#also can y'all americans get your shit together. damn
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gossippool · 5 months ago
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wade says "they're eating the cats" to logan who reacts exactly the same way
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beaniebaneenie · 2 years ago
Since this post ABSOLUTELY reads like a fucking psyop, and we had enough of those in the lead up to the 2016 and the 2020 election, have some sources beyond a couple of deliberately misleading and incendiary tweets:
"Funding for the COPS program has increased in the last seven fiscal years, from $208 million for FY2015 to $663 million for FY2023."
Source: Congressional Research Service, 2-17-2023
Obama increased their funding. Trump increased their funding. Yes, Biden is too... But it's not solely a "Biden Thing", this has been happening every fucking year for a while now.
"From 1995-1999, the annual appropriation for the COPS program averaged nearly $1.4 billion."
(same source)
So, it used to be 3x what it is now.
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People have (extremely correctly, IMHO) been pointing out that cops are fucking racist, and the entire institution is corrupt as hell. And that support needs to go to poverty, homelessness, lack of mental healthcare, etc.
And that's exactly what Biden is fucking doing.
Read that last sentence again:
"As a condition of the grant, hiring of police officers must mirror the racial diversity of the community they serve."
They don't get the damn money if they aren't working with and mirroring their community.
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Look at what the funding is for:
De-escalation training
Response to mental health calls
Anti-bias training
Diversity training
Gaining accreditation
And because these are GRANTS, in order to get the money? They have to APPLY. It isn't just handed to them. They have to put together applications, documentation, why the money is needed, what it will be used for, proof the money was used THAT WAY or they have to give it back.
Oh, and also? Tribal law enforcement is eligible for these grants too. To get government money to support mental health and community programs where some of it is desperately needed, because crimes against Native Americans (particularly Native women) are incredibly high.
Look, do I hate cops?
Fuck yes.
All Cops Are Bastards, yes even your fucking uncle or mom or whoever.
Do I think we need to defund the entire institution and start over with community organization and the rule of civil society? Absolutely.
But wanting a utopia does not mean that I can ignore the world we actually live in.
And I am FED UP TO THE BACK TEETH with you fuckers going, "omfg Biden is just as bad!" and "vote blue, they said, ugh look at this everything is still terrible!"
The other guy was a fucking NAZI, you dipshits.
And in 18 months, whoever runs on the red ticket will ALSO be a fucking Nazi.
When the choice is trudge home through a two-foot deep mud puddle in a thunderstorm, or drive yourself and a bus full of people off a cliff?
You grit your teeth and put one foot in front of the other, and you trudge through the god damn mud until you get to the other side.
Y'all better start getting your raincoats and mud boots out of the closet NOW, because we've got one hell of a mud puddle to trudge through come November, and if we end up with a Republican president, or if we lose control of Congress?
There will not be any set of brakes to stop the bus from careening over that cliff.
And most of the ones who would want to say, "I told you so"? The women, the BIPOC folks, the LGBTQ+ siblings, the chronically ill and disabled, the Jewish and Muslim and anyone-who-wasn't-the-right-flavor-of-Christians, the trans folks, the working poor?
Most of us will either have already fled or tried to flee... or worse, we will have died in the crash.
So get over your "but they're the same" fuckery NOW, because they sure as shit aren't the same at all.
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simplyasimpformen · 2 years ago
Here it is- Jschlatt(xreader) HC's that I randomly think of at 3 AM
Bro's love language, or his way of showing his love/affection, is definitely through insults.
Bro would complain to chat about you, jokingly ofc
He'd ask you to play games with him on stream.
You would play drunken truck simulator together and get absolutely plastered, making the stupidest fucking jokes and just being chaotic.
Whenever you two ay Mario Kart, a lotta shit goes on in the house, it would be a huge competition between you two.
Neither of you actually win at the end and just end up tying.
Though whenever you win a race or get first he'd accuse you of cheating.
You would joke and tell him that you're gonna leave him for Minx whenever he calls her in her streams.
When Minx came to the States, you and her kept jokingly flirting to mess with Schlatt.
The first time chat found out about you was accidental.
Schlatt was busy streaming, playing Wii or sum', when you walked in and yelled at him for being loud.
"I swear on Jesus H. Christ- if I have to tell you to be quiet one more time I am throwing out all the fucking cereal in this house."
Chat immediately loved the fact that you got him to actually apologize and made him sound apologetic.
He briefly stopped what he was doing and just looked at you before apologizing and sounding like a guilty child who broke their mothers favourite vase.
You then left to do whatever you were before that and he tried being more quiet the rest if the stream as the chat were all losing their shit.
The second time you appeared chat immediately spammed their nickname for you, since they don't know your real name, and because Schlatt refused to tell them what it was.
You once sent a picture of your shared bedroom to his mods for his stream where he judged his viewers rooms.
Man was concerned for a hot minute before he realized it was you.
Chat still don't know what your real name is and all of them just call you "Bob"
"what should we call you?", You read a donation that came through, directed at you, you assumed. Debating on what to be named you finally decided. "Y'all can call me Bob.", You answered in a fake southern accent making Schlatt turn to you with a bewildered look. "Why the fuck would you want them to call you Bob?!"
You and Schlatt spend hours a day laughing at Joe Biden memes.
I can imagine you being almost exactly like Schlatt tbh
You're both obsessed with guns and America(even if you aren't American)
You definitely went on his Love or Host, and he tried voting you out first round, but chat kept you in.
Chat loves you more then Minx(crazy, ik)
Chat go absolutely ape shit when they hear you get mentioned.
If you have a dog, Schlatt would love it no matter what. He would sleep on the couch with the damn dog by his side.
If you have a cat, it's safe to say that Schlatt is gonna be cuddling with it and Jambo while watching YouTube or Netflix with you.
If you have any sort of reptilians, snakes especially, bro would not let that thing in his house.
If you have a bird, Schlatt would have it sit in his head while he facetimes you when you are aren't home.
You're most likely finna be a business person, no matter what.
He'll let you run certain things in his businesses.
You two barely go out on dates and would rather spend time together inside the house.
But when y'all do go outside, it's usually to fancy ass restaurants.
You guys met in New York, in the middle of December, snow all over the place.
How romantic.
But then he fucked it up by calling you a dumbass.
Yet even though he at first made your blood boil, you still found yourself attracted to him.
Be it his dumbass personality or his shitty humour, something just made you love him, and bro ended up falling in love as well.
You have a love-hate relationship with his mutton chops.
Like.. you don't like it, yet you also aren't that bothered by it- like it just fits with him.
He definitely calls you ugly pet names, which are mostly insults.
Like for instance;
Hill Billy
Chicken Shit
Bake Bean
Shorty(if you're short)
Giraffe(if you're tall)
He'd let you play with his hair and braid it or just run your hands through it.
You threaten to shave off his mutton chops when he makes you mad.
There folks, I'm bored, I'm tired, I should've been asleep a few hours ago.
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katsukis-foxie6 · 4 years ago
Ok, so I've been chatting with @tteokdoroki about this for a couple days now. So like let's talk about cottagecore/farmcore/generally folksy poly Kiribaku. Just bare with my, this is gonna be disorganized as hell.
So first of all, yall would be living in a cute quaint cottage/old farm house. Probably a little bigg r than average. Ya know gotta fit two giant men.
So I picture kiri as a wood worker/craftsman. He's probably customized everything in the house for the three of you. Builds you anything you may want/need. You mention you'd like a little table/desk for crafting? Give it a little time it's there. You say it'd be cool to refinish the wood built-ins that came with the house? That's the weekend project.
Continuing! So, imagine you guys got chickens. And probably at least 1-2 of those adorable fluffy cows. Kiri is gonna be attached to any and all animals you guys have but I can just imagine him loving the chickens in particular. Just picture the little baby chicks coming in the mail and he's holding one in the palm of his hand. And it just makes the chick look comically small. He's build a over the top coop. I found a pic of a chicknic table. Yea he'd be that extra I think.
On that note. Bakugou and most the farm critters have a tenuous relationship. The fluffy cows like to headbutt the back of his knees and he has fallen down more than once. One time he made the mistake of threatening to turn them into steaks. Kiri was inconsolable for a couple days.
Also, Bakugou runs a local farm to table type restaurant. Probably attracts hipsters from out of town. This was not his goal, he just wants to cook damn good food and he does.
What Bakugou cannot do is grow a plant for shit. You took over the garden after he glared too hard at the rasberry bush and it died. How he managed it is a mystery cause rasberries are generally unkillable.
So, with no plants too take care of and most the farm animals being iffy about him, Bakugou turns to getting a dog. I like to picture him with an american akita. Big fluffy protective doggo. And yes, Bakugou will sulk if the dog seems to favor anyone else more. Except when y'all have kids. He loves that.
Ok, so this is gonna be oddly specific. So prior to like the very late 1800s quilts were made from whatever scraps you could get your hands on. Clothes too worn out to wear being a go to. So imagine making quilts from the guys and your old clothes. So sentimental. And you know they'd eat it up! You gift each other them one and kiri will be over the moon. Bakugou also will be but we all know he won't directly say it. Also. Fun fact. Denim quilts are the bomb. Old timey weighted blankets.
Also, idk why this sticks out so much but just the image of you and kiri making/canning jam. And he'd totally be sneaking tastes when he doesn't think you're looking. You are looking. But usually you let it slide.
So yea. These are just a few of the things. Gonna make a separate post for pregnancy and baby headcanons. Also, I have spent hours on pinterest for this stuff. If you guys would like photos of what I picture maybe I'd throw something together.
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limenysnocket · 4 years ago
Attention and Company
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I couldn't help myself. @honorarytenenbaum
Summary: Sometimes you need someone to chill with, and that's okay. Maybe that person is your boyfriend who also gets a little roughed up at work sometimes. Pubs can sustain you both for only so long, but what you really need is to curb yourselves in the mall parking lot, right next to a shaved ice food truck.
Warnings: Just some light swearing, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, and some brief mentions to "raunchy" behavior. This is a soft fic for y'all tonight, out here needin' some gentle lovin'.
A/N: Got some lonely feelings right now. I just wanna hug someone, dude. Yo, we could totally watch a movie over discord sometime... maybe.
Today sucked. Flat out. The bags under your eyes didn't lie, and now here you were, outside of your studio, sitting on the hood of your car, eating a granola bar to stave off hunger for a few more hours. Hopefully.
You pull your phone from your pocket, looking at the time for a moment, then looking at your screensaver. It was the only thing that could make you smile. You had your arm wrapped around one of your closets friends, Taika, and the phone didn't capture it, but he had his arm wrapped around your waist. His curls were all messed up, and the picture perfectly showed how drunk you both were by the fuzzy pink on your cheeks. It was 99 cent beer night at one of the local pubs, and unlike the first one held at a baseball game, all went well.
Of course, there was a limit to how much the two of you were allowed to drink, but that didn't stop the many failed attempts at stealing other people's drinks while they were looking away, just to get a taste more. Didn't matter that you guys were eventually thrown out of the bar for breaking rules and coming close to breaking a few faces, you had a great night.
That night also lead to a few other places, including his hotel room, but that end of the story has to be saved for another time.
Instead of staring at your phone for another century, you decide to unlock it and dial the man up. You knew he was somewhere around here, either charming his way onto another movie set to mess with his rich friends, or getting his tired ass kicked by daylight savings.
His number was saved to your favorites, so dialing him was quick and easy. The wait for him to pick up didn't last long either.
"Talk to me..."
God, his voice sounds like one big yawn. Looks like he needs a bit of perking up too.
"I've got two curbside tickets to eat a snow cone and watch kids do loops on their bikes in the parking lot. One of those tickets has your name on them," you grin, despite sounding exhausted too. The day really made you strain your voice.
His musical laughter really makes the sun look brighter from its low position in the sky.
"That's oddly specific... where would these magical tickets take me afterwards?" He had cocked his eyebrows up and leaned against his office door while he spoke to you.
"If this were a booty call, I would have told you already, Taik," you snort and tease him. "So, it's either make yourself fat on some weirdly flavored snow cone, or take your horny-ass home."
"Okay, okay... I'd like to make myself fat for a night, as long as your there," his voice is dreamy, desperate and warm. "You there already?"
"Nope," your lips pop the p, "but I'm nearby."
"I swear to God, if you're talking and driving, I'm gonna whoop your ass," Taika stood up, acting serious when he was just really worried about your safety in general.
"I'm not, I'm fine," you laugh again. "Not even in the car. Sitting on it though, trying to convince the world's sexiest man to go out with me again."
"And you said this wasn't a booty call," he retorts over the phone, making you playfully glare at the asphalt on the road. It's like he's in front of you.
"You coming or not?" you change the subject and you hear him laugh again, but softer.
"Yeah... I'll be there in a few minutes, gorgeous."
He always made goodbyes so easy. Maybe it was because you both knew you would be seeing each other again, no matter what circumstances you were thrown into. But the dial tone still had its effects.
You slip off the hood of your car, and take a seat in the driver's seat. The warm summer air makes your skin glow, and your brain went fuzzy only imagining it doing the same to Taika.
The drive feels so quiet. For a moment, you actually thought about calling him again, but you knew for a fact that he wouldn't pick up if he was driving.
As predicted, kids are zooming around on their bikes, showing off to their friends or trying to be cool, even though they all were obviously teary-eyed each time they scraped a knee. It was amusing to you and Taika, especially when some of the older boys would try to catch your attention and zip past you and Taika. It ended up being a heckle fest in the end, and some kid always went home with his butt hurt.
Keys and wallet in hand, you trek to the small, blue trailer tucked in the corner of the parking lot.
"Damn, you must have beat me here by just a few seconds," Taika calls, rustling his way through the small spaces between a couple of cars.
"Well, you've never been a speed demon type, so last place is your calling when it comes to racing," you guwaf and grin at him. He rolls his eyes and comes to walk right next to you.
"I pride myself on road safety," he hums, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
You glance at him from the side, just to silently check up on him. His hair was tousled and his eyes were resteless. It looks like he had it rough from the start. He had struggled to get dressed this morning, but picked the most eccentric clothes in his closet to make up from his lack of sleep.
