#also because a handful of months ago I would've really really needed to see a discussion of this when scrolling those tags
trans-androgyne · 1 month
I don't really do this like at all but I have no idea where else to express my frustrations and dejection. This is pretty negative so no need to even read it but If you do I really appreciate it. I'm a transmasculine teenager and I remember first coming to tumblr from reddit cause I heard there was more transmasculine folks here and I was like waooww! Sounds great. I expected cool memes or positivity or representation just something I could relate to because I genuinely hated myself for being trans, so much. Can't come out at school, can't transition for like another four years, can't entirely come out to family either, so I can seek solace online. Now tumblr has become by #1 doomscroll site and I hate myself more than ever for newer reasons. Wooow. And this time it's coming from other queer people and it feels worse than anything I read from a genuine right-wing bigot. I keep feeling like my existence is just irrational and misogynistic and hopeless. I don't know how to feel any better about my identity as a transgender male.
Gods, I've been in really similar spots, I'm so sorry. Seeing the same old vitriol from cis transphobes is one thing. But when I stumbled into the discourse about transmascs on here, feeling that hated and rejected by my fellow queer and trans people pushed me to the brink of detransitioning. There are two main ways I pushed through that.
The first was to focus on other transmascs. Sure, I can hate myself for "choosing the wrong side" or whatever, but would I ever, ever say that about another transmasc? I wouldn't. I would never tell them half the stuff I believed about myself. It became clear to me that queer masculinity, especially trans masculinity and manhood, gets pushback both from inside and outside the queer community that it does not deserve. One's gender and gender presentation does not relate to their morality. Queer masculinity is beautiful and radical, no matter what anyone tries to tell you, and I let myself fall in love with it and engage in it out of spite. Even if I couldn't accept it on myself, I committed myself to letting other transmascs out there know that I believed their transmasculinity made the world a better place. After a while, it was a little easier to feel that way about myself too. I still get insecure about it, but I can always lean on other transmascs and transmasc allies about it.
That's the second strategy. I felt so isolated and alone as a transmasc, especially when we were being blamed for predstrogen being banned, that I ended up making a discord server centered on trans men and mascs. I've gotten so many friends and even two new partners out of that! It turns out that there are plenty of people who love transmasculinity even if they aren't transmasc themselves. An example is my trans femme S.O. who loves me being her transmasc stone butch and praises my masculinity constantly :) I suggest to all transmascs ever to surround themselves with as many people as they can that see the value of transmasculinity and don't hold bigoted beliefs about transmascs (because yes, believing that we're all annoying and attention-seeking and self-centered and misogynistic is bigoted). My server is always open if that might help you, but other spaces are out there as well. Just know you deserve to be supported in your identity and there are plenty of people who would give you that support. You are always, always, always welcome in my inbox, or DMs, or anywhere else. Please reach out if I can be of any help.
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balteredsworld · 3 months
negotiations. gregory house
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🥼🩺 | house would rather fight you, but negotiates a date to a gala for a truce.
masterlist : greg house n all
tags/warnings! house being house, lawyer!reader, drugs, not enemies per say but there's def something there, reader is stacy's apprentice of sorts | gifs by @propertyofjameswilson
author's note: this was one of the first requests i got in my inbox! i accidentally deleted it omg but i hope this finds you <3 lemme know what you guys think!
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"if this is an ethical boards issue, file the report over there," you spoke, eyes never leaving the monitor screen.
you already knew it was house from the way a constant thud crept its way to your office. that, and you could see his figure from your peripheral, so really you didn't need to look up.
"it's adorable that you automatically know it's me," he noted, obviously humoured. "if i didn't know better, i would've pegged you down as a secret admirer."
still, that didn't inspire much of a reaction from you other than a short glance. the two of you have been veering on this lane since you replaced stacy seven months ago. you were much colder than she was, and so much less accommodating to his devious needs.
house often wondered how stacy even took a liking to you, but then again she was also ruthless when he first met her. by that logic, you didn't fall from the tree. you were your mentor's very picture, but oh were you much icier. it was annoying, but he liked drilling you.
unfortunately for him, you were several inches thick. so he considered you worse than cuddy in that regard. at least she entertained his whims, but you... you didn't care nor bat an eye.
you said all the appropriate, correct and right things.
"i need you," he admitted ominously.
your brows knitted, "right...?"
a silence broke between the two of you, causing you to finally look up and meet his eyes.
"house, if this is an ethics question, you have cuddy to advise you," you sighed. "i only deal with court and legal processes."
he shook his head. "i need you."
you sent him another worrisome look, before finally giving in. "what for?"
"tonight's the gala. i need a date."
:..don't you have hookers for that? i'm sure they would like the pay," you told him, voice and tone slow, still unsure what the gimmick was with this request.
if you had learned one thing in your seven months here at princeton was that everything involving house was some sort of mind game. you'd dealt with him enough times to know that, and seen him through three excruciating court appearances because the man couldn't and wouldn't shut up.
house was stupid in the way he was careless.
he plopped himself on your client chairs, hands wrapping the knob of his cane like he was considering some great philosophy or debate in his mind, surely one about the manmade idea of a god.
"hmm, good point. hookers do have their perks-less backtalk, more enthusiasm," he hummed, pretending to think, brows raising as he offered the explanation to his request. "but, hey, i figured slumming it with you might be an interesting change of pace."
despite his nonchalant closing of the question, he was still there. the proposition hung heavy in the your silence, piercing through the airy creak of the floorboards from the wobble of his cane.
you cocked your brow, asking, "so you want me to be your entertainment?"
at that house scrunched his face.
"entertainment? that's putting it generous," he remarked, looking at you with incredulous eyes as he leaned on the chair's backrest to take a vicodin. "i was thinking more like a reluctant accomplice in a dull evening. but who knows, you might surprise me."
he wanted you to bite. if you were cameron, then maybe you would've then and there, and entertain house's wild fantasy of taking you to the gala to stir up hospital gossip. but you still didn't know the caveat to your compliance, not to mention the sea of paperwork you'd been made to deal with due to his merry malpractice.
it was like this every other week, somehow piling larger because you had to justify house's forgeries on paper.
"well, i'm flattered at your proposal, but alas i'm swamped from your court hearing last week," you straightened up, gesturing to the piles and piles of folders and legal binders littering your desk. "i have you to thank for that i believe."
your dry remark elicited an impatient huff from house, all but crass and lax about administrative affairs of his hospital job.
"the perks of my charming personality. you're welcome for the excitement," he told you, leaning back toward you to flick through the papers on your desk.
"what's the gimmick?"
"no gimmicks. just you and me surviving the god awful gala, and you can have tickets to whatever show you want. what do you say?"
he looked at you innocently.
"there's always a gimmick with you, house. it makes your puzzle for your team to figure out. so what's the puzzle here?" you query, locking your hands together.
more than anything, this was negotiation. anything was negotiable with house: rules, conduct... the law.
anything was remotely subjective was up for his objective debate, all to prop himself up with more advantage to do whatever he wants in the hospital. even though he makes up for it with his rightness, it's made up more work for you
"you on my arm; i need to quiet down cuddy," he finally reveals, pursing his lips. "she's antsy about our squashbuckling. personally think it's great pr, but mommy says otherwise."
you let out a breath, considering the argument. he was right, of course. the times the two of you went to court, you looked like you could barely control your client even with your stern voice and threats. your threats were empty in house's books. so long as he proved himself on principle, consequences were an afterthought to him.
his integrity made him a man easy to admire, but he would rather ruffle your feathers to see how far you'd go. it infuriated and vexed you. but, if this was really a chance to call an armistice, then his proposition was more than an attractive offer.
"okay," you agreed.
house bobbed his head, appeased with your agreement, "great."
"but i don't want tickets."
he edged his head, encouraging you to go on. eyes wary, nonetheless.
"i want the next case without a pile of files for me to review."
a beat.
he blinked.
then he uncontrollably laughed. the fucker laughed.
"that's cute, y/l/n," he chortled, sinking into the backrest completely. he was smug, face dancing with amusement and disbelief like you believed he could really do that.
"let's see, you want me to diagnose a complex medical case discarding my process and adhere to standard protocol. wow that's really cute."
"well, fine then. appease cuddy another way," you waved him off, letting your eyes fall to your monitor to go back to work.
sensing this, house groaned a sigh, exchanging his previous amusement for your veering annoyance. he took his fingers and massaged the bridge of his nose.
"alright, you want a break from my malpractice masterpieces? fine. i'll keep it clean the next time. but if i manage to save a life without a single piece of paper, you owe me more than the gala."
you stared back at him, mildly bewildered, "are you asking me out on a date, house?"
"my diagnostic powers deserve more than a gala."
so it was a yes, then. part of you wanted to beam, but that would betray your icy façade. so instead you settled for cool nod, won by the whole proposal. you knew he wouldn't resist a challenge if you posed one, and if it meant less work for you, then you'd let house take you out.
house also owed you more than a date after the last seven months of putting up with his shit.
"wear a nice suit," you accepted, weathering a ghost of a smile. "pick me up at my apartment at 8."
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
A/N Honestly this is really self-indulgent ‘cuz my instincts went “This mf forgets to eat I just know it.” and turned it into a really fluffy fic lmao. I wrote this with a male Spiderman in mind, but gender-neutral readers are also welcome of course! Hope you all enjoyed it!
Tags: Miguel O’hara x m!Reader, Possible gn!Reader, Peter B. Parker, Mayday Parker, mention of Gwen, Fluff, Just taking care our resident dilf, He/him prns, Spiderman!Reader, caring!reader, Emotionally constipated Miguel? Emotionally constipated Miguel., Peter being the best wingman, Mayday being her cute self, Self-indulgent
Miguel O’hara doesn't take breaks. Miguel O’hara only leaves his lair if he’s needed on a mission to set another anomaly straight. So what do you do? Exactly, force him into taking a break… Sorta.
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Miguel O’hara doesn't take breaks. Miguel O’hara only leaves his lair if he’s needed on a mission to set another anomaly straight. Only when his body is finally demanding food does he leave the monitors in the care of Jessica or Lyla while he goes through the cafeteria for a satisfying meal or his favorite Empanadas. So far, if there wasn't a catastrophic event—Which is pointless because he would've seen it before anyone else—Or a Spider-person that needs his immediate help, he keeps himself perched on his platform, monitoring the vast universes, unblinking, the video of him and his daughter playing just on his peripherals. 
“Miguel! How long have you been up there?” Until you.
Another Spiderman that joined the spider society just a couple of months ago has managed to worm his way into Miguel’s thorn bushes. He doesn't even know how, or when, did you start to become a constant in his nonstop monitoring but you did, annoyingly so. Your voice echoes the large room, steps follow suit as you stand at the base of his lair.
You huff, before pulling your mask off and arching a brow while your question is left unanswered. You’ve only done this a handful of times. The day you learned that Miguel O’hara, the guy that doesn't leave his damn perch unless you can hear his stomach rumble a mile away or his body forces him to take a nap, you’ve dedicated a bit of your time to make sure he takes a time off from those screens. Spiderman or not, he still needs rest. 
“Seriously man,” You sigh, considering swinging yourself up to that damn platform. “Have you eaten anything for the last 7 hours?”
Another silence. “You missed lunch, y'know, if it weren't for Lyla I would have thought you died.”
Of course, nothing. You blink, annoyed, before deciding to just turn around and head to the cafeteria yourself. If he won't get food for himself then you will.
At this point, seeing you exit Miguel’s office has been a normal recurrence for the other Spider-people. So when you walk down the corridor, others wave and said their hi’s while you reply back. As much as you miss your universe, hanging out with others of your kind is refreshing. You reach the end of the walkway where it drops before you shoot out webs and swing to where the cafeteria is, cutting your journey short. Who knows how long Miguel has neglected his stomach?
You picked up today's dinner menu, thanking the server, before snagging an Empanada and then swiftly swinging back to Miguel's office. You make your way inside, making sure to not trip on the scattered tech and cables, and to no one’s surprise; he’s still staring at those screens. 
“Here,” You sat the plate and box down on one of the many boxes and tables around his office. “Eat it, or not. I’m sure your stomach will appreciate it if you do,”
You shrugged before swiftly walking back to exit his lair once more, rolling your eyes when he doesn't respond again. Typical.
“I really don't get his problem, I mean, I'm just looking out for him, isn't that what teammates do?”
“No ones ever really brought him food, man,”
“Yeah well he’ll get his own food when he starves, and I don't think the others would like that,” You snicker before landing beside Peter. He was heading to Miguels to report a new potential member so you tagged along, besides you missed holding Mayday. 
“I think he appreciates it though,” Peter presses the button and the door opens, the three of you walking inside. You cross your arm, watching as Mayday starts to scale his dad, her giggles contagious.
“Weird way of showing it,” You huff, eyeing the girl as she starts pulling at Peter's strands before you reach for her, cradling her against your chest and tickling her little body. “No ‘Thank you’? Or y’know, a small ‘thanks’ maybe?” 
She coos, turning her head as if she understands your rambling. You hold her under her arms, then nuzzle her fluffy hair which makes her giggle.  You stare down her eyes, wrinkling your nose. “He’s a little crap isn't he, May?” She cackles in delight which makes you grin.
“Hey, no swearing around the kid,” Peter grumbles and when Mayday makes grabby hands towards her father, you hand her back.
“Says the dad that takes his daughter on missions?” You smirk, lightly punching Pete’s shoulder, making both of you laugh, and Mayday follows suit with her giggles. Finally reaching Miguel’s lair, the man is always on his platform, before Peter calls for him to report. As you watch the platform dramatically descend, this time with Miguel holding a screen tablet and facing you and Peter.
At least he’s not facing those screens this time, you thought. You cross your arms, eye scanning around the room when you spot a clean cafeteria plate on the same table you left it on a couple of hours before. 
“Hey uh…” Peter hums when you start to reach for the plate. “You go on ahead, I’ll be right back,” 
You quickly picked up the utensil and went ahead outside, already swinging your way toward the cafeteria. You peek inside the box and to your delight, the empanada you brought for him is already gone. You smile, humming in relief as you make your way to drop off the plate. You gave it to the staff and threw the box into the trash before you made your way back to the lair again.
A smile creeps its way to your lips and it won't leave, the feeling of a small blooming rose inside your heart as you realize Miguel does eat the food you leave for him. 
As you made your way through the doors, you heard the deep baritone of Miguel's voice conversing with Peter. 
“I don't understand him.” That made your step falter. You swiftly pressed back to the hallway leading to Miguel's lair, making sure to hear their voices clearly, though deep down you knew you shouldn't do this. 
“What don't you understand, man? He just cares about you,” Peter's voice is accompanied by Mayday's giggling. “He brings you food and makes sure you take breaks, I mean, I think that’s a pretty good thing,”
“I know It’s a good thing, Peter. But why? What does he want?”
“Not everything needs to have an ulterior motive, Miguel,” Peter chuckles, you can hear Mayday's laughs too. “Maybe he just wants to. Who knows,”
Then there was silence. You blink, processing the conversation, a million other thoughts fly by you, the biggest was your worry about burdening him. Maybe Miguel doesn't want you to do this, why else would he think you wanted something from him? Maybe you should back down, leave him alone like how everyone else treats him, maybe-
“It is… Nice of him, though,” A sudden rush of heat flows into your cheeks.
“I should thank him, one of these days,” Miguel continued. At this point, Peter should have sensed you but has said nothing. Until Mayday turns the corner and then came crawling into your view, you decided to make your appearance. 
You scoop up the little girl, cuddling her close to your chest. “Hey, kiddo! You shouldn't be back here!”
She cackles, little hands reaching for your strands which makes you laugh. You pull your head up to see Miguel and Peter standing at the end of the hallway, Peter with an oddly smug look while Miguel suddenly turns towards his monitors. “What’d I miss?”
“Nothin’, just done reporting,” Peter shrugs nonchalantly, walking towards you before taking Mayday, “I should head back though, this little spider needs her nap, don't you?” 
Mayday giggles in her father's arm, Peter already waving as he exits the office. “Later, you two!”
“See ya’ Pete!” You wave back, catching May’ little hands waving too before the door closes. 
Now it's just you and Miguel. It's rare seeing him off of the platform, away from that far-away bubble. You’ve only seen him on duty with other Spideys, that's the only time he’s away from the glowing screens. He’s still focused on the screen tablet when you jogged closer. Now that you’re meters away from him, You notice how broad his shoulders actually are, and the slight curls on the back of his head. You clear your throat, looking at anything other than Miguel.
“So… The new recruit Peter gave you? We taking them in?”
“Huh? Yeah, yes.” Miguel shifts slightly, you rub your hands together.
“Alright, cool,” You cringe, the air suffocating with tension and unspoken words. You look around, before deflating, your hand scratching the back of your neck. “Well… I’m gonna go then-”
“Wait.” You stop yourself from turning. “You don't have to keep doing that,”
“Doing what?” You raise a brow, with your mask off and Miguel in front of you, he can clearly see your slightly smug face.
“That. Bringing me food. I don't need it,” Miguel finally pries his eyes away from the tablet, now meeting yours. 
You chuckle. “Last time I checked, you're still human Miguel,”
“I can do that myself,” He steps towards you, which makes you pull up your hands defensively. 
“Alright, sure boss, but you only eat when your body forces you. That can't be healthy,” You huff, crossing your arms and meeting his deep reds. He backs down, looking towards the far wall. 
Great, an argument instead of him just agreeing with me, You sighs, looking down at the concrete floor. What were you thinking? Miguel can take care of himself, of course, he’s a fucking old man and you probably disrupted his old man metabolism or some shit like that.
“I- Thanks.” Your perk up, quickly meeting his still-averting eyes. “That's what I wanted to say. Thanks,”
You smirk. ”Yeah, of course, Miguel,” 
“Maybe… You can let Lyla take over, or someone, and uh…” Shit, maybe this is too bold…
Fuck it. “Join me for lunch, sometime?”
It was a mistake. The deafening silence was clearly a loud rejection from Miguel and you wanted to quickly blurt out something, anything to salvage what you had before, but he beat you to it.
“Sure, sometime,” You whip your head around, almost smacking with how close Miguel and you were standing. His eyes widened slightly, a ghost of a smirk across his lips and it made you gulp.
“Y-yeah, sometimes, yeah,” His brow quirks a bit when you start stumbling your way through his lair. “I should uh- I think Gwen called me so uh-” 
The last thing he saw from you was your stuttering word and your body turning the corner of his office, then a loud ‘Fuck yeah!’ before you disappeared. Truly a wonder how you, out of anyone, managed to pique Miguel’s interest. 
Reblogs are appreciated <3
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heyhoeudoin · 28 days
"I will always be by your side."
pairing: senku ishigami x fem!reader
words: 9.2k
genre/s: fluff, mystery, storytelling in the third perspective (special ep, s3, s4), slight angst
warning/s: she/her, swearing, ambiguous/not direct ending
synopsis: there is always someone next to senku, all the time.
masterlist ; loyalty built from love (part 1)
a/n: jokes on you guys, i was already writing a part two even before i got many requests for it. also, i wrote part 1 like months ago and it took months to write as well, so when i re-read it for part 2, part 1 was so ambiguously written good that even i have no idea what the hell i was going for.
also, don't be shy to give any comments, because i am reading those and i love them all <3
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anyone could tell that senku misses you
like a lot...
to the point that he mentions you
a lot...
it was rather endearing to the people around him
it's cute that senku still remains the habit of talking about you whenever you're not physically with him
yuzuriha always liked that habit of his
she will never not be bothered by it, she's used to it after all
he would always at least mention you once a day
he just loves talking about you
it's really endearing and an adorable side to the usually unaffectionate friend of hers
"the first balloon that humanity took flight in was made of hemp cloth," shared senku as gen let out an awed noise. "the one massive ordeal to overcome is..."
"right..." yuzuriha raised her hand. "you need a crap ton of cloth, don't you?" she asked with a slightly painful look on her face, already knowing the work she's going to put into.
"oh, look!" senku pointed at yuzuriha with a devilish expression. "i totally didn't realize! we've got the crafts club here!" yuzuriha jabbed a fist at his chest.
senku and kaseki then got onto the floor and bowed, performing a dogeza. "the science team will commit itself to designing the passenger basket," senku explained in a robot manner.
"we'll make any tools you need," kaseki tells her, raising his head.
"can i leave the cloth making to you? to the yuzuriha crafts team?" senku confidently asked, raising his head.
yuzuriha nods as senku stood up and the two shared a high-five. "of course you can!" she exclaimed with a peace sign.
"i could've had y/n help you with this. well actually, i think she would've helped immediately without me saying anything, but..." senku trailed off, but yuzuriha understood what he's trying to say.
she placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. "i know, senku. it's fine! i've got it handled."
later on yuzuriha asked senku and kaseki to make a loom to get things going a bit faster and easier. as she waited, senku called, "hey, it's done." she turned around expecting a simpler loom, but it was not. she let out a surprised noise, falling onto the ground. a pleasant surprise, she was given.
"was this not what you were expecting, yuzuriha-chan?" kaseki asks, a bit worried.
"we didn't have much time," says senku, looking a bit worried too. "did you want an electric one? maybe i should've. y/n would have my head seeing i didn't immediately make an electric one for you."
yuzuriha hurriedly dismissed their worry. "no! no! i appreciate it a lot!"
"they're the senku department store's first high-end products. it might be a while before they start selling," says gen, looking at the racks that held an assortment of clothes and the people that looked around the new place.
"y/n would've love this," senku absentmindedly mentions. "she would've easily volunteered for that fashion show too."
gen turned to senku as if he grew a head.
