#also all typos are just me being a dumbass!!
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kirsctein · 9 months ago
☆*:.ïœĄ books read in 2024 ïœĄ.:*☆
January - May
1. Sara al Husaini: Huono tyttö, audiobook, ★★★★.5 2. Kim Ligget: Armonvuosi (The Grace Year), audio, ★★★☆☆ 3. Satu RĂ€mö: Hildur, audio, ★★★.5☆ 4. R.F. Kuang: Yellowface, audio, ★★★.5☆
5. Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman: HyviĂ€ enteitĂ€ (Good Omens), audio, ★★★★.5 6. Martha Wells: Murhabotin pĂ€ivĂ€kirjat 2: Keinotekoinen olotila (Murderbot Diaries 2), physical book, ★★★★☆ 7. TJ Klune: Wolfsong, physical, ★★★★☆ 8. Victoria Aveyard: Maailmojen murtaja (Realm Breaker), audio, ★★★.5☆ 9. Alice Oseman: Heartstopper vol 3, physical, ★★★★.5
10. Leena Parkkinen: Neiti Steinin keittĂ€jĂ€tĂ€r, ebook, ★★★.5☆ 11. Johanna Hedman: Trio, audio, ★★★☆☆ 12. Sarah Anderson: Fangs, physical, ★★★★★ 13. Madeline Miller: Kirke (Circe), audio, ★★★★★ 14. Makoto Shinkai & Naruki Nagakawa: She and Her Cat, physical, ★★★☆☆
15. Emmi-Liia Sjöholm: Virtahevot, audio, ★★★★.5 16. Vampires Never Get Old - anthology, physical, ★★★.5☆ 17. Nora Sakavic: The Sunshine Court, ebook, ★★★★★ 18. Satu RĂ€mö: RĂłsa & Björk, audio, ★★★★☆ 19. Ann Liang: If You Could See the Sun, audio, ★★★.5☆ 20. Elina PitkĂ€kangas: Naraka, ebook, ★★★★.5 21. Frances Wren: Earthflown, ebook, ★★★★.5
22. Satu RĂ€mö: Jakob, audio, ★★★☆☆ 23. Julia Armfield: Our Wives Under the Sea, audio, ★★★★☆ 24. Holly Jackson: Kiltin tytön murhaopas (Good Girl's Guide to Murder), physical, ★★★★☆ 25. J.S. Meresmaa: TytĂ€r hĂ€mĂ€rĂ€, piika pimeĂ€n, ebook, ★★★.5☆ 26. J.S. Meresmaa: Poika Valkea, renki raudan, physical, ★★★★☆ 27. Sasha Hamdani: Self-care for People with ADHD, audio, ★★★.5☆ 28. Faridah ÀbĂ­kĂ©-ÍyĂ­mĂ­dĂ©: Ace of Spades, audio, literally cannot rate this one (in a good way?) 29. Jennette McCurdy: I'm Glad My Mom Died, audio, ★★★★☆ 30. Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen vol. 1, physical, ★★★★☆ 31. Nora Sakavic: The Sunshine Court, ebook reread, ★★★★★ 32. Krystal Sutherland: House of Hollow, audiobook, ★★★★☆
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aforestescape · 1 year ago
simon ‘ghost’ riley
a small excerpt from something i’ve been working on. reader and simon are roommates. it’s not meant to be apart of my demisexual!simon but i’ve been thinking of including that?? just a thought
content includes: gender neutral, smut, plot what plot, masturbation, and they were roommates, probably a fucking typo, getting caught
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the first time it happened wasn’t on purpose either. you’d been laying down in bed, pillow and a towel under your hips. your slicked up dildo, a nice glittery and ridged one (you were a collector of toys, especially pretty ones) moving in and out of your seeping hole. you tried to keep quiet as you dragged it in and out of you. fingers switching between each nipple, also covered in lube to glide over hardened nipples. lube covered fingers gliding over hardened nipples, switching between both breast as you continue to fuck yourself.
another thrust causing a small gasp to slip past your lips, hips jutting upwards to meet the thrust in earnest. you keep up with the slick pace, not being able to keep back the quiet gasps and mewls escaping. and your mind morphs from the indescript figure you’d been imagining to simon. simon in all his masked glory, looming over you and forcing you to take him. taunts of fuck, you feel perfect doll. you've been waiting for this huh? wanting me to give you my cock.
you shiver at the thought, pace increasing. sounds of your slick hole being smacked into, sharp and deep thrust of your toy, filling the air. your gasp and whines increase as you get closer and closer to the edge. you feel guilty for a few seconds, for imagining your roommate between your legs. but you let it fade out, the thought fills you with too much pleasure to dwell on it.
simon with his large hand holding your toy as he fucks you with it. eyes on you as he makes you tease your nipples, letting him do the work down below for you. and a quiet ah fuck, simon slips past your lips. a heavy gasp as you let out a final cry, hole clenching as you cum. a sticky, white, blinding bliss.
and lucky simon, passing by your closed door at the right time to hear you moan out his name. almost quiet enough to not be heard but he did hear it. and he pauses at your door frame, momentarily stunned. and then again as he can hear you go right back to fucking yourself.
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realizing i mark my content like it’s an ao3 tag. also it’s 7 am and my dumbass hasn’t slept:)
credits for the banners @cafekitsune
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saltminerising · 1 year ago
I'm thinking about leaving Earth flight to go to another flight for more fleshed out and easier to understand dom events... I love Earth's dom team, and I've had fun in their discord server! and the events I HAVE participated in were okay! I just don't think I like the "we're actually ALWAYS pushing. ALWAYS on that grind" vibe there. The hustle mindset has always freaked me out. And I also feel like the server isn't very... Lurker safe? I miss out on dom stuff because I have the server set to pings only expecting to be pinged for important dom announcements, but they don't even ping in the news channel and I miss a lot of stuff :(
And maybe that's making me miss out on actually fleshed out dom events? But I feel like the ones I don't miss aren't that fun :( And they're also not very intuitive for new dom players either, I'm still a little bit lost on how a lot of things work, like the scav hunts and the squads, and it doesn't quite feel like there's an environment where I feel comfortable asking for help since everyone just feels so.... Intense. It doesn't feel like I can just reach out to anyone and ask them for an explanation that I might understand (especially since I think I'll just feel EXTRA stupid asking for help now since I've been in this server for so long and even did my best to participate in the last push)
I don't know, it's both overwhelming AND underwhelming at the same time... I really wanted to get into actual dom, but I just feel very lost in Earth Dom... It seems as though they pride themselves on being new dom player friendly, but as someone who had been playing quietly for about three years now, and finally wanted to try dom... I just feel like it's not new dom player friendly at all... it's like they expect you to already understand how everything works going in
I want to be in a server where I get pings on dom updates so I don't have to leave the server unmuted and get all the conversation just to know when things are sent to the news channel, the community is nice, but I'm not really there to chat about random stuff, I'm there to learn about how dom works :( I wanna participate in events and earn badges and enter raffles and donate to the bank and participate in scavhunts that I understand
Idk... It feels like to understand the things that earth dom does, you need to be a lot more neurotypical than I am, maybe :( I just feel really really lost and I'm scared to ask for help since everyone else seems to understand it all, so I'm thinking that maybe I'M the problem and I'M stupid for not understanding anything
I want to move to another flight but everyone always says Earth is the place to be for dom, and if I'm having this much trouble in Earth, then won't I just have more trouble in any other flight? Am I better off just not doing dom at all?
I was really excited to finally join the dom community when I originally started trying to participate, but I just felt really lost, so I joined the server, and the server hasn't really helped me understand anything at all
I must have been doing SOMETHING right because I managed to win something in the first and ONLY raffle I joined (I'm a kinda heavy exalter and I always have been, since it's where I get all my money) but I still felt like I only got that far by stumbling blindly in the dark
is there ANY flight I can join that's better suited for people who sincerely have no fucking clue what they're doing? Like maybe a flight that has something I can read that will explain how things work? I really do feel like I'm the only dumbass who doesn't understand how earth dom works :(
maybe dom just straight up is not for me :(
really sorry for the really long rant, I'm just feeling discouraged and lost, and would love some advice (also sorry for any typos i didnt read this over)
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dumbstuffsstuff · 2 years ago
Drunken Tickles || Genshin Impact || Switch!Diluc Switch!Kaeya
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!Not A Ship!
Also I apologize for any typos, I was writing this late at night :) Enjoy!
Slight Ler!Venti
ïżœïżœïżœYou’re such a dumbass!”
Diluc grumbles in a deep and irritated voice. He walks through Mondstat to Dawn Winery Manor, carrying his red-faced, drunken younger brother. The captain could barely stand on his two feet, let alone walk. Diluc was practically hauling Kaeya’s torso to his manor.
 You’re so silly Diluc,” Kaeya mumbles. He’s half asleep at this point. Had Diluc not been pissed off, his voice would easily put Kaeya to sleep.
Except it wasn’t just the fact that Kaeya had gotten himself drunk, but the mischief that his brother causes when he is drunk. Mischief that Diluc always wished he wouldn’t have to be around for. And unfortunately for him, he was around that evening.
Earlier, right as Diluc was closing the tavern, Venti and Kaeya had entered for some alone drinking time. After a long week of tasks and adventures, the Captain and the Bard needed some time to themselves. And what better way to destress than to sip some dandelion wine.
They’d managed to finish two bottles. And as Diluc was cleaning up, Kaeya had “whispered” something to Venti. Except his drunken state had him unable to “whisper”, and ended up blurting, “Did you know my brother makes funny noises when he’s tickled?”
“Master Diluc is ticklish?!” Venti was impressed.
Diluc felt his cheeks flush red, and he looked around the tavern to make sure no last minute diners were still around. Luckily there weren’t, unluckily, he later found himself being attacked by two blue haired drunks.
“Are you mad at me? I feel like you’re mad at me,” Kaeya flops onto his brother’s bed, still flushed with alcohol. Diluc doesn’t say a word. He glares at the younger man and goes to shower and change.
When he comes back, Kaeya had made himself comfy in his own t shirt and shorts, which matched Diluc’s but were blue instead of red. Kaeya is sprawled out on his bed, asleep. Diluc assumes the alcohol had worn off by now. So it was the perfect time to execute his revenge plan.
Kaeya’s shirt had ridden up a bit, exposing his toned stomach. Diluc ran all five of his fingers across the skin, and Kaeya jolted up immediately.
Diluc couldn’t help but smirk. He knew his brother was ticklish, maybe even more ticklish than himself. And he knew all the right spots.
He continues to scribble his fingers around Kaeya’s stomach, making the man squirm and giggle.
“Ahah! D-Diluc! Whahat are you dohoing? Cuhut that out!” Kaeya attempts to push his older brother’s hands away, but at every opening, Diluc just dove in to tickle him in a different spot. And Kaeya has been weakened by the alcohol.
“Rehehehvenge?!! Revenge for whahahahat?”
“You seriously don’t remember?!” Diluc pulls Kaeya underneath him and sits on his lap to prevent him from escaping, pausing his tickles to rest his hands on Kaeya’s sides.
“Remember whahat??” Kaeya still giggles in anticipation.
“The tavern?? You and Venti got drunk and
?” Diluc blushes. Kaeya doesn’t remember. And Diluc will kick himself in the face before he can say it out loud.
“And what?”
“Diluc~ I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why are you blushing so much?” Kaeya gives that one hella annoying smirk.
“You DO remember!! You little lying-” Diluc attacks Kaeya’s exposed sides.
“AHAahahahahaha!!! Dihiluc!! I’m sohorry! I wasn’t in thehe right state of mihind!”
“NAHhahahahaha!! Ihits not!! I’m sohohorryy!!”
Diluc moves to pinching his hips.
“NAHAHA! DILUC hahahahahaha!! EHEheheh!”
“You always like to embarrass me in front of others. I’ve had it! It’s time you learn a lesson.”
“Nohobody was there!!”
“Barbatos was!”
Diluc plays with Kaeya’s ribs like a piano. Counting each rib one by one.
As Diluc got closer to Kaeya’s armpits, the higher his laughter rose. Finally, Diluc dug into his hollows, and Kaeya squeezes his arms over his torso to block as many sensations as he could.
“WHAHahahahaha! DIHIhiluc! NOHOT THERE! Plehehehehease!!”
“Fine.” Instead, Diluc moves to Kaeya’s stomach again. This time, applying more pressure and tickling him all over.
“This better?”
“Hmmm nah
Diluc just shrugs and chuckles at his brother who’s red faced from the laughing, with tears in his eyes and his messy hair. He bucks his hips to try and throw his brother off. But it’s no use.
“Hey now. That’s not a way to talk to your elder brother.”
“Whahahatever old man.”
Suddenly Kaeya’s eyes widden and he puts a hand over his mouth. He knows he’s in trouble now. Diluc looks at him with a stern expression, but his eyes only reads mischief. He pulls Kaeya’s shirt up all the way, and inhales air.
But yes.
Yes that.
Diluc blows the biggest raspberry on Kaeya’s bare stomach and abs. The vibrations send Kaeya up the wall!
“Look who makes funny noises now.”
“You asked for it,” Diluc shrugs and blows another big raspberry on Kaeya’s navel.
“Alright, Alright,” Diluc lets up. He rolls off to the side of the bed and let’s Kaeya breathe in much needed air.
“Y-Yoho are.. Cruel!”
“Someone wants more, huh?” Diluc squeezes his side.
“EP! NO! Stohop! I can’t take anymore.”
Diluc chuckles.
“Yeah you think that’s funny don’t you? I’ll really show you something to laugh at,” Kaeya, after regaining most of his strength, wraps his arms around his older brother, wiggling his fingers into the redhead’s sides.
“AH! KAEYA! No, that was MY revenge because YOU
“I what?” Kaeya sneaks his hands under his shirt and lightly scratches his sides.
” Diluc holds in his giggles, hunching over to hide his face.
“Diluc~” Kaeya squeezes his sides making him flinch.
“Pfftt.. K-Kaeya.. You ahalready t-tickled me earlier. That was myhy revenge.”
Kaeya notices the blush Diluc gives after saying the word. He giggles, “Well, I wasn’t as merciless then
 But I will be now.”
“Tickle tickle!” Kaeya teases, knowing that it made Diluc blush and squirm.
“Was that a giggle?”
“I think it was~” Kaeya spiders his stomach, flipping Diluc onto the bed so they were in the same position as before, but reverse.
“Are you ticklish Diluc? Do you not like it when I say the word? It’s just a silly word. Tickle tickle!”
“K-Kaeyaha! Stop that now!” Diluc puts his arms over his face. Big mistake. Kaeya tickles his armpits the same way Diluc did before. Except this spot affected Diluc way more than it did Kaeya. Diluc instantly pulls his arms down. Twisting from side to side and bucking his hips to get him off.
“Aww is this your tickle spot?”
” Kaeya pins Diluc’s arms up with one hand, which caught Diluc off guard. Normally, Diluc would easily be able to break free, but the tickles had him weakened, and in all honesty, he wanted to let Kaeya have his fun too. But he’d never admit to that.
“Oh yes.”
“NAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Kaeya resumes his attack on Diluc’s underarms, Diluc still twisting about.
“Alright,” Kaeya let go of his arms, but remained sitting on his legs. He instead turns around to face his brother’s feet, turning his head back with a smile.
Diluc’s heart drops to his stomach.
“No. Kaeya. You wouldn’t.”
“Oh but I would~”
“N-Nononono Kaeya, Kaeya. No.”
“I spear you in public, but now? You’re in for it.” Kaeya spiders quickly up and down Diluc’s soles, poking his toes occassionally.
“Ahaha! I gotcha!”
“You got my death spot I get yours!”
“Aww, Diluc is so weak when it comes to tickling.”
Diluc blushes at the statement.
Kaeya pokes in between his toes, making Diluc’s entire leg twitch and kick, but with Kaeya sitting on them there’s not much he can do.
“AHAHAHA! PLEHEHE *snort* IHIHI *snort* *hic* EHEHHEHEE”
Out of desperation, Diluc grabs Kaeya’s side, causing Kaeya to jump and fall off of him.
Relief at last, except the two begin wrestling, trying to tickle one another back, laughing.
“Ohohokay! Ohokay, I won’t tickle YOUHOU!” Kaeya giggles when Diluc jabs his side.
“I dohon’t believe you.”
“Truce! Truce! Truce.”
“Hm, fine.”
They both let off each other, rolling over to lay next to each other on the bed. They’re both out of breathe and smiling. They felt happy that they got to bond. They rarely ever got to these days. And Kaeya was able to see the more playful side of Diluc which he hadn’t seen in years.
“You know who else I’m going to get revenge on?” Diluc asks.
“Who?” Kaeya asks.
“That Bard.”
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kamurocho-lullaby · 2 years ago
So I was planning to go through and pretty this up but I just haven't had the energy so I'm just gonna dump them here.
These are my notes from my first time watching the Yakuza movie!
I've added a cut because they're long. There's typos, they're not edited, it's literally just chaos bullet points but tadaaaah. There's also a lot of cussing, swearing, whatever u call it, so sorry.
Date is just so fuckin done with the Tokyo PD's shit I love him.
Throwing down in a Don Quixote, yes Kiryu.
Wait who's this little shit bleeding in Kazuki's floor?
Kiryu's fight in the DQ reminds me of that gif of him fucking up a Poppo it's so good.
HOLY SHIT ITS MILENNIUM TOWER! I sure hope that doesn't explode.
HERE HE IS! Mr Tumblr Sexyman himself.
I can't get over the fact Majima supposedly reads the financial times
"where's Kiryu?" "Somewhere" "not good enough" *murder*
I love the idea that Majima is at the batting cages so often it's his office. Like he absolutely painted that sign himself what a dork.
This chick is insane and wants to go robbing stores when a Yakuza war is breaking out, side story material
Date is so fuckin done literally said "not my Division"
Kiryu seems a lot colder in this movie than he is in the games idk maybe he'll warm up
Who is this cocktail making silent man I am so confused
Why is Kazuki so hot?!
Majima and crew are goofy as fuck and I really love them literally everyone is scared of them it's fucking hilarious
HE CALLS HIS CREW KIDDIES and then ditches them to get his rocks off in a video store and the guy he beaned with a fuckin baseball in his own crew is like "ILL FOLLOE U TO THE ENDS OF THE ESRTH"
This man is goofy as fuck one second and then breaking fingers and toes to find his boyfriend the next
Oh fuck he's got a gun, nobody should allow Majima a gun
Literally the Majima fam have a "oh fuck the boss has got a gun" emergency plan
I just noticed he's wearing a studded belt omg
Kiryu needs more frown lines
Haruka got some sass I love her
"don't be corrupting her mind" what the fuck Date he found her like that
Majima was fuckin up Pink Street why didn't he go karaoke
Lol the guy at Ebisu Pawn gives zero shits about being robbed
Kiryu, Haruka and the dog make a cute picture I love it
Fuckin Majima isn't even like looking for intel he's just wandering around shouting about Kiryu-chaaaaaaaan
Lol Kiryu gets a flip phone and it's got a charm on it omg
"over the top shit is his trademark" you don't fuckin say
LOL DATE he's just like Kiryu and Majima are up to shit it's your fuckin problem I'm out "the military won't even save your asses" omg
Don't tell me the fuckin Jingweon are here I don't wanna fuckin deal with thaaaaaaat
"Yokohama's Lau Kalong" WAIT WHAT (having learned more about 7, YES that Lau Kalong apparently the Snake Flower Triad are a bunch of assholes and they're also like everywhere)
Oh fuck this kid's been sent to kill Kyohei Jingu?! no shit of course he has
Oh fuck SERENA I didn't think we'd see that in this movie
Lol Kiryu knows the RGG way, they ain't dead until you see a body and even then cough cough Kashiwagi cough cough
Lol Haruka teaching him to use a cellphone
Majima taking a break from getting his ass kicked by Kiryu to beat up his boys is so fuckin funny
Haruka's just on the sidelines like "these fuckin dumbass boys smh"
I'm sad it's not his lacquered tanto
Yo Kiryu is fuckin merciless what?!
