#also bev being a badass
incorrect-losers · 2 years
Officer Bowers: Look at my son Henry
Went: Fine looking boy, nice eyes, well, one of ‘em anyway
Officer Bowers: That’s what your hoodlum did with his fists
Maggie *shocked*: Our son used his fists?
Went: All those karate lessons wasted
Officer Bowers: I say you both stop joking. My son has been sorely wounded and I demand an apology
Maggie *to Richie*: I think you ought to apologize to Henry
The losers:
Bev: I’m sorry I punched you in the eye, Henry
Officer Bowers:
Officer Bowers: She must have hit him when his back was turned
Went: In the eye?
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watercoloredlie · 10 months
So I read Flight of Icarus and it wasn’t that bad.
I love that Eddie got his love for music from his mom. She sounded like a cool lady gone too soon. It’s cute that he shares her initials.
Al Munson can rot.
Wayne should be protected at all costs. I hate how people lump all the Munsons together when Al is the only real bad one. Wayne always had Eddie’s back and I love that.
Higgins can rot too. I hate that stereotype of the jocks getting away with bullying while their victims get in trouble.
Bev is cool for the most part. I didn’t mind the idea of Eddie also working at the Hideout.
It was cool to get a glimpse of another Hellfire campaign with Eddie as DM. Also kind of cool to get a glimpse of earlier versions of the characters we saw on the show.
Ronnie was cool. I can see why she and Eddie were compared to Robin and Steve. Love that Granny Ecker was cool with Eddie too. At least until he upset Ronnie. It was cool to see Ronnie not backing down to the bullies.
Paige. I expected her to be terrible given everyone’s reactions to her, but she really isn’t that bad. Eddie was his cute dorky self with her. I was surprised that she bailed him out after their argument though. It’s funny that people think Eddie was a virgin with no game. Man had Chrissy skipping up to his doorway. He had her smitten with him in the woods. But I digress.
Chrissy my love. She was so badass standing up for Gareth and Eddie. This book just made me love her more. I loved the flashback to the night of the talent show. She and Eddie were adorable.
Reefer Rick was pretty much just how I had headcanoned him.
Eddie meeting the Byers boys and protecting Will was awesome. I love that Will got the first invite to Hellfire. I wish Eddie knew how the boys didn’t want to play DnD with Will in season three. Oh he would have reamed them out.
I appreciate the Warners for being welcoming to Eddie. Props to Mr. Warner for calling Wayne a good guy. Sure, Eddie had to downplay stuff a bit, but it was nice to see a family like Paige’s not immediately brush off Eddie as no good.
Eddie deserved to live and to graduate. This book just made it clear how even more unfair it was that his storyline ended the way it did. There was a lot of foreshadowing to it in the book too.
It was also pretty cool to see Corroded Coffin band moments. I still think Dougie is the unnamed member of the band since they did say their rehearsal space was in his garage and that kind of does match up with what was shown in Season 4. Although he’s supposed to be a senior in the book so that doesn’t line up. I don’t really know if he is the unnamed band member or not.
Also unless I read wrong, did they really mess up Gareth’s wrist when he’s a drummer? Only to have Jason mess up his hand in season four? That was uncalled for. Leave Gare alone.
I appreciate how understanding Hop was with Eddie. I think deep down even he knew Eddie was a good kid for the most part.
Eddie’s LOTR monologues were just so Eddie lol. It was cool to see Ronnie try to help him with his studies though. Hurt to see him call the assigned reading for English bland, but I get it. There were some books we had to read for English that I didn’t like either.
It was a nice touch that they mentioned Eddie enjoying comics. Especially the Xmen ones since it kind of confirms he got the Hellfire Club name from the Xmen comics.
All in all, not a bad book. Third ST novel I read. Lucas on the Line was really good despite the descriptions of Eddie not really being accurate. Also read the Hopper book which was pretty good too.
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Some random musings on Picard season 3
-I’m not trying to be an asshole, but in the very first scene, Beverly Crusher is operating a pump-action phaser rifle. I really don’t mean to be a pedant, but it’s a laser gun! what exactly is she pumping?
-I assumed... and according to Wikipedia, this is the case... that time had progressed in real-time for both the Trekverse and the real world. So 21 years have passed since Star Trek: Nemesis was released--21 years have passed for Picard and co since the events of Nemesis. Then we’re introduced to characters who... seem unlikely to have existed during Nemesis. Crusher has a secret love-child that is said to be about 23 years old and Geordi has a daughter who is at least old enough to be a bridge officer on the Titan. (The actors are both in their early thirties.) The notion that all the characters, immediately after Nemesis, got down to making babies is pretty silly.
-As for Jack Crusher himself... I really wish Star Trek would stop throwing in characters that are meant to be their version of Han Solo. We tried it with the Outrageous Okana, he banged Teri Hatcher--if it didn’t work then, it’s not going to work now...
And like... I’m sure this bunch of Hollywood nepo baby commies loves the idea that Star Trek is socialist and evil late-stage capitalism and shit and like... you do realize you keep introducing these grizzled captain rogue tramp freighter characters, they undermine that completely? You’re literally characterizing the socialists as lame dweebs and the capitalists as cool, sexy badasses. Which is valid, but I don’t think you intended to do that, Alex Kurtzman, I think you’re just lousy at your job.
