#also YES i did go on tumblr mobile just to edit the tags to get the nice arrow
soundwavemain · 2 years
Hold Your Heart In My Hands
A JazzWave fic requested by @fanficmaniatic | @karday 
General content warning for blood and tending to an injury.
In the surveillance room, Soundwave often found solace from his rowdy compatriots. No one bothered to step foot inside, not even his cassettes who were frankly too nosy for their own good. If anyone did accidentally enter the infamous surveillance room, they were subject to an interrogation from the Decepticon’s intimidating communications officer. Soundwave wasn’t stupid–he knew that not many aboard the Nemesis truly enjoyed his company. They were too put off by his stilted speech, his silent E.M. field, and his blank stare to attempt any friendly banter let alone stumble upon his secret sanctuary.
Of course, the surveillance room was the one place on the Nemesis that didn’t have any cameras monitoring it. Not even the hallway directly outside the door had a screen to display movement. With three vents leading to the room and how much time Soundwave spent inside it, it would be embarrassingly easy to off such an important member of Decepticon high command. Not that Soundwave was worried. He could handle almost anyone among their ranks and it wasn’t like the Autobots had enough gall to attack their vessel.
A tiny noise filtered through one of the vents. Soundwave stared at it as the sound of metal against metal slowly increased in volume until the vent cover popped off with a resounding slam! He sighed, covering his visor with his servo. Another clang echoed in the room as something much heavier than a vent cover landed on the floor. Soundwave dragged his servo across his faceplate. He should’ve erased the mech’s damn memory of this route. It would’ve been simple enough to restrain him, open up his helm, pick apart his processor to locate and lock the strain in his core files.
Instead, Soundwave snapped at the mech on his floor, “Jazz: not welcome here.”
Jazz smirked at Soundwave. He moved so his spinal strut rested against the wall. “C’mon, mech. You didn’t say that last time–”
“Jazz: desist,” Soundwave hissed to the spy’s amusement.
They both knew there would be no removing Jazz by physical means before he wanted to leave. Soundwave turned back to his wall of monitors. If Jazz insisted on staying, then Soundwave needed to do his best to ignore him. His optics followed the movements on the screens. Skywarp was testing her teleportation limits with Shockwave, Rumble and Frenzy were running from an oil-slicked Starscream, Shadow Striker raced through the halls, narrowly dodging mechs walking through the hallways, Hook removed a rogue missile from Vortex’s chassis–
A sharp tug at Soundwave’s processor nearly made him fall forward from the sudden abrasiveness of it. He managed to stay upright but his frame locked up. The pull dissipated to a weak pulse of energy. Soundwave had felt sensations much stronger than it many times outside the surveillance room. A damaged mech on the battlefield automatically requesting medical aid from a grievous injury, a cassette shot down while performing reconnaissance–they always released a distressing field to garner pity from nearby mechs.
Soundwave whipped around to stare down at Jazz who, while not under the Decepticon’s watchful gaze, had let his faceplate slip into a grimace. All at once, Soundwave realized Jazz’s E.M. field loosened from its tight shield held close to the mech’s plating and it was suddenly too difficult to ignore. The third in command moved without conscious thought, dropping to kneel beside the Autobot that had invaded the Nemesis time and time again.
“Jazz: injured?” Soundwave tried cautiously.
He had seen the other mech on the battlefield enough times to know that Jazz acted like a cybercat when hurt–he’d slink off when no one was paying attention to tend to his own wounds.
Once, in the aftermath of a particularly brutal battle, Soundwave went searching for a cassette that had gone missing in the fray. Instead, he had found Jazz splayed out on the ground with a giant chunk of his spinal strut sparking, incapable of movement. He could’ve terminated the mech–no one had ever caught the elusive Jazz with his guard down–but when Soundwave raised his blaster, Jazz merely tilted his helm back. As if the matter of deactivation was beyond him.
It irked him. It set off alarms across his HUD. Yet…
Soundwave had healed Jazz that day. Behind a cracked rock, Soundwave welded some wires closed–a butchered job at field medicine but it allowed the Autobot to crawl back to a real medic.
Now, Jazz winced, tilting his helm away. “Hope that offer’s still on the table. Even though we’re not… you know.”
Soundwave sighed in exasperation. Leave it to Jazz to use the worst words to describe their–don’t call it a relationship, it’s not a damned courtship–liaison. That was worse. He grabbed at Jazz’s arm, popping a piece of armor off to reveal the medical ports hidden beneath.
“Hey.” Jazz attempted to pull his arm back but his strength was waning. “Not even gonna offer a mech some energon first?”
Yes, Soundwave thought bitterly as he jammed one of his plugs into Jazz’s medical port, this was definitely worse. He ignored the other mech’s comments as he called upon the frame’s diagnostic data. His HUD lit up in an instant with notifications. He went through them, noting any concerning input before coming across a notice flashing red across his visor. A laceration in the upper chassis caused by rapid and continued movement jostling an embedded–
“You were shot?” Soundwave suddenly hissed, surprise overriding his vocalizer patch. He tried to look at Jazz in the optics but the spy kept avoiding his gaze. “Jazz: found by Decepticons?” His processor ran a mile a minute, formulating scenarios that would end in this exact outcome. He had never asked what brought the spy to his surveillance room that one fateful night, what kept him coming back for more, out of respect for both their sensitive jobs, but now Soundwave couldn’t help but wonder who among his ranks shot his–
“Not a Decepticon,” Jazz hissed. “An Autobot.”
“Oh.” That silenced Soundwave’s processor for a moment. Then it only piqued his interest. “Autobots: subject to insubordination?”
If the Autobots began attacking their own, they might be even easier to fell in a sweep led by Starscream should Megatron allow it…
A digit tapped Soundwave’s helm, bringing him back to the conversation. Right. Jazz was injured. And Soundwave was already planning the Autobots’ demise. He reset his vocalizer to ensure it didn’t needlessly glitch out on him again.
Before he had a chance to say anything, Jazz smirked at him and asked, “Soundwave: apologetic?”
The Decepticon couldn’t help the way his pauldrons hiked in his embarrassment. It was a far cry from a perfect mimicry of his voice but it didn’t need to be to get the point across. Instead of deigning Jazz with a proper response, he finally located the bullet wound and dug his digits in. Jazz hissed, batting at his arm.
“Easy, mech.”
“Jazz: not easy,” Soundwave mocked. He pressed his free servo against the other mech’s collar faring as his digits searched for the bullet.
It felt odd to be sticking his servo somewhere so close to Jazz’s spark, like an uncomfortable pinch to his sensornet’s common stimuli. This close, he couldn’t ignore the normally silent spy. Not just his words–Jazz’s entire frame seemed to work under the assumption that no one was authorized to listen to it. So the freed E.M. field, the frantic and nonsensical thought processes filtering through his audials, were… odd to say the least. He couldn’t mention it aloud, though. Knowing the intelligence officer, he’d scare the poor mech away by mentioning any of his internal functions.
Soundwave’s digits knocked against something. He checked Jazz’s faceplate and when he didn’t contort it any more than it already was, Soundwave grasped the object. It was small, solid–the bullet. As he began to remove it, Jazz’s servo covered his. He paused, staring at the Autobot’s blank visor. “Bullet: needs to be removed. Frame nanites cannot begin self-healing with alien object obstructing their–”
Jazz gritted his dentae to ignore the pain. “If that bullet comes out, you’re gonna have worse problems than a dead Autobot on your hands.”
“Earth slang,” Soundwave tutted.
At that, Jazz grinned. “This Earth slang got pretty far with you, didn’t it?”
Soundwave twisted his digits. “Desist,” he ordered.
“Scrap. I got the message, mech.” Jazz pushed at Soundwave’s arm. They were still attached. Somehow, that was more embarrassing than being servo-deep in the mech’s chassis. “‘s a tracking bullet.”
The Decepticon froze. An Autobot shot Jazz with a tracking bullet. An Autobot shot Jazz with a tracking bullet. Soundwave’s frame moved subconsciously, pressing the blaster he kept tucked away in his subspace against Jazz’s mandible. The barrel forced Jazz to tilt his helm back. He batted at Soundwave’s arm like he wasn’t being held at gunpoint. Like Soundwave wasn’t flinging his energon everywhere.
“Relax,” Jazz insisted, hissing low. “It won’t send a locator beacon.” He pushed at Soundwave’s arm–not the one aiming a gun at his helm. No. The one still forming a medical connection between the two mechs. “My security protocols deactivated my internal locator beacon millennia ago. Which means,” he drawled, visor flickering, “the bullet’s signal is blocked as long as it’s in my frame.”
It made sense, Soundwave reasoned with all of his processing that still argued to kill Jazz–annihilate the enemy, the threat to his cassettes. He shook his helm. Those logic strains were based on irrational emotions. It wouldn’t do him well to give them any credence. Still, his blaster remained where it was. “Jazz: true purpose for coming here. Answer now.”
Usually, anyone–Autobot and Decepticon–trembled at the rumble in Soundwave’s glyphs when he took on a threatening tone. Under normal circumstances, the Decepticon’s third in command could paint fear in the spark of any mech he spoke to.
Jazz was not an average mech.
His servo tugged at Soundwave’s, pulling it closer to his chassis. “Gonna make me say it, huh.” He wasn’t asking. He knew. Soundwave wasn’t the type of mech to do anything unless he was asked and he would make Jazz ask. “You’ve got those seismic waves, right? I’ve seen you use them on the battlefield. Destroyed everything in your path.” He pressed Soundwave’s servo flat against his wound. “Think you can focus that right here for me?”
Soundwaves were catastrophic weapons. They could deactivate an entire squadron of mechs in a matter of kliks. Soundwave only used the trick when under extreme stress, when he believed he had nothing left to lose. He attempted to separate himself from Jazz. “Seismic waves: incredibly damaging.”
But Jazz didn’t seem to comprehend the magnitude of his request. He pressed forward, clutching Soundwave’s servo. “When used by a random mech, sure. You’re not just anybody, Sounds.” His glyphs turned to a soft buzzing static as he said the Decepticon’s designation. It left Soundwave checking to see if the noise had knocked his gyros off kilter. “C’mon. You can focus that power here, can’t you?”
“Jazz: requires medical assistance,” Soundwave tried instead. He couldn’t escape Jazz’s iron-clad grip on his servo but knew that if Jazz persisted, it wouldn’t end well. He could deactivate him. “Soundwave: incapable of completing request.”
“Hey,” came Jazz’s gentle voice. Soundwave silently cursed how the tender intonation made it so his spark eased in its casing. The Autobot reached for his other servo, the one holding the blaster. It fell with a clatter as Jazz slid his digits across his palm and intertwined their digits. “Use that big, beautiful processor of yours. I know you’re still searching through our connection. You’ve gotta be able to see my spark readings. What do they say?”
Despite the uneasiness that continued to plague Soundwave’s field, he listened to Jazz. It was simple enough to pull the information from their link. His visor dimmed as the readings filled his HUD.
He froze.
Although Jazz was suffering from an injury, trapped under the stress from energon loss, his spark spun at an even pace. Soundwave’s visor brightened to the image of Jazz’s calm faceplate. 
“I trust you, Soundwave.”
And wasn’t that just a terrifying thing? Soundwave held his enemy’s life in his servos. He didn’t even want to take it–what kind of Decepticon was he? He stared at where his servo still covered Jazz’s wound, then at the rapidly dimming blue visor.
