#also Rosa looks so cute too aww
solomons-poison · 2 years
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Our pretty man, I liked his new look in the event ❤️
From the card "Entangled in Love"
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
okay so- I saw your work about Billy with Wonder woman's adopted daughter reader and it gave me a random idea. Billy trying to hide his crush on her pre-relationship but his siblings ofc noticing and making passing comments about it. Reader doesn't notice but Diana does- And she's just like 👀. Please feel free to change anything tho!
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I’ve left this on the back burner for too long but here it is. 🦦
Having a crush on Wonder Woman’s daughter wasn’t on Billy’s bingo card but here he was; pining over the most beautiful, gorgeous, sweet person to ever walk into his life.
As cliche as it sounds but Billy knew someone like you would got for someone like him, rough on the edges that were sharp enough to chase away any curious onlooker. Yet despite the supposed red flags that he believed he possessed, that didn’t stop him from inviting you over to his and Freddy’s table during lunch and asking you about how your architecture, history and art clubs -that he oddly remembered you taking- were going and listen to every word that bypassed your sweet lips.
Freddy, at first, thought Billy was just being nice but when it started happening more frequently and how it only seemed to be you whom Billy would go out of his way to do this for, he quickly caught onto what was going on in front of him, mentally condemning himself for not catching on a lot earlier with how many tricks Billy would use in order to keep you within proximity and talking; completely oblivious to his heart eyes from how involved with the subject matter you were.
Freddy was the first out of the family to notice of his brother’s crush on you and so whenever you were out of earshot, he would take every opportunity to torture him via a shit eating grin and passing commentary on your beauty.
‘She’s cute’ - Freddy
‘Yeah, she sure is.’ - Billy, who had yet to take his eyes off of you.
‘So you admit to thinking that she’s pretty?’ - Freddy, brown raised as a smile tugged at his lips.
‘She’s more then just pretty,’ Billy started, absentmindedly, ‘she’s smart, wickedly smart.’
‘Aww has Billy boy got his first crush?’ - Freddy teased, resting his hands underneath his chin, knowingly.
‘Yea-wait, no I don’t!’ Billy exclaimed but once he realised that he had said that a little too loudly he looked at Freddy as he snickered and hissed, ‘I don’t. Just because I complement them on their smarts don’t mean I got a crush.’
‘Sure it doesn’t.’ Freddy replied before getting serious, ‘look, it’s normal to have a crush, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, everyone gets them and you shouldn’t ostracise yourself from experiencing one just because you don’t think you’re deserving of one. Y/n is a lovely girl and I’m certain she’d be ecstatic to go out with someone like you.’
Mary, Eugene, Pedro and Darla were also quick on the uptake of their brothers infatuation with you and were even quicker on joining in with the passive comments whenever you were invited to theirs for a study session or just to hang out. Hell even Victor and Rosa saw through Billy’s excuses and found it adorable that their son was slowly warming up to the idea of bearing his heart to someone outside of his family; so much so that they tease him by calling you their potential daughter in law and being the mrs Batson to Billy’s Mr Batson.
Darla makes it worse by asking when Billy was going to ask you out and if you’ll become her sister in the distant future while he was drinking on water, which inevitably made him choke on it mid sip.
Poor Billy was flustered with the brightest shade of red streaking across his cheeks and to the tips of his ears. Yet the sight was so amusing to his family that they only made it worse by teasing him even further to the point he had to vacant back to his room. Which wasn’t any better considering he shared it with Freddy, who made it his mission to further tease the poor lad.
Whilst this was all going off, you on the other hand were none the wiser to Billy’s interest in your nor his families lighthearted comments regarding it but your mother sure did and it made her both happy as it did make her protective of her daughter. She was once in love, so much so she would sometimes swore that her love had pushed him into deaths awaiting arms, which she had long since learnt to accept wasn’t the truth and that some humans were just like that sometimes; Brave and courageous even in the most hopeless of circumstances.
However she knew she couldn’t protect you from everything forever and whenever you’d come home and tell her about Billy, a smile would cross her face as she would instantly pickup parts of the re-tellings that only highlighted her suspicion of Billy’s crush on you and seeing how happy he made you by even performing the smallest of things that he did for you, even if it was just listening to the latest happenings of your after school clubs. Diana knew that your’s and Billy’s fates were intertwined in more ways then one.
‘Billy sat at my table today.’ You told your mother.
‘Oh did he now? Didn’t you say he usually sits with his brother?’ Diana asked, a little curious at the sudden change of routine.
‘Oh he said that Freddy was busy elsewhere and that he wanted to sit with me today.’ You explained, not having picked up the cues as well as your mother did as her stance immediately changed to that of a protector.
‘Oh? Was the cafeteria full?’ Diana inquired, already having an idea of what your answer would be.
You made a face of thought, ‘yeah…there were a few free tables but I guess that by sitting with me means that we’re friends,’ you looked to your mother, ‘right?’
‘I guess that’s one way of putting it into prospective,’ she replied, squeezing your shoulder, ‘I’m glad you’ve got a new friend my dear daughter.’ She adds before pressing a kiss to your forehead. Oh yeah, Billy better be careful for who he fallen for because now he has to watch out for your mother hounding his arse of his intentions with you.
Which she does whenever she catches sight of his powered up adult form nearby.
‘My child is not one you should trifle with should your intentions stray towards a dark path Billy Batson,’ your mother warned him, ‘and neither am I. So your heart best be pure for my daughter, so I make myself clear.’
Billy wasn’t quite sure whether he should fangirl over the fact that he was meeting Wonder Woman or piss himself because she was threatening him over you. Either way it only made you all the more worth it in Billy’s eyes.
…I wonder how Jon and Damian would feel if they caught wind of his little crush too?
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Omg Rosa giving Robby a sack lunch. This melded family is exactly what Robby needed.
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Lol Johnny putting beef jerkey in both of their lunch bags.
Okay that's super cute, Anthony stealing Daniel's croissant and blocking Daniel's moves and look at his big smile.
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Omg Chozen.
Amanda's face when she see's chozen. 🤣 She does a double take.
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Aw Robby with his new student welcome folder.
Johnny: We're going to the warehouse to break some bricks.
Miguel to Robby: Can you give me another? Robby: More tape it is.
Poor Johnny his warehouse he was using for his dojo is gone. That's his second dojo...gone
I mean, he shouldn't have been using an abandoned warehouse, but still. Ow.
Daniel knows what it's like to one day out of nowhere have your home destroyed (start of TKK3)
Aw Johnny looks like he's going to cry.
Devon having fun sparring with Chris, Bert, and Nate.
Did you make this Mitch?
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Aww Chris and Mitch made up
All that remains of Eagle Fang's warehouse dojo:
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Poor Johnny on top of losing his dojo his teaching day got moved behind Chozen's.
Wow we got a lot of new students.
Sekai taikai happens every 2 years
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omg lol what is THAT?!
Wow Chozen, that was mean and low.
Also like why? They got along so well last season? They were bros. What the heck happened?
I mean of course Daniel wasn't going to go for Guy Fieri vampire Mr. Miyagi. And Mr. Miyagi never would've wanted his face on the dojo logo.
Daniel, did you tell him the importance of the original bonsai patch? That Mr. Miyagi's wife made that for him, the one who died in with his son in a concentration camp. I think if you expressed the importance of it you wouldn't have ended up with this type of logo.
Because I can't fully blame the kids, they're trying to find balance and they're wanting to ensure everyone is included and their feedback is heard.
Like the history of the design is important too but no one knows.
Also poor Daniel. Now he's got two to deal with.
Most awkward double date ever.
I mean chopping down a tree and having the kids pull it is an interesting idea. But maybe start a little smaller? For the new kids at least? Also where are you going to do this Johnny? There's no space for this at Miyagi-do and what tree are you going to cut down? You can't just cut down random trees.
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I can't believe we're back on this. I thought we fixed this last season. Also it feels like they gave Daniel's whole deal over the name to Chozen. Like Chozen, I get sekai taikai is huge, but this isn't really your dojo....you are a karate master with your own classes in Okinawa.
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Lyle, why do you even have that? Also, Johnny is Lyle who you go to for all your non-grocery store/non-hardware shopping?
Where are the kids when you need them to make a lotr joke? "And my axe!"
Johnny will back down if he loses, but he won't give up with out a fight is just...well always been him. And he's right he's been training these kids longer than any of them except maybe Daniel and Sam.
Daniel claiming Johnny sort of as a friend and paying for the rest of the axe.
good point tory, college for robby and tory might be difficult.
Omg the TKK1 call back!!!! That's a good one!
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Ali was pissed at Daniel when he did that too.
Kenny has got so tall, is he taller than Robby now?
SHAWN! They did say he was supposed to get out over the summer.
Chozen, why are you doing what Sato was doing in TKK2?
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The point of Sato doing this was that he and Mr. Miyagi had found that piece of wood themselves. It was a symbol of their friendship he was trying to break because he was hurt and angry. You don't have anyone in the states that you've been friends with since childhood that you're challenging to the death.
Daniel has a point. Plus he's already gone down this road before, see season 4.
Chozen got 80 stitches in his back.
Omg, Chozen you're pissed at Johnny because Kumiko didn't call you back?
Oh wow he broke it, the only other person we saw do that was Mr. Miyagi himself when Sato was pinned under one.
Lol Johnny going into Coyote Creek with his axe.
You know, I also was expecting Kreese. I was not expecting Stingray making his own version of cobra kai in the woods with a bunch of kids and an audio recording of Kreese. Kiddos, do your parents know you're here? Have you all been kidnapped?
Johnny training Miguel to fight a batting machine all the way back in like season 1 coming in handy.
It hasn't been very long, Tory's hands still bandaged.
Omg shawn punched through the wire fencing and got stuck. Maybe he should also join miyagi-do/eagle fang
Stingray...where did you get that photo?
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This Saturday.
Okay follow up question, Johnny why is that one of the photos on your facebook page?
Awww Stingray. Cobra Kai was awesome when Johnny was in charge.
stingray's movie mention: Revenge of the Nerds
Stingray hows the kids 40 bucks due to a swear jar
Stingray pointing out how much Johnny letting him study in his dojo helped him and how his way of building up student's confidence is better than any other sensei around.
Awww Shawn pointing out that no one took the shots they could've.
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Another kid not knowing who they are or who they want to be after all the karate stuff.
Shawn is such a good big brother.
Oh man, so proud of Daniel.
Also so proud of Johnny.
So much growth
I also love that Chozen and Johnny are like hell yeah we're still fighting, but now for funsies.
Both Chozen and Johnny look so happy.
KENNY!!!! (he looks like he's going to cry)
Omg the look Chozen and Johnny give before attacking Daniel. These old guys finally having fun.
I was so concerned, and now...so happy.
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Love the new patch because it honors Mr. Miyagi but also acknowledges that Johnny is a part of this and everything he's been through.
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facelessfrey · 3 years
One other thing about this show in general that is still very much a problem this season...
I really feel like character development and relationship development is just not a priority. Most shows are able to weave in character and relationship development with the plot but Roswell seems fairly incapable of that. They get tiny little bits in here and there but it sort of feels like pulling teeth. 
For example, in this episode, we got that tiny little scene between Isobel and Liz talking about Liz’s feelings for Max...which...duh, but it was this barely there scene. And we got two seconds of Rosa talking to Dallas that I suppose could be seen as character development but was all really vague so I don’t know what we were really supposed to learn there other than that she talks to a priest sometimes and hopefully that means she’s taking her recovery seriously? And the only other thing in this episode was I guess Greg gushing over Maria in his fundraiser speech but because there’s only a few cute scenes to back that up, it’s nothing more than “aww that’s nice”. 
And I don’t even feel like the plot should be taking up that much time either that these kind of scenes need to be sacrificed but I feel like so many of the plot scenes feel slow? There just always seems to be a lot of standing around talking about sciency things or what they’re going to do and I feel like a lot of that could be trimmed down in place of actual action and characters scenes. I feel like even in a thirteen episode, heavy plot season, they should still be able to fit this stuff in. 
