176 posts
Currently writing for Pokemon SWSH.... More to come later! Find my work on AO3
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stillchaoticlogic · 1 year ago
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Feel free to add me!
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stillchaoticlogic · 3 years ago
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Feel free to add me!
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stillchaoticlogic · 3 years ago
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Feel free to add me!
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stillchaoticlogic · 3 years ago
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Feel free to add me!
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stillchaoticlogic · 4 years ago
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You mean it!?
*sees @stillchaoticlogic has posted chapter nine*
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
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finally finished this painting i sketched out months ago… please click for better quality i know tumblr is gonna kill it (reference used)
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
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driving back from the battle tower in Wyndon (parody doodle of THAT scene in the ffxv trailer)
(( i was inspired to draw this because i love both anipoke raihan and noctis, and they share the same japanese VA )) >w<bb <3
aaand i did the same thing to sebastian for drawing as ignis since they look alike. i think he’s probably too young to drive… but idc XDD
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
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quick doodle because i really want to draw them as cookies
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
Descent: Chapter 3
Pairing: Leon x Reader
Leon only thought he was the most powerful trainer in Galar...
He never battled you though.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
So I was trying to find a badass gif... there are none our boy is a floof. I gave up and used the most ridiculous one I could find. Enjoy!
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Chapter 3: Off with Her Head
The smirk on your lips is almost sinister as you regard the groaning Leon across from you. You delicately sip your coffee while Leon lays face down on the kitchen table. Who would have thought that the Unbeatable Champion Leon is a lightweight? It had only taken a shot and a couple of beers for Leon to be tipsy and yet the moment that Miles bought the whole bar another round ‘in honor of his new friend Leon’ you knew this would be it. That final shot had knocked the former champion out. You had struggled to get him back to your car since he was practically dead weight at that point. Also, very affectionate… Apparently, Leon is a very affectionate drunk and had it been anyone other than Leon latching onto you for hugs and cuddles you would have thought there was a hidden agenda. But honestly, you just believed that Leon enjoyed affection and you weren’t that mad at how his solid body had felt pressed against you last night. You won’t tell him that though. 
His hair is mussed up from the number of times he’s run his fingers through it. Another groan escapes his lips as you push the pain killers and water closer to him, the sound of the glass on the table apparently too much for him to bear. 
“You have a surprisingly low tolerance for someone of your height and build.”
You hear him grumble something incoherent under his breath in annoyance, but you pay him no mind. 
“You need to deal with yourself Ace, we have training to do!” You sing the last part loudly, mostly just to snicker at the groan of pain and the light thud of his head hitting the table again. You laugh outright when the thud is followed by curses. 
“Language, Mr. Former Champ! You wouldn’t want your fan club to hear such profanities come from such a pretty mouth.”
You glance over your shoulder to see the scowl on his lips and his glare. You send him a sly smile in answer before you head out of the room, “Be in the car in twenty minutes!” you call over your shoulder as you do. 
You hear a sigh from the kitchen and repress your giggle as you head to your room to get ready. Having not known where Leon lives, you had just simply brought him home with you and laid him out in your guest bedroom. You would be annoyed at the late start if not for the glee you got from Leon’s hangover. 
At half-past noon with a greasy breakfast sandwich in Leon’s hand and a warning that he will promptly be kicked out of your car if he throws up, you head down the road. Leon is wearing a pair of dark shades to protect his eyes from the bright light and despite your amusement at the situation and desire to torment him more with loud music, you need him to be able to focus, so the car ride to the training ground is mostly silent. Once there Leon seems to be feeling better now that he has eaten and taken some medication. You hand him a bag filled with supplies and a large water bottle. 
“Where are we going?” he asks, clearly not trusting you after the events of the night before. 
“There’s a mountain over there that we will be climbing.” Glancing over at the peak in the distance he groans as he regards it. 
“I’m not sure I’m up for this today…”
“Well I’m very sorry his highness got shit faced last night, but you should have stopped if you didn’t know your limit.”
Leon looks affronted before conceding that you are right. He hangs his head down in defeat before he takes the bag you gave him and puts it on his back. His team is strapped to his belt and once he seems ready you head off down the path towards the mountain.
“Do you have any other Pokemon other than the team you showed in the championships?” The question is innocent in and of itself but he seems suspicious. 
“A few others why?”
“You need some variety in your team. One of the reasons you are at a disadvantage is that everyone already knows your team. You should have a few that you rotate out so there is a surprise every once in a while.”
“What about your team?” he asks suddenly. 
“What about my team?” you ask glancing over your shoulder at him. 
“What Pokemon do you have?” he asks curiously. 
As if waiting for his moment to shine, your Gengar, Akuma, breaks free from his Pokeball and grins deviously at Leon. 
Leon grins as he regards your oldest friend, “Your partner is a Gengar?” he asks happily. 
You smirk as you gaze down at him fondly, “It is, Akuma has been with me for a long time. Isn’t that right Aku?” you ask him in a sweet voice. Akuma giggles but leans happily against you, demanding affection. Resting your hand on the top of his head he happily reaches up and takes your hand. 
The two of you happily make your way down the trail and once you get to an open field you release the rest of your team. Leon’s eyes widen at them and their obvious adoration for you. A Salazzle with a healthy glow to her scales slides up to him first in curiosity, cocking her head from one side to the other. Next, a Toxtricity comes lumbering up behind the Salazzle with a confident smirk on his face followed closely by a curious Nidoqueen. The rest of your team is sticking close to your side and consists of a Toxapex and Dragalge. The Toxapex clearly wants nothing to do with him and the Dragalge looks like it wants to attack him, but doesn’t by wrapping itself around its trainer as a sign of protection. 
Leon looks only mildly uncomfortable as he regards the Pokemon around him, “Don’t worry… they all really are quite dangerous, but very well trained.”
He sends you an unamused look as he watches the group of poison type Pokemon inspect him. When they are happy that he is of no threat to their beloved trainer they leave him alone and meander back to your side. 
“Why don’t you release your team as well? They need the exercise, this is for them after all,” you encourage as you tilt your head with a smirk. 
He nods, suddenly looking very serious before unleashing his team, first Charizard followed by Aegislash, Dragapult, Haxorus, Seismitoad, and Rhyperior. And despite how serious he is about training you can see how he loves and cares for his team. His team regards you and yours curiously if not a little warily. You notice how his Charizard seems to almost hover over him in concern. 
“Let’s go,” you say calmly as you turn to head through the field as you make your way to the mountain in the distance. Glancing over your shoulder you check to make sure they are following you. His Dragapult glides up next to you to tentatively inspect you only to be met with a hiss from Lady, your Salazzle. The Dragapult merely narrows his eyes and hisses right back. There is a roar from Charizard and Dragapult answers by floating back over to his team. 
“So you have a poison type team? Why poison?” he asks as his long strides brought him in line with you. 
“They are underappreciated but dangerous. Honestly, most people shun them because they are scared or intimidated.”
“Isn’t that why you choose them? They are intimidating?” 
“Nope… Aku was my first friend and everyone was always so scared of him when we were younger even though he was the best friend I could have asked for. The other kids wouldn’t let us play with them and when he evolved into a Haunter, it only got worse.”
Leon nods, “I see…so what did you do?”
You shrugged, “I decided that I was going to train and one day I found Sahara and Tsar. They were so cute and tiny at the time.”
“Sahara and Tsar?” he asks in confusion. 
Your Nidoqueen lets out a roar before quieting and you chuckle at her antics, “Tsar is her mate, my Nidoking.”
His eyes widen, “You have one of each?”
You nod as Sahara nuzzles your shoulder. With a giggle, you swat her away and all of a sudden you aren’t the feared High Queen of an underground organization, you’re just a trainer with her team. Leon shakes his head trying to get that image out of his mind. He can’t forget who you really are, but despite his musings, he can’t help but see you in a slightly different light. 
You both battle your way up the mountain and allow Leon to take the lead. He grows stronger with each battle but you can tell he’s holding back. 
“What’s the problem?” you ask as you regard him skeptically. 
“Is this really going to help?” he asks as he turns towards you his own brand of skepticism in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” you square your stance and cross your arms. 
“What makes this training any different than what I do already?”
“It’s probably not,” you answer calmly. 
“Then what’s the point?”
“Precisely. What is the point?” you ask.
He furrows his brows as he regards you, “To get stronger.”
“Nope. You’re already strong, you lack some stamina, but not much really. You’ve lost something though. What is it?”
He scoffs and his fists go to his hips, “You mean my title?”
“Something more important than your title.”
He frowns, “I don’t understand.”
“We are out here to find what you’ve lost,” you tilt your head as you regard him.