“Soundwave: will try,” he said slowly.
The smile Jazz threw his way sent his spark spinning again. He busied himself by building up seismic waves to the speed of his spark. A low, constant hum filled the surveillance room as the waves traveled through his arm. He increased the force, the hum turning into a deep, plating-rattling rumble. Multiple pop-ups filled his HUD. He cleared them before they could convince him to stop. The bullet was deteriorating from the collisions. Soundwave could do this. He could do this for Jazz. Red flashed across his optics as he doubled down. They only needed to hold out just a bit longer. He watched the last pieces of the tracking bullet evaporate, entering Jazz’s fuel lines to be discarded.
Soundwave did it.
He saved Jazz.
The glyphs turned into a frenzied static as Soundwave finally looked at Jazz’s grey visor. All too suddenly, the sensation of the other mech’s limp grip registered to Soundwave’s overtaxed processor. An odd, warbled noise echoed in the surveillance room. It took him a moment to realize that the sound came from him.
“Jazz,” he whispered, leaning close to the other mech.
There wasn’t the comforting thrum of a spark easing into a normal spin rate, no readings going into the green as Jazz’s frame finally relaxed while its nanites worked to repair him–only silence.
“Jazz,” he tried again. “Jazz: respond.”
“Jazz,” his glyphs were basically static at that point, cracking from the force on his vocalizer, “respond.”
It felt like a cacophony of sensations–the hum of mechs speaking through the monitors, the constant buzz of the equipment, the erratic vents coming from Soundwave. He had to do something. But what? He was a communications officer. He managed surveillance. He couldn’t even perform basic field medicine, let alone reactivate a terminated mech.
“Jazz,” Soundwave sobbed.
His digits dug into the wound, energon already congealing at the opening. He hoped for a curse, a swat from the other mech’s servo for the harsh treatment. He searched through their medical link for any readings. The only reports that came up were the last spark notes, the speed of its spin, how it abruptly stopped–
Soundwave froze. He read the report, then read it again. Jazz’s spark skipped then skittered to a stop when Soundwave amped up his waves. Perhaps… he could use his waves to jumpstart Jazz’s spark.
It had to work.
It had to.
The release for Jazz’s chestplates was easy to find through their link. They opened with a hiss from the hydraulics already beginning to seize. Inside lay his spark–bright white, nearly blinding, but starting to dull by the klik. Soundwave pressed both his servos against it, wincing at the heat it gave off and the way Jazz’s arm came along with his. He released his seismic waves just as he had done before. His optics searched frantically for some sort of physical sign that it was working. When there was nothing, he searched through their connection. Jazz’s spark was stagnating–not brightening, not turning dull. Soundwave increased the power of his waves, ignoring the sound of their armor rattling against protoform.
Frame reboot: successful.
Running diagnostics.
On instinct, Jazz dismissed the scans. His processor ached and the screenings usually didn’t tell him anything he couldn’t feel for himself.
Reinitializing diagnostic scans.
Now that was odd…
Jazz searched through his HUD for what was overriding his commands and found a basic connection formed between his medical ports and another mech. His processor lagged for a moment as it attempted to form the necessary logic strains to figure out what happened.
That’s when one hundred percent of the past however long hit him like a semi–Optimus had apologized for cycles after but, scrap, it still ached in his pelvic joints–
Jazz groaned. His helm fell back, clanging against the wall. “Pitslag. ‘s like Volcanicus stepped on me…” A firm weight shuffled in his lap. When he onlined his optics, he met Soundwave’s bright yellow gaze. “Hey, Sounds. I’m ‘nna guess everything went well.”
At first, Soundwave said nothing. Just kept his unwavering gaze set on Jazz’s faceplate. Then he raised a servo and pressed it against Jazz’s mandible, soft to start then firm once he realized Jazz wasn’t going to leave. A creaky, frail noise came from his vocalizer. All at once, he pressed forward, pulling Jazz closer.
“Jazz: functioning,” he whispered over and over again.
He pressed his mask to Jazz’s faceplate. It left the spy quite thrown for a loop. Jazz tried to turn and face Soundwave but was stopped by the Decepticon’s mouth on his–when’d he even lower his mask? His frame froze, hydraulics seizing with a whine. Soundwave was kissing him.
Soundwave was kissing him.
Since when–
Subconsciously, Jazz shook his helm. He wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth–earth slang–and offlined his optics. His arms came around Soundwave’s middle, his digits fitting into the grooves along the Decepticon’s spinal strut. The divide between his chassis and Soundwave’s was nonexistent, held together as they were. A ping came up on his HUD that he had finally reached an optimum internal temperature after rebooting. When Soundwave pulled away, Jazz felt dazed, confused. He didn’t bother to online his optics.
“You gotta tell me what happened.”
Soundwave slipped closer. “Request: later?”
“Later,” Jazz agreed. “Later.”
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cantwritethetword · 7 months
Biceps? Really?
Fic Descript: Superman finds out Batman has a very odd ticklish spot, and of course has to tease Bruce half to death over it.
Look at me being somewhat consistent with uploads SDJFHKALSDFJHKH amazing what meds can do
I've had these requests in my inbox for aaaaaages (im so sorry) and I feel like I can finally write something for them.
Prompts were:
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Please excuse the typos and the "it's ok that this will be s(H)ort" cause that was back when I was like super burnt out AND unmedicated lmao so I was like OH JUST A LIL FIC YOU CAN DO IT but this will be a proper one lmao
Also lmao forgive me for the super boring title I couldn't think of another one.
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @constanteyeburn
Masterpost Link 
"I still..." Bruce huffed as he lay on the floor, glaring at his partner. "Don't get... why you're still so surprised... every time we do this."
Clark, the absolute puppy dog, was still beaming after launching yet another random tickle attack on Bruce. Since first discovering the Batman's hilarious (and quite frankly adorable) little weakness, it was like crack for Clark. Any time he had the opportunity, he launched himself at Bruce and just started squeezing. And, because Bruce was just that damn ticklish, the poor superhero couldn't last ten seconds before crumbling into a flood of chuckles.
"I don't know." Clark grinned. "You don't seem like the ticklish type, is all. Never have."
Bruce rolled his eyes, before starting to stand up. "I am not the ticklish type."
"Uh, oh yes you are!" Clark laughed, reaching to grab Bruce's arm. "And where do you think you're going?"
Normally, Bruce's response to this would be a swift bat (hehe) at Clark's hand to push it away from him as he stood, and an even swifter escape before Clark decided to go for round 2 (it had happened before, and Bruce swore he would've passed out if Clark hadn't taken pity on him).
But this time, whatever way Clark grabbed Bruce's arm, sent electric shivers coursing down Bruce's side. Bruce let out a yelp, and half-collapsed onto one knee.
Clark gasped, his face like a kid on Christmas morning. "No way."
"Clark." Bruce's eye's widened as he pieced together what had just happened. "That wasn't-"
"Wasn't what?" Clark interjected, pulling Bruce closer to him using the aforementioned grabbed bicep.
The tugging motion pressed Clark's fingers right into Bruce's muscle again, forcing a symphony of strange noises, squeaks, and choked laughs out of the absolutely screwed superhero. As Bruce fell, Clark expertly manoeuvered him onto his back (for the second time that day) so that Clark could kneel on his forearms.
"What the hell Kent?" Bruce grunted, pulling his tough-guy facade over his currently anxious and flustered self. "Let me go."
Clark chuckled. "Oh no, we're investigating this."
Bruce cursed under his breath. He remembered Clark's methodical tickle monster days all too well. When Superman himself had him pinned to the floor with no hope of escape, and took his sweet ass time tracing and prodding with various numbers of fingers on any tickle spot that came to mind.
This time would be no different. Clark began with his thumbs, massaging small circles into the very center of Bruce's muscle.
And holy fuck did it tickle.
Bruce's entire torso tried to lift itself off the floor for a moment, his eyes wide in shock at just how bad it was, before his body slammed back onto the floor and flailed. His legs kicked a ticklish drum beat as the highest pitched giggle either man had ever heard escaped his lips.
"Wow you're ticklish here!" Clark laughed over the noise. "I can't believe this is even possible!"
"SHUTUP!" Bruce shouted between bouts of hysterics, twisting his hips from side to side to alleviate the torturous sensations.
"Seriously though," Clark continued as if nothing was even happening. "Ticklish biceps? You've got to be kidding me."
Superman nodded to himself, resting his hands on his thighs. "You're right, you're right, it's time to move on to something else."
Bruce gulped in mouthfuls of air before registering what Clark was implying. "No-... wait-..."
Ten feather-light fingernails touched down right above Bruce's armpit and paused for a moment, soaking in the anticipation. Clark didn't have a chance to start moving before Bruce broke into deep streams of laughter.
"Really, Batman?" Clark taunted. "Breaking that easily?"
"Fuhuhuck ohoff."
Superman rolled his eyes, before trailing down Bruce's biceps from elbow to underarm. That singular smooth movement upped Bruce's laughter by a few pitches, a good sign for what was to come.
Clark lifted his hands and reset them back to their starting position on Bruce's arm, before letting his fingers begin their descent once more.
Except this time, each finger took its turn to softly trace up a few inches before lifting and straightening again while his wrist moved further to Bruce's elbow. Like two gliding spiders, Clark's hands pulled downright squeals from Bruce.
"NOHO!" The Batman pleaded. "I CAHAN'T- CAHAN'T TAKE IHIT!"
Smirking, Clark tutted. "Oh come on, you're usually so tough!"
But, now that he thought about it, Bruce was rather red by this point (and not just from sheer embarrassment). And while it certainly was fun tormenting the usually far too stoic superhero, the fun could wait for another day.
Clark wasn't forgetting about this any time soon.
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So you just steal artwork and don't care? Got it. Either that or my ask asking about sources from your posts on April 8th disappeared. Or I guess you could be off tumblr and not have been here for two weeks.
Hi Anon,
I'm assuming this is you:
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If it is, yes, I did see your last ask - but life has been a bit shit lately and frankly, I didn't have the emotional bandwidth to deal with an accusatory email that gave me absolutely no details about what you were upset about so I could investigate. So today, despite it being an incredibly long and shit one that isn't over I'm going to reply.
*Takes a deep breath* From this point forward I'm going to assume that, like me, you are just a real-live human with feelings that get hurt and not someone who just likes to yell at people on the internet. So let me apologise that I have used your artwork without attribution, it was in no way my intention. Please take this apology as someone who was just trying to amuse themselves and perhaps help some other people out by reminding them to take their meds too. I absolutely suck at art-type things so in my mind, no one would think I did them or was claiming the actual 'art' part of them as mine. I realise now this is the internet, you guys don't know me, and so I should have been clearer that nearly all of these are edits. (There are a few waaaaay back I actually drew myself). Looking at the 7th, 8th & 9th of April (allowing for time zones and assuming that's when you saw your artwork). All of them except one have a link at the bottom of the image that links back to where I sourced the original image - I don't know if this is visible on mobile so I'll show it below (the bit circled in red)
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So I'm assuming this one is yours:
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It seems that one doesn't have the link. I don't know why. I haven't made any new reminders for this blog in ages (again - life) - it seems like most of the ones from early April this year were originally posted back in 2021. I got briefly excited about this blog again a few months ago and loaded up a bunch of old ones so this blog was still functional for the people that find it helpful. Going back I have noticed that others seem to not have credit either. It is possible I made a mistake and forgot to add them. It's also possible that Tumblr has a had a glitch/error/weirdness which means it's disappeared. I also used a bunch of images from the editing app I was using to add the reminder message and I wish I could remember what the site was called because I cannot for the life of me remember. Honestly, who knows. I have deleted the post(s) with that image - if it's not the right one please let me know.
