#also don't get me wrong I want jere to do what feels right for him
mitamicah · 1 year
I guess I’ve felt a bit off from the rest of the kääryleet the last few days and I am not liking it very much.
I want to be in agreement with you guys and get excited like you do ... it has just been a bit harder this weekend which sucks since there’s a new song and cool new MV theories and I am here like: slow down would you for the old man? (me)
this doesn’t make any sense possibly but I guess I’ll just say sorry for not being up to speed and for being a bit moody/unamused.
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mint-ty · 27 days
a prompt if you're still doing those: bojere, taking care of bojan when he gets sick 💗
thank you!! 🥹💕 this got a bit longer, but bojere is my drug, what can you do 😌Also thank you to @nembzz for suggestions on Finnish remedies 😁💕
Bojan dragged in his hand luggage through Jere's apartment door and they shared a long hug. Several days ago Bojan had complained on their weekly phone call that he was starting to feel under the weather again, even though he just got better. Jere suggested, that maybe in that case Bojan should just change the weather, and that he's always welcome at Jere's. To his pleasant surprise, Bojan did take the offer without any further pushing.
"Sorry I can't pick you up from airport..." Jere apologized when they separated.
Bojan smiled back. "Oh don't worry! It was actually so nice remembering the route and knowing where you live."
"You want to eat something? I have food here, but I can order also. Or drink? Do you want drink? Do you want to go out?" Jere jumped right into offering anything he could think of.
"No that's okay, don't worry." Bojan sat down on the couch and immediately he felt the gravity pushing his shoulders down and he stretched out. "I'll just lay down for a moment if you don't mind." The travel wasn't long, but somehow it seeped out all the energy he had.
"Yes yes of course." Jere was hovering around Bojan, not being sure how to help. "Do you have temperature?" He asked with a heavy accent on the 'r' sounds and pressed his hand to Bojan's forehead.
Bojan smiled at Jere's touch. "No I'm fine, really."
"We should really go to sauna... I am sure it helps."
"Maybe later, okay?"
"Sinkki... You need to drink sinkki... um, zinc?"
"Jerč..." Bojan extended his hand to grab Jere's hand, who was about to run off to the kitchen. "I just need to rest for a bit, can you stay with me, please?" Bojan scootched to the wall making space for Jere, and after a brief pause Jere carefully arranged himself next to Bojan, hugging him and placing Bojan's head under his chin.
Bojan chuckled to himself. In a silent and sunny living room, with Jere's heartbeat next to his ear, of course he would immediately feel better. If there was one safe space in the whole world, it was here - in Jere's arms.
"I'm tired..." Bojan whispered and felt Jere gently brush his hair with his cheek. "I don't think I'm actually sick, but I am so god-damn tired all the time... No matter how much I sleep or eat, there's no difference."
"...Maybe you have panic again?"
Bojan had to think for a second. "I don't think so? At least I don't remember. But it feels... like I don't feel anything." Bojan burrowed his face into Jere's neck and confessed the scariest thing of all. "I don't feel motivated. I don't feel like creating lyrics or playing music, or singing... it's all a chore. I just want to... I don't want anything." He finished with a small voice.
Bojan knew that Jere would understand, but for a moment he was still scared of Jere's judgment. Would he think Bojan was giving up?
Instead Jere wrapped Bojan harder in his arms and sighed. "Bojan, I think you're burnout."
That surprised him and Bojan lifted his face to look at Jere. "From what? This year is so much easier than last year... Why would I have a burnout now?"
"Maybe if you know, you wouldn't have it?"
"Huh? So how do I get better if I don't know what's wrong?"
Jere brushed Bojan's arm and gave a soft kiss on his forehead. "You listen. Your body know what you need if you listen. If it says he don't want anything - don't do anything, just rest."
Bojan placed his head back on Jere's chest, thinking. Maybe Jere was right, Bojan's body did take him here, back into Jere's arms, almost without any conscious thought. He didn't have energy for anything, other than a spontaneous international trip to Finland it seemed.
"But I still think maybe you also are little sick too." Jere continued after a while. "So I take you to sauna later. And we drink tea and honey. And I give you socks with garlic."
"A what?"
"Garlic in sock? You don't know? You sleep and you feel better!"
"And you'll let me sleep next to you with garlicky feet?" Bojan had to laugh at that.
"Yes yes! It cure you, you will see!" Jere was looking at Bojan with an open eyes and once again Bojan wasn't sure if Jere was joking or not. But Bojan was about ready to try anything that might help. And Jere taking charge was so comforting that Bojan decided not to question the methods for now and just let Jere care for him.
"I don't have onion... I need to buy some." Jere mumbled to himself.
"Jere... You're making soup out of me?..."
"Ha! No... but I still eat you!" Jere grinned, squeezing Bojan hard to his chest.
It really was a wonder. Only twenty minutes here, and Bojan was already feeling so much better.
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taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
Jealous conrad x reader? Smut if you write it, if not just angst that's ends with fluff?
talk outside?
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A/N : hi! sorry i don't write smut, but i'll write the angst and fluff LMAO. (i'm also so sorry, this is actually horrible)
synopsis : jealousy wasn't the best for conrad after seeing you and jeremiah.
words : 797
God, it's embarrassing, but I've liked Conrad since I was little.
"Jere, where's Conrad?" I asked him as we messed around in the pool with Steven and Belly.