-The circumstances of Baby Crusher’s existence are particularly silly. I’m going to get into spoiler territory, but apparently after Nemesis, Picard and Bev started dating, had unprotected sex, and conceived a child. But this Picard is a sort of workaholic Spider-Man and Beverly realized her new son would never be safe because of all Jean-Luc’s enemies. So she cut off contact with everyone from the Enterprise and started raising young Jack with Picard having no knowledge of her existence (I’m really tired of this trope, which I think no rational human being would ever actually do, but at least Picard chews Beverly out for this psychotic and incredibly uncharacteristic decision).
-This is where the TNG characters and the Picard characters feel like two separate entities that happen to be played by the same actors and share the same names. It’s not just that as they’ve aged, their ‘character development’ has led to Stewart and co. essentially playing themselves more than anything else (at one point, Picard calls someone “a dipshit from Chicago.”). It’s also that they’re treated as action heroes who are always going rogue and getting into crazy adventures; this season even introduces a mean, by-the-book Starfleet officer who acts as something of a pissed off police commission trying to rein these loose cannons in!
That’s just not my recollection of the characters. It’s the pop culture perception of Kirk, sure, and not a particularly accurate perception. But Picard was never really a cowboy. Yet they have these dumb moments like in the first season where he shows up at Riker’s house like “I’m in trouble” and Riker turns on a forcefield and busts out the phasers like the two of them are Murtaugh and Riggs. Picard had his moments of bucking the system, but they act like he was constantly riding around on a motorcycle in a leather jacket, smoking a cigarette--it’s even retroactive! They have Jean-Luc tell this anecdote about him and Jack Crusher Sr. stealing a shuttle from the Stargazer to go get laid. I really don’t think these writers have actually watched TNG--they just assume Picard is an older version of Shepherd from Mass Effect.
-Speaking of video games, the requisite superweapon this time around is portal technology. Yes, like in Portal. And the big obligatory terrorist attack is the bad guys opening a portal under a Starfleet recruitment center and then dropping it on top of a few city blocks. It’s a cool visual and all, but as a weapon, this seems to rate way behind good old-fashioned 20th-century nukes, much less all the phasers and torpedoes that are commonplace in Star Trek.
-And I know the last two seasons sucked, but it’d be nice to have some consistency. In Season 1, Picard was a contentedly retired old coot, not daredevil workaholic Spider-Man. In Season 1, Riker and Troi were happily married, albeit dealing with the grief of losing a child. Here, they’re estranged because Riker suddenly can’t take the grief we’d previously seen him work through.
And another thing: I found it risible in S1 that the technology existed to cure Riker’s son, but it was illegal, so Riker and Troi just shrugged their shoulders and said “Well, nice knowing ya, kid.” That’s the time they’d get the old gang together and steal a starship. And that’s the by-the-book, competent, dutiful officers we saw in TNG. The bunch of renegades and outlaws they’re characterized as in Picard just laid down and buried a kid? It’s so stupid!
-I know remaking The Wrath of Khan is the ol’ reliable of the Trek franchise, but this has to be the most bald-faced redo yet (with bits of Treks 3 and 4 The Force Awakens into the mix). I think Picard suffers in comparison.
-Speaking of comparisons, that “these Enterprise crew members have no respect for the law!” guy I mentioned before has a mad-on for Picard due to his time as Locutus. Obviously, that’s recycled from Sisko’s anger at Picard.
Now the DS9 example is pushing it a little far as the melodrama goes--Sisko’s being blatantly disrespectful, but still, he acknowledges the tension between them, Picard feels awkward, then they move on to official business and try to ignore the past. They actually get more heated about current events: Sisko’s reassignment and his possible departure from Starfleet.
In Picard, the character in Sisko’s shoes is far more unprofessional and emotional (we’ve given the excuse that he’s on painkillers, but you’d think that they’d have pain meds that would leave people entirely rational in the future--he certainly acts rational enough for the remainder of the episode). In front of his demoralized crew, he goes on a lengthy tirade about how much he hates Picard and all I could think by the end is that this is a guy who’s lost all respect of the people under his command. He’s more pissed off at Picard thirty years after the fact than Sisko was just a couple years after his wife died!
-They’re also doing... what I think is a dead name metaphor where the captain, because he’s a jerk, refers to Seven as Annika Hansen instead of Seven, since he hates Borg? But all it does is make it seem odd that Seven is still going by Seven long after she’s reclaimed her humanity and even joined Starfleet, given that the Borg are the ultimate evil of this universe. It’d be like if someone left a Neo-Nazi organization and decried everything they stood for, but still insisted on being referred to by their SS rank or something. What a weirdo!
-Wait, Seven joined Starfleet in Season 2, which was last year... and this year, she’s already first officer of an entire ship? Shouldn’t she still be in the Academy? And you thought it was silly when Kirk became captain of the flagship at the end of Star Trek 09!
-Raffi is awful, as usual, always either acting like a crackhead or ‘acting’ like a crackhead. She’s Space Jack Bauer now, so every scene she’s in is acted like she’s on the verge of tears, about to fly into a homicidal rage, or both. She has a scene with Special Guest Character The Audience Cares About Worf (’member Worf? I MEMBER!) where they’re both interrogating a bad guy and Worf is trying to build a rapport with the guy and Raffi is threatening to cut his dick off and shit. Raffi’s method works, because why should Star Trek be about communication and diplomacy working out when violence and aggression fails??
