#also feel free to come off anon next time if u have more to say i dont bite
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night-dark-woods · 9 months ago
I have been Agonizing over the quote “Hold me like water/ or Christ, hold me like a knife” because it fits Eris so perfectly in regards with her relationships with both Ikora and Mara respectively that I have been wailing into the abyss about it
This can also be said regarding the same quote with Petra/Mara because AAA
YEAH YEAH YEAH that line ALWAYS makes me think of eris. like. im sure you are thinking of the same lorebook sections i am but im pasting them here regardless bc they are just so good but. letters ofc:
Undelivered, damp.
Both crowns have been sundered, and Sky save me but I am unmoored. I have been a blade crying for a hand to wield me for so long, but what is a blade with nothing solid to cut? You will gentle me. You will tell me I can rest. You will try to pull me to the libraries. I cannot. I cannot. I cannot.
& then i think this forsaken lore tab:
This will be my last letter for a long while. The Queen needs me more than the City does. And I need her. When she looks at me, she does not see an invalid, or a madwoman, or a burden.
She sees a Hunter.
She has pointed me at the true enemy, and with her help, I will see my quarry caught.
is fun to compare to this arrivals one:
I ache from the hike. Ikora says I am full of hairline fractures and deep muscle trauma. I never noticed until other pains had healed. The illusions of recovery: one pain obscures another.
There is danger in this traffic with the Pyramid. Kuang Xuan's logs make that plain. But I must continue. I MUST continue. What worth have I ever been, except that I know the enemy?
(More worth, Mara would remind me. I am more than my uses.)
bc clearly sometime in that gap they've had a conversation abt it!!! possibly on their little recon trip where mara DIES and eris has to fetch her back from the ascendant realm, & eris gets gravely injured and mara bandages her thigh homoerotically. which i wonder if thats also when mara told eris her Secret. because eris knows. eris knows mara was the first and she is the ONLY one alive/in this universe who does.
The enemy suggests that our rebirth was an evil mistake. How Gnostic—they were a cult (a fleet? a school? a horde?) who believed that the source of all suffering was not in our poor choices but an error of the world's Creator. A false, deluded god. Mara would laugh, or weep.
(lost is not canon to me mara would not fucking tell the guardian that. idr if she tells the YW all of it but i rmb it coming up as part of the "mara is solely responsible for all of uldren's crimes" part of that season.)
god. eris/ikora & eris/mara both drive me nuts. i need to finish my eris/ikora lyricstuck i was working on. im a little over halfway done i think???
ALSO. re: petra, so i never played d1 (started from scratch playing thru it right before TFS though and will be finishing it!) and so while ive read the grimoire cards there's a lot of mission dialogue & item descriptions ive missed, and my friend jackie was sending me some that are eris comforting/bolstering petra post TTK which i think is SO good. thats so fun. two very different knives of the queen & also glad petra had a single person in her corner at least since the paladins were trying to have her assassinated lmfao.
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maimingaffairs · 2 years ago
Hey, could I please request something for Aleksander x femReader where the Reader is a Star Summoner? He and Reader have been friends since they where children and have walked the earth together since then. They always thought that the love they have for the other is just friendship, but boy where they wrong...Their friendship takes a hit during the whole Alina in the Little Palace time...Reader knows about the plan to expand the fold and is all for it, she just really doesnt like Alina....Anyway, during the events on the skiff when Alina runs, Reader and Aleksander get separated and believe the other to be dead...They go on to free Grisha on their own. After some time they meet and in the heat of the moment he kisses her...They finaly confess their feelings...After that they go on to win the war...After they win they get crowned King and Queen and bring peace to Ravka, but expecialy to the Grisha...
this was another 3am write, i yet again apologize for that. also, i apologize for how long it took for me to finish this. i have been in Tennessee all weekend seeing taylor swift... anyways... anon thank u so much for this beautiful req. i hope that it is to your liking
warnings: canon typical violence, mentions of blood
word count: 8.2k
Are There Still Beautiful Things? (aleksander morozova x fem!reader)
“One more time, please?”
“You’ve said that four times, Aleksander.”
“And I’ll say it four more if I must. It’s beautiful.”
You looked over at your best friend and gave him a little smile and rolled your eyes. 
“Your mother is not going to be happy when you don’t get inside.” You remarked and then nodded at his hands once. 
The two of you laid underneath a large tree just outside of his home, just as you did almost every other night. You’d been best friends with the boy ever since the two of you were little children, and now here the the two of you were, barely fourteen, and you were still yet to be rid of that childlike wonder. 
“I don’t really care. She won’t get mad, she likes you enough.” He insisted and reached out to gently grab your hand, “One more time, I swear this is the last one. Please?”
You looked into his dark, round eyes and you nodded once, conceding under his pleading stare. 
“Okay.  One more time.” You giggled and squeezed his hand once. 
The two of you intertwined your fingers and Aleksander raised his free hand to conjure a thin sheet of shadows just above your heads as you looked up at the space around you. 
The stars and the moon above your heads disappeared behind the shadows he conjured and you reached up to drag your fingertips through the inky darkness above your heads. Finally, you flexed your hands and clasped them together for just a moment before you opened your palms up towards the shadows, sending little glittering shards of soft white light up into the shadows. Aleksander marveled at the sight for a while, and you turned your head to marvel at him.
Sometimes when you did this, the two of you would spend hours making up your own constellations and galaxies within the self-made stars and sky that you’d both created. This wasn’t one of those times, though. The dark haired boy next to you leaned over and placed a little kiss on your cheek before he reached up and shooed away the shadows he’d created. 
“Okay, I said it was the last time and I meant it. See?” He teased 
You giggled and nodded, watching as he pushed himself up off of the ground and held his hands out for you to take. 
“Let’s go inside, yeah? My mother will likely beat me with a stick for not coming in an hour ago.” He said and gave you that charming smile that you had come to love so much over the years. 
“Okay.” You answered softly and reached up to take his hands. 
Aleksander’s hands clasped around yours tightly as he swung himself down off of his tall horse and he gave you a small, soft smile. He leaned down to press a hello kiss to your cheekbone and then let go of your hands, and you lowered them back to your sides. 
“Well, I see that the Little Palace is still intact and hasn’t been burned to the ground yet, so I assume my time away wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be.” 
His voice soothed you more than just the sight of him and you let out a relieved sigh, straightening out your kefta. 
“It was bad. For me, at least. I had no one to bother. Stop running off.” You replied, earning a lazy smile from him. 
Aleksander shook his head with a quiet whisper of a laugh and he turned around. In his last letter to you, he raved about how he’d found the Sun Summoner at long last. 
The girl perched upon his horse must have been her. 
She was pretty, despite her state. Days of riding had put her hair into tangles and there was dirt caked underneath her fingernails and smudged across her cheeks. Aleksander helped the slender girl off of his horse and he motioned towards you once she was securely on her feet. 
“Miss Starkov, this is y/n. Star Summoner and my right hand.” 
Her eyes traveled over you, up and down a few times. The ghost of a disdainful look crossed her face and then she gave you a curt nod. 
“Lovely to make your acquaintance.” She replied briskly and gave you one more look up and down before she clasped her hands behind her back. 
You eyed her cautiously in return and then gave her a small hum. 
“Likewise, Miss Starkov.” You replied in the same clipped tone. 
The girl watched you as if you were a current threat to her and you slowly shifted your gaze to Aleksander who was looking over his shoulder at Ivan. You cleared your throat, effectively capturing his attention and he turned back to the two of you and then nodded towards the palace. 
“Meet me in my chambers, would you, y/n?” He asked and you gave him a nod. 
Alina didn’t even give you a second glance, turning her head up to face somewhere between Aleksander and the doors to the palace. You blinked a few times, taken aback by her coldness and you slowly moved away from the two of them. You bunched the skirt of your dress up in one hand and made your way back inside the palace, greeting a few of the Grisha that had gathered around the entrance, wanting to catch a glimpse of the Sun Summoner. You shouldered your way inside and made a beeline for Aleksander’s chambers, letting out a little huff. 
“You’re in an awful hurry.” A voice called out behind you and you turned around with a relieved smile when you saw Baghra. 
You stopped walking and waited for the older woman to make her way to you and she gently hooked her arm with yours and let out a sigh. 
“So, this is it.” She said simply and walked with you as you continued down the hall, now going at a pace she could easily maintain. 
“I suppose so,” you mused and then you let out a tiny scoff, “I would’ve thought she’d at least be a bit more… pleasant.” You stated and glanced over at her. 
She shrugged a bony shoulder and she drummed her thin fingers against your arm. 
“Well, from what I understand, this is all new to her. Imagine finding out one day into your adult life that you are the Sun Summoner, prophesied for centuries. I’m sure she’s a bit apprehensive, my dear girl.” Baghra reasoned and then gave you a tired smile. 
“Perhaps. Where are you headed this afternoon?” You asked softly and led her through the winding halls to Aleksander’s chambers. 
You had known Baghra since you were only four years old, and she had always been nothing but kind to you, taking you in eventually once you grew older. Your parents never were fond of you being Grisha. She was often viewed as bitter and harsh by others, but you had nothing but admiration and love for Aleksander’s mother. 
“I came to seek you out. I figured you’d either be outside with my son or you’d be headed to his quarters. Seems I was correct.”
She usually was. 
“Oh? Is there anything I can do for you?” You asked her softly and she simply patted your arm before speaking. 
“Just make sure he doesn’t make poor choices. Please. You’ve always been his voice of reason. He cares for you like you would never imagine.” She hummed and then looked up at you. 
You gazed down at the woman and then gave her a small smile in return, giving her arm an affectionate squeeze with your own. 
“Well, I care for him like he could never imagine so I suppose it works out, doesn’t it?” You asked and then leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek. 
“I care for you, too, you know. You are the child I never birthed. I am thankful for you. He needs you. You remind him to be polite and kind, and he reminds you to utilize your power and your cleverness.” She said with a little sigh. 
When you two approached the doors to Aleksander’s chambers, you pushed them open for her and she let go of your arm and wandered inside and you followed behind her, closing the doors behind you. 
“I must know, and you need to tell me the truth, darling. Does my son have ulterior motives with the Sun Summoner?” She asked and turned around slowly to face you. 
You met her eyes and then shook your head before you gave her a shrug as well.
“Not that he’s told me of. I mean, we don’t discuss the Sun Summoner often. And when we have it’s always been hypothetical. This is the first time we’ve been faced with a reality with her in it.” You explained. 
Lie. You lied. 
You knew very well what Aleksander planned to do with The Fold. You felt a bit of shame as you lied to Baghra, but you swallowed it down like dry bread and kept your eyes on hers. 
“Time will tell I suppose. It was lovely to see you, y/n. Come and see me for tea tomorrow afternoon if you can sneak away from Aleksander. I know he doesn’t much like to share you.” 
You watched as she walked to the far side of the room and pressed her fingers against a wall panel and it slid open. 
“I’ll cross my fingers that I see you tomorrow. Until then, behave.” She said with an affectionate smile and you gave her a little wave as she disappeared into the wall. 
You stood in the middle of Aleksander’s war room for a while before you took your kefta off and laid it against the large table in the middle of the room and you wandered into his bedroom. You let out a long sigh as you walked towards his bed, and as soon as you were close enough, you tossed yourself backwards onto it. 
You wondered where Aleksander was and realized he must be busy with the Sun Summoner. 
The Sun Summoner. Your stomach turned a bit and you sneered to nothing in particular. You could already see where this was heading. He had to devote time to her, you knew that. But you weren’t excited to share his attention. After all, you’d been the main recipient of it for the last five hundred years. You stared up at the ceiling and a little pit began to form in your stomach at the thought of Aleksander giving his attention to her and you shook your head, trying to clear the thought from your mind, pushing it down as far as it could go. 
He devoted time and attention to his army, to other Grisha, to his mother, the royal family… the list could go on. So why was this different? 
You feared you knew the answer and you shoved it out of your mind as fast as the thought could take form, but the feeling lingered nonetheless. 
It was different because you had feelings for Aleksander.
“Oh, Saint’s sake, Zoya! I asked you to be gentle today!” You called to the Squaller. 
She looked over at you after she had yet again, knocked down one of the trainees cruelly in combat and she gave you a shrug. 