He thought for a moment, "I'm not sure. Probably in his room though."
I sighed, getting out of the pool and grabbing a towel to dry myself off. Yeah, I'd just got to Cousins, but usually Conrad would be out here as well.
I walked up to his room and knocked. I heard a grunt before he opened the door.
"Hi." I said as I looked up to him. He was shirtless and his hair was everywhere.
"Hey." Was all he said before closing the door again.
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"Please, please, please go to the party."" Belly begged as I was sprawled out on my bed.
"No, it's going to be lame." I groaned.
She laughed, "But Conrad will be there."
I rolled my eyes at her statement, "Yeah, but, Conrad will ignore me."
"Please Y/N." She begged yet again.
I sat up on my bed, raising an eyebrow, "Fine. But you owe me!"
I finished getting ready for the party, wearing a white eyelet top which tied in the front with a denim short skirt.
"Don't you look gorgeous." Susannah said to me as I made my way downstairs.
"Thank you, you look lovely as well, Susannah." I said, as I smiled.
"Okay, be safe and don't be dumb!" She called out as Belly and I left the house.
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As soon as I walked in the smell of weed and alcohol hit me. Belly had run off somewhere and I was left by myself. Everyone was close in proximity with one another before I spotted Jeremiah.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed as he ran to hug me.
"Hi, Jere!" I said excitedly.
Jeremiah moved his hand to around my waist, "I'm glad to see that you could made it."
"So am I."
I could feel eyes on me as well though, and on the hand that was wrapped securely on my waist.
From across the room Conrad stood, staring straight at me.
I looked back at Jeremiah who's arm was still around me, but he was talking to a couple of other guys.
Someone had tapped my shoulder, as I turned around to be met with Conrad.
"Oh, hey." I said blankly.
"Hey, can we talk outside?" Conrad asked.
I scoffed, "I'm kinda busy right now."
Conrad grabbed me and picked me up, sending me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I protested, hitting his back.
"Stop making a scene, I just want to talk." Conrad said.
I sighed, allowing him to take me outside. He walked with me on his back til we got to his car.
"What the hell is wrong with you." I asked as he let me down.
"No, what the hell is with you? All of a sudden you're getting with my brother?"
"What the fuck are you talking about? And either way you're ignoring me. Why would you even care?"
"Y/N, I don't have to give you any reason." Conrad said, by now we were both shouting and our arms were flying in the air.
"But you really do because you're mad at me for no reas-"
His hands made their way to my cheeks and before I knew it, he had smashed our lips together.
He let go after a moment, "I'm sorry, I've been waiting to do that."
I just stared at him in shock.
"Y/N, say something so I don't look dumb right now. Please."
"I don't know what to fucking say, Conrad, you just kissed me after you've been mad at me since I got to Cousins."
"So do you like me or not, I can't keep acting like I hate you." Conrad explained.
"Okay yes I like you of course I do, who wouldn't? But so does every girl at Cousins!" I explained.
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The house was quiet, everyone was asleep as I lay on my bed.
"Conrad, you're breathing so loud I can hear you from the other side of the door." I called out from inside my room.
He opened the door, coming in.
"Hey." He breathed.
"What do you need right now?"I asked.
"Y/N, can we just talk about us what we even are what happened, anything?" He asked.
"Are you trying to piss me off right now?" I asked.
Conrad laughed a little, "I wouldn't have to piss you off if you would just answer."
"I already told you how I felt."
Before I knew it our lips were intertwined yet again, but neither of us pulled away.
fuck i hated how he did this to me.
I pulled away, "Okay, I like you, and I'm willing to give it a try."
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chezgender · 1 year
Cha cha cha / It's crazy it's party comparison
@tmrwds post and @izpira-se-zlato addition gave me brainworms. @kylla-kylla also saw the connection between ICIP and CCC and I saw their post after I started writing this. So I'm definitely not alone in being insane. Thus here is my own rant about It's Crazy it's Party.
ICIP lyrics transcript taken from @koppitules on twt, translation taken from a Käärijä discord
CCC lyrics and translation from lyricstranslate.com
Disclaimer: This analysis is purposefully exaggerated/dramatic in order to highlight contrast. I do think Jere loves his job and career, ICIP is definitely a fun song in which you can find (or not) a deeper meaning, it's up to your interpretation. I just love angst lol please don't come at me I'm sensitive 🤡😭
(ps. sorry to all the people I tagged. You don't have to interact with this, I just wanted to give proper credit)
Let's start. Bear with me being cringe.
First verse
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At the beginning of CCC, we see how partying is reserved for the weekend - it's something cathartic after a long week of responsibility and worries, it's an outlet for stress and negativity. The world can't scare him no more, as he mentions later in the song, now that he's having fun.
In ICIP, people have pointed out how the first verse reminds them of CCC, musically wise. This is definitely on purpose, the main difference lies in the lyrics. Here Jere reveals that partying now it's an everyday thing. It's an endless circus of traveling despite everything, he's the cog in a machine bigger than him. The world that seemed so tiny compared to the fun, is now scary - the party is now and tomorrow and 365 days a year, in Finland and even abroad. As if there was no safe place. He can't escape it and it's overwhelming to the point "you'll feel it in your hair and your ass" (honestly, weird phrasing, but it gets the point across I guess?). Either way, this party is almost ineluctable.