"Dare you to try the dill pickle flavor this time," his cocky tone wakes you up.
"Like hell I will," you snort as you finally reach the trailer, where a teen boy happily greets the both of you.
"Oh come on, it'll be funny," he eggs you on, his bottom lip pouting.
"Keep trying to make me get dill pickle, and the next time we have a movie night together, I'm getting the pizza," you sniff and he rolls his eyes. He thinks it is an odd threat. "And I'm making it all Hawaiian pizza." That got his attention.
"Bull shit, you would never. Not on a perfectly good pizza!" He gasps.
"Oh, just watch me, pineapple boy," you snicker and point to his pineapple print shorts. You break conversation to order two piña colada flavored snow cones. Taika usually took for-fucking-ever when it came to picking a single flavor, so ever since the second time you've been out here with him, he assigned you to choose for him. He usually got what you got.
Now, you wait.
You plop yourself down on the curb, as you promised, and he joined you with a long, loud groan. You give him a bewildered stare, wondering if his age had really gotten him this much. He smiles at you through a wince.
"Sat on my keys," he wheezes and chuckles at his own stupidity under his breath.
Your eyes float down to where he pulls out his keys and you start giggling quietly.
"Oh, come on, I'm sure you've done the same thing," Taika says, not handling the fact that you have new material to mess with him, and also trying to get some stories out of you.
"Well yeah, but I don't sit down as violently as you do," you prod his bicep, and he laughs.
"Such a lady. Must sit down gracefully and slowly," he says, mocking an English accent, but he was horrible at accents so of course it was bad. You smack his bicep this time, and he playfully flinches, like it hurt.
"I really need to get you into some accent classes or some shit, before you get your teeth knocked out," you shake your head with a smile.
"What? I think I'm great at accents. My American accent is the best one yet, don't you think?" He smirks at you, and proceeds to demonstrate. "All you have to do is put an 'er' at the end of everything, right? That's totally how they speak around here."
"I would be careful, Mr. Waititi. Could get in some trouble if you say that too loudly," you roll your eyes, and he sighs. Yeah. Things were going to shit in LA. It was clear to everyone, but what could two hollywood producers do to stop things like that? Keep making films, you guess.
"Two, large piña coladas!"
You look up, and so does he.
"I'll get them," you volunteer, but he places his hand on your shoulder before you could get up.
"Let me," he speaks softly, in a damn near whisper.
He stands up and strides right over to the trailer with so much confidence, you're envious. He comes back with two large styrofoam cups in hand, spoons, and a warm smile. His smile was always warm. It set fire in your belly.
He sits down a bit more carefully this time, even though his car keys were sitting in the grass, far away from his landing zone. He hands you your cup and a spoon.
"Do these have alcohol in them?" He nudges you with your elbow and you shake your head.
"As if they would let a seventeen-year-old serve alcoholic beverages," you throw in logic.
"I dunno... ever been to a ballpark before? Pretty sure some of those kids are way too young to be peddling there too, but that doesn't stop people from hiring them," he says while pointing his spoon at you.
"Fair point," you finish, then look at your snow cone. You decide to start eating before it melts.
Silence swarms the air, but comfortably. There's the occasional murmur of cicadas or humming cars drowning them out. Birds would land on the scorching asphalt to pick at whatever crumbs were left by other patrons, before fluttering away at the sight of a zooming bike getting too close for comfort.
Taika will point out a few of the kids doing tricks. He picks his favorites for the night, and he keeps himself busy by watching them. You, on the other hand, are occupied with him. You examine him from the tips of his dirty white chucks, to his frazzled hairdo.
"You look like shit," you mutter. He barely pays you mind and that comment was hardly acknowledged. It was like the air had gone a bit stiffer. He was hiding something from you.
"What's going on, Taik?" you worry. He never kept things from you, unless they were hard to bear.
He sets his cup down and holds his hands together. He looks so tired. So solemn.
"Today was total shit," he whispers and runs a hand through his hair.
"Well, yeah, I get that. I wouldn't have known if you had looked a little spiffier," you say, reaching out and gently tucking a curl on his forehead back in place with all the rest of its friends.
"Look, I--..." he says, turning to you, lips parted slightly, and a yearning sensation bubbling from the tips of his fingers as he rests a single hand on you.
There were tough times with the occupancy you both, willingly, chose. The hardest part about it was making friends, or making love, then finding out you have to leave it behind for a new location the next morning.
"I have to leave... for Sydney..." he says, reaching to gently take your cheek into the palm of his hand.
"When?" you manage, though you were clearly becoming upset.
"In a few weeks. Thor is waiting for me," he sighs, barely able to look at you while his thumb rubbed your ample cheek.
"And what does this have to do with me?"
"I don't want to leave you," he says, tilting your head up just the slightest bit. "And I don't want to stop loving you."
Your eyes search his for a moment, wide and a bit confused.
"I thought you said we were just a fling with--"
He cuts you off, "A fling with benefits. I know..." he sighs again, "but every time I find myself waiting for you to call on a shitty day, each time you rest your head on my shoulder, all the times you smile at me and tease me, I find myself falling... more in love with you." He has to pause to breathe.
It's so quiet. Dangerously quiet.
"What happens if I love you too...?" you muster your courage, and look right into his expressive, brown eyes.
"I don't know," he says to you, thumb still rubbing circles.
"Guess there's only one way to find out, huh?" you breathe, and he nods.
Still as statues, you wait for words to touch the air. It's only when his foot makes a wrong move and knocks over his snow cone, does the tension break.
His bottom lip pouts for him again and you quietly pick his spoon up off the ground. You clean it on your shirt and hand it to him, all before taking your cup, and holding it out to share. He smiles down at you, taking his spoon from your hand and sticking it into the shaved ice.
Your head leans against his shoulder when the sun disappears behind the mall building.
"I love you too," you whisper.
"I know," he says back, sucking at the tip of his spoon.
"Think we can keep this up over the phone?" you ask, wondering about a brief virtual relationship, just until one of you catches a break.
"Guess there's only one way to find out, huh?" he says, lowering his spoon, wrapping his arm around you, and giving you his full attention.
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praphit · 4 years ago
WandaVision: When you can’t let go of that robo-lovin.
So, I just finished watching "WandaVision", and I must say, right off the bat 
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Disney Plus is finally paying off. I'm in the group of peeps who got DP, not for the mouse, but for the ones whom the mouse is in bed with, and most recently on Mickey's playtime Marvel List - Wanda Maximoff and her robo-boy toy VISION... or is that “THE Vision”? - that seems kinda ostentatious, but whatever.
When I first heard that Wanda was getting a series, I said "Who cares?" I don't care bout no Wanda! What has she been other than a weird pest?
Let's review:
She tried to kill the Avengers, she accidentally injures and kills innocent people, she was getting in the way, so Tony Stark had to get his CPU (Vision) to babysit her, she falls in love with the CPU - can we talk about how strange this is? I didn't say wrong, just different, cuz honestly, we may be headed there soon. That movie "Her" might be a reality with how tech is going these days.
But, imagine I come to your home and fall in love with your laptop (which messes everything up for you with all your devices and your social media), THEN (as Wanda did with Vision), I run off on some romantic journey with all of your devices. Imagine how Tony would have felt, if he was still with us.
She had one job when it came to Thanos, and it ended up not mattering.
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Then, went full rage on the wrong Thanos.
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Idk if that’s a look (Thanos) pain, release, of he’s listening to his jam. Kinda looks like he’s saying “JESUS”. But, Wanda is pissed.
Wanda: "You took everything from me!"
Thanos: "Lady, I don't even know you!"
I didn't care about Wanda. But, damn, Marvel is so good that in one episode they made me care; one trailer, really.
If you had not seen the trailer for this series, you might be confused by the first episode. 
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You might even ask yourself - "What the bleep is this nonsense?!" We want heroes vs villains. We want super-powered explosions. We want capes, ridiculously tight clothes, bulky armor, and anything else that makes no sense to fight in.
You're giving me "Bewitched"?
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I DID see the trailer, so I knew going in that it would be a slow burn with some nostalgia, some quirks, and some eeriness; right up my alley.
The change in Tv decade styles btw *chef kiss*
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I figured that they'd be trapped in some mysterious, magical world - which they are...
Unless you're super geeky with the funny books, there's no way you'll see what's coming in this mystery.
And it IS a mystery, not only to the audience, but for the characters involved in this show. Don't nobody know what the hell is going on.
But, LaWanda and Vishawn 
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(sorry, I just wanted to use this pic - Ha! Y'all are crazy.)had help figuring things out:
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Yeah, it's actually Monica Rambeau, 
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but... admit it, some of you kept thinking about Rambo too, right?? No offense to this actress, but I'd rather see old man Sly play Rambo, and HIM be in this mysterious WandaVision town. Let's get Disney a lil bloody. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
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Marvel WILL BE venturing into multiple universes soon, so perhaps Rambo finds his way to team up with The Punisher? Huh?? YEAH!
But, no... Rambeau (meh No personality, but whatever).
Randall Park - 
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He's that person we all know who has made us laugh so much in life, that they don't even need to say anything anymore; you look at them and laugh. I love this dude!
Kat Dennings - 
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I remember liking her more in the Thor movies.  I found her annoying, this time around.   She joins the mystery to figure tech stuff out, and she's a doctor or something (don't you forget it!). She also asks the team she just meets to get her some coffee, and acts like they're disrespecting HER, by their lack of response. I know she's a doctor and all, but damn! Imagine some electrician comes to your place to serve YOU, they're condescending to you, and then  they ask you for some coffee. Get the hell outta here!
Oh, and there's a dude named “Director Dick”. That's my name for him, but the name fits.
The people in this town are acting out as if they've been scripted for some show. And all of these characters, AND US, get to figure it out together - through antics from different times in Tv culture. 
Times sure were different back in the day:
No social justice issues implanted or cursing or sex or drugs... now, I'm not saying it was a better time, just a different one :) A time when dad jokes ruled! Simple times! Ignorance was bliss. But, it kinda wasn't - not really.
It's like having an animal die on your property somewhere, and it starts to stink. You COULD find the truth of the stench... or light candles everywhere. Some really strong candles - maybe some of those Gwyneth Paltrow candles.
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Though the stench might get covered up, the problem is still there. At some point, your kids could find the dead rotting animal... maybe start playing with it... you get the point.
In this show, the townspeople's minds have been taken over by someone or something, and it's torturous for them. So... bliss on the surface, but... not so much, going deeper. I tell you all of this, plus great production in each epi, a good slow-burn mystery, and fun with comic characters in a way we haven't seen before on screen, and hell yeah - Grade: A series.
Now... spoilers.
You might want to leave now.
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People, Wanda is the villain here. I'm not sure if that's the message the writers are trying to convey or not, but I don't care; she is the clear villain here.
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Here’s Wanda reading some Hell book, conjuring some dark spirits - nbd.
We are rooting for her throughout this show; even after we find out that she has been (even if not maliciously) controlling every one, we still root for her.
I'm not saying that's bad, but we can't forget about what she has done! Remember, I said that the mind control was torturous for the townspeople.
There's a very emotional moment at the end of this series between Wanda and Vision, and between them and their kids (yeah, they have kids... that's a whole other thing). This moment is well done and touching. There's even a bad ass fight between Wanda and the "true... villain"? - of this story. I'll get to her in a sec (There’s a badass Vision fight scene as well).
I loved all of that! But, at the end of the day...
I know Wanda is grieving and all, we all grieve, but we all don't, in our grief, take a whole town hostage, torture the people, all while playing house with our family. That's kinda sick, no??
Are we doing a girl-power thing? or a “witches are people too” thing? or “but she’s doing it all for her family” thing (yeah, they’re not actually real, but whatever)? I don’t know.
I'm not sure that we know what a villain is anymore. It used to be clear - the guy with the beard was the bad guy, or the guy wearing the black outfit was the bad guy, or the people who aren't Americans are the bad guys :)
But, movies like "Joker" and "Deadpool" and Harley's joint have confused some.
Who else would be the villain? There's a character, the villain (i guess), a witch named Agatha Harkness, played by Kathryn Hahn
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Here she is saying “I’m the villain? Really? What about her?!!”
   - she's excellent btw; def the highlight of this show; her and Paul Bettany's hair game.
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But, let's compare:
betrays her coven back in the day, sure, but why you bringing up old shit? 
She allows Wanda to play out this fantasy for a while, and even played along. She could have just killed her when she was ignorant; that's what I would have done. She eventually shows Wanda the truth (granted, she then wants Wanda's power, but hey, everything has a price. And for all we know, she would have used all of that power to... cure the worlds diseases or something... though prob not:). Annnd maybe she killed an imaginary puppy. Convo for another time: if you kill something that's not real, does it matter??
That's it!
She didn't (like Wanda): abduct a town, torture its people, bring Vision back from the dead (kinda), endanger soldiers who were just doing their jobs, create weird fantasies (And did she have sexy time with previously dead, fake Vision? This thing gets even weirder if she did. But, let's not go down that path.) Oh, and she magically punted a black woman (Rambo) the length of a football field just for her asking Wanda some questions.
When the townspeople finally regain their minds (Lord knows how long it's been), they look at her with disdain, and I don't blame them.  And what does Wanda do?? - shrug, put on a hoodie, and fly off - to break into somebody's home and read some devil book.
Where’s cancel culture in this universe? 
I know she made us feel, but I ask again, who's the villain here?
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Still Grade A stuff for me (again, I loved this!), but c'mon, people.
We get a glimpse of Captain Marvel 2 as well. My fingers are crossed. I actually liked the first movie. But, many others did not, and one of the reasons - Captain Marvel doesn't have much of a personality, and another - she's too powerful (no risk).
So, to answer the critics, we have Monica Rambeau - another ridiculously super-powered hero, with no personality. So, two unrelatable characters flying around in space, as Sam L Jackson tries not to curse. But, if Marvel can make me care about evil ass Wanda, I'll still hold out hope for Capt Marvel 2.
