#also also also! I like the idea of him having a wittle crush on the wol for a little bit
grimcatician · 2 months
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I finally got the little Alphinaud wind up doll🥺😭💖
He, like his real life counterpart, is trying his best!! You go little dude!!
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japhan2024 · 10 months
Just an Ianthony ficlet ;)
genre: fluff, love declaration
words: 706
They looked at each other, eyes glinting. A specific kind of vibe hung in the air. Anthony pressed his lips together and raised his eyebrows, slowly forming a smile. As he showed his white teeth, wrinkles graced his dark eyes. Ian couldn't look away.
Ian sighed. It wasn't a sigh of frustration or any kind of sadness. He felt relieved. Finally! He had his best friend by his side once more. If you told it to him last year, he would have laughed in your face. But then they had met up and both Ian and Anthony noticed how well they clicked, how much they wanted to hang out, and they met more and more, to the point that it became a weekly thing. And so the idea emerged to buy back their beloved company. Fast forward to today, it still felt magical. Sacred, even.
"I know you also want to watch Twitches with me, so let's do it."
"What? I didn't say I wanted to watch-"
"Anthony, I KNOW you. You want to watch it." Ian did his soft chuckle.
Anthony frowned while still smiling and nodded. "Okay I do want to watch it." He knew his way around Ian's apartment, and went to fetch popcorn and beers. Ian casted the movie to his tv.
They sat down on the couch, Anthony spread his legs as he always did. Ian laid down on the opposite side of the couch, stretching out so his feet lay on Anthony's lap.
"Aren't you cozy today," Anthony giggled.
"You're warm. Warm my wittle feewt."
"Alright," Anthony grunted in his low-pitched voice. To Ian's surprise, he actually rubbed his feet, and held them while his attention drifted to the movie.
The movie was incredibly bad, and Ian and Anthony laughed hysterically. After his first beer, Ian wanted to get up to get more, but he hesitated - he didn't want to end this moment of intimacy with his best friend. It was so effortless, so natural. He looked at Anthony who was still laughing and gasping for air.
"You look so fucking good, my guy," he said.
"Thank you!" Anthony looked at Ian now. "You know me, yoga and vegan food." He used his girly voice and winked at Ian like the goofball he was. But Ian looked at him with soft eyes. "What?" Anthony laughed.
"I've never been happier." Ian couldn't help it. His feelings poured over a bit, and his eyes watered.
"Hey, Ian, don't cry?" Anthony got up and kneeled down beside Ian.
"I'm not crying, just got some dirt in my eye," Ian joked but his chest heaved and he now full on cried. All the years of painful loneliness kept strictly inside of him, now he could finally let go, and in stead hold on to his best friend, who was so kind and empathetic to him, and who smelled like freshly cut grass somehow. Ian took a deep, steadying breath.
"You know what," Anthony smiled at him. "You look so good as well. Better than ever. And that's saying something! Did you know I actually had a guy-crush on you for years?" He giggled mischievously, and Ian was not drunk enough to let this slide.
"Wait, what?"
But Anthony wiped his tears with his thumb. "You're the only guy, by the way, that I have ever liked."
"Anthony... this is.. are you serious bro?"
"Yeah, BRO, I am serious." Anthony snorted. Ian snorted as well. They both broke out in full on belly-laughs. The movie was still playing but they completely ignored it now.
"Did you know I've been in love with you since we met?!"
"Yeah, and you're also the only guy I have ever liked."
"Oh my god!"
"Yeah, Anthony, oh my god is the right thing to say right now."
The room, the world around them dissolved. There was only Ian and Anthony, they held each other's hands. Ian sat up on the couch. Anthony got on his knees. They sat there staring and getting lost in each other's eyes.
Anthony guided Ian's hand to his chest.
"Do you feel my heart?"
"It's racing just like mine," Ian whispered as he put Anthony's hand on his chest.
"Ian, can I kiss you?"
"You better."
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
oh my, congrats on your 800 followers, libra!! you totally deserve them! i hope (and i'm sure) you'll get many more! 👌👌💞
so, hey, now that your requests are open... could you write something, with the emoji prompt, for Stannis (💓 / 🔍), please? there seems to be a fever for stannis lately(?); and apparently i'm a simp for stannis now sooo...
i don't wanna repeat characters, much less bore you with my requests, because i really enjoy your writings... but yeah, i can't resist(??). your stannis is, well, *chef's kiss*. so, uh... have a nice day (or night)! and take care, pana. 👉👈😔
stannis as mr. darcy in a pride&prejudice AU???? with an awkwardly sweet confession at the end???
never worry about repeating characters yall esp when it's my man. & thank you for the kind words 💞💞
also i cant BELIEVE youre dumping that AU in wittle words like im not a giant austen nerd oh my godd.... regency era stannis..... be still my heart........... ........... wAIT ITS ALMOST MIDNGIHT AND IM HALF ASLEEP BUT DOES THIS MEAN I GET TO WRITE IN A REGENCY AU???????
💓 How do they act when they realize they’re in love/have a crush?
It takes Stannis a painfully long time to come to a realization about this. When the idea of marrying you begins to wiggle into his head, it's because the match is 'beneficial to both parties', not because he's been attending balls, outings and teas just to see you. That when you aren't there, his mood quickly drops and he tries to find an excuse to leave. That before you came into his life at all, he was rather infamous for completely avoiding them.
Even if you both really weren't a good match because of certain factors - your family connections, a lacking dowry, his own older brother's scandals - Stannis gives himself excuses reasons for why it would work out logically. Because these feelings are simply logical. Yes.
After all the times you've singled each other out during social events, all the glances across dinner tables, the handful of letters you both agonized over and nervous dances where you probably stood too close and danced for a little too long ... The moment that hits him like a hammer comes unexpectedly.
Stannis is quite hopeless after that. He might try to avoid seeing you - make excuses and try to avoid social engagements even more than usual, but you've caught on. You were sure of your feelings far longer than him, after all, and now you're sick of all the waiting and uncertainty. If he doesn't make a proposal, then you'll take matters into your own hands.
🔍Do they ask for advice or just deal with their crush on their own?
There's only one man Stannis has consistently respected and sought the opinion of, and it's someone a man of his station isn't meant to find comradery with. Davos Seaworth is a man in the navy, brought to a higher station than his birth suggested after saving the life of a younger Mr. Stannis Baratheon while at sea. They don't visit often, but when they do, more often than not Davos is listened to the shit Stannis' brothers put him through.
The business with Robert was bad, and Davos had to help wash some of that scandal away. When Stannis was distracted and agitated during this visit, Davos assumed his brothers did something again.
... Then he started to go on about some young lady from a modest family in the Stormlands ...? Davos had good instinct, but he didn't expect that.
He realized this was the young woman he'd heard a few rumors about. Davos was amused to hear about Stannis attending so many social events he surely hated, and now it made sense. He listened with a slight smile as Stannis tried to explain his logical reasons for proposing to you. Almost as if... he needed reassurance?
"She isn't like to refuse you," Davos replied, not betraying how entertaining this all was. "You have much to offer her, an' it gives security to her family. She doesn't have other offers from other gentlemen, so it's a clear choice."
Stannis frowned instantly. Davos paused, then added, "Unless you were hoping she'll accept because of a different reason?"
His friend huffed and turned in his chair. Davos just shook his head and told him to get on with it.
Stannis overthought the proposal until he had an aching head and a sore jaw. For a man who rarely doubted, there was so much doubt consuming him. He was so sure his feelings weren't requited, but there was a chance you'd say yes anyway. He told himself he'd be alright with that. Just having you at his estate, living beside him, would be enough.
That sentiment went out the window when he called on you. Your siblings and mother were not-so-subtly making eyes at you as they left the room, giving the both of you privacy. You'd seen Stannis anxious and upset, but not this badly. He was wound so tight you'd thought he'd start trembling.
It was some moments of awkward silence, then him attempting his pitch - those blue eyes trying to look anywhere but at you - and it was more... business than romantic. When you walked over to his side of the room, sat beside him and took his hand, he flinched like your touch burned him.
"I accept," You say, noting how his fingers curl around your's quickly, even when he's still having trouble looking at your eyes. "But I accept not because of what you could give me, but what you already have."
You just smiled at his confusion and reassured him again that you accepted the proposal.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Kokichi x reader - patching him up after he falls through the floorboard
Request: I felt bad for a Kokichi when no one bothered to check up on him when he fell through the floor so how about a scenario where someone catches up to him after the trial and bullies him into letting them bandage him up. This small act of kindness causes him to fall for them.
Hey! I love this idea, but when he showed up at the trial, all the blood that was on his head and face was cleaned up, and he wasn’t light-headed or anything during the trial, some I’m gonna change up the request a bit to have the reader find him directly after he falls through the floorboard. Also, thanks for suggesting best boy, I will always have time to write for him - Mod Kokichi
SPOILERS FOR EVERYTHING UP TO CHAPTER 3 ENDING. Gender of reader never specified.
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     “Hmmm, I see. Thanks, Kiyo!” You finished up your light but lengthy interrogation of the anthropologist, who elegantly bowed his head and disappeared into his lab. You exited, rounding the corner to investigate further. You headed toward the three empty rooms, wanting to re-examine Tenko’s body after Korekiyo’s statements, even if the thought of your friend’s corpse made you uneasy. It had to be done.
     You rounded the corner, a sharp yelp releasing from your throat.
     Shuichi, Maki and Kokichi turned to face you, startled by your sudden scream. Kokichi’s forehead was soaked, dripping pink rivulets of blood, and he was leaning on the wall for support.
     “What’s going on?! What happened?! D-did someone attack you, Kokichi?” You ran over, joining the group and looking to Shuichi for answers.
     “He’s fine.” Maki stated flatly.
     “Obviously not, his head is gushing!” You were a bit irritated with Maki’s indifference, but a bit biased with your opinion on Kokichi. You knew many people disliked him, Maki least of all, but you didn’t see a reason to hate him. In fact…you’d been nursing quite the little crush on him. You found him witty, cute, intelligent.
     “Yeah, he felt well enough to pull a childish prank on us, so I’d say he’s fine as well,” Shuichi’s eyes narrowed as he spoke, arms crossing as he looked at Kokichi with contempt. Kokichi simply grinned back.
     “What prank?” You inquired.
     “He pretended he was dead, lying there face-down and bloody only to pop up when we got worried!” Shuichi scoffed, his nasally, nerdy voice getting rather worked up.
     “Kokichi…” you warned, seeing Shuichi’s point now. Kokichi merely smirked back at you as well.
     “Anyway, we gotta go finish up this investigation before Monokuma cuts us off, so if you’ll excuse me, y/n.” Shuichi nodded, leaving with Maki to investigate Angie’s research lab. That left Kokichi and you in the hallway alone, his eyes drooping now that Shuichi was out of sight. A moment of weakness.
     “Kokichi, are you alright? That’s a lot of blood. And you hit your head, yes? What if you have a concussion or something?”
     “Why are you standing around? I haven’t seen you investigating at all, you lazy, lazy scoundrel,” he changed the subject. “Gonna leave all the work to everyone else?” He forced a venomous grin that quickly turned into a clenched-teeth grimace, his head pounding. It didn’t escape your notice.
     “For your information, Ouma, I have been investigating, it’s just obvious to me who the guilty party is, so I’ve been slowing down. I’m ready for the trial.”
     “Hmm so you’re useless and cocky? Great, just what we needed for this case!” He started walking off toward the stairs, still heavily depending on the wall. His words were harsh, but as usual, held an untruth within them. He knew you were smart, and that you probably had figured it out, but he wasn’t going to admit that to you, of course.
     “K-Kokichi! Let me help you!” You grabbed his arm before he could stumble down the stairs. He looked to you incredulously, but didn’t pull away, looking at the little drops of pink that stained his white jacket sleeve.