"oh, also, hand them out to anyone who works," senku then tells gen. "we have a living manifestation of greed who'll buy just about anything."
that was first time gen heard senku talk about you as if he's some clingy boyfriend that misses his girlfriend, he thought he was finally going insane in the stone world
he genuinely would have never thought that senku's the type to be like that when it comes to relationships
which was already shocking in of itself
he truly never expected to have "senku" and "relationship/boyfriend/girlfriend" in the same sentence
are you two really just boyfriend and girlfriend though?
it doesn't seem right to call you and senku, girlfriend and boyfriend
it feels like the two of you have something more
ryusui never met you
of course because when the fuck would he ever
but he has been in the same room as you a few times
people from the "rich, noble, important" families would hold these galas for the "high-class", and you attended some of them for connecting purposes
he, on the other hand, attended most of these which made it possible for him to have seen you in person a few time
though, he never dared interact with you
he only stared at you from afar in awe
it was also an added bonus that because of one of these galas, your family ended up connecting with his family through buying yachts
though, other than that, the nanami conglomerate and the l/n family has no other connection than a business one
and so when senku mentioned your name...
he didn't know what to think when senku mentioned you as if you were an old friend
and judging by chrome's reaction, it seems that the scientist has mentioned you a few times already
"we're in the sky, protected by nothing but our own skin and flesh. you don't get this kind of extravagance anywhere else," he says, looking on the horizon they are given from the air balloon. "not this unique sensation."
"yeah," senku agreed. "y/n would love to be here right now, but sucks to be her for not being here." he cackled out a laughter as chrome turned to him and gave him a light jab.
"seriously?" he deadpanned, but then got distracted by a flock of bird, flying pass the balloon. "we're with the birds!" he exclaimed.
actually, did he even refer to you as if you were an old friend?
it almost felt like he referred to you as if you were dead...
and in a manner that only a really close friend has the rights to do
ryusui didn't believe that though
i mean, how could he?
you dead?
it's ridiculous (utterly ridiculous)
he can see the reasons on why senku has survived and thrived
he also knows the reasons on why you, too, are just as capable of surviving and thriving
so where are you really?
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"it's as good as bread from a popular modern shop," senku says after taking a bite out of the stollen that francois just baked. "it'll last to the other side of the planet, and it's good as hell. a perfect food that i've been dying to have and we've got it now!"
"greed equals justice," is all what francois says.
"y/n's really missing out," senku absentmindedly called out. "she would've devoured these so fast, well, as much as her stomach can handle." he smiled fondly at the thought
gen turned to him and asked, "does she like bread that much?"
"loves them even more so than the average person," senku says with a tired expression from just thinking about it. "that girl dragged me around the globe just to have a damn bread tour."
francois wasn't sure if they had heard the scientist correctly
did senku just refer to you like you two are old friends?
a member of the most powerful family in the entirety of japan?
the eldest of the said family?
the next in line?
the hidden treasure of japan?
it was strange
they were confused on why senku would have connections to you
and judging from gen's casual follow-up question, your name has been brought up more than once by senku
but it wasn't their job to be curious and to question the lives of others
their job was to serve ryusui-sama
and for the sake of the nanami conglomerate, ishigami senku is an absolute want
minami, being the journalist she is, are one of the only few people that knows you a bit better than most
after all, she was handpicked by the l/n family to be one of the few media representation for your first ever media debut
it was groundbreaking for her career
and it also broke the entirety of japan
you had revealed then that you will not be accepting any courting, and offers of marriage because you had already found the person you'd spend your life with
no one knew who you were talking about
she remembered the massive wave of investigation happening shortly after the publication of that interview done by... everyone, really
no one ever figured it out who this person was
...or is
maybe she's the first amongst reporters to finally figure it out
"at least let me take the first picture for memory's sake!" exclaimed minami with an embarrassed expression.
"perfectly fair," voiced ukyo and gen.
ryusui laughed, raising his hand in the air. "i'm buying the photo, model rights, and all!" he declared.
minami turned to him, angry, baring teeth. "why should the first photo be yours?!"
"what are you talking about?" he asked. "it's a record of the beginning of technological civilization. it should be senku, obviously. am i right?"
senku owlishly stared at ryusui and minami.
"an exhibit at the nanami museum, representing the history of the new world." ryusui walked over to where senku stood with all the other cameras.
senku stuck a pinky into his ear. "what are you talking about?" he asked. "if anything, the first picture should be y/n." a wave of silence rose amongst the revived people. they know fully well that what senku had said was absolutely correct.
but they also know that it won't be possible right now.
the scientist sighs, breaking the silence. "it's too bad she's frozen shut right now," he mocked casually with a teasing grin.
"i think you're the only one who can joke about her like that," gen commented with a slightly awkward chuckle.
in the end, senku had the honors of being the first person photographed in the stone age, posing the famous einstein pose and minami had the honors of photographing the first picture in the stone age
but that wasn't the only thing that she got from this
she's always listening, you know? and there was one thing that stood out from the banter around her
no one in japan would have the courage, the boldness to joke around your name like senku had just did
not to your face nor behind your back
and yet senku, being the man of knowledge he is, is bold enough to do so
why is that?
was gen right?
that senku really is the only person who can joke about you like that?
since the surrender of tsukasa, there were many rumors she had heard about the two of you and it was all the same thing
that you and senku have something going on
she refuses to believe those rumors
she's a journalist—she shouldn't be believing in those rumors!
her motto is to find the truth
and the truth she will find sooner or later (when she gets the guts to ask you)
when they found the oil, obviously they had to test it out
gen was the one conducting the test drive (because he's the only one with drivers license)
then taiju dropped by, getting a whiff of that oily smell
"hey! it's the love potion," commented taiju. "are you going to give it to someone, senku?"
the people there were confused on what taiju had meant. "what are you talking about, taiju-chan?" asked gen.
"you made some for me that day, remember?" taiju says as his mind took him back to the day it all started. "so that i would have the confidence to confess to yuzuriha. you also said it worked out for you and y/n because of it. it was the last moment we had before we all got petrified."
senku ended up cackling afterwards. "i did! i said that! i told you it was a love potion! you still believe that, you meathead?! that was gasoline!"
"what?! it was?!"
"also, no way in hell would i ever use something on y/n unless she forces me in another of her batshit insane experiments," senku deadpanned. "but if you think it smells the same with no prior knowledge—"
now, gen is totally one to assume
and what senku said kind of sounded like an implication...
in both that way and a completely different way
although, if it was that way then, knowing senku, he would have never mentioned it
so it was probably an actual batshit insane thing
why does gen feel like his image of you will be changed while they're here
a small moment of reference when yo was whispering some shit to gen, pinning senku as some sort of mad lad
well, he kind of is but...
"i'm pretty sure he's wack," whispered yo to gen. both sweating.
"nah, y/n's the one who's wack between she and i. i've still got my mind intact, just barely," senku retorted, looking back at the two.
when valentines came, gen had an interesting answer to his question
"ah, valentine's day," mused gen as kohaku repeated it, confused. "yeah, events are important. for the drago—i mean, for the morale."
senku and yuzuriha went out of the laboratory, handing out the chocolates. gen turned to senku with a question in mind. "do you give chocolates to y/n-chan, senku-chan?"
senku shook his head. "nah, y/n doesn't really like them," he answered which shocked gen. "she'd rather have things that she could wear or practical gifts."
look at that
that gave a lot to gen
senku practically confirmed that he gives gifts to you!
and also does so on VALENTINES
if that's not confirmation of being a couple, he doesn't know what is
but then again...
like he had thought before, it doesn't feel like the two you are just boyfriend and girlfriends
but what other kind of relationship would still condone in the valentines romance gift giving?
shouldn't there be some kind of answers by now?
then after they took the group photo with the finished ship
senku looked a bit... down? contemplated?
it was strange to see
why would he be feeling down?
it was quite obvious as well
"are you unsatisfied about the pictures, senku?" asked minami, holding her camera.
"nah, i don't care about that," answered senku.
"then what's got you so down, senku-chan?" asked gen.
senku stared off in the direction of where the tsukasa empire was with a somber look. gen immediately understood from that alone. "take lots of pictures when y/n comes back, journalass," senku told her as he walked off towards the ship.
everyone knew that you barely had any pictures
after all, you were called the hidden treasure of japan
you probably told senku how you felt about it, and he remembers
gen thought it was sweet
minami felt herself gushing about it
when ryusui called upon the people who were needed on the expedition, it was gen's turn to come aboard.
and, to be perfectly clear, tsukasa was left behind by choice because he felt obliged to protect the kingdom of science since most of the battle team were coming along to the perseus
"uh, you don't need me, do you?" asked gen, frantically. "i've got the strength of a bean sprout."
"we don't know what kinds of enemies we're going to meet. what good is a mentalist if they aren't there when that happens, dumbass?" explained senku. "i'd have y/n instead of you if she wasn't being frozen away like a piece of salami."
the modern people felt cultural shock at the casual way of senku playing around your name, but at the same time they feel that they should get used to it.
"ah so i'm just a second choice, huh?" mused gen as he trekked up towards the ship.
"of course you are," senku answered without thinking. "it's always y/n first to me."
the crowd who watched the take off of the ship awed at the display of loyalty senku accidentally announced. gen started grinning, knowing full well that he caused senku to slip like that. senku then grimaced at what he said even thought it's true.
maybe senku should dial back a bit...
ryusui also knows now that you're very much alive somewhere in the kingdom of science
he just doesn't know why you're not physically present
also, did his ears deceive him or did senku just practically confess his feelings for you?
but it wasn't that...
judging from the way the people present cooed at his confession and how gen was smirking like he set it up on purpose
was there something else between the two of you?
this time, it was yuzuriha who shared something about you
"these kinds of people are always dying to show you the machines they tuned the hell out of," says nikki, looking sympathetic.
"they won't let you go until their done," kohaku added.
"i'll be alright!" yuzuriha clarified, making kohaku and nikki shocked. "i always sat through senku-kun's five hour rocket lectures and stuff."
"we have a veteran here!" exclaimed nikki, still looking shock with kohaku.
yuzuriha laughs at that. "if you think i'm a veteran, then y/n must be something else! she always did listen to him..." she mused with a fond smile.
senku smiled as well from that comment.
yuzuriha may not be as close to you as she is to senku, but she completely adores you!
...after getting over the fact that you're the y/n l/n
you were like... any other person, just a bit clueless in other areas
actually, you were a lot like senku in a lot of ways
it's a good portion of the reason why the two of you have the relationship that you two have grown to have
this time, gen was the one to first mention you to amaryllis
albeit in a more... implied upbringing
despite not actually knowing if you two are intertwined or not
but he's very confident that you two are
"that kind of attack isn't going to work on senku-chan," he says. "he's already married, you know?"
and then he went scummy
to which kohaku shouted and hit at him for
and then she later scolded herself after forcing a kiss on senku to save her own ass
she kneeled on the ground and slammed her head on the floor in a dogeza position, facing the direction of ishigami village. "i am sorry, y/n. i will be held responsible for this action, and i will allow you to give me whatever punishment is deemed necessary."
senku sighed, sticking a finger in his pinky, looking exasperated. "y/n's reasonable, calm down, she won't be that mad." his eyes looking far away in the same direction as if thinking of something himself for you.
while senku was making conditioner for kohaku, he mentions you
"y/n's actually been nagging me about making hair stuff for a while now," senku commented while making the hair products. "she always had this specific routine for her hair."
amaryllis didn't know who you are. "is she the one who's married to him?" she asked gen.
"yes," he answered. "y/n-chan is a very powerful person. she's probably even stronger than the strongest soldiers here on the island."
senku glanced at the implied threat gen displayed with an unamused look, but let him does so anyways. it's true, after all.
when amaryllis tried to girlie-fy the boys,
"you know, y/n would actually be impressed that you could fake being a girl like that," senku mentions, crossing his arms on his chest after washing off the makeup on his face.
"she'd probably even call you—in her words—a tall baddie." senku made a grimace as he said that.
then when the two girls and one boy dressed like a girl left, gen mentioned your name to start a conversation
"if only we have y/n-chan, huh?" gen comments.
senku shook his head. "nah, she wouldn't do that," he says. "although if she was here, she'd probably go all stealth instead."
"are they really..."
"i'm not answering any questions you have about them."
"so you do know!"
gen was inspecting the earpiece, amazed and shocked by how simple it can be done
and then, of course, senku mentions you
"it was y/n who actually taught me how to make that," senku commented. "i don't know why she bothered learning to make one when she could literally buy the best one, but she said she liked how simple and cosmetic it can be if made like this. though, i'm glad she taught it to me now because it certainly useful for this."
"of course this is y/n-chan's design, not yours," says gen, holding it up in front of him.
as senku looked through the pile of gold dust
as the pile of platinum grew
it was the first time he felt vulnerable since you had been frozen shut
he isn't one to be all emotional, but at moments like these... it really showed just how much care byakuya had for him
senku scoffs. "if y/n was here, she'd be bawling her eyes out," he says, his eyes a bit glassy himself.
"you counting seconds all that time, and your papa collecting sand for decades..." gen looked wistful. "you two are alike."
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once the team were able to make the revival fluid, the thought of reviving their stoned comrades were first in the list
senku ordered kohaku to cleanly cut the greedy captain when given the chance
afterwards, ryusui's stone parts were delivered to them
"i've always known you're ridiculously rational, but... but still you're practically psycho at this point!" screamed gen after figuring out what's happening.
senku shook his head with a smirk. "nah, y/n's the psycho one between us," he corrected. "if she was given parts like these, she'd be experimenting, mix-and-matching them. i'd be the only one to get her to stop."
"every time you say things about y/n-chan that she's a psycho and all, it ruins the image i have of her and i can't help but not believe you," gen bluntly replied. "except you're the only one that knows who she really is, so i have to believe you."
senku cackled.
when kohaku was fighting against moz, all she could think about was how he's nothing compared to you
"i like strong girls, too, as long as they have a pretty face," he says as he took out the machete out of his weapon. "what kind of men do you like, kohaku-chan? how about me? i'm strong as hell."
the girl let out a sigh, then tied her hair up to her usual ponytail while crouching down. "strength is strength of mind," she states, making him slightly confused. "to be able to continue hammering a wedge for as long as it takes to carry out one's will. that's the kind of person i'm drawn to."
her pose changed to a battle stance. "well~ this is a problem, moz. you seem to be the exact opposite," she tells him. "and compared to him?" she scoffs. "actually, compared to her? you're nothing. literally. she's stronger than both of us combined, actually, stronger than anyone else on this island."
"i don't know who you're referring to, but you're cute, kohaku-chan. just not cute enough though."
did kohaku just imply something
maybe come out of the closet?
maybe not
who knows
but she really wasn't lying
moz really is nothing compared to the people she admires and respects the most
as the parts of the gun was laid out on the table, the people from the 21st century had recognized it
of course they did, after all,
"this is what made men and women, young and old, all of humanity, all of homo sapiens, the apex predators. it's the invention of the gods and demons, and even then, humans who owns these rank higher than what we can see on the pyramid," senku states as kaseki finished the building of the gun.
"we, humans, may be on top of the food chain, but once given some source of power? we become our own enemies. and we all know who's at the top here in japan." he lets out a teasing smirk as some let out a sigh, knowing who he's talking about.
"tools are neither gods nor demons," ukyo says. "it's up to the person to determine how it's used."
"then let's be damn glad that our rulers didn't use these to become demons," cackled senku as he just had to make a joke.
both gen and yuzuriha let out a loud sigh.
ukyo decided to ignore the misplaced joke, and continue with what he was going to say anyways.
then later on when ryusui asked who would wield the gun...
senku turned his head towards the stoned yu. "if i had continued my gun lessons with y/n, maybe i can, but compared to the only police officer? yeah, he's better off with it." then he hummed, turning to his two childhood friends. "how about you two? any of you comfortable wielding a gun? i know you both got lessons from y/n also."
yuzuriha shook her head. "well, it's best to just leave it with yu... my lessons with y/n were more of for self-defense," she says.
"i also think it's better for yu to handle it. he's the professional," taiju says. "y/n tried to teach me, but i just always end up using my hands during the mock fights."
gen, ukyo, and ryusui turned to the trio in different waves of shock.
"i wonder how those lessons went knowing your non-existent strength, senku-chan," gen mused.
the scientist rolled his eyes.
it was actually pretty shocking to hear that the trio had gun lessons with YOU
like what an honor??
but it also makes sense for none of the trio to pick up on it since they've already had pretty different skill sets; a gun just didn't fit within it
it was also kind of scary to think about it
everyone knows that the l/n family are all skilled and powerful people
each person had a different skill set honed and trained to the absolute perfection, and that the regime it took to get there was of on a entirely different level
to hear that you had taught those three a small part of your regime,
just how hard was it?
it was an honor, but at the same time, no normal person can probably handle the regime of a l/n
when the team saw that the islanders were getting evacuated
it was a sign that ibara planned to petrify the entire island
"w-we're in huge trouble!" exclaimed suika in a panic.
"nah, just the opposite," senku says with a confident smirk. "when the going gets tough, the tough get going. we might be able to take all of it. the enemy, the kingdom, and the medusa!"
he starts cackling. "oh, y/n, you could've been so damn useful here, why'd you just have to go and get punctured," he sighs with a shake of his head.
ukyo looked at senku in nervousness. "why does it seem like you always have to insult her situation?" he rhetorically asks.
yuzuriha chuckles. "you'll get used to it," she says with a sympathetic smile. "it's his way of showing his love to her."
ukyo thinks that he'll never get used to it
he was one of the people that didn't know the dynamic between you and senku since your accident had happened right when the stone war ended
it's not like he doesn't believe that you two are together, it's just that he's the type to have to hear/see it to believe it
he still have that image of you in his head
that you're someone like tsukasa, except way dangerous and way scarier
it also doesn't help that you and your family are probably the only people that can get past his enhanced hearing
it's easy to say that he's afraid of you
which is why every time senku goes and makes fun of your accident, it gives him whiplash
this time yuzuriha was the one to think of you as she stared at the broken stone fragments of the master of the island
"it isn't over yet," she says. "we have to keep thinking, and keep going; that's what i learned from him... her... from them! we still have some adhesive senku-kun made for us in the kingdom of science." her eyes glistening as she darted from piece to piece.
you and senku are one of the most goal-oriented people she knows
senku will not stop until he completes what he needs to do
and you will not stop until you get what you want
it's almost scary
and when senku freed hyoga as their last resort
"we weren't cornered," senku tell ibara with a smooth confident voice despite the sweat dripping from his face. "we had you corner us into this particular room." with that, he dropped the glass of revival fluid.
of course, gen felt like he needed to mention you to get hyoga to fight for their side. "also, don't forget that if anything happens to senku, y/n-chan will have you head," he whispered out, loud enough for hyoga to hear. "i wonder what'll happen to you after seeing her dearly beloved bleeding out."
senku sighed and shook his head at the shit gen is saying, but he can't oppose to it because it's true.
the only reason hyoga was able to inflict a critical hit on you is because you were protecting tsukasa's sister. and so what if you weren't protecting anyone AND anger engulfed you?
it's safe to say that no one wants to feel the true wrath of a member of the l/n family, much less from you
"i'm alone," senku says out loud as he watched the sun set off in the distance. his back heavy from the phone, his body aching from tiredness, and his shoulder throbbing with dried blood. his eyes glistened in nostalgia as his memories of the early stone world passes through his mind. "again. i'm alone again..."
the phone rings, shocking him out of his pondering.
"can you hear me, senku-san?" called ruri from the other side. "how are things over there, senku-san?"
he stared at the phone in front of him. a smirk slipping through his lips. "no," he changes his mind. "i'm not alone this time." he then quietly added,
"i also have someone i need to go home to."
as the topic of ruri and the mainland was brought up while they ate, taiju had lots to say
"is this ruri girl chrome's girlfriend or ex or something?" amaryllis asked francois, excited to hear some juicy details about her new allies/friends.
"no, i'm told that she is senku-sama's former wife," they answered.
taiju looked absolutely shocked, shaking from the news. "what?!" he exclaimed, really loud. "when did you get married, senku?! weren't you going to marry y/n?!?!" he shook the scientist by the collar.
senku had his fingers in his ears the entire time, not phased, but annoyed. he's used to the loudness of taiju after all. "just for three minutes! we got divorced right away," he explained.
that only fueled taiju more, shaking the scientist once again. "what?! when did you get divorced, senku!? was y/n okay with this?!"
"okay! okay!" senku exclaimed as he took the hands off of his collar. "i just said we got divorced right away! also, y/n was fine with it! it was ages ago."
now, francois isn't one to oblige in gossip especially when it's related to you
but when taiju implied that you and senku are betrothed, they can't help but wonder
are you and senku really engaged to each other?
they had seen how normal engaged couples are, but the two of you don't seem to act like that
but then again, you're, y/n l/n and he's, senku ishigami
not one is normal
the small group now stared at the trashed upper control room located on the perseus
chrome was fuming. "those assholes made a damn mess! they didn't even know what they were dealing with! bastards!" he ranted as he stomped onto the floorboards.
"now's not the time to be getting all salty," senku piped up as he stuck a pinky into his ear.
"actually, i've never seen senku truly angry," taiju says, smiling at his comment.
"no, i get angry. i'm not a saint. i'm just too busy to," interrupted the scientist. "and y/n definitely seen me angry a few times."
later on, when they finally de-petrified kohaku and ginro
instead of giving ginro a hug, kohaku ran to senku, giving the scientist a hug
ginro was mad about it, but who cares about him and his pervy ways
kirisame was blushing at the sight of kohaku hugging senku. albeit, him not reciprocating that, but receiving it with a smile and soft eyes anyways.
"oh right. kirisame-chan, you think they're in a legit relationship, don't you?" gen says. "senku's actually in a relationship with someone else. kohaku's actually breaking a lot of rules doing this."
"i don't think that's what that hug is about," says amaryllis. "not between those two."