-My least favorite moment, though, is this bit where Riker is in command and Picard is giving him advice. Riker decides to listen to his advice, it goes to shit, and Riker turns to Picard and literally goes “You’ve just killed us all!”
You’d think a veteran starship commander would take some responsibility for his own actions instead of going “He told me to do it!” like a fucking little kid.
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
i literally just walked out of the room and didn’t bother watching any of the shaw parts bc they clearly telegraphed he was a bag of dicks with the annika thing and the benefit of Not Really Watching is the lack of guilt at walking out whenever i want. That there was a name on the main cast list i didn’t know troubles me deeply because it had to have been him :((((((((((((((((((((((( 
other than that, I was entertained. Eye rolled epically a few times, but was expecting more of that tbh and i expect the theme will continue on into later episodes when more of them show up. 
however the cgi on the academy thing was Amazing and objectively very cool as an idea if, you know, horrifying. 
Commander Seven is hot, but that goes without speaking. 
seven asking permission to talk freely, getting it and loudly exclaiming she’ll shove picard out of an airlock if he doesn’t tell her what’s going on, only for will to call her on talking to an admiral like that and her to say ‘no, i talk to my Friends!!! like that’ like telling ur friends ur gonna space them is perfectly on the level. 
i love her
Raffi my love :((((((((((( i gave them the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was a ruse and was correct, but damn remember when starfleet was all ‘we have a councillor as a member of the senior staff’ bc they need that energy Back, she’s not doing great and it’s fucked up. 
rude of beverly to to misplace a kid and then go get another one immediately in the bargain bin. Would love to know how he got a different accent to her, but i’m also thinking about romulus that doesn’t have spring cleaning but Does have an Ireland, so yeah
side note; i would die for Laris 
“shut up Will” had me cackling, and this show is lucky that one of my fave tropes is older people doing actiony things and being badass about it But then complaining about their poor knees. 
i’m still furious at the absolute blind irony of calling this The Next Generation like they didn’t just actively fuck the next gen for the older one, but at least this is just Annoying me and isn’t objectively offensive like Some Shows I Could Name.
tho if he’s the kid of Anybody we know i quit. I might cave to peer pressure and not quit. but to be clear, if that happens i quit in spirit if nothing else. He can be the kid of that ghost bev was friends with. cough. 
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we-stan-stan-uris · 4 years
The Losers As The Incredibly Underrated Straight To DVD Disney Sequels
Stan: The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
Richie: Kronk's New Groove
Mike: Peter Pan II: Return to Neverland
Bev: Mulan II
Ben: Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
Bill: Cinderella III: A Twist in Time
Eddie: The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
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turdle · 3 years
Underrated things in Midnight Mass:
-Annie Flynn’s unconditional love for her son. Like she was such a wholesome character as a whole and she also managed to be so badass when she was tearing Bev a new one.
-Riley’s relationship with his dad being a complicated one but nonetheless a very loving one, like I was so ready for the dad to be a complete asshole because it felt like they were leading up to that, but the way his dad actually TALKS to his son?? Explains that he doesn’t show affection very well but that he loves him??
-Riley’s dad realising that his back doesn’t hurt and the first thing he wants to do with that information is dance with his wife 😭😭😭
-Muslim Sheriff Hassan being the most rational, smart person on the island and very calmly and clearly explaining his argument against bibles being used in schools. I just loved the part where he emphasised that he had nothing against studying the bible and that he had done so himself.
-Pruitt becoming a whole different person in front of Mildred who finally remembers him. The almost childlike ‘I have so much to tell you!’ I really got the feeling that they were old friends not just lovers. Honestly these shows know how to write romances because these character didn’t have a lot of screen time but DAMN did I feel it in the last episode.
-Joe Collie’s redemption arc. I just really felt for this character and how they managed to show his intelligence under the snark and trauma when he talks about Bev. The scene where he’s in the shop visibly struggling to resist buying alcohol broke my heart honestly.
-Pruitt adoring his daughter from afar is just so tragic and sweet, especially when you factor in her being a gay doctor with not one but two very religious parents, one even being a priest.