     “I don’t need your help, stupid-head! What, you’re the Ultimate Nurse or something? Ultimate babysitter? Go bother someone else!” He was trying your patience now, but you weren’t going to turn your back on someone obviously in pain. You saw pain in his eyes, both from his mysterious past and the current injury. Kokichi was more than meets the eye, and you could easily perceive that. It didn’t hurt that he was attractive.
     “No, the Ultimate Psychologist, remember?” You stopped him when he tried to pull away and continue down the stairs alone.
     “Ohhhh, pfft! Yeah,” he rolled his eyes, “I had forgotten since you never actually do anything during trials.”
     “Monokuma!!!” You yelled out, ignoring his insult. Kokichi jumped at your sudden volume, and the monochrome bear appeared seemingly out of thin air.
     “What do you twerps want?” He smiled, hands on his hips.
     “How much time do we have left in the current investigation?”
     “And why should I tell you...? I think that seems a bit unfair! Then I’d have to tell eeeeeveryone!” He leaned forward at your threateningly. You gestured toward Kokichi.
     “Kokichi is obviously in no shape for a trial. He needs to get cleaned up and assessed, at least. I’m asking you to allow me the time to do so, no more, no less?” You challenged him.
     “No way! You’re cra-“
     “Kokichi is easily the smartest one here, and he keeps the trial fun and interesting, wouldn’t you agree?” You hated using the word fun to describe the killing game. You thought it was horrific and morbid, but a little lie to help a friend in the end wasn’t against your morals. “If he’s down for the count or out of it during the trial, it’s going to be painfully boring, right? No one to harass Miu, and everyone else gets along pretty well. It’s going to be a hand-holding ceremony of cooperation. Do you want that?” You glared at the small robot, Kokichi’s mouth a bit agape behind you. Not only were you defending him, which no one here did, but you were standing up to Monokuma.
     “Hmmm...well, I suppose, if it will improve the trial...I must reluctantly agree!” Monokuma’s paw rose to his chin pensively. “You’ve got an hour! Not a minute over, got it?!”
     “Deal. Can I have a first aid kit?”
     “RISE AND SHINE URSINE!” The three remaining Monokubs appeared in front of you, with Monodam holding a large white case in his metal paws.
     “HERE. I. WILL. ALWAYS, CONTRIBUTE. TO. THE. CAUSE. OF. GETTING. ALONG,” Monodam spoke in his staccato mechanical voice, handing the plastic container’s handle to you.
     “You’re lucky my wittle cubs are so cute and helpful and wesponsible!” He swooned at the smaller bears. “Now get outta here, times ticking!”
     You turned to Kokichi with a smile, and to your surprise, he smiled back.
     You sat in your room in the dorms, with Kokichi leaning his head back gently onto the side of the tub in your small, personal bathroom. You sat on the edge, massaging the dry blood out of his hair as he pouted, arms crossed against his chest and thin legs splayed out in front of him.
     “OW!” You touched a sensitive spot, the opening of his wound a little too roughly, and he shook his feet up and down, stomping on the ground like a little kid. “It’s clear you’re trained to take care of people’s minds, not their bodies, you asshole!” He yelled up at you. You chuckled lightly, easing up on his skull and rubbing out a particularly crunchy bit of coagulated blood.
     “What ever do you mean by that, my dear Ouma?” You teased, and he stiffened up, before quickly realizing his emotions were plain on his face, and pouting again.
     “I mean, it’s clear you know how to unravel someone psychologically and trick them, like how you ‘know the culprit already’and persuaded Monokuma, but you really have no talent for physical care, huh?” You assumed he was referring to your rather rough treatment of his body...well, what he determined as rough.
     “I think you’re being a little unfair, Kokichi. I think I’m doing a pretty great job. Do you feel any better after the water?” You’d made him down a few water bottles upon entering your room and examined the wound before rinsing his dark locks out.
     “Hmpf! Whatever. I guess I am grateful to you,” he sighed, “but my appreciation will only continue if you prove you’re truly not as dumb as I once thought!” He looked off dreamily.
     “And how do I do that?” You wrung out the longer pieces of his hair, playing along.
     “Who is the culprit then...if you’re so smar-?” You wrapped his head in a towel and it covered his face and mouth, muffling his words, “HEY!” You giggled and quickly rustled the towel around gently, careful to avoid directly scraping his wound. When you were done you lifted the towel, peeking under to look at his face. He scowled at you, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks.
     “Aww, don’t look so angry. It only makes you cuter!” He turned away from you abruptly, embarrassed, then stood until he was hovering over your seated position, playing it off.
     “Whatever! I’m outta here. Some of us actually want to live through this trial.” You grabbed his hand as he began to exit your bathroom.
     “It’s Korekiyo. It’s obvious, to me at least…he killed them both.” His eyes widened. How did you…? Of course, he had already come to this conclusion. Seeing something like confusion in his eyes, you continued. “It became apparent as I analyzed him. I talked to him for quite a while.”
     “Did you... shrink him?” He scoffed, a bit impressed.
     “I’m afraid so,” you wore a crooked grin, standing to meet him.
     “Aww, poor guy. And he didn’t even make an appointment!!! Though, I guess it’s really your loss after all. You shrinks are expensive! I hope he has insurance!” He laughed loudly, pitying the graceful anthropologist who would shortly meet his doom.
     “You knew already, then?” You inquired.
      “Of course!! Evil recognizes evil after all, and he is evil.” He waltzed toward your bedroom door, not a hint of a thank-you or appreciative word coming from his lips. You didn’t stop him, knowing the trial would soon commence anyway. But then, your thoughts prodded at you, and your lips opened.
     “K-Kokichi?” He paused, hands on his hips as he turned to face you.
     “Whaaaat? We haven’t got all day!”
     “I need to place a bandage and some antibiotic over your wound...it’s pretty deep.” Why were you so worried about him, he wondered. “A-and...I wouldn’t mind spending more time with you…” your cheeks felt hot and you looked toward the ground. He rolled his eyes, walking over and plopping down, criss-cross-applesauce in front of you. “Kokichi?”
     “I can’t blame you for wanting my attention,” he spoke lazily, “I am the most entertaining person in this dump!” 
     “You really are charming, you know?” You spat sarcastically.
     “Well???? Get to it!” He handed you the first aid kit beside your bed, and you accepted it with a relieved, gentle smile. You began to part his hair, looking for the wound, and he was grateful that you couldn’t see the expression on his face from that angle.
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
zhuilingyizhen coffee shop au
I remember I saw someone say that wn always owns a coffee shop in these AUs, and to that I say, yeah pretty much. (ft. wangningxian and jyl x jzx x wq)
Wen Ning owns a cute little coffee shop! He supports his baby cousin, Wen Yuan, for the first couple years.
Wen Qing runs her own practice, for children though, across the street, and three very frequent customers happen to be two Jins & a Jiang, if you get who I’m talking about. 0-0
jl and wy (turned lsz later, long story) probably played a little together as kids but it’s not super important
Anyways, wn’s coffee shop probably burns down or something in a series of arson attaccs against the Wen family. Wq’s practice doesn’t get destroyed though, and she gets some help from a certain extremely rich couple who used to go to her.
But wn is super worried bc his wittle bb cousin is gone 0-0
And then a Yuan runs off and falls into a river and dies.
Jk jk, he almost dies! And loses his memory. He’s about 6 at the time, btw. Some stranger (COUGH WWX COUGH) finds this little baby dRowNinG and saves him, bc ofc only wwx would be suspiciously near a river in the middle of nowhere.
Wwx takes keeps him for a couple days, but realizes that he has no clue how to parent, so he takes him to the Lan orphanage.
(Yes, the Lans run an orphanage and you can take this hc from my dead, cold hands.)
(Seriously, I have so many ideas for this. Ask me.)
(Dw this is still a coffee shop AU!)
Anyways, wwx takes him to his just-a-friend, lwj. Lwj looks at this child and looks at wwx.
He also has no clue who this child is.
But he really goes and named him “to long for”, staring right into wwx’s eyes.
Wwx skips away to annoy his brother or something. Idk.
So lqr, running this orphanage, takes lsz in. He also gives lwj a look when he finds out what this child was named, but... shush.
Since he’s in an orphanage, he takes the Lan name. He also meets Lan Jingyi, who is maybe 7 if this happens after August?
Ljy’s mom was not very good.
Meanwhile wn is crying his eyes out bc his bb cousin probably died in the fire and now he’s sad and it’s all his fault & :(((((
Ofc, being the amazing, bamf older sister she is, wq refuses this response.
She makes wn come work for her now, so yay! They have one less person to support, so it don’t as bad but,, but,, WEN YUAN IS DEADDD :((((((((((((((((((
So sad.
Anyways, jl probably asks once why that kid he used to play with is gone. They attend the funeral, but wn is always on da lookout for anyways who fits the description of lsz.
jl doesn’t remember him that well anyways, so oof. His parents lowkey like wq but jzx is a shy bastard and wq is uselessly gay for jyl so this won’t end up well.
But since this is a lsz-centric coffee shop AU...
Lsz grows up under the amazing teaching of lqr, probably learns an instrument or two from lxc, gets parented w/bunnies by lwj, and uselessly crushes on ljy. Like he does.
And then time skip to him in college, and he wants to start a coffee shop bc it reminds him of his childhood, that he doesn’t remember.
But yeah. Coffee shop AU.
Oyzz, who is jl’s friend goddamnit let jl have friends both his parents are alive, drags him to every coffee/tea shop in the area bc he has an obsession with good drinks. Which eventually leads them to lsz’s cozy little tea shop.
It’s moderately popular, sometimes ljy will sing for entertainment (bc yesss 🥺) and it’s pretty good! Lsz is out of college (so 22, bc he didn’t take a masters) and started the shop, ljy’s doing god knows what (maybe signed a record deal w/ someone who went to the cafe and heard him singing? a dumb luck sorta thing. Or perhaps lxc has a production company :eyes:)
but ljy sometimes helps out or just hangs around the shop.
Anyways, oyzz likes his voice a big lot, befriends ljy, and now jl has to go there every weekend bc he’s whipped for oyzz.
He also gets to watch oyzz and ljy be big gay for each other, so yeah. Huh. jl sorta befriends lsz, bc ofc he does. They’re both a lil sad, but fun!
Also, jl and wn are pretty close now bc jl has wayyyyy too many uncles.
Lsz doesn’t remember wwx, but lwj sure as hell does.
Surprisingly, wwx and wn, going out on a not-date, as just-friends, end up going to the tea shop & wn is surprised at how similar it looks to his coffee shop from all those years ago.
wOw whAt a cOinCidEncE!
jl probably recommended it to wn and wwx, bc ofc he did.
Matchmaker extraordinaire, I say. Jyl and jzx are just 🥺 so proud of their child
But they’re also uselessly crushing on wq, who isn’t usually oblivious but thinks it’s just a doctor-patient transaction.
side plot: wq and jyl go out one night and end up sleeping together and the next morning jzx makes them tea & breakfast and then casually asks how it was and jyl says “it was great” while wq chokes on her tea & is very confused:tm:
Yeah, they get together bc I love background ships.
But wn is kinda sus at how similar it looks. He thinks maybe they went to his coffee shop before, and orders tea. But then he sees the one barista and thinks “wait a second...”
Bc the barista (lsz) looks scarily familiar, he just doesn’t know why. Oyzz is just over in a corner sipping his bubble tea.
One day, after the tea shop closes and the junior quartet are the only ones left, and lsz asks to speak to jl. Alone.
Ljy and oyzz are looking at them like 👀 👀 but they leave together to go to some bookstore or something, idk.
So now lsz and jl are alone. They’re sorta friend-acquaintances, but now jl’s a little confused as to why tf lsz wants to talk to him.
Lsz explains that jl seems familiar (coughiwonderwhycough) and says that he lost his memory at a young age and that wwx found him. jl is starting to put the puzzle together.
Lsz basically asks him out on a date, but neither of them know or think it’s a date, so jl agrees.