"it better not be," screamed gen, purposely gaining kohaku's attention.
kohaku broke the hug off with senku. "i almost died!" she exclaimed to gen. "let me be relieved of surviving!"
then she kneeled to the ground and made a dogeza once again at the direction of the ishigami village. "i also assure you, y/n, that that hug was nothing. i would never do you like that. i would choose you over him any day," she stated as senku rolled his eyes while both gen and nikki laughed.
"you got that right, kohaku!" nikki hollered.
later at night, once the team finished de-petrifying the islanders and the rest of their people, a party of celebration was happening at the deck of the perseus
ginro and suika found senku and his team down at the lower half of the control room where the comms are
as senku bluntly asked what ruri needed, amaryllis was shocked
"eh?? isn't this your first time talking to your former wife after all that's happened on the island?" she lets out.
"that's senku for you," is all kohaku says.
"who cares about the former wife, he's already got a current wife to think about much less than a former one," retorted gen, making kohaku hit his head.
"that's my sister you're talking about."
on a cliff, some of the battle team gathered
kohaku and kirisame stood in front of each other
ginro, kinro, nikki, and kokuyo were stationed at the side, as the audience
"now that we know why-man is our enemy, our job as the battle team is no longer to investigate," kohaku announced as the leader of the said team. "it's to train for the inevitable battle!"
ginro lets out a frightened screech. "we just defeated the petrification kingdom! this is even scarier!"
kohaku and kirisame took a stance, then lounged for each other. the two neck and neck in skill. those watching couldn't help but be in awe at the sight of the dance.
"they're evenly matched!" exclaimed nikki.
"they're both incredible," kokuyo lets out.
"you're strong," kirisame says in between strikes. "you were holding back the last time we fought, weren't you?"
kohaku scoffs. "i wasn't going easy on you. i would never be disrespectful. i apologize. i was simply not accustomed to moving around in a dress."
ginro then bursts out a scream that he held in during the entire duration of the spar, freezing the two girls in shock. he then also ran away.
kohaku shook her head at ginro. "i won't be able to teach you more than you already know since you and i fairly the same in combat skill. the only person who can teach all of us more techniques is y/n, and hopefully when senku heals her, she'll continue lessons."
"y/n? is this the person you were apologizing for?" asked kirisame.
"she's better than all of us combined," is all kohaku said as her gaze stared at the direction of the ishigami village with a sparkling look in her eyes.
a small blush slowly flushed on kirisame's cheeks the more she stared at the way kohaku looked.
it was quite an intimate look that kohaku gave
kirisame noticed it was the same one she had gave to senku
after building the windmill, chrome looked around and wondered for senku
it took a while for him to figure out where the mad scientist could have gone, but he finally found senku
opening the door to the mobile lab, chrome immediately asked, "yo, senku, what the hell are you doing all by yourself?"
senku managed to let out a chuckle. "working on an exhilarating craft," he managed to say pass his crusty lips.
"oh, shit!" chrome screamed at the shocking sight of a dehydrated and crusty senku.
senku downed a few bottles of water which made his complexion slowly come back. he lets out an exhale after drinking. "completely forgotten about hydrating. got too used to having y/n take care of that for me," he absentmindedly mentions.
senku and chrome continued to talk about the plans that senku had for later during the night.
chrome could tell that senku missed you
how could he not have noticed?
everyone practically knows also!
senku always somehow mentions you at least once a day
he never thought senku could be so damn clingy...
it takes him back to the times he witnessed the two of you intimate moments
they really need to come and revive you already
he could never get used to that empty space next to senku
later at night, a small festival was being held at the beach
the lights dimmed, gaining the attention of all
"do you hear me, all?" chrome exclaimed from the speakers. "we're gonna show you something that's going to leave the whole of treasure island speechless and wanting more! rainbow bridge, max level!"
a few seconds later, fireworks shot out into the sky.
senku stared at the night sky that bloomed an array of fireworks, imprinting their colorful displays for all to see. his eyes glistened with nostalgia, a memory popping into mind.
"hey, senku, do you think you could show these back in mainland?" asked kohaku who now stood next to him.
senku turned to her, the memory fainting away. "maybe, we'll see," he replies.
"would you change your mind if i mention that you could see these again with y/n standing by your side next time?" she retorted.
he hummed. "i was just thinking about her," he revealed, quietly. "the first time she saw fireworks, she was with me and byakuya. i could already see her whining about not being there for the first fireworks in this stone world." he scoffs, then lets out a sigh. "fine, we'll do it again at mainland."
kohaku smiled a teasing grin.
a little later, after the firework show, senku stood in front of the treasure tree. he heard footsteps behind him that got closer, and closer. "why are you here?" he asked without looking back.
"just an early morning stroll," answered kohaku. "is it not the same for you?"
"thousands of years ago, byakuya and the other astronauts set foot here for the first time in an utterly deserted new world," senku quietly says as his eyes glistened. "though they've long since turned to dirt, aside from a few fragments of rock."
kohaku scoffs as she quickly and easily climbed up the tree. "that's not true!" she exclaimed as she walked over to where the treasure laid. "you, i, and everyone else will someday die and return to dust, but their will is passed down, refined, and carried on into the future."
senku stared at kohaku who now stood at the small entrance way of the treasure. "isn't that what humanity calls 'science'? that's what you and y/n taught me, senku," she says, looking down at him.
he chuckled, feeling a bit lighter. "yeah, that's right. we're going way farther than those goofy astronauts. we're going to the moon," he stated. "and y/n will be stoked to hear it; she always did love the moon."
kohaku jumped down from the top of the tree, now standing on an elevated root. "it's not true that byakuya and his team left nothing behind. in fact, they connected everything for us," she mentioned.
senku didn't reply, but instead added, "typical, i mean, he's always done the connecting."
kohaku didn't understand what senku had meant when he said that
there are many things about senku... about you that she doesn't know about
some day, she'd like to know more about the two of you
the perseus landed
people started talking about the missing cracks
chrome immediately showed the medusa
"does that mean that mean she'll finally wake up?" tsukasa asked, stepping forward.
senku chuckled as he walked down. "yeah, let's get her out of that damn cold sleep already. our hidden treasure of japan, y/n l/n." the scientist may have not said anything else regarding you after that, but they all knew how much he wanted you to stand next to him again.
"we say cold sleep, but really, we just froze her..." commented gen.
"yeah, like an ice cube," cackled senku. "i bet you she wasn't even asleep most of the time, but suffering from the cold. she hates the cold."
gen sighs at yet another tease towards you.
"that's not the real problem though, is it? you can always trust a sailor's gut," ryusui piped up, then his eyes narrowed on the scientist. "when ibara jabbed you... senku, given how pragmatic you are, you would have healed yourself immediately with the dr. stone set. am i right? yet the crack in your forehead is still there. in other words, you didn't use it. you saved it for... y/n. why?"
"oh right, you don't know, ryusui-chan?" gen asked. "y/n-chan and senku-chan are intertwined. of course, he'd rather heal his y/n-chan over himself."
some people silently laughed knowing that it's true. ryusui, however, looked shocked. there were many implications, but never a confirmation. senku didn't say anything regarding his relationship with you, though, instead he had a different reason.
"actually, the medusa is out of battery."
that gained everyone's attention.
"that thing runs on batteries?!" exclaimed taiju, next to senku.
senku chuckled. "dunno," he says. "and we don't exactly have the luxury of smashing it open to have a look-see inside. but it is using some kind of energy. the one thing that could never happen is for it to make energy out of nothing."
he turned his head to a certain girl. "kirisame," he called out. "is the petrification beam's area specified in radii?"
"yes, why?" she answered.
"when i stoned ibara, i specified five meters. but the petrification beam barely made maybe a meter and a half."
kirisame looked taken aback. "that's impossible!" she argued. "it's never deviated in size..." then her eyes dilated as some form of realization dawned onto her. "...it's out of energy?" she lets out in shock.
here they are in the cave where you were put to sleep
senku, chrome, kohaku, taiju, yuzuriha, gen, ginro, kinro, ryusui, nikki, ukyo, and matsukaze
chrome lifted the lid of the makeshift freezer making the cold fog explode that slowly dispersed to the floor, revealing your pale cold body.
senku walked over to stand next to you. he stared at you as his eyes glistened with memories. he absentmindedly raised his hand to your face, leaving a lingering touch. his thumb caressing your cold cheek.
the small intimate moment of affection really caught ryusui off guard
senku's eyes always held conviction
after all, his eyes are the most transparent part of him
yet ryusui never saw it that soft and so full of love before
he honestly thought that gen was messing with him
but this?
seeing it for himself really changed everything
kohaku approached and stood next to senku, holding the medusa. the two turned to each other, their eyes making contact. no words were exchanged. senku gave a nod as kohaku then bent down and placed the medusa in the space of your clasped hands.
taiju walked over and took senku's hand and placed it on top of yours. "senku! hold y/n's hand with all you've got!"
senku looked taken aback. "what?" he lets out.
"i see!" exclaimed kohaku. "if you hold her really close to the device, it might give her just a little more of the light."
"that's seriously not going to make a difference," senku retorted, but a small smile formed on his face. "fine, whatever, and if i get caught in the beam, it'll heal my wounds and cracks too; perfect."
yuzuriha then walked over, standing next to taiju. she placed her hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile. then she removed it and placed it on top of yours. kohaku and chrome, too, placed their hand on top of yours.
"one meter, one second."
the green light engulfed you as your skin slowly turned to stone. the others pulled back their hands while senku immediately took the vial of revival fluid and pours it on you. the stone skin cracked and fragments fell, both stone and ice.
you sat right up as you screamed, "senku!" then you stood up and out of the freezer, tackling him into a hug.
"did they hurt you?" he asked as he pushed away and cupped your face with one hand.
your eyes widen as a big smile formed on your face. the others were confused by what senku had meant. "no, no, i'm okay," you answered as you placed a hand over his. "did they hurt you?"
"who cares."
"i do!"
you and senku then bursts out laughing.
"sorry, what just happened?" gen managed to ask. "what was that?"
taiju and yuzuriha were chuckling as well. "every time they reunite, they always reference steven universe," yuzuriha explained. "i think it was one of the first things that y/n watched with senku."
"that gem cartoon from the states?" gen asks, but then he immediately hums afterwards. "no, wait, that makes sense."
you turned your head to kohaku with a smile and soft eyes. her eyes glistened as she stared at yours. you extended your arms as she ran into them. nuzzling her nose into your chest while you tightened your hold.
a second later, you pulled back and turned back to senku. "so what's our situation now?" you asked.
"she only just woke up," says matsukaze in awe.
"i've heard around that that's how she is," commented nikki. "always working like him."
"although, i think that she's more serious and formal than him," ukyo mentions. ryusui nods his head, agreeing with ukyo.
"we're attacking the moon!" exclaimed senku with a not-so-serious face.
you owlishly blinked at senku, then a huge excited toothy wide grin formed on your face. "ah! no way really?!" you squealed as you clasped your hands together which caught the others off guard. "senku, darling, it's your dream!" you engulfed the man into a tight hug that lifted him off the ground. if anyone caught onto that affectionate name, no one mentioned it.
he pushed you away. "we've got company, y/n, calm down," he tells you with a lazy smirk on his face.
"who cares about the company!" you retorted. "tell me: are we blowing up the moon?" you asked looking like a child that just got permission to do something they've always wanted to do.
"what?! no!" screamed out senku. "this is a mistake. maybe i should make tsukasa the soldier for the moon."
"wait, honey, no! i'm kidding!"
"i take back what i said," ukyo says in absolute awe and shock with ryusui, nikki, and matsukaze also looking hella shocked.
"yeah, my image of her is completely ruined," mentioned gen.
it was then you caught sight of new faces. "oh, hello," you formally greeted with a short bow. "i don't think i've met you guys yet. although, your face is familiar. i apologize, but could you relay your name to me again?" you gestures your entire palm at ryusui.
the four felt a wave of whiplash at the sudden change in tone and demeanor of the person in front of them; a very important person they may add.
"h-hello, i'm nikki," she greeted, really nervously.
"ah, you're the woman on the phone. i'm glad to see another woman on the battle team." you smiled at her as she nodded, freezing up and pink dusting her cheeks.
"i'm ukyo," he says, raising his hand up.
"yes! the one with good hearing. i'm pleased to see you on this side now," you tell him as he gave a loopy smile, his cheeks a bit faint of red.
"ryusui nanami," he bowed, taking your hand into his and giving a light peck on it.
your eyes widen at the familiar gesture and at the name. "ah, one of the sons of the nanami conglomerate," you acknowledged, then you realized something.
"wait!" you turned around to senku. "you guys built a boat?! just how many things did i miss?"
this time, gen spoke up, "i'll tell you all about it."
"hello, gen," you greeted with a slight smirk. "you're not walking on eggshells around me anymore," you stated as you looked him, up and down. "what changed?"
gen shook his head as he chuckled. "senku ruined your image for me," he says, making you coo.
"aw, senku, you still have that habit?"
"shut up."
this is when ginro decided to speak up. "senku, i just figured it out!" he exclaimed, his face being way too overly arrogant. "you hurried back to y/n because you were worried she was going to spoil in the freezer, right? i know you hate all that mushy stuff, though!" his elbow jabbing into senku's neck.
"he's absolutely tackless!" says kohaku.
"well, if he just wanted someone super strong, he could've taken my top student—i mean, guard, matsukaze-kun." ginro really got carried away.
matsukaze stared at you
he was wondering why you were considered the strongest
he honestly thought it was that tsukasa man
that man was trained to the absolute limit, he could tell with one look
but you?
you didn't look like you were trained like tsukasa was
he stepped towards you and gave a bow, staying in that position. "my name is matsukaze," he greeted. "y/n-dono, if it would be all right, i would like to challenge you once you are well."
you looked at the new face in glee. "oh? then how about now? let's go outside," you tell him. "oohh~ this is fun! i never had anyone challenge me before."
"gee, i wonder why," mused gen, already knowing the outcome of this fight.
matsukaze now understands why you're the strongest here and not tsukasa
you had defeated him with a single finger
a single finger that you used on his forehead to stop his lunge and forcefully push him to the ground
your leaking bloodlust and monotone stare caused him to freeze on the ground, too speechless and afraid to move
you blinked your eyes and your demeanor changed, reverting to what it once was before the fight. "oh my, i apologize, matsukaze," you tell him as you extended a hand to him. "you challenged me," is all you say.
he politely took your hand as you helped him up. he bowed down to you and say, "i am defeated."
"you're a very capable man, and i'm glad to have new members for the battle team," you tell him.
ginro is now humbled
"since the device is out of battery, senku's crack will never go away now," says suika as she walked over to in front of him
"no!" you exclaimed with a huff as if you were child who were having a tantrum.
people slowly turned to you. senku sighs, feeling like he knows what you're going to say.
"i like the stone cracks!" you announced as you walked over to senku. you then traced the lines on his forehead. "it gives him character and he looks... really... good with them."
"y/n..." senku called with a warning tone. "did that freezer like give you a damn concussion or something?"
you laughed as you just give him a hug. you arms around his shoulders, your head burying into his neck. he sighed and hugged you back with one arm that rubbed your back in a comforting way.
this is when gen was like "why should senku-chan get all the fun?" leading to everyone else getting back their petrification cracks
you included of course, after you had stopped clinging onto senku like a koala
although some people didn't forget the small public display of affection you and senku shared, in fact, it really caught them off guard
ukyo, ryusui, nikki, and tsukasa aren't used to it
you were acting like a clingy girlfriend that hadn't seen her boyfriend in months
and senku is acting like a boyfriend who's nonchalant about his girlfriend's clinginess, but everyone knows just how much he missed you!
two people with the most specific personality and a reputation to uphold, and yet here they are soft for each other
it's strange
but at the same time, it felt right
ukyo was down at the control room, double checking everything in case the islanders from treasure island had touched anything else
he thought no one else was on board besides some who would drop of supplies then leave afterwards
but then he heard you
...and senku
he looked around and saw that no one was on the surface, so the two of you were probably below nearby, in one of the rooms
"what was with you awhile ago?" senku asked.
"what do you mean?" you asked back.
"you..." ukyo could hear the hesitation in senku's voice. "did you not think that we... that i—!" a tremble in the scientist's voice. "were you... unsure of ever waking up?" he finally managed to ask. his voice whispering by the end.
a pause. all ukyo could hear was the breathing and the beating of two people. he could hear the anxiousness from each one.
"senku..." you called, softly in a whisper as well. "you need to understand that..." your voice trembling. "that i wasn't expecting you to find the medusa that quick. those months in the cold dark, i was preparing myself not to see you again for who knows how long."
you inhaled a shaky breath. your heart beating rapidly. "i know that those few months were nothing compared to the time we were apart in stone, but at least we both knew that the other was alive—!" your voiced cracked.
"just when you and i were together again, the stone world takes it away once more. how cruel is that?" you let out a shaky fake laugh.
"i could have died in my sleep, senku," you croaked out to him, sniffling and trembling. your breathing became rigid as senku's became heavy. you were probably crying at this point.
both of your hearts were beating so fast as well.
"no," senku says with full on denial. "no, y/n, you would have not died. y/n, you would have not fucking died!" he screamed out.
"what do you know?!" you screamed back at him. "i was the one in that damn freezer. i know what my body felt like throughout those damn fucking months. you know how my—" you took a deep breath. "my body felt like it was on it's way to death!"
"hah~ shit," you exhaled a shaky breath. "maybe i have already died, and i'm just wishing that you were next to me." a thud to the floor then rapid footsteps, ukyo heard.
"y/n, y/n, shit— don't do this— fuck! i'm here, y/n, i'm real. dammit y/n—! i'm right here!" senku screamed out in reassurance.
then ukyo heard a desperate kiss shared between the two.
ukyo left the perseus in a daze at what he heard
he could hear the emotions the two of you felt during the entirety of that
it was strong
to the point that he could feel it as well
"ukyo-chan?" called gen. "did something happen on the perseus? why are you crying?"
ukyo raised his hand and wiped his cheeks. it's true, he's crying. "um..." he hesitated. "senku and... y/n-san are..."
gen widen his eyes then it softened. "let's leave those two be for now," he says. "it must've been hard for them both. i've never seen them apart from each other for that long."
ukyo fully believes it now
that you two are together
even before the kiss had happen
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masterlist ; loyalty built from love (part 1) a/n: i'm actually not as proud of this one compared to part 1, but that last bit? yeah, i like it part 3 will happen when the next season comes
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Why do you look so hot in it?
A/N: Hi... So this is the first time I am posting something 😅 I was re-watching their old videos and I got this idea.... I am posting this because this just would not leave my mind!! So I hope you like it and let me know if you do.
Ps. The prank that I am mentioning is when Elton had superglued a pink wig to Colby's head.
Warning: implied smut but it's only towards the end.
This is Colby Brock x reader
You and Colby have been dating for the past few months.
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It was 8 in the morning and you were driving to Colby's house, the trap house, to meet him. He did not make it to the party where you were supposed to meet him last night and you got worried. You called him about three times and then received an overdramatic message from him stating that his career is over. Now you love Colby, you really really do but boy can he be overdramatic. He can turn any minor inconvenience into a life threatening situation. He told you that Elton pranked him and now he has to hide in his room for the rest of his life.
You reached the trap house and parked your car in their driveway. You opened the front door that is always unlocked. God they really need to lock their doors. "Colby!!" You call out, walking in searching for your boyfriend. When you reach the backyard you hear whistles coming from the construction site next door and Elton laughing his ass off. You walk out of the house again towards the street just to see Colby wearing a small princess dress in a pink wig twerking in the middle of the street. Nobody had noticed you yet and corey kept yelling at Colby to 'clap his ass'
"What the fuck did I just walk into?" You say capturing everyone's attention.
As soon as they saw you they burst out laughing, Elton kept pointing the camera in your direction as you stood gobsmacked trying to make sense of what you saw. Colby on the other hand was hiding his face in his hands completely mortified that you had seen him do that.
Elton was the first to speak up, "How do you like Colby's twerking y/n?"
"i am still trying to understand what happened to him... Like.... what in the world is going on?" You were speechless.
Corey spoke up as Elton kept laughing, "Elton superglued the pink wig to Colby's head."
"Okay that explains the pink hair but why is he wearing a dress that can easily pass as a maid outfit in some porno?" You asked now starting to laugh as the initial shock was gone. Your comment made them laugh harder and turned Colby's face bright pink. "Thank you for that babe... I really appreciate it." He deadpanned. You just winked back and gave him a flying kiss.
"Also also he got a date!" Corey added.
"A date?"
"Yeah the construction worker right there thinks Colby looks hot and is going to pick him up tonight."
"Oh my God." You laughed hysterically. "You should have told me sooner I would've brought my makeup pouch to help him get ready for the big date!!"
"Okay let's get back inside the house before I embarrass myself more than I have already." Colby sighed fast walking into the house. You watched him walk in and started cat calling him. "Damn princess peach got a fat ass!" Whistling as he turned around to give you a small twerk.
You follow him inside,"You still haven't answered my question though!!! Why are you wearing this costume??"
"Because... I have a photoshoot today. Which by the way got scheduled like what 20 minutes ago and Elton said that if I wore this costume he'll help me get rid of the wig. But apparently he was just bluffing to make me wear this!!" Colby said. Defeat was evident in his voice and as sorry as you felt for him you couldn't stop laughing. This was a damn good prank.
"No I do know how to remove the wig." Elton interjected.
"Yeah but it would burn my scalp!" Colby shot back.
"It MIGHT burn your scalp... And your hair might never grow back."
"Elton!" You gasped. "Please tell me you are joking.... I cannot have a bald boyfriend!"
"THAT is what you are worried about?? Not the fact that it might end my career?" Colby asked with his eyes wide and cartoonish. His hands waving all over the place just flabbergasted as the others started laughing hysterically at his reaction.
"No I am not worried about your career!! Your fans love you way too much to stop supporting you just because you are bald.... Also now that I think about it you can have as many different hair styles and hair colours as you want if you lose all your hair. There are so many wigs to choose from!!!" You answered still giggling at the situation.