“They aren’t going to get the option of gentleness in a real combat situation, Miss y/l/n!” She called back at you with a grin. 
It had been nearly a month since Alina had arrived at the Little Palace, and Aleksander was adamant that you oversaw her training. You stood off to the side with your hands clasped behind your back, watching all the trainees carefully. You oversaw almost all of the combat training these days, as you were quite skilled in combat. You glanced out over the small group of new Grisha and you pointed at Alina, beckoning her forward. 
“Alina, darling. Why don’t you go next? I’ve seen you beat Zoya before.” You suggested and the girl eyed you discontentedly. 
She slowly stepped forward and then folded her arms over her chest. She looked Zoya up and down before she turned her head and looked at you, her eyes narrowing just slightly. 
“I don’t appreciate how you’re singling me out. It’s a bit eerie how obsessed with me you seem to be.” She called out to you. 
Your eyebrows shot up challengingly and you stared her down, daring her to say another word.  When she didn’t, you spoke. 
“Obsessed with you? Please, don’t flatter yourself, Miss Starkov. Nearly everyone has taken their turn today, and now it is yours.” You replied coolly. 
Zoya shifted awkwardly where she stood and then she glanced up at you. You gave her a little nod and then waved your hand once. 
“If there are no more interruptions, let’s start.” You instructed and lowered your hands down to your sides, flexing them frustratedly. 
“I’m not going to.” Alina said sharply. 
You folded your arms across your chest and watched her amusedly. 
“And you think your belligerence is going to get you anywhere? You need a reality check, Starkov.” You remarked and watched as she rolled her eyes at you. 
“The Darkling wouldn’t-“ 
“The Darkling wouldn’t appreciate the way you’re speaking to his second in command. So spar or don’t, but either way you will walk yourself down to his chambers and tell him yourself just how you spoke to me and how you refused to be compliant with your trainers.” You stated and watched as she shook her head. 
She muttered something out from under her breath and then she spun on her heel and turned in the opposite direction and walked haughtily away from you and the rest of the Grisha. 
You watched as she marched off and then turned towards the trainees that were gathered around you. 
“You are all dismissed for today. I have some business I should attend to.” You said in a flat tone and didn’t wait a second longer before you made the brief walk from the training yard to Aleksander’s chambers inside of the Little Palace. 
You didn’t bother knocking on his doors and you flung them open, marching inside of his war room with a frown across your lips. Your eyes fell upon him as he leaned over his war table and you walked up to his side, allowing the door to shut behind you. 
“You are displeased.” He remarked without even looking up at you. 
“What gave it away?” You huffed, leaning your waist up against the edge of the table. 
“You didn’t announce yourself. And you’re stomping.” He slowly turned his head up towards you. 
You stared into his dark eyes and then sighed. You leaned over to rest your head against his shoulder and you frowned. 
“Your Sun Summoner is not a very kind person. I’m tired of her disrespect towards me.” You mumbled and you felt Aleksander chuckle. 
You stood up straight just as he did and you shook your head. 
“What’s funny about that? I’m very serious.” You stated and folded your arms over your chest. 
“I’m sure she doesn’t mean to disrespect you. She’s probably just a bit homesick.  She’s tired of being here. Don’t take it personally.” He advised and then reached over to rub your arm reassuringly. 
You gaped at him and knitted your brows together. 
“Don’t take it personally? If I had complained about anyone else disrespecting me, you would’ve seen to their swift punishment. Why is it different when it’s her?” You asked incredulously, a little pang of sadness resonating through your stomach, up through your chest. 
“It’s not different. I just… don’t know what you want me to do.” He said exhaustedly and then he rubbed his face and stared down at you. 
“I want you to put an end to it! I am your second in command. Your best friend. I have known you since you were a child, Aleksander! I expect you to stand up for me!” You exclaimed and threw your hands up in the air. 
Aleksander bitterly let out a laugh and he shook his head once. 
“Please. You sound ridiculous. I think that you’re jealous.” He remarked and folded his arms across his lean chest. 
“Jealous? Excuse me?” You sputtered and then gave him a nasty look, “Of Alina? What planet do you live on, Aleksander? I could end her with the flick of my wrist.” You countered angrily. 
“You could not. We both know she’s more powerful than you. You seem to detest that. Trust me, I’ve wished for you to be as powerful as her many times before.” He snapped coldly and you blinked at him a few times. 
As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew they couldn’t be taken back. The look of shock on your face slowly turned to sadness and then shame and your eyes filled with hot tears. You looked down at the floor and your chin wobbled a few times before you looked back up at him. You squared your shoulders and sniffled back your tears, looking at him sadly. 
He felt as if you’d taken his heart out and crushed it in your fingers just from the look in your eyes alone and he opened his mouth to apologize. 
He hadn’t meant a word he’d just spoken to you. Your powers had always been the most beautiful things in the world to him. 
You cut him off before he could even speak. 
“She will never stay by your side like me. Her power may be greater than mine, but her devotion and love for you is not. That is the one thing you’ll never find again, Aleksander.” You said in a harsh tone, barely above a whisper. 
He reached out for your arm but you recoiled backwards as if he was lightning and you shook your head, “Don’t touch me. Don’t speak to me. Don’t think of me. Just leave me alone.” You hissed and then turned around and stormed out of his room. 
And for the first time in a long time, as soon as you reached the security of your own room, you allowed yourself to cry.
It had been nearly a month since your fight with Aleksander, and you had avoided him successfully. At first, he tried to approach you. But you easily evaded his presence each time. You stopped overseeing training and did what you could to avoid Alina, too. You spent most of your time with Baghra now, and tonight was no different. 
It was the winter fete, and you had decided not to go. Aleksander had sent you an elegant invitation and a beautiful, grandiose black dress with pearly white embroidery of constellations and swirls of stars. You’d taken the box to his door and left it there without another word. 
You sat in a chair next to Baghra and she let out a soft sigh, passing you a little lap blanket as you sipped on the tea she had kindly made for you. 
You stared into her little fireplace and you turned to look at her to find that her eyes were already fixed on you. 
“I wish desperately that you were the Sun Summoner.” Baghra spoke softly and you frowned, setting your tea down on the little table next to you. 
“You and Aleksander both.” You said coldly and moved to rise from the chair you were in. 
She reached out and grabbed your wrist gently, shaking her head once. 
“No. Not like that. I wish that it would’ve been you. You are the only one who sees him for who he is. The only person that can see past  The Darkling and instead see Aleksander.” She said with a small frown. 
You sunk back into the chair and held your hand over your face, a frown etching itself onto your lips. 
“It wouldn’t make a difference. I’m not enough for him regardless.” You said slowly and spread the little blanket that she had handed you out over your lap.
The old woman simply shrugged and let out a dejected sigh, leaning her chin against her hand.
“May I ask you a question? I need your honesty.” 
You glanced up at her and you hesitantly nodded once. You leaned forward a bit in your chair, curious to hear what she had to ask.
“You know him best. He tells you everything. So tell me- truthfully- what are my son’s intentions with the Sun Summoner? Does he really mean to vanquish The Fold?”
You eyed Baghra with a slight frown and then you leaned back in your chair, folding your arms across your chest.
“I think if you are asking me again, you already know the answer.” 
The room around the two of you was silent, save for the crackling of her fireplace. You met her eyes and she stared back at you with something between disappointment and fear.
“You lied the first time I asked.”
Her mouth twisted a bit but she didn’t say anything else for a moment and she instead looked in your eyes with intent.
“I’m sorry.” You said quietly and shifted your eyes down to your lap.
“I don’t fault you, child. I know that you’d do anything for Aleksander. I realize the power he holds over you.”
You didn’t even argue. Normally you’d protest him having any kind of hold over you, but you knew he did. You knew it very well. It affected almost everything you ever did.
“It’s the same power he holds over the Sun Summoner. It’s easy to seduce someone and bend them to your will when you’ve had five hundred years to practice manipulation.” Baghra noted, likely mostly to herself.
You furrowed your brow and looked up at her questioningly.
“Seducing? Who? Alina?” You asked, not liking the tone that you took on when her name fell from your lips. It was bitter, envious.
"Who else? She sneaks around at night, in and out of his chambers. It's easy for him. She's naive and he's charming, easily the prettiest boy that's ever shown her attention."
You listened to Baghra sadly and you turned your head away from facing her, your nose burning and your eyes growing hot with little pinpricks of tears. Finally, you turned your head back towards her and she frowned deeply.
"You love him."
"Of course I do, he's-"
"No. I know you love him. What I mean, is that you have fallen in love with my son." She remarked.
You pulled your bottom lip into your mouth. She wasn't wrong. You weren't even sure when it had happened, it could have been any time within the last four hundred years.
Baghra reached over and laid her bony hand on your wrist and you closed your eyes, sniffling quietly, keeping your tears at bay.
"I always preferred you over Luda, anyway." She said sweetly, her attempt at lightening the mood.
You let out a sad laugh and then shook your head once.
"Aleksander will always prefer a powerful woman." You said quietly and then you opened your eyes to look at the woman's face.
"You are powerful. You are very powerful. you’re capable of things no one presently on this earth has seen. Things only perhaps Morozova knew of." She said slowly and then gave you a little frown, "You just accept what you’re presently capable of as all you can do because you don't mind being second to Aleksander." 
You knew she was right again. There was no use in justifying yourself to her. She would always be right. 
"I'm going to tell Alina to leave this place tonight, and I think you should do the same thing. Nothing good will ever come of the path my son is choosing to walk." 
You didn't feel like speaking, didn't feel like arguing. Though you would have stayed through all of his wicked plans, it was clear to you that all you had become to him was a burden. Aleksander and you had been in fights before, it was only natural to do so when you had known someone for that long. But this time had been completely different. He had never once taken a dig at you. An unrelenting sadness ensnared you entirely and you wrapped your arms around yourself tightly. 
You couldn't help but wish they were his arms instead of your own.
A pair of arms did wind themselves around your shoulders and you looked up to see Baghra had risen from her chair and come to stand in front of you. You leaned into her embrace and you rested your face against her arm, reveling in the small bit of comfort she offered in the sea of your distress,
"I love you, y/n. As if you were my very own child. You deserve more than this and truthfully, you always have. Go. Please. For me. Get out of Os Alta, get away from Aleksander, give yourself the chance to be happy. To be everything you need to be for you."
Her words had fresh tears springing to your eyes and you allowed a few of them to fall onto the fabric of her robes. You brought your arms up to her torso and you clung to her like a small child.
"I love you, too." You whimpered and allowed her to soothe you by running her hand over your head and shushing you.
"Please do this one thing for yourself. You have spent four centuries giving everything you have to Aleksander. Run. Promise me you will run."
You squeezed your eyes shut and didn't move or speak for a long time. Running away from Aleksander meant that you could never come back to him. He'd condemn you forever. But staying meant that every single time you saw him would be a reminder of how you weren't enough for him.
Baghra was right. You needed to do something for yourself and yourself alone.
So you nodded one and held her tighter.
"I promise."
 The cold fingers of an icy rain fell through your hair and down  underneath your clothes, leaving trails of chills over your skin. The wet sloshing of water that gathered in the grass was loud under your feet and you tried to be as quiet as possible while you approached the little prison camp made especially for Grisha. You slowly crept around trees and stayed hidden for moments at a time behind the especially big ones until you were close to the tree line. You could see a few lanterns up ahead, and around it stood a few First Army soldiers. 
This camp was smaller than the last one that you'd come across, with only three cages. Easy.
You took a deep breath and forced yourself out of the cover of trees and you walked across the muddy clearing in silence. Rain soaked through your clothes and left your hair in strings around your face and made the mud under your feet squelch. You looked up at the sky to find it empty. It must have been a new moon. Either that or the clouds hid the stars and the moon from your vision. The darkness around you seemed to take shape and you found yourself checking your periphery for anyone. You had to remind yourself that you wouldn't see him in these shadows. He was dead. He died in The Fold. It was all you heard for weeks as you passed from town to town all over Ravka. The Darkling was dead and the Sun Summoner was presumed to be the same, though most people had their doubts about that. 
Ever since you had ran away from Os Alta, you always felt like you had to check over your shoulders and into your periphery, in fear of him finding you. It wasn't that you feared him. You just didn't want to know how he reacted to you leaving, didn't want to know what he would say to you. Truthfully, guilt ate you alive everyday since you had left, but you had to keep telling yourself it was for the best. Aleksander found you to be a burden, and he had Alina now, anyway. What did he need you for?