They both go there seperate ways, and when oyzz and ljy find out the next day, they realize that they’re going on a date.
Ljy is very excited for lsz!! But what is that pain he feels—
Ofc, they stalk jl and lsz on their date, bc they are stupid and don’t realize they might have feelings for them. At least they realize their feelings for each other. Ljy & oyzz get together!! :))
They’re also oblivious though so they don’t notice a Ling & Sizhui’s :/
Wn ends up taking over the tea shop so lsz can go off and get his masters
Eventually the junior quartet stumble into a relationship ! Hopefully ! it’s really quite a mess until sizhui gets a dna test taken at wn’s request. found family turned actual family is an old trope, but one we will accept <3
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sabababa · 4 years
A Knight’s Heart
Mirio Togata x Fem!Reader
Summary: Mirio and (Y/n) take Eri out to the local playground, and since there is no one around, Eri asks them to play pretend with her. Mirio as the knight, Eri as the princess, and (Y/n) as the dragon guarding the castle.
Warnings: None
Notes: Reader’s quirk allows her to transform into a dragon when heat is applied, she can also be anthropomorphic in that form
Word count: 2k+
(this gif is so amazing I’m a sucker for pixel art)
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     “Okay, Eri, we’ve arrived!” Mirio raised his hands in the air in a grand gesture, showing off the playground they arrived at. It was a decent-sized area, it had multiple slides, plenty of swings, and a plethora of things to climb.
     “This is a playground?” Eri asked as she stared in awe, never before had she seen one.
     “Yep, this is where kids like you like to play!” (Y/n) knelt down next to her, giving her a big grin.
     “Come on, Eri, let’s play!” Mirio grabbed the little girl’s hand and ran up to some stairs that led to a tall, winding slide. (Y/n) sat back on a bench nearby as she watched them. She giggled when Mirio hit his head on a bar, the set was clearly not made for his height, but of course, he laughed it off and brought Eri to the entrance of the slide. They disappeared into the tube and she heard Eri squeal in delight before they reappeared at the end, Mirio fell onto the ground with Eri in his lap, his weight gave them a bit of momentum as they slid down.
     Both laughed as Eri cheered; “Again! Again!”
     (Y/n) laughed from the side-lines, happy to see Eri was enjoying herself, and happy to spend the day with her crush. Mirio was everything any girl wanted in a man and (Y/n) wasn’t blind to his antics, she soon fell for the blonde.
     “(Y/n), you should join us!” Mirio called over as he followed Eri back up the stairs.
     “Nah, it’s fine, three’s a crowd!” She called back, waving her hand dismissively, she wanted Mirio and Eri to enjoy their quality time together, she could tell the small girl liked him more than she did her, which she wasn’t upset about, who couldn’t like Mirio?
     “Come on!” Mirio ran over to her and pulled her up by her wrists. “There’s no kids here, not even adults, no will judge!”
     “I wasn’t worried about being judged,” she laughed as she let him guide her to the same set of stairs he was at moments ago.
     “Then you should totally play with us!” Mirio grinned, now holding her hand.
     (Y/n) noticed that right as he turned he would hit the same bar again. “Wait, Mirio-” she tried to warn him, but was too late as he hit the same bar in the same place.
     “Owww…” He rubbed his head, it must have hurt the second time around.
     “Aww,” she reached her free hand up and rubbed the spot on his head, “poor wittle baby couldn’t watch where he was going.” She said playfully in a tone you would talk to babies in.
     “Maybe you should kiss it better?” He said back in the same tone, leaning his head over for her to kiss.
     “Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings,” she said in the same tone again but complied to his wish. She placed a quick peck on his forehead and spoke again in her normal tone. “All better?” She smiled sweetly.
     “I feel so much better!” He grinned. “Your kisses are like magic!” He winked. (Y/n) giggled in response and he chuckled with her as they made it over to Eri on the platform. “Let’s all go down at the same time!” He suggested.
     “I think that’s too many people, Mirio,” (Y/n) said.
     “Okay, then how about you and Eri go in the slide and we make it a race? I bet I can beat you guys before you make it down there!”
     “You’re on!” Eri cheered with a look of cute determination.
     (Y/n) laughed lightly. “Okay, we can do that.” She agreed.
     Both girls readied themselves at the entrance of the slide, with Eri between (Y/n)’s legs. “Ready? Set. Go!” Mirio yelled at the end. (Y/n) quickly scooched herself and Eri into the slide and slid down. Eri squealed again at the twisting turns of the tube. (Y/n) saw light filtering at the end, but then saw Mirio appeared at the exit. “Gotcha!” He cheered with his arms open.
     “Mirio, look out!” The older girl yelped as she and the small one practically flew at him. 
     They crashed into him with a big ‘oof’ as he fell over and each girl fell onto different sides of him. They all lifted their heads up to make sure everyone was okay before bursting out into laughter. Mirio got a burst of energy as he sat up and wrapped each arm around them and squeezed them tight to his chest. “I’m so glad I’m spending the day with my two favorite girls!” (Y/n)’s heart soared at his comment. She felt a blush on her cheeks and scales appeared around her eyes from the heat due to her quirk. “Woah, (Y/n), are you okay? You’ve got scales.” Mirio asked concerned as he brushed some hair behind her ear to see the ruby-like scales.
     “Yeah, it’s just hot out, y’know,” she lied and rubbed away the scales with her hands, they turned back into smooth skin.
     “You’re right! I’ll get some water!” Mirio offered with a smile as he lifted them off the ground as he stood. “You two stay here, I’ll be back!” He said as he jogged off down the path to a nearby vending machine.
     “This kinda looks like a castle,” Eri mumbled as she looked at the playground. Then her face showed a big smile as stars filled her eyes with an idea. “We should play pretend!” She turned around to (Y/n). “I’ll be the princess, Mirio can be the knight, and you’ll be the dragon!” She pointed her finger as she named each role.
     (Y/n) smiled down at her. “That’s a great idea, Eri!” Scales began to cover her body again as she felt her body shift slightly. “Let’s steal you away to the castle, princess!” She said as she wiggled her talons at her. Eri let out a loud squeal as the older girl lifted her up over her shoulder and carried her into the castle. She had placed her on a platform near the slide entrance and walked onto a wobbly bridge that connected to a different slide. Her arms were crossed as she stood in a confident pose while she waited for the ‘knight’ to return.
     Mirio had heard Eri’s squeal and it worried him slightly. He knew (Y/n) was there with her, but he quickly ran back over with the bottles in hand. He slowed to a stop once he noticed (Y/n) was using her quirk and had a menacing aura around her. This worried him as he looked around for Eri and then saw her gripping the bars of a platform, a scared expression on her face. Did a villain show up? Were they hiding around here? 
     “Glad you could make it, knight!” (Y/n) yelled down to him at the path.
     “Huh?” Mirio gave her a confused look.
     “Save me, Sir Knight!” Eri jumped up and down as she tried to speak in an elegant tone.
     It easily clicked in Mirio’s head what was going on. He was the knight that had to save Princess Eri from the fearsome dragon (Y/n). He set the water bottles on a bench and picked up a long branch nearby before he pointed it at the mighty dragon. “I am here to save the Princess Eri, Evil Dragon!” He spoke loudly in a royal tone.
     “What will you do to save her, knight?” (Y/n) replied back in a low tone.
     “I will do anything for the princess’ safety! I will fight you even if it means my death!”
     “Glory and death are not what I want,” (Y/n) began, “I am a dragon, we covet things that humans prize and the princess here is a wonderful jewel to add to my collection!” She gestured to the princess before bringing a hand to rest under her snout in thought. “But perhaps we could make a trade?”
     “A trade?” Mirio’s voice wavered as he listened to her words. That wasn’t how the stories went, right?
     “Yes, a trade, what will you give me in return for releasing the princess?” 
     Eri looked confused as she looked between the two. That wasn’t how the stories went.
     Mirio lowered his sword as he looked deep in thought. What could he trade to a dragon who had everything? He was just a knight, he could hardly offer anything that would be worth more than the princess, not even his own life. His eyes then sparkled as he figured out what to trade. He stabbed his sword into the ground, the dragon and princess confused by his actions, and held his arms open as he stared at the marvelous dragon. “I give you my heart!”
     (Y/n) almost choked as she leaned back slightly as the bridge wobbled, his answer shocked her. “Y-your heart?” She stuttered as she tried to look menacing again.
     “I give you my heart in return for the princess’ freedom!” He held his arms open wider, a genuine smile on his face. (Y/n) stood stunned, she didn’t know what to say. She knew she couldn’t take his words seriously, it was just pretend, but she couldn’t help but imagine him actually saying those words to her out of love. 
     Meanwhile, Eri slid down the slide by herself and triumphantly cheered at her great escape. “I escaped the scary dragon!” She said proudly with fists in the air as she ran toward Mirio.
     “Aw, Eri, I was supposed to save you!” Mirio said disappointed as he crouched to her level.
     “Clearly this princess doesn’t need anyone to save her,” (Y/n) said as she flew herself down beside them before her body returned to its original form.
     Mirio stood up again when Eri ran off to play more, a grin plastered on his face. “I liked the twist you pulled, with the dragon, it was amazing!”
     (Y/n) smiled back. “I liked your answer, that honestly surprised me, I didn’t know what you were gonna say.” She laughed at the end, trying to stave off the ache in her heart.
     “Well, I just spoke from my heart.” He answered honestly with a gentle smile. (Y/n) laughed lightly at his answer, thinking he was making a joke back to the answer he made. She shoved his shoulder playfully. “I’m serious.” He spoke again. Her laughter died down as she looked him in his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. “I meant it when I said I’d give you my heart.” He grabbed her hand and held it over his chest where his heart beat. She felt how fast it pounded against his chest, she tore her eyes away from their hands and looked back up at him. A small blush dusted his cheeks as he stared at her hopefully, waiting for an answer.
     A blush spread across her cheeks and scales soon followed. “W-w-wait- do you mean- you like me?” She stuttered as she tried to form a complete sentence.
     “Yeah, I do,” he replied instantly, “I’ve liked you for a while now, I wanted to tell you the moment I knew, but I had to make it special somehow and well you created that special moment!” He grinned and chuckled.
     (Y/n) couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on her face, she immediately covered it with her hand when she replied. “I like you too!”
     Mirio removed her hand so he could stare at her beautiful smile. “Don’t hide, you’re pretty,” he said as he cupped his hands around her face. They stared into each other’s eyes again, his eyes drifted down to her lips and hers did the same to his. They sealed the distance with a kiss as she rested her own hands on his neck, her heart sped up, butterflies filled her stomach, a tingle went down her spine, and her leg popped up from the sweetness of it all. It was a long and innocent kiss. 
     When they parted they heard someone screech in the distance. “Eww!” Eri yelled at them from atop a platform. They both looked at her and then hugged each other with a laugh.
If you want to request some headcanons please go here for the rules!
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ignisnocturnalia · 4 years
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Hehehe I lied, but it is here now! Had a crisis about being done with my Band director's bull and wanting a grade on something really bad, did the former and decided to simply disintegrate once Friday hit. Drifter HCs will follow this, also may I say Caiatl. That is all.
Nokris x Reader
“You are a child reaching for a flame; the Taken Queen would not have you burnt.”
You were on point during the Strange Terrain strike, but you had never thought you would run into Nokris again. Granted, you realized, his death was on the physical plain while his Throne World still stood. Considering he never directly addressed you, you assumed that he either didn’t remember you or he chose not to, as oddly disappointing as that would be. The timbre of his voice unsettled you, but it was not as wracking as Xol’s; in fact, it was rather pleasing to hear.
The proposition itself was unexpected, and against Eris’s previous warnings you stopped to listen to what the Hive heretic had to say. Trekking quietly along the broken path of the distorted realm, you stopped occasionally to stare at blights littered over walls and floating in the air to see if you could catch a glimpse of the desecrated prince. The telltale sign of Taken emerging from their portals filled the air, and you genuinely prayed that you’re next decision was a wise one. 