You have known for a long time even before the prank wars started that Elton lets his pranks go too far but he always has a solution. He knew how much Colby loves his hair so you trusted him to never hurt Colby.
"Or else just stay like this and we call you princess peach from now." I added just for Colby to shake his head and then scream into his hands. "My own girlfriend roasts me. You know you can defend me sometimes right?"
"Yeah but what's the fun in that princess?"
"Okay.... Okay I see how it is.." he slowly nods his head as he looks at me betrayed and absolutely done.
"Here take this." Elton says while handing him two bottles of nail polish remover.
"What is this?" Colby asks as he inspects the bottle.
"This is what will help you get rid of the wig."
"It's acid!" Corey interjects, "Bruh he literally handed you acid to burn your scalp!" You giggle again.
"Shut up Corey!" You gently scold him looking at Colby's scared expression. His face was drained of all colours like he had seen a ghost. "It's nail polish remover Colby... You'll be fine just make sure to not get it in your eye. It won't do any damage but it'll hurt like hell" I console Colby holding his hand.
He slowly nods and walks into the bathroom. He bends down and turns on the sink faucet then pours the nailpolish remover on his head and rinses it in the sink. "Ow.. ow... It's in my eyes." He backs away. His eyes were now red and watering. You go to him and help him wipe his face. "I told you to be careful!!" You swat his arm.
"I didn't do it on purpose!! Ooooowwww.... It hurts!!" He whined. You keep wiping the drops of water running down his forehead to avoid getting anything in his eyes. Elton zoomed in on Colby's face.
"Oww... It hurts... It hurts so bad... Especially this eye." Colby says pointing his to his left eye.
"Why don't you guys do this in the backyard instead of the bathroom. It would be much easier." You suggested.
"Yeah let's do that" Elton agreed and led the group to the backyard.
"So like should i just jump in the pool or something?" Colby asked
"Or we could use the hose." Corey said.
"Yeah a hose would be a good idea." You agreed as you hugged Colby's waist and kissed his exposed shoulder. Just as Corey went to get the hose Sam and Kat came down the stairs.
"Colby have you not met your other half?" Elton asked nonchalantly.
"No.." Colby says as he casually walked back in the house.
"Oh.. my...goood.." Sam laughed. "Like I saw Colby from upstairs and was like what the fuck but now like... How does this happen?" Sam asked gesturing to Colby's outfit.
Colby gave Sam the same explanation that he gave you a few minutes ago as you kept giggling quietly exchanging glances with Kat.
Finally after goofing around a bit more Colby ended up in the backyard pouring nail polish remover over his head as Elton hosed him down and you recorded them. The wig slowly came off as Colby celebrated.
Once the wig was completely off Elton kept spraying Colby with water. Colby rinsed his hair a bit and looked directly at the camera. As hard as you were laughing before you completely froze when he looked into the lens cause my god did he look good. He looked so good at this moment that you forgot what was going on and the only thing on your mind was Colby.
"I still cannot believe that I was twerking wearing this ridiculous outfit in the street." Colby groaned as the others laughed
"If this was a ridiculous outfit then why do you look so hot in it?" You blurted out. Everyone looked at you as you slapped your palm on your mouth.
"God damn y/n! I didn't know you were kinky." Corey commented as Elton whooped taking the camera from your hands and pointing it at you.
"I said what I said. He looks hot wearing this all wet." Everyone whooped as Colby laughed nervously. "Please tell me he gets to keep this outfit!" You add looking at Elton.
"Yeah he can keep the outfit." Elton giggled shrugging.
"Oh you are wearing this every once in a while." You deadpanned looking Colby dead in the eyes as others hollered.
"As long as you guys keep it down and I don't get to know about any details, Colby gets to keep the outfit!" Sam interrupted.
"You have a deal blondie" I shake his hand laughing.
Once everyone calmed down they filmed the outro. After they finished filming everyone left to get back to their schedules leaving you and Colby alone in the backyard. You walked closer to Colby and gave him a long kiss.
"So I look good in a princess costume?" He asked looking into your eyes
"Yep." You responded popping the 'p' "you look so fucking hot Brock... I swear you help me discover kinks that I didn't even know I had." You whispered as you played with his wet hair.
"You know I still have two hours before I have to leave for the photoshoot." He whispered back as he kissed your cheek.
You immediately pull back and drag him back in the house towards the stairs saying "To the room!" As Colby followed you laughing and stumbling the entire way.
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I hope this was good!!
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sordidmusings · 8 months
Fixing What Ifs (Mihawk x F!Reader)
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A/N: For this ancient request (told you they are not forgotten just severely neglected 💀). I really hope I captured the type of scene you were looking for! Debating on writing a follow up smut because sex as the culmination of pining?? That's that good good right there that is. Bless up to @fanaticsnail for cheering me while writing this, would've very much struggled without you love bug 🤍🤍🤍
Listening to: Prove Your Love - Fleetwood Mac, Go Slowly - Radiohead, Love Song - Lesley Duncan
Word Count: ~4.5k
Warnings: Fem!reader, a gratuitous amount of mutual pining, kind of bantering?, Mihawk leans opla in that he has such sass, a few flashback scenes, Mihawk is a Man who does not know how to deal with being in love, but he’s trying like a lot, I mean he even kisses your wrist, probably idiots in love, there's one brief allusion to Buggy cuz I Need Him
“You say that as if we’re too old to have options.” He spoke quite steadily, but you noticed his golden eyes flicking to you, ravenously seeking your reaction. You knew he was trying to cover at least a little; your equal skills in observation were a beauty and a bane to him. It was your favorite source of bickering, giving you many lines to smile at when you were stuck in lonely nights tracking targets.
“You are in your forties,” you teased. Again, you took a sip to think. You meant to find some words to match his characteristic tone (“Joints still working well enough to properly share a bed?”), but instead what came out was “though you’ve aged better than I imagined in our twenties”. You blamed that you had finally looked over and taken in his face, sculpted angles all alive and aglow in the torch-light. There was also that defined chest that he maddeningly always insisted on showing everyone. You probably would too, looking like that.
“You should know by now I always exceed expectation,” Mihawk said without a hint of gloating, just simply stating an absolute fact.
“There’s still many places I’ve yet to see that proven,” you responded, words coy and teasing but smile easy and affectionate. Mihawk would need much more intimacy before he admitted how that smile stalled his thoughts. You would need much more boldness before you let him know you noticed when you managed to halt his breath.
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
“I’ve chosen another I want you to try. Push your glass this way,” Mihawk prompted gently. Years of knowing him let you pick up the hints of eagerness hidden under his usual drawl.
You watched Mihawk’s hands and forearms work as he opened another bottle to share. He had foregone his coat tonight, instead draping himself with a well-cut white shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows and buttons undone to below his sternum, of course. Toned muscle danced under his skin with every twist and turn, leading you to great distraction throughout the process of him serving you. After enjoying the sculpt of his large hand while it gripped the full bottle to pour your glass, you changed your attention to the luxurious material of his shirt, fluttering over his chest and playing against tanned skin and his heavy gold cross. You wished you could find an excuse to pull at that hem, testing the softness of the material and making it reveal more for you.
The dark green bottle thumping back down on the bartop brought your attention away from your companion and back to your refreshed drink. You did feel a bit guilty that Mihawk’s description of the new wine was going near completely ignored (you at least caught the words “barrel-aged”, flattered he remembered your offhand comment about that preference from months ago). You just couldn’t get yourself to pay attention; your mind was swimming through multiple years at once any time it wasn’t grounded by his visage. Wistfulness had a stranglehold on you tonight, keeping you locked between painful yearning and bittersweet nostalgia. The comfort of hearing his smooth voice accompanied by the quietly unfolding lives of every stranger in the bar did reach you, however. You took solace in that while you went for your first sip.
“You’re much quieter than usual,” Mihawk prodded with dry displeasure. That displeasure was interrupted when he got to enjoy your usual show of flicking your tongue out to lick your glass and then your lips upon the first taste.
You took another, much longer sip of your drink to delay the need to respond. It was an easy choice of diversion; the wine was exquisite as always. You’d tell him as much if you were more in the mood for the gloating, simpering glow he’d get from earning a stroke to his ego from you.
“I thought you’d like that,” you offered quietly. You swept a fingertip around the slick rim of your glass, mindless in your feeling and seeing and doing. This absent state let Mihawk watch for every detail of the action to better imagine how that trailing fingertip would feel against his skin. 
“Clearly you’re not as observant as you think,” he dug back, this time with much more amusement warming his voice, yet not quite enough to completely melt the snideness out.
Despite yourself, you smiled. Years of rivalry softened you to affection. Over those years of pushing yourselves and each other, bitterness became respect, respect became comradery, and comradery became admiration. In you, that admiration had long bloomed into devotion, petals bursting open in a stalwart stand against his consistent frigid air. Some days they withered, but then he would reach to you, hearten you, or defend you in a way that would have new buds growing more and more numerous until you had a field that could withstand winter's chill, turning to ice sculptures in each frost instead of decaying pulp.
“I blame your wines,” you chuckled, still taking yet another sip despite the accusation. “They have me stuck reminiscing.”
“I’d advise against that; it’s a trying endeavor. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself,” Mihawk teased, doing a great job of masking his fondness with wry wit. He did venture to expose his curiosity, however. “Where and when does your mind have you trapped?”
“Our first meeting.”
Mihawk barely managed to keep from choking on his wine. He didn’t want to tip you off on how much that memory affected him. And it would be a shame to waste such an expensive drink.
“Why would you be thinking of that ridiculous affair?” There goes the effort at keeping you in the dark.
“What?” you asked with mock shock. “The only thing that was ridiculous was how little you trusted the top marksman to do her job.”
“You didn’t exactly scream competency,” Mihawk defended, hiding his fluster behind rudeness and the rim of his glass. The dim lighting of the bar would have hid it for him anyway; the few torch chandeliers did wonders for turning him to a living Baroque painting, but they were known for their shadows more than their breadth of hues. 
“That is one thing you always did have on me,” you relented easily, more set on imagining the immaculately groomed and glaring warlord who first saw you than needing to keep a score with his modern counterpart at your side.
~ ~ ~ ••• ~ ~ ~
“They asked for me for a reason, you’re more useful elsewhere.”
“I’m useful everywhere you’ll find,” he dismissed easily, as sure of that fact as in the rising of the sun each day. You were a hard one to shake, but the way his namesake hawk’s eyes cut through you had you feeling exposed and vulnerable. It had you needing to make him just as small as the little pieces his endlessly picking gaze had shredded you into. 
“Then go be useful as something other than my shadow. Some of us are actually working.” Even in your exasperation fueled anger, you sounded more like you were asking than telling. The ease with which he commanded was yet another skill you’d spotted on him so quickly in these few days together that had you feeling out of your league. You were beginning to think he took great joy in your mounting discomfort with the way he hovered around, always looking for another soft spot to peck at.
“You’ve been laying at this spot for days, Viper, with nothing to show for it,” Mihawk said, phrasing the truth quite unfairly. Viper was the code-name gifted to you in your work; the snakes could sit still as the dead for weeks, waiting for the one moment that prey finally crossed their path. That same dedication was what he was attempting to disturb now. “I could have rooted the rats out within the hour of mission's start.”
“Then it’s a good thing this task is mine and not yours,” you spat back, finally finding the will to sound truly mean. There was much you were uncertain of but your methods were a strong sense of pride and no one got to question them. “I’m sure the trafficking victims would do really well avoiding harm in the slaughter you’d start. They are known for being battle-ready after all; I’m sure they’re just playing victim right now so they can partake in a song-worthy escape and claim their glory.”
“You think I have no skill to guard and fight at the same time?”
“I think it’s not worth the risk to innocents just to feed one man’s insatiable ego,” you grumbled, spreading yourself out on your familiar and beloved blanket to begin this day’s long watch. You lined one eye with the one-of-a-kind scope of your rifle, taking comfort in settling into your power. “Better to wait until they show themselves and pick them off from miles away, letting them panic at the suddenness of death from a foe they’ll never see.”
Your memory never granted you Mihawk’s perspective on your first job together. You never figured out that he was hovering not from hatred of your perceived incompetence but an uncontrollable need to have you in his sight. He’d never had to contend with such an impulse before and found himself completely at the mercy of its whims. Garp was not happy with the freshly titled Warlord; he was meant to be helping eradicate the rebel legion that had taken this island over to ravage it for resources (humans included), not keep checking out their prized sniper like he’s a fifteen year old with his first female fixation.
~ ~ ~ ••• ~ ~ ~
“Surely I can be of much more entertainment to you in the present than in whatever foggy memories you have,” Mihawk said, successfully bringing you back to him.
“Yes you can,” you admitted with too much authenticity and affection for your tastes to just leave that flavor in the ari. After a moment of thought, you softly bumped your shoulder with his and added, “You’re practically a whole circus over there, how ever could I look away?”
You didn’t expect the long and tired sigh to deflate the man next to you, leaving his upper body draped on the bar. The sound seemed to have come from so deep in his lungs that it was born from his very soul.
“Please keep all talk of circuses and especially clowns to a minimum,” Mihawk pleaded into his forearms. He lifted head to look at you with one of the grouchiest and most sour faces you’d seen on him in a long time, before plopping it back into his arms. The whole thing was only made more endearing with the way the bar had pushed his hat askew.
“What’s with that look?” you laughed. “You usually save that one for Shanks.”
“I wish it was Shanks,” he grumbled petulantly. Your laughter always brightened him back up and he longed to turn and see the beauty of it on your face, but instead chose to keep to his brooding to prolong the sound just that much more.
 If it wouldn’t send him up the wall, you would have told him how much you adored when his brooding turned pouty. It sapped him of his persistent decorum and made him feel closer - more touchable. The slouch it brought out in him always had you valiantly fighting the urge to wrap his curved chest in a firm hug. It was unfair how perfectly suited for one he looked, resting his elbows on the bar and opening him and his luxury shirt and his warm skin up for your reaching hands and arms. You shook your head after a mourning sigh and took another sip of heady wine.
“I wish it was Shanks too. It’s been too long since I’ve seen him.” The soft spot you always showed for the Red Haired Pirates only threatened to drag Mihawk’s mood low again. It was amended slightly by your cute, happy gasp before you said, “We should go visit them soon! I’ve got a bigger chunk of free time after the next two months.”
Mihawk was always amazed by how easily tiny little gestures from you perked him back up and got his heart leaping. All you did was choose to say “we”. He wished and wished that it was always “we”, but he’d take what he could get. Even if it meant dealing with the usual treatment whenever you were both with Shanks and his crew.
~ ~ ~ ••• ~ ~ ~
Mihawk was not fond of the look Shanks was sending his way. It was all too smarmy, built on equal parts smugness and giddiness. Disgusting.
“You dog! When I tried to imagine what could have the unshakable Dracule Mihawk off his game I never would’ve guessed it was our dear Viper,” Shanks teased cheerily, bumping his shoulder into the rigid one of the swordsman next to him. Mihawk was affronted - he nearly spilled his drink from Shanks’ boorish behavior.
“Didn’t know she was yours,” Mihawk grumbled, attempting to sidestep Shanks’ prompts to have him speak his infatuation aloud.
Shanks was fighting poorly to hold in his laughter; Mihawk was absolutely sulking while he watched Yasopp teach you more gun spinning tricks. You and the sharpshooter were always all joy and play, easily finding common ground in marksmanship but with the added fun of showing your separate specializations to each other. Each bout of laughter from your direction brought another brooding line to Mihawk’s furrowed brow. This standoffish air was his habitual defense against the raw ache he’d been tending to since the two of you met.
Every time I try to play, I end up wounding her, he lamented. Why can I not earn your laughter?
~ ~ ~ ••• ~ ~ ~
Mihawk lightly shook himself of the memory. On instinct, he turned to look at you and found you already looking at him but not really seeing him. He quietly huffed through his nose at losing you again to your own mind. He decided to give you a moment before getting to the bottom of whatever it was that had you in your funk. Beyond selfishly wanting your rapt attention, he was worried for you. You were prone to take pause and think long, especially when in quiet company, but you seemed truly lost in your own mind, taken against your will.
Mihawk’s accurate read on you was more proof of the years tentatively building rapport with each other. That intimacy you shared, which lacked the intimacy you so craved, was what had you held hostage in one of the many examples of your entwining lives.
~ ~ ~ ••• ~ ~ ~
The quiet in the air was broken only by Mihawk’s calm breathing, his occasional quiet sips of today’s wine, and the gentle rustle of a turning page. Your own breathing was silent, having gone so long and smooth it was imperceptible due to an instinct trained in so no need of your body could get in the way of your shot. Luckily, your targets were always at such a great distance that Mihawk’s casual lounging would never alert them that they were being hunted.
“It’s been twelve hours since you’ve eaten,” Mihawk told you in a bored tone, eyes never leaving the pages of his book. You made to ignore him and continue your work, but he had never been able to stand your attention off of him for long. “Almost three since you’ve taken a sip of water.”
“Sorry, Mom, I’m a bit busy at the moment,” you mumbled back evenly. You had long lost the majority of your bitterness toward his nitpicking, instead just glad he was around and saying anything to you.
“If I was your mother, I would’ve commanded you to just let me take the target out in the first place so we could leave this boring island,” Mihawk complained.
“You really gonna take a swing at them from two miles off?” you asked, smiling as you imagined the chaos wrought from such an action. It would be a catastrophe, but it would also give you quite the show. Over your time knowing him, you’d seen Mihawk’s innate beauty and untouchable prowess countless times, but it was never enough to sate you.
“You’re not the only one who can hit a target from that distance,” Mihawk reminded you and you hoped you weren't imagining the tone of a smirk shaping his voice.
“Yeah, but I’m the only one of us who won’t cause a tsunami in the process,” you giggled at him. 
Again, your diligence robbed you of the chance to see the poignant longing overtaking Mihawk’s face when he smiled at you. He relished every step he’d gotten closer to being the source of your joy.
~ ~ ~ ••• ~ ~ ~
“You’ve disappeared again,” Mihawk complained after sending a haughty tut your way.
You offered an apologetic smile and were happy that he accepted it readily. All those memories, years of feeling, and liquid courage built a full storm inside of you until you knew you needed to allow yourself some time in the eye of it. Being surrounded by the roaring weather would be nerve-wracking but you hoped the calm at the center helped protect you from those shredding winds. You blew a heavy sigh over your drink, refusing to look from its dark, blooded tint when you asked, “Have you ever wondered what it would’ve been like if we were together?”
He didn’t answer right away. Usually Mihawk was a man who was quick with his words, as sure in speed and precision with their strike as he was with that of his sword. You respected that sureness and bold weaponizing of his thoughts, but you deeply appreciated that, with you, he would take the time to truly parse his words when he felt the need. It suited your nature better; your patience was as legendary as your ability to shoot the wings from a fly that was miles off from the end of your rifle. 
“You say that as if we’re too old to have options.” He spoke quite steadily, but you noticed his golden eyes flicking to you, ravenously seeking your reaction. You knew he was trying to cover at least a little; your equal skills in observation were a beauty and a bane to him. It was your favorite source of bickering, giving you many lines to smile at when you were stuck in lonely nights tracking targets.
“You are in your forties,” you teased. Again, you took a sip to think. You meant to find some words to match his characteristic tone (“Joints still working well enough to properly share a bed?”), but instead what came out was “though you’ve aged better than I imagined in our twenties”. You blamed that you had finally looked over and taken in his face, sculpted angles all alive and aglow in the torch-light. There was also that defined chest that he maddeningly always insisted on showing everyone. You probably would too, looking like that.
“You should know by now I always exceed expectation,” Mihawk said without a hint of gloating, just simply stating an absolute fact.
“There’s still many places I’ve yet to see that proven,” you responded, words coy and teasing but smile easy and affectionate. Mihawk would need much more intimacy before he admitted how that smile stalled his thoughts. You would need much more boldness before you let him know you noticed when you managed to halt his breath.
“Mihawk, my dearest adversary and cherished… friend,” you hesitated on the word, never having claimed him as such to his face before. He rewarded your bravery with a gentle bump of his knee against yours and with the bare fondness that began softening his stare. “We have been playing this game, dancing this dance, for decades now. Am I really meant to believe that one question changes everything?”
“The right question can,” he asserted immediately. He opened his mouth to continue, but for once you were the one striking quick with your words.
“You are a man who does not hesitate,” you accused, staring cuttingly into his focused gaze, not backing down at the way it became shielded. “If you want something you take it.”
“And?” Mihawk prompted, tone the most biting it's been all night.
“And,” you repeated. “And…”
You sighed in defeat and turned back to your drink, closing yourself away. He was more than smart enough to know where you were going with that, but he insisted on making you be the one to say it. You wouldn’t allow him to make you insult yourself, especially after you had ventured to bring up the tenuous topic in the first place. If he refused to argue or even acknowledge your conclusions, then you’d let your drink be the friend to assuage those old hurts. The echoed sigh to your side did little to move you from your new stake out with your wounds and your wine.
Mihawk pinched the bridge of his nose, resisting the urge to call you foolish so his own mind would stop branding him with that word. He had been ever vigilant of you throughout the years, not only in an effort to soak you in every moment he could, but also to latch on the moment he noticed you offering him a true opening. You had finally bared your throat to him and he had managed to fail at your final test to check that he would not stoop to bite - that he would only beg to kiss.
While taking his next sip of wine, Mihawk extended an olive branch in the form of a thigh pressed firmly into yours. He was barely able to keep in the frustrated growl that pressed at his chest when you shifted yourself away. You did turn your eyes to him out of curiosity, however, but he missed the look completely, too busy reassembling himself. It let you watch carefully as the flaming lights turned his hat’s extravagant feather amber in their glow when he lifted it off his head to place on the bartop. It let him run his fingers back through his thick black curls, trying to shake his disappointment off with the teasing of his strands.