LOL HE JUST FUCKIN DROPPED Kiryu is so done with his dumbass boyfriend flopping on the groud
Lol all the Yakuza in Kamurocho mobilising like the fuckin Avengers
LOL the bank robbers feeding everyone in the bank is just wild I love it, still can't figure out who they are tho (they're side story material)
How is Majima MORE unhinged in this movie than he is in the games
Theatre square! Honestly the shots in this movie are actually pretty good, im surprised
The Jingweon's gun is a monstrosity why the fuck
Is that supposed to be Shimano?
Kazuki getting all intimidating with the weapons dealer do be kinda hot tho why he gotta grab him by his chin like thst
Also why does Kiryu know this guy and why does he know he's a massochist?!
LOL Kiryu protecting Haruka from the creep but like why is she there?!
Kiryu hearing all this shit about his kyoudai and he's just like... Stomping around like a mad man
Wait is Kazuki an imposter yet? (Spoiler alert, probably)
Lol these idiots cleaning up Pink Street like Majima isn't just gonna whirlwind through it again
"Don't fall for hosts, they'll get you in the end" solid advice Kiryu but are u talking from experience or? Like iirc hosts weren't a thing when u went to jail my man.
What the fuck is this dramatic military shit what who is this man?!
Kiryu actually trusts Majima to not go after Haruka! And he doesn't! He's actually genuinely not a bad man he's just mad as a bag of cats
Oh that whole Majima and Kiryu not killing people thing is out the window in this movie omg
"Kiryu-chan, you're so cool" Majima says through a mouthful of blood after he's been knocked fuckin cold onto his ass. This man has it so bad I love it
Fuckin Majima just pelting Kiryu in the gut with baseballs omg this movie is wild
Dude these guys literally kick the shit out of each other it's vicious I love it
The level of choreographed homoerotic whump in this movie
He just straight up put his foot on his ass
"Fuck you murder dad you shot my boyfriend"
Wait do I get to see Nishiki?!
The fuckin Staminan X and shit in the shop that's so rad, of course Kiryu is like I'll just chug some of this shit and go fuckin kill my bro I'm fine
Oh hey it's Zombie Majima
Who allowed a military helicopter into fuckin Kamurocho airspace that's gotta be so illegal what the fuck
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE BANK ROBBERS I love how they're just laying on the floor with the staff resigned to their shit
Nishiki put the fish away you dumb fuck
Lol Kiryu literally doesn't give a fuck about the Tojo and here's Nishiki making it all about the Tojo like bro wise up Kiryu is done with your shit
Kiryu just stone cold dead until he gets some of that Staminan that's a full triple heat gauge baby the dragon is back omg this movie is the dumbest shit I love it
The fuckin slow mo! 2007 did not deserve this movie
Top ten ways to kill your kyoudai, number 12 will jack your dad!
Wait we're not gonna get Mr "Beautiful Eyes" here are we?
Akiyama come get ur cash!!!!
Moooooom, Millennium Tower blew up again!
Y'know Date is kinda hot...
Suzuki also has no business being that hot
Fuckin Majima's dumbass batting cages sign someone better save his ass I swear to fuck
Fuckin dumbass got shot and he thinks he's got the flu lol
Oh shit there's Kiryu oops guess he's not to blame for the dog
Question, how the fuck they gonna get down from the tower?
Oh my god okay it's done I'll clean this up later (spoiler alert, he did not clean it up later)
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scrapraptor · 2 years ago
If theres typos..deal with it, im not proofreading. )
I fucking hate how autistic characters HAVE to be geniuses and a savant. (Cough good doctor cough big bang theory/young sheldon. )
It kinda creates a whole other stigma aside from just existing as an autistic person. They have all these bad character traits, they will make this character a fucking Nuisance, but the trait thats the redeemer is the fact that that character is extremely smart. And thats literally it. Theyre always depicted as a huge annoyance to people around them but then they SAVE THE DAY all the sudden cuz theyre sooooo smart and a genius. Im also tired of autistic characters always having to be overly modest all the time.
What about us dumbass autists? Where is my autistic bitchy bimbo? Wheres my autistic characters that obsess over video games instead of science. Where are my hollow headed autistics hm?
As a femme presenting and afab autistic adult with only a ged since i dropped out in my sophmore year, its a bit disheartening. Like , it just says "if youre autistic then you better be smart or youll be useless or a liability." And i already have to deal with being called a liability in real life due to my autism and chronic pain, why tf do we need that shit as a gag in a sitcom? And god. Dont even get me started on how they write autistic characters as grown up babies? The way the typical characters talk to the autistic character as if theyre in 2nd grade when they are a grown ass person. The inflections on the dialouge towards the autist souds so condescending and infantalilizing.
Tldr. People who dont have autism should never write autistic characters unless you have extensive and reliable research.
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faiienlucifer · 4 months ago
In this case specifically (because I know we all know how Marvel is like), I think it's different. It just isn't the same. It's not about being a "happy ending", I missed prefer bittersweet or tragedy and I think most people here wouldn't mind either..
But this, it felt kind of anti-climactic after episode 7 specifically. It went down hill. I was really expecting a more agatha focused finale and I fully understand they ran out of time ane everything but the only time we ever saw Rio (who was a clearly big part in Agatha's life) being at the river and during the present time didn't feel right. But that I could excuse bc time and budget.. but the kiss, I get it fully. It was ultimately a great ending because Agatha will definitely not admit she was wrong after just fully accepting it not so long ago. Would ultimately do something so impulsive just to spite Rio, just to rub it in one last while also showing that affection she still clearly held for her.. While I wished for at least a few more words or scenes I ultimately understand..
But.. her being a ghost is what truly bugs me the most about the ending. It feels.. unsatisfying. All she ever wanted was to see her son. From beginning til end. It's why she blamed her lover because she had no one to blame for her grief. She lost herself in the process of grieving the incomprehensible loss of her son. Her Nicholas Scratch.. "Not able to face him" just felt like such a cheap excuse to keep her connected to Billy and continue his story. And I see it yes but I feel like her need to see him again would win over the guilt for ruining their song in the haze of grief.. it just seems so out of character. Like they're just using her (frankly extremely interesting and wonderful) story and character as little push for Billy's storyline. It just rubs me and other people the wrong way. We only want a satisfying ending (seeing her son again, full circle moment) because it's ultimately her amazing and wonderful character and her show. Even if it was on screen for like 1 minute, it would've been something.
But now I'm just yapping but those are my thoughts on the topic. I think that's the true reason people find the last episode so unsatisfying.. and also because of the beast of an episode that was ep 7. That felt more satisfying than anything in the show, great ending for a great character even if it wasn't "happy".
(sorry for any typos or weird formats, I'm a tumblr newbie still 😭)
Edit: Omg my dumbass forgot to add but just their story in general! What we could've had. A witch and death herself? The witch, cursed with a power she thinks is a curse to kill everyone around her, a poison, disease.. and death.. growing a heart for the only mortal that grieved enough to fill whole eons of time. So many times. Faulted herself for it and only found comfort in death herself because she's everything that surrounded her, the only thing that was permanent. Something grounded and forever there for her.. How amazing is that story? I feel like it (partially) wasn't satisfying because that dynamic seems so poetic and beautiful and like a joy to explore from a writer's standpoint. I wanted more, we all did because they were so interesting. So poetic. Intertwined in the most tragic way because that's the only way their story could ever go..
It's Greek Tragedy level beautiful.
..and we all wanted more.
Honestly, I don't understand the people who are bitter about the way Agatha All Along ended. I thought it was freaking amazing.
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Agatha and Rio got to be angry and in love and epically drawn to each other. And petty as all hell.
We got a kiss (and Rio's face those seconds before Agatha kissed her and she felt it coming). We got to see the wounds Agatha left in Death. We got to see a moment where Agatha essentially forgave Death (even if she wouldn't acknowledge it to Rio). We watched Rio cover her grave in the color that meant most to Agatha. We watched how Rio gave Agatha the time to love her son (because even if the older Agatha refused to see it - because it hurt too much - she would clearly have taken that gift a second time if she found herself back in that moment).
And it wasn't even the end of them, because if you don't think Rio is going to keep pursuing Agatha's soul now that she's floating around as a ghost instead of coming home to her, you're wrong (you're just... wrong).
It might not have been a "happy ending" but it was freaking glorious.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 6 months ago
LMAOOO THE PHOTOSHOP the dynamics are lowk almost giving fwtkac crew im crying
LMAOO WAIT OMG I REMEMBER WHEN THOSE WERE HUHE I’m blanking on the name but I fr remember people paying like hundreds to get like a video greeting from people
but anyways not yuki exposing Chris like that AHAHAHA otoya also can’t catch a break i love it it’s so funny
YES YUKI SHOW THEM HOW JTS DONE LMAOO the dynamic is so real Karasu and otoya being stupid like normal and yuki having to deal with their shit except this time he’s got like a 100ft metal rock snake to whack them with (bro this is just fwtkac reader thinking yukis hot and yuki putting everyone else to shame at first)
BABYS FIRST LOOK AT CORRUPTION I CANT but LOL I SEE RHE VISION anti training team x another way to read into the meaning of the x that’s so smart the celebrity crushes so real though actually now that you mention it I don’t think it’d be a pokemon au without one LOL I feel like almost everyone has one in the pokemon anime to some degree
Tabieita cannot be separated or changed destined to be closeted loser dumbasses in every universe
Ok this has me losing it I’m about to go watch an animal documentary to find out but after a quick search the only one I can find is ritual
.and then behavior LMAO there’s some terms but it’s specific to a certain behavior like courting or wtv so
but yeah anyways DHHSHS no because I said the mediocre thing because it was kinda funny but my mind immediately jumped to that end of the world entry damn this scene has me in my feels imagine the moment mc fully explains the whole situation with Barou omg
LMAOO wait actually that’s be really fucking hilarious just casually “oh yeah hi I’m the champion of another region btw nbd”
LMAO the red black theme so true and those people in game who check your PokĂ©mon’s happiness send me lowk I forgot they existed but imagine you get scammed by one of those two like an unlicensed therapist or something
POKEMON AU CRUISE EPISODE /j LMAOO it wouldn’t be pokemon without a getting trapped on a boat ep /hj STOP WHY IS THERE LOWK MAGIKARP READER ANGST??? GOODBYE “I dont regret saving you” it’s over for me guys but LMFAO imagine they’re all crying and mc and gyarados come back and they put the pieces together and karasus like “STARAPTOR WTF”
KUNIGAMI CHESNAUT SO REAL another vibe check approval wtf why does that fit so well ludicolo and Bachira too omg
LMAO KAISER wait it’s gotta be able to mega too so it gets that extra long Emo bang in front (imagine he has ness trim it too) but OOOOH Mikage gardevoir
Lowk makes me wonder if maybe they’d have a tradition where they give a ralts to their heirs to evolve into gardevoirs as they take on the company (imagine his face when he sees gallade)
BRURHH SAME yukis little “noa
” has me gone like GET HIM IN I’d be hopeful and say maybe he’ll get subbed in once noa steps back out but I have no idea if the last goal will be scored while noas still on field so
ok yeah I’m just taking it as a random PxG player then because I didn’t see anything LMAO BALD ON BALD VIOLENCE LFMSOSDJSOA im crying why’s that so funny
BRO I DIDNT EITHER??? Im wondering if maybe it got kinda fucked up when I copy pasted it into a different word file because I fr was reading through it adjusting like every other word (yukis was the worst maybe I channeled my inner yuki vision then) I fr don’t know how you read through it it fr must’ve been that wavelength connection (sorry to everyone else who might’ve read it too oops) ok but like the typos are like
you’d still be able to anagram them or understand what’s going on via context but reading through them KILLS me like just the acting reading through either an unfinished sentence a repeated word or some awfully autocorrected phrase made me die inside a little like if I were the one just reading it and not writing I would’ve closed the tab after the first sentence shdhskdhshs
Ok wait this is getting really long BUT OAEU SAE EDITION DROP OMG ok just generally that was really cute omg LMFAO sae first pinning the blame all on aiku like “yeah he’s the one with the problem not me tho dw” and Aiku flipping out like “bitch wtf I fw my coffee” and sae being like “sorry bro I forgot” (me) but BRO THAT COWORKER WHO RAT MC OUT I was ready to throw hands like bro read the room
.aiku having to put up with saes whims is so funny he’s about to go through hell before he gets his own moment (like you said, karma LMAO) also mc being able to hold her composure for like, basically almost the entire time they interact is insane like props to her
The lab experiment text to sendou sent me LMAOO I’m crying the baby chick thing too and SAES INTERVIEW RESPONSE REVEAL LMFAOOOOOOOO I totally forgot about that the beef goes crazy and then y/n being “ummm I guessed?” SO DUMB LMFAOO aiku watching and listening like these two dumbasses HAHAHA the immediately auto rejection of the autograph has me reeling too and the phone call too “uhh Aiku said I should say this so” LMAO
another banger that was great and yk I don’t even care much for sae soooo
- Karasu anon
LMAOO okay wait you’re lowkey so right like tullia as fwtkac bestie is actually so valid (except instead of bestie x otoya and reader x karasu they’re all just siblings
unless tullia ends up w otoya instead of isagi/chigiri/hiori?? tbh i can see it because it would be a hilarious menaces to lovers slowburn to rival reader and nagi’s rivals to lovers but at the same time they’re also really good as just a platonic duo so idk)
NO LITERALLY i just think otoya as a fanboy is hilarious he WOULD be the one to get scammed into sending sm money to someone like that 😭 pls yukimiya has 0 chill he has no qualms about just telling otoya the truth straight up
pokĂ©mon au is actually yukimiya’s redemption for how much bullshit he has to deal with in normal blue lock 😰 his team is actually really really good too in a competitive sense (considering he used to be a battler — maybe even an elite 4 candidate — before his health got to him and he had to switch to contests) so karasu and otoya were double idiots for messing with him 😭 LMAOO omg this lowkey is fwtkac except instead of “who gets to be reader’s bf” it’s “who gets to be reader’s stand in older brother figure” HFKSJSK
there’s def going to be a lot of hints that the world/government are super corrupt but that’s one of the earlier ones!! i want the reveal about team x (not just barou’s involvement but also everything w the govt) to be a surprise but also to make sense ykwim đŸ€” like one of those “how did i miss that” moments where it also completely changes how you look at the story upon rereading it!!
HELPPP IT REALLY ISN’T POKÉMON WITHOUT CELEBRITY CRUSHES originally i considered reader’s being chris prince but otoya’s being a prince stan is so funny that i think her liking luna is better 😭 maybe she mentions it to nagi offhandedly before either of them get to the seventh gym and he’s like “huh cool 👍” (he himself does not have any celebrity crushes
it took him long enough to realize he has an ACTUAL crush on reader he’s never going to realize he likes a celebrity) and then manshine trio manages to get to luna’s gym before reader and co?? and when she challenges luna he’s like “you’ll have to give me a day bro my last challenger absolutely crushed my team” and reader is like “oh who was it” and luna’s like “this white haired freak with a crazy strong reuniclus and an arcanine” (since poison is weak to psychic so reuniclus stomps most of them and then roserade/scolipede’s secondary types are weak to fire so arcanine packs them up rq) and reader’s like NAGI??? because nagi usually doesn’t put too much effort into gym battles but he had to lock in this time (he claims he “didn’t have a reason” but we ALL know the truth
) okay wait also if we go the tullia and otoya route imagine she’s fangirling over loki and otoya’s like “he’s not even all that 😒” but he doesn’t know WHY he’s mad he just. is mad. LMAOAOA
okay i guess it must have been ritual?? HAHA that makes sense anyways 😭 or maybe custom idk it’s been a while since i watched any nature docs đŸ˜© but agreed the whole barou second death sequence is sooo painful especially because reader doesn’t know it’s not actually him?? i think afterwards isagi will be the one to tell her everything about barou’s illness and maybe they sent barou to ego and anri for an autopsy and isagi reveals that barou was already dead and what she killed was a ghost pokĂ©mon
which is kind of a relief in one sense because it means she didn’t kill him herself but it’s also so crushing because it means there was never any chance that she could save him as he’s been dead the whole time 😓 i feel like reading the story with that knowledge would be crazy too because if you think about it the ACTUAL barou basically haunts the narrative the entire time (literally the only times we see him are in flashbacks w the reader or this one arc where she and nagi go through old tapes of barou’s battles) it gives it a very weird feel knowing that reader is chasing after someone she can never catch
SPEAKING OF CHASING I CAME UP WITH THE NAME OF THE STORY!! it’s in the notion outline ss I posted which i’m sure you saw but at least for now i’m calling it pursuit which is a double meaning!! on the one hand reader is in pursuit of barou but pursuit is actually also an egg move of houndoom’s and i think reader’s houndoom will have it (not barou’s though he’ll have some other thematically appropriate egg move)!! there will be two main times she uses it: the first is in her first battle with nagi, when his growlithe gets scared and he just gives up and is about to return his growlithe when she tells houndour to use pursuit (pursuit does more damage if the opposing pokĂ©mon is about to be returned) so that growlithe stays in battle while she yells at nagi to grow up and actually be a trainer (this sets him up to be a rival as well as subtly hinting that he’ll be the love interest since the title is referenced in their first meeting) and the second is in the final confrontation against barou after she’s won against his houndoom; barou attempts to flee but reader orders her houndoom to use pursuit on him and since it’s a pokĂ©mon houndoom is able to drag him back and kill him with that move!! idk it just felt like a simple but v fitting title hehe
also i’ve started planning arcs out and i’m pretty sure this bad boy is going to be HEFTY (as in ten arcs planned and reader still only has four badges, has only just gotten her magikarp, and just learned what team x’s purpose even is) DJDJSJJS when i was writing ship in the harbor each arc was roughly 25-30k words but i don’t THINK they’ll be as long in this story?? however that should give you a general planned word count for the au and suffice to say: đŸ˜±
HELPPP YK WHAT I BET OTOYA GETS SCAMMED BY THEM like “wow your eevee is really sad if you want an umbreon buy these special uhhh potions just from us” and ofc otoya wants an umbreon so he shells out even more money meanwhile his eevee is standing there the whole time staring at him like đŸ˜đŸ„°â˜ș because it loves him sm HFKSDK and then tullia looks at the potion and is like “yup you got scammed again” and karasu’s like “fucking idiot this is why my sister would never want you đŸ€ŁđŸ«”đŸ»â€
YES MAGIKARP + READER ANGST i think it not only characterizes reader but also makes the pokĂ©mon feel like parts of the plot instead of just devices?? especially because the whole theme of the story is answering aiku’s research question of whether or not pokĂ©mon can feel familial bonds!! and PLEASE that’s exactly how i envisioned it like reader pulls up to the beach where everyone’s sobbing and she’s like “damn who died” and karasu’s like “you 😱” before he pauses and is like WHAT THE FUCK
poor staraptor was doing its best 😔 karasu def puts it in timeout though LMAOOO even though it didn’t technically report anything incorrect â˜đŸ»
i think assigning pokĂ©mon to characters/people is like my true calling i only spit out bangers LMAOAOA jkjk but fr chesnaught just fit kuni so well!! and ludicolo having that whole fun silly dancing vibe to it really matched bachira’s freak
YES EMO KAISER + EMO ABSOL THAT’S EXACTLY THE VIBE I WAS GOING FOR i think the e4 candidates (besides isagi since he cameos earlier) will make their first appearance in reader’s fight against mr mikage and it’s just them in the stands so kunigami is sitting with his arms crossed all intimidating with his chesnaught beside him but maybe he smiles at reader when she glances over?? and ofc bachira waves and his ludicolo does a little hop in acknowledgement or smth meanwhile kaiser and absol are just sitting there, kaiser’s chin in his hand, staring off into the distance like 😒 because he cannot stand the thought that reader might one day be his boss (he also can’t stand the thought of mr mikage being his boss he’s just a hater in general tbh)
okay wait yess maybe mega gardevoir is like the mikage family sigil?? and although we made a goofy backstory for gallade maybe the actual way it evolves is reo finally choosing to break free of his father’s legacy when he starts to suspect him of being involved in team x affairs
mr mikage is HORRIFIED by the gallade ofc but reo’s like “he’s my pokĂ©mon leave him alone 😡” and there’s a whole confrontation about it (which is obv more serious than that random line i just dropped)
i’m sobbing for yuki he def deserved better than what he got
imagine being benched and igaguri gets put in before you that’s a justified crash out fr (rough and tumble yukimiya would NEVER let this slide) 😭 agreed unless they show otherwise i’m going to assume it was some random french dude!! PLSSS THE BALD JOKES ARE HILARIOUS TO ME they’re like a coping mechanism
it definitely must be some issue with file transferring or something because i’m being 100% serious i didn’t notice ANYTHING that bad!! you can search through the “karasu anon translations” tag on my blog to see if what you sent me is that same as what you have on your phoneïżœïżœïżœone of my mutuals also has a post with links to all of the yukimiya ln translations so i can send that if you don’t want to dig through the tag to check!!