Your ghost was probably screaming on the inside as you placed your guns to the floor, bringing your hands into the air while staring into the gleaming eye of a Knight. Grabbing your arm roughly, it tugged you through a massive doorway leading to a room that was strikingly similar to the Court of Oryx back at the Dreadnaught. The portal at the center of the room shimmered invitingly as the bony bastard himself came out; even in death, he appeared to be in his prime.
“I see you have heeded my advice; come, hope of the Light, see the Darkness.”
His claws are cold as he grasps at your shoulders despite the solar flame surging over his arms. Feeling bold, you let your own solar light extend past your body, lying comfortably across his neck with a warm glow. As a creature who worships the Darkness facing a servant of the Light, he reasonably withdraws with a hiss at your gesture
You won’t say it out loud because he obviously carries himself with extreme pride, but you can’t help but feel bad for him. How can one person be an exiled son, heretic, servant, and now puppet?
“I won’t serve Savathûn. But I think I wouldn't mind spending time with you.” Before he can question you, you are promptly pulled from the realm by Eris.
Cue Vanguard interrogation once you return to the Tower. The talk is so egregiously long you make a move that would make Cayde damn proud: “GuArDiAn, We’Re NoT yEt FiNiShEd WiTh ThIs DiScUsSiOn!” Hopefully your shining reputation will save you from any dire repercussions...
Tracing your steps back to where you first met, you look around suspiciously following the lack of noise inside the Hive breeding grounds. You had cut your comm ages ago, the constant ping of Commander Zavala’s hailing grating your ears. The ground beneath your feet crunched wetly with every step, and distantly you heard the first Hive screech. Turning in a guess to the source of the sound, you set off in a quick pace, gun in your hand.
Upon entering a new chamber, you froze in surprise as you saw Nokris lifting a Knight by the throat. Taken magic pooled in his palm and raced over the armor of the smaller Hive, the bone turning black and a bright white glow shimmering across its legs. Still gripping the soldier, Nokris slowly angled his head to look down at you.
“Little. Light.” Dropping the Knight with no grace, his imposing form closed in on you with haste. Before you could take a step back, his claws came up to close around your jaw and upper neck. The rough of his talons dug into your armor, and for a moment you worried he would pop off your helmet and let your blood boil throughout your body in the harsh atmosphere. Instead, he pulled you closer to his face and brought up his free hand to grasp your forearm.
Nokris easily dwarfed you; even if you stood on your own shoulders you wouldn’t be taller than him. Passively, your thighs rubbed against each other at the realization. A detail he decided he would catch. Teasing mirth danced in his three eyes, hidden malice swimming just behind small organs. Internally, you were probably going to pop your helmet off yourself if you got kink shamed by a Hive prince of all things. 
You squeaked quietly in surprise as he lifted you off the ground, the hand on your lower face readjusting to your hip. His hand, quite literally, engulfed your midsection as he brought you closer to him for inspection. This close, you could see every imperfection on his face. Second hand leaving your arm, you shivered as the prince ran a digit up the side of your leg and continued his way up, stopping thoughtfully at the junction of your jaw.
Staring into the glowing green embers of his eyes, there was no mistaking the murderous glint in them. At the same time, curiosity had made its home among his more dangerous faculties.
"You found me once, you came to me twice. Find me again, at the other side in the field of ash under the dark tower.” Letting you to the floor, Nokris turned his back and departed to Traveler knows where through the portal with the long forgotten Knight. Sinking to your knees in stunned silence, you looked down as a nearly imperceptible squeal broke the quiet. In front of you, was a Hive worm.
“No.” Before you could even speak, your Ghost gave its earful. 
“I can’t not take it! I probably need it to find him. Either way, I told you one of these worms would be coming home eventually, look at its wittle face.” Your Ghost made gagging noises as you fawned over the wriggling creature you held between your hands. Tucking the three eyed larva under your arm, you set out to find the way back out.
The next week felt like hell. The worm continued to get bigger with every mission you went on and keeping it a secret from the Vanguard was close to impossible. You had been wracking your brain for the answer to his riddle, and to be completely honest, it made you feel inadequate that you couldn’t figure it out. You knew the other side meant the Ascendant Realm, but what was the dark tower? Where was the field of ash? You had initially thought it was at Skywatch, what with the Hive ship jutting out of the ground and the small pile of chitin inside the cave not too far away, but there wasn’t enough ash for it to be a field, nor was it under the ship point.
It wasn’t until a light snow dusted the Tower one evening that it all clicked. He didn’t mean ash ash. He meant snow! 
In a rush to the hangar, you waved a hasty goodbye to Holliday and transmatted into your ship, pulling out a layer of blankets to reveal your now cat sized worm. The grub squeed and reached its head up to your palm, crawling sluggishly into your hands. Holding the worm to your chest, you settled down in the pilot ship and gave your Ghost to plot a course. There was only one place on Earth constantly coated in snow with a structure that could be considered a dark tower.
“Ghost, set course for the Plaguelands. He’s at the Doomed Sea.”
You hadn’t been to the ravaged lands since the Siva Crisis; the whole territory gave you heebie jeebies. And yet, you were returning because one of humanity’s imminent threats wanted a chat that, realistically, ended with your head rolling on the floor.
The closer you got to your destination, the more restless the worm in your arms got. In fact, you could swear it was whispering something. Your skin crawled for a moment as you felt the phantom brush of his claw up your leg.
The moment your feet touched the ground, the world around you stuttered as the colors faded into grayscale, giving way to the Ascendant landscape. Below you, there was no mistaking the keen whispers of the worm. Its words were encouraging in a macabre way, praise and blatant lies; speaking of how well you fed it, talents being wasted on a god that heeds you not, urging you towards the ominous building looming over the shoreline.
Dust swept across at a rapid pace, as usual, in the warped realm. Coming up to the alcove, you saw him with his back turned to you. In a smooth turn, he faced you at last. Beautiful, blazing emeralds.
Relationship HCs
His idea of a relationship has wildly different parameters than any normal human would put up with
No matter where you are, or what you're doing, you can feel him at the back of your mind like a fog; it's a bit disconcerting to hear him talk in your head at first, but it becomes normal and he's actually quite helpful when you're out on missions
He expects you to help him study thanatonautics since you can die and be brought back within moments, but that's up to if you have enough charisma to convince your Ghost to let your bone boyfriend crush your skull repeatedly to see what you can learn about death
The relationship feels more like a symbiotic one rather than a romantic one, but you occassionally catch him practicing human gestures you've seen couples perform in public if he's feeling particularly good on a day
You're probably the only person who listens to him talk about all of his schtick and is able to give viable feedback; he is more thankful than he will let on about this fact
He does not like it when you try blocking him off from your thoughts and will demand to know everything you've done in the day when you see him again. In his perspective, he thinks you're trying to leave him behind like everyone else has
Will not handhold, because his hand can literally fit around your torso and because he thinks it's weird. He will, however, carry you places if you're going the same direction
He also thinks kissing is weird, but will (surprisingly!) actually let you give him kisses on his teeth; the sensation of soft flesh on his cold bones is unusual, but something he finds utterly riveting. Not that he'd let you know
Also doesn't like the amount of straight barbarity you inflict on the battlefield, but can appreciate your efficiency with your job; this is him silently worrying about your safety but refusing to acknowledge his crush on the flame throwing ape
His communication regarding affection is terrible, and if you couldn't tell shame on you. His favorite thing about you, that you will never hear from him or anyone else, is your face. He likes the way it changes into different expressions, the life in your eyes, and your lips because Hive physically cannot emote as expressively as humans do; you are an open book he has yet to read, adding new pages everyday
Nsfw 👁👄👁
First off, however you get the size difference to work, congratulations. His height over you is something he enjoys immensely when you two get into it, and it goes without saying he also likes how you "hug" him
He will fuck anywhere, literally anywhere. The floor? Yes. Against the wall? Yes. Hope you're somewhat of an exhibitionist, because he is not ashamed if any of his or Savathûn's troops walk in on you and will keep going
He bites a lot, and is not afraid to make you bleed because your Ghost can just patch you right up
Likewise, he will scratch you everywhere but he does stop to play with the softer spots
He is rough and fast, going after his own release rather than yours; however, he has high stamina so chances are you'll be overstimulated before he finishes
Absolutely a dom, he will not meet in the middle about anything of sexual nature
If you don't actively fight for your life during his build up, he will take that as the go ahead. He may be a Hive heretic, but he has standards
You don't really have the opportunity to find his sensitive spots as he usually restrains your arms, holding them above your head or pinning them down at your sides
He rarely makes actual noises, but he does hiss lowly whenever he makes particularly hard thrusts
He knows that copulation won't result in little Hive/Human hybrids running around with his blood in their veins, so 9 times out of 10 he will hilt himself and come inside you
Uhhh, a w k w a r d
Anything that's fluffy is strictly delivered by you, and occasionally returned by Nokris since he doesn't get the point of such pleasantries
If you're fast enough, he will never get upset if you can sneak up on him for a smooch
Whatever he is doing, if you are available he much prefers having you by his side to have an extra set of eyes to help him observe (at least that's what he says)
Since his physical marks are healed quickly, he gifts you odds and ends from old planets his people have pillaged and little items you can wear on noticeable places
Hides it very well, but is extremely thrilled when you come to him when you want to do or learn something new
When you're particularly frustrated by something, he will comb his claws through your hair to his best abilities
Whenever you're with him, his demeanor is typically calmer; Savathûn's presence and influence over him is highly diminished in the face of your Light
The one thing he will willingly do with you that's remotely romantic is stargazing; not because of the romantic element, oh no, but because he wants to catalogue any changes and is very invested in teaching you about space faring
Has nicknames for you like Little Light or >Insert any game seal<
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So what if for a motive instead of kokichi being a giant he’s shrunk and stuck with shuichi :0! ( like continuing off of the other motive writing you did -)
hiii I'm glad for this req I was hoping someone would catch my drift and ask for a sequel since I had an idea for it in mind 💃 altho I took a wittle little bit of liberty with your req I hope you don't mind
(again terribly sorry for the delay friend I hardly had any time for this hope you'll enjoy either way)
Word count: 1800
Summary: The game master has a new dirty trick up their sleeve to get rid of a certain little liar; but Kokichi isn't going down so easily, even with the threat of now death waiting for him at every corner.
It seemed the mastermind wasn’t too pleased when the motive hadn’t gotten him murdering and executed, so their next plan was to get him directly murdered.
Kokichi stands in Monokuma’s shadow, expression blank in face of the bear’s cruel cackles. It's a wonder how the mastermind can see him as a threat when he hasn't been able to stop any of the past murders, but he's still flattered that he's managed to mess with their plans enough that they'd stoop to such a low motive.
When the monochromatic bear leaves, Kokichi is left silently staring at the rest of his classmates from his spot on the cafeteria table, standing at the miserable height of a toy. Any other day, jokes and taunts and lies would be flowing out of his mouth, but his mind doesn’t come up with anything when he’s surrounded by classmates who he knows are already thinking of killing him and hiding his body to avoid a class trial; the same classmates whom he could hold in the palm of his hand only yesterday.
Silent and unmoving as he is, they must think him a scared little child; Kokichi Ouma, supreme leader of evil, reduced to some cute joke, some fanservice for an audience to coo at before he inevitably dies. The thought of the mastermind looking down on him and laughing to themselves at the moment is near sickening.
Kiibo is first to speak up, “So… What should we do about this?”
“I say,” Maki’s reply is instantaneous, like she’d been waiting to say those next words for too long, “We end this killing game right here and now.”
And when she takes a swift step forward, red eyes piercing through his tiny form with a murderous intent he’s seen too many times already, Kokichi can’t do anything but resign himself to the fact that he won’t live to stop the killing game.
Then something darts in front of him and blocks his view, and he thinks he somehow must’ve dreamed the words, “Maki, don’t hurt him.”