I have always gone out of my way to ensure that anything I use is either free use, or non-commercial under Creative Commons. As an aside, I'm an academic and a person who has artist friends and my partner runs a business where our customers are largely designers and artists, so I do actually do my best to give credit. Am I perfect - no I'm not. Part of the reason I stopped making new posts was because of difficulty giving credit even on images that were non-attribution and finding images where I knew what the attribution requirements were (along with trying to remember everything everyone asked me to tag, and doing the image descriptions etc.) If anyone else finds something of theirs in one of my posts and there isn't credit attached please either dm me or send an ask and let me know which post and how you would like to be credited and I'll add it in. If you want it removed, I'm happy to do that too.
Sorry for the long post, hope it helps to clear things up. Finally, let me take this opportunity to say
"Don't forget your meds today my friends"
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angelshadowsinger · 7 months
Hi, Angel!💗 I was wondering if you could please share where you learned how to create your masterlist, and profile layout, and how did you upload your dividers without it looking weird? I’m newish to Tumblr and I’m getting a little frustrated because I’m having trouble figuring it out.💗
hii sweetest! yes, of course I can give you some pointers. first of all, welcome to tumblr authorhood!! may you receive many comments and find infinite motivation~
for me, I suppose I’m “self-taught”? but isn’t everyone on this app? lol. actually, I’ve been sharing fic on tumblr for… idk, 8 years on and off ?? omg that’s wild. but yeah, I’ve definitely learned some stuff along the way., here are my key takeaways:
(general) promote interaction:
there’s a couple things I do to try to improve the number of notes I receive on my posts, but there’s also a few things I try my best to do in order to improve my readers’ experience. first, I use tags on every post I publish. I have a tag for asks, for my fics, for my fic recs, etc. This makes it easier for a potential follower to go through with following you even if they don’t like 100% of your content, bc they can always blacklist the tag and they won’t have to see any of those posts. second, use links so that your readers can easily look through your stuff. a masterlist is KEY here as it’s the gateway for all your fics, but also, general navigation, or even linking your masterlist at the end of your fics can be beneficial too. I find it’s also really important to have links in your bio. this makes it way more approachable for any followers and it’s honestly nice to have for your own purposes as well. the only thing about that is, you have to make the links for your bio on the computer version of tumblr when you’re editing your blog. it cannot be mobile, something about it just won’t work. i can go into further detail on how to get those bio links but tbh i just looked it up on google 5yrs ago and it’s stayed the same since then lol~
obviously my blog doesnt have a “theme” theme when you visit it on computer, but i mean theme as in, all your navigation/general/fic posts are cohesive and they look like they belong on the same blog. you can achieve this by using the same fonts, text symbols (or emojis…. i guess. personally, side eye…), or dividers.
so beyond the 3 fonts tumblr has in its posting formatting, i personally like to use copy paste fonts. they still work with embedding links and stuff as well. i like to use a font generator, where you type in whatever you’d like and it converts it for you. then you can just copy & paste.
text symbols:
these are a good for borders and dividers, or just generally spicing up your bio/navigation. i usually google “text symbols copy paste”, and browse through the results.
when you’d like to use a photo divider on your blog, make sure it is a very skinny PNG file. PNG means it has a transparent background, so it will be more cohesive for your readers on regular white posts and also dark mode posts. I actually designed my own PNG divider (Azriel’s siphon of course hehe) on my iPad on ProCreate, but I know there’s a lot of blogs that make them and share them, which you can use so long as you give proper credits. that’s another thing that’s important— always make sure to credit others if you’re using work that isn’t yours!
most importantly, I recommend always TESTING these methods!! make sure to double check that all your links work, that the symbol you choose doesn’t become an emoji when you paste, that the font is all set. there’s a lot of trial and error involved in making your blog just right :) hope this helps & good luck anon!!
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wonryllis · 4 months
wahhh perfect timing thank you so much for letting us come to you for help 🥲
is it possible to write and do everything on mobile tumblr even if it's inconvenient? i'm a new writer and i really want to do all what other writers on here are able to do (like the formatting and all those aesthetics i suppose!) but i'm worried i'd specifically need to have a laptop to publish my works as proper as theirs, but since i don't have one i'll have to make do 😞 you seem to be knowledgeable about it so i want to know if it's possible to do everything on the mobile tumblr (just with a little more hassle, but possible nonetheless!) or should i try website tumblr on mobile? i'm afraid it would refresh any time though and i lose progress 😵‍💫
how do people do the wordcounts? i can never seem to get the hang of it, do they write their work somewhere where words can be counted or does tumblr already have that feature that i don't know of? bc if so, i don't know any apps for that (all i really have is my phone TT) and if it's okay, can you perhaps let me in on what you use for it or alternatives on the phone, please? (i'm really a newbie with tumblr and all🥲but i want to be able to navigate it expertly soon :))
i have also noticed that some writers do not have a cut to their work, like you know the 'keep reading' button? yes, i had this fic in my likes that had 30k wordcount and no cut at all and i had one heck of a time scrolling through my likes to find some things whenenever i come across that fic 😭😭😭 i thought that tumblr automatically cuts your work if it gets quite long, but it seems to be done manually if i'm not wrong? 😀
you seem to be the perfect person to ask these questions to so i hope you don't feel bothered by how much i've just blurted out :')
oh yes let's go bubbles it's time for me to shine^ㅁ^you have found the PERFECT person for these questions!!
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you're welcome love, you can come to me anytime you have any queries i'd love to help!! it's totally okay and don't worry with time you will be able to expertly have your way around the app it's not that hard! and like i said you can always ask for help, if not me then someone else. and no you did not bother me at all <33
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( 001. ) i dare say close to all of that formatting, aesthetics, writing and literally everything a blog needs is 100% possible just using the mobile tumblr!
i personally have never used the laptop for my tumblr besides just looking through my notifs when my phone is on charge. i legit do everything single thing from my phone, even the writing.
though i would say some things require you going back and forth with the web tumblr but it's okay cause it's not like an everyday thing.
things you can do on the mobile app: writing, post layouts(the three picture thing, different fonts, dividers, read more line thing), add the links(in posts), asks(answer and send including pictures and links and anonymous), change your description(including colors and fonts), change your background and accent colors, change your profile picture, queue, schedule and reblog posts, making side blogs and literally anything besides those mentioned below.
things you can not do on mobile tumblr and hence have to use the web tumblr: using colors(including gradient) for your fonts besides the default colors allowed on the app(you have to do it through html post editor available on the web tumblr post editor options), adding links in your description, blocking someone from your side blog, checking your activity status as in how many followers or notes you gained in a day or week or month, mass post editing(which is like editing the tags of multiple posts at once this one you need the laptop!) and that's all i can think of for now but it's the main things.
the chances of losing progress on tumblr is possible whether you use mobile app tumblr, mobile web tumblr or laptop tumblr. best thing is to use your google docs to write and then copy paste it to tumblr at the time of posting.
( 002. ) bingo! you are correct. tumblr does not have the feature to show the word count so writers do use different apps for it. google docs has the word count feature and i use it for my longer fics, wattpad also has the word count feature so for my headcanons and reactions i usually use wattpad.
( 003. ) this one is a bit complicated in a sense, let me explain it in small steps. so when you publish something you always have the option of putting the keep reading cut anywhere you want.
tumblr has this thing where under a specific tag, let's say enhypen imagines tag, in order to not clog up the dash of that specific tag it automatically adds the keep reading if your keep reading cut shows more than what tumblr allows. however all the other places like if anyone has liked it or rebloged it, the post will appear as originally or as presently the post is formatted.
so if in your likes that post is showing the entire fic it means the writer has not added the keep reading cut anywhere. but when you search up the enhypen imagines tag and find the same fic it will show a keep reading cut as per tumblr's rules.
this is the button for the read more option!
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Question is the legacy editor any good? I've never used it because I'm paranoid about it messing my posts up lmao but I'm curious
The short answer is yes. Legacy editor, the older way tumblr did posting, is in my opinion, the superior editor. I love the legacy editor. A lot. It is definitely superior and I'm sad staff has decided to slowly get rid of it.
However! With that said I've been pretty much exclusively using the beta post editor for the last like year when staff announced that they'd be eliminating the legacy editor eventually so I thought it'd be a good idea to get used to the beta editor. Which I suppose I did. I've gotten used to it and don't use legacy much at all anymore. I also wanted to use it because I got really tired of not being able to edit in mobile the posts I made on web using the legacy editor. With the beta editor you can edit across platforms which is soooo nice. (although it appears that in one of the apps many updates I can now edit a gifset I made today via legacy editor but not the posts I've made in the past using the legacy editor so who knows what's going with that).
But there's a lot of annoying things about the new beta editor that make it inferior to the legacy editor and I'm praying that staff will improve it. For starters, and probably my biggest complaint, is how awful it is to upload and rearrange images. It's so much easier in legacy editor to move images around. In beta the page moves when you start to move the image and it drives me CRAZY!!! I always end up putting the image in the wrong place because the page won't stop moving! Legacy is wonderful to arrange images. I do think the upload is slightly better in beta purely because it uploads multiple images in the order I select them where the legacy just puts them in whatever order it wants to and I have to remember what order I wanted my gifs in.
Legacy is also better because it actually differentiates between an image post and a text post. With the beta editor everything is technically a test post. So my gifsets are not considered an "image post". Some people have noted that the beta, since it's not an image post, it resizes the images a little and sometimes decreases the quality of the gif by doing that. I haven't really noticed that myself with my own gifs but doesn't mean it isnt happening.
The legacy editor also allows me to upload my gifs without stupid errors for no reason. Lately any time I upload more than 6 gifs at once I get an error message and have to upload them one by one. Its not because of size because they're always under 7mbs so I don't know why I can't upload them all at once. I hate it actually. And sometimes my gif will be under 10mbs (like 9.7mbs) and it'll tell me that the gif is too big. Excuse me tumblr but 9.7 is smaller than 10! I never had this problem in legacy.
The legacy editor is also better when it comes to using html, inserting links as text and not the stupid thing beta does where you paste the link and it becomes that stupid post preview thing that I hate, and oh my god is it awful for text blocks! When it first came out you couldnt select multiple texts blocks at all. You can now but it isn't the easiest. And it like expands when you do and makes it weird. Idk it's hard to describe. In legacy you can just...select all the text with no problems. Text blocks are treated like individual sections in the beta and make editing a major pain in the ass.
I also don't like thst apparently new xkit won't work in beta and you have to use xkit rewritten because fuck I don't want to learn how to use that one when I've been using new xkit for years but I guess I'm gonna have to now. I haven't been having any problems with xkit yet but who knows....
So yeah I think overall legacy is better. Beta Post Editor has some good things (I like the increased image upload limit, the editing tags is good) about it but there's so many problems. Unfortunately we're stuck with it so I've been sticking to using it exclusively to make the transition easier on myself. I do suggest becoming used to how it works and to just continue to provide feedback to staff about features we dislike or bugs we come across. Hopefully they'll listen and improve it.
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Hey hey hey! Here are this week's newlywed questions! So excited!