- Bev talking the big talk about getting into heaven and yet being the only one to scramble into the dirt to try and hide from death was a very fitting end to her character
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mischiefmuses · 2 years
renn faire mini event 
This will be character info like if they will be participating or not. A few of them will definitely feel right at home others may stay away. But like this for a starter and pls specify which characters they are for. There is so much going on that if the characters are not specified I won’t do them. (Plotting call is on discord) 
(might be doing costume edits as well) 
Angel - It’s very much not his scene anymore. Too much like the time before he became a vampire. He will likely go for Buffy. The chances of his dressing up are minimal. Buffy, 
Loki Laufeyson - He will definitely be going and causing some unharmful mischief. He will be enjoying it a lot. Probably wandering around. We shall see what he does. Gabriel
Yennefer of Vengerberg - It is the clean and fantasy version of home. She will feel some nostalgia and maybe have a bit of fun with her magic. Help create that illusion of a fantasy world - Pippin, Dru, Asmodeus, Leia 
Rabastan Lestrange - Might go out of curiosity but not get very involved. It’s all a bit too loud for him. So he won’t stay long. Voldemort, Cissy
Billy Loomis - He will go. Try some of the weapons. Just have a bit of fun. He loves movies and so a renn faire when he can wear a costume is very much up his alley. Seol, Jill
Cleo Mckinnon - She loves a fantasy world and so she will definitely be going for the whole thing to just enjoy the vibes. She’s fascinated by vikings so will likely dress up as a viking of some kind. Marlene, Thor, Esther, Ewan
Charles Xavier - He will likely be dragged there. it’s not really his environment but he is eager to please. So he’ll have fun but under slight protest at first. Ororo, Jean, Billy
Cullen Rutherford - It’s just like home. Like Yennefer he will go for the nostalgia of home. He can bring out his cape and sword from home without seeming weird. He can give some sword fighting lessons as well. Arthur, Vax
Fleur Delacour - She is a badass but she loves romantic stuff and is very happy to dress in a beautiful dress. She will be enjoying it a lot. - Bill, Zishu, Rose, Dominique, Vic, Cedric
Hunter - Let’s face it he will be dragged to the event by Omega and Rowena. So he will go. But swords and medieval stuff isn’t his way really. (Though yes he will likely be dressed like a pirate) Beau, Rowena, Fennec 
Jorah Mormont - He will be a little hesitant going but curiosity will get the best of him. He will be part of the jousting tournament with his horse. He will get into the vibe and regress a little bit to his time of being a knight. Mingjue, Jaime, Dany 
Kirby Reed - She will go. A nice escape from everything and a chance to have fun. Randy, Sam
Bones McCoy - He will be dragged there likely. He is a bit of a kill joy so won’t dress up but secretly he will enjoy the vibes. Have a few drinks and let himself relax a little bit. 
Parker - She’s going and dressing up as an elf and no one can tell her otherwise. - Yuri, Aloth, Legolas, Stitch, Eddie
Peter Ballard - It’ll be an interesting event for him to witness. He is there to observe. Learn and experience. But keep a low profile. - Tandy
Peter Hale - It’s a bit of fun so Peter will be there. Maybe cheat a little with his werewolf strength on some of the games and competitions. - Noah, Theo, Bev
Satine Kryze - Another chance to have some fun. Actually enjoy her time instead of worrying. She is very intrigued. Excited for it all actually. Obi Wan
Silco - He will go. Show his face as he feels he should do as a senator. He is unlikely to get to involved but could get swept up in the fun.
Sion Val Palpatine - He wants to part take in all of the tournaments. Learn as much as he can from all of the masters. He will have the best time if also to distract him from Sella. - Claire, Allana, Chewie 
Tenel Ka Djo - A bit of fun never hurt anyone. So she will be there. It’s not really her scene these days but she’s not opposed to trying new things. Jaina
Ygritte - She will be showing off her skills at the archery stand. It is likely where she will spend most of her time. Amber
Cordelia - She will enjoy going. Even just to enjoy the atmosphere. She loves the music and seeing everyone have fun. Alastor, Reed 
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lluvguts · 3 years
Okee! Here ME out!😤💖. The losers have a movie night. During it bill gets scared and cuddles into stan, and stan holds him! And eddie and richie are holding each other. Bev takes photos of them and later that week, puts them up in the clubhouse.
omfggggg so PURE 👏👏
mike's parents let him borrow their projector for the movie and they watched it in bill's attic
bill trying to be the supportive boyfriend because stanley chose the movie but it freaks the hell out of him
ben tried scooting next to beverly throughout the movie, touching her shoulder briefly as support when she got scared
mike wasn't fazed by the scary parts at all because he's a badass-
two blankets and two blankets only!
eddie repeatedly moving richie's hands off him during the movie because they were underneath the blanket where stan and bill (mostly stan) wouldn't get upset over
stanley was all "i got this i got this" and wraps his arms around bill's shoulders during a jump scare, even going as far as to cover bill's eyes with his own hand (and plant a few little kisses on his cheek? maybe)
richie was making fun of the movie in the beginning but was also the first one to scream like a girl
richie was also the one to spill any and all popcorn (the first time because he was trying to toss kernels into stan's face, the second time because he wasn't ready to look back at the screen and be completely scared shitless and threw the whole bowl all across them)
after beverly had her fun snapping photos of the two couples clutching each other for dear life, eddie was teasing richie about being so afraid of the movie
richie played it off when the movie ended by standing up in front of the projector and imitating the main character in a snobbish Voice
beverly got a candid photo of eddie hiding his face into richie's shoulder, and richie took the picture from bev and scrawled "cutie" in sharpie on it before they hung the rest in the clubhouse
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
I was bored so I started trying to line up the IT characters with the ST characters, here's what I figured:
Bill Denbrough
↳ Mike Wheeler
Reasons: The leader. Passionate. Determined. Also a stubborn little bitch. Could be bad if they really tried, lol. In love, but with whom, it's unclear. Also kind of a dumbass. Would die for you, literally, he tried to sacrifice himself at least once. At least bi, if not full-on gay.
↳ Joyce Byers
Reasons: Believer from the start. Will never give up on you. At first, most of her time is spent looking for missing family member.
Stanley Uris
↳ Max Mayfield
Reasons: Sarcastic af. Deadpan sense of humor. Resting bitch face. Could out-sass everyone. Eye-rolling. So done with you.