It takes his paranoid brain longer than he’d like to admit to realize that the hand in front of him isn’t coming to grab him and squeeze his guts out, rather, it’s shielding him. A gesture he wouldn’t expect coming from anyone in this room, except-
“You can't fall for the mastermind's trick so easily.” Shuichi stands towering in front of him in a protective stance, like some knight in shining armor; and to think this is the same boy who was cowering in his presence only days ago.
"Yeah! Harumaki, you promised, remember?" Kaito, the actual knight in shining armor of the academy, doesn't come to protect him; instead, he steps up to Maki and places a hand on her shoulder. Of course, when killer girl is trying to kill poor lil' Kokichi, it's still her who needs help and support and not the doll-sized villainous boy about to be murdered. "This has gotta be a trap or somethin'."
"Right," Shuichi joins in. He briefly glances over his shoulder at Kokichi, and the now tiny boy meets his gaze with the same blank expression. "Think about it, doesn't this new motive seem more like a way to…" his gaze lingers on Kokichi's small form for a second longer, before he tears it away, "… to get rid of a specific classmate?"
"Yeah," Kaito chimes in, "I'm starting to think the mastermind wants Kokichi dead for whatever reason," The grave expression on his face matches the morbidity of his statement. He slams his fists together in determination, "We can't let that happen."
"I do agree," Kiibo pipes up, "That if Kokichi was the enemy hiding among us, it wouldn't make sense to put himself in such… disadvantageous situation," he's hesitant and careful with his choice of word, like he could somehow be tiny-phobic.
"You're all overthinking this too much," Maki's cold gaze falls back on him, and if looks could kill, a body discovery announcement would have played out, "The killing game stops when the mastermind is dead. Simple as that."
The pressure of her stare threatens to crush him. Kokichi's legs nearly give out under his weight, and his first reaction is to stumble a few steps back and plaster a grin on his face.
“Pish posh, poor Harumaki… wants to kill me so badly, she's ready to do it in front of everyone,” His voice nearly wavers, he takes another step back for good measure. No use in trying to reason with an assassin or try to gain anyone’s sympathy; it’s always easier to stick to the role he’s written himself into.
Kokichi speaking for the first time seems to trigger the whole cafeteria to erupt in a cacophony again. Maki tries to push past Kaito and Shuichi to get her grubby hands on the little leader, and the two boys defend him (at least he thinks they do); someone yawns and someone else gasps and exclamations and accusations are thrown around.
"There has to be more to this motive!"
"You're protecting him over a maybe?"
"This is terrible, we shouldn't fight!"
"Nyeh… we still haven't had breakfast…"
They argue and bicker, like they always do when a new motive is presented and they don’t know what to make of it. Kokichi finds it easy enough to block out the obnoxious voices. He lets cold logic take over his mind and shadow his fear as he assesses the situation.
Even if he refuses, they'll probably force him to be baby-sat by someone. Staying with Maki or Miu is out of the question. Kiibo would be a good choice if Kokichi wanted the eyes of the mastermind and the audience on his back at all time, and Himiko would be a good choice if he wanted all the protection of a bodyguard who doesn't tolerate him and sleeps most of the time.
Gonta does tolerate him and has already worked with him in the past; he wouldn't be a bad choice, but for now Kokichi has a feeling he'll end up sleeping in a bug case with cockroaches if he goes with the giant entomologist, so he'll pass. Kaito superman-wannabe-Momota wouldn't be so bad either, but he'll probably take advantage of the situation and try to get the tiny boy to open up about his super evil dark past or whatever; so again, he'll pass for now.
And then there's Shuichi… Staying with his beloved detective, they could stay up late at night and braid each other's hair and share their secrets, they could make plans together and explore the school and beat the mastermind like some iconic duo, they could even pick that night's game of chess back up since Kokichi still remembered the setting of the board. Staying with Shuichi, truely a dream come true, and a dream right in his reach. But he wasn't in dreamland, he was stuck in a killing game hell where he couldn't let his facade slip and show vulnerability so easily to the protagonist of their game. His eyes fall to the floor with the shame of entertaining such a dream before remembering the sobering reality. Staying with Shuichi is out the question.
Kokichi goes back to listening to the conversarion, but he finds the room silent and eight pairs of eyes on him.
“Kokichi,” Shuichi speaks again. The boy is tempted to look away, but he forces his eyes to meet the giant detective's faded gold ones, “you can stay with me if you want?"
A taunting smirk pushes its way to his face. “Man, Saihara wants to get a hold of me so he can do all kindsa weird stuff to me? Ew ew ew, so gross, I'm so terrified! How could you do this to a frightened little boy?”
“Kokichi,” he considers the exasperation in the detective’s tone a victory to him, although an unpleasant one, “You don’t need to be so obnoxious, if there’s someone you want to stay with, you can say it.” Sheesh, wasn't Shuichi dying to talk to him the other night?
His best option isn’t ideal, but he can't get too picky in his current situation. “Welll, I think I’d like to stay with big sis Shirogane!” he hears the girl in question sputter a noise of surprise, and all eyes turn to her.
“What are you planning?” Maki speaks again after a long silence, voice betraying her skepticism.
“Oh, are you jealous I didn’t pick you, big sis Harumaki?” Do you want to die?
“Do you want to die?” Bingo. Too predictable.
“Uhm,” Tsumugi’s meek voice cuts him off before he can retort, “Why me? I-I mean, I don’t mind, I just don’t understand?”
Kokichi turns to her, and she nearly flinches at his attention. At least there’s one person in the room who’s still intimidated by him. “I just wanted to stay with my absolute favourite girl in this academy," as he says that, he walks around Shuichi's still outstretched hand to better face the absolute favourite girl in question, shooting on his way a quick glance up the detective, "aaand there's also this one cosplay I really wanna try now that I'm cutie-sized. That is, if Shirogane is fine with it?"
Tsumugi looks down to her feet and starts to vibrate with excitement hard enough that he can feel it under his feet. "O-Oh, I am fine with it. I wonder if we're both thinking of the same anime… but the only male character there has a dark skin tone, and there's one girl that really looks like you… You don't mind wearing a dress, do you?" She's already walking up to him with an outstretched hand, as if driven by the by the force of her love of cosplay.
Kokichi blinks his fear away and steps into the unsteady surface, immediately understanding the fear and discomfort in Shuichi's face that last night. Questions and accusations are still coming at him left and right, but he pointedly ignores it all and waves back to his remaining classmates with his cockiest smile as he leaves in the giant girl's hand, mind already buzzing with plans to survive the new motive.
hope you don't mind the bit of saiou angst twist thing in the end 😔😔 I was too tempted to resist. Well hope u enjoyed dear !!
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Complexities Unknowable- Chapter Five
Ao3, Chapters   1     2     3     4     6,    MasterPost
Relationships: Deintruality, background Analogince
Yeah he’s still called Deceit. I think it’s weird too, but I will die before I become inconsistent. Also I rewatched DWIT today and I think maybe I don’t know how to write Remus?? w/e. I really like writing dialogue so this one was fun.
Warnings: Cursing, brief caps, eating things that are inedible, all sympathetic sides, light arguing, brief mentions of vomit.
Word Count: 1,357
They were having a Conversation™. Remus hated Conversations™- he always tuned out at the wrong times- but what he hated even more was a dangerous lack of communication. 
“This is all according to my plan- Patton is exactly as shallow and incompetent as I thought he was,” Deceit spat dishonestly, throwing himself onto the bed. Remus continued spinning around wildly in his rolling chair. He considered vomiting from the dizziness, just for fun, but figured that it wouldn’t aid the Conversation™ much. Instead, he settled on expelling words and not his lunch.
“Isn't it a good thing that he’s not a bitch? If he likes us, and we’re all sweet wittle friends who sing songs and hold hands or whatever is up with his whole cottagecore aesthetic, then we don’t need any plan!” Remus stopped spinning for a moment to nod to himself, “I’m fuckable AND a genius. I really am the whole package, aren’t I?” 
Deceit tossed a pillow at him. 
“That’s very realistic of you, Remus. Patton is going to completely forget years of animosity, and so will we, and so will all of the other ‘Light Sides’!”
Remus retrieved his pillow from the ground and took a large bite out of it without breaking eye contact. 
“I think,” he said around a mouthful of memory foam, “that you’re just really good at holding grudges.” 
The Duke was subjected to a withering glare from Deceit, the effect of which somewhat diminished due to the reptilian being completely sprawled out on the bed in a tee shirt and shorts. 
“Ssso you forgive them?”
Remus shifted uncomfortably, resuming his spinning.
“It’s not like that, Dee. It’s like- excuse me for the vomit-worthy sentiment- we all move past it together. I’m not one for the boring non-violent option, but we’ve already tried doing everything else, and being an outcast is also starting to get boring.”
Deceit, a man who would die before admitting he was wrong about anything at any time, was not through arguing. However, rather than his usual drawl with heated undertones, his voice was hushed.
“We can move on, and so can Pa- Morality, apparently- hell, I’d bet that Logan would be all for it! But we need to consider… Them.” 
The only noise after that was the squeaking of Remus’ spinny chair. Occasionally, one would open and then close his mouth, uncomfortably eyeing the other, but never speaking. 
Eventually, mercifully, there was a knock at the door. 
Remus hopped to his feet with a relieved grin. Deceit sat up quickly and snapped himself into his usual attire.
“Wait, who-” 
But before the snake could finish, his boyfriend had already flung open the door to reveal Patton on the other side. He wore a hesitant smile, holding something rectangular. 
“Hey, Kiddo. I don’t wanna intrude, but I think you left this in the kitchen this morning?” He held out the rectangle- a sketchbook! Remus’ sketchbook! Creativity snatched it back from him excitedly.
“Aw, thanks Patty! I’ve been looking for this!” He bumps Patton’s shoulder as he talks, half on accident and half a sign of appreciation. The emotional trait laughed, bumping back.
It’s crazy just how out of place Morality looked standing in his doorway, all pastel and neat and soft. The smile he returned was awkward, but happy and genuine, and it was kinda the best thing to look at. 
Remus zoned back in to see Deceit hovering by his shoulder, waving lazily at their visitor. Patton waved back, and the interaction grew prolonged. 
“Um- well- I’ll just be going, then,” he made to leave, which just wouldn’t do at all! The Duke grabbed his wrist. 
“Stay a while! if you’re scared, I promise I only bite a little!” 
Patton giggled at the joke (it was only partly a joke).
“I wouldn’t want to be a third wheel-”
“You’d rather go be a fourth wheel?” Deceit spoke up unexpectedly, earning a proud look from Remus. Looked like he could interact with people after all!
Morality laughed again, tugging at the sleeves of his hoodie.
“Okay, point taken. I really do need to go make lunch for the others- they’d probably starve without me- but I could come back later?”
Before Deceit could say whatever snippy and non-committal thing he was going to say, Remus accepted the offer and told Patton to come by whenever (‘but you might walk in on a sultry scene, Snakeskin can’t keep his hands off me’) and swung the door closed. He spun around and grinned at his partner. 
“What am I seeing.”
“It is that easy to make friends! Aren’t you gonna thank me for saving you from yourself?”
Deceit scoffed.
“You’d know if he didn’t wanna hang out with us! You have a literal super power that tells you when people are faking!”
Deceit rolled his eyes.
“Do you want to be a hermit forever?”
Deceit shrugged.
That was the last straw. Remus solemnly took a few steps until he and Deceit were nose to nose. He then threw an arm around Dee’s shoulders and sent them both careening onto the bed, at which point the snake finally made a sound.
“Urgh! Get off!”
“Not until you talk to me!” 
“You’re crushing me!”
“Tough Snitties!”
Deceit groaned loudly and went limp. Despite having six arms, he was all lank and not much strength. 
“Fine, you win, I’ll talk!”
Remus rolled off of him and sat up. Deceit stayed on his back and glared threateningly at the chandelier. 
