#I say as I always make sure to put Baby in my Pokémon games as my starter Pokémon
moodybites · 11 days
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Me as the Pokémon Champion with my ace, Baby the Venusaur
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loserlvrss · 6 months
꒰ 𝐅𝐔𝐌𝐀 𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐁𝐅 ꒱ 村田風雅
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summary : what i believe fuma would be like as your boyfriend
genre : fluff, nsfw, fuma x afab!reader, headcanon, drabble tws : eventual nsfw headcanon in the second half author notes : when i say my man this is who im talking about word count : 0.5k
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- physical touch and quality time are his love languages.
- your very own personal puppy boyfriend!!
- when dojaejung sang i wanna kiss your lips he took that personally.
- loves cute little dates; especially cafes, and picnics.
- will send you the boyfriend selfies he takes for luné and expects you to make them your lockscreen.
- is shy, but if you were shyer he’d instantly become the opposite for you. if you were more outgoing/extraverted he’d step down and admire quietly.
- would walk in your shadow to make sure you always got the best light.
— would also make you walk on the inside to the street subconsciously like it’s his second nature to put you first (it is. someone raised this man right).
- would pick you up from work whenever he could.
- would love to cuddle while he plays his stupid little switch games.
— would compare you to his favorite pokémon in a loving way.
- your head on his chest type of guy ngl.
- he’s so in love with you, his eyes light up when he sees you type of guy.
- absolutely adores when you wear his clothes, it doesn’t matter how they look or fit on you he just likes knowing that you’re comfortable enough to do that around him.
- i don’t think he’d have too many nicknames for you; baby, my love or anything with my in front of it tbh.
- is dating to marry you.
— would peel an orange for you. end of discussion.
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nsfw 18+ minors do not engage !!
- will ask for your consent. every. single. time.
- not a bad thing but i think this man really likes missionary SOLEY so he can look you in the eyes and watch your expressions.
- takes skin of skin very literally.
- he’s all about making sure you’re enjoying it as much as he is.
- I DO BELIEVE THIS MAN NOT A HEAD PUSHER (i cheered), but he does like cumming down your throat if you’ll let him.
- kinda vocal — until you tell him you really like the little sounds he does make.
- would also love any other position where he’s hitting it from the back bc let’s be honest here… sigh ass man.
— honorable mention would be where you’re fully laid down on your stomach bc you can’t hold yourself up anymore.
- is a soft dom, but he does have a strength kink and will manhandle you.
- knows you love his hands. yes, he’ll stick them in your mouth if you want.
— you give him bonus points if he gets you to squirt with them.
- he’s down to try anything you want at least once.
- holds your hand during sex, while eating you out, whenever he has access to it really.
— speaking of eating you out, sit on his face!
- is okay with a little pain, especially if it’s from you pulling his hair or scratching at his back or shoulders.
- will call you a slut if he’s really into it. but would, of course, put my in front of it so you know he still loves you.
- would use words to get you fucked up; ex. talk you through it, bc let’s be honest you have a voice kink.
- not into edging so much, but loves overstimulating you until you’re just a babbling mess.
- and lastly, since his picture comes up when you search the definition of a gentleman, AFTER CARE~~
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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starfolk7 · 6 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Ooh, this is a good one! We're digging into baby's first fandom: Pokémon! If you like OG Mewtwo's story as much as I do (I know y'all are out there), then I cannot stop recommending Striking Back: Memoirs of a Clone by Ariadne_Dai on AO3! It is a BEHEMOTH of a fic, over 200k words, but it's a gorgeous retelling of that story with so many extra details. I genuinely cried reading it at points. It's just??? So damn beautiful??? If you're into that sort of thing, PLEASE give that author some love, they absolutely deserve it!!
And of course, I love p much any of the works my friends put out there, y'all are amazing!!! I haven't really read many fics lately, but this is just a cool reminder to dig in and find some more!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
There's SO many, tbh, but I think one that will always get me is the Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 story about Mr. Bones' Wild Ride. I can't tell you how many times I've said "I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride" when I'm stressed or plot things are happening in a game kdjdhdhd
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Oh boy, this one is about Gabe. *cracks knuckles*
I know a lot of this interpretation is probably played as a joke, but I've seen a lot of "Gabriel is a whiny temperamental bitch always" and that's just not true. Is he that when he first fails at something he was good at for the entirety of his existence? Absolutely! Mans hardly understands what failure is, let alone how to cope with it. But I think it does his character a huge injustice when people boil him down to just. That. He's so much more and such a complex character with tons going on beneath that helmet and haughty demeanor. Not sure if that's unpopular, but these are my feelings on it. I love Gabey-baby with all of his nuances okay fjfhdhs
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Y'know, I was gonna go with Genesis from the FF7 franchise on this one because I just recently finished watching a playthrough of Crisis Core, but nah. Let's throw it back to a classic: Lord Gwyn. Uhh he's got a cool beard, the lightning powers are pretty baller, and I guess good taste in architecture? That's about all I got for him lol
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Oh, absolutely. I find inspiration in a lot of things! SoulsBorne definitely shaped how I tell my stories, since it was basically me re-entry into fandom spaces. Those games really encouraged me to build up the worlds I was playing around in and I've gotten better at worldbuilding as a result! But I'll find inspiration in books, movies, other games, you name it. For a recent example, there's a bit of Sempiternal that's DEF gonna be inspired by Dune, as I just finished reading the first book not that long ago. I won't say what, I'll just tell you it's not the sand worms lmao
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
You know it! I've got a Siberian cat named after the First Vicar of Yharnam, Laurence. He's an absolute sweetie. Have some pics of the floor!
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vibrantpuppeteer · 1 year
Them: Haha, baby Pokémon are so useless.
Me: Oh, so if your favorite Pokémon was suddenly a baby Pokémon you'd call it useless too? Is that what you're saying? Because that's what it sounds like. Pokémon weren't made to be "useful", they were made to be friend-shaped. Sure, a great number of them are popular in competitive scenes. But if you don't occasionally take a team of Pokémon consisting of one fully evolved Pokémon and up to five baby or "weak" Pokémon out and do whatever the generation's bonding mechanic is...are we even playing the same game anymore? I don't think we are.
Them: I never do the bonding mechanics. It just slows down my battles and makes them too easy. I always do nuzlockes of Kaizo versions and purposely make them as hard as I can. Because that's the only way I can make these games fun anymore.
Me: ...Wow. That's just sad. No...not that you can't have fun without playing the game the hardest way possible. The fact that you'd put your Pokémon through that just to entertain yourself, and you don't even bond with them? So what if it makes your battles "easy" or takes a bit longer? Pokémon are meant to be friends first, battlers second. If you can't even get /that/ right? That's just sad.
Them: ThEy'Re JuSt PiXeLs On A sCrEeN!
Me: So because they aren't real, that makes it okay to treat them like dirt? Just battle, battle battle. No sandwiches or curry. No playtime. No Pokémon Amie or Pokémon refresh. Nothing but battling. What a miserable existence it must be to live like that.
Them: Bro, they wo--
Me: Yeah, yeah. "Bro, they won't f*ck you.". How original of you. You're totally the first person to ever write those five words in that exact order. So original. Look at you! You're just so funny! Hey everyone, look at them! Aren't they funny?! ... You hear anyone laughing? Because I don't.
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[New Recording] The Hacker
This interview originally took place on May 14th, 2023.
With a buzz of your mobile device, a new tab opens up without any prompting! A black screen fills your monitor, and a lime green cursor taps out the lines:
A laptop-style webcam flicks on, and you see a tuft of ginger hair fill the frame of the screen, half-obscuring the various game posters and glow in the dark decals that decorate the room the video is capturing. Behind the gaming chair propped in front of the camera, you see a messy apartment bedroom with a half-ajar bathroom door in the far corner, an electric keyboard pushed against the back wall, stacks of speakers and electronic equipment, and two food bowls by the door.
The redhead who seemed to be fiddling with the computer out of view finally leans back in her chair, humming to herself contentedly before fixating her eyes on the red light of the webcam. At that, she perks up immediately.
[HACKER]: "Riiiight- I should introduce myself! Master hacker Cady MacNider at your service!"
hi!! how’ve you been ‘ ‘
CADY: "Today??? Pretty damn good, I'll say so myself! Just put the finishing touches on the new maintenance update !!"
best question ever: What colour is an orange :)
"Uhhhh pretty sure you asked the question wrong, duderino. Orange! That's, like, the easiest answer I've ever given ever!"
Favourite Pokémon??
"Snorlax... I vibe with him on a personal level ..!"
HELLO CADY!! How do you pass the time? :smile:
"Well now you just wan' me to talk about myself, dontcha? I do a lot of coding, but I also 'ave a penchant for gaming, playing with Kirby, and making music when I got the chance!"
hello cady :) what are your computer specs :smooch:
"I've got this baby loaded up with all the fancy shmancy stuff--! High power graphics card, processor, the whole shebang !!"
As she says that, she gives the PC a good ol' smack. Bang bang!
"It's like my child... or the closest I can get to my own flesh an' blood!"
HI CADY!! when we were talking to cayden there was this big ufo behind him but he didnt notice it. did it take him or is he still alive??
She takes off her headphones and gives a solemn shake of her head.
"We miss him every day..."
Favorite drink ever ?(Cady is such a cute name oml)
"Dr. Pepper all the way! Only the best gamer fuel for a high-maintenance machine like myself !!" :3
Are you sure its orange
"Is it? I mean, I don't eat much fruit, but I'm preeettyyyy sure..."
hey cady, i heard somewhere that if you add 10 to your age and then substract 5 and then another 5 you get your age, but i cant wrap my head around this. could you help me with an example with your age, pretty please? begging? please?
"I'd be chuffed to help! Okay okay okay so if you take 22 and add 10 that's 32 minus 5 that's 17.. then add 5 that's 22! You were right!!!" :D
What was the first video game you ever played?
"Oooohhh, you're takin' me back down memory lane! Methinks it was prob-ly Wii Sports Resort, honestly...
I was cracked with the tennis racket :3."
Hi Cady!! What’s the craziest hack you’ve managed to pull off?
She taps her chin. "Well, there was that one time I managed to leak the FBI flight watchlist..."
"Jokes! I joke! I actually don't do much fancy hacking, ashully. 'm more of a white hat hacker!"
If we're allowed multiple questions: favourite song to play on just dance?
"Bangarang duh dununah BRANG WOO-WOO DUNUNUN--"
Insert a poorly executed attempt to mimic rave synths.
favourite mii game?
"I've always liked the bowling one.. you just need the right flick of the wrist and it's an auto-strike every time! Just gotta game th' system !!"
Did you ever play the swordplay or airplane games on Wii sports resort?
"When they did the anime transformation poses when the people linked up with each other I peaked in life."
Cady what.
"But I never was able to get good at the sword one, sadly... It's all about spamming and my poor fingies can't take that..."
Any favourite cat breeds ? :)
At that, she takes a deep inhale. "Okay so first of all I gotta give a shoutout to the longhairs, they're sososo fluffy but ALSO Maine Coons are soooo cute--" Quick break to catch her breath.
"But of course, whatever breed Kirby is is the one I love the most !!! (She has no idea what breed he is.)"
Do u think ur a lover or a fighter (:<
"Hmmmm... I mean of cours' I'm a lover! I love my friends and everyone else... how could I not be !!! I'm just sooo lovable..."
"Unless someone hurts the people I care 'bout-- then we're gonna have a problem!!!" She throws some air punches.
Do you have a favourite soup?
"Uhhhhh soup flavor?? Give me a sec, I don't 'ave these things memorized... oh! Tomato bisque... that's one of 'em right?"
Is it true that all fast food restaurants have been secretly taken over by the people who fooled everyone that oranges are orange?
"WHAT !!!! Not... not that I know of????" :WBAT:
whats a story that happened to you that sounds like something you'd see on r/thathappened, despite being very real?
"Oh!!!! Oh oh oh! I've got the PERFECT story for y' folks!"
"So, according to my ma' when I was a mere babe... my nametag got switch'd up with another kid's and the wrong parents ended up taking me home !!! Crazy, right? In the end though, I raised up such a fuss and made their lives so miserable they ended up coming back because they knew they hadn't created this hellspawn! ... and I'm glad they did, because my old folks actually knew how to raise said hellspawn!!" Double finger guns !!
Im telling u dude its 100% truth!!!
"I don't believe you, I'm sorryyy!!! You gotta show me somethin' concrete, some proof! Scientific method and all of that!"
What's your favorite color combo?
"Lime green and purple !! Don't think I have any clothes that aren't in either of those colors..."
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You just gotta get rid of the orange wax!!! Yk like what they put on supermarket apples
There are no words for a moment. ".... YOU JUST PEEL THE ORANGE OFF????" She totally believes you.
"I need to lie down..."
What is your vehicle of choice? :smilee:
"Well... Shiko says I shouldn't be trusted around a car, so my handy dandy bicycle is the next best thing !!"
What do you do when you're not hacking?
"Everyone's gotta have a healthy work-life balance, y'know? Unless you work at Marium Corp, I guess..."
"I take break days to spend over 10 hours playing video games, touching grass, and maybe even renting a movie!! Sure, there are more break days than regular days, but I didn't say it was a GOOD work-life balance..."
did you know that if you peel an orange with a nokia you have a 0.00008% to get a shiny orange?
"Like a rare collectible orange !!! What !! " There are stars in her eyes. "You've piqued my interest, magic man!"
If you dip the true form of an orange into lemon juice, it turns purple! Like the butterfly pea tea (?) !!
legend says.............. opening it with a wii remote has the low low low rate of getting a :THISMAN: orange :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:
"That's so coollll ! I gotta try that out--
... Hold on where did you get that picture of Val--?!"
The blood orange must be sacrificed!! Dont forget that part!
"Got it, boss !!!" She salutes.
CADY: [The hacker quickly glances up above the screen, widening her eyes slightly before stretching her arms above her head.]
"Well, think that's all the time I have to talk... gotta push this update out to the others!! They're gonna be so impressed! ... was nice meeting you all, see ya 'round!"
[Cady beams at the screen and waves to you, before closing the call.]
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wroteonedad · 2 years
Breath of the Wild (2017) Review
When I would talk about playing games when I was younger, it was pretty much The Sims franchise and nothing else. I always struggled to get into any other games, I never even played Pokémon until I was 21,,,,, I really feel like those memes floating round TikTok that are like 'just started watching movies, when is The Godfather.?'
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I've never been good at puzzles and I'm also terrible at completing games. I'm one of those people that will put in endless hours on a game just to realise I have completed nothing.
What I'm trying to say here is that I suck at playing Breath of the Wild, but I still love the game nonetheless. My flatmate has told me that watching some of my gameplay isn't quite as bad as Jerma985 so I'm going to take that as a compliment, but I also feel just like him when I am playing the game. I am overthinking everything, trying to do everything in the hardest way possible. I forget that actually using the cookpots is a good thing and I spend most of my time accidentally throwing my weapons across the hill instead of shooting arrows at the nearby enemy. I am also terrified of the guardians, I've played the game on and off for so many months and I've only just learnt to shoot the baby ones in the shrines that only move around a set area of the quest. It's embarrassing actually, but by the time I've finished the game (if I ever finish it) I'm probably going to end up clocking a good 500 hours of my life into it. It also took me about a month to even finish the introduction of the game because I would get too frustrated and end up pulling a Kyle.