You continued to trudge through the muddy field, and one of the soldiers must have caught sight of you because he called for the others and pointed at you frantically. You continued to approach nonetheless and they raised their guns at you, all three standing in various places around the lanterns, which sat in what looked to be an old fire pit.
"Don't come any closer! Hands behind your head, get on your knees!" One of them commanded loudly. 
You didn't obey, in fact, you picked up the pace of your steps a bit more and approached them.
The first shot that went off missed you by many feet, but the next came much closer. The third shot one of them fired off was aimed much better. You swept your arm out in front of you and deflected the shot with your kefta. You could hear them all begin to load their guns again and you finally reached them. 
You reached out with a white hot light burning beneath your skin and you grabbed one of their throats and yanked him forward. He let out a loud, agonized scream, and the skin under your hand began to burn and sizzle beneath your touch. You tossed him aside and walked towards the next man. The barrel of his long gun stopped you as he pressed it against your stomach, and in the dim firelight, you could see him sneer at you.
"Ah, it's you. The Darkling's right hand." He spat and you eyed him.
You gave him a little smile and then you grabbed the barrel of his gun and you clicked your tongue.
"I am no one's right hand." You hummed and leaned closer to him as you reached up for his throat, your hand beginning to glow with the hot light of the stars.
Something blunt and hard made rough contact with the back of your head and you stumbled backwards, colliding into someone's chest with your back. You groaned and glanced behind you at the third soldier and you cursed yourself for not subduing all three faster as he dropped the gun that he had just hit you with. His hands quickly encircled your wrists and he held them apart with a steel-like grip. You struggled against him and let out an angry yell.
"You will die for your actions against the Grisha. At my hand!" You hissed and sent a backwards kick into his knee.
The soldier crumpled a bit, but he didn't release you, and you were soon faced with the point of a sharp dagger, digging into your throat, held by the other soldier that stood in front of you.
"Lock her with the others." he commanded, but neither of them made a move to lock you away.
The one holding your wrists from behind cleared his throat and squeezed your wrists tightly, his nails pressing into your skin.
"If she was really General Kirigan's right hand woman, then she is obviously powerful. We need to execute her immediately." He stated and you thrashed savagely against his grip. 
"Stop moving or I will put this dagger through your windpipe!" The one holding the blade threatened and you slowly stopped moving and eyed him dangerously.
"You won't. You would have by now if you were going to." You said gruffly and he burrowed just the tip of the dagger into your skin.
"Try me, witch." He breathed.
You prepared yourself to slam your head into his and you watched his face when tendrils of shadow began to reach around his head from behind. You watched him in shock and curiosity as the tendrils covered his face and nose, and by the time he realized he was being smothered with tangible darkness, it was too late, he was already being yanked backwards. He struggled against the shadows and the other soldier yanked you backwards and pushed you down to your knees hard.
"What are you doing to him, witch?" He asked angrily and sent a kick into your side.
You gasped when his boot made contact with your rib and you crumpled onto the wet grass, rain still falling steadily. You were completely soaked with rain by now and you looked up at him as he raised his foot once more to kick you again and you covered your face with your arms protectively. Suddenly, there was a sharp, distant sounding clap, and the blow never came. 
Instead there was silence in the clearing other than the whispers and groans of the three locked away Grisha and you moved your arms away from your face. The soldier above you wobbled on his feet and then his head rolled off of his neck and smacked against your ankle. You let out a bloodcurdling scream and kicked it away from you before you put your hand in something warm. You looked down at the ground behind your back and you gasped to see the other soldier, headless as well, and your hand was in a rapidly growing puddle of his blood against the already wet grass. You heard heavy footsteps and looked up fearfully. The creature that stood in front of you was two times the size of a regular man and shaped like a disfigured and fluid-like human. It was so dark that it made the moonless night around you seem sunny and you began to back away from it, still on the ground. It lunged forward at you and you screamed loudly and protectively raised your arms again. 
You felt nothing but a cool burst of air against your skin and you let out a little whimper and looked up, moving your arms away from your face. You were met with two legs clad in black and your eyes traveled up the darkly clad form in front of you, a lump forming in your throat, realization washing over you, the feeling even colder than the icy rain that pierced through your clothes.
You closed your eyes, not wanting your eyes to finish their journey upwards. Your lips tugged down into a deep frown and you let out a shaky breath.
"You- you’re dead. You died."
There was silence and you opened your eyes again, and let out a startled shriek. 
You were met with the scarred face of your closest friend as he knelt in front of you. Rain had plastered his normally immaculate hair onto his forehead and the sides of his face and the back of his neck. He had thin, black scars that traveled across the length of his face and there was a new hardness about him. His eyes seemed even darker than they had previously and he reached out and grabbed your chin.
You gasped when you felt his cold, wet fingers against your chin and your lip quivered as you looked into his eyes, confused and scared.
"I live. I live and breathe before you. I should have let those soldiers kill you, traitor." He hissed and you stared up at him fearfully.
You shook violently and you weren't sure if it was because of the rain, fear, or a combination of both. You shakily reached up and wrapped your hand around his wrist as he kept his hand on your chin. 
"T-traitor? N-no! I didn't betray you!" You shouted and opened your mouth to speak again, but he cut you off recklessly.
"You left me! You abandoned me without a single word!" He bellowed and tightened his grip on your chin.
"You didn't need me anymore!" You cried, "you had Alina! She's more powerful than me, anyway! Why would you need me?" You asked, your face wet with cold rain and hot tears.
"Come on, we are not having this discus-"
"You even told me she was more powerful than I!" You exclaimed.
"Y/n, you abandoned me. Abandoned your duties at the Little Palace." He growled and tightened his grip on your chin even more.
Pain shot through your chin and your jaw and you let out a little cry, your eyes squeezing shut as you winced.
"Aleksander, you’re hurting me." You whispered in a trembling voice.
You knew he wouldn't really hurt you, but he had never been rough with you like this before and he was scaring you. Everything from the tone of his voice to the newfound deep blackness in his eyes was scaring you. Haunting you.
His grip on your chin very slowly loosened more and more until he let go entirely, and you let out a little sigh of relief before a loud sob tore itself free from your chest. You wrapped your arms around your cold, shaking shoulders and you pulled your knees up to your chin. Rain pelted the back of your head as you leaned your face down against your knees and you shivered, your teeth chattering violently.
"Get up. Come on." He said firmly through the rain.
You shook your head and held your eyes closed.
"Y/n, sweetheart, please get up. You are going to freeze out here. Look at you; you’re shivering." His tone was not warm, but it wasn't cold either. It was vacant mostly, save for the tiny bit of concern that crept into his words towards the end of his sentence. 
You shook your head again and you sniffled loudly. There was a soft shuffling sound above you for a second before you felt two arms wrap themselves around your body and before you could protest, Aleksander was lifting you up into his arms. He wasn't a single drop drier than you were, yet he felt warmer; more comfortable. You didn't make a move to grab onto him as he held you, but you allowed him to gently coax your head down against his chest. His cold, wet kefta pressed against your freezing cheeks and it made you shiver just once, your head shaking before you finally relaxed against him. Everything about him was almost the same, but there was a new, ragged edge to him. To his breath, his movements, his voice, even the way he smelled. You shivered again at the thought of him being rougher around the edges after whatever it was he'd gone through and you pressed your lips together to prevent another sob. "You are cruel. You are a cruel woman. How dare you leave my side? For five hundred years you have been faithful to me. How could you?" He asked. His voice was no longer empty; it was full of sorrow. 
You shook your head as it laid upon the side of his chest and you let out a shaking sigh.
"Why would I have stayed? I was reminded every single day that I wasn't enough for you. You let Alina disrespect me, you called me crazy and jealous when I asked you to put an end to it. You told me she was more powerful than me, Aleksansder! You told me you wished I was more powerful! Why would I have stayed?" You repeated and lifted your head away from his chest to look up at him.
Raindrops streaked down his face and fell from his lashes, down over his lips and off of the tip of his nose. He looked glorious in the minimal light of the nighttime with his hair unkempt and wet as it hung in his ink-like eyes and he shook his head as he looked down at you. 
"I didn't mean it. Not a single word of it." He said ashamedly, almost shouting over the rain.
"I am your best friend! I love you! I would do anything for you," you began and then you reached up and covered your face with your hands, "and yet, you casted me aside as soon as you got a shiny new toy. I know. She's the Sun Summoner. She will save the world. I can make pretty stars with my fingers and can only swear loyalty to you. I can't expand your Shadow Fold, I can’t do the things she can do!" You cried and moved your hands away from your face to look into his eyes once more.
Emotions swirled within his deep brown eyes and he tightened his arms around your body as he held you against his chest as if you were no larger than a small child.
"You just need to let me go." You said tearfully and bit your bottom lip sharply, "Let me go and we can go our separate ways, and then you can get back to your plans, you can find your precious little Saint." You exclaimed miserably.
The way he stared down at you was unlike any other way he'd ever looked at you before. He stared at you much like a devout follower would stare at their deity and his jaw flexed a few times, the skin over it pulled taut against the bone.
"Don't you see? I needn't search for my precious little Saint any longer." He remarked quietly, his tone reverent. 
"And why is that?" You asked sadly.
No warning could have ever truly prepared you for the way his lips fell upon yours. He kissed you with a sadness that you could feel all the way in the center of your chest, and after the initial shock wore off, you kissed him back, your eyes falling shut. His lips moved against yours resolutely and you reached up with a cold, rain slick hand to hold the side of his scarred face. His sadness melted into something a bit softer and more inviting, and the moment you thought you could put a name to the feeling, he was pulling his lips away from yours. He laid his forehead down against your own and he closed his eyes.
“I do not need to search for my precious little Saint any longer because she is here, in my arms as we speak.” He whispered. 
You felt all the color drain from your already pallid face and you looked up into his eyes.
“What do you even mean?” You asked exasperatedly and you let your hand fall away from his cheek. 
“I mean… You. You are my precious little Saint. You are my closest and dearest friend, and you are the love of my life. Did you know that?” He asked softly and then nudged the tip of his nose against yours. 
Your stomach dropped dramatically and you pulled your forehead away from his. You stared up at him with a shocked expression. 
There was absolutely no way.
You blinked a few times confusedly and then you laid your head back down against his chest and rested your hand over his heart, tapping your fingers against his kefta. 
“I am not.” You whispered and closed your eyes. 
“I’ll spend forever trying to convince you that you are, sweetheart. You’re mine. Don’t you see? You always have been. For five hundred years, you have been mine.” He murmured and pressed his lips against your ear as he spoke, “You are mine. No one else can have you. I’d kill whoever tried.” He breathed against the shell of your ear and it gave you goosebumps. You gathered the thick fabric of his lapels up in your fist and you shook your head a few times. 
“Deny it all you want, but I know you feel the same. I could feel it in your kiss, my sweet little star.” He mumbled and pressed a lingering kiss against your ear. 
Your mouth opened and closed stupidly and you let out a shaking breath.
“If I don’t deny it, you will one day shatter my heart.” You whispered and leaned closer to him.
The rain around you had slowed to a drizzle now and little beads of water were dripping from his hair down onto your cheeks as you laid on his chest. The very faint light of the stars behind the rain clouds in the night sky was enough for you to see the frown on his lips and he shook his head. 
“Never. I’ll never break your heart. Oh, it’s far too precious.” 
His words bounced back and forth in your head and you tugged his kefta gently, a particularly violent shiver ripping through your body. 
“Please, just take me somewhere warm. Somewhere safe. Somewhere with you.” You begged softly and hid your face against his wet clothes, “I’ll go wherever you go.”
He nodded once and gave you a little reassuring squeeze before he whispered something about home near your ear. The patter of the rain made it nearly impossible to make out entirely but what you did catch melted your heart. 
“… and it doesn’t matter where we go, because when I’m with you, it is home.” 
Little specks of rainbow light glimmered all over your bedroom, bouncing off of mirrors and glass to create even more little flecks of color throughout the room. The crystals on your dress sparked brilliantly as you stood in the window, watching the sun set. A deep purple horizon was settling over the land just beyond your windowpane and you let out a soft sigh. 