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In the CCC chorus he says he wants to forget about the pains of daily life by getting wasted and drinking with both hands on as many drinks as he can hold, until he won't even be able to get up. Honestly, although this doesn't seem like a healthy coping mechanism (but I'm none to judge), it does look willing and deliberate - he makes the choice of getting drunk on the weekend. He's in control of when the party happens.
In ICIP instead the chorus is shorter, and quite tautological: crazy is crazy, party is party, and life is life, you know? (see @tmrwds for a cultural insight on the "elämä on laiffi" phrase). There's a different feeling in this chorus, the singing is soft and maybe even a bit sexy but the lyrics hold a touch of resignation in between. This party is not a deliberate choice anymore, Jere doesn't get to choose when his life is crazy/party and when he gets to rest.
CCC 2nd verse / ICIP Tommy's verse
Without need for lyrics, also because most people have a hard time understanding what Tommy was singing live, I'll talk about this in brief. I chose to include it because Jere himself sang some parts of it during the live - mostly echoing, but still.
In CCC, Jere parties almost alone. Well, it's implied that there's more people to that party but the song is about him, his own liberation from stress and whatever thing was keeping him bound and off the dancefloor. There are no explicit references to other people.
In ICIP instead, Tommy sings about a club in which they enter and people go crazy. They talk about sex in a rather crass way, probably for kicks, but as mentioned in @tmrwds post, it could definitely hint at the wrong kind of attention Jere is receiving. People in his DMs and probably even in person are making more or less explicit advances on him, surely unsolicited, but it's part of the party.
And Tommy invites Jere to party with him (that modulated voice parodically reminds me of the beginning of Barbie Girl by Aqua). Jere says yes, of course he wants to party with him, right here right now (no matter the day, or his condition, does he really have a say in it?)
Another thing I'd like to point out:
Jere in CCC mentions "it's hard to talk when this different side of me does its part" / Tommy in ICIP mentions how the alcohol makes it hard to think (obviously, but I'm clinically insane and I see intertextuality everywhere) - so, basically, the "side of him" Jere talks about in CCC renders him carefree, maybe happy, definitely free of burdens. In ICIP, this "part of him" seems to have taken complete control to the point Jere can't tell himself from it.
Last part of ICIP
"Let's go party" leads to a countdown - inexorable and short, leaving everyone little time to get ready. The song explodes like a bomb, reminds me of a breakdown in a Korn song. The bass hammers hard and everyone is jumping, hearts bursting, everything is out of control. To quote @izpira-se-zlato , there's an apocalyptic feeling to it. Jere can't do anything but let himself be engrossed without a chance to escape. Which he can't, lest he gives everything up.
Where CCC was party metal with a touch of eurodance, ICIP definitely belongs to an insane rave. It reminds me of Dutch hardstyle, dubstep and a touch of eurodance until the end, which screams industrial/nu metal to me, only adding to the concept of hammering and exhausting work/lifestyle.
We could say that It's Crazy it's Party is the Välikuolema to Cha Cha Cha's Viuliunkieli, in a way.
Jere is a storyteller in most of his songs, and it's clear he likes such narratives to carry on between different tracks (i.e: I think the Viulunkieli/Välikuolema narrative carries on to Morgan), so it's only fair to assume the two songs combined tell a whole story.
Further speculation: Jere has often said he's really tired in this precise moment - the relentless touring throughout summer is obviously taking a toll on him, no matter how much he can love what he does. It would be exhausting for anyone. Plus, the "ghost" of ESC follows him everywhere: sometimes I get the feeling many people perceive him as the CCC-guy rather than the complete artist he is, so maybe he's trying to change this.
As many people already said, the story Mikke posted with the grave being dug could hint at the burial of green-bolero-Käärijä. I don't believe Jere is denying the fame and good things it has brought, but he's probably willing to turn the page and carry on with something new (and probably take a long, well deserved break). Or maybe the MV will just be homoerotic softp-rn featuring a grave, WHO KNOWS. I just know I can't wait to see what's next. I love ESC-Käärija (without CCC I wouldn't even be aware of his existence, so I'm forever grateful) and that love will forever be a part of me, but I also welcome this change with open arms in hopes to see him grow more and more.