YESSS OAEU SAE VERSION DROPPED đŸ€« tbh ik most people probably found it ooc but I PERSONALLY was cracking up while writing so i don’t even care
like i said in response to someone else’s ask if people can make sae a smooth flirting fboy then i can make him a dumbass loser with 0 rizz!! and is it unrealistic that he had a first crush so fast MAYBE but it’s so so funny to think that that’s how he’d act plus the whole point of the oaeu is that it’s meant to be like a series of rom coms!! so nothing is supposed to be elegant or believable it’s just goofy yk đŸ€” now if people think that that’s the extent of my writing skills i’ll have an issue (and tell them to read karasu’s bfb/pomegranate ink/hollyhock) but on the whole i think it’s fine if i’m a little silly every now and again (esp given the angst of the upcoming pokĂ©mon au)
ALSOOO agreed sae is just not a character i rlly care about bruh if i had my way i wouldn’t even have written him first (barou would’ve been the way to go) but the people spoke so i had to listen 😓 that def also impacted how i wrote him because normally i’m meticulous abt cross-referencing the wikis and whatnot but this time i was just like eh whatever people have read worse for this man i’m sure đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
PLS y/n is so trained in the art of customer service that she truly cannot be forced to snap 😭 i need that queen’s composure she’s better than me for sure
i loved writing both her and aiku’s perspectives though because they’re both hilarious in opposite ways đŸ˜© and LMAOOO justice for aiku fr he’s about to be put through so much before he finally gets his own universe where he can get the girl 😓
0 notes
sunstranded · 9 months ago
INTJ: Intolerance of the Intellectuals
I want to summarize it with the word elitism, but there is more nuance and directness with the title I've given this. Nothing should be attractive about this. Nothing should be left on ambiguity. I present a problem and I present it as it is.
Disclaimer: this is more of a rant than anything formal. I just speak very formally. Like the stereotypical INTJ that I am with my multiple typos and blind Si.
Elitism has a lot of dangerous ambiguities that I don't want to deal with but I still mention it because it is the easiest and most recognizable term to capture the subject.
I just want to specify that the intolerant here are the intellectuals— including me and anyone who had a formal way of instruction or education.
Just like most things I bitch about I'm not above it and I am part of the people who I want to change.
I can no longer bear the snickers, giggles, hushed comments— laugher— amusement— fascination— any reaction that assumes or imposes judgement upon people who are just different.
It is uncomfortable to twist the things we find comfortably familiar into something disturbingly different. But it is necessary and there is a reason we're uncomfortable.
It is necessary to be uncomfortable because you are trying to undermine your familiarity to understand someone else's. In trying to understand, you must make peace with not convincing them and enforcing your beliefs as if it were the absolute. There is a reason in this uncomfortable feeling as we do this— it is because we've been so comfortable and familiar with agreement, with people just agreeing to avoid conflict— unjust compromise.
It is unjust on the grounds that someone had been forced. Why else? The intolerance of another seems more dangerous than their own ignorance continuing on.
People who have been reduced to ignorance and complience out of aversion to conflict are victims of havung felt like they're the helpless dumbass, the lowest of the low— the irredeemable idiot— when all they were was incorrect.
Being incorrect is as inevitable as being correct. Nothing is wrong from being ignorant. And let us stop pretending that people consciously want to stay ignorant. Let us stop pretending the ideologies and information we tend to enforce on people silences them into blind obedience— a special form of ignorance.
They want to be happy in ignorance, people would say. Though there is pleasure in it, if all you seek is pleasure and all you get is pleasure, is that not just a special kind of pain?
Elitistism does not quite capture the nuance I want even if it is what I am talking about. That word itself implies that an elitist only wants to keep the elite. However, they also ensure that the non-elite cannot be more than they are.
In other words, intolerance of the intellectuals has an implication that intellectuals are doing more than exclusion or being their own closed off class. No. Intellectuals also play a role in disenfranchising or even oppressing the ignorant.
Ignorance I speak of is the type where they could not have known. Because the willful ignorance of turning a blind eye despite knowing is just intolerance of the intellectuals again.
A quick anecdote:
I was asked why I still travel so far to where I go every day. Why not just live closer? They ask. I always answer that there are people who live farther than me. Others would suggest why not get a license and car. It'll be easier. I say, I am conscious that if I own a private vehicle, I become part of the heavy traffic problem, so in good conscience, I will always opt out. I'd rather suffer and understand others for having walked their steps swept every sweat they've also perspired than let myself speak for the pain I do not let myself experience. It is not chivalry, it's logic manifesting in human decency.
Let us reflect if our observations, conceptualizations, and understanding uphold intellectual humility and intellectual integrity. Let us not mistake those for pride and prejudice.
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ieuvb · 2 years ago
focus , will ya? - katsuki bakugou
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studying with bakugou is really relaxing , not even kidding. the room is filled with soft music that plays in the background and the only thing you could probably hear is the pen scribbling on the paper and maybe soft humming that hums along the music.
and today was no difference , since finals were coming up in 3 weeks , you and bakugou decided to study early. not an extreme study just bit by bit revising here and there. just so you can get better score than before.
you're in his dorm room , sitting on a comfy chair using his study table while he uses a coffee table while sitting on the floor with the cushion. he literally threatened you to use his table just so you could be more comfortable than he would. gosh sometimes you just want to kill him for being so sweet and loving.
"babe , can i please get help with this one." you hear footsteps approaching you. and you feel bakugou hovering over you from behind as he looks at the question. "dumbass , did you not pay attention today at all? you have so many damn questions today." you pout and whine. "i didn't sleep well last night , so i dozed off a couple of times that's all~"
"sleepyhead." he lets a quiet sigh and shakes his head. "okay so this..." he begins to explain but of course you didn't listen at all , you just stared at him , taking notes of his facial features instead of your study notes. his jawline , his soft lips , his pointy nose and his cle-
"oi! are you even listening?" his crimson eyes meet yours. "don't frown , you'll get the ugly wrinkles." you reach over his brows with your two fingers and brush over it. he then grabs your wrist and looks dead in your eyes. "did you listen?" he asked and you just shook your heads.
another reason why you should study with bakugou , he has lots of patience or maybe it's just with you? he knows that you sometimes get distracted , but he still takes his time in teaching you. this also allows him to be with you longer before you head towards your own dorm room.
"you better listen now , i'm not repeating again." he grumbles and shifts a little but still hovers over you. "kiss." he leans his head back frustration written over his forehead. "i promise i'll focus if you give me a kiss." he looks down on you and sighs. "can you please focus." he said as he leans down , gives you a kiss which was longer than you wanted.
"mhm~ you should kiss me from this position again , not only do you look hot but the kiss definitely feels more spicy." he smacks his forehead and was about curse but you interrupted. "okay okay! i'll focus."
sorry for any typos or grammar mistakes
kinda wanna go on a study date ;/
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silkythewriter · 2 years ago
Hi there! Can I please have a metal family, dee x fem reader?
Reader is a ditzy but polite girl who has a soft spot for dee and his shenanigans, while also being a safe space for him. Its like a little cute fluff thing between them and dee starts catching huge feelings for reader. Tysm!!!
꧁Dee x fem reader <3꧂
Summary: Dee crushing on a cute reader!!
Small warning!: Sorry for any typos, spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes!! I also apologize if he’s out of character I haven’t watched metal family in a hot minute!
Small note!: Like said in warnings I haven’t re watched metal family in a bit but I hope this is still accurate!!
Fandom!: Metal family!!
Daily song suggestion!:
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He genuinely enjoyed your company! Sometimes he would feel his heart go fast while around you but he would try blaming it on adrenaline from the coffee he had to drink that morning
 we all know that’s a lie 💀
Once his brother heavy pointed out the obvious to him Dee was scared and a bit happy at the same time sense he hadn’t had a crush on someone for awhile , he had many mixed emotions to say the least
Once he built up courage he started doing what normal dose and tries planning and making a plan of how to make you like him and how to ask you out, which failed to say the least considering you already liked him but he didn’t know
His way of “flirting” was offering to do your homework and help you cheat/study in exams, you didn’t even notice what he was doing cause you thought he just wanted to be nice
He always over thinks about stuff cause he doesn’t want to accidentally make a fool of himself infront of You
Sometimes when he loosens around you he loves showing you his favorite songs and genres! In these rare moments he trusts you with stuff, sometimes he even vents to you but he quickly stops if you show any signs of discomfort and apologizes in embarrassment, but if you do comfort him he only falls harder for you and your personality
You have to be the one to confess I feel cause whenever he tries too his brain goes into mush and just freezes up so he just looks like a maniac trying to explain why he called you over
When you do finally confess to him after his brother broke it too you (he’s not the best at keeping secrets☠) that he likes you, Dee will be a blushing mess before quickly straightening himself out and putting his chill mask on while absolutely freaking out with worry and excitement in his head
After you guys finally got together heavy was ecstatic about it when you guys did tell him he just said “finally!” While smiling at you two
Be prepared to get pulled in fights with Dee and heavy mostly about which one right, it’ll usually play out like this: “Y/n!!” Heavy screamed out “Hm?”you answered turning you attention from your phone to him “Who’s right me or Dee?” Heavy said pointing at his brother and himself “Oblivious me dumbass, water is wet cause it a liquid” Dee explained while pitching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head “But how can it be wet I’d it’s not wetting anything?!?!” Heavy said grasping his hair, you only chuckled at their bickering and shenanigans before patting heavy’s head “heavy I don’t think there’s a wrong or right answer too it” you said ruffling his hair “how does that work??” He said “my brain hurts from all this thinking I’m gonna go get lunch” he said running off, you looked back at Dee who only shook his head and walked over to you with a sigh “ sorry for his stupidity”, you only chuckled before kissing his cheek and walking off leaving a flustered Dee trying to keep up with you
Dee usually only comes to you for comfort really your a safe spot for him, he doesn’t trust many people so your really the only person he trusts and makes him really feel comfortable
When you guys first started dating he wasn’t really use to physically affection, but after a while he warms up to it even sometimes asking for it, of course he only drops hints he never says it outloud
Sometimes he lets you play with his hair or message his scalp which he honestly adores 😭 he finds it relaxing at how soft you are with him and how comforting your movements feel to him, when he’s around you he drops his guard a bit and doesn’t really notices it, but he feels much more at home with you
This man melts at any kisses or touch you give him let alone complements he literally sometimes just stands still while he lights up redder then winter decorations while his brain tries to understand what you just said and how to react
Overall this man has fallen head over heels for you and would honestly Do anything for your approval and love, he absolutely adores you and loves being around you ♄(âžâžÂŽê’ł`➝➝)♄
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Thanks anon for the request!! I love metal family and I’m actually planning to rewatch it this weekend!! (-v-)♡ I honestly love this fandom!! Anyway I hope you enjoyed please request again!! (ÂŽv`ʃÆȘ)
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call-sign-shark · 1 year ago
Brummie! I am finally able to comment this properly. I am deeply sorry for the delay, I've been having some mentally busy weeks and when I had a bit of free time I fell asleep like a grandma shark tsk. But here I am and be ready for a comment filled with non-senses and typo 'cause I am excited about this final chapter. Before digging into a more detailed analysis let me tell you that you've blown up the park with this fantastic story. I thought nothing could outmatch your first story but Hopelessly Devoted is one of the best works I've ever worked on. Not only in terms of pure literary style and plot but also at your impressive mastery of angst balance. This finale chapter was a real delight, an exquisite final for this incredible romance I've felt in my guts. Congratulations darling, you got me all astounded as always. Be sure I'll read the teaser of Don't Fear the Reaper asap teehee.
Now, when I say your writing skills are gold, I truly mean it. One of the best examples I've picked up while reading was the line "You had desperately kept the small bouquet alive for as long as you could, afraid that the sentimental gesture and the meaning behind it would die along with them." This is such a wonderful and clever way to dig deeper in Y/N's mind, who is still very much clinging to her memories of Tommy but is still conflicted about whether or not his apologies are true after everything she has been through because of him. The fact she's trying to keep the bouquet alive as long as she can is both heartbreaking but also echoes how she has always been the one devoted and trying to fix their relationship until Tommy pushed it too far. The love you've created between these two is delightfully complex and full of suspense from the beginning to the very end. Each time they are together I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting for them to kiss or either tear each other down. I must say I was surprised she thanked him (and even more surprised to hear this dumbass admitting he has been crossing the line with her). Their reunion was insanely sweet, with Tommy's line "What other woman in Small Heath let alone the whole country likes a bouquet with only three flowers eh?" THE WAY I MELTED.
Now, I must say I laughed so hard when Arthur decided to intervene and ruined everything, even if he was convinced he helped them. What an adorable idiot, I swear. He has locked the two of them up in the freakin' closet, just like when they were kids.😂 I am fond of the way you've mirrored the two scene, the first time being the discovery of sexuality and feelings, the second one being two grown up suffocating because they are too big for the closet and fighting because of past arguments. This was genius (and hilarious, with the "you're squishing me! // my hair's stuck!"). "The very same assets Tommy wished he had never mentioned now your elbows were digging into his chest." Come on Tom, that wasn't very smooth of you! đŸ€­ I must also admit that the whole passage of Y/N talking about how Finn convinced everyone her mother was a witch and that Father Wells was asked to cleanse her killed me. The moment they started to make out I was cheering so bad for them, once again I'm a slut for the mirroring scenes and I love how the innocent discovery of the first time become now coated with urging desire and passion. However, I felt Tommy would say something stupid and would ignite a quarrel between the two. In truth, I understand the two points of view. I mean he literally said that as a compliment and we all know how clumsy he is with feelings, but at the same time Y/N's reaction was right. I mean, she must has thought "okay you were thinking about me but still fucked another girl bro".
All Hail to Aunt Pol who's coming to save the day! My poor little Arthur was so proud of his stupid idea, like "How was I supposed to bloody know, I've been in London haven't I. I can't keep up, their spats change with the bloody wind!." I DIED. Poor baby, he was just trying to help even if he doesn't understand a damn thing LMAO. Honestly, I nearly choked at Polly calling her nephews "halfwits". I didn't know this idiom and I swear to God I'm in love with it. 😂
Finally, let's talk about my favorite part of this whole chapter and maybe of this whole series: the scene between Y/N and Arthur. From the very beginning, I've been in love with the beautiful tribute you've done to the character in your way of portraying him: charming, funny, adorably dumb, and supportive while not forgetting about his dangerous nature. Right from the start he has been Y/N's greatest ally and this last scene between the two of them is the high point of their relationship. His body language for example, and the way he steals her apple to eat it without asking is so big brother-coded, I'm turning into a puddle. "Ay, come on you" he sighed putting his arm around your shoulder as he watched your white linen tablecloth blow in the gentle afternoon breeze." This. My tears started here, with that magnificent picture of the two of them and Y/N's lulled by Arthur's sweetness. I love how he's kinda defending his little brother but still gently trying to make Y/N understand that they are made for each other and that it would be a mistake to forget about Tommy. Also this
"Please, put us out of our misery ay. I don't think I can do another five bloody years of this. He said as he squeezed you into his side rubbing your arm up and down like he was trying to start a fire with his bare hands" first: he's so freaking funny I can't, second: the rough love, I'm dying, and third: I could almost feel the friction of his large and calloused hands. Seriously Brummie stop that, I'm already too obsessed with him and you're not helping with the way you've written him. 😭 Similarly, what followed equally filled my heart with warmth as well as made me cry. Let me tell you that I'm sorry for your loss. It ain't the same but I lost my 16-year-old cat two months ago, he was the sweetest, nicest, and cuddliest cat. Still, now I can't talk much about him without crying. So, I send you all my love your way. This is such a heartwarming and beautiful tribute you've paid to him. In truth, I'd would paste all the passage if I could but it would be too long so here are some of my selected moments:
Gave him some leftovers few weeks back, now he won't leave me alone. Gangly looking thing ain't he? All legs and big ears" // " Bit like you then. No wonder you get along"
"Arthur said jumping off the wall putting his hand out for you to take as you both made your way through the alleyway, hopping over the puddles as you both giggled like two children making their way home before dark, the welcome heat of the fading sun beaming on your faces." >>>> ME:
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I would have loved to comment on so many other things but I'm afraid it's already a bit too long and boring lmao! Quickly: I wasn't expecting Tommy to have a talk with Y/N's mother and I must say that I was positively surprised at how it turned. Also, I've already said it in the very beginning of my comment but the ending is absolutely touching and perfect. "He may not have shown it how he'd intended to do to, but he had always, and would always be, hopelessly devoted to you. " THIS. The ref to the title, how he has been the one who was really devoted despite being an idiot... Brummie, that was a masterpiece. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, and I'm ready for a new adventure, which I know is going to be as brilliant as this one!.