He grits his teeth, “The only thing that I’ve lost is my title and I’m not going to get it back out here.”
“Are you angry you’ve lost it?” you ask cooly.
He narrows his eyes, “What I’m feeling is none of your business.”
“So you are…” you murmur softly.
He looks away from you, avoiding your eyes.
“Did you know that Akuma chose me as his trainer? I was pretty isolated when I was kid, I didn’t have friends and my family didn’t really have time for me. It was all about the business,” you begin to pace back and forth in front of him as the memories flood your mind. “I would wander off and be gone for hours and no one would even know I was gone. There was an old cottage on the property and I would play inside and around it. One day there was a Gastly hiding in the shadows. He was scared and alone. No one wanted a creepy ghost type just like no one wanted to have anything to do with the little girl who lived in the house at the end of the road.”
“Why are you telling me this?” he asks in confusion. 
“Because that day a little unwanted Gastly followed a little unwanted girl home and they were never alone again. Akuma has been my partner since I was a child just like I’m sure that Charizard has been there for you. Right now you need to find what you’ve lost and only you know what that is.”
“I told you! I lost my title.”
“Your title isn’t who you are. Try again.”
“Fine! If you’re so smart let’s battle!”
“You won’t win,” you say calmly.
“You don’t know that.”
“I do,” you say simply before you turn and walk away. “You aren’t ready to battle me.”
The ride back to your home is silent as Leon fumes beside you. You roll your eyes before you go into your house and come out with an egg. 
“What’s this?” Leon asks as you hand it to him. 
“It’s an egg and your new means of training,” you say calmly, leaning against the car that Leon has yet to get out of. 
“You want me to raise an egg as training?” he asks incredulously. 
“Yes, you will know soon enough,” you murmur cryptically as you get back into the driver’s seat to take him home.  
“I don’t get it…” he murmurs gazing down at the egg in his lap. 
“You have lost something, Leon, and that egg will help you find it.”
“How?” he snaps, annoyed with you.
“If I simply tell you the lesson you will learn nothing.”
He glares over at you but keeps silent the rest of the way.
“Oh, by the way��” you say as he’s about to get out of the car, “You should pack tonight.”
“We’re going on a bit of an adventure.”
Leon blinks at you in confusion, “Absolutely not.”
He gets out of the car and gathers his things before shutting the door. .
You roll down the window to continue your conversation, slight annoyance in your voice at his behavior, “Be packed tomorrow morning, or be unprepared because we’re going.”
“Where are we going?!” he yells through the window as you roll it up.
“You’ll see,” you say with a Cheshire grin.
The next morning dawns and with a frustrated growl you bang on Leon’s door. You know he keeps denying your calls and quite frankly you are not having it. Walking up to the door you simply pick the lock on the door and walk right in. 
“You would think the Ex-Champion would have a better security system…” you murmur to yourself right as Charizard rounds the corner looking as fierce as ever. The moment he sees it’s just you, his fire dies and looks more tired than anything. Vaguely you wonder how worried he is for his trainer. 
“He’s not ready is he?” you ask the large fire lizard.
He just shakes his head before leading you into the next room. You see a lump under the covers of a king sized bed with long purple hair flowing out of the top. You can’t help but think it looks a bit lonely. Such a large bed, but so empty. 
“Come on, Leon,” you say in annoyance, “we have a plane to catch,”
He rolls over and blinks in annoyance at you, “I’m not getting on a plane with you.”
You roll your eyes, “And why not?”
“Because I don’t trust you. You run an underground ring of illegal Pokemon dealing.”
“Do you know who I sell those illegal Pokemon to? Your friends. I’ve made more deliveries to the people in this very apartment complex than you care to know about. The elite of Galar want what they want.”
“I don’t believe you…” he practically pouts, but you can tell that he knows. 
“Listen Big Boy… You can either accept that you have made this choice, or deny it. I don’t care either way. What I do care about is my team and my reputation. You have put yourself as well as my team in danger and I expect you to do the big boy thing and deal with it. Now get up, we’re going to Kalos.”
You turn and head out the door before you hear his questions. You glance over your shoulder as a singular ‘why’ floats from the room. 
“Because you need to see more of the world.”
“I’ve seen the world!” he pouts as he stumbles out of his bedroom and into the living area. You head towards his kitchen and start rummaging through his cabinets.
“What are you doing?” he asks mildly offended that you are just looking through his things, even if it is just his kitchen. 
“Coffee, I would assume you would like some before we head out, perhaps breakfast as well.”
He looks less offended at your answer, probably because you were going to feed him, and directs you to his coffee and the green protein infused smoothie he usually drinks for breakfast. 
“So much kale…” you murmur as you stuff hand-fulls into the blender and roll your eyes at the noise the high powered contraception makes.
Leon emerges with his bag packed looking far more put together than he did an hour ago. 
“You never answered my question about why we are going to Kalos.”
“I have business and you have training,” you say putting your sunglasses on and heading towards your car. He follows along reluctantly before he throws his duffle bag into your back seat, his team strapped securely to his belt. 
The tower in Lumiose city reaches up to the sky and for the first time you watch Leon forget about being a Champion or not being a Champion. He’s just being Leon. 
“You’re welcome to wander the city and explore while I get some work done. Do you want to grab dinner when I’m finished?”
“You don’t want me to go with you?”
“No, you don’t want to go with me,” you say with a smirk, “Just enjoy the day, we’ve got some training to do tomorrow.”
“What training is that?” he asks absentmindedly as he regards the shops and restaurants around him. 
“I’m taking you to a battle mansion, you’ll love it.”
“Really?” he asks, whipping his head around to face you, excitement in his eyes. You just nod with a smirk on your face as you leave him to his devices. 
Walking down the streets of Lumiose city, you come to a cafe where you are to meet your contact. Negotiations are underway to set up a group in Kalos. Certain pokemon were in high demand that are native to this region. You order a coffee and sit down at one of the tables. A few moments later a man sits down across from you, his own beverage in his hand. 
“(Y/N), I presume?” he speaks lowly a confident smirk on his lips. You narrow your eyes.
“Follow me, the boss is waiting for you.”
You nod before you get up and follow him into the back room where a man with blonde hair and striking green eyes awaits you. He’s wearing a silvery gray suit with a deep green dress shirt, the buttons around the collar unbuttoned and displaying a toned chest. Just enough to tease you. 
“Jean, I presume?” you ask your hand gripping Aku’s Pokeball in case you need him.
“No need to be so tense! Have a seat, I love lunches with beautiful women,” he says with a smirk and flirtatious wink. 
You don’t relax as you take a seat across from him and cock your head to one side, “you say that like you don’t have them often.”
“Often enough, but none quite as exquisite as you,” he purrs, offering you a bit of the food that was prepared beforehand. You know better than to eat what is before you though. 
You smile sweetly before you fix him with a look, “Down to business.”
“I was hoping for a chance to get to know you.”
“There will be plenty of time for that after I’ve heard your proposal,” your tone is light and airy, amicable, but you know how the game works. 
The male before you narrows his eyes minutely before he smirks, “Of course, business before pleasure, a lady after my own heart. I propose we open trade routes specifically for Litleos and Flabebe. My team will gather them in exchange for Dreepy and Applin.”
You cock your head to the side, “I don’t believe that’s a fair trade, Dreepy and Applin are significantly harder to find, especially Dreepy whereas both Litleo and Flabebe are almost common.”
“The heart wants what the heart wants and the hearts of Kalos want Applin and Dreepy,” he says with a shrug, as if it is entirely out of his hands.
“It sounds to me as if I would be getting the short end of the stick, Applin and Rookidee are moreso on par with your request.”
“And of Dreepy?”
“If you want Dreepys you will need to give me something better than Flabebe. I am already able to source them Alola.”
He scowls before his tone lightens, “What about Mega Evolutions?”
“What about them?” you ask flatly, acting far more bored than you actually are. 
“You can Mega Evolve your Pokemon anytime and anywhere, there are no restrictions unlike your region’s Dynamax….”
“Go on…”
“With my help you could be uncontested.”
“Are you saying you will outfit me and my team with Mega evolution equipement?”
“Your partner is a Gengar correct? Think of the power he could have…” You do consider it. You’ve heard of the power that Pokemon that have the ability to mega evolve have. Such power...
“How many Dreepy do you want for this power?”
“One hundred,” he says without flinching. 
“I will consider your proposition and get back to you within the week. I need to take it to my associates.”
“Of course!”
“I will be off then,” you say as you move to get up.
“What of your lunch?” he asks good naturedly. 
“I have someone waiting for me so I really must be off.”
“Well he is very lucky then…”
You regard the man in front of you for a moment, vaguely wondering his intentions. With a single line he has made you suspicious. 
