#also don't remember my password on there
velvet-games · 3 months
I genuinely need a hug after the completely unnecessary panic I just went through cause I thought I couldn't upload my art here anymore 😭
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lala-blahblah · 2 months
ARGHHHHH i made this account to be annoying about all my opinions and thoughts somewhere that wasn't instagram so I don't annoy the normal people who follow me for art with my ramblings but then I got SHY about it! That's so dumb there are 13 year olds on here braver than I OK I'M BEING ANNOYING STARTING NOW!!! for real this time!!!!!
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cheeseknives · 2 months
Didn't know until now that ao3 shows you how many times you have viewed each fic if you go look at your history, had like a scroll of shame
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carcarrot · 4 days
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LAURENCE HARVEY a.k.a. LARUSHKA MISCHA / ZVI MOSHEH SKIKNE (born october 1st, 1928 - died november 25th, 1973)
“I always believed in Laurence Harvey, even when nobody else did. Especially when nobody else did.”
“Most people imagined they knew and understood Larry with little trouble. That was a big mistake. They didn't know how deep and complex, how elusive, he remained behind his social mask.” - Paulene Stone, his wife
“I cannot yield to failure, it would make far too many people happy.”
#i care him (obscure actor nobody is talking about)#idk man i felt inspired to make this and ive been working on it for the past several hours at my job. i wish it was my job#so-called free thinkers when they remember a guy. anyway!#the first gif is from the wonderful world of the brothers grimm and we're lucky i was able to even get it bc its GONE from tubi 💔#fortunately i got it from some clip on youtube abt the restoration but i had to include something from that movie#with a vague theme in these gifs of lesser known. appearances. i guess#the second is from when a bunch of actors went to this birthday celebration for noel coward#the next is from password (his silly little mannerisms and the lady's eyebrow raise at the end is killing me)#and then celebrity bowling followed by columbo and then lastly welcome to arrow beach#for those of you if any that cared where these all came from#i just think he's neat (guy that i would like to make a documentary on)#and well he deserved a good gifset. maybe ill even make more . it could happen#you should all still watch the wonderful world of the brothers grimm. just maybe not some of his other movies ive suffered through#the columbo gif could look better but for some reason the gif maker made all the colors suck :( and thats the best it was gonna look#it was a battle against source quality and tumblrs gif size limit#i also considered making other gifs but you know what im happy w six (i don't have the patience to do more)#that post thats going around of like you have to follow people that are obsessed w old hollywood actors. im doing my part#youd love him. he was a bisexual sarcastic bitch . and i also think hes 😵‍💫 but that was probably obvious#laurence harvey#not bothering 2 tag the movies#happy larry day. which inspired all this
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esteebarnes94 · 2 months
I kind of want to make a new Spotfiy account so I can make my OC playlists public, but there are so many I wouldn't know how to transfer them all.
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starlight-shark · 6 months
"change your school password every 180 days" what if i jumped off a cliff instead.
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ryoukio · 10 months
fucking hell my emails are broken now too ( head in hands ). Please for fuck's sake I don't want your new shitty ui please give me my fucken emails back microsoft for fuck's sake
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torgawl · 1 year
this week's episode was pretty set on confirming a few of our suspections were true like tianchen impersonating his sister and cheng xiaoshi being in lu guang's body at the end of the last episode. to me the thing i'm most curious about is tianchen's ability. is he actually red eyes? red eyes from last season could use their ability though photos but the tianchen we personally know controlls people through touch. having the ability to control multiple people (or two, specifically) simultaneously, which is something quite interesting. unless he can use his technique in two different ways, which we haven't seen any ability user do so far, this feels really odd and i'm starting to think the siblings having red eyes was simply a detail to throw us off?! maybe this doesn't make sense but you know how cxs has brown eyes but his eyes change colour while using his ability? why wouldn't tianchen's eyes change colour if he was the one possessing other people's bodies? and the way his eyes glow in the final scene with lu-guang... is that to show he's evil or is that a sign he's using his ability? but then how? because he was just talking to lu guang in his own body and lu guang wasn't under his influence, right? i'm very confused about him and his relationship with qian jin
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stylinsuns · 1 year
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I’ve been debating what to do with my fantasy AU quiz as the quiz itself is finished, I’m just not going to be able to get all the answers written without taking a week off (which isn’t likely to happen in the immediate future). I’m thinking I might adapt the answers so they’re less in depth but at least keep the spirit of the whole thing so it’s still something people can enjoy as I don’t want to dump the project completely because to me it’s still a fun idea.