Hopelessly Devoted (PART SEVEN/ FINAL CHAPTER)
Summary: After Tommy's apology you find yourself back at Watery Lane with the intention to thank him for the flowers he had left you when the eldest Shelby brother unintentionally breaks a tender moment in a bid to help reunite you both, doing more harm than good. Will you and Tommy finally rekindle your strained relationship or is all hope lost?
Warnings: Language, angst, fluff, smut (Minors DNI)
Authors note: In this final chapter there is a small cameo from a four legged darling dear to my heart. My dog. A few weeks ago my sweet boy passed away at the old age of thirteen. This way my way of saying goodbye to him through the words of our dear ol' Arthur.
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Walking down Watery Lane a feeling of hesitancy overcame you. You never thought you'd step back onto this street, not after you and its most infamous resident who just so happened to be the man you had been hopelessly devoted to for the past five years had a blazing row in front of everyone in the very same spot only a few weeks ago. But here you were, and as you eyed up the betting shop in the distance a ball of nerves started to bounce unforgivably around in the pit of your stomach making you feel less than confident about your descion to turn onto the notorious road. You couldn't quite pinpoint why you felt so anxious, you was supposed to be hating the man who had broken your heart more times than you cared to admit. But since that day when he had unexpectedly turned up at your front door, since he had willingly admitted to his wrongdoings, since he had left the posy of flowers on your bedsit stairs that were sitting in a vase on your kitchen table resembling a rather miserable bunch of weeds than the sweet handpicked arrangement of foliage he had left for you, something had changed. You had desperately kept the small bouquet alive for as long as you could, afraid that the sentimental gesture and the meaning behind it would die along with them. Was it a fluke? Did Tommy mean every word he had said? You thought to yourself as you approached the door with the intention to thank him for the flowers and the phone call he had placed to the manager at the Post Office in regard to the job interview he had for all intents and purposes, sabotaged. Admittedly, after everything he had done and put you through he didn't deserve a thank you let alone one in person. But in a turn of events and unexpected forgiveness on your part your anger towards him suddenly didn't hold weight any more. You found yourself wanting to see him, wanting to be near him as if the past five years hadn't happen, as if this was the very moment you had been desperately holding out for.
" Is Tommy about?" You asked as you walked into the busy betting shop. Monaghan boy was set to race later that day and half of Small Heath had scrambled into the small converted terrace house eager to place their bets on what was set to be the biggest race of the month, one Tommy had undoubtedly fixed in his favour of course. With no answer and not one single Shelby in sight you headed behind the curtains and made your way up the old rickety staircase. It had been so long since you had ventured up to the second floor of Watery Lane. But even now you still remembered where and where not to step on the creaking wooden steps from the countless times Tommy had sneaked you up to his room to spend the night. And just as you did all those years ago you found yourself biting your bottom lip in anticipation that at any moment Polly would shout down from the top of the stairs at Tommy to stop corrupting any innocence you had left, the memory of the days when your biggest worry was not getting caught making your stomach fill with a youthful fluttering of butterflies you never thought you'd experience again. " Tommy?" you called out as you stood in the hallway when you turned your head to the sound of his bedroom door opening.
"Hey" he said putting his head through his white under shirt, pulling his suspenders over his shoulders as he walked out into the landing. It was nine in the morning. Tommy was known to get up at the crack of dawn, had he just woken up? "Had a lie in" he said, surprised by his own omission as he reached for his back pocket for a cigarette. " First time in years" he added placing it between his lips as he lit a match. First time in five years to be exact or to be even more accurate, the third time since he had turned up at your place. Tommy had, for the first time in years slept the whole night through. His worn body aching for the extra time he had let himself have, for the time you had let his restless thoughts unburden themselves of the regret and guilt he had been carrying around for the past five years. Shaking the flame from the small stick of aspen he looked over at you, a faint smile playing on the edge of his lips at your flustered face. Flustered was an understatement, you looked like a dear caught in headlights. Not only was you mentally unprepared to see him half naked after all these years, you couldn't remember the last time you saw him so...relaxed. You had become so accustomed to his usual tightly wound up demeanour that he had unexpectedly caught you off guard making you loose track of what you had planned to say.
" Is everything alrig..."
" I wanted to say thank you" you blurted out cutting him off as Tommy furrowed his brow in surprise.
" Thank you? For what?" he said stepping closer as your eyes briefly darted up to meet his before returning to look at the floorboards beneath you. You felt like a teenager again, and like any teenager standing in front of whom they believed to be the love of their life, the nerves currently coursing through your body seemed to have stopped any previous ability you had to talk let alone think. You had become a fumbling mess, and it hadn't gone unnoticed.
" Y/N?" Tommy said as he ducked his head down trying to catch your line of sight when you failed to elaborate.
" For the post office job" you replied as he looked down at you watching him roll his cigarette between his thumb and forefinger.
" You would have had that job if it wasn't for me" he acknowledged, exhaling a cloud of smoke up to the ceiling.
" And for the flowers" you said finally making eye contact as you lifted your head.
"Flowers..." Tommy replied, suddenly remembering the small bouquet he had thrown in a panic after seeing, was it Harry or Henry? God, the date was such a bore you still wondered if the whole evening had be a figment of your imagination.
" Oh fuck..Tommy they weren't for me were they? I just thought with the note, with the .." you trailed off into a incoherent mumbling of words you and nobody else could understand as you covered your eyes and turned for the stairs. Your humiliation never ceasing to make itself known by your increasingly reddened cheeks.
" Y/N wait" Tommy said grabbing your arm stopping you and your attempts to flee the awkward situation." Of course they were for you" he smiled as his hand rubbed up and down your arm in a bid to reassure you. "What other woman in Small Heath let alone the whole country likes a bouquet with only three flowers eh? " he chuckled trying to ease the pressure that had suddenly encapsulated you both.
" I do" you said as you looked up into his crystal blue eyes, finding yourself slowly getting lost in his gaze.
" You do" he smiled closing the gap between you both as his thumb came up and tenderly brushed along your check. " I should have given them to you in person" he said as he cupped your face, your fingers finding their way up his chest, turning one of the buttons on his cotton shirt as you looked up at him through your lashes. Apprehensively leaning into you, Tommy's lips ghosted over yours, his thumb still stroking gently against you skin as you both waited for the other to make the next move when a heavy footed second Shelby came stomping up the stairs breaking the long awaited moment between you both.
" Right. I've bloody had enough of this I have" Arthur said as he stormed up the stairs, throwing open the closet door next to you, pushing you both inside and locking it before either of you had the opportunity to react." 'Bout time you both sorted out..." Arthur said as he waved his hand in front of the door, his face scrunched up in deep concentration as he tried to look for the missing word. "... well, whatever this is" he finished as he nodded his head, satisfied with his spontaneous plan of action, one he would later learn did more harm than good.
" Arthur open the fucking door! " Tommy shouted as he rattled the handle, the distant sound of his brother whistling merrily as he made his way down the stairs only infuriating his efforts.
" Did you set this up? " you snapped stood back as you shook your head, a scowl settling on your face as the tender moment you had both shared mere minutes ago started to fade into what was set to be another match of bickering. This is definitely something those two little shits would have conjured up. You thought to yourself as you glared at the only other person in the cramped space, all your anger now directly aimed at him.
" Me?" Tommy scoffed as he reached into his back pocket pulling out his pack of cigarettes only to find he had already smoked the last one. " Only that daft bastard downstairs could have thought of doing something like this" he huffed throwing the empty carton on the floor as he leaned against the door.
" Well.." you said motioning behind him.
"Well what?"
" Aren't you going to get us out of here?" You replied moving him out the way as you gestured at the lock when a small laugh caught in his throat.
" I've gone legitimate darling" Tommy said as you crossed your arms furrowing your brows. " My lock picking days are over" he reiterated as he leaned back against the door giving into the situation he's idiot brother had put you both in. There was no way of getting out of this, not unless you had a spare key hidden in that ample cleavage of yours that was now pressing against his chest. Tommy thought to himself as the temptation to look down was almost too much for him to refuse.
" Pull the over one Tommy" you frowned rolling your eyes at his chilled state. Anyone would think he was happy about this, and to some degree he was.
" So what do we now?" you said as you moved back the few centimetres between you and the metal shelving behind you, shifting your arms back and forth in attempts to put some space between you both.
" Well, I'm guessing we wait" he said as his eyes darted around the dark room that looked suspiciously like the one you had both found yourselves in ten years ago.
" Fuck sake" you mumbled under your breath as you looked up at him, still convinced this was his doing. "You're suffocating me, move back" you sighed blowing the lone strained of hair in front of your face away from your eyes as Tommy let out a loud huff in response, silently cursing his brother for managing to ruin the very moment he had been envisioning for the past five years, and your lesser than pissed off mood with him.
" Tighter squeeze than it was ten years ago" he said as he cleared his throat, a cocky smirk playing on the corner of his mouth.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" you asked, daring him to say what you already knew he meant as you crossed your arms in front of you, forming or rather forcing a barrier between you both as Tommy grunted at the sudden impact, your own subdued by the cushioning of your assets. The very same assets Tommy wished he had never mentioned now your elbows were digging into his chest.
" I'm only teasing Y/N" he surrendered, a sudden sense of seriousness over coming him after seeing the frustration rising in your face at the unexpected predicament. In any other circumstance he would have been more than happy to be stuck in a closet with you again. But the scowl on your face said enough for him to not worsen the situation with any more jokes. Instead he attempted to change the mood with a different subject of conversation and break the awkward silence that had descended on you both. " Your mum keeping well?"
" My mum?" You laughed, surprised be the very question you thought you'd never hear leave his lips considering their mutual despise for one another. " Well thanks to you she had a visit from Father Wells"
"From St Mary's ?"
" Yeh. Oh, didn't you know? She's been named the wicked witch of Small Heath" you said as Tommy furrowed his brow in confusion. " You told Finn she was a witch. Finn told every living person he could find, which caused a small gathering of panicked old ladies to demand Father Wells pay her a visit and cleanse her mind, body and soul of evil" you said as Tommy let out a scoff of a laugh at the idea his tall tale had caused quite the commotion with the senior citizens of Small Heath. "Anyway" you said letting your own amusement slip in the form of a small giggle as you looked around the room, a sight Tommy never got tired of seeing, his fingers itching to trace the curve of your smile, desperately wanting to repeat the broken moment you had shared.
" Have a look in there for something, to pick the lock with " Tommy said clearing his throat as he nodded towards the small box precariously sitting on another large stack of cardboard boxes in attempts to snap him out of his day dream your small giggle had let him wander in to. Manoeuvring your arm between the tight squeeze of your bodies pressed together you looked through the small box pulling out a book on the poet " Sir Edmund Spence" as you turned to face Tommy with a look of confusion on your face at the strangest discovery you had ever made in the Shelby home.
" Arthur reads, apparently" Tommy said, as you turned your head back to the box of items, a smile on you lips at your endearing affection for the eldest Shelby and his ever growing list of new hobbies when you leaned forward and a sharp tug on the back of your head had your wincing in pain.
"Great... My hairs stuck" you whined reaching behind your head trying to loosen your locks from the metal shelving pushing into your back. " Tommy! My hairs stuck!" You reiterated, when he didn't automatically jump to your add.
" Bloody hell. Stay still" Tommy said as he reached behind you pressing his chest into your face.
" You're squishing me " you said looking up at him as his eyes stayed fixed on the task Intrusted to him. With his attention else where you took the opportunity to take in every small detail of his face you had been missing for the past five years. Each freckle you used to spend countless hours counting when he'd sleep, his long lashes every girl south of Sparkhill envied, his plump lips that..."Ouch" you shrieked when he pulled harder than expected on your recently coiffed locks.
"Do you want my help?" He replied cocking a brow as he continued to unhook your hair from the shelf you had managed to get it knotted in.
"Just pull it out" you huffed wriggling in place.
" Fuck sake Y/N, I would if I could but it's stuck. If you'd stop bloody moving I'd be able to slide it out"
" Tommy..." you whined getting progressively inpatient as he loomed over you, increasing the already stifling heat your two bodies had managed to create in the small cramped space.
" Keep that whining up and you'll attract the rats"
" What rats?!" You yelped as your eyes darted around the room when Tommy finally unhooked your hair and sent you a wink, your face quickly dropping from a panicked wide-eyed stare into a small smile. Thank god you fell for that one, Tommy thought to himself. Watery Lane had become a new home to half the rats of Small Heath no thanks to Finn and his adamant goal on training them to do tricks for the small rodent circus he envisioned them performing in, much to Polly's dismay.
" Thanks" you said smoothing down your hair as Tommy moved his hand around from behind your head, his fingers lingering on the side of your cheek as he brushed the few whispers of hairs away from your face.
"Y/N..." He sighed cupping your cheeks in both his hands as you stood there patiently waiting, expecting him to pick up where things had ended out in the hallway. Had he lost his nerve? What was it about closets that always had this man lost for words? Either way you was not going to wait any longer to find out.
" Fuck it" you said pressing your lips to his as Tommy instantly dropped his hands to your hips pulling you closer into his hold.
" I've missed you" Tommy mumbled between breaths not wanting to part with the embrace any more than essentially necessary, the intensity of the moment catapulting you both back ten years as if you was kissing for the very first time. And just like all those many moons ago the years of suppressed need and desperation for eachother was making itself known quickly, very quickly.
" Tommy please..." You breathed heavily against his mouth as you pulled his suspenders down his arms, both lost in the moment of finally feeling each other, holding each other. As you both fumbled to undo his suit trousers a strained gasp left Tommy's throat when you slid your hand down into his briefs, the sudden feeling of your fingers wrapped around his hard length causing Tommy to stumble forward as his hand reached behind you grabbing the shelf to steady himself from the intense feeling of your touch.
" Fuck...I can't wait any longer" Tommy moaned as he reached under your dress moving your underwear to the side, his fingers ghosting over your wetness as he teased the entrance, making your head spin with desperation to feel him inside of you. Quickly pushing his trousers down, Tommy hitched up your dress as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his darkened stare filled with lust and need catching your eye as you hooked your finger into his briefs and pulled them down.
" Tommy, I..I need you..." You trailed off at the feeling of him grinding his length slowly through your wet folds as he looked down at the very sight he had spent nights fantasising about, trying with all his will power to not cum right then and there. It had been too long, too fucking long since he had last felt you.
" Fuck sweetheart" Tommy moaned, spreading your legs further apart with his knee as he lined himself up and push the head of his length inside of you." Holy...shit, you feel just as I remembered." Tommy breathed out as he pressed his forehead against yours. "Been thinking about this every night for five years" he groaned against your lips, his eyes squeezing shut as he pushed even further when his words suddenly snapped you out of the intensity of the moment.
" Wait stop, stop!" you said pushing him out of you as Tommy groaned at the loss of your heat around him, inches from being fully bottomed out.
" What...what's wrong?" Tommy breathed heavily as he looked at you pushing your dress down.
" This was a mistake." You said straightening out your clothes as his words ringed in your ears. He'd been thinking about this every night, even when he was with her, Grace. He had been wanting you every night but went to her instead. You wasn't naive enough to think that they had never had sex, but you suddenly felt sick at the mere thought of it.
" A mistake? Y/N, talk to me, what's going on?" He said pulling his trousers up as he stood behind you confused as to what he had did, what he had said.
" Every night you thought about me, every fucking night!" you cried as you slammed on the door. " Arthur open this fucking door!"
" Of course I did. What the fucks wrong with that? Didn't you think about me ?" He said trying to turn you around to face him.
" I did but not with someone else laying beside me Tommy!" You cried as you pushed his hands of you. "Did you fuck her thinking of me?" You sobbed disgusted by your own question, one some might be happy to hear that even whilst he was with another woman his thoughts were with you. But it seemed to have the opposite effect on you, you was revolted by the image of you on his mind as he fucked another woman, the same woman that had done nothing but belittle and humiliate you. Was you being irrational, were things moving to fast? Or were you trying to find a reason, any reason to halt your fragile relationship from rekindling, afraid the past would repeat itself?
"Jesus Christ" Tommy huffed as he pinched his brow at the sudden change in mood.
" Of course I fucking didn't! She meant nothing to me, I regretted it the momen..
" Only after then " you said cutting him off not wanting to hear anything he had to say about his time with her.
" You're twisting things" when had he become so bad at formulating the right words. He was beginning to think it was a skill he had perfected only for you.
" Arthur!" You banged loudly on the door, desperate to be the furthest you possibly could from the very man you had dropped everything to go and see that day.
"What in seven hell was that?" Polly said as she walked into the living room pulling the pin out of her hat as she placed her bag down onto the coffee table.
" Y/N and Tommy are working through their... differences" Arthur replied sat in an arm chair with the mornings paper on his lap.
" Oh Arthur what did you do? Actually don't tell me, I already know. You locked them in the bloody cupboard didn't you?" Polly replied as she looked up at the ceiling, your banging on the door rattling the paper thin walls.
" It's for their own good"
" Arthur, did it ever enter your new founded brilliant mind that they were actually on the right path? Tommy had apologise to her you berk! "
"How was I supposed to bloody know, I've been in London haven't I. I can't keep up, their spats change with the bloody wind! Arthur huffed throwing the Birmingham Gazette on the table in front of him.
" Jesus Christ, why do I live in a house of bloody halfwits?" Polly said shaking her head as she clutched the cross around her neck." Give me the key else we'll be calling the undertakers within the next ten minutes"
" Tom would never hurt her"
" It's not Tommy I'm worried about" she said as she hurried up the stairs holding the bottom of her dress.
" Y/N would you calm down" Tommy pleaded as you continued to hysterically pound at the door when the lock turned on the opposite side and you pushed it open, running past Polly and down the stairs out onto Watery Lane.
" What did you do now?" Polly said quirking a brow as she stood in front of the door with her arms crossed.
" At this point, breathed" Tommy huffed as leaned against the shelving in the small closet looking up at the ceiling as he finally puzzled everything together, the sudden realisation as to what his words may have meant to you, words he would have reacted as equally as angry to if he had been on the receiving end of them. It had been a one time thing, a drunken mistake he had regretted instantly. Not that his confession would ease the disgust you now felt for him. Even know you weren't together at the time, he had in that very moment when he sat at the end of the bed felt like he had cheated on you. Betrayed every declaration of love he had ever made to you, leaving him feeling physically sick with guilt as he bolted away and out the presence of the very woman he had just been intimate with.
" Penny for your thoughts?" Arthur said as he turned the corner onto the back alley of your flats a few days later.
" You don't want to hear my thoughts Arthur, and they're definitely not worth a penny" you replied sitting on the brick wall along the path, biting into an apple as you watched your freshly hanged laundry dry. Riveting.