Your head was heavy with the weight of a brilliant crown, made of black metal and sharp, glimmering diamonds. Your silvery dress was tugged down with the weight of a thousand little crystals and you watched as their light refractions danced across your walls. You were a sight to see. 
Formidable, graceful, beautiful. 
You were a queen. 
Not just a queen. The Queen. 
Against all the odds, against every enemy, and against each and every opposer, Aleksander managed to take The Firebird as his own amplifier and he put an end to the incessant thorn in his side that was the Sun Summoner. 
His plan, no, both your plan and his had been entirely successful. For hundreds of years, Aleksander chased the crown. He waited patiently for it. Sat in the shadows, stalked, paced, and plotted for it. And it was finally his. The night he saved you from almost dying, he’d taken you to his sanctuary and promised you on both of his knees that he’d give you a crown and a love like you’d never known before and you’d never know again. 
He made good on both promises. 
The day had been eventful. After a long banquet in the morning, you’d been crowned queen in front of only Grisha while Aleksander was given the title of king. 
Aleksander Morozova. The Darkling King. 
His title made you shiver practically and you let out a soft sigh as you continued to watch the night sky swallow up the blue of the day with deep purples and pinks. 
It was over. It was all over. The war, the fighting, the conflict, all of it. Aleksander would now waste no time in stopping Grisha persecution all over Ravka and everything would be right in the world. 
“Is the Queen pleased with her view?” 
Two strong hands found their way around your waist and pulled you backwards. Your back was pressed up against Aleksander’s chest and you closed your eyes softly, leaning your head back against his shoulder. 
“Ah, very much so. Though, I think you’re the better view, my King.” You whispered. 
He swept all of your hair out of his way and lowered his lips down to the nape of your neck, trailing butterfly-wing-light kisses to your skin.  
“You flatter me.”
“Do you not deserve it?”
“Perhaps I do. But perhaps I don’t. If you find me worthy of flattery then I must be doing something right, angel.” He mumbled and dragged his lips around the side of your neck. 
“I find you worthy of all beautiful things.” You whispered and tipped your head to the side as he pressed his soft lips to your skin. 
“Ah, so I must be worthy of you.”
“Of course.” 
He hummed contently as he playfully nipped at your skin on your neck and he smiled into the side of your neck. 
“This country is ours now. Ours to have and ours to keep and ours to have, hold, and protect. How does that make you feel?” He asked softly and lifted his head away from your neck. He leaned his cheek against the side of your head and traced his fingers over your waist as he awaited your reply. 
It made you feel powerful. Strong. He made you feel that way. You loved him. You loved him more than words could possibly have ever said, and you were lucky that he loved you back. The Sun Summoner drew breath no longer, the former prince Nikolai sat in a cell underneath the Palace accused of treason, and Aleksander and you assumed the roles of the two most powerful Grisha to ever exist. You felt ecstatic.
You looked up at him and his eyes shifted down to yours and you gave him a little smile. 
“I’ll show you.”
And you stood up on your toes to reach him and you pressed a kiss to his lips. One of gratitude, one of happiness. 
One of five hundred years worth of love. 
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ilysungho · 29 days ago
hi! this is actually my very first time doing this so im not rlly sure what to say .. but i rlly like the way u think and write and ive been thinking abt something with taessn … forced submission.
starting off taesan trying to dom you but then gets forced into submission but hes still bratty, not wanting to admit that he lwk likes it, instead just tempting you even more. eventually leading to giving him a hj/bj but when u ask him to call you mommy he refuses .. leading to lot of edging until he finally breaks
GRAAA Ive been thinking for a while JDBDJDHDJD
ahhh thank you so much for supporting me love 🥹 i’m happy to know that, and glad to be the first(?) person you send an anon msg to <3 i hope this is good, feel free to let me know more of your thoughts 💗
i mentioned briefly in my last ask about sub!taesan how he would be bratty in the beginning before fully submitting to you, so i’m going to take this as an opportunity to expand on that! i totally agree with you saying he’s a brat who would have to be forced to being a sub for you. he just isn’t as nice at playing along, letting his ego get in the way of telling you that he really does like being dominated by you. in the instance that taesan would be a dom before you force him into submission, he would be pleasantly surprised when he notices you taking on certain dom traits he has, like telling him what position to get in, whispering in his ears about how he’s going to obey and be good to you, etc. despite him being so bratty, he still listens to what you tell him to do (although he would still be talking to you otherwise). to get him to submit, you would use his own belt you take off to restrain his hands, pulling his bottoms low enough to reveal his hard cock. no matter what he told you about not being submissive, his leaking dick proved otherwise.
naturally, a handjob would follow while you spit harsh words at him being such a brat. a brat who can’t listen properly. a brat who’s talking too much for a leaking cock. a brat who can’t be a good slut for mommy. “come on. call me mommy.” he’d be so against it, continuous no-s spilling out of his throat as you tugged at the skin of his length. whenever he would get close, you’d have to stop moving your hands, still urging him to comply. but he’d also not give up until the very end. his body would be shaking and dick twitching in your hands as he can’t hold in his release anymore, a choked out mommy please being said before he’s coming all over your hands. he could’ve easily just cum without saying so, but his need to submit was stronger than his resolution to be a brat. but maybe next time he’d rather not comply, looking forward to what punishment his mommy will give him <3
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holbrookswifey · 8 days ago
Fuckkkk lowkey need to see skom James tied up and begging,,, feel like he’d be a freak in that era
This time, I'm in charge
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James Hetfield (skom era) x fem!reader
Summary: James was pissed from fighting with Lars the whole day, and he takes his anger out on you, so you show him that you're not someone to put up with when he's angry
Warnings: Smut MDNI 18+, unprotected sex, angst, use of alcohol, verbal abuse, bondage, male submission, teasing, slight edging
A/N: I had so much fun writing this so thank you anon for helping me bring out some of my kinky writing 😂 i do apologize that its a bit short, but as always, feel free to submit who you'd like me to write about next
James came home angry once again after fighting with Lars since Kirk texted you there was a fight between James and Larsas soon as James left the studio. You hated seeing James pissed off, but once he was in the angry mood, it'll take hours, even days for him to fully calm down especially after Jason left the band and they were stuck in a search to try and find a new bassist.
Being married to James since 1993 has been a roller coaster dealing with his alcohol addiction and constant mood swings was something you were slowly growing used to, but praying that the marriage wouldn't grow into something more abusive like how you saw your parents treat each other in your childhood, hoping that this marriage wouldn't turn out like theirs.
You hear the front door swing open, then slam shut, knowing James just walked into the house. He's definitely pissed so you don't say anything as you see him enter and head straight to the kitchen. You knew him well enough that he was going to grab a bottle of beer, but you keep your mouth shut in hopes to not piss him off today more than he was already.
James reaches into the dimly lit refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of beer, as expected, before closing the refrigerator door, using a bottle opener to pop the lid off with a slight hiss from the top and he throws the lid into the sink, making you sigh as you've cleaned more than enough beer bottle lids from the sink in the past week.
You decide to go and talk to him, trying your best to stay calm as you make your way into the kitchen, seeing him leaning against the counter by his ass and taking big sips from the brown bottle. You mentally prepare yourself for what's about to come. Was he extremely pissed, or was he mildly pissed? Maybe in between, you wondered to yourself until you see his facial expressions. Yup. Extremely pissed.
You lean on the doorway, looking at James as he's staring into space before he sees you. "Hi, honey. How was your day?" You ask him, trying to put on your next sympathetic face.
He rolls his eyes, taking a big mouthful from long-necked bottle before shaking his head and heading towards the doorway, hoping to get past you. "Fucking horrible." He mutters as his shoulder hits yours as he passes you, making you stumble a little. You can tell this was going to lead to another fight.
You follow him into the living room where he plops himself into his chair, leaning back and manspreading. "I heard what happened between you and Lars earlier." You comment, seeing his eyes almost darken at the thought of the fight.
"Why are you starting fights now?" You ask, crossing your arms. James looks up and glares at you. "And why are you assuming that I'm the one starting them?" James asks in a standoffish tone "Lars was being an asshole and fucking with me when I told him I was in a shit mood." James carries on.
"But does that give you the right to just walk out and slam the door like you did?" You reply, not trying to sassy or rude but it may have sounded that way to James. Oh boy James was not happy when you said that.
"Just keep your mouth shut." James spits back in a harsher tone than you've ever heard from him, which causes surprise to hit you hard. "Excuse me?" You ask quietly.
"You heard me, now keep your fucking mouth shut!" James snaps, making you bewildered at James's harsh behavior. You've never heard him this hostile before, which makes you angry yourself.
"Say that again, I fucking dare you." You reply, stepping in front of the TV to stop him from watching it. He looks more angry than ever now.
"Bitch, shut the fuck up and move!!" He almost screams at you, giving you flashbacks to the time your own father yelling at your mum. You weren't going to take this verbal abuse from James.
"Do it yourself, you prick." You taunt, not backing down. This makes James almost snap as he slams down the beer bottle and pushes himself off the chair, almost getting in your face. "I am not afraid to hurt you, now keep that fucking whore mouth of yours shut and listen to m--" You cut him off, grabbing him by his shirt and yanking him close enough that your faces are almost touching.
"Shut the fuck up, you abusive piece of shit!" You yell, which catches James off guard since you've always taken his bad moods and yelling, but today was different, almost snapping him out his anger, but you just keep going. "I am your wife and I will not take your shit anymore! Either shut that fat mouth of yours or I will shut it for you!" You push him back, making him fall back into his chair, shock in his eyes.
He stammers, tripping over his own words as he tries to act tough again but clearly failing. "Y-You can't do shit to me!" He tries to intimidate you, but he knows he's about to piss himself since he's never seen you so defensive and angry, especially with him.
"Option two it is." You say in a harsh tone as you grab him by his shirt and drag him to the bedroom, slamming him onto the bed but not letting him move. You kick the door shut as loud as he slammed the door when he came home, making him flinch. You reach for the knob on the drawer on the nightstand where you keep toys, blindfolds, even restraints such as handcuffs and rope.
You grab two pieces of rope and loom over him like a predator hunting its prey, seeing how much he's switched up from brooding and dangerous to a whimpy little girl. "Take off everything but your underwear." You say in a commanding tone, which makes him comply with ease, his hands almost ripping off his own plain white t-shirt and his hands fumbling shakily with his belt and pants, kicking them off and laying back down, still looking like he's about to piss
With the tough facade that you cannot break down now, feeling way too powerful to stop now. You hear his breath hitch when you call him that, still looking at you with fear but also arousal. You reach down, motioning for him to give you his wrists. He doesn't do it at first, but after seeing you extremely pissed off, he lets you take his wrists, tying one on one bed post and the other wrist to the other bed post, making sure they're secure.
You decide to grab a gag from the drawer at the last second, putting it in his mouth to keep him from talking as you undress yourself, showing yourself off to him as he lays there helpless and tied. You can see the obvious boner he has in his boxers, which gives you the opportunity to tease him. You walk over to the bed, straddling his hips as you hook your fingers around the elastic of his boxers, tugging them down until they're pooling at his ankles. His cock comes out and slaps his lower stomach, hard and leaking with pre-cum as his eyes beg you for release.
You lean close to his face, your tits close to where his gagged mouth is, making him whine from desperation to suck on your tits, to have what he wants but he knows you're punishing him from his aggression earlier. You decide that he doesn't deserve to have his dick sucked or touched, which makes him whine even more, his erection almost painful from how hard he is as he sees you dominate him.
You decide to mess with him even more, running your pussy lips up and down the shaft of his dick at a painfully slow pace, but not letting him enter yet. James whines desperately as both your tits are almost touching his face and your pussy won't let his cock inside of you, which he tries to beg through the gag. You can see how much torture you're causing him, making you feel proud of yourself to see your once dominant husband a whiny mess.
His hands try to move to at least touch your tits, but since he's still tied up, he lets out a loud sound between a groan and a whine of frustration, looking like he's about to break into tears if he's not given what he wants. As you feel like you've teased him enough, you finally let the head of his cock slip into your pussy, making both of you moan, letting him go all the way inside you. As you see him trying to thrust, you hold his hips down to stop him.
