#also a gentle reminder to dnd show fans:
foundfamilyhq · 4 months
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lady-of-endless · 8 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well. May I please request a romantic matchup for One Piece?
My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men.
Personality: Leo, INFJ, 1w9, HP house Ravenclaw. Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I'm very supportive, encouraging, reserved, clumsy, easily flustered, athletic, conscientious, witty and sarcastic. Though I unintentionally come across as intimidating, I'm rather gentle and caring. I'm pretty stoic and some misinterpret it as being emotionless (I honestly just want the best for everyone). I rarely lose my cool. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine–living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. I actively search for things to be thankful for to remind myself that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I adore challenging myself both intellectually and physically. I am happiest when seeking out information, reason, and understanding. I’m really kinda superstitious…
I work as a foreign language teacher, so my job requires me to have patience, be understanding, be able to think on my feet, and be creative. I'm incredibly determind, which helps push me through difficult days. I strongly encourage those I teach to speak their minds and have open discussions.
My love languages are definitely acts of service and words of affirmation. I don't dislike physical affection when it's from my s/o, but I don't tend to seek it out. Quality time is fine, especially when we're just doing our own thing but sitting near each other. I will always appreciate gifts but hate feeling like I owe others.
Likes and Dislikes: I love discussing topcs that revolve around enigmas. It's not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. I like practicing the languages I know, biology, demonology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, singing, alternative rock and metal music, and exploring my surroundings. Cats and rodents are top tier pets. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments.
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing, listening to music, playing the piano, dancing, watching horror movies, drawing, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine.
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, lean, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle. I mostly wear black and white, but also lilac :) My asthetic is a mix between grunge and dark academia.
I hope this wasn't too painfully long! 💜💜
Author's Note: Thank you for your request! Please dont apologize for the long description, it's helpful and very enjoyable. Hope you'll like it!
I ship you with... Mihawk!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- Your ambitious personality draws him in, thinking of how beneficial is to collaborate with someone as ambitious and capable as him. Not to mention your ability to not lose your cool.
- He's feelings go from doubt, to fascination, to respect and then to attraction. He also takes time to understand himself and his feelings so it will definitely be a slow burn.
- He likes that you take time to ponder and then act. Whenever he sees you deep in thought he can't help it but wonder what's going on in that pretty mind of yours.
- Please be a little sarcastic with him too, he'll secretly like that.
- The fact that you try to find the beautiful things in life is something that he wants to learn from you but won't admit. You'll see him try though.
- Unintentionally intimidating looking? You two would look like such a power couple, oh my. Also your grunge and dark academia aesthetic goes so damn well with his aesthetic.
- He thinks that you are a magnificent woman. As days go on and he discovers more about you, you slowly become his muse.
- Because he knows just how determined, analytical and creative you are, he'll probably propose you to come with him to Cross Guild meetings. You'll be a fine addition and a great advisor. (this also gets him the chance to show you off)
- I think that even some of your likes and hobbies will perfectly match his. So perfectly that Mihawk is a bit doubtful at first. He's a bit confused, he always thought that his likes were a bit well, unique.
- Will love to spend a late night talking with you about enigmas and the occult over a glass of wine.
- He will ask you if you could play the piano for him after he had a long day. You may not notice but he looks the most enamoured when you're playing the piano for him.
- Oh and expect reading dates. He takes pride in his library so that's where you two would spend most of the time together.
- He takes note of your dislikes. During stormy weather, Mihawk will invite you next to him to keep you warm. He will start reading to you so that you'll hear his voice instead of the wind and the thunders from outside. He hates it when disagreements turn into arguments as well, so expect him to always come to you and discuss calmly whatever disagreement you two might have.
- Dear, to me you sound like the perfect match for Mihawk, I have nothing else to say.