“Indeed,” you say with a saccharine smile.
Leaving the cafe you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong and when you are cornered in an alleyway by the lackeys of the very man you had just spoken with you aren’t surprised. There are five of them each with their pokemon at the ready to take you on. You regard the lackeys with boredom rather than fear. As if you haven’t been ambushed before, such amateurs. 
“It’s nothing personal,” comes a voice from the rooftop, “your associates are merely more cooperative.” 
Glancing up you see Jean standing there gazing down at you with a wicked smirk.
“Oh? You’ve spoken to my associates?”
“Our agreement was as many Dreepy as I would like if I could get rid of their boss. I fully expected you to be dead by now my dear.”
You roll your eyes and with a flash, Akuma is standing by your side looking all the more menacing as he regards his opponents. 
“You know what to do,” you say without even blinking. 
Akuma giggles before he seemingly vanishes into thin air, the sound of yelps and cries of pain assault your ears as Akuma in a single blow takes out his opponents.
“I didn’t become who I am by being easy to kill, you’ll have to do better.”
“How is this for better?” he unleashes a Houndoom and with a glow of the jewel around his neck he mega evolves. 
You curse under your breath as you regard the fiery dog before you. 
“Akuma! Destiny Bond!” Akuma nods before he glows a deep purple. 
Houndoom rushes forward landing a solid hit on Akuma who just grins and bears the pain. You grit your teeth as the Houndoom effortlessly throws Akuma away. He hits the wall before he falls to the ground. He weakly stands up before hypnotizing the Pokemon before him. Houndoom shakes his head trying to rid himself of the drowsiness, but fails and falls into a deep sleep. 
“Nightmare then Hex,” you say glaring up at Jean. 
He smirks at you as Akuma unleashes the attacks unto the dark type pokemon. It doesn’t do much damage but the moment that Houndoom wakes up you know it’s over. He unleashes one more attack that sends Akuma to the ground and due to the bond forged between the two of them, Houndoom falls as well. 
“Very good…” purrs Jean, “You do live up to your reputation. Let’s see how well you do with my Garchomp.”
Garchomp roars as he lands before you, you pull your Dragalge, Silette, and ready her for battle. 
“Do you think your little barnacle can defeat me?”
“You made a mistake siding against me,” you say calmly, ”I’m going to show you how.”
The battle is over before it’s even really begun and you know for a fact that Jean relies entirely on Mega Evolution. Once his mega evolved Pokemon has been defeated the rest of his team crumble like cake. You climb the stairs on the fire escape to reach the top of the building where Jean is standing, still shocked at what just happened. You hold out your hand and he glares at you in defiance. 
“I want the band.”
“How dare you-”
A deep growl from Moxy, your Salazzle, has him handing over the band and you look at it curiously before you tuck it away. 
“Who are you working with? Who wanted me dead?” you more so in annoyance than fear. 
He smirks before he shrugs carelessly, “They called themselves Diamond and Clubs, they intended to pay me handsomely to take you out when they found out that you were coming for a meeting in Kalos with me.”
“I’m keeping the band as your payment for losing to me. I will give you fifty Dreepy each for Gengarite, Beedrillite and Venusaurite.”
“Your allies have turned against you, how do I know you can hold up your end of the bargain?”
“I have two hundred Dreepy waiting to be moved as we speak. I am the only one with access to the system housing them and my personal team is loyal. Whatever they hoped to pay you, I can pay more.”
“They said you were lethal, I didn’t think you would be this ruthless as well…”
“If I wasn’t dangerous, they wouldn't be trying to kill me…”
“Touché,” he says with a smirk, “I need an hour then we meet at the tower for the exchange.”
Once you are alone in a small department store you quickly head to the changing room and change your clothes and shoes. You heal your pokemon in preparation for what is to come and quickly make your way to where you are to meet Leon. 
You see his long purple hair and head towards him, grabbing his arm you pull him along beside you, “Change of plan.”
“Clubs and Diamond are trying to kill me so we have a short amount of time to gather supplies and get to a safe house.”
“Kill you!?” he exclaims. 
“Keep your voice down! I have an exchange to make, then we get out of here.”
“How are you so calm?!” 
“Panicking will do nothing. We have to get to safety, they know about you so we need to stick together and get somewhere safe. I just need you to trust me on this.”
He looks serious as he nods at you.
At the base of the tower, Jean is leaning casually against it as you walk up to him. Leon is about a hundred feet away watching the whole exchange in fear. You hold out your hand and he places the bag in it with the Mega stones you asked for. You nod in acceptance as you hand him the code to the storage unit. He checks it before he nods at you. 
“I hope we can do business in the future,” he says, pulling you hand up to his lips for a kiss. 
“You tried to kill me…”
“Business,” he says with a shrug, “And a grave mistake obviously…” 
“Obviously,” your voice gives nothing away as you gaze at him coldly. 
He merely smiles pleasantly at you before you turn on your heel and walk away. A shout from Leon has you casually snapping your fingers. Hemlock, your Vileplume which was happily hiding amongst the flowers unleashes a stun spore into the air as you casually put on a gas mask. Several people, including Jean fall to the ground paralyzed. 
“Thanks for the Mega Stones, your treachery will not be forgotten.”
You hear a wait leave his lips as you just roll your eyes, “In fact,” you say as you casually walk up to him ignoring the screams of the people around you, “I’ll take these.” You flip him over and pull another mega band from his wrist and upon further inspection pull a bag of mega stones out, “for payment.”
His eyes widen as you show him what you have taken before you quickly pull out a Pokeball and release a Weezing. 
“Smokescreen,” you say as you step into the fog. 
The entirety of the park has been thrown into chaos and if it wasn’t for the Pokemon dealers being arrested for theft then you would have had more problems to deal with. 
“What happened?!” Leon asks as he dutifully looks away as you change from the clothes you had been wearing before you hand them Moxy so she can burn them. They are ashes in the wind in a moment. You put on a charming sundress and glasses as well as a bright blonde wig. Leon stops when he turns to look at you in the cheery yellow dress as you smirk at him. 
“Close your mouth, Leon, you’ll attract Cutiefly,” you tilt your head to the side, “Unless that’s your intention?”
He glares half heartedly at you before he crosses his arms with a huff.
“Oh stop will you? Everything is fine!”
“He had a gun, he tried to kill you.”
You fix him with a steady look, “I knew what his intentions were the entire time, but we needed these,” you say holding up the bag of mega stones. 
“What are they?” he asks, taking the bag from you. 
“Mega stones, there is one for Charizard and Garchomp.”
“Huh? I don’t want these! They are stolen!”
You tilt your head, “You’re going to need them for protection and we need to get out of Kalos as fast as possible.”
He clenches his teeth as he thinks over the situation, the stress clear on his handsome face, “fine…” he concedes finally. 
You hand him the band and dig out the stones before you hand them to him. 
“You better buckle up Ace, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”
Notes: I hope you enjoyed this! It turned out much longer than expected but I doubt anyone's complaining! Please drop some love and tell me your thoughts! A thank you to my Betas Pluto and Serene!
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
Falling Masterlist
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Disclaimer: The fanart in this header is NOT mine. I am not that kind of artist. The writing is mine though.
Pairing: Raihan x Reader
Falling in love is easy…
It’s falling out of love that’s the hard part.
As you try to run from old feelings you meet someone who is determined to bring the spark back into your eyes. Raihan isn’t sure what happened in the past and he doesn’t care. He’s got one shot to make you his and he’s going to take it.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
Falling: Chapter 6
Pairing: Raihan x Reader
Falling in love is easy…
It’s falling out of love that’s the hard part.
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Chapter 6: Shameless
Gazing out the window at the fluffy clouds next to you, you try to keep your nerves at bay. Going back to Alola isn’t really what you want to be doing at this exact moment and, yet you know there are loose ends to tie up.
“You okay, beautiful?” Raihan asks from his seat next to you, offering you a snack as his eyes take in your form.
“Yeah… just nervous I guess… going back is going to be hard. There are a lot of ...things… that need to be said.”
“Well, just consider me your emotional support Raihan, I’ll be there when you need me,” he says, his smile not quite meeting his eyes.
You roll your eyes as you glance over at him but you can’t keep the smile off of your face.
“Thank’s Rai… This might just be more than you bargained for though.”
Raihan scoffs in disbelief, his hands gripping the arms of the plane seat just a little tighter, “you know I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be, right?”
“Still… I shouldn’t have just up and left… A lot of people are very upset with me.”
“They’ll get over it,” he says with a confidence that you don’t feel. The bit of turbulence that rocks the plane has him pulling you against him. “Raihan… Are you scared of flying?”
