#also do you think they just kinda spent the night outside in that place
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fear-no-mort · 1 year ago
pov it’s the night of December 2nd 2013 and you’ve just burst into your grandsons room to pick him up so he’s not down there when you blow up the world the guy who ruined your life is from because you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you let him stay down there with everyone else which is Really fucking weird because you thought even coming back here in the first place meant giving up forever on anything for the rest of your life but this goddamn kid stops you from blowing up the planet and now you’re basically permanently fucked because now you’re just gonna have to keep on living and it’s because you love him. and tomorrow morning you will be running from alien police with him
#i was going to just post a draft but i wanted something that felt more birthday-ish for The Day#i just think about the pilot a lot. rick thought he was going to just end everything there that night and when he was lying on the ground-#-afterward looking up at morty telling him it was all just a test in his mind he’s just like#Ohhhh shit. this is about to be so horrible. and little did he know morty was thinking the same thing#because they saw eachother on that night rick crashed in through the garage and they just looked at eachother#rick had seen other mortys everywhere previously but this was the first time he really Saw Morty#and they both thought#Ohhhh shit#bc they just Knew#rick and morty#rick Sanchez#morty smith#also do you think they just kinda spent the night outside in that place#like when rick passed out at the end of the cold open did morty not wake him up and he eventually fell back asleep#and they just stayed there. lol#probably not based off the fact that morty was sleep deprived in the morning#so he probably woke rick back up and they did some other shit that we never got to see#i like to think they maybe went to a gas station or something and got wrapped up in a little on-planet adventure#and it was super convoluted and dangerous but at a certain hour rick checked his several watches#and was like Oh shit morty w gottfa we gotta get you back home morty.#and he just ended whatever intense life threatening situation they were in immediately#and morty is like Rick WTF why didn’t you do that sooner we were gonna die!!! and rick cant come up with an excuse bc he really just wanted#to spend as much time with morty as possible so he just dodged the question and called him a stupid dumb dumb idiot baby#odiespeak
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m0chis-cafe · 5 months ago
how i think diasomonia members would kiss you.. ⋆⑅˚₊
word count: 1.4 k
warnings: you sit between silvers leg (i dont think that counts as anything, but js in case yk)
characters: Malleus, Lilia, Silver, and Sebek
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Malleus Draconia🐉
-will actually just sit there politely and look up at you wordlessly until you give him a kiss
-hes immortal.. of course, he has perfect skin and lips (its unfair)
-kisses your forehead a lot cause hes tall as shit, also your hands cause he's kinda old school
-he's also become custom to kissing your shoulder, he always find a way to lean on your shoulder
-a lot of shared kisses during your guys late night walks around campus
-though he doesnt mind PDA, its a minimum (otherwise sebek makes a fuse)
-the other third years and dorm members come to you if he's in a fit, he kinda only will listen to you
-a lot of people are afraid of him and don't get how you could be with him, in reality, he's just a big baby towards you and wouldn't hurt a fly
-even though he's one of the most powerful mages ever, you've never been afraid to be around him
it had been a long day of lessons, trein had announced a particularly hard exam that day and it was starting to get on your nerves. after tossing and turning in bed for a couple minutes you decided to walk around campus. glancing over to ensure that grim was still asleep you found him snoring loudly and mumbling under his breath in his sleep, 'tuna~'. you rolled your eyes at him before throwing on your dorm uniform and a blanket and walking out of ramshackle.
the night air nipped at your skin as you left the dorm, the creaking of the building was replaced by the gentle wind and silence of the outside. you wondered down the trails around campus, coming near diasomnia. you smiled as you felt him near, "hornton. i know your there.. come on out"
malleus came from the shadows, a small frown on his lips, "how do you always know it's me prefect?". you smiled at his questioning, wrapping your arms around his waist, "cause I just do.."
he smiled, wrapping his arms around your shoulder, leaning down a placing small kisses on the crown of your head, "you always know, my beloved.." he mumbled into your hairline. the rest of the hour was spent walking around campus, hand in hand, talking about your days and small kisses being passed back and forth in the comfort of the cold night.
Lilia Vanrough🦇
(im gonna start with this specific part your similar age to lilia, and followed him to Nightraven to be one of malleus caretakers)
-hes such a gentleman about it
-hes a fun mix of old-school and newer forms of affection
-likely kisses the back of your hand, the corners of your lips, or cheek
-loves to float upsidedown and kiss your cheek in from of silver or sebek and than just disappear
-is more private in front of normal dorm members, but always has a hand on your hip or waist
-often plays his games with you in the room next to him or on his lap as you casually work on homework or play games with him
-often helps him with diasomnia duties alongside him, helps ease the burden on his shoulders
-the students come to you and lilia instead of malleus most of the time, they see you as the parents of the dorm
-silver sees you both as his parents and calls you mother/father/parent (its precious)
you were sat in the living area of diasomnia with silver and sebek, aiding them in their alchemy homework. you sat cross-legged on the couch as they sat on the floor, their tucked under the table. you smiled as they finally got the lesson and wrote their own notes from your teachings.
after a while you felt a dip in the couch next to you, you smiled softly knowing who it was, "hello my love, how was the dorm leaders meeting?'. silver and sebek perked up as you spoke, not realizing his presence till you spoke up.
they both said their hellos, nodding before looking back to their work. you felt a kiss be placed on your cheek before looking at him. he looked stressed.. you took his hand in yours furrowing your eyebrows, "lilia, is everything alright?"
he finally nodded, his boyish grin returning to his lips as he leaned into your shoulder, "I'm doing much better now.." he raised your joined hands to his lips and pressed multiple kisses to the back of your hand.
-sleepy kisses>>>
-you always watch after him during his drowsy spells, and sometimes you end up falling asleep with him
-yall are very calm together, its very easy to be around him
-when he wakes up and find you watching over him hell kiss your face all over in gratitude
-his lips are so calmly soft, does that make any sence? i dont care
-often kisses your shoulder, neck, nose, and cheeks
-hes so soft, and always is so peaceful and gentle about it
-as being one of malleus retainers, your also often around malleus and along with that sebek and lilia (your all very close)
you made your way to the gardens in diasomnia, lilia had mentioned that silver went on a walk and hadn't been back for a while. knowing him he probably had a drowsy spell and fell asleep somewhere..
turning a corner on the trail you saw a whisp of silver hair behind a tree. walking to where the whisp was you croched down before silver, his eyes were closed, a calm expression on his face, and soft breaths leaving his mouth. you smiled at him, leaning forward and brushing his bangs from his face. you chuckled, pressing a small kiss to his cheek before you felt a hand close around your wrist and pull you down.
now sat between his legs you looked up and now saw his eyes beggining to open, "hello there little one.. have you come to bring me back?" you nodded, leaning into his chest. "lilia sent me to find you.. i assumed id find you out here"
he smiled, pressing multiple lazy kisses from your cheek to neck. "in a little.. lets just stay here for a bit.."
Sebek Zigvolt⚡️
-get so flustered but so excited at the same time
-you have to make a large majority of first moves (he literally screamed the first time you kissed him)
-raves about you to silver constantly, almost as much as he does malleus (we both know thats not true)
-he has slightly chapped lips, but its not bad, your chapstick wears off on him
-he trusts you to be close to malleus, feel blessed
-similar to silver, you becom every close to malleus and his retaners due to your constant proximity to sebek
-you all hang out with the first years a lot, and he always keeps an arma round your shoulder or waist because ace always fake flirts with you
-always places small and quick kisses on your cheek and head
-your the only person hes really quiet around lowkey
you were walking down the hall with ace and duece, just having left broom lessons. youd fallen off so many times it wasent even funny.. and ace wasent letting up. you shoved his shoulder as he made another joke about your clumsiness during class, "shut it ace! i normally do way better.. im off my game today." you mumbled.
he teased you about it being cause of sebek, that he was ;distracting' you, and just on que he popped out from around the corner, running to your side with a smile. he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and placed a kiss to your head, "i just passed treins exam with flying colors!" he shouted.
you rolled your eyes, lacing your hand in his that hung off your shoulder, "thats really good.. im proud seb" you spoke before glaring at ace to not saying anything about your preformance in brooms class.
"why are you glaring at ace..?" sebek questioned innocently, ace almost opened his mouth before you spun to the side and went on your tip toes to place a kiss on sebeks lips quickly, "dont listen to him, hes crazy." you mumbled before continuing to walk with duece. you both double over laughing as you heard sebek skreeching behind them.
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seronefada · 5 months ago
Harley found some kids.
Ivy looked up from her book and asked:"Harley, babe I love you. But, who's fucking kids are these, where did you get them?"
Harley: "I found them outside, I thought we could keep them. "
Said kids where actually Teenager's. The older sister with long red hair looked at her, while her younger brother was busy eating all the fruits from the bowl on the table, like some sort of starving bunny.
The older of the two said:" We're sorry miss. My little brother and I where just looking for a place to spent the night. And Dr. Harley offered us a room."
Ivy looked at the two, they looked hunted, chased, sleepless and burned out. The younger was definitely hurt.
Ivy:"curse my soft heart. You can stay. What are your names."
"I'm Jazz and this is my baby brother Danny."
Ivy asked:"what are you doing in Gotham, where are your parents?"
Jazz:" they are busy, we came here on our own."
Harley was at the oven making the kids some hot chocolate and said :" So runaways, why did you run."
Danny looked up and was lying really bad:" We, didn't want, to go to school anymore. So we run away, to open a, food truck."
Ivy:"kid next time just say you're gay. People will believe that way easier."
Jazz:"our parents are kinda mad, there scientists. But it got worse with the years. So I had to get Danny out of there."
Danny offered her an Apple, but he didn't say anything.
Harley came and gave the the hot chocolate:"after hot choco, a shower and some sleep. The world will look better already."
Both took the chocolate, but Ivy saw that Danny was just blowing one time in it and it was cold. Of course Harley had to find them a meta teen on the run.
After the two teens where gone to sleep Ivy looked at her girlfriend:"Harley what are your plans for the kids, should I contact Batman to get them?"
Harley was playing with her blond hair as she smiled charming at her loved:" I thought we could keep them."
Ivy looked at her:"you can't be serious. Danny is an ice meta. He could freeze my plants."
"yeah but what if we don't help them? Batman could make them to Robin's. And Jazz hair is red we just tell people they are your biological kids." explained Harley.
Ivy stared at her:" even if I would say yes, we don't know what would come at us.
The Question was answered halfway, as they where checking on the kids and Danny woke up alarmed with the words:" I'm not a Ghost."
Then he get back to sleep and flew around in the room.
Harley smiled :"Come on Pam you where also thinking about having kids."
Ivy just said:" fine, let's try this they can stay as long as they want. But I'm still not sure about this cover story. Why do they have to be my kids?"
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jinxthequeergirl · 7 months ago
pines family x parental figure!reader/ implied stanfordx reader
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Summary: based on the song "Fireworks" by mitski- you've lost yourself in your journey to bring back your friend from another dimension that you've almost forgotten about your family.
Warning: ANGST BABY!!!!! WOWOW! Also corny as hell
You wondered how long you'd feel like this. The sense of constant unease and dread and guilt.
"You're going to drive yourself crazy staring at those pages."
You blinked with heavy eyelids as you stared at the half complete layout of the large portal machine. "I can figure it.. I know I can..." You mumbled.
"There's nothing we can do until we have the last journal."
You said nothing but focused on the pages, thinking till your brain was numb.
Stan sighed, realizing he wasn't getting you away from those books without a fight.
"ME and the kids are going to be outside incase you care to join us."
You mumbled or groaned he couldn't really tell the difference. He frowned he had noticed a change in you most recently though he knew you didn't think he did.
A slight grey in your eyes as you continued to work. He knew you wanted to bring Stanford home so did he. But not to the extent you had been pushing it too. So he quietly went to meet the kids upstairs.
You felt your eyes growing heavy. Your thoughts drift as you stared at the page and wondered when you had gotten to this point.
You had spent so much time crying for Stanford to come back, so much time blaming Stanley for losing him. Then the feelings just fossilized one morning. You knew they where still there. You still felt the grief, the guilt the anger.
But for some reason, you'd forgot how to cry.
You heard a faint popping from upstairs but didn't think much of it at first. Still dazing into the old journals.
Trying for anything. A spark of an idea a glimmer of hope, the courage to face what you feared be true, to feel less lifeless again.
hoping that the almost numb feeling wasn't your lost feelings for him. If that was the case, then that would mean you'd given up hope on finding him again.
You hear the popping again, followed by cheering. You look up for the first time in what feels like hours. Your neck hurts, and you groan in pain as your eyes are met with a photo of you and Stanford.
Is this what he would want for you? The feelings you had were real and still hurt. The feelings you had for Ford were just the same.
Your eyes drift to the photo next to it. You and Stanley and the kids squished together to fit the frame. A wide grin across all your faces.
You heard the popping and booming louder this time.
This isn't what Stanford would want for you. You decide as you push yourself out of the chair with a stretch and up the basement steps.
You he'd want you to realize that what you felt was healing. Not losing hope or feeling for him like you feared.
Your eyes adjust to the light as you step into the warm summer night.
He'd want you to connect with the people you called family.
"Y/n, you made it! We still have some fireworks left!" Mable cheered as you shut the door that led to the roof. "I saved all your favorite colors incase you came out."
Take care of yourself.
"I dunno guys. Isn't this kinda dangerous?" You asked. The twins shared a look with eachother before you laughed.
"Who am I kidding? Hand me the biggest one you have!" You exclaimed.
Stan laughed. "Ah there they are the y/n we all know and love!"
And more importantly be there for them.
You placed an apologetic hand on stans shoulder and offered him a smile. Which he returned.
You sat on the edge of the roof watching the fireworks for most of the night feeling your worries wash away.
Everything was gonna be alright with them by your side.
It always had been.
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doitforbangchan · 1 year ago
requested by the always lovely @jehhskz 💕 girl knows i love some hannie and gave me the perfect request 🥹🥰
Its pretty apparent how flipping much i love this boy in this story...i poured my heart out for this one lol
boyfriend!Han x reader (afab)
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Warnings: Fem reader, Smut, unprotected p in v, kissing, fingering, kinda sub jisung, kinda dom reader, crying, cursing, a ton of pet names, soooo fluffy, jisung is down bad for reader and has a praise kink. Not proof read <3
WC: 2.9k
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The clouds were rolling in rapidly, way faster than you had anticipated. The trees were shaking with the gusts of wind. You had only received the alert of the impending storm on your phone about an hour ago. After giving your weather app one last look, you sighed heavily and tossed your phone on the couch next to you.
 It wasn’t that you didn’t like the rain; you did, in fact you loved it. But, tonight was supposed to be a ladies night out with your friend. You and her had been very excited to try that new Pho place downtown and then go for drinks. You especially had been looking forward to it. 
The rain started splattering against the window, the heavy wind getting fiercer by the minute. There was no sense in getting ready for a night that wasn’t going to happen. Your friend has already canceled over an hour ago.
You thought about asking your boyfriend. He had just gotten back into town a few days ago.Jisung had been away for weeks while touring and neither of you have spent any time together. You had texted him ranting about your ruined plans and he had suggested he come over, but you would never ask him to face the storm. 
As if he knew you were thinking about him, your phone lit up with a call from ‘Sungie <3’. 
“Hey Ji, I was just thinking about you.” You answered, heart feeling heavy at having to be away from him.
“Funny enough, I’m always thinking of you, my baby.” You heard a car door slam on his end, “Your favorite kind of pho is chicken, right?” 
“Yeah, whhyyyy?” You drawled. You didn’t get an answer from him, instead you were startled when your doorbell rang. “What the fuck, you didn’t!” You hung up the phone and rushed to the door, flinging it open to find your boyfriend in all his smiling glory, with arms full with food and snacks. “Ji!” 
“Delivery for the prettiest girl in the world!” His arms were full or he would have hugged you. You took some of the stuff from his arms and stepped aside for him to enter your home. 
“What are you doing here, you crazy person?! Do you not see the insane storm that's coming in?” you chastise even though you were beaming, unable to hide your elation at seeing him in your home. You wish you knew he was coming so you could have changed out of your pjs.
“Wow there's a storm outside?” He said sarcastically, acting shocked. “I couldn’t tell.” You pushed him playfully, and he laughed. “I kinda thought that we could weather the storm together, I mean, if you want? I brought Pho from that place you wanted to try and a bunch of snacks and candy! I remember you talking about building blanket forts when you were little, so I also figured we could build one to snuggle in? I brought my string lights.” 