Conclusion: the speculation is very real and material and I am very very cringe <33
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sarah-cam · 1 year
Why do you hate Jeremiah so much/think Conrad is the better brother? Btw this isn't trolling, I'm genuinely curious for your opinion! 😊
oh boy this is a loaded question 😂 i am purely a watcher of the show, i have not read the books — and honestly, jenny han has literally said that the show is how she would write the story today vs over ten years ago when the books came out, so take with that what you will (also here's jelly vs bonrad)
i want to start this off by just saying i don't HATE jeremiah (i know i say that i do a lot but that's mostly just me being funny and i won't apologize for that 💅🏼) and while i honestly don't like him right now, i don't think he's a bad person and lbr all of these characters could benefit from some self-improvement via therapy. i'm also going to refrain from labeling any characters/relationships as "toxic" or "abusive" because frankly i think people (usually tiktok girlies that are clearly chronically online) overuse and misuse the term so that it's lost all meaning, and i'm not a psychiatrist 🤷🏻‍♀️ this is simply my interpretation and analysis of a tv show that i enjoy watching
if you love jeremiah, all power to ya!! i'm not going to tell you that you need "professional help" or to "reevaluate yourself" (like some people love to tell random strangers on the internet). these are fictional characters — they are quite literally not real and if you like some, cool. if you don't like some, cool. if you disagree with my interpretations, cool!! i genuinely do not care as long as you mind your business and stay in your lane
i'm going to say right off the bat that the biggest reason i prefer conrad is simply that i gravitate towards that kind of character, i don't know why but it's just a common theme among my faves
going into season two, i was/am team conrad but i honestly loved jeremiah!! that quickly changed and honestly when i rewatched season one, i saw the same behaviors and didn't like him as much. also, none of my criticism of jeremiah is meant to say that conrad is perfect and has never done anything wrong (even though he IS perfect and has NEVER done anything wrong 😜)
most of the issues i have with jeremiah all come back to one thing: his feelings of inadequacy and jealousy when it comes to conrad
manipulative: when he sees belly and conrad about to kiss, he sabotages it with the fireworks, then tries to play it off as an accident and like he didn't see them when conrad mentions it. at this point, he knows that belly has always had a crush on conrad but now he knows to a degree that it's reciprocated. he then proceeds to go out of his way to sabotage them, like when he goes to nicole and gets her to invite conrad to that music festival (which, also not cool to play nicole like that), though i will admit that conrad self-sabotaging ruining things with belly had nothing to do with jeremiah
guilt-tripping: this sort of goes hand-in-hand with being manipulative. on MULTIPLE occasions, he purposefully makes belly feel uncomfortable and guilty for simply being happy with conrad. some examples:
thanksgiving — she drops conrad's hand after jere stares at them from across the table, they separate and she intentionally steps away from conrad when jere walks into the room, he tells conrad to "warn him" when belly is literally just going to be there
road trip to brown — he is passive aggressive in the car ("we don't talk about you"), he gives her the biggest eye roll/side-eye when trusky mentions conrad being depressed over the break up, he makes her feel terrible about "not being there for him" even though he was literally the one ignoring her when she said she had been reaching out multiple times. i understand that they are best friends and he was also struggling, there's no doubt about that, but she is ONE PERSON (who is also struggling, mind you) and OF COURSE she is going to be there for her BOYFRIEND
everything since then — multiple times throughout the rest of the season, he gives belly dirty looks any time she merely breathes in the direction of conrad, he interrupts them anytime they're talking (like in the party store) with a nasty look/tone, he goes to belly after her fight with laurel to be "supportive" and then shuts her down when she tries to talk about her feelings simply because she brings up conrad (which was very relevant to the conversation so like??), he gives belly a dirty look when conrad GIVES HER A SWEATSHIRT BECAUSE SHE WAS CHILLY. she is immediately uncomfortable and self-conscious of her actions every single time, even when SHE'S NOT EVEN DATING CONRAD ANYMORE and none of the interactions were explicitly "romantic"
playing the victim: again, goes hand-in-hand with my previous points. not only did he know that belly has always had a crush on conrad, but he literally watched them almost kiss. then the next night, he tells belly he likes her and they kiss. then when she later tells him that she kissed conrad, he acts like he had no idea that she liked conrad and was completely deceived (this is not me saying that belly didn't do him dirty — she did!! and i DO truly feel bad for him, but they weren't dating and he knew full well that she was rejected by conrad immediately before they proceeded to get together) and throws the fact that his "mom has cancer" in her face to make her feel like a bad person. i get that he was upset, rightfully so, but that was still messed up. conrad also did NOTHING WRONG here!! he had no idea that jeremiah liked belly or that they kissed when he kissed her, was not angry when belly told him about kissing jere, asked her who she wanted to be with, and then respected her decision to not date in order to spare jere's feelings. jeremiah acting all pissy towards conrad was not deserved. i understand him being annoyed when conrad asked him for his blessing, but if he truly cared about them, he would want them to be happy together instead of spending the next few months pouting and ignoring them
jealousy: all of this comes back to the fact that he is extremely jealous of conrad. having an older sister, i get it — i sympathize with always being compared, feeling like they're better at everything, and trying to live up to that. he feels like conrad is better at everything and is everyone's first choice (which... he is 😬) but like... that's a YOU problem. conrad didn't do anything to him!!
the conrad of it all: he constantly talks shit about conrad and doesn't even try to understand where he's coming from, which i understand to an extent because he is justifiably hurt, but calling conrad the selfish one is literally LAUGHABLE. even though he may have been misguided, everything conrad did was to try to protect jeremiah from pain. he has had an immense amount of pressure put on him by his father (and others) to be the perfect one that is always looking out for and protecting the younger ones. he suffered in silence for months after finding out about susannah's cancer/adam cheating, both to give susannah the last perfect summer she wanted and to protect jere from everything. same thing with the house — he thought that he could handle it by himself and that it would be protecting the rest of them to do it by himself. he had to deal with all of the guilt of not being able to be there for susannah as much as he wanted because of college, and he literally had a panic attack at the thought of leaving jeremiah to go to stanford. jeremiah constantly bringing up that belly and conrad broke up (when it's none of his damn business and he even admitted he didn't know what happened between them) ESPECIALLY in regard to conrad not being around when susannah was sick because HE WAS AT SCHOOL and "always with belly" is so fucked up. everyone was struggling and doing their best, including jeremiah, and that was just not cool. belly's actions ("not being there for jeremiah") are not conrad's fault.