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axemetaphor · 4 years ago
Hey, I'm that guy from ao3. I was wondering, do you have a specific place you get inspo for monsters in Auckland? I'm making a DnD campain in the J&D world, aaand I kinda need help haha. Yours are like perfect <3 (Also, if you wanna join us, you can, we haven't even had our zero session and we're not playing actual DnD, I don't know how to play that, so it's ok if you don't know that, it's super easy and fun i swear, you can get a link to our discord, love you)
:0 oh shit hi !! a jdate DnD game sounds cool as fuck! im really bad at games like that tho so im gonna politely pass on that one but wish y'all the best of luck!!! 
as for making monsters my inspo is Kind Of Weird? i mean i look at a lotta horror art for sure (my favourite artist atm is Trevor Henderson aka slimyswampghost on most medias, u may know him as That Guy Who Made Sirenhead but he has a lot of other fantastic art as well!), but since i dont wanna feel like im rippin other people off i actually Dont often use that as inspo! aaaand heres where its gonna get a bit weird
aside from the times i pluck a creature from my nightmares (and boy, do i have a lotta material to work with there), i usually either look into folklore (bein mindful of closed cultures like, i believe most Native American monsters are off-limits for non-Natives to write; im white as hell so i try to stick to british/irish/more recent american shit) or... i look to this one game i played Obsessively when i was in elementary/middle school: Spore (which you can find on Steam i think or their hilariously hasn't-been-updated-in-a-WHILE website). I literally played it so much I can just kind of... imagine the whole creature-creator process. I think it’s a curse. I think Todd Howard cursed me for the crime of Having No Friends.
Now, if you dont wanna download a probably-poorly-aged EA game from 2007 (i dont even know if it’d run anymore if you Just Now bought it, i remember the security measures that thing had damn near broke the game before i could even play it, thanks EA) and play through the first two stages (theyre Long) to unlock the creature creator and all the Bits for it, you can either watch people play that shit on YouTube (Monster Factory is a favourite of mine, they did I Think a 3-video run of Spore) or, 
You can also do somethin that I once did as an assignment for Character Design class: go to a random animal generator, let it spit out 2-3 animals (or as many as you like, i guess, but i find 2-3 to be a Manageable number) and mash those motherfuckers together! Hell, you can even start to mix in stuff like objects/minerals/whatever the fuck too. Make something that’s a dog, hammerhead shark, and the concept of entropy. Go nuts! Here’s an example, some shit I made for that class (which mayyyyyy appear in Auckland...... perhaps. if i feel like it) :
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They can range from “cute” to “nightmarish” as you please! Fun fact, that spider/shark/scorpion is meant to be the size of a house. I honestly come up with a lot of messed up shit by just asking myself "What's the worst thing I can think of right now?" and then I just Go For It with whatever my brain's thrown at me. I did that with Nightmare E.T. and the fucked-up ostriches. 'Scary' is often a sort of personal thing for people, like phobias and shit, you know? Lookin inward can be pretty helpful there. Not like you have to make something of your phobias, just maybe run with something that disturbs you a little. If you press yourself for why it bothers you sometimes you can find something deeper and maybe more universal in it. I'm not talking about unearthing trauma or anything tho that likely Wouldn't Be Healthy just like... if you think spiders are creepy, ask yourself Why: is it the eyes? the legs? the venom? the way they just kinda creep up on you, like, you dont notice em til you see them? etc.
As for the monsters in Auckland while most of them aren’t gonna be references (maybe a few more in future chapters...) I will admit the “morning wood monster” is a reference to the Pokémon Trevenant; the "most fucked-up dog [Dave had] ever seen" was a creature from The Moomins just described as horribly as possible--I can't find it on the wiki anymore??? it was from the 2d animated one, though; the Shitsucker is a regular ol’ Wraith (following a specific mythos where they aren’t just Random Ghosts but beings that feed off negative emotional energy, I can't re-find which one I'm sorry lmao); and the haunted ship thing at the beginning is a vague reference to the Buzzfeed Unsolved episode on that big ass boat. Isn't directly tied to it (obviously, 'cause Buzzfeed Unsolved never has much Actual Ghost Activity, let alone one Throwin Shit At Em jhgfds), more just inspired by it.
Maybe when the thing is done, I’ll sort them all into one of three categories--references to stuff/folklore, things i had nightmares about, and things i just kind of thought up. Make a post on here about it, idk
wow! this was fuckin long. i hope at least some of that is helpful!! also im adding this here cause i just remembered some people use Spore to sculpt like?? beautiful monsters and shit?? like i Know i watched a “speedrun” of someone creating a beautiful ass dragon in it. there’s probably a whole community of people out there making epic and/or fucked up shit and you could watch them build it or just scroll through thumbnails for inspo, but i do feel like Building Stuff Yourself is best, cause it just kind of Feels Nice to make something yourself and go “hey man, look how fucked up this is ! scary, right?” and get that Success Feeling when the other guy recoils and goes "yeah man what the fuck though"
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katsukikitten · 5 years ago
Bakugoxreader is a USA transfer. Shes really sweet but doesn’t put up with bakugos shit. He tolerates her because she puts up a good fight and low key thinks her accent is adorable. one day their class has a tea and shes bummed because she likes iced sweet tea. Everyone thinks that’s weird but later that night Bakugo shows up with a pitcher and a little embarrassed because he doesn’t know if he used enough sugar. Then she jokes about in the south sugar could also mean kissing. And then they do.
Sun Tea
A/N Hopefully this is close to what you had in mind lovey! Enjoy! Thank you for your patience while I wrote this!
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Three sets of eyes stare down at the pile of cards atop the circular coffee table, each of you sitting cross legged while a few of your other class mates sit among the couches.
"Draw six Y/N." Kirishima wears a rare devilish smile as he places down a yellow draw two card atop two other hellish cards.
You return his smile holding eye contact with Bakugou as you dramatically produce a red draw two.
"Bless your heart Bakugou doll, you've gotta draw eight." You take much satisfaction in placing down the card that will screw him over.
A little too much actually, it's not very hospitable of you to enjoy another's misfortune.
It all boils down to when you were first transferred here, mostly against your will, from America Bakugou hated you with every fiber in his being.
And you hated him in return, which was quite unlike you.
But he had aired all your dirty laundry about your delinquent behavior that you had done in America.
What he didn't know was you had to do those things to survive.
You absentmindedly brush against the tattoo on your neck and two sets of red eyes follow.
Believe it or not he was beginning to see that now.
Could really see how much that lifestyle was thrust upon you.
"This is a stupid fucking game! Why'd I let you talk me into playing hair for brains!?" Bakugou snarls, snatching at the deck on the table counting out eight muttering fuck you beneath his breath.
Kirishima laughs in response as he places down a red eight, Deku places down a red six before you place down a skip.
"You're fucking working together huh?" He snarls darkly and you laugh.
"Ain't his fault you're as lucky as a June bug in November." Your laugh echoes in the room. Pulling at the ash blonde's stomach. Although he doesn't know what the hell you're saying he knows that your voice is just too God Damn cute. You notice the dusting of red on his cheeks and chalk it up to his temper.
To which he adds validity to your assumption by adding harshly.
"What in the fuck are you saying?"
It's a question you hear often.
"I believe she means you're not lucky at all." Todoroki chimes in, heterochromatic eyes peering over his book. Momo nods in agreement as she writes down the expression as she has been these past few months, every now and again she'll try to use the English expression in everyday conversation to you.
And honestly you don't have the heart to tell her that not ALL Americans will understand what she's saying.
You pray to the good Lord that she'll run into another decent Southern belle who would get a lick of what she's saying.
Kirishima takes sympathy and places down a reverse for his friend.
Bakugou smiles from ear to ear and plops down an angry looking black card.
"Draw four bitch." He snarls close to your ear and you narrow your eyes. You draw a blue zero, a red two, a green six and the very card that first scorned you.
A draw four that may be your saving grace.
"Don't be gettin too big for ya britches now Suki, Im fixin ta win." You drawl out real heavy because you're excited and again Bakugou's cheeks begin to heat.
You smirk a deadly smile to him that he returns ten fold.
His smile sends your stomach into a tizzy and you try to talk yourself from the edge.
The two of you had just gotten over absolutely loathing each other and transitioned into hard frienemies.
So why the hell were you fighting off a crush?!
It was bound to happen since Aizawa paired the two of you together and only because Bakugou had the highest score in English.
But damn if you weren't hard to understand sometimes. It was like you weren't even speaking English!
At least not the english Bakugou was taught.
Depsite your past, time showed those harsh scarlet eyes that you weren't a total lost cause, an extra undeserving of a second look.
You more than proved you were a worthy rival and it all came after the phrase.
*"Oh I'm finna kick ya ass to high heaven."*
He has never seen you so flustered before and damn did you keep good to your word.
Forcing him to actually try against you. Never admitting that he enjoyed that part of you.
Narrowed eyes, flushed cheeks and pouty lips pulled past white teeth looking "madder than a wet hen."
Or whatever the hell it was you said.
He just hadn't known he would enjoy that odd ass twang you had too.
But you'll never know that it wasn't really Kirishima who convinced Bakugou to play this stupid idiotic game.
No, it was you, when you wore that devilish smirk before adding
*"Guess you're too scared you'll lose!"*
Katsuki sat down and actually dealt the cards himself then.
"Does anyone want tea?" Mina asks, peeking out from the kitchen.
"Please dahling!" You shout and she smiles your way before making her way back to that amazing smelling dinner.
You have two cards left in your hand, you feel lucky but at the same time you're relying on Bakugou to set down a card that will benefit you.
Please God let it be either a blue card or a zero.
You really didn't want to have to use your ace in the hole or have to draw.
Bakugou places down a red reverse causing Kirishima to draw a few cards before he slaps down a red eight.
"Oi Deku. Make yourself useful. Y/N only has two cards." Bakugou snarls, Izuku gulps avoiding eye contact.
He looks over his cards with nervous eyes muttering to himself with each passing second Bakugou gets that much more agitated.
"OI! PUT DOWN A CARD!" He yells and Deku does hastily.
And the Uno Gods have blessed you as a red zero stares lovingly up at you.
"Its about to go to hell in a hand basket for y'all! Uno!" You exclaim as you place down your card, switching it to blue.
"What?!" Kirishima laughs while Bakugou snarls.
"Means you're about to have a bad time." This time Todoroki doesnt even bother to look up from his book. He flips the page and Momo flips through her own notes.
She must spy the phrase and puts a tally by it. She figures the more times you've said it the more common the idiom.
Little does she know there are some phrases in their you'll most likely never utter again having been quick witted when you made the Southernism on the fly
"How the hell do you know what she's saying?" Denki asks looking up from his switch, trying hard not to move as Jhiro naps on him. Dead to the world with her head phones plugged in.
Todoroki shrugs flipping another page before he eyes the game.
Bakugou sucks his teeth, he doesnt have anything to use against you, you clearly don't even go after him.
And to make things worse he doesn't even have fucking blue or a damned zero. He draws seven cards before blue shows up. He places the blue nine down harshly, Kirishima places a green nine over top of it and all eyes fly to Deku.
Who again begins to murmur and mutter as he thinks of his next move.
All the while your smile grows wider and wider.
There isn't much of a card out there that could stop you.
Deku hesitantly lies down a red nine hoping that changing the color so rapidly would cause you anxiety.
When he see that it doesn't he begins to watch in horror as you place down that little black cars with the +4 in the corner.
"No..." He gasps.
"NO!!" Bakugou shouts slamming his fists agaisnt the table, "Rematch!"
"What's the with all the fuss?" Mina asks carrying a large tray of drinks. She makes her way around the room setting down a scalding cup to each person.
"Y/N won and Bakugou's mad." Kirishima explains kissing Mina's cheek and tapping his lap, "Thanks babe."
She sits cozily picking up her cup.
The whole class, aside from yourself and napping Jhiro seem to take a sip of the tea in unison.
Everyone holds the cup just in front of their chest as a smile spreads on their face.
Even Bakugou looks joyful and you look to the steaming liquid in the gray cup before you.
Heavily missing your favorite sweating Mason jar clinking with ice as you watched summer storms a brew.
Scarlet eyes notice how your drink goes untouched, he nudges you harshly before shouting.
"Oi!" He hates the long face you wear, "Drink it before it gets cold."
"I uh... I keep forgettin the tea aint iced or sweetened here." You say sheepishly keeping your eyes down, "Thank you Mina."
"What? Iced? Sweet?" Bakugou sounds baffled as he tried to understand.
Tea was fucking tea. It didn't need ice and it didn't need sugar.
"Yea! It's a staple in the Southern states. Can't throw a rock where it ain't served." Your face brightens as you speak, that drawl even heavier, "And sweet enough to rot your teeth!"
"Why?" Bakugou asks borderline nasty while you have the attention of everyone in the room.
"You see it gets hotter than Hell in the South, humid enough to make ya melt faster than Frosty in July. So sweet tea keeps ya sane. It's cool and of course sweet, keeps us southern folk from being bitter about how hot it is." You stare into the liquid in the cup, almost imagining it to be different.
"Oh! And if it's hot enough in the summer, which it always was where I was from, yall can make sun tea."
"Alright you're making shit up now." Bakugou shakes his head before taking another sip. He closes his eyes when he sees that his comment has struck something in you.
Your face flashes from angry to almost hurt.
"I used to make the best sun tea every summer." You say longfuly before adding, "Anyway I'm tired. Imma head to bed."
"But dinner is soon!" Kirishima and Mina express their worry in unison.
You smile to mask your hurt. Although it was extremely hard for you in America there were somethings you missed greatly.
Sweet sun tea was one of 'em.
You could take the girl out of the South but not the South out of the girl.
"I'll be fine. I'm full as a tic from that late lunch. I'll see y'all when the roasters sing." You wave as you head towards the stairs.
All the while crimson red eyes bore into you.
Before the bore into space through dinner and now into the ceiling as he lies in bed.
Why did you look like that?