He looked over at you and finally caught on to your observing. Mihawk let his regret pour over his face, even letting his lips twitch into a momentary, rueful smile. You replied with a tired smile of your own. In the end, it turned sweet and loving; a bad habit of yours with the swordsman. You pressed your thigh back to his.
In a rare show of humility, propelled by the heat of your thigh warming his and the sweet crinkles your smile brought to your eyes (Just for me, he thought with doting greed), Mihawk took your hand and bowed himself low to touch his forehead to your knuckles. His thumb soothed gentle circles into it while he stayed lowered to you for a few long breaths. He was eager to enjoy the feeling of your skin and the decadent scent of your perfume, strong now with the proximity of your wrist. You had chosen something sultry and heady with its deep notes of orchid and amber and wood, all calling to him until he acted with thought a millisecond behind instinct.
He flipped your hand over, slowly and gently, cradling it palm up in his large hand. Still stooped, he had to move scant inches to brush the tip of his nose across the thin skin on the inside of your wrist, savoring the pull of your perfume going deep into his lungs and leading his mind to a content haze. He sealed the small caress with a feathery brush of his lips over your pulse, wishing he could make himself press harder to feel your heart thump against his lips. He longed to know if it raced with the same jumping cantor as his.
When he sat back up he was met with a vision from his dreams. You had fully turned your face to him and it was lit with a deep flush made more rosy in the fire-cast light of the bar. No ambient chatter nor clinking cutlery could keep his ears from delighting in the hitch of your breath in and the contented sigh out. Another smile indulged him, this one easily crowned his favorite with its happy chuckle, pressing cheeks, and bare affection. 
“I am a man who takes what I want,” Mihawk confirmed your words delicately. He continued to hold your hand, now enfolding it in both of his. You felt bright tingling shooting from the contact and the press of your thighs. They made you twenty again, staring down the most handsome and insipidly arrogant man you’d ever met and cursing your heart for its clear choice. “I take what I want, not who I want. People aren’t for the taking, little viper.”
You laughed at the title, never feeling it sat quite right. You felt you wore it well at work only. The imagery it brought up of femme fatales and their hypnotizing looks and lethal wit made you feel like a young girl cloaked ill-fittingly in her mother’s best event wear, barely able to peek your head out of the wool coat dwarfing you. Mihawk noted your discomfort with the title throughout the years but never found the proper words to have you see that all who said it were reverent when they saw how well the word wrapped over you.
“What if-” again you hesitate. You scrunch your face in anger at your nature, but before Mihawk had time to bring a hand to your face and soothe it back into a smile, you force out the words. “What if I am for the taking?”
Mihawk’s thumbs stopped their massaging and you felt his thigh jump to tense against your own. Staring into his widening eyes and how they glowed so beautifully - too beautifully to be within your reach - you immediately wished you could suck the words right back into your lungs. You made it this far though, so you instead worried at your lip and clung your hand onto Mihawk’s stalled hold.
Finally, he unfroze.
“For the night only?” Mihawk probed, wanting answers but worrying about making you close off again.
“Do you only want the night?” You tossed back to him, unwilling to turn this propositioning into a confession of the long years you have built a deep and sturdy love for him, no matter your attempts to welcome others into its halls.
“What I want,” Mihawk said, gentle and deliberate in coloring his tone with humble honestly, “is to be what you want.”
You were taken aback by the confession, but you were even more awed by the look he was giving you. He was still slightly stooped, broad shoulders gently curved and bent towards you, pulled down under the need to lower himself below you but body still gravitating towards you with the magnetism he’s been weak to since you first crossed paths. Framed by those shoulders and his wild curls, Mihawk looked to you with the sadly tinted longing you had felt seize you in his presence all this time. While the furrow of his brow and glimmer of his eyes had your brain buzzing with more hope than you’d dare let it host before, your chest squeezed at the conflict you saw in him; you knew that torment in your very bones.
“You always have been,” you whispered on a trembling breath. Mihawk’s eyes went wild for a moment where his whole body tensed and you felt his urge to pounce on you steal the oxygen from the room. He thanked the gods for a majority of his life spent learning control and restraint, while he got himself in order and pressed the firm kiss he’d longed for to your wrist instead. 
“Come with me,” Mihawk commanded through lips still pressed to your skin, though it was the closest you’d heard him to begging in your entire life.
You let yourself partake in a longtime wish by moving your other hand to card your fingers back into his thick hair, happy to find that it was just as soft as you had imagined. Their trailing came back around to have your palm cup his jaw. He leaned into the touch, tickling your hand with the rub of his precise facial hair when he allowed himself one small nuzzle into your loving hold. That hand guided him up to meet your eyes so he could see the love you held for him finally displayed openly in all its abundance.
“Wherever you ask me to, I will go,” you promised.
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
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kaeichi · 7 months
love is in the air.
. . . and maybe that's why mikage reo can view the world with such clouded, pink-hued vision, and why nagi seishiro cannot breathe at all.
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series. nagi + reader + reo. no gendered terms, but some implications of m! reader. reader likes boys. bestfriend! nagi. valentines/white day. highschool setting. swearing. humor. fluff & angst.
a/n. repost bc it wasnt showing up in tags T-T i js want a shoujo anime w these two as the MLs...
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⊹ 01 : my dear partner [wc: 4.7k]
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“…dude. you're scaring all the hoes away.” 
nagi watches your lips move, though he barely registers anything you've been saying since he has stopped listening a while ago—which, honestly, comes as no surprise to anyone.
there’s no real reason to be so lethargic at this hour (it's already late noon, plus he surprisingly had a decent amount of sleep the previous night for once), nor the time to think about trivial things, but he can’t help but think about how exactly every single thing stopped being so bothersome like it used to.
he can't quite pinpoint what brought on this gradual change, but if he had to, then it’d probably be three springs ago—when he’d wake up a little earlier than usual to the gentle kiss of the sun through his window and the cherry blossoms were in perfect bloom. around that time is when he’d received his quiet companion choki, he’d finally scored top 1 in the leaderboards after months and months of grinding in his favorite mobile game, and… when you’d first sat next to him in middle school.
for as long as he remembers, you were simply just there. an unexpected oddity that has not only forced its way through, but has also wedged firmly into every aspect in his life. and somehow, he’d concluded that maybe some things weren't so bad—that some things weren't such a hassle to him after all.
“move, idiot. at this point you might as well hold my hand.” the snow-haired male barely hears your voice over his wandering thoughts, stumbling from the light shove you give him. he has now become acutely aware of your swinging hand, wary of the close proximity and the faint buzz of static that lingers on his skin. huh. maybe it is better to move away.
still, he’d rather not reposition himself. it’s too much work, he’d like to reason, and it's certainly not because of anything else… maybe. he doesn't really know for sure. what he does know though, is that the space beside him suddenly feels strangely empty. 
when he looks at you to see a pout forming on your lips, he can't help but sigh. you're being unreasonable. there's something that's been nagging his curiosity for a while now, and it took him quite a bit to realize what it is.
“seishirooo,” you whined one day, allowing your head to sink against his mattress, taking up nearly the whole space while nagi sits at the corner of the bed. you came over to his place that day to bother him, stating that you needed some comfort because apparently, “no one ever looks at me. i feel so damn invisible.” he shrugged and offered you his controller, challenging you to a 1v1 with him as a distraction.
“…but i look at you all the time?” he replied.
“yeah, but that's different.” and he would've asked you to elaborate more, if not for the fact that you've been horribly vague about it when he does ask, and the perpetually sleepy gamer only has so much patience before he gives up and decides it's something not worth spending his energy on.
besides, you're always emotional like that. this was probably just another one of your fleeting phases.
it's not until he notices you've been longingly gazing at the couples on the campus, quietly seething under your breath that it finally clicks. now, he may not have the greatest understanding when it comes to feelings and all its complexities, but even he can tell you’re reeking with jealousy.
despite being pushed off only seconds ago, nagi shuffles closer again as he falls into step beside you. even if sparks prick his skin, it feels right in this way. “dunno why you ‘need’ hoes when you already have me.”
“just because i'm into guys doesn’t mean that i like you in that way,” you mutter, sending him an odd glance like you thought there’s something wrong with his head for even suggesting that. not knowing how to respond, he settles for staring right back without a word. 
“what's with that look? you know what i mean, seishiro.” you continue, averting your gaze from him. what look? he asks internally. “it's just, well, literally everyone is getting into relationships. and i know we're still first years, but… it just feels like i’m missing out, y’know? 
“do you really? sounds like a hassle to me,” he shrugs, and it truly does—he never saw the appeal of dumb crushes, of drama nearly every day, of possible unrequited “love,” or of wasting half your time and energy on someone just for it to not mean anything at all in the end. video games sound way more fun, and way less heartbreak inducing.
“you can't say that when you haven’t even experienced it,” you argue, still pouting.
“it’s overrated anyways. being single is better.”
“hah! of course you’d say that, you virgin.” 
“you’re one to talk,” nagi boredly quips. “i’m celibate purely by choice, but you on the other hand… if you really think about it, you're basically an incel.”
nearly choking on your spit, you exclaim, “hah?!”
“you don't even really talk to other guys except for me, and on top of that, you're barely approached by anybody,” he explains in a matter-of-fact tone, oblivious to the way his best friend’s confidence waning rapidly by the second the more he speaks.
“yeah? and who’s fault is it, you cockblocker!” 
nagi simply sticks a tongue out as you flip him off.
right after that, the two of you ended up breaking into a sprint as you heard the clicking sound of heels walking on the tiles around the corner, not wanting to get caught for skipping classes. well, you ran, and just dragged him by the wrist. he felt the warmth of your fingers even through the thick barrier of his baggy sleeve.
you try not to trip and fall face first as a cold hand guides you through the crowded hallway.
it's embarrassing enough as it is to be rushing through the middle of the corridor and pushing past the bodies of random students like you're a main character or some sort, but even more so when the (apparently) most popular guy of the campus that you’ve (never) seen is walking right in front of you.
and it gets even more humiliating when said popular guy has taken hostage of your wrist, leading you away to a more secluded area. shocked, harsh whispers echo throughout nearly the whole floor, and multiple eyes shoot daggers at the fingers wrapped around the sleeve of your uniform, and you’ve never wanted to bury yourself alive more than this moment.
after rounding a corner into a miraculously empty hallway, you finally skid to a stop, yanking your hand away, ready to pounce at the culprit who made you go through all that unnecessary attention. however, before you can get a word in, the refined male bows his head low in front of you, and you find yourself face-to-face with sleek purple locks.
“i’m sorry, but i have no time for dating. i’m really flattered, though. i hope we can stay friends still.” he hurriedly says, hope gleaming in his matching purple eyes.
who is he again? and why is he rejecting you?
for some reason, you find the stranger’s gaze too bright that you have to look away; so you do exactly that, tilting your chin downwards instead and letting your hair mask your expression.
after a few beats of silence, he clears his throat. “i'm really sorry, it hurts me to see you look so down… i’m sure we can put this behind us and—”
“nice shoes,” you interrupt, still not raising your head to meet his now confused stare. “i can tell you really love wearing them, judging by the busted, worn out stitches. hey, is it just me or is that prada logo kinda wonky too?”
the male's jaw drops down nearly all the way to the floor.
“pardon me?” he says through gritted teeth, keeping his composure by flashing his usual award-winning smile, albeit a lot more stiffer. “i know i just rejected you, but you don't have to be so hostile…” 
when you finally raise your head, your expression can only be described as terribly and solemnly unamused, unimpressed beyond words.
then, you suddenly lean closer, peering closely into his violet irises with thoughtful hum. an unwilling flush of red creeps on the tips of the boy’s ears, his eyes widening comically at the sudden intrusion of space. “you’ll do,” nodding to yourself, you now grab his wrist and pull him away. “come.”
“w-wait, huh? where are we go—” 
“you're the one who made me late. let's go!”
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reo isn't quite sure why he's the one being dragged away now.
he has only initially planned to gently turn down the person who last confessed to him, whose family just so happened to be related to his father’s business partners—but now he somehow finds himself on a whole date with that person? (the same one who brazenly insulted him by implying his shoes are fake, by the way!)
“i have other plans today, you know…” the heir says, subtly trying to inch away from you.
you tug him back by his sleeve, with twice as much force than he had used on you earlier. “i can imagine, my dear partner.”
“w-what?” reo stutters, and he's cringes at himself for how he's acting at the moment. the usually composed and charming mikage reo, now reduced to a stuttering and blushing mess? how embarrassing.
“normally my best friend would do this with me, but he slept in today.” leave it to seishiro to leave me all alone on the day that actually matters, you irritatedly mutter under your breath. “well, whatever. come on.”
as you and him enter the packed bubble tea shop, the fingers that were wrapped around his sleeve slides down to interlace with reo’s own clammy ones. he realizes this a second too late, and before he has the chance to let go, the clerk by the entrance greets them with an enthusiastic “welcome, lovebirds!”
“huh?!” reo’s jaw slackens, dumbfounded. he’s really starting to hate himself now—it's unbecoming of him, really, but it's hard to process everything when you're so close to him that the scent of your shampoo keeps invading his senses and subsequently messing with his head.
“here’s your special tickets for today. thank you for participating, and happy valentines!” you drag him straight to the back, where the colorful claw machines are set up. reo catches a glimpse of the pink posters set up on the walls of the quaint shop, which reads: couples get free special tickets! today only! …ah. that's why he's here.
“aoi-san… you're gripping too tight,” he says, gritting his teeth together into a forced smile. 
“aoi?” you repeat, your grip finally loosening until you let go entirely. “huh… i see. by the way, what's your name again?”
needless to say, the purple-haired male is beyond perplexed. “is this your unique attempt at a joke or something?”
“come on, rich boy. we've held hands and i don’t even know your name!” 
“right… which i totally wasn't being forced to do…” he lets out an awkward laugh. sure, some admirers of his tend to get a tad excessive, but they were never able to get far with him, much less forcibly drag him out on a date—and it's not even because they want him to spend his unlimited budget on them and spoil them rotten, but just so they can get… a free special ticket for a claw machine. how did he end up getting in this bizarre situation? more importantly, how does he get out?
you simply shrug. “your fault, rich boy. you should try thinking about anyone other than yourself for once.”
“excuse me?” he narrows his eyes, slightly peeved. he's had enough of your rude attitude; potential business partner or not, he hopes that he never has to interact with you again in the future. “stop calling me that. i have a name, and it's mikage reo.”
the way your eyes widen doesn't go unnoticed by him. “and what did you even mean by that?” he presses defensively.
you plop down on the seat, with reo mirroring you as you insert the rouge ticket decorated with pink hearts into the slot of the claw machine. “well, mikage reo. i’m sure you're aware how aoi’s family is important, right?”
yeah, this person is definitely a weirdo, reo muses. who refers to themselves in third person?
“i heard they had connections everywhere… just like you. it's crucial to maintain a good relationship with someone like that, right?” you conclude—that would explain why reo had taken the time to personally talk to “aoi” one-on-one instead of just flat out rejecting them on the spot.
reo tilts his head to the side. “i’m not following…?”
“mikage.” you emphasize, looking at him straight in the eye before turning your attention back to playing. “i’m saying that the poor kid’s still waiting for an answer. your heartfelt and sincere rejection, to be exact.”
a few seconds of silence pass. well, as silent as it can be with the loud chattering of the crowd and the mechanical whirrs of the claw machine you're currently messing with resounding in the air.
“you mean, you're not…” reo trails off, all color draining from his face. “i’m so, so sorr—”
“aoi’s the one you should apologize to, not me. oh, i got a double! how lucky.” you eagerly grab the prize, the limited edition valentine’s merch exclusive to this boba shop; a plushie collectible that comes with a redeemable code for your favorite video game. you want to collect all of them, but you’re broke as hell and you’re only here due to the free ticket. turning to reo, you shove the second plushie to his chest. “here, this is for you. since you did help me out with getting these.”
“ah, thank you…” reo absentmindedly accepts the small toy, still reeling on how he could make such a careless mistake. “listen, i do apologize—”
“i wonder how'd you even mix us up. is it ‘cause we have the same hair color?” you ask, slightly amused because aside from that, you and aoi look nothing alike. your fingers tap on the surface of the control panel, observing reo’s shame-stricken visage. “or maybe… is it because everyone just looks the same to you?”
at that moment, mikage reo realizes two things: (1) maybe he's more transparent and vulnerable than he thinks, and (2) you're dangerous, and it's better to stay far, far away from you. how could you see right through him so quickly? what if that's something you'll use against him?
he doesn't like to admit it, but it's true—in his perspective, everyone's the same. they're just after him for money and status, and at some point, they've all just become faceless, superficial pawns vying for his attention.
and of course, you’re no exemption.
noticing he’s gone quiet, you continue, “but i guess if my world was as vast as yours, i couldn't possibly keep up with everything either, so i get it. i’m not saying i’m in the same situation as you, but i can kind of relate, i guess. i only keep the ones who's important to me close, and the rest just exist and do whatever. i’m selective, but in that way, at least i can give my all to the ones that really matter.”
reo closes his mouth shut. here you are casually saying that you don't matter to him, and while that isn't a lie in the slightest, he still can't help but feel guilty. maybe it's just the people-pleaser in him, or maybe it’s the way the corners of your lips are slightly quirked up and to form a miniscule, accepting smile, but he wants to reassure you, “still, i’m sure you feel that—”
“i don’t.” you don't mind that he didn't know you, because you didn't even know him either—there’s no reason for you to take it personal. you’d be a hypocrite otherwise. “i really don’t.”
you smile at him. he thinks it's out of understanding, but unbeknownst to him you're actually just entertained by how his inner turmoil is so clearly reflected on his expression. “so don’t worry about it. plus, we’re even now.” you add, gesturing towards the prize.
hopping off the stool, you wave at him as you start to walk away. “...happy valentines. i'll see you around, mikage. maybe. er, probably not.”
“wait!” he hurriedly jumps off the stool as well, clutching the plushie in his hand as he follows after you. “i… let me drive you home.” the words stumble out before he even realizes what he's saying. you're probably just using him, and you're dangerous, and you see right through him, and he should stop wasting his time because his actual valentine's date is probably three seconds away from storming out the restaurant he's booked at—
so why is he doing this?
“drive?” you repeat, because of course he’d have a driver. damn rich people, you think internally. “nuh uh. it's like a ten minute walk, and i’d rather save the environment.”
“then i’ll walk with you.”
“you do realize i’m done dragging you for the day, right?” you quirk a brow up, amused; you could've sworn he was itching to get the hell away half an hour ago. “you're free. you can go home if you want.”
reo smiles, a more genial one this time. “i know.”
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“so, you into popular guys now?” 
“hell no.”
nagi narrows his eyes at you. “you’re just into reo, then?” 
while you expected to be grilled first thing in the morning by random people about your apparent relationship with mikage reo (to which you simply replied, “i don’t know who that is, sorry,” and proceeded to run away), you didn't expect to be interrogated by your apathetic best friend as well. 
usually, nagi prefers to be completely silent during the 1st period (and actually all the way through lunch), not bothering to utter more than a few words, but today, he seems uncharacteristically on edge, waiting for you at the corner of the gym with a wrinkle between his brows.
“why are you on a first name basis with him?”
“everyone calls him reo.” he shrugs. “why him?”
“i never said i was into him.”
“then what's all that partner thing about?” he asks, which confuses you a bit. you doubt that reo would go around announcing to everyone how you teasingly called him ‘partner’ and practically dragged him to a date against his will, but it's not like him and nagi are close either, so you wonder where nagi has heard this information from. then, you suddenly recall back to yesterday, where you saw the curtain of your neighbor’s bedroom window swinging side-to-side, as if it was drawn close a mere second before you looked up. 
it seems that your mind wasn't playing tricks with you after all, and that a certain someone was eavesdropping on your conversation with reo as he walked you to your door.
“fake partners, you mean? and it was a just a joke—i met him that day.”
“that day? why are you acting so close if you've just met that day?”
“you're awfully talkative today, seishiro.” 
“i know. it's making me exhausted, and it's all your fault.” he then presses his weight against you, leaning his forehead on your shoulder—as he always does when he's tired and you're within reach. your eyes widen immediately, darting around the gymnasium to see if any of your classmates has noticed.
you don't want people to get the wrong idea about you two. it's not because it kills your chances with anyone due to the assumption that you aren't single (which you still very much are, by the way), or even because of potential issues of being a two-timer due to a certain rich boy—it's just that whenever you get asked if you and your best friend are together, you can't help but flinch from the idea, like ice is being poured inside the back of your shirt. you don’t really know what to call it, but you do know that you've answered the question a hundred times and you're positively sick of it.
“i told you to stop doing this in public,” you hiss, trying to push the giant, clingy sloth off you. “and stop whining, nagi. i’m not going anywhere. besides, i’m not even looking for a relationship or anything like that. not after… you know, what happened during our first year.”
he lifts his head up, frowning at you. “don’t call me nagi. just ‘cause you met a new guy doesn't mean you get to call me nagi.” 
you raise an unimpressed brow. what’s his problem? “only if you stop whining.” 
“…‘m not.” he slurs his words together, only proving your point.
“yes you are!”
“why do you have to be so annoying? you're such a pain,” he sighs, now walking away from you.
“i'm the annoying one?! and don't call me a pain, you—!” without hesitation, you promptly snatch a red ball from the steel ball cart beside you before swinging your arm at him, slamming the dodgeball right to his head. well, you tried to, at least; even with his back facing towards you, nagi only takes one step to the side to avoid it.
“your shitty aim sucks balls,” the tall male comments unenthusiastically, his white fringe falling over his eyes as he gazes at you over his shoulder. his nonchalance only spurs you on, now hauling multiple dodgeballs at him.