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The game to me feels a little bit like a never ending jump scare. If I'm walking around one of the areas that's close to where you defeat Ganon, there's always a chance that I'm going to get blasted by one of the guardians with the legs that run and look like a terrifying spider. At night time there are skeletons that just spawn literally anywhere, catching me completely off guard every single time. I think if there is anything that this game has taught me, it's that my reaction time is quite slow and I really need to work on that. Then there's also the blood moon which is terrifying. You'll be running round, collecting rushrooms and chilling when suddenly the world is on fire and you're taken to a cutscene telling you the blood moon resets the game and every monster you've killed,,,, well it's time to kill them again. I live in FEAR that I'll somehow become strong enough to need to defeat black moblins because I can barely defeat a blue one. Again, I'm sure this is because I accidentally keep throwing my weapons around rather than using them correctly.
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Also this damn dragon electrocuted me in the middle of the blood moon. Between that and the fairies or witches? I'm not even sure what they are. They're just flying around oddly specific areas ready to fight and it took everything in me to not punch a wall while trying to kill my first one, but I managed it. I think that's really cool.
I'm terrible at the shrines, but at the same time I love to mess around with it to the point I pretty much break the game. If you're good at puzzles and perhaps actually listening to what they're telling you at the beginning of the game, then I imagine it makes it easier. Most of the time I do find myself Googling the answers because my brain just simply doesn't work the same way it used to.
But here's what I really love about the game. I love how free Hyrule is, I love that you finish the introduction, get your paraglider and then they just let you go off to explore the huge world, meet the people, kill the enemies and even build your own home. I think this mission is the one I'm most excited about at the moment, I love being able to go out there and blow up trees for wood and then selling all my keese wings to make enough money to display those boko bats on the wall. I hated this game when I first started to play it, but now that I'm just going around and exploring, I fall in love with it more and more. I can sit there for the whole day and I know I would find so many places I haven't yet discovered, despite clocking in 40 hours just from exploring the map alone. I love to throw around high reviews, but this is the first game that comes to mind when I think of a 5 star game. This is the one. It makes me so excited for Tears of the Kingdom to come out although I feel like I won't be able to play that for a good two years after its release because I won't be able to afford it. Cheers UK.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Comforting S/O [Pokémon Sword & Shield]
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Characters Included: Bede, Hop, Leon & Raihan
Notes: I know I should be doing requests but I’ve been wanting to do a Pokemon hc for awhile now (im also waiting for someone to request something for pokemon but sadly, no one did 😔🥺 please send requests for pokemon). Hope you’ll enjoy it! (Sorry if some of them are OOC)
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warnings: none (minor spoilers if you don’t know of the storyline of the game)
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— When you start to cry, Bede would panic. Regardless if he knows the reason or not, he’ll still panic. Even though you two are together for a long time now, he still panics whenever he sees you starting to sob.
— His heart will shatter when he hears you hiccuping in your cries as he awkwardly pulls you into a (awkward) hug. He tries his best, but he isn’t good at comforting. So he’ll just hold you until you calm down.
— He doesn’t mind you staining his jacket (or gym shirt), all he cares about is whether you’re okay or not. Bede would definitely ask what’s wrong, but if you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine for him. Just expect Bede to be more cautious and observant of you.
— If your reason is someone bullying you— “what’s their name? where do they live? where are they now?—“ yeah, he’ll make sure that person will pay for making you cry. It’s bad enough that he was rude to you back then. If your reason is because of him, he’ll be surprised and hurt. He knows he isn’t the best and perfect guy, but now he felt like the most cruel guy in the world for making you cry. Bede would definitely try to remember what he did to make you cry.
— However, if your reason is stress about Pokémon battles, gym, etc. Bede would understand since being a Champion is hard and stressful, being in the media’s eyes constantly. Bede couldn’t do much since he’s only a Gym Leader in training.
— Bede would drag you to either your homes (but preferably his), and force you to sit down on the couch and rest. He’ll go to the kitchen to prepare some food as he instructs you to put on a movie. Once he’s finished, he’ll go back to the living room with food at hand. From there, you two will have a unplanned movie night.
— Bede might not be the most preferred guy to go to for comfort, but he tries his best. It isn’t his fault that his parents abandoned him, making him an orphan, and raised without love and warmth. He only experienced it with you, and continue experiencing it for the rest of his life. So please don’t hold it against him for being this way ;-;
— When you start to cry, Hop’s first instinct is to pull you close and “shh” you in a comforting way. He rubs his hands on your shoulders as he lets you cry on either his shoulder or chest. For some reason, he knows how to comfort other people, unlike Bede. Probably seen it with how their mother comfort Leon when he lost for the first time.
— Hop’s heart will break when tears started cascading down your cheeks. He hates seeing you cry. He wants you to always be happy, but he knew that seeing you cry is actually important. Since he knew that crying is normal and seeing his s/o cry means you trust him.
— Hop wouldn’t immediately ask what’s wrong. He’ll let a couple of minutes or an hour to pass before asking, making sure you’re already calmed down. He just wants to find out what’s wrong so that he can see that smile of yours that he loves so much.
— If the reason why you’re crying is someone making fun of you, he’ll not say anything at first. But he’ll definitely ask for their name, he wants to know why they decided to pick on his girlfriend and the Champion of Galar. If the reason is him, he’ll be confused and might panic. Did he do something that must’ve upset you?! Oh Arceus, did he?! (The second reason doesn’t come up too often, mostly comes up during fights, though they are rare).
— However, if the reason is stress, Hop definitely understands the stress. He’s already stressed trying to become the next Professor in the lab, if being a Professor is hard, what of being the Champion of the WHOLE Galar Region? That must’ve been so stressful. Hop has mutual respect for you for being so strong under so much peer pressure.
— Hop would probably drag you to his room, where you two can cuddle while laying down. He’ll be the big spoon as he hugs you close to his chest. Hop would remain quiet if you don’t want to talk. The thing with Hop, he knows when to be energetic and when to unwind.
— Hop is much more of an ideal guy to go to for comforting than Bede, but he also has flaws. He sometimes can’t see that you’re already crying due to him being busy studying to become a Professor. He might start to neglect you. Hop is super apologetic if ever this happens. Having raised by a Champion brother and a loving mother, he has love to spare to you. He loves to spoil you very much and constantly showers you with affection.
— When you start to cry, Leon panic but he manage to regain his composure by bringing you to a hug. If he has his cloak, he might cover you by using it as a shield so that no one can see you crying.
— Leon can feel his heart throbbing in pain as you sob in his chest. He immediately wants to know what happened and why are you crying, but he knew better than to ask you right now. Not when you’re still crying your eyes out.
— After crying in his chest for an hour, you finally calmed down. Leon made sure you’ve calmed down. He made you sit on a nearby bench, or lean on a tree, and made you drink water from the bottle he carries always (his mother always made him bring it. in this exact moments, leon is grateful for his mother’s persistence). After all that, Leon will ask all the questions in his head. He doesn’t expect an answer right away but he wants to have an idea on what happened.
— If your reason is someone saying bad things about you, Leon’s face turned into furious then to solemn. As much as Leon wants to beat the crap out of that person, he can’t. Because it’ll affect the reputation that the League has. He’ll just say, “don’t mind them, okay? their opinions don’t matter.” If your reason is because of him, he’ll be so confused like “huh?” “did i do something wrong?” He’s just a confused, lost puppy right then and there.
— If your reason is because of stress, ohhh, Leon can relate to you. He’s been there before, being the previous Unbeatable Champion of Galar Region. He knew the stress of your peers, the challenges, the paperworks and all sorts. He can actually help you! He can help organize your chaotic schedule and stuff like that.
— Leon’s way of comforting is dragging you to your shared house and just pamper you. He’ll cook you a decently-cooked meal (that was, miraculously, not burned). Massage your body, because I can see him being good at massages. And just basically pamper you like royalty.
— Leon is an ideal guy to go to for comfort. He’s basically a huge living teddy bear that you can rely on and cry on. His arms always feels the safest, no matter what.
— When you start to cry, Raihan blinks, his mind not processing before panicking. He’ll quickly rush to you and holds your face in his hands and make you look into his eyes while asking “baby! are you okay?! what happened?!” Which results in you crying much more.
— Raihan had the “oh shit” face on when he realized his mistake and immediately engulf you into a hug. Since his tall as hell, he can pick you up easily by grabbing your thighs and wrapping it around his waist. His heart is already cracking by your cries alone.
— Even though Raihan wants to know immediately why you’re crying, he’ll remain silent. He might not be the best at comforting people, like Bede, but he knows when to speak and not to speak. He’ll let you cry into his chest or shoulder until you can’t anymore.
— After that, he’ll coo at you. Saying things like, “alright, who made my baby cry?” And “tell me their name and i’ll beat them up for you.” This was honestly meant to be a joke but Raihan can make it literally happen..
— If your reason is someone telling you to break up with the Dragon-type Gym Leader, then he’ll be furious. He told his fans that you were his mate and he will not allow them to pick on you. The one thing he asked for his fans, and they broke it. You’ve never seen him so furious before.. If your reason is him though, he’ll have a mixed reaction. Surprised, guilt and confuse. Like “huh?? wut? me??”
— If your reason is stress, Raihan nods in agreement. He already faced through stress when he became a Gym Leader. He might not know what kind of stress the Champion Title brings but he knows its a lot of work. He’ll tell you that stress is normal, just come to him and you’ll be alright.
— Raihan would drag you to a field and lay there. If its night time, then you two can go stargazing. If its day time or noon, you two can go cloud gazing. Anything’s fine with Raihan as long as you’re having fun, then he’s having fun as well. He wishes that your sadness will falter whenever you are with him. Because that’s how he feels for you, he can feel like the thousands of weighs being gone when he sees you. He’s forever grateful for you.
— Raihan likes adventures so much, but he can also use a break. So when you came to the picture, he can finally unwind. He wants you to do the same. You shouldn’t be focused solely on your work and ambition, you should take some time for yourself and your love ones. Raihan might not also be the ideal guy of comforting but his presence alone can calm you down :)
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shivershill2 · 3 years
So before sleep I was thinking about how people are like "What if we had new games like Legends in other regions?" and was thinking about how they could look like:
Note: I am also looking at the respectives Pokémon articles to make sure I get all important information I might be missing... Also I will put it under a cut, as it's quite long. Too much history added into Hoenn Unova and especially Almia(my beloved❤️)
Added regions:
Kanto | Jotho | Hoenn | Unova | Kalos | Alola(short) | Galar | Fiore(Short) | Almia | Oblivia | Including rant about one part of Oblivia
Kanto: who fucking knows. The game has no mythical theme. Mew and Mewtwo, next to the legendary birds are the only legendaries in the game. Mew has no game relevance and Mewtwo is a more modern creation. At that point Pokémon are already integrated into society. The bird trio is the more plausible one, but would have to play in Orange Archipelago, as the birds are responsible for the weather and those islands are their home.
Jotho: Ho-Oh and Lugia are the main legendaries in the games. As the guardians of the Ocean and Sky and the burning of the Brass Tower, later to be called Burned Tower, we could get a similar story and more closure on how it happened. This would also be the birth of the sub legendary trio, who could play part in stopping a possible antagonist, only to leave afterwards, like history says. The main places with people would be Ecruteak, Violet and Mahogany/Blackthorn. Other important places would be the Brass and Bell Tower, Ruins of Alph, Sprout Tower, Whirl Islands.
Hoenn: with Kyogre and Groudon we could have the creators of land and water. Naturally it could not play in the time of the creation, but long after it. The three Regis could be part of it, with the underwater ruin and the three spots you get them from. Regigigas, who moved landmass, could be used by an antagonist to destroy the region, being the reason why the game is "7.9/10 too much water". With a possible protagonist catching Regigigas out of an antagonists hands, we could get a connection to Hisui and the Celestica. The Snowpoint Temple being the area we can find Regigigas and it clearly being sealed away (in both PLA and DPP/BDSP). It could also add parts of the Ranger movie and and underwater civilization, that later leads to the existence of Pacificlog Town, as their the only ones who know about the Sealed Cave. I was always interested in the fact that there are so many places to use dive and it was really pretty. This story would less focus on the two legendaries and Rayquaza.
If we wish to focus more on Kyogre and Groudon, we could say the story could go that Groudon, under antagonist influence or not, causes drought and Kyogre, seen as a Savior tries to stop it and another fight happens. The protag having to stop this by getting to the Sky Pillar. The Sootopolitans and later the Draconid People would be the main group, or the Clans.
Mixing both stories could be possible, with the Regigugas situation happening afterwards, not needing an antagonist, as it could have awoken alone. The braille inside the Sealed Cave warn us from Regigigas and could be added afterwards.
Sinnoh: has been done with Hisui.
Unova: Even if you all are like "I wanna be a cowboy baby, I wanna be a cowboy baby" the story would not feature cowboys and the wild west as a scenery. It would focus more of the legends of the brothers, Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem. I was thinking about it for a bit. How could it go. I could imagine that history has not aged well, in a similar way as in Galar and the story is told wrong. The two brothers would exist and Kyurem in its combined Form too. But the protagonist would be a third party, working with the brothers. What they would do exactly is something unsure. The brothers would fight, Kyurem being manipulated by an antagonist and causing chaos. They would fight about what is the right way to go against them, and the player has to help them. It would be a similar situation to the choosing of either Adaman and Irida, while searching for the mythical lake trio, with the brother you choose being the one legendary you would end up.
I had to go to the German wiki page and learn more about the history. The History states that the heroic twins used Kyruem to unite land, humans and Pokémon onyl to fight and divide Kyruem in three. The brothers started a war against each other until they tired themselves out and realised they both where wrong. Their children started the fights again after their fathers deaths. Reshiram and Zekrim destroyed the region afterwards and turned themselves into stones.
While this is the story, my idea could be seen like this: The brothers had Kyurem , who later got manipulated by someone and the brothers fight about how to solve it. With the brother you choose to follow at one point(they visually make it easier for you to say who gets who) and you try to find a way to stop Kyurem . You get either the light stone or dark stone, the other brother the other one and you go against the antagonist. The stones would react with Kyurem , dividing it into three. You fight Kyurem and and stop it, just for it to hide away.
The sons of the twins would be later, not to be played and be the point where history gets mangled up, as documents get destroyed and story told by mouth.