because of his jealousy towards literally every single thing conrad says or does, he doesn't care that belly makes conrad happy (and vice versa), he gives absolutely zero consideration to conrad's feelings when deciding to go after belly (also neither does belly but that's a whole other post). conrad has now apologized to both belly and jeremiah on multiple occasions and started doing some serious self-reflection. jeremiah has not apologized ONCE for the shit he’s said and done.
i have said it before and i stand by it: conrad wants belly to be happy while jeremiah only wants belly to be happy if it's with him
(and no, his conversation with conrad in the finale doesn't change my mind because i simply didn't believe him)
IN CONCLUSION, people are entitled to their wrong opinions but conrad fisher remains superior now and forever and he deserves so much better and no i don't take questions or criticism because i'm right
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calmasyoghurt · 3 months
The joker out pride project.
Kris and Bojan talks about extra love. Also on ao3.
June 27th, prompt 21. Polyamorous negotiations.
"We need to talk". 
Oh no. That statement is not one Kris wanted to hear. Not when Bojan says it in a tone that implies that something is wrong. But Kris pulls himself together and tries to look calm. 
"About what, honey?" he asks, and maybe Bojan is more nervous than he is. He definitely looks it. 
"It's not a completly new topic but I kind of avoided it last time we spoke about it. Back in May".
Oh. Kris nows exactly what this is about now. He clearly remembers what topic Bojan avoided last May. Kris had asked him if he had a crush on Jere. Fuck, why is he bringing that up now, when they're only a week away from seeing Jere again?
"Has your answer changed about the question I asked last year?". 
"Well. No, the answer is still the same. Although the meaning behind it has. Back then, I didn't want it to be a crush because I couldn't see myself stop being so stupidly in love with you that I am" Bojan says. Kris is relieved, but it's not a full answer to the question. Luckily, he continues.
"Now I think that maybe it was a little bit of a crush. But that does not mean, in any way, that I've ever stopped loving you. And for the record, I don't have a crush on Jere anymore, so no worries for next week, okay?".
It's not as if Kris hadn't expected this. He knew Bojan almost as well as he knew himself. So of course he had known about the crush, that's why he had asked last year. It's just a bit surprising. But before Kris can admit that, Bojan speaks again. 
"I think I might be able to see the beauty in multiple people at once. You probably do it too, unconsciously".
"What do you mean by that?" Kris asks, because he really doesn't understand.
"I mean that we are super in love with each other, but sometimes we see people that give us butterflies. It doesn't mean we love each other less, we just have a little extra love over". Huh. Kris has never thought about it in that way. But maybe Bojan is right. 
"So what, are you saying we're polyamorous or something?". 
"Call it whatever you want. It's still going to be the same thing. I've felt it towards Jere, I think we've both felt it towards Damon. It's just extra love" Bojan answers. 
"Extra love, huh? And what happens if either of us wants to act on that extra love?" Kris asks. Not because he's scared that Bojan would go behind his back. He's just scared to become something like a second option in Bojan's life. 
"We would have to talk to each other about it, obviously. And if the other isn't okay with it, then we would have to stop. I need you to understand that, my love. I would never, ever do anything that I know would hurt your feelings. You're the most important person in my life. I promise that I'll tell you if I ever get extra love. I' ll tell you if I want to do anything about it. And if you don't want me to do that, then I won't, and I'll make the extra love go away. Okay?". 
Shit. Kris hadn't expected himself to cry today. But here he is, crying because of how much he loves Bojan. Crying because they both now what can happen if you don't communicate. Crying because he got so damn lucky with love. 
"Okay. I promise I'll do that too" Kris says. Then Bojan's strong arms wrap around him, and everything is fine. When Bojan holds him, it can't not be fine. Extra love and communication isn't scary anymore, not when Bojan explains it so nicely. Kris knows that he won't become a second option. He just have to make sure that Bojan won't be one either. 
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sister-pianist-chan · 4 months
7 Bojere kiss if you're still doing these
Hello! Thank you for your ask! I'm still doing these and I'll continue because they're fun! ❤️
7. To shut them up
Bojan and Jere liked each other very much. Ever since they first laid eyes on each other, their connection was so electric and magnetic. The spark was there. They first started to communicate through silly faces and laughing at each other (in part because Jere only knew like, maybe 10 English words at the time.)
They had been inseparable ever since they met. They secretly began dating while Eurovision was going on. They had gone to the Pre-parties (mostly as an excuse to see each other) and even the other contestants and the rest of Joker Out knew that Jere and Bojan were together.
One day, as they arrived in Liverpool and began rehearsals, Jere noticed that Bojan was talking to a very beautiful woman. This woman looked like she walked out of a magazine cover: she had long blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, an hourglass figure, tall, had long legs, beautiful red lips, and of course she could speak English. That wasn't even the worst part... She really liked Bojan. She was very blatant about it. And she knew that Bojan and Jere were together, but she didn't give a rat's ass. Jere knew it right off the bat. He could sense it from a mile away. Jere started comparing himself to her. Even Jere himself couldn't deny how beautiful this woman was. He was short, she was tall. He started to gain a little pötsi, she had an hourglass figure. She had beautiful nails, his nails were green, and her English was flawless whereas Jere could barely even speak it. Mikke and his friends noticed that Jere would feel very uneasy whenever Bojan would talk to the woman. Alessandra, Loreen, Alika, Teya, and Salena kept reassuring him that he had nothing to worry about. Mikke laughed at first, but also told Jere that Bojan is fucking crazy for him and he could see it in Bojan's eyes. Luke and the guys from Joker Out also reassured Jere that Bojan only wanted him. But of course, Jere certainly didn't feel that way. Especially as he saw the woman get really close to Bojan. Oh wait! Was she trying to kiss him? Ah hell no!!!
