor nót flush the toilet, but she didn’t used any toilet paper either!
Zaterdag 22:44
C is for culture: 
Noor rescuing Robbe on her scooter - In Belgium, you’re allowed to drive a moped or scooter once you’ve reached the age of 16. Nothing is needed if the vehicle doesn’t go above 25 km/h. If it stays between the range of 25-45 km/h and max. 50 cc, you need to pass a theoretical exam, 4 hours of driver’s ed and a practical exam to get the license. Anything other than that, has a whole new set of restrictions, types of driver’s licenses and minimum ages.  Noor and Robbe are, however, still breaking the law. As long as you’re not 18, you’re not allowed to have an extra passenger with you. Especially if they’re not wearing a helmet. (Plus they ignored a red light. Those rebels!)
“You do know that you always have to have it with you?” - The Belgian law states that everyone above age twelve, has to get an ID to identify themselves. Some might have had a Kids-ID already - for travel purposes - but that’s not mandatory. However, once you're fifteen years old, you’re obligated to carry your ID with you at all times.
Perfect parallel:
Luca being all jealous whilst staring at Noor and Robbe making out in S3, her glaring at Maud and Robbe every chance she got in the last season.
Robbe and Noor having fun on the scooter while screaming and Robbe filming their adventure in this episode. Robbe and Sander doing a similar thing, but on their bikes in a later episode.
Wink to other remakes: Robbe sporting a brown jacket. (Eliott, anyone?)
Surprise bitch, guess who: It’s Willem Chanterie, the on-set costume designer and social media production assistant!
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Noor has a ‘Fuck Trump’ sticker on her helmet. Robbe says “Hey, it’s red” in a very clear Antwerp accent. 
Zaterdag 23:11
Hello from the outside: The garbage truck they sprayed, still drove around the city regularly. The art piece itself is named ‘#Genoeg mama' (= ‘#Enough mommy’). It blames the consumer society as toxic, making young people its victim.
Oopsie: Inside the graffiti den, Noor suddenly sports a tote bag with supplies, even though we never saw her wearing that in the previous shots.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Noor has black combat boots. The photographer is obviously Sander, in case you have missed that subtle clue.
Zondag 13:41
Lost in translation/Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: 
“Check die pekie’s”. The word ‘pekie’ is actually Amsterdam slang for ‘beautiful girl, girlfriend’. In recent years, more and more Dutch slang are making their way into the Flemish dialect, because of the Dutch rap songs gaining popularity with the youngsters.
“Vamos, flikkers”. The word ‘flikkers’ can mean ‘wussie’ as well as a derogatory term for ‘homosexual’. Again establishing the fact that the boys use a lot of homophobic or toxic words for each other.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +1, him tossing the bag behind Jens instead of into his hands.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: There is a football right next to the skateboards.
Maandag 16:04
C is for culture: “The whole art school was talking about it” - 
Secondary school is divided in four sections: general, technical, art and vocational. Which section you choose can have effect on further education. In one of these sections, you pick what you want to study from your first to last year (‘directions’). That means that you have some courses purely focused on the direction and others that are obligated for everyone, regardless.
Art high schoolers can choose to go to work or study a specialization afterwards. Their coursework isn’t solely art based, there are general required courses too. That’s why some foreigners - including the Dutch - come to Belgium, since they’ll get a more rounded and higher level of art education than in their countries. ‘de!KUNSTHUMANIORA’ is the high school in Antwerp Noor goes to and is known for having students with unique styles.
Perfect parallel: 
Noor waiting outside the school for Robbe and him reacting somewhat confused here, Sander doing the same and having an instantly happy Robbe in a later episode.
Robbe having no problem kissing a girl ‘as a straight guy’ in front of the gates in this episode and scared for what might happen if he kissed a boy ‘as a gay guy’ later on. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The insta caption underneath the art work says ‘An inspirational message on a Sunday! Just discovered this in Antwerp city today. Artist unknown... Can you remember when you last called on your mother?’ (That last sentence, oooofff, the symbolism!)