Note: Once again, this week’s round focuses on photos! Dialogue is entirely optional, though for some of these, it’d be fun to know the story behind the pictures ;) Tumblr mobile only allows 10 picture uploads (there are 10 questions), so collages are highly encouraged! Otherwise, the non-beta version of Tumblr desktop will allow more than ten.
Have fun!
For MC
Favorite childhood photo of Ethan
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
Contact name and photo for Ethan
Top three photo results when you Google Ethan
First picture of or with him that you uploaded to social media
For Ethan
Favorite childhood photo of your spouse
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
Contact name and photo for your spouse
Top three photo results when you Google your spouse
First picture you ever took of or with your spouse
*Credit to the anon who sent me the first three questions!
Hi Bree! These questions were so fun to answer, I loved it! 🤩 Thank you for sending these to me! 💖
P.S. : Ignore my mediocre editing skills, I tried my best! 😬
So lezz go!
Favorite childhood photo of Ethan
Meera : Ooh! Starting with a bang!
Ethan : No, Meera. Bree said favourite not embarrassing.
Meera : What if the embarrassing one is my favourite?
Ethan (with a snug face) : Fine then, I have ammunitions too.
Meera : You do?
Ethan (nods)
Meera (thinks for a moment) : Fine, so can we call it truce that no embarrassing pictures this round? (extends hand)
Ethan (shakes hand) : Sure Dr. Ramsey-Bose.
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Meera : After the infamous CPR pic, this has to be my favourite. Look at this kid. Isn't he adorable? 🥺 You were always a dog person, no doubt we are soulmates.
Ethan : That's Tito. He was the pet to an elderly couple that lived accross the street from us. He was a very good boy.
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
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Meera : This picture from our wedding is one of my favourite.
Ethan : Mine too.
Contact name and photo for Ethan
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Meera : He didn't allow the 🥵 emoji so I bargained it for the 🔥 one.
Ethan : I neither understand the purpose nor importance of this.
Meera : Try being a millenial to understand babe.
Top three photo results when you Google Ethan
Meera (chuckles) : Remember the first time you did this for the pictagram profile.
Ethan : I said this that day, I'll say it again, the internet is a scary place.
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Ethan : Officially off the market? What even is that?
Meera (not being able to stop laughing) : You look so cute when flustered.
Ethan rolls eyes
Meera : Okay this is the article from when you announced on national television that you are not single. And the rest two are your recent achievements.
Ethan : Yes but how is something from four years back still the top result?
Meera : You did break almost a million hearts that day.
Ethan (a huge grin on his face) : Damn. Bad luck, I am stuck with you.
First picture of or with him that you uploaded to social media
Meera : Oh my my I have to scroll waayyy back for that.
Ethan (looks at Meera's screen as she scrolls) : Howcome there are more pictures of me on your profile than yours?
Meera : Because you are hotter and more famous and that gives me much more likes and followers.
Ethan (shakes head) : Kids these days.
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Meera : So, a little backstory. Dr. Ramsey kissed me infront of the entire hospital on the day of the Gala. But then didn't want to make our relationship public. I agreed because everyone was not in a right mindspace with the hospital closing and losing jobs.
Ethan : We were also figuring things out since we no longer would be working in the same place.
Meera : Then the hospital got saved and everything went back to normal. But he still didn't want to make it public. Next he wanted to take me for a getaway before the hospital opened after the remodeling. So I told him that I had to make it public now.
Ethan : As far as I remember, you ordered.
Meera : Yes I did. You tell me Bree what was I gonna tell my roommates? That I am going away for a romantic getaway with my BOSS? So I had to make it public a week before we left with this post. And all my friends and acquaintances literally roasted us alive in the comments. (facepalms)
Ethan : In my defense, how was I suppose to know that every single person knew?
Meera : You weren't quite subtle about it babe.
Ethan : But at the end it all paid off. (kisses Meera)
Favorite childhood photo of your spouse
Meera : Remember no embarrassing ones.
Ethan : I got you, love.
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(just breaking character here to say this is me lol 🙈)
Meera : Oh my God! How did you even get this?
Ethan : Maa (Meera's mom) sent this.
Meera : This was at my uncle's wedding. I was what? Four.
Ethan : and the cutest four year old.
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
Ethan : One from our Indian Wedding, where she looked like a queen.
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Meera : I LOVE this picture!
Contact name and photo for your spouse
Meera (sighs) : Gonna be something boring for sure.
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Meera : Okay Ramsey, I see you played well. Now what about adding a 🥵 emoji beside the purple heart?
Ethan : I'll delete the picture and the heart if you try to bring me to put one of those faces.
Meera : Okay, okay, I hear you. Better be happy with what you have!
Top three photo results when you Google your spouse
Meera : Am I even famous enough to be Google searched?
Ethan : Ofcourse you are, darling!
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Meera (chuckles) : Yeah I am, after marrying you.
Ethan : That's not true see this one is about you heading the DT.
Meera : And the other ones are about our wedding and honeymoon respectively.
Ethan : Don't worry you will recieve all the recognition and love within a few years, I promise. (kisses her forehead)
Meera : With a husband and mentor like this, ofcourse I will.
First picture you ever took of or with your spouse
Meera : Shit! Why can't I remember this?
Ethan silently pulls out the picture.
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Meera : Oh yes this was in Miami, with Ines!
Ethan : Absolutely correct.
Meera : Now I remember. I was too afraid to ask you for a photo so Ines made you click one of us. And look at you know, my designated photographer for life!
Ethan (grins) : Can't say, I don't enjoy capturing your beauty.
Meera : Aww!
(they kiss)
Phew! Another week done! Thank you Bree for this once again! 💖 @jamespotterthefirst @messrprongs
A/N : I realised after creating the social media post that @gryffindordaughterofathena had used the same photo. But she gave me a green light to post mine so thank you Dri! 🤗
Tagging my usual : @starrystarrytrouble @mm2305 @charisworld @choicesfanaf @potionsprefect @genevievemd  @shanzay44 @little-flowers-on-heaven @schnitzelbutterfingers  @coffeeheartaddict @gryffindordaughterofathena @chemist-ana @adiehardfan @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @natureblooms24 @mainstreetreader @izzyourresidentlawyer @a-crepusculo @quixoticdreamer16 @starryeyedrookie @barbean
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. Also if you want to sit out only the answers to the newlyweds game then hit me up too. There will be no hard feelings I promise! 💜
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robotforest · 3 years
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I posted 26,744 times in 2021
10 posts created (0%)
26734 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2673.4 posts.
I added 279 tags in 2021
#aes - 171 posts
#useful - 45 posts
#oh my god - 20 posts
#yes - 8 posts
#no - 7 posts
#potthemes - 7 posts
#oh - 6 posts
#useful as fuck - 6 posts
#ouch - 5 posts
#🥺🥺🥺 - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#originally it was a bit higher but then i realized i had a post showing my face and i was like ohhhhhhh no no no no no and went and deleted
My Top Posts in 2021
Lemme just...
Ornithologist Mozart
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also explains the chocolate eggs
3 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 01:34:20 GMT
about me | welcome to my blog!
hello there, i’m joey! 
before you follow
✦ as my bio says, i don’t tag my posts as i’m usually on mobile and use fast reblog. please scroll through my blog at your own discretion! i usually don’t reblog content with sensitive content though, such as gore. if you feel like there’s a post that needs properly tagging, please let me know!
✦ i am a queer southeast-asian person, who has no tolerance for bigotry and will amplify marginalized voices. if you have a problem with any of those things, do not follow or interact with me. 
✦ i have adhd, so my hyperfixations change from time to time (on average a few months) - expect reblog spams from me of my current hyperfixation! although, i will reblog things from other fandoms that i’m still into. 
✦ i will unfollow blogs that have been inactive for more than a week just to keep my following clean.
about me
❀ malaysian-chinese 
❀ self-proclaimed geek
❀ game dev student
❀ cat person!!
❀ lover of all things robots and sci-fi (maybe fantasy from time to time); a geek
❀ wannabe hobbit and hockey goalie
❀ general creative 
: ̗̀➛ find me elsewhere | ✎ i also do art!!
19 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 10:41:36 GMT
pssssssssssst i made a quiz about what kind of a hobbit you are go check it out!!
105 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 08:10:09 GMT
consider this: cut lawquane is the canonical cottagecore clone
200 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 16:38:41 GMT
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a very unexpected and dumb collab done with my bestie @hheckk of a chart of what various star trek characters gay leanings are (coutresy of llewelyn bc im not gay lol) anywho enjoy sorry if ur fave aint here
EDIT: okay i think i need to clarify a few things first because people are getting mad at me - i did this with my best friend who's a gay man mind you (did you read the caption of the post lmao); we made it together with me putting the images together and him deciding where to put everyone since he didn't have the proper image editing software
370 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 05:25:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Fandom Etiquette
Fandoms grow and often it’s confusing to know what is and isn’t okay within the fandom, so I thought I’d put a little list together for newbies. This is no way means I’m perfect just bored while quarantined.
Reblog, not repost. Do not copy and paste and steal stories. If you love something GREAT, just don’t steal it that means reposting on this or any other platform and claiming credit or cherry-picking pieces to copy, just a hard no. You want to share your love hit reblog, like, add a comment, or send an ask.
Anon is not for hate. We all learn when we were young (or we did when I was a kid) ‘can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all’ this also applies to fandom. You do not have to agree with everyone in the fandom but sending hate, death threats, racist messages, etc is not appropriate. You don’t have to like the characters we like, but going into someone’s ask box and saying something like ‘eww how can you like X’ isn’t nice or appreciated. Speak up when you see racism, hate, etc but please don’t become a bully.
Tag your triggers and put the warnings before the fic. Triggers are real and blacklisting triggering tags is our way of creating a protective bubble for ourselves within the fandom. Please label your warnings before the fic, and make sure to tag your warnings. And yes NSFW (smut) is also something people try to avoid. Tag ‘ns*w’, ‘lemon’, or ‘smut’ or all three.
Use a read more or at the very least tag it ‘long post’. It’s another way to keep triggers from being seen. Read more doesn’t always work on mobile so please tag it ‘long post’.
Don’t tag every character in the series if they aren’t present in the post. Many of us follow our favorite tags and Tumblr will recommend posts that have the tag. If you tag a character who wasn’t in the fic, picture, or screenshot people are going to get annoyed because you are making it harder for them to search the tags they love.
Only tag readers interested in your stories. If someone opts off your list take them off. I get it we want to be seen and it can suck to have someone request to be removed from your list but you need to respect their request.
Borrowing characters (OC’s and MC’s) is okay but please speak to the original writer and make sure you have the character right. If they ask you to stop, stop. Again this is about respect. No one wants their character used without permission or portrayed OOC (out of character).
Writers, spell check is your friend. I sometimes misspell and even google docs makes mistakes but Grammarly and apps like it can help.
Writers double-check your grammar. We all make mistakes or miss some things but I see some that just scream out at me all the time.
Does it flow, does it make sense? You don’t want your reader to be confused and have zero idea what’s happening. Make sure you have a clear idea that flows. If it’s a series and it’s been awhile or you aren’t sure exactly what’s happened reread your story. I do it all the time. There will be times that I will be speaking to a friend and saying I can’t do something with a character because of something that already happened and when I read it it turns out the only place that bit of info existed was my brain.