Isobel should be able to have that female love interest we were promised. There should be tension there about what to tell someone new. We should see her trying to split time with alien hijinks and trying to have a relationship. Isobel “dating a woman” shouldn’t be reduced to one offhand line in the premiere episode about her sex life. 
We should see more of Maria and Greg together and see that relationship building between them so it’s more than just some cute scenes and having to assume they’ve spent a lot of the last year getting reacquainted. We should know how Greg fits into the group and what he knows about the plot, if he’s been trusted with any of the alien stuff. 
We should see more of Alex and Greg’s relationship. That one scene we got of them talking at the drive in was lovely but it was one scene. I feel like they put that in there and go “job done” and call it a day. I want to see them interacting. I want to know if Greg is worried about Alex constantly disappearing. I want to know more about how they’re both doing with Jesse’s death. We got Alex’s approval of Greg and Maria like it was a thing he’s been waiting for even though it was the first we’d ever heard of it. But I’d love to hear Alex talking about his relationship feelings with his brother. Maybe we could have found out more about him and Forrest dating over the year gap. Maybe we could find out how he feels about the current state of him and Michael. 
We should see Michael and Alex being actual friends or at least being awkward friends. It shouldn’t be reduced to two scenes where Alex makes veiled love confessions under the guise of protecting Michael. I want to see their relationship build before they’re just back together cause they’ve said enough epic things to each other at a certain point. 
I still want to see Maria and Liz being actual friends. I’m glad Liz is at least at her bedside but I still feel like we have more Liz and Kyle friendship scenes than we’ve ever had of Maria and Liz and that’s just not okay. I believe more this season that they actually are friends but I still want to really see it. Give me Liz and Maria talking about Maria’s feelings for Greg and maybe even addressing some of the Michael stuff from last season and how she feels about Alex and Michael possibly getting together in the future again. Let me see Liz talking to her about Max. 
I still don’t believe Alex is really friends with Liz. That scene where they talked about Kyle was so awkward because they literally never have scenes together. I need to see them have friendship scenes. I need to know what Liz thinks of Alex and Michael. I’d love to see them have a conversation about her getting in too deep with the science and him getting in too deep with looking for his answers. 
I kind of hated most of the Maria and Alex scenes last season because they all felt like weird set up for the threesome, but I’d be interested to see them interact now. I want to see them smooth things over in regards to Michael. We got decent friendship scenes with them in season one and I feel like they all just disappeared once Maria found out Michael was museum guy. Like give me him teasing her about Greg or her telling him to go for it with Michael because it’s obvious they still love each other. 
I’d also love to see more with the parents. I know they’re adults in this version so parents are less necessary but Arturo is great and he’s been so sidelined this season. I wish he was suspicious of all of this alien stuff and eventually let in on the secret. Then he could thank Max for bringing Rosa back to life (and also kind of yell at them for how it happened in the first place) but at least he’d know how and why she was back instead of believing it’s just some sort of miracle or whatever they decided he should believe through Isobel’s mind control. But I want to see Arturo be a father figure to everyone. Just give me group scenes at the diner at the beginnings or ends of episodes where he gets to feed them all and they all get to talk like the friends and found family they are. 
I’d also love to see more Walt with Michael instead of just one or two scenes a season. He’s part of the mythology of the show. He knew their mothers. He knows about all of the alien stuff for the most part. He should get to be more involved. Maybe he could talk to Michael about his Dictator Dad feelings. I’d also love to see him with Isobel or Max or Maria. Or telling Alex he approves or something. 
I feel like we’ve barely seen Ann Evans. She just sort of shows up once a season but I have no concept of her relationship with her children really. I wish I did. 
I’m sad that they just sidelined Michelle when I feel like she just never really got to be anything despite being the sheriff. She should have gotten to find out the alien secret. 
Which goes back to my whole lack of tension about the alien secret in the first place because it seems like everyone already knows or it doesn’t matter. Why is it not a dangerous secret? I feel like the whole Rosa thing in the flashback in season one was so that they weren’t found out and that’s why it was scary that Max healed Liz and exposed them. But then just...none of that matters. We don’t really get into how they feel about people knowing or any fears they might have. 
I just feel like these things should be a priority for the show, to make a better show and they’re just not. If they used their time better, I feel like you could fit a lot of this in. I just want more. I want better and I don’t think I’m ever going to get it, which is a shame. It’s better this season but there’s still so much more they could do. 
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
Now, with that out of the way, let’s talk about 3x02.
Oh my gooooods, this episode, guys. This post won’t be nearly as long as last week’s (Edit from future Rin from half an hour later; it is indeed as long as the last one), but there’s quite a bit to unpack here, so let’s get started.
First, Liz. I skipped every single one of her scenes 😂 I am so bored and completely uninterested with her work in LA, and her relationship with Heath. I feel like these past two episodes, and this episode in particular, she really has nothing to do anymore with Roswell. Everyone has some role to play, but she has this whole separate storyline going on somewhere else. She just doesn’t seem to have any integral part of the story this season. So yeah, every time her and Heath came on screen, I just skipped until it was over.
Second. Y’all. I could not bring myself to skip any other scene. Everyone’s storyline was interesting enough to watch, everyone was so fascinating. I even legitimately enjoyed Maria’s scenes! (Save for the one with Michael catching her, but I really enjoyed her reaction to him! I like that they’re giving them their old banter back with none of the “romance”, if that’s what you can even call it.) I really enjoyed everyone’s scenes. There’s such a clear improvement with the writing so far (gee, I wonder what changed), and I really hope the rest of the episodes are as good and even better than this one was.
Max looked so good this episode, his smiles and laughs at the beginning -- MY HEART 😍 I’m so proud of him for having written a manuscript, and maybe it also just makes me really happy because he and I connect so much now 😂 He’s a bookworm who’s written a novel, I’m a bookworm who’s written a novel -- I just love it very much 🙈❤
Hate me all you want, I don’t care, but I thought the Wyatt and Rosa scenes were extremely cute. If the show goes in this direction of truly redeeming Wyatt, I could totally ship them. I really, really enjoyed them, they were very cute to watch. I swear, I had this smile I couldn’t help the whole time like, “Aww!”. Obviously, I want Wyatt to be properly redeemed, I want him to be an actively better person, and I want Rosa to firmly decide that he’s good first, but if they do redeem him, then I’m all for this, I really loved it 🥰💗
Michael is the Dictator’s son?! I’ll tell y’all honestly, I thought Mr. Jones was actually the Dictator, and I was really shocked in the best way. This is how you surprise your audience. Not shock for the sake of shock, but shock that is relevant, that makes sense in the story, that makes people want to keep watching, not stop. What a brilliant turn of events, and you know I had a fic planned the second it happened which will hopefully be coming soon. No promises, but I’ll do my best.
And finally, we get to my Alex. Yeah! Alex is in this! I love how the general consensus has just been shock that he’s in it at all 😂 (Hell of a job, PR team, I can see you’re really on top of things 👍🏻.) I will confess though, I was a little worried about that when I found out, just because we know that Alex has to miss two to three episodes, and I’d hoped to get them out of the way early on, but it’s Alex, so you know, the world’s a better place for it.
Alex is officially Black Widow, and I don’t normally do this, but I 👏🏻 CALLED 👏🏻 THAT 👏🏻 PLOT 👏🏻 LINE 👏🏻. The way the Black Widow movie had inspired me to write about Alex, the way I just envisioned Alex as I was watching in that theater, the number of fics I wanted to write but didn’t because I was done with aus. And then the number of non-au fics I ended up wanting to write instead. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter because I 🌝 called 🌝 it 🌝. Here is the fic where I called it. I’m very proud of myself for that one, and even prouder of the writers for recognizing what I’d already known since the Black Widow release date.
Words cannot describe Alex’s beauty this season. In the diner, in his cute suit, in that white-tee, the scene when Ramos (who I guessed was the one conducting the psych eval the second I saw him, by the way) opens the door and the lights come back on, the purse of his lips, the way he studied the Lockhart Machine (did anyone else just immediately think of Gilderoy Lockhart when they heard the name?), when he said, “No. I’ll take this one,” like the freaking badass he is?!!! 😍
I really enjoyed this episode. Admittedly, I am worried now that Liz is back since it seems like every time she’s around, they focus too much on social issues as oppose to the actual story going on, but I’m holding out hope for the best. I had a lot of fun, I don’t trust Mr. Jones at all, even less after the way he talked to Isobel. I’m really hoping the writers don’t take the typical route of doubt gnawing away at her and then making her help Jones despite it being the obvious worst thing to do. I’m also a little frustrated malex hasn’t interacted yet, but I’m sure it’s coming, and, according to Vlamis, in a really, really good scene. I’m choosing to keep faith that these writers know what they’re doing.
Gods, could you imagine if these people had been free to work on season 2 without constant interceptions from CAM? How different life would be. Alas, there’s no use lamenting the past. I just know that I’m eager for the story to move forward, and as Alex had been, for the first time in a long time, I’m hopeful.
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insomniac-jay · 3 years
Big Sister's Friends
Yukiana has to take her sisters to a sleepover and they end up meeting her friends.
Rating: T
Warning(s): Swearing, alcohol (it's college girls ofc they'll be drinking), some crude and adult humor
Additional Tags: Arakan being tame?? More likely than you think, Yukiana has a large friend group bc I believe in Black girls having large friend groups, and most of the girls in the group are POC
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"Alright, we're here." Yukiana stood in front of the door to a dorm room. Before she went in, she turned to her sisters. "Alright. If you guys are gonna be with me, y'all gonna have to behave."
"We understand." Yume said.
"Good." The mint haired girl knocked on the door and waited a few seconds until it opened. On the other side was a familiar face.
"Yukiana!" Kanon exclaimed as the two embraced. "I can't believe you came! And you brought your sisters."
"They had to come with me since our parents are on hero business overseas." Yukiana walked into the dorm and greeted the rest of her friends. "Everyone, these are my little sisters. Second oldest is Yume, middle is Rini, and youngest are Yodai and Arakan."
"Aww they're all so cute." another blonde girl said. In her nose was a silver septum and small gold hoop earrings. "I'm America."
Yukiana and her sisters sat down on the couch. "So what are we doing tonight?" She was honestly excited for what her friends had planned in store.
"My boyfriend just bought me a brand new mystery game called Hunt a Killer! This one is about the murder of a member of a pop boy band." Io, another one of Yukiana's friends, held up a black box. "I figured we could all solve it together."
Arakan's eyes lit up almost immediately. "Ooo! I wanna play! I wanna play!" She watched as the box was placed down and opened. "Alright. Can someone go get the drinks?"
Akiko stood up and walked to the kitchen only to come back with several bottles of wine. "Red or white?" she asked.
"Doesn't matter. We're thirsty."
"Get some soda for the little ones, please."
Once they were situated, the game began. Each girl read out and analyzed statements from the witnesses and the police reports.
"The manager seems way too calm for someone who just saw a bloody ass crime scene." Yume commented. "It feels unnatural to be that calm and you're not a mortician or doctor. Something is up with him."
Yodai couldn't help but agree. "Also, if he's the manager of the group, shouldn't he be helping them book their concerts?" She rubbed her chin in thought.
"Okay, so here's my theory of how he died." Arakan began, setting down a diagram she drew. "From what we've been told, he fell from the floating platform but one of the back up dancers pointed out that she saw what looked to be a stab wound and that it looked like someone scratched him in the eyes. My theory is that before he fell, someone snuck up on him and attacked him. They attempted to blind him by scratching him in the eyes and when he was down, they stabbed him. He ran to the platform and didn't realize it until it was too late."
Akako hummed. "That's a plausible theory, Arakan. That would explain why his eyes were bleeding."
"If that's the case, then the manager's alibi about hearing some commotion upstairs definitely needs to be looked into." Makoto took a sip of her wine. "There should be no reason that he didn't go upstairs to see what it was all about, even if his own cilent said he could handle it."