" Why are they naughty? " he grinned as you scooted over to make room for him to sit down.
" No, murderous"
" These murderous thoughts wouldn't happen to be about a beloved brother of mine would they?" He laughed taking the apple from you as you rested your hands on the brick wall, swaying your feet back and forth as Arthur took an abnormally large bite from the last of your lunch leaving nothing left for you." Go on, tell old Arthur all about it" he said mouth half full as you scrunched your brow in amazement watching him eat down to the very core.
" Tommy's been looking for me and I've been avoiding him" you replied tucking your hair behind your ear as you looked down at the ends of your shoes.
" And why's that ay?" He asked already knowing your likely response.
" Because what's the point Arthur? We're never going to get back to how we were, back to being madly in love. Too much has happened. He did too much" you said turning your head sniffing back your tears.
" Are you pulling my leg? Back to being madly in love...you are madly in love! " Arthur chuckled as you snapped your head to him.
" I'm not joking Arthur, there's nothing left to fix" you pouted as you blinked away your tears, refusing to admit to yourself that the love you had for him was as strong as it was back then. Albeit an angrier close to committing murder kind of love.
" Ay, come on you" he sighed putting his arm around your shoulder as he watched your white linen table cloth blow in the gentle afternoon breeze. " Never seen two people in love as much you both. Even after five years of putting all us through the ringer with his bullshit Tommy never went a day without mentioning you Y/N, even if half the time it was him whinging about how you broke his poor old bloody heart first" Arthur said rolling his eyes at the very words you were convinced Tommy never went a day without letting you hear.
" Well I'm glad I wasn't the only one that had to hear that for all those years " you sniffed as a small laugh escaped your lips.
" He loves you Y/N. He's just been shit at showing it" he said as you looked up at him smiling back to you. "Please, put us out of our misery ay. I don't think I can do another five bloody years of this" he said as he squeezed you into his side rubbing your arm up and down like he was trying to start a fire with his bare hands. It was blunt, but it was to the point. Making more sense to you than the countless hours you had spent mulling in self-doubt and pity. Arthur was right could you go through another five years of this?
" Ello mate, where you been then? Out chasing rabbits old boy" Arthur said, both of you welcoming the change from the heavy conversation you'd just had as he dropped his hand down to a black and white dog slowly approaching him, his muzzle greyed by the years he had gracefully earned. " Begging now are we?" Arthur added as the four legged animal sat down in front of him, lifting his muddy paw whilst he eyed up the apple core in Arthur's hand. " Ere, you scruffy mutt" Arthur chuckled as he threw it to him, the dogs aged reflects seemingly unaffected when it came to all things edible. " Gone on, I'll see ya later" Arthur said nodding to the empty path as the dog trotted off, content with his late super firmly grasped within his mouth.
" New friend ?" You asked as you watched Arthur smooth down his stache, a smile poking through the whispers of hair.
" Gave him some leftovers few weeks back, now he won't leave me alone. Gangly looking thing ain't he? All legs and big ears" Arthur said as he watched the dog make his way down the alleyway, the sun setting down at the end of the cobbled path reflecting off the small puddles his four legged friend tip toed nimbly around.
" Bit like you then. No wonder you get along" you laughed as you looked up at the blue skies, nearly two months worth of rain finally easing up.
" Cheeky mare" Arthur said nudging his shoulder with yours as he rolled his eyes.
" How old is he?"
" Well I've counted the spots on his back, but he looks like he's been dipped in paint so I don't know"
" Arthur, he's not a ladybird"
" You're too easy Y/n " Arthur chuckled, thinking he had fooled you with his joke you was sure he had been waiting to make the moment he had conjured it up. "Nah, he's alright. He's a good boy" Arthur sniffed looking down to the end of the path as the dog stood there patiently waiting. " It's alright boy, you can go" Arthur called out with a quick nod of his head, reassuring his furred companion he'd see him again soon as he watched him walk over the small hill into the sunset disappearing from sight. " Right. Come on you. No more faffing about, let's go have a cuppa while we wait for Tommy ay? " Arthur said jumping off the wall putting his hand out for you to take as you both made your way through the alleyway, hopping over the puddles as you both giggled like two children making their way home before dark, the welcome heat of the fading sun beaming on your faces.
All day, all bloody day he'd been looking for you. Tommy thought to himself as he walked past the Garrison, the smell of beer and liquor tempting him to drown in his sorrows and abandoned any hope of finding you.
" Still breaking my Y/N's heart" he heard a voice call out on the opposite side of the street as he turned the corner onto Watery Lane, the same voice he'd been intentionally avoiding at all costs for going on five years.
" Don't you have a broom to catch?" Tommy replied as he slowed his pace, keeping a safe distance between him and the fire breathing dragon you just so happened to call mum.
" Trouble, I've been saying it for years " your mum scowled as Tommy eyed up the tea towel sat on top of her weeks shopping in the woven basket resting on her forearm, knowing his turn to feel the back of it was long overdue.
" I hope your dealings with the devil don't run in the family, because I plan on marrying your daughter and I don't fancy having to deal with her temper when it's a full moon and you lot come alive. Tommy said with a chuckle as your mother's eyes widened at the sheer cheek of the boy she'd been trying to keep you away from for as long as she could remember, for when you were together you were an unstoppable force she had no hope of winning. " Ta ra!" Tommy waved above his head as he opened the door to Watery Lane leaving your mum standing there, damning the day you and him had met.
"Two peas in a bloody pod" she huffed as she marched off down the street a small smile making itself known as she looked up at the sky. "Isn't that right my love..."
"Ay up" Arthur said over his tea cup as Tommy came stomping through the front door of Watery Lane, hair disheveled a look of shear frustration on his face as you looked up from your lap.
" Been giving me the runaround all day eh?" Tommy said as he threw his cap on the table, brushing his hand threw his hair with the other.
" I don't know what you're talking about" you replied complacently as you leaned back into the plush armchair whilst Arthur stood in the corner, a smirk on his lips as he watched the drama about to unfold over the warm cup of tea in his hands.
" Right. Enough" Tommy said pointing his finger at you as he marched over. " Stand up, come on, up" he said pulling you to your feet by your arms. " I'm sorry alright, I'm fucking sorry. For all of it" he said cupping your cheeks in his hands as he dipped his head down to look directly into your eyes. " Just one more chance ey? God knows I'm a miserable bastard without you..."
" Ain't that the bloody truth" Arthur interrupted rolling his eyes as he poured two fingers of whisky into his drink.
"... sweetheart, please" he said rubbing his thumb across you chin as he leaned in and rested his forehead on yours. " I can't do this without you Y/N " he said quietly squeezing his eyes shut as he waited for a response, feeling like it was the longest wait of his life than the few seconds it actually took for you to respond.
" One more chance " you replied as Tommy's eyes flew open.
" Yeh?"
" Yeh" you smiled as Tommy crashed his lips onto yours holding you tightly in his arms.
" 'Bout bloody time" Arthur cheered raising his tea that contained more whisky than it did anything else into the air.
" I love you Y/N Y/L/N"
" I love you Thomas Shelby" you said wrapping your legs around his waist as he lifted you up into his body, lips intertwined in an unstoppable embrace.
" Right, I'm off out then" Arthur said raising his brows as he downed his drink as quick as humanly possible " Make sure you turn that gramophone on ay, nobody wants to hear five bleeding years of making up" Arthur chuckled as he scrambled for his coat and hat heading for the door having already seen enough of your and Tommy's passionate display of reconciliation. Together at last. All it took was five years and some wise words from a gangly Shelby who had made it his life mission to not only never let your smile fade but to bring you and his baby brother back together, even if it did mean locking you in a closet.
" Tommy" you said, your head resting against his bare chest and his lazily stroked up and down your back.
" Mmm?" He hummed, his eyes shut, a content smile on his face as sleep beckoned him. He wasn't a young adult anymore, five years of making up had exhausted him. He was convinced he had beat an all time world record in the past twenty-four hours something he was now secretly proud off, maybe his greatest accomplishment yet. At Least now he could say his little white lie ten years ago had been achievable.
" What do you think we'll be doing ten years from now?" You said as Tommy opened his eyes turning his head to you.
" How did I know you was gonna ask me that ey" Tommy replied, brushing his nose with yours as he cupped the side of your face.
" Tommy.."
" The same thing sweetheart, cross my heart and all that" he said feeling his eyes get heavy with sleep again.
"I'm serious Tommy"
" So am I. No more looking back eh? Only looking beside me, you next to me holding my hand like it should've always been. I promise you that" he said pecking his lips to yours as he brought you further into his body, not only promising to you but himself to never let the past repeat itself. Thomas Michael Shelby, the man who had enough stubbornness to endure five years worth of self-inflicted heartache finally felt at peace, the one person he had dreamt to hold in his arms again now permanently by his side. He may not have shown it how he'd intended to do to, but he had always, and would always be, hopelessly devoted to you.
The End.
There we are everyone, we've come to the end of the story for Y/N and Tommy. As always, I want to thank you all for the love you have shown this series. I know I say it all the time but you have blown me away with your incredible support, I appreciate it more than you can imagine. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments on the ending of this rollercoaster of a story. Thank you to each and every one of you, my lovely readers.
Brummie xxx
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soleilnomoon · 2 years ago
My friend, I heard it's the cool thing to leave things in your inbox and I want to be like the cool kids so here I am. How about a scenario with Kurosaki Ichigo trying to convince S/O to ask HIM out instead of him just doing the asking out himself? It can be whatever you want it to be: comedy, romance, fluff, smut. The choice is yours *finger guns*
sora... love of my life, light in my eyes, wind beneath my wings, etc. etc. etc. u have been so patient, and i'd apologize but u already know what kind of drama this fic put me thru!!! anyway!!! this was a labor of love (as always) yk i only ever want the best for u bbgorl đŸ„°ïžđŸ„°ïžđŸ„°ïž
5.9k words (DONT LOOK AT ME OMG), fem reader, nsfw, 18+, mdni; there's fluff i promise (who am i), angst bc why not, mutual pining, and smut; ichigo... is a dumbass, and i like seeing him suffer; i also like seeing reader suffer; a wild orihime appears! and some other miscreants. feat. cute things like: hair pulling, slight exhibitionism (shhh), oral (m receiving), dry humping, kIsSiNg, idk alcohol but a tiny bit; ichigo is down bad ok, idk what to tell u; reader is also down bad but she thinks she's being stealthy abt it. (if u see any typos/grammatical errors shhh no u didn't)
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“imprison me in your name, let love kill me.” — mahmoud darwish
i love you, with a touch of tragedy and quite madly.” — simone de beauvoir
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SUNDAY — 12:01 a.m.
in such a vast, mostly unexplored universe — where curses and wishes exist ubiquitously, teetering on opposite ends of a complicated spectrum of morality — there is one universal truth: love is a fucking battlefield. such is the woe of one kurosaki ichigo as he navigates through the various intricacies involved with such a strong emotion. if it was up to him, he wouldn’t suffer through it — but it’s not. his heart is incredibly foolish, his mind even more so; and despite what others might think, he’s not exactly as confident in his capabilities in romance. which is why he’s resorted to mapping out different ways to get you to do the work for him.
mostly because he can’t bear the agonizing feelings that come with vulnerability. so, rather than him ask you out, he’s attempting to get you to do it instead. inspiration strikes when he’s sitting at his desk after midnight, textbooks and notebooks strewn about, his studying long forgotten. ichigo spends an hour or so mulling over the hows and whys of everything, when a brilliant idea — or, series of brilliant ideas, rather — suddenly pops into his head. tearing out a piece of paper from his notebook, he scribbles down his thoughts, as if he’s afraid they’ll leave him forever if he doesn’t find a way to hold onto them. by the time he finishes, his hand is covered in splotches of ink, but he’s satisfied with his work.
he’s not completely sure if it’ll all pan out the way he wants, but he’s willing to give it a shot.
MONDAY — 10:56 a.m
it’s out of pure coincidence that he runs into you at the convenience store. you’re in an aisle with items that are on sale — a mega sale, at that — perusing through the little tubes of lotion and hand sanitizer, admiring the cute designs on each bottle, contemplating how many to buy. he’s tall enough that he spots you before you see him — which takes a long damn time, if he’s honest — but as you busy yourself looking at different items on the shelves, he takes to watching you from afar.
there’s something frighteningly beautiful about the way you make simple things look graceful and magical. from the way you carefully drag your fingertip along the labels, admiring the designs, giggling at some cute artwork; to the way you tilt your head, confusion clouding your vision as you debate internally over which product to buy; to the way you decide to shove as many items into your basket as possible, face flushed at the impropriety of purchasing so many — but they’re on sale, so you justify your shopping before you head to the cashier.
the entire time you move around, you feel his eyes on you; while he might think he’s being stealthy, you’re very aware of his presence. and how could you not be? ichigo isn’t someone you can ignore — nor would you ever try to, he’s such a dynamic person, kind without realizing, stubborn and silly, and, more importantly, incredibly handsome. you think it’s cute how he slinks through each aisle to follow you carefully — dressed as inconspicuously as possible — ducking whenever you turn your face to try and catch him, except he’s so damn tall that he can’t really hide too well.
still, you let him continue playing his little game, and head to the register to check out. maybe he’ll eventually let you in on whatever it is he’s planning if you play along. but he never approaches you, doesn’t call after you when you leave the store, which only leaves disappointment and confusion to fester around your stomach. he curses under his breath as he watches you walk further and further away from him; he’d meant to say something, to call out to you earlier, but nerves got the best of him, and he couldn’t bring himself to do it.                                                                                             
TUESDAY — 3:39 p.m.
the library is packed, students crammed into each seat and table along the first few floors. after the fiasco from yesterday, ichigo is that much more determined to make sure that things go according to plan today. again, it’s out of pure coincidence, that he’s also at the library around the same time you are. it’s almost instinctual, the way he spots you right away; he admires the shape of your calves, the way your skirt sits snugly around your wide hips, barely reaching the middle of your thick thighs.
it’s impossible for him not to watch you, not when you pause to look around the floor for an empty seat — teeth sinking into your bottom lip, lashes fluttering every time you blink. he knows how much you hate being in crowds of people, how your focus wanes if there’s too much noise around, and how you like to be away from any sort of distraction — you’re quite the dedicated student, he supposes.
so, it’s no surprise that you bypass the floor he’s on and scurry up the stairs, hand gliding up the wooden railing; an innocuous move that has him clench the pencil in his hand tight enough to crack it. he’s suddenly hit with the desire to be a damn railing — an odd, maddening feeling as absurd as it is debilitating. he almost doesn’t hear his name being called, but he does eventually look away and he’s intercepted by orihime and tatsuki. they implore him to sit with their group to study, much to his annoyance because you’ve left his sight and now he wants to go find you.
but he’ll deal need to deal with them, first.
ichigo reluctantly agrees — only after orihime gives him a sweet, yet pleading look, and tatsuki smirks and mouthing what now, almost as if she’s challenging him to defy their request — and plops down on an empty chair. his long legs knock into the neighboring chair and his complaints are ignored by his friends.
you struggle as you lug your heavy bag upstairs to the fourth floor; it’s eerie there, much too quiet, and for some reason people stay away from it. superstitions run rampant around campus about how everyone who studies on the fourth floor happens to fail every exam and assignment. you’re not one to believe in stupid shit like that, but you do say a quick prayer before settling down on one of the lone tables in the middle of the floor. despite being relatively empty, it’s well-kept and very tidy.
sunlight filters through the thick glass of the windows, illuminating the dated furniture and archaic books that litter the bookshelves nearby. it takes a few minutes, but you set up your textbooks and notes so you can review for your upcoming exam. ten minutes pass before you groan for the fifth time and place your face in your hands. you thought that studying by yourself would give you some distance from ichigo, but unfortunately, he’s been on your mind since yesterday. you chew on your thumbnail and consider your options; for whatever reason, he’s too dense to realize that you like him, but maybe you’ll need to be more forthcoming and upfront — maybe even dangle some bait to encourage him.
WEDNESDAY — 8:12 p.m.
after your first round of exams, you invite ichigo over to your apartment for a movie — a small, celebratory break in between midterms. your argument is sound — although, he would’ve agreed regardless — and he volunteers to come with plenty of snacks. all you can do is nod, you’re much too captivated by the shape of his jaw and with how his lips stretch into a smile. absolutely infuriating. all it does is make him radiate like some damn sun god, and you’re offended by it.
and for some reason, a small flutter in your chest causes you to inhale a sharply — thankfully you’re already on your way out of the lecture hall, walking swiftly in the hopes of permanently ridding yourself of whatever this is. you spend the next few hours obsessively scrubbing and organizing your apartment; by the time ichigo arrives, you’re physically exhausted. you miscalculated quite a bit, naively thinking that a bit of manual labor would cure you of your burdensome desire. but it doesn’t. if anything, you think about him even more. how will you survive with him alone with you during the night?
he's in a similar predicament, having spent the duration of his afternoon obsessively thinking about how best to deal with you — the situation was rather stressful, and while he could just sit down and talk with you honestly, it seemed more appropriate to approach things this way instead. he’s been to your place a handful of times, and he commits just a bit more to memory whenever he can. you’re a colorful person with plants hanging and stacked around cutely; you have an affinity for cooking and have artsy pieces scattered throughout your apartment. it fits you perfectly, and he likes how much more relaxed you are whenever you’re away from campus.
“you weren’t kidding when you said bring a lot of snacks,” you say, disrupting his thoughts, voice light and melodic. you eye the bags in his hands and offer to grab a few; ichigo frowns and lifts the bags away and over your head.
“they’re not heavy,” he says gruffly. he rolls his eyes while walking around you, legs carrying him quickly to the living room. if he didn’t give himself some space, your perfume would hold him hostage again; the last time he was this close, the scent of warm apples and sweet strawberries clung to his lungs with every inhale for at least a week. if he’s not careful, he’ll willingly fall into your trap all over again.
he places the bags on the coffee table before sitting on the couch, legs spread wide as he leans back. he appreciates how comfortable it is — with cushions soft enough to easily lull him to sleep. he fights it, of course, especially when you sit down next to him, thigh casually pressed against his. you don’t seem as bothered about this as he is, and when you cross one shapely leg over the other, he covertly adjusts himself while you’re preoccupied with the tv, leisurely scrolling through the options with the remote.
if he has to pinpoint what to blame, specifically, he’ll say it’s your exposed shoulders and flimsy shorts, your round breasts that stretch out your shirt, and your continued insistence on not wearing a bra whenever you’re alone with him.
he swallows hard and reaches down for one of the water bottles he brought along with the snacks; in the middle of him chugging half of the bottle, you place a hand on his thigh and give it a squeeze. he chokes and coughs a bit, hand clutching the bottle harder than he means to, making the remaining liquid shoot out and splash onto your arm and shirt. a deep flush crawls onto his face and ears as he mumbles an apology; you press your lips together, but barely contain your laughter.
