#also a lot of speedpaints iirc
t4tdanvis · 1 year
There are no better archivists than 12 year olds who’re busy viciously tapping block men together like Barbie dolls.
to any 12 year olds who watched jade's videos PLEASE tell me u saved them i miss watching them 😔😔😔
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space-blue · 1 year
Speedpaint + quick tut on how I do Na'vi skin/stripes with video and screenshots
Here's the video to go along, but I'll go step by step with screenshots
We start with a base layer for the skin. I make a clip layer on top and be sure to also fill it the same base blue, because otherwise the blending properties of the brushes won't apply.
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This is meant to be low detail so I won't give it too much colour, but I make the throat and centre of the face lighter, the eyes and ears pink/redder.
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Then it's time to decide on light direction/angle and how it affects geometry. Doing a little of that really helps, but you don't have to paint the way I did there... Got lost in the sauce.
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Add another clip layer on top, set it to multiply, and get started.
There are many ways to do stripes. I do mine entirely by hand, in a style of painting and erasing with the same brush but inverted. It's a lot like sculpting. Doing everything by hand guarantees a lack of uniformity. See the video for this step.
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Now that I'm happy with the look I have, I UNCLIP the layer of stripes, revealing the places I went beyond the skin. That's fine.
Add a layer on top of Stripes. Clip it to stripe.
Right click on Stripe layer. Click "selection from layer > create selection"
Now you have a bar under the selection with shortcuts we're going to use.
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Reduce the selection. The amount of pixels depends on the size of your drawing. Play around!
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Now inverst the selection. So you're not drawing inside of it but outside of it only.
Select the multiply layer on top of the Stripes.
Paint in! In the reference above I used a deep purple to highlight what it should look like, but obviously you want a light blue.
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Tweak colour and transparency of that layer as needed!
Then I use a blur brush (I prefer Maablur Brush, it's free iirc), and the soft eraser, in various areas so it's not entirely uniform.
See what the stripes look like on these people :
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Q is quite dark with less light inside some sections. Meanwhile Neteyam has a very thin dark lining around his face stripes :
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They're generally pretty desaturated. Body stripes also seem to be much more blurry in general :
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Anyway, MERGE that multiple layer to the Stripe layer. CLIP the Stripe layer back to the skin.
Now it's time to erase or blur as you wish. I tend to erase around the nose, cheeks and throat.
Even Metkayina have that erased quality :
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I add sanhi on a layer set to "add glow" and pick a teal colour. I either do it manually in pencil or with a dot brush.
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Final tweaks of saturation and transparency, maybe playing around with "add" or "multiply" layers for quick highlights on top of everything or deeper shadows.
That's it! That's how I always do stripes, no matter how rendered the skin underneath. Elias needs more work before he's done, but it's a good preview, I hope.
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neganium · 1 year
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Finished Large Icon Commission for @forever-a-goat-kid of their changeling OC, Pincer! I had a lot of creative freedom with regards to color palette for this one. Of course, I did consult with their owner, to figure out what would be best; this is the end result!
I'm a bit enamored of the linework in this one, tbh. I like how flowy I got the mane to look. Plus there's some good textures that I got from digging in brushes I never really use on Krita; iirc, this noisy hatch brush was from one of the old default resources bundles, that aren't really enabled by default when you download Krita- you have to enable these bundles manually, bc some of the older brushes don't work quite the same on later versions of Krita, anymore. Regardless of if this is how it is supposed to work, though, I think it looks great.
Also played with pattern fills, naturally, and gradient fills for the background, plus a couple of "speedpaint" brushes for the foreground from an old set that I like to use. All in all this came out really neat. Sorry about the watermark, tho; it's much more obnoxious than I usually like it, but as I was showing it to my mom, she insisted on making it more obvious. Which, like, I get it, but still.
Comms are gonna go on a bit of a hiatus; this was a learning experience, but I still have things I need to figure out, it seems. (Some technical difficulties from earlier in the day certainly didn't help.) I'm still feeling a teeny bit overwhelmed (it's probably bc I skipped out on lunch today...), so I'm going to post this now and ride it out. I hope you like Pincer as much as I do!