"Not yet." You command, moving your hips at a painfully slow pace. You feel his cockhead immediately hit your g-spot, making you gasp and groan, realizing how much he's the one that's dominant and not you. James keeps on whining, wanting to touch you, any part of you, but he's still powerless, smaller than you as his only choice is to lay there and take it without getting to touch you.
Time goes by and you decide that it's fair to loosen the load off of him and you remove the gag from his mouth, letting him speak again. "Asshole." Is what he says to you, but it doesn't sound like a threat. Both of you are rapidly approaching your orgasms, seeing he's absolutely desperate and in need to touch you, so as you keep riding him mercilessly, you decide to give him his freedom, untying his wrists. His hands immediately grab your hips, but one of them grabs your upper back and pushes you down so you're face to face with him.
He leans up and attacks your breasts, latching onto a nipple and sucking it like he's a newborn baby, making you moan loudly as well as his cock pistoning in and out of you at an extreme pace. Unable to stop yourself, you feel your orgasm hit you hard, making your eyes roll back and letting out a loud moan, which James's orgasm follows close behind yours, thrusting up into you and letting his hot cum squirt into you. As reality hits you, you collapse onto his chest, both yours and James's hearts are pumping like never before and your breathing is heavy.
As you both finally calm down, James pulls you down so you're lying beside him, his body wrapping around yours as a protective barrier. He kisses you softly, stroking your back with delicate motions. As your breaths steady, he looks down at you, still surprised how you stood up to him like you did.
"You need to be pissed off with me more." James jokes, trying to make you laugh, which succeeds. You chuckle as you look at him "I'll take you up on that."
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persephoneprice · 2 months ago
gratitude for the new year
(inspired by @the-sun-and-the-sea)
over this past year, i have had so much fun on here with all of you. i appreciate everyone on here- the mutuals, the lurkers, the og trilogy fans that for some reason put up with the nonsense! all of you have made this year so much easier for someone who was struggling elsewhere in life <3
i hope we can all continue to be silly, fun, creative, and a little a lot unhinged into the next year. this fandom is such a lovely and supportive little corner. i’ve been inspired to do things i never thought i’d do- writing fanfiction, doing a fic exchange, unhinged cannibalism thoughts- the usual.
(under the cut for the gratitude things!)
- i want to start out by saying how much i appreciate anyone who sent me and ask over this past year! especially you my lovely anon friends! it’s been so much fun and in my…far too many years on tumblr i’ve never been able to interact with so many people! i cannot overstate how nice it is so have so many people will to engage about our silly little guys.
- i also want to say how much i appreciate the corso creatures discord as a whole! when we made it, i’m not going to lie, i really thought that would fizzle out quickly. so i’m so happy to see it thriving and everyone having fun on there together. thank you again, @coryo for helping make a place where can all truly be together and be ourselves!
now onto some people who have made this year so wonderful for me:
@the-sun-and-the-sea - i remember messaging you for the first time and honestly being so intimidated! you seemed like such a cool and popular blog + so many amazing fics and seemed wayyyy too cool to be talking to the weird tbosas girl. i couldn’t have been more wrong! you’re the sweetest, most genuine, and supportive person i’ve had the privilege of being friends with this year.
@felixravinstills - you have inspired me so much over the past year! before i started this blog i was so embarrassed by my interests and i felt so silly and stupid. then i met you, who was so talented and creative and insane about you little guy! and it made me feel more okay with being open about my little guys and to be a little weird about it! please forever stay the person you are <3
@fairyhagmother - my appalachian friend (in my head. you are one of us.) i was so, so excited when someone on here was so educated on appalachia and wanted to talk about it! i never would have thought at the time that in just a few months we could be talking about…coriolanus snow’s grandma’am and toxic yuri. i still think about that festus/pippa/liv ballet post you did btw. love u my friend.
@ylvisruinedmylife - hannah i couldn’t possibly fit how much i appreciate you into a post! i love bouncing off insane ideas with you and torturing hils together. i’m always amazed by how intelligent and creative and talented you are…and you’re still so friendly and supportive! your support, especially with my jessup nonsense, means the world. thank you for not killing you know who in you know what. i hope treemina never frees you.
@moreespressoformydepresso - fun fact: i also was lowkey intimidated by you for a while! imagine my surprise when you wanted to befriend me and dm and tell me about all of your fun aus! now, i couldn’t imagine my fandom experience without you. thank you for being so friendly and supportive and down to yap with me <3 you’ll never escape me 😤
@spiralling-thoughts - i love how you keep the tribute fandom alive and give so much life to all the minor tributes! you’re one of the first friends i had on here, and i really appreciate you sticking with my over this year! please always feel free to tell me all of your ideas, i love hearing them!
@majorsoapfan - AH you’re so sweet and talented! i love yapping with you in the dms and coming up with silly ideas! not to mention the absolute masterpieces of works you create!
@sparklebear11 - you fr are the maude ivory to my barb azure! you’re so silly and fun, please never change that about you. i hope the covey haunts you forever so you’ll stick around with us!
@keeperofsecretsunderthehill - i wish i had the creativity that you do! you’re always coming with such different, yet equally interesting, ideas! cranedove ceo always <3
@xtabithanala - not only did you create one of my favorite fics and help me love liv even more- you’re also so kind and supportive to me?? an angel! i hope we can talk more over this next year and get to know each other better!
i’m so looking forward to getting to know all of you guys better over this next year! @thatthingilovewith (can’t wait for more bobbin), @tumblingghosts (i miss yapping with you!, @meekmedea (always such a lovely presence but i’d love to talk to you more!), @little-de-vil (please keep yapping about the d2 lore in my dms forever), @ilovepersephoneprice (pippa friend!!!! we have so much more yapping to do!), @vampirehizzies (my mizzen sized mutual that i am so proud of!), @solar-halos (love u girlie let’s yap more), @mr-nauseam (you’re a great friend and your kindness and patience is amazing!), @ritalinrae (let’s yap more!), @threestargirls (i’m so looking forward to yapping with you in the new year!), @mollywog (we don’t often interact but i love when we do- i still think about that playground thing you said!), @jinglebellpeppre (how have we not yapped together about miz?), @julietasgf (talented artist queen) <3
if i forgot some please feel free to yell at me and i’ll tell you how much i appreciate you and why
(honorary mention to bel who i miss dearly)
have a lovely new year everyone <3
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guniniz · 3 months ago
zb1 as roommates💭..💡☝️😃
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⸻ zerobaseone as roommates
# genre … hmm is it considered fluff idk, just some thoughts on how i think zb1 would be as roommates :p
# note … omg first request !!! thank u so much <3 the combination of emojis kinda made me laugh for some reason lol. anyways i hope u enjoy anon !!! <3
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── 彡 [한빈] HANBIN
Very very caring roommate. Don’t ever worry when you’re sick cause he’s got you !!! He’s getting u medicine on his way home and he calls his mom for a good soup recipe.
Would have a bit of hard time with letting you know if something is bothering him. Like say there’s dishes piling up in the sink because of you he’d have to retreat to his room and really think it over and over about how he’s gonna tell you it’s bothering him as to not make you feel bad about it.
── 彡 [지웅] JIWOONG
Clingy roommate, but not in an annoying way. He just likes to do the mundane house tasks together. Like yes he could eat dinner whenever he wants but he’d rather wait till you get home and make a fun evening out of cooking together.
Yes he could also just tell you what he needs from the grocery store since you’re already going but give him a few minutes cause he’s getting ready to come with you just to follow behind you with the shopping cart (he also does not correct the older lady who said you guys are such a cute couple).
── 彡 [장하오] ZHANGHAO
Roommates with benefits and no not in that way. More in a way of whenever the other person needs help with something there’s no questions asked and you guys help each other out. Guy won’t stop bothering you? Hao is now your pretend boyfriend. He needs a plus one to a wedding so his family will stop asking weird invasive love life questions? You are wedding guest dress shopping together the next day.
It might seem slightly transactional to other people but it’s really not. You guys just enjoy each other’s company and get along very well. You guys are there for each other when needed. The both of you know that when it comes down to it the other has your back (basically besties but both of you think the other has other friends they prefer when thats not the case lol).
── 彡 [매튜] MATTHEW
Friendliest roommate ever. Would deffo invite you out with his friends if he sees you sitting at home on the weekend without any plans. I feel like he would make a very convincing case on why you should go out if you’re hesitant.
Definitely would not pressure you at all though if you don’t feel like it and even stays home with you from time to time cause he can also appreciate a night in where its just the two of you playing games.
── 彡 [태래] TAERAE
Real roommate, exactly what it says. He keeps it real with you and doesn’t really sugarcoat things. It took you a bit of time to get used to but you realized it was exactly what you needed sometimes.
The perfect guy to go to for some free therapy. Cause while he’s very encouraging and caring he will never lie to you. If he thinks that something isn’t right for you he will tell you to your face. Especially great for if you’re an overthinker and just need someone to snap you out of it.
If his normal approach doesn’t work though he doesn’t mind just sitting there and being a listening ear for you as well as being a great distraction for if you just don’t wanna think at all lol.
── 彡 [리키] RICKY
Bestie roommate !!! I feel like he would be a little slow with warming up to you but once he does he would give you the shirt off his back. And you would do the same for him of course. Whenever you need him he is there and when he needs you you’re there for him. The most loyal friend in my humble opinion !!!
Whenever there’s a new restaurant or cafe you wanna try he’s the first person you think of asking and when he needs opinions on a new clothing item he immediately texts you a picture to ask your opinion (if you’re not already there in the store with him which is more likely).
── 彡 [규빈] GYUVIN
Brother type of roommate more specifically annoying little brother. Like he LOVES to come into your room and just stand there. If you have guy friends over he 100% tries to make it as awkward as possible.
Don’t get me wrong though, he might be annoying sometimes but he also really cares about you and is actually quite protective of you. If you’re out late at night he will offer to come pick you up and walk home with you.
── 彡 [건욱] GUNWOOK
Literally the perfect roommate, not only in the fact that living with him is very easy as he keeps the common area clean and is generally just a great roommate. But he also just seems perfect? It just seems like he has his life together. He’s on top of his studies, he meal preps and works out whenever he has time and has a well thought out plan for the future.
While this might be a bit intimidating in the beginning you’ll quickly learn that his positive attitude and his organized and proactive lifestyle is quite infectious. He makes you want to better yourself and he is more than happy to help you with this. From time to time though you guys reverse the roles and you help him let loose a little telling him that he’s doing great and he’s allowed to live a little more recklessly and do what makes him truly happy.
── 彡 [유진] YUJIN
Ghost roommate, at the beginning of you guys living together you barely noticed he was there. Though whenever u knocked on his door to ask for help with something he’d be ready in a second. You need help lifting boxes? He’s there.
As the months pass by he shows more of himself and his personality which grow to be very fond of. Hes just a silly little guy ! Hes so funny without realizing it and gets a bit embarrassed when you’re laughing at something he did (when he didnt even mean to be funny) but you quickly reassure him that you’re not laughing at him but with him. Just an overall joy to be around.
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blkkizzat · 6 months ago
PLSS KALI i need a whiff of those balls right after a workout. sweaty , musky testicles to the bridge of my nose im not kidding. can you imagine what those pits smell like after the gym 🤤🤤🤤. my mouth is watering in real time. but the way i wanna play w his balls in my mouth like two marbles swishing around im FERAL for that fictional dick. when im ovulating all i can think ab is toji doing me dirty in prone bone OH MY GOD i need that massive man fucking me into the mattress. like i need his balls to tense up when im around. he needs to know im his BEST eater. need his libido saying SLOW DOWN BITCH. i need him abusing my gspot just once 🤓☝🏽 and ill be set for life 😩. thank u gege for creating my baby daddy, now creat a scene in the manga where he comes back and breaks my fucking back and bed. this is very incoherent but jesus seeing yall talk ab tojis gooch made me wanna rant.
can i be 🦷 anon? pretty please?