Rosa Luna looked at the autopsy report. "Looks like what Arakan said is true. He was blinded by scratching, stabbed, and then fell to his death. But get this, they found cyanide in his system. So whoever this sospechoso is must've been trying to kill him earlier that day."
America laughed slightly and covered her mouth. "I'm sorry that I thought this, but the way he's slumped over in this poster is the same way Yukiana be slumped over after getting her back-"
Yukiana quickly shut the blonde up and flushed with embarrassment. "Silence. We do not speak of what goes on in my personal life in front of my siblings."
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Yume & Rini belong to @peachyblkdemonslayer
Arakan & Yodai belong to @pizzolisnacks
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ober-affen-geil · 4 years
My Roswell Rewatch liveblog
Episode 2x08 AKA Characters That Don’t Usually Talk Together, Talk Together
in love with that hat
also really love that jacket isobel is wearing
“make literally anything into a penis” HAHAHAHA
i just. i know rosa wants her old life back but WHAT was the point of her putting on new clothes if she then immediately went back to her old hangouts i mean
so her spitting them out was the moment we entered the fantasy
rip lindsay
and i am a fan of maria’s overthrow thingy
now knowing this is fake, i think iris is supposed to represent like...the person rosa wants to be. like who she envisions herself to be ideally
you know what all the ladies are serving looks this episode i love liz’s top
“for real” will you. will you actually tho
“you bar wench” and the ass slap MY FAVE
also big fan of the sanders here
“going to the bar” TO SEE MARIA *sobbing*
the switch from “play” to “oh shit” is...excellent
god i really just like that scene a lot
i really, really hope theyre not gonna try to tell us charlie actually served because her reflexes/reactions suck ass please just make her a civilian consultant
“talk to me” ugh so sinister
ok. ok. forrest, you know he has a purple heart and you “googled” him so how the FUCK did you not know he LOST HIS LEG’
they’re cute tho
love me some maria and isobel, even if their ship is sunk i adore their dynamic
this is a great scene too tbh, love how we get to see these two together
sure. yes. you had her best interests at heart
sick burn
“and what are you” DAMN MAX GO OFF
christ shut up jesse i hate you a lot and you’re not fooling anyone
big fan of the fact that the table lamps look like UFOs
liar liar max
awwww alex bb its ok. you get there
i just adore their dynamic. liz knows how to talk to him when hes frustrated and he knows shes up to something
i do get the whole thing going on here but also. i do ship it a lot
“effort doesn’t equal control” love that
is that...supposed to be like a sunroof bubble at the top of the airstream or is the camera just catching the top where it ends so they can put equipment in
who has a blank canvass at an art show proof this is fake tbh
max you are SO DRAMATIC
ugh this scene
like i love alex here but gross gross gross
does jesse know tripp is under the shed?
oh, probably not. also congrats jesse you said one correct thing
max the amount that that was not necessary i mean pls
also just love how max blatently steals isobels t swift president joke
electricity burn, that’s what it is
aww cam bb i love you. 
“you’re not alone” *gross sobbing*
“lost track of time” would be a big ouch to michael given isobel
i do like the way this devolves, very creepy
also i really love that rosa *wants* rehab and hasnt gone because she doesnt think she can rn
this breaks my heart
this is such a great scene too tbh
alex sweetheart you PICKED this bar hun. (think that means anything)
i love that kyle is involved with rosa, even in the background
i know this is a lie but i do also like that they have these conversations with each other as a couple. like “have a good cry” i love them
smh liz
also what is sanders doing there that late? i mean the drama, yes, but why is he there
so what is the science behind this. why are the car alarms going off? i get the light to blind/disorient and the super taser to take them out but whats the deal with the cars reacting like that? the super taser is so powerful?
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mystery-deer · 5 years
Kids (Wip)
Jake was great at looking after kids. Or, he assumed he was. People told him he was basically a kid so he imagined that babysitting would just be him and however many kids jumping around a bounce house and eating two types of cereal until their parents got back.
Which is why when Terry asked if there was anyone free to help babysit he volunteered immediately. 
“So what’s up with Cagney and Lace?” He asked, spinning around in his chair. “Don’t shorten my daughters’ names.” “What’s up with cags and the lace case?” He sang. “Cagney and lacey, braids of steel! Their big dad cooks their favorite meals and they go go go go go go to school and get good grades!” Terry looked upset at the butchering of his children’s names but very proud at how accomplished they were in his song. “It’s not them you’re going to be babysitting.” He explained, looking at a clipboard. “A lawyer, Laverne Holt is here and she-” There was a sudden clatter as Santiago rushed to their side, breathing heavily. “Damn Santiago!” Terry exclaimed. “Sir! I request to be allowed to help!” She demanded, slowly straightening out to her full (tiny) height. “Um.” “Sir, do you really trust Jake alone? To take care of such an important mission?” Jake held out his arms in disbelief. “Important? It’s just taking care of some lawyer’s kid! How hard is taking care of kids right Sarge?” “Yeah go with him.” Terry said immediately. “What!?” Cried Jake at the same time Amy started her speech with, “Laverene Holt is not just SOME lawyer!” It turned out that Laverene Holt was indeed not just some lawyer. She was also the most serious woman on the planet. She sat in the break room with her legs together, hands in her lap, face grave. Her son sat next to her in much the same position except he was sipping on what looked to be boxed water. Her daughter sat beside him, attempting to get off the couch every few seconds only to be gently pushed back in place by her brother. “Deborah, please stay seated.” He requested softly. Jake knew immediately he’d made a horrible mistake. Amy smiled and rushed to the Lawyer’s side, holding her hand out and gasping when it was taken. “Hello, I am Laverne Holt and I am relinquishing my children into your care for the better part of two hours while I take care of an urgent matter.” Jake scoffed, lawyers. “What is it? Lying to get some jerk back out onto the streets?” “Jake!” Amy cried, swinging her head back from him to the woman. “I’m so sorry about him, he’ll die if he isn’t given enough attention.” “I see.” Holt stared into his eyes, searching, prodding. “I wonder if your disdain of a fair trial implies something about your work.” She mused.  Jake looked away, feeling very uncomfortable with the too-much eye contact. Amy leaped in to defend him. “Oh, no Jake is- Detective Peralta isn’t-” “Well that doesn’t matter- right now. Right now I have other matters to attend to and so I will have to be off.” She bent down to be at eye level with her son, who had finished his water and been watching the conversation with the same silent intensity that his mother had. “Raymond, please look after your sister as you are the oldest. And please listen to Detective Santiago.” “I will.” “I will be back soon.” She repeated the same instructions to her daughter who smiled and babbled at her. “Aren’t you cute.” She said flatly before giving them both a hug. “I will be back soon.” And with that she was gone. Jake and Amy stared at the two children who looked back at them expectantly. “Uh..so..what are your names?” Amy started cheerfully. “My name is Raymond Jacob Holt.” He stated and then turned to his sister, lifting her up into his lap to keep her from falling off the couch. “And this is my younger sister, Deborah Rosa Holt.” “Oh hey, we have a Rosa! And my name’s Jacob!” “My sister’s middle name is from the civil rights hero Rosa Parks.” Raymond offered, Jake was unsure if this was just a fact or a reproach. “Cool!” He tried. “My middle name came from the fact that my father liked the name.” “Oh! That’s cool, it’s a cool name.” He grinned. “My father died a few months ago.” Raymond offered. “...........greeeeat.” “Not! That your father died!” Amy jumped in, glaring at Jake. “That’s very sad!” “Yes.” Raymond nodded, seemingly satisfied. “It is very sad. I am very sad about it.” He paused thoughtfully. “I would like to play.” Jake perked up, now THIS he could do. “Sure! What do you wanna play? Tag? Your sister might be a bit too young for that one...hide and seek? We might have a bouncy castle in storage somewhere-” “I would like to play with my trains.” Raymond interrupted, seeming perturbed by Jake’s suggestions. “And Deborah would like to chew on something.” He added, allowing her to chew on his empty box of water. “Is she teething?” Asked Amy. “No. She just enjoys it.” _________ Jake and Amy closed the door quietly to the playroom as Raymond marveled at the honestly very sad looking model train set. They had snuck out as he was telling his sister (who was chewing the leg of a barbie doll) about all the different parts of the train and its station. “Isn’t he the cutest?” Asked Amy at the same time Jake asked, “Isn’t that kid so weird!?” “What!? Amy, he’s like a little robot! Don’t tell me you didn’t see him drinking boxed water. What? Would Apple Juice ruin his circuitry?” “Maybe he likes water and is allergic to fruit like lots of people are!” Amy asserted defensively. “Either way you have to admit, at least he’s easy to take care of.” At that moment Jake felt something tiny kick him in the back of the knee and he went down like a sack of potatoes. “Ow! What the -!?” A demonic yet oddly cultured laugh filled the corridor and he looked up to see a small redheaded boy about Raymond’s age doing his best to loom over him. He was dressed even more properly than Raymond, wearing a button up shirt, dress pants, and suspenders. He looked like he had gotten lost on his way to a country club. “Can I help you?” Asked Amy. “No.” Said the boy, turning and walking down the hall. At that moment Terry appeared at the other end, out of breath and pointing dramatically past the detectives. “Stop that kid!” He screamed at the same moment the boy began to run. After ten minutes of chasing and hiding and finding him only for him to give them the slip they finally caught his ankle as he was attempting to crawl into a vent and brought him back to the bullpen. “We...we ...got’m sir….” Jake panted, falling into his chair as Amy handed him over to the Sarge. “Safe...and sound!” She wheezed, falling into her own. “Kevin!” Barked a man who must have been his father. “You had your mother worried sick you know that?” Kevin didn’t seem too bothered by this and stuck his tongue out at the detectives rather than listen to his father. Jake stuck his tongue right back out at him. “Kevin, did you hear me? Apologize right this instant.” Kevin’s entire demeanor sagged into sorrow as he walked over to his mother (who seemed like the kind of woman who was always worried about something, eyes wide and mouth set into a thin frown) “My deepest apologies mother.” He recited without emotion. “I simply wanted to see if there were other children I could play with.” His mother melted at his words and hugged him fiercely. His father looked unimpressed. “Oh of course!” She glanced around at the detectives. “I’m so sorry about him causing a bit of mischief but you know how it is, boys will be boys!” “Boys will be brats more like.” Jake muttered. Amy nodded slightly. “If you’re that eager to play go play with Martin.” The boy’s father demanded, pointing to the boy sitting next to Kevin’s mother. He had been being so quiet that no one had noticed him and he seemed none too pleased to be noticed now. “Martin’s boring.” Kevin murmured and this indictment seemed to make his brother curl up even further into himself. “We have a playroom!” Terry interceded before anyone started shouting. “And my detectives would be happy to supervise them in there. Right detectives?” “Uh we-” “Well Sarge I think-” “RIGHT. DETECTIVES?” “....Yeah I-” “Sure yeah we’d love to…” Terry escorted the two boys there with them (he didn’t trust Santiago or Peralta to be able to wrangle them if they weren’t confined to a single room). Raymond barely looked up when they entered. He was staring at a train which was in the station. “Hello.” He said. “Hey there!” Terry called happily, letting go of Kevin and his brother. “Whatcha doing there?” “Playing with my train.” “Oh? Is it supposed to be moving?” Raymond looked up, annoyed for the first time. “No. It can’t move for two minutes or else people will not be able to get on in time and there will be congestion in the tunnels.” “I seee…” Terry said, smiling though he was obviously confused. “Well, I think you’re being a very good train conductor!” “I am a station manager.” He said. “But thank you.” “Bah!” Terry looked down in surprise as Debbie grabbed at his ankle and stood, smiling and bobbing. “Hello there little cutie!” He cried happily, lifting her up and smiling as she giggled. “That’s Deborah, she’s my sister.” Raymond said, finally moving his train and stating a few train announcements clearly. “Please do not lean against the doors…” “Aww, she’s a little cutie pie...and she was left all ALONE in a room for god knows HOW long~??” He asked cheerfully, eyes squarely on his detectives. “We didn’t know we’d have to chase after Dennis the Menace over here!” Jake insisted, pointing at Kevin who had been whispering something to his brother and was now smiling politely. “We were going to get some snacks for them!” Amy cried, opening the door. “I’ll go get them now! What do you guys want? Not you Jake.” She said, seeing him open his mouth. “I would like some fruit, an apple is preferable.” Raymond said. “Baahhh….choochoo!” Debbie exclaimed, pointing at Raymond’s train which launched him into an explanation that it was NOT a steam engine Deborah this was a much more high tech model, you see- “I’d like chips please.” Kevin asked, swinging his legs. “Finally, someone normal-” Jake sighed. “But none with flavor. If you only have those disgusting red hot or barbeque chips then please don’t get me any.” “You’re all wastes of youth…” Jake groaned. “I..I want um..” Martin piped up, looking nervous in the same way his mother did. Perpetually. “Uh…” “He wants a lollipop.” Kevin said, annoyed by his brother’s hesitance. Martin nodded, relieved to not have to talk anymore. “Okay, I’ll be right back!” Amy said, repeating the orders as she walked back down the hall.