“Oh Ji” you wanted to cry, he was so thoughtful. He always paid the utmost attention to what you say, even absentmindedly. “This is perfect. You are perfect. Thank you my love.” You set down the bags you took from him and attacked him in a hug. 
He hugged you back just as tightly, sweeping you off the ground, “Anything for you my baby.” He set you down with a wet smooch to your forehead. You’re stuck with me until this storm is over! No girl of mine is gonna be alone with this bullshit going on outside!” You noticed he had a backpack on, those must be his clothes for a few days. As if you didn’t already have a stache of his clothes already. 
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The building process was surprisingly pretty quick. Jisung had demanded you build the fort before you ate, so you can ‘eat in the ambiance and celebrate the fruits of our labor’ as he had said. You’re pretty sure the motivation came from keeping the food hot, making you both get to work. Luckily you were a blanket hoarder so you had plenty to use and pile on the floor. 
As Ji was hanging the string lights as the finishing touch you set out the food for both of you on the tray you put in the fort. He was right, it was worth the wait. It felt so magical somehow. You must have been stuck in a state of wonder for sometime because Jisung opened the side and scooted himself in, now wearing his pjs.
 “You ok there, space cadet?” He teased you, laughing when you pushed him. 
“In fact, jackass, I am more than ok.”  you set his food down in front of him while he picked something to watch on TV.  “You could even say I’m happy.” 
He chose a Ghibli movie ‘Spirited away’ (one of your favorites) then dug into his Pho. “That was my goal.” Jisung replied with his cheeks full. “I always wanna make you happy.” He said it with a shrug, as if it was no big deal. 
You were so struck with emotion at his statement, your eyes were filled with unshed tears. Here you were, with the most beautiful boy you had ever seen, sitting in a whimsical blanket fort said beautiful boy made for you, eating the food he bought and brought here for you. He braved the viscous weather for you. You couldn’t help the overflow of feelings and the tears started leaking from your eyes. What started as one tear, turned into two, turning into a full rolling stream over your cheeks. 
When you started sniffling is what finally got his attention, his head snapping over to you and he hurriedly set down his food, shuffling closer to you in panic. “What’s wrong?! Do you not like your pho?! We can switch, here take mine please don’t cry!” 
You wiped your eyes, still sniffling but smiling at his franticness, “No, it’s just that.. I love you. So much. I’m so thankful to have you. That’s all.” 
He seemed shocked at your words, his own eyes looking teary now. “Oh my baby, my lover, the apple of my eye. I love you.” He grabbed your hands in his, “ You are my inspiration. Every song I write is because of you. I see you in my dreams, and I feel you in my heart when we are apart. Every emotion I have is evoked by you. If anything, I should be thankful for you!” 
You attacked him in a tight embrace, not even trying to stop crying now. “Stooop being soooooo sappy!” you complained even though you both knew you loved it. He hugged you back just as tight, burying his face in your hair. 
It was like a release, the way both of you were able to let go of everything inside, both of you completely relaxing into each other. It was always easy to be with Jisung. You had only been together for a little over a year, but Jisung had said (you agreed) you both had to have been lovers in another life. That your fates were intertwined. He claimed it was some pact created before the dawn of time to fate you both together for eternity. Soulmates. 
You held each other until your sniffling stopped. Just taking in each other's presence. You were the first to pull away, wiping your eyes for the final tears. He gave your cheek a kiss and picked up his food, stuffing his face. You giggled at him then clicked play on the tv, and picked up your food. Thankfully it was still warm. 
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The howling outside only grew stronger as the evening went on. Every so often the windows would rattle and alarm you both, but the scare only ever lasted a second. Your boyfriend had you curled into his side as you were in the middle of your second movie. The whole apartment was dark sans the string lights and the tv, it was the perfect calm to the storm outside. 
His hand was between your thighs, just keeping warm between your skin. It wasn’t a sexual act but you could feel your skin heating up at his touch anyways. You hadn’t been touched in weeks, since before he left this last time. Not even by your own hands, though it was more like whenever you try it doesn’t feel the same. Your body craves him so much you can’t get off without him so why bother.  His hand was all you could focus on; knowing he was so close to where you needed him yet he made no moves to close the distance. The man seemed to be paying attention to the movie, if his little hums of laughter was any indication. How was he supposed to know he was unintentionally making you soaking wet? Did he really not notice your silent squirming?
“Sungie” you whispered, moving your face closer to his ear. He hummed in acknowledgement. “Can I tell you something?” He hummed again, “ I’m really wet right now.” you placed a kiss to his ear and he shivered visibly. 
“You can't just say things like that!” He turned to you, his eyes wide and his cheeks red. 
“Why not?” you giggled at his reaction. “It’s true. ‘Ve been drenched since you put your hand in between my thighs.” 
He accidentally let out a groan at your dirty words, biting his lip. He turned on his side and pulled your mouth to his, his wet tongue immediately shoving itself in your mouth. His kiss was sloppy- needy even- his soft lips smothering over yours messily. Jisung had been waiting for the right moment to make a move, not wanting you to feel taken advantage of. If only he had known how bad you had wanted him, he would have been on you (and in you) sooner.
His hand that was between your thighs traveled up to your core, feeling you from the outside of your sleep shorts. You let out a whimper when his fingers deftly rubbed over your clothed slit. He stroked you there for a second while his mouth invaded your own, just letting his fingers run along the seam. When you bucked your hips into his hand he finally gave in and let his hand wander into your bottoms. He was immediately able to feel just how badly you needed him. 
“Fuck. you really are drenched, you little devil. Is it all for me?” he bit your lip in between words, his pupils dilated at the liquid he felt coming out of you. 
“Uh huh, always for my Sungie. My sweet boyfriend always makes me sooooo wet for him.” You responded, moaning when he pushed a finger inside. He was an expert with his fingers, those years of guitar coming quite in handy, so he knew exactly how to crook his digits up right into your sweet spot. “Sung, fuck, so good.” 
You brought one of your own hands down to the growing bulge in his sweats, cupping him the way he likes. Now you were both letting out little moans as you touched each other. Ji added another finger and used his thumb to rub your clit. 
“Sungiiie, wanna ride you. Pleaaassee” you tried to push him onto his back. He let you with no hesitation, removing his fingers from you. 
“Oh absolutely, baby.” He ripped his own shirt over his head then laid on his back, tugging his sweat pants down his thighs. Once his pants were down you threw your leg over his thighs, settling yourself atop his member, the precum rubbing on your folds. Ji already looked like he wanted to cum at that little contact.
 You tossed your own shirt to the floor beside you and his hands shot straight up to cup your breasts. He was panting as he rubbed on your chest, his thumbs brushing over your nipples. “Mmm always so soft, can never get enough of your soft skin.” 
You hummed, shifting your hips to rub yourself over his shaft, your arousal coating him and letting you glide over him. His mouth formed a little ‘o’ as he looked up at you through his lashes.  He was just as desperate for you as you were for him, “Lover, baby, sweetheart-please let me put it in. Need to feel you around me.” His neediness was showing hard. 
“Since you asked so nicely…” You tried your best to smirk but it came out more crooked than you hoped. You reached down underneath you to grab his member. You lifted yourself up slightly to line up his cock to your opening, and then sunk down on him inch by inch. When you had taken his whole length you threw your head back as a moan came out loudly. “F-fuck Hannie, always fill me so good.”
“Nghh y/n, oh my god. So warm around me. So fucking tight.” His eyes closed as you sat on him fully. Your boyfriend let his hands run up and down your torso with his thumbs still finding your nipples each time he went back up. 
You let yourself adjust to his thickness for a moment, before you began to roll your hips back and forth. The friction felt delicious. Every motion let you feel every ridge of him within your walls. “M-missed your cock, Sung.” 
“Missed you more, my sweets. Missed your pussy. Mmmmm missed everything about you.” One thing about your boyfriend is when he made love to you, he didn’t know how to shut the fuck up. “ m’ never leaving you again. Never leaving this pussy again. You’re gonna be stuck with me forever. Gonna have to pry you from me. Fuck!” He yelled the last part when you started bouncing on him. 
“Wan’ tha’. Wanna keep you inside forever.” You cooed at him, gaining a rhythm now. Your thighs were already burning but the pleasure out weighed the pain. You placed your hands on his chest for support, riding him like your life depended on it. 
The touches he gave you were getting rougher, fingers digging into your sides, indents of his painted nails leaving small crescents in your skin. “Oh oh please, baby, wanna fill you, wanna cum in you, please baby. M’ so good for you. Just wanna give you my love.” His hips were bucking as he got closer to his high, unable to keep himself together. 
“You are so good f’ me, Sungie. Always the best boy, making me feel so fucking good.” You took one of his hands in yours and took it off of your ribs and brought it down to your clit. “Rub it, make me cum, Sungie. Can’t cum without you.” 
Immediately he began to rub harsh circles on your bundle, his rhythm on the nub being perfect. Jisung lived to please you, he took great pride in knowing exactly how to touch you. His need for praise was too high for him to have a lack of attention. 
Your thighs began to shake as your orgasm was creeping up on you. You could tell Ji was trying to get you there, his own release about to burst. He was drooling as you looked down at him,  and his big eyes were leaking salty tears. His brown eyes were blown out, dark with intense lust for you.
“M’ gonna cum, princess, gonna cum in you. Gonna fill you up, baby.” His voice was straining as he warned you. 
“Do it, cum in me. Make me yours Ji. You deserve it.” Once you gave him permission the floodgates opened, and he let go inside of you. He was shaking and squirming under you, his hips bucking wildly. His loud whines filled the room, mixing with the howls from the wind outside, creating this beautiful symphony. Witnessing his intense pleasure and feeling his warmth fill you caused you to fly over the edge after him. Your own whimpers follow soon after. 
“Kiss me, please angel.” He begged through his teary whines. You leaned down and captured your lips with his, swallowing each other's moans. You physically couldn’t keep yourself on top of him any longer. As soon as the shocks of your orgasm subsided you fell directly on top of him, letting his arms cage you against him as you both fought to get your breath back. 
Jisung just held you against him, keeping his member inside and just embracing how warm you were. Yeah he had missed the sex, but what he missed more was the intimacy. How the both of you could sit here and just exist within each other. He really loves you more than anything, and he knows you love him just as much. He had told you time and time again you were cosmically aligned, and now more than ever, he felt how true it was. 
If there's one thing he could absolutely be certain of, it's that right here, under the fairy lights, with you close to him as you peppered his face with wet kisses, was one of the highlights of his life. 
Maybe it was a good idea to bring the little black box that hid within his bag. 
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stvrnioloslvt · 3 months ago
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❛❛ ⛸️ + 🏒 ❞
The first time hockeyplayer!matt and figureskater!reader spoke…kinda
silence and peace reigned in baby’s dorm room, the orange light of the sunrise filtering through the windows. a couple birds chirped happily outside, and the chatter of fellow college residents could be heard from outside. 
you tossed in your bed, slowly waking up. you smiled at the smell of fresh coffee and pastries coming from the cafeteria under your room, the savoury smells helping you wake up in a good mood.
you turned around, glancing to the other side of the room: your roommate’s bed was intact, everything in place just like she left it the morning before. knowing your friend, she probably spent the night over her “friend”’s place… you never really understood why the girl had a problem with admitting that she had a fuck buddy, but it wasn’t really your problem so you didn’t care about it too much.
you got up from the bed, slipping into your slippers and an oversized tee over your tank top and short shorts that you slept in, grabbing your basket with toiletries and bathrobe before exiting the room, headed towards the showers of the floor. 
as you turned the key inside the lock, you heard voices coming from your left. your head whipped up at a familiar laugh, seeing the triplets walking towards you. chris spotted you first, lifting his hand up and in the air and greeting you cheerfully: “hi baby! what’you doin’ here?”
you bit back a laugh, replying with a sarcastic “i’d like to remind you that i live here. what are you doing here?” 
you retracted the key from the lock, leaning on the door frame. an amused expression planted on your face, watching as your friend skipped happily towards you. 
“nick’s friend is moving in and he invited us to his room, said he wants to show us how he put everything together. and why are you - whoa, are you just casually walking around naked?” 
behind his brother, nick snorted at the same time as you did, shaking his head at the remark. 
“hi baby, long time no see. chris - where exactly do you see nakedness?”
chris shrugged, eyeing you one last time slowly before saying “her legs, i guess. why on earth are you walking around with no shorts on?”
“no shorts- are you seri- chris,” you pulled the hem of the tee up, revealing the fabric of the black shorts you were wearing under, “these are shorts.”
“oh c’mon they cannot be considered shorts, they don’t cover anything. am i right, matt?”
your heart dropped in your stomach at the name: matt. shit, you had forgotten he was even there. you glanced behind chris, spotting the third brother. he had stayed silent during the whole conversation, so silent that you had completely forgotten that he was there to begin with. his dark hair fell in front of his eyes, acting like a shield between him and the outside world. you wondered if they were as soft as they looked, what would it be like to stretch your arm and dip you hand in his hair, tugging and- no. no, you couldn’t think like that. 
you observed as matt checked you out, his eyes boring into your legs. suddenly, you really felt naked just like chris said, holding the bathrobe in front of you to hide yourself as much as possible. matt noticed you subtle attempt at covering up, forcing a fake cough to hide the fact that he also didn’t intend to stare as much as he actually did, flustered at his own lack of control.
“she’s fine, mind your business.”
chris’ and nick’s eyes shot up in surprise. they glanced between each other and their brother before excusing themself with a quick “well, see you around, baby. ‘t was nice to see you.” and as fast as they came, they also left, leaving you alone in an empty hall with matt.
“uhm… i-i’ll go now.,” he murmured, the tip of his ears turning a deep shade of red. “it was nice seeing you baby, see you soon.”
“see you soon,” you whispered back, not missing the way matt quickly glanced up at the number beside your door before following his brothers. 
you watched his back walk away, hands in his pockets and head low. you turned the other way, noticing only in that moment that you had started shaking during the little interaction with the silent brother.
oh, you were fucked.
© stvrnioloslvt
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❃ a.n.: nice and short fic just to wish you all a happy new year full of happiness, opportunities and luck! 🩷✨️🫂
❃ and as always, spam my inbox with questions, prompts or whatever else <3
love you all, bree ☾
icy taglist: @shadowthesim @sturnioloszn @sofieeeeex 🧊
(find other resources regarding hockeyplayer!matt au in my masterlist)
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mypimpademia · 2 years ago
— The Teacher (pt. 2)
Single dad! Gojo x Fem! Preschool teacher! Reader
Synopsis: Little Megumi wonders if you’re his new mom, and Gojo finds himself wondering the same thing.
TW: None
Note: click/tap here for part 1! or Click/tap here for part 3! I forgot to mention it in the first part, but ig it was kinda implied, Gojo is 29 in this not a teen like he was in canon. Gojo is also very briefly implied to get around
⇶ Satoru stuck to his promise of taking you out
⇶ He left Megumi with Utahime for the night, and made sure that everything was perfect for you
⇶ Truthfully, he went a little overboard out of his own anxiety
⇶ Booked reservations for one of the nicest restaurants in town, deep cleaned his house (just in case), got his already clean car detailed, bought a new suit despite having many hardly-worn ones in his closet, stalked your socials for hints at what you might like, and more that he’d be far too embarrassed to ever admit to
⇶ Satoru picked you up from your house at 6 pm, knocking on your door with a giant bouquet of flowers in hand
“You look incredible.”
Those were the only words Satoru could come up with when he saw you.
He always thinks you look incredible, but seeing you all dressed up outside of your usual work attire was a nice change of pace, and you looked effortlessly beautiful.
“Thank you, Toru,” you beamed. “You look pretty,” you told him, scanning over his tall figure, clad in a deep blue suit.
‘Toru’, ‘pretty’. He nearly passed out on your porch.
Satoru smiled, clearing his throat in an effort to gather his bearings as he fought back the deep blush that was crawling up his face.
“For you, mon chéri,” he said, in a corny fake French accent, presenting the large bouquet of flowers to you.
They were neatly wrapped in a brown paper, and tied off with a white bow. From just the look of it, you could tell they were expensive.
“These are my favorite,” you gasped, taking them from him. “How’d you know?”
He stalked your instagram and found a post from a year ago where you said you loved them.
“Lucky guess,” Satoru smiled. “Y’ready to go?”
⇶ He led you to his shiny black sports car, opening up the door for you to get in
⇶ It even smelled expensive, and the fresh scent of car shampoo was still lingering. You could tell he had it cleaned just for this, but didn’t say anything
⇶ When you got to the restaurant, out of place was an understatement for how you felt
⇶ You were just happy you decided to dress nicer than you had originally planned
⇶ Looking around, the restaurant was beautifully decorated, and the people dining were dressed just as beautiful
⇶ The more time you spent with Satoru, the more that you realized you knew next to nothing about him
⇶ Where does he get all this money from? What does he do for a living? Who is he, really? And what’s up with the sunglasses?