Where you that upset?
Had his comment been too far?
Were you madder than that stupid wet hen you kept mentioning?
No, he knew you weren't mad he knew you were feeling "blue" and that he needed to some how make you "right as rain."
That's how you said it right?
He snarls as he snatches up his phone looking up this and that before settling on doing the ultimate thing for you.
He bares his teeth when he sees JUST how long this will take and that he may have to move it depending on the sun.
But he rises early from bed anyway and gets all of the things needed for what he's fixing.
Soon the morning melts into night and Bakugou was lucky that it was in the dead of summer.
Katuski notices that you announce that you're going to"hit the hay" sooner than you normally do when you're not feeling yourself.
Nervousness begins to escape him through beads of sweat on his brow as begins the finishing touches.
You lie on your bed, scrolling through the old photos on your Insta. Longing for those flashes of lightning, corn fields brightened by the moon's light and those old winding backroads.
You open your window to let the warm air in, at least Japan and the south had one thing in common.
Even the bugs would scream late into the night about how hot the day was.
You lie back again, sighing as you scroll, longing for those times once more.
You missed the stars, you missed the barn cats, the hens, the long trips to the beach.
You scroll down a bit further and spy a picture that brings tears to your eyes.
"You're dumber than a box of rocks Y/N pull it together!" You whisper to yourself as you wipe your eyes.
It was only a photo of a large glass container absorbing all of that summer sun and a wide mouth quart mason jar filled with ice.
Ready to be filled.
Still tears fall and for the first time you cry.
Cry for the lost memories.
The lost time and most importantly your lost childhood.
That place took everything from you, forced you to the cities to sell and steal.
But here you were crying like a baby over some tea and the moon.
A harsh knock comes at your door that has your heart in your throat.
You toss your phone as if you were looking as something bad before clearing your throat.
"Coming honey. Gimme a sec I ain't decent." You say, not really lying as you look yourself over in the mirror.
It really wasn't decent for a Southern Belle to cry over some spilt sweet tea.
You open the door to be met with burning scarlet eyes.
"Honey really?" He asks with a smirk.
"Had I know it would have been you that the cat dragged in I would have said vinegar instead." You cross your arms, far from in the mood to deal with Bakugou of all people.
He gives you a pointed look, half knowing what you mean before he sighs heavily.
"I've got something for you now sit down and close your damn eyes." He snarls and you look at him suspiciously.
"Last time you 'had' something for me we scrapped with our fists." He rolls his eyes and gently guides you into your room. He ushers you to sit on your bed making his way back to the hall.
"No peeking damn it!" He growls. Now it is your turn to roll those gorgeous eyes before you close them with an exasperated sigh.
What in Sam's hell was he up to?
You hear an odd sound of clinking before he kicks your door shut.
A long silence stretches between the two of you before courage returns to Bakugou.
Something cool is pressed against your palm and you grab onto it quickly letting your eyes flutter open.
When you spy a mason jar filled with ice and sloshing tan liquid you squeal as if it were a wedding ring. Your reaction alarms Bakugou before he sees the smile forming on your kissable lips.
He swallows his hot desire as you jump up and down on the bed.
He swallows his hot desire as you jump up and down on the bed.
"Is this what I think it is?!" You bring the jar to your lips and taste.
Your body relaxes and your head tilts back, eyes fluttering as it brings a rush of memories.
How did he get the tea to sugar ratio so...so fucking perfect.
You dare not ask who made this tea because it was made right.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you take in all of the context clues.
Bakugou had been going outside every hour or so today. Making some sort of excuse not to leave the dorms today.
Then he holed himself up in the kitchen just before you had turned in for the night.
Lastly his cheeks were red, burning hot and it finally dawns on you that it isn't from his temper.
But from something else.
Your heart pounds in your chest.
"Is...is that enough sugar for you?" Bakugou asks hesitantly, scratching the back of his head.
You laugh aloud wondering if he realizes the double meaning to his words.
"What?! What is so fucking funny? Is it fucking laughable how bad it is?!" He growls standing as you set down your tea as your laughing fit sets in.
Finally you wipe away a stray tear before regaining your composure.
"Oh no. Bakugou it's great. But sugar has another meaning in the south." You giggle again before adding, "Sugar can mean kissing.
Bakugou stares at you for a moment, he watches as you brush you hair behind your hear. He drinks in the blush that burns in your cheeks seep down your throat as you realized what you've just said.
And he breathes in the sweet smell of summer air carried in on the breeze of your open window.
All day while he tended to that sun tea, moving it into direct sunlight he caught wiffs of smells that reminded him of you. Wild flowers, lilies, sunflowers, honeysuckle, all swaying in the wind watching as he worked and every time he opened the top to that tea he would smell that sharp black tea, combated by the sweet smell of sugar.
He slides his hands past your cheeks, wrapping fingers into hair as he pulls your face to his.
Capturing your lips with his own, and like every spar you've had with him you fight to be the winner. Pulling at this bottom lip with your teeth, demanding entrance the he allows but only for his tongue to win in the end.
He kisses you until you become putty in his hands, melting into his touch as your hand grips tightly onto his black skull tee shirt. A moan escapes your lips as he kisses you impossibly sensual and slowly.
He pulls away and you actually whine but he does not move far, pressing his forehead to yours.
He stares at you before a deadly smile crosses his slightly swollen lips. His voice comes out dangerously husky as he says
"Is that enough sugar for you?"
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bingu-triceritop · 5 years ago
Y'all need to stop. Hes gone. Let it go.
You are going to force the the band to make a blatant statement and then you're gonna act like rabid wolverines toward anyone who agrees with them because you're hurt.
We're not talking about the american music industry where being a Teflon Don and the concept of "i got away with (insert list of crimes)" is admired. We're talking about an industry where musicians are called idols and put on (for the most part) "innocent good boys you want to bring home to mom" facades. Once that facade is broken it's pretty much over.
If y'all really want him back that badly, I suggest you hype him to move to the US as a solo artist and join Chris Brown in that whole cesspool where he can brag about what he did and be commended for it.
Because seriously even if he did try to come back. There is no image he could sell other than that. It's exactly why robin thicke's career tanked after Paula. Even tho thicke committed no crimes he was caught doing things that contradicted his public persona (which was at the time "a ladies man but for one lady only, his wife") and people weren't all about that. He then had a choice to make, he could own what he did and ride that "douchebag playboy" wave he stirred up (which might have worked for him) or he could actually apologize. Instead he took the third option where he "apologized" but made it all about him in hopes no one would notice and he could get his career back on track and it bit him in the ass.
The same applies to this situation this boy he was caught doing things that contradicted his public persona, but instead of atleast trying to apologize, he ran and the entire world saw it happen. There is no image in K-Pop that you can sell based on that.
You all are looking at this from purely a fan stand point. From a business stand point he is kryptonite, he is Jared from subway, he is jenelle from teen mom. And even tho bands love to throw that whole "we're brother's and will be together forever" stuff around it's just simply not true. Hell, look at oasis, they actually were brothers and the hate each other.
The second a band signs a contract they become a business. If you do things that hurt the image that the business wants to portray to the world then your going to be booted (and pulling a "you can't fire me, i quit" is not any different). It's the same as being employed, and then being fired for making inflammatory statements on Facebook while having your employer on your profile. Your going on the "do not rehire" list even if there are a group of customers who complain about you being gone.
You people are literally hurting the band as a business by trying to advertise them with him included. Whether or not you believe or agree with it, as far as the world is concerned he is a dirty unreilable business man who hangs around a bunch of convicted serial rapists. That is not someone you can market to the public. Not unless he goes through a SERIOUS personality change and even then it would take years of continuous effort on his part for the public to trust him enough to support him. And I'm talkin efforts like setting up organizations for rape survivors, speaking out for womens rights...Etc. things that show that he is no longer the person he was. And considering that he still hasn't even made any sort of statement expressing his remorse over what happened to those women, I can't see that happening in a billion years.
So it'd be a damn good idea to seperate the idea/concept of him from the rest of the band because they're still here and they're ready to rock the house without him. And you can either accept that these are 2 seperate entities now and look forward to what IS going to happen or you can be bitter about it.
But if you gonna be bitter keep that shit to yourself and stop trying to not only rain on everyone esles parade but also pop all the floats.
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mcustorm · 5 years ago
Thoughts on Love, Victor Season 1
PSA: If you think that you might be gay, don’t get a girl emotionally invested! Please!
Ya know, at first when I thought about what I was going to write about this show, I thought that I should split the writings into the first half/last half of the show. Now I’m thinking “screw it”, if only because if I was going to go that route I should have stopped, parsed through my feelings about the first 5 episodes, and written those thoughts before proceeding with the next half. That, of course, did not happen, so to prevent the back half of the season’s events from miring the first half, I’ll just write about the whole shebang. There’s probably a joke about that word somewhere, I’ll try not to make it.
Anyways, let’s start by saying that on the whole, I really liked this show. It was not as good as Sex Education season 1, yet in my opinion waaaay better than HSMTMTS season 1. Most of the characters were likable and felt developed enough, it moved at a nice pace, and you can tell that a lot of heart went into this. Perhaps because we all watched this in a day, it felt like a 5 hour movie rather than a 10 episode tv show.
Additionally, I of course like the Latinx representation. The intersectionality of the Latinx community and the LGBTQ+ community has been presented on at least five TV shows to my knowledge: Ugly Betty, One Day at a Time, Diary of a Future President, The Baker and the Beauty, and now Love, Victor. Let’s keep it up!
As for the premise of the show itself, I *love* that this show acknowledges that Simon’s journey, at least at his house, was leaps and bounds easier than many other people’s. Victor’s parents are more conservative and religious, and they don’t have their shit together, so this is not the best environment to drop that bombshell in (which is why it was so incredible when Victor decides to do it anyway). Simon and Victor’s DM’s being a framing device for the show was a great way to tie the universe together.
The hook of Love, Simon was that you know all those cheesy and cliche rom-coms that straight people have gotten since the dawn of time? Well LGBT people deserve those stories too! Love, Victor is sort of presented with that same thesis in mind, which is why watching these episodes felt like different things I’ve seen before all over. The whole season ironically feels like Alex Strangelove: The TV Show, right down to the often cringy relationship with the girl, the openly gay love interest who conflicts our protagonist, and the goofball friend who chases after a girl who is seemingly out of his league.
Mia’s character felt a lot like Laila from All-American, being a black girl who is ordained as the hottest girl at school (which I feel like is a title only given in fictional schools), who also has a missing mother and problems with her rich dad. Pilar, on the other hand, feels like Casey from Atypical, in that she is openly rebellious in large part because of her mother’s infidelity.
Victor’s story this season sure was something to watch. The biggest question for me was, just how much sympathy should he be given? The world is inherently unfair to Victor. None of us should have to go through the agony and anxiety that so often comes with being in the closet and coming out. But for Victor to have visited those problems on Mia, who is going through things herself? That makes him pretty morally gray.
But he was still finding himself! But he loves Mia, just not like that! I get it, which is why he should have cut things off as soon as he got back from New York, no he should have cut things off when she asked him if there was “anything else” in her bedroom, no he should have cut things off when he literally felt like he and Benji were the only two people in the room at the concert, no he really shouldn’t have done this to begin with.
The line between Victor finding himself and him deceiving Mia is the conflict of the show, but the moment for me when I was like “Damn, Victor” was after he intentionally derailed Mia’s shebang-ing that she planned, he found the gall to lie to Benji and plan a seduction! That is why the season finale was so glorious. Because yes, while the world is unfair to Victor, he’s being unfair to the people around him.
I have made it a point not to read other people’s opinions extensively so as not to bias my own thoughts, but is Felix everybody else’s favorite? Felix’s character and arc was great. He was a supportive friend yet still felt like he had a story and stakes of his own, something which some TV shows get right (Sex Ed) and some TV shows get various shades of wrong (Jamie Johnson, Andi Mack). I like that he knew his worth and cut things off with Lake, and I like that she realized that her happiness with him should take priority over what others think of her.
I was soooo sympathetic to Mia. Her world is being turned upside down at home. Clearly, she has not even processed her mother being out of her life, and now her Dad is “replacing” her Mom while the baby is also “replacing” her! In Mia’s eyes, at least. Mia just needs to know that she is loved and appreciated. Which she *thought* of all people she’d be able to get from her boyfriend. Shucks.
As for the rest of Victor’s family, I also thought the parents’ storyline was pretty interesting yet unfortunate. Armando just can’t come around to trusting Isabel, which I actually kind of understand. Isabel, meanwhile, is being prevented from doing the thing she loves to do, which sucks especially because she’s in a radically new environment. Adrian is of course great, protect him at all costs. Pilar’s seemingly permanent mode of “angsty” is completely justified, as her friends back in TX are moving on just fine without her, she’s having trouble opening up and fitting in, and her family is WYLIN.
Some things that didn’t go so well for me was Andrew’s character, who feels like he’s just there to obstruct at any given moment. Y'all knew that when Victor and Benji were having that convo in the bathroom, someone was in the stall and someone was Andrew. Also, my guy, how are you not even somewhat aware that you are a total douchecanoe? I liked Benji, but Venji didn’t quite work for me because of all of the cheatation that it took to get there. Benji was pissed and ready to stay away from Victor permanently after the [attempted seduction], but once his relationship was over he was completely fine with putting his tongue down Mia’s boyfriend’s throat.
Overall, I really enjoyed this show. Some of these teen dramas I’m admittedly only watching for the LGBT content, so to have that be at the forefront of a show for once was amazing. The conflict was realistic if frustrating, and to me most of the characters seemed fully realized. Thankfully, the show didn’t even feel too “spin-offy” even with Nick Robinson being all over it.
In any given multi-season serialized show, the trajectory of the show goes one of two ways: the first season puts your feet on the ground of the series, and then later seasons go above and beyond with the storytelling (The Office, Breaking Bad, Bojack Horseman, Jamie Johnson) OR the first season is pretty great TV, and the following seasons fail to live up to its glory (The Good Place, Dear White People, really most every Netflix show ever). Which category Love, Victor ends up in is something to look forward to. Where do we go from here now that Victor is taking his first steps out of the closet?