“I- I’m not- no, I am- Jesus- I’m worried. This isn’t exactly familiar territory, people liking us. He’s probably still trying to prove a point to himself about how ‘nice’ he is.”
“Is he? You would know.”
“I can’t tell! I don’t think so, but it really isn’t that simple!”
That wasn’t good. DeeDee couldn’t just not know, he knew everything! About everyone! He was mysterious and hot and clever and if he didn’t know what was happening, then that meant that Remus would have to be the competent one. Fuck. 
“Well- You’re the one who told him about our plan! And you were the one that told him we weren’t doing it anymore!”
“I know! It seemed like a good idea at the time!”
“I think that a good idea would be telling him ‘we kinda fucked up, but so did you, let’s be friends,’ and moving on with our lives, Dee.”
“Horrible idea. And besides, what’s there to gain anymore, now that we’ve reached a stalemate? I won’t go on hurting the little guy, but I never said I’d do anything for him. The plan’s through, he knows that and so do we. Let’s just quit visiting him and leave it at that, seeing as there’s no point anymore-”
Remus screamed. He took all of his frustration with the conversation and just howled. That shut Deceit right up.
“What the hell?!”
“You’re being stupid! You always do this, when there’s a problem that needs effort to solve you’re like ‘oh, let’s bail, we’ve got each other and it’s fine’! Face it, you’ve gone soft and you don’t wanna stop hanging out with Patton, but you’re scared! Ooh, Ooh, also! We did bad stuff on purpose- and they totally deserved it-  but I know for a fact that Patty’s fuck-ups were on accident.”
“...We do have each other.”
Of course that was what Deceit chose to focus on. Remus pulled his partner up to face him.
“Duh! But that doesn’t mean we give up on everything else, dipshit! Maybe now we can actually talk to Roman and Virgil!” 
They never said those names. It was an unspoken household rule. Remus never was any good at following rules.
Deceit’s eyes widened almost comically as he stared at The Duke, mouth slightly ajar. His shoulders were tensed up to his ears, but he didn’t argue. He didn’t snap. He was listening, finally. 
“Can we at least try letting things get better, Snakey?” Remus let his voice drop, running his hand up and down Deceit’s arm.
The trait let out a sigh, averting his eyes before answering.
“No, I guess we can’t.”
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lothlaer · 4 years
fanfic end of the year asks: 1, 23?
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
I’ve not written nearly as much as I’d have liked to sadly, but of what I have and posted, I suppose my longest - gentle meet the hands that hold water - because i filled it with love. And Yen 
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Oooo I had a fun idea on the yennskier server for a dumb modern rom-com geraskefer fic, where they all have a mutual crush on Renfri and compete to woo her, taking her on increasingly ridiculous dates. The trio are actually in love with each other and not Renfri but obvs don’t realise it yet. Renfri’s okay with it all because she Knows™ and keeps getting free stuff and also good sex. 
I wanted to write a canon verse yennskier slowburn that follows Jaskier through time, probably from his Oxenfurt days? Just wanted to explore Jaskier maturing and aging and learning about life, and falling in love with Yen along the way
OH also mine and @stillmadaboutpetra‘s nanny au. Hard-working Yennefer and Jaskier have a baby and hire somehow-ended-up-a-nanny Geralt so they can go back to work, but they end up falling in love with him of course. It was ridiculously convoluted considering the subject, but I’m very soft on the idea of them all having a wittle babie. Also yen’s a hippy
There’s a couple of fics that I didn’t manage to write this year, but I am working on them. One is my very stupid geraskefer modern au I’ve talked about where Geralt keeps breaking his phone. The other is an urban fantasy fic, again made with @Mad, and it lives in my head RENT FREE. Starts out yennskier with eventual geraskefer, where Yen is a TV magician and Jaskier gets hired as her assistant - but magic is real magic, just not many people know it. Geralt vibes out to magic people’s auras... it’s a whole thing. There’s showbiz and uhhh theft and a lot of angst. I’m excited for it
Ask me about my year in fics! 💖 And thank you @penny-anna​ lovely 
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mianmimi · 4 years
Omega Mordo teaching Kamar-Taj orphans martial arts to protect them from creeps? YAS!
  Tough as nails Omega Mordo teaching a bunch of kiddos spells and how to kick a motherfucker on the shin, while Alpha Stephen drools in the background because holy shit he’d never seen an omega like that.
  I love the idea of Mordo rewarding the kids with candy. He keeps a bag of candy and chocolate around and he gives them all a piece for a job well done. One time, Stephen is blessed with the sight of Mordo sucking on a lollypop, and has to leave immediately because there’s no way he’ll keep pitching tent in front of the children.
  I have the headcanon that Stephen is pretty good with kids. He likes kids a lot, actually. He prefers them to adults because they’re honest and will never doubt telling you the truth even if it hurts. And kids begin seeing him as a “who wants ice cream for breakfast?” cool adult after they get to know him.
  At first, I imagine the smol wittle alphas of the group gang up on Stephen, bearing their cute barely there fangs and growling. Some of them probably have an adorable precocious crush on Mordo, and having no idea of what being an omega’s alpha actually entails they think it’s just hugs and protecting their omega, so they’re like Mordo already has an alpha to take care of him and that’s me old man *growls just as menacingly as a newborn puppy*
  The smol omegas are probably crying the second Stephen says hi because he’s taking Mama Mordo away from us! They start babbling about them obviously having a bunch of babies and with all those babies Mama Mordo will forget about them. Stephen probably jokes that he’s old and they won’t have more than five but the kids don’t get the joke and bawl even harder and Mordo is torn between blushing furiously and calming the children.
  The children are probably the firsts to notice Mordo’s baby bump, btw. And they’re actually bursting with joy and energy over it. Mordo’s like “haha but I’m not pregnant?” *takes test* “well ok then”
Dearest Nonny, this is everything I want and so much more! It’s got so many of my favorite omegaverse tropes. Seriously Nonny, reading this lifted my spirits immensely. I love it!
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When you were talking about Stephen watching Mordo’s class in the background I thought immediately of this pic! Look at him just chilling and admiring Karl 🥰
Also, in the junior novelization there’s a part that wasn’t included in the movie nor did we ever see a deleted scene of it as of yet. The scene involves a child telling Stephen he knows where Kamar Taj is.
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Let’s fit this into your story nonny. Sorry, gonna piggyback off of it. It shows that Stephen can be soft at times. Here he’s even friendly to the kid. I wanna say this kiddo is one of the Kamar Taj orphans who snuck out to make a quick buck. Mama Mordo went out to find him. After catching him scamming Stephen, cause I don’t think the kid would actually give away their location, Mordo sends him back to KT and follows Stephen to return the money. The rest is history 😉
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tchalla-rogers · 5 years
The Strangest Things: Part 1
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An Avengers AU (x Reader) | all credits to the creators of stranger things for most of the writing and ideas in this story
soundtrack with character list | taglist: @thatnerdyaquarius @newtimewriter @reerrrrskillz @schwankyblock  @winksasleeplesseye  @mvmakki
1983. Sacred Hills, California
Clarice Engelton didn’t know what to do. It was Friday and she heard of some parties being thrown tonight. To her, the only good thing about high school was the parties at rich student’s houses. The only bad thing about high school was when the cops busted the underage drinking.
She stood in her bedroom, trying to figure out what to wear. It was almost Halloween and Autumn Daring was throwing a costume party. Clarice knew she needed to look her best, but she also knew that she waited until the last minute to think up an outfit. Her best friend Jesse Stark would be picking her up in twenty minutes and she had no idea which one she wanted to wear. She knew that Jesse had begged her to dress up as a “sexy school girl”, but her parents would also be downstairs before she left.
Therefore, she decided to pack it in her bag instead of slipping a jacket on top to hide it. Clarice made her way downstairs and thought she would make it out before her parents spotted her. Unfortunately, her younger brother was not letting her leave without saying something loud enough for her parents to hear.
“That’s your costume?” Ashton, her brother commented. He smirked because he knew that their parents were sitting in the living room, right by the stairwell.
“Shut up, you little shit.” Clarice shoved her little brother and moved to open the door.
Her Mom playfully pushed Ashton to meet Jesse before she left. “You’ll be home by 10, I hope?”
Clarice nodded and opened the door. “That’s what we agreed on.”
“Alright, love you. Enjoy the movies.” Her Mom pulled her in for a quick hug and Jesse made sure to glance at Ashton mid hug. He silently asked for some “shut up” money and stood there, looking like he was about to say something. Clarice rolled her eyes and mouthed that she would clean his room for the next week. Ashton grinned and her Mom was wondering why the hug was so long, thinking she would really miss her. “When did you hug me for this long?”
“Um...I...just wish you were coming to the movies, also? Love you, Mom!” Clarice ran out of the house and jumped into Jesse’s car. “God, I’m so ready to drink something.”
Jesse laughed and started driving towards Autumn Daring’s house, blasting some of her favorite songs. “You had to promise Ashton to keep his mouth shut, I’m guessing?”
“I have to clean his room for a whole week. And we both know how disgusting his room is,” Clarice groaned and turned up the song on the radio. She changed into her costume in the car, throwing her regular clothes into her bag. “Do you think Tony will be there?”
“When will you stop liking my dumb brother?”
“He’s definitely the smartest one in our class. I like a dude with a brain.” Clarice stuck her hand out the window, feeling the breeze send tingles up her arm.
“To make up for the one you lack.” Jesse looked over at Clarice and they both laughed simultaneously. They eventually pulled up to Autumn’s house and watched everyone walk up in their costumes. Clarice had no idea how the cops hadn’t pulled up yet from a noise complaint because it looked like the party had been going on for a while now.
When they made it inside, Jesse tried to scope out for the juice and alcohol mixture so that she could grab something to drink. “You want a cup?” Jesse asked before she went to grab some.
“Yeah, thanks.” Jesse pushed through the crowd and made her way to the “juice” bowl. Clarice stood there, bopping her head to the music and watching everyone dance with their friends. The heat of everyone’s bodies in the room had her already sweating. She saw Tony over by a group of girls, dancing provocatively with one. Clarice grabbed at her arm and groaned from how every girl was all over him. She saw a familiar face walk by her, giggling with none other than Steve Rogers.
“Y/N?” Clarice asked and grabbed at her arm. Y/N gasped and pulled Clarice in for a hug and she could already smell the alcohol on Y/N.
“Claaaariiiiiiice! How are ya, girl?” she slurred and stumbled a bit. Steve grabbed her and made sure she didn’t fall flat on her face. “Sorrrrrrrrrry. I drank…just a little wittle bit.”
Clarice rolled her eyes in a humorous way, giggling at drunk Y/N Antone. “Yeah...I can tell it was just a little bit. Steve, you’ll make sure she doesn’t drink anymore?” She trusted Steve with not taking advantage of her. They’d been dating for a long time and Steve was also one of her other friends. There was no way she would allow him to do anything and she knew he wouldn’t.
“Yeah, Clar. We’re about to head home.” Steve struggled to hold Y/N up and was ready to just drop her off at home. “We’ll see you on Monday?” Clarice nodded and watched them leave the house. She stood there for a while, wondering where Jesse even was.
She decided to step outside because the amount of people was eventually becoming too much. The drunk laughs, drunk people accidentally stumbling into her, the smell of alcohol that hadn’t yet graced her tongue. No one wanted to leave more than her at that very moment.
Clarice kicked at a rock outside of Autumn’s house, watching more people walk in and out of the house. She didn’t know how anyone could have the ability to drink so much that they couldn’t stand.
After a few minutes of waiting, the sound of sirens soon fell onto her ears and everyone else at the house. Everyone outside began to sprint in every direction, trying to leave the house before the cops showed up. At first, she just stood there and wondered what she should do before she knew that it definitely should be running from the scene.