⇶ You will admit, the mystery only made him all the more attractive, but you had a newfound determination to peel back his layers
⇶ But your first date might not be the best time for that, so you were willing to let things unfold naturally for now
⇶ Satoru insisted that you ordered whatever you want off the menu because he was paying, and ignored your protests
⇶ You hopped around different topics of conversation throughout dinner, and you did eventually make it to the subject of work
⇶ Satoru asked you what exactly made you want to teach preschool, or teach at all, and watched your eyes light up
⇶ Teaching was undoubtably a job you need to have a passion for, and you had more than enough passion for it
⇶ You told him that you’ve always had an interest in teaching, and loved kids and thought they were precious, sacred even, and that their early years are the best part to watch and be a part of
⇶ Satoru’s heart was getting ready to leap out of his chest just watching you talk about something you love so much
‘She’d make a great mom for Megs…’
⇶ The thought surprised even him, Satoru wasn’t sure if it was genuine or intrusive, but it had him glancing at your features and around him to make sure he hadn’t accidentally said it aloud
⇶ He told you that all the kids were lucky to have you, and that seeing you take care of Megumi and all those kids with ease made him feel like his worries from adopting were pointless
⇶ He glazed over the adoption part so easily, you almost missed it
⇶ Sure, you were more than well aware that Satoru was a single father, and when you saw that his last name was different from Megumi’s, you just assumed it was his mothers last name
“It is his mothers last name, but he’s not at all my biological kid. I adopted him from… a friend.”
⇶ You had removed a layer from Satoru, only to find how thin it was in comparison to the amount he had left
⇶ The revelation answered some of the questions you had, and left you with even more at the same time
⇶ Just based on the hesitation he showed, you knew better than to press any further, and changed the subject
⇶ The rest of dinner went smoothly, and you and Satoru once again went back and forth about the bill before he was calling the waiter back to take his card
⇶ On the drive back, Satoru asked if you wanted to see Megumi since Utahime’s house was in the same direction as yours
⇶ You said yes, because of course you wanted to see Megumi, and because it was getting harder and harder for you to say no to Satoru
⇶ When you arrived at Utahime’s, Megumi lept at you before he even said hello to Satoru
⇶ Satoru feigned being hurt by the action, but Megumi still payed him no mind, directing all his attention to you
⇶ Satoru thanked Utahime for watching Megumi, and you overheard her saying something about not dumping his kid on her again
⇶ Megumi had you sit in the backseat with him, and told you about all the stuff he did at Utahime’s
⇶ All the sudden, he asked why you and Satoru were all dressed up
“Did you guys go on a date?”
You and Satoru shared a questioning look through the rear view mirror, one that asked ‘Should we tell him?’.
“Sure did little man!” Satoru told him, but Megumi didn’t seem too surprised by his answer.
“Oh, Dad goes on a lot of those,” Megumi said, before going back to playing with the plastic dinosaur in his lap.
Satoru was rethinking all his life choices in that moment. He gulped back the saliva that had pooled in his mouth, already going over how exactly he could explain that to you later on.
To his surprise, he heard you laugh at Megumi’s comment.
“But I’m your favorite, right?” You asked the boy, playfully nudging him. He turned to you with big wide eyes and smiled.
⇶ Dropping you off at your house, Satoru thanked you for letting him take you out, and haphazardly tried to apologize for Megumi’s little comment and explain himself
⇶ You told him it was fine, and thanked him for the night, hugging him and planting a kiss on his cheek
⇶ Satoru froze up at the action, but managed to say bye to you as he collected himself and you disappeared into your house
⇶ When he and Megumi got back home, Satoru made a point to explain to Megumi why he couldn’t just throw out information like that to people, especially you
⇶ While putting on the boys pajamas in the dimly lit dinosaur themed room, Megumi yawned out a question
“Hey, dad,”
He spoke through a yawn while rubbing his eye with his fist. Satoru hummed back in acknowledgment, straining out the bottom of the little boy’s pajama shirt
“Is Ms. L/n gonna be my mom?” Megumi asked, looking at Satoru with low, sleepy eyes.
Satoru thought back to the statement that popped into his head during dinner. You would make a great mom for him.
“Um,” Satoru started, tucking Megumi underneath his comforter. “I dunno yet.”
He was honest. He didn’t know if what he was feeling for you was real or if he was just in over his head.
“I hope she is,” Megumi muttered, huffing out as his breathing turned into soft snores.
“Me too, Megs.”
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @kazuminari @goldenglow149 + @torusmochi
Send in a ask or DM me to be added to all taglists, or fill out my form to be added to select ones.
Thank you for reading, comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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jxtina-86 · 14 days ago
The Chase - Part 1
Okay, please go easy on me - first Lando fic and having spent way too much time consuming every fic about him on here, I am so nervous to post this. I also haven't written anything in over a year.
I like a slow burn. And this will be one hell of a slow burn.
Hope you enjoy.
Pairing: Lando x Fem!OC
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Swearing, innuendo/suggestions, kinda fluffy
Her whole body vibrates from the steady pound of music, even as she queues up outside the club. The warm night air is starting to cool, as is her buzz. She stands on the edge of the group, half-listening to the chatter, half-watching the cars cruising down the street beside them. As the group shuffles forward, she takes a slow step to follow.
Maybe she should just leave, she thinks. She doubts anyone will miss her. Her friends are way too preoccupied with the guys they met earlier at the beach club, the ones who promised them the best night out ever. She’d been sceptical from the start, but didn’t want to be the party-pooper. And now she can’t be the one to say “I told you so.”
The group moves forward again and she feels a hand slide over her arm. “Mia, we’re in!” her friend, Lydia, grins and she forces a smile back. But just as she is about to step over the threshold, the friend’s hand slips from her arm and the bouncer’s arm stops her progressing.
He grunts something she doesn’t quite hear at first, his attention elsewhere. She glances around and sees a group of five guys a few metres away. “Step aside, mademoiselle” The bouncer grunts again in broken English, shuffling her against the wall to let the new group pass. The first three guys walk past, barely noticing what’s happening, but still offering thanks to the bouncer who nods in return.
As the last two in the group approach, she happens to meet the gaze of the one closer to her. He smiles and then his brow furrows. “Hey man, ladies first.”
She recognises the face, but she can’t quite place him…
The bouncer glances at him and then back at her. “She’s okay.”
“She can’t speak for herself?”
“You take priority.”
“At the expense of manhandling a girl up against the wall?” he looks incredulous for a second and then his demeanour shifts ever so slightly. “Let her go in.”
The bouncer scowls. “I just do my job.”
“Let her go in,” he repeats. And then he holds out his hand. “C’mon.”
She stares at him for a second, watching his eyes widen as he looks down at his hand and then pointedly back up at her. She reaches out, feeling his fingers wrap around hers and she slips out from between the wall and the bouncer.
“You okay?” he asks as they move through the doors.
She nods. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” His hand slips from hers for a second, ghosting over her back instead as he guides her through the crowded entrance lobby. “So are you here with friends?”
“Yeah…” she glances around. “We got separated. At the door.”
He winces apologetically. “I’m sorry. I don’t ask for that kinda shit. I don’t expect it.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She still can’t place his face. But it is so, so familiar.
“Look, do you wanna hang with us until you see your friends?”
“You sure?”
“I feel bad leaving you stranded,” he smiles, his teeth winking at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Okay then…” His hand finds hers again and he tugs it gently, pulling her along as they follow the rest of his group through the club. His head bounces to the beat, glancing over his shoulder every so often to check back on her. She looks around half-heartedly to see if she can spot her own group, but no luck. The club is heaving and the darkness and flashing lights make it impossible to make out any faces.
As they reach a set of stairs, he guides her back in front of him again. This time she feels his hand on the small of her back and when they pause for a second, she feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge as she feels his chest press against her back. At the top of the stairs, his hand remains on her back as he ushers her towards a large table and booth, a wide array of bottles and glasses already there for consumption.
“Can I get you a drink?” He has to lean close to her ear for her to hear and she feels her heart pound. She nods. “What’s your poison? And what’s your name?”
“Mia,” she tells him, but he doesn’t catch it at first. He leans closer and she instinctively presses her hand to his shoulder as she repeats it closer to his ear.
“I’m Lando,” he replies and she feels it hit her like a ton of bricks. Of course, that’s why she recognised him but she couldn’t recall his name. Fuck…
She feels her face flush and he shoots her a sheepish but charming smile. “Drink?”
She nods and he gestures to the table before them for her to choose. He pours them both the same and hands her the glass. Now that she knows his name, now that she’s placed his face, she knows the reputation she has. A party boy. A charmer, with a wink and a smile at the ready. And she’s fallen for it already.
She clocks that the rest of his group haven’t even batted an eyelid that he’s pulled her into their booth. Perhaps this is a regular occurrence. She’s not sure if that makes it more or less awkward. She takes a long sip for her drink before she fumbles for her phone.
There’s a text from one of her friends.
Where did you go, M?? Followed by a photo of the group with fake sad faces.
“Where are they?” Lando’s voice makes her jump. She shrugs.
“No idea. We weren’t even supposed to come here tonight. They met some guys at the beach who wanted us to come along.”
“Sounds like it’s worked out in the end,” he winks at her.
She suppresses a giggle - don’t fall for it, Mia. It’s just a line.
“Perhaps,” she replies cooly. “I should let them know…” she starts to type out a reply but his fingers pluck the phone from her grasp. “Hey!”
“You should return the favour,” he chuckles, flipping the phone onto camera mode and holding it aloft. He tips his head towards hers, grinning up at the camera. “Smile!”
She can’t help the grin on her face as he snaps the photo. Before he passes the phone back to her, he taps out a suggested message and she laughs when she sees it.
Found a better offer x
“Oh really?” she glances over at him. He grins, raising his glass to take a long swig, his free arm sliding over the back of the booth, his fingers casually brushing over her shoulder.
“Sure,” he shrugs. “They clearly didn’t wait for you. Bad manners if you ask me.”
She’s inclined to agree. “There were five of us. Four of them,” she mutters.
He leans closer, his mouth inches from her ear. “They don’t know what they’re missing.”
“And you do?” She turns and almost jumps back as she realises how close his face is to hers.
He at least has the decency to blush himself. “Fittest girl in here by a mile,” he recovers.
She laughs. “God, you think you’re so smooth.”
“I don’t know about that, but it’s amazing how far this smile will get you,” he points to his mouth, his grin widening as she rolls her eyes. “Okay, okay… but I don’t see you making any move to leave.”
That is true, she thinks. But what are the other options? Leave to find her friends? Go back to the house alone? Neither feel great right now, not when she’s got a drink to finish and he is giving her his undivided attention.
She swipes at her phone again, titling her hand so he can see her hit send on the photo and his original message. He laughs, edging closer again to her. “You definitely did.”
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“I don’t back down from a promise.”
“Is that so?”
Why does it feel so easy? She doesn’t know him and she’s briefly reminded that he could get any girl he wanted. So why her?
“So,” He shuffles closer again so she can hear him over the chaos of the music. “Are you here on holiday?”
She nods. “Sort of.”
“What does that mean?”
“One of my friends, her family have a place here. They’re here on holiday, but I travel around so they said I could stay for longer depending.”
“Depending on what? What do you do?”
“I work online, so I don’t need to be anywhere in particular.”
“Digital nomad, huh?”
“I guess.”
“That’s cool.” He takes a sip of his drink. “Where’s next on your list?”
“Not sure. I’m here for another two weeks so it’s on the list to figure out.” She wracks her brain trying to think of the least obvious question to ask him when her phone starts to buzz incessantly. She glances down to see message after message coming through.
What the fuck?
How. When. WHERE.
Is that…?
Lando fuckin Norris??
She smirks into her drink, feeling his warm breath ghost over her shoulder as he reads the texts for himself.
“You caused a stir,” she tells him and as he shakes his head with a wry smile, she feels her breath catch in her throat when she sees him bite his lip briefly.
“It’s how I roll.”
She elbows him gently. “Do you genuinely have a one liner for every situation?”
“Yup. It's my special talent.”
“Oh, so your day job is just..,”
“I’m a man of many talents,” he meets her gaze and winks.
“Of course,” she nods, sagely. “I bet there’s nothing you can’t turn your hand to.”
“What can I say, I’m good with my hands.”
Her heart skips a beat and she fights to keep her composure as he shoots her a knowing smirk before raising his glass again. 
Her phone is still buzzing dully in her hands. She glances down and notices it’s a video call from one of the girls. She’s about to ignore it, when he reaches over and swipes to accept the call. She swats at him playfully, making him chuckle and she earns a barely audible shriek from the phone.
Taking a call in a club is hard at the best of times, but a video call is impossible. She can barely hear whatever it is Lydia and the others are saying but it’s pretty clear it’s along the same lines of the barrage of messages in the group chat.
And he doesn’t help. His arm is fully around her shoulders now, pulling her close into his side as she blushes. He waves casually at the screen, grinning as he sees the faces of shock and incredulity. Even him ruffling his hair causes them to turn practically feral.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Mia laughs, waving herself and then hitting end call. “Look, I should probably go and find them.”
“Don’t go.”
“I’m crashing your night.”
“I can see this lot any day of the week,” he nods at his friends who are barely paying them any attention anyway. “Rather spend my night with a pretty girl like you.”
“And what if I don’t feel the same?” she shoots back, but there’s no malice in her voice.
He clutches at his chest in mock pain. “Your words. They hurt.”
“You’re too much,” she laughs, but she doesn’t move. She finds she can’t. Her limbs are stuck firm to the seat, despite how much her brain is willing her to get up and move. This won’t end well. It really, really won’t.
“Is it possible to have too much of a good thing?”
She shakes her head. “You are something else.”
“You need me to dial it down?”
“Just, just a little bit,” she glances over at him. “Is this how this works then?”
He gives her a confused look. “How what works?”
“You rescue the damsel in distress, get her a drink, give your undivided attention, roll out all the lines, charm her…” she trails off.
He tilts his head to one side. “You think you’ve got me figured out, huh?”
“I mean, it feels pretty textbook…” she shrugs.
“Because a guy like me must have a playbook?”
“Because a guy like you, 100% is not going after girls like me.”
“Nope. Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“Put yourself down like that.”
“I’m pretty sure you could have your pick.”
“And? Girls throwing themselves at me, not really my thing.”
“Ah,” she chuckles. “So you like the chase.”
“I mean… You’re really setting me up with that,” he flashes her a cheeky grin. “But yeah.”
“And when you get your prize, then what?”
“I hold onto it for as long as possible.”
“Or until you crave the chase again?”
He shakes his head. “You got me all wrong, Mia. It isn’t the chase that gets in the way. Not that one anyway.”
He looks genuine enough, so she gives him the slightest benefit of the doubt, but she’s also clinging to the scepticism. “Your job, right.”
He nods, staring down at his almost empty glass.
She feels a bit bad. More than bad. She realises she misses the banter, the easy back and forth and now she feels like an idiot for questioning it when the answer was probably pretty obvious.
“Sorry. I… I always do that. I’m annoyingly sceptical about everything.”
He tosses her a smile. “Hey, a random guy pulls you into a club, starts chatting shit to you, you’re right to be sceptical.”
“You’re being kind now. I was kinda mean.”
He chuckles. “I probably deserved it.”
“See if this was a textbook play, this would be that turning point.”
“Oh yeah?” he grins at her. “Make you feel so bad for me that you take pity on the poor lonely racing driver?”
“That’s the one.”
He leans forward, staring at her in earnest. “Is it working?”
She pushes his shoulder and he backs up with a grin. “No.”
“Damn, you really do play hard to get.”
“You said you liked the chase…”
He chuckles and drains his drink, shaking his finger at her. “See, you’re just making me worse.”
“Worse?! It gets worse than this?” she winks at him. “Go on then, hit me with your worst.”
He shakes his head. “You can’t handle my worst.”
“That bad, huh?”
He leans back against the booth, giving her a sly side eye. “Okay. You asked for it.”
“I did. C’mon then.”
He chews his lip for a second and then he reaches for the chain around his neck, his fingers fumbling to find the pendant. “You see this?” he gestures, beckoning her forward to him.
She leans forward and only a split second too late does she realise what he’s doing. His fingers slide under her chin, his lips meeting hers in a soft kiss. He holds her there for a second, two, three. Before he pulls back, a cocky grin on his face.
She blinks at him for a moment and then laughs. “Okay, I give in. You got me.”