Stray thoughts from the episodes:
The soundtrack on the whole, was not my cup of tea. I still liked a couple of songs, so that means somebody out there liked more of them.
I completely forgot Natasha Rothwell was in Love, Simon. More of her! More of Ali Wong! More of Beth Littleford! They were all great.
So Roger got his ass beat by Armando, and he still wants to get back with her?? Roger is reckless, man.
Speaking of reckless, Victor’s closet skills completely fell apart towards the end there. Assume somebody’s always watching!
Lake’s mother is a trip.
Good for the family for standing up to the grandparents.
Oh my god, Simon and Bram. Those guys are mine, and now they’re growing up and moving to the Big Gay City. They’ve come a long way.
Speaking of the Big Gay City, we were in Atlanta for a season and got *0* acknowledgement of the vibrant gay community there. More things to look forward to.
Was anybody else singing Selena along with Isabel? That is my favorite Selena song!
By rule of Felix being a male and Pilar being a female close in age, I immediately thought they were going to be a thing. The writers didn’t pull that thread too much...
That moment at the end there when we all thought Victor was going to hold off on his announcement only for him to go “fuck it” and say it anyways? And then he got to exhale? Perfect. chef’s kiss
What with June being Pride month, the SCOTUS ruling a couple of days ago, this entire show premiering today, and Delliot things going down in less than 24 hours, this will likely be the gayest week of the year. I suggest we all enjoy it.
Stay Peachy!
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nazariolahela · 5 years ago
Best Beloved: Chapter 1
A/N: Hey y'all! This is a PM AU I’ve been working on. It’s a bit different than my previous fic series and I’m really excited to try something new. I hope y’all enjoy it. This story is told in dual first-person narrative, from Kaia (F!MC) and Damien’s POV. The first half of this story takes place during Kaia’s freshman year and Damien’s senior year of college. The second half is two years after Kaia graduates. There will be sprinklings of canon in this fic, but we’ll try to step out of the box for the most part. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Synopsis: What happens when you find yourself crushing on your best friend? For years, Damien and Kaia have been friends, while secretly harboring feelings for one another. Everything changes one night after a little too much alcohol and years of pent up feelings. Can they control their emotions and salvage their friendship, or will the feelings they hold for one another destroy everything they have?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: It’s the first day of classes at Hartfeld University and that means meeting new faces.
Six Years Ago
I raced across the courtyard of Hartfeld University, tugging my backpack higher on my shoulder. It was the first day of the new school year and class started in less than five minutes. Except I was all the way on the other end of campus. Whose bright idea was it to hold college classes at 8 a.m.? Way to make a good impression on the first day, Kaia.
That’s what I got for staying up until 2 a.m. the night before binge-watching episodes of America’s Most Eligible. In my defense, my roommate Victoria and I spent most of the evening getting to know each other. We discovered that we both love the show and are huge fans of Jakenzie. (That’s Jamie x Mackenzie for all you old folks out there.)
We also learned that we were both valedictorians of our respective high schools. So we spent most of the evening sharing stories of our childhood and teen years. We might have also played a few rounds of Truth or Drink. Hence why I was running late that morning. I didn’t even have time to stop at the campus coffee shop for caffeine and eye candy. What? The barista was a total babe.  
I eyed the big clocktower near the library and saw that I only had two minutes left. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to make it. I still had to make it to Clark Hall and climb the ninety-million stairs to the third floor.
After finally arriving at Clark and climbing the Mount Everest of staircases, I sucked in several deep breaths and burst through the doors of Professor O'Keeffe’s Composition 101 classroom at 8:03 a.m. The whole class turned and the professor eyed me exasperatedly as I slinked to the back of the room, waving a silent apology as I took a seat. She shook her head and continued going over the syllabus. I pulled my MacBook from my backpack and started taking notes, stopping occasionally to scan the room for signs of anyone I might have met at freshman orientation.
I spotted a girl who sat next to me. I think her name was Sloane. Looking like she just stepped off-campus at a prestigious prep school, she wore a blue long-sleeved turtleneck sweater with a plaid skirt and a gold necklace. I focused my attention between her and the professor, watching curiously as she dug around frantically in her laptop bag, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose every time they slipped down. I spotted an empty seat next to her, so when the professor had her back turned, I gathered up my things, rose from my seat and moved over to the other side of the classroom.
“Hey!” I whispered as I took the seat next to her. She looked up from her bag and grinned when she noticed me.
“Hi, there! Kaia, right?” she asked, extending her hand. I nodded and shook it. “I’m Sloane. How’s your first day going?”
“Well, I was late for my first class and I haven’t had coffee. How’s yours?”
“I can’t find my phone charger. I know I packed an extra one, but it seems to have grown legs and walked off.” She continued shuffling through her backpack, her brows pinched in a V. Her unruly curls fell in her face and she brushed them away frustrated.
I dug through my bag, pulling two different phone charges from the side pocket. I held both of them up to her. “Which one do you need?”
Her eyes widened as she examined both chargers in my hand. Reaching for the Samsung charger, she mouthed a thank you and plugged the USB end into her laptop before plugging the other end into her phone. She glanced at my iPhone sitting face-down on my desk, then turned to me. “I gotta ask. Why do you have two different chargers?”
“My cousin Nadia is always losing hers, so I keep a spare on me just in case.”
She nodded and turned back to the front of the classroom, focusing on the professor. The rest of the class passed by uneventfully. When Professor O’Keeffe dismissed us at 8:50 a.m., Sloane and I gathered our things and walked out of the classroom together.
”Where are you off to next?” she asked, adjusting the strap on her bag.
“Intro to Sociology. You?”
”American Government. Gotta love those Gen Ed courses, ” she said with a laugh. “Wanna get lunch later? I have a free period after 11 a.m.”
“Sure. I’ll text my cousin and see if she wants to join us,” I said, pulling out my phone and shooting Nadia a text.
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My cousin Nadia is quite the character. Our dads are brothers, but she and I are so close, people often asked if we were sisters. We grew up together, living three houses down from one another. Since we’re only six months apart, we were lucky enough to be in the same grade from kindergarten all the way through high school. Now, we’re privileged enough to attend the same college. I glanced at her text and shook my head.
Sloane and I exchanged phone numbers and I waved goodbye as we took off in opposite directions. I pulled out my campus map, trying to find Alexander Hall as I made my way across the courtyard to my next class. I wasn't looking where I was going when I accidentally slammed into a brick wall. Except it wasn't a brick wall.
“Whoa! Watch where you’re going!” a deep voice shouted as I immediately went flying backward onto the pavement, my phone and backpack crashing to the ground with me. The sound of breaking glass made me cringe. Well, shit. That’s going to be expensive.
“Are you okay?” his velvety voice probed. “You fell pretty hard.” He hooked his arms under mine and helped me to my feet, checking me for injuries. I released myself from his grip and bent over to pick up the rest of my belongings. I nodded a thank you and dusted off my black skirt, frowning when I saw the run in my pantyhose. I huffed as I picked up my phone and examined the shattered screen. I just got this damn thing in May. It was my present to myself for graduating from high school. Now, I have to pay to have it fixed. 
I shoved it into my backpack and took a moment to study him. It only took a few seconds, but I immediately recognized him as my old friend Damien. My eyes widened as I realized who I had just crashed into. “Oh. My. Gods! It’s really you!” I said as I flung myself into his arms.
“You always were clumsy,” he laughed and squeezed his toned body against mine.
It had been four years since I saw him last. Damien and I were next-door neighbors and although he was four years older than me, we spent nearly every day hanging out. I had the hugest crush on him, even though he only saw me as a sister. After years of pining for him, I decided I was no longer going to hide how I felt. I stole two of his dad’s beers, chugged them in rapid succession, and went in search of the boy I’d loved since 7th grade.
We snuck away from his party and hid out at the playground down the street from our houses and about how much we would miss each other after he went away to college. There, under the jungle gym, I drunkenly confessed my feelings for him. That was also the first time I kissed him. After he gently pushed me off of him, he told me that he cared about me, but that I was only 15 and it was inappropriate for a guy his age to pursue me. I was so embarrassed, I ran away from him and hid out at my house for the rest of the night.
He came home for Christmas that winter but we didn’t get to see much of each other. Now that he was here in front of me after all this time, I realized how much he had changed since then. My eyes traveled the length of his denim-clad legs, past the black t-shirt stretching across the muscles of his broad chest, up to his face. He had the softest chocolate brown eyes, wavy brown hair, and warm tan skin. Just a hint of stubble peppered his chin and his defined jaw tensed as he watched me. His intense gaze made my cheeks tint pink.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Are you okay?” I replied. Of course, he was. He barely flinched when I all but plowed into him.
“I’m more worried about you. I’ve never given someone a concussion on the first day of classes before and I’m not looking to start.”
I rapped my knuckles against my temple. “You know me. I’ve got a thick skull. My phone on the other hand, well R.I.P.,” I said, miming pouring out a 40-oz for my now-broken handheld device. He chuckled and his brown eyes bored into mine, making me feel suddenly self-conscious.
“How have you been? How’s your first day going so far?”
“Well, I overslept and was late for my first class, I still haven’t had caffeine, and I bulldozed into a random guy with reckless abandon. So, I’d say it’s going well.”
He laughed again, the sound warming my insides. My eyes scanned his face, taking in his strong features. He was so pretty, I could cry. “So, where are you off to in such a hurry that you’re Miley Cyrusing people?”
“Oh, I’m trying to get to Alexander Hall. I missed out on the campus tour during freshman orientation, so I’m trying to find my way around.”
He took my map from my hand, his fingers brushing mine in the process. The sensation of his touch coursed through my entire body and I had to remind myself to breathe. He retrieved a pen from his backpack, pulling the cap off with his teeth. I’ve never wanted to be a pen cap so bad in my life.
“So, you are here,” he said, marking an “X” where we currently stood in front of Clark. “You’re going to want to keep on this path and head past the library, then take a left at the fork,” My eyes followed the line he drew along the paper. “And then you’ve reached your destination.” He circled the building in question and handed the map back to me, before capping his pen and slipping it back in his backpack.
I opened my mouth to ask him if he wanted to hang out later when a female voice pierced the air, interrupting us. “Babe, hurry up. We’re going to be late for Social Psych.”
Babe? I looked over his shoulder to see a woman with dark brown hair, full lips, and piercing brown eyes making our way toward us. She narrowed her eyes at me, then turned back to Damien, slipping her hand in the crook of his elbow and pressed a kiss to his jaw. He glanced at me apologetically as she pulled him toward Waterfield Hall.
“Be careful out there. And have fun this year. We'll get together soon,” he winked and gave me a wave as the two of them walked away toward their next class.
“Who was that?” I heard her ask, their voices fading with every step.
“Just an old friend,” he replied. My stomach sank. No matter how much I wanted us to be more, we never would be. I glanced at the courtyard and noticed the crowd thinning out, meaning the next block of classes would be starting shortly. I hitched my backpack on my shoulders and sighed deeply as I made my way to Alexander.
Alana’s nails gently scraped up and down my bicep as we sat in the lecture hall, listening to Professor Henderson drone on over the syllabus for this semester. Just two more to go and I’d be done with this place. Don’t get me wrong, I’d enjoyed my four years at Hartfeld, but I was ready to graduate and GTFO already.
Sophomore year was particularly hard. I almost dropped out halfway through fall semester after Dad passed away. Except Mom wouldn’t let me. She begged me to stick it out and made me promise to graduate. I couldn’t say no to her. Call me a mama’s boy if you must, but she’s the most important woman in my life and I couldn't bring myself to let her down. If we’re being honest here, I was doing it for me too. To be the first person in my family to graduate from college was a pretty big achievement. 
I struggled to listen to the professor’s lecture, jotting down notes in my notebook. I should have been paying attention, but I had too much shit on my mind. Mainly my schedule for this semester. I needed to meet with my advisor after class and get my internship shit lined up. That’s what you get for waiting until the last minute, Dames. I pulled out my phone and shot a quick text to my advisor, asking if she had a free period this afternoon to get my paperwork filled out.
I looked to my right and saw Alana jotting notes in her notebook as her left hand still stroked my arm. I watched her for a few moments, taking her in. Alana and I met spring semester during our freshman year. We sat next to each other in Western Civ and our class discussion on long-standing issues in Western history turned into a full-blown shouting match. The professor pulled both of us out into the hallway and calmly explained to us that she would not allow that kind of behavior in her class. She then decided the best form of torture was to pair us up for the semester research project. 
The first few weeks were hell. Alana and I disagreed on everything. Including the topic for our project. About halfway into the semester, she and I were studying in the library, when she asked me why I was — and I quote — “such a moody little bitch.” I told her she would be too if she had a pain in the ass like her for a partner. She laughed and told me how lucky I was to even be in the same vicinity as her. We exchanged jabs for a good ten minutes before she leaned over and kissed me. When I asked her what that was for, she replied that it was to shut me up.
Not going to lie, I was intrigued. She had a level of snark I had only seen from the women in my family. I knew I was in trouble, but there was just something about her that drew me to her. We began dating a week later and have been nearly inseparable ever since. Being that this was our senior year, I found myself wondering what would happen to us after graduation. I raised the topic of marriage once or twice over the last year, but she was always quick to shut me down. She insisted that she loved me, but didn’t think marriage was “for us.” I shook the thoughts from my mind and peeked at Alana from the corner of my eye. She was still focused on the professor. Good thing she couldn't read my mind.
My thoughts wandered to Kaia. It felt like a lifetime since we saw each other. She had grown up since then. I remembered the last things we said to each other before we parted the night of my grad party. She got drunk and told me she was in love with me. As much as I wanted to return her feelings, she and her cousin Nadia were like little sisters to me, which made the whole situation weird. Plus the whole age thing. I sighed and dragged my hand across my face, trying to clear my head. Before long, the hour was up and our professor released us. Alana and I gathered our things and linked hands as we made our way out of the lecture hall.