↳ Lucas Sinclair
Reasons: Realist. "What are we doing?" "Why are we here?" "This is stupid." Didn't believe in any of it at first. Screams like a girl. If any party member was going to be irrationally scared of a painting...I feel like it would be Lucas. Maybe Dustin, lol.
Eddie Kaspbrak
↳ El Hopper
Reasons: Sheltered early life. Lied to and/or misled by an abusive and manipulative parental figure. Eventually stands up to said parent and chooses friends over this so-called "family". "Papa"/"Mama" & "Mommy", 'nuff said. So much emotion/power in such tiny body. Will rage, seriously, they are the scariest and most intimidating person when angry. Shortest in the group. Love interest for the lanky, dark-haired idiot played by Finn Wolfhard.
↳ Will Byers
Reasons: Gay af. Only male in the group who can rock short-shorts and a fanny pack. Raised primarily by mother, due to either dead or absent father. Also the love interest for the lanky, dark-haired idiot played by Finn Wolfhard, whom he loves back for some unknown reason. XD
Richie Tozier
↳ Steve Harrington
Reasons: Doofus. Big hair. Thinks he's smoother with the ladies than he really is. Actually a huge dork. Talks big, but is not as confident as he pretends to be. A little self-deprecating.
↳ Jim Hopper
Reasons: Self-loathing. Comes off as a little bit of an asshole, but is, in actuality, caring, sensitive, and very protective of his loved ones.
Beverly Marsh
↳ Nancy Wheeler
Reasons: Doesn't look all that intimidating, but can and will kick your ass. Obviously the coolest, toughest, and most badass group member. Falsely labeled as a slut. Has a bad father. Is treated badly by other men in town. I see Bev as the loser most likely to know how to fire a gun. Maybe Bill.
↳ Robin Buckley
Reasons: Most upbeat. Most calm in a bad situation, she can keep a clear head. Will affectionately call you names, like "doofus" or "loser." Probably the smartest person in the room, lbr. Has literally looked death/danger in the face and pissed it off-either by laughing, not being intimidated, or just basically being like "fuck you." Definitely a little gay.
Ben Hanscom
↳ Dustin Henderson
Reasons: Will talk about things he knows, at length, if you let him. Likes books and libraries. Thinks science and/or history is cool. Nerd.
↳ Jonathan Byers
Reasons: Quiet. Crushing from afar. Probably awkward at parties, lol. Artistic soul. Good taste in music.
Mike Hanlon
↳ Will Byers
Reasons: Most underdeveloped and underused character in the group. Deserves only good things bc he literally did nothing wrong. Missing at least one parent. Has deeper knowledge and/or connection with the villainous, other-worldly creature. Normally soft-spoken until you piss him off.
↳ Murray Bauman
Reasons: Does a lot of research in his small living space. Actually has a clue about what the fuck is going on in this crazy town and knows the town's history. Smart, can figure out what the bad guys are up to, and how to defeat or just elude them. Has everyone's information, lolll.
Henry Bowers
↳ Billy Hargrove
Reasons: Asshole. Bully. Mullet. Abusive father. Dies a well-deserved death.
Georgie Denbrough
↳ Barb Holland/Benny Hammond/Bob Newby: Superhero
Reasons: Loved by all, hated by none. A bit naïve. Didn't deserve death, only killed off to progress the plot for at least one of the main characters.
↳ Demogorgon/Mind-Flayer
Reasons: Raging interdimensional asshole, consistently defeated by children.
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fangirl-hell · 3 years
🔅 all the fandoms I’m in + the ships I ship 🔅
~ probably my main fandom and the fandom I spend the most time in and have been in the longest
~ by far my favourite fandom
~ joined the fandom before I really knew what a fandom was
Ships MCU:
~ Stucky ( slightly ship it, used to be my OTP BEFORE STEVE WENT AND-)
~ Ironstrange ( I used to ship it more but people move on yk )
~ Thorbruce/gammahammer ( love it. So much chemistry in Thor Ragnorok! )
~ ThorQuill ( it’s cute )
~ Scarletwidow ( I think they would be a cute couple if gay relationships were normalised and they were a bit closer age-wise )
~ Blackhill ( it’s cute. I wrote a Blackhill oneshot once. They would be cute shield-wives <3 )
~ Blackpepper ( Natasha deserves a strong independent woman like Pepper! )
~ Frosthawk ( not proud of this one- but it is one of my OTP’s and first ever ships )
~ Winterhawk ( it’s cute )
~ Hawkdevil ( god bless shipping wiki for introducing this to me. I love the deaf/Blind dynamic there )
~ Hawkant ( the family men <3 )
~ Lokius ( they r so gay- )
~ Frostmaster ( don’t really ship it I just think they did it )
~ sambucky/winterfalcon ( rollin’ in a field of flowers~~ )
~ Parley/Parkner ( it could be romantic or brotherly- I know that sounds weird but it’s like how Hawksilver could be father and son or romantic and I don’t mind it either way )
~ Shuri/MJ ( I swear it was one fic- )
~ Valcarol ( still have hope for my gay space girls <3 )
~ Drax/Mantis ( AHA!! A STRAIGHT ONE! I ship this one on a strict platonically romantic basis tho- )
~ Cherik ( 😫 CuBa BeAcH dIvOrCe || PaRiS cHeSs PrOpOsAl 😫 )
~ Scogan ( in the original universe, alt reality Scott is 2 young )
~ Kurt/Peter
~ Scott/Peter
~ Bobby/Pyro ( gay )
The Gifted:
Gert/Karolina ( ik….I’m being selfish. I can’t be happy with Karolina and Nico being gay 4 eachother )
Alex/Darius’s sister in-law
~ been in it for the second least amount of time
~ I like it but not unconditionally
~Dreamnotfound ( a classic- can u blame me? )
~Dreamnap ( aNd ThEy WeRe RoOmMaTeS )
~ Sapnotfound
~ Sapnottaken?