He pouts, his eyes sparkling. “You gave in so easily. Where’s the fun in that?”
She smirks. “Fine. How about that’s all you’re getting tonight?”
He grins. “That’s more like it.”
“And I really should go…”
“To find your friends?”
She shakes her head. “No. Home.”
“I’ll take you.”
“I’ll get a cab.”
“I’ll get it with you.”
She sighs. “You really do like the chase.”
“Nope, I am just being the perfect English gent.”
“Promise.” She watches as he crosses his chest, his eyes pleading with her.
He leans over to his friends, gesturing back at her. They nod, smile almost knowingly and she shakes her head - do even his friends believe this act?
Just like when they entered the club barely an hour ago, she lets him guide her back out. Outside, the air has cooled dramatically and she shivers in the breeze, wishing she’d opted for a jacket when they’d left the house earlier that night.
Lando is looking around for a cab, but he spies her sudden tremble and reaches out to her, pulling her into his arms. She almost stops breathing as his hands run up and down her bare arms, their warmth spreading over her skin. She looks up at him, but he’s looking over her head still, his eyes lighting up, one arm rising to wave at a passing cab. Slipping his arm around her shoulders, he pulls her over to the waiting vehicle, opens the door and lets her clamber in before him.
She goes to settle into the seat on the far side, but as he shuts the door behind him, he tugs her back to lean against him.
“Where’s home?” he asks her and she reels off the address in the next town over.
His fingers tap absentmindedly on her shoulder. “So what are your plans for the next two weeks?”
She shrugs. “Sun. Swim. Eat. Work.”
“Well if you fancy some different company…” he lets the words hang in the air.
“Don’t you have some far flung race to get to?” She tilts her head up to look at him. 
“Summer break,” he grins down at her. 
“For how long?”
“Two more weeks.”
“So what are your plans?”
“Sun. Swim. Eat. Sleep.”
She chews her lip. “Well, if you want company for some of that…”
“Which parts?”
“Sun… Swim… Eat…”
“You don’t sleep then?”
“I do…” she pauses. “Alone.”
He flashes her a grin. “I see.” He fumbles with his pocket, flicking his phone over in his hand and pressing his thumb to the screen. “Here, put your number in.”
“So I can call you? Maybe take you out for lunch? For you know… more of this?”
“And only this?”
“I can’t promise I won’t try.”
She takes the phone from him and taps in her number. In the name part, she types in Mia and then adds a little something extra.
He rolls his eyes when she hands it back to him. “You didn’t need to add that. I’ll remember who you are.”
“You can never be too careful…” She watches as he deletes ‘the girl you rescued at the club’ from the surname section. He hits dial next and her phone buzzes.
“What, no witty name for me?” He pouts and then grins as she adds ‘The Chaser’ after his name. “That’s more like it. So… are you free tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow? Wow, you are keen.”
He ignores her and presses on. “Lunch? I can pick you up.”
“I need to check… Shit.” She picks up her phone again, pulling up the group chat.
Gone home, she taps out. See you all later.
She hits send and then squeals as yet again, he plucks the phone from her hands. “No, no, Lando…”
He laughs, flipping to camera mode. “Don’t worry girls, I’ll get her home safe and sound.”
“Oh my god, stop it,” she berates but she’s laughing too. “Not like that!” She says to the camera before he stops recording.
He tosses the phone back at her, still grinning. “It didn’t send.”
“It didn’t have to.”
Her phone is already lighting up.
Do we need to stay out longer?
How long, Mia?? 👀
It's fine, I can share with someone else…😉
She can feel Lando shaking with laughter beside her.
“Feral,” she mutters. “Honestly.”
“Ah you can't shame them for being invested in your love life.”
“And this,” she waves her phone. “This is why you can't be picking me up for lunch.”
“And miss out on the fun?”
“Oh I can picture it now. You'd be flashing that grin left right and centre, throwing out your one liners and whipping them all up into a frenzy.”
“Only fair to reward them.”
“Reward them? For what?”
“The way I see it, if they hadn't agreed to go to the club with the beach guys, if you hadn’t been left at the back of the group then we wouldn't be here now would we?”
She gives him a sideways look. “You really do manage to spin any situation in your favour.”
“So tomorrow. What time?”
“11.30? Out the front. Just text me and I'll come out.”
“Okay, okay,” he agrees.
The cab slows, pulling up outside the villa. Lando tells the driver to wait before he opens the door, steps out and turns to offer his hand which she takes.
He walks her to the gate, waiting as she slides the key in.
“So…” she breaks the silence, refusing to open the gate completely whilst he is still close. She doesn't trust herself not to let him in despite what she's said out loud.
He gets the hint. “Nice to meet you Mia. I’ll text you tomorrow.”
“When you're outside?”
He nods. “11.30 sharp.”
She lowers her gaze for a second, just wondering if-
His hand brushes over her shoulder, pushing her hair back and then he cups her neck, pulling her mouth to his. This time though, she's there with him - kissing him back, her free hand running over his arm, fingers spreading over the thick bicep she can feel under his shirt.
He pulls back reluctantly and she feels her face flush as she lets out a small whimper of disappointment.
“Not too late…” he murmurs.
God it's tempting. But no.
She shakes her head. “See you tomorrow.”
He grins, his hand finding hers, bringing it to his mouth to press a final kiss to her cool skin.
He walks backwards to the cab, gesturing for her to go in, waiting until she opens the gate and closes it before he gets in the cab himself.
Mia leans against the gate and listens to the car departing.
Her phone buzzes and she flips it over expecting to see another message from the group.
But her stomach flips when she sees his name.
Sweet dreams x
And she practically floats up the path to the house.
Part 2 coming soon...
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be-my-sunrise · 1 year ago
pairings: churchboy!mark x fem!reader
genre: smut, minors pls dni
word count: 720
warnings: unprotected sex, public sex, teasing, brat taming(kinda?), hair pulling, edging, creampie
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The day started off quite normal. Although you and Mark slept through the alarm, both of you still made it in time to church for Sunday Service. Most of the seats were taken by the time you both got there, so you had to sit in the back. 
It has only been ten minutes since the pastor started preaching, and you were already distracted. You might look like you're paying attention, but you're actually busy replaying the events from last night in your head. Mark had just returned from his business trip yesterday, so the two of you spent the whole night getting steamy in bed. The sex after his business trips–or whenever both of you have to spend some time apart–is always mind-blowing. Not that it's bad before, but all the waiting and anticipation just make it even better. There's one more thing that also leads to mind-blowing sex: when you're acting like a brat.
You didn't want to do this, but the thrill of doing such sinful actions in a holy place aroused you. You need Mark right now. You started teasing Mark by placing a hand on his thigh, slowly inching closer to his crotch. Mark shrugged it off at first, but then he was kind of pissed when your fingers kept 'accidentally' brushing over his cock. 
Everything after that happened so quickly, and now here you are, chest pressed against the wall inside one of the stalls in a women's bathroom, moaning as Mark takes you from behind. You hiss when Mark yanks your hair back, his hot breath hitting your neck.
"I told you to behave, but you decided to be a brat instead." He said in a low voice. "Last night wasn't enough for you?"
"No? How pathetic, you can't even last ten minutes without my cock inside you. What would God think about that, hm?"
A loud moan escapes your lips as Mark slams his hips harder against yours, pushing his cock deeper. He covers your mouth with his other hand to muffle your moans.
"Quiet, angel. Or is that what you want, hm? You want the people outside to hear how good I'm making you feel?"
Your eyes roll to the back of your head when he hits your sweet spot, making you clench around his cock.
"Fuck–do that again." He throws his head back and screws his eyes shut as you clench once again. 
"Don't even think about cumming, I know you're close. Hold it or I won't let you cum at all."
Not long after, you feel Mark's cock twitch before spilling thick ropes of cum inside you. He lets out a deep growl as he fills you up with his load, the warmth making you hum in pleasure. Mark holds you close, steadying your body when your knees buckle underneath you.
Your muscles go tense as you're reaching your climax, lips tucked between your teeth to bite back a moan. Mark pulls out abruptly just when you're about to cum. You whine at the sudden emptiness, pussy clenching around nothing.
"No! Mark, please–"
"Brats like you don't get to cum."
Mark gives your ass a spank, earning a yelp from you. He fixes your panties before his cum drips out and pulls your dress down. You press your thighs together, letting out a choked sob knowing it won't be enough to give you the relief you wanted. Mark tucks his cock back inside his pants and gives you a peck on your cheek.
"Fix your hair, I'm going back outside."
After Mark leaves, you take a look at your reflection in the mirror. With the messy hair, smudged mascara, and smeared lipstick? Yeah, people would definitely know you just had your insides rearranged. 
Once you feel like you look decent enough, you go back outside and find Mark in your seats. You plop down next to him and he gives you a sweet smile, as if he wasn't just balls deep inside you a few minutes ago. Mark puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to whisper in your ear.
"Wait 'til we get home. I'm not finished with you."
His words go straight to your pussy. Excitement bubbles in your chest, fully aware that your plan had worked. 
"You're in for a long night, angel."
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a/n: i've had this drabble idea on my notes for so long, and i figured it's time for it to see the light of day. it's supposed to be short, but i kinda got carried away👀 thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!<3
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flemingsfreckles · 4 months ago
Replacement Pt.12
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Read the rest of the series here!
Warnings: just some pg13 making out, nothing else.
WC: 3.3k
A/N: hi, I finally got this chapter finished, it’s been a struggle, like I’ve said I’ve been incredibly busy, I’m hoping to get some short blurbs written for yall so I can get back to consistently posting.
You didn’t hear much from Jessie the next day. A few texts here and there, but nothing like you were used to. You acknowledged each other at training, uncomfortable glances in each other's direction, followed by quick, training related conversations.
You hated it. Feeling like you had messed up, that you were to blame. You had spent the night feeling angry, at Jessie and at yourself. Her words had hurt, the way she nearly dismissed what you had seen as valuable. You loved the safety you felt when it was just the two of you in her apartment. You loved how it felt to finally feel comfortable exploring this side of your life. You loved being able to touch her, hold her hand, kiss her and not feel scared. You loved being able to open talk, no teammates or strangers potentially listening in. You figured she had felt the same, until she had called it all fake.
At the same time you were mad at her, you were mad at yourself. You knew it wasn’t fair to force Jessie into dates at home. She deserved someone who wanted to show her off, someone who was proud to be her girlfriend and showed it. You hadn’t given that to her. The longer you sat in bed thinking, the more you felt torn. You didn’t want to lose her, but you weren’t ready for everyone to know, at least not yet.
“Can I pick you up tonight? 9pm? I’ll have you home by midnight I promise.” Those were the first words you spoke to Jessie this morning that weren’t related to soccer. You had waited around in the locker room after training until all your teammates had left and just the two of you sat side by side in your cubbies.
“Kinda late don’t you think?” She questions quietly.
“Please?” You didn’t want to have to beg her, but you needed to talk, you needed this chance with her.
“Okay, sure.”
“Okay, I’ll pick you up.” You say to her as she heads out of the locker room. A little hurt that she hadn’t waited to walk out with you, but you also couldn’t blame her too much. This morning had been tense and awkward, it was fair for her to run off.
“You’re not going to kill me up here are you?” Jessie tries to break the silence in the car. You just glance at her. “Sorry, obviously a joke.”
You and Jessie had been driving for about 25 minutes before you parked the car. You had traveled out of the city of Portland, into the woods, down a gravel road, to a small clearing you found last year. Away from the hussle and bussle of the city, it became a quiet place for you to think. It probably wasn’t at all what she was expecting, but you didn’t mind surprising her.
“9pm picnic?” Jessie says, puzzled look on her face as she followed you out of the car and watched you lay out the blanket you had brought.
“No, stargazing.” You point upward to the clear sky displaying tiny bright dots of light.
“Oh.” Jessie makes her way to the blanket, toeing off her shoes before sitting down. You follow, sitting beside her. Just like the car, the two of you start off in silence, waiting for the other to break it.
“Look, Jessie.” You start, waiting for her to turn to look at you, when her eyes meet yours you continue. “I know this isn’t completely public, but I’m trying. You asked to do something outside of our houses, this is what I’m comfortable with for now. I wanted to show you, I’m in this, I want this.”
“I know, I’m really sorry, for what I said, I should have never said those dates were fake, because they weren’t. Those evenings together meant something to me and they meant something to you. They weren’t fake and I’m so sorry I said they were. I’m in this too, I want this too. I just freaked out, thinking you’d keep me a secret forever, which now that I’ve reflected was stupid and I just panicked.”
“It was never my intention to keep you a secret forever. I just need a little bit more time. I’m still figuring this out.”
“Yeah, I know. You deserve to take the time you need, I’m sorry if I made you feel pressured in any way.” Her hand on your thigh gives you a gentle squeeze, sending tiny feelings of electricity up between your legs.
You respond with silence, not quite knowing where to take the conversation, but also just falling into a comfortable silence with the girl next to you. As you both lay, you lean your head over, resting it on her shoulder. The two of you lay in silence, admiring the display in the sky above you.
“This has been really nice.” Jessie says rolling over on her side to look at you. You keep your eyes trained on the sky, looking at the stars. “Thank you for showing me this.” She puts a kiss on your cheek before shifting to lay her head on your chest, one of her arms coming to wrap around your waist.
You feel your face rush with heat at the feeling of her kiss. You couldn’t believe something simple from her, like a peck on the cheek still gave you a tingling feeling in your stomach. “You know it’s been three months technically since our first date, and one month since we agreed to be girlfriends?”
“I did.” Jessie lets out a little sigh. “I just wasn’t sure if you wanted to make it a big deal or not, people are different, we hadn’t really done anything for month one or two, so I wasn’t sure if you maybe weren’t a monthly anniversary person or not.
“I wasn’t sure if you were, that’s why I haven’t been saying anything.”
“So we’ve just been not acknowledging it.” Jessie laughs softly as she speaks.
“Yeah I guess.” You shrug.
You feel Jessie shift on the blanket, she lifts her head momentarily.“I’ve had a really nice three months with you.”
“Me too babe.” You both share a smile before Jessie leans up toward you, her lips finding yours.
As you kiss you can almost feel a shift. One you can’t quite place but the way she kissed you, felt deeper, more passionate, her tongue running against yours felt dirtier, in a way that made you want more. Before you can get too carried away you find yourself pulling back. You wanted it, but not on a blanket, on a rock, in the middle of somewhat secluded woods.
“Um, so it’s almost eleven, I promised I’d have you home by midnight.”
“Right…” Jessie says. “I mean, we do have film and recovery tomorrow. Should probably get at least some sleep.” Both of you groan as you stand up, not wanting to leave the peaceful night you had created, but you knew you had to.
After the short drive home you found yourself parking your car outside of your own place, instead of Jessie’s. “Sorry, I’ll drop you off in a second, I forgot something for you, I meant to grab it earlier.”
“Of course, no problem.”
“Unless you wanted to come upstairs?” It was an innocent enough question you posed to Jessie, but both of you knew it likely had a less than innocent underlying meaning.
You had been more physical on your date tonight than most. Your hands had constantly been finding ways to touch Jessie. Your hand in hers, your hand on her thigh, hand on her back, your fingers running through her hair, and she was returning the favor, her hands running down your side as she had rested with her head on your chest.
“Yeah, if you want me to?”
“I do.” You nodded. “Plus, tomorrow is just film and recovery, if we’re a little sleepy, it’ll be alright.” You end the sentence with a slight smirk on your face. The two of you made quick work of getting out of your car and she followed you up to your building.
You initiated it. The second the two of you made it through the door, your lips found Jessie’s, kissing her hard, not wasting any time before you let your tongue slide against her lips. Hands on her hips you urge her to move backward in the direction of your bedroom.
You poured years of self hatred and denial into the kiss, you were finally getting what you had always wanted deep down. The feelings you had suppressed for years poured out as the two of you made your way into the bedroom.
You reach the bed, finally breaking your kiss and you climb onto it as Jessie stands at the side, watching you. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Not having to think twice you reassure her with an enthusiastic nod, it felt right, tonight was the night. You had no idea what you were doing, but excitement filled your stomach.
“Okay, just tell me if you change your mind.” Jessie says as she climbs onto the bed next to you, situating herself between your thighs.
Leaning down, she covers your body with her own, her lips making their way back to yours and the two of you spend time kissing. You slowly become used to the feeling of her body on yours, it's new, but you liked it, your hands hold her sides as her own hold her above you. Every slight shift of her weight you can feel, the longer you kiss her the more restless you become. You can feel the way her hips softly rock against yours. For a moment you’re in heaven.