“I’ve got some free time before my noon class, so I'm going to head back to the dorms. You wanna come with me?” she said, batting those long lashes my way. My dick screamed yes, so I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pressed a kiss to the spot behind her ear as we walked.  
“As long as we’re back in time for my Interpersonal Comm class.”
She rolled her eyes. “I can't believe you, a senior, are taking a 200 level course. Why didn’t you take that class sophomore year?”
I shot her a look. She knew why. She was the one who stood by me during Dad’s illness. I was lucky I was able to finish most of my classes that semester. Interpersonal Communication is the only one I had to drop. So, here I was retaking the course so I could graduate with my full 120 credits.
“It is what it is,” I said as we walked back to the dorms. A few minutes later, we arrived at Richmond Hall where Alana lived. I waved to some guys I recognized from one of my classes last year and followed her inside, checking out her ass the entire time.
When we arrived at her room, she dropped her bag off at her desk and disappeared into the bathroom. I moved around her dorm, looking at the pictures of us on the wall. All the memories we shared in the last four years. The Winter Formal sophomore year. The summer before senior year at the Cape. Our trip to San Francisco junior year over Spring Break.
I rubbed the aching spot in my chest, remembering proposing to her on that trip. She looked like she wanted to throw up when I dropped to one knee in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. She covered her face in embarrassment and begged me to stand up. Confused, I asked her what she meant. She pulled me away from the gawking tourists shooting me sympathetic looks and explained that while she loved me, she wasn’t ready for marriage. I felt like the biggest idiot.
I was still looking at the photos when the bathroom door swung open and Alana strutted out, wearing nothing but a silk bathrobe. Ho-lee-shit. Pretty sure I died and went to heaven. She sauntered up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, peppering my jawline with kisses. “Is this what you brought me to your dorm for?” I whispered in her ear, taking her lobe between my teeth.
“Mmm...This one is my favorite. Look how hot you are in your board shorts,” she said pointing to the photo of us at Cape Cod. She examined the photo wall while she casually slipped her hand down my pants. I snaked my arm around her waist and slid it down to her ass, which the robe barely covered. My eyes widened when I noticed she wasn’t wearing panties. I turned her around to face me, then grabbed her by the waist and tossed her on the bed. She squealed and reached up to grab my t-shirt, pulling it over my head. I dipped in and began to kiss her neck when my phone went off.
“Ignore it,” she panted, raking her fingernails up and down my back. I licked a trail from her earlobe down to her collarbone, peeling the robe open to expose her breasts. I kissed my way down the swell of her left breast when my phone went off again. I groaned and rolled off her, grabbing my phone from my back pocket, and saw two missed calls from my advisor.
“Shit. I gotta take this babe. Gimme a sec.”
“Are you fucking serious?” she huffed and pulled the robe closed. I grabbed my t-shirt off the floor and slipped it on before stepping out of her room into the hallway. I pulled up my missed calls and hit the redial button. Dr. Griffin picked up on the first ring.
“Mr. Nazario. I’m glad you called back. I have a free period now if you’re available to go over your internship paperwork.”
I sighed and raked a hand through my hair. I really needed to get my internship taken care of so I could get credit for my work, but my girl was on the other side of the door, half-naked and waiting for me. Waging a war with my thoughts, I decided that I’d have to make it up to Alana tonight.
“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” I told her, then hung up the phone. I steeled myself for the difficult conversation I was about to have with Alana and made my way back into the dorm room. She sat on the bed, a scowl on her face as she looked at her phone.
“Hey, babe. That was Dr. Griffin. I need to go get my internship paperwork taken care of.” Alana rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath. I moved in front of her and leaned over until we were at eye level. “I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight. Okay?”
She glared at me, not saying anything. I gripped her chin between my thumb and forefinger and pressed a kiss to her lips. She didn’t pull away, so I knew she wasn’t that mad. I kissed her once more before I turned and headed out of her room.
I made my way out of the dorm and shot her an apology text as I headed across campus to Dr. Griffin’s office. The grey text bubbles popped up, then disappeared a few times, before she replied, “K.” I sighed and slipped my phone in my jeans pocket. I couldn’t blame her though She was mad because she felt I hadn't been the most reliable boyfriend, but if I knew her like I thought I did, she’d get over it. Either that or I’d have blue balls for the next week.
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fluidityandgiggles · 5 years ago
Dalton Big Bang day 1 - The Canadian Girlfriend Experience
Writing Masterpost, AO3 Link
Notes: So... y’all. Dalton fam. Hear me out.
I understand that y'all are gonna be mad at me for staying up until (four? five?) five in the morning to post this, but I'm something like 90% sure I'd forget to post it in the morning (afternoon), and I have to write tomorrow's fic anyway, so... here's an extra early fluffy mess. Hope y'all like it.
I had to write this one... I really really had to. Han's girlfriend is a big deal to me. I hope you understand it.
(And for the uninitiated in pathfinder - the rank system is wild, feats are taken every two levels or so, Logan’s character is basically invincible, defeated only by Dwight’s monk and the absolute insanity that creating a monk in pathfinder can end up being.)
"I really have to go to sleep," the familiar (by now) high-pitched voice said through the headphones, stifling a yawn. "My drama class is moving props to the auditorium tomorrow for our exam and my mom would be mad at me if I don’t go to sleep in the next thirty minutes."
"So go to sleep, Lils. I won’t be mad at you."
"Okay! I’ll text you in the morning! Love you, bye!"
"Good night."
Han finally let himself snort a bit after his girlfriend hung up, watching as she disconnects from the game a few moments later. He did say he’ll only play Starcraft today so long as Leah is available, and now that she’s offline…
He just closed the game and went back to working on his Pathfinder session prep.
Han met Leah at the San Diego Comic-Con last summer. On day one, she approached him because she thought the Westwoods’ Bat family cosplay was really cool. On day two, he approached her because her Arwen cosplay was flawless. By day three they’d already ditched the con to have a not-date lunch at In-N-Out, found out they’re in the same guild in World of Warcraft, Han found out Leah has a voice acting channel on youtube, they exchanged phone numbers, and by day four they may have not spent the whole day together but they certainly went on a date-date at the end of the day.
They’ve been rather inseparable for the following three weeks, but by then Han had to face the reality of it all. Leah’s phone number was weird to him from the start, sure, and he was willing to pass off her accent as a speech quirk, but it wasn’t until those three weeks ended that it finally sunk in that she’s not American. And like most good things, her visit too has to come to an end.
Maintaining a relationship online just… didn’t feel the same.
1 Unread Message
‘Merril: Can I suggest an idea for Mishka’s character arc?? You can say no, I just had an idea is all!’
Caterpillar: I’m all ears
"While this mess of a… bargain is happening," Logan called as Merril and Reed tried to catch their breaths from laughing. "Can Dwight and I get to the diplomatic debate?"
"Sure," Han sighed, watching his party quickly derail the session. "But let’s take a break first."
The first to disappear at the sound of "let’s take a break" was Lucy, who ran to the bathroom, accidentally knocking off Logan’s dice tower in the process. Merril got the brownies out and on the table, everyone pulled their phones out…
Han could take a couple moments to look at the pictures Leah sent him earlier. According to her, they were not yet done with lighting cues, and she was going crazy, but seeing her in her period piece of a costume and leg brace prop made him feel excited for her, somewhat.
Caterpillar: wish I could been there to see it 
Jabba the Hutt: Oh no! Don’t say that! Jabba the Hutt: I’ll send you the filmed version when I get it, but it’ll probably be really bad anyway.
Caterpillar: im sure it cant be that bad 
Jabba the Hutt: Han, it’s a high school production of the Glass Menagerie. Jabba the Hutt: My class is also doing the play version of Spring Awakening. Jabba the Hutt: It *can* and *will* be that bad. Jabba the Hutt: Trust me. 
"Han?" Merril called before he could answer that one. "Hansel, are you listening?"
"No, I wasn’t. What was it?" He grabbed a brownie, leaving his phone aside for a second.
"Wizards of the Coast announced a new edition of D&D," she said again, smiling gently. "Do you think you’d want to try it?"
"I’m already one step ahead of you there. I’m going to playtest it when it— excuse me…"
Jabba the Hutt: WE FINALLY FUCKING FINISHED THIS Jabba the Hutt: I’ve never been happier to say I’m getting offstage, I need someone to punch me!
Caterpillar: dont you mean pinch?
Jabba the Hutt: I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
Han tuned back in time to hear Logan say "I just really don’t want to have to mess with the power system again", which resulted in Dwight throwing a bag of chips at his head.
"Fourth edition has a very special place in my heart, Wright. Don’t talk shit about it around me."
"Yeah, why all the hate for the power system?" Lucy frowned (when did she get back from the bathroom?). "It’s not all that different to how feats work. Would you complain about getting a new feat every odd level once we switch systems?"
"Not going to happen, Lucy."
"Aw man, but I wanted to play Vampire the Masquerade next!"
"And we already said Merril is going to run it," Han reminded her, checking his phone one last time. "But we’re not switching our current game to another system. Not gonna happen."
There was a quiet "hell yeah" from Merril as Han’s phone buzzed with a new message, but before he could even read it, it was snatched by Lucy.
"Wha… who are you talking to, Han?" She laughed a bit, scrolling up, and then her eyes went wide open. "Well… damn."
"Don’t act like you’re surprised, that’s my girlfriend. You met her before."
The silence in the room was so tense, Han swore he could hear a pin drop. 
"...a girlfriend?" Dwight was the first to ask, raising a brow. "Since when?"
"You know, I honestly thought she would’ve forgotten all about you after two weeks…"
"Since a few months ago," Han told Dwight, taking his phone back. "Can we continue, please?"
"No! It’s interesting!" Merril joined in, resting her chin on her hand as she got closer, pushing some papers a bit. "How did you meet? Where is she from? Can we meet her?"
"We met at Comic-Con and no, you can’t meet her. She’s… not from here."
"...is she Canadian?" Logan raised a brow too, starting to laugh.
"Oh yeah, Han’s Canadian girlfriend."
"She’s not— let’s start to fucking play, this session isn’t going to end itself."
By the end of the session, Han couldn’t say he’d be surprised if the whole school found out by tomorrow. And if anyone (namely the twins) made fun of him for his "Canadian girlfriend"... so be it. 
"Is this Canadian girlfriend of yours coming to prom?" Julian’s tired voice came through the phone, sounding like he was about to pass out. He just arrived at school earlier today, already tired from the flight, and immediately got coddled by Logan.
"She’s not Canadian, Julian. You’re the twenty-fifth person I’ve told this already."
"So where is she from? Would you please tell just one person?"
With a quick glance at the security footage, to make sure Logan wasn’t listening, Han whispered "her name is Leah, I met her at Comic-Con in San Diego last year, she’s from Israel and no, I doubt she can come to prom. She has her own prom to attend."
"...okay, so this Israeli girlfriend of yours. Got it."
"Thank you."
"Are you sure you want to keep her a secret…?" He clicked his tongue. His laugh sounded a bit rougher than usual. "You know how things can end up. You of all people."
"I… I’m just not sure I’m ready for… dude. Is Logan drooling on your shoulder…?"
"Give him a break, Westwood. He’s adjusting to his new pills."
"I asked about the drooling."
"He does that sometimes. I just let him be."
"...why is everyone so interested in my girlfriend? Is it really any different from David and Katherine?"
"I don’t know how to break it down to you, Westwood, but you’re not exactly the type anyone would expect to even have a girlfriend."
A shift in the camera footage made Han cuss silently, covering his microphone.
"...she said she’ll be here for graduation. Hers is in late June, but she finishes school in May."
"Yeah. May. When prom is."
"Do you want to talk to her yourself?" He could hear Julian snort. "I’m not kidding. I’ll give you Leah’s phone number and you’ll convince her yourself. I can’t."
"Because that totally won’t be crazy."
"Just fucking ask her, you absolute nerd!"
"Can you stop ordering me around? This isn’t Hollywood. This is my girlfriend we’re talking about."
"Can you at least send me a picture of her? So I’ll know she’s real?"
"...fuck you, Larson."
Han sent him a picture anyway. A picture of the two of them that Lucy insisted to take while they were in San Diego. They coordinated somehow, Han with his LOTR shirt and Leah with her whole Arwen cosplay. It was the happiest day he could possibly remember.
And then, a snort through the phone.
"...so you’re Leah Appelbaum’s mysterious Maryland boyfriend? Huh. Didn’t know you lived in Maryland."
"...you know Leah?"
"We had auditions in the same building two years ago and she approached me because she’s a fan of Something Damaged. She insisted on keeping in touch. How did you meet her?"
"At Comic-Con… please be gentle about this, Julian."
"Okay! I just… wow. I know where you live now. Sweet."
"Don’t you dare try to blackmail me with that information, Larson."
"I won’t. There’s nothing to worry about."
"...you know what?" Han sighed as the last session before prom was about to close off. "Roll sense motive."
The clatter of dice hitting each other and everyone cussing filled the room, quickly picking up their dice and looking.
"How’s you get a five, Lucy?"
"I’m a barbarian, what do you think—"
Dwight practically glared at Logan. "What the fuck, dude?"
"I play a half-elf cleric, Dwight," Logan answered, straight-faced. "Plus two to wisdom straight away, rolled extremely well, I have a plus five modifier to wisdom and the alertness feat. I took a single rank in sense motive every time we leveled up and now I have ten ranks. On the tenth rank in sense motive or perception, you get a bonus four to the skill instead of the usual two. Thus, ten plus four plus five equals nineteen, plus the fifteen that I rolled. That’s thirty-four. Do I sense motive?"
"...everyone who rolled above a fifteen, and that definitely includes Flint—" Han could see Logan smiling smugly. "Everyone who rolled above a fifteen can see that this woman is telling the truth. Anyone who rolled a twenty or above, Flint, can also sense that—"
There was a knock at the door. There was never a knock at the door. But now there was. And as Reed got up to open the door, Han silently hoped it wouldn’t be anyone who shouldn’t be there—
"And this is your boyfriend’s room," Julian’s voice came through as Reed’s jaw dropped. "Thank you for picking Julian Larson to be your tour guide, we hope you enjoyed the trip."