HIII 🦷 nonny welcome pookies!! dflhjkadskfj prone bone toji yasss with like a foot on the back your head keeping you down...dfjklhsfdkjs gege needs to deliver toji doujin porn istg.
also you got me writing... smellygym!toji thots... imagine toji gets home from the gym and you just immediately attack him. he always works out hard so he lets you pretty much do your thing and love him and all his stinky down.
you do just that as your drag him to the couch, already having a beer open ready for him the second you heard his car in the driveway. haphazardly, you toss him the remote so he can watch whatever game was on while you straddle him.
toji turns on the game and takes a sip of beer while you grind on his thick daddy sized thighs. needing more sticky wet contact, you peer off his sweat soaked shirt. toji grins at how eager you are scent yourself on him rubbing your body against his. uncaring how "gross", he was, in fact he was almost sure you preferred him better a lil sweaty.
spoiler alert—you do.
toji can feel how warm and moist your lil cunny is getting through his gym shorts. especially as you burrow your head into the musky fold under his shoulder. swirling patterns of slick sweat over his ribs and biceps as you grop him desperately while you gasp like you've never breathed air before while inside his pit.
toji can feel your hips pick up speed and your thighs clench around his muscular one.
"ya gonna cum already, mama?"
muffled affirmations fumble from your lips, he smelled extra potent today. the pheromones lacing his scent making you lose your own goddamn mind.
"did extra sets today just f'er my nasty lil slut, made sure to get nice and sweaty."
"f-fank yoou dafdy, fuk!" you cry out into his pit.
toji takes another swig of beer before placing it down on the table next to the sofa, his free hand now guiding your hips even faster on him. leaving a slime trail of your depravity lingering on his shorts.
wanting to taste him your tongue flattens to lap at the musty sweat, not caring that his this thick hairs scrape over your tongue. you gasp as the bitter taste of his musk stains your throat and you nearly choke from the loss of air as his heavy bicep presses you deeper into him. toji twitches, ticklish from your nasty lil tongue. the jerk of his body drives his thigh further up into you and smashing your sensitive clit and that's enough from your orgasm to rack threw your body as your muted moans resound from his pit.
you take a moment, dizzy as you heave, sliding your head out and onto his chest.
"ya still want more, my freaky lil' mama?"
you can only weakly nod as your body replenishes itself with the much needed untainted oxygen.
toji lifts you momentarily chuckling at your whines as he pushes his shorts down his hips just enough to bring out his dick and balls. "well you better get to it then mamas." toji smacks your ass. "these dirty balls ain't gonna gargle themselves."
.....lmfao nonny u got the toji demons coming out of me right now. cause wtf is thiskdshfsjkdhsdjhk 😭😭😭 consider this welcome present.
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f4ggydog · 1 month ago
Not sure how specific you like your asks- but thinking about Lottie telling Tai they need to fuck because “its what the wilderness wants” and Tai is like 'no wtf’ but then Van is all “I thought you believed in this stuff now. If you love me you'll do it”. Cue Tai and Lottie doing it while Van watches/cuddles Tai. Really enjoy your writing! It is always very compelling.
ONCE AGAIN WE ARE SO BACK AND MY WRITING IS COMING BACK TO ALL THAT MISSED ME (also I’m glad u like my writing anon and I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long genuinely!)
TAILOTTIE (while van gets cucked) (kind of a threesome but van helps tai out) 🔞
“no fucking way,” tai immediately declares. “you can’t be fucking serious. i’m not doing it. fuck that.”
“i expected you to be reluctant,” lottie responds. “but it’s for your own good, tai. besides, you know I don’t make the rules around here.”
“so you expect me to believe that the wilderness said I needed to get fucked by you? yeah, no. you’re just a fucking creep. i don’t believe you.”
“tai, don’t be like that. look, i promise I’ll make this feel really good for you. it’s what you deserve. it’s for your health, happiness and prosperity.”
“happiness!? you think I’m fucking happy about this!?”
taissa turns to van.
“why are you just sitting there, van? cant you talk some fucking sense into her? honestly like?”
“i think you’re overreacting a bit.” van gives her opinion. “i think if lottie tells us to do something, we should do it.”
“oh, so now you’re on her side!? fuck this. fuck the both of you. this is so fucked up.”
van stands up from the floor, grabbing their girlfriend by the waist and squeezing her so hard tai might earn bruises.
“lottie’s right. it might seem excessive, but I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. and if something bad could happen just because you can’t handle a little sex, then I’m not willing to risk it.”
“you’re unbelievable. is this not considered cheating to you? aren’t you concerned that this is a little too close to infidelity?”
“not if I consent to it.” van smiles and places a kiss on taissa’s cheek. “come on, baby girl. it’s just one time and then we can talk about it later, okay?”
“v-van,” taissa stammers. “she’s brainwashed you. she’s turned you into something that you’re not. this is insane. I-I’m not participating in this.”
“you don’t have a choice.” van tugs at the collar of taissa’s shirt. “look, I’m gonna be there next to you. you’re not gonna do this alone.”
“help me with her shirt, van.” lottie steps closer to the duo.
“yeah, I’ve got her.” van listens like an obedient little disciple. taissa wriggles against van’s touch, actively resisting and trying to break free. she thinks lottie’s full of shit. she’s out of her mind. she’s gone delusional with power. and taissa wants no part in her delusions.
van manages to rip tai’s shirt off. they briefly apologize for their roughness before lottie assists them with getting those beige pants off of taissa. taissa curses the both of them out, shuddering and trembling and creating more difficulty to get undressed.
“sorry that she’s so reluctant,” van says to lottie.
“I understand her. I really do. just let her know that we’ll take care of her.”
taissa’s infuriation and vexation quickly switches to great fear as she’s pushed onto the ground. lottie slips her hand into taissa’s black underwear, slipping them down to her ankles.
“p-please tell her to stop, van. please, please. this is so fucking wrong. you know it is.”
“it’s okay, baby. it’s going to be okay.” van wraps her arms around her girlfriend and hoists taissa onto her lap. “just lay on me while i watch, okay? you can take it.”
“so pretty,” lottie compliments with a smile devoid of normalcy. it’s a smile masked by sugar and sweetness, when it’s entitlement in reality. “you’ll look so good on my cock.”
“guys, can we talk about this?” tai begs. “t-this is so fucked up. seriously, stop. please, this isn’t right. van, make her-“
van silences tai with a kiss and a finger to the lips. “just take her, baby. I’ll help you take her.”
once lottie’s undressed herself, she steps forward and rubs the tip of her dick against taissa’s folds.
“she’s gonna be so tight,” lottie groans. “fuck.”
“do what you have to do, lottie.” van spits on two of their fingers and uses the saliva to moisturize tai’s clit. “I’ll try to loosen her up a bit so she can take you better.”
a tear slips down taissa’s cheek and her legs plead to close. van circles tai’s clit to prepare her and get her pussy slightly lubricated. it’s nowhere near enough preparation, but it’s something.
“you’re gonna take her so well, baby. lottie going to fit perfectly inside of you.”
lottie slides in without further warning. taissa’s pussy grips her harshly and lottie can barely push anything past the tip inside. still, she shuts her eyes and exhales. this is what the wilderness desires from her. no task is too hard. none of the wilderness’ orders are out of lottie’s reach. she’s a dedicated follower to the forest and she’ll please it by any means necessary.
“sweet thing,” van whispers tenderly in taissa’s ear. “you’re taking her so well. look at you.”
van massages taissa’s thigh, watching as lottie’s cock penetrates tai deeper. she can almost see the outline of it in tai’s stomach.
“she’s taking more of me,” lottie says excitedly. “fuck. there you go, tai. there you go. so proud of you.
“i couldn’t be more proud too,” van praises, now smoothing out tai’s belly. “you needed this. i know you did. we all did.”
“i think tai understands that now,” lottie purrs, the pace of her pumping gradually increasing the more tai’s pussy adjusts to the intrusion.
tai’s walls close tighter around lottie’s dick, attempting to milk it. taissa jolts and bucks, her hips moving without her permission. van guides her back onto lottie’s cock, allowing for a more firm penetration.
lottie moans wildly as her cock gets soaked in taissa’s slick. her thrusts are rougher and her nails dig into taissa’s thighs, holding her down so she can pound away without obstacles.
“you’re making me feel so fucking good,” lottie growls. “fuck, baby. don’t even fuck your self on my cock. just let me do the work. i need to feel you, all of you.”
“you’re gonna make her cum, tai. do you wanna make lottie cum? do you want lottie to cum inside of you, baby?”
taissa gives a slight nod, only in the hopes that she’ll get this over with sooner.
“my precious girl.” van kisses taissa’s ear. “now you’ll properly belong to us.”
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waxingrunes · 1 year ago
Do you have any fun headcanons on what's on wolfstar's nightstand? like are they creams? what books? we know there's tea on Sirus's nightstand but is it REALLY ever finished? what type of tea is it?
And finally... what tv shows/movies are wolfstars favs do you think?
sorry for the lovebomb questions i just want to live rent free in ur headcanons. U truly have a fantastic mind
You’ve put me to work with this sweet anon.
Sirius will have about three drinks on the go at any one time and even if the glass or bottle is empty, there’s a strong possibility it’s going to stay there for a day or two until he needs more room. He used to hate tea, but has learnt to tolerate and maybe even prefer it at times through Remus’ persistent feeding. He hates anything with berries as it lays bitter on his tongue, but will happily sip chamomile or lemon at any hour. He has an alarm clock that always malfunctions which Remus reaches over to slam off every time but Sirius insists he’s too attached to get rid. One of Remus’ watches will be right next to it so he can peep his eyes open and check the time. A hair bobble which always falls behind the nightstand and because he’s too lazy to retrieve them he replenishes them instead. Sometimes there will be a stray ribbon and crescent moon-hair clip if he’s worn it that day, otherwise those accessories are usually shoved in the top drawer. There will be one book on there that will go unread for weeks but never moves, or, if he’s on a reading train there will be a new book every week because he can absorb information fast and tends to get hyper fixated. The books never have bookmarks and are always dogeared which sends Remus into a spiral. A jewellery stand in the shape of an ornate middle finger where he can stack his rings. His wand will be under his pillow for easy access.
Remus’ wand is in the top drawer. He tends to sleep walk/talk and turns out it’s not ideal having a wand so readily available to his subconscious, which they learned through unfortunate events. The drawer also contains a Polaroid picture of him and Sirius that Sirius took haphazardly. His is more orderly, despite being the less coordinated of the two. There are always two books, one that he’s currently reading/annotating, another that he’s lined up to begin. If there’s a mug, it’s on a coaster. The tea is nearly always either green tea or earl grey, he rarely dabbles in other flavours, just likes collecting the fancy ones ‘just incase’. A moonstone, gifted in jest by James as a house warming present to “make him feel more at home”. Reading glasses, always stacked on top of the books with a little lens cleaning cloth folded on top.
I can’t think of anything specific when it comes to what the boys would enjoy watching but I’d say Remus loves a classic romantic comedy, the old school rom-com, and wildlife documentaries. Sirius is more a horror enthusiast, making Remus sit through the goriest shit and explaining why it’s not realistic at all or how it could be ‘done better’.