You can feel your head start to spin as she kisses the side of your neck. The feeling you're experiencing is one you’re unable to put into words, a mix of uncertainty and excitement fill your system. Feeling bold in your movements you let your hands pick at the edges of Jessie’s shirt, your fingers just barely touching her bare skin underneath. She sits back, breaking away her lips from your skin and you watch as she puts her arms up.
“Go ahead.” She nods with a smile down to you and you slowly pull the shirt up and over her head. You let your eyes trail down her body, pausing a little too long at her chest, still covered in a sports bra. It was a view you had seen hundreds of times in the locker room but this was different. This wasn’t seeing her change into her kit for a game, this wasn’t her changing after practice. She was undressing for you. That made it different.
You’re enjoying the attention she’s giving to your neck and lips, until her hands find their way to the hem of your shirt and you feel her begin to gently pull on it. She doesn’t quite make a move to take it off of you yet, but you know that’s what she’s teasing at, her fingers creeping further under your shirt. That’s when your stomach feels like a sinking rock, it finally sets in what the two of you were doing. She was going to be naked, you were going to be naked. She’d be seeing every inch of you. You hadn’t done anything like this before, before Jessie you’d hardly made out with anyone.
As her fingertips graze the band of your bra the feeling in your stomach grows and for a moment you’re worried you’ll be sick. “Hang on Jess.” You’re able to whisper out and you almost regret it as you feel her lips pull away from your sensitive skin.
“Are you okay?” Jessie pulls back looking at your face, her fingers still touching under your shirt.
“Uh.” You try to find your voice, the words to tell her. Feeling frozen you just look at her. When she moves her fingers slightly you jump under her touch. Jessie now looks concerned as she looks down at you. You feel like you could cry in the moment, the lump in your throat starting to feel impossible to swallow.
“We can stop.” Jessie offers sweetly.
“No Jess, it's fine.” You quickly find the words trying to convince her and yourself that you’re okay. “I’m fine.”
“I don’t think you mean that.” Jessie stays still, her hands still resting on either side of your abdomen, you hope she can’t feel how uneven your breathing is, or just how hard your heart is beating. “I can tell you’re nervous, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
You shouldn’t be embarrassed, but you were. Tucking your head down to avoid her eyes, you can feel them burning into the crown of your head. The heat rising on your cheeks makes this feel even more embarrassing. “I’ve just, I’ve never, and I don’t, I mean, I’m just not sure.” You manage to mumble out.
Jessie doesn’t say anything initially, but you feel her fingers slide out from under your shirt, resting on your thighs that were still wrapped around her waist. “Hey, it’s okay.” She begins rubbing slow strokes up and down your shorts, comforting you. Her right hand leaves your thigh and finds your own hand, gently interlacing your fingers.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice cracks slightly and you can feel the tears welling up, blinking hard a couple escape and roll down your cheek. “I thought I was ready.”
“It’s okay, look at me.” Jessie politely requests. You turn your head, giving her a quick glance before shying away again. “Please,” it’s a gentle ask and you do as she says, making eye contact with her for just a moment before your eyes fall to your lap again, “I don't care, I mean, I do obviously, I care about you. I just mean, if you’re ever not ready, not comfortable, we’re not going to do anything.”
“I want to, I promise, I want to have sex with you, just, I don’t know, it’s still all new.” You couldn’t quite put into words the feelings you were having, uneasy, anxious, and yet excited, all flooding your system making you feel unwell.
“That’s okay.” Jessie swings her legs over yours, sitting down on the bed next to you, she reaches for her own previously discarded shirt pulling it over her head quickly before returning her focus to you. “You don't need a reason, and it's also okay to just not be ready.”
You just nod. You stay staring ahead, where Jessie used to sit, now your eyes fell across the room on the empty wall. An unsettling feeling still in your stomach, you just wanted it to go away. Your brain felt like it was ready to explode and yet it was silent at the same time, having no idea how to process the emotions you went through.
You’re not sure how long it’s been when Jessie speaks again. “Do you want me to go? I can leave if you need some space, Or I can stay, it’s your choice, whatever will make you comfortable.”
You hardly had to think before you knew the answer “Stay?”
“Of course.” Jessie says, you can almost feel her relax into the bed slightly. She moves around, covering herself with the throw blanket that rested on your bed.
“You’re not mad?” Finally having the courage to speak, you ask, slightly terrified of what the answer might be.
“Why would I be mad?” She turns looking at you with a hint of sadness in her expression.
“I don’t know. I mean I started it, I made it seem like we were going to, ya know.” Your hands play with the blanket.
“I’ll never be mad at you for saying no, no one should ever get mad at you for that.” Her hand finds yours, encouraging you to stop fidgeting with the blanket. “Whenever you’re ready.”
“Okay.” You turn, swinging your legs off the bed. “I’m going to get ready for bed, I have an extra toothbrush if you still want to spend the night.”
“Yeah, only if you’re sure?”
“I am, feel free to grab clothes from my dresser, if you wanted something besides what you’ve got on.” You point over where your dresser was against the wall. Jessie nods then moves toward the dresser opening a few drawers before finding your t-shirts. She looks through a few and then holds one up. M
“Cool if I take this one?” She holds it up to you. You nod before heading into the bathroom. While you’re rummaging through your closet to find the packaged toothbrush for Jessie she joins you, your shirt now across her chest and one of your favorite pairs of sweats on her legs. You can’t help but feel your stomach flutter at the sight of her in your clothes.
“Here ya go.” You hand her the toothbrush and she walks to your sink. “I’m going to go change, I’ll be right back.” Quickly throwing on sweatpants and a shirt of your own you return to the bathroom, washing your face and brushing your teeth before heading back toward your bed.
Jessie is standing at the foot of it, looking at you. “Do you have a side preference?” You shake your head before moving to the closest side of the bed, lifting the covers and beginning to climb in, you reach over setting an alarm for the morning. Jessie gets the idea and moves to the other side, putting her phone on the bedside table and climbing in as well.
You’d never slept next to anyone in a romantic way. Sure you’d shared beds with teammates before but never a teammate that you also kissed, and hugged, and lov-, really liked. You feel your face heating up at the near confession that just happened in your brain.
Despite the darkness of your room, Jessie somehow could see right through you. “Just lay how you normally would, pretend I’m not here.” Following her instructions you roll off your back and onto your side, facing away from Jessie. “There ya go.” Staring at the rest of your bedroom you can’t see, but feel the bed shift as Jessie moves around. “Is it okay if I lay behind you?”
“Yeah go ahead.” As you give her permission, Jessie moves and you suddenly feel her legs against yours before her chest is against your back.
“Can I put my arm around you?” Instead of verbally answering, you reach an arm of your own back, finding Jessie’s wrist and pulling her forward so her arm draped across your middle. “You comfortable?” She checked in with you.
“Yeah, I’m good.” That was mostly the truth, you were more comfortable than before, and Jessie’s body against yours was a welcomed warmth, but that didn’t mean it calmed your mind fully. Your mind was still thinking about how it had felt to have Jessie on top of you, your legs wrapped around her waist as she ever so slightly had rolled her hips, how it felt for her hands to be under your shirt, how her lips felt on your neck, and while you had loved all those things, you couldn’t stop thinking about how embarrassed you felt.
Here you were, an adult, still terrified of physical intimacy. You wanted it, you just couldn’t. It made it all too real. “I’m sorry.” It’s a weak apology from you that has Jessie immediately shushing in your ear.
She places a kiss to your shoulder and tightens her grip on your waist. “Go to sleep babe, nothing to be sorry for.”
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sansaorgana · 6 months ago
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PAIRING — Benny Cross x fem!Reader
SUMMARY — You are still friends with Benny and your crush on him gets even worse. In the meantime, he meets new friends and they give you reasons to worry about his future.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Once again – the gif is NOT a faceclaim & the Reader's looks are not described. I am sorry it's taking me slower than I expected to write but I am job hunting at the moment and I am very close to getting one job and last week I was doing things related to that. Please, keep your fingers crossed! 😇 If I get the job, I will still write just slower but if I don't... I'm gonna have more time for writing! 🤪
WARNINGS — era accurate sexism and mindset of characters (I assumed it would be like late 1950s / early 1960s and they are from a small town), Reader and Benny are still minors in this part
WORD COUNT — 4,060
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You were still friends with Benny but he was obviously never invited again to your house and he had enough decency to never ask you why. Your mother hadn’t actually said anything about forbidding you to be friends with him so you didn’t feel like you had to hide that fact, although you were trying not to mention Benny around your family and whenever his name slipped out of your mouth, your mother and Luke were exchanging angry looks. Your father was oblivious to the fact Benny had been in your house once, so he was mostly just ignoring your little mentions of Benny’s name here and there. In fact, you were sure he was not listening to you at all.
The only thing you were worried about was the fact Luke was going to the same school as you. You didn’t want your brother to see how much time you were spending with Benny and that was nearly all of it. Thankfully, Luke was too busy developing his relationship with Patsy Carter and it included going on many dates but also trying to impress her on the baseball field, so he was mostly focused on practising.
That was not the last time you and Benny spent the time together outside of the school, though. A few weeks after the incident with your mother and Luke, Benny told you that you could come over to his place after classes. Your eyes widened at this proposition because you knew that he lived in a dangerous part of town. You didn’t want to phrase it this way, though.
“I don’t know, Benny… You’ve never mentioned inviting me before…” You looked down nervously when you were sitting next to him in the cafeteria.
“I know but I kinda, like, owe you now, don’t I?” He scratched the back of his head.
“It’s fine, Benny, really…” You smiled shyly. “I mean… You don’t have a mom to make us dinner, it’s fine, I understand…” You tried to assure him. 
“I’ll think of somethin’,” Benny mumbled and stood up, putting his hands inside the pockets of his jeans. “Well, fine, let’s not. Sorry for bein’ pushy,” he shrugged his arms and you looked up at the sound of his tone. He was angry.
You suspected why – he was ashamed of his place and now you had to confirm that he indeed had reasons to be. You didn’t even want to go there.
“Benny, it’s not what you think… I’m scared of your dad,” you bit on your lower lip. That was true, too. After all the stories Benny had shared with you, it would be crazy to not be afraid of that drunkard.
“He’s outta town,” Benny crouched down and his face visibly softened when he found out the reason. “I would never let him hurt you anyway, (Y/N). But he’s outta town and God only knows when he’s gonna be back,” he admitted.
“What?” You furrowed your brows. “Why?”
“He met some girl at the bar a few nights ago. He packed his bags, left me a note that he’s going to visit her. It’s not the first time he’s leaving like that but it’s the first time I’m left alone without my ma,” he admitted and your heart clenched in your chest at his confession. He was talking about it as if it was something completely normal and casual, he even shrugged his arms. But it was not normal or casual and you had to fight the urge to caress his face and hug him – you still hadn’t gained the courage to make him know how you felt about him.
“Well, okay, then, I can come to your place. Tomorrow?” You asked.
“Why not today, doll?” Benny winked at you.
“Because I have to tell my mom that I won’t be back for dinner. I’m gonna lie that I’m visiting Rachel,” you told him and Benny nodded.
“That Rachel girl… She doesn’t like me,” he pointed out and blushed a little.
“But she likes me. We’re best friends,” you assured him.
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It was Friday and it was colder on that day than you expected it would be. You only wore a cardigan but Benny put his jacket over you and you felt like the most special girl in the world. You followed him to his side of town and you tried to walk as close as possible. You noticed, though, that he didn’t take the books from you this time. You wondered why. Was it possible that he didn’t want his friends from his street to see him carrying books for a girl?
Not long after, you realised that your assumptions were probably true. He was saying hi to many guys on the street and each was worse than the other. They were older than Benny, looking mean and scary, staring at you like you were a naive piece of meat.
“Is that your girl, Cross?” One of them asked. His jeans were ripped and he was wearing heavy black leather boots.
“Nah, just my friend. She helps me at school,” Benny answered and you knew that it was the truth but you still felt a little hurt by his words.
“You care ‘bout school?” The guy snorted. “Anyway, you gonna come over tomorrow and help me fix the bike, huh? I heard your ol’ man’s outta town again so Cassie can feed you dinner.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna come over,” Benny nodded and then he grabbed you by the hem of your jacket to pull you closer and drag you behind him. Apparently it was not in fashion here to say have a good day at the end of the conversation.
“Who’s Cassie?” You asked Benny, biting on your lower lip. You felt stupid for getting jealous just because some other girl’s name was mentioned but you couldn’t help it.
“That guy’s girl,” Benny shrugged his arms.
“What is his name?”
“Henry, but they call him Hammer ever since I remember,” Benny answered. “He lives with Cassie down the street.”
“So… They’re married?” You furrowed your brows.
“No,” Benny laughed at that and you didn’t like the way he did so – like you were stupid. Then he stopped in front of a house that looked like it had been built in the Great Depression and hadn’t been renovated since. “It’s here,” he pointed at the door with his chin.
“O-oh, nice,” you forced a smile and watched him unlock the door. Then, he held them open for you and you carefully walked inside. The interior looked like the exterior and you were thankful that Benny didn’t take his shoes off because it meant you didn’t have to either and you would rather not walk on this floor with your white socks on.
Beny helped you to get out of his jacket and he hung it on the wall before leading you to the kitchen. There was a small table by the window and you put the books there.
“Wanna drink somethin’?” Benny asked.
“Wouldn’t mind a cup of tea,” you admitted and sat by the table.
“Tea, yeah, sure,” Benny sighed and started to look through the cabinets. After two minutes you were convinced there was no tea in this house but he eventually found a bag and placed it inside a cup after putting the kettle on.
In the meantime, you looked around and you smiled sadly at the picture on the wall. There was a kind-looking but very exhausted woman with sad eyes on it that was holding a little boy on her lap. It had to be Benny with his mom. He caught you staring.
“It’s the only picture of her we have,” he admitted. “She didn’t like being photographed,” he explained.
“And the wedding picture?” You asked and Benny shook his head.
“She burnt it one time when my ol’ man was not coming back home for months. She didn’t expect he’d be back,” he told you.
“It’s a shame,” you didn’t know what else to say.
“He didn’t notice and she didn’t like the picture anyway,” Benny shrugged his arms and that was when the kettle began to whistle, so he stood up to pour the hot water inside your cup. He handed it to you and sat on the chair by the table as well.
“Do you want to start with doing homework?” You asked, trying to change the subject.
“I think it’s a waste of time,” Benny confessed and you furrowed your brows at that. “I mean, you’re wasting your time on me. I won’t ever be as smart as you anyway,” he shrugged.
“Well, I’m not trying to make you as smart as me, I’m just helping you to pass your classes,” you teased with a nervous smile.
“I dunno…”
“What about your mom? Wouldn’t she like you to finish the school year?” You tried a different tactic and Benny’s eyes saddened. Short silence occurred between you two and you sipped on your tea while waiting for his answer.
“She wanted me to find a proper job and all that. She wanted me to be nothin’ like my ol’ man,” he sighed.
“You won’t be,” you assured him. You knew it was a risky thing to say but you had a feeling deep down that Benny was not a bad boy at all.
Everyone was saying that he was because no one truly saw him. Your family and Rachel were seeing Benny in a context of his father and the neighbourhood he was living in. They didn’t care enough to look deeper and when they attempted to do so – like your mother those few weeks earlier, they were getting scared and turning their backs on him just because they would approach some difficult trait about him that they were not empathetic enough to forgive. But was it so surprising that a boy who had been growing up like this would have so much anger in him? No, it was not.
Even you were angry about many things – you were angry at your father for being cold and harsh with you and your mother. You were jealous of Rachel’s dad. He was treating Rachel and her sisters like princesses and he was always so warm and kind. He was making you feel safe in a way your father never could. And Rachel’s dad had been in the war as well but he was never using it against his daughters.
You were angry at your mother that she was so obedient. You knew that she was trying her best to be a good wife and mother and you admired her for that but there were limits to everything. Sometimes she should just step in and put her husband back in his place. You knew many women who were like this but not your mother and you were angry that she lacked the courage.
You were angry at Luke for treating you like shit and acting like an asshole while trying his best to be like your father and to impress him. He also was angry at you because, despite everything, he was never as smart as you and he could never go to college, so he couldn’t plan that after high school. You would be the only child who would probably go there and that was this only thing you were better at than him. It was bringing you lots of satisfaction.
But still, you were angry that you hadn’t been born a boy. You wouldn’t have to care about so many rules and you could be more free and more reckless… All of that while having the unconditional love of your father.
Yes, even you were angry about lots of things. So, you couldn’t even imagine how angry Benny had to be. About everything. That was why you weren’t surprised or scared while finding out more and more dark things about him. Because you knew that if you dug deep enough, you would find a diamond.