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defsiarte · 2 years
artist ask meme!! 3 n 14 <3
3. what song(s) do you listen to when you do art?
I have a huge playlist of every song that's interested me since eighth grade on spotify that I have on shuffle constantly. I think the tonal whiplash helps my art as it keeps me from getting boxed into any particular vibe. For a sample, here are the songs that came up most frequently this week:
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For my schoolwork (still lifes, portraits, etc.) I tend to listen to video essays or podcasts- one that I've gotten really into this semester is Blowback, a podcast that goes over the recent history of US Imperialism (highly recommend as it's very engaging and informative, they also cite their sources on their website iirc)
14. what was something that you used to draw a lot that you don’t draw as much anymore?
Cookie Run. I had a whole ask blog that I ran with some friends and I won't delete it but also want it to die bc there are a lot of bad memories associated with it. Some of my old speedpaints from that era get recommended to my friends on YouTube and they always menace me with it gfdklklgfd
artist ask meme!!
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
For the artist asks, 2, 11 & 18 :3
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
in no particular order:
pokesona, the stars are falling (not posted, will be posted with this years redraw), jewel's house, sleeping jewel, jewel's bedroom (also an extra bcuz i really like it but couldn't find the compressed file to put here: be back soon screen)
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i have a lot of fun drawing my pokesona, it was drawn completely using vector lines which was unbelievably enlightening
the stars are falling was first drawn back in 2020 and has become a way for me to compare how my art has developed over the years. 2020 only featured Jason (he/him), 2021 only had Zero (ey/em), and 2022 includes the former two plus Cleo (she/her, but shes bigender and also goes by Liam he/him), 2023 will include Jason and Ambe (she/her). its a way for me to basically do a benchmark test on my composition and anatomy and colours and shading. i always have a lot of fun drawing it and sometimes making whole new brushes. important note: this one was actually submitted to an art contest, sadly i lost but it was actually my first time since elementary putting my art out with the intent to be judged.
jewel's house was my first time drawing and designing a house and finding different places to incorporate hearts was literally so much fun.
sleeping jewel is just super cute and jewel's bunny hoodie is my favourite thing ever. i have it on my phone and could stare at it for hours.
jewel's bedroom is ALSO a redraw. i enjoyed trying to fit so many things in it, i enjoyed sketching, i enjoyed lining, i enjoyed colouring. though this is actually my least fav of the 5 bcuz i fully believe the idea that your art is only as good as its weakest point. that's not to say its bad or that everyone will approach it as critically as possible. not even to say that everything needs to be perfect. but when i was rendering it, i didn't want to shade. so i took a funky brush and just rushed thru shading. in fact you can see that when watching the speedpaint, i just kinda scribbled the shading. HOWEVER that doesnt take away from the fact i think the rest of it is really well done. i think i did well on the bed in particular and the fact that i stylized a real bed that we own and my actual childhood bed that i would die to get back (we owned two, mine was lost when mum and dad had to abandon my childhood home bcuz of shitty roommates and a shitty landlord) i enjoyed drawing my actual stuffed animals and my actual lolita dress. it like actually has sentimental value bcuz of all of that i just wish i did it better.
11. favourite comment you've ever received on your work?
uhhhh so like i dont usually recieve comments on my work aside from my family's "wow i could never do that" soooo well go with the comment you left on my bunny hoodie design bcuz as far as i can remember iirc it was the first time id gotten a nice comment about my fashion designs and i was really happy someone liked it bcuz im like super nervous about my silly fashion doodles :)
18. do you have any larger projects you'd like to pursue? like comics, shortfilm, a series, etc?
yes! id like House Of Misfits to be a cartoon, tho the show would probably be lighter than the short stories bcuz i don't imagine i could explore Amber's backstory on screen. im making a proof-of-concept website which is technically online and more than 70% unfinished.
i also have a coming-of-age novel i need to do research for called Saftey Blanket about a hijabi girl named Aminah in her senior year of highschool (if i made it a series wed get to see her twin siblings realize they're trans which would be fun but rn they are but lil babbies), id like to make a children's cartoon and a visual novel but i don't currently have any ideas for either.