Betas, pre-readers, friends that you can talk things out with or brainstorm with are great but if you are ignoring their advice it does nothing. I love my group of friends who I can ask to pre-read, send snips to, or tell a new idea but I listen to them. Many of my friends have helped me with grammar issues or fixing an issue I was having with my plot. If you have a group to ask and they say something doesn’t work read it over again, chances are they are right.
Don’t be a jerk. This shouldn’t have to said, but apparently, it does ... again. Creators whether they be writers, editors, or do art digital or otherwise don’t owe you anything. Creators create mostly for themselves, when I get an idea it usually won’t leave me alone until I get it out and I can feel a little batty until I listen to the idea and get it on ‘paper’. What this means is we the creator had an idea and CHOSE to share it with you, don’t be demanding. I can understand loving a story so much that you can’t wait for the next part but don’t be demanding. I have said things like ‘I can’t wait for the part’, ‘(im)patiently waiting for the next part’, ‘will be sitting with my popcorn waiting for more’, or ‘omg this was so good I need more’ in a reblog comment but most of the people I say this to I know, they know me, they know I will wait however long until their muse and life are on the same page and they can write so they can update. The problem is I keep seeing demanding asks. I understand wanting to check-in if you haven’t seen the writer in a while and really are curious if you will be getting a new chapter soon but BE POLITE ABOUT IT! Don’t say ‘when are you gonna update X’ or anything that makes you sound like you’re an ungrateful brat, instead, check-in, ask them how they are, make sure they and their family is doing well and then mention that you miss them and whatever story you desperately want to see updated and follow up with letting them know you can and will wait. I have sent asks like ‘hey haven’t seen you in a while hope all is well! I really miss X series and hope you update soon! I will be waiting for you and X return, stay safe!’ That comes off a lot better than a demand, that writer feels loved and respected and is more likely to try to find the time to work on what you are asking about than if you demanded an update. Be kind and remember that behind every edit, drawing or fic you love there is a real person with a life that may get in the way of their creative time. [added 6/8/20]
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jakeperalta · 3 years
tag games! i’ve been tagged in a few recently so i’m putting them together on this post, there’s a lot of overlap between questions so i’ve combined a few variations within part 2 :)
part 1 - tagged by @jonmercer & @daenersys & @ithinkheknowss 💕💕💕
Why did you choose your url? i was offered it by a lovely mutual who knew how much i love jake!!
Any side blogs? @cosystudy (although i only ever reblog on there now) & @photoshopresource which is just a place to collect editing resources/tutorials etc
How long have you been on tumblr? since summer 2012 👵
Do you have a queue tag? it’s “queue and me forevermore” (as in the lyric from new years day by tswift) but i’m not very consistent at using it on mobile!
Why did you start your blog in the first place? back when i was in the 1d twitter fandom we used to sometimes go on omegle with the “directioner” tag and people used to ask if i had tumblr and i had no idea what it was but decided to get it for the 1d fandom lmao
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? folklore album of the year!!! staying up and watching her grammy performance and then seeing her win aoty was such a fun night, also her dress is very pretty
Why did you choose your header? rory and logan my beloveds ❤
What’s your post with the most notes? i believe it’s my text post about celebrities’ private lives that got hijacked by a weird l*rry shipper 🥴
How many mutuals do you have? I actually have no idea, I guess just a slightly smaller number than the number of blogs I follow??
How many followers do you have? over 11k
How many people do you follow? 1502
Have you ever made a shit post? like half my blog is random thoughts no one asked for so yes absolutely
How often do you use tumblr a day? i’m usually on and off it for a few minutes at a time on mobile all day, then i might spend a longer time on desktop in the evenings
Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? not really, i usually block people before it can become an argument lol
How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts? most of the time it makes me want to reblog less
Do you like tag games? yes! i like getting to know people
Do you like ask games? also yes!
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? idk who i’d pick specifically but there’s lots of very cool people who seem pretty big within their respective fandoms
Do you have a crush on a mutual? no lol
part 2 - catch up meme: tagged by @jonmercer / @benwvatt / @nicolemkidman 💖💖💖
favorite color: purple
last song: take me to church - hozier
last album: amidst the chaos - sara bareilles
last movie: pretty woman
currently reading: the living sea of waking dreams by richard flanagan, also listening to the audiobook of someday someday maybe by lauren graham
currently watching: one tree hill
currently craving: could really go for some chocolate cake right now
coffee or tea: coffee
sweet, spicy, or savory: sweet!
currently working on: my masters dissertation 😭😭
relationship status: in a relationship 🥰
three favorite foods: macaroni cheese, any other kind of pasta, tofu katsu curry
song stuck in my head: high horse - kacey musgraves
last thing i googled: "apple music replay 2021″
time: 23:54
dream trip: australia, especially tasmania
anything i really need right now: a holiday and a break from dissertation hell lmao
tagging - anyone who tagged me in one if they haven’t done the other! also @cardigantaylor13 @reputayswift @gwen-stace @alisonsmouth @fukyouforever @its-tortle @dress if you guys want to!! 💗
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thatanimenerd101 · 4 years
The Bird I Love
Paring: Keigo Takami (Hawks) x G/N reader
Warning: Lots of fluff and cuteness. 
Word count: 1,528 aka 1.5k 
Time taken (editing included): 5 hours time posted around 3am EST 
This is for a very good friend of mine @keigos-dove they are such a wonderful person and I wish I could give them a hug. There fluff writings have helped me get through some dark times. I always melt because of I can be sad and then after reading some fluff I’m happy and my heart melts. So this is for you Eli, also I’m working on something else, that’ll be just for you. I’ll send it to you privately and you can chose of what you want to do with it. Also I wanted to ask you a few questions, I want to make the writing I am working on very personally for you. I decided to do this writing and the one I’m working on as a thank you. Well a huge thank you. I really want to get to know you better, I think we could become really awesome friends! Now be prepared for your heart to melt, I hope. Now if this isn’t fluffy enough for you, let me know! I will re-write this if needed. My mission is to make your heart melt. 
Tag list: @keigos-dove​ @queensynderella​ @izuku-mydoria17​ @zyrielwolf​
@tooloudarts​ (If you would liked to be added to the tag list just let me know) 
Come on, let’s roll already! Okay, jezz, I spent forever writing this Tumblr so stop eating my posts, you already ate two of them and I cried and my ice cream shows it. (I like ice cream okay?) Also yes I know I would take a break well that's over because uhh, I needed to write something.
Now, unfortunately I could not find the artist for this. But this is not mine, all credit goes to the artist.
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It was finally Friday, your favorite day of the week it was the day you got payed. It also felt yourself catching a cold. It had been going around at your workplace for a while. It was nothing too bad, just a little cold. Your boyfriend, Hawks, Keigo Takami was out on a mission for the past two weeks. He would text you when he was out of danger. The last conversation you had with him was short. 
Hey, doive. How are you?
Sent at 01:09am 
                                                                    I’m alright, I feel like I’m getting sick.
                                                           There’s a cold going around my workplace.
                                                                 Other than that, I really miss you birdie.
                                                                                                      Sent at 01:11am
               I miss you too. I’ll come home as soon as I can.
I know this is hard for you. It’s hard for
me too.
Sent at 1:25 am
 I have to go; I love you so much
Sent 1:27 am
You remember that conversation you had with him three days ago. You were gathering your things and preparing to head home. Normally he would be on missions for weeks or months at a time. Sometimes you would not hear from him until he would come home, covered in cuts and dried up blood. You never asked why, because even if he wanted too tell you, he couldn’t. He told you about his parents and how he was forced into becoming a hero. You remembered that night, he cried a lot and you held him close. You remember running your hands threw his hair once he fell asleep on top of you. He was heavy but at that moment you did not care. Walking down the streets of Japan, you saw couples holding hands. You smiled, but then a feeling of sadness washed over you. You missed him a lot. Keigo wasn’t the center of your world, you had friends and family. But none of them could understand you the way he did, he could sense that something was wrong just by looking at your face. When you reached the pen-house, you entered in the code to get in and let your coat fall to the ground. You tossed your shoes, leaving them by the door. Your plan was to take some medicine for your pounding headache and watch something on TV. That was until you heard soft music coming from the kitchen. Then you looked down the floor, there were rose petals leading their way to the kitchen. You followed them with a smile on your face. You saw Keigo cooking, well trying to cook. His feathers picked up your presence. He turned around to face you.
 “Surprise!” He smiled at you, the smile only you got to see.
 “What’s all this Keigo?” You smiled as you watched him plate the food. It was Chicken Alfredo
 “Well, I wanted to do something nice for you because I’m away a lot. Plus, you said you were not feeling well so it is my job as your boyfriend to take care of you. Also, what hero wouldn’t take care of their partner?” His feathers carried the plates to the table. The table was set up with two glasses of wine.
 “Awe, Keigo, you didn’t have to do all of this for me.” You sat down at the table and he gave you a small cup of water, along with some medicine.
 “Don’t worry you can have a glass of wine with that, I checked. And yes, I want to show of how much I love and care for you y/n.”
 You smiled at him, you decided not to question anything.
 “Thank you.” You took the pill and Keigo sat down.
 The two of you ate dinner and made some small talk. He told you that there was more in store.
 “Keigo, are you sure? You look tired.” You put your hand on his cheek. 
“Of course. Besides I know work for you has been really stressful so you need this. Your always taking care of me, let me take care of you dove.” He stood up from his chair and carried you to the bathroom. There were candles lit and soft music playing. But the music was a playlist of all of your favorite songs. Keigo turned the water on and butter your favorite bath bomb in the water.
 “Kei- “You started to speak but he cut you off when the bathtub was full, he shut the water off.
 “Enjoy your bath, I’ll come back in to bring you some night clothes. Don’t worry it’ll just be some sweat pants and one of my shirts.” He smiled at you and left the room for you to disrobe. The medication you had taken made you feel a lot better. Once you let the hot water relax your muscles you hadn’t felt this relaxed in a while. Your boss was up your ass the past week.   You didn’t even hear Keigo knocking on the door, you were so lost in your head. You opened you eyes and saw him entering the bathroom with a hand over his eyes and the other hand holding your clothes and a very fluffy towel.
 “Don’t worry, I can’t see anything, all I see is the nothing, which kinda scares me because I can’t see my cute little dove.” He set the towels and clothes on the counter, well he tried too. The bird man used his feathers to guide him since he was covering his eyes. You giggled while sitting up in the tub.
 You’ve seen each other naked before but he decided not to push any of your buttons today. He lived to tease you a lot and sure it was both cute and annoying at the same time. But you’d had been so stressed out lately that he just wanted you to relax.
 “Keigo, why don’t you join me? The water is so relaxing.” You splashed the water around a bit.
 He moved his hand so he could see you. “Are you sure?”
 “Of course.” You smiled brightly. “It just taking a bath, and then after we can cuddle like you said we would.” Your cheeks turned a light pink, you loved to cuddle with him and no matter what any time cuddles, snuggles were brought into a conversation your face would heat up, cheeks dusted pink.
 “If you say so little dove. Stay there.”
 After taking a bath Keigo carried you into your shared bedroom. You were starting to get tired.
 “Is it snuggle time yet?” You yawned as he set you down on the bed, the shirt you were wearing was big on you and hung off your shoulders.
 “Yes babe, it’ll be snuggling time soon. Just let me turn the TV on.” You pouted like a little kid.  “Aww, don’t be like that little dove, just give me a second.”