Or perhaps you wanted to believe that.
“You know, I’m jealous of guys like Hammer,” Benny leaned back in his chair.
“Why would you be?” You asked surprised. You couldn’t understand what was there to be jealous about – you had seen that guy and he was a bum.
“Well, he’s got the bike, he can just hop on it and ride wherever he wants. He’s free,” Benny explained to you.
“And Cassie?”
“Cassie’s just a girl. He can leave her behind anytime and she’s gonna wait for him,” Benny shrugged his arms and you clenched your jaw.
“So… Like your father?” You asked and he blushed.
“Nah… Come on, I was only sayin’... I didn’t mean that…” He started, visibly feeling stupid.
“Let’s start studying,” you decided in the harsh tone of a teacher while opening the first book and Benny nodded quietly.
You were doing homework and additional exercises for about two hours before your stomach began to growl. You were embarrassed about it but Benny quickly caught that and he stood up to put something inside the oven.
“What is it?” You asked, not trusting his cooking skills completely.
“I bought it in the market, it says on the box to put it inside the oven for some time,” Benny explained.
“Oh, okay,” you sighed with relief. It had to be one of those frozen dinners that your father was always saying they meant that the housewife was lazy. But Benny was not a housewife.
However, when the meal was ready and placed on a plate in front of you, you noticed that Benny was making himself a sandwich and the bread he was using did not look very fresh.
“Are you not eating dinner?” You asked him, surprised.
“I didn’t have enough money to buy two,” Benny blushed and you felt extremely bad.
“Well, I can survive without dinner once. Please, have mine,” you pushed the plate away to move it to his side of the table.
“No, I bought it for you,” Benny shook his head.
“I can have a sandwich,” you insisted.
“No,” Benny looked at you sternly. It made you look down and you began to quietly eat the dinner he had made for you. It wasn’t very good – you had to admit that to your father.
While eating, you considered all the ways you could help Benny with. Perhaps your mother would want to give him a second chance if she knew the truth about his current situation? Maybe she would at least give him some leftovers? Maybe you could give him your pocket money? But you knew that Benny was incredibly proud and you had a feeling that he would find it insulting if you even tried any of these things. So, you just had to accept this situation.
“I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” he broke the silence suddenly as if he knew what you were thinking about. “Hammer’s looking after me and so does Cassie.”
“That’s nice of them. Why are they like this?” You asked.
“My mom was babysitting him sometimes, he’s not much older than us. And I remind him of his baby brother who died,” Benny explained and you nodded. “Cassie’s my distant cousin, I think. At least she told me once that our mothers were cousins or somethin’, dunno. But she had it bad in life, her ol’ man was much worse than mine. She has a big heart, she helps everyone,” Benny added.
“I’m glad you have them,” was all you could say.
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When you saw Benny again at school on Monday, he was wearing clothes that hadn’t been ironed at all. He never wore properly ironed clothes but this time they looked simply awful. You just had to point it out.
“I usually iron my clothes,” he told you, a little embarrassed. “But I had no time over the weekend. Had to take more jobs than usual, my dad’s still not back,” he explained. “Also, I met new people, you know?” His eyes sparkled with excitement and you sat next to him on the bench in the corridor but you had to admit that it was making you feel uncomfortable how other kids were staring at you two contemptuously. They also saw that Benny’s clothes were even worse than usual.
“Oh, really?” You asked him.
“So, I went to Hammer and Cassie on Saturday to help him fix the bike. He can do it himself but it’s faster when I help him and I like it because I learn a lot then. So yeah, I was there, fixing his bike, and his friends came over. They all have their own bikes, (Y/N). They’re all so cool,” Benny was visibly excited about it and you were nodding your head but you didn’t like his words at all.
You didn’t want to tell him about being careful around those people or that they could be a bad influence on him. You didn’t want to sound like everyone else and Benny liked you because you were different. But you just hated that he seemed to be more invested in those guys and their motorbikes than he was about school, upcoming exams and his future.
“What about Mr. Midler?” You interrupted his story about Hammer’s friends and Benny closed his mouth, confused. “The mechanic who was hiring you sometimes for the weekends? You mentioned he wanted you to work for him in the summer and perhaps he’d give you a job after high school? He has no sons of his own who would inherit,” you reminded him.
“(Y/N), please, Mr. Midler is history to me now,” Benny answered mysteriously.
“You had a fight with him?”
“Yeah, sort of,” Benny blushed.
“I’m sure it can be solved. Let me talk to him,” you proposed and Benny’s baby blue eyes widened at those words.
“No!” Benny shook his head.
“What did you do, Benny?” You asked him as your heart skipped a beat, expecting the worst.
“Nothin’, really, I was just rude to some of his clients,” Benny rolled his eyes and shrugged. “They were assholes to me and Mr. Midler said that I should have worn a fake smile and all that. But that’s not my nature, you know, doll? To just ignore when someone’s treatin’ me like shit.”
“Oh, I know,” you nodded and sighed. “Do you want me to iron your clothes after school today?” You quickly changed the subject and reached out to fix a wrinkle on his shirt.
It was a good excuse that his clothes were not ironed because you could touch him here and there, pretending to fix his appearance. When, in fact, you were just dying to touch him. You wondered what it would be like to be a girlfriend of a boy like Benny. It had to be completely different than to be a girlfriend of an ordinary guy like all the rest at school.
But you knew Benny would never want to date a girl like you. He was treating you like a friend but he would never see you as a woman. Yeah, he had to like real women. And you were still a child. Naive and innocent.
“It’s fine. I’m going to Hammer’s after school and Cassie’s gonna do that,” Benny told you and you took your hand away while nodding sadly.
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Benny’s father didn’t come back home and he started suspecting he wouldn’t come back at all. It was better in many ways – his father had been a drunk burden after all. But he was an adult and he could earn more money. Even though he would spend most of it on alcohol, he still could pay the bills somehow with Benny’s help and now Benny was alone with it, which resulted in him coming to school less often.
And when he was actually showing up, he was talking mostly about Hammer and his biker friends. You were pretending to be interested in it but you were just begging Benny to open the books and catch up on the classes he had missed instead. Sometimes he agreed, sometimes he didn’t but you were positive he would finish this year with your help. Barely, but still.
You didn’t mind him having new friends but you had a bad feeling about those guys and the fact he seemed to be so fascinated with them made you feel frustrated because it was ruining your plans. It was silly, of course, to have those plans. But in your head, you would go to college and Benny would start his job as a mechanic after high school. You would marry him after graduating from college and you would start a family together. You would be a teacher and he’d fix cars for money. Maybe one day he would start his own business. 
Those were stupid and unrealistic dreams, of course. And the more he was talking about his new and awful friends, the more you were convinced that those dreams were even more unrealistic than you had been suspecting. Also, you didn’t like the fact that Benny hadn’t mentioned even once that you should meet his new friends.
As if he knew that you were completely out of a different world than them and he didn’t want to mix up those worlds. But would he eventually give up on one to focus more on the other? You knew he would never choose you. You were not interesting enough even though you were trying. You bought a black eyeliner and tried to make your eyes look like women in the magazines had them but you failed and decided to never use it again. You hid it inside your desk’s drawer with anger.
You also stopped wearing so many ribbons and pink sweaters but Benny didn’t seem to even notice anything. He was still treating you the same so maybe it had never been about your appearance. Perhaps it was about your character and that was more difficult to change. You didn’t want to change it either.
You loved Benny for who he was. Why couldn’t he love you just the same?
You were worried about him and you prayed at night to whoever would listen for Benny to finally see how much you cared about him. For him to give you a chance and you would take care of him despite what everyone would think and say about you for choosing a boy like him to give all of your love to. You wished you were both eighteen already so you could live with him and cook for him, iron his clothes, make his bed and all those things your mother was doing every day for your father. Sometimes, you were even sure that if Benny asked, you would not go to college and marry him straight out of high school.
That was how much in love you were. Or perhaps how foolish you were.
But there were also times when you loved him a little less. When you would come back home from school hurt – after Benny had treated you a little coldly or ignored you to talk about his new friends. You would sit on your bed sadly and hate him for the fact how much he was affecting you and how your mood every day depended on him. You wondered then why did you even insist on loving him so much…
So, one day, you tore a page out of your notebook and prepared a list:
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Reasons why I love Benny Cross ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ♡ he can be mean but when he’s nice, then nobody’s better ♡♡ he makes me feel like the most special girl in the world ♡♡♡ he’s strong and doesn’t care much what others think of him ♡♡♡♡ he has the most beautiful eyes and his hair look like gold in sunlight ♡♡♡♡♡ he’s different than all the other boys I know – including my dad and Luke, which is a good thing ♡♡♡♡♡♡ he deserves better and I know I could give him the world if he only gave me a chance ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ his voice!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ he’s taking care of me the way he can (carrying my books, giving me his jacket, making me food) ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ his lips were made for kissing, I just know… ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ when I make him laugh, I feel invincible
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oh-theseus · 9 months ago
the sound
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pairing: astarion ancunin x gn!reader, astarion ancunin x gn!tav summary: your relationship with astarion has ran its course, but what happens when he recognizes the sound of your heart in a crowded tavern? word count: 4,071 a/n: this is post-game spawn astarion!! he's a freak here. like he's kind of a obsessed weirdo. idk, i wanted to play into all the weird things vampires can do 🤷‍♀️ also shamelessly admitting that the basis of this comes from 'the sound' by the 1975. def recommend giving it a listen :) anyways though SORRY I WAS GONE!! hope you guys accept this as a decent apology gift <33
warnings: ooc spawn!astarion, mean/toxic astarion, he's also kinda obsessed, astarion chokes reader???, blood depictions, blood drinking, stalker astarion if you squint, not a happy ending. SORRY I LIKE WEIRD FREAK SPAWN ASTARION!!! lmk if i need to add more!
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Your relationship with Astarion had always been tumultuous. Perhaps that was because it was forged amidst the potential ending of the world, or perhaps it had something to do with the insane emotional baggage both of you brought to the table. Whatever it had been, it had not been enough to keep the two of you together.
Somewhere between killing Cazador and defeating the Absolute, things fell apart. And it wasn’t just Astarion’s fault, or just yours. Both of you… stopped trying? That didn’t feel right. Because you were trying, you really were. But it was never enough, on either side. So, you decided to part ways. It was better that way. At least that’s what you told yourself so that you could sleep at night.
Months passed, and Astarion became but a distant memory of fangs in your skin. Or, you tried to make him little more than that. You kept yourself busy in Baldur’s Gate, running errands of all sorts. You traveled some, but never as far as you did in order to defeat the Absolute. The days were long and grueling. Some nights you woke from nightmares, other nights you spent with lovers you’d never see again. Despite feeling a bit lonely at times, you have learned to enjoy this new circle of life for yourself. The routine kept you grounded. Kept you from thinking too hard about the vampire you once loved.
Taverns also helped. Not just because of the alcohol, but because everyone always wanted to talk about something. You had come to learn that most of the stories you heard were lies - or at least very embellished truths. Regardless, the fellow patrons were good company. They would laugh or cry shamelessly and were always willing to buy you a drink when you looked particularly rough. They didn’t pry, either. To them, you were just some other lonely fool coming to distract themself for an evening. And a good distraction it was, too.
Until that vampire you were trying so hard to forget walks in. 
For a moment, the world stops. Your eyes are locked on the figure in the door, his white curls seeming to glow in the moonlight outside. He winces when he steps inside - he didn’t like loud places, you remembered that. He looks just the same as you remember him, of course. A man unaged for two hundred years. What was a few months to his eternal not-quite-youth?
You look away before he can see you. And though you try to focus back on the adventurers in front of you, you find it difficult to do so. Your heart pounds with anxiety. You aren’t sure why you’re worried. Even upon parting with Astarion, he had remained relatively civil. But you knew Astarion better than most, so you knew that time did not heal Astarion’s wounds. No, time only seemed to make the vampire’s wounds fester up and get infected. If he wasn’t angry with you then, you had a feeling he would be angry with you now.
“I’ll be right back,” you say to the group of strangers you’re sitting with. You stand slowly, eyes scanning the crowded tavern for Astarion. You don’t see him, and your eyebrows furrow together - had you imagined him? It wouldn’t be the first time you saw something that wasn’t actually there.
The bar is crowded, the bartender working quickly to try to please everyone. You take one look at the scene and decide that slipping out the back door into the quiet street outside will bring you more relief than waiting however long for a single drink will.
As predicted, the streets of Baldur’s Gate are quiet. The moon is high in the sky, the fullness of it casting a soft glow over the street before you. A cat scurries out of a barrel nearby, but other than that, you are alone. Your back presses to the wall of the tavern beside the door, sliding down until you’re crouched on the ground, your hands rubbing across your face. 
This was all rather silly, wasn’t it? Running and hiding because your ex-lover showed up at the most popular tavern in the city you knew he resided in. It was childish, pathetic even. Still, you don’t get up. You let the cool night breeze dance over the exposed parts of your skin while your hands fall away from your eyes. Your eyes remain closed though as you inhale and exhale slowly - you were getting quite good at this self-soothing thing, weren’t you? You hear the door opening and the sound of feet stepping outside, but don’t think twice about it. People were allowed to leave the tavern, weren’t they?
“Ah, I thought I heard you.”
Correction - everyone except for Astarion was allowed to leave the tavern.
Your eyes fly open, and you’re on your feet in a moment. Astarion stands before you, wearing that all too-familiar smirk of his. You watch as his crimson eyes flicker across your body twice over, stunned into silence. Your heart is racing still, though you would wager it’s beating faster now based on how loud it was in your own ears.
“Cat got your tongue, my dear?” Astarion tilts his head to the side when he speaks. He is mocking you, of course. You were right to assume that he had grown angry with time. “I could hear you all the way inside, you know. Isn’t that just so interesting?” Hear you? What in the Nine Hells was he going on about? “What are you talking about?” You manage to ask, face wrinkled up in confusion. Astarion seems confused for a moment too, a distant look in his eyes that you knew meant he was trying to recall a memory. Impatient with him and his growing silence, you shift from foot to foot. Get on with it, you think.
“Hm, seems I forgot to tell you about that,” Astarion seems to say to himself. He focuses on you fully once more, waving his wrist when he next speaks. “Your heart, darling. I can hear it.” If this information had been presented to you a year ago, you might have slapped him. But you’d become quite desensitized to weird things - especially weird things pertaining to the nature of vampires. At least this part of Astarion’s nature made sense to you, unlike his inability to cross running water. If he was meant to live off of blood, then you supposed he should be able to hear the thing at the center of every living creature that made that blood flow.
But there were countless people in the tavern. You scoff - he’s lying. He couldn’t have been able to identify your heart among the numerous others in there. He must have seen you when you slipped outside.
“Your lies flatter me, Astarion. Truly,” you state sarcastically. Once, your sarcasm might have been full of mirth and lightheartedness when it came to him. But none of that is present now. Perhaps time had made your hurt fester, too? You always were more alike Astarion than you cared to admit.
“You wound me.” Astarion presses a hand to cover his dead heart in mock hurt. But he smirks down at you still. “Don’t you think I know exactly how to flatter you?”
Astarion takes a step closer to you. You’re suddenly very aware that the wall of the tavern is pressing against you. It’s almost frightening how much he looks like a predator like this. It’s almost… exciting. Your heart races faster, and Astarion’s smirk turns into a knowing grin.
You should’ve ran a stake through his heart when you had the chance.
“I do not have time for your antics.” Your voice conveys the same authority you once used to lead a makeshift army against the Absolute. Astarion finds it funny that you think it will work on him, the person who resented authority more than anyone or anything you had ever met.
“My antics are simply me wishing to catch up with an old friend. I hadn’t realized that was a crime these days.” He takes another step forward, that knowing grin of his not disappearing.
“Oh, a friend? Is that what we were?” Somehow, the implication that you had only been a friend hurts more than any insult he could possibly hurl at you right now. Had he truly thought so little of your nights together? Of the secrets you shared, the times you let him feed from you? “You wear your heart on your sleeve, my love. So easy to hurt it, isn’t it?” Astarion has moved so close to you now, that if he required air to breathe he’d be breathing in what you were exhaling out. You watch his eyes dance across your face, then trail down to your neck. Wordlessly, he grabs your chin and tilts your neck to the side.
Your hand is on his wrist immediately, the other one reaching for your blade strapped to your hip. You think he’s going to bite you. 
“Ah, ah,” Astarion stops your hand from grabbing your weapon with a tight grip around your wrist. “I’m just looking. Always so hungry for blood, aren’t we?” You don’t like the comparison of your desire to protect yourself to his need to drink blood. You don’t comment on it though, too busy watching his eyes burning into your neck.