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shane-lafleur · 5 years
“Friended! (With The Casagrandes)” - Episode Review
Here we are, the opener of season 4! And in a change of pace, the Louds themselves are not the spotlight. How did the latest episode featuring Ronnie Anne and her extended family fare? Let’s take a look..
First of all, the intro.. a shorted traditional intro then Ronnie Anne takes over..a nice way to show this episode is different than the rest. The intro was fun with each member of the Casagrandes highlighted in a different color. Will be interesting to see if the remainder of the opening arc uses this. 
The title card was different as well..maybe a hint at what the rest of the arc episodes cards will look like (as well as the spinoff) 
Anyways, on with the episode itself..
Aww, Ronnie Anne looks so cute sleeping like that..until Lalo wakes her up...hehe. Great to see her family at breakfast. Also we find out the Rosa is the building manager which is a nice touch. Was fun to see Ronnie Anne’s interactions with her family (like CJ with his hammer/screwdriver, her mom Maria with her talking about her nursing job which gets stopped by Carlota before she can go into too much detail...hehe.. then Bobby getting ready for his job at the Mercado and having to rush out the door along with Carl). I loved that RA was on top of everything, making sure things were all set with the family before heading out.
Loved the scene with her talking to Lincoln over the phone, especially her seeing a guy with white hair and mistaking him for Lincoln and then Lincoln almost getting trampled by his sisters. Nice way to add him into the episode. 
Sid’s introduction was so fun. Got a good laugh out of her trying (and failing) perform a skating trick. Not to mention a nice save by RA. Just love Sid’s enthusiasm..she is gonna be such a fun character. 
Glad that we got to find out about RA and Bobby’s dad and that she’s ok with the whole situation. Not to mention our first look at Sid’s family. 
I liked the transitions in this episode with the big city shots..definitely a nice touch. 
Loved the excitement that the two had when they found out they may become neighbors in the apartment. 
I loved that Bobby, Carlota, Carl and CJ wanted the new family to move in as well. And bobby was acting sweet as always. The plan was so very fun. I loved how everybody worked together to stop the other potential tenants and kept Rosa busy. Carl’s antics in particular were my favorite, not to mention RA and Carlota trying to hide from Carl Sr and Carlitos in the library. Everything seems to be going well..until we find out about one more potential tenant. Looks like it’s time for plan b. 
The second plan is especially fun. Sid and her bird calls were especially fun..hehe. Was so cute seeing Sid get excited over her potential new home..especially finding out her bedroom could be right above Ronnie Anne’s. I got a good laugh out of Carlota and Carl each distracting Rosa in their own way..poor Carl..hehe..taking one for the team. Ronnie Anne showing off the ‘ruined’ apartment was pretty fun too, especially that Lincoln like grin at the end. 
I loved the Ronnie Anne took responsibility when the building owner was going to fire Rosa. Was very mature of her. Was sweet seeing her fix it (with a little help from Sergio). I thought it was sweet that the building owner let Sid’s family have the apartment. So glad we’ll be seeing more of her and her family. 
This episode was just so much fun. Ronnie Anne is really growing on me. I loved her interactions with her family and the plan was especially fun. I just adored Sid..her enthusiasm is just so sweet and I love how her and Ronnie Anne get along. If this is how this episode went, I have high hopes for not only the rest of the opening arc but also the spinoff series as well. :) I think this is my favorite episode featuring this family so far. A wonderful way to start the new season.
Rating: 98 out of 100
Season 4 is off to a great start. Next up is the 2nd (of 5) episodes in the opening arc ‘No Show’ on June 10th. How will that and the remaining episodes in the arc fare? Tune in next time to find out and of course, keep an eye on this page for more Loud House related content (including my full season 3 rankings which will be posted sometime between now and the next episode). Until next time, stay Loud!
My previous episode review: https://shane-lafleur.tumblr.com/post/183335332130/antiqued-off-episode-review
My mini reviews for the first part of season 3: https://shane-lafleur.tumblr.com/post/185086373790/loud-house-season-3-mini-reviews-part-1
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amyscascadingtabs · 6 years
long as my heart is beating, this is it
or, happy halloween have some plotless peraltiago fluff on me
read on ao3
There is no tradition at the Nine-Nine more sacred than the Halloween Heist. There are no excuses, no exceptions, no forgetting the yearly spectacle that is a bunch of cops blatantly ignoring their assigned duties for a day to team up and go through the ordeal of attempting to steal a chosen object in order to be crowned an amazing detective or human slash genius; until there is.
Early in October, Holt announces he will be at an important conference in Washington during the day of the heist. A week before, Charles and Rosa are asked to go undercover for two weeks to get more evidence on the dealer they’ve been tailing for months. Then Terry’s kids bring home a nasty case of the flu, spreading through Terry to the rest of the precinct and resulting in the majority of remaining detectives coming down with a fever.
Calls are made. Cancellation fees for body doubles and ruse pizza delivery guys are paid. Sighs echo through the bullpen when Holt announces the heist will indeed be postponed until further notice.
No one won the Halloween heist last year, but this year there won’t even be one.
It’s lucky there are other things to celebrate. The day after Frans Bruggen’s birthday, National Knock Knock Jokes’ day or Caramel Apple day; the possibilities for festivities are endless, and yet Jake is focused only on one.
“You know what today is, babe?” He whispers it in her ear when the alarm rings at seven a.m sharp. The shrill noise is hurtful as always, but after a full night’s sleep curled up next to his wife for the first night after three night shifts in a row, it could practically be a new Taylor Swift hit.
“Yes”, she groans, voice croaky and eyes still closed. “It’s the first day in three years I’m calling in sick to work.”
“Are you sure? It just might bring about the end of the world, Ames.” She is warm - he feels the unnatural heat emanating from her skin as he presses soft kisses to the side of her forehead. “I’m honestly impressed they invented something you weren’t vaccinated against.”
“No one invented viruses, Jake. And yes, I’m sure. I feel like I’m doing that horrible winter bath with Holt and Rosa again, but I’m also burning up and my throat is sandpaper.”
“Miserable you is kind of cute”, he muses, handing her the cup of water on her nightstand. “But that might be because all you-s are cute.”
“Sure.” She empties the water cup in big gulps and launches straight into a coughing fit before slumping her head back down on the pillow. “Cute is definitely top ten of things I am feeling at this moment.”
He shakes his head, unable to stifle the smile creeping up on his lips when he sees her. She does look pitiable blinking at him with glossy eyes, but damn it if she’s not still the cutest sick person he’s ever seen. “Happy engagement day, babe.”
“Aww. Today’s Halloween, huh?”
“Sure is. And you look so much like a zombie you won’t even need a costume!” His grin is short-lasting, abruptly interrupted by a pillow to the face after only a second or two.
“Screw you”, she mumbles, but he can see the corners of her mouth twitch.
“While a tempting offer, you, m’lady, need to save your energy.”
“Very funny.”
“Constantly. In all seriousness, flu-friendly celebrations will be taking place tonight, so be there or be square.” He gives her one last brief kiss before reluctantly slipping out of bed. “Call if you need anything, okay? I will be checking my phone obsessively.”
“Jake, you’ve got work to do.” “Amy, my wife is sick.”
“Right, right. I forget my husband is a hopeless dork.” She rolls her eyes before coughing and pulling up the covers to her chin again. “See you tonight, babe.”
He’s heard her say it for three years, and it still makes every inch of his skin tingle.
He misses her at work. He successfully bargained with Terry to have the night off - the man loves love after all - and so he only needs to survive up until seven p.m before he’s allowed to leave, but today it’s an eternity. An Amy-less eternity, which is arguably the worst kind of all eternities.
She texts him hourly updates to assure him she’s not dying. He sends back cute bitmojis of the two of them, retellings of the most fascinating arrests of the day and encouraging compliments telling her she’ll kick this flu’s ass and be back in tip top shape in no time. It’s not quite waiting for the last minutes to pass while feeling the ring box burn inside his back pocket, heart fluttering like it’s threatening to jump out of his chest, but she sends him a Die Hard gif after one of the updates and he swears he falls a little bit more in love with her right then and there.
It never gets tiring.
“One Whole Foods chicken noodle soup and one Meat Supreme pizza served room temperature, delivered to your door.” He places the plastic bags on the kitchen island quick as he can when he gets home, eager to join her on the couch. “They made sure to send their most good-looking delivery guy too, so you better give them a good rating.”
She snorts, laughing at him from beneath the three blankets she’s buried herself under. “They did, huh? Can’t argue with that. I’ll leave him a tip.”
“Kisses are accepted as currency at this particular chain. Especially if the customers are hot.”
“Sexist”, she mutters. “And I don’t want to make you sick.” “My immune system has survived thus far, ergo, it’s unbeatable.” He leans over to press a chaste kiss to her forehead anyway. “How are you feeling?”
“Never better, thanks.” Amy gestures to the assortment of napkins, empty teacups, medicine and crossword magazines occupying the couch table. “Lucky there’s no heist this Halloween. I would never have been able to win in this condition.” “You would have figured out a way.”
“Oh, for sure.”
He hums something soft in agreement, moving one of the blankets to minimize the space in between them. Amy looks like she’s about to protest for a split second, but then he gestures for her to move over and soon she’s in his arms, the little spoon for once this time because she’s sick and Jake’s not a monster. She lets out a content sigh when he lets his fingers run through her hair, drawing circles and playing with it to design a strictly alternative hairstyle. A few strands of hair gets caught under his wedding ring somehow, making both of them laugh, and it’s not the electrifying suspense of a Halloween heist but it’s perfection still, this intimate moment of safety and satisfaction and the intangible definition of knowing things worked out in the end.
“I knew you were going to figure it out, you know”, he says when her breathing has grown so even he fears she might be falling asleep. “Last year. I designed my entire proposal after that assumption.”
“I know, Jake.” “Humble as always.”
She shakes her head before turning around to face him with a smug look, lips together in a confident smirk. “I am the last one in this relationship to have been crowned an amazing detective slash genius. If you recall.”
He grins, remembering this night three years ago. “Pretty hard to forget. That was epic.”
“Was kinda brilliant, wasn’t it?”
“It was a genius move.”
“Mm-hmm. And how is that word spelled again?”
“Sheesh, Ames, that was one time!” He punches her teasingly in the shoulder.
“Five, and I screenshotted them all because the fact that you were calling yourself a genius while spelling the word itself wrong was absolutely hilarious.”
“You never forget something, do you?”
“Nope. Congrats on marrying me.” She lights up at her last words, that infectious smile shining brighter than should be allowed, and kisses him. It lasts too short, and will probably cause him to wake up with a fever tomorrow, but he still considers it worth it. “Sorry I’m such boring Halloween company. I know take-out and binge-watching The Good Place maybe wasn’t how you’d planned on celebrating.”