Kalos: The story Of Eternal Flower Floette and Az. You would be a normal person. It would play while and after the great war of Kalos. Two sides exist and you are part of the side Az is on. You're, next to Floette his partner and has seen Floette die. You would fight together and personally try to stop the war in a more peaceful and diplomatic way. After Floette dies and Az starts building his machine, you realize what hes trying and what he would pay to get Floette back. You decide to find either Xerneas or Yveltal. Az, who is to far deep into his own madness does not see what happens around him. You combining both sides after getting both sides to listen to what Az is doing and getting one of the legendaries. In the fight against AZ both legendaries show up, but he activates the machine killing both sides. You are protected by the one you choose, Xerneas protecting you by giving you life and Yveltal by absorbing the life sucking power. You would fall unconscious, just to be woken up by Floette and no Az in sight. Floette realized what happened and confronts Az with you, only to leave him. Your job afterwards is helping both sides of the war to rebuild and unite.
Alola: sadly I don't think Alola would have great potential that would differ from its own playstyle. As the island challenges have just changed, I don't think you can add the wormholes. Would be interested in what you think.
Galar: quite obvious the darkest day. Here is where history is not delivered the way it was. Instead of the Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta, people believed the heroic twins where humans. In this, the twins would exist, you being one of them. Eternatus would be the main antagonist, including a human trying to harness its power. Together with you twin, you would try to stop Eternatus, meeting both Zacian and Zamazenta on your journey. They test you and when you find either the original for of the Rusted Sword/Rusted Shield. The name of these could be Crowned Sword/Crowned Shield, which are later the names of the special forms the legendaries get when given their respective item. Together you fight against Eternatus and stop the one trying to harness its power. History will remember you and your twin(you and your twin would be you and the gender you choose not to play as), only remembering them as two brothers and also forgetting about Zacian and Zamazenta.
I also thought about the Ranger games. Important would be that these games would have similar mechanics. Instead of capturing Pokémon you would befriend them, and get them to help you with their field moves:
Fiore: Sadly the first game has not enough historical information, but more angry man being angry that people liked his coworkers shut more. The most historical you have are the three legendary beasts and important areas would be the Fiore Temple(pretty area but the ghost types in that game are awful) and the Jungle Relic.
Almia: my absolute favourite game of them all. In Almias mythology there was once a king with three sons, one in blue, one in red and one in yellow. He was a peaceful man, but his sons fought with each other and against others. The king banished his son in red to the volcanic land later to be named Boylelands and his son in yellow into the desert, later called the Haruba Desert. The son in blue was allowed to stay, taking Almia Castle as his. The king felt guilt, but also grew in anger, only to be consumed by it and a Pokémon, drawn by the Shadow Crystal formed by his anger and the growing darkness. It pulled Almia into darkness. It is stated that the son in blue stopped the darkness, but how his brothers are involved is unclear. The tears of the prince's, or the blue, red and yellow gem play a big part in neutralizing the power of the Shadow Crystal.
The way we could make a game out of this is the player was friends with the son in blue. Their partner Pokémon would be a Togepi(will explain later) the sons Pokémons woild be Lucario for the son in blue, Cresselia for the con in Yellow and Heatran for the son in red. It would play before and while the king grows in darkness. While the king grows in darkness, the son in blue decides to find a way to stop his father, asking for your help. Together you find a way to form the three gems, by having the brothers complete several trials with your help. At the end you have to go against the king and Darkrai, that has taken over the king. You beat Darkrai and the king, with the king fading away. Because you couldn't neutralize the Shadow Crystal completely, you hide the Crystal and Darkrai in the Chroma Ruins and make the partners of the sons the guardians of the three gems.
The reason why I choose Togepi as the protagonists partner is one Quest you get from a little girl in Altru Park. She has seen a white Pokémon of peace on top of the Tower after the game. It is a Togekiss, the Pokémon of peace. It is said that Togekiss are bringer of blessing and only said to appear in peaceful times. The "ancient Player" being a blessing send to aide the son in blue haviin a Togepi at the beginning only to evolve into a Togekiss at the end battle would be a great fit. This Togetic would be one of the only ones if not the only one to not evolce needing a Shiny stone, maybe even skipping the Togetic stage completely, being blessed by Arceus itself into its last evolution.
Oblivia: this game features the historical event of the past in the game itself. You learn about an ancient hero that, with their friendship stopped and ancient leader from destroying the world with Sky Fortress. But in game the hero is you, the player, stopping a man named Ellios, rendering our use of history and a possible game useless....
Small rant
This bothers me as much as the fucking missions. The level curve goes from Forest Tempel with understandable level requirements, mission 6/ level 6 being the last one on Forest, but spiking uo to Leven 9, then level 11 twice, then level 16 in Fire Tempel, level 19, then level 21, 23 and 26 in ice Tempel... As examples for the curving. It is time based and leveling IP takes a lot of time. My Stylers pokedex is almost full besides one Pokémon, stuck behind the last boss of the ice Tempel Abomasnow...or maybe it was Electivire from the last boss of the thunder temple to have its slate destroyed in the present. Also the last mission of the Dark temple wants you to be level 46. There are only the forest, fire ice, thunder and then dark temple. Leveling up is hard in this part... I know it was made to be played co-op, but have someone who plays Pokémon around you, then they also have to play the Ranger games and own the third game. I have two friends, only one likes Pokémon, but she only knows about the Ranger games from me and the 3rd Gen movie with Jack.
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pokemoncreepypasta · 3 years
My Shining Star
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Up until some recent events, I used to be an aspiring shiny hunter. Technically I was pretty good at it, too, at least by encounter standards. But even though I was great at finding my fair share of shiny Pokémon , I’ve never been able to keep any of them.
The first one of these shiny Pokémon I found was by a random encounter. I’d gotten lost in Rock Tunnel after forgetting to bring Flash, and spent so long in there that I ran out of Repels. Just as I was giving up hope that I’d be able to escape on my first run, she appeared.
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I knew about shiny Pokémon, but hadn't ever thought I'd encounter one of my own in the wild. I was unprepared, and after a moment of staring in surreal wonder, I concentrated on figuring out how to catch her with my limited supplies. Thankfully it wasn't very hard, and soon I had my first legit shiny.
I normally wasn't creative with naming my Pokémon, but I wanted her to have a special name. I asked my mom for help, and she suggested "Star." I liked it, but the name itself seemed short and boring, so I added a couple stars to the ends to give her name a little flair.
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I was beyond excited to put my first shiny into my team, and plowed through the rest of the cave. She was the light at the end of the tunnel, and I had to get out to the nearest PC, because I knew a shiny baby Cubone was waiting for me to adopt her.
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I quickly fell in love with the little green dinosaur, and soon she was the shining star of my team. I used her more than my starter, and neglected the rest of my party a bit in the process, but still made it through the game alright. Setbacks didn't matter when I had a shiny.
Lots of time and multiple trips through the Elite Four later, I proudly turned ★Star★ into a level 100 Marowak. She was the first Pokémon I ever raised to level 100, and I couldn't have been prouder of her.
It had been a couple years, and I was starting to feel unsatisfied with just ★Star★. I was itching for more, and felt like I probably should have found some other random encounters by now, with all the time I'd spent playing.
Feeling inspired by all the shiny hunter videos I'd been binging on YouTube, I decided to start taking up shiny hunting. I was feeling ambitious, and decided to go straight to hunting for a shiny legendary Pokémon. I was a weird player who didn't really bother going after the birds or Mewtwo in my HeartGold, since I planned on transferring up my legends from my LeafGreen. I decided to rework ★Star★'s moveset for capturing legendary Pokémon.
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The moveset I settled on was Bonemerang, False Swipe, Stone Edge, and Swords Dance. I decided to keep her moveset mostly offensive because she was still a member of my team, and not just a shiny-catcher. I planned on replacing False Swipe with Aerial Ace at some point, but I never got the chance to.
I decided to pick Mewtwo as my target. Lots of people find green shiny Pokémon overbearing and unattractive, but ★Star★ made me fond of them. Plush, Mewtwo was awesome, and I thought the two of them would look great together.
I spoke to ★Star★ aloud, saying, "Are you ready to do some shiny hunting, ★Star★?"
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"★Star★ let out a roar!"
I thought she was just as enthusiastic as me.
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I made it to Mewtwo, saved my game, and started the tedious process of soft resetting.
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I’ll spare the details of how long it took, but eventually I came across the sparkling green Mewtwo.
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I led with my team's Ampharos to paralyze it, and switched to ★Star★.
I remember being very lucky with this fight at first, with Mewtwo being fully paralyzed every turn.
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I used Swords Dance to fully buff ★Star★'s attack stat so False Swipe would do as much damage as possible.
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But even though I swore that I had chosen to use False Swipe, ★Star★ proceeded to use Bonemerang.
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Shocked, confused and distressed, I watched as ★Star★ mercilessly beat the shiny Mewtwo down, knocking it out in one hit with her increased stats.
I felt crushed and dejected as I went back to the overworld. I blamed myself, thinking I had misclicked the wrong move and killed the Mewtwo myself. In my wave of disbelief, I absentmindedly talked to ★Star★.
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"★Star★ is green with envy!"
I decided to go back to square one and start over.
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A dozen thousand resets later, I saw it sparkle again and I was shaking with anticipation. Part of me felt twitchy and paranoid, like I should have used my Master Ball right away.
I decided against it because I wanted to hunt the birds later, but decided that if the Mewtwo seemed like it would run low on moves, then I'd use it as a last resort.
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I probably should have listened to my guts though, because the same thing happened all over again. I knew for certain this time that I had chosen False Swipe, but the game purposefully made ★Star★ use Bonemerang. I saw it completely clear.
After seeing the Mewtwo go down a second time, I just cursed and slammed my desk a bit. I glared accusingly at my Marowak.
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I decided to put my shiny hunting on hold. I used an Escape Rope to leave, and decided to place ★Star★ in the PC, quarantining her in an empty box for a time-out.
As I dejectedly hunted for a third time, I thought to myself what was wrong with my game. I wondered if it was just glitchy, or if I was misinterpreting the situation. I decided to convince myself that it was a mistake on the game's part; otherwise I wouldn't have been able to handle killing the Mewtwo twice in a row.
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Finally, it sparkled one last time. I decided not to screw around while reclaiming this shiny. I had hunted it twice before, and decided to just use the Master Ball on it.
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I had earned this.
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After the initial rush of finally obtaining the shiny, I decided not to nickname it until I thought of something good, and watched as it got sent to the PC. I excitedly saved my game, and made my way out of the cave and to the nearest Pokémon Center.
But when I got there, the Mewtwo wasn't anywhere to be seen.
I shouted curses in confusion as I scrolled through every box in a state of denial. Where did it go, what could I have possibly done? I thought of all the ways I couldn't possibly messed up, did I have an evil hacked Pokémon from the GTS that deleted it, was this actually a bootleg game and Nintendo's anti-piracy revenge was to delete my legendary?
After a few minutes of searching, I gave up. My Mewtwo was gone.
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I scrolled back to ★Star★'s isolated box and looked at my only green shiny in mourning. Obviously it wasn't something wrong with just her, but the game itself. In a game as glitchy as this, I was seriously worried that I might lose her, too.
After looking at her for a bit, it seemed like she might've been looking at me? I wasn't sure if she was supposed to do that, but in a game that was acting up like this, I didn't doubt it.
I took her out of the PC and put her at the front of my party to talk to her, to see if anything else was up.
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"★Star★ nodded slowly."
She only did more random friendly things after that. Quite chipper for someone whose life might be threatened, I thought.
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I decided to trade her over to Platinum for safe keeping. I wasn't sure what to do about the rest of my Pokémon on HeartGold, but ★Star★ was the most important one to me right now.
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As I traded her over, I noticed that her eyes were red now, instead of the green I was just looking at. I was off-put by this inconsistency, especially with the recent events surrounding her. I forced myself to brush it off, however, notice I could do about it.
Even though I had an unfortunate experience with my HeartGold, my thirst for more shinies still persisted. Maybe it was the fact I had lost my shiny three times that I really had to fill the void, now.  A couple weeks later, I found out about a method of shiny hunting called chaining, and wanted to try it out. I felt a little more at ease, since if you accidentally killed a shiny with this method, the chain wouldn't break, and you could keep going. Plus, Platinum should've been fine.
I chose Route 208, as it had a good selection of Pokémon for me to choose from. I wasn't picky, so I just started chaining whatever Pokémon I liked until I got a decent chain. I heard that the shiny odds max out at a chain of 40, so after that you can just keep resetting the radar until the grass sparkles.
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I landed on Roselia, and sent out my shining star Marowak.
I started with False Swipe, since I wouldn't need to buff up ★Star★ for a LV. 19 Pokémon.
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"★Star★ used Swords Dance!"
Oh no.
I panicked as memories of the last incident came flooding back, and how it had started out with her disobeying. Not giving her a chance to kill it, I frantically switched to the items menu to start throwing PokéBalls instead.
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(Name omitted for personal reasons.)
I had plenty of them, so I stared throwing Ultra Balls, since they had the highest odds. At least one of these would probably work.
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" blocked the Ball!"
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"Don't     !"
I tried throwing one, but it failed, as if I tried using it on a trainer's Pokémon.
I had no idea what in the world was going on, what could be stopping me from catching a wild Pokémon? Was my Platinum glitched out too? Was I cursed??
I tried using different balls, but nothing would work.
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Eventually, I ran out of PokéBalls to throw. I'd failed the shiny.
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Frustrated, but not enough to kill the Roselia, I fled the battle.
I had no idea what to do after that, and was exasperated. I wanted to berate myself, and that I should've tried test catching a normal Pokémon in Platinum first to make sure it was going to work okay. But really, how was I supposed to know that was going to happen? And always, conveniently when I was in the middle of hunting a shiny. I thought of berated my parents instead, if they had bought all my Pokémon games for me on eBay.
Was it really my games, thought? I don't even know if you can trade Pokémon from fake games. Was it my DS could it have been hacked? Can you even bootleg a DS? I tried going to the Internet for answers, and read some Reddit and random Pokémon forum posts about glitches and bootlegs for an hour, but gave up without finding a real conclusion.
So, I'd given up hunting for some time. But, I hadn't gotten tired of Pokémon. I bought Black for myself, and played through the story just fine.
I found out you could get a Shiny Charm if you completed the Pokédex. That made me excited, until I remembered my past luck. Was it worth trying again?
Shortly after transferring up all my Pokémon, I decided, yes. It was. I went for the hatching method this time, since the Pokémon ends up right in your party afterwards- no catching, no PC transfer. It would be my final test, and if THIS didn't work, I would officially give up on ever getting nice things.
Foreign Ditto in hand, I went to work. I went for a shiny Flygon, since they were one of the best looking, and it'd be a nice addition to my competitive team.
One long hunt and a really late night later, eyelids barely able to stay open, I saw it.
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I'd never seen anything more beautiful.
Skipping the nickname, I rushed to immediately save my game, wasting no time. I checked my party to see my Trapinch was still there, and chalked it up as a success. I was an official shiny hunter now.
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Since ★Star★ was level 100, I figured she could battle for my baby Trapinch until she could hold her own in battle. I only wanted to take her up a few levels, so I could personally train her afterwards. Just raising her immediately into a Flygon would be too soon.