“how about you suck my ba—”
“give it up already. you're never gonna hit me.” and nagi actually has the audacity to yawn mid-dodge. of course, it only fuels your irritation even more. you eventually run out of balls to throw, so you mindlessly grab the nearest object to your right and chuck that as well.
…which unfortunately, happens to be nagi’s phone that he's snuck inside the gym, peeking under a face towel on the bench.
“oh, fu—” 
because of your (rightfully) so-called shitty aim, it swung way up high to the left, a few steps away from nagi. in less than a second, he realizes what you have flung at him, and his body moves instinctively; he throws himself towards it, swinging his leg upward and trapping it with his foot with perfect ease before it has the chance to plummet down on the floor.
“why are you making me move so much…” he sighs. “what a pain.” 
“you’re supposed to move anyways, we're in PE. you're welcome,” you smugly reason out. and then not even a second later you fold, shoulders curling inwards as you glance toward his phone; if it weren't for his godly reflexes, you would've broken it. with a small voice, you meekly add, “sorry.”
nagi shrugs in response.
when he saunters over to place his phone on the bench again, a silver glint catches your eye. a small charm swings lightly, small beads of white and black strung haphazardly together attached to the side of his phone case.
“wait, this is…” a phone charm crafted by hand, which is your birthday present for him four years ago. “i didnt know you still had that.”
“why wouldn't i?”
“where was it this whole time? this wasn't here a few days ago.”
“i just kept it in my drawer ‘cause i don’t wanna lose it.”
tilting your head to the side, you ask, “so why'd you suddenly decide to attach it to your phone now?”
he looks away, scratching the back of his neck. “…dunno.” 
eyes dropping into slits, you mutter, “you know, that kinda sounds sus—”
“hey! that was amazing! nagi, right? you should play soccer with me!”
nagi and yourself both turn to the direction of the sudden voice, seeing a familiar figure running towards you, vivid purple eyes gleaming under the gymnasium’s stark white lights.
“mikage?” you exclaim.
ever so slightly, nagi sharpens his usual droopy eyes. “nah.” he immediately says, turning on his heel.
“seishiro? wait, weren't you supposed to be looking for a club?”
“don’t really care.” you follow him, lightly jogging to keep up. as soon as you catch up by his side, the taller male glances at you as he asks, “will you join too?”
is he seriously asking you that… “no?”
“then i won't.” nagi concludes as he continues to walk away from reo.
“hey, wait up!” reo calls out, placing a hand on your shoulder. “ah, i was completely shut down… say, will you help me convince him?”
your brows shoot up as your gaze flicks down where he's casually touching you. after your initial confusion of who he is yesterday, you then recognize him after learning his name—the most popular boy in school, known for his good looks, charisma, and most especially, his wealth. he gets along well with literally everyone, and acts genuinely close with them even if they aren't.
“uh, why should i?”
“remember that limited edition merch you like? i can get you the rest of the collection. in fact, i’ll even buy out the whole place just for you.”
“wha– seriously?” you feel your eye twitch. damn rich people. “it was limited edition. they all ran out of stock already.”
“i have my ways.” well, that's not shady at all. he flashes a grin at your skepticism, winking at you, “anything for my partner.”
and you now understand why he's earned his title. this is probably how he always gets what he wants—with a smile like that, anyone would drop to their knees and do whatever he’d ask. two years ago, you would've keeled over for attention like this, but now, you're nothing but indifferent.
he places his hands on both of your shoulders now, completely stopping you from taking off. wide violet eyes scrutinize your own, making you scrunch your nose at the close proximity. “shouldn't you be begging him and not me?”
“yeah, but...” reo swears he feels an air of animosity radiating from the white-haired male, and that's why he has decided to turn you instead. “you wouldn't leave your partner hanging, right? as partners, we help each other out, riiiight?” he says, dragging his words out.
you lean as far as you physically can from his grip, but he doesn't seem to care, excitedly looking at you with stars evident in his eyes. “mikage, you—” he smiles at you, bright and blinding, and you find yourself withering under his intense gaze. “okay, fine, just—”
“well, that's settled then! they’re joining the club too, nagi seishiro. they can be our manager.” you briefly wonder why he didn't outright offer to have you join the team, but he probably saw how you threw the dodgeballs earlier… though it's not like you have to use your hands in soccer, so what the hell, this is kind of insulting.
“says who, mikage?”
“you're gonna come watch all our games?” he negotiates.
“why don’t you offer that i join the team?”
“ahahaha. haha. hah.” he laughs awkwardly, swinging an arm around your shoulder and ultimately evading your question.
because you were too busy trying to shrug him off, you miss the way nagi’s eyes zero on to reo’s arm around you, wordlessly observing the whole interaction with his lips pressed taut.
you still don’t know why reo hasn't moved away; he's so close that you can see the dark amethyst specks in his irises, the long strands that frame his face are lightly tickling your cheek, and if you lean in even just an inch, you can practically—
“you said anything i want, right?” your voice drops to a low whisper, and reo nods slowly, still seemingly oblivious to the lack of space between you.
“then... what if i said i wanted a kiss?”
reo’s smile drops immediately, recoiling away from you as if you've slapped him, his whole entire face heating up all the way to the tips of his ears. finally out of his grasp, you erupt into boisterous laughter, shaking your head as you leave the flustered boy alone and catching up to nagi.
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likes/reblogs/feedback appreciated ♡
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howlingday · 3 months
Close For Discomfort
A Knightfall Parody
Jaune: (In bed, Stretches) Morning, babe~.
Cinder: (Yawns) Morning, blue eyes~.
Salem: (Nude) Speaking of blue eyes, I'm making blueberry pancakes! Y'all want any?
Jaune: AGH! Grandma! For Brother's sakes, put on some clothes! Please!
Salem: Clothes ruin my morning flow! You know that! Now, you want blueberry or chocolate chip? (Walking away) Because spoiler alert, the chocolate chips are HELLA PACKED with THC!
Jaune: ...
Cinder: We need to move out.
Jaune: What?!
Cinder: NOW!
Jaune: Wh- I- B- Cindy, we've got free room and board, a literal castle with protection from Grimm attacks and... all the pancakes we could ever want~!
Cinder: Wonderful, but do you have any idea how obnoxious your grandmother has gotten since we started dating? THREE YEARS AGO?
Cinder: (Doing laundry, Rolls eyes at Salem's "Death To All Faunus" shirt)
Cinder: (Turns over, Sees "And Humans, Too") Oh... That's... better?
Cinder: And then there was my birthday last month.
Ruby: Happy birthday, Cinder~!
Cinder: Thank you, Re- Er, Ruby.
Salem: Time for presents~! (Hands over gift) Here you go, Cindy~!
Cinder: (Flatly) Oh, good, I wonder what this is- Oh, look, it's a crotchless panties and a nippleless bra. Who would've guessed?
Jaune: Hey, I remember those! I wonder if mine still fit...
Cinder: ...
Ruby: ...
Cinder: And that's NOTHING compared to the bullshit she pulled last week!
Cinder: (On Jaune, Drags fingers down chest)
Jaune: (Saucily chuckles, Rubs arm)
Cinder: (Leans down, Stops) Is that a fucking camera?!
Jaune: (Holding "Grimm Pictures Presents: Fallen Knights of Passion " CD) In her defense, the production value on this was... incredible~!
Cinder: (Takes CD, Melts it)
Jaune: AW~! I was really good in that one...
Cinder: Yes, you were. Not the point!
Jaune: Mm... I'm not sure how we'd move in the first place. Can't exactly just buy a house as "enemies of humanity".
Cinder: Well, who's to say we have to buy or rent anything? I'm sure we could easily steal a house on the shore.
Jaune: Cinder! You promised!
Cinder: I'm kidding! I'm kidding! ...Mostly.
Jaune: What about Ruby? I'm sure she could vouch for us now that Salem's gone straight.
Cinder: We could... but I don't think she'd be interested in anything I have to say...
Ruby: Cinder, what the fuck?!
Cinder: (Via scroll) You asked, I delivered.
Ruby: I asked for Sonic merch for my birthday, not for you to kidnap another Sonic character!
Big: I'm Big~!
Ruby: He's Big! ...Wait, is that your name?
Big: Yuh-huh~!
Cinder: Well, I'm glad you're enjoying him~.
Jaune: Hm... Well, we could always ask for a trial by combat. I'm already good friends with most huntsmen, so all I'd have to do is ask for the next availability. Not to mention they also pay huge, and we're probably going to win anyways because the only people who could beat either of us that aren't our friends are dead! Oh, I made myself feel bad.
Cinder: And this "next availability" would be when?
Jaune: Let's see, according to the schedule, it is... SIX YEARS?!
Cinder: Fuck that! You need a job!
Jaune: Also gonna be hard since I'm blacklisted as a huntsman and my resume aside from that is just... kid who's related to the woman who tried to wipe out humanity.
Cinder: I don't have a formal education, either. The only thing I learned growing up was the best ways to kill a woman and how to scrub week-old cum off decades-old wood.
Salem: (Pops in) Oh, now that takes me back~...
Cinder: (Hurls fireball) EAT SHIT, YOU OLD HAG!
Salem: (Walks downstairs) Oh, you know I was talking about dick...
Jaune: Okay, okay! Uh... We could do manual labor! I've been training to fight the Grimm since I was a teenager, so I can still do other work that requires muscle! We could probably build our own house and a whole neighborhood in, like, a week!
Cinder: I... I don't think I could be doing any physical labor.
Jaune: Why not? You pick ME up and toss me into bed real easy when you're feeling frisky. (Come hithers)
Cinder: (Sighs) That's not what I mean.
Jaune: I know, but I mean... I think you'd be great at it! You're smart, you're driven, you're WAY stronger than me without your maiden powers, and you're-
Cinder: PREGNANT~!
Jaune: ...Wha?
Cinder: And, yeah, I know I can still work, but I think it's really awkward to tell your boss, "Hey, I know I just started, but I'm going to need maternity leave really soon!" It just seems like a clusterfu-
Jaune: (Grabs her) You're pregnant?!
Cinder: Yeah... It's why I didn't ask for any chocolate chips.
Jaune: How... How long?
Cinder: Pregnant? About a month, but I only found out a few days ago! I didn't know how to tell you. We have something good already and everything just sort of happened and I have no idea what happens next or even if you want to-
Jaune: Cinder! (Takes her hands) You... You have made me the happiest man in the entire world. No one has ever made me feel this happy before, except you, and you somehow just keep making me happier.
Cinder: (Eyes watering)
Jaune: I... I love you. And I love our baby.
Cinder: (Hugs him) I love you, too~!
Salem: (Leaning against the wall) So, how much longer until your belly gets bigger? It's been a few centuries since my time, so I'm not sure what the standard is now. And I'd like to know before the next video.
Cinder: If our baby is a girl and we're not out of this house by the time she hits puberty, I WILL murder Salem!
Salem: Tch! Good luck! (Slurps pancake)
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kazutora-kurokawa · 8 months
Mechanic!Draken x Cheater!Reader
♡ NSFW, Fem Reader, Reader has a bf but he's stupid, Draken owns Shinichiro's old bike shop and has also started working on cars, cheating obviously, pet names, praise + slight degradation towards the end, mention of breeding, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it y'all!) & creampie ♡
note: I wrote this at 1 am alongside the breeding headcanons I posted because I couldn't sleep plus I'm on my period and I'm feral for fictional men rn
"Be back soon babe! Going to the mechanic to get the car checked out." Is what you said to your boyfriend before you left out. Not like he cared though, he didn't even bother to look up from his phone to say goodbye. He wouldn't know what was going on behind his back even if he wanted to. It's the little things that really give away what you're up to. The way you dress a little nicer, the bright smile painted on your face, the pep in your step on the way out the door. That's just the things he could see, but doesn't notice. He has no clue about the things that go on behind closed doors. The subtle glances, the touchiness, the suggestive conversations. Who would've guessed that you'd be cheating on him with the mechanic he goes to?
It started around a month ago, that was when you first went with your boyfriend to a small motorcycle shop that just so happened to work on cars too. That was also when you met him. Ryuguji Ken, better known as Draken. He was tall, muscular, handsome, charismatic, and a very skilled mechanic. At first you were slightly intimidated by his stature, but you could tell he was kind hearted. Obviously not kind hearted enough to not fuck his customer's girlfriend though.
The table in the backroom of the shop rocked back and forth as Draken thrusted into your soaked pussy. Hands holding onto your shoulders and strings of curses and praises falling from his lips.
"You feel so good princess, gripping me so fucking tight~"
This was a weekly occurrence. You'd leave your apartment or job and head straight to the bike shop. You'd enter and head right to the backroom, that's where he always is, waiting just for you. He'd bend you over a table, put you up against the wall, or sit on a chair and have you ride him til you creamed all over him.
He liked to take note of everything that was happening in the moment. The little whimpers you produced when he hit a certain spot, the way your nails clawed at the edge of the table, the lewd noises your pussy made when he slammed his dick into you. But the slight bulge he felt when he put one of his hands on your tummy was the tipping point for him, he wanted, no actually he needed to fill your tight cunt with his cum.
"I'm so close baby, is it okay if I fill you up pretty girl?"
All you could do was whine in agreement, not able to form a single word as his thick cock rearranged your guts. He moved his hands to your waist, roughly squeezing your sides as he picked up his pace, ramming into you as deeply as possible. Your incoherent whimpers turned into loud moans of his name as he slid one of his hands between your legs to play with your clit. He knew you were close, he could feel your legs shaking and your pussy clenching around him.
"I fuck you so much better than he does, don't I? If you were mine, I'd be breeding your pretty little pussy everyday. You'd like that wouldn't you, you filthy little cheater?"
You tried to answer him, but your sentences came out all jumbled up. Draken could make out one word in particular though: please. And who was he to deny you the right to be filled to the brim? He continued to fuck you, even after you had already came. His cock overstimulating your messy pussy as he came inside you, leaving you warm and satisfied. As he pulled out he leaned down to kiss you on your shoulder blade.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up princess."
Tagging @arlerts-angel and @i-literally-cant-with-this
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anotherstudtouse · 23 days
What Are Friends For?
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SUMMARY: When your coworker, Lex Foster, asks you to pretend to be her girlfriend, you agree against your better judgement.
WARNINGS: None that I can think of?
Toy Zone -- As many complaints as you have about the place and its owner, it was one of the only places hiring seven months ago when you desperately needed some extra cash to help pay for the online classes you were taking. It wasn't much -- and still isn't -- but it's enough to get by. Sure, there are other (arguably better) places hiring now. Sure, your boss, Frank, can be a bit of a jerk at times.
     You've definitely thought about applying elsewhere a couple times, but the urge is always squashed not long after starting another shift. You can't imagine working somewhere else and no longer seeing Lex as much as you've grown accustomed to. If you could go back in time and tell your past self that Lex Foster, of all people, means as much to you as she now does, your past self would've checked you for a head injury or several. Although the two of you had attended the same high school (until she dropped out), the circles you'd each ran in had never intersected. As she affectionately teases you now, you've always been a bit of a nerdy prude.
     Seven months into your job at Toy Zone, though, you've grown to really know -- and really like -- Lex. You love her dry humor, strong heart, and love for her sister. You love the way you can see her lock eyes with you over Frank's shoulder as he rambles on about the newest toy that's sure to fly off the shelves if you could just stock them faster, rolling her eyes before launching into a ridiculous imitation of him that you have to bite your lip not to smile at. You love the way she always waits for you to take your breaks together so that you can stand out back with her as she smokes, always making sure to blow it out away from you. You love the way her eyes light up when she talks about her sister, you love the way she cares so much about things even if she tries so hard to act like she doesn't, you love how strong she is, you--
     You need to focus, and you definitely need to stop thinking about your coworker and friend so much, because the more you think about her, the more you realize your feelings are becoming more than simply platonic, which is a problem. It's a problem not only because Lex only just broke up with her boyfriend a month ago, but also because she's, as far as you know, straight. The risk of ruining this friendship you've grown to cherish is just too high. Besides, it would make working here too awkward when she inevitably rejects you, and then you really would have to look for another job.
     "Come here often?" a playful voice sounds off behind you, the only warning you have before the owner of it is sliding between the stack of 'Sugar-Gliders' toys beside you and yourself. There's not a lot of space, however, so as Lex leans her shoulder against the shelf, you can feel her Toy Zone vest brush against your arm.
     You glance at her as you finish straightening some of the boxes in front of you, an amused smile spreading across your face. "Considering I'm here almost every day, you'd think I would've made an impression by now. Now my ego's bruised."
     "I'll kiss it better if you go on break with me now." The comment is an obvious joke, delivered as offhandedly as the multiple other flirtatious comments Lex has made toward you in the past couple months. Even if she doesn't mean it, it momentarily makes it harder for you to breathe nonetheless.
     You laugh it off, trying to ignore the warmth you can feel in the tips of your ears. Picking up another box, you mull over her request. "I should finish stocking these first or Frank'll chew me out."
     Even as you speak, she's plucking the box out of your hand before placing it back on the stack. "I'll tell him I made you do it; he already thinks I'm a bad influence on you."
     "And you don't?" You raise your brows at her, your gaze lowering pointedly at the box she'd literally just taken out of your hand.
     She scoffs, her hand flying to her heart. "You wound me, Y/N. Now I'm the one whose ego needs kissing."
     Shaking your head, you step back out of her space. All this talk of kissing, joking or not, is making the close proximity way too overwhelming. Maybe a break would be a good idea after all. "Come on before I change my mind, drama queen."
     As you lean back against the wall out back, Lex doing the same a few feet away with a lit cigarette between her fingers, you can tell there's something on the shorter girl's mind. She's been unusually quiet, and you can see her glancing at you every few seconds out of the corner of your eye. You click the side of your phone, turning the screen dark as you slip it back into your pocket. "You okay?"
     She almost seems startled when you speak, apparently not realizing how obvious she's been. "Oh, yeah, yeah. Just -- I've got this favor I gotta ask, and I'm trying to figure out how to ask it."
     Well, now you're really curious. Lex has never asked you for anything other than occasionally covering a shift for her before. You turn to face her, leaning your shoulder against the wall. "People usually start by saying what the favor is," you joke in an effort to lighten the mood. It seems to work, the corners of Lex's lips quirking upward as she mirrors your movement and turns to face you.
     "Okay, smartass." There's a pause as she takes a hit of her cigarette, the movement drawing your eyes to her mouth. You swallow, gaze quickly returning to her eyes. She doesn't seem to notice. "I need a girlfriend."
     What the fuck? You didn't hear that right. You couldn't have. Your lips part but no words come out for a second, then two, then three. Then, "I-- And that's-- Huh?"
     Apparently your stammering has put her at ease or something because she's chuckling now, taking another hit of her cigarette, and Jesus Christ does she have to be so hot when she smokes?
     "Relax, Y/N. I know you're not into girls; I'm not really asking you out. It's just -- You remember Ethan, right?" There's another pause to take another hit, as if she's giving you time to remember him, as if you could forget the guy you'd been jealous of for months leading up to their break-up. "He keeps trying to get back together. He thinks if he just keeps trying, I'll come back to him eventually or something. I just thought maybe if he sees I've moved on, he'll give up."
     Okay, so there's a lot to unpack there. You don't know where she got the idea that you're not into girls, but considering the one relationship you had in high school was a secret one with a girl deeply in the closet, you suppose you can't fault her for the assumption. You try -- and fail -- not to feel disappointed at the explanation that Lex isn't actually, truly asking you out for real.
     She looks a little anxious again, watching you, waiting for your reaction. You know you should say no. This could really only end one of two ways, after all -- Either it ends in a fake break-up and you have to learn to live with the knowledge of how it feels to be loved by Lex but without the reality of it, or it ends with your real friendship becoming too awkward and loaded to survive.
     But if you say no... If you say no, this guy keeps bothering her. If you say no, maybe she asks someone else, and as wrong as it would be for you to say yes, you don't want her to ask someone else.
     "... Okay," you finally answer with a resolute nod.
     "You totally don't have to," she's quick to reassure, dropping her cigarette and stomping it out before stepping closer to you. Despite her reassurances, she looks relieved with your answer. "I can ask someone else; I just-- I dunno, I don't really trust anyone else."
     You give her a smile that you hope is just as reassuring to her as her words are to you, trying to ignore the way your heartbeat has begun to pick up speed. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. But it's for a good cause, right? That's why you're saying yes. No other reason. "Lex, it's fine. I'm happy to do it."
     "Thank God." Another step closer brings her into your space, and before you know it, she's tugging you into a hug. You can smell the cigarette smoke sticking to her leather jacket coupled with the faint scent of the forest. It's got to be some kind of cologne or something, you think. The forest scent, not the cigarette smoke. "I really didn't want to have to ask someone else."
     With one of Lex's arms firm around your waist and the other wrapped around your shoulders, you relax into her embrace and return it. Hopefully she can't feel the pounding of your heart against your chest as you reply, "Of course. What are friends for?"
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a-aexotic · 2 years
hii i feel like john b doesn't get nearly enough fics and i <3 your writing so could i request a fic where he's having a rough day so he comes over and reader does her whole nighttime routine w him to help de-stress? 💗💗
ren's notes ! yes i totally agree, john b is so overhated for what
pairing. john b x fem!reader
warnings. literally nothing except fluff and ward being ward
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. masterlist. taglist. ❫
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Today was not John B's day.
He woke up in a shitty mood and everything else just went along with that. He burnt his pancakes, he forgot to pay the water bill so he was stuck with cold water as a shower. He forgot to do laundry so he had to wear his dirty clothes. And the Camerons were being more asshole-ish than usual.
He just wanted to go home and eat, relaxing while watching a TV show. So why did Ward make him clean the yacht for the second time this week?
He texted you throughout working and you felt really bad. You wanted to do something that would cheer him up.
He heard a ding and pulled out his phone.