This time, he’s the one to kiss her before answering. “Every day I get to -”
“Nope, nope, nope.” She places her hand over his lips without letting him finish the sentence. “You don’t get to repeat your wedding vows at any given occasion just because they were good. Come up with something new.”
“You’re asking too much of the man who complimented your butt twice in his proposal speech, Ames.” She sticks out her tongue at him in response and he laughs sweetly, linking their hands under the blankets to run his hands over the two rings. “But as long as it’s with you, it doesn’t matter whether it’s takeout and Netflix or crazy-ass heists. Honestly.”
“I love you.”
“Love you more. Dinner on the couch tonight?”
“You got it.” She curls up like a ball with the blankets in the corner of the couch after he untangles himself from her, watching him get to work on heating up her soup. “Oh, and Jake?”
“Thanks for making me like Halloween.”
(Flu-friendly engagement celebrations end up being dinner and ice cream and Amy falling asleep halfway through the second episode, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.)
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“Do you think the moon is jealous because of how pretty you are?” Kasem/Rosa, “He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.” Yo/Takashi, “Don’t you ever do that again!” Emile/Kaoru Yakuza AU (:
Yes!! I love these so much!!! [And I love you of course!!!!]! Thank you for sending this in!! I will love writing this!
Also the Yakuza AU got angsty !! So warning for angst ahead!
Finally, peace and quiet and some alone time with the girl he loved so much. There was a little party that was ongoing inside his dorm. He wanted to invite his girlfriend over because it was the night which people played music and sang songs together. He enjoyed every single bit of it, but he thought that maybe he wanted to be alone with her for a while… So he could at least have a moment with her.
He was first stargazing, but his eyes began shifting to the girl beside him who was holding unto the rails of the balcony. She was watching the stars with him with a large smile on her face. He didn’t actually know that she’d be so excited over small things like this. He began grinning a bit because he couldn’t control the muscles of his face. It was as if that smiling was an automatic reaction when she was around.
“I never knew that your dorm had the perfect view for the stars!” She brought up and began pointing at a couple of stars. “Like… look at that! It’s so bright!” She noticed the small details on the sky and she paused for a moment to laugh and this might have confused Kasem quite a bit.
“Pink Rose, I hope you know that your laughter makes my heart beat twice as fast because it’s such a great thing to listen to…” His comment made her blush, making her ruffle her own hair with her hand. “But why did you laugh all of a sudden? Is there something on my face?” He asked this and she only shook her head.
“Nope! There’s nothing on our face.” She replied to his second question first. “But I wanted to say that maybe that’s why your dorm is called “Soaring Land Dormitory”- because it looks so close to the sky! I wonder how it looks like waking up in the morning in this.” She speaks up and he just ended up bursting in laughter.
“Oh. Even I didn’t realize that. How cute of you. Thinking of little details like that. He began holding her hand and went close to her face to give a small peck on her forehead. “But now you’ve brought up the stars, may I bring up something about the moon?” He asks permission and she only blinks for a while before tilting her head.
“Of course you can. You don’t really need to ask me if you’re allowed to bring something up!” She always loved the side of his that she only got to see, if not, then only a few. He may be usually proud and smug, but around her- he was more considerate, even loving. He had a big soft spot for her. 
“Do you think the moon is jealous because of how pretty you are?” He lifts up her chin a bit as he grinned a bit. “Such a pretty face, hair that I could play with all day and even a voice of an angel… How can the moon not be jealous?” He may have been a bit of a flirt, but he was only an honest flirt with her.
This caused Rosa’s cheeks to go red and she began covering her face with her hands. She did love this side of him, maybe even a bit more than she originally thought she would. “I-I don’t know how to respond to that…” He face was fullt red, and she tried to hide her face even more as soon as he began patting her head.
“Aha… Was that too embarrassing for you?”
Well, now… She wasn’t the only one embarrassed anymore as soon as he found himself flustering over his own lover.
One of the biggest things that always made Takashi interested was the love lives of people. He didn’t care on who it was- he loved hearing about it. The result on him knowing can go in different ways, but no matter what- he’d find the information fun. He was currently trying to figure out who the lover or crush of his half brother.
Takashi leaned in close as he listened to Yo talk about the people in his universe. He heard a couple of people and he met some already, but he tried to look for something that could give him a hint that he liked somebody… but it was funny because he didn’t even need to further ask him. He didn’t need to ask more details because as soon as he began talking… he already knew who he liked.
Yo crossed his legs and he placed his hand up in such a sassy fashion that made Takashi grin a bit. Yo was really an interesting person, and his gestures only made it better. “Last but not least, Hironori! Man, have you see Hironori?” He emphasized the name of the man he started to talk about. Takashi zoomed in closer, quite intrigued.
“I think I’ve seen him already… But I didn’t know his name by one look…” He tried to recall everyone that he’s seen so far, but now that a name that wasn’t so familiar came in, he realized that he hasn’t talked to anyone yet. “Can you describe him more? So I can be sure that if I saw him already?”
“Damn right I will describe him!” Yo proudly says before falling backwards, and he was so lucky that they were on a bed. Takashi invited Yo over to his house so he was also allowed in the other male’s room. “Like- he has two hair colors-! He’s got a pretty shade of purple, and the other half is a darker color! He has the most alluring eyes… He’s so tall and that makes him even look more fantastic! I want him to pick me up and I want to like… totally kiss me as he continues carrying me.” He started to talk non-stop about how much he loved the man.
Takashi didn’t interrupt his half brother talking, but he did take note in every single detail he said. He now confirmed that he’s seen the male before. He wanted to see how long it would take for Yo to actually stop fanboying about someone in his own universe. After about 5 to 10 minutes of straight talking, Yo began sitting up again to meet Takashi’s eyes. “Is there anything else you want to tell me?”
Yo grabbed the collar of Takashi and shook him a bit- it was only playful, not harmful in anyway. “If you allow me to talk about him more, we’re not going to be sleeping tonight., man.” He released him before he placed his own hand on his chest. “He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.” 
Takashi began chuckling before he patted his head. “Aww. You’re in love with a guy! I fully support you and I’d be so down in shipping you two!” He winked at him. Even if his wink may mean different things, he had to say that this time- it was just because he felt it was the right moment to do so.
“Shipping us? Right choice. We’re basically married.”
It was no surprise that the two boys took a long time before ending their conversation… Also it was no surprise for a brunette woman to be leaning on the door of her own son with tears in her eyes. “I support the ship so much.”
“Sae, you’ve been there for an hour.”
It’s been three days ever since their leader was marked as MIA. The day and nights were quiet, and no one felt happy during that span of a week. Emile tried to strum his guitar in a tune of a happy song, but even if he tried- it only ended up turning sadder as seconds passed by before he completely stopped... The thought of his leader gone hurt him too much.
There were several changes inside the house. No one even went in the room of Kaoru. No one even bothered to make jokes or have fun on the dining table. There were no smiles or teasing in the span of the week... It turned quiet. No one could actually feel happy if they knew he was gone. He sacrificed himself for the group... and that’s also the last words he said.
“I love you guys. Remember that, alright?”
Those were the last words he said before he got cut off with the rest of the members of the alliance. He turned off the ear piece, and they never heard his voice since. That was what made all the alliance’s hearts drop. Especially his gang members who were considered closest to him... He was their leader after all. He was the leader of the LA$T $HOT$- he made them a gang... And now he was gone.
Emile’s hands began shaking and he placed his guitar down. Once again, he couldn’t even finish the song. He wasn’t able to spot Kaoru listening, and he didn’t hear the compliments he usually gave. He didn’t hear the name “Guitar Hero”- a nickname which Kaoru specifically gave to him. All the memories came in his head, and Emile began curling into a ball- some tears dripping on his guitar.
“Mi amigo...Mi amigo Kaoru, he’s gone...” He mumbled to himself as he continued crying and he didn’t even try to stop himself from crying. It took him a couple of minutes to calm down. Once he stopped crying, he saw Isshiki go close to him, even patting his head
“Emile... We’re leaving soon, alright? We have to... meet the Chankul family.” He says this and Emile only looks up for a bit before nodding his head. He couldn’t find a way to respond. His throat felt too dry and his eyes were puffy from crying and Isshiki began talking again. “Let me get you some water, okay? I think you need it...”
“Thank you...” Emile thanks him in a soft voice, even if his voice was cracking. “... But maybe a water bottle is enough... So we can bring it along the way.” Once he says this, Isshiki continued to go to the refrigerator to get him some water. Yes... He was right. Everyone did act a bit different once Kaoru was gone.
After a few minutes, everyone was ready to go to the Chankul family- ready physically, but not mentally or emotionally. They were going to face his parents, after all. They already knew the news, so imagine how it would be like seeing them face-to-face. 
Now it was time...
Emile gulped as he continued to look at the door of the Chankul house. He couldn’t bring himself to enter it, he only stayed in place. What was he supposed to do? If he entered there, he might end up crying just by the mere thought he was gone. It didn’t help that he was an emotional person. Even if he didn’t enter the place, he felt his eyes getting watery. 
Everyone from the alliance gave stares at each other to see who would want to enter the room first- and the first person to open it was the childhood friend of Kaoru- who was Masae. She may have hesitated at first, but she decided to push the doors open- and it was to only spot Sakda standing on the other side of the floor.
He was waiting for their appearance, and he didn’t even bother opening his mouth to tell them to come in. He only waited, as he impatiently tapped his foot on the ground.
Emile has always been someone who could observe emotions pretty well, and he understood human beings very well. However at this moment, he couldn’t. It was probably because he couldn’t even control his own feelings. Each of them slowly approached the father of Kaoru, but they hurried up as soon as he said “Faster.”
“Señor Chankul...” He mumbled the name of the man, trying his best not to swallow his own words or sob while talking. “We’re sorry... We’re so sorry... I’m... I’m sorry...” He stopped trying the moment he started to apologize, and everyone began apologizing.
Even Eizan’s hand was shaking as he apologized- he didn’t want to show any kind of emotion that could bring down his pride- but maybe in the corner of eyes, there were something. The person who was considered as the most cheerful, Kuga, apologized in repeat as he clenched his fists tightly and refused to face his friend’s father. Dai, who was already damaged enough, was on his knees and apologizing as he hit the floor with his knuckles.
And Emile was there, dropping anything he held as he began crying. He wiped his tears away as he continued to apologize to the man. He didn’t know what to do because no matter how many tears, words or apologies- it won’t bring back one of the people most important to him...
Sakda watched all of them before sighing. “... It’s the mafia life. You should expect the worse. I can’t blame any of you. The only people to be blamed is fate and the enemies. I am well informed you all did your best.” He took this well and he only turned around before working off. “Any person could die at any moment, and we all know this. It’s something we should accept in the life of a yakuza member.”
“We still shoul apologize for having our best as not enough...” Emile brought up and Sakda raised his right arm.
“Enough talking. I’ve heard enough of this.” He says this before placing down his hand. “All apologies are accepted. Everyone has a chance of dying. Everyone has an equal chance.” He looked back at them for a moment. “... Well except for my son.” He paused. “Because he somehow has a bigger chance of surviving, as he escaped death itself once again.”
All the members only froze at the words he said and Sakda only continued walking to a room. “Bold of you to assume my son will agree to leave this world that easily. He’s trained by Yours Truly. Now get your asses here.”
They didn’t know how to take this all in- but all they should do was rush in behind Sakda.
Once Sakda opened the door, it revealed a male who was bandaging himself up, while having his hair tied up like his father. “You’ve got visitors, son who apparently came back to life.”
“Is it my all-” Before Kaoru could continued talking, he felt people push him to the ground by hugs. “Ow! Fuck! Okay wait, shit- that hurts-”
There were people crying and sobbing around Kaoru, and once he saw who they were- it was his members but Tetsuji. Just seconds later, they were all lifted up by the said man before being placed down again
“Don’t you ever do that again!” Emile yelled on the chest of Kaoru as he continued to cry. “We thought you lost you and... and-!”