"Very! Oh, hello!" The girl at the door waved at Reed, who waved back. The whole party waved back. "Am I interrupting anything?"
"No, those nerds are just playing dungeons and dragons. You have nothing to worry about." Reed finally returned to his seat as Julian kissed the girl’s cheek, chuckling at the shock. "Logan, I’ll be expecting you to pick me up at six. I want my pre-prom sushi."
"I promised you I will, Princess, don’t panic."
"Okay, just making sure."
As Julian left, the girl went to sit on Han’s futon and look at everyone. Long brown hair, half of it bleached; dark eyes behind a pair of green plastic-framed glasses; a bit on the heavier side, like Han himself, and wearing a floral summer dress and a pair of short leggings. Her face was flushed red, her lipstick a dark blue, and her nails painted black that just started to chip.
Han missed her so much.
"So… hi." She waved around again, a bit confused. "What’s up…?"
"Who’s this?" Dwight was the first to speak.
"My girlfriend," Han replied, sounding rather insistent. "We were just about to finish our session, Lils. Can you wait?"
"Mmhm! Absolutely! I’ll be so quiet, you’ll forget I’m even here!"
Nobody forgot she was there. Merril kept looking over to her, Reed and Dwight seemed skeptical as ever, and the only person who was normal about it was Lucy. But it wasn’t news for Lucy, she’s met Leah before after all. All the while Leah sat there, chuckling at the game and waiting patiently for Han to finish, which he did twenty minutes later. Dwight practically ran out, followed by Logan who needed to pick his own boyfriend up for dinner, but…
"So where are you from in Canada?" Merril asked first, making Leah smile. 
"I’m… not Canadian. Did Han tell you I’m Canadian?"
"Where’s your lipstick from?" Reed asked next.
"Umm… it’s, it’s from NARS, I picked it up on the way here, I forgot to pack my own makeup and—"
"Is Han taking you to prom?"
Han choked on his water at that. "I can’t leave my room for prom, Merril. Health risks."
"You can have an indoors prom."
"We planned on watching Battlestar Galactica and ordering takeout," Leah admitted. "But… an indoors prom would be nice. I’m not going to mine anyway. My class is writing this… really offensive skit about one of the math teachers and I don’t want to be a part of it."
"What’s your prom even like…?" Reed squinted, sitting back down. "That you do skits."
"It’s… not really a prom. Israel doesn’t really have the promenade culture, it’s just like a showcase the whole class does for family and friends before graduation… I’ve never liked this practice, you know, I think it’s just…"
As Leah rambled on, Han took his time to clear the table and silently hope Merril and Reed leave soon. Those two have prom dates after all. And neither are a Canadian girlfriend.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years ago
It’s hard for them to speak up though, they are in Korea and could face backlash, they aren’t even American. At least they said something!
Let's remember this movement is not about BTS or any Idols...it's not...and I hope if you've had time to message me you've had time to go online, or go outside and make a damn difference... 
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Now, back to your ask, we differ and that's fine, I think me coming from a political family... my gut tells me it comes down to profit and loss. Morals and Business Ethics...
 It did not take 10 days to type 20 words, which essentially only reworded the main narrative that has already been placed. I'm not mad at that, them keeping it cut and dry left less room for people to dig too deep.... That's press secretary 101 AKA tautology at it's finest...
"Don't say more than the initial narrative, don't leave too many gaps that can be misinterpreted 'yet don't say less than the initial narrative, and finish by adding a few adjectives to make it sound warmer" ;)
However, my point is, we've gotten 6 paragraph essays in hours if a scandal breaks out, so they did not need time to process a statement they needed time to process a game plan. They also needed time to put together a fall back in case something dose go left...I know some of y'all just see it as; The boys, bang, there loving manager...but it’s more than just “family dynamics” 
It took 10 days for them to wager if it was worth it to speak up or not...how much do we lose if we stay quiet and what do we gain if we speak up..you gotta remember BigHit IS A business FIRST! 
The fact that it took so long, the fact that 3 big groups speak up about an hour apart, the companies delivery makes it seem forced, and like they gave into peer pressure. Let's not forget that's an actual job, someone is paid to actually monitor socials and see what the public narrative is. Why do you think BH  has addressed certain things after they trend for a couple days? Because someones looking to see what's worth actually addressing! 
Hmmm... Ignoring a human rights movement days before being involved in an American online virtual grad party? Yeahhh not so much!
I'm rarely on Twit because of drama but due to BLM I've been more active, and as of about Saturday? You couldn't even log onto a BTS/BH post without people spamming it about the movement and the label's silence. Let's also not pretend a huge part of the BLMM gets to change because it's BTS...what we want is for people to NOT  move in silence, we want people to make their voices heard and speak up! So ppl saying "SEE I knew they were doing something behind closed doors" Is irrelevant for what the movement is asking for. 
You can love someone and not literally lick their ass with everything they do or say btw... 
It took 10 days to debate between morals and business...and that's where as a black fan, on the company's level it really makes me feel a type of way. Because that's ALL it came down to....any person in power when you speak up on these types of things you'll  face backlash regardless. So you have to wager morals OR possible profit loss and kickback...and the fact that, that company took so long to pull the trigger makes you question there true feelings not he boys... (Also I’m not implying I think BANG is racist, I’m saying they let business cloud there judgment for longer than I think they should have as big of a company as they are at this point.) 
So yes, the idols.K-rappers and r&b singers that spoke up on their own days after it happened....are still in the same boat as BTS. It doesn't matter if a couple are American born. The bulk of their money, and their company is in Korea,they still have millions of fans from Korea regardless of them being born in America. America is not the one that's keeping them afloat financially...we aren't even with BTS...we don't touch what Asia does! 
I don't doubt the boys sincerity, my issue is not with the boys directly anyway, however since it came upon fans taking fire to their socials the narrative seems tainted IMO....I feel like BigHit handled this poorly as a company. Tbh because it is a sticky subject I don't think the company ever planned to speak up, UNTIL, it reached Korea and other idols and fans started asking...
Regardless of it not being a Korean “issue”, like a couple Kpop artists have said... the genre pulls so much and profits so much off black culture how is it not also their place to speak up?Would you have a rapline without black people??! NOPE
So for me...I would have preferred they just stayed quiet if they felt uncomfortable because now even though I don't question their heart, it doesn't seem genuine, the company ruined the effect for me! NOT THE BOYS, I'm not blaming the boys, tbh Joon was probably the one that said "Ya know we kinda can't keep avoiding this right!?" The minute it hit Korean news last week.... Also BTS don't have as much to lose as some smaller groups and even rookie groups that I've seen speak up, sorry but they don't. These boys have a huge Korean AND American following, they aren't rookies they have weight....when you have groups that aren't as popular, don't have that Western fall back...yet they speak up on their own..then yeah BH felt the pressure to speak up as well.
In conclusion there is no time frame on being a good human, yet, it would've been better if the statement came naturally, and came before people were "Looking" for one. 
That's my point and that's just how I feel and your entitled to disagree, however I wont address THIS particular statement in regards to BTS and black lives matter anymore. But we can discuss other topics within the situation! 
ALSO , IDC who the person is we need to stop giving celebrities gold starts for being good people...or just non-celebs. “At least they spoke up” I mean it’s racial inequality the US is now a big part of there world I’d hope they'd speak up at some point. As well as it’s hard for a lot of pople famous or not famous or not, not every bodies values align with there families..peers..coworkers and sometimes it dose not come out until shit goes down! 
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ryncorrect · 6 years ago
university!au: day6 jae
following my uni!au with young k (idk how to link my own post asbajdnskmd im Dumb) so here another one with jae lol i think im gonna make one for each one of them buttttttt no promise bc my brain works in a very mysterious way LOL
anyway leggo
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warning: this is lame lmaooooo
name: park jaehyung / jae
major: politic science
other activities: guitarist (and sometimes vocalist) of university band, member of music club, founder and leader of LOL SQUAD
everyone knows that tall skinny guitarist of the band i mean he’s hard to ignore tbh
he always wears loose T-shirt, ripped jeans, a cap that he puts backward, and round big specs to campus
professors hate his ripped jeans but can’t really say anything because oh well style doesn’t define someone’s grades and boy, does this kid actually get some braincells in him
well i mean at least he never fails his classes
he has this giant LOLSQUAD badge on his backpack because he’s proud af of his title as the club founder and leader
he actually started that club so he could to brag about his gaming skill to everyone who wanted to listen but he ends up getting his ass handed to him every single time they play together smh
if he’s not in class or hanging out with his game buddies, he can be seen following that Popular Student™ kang younghyun or as jae prefers to call him, “brian” or “brIBRI” because they both joined music club and are in the band
yes yes he’s well known and easy to spot
“jae? park jaehyung?? who???”
everyone refers to him as “that foreigner student”, “the American guy” or “the gamer guy”, or my favorite: “chicken little”
i will never let that joke die im sorry but seriously he looks like chicken when he plays his guitar on the stage don’t @ me
there are only like 5 students in the whole university who know his actual name
anyways in this scenario you’ve always been interested in playing guitar but haven’t gotten a chance to learn and your friend kim wonpil invites you to join music club so you’ll have friends to practice with
“you know our jaehyungie, right? he’s really chill, you’ll get along well with him!!”
deep inside you’re like
who the heck is jaehyung
but wonpil is so excited to have you there so the next week you come to the club meeting
you introduce yourself to everyone and finally you meet him
“ohmygod the chicken little!!”
“sorry- i mean the chicken guitarist- wait no-”
he glares at you, you laugh instead
scaring the new member challenge: failed
but yeah you’d seen him performing before and honestly you almost decided to become his fan
a l m o s t
at first he (jokingly) refuses to teach you guitar because you called him chicken little
and since then you keep calling him that just to mess with him
“hi chicken little”
“what’s poppin chicken little”
“why do you look so flustered, chicken little? do i make you nervous??”
he turns red chicken little is now an angry bird “gO AWAY NEWBIE YOU’RE SO ANNOYING”
jae’s a foreigner but he speaks fluent korean
he tells you that even though he was born and grew up in america he always speaks the language with his parents
but of course since he lives abroad there are lots of words or slang he doesn’t know, so you gotta be an ass and slip some difficult words when you speak to him
he gets his revenge by replying to you in english
whenever you two are having an argument (usually over stupid things) everyone in the club suddenly gets headache
wtf they’re not even making any sense
besides music, jae is the most excited when talking about LOL or social topics because well his major
honestly idk much about politic science so cmiimw
one time someone asks for his opinion about social welfare and he ends up starting a sudden debate session with the said person about social welfare programs in south korea and america and the difference between both countries
you mention human rights and he sNAPS
i mean he gives a full 15 mins speech about it
“yknow what im sayin?”
“dude… i honestly don’t get it at all”
because he be speaking in full english like wat
he’s just so passionate about everything it’s almost adorable
a l m o s t
and it’s not only his passion but also his small eyes, his laugh, his voice, or the way he occasionally lifts his head to look at you while playing guitar and you smile and he smiles because you smile first shnshsbshs soft
even the corners of his lips are so cute wow
oh fuck im emo i love him
but you adore him just as a good friend
he’s always been bubbly and friendly with everyone, not just you, so yeah it’s really easy to fall for him but you assure yourself that you’re nOT
are we having “in denial” shit again omg im so uncreative
anyway fast forward it’s ur birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY
you decide to throw a small party at your place and invite 5 or 6 of your closest friends but damn on the d-day it rains so hard
if ur bday falls on winter then change it to snowing hard, if it’s spring then maybe there’s strong wind or something, whatever suits you fam lol
so no one comes to your party lol you are Sad
no you didn’t invite him because idk
are we really that close??? ehhhh he probably won’t come anyway haha why bother
he’s carrying an umbrella but it didn’t really help apparently because he’s soaking wet
imagine that view i mean nvm
“i happened to be near here and i remember it’s your birthday today so i think i’m gonna drop by to say hi and suddenly it’s raining too hard on the way but anyway happy birthday can you let me in first i’m cold”
ofc you let jae in i mean we can’t let the chicken catch the flu amirite
but you warn him that he’ll have to leave before 11 or your RA will kick you both out the dorm lol
after a towel, two cups of hot tea, and one shared piece of chocolate cake, you told him you were supposed to have a small party tonight but no one could make it because of the rain and he’s like “hOW DARE YOU HAVING A PARTY BUT NOT INVITING ME I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL” and you’re just like “lol shut up chicken here eat more cake”
anyways you two spend time joking and talking about random stuff and it’s probably not the best birthday ever but at least you don’t have to spend it alone and to be honest you’re happy that he’s here
then jae pulls out his ultimate weapon
i mean his guitar
he was soaking wet but the guitar is clean and dry and all fine like hoW EVEN
“priorities” -park jaehyung
he said he gonna play a song of your choice because he came empty handed and he feels bad about it
you blush and pick whatever song comes to your mind because you can’t really think of any, and he starts strumming his guitar and sings
and while he keeps looking at you, you find yourself too can’t take your eyes off him
the song ends and you’re about to clap your hands when he suddenly starts another one
wait you’ve never heard this song before
it’s a slow song and the lyrics are all like, the sky turns dark on the birthday of the brightest star so that it’ll be the only light in his world, how he feels regretful that he has nothing to give but his small heart, and he hopes that this lovely person will hold his hand as they listen to this song together, that this lovely person will feel warm beside him
guys just imagine the song okay i can’t Romance
it’s dead silent until you whisper, “is that… a song for me?”
jae’s face turns red and he starts panicking™ like “i made up the lyrics just now okay i know it’s fricking sappy and cheesy as hell okay i just uhhh want to cheer you up!!!! because you seem kinda down!!!!! let’s not talk about this again uGh WhatEvER leT Me LIvE!!!!!”
but you chuckle and thank him, it was the best present you can get from anyone
you two stare at each other for a second that feels like years and he finally breaks the silence, “you know,,, maybe i came here on purpose,,, maybe actually i want to see you,,,”
“and why is it?”