I attached an Exp. Share to her, and started running around in the tall grass. After a little bit of grinding, my Trapinch made it up to level 8 before I accidentally stepped into the thick grass and triggered a wild double battle.
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Knowing the wild Pokémon were too strong for the underleveled baby Trapinch, I wanted to flee, but I first noticed ★Star★'s sprite as it asked me what to do.
The end of her bone facing the wild Pokémon was no longer symmetrical, being sharpened at the end of it. I'd seen her sprite enough times to know it wasn't supposed to look like this.
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I tried to flee, but it failed.
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"★Star★ used Swords Dance!"
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"The wild Pidove is watching carefully!" 
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"The wild Patrat is watching carefully!" 
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"Trapinch is watching carefully!" 
★Star★ had started using moves on her own. Stunned, I tried to switch out.
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"★Star★ can't be switched out!"
Giving up, I told ★Star★ to use Stone Edge on the Pidove, and told the Trapinch to use Bite on Patrat.
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"★Star★ ignored orders!" 
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"★Star★ used Bonemerang!"
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I gasped as she struck my Trapinch instead.
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"★Star★ is green with envy!"
As soon as I read that text, it hit me. This wasn't any ordinary friendly fire.
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"Trapinch fainted!"
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It finally allowed me to run, so I immediately tapped the button and rushed to my party to see the damage.
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My Trapinch was gone.
I tried resetting to bring her back, but it was hopeless. My shiny new baby had been murdered.
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Connecting all the dots in my head, I realized the reason I'd failed every encounter was because of ★Star★.
My grief and fear quickly turned into outrage. I couldn't believe she'd done this to me. She'd made me suffer hunt after hunt, just to take every shiny away from me.
This was the source of my games acting strange, and I knew there was only one way to correct it.
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Feeling rash, I rushed over to the PC and hovered over the "Release" option for a few minutes.
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"★Star★ was released."
It hurt to let her go, but I didn't want my game behaving strangely with her around.
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"★Star★ came back!"
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"★Star★ will never leave you."
But she refused.
Resorting to desperate measures, I did the only other thing I could think of.
I traded the stubborn Marowak over to my nearly empty White version that I never got around to playing, and deleted the save file.
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"Deleting all saved data... Don’t turn off the power."
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"★Star★ will n"
Sayonara, ★Star★.
After deleting the save file, I thought things would start working like they should. Sometimes, I'd replay other Pokémon games just for the fun of it, hoping I'd find other shiny Pokémon with ★Star★ gone.
Almost comically, I somehow thought it would be a good idea to go full circle and try hunting on HeartGold for a shiny starter. I had heard from other shiny hunters that it was an easy hunt, and it was, only taking a few days.
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I affectionately named him "Chico."
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My first step into the tall grass, and...
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"★Star★ is green with envy!"
I had never been so unhappy to see a shiny.
I guess she's been out in the wild all these months. And looking at her sprite, I can only wonder what she's been up to. I wonder how she feels to see me again?
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Oh, no.
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“Can’t escape!”
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"★Star★ used Bonemerang!"
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"Chico fainted!"
Of course, Chico was no match.
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The game froze after I blacked out.
I figure it was because ★Star★ killed my only Pokémon.
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"The save file is corrupted. The previous save file will be loaded."
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My save file, corrupted with the loss of my starter's data, brought me back right to this spot that I was all too familiar with. Through frustrated tears, I begrudgingly went to pick a normal starter so I could play the game normally.
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“I dare you to love again.”
And I’ve never found a shiny since.
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The Reader and Erik’s friends are trying to set them both up on a blind date but the catch is...they’re already dating.
Warnings: Fluff. Slight smut, short.
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When friends interfere there is no going back....
Four women positioned around a freshly baked pan of peach cobbler with spoons in their hands scooping it out to add to their bowls of vanilla ice cream. It was after they just had a steak dinner and some red wine. They all planned to go out with their boyfriends to a Carnival that’s in town. All accept for Y/N who was single and would be without a date to attend the Carnival. Her friends and and their boyfriends had a trick up their sleeves. Y/N wasn’t going to be the single one out of the group any longer...
“What are you smiling about, Y/N?” Nisha, Y/N’s friend since the 4th grade asks while trying to peek at her phone.
“Just these dumb ass memes, they are so funny,” Y/N giggles, “I swear, the internet is undefeated.”
“For a second there I thought you were talking to some guy.”
Y/N placed her phone face down, looking up at Nisha with a tight smile on her lips as if she was hiding something, “When you know, you’ll know.”
“Well,” Nisha looked around at the other two women. Frankie, Y/N and Nisha’s friend from college who has smooth butter pecan skin and shoulder length layered Auburn hair and Lanay, Nisha’s cousin who stood at 4’ 11, chubby, long natural hair that reached her waist, shared the same sneaky look with Nisha, “We just might know sooner than you think.”
Y/N licks the sweet peaches from her spoon, before taking her tongue to lick the sugary bits off her upper lip, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“We took it upon ourselves to set up a blind date for you tonight,” Frankie spoke up first.
“A blind date? Really y’all?” Y/N let’s out a suppressed laugh while giving all of them an odd look, “Listen, I trust y’all judgment but...I’m not tryna go on a date with a man-“
“He’s perfect! You said we know you right? This one is the exact match for you. Funny, intellectual, tall, smells great, very very handsome, has a career-“
“Can’t forget his voice...we know how much you love a man with a sexy voice-“
“You guys, calm down,” Y/N held up her hands at all of them, “I’m good. I’ve been tagging along while y’all are in relationships so what’s the difference?”
“It’s just time, sis. Time to forget about the whack motherfuckers you’ve been with and open your heart to a new and improved man.” Lanay spoke while secretly being nudged in the arm by Frankie to say something.
“Is he a build-a-nigga? Y’all talking about him like he was made in a factory like a Ken doll.”
“He’s that great!” Nisha says with excitement, “Honestly, you two will hit it off instantly when we get to the Carnival.”
Y/N could do nothing but giggle at her girls. They were so pushy when it came down to trying to hook her up with men. All Y/N wanted to do was go to the Carnival and have some fun on rides that she hadn’t been on since she was in high school.
“The only reason why I’m going to agree to this is because he could possibly win me a big Pikachu and I’ve ALWAYS WANTED a big Pikachu. This is strictly on a friend level, okay?”
“When you see him, you won’t say that anymore,” Frankie wagged her brows.
“He’s that amazing, Ugh,” Lanay touches her heart like she was in love.
“Why don’t you two share him then?” Y/N poked fun at them both, “Y’all seem more excited about him than I do.”
“He can win you the big Pikachu and he can give you big orgasms,” Nisha shrugs.
“SIS,” Y/N shoves her, “Why are you so nasty? I’m not sleeping with this man, whoever he is, what’s his name anyway?!”
“Can’t, you’ll find out when we get there-“
Lanay cuts off Nisha, “because we know you start judging based off of names-“
Y/N cuts off Lanay, “Well, can you blame me? Names can tell a lot about a man.”
A knock came to Nisha’s door, a big smile on her face while she rubbed her hands together deviously, “That’s Craig and Shawn. Chavez and your mystery man are going to meet us at the Carnival.”
“Wait...,” Y/N says while Nisha walks away to open her door, “So ALL OF YALL are in on this?”
“The guys are friends with him. We’ve all hung out together before. Not so much lately because he’s been busy but that’s how we met him,” Frankie clarifies.
“Okay...see...y’all are some plotting, medaling, motherfuckers,” Y/N snatched up her black mini backpack that had a cute pink and black faux fur dice key ring attached to it, walking away and towards the living room where Nisha talked with Craig and Shawn. Craig and Shawn are tall and muscular like a couple of football players. Craig is Trinidadian and Shawn is from Ghana. Both of them could pass for brothers. Smooth carob skin with matching kinky fros and thick facial hair.
“Sup, Y/N,” Craig playful gave Y/N dabs to mess with her, “You ready to get on some roller coasters?”
“I’m ready to fuss both of y’all out,” Y/N says with her hands on her hips, “What is wrong with y’all setting me up on a blind date?”
“Just tryna look out for you. We approve, you’ll be fine,” Shawn spoke nonchalantly.
“Y’all get on my damn nerves,” Y/N rolls her eyes, “can we go?”
“Yeah, the car is unlocked, Miss Salty,” Craig always called Y/N that, “Yeah, my mans would love you. He like girls with attitude and mouth.”
“Well your MANS don’t know who he’s fucking with.”
Finally at the Carnival, Everyone entered in a group, making their way towards the arcade where Chavez said to meet. Y/N couldn’t help but to adjust the short pleated black skirt that she wore and the cropped black tank with a chain lace up in the front. She looked cute and sporty. If she was going to entertain this man for the duration of the night at least look good. The big arcade sign with the outrageously bright lights couldn’t go unnoticed as they approached. Y/N instantly spots Chavez sharing a blunt with a guy who’s back is turned towards them with a white hoodie on that had the words, Good Sex No Stress One Boo No Ex Small Circle Big Checks on it in pink lettering. Black sweats on and white Nike Hauraches, he was indeed tall, maybe 6’ 3 1/2. He could also pass for a football player too. Chavez was the shortest out of all the men but he was still tall, caramel skin and a close cut.
“There he isssss,” Nisha says to Y/N while her arm was linked with Craig’s, “You ready?”
“Nisha, shut up,” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“Hey, they’re here,” Chavez taps the mystery guys shoulder, “Where’s YN-“
“Hey Chavez,” she looked over to the guy who was currently putting out the blunt on the wall of the arcade.
“Erik, this is Y/N. Y/N, Erik.”
Y/N sucked in a panting breath. She was stunned where she stood. Those onyx eyes. Those full lips. That broad nose. The dreads that peaked out of the top of his hood. Is this really happening?
“I told you sis,” Nisha laughs are her friends stuck expression, “Erik, I’m sorry she’s being so damn rude.”
Erik blinked like he was back to reality. His composure was more put together than Y/N’s. He clears his throat, putting out his hand for her to shake.
“Sup’ ma?”
Y/N grabs his large calloused hand, shaking it slowly, “H-Hi.”
“She is shook,” Frankie whispered as she approached her man, Chavez, to give him a kiss.
“So, where to first?” Craig asks.
“Doesn’t matter to me,” Nisha looked around the group, “What do y’all think?”
“Maybe we can play some games first,” Erik suggests with his eyes still on Y/N, unblinking.
“You could win Y/N a big Pikachu,” Lanay spoke with enthusiasm, “She always wanted one.”
“I can do that,” Erik looks Y/N up and down, “That’s okay, right?”
“Y-yeah,” She gave a shivering inhale, “Sure.”
“Get these rings around the bottles to win a big Pokémon.”
Erik accepted his rings, rolling up the sleeves to his hoodie before looking down at Y/N then over his shoulder. The others were occupied with other Carnival games to worry about Y/N and Erik. Y/N was mute the entire time, afraid to even look at Erik.
“You can breath now, baby girl,” Erik tosses the first ring successfully, “They are far enough away for you to be yourself around me like you were last night.”
“Erik,” Y/N whispered while watching him make the second bottle, “I didn’t want them to know about us until I knew for sure that this was official.”
“We just started dating like, almost a month ago, Y/N. I know you have your boundaries and shit but if I’m putting in time with one girl that’s what it is. I told you this before-“
“Then you should know why I am the way I am. I’ve been played plenty of times, okay?”
Erik tosses the third ring, the Game Worker impressed with his skills since most people miss. He pauses, looking down at Y/N with his onyx eyes that made her melt, “This ain’t just a what the fuck moment for you, it is for me too. They wouldn’t tell me who you were and them niggas kept nagging me to give it a chance so I went along with it to play nice but now that I know it’s you, ain’t no playing nice. Consider this date number three, sweetheart.”
Y/N blushes with a bite of her lower lip, “If you win me that Pikachu I’ll give you a secret kiss in the tunnel of love.”
“How about a secret touch too? Can a nigga get that?”
Y/N rolls her eyes with a pretty smile, “Depends on what this touch is.”
“Hmmm,” Erik squints his eyes with a dimpled smile, “You just gotta wait and see what these hands can do. They had you squirming with just a cuff of that ass.”
“Stopppp,” Y/N whispers.
Erik made the fourth ring. This was already set in the bag.
“Wow!” The Game Worker who’s name tag read Kenny claps, “Three more rings and the Pikachu is yours!”
“It’s already mine,” Y/N says while watching Erik continue to be successful, “He’s just that good.”
“Let me get it down.”
Y/N squeals, jumping up and down before giving Erik a one arm hug. She looked over her shoulder and noticed Nisha, Frankie, and Lanay pointing and laughing. If only they knew.
“Chill out, ma. It’s just a hug. You acting like you got your tongue in my mouth or something...unless?” Erik licks his lips, “I know how much you like my tongue.”
“Get my Pikachu, big head.”
Erik chuckles, grabbing the Pikachu and handing it to Y/N. It was almost let height with how short she is.
“You look fucking adorable with your fine ass.”
“Thank you handsome,” Y/N reached for his hand, “Take me to the tunnel of love.”
It wasn’t a tunnel of love it was a scary tunnel. Y/N didn’t see how this would be romantic but it was dark enough for Erik to get his kiss and touch. Y/N and Erik were last to get in, the rest of their friends in wagons before them. Erik placed the Pikachu in his lap, taking one of his arms to wrap around Y/N, stroking her arm as the wagons entered the dark tunnel. Out of no where, dark green lights ignited their path, misshapen mirrors on the walls and smoke rising from below the tracks.
“This is so damn eerie,” Nisha looked around with wary eyes, “I’m scared somebody gonna pop out.”
Y/N wasn’t bothered nor did she have to time to admire the tunnel because Erik was kissing her neck. The big ass head of the Pikachu covered his actions. He was tonguing her neck down, Y/N’s eyes fluttering shut. her feet in her platform vans went up on her tiptoes and her thighs clenched tightly. Her mouth opened slowly when his tongue licked her ear, a quiet gasp escaping her mouth. Erik tickled her ear with the air from his nose when he started laughing.
“Don’t make me put you in my lap, Y/N.”
As good as that sounded, she couldn’t do that anyway since they were on a ride. His hand came from around her to rest on her upper thigh. Erik squeezes it, Y/N making her thighs go tight so Erik wouldn’t get his hand up her skirt.
“Stingy.” He whispers before smacking her thigh.
Y/N kisses her teeth, looking straight ahead at her friends before opening her legs.
“Oh? I can get in there now? We moving from first base?”
“You are an ass,” Y/N jumps when she feels his finger tips on her crotch.
“This a phat pussy,” He looked down at her, his face bathed in the green light so lustful, “I just know she juicy too.”
“Shut...up,” Y/N pulled in a lung full of air when Erik’s fingers pinched her pussy lips together.
“Yep, nice and phat.”
Y/N was still stuck on the fact that Erik is her blind date when they are already dating. Now, his hands were up her skirt rubbing and pinching her pussy lips. He was making her soaking wet and she knew for sure he could feel it.