“ichigo, what the hell was that?” you’re grinning so hard that your cheeks hurt. he turns his face and wipes some water from his chin with the back of his hand. “it’s not a big deal, really.” and it isn’t. honestly. you finally pick a movie — something gory and full of suspense — and settle back next to him, body pressed closely to his. the water didn’t help, and your hand is back on his thigh, stroking up and down. you’re not sure what possesses you to do it, but the compulsion hit you hard the moment you saw him sitting on your couch. it’s a pet peeve of yours whenever people take up that much space — the habit is obnoxious and selfish — but since he looks so damn good doing it, you give him an eternal pass.
even through the denim of his jeans, he can feel the heat radiating off of your hand, especially when you brush against his bulge, making his erection that much more painful. his cock is thick and heavy, precum drips through his underwear as he clenches his jaw and inhales through his nostrils. you watch him through your lashes and rub your hand up and down his stiff length. his eyes track your movements, the way your tongue darts out and briefly runs along your lips; he’s sure he could cum just by watching you do that over and over again.
maybe he needs help, or maybe he needs to investigate your lips and tongue properly.
as if commanded by an invisible puppeteer, you lean closer and place a hand on his chest; if there was ever a moment for ichigo to act impulsively, it’s now. he tangles his fingers in your dark curls, firmly gripping, tugging you towards him. he slants his lips against yours, tongue licking inside your mouth, caressing your tongue, bringing a heat through your body, an inferno that won’t ever be satisfied. you climb onto his lap, chest heaving, mumbling nonsense like “what took you so long,” and “stop teasing me, please”, kisses growing sloppy and urgent.
whatever sliver of restraint he has vanishes completely once you grind your hips against his, that familiar ache swirling around your abdomen casts a haze over your mind, making your logic nonexistent. his hands settle on your hips, gripping them hard enough to make you gasp and whine, arousal slipping between your folds and dampening your panties. you roll your hips, slowly at first but picking up the pace when ichigo brings a hand to your ass and slaps it. the sting has you jutting your hips forward, pussy bucking against his clothed cock, moaning pathetically against his lips.
if this is a dream, please don’t wake him; there’s a low pounding in his ears, and he takes a moment to admire the curve of your round ass, cupping it playfully. your nails sink into his shoulders, and he hisses while littering kisses along your jaw and down your throat. you bite down on your lip, stifling another moan. the movie long forgotten, you let out a small squeal when he sucks on your skin — teeth and tongue marking you, goosebumps pricking your arms and legs. you know there’ll be a bruise tomorrow, but you don’t care; he can leave as many marks as he likes.
you almost tell him as much, mouth opening, words stumbling over one another. “ichigo, i—”
several loud knocks on your door — accompanied by the terribly obnoxious ringing from your doorbell — has you scrambling off of his lap, face flushed and warm. you practically sprint towards the door, although you pause to catch your breath and fix your clothes a bit. ichigo lets out a frustrated groan, arousal pummeling into him, making it hard to think straight. he hadn’t planned on moving from his spot on the couch, but when he hears multiple voices coming from the front door, cowardice wins out and he hides in your bathroom. it takes five minutes for his cock to settle down, but when he goes to join you in the living room again, several of your friends are eating and lounging around on the floor and couch.
ever the gracious host, you’re pouring drinks for everyone, only pausing when you catch ichigo watching you. already your voice is an octave too high, your panties are clinging to your pussy, damp from your slick arousal. you do your best to not make large movements, preferring to keep your thighs as close together as possible.
annoyance pricks along the back of his neck as keigo clinks shot glasses with mizuiro; he didn’t think that telling them about his plans with you would lead to everyone else showing up too. now there are plans of ordering pizza and wings, of playing drinking games. and naturally tatsuki volunteers ichigo to go pick the food up. he shoots you an apologetic look, one that you wave away noncommittally. you know it’s not really his fault, his friends are just like that. still, you make sure to keep your hair down to obscure the various marks on your skin. you frown a bit when ichigo leaves but fix your features when orihime bounces over to you.
with a tilt of her head, eyes wide and bright, clear and strangely critical, she asks, “what’s wrong?” you know she means well, but you’d rather not discuss the fact that you were seconds away from pulling ichigo’s cock out and riding him until your pussy gave out when they all decided to come over.
“hm?” you try to clear your mind and adopt a friendly smile, “nothing’s wrong, just a little tired.” it’s true, though; you really are tired. all that studying, all that obsessing, it’s bound to make a girl exhausted. you can tell that she wants to press the issue, but in typical orihime fashion, she smiles and leaves it at that. the noisiness only serves to sober you up, but you doubt you’ll be able to sate the desire that steadily keeps building inside of you.
THURSDAY — 1:43 p.m.
tatsuki drags you and orihime to the gym, claiming that running is good for the soul — or something to that effect. you vaguely remember promising her last night, after downing one too many shots of whiskey, that you’d gladly accompany her to work out. your head throbs, your hangover a reoccurring nightmare, one that seems to follow you around all day. you try weaseling out, try to flake, but tatsuki is determined and stubborn as hell. you both admire and despise her for it right now.
you take it easy and stretch with the girls, before heading towards the treadmills. what some might consider benevolence on the universe’s part, ichigo considers cruelty; case in point, the fact that you’re here in the gym, when he knows for a fact that you’re not the exercising type — you’ve blurted this out more times than he can count, which is why he remembers. he drops from the pull up bar and grabs his towel to wipe his face, chest constricting, breathing ragged at the sight of you.
in the back of his mind, he understands that your attire is practical, he’s also quickly aroused by it; your leggings cling to your legs, highlighting your curves, stretching tight around your ass. your tank top flowing, your breasts almost spilling out of your sports bra, it was too much for him to handle at once. incidentally, you feel that ichigo working out shirtless should be illegal; your throat dries as your eyes travel along his broad chest, a ravenous hunger taking hold of your senses, that bothersome ache returning as you press your thighs together. you didn’t realize you’d stopped walking to watch him, muscles firm and thick, sweat clinging to his skin.
tatsuki calls your name repeatedly, and you have to remind yourself that you’re here to exercise and not gawk. it’s then that it dawns on you, your brain will never function properly around him — now that you’ve felt him, you lack focus. his sweatpants sit low on his hips, causing you to actually lose your damn balance; it’s partially comical, but mostly pathetic when you trip over your feet and helplessly fall onto the floor. your hands ball into fists, fingers curled inward, nails leaving tiny indents into your palms. you barely feel it, though, you’re too busy trying to regulate your breathing.
“y/n are you okay?” orihime rushes to help you stand back up; your face burns and you know that if you don’t put some distance between you and ichigo quickly, you’ll end up embarrassing yourself even more.
“yep, just peachy!” the lie is flimsy and you know that she doesn’t buy it, but you’re sticking with it. the truth is just too pitiful. ichigo frowns, fingers twitching as he grips the bar harder. you’re normally not that clumsy, and he’s half tempted to go and see if you’re okay. but the girls crowd you and he knows he’ll only make things worse if he interferes. you finally find a treadmill and even though you should probably stay off of it, you decide to use it anyway. you set a decent speed and fix the incline, opting to jog until your legs give out. if you suffer one more transgression, you’ll never be able to face ichigo again. already you feel that familiar burning sensation in your thighs, but you don’t stop; you’re not sure how long you keep at it, but ichigo is long gone when your body has finally had enough.
you drink some water and try to catch your breath. your mind is buzzing; you wish it was ichigo who helped you up instead. it’s a strange thing to be disappointed about, but you can’t stop imagining his strong arms wrapped around your soft waist. a lightheaded feeling takes over, you’re not sure how much more you can take; you’re barely surviving as is with minimal interactions with him.
he heads straight for the locker room as soon as he’s done with his last rep; no amount of cold water from the shower can snap him out of the daze you put him in. everything about you is dizzying, and just remembering how your lips and hands were on him, how soft your ass was, how he was so close to sinking his cock into your pussy the night before, makes his cock hard all over again. he has enough sense to ignore it, but he saw you jogging and nearly fell off the pull up bar. you’re dangerous, that much is certain; he’s never been this captivated by a person, so it’s almost as if he’s navigating through new territory.
“fucking ridiculous,” he says bitterly and turns off the shower so he can get dressed. he knows what he needs to do, he just needs everyone in his life to stop interfering so he can properly talk with you alone.
FRIDAY — 6:15 p.m.
for whatever reason, his friends conspire together and decide to do dinner at orihime’s house. rukia and tatsuki both shoo orihime out of the kitchen, not wanting to deal with whatever strange concoction her impulses come up with. it’s meant to be a casual affair, which he reminds you again when he stops by your apartment to pick you up. ichigo raids your fridge for something to munch on while he waits, and after fifteen minutes, he makes his way down the narrow hallway to your room. the door is open, so he assumes you must be all done, walking in without announcing himself properly.
there are several outfits strewn about on your bed; after the fourth one, you huff and stomp around your room, the carpet soft underneath your feet as you try to reason with yourself. it’s really because you’re nervous that ichigo asked you to go with him — as his date. or, at least, you’re sure that’s what he meant by inviting you to the dinner. you told ichigo you wouldn’t take long, but that was clearly a lie — not an intentional one, but a lie nonetheless.
“are you still not done?” he pauses, eyes landing on your half naked body; he gets hard instantly at the sight of your soft stomach and thick thighs. you’re too focused on your current crisis that you barely register that he’s in your room as you head back into the closet to look for another dress. if he had better morals and sense, he’d leave you to get dressed at your own pace; but, unfortunately for him, his body is the worst kind of traitor. this has been the longest week of his entire life, but he’s thankful that he has you to himself again.
you put on a new dress and flip your hair over your shoulder. “help me, please.” because your arms are still sore from working out and you figure there’s no harm in asking for his assistance. his heart lodges itself in the base of his throat, hands shaking a bit — nerves or excitement, he’s not sure — but he manages to tug the small zipper up without much issue. his hands linger on your hips, cock stiff as it angrily presses against the front of his pants.
suddenly, you’re very, very aware of how close he’s standing.
he knows that if he doesn’t let go of you, he’ll feel inclined to skip the dinner altogether. but he doesn’t want to deal with the repercussions of flaking, so he decides against it. he does, however, brush his lips along the side of your neck, leaving behind a trail of slow kisses. you’re teetering over the edge, falling further under his spell as his hands roam along your body, roughly kneading your breasts over the fabric of your dress.
you test the proverbial waters and rub your ass against his bulge, which prompts him to bite your neck in warning. you let out a small yelp and softly moan his name; you end up losing more of your composure when he turns you around and kisses you. his appetite is insatiable, his kisses feverish and demanding, a frenzied whirlwind that has you unbuckling his pants and tugging his zipper down to pull out his cock.
his imagination will never compare — your hands are still soft as ever, even as they grip him eagerly, twisting while pumping up and down his length. he hisses when you rub your thumb against the tip and kisses you ardently, tongue brazen as it swirls around yours before sucking on it. you rub your thighs together, breathing unevenly, his kisses scalding and potent. you pry yourself away from him and sink to your knees, tongue running flat against his length, circling around his thick head of his cock and licking the precum that seeps out of his slit.
ichigo’s moans echo in your room, bouncing off the walls, prompting you to open your mouth so you can take in as much of him as you can. he presses a fist to his mouth when you start bobbing your head, cheeks hollowed, mouth hot and tight; you caress his balls with your free hand, enjoying the way his cheeks are flushed and the way he licks his lips while looking down at you. he doesn’t think when he grabs your head and starts fucking your mouth and doesn’t think when you hold onto his thighs and relax your jaw to accommodate for his girth.
 you can’t lie, you’ve been dreaming about this for longer than you care to admit — it’s almost embarrassing how badly you’ve wanted to have his cock in your mouth, but you never imagined that ichigo would be like this; rough, clumsy, but every bit as tantalizing as ever. you let him have his way, using your mouth and throat as he thrusts his cock deeper. you gag but maintain eye contact, tears streaming down your cheeks at the ferocity of his thrusts.
you know something must be wrong with you because your panties are soaked, the ache building from deep inside, bubbling and pushing you closer to the edge. you like this side of him, the one that’s a little unhinged and feral, a man possessed with a certain goal on his mind. he knows he should be a bit gentler, but the way you’re looking at him, like you’re more than pleased with how he’s handling you, convinces him otherwise.
“fuck,” he pants, breath coming out in shallow puffs. his phone rings, startling both of you; he wants to ignore it but has a feeling that it’s one of his friends asking for his whereabouts. he pulls out of your mouth, drool spilling down your chin. he has so many things that he wants to say to you, but none of them come to mind. you’re not ready for any of this to end, so you motion for him to pick up the phone and stroke his cock again.
he hesitates only for a moment, but you have a mischievous look on your face, and he knows better than to test your patience right now. “w-what is it?” he asks when he answers the phone, voice low and husky, a shiver sliding down your spine when you suck on the head of his cock. he clamps his mouth shut in the hopes of keeping as quiet as possible, but mizuiro sounds so concerned and keeps asking why he’s giving him one- or two-word responses. however, ichigo’s desire to fuck you is greater than his guilt; besides, he realizes, belatedly, that you want someone to catch him like this.
it's hot, he won’t lie. and he’d indulge you more, but with the way you’re stroking and sucking his cock, he doubts he’ll be able to tolerate a full conversation with mizuiro — especially as he drones on about how imperative it is for ichigo to keep his promises.
blah, blah, blah.
he cuts the conversation short, tossing the phone onto the floor behind him. he grabs onto your arm, hauls you to your feet, and his mouth is on yours again. orihime’s dinner party is the last thing on both of your minds, not when he leaves you breathless, kissing you until your lips are swollen, lipstick smeared. his hands are on the move again as he tugs your dress off of you, mouth placing messy kisses down your chest, teeth tugging on your hardened nipples before sucking on them. it’s impossible to keep steady when each ichigo’s mouth is ruining your life in the best way possible.
your arousal clings to the inner parts of your thighs, you’re practically begging him to fuck you, words barely coherent as you fuss at him, but he understands you just fine. after pulling the rest of his clothes off, he picks you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist as he holds you against the wall. if he were a better man, he’d have the courtesy to fuck you on your bed; but he isn’t thinking properly, and he’s tired of playing around. he snakes a hand lower, fingers rubbing your pussy, dragging needy whimpers out of you.
“ichigo, damn it,” your frustration is cute and he can’t help but continue to tease you. he slides his fingers into your tight, needy hole, fingers sinking deeply without much resistance.
“you’re so wet, i don’t think i need to prep you at all.” he’s impressed, actually and likes how your pussy keeps sucking his fingers back in every time he pulls them back. you buck your hips against his hand, and if it wasn’t for his arm holding you securely, you’d fall over with ease.
you can barely look at him, cheeks permanently flushed as you moan loudly for him. “that’s it,” he coaches, thumb circling around your clit, fingers scissoring roughly, “you want me to fuck you that badly?”
your eyes grow wide but you nod and breathe out a, “yes. i’ve been waiting for so damn long.” the confession surprises him, as he was under the impression that he was the only one who suffered the entire time. and, because his cock is running the show, he plucks his fingers out of you, lines his tip with your entrance and slams his cock inside. you claw at the back of his neck and all along his chest, legs trembling as his hips knock against yours roughly. nothing could prepare him for the way your plush, gummy walls suffocate him — wet and warm, a snug fit that he’ll never tire of.
you move your hips in tandem with his, matching the timing of his thrusts, as you press sloppy kisses along his jaw, nails raking down his broad back. ichigo’s hips rock forward, cock burrowing deeper with each stroke. both of you are at your limits, he knows he won’t last much longer, but he’ll try his best anyway. his pace quickens, your pussy making lewd, squelching noises, your wetness coating his cock prettily. your breasts bounce as he fucks you harder, your voice growing hoarse from how loud you are, enticing him to pound into you wildly.
he licks the base of your throat, groaning against your skin when you roll your hips, cunt full as his cock is buried to the hilt; his tip hits a spot that makes you hold onto him tighter, breathing shallow as you call out his name. he commits the moment to memory — something to look back on late at night — thoroughly enjoying how you’re writhing underneath him. he angles his hips, keeps them closer to yours, bucking against you recklessly — his cock bringing about an incurable madness that takes over your entire being.
maybe it’s because you’ve been denying yourself for so long — or maybe it’s because you’ve been teasing one another all week — but you feel as if a bit of weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. his balls are heavy, each slap against your ass makes you clench around him more. he rubs your clit, firm small circles that send tiny jolts throughout your body. your back arches as your walls spasm, fluttering around his cock, hips stuttering under his powerful thrusts. the orgasm leaves you dazed, eyes rolling back, your cunt puffy but greedy as it milks him shamelessly.
he never pegged you for a squirter, yet you keep defying his expectations. you want to bury your head underground for eternity, hating the way your orgasm has you incapacitated, slumping over him while your wetness spills onto your carpet.
ichigo keeps fucking you until his hips jerk, rhythm disrupted, cum thick and hot as it spills inside of you. he humps you lazily and you pepper his face with wet kisses, his heart leaping out of his chest as your fingers sift through his hair. both of you are sweaty and out of breath, but when you look up at him, something close to adoration flits across his face. you’re not sure if that’s a post-orgasm sort of thing, but you’ll take it for what it is.
you brush your lips against his, gently kissing him, and ask if he still wants to go to dinner. ichigo shoots you an incredulous look and you laugh in response. “okay, okay,” you pat his chest gently, “boyfriends shouldn’t look at their girlfriends like that.” you say it casually enough that it feels like a joke, but you’re too damn nervous to look at him to see his reaction.
his ears grow hot and he presses his lips together for a moment before mumbling a, “sorry, won’t happen again.” you pinch his cheek and playfully lick at his lips. a warmth travels to your chest, nestles into the crevices that line the inside of your heart, and makes you want to kiss him all over again. he takes that as a sign of forgiveness — although he isn’t actually sure if you meant it or not — and carries you over to your bed. while he initially set out to get you to confess first, somewhere along the way, his mission fell apart. still, he can’t say he’s unhappy about the outcome. and, sure, his friends might give him an earful for missing out on dinner, but he’s much more content and comfortable being with you right now to care.
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kimtaesss · 2 years ago
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Summary: being friends for 10 years means nothing, especially when he betrays your trust so easily.
Pairings: Jungkook x reader; Taehyung x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, friends to (?)
Warnings: straight off the bat, it’s a long introduction (sorry!!); y/n is straight up throwing up emotions ( mostly sad ones); Taehyung is being the sweetheart he is but also being more bold..; y/n not having a backbone but attempting to have one; Jungkook is Jungkook. ANGST and more ANGST.
Authors note: hey everyone! it’s finally posted after a month of waiting (maybe a bit more). I’m so sorry for the wait, but I finally finished my midterms and should be able to post more frequently; without waiting for a long period of time. This is a very angsty chapter, and contains a bit of each characters story, which I think it’s important and necessary to see how it shaped them to be the way they are. Anyways, hoped you enjoy it!! Also it’s 2 in the morning for me, so please ignore the spelling errors and typos. I tried to find every single one of them so hopefully there’s none!!
Masterlist | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
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It’s funny the way the world works. It really is. It’s like you have this amazing guy in front of you, who genuinely cares for you, and makes sure to show it. And then you have an asshole right next to him, but still try to find some good in him. And like the dumbass you clearly are, you fall for the asshole.