Jere decided that he needed to defend what was his, so he immediately waltzed his way towards them. Bojan broke away from her and told her politely that he was not interested and that he was already in a relationship. He saw Jere walk towards him, his eyes glistening with tears.
"Jerč, baby... What's wrong?" Bojan asked.
"Bojan, I not handle this anymore... That woman wants you and you not stopping it." Jere said as he was fighting back his tears.
"Babe... That's not true!" Bojan said.
"But Bojan, you always smile when she talk to you and she get close to you and you not stop her. And then she beautiful and she have nice body and I have a pöt-"
Bojan cups Jere's face and interrupts him with a kiss. He kisses Jere with utmost passion and he doesn't care if anyone is watching. As they pull away for air, Bojan looks at Jere straight in the eyes.
"Jere, I only have eyes for you. I don't know if you saw me, but I moved away and told her that I'm already taken. Yes, she may be beautiful, to me, you're the most beautiful person in the world. I love your body because it's the body that I've been waking up to every morning, and I want to wake up to that beautiful body every day for the rest of my life. And yes, I love your pötsi. It's so cute. Not only is it cute, but that scar on your pötsi tells the world the story of a warrior that survived a very long and difficult battle. And... I love you for who you are. You're crazy, you're party, but you're also kind, sweet, loving, caring, cute, your English is cute, and you have a heart of gold. The most beautiful woman in the world has nothing on you."
Jere's face was very wet from the tears, but Bojan gently wiped them away and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.
They turned around and the guys from Joker Out were there, Alessandra, Loreen, Alika, Teya, Salena, and Luke were there.
"Wow! That was so beautiful, Bojan!" Teya said as she wiped a tear away. There was not a single dry eye on the room. Everyone was crying. Loreen was crying. Nace and Jan were crying and Jan was wiping Nace's tears away. Jure was trying to hide the fact that he was crying. Even Kris was crying. JAN, JURE, and KRIS were fucking CRYING.
Bojan hugged his sweet Käärijä and took him to his dressing room. They nearly forgot that they had rehearsals. Jere gave Bojan a big kiss on the cheek.
"I love you, Bojan."
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escapismqueen · 4 months
Honestly I didn't feel great when it was renewed I was fine with season 2 being the end because I don't trust Jenny sure she made some changes that I loved but also made changed with Conrad that I didn't she also made some comments during their aftershow they do that had her in her little Conrad bias It was great to see the actors go against her and fight for their characters. Yeah I get people want the show to follow the books but I don't in this case the source material sucks I do say the first two books is all I consider canon but even then they're not as great as the show. I don't know how people stan Conrad so hard when he was barely in all three books I always felt like Jelly was the main relationship of the show their friendship/relationship was the best not like we got to see a lot of it. Jenny did Belly so wrong for treating Jere like she did in book 3 Jenny please give redemption to Belly in season 3 let her fight for Jeremiah. Oh you want to talk about Conrad in the show and how he doesn't reat Belly right? Well in the books he's worse he fits the whole toxic masculinity somehow the narrative always makes him look good though even after he basically shakes her Conrad is an abusive pos to both Belly and Jeremiah he doesn't reat either of them well. In the show he manipulated Belly to get with her saying Jere is going on dates and moved on like wtf? I don't really consider Belly being in love with Conrad first it felt like the parents kept pushing this idea in her head and she went along with it and became Helga from Hey Arnold except at least the guy in that show is actually a nice guy. Right I keep seeing people say but in book 3 like that does anything to convince me they straight up lie about that book he didn't even cheat they were broken up if anything Belly cheated on him while they were still together she didn't tell Jere they she saw him at the house during Christmas and she sushed him when waking up because she wanted to remember her dream about Conrad it was horrible to read. This brings me back to talking to you like this ranting about the series when season 2 was still airing I'll never get over Jelly I think the Bonrad fans have zero media literacy if you want to ship a toxic ship go ahead if that's what you're into but why ship them when they have no chemistry? They literally have negative chemistry it's actually painful to watch adding Taylor's songs doesn't help at all while when she's with Jeremiah then chemistry is insane how can Jenny not tell they're soulmmates only meant for each other?
Okay so you absolutely slayed with all of this ! And I’m so glad you said something about the parents pushing the idea of Conrad onto belly because that is SO true ! Especially Susannah, to a pint where it was weird. Like it’s kind of weird in the first place to be like ‘I know you’re going to end up with one of my sons’ girl what ?
And omg so I heard the Conrad dream part in the audio books when I was skimming through for an edit and I was like OMG. Genuinely it made me feel sick. One page she was with Jeremiah and I think they’d just got engaged or something ? And then next page she’s like ‘I dreamt about Conrad last night’ I audibly groaned. Like no.
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zalrb · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty 1x07 review -- we have made it to the end!
the way the music is done on this show physically hurts me.