Y/N:) 💋☀️ oh, im sorry to hear that baby:/
Y/N:) 💋☀️ do u wanna come over and watch something?<3 maybe that'll help
Y/N:) 💋☀️ i love u jb:)
He smiled at your texts as he sent a quick text back, not wanting to hear another lecture about phones from Ward again.
JB 😎 No worries babe 😘💕 I love u too
JB 😎 That sounds like heaven 😫 Be there at 6 x
Work couldn't have even sooner for John B. He was so excited to go see you; he's felt like it's been weeks even though in reality, it's only been maybe a day. Today just felt so long but he knew that one kiss from you, and all that stress would go away.
He pulled up to your house and quickly got out. He was prepared to spend the entire night with you, sleeping in your arms so that all his stress would melt away.
He knocked at the door and your mother answered, letting him know you had just got down with your shower and that you were upstairs. She also reminded John B to knock before going in.
As he was told, he knocked before going in.
"Mom, I'll be down in a minute, let me finish my skincare."
"It's not mom, It's John B."
You quickly jumped out of your chair and ran to the door, opening it and embracing John B. He smiled at your enthusiasm.
"Oh, John B. I missed you."
He leaned into you, sighing in content. "Me, too, baby. Me, too."
"I was just going to finish my skincare and we can go get some popcorn and eat, okay?"
"Um, actually. I think after the day I've had, I need a mask."
You smiled at your boyfriend. Your glad your skincare is rubbing off on him because you wanted him to relax (you also didn't want him to age badly). "Of course, baby! Just uh, go take a quick shower and we can get started!"
He didn't even have the energy to be offended at your underlining comment so he just nodded and went into your bathroom, closing the door.
As he showered, you got the candy and popcorn ready. He got out and he sighed in relaxation. He then looked at the bowl next to your bed to find his favorite candy. "Ooo."
He took a handful before you came in with a huge grin on your face. "Okay, we have either a peach collagen mask or a vitamin d matcha mask."
He laughed immaturely at the mention of D. "Vitamin D, of course."
You rolled your eyes playfully as you put down the other mask, opening the vitamin d sheet mask. "Did you wash your face?" You asked before putting it on.
"With my CeraVe cleanser?"
He nodded and sighed as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. But if you asked him that a few months ago, he would've asked who CeraVe was and what a cleanser is. You're glad you've taught him well.
You smiled at that, nodding. "Good."
You put on the mask and John B felt his muscles relaxing from your soft touch, and the gentleness of the sheet mask on his face. "This feels so nice. I can't remember a time when I didn't use masks."
"Mhm, I bet your skin feels the same."
He sighed contently as you fully adjusted the mask to his face. You walked away towards your mini-fridge to get a Jade roller. You went back to John B and started massaging his face with it.
"Wow, this feels nice. Is how the rich feel?" John B commented as you laughed.
You kept massaging for a few minutes before stopping, making John B groan. You rolled your eyes.
"My arms hurt, John B, I can't do this until it dries."
He sighed and nodded, "Okay fine."
John B then went to go sit on your bed and turn on the TV as you put your mask on. John B then went to the bedside table and grabbed the popcorn, eating it happily.
You smiled at your boyfriend. You're glad that he feels better now. You got into the bed too, taking some of the popcorn and eating it.
"Okay, babe. It's your pick, what're we watching?"
"21 Jump Street."
You sighed. "... Again?"
"Oh shush, I know you love staring at Channing Tatum."
You rolled your eyes playfully, knowing it was true.
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priceyprice · 9 months
Prof! Price
Christmas ver [18+]
Prof!Price would've been going to one of his favorite stores after classes and buying a Christmas gift for his precious lover.
It would be a lie if he said he wasn't thinking about her present a month ago. He's been observing her —more than he does daily— and trying to guess what she needs, what she wants or what's perfect for her.
Of course, he would've given her the moon, the sun, the entire universe, but for obvious reasons, he couldn't. And even if he could, no sun can shine brighter than her. No star can outshine the ones she has in her eyes.
He describes her as the moonlight in a quiet garden of lilies of the valleys and acacias.
He would've gone to his favorite jewelry shop, looking through the necklaces and bracelets, trying to see what would complement her.
That's when he stops at the ring section.
Oh my, of course he thought about a beautiful wedding ring wrapped around her finger while he made love to her in a beach house, marking the beginning of their forever.
But it's too soon for that.
Professor Price has reached a mature age that makes him want to establish with his partner and live the rest of his life with her. He already had his days of youth, so he's pretty much relaxed now. But of course, she's much younger than him, and she needs to explore the world.
She's still a student.
She's his student.
So he bought a ring, but not a wedding nor an engagement ring. He bought a promise ring.
He was hoping she would accept what he had in mind.
When it's time to open the gifts, it would be the two of them together sitting in front of his Christmas tree —he told her to decorate how she wanted to because everything she does he will like it— and nothing but his fireplace giving the only source of light.
She went first and took her present in front of her. "Okay, so... My gift is very common for you, since you have a collection and always try to match it with your clothes. But I really want to give you this."
John took the present with a confused smile and opened it, seeing it was two classic black watches.
"I love them, but why two of the same?" He noticed how her cheeks started to get that color he loves so much. "Because they are couple watches."
His eyes go back to the watches again, and this time, he saw the strap of a watch was slightly different than the other. His chest burst with so much joy.
She got them matching watches.
Couple watches.
He looks up at her with a big smile. She smiled, but it was very obvious she was nervous. "I understand if you don't like it since it's a simple watch compared with the ones you have and-..."
Her lips snapped shut when he took her hand and placed a soft kiss to the back of it. "This is the best watch I have ever seen. I love it so much. Thank you."
She stared at him, feeling happy that he liked the watches.
John took the watches out of the box and took her wrist, placing a soft kiss before placing the watch. He also took his watch out of the box and put it on.
She placed her wrist beside his wrist and smiled. "I like it."
"I love it," he said with a big smile.
Price has a lot of watches. He likes to use them and combine them with his clothes or shoes in a really classy way. His friends even gifted him watches, and he liked them. But this watch was his most precious one.
Because it was from her.
And everything that comes from her is worshipped by Jonathan Price.
He took a deep sigh and placed the box aside to take his present. He could see how she looked curiously the box, trying to guess what's inside of it. "I will give you this present, but I need you to close your eyes, Love."
She closed them with a little smile on her face and a cute little blush on her cheeks. Price opened the box, took out the ring, and took her left hand in his. "Open them."
Her eyes landed on the morganite ring, and her heart nearly stopped.
"Is that...?"
"I want to give you this promise ring as a symbol of my love for you. I can't give you an engagement ring because I want to kiss you, hug you, and hold you without feeling the need to hide from anybody. I give you this ring and promise to replace it with a beautiful engagement ring the same day you graduate, and I'm no longer your professor." He grabbed her finger and slowly put the delicate gold ring and kissed it before looking at her again. "I already lived my college days, but you still need to explore and meet more people, so when you're not ready to take it to the next step you can always bring back the ring to me and-..."
She took his head in her hands and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, his words dying on his tongue. "I'll wait until graduation. I'll wait all my life if it means to be with you."
Price smiled, his beard moving and cute lines showing in his eyes as he passed his arms behind her back and pulled her into his lap, kissing her in a slow way. "I love you."
"I love you too."
This was a big step the two of them wanted to take in their lives. They will have to overcome prejudice, criticism, couple problems, personal problems, and more.
But they can agree in one thing;
They wanted to be together until their last breath.
She passed her arms around his big shoulders, "I'm going to look for my phone in the room. Wait for me here." Price nodded, letting her go from his lap.
Little did he know.
Her phone was on the sofa.
A few moments later, she's back in the living room, but Price didn't notice her presence because he's too focused on the watch, trying to adjust the hour.
He looked up with a smile that disappeared within a second when his eyes fell on her.
She was in front of him with a sexy red lingerie. His eyes roamed every inch of her body, noticing how it hugged every curve perfectly and made her skin stand out.
Definitely, red was her color.
The fabric was delicate, and it has a few red flowers on it. But he could still see her skin below that fabric, leaving nothing to the imagination.
Price felt that familiar painful throbbing starting to appear down there, making him uncomfortable in his pants.
"Do you like it?" She asked in a shy voice, trying not to look for too long at his blue orbs.
He just sat there, observing her in silence. He wasn't believing this was all for him. She looks so beautiful and sexy.
Price also noticed how she was standing, looking slightly nervous, so he decided to take out his hand for her. She took it but gasped when he pulled her into his lap, passing one arm behind her back. His eyes looked again at her body, smashing against him with their chests pressed. He could feel the softness of her skin even though he has a shirt and she has a bra on. "You look like a goddess."
He puts two cushions on the floor from the sofa that was behind him before pushing her down to the cushions without taking eyes off her figure. He took his shirt off and put his thighs on either side of her parted legs.
Her blush didn't go unnoticed. No matter how many times they did it, he always had the same effect as he did for the first time when she saw his body.
"And I'm going to worship you like one."
Without any warning, he smashed his lips with hers, going for a deep kiss. Their tongues danced with each other, trying to assert dominance, but eventually, she gave in. His hands roamed every inch of her body, stopping at her hips while hers were on his short hair, caressing it.
He angled himself in between her legs and started to do light thrusts, making her gasp between kisses. "J...John..." she said in a soft voice, as if she was pleading for something.
He broke the kiss, and his eyes fell on her face, staring at her as if Pierre-Auguste Renoir painted her and asked Michael Angelo to sculpt her. She looked so beautiful under him, cheeks flushed, eyes shining, skin glowing, and her hair spread against the cushion. She really looked like a goddess.
Price thrusted this time a little deeper, looking how her eyebrows frown together as her mouth fell open with a moan slipping off her tongue like it was honey.
He lowered himself again. This time, his lips grazed her neck softly, leaving her with a tingling sensation. "You're so beautiful," he said between kisses, now thrusting her a little faster. A quiet moan escaped from her lips when she felt the rough material of his jeans against the fabrics of her panties. "Oh, John..."
His jeans were about to burst at any second. It was almost painful for him. He wanted to take her right there and fuck her senseless, but he's a patient man. He wanted to take his time with her.
Although he's not sure if he's going to last much.
His lips kept caressing her skin downwards, stopping at her chest. Light kisses grazed the soft flesh of her breasts. She arched her back, getting closer to his mouth when she felt his lips giving a kiss with a little suck directly to her clothed but visible nipple. A moan escaped from her lips as her eyes fluttered closed when he did the same with the other one.
"You're so sensitive, love. Look at how hard they are."
"It- It's because... you're tea- teasing me, John." He chuckled darkly, and she wriggled under him when she felt his breath fans on her nipple.
His lips kept giving light kisses to her ribcage, then stomach, then going down until he got to her pelvis stopping for a few seconds before smirking on her skin and keeping his trail until he's just in front of her intimate area.
Her hands flew to his hair the second he gave a light kiss to her clothed heat, hips buckling slightly. "Oh my..."
He gave another light kiss, this time to her entrance. "Lord... Price..."
"S-stop... teasing and...just..."
"And just what?"
"Fuck I don't know! Just... do something..."
He went back down, and this time, he went for a open mouth kiss. Her back arched again when she felt his tongue licking her wetness throughout the thin fabric. His tongue felt hot. Her hips buckled again when he gave a deep kiss to her bud. "Oh my gosh..."
His lips sucked her folds like it was the last thing he would've tasted her. She cried at the feeling of the roughness of the fabric and the rasp of his beard in contrast to his soft and warm tongue.
It was driving her crazy.
His hands went to either side of her hips, grasping the hem of her panties. "Lift your hips, love," he said in a husky voice. She lifted her hips, and he pushed her panties down, disposing them on a corner of the living room, not caring where it went.
He went back to look at her before running a finger through all her wetness.
"You're so wet, love."
A loud moan escaped from her lips when a finger disappeared inside. "Oh my... yes..."
She didn't even have the time to adjust when the second finger was already inside. Her hips buckled up, but he held her down with his other hand. "Does it feel good?"
"Ah!... yes... it- oh my... it feels so good..."
He smirked at the same time he kept thrusting with his fingers, feeling her walls clench at him like her life depended on it.
"Ev... everything you do... feels fuck.... feels so good."
His blue eyes darkened. "Everything you want, I will give it to you. Like the goddess you are."
His fingers increased his pace, making sinful sounds with her wet skin. She moaned, feeling that familiar knot in her lower belly.
Price could feel her clenching around his fingers in the unique way she does when she's close. "Are you close, my love?"
She nodded, throwing her head back in ecstasy. "Oh... yes, I am..."
His fingers picked up a much faster pace as her hips buckled, and she wriggled beneath him. "Price I'm going to-..."
Then he stops.
"Fuck! Price?!" She raised her head and looked at him with a glint of anger in her beautiful orbs. He smiled and put his body on top of her, careful not to crush her with his weight. "I was so close and you-..." Her words died when she felt his tip going up and down her folds.
Oh this is better, she thought.
Without any warning, he slams his hips against hers, taking a cry out from the depths of her throat.
"Oh my gosh... Price..." She puts her arms against the floor. His pace was deep but slow. It was like he's sending a message within his thrusts.
An intimate way to say that he loves her, so much.
One thrust made her arch her back, and he used that opportunity to attach his mouth to her clothed breasts. His tongue swirled around her sensitive bud, damping the fabric with his saliva. She whined at the feeling of the rough fabric and his tongue against the sensitive skin. She's pretty sure tomorrow she couldn't even put a normal bra on without whining about rubbing against her.
Price raised his head to look at the beautiful sight under him.
Her eyebrows furrowed, her eyes staring at him as her mouth tried to form a coherent sentence, but it was a failure to do so when his length was almost kissing her cervix.
But what caught his attention was something else.
The ring.
It was shining with the light of the fireplace as it hugged perfectly the tone of her skin.
It almost looked like an engagement ring.
A flash passed through John's mind. His dream of making love to her with her engagement ring on was so much like this. He caresses her lower arm and slowly intertwined his fingers with hers. The watches touching each other.
"I love you."
His pace increased, and she moaned loudly. "Oh, I'm close again..."
"You too, baby? Let's come together." She nodded rapidly as he picked up more his pace. The sound of skin slapping was getting more and more louder as her moans filled the entire living room.
"I'm so close Price."
"Me too, love." He said with a low growl when he felt how she was clenching him. "Fuck..." He said feeling how tightly he felt inside of her.
"I'm going to-..."
Then they snapped.
Price puts his forehead against hers as their orgasms hit them with so much force that it only came a quiet moan in each other mouths. Her wetness getting in his pubes and happy trail while his load oozes out of her, leaking to the floor and the cushion beneath her.
Price collapsed on top of her, his head on his chest, while she caressed his hair with her nails. He plants a soft kiss on where her heart is and smiles. His thumbs drawing circled in her hips.
"Merry Christmas, love."
"Merry Christmas, my bear."
Their rapid breathing was the only thing they could heard until a giggle comes out of her mouth.
"We didn't lasted long."
He chuckled at that. "I don't fucking care."
He's right. Price doesn't care about that. In fact, he doesn't care about anything in this world if it means being with her like this, in the privacy of his home with his head resting against her chest and still inside of her like it was meant to be for the rest of his life.
This was the best Christmas he's ever celebrated.
Two weeks later, he's in his classroom writing on his board the new topic for the new semester. His face is serious, and even some students find it scary. He turned around and looked at the entire class. "Good morning, students. Today's the beginning of a new semester. We have so much to do, so get your notebook and start to write."
The students started to take out their notebooks with zero motivation, but no one said anything, not wanting to get on his bad side.
His eyes stopped on her for a second, only to find out she's already looking at him. She raised her finger and tapped her watch lightly.
He turned his back around to the students and started to write. His smile never left knowing the significance of the watch he had in his wrists as she's using the ring he gave her.
That was their way to show the world they're together.
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The masterlist of this series is in the John Price Masterlist.
I'm so sorry for the late post, lol. I was having problems with my tumblr.
I apologize for mistakes or misspelling. Any suggestions are appreciated.🫶
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astranite · 2 months
CH2 Coming Home Loudly
John isn't okay because it sure is lonely up in space. Scott follows through on his promises; he's here for his brothers and nothing, not even the distance between Earth and Thunderbird Five could stop him. Gordon is also Making Sure This Happens. --After suffering in silence, John comes home.
@janetm74 's Suffering In Silence which this follows. Ch1 upon tumblr.
It had been twelve weeks since anyone had last hugged John or touched him at all. Scott would've been the last, leaving him on Thunderbird Five months ago with a quick squeeze of his shoulder to say goodbye. If Scott had known then that it would be for this long or had put together the pieces about the debacle with Alan already, he would have given in to the urge to tackle John into a hug, professional dignity while on duty be damned. He only had now and his brother in his arms.
All things considered, the stifled sob John let out was far from surprising. 
How he tugged away from the contact fully was even less so. Scott let him go, not forcing his brother to put up with his personal space being invaded when he was so unused to having anyone else around. He wouldn't anyway, even if his own heart ached. John needed physical affection to be on his own terms as much as he did need it.
John's arms went back to hugging himself as he rocked on his feet from heel to toe and back again, sniffling. "It's really nice to have you here."
"I'm glad to see you too. I really am," Scott replied. That barely begun to express how badly he wanted only to sit at John’s side and talk about anything or nothing at all, simply to be close.
Pretending to inspect the big ol' International Rescue sign became far more interesting as Scott turned away to let John surreptitiously wipe at his eyes. Spelled out in blaring capital letters, it was underlined red on the front of their space station
Funny how they had built this massive sign into Thunderbird Five up here where only John saw.
Scott ran his hands through his hair. He'd heard his brother's voice, seen his image through their communications array every day and near every mission since John had last rotated out, but it didn’t compare. Never could. It had been so damn long since he'd actually been physically in John's presence. 
He missed him ever so much.
He spun back to John, slowly to give him warning but too fast because right now he needed his brother in his sight. John seemed a bit more with it, the mask of Thunderbird Five, the larger than life promise of salvation overshadowing the very human operator slipping back into place. There were still cracks in it to see his brother through as John fidgeted with his uniform, twisting his fingers around his baldric until it crumpled.
He was more the utterly exhausted, probably covered in mud and hangry level of put together of the others after a mission, than John's usual never less than perfect. Scott would take what he could get though. If John started crying again, Scott couldn't guarantee he wouldn't either. 
"You ready to head home?" Scott said suddenly. 
He craned his neck around to look at the gleaming control panels, their blinking lights shining as brightly as they should. There. Sorted. Given this was John, of course it was: he’d never leave Five anything less than gleaming. They could go home.
John paused, his movements dying down into unnatural stillness. He lifted his chin, looking Scott straight in the eye like he was presenting his case before a committee of the entire world judging him, instead of it only being them. 
The single word came out blunt anyway.
Scott tensed up. To leave without John… he couldn’t—
Scott forced himself to take a deep breath. John wasn't exactly making sense, but when it came to his oh so clever little brother, it was most often Scott who was missing part of the equation.
"You don't want to? Or is there something else?" he asked, hesitant. 
It was rare for John to be this thrown by anything. But then this wasn’t an everyday situation, or rather it never should’ve become one so ceaselessly.
“Jay, what’s going on?”
Scott didn’t know how not to worry.
"No!” John shook his head frantically. “No, I want to go home."
His hands flailed through the air as if he was trying to sketch out a diagram of the problem for Scott. They rose upwards before John brought them down fast, flicking them, flapping them in rapid, repeating succession.
It struck Scott how long it had been since John had let him see him do that. With came the piercing realisation of long since he’d been physically in front of John to see him. In front of a camera and across comms, John held his hands below the field of view unless one was delicately wrapped around his microphone.
A tiny piece of the tension eased. John took a deep, shuddering breath, placing his words deliberately: "Father told me to pack my bags. I'm not packed. So therefore I'm not ready.”
To leave without John… he couldn’t—
As Scott reached for him, out of an instinct to comfort his brother in any way he could, John flinched back. He flattened himself against the wall, limbs compressed inwards as if he wanted to to sink through the glass and disappear into the star punctured void outside. 
John had always had the talent of making himself small. Scott was the one here on Five who was too loud and out of place.
 “So therefore I can’t go home,” John murmured. Or rather he mumbled, barely audible syllables clinging to each other instead of cutting through the noise clear as day. Scott had nicknamed the latter as his newsreader's voice once upon a time, on a day they’d been messing about over the comms as each brother requested John do different voices and Jeff pretended to not hear. 
It was what the world heard of Thunderbird Five, through and through. But not all there was to him.
Scott's hands found their way into his own hair again, tugging at it. He hadn’t thought. Grabbing him into a hug wouldn’t work with John. Never had. Sometimes that meant Scott wasn’t sure what to do.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
This was unfair, so fundamentally unfair that Scott didn't know what to do with it. He wanted John, down on Earth for however long he needed, happy and safe, but this wasn't the kind of rescue where Scott could throw him over his shoulder and carry him out of the burning building. It wasn't that sort of strength Scott needed. 
What he needed was John’s own quiet strength, to calm and care for and carry people through to hope on only his voice. Yet what he had was himself.
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natsgrave · 10 months
IN THE NEXT LIFETIME | natasha romanoff
but in those photos, i saw us instead and, somehow, i know that you and i would've found each other in another life. you still would've turned my head even if we'd met. you're always gonna be mine, we're gonna be timeless. → warnings: mention of blood and shooting. ( kinda cheating as well ) ps; some tenses may be wrong and i'm so sorry for that. again, english is not my first language so excuse my poor grammar and writing style. but i do hope you enjoy this story of mine! ( song inspired. the song is made by Ben&Ben ) i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime! masterlist
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I'm Y/N Y/L/N also known as the perfect daughter of the General in the Philippines. But let me tell you a secret, I like girls and no one knows. not even my parents because as their daughter, I need to live with their expectations. not just for them but also for the public, I need to protect our family name and reputation.
While I'm reading a book there's a knock in my door that caught my attention. I shouted a "come in" and when the door opens, it revealed my father with a wide smile.