~ Karlnapity ( OT3 )
~ Sapity/Quacknap ( adorable. )
~ Karlnap
~ Totally forgot I was ever in this one
~ quite watching it when it made me watch it in Japanese
~ in and out
~ BakuDeku ( classic! Only one-sided though or one side w/ acceptance and the other with strong denial )
~ loosely in the fandom
~ mostly there for one ship
~ Newtmas ( god bless my random YouTube recommendations )
~ admittedly I was kinda obsessed with this one for a while!
~ Kenny
~ I was 11 when I got into the fandom so this is worrying
~ Crenny ( adorable dumbasses. Limited fics though…)
~ Style ( they were gay. Gay in a slightly homophobic but also anti-homophobic way )
~ Tyde ( cute. They obviously had their gay awakening when Craig started dating guys. They were like: “oh shit- if our mutual bestie is gay- are we gay?” And then: “are we gay 4 eachother?? )
~ Butters/Scott Malkinson ( the badass softies <3 )
~ Christopher/Gregory ( don’t question me )
~ Michael/Pete ( gay, goth and gender-non-conforming )
~ Bendy ( they’re both basic bitches ofc they deserve eachother )
~ Cryde ( cute )
~ Stylenny
~ Creek ( I don’t really ship this one but it’s not bad. They are a cute couple and they’re canon! )
~ almost forgot this one aaahahaha
~ luv it
~ make horror gay 🌈
~ Stenbrough ( they would be cute lol )
~ Benverly ( get outta here with that Billverly crap- I mean....Bev is pretty but she was a bit annoying. She depended on a man all the time it was infuriating)
~ again! Forgot this one!
~ i didn’t know what the hype was about till I watched it
~Max/El ( gay girls go shopping 🛍)
~ Mike/Will ( I mean they’re a little eh but it’s a good ship! )
~ Dustin/That Girl from Utah ( they were kind of cute yk )
~ Steve/Jonathan ( jk jk jk....unless? )
~ Nancy/Jonathan
~ El/Bev
~ Stan & El are siblings
That fic is called “The Losers Party” it’s on ao3
It’s by: WhelmedBirdie_319 and it’s fvcking awesome
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ambassadorquark · 4 years
i like martha/lydia bc i like the idea of lydia dating a nice normal woman. like martha is just a regular person who’s nice and would be good for lydia which is what lydia deserves coming off having an insane intense teen romance and then being trapped in hell for 30 years. being a badass undead demigod probably gets to be kind of a bummer when you’re also a single mom i think she should join a book club and do normie mom aged woman things. and i want bev’s mom to get back out there and i think itd be special if she got to date a sexy ghost knight which i guess bev sr also kind of is but she needs more female friends also. thats my manifesto
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marley-manson · 2 years
Hannibal (the show) for 1!
Thank you very much!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Hannibal! Love that stupidly in love cannibal.
Least Favorite character:
Honestly, and this is probably a very unpopular opinion, but I think I might have to say Abigail. Like first of all I love every single character on this show so I do still like her, but I'm not into the murder family dynamic, and I was never all that invested in her as anything more than a plot device. She served the story best by dying imo.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
hannigram, marlana, freddie/wendy (freddie's gf in the book) lol, uhhh price/zeller... chiyoh/bedelia.
Character I find most attractive:
Chiyoh probably. Maybe Margot. Tough call.
Character I would marry:
I'd say Margot for the fortune but there are so many hoops to jump through before I could marry her what with murdering Mason and all. Maybe I'll say Molly since she seems cool and down to earth and possibly makes a lot of money since it didn't seem like Will had much of a job while he was with her.
Character I would be best friends with:
Bev. There are so few characters in this show I could handle even having a conversation with lol, but Bev's one of them.
a random thought:
I like the "music" on the show lol, I think it works. Actually in general I love everything about the tone.
An unpopular opinion:
Will's personality doesn't change when he interacts with people bc of his super empathy or mirror neurons or whatever. That was an early character concept that got dropped (thank god tbh), and something Hannibal says to Jack while specifically trying to frame him and convince Jack he became a murderer by getting into the heads of murderers (he didn't).
My Canon OTP:
My Non-canon OTP:
Idk lol, this is a show where I can somewhat ship almost any two randos and find something interesting about it, but I'm only invested in Hannigram. I'm gonna say Freddie/Wendy because I really wanted Freddie to get a girlfriend and so did the actress.