“YES LETS GET OUT OF HERE THIS IS BORING.” Frankie yells from the front causing everyone else to laugh.
Erik slaps her pussy a few times before taking his hand from under her skirt. Y/N let’s out a disappointing sigh as the wagons line up outside of the tunnel. Erik gets out, teaching down to grab Y/N out with one arm. He hands her the Pikachu before wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
“Y’all move quick I see,” Craig commented while watching Erik and Y/N.
“Y’all were right, I’m feeling her so far,” Erik says while staring at Y/N like she was the most precious thing on earth.
“Awww how cute,” Lanay looked like she wanted to take a picture of the moment.
“Where to next?” Chavez asked.
“A roller coaster?” Y/N suggests, “We can do The Volcano.”
“Oh, hell nah. I know that’s not the one where your legs are swinging?!” Frankie looked petrified.
“Those are the best ones though,” Erik was down.
“Count me out. Baby, can we try the Wild One?”
The Wild One is a standard wooden roller coaster.
“Yeah, babe, that’s fine.”
They both left to go there, leaving everyone else to go on The Volcano.
The walk was pretty short, Erik and Y/N hand in hand. The line for The Volcano was pretty short. Y/N placed her Pikachu near a shelf with her bag. She got in her seat, bringing the bar down in front of her to secure it. Erik helped her out, tightening it to make sure it was in place. The Ride Worker came around, pushing down on the padded bars before pulling it to make sure it was in place. The worker put his thumb up to signal that it was all clear before the ride started up. It was one of those coasters that has a fast take off. Y/N squeezed Erik’s hand, causing him to laugh before the ride blasted off causing Y/N to scream at the top of her lungs.
Her hair was definitely a mess but she didn’t care. Her and Erik were in line alone for another roller coaster. It was the Wild One. They sat close together, their thighs touching and Erik placing his hand in her lap.
“You still look sexy as fuck with a messy bun.”
“I should have known not to fix my hair all fancy,” Y/N glances up at Erik, “This is my favorite date of ours so far.”
The ride began to ascend.
“Mines too. Especially hearing you scream like a fucking banshee,” Y/N shoves Erik, his laugh making her smile.
“I always scream on roller coasters even when I love them.”
“It’s cool,” Erik’s hand went further up her skirt.
“Erik, what are you doing?” Y/N looked down at his hand spreading her thighs. She could see him pull her panties to the side, her pussy instantly feeling the wind and cooling the heat she felt from being so damn turned on. He takes his thumb and his middle finger to spread her lips, the tip of his pointer finger rubbing circles around her clit. Y/N’s head went back, eyes closing and her moans caught in her throat.
“We’re almost there,” Erik speaks in a soft tone, making Y/N crave him more. His fingers traveled lower, two of them leisurely sinking inside of her pussy. Y/N moans softly, her hands coming out in front of her to firmly grasp the bars before the feeling of falling overcame her. Everyone else around her screamed through the thrill but all Y/N could do was moan and smile with Erik’s fingers attacking her pussy. Her hair whipped across her face with every turn, Erik watching her with a big handsome smile. Another drop came, Y/N squealing a little while her hips moved in tandem with Erik’s thrusts. She never felt this charged in her life, her body leaned in towards his during a turn, her laughs and gasps of pleasure against his neck. Erik turns his head, her hair in his face while their lips crashed. The ride began to slow down her thighs tightening around his hand because she didn’t want him to stop. Erik reluctantly pulls his hand out, causing Y/N to whimper. He licks his fingers clean before helping her out of the cart and adjusting her skirt. Her but was no longer there, long curly hair all over her head. Erik smooths her hair out of her face before giving her a kiss.
Both of them turn to spot their friends watching.
“That’s my boy Erik!” Shawn called out before wolf whistling.
“YALL ARE SO CUTE!” Nisha looked like a proud mother.
Y/N looks up at Erik through her lashes, “Should we tell them?”
Erik wraps his arm around her shoulder, walking Y/N over to get her bag and her Pikachu, “Nah, let’s drag this out, it’s fun.”
“You are so devious.”
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest - Chapter Eight: Clips 3&4
master list
note: decided to drop two clips today because one was just texts; also as much as I want to italicize the texts, I’m not going to because Tumblr never gets all of them :/
also, mild spoilers for the the first part of Pokémon Sword and Shield
Maandag 14:11
Broerrrs + Luc
20 July, 14:11
Robbe: What are you guys doing on Wednesday?
Jens: Uh, I’m working that night. But not until like 19:00.
Lucas: I’m working that morning.
Jens: Really?
Lucas: Yeah.
Aaron: I don’t have to work.
Moyo: Me either.
Jens: Lucky you.
Lucas: Why?
Robbe: Because Sander wants to meet you guys. And he gets off at 16:00 on Wednesday.
Jens: Wait really?
Robbe: Yeah. Do you have a problem with it?
Jens: What? No, of course not. I guess I just didn’t expect it to be so soon. Especially after everything that happened.
Robbe: I know, but I want him to meet you guys. Officially. As my boyfriend.
Aaron: Awww, Robbe has a boyfriend.
Robbe: I’ve said he’s my boyfriend multiple times.
Lucas: Yeah, he literally won’t shut up about it.
Robbe: I’m sorry. How many times do you talk about Jens?
Lucas: :)
Aaron: I know, but it’s still new and I’m allowed to be excited.
Moyo: That’s true. We’re excited. And Wednesday sounds good to me. Noor and I are going out tonight.
Jens: Have fun! Wednesday sounds good to me too. Am I going to like him still after everything?
Lucas: Yes.
Jens: Oh really?
Lucas: One look at how he makes Robbe happy and you’ll like him again.
Robbe: I didn’t realize you stopped.
Lucas: He didn’t. He just says that he does. He’s gotta be all macho and protective.
Jens: You like me when I’m macho and protective.
Aaron: VDS at it again.
Moyo: You’re still in the group chat?
Jens: And? I can flirt with my boyfriend when I want to. Even in the group chat.
Robbe: I’m screenshotting that.
Aaron: What for?
Robbe: For when we eventually add Sander to this chat. And Jens tells me not to flirt with my boyfriend. I have proof that I can flirt in the group chat.
Jens: Are we adding Sander to the group chat? We haven’t even met him officially yet. And we never added Thomas to it. 
Robbe: I know, but I have a feeling about this one. Plus, I know you guys already like him anyways. Especially Aaron.
Aaron: That’s true.
Jens: In love Robbe is my favorite Robbe.
Moyo: Yeah.
Lucas: Agreed.
Robbe: Thanks guys.
Dinsdag 19:25
It had been on Robbe’s mind for awhile—days, weeks even. It was time for something different.
At least for Tuesday. 
Tonight, Sander was going over to Britt’s parents’ house. It had been an unexpected and last-minute invite from her parents and Sander was asked to come. Britt had messaged Robbe about it, asking if it was okay, and Robbe had said that it was. It still felt a little weird—as weird as his boyfriend pretending to be dating his ex-girlfriend could be—but that wasn’t why Robbe was upset. But, Robbe didn’t even know if ‘upset’ was the word he should be using… Disappointed? Maybe.
It wasn't about Sander going over to Britt’s. It was Sander going over to Britt’s tonight. 
Changing up his streams had been on Robbe’s mind for a few weeks and yesterday afternoon, after playing numerous matches that were just like all the others, he finally decided that he wanted to do it. At least for one day. When Britt had asked—followed shortly by Sander’s call—he thought of pushing the change off until later but, at the same time, Robbe didn’t want to. 
Since that Friday night, Robbe had been itching to play Pokémon Sword and Shield, the newest generation in the franchise. With their buzzed and love-drunk minds, they hadn’t really gotten very far into the game. Every once in a while, they would pause to kiss and it would end up a little more handsy than originally planned. Once they managed to pull themselves away, they would barely make any progress before they would tumble back against the bed, kissing each other. 
So Robbe went out and bought a Nintendo Switch after his Monday night stream. Because Sander had a copy of Pokémon Shield—he remembered the opening title scene quite vividly—Robbe chose the opposite version before looking through to see what other games were compatible with the console. Once he got his new purchase home, he spent the majority of the evening setting it up with the help of YouTube videos. Zoë had brought him a plateful of spaghetti as he was knee-deep in cords. 
Once he woke up on Tuesday morning, Robbe put the finishing touches to make sure that everything would run smoothly—or as smoothly as it could without going live. Even though Robbe had informed them that he was going to do something different, his nerves were still running high, bouncing in his chest. For years, Fortnite had been the only thing that Robbe streamed. So the bulk of his audience would expect Fortnite from him.
Before he started the stream, his phone vibrated loudly against the desk, pulling his gaze from the computer in front of him.
Sander: Have a good stream, baby. I’m hoping to catch the end. If not, I’ll watch it before bed.
A flood of warmth shot through Robbe and soothed all of the erratic nerves in his chest. Unconsciously adjusting his headphones, Robbe typed out a quick message.
Robbe: Have a good dinner. Text me when you get home.
Sander: I will <3
Once Robbe placed his phone to the side, glancing at Sander’s framed sketch, he started the stream. Even though he was still nervous, it was all for nothing. To his surprise, a majority of his regular audience were excited to see him play through Sword for the first time. On the other hand, there were still a handful of people who weren’t excited. Before they left the chat, they made passive aggressive comments about going to watch a Fortnite streamer, and the comments stung a little. Thankfully, the majority of his audience encouraged him and he started the game with little fuss. 
On that Friday evening with Sander, they had chosen the water-type starter, Sobble. While Robbe thought that the anxious salamander (or chameleon?) was adorable, he ended up choosing the Scorbunny this time around, which he named Flint. The white bunny with a bandage on his nose had interested him. Plus, if he and Sander were going to continue with Sobble, he wanted to do something different with this one. Once he hit the first route of the game, Robbe caught a Rookidee, which he named Alloy. It was a small bird that looked angry but would eventually evolve into a Corviknight. 
When Robbe finally reached the Wild Area, the vast area between cities—and, he learned, Pokémon’s first step into an open world—Robbe paused to consider getting the online services to connect with his viewers who had Pokémon. After a few minutes, he decided to wait until later in the game before he got the online services. Plus, he wanted to look into the other games on the Switch so he could do what they were temporarily dubbing “Nintendo Tuesday.”
As Robbe prepared to enter the Opening Ceremonies for the first time, his phone vibrated against the desk, drawing his attention. Rebel, Rebel played again as Sander’s text message popped up on the screen. 
Sander: Baby, buzz me in. 
Pulling down his headphones, he barely could make out the buzzer in the hallway. It was still going—which meant that no one else was home. “Umm,” Robbe said, placing his controller on the desk. His character was mid-conversation with a stadium worker and his chat was moving very quickly. “Sorry, I’m going to take my five-minute break now.” 
Muting his microphone and placing his headphones on the desk, Robbe shot out of his bedroom door and hit the buzzer on the front door. It only took nearly a full minute for Sander to arrive at the front door, knocking lightly, and Robbe opened it impatiently to find him there on his doormat. Sander was dressed in a long-sleeve black button-up with a pair of skinny jeans. His cheeks were flushed, likely from the heat. 
As soon as the door opened, Sander stepped into the apartment and kissed him hurriedly. His skin was hot to the touch—and a little sweaty–but Robbe didn’t mind, bringing him closer against him. Sander wrapped his arms around Robbe’s waist before pulling back. “Hi, baby.”
“Hey,” Robbe said, beaming. 
“I’m sorry for interrupting your stream,” he said. “I just really wanted to see you.” 
“Is everything okay?” Robbe asked. 
“Yeah,” Sander said, squeezing his waist. “Everything is fine. While we were at dinner, her parents asked us if we were really dating because we never kissed in front of them. When her father tried to force us to kiss to prove that we weren’t faking it, Britt exploded. She got into a fight with her dad and I could only watch with her mom as they fought. In the end, she came out to her parents.”
Robbe felt his eyes grow wide, pulling back. “What?”
Sander nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t tell you before because she wasn’t ready yet. But when I took her to my apartment and was going to come over here, she let me know that I could tell you. She’s been in a relationship with her girlfriend for six months. Her parents were always a little overbearing and controlling in her life and tonight was the last straw. She packed a bag and she’s staying in Noor’s bedroom until she figures out what to do.”
“Wow,” Robbe said. “I’m so sorry.”
Sander shrugged with a sad look on his face. “It’s been a long time coming. Since she’s found out, she’s been a ticking time bomb with her parents. They always talked about her being with a good guy—even when she was with me, both real and fake—and she internalized all of it. Every time, she got a little closer until it was too much.”
Robbe nodded. He understood that feeling. In high school, he exploded at the Broerrrs. He had been going through so much—his mother in the hospital and his repressed feelings that he refused to acknowledge to even himself—until one day it was too much. Thankfully, he had Milan and Zoë to help him. The Broerrrs forgave his explosion and changed when they realized how much Robbe was hurt by their words. Avoiding Sander’s gaze, he mumbled, “I know what it’s like… to explode.” 
Sander nodded, pressing a kiss to Robbe’s forehead. For a second, they simply rocked in the silence of the foyer. Soon, Sander ducked his head down to press a kiss against Robbe’s lips and he arched against Sander’s chest. Robbe stood on his toes, wrapping his arms around Sander’s neck, and kissed him back. Sander wrapped his arms tighter around Robbe, bringing him flush against his chest, as he dug his fingers into his hair. 
Pulling back, Sander kissed his nose. “You better get back to your stream. I just really wanted to see you.”
“They can wait a little more,” Robbe said.  
“Yeah, but you don’t want to keep them waiting forever,” Sander said grinning. Placing one more kiss on his lips, he moved back to the front door. As Sander reached to open the door and step outside, Robbe tugged him back against him and Sander looked at him confused. “What is it?” 
“You don’t have to leave,” Robbe said. Sander stared down at him with half-lidded eyes and Robbe swallowed his nerves. “You can stay here and come on the stream with me—or hang out in my room if you feel more comfortable with that.” A small smile grew on Sander’s face. “Besides, I need your expertise about my stream and I’d love to have you with me.”
“Didn’t you say last week that I would be distracting?”
“Maybe,” Robbe said, tilting his head back. Sander stared at him with a sly smile on his face. “Maybe I also changed my mind about you being distracting. But you have to promise to be on your best behavior.” 
“Okay,” Sander said, gripping his hips tightly. “I’d love to join. But I don’t know how much help I’m going to be with Fortnite and online matches. All I know is what you’ve told me or I’ve heard on your streams.” 
Robbe smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips before moving to the kitchen. “I’ll be back soon. I still need to grab a glass of water or I’m not going to be able to make it the rest of the stream without another break.” 
When Robbe returned to his bedroom, Sander had kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt, exposing the black shirt he had beneath it. His bag had been discarded at the foot of the bed. There was an emotional look on his face as he turned to Robbe who stepped into the doorway. 