He scoffs again, “of course not!”
He can’t hide the whimper in his voice when the plane shakes again unexpectedly.
His arms wrap around you tighter as he pulls you in for probably the fifteenth selfie that day. Clearly the man is trying to calm his nerves with a photo.
“Raihan! Don’t you have enough?” You practically whine at him.
“Pictures of you? Never!” He says while flashing you a devilishly handsome smile, it becomes one of panic as the plane dips and his hold tightens once more.
“Hey! Looks like we’re almost there!” You exclaim trying to calm your ‘emotional support Raihan’ down. About that time you hear the captain come over the intercom system announcing your arrival in Alola and that you would be landing soon.
“Are you ready for the madness?” You ask, glancing over at Raihan out of the corner of your eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh… You’ll see…”
Stepping off of the plane into the Alolan sun is both a comfort and the moment you’ve been dreading most. You can hear many voices in the crowd whispering about you as you square your shoulders and make your way through the airport. Raihan’s hand is on the small of your back as he guides you through the crowd. You don’t pay much attention to the cameras suddenly going off in all directions and the microphones thrust into your face. They yell questions at you from all angles, and despite Raihan’s best attempt at shielding you from the madness, you knew this was going to happen.
You slide into the waiting car with Raihan right behind you. He sighs the moment the door is closed then looks over at you, “are you okay? I wasn’t expecting that…”
“I was…” You murmur as you turn to gaze out the window at the scenery passing by. Once upon a time, this had been your dream home, but now it feels vaguely like a nightmare you can’t wake up from. You close your eyes as an array of memories assault your mind and you rest your forehead against the glass.
Raihan remains silent as he watches you and it’s clear he isn’t sure what to do. You arrive at your old place as Raihan gazes around in wonder. There is a large dome encompassing what would be your backyard and he can hardly believe all the Pokemon that are milling about.
“There are…”
“Pretty cool, huh?” You smirk.
He just nods in awe as he follows you into your house.
The sound of footsteps alerts you to another presence in your home and Acerola barrels around the corner. She stops abruptly when she sees you and a look of wide-eyed wonder dances across the fourteen-year-old’s face before she glares and places her hands on her hips as she regards you with barely contained anger.
You turn towards Raihan, “there is a guest room upstairs to the left. Why don’t you get settled then we will talk about dinner, kay?”
Raihan just nods as he glances between the two of you before he grabs your suitcase as well as his and makes his way up the stairs. He glances back just once to take in your expression and you give him an encouraging smile before you turn to the teen who is like your little sister.
“You left,” she states forlornly, tears in the corners of her eyes.
“I know… I wasn’t thinking…”
“You didn’t even answer your phone for two days!” Acerola yells, tears lacing her words more than her anger.
You looked away from her and just nodded, “let’s go sit down so we can talk.”
“I don’t want to talk! I want to yell at you!”
“That’s okay too,” you say patiently.
It’s at that moment she bursts into tears and rushes towards you, you catch her in your arms and hold her while she sobs against you.
“You left…” she sobs while she holds you.
“I know… But I had to…”
“I couldn’t stay here anymore,” you murmured sadly.
“I thought you loved us! Was losing to Hau really that bad?” She asks with a hiccup.
“I do love you… I just…” You looked away as you held back the tears threatening to spill.
“What?” She asks quietly.
“I had to… Get away…”
“From us?” Acerola asks her voice cracking.
You pull her back and look into her eyes, “no. Not from your or Hau.”
“Then from who?”
You look away from her, unable to look her in the eye as you try to keep your emotions in check.
“WHO?!” She screams in impatience.
She jerks back in confusion, “The professor?! Why? I don’t understand! You guys are best friends!”
“Yes… We are best friends, but…”
“But what?” She asks, steeling her voice.
“I love him… As more than a friend…” You become silent at the last part as if you are afraid of saying it out loud. Have you ever said it out loud before?
“But… He’s… Married. You can’t love him like that!” she says shock in her voice.
“I know Acerola… That’s why I can’t stay here. I fell in love with my best friend and I can’t have him…”
“I’m sure you can just… Get over it right? Get over him?” She asks, confusion and desperation lacing her words.
“I’ve tried…” you wrap your arms around yourself and try to look anywhere else but at Acerola.
“So you’re leaving,” her voice is cold.
“I have to… For me…” you reply softly.
“I hate you!” She seethes before she storms out of your front door. You wince as it slams shut behind her.
“You okay?” Raihan asks after a few moments of you just standing in your entrance foyer.
You look up at him with tears falling down your face and shake your head no. He quickly takes the stairs two at a time to get to you before he scoops you up into his arms. Sobs wrack your body as Raihan holds you close against him, comforting you the best he can. You knew when you came back you would be mourning the life you would never have as much as the one you are leaving behind.
You don’t know how long you stay like that, the emotions are suffocating, but you can’t bring yourself to let go of Raihan. He has become your rock in a lot of ways that you didn’t expect him to. You pull back eventually and give him a watery smile.
“I’m okay…” You croak out, “let’s grab something to eat…”
He just nods as his eyes ask if you are sure. You give him a reassuring smile as you pull away completely before you finally head deeper into the house half expecting Hau to be around the corner ready to yell at you as well. You make your way into the kitchen and slump onto a bar stool, folding your arms on the counter and resting your head in them you take a deep breath.
Pulling yourself fully together you pull out your phone and pull up a delivery app, “want a rice bowl or something?”
“Uhh… Sure!” Raihan says as he leans over your shoulder, his hand resting on the counter next to your arm. You can feel the warmth radiating off of him as he’s just mere inches from your back. Glaring down at the app you try to ignore the way he makes you feel, mentally telling yourself that you don’t have time for that right now.
After placing your orders you lean back in your seat as Raihan takes a seat across from you at the counter.
“You want to talk about it?” he finally asks, breaking the silence.
“What is there to talk about? I ran away from everyone when I ran away from Kukui…”
“The professor is the one who you’re running from, right?”
“He is…”
“Because he’s married?”
“And I love him…”
“Does he know?” Raihan asks after a beat of silence.
“I- I don’t… know…” You sigh and try to look anywhere but at him.
“Hey… It’s okay, you don’t have to be ashamed of your feelings for him, okay? You’re doing what’s right for you now and people need to understand that. If they don’t, that’s on them.”
You wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes as you sniff. You nod softly before you gaze up at him, “thank you,” you whisper as you reach out to him.
Raihan takes your hand in his and gives a gentle squeeze. He holds your gaze before he draws you closer to him, bringing your entwined hands to his chest, “you know you’re amazing right?”
You smile and look away, “Stop Rai…”
“I mean it, Kukui isn’t the man for you, you are not meant to be second best to anyone you know that right?”
You look at him to see a serious expression on his handsome face. A soft smile blossoms onto your face as you gaze back at him, “I know…”
“Good, and don’t you forget it,” he says with a wink.
You hear the doorbell and Raihan jumps up, “I’ll get it, it’s probably the food!”
The commotion at the front door isn’t that of polite delivery services. You come around the corner to see Raihan blocking the door for the person on the other side.
“Listen man… Now isn’t a good time…” You hear Raihan say with forced calmness.
“I need to talk to her. Who even are you?” You recognize the voice instantly.
“That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that she needs to rest before anything else gets hurled at her today,” you don’t miss the slight growl to Raihan’s voice. You can tell he’s starting to get annoyed with him.
“So you’re making decisions for her, cuz? What are you, her boyfriend?” The familiar voice spits back in disdain.
“Kukui… Now isn’t a good time,” you say making your presence known to them both.
Raihan whips around to face you, concern evident in his teal eyes. You simply nod to him with assurance.
“We need to talk!” You hear Kukui practically yell from around Raihan.
“Later,” is your only reply before you turn around and walk back into the kitchen. You hear a heavy sigh just before you round the corner. The faint voice of Raihan echoes in the entrance foyer but you don’t pay attention. Heading down the hallway leading off of your kitchen, you make your way to the habitat outside. The lush gardens that your pokemon inhabit are gorgeous and soothing. It’s easily one of your favorite places in the house. You were going to miss this.
“This is amazing,” you hear Raihan say with wonder in his voice as he comes up behind you.
“It’s my favorite place in the world,” you say, glancing over your shoulder at him. You can see the way he’s studying you to gauge your reaction to what just happened.
“You’re okay?” He asks for confirmation.
“I am,” you say with finality to your voice, “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”
“To talk to him?”
“For closure… I’m ready to move on to something better, and brighter.”
“I’m better…” Raihan says with faux innocence as he wraps an arm around you casually, “I mean we are getting married, so I must be, right?”