 All you wanted from him was cuddles, I mean he did give the best. His arms would hold you close and make you feel safe. His wings would wrap around you like a blanket, but better than a blanket. You’d grown used to not sleeping with blankets, why would you. When his wings would do the job better. Keigo was taking his time when fiddling with the remote. He smirked at you as the Netflix logo was on the screen. A few of his feathers detached from his wings and went off to what you guessed was the kitchen.
 “You want anything, well besides me.” His smirk was still plastered on his face and you couldn’t help but laugh.
 “Just a bottle of water is good Pretty Bird.” His feathers came bag with some snacks and what you asked for.
Keigo laid down next to you and you nuzzled his cheek. The both of you were laying at the foot of the bed so you could both cuddle and watch Netflix together. You had decided on an old movie. During the movie he would sneak kisses on your forehead, cheeks, temples and everywhere he pleased. He would giggle and that was music to his ears. You would try on kiss him back but before you could he’d peck you on the lips. Theses would make you blush, which would make him want to tease you more.
 “Does my little feather like it when I give them surprise kisses?” He had that smirk on his face again. The room was dark but he could feel the heat coming from your cheeks. You kissed him on the cheek.
 “I love you Keigo.”
 “I love you to y/n.”  
 After the movie ended, all the snacks were gone. You moved to the head of the bed and laid down on your pillow, Keigo laid down on top of you. You ran your fingers threw his hair and massaging his Scalp. He would coo and smile at you. Once he was about to fall asleep you stopped.
“Goodnight Pretty Bird.” You kissed him on the forehead.
 “Goodnight my little dove.” He used his arms to push himself up and he kissed you goodnight.
If this man knew how to do something is was cuddles and chasing a cold away.
(A/N let me know if you'd like me to do more story times also I’m sorry about the text conversations I did it on my laptop so sorry mobile peeps! I love you all!)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by hxcsingingsk8r
Phone Scavenger Hunt
First off, what phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8.
And what provider do you use? It’s a local one you wouldn’t know about, called Globe.
How long have you had your current phone? I can’t remember if it would be 3 or 4 years this 2021. Either way, it’s definitely been a while and I’ve been itching to upgrade. It’s too early to make such a big purchase, though.
Do you have any cases for it? Describe them. I have a clear case that I bought last year. Before that, I had a pink Otterbox case that I managed to destroy even though Otterbox is normally known for its durability. I just have a very unique ability to wreck everything I’ve ever owned lol.
How old were you when you got your first cellphone? I was technically 6, but it was meant to be a present for my 7th birthday. We threw a birthday party a month in advance because my dad had to fly back abroad for work before my actual birthday, but we wanted him to be present at the celebration so we decided throwing a party early was the best route.
What about your first smartphone? [If the answer is different] It was an iPhone 5S.
How old are you now? Dunno what this has to do with the theme of the survey but I am now 22.
Okay, move onto the scavenger hunt part
What is your lock screen picture of? It’s of Kim Seon Ho at a restaurant, lmao.
Home screen? It’s one of the shots from a recent promotional photoshoot Hayley did for Good Dye Young.
How many pictures are thre currently on your phone? This question just made me so anxious hahaha. I have way too many photos; and upon checking, it turns out I currently have 6,266. My god do I need to clean up my camera roll this weekend.
How many videos? I have 227. I have no idea it’s gotten to be this many; I barely use my phone to take videos. I’ll go ahead and delete some of them right now, just to give my phone (and its storage) space to breathe.
What is your most recent picture of? It’s a work thing...I guess I’ll explain it so it can make more sense. So one of our clients has got this Lent campaign going on, and to spread word about it we’ve tapped a handful of food bloggers to try out the offers themselves and post about their experience on social media. Now that we’re in the middle of Holy Week they’ve gone ahead and uploaded their own posts, and I’m in charge of taking screenshots so I can show to the client that the execution had been successful.
And the most recent video? It’s a private vlog. Every Sunday, or at least every other Sunday I take a few minutes to sit down and do a weekly video thing where I talk about my ~mental~ and ~emotional~ status, and it’s basically a way to be in touch with myself and keep track of my progress. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually get to uploading them one day.
Do you have any albums? If so, of what? Yeah. I have one for Cooper, one for Kimi, and a bunch of tiny albums I’ve made where I compiled 4–5 photos of friends to post on their birthdays.
What pictures have you favorited? I have a lot of favorited photos. There’s no required category for me to label them as such.
Do you have any shared albums with friends or family or work? No. I’m not sure if I can do that, or how to do it if it is allowed.
Do you have any alarms set? For what time and for what occasions? I have a bunch of alarms but only because they’re archived into the Clock app and I just haven’t gotten around to deleting them. When I was still new at my work, I used to have alarms set for certain work tasks I have to take note of every week – but now that I’ve gotten into the groove of things, I don’t need the alarms to be reminded about them anymore.
Check your weather app, what is the weather and temperature where you live? It says ‘Mostly Clear’ and shows a temperature of 26ºC.
Do you have the YouTube app? Do you have your own channel? I do have the app and my own account, but I never use it to post videos. It’s nice to have my own channel so that my homepage can be tailored to my interests.
Do you have an email app? Which one do you use? I just have the default Email app that comes with iOS, but I never use it because it’s so wonky. It doesn’t refresh new emails and it takes forever when it does, and it doesn’t always show the full thread of email conversations. If I absolutely need to check my email for something I usually have to pull out my laptop.
Does it say that there is an update available on your phone or any apps? Yes, it reminds me everyday hahaha. I don’t update unless Apple has been planning a big revamp with new features, though; and if the updates are just to address bugs, I disregard the reminders.
Go into your contacts, how many contacts do you have total? It says I have 178.
Name all of your contacts under the letter M: Feels a tad bit invasive, so I’ll just name five people I have under M: Lui, Kim, Patrice, Danika, and Andi.
Name all of your contacts under the letter U: I don’t have anyone under U.
Do you have any contacts that are businesses rather than people? Which ones? No, I don’t really use text to contact businesses. If I wanted to inquire or order from one, I usually head to their social media page.
Go into your notes, how many notes do you have saved? This is another one I have a hoarding problem with lol. My phone says I currently have 561 notes, though I’m fairly certain the biggest chunk of it comes from minutes I’ve taken down from work meetings. It was a whole lot less when I was still in school.
What kinds of things do you save in your notes? Like I said, I use Notes for taking down minutes from meetings. There are also a few surveys on there, from times I didn’t have internet and couldn’t post them on here.
Do you have any voice memos saved? What of? Yep. Some of them were recordings I had to do for journalism classes I was assigned to do voiceovers; some are interviews, also from my journ class; and the rest are of me rambling.
Do you ever use the calculator app? Pretty frequently for work.
Do you ever use the Maps app? Not really. If I needed directions, I would check out Waze for that.
Do you have any health/fitness apps? Which ones? I still have the Nike Training app from the very brief time I wanted to start working out earlier this year.
Do you have the Instacart app? The what now? I’ve never even heard of that.
What about a delivery service like Postmates, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Doordash? I have the McDelivery app for McDonald’s, but I also have other general delivery apps like Grab, Lalamove, and Transportify.
Do you have something like Venmo, Cashapp, or Paypal? I have the Paypal app but I never use it. I also have a couple of e-wallet apps just in case I’d have to use them as a payment method, since some businesses  I purchase from prefer certain ones. Ultimately, though, I use Grab’s mobile wallet the most often.
Do you use Bitmoji? I think I did before? I never used it all that regularly though. Didn’t see the point.
What other keyboards do you use besides English? Any? Filipino, Korean, and Emoji.
Which social media network apps do you have? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, TikTok, and Snapchat. So I guess I have all the main ones?
If you have Instagram, what is your handle and how many followers? I have a very private one I only use for work. I didn’t want it to have any followers but at present there’s Angela (because she asked to follow it this week) and Bea (idk why).
What do you typically post on the various social media platforms? The only ones I regularly post on are Twitter and Facebook, and on either I share life updates (if there are any) and memes; though on Facebook I have to watch out what kind of memes I share and make sure they aren’t too offensive because I’m friends with relatives, workmates, and media on there lmao. But on Twitter, I basically have no filter.
Do you make TikTok videos? I don’t make any myself, but I do enjoy going through the app.
Do you only add people you know on Facebook? Yes, for the most part. I’ve taken to adding people as long as they’re from UP or my high school even though I’ve never met them as well, but if I sense that they only added me to try and sell me insurance OR try to get me into MLM, then it’s an instant unfriend for me.
Do you have an app that tracks Instagram followers? No, because I don’t need to track my Instagram followers. I’m off the radar as off the radar gets.
Do you have a Snapchat? Yeah, it’s still on my phone just because but I literally never touch it anymore.
Do you ever take selfies with filters? What app's filters do you use? Eh, just before. I don’t really take selfies anymore, period.
Do you use any apps like Depop or Poshmark or Etsy? No. Out of these three I’ve only ever heard of Etsy, too.
What messengers do you use to talk to people? Any besides just texting? I have Messenger to stay in touch with family and friends; Whatsapp and Viber for work; and Telegram just in case my friends want to play games.
Do you have any photo editing apps? Which ones? I have this app called Foodie that has some pretty filters. Otherwise, since I’m not on Instagram anyway I’m never on the lookout for photo editing apps; no one ever filters their photos on Facebook and Twitter lol.
Do you have any games? Which ones? I do have a ton of games on my phone. I never play any of them, but I keep them just in case I get bored enough to start revisiting them. I have word games, drinking games, games similar to Heads Up! where one person will have to guess the word on the screen while the phone is on their forehead, and gimmicky games like 1010! and Candy Crush haha.
Do you have any rideshare apps like Lyft or Uber? I have Grab, which is a rideshare, parcel delivery, food delivery, and online grocery app all in one.
Now go to the actual phone app, whose phone numbers are saved as favorites? I don’t tag any of my contacts as favorites.
Who was your most recent outgoing call to? I can’t recognize the number, so it was probably a Transportify driver that I called to give him directions to my house.
Who was your most recent incoming call from? I also can’t recognize the number, but this time he was most likely a Grab driver.
Who was your most recent missed call from? Again, can’t recognize the number HAHAA
Why did you miss that call? On purpose? Were you sleeping? Busy? My phone is on silent 24/7, so I must have missed it while I was working.
Who is your most recent voicemail from and what's it regarding? We don’t have voicemail in the Philippines.
What was the last thing you Googled or searched on your phone? Candle tunneling and how to fix it.
What music app do you use? Apple Music? Spotify? Something else? I use Spotify, but I also availed of a 3-month trial on Apple Music earlier this year just because. I think it’s supposed to end soon but I have no plans to shift.
What playlists have you made on there? I have playlists called, “robyn discovers kpop,” “winding down,” “angst,” “not my loss,” and my personal favorite, “paramore but fuck you.”
Lastly, what is the most recent song/album you've added to your collection? What Type of X - Jessi.