Maybe it’s the way you grew up, or maybe you just don’t know how to choose wisely. Frankly whatever the answer is, you need a solution to it. You hated feeling this emptiness, and heaviness in your chest. You hated seeing the way, he falls for girls so easily, but you’re almost invisible to him. He moves right past you, to follow the girl behind you. His eyes never match up to your eyes, and he never once was attentive to your feelings, and body language.
You were always quite open about your feelings. Not always verbally, but your body sure did talk for you. Maybe that’s why you felt more disappointed, when he claimed to ‘not know you were feeling that way’.
“I’m so stupid” you mutter, afraid a stranger that was passing by heard you. You knew you’re already getting a few stares, and you cared, you cared too much. You immediately felt your throat closing, as you hold back all the emotions that you were feeling in that moment. The pain was unbearable. It felt as if they were tearing your insides, and you were slowly shutting down.
You take your phone out of your back pocket, and look at the lockscreen. The picture of you and Jungkook, when you were both in a Hawaii, celebrating your job promotion. He had it all planned out, and it was the most beautiful and ridiculous moment you’ve loved to relived.
For many reasons, actually. For one, it was one of the few times you’ve both genuinely interacted with one another. He only paid attention to you, well of course a few girls caught his eye. A few caught yours. But he wasn’t purposely trying to find them, and leave you behind. He was making dumb jokes, as you both had your daily walks. He would carry you, when you would get exhausted after a couple of minutes of walking. He would embarrass himself, when you felt too insecure to step out of your room. He would do the most to make sure you felt secure, loved, and cherished.
But that all changed. He changed. And with that so did your friendship. But when your friendship changed, it’s like people were desperately trying to see it for themselves. Because every time Jungkook would ditch you, flat out embarrass you, there was always someone watching your humiliation.
You instantly examine your surroundings, and attempt to find a hidden spot for you to let it out. A great sob escaped your lips, and you covered your face with shaking hands.
You bawl your eyes out, as your knees are pressed against your chest. You’re rocking like a child in its crib, and it’s almost scary to see yourself. Which is why you choose to not do exactly that.
Your phone buzzes, and you’re afraid to look at the screen. Because in that process of answering you’ll see your lock-screen again. And there is only so much you could bear. But then again, you got a ride from Taehyung, so maybe this was a way for you to get a ride home. Although you don’t want anyone to see you in this state.
“Hello” your voice comes out shaky, and you want to curse yourself out for not being able to hold still for a mere second.
The person on the other line was clearly taken aback from your voice crack, and your sniffling. You almost want to make another comment, but you’re unsure if your voice would cooperate with you this time. So you decide to wait it out, and hope it’s sooner than later.
“Hey y/n, are you okay?”
Well are you? No. But you don’t want him to know that. Even though you’re sure, he knows something is up.
You instantly knew who it was. Taehyung. God, why is he so damn nice? Why does he makes this so much harder for you? It’s not his fault, and you know this. It’s not like you’re trying to put the blame on him, but he’s exactly what you want to see in Jungkook. Attentive and caring. But since Jungkook isn’t like that, it makes you wonder, why him? If you so desperately want someone like Taehyung, why haven’t you fallen for him?
It’s your damn heart, that likes to play games with you. What other explanation is there for you to be acting like a damn fool. None. But as you’re mentally speaking to yourself, the silence on your side of the phone call makes him speak again.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt or bother you, but I never got a message back from you, and I was worried about you. I just want to make sure you’re safe” his voice is soft and almost careful, as he makes sure to not say something that could potentially cause you more pain.
You don’t know this, how could you. But Taehyung was across the street, looking at your fragile state. He witnessed everything, and he can’t help but blame himself once again. Why does he keep letting you go with him? He knows how he is, and yes, so do you. But for some reason, you’re filled with an enormous amount of love for him, that it cancels out all the bad. Well, not all the bad, but enough for you to keep letting him in.
“Yeah.. I’m-I’m just getting ready for bed” You stutter as you spit out a random excuse. It’s like you were trying to get caught up in your lie. You bite on your lower lip, to prevent any noise to come out of your mouth.
It breaks his heart seeing you so bravely hide your pain. Because it was brave the way you attempted to shield your pain, the pain Jungkook caused you.
“Y/n, I’m in no way trying to overstep any boundaries, and I understand you don’t want to speak on this matter, but can I just say something really quick?”
You really don’t want to hear it. But you need to.
“Yes” You inhale and exhale, as you try to compose yourself to be fully prepared to hear his comment.
“You are a gorgeous and strong woman, despite the fact that you like to claim you aren’t. And I understand that it’s because of personal reasons, but I’m telling you as a friend, you are every thing I have described. So I just want to ask you, would you prefer an Uber, or me to pick you up”
He’s sure you’re confused, especially in the way he set up his comment; but frankly speaking, he was just trying to remind you of who you are. And asking for help, isnt going to make you less of that. Asking for help, won’t make you weak, or whatever negative perspective you have on that.
He just wanted to remind you of his presence in your life, as a friend. Even though, he wished it more of than that. He still appreciates and accepts that he’s just a friend.
You couldn’t help but ignore the comments he made before, even though they are imprinted in your mind and heart. “What do you mean pick me up?”
He takes a deep breathe, and simply says, “You don’t have to tell me what happened, or even speak to me. But I know you’re not home y/n, and I really don’t want to intrude, but I’d hate myself more if you walked home at this time, then knowing you could have a secure ride”
“How do you know that” you looked left and right, and even in front of you to see if you could spot him. And you couldn’t, which lead you to be more confused. Because how exactly did he know this?
It terrified you to know that Taehyung could have possibly witnessed this all go down. Especially considering the fact that you ditched him for an asshole. You left a good man behind for Jungkook. And it was embarrassing to admit how heartbroken you are because of that decision.
But Taehyung always knows what to say. Taehyung always know how to make you feel seen.
“I know you”
You break down. You don’t attempt to hide it anymore, because you so miserably want someone to hear you. You want someone to push you into their arms, and never letting you go. You want to be suffocated in their arms. You just needed someone by your side.
“You’re probably going to hate me for this
 but I’m on my way”
The call got cut off. As you continue crying, you’re exhausted. Your body was beginning to run out of tears, and it was making you feel sleepy. You wanted nothing more than to be curled up in your bed, with the warmest blanket you have. You wanted nothing more than to be away from the world, and people, and just anything that had to do with you being anywhere but your house.
You almost want to take a small little nap, right where you were sitting. It’s just going to be a minute, right?
Your stop fighting the urge to keep your eyes open, and curl yourself into a ball, to provide more warmth. It’s not like anything else could possibly go wrong, so why not sleep outside in the cold? You must have been either way too exhausted or stupid, maybe a mix of both. Because it was way too dangerous for you to be acting like that.
But then again, you haven’t been able to fall asleep because of all the late night driving you’ve had to go these previous weeks. Having to pick up Jungkook from his drunken state at parties, or hookups. Which have added onto your emotionally drained state.
“Mhm” comes out of your mouth, as you felt an arm of your waist.
“It’s okay, I got you” Taehyung whispers, as he carries you over his shoulder and once he is close enough to his car, he places you gently in it.
Your in the front seat, gently buckled up. He looks over his shoulder, to catch a quick glance of you. He can’t help but smile to himself when he sees your mouth slightly open, and small snores coming of your mouth.
“I’ll take care of you. I promise”
He drives off while he has one arm holding onto your seatbelt. He wants to make sure, you aren’t awaken by your body moving slightly forward, as he goes through speed bumps.
He’s not sure what’s overcome him, maybe it’s the way you looked at peace in your sleep, or maybe it’s the way, he desperately wants to spit out his emotions, without you actually hearing it, but he whispers something that he’s held on for too long.
“I like you y/n. I think I always will”
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“Hey! You over there, pass me another beer”
Jungkook is slurring on his words, and his balance isn’t as strong as it was in the beginning. He kept placing his hands under the chair, to prevent it from moving too much and have him fall off his seat.
He felt like he had no other option but to go to the closest bar. He wanted to drown himself with beer, instead of drowning himself with guilt and sadness. But it seemed like the drinks were making worse, at least after they settled in.
“Sure buddy, but I’m going to need your car keys if you want to keep drinking”
“Just take it” he places the keys on the counter and slides it closer to the bartender. “My friend will pick me up” he takes another sip, after the man passed him his precious alcohol.
“If she still considers me that” he spits out, as he vigorously shakes his head. He laughs at himself, as he feels a burn down his throat. He doesn’t want to continue swallowing, but he feels as if he deserves every single ounce of that burning sensation.
buddy” the bartender said, as he moved on to the next lonely, or heartbroken person in the bar.
He’s not sure why bars exist, they just turn people into alcoholics. He should know. He’s slowly becoming one himself. He hates every single thing about that addiction, as it made him more like his father. And he wanted to be nothing like that man.
“Hey, my friend was wondering if you’d interested in possibly having a threesome with us” she bites her nails, attempting to be sexy. It’s almost disgusting the way she was throwing herself at you.
Normally you’d be all over that, but right now you felt like complete shit. You weren’t even a bit turned on.
“I’m good” you waved her off, as you kept asking and sipping on your drink. You decided to was time for a stronger drink. You wanting to clear your mind, erase your memories, and the words that slipped out of y/n’s mouth.
“Are you sure? It’s going to be both of us
Is she dumb? She must be. You clearly said no.
“Yup, I’m sure. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll like to be alone. And not bothered”
“Whatever, it’s your loss!” She storms off, rather dramatically. But not without having poured a drink on your face.
“Mm. Guess I deserved that too”
You don’t attempt to clean yourself off, even when the bartender hands you a rag. Honestly, you did deserve all this and more. You’re not even sure why you treat y/n like crap. She’s
 amazing, and has such a big heart.
It’s kind of scary, if you think about it though. She’s too nice. It almost makes you second guess everything you do, and if you should be doing it in the first place.
Y/n’s like a moral police, and although it’s cute and kind of dorky. It’s also unbearable. Those high expectations that she has, takes a toll on someone like you. You’re not perfect; you’re quite flawed. Anyone can see that. But she insists that you aren’t, and well you can’t help but try to show her that she’s wrong.
It’s not about being stubborn, it’s about being realistic. You’re flawed, so what? Is it that hard to admit. It’s silly really. This is all silly.
you look like shit” you heard right next to you. It sounded like a man, or maybe a woman with a very deep voice.
You laugh once you hear that accurate observation. Because you knew that you looked like shit. You’re covered in alcohol and guilt. You’re almost positive that you stink too.
“It’s been a shitty day” you respond without thinking too much about it. You don’t turn to look at who’s speaking to you. Instead, you bring your glass closer to your lips. You needed the taste and smell of alcohol. It helped you forget—some things— and it also makes you feel numb—at times. You make sure to close your eyes to savor every single last taste of it.
Okay, this isn’t working. He needed to see her, and he needed to see her now.
You place a 100 dollar bill on the table, and don’t take a single glance in front of you nor next to you.
But as you’re about to walk away, you feel an arm on your shoulder.
“Listen, I already told someone to fuck off. I don’t mind doing it again”
“Well, why don’t you give it a try”
Seriously? That’s just a dumb, and childish response. And you want to let it go, you really do. You wanted to be a better man— person— for y/n. She deserves to see that side of you, the side she so openly speaks of. Despite not having seen it for a couple years now.
“Listen, I’m not trying to be involved in this childish drama” you say with sincerity, but also with an eye roll that couldn’t be stopped.
“It’s too late for that. You’re the one who started this childish drama” the person angrily says, as he sends spit onto your cheek. It wasn’t intentional though, his anger just got the best of him, and therefore salvia went flying out of him onto you. At least you hoped it wasn’t intentional or else you were about to do something dumb.
“You have some nerve—“ you turn around, finally being able to see who this person is, and you couldn’t believe your eyes. You must be drunk, like shit face drunk. There’s no other possible explanation for this person to be here.
“You?” You question, as you use your hands to rub your eyes, hoping that the person in front of you disappears once you open them once again.
“Me.” He shrugs, as his glare makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. Y/n had clearly told Taehyung what happened today, and now he’s sitting in front of you, ready to skin you alive. At least that’s how it looked like.
“I think it’s time for me and you to talk. And I’m not taking no as an answer”
You gulp, and your Adam’s apple is more visible. You simply nod your head, as you take a sit next to him.
You want to punch his face, but you also had to be clever about this. Y/n for some odd reason cares about him, so the least you could do is pretend to be nice.
“Alright. But for y/n”
“For y/n” Taehyung confirms as he continues to glare at Jungkook like his life depended on him.
This was not going to end well. For both of them.
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You woke up with the worst headache. Your argument with Jungkook really took a toll on you. Every other minute, you’d wake up remember what happened and then ended up crying again. It made you think back to all those times, the good ones of course, but somehow along the way, you reminisce about how there was some bad in the good. Even now it’s like that.
You continue to lay in the bed, as tears stream down your face and onto your bed sheets. You wanted to find an escape in your mind, anything would have helped. You wanted to think back of when it was just you and Jungkook, and no one or anything would stray you away from eachother.
It sounds ridiculous, but all you could think about is him and your friendship and your
 stupid love for him. As if there isn’t anything else in your life. As if there isn’t anything else you could be doing with your life.
Your old enough to get yourself out of this bed, and do something more productive. Maybe ask for more days at work, go to the gym, or quite literally anything else that isn’t this.
Your friendship is over, so you might as well get it over it. Crying and begging him, or yourself isn’t going to change your situation.
However it is easier said than done. Your mind understood this was necessary, but your body was having a harder time to adjust. You couldn’t move a muscle, and it was become harder for you to stay still as your leg was falling asleep.
You tried to locate your phone to see who you could call for help. And on top of that, it had to be someone you know would not judge you harshly.
You flap your arms around until you feel anything that felt remotely close to your phone. After a couple of seconds of moving like your drowning, you found it.
“Yes!” You yelled as you scrolled through your contacts. “Now, who do I call? Well, I only have one friend
 technically two. But right now, I’m not sure if my friendship is still a friendship. And
 I’ve bothered Taehyung too much already” you rambled on, and muttered to yourself, seeing as you had no one else to rant to. This was getting ridiculous. Your life was like a teenagers, seriously just drama after drama. It was getting old
 you were getting old. It was just not something you needed in your life right now or ever.
You hear a buzz coming from your phone, and it startles you. You were stuck in a trance, of what has gone entirely wrong in your life. Of how precious time and your past memories are. Of how you never realized how much you should have valued your life before all this.
Your eyebrows almost touch each other once you read the message on your phone. Your life flashed before your eyes, and all the praying for your past to come back, has happened. But at what cost? At the cost of your happiness, that’s what.
Mom: meet me in 30 minutes. I really need your help.
She’s begging for help? Her? After everything she’s put you and your siblings through. After she did what she did. She wants you, out of everyone to help her out of the mess she probably brought upon herself.
Yup. You’ve officially become cursed. It seems like you can never have a day go by, without something or someone ruining it.
You: I don’t believe I’m the best candidate for the job.
You respond without much thought. But immediately regret it. After all she still is your mother, the woman who gave birth to you; and somewhat raised you. Your grandmother taught you manners, so you should execute them in her honor.
You: Sorry, that was really rude of me. Send me the location and I’ll be there soon.
Mom: Glad to know grandma taught you something good. Next time I won’t be so forgiving, and make sure to come on time, you know how I hate people who are late.
You: Okay.
You didn’t have the energy to argue with her. You barely had the energy to get off your bed. Now, you have to use a weeks worth of energy, since you know how things would end if you came late. Your mother was strict and does not accept people disobeying her orders, especially if you’re blood. Which unfortunately you are.
You stand with a pace that instantly made your head hurt, and made you feel as if you were flying. Or maybe it was just the fact that you seeing double. You should have been more careful, that’s for sure.
“What do I even wear” you utter as you walk to your closet, shivering due to the fan being on the whole night. But you’d rather die of coldness than hotness, so that’s why you leave it on the whole damn night. And almost feel like you’re about to wet your bed. Again, you’re just a complicated person.
“I just have black clothes, if I show up in that I’m definitely get scolded” you continue to talk to yourself, seeing as you have no one else to talk to. Or someone you feel comfortable sharing this vulnerable side of you. Sure, they’ve seen many other sides of you when you were weak and vulnerable but this, this was different.
You grabbed the first thing you saw, because whatever decision you made, your mother would still find something to criticize. And you’d rather her criticize your outfit choices then have her waiting for you.
It was a simple outfit really. Black ripped jeans with a black hoodie
 yeah, you should probably shop after your meeting. It’s not normal for someone to not have at least one clothing that was bright or not black. The worst part was that you finished it off with black and white converse. But hey, at least there’s some white, a pop of color if you will.
Who are you kidding, you’re about to get your ass beat.
“Please have patience y/n. Please let this all go well” You said while looking at the mirror in front of you. You were trying to remind yourself of how important it was to not let that women get to you. But of course, everything is easier to say than to do. It’s become your life motto at this point. You’ve said it way too many times.
“You got this! Hopefully
” you gave yourself a thumbs up, as your face screamed worried, but time was ticking. So you grabbed your car keys, and rushed out the door like your life depended on it; in a way it did.
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Taehyung kept replaying last night. He kept thinking of the way you cutely thanked him, as he took off your makeup. He’s not even sure why you kept thanking him, since he kept accidentally poking your eye, and the makeup wipe, he was using kept drying up.
He might have wasted all of your wipes, attempting to take off your makeup.
“Could you stay? I mean, just until I fall asleep”
Could you? Yes. Should you? You’re not sure. It’s like you kept playing yourself every-time you’ve accepted to help Y/n. You know you need to keep some distance from her, especially since your head over heels for her. But when you see her crying, or anything that isn’t happy, you want nothing more but to mend her heart.
And you know you’d probably curse yourself out, the next day for accepting this offer. But that was a tomorrow problem. And today, it’s just a solution.
Plus, how could you say no, as she’s holding onto your arm. While her eyes look up to you, with such desperation.
“Anything for you” you utter, as you move a strand of hair, and place it behind her ear.
She immediately felt as eased, and whispered, “thank you Taehyung, you’re the best friend a girl could have”
Friend. Yeah, it was like a bullet was shot directly to your chest. But of course, it was an expected bullet. And you decided to come here unprotected, without a bullet proof vest. But still, it was worth the temporary pain.
She had finally asked you, not Jungkook, you, for help.
“Good night y/n” you said, as you pulled the sheets over her legs, to completely cover her up. You gave her a last glance, before you stepped closer, and bent down to give her a forehead kiss.
She smiled once she felt a kiss on her forehead.
“Good night Taehyung”
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He’s not sure how he ended up here. In a bar out of all places. He’s not like this. Sure, he drinks wine almost every day, but to be in an open place, where people are trying to get laid, flirt, or fight over the dumbest things. Well, it just wasn’t his scene. But his friend was right. He had to be more open to things he dislikes, or else he’s going to die with ‘regrets’.
Well he’s already going to die with many. For one, he’s doesn’t have the balls to confess to y/n just exactly how he feels about her. How his heart breaks every time her eyes light up, when she mentions Jungkook. How she always runs to his arms when they’re closed, and yours are wide open and always avoided. Well, unless she had an argument with Jungkook. How you hated being the second option but still choose to stay, because you have this hope in you. You have faith that one day she’ll look in your direction and never look away.