You laugh for the first time all day, “you are better, definitely better.”
You don’t see the grin on his face or the way he looks at you as if the sun rises and sets with you. You just know that Raihan feels safe and that whatever happens in the future, as long as he is there, it will be much brighter.
After you both have eaten, you grab Raihan and throw one of the gaudy Alola print shirts he insisted upon buying at him, instructing him to put it on.
“Where are we going?” he asks, excitement in his eyes.
“The beach,” you say with a smile before throwing on a cute sundress for the walk. You miss the look on Raihan’s face as he takes in your form in the cute dress.
“So, you’re trying to kill me, is that it?” He asks as he follows you out the door.
You glance over your shoulder at him, “what do you mean?”
“Have you seen yourself? You look amazing in that dress!”
You smirk over your shoulder at him, “well if you like it so much then…”
“What?” He asks eagerly as you pause.
“Nothing…” You say innocently as you make your way towards the beach not even 100-feet from your house.
“Hey now! You better finish what you started with that sentence!”
You giggle before you take off towards the water, the sunset painting the sky hues of reds, oranges, and golds. You feel your body relax as your feet hit the chilly waves, Raihan wrapping his arms around you when he finally catches up. You stumble at the impact but remain upright as Raihan chuckles pulling you back against him.
“I can see why you moved here,” Raihan remarks suddenly still. A breeze sends a shiver down your spine aided by the cool water and setting sun. Raihan pulls you closer, your back to his chest as you watch the sunset over the horizon.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmur, still transfixed by the colors it’s displaying.
“It still doesn’t have anything on you…” He murmurs in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine that has nothing to do with the cold. You turn in his arms and gaze up into his eyes. You’ve come to trust those deep teal eyes and you adore them.
“Raihan,” you whisper, his name is a prayer on your lips as you gaze up at him through your lashes.
Raihan pulls you against him as his hand comes up to caress your cheek, his thumb brushes over your lips before he dips his head. His nose brushes yours in a light tease as his breath fans your face and you swallow a groan as his arm tightens around your waist. Had there been even an inch of space between your bodies, it was gone now.
He hums as he leans down to brush his lips against yours, but before he is able to, a familiar voice cuts through the peaceful moment like a knife.
“(Y/N)! There you are! Oh! Am I interrupting something?”
“Actually, yes,” Raihan says in annoyance turning to glare at Kukui.
Pulling away from Raihan, you turn to Kukui standing on the beach in his signature look, lab coat open to reveal a toned chest and his cropped pants lower on his hips than you remember. You pull back from Raihan completely, who only looks annoyed not only at the interruption but the very man standing before you.
“Kukui… What are you doing here?” You ask as you take a couple of steps away from Raihan towards Kukui. Raihan’s narrowed eyes following your every step.
“We need to talk about why you left.”
Notes: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! More to come soon! A special thanks to Tay and Pluto for Betaing!
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
I love love loooove the applin pie story!! Like adore it with all my heart!! The names of the Pokémon are sooo cute I love it! You got yourself a new follow!! Can’t wait to find out what happens next in applin pie!! Keep being awesome and your wonderful self!! 💕💕
Aww thank you!! This makes me so happy! It’s been harder to write lately and this makes me want to write some! So thank you!! I hope you continue to love my work! 
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
Can I get your AO3 link? Username? Please???
Sure thing!
Check out my work there!
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
Follow this artist you won’t regret it.
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Those God tier beauty people are dangerous together…
420 notes · View notes
stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
Stumbling: Chapter 14
Pairing: Raihan X Reader X Leon
Your life hadn’t gone exactly as you planned…
This is why when an old rival walks into the coffee shop you work at he gives you an offer you just can’t refuse. Finally, a chance at the League. Suddenly you are thrust into the spotlight and a world you thought you had left behind. Dreams aren’t always what they are cracked up to be though, especially when you find yourself the tangled up with the champion and a certain gym leader.
Has all your dreams come true?
Or is this your worst nightmare?
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Chapter 14: Dangerous You and Raihan stumble out of the tent in a blind panic and you see…
 You both blink as you watch Leon swat at the sky as if something is swooping down, but you don’t see anything. 
“Uhh… Lee?” you question. 
Leon turns to you both, fear in his eyes as he yells, “Look out!” 
You furrow your brow before something hits you square in the stomach, knocking you to the ground. You land with an ‘oomph’ as the air is knocked from your lungs. Raihan shouts your name in surprised panic before he’s thrown away from you. You watch as if in slow motion as Leon attempts to rush to you, and yet he can’t seem to get to you. Before you even realize what is happening, you look down in surprise to see you are floating. The weightlessness that takes over your body startles you and you begin to thrash in the air. Your eyes become heavy as sudden drowsiness takes over your mind. The last thing you see before you slip into unconsciousness is Raihan and Leon fending off an invisible force, desperation in their eyes. 
You blink away the darkness as you open your eyes. Giggles can be heard all around you even though you can’t see anything. “Who’s there?” you call out struggling to get to your feet. You reach for your team only to discover they aren’t on your belt. Fear takes over as you look around. Floating before you are your friends, still locked in their Pokéballs. Blinking in confusion, you reach to take Serenity’s Pokéball only to yelp as it shoots up out of your reach. 
“Huh?” You gaze up into the sky and watch as your team bounces around as if something is taunting you. You sigh, “Ghost Pokémon…”
The giggles get louder before four forms fade into view in front of you. A Gastly, Haunter, Shuppet, and Duskull. 
“Yes…” you say clearly unamused at the ghosts floating before you, “you’re all very clever. Now please give me back my team.”
 The Haunter that is floating before you giggles before he takes off between the two cliffs you were dropped next to.  “Hey!” you yell as you rush after him, your Pokémon floating along behind him. 
You run for a few minutes until you reach a small cliff overlooking the Wild Area. You gasp the moment you see what is unfolding a few hundred feet below you. 
Leon swats at the Duskull as it swoops down, Charizard unleashing a flamethrower at the Haunter that attempted to swoop down and attack his trainer. The Haunter veers off to the left, cackling as he does so. Leon summons his Aegislash. 
“Night slash!” Leon yells to his newly released companion. 
Aegislash takes a stance before he unleashes a devastating attack. 
“A little help would be ni-” Leon is cut off as he turns to Raihan and (Y/N), “Look out!”
He could see the Haunter that (Y/N) clearly couldn’t swoop down and ram directly into her stomach, knocking her to the ground. Stumbling back, Leon watches in abject horror as a Duskul throws a disoriented Raihan back and away from her. Leon struggles to get to her, but he can’t. Before he can untangle himself from the onslaught of ghost types, (Y/N) is lifted up into the air by the Haunter that attacked her before. 
“(Y/N)!” Raihan yells as he struggles to get up, only to discover that a force has him pinned to the ground. 
“Go after her!” Leon yells to Charizard. 
Charizard snorts, smoke and embers exhaled from his nostrils in anger. He spreads his wings and takes off only to be engaged in combat by a slew of Gastly. Calling out his Dragapult, Leon commands him to use Phantom Force to help Raihan. 
The ghost dragon unleashes an attack at the Duskull holding Raihan captive with its psychic powers. Once Raihan is released he jumps to his feet, rage evident on his face, and he unleashes Goodra and Flygon. The two dragons sensing their trainer’s anger don’t hold back as they attack the Pokémon surrounding them. 
Then just as suddenly as they all arrived, the Ghost Pokémon disperse, leaving the battle just as mysteriously as they came. 
Leon and Raihan pant, attempting to catch their breath before they glance over at one another in confusion before nodding with determination in their eyes. 
“We have to find her,” Raihan growls. 
“Let’s go,” Leon agrees before both men and their Pokémon rush in the direction they saw you carried off. 
You gasp as you blink down at the sight before you. Pokémon thieves are rounding up Dreepy and Drakloak by the dozens. You watch in horror as they use whips to herd them into rings where they begin throwing blackened Pokéballs at them. You’ve never seen anything like this before and it makes your stomach turn.
After about half an hour of watching, all the Pokémon have been captured and placed into bags. By this time the sun has set and shadows have grown longer and darker. The thieves are now sitting around a fire preparing dinner and lounging after a hard day of rounding up Pokémon like they are nothing. 
Sitting in the dark you contemplate the situation you are in and what you can do about it. 
“I need to find he-LP!” You yelp as you are picked up by the Haunter that carried you here. “Hey! Put me down!” you whisper yell at the Pokémon, who only ignores you. 
Dropping you into camp unceremoniously, you are momentarily stunned by the fall. You rush to find cover in the shadows of nearby boulders. Realizing with dread that they still hadn’t given you your team back, so now you are left pretty much defenseless against the pokemon thieves that are also trying to capture you. 