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my-castles-crumbling · 1 month ago
hey cas
before i start i just wanna say that i think ur doing something rly amazing with how u help ppl
ur so cool and i defo look up to u sm!!!!!
idk where to start again lmao
im the same anon who asked about the shitty friends and prom
but now theres more sadly :(
so mum and dad had the next door neighbours round and normally id love that dads friend (who for the purpose of this well call d) is rly great and happy and just generally a golden retriever type guy which is cool
and d's gf (who well call s) is also great and loves to talk to me about the horses and shit (cuz i have 2 but they own an andalusian stud farm which is so cool!!!!) and s helps me when idk what to do and shit (im 15) cuz even tho ive had z (my homebred one) since i was like 6 months im still by NO means an expert so having s and d rly help
i added the context cuz i rly look up to them and i wanted to show how much
they mean a lot to me
so they came round fri night and we had lasagne (my favourite) and it was rly cool
somehow we got onto the subject of trans ppl. idek how but here we r ig 🤷🏻‍♂️. so ik that mum is vaugly transphobic (she talks about it a lot) but i always thought it was just like she doesnt like us. but it turns out that both mum dad s and d all HATE trans ppl. like a lot. so i was just sat there. the ONLY person defending trans rights and stuff and d and dad were talking about sum else idk so it was just mum and s. but they kept on going on and on about it. like no matter what i said theyd still hate us. so i recorded it. lots of it. atleast a good 7 mins straight of them talking shit. so eventually i got up and had a mini little panic attack in the bathroom (love that for me) but it was ATLEAST 2 hrs of this atp. but mums best friends r all lgbtq+ supportive. theyd be horrified at all this and all she said. and i have recordings. on the one hand i want nothing more than to ruin everything for her (i already had reduced amounts if empathy but now i feel nothing at all for them which is a shame ig) but on the other hand i just wanna forget it... kinda (shes still my mum)
obvs im not coming out as gender fluid like ever but im pretty sure atp she knows im bi lmao (my best friends mum who crochets is already making me a pride flag LMAO)
but this leads me on to my other thing
i said i already had reduced empathy but now i feel nothing. or as close to nothing as i can get w them being my parents. but its weird cuz i can still feel like care i used to have. i just cant... get to it
u know what i mean?
but i can feel myself slipping into having no care for anything at all (im already depressed so numbness is quite normal but this feels... different?)
idk what to do
also i have LOADS of issues in my head and i told mum about them and she just basically said its cuz of my ADHD (im not even diagnosed shes just CONVINCED i have it) cuz she thinks that ADHD is already a chemical imbalance so this isnt too far off. but surely even if it wad from ADHD id still go to like therapy and shit cuz i still feel it no matter where its coming from?
but yh
that happened ig
oh and after i ended up talking to some friends and having a panic attack but my friends rly helped and said theyre always there for me but after i said i was going to bed (it was like half 11 pm atp but we have diff time zones (im british lots of them r american)) i ended up staring at the wall for 4 hrs dissociating and then had a panic attack (rly bad this time) cuz what do u mean i literally lost 4 hrs?
but yh
that happened ig
doesnt rly matter lmao
anywhore feel free to ignore this if its triggering or u dont wanna answer it ❤❤❤
It definitely matters, and that sounds so upsetting. I wouldn't send the recording out, but I mean...idk it might be petty, but maybe the next time your mum and her friends are all around together, bring up trans rights. See how it goes? Only if you're prepared to hear her say mean shit, but it could be interesting to see if her friends can talk sense into her.
I'm so sorry though, that's devastating and I'm so glad you have friends to support you. Naming you three hearts anon!
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hatkuu · 1 year ago
taps my claws together... Did u know the typical structure of wolf packs out in the wild is a breeding pair and all of their pups (some leave as they enter sexual maturity [~2 years old, males more likely] to start their own packs, but a fair share stay and help raise the next litters of pups).
Anyway. Imagine a PC with the wolf tf mentioning/confessing this to Kylar and just how overjoyed Kylar might be by the fact... Esp if they got the wolf tf From said PC, but either way - to think!! That PC might want them as their mate (*surely* they do, to tell them this), to *breed* with them, to have a loving family like that... isn't it ideal? And of course, even if PC didn't tell them directly, it's not like Kylar can't do their own research <3...
OR wolf tf Kylar themself!! Scrawny little thing... Having found such a perfect mate, wanting so *badly* to have a family (pack) again after their parents got sick and Sydney stopped talking to them, so devoted and loving and wagging their tail rapidly as spend time together, helpless to stop it bc they're just so happy... (TRYING TO HIDE HOW MUCH THEIR TAIL WANTS TO WAG IN THEIR LOW LOVE STAGES BC THEYRE STILL SHY AROUND YOU......)
Just. Thinking so much about Kylar getting to be part of a pack honestly bc it's really sweet to me. Maybe throw Sydney in there for funsies (+ so they'd have more warm connections than just PC and any theoretical kids/pups) also... Honestly I just think it's cute to consider them getting what the want and it hit me a moment ago that would pack structures do kinda lend to that
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(i'm so glad you enjoyed my rambling!! reveal your blog to me right now. get off anon. i love seeing big asks in my inbox! they're always so fun to read and they make me feel like i've gotten a FREE COMMISSION AFHSKJK) (also i gravitated towards m! kylar for this ehe) wolf tf stuff and having babies with kylar stuff below
you confess anything about starting a family to this freak he loses it. gets himself so worked up that it's all he's been thinking about for a week straight. he starts mishearing things you say - he has to slap a hand over his mouth to stop himself from moaning out loud if you mention anything regarding his/your wolf tf.
also. kylar doing his own research is SOOOO true. this would happen with ANY tf that you have. looks up mating rituals, what ur tf finds most attractive in a mate (and replicates it horribly), and googles when ur mating season is. he's a freak. probably hyperfixates on your tf and blurts out fun (disgustingly degenerate) animal facts while you're hanging out with him. eg. "did you know wolves mate for life??? what do you look for in a mate, pc?? :)"
i feel like if he's the one with the tf, he's a lot whinier about his ruts. makes it out like he's bed-ridden and needs you to take care of him. please please please let him knot you! if you're the one going into heat/rut, he'd be all over you! doesn't want you leaving the orphanage/his room. look! you're presenting yourself to him as soon as he walks in! you can't possibly go out when you're acting like this!! it'd be unsafe!!
i think kylar obsessing over starting a pack with you is 100% accurate. he'd get so emotional and sappy over everything. probably cries with happiness after you let him knot you for the first time, just because he's thinking about the litter you'll have (yes. he refers to ur babies as a litter/pups. even if he's the one without the tf. sobbing.)
a pack with sydney would be ...something. poor sydney would turn into a glorified babysitter. so many little feral children running around and they're all clones of kylar. it is SHOCKING how virile his sperm is. with the amount of children kylar insists on the two of you having together, you'd think that some of them would look like you, but no. kylar taints the gene pool. they're all coming out with dark hair and freakish little green eyes. yeah. poor sydney.
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lonesome--hunter · 11 months ago
hi josiah has been on my mind a lot lately bc im writing a cult whump story and stuff... and im like obsessively imagining my protag (mary) being married off to josiah instead of her canon wife naomi... and like being indoctrinated into a different cult (the cult of horrible suffering and pet whumpees)... and like, she could still have her prayer closet and she could be locked into the closet by josiah and she could still be starved and have it be called "fasting".... and all that...... im foaming at the mouth i kinda rly wanna write a crossover fanfic but i'd have to reread the entirety of the devil's highway to get a good grip on my man again. god i love josiah. he would be SUCH a horrible husband to mary in many respects but then he would also be a very good husband in some ways and aaaaaaaa mary would absolutely 100% believe divorce is not an option and she would also help josiah cope with his suicidal tendencies and GOD ALL OF IT IS SO GOOD IN MY HEAD. im even coming off anon to share all of this even tho im usually too afraid AJDJSKSKSK anyway uh what do u think abt me writing a little fanfic maybe potentially sometime in the future...👉👈 im saying it now tho, i will Not be able to get josiah's awesome accent to work bc im not good enough of an english speaker for that AJDJDKDK but yeah i. am rabid about this concept
in my head, the fic would kinda go like this. mary's upbringing would be the same as in canon, so her family dies in an accident and shes raised by her religious grandma. her grandma passes when shes 19 and from then on shes very alone. and in the crossover she would like work as a waitress in the small town josiah frequents, in a diner he frequents. and they meet often and they kinda fancy each other and mary is religious like josiah and they talk abt jesus sometimes and also josiah eventually takes her out. and then josiah is just like okay that was enough courting i am now taking her By Force. so he kidnaps her on their next date. and then mary is just forced to be a nice stay at home wife and put up with josiah's human pets and cook and clean and go to church with him. they have a backyard wedding in front of god only because thats the only guy that matters anyway. mary is like fucking terrified all the time forever but also she has good moments with josiah and she grows to care for him deeply... im sorry i rambled so much but like yea this lives in my head rent fucking free
I've been feeling crummy with health stuff and this makes my day so much!
I cannot wait to read it!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months ago
HELLO!! Karasu anon here again and omg you don’t even know I’ve read your piece like five times it lives rent free in my mind
Finding your account was actually like striking gold not just because I love your writing generally but also A KARASU FAN?? Just an extra bonus omg
On a side note I’m so excited for S2 so he can get some spotlight and hopefully more attention!!! Really can’t wait to hear more of his accent too because from the trailers I can already tell he sounds so good!! Also secretly hoping we’ll get a hair down panel or scene someday I need to see the man without the three pounds of hair gel
I will GLADLY take up your offer on filling your inbox with Karasu thoughts LOL No pressure at all but if you’re ever in the mood to write for him here’s some ideas I’ve had off the top of my head (they’re all inspired by your most recent work because that’s all I’ve been able to think about oops):
- kinda a continuation of the academic rivals scenario, maybe in which we see that Saturday date? I think it’d be funny to kinda incorporate swimming (I’ve always thought his water fear was an interesting little tidbit) like a beach day or pool day where we genuinely teach him how to swim after that first little debacle lol
- also kinda a continuation, us seeing the process of him entering blue lock (the letter, the send off) and watching the u-20 match + their little two week freedom from prison LOL
I’m also a huge advocate of the menace Karasu agenda which is why I love the academic rivals trope because I feel like it fits his menace vibes well but imagine….student council pres and vice pres….I’ll leave you with these thoughts…
Sorry this is so long but thank you for entertaining my Karasu thoughts and ramblings your style of writing is also so appealing and satisfying to read?? The progression characterization like all of it is just NYT bestseller worthy I’ll gladly eat up any pieces you write and post (Karasu or not) :)
KARASU ANONNN HI!! omg i’m so locked in w karasu HAHHA you don’t even know…i love finding other karasu fans in the wild that’s when i know a person has elite taste!!! AND YESSSS HAIR DOWN KARASU NEEDS TO HAPPEN bruh literally every blue lock guy is literally so fine without that bs they put in their hair 😭 barou…karasu…zantetsu…shidou…this is why nagi is my main man bro keeps it au naturel 😫👆🏻
i just posted the saturday date!! was expecting it to be 3k words max and it ended up just shy of 7k 🙂‍↕️ the bias comes through at times i fear 😰 I’M GOING TO WORK ON YOUR SECOND REQUEST NEXT BECAUSE I THINK IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY FOR FWTKAC READER TO MEET OTOYA 😭😭😭 i just know there would be insane beef…and speaking of insane beef imagine karasu meeting yukimiya in bllk for the first time FJDJSKKSHD he’s fuming meanwhile yuki has NO idea who he is 😩 need to be a fly on the wall for THAT second selection match because i am 100% certain it was absolutely ridiculous (esp with otoya’s instigating ass present like he doesn’t even know what’s going on but you bet he’s hyping karasu tf up)
karasu thoughts are a blessing for us both bby never feel shy about sharing them 🙌 and thank you soooo much that is so sweet of you to say!! glad to have you here 💖 i hope you have a great day/night as well!!
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scara-meow-che · 2 years ago
how do u feel about the transport strike and the phase out of jeepneys?
hello scaradango anon <3 it's been so long since i'm last here so yeah and i'm glad to be back!
anyway, to the main point of this ask, i really want to expound on the ongoing transport strike and phase-out of jeepneys occurring here in the ph so long post below the cut!