btw despite the fact that i am an animator, i don't want to animate a show. i want to run a show. i don't actually enjoy animations longer than maybe 10 seconds.
i have a side project based around the album A Constant State Of Ohio by Lincoln that would be a very personal project around self image while having multiple personality disorders (and other problems), but i cannot for the life of me make an animatic. there's lots of ideas like this jostling in my brain, like a stop-motion animation of Through The Roof n Underground by Gogol Bordello, where i just simply cannot which i am fine with.
then theres the fact i do actually want to sew my fashion designs, at least that bunny hoodie if nothing else, and i cannot get my hands on any fabric despite owning a sewing machine
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randomwords247 · 3 years
1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 15, 16 for the art asks? :D
1) Answered Here!
2) least favorite drawing from this year
all of them
kidding kidding kidding uhhhh. thats a hard choice cuz theres a lot i Do Not Like
okay so i think
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this is one of them because goodness gracious the frick is this its so bad, they all look so wooden and stiff, ew what is beakleys arm, ew ew its so bad
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I also really do not like this one - its stiff, the proportions are tat and just. Ew I've always hated seeing it. Also frick this one my colour palette updated since B). Granted, I did it quickly, but still. Big ew from me I cringe everytime I see it when I'm going through my files
Also frick the rules I'm also going to put this here which is a frame from the mask animatic I did (which I wanna like. Remaster and continue ngl but shhhh), like what is this, its so bad, what the heck. Iirc it was at a point where I had to like line the inbetweens of some poses and you can literally see me giving up on drawing the legs. Like frick you past Random that was a hecking mistake
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anyways ahem I could go on for hours roasting my own art so leTS MOVE ON-
5) favorite little detail in a drawing you did
okay listen i normally love putting in like little details but apparently this year either i have forgotten everything i have ever drawn or i just didnt do many so we're skipping past this question
8) underrated drawing you did
uhhhhhhh I'd say this which I was really proud of and even made a speedpaint of, but it only got like 7 notes (normally my artwork appears to get around like 30 at least), so I guess that??? Especially considering its one of my favourite pieces from this year oops-
11) artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style
It's hard to pinpoint because usually I like will see an art style I love and slowly without even realising it I will absorb a little part of how they do it into my own. Though I'd say not so much an artist but just the Hilda Style has influenced my art the most this year, sprinkled in with a few @airborneice and @bananimationofficial (mostly in the last few months) and probably a couple more mcyt artists tbh cuz I watch a lot of animatics on youtube and they have definitely had their hand in morphing how I draw this year
15) any upcoming planned drawings
yes and no
Theres the next page of the comic (which i havent started because uni was kicking my butt and then has handed it to work), a quick speedpaint I'm working on that may or may not ever see the light of day, and some things with ocs that I have ideas for which again, may or may not ever see the light of day.
but also no because I am so hecking bad at planning usually I jump into things or have Idea and Lose It when i get to drawing. but ya i am definitely Going To Be Drawing in 2022 so Expect That whether you like it or not
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staysocky · 5 years
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answering a handful of asks under the cut !!
answers & replies here are generally:
brush settings
misc. responses
Anonymous said: Hello friend may I ask about your brush settings? Because I am in love with your colouring and line work!
Anonymous said: Your art is so cute! What brushes do you use?
Answer: i main SAI2 now, but here are the same settings when i was using them in the original SAI!! 
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(i just copied my own settings in SAI2 now so they should work the same... also sometimes i use the marker tool for doodling nowadays)
Anonymous said: do you post speedpaints anywhere? i'd love to see your painting process! your art style is phenomenal hngh 
Anonymous said: Do you have a youtube channel? Just wondering, since I can't seem to find it. I'd like to watch some speedpaints or something .u.
Anonymous said: could do you a tutorial on how you color hair??? its so pretty and baffles me all the time
Anonymous said: Would you ever do a tutorial showing how you draw? I've see you post on how you color but not lineart (ps your style is super duper cute!!)