“You’re playing Pokémon?” Robbe nodded, relishing when Sander closed the distance and pressed another kiss to his lips. Even with a full glass of water in his hands, Robbe wasted no time in wrapping his free arm around his shoulders and kissing him back. When they separated, Sander grinned. “Lucky for you, Mr. IJzermans, I’m quite the Pokémon expert.”
Robbe smiled, stealing another fleeting kiss. “Lucky me.” 
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kimpossibooty · 5 years
Ten Pokémon You Can Take in Hand to Hand Combat
Kids everywhere use these wild lil guys to fight other wild lil guys, but I’m here to tell you that sometimes you can skip a step and get your own hands dirty. After months of research, I’ve prepared for you a guide to ten Pokémon that, when the time comes, you can protect your family from.
I took a few things into account when making this list. Types that would be directly harmful to touch, like fire, poison, and electric, are all out of the question from the start. I’ve also taken into account evolution. Much like Man, the most dangerous Pokémon, strength grows with development, so Pokemon at a later stage of life are more of a threat than their weak babies. Last, I looked at basic logic. Normal type is known to be weak in fights. I don’t want to repeat myself, but the basic thesis of my paper on Danny Fenton’s letdown of a prom night applies to the idea of laying your hands on a Ghost type. 
With all the boring stuff out of the way, let’s get a-tusslin’.
1. Caterpie (Difficulty 1/10)
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National No: 010
Type: Bug
Species: Worm Pokémon
I’m throwing you guys a softball here and starting off with this uwu looking squirmer. The worst they have to offer is a little bit of a bite, and even that only comes if they get held back a few grades before they evolve. Whatever they come at you with is nothing against a size 12 pair of Timberlands.
2. Lickitung (Difficulty 3/10)
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National No: 108
Type: Normal
Species: Licking Pokémon
This absolute fool utilizes its biggest vulnerability to attack. They throw that tongue your way, just sidestep and and stomp/stab/sprinkle with Carolina reapers. If you’re worried about your reaction time, consider standing in front of a streetlight in the dead of winter before dodging a slimy slap.
3. Drifloon (Difficulty 3/10)
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National No: 425
Type: Ghost/Flying
Species: Balloon Pokémon
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4. Sentret (Difficulty 4/10)
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National No: 161
Type: Normal
Species: Scout Pokémon
PokéGod clearly had it out for this poor sap when She gave them a built-in bullseye. Be sure to aim for it when you sweep kick their load-bearing tail out from under them and Macho Man Randy Savage Diving Elbow Drop them while they’re down.
5. Wooloo (Difficulty 4/10)
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National No: 831
Type: Normal
Species: Sheep Pokémon
Fighting a Wooloo is less of a quick spat and more of a long con. Canonically, one of these cotton balls can withstand massive falls due to their cushiony fluff. It stands to reason then that they will not notice someone hanging onto their underbelly, like Odysseus and Polyphemus cutting out the middleman, waiting to strike the moment they let their guard down.
6. Ditto (Difficulty 5/10)
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National No: 132
Type: Normal
Species: Transform Pokémon
A solid spartner (sparring partner). With the same strength and mind as you, they’ll never get the upper hand, so you can work on your endurance for as long as you’d like. If you find yourself ready to end the stalemate, bear in mind that Ditto can’t recreate a bowie knife tucked into your garter belt. 
7. Mr. Mime (Difficulty 6/10)
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National No: 122
Type: Psychic
Species: Barrier Pokémon
I’m not saying this will be an easy match physically, but looking at their bulbous visage will unlock a primal strength you never knew you had in you. All inhibitions will be dropped an your sole purpose in life will become throttling the bastard until those rosy cheeks turn blue and that all-knowing, ever-taunting smile finally fades away.
Fuck Mr. Mime.
8. Alolan Rattata (Difficulty 6/10)
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National No: 019
Type: Dark/Normal
Species: Mouse Pokémon
One word: entrapment. This Alolan scourge has taken to a life of crime, picking up the dark type as it embraced the lifestyle of island time.Your best bet is t hide a mousetrap in a thick wallet and carry said trapwallet in a conspicuous back pocket as you stroll around town. Once you hear the yelp of a dastardly pickpocket, turn around and punt that riffraff of a street rat with everything you’ve got. 
9. Starly (Difficulty 7/10)
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National No: 396
Type: Normal/Flying
Species: Starling Pokémon
I tried to avoid adding birds to this list. Being able to move on a third axis is an unfair advantage, and I can vouch for how hard it is to fight a bird. That said, this scoundrel orb is going to be your best bet if you’re set on chasing that specific anti-avian thrill. It’ll be hard to get the drop on them, but a Starly’s the perfect shape to hop on and put in a headlock, as you careen down from the heavens to a mutual but worthwhile death.
Before we finish this journey, I want to pause. I’ve been focusing so much on the who that I forgot the why. Let’s ask for a moment, not who you can fight, but who you should.
Honorable Mention: Mime Jr. (Moral Difficulty 1/10)
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National No: 439
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Species: Mime Pokémon
You know how people always talk about going back in time to kill Hitler as a baby?
10. Dugtrio (Difficulty 9/10)
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National No: 051
Type: Ground
Species: Mole Pokémon
All those years of practice on Whac-A-Mole and that one spider game at Chuck E Cheese’s are finally going to pay off. Grab a mallet or mallet-stand-in and siphon off all of the government-induced rage you’ve got in you. You are facing a major threat in any seismic tremors they cause, so I recommend avoiding direct contact with the ground. Approach the enemy via a low-flying hot air balloon, a large crane, or Moon Shoes™.
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krreader · 5 years
SEVENTEEN scenario → calling you clingy.
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pairing: seventeen x reader fandom: seventeen warnings: / genre: fluff ; angst word count: 2.2k+
a/n: aaaaaah, I’m so happy I finally got to work on some more seventeen stuff so I hope you like it love!
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choi seungcheol
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As the leader, Seungcheol obviously had a lot of responsibilities. You knew that too. You had known that ever since you first started dating him and you respected that and were okay with it.
But you missed him a lot these days. Comeback was always hard on your relationship.
You wrapped your arms around him from behind when he was in the bathroom getting ready to leave again.
“Can you stay for a little longer? Just.. twenty minutes or something?”
Seungcheol sighed, “Please don't be clingy like this.”
You immediately stopped kissing his neck, instead you took a step back and cocked your head to the side, “Clingy? This was the first night we spent together in four weeks. One. Night. I've not complained once in the past four weeks and I'm clingy?”
“You know what I meant,” he turned around, “Don't turn this into an argument.”
“Oh, this isn't an argument, sweetheart. This is me telling you to maybe appreciate me a little more, instead of insulting me when I’ve done nothing but respect you and your job..”
“(Y/N), wait..-” he wanted to pull his own hair out when you left the bathroom, mostly because he knew you were right..
He should have thought about his words more carefully.
yoon jeonghan
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He never meant to snap at you, he didn't quite know what was the reason for it, maybe the stress, maybe the exhaustion, but one second everything was fine and the next Jeonghan called you clingy and wanted you to leave him alone.
Which you obviously did, you weren't in the mood to argue.
And you knew he'd come running back to you in less than thirty minutes to apologize.
You were sitting on the couch when he entered the living room of your apartment.
“What are you doing?” he asked shyly.
“I'm on my phone,” you said nonchalantly.
“Are you.. playing that game? Pokémon Go?”
“No, the Harry Potter version,” it was clear that he wanted to make conversation, but you gave him the cold shoulder.
And it worked wonders. With a heavy sigh he dropped down on the couch next to you, “(Y/N), I am so sorry about what I said before.. I don't know what happened, but I never meant to snap at you like this, you have to believe me..-”
He continued on for about five more minutes while you just continued playing your game.
And when he was finally done you smiled at him, “It's fine, I'm not angry, I just wanted to see how worked up you'd get over this.”
His mouth was slightly ajar, then he murmured, “You're mean.”
“Only when I have to be,” you winked.
joshua hong
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Joshua felt bad the second the words “Why are you so clingy today?” left his mouth and saw how hurt you were from it.
You had realized he was having a bad day and wanted to cheer him up by staying a bit longer than usual, but it clearly backfired.
“I'll just.. go then..-”
“No, no, no, wait..-” he grabbed your hand before you could do so and turned you around to pull you close, cradling your head against his chest, “I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to say that. I should have thought before speaking, I'm sorry.”
You forced yourself not to cry, focused on his heartbeat and nodded, slowly relaxing in his arms again.
You knew he didn't mean it.. or at least you hoped he didn't.
wen junhui
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This wasn't a new argument you had. It was as if he always ended up saying the “You're clingy” line whenever he felt like shit and needed to let it out on somebody. And unfortunately, it was always you.
At this point, though, you've gotten so used to it that you simply rolled your eyes, “Whatever you say,” you continued to place the food in front of him, “Eat this.”
“No, I told you, I'm not..-”
“Stop arguing with me and just eat it. Am I your mother or your girlfriend? Jeez,” you plopped down on the couch and waited for him to eat it and of course he did. He did because he hadn't eaten a single thing today and you knew he hadn't, that's why you came here so late at night.
Not because you were clingy, but because you cared.
And once he was done, he turned around to look at you like a little child and said: “I'm sorry, (Y/N).”
“Whatever,” it was sad how used you’ve gotten to this..
kwon soonyoung
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You visited him in the dance studio one night after he had been ignoring your calls for hours.
You were worried about him lately, you just wanted to make sure he was okay, but the moment he saw you, his face dropped.
“There's a reason I've not been answering my phone. Stop being so clingy, (Y/N)! I'm busy!”
You stared at him for a second, then you dropped the bag of food as well as the two bottles of water, “Well then.. sorry that I care.”
And with that you angrily left.
Soonyoung was still out of breath from dancing, then he slowly walked over to the food and smiled sadly when he saw you had bought all of his favorite things.
The smile faded though when he realized what he had just called you.. the one that cared so much about him that she'd go out of her way to bring him all of this.
“You idiot,” he muttered to himself.
jeon wonwoo
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Wonwoo didn't have a lot of time as an idol, but he kept trying to squeeze seeing you into his schedule. Which, in itself, was horrible, given the fact that you were his girlfriend.
You kept texting him, asking if you could stop by tonight – like you had planned for a while – and if so, at what time.
And what you got as a reply was: “Can you stop being clingy for a while? I'm trying to figure it out.”
He did not get a reply. And after re-reading what he had sent, it was no wonder.
And you weren't surprised when he was the one that showed up with a bouquet of flowers and food that night, as well as an apologetic smile on his face.
“I have food, snacks, flowers and if you want, I can stay the night?”
“You're a bit clingy right now, you know?” you mocked him.
“I know,” he kissed your cheek, whispering an, “I'm sorry,” into your ear, then went into the kitchen.
lee jihoon
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Jihoon was hardworking, but it came to a point where you rarely saw him anymore because of how much he worked and naturally, when he continuously canceled your date nights, you had to come to him at some point.
And it's not like you were staying for hours, you usually just stopped by at the studio with food, wanted to eat with him and then left again – after the occasional tumble, because yes, sex was also kind of hard to have when he was rarely at home anymore.
But today seemed to be a bad day, you noticed it the moment you walked in. He looked a lot more tense than usual.. might be because of the deadline he had coming up soon.
“Here, I wasn't sure what you wanted so I just bought a bunch of stuff. The lady at the store even gave me an extra portion because she said you needed to..-”
“(Y/N), can you just leave, please? You are way too clingy these last few weeks and right now I just don't need that, okay?” and with that sentence, he turned back around to his computer and put his headphones back on like he didn't just insult you.
Yes, it hurt, but you also knew him well enough. This wasn't the real him, this was stressed him who couldn't think straight.
So you just left the food there and went home without another word.
It was only when Jihoon was finally done and saw the food on his desk that he let out a heavy sigh and brushed his hands over his face.
He instantly texted you and apologized, asked if he could come over and talk to you about it all and also, properly apologized.
You said yes.
lee seokmin
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You were at their dorm for dinner, were having a great time, your boyfriend telling a story, when he suddenly said: “Ah, (Y/N) can be so clingy sometimes.”
And boy, the awkward silence that followed after was horrible.
The rest of the boys that were eating with you all suddenly looked very interested in their dinner, Seokmin looked shocked about what he just said out loud and you stared at him with an open mouth and furrowed eyebrows.
“Excuse me?”
“I.. I didn't mean to say that, I don't know why I did..-”
You didn't want to cause a massive scene, not in front of the boys, so you just placed your napkin on the table and got up, “Then you better figure it out,” and with that you wanted to walk out of the apartment.
But Seokmin sprinted after you, chased you until he caught you at the elevator where you two started arguing.
And even though you didn't want the boys to hear, all of them stood at the door like they were watching a drama.
“Can someone get some popcorn?” Seungkwan asked, getting hit on the arm by one of his hyungs.
kim mingyu
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“Do you realize that we never argue?” Mingyu asked one day out of the blue.
“Is.. that a bad thing?” you laughed, looking up from your book.
“No, it's just something that I realized today.”
“Well,” you turned to him, “Do you want to try arguing?”
“To be honest, I wouldn't even know what to argue about,” he narrowed his eyes at you, “How about.. You're clingy!” he tried to sound serious, but then instantly started laughing.. as did you.
“You're so bad at this, no wonder we don't ever argue, you have no talent for it.”
Which might not be the worst trait in the world.
xu minghao
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God, did he feel bad. The second the words left his mouth, he was the one who was about to cry because he could see how much he hurt you.
“No, (Y/N). No, please don't cry,” but you already did and he instantly kissed your head and pulled you closer, “I'm sorry, I'm just so stressed lately, I shouldn't have let it out on you.”
But you already felt bad..
“I'm just.. going to leave,” you said in between sobs, but Minghao wouldn't let go of you.
“No, I don't want you to go, please stay for the night. For as long as you want. I'll miss you when you leave.”
But now he had already said the 'you're clingy' line and you just couldn't forget it.
boo seungkwan
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You didn't know what started this argument, but here you two were, suddenly saying what annoyed you about the other person.
“You are so.. clingy! It's driving me nuts!”
“Oh, is that so, yeah?” you crossed your arms in front of your chest, “Would you rather me not seeing you for a while then? How about we take a break, is that what you want?”
“Fine! Go then!”
“Fine, I'll go!”
Seungkwan pouted for approximately ten seconds, until he heard the front door close, then he sprinted after you, because no, he obviously didn't want you two to take a break.
And you didn't.
You never did..
hansol vernon choi
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Vernon had told you about the upcoming world tour and, naturally, you expressed that you were both happy, but also sad about it. Happy, because you knew what awesome experiences these world tours were for the boys. Sad, because world tour meant not seeing him for a very long time.
“It's because you've been so clingy lately, usually you don't mind it,” he laughed. He hadn't meant it in a bad way, but that's the way you took it.
“I've been clingy because I knew you'd leave and I wanted to at least spend a little more time with my boyfriend,” your voice showed the hurt and Vernon instantly sat up straighter when you got up.