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durogatorymortain · 4 years
thank you for tagging me @waybaben @natesewell @raleighcarrera !!! 💞
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
i am 100% sure that everyone i would think to tag has been tagged already but if you see this and want to do it dm me and i’ll formally tag u here <3
name/nickname: bailey, no nickname
gender: cis woman (she/her) but gender is weird
star sign: taurus ! most ppl aren’t surprised by that lmfao
height: 5’3 but my internet friends say i have tall energy so that’s all that matters
birthday: may 20
lucky number: 7
when did you create this blog: literally this tuesday FNFJNDFHBDJS
what do i post: mostly reblog art ? honestly i have no idea what the twc fandom does in between waiting for mishka to release new books (aside from whitewash and argue) but ig i’ll find out soon
last thing i googled: how to add a read more on tumblr mobile bc i don’t post from my phone too often lmfaoo
do i get asks: i have yet to get an ask on this blog yet 💔 who tryna be my first
why did i choose my url: i’m an adam romancer and i’m not proud
my current projects and wips: ummm so there’s some appreciation weeks for choices happening soon that i’m working on stuff for, but as for twc, i’m working on this edit for my detective and i hope to post the PSD on here so other ppl can use it so stay tuned ig lmfao
favorite artist(s) (atm): meg thee stallion, my top and loml. britney spears ofc and uhhh i listen to a lot of alt rock as well but i’m spacing out rn
song stuck in my head: roaring 20s by flo milli. do ur self a favor and listen to it rn
favorite song: umm it always changes but rn ‘if you seek amy’ by britney spears ..... no song has had the same cultural impact as that
last movie: home alone 2: lost in new york aka the best home alone movie no i won’t argue this
last show: i watched the first episode of wandavision ♥️
favorite food: i’m spacing rn but i like a lot of fruit!!! cherries, plums, and blueberries to name a few
food i hate: honestly i’m a pretty picky eater this is hard to answer
favorite color: pink 💕
favorite animal: dogs i think they can smell my depression so they love me lmfao but also uh elephants ig they’re cute
what i’m currently wearing: wouldn’t you like to know 🤪 lmfao a hoodie, sweatpants, and crocs i’m v comfortable rn
dream job: i want to be a screenwriter !!!! or just work in film in general
dream trip: 2020 was my graduation year so my family was gonna go to prague and a few other countries last summer rip . i hope we can go soon !
currently reading: ummmmm so you see i’m in between books right now .... FBJDBFHEJDHS no but the next book i’m gonna read is called a plague on your houses. it’s about the fires that ravaged communities of color in nyc in the 70s and 80s. i’m hoping it’s a good book
currently thinking about: how i need a job 💔
nationality: american
fun fact: sophie turner told me i was hot
top three fictional universes: monster inc. cinematic universe, the emperors new groove cinematic universe, wizards of waverly place / suite life / hannah montana / that’s so raven universe. yes these are my actual answers no i’m not taking any questions
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spring-has-come · 5 years
RusAme Secret Santa 2019
Tumblr media
Yeehaw, another year let’s go. Yes I’m recycling this image. I’m sorry. I work fulltime. 
Below are the steps to joining this year’s RusAme Secret Santa/Gift Exchange event:
Step 1: Fill out this form before November 30th and submit it to me. Or message it to me, doesn’t matter. I just need to see it. (the form is tagged “form” if the link doesn’t work). There is also a google form for mobile users.
If you are seeing this post after November 30th, message me your name and I will add you into a “late submitters” pool. If there are enough late submissions, you will be entered into the second pool. If not, I apologize but you will have to wait until next year. But if there are enough for a second group, you will be notified before December 14 but that only give you ONE WEEK to work
Step 2: Wait up to 24 hours for me to confirm that I got your form and that everything is good and complete.
IMPORTANT: If your asks and messaging is turned off, you will not be able to get your confirmation OR your assigned person, so please turn it on. Asks will be sent via my main blog since side blogs can’t send asks. Also, if you have the private message setting that only allows blogs you follow, then follow this blog
Step 3: Once confirmed, wait patiently until December 1st-December 3rd for partner assignment
Step 4: Confirm to me that you got the form. This is very important. I need to know if you’re still participating and active. Those who do not respond may be replaced. You have until December 12th to respond. 
Step 5: Pick one of the wishes and work on your gift. If you want, you can combine the wishes together. Get creative!
If for any reason you are not well enough or in any way cannot complete your gift, notify me before December 18th
Step 6:  Post it from December 25th - December 30th and tag it as “rusame secret santa 2019″ or tag this blog if you want your work posted on this blog. Or if you are doing a private submission, screenshot that you sent your work to your recipient and send me the screenshots. 
Step 7: Receive your gift and thank the person for their work!
So that’s it! Have fun guys!
Reblog to spread the word!!!
Below the cut: Schedule, Rules, Requirements, and FAQ for mobile users:
Nov 3rd - Signup open
Dec 1 - Signup closed
Dec 1st-3rd - Partner assignment
Dec 3rd-25th - Working period
Dec 19th - Mandatory progress checkup
Dec 25th-30th - Submission
You MUST follow this blog. I need to be able to message you. After following, turn notifications on for this blog to get updates. I will post only when an update is needed. 
Do not tell your partner that you are their partner (if their anon is off and you want to ask them a question, I can be your middle man) 
Make sure to tag your person when you are done so they can see it! 
Put the word count, prompt, possible trigger warnings, and ratings at the beginning of writings 
Posting WIPs in Discord servers is allowed. Just be mindful of whether or not your partner is present, unless you don’t mind being revealed
This is not a judge of talent. The requirements are just here so everyone puts in equal effort. PLEASE let me know if you run into complications.
Below are the requirements:
One-shots and fics must be at least 2,000 words, max of 10,000 words. If you go over, that’s okay
Artwork must be colored and complete. No sketches
Video edits/AMVs/CMVs must be at least 30 seconds. Content MUST be your own. Do not use works(artworks, photographs, etc.) that you do not own. Music is an exception, of course
Comics should be a minimum of 3 pages. They don’t have to be colored but they should be at least lined, have a solid color, or color lined
Animations must be at least 8 seconds. Do not have to be colored
Film scripts must be at least 10 pages
Mixed media options:
a 1,500(1.5k) drabble with a roughly lined sketch
a 4 second animation with rough concept art sketches
a cosplay gifset (your own) with a 1k drabble
a storybook type drabble that includes several drawings throughout
or any other combination (ask me FIRST)
Reminder: Half ass plus half ass does not make a whole ass. Put your best effort into your gift!
Not allowed:
“Fanart gallery” type videos. The types where you throw 300 pictures into windows movie maker.
Commissions from others (Unless you are giving them the credit.)
Tracing someone else’s artwork (that’s art theft. Rotoscoping an anime/film and tracing real life people [as a ref] is allowed)
Plagiarism, aka copying and pasting someone else’s writing and changing the names and pronouns
Aesthetic posts/mood boards
Spotify playlists
What is this?
This is the secret santa/gift exchange event for the hetalia ship RusAme
Why do you need my email?
Google forms needs to collect emails so that at the end, you are given the option to have your form submitted emailed to you so you remember what you submitted. It also gives you the option to edit your form if you change your mind.
Why do you need my age?
Minors will not be allowed to receive or submit NSFW content.
Why are the requirements so strict?
To ensure that no one is “cheated” by being given an unsatisfactory gift. Your work does not have to be the Mono Lisa or Harry Potter. This is not a judge of talent. Just do your best and have fun.
Can I do more than one wish?
Go crazy, dude. I’m sure your partner would be ecstatic if you did more than one!
How do I submit my post on Christmas?
Your options are:
post it on your own tumblr and @ spring-has-come or put rusame secret santa 2019 in the tags
post it on fanfiction/ao3/wattpad/whatever and send me a link
send a direct submission to this blog for me to post
send it directly to your partner then screenshot the messages to me so I can confirm you did it
What is a pitch-hitter/backup Santa?
Someone who fills in for someone if someone drops out.
How will pitch-hitters be chosen?
All pitch-hitters will be given a number that I will choose at random with a random number generator. If the pitch-hitter denies the request, I choose another one at random.
What is a wish?
A wish is a prompt for what you would like to receive. They can be specific and detailed (like a story description with a planned plot) or something more loose (like a short prompt). VAGUE wishes are different from the specific ones. Vague wishes are short prompts that encompass a large amount of ideas. Examples below:
Wish 1: Alfred goes Christmas shopping and runs into Ivan and they fight over the last cartoon of spiked eggnog. They end up splitting it and spending Christmas together. (Fluff, comedy, PG)
Wish 2: Amelia and Anya baking cookies together with flour all over their faces.
Wish 3: Something based off “One Last Dance” by Us the Duo (angst, any rating)
Vague wish 1: something with fluff!
Vague wish 2: cardverse au
Can I resubmit my form?
Re-submissions WILL be allowed before December 1st
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Rules for mobile (Pinned Post)
The Code
Success. I’ve sufficiently pestered the wench to make me a blog, much to the cost of a certain behorned mischief god whose presence I must share. Follow the rules below, and there’ll be smooth sailin’, savvy?
This be an exceptionally selective blog. I was me mun’s first ever muse yonks back and I’ve pestered her into writing me again, BUT, she’s horribly pressed for time. Partners will likely be very few, else ones doubling up with Loki’s. Anyone is welcome to approach and enquire, but she and I will be leaning toward those either from me own universe or crossovers with which she’s highly familiar and characters in whom she’s especially interested. Ye have been warned.
Replies are like to be slow, up to a few weeks at most.
Partners must be 18+. Various themes of an adult nature may be found here. Sexual things will be tagged ‘#filthy pirate’ with whatever level/variety of sin I deem them. More details below.
Behave. There shall be no rudeness, no passive aggression, no hate, no censorship or generally being a twit. Do I make meself clear?
The Code - Extended (below the cut)
Hi, guys. I’m Pirate (oddly known as this long before I made Jack a tumblr). Here are my more detailed rules and guidelines for writing with me on this blog, though the absolute basics are at the top as, honestly, it’s never easy to remember everyone’s requirements.
Jack is a sideblog. If you’re being followed by a benevolentgodloki that means I’m following you back. I don’t need us to be mutuals (both following each other) for us to write together, but there is a greater chance of us having a partnership if we’re letting each other know we’re interested.
How I Roll
I note myself as ‘highly selective’. This isn’t to be an elitist bugger, it’s because we all only have a limited amount of time we can put in. I want to write what I enjoy with people I enjoy. I am married with two attention-seeking cats, two jobs, a slow-brewing intended writing career and a video game addiction.
Asks/Memes - I will usually answer these no matter who they are from but I may or may not turn them into a thread I intend to keep. Some memes are very much designed to be something that continues so context can be key. If you would like to know in advance whether I intend to answer and/or keep something, please do pop me a message and I will be kind and honest.
My Threads - While Jack’s blog is still exciting and new, I’m being a bit all over the place with who and what I reply to depending on which way Jack’s.. compass.. is pointing. I do have a rolling turn order that I adhere to (to the point that I can genuinely tell you who is next at any given moment) but it’s all piled in with Loki’s threads, meaning I can take a few weeks to get round everything. Every partner gets one of their threads answered within that ‘round’ and then I go round again. However, when I’m really into something/finding something easy to pop back, I treat myself to spamming certain threads or partners at my whim. I use rpthreadtracker.com to maintain what I have. 
I will remind partners of threads that have not been replied to for more than three months. If I do not do this, I have either forgotten/lost it myself, I’m not too fussed about keeping it at that stage, or you were absent for a long period of time. 
My Style - I will write in both past or present tense depending on partner preference. My default is past but I like either. Please kick me if I screw up and write the wrong one. I prefer using regular size font but I will make mine small on replies to people who use the smaller so that it looks neat. I will often match partners’ lengths and some formatting details e.g. bolding dialogue, but I struggle with doing novella-length posts for reasons below.