“Sh... Guitar Hero...” That name was finally said again by the man he wanted to hear it from. “I was lost and now I’m found, alright?”
Instead of saying wore words, Emile only continued to cry on his leader- relieved he got to see his leader--- no, friend again.
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myrskytuuli · 7 years
Holy hell, okay, this is not a drill. Goldie O’Gilt is making an appearance in a comic, and it’s not a cameo.
So, my drug dealer got me hooked with some 2017 Topolino, and I need to scream about it, because Goldie!
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That’s right, she is back, and looks absolutely stunning.
So, this is an Italian comic, and therefore it can be expected that the tragic romance™, that is more popular in the post-Rosa duck comic tradition, has been toned down a lot. Now full disclosure, I’m shipper trash and am fully committed to the tragic romance™. I wrote a 50 000+ words fanfic about it. I am also known sufferer of Brigitta MacBridge nonsense, so while this rant might be biased, I try to be biased in a gentle way. It’s not your fault Brigitta, that you have been written that way. Or that Scrooge and Goldie are soulmates. Ahem.
But to the comic itself. There are lots of things I love about it, and then there are some things that make me side-eye it in vaguely disapproving manner. I swear, not all of those reasons are shipping reasons. Okay yeah they pretty much are.
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(Quick, follow me to the kitchen, you can throw a coffeepot on my face, and we can roleplay our night together in White Agony Creek anew!)
The premise of the story is pretty much, what if Goldie and Brigitta properly met? It’s…not a lot. There is no plot beyond: what if Goldie and Brigitta had a girls’ day out. Which I guess is fine, because that is all it is supposed to be. It is a slice of life character study. Usually I’m all about those, but…well Goldie doesn’t really shine when you don’t give her anything to do. In Rosa/Barks stories (which are the only stories where we see Goldie as a character) the focus has never been solely on anyone’s feelings. They have been very action-packed stories with any hinted romance taking a firm backseat.  
What I’m trying to say is, that I’m disappointed that Goldie didn’t get to join in any of those silly Italian adventures. Not even little bit of shenanigans. Aww, and it could have been so fun too.  
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(You mean you didn’t come all this way just to ravish me against this discount-yard-sale table?)
Goldie is in Duckburg to collect a debt that Scrooge owes him. Solid beginning. Unfortunately, we never see her collecting this debt! The money issue is dropped from the story way too quickly for my tastes. Because while I 100% believe that Scrooge would avoid having to pay up any dubious debts, I do not believe that Goldie would give up that quickly.
And even more importantly, it would have been hilarious to see some actual petty shenanigans going on between these two. Note that it is mentioned that the original debt was 20$, which Goldie is trying to claim back with stupidly high compound interest. There is a story right there, nothing else needed. Just show me the ridiculous lengths these two are willing to go for 20$, while the rest of Duckburg watches in horror and bafflement. Also, hint that the real reason why these two keep the conflict going is that this way they can spend time together without actually talking about their feelings. Boom, story done. God, they should hire me to make scripts for these comics.
Okay fine, let’s see what the actual story is all about.  
Oh yes. Brigitta. This story was all about Brigitta.
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For no good reason whatsoever, Brigitta loses all of her cools over the situation.
1.Don’t call him your Scrooge. You don’t own him.
2.Don’t call Goldie a dusty memory, that’s rude.
3.Goldie had the receipts, she has a genuine claim for that 20$, she’s not doing anything wrong for you to start insulting her!
Yes, yes, she is jealous and all that jazz, but honestly. It’s pretty hypocritical of her to “protect” Scrooge and his 20$ when Brigitta herself so frequently is an antagonist against Scrooge.
The following temper tantrum from Goldie delights me to no end, not because it is aimed towards Brigitta, but because it lines up so perfectly with all of my headcanons for Goldie. Sure, she might act cool and dignified these days, but deep down she is still the hair-trigger tempered diva, that would stay inside a burning building just for the aesthetic.
This has nothing to do with Scrooge, and everything to do with the fact that you called her old. This primadonna will now destroy you mentally, because that’s how she rolls. You will not disrespect the original material girl without consequences.  
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(I am the only person who has ever conquered Scrooge. Wow okay there Goldie, maybe tone it down a bit. I mean, yeah girl you are…but maybe don’t overshare too much.)
Was that kind of a bitchy move? Yes. She is kind of a bitchy person.
My next grumble about this story, is the weird way it deals with Scrooge. I cannot say anything specific…but there is just a really weird vibe to how he is written in here. The weird inner monologue on how he might be able to use the two women against each other to get rid of both of them…was…um.  
While my first impression on Goldie’s, I am Scrooge’s number one love interest, speech seemed to be a bit beneath her, I then realised that she isn’t actually saying anything about her own regard for Scrooge. She is bragging about how Scrooge used to be bewitched by her, because that is the kind of thing that a dancehall girl would brag about. Pffft, yes it was Scrooge who was losing his mind over me back in Klondike, I was cool as a cucumber the whole time. Scrooge was nothing more than another notch on my bedpost. I have a heart made of ice, haven’t you heard.
Anyways, Scrooge decides to get rid of Brigitta by confirming everything Goldie just said. And I know that the story wants us to take Scrooge’s words with a grain of salt, because they are just a plan to get Brigitta to leave him alone….which does nothing to make me sympathise with Brigitta.
Putting my shipper heart on the side, pretending to be in love with someone else, to get rid of an admirer, does not create tension for ambiguous love triangle. It is what girls do in crowded bars when some drunk guy doesn’t leave them alone.
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(Sorry Brigitta, but can you please leave. I was hoping to get conquered tonight, if you know what I mean.) 
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(They look like mom and dad getting yelled at by their daughter.)
Once again! What exactly are you mad about!? Which part of, I’m in love with someone else, gives you reason to get angry at them???? Remember that Brigitta at least is supposed to believe Scrooge to be fully sincere in his statement.  
Back to Scrooge being a little shit. In a way, I want to be mad about this, but I’m not going to. Because lets not mystify Goldie too much, and pretty much all the rest of Scrooge’s family and loved ones have at least once been sent through that trap door.
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No, let me grumble a little bit after all. I would heartily endorse this, if this was actually about the 20$. But it’s not. The whole thing is framed so that Goldie can have the great epiphany, this is how Brigitta must always feel!
Oh please.
Also, I think that we are supposed to be angry at Scrooge for being so callous towards both of the ladies, so that we can root for them becoming friends later. Which, yeah fine, but do we really have to. One of the things I most despise in Brigitta centred stories is that they by default make Scrooge into a dick. They have to. The whole story has to be built on the idea that Scrooge is just afraid of girl cooties, and therefore has to be pushed a little, so that he will eventually play nice, even with a girl. It is the only way to make Brigitta’s advances feel somehow justified. And in this case the characterisation bleeds to include Goldie under the umbrella of women that I don’t want anywhere near me, because women cost money or whatever.
So, it mostly feels like Goldie has to be booted out of the office, so she doesn’t trick Scrooge into marriage or some other sneaky thing that women are always doing. Sighs eternally. 
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(Oh my god, she is a serial killer. No one else has this many pictures of one person on their walls.)
But this story isn’t even about Scrooge. It is about female friendship. Which is a beautiful thing, and really this story does manage to do lot of things right.
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(Hey, can I crash on your couch? Turns out that Scrooge didn’t like it how I called him my conquest in front of you and the staff. He’s always been a bit of a prude like that.)
I’m not really fan of the whole, we have lots in common thing, because they…don’t. And the whole, I now understand your perspective, because now I have been rejected too… doesn’t really work, because Goldie wasn’t proposing anything in the first place. Remember how she was here for that 20$! I do! Can we get back to that! Goldie wasn’t asking Scrooge out, wasn’t asking him to marry her, she was asking for money, and getting the cold shoulder for that should not come as some kind of an epiphany!
Nevermind. That’s cute as heck, I don’t even care how we got there.
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Goldie would make a good mentor for Brigitta. As would Scrooge. The world would be a better place if Brigitta was treated like an over-enthusiastic businesswoman who wants to learn all of Scrooge’s tricks, and Scrooge was treated like grumpy, slightly unwilling teacher.
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(So, what was Scrooge like when he was young? Oh, you know, very conquerable.)
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Why is her hair silver, what is this travesty, colouring person you had one job!
Goldie tells Brigitta the story of sleeping pills, thievery, forced labour, kidnappings, and other general criminal activities that make up their tragic romance™.
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(Oh, so when you slip him a pill on a first date, it makes you morally complex, but if I did that it would be just creepy and weird!)
(Context Brigitta, it’s all about the context!)
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If I was Brigitta, I would feel a bit wary drinking anything with her, after the story she just told.
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And then I almost got my hopes up, that something amazing was going to happen! Brigitta started to self-reflect upon herself, and doubting the way her life is now constructed. She admitted that she doesn’t have a positive relationship with Scrooge, and that maybe she is wasting her life. For a moment there, I thought that Brigitta was going to develop as a character.
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There was a moment. A glorious moment, when I really thought that this was where the official policy concerning Brigitta was going to be changed, and she would stop trying to marry Scrooge. I did get my hopes up.
Aaaaaand, then this happened. 
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I guess it was inevitable, that Brigitta would get a cheerleading speech from Goldie, to bring back the status quo, but damn does it still feel weird. While I completely, 100% support Goldie’s you are a good and smart woman, if Scrooge doesn’t want that it’s his loss, that is where it should have ended.
Because the part about: because your feelings are painful it means that your love is real, and you shouldn’t give up on them, is complete nonsense. If a relationship is hurting you, it is not worth pursuing!!! Goldie implying that Brigitta’s hurt feelings are the reason she shouldn’t give up on Scrooge, I asdfghjkl, what the fuck!!!!
Secondly, that’s all well and dandy that Goldie now thinks that Brigitta’s love is real, but how exactly does that change anything?! You don’t think that maybe it should be Scrooge who gets to decide who is allowed to make romantic advances towards him!
Scrooge is not an object whose ownership you get to negotiate amongst yourselves!!
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more, or less direct translation: you have continued to beat on to conquer who you love.
That is not a good thing!!
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Yeah whatever. Goldie is his past, maybe Brigitta can be his future. Great. And I guess these two making a friendship with each other and admitting that both have the equal right to present themselves as options of romance for Scrooge is kind of mature and respectful towards everyone, if Brigitta wasn’t…you know Brigitta. She has not been known to respect Scrooge’s boundaries.
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Goldie makes some great faces in here, and I will fully enjoy them. Even if I at the same time roll my eyes at the mandatory, lets punish Scrooge part of any Brigitta comic. You do know that while maybe him booting you, Goldie, out of the office could be seen as mean, he did absolutely nothing disrespectful towards Brigitta. Scrooge owes her zero apologies, because he never even said a mean word towards her! Brigitta had her whole sulk, because she thought that you two were hooking up. That’s not a crime.
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In this continuity, I can understand that Scrooge would prefer to be married to his money. Because these women are written kind of unreasonable.
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The inevitable self-reflection. Scrooge admits that both women are important parts of his life, and that he does care for both of their well-being. Cute, believable, satisfying. Well done everyone. I still firmly believe that Scrooge sees Brigitta more as a younger sibling than potential lover. But that’s just a headcanon, so feel free to come to your own conclusions. 
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(That is a duck who feels uncomfortable.)
The ladies return to the money bin just in time to eavesdrop on Scrooge’s monologue, and find out that he cared for them both after all. And honestly, I think these pictures tell everything that needs to be said about how much Scrooge cares about Brigitta’s advances.  
God, she looks cute, I forgive this story for everything, Goldie is too adorable.
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Well, I guess that this was the first time that Goldie has made a proper appearance in the Italian duck universe, and all in all, not bad. Maybe I will get an entirely new look on the story, if it gets properly translated, and I don’t have to play the I’m pretty sure I know what this means, game.
Congrats if you made it all the way here, these ramblings were long.
Ankkaneito returns back to the hole, where she came from.