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alexandcrfm · 2 years
*      & .    〔    joe keery,   cismale,   he/him    〕    alexander russell is   a   thirty    year   old   superhuman   known   to   be   passionate   and   cheerful,   yet   awkward   and   cautious   at   the   same   time.   rumor   has   it   they’re   a   civilian   who   has   power mimicry   abilities    —    you’d   never   guess   it   when   you   see   them   working   at   new york presbytarian  as   a   doctor.   apparently   they’re   always   listening   to   someone new   by   hozier,   which   makes   sense   since   they   kind   of   also   remind   me   of   neatly organised video games,  saying every line of your favourite movies, and seeing good in everyone.    
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name: alexander russell nicknames: alex age: 30 gender & pronouns: cismale, he/him sexuality: bisexual occupation: doctor for new york presbytarian ability: power mimicry. when within a few meters of a superhuman, he is able to copy that person’s powers and keep them indefinitely. however, he can only maintain one person’s power(s) at a time, and if they’re abilities that require skill to use well, he will behave as though he’s new to the abilities until he’s learned how to use them. additionally, his control over his power is currently tied to his emotions, as he doesn’t know he has it. if he is particularly emotional and within range of a superhuman, he is likely to pick up on their power without realising it.
alex’s parents agreed to enter him into project echo for the money a little before he was born. they’d always wanted a child and were extremely happy to be having one, but they weren’t doing well financially and knew a child was only going to worsen their finances.
when alex showed no signs of any extraordinary powers, he was considered a failed test subject and his parents swore to never tell alex what they’d agreed to have done to him. as far as they knew, nothing had even come of it and they were just a little richer. it didn’t seem like it would be an issue
they raised him well and were amazing parents. the money helped them a great deal, and alex lead a good, mostly normal childhood
he was bullied horribly in school for his nerdy interests like sci-fi movies, reading, comics, etc., for being considered a know it all, and for being considered ‘strange’. he became quieter because of this, only seeming to come out of his shell and talk about his interests with those he loved and/or deeply trusted for most of his childhood. more recently he’s become a lot less ashamed of the things he loves and is more openly himself.
has always been a big fan of superheroes but still acknowledges that superpowers can be dangerous in the wrong hands. still, he thinks that everyone is capable of good and doing good and he admires those who were once in the liberty league; they saved people and made the world a better place.
went into medicine so that he could also do good and help the world be a better place like those heroes, or like the fictional characters he admires in his favourite media. he had the smarts and the passion, and although he knew it would be a long, tough journey, he knew that the outcome would be more than worth it.
is now a really good doctor. he’s gentle and understanding, and he has the knowledge he needs to do the best job possible. he really cares about his patients and wants what’s best for them.
hobbies include: gaming, drawing, reading. would love to get into dnd but is too shy to find people who’re interested in playing
if you get him talking about his interests, he could go on and on for hours. he has so much love and passion that he might never shut up
is working through the process of loving and accepting himself. it’s a hard road, but he’s getting there. fake it til you make it!
believes everyone is capable of good and everyone is worthy of love.
as mentioned above, he doesn’t know about his powers! hanging around other supers is going to be Very Stressful and Confusing for him
i don’t have any specific wanted connections for him but i’m definitely open to ideas! friends, exes, ex bully, etc. anything goes!
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
👑Royal Buisness👑 (SBI+Tommy AU)
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Hello!My name is Moonbow and I am a huge sbi+more fan! And so I decided to do my bois some justice and create a au based off of dnd and skyrim!They all reside in the land of "Bladestrom" a legendary kingdom build out of mysterious ruins and on the ground where dragons once rested.I will let you in on some headcanons and insights about each character!I hope you guys enjoy it🥺👑💓
Dave(Techno) Blade:
The 12th heir of the throne King Technoblade,or simply King Blade.A strong and fearless warrior known for his determination,power and strength.
He has a serious and egoistic facade.Though in reality the king is anything but egoistic and serious.Quiet the opposite actually:He tends to be very polite and respectful.Sure his ego is the size of a full grown dragon but he is a big hearted man.
