#which i wanna keep relatively uncluttered
randomwords247 · 3 years
1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 15, 16 for the art asks? :D
1) Answered Here!
2) least favorite drawing from this year
all of them
kidding kidding kidding uhhhh. thats a hard choice cuz theres a lot i Do Not Like
okay so i think
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this is one of them because goodness gracious the frick is this its so bad, they all look so wooden and stiff, ew what is beakleys arm, ew ew its so bad
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I also really do not like this one - its stiff, the proportions are tat and just. Ew I've always hated seeing it. Also frick this one my colour palette updated since B). Granted, I did it quickly, but still. Big ew from me I cringe everytime I see it when I'm going through my files
Also frick the rules I'm also going to put this here which is a frame from the mask animatic I did (which I wanna like. Remaster and continue ngl but shhhh), like what is this, its so bad, what the heck. Iirc it was at a point where I had to like line the inbetweens of some poses and you can literally see me giving up on drawing the legs. Like frick you past Random that was a hecking mistake
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anyways ahem I could go on for hours roasting my own art so leTS MOVE ON-
5) favorite little detail in a drawing you did
okay listen i normally love putting in like little details but apparently this year either i have forgotten everything i have ever drawn or i just didnt do many so we're skipping past this question
8) underrated drawing you did
uhhhhhhh I'd say this which I was really proud of and even made a speedpaint of, but it only got like 7 notes (normally my artwork appears to get around like 30 at least), so I guess that??? Especially considering its one of my favourite pieces from this year oops-
11) artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style
It's hard to pinpoint because usually I like will see an art style I love and slowly without even realising it I will absorb a little part of how they do it into my own. Though I'd say not so much an artist but just the Hilda Style has influenced my art the most this year, sprinkled in with a few @airborneice and @bananimationofficial (mostly in the last few months) and probably a couple more mcyt artists tbh cuz I watch a lot of animatics on youtube and they have definitely had their hand in morphing how I draw this year
15) any upcoming planned drawings
yes and no
Theres the next page of the comic (which i havent started because uni was kicking my butt and then has handed it to work), a quick speedpaint I'm working on that may or may not ever see the light of day, and some things with ocs that I have ideas for which again, may or may not ever see the light of day.
but also no because I am so hecking bad at planning usually I jump into things or have Idea and Lose It when i get to drawing. but ya i am definitely Going To Be Drawing in 2022 so Expect That whether you like it or not
9 notes · View notes