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pof203 · 4 years
Rockababy OC: Rosa-Maria Montoya
This is my OC for Rockababy by c2ndy2c1d. I was originally going to add a picture, but I know I can’t recreate her art. So I’ll try to describe it as best as I can.
Rosa-Maria Montoya’s Story
She’s cute. She’s independent (but not above finding love). She’s strong. She’s kind. She’s helpful... She’s a witch.
To know her full story, click “read more”.
NOTE: Some elements of Kiki’s Delivery Service, Charmed (Original and/or Reboot), American Horror Story: Coven, Witch Craft Works, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and even Elemental Magick (The Donavan Coven) are present.
NOTE 2: I also like to apologize in advanced to all of the followers of Santa Muerte for using her in a way that they may find offensive.
Rosa-Maria Montoya is a young 13-year-old Mexican-American witch-in-training. She has bright-brown eyes, brown hair with braids, and has some marking on the side of her check that was put on her when she was baby to welcome her to the coven. She lives with her parents, both her grandparents, and their coven in El Paso, Texas. Her coven follows the ways of Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte (Our Lady of the Holy Death). Of course, each member has their own patrons they call upon, but Santa Muerte is their main patron. However, Rosa-Maria has yet to find her own patrons until she can discover what her skill, a branch of magick that she is best good at.
One day, Rosa-Maria was just laying around in the park with her father’s radio telling the news.
“... the comet, Wolfgang 90, will be passing over North America sometime this year. However, there is no guarantee that it will be seen in the El Paso skies. And now for the weather forecast. Skies are clearing thanks to some winds coming in from the west... There’ll be a beautiful full moon this even. So if you’re planning something special, tonight might be the night. Moving on to sports.”
Rosa-Maria turns off the radio and sees the forecast was right. The wind was blowing almost all of the clouds away. It is then that Rosa-Maria finally decided.
It is an old custom that when a witch turns 13, they have a choice to either train a year away from home or go to a school of magick.
She runs home to tell her family. At first, they were unsure as she is still young in their eyes. However, their coven’s supreme, Annabelle Sanchez, convinced them.
“I still think she should go to Magic School,” said Abuela, Rosa-Maria’s paternal grandmother.
“Or Miss Robichaux’s Academy,” said Grandma, Rosa-Maria’s maternal grandmother.
“Either way, you’d be safe,” said Grandpa, Rosa-Maria’s maternal grandfather.
“I remember when I turned 13,” said Annabelle with a smile. “They said I could become the Supreme of the New Orleans Coven, but their reigning Supreme at the time, Mimi DeLongpre, chose Anna-Leigh Leighton. But this is mainly because it turned out I was to become the Supreme of my own coven. I found my own path. I think it’s only fair you should let your daughter do the same.”
“Si,” said Abeulo, Rosa-Maria’s paternal grandfather. “But we’re still worried. Rosa-Maria barely knows how to fly. And I’ve no time to teach her how to mix potions like me.”
“Young people are all the same. They all want to do something different… But at least you get to teach her the potion that cures my husband’s Rheumatism.”
Later, Rosa-Maria got ready in her room. Her mother gave her a dark Goth-Lolita dress, though not too many laces.
“And now for the finishing touch,” said her mother, placing a black cape over Rosa-Maria and topped it off with a black pointy hat.
“Oh, Mom, this looks so… stereotypical.”
“It’s not important on what you wear, what matters is the heart inside.”
“Then I’ll try to be the very best witch that I can be, Mom. And I know having a good corazon is important.”
“Just follow your heart and keep smiling. And be sure to write home as soon as you’re settled.”
“Si, Mommi.”
As Mrs. Montoya leaves, Mr. Montoya comes in.
“Papi, did you say I could bring the radio? Mom, didn’t he say I could bring the radio?”
“Alright, it’s yours already,” said Mr. Montoya.
“Well now, you look certainly grown up, mi pricessa. You look just like your mother when she was young.”
“I’m glad about that. Papi, can you left me up high like when I was little?”
Mr. Montoya tries to pick up his daughter. At first it was hard, but he got to it.
“I can’t believe my Vision didn’t tell me that you were growing up so fast. But if things don’t work out, you can always come home.”
“And come back a failure? Ew, no way!”
They laugh.
“Will you write us if you have the time?”
She nods.
Later that night as the full moon grew higher and higher, members of the coven, their neighbors (witch, human, and otherwise) came to see Rosa-Maria off.
“But aren’t you worried about Rosa-Maria going off on her own?” asked a human neighbor. “She doesn’t even have a Whitelighter yet. Or even discovered her Skill. And there are a lot of things to worry about: Warlocks, monsters, witch hunters, other witches, and even…”
“Of course they’re worried,” assured his witch wife. “but Rosa-Maria will be just fine.”
Rosa-Maria was speaking to her friends.
“Do you think you’ll find a big city?” asked a Tigua girl.
“Or maybe a town?” asked a witch girl.
“Well, that’s what I’m hoping for anyway,” answered Rosa-Maria.
“Oh, you’re going to have so much fun,” said a jealous fairy girl.
“But I’m not going there just for a good time. In order to be a proper Workshop Witch, I have to train a year away from home.”
“Yeah, be sure to tell that to the vatos,” said a human girl.
The friends all laughed.
“Rosa-Maria, it’s time,” said Grandma.
“Okay,” she responded going over to the adults.
“That’s the broom you’re going to be leaving on?” asked Grandma.
“Si,” answered Rosa-Maria, proudly. “I just made it this morning all by myself.”
“Honey, it’s too small to be really safe. I’d rather you take my broom. I know it better.”
“But Grandma, that one’s so old.”
“And that’s why it’s good. You can rely on it time after time in any kind of weather. Now Rosa-Maria, do this for us, please.”
“But I put so much work into this one. Right, Mimi?”
Mimi looks up to her witch.
“Your broom is nice… But let’s take your grandma’s.”
“You’re no help.”
“Now, mija,” said Abuela. “Can’t you make yourself another fine broom when you get settled down?”
Rosa-Maria knew there was no escaping this. So, she hands her broom to Grandma and takes her broom. With that, Mr. and Mrs. Montoya wish their daughter safe. As do both her grandparents.
“Attention,” announced Annabelle. “Friends, neighbors, members of our coven. Tonight, a young witch is about to embark on a journey from childhood to adulthood. We wish her only the best of luck as she heads out into the world on her own for one year, only seeing us during our celebrations. Rosa-Maria Montoya, are you ready?”
“Ready, Madame Supreme.”
“Then… Take off!”
With that, Rosa-Maria mounted her broomstick. At first, she hovered a few feet of the ground… Then, she and Mimi zoomed off. She hit a few trees which bells were hanging off of.
“Aim your broomstick,” whispered Mrs. Montoya.
All was quiet for a time. Then, Rosa-Maria’s voice came in the distance.
“Adios, everybody! I’ll miss you!”
“Santa Muerta,” prayed Mr. Montoya. “And all of the patrons we call upon, please make sure our little baby be safe and well in the world.”
“I’m going to miss the wonderful sound of those bells,” said another neighbor.
Rosa-Maria and Mimi traveled the skies for many, many days. They would stop by at a motel from time to time. Though every town they have been to either already a lot of witches who were not so welcoming of them. She would move on.
One night, Rosa-Maria was so tiered of flying, she and Mimi settled in a train for the evening. The train then begins to move as the two were fast asleep.
NOTE 3: Now keep in mind, I don’t know where Rockababy took place, though I suspect it’s somewhere in the north west of America.
That morning, Rosa-Maria looks out of the train and sees a town.
“How lovely,” said Rosa-Maria, delighted. “I wonder if they have a witch there.”
“You know they may be a bad thing,” said Mimi.
Rosa-Maria and Mimi both get on the broom and take off into the air. Rosa-Maria was astounded by the view of the town.
“Look at the place,” she said. “It’s the kind of place I’ve always imagined.”
“But there may be some witches living here already,” said Mimi.
“And there may not be.”
Rosa-Maria then flies her broom around until she spotted a cliff that overlooked the town. She wondered if she could see the whole town from up there. As they arrived up there, Rosa-Maria just hovered near the cliff… She didn’t even notice a car pulling up on the cliff. Then, some greasers we all know and love come out.
NOTE 4: By this time, Richie and Ace are already greasers themselves.
“Finally, the weekend!” said a relieved Brick.
“Yeah,” said Boomer, places his arms around Brick. “Those tests were brutal.”
“Nobody said Senior Year would be easy,” said Ace. “Unlike Richie, he’s got it all made.”
“Aww, it wasn’t all that easy for me,” Richie said. “I think I got a wrong answer in Geometry.”
“’A’ wrong answer?” said a suspicious Bones.
“You really had to bring that up?”
“Chill, you guys,” said Shifty, adjusting his sunglasses. “We all have our own thing… And you’re gonna wake her.”
Looking in the back, Buttons was fast asleep.
Then, Bones notices Rosa-Maria flying near the cliff.
“What on earth is that?”
“Wait,” said Richie. “Broom and a black cat… And that hat… HOLY SMOKES, A REAL LIVE WITCH!”
Rosa-Maria heard Richie yelling. She turns around and sees the Bozos.
“Hello!” she calls out to them.
They greet her back.
“Do any witches live in this town?”
“No one has seen any around here in a long time,” answered Shifty.
“That’s great. Our trip is over. We’re staying right here. Thanks, you guys. Bye!”
With that, Rosa-Maria takes off.
“A real witch in our town,” said Richie. “Never thought I’d live to see the day.”
“My father never liked witches,” said Ace. “He thinks they’re nothing but a bunch of old hags… Boy is he wrong.”
“I just wish I could take a closer look and get to know her. What are witches really like?”
Then, Shifty starts the car.
“Why don’t we find out?” he asks.
With that, the Bozos get in the car and drive into town.
Rosa-Maria then flew into town.
“They’re looking at us,” said a worried Mimi.
“I know,” said Rosa-Maria. “Smiling so we can make a good impression.”
Rosa-Maria was enjoying the attention so much. She closed her eyes to see how daring she is to fly without seeing.
“Yeesh,” said Mimi. “You’d think they’ve never seen a girl and a cat on a broomstick before.”
But then, they nearly hit a bus. Rosa-Maria managed to fly out of the way, but ended up causing a five car pile-up.
“Smooth,” said Mimi, sarcastically. “Very smooth. You definitely know how to make a good first impression.”
A cop comes and yells at Rosa-Maria. Fortunately, one of the Bozos managed to distract the cop for her to escape. Richie catches up to her and begins asking her a bunch of questions.
“Are you really a witch? How do your spells work? Did you come from a coven? How far can you fly on your broom? How do you even make it fly? Do you worship the devil or some other great being?”
Rosa-Maria was starting to get fed up and snaps at Richie.
“Thank you for��getting me out of trouble. But I really shouldn't be talking to you, and you wanna know why? It's very rude to talk to a girl before you've been introduced and before you know her name.”
With that, she takes off on her broom.
Rosa-Maria and Mimi try to find a place to stay for the duration of Rosa-Maria’s training. They were unsuccessful. After wondering around town for so long, they arrive at the neighborhood of Richie and his mother, Dr. Cunningham. They saw the Bozos’ car coming up.
“They must live here,” suggested Mimi.
Rosa-Maria was thinking of taking off again, but Dr. Cunningham comes out with a teddy bear.
“Boomer, your sister and her daughter were visiting us. But when they left, they forgot your niece’s teddy bear.”
“That ain’t good,” said Boomer. “Lily loves that teddy bear.”
“Do you think you can take it to them?”
“That’d be hard. The in-laws don’t exactly like us. Especially me and Brick. And it ain’t just ‘cause we’re greasers.”
“Oh dear, I have some work to finish up, but I guess I better go there myself.”
Rosa-Maria could not stand the thought of a child being away from her favorite toy.
“Excuse me.”
“Oh, it’s you again,” said Ace.
“If you like, I can take the bear to them.”