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blunderpuff · 9 months
why does my mom get so unreasonably angry when i tell her she SHOULD remember her email password, and not just rely on her computer for that
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cowardlycowboys · 2 years
whoever is trying to get into my tumblr account stop it
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royalbstrd · 1 year
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We back and adequately soggy.
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adore-gregor · 2 years
Random fact: I really have G as my lockscreen key 😂💀
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sp00kysabrina · 14 days
hi gang i'm still here . that is all
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mila-carat · 3 months
Even INI noticed that Takumi and Yudai's hug scene was a little bit "🤨🏳️‍🌈?" and to be honest i'm glad I'm not the only one...
#👁️👄👁️#Yes two men can hug without it being romantic! It can be platonic! Don't get me wrong!#But the scene itself had romantic connotation because of their facial expressions. They seemed like lovers desperate to love but can't#Also the first time I saw it I thought they were trying to reach for the key#But they got rid of the chains when they touched hands (kind of “love saves the day” type of thing)#Their love (romantic or platonic) saved them from the chains that imprisoned them - not the key! :3#I'm not saying Yudai and Takumi have a thing - just that they seemed like they wanted to portray a same-sex couple#Both of them can act remember? Takumi is literally in a drama and Yudai was great playing that sassy princess!#Also... I have to say it 👀#Some small details in the MV seem to talk about LGBTQ+ rights and Pride Parade...#Again!!! I'm not saying it IS about queerness!!!#But the whole story of the MV being about riots... Hiromu's line “fighting against prejudice”#Rihito (a guy who openly supports LGBTQ+ rights) holding a big flag like it is a pride flag...#Their performance at Studio Choom literally making up the asexual flag at the screen and Takumi showing off a black ring in the middle#Finger of his right hand... (a.k.a asexual ring)#The line “PRIDE” itself... (Pride of what I wonder? Hmmm...) Their hair colors making up a rainbow... (ok this is just a joke) (but they do#The song being named “LOUD” (“Be Loud Be Proud” a.k.a phrase often used by queer people? Anyone??)#And last but not least it was released in JUNE (a.k.a Pride Month)!#Listen. I DO think the MV is connected to INI's MVs' storyline. Specially with SPECTRA and We Are and Password.#But... BUT. Hear me out. Please. Open your mind a little bit.#The boys (specially Hiroto who wrote the song) also want to express themselves their opinions and their feelings.#My boy Nishi LOVES doing that in the songs he writes. And maybe (just maybe) he and maybe other members wanted to#Help these queer people (specially queer MINIs) feel seem. Maybe some are queer themselves. We don't know and that is not our business.#But - whatever the reason is - they wanted to help these people feel seem and cared for. They wanted to tell them to continue fighting.#To fight against prejudice. To be LOUD and PROUD.#We MINIs know INI is not really afraid to think outside of the box... “Breaking the frame breaking the frame 🎵” :3#I mean Rihito literally stan an openly bisexual black man and he said “LGBTQ” in an interview even if he's an IDOL!!#He wore a t-shirt that says “Why being racist sexist HOMOPHOBIC and TRANSPHOBIC when you could just be quiet?”#(OMG he's so my ichiban for that 😭)#If Rihito can do that I wouldn't be surprised if other members also did something like what I said above! 😌
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