She sprinted towards Jesse’s car that she thought was parked just a little farther away than the others. People were jogging way past where she was jogging to and she looked back at the cops finally arriving at Autumn’s house. Hopefully, they were too preoccupied with trying to catch some of the kids in the house to go scouting for the running teens.
Clarice ended up taking a wrong turn, not knowing exactly which street Jesse had parked on. She was panting and it was too dark to even find where she should be. She didn’t even check to see which street they had parked on. She walked around for a few more minutes, cursing to herself that she didn’t just wait for Jesse to run by her.
A rustle was heard from the bushes behind her and Clarice instantly turned around, looking for anything in the bushes. “Who’s there?” she asked, slowly stepping away from where the bushes were. Louder rustling came from the bushes as they shook erratically. Something dark pushed from the bushes and she almost let out a scream before darkness enveloped her and no scream left her mouth.
Y/N thankfully didn’t get caught in the cops busting Autumn’s Halloween party. Steve and Y/N immediately went home and she made sure she made it home safely. Her parents immediately questioned her as soon as she made it home but thanked Steve for getting her home safely. So, even though she didn’t get caught by the cops, her parents definitely chewed her ear off.
Now she stood in her high school hallway, waiting for Steve and her best friends, Heather Wilson, and Natasha Romanoff, to arrive. She heard everyone talking about the party, how they got busted, and how their parents gave them absolute shit.
She felt someone tug on her arm from behind and she turned around. “Oh, hey Jesse.”
“Have you heard from Clarice?” Jesse jumped straight to the point, holding tightly to her bag strap. She saw that Y/N definitely was lost and had no idea.
“No, sorry. Why?”
“We went to Autumn’s party together and I couldn’t find her,” Jesse explained, looking physically sick. “I drove around for thirty minutes, called her house when I made it home and she wasn’t there. I called Saturday and Sunday and no one has heard from her. Her parents have already filed a missing person report.”
Y/N couldn’t seem to process the words Jesse rambled about. She just saw Clarice and the fact that she knew everyone ran from that house, anything could’ve happened to her. “I saw her at the party...from what I remember we talked, but I left before I saw her leave the house.”
Jesse sighed and cursed under her breath, not knowing where else to ask. If only she was quicker with talking with Andy Johnston, her crush. He was flirting with her constantly that night and talked with him for a few minutes before the cops busted the house. Thankfully, she made it out of there without being confronted by them. “We’re having a search party tonight at 6. If you want to come tonight, we could use all of the hands we can get.”
Y/N nodded and saw Heather, Natasha, and Steve walk into the school. They said their hello’s to Jesse, who quickly replied before walking away. Steve hugged Y/N and kissed her as Natasha and Heather made gagging noises next to them. “Save it for a later time, there are children here.”
Steve laughed and pulled Y/N into his side. He noticed that she seemed a little off. “You okay, babe?”
“Yeah...yeah, um...Jesse says they’re having a search party for Clarice tonight. She’s been missing since Autumn’s party.”
“What? I didn’t even know she was missing…” Y/N slightly nodded her head. If she weren’t drunk off of her ass, she would’ve stayed with Clarice. Instead, Steve insisted that she went home because he didn’t want her to get into any more trouble. Heather pulled Y/N in for a hug. “I have nothing to do tonight. I’ll be at the search party.” Y/N hugged Heather tighter and squeezed her. She knew that the school would definitely find out about the search party. She would make sure of it.
Later on that night, she found half of the school at the search party. Word eventually went around at the school, especially after they announced the search party during morning announcements. Her mom told her that she had to stay with Steve the entire night until he dropped her off. She knew that her parents would be undeniably shitting their pants the entire night if the search party wasn’t most students and their families. Sacred Hills had a small population, but that just made their community even stronger. Even during the night of Halloween, everyone decided to participate in looking for Clarice Engelton.
It neared around three hours of searching and no one had come up with anything. Absolutely nothing. Some people left a while into it because of curfew and not being able to be out that late. After a couple hours, Steve noticed that Y/N was definitely beating herself up. She was best friends with Clarice since the second grade. Y/N knew that Clarice was closer with Jesse, but that didn’t stop their friendship. And after Steve, they didn’t spend as much time together, but they still knew they were best friends. “You okay?” Steve asked after the police stated that the search party would have to continue tomorrow night.
“Yeah. I just didn’t think the party would end in something like this.” She sighed and Steve pulled her into his chest. He rubbed her back, hoping to calm her down.
“You wanna go get a milkshake? My treat. Your parents said you didn’t have to be home until 11 tonight,” he said playfully.
Y/N chuckled and nodded and they eventually found Heather and Natasha. She knew that Natasha’s parents didn’t necessarily care what time she made it home exactly and Heather’s parents didn’t have the earliest curfew for her. They decided to tag along with Steve and Y/N.
When they made it to the little diner by Y/N’s house, she ordered a large chocolate milkshake. She tried not to think about the countless diner trips her and Clarice would make here when they were younger with their parents. She was thankful that her boyfriend and friends were here to take their minds off of it.
The sound of the diner door swinging open loudly made Y/N look over Steve’s shoulder. “Rogers!”
Y/N groaned and tried to keep her words back by taking a long sip of her milkshake. Heather chuckled at your distaste for Steve’s best friend but Steve nudged her to keep quiet. “Barnes!” Steve slid out of the booth, enveloping Bucky in a hug. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all day.”
“I was in the backseat of my car with some chick. Honestly, I don’t remember her name,” Bucky laughed and slid into the booth next to Heather and Natasha.
“You don’t remember many things, Barnes, it’s not anything new,” Natasha muttered. Bucky stuck his tongue out at her, snatching her milkshake from her grasp. He took a long gulp from it, shrinking away every time Natasha tried to grab it back. “You dick!”
“Relax, I’ll buy you another one.” He flagged down the waitress, ordering another one for Heather and Y/N glared at Bucky from across the table. “Why is your girlfriend looking at me with hungry eyes?”
“She would never. I think you forgot that she hates your guts,” said Heather from the end of the table. She glared at Bucky too when he decided to make a mocking noise.
“Alright, alright!” Steve tried to break up whatever was happening at the table. “So you didn’t go to Clarice’s search party tonight?”
“Clarice Engelton? Engelton is missing?” he gasped.
“Yeah, ya fucking moron. You were too busy banging every girl in our grade in the janitor’s closet to hear it on the announcements?” Y/N had just enough of his idiocy.
“I’m going to ignore that comment about me being a moron and let you know that, no, I was only banging one girl in the janitor’s closet today during morning announcements.” Everyone at the table besides Steve made a disgusted face. Steve decided to just roll his eyes at his best friend continuously digging himself into a deeper hole.
The constant bickering continued and Steve started to zone out from the conversation. He knew that they wouldn’t stop once Bucky made an idiot of himself. He looked at the lights flickering every few minutes in the corner above them, thinking it was just the normal thing. Old diners like this probably had some bulbs that he needed to replace. And he believed this until all of the lights in the diner went out. His eyes immediately went to check the rest of the diner as Y/N grasped onto his shirt.
“Wait...where the hell did everyone go?” Heather yelped, her eyes trying to adjust to the sudden darkness in the diner. The only noise they all heard was each other breathing heavily. Y/N even noticed that Bucky looked pretty shaken, from what she could see in the darkness.
“The lights are out on the street, too.” Natasha commented and pushed Bucky out of her way so she could get out from the booth. Steve decided to slide out from the booth too, to check the rest of the diner but Y/N held onto his arm and followed him to where he was walking. Heather was right, there was no other person in this diner besides the five of them. And Y/N did not want to be stuck with Bucky here.
“What do we do?” Y/N questioned, still holding tightly onto Steve. The lights began to flicker crazily and everyone began to yelp. Heather held onto Bucky quickly and didn’t even notice what she did. “Steve, I want to leave,” she whispered. Steve nodded, reassuring her that it would be alright and he watched as everyone began to pool together in the center of the diner. “I told my mom I would be home by 11, can we go...please?”
A loud hissing noise interrupted Y/N before she could say anything else. The lights stopped flickering and they slowly started to become brighter again. Everyone watched the lights but they still couldn’t understand why the street lights still weren’t illuminating the street. No one else was in the diner with them, too.
Y/N couldn’t breathe from how terrified she was right now. If it weren’t for Steve, she would definitely be losing her shit right about now. But, she definitely lost her shit when all of the bulbs in the diner became too bright and shattered, raining down on the five Sacred Hills High students. Steve protected her, hovering over her as glass fell to the tile ground. Bucky ended up ducking Heather and Natasha underneath him as they huddled together to protect themselves from the glass rain.
When it was over, all of them began to breathe heavily. Y/N felt stings on her skin from where her denim jacket didn’t cover her skin from the glass. Glass had lodged itself into her skin and she began shaking from shock. “Fuck.” Steve struggled to stand from wondering how that just happened. “Fuck, okay, we’re all leaving right now. I’ll take Y/N, Bucky take Heather and Nat.”
All of them ran to their cars outside. Each light on the street mysteriously popped on when their cars zoomed past to speed away from the diner.
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
"I have a feeling Anon here has a little, wittle crush on Hawks!" HAHAHAHA WHAT ARE WE TWO TEENAGERS TEASING EACH OTHER ABOUT CRUSHES NEAR THE SCHOOL STAIRWELL? xD Ha yeah, have you seen him. He's gorgeous, such pretty eyes and I'd love to run my hand through his hair. I'd do my best to take care of him and let him know he's loved. That aside~ what made you think telling me that no, these migraines aren't an occasional occurrence, but a frequent part of your life???? AND YOU GOT SICK?! :0000
Hhngg. Ochaco: It's okay Aizawa-sensei! I used to starve myself since we didn't have a lot of money for food and passed out from hunger, but now at U.A there's a lot of food so I can even save some for dinner later at home. (Note: lunch portion is a lot of food??? starving, what.) or Kaminari talking about how his quirk gave him seizures (its a fandom hc) but its okay bc its not as bad as before. That's what you sound like to me. But aight if you say it's better now. Same anon.
It was around 10pm when I read your message, and I have indeed slept. Wanted to tell you goodnight but then I was like 'okay but what if fox is still lurking and is mere seconds away from logging out bc I don't know the exact time this was posted and they don't sleep immediately bc I sent that' so I'll tell you goodmorning!!!! Instead!!! And omg I forgot but yes! I did not mean 'foxy' in that way, like I was expecting something since I saw it used in some post. But not that. Same anon again.
He does deserved to be loved, I agree with that. Poor birb.
I’m sorry!! I didn’t think it was a bad thing! I’ve always suffered from headaches and migraines that they became a usual part of my life! I guess you don’t think about how strange is to accept that this is your normal because... well, it’s a normal thing for me. Huh.
(Also I’ve never seen that headcanon in use, it’s an interesting one though. That just makes me want to explore all of the potential quirk sideeffects people go through, rather than the obvious Deku breaks his bones and Occhako throws up. Then again, that was the reason Endeavor had kids... hmmm, so much for heroes being born with the ‘perfect’ quirks)
Awww, well I have no idea what time it is for you so good day! (seems like the more neutral route)! And again, I didn’t think you meant foxy that way, it does have two meanings, it just usually used for the other one (at least where I’m from)
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fanarchoslashivist · 5 years
Star Trek AU, JackBunny
I Don’t know enough about Star Trek for a real AU but here is a Con fic set ten years in the future that I hope resembles something vaguely Star Trek shaped.
“This is ridiculous.”
“This is awesome, shut up forever.” Jack dragged Bunny by the arm from booth to booth.
“I thought you hated crowds.” Bunny whined as he was shoved by yet another overly excited underaged girl in way too little clothing.
“I do, but cons are different. They’re FUN.”
Jack’s idea of fun was as difficult to understand as North’s idea of drunk, though sharing in at least one flickering light of sanity in all that chaos, you should at least survive it. Unfortunately Aster didn’t think he would.
“Yo, furry con’s across the street!” Jeered a group of teenagers in what Aster figured was matching costumes though to what he didn’t know. He wasn’t very up to date in a lot of popular media.