"did i push you into this, you can tell me the truth." "maybe a little at first." "oh my god, we don't have to go tonight if you don't want to" let the scene breathe because when you don't let the scene breathe, when you don't let the characters process the dialogue of the other character it just looks like people saying their lines.
"i'm kind of proud to show everybody" WHY?
belly not knowing who the olsen twins are and then susannah having to be like they're sisters with the scarlet witch WOULD be funny if they let the scene breathe!
"i didn't think you'd notice." "i'm your mother." you do not act like it, laurel. you didn't even know you dissed her when you indirectly called her unfocused and un-driven.
i like how lola's makeup becomes more and more prominent in the shot when she's just supposed to have woken up.
"i know you didn't want me to be a deb." "i didn't but it's just hard to let you go." she's doing a deb ball and it wasn't even her idea so she's not forging out on her own, laurel. jesus. i feel like jess
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this twirl dance kiss by the car is the most i've believed jeremiah and belly.
"We just kissed a few times." And he kinda sorta went to second so Belly would be able to put a finger down next time they do a non-drinking Never Have I Ever.
"This affects more than just you." "I KNOW BUT YOU DON'T GET A SAY IN WHO I DATE" but I mean, you do understand his concern? And you do it anyway. And he was right.
Jere: Have you seen me hook up with any guy or girl this summer?
Steven: YES.
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oh my god, just things that are said and done in this show, if it had a better cast and better writers, it would've been really fun.
awww stevejere breaking up over belly.
"It's not your fault Conrad's a fuck boy"I mean I guess. Nicole has every right to say that but he's mostly been passive with Belly.
Like even when he texts her that he really wants to go with the deb with her, Belly says no because Nicole saw the text and took her clothes and abandoned her, which is fair, but it's not like Conrad was like oops, no, changed my mind. It's because of how he treated Nicole that you're pretending you're over it, Belly.
The one thing he did was pretend he didn't remember when you two almost kissed and it's of course totally valid to try and be done with it after that but they're making it seem like it was a pattern of behaviour and it really wasn't.
Like even the whole thing with the necklace, he hid it from you and you found it while you were snooping in his room and then you brought it up to him, that's all you. If they wanted Conrad to have this be a pattern then he should see her getting closer to Cam and do things consistently like show up at the drive in, sure, but also leave the necklace on her bed no note, no text, no warning and when she confronts him about it he can be like 'it's just a necklace, Belly" or just a shrug then they can even do a callback to the flashback of him teaching her the steps to dance and have him see her try to practice and he's like *rolls eyes* and helps her then they have a charged moment and Nicole comes and he just leaves her then they have the almost kiss then that would be Conrad actively being a fuck boy to Belly.
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She's not wrong and she learns NOTHING from this. She just gets WORSE.
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Belly, five minutes later:
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What exactly is Laurel's growth supposed to be this season?
I thought I was done but I'm not. It doesn't even go with the voiceover about how girls have to wait until someone tells them they're pretty and they can't just feel it for themselves but it'll bullshit. They're playing a song about boys during THIS voiceover?? Bad Girls by MIA would've been better HERE THAN A FUCKING VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT. i hate this show.
You're also supposed to say who she's escorted by.
"You're a goddess." I wish it was Steven who said that to Shayla.
I get that this whole scene is supposed to show a) the diversity of the deb ball scene now because there's Shayla, Steven, and Belly, an interracial duo (Black guy/white girl) and a girl who brought her girlfriend b) highlighting the different accomplishments of these female characters because girl power but this is way too long. There should be drama at least brewing in the background.
"There were always three people in our marriage, Laurel." Susannah and Laurel don't even seem that close. If I'm not getting this
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then don't waste my time with dialogue.
Like, this is too late
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him saying it, what, last episode? is also too late. This should be threaded throughout with more than Susannah just sleeping a lot and she's not even sleeping that much throughout the season. It should effectively be like when Elena keeps seeing signs that Stefan is a vampire and it's building and building and building. Jeremiah should be getting more suspicious and Conrad should be going further and further off the deep end.
This escort dance is long.
"I GREW UP IN THE SUBURBS IN PHILLY AND NOT EVEN THAT NICE OF A SUBURB. I DRIVE A HONDA CIVIC." This is the most privileged rant, Steven, you're as insufferable as Belly here, dude.
"I think I love you" she's great but you're ridiculous.
"Connie, Connie, have you seen your brother?" Have you seen him leave this table, Susannah?
Conrad's funny though, you didn't even TRY to look for him. ARE YOU TWO BROTHERS?
Of course. A Taylor Swift song. I don't know why they would choose THIS one though. IT DOESN'T GO. I know the lyrics are supposed to be their relationship even though we don't actually see them scream and fight but that's not the song you play when he steps up and IS her knight in shining armour. I don't listen to her at all and I know she has a better song for this moment.
The instrumental to "At last" is the only song that matches the scene in this whole fucking show.
If there's ANYTHING at all I can say is that Belly manages to look regal while she dances.
Sorry, Jere, it was the worst time to figure out that your mom has cancer.