I have a bugbear to admit about role-play. What we call splicing. A good half of my partners write this way so I’m not about to tell everyone to stop but if you’re someone who does this, you will occasionally run into some frustrations when writing with me. ‘Splicing’ is when you retrospectively write dialogue or actions as having previously happened during your partner’s last post. These things are fine when they’re passive i.e. your character muttered them, thought them or you were writing what your character was doing at the time because that’s pretty much essential. The trouble comes usually when my characters talk a lot/ask rhetorical questions and partners choose to answer every single one despite the fact my character carried on talking. I know it’s an ass that I have talkative muses and you really want to respond to every point/get a word in, but putting words and actions into the past effectively godmods my muse into accepting they happened. If you feel your muse would have full-on interjected midway through their ramble, please ask me to edit my post/stop it at that point. Otherwise if you do prefer to splice, my muse will only respond to whatever it is your character did or said last in their post. This is one of the reasons I can’t write novella, because often there is only so much you can write before you’re stepping into the territory of changing what went before and not allowing your partner to do anything about it.
TL;DR don’t ever worry about your post being too short for me. If it’s one sentence long but it’s because something fast-paced is happening, I won’t be miffed.
Shipping! - no not that kind of ship, Jack. I love shipping. Ships all around. Let’s face it, romance can be one of the most exciting reasons we bother writing. I am open to a lot of ships for Jack, practically all of them. Yes, even that one. I will do downright nasty, toxic, horrible stuff, savvy? It’s fiction and Jack is a great indulgence for bad things happening to him as much as good. That said, of course don’t force something on him without prior agreement between us. Well, I mean, your muse can try and accost him and see what he does, just don’t expect him to definitely reciprocate. Jack and I are bi/pansexual. We’re open to everything. I will admit a heavy lean toward m/m but, that said, Jack is extremely fond of the ladies, more so than Loki. I am very into Sparrington especially.
Not Safe For Ye Olde Work
Sliding down from the above topic, I enjoy the occasional smutting. It is not a requirement from my partners. In fact, I’m warming very much to fading to black depending on the context/mood/if things feel a bit repetitive. I do feel a touch more comfortable with partners who don’t need that boundary but as I’ve recently figured ‘if it needs a cut, then it’s smut’ I know when to skip on.
Saucy material will go under cuts/Read More’s and be tagged as mentioned above with ‘filthy pirate’. Additional tags will be based on the citrus scale: ‘lime’ for general grabbing, ‘lemon’ for full on sexual content and ‘grapefruit’ if things get extra kinky. I will tag things such as ‘rape tw’ or ‘noncon tw’ or ‘dubcon tw’ where necessary. Please blacklist any or all of these at your leisure, or search them if you fancy :U I do NOT tag these as ‘ns.fw’ because tumblr just completely hides them from being searchable which is useless for my partners.
OC’s - Due to my time constraints I am extremely picky when it comes to OC’s. This is a good fandom for well-thought-out muses and I know firsthand how hard it is to make headway as an OC in the RP world. However, I also understand that for people like me, I want to dip in on this site to mostly play with the characters and worlds I’m really absorbed in and ship my weaselly black guts out. Some people have more time than others to really give your OCs the time and love they deserve. Unless I’ve played with you a long time and I really like the cut of your and your muse’s jib, it’s very unlikely I’ll bite. Apologies! The same goes for crossover muses from fandoms I’m unfamiliar with, but I will let you know if that’s the case.
Threads - I don’t have a strict limit on how many to have per person but please bear in mind that the more of these you have with me the longer it will take me to get to a particular one (unless I’m spamming it back and forth). This is more a mun/muse context how many I accept.
Exclusives/mains - I don’t do these although I may consider having a maximum of 3 or 4 of one muse depending on activity levels and to ensure plots don’t get mixed up or attention feel unfairly balanced.
Triggers/squicks - I don’t like body horror e.g. graphic detail of squishy bits having bad things happen to them. I’m writing a pirate so there’s absolutely allowed to be elements of torture/violence, just don’t stab him in the eye or chop bits off him. One torture-related thing sends me into a complete freakout which I’ll discuss with partners if we’re doing a thread of that ilk as needed. Kink-wise I’m not into mpreg, A/B/O or infantilism or toilet things. Just ask me/Jack if you’re after something XD
Who I Am/What I Need From You
Being yourself is the most important thing and I promise I am not a scary person (usually). We’re only human and it’s natural that we’ll get along better with some rather than others. This is more to give you a gist of the sort of person I am and who I gel with best.
So I’m a shy hermit at the best of times. I’m trying to be better at engaging and enthusing with partners over our threads because I realise more than ever this does keep things alive and make for a more enjoyable experience. I’m not always great at it. I work best with people who are patient and don’t worry too much on what I think of them and their writing, with people who are happy to keep threads going for the longhaul rather than keep dropping everything before I’ve had the time to get to the next post, and most especially people who accept that fiction =/= reality. I do need a certain level of quality, which doesn’t always mean perfect grammar, but it must be coherent, fun and creative. I like a relaxed approach, sharing mutual enjoyment in silly fantasy world sandboxes as escapism from (and exploration of) this complicated world we live in.
If you managed to read all of this, have a drink (even if it’s water). You’re a diamond. 
Pirate xxx
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✻ Ichi-go, Ichi-e (Baekhyun Byun) Gets Better
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Fluff, Crack, Slice of Life
Word Count: 1,241
Pairing: Reader x Baekhyun
World: EXO
Prompt: #22, “It’ll get better, right?”
Author’s Note: This was written for @challengingwords​ writing challenge.
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“Calm down and tell me what happened.” Baekhyun gently took you by the shoulders, his concerned eyes meeting yours.
You shook your head angrily and he was sure he could see steam coming from your ears. “No, you won’t understand!”
“You won’t know that until you tell me.” His lips met your forehead. “Breathe, baby. In and out.”
You mirrored his deep breathing, your head feeling lighter as your anger lowered to annoyance. He slid the desk chair over, motioning for you to take a seat as he kneeled in front of you, holding onto your knees to steady himself.
“Now, tell me how you feel.”
You rolled your eyes at the amused glint in his own orbs. “Not funny, Baek.”
He pouted. “You don’t like the idea of me being your therapist?”
“Pretty sure it’s morally wrong to sleep with your patients.” You clicked your tongue in disapproval. “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too, Byun Baekhyun.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He wrinkled his nose, lightly smacking your outer thigh. “Stop avoiding the subject. Tell me or I’ll be forced to cuddling you until you give me the info I want!”
Despite yourself, you smiled which made him beam with pride at his accomplishment. “I hate you,” ‘Because you always make me smile no matter how upset I am,’
“Hmm, my spidey senses say otherwise.” Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows.
“Fine!” You threw your head back and began to recall your story of woe.
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You loved to write stories and chose to post them on a site called Tumblr because you liked being able to customize your blog. What you chose to write was mostly fanfiction about your favorite fandoms, which helped you to meet people that thought the say way you did and liked the same things. Baekhyun didn’t know anything about this site that its users called a hell-site, but being the supportive boyfriend that he is, he always patiently listened to you every time you needed to rant about the site.
And Tumblr certainly is not a site without its fair share of problems.
You liked to keep your queue rather full so you didn’t spam your followers. That way, if you had a long day or simply didn’t feel like posting, you could relax without having to worry. You pulled up your masterlist so you update it with that day’s posts, but when you clicked on the link, however, a sense of dread filled your body. The once colorful links were now white, the default text color for your theme. Why were the links gone? You had over three-hundred stories at this point and the links were gone.
You were on the verge of panicking.
Had you messed up something when you edited the post yesterday? You were sure you hadn’t, so then why? Trying to calm yourself, you messaged your friend, sending the link and asking them to see if the links were there for them. Surprisingly, she reported that the links were fine, all intact as they should be. She also reported, though, that she believed the site had a link limit per post and guessed the number to be around one hundred.
You tried pulling up the post on your phone – the links were intact and working as they should be. So then, why were the links whited out when you pulled the post up on your computer? ‘Well… as long as my followers can see them,’ you frowned at the screen, trying to put it out of your mind.
After adding the new links, you clicked over to the tags page, relieved to see the colorful links, but after adding a couple new tags and saving, they also whited out. “You have got to be kidding me…”
You quickly debated with yourself on created an external list somewhere because the thought of having multiple masterlists and a rabbit hole of links per fandom made you feel queasy, but you worried that your followers would not be happy with a masterlist on a site outside of Tumblr. And then you remembered the existence of pages.
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“It’ll get better, right?” Baekyun interrupted you, feeling his temples start to throb at the tale.
“Shush, you’re ruining the mood!” You cleared your throat, picking up where you left off.
Baekyun felt like his mind was going insane, but he remained quiet, trying to keep up with the words leaving your lips.
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If you just added a new page with your theme rather than getting fancy with customized HTML, it should work just fine for mobile users. At first, you simply copy-pasted the list, but that did not work – for some reason, it made the text black which could barely be seen against the dark grey background of the post.
With a scowl, you deleted the page and tried again. ‘Okay, paste as plain text, then… yes, it worked!’ While the links were not there, all of the text was, which would save you some time. You did feel slightly annoyed by the lack of a header option, though, but it was fine because the preview looked quite nice, so you continued your work.
It took you nearly three hours, with distractions, to finally re-link everything and clean up your blog. The preview was perfect so you saved the page, feeling excited to finally look upon your hard work. You copied the link to the page, pasted it into the browser, and clicked enter.
Your heart sunk like the damn titanic.
The links were whited out, not a single one intact.
“Son of a bitch!” Your face fell to the keyboard with a thunk and you groaned, a mixture of frustration and pain coursing through you. “Stupid, idiotic, bastard hell-site! Why are you like this, huh?! Why are you doing this to me, huh?! Are you trying to make me lose it?!”
Baekhyun cautiously slipped into the roam, unsure how to feel as he watched his partner gripping both sides of the computer monitor, screaming questions at it as if it weren’t just an inanimate object. He had seen you freak out at the computer on more than a couple of occasions, but this? This was definitely new.
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“And that’s when you stopped me.” You huffed in annoyance, folding your arms across your chest as you sent your boyfriend an accusing look.
“Babe… I stopped you because you picked up a bat.”
“And? It was just wood, it would’ve been fine.”
He sighed, bringing his hand to his forehead. “That computer is expensive, you know.”
“It’s Tumblr’s fault for being such a dick!”
“If the site upsets you so much, why don’t you just stop using it?”
You recoiled back as if he had just made a move to strike you, the wheeled chair sliding back a bit. “I could never do that, Baek!”
“What?” His brow furrowed in confusion. “Why not?”
“Because I love it, obviously!” You responded matter-of-factly, sending him a look as if he should know this information.
Baekhyun deadpanned. “Why am I dating you again?”
“Because you love me~” You grinned, sliding the chair back over to him.
“That’s debatable.” He tried to keep a straight face but failed, lips curling up into a smile as he pulled you into his arms. You returned the smile, hand gripping his so you could bring it to your lips, planting a soft kiss upon his knuckles.
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📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
If you enjoy my writing, please considering tipping me on Kofi or Cashapp. Every little bit helps and means a lot, thank you so much ^~^)/ If you can’t afford to do so, that’s okay, too, thanks for reading!
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The term “Ichi-go, Ichi-e” literally means “one time, one moment”. As explained in [this] article, it is meant to act as a reminder that we should treasure every moment because it will never recur again. I thought that was beautiful, so I decided to use that as the title for this set.
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