“Wait, I didn't mean it like that.”
“I know. But the fact that this all seems to be so easy for you while I'm sitting at home missing you so badly..-” your shoulders slumped, “Makes me think you don't care about this relationship as much as I do.”
Vernon stared after you, his mouth opening and closing again because he didn't know what to say.
Because.. maybe.. you were right?
lee chan
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Your relationship was still new, this was the very first argument you ever had.
And in a way, you could see why he said what he said.
Because you were clingy. But only because you were in that lovey-dovey phase.
Ultimately, it was you who gave in with a sigh and nodded, “What do you want me to do then? Should I leave?”
“No.. no, don't go, just.. understand where I'm coming from,” Chan brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, “I will reply when I can, I will come over when I can.. trust me. But some days it's just hard to do anything other than work. I need you to understand that.”
You nodded with a slight pout.
But you did understand..
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Survey #360
“we are the ones that wanna play  /  always wanna go, but you never wanna stay”
"Crawling" or "In The End?" I want to say "Crawling," but I really can't be sure. Both are bomb. Is your window open? No. Monsters Inc. or Shrek? Shrek, my man. What did you last hear that made your jaw drop? Jason's mom died. What is the longest shower or bath you have ever taken? I remember as kids, Nicole and I would sometimes play 'til Mom made us finish because the water was cold by then. As an adult, idk about my longest shower. Do you have a preference of chocolate? Yeah, milk chocolate. Is there anyone you’d like to hug right now? Yeah. Could you ever picture someone writing a biography about you? Definitely not. Do you have a clock in your room? No. Do you shut off the computer when you’re done using it? No, I just close it. Do you usually catch a cold during the winter? No. I just about never get sick. Are you a good multi-tasker? NOOOOOOOOOOO. Do you know any deaf people? If so, is it easy or difficult to have conversations with them? No. Is there a door knocker on your front door? No. Were you ever into Pokémon? Bitch I still am. Do you drink a lot of water? Sigh, no. I'm definitely better than I used to be, though; once upon a time, I literally never drank it unless I was extremely hot and dehydrated. Nowadays, it's usually after I finish my soda for the day that I then only drink water, normally around one full tall cup of it. Do you like fireworks? They're beautiful, but I'm personally against them out of respect for veterans suffering from PTSD as well as animals, because I'm not exactly interested in traumatizing them, either. Is respect given or earned with you? It's given, the way I think it should be. Are you “in the closet” about anything? No. Are you missing any teeth? No. Do you like scrapbooking? I've never gotten into it and am not really interested in doing so. What was or will be your first tattoo? It's a semicolon butterfly on my right wrist. Sometimes I've thought about getting it covered with a cooler design but the same concept; it was literally from Google, and I'm very much not into "sharing" tattoo designs with probably thousands of other people. But, I still think it really is cute, and it's just very special to me as my first, so idk. Do you have any tattoos dedicated to someone special? I have one written in Sara's handwriting inside a heart, and my "ohana" tattoo that I am 100% getting covered was dedicated to my former best friend Colleen. I've talked before about why "ohana" has never really resonated with me, and I just don't like it anymore at all. Thank God it's small. Do you like ghost stories? Oh HELL yeah, lay 'em on me. What was your favorite movie as a kid? The Lion King. Some things never change, ha. Do you own a lot of cookbooks? Mom has looooots, but never uses any. I think her mom gave them to her, so she just keeps 'em. What’s your father’s handwriting like? It looks like every other man's handwriting I've ever seen lol. All the letters are capitalized. Did you wash your hair last time you showered? I wash my hair every time I shower. I have to with it naturally being so oily. What does your shampoo smell like? Coconut. Do you listen to Guns N' Roses? Not a lot, but yeah. They've got some bangers. I actually want "Sweet Child O' Mine" to be the father/daughter dance at my wedding. Have you ever been a bridesmaid? Yeah, at my sister's wedding. What was the last video game that you beat? I replayed Silent Hill 2 a long time ago. Have you ever hyperventilated? Yep. Do you talk in your sleep? I scream in my sleep. Nightmares/terrors are a blast. Whose house did you last sleep over? Sara's. Have you ever been cut by scissors? No. Do you like peaches? It's odd, I like canned sliced peaches, but the actual, full fruit, I don't. I love peach flavored juice, though. Do you enjoy being surrounded by neighbors, or would you be more comfortable someplace secluded? Take me back to the middle of nowhere, please. I'm really not digging being in an actual neighborhood. Is there any sibling rivalry between you and your siblings, if you have any? Not at all. Do you usually root for the good guys or the bad guys? Ha, the baddies... Are you allowed to have pets at your house? We're allowed to have what we currently own and then maybe one dog if Mom finally finds one. Have you ever lived in a trailer park? No. Is there anyone that you know through the internet that you would feel comfortable meeting in person? There's quite a few, actually! Have you ever had a dream involving characters from a game/movie/television show? Yeah. What’s the last thing you wrote down? My signature, I think? Do you remember any phone numbers from years ago that now belong to someone you don’t know? No. Have you ever found something strange in your mailbox? No. Who was the last relative that came to visit you? My half-sister and her husband. Does your bedding all match? Not currently. Are you more comfortable with having short hair or long hair? SHORT. Are you interested in fantasy movies/shows? That's my preference. Have you ever gone whale-watching? No, but that'd be dope. What is something that you have a large amount of? Meerkat plushies. Who is it that you’re in love with? Nobody. Have you ever gotten love and infatuation confused? No. Do you have a steady income? No. Do you take your medications in the morning or at night? Both. Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch? No, I wish. :( Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? MILK. I don't eat it with water. When was the last time you ran into someone that you didn’t want to see? Idk. Have you ever tried vlogging, and if yes, did you stick with it? Noooo, I'm completely disinterested in doing that myself. If you go to church, what is your favorite thing about it? I don't go. Even as a kid when Mom made me, I hated it. ^and what is your least favorite thing about it? N/A What do you do for exercise? I don't. .-. I want a pool SO badly to swim and strengthen my legs without having to worry about sweating or collapsing, though. Mom says we don't have space, but we definitely do. Not a lot, but enough. Do you have a birthmark? If yes, what color is it? Yeah, it's just a bit darker than the rest of my skin. Do you need to lose weight? Yes. My sister, Mom, and I very recently started a Weight Watchers subscription and we're all working our asses off to stick to it. Ash has already lost like, 12 pounds (she started before Mom and me), so I'm kinda hopeful. Have you ever had a cat? Growing up, after we took in a stray female, we ended up with a fucking empire of cats, literally around three dozen, I'd say. They were all outdoors, too, and not fixed because we couldn't afford it, so tomcats would come around and, y'know, make matters worse. Eventually, animal control took them all and I was DEVASTATED, but looking back, I understand it was necessary. Anyway, I have one cat now. Indoors and fixed and the prince of my world, haha. Have you ever had a dog? We've had a few. I was born with my dad having a collie named Trigger, but I don't remember her at all; she died of old age I believe when I was very young. Then we briefly had a pup named Angel, but she died due to that disease some puppies just have. We didn't get another dog until Teddy, who was my Christmas present, and he was put to sleep only last year, rest my baby's soul. We also had Dale, Cali, Delilah, and Bentley. Have you ever any other kind of animal? A LOT. I'm probably going to forget some, but we've had hamsters, rats, snakes, fish, a turtle, two lizards, gerbils, guinea pigs... just a lot. Animals have always been very important in my life. Have you ever had a pet rock? HA, yeah. I didn't take it seriously at all, but I had one. When was the last time you painted something? Not since my Painting course in my final college attempt. Do you have any disabilities? Not in the traditional sense, no. My social anxiety though is at such a severity that it majorly infringes upon my ability to do a LOT of things, though. What are five of your favorite stores at the mall? I couldn't name five. Just Hot Topic and Spencer's, really. What season do you want to get married in? AUTUMN. The actual dream situation would be to get married in the snow in a black dress, like can you IMAGINE the pictures, but realistically, it'd be in the fall to avoid the biting cold. Has anyone ever spread lies about you? Yeah. Anything special planned for today? Nope. Blue or green? Blue. How much older/younger than you was the person you lost your virginity to? He's two years older than me. Do you still care for that person? Very much. Can you completely annihilate the first Mario game in less than an hour? I haven't even played the first game. I've never really been into the games to begin with. Did you make it all the way through the Oregon Trail game? Yes! I was OOOOOBSESSEEEEEED as a kid. I would usually play it after school when my mom was an assistant teacher and was finishing up her work for the day. Have you ever contemplated climbing a water tower? Uh, no. Those kind of people got some wanderlust levels that I ain't got, haha. If you have a Facebook, when was the last time you changed your profile picture? It's been a few months. Would you ever marry someone who was lower class? Um, yes? You can deny it all you want, but answering "no" is pretty much the same as saying you'd marry for money. Is there a guy you wish you hadn’t let slip away? ugh Which do you prefer: English or math? English, by light years. Who is a singer that has given you chills? David Draiman's voice in the Disturbed cover of "Sound of Silence" is fucking haunting. Greatest cover of all time. Do you watch America’s Got Talent? I did when Sharon was a judge. Do you think you could win America’s Got Talent? Hell no. What act would you perform in a talent show? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Have you ever practiced yoga? Yes. I used to be BANGIN at it. What is your favorite thing to buy at the Farmer’s Market? Fruit! Do you get carsickness? No. What color is the rim of your full-length mirror? Black. What is your state’s bird (if you live in the US)? Cardinal. Which style of wedding dress is your favorite? I'm a sucker for ballgown dresses. Do you enjoy editing videos? I used to love it, for many many years. Now, I just don't have the dedication or motivation to. Do you enjoy editing photos? Yes. If you gave birth, do you think you would want it filmed? Um, absolutely not. I would have NO desire to look back on me shrieking my lungs out and essentially dying. I handle abdominal pain very poorly, so I've got a goooood feeling that if I actually wanted to have kids, I'd be that woman screeching like a banshee.
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askkrenko · 4 years
Krenko’s Guide to Pokemon: Charmander Line
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So, the Bulbasaur one I threw together, got some responses, and here’s my next go. Hopefully it’s better! I’m not going to be putting TOO much effort into these. They’re just a thing to do, because I’ve got a sizable backlog of Krenko’s Guides to Creature Types written but am only putting out two a week.
DISCLAIMER: I love Charizard. I really do. I’m expecting to be rather harsh on the line here, but please don’t take it as Charizard hate. It’s more that Charizard is, overall, low-hanging fruit.
DESIGN: Charmander is a lizard that turns into a dragon. It’s not a unique dragon, it’s not a special dragon. Sure, it has that little flame at the end of its tail, but the designs for Charmander and Charizard are so universal that you could easily think Charizard was an evolution of Agumon or Yu-Gi-Oh!’s “Baby Dragon.” Charizard could show up in nearly any fantasy game and you’d just say ‘oh, that’s a dragon,’ and be done with it.  Now, here’s the thing: Dragons are cool. Dragons are bitchin’. Charizard is cool and sleek and badass and perfect dragon... But he’s also just... dragon.  And then Mega Charizard is a less cool downgrade, with one of them having weird arm wings and the other just being EXTREME.  On the other hand, I absolutely love GIgantimax Charizard, with the flames overtaking its wings making it seem like a being of raw elemental power.
One thing that’s always bugged me about the Char line is Charmeleon’s color. I like Charmeleon’s dinosaur-like design in general, but why is it darker than Charmander and Charizard? If the creature darkens with age, shouldn’t Charizard be darker? And if it doesn’t, shouldn’t it be the same shade as its first and final forms? It’s just weird.
EVOLUTIONS:  When first created, Charmander was a standard three-form, level-up evolution. Great. Then it gets a Mega and Gigantimax because it’s kind of a big deal. But for some reason it gets TWO Megas. Why? Why does Charizard get two? I’m not inherently opposed to the concept of two Megas, but why does Charizard gets this special treatment? And why do NEITHER Mega look particularly cool? I like the gameplay option of having a physically adept mega and a special mega, but between this and Charizard getting its Gigantimax before any other starter it’s just a weird set of Charizard Love.
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ECOLOGY: Native to Galar, Charizard melt caverns into mountains, letting their children grow up secure from most threads. Charmander and Charmeleon mostly rest in dark places during the day, as they run naturally hot. When overheated, they become stronger than they can handle, becoming a danger to themselves and others. At night, the fires on their tails attract bugs and other small Pokémon, providing them with easy sources of food.  While Charmander are often cautious, Charmeleon are intensely aggressive and will prey on anything that comes close. Once fully grown, they sprout wings, greatly enhancing their ability to hunt and enabling them to prey on nearly anything. Though their firebreath is incredibly destructive, it takes a significant portion of energy such that Charizard will only use it against powerful opponents.
While Charizard are rare, they are extremely dangerous and a serious threat to Galar. Charizard are prone to causing random fires as they hunt, and their tendency to attack large Pokémon often results in them assaulting trainers. Countless stories from Galar’s past involve a Charizard attacking a town for control of its Power Spot.
Charmander have recently been transplanted to Kanto, where they have taken up residence in inaccessible portions of Mount Moon, occasionally coming out to hunt. While the species low fertility rate ensures this will not result in a significant issue too soon, Charizard could become as much of a problem in Kanto as they are in Galar if they’re able to thrive.
 STATS, MOVES, AND ABILITIES: Here’s the part where I went super all-in with Bulbasaur but didn’t go enough all in to really get my point across, so I’m going to try and make more points here by talking about Charizard as a whole rather than a series of parts.
Charizard is fast, with average defenses, and a particularly strong special attack stat. Further, Charizard has some common weaknesses in water and electricity, and dies immediately to any rock-based attack.  With its hidden ability, Solar Power, Charizard’s special attack increases even more in Sunlight, but it starts hurting itself for being too strong. This means the purpose of Charizard is to kill everything as fast as possible and hope nothing manages to kill you.  Mega Charizard Y works similarly, though its Drought ability causes Sunlight for it, giving it a boost to fire attacks and effectively negating its water resistance.  Either way, the purpose of Charizard and Mega Charizard Y is to attack attack attack.
Charizard gets a solid variety of Fire and Flying attacks, both Physical and Special, as well as relevant Dragon and Fighting attacks, and the particularly useful Solar Beam, which allows Charizard to ruin a Water-type pokemon before it can even attack. 
The only noteworthy non-attack in its arsenal is Roost, though the TM for that hasn’t reappeared in Sword and Shield. Roost allows Charizard to land, shedding its Flying type for a turn and healing its HP by half. Though Charizard is not the bulkiest Pokemon, combining this heal with reducing the damage of an incoming Electric or Ice attack makes it a good healing option, and Mega Charizard Y’s special defense is actually rather impressive. A strong move lineup for Charizard would be a fire attack like Fire Blast or Flamethrower, a Flying attack like Hurricane or AIr Slash,  Roost for defense,  and Solar Beam- using either the Charizardite Y or another pokemon on the team to ensure harsh sunlight.  This same lineup applies to Gigantimax Charizard, with the added benefit that using Solarbeam as Max Overgrowth doesn’t require a turn to charge even without sunlight. 