“because i think,,, i miss you,,, kinda”
and you don’t say this out loud but maybe you do know that
even if you say you’ll never
in fact you’ve already fallen for him a bit
or perhaps a lot
like a lot
then he leans in to kiss your lips and you kiss back and it’s almost not awkward at all, it just feels right as if you’ve kissed him million times before
a l m o s t
you two still blush real hard after
but yeah that’s how you two start dating
none of you two tell anyone about it but it’s pretty obvious, i mean jae always picks you up at your dorm, he walks with you to your class or vice versa (if your classes don’t overlap tho), you two keep stealing glances at each others, also—
jae with you: “hey,,,, come here sit with me u3u,,,,, did you have lunch??? oh i wrote a song last night check this out,,,, what are you gonna do this saturday? oml you’re so cute”
welp actually he’s not always sweet with you, sometimes you two still argue about silly things using mixed languages but now everyone in the club knows better to just run away once it begins
because it’ll end up with you two fighting or you two kissing
yes im nasty and a disappointment bye
btw wonpil is excited af it’s almost like he’s dating you both
“it’s really nice seeing you two finally together!!!!!!! especially because jaehyung really couldn’t shut up about you ever since the first day you joined our music club”
“wait wha-”
I’m so in love with park jaehyung y'all hsnshsbsh aNYWAYS!!! 100 blocks limit has lifted from tumblr app AYEEEEE
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nightcoremoon · 5 years ago
there's lots of tiny brained bad takes of the far left branding things as Bad™ based solely on their association to other things or certain aspects of part of their fanbase.
this isn't to discredit the shit idiot brain fungus plaguing everyone from centrists, the moderate right, the far right, and the alt right, and even some of the moderate left, where they label everything that isn't about a Cishet White Male American Capitalist Bootlicker who's stateist, ambiguously christian/atheist, neurotypical, able-bodied, has "aryan" facial attributes, is an insufferable asshole, and the like, as "SJW garbage".
but see, prejudice and judgment is bad even if it's not motivated by minority demographic. being a rude dismissive asshole is, you know, bad. maybe making fun of a furry or whatever isn't as bad as being a racist, but you're still a fucking dickhead either way. fuck both of you but fuck the racist more. I'll punch both of you but punch the racist twice (maybe a third time for good measure). do y'all understand what I'm trying to get at here with the tiers of badness? the shades of grey? the steps down the path of evil from "kind of rude" to "literally hitler"?
bigotry is not the only bad thing in the world. yeah it's one of the worst, but you can talk about other bad things without discrediting that, which I know is next to impossible for teenagers (or people who never bothered to mentally progress from such) to comprehend.
anyway what sparked this is all the fuckin joker memes. now I went into it expecting, you know, literally taxi driver 2 followed by a silly horror movie about a clown murdering people. which is what the joker of the comics is all about. if I never watched the movie and only saw, what, the killing murray scene, the stairway dancing scene, the trailers, and joaquin phoenix sitting in a padded room and laughing, that's exactly what I'd had gotten.
but like. I fucking watched it because my dad wanted to watch it with me and he fucking loves all things batman (except Ben Affleck). and wolverine but mostly batman. he's a comic nerd. so yeah I went to watch it with him.
and it was legitimately terrifying from a purely psychological perspective. it's LITERALLY the best scary movie I've ever seen without being horror in the slightest. the acting, the writing, the score, the pacing, the cinematography, it was well put together without being a moffat level overproduced mess. it was a good movie. you're allowed to not care for it or not like it but to objectively call it a bad movie is not only a logical fallacy (eye of the beholder) but it also discredits the opinion of every single person who didn't hate it and makes you come off as a pompous fucking asshole rather than having different tastes.
it's about a guy with severe mental trauma in a bad situation trying to make the best of it and care for his family and hold down a job but he gets fucked over from literally every angle and eventually he snaps and makes a mistake and kills the misogynist rich asshats on the train. oh fuck. he could have gone to the police and said self defense and go through the court system but wait, society in gotham doesn't allow for a clean system of justice when you aren't rich. so instead he proceeds to be a major creepazoid turned murdering lunatic blaming everyone else for his own bad situation instead of the whole deal where he did stupid shit like taking a gun into a fucking children's hospital and stuck his fingers inside a child's mouth and stealing shit and falling further down the rabbit hole. until finally, he says fuck it and seeks revenge. the whole bloody mess that follows is his own fault. he chose to kill people. he chose to murder for petty reasons. he made his decisions and he suffered the consequences for it. all of the festering rotten crime in the city spawned by waynecorp's supreme negligence heralded him as a hero and so begins batman's story.
arthur fleck is not a fucking hero. he is a villain through and through. his circumstances were unfortunate but he made the wrong decisions. the world fucked him over and he said okay and retaliated. joker is exactly the fucking same as breaking bad. arthur and walter white are both evil people through their own decisions. but they were once normal people. and that's the point. the scariest monsters in the world are usually the white men angry at the world for their own shortcomings. oswald. ruby. dahmer. bundy. gein. manson. klebold and harris. white. fleck. they're all the filth stuck in the gutter of society that, if left unchecked, has deadly results.
I'm not kidding at all when I say joker was an important movie for myself personally to see exactly when I saw it. because that first half, I'm not gonna lie, it got me. the therapy didn't work and then it was taken away. he didn't eat most days because he had to support his mother. the people he worked with were dickheads, the people he commuted with were dickheads, his boss was a dickhead, people treated him like garbage on the streets. he couldn't remember the trauma inflicted on him when he was a baby but it still warped every aspect of his life. he had aspirations but lacked the skills. he was sad. alone. empty. he was suicidal. he was me.
then he started killing people and using the neighbor girl as a tulpa and I realized oh no oh god oh shit OH FUCK I need to change from this. and I did.
joker is a perfect template of how not to react to the world when it kicks in your teeth. it's a perfect template of a dark movie. just enough to sympathize with the bad guy but not enough to excuse his actions. the opposite of star wars with kylo ren. a good movie. a good character. an amazing actor. a terrible person.
if you watched joker thinking you're watching the story of the protagonist, you're right, but if you conflate protagonist with the good guy, yeah you won't like the fucking movie because it'll leave a sour taste in your mouth. you'll feel slimy. disgusting. unless you're a megadouche shitlord piece of human fucking garbage who wants to cosplay arthur fleck because he's so damn cool like walter white and eric cartman and rick sanchez and bojack horseman and tyler durden and all those FUCKING HORRIBLE LOATHESOME HUMANS TO NEVER EVER TRY TO EMULATE OR YOU ARE AN UNEMPHATIC ASSHOLE AND A MORON TO BOOT.
if you hated the movie, that's fine. you're kinda supposed to hate it. and if you loved the movie, that's fine so long as you understand what the message was. but if it's one of your favorite movies of all time ever made holy shit please go to therapy jesus christ.
still the point of this post is, discrediting the movie as a steaming pile of shit is incredibly ignorant. and as for the "good movies made by white men are only liked by other white men and are therefore bad movies" thing... if y'all can thirst over eddie brock in the trainwreck of venom and admit that the standards of good movie vs bad movie are all subjective, you're a goddamn idiot if you can't apply the same logic and reason to every movie just because some white boys like edgy clowns (even tho joker is way less edgy than pennywise but go off) in abusive relationships with harlequins. oh and assflash newshole, I'm not a white man.
I swear this bandwagoning bullshit is exactly the same mentality as "hurr durr nickelback worst band ever" even though nickelback is ripe with musical talent underneath a few pop songs that they wrote for the record label as part of their career so they can make a fuckin living BECAUSE CAPITALISM IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL and also because of all the misogyny that bled its way into the music industry in the 2000s but that's a topic for another day. 'joker bad' and 'nickelback bad' are products of the same mental decay that social media wrought upon us all, inflicting mass mob mentality and incapacity for individualistic rational thought. which is exactly why there's a war between camp 'joker is bad' and 'joker is amazing' and nobody acknowledges the group in the middle that's like 'joker was good objectively but also terrible subjectively and content-wise'. polar. I could make a political statement and also say how the neoliberals and the fascists are at war while the people in the middle are caught in the crossfire and forced to fight like pawns on a chessboard, but the moderate right, dumbass centrists, pastel commies, and pockets of the moderate left, but that just throws everything into chaos.
tl;dr learn to think for yourselves omg
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sybariticnomad · 6 years ago
BNHA Prompts I want to read/write
>Ghibli AUs- literally any of them would be great but especially Princess Mononoke rn
>Rival School Gang AU- Bakusquad gang vs Dekusquad gang. Don't fuck with Uraraka bc she’ll wreck you w a smile. also Deku totally is one of those people who angry cries. Drama ensue when canon villains are really just out of town school gang that tries to take over their town and squads gotta unite whether they like it or nah. Featuring all might, Aizawa, and co as concerned teachers, detectives and whatnot that just wanna see these kids safe and sound
>Uraraka grew up on wrong side of the tracks AU- doesn’t necessarily have to be completely au, just that Uraraka growing up poor incorporating some of the less glamorous parts of being poor so she’s seen shit and done shit and wants to do good for the world now so no one else has to go through what she went through. I just want this to be a part of her character background so bad. Just scenes with her encountering villains or smalltime gangs and being like “dude we were neighbors I went through the same shit you did fam. Don't do this.”
>Uraraka using her anti-gravity quirk to do what hulk did to Loki in the first avengers movie and everyone being fuckin SHOOK. (can you tell who one of my main faves is yet? lol)
>A fic about ua kids literally being that, Kids. Shenanigans, Movie nights to binge the Rocky series only to end up too pumped to sleep so they all start training like crazy(Bakubro included), youtube channels, Todoroki secretly being messy af and joining the Tea Party where the ladies plus Todoroki spill tea and throw shade EVERYWHERE (all the best news comes from there), Bakugo growing and awkwardly trying to show his appreciation for his classmates and also awkwardly trying to mend his relationship with Deku (teen angst at it’s best and Deku is unsure of how to handle it but Uraraka and Kirishima help the dumbasses), Mina and Uraraka explore their sexuality together bc fuck you if they aint bisexual queens at the very least, Uraraka being one of the few willing to back talk Bakugo so she passive aggressively gives him nicknames like he gives her until he starts calling people by their names(like sweetie bc his sweat smells like burnt caramel, he calls her peaches sometimes bc of her country accent and a couple of other things if ya know what I mean) and eventually the whole class gets in on the nicknaming stuff and Bakugo is Sick Of People Stealing His Shit, Urarakas twang and Todoroki’s education in modern slang because explaining to him what being messy means and spilling tea is funny af (he starts using it all the time in a super awkward way “I believe that this situation calls for some messy retaliation” with long deadpan stares), how many of these kids can't wink and just give you long awkward blinks, teacher appreciation day gifts that get all the way out of hand (Aizawa gets the benign noise cancelling headphones and death wish coffee and then someone sends him a bottle of tequila and he wants to know which fucking child got a hold of alcohol to both admonish and thank them. Poor all might gets all the medicine, who’s idea was it to give present mic a loud mic and youtube channel why he’s already too loud please make it stop), someone gives Bakugo spicy chocolate cookies for valentines day and he doesn't want the sentiment but hot damn those cookies are fucking delicious, the kids get into American music because present mic recommends it to help with learning English and that's all fine and dandy until the kids start hosting death matches with Denzel curry’s Ultimate as the match song and wow how many of these songs have so much profanity please stop (just because you’re swearing in English kids doesn't mean some people still won’t know you’re swearing), Sex Ed Class for the kids (wow what trauma, what drama, Aizawa you are not giving the sex ed seminar they will get too scared. you will monitor Midnight as she gives the lesson. All might go have a cup of tea and try not to think of the kids having sex because golly they’re all still wee babes), Teachers shipping students and other staff lounge gossip, Spin the bottle truth or dare where the dare is always make out with the people you want to fight, Momo is cleaning out her closet and giving away clothes so please let the mad fight over who can get more clothes from her giveaway ensue(Uraraka is poor and on a mission, who know when she’ll be able to get clothes as nice as these again? she might enlist the help of some of her guy friends and she might also float all the clothes she wants to the ceiling out of reach of anyone else), BNHA girls using snapchat and momo’s closet to recreate Beyonce music videos and killing it (I really just want to see 7/11, the suck on my balls shtick, and Sorry because it’s a whole lotta friends hangin out and being sassy), WHO LET THESE KIDS WATCH South Park.  y’know. Shit like that. Wow this bullet point got way out of hand.
>Night Vale AU 1- Fuck you it’s Tododeku. Todoroki is obviously Carlos with his perfect hair and perfect teeth. Uraraka is totally dana, Deku is of course Cecil, Aizawa might be station management? Might be old man Jenkins. Whatever it is I'm here for it. 
>Night Vale AU 2-Alternatively its the cast of bnha just in the wtnv universe and their day to day lives dealing with night vales weirdness. do as you please.
>Underground Fighting/Fight Club AU- What It Says On The Tin. BNHA kids doing illegal underground fighting stuff and do with it what you will. 
>Oresama Teacher AU- I know I keep being super aggresive but still fuck you I think mafuyu and Uraraka would be able to flip flop each other or alternatively, mafuyu is urarakas grandmother and she taught Uraraka all the ways of badassery minus the fighting stuff bc she old
>Fantasy AU where for once Uraraka actually is the badass witch and not just the confused amnesiac- also What It Says On the Tin. Bitch can kick some ass.
>Adventure Time AU- For shits and giggles bc I said so I suppose. I think the bnha characters in that universe would be funny af with just the right dash of angst/drama.
>Assassination classroom au- what it says on the tin. 
>The Myth Of Hades and Persephone AU- featuring your chosen bnha ship. Imma leave mine out of it because the one I would prefer to put in would probably yield a lot of hate and I don't want my preferred ship to get in the way of anyone ignoring these prompts and not writing them? idk imma leave mine out but y'all get it.
More to be added at a later date bye lmao
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