See, and this whole thing of Conrad already knowing is supposed to be a bunch of things coming together and exploding when Jeremiah punches him but it hasn't been treated like a powder keg throughout the season, it's way too passive. In The O.C. it's a whole thing when Luke (Marissa's ex boyfriend who cheated on her with her best friend whose father punched her father at cotillion) and Julie (Marissa's mom) are hooking up because it's only a matter of time before they get caught, and it's active: before they hook up hook up, he's showing up to her house
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and keeps showing up then they hook up
when they do hook up, he wants to make out with her IN SCHOOL
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they're flirting in public
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she's lying about hickies. Luke is getting more and more attached and she has to keep finding excuses as to why Marissa's ex boyfriend is always around
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like they're going to get caught.
and when they do get caught it's by Ryan and Seth
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and then that episode is Ryan just being like YOU HAVE TO END THINGS WITH JULIE COOPER, LUKE and getting Marissa out of town so he can do it
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and that's a whole other thing because Marissa and Ryan have broken up and she tried to get back together with him and he rejected her and now they're finding some sort of normalcy together even though she wants to be with him and it's starting to feel like old times
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that when Marissa finds out about her ex boyfriend and her mother and finds out that her ex boyfriend who she actually loves knew and didn't tell her and seemingly only acted the way he was acting to distract her,
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it's an OH SHIT moment.
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this is WAY too passive, way too quiet, way too boring.
And I still would've said too little too late if Susannah collapsed at the ball with the same trajectory we've been having but it would've made more of an impact if she and Jere were dancing their one dance that she saved for him like he asked and she collapsed in the middle of it and he's FREAKING OUT and Conrad rushes over and knows immediately what was going on and Jere found out that way and if you wanted to add even more tension to that situation Jere could freeze or start asking questions or break down and cry and basically be like what happened at the volleyball game and Conrad is like AND YOU WONDER WHY I DIDN'T TELL YOU? YOU'D FALL APART. which would also drive home Jere's resentment of Conrad in season 2 where he's like you thought I was weak but I was at home with mom while you were at school so fuck you and maybe they get into a squabble and then because it's all about Belly, Belly can come and be like WE NEED TO BE HERE FOR SUSANNAH STOP ARGUING.
Idk man I need some drama in my teen dramas.
it kills me it KILLS ME that she gets WORSE
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when anon came into my inbox with this exact quote I didn't realize Belly ACTUALLY said this. BRO.
You know what would make more of an impact? If Susannah was comforting Belly and Steven and Laurel was comforting Jere and Conrad, if they're supposed to be SO close.
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Susannah, THAT'S YOUR SON.
This is the most MONOTONOUS confession and he's PARROTING her lines oh lord.
Belly, you're shitty for this. Jere called you a goddess like 2 hours ago.
Anyway, my reviews have finally come to an end.
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I agree with you that it's always been Bellyjere since the start of the show even in the books I think people miss how she talks about Jere in both books 1-2 (I don't count book 3 as canon that was an abomination) I think Belly just idealized a lot of Conrad in her head they didn't interact that much in the books the show did favors for him giving what Jere did and make it seem like that was Conrad they really did undercut the Bellyjere friendship to me. Also people say Conrad changed when he found out his mom had cancer but they do say he's always been moody and he treated Belly like shit so I think that is just who he's.
I feel like Jenny tried to pass Con off as a complicated, bad, dark, broody, mysterious, introverted, suffering from anxiety, poor little meow meow character but she failed to do so coz she genuinely doesn't know how to write such a character. Coz like we have all seen examples of such characters in media where they are presented so well while Conrad just comes off as annoying isntead of any of those things. So her writing of Conrad is the problem, like he's not a well-written character (if we are assuming Jenny wanted him to be deep & not you know just a jerk even by the end of the books. Coz it's either that Con is written as a straight up red flag on purpose or Jenny tried to make him *complicated uwu*).
I hate the Con was suffering coz his mom was dying & everyone grieves in a different way argument so much coz :
It doesn't give him the right to behave the way he did with jelly esp Belly in the car ride
His anxiety/sadness magically disappears when he wants to flirt with Belly
Belly was the one who delayed dating him coz she didn't want him or Jere to suffer while their mom was sick. And Con honestly didn't care or give a fuck about either Jere or his mom (or Belly when he decided to straight up lie to her coz he couldn't wait any longer instead of respecting her decision), he just wanted to date Belly and he wasn't the one putting a pause coz his mom was sick or his bro might get hurt, it was the girl he constantly calls a kid & tells to grow up who did that.
Again he didn't even give Belly a heads up before coming to her place to pick her up (as far as I know. Plz correct me if I'm wrong coz I skip or forward a lot of their scenes tbh). And Belly still came with him regardless. While he probably knew about the prom beforehand for weeks and he still acted like it was such a big chore. His "sadness/mental health" comes up whenever it's convenient for him?? Like is that a coincidence?? Their relationship being so much on his terms just doesn't sit right with me. It needs to be 50/50.
Now, this one is just purely my opinion and no one has to agree but it was very iffy to me that if he deep down still felt he wasn't fully ready to be in a committed relationship with her coz of the issues he was dealing with, he shouldn't have gone through with the fireplace scene with her. I mean I know he couldn't have predicted their breakup but I like boys who take it slow idk 🤷. I just didn't get the rush. And I have no idea if making this change in Conrad's character in the show compared to the books does him a favour or not lol.
So yeah despite the show being lenient and making his character more digestible, I still find the show Conrad to be annoying and especially just not compatible with Belly (neither atm nor in the future)
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