But until then, he’ll drink his pain away— or attempt to— even if it’s in this shitty bar. And you did exactly that. With every single drink you took, you drowned yourself. You filled yourself up with all the alcohol possible, that you were about to spill it out.
It was starting to cloud your judgement. Which you took pride in. It was something your parents were proud of, and since they took too much pride in it; you could never have it in your heart to start acting like a dumbass. It was their last wish before they
“Can I have another one please” you asked the guy behind the bar. His eyes kept examining your state, you were drunk. It was clear to anyone that paid attention to you, or at least caught a little glimpse. He looks hesitant to reach over to the vodka you’ve been swallowing.
“Fine. But this is the last one for the night. Alright?” The guy behind the bar says, as he tries to convince himself to hand you the cup.
“Yeah. I just need one before I do something stupid” you spit out without thinking much about it. Your face was red, and you kept pouting. You were still really hesitant despite drinking the whole bar.
“That’s not every convincing..” ïżŒ
You shake your head to wake yourself up. You still need to order an Uber, and you needed to be conscious to do that.
“Relax. I’m just about to tell the girl of my dreams that I love her”
You smile to yourself; you look insane. You bite on your lower lip to try to contain your excitement. But of course, something always has to ruin your day.
“I don’t think she’ll like a drunk man in the middle of the night confessing to her. But hey! What do I know?” The guy shrugs before leaving the cup right in front of you.
“Yeah, just leave with all your stupid comments”
You sip with such a slow pace. You were stalling. You were scared. What if everything goes wrong? What if she laughs in your face? After all she called you her best friend a couple of hours ago. ïżŒOkay, no! You need to stop being a wimp and just confess to her. You can’t keep living like this.
You can’t keep containing these feelings that are eating you alive. You wanted to be able to show her off as more than just a friend. Show her what real love is. Not what Jungkook has provided her with.
You chugged the rest of the drink, and begin to walk out of this smelly and loud bar. But something caught your eye. It can’t be. Did you just have a magnet that attracted trash?
Was that jerk really flirting with a random girl, while y/n was crying her eyes out. While y/n became so tired that she actually slept outside. Her body had given up on her, and here he was. He was drinking, not even beating himself up? Not even trying to ask y/n forgiveness.
You couldn’t take it. The drinks sure did have an influence on your next decision.
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“You’re 5 minutes late” your mother says, as you enter her house. It makes you want to cry out of fury, or disappointment. You had just stepped inside, and she was ready to scold you and give you hell. She never changed, and she never will.
“Yeah, sorry there was a lot of traffic” you whisper, losing all the confidence you had before you stepped in the house. You hated being this weak, and not having any backbone. Why couldn’t you fight back? Why must you always be the one to cave in?
“I know, that’s why I called you when there wasn’t”
It ticked you off the way she spoke to you. As if you werent her daughter. Her own blood. She talks to you as if she were superior, as if she were your boss, and you were some clumsy assistant. Still, she shouldn’t speak to anyone like that, especially if you haven’t done anything wrong.
“Is this why you called me for? Didn’t you say you needed my help? And you’re arguing with me.” You point at yourself, trying to exaggerate how angry you were. But there really wasn’t much you could do, your whole face was red, and your fists were balled up, becoming white from all the pressure you were putting on them.
But you couldn’t stay angry for long. You’d like to blame your grandma, but you know it was one of the best lessons she gave you. To carry anger with you everyday, is such a burden. Why carry all the bad energy, when you can try to be positive. Try to be hopeful that the good will outweigh the bad, and eventually you’d have everything you wished for; or something equivalent to that.
You truly wanted to grant your grandmothers wishes but it was difficult when the person against you, had little to no respect for you.
“No that’s not it. And you better watch your tone young lady. I am your mother above anything else!”
You nod your head while looking around the room. You attempted to hide the tears that were threatening to fall out of your eyes. They created a puddle as they stayed still. But you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore, and with that fell your tears. Each possessing a pain that was difficult to put into words.
“You’re my mother?” You spit out, while your voice cracks in the middle of your question. You continue to shake your head, emphasizing the shock from hearing those words come out her mouth.
“Were you my mother when you’d hit me everyday after school because my father was giving me more attention than you? Were you my mother when I was diagnosed with depression, and you said that it was just a phase and refused to get me the help I needed? Oh! Were you my mother when you—“
“Enough! You’re clearly on some meds right now, and saying things that aren’t even true. And even if they were that was ages ago, get over it y/n. Gosh, when did you become like your father”
“I’m proud to be his daughter. But yours? Not even close”
You saw her lifting her hand, and aiming it directly for your cheek. It was a loud sound, and it took a lot in you, to not fall to the ground, and cry your heart out. It really did. Because in between those slaps, you were sent back to your childhood. To you coming back from your school, and waiting for your father to come home, so your mother wouldn’t lay a finger on you. It reminded you of the times, you lied you were staying at a friends place to finish a project, but actually hiding behind the shed in your backyard, until the coast was clear and you could sneak back to your room.
You raise your hand to stop her, and were lucky to caught her hand mid air. Your cheeks were burning, it felt as if someone had poured boiling water on it.
“Let’s not forget your dear father, left you behind. He’s out there with his other kids and wife, while you’re so proudly protecting him. He doesn’t love you y/n, when will you get that. Maybe if you weren’t always so ready to call him out on his errors, he wouldn’t be with another family.”
You let go of her hand and ran. You didn’t care that she was screaming out your name. You didn’t care that you were running into people, or if you got hit by a car. You didn’t care about anything. You just wanted a break. You just wanted to take a deep breathe. You needed this to be over.
You chest felt like it was going to explode. You place your hand on your chest, and began hyperventilating. Even when you were breathing, you weren’t. Your throat was shut, and your eyes were waterfalls.
You ran to your house, you ran without looking back. You ran without a care in the world. And every time you were burnt out, you stood in the middle of people and kept looking around. Everything was spinning, everything was triggering you.
You saw people laughing, smiling, and why? Why do they get to be happy, and here you were struggling to even stand still.
“Miss, are you okay?” A couple asked, but that only made you more sad. Here they were all happy and loving with eachother, and you didn’t have that in your life. It felt like they were rubbing in your face. And you couldn’t be there anymore.
“I can’t-“
And again you ran. You ran with your all. You wanted to be far away from people. From this place, that never feels like home.
You just needed to get home and down all those pills in your room. They would help you sleep, cry less, and think less. They would ease the pain you endure everyday.
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It been a couple of hours since your interaction with that woman, and it still feels so recent. It feels like it was a couple of seconds ago. The things she said scarred you. It was something you attempted to erase in your mind. You wanted to remember your father like he was once. When he was your best friend, when he would do anything to make you laugh; to cheer you up.
You tried to forget when you would argue because he kept breaking his promises. You continued to voice your pain, and your anger got the best of you. So he left. He left you with your mother. He left without a single goodbye. He left without a care, about you, about your mother.
“Why did you leave” you weep, and you hug your pillow. You pet it as if it were an actual human or pet. You couldn’t seek anyone to comfort you, so you decided to pretend your pillow was the person you needed the most.
Your anger would come and go, but when it came, you would go from cuddling your pillow, to punching it with your all. And then came the emptiness.
You were dried out of tears. Your pain was still there, but it was frozen. You’d stare up at the ceiling, and find even the idea of reminiscing to be the most silliest thing ever.
You laugh out loud, at the mess you are. You laugh at the joke your life is. You laugh at how fucking sad and lonely you have always been and will continue to be for the rest of your life.
Your brain is processing everything that was today, and throughout that process, you hear a knock on the door. It can’t be her? No, it can’t she doesn’t even know where you live, where you work, or your damn birthday.
After the knocks, came the constant doorbell sounds. It was driving you crazy, and you clearly had no patience nor the right attitude to talk to anyone.
“I’m not home!” You yell as you cover yourself with a warmer blanket. Why does it have to be so damn cold?
“Y/n! It’s me open up please! I- I have to tell you something important?”
You shake yourself out of your moment for a spilt moment, and get up. You cover yourself with the blanket as you walk towards the door.
“What are you doing here?“ You comment before you open the door. You weren’t trying to be rude, but again you had a rough day and weren’t in the mood for company.
“Please.. I just. If I leave now, I’ll never be able to confess this..”
You gulp, as you unlock the door. But before you open it, you remember you look like a mess. You’ve been crying for hours, since
 well, since Jungkook.
“Just- before you come in. Ignore my face, and say what you’re going to say”
“I can’t just ignore your face y/n. What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t confess what had just happened. He came here to talk about himself, and you don’t want to hear it but at the same time, you don’t want to push anyone important to you out of your life, again.
“Please! If you want me to listen to you, promise me you’d ignore my face” you pleaded, as your voice went a pitch higher, and your eyes were shut; hoping to hear the words you wanted.
“I promise” he immediately responds, knowing that it will bring you to peace. But if he sees you in pain, he’ll break that promise without hesitation. He cared about you, maybe even loved you enough to let you go.
“Okay, come in”
You opened the door with caution and attempted to hide your face. Mostly your eyes, since they contained the feeling you weren’t trying to show him.
“Are you okay?”
“What happened?”
You both said at the same time. Your eyes displayed worry and pain. One of you was physically hurt, while the other one was mentally drained.
You both had a rough day. You both needed comfort. But you weren’t sure if you both were the right person to comfort one another.
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Taglist: @mwitsmejk @bambamsthings @belovedsthings @jamlessstars @bjoriis @jeonzll @oxzie @whipwhoops @driftapart @taeriffic @laylasbunbunny @ellesalazar @boredcatto @bunbunbunnykoo @taeees-world @rainfprest @sparklingprimrose @jossabelle88 @bloodline1632 @neg-l3ct @bbtsficrecs @bloopkook @petalsofink @bliiss @linours @crissteetee67 @starbtslove @laurynne5 @hollyweird0 @fragmentof-indifference @kooliv @halesandy @bloodline1632 @sukunasrealgf @bnagtanx1306
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neko-nemesis · 3 years ago
Diluc Ragnivindr x reader
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❗WARNINGS ❗: MDI (MINORS DON'T INTERACT), 18+ sexual contents ahead, nsfw, semi-public (I think?), biting, choking, unprotected sex (don't do this shit irl, wrap it before you tap it), rough sex, slight degradation, use of the word "cunt", manhandling, idk what else, lmk if I missed anything.) Not proof-read, forgive my dumbass for typos and grammatical mistakes, I'm about to fall asleep standing up like a horse.
đ‘·đ’Šđ’„đ’•đ’–đ’“đ’† 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒄𝒆: đ‘č𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 đ‘ș𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 𝑼𝒐 𝒃𝒚 đ‘»đ’”đ’–đ’Œđ’‚đ’Œđ’
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1k
Note: sjsjdhdhsj MY FIRST FIC WOOHOO HI hello, how ya doin, I caved in you guys đŸ€šđŸ˜© the horniness has taken over me, too far gone to even heal by just touching grass. Anyway though can you tell I'm down bad for Diluc? 🗿 That sexy emotionally constipated mf can have me any day now. SHDHDjdjs I hope y'all enjoy this nonsense I wrote right fucking now at 3 in the fucking morning. Feels great writing here for the first time in Tumblr. (If you know me from Wattpad, no you don't.) Please lmk what y'all think 💬 reblogs and notes are highly appreciated <3 mkay bye đŸ€žđŸœâ€â™€ïž I'm outta here, I feel SO SHY tf?
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This isn't what you were expecting, at all. Infact you definitely didn't see yourself spending the night with your boyfriend like this on a fine evening, your face pressed against the cool wooden wall inside a tight closet. Completely nude aside from thigh high stockings and shoes. It was unfair how you were butt ass naked, with your back arched meanwhile your boyfriend, Diluc was fully clothed aside from his pants hanging below his thigh, low enough to have his fat cock out and drilling inside you. Not one article of clothing of his on the creaky wooden floor haphazardly like yours but you sure weren't complaining. From how hard he was busy pounding into your poor little cunt, leaving you not a chance to even utter a word and complain since he also had one of his large hand on your throat, tightening his grip ever so slightly now and then.
Well, how did you get into this in the first place? Well...Kaeya happened. Having nothing better to do in the knights of Favonius, he made his pretty little way to Angel's share. Just knowing how much Diluc hated when he interacted with you only egged him more to walk up to you with a smirk on his face and chirp away. Little did both of you knew, Diluc really wasn't having any of this tonight. Already being in a sour mood from before, with all the recent increase of casualties around Mondstadt, it sure has taken a toll on the poor man's mood and then seeing Kaeya making his s/o laugh angered him only further. Making it his last straw.
"Y/n." He calls out, your ears perk up and you feel a little uneasy, Diluc from the start since you have been dating him has been nothing but a gentleman. Extremely respectful and not to mention, gentle with you surprisingly, as if you were delicate. It wasn't an often occurrence where any of you would call each other by given names. So this definitely caught your attention. Looking back at Kaeya one more time as he gives you a knowing smile as you walk over the counter, Diluc stood there still on the opposite side, cleaning the last glass rather with much more force. "Hey honey." You say, smiling, "what's up-" "Charles, watch over for the night, me and miss y/n are leaving." He sternly says as he walks out and grips on your forearm tight, dragging you along with his fast footsteps which you were struggling to keep up with and you both make way towards the small closet where we are now.
"D-Diluc slow down" you yelp, feeling him much deeper as his hand leaves your throat and rather used it to bring you closer by your thigh while the other never stopped rubbing slow but hard circles on your clit. "Why- just fucking why do you even give him time huh?" His teeth sinks in the skin on your shoulder, leaving a crescent mark along with all the other hickeys and bite marks on your skin from your neck to your shoulders and chest that he has placed from moments ago. Thrusting in more harder than before, it was as if he was in your tummy. "Kaeya this, ugh fuck- kaeya that huh?- Archons fuck- you're tight." His hot ragged breath hitting the back of your neck, causing goosebumps to form everywhere on your body. By now, you were on your tiptoes, trying to keep up with Diluc's harsh thrusts inside you. "You're forgetting your place, my love. You- you belong to me." he groans, feeling the gummy walls inside of you tightening inside around his dick at his words. He chuckles darkly at that, "Seems like you agree with me doll."
Your trembling hands covered your mouth, trying your level best to not fucking scream at this point from both the pleasure and pain, starting to feel the build up in the pit of your stomach, "B-baby please, I'm close I'm close-"
Quickly his hand moves faster on your clit, while the other leaves your hip as it soon finds home in your hair, pulling back your half-lidded eyes make contact with his crimson ones, his eyes betrayed his actions as his loving gaze was still there. The slight drool on your chin, puffy red swollen kissed lips, you eyes almost shutting close from the intense amount of pleasure, just everything about you had the man in love with you all over again. "Yeah?" He coos, "you're gonna cum for me, got it?" His lips curving upto those rare smirks you were only one who could see, though it's mostly mischievous. Closing in, he whispers in your ear, "you're gonna cum on me, you're gonna make a fucking mess angel" his voice faltering, thrust getting sloppier as now he continues to nipple on the tip of your ear. "Fuck- damnit cum. Come on now, cum, cum for me y/n. Fucking scream my name and everyone- every fucking one outside better know you're my fucking pretty whore-" you legs shook as his dirty talk gets to you, making the coil in the pit of your stomach snap as you came and it was intense. Keeping his promise, you just couldn't take it anymore and scream out loud. "D-Diluc- fuck diluc too much. augh~" he thrusts inside fast for few more seconds as he then holds you more tighter close to his body as he buried his dick deeper inside, filling you up to the brim as he let's out the sweetest little moan.
He helps you come down from your high by pressing on softer circles on your clitoris until you had to pry his hands off from how sensitive you were. Leaning back, he catches his breath while you take the chance and look back him. And fuck, the sight only made you want more. His once fluffy red locks on a tight ponytail was now all messy and disheveled. The sweat on his forehead making his hair stick on his skin and red dusted all over his handsome face. "Master Diluc" you begin, smirking to yourself though your voice was still shaky but you were not about to miss an opportunity to tease him. "I didn't know jealousy looked so.. attractive on you baby." Diluc could only roll his eyes playfully, "I'm not jealous." He lies. Feeling embarrassed already from losing his composure like this. You chuckle, cocking your eyebrows, your hand mindlessly buries itself into his hair and proceed to brush them as you continue, "Didn't know you had it in you, if I'm being honest.."
Diluc ignores what you said as he pulls you close to him, caressing your face lovingly, "I didn't hurt or was too rough with you, was I..?" He asks, concerned, you shake your head. "Oh no" smiling, he doesn't fail to notice the lust in your eyes. "I liked it, I liked you rough 'Luc."
"Oh?" He questions, you too don't fail how his hand travels down to grip on your ass roughly before hitting it hard enough to leave a mark behind. "Good. Cause I'm not done with you just yet, love."
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© 𝚗𝚎𝚔𝚘-𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚜 2021
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cyrusthedragon · 19 days ago
For all people calling me fatphobic - right back at ya, cuz as a FAT PERSON I can easily tell that you haven't even once in your life seen a fat woman. Like. Literally never.
She's AT MOST a little chubby, she has no belly fat, thin hands, narrow waist, thin face, no cheeks. She is skinny, for the love of god. (And if she really was fat, what you dumb fucks think, hoyo would really allow a fat character be PLAYABLE? I beg your finest pardon. They would give her the tall skinny female model type, don't be delusional)
And secondly: I don't have problems with her figure. I have problems with everything else. It says more about you that you saw her facial expression, her posture, her stance, how "messy" and cute she is, and then thought the only problem there is that she's 'fat'. Look at her. She has a short skirt, an open belly, the famous stockings that are fetishized everywhere. Not only does her outfit make no sense, it's designed to emphasize how "chubby" she is, and if you somehow don't know who Hoyo's target audience is and what they're going to do with her, you're fucking stupid. She's not only horrifyingly sexualised (as every second female character in genshin), but also infantiles by Hoyo illustrating her (who's supposed to be a grown ass woman) messy and 'shy'. Her and Nahida's expressions are almost exactly the same.
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But Nahida, being a child by the standards of the Archons, still doesn't make THAT kind of a face. (And even Nahida shows here wonder and interest, and not embarrassment and/or shyness)
"She just likes to eat, you fatphobic ho!"
You know who else likes to eat and IT'S A HUGE CHUNK OF HER PERSONALITY?
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You know who else is shy?
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And once again, even IF, EVEN IF she was fat, you mean we literally have a character that's obsessed with food, and another character who is canonically shy as fuck, but only SHE looks like that?
This is the same company that created both Yun Jin AND Arlecchino. They know what they're doing and for whom.
If you really honest to god think that she's fat or it's a good design - just block me, dude, I don't wanna interact with ANYBODY who likes this typo shit.
Sorry to be mean, but i really can't stand it when ppl turn a blind eye to such blatant disrespect for female characters.
This is fetishized.
She's straight from hentai, and you dumbasses know that.
Fuck you if you like it.
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Can you please look me in the eye and tell me this is not fetish content, because ima throw up now.
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