“Oh… dear…” you mutter as you try to keep yourself from panicking. It seems you’ve been doing that a lot lately. 
A few feet from you there are about 4 bags filled with the captured pokemon. Suddenly, you realize that you are the help and decide that you have no choice but to do what you can. Rushing over to the bags, you open it and begin to let the Dreepy and Dragpult out. You hush them as they begin to float off into the darkness. You are about halfway through the second bag when a shout echoes in the ravine. 
“Hey! How are those Dreepy escaping?” 
Your eyes widen as a strangled gasp escapes your lips. You try to rush into the shadows and boulders to the left, but you aren’t quick enough. 
“And just where do you think you’re going?” a deep sinister voice asks from behind you. 
You whip around just as a pair of hands clamp onto your arms and throw you to the ground. 
“No!” you yelp feeling helpless and scared.
“Tie her up, let’s see what the boss has to say about this,” says the ring leader. 
You struggle as you are bound and gagged before being thrown over the man’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Your only hope at this point is Raihan and Leon, and you hope they find you soon.
Leon and Raihan rush down the path looking for any sign of (Y/N) with Charizard, Dragapult, and Flygon in the air scouting the area. However, as the canyon they have found themselves in becomes darker, the more distraught they become.
“Where could they have taken her?!” Raihan practically roars in frustration. He feels like a failure and honestly he’s angrier with himself than anyone else right now. How could he let this happen?
“How am I supposed to know!?” Leon yells back. 
“Well if you had been quicker!” Raihan snaps. 
“What are you talking about?! You were right next to her! You let them take her!” Leon retorts, anger clouding his words. 
Raihan growls, “I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t even know what was happening, and I did try to get to her!” Guilt encompasses him as he recalls the look of fear on her face as she was thrown away from him. 
“Not fast enough,” is Leon’s icy retort. 
“Don’t forget, oh great Champion, you let her down too.” Raihan’s words are like bullets as they pierce Leon’s heart. He knows he failed her like he’s done so many times before. 
“I know I did… But that’s why we’re going to get her back!” Leon glares at the space ahead of him as he rushes after Charizard, determination blazing in his eyes. 
The Pokemon scouting the area raise their noses in the air before they circle over a particular spot and the guys rush forward. Raihan suddenly grabs the back of Leon’s shirt to keep him from running full force into the middle of the camp. The fire illuminates the people surrounding it, their uniforms are familiar to the duo. It is Team Domino, the thieves after (Y/N) that have been causing so much trouble all over Galar. 
“It’s Team Domino!” Whisper yells Raihan.
“Are they behind this? Is this an attempt at abducting (Y/N)?” Leon asks, anger tinting his question. 
“If they are, they are done for,” Raihan growls. 
The duo nod at one another before they turn back to observing the camp. 
The men watch the camp, looking for any sign of (Y/N), they squat in the darkness listening as intently as possible for any clue you might be there. 
“Whoa… What is that?” Raihan questions as he points into the air. 
“Huh?” Leon looks up and against the darkness of the sky is a figure floating down that looks somewhat familiar. 
“No way…”
“Couldn’t be…”
It is though. Dropping out of their sight a moment later behind the tents. Both men just blink as they attempt to understand what is happening. 
“Did Ghost-type Pokémon just… take her?” starts Leon.
“And then drop her here?” Finishes Raihan. 
“We’re going to have to find a way to get her out of that camp,” Leon asserts as he returns to observing the camp. He’s tense from the possibility she might be caught already. 
Raihan watches with bated breath for a few moments, waiting for a call to go up in the camp. When a few minutes have passed and there is no sign that they found her, they relax slightly as they try to figure out what to do. Their reprieve doesn’t last long, as a yell goes up through the camp and clearly she has been found. They don’t hesitate as they unleash their teams and begin to fight their way through the campsite to get to her. 
Leon unleashes Charizard and Haxorus, while Raihan sends out Duraludon and Flygon. The camp is in absolute chaos as most of Team Domino release their own Pokémon to start battling Galar’s strongest trainers. Dragapult, Gyrados, Drapion, and Gengar begin their attack. Flygon and Charizard are instantly dodging a Hydro Pump from Gyarados flying high into the sky only to be pursued by a Dragapult releasing Dragon Breath. Meanwhile, Drapion and Gengar engage Haxorus and Duraludon, the poisoned pair attacking with a combination of toxic and then hex hitting Haxorus spot on. Not to be outdone, Duraludon unleashes his Stone Edge attack only to be hit with Cross Poison from Drapion. Everything comes to a complete stop though when the leader rounds the corner and there you are a Syther with a blade to your throat. 
“Call off your Pokémon, or the girl is dead,” he growls. 
Both men freeze as they regard the man before them. He isn’t the same one from before, so it’s likely he has no idea who you are. That his very boss wanted you for his own devices and therefore he wouldn’t hesitate to kill you. 
“Charizard... Haxorus… stand down…” Leon growls agitation at the situation obvious. 
“Flygon! Duraludon! You too…” Raihan relents an edge to his voice promising pain to the man if he hurts you. 
Your eyes are wide and wild with fear and they can hardly stand to see you like this, especially when they are now so helpless. 
“Take their team and tie them up! We’ve got the Champ and the lead gym leader boys! Who else can say ‘bonus?!’” he cackles as he slings you back over his shoulder and saunters away. 
You’re thrown into a tent by yourself and cringe when you hear the boisterous celebratory voices outside. Each one congratulating the other on their win. You take deep steadying breaths trying to calm down and think of a way out of this. You have no idea what to do. Your hands are bound behind your back, your feet are tied together and there is a gag over your mouth. You close your eyes as defeat swims in your veins. Vaguely you wonder if this is it? 
‘This is how I’m captured by them… This is how I become their prisoner… Their trainer? Will they try to hurt Leon and Raihan? How could I drag them into this?’ 
Tears well up in your eyes and silently you cry as you allow, just for a moment, the emotions to overwhelm you. 
‘Will I ever see them again?’ 
You don’t know how much time has passed before you see it. A small figure floating in front of you. Your eyes widen as you gaze back at the small gray Pokémon before you. A Shuppet gazes back at you with large inquisitive eyes. Blinking your croak out a quiet ‘Hi’ internally cringing at your hoarse voice from crying. 
The Shuppet coos at you before it giggles and vanishes.
“Wait!” You exclaim quietly, your cry muffled by the gag in your mouth, but it seems to be gone. Curling back into yourself you lay on the ground trying to figure a way out is this when a commotion outside startles you. You can hear yells and the angry roars of Pokémon in battle as the darkness outside of your tent is suddenly illuminated by a flame. You’re startled when the tent catches fire and your muffled screams seem to go unnoticed by everyone outside. You can’t breathe and your screams slowly turn into coughs and gasps. 
As the tent burns and the flames become hotter you shimmy farther back into the tent and close your eyes. Suddenly something cold envelopes you and you roll from the tent into the cool night coughing and gagging on the smoke still filling your lunges. The ropes on your hands are slashed as well as the ones on your feet. Your free hands immediately go to gag and you yank it down taking in your first breath of fresh air. Your gaze finds the wild Dragapult now in front of you with the Shuppet from earlier floating along beside the devious Pokémon. 
“Thank you…” you gasp out. 
The Dragapult nods before it vanishes into the night leaving you and the Shuppet alone. 
The small ghost-like puppet gazes up at you innocently, blinking in curiosity as it coos at you again. 
“Hey! What are you doing?!” Yells a man from the shadows a Liepard crouched down beside him. 
“Run!” You yell as you take off in the opposite direction. The Shuppet is frozen in fear as it takes in the Dark Type Pokémon before it. Without thinking you swoop down and scoop up the ghost into your arms as you take off. Your opponents rush after you yelling for backup. You scream as another one pops out of the shadows and in the chaos you can’t really see where Leon and Raihan are, but you can tell by the roars of Charizard that he is angry and all that stands in his way will pay. 
Their Pokémon are taken from them and the girl they love held hostage. It is safe to say that Leon and Raihan are not having a very good night. The sound of the thieves boasting about their success makes their insides twist. Both men are angry and silent which does not bode well for the group holding them all hostage. 
“We have to figure a way out of this…” Leon growls.
“Yes… thank you great Champion! I had no idea that’s what needs to happen!”
Leon glares at Raihan, “Listen I just wanted to know if you had any ideas, you don’t have to be a dick. This situation is bad enough with your shit.”
Raihan scoffs but doesn’t meet Leon’s eyes, “I know… I’m just worried that something is happening to her and I can’t help her.”
