#also adorable children
lazylittledragon · 7 months
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happy mother's day!! the dekarios brood has Increased
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scalematey · 6 months
god like. the funniest thing about adaine abernant to me is that she is sooooo petty. she is so deeply capable of being a mean bitch. she used to be chronically anxious but she’s medicated now and that was the only thing holding her back from being born a hater and dying a hater. she loves her friends and the supportive environment that her new family gives her but this is also the same character who at fifteen years old (deservedly) told an incel he sucked multiple times over to his face and sent her sister who sucks to elf prison
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scatterbrainedbot · 8 months
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ok but the ghibli vibes of @triona-tribblescore 's wandering guardian au???
like i could live in this world forever tbh
inspo boards/refs below ft trionas SPECTACULAR GORGEOUS AMAZING og works of the au bros
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royalarchivist · 18 days
Pac: Why is she sad? My god, she's devastated! Guaxinim?
Guaxinim: I think she wanted...
Gris: I want 100 reais.
Pac: She wants 100– [Laughs] She's sad because she wants 100 reais?
Guaxinim: [Innocently] You don't have 100 reais, do you?
Pac: [Laughs] I have negative 100 reais, Guaxinim. Gris, I'm just like you! I'm sad too.
Guaxinim: [Whispering to Gris] Cancel the plan, cancel the plan, go back to normal.
Pac: What do you mean? Wait, wait, wait– [Laughs] No no no–
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First rule of passa tudo: make sure your target has money before trying to scam them! 😅 (Thank you to sebbs12 and disfrutalakia for double-checking my translations and transcript! The help is really appreciated!)
[Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: [Gasps in delight] Oi, Guaxinim!
Guaxinim: Oi!
Pac: How cool it is to see you here! Oi Gris!
Guaxinim: Look, how cute.
Pac: How cute you and Gris are here!
Gris: oi :( I'm so sad.
Pac: Why is she sad?
Guaxinim: I don't know, man.
Pac: My god, she's devastated! Guaxinim?
Guaxinim: I think she wanted...
Gris: I want 100 reais.
Pac: She wants 100– [Laughs] She's sad because she wants 100 reais?
Guaxinim: [Innocently] You don't have 100 reais, do you?
Pac: [Laughs] I have negative 100 reais, Guaxinim. Gris, I'm just like you! I'm sad too.
Guaxinim: [Whispering to Gris] Cancel the plan, cancel the plan, go back to normal.
Pac: What do you mean? Wait, wait, wait– [Laughs] No no no–
Guaxinim: [Laughing]
Gris: kkkkkk
Pac: I can't believe what you're doing with poor Gris to get money!
Gris: bom dia tio Pac [Good morning Tio Pac]
Pac: Bom dia, bom dia. [Laughs] Seriously, how is a crazy plan like this going to work, huh? Insanity!
Guaxinim: [Dancing with Gris] Muahaha! Muahahaha! We're the most badass evil duo, got it?
Pac: How incredible, man. You guys are great, you're even in sync! Did you guys already get 100 reais?
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imaginingmoonlight · 5 months
If (2024) is for the maladaptive daydreamer girlies and the teens that refuse to grow up.
This was a wonderful wonderful movie, it was magical and fun and the soundtrack was just MWAH CHEFS KISS PERFECT.
I will warn you though I sobbed my eyes out. A lot.
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fure-dcmk · 8 months
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if you cant change him join him
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dweamdoodles · 2 months
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more transfem morgott feat. sibling bickering
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
I think Vulcans should have their own version of a goodbye kiss which isn't a one-to-one equivalent but like, parents cup one or both of their childs' cheeks before they leave the house and when they come home as a brief telepathic check up on their wellbeing. If the child is feeling out of sorts the parent can help calm/settle them quickly. It becomes embarrassing at different ages like "Father! I am more than capable of maintaining my own equilibrium without your assistance or supervision." It's something most parents stop doing regularly after their child reaches some maturity milestone which proves they're able to regulate their own emotions (there is no agreed-upon age this is true so it varies from child to child. Within sibling groups you might get made fun of if your younger sibling reaches this milestone before you!) However, even into adulthood some Vulcans will be subjected to the practice every so often by a parent. Depending on your temperament this can feel insulting, just unnecessary, or...pleasantly familiar.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
spent seven hours with a three-year-old and a one-year-old today
god, I love kiddos. exhausting and so much work, even for a relatively short span of time, but so fun and fascinating too. they're learning to be people, and it's so rewarding to be part of that and see them full of Personality already
I really hope I can have my own someday
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moodybites · 11 days
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Me as the Pokémon Champion with my ace, Baby the Venusaur
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not-equippedforthis · 3 months
why am i crying over space children. jake going against his father's orders just to teach nog how to read im bawling my eyes out. sisko being so proud of him at the end. oh my god.
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youling-the-ghost · 2 months
In my sfth cinematic universe, Peter Steven, the children from The Neighbour's Under the Bed, and the son from Too Big To Be a Jockey are all in a support group for traumatised youth. The Sisyphus kid is also a frequent visitor.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #133
Morgan Stark discovers the joke format, "__, __, and __ walk into a bar..." 
She doesn't quite get the concept, but she enjoys it. And, like most children, when she enjoys something she becomes absolutely obsessed with it.
Morgan: A spider, the spider's aunt, and a grumpy walk into the house!
Happy: Morgan that's not how that works
Peter: I dunno, you do seem more like a Grumpy than a Happy :)
Morgan: A princess, her bestest brother ever, and their cyborg chef walk into the kitchen.
Tony: You can just say you want pancakes, Mo.
Peter, tearing up: That's Princess Mo to you.
It becomes an inside joke that the whole family uses. 
Tony when Peter cuts off his coffee supply: (gasp) A genius, his robot minions, and a hater walk into the lab.
Peter, not even missing a beat: A genius, his son, and his robot children who agree with the son walk out of the lab and in to their beds.
Tony, so completely endeared every time Peter calls himself his son he can barely protest: I- I- now wait just a second...
Teen Morgan, upon finding her brother and MJ making out on the couch: Eughh! An intern, the goddess way out of his league, and the amount of space reserved for Jesus between them walk out of the shared living space.
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theowlgoesmoo · 6 months
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Can we just take a moment to appreciate how fricken cute some of the art in the Bug's Life children's books are? Because they are. Somebody put some love into these.
Take a look, tried to add as many as I could find:
Also man, did they make Atta a mood:
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manuellarts · 5 months
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"For I am the One,
The True Source of Light;
Greater than a mere star,
and the most Honored.
Brighter than the Sun,
if not the Sun Himself,
I am to become."
another impromptu verses to accompany the drawing ⎯⎯⎯ while it might have started with good intentions, I believe that Resh's ultimate goal was likely to overthrow Megabird and take her place as the source of Light, as he judged that her light was weakening. he comes to believe that he is the only one from who emanates the Light, and who gives life to the Kingdom. Basically that nothing could live or prosper without his existence.
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Can you tell I have an obsession? Eh? Okay
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breha · 2 years
claudia’s birth allows louis to believe that he and lestat have become The Parents (equal status) and so the teacher-student power dynamic has gone away, but really it’s just been repressed and it comes up again like wack-a-mole
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