Gigantimax Charizard’s special attack, G-Max Wildfire, deals additional damage to enemy Pokemon over the following turns, which is a nice benefit, but Max Flare creates Harsh Sunlight, which turns on Solar Power and defends from water attacks.  Whether this is better or worse is a question for the experts, but it certainly raises a different strategy as Gigantimax Charizard will want another pokemon to set up the sun for it. (Edit: In 2v2, having another Pokemon set up the sun is far easier, enabling Solar Power Charizard to absolutely shred its opponents.)
Charizard’s non-hidden ability is Blaze which sucks and nobody likes. All the starters have the same abilities, and they’re all a waste of everyone’s time.
....And then there’s Mega Charizard X. You may have noticed I didn’t talk about it earlier, and that’s because it’s just an entirely different pokemon. While Mega Charizard Y is “Charizard plus plus,” Mega Charizard X is a Dragon/Flying type with raised physical stats instead of special stats. Its special attack is still quite good (though not as good as Y’s), but it’s physical is much better, with an ability, Tough Claws, that makes most of its physical attacks do 30% more damage.  Mega Charizard X is much more likely to want attacks like Flare Blitz, Dragon Claw, and (though not getting the Tough Claws boost), Earthquake.  
Having a ‘More Physical” and a ‘More Special’ Mega Charizard makes for an interesting option... but it still seems a bit unfair that Charizard gets two Megas, and the first Gigantimax, and to be in Smash Brothers, and all the other everything Charizard gets.
Overall, Charizard is a good pokemon with multiple build options and some interesting concepts in its build, but nothing in Charizard actually seems unique or special to pokemon. I love Charizard because I loved Dragons even before Pokemon came out. and up until Gigantimax Charizard (who is TOTALLY AWESOME) there was nothing about Charizard that didn’t just say ‘yup, that’s a firebreathing dragon alright.’
...Except it’s not even a Dragon unless it goes Mega X.
...And what’s up with the Gold/Gold/Black shiny line? I’m fine with Black Charizard and all because it’s super cool, but shouldn’t we have Black Charmander and Charmeleon then? Meanwhile I wouldn’t even recognize a shiny Pikachu if it bit me...
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years
Such a Tease: Chapter 2
Pairing: (Aged) Gary/Blue Oak x Reader
Summary: After a tragedy, you make the decision to quit your career as a trainer and focus on breeding Pokemon for the general population. You are one of the best in the region. You aren’t expecting the have to deal with your childhood rival and crush suddenly popping back into your life. After all, Gary Oak broke your heart and now you are determined to break his… or are you?
NOTES:*This is my very first pokemon story written many many years ago. I’ve decided to revamp it and see what happens! I hope you enjoy a little Gary / Blue love! I will kinda be combing the anime and game versions and I may or may not have just bought the manga to read… It will kinda be my take on these characters. Ash may become more like Red, but I haven’t really decided yet… I’m just having fun with this!*
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You glare into hardened ‘innocent’ eyes.
“You are going to listen to me, you know that don’t you?” you question the baby Buneary before you.
It merely blinks up at you with a stubborn look on its adorable face, before it crosses its arms and turns its nose the other way. You know for an esteemed trainer you sure get snubbed a lot.
“UGH! LOLA! Do something with your child! She is just like you were!” you yell angrily at Lola your Lopunny.
She merely gives you a, ‘what do you want me to do about it?’ look and hops away.
“Some help you are-” you mutter as you watch her go.
“Hey (Name)!” you hear someone yell from across the yard. Looking up you notice Ash Ketchum running across the yard followed closely by a guy a little older than him and a girl no older than sixteen. As they get closer you vaguely recognize the guy as a gym leader, but you can’t place his name.
“Hey Ash!” you say when they get close enough to hear you, “Who are your friends? My help, I hope?”
“You got that right! This is Brock and his little sister Raine.”
“I prefer the term ‘younger’ thank you,” She corrects.
“Right… Younger….”
“Now be nice Raine,” Scolds Brock gently.
“Hi! I’m (Name),” you say introducing yourself to the newcomers.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, have we ever battled?” questions Brock.
“Probably! I think you gave me my first badge way back when,” you say with a laugh. 
“What really?!” exclaims Raine from beside the two of you. 
“Yeah, it’s been a while but I remember a Geodude and an Onyx.”
“That was my team a long time ago. Geodude is now a Gollum and Onyx is a Steelix.”
“Very cool! My little Eevee is now an Espeon, it suits her well.”
He chuckles, “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Soon enough! Now tell what experience you both have!”
“My brother has a lot of experience. Not only did he travel with Ash on his journey but he also worked at a breeding center for several months. And he is still the Pewter city gym leader,” Supplies Raine in a, dare you say, haughty voice.
“Well that’s fantastic for your brother, but I really would like to know about your own experience with Pokémon.”
“I… well…Um… I don’t really have a whole lot…” she mutters while looking down.
“But she is a fast learner and a hard worker!” interjects Brock on her behalf.
“Good! Then she should have no problem getting this baby Buneary into its poke ball.”
“Oh! That’s easy! I’ll have that done in no time flat!” she says confidently. 
“Ok then. Why don’t you give a whirl?” you say as you throw the ball to her.
She catches it easily and advances toward the Buneary.
“Pokeball go!”
You hold back a laugh as the Buneary leaps up and kicks the ball back to her.
“Why you little…”
“Bun! Bun-ariii!” it says before running off.
“Hey get back here you little twerp!” Raine says giving chase.
“Well, that should tone down that attitude a little. This might take a while guys why don’t we go in and talk about things?” you say turning to the boys. They look on in shock before following you toward the center.
“Wow (Name) this place is really impressive!” Ash exclaims as he follows you through the gardens to the house. 
“Thank you! I have a feeling that it is going to be quite the hand full, but I promised my grass and water Pokémon that I would make a garden for them.”
“But I thought that you only trained psychic, dark and ghost type Pokémon,” Ash said in confusion.
“I do, but I didn’t always.”
“Yeah, I guess you wouldn’t be able to get through the leagues without a little variety.”
“That’s right.”
By this time you have reached the door to your center and you open it up to let them in. Lady wakes up from her nap on the counter and looks inquiringly at your visitors. She jumps down and walks over to you and sits beside your feet.
“Brock this is Lady,” You introduce.
Lady inclines her head as regal as ever.
You turn to the boys and motion them further into the house where the lounge is situated. You place yourself on a chair while the boys find themselves on a couch.
“Now Brock, Raine said that you have experience with the ways of Pokémon Breeding? And you are interested in a job?” you question hopefully, you really do need some more people with experience.
“That’s right. I would only be able to help out part-time I do have a gym to take care of. I’ve decided to stay in Pewter but the commute isn’t too far.”
“And what about Raine?”
“She goes to Viridian Private Academy and lives on campus. I’m afraid that is why I need another job, to pay for her tuition.”
“I see.”
“She wants to be a breeder so she wants a job here for the experience. She wants to be full time but I won’t let her because of school unless it is summer of course.”
“Well I have a deal in the works with the Academy she attends, so I shall see what I can do to help.”
“OH NO! We’re not that bad off!”
“No, I was asked to do this anyway. It was their idea. It seems that my breeding center and status as a trainer are quite valuable. I had to disconnect the phone lines just to get anything done today!”
“Oh is that so?”
“What kind of deal do you have with the academy?” pipes up Ash for the first time.
“They asked me to do a few classes there and allow a few field trips here. I’m being paid for the classes and field trips but I can’t do it all alone, so any students there that work for me will be assisting me during the classes and help with the supervision and demonstrations on the field trips since they are doing that the school agreed to take their tuition down a little. The exact amount is still in the air but besides that, it’s all concrete.”
“Wow! That is really great!” Brock says with relief.
“Oh...don’t thank me yet.”
“Huh? Why? That’s a great cause!”
“Yeah, but I only did it because I need the money for the maintenance of this place. I put my savings into this, so I’m kind of broke right now. So, I really can’t pay you a whole lot to start out with but I promise that when things pick up and I get more established you’ll get a raise!”
“Haha don’t worry about that! I’ll help out here for free; you’ll be helping enough if you can get her tuition reduced.”
“No way! You are getting paid and so is Raine, unfortunately since she has no experience she will get paid even less-“
“I GOT IT!!!!” yells Raine as she comes bursting into the room making everyone jump.
“Got what?” exclaims Ash.
“Don’t do that!” yells Brock in surprise.
“I think I just had a heart attack….” You mutter while clutching at your heart.
“I finally got the Buneary in the Pokeball!!” She says while proudly displaying the Pokeball for all to see. “That means I get to work here right!?”
“Haha that’s right,” you chuckle at her excitement.
“YES!!!” she yells happily while leaping into the air.
“But not if you keep yelling….”
“Right….” she mutters looking away, “Oh! Here is your Buneary back,” she says while handing you the ball.
“No,” you say pushing it back to her, “you’re going to need some help dealing with all of the pokemon here, not to mention taking care of one of your own is the best part of being a breeder.”
“Oh wow!!! You’re serious, aren’t you?!?! Thank yo- wait… is there any way I could have a different one? This one is really annoying!”
“Raine!” Yells Brock.
“I mean… Thank you….”
“You’re welcome.”
“What level does it evolve?!”
“It depends,” you mutter with a hidden smile on your face.
“On what?” she asks with wide eyes.
“Yes, you.”
“Oh!!! So it needs a stone! Right?”
“Well, then how?!?!”
“It depends on your bond with her, of course. Your training will be complete when your Buneary evolves into a Lopunny.”
“How long will that take?!?! Years?”
“It just takes as long as it takes, and yes in some cases it is years.”
“Awww man!!!”
“Now Raine.”
“I know... I know…”
“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! Since you work here now, if you wish to stay here I have more than enough room here and it would be cheaper and nicer than the academy dorm…”
“Right! Sorry….”
‘Maybe this is a bad idea,’ you think while rubbing your head.
“So! When can I move in?”
“You can as early as tomorrow if you wish.”
“Sweet! No more cramp dorms, no more cold showers, no more smelly laundry that isn’t mine and especially no more Autumn!!”
“Well, in that case, we better get going if we are going to start packing,” says Brock getting up.
“Ok, how about we settle all the paperwork and such tomorrow?”
“That’s fine, thanks so much (Name).”
“Haha don’t mention it!”
You lead the three of them out and as you open the door the girl from the coffee shop is standing in the doorway posed to knock, full work attire stains and all.
“Oh hi! I know you said tomorrow but is it okay if…. YOU!!!! What are you doing here?!?!” she yells pointing at Raine.
“Autumn!!! I could ask you the same thing!” Raine yells back.
Standing between the two you look wide-eyed, back and forth, “Wait! You two know each other?” you ask in confusion.
“That’s right! She is one of my worst rivals!!” states Raine.
“Is that right…” you mutter to yourself a small smirk on your face.
“Oh! Oh! Don’t make me into the bad guy here! You’re the awful one!” Autumn defends.
At this, they both burst into a sporadic yelling contest. Apparently they are trying to see who can get the loudest.
“YELLING!!!” you yell out.
They both stop simultaneously and glance rather sheepishly over at you before muttering a small ‘sorry’ in reply.
“OK! Well, we need to go! Goodbye and thank you (Name)! It was a pleasure. See you tomorrow!” interrupts Brock while pushing a struggling Raine down the drive.
“Yeah see ya later (Name)! Don’t forget about our battle!” yells Ash running after the bickering pair.
“I am so sorry!” Exclaims Autumn with wide eyes.
“It’s ok,” you say with a gentle smile, “you couldn’t wait could you?”
“Haha nope, sure couldn’t.”
“Well, I’m impressed by your eagerness. Now if you don’t mind following me we can conduct your interview while I check on some of my Pokémon.”
“Yeah, of course!!”
The two of you make your way down toward the barn where you keep the Pokémon that you are breeding and training. Although it is mostly empty except for the select few you have chosen to get started. The building is indeed built like most barns with stalls for the larger Pokémon on the bottom and pins of various sizes on the upper floors. Of course, there is a floor dedicated to the eggs the Pokémon lay and a floor for the newly hatched Pokémon. You show her around a bit, and when you get to the ‘nursery’ you hear a shrill ringing.
“What on earth is that?!” Autumn yells while covering her ears.
“It’s a baby Chingling, she is far too curious for her own good. She keeps trying to find her way out of the pin.”
“Hey, I’m going to calm these babies down, while I do that could you go get her out of whatever mess she’s gotten herself into?”
“Yeah sure, you can count on me!”
Autumn then runs off to help the curious Chingling. You watch her closely while she soothes her then gently pry her from the bars she has gotten herself stuck between. You walk up happy with your instincts on this girl. ‘She is going to do just fine,’ you think as she cradles the Chingling in her arms.
“So…. What are you going to name her?”
“I was thinking that Melody would be…wait… seriously?”
“Of course.”
“No way no way no way no way!! She squeals while jumping up and down holding the Chingling in her arms. “This is the best day ever! Did you hear that?!?! You’re my Pokémon!”
“Bbbrrriinnggg!” exclaims the happy Chingling.
You laugh along with Autumn as she celebrates her good fortune when all of a sudden you hear a different kind of ringing. Quickly you grab your cell phone from your pocket and check the I.D. It says it is professor Oak so you answer it.
“Hello, Professor.”
“Hey (Name)? This is Gary Oak, you know Professor Oak’s grandson, it’s been a while hasn’t it?” answers the ever-confident Gary Oak the one person you never wanted to talk to ever again.
“It sure has Gary,” you say the frigidness in your voice could freeze over the ocean and then some.
“Uhh… yeah, I was just calling to confirm that you are picking up your Pokémon tomorrow,” he says with discomfort creeping into his voice.
“I sure am.”
“Well if you want I could give you-“
“That won’t be necessary; I have plenty of help, but thank you for the offer. Good-bye now,” you then hang up.
“You know Gary Oak?!?!”
“We grew up together.”
“It sounds like you don’t like him very much.”
“Then you hear right.”
“Sooo…. Who’s helping you tomorrow?”
“Why you and Raine of course, after you get settled in that is.”
“What do you mean settled in?”
“Oh, I didn’t tell you? The second floor of the house is used as quarters for my employees, and since you are one of my employees you get a room if you want. Unfortunately, you’ll have to pay but it is a whole lot less than those horrible dorms and much nicer too.”
“Can this get any more awesome?!?!”
“Oh, I can’t wait for tomorrow! This is going to be so cool! Oh, and speaking of dorms! I have to get back to mine or I’m going to get in trouble! Thanks so much (Name)! See you tomorrow!”
“Bye!” you call out waving to her as she scurries off down the stairs.
Jingle who has been floating nearby makes a noise of exhaustion.
“I hear ya Jingle… She is going to be a hand full but this is why she got your baby….”
Jingle makes a noise of agreement and follows you out the door, knowing that tomorrow is going to be a long one for you, so she sings you a soothing song.
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