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i am fully aware of the risk in publicizing my thoughts on this matter because the government is still adamant about listening to the public's concerns and forces the act of red-tagging, but to those interested in knowing more about the situation, feel free to access on the links i'd be adding on this post.
i'm currently in a youth org that organizes strikes as to what you'd typically see on tv and this has been causing a lot of issues on our side as well mainly because we've been in touch with the majority of those jeepney drivers. it's honestly disheartening and frankly, it only proves how incompetent the government is despite countless efforts to overthrow the regime or even push a peaceful negotiation. please keep in mind that these transport strikes wouldn't happen to begin with if those who are in power would listen and be objective enough to know the extent of whatever plans they have for this country. and, sad to say, they often think ahead while ignoring the social, economical, and cultural means that the Philippines has and would often lay out plans that can't easily be manifested due to these circumstances.
going back to the topic, transport strikes had been long occurring in the country (started around the 1970s but it wasn't as worse as it is around 2017) and one of the questions that would come to mind is what came out of these strikes. if i were to be subjective in my answer, i would say that it's relatively easy to resolve issues revolving around the jeepney phase-out. think of this similarly to the case of uniforms being compulsory in schools. in order to assess such conditions, we must ALWAYS look at those who are going to be directly affected by such regulation. there is both importance in having uniforms to be compulsory in schools same as having modernized jeepneys that can help in fewer gas emissions for the environment. but we keep on neglecting those who would enact the said ordinance. hence why people complain and pursue to have these legislations reassessed based on those who are AFFECTED by it.
i am NOT against the modernization of jeepneys but i am against how they would implement this without considering how EXPENSIVE this is. the jeepney drivers would be the very victims of this transition. the fact that a lot barely earn above the minimum wage every day, do people seriously think that they can simply pull out roughly 2.6 million pesos just to comply on the ordered modernization? even if it's loaned, do you honestly expect a normal human being to work the majority of their years paying off that debt without even earning above the actual wage and just waste away their life LIKE THAT. i don't even want to start on how some people argue "that's life" well FUCK THAT LIFE honestly. how inhumane can you even be to say that bs?
also, i may also add here how much i hate how the middle-class workers are angry at the jeepney drivers. it's similar to how those who voted for leni got angry at those who didn't vote for her. like wake the fuck up, these people ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY, PLEASE. it baffles me how much they fight for a free nation yet they are also the one who enables indirect oppression of the lower class people who had nothing but to fight in the streets because they aren't as privileged as the middle class is to be educated and know who and where to go to. (yes, i am being political here and i kinda get their frustration but redirect it properly next time. it irks me to hear and read their insensitive sentiments on twitter or in public)
it's a systematic problem really. i sympathize more with the jeepney drivers because i had talked to one of them on my way back home telling me how much they earn a day. imagine earning at least around 5k php where 2k would most likely be paid for the jeepney operator and then 1k for the actual jeep itself. most of the time, the jeepney driver is the one who pays for the gas and other fixtures of the jeepney so they barely get 500php. this is for three round trips on each destination that they have to drive throughout the day.
another thing is the jeepney operators HHHNNGGG I HATE THEM SM PLEASE. the number of times that i have to restrain myself just hearing all the bs that their mouth keeps on saying on tv while being the same people who can't even lend a hand to these poor jeepney drivers GGGRRRR I AM JUST SO ANGRY AT THEM.
so yes, i am clearly frustrated and stressed with what is happening here during the transport strike and it's been weeks of us preparing for it and the gov't just won't let up. so, as to what we all would say:
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i can't disclose more of my affiliation in this post (no worries, i am safe) but do remind yourself that the victims of this systematic oppression shouldn't be hindered by any means and must be heard at all times. lagi't lagi para sa bayan <3
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helpful links to see more of the situation regards the jeepney phase-out and transport strike here in the Philippines.
LIVE UPDATES ⠀✧⠀ BRIEF HISTORY (2017-2023) ⠀✧⠀ i agree with piston ⠀✧⠀ ways to help those sa rally! ⠀✧⠀ the sag in me says so ⠀✧⠀ a video from a jeepney driver's daughter ⠀✧⠀ ACTONA's proposal on a modern jeepney
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megistusdiary · 2 years ago
Okay okay! Hear me out! Phone sex with scara!
Reader calls him in the middle of the night because they cant relese without him.
Take your time and stay hydrated~💜
And, if its not taken can i be the 💕 anon?
Have a good day!
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i want that big hat man obliterated
tysm for the kind words, i hope you are taking care of yourself as well ♡
also you got it, welcome aboard, 💕 anon!
this is more of a current times au where technology exists and also scaramouche has the mouth of a sailor 💀
sorry i ended this kinda abruptly, btw. i am bad at writing for scaramouche, i think 🙃
warnings: dom!scaramouche and sub!gn anatomy/pronouns reader
phone sex, mutual masturbation (reader fingers themself), degradation and praise 👏, lube usage, orgasm control, slight asphyxiation
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you tossed and turned between your sheets, frustrated with yourself.
scaramouche had recently left for another one of his 'business trips,' or so he called them, leaving you alone for the week.
you turned on your back, staring up at the ceiling with a huff. you glanced over at the clock, squinting at the red numbers glaring back at you.
2:37 am.
the worst part of it all was the slight, dull, ache you felt between your thighs, causing you to rub them together.
it was pointless to try and relieve it, you figured. ever since you got with scaramouche, he made it impossible for you to come without him. for his stature and soft face, you would've never expected his skill with his fingers and tongue.
or maybe you could've guessed about the tongue seeing as he has plenty of practice in the never-shutting-up department...
you frowned as you reached for your phone, hissing through your teeth as the bright lights temporarily blinded you until you could unlock the screen and slide the brightness down.
you rubbed your eyes with your free hand, grumbling to yourself. your thumb hovered over scaramouche's name in your phone, biting your lip as you considered calling him.
he's definitely asleep...but on the off chance he's awake, maybe he could help?
fuck it, the worst that could happen is you wake him up and feel shitty about it, and then you make it up to him once he comes home, right? yeah...
you pressed the button to dial his number, shocked when he answered almost immediately.
"what's wrong?" he sounded husky, prompting you to turn your volume up a bit to hear him better.
"hi, scara."
scaramouche went silent, sighing into the phone as you heard sheets rustling. "can't sleep?"
"yeah, sorry for waking you up i'm just, well, i was wondering if you could...sorry. i- ugh this is awkward to talk about." you rambled as you heard scaramouche lean over to turn a lamp on with a soft click.
"you're horny at 2 in the morning." he stated, bluntly as your eyes widened. "before you ask how i know, don't be dumb. you're obvious as hell."
"right-" you went quiet, tugging at the hem of your shirt.
"if you want me to help you, we're gonna do it like we would back home, got it?"
"demanding." you teased as scaramouche grunted, sitting up against the headboard of the hotel bed.
"it's gotta be authentic. i guarantee you can touch yourself all you want, but you're not gonna come until i make you."
your lips parted a bit at that, wanting to say something back, though nothing intelligent came to mind quick enough. "okay." you obliged.
"good. take everything off first."
you set the phone to your side, removing your pants first, tossing your underwear with them to the floor. you slowly slid your top off, deliberately brushing it against your nipples to mimic how scaramouche would undress you. well, when he wanted to tease you, that is.
"all done, what's next, sir?"
scaramouche made a low noise from that, untying his own pants and moving them down his thighs. "top left drawer, open it and grab the oil."
you carefully reached across the bed, retrieving said bottle and laying back down. "got it."
"pour some on your fingers." you set the phone down on speaker, thankful you lived in a secluded house as you uncapped the bottle.
you did as he asked, pouring out some and moving your hands to warm it up before scaramouche stopped you.
"did i tell you to do that?"
"use your fingers to spread it across your chest. cold." you shivered at his tone, swiping your fingers over your chest and feeling your nipples harden with every light touch. you sounded breathy, hearing soft, slick sounds from scaramouche's end of the call. "good."
such a small word had such a big impact on you, making you whine lowly as you pinched your nipples.
"slide your hands down your body." you trailed your fingertips lower, leaving a track of oil down your skin that shone in the moonlight. "spread your legs."
you moved your thighs up, indecently exposing yourself to the cool air, feeling it hit your hole as you whined at him through the phone.
"touch yourself."
you slid your oiled fingers across your sex, stroking up and down and in all of the places that felt right as you shifted on the bed, rutting your hips into your fingers.
little gasps and whines spilled from your lips as you played with yourself. scaramouche leaned in closer to the phone, taking a shaky breath as he listened to your noises more closely, stroking his dick leisurely, twisting his wrist when he reached his tip. "you sound so slutty." he commented, hearing you let out a soft moan.
he laughed softly, shaking his head. "ha, i almost forgot, you actually enjoy being degraded. humans are so filthy." he snapped, though his hips chased his hands as he stroked his shaft faster, controlling his breathing. "move your fingers over your hole. you better hope you still have oil on them, otherwise it'll hurt like a bitch."
you moved your fingers to circle your hole, shifting your hips as you smeared the oil and wetness from your sex around it. "ah, scara-"
"i thought it was 'sir' to you?"
"sir, sorry, sorry-" you panted, "can i put one in, please?"
"you sound so pathetic. desperate. you can't even wait for me to do what you asked of me. begging me to stick your own fingers in your greedy little hole. fine."
you sobbed as you gently pressed a digit into your hole, willing your body to relax as scaramouche grunted, hastening the pace of his hand. "fuck- you sound so-" he cut himself off when he dug his thumb into his slit just right, hips spasming. "put another one in. now."
you slid another digit in with the first, oil making it pleasantly slippery as you slowly pushed them in and out, feeling your hole suck them back in. "archons..."
"don't you dare speak of them." scaramouche snapped. "those fools aren't worth your worship. they're not the one allowing you to come, are they?"
"no, sir!" you replied to him, crooking your fingers inside you deeper as your thighs trembled.
"play with your nipples while you finger yourself. you always whine like a little brat whenever i do that, yeah? and don't you dare hide your whorish little noises from me."
you slid your free hand that had been entangled in the sheets up your body, tweaking your nipples as you let out a shaky sigh. you let out babbles of his name and pleas as scaramouche listened to you more intently.
"fuck, just like that. keep going. go deeper, come on."
you reached the digits deeper, pressing and searching for the spot scaramouche loved to abuse to make you writhe and sob under his touche.
you pinched at your nipples while sliding the pads of your fingers in your hole, trembling against the bed as you felt your orgasm start to build up. "s-sir, i'm close."
"hold it. you come when i tell you to."
"you asked me to make you come, so i'm doing my job. is that not good enough for you? keep fucking yourself."
you cried out his name, fucking your hips into your fingers and moving your hand to splay across your throat, lightly cutting off your airflow as you let out a breathless gasp.
"please-" you begged softly as scaramouche shifted.
"fuck, are you- are you choking yourself? that's..." he had no words left, fucking his fist until he came over his abdomen, back arching. "come-" he gasped out, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. "come for me, now."
your back arched up off the bed, fingers going slack on your neck as you came, sobbing out for scaramouche until you eased back onto the bed, blissed out. your head felt fuzzy, ears full of static as you reached for the phone with jelly limbs.
"what do you say?"
"thank you, scara."
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onsunnyside · 2 years ago
okay piggybacking off of the anon that mentioned wrestlers taking ballet, i also remember hearing that football players take ballet as well which brings me to my next point, stay w me y'all fr-
professional ballerina!reader that works at a studio across from a college, the coaches for the college football team make a few of their players go for one session w reader, so they can at least try it out (i’m thinking maybe ari, steve, and maybe curtis or andy)
originally, they were all annoyed with their coach and angry that they were spending their saturday afternoon in a tiny ballet studio. but then you walk in and suddenly…ballet doesn't sound too bad. and with the passing time, it becomes more and more clear how ridiculously oblivious you are.
getting u to demonstrate vulnerable positions, constantly saying little comments that make you a flustered mess, and somehow even managing to get their hands on you when it should be the other way around since you are the instructor
you’re the sweetest, prettiest, dumbest little thing they’ve ever come across and boy do they plan to have fun with you🫶
AHHH LET ME KITH YOUR SEXY BRAIN 😚🫶 This is so delicious. A full meal and leftovers for tomorrow. I’m never going hungry again:
they’re all hotheaded and grumpy, making up excuses to skip this ‘mandatory program’ bc why tf would they want to do ballet? They’re football players, big beefy rugged and rough, they could crush a fucking watermelon with their thighs and the coaches want them to dance in tights? (Their thoughts exactly).
Oh but then they see you: glowing so pretty and sweet, struggling to carry in a big container, they all jump at the chance to help you !! Nearly knocking into each other to make a good first impression. And what’s in the container? Loads of snacks and water for your new students, of course !! They’re big guys so you wanted them to stay hydrated and full of energy. You even asked their coaches about allergies or favourite treats 🫶
You’re so oblivious to their lewd stares and the growing bulges in their pants as you bend over, demonstrating some easy stretches to get warmed up.
“You’re really flexible, sweetheart.”
You glance up in the mirror, growing hot under his gaze but not realizing how close the football stars were now. “I have to be! It’s my job.”
“Do you do… private lessons?” One of them asks, his blond hair a stark contrast amongst the brunets. “I have a hard time learning new things.”
Scoffs sound throughout the room (all unnoticed by you), Steve was a genius, he could be an honours student if he didn’t want to only focus on football (and thus, his football scholarship).
“Uhm, not usually… but I definitely have some time available to start! Is it only you who needs extra help?” Several other hands raise. “Oh my… do all of you need more help too?”
(I would love to add you to my anon list 🥺🥺 feel free to choose words/emojis/both that aren’t on this list)
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