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Dinsdag 14:57
C is for culture: 
“Yes, mini enterprises are so chill.” - Mini enterprises are often used as a tool for Economics in the fifth/sixth year. The goal of these is to ‘learn whilst doing it’. Like the name specifies, mini enterprises are actual miniature companies set up by a group of students. During the school year, they’ll try to work together on commercializing a product. All aspects of entrepreneurship are at play here: writing a business plan, holding meetings, doing bookkeeping, marketing the product, produce and sell it, ... If the enterprise idea is good or well executed, it might even win a national prize by the company making this education formula.
“What if he contacts child protection services” - Actually, those services doesn’t really exist in Belgium. There are, however, other youth organizations for these types of things, like JAC - Youth Advice Centre, CLB - Centre for Student Guidance and the Centre for Mental Healthcare.
Perfect parallel: The boys hyping Aaron up to walk over to Amber and talk to her - yet he fails in this episode, them doing the same and he succeeds (after some fails) in the last episode. 
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Jens saying “Damn, seems like someone is on his fucking period”, after Robbe snaps at him due to the difficult telephone call with his dad.
Lost in translation: Jens saying “Mijn kop staat er niet naar” (= “My head’s not standing there”) can actually mean different things: I’m not in the mood, it’s not the right time, I don't want to do it, my head’s all over the place, ... It depends on the context, on which interpretation would suit the situation the best. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The girls are all fawning all over Britt’s cellphone, so there is a good chance that they’re discussing (pictures of) her boyfriend, Sander. Also, Jana’s braces are gone! 
Donderdag 17:13
Perfect parallel: Robbe stating that he can’t talk to his dad or he’ll fight and Zoë getting that, as she said a similar thing to an understanding Senne about her parents in S2. 
How ‘meta’ of you: Ah, yes, fandom ship names in SKAM. We applaud!
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Oopsie: If you look really hard, you see that the body type and hair of Robbe’s dad, doesn’t correspond with the version waiting at the restaurant later on.
Wink to other remakes: This shot reminding you of a certain S3 trailer?  👀
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The numerous references to Zoënne’s relationship in their room (relationship pics, Senne’s guitar). The paper Milan gifts to Robbe is the written permission by his parent to live with them, as is obligated by law.
Vrijdag 20:04
Perfect parallel: 
Senne pulling Zoë up after a kiss here, just like with their first kiss in S2.
Robbe pushing Milan away after thinking he wanted to kiss him at the party in S2, them hugging it out in after talking about it in S3.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë and Milan making some healthy party snacks like cauliflower and cocktail sauce, cheese with tomatoes and salami squares. She pulls back the bottle of gin that Milan wants to steal. Senne also bought paprika and tortilla chips from Colruyt (a discount store).
Vrijdag 20:54
C is for culture: “Noor, Robbe’s girlfriend” - (Teen) dating culture is different in Belgium. Usually, if you have kissed, hung out, texted or just said/did something to show your mutual interest, you’d pretty much consider yourself in a relationship. It can go from 0 to 100 very quick. Unless there is, of course, an agreement that what you’re doing is no such thing. Also, nobody really ask you to be their gf/bf. It just implied or stated to their family or friends. 
Perfect parallel: 
A reluctant Robbe pushing himself to do stuff to Noor (playful dancing, kissing, riling her up) as far as putting his hands on her bra here. A totally different, excited Robbe not even thinking twice about doing these things to Sander, even licking his nipple during their reunion.
Noor pushing Robbe on the bed and climbing over him, whilst Robbe looks all sad in this episode. Him pushing Sander on the bed and being happy as Sander crawls over him during their reunion.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Robbe tries to convince himself into liking heterosexual sex with Noor and fake laughs with his friends about having it.
Where’s Wally? Keisha laughing with Amber and later dancing with Marie.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is talking to Senne. The decorations behind Milan saying ‘Welkom Robbe’ (= ‘Welcome Robbe’). Noor has a beautiful tattoo of a pin-up girl covered with butterflies on her lower arm.
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