Most Badass Character:
Bedelia. Yeah Hannibal murders a bunch of people and has a couple cool fight scenes, Will manipulates Hannibal and is cool about it and also fights Dolarhyde with him, Jack kicks Hannibal's ass that one awesome time, Chiyoh is like a cool sniper, etc etc, but Bedelia telling Hannibal his crush on Will is stupid and manipulating him into trying to kill Will because she's sick of his pining and then waltzing off to get a book deal out of it and then charging Will to tell him his crush on Hannibal is stupid? That fucking incredible scene in Dolce where she get high and lies her ass off and it works? Amazing
Most Epic Villain:
yk season 1/first half of season 2 Hannibal was pretty epic. Even moreso bc it's not so much intricate schemes, aside from his back-up emergency Chilton frame up he'd clearly been planning for a couple years lol, it's mostly improvisation and dicking around to see what happens without getting caught.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Any alternative to Hannigram. Not interested in shipping either of them with anyone else.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Noooone of them. If anything each character just got better and better and better as the show went on imo, like Chilton lol. Well, Bev's death did suck a little, I think that could've been done better, so let's go with her.
Favourite Friendship:
Cheap answer here lol but Hannibal and Will specifically in Sorbet. Hannibal being paralleled to Franklyn, Hannibal pining to sad Mozart when Will misses his appointment, Hannibal clearly a little drunk when Will comes for his session and trying to confirm his friendship with him after Bedelia refused to call them friends during their earlier appointment... just wall to wall delightful commentary on Hannibal wanting a friend. Incredible episode.
Character I most identify with:
Literally no one on this show is relatable at all imo.
Character I wish I could be:
Hannibal. Dude was living the fucking life and I sure wouldn't throw it all away over some guy who smells like wet dog. I wish I had a tenth of his joie de vivre.
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quinnfebrey · 4 years
this is the dumbest post ever but here’s the 8 as the losers
bill, dot. both lost someone close to them, feel guilty about it, it defines their struggles and triumphs. also, mom friend
richie, toni. gay and traumatized. small but angery
eddie, leah. always worrying about everything. gay but in subtext. loyal af and loves their friends
mike, fatin. family trauma. supposed to be a badass but is really just soft. is kind of the odd one out in the beginning but is 300% loyal
stan, rachel. gets rightfully mad at friends for being dumb. smiley and cute when things are going well. done with everyone’s shit
ben, martha & nora. looks super sweet but lowkey a badass. just a buncha romantics 😔🤘🏼
bev, shelby. shit ass father. dyke. nice to everyone but will cut a bitch
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good-doctor-imagine · 4 years
The Losers Getting Jealous
A/N: my first headcannon! i’m open to doing headcannons/reactions now... so if you want to request 👀
Pairing(s): Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Mike Hanlon, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh x Reader
Bill Denbrough
let’s be real: bill gets jealous easily
talking with a close friend that he knows likes you? jealous
hugging another person? jealous
he doesn’t want to hold you back from friendships tho so he tries to keep himself quiet
the only time he really gets mad is when someone blatantly hits on you
will stomp up to you and hold you in some way
arm over your shoulder
hand on your hip
a kiss on the cheek
he needs to be reassured that you like himmmmm
he may be a bit upset, but he really does care about you
Stanley Uris
sweet baby 🥺
he doesn’t like being jealous
he doesn’t get jealous that often, only when people are really trying to get with you
or when richie’s hitting on you
almost doesn’t know what to do when someone’s hitting on you
if it’s richie, he’ll just shut him down real quick
stan knows that you don’t like richie like that anyway
if it’s someone random he will start to glare at them
if you show any sign of being uncomfortable, he’ll be ready to throw hands protect you
he doesn’t exactly like confrontations but will do it if you’re involved
please show him love ughhhhh
Richie Tozier
okay so richie is a real flirt but he can be a bit oblivious when someone’s hitting on you
like if he isn’t focusing on you, then he won’t even notice the situation
but once he does he’s upset
tbh he will not be afraid to start throwing punches (i don’t know what damage those arms can do tho)
if the person that’s flirting with you leaves you alone, he’ll just be pouty the whole day
he’ll be whiny and want your attention more
wants to feel loved 😭
if the person is persistent and doesn’t leave you alone
Eddie Kaspbrak
okay i don’t think eddie gets as angry as bill or richie
he knows that you like him and he trusts you
if he sees someone flirting with you or you talking to someone he knows likes you, he gets sad
like he starts to doubt himself a bit
but eventually you can get him out of it
and once you understand that he’s unhappy when people do that, you learn how to avoid those situations
if one person just won’t stop, eddie will just leave the area
tbh i don’t think he likes confrontations either
reassure him that you love him, even if he insists he knows
he loves you to death ugh
Mike Hanlon
now mike is a strong boy
anyone who sees his arms is like 👀
mike gets a bit jealous when it comes to you and being flirted with but not to the point where he has to get involved
he knows that you like him and you know that he likes you
but if you show any signs of being uncomfortable, he is right up on the situation
he will try first to intimidate the person because he never wants a physical confrontation if he can help it
he will make sure that you’re okay and stays near you for the rest of the day
Ben Hanscom
ben is probably the sweetest boy out there let’s be real
like yes, he can get jealous but at the same time he thinks he’s overreacting
he never really gets jealous over people just talking to you but if someone is not leaving you alone, there’s a problem
he’s probably the most non-confrontational person out there
he hates starting fights or arguing with others so when he puts himself in the situation you know he’s serious
mainly tries to talk out of it but if that doesn’t work then he’ll leave with you
Beverly Marsh
bev is badass okay
she does get jealous but never acts on it unless it’s serious
she knows that you can handle yourself in small situations but once someone tries touching you or won’t leave you alone, she goes off
usually she keeps her cool when she interrupts the person but she’s very snippy when it comes to conversation
she also can become touchy with you in order to make your relationship more obvious
when it comes to that she normally scares the people away but if the other person escalates the situation, she’s not afraid of throwing hands
she’s confident in your relationship tho so it rarely happens anyway
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scarareg · 4 years
The Losers Club KPOP fandoms,because Im bored
Ben is the bigger ONCE you have ever seen
Dance What is Love and Fancy in his room
Cried the first time he listen Feel Special
Nayeon is his goddess only after Bev
Eddie loves TXT, he has the biggest crush on Soobin but he doesn't admit it. His fancams in Cant you see me era = his perdition. 