If he wasn’t going to bite you, then - Oh. The scars.
Two puncture wounds on the right side of your throat, scarred over from the amount of times Astarion had bitten into that exact same spot to drink from you. You feel his hand leave your chin and push your collar to the side, exposing the scars to him more. He chuckles darkly, and you use your free hand to shove him away from you.
Astarion stumbles back, a look of surprise on his face. It’s quickly replaced with anger - an emotion you had seen on his face so many times before, but never directed at you until this very moment. 
“Do those make finding a little playmate difficult?” Astarion asks, eyebrows raised in mock interest. You would ask how he knew about your habits, but he did tell you once that he had a remarkable sense of smell. He could probably smell the elf you’d taken home last night on you still. You have half the mind to be embarrassed. The other half of your mind really wants to hit him.
“That’s not really your business anymore, is it?” You counter, crossing your arms over your chest. You’ve moved off of the wall now, making sure there’s empty space behind you should he try to approach you again. “But, I am glad you are still as jealous as ever.”
“Hah! Jealous!” Astarion does that fake little laugh of his. He goes so far as to bend over and then wipe a non-existence tear from his eye when he stands. “Darling, I truly could not care any less who or what you are doing in your free time. Rather - I could not care any less about you.”
It’s your turn to laugh at him. “Bold words for the man who just confessed to knowing the sound of my heart amidst all those other ones in there.”
Astarion doesn’t like this response in the slightest. You grin wickedly as he clenches his fists at his side and narrows his eyes. You two always did know how to hurt one another, didn’t you?
There is a truth to your words though. It was bold for him to claim not to care about you anymore, but to still have the sound of your heart so well memorized that he could find you in the middle of a loud, crowded tavern after months of not seeing each other. It’s almost romantic, if not a bit obsessive. Though, Astarion’s version of romance always had been a bit obsessive, hadn’t it?
“Cat got your tongue, Astarion?” You use his own words on him, tilting your head in the very same way that he had done not five minutes ago. You don’t suppress the wickedly pleased grin that spreads across your face when Astarion’s jaw clenches. Yes, you knew exactly how to hurt him. 
“Very original,” he hisses. You simply shrug - as if all of this and him are not worth your time. He does not like that. Not one bit.
When you and Astarion were together, he was always very careful with you, unless you requested otherwise. You had seen that he was strong in a way that was inhuman, but had never been anywhere close to being on the receiving end of that strength. Until now.
You let out a gasp when you are pushed back against the wall of the tavern. You immediately regret it, given that it leaves you with no air in you when Astarion’s hand wraps around your neck. Not strong enough to bruise, but certainly strong enough to have you reaching for your blade. Again, he beats you there and pins your hand to the wall
“You forget yourself, little dove,” he whispers, mere inches from your face. If someone else were to slip out the back door of the tavern, they would likely think you were two lovers with no shame. 
Given that you can not speak, you simply look at him. If you weren’t terrified of choking to death, you might have glared at him. Instead, you look at him with big, wide eyes. They plead for you - they show your fear. Your heart gives it away too. And the way your blood races beneath his hand. Your anatomy betrays your emotions more than you do.
But Astarion’s does, too. In his eyes, you see many things. Anger, of course, but there is also guilt, sadness, fear - hunger. His eyes go to those scars again. Your eyes go impossibly wider in understanding.
Your free hand taps at his wrist repeatedly, begging him to release you. He must see your desperation, because he relents. You would have fallen to your knees while you gasped for air if his hands did not catch you on either side of your waist. 
His crimson eyes are darting over your features, watching as you catch your breath. He’s got that far-off look about him again. His hands squeeze your waist gently, as if he was making sure you were still there. You know what this means - how many times had you seen Astarion act just like this because he hadn’t fed in a few days? And given that he was still a spawn and was limited to nights hunting alone, you imagined it might get hard to find something to eat every once in a while.
“I forget myself,” you mumble when you can breathe properly again. You straighten up, expecting Astarion’s hands to remove themselves, but they do not. “Does your hunger always make you act as a feral beast?”
Astarion winces at your insult, as if you had hit him instead of just spoken. He had thought you wouldn’t notice. But those big, wet eyes of his never kept his secrets when he desired for them to be kept most. 
“Perceptive as always.” His words are almost a compliment, just as his hands are almost comforting. 
“You haven’t come out here to taunt me, then?” You ask, anger seeping into your tone. Did he truly think you would just give him your blood after the stunt he had just pulled? “Were you seeking a meal for the evening?” Astarion is the one to shrug now. His hands leave your sides - you find yourself almost missing his touch. “I didn’t have a plan, darling. All I knew was that your heart was racing, and I wanted to know why.”
When he said it like that, it made it almost sound like he was worried about you and your safety.
A thick, uncomfortable silence settles over you both like a wet blanket. He’s thinking again, but this time, so are you. You’re thinking about the scars on your neck, the hunger in Astarion’s eyes. You’re thinking about how it used to be comforting to let him drink from you. You’re thinking a lot of stupid, foolish things. You’re also tugging the collar of your shirt down and tilting your head to the side. 
“Be quick.” You always were too generous for your own good, weren’t you?
Astarion doesn’t seem to understand what you’re telling him to do until your index finger taps over the scars on your neck. A look of pure delight fills his face, mixing together with surprise and something like mockery.
“In public? My, you’ve gotten dirty, haven’t you?” Astarion says, placing one hand on your side again. You don’t give him the pleasure of a response when his second hand comes up to your neck and traces feather-light touches over the marks. His gaze goes soft when he speaks next, peering into your eyes as if he can see into your very soul. “You are certain?”
No, you are most definitely not certain. 
“Yes,” you force out, tearing your eyes away from Astarion. “Do not be greedy.”
Astarion needs no further invitation. The hand that had been tracing your skin finds its spot on the back of your neck, holding you in place while his hand on your hip keeps you steady. The gasp that leaves your lips when his fangs puncture your skin is anything but quiet. Your hands have moved to his shoulder, gripping him so tightly that your knuckles have gone white. You’d forgotten how uncomfortable it was to have someone’s teeth in your flesh.
He drinks in slow, measured gulps. Those plush lips of his suck gently on your skin, his tongue laps up the liquid that tries to escape his mouth. There is a strange intimacy to it all that you choose to ignore. You choose especially to ignore the soft groan of pleasure that falls from his mouth when your fingers start to get cold and dig further into his shoulders. A single half-shove to his shoulders, and he pulls away, a trickle of your blood making its way down his chin.
Silence sinks into the (very limited) space between the two of you once more. Astarion wipes your blood from his chin, then shows the same courtesy to your neck before covering the puncture wounds with your collar once more. You wrinkle your nose a bit when he takes his thumb into his mouth, sucking the last taste of you from his skin - while maintaining eye contact, of course. It’s revolting - it’s erotic. You don’t let that thought linger.
“Better?” You ask, hoping that the swirl of strange emotions inside of you is masked in your voice. 
Astarion smirks - your voice has betrayed you. “Oh, much. You’re too good to me.”
You swallow your spit, your throat bobbing up and down with the movement. Astarion watches it carefully with dilated pupils. He’s still holding your waist, you’re still holding his shoulders. Neither of you makes to move away from the other.
The silence seeps into your very being. It finds the deepest parts of you and closes around them like a pale hand squeezing your neck. It finds your guilt - the old guilt of giving up on the man before you all those months ago. The new guilt of betraying yourself by letting him feed from you. You hadn’t even made him ask. 
“Would you like to hear a secret?” He whispers, his eyes back on your face once more. 
No. “Yes.”
He smiles at your response. His hand not gripping your waist begins to trace the slopes of your face with practiced familiarity. “I’ve been coming here every night. I heard you in there a few weeks ago - I only just got the courage to step inside tonight. I was hoping to see you.”
For some reason, your mind brushes over everything else he has just confessed, instead focusing on his final sentence. I was hoping to see you. It makes your heart skip a beat like you’re some kind of lovesick schoolgirl. Astarion’s smile widens, and you curse yourself for not being able to control your racing heart. It’s humiliating to know he can hear the exact reaction your body had to every word he said.
“Why?” You ask, far softer than you wanted to. 
“Oh, is it not obvious my dear? I miss you.”
You’re reminded of the time Astarion told you he loved you after only a few nights spent together. He had been trying to manipulate you then - was he doing the same to you now? 
“You expect me to believe that?” This time, your voice is forceful as you intended for it to be the first time. “You do not know me if you think I am foolish enough to take you for your word.”
Astarion laughs with his whole chest. His head tilts backward for a moment, the moonlight catching in his stunning white curls for a moment and making them appear to glow. His eyes have narrowed when he looks back down at you - you’re playing his game better than he thought you would. Unfortunately for you, though, he knew exactly what he could do to make you lose.
“No. Let me show you.” Astarion waits for no response before he leans forward, pressing his lips to yours. As soon as the familiar pressure of his lips is on yours, your body tenses. You are trying to decide what you want to do. But then he presses more into you, and you melt.
You can taste your blood on his lips. There’s something else, too. Bitter, yet a bit sweet. Some kind of wine, if you had to guess. His fangs brush over your lower lip, threatening to sink into the plush flesh there. But the puncture never comes, and inside it’s his tongue intruding your mouth. You let him explore the space of your mouth, your body shivering when he trails his tongue along your lower lip.
And then he’s gone - his lips glistening with a mixture of your spit and his. You are panting a bit, bringing a hand up to touch your lips as if you can undo what you have just done. You do not even register that Astarion has finally removed himself from your body, too busy trying to make sense of why you hadn’t pushed him away. 
You had come to the tavern tonight as part of your routine. To talk with old friends and new, and to not think about the very vampire who stood before you. How had you ended up kissing him and letting him feed from you? You might be sick from the deep sense of betrayal you feel inside of you. You’ve betrayed months of personal work to forget him. And for what? A single kiss and words you know are empty.
“You are perfect, every time,” Astarion remarks, his tongue darting across his lips to clean them of the wetness decorating them. He grins wickedly, then straightens his back. No, no. You know this look. He thinks he’s won.
You fell for his trap.
“Unfortunately, I do have rather important business to attend to.” He doesn’t even bother to look at you, too busy with straightening out the sleeves of his shirt. “Do keep yourself safe, darling. I would hate for something to happen to my little treat.” And then he’s gone, slipping inside of the tavern through the back door as if he hasn’t just ruined you with a single kiss.
You stand there, heart racing and eyes wide. You want to peel off your skin, to hide within your bones so that no one else could ever bother you. You are mortified. How could you be so stupid? You had known from the beginning that he was toying with you. Yet, you let him drink your blood, kiss your lips. And you would have given him more, if he wanted it. 
You clear your throat - it’s your turn to straighten out your clothing now, especially your collar.
Your heart is still racing when you walk away from the tavern. All the way down the street you find yourself repeating one thing, over and over and over: “Don’t you think I know exactly how to flatter you?”
You’ve never wished someone had been wrong more.
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airyravenmaid · 1 year ago
As someone who's been secretly teetering around the SAGAU (that's "Self-Aware Genshin AU" for those who aren't aware 🥁) tag and works while thoroughly enjoying a lot of them, I think today's finally the day I put my own two cents in on it. Particularly, my two cents about how a certain redheaded owl stud would act in that verse. By all means, no hate to anybody who's written him any differently in their SAGAU stuff-- we're all here to have fun and junk; this is just how I personally think he'd be. You are free to disagree with any and everything I have to say under the cut, but I will have no badmouthing or the like.
Being perfectly honest, I haven't really seen much of Diluc in a ton of SAGAU works outside of him either being part of the "get the 'Imposter'" mob or individually attacking us if he comes across us solo and isn't in the know that we the reader are the real deal. Basically, he's more or less just kinda lumped in with the other highly devoted followers of the Creator without really standing out much in the plot. And, nothing particularly wrong with that, no, no, no, but here's where my hee-ho funny hot take comes in:
I don't actually think Diluc would really worship the Creator. In fact, I don't think he'd even like us at first. *Sojiro voice* Let me explain!
Diluc Ragnvindr is, in every sense of the word, a disenchanted young man. Now, we know he wasn't born as such, but we have the Knights of Favonius disgracing Crepus' death while the wound was still fresh and the falling out between Diluc and Kaeya upon the latter's revelation as a Khaenri'ahn spy to blame for that. Blah, blah, blah, that's right, we heard the story, over and over again, so, where does this tie into my personal interpretation of his thoughts on the Creator, you may ask? Well!
In the happier, more idealistic years before all hell broke loose on his 18th birthday, Diluc most likely did worship and revere the Creator per his upbringing since I think Crepus also worshipped them like a good chunk of Mondstadt does. No problems there. But, where was the "all-powerful, ever-benevolent" God of Teyvat when he'd lost his father and brother on that same, horrible night in different ways? What did they do when the Knights of Favonius openly spat on his father's name just to save their undeserved reputation? What did they give him during that four-year suicide mission he spent indiscriminately hunting Fatui agents before promptly getting the ban of a lifetime from the entire Nation of Cryo?
Nowhere, nothing, and radio silence.
Just another unreliable let-down added to the list, and another knife to his back.
(Imposter AU-wise) So, come present day, when the Great Big Phony™ drops and takes a throne that very much does not belong to them, everybody's over the moon and pulling out all the stops for their beloved God... except Diluc. Now, he's not so stupid that he openly badmouths the apparent Creator since that would get him some pretty unpleasant looks and land him in rather hot water, so instead, he shows no open reaction while rolling his eyes and scoffing at them wherever people can't see or hear. And, if we're going with the traditional portrayal of the Imposter being an uncaring tyrant, his already diminished opinion of the Creator's image is only further soured. He does nothing to damper or criticize anybody's faith since it's far from his place to, but they certainly won't see him joining in any day of the week, either.
And then comes the "Imposter", who's actually the true Creator that's been jiffy-popped into Genshin's world from the real one. Now, while he thinks it's beyond ridiculous that the people of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius (though, not as much surprise for the latter-- always so inefficient...) find it just to hunt down and torture somebody solely for looking like the Creator especially since nobody in town gives a shit that Venti and Barbatos look disturbingly alike for reasons only he (plus Jean and maybe Kaeya, if his Hangout implies anything) knows without actually presenting themselves as an active threat to humanity like, say, the Abyss Order or the Fatui, Diluc still can't help but secretly hand it to the alleged Imposter for being the first to have the guts to knock that "divine do-nothing" down a peg in some way, even if it is considered quite the risky move.
Should he encounter us while we're running for our lives worse for the wear for the above reason (and truly confirming that we mean no real harm and are just a victim of very unfortunate circumstance), Diluc is open to helping us get away safely under the radar and giving false info to the KoF like he did in his Story Quest since getting caught helping Teyvat's most wanted by the mob would not end well for him, either. And, he's pretty amicable when patching us up... but then he sees the dried gold blood and scars all over our body and realizes exactly who we really are. No, he doesn't do a full 180 and start blastin', but Diluc sure is now a lot colder towards us than he already is in general. Still helps us out, but we can taste the sudden mood drop. At some point, we discover his resent towards us for (from his perspective; can't exactly explain that we didn't actually make any of the characters' backstories since we're not HoYoverse and whatnot bc that wouldn't make sense to anyone in Genshin within the confines of the Creator!Reader AU without us sounding completely crazy) being seemingly nowhere to be seen around his and others' suffering despite being the God of All Gods capable of doing literally anything to help it, but simply choosing not to. Even if the Reader rightfully says they didn't do anything, Diluc's cold rebuttal is something along the lines of "No. You didn't.", and it's not the least bit reassuring.
If he were to stick around with us a bit longer during our escape from Mondstadt/whirlwind journey, then Diluc would come to understand that we really weren't as in control of everything bad happening to him or the world as he initially believed, especially if in his misguided blaming, it causes Reader to develop one HELL of a guilt complex feeling like they are responsible for fixing everything if it means putting an end to all the nonsense and abuse some of their once-beloved characters/acolytes are putting them through. Granted, the actual Imposter does have to be stopped and dethroned for all the shit they're pulling, but that's really all that falls on us as the unfortunate hero.
Other than that condition, though, we basically have someone that's thankfully not looking to hunt us down for absurd reasons and even helps us in our need, but at the same time curses us for letting him and many others down by not acting in some way when it mattered most.
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zombiedumbie · 2 years ago
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summary: the reader is learning how to cook, but no one likes it.
content: fluff (not exactly fluff, but is kinda cute), no pronouns used, reader is a devil fruit user
pairing: law x gn!reader
word count: 1.336
an: haro everynyan. I can finally write something, so i'm writing about my hushband, tell me if you like it, please. by the way, this akuma no mi power I thought for an OC of mine! I want to write something for her (maybe a one-shot or even a few chapters of a fanfic, I don't know), let me know what you think!