Anonymous said: Ayy ;3c hello stocky, your art is amazing ;; how is your process for color your drawings? Plz need to know! God bless you♥
Anonymous said: How do you color soooo well? Can I get some tips? ( ;n; )
Answer: i’ve sometimes done lil art streams for friends before! i could use the same capture software to make speedpaints sometime.... i’ve been considering it for a while actually! 
my process can be a lil sloppy when i try to break it down into steps for tutorials so i think the best way to show + explain is through art streams (& video process)... 
i was thinking of starting art streams on twitch in the near future too... it’s just when i’ll finally be able to get setup finally that i’d be able to set a streaming schedule
Anonymous said: I never played Megaman but I used to watch my older brother play it, and I finally started playing it because of your art too lmao (i love it)
Answer: MEGAMAN GOOD!!! im so glad you’re enjoying the series now too!!
Anonymous said: Socky, will you restock the sanic charms (the knuckles and tails link one) or make other characters?? i love them !
Answer: THANK YOU i’m glad u like em!! each time they sell out i do plan to restock them so no worries!! 👍 I AM AIMING TO MAKE MORE CHARMS OF OTHER SONIC CHARACTERS TOO they’ll come eventually when i’m able to make the designs & get them ordered!!
Anonymous said: ((whispers, this may have been asked before and I wasn't sure where to ask it, but what does "i tried my best x5" mean? is it a reference to something? ;;))
Answer: OH NO WORRIES I’LL CLEAR IT UP!! it’s in reference to a youtube user’s rp comments as “kagamine len”. i’ve seen it MANY years ago & at that time it became sorta an inside joke between me & my friends. 
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later i referenced/used it as a response a few times on my len askblog to keep it going.
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it’s a small lil thing i guess but i’ve sorta adopted the saying now haha
Anonymous said: socks r gr8 doncha think
Anonymous said: ookay im going to sleep now sorry
Answer: no come back you are valid !!
Anonymous said: your aRT gives me heARTATTACKKKS
Anonymous said: Wanted to say I absolutely love your art and how you draw the Kagamines. Please keep it up!
Anonymous said: your art makes me cry out of joy. I am actually crying because your style makes me so happy!!!! keep up the good work!! <3
Anonymous said: your artstyle. CUTE
@transjackatlas​ said: you art style is absolutely adorable 💙💚💕
@emmi-san​ said: I only wanted to say that I love your art style and the cute representations of the vocaloid songs ✨💕
@tyranart​ said: Your arts wonderful and I hope your day is full of nothing but enjoyment
@thekillermarti​ said: how do you draw so cute?!
@dumiz-hyper-saiyan​ said:  Hiya! I wanted to ask, how is your art so great!? You are so so talented (I know it’s not really a question but I love your drawings so much! I hope we can be friends cause you seem to be a amazing person!) hehe!♥️
@seraphofivorylight​ said:  ( ̄▽ ̄) i just found ur blog today and i want to say i really love how soft ur art is !! its super pleasing to look and i definitely wish i could have some of these as prints to slap onto my wall of posters ✨ keep doing ur good work !! i hope ur doing well !!
Answer: THANK YOU SO MUCHHCH!!!!! i’m glad y’all are enjoying my art u folks are the MVPs & it’s super motivating to get your nice feedback _(┐「ε:)_ 💕 💕 //sends you all my lov e
@moderndayoutsider​ said: Just thought I'd shoot a message and say that I absolutely ADORE your art and you're one of my inspirations <3 God bless! Keep on doing what you're doing! :D
Anonymous said: ahh i wana say that ive been a fan of you for years and youve inspired my own art sm T_T... bout time i told you how much i love ur stuff 💖💖💖
Anonymous said: Woah, I'm a bit new to your blog and I just want to say how cute your art is. I'm literally so glad this was on my recommended. If I hadn't clicked on your blog then I don't know where I would be. To be honest, I would send you this on my real account but I'm actually really afraid to talk to you, and plus I'm really shy heheh. But keep up the good work! You're an inspiration to us all.
Anonymous said: Hi socky!!! I just wanna drop by and say that I love ur art so so so much !! The coloring and shape of it is so appealing and sometimes I spend hours at a time on your social media just marveling your art. It's really pretty!! Keep up the good work ✨✨✨
Answer: sdfgFDGDdsf knowing that u folks are inspired by my works makes it all worth it, i hope u know (;__;💕 💕 thank you so much for sticking around & enjoying!!! it really means A LOT pleas y’all have a lovely week!!