"Someone looks happy," I pointed out and he laughs before sitting beside my bed. I fixed myself and lean my back at the headboard.
"I have something to tell you, a good news." He said, "Really?" I said with a smile and he nods.
"Well, you know the son of General Rogers in America?" Father asked and I nod, "Both of you are getting married." He finishes and I felt my world crashed.
Not only because I'm getting married to a man but also because I'm getting married to someone I don't even know.
"They'll be coming here to prepare for the wedding in a few weeks." He added snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Wait, that soon!? I don't even get a chance to know him, to bond with him then all of a sudden we're getting married?" I said seriously.
"Don't worry, daughter. We just gonna prepare for it but you still have 2 months to know each other," He said and kissed my forehead, "I'll leave you now, I have something to do." And with that he left my room without saying another word.
I closed my already forgotten book harshly. I was so shocked by the news that I stayed at my place without doing anything. What the fuck just happened?
Now, that was 2 weeks ago. And today, here we are greeting the Rogers family.
"General Rogers, it was nice to finally see you again." My father said with a smile which Mr. Rogers returned.
"It was nice to see you too again, General Y/LN. This is my son, Steve Rogers." He introduced the guy standing beside him.
He's tall, muscular, and let's say he's handsome but that doesn't change the fact that I like women and not guys.
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Steve. This is my daughter, Y/N." Father said and pulled me beside him. I put a fake smile and extend my hand, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." Steve gladly accepted my hand with a smile on his face, "You look gorgeous, miss Y/LN." He said and if I can just say it out loud, I'd totally tell him that it cringes me.
"Thankyou, Steve. You don't look bad yourself." I complimented back and we stayed silent just looking at each other's eyes.
"Come on in, let's talk about the wedding." Father said breaking our eye contact and I extracted my hand from him.
Few hours later, and here they are, still talking about the wedding and let me tell you, it's boring as fuck and I don't know how Steve can be so interested in this. I excuse myself and walked to the garden seeing a redhead standing alone.
"Hey," I said making my presence know, she turned around and when she saw me she bows a little before looking at me with a small smile.
"When did you get here?" I asked as I stand beside her.
"Along with the Rogers family, miss Y/LN." She respectfully said and I chuckled making her look at me confused, "Why are you laughing?" The woman asked and I shook my head. "Nothing, and please call me Y/N." I said and she smiled before walking around the garden.
"What's your name by the way? and are you Steve's sister?" I asked looking at her while following.
"I'm Natasha and no, I'm not her sister. I'm... their maid." She said whispering the last part.
"Hey, don't be ashamed. Being maid is nothing to be ashamed of, it's a decent job." I said causing her to smiled at me widely. "Thankyou."
The day continues and we're getting to know eachother, she have a sister and her name was Yelena. Her parents name was Melina and Alexei. Talking to her was comfortable and there's no awkward space between us like we've known each other for so long.
Her laugh is so good to my ears, her eyes that I can look forever along with her smile that made me feel weird things. As the day comes to an end, she excuse herself to do her job. She goes first before I followed few minutes after.
"Where have you been?" Father asked once they saw me entered the dining room.
"Just walking around the garden. I'm sorry, got lost track of time." I said and sat down noticing Natasha standing on the other side along with the other maids. I sent her a smile which she returned.
"How's your day everyone?" I asked while the maids do their job, serving us.
"It's good, but it'll be much better if you're there with us to organize the plans." Steve said with a smile which I return.
We continue the night talking about what they want and plans while I kept stealing glances at Natasha. When she caught me sometimes, I'll just send her a smile which gladly, she returns.
As the days goes by, I've been learning more and more about Natasha. we're hanging out more than we should have. more than me and Steve would probably talk.
Everyday, I tried to act enthusiastically in front of everyone until I got tired and go to my spot, where I met Natasha for the first time. It becomes our spot.
Until there's this night that I realized, I fell inlove. with her. It maybe be risky but that's what I feel and I decided to face it.
"Steve?" I called out for him.
"Yes, Y/N?" He asked and gave me his full attention.
"Can I borrow Natasha? I need to talk to her." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Did she do something?" Steve asked and ready to go out and find Natasha.
This is also the thing that I've learned from him, he's nice, caring, and sweet. Steve Rogers is a very good man. A gentleman and thoughtful. He is every girl's dream boy but not me.
I stopped him, "Steve, no, she didn't do anything. I just needed to talk to her." I calmed him down, "Are you sure?" he asked and I simply nodded.
He gave me a warm smile before letting me find Natasha. I went to her room and knocked for a couple of times before hearing a foot steps followed by the door opening revealing the newly woke up girl.
"Hey, I'm sorry, did I wake you up? I can go if you want." I said and ready to leave when she stopped me. "No, it's okay. Please, come in." She said yawning before stepping aside.
"I have something to tell you." I told her seriously sitting at the edge of her bed.
"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, please don't tell them to fired me." Natasha begged and kneel in front of me.
"Hey, no, please listen to me first." I said and pulled her to sit beside me.
I lift her chin and wiped the tears that fell into her beautiful face. She looks at me in the eyes and I swear to every guardian, I'm falling for her even more without her doing anything.
"I like you." I suddenly blurted out. My eyes widen and she looks at me shocked.
"I- uh, what?" She asked can't comprehend what I just confessed.
Fuck! now or never?
I took a deep breath before holding her hands, "I like you. I realized that I fell for you already and I just, I can't hide it. I like you and I don't care if you like me too or not. I just like you." I confess.
She smiled at me with a blush on her face, "I-I like you too," Natasha confessed and it makes me smile widely. "Really?" She nods and I hugged her tight.
"Oh my god, this is definitely one of the happiest moment in my life." I said making her giggle. "Me too, Y/N. Me too."
After that night, we now always keep stealing glances at eachother. We keep our relationship a secret for obvious reasons. We would sneak out late at night to each other's room and come back soon before the others woke up.
Then, this night comes. The night before the wedding, everyone was here. My father and Steve's family's friends. All of them are having fun while all I want is this night to end and be on Natasha's arms.
We dance around, talk, and laugh while I felt two pair of eyes watching me. I look around and found Natasha looking at me. I gave her a smile and mouthed 'I love you' which she replied with 'I love you too'
We continued the night until this one soldier came to my father and whispered something to him changing his all happy demeanour to anger.
He left the room and I excuse myself following him behind. I saw him went to the garden and found Natasha was there also. I stayed behind waiting what he's going to do until I saw him pulled his gun out and pointed it to Natasha.
Before he can pull the trigger, I put myself between them catching and feeling the bullet goes to my back. Natasha turned around and saw me, she instantly smile but fades away when I collapsed in her.
"Oh my god, Y/N? Are you okay? What's going on?" She asked panicking and saw blood comes out to my mouth, "Y/N?" Natasha looked up and saw my father holding a gun. "Shit, Y/N? Don't close your eyes, please." She said and tears start to form on her eyes, the people started to fill in and saw the situation.
"What happened?" Steve asked and sat beside me, "Natasha? what happened?"
"I-I don't know, she just- her father," She said unable to speak straight without being interrupted by her tears.
"It supposed to be you! You're supposed to be the one who's laying down there right now!" I heard my father shout, "you- you're having an affair with my daughter!"
Steve looked at her with a mad expression while she focused her attention to me, Steve was about to say something when I beat him to it.
"Please, don't blame her on anything. I confessed first, I did this because I want this. I'm sorry Steve but I never loved you, I-I just don't want to disappoint my father that's why I said yes to this," I stopped catching my breath, "Let her live. Let her be with her family, please, for me." I said as tears start to come out.
"Please," I whispered and he nods, I look at Natasha and smiled weakly, "I love you, always and forever. Meet me in another life, my love." I felt my eyelids starting to feel heavy while they were begging to keep my eyes open, there was screaming, crying, and all.
"Please, don't leave me, I love you!" I heard Natasha until all I heard is nothing but silence.
Few months after, everyone's been moving on with their lives. It's hard for them especially your parents but it's harder for Natasha. You showed her the love she deserves, you loved her for who she is, and didn't leave her side until the end.
When she lost you, she also lost her life. Her motivation to live and not even her family can make her happy anymore. She can't find any color to her life now that you're gone. She barely eats and go out to her room, all she do is to think about you, cry and grieve for you.
Thinking, what her life would be if you're still together and building your dreams for each other. Slowly, she's starting to feel ill and don't want to drink any medicine or to be better. She wants to be with you and if this is the only way, then so fucking be it. ---
"That's the story of them, they both died in the end," The tourist guy said, "You may continue your journey now, thankyou for listening."
"Wow, that was something." The girl said and continue walking around the museum until one painting caught up her attention.
A painting of a woman holding a book. The woman of the guy's story, the woman who looked exactly like her but she's sure that they are not related.
She took a better look at the painting and saw the notebook in the painting has a page indicated to it. Page 28.
After a few strolls, she couldn't take away her mind from the painting. She went to the nearest coffee shop and start to do a research.
'Y/N Y/LN daughter of General Y/LN of the Philippines.'
They even have the same name, she looked for some more and came across an article that says about the love life of the woman in the painting. An image is attached to the article. It was a part of the notebook and it was on page 28.
"I don’t know how it is you are so familiar to me or why it feels less like I am getting to know you and more as though I am remembering who you are. How every smile, every whisper brings me closer to the impossible conclusion that I have known you before, I have loved you before– in another time, a different place– some other existence.”  - Lang Leav
She read it out loud and felt something weird in her heart. The woman started to think that she and the woman in the painting are the same person. She looks back at the article and scrolls down some more and saw a painting of a woman with red hair holding the same notebook and indicates the page 31.
“It feels bittersweet to love you, as though time has already run its ruinous path and everything good is over before it begins. It feels perilous to love you, like a dust scorn swallowing up the sky or a comet skimming the stratosphere. But it is an honour to love you. Like the snow drifts giving way to spring, I will hold you for as long as I can.”
She lean back to her chair and let all the information sinks in. She looks at her watch and didn't even realise she was late for her errands today. She quickly fixes her things and practically ran out of the coffee shop but then she bumped into someone and spill the coffee that is left.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me, I'm really sorry," She begins to apologize, then looked up and she was shocked. It was the same woman at the picture with red hair but now she's blonde.
She shakes out her thoughts and apologize one more time, "I'm sorry, miss. I didn't mean to."
"It's okay, don't worry I have a spare in my car. What's your name pretty lady?" The woman asked making her blush.
"Y/N miss—" She stopped and look at her waiting for the name.
"I'm Scarlett." The woman extend her hand which she gladly accept and shakes it. "Nice to meet you, Scarlett."
"You too, Y/N..." She stopped, her words trailing and looked at Y/N trying to figure out something.
"Do I have dirt on my face?" Y/N asked and touched her face.
Scarlett shakes her head before speaking, "Do I know you? I feel like I met you before."
"We haven't met ever Scarlett like ever." Y/N replied with small never hand gestures making Scarlett giggle.
"What about we get to know each other? Could I ask you to join me for a coffee? Even I know you just had one." Scarlett offered.
"It's okay, I don't want to intrude your me time, Scarlett." Y/N declined.
"Come on, please. It's the least thing you can do for spilling your coffee all over me." Scarlett said with a bright smile.
"Fine." Y/N said with a sigh and playfully rolled her eyes. Fuck errands.
"Let's go!" Scarlett cheerfully said.
The lovers succeed in what they want. They promised that they will meet in another life and they did. In this lifetime, the lovers will start over again. No more secrets. No more expectations from others. Just two of them in each other's arms.
Their love was a burning fire that never extinguished. They said forever till the end and indeed they were forever until death and after it.
Even through all those hardships and obstacles, they were guided by god to each other once again.
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alessiathepirate · 2 years
Life is Strange
WHALES: Nathan Prescott x fem!reader
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Summary: Falling asleep next to the person you love the most, while the whales are singing in the background...
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
Warnings: swearing, hidden references to mental health issues, slight references to sleep disorders
She found the whale sounds a few months before their relationship took a turn and became something more than simple friendship. If she wanted to be honest she thought it was cute - like hella cute. Imagining him falling asleep to those sounds painted a pretty picture in her head. However, right in the next moment she was full of worry. Did he really needed it to find peace in sleeping?
She brushed it off though, after she saw his embarrassment, and acted like it was nothing. Everyone has their weird habits, right? She never talked to him about it again and seemingly Nathan was okay with it. More like... thankful - as much as he can be.
Later their relationship took turns. Honesty was on the surface, kisses were stolen, feelings were confessed and trust was built... This is where they were now. And it was perfect in it's own way. Sure, it wasn't a flawless, easy relationship. Nathan still had his issues and throwing tantrums about the smallest things weren't unusual. Dating him wasn't easy - it demanded a lot of patience and calmness from her, but it also came with such deep feelings, apologies, the feeling of being safe and loved; that every single moment was worth it.
They were laying in Nathan's bed, her arms tightly around his torso as if she'd be afraid of him disappearing. One of his hands were gently caressing her back, drawing small, imagined circles into her skin.
Their first, but for sure not last night together, in the same bed, in complete comforting silence...
How did they get here?
The girl knocked on Nathan's door not so long ago. She was wearing her pajamas - meaning she walked from the girls' dormitory to his room in it - and she had a small bag on her shoulder. He was angry at first, she could tell. The moment he opened the door she could see the anger in his eyes and that he was ready to punch whoever was in front of the door. However, when he noticed who it was, he smiled. He actually fucking smiled! And it made her heartbeat faster.
"Dana's having a fucking house-party in her dorm, the only fucking time I actually want to sleep." she said with a shy smile. "So... Would you mind if-... You know. I'd stay here tonight?"
He didn't mind, at all.
After a strong and for sure honest "fuck her", he let her in and gently kissed her. The girl smiled. Who would've thought that Nathan Prescott can be such a softie? But all jokes aside, she appreciated and absolutely adored this side of him, mostly because it was something what only existed between the two of them. With her, he really, really wanted to be honest, patient and gentle. And he was. And it was perfect in her eyes even when he didn't think like that about it at all.
"I'll have to get up early if I want to sneak back to my dorm. Like really sneak back... without anyone seeing me." she said after they laid down and she did her best to get as close to him as possible without him feeling forced or uncomfortable.
"You don't have to."
"I know." she smiled. "I'm just so tired of everyone being so damn noisy. Last time I was out with you half of Blackwell knew about it by the morning."
"Fuck them." he said again with sleepy eyes as he kissed the top of her head. "They are just noisy assholes who like to talk. Besides, I can always walk you back there without a problem." he gently touched her waist, making her climb even closer to him. "If I'll want to let you go, that is..."
She let out a small laugh - then she playfully, but carefully punched his arm. "Yeah, I forgot that you can never get in trouble."
Nathan just let out a hum and as she put her head on his chest, she could feel it slightly raising.
"Maybe I should just stay here and get in trouble." she said after a few long moments of silence. "Will you get in trouble with me?" she looked up at him with curious eyes, but the childlike playfulness was still shining behind her irises.
"Or maybe we can go out and get breakfast instead of going to class? How does it sound?"
Damn that smirk, she thought as she got lost in his eyes for a second. That smirk he had when he got both coy and flirty. How his lips curled into a smile... And how no matter he was smirking, his eyes were still shining from childish naught. There was just something so god damn irresistible in it, in his whole presence that she wanted to hate it so bad, yet couldn't.
Her lips curled up into a smile as well. "If we can get waffles, I'm yours."
Nathan just smiled back, letting out a chuckle and nothing could get that smile off his face as he felt her arms around his torso. She was laying her head on his chest again, listening to his hearbeat.
"I like your bedhead."
She just grinned when she heard his words. "Look who's talking." and after a few seconds she added: "And I like how damn comfortable you are."
Everything became quiet after that. Neither of them talked or tried to talk - not like they needed words to understand the other. She was comfortably laying on top of him under the covers, feeling the heat radiating off of their bodies. The only noises they could hear were pretty quiet. It was coming from other students' dorm room and she had a feeling that Warren is up, watching some even for her too bloody, weird ass movies. As Nathan's chest rose and lowered back as he breathed and as his heartbeat sounded so calming, she could feel her eyelids becoming heavier and heavier - and when she felt his hands drawing different figures into her skin, she almost fell asleep.
If she wanted to be honest, Nathan wasn't the only one who had difficulties with falling asleep. She was up most of the nights studying, reading, watching some movies or listening to some music - so she won't hear the loud sounds coming from the others' rooms. Falling asleep is... difficult. There were times when she fell asleep in class or when she walked to school with teary eyes caused by tiredness.
Not these days though - she was tired, that much is true, but she had Nathan by her side who's presence energized her more than she could've ever imagine.
Laying down with him though... it's a comletely different story. It's so damn peaceful and calming.
But suddenly she opened her eyes and sat up, looking at Nathan who looked back at her with sleepy, but questioning eyes.
"Turn on the whale sounds." she said kindly and lovingly - seemingly her words startled him.
"Why would-"
"No, you don't understand!" she interrupted, making him shut up. "I want you to sleep, like actually, peacfully sleep. So turn on the whale sounds... please. It won't bother me!"
Embarrassment - that was all she was able to read from his facial expressions and she got worried for a few moments there, until it turned into adoration.
"Look, Nate, it's fine... I just really want you to get some sleep."
"It doesn't make it less weird or fucked up though. Just- just get some sleep, I'll be fine-"
But she already stood up and walked towards the small shelf to turn on the speaker and a few short moments later, all they could hear was the sounds of the whales. Her lips curled upwards looking at her boyfriends, whose eyes were slightly red from the tiredness; yet he looked at her so lovingly that she felt her cheeks heat up.
When she sat back down next to him, Nathan greeted her with a kiss - what was full of the thankful feelings he couldn't explain, but definitely was able to show. She just gently touched his neck, then dragged her fingers through his hair, carefully playing with it.
"God, what've I ever done to deserve you?"
The sweet question made her heart skip a beat after the kiss ended, both from being touched by the words and being worried - because even after all this time he didn't understand the simple fact that he deserved all the affection and love he got.
She didn't say any of that out loud though - she couldn't explain it the way it needed to be explained. So she just grinned and said: "I hope you meant it as a compliment!"
Nathan just chuckled.
"I'll sure as hell buy you waffles tomorrow."
They layed down again, this time he hugged her as tightly and lovingly as he possibly could - and she was sure he wanted to show how much he appreciated that she didn't only remember, but also accepted his weird, yet cute habit. The duvet was over them, making the position even more comfortable.
The whales were quietly singing in the background - and when Nathan's breathing slowed down, she carefully moved not wake him up, and observed his expressions. He fell asleep. Peacfully, calmly, next to her. She felt happy, because she knew he'll at least get some well deserved rest.
As she looked at him, she had the urge to just climb out of bed and steal his camera, only to take that perfect shot Mr. Jefferson was always talking about. But she knew better then to move - he's probably a light sleeper. This wasn't the right time for experiments.
That night, after three long days, she finally slept well next to the person who she loved the most.
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teecupangel · 11 months
Hello! I love your blog. Seiously one of the best. So... I was watching batman vs robin animation and when i saw the talon's face my brain just went " That's Ezio!" So what if he was a talon in modern day?
Mebey he had the same backstory just like the game but this time the templers found out sooner that he is the prophet so they just lied to him and made him to join them. He never undrestood it was templers behind his family's death and became a templer. But... if he was living around 500 years ago he would've become like talons in batman court of owls comic series which they were like... a little mindless. So we set up Ezio in modern day. A powerfull family that had just come to Gotham from Italy. Idk what to do with this senario. Send help. 🦇👊
Thank you, nonny! I’m so happy you think that :)
This is very similar to the Talons idea that I had and also @fanworldbuildingfun and @twitcherpated have another take for this idea
Just a few additions, we do need Ezio to have Flavia for Desmond to be born so I would suggest that Ezio be taken by the Templars and sent to the Court of Owls (which has already been established at this point) to take him and make him one of the Talons.
They took Ezio when he was at his weakest. To be more exact: the very last scene of Embers where he canonically died, only this time, he was overpowered and lost consciousness.
So, in this scenario, Sofia and Flavia don’t see Ezio dead, he goes missing.
From there, Ezio could be one of the first Talons who were preserved this entire time. Then… the Court of Owls got their hands on the Lazarus Pit and they revive all the old Talons, including the Talon only known by the name ‘Prophet’.
So, in this case, Ezio would be a Talon who did everything order of him because his memories are a bit… jumbled together.
During that time, the League of Assassins have infiltrated Gotham to take back whatever remains of the liquid the Court have taken from the Lazarus Pit and destroy every research, mentions and anything related to the liquid.
This is where we can add Desmond as the modern day Assassin representative. Either:
Talia’s twin brother Desmond
Desmond as part of Batman’s Rogues Gallery by virtue of him assassinating bad guys goes against Batman’s no killing code
Desmond being part of the League of Assassins helping Young Justice
Desmond runs away from the Farm and gets adopted by Bruce Wayne
Or, you know, just make the Brotherhood a separate organization from the League and Desmond suffers through all the Animus BS but doesn’t die from the Solar Flare because there are so many superheroes who could take care of that XD
Regardless, the main point is that Desmond is the trigger to return Ezio to his senses.
Because Ezio remembers seeing Desmond in Altaïr’s library.
And that would become the trigger for Ezio to be taken out of the Court’s control.
If you really want Ezio to be born in modern day, he’s an Assassin who went missing when he infiltrated Gotham because they learned that the Templars were moving in and out of Gotham for the past month. He’s been missing for over a year and this is the part where you can mix up who will be the trigger to return Ezio to his senses.
This is purely on the side of AU now, so it could be any of his siblings who came to find him. Maybe even Giovanni who quit his high ranking rank in the Brotherhood to find his son. Maybe all of them? Just hammer in the fact that the Auditore family love one another so much (and twist the knife on Bruce’s own past while you’re at it). Hell, it could even be a pairing you like for Ezio XD
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