Leon’s eyes soften as he regards his best friend, “I know… me too… I’ll never forgive myself if they do something to her. What’s the use of being Champion if I can’t even protect the woman I love…”
Raihan regards him for a moment, “Love huh? How long?”
“I don’t know… I liked her when we were kids, but this is different…”
“It’s intense, huh?” Raihan asks, holding his friends gaze.
“So you too?”
Raihan nods, “She just… makes me want to be better you know? When we first started out it was just an attraction. I liked her but now after the things we’ve been through together I-”
“Yeah, man… I know what you mean…” Leon doesn’t want to hear how much his friend loves her as well. He doesn’t want to acknowledge that she could choose someone else. That she could choose his best friend over him…
“It’s going to suck when she chooses....” Raihan mutters lost in thoughts of how likely it is she would choose him. She has a history with Leon that she doesn’t have with him and vaguely he wonders how much that hurts his chances. 
Their conversation is cut short by a voice outside of the tent.
“Someone get the boss on the phone! He’s been looking for a chance to take out that chump of a champ and that dragon asshole for a while now. Sounded personal! Probably has something to do with that take over he’s planning for the Finals.”
They share a glance with narrowed eyes.
“I thought it had to do with that girl… you know the one right?” Interjects a jealous female voice. It’s low and sultry there is a bite in her tone and the way she spits out ‘that girl’ indicates her feelings about her.
“Girl!? What girl!?” The boss yells.
“Don’t you pay attention to anything!?” She yells, “that girl that’s part of his plan! He wants her for… something… he won’t say though…”
She almost pouts at the last bit of information, even if the poison in her words is still audible. 
“Boss! He’s on the phone!” The leader is suddenly quiet and the faint sound of “Yes, boss,” could be heard every now and again. 
“Round up the champ and gym leader, there are about to be some open positions in the league,” he yells laughing.
Leon and Raihan allow themselves to be dragged to their feet by the two men who come to get them. They are practically thrown into the open ring surrounded by the group of thieves. 
“Boss says you two are in the way… kept talking about some girl and how you’re too close to her. You see… the Boss doesn’t like competition, so we’ve been tasked with taking care of the competition. There is a nice river that should do just fine…” he says menacingly.
Of course, they should have known that Leon and Raihan wouldn’t take a death sentence sitting down. 
With a flash of light, there is a roar of anger from Charizard and Duraludon as they break free from their Pokéballs followed quickly by the rest of their teams. Leon throws his head back into his captor’s face effectively breaking his nose while Raihan rams his entire body weight into his taking them both to the ground. A familiar Charmander is beside Raihan slashing the ropes binding him. Raihan jumps to his feet and punches the nearest man while Charmander helps Leon as well. 
“Go find her Zuko, she needs you! We’ll be right behind you!” Leon tells the fire lizard. 
“We have some unfinished business…” Raihan growls cracking his knuckles as he regards the man before him. 
Zuko nods before he scurries off into the night looking for his captured trainer. 
Leon turns just in time to block a punch from the leader and throw a right punch, hitting him square in the jaw. He curses as he stumbles back. The two strongest teams in Galar don’t need much help taking out their opponents and soon the thieves are starting to retreat. 
Stumbling through the canyon you run clutching the small ghost in your arms. A small group of thieves and their Pokémon are quickly gaining on you. Two Leipards and two Croagunks send out attacks causing the rock and dirt around you to explode in a fury of attacks. Determination takes over as you dodge another attack and squeal as a stream of poison flies over your head. You leap over the steaming puddle of toxins, tripping on the loose rock as you land before leaping back onto your feet. 
It isn’t long until you come to a dead end. A cliff juts up trapping you into the cavern. You turn with your eyes wild with fear and adrenaline coursing through your veins as you regard your opponents, now casually walking closer to you, confident in their victory. The Liepard are on either side of you crouched low to the ground and the Croagunk giggle as they taunt you. 
“Get her!” Yells one of the grunts just as a fireball rains down from the sky and lands directly between you and your attackers. Zuko and Echo drop down in front of you, ready to attack. 
“Oh? The girlie has some friends… this is going to be fun..” he snarls, “Crunch!”
“Zuko! Fire Fang! Echo! Air Cutter!” 
Zuko rushes forward at the same time that the Liepard does, flames already igniting in his jaws making him glow ominously as he charges forward. The Liepard leaps forward gracefully and they both collide latching onto one another. Zuko is thrown off at the same time that a Croagunk unleashes his toxin. Zuko is thrown back but quickly right himself ready to defend his trainer. 
Echo swoops down and unleashes an air cutter before dodging a dark slash. Flying up higher to evade the attack quickly Echo lets out an ear-piercing screech before unleashing a gust of wind. The Liepard and Croagunk pair attacking him is thrown back and into a wall. 
“Echo! Focus on the Croagunk!” You tell. 
Echo nods before unleashing a biting wind.
“Razor wind…” you mutter gazing in awe up at your tiny dragon. “Zuko! Look out!” 
The Liepard is now focusing all of their attacks at Zuko who is having a hard time keeping up with the agile cats. 
“Flamethrower!” You yelp right before he is thrown back into your arms throwing you back into the wall behind you with a grunt. You catch the small fire-lizard holding him to you as he tries to free himself from your grip. You collapse to the ground holding him, mentally begging for the strength to get through this. 
“It’s okay Zuko… you can do this…” you whisper to him with tears in your eyes. “I believe in you…”
Zuko gazes up into your eyes and a moment later a bright light emits from the tiny Charmander in your grasp. You feel the tiny body grow as the light dims, and when the light fades completely you gasp: Zuko has evolved into a Charmeleon. He stands before his opponents with renewed confidence. He lets out a roar before unleashing a Flamethrower at his opponents. It catches them off guard and they are thrown back. 
The pair of Leipards growl at their evolved opponent before leaping forward slashing Zuko. He leaps out of the way before unleashing another attack. You know he can’t keep this up forever, but you need to buy some time.
Echo is dodging the onslaught of toxins with an impressive display of acrobatics, but you know this isn’t enough. You are outnumbered and outmatched, the only thing you can hope for is that Leon and Raihan find you soon. 
Leon delivers one final punch to the man, effectively knocking him unconscious. Raihan has just finished tying up the leader and a few of his lackeys that they had defeated. A few had run off when the tide of the battle had turned. Very few are a match for the sheer power of Galar’s strongest trainers. 
Raihan glances up as he sees Serenity bouncing up and down before him. Nobody is quite sure where (Y/N)’s Pokémon had come from, but they weren’t going to question it. 
“You know where she is?” Raihan asks. 
Serenity nods before whipping one of her tentacles down onto the head of the leader, moreson in vengeance for her trainer than anything, as he was about to return to consciousness. Serenity glowers at the man and hits him one more time for good measure.
“Let’s go then,” Leon says as he walks up to the pair.
Serenity is hopping off down a trail with Raihan and Leon following close behind. The trio rushes through the canyon side-stepping the toxic remains of the attack. 
Serenity doesn’t even pause as she comes across a fork in the path veering off down the right. Charizard is sailing through the air and the moment he hears something he takes off down the path. Serenity thrills and Charizard roars back in response diving low enough for her to leap up onto his back. The pair fly off down the path leaving Leon and Raihan running along behind. Sharing a glance, no words are needed as Raihan releases Flygon and Leon releases Dragapult before following after. 
They are enraged at the sight before them. Huddled against the canyon wall is (Y/N), a beaten Charmeleon barely standing before her with Echo, her Noibat, flapping wildly and sending out screeches in a desperate attempt to keep their attackers at bay. The small puppet-like ghost still clutched in her hands is sending out attacks to keep the Leipards and Croagunk at bay. It isn’t enough though, and slowly, they are closing in. The lackeys just laugh as they watch her desperately try to defend herself and her Pokémon. She cries out as a Liepard slashes her arm as she throws herself in front of Zuko.
Charizard lands just as the Leipards leap forward to land the finishing blow. Charizard bats them away like they are nothing. He lets out a stream of fire so hot they could feel the heat from several yards away. He snorts, flames mixed with the smoking rage radiating like flames off of him. The lackeys exclaim in surprise and fear as they stumble back. 
“It’s the Champ’s Charizard!”
“Shit! We gotta get out of here!” 
The group turns to run only to stop in their tracks. Standing behind them are Leon and Raihan, their Pokémon posed to attack. 
“So… you think it’s funny to trap a woman in a canyon alone and taunt her as you beat up on her and her Pokémon while she’s outnumbered?” Leon asks a hard glint in his eyes. “What do you think we should do with them Raihan?”