Anonymous said: Do you take commissions?
Anonymous said: Commission?
Answer: I SORTA HAVE COMMISSIONS OPEN tho i take them by a commission form which puts you on a waitlist. i’m more active on my twitter and tweet updates, & handle most contact about them there...
here’s a link to the tweet about my current commission info + the link to the form is inside --> [comm info]
Anonymous said: Where are you from? Your art is so clean and stylish!! 💖✨
@mysticmangaanimepainter​ said: What year u start drawing???😮 
Answer: started drawing wayyy back when i was able to first hold a crayon haha. tho i sorta started paying attention to what i was doing around middle school? started drawing digitally between middle & high school iirc... im from the US also !!
but to all who’s sent me nice messages & words of encouragement, thank you so much 😭💕💕💕 i rly appreciate em all & even tho i’m not very responsive here on tumblr i rly like to look at and read the messages from time to time;;;💖
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dejinyucu · 7 years
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2017 summary!
Hi, I’ve been busy :’) Here’s the 2017 compilation with my fav personal art I did each month :) ...which is mostly just a bunch of Tales of Zestiria and NieR:Automata stuff xD I’m happy I managed to have personal stuff each month this year! 2016 was mostly work and more work until I said screw it and ... stopped working “Orz. I’m tempted to do my fav work or project piece of every month, but I already spent enough time on this one x’D
Art goals for 2018:
FINISH MY PROJECTS, DAMMIT. Do more traditional art on my free time. >> 2016 compilation <<
Month-to-month insight and personal life musings about the year under the cut. Warning: It’s long, and everything is pretty much a bummer, so if you’re feeling bummed yourself, it’s be a better idea to go watch puppy videos than to read this xD
I did count the number of files from procrastidoodles, finished pieces, project stuff and paid work/commissions I had for each month saved on my computer and excluded the duplicates. They painted a pretty good picture of my mood and my mental state along the year, I think. I drew 240+ procrastidoodles this year! (again mostly Zesty and NieR lol) Most of them were done while burned out, during months after I tried to get a lot of work done :’) I spam most of them on my twitter nowadays. I keep forgetting to upload stuff over here and for that I apologize “Orz. January was a very productive month for me in general, while February was a burned out month (lots of procrastidoodling, very little of anything else... including work.) I was still obsessed with Zesty during Jan/Feb.The anime iirc was still airing back then and I was still trying to be sociable in the fandom. March started my descent into NieR:Automata hell xD It was also another “try to get a ton of shit done!” month, because NaNoRenO; I had a death wish and decided I could handle paid work and THREE personal projects at the same time. Ha. Hahahaha. =_= (spoiler: that didn’t work.)
April was the heavy burnout month after that. Actually I didn’t do that much procrastidoodling this month and I was in general pretty dead... idk how I managed to get 2 finished pieces done at all O_o; Maybe my procrastidoodling energy was channeled into them somehow...? May was when I threw the towel, decided to take a full break from work and projects, opened commissions and just did whatever I wanted. The Soremiku piece I picked for May was a collab with @alassetasartir​, she did the lines and I did the coloring ^^ June was apparently watercolor month! Also very procrastidoodling-intensive. July and August where... bad. I did pretty much nothing and barely got out of bed to exist (I did 7 things in August. 7. In total. Across all my categories. “Orz). I did work on the Amusement park piece in July-August and that’s my favorite thing I did in 2017, though! And by the end of August, I moved to a new apartment! Where I FINALLY GOT A 2ND ROOM AND COULD HAVE A DESK ALL FOR MYSELF AND MY STUFF WITHOUT HAVING TO SHARE IT WITH THE BF!! ;O; I wanted that for 5 years, 5 YEARS!!! *wipes a happy tear*
September and October were “catching up with the work I’ve neglected this year” months. I didn’t get much done in terms of personal things, though, because... work.