This also means Dolphin by Oh My Girl is his anthem. Everytime he dance the choreo is the cutest
Also is Carat,loves Seventeen’s soft vibes
IZ*ONE are his ults
Bev is Monbebe because he likes badass guys,and who is more badass that Monsta X
She and Eddie fangirl together because Monbebes and Carats are the suites friendship in kpop,and so are they
Stan only likes bands
The Rose are his faves
Also listen Day6,CNBLUE and FTISLAND
Zombie by Day6 is in his TOP 5 most played songs of the year
Mike just gets into kpop thanks of Ben,Eddie and Bev
He loves IU
Cries everytime he listen Eight
Is starting a cult for her.
Loves Taeyeon too and dreams with the day both singers make a duet
Also is SHAWOL.Everytime Taemin dance this guy dies a little
Richie and Bill don't like kpop. Richie has listened some songs of BTS,he likes them but doesn't admit it.
Eddie knows though,but keeps it a secret
Stan knows too but he blackmails him with tell everyone anytime Richie is being annoying
Watch TWICE videos with Ben but just because he thinks they are hot
Georgie learn choreos along Ben.
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izupie · 3 years
2, 4, 9, 11, 22, 23!
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
I kiiiind of answered this already, with Bev and Richie - but it's not a hugely popular ship really. But my previous opinion on them still stands - to me they're super super close best friends and I just can't imagine them in a romantic relationship,,
Zuko and Sokka are a huuuuge ship now since the release Atla on netflix?? But I just see them as such a great brotp! I can't ship Sokka with anyone but Suki I'm sorryyyyy
another controversial one! Eleven and Mike - stop booing me I'm right - because I really wish they'd have taken them in the direction of brotp, rather than romantic interests. I just think it would have given them an even stronger bond and would have fed into the idea of Found Family even more (which is one of my favourite tropes). Then Hopper and Mike wouldn't have had the 'cringey dad with his daughter's first boyfriend' conflict either.
I wish shows and movies would stop downgrading familial love, because it can be just as powerful as romantic love.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
I sort of answered this one too in the previous batch of answers - any ships involving Pennywise. But ship him with any of the Losers especially, and I will be fetching my broom.
Oh! Also, Myra and Eddie. I don't even know if anyone actually ships that??? like, does that exist????? But I will cringe so hard I might cease to function if I see any fics or art tagged Eddie/Myra, grossgrossgross - a definite notp for me
Don't even go to this fandom any more, so I don't feel bad about telling everyone that Kirib*aku and Bakud*eku were both huge notps for me and I could never admit it because I didn't want the fandom to come after me. I just didn't get either of those ships at allllll. And the fandom was feral for both of them, and I was like, am I missing something??
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Pennywise lmaoooo - because he's on all the IT merch and I'm salty about it. I need more Losers Club stuff,, but also because he kills poor lil Georgie and Eddie and indirectly kills Stan. go home, clown!
Sonia, Myra, Bev's dad, and Bev's husband who I think is called Tom? (I could google it, but he doesn't deserve it) because they're all horrible people basically.
And Billy from Stranger Things, because I already mentioned how awful I find him and I would lump him up into the same category as the gang of assholes above honestly. I don't care about his 'tragic' backstory or being 'possessed', I really don't. He basically abuses his little sister! being possessed doesn't give him a get out of jail free card, and deciding at the very very last minute that he's actually not totally evil is too late for me lmao
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I can't actually think of an example for this one ahaha. Maybe Audra? Bill's wife. I like the idea of Bill being able to fix his marriage, just because it's another angle on adult relationships after ch2 - Stan's happily married, Eddie and Bev get divorces, and Bill repairs his marriage - but it's a very unpopular opinion because everyone sees Audra as an obstacle to Bill and Mike getting together. Don't get me wrong - I love Bill and Mike, but I like Audra too!
Also Nancy from Stranger Things! If they can fix her character and take her back to being badass again, I'll be happy. I don't like her as much after season 3, but I like her more than the fandom in general does lmao
22. Popular character you hate?
aahhh I answered this in question 9 with Billy~
23. Unpopular character you love?
oh no I don't think I have one??! If a character is unpopular, at best I might like them more than the fandom does, but I don't think I'd 'love' them. They're usually unpopular for a reason??
I want to say the demon pomeranian in ch2, but a lot of people like the pomeranian too lmaooo
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