Raihan looks downright feral as he regards the thieves before him with a snarl, “I think we should return the favor…”
They didn’t stand a chance…
Blinking in confusion, you watch as Leon and Raihan destroy the group in front of you. The raw power that radiates off of them and their pokemon is a sight to behold and you can only pray that you become that powerful one day. Gazing in wonder at Charizard you pull Charmeleon back into your arms and praise him. He did so well defending you against the thieves but you are worried for your friend now. Serenity appears out of nowhere and throws herself into your arms with a chirp before regarding the beaten and battered Zuko in your lap. 
“Can you help him? All of my supplies are back at camp,” you ask her. 
She nods before she releases a healing pulse at Zuko causing him to stir. He remains asleep in your arms but looks far better than he did. At least at this point, you will have time to get him to a Pokémon center. Echo lands on your head and receives his own dose of Serenity’s healing pulse. He seems much happier now and remains happily perched on your shoulder with the Shuppet continuing to snuggle into your arms quite content where it is. 
Suddenly you feel a pair of strong arms jerk you into a strong chest, before another pair wraps around your middle. Echo takes flight startled by the abrupt presence. 
“Oh!” you exclaim as you attempt to pull yourself free from the duo startled by their rough affection. Shuppet wiggles itself free and floats near you as Leon and Raihan wrap themselves around you to the best of their ability.
“We were so worried…” gasps Leon. You feel tears on the top of your head as he just squeezes you tighter. 
“We thought we were going to lose you…” whispers Raihan his words tinted with the fear they no doubt felt. 
You relax in their hold and maneuver your arms so that you are grasping them back just as tightly. 
“I was so scared…” you whisper, “I thought I would never see you guys again…” 
The tears you had been holding at bay burst forth and the three of you collapse to the dirt floor of the canyon a tangle of limbs and tears as you all revel in each other. Resting your head on Raihan’s, you sigh in his familiar scent as Leon continues to run his hands up and down your back. Eventually, the three of you pull away from one another, slightly sore and stiff from the position you had all been in. Charizard and Flygon both rush towards you nuzzling you happily with Dragapult hovering happily near you as well. 
“Hey, guys… I’m okay…” you whisper to them trying to soothe their anxiety. Even after they pull away Charizard shuffles restlessly and Flygon’s wings would randomly buzz sending out gusts of wind as they attempt to calm themselves. 
“What happens now?” you ask as you glance at the duo. Raihan is sprawled out beside you, his hands on the grass holding himself up as he gazes up at the stars. Leon is pacing beside you clearly trying to calm himself down enough to think of the next step. 
“We call the police and they arrest the ones we were able to tie up. Release the Pokémon that they captured and…”
“Keep going,” Raihan finishes for Leon. Even with the hard gaze from the battles he just fought and the adrenaline coursing through his body you can feel his worry for you. 
Leon nods his agreement watching you warily, “We keep going…”
You nod as you regard your friends, the men who had become your strength and your greatest companions and you don’t feel as afraid as you once did. 
“Okay…” you say softly as you go to stand up. Leon is by your side in a moment with Raihan standing quickly to help steady you as well. 
“I’m okay… just shaky is all…” you whisper in answer to their concerned looks. 
“We need to get you out of here…”
“I need to find my team too…” you say worry in your voice. 
The Shuppet who had been floating near you lets out a chirp and rushes off down the path. You exchange a look with the guys and rush off after her. 
Back at camp, you can see the ghost Pokemon that had asked for your help in the first place. You Pokémon are hovering over the bags of unreleased Pokémon and it’s pretty obvious what they want in exchange for your team. 
“Okay, let’s release them while we wait for the police okay?”
Leon walks up to the leader and crouches down over his unconscious body before he digs a phone out of his front pocket. You watch as he dials the police while you and Raihan get to work releasing the dragons from their prison. 
“This is disgusting…” Raihan growls picking up another Pokéball, “How dare they disrespect them like this…”
“I’m just happy we were able to rescue them…” you say softly, your hand resting on his. He catches your eye and nods before he turns his hand and captures yours in his. He squeezes your hand before he brings it up to his lips placing several soft kisses on the back of it. You blush and hide your smile before pulling your hand from his. 
“Raihan….” you murmur embarrassed at his affection. 
He chuckles lowly before he returns to his job of releasing the Pokemon. You aren’t surprised when one of the Dreepy hovers around him though. Raihan chuckles before placing the young Pokemon around his broad shoulders and letting it rest there. 
You giggle as he yawns and curls happily around Raihan’s neck. 
“I think you’ve made a friend…” you say softly. 
“You have too,” he says, indicating the Shuppet that has remained by your side this entire time hovering around your legs. 
You giggle as you look down at her and nod, “Indeed I have…”
Leon walks over after he is done talking to the police and begins to help.
“They are on their way now and should be here soon.”
“We’re going to have to give statements aren’t we?” you ask in annoyance. 
“Yes, then we are heading to Hammerlocke so you can have Zuko and Echo looked at.”
“We can stay at my place and rest after you get them checked out.”
“Sounds perfect…” you mutter as you glance over at the sleeping Charmeleon. Leon had carried him to the camp when you all made your way back since you don’t have your Pokeballs back yet. Serenity is tending to him a few feet away while you all work. 
You finish releasing the captured Pokemon just as the police arrive. The Haunter who had employed you to help release the Pokémon allow your friends to hover in the air before you. Plucking them all one by one out of the air you attach them back to your belt and call your friends who had managed to escape back into their homes. 
The clean up of the thieves is a blur that you don’t want to relive. You tell them all that you know and despite their insistence that you should quit the competition for your own safety you refuse. You’ve come too far to allow a group of cowards to take your dream away from you. You recall the sheer power of Leon and Raihan. The power of their teams and just how in sync they were with them. You know that you need more training and that you can’t expect to be where you want to be overnight. And yet you know that you need to go somewhere you can focus. 
The trip back to camp is bittersweet as you gaze around at the ruined food and remnants of the battle that took place here. The sun is beginning to rise as you pack up your things and call a taxi to take you to the city. Normally this wouldn’t be possible for a competitor but after the night you had, getting to the center and then getting some sleep somewhere safe is the most important thing on everyone’s mind. 
Everyone drops their Pokémon off at the center in order to heal them. While you wait, Raihan heads off down the street to get food for everyone while you just slump against Leon. You are both grimy and covered in dirt, but neither of you can bring yourself to care. 
“You did great out there, you know?” Leon asks as he gazes at you adoration clear in his eyes. 
“Did I? I’m not so sure…” you don’t hold his gaze as you look at the light above the door. 
“You were brave and did the best you could with what you had…”
“Leon, I-”
He hushes you before he brings you in for a soft kiss, his lips are soft against yours. It lasts for only a moment and if you hadn’t experienced it yourself then you wouldn’t even believe it happened. He pulls back with a proud smirk on his lips as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. 
Just as the sun is peeking into the windows of the center the light goes off and you collect your Pokemon. Raihan sends you a message letting you know that he is home and waiting with food and beds for you both. Leon grasps your hand in his as you both make your way to Raihan’s house just down the street. He seems to want to take advantage of the quiet morning as the sun peaks over the horizon painting the sky pinks and oranges as a new day begins. 
Exhaustion takes over the moment you get to Raihan’s place. You collapse on the couch and eat the breakfast sandwiches he had gotten for everyone. Before you are even done eating Raihan has passed out on his couch, his mouth open as light snores radiate from him. Your eyes droop shut as you curl up on the end and Leon uses the built-in recliner to stretch out. Before the sun has even fully made its way into the sky you are all out like a light.
Notes:  A little longer to get out than I wanted, but things are starting to pick back up a little bit, not to mention this chapter was formatted a little differently. I hope you liked Leon and Raihan's moments. Please drop your love and tell me your thoughts! Special thanks to @SereneVellichor and @starssscary​ for helping to beta! This probably would have never gotten finished without them!
Taglist: @shinsvu-talks @eeveesjourney @cherryrocks505 @exoticxchicken8 @spilltheearlgrey @marydragneell @quincymaru @zebrabaker @ct9ner@Ichigokage @pinktowne @marina-and-the-memes @ssskeletonsoffun @secretly-a-weeb @duizhangdeluxe @swiftly-heart @invaderbekk @crowkie @narees17 @skinklady @nerdyeldritchhorror @wthyuta @serendipityseoul @crescentrax @ninjarose23 @chiizwiz @cherryrocks505 @just-a-dregular @bonniestreet @theofficialkanekibarbie @maryry24 @zea-is-amazing @loch-monsta @artisticchihuahua @hadeselegy @rociomz @emeraldluna
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years ago
Just got finished with the first draft of Stumbling’s next chapter. It is a beast of a work and I hope everyone enjoys it! Should be posted soon in honor of the Isle of Armor release!
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