November was WORK OR DIE. I did *a lot* of stuff. A lot. I churned out stuff for projects and work like woah. And personal stuff was close to 0. I have only 4 doodles saved from November on my folders, though I may have a couple more on twitter? I tend to screenshot my doodles, post them and not save them ^^; And December has been a summer-hot, slow, short mess of a month; I suspect burnout, bc I can barely draw shit right now... or do anything else, for that matter “Orz. I seriously need to buy an industrial fan for that awfully hot computer room or I won’t survive January =_=; (in case you don;t know, I live on the southern hemisphere, it’s summer here and it’s awful)   As for art, I feel like I improved this year. I’m happy with with what I’ve been able to do and with what I’m able to do when I work hard! I managed to do personal stuff each month, even if it was mostly procrastidoodling, but still! :D I even did finished pieces almost once a month :) And I keep repeating it, but I’m extremely proud of my amusement park piece <3 <3 <3 ...But I’m also upset with how inconsistent I’ve been and still am when it comes to balancing all the shit I have to do and want to do ): Being productive, then burned out, then productive then burned out again has been my jam this year and it hasn’t been healthy at all “Orz.
As for life, it was... bleh. While 2016 was like a rollercoaster, with a lot of high-highs and crashing down lows, 2017 was just a looooong low ride. I went from the social online person I had become in previous years to slowly being a hermit again because I managed to screw things up with some people while I was also, once again, pretty overwhelmed with everything I had on my plate. The depression and debt I was dragging from 2016 plus the burnout cycle kept doing their thing on my mental health, and losing friends and getting dumped didn’t really help; yay bad timing :/ (I deserved being dumped, though; I was neglectful af and bad at communicating, so even if it was understandable bc my mental health was pretty crappy during late 2016-early 2017, it’s not an excuse.) I ended up with a lot of “what’s the point of getting out of bed today” days by the middle of the year. Moving to a new apartment with the BF helped improve a lot of things, though, and for that I’m very grateful! Also having a dog helps a lot, I may feel like a waste of space that can barely exist, but my dog needs to go outside for potty at least twice a day :’D Since then, I’ve been working towards a more balanced life, with more successes than failures, but still not quite there yet. I still have a few days peppered here and there where I feel heavy and sad and unable to get out of bed and I barely eat... but I try to not dwell on them for too long (speaking of which, I should shower and attempt to exist today... “Orz). When I look back and think of the highlights of this year, it’s all stuff that happened to other people around me.  I just... kept struggling with my bad choices and poor mental health to pay the bills, pay my debts and don’t disappoint ppl. But such is life for a lot of folks, isn’t it? So let’s say... the positive highlights of this year were the new apartment and NieR:Automata xD Also @yunalescasakura​ , she’s been a sweetheart this year to me and I don’t deserve her. I believe everything will be better once I manage to finish my project stuff (450+ unpaid hours to go... :’DDD) and I can’t wait for the day that I’m finally free from that to start a new chapter. By this time next year I should be done with projects and will be able to get a better balance!! I JUST HAVE TO ENDURE ONE MORE YEAR!! >_</ What I’m looking forward in 2018, besides finishing all my shit, is to buy a pen display! I’ve been saving slowly for one! I can’t afford a Cintiq, but I’m eyeing an xp-pen 15.6 *v* I also want to try to do traditional art once a week, probably during the weekend... I seriously need a break from drawing on the computer all day, and watercolors and colored pencils relax me so much... I want to buy a good webcam eventually to livestream/record speedpaint videos of it, because I love watching videos of people doing traditional art, haha ^^; Hopefully, in 2018 there will be a couple of Visual Novels released with my art, not counting my own stuff. I’ll also be resuming work on CDC: SideB as a hired artist this time around, since I can’t find the time at all to work on it otherwise. I sincerely hope I’ll be able to find mental space to be sociable in 2018 again, I hate being a hermit “Orz. That’s my goal for 2018: Find balance, kill the burnout cycle and be sociable again!
If you managed to read all of this, thank you. Thanks for being around, thanks for the nice messages that some of you somehow still send me even when I’m barely around anymore. I hope in 2018 I can give back to you all a lot more than I was able to this year. May the new year in ahead of us be full of nice things for everyone!
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