Techno mostly stays in his castle walls and prefers to read or write in peace.The only time he will actually step foot in the outside world was during night,when his people need him or his favorite hobby ;)
He has a pretty unbalanced and unhealthy sleeping schedule which he constantly gets reminded of.
The only person Techno actually lets into his private life is his best friend Phil.Phil is Techno's personal knight and right hand man.Techno trusts Phil with his eyes closed,his loyalty is very appreciated.
A huge downside for Techno's reputation is that he is really shy and socially awkward.The poor guy can't find the right words or say anything normal without feeling like he said something fully absurd.
Apart from reading and fighting,Techno loves to farm potatoes in his free time.He loves the fresh taste once they are harvested and prepared properly!!His potatoes are known to be from the best quality in the whole land!Which earns Techno some extra money.
Techno won't admit it infront of Phil or anyone else but he has a soft spot for children,especially orphans. He knows the feeling of growing up without parents and he feels connected to them.That's why Techno stops by the local orphanage to donate some money he earned from his potato farming.
Techno loves to train and upgrade his swordsmanship abilities to their fullest potential.Always coming up with new strategies and techniques to use whenever the time for war would fall upon them once again.
And speaking of war,the thing that terrified the neighboring kingdoms and enemies even more about King Blade is the fact that he never manages to lose. Everyone stupid enough to challenge the king of Bladestrom would go down in shame and regret.
Though Techno isn't really in control of himself in those types of situations.His lust for blood overcomes his senses and he can't but see red with every step he takes on the battlefield.
Phil is usually the one who manages to calm him down and get him back to his normal self.Techno would feel awful and expose the side he hates the most about him to Phil: Vulnerability
Techno doesn't take things very seriously.He is very sarcastic and relaxed all the time,and that's what makes him even scarier.
He competes in the yearly bladestrom championships which is a battle arena with different challenges and obstacles you have to beat.And suprise,suprise Techno wins em' all!
Techno suffers from adhd and anxiety.Something that only Phil is aware of is Techno's ptsd.He didn't exactly have the luxurious and perfect life growing up,so when he ends up getting nightmares or panic attacks Phil's dad instincts take over and do their thing.
Long story short,Techno doesn't necessarily know his limits,but he is hundred percent aware of his strengths and weaknesses.He protects and takes care of the people he deeply cares about and welcomes them as family.His power is what makes him a fearless and violent king.But his heart is what makes him a kind and understanding human.And if he ever forgets about that side of him he simply has to listen to the repeated beating in his chest.
Phil Watson:
The royal guard with a five year long achievement on staying at the top of his game and ranking as the number one royal knight.
Earning himself the trust and life long,brother like friendship with the king himself was a big plus!
Phil is a very loyal and hardworking man.He seeks justice and always wants to take things the slow and pacifistic way before instantly turning to violence and bloodshed,much unlike his best friend.
Phil is very kind,and gentle when he needs to be. Everyone loves seeing Phil in the local town tavern or in a city bar.He always seems to read poeple like an open book and find the right topics to talk about.
Techno and Phil have a very close and important relationship.They are like a brothers,though Techno secretly looks up to Phil like a father he never had. Phil would risk his life for Techno,not only becouse of his duty as his personal guard,but becouse family comes first.
Phil is a very wholesome and strong willed guy.
Whenever Techno is feeling down or something like a panick attack or nightmare is happening,Phil immediately notices it.Techno doesn't have to say a word for Phil to hug him and take care of the vulnerable king in his hands.
He will find Techno on his balcony while patrolling the castle halls or garden in the middle of the night just staring at the moonlit sky.He always seems so lost in thought and carefree that Phil simply smiles and continues his work.
He does scold him for not resting enough the next day though-so he's never really off the hook :D
Phil is also the only person who really knows Techno.He knows his deepest fears,biggest insecurities and darkest secrets.He sees him in moments where the world would turn his back on him but Phil doesn't and he never will.That's what he promised him all those years ago.