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Law left his office late at night. It was one of those days when he had spent too much time in his office, and his body was starting to crave even the slightest bit of attention. He walked into the kitchen, hoping there would be some leftovers from tonight's dinner; he could feel the pressure of the sea in his ears, making the place even quieter than it already was.
But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing; he appreciated these moments of silence, when all the crew members should already be asleep or quietly going about their activities. The clock and the silence were his only indications that night had arrived in a place where sunlight barely reached.
The silence was broken as he approached the kitchen; he could hear soft music playing and a sad humming. Light seeped out from under the door, indicating that someone was still outside the room.
With calm steps, he approached. Initially, his intention was to get something to eat, but now he wanted to find out who was singing. As he approached the door, Law could feel a gust of wind coming through the gaps. If he didn't know his crew, he would have been quite surprised when he opened the door and saw the plates floating in the air in an orderly synchronization. But he couldn't help but be enchanted by the way they moved through the kitchen, following a sequence to be cleaned, dried, and then put away.
"Hello, captain," you said, stopping your singing in tune with the music. He entered and closed the door behind him, containing the air flow that kept the plates in order, like a production line. He also noticed the little Den Den Mushi humming a melancholic tune.
"Y/N," he greeted you. You had the power to control the wind, which was quite useful in battles, especially due to your abilities and creativity in manipulating your power. But it was also useful in everyday situations like this, where you could simply wash the dishes while using your abilities to finish all the work.
"What are you doing up at this hour?" he asked with his usual formality. You had recently joined the crew and had never really talked to him before, and you thought you never would. He was always locked in his office, focusing on things other than wasting time talking to a newcomer on his ship.
"Just… washing the dishes," there was a strange tone in your voice, as if there was a lump in your throat preventing you from speaking. Law noticed it.
"Are you sure?" It was impressive how he could notice subtle things. You were sure that beneath his stoic nature, there was a person who was attentive to everything happening around him. You admired that about him. "You don't have to speak if you don't want to." He walked through the kitchen, carefully avoiding the floating dishes. His eyes searched for food, anything that could quiet the rumbling in his stomach.
That's when he found a shy tray with three cupcakes, hidden next to a gigantic pile of plates. They seemed to have been decorated by a child, with crooked icing and colorful star-shaped sprinkles.
Law found it adorable.
"C-Captain!" you said, finally finishing washing the huge pile of plates. "Don't eat those."
"Oh," he shared a glance between you and the tray. "Are they already reserved?"
You sighed with his innocence. "No. But I'm going to throw them away."
"Why?" He picked one up. "They look good." He could see that the icing was poorly mixed, so there were still parts that were white instead of being colored with dye. "Have you tasted them?" Normally, he wouldn't insist or even ask about such things, but he couldn't see a reason to throw away food.
"I made them," your voice had a hint of sadness, as if you had been crying before he arrived. "No one wanted to eat them because of that."
"Why?" he asked again, sounding like a child with so many questions. However, his expression was curious, as if he wanted to know why you sounded so frustrated.
"I-I…" you held both hands in front of you, trying to gather the courage to tell your captain, as if you were ready to reveal a secret. "I'm trying to learn how to cook."
He raised an eyebrow, expecting you to continue your story, although he already had an idea of where it was going.
"When we saw the Straw Hats… I was impressed by Sanji's cooking skills," he raised his eyebrows at the mention of the cook. "It reminded me of an old desire to cook when I was younger. I loved cooking with my mother, but I didn't really do much myself." Law listened attentively to your story as he looked at the cupcake in his hand.
"I asked him to teach me a few things, but he could only teach me how to cook rice properly and make onigiri," Law looked up at you, his expression always calm. You sighed before continuing. "So, I tried to continue without his help, using a recipe book I bought on an island. And apparently, I'm terrible at cooking!" Law hid his look of pity.
"No one wants to try what I make because apparently everything turns out bad!" Law saw some frustrated tears rolling down your face. "This fucking cupcake didn't turn out bad! I tasted it! But no one wanted to even try it."
You watched Law delicately peel off the cupcake wrapper and then take a bite of the cake. A bit of icing stuck to his nose without him noticing. You found it adorable.
The cupcake wasn't anything special; in fact, it looked like just another regular cupcake, but it was tasty enough for him to want another one. He couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want to eat it.
"This is good, Y/N-ya," you sighed in relief, afraid that he would also complain. If he did, you would probably throw yourself into the sea at the first opportunity. "I don't understand why they refused."
You smiled, wondering if he was just being kind or if he genuinely meant it. You didn't know him intimately, but Law didn't seem like the type of person who would lie just to please someone. You thanked him with a heavy heart, deciding not to irritate him with such a question.
"Can I have another one?" he asked after finishing the one he had taken. You nodded, and he headed back to the tray. "You know, I can cook too," he commented, and you looked at him in surprise.
"I usually don't have much time for it," he sighed, taking another bite of the cupcake and once again smearing the tip of his nose. "But I cook sometimes for the crew, and sometimes for myself when everyone is asleep."
It was strange to see him like this, his tall figure slightly hunched over and his disheveled hair without the hat. He was wearing casual clothes and talking about mundane things like cooking, which contrasted with the serious and calculating figure he imposed on himself. "If you want, I can teach you what little I know," you returned his gaze to his eyes, wondering if you had heard correctly. "Apparently, we have some spare time until the next island."
"S-Sorry?" you asked as if your ears had deceived you.
"Um…" for some reason, his cheeks were tinged with a light blush. "I said I can teach you what little I know, you know… about cooking?" He seemed embarrassed now.
"Oh, I would love that!" you accepted, with a gleam of excitement in your eyes. Law looked at you as if he was melting in your eyes.
You approached him, carefully wiping the icing off the tip of his nose. "It was dirty." You saw the man blush so intensely that it looked like he was going to change color at any moment. "Thank you, Captain," you smiled sweetly.
Law's face turned bright red, seeing how lovely you looked when you smiled. He began to regret it, mentally wondering if he could handle seeing such a kind smile from you frequently.
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oh to have a Law pressing me against the kitchen counter
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unb1nding-t-b0y · 7 months ago
Transphobia/ micro aggression idk story cuz I see a lot of posts talking about transandrophobia but not as many stories about experiencing it. (Maybe it's just my Tumblr algorithm but regardless posting will hopefully help that too)
Anyways I'm 21 recently started transitioning and I've been performing at a drag place for a little bit. This elder queen (I don't even remember her name I think she was trans but with drag queens that have spent their lives In Drag it can be difficult to tell even when you hear them talk about themselves because many of these people kinda use male and female names pronouns etc interchangeably etc. I'll use she -her pronouns in the story because I'd rather not accidentally misgender a trans women and ik she doesn't care about being she/hered even if she is a cis gay) Anyways she asks bout me and I tell her my name, pronouns, and identity as one does in queer spaces. Upon hearing I was a trans masc she immediately feels the need to tell me the story of the time she *gasp* almost slept with a trans man. The story goes like this.
Shes at a drag night in some bar and a drag king approaches her and they hit it off. Shes into him and vice versa. They ditch the bar and make out in a car somewhere and when it's getting hot and heavy the dude pulls his strap out and tells her he wants to fuck her. All standard shit. But she goes on and on about how surprised and disgusted she was at both the fact that she's been fooling round with a "woman" and how off-putting it was to even suggest a BOTTOM get fucked with a dildo. She picks up. A. Drag. King. And gets surprised when he's trans. If a lesbian went to a drag night and picked up a trans woman and reacted in the same way people would call her an idiot for not bothering to have the critical thinking skills to consider that maybe that person performing gender up there is performing a different gender than they were assigned at birth. (Side note if you're gonna pick someone up without knowing anything about them you can't be mad about surprises. I swing both ways so a surprise is just fine for me but if you have a severe genital preference maybe fucking ask people before you're making out with them and wanting to fuck. Sorry you hate dildos but you should have checked, and honestly even if it's a cis dude you should at least try to verify that they get tested + use protection etc
Unfortunately the majority of drag kings I've run into have been CIS men. The place I'm in is very supportive and kind to cis men doing bare minimum performances (no choreography, no makeup, usually the dude just takes his shirt off at some point and that alone is enough to be praiseworthy. Or he wears a suit stands around and barely lip-syncs ) whereas drag kings that aren't cis or arent men are more often than not treated as outsiders.
The story also cemented what I was afraid of that ultimately I was viewed as an invader of the space. That for some reason cis queens and cis kings are more acceptable in a space that was pioneered by trans women and drag queens. The trans drag shows Ive gone to haven't had any trans men in them unless they are open call. It's hurtful it's alienating and it's frustrating. I AM STILL TRANS. IF YOUR TRANS INCLUSIVE SPACE ISNT INCLUSIVE OF ME ITS NOT INCLUSIVE. It's frustrating that as a trans man when I enter "trans friendly gay bars" I'm often treated like an annoying presence getting in the way of everyone else's dicks only zone. Sorry I don't have a cock but that shouldn't be a requirement to occupy these spaces and you can't call yourself trans inclusive when you really mean just cis gays and trans girls. At the time I couldn't really articulate how fucked up what she said was so I just kinda said some non offensive topic change and moved on but like most of the other queens ignored or avoided me and that moment I figured out why I always felt like the odd one out. Because I was.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months ago
Victor's Village
Barbie dolls: Peeta Mellark x gn!Victor!reader
Word 1.4k
Summary: you have a nightmare so you skitter into Peeta's Victor village home and hide under his covers
Warnings: bad dream that includes death and sad and death and blood and sad and suicidal thoughts and zombies?!? What!, peeta has his prosthetic BECAUSE WE WERE ROBBED but it's like a removable one yk so he doesn't sleep with it on, you guys are goofy if idk, you think Peeta is bird like, you guys are kinda dating kinda not kinda yes kinda no yada yada it's light it's airy don't think too hard about it, oh you guys are sweet
Ever since the Games, nightmares plagued your mind. You just couldn’t breathe without feeling that sense of dread weighing down your skin.
With Peeta’s blood staining your hands, you frantically slapped at his face. You needed to wake him, he was just asleep. Just a nap. Just a rest. His eyes were open and unfocused. You smacked at his face again. He was unresponsive, head lulling to the side. You dropped your head to his chest and begged to hear the thump of his heart. No sound met your ear, eerie silence from his heart. A twig snapped behind you. Your head shot up, meeting eyes with the offender instantly. A woman pointed her sword at you. You leveled your chest with it, all she’d have to do is lean forward and you’d be dead. 
“Do it. Please. I can’t go on, not without-“ Your voice stopped as she jutted her arm forward. You gasped at the feeling of your heart being sliced in two. You looked down at the sword, watching the blood pour from your chest. You gave her a light smile of thanks and flopped yourself back into the dirt. You turned your head to face Peeta’s unfocused eyes. You choked on your blood, dropping a hand to his cheek. Just as the life was leaving your body, he shot up. 
Your eyes snapped open. Your body was frozen in place, the fear of leaving Peeta alone weighing your body down. Your heart beat rapidly against your ribs. You were able to peel your body away from the mattress soon enough, shaking off the weight from your shoulders. You sat up and left your bedroom. You quietly made your way down the stairs and stopped at the front door. You wanted to be quiet, but at this point, you were positive that anyone who stepped foot in Victor’s Village knew your routine now. You honestly shouldn’t even try to sleep in your own bed. It felt too intruding to actually start the night across the road. You pulled on your slippers and coat. You weren’t worried about losing a toe in the cold, you’d only be outside for a few seconds. 
You shut the front door behind you, making fast work of the stairs. You glanced at either side of you as you walked across the road. As you reached Peeta’s doorstep, you realized how stupid it was for you to do that. What was a magical car going to come run you over? Please be serious. You chalked it up to just the stress of the nightmare, pushing open Peeta’s front door. You toed off your slippers. You left them next to his small line of shoes. One from his stylist and one for every day. You shrugged off your coat and hung it on the rack. You moved through the house with solid memory, knowing every turn and wall. Not only from the large amount of time you spent in these walls but also because every house in Victor Village was a carbon copy of each other. 
You moved up the stairs quickly. You gently pushed open Peeta’s bedroom door. You stayed quiet as you shut it behind yourself and moved towards his bed. You stepped over a stray t-shirt and stopped at the side of his bed. He was stretched out on one side of the bed. Your lips quirked at the thought of him used to you joining him in bed and adapting to that. You slid under the covers and snuggled up behind him. You slipped one arm over his back and pressed his back against your chest. Peeta’s sucked in a deep breath. 
“Nightmare?” Peeta whispered. You snorted at the thought of you joining him in bed for any other reason. 
“Just like last night. And the night before that. And the night before that. The one before that.” You responded. Peeta leaned back slightly. In the dark, you could just make out the small smile playing on his lips. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Peeta asked. You shrugged and pressed the side of your face into his shoulder. You deeply inhaled his scent and felt your anxiety settle slightly at the knowledge of his blood not on your hands. That was quite calming. 
“You died. I died. You came back to life. Crazy dream nonsense.” You answered. It wasn’t the answer he wanted but it was what he got. Peeta hummed. 
“Always considered myself more dog-like than cat-like. I guess I only have eight live now.” You rolled your eyes and patted his cheek. Peeta laid his head back on his pillow. You followed his lead, settling back down. You wanted to slip into sleep. You worried his death would follow you back into your nightmares again. You doubted they would but still, the anxiety sat next to you on the bed, startling you awake when you just barely slipped under the blanket of sleep. Peeta turned to his side, facing you. He must’ve noticed you not sleeping, his eyes were as wide as yours. Peeta pressed his palm to your cheek. 
“I consider you more bird-like than any of those.” You whispered. Peeta pulled back, a smidge from shock. He leaned back towards you. 
“Really?” You nodded. 
“You’re smart, social, pretty, and I think if you wanted to date someone you’d do a dance to gain their affection.” You said. You really did think he was birdy. He was also quite observant but you didn’t list that one for the betterment of his soul. Peeta snorted. He pulled his hand away from you, sitting up in bed. He flung the blanket off his lap. Peeta reached toward his bedside table, hand heading towards his prosthetic leg. You leaned up on your elbow. 
“Where are you going?” You asked kind of hurt he was ditching you. Peeta glanced back at you, a smile pulling at his mouth. 
“Well, I’m going to dance to gain your affection, of course,” Peeta said, rolling his eyes. You scoffed and reached out for him. You smacked his shoulder, pushing him back towards the mattress. 
“Oh, please.” You groaned, though there was a fond smile in your eyes. Peeta grinned at you as he pulled the blanket back over himself. 
”What? Do I-uh-already have your affections?” Peeta teased, puffing out his chest. You smacked him and settled your head on his shoulder. Peeta tucked his arm around you, still chuckling at his own joke. 
“Unfortunately, you already have all of my affections.” You whispered. Peeta gasped. He rested one hand on his chest, clutching his pearls. 
“All of them, you say? Wow! I didn’t even do anything. I just let you sleep in my bed and you’re all over me.” Peeta said, throwing his hand into the air out of exacerbation. You rolled your eyes, even though he couldn’t see it. 
“I’m all over you? Please. You were about to dance for me!” You said, Lifting your head off his shoulder. You pointed over toward his bedside table. Peeta pressed his lips together in an ‘oh-I’ve-been-caught’ way. 
“Right well. Maybe it’s a mutual all over each other thing.” Peeta whispered. You nodded. Peeta smiled up at you. You loved how easy it was for him to sedate your worries. It just took him a few little jokes and you felt like you were going to pass out at any minute. You leaned forward and gently brushed your lips against his. Peeta leaned up slightly from his bed, his elbow shooting out to hold his weight. His other hand slipped behind your head, pushing your lips flush against his. You gave him the kiss he wanted, tilting your head to deepen it. The tiny bit of anxiety still resting on your shoulder, disappeared with the feeling of his lips on yours. You pulled back and watched Peeta’s shoulders sink in realization. You gave him an awkward smile. 
“Sleepy now?” He whispered. You nodded. 
“Your love sedates me.” You whispered, dropping back onto his shoulder. Peeta hummed. 
"Strange way for you to say you feel less anxious when I’m ar-“ You reached up and pressed your finger against Peeta’s lips. Peeta’s sentence dropped off.
”I’m sleeping.” You whispered. Peeta huffed. He left his sentence unfinished as you slipped into your sleep. You woke up without any new nightmares. Peeta’s arms were still wrapped around you. He was still snoozing away. You sighed against his chest, so incredibly happy his house was just a few feet away from you. 
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