“Thank’s, but you go on ahead. We’ll catch up!” Jack shouted back.
“Like I would!”
Jack spun around and walked backwards. “Don’t you work there?”
They couldn’t hear the reply over the laughs and Jack was already moving ahead with determination. “People dressed as Naruto should not mock other costumes.” Jack muttered.
“Why am I even here?” Bunny asked, begged really. This was not his scene and he had thought it wasn’t Jack’s scene, but here they both were.
“To argue.”
“Argue? With who?”
“With idiots. There’s a whole panel of them, and yesterday they made Sophie cry.”
“What?” Aster was suddenly a lot more interested. “How?”
“Because its ‘Fiction’,” Jack used his one free hand to do air quotes, “and she’s a wittle girl who knows a little science from like youtube or wikipedia and they’re professionals and pointing out flaws in their shows is ruining everyones fun.”
“Sophie is a robotics engineer with a college degree.” Who was very soon going to rival SpaceX in the market for space travel, once she finished her crowdfunding.
“Yeah, but she’s bad with public speaking, and you’re like an alien, and a genius, and also a guy, so you’re going to do what her autism prevented her from doing.” They had finally reached the one part of the crushing group of people that they were going to merge into, how Jack could tell where the general crowd ended and THEIR crowd began was a magic beyond Aster’s understanding.
“And that is?”
“Humiliate them, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Aster nodded. “Should I uh… is the penis part mandatory?”
“It is for these assholes.” Jack snarled and their immediate neighbors did a doubletake at him.
“So should I, um…” Aster stuck his thumb between his two fingers, “shapeshift?”
Jack’s eyes bugged then he burst out laughing. “No Bunny, your very deep and very sexy voice is enough.”
“Oh, good.” He sighed. He never knew what he was getting into with these things, and it wouldn’t be the first time any of his fellow guardians had taken him on a mad adventure involving public displays of reproductive organs. North in particular. “Should I have some previous experience?” he fished, trying to figure out what Sophie had gotten so offended by, “ a debriefing? Maybe a movie night?”
Jack huffed a laugh, “Asking me on a date?”
“I already did, and ye said I was too grumpy.”
“I said you were too attached to the stick up your ass, and I stand by that.” Jack faced him fully and reached up to fiddle with the weird chain that made Bunny look like he had a well concealed but still visible zipper running down his chest. “I’m not interested in breaking up committed relationships, but I’m open to the idea once your divorce settles.”
That.. Aster didn’t know how to respond to that. So he ignored it.
“What exactly are we here for?” He asked as plainly as he could.
“You know Star Trek.” It wasn’t a question.
“Not anything in the past 50 years.” Though when Jack had first become a Guardian some thirty years ago and discovered the very large library, specifically the comic book collection the Yeti had acquired, he’d convinced North to build a home theater so the Yeti could watch every comic adapted into a movie ever. Then they’d somehow binged several decades worth of movies and tv series. Aster was a little more interested in high fantasy than scifi, which had surprised them all including him.
It just hit a little too close to home. And also had the habit of getting him and North on a rant of what was and was not possible.
“Good, because only like half of what they’ve made recently has been worth knowing, and the newest reboot is vile.”
“How vile?”
“Black people don’t exist, at least if you go by the cast, and Spock is some double agent and evil foil to Kirk, who thinks it’s okay to blow up an entire planet to kill one bad guy according to the last season finale and Picard had been retconned into the original cast and is the President of Earth for some reason? It’s a whole ordeal.”
Bunny’s face clearly showed his disbelief.
“Yeah, so I’m gonna need you to take, like, the entire time they have available to just… do that thing you do when something is obscenely stupid.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s OBSCENE.”
“Look, ye can’t fit an entire human brain on a CD ROM, I don’t care how advanced the Brunen-G were no sane person commits suicide an sticks their brain inna disc, if ye want to preserve yer conscious just upload it to some cosmic plane where ye can still interact with others and the world around ya otherwise yer memory will stagnate and corrode.”
“Yes, this, good.” Jack pointed at his nose making Bunny go cross-eyed, “But like, in THERE. Take all this,” he gestured widely, “and put it THERE” gestured towards the door.
“Fine,” he crossed his arms. “what am I going to debate exactly?”
Jack shrugged, “Whatever comes up. Smarty pants space travel stuff always comes up at these things.”
“Okay, so what do we do until then? Besides risk symbiogenesis from such tight quarters?”
“Well we COULD discuss how you plan to divorce your perpetual butt plug and learn to have fun one of these days.” Jack smirked at him.
“I can and will leave ya here.”
“See, not so hard, now just tell that to the stick up your ass and we can finally date.”
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Okay, Im reading a billdip fanfic rn bc I love suffering ig and theres this scene that happened that I just need you guys to know about
The context is that Mabel n Dipper are returning to Gravity Falls and Bill is somehow human and staying at the Mystery Shack, if youve ever read one of these fanfics you know how this goes. Also, Will is there and if youre not that into Gravity Falls fanon, he's basically Bill but blue and pathetic and hes like, Bills older brother in this. Dipper and Mabel dont really have a reaction to any of this because while I do remember this fic being one of the better ones, its still not very good. Anyway, theyre all having breakfast and Bill is talking about some stuff and Dippers just like, staring at his lips. Bill obviously notices and in his head goes like "oh yeah babey, I can use the fact that hes obviously attracted to me to make him fall in love with me and then break his wittle human heart. I kinda have stuff to do and this will not benefit me in any way but it'll be fun >:)" Later during the conversation, Mable asks Dipper to get something from another room and Bill kinda tags along. Bill says something for some reason and he calls Dipper Dipper instead of Pinetree and Dipper is like, surprised and weirdly flustered at that. Bill does that thing that happens in romance stories where he gets really close to Dipper and grabs his chin and forces him to hold eye contact and hes like "do you prefer me calling you pinetree" and Dipper just kinda stutters around in response, its really strange idk man. They get back to the others and continue talking and at some point Bill like, leans over to him and says smth like " hey, i know a thing about you" in a way that implies that he 'knows' Dipper has a crush on him i guess. Im guessing he was banking on Dipper just. not talking to him about that?? Idk, but after breakfast is over, Dipper and Bill go up to his room and Dippers like
"hey man you just said a really weird thing to me. why did you that" and for some reason that causes Bill to like, panic?? Idk hes internally like "oh shit oh fuck shit shit shit shit fuck fuck he knows, I underestimated this stupid human oh god how do I get out of this, abort mission abort abort abort" and hes nervously looking around the room and happens to see one of Mables posters and it says something like "Love can solve every problem" and hes like "ah okay, time to take this extremely literally" and starts pretending to be all shy and soft and confesses that hes in love with Dipper, whos just like "what." Bill mutters something like "oh man, I regret doing this" to himself and I have no idea if hes still in-character as a guy who just confessed his love or if he realized how bad of an idea this all was. And yea just. Imagine messing up this bad lmao
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chahchani · 7 years
WannaOne When You Tell Them They Weren’t Your First Love.
Minhyun: Mannn he would give you a sweet look and just laugh about it, chuckling as he ruffle your hair softly. “I don’t mind babygirl, as long as I’m your lover now, I’m satisfied.
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But Deep down inside yo boy’s really gonna take it to heart about how you used to fancy Guanlin back in the day and you still might like him again later. Ends up looking depressed for days in his mind thinking “What if she likes him again. That kid is way younger than me and he’s got lots of potential plus he’s youthful and I’m old and aging..”
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Jisung: Oh? You used to Like Jinyoung??? Hahahahah of course you did baby, it’s totally fine sweet cheeks, my sugar bun now loves mes and that’s all that matters, I’m totally cool with it, that kid is like my little brother! 
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But the petty ajjuma would eye Jinyoung for about a week, wondering to himself ‘since when did she start having a taste for younger kids’.Jinyoung knowing all of this would just smirk back, having the time of his life knowing he can tease Jisung about it. Most likely tell him to stay away from his girl but Jinyoung probably won’t take it seriously 
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Daniel: Alittle stunned and shooked. “I mean...cool.” Would laugh softly and shrug afterwards, looking seemingly cool about it but his expression wouldn’t be that great. In his mind he be like Holdup..did she just say she used to like Jisung..whaaat
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Would carry on as if nothing has ever happened, messing around with Jisung like usually and being cute, doing things like punching him softly and Jisung would just play along thinking it’s cute but actually Daniels really like “How could she-and how dare you attract her-this cant be happening. Out of all people she like grandpa jisung im not her first bias oh my go-
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Guanlin: “what...you used to like Jihoon? But that’s my ultimate shipping from the fans...” 
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Yanno this boy ain’t gonna sleep correctly after today, worrying one day you might like Jihoon again. He was always a Jihoon fanboy so he knows exactly all the good points Jihoon has and how he is very charming and can get any girl he want, so the kid’s basically counting down days to when you’ll leave him even though everyone is telling him he’s just being paranoid including Jihoon himself.
“She said I’m the only man she sees in this world. What is the truth.”
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Jinyoung: This boy cannot believe it but damn right you know he’s gonna fake it till he makes it. “HAHA YOU LIKE DAEHWI? IM FINE BABE, IM GUCCI, ITS ALL GOOD, WHAT A JOKE THAT U USED TO LIKE HIM HAHA
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But would sit down eventually with Daehwi and have a deep conversation on how he feels about you liking him and if Daehwi knew.  “Did you have any idea she liked you back then?” “Yes I knew..” “It’s all in the past now but there are no feelings towards each otherstill right, at least not coming from you?” “Nope not at all....can I go now?” “Promise to never like her again?” “Yo chill Jinyoung, I never did... “..............” “I promise.”
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Seongwoo: Inside he be like this:
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Outside he would just make a joke about it and tease the shit out of you. “HEY EVERYONE DID YOU KNOW MY BABY USED TO HAVE AN ITTY BITTY WITTLE CRUSH ON JIHOON HOW ADORABLE BUT THEN U DECIDED U WANTED A MANLY MAN NOW RIGHT? TOO BAD IM EVEN MORE IMMATURE THAN MY AGE~(self diss because he’s that petty? idk..)
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Jihoon: Would be a little taken aback but would just laugh it off to himself. “HA, you used to like Woojin..I see..Isee.” In his mind, not really processing what the heck you just told him until it hits him and the only thing he can do it laugh about it, telling you he doesn’t care that much
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But One thing Woojin says ever Jihoon will be like -
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Would probably never confront Woojin about it but anytime he gets a chance to play fight, yanno the boy’s inner thoughts would be like “Hmph How are you seduce my lady I oughta slap you forreal.”
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Daehwi: Aint having yo shit “So you’re telling me you used to really like Jinyoung, but now you like me even though most girls would kill to be with him? Interesting.”
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Would end up resenting the hell out of his best friend, but not saying  word about it because he still wants to stay friends with him. Would often zone out looking at Jinyoung, thinking about how he is ever gonna 1 up this guy almost forgetting that he’s the man you love and that the past doesn’t matter. *thinks* fuck, Jinyoungs totally hotter than me.
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Sungwoon: You what now? You used to like Daniel? Ahhhhhh Wouldn’t know how to react because he knows thats just someone you used to like and would try to just laugh about it
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But would bully the hell out of Daniel for a month straight till he gets over it.
“Daniel would you mind sitting up straight, noones likes slouchers, oh also fix your collar its a bit crooked noone likes a crooked collar and would you mind breathing the other way, your breathing too much into my private space.”
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Woojin: “OH my god, you used to have a thing for Jaehwan? I can’t believe it” He says with not much emotion, obviously being sarcastic where you can easily detect that he doesn’t really mind nor care.
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But will never look at him the same.
“Woojin lets pla- “F out my way boi”
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Jaehwan: Babe, it’s even an honor for me to have someone like you fall in love with me, it’s totally cool and I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove to you I am the best for you.
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And yup. Hes totally cool about it LOL.
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