Long story short,Phil is very kind and hardworking.He takes problems into his own hands and solves them the best way he possibly can.He can and will tease the living daylight out of Techno and that infront of other residents of the castle who don't know if they should laugh or simply stare in shock.Phil deeply loves and cares of Techno like his son and always makes sure ro put his well being infront of his own.
Wilbur Soot:
A lonesome musician on the lookout for money and success-
Wilbur is a guitarist living on the streets of Bladestrom He goes from bar to bar and performs his musical talent there.Though the majority of the time Wil plays and sings on the streets.
Earning money is hard so affording an apartment,even a room for a few nights is almost impossible for Wilbur since he only earns a few silver coins per night,that is if he gets lucky and poeple actually listen to him.
He is very charming and suave,also add the fact that he is pretty handsome to the list and you have yourself the perfect boyfriend.May I inform you that his voice is a perfect balance between velvety and rough-
Wilbur isn't from Bladestrom.He grew up in another kingdom which he can't remember the name from since he arrived here during a war 19 years ago.
He never really heard from his parents,they just sort of disappeared.But that was something Wilbur didn't question,he didn't care about them.He learned how to survive and keep himself company.He doesn't need a family ro accomplish his goals.
Wilbur is a huge gentleman and he is also tends to be extremely flirtatious,which he is really good at btw!So yeah he earns himself some extra points with the ladies ;)
His biggest dream that he is trying to achieve is to become a famous musician in the whole entire land. Opening his own theater and doing what he loves the most.Sing and perform.
But living on the streets has it's ups and down's.Most nights Wilbur has to deal with drunk people wandering the alleyways or annoying little children who constantly pickpocket you-
Wilbur will sometimes nonchalantly sneak into a hotel and sleep in one of their cozy beds,since he doesn't experience that feeling often.Or the places he performs at reward him with shelter instead of money.
Long story short,Wilbur can keep apart dreams and reality.He is a smart and sly person who knows how to accomplish his goals.Even though Wilbur has his one Night stands more than often he would never betray a woman if he got into a serious relationship,which he plans on not having any time soon.He keeps to himself and sternly focuses on the things that matter in life,everything else is irrelevant.
Tommy Simons:
An energetic orphan with no manners and the mouth of a sailor.
Tommy grew up on the streets,any memory of his past life or family only appear as a missing puzzle piece or a black canvas.
Tommy is a very outgoing and optimistic person,his emotions are practically worn out on his sleeves.
Spending his days in the local town orphanage Tommy met a few poeple who he spends his time with.You could say that he has formed a wierd alliance with his more questionable friends.
Tommy learned how to defend himself and make sure that his "gang" stas safe aswell.He is quite the expert at pickpocketing which comes in handy.
Being quick and light on his feet,if Tommy does get caught by the royal guards he manages to escape and get away with the stuff he stole.
On the other hand though,Tommy is extremely clumsy and seeks huge amount of admiration in any way.He constantly wants people to refer to him as the best.
And to repeatedly prove himself worthy of that title he picks fights with multiple poeple and always manages to make poeple hate him.He won't say it out loud but he sees the bloody noses and bruises as badges of honor,he's proud of them.
This little troublemaker has only one person he dreams to meet one day,but for now he can only hear stories about him and admire him from afar.And that person is none other than King Blade himself.
Oh what he would give to train with him and show off his badass moves and fighting skills.
Long story short,Tommy doesn't think before he acts and he surprisingly manages to pull off any stupid stunt he plans to do.For Tommy it's kill or be killed.Either you face your fears head on and establish dominance or you act like a coward and run away.And there was no way Tommy ever does the second option even if it gets him into dangerous situations.Tommy is very overprotective over poeple he cares about,his guild is his brotherhood,his family,and he would do anything for them,even going sofar as risking his life.
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