“You would?” asked Dr. Cunningham.
“Just tell me where they live.”
“My sister and Lily live with the in-laws on Starlight Heights,” said Boomer. “But how-“
Before Boomer could finish, Rosa-Maria takes the bear and takes off into the air on her broom. Dr. Cunningham was amazed.
“I guess I better tell you,” said Richie.
After Rosa-Maria brought the teddy bear to Boomer’s niece, she returns to the Cunningham residence.
“I brought back her teddy. Her mother even gave me this note to give you.”
Dr. Cunningham takes the note and reads it.
Thank you for returning Lily’s teddy bear. Your new friend is really quite special.
“And thank you,” said Boomer.
“Well, I’ll be going,” said Rosa-Maria.
“Wait,” said Dr. Cunningham. “You should at least let us thank you for what you did for my sis and niece.”
They went inside in which Boomer made a great dinner for them all.
“Now stop me if I’m right,” said Dr. Cunningham. “I’m guessing you’re a witch-in-training.”
“That’s right,” answered Rosa-Maria.
“Like I told you,” said Richie, smiling.
“I really it here, but people don’t seem to like witches here. Even the lady’s parents-in-laws weren’t too happy to see me fly in.”
“Depends on the people,” said Dr. Cunningham. “Now take us for instance. I just met you and I know I like you.”
“Even though you’re a scientist?” asked Richie.
“True, as a scientist, I find stuff like this dubious. But the one rule about being a scientist is keeping an open mind. After all… We know anything is possible in this world.”
She winks at Shifty who winks back. Mimi is confused.
“So, where are you two staying?”
Rosa-Maria just looks down.
“I see. Why didn’t you say you don’t have a place to stay? We have plenty of room in the attic, you could use that.”
“You’d really let me stay with you!?”
“Of course,” Dr. Cunningham laughed. “But I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Clara (just made up that first name) Cunningham. As you now know, I’m a scientist. You’ve already met my son and his friends.”
“I’m Richie. Despite my new greaser look, I’m still interested in science.”
“I’m Boomer. Need anythin’ done in the kitchen, I’m your guy.”
“Just call me Brick. I just got my black belt.”
“Bones. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Ace. I should really tell me father how wrong he is about witches.”
Shifty goes up to Rosa-Maria.
They shook hands.
“Muy bien,” said Rosa-Maria. “I’m Rosa-Maria. Rosa-Maria Montoya. And Mimi is my very best friend.”
A little later, Dr. Cunningham and the Bozos lead Rosa-Maria to the attic.
“I’m sorry if the place will be dusty,” said Dr. Cunningham. “We haven’t been up there in a while.”
“I think I can manage,” assured Rosa-Maria.
They went into the attic which was indeed a bit dusty.
“This place could use a little cleaning,” said Dr. Cunningham. “If I already wasn’t busy with my work, I’d help you clean… But I’m sure my son and his friends can help.”
“I’m sure we will,” said Richie, nervously. “But I guess it can also mean I can ask you some questions.”
“You mean like if I worship the Dark Lord?” asked Rosa-Maria, sternly. “Well, I won’t deny it, there are a few Satanic covens in the world. Like the Church of Night. But don’t worry, I’m not a member of any of those covens. The El Paso Coven follows Santa Muerte. But each member does have their own patrons. Like my dad who calls on Apollo to help him with his prophecies. My mom invokes Athena for crafting talismans. Abuela calls Hermes for her séances. Abuelo calls Asclepius to help with his potions. And both my maternal call upon Demeter for their harvest.”
“And what patron do you call on?” asked Richie.
“I’ll know once I’ve discovered my Skill, the branch of magick that I’m best at.”
“Like what?”
“Well, I’ve already said by my families’ patrons. My dad’s a fortuneteller who uses tea leaves and tarot cards. My mom crafts amulets and talismans. Abuela is a medium, aside from being able to see and hear ghosts like all witches do, she can call them even from the beyond and can even hear the voices of the gods. Abuelo is a potion maker, he made a killing with eye drops that can cure nearsightedness. And my maternal grandparents are good with Farm Magick. I’m still trying to figure out what my Skill is.”
“Well, I hope you find it,” said Bones.
“Now, if you need anything, just give a holler,” said Dr. Cunningham.
“Thanks,” said Rosa-Maria.
Rosa-Maria and Mimi stayed with the Cunninghams many weeks. Rosa-Maria continued to find her Skill. She tried Fortunetelling, but had little success. Her amulets and talismans may look pretty, but hardly produced results. Now, she was ready to try Potions.
“Potions, you say?” asked Dr. Cunningham. “One of the closest things witchcraft has in common with science. I hope you succeed.”
“Same here,” said Rosa-Maria. “It won’t be easy, though. One of the potions I’m making needs herbs that have more power when picked under the full moon.”
“That’s tonight,” said Richie. “Actually, me and some of my friends are going to the cliff area. That’s the place we first met you.”
“It’s just something we do… That, and I’m hoping to do some research.”
“On what?”
Richie smiles and says, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Oh,” said Rosa-Maria. “I suppose. Still thank you. I hope Potions is what I’m good at.”
“If not, you could always fly around on your broomstick and deliver stuff.”
“… I think that’s already taken.”
Later that night as the full moon rises, Rosa-Maria, Mimi, and the Bozos (except for Ace) go to the cliff overlooking the town. Richie was wearing his regular nerdy clothes (says it would be more appropriate).
“Thanks for bringing me up here,” said Rosa-Maria. “I could have flown up here, but after what happened when I first got here, better safe than sorry.”
“We just like it up here,” Shifty said coolly.
“I wonder why Ace isn’t here?”
“Family matters,” said Richie. “Something with his father.”
“I see. Sorry for asking.”
“It’s okay,” said Brick. “So, what are we looking for.”
“Richie helped me research some of the plant life that grow around here. Here’s a list of the things we can find.”
Rosa-Maria hands them a copy of a list of herbs and ingredients for the potion she is making.
“Some of these don’t look hard to find,” said Boomer. “Some of ‘em I use in my cookin’.”
“That sound great,” said Rosa-Maria in grateful glee.
“Just hope he knows to cover his ears if he finds a mandrake,” said a worried Mimi.
With that, Rosa-Maria goes off with Mimi and the other Bozos go to find the potion ingredients. Shifty decides to stay with the car. When he was sure that Rosa-Maria was out of sight, Shifty goes to the car and looks in the back to find Buttons just waking from her nap.
“I think we have time,” said Shifty. “Wanna see somethin’ great?”
Buttons squeaks in agreement.
Shifty takes Buttons and turns on the radio and places her on the car hood as the headlights shined. Then, Shifty takes a lollipop and holds it like a microphone and begins lips synch the song that was playing… Only You by The Platters. As he nears the end of the song, Shifty returns to his true alien form. The other Bozos who heard him couldn’t help but join in. What none of them knew before it was too late… Rosa-Maria and Mimi saw the whole thing. They were shocked.
“Rosa-Maria!” said a reeling Shifty, changing back to human form. “I can explain!”
But Rosa-Maria just screamed and she and Mimi tried to take off on her broomstick which she brought with her in case of emergencies. But Brick grabs a hold of it and yanks it from her. They try to run, but the other Bozos managed to stop her. Shifty, back in his human form tried to explain, but Rosa-Maria was too scared.
“You are a Demonic Shapeshifter, aren’t you?” she said with nervousness.
“I’m not,” responded Shifty.
“Then, you some kind of monster.”
“Maybe. But I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“What kind of monster can change into a human from some kind of lizard?”
“… An alien?” responded Richie.
“No way. Aliens can’t be real… Can they, Mimi?”
“Who knows,” said Mimi. “We know it’s possible to reanimate a corpse with science. Maybe they are real.”
Rosa-Maria thought for a moment. Finally, she spoke.
“Okay, so maybe you are an alien. How do I know I can trust you?”
Buttons came out of Shifty’s jacket and squeaked. Seeing her, Rosa-Maria couldn’t help but see the innocence in her eyes.
“I think you have your answer,” said Bones.
“Si,” said Rosa-Maria. “I understand. I’m sorry. Los siento.”
“It’s understandable,” said Shifty. “You probably never saw anything like this. I bet even witches would be surprised.”
“Actually, we have seen something like this. It usually scares us.”
“How?” asked Richie. “Does this have something to do with you calling Shifty some demonic shapeshifter?”
“Pretty much. But I’ll tell you later. Right now, it would be foolish just standing around here in the darkness. Let’s just finish gathering what we need and go.”
After gathering all the ingredients she needed, Rosa-Maria, Mimi, the Bozos, and Buttons all leave.
Back at the Cunningham house, Rosa-Maria got right away working on her potion. Ace had already returned from visiting his father in prison. They explained what had happened.
“So I guess the secret’s out now,” said Ace. “But I’m sort of on edge about what Rosa-Maria just said about these Demonic Shapeshifters. What’s that about?”
“Well, we witches have a lot of enemies and threats to us,” explained Rosa-Maria. “There are warlocks who wish to take our lives and our powers.”
“I thought warlocks were male witches,” said Boomer, confused.
“That’s a common misconception. A male witch is also called a witch. A warlock is a witch who has broken the Witch’s Code: An ye harm none, do what ye will. They only want power. Of course, it’s understandable why you would think that. Just as the majority of witches are female, the majority of warlocks are male. It’s a rare occasion if you encounter a female warlock. Other threats to us witches are witch hunters for obvious reasons. Monsters who would love the taste of flesh and blood. Especially humans. Extra flavor if it’s magical blood. There will even be targeted by other witches either because they’re Tower Witches, that’s what we call bad witches, or because I crossed into their or their coven’s territory. But the biggest threat to all of us witches and non-witches are… demons.”
“Demons?” asked Bones. “Like from Hell?”
“Pretty much. Demons only wish to bring death and destruction wherever they go. We Workshop Witches, good witches, are one of the many beings who have the power to stop them in order to protect the innocent and the greater good. Because of this, demons want to get rid of us.”
“I see,” said Richie. “That does sound bad.”
“It does. That’s why my family wanted me to go to Magic School instead of going out on my own. They said it would be safer. But it would also mean I would never them again for a long time. But they still wish I could go there. My banishings and vanquishings are not the best. I could barely handle a Lower Level Demon.”
“How so?” asked Ace, a little worried there.
“A year ago, a Lower Level Demon was giving trouble to one of our neighbors. I thought I could do it, but I failed. The spell to vanquish a Lower Level Demon goes: Hellspawn demon, creature of death, fire shall take your very breath. But I got the words mixed up. Instead of breath, I said bread and made all the bread in the house disappear.”
“What happened next?”
Rosa-Maria could tell the Ace was scared… for her… Could he be… She continues her story.
“Thankfully, our Supreme came, vanquished the demon, and saved me. After that, they decided that Demon Hunting is definitely not my Skill.”
“I’m sorry,” said Ace.
“Still think it’s a good idea to let me stay here with you?” Rosa-Maria was hoping they would say yes.
“We had to fight my father to save Shifty and Buttons,” said Ace in an almost prince-like tone. “I think we can handle whatever threatens you. Don’t worry, you can count on us… You can count on me.”
Rosa-Maria was almost happy to hear that. Hearing him say those things made her feel a little safer… and happier.
“Gracias, Ace.”
The two stared into each other’s eyes passionately.
“Don’t tell me their fallin’ in love,” laughed Shifty.
“They definitely look close,” said Bones.
“Maybe they’re Anon Cupla,” suggested Mimi.
“We’re not,” said an embarrassed Rosa-Maria. “… But then again…”
“What did your cat say?” asked Brick.
“Mimi thinks me and Ace maybe Anon Cupla,” she answered.
“Anon what?”
“In the witch world, we have witches who are bound to each other. They are Bonded Pairs. There are two kinds of them. The first is Anon Ceangal. That’s when two people choose to bound their souls together. Kind of like a married couple. It’s strong, but easily broken and undone. The second is Anon Cupla. That’s when two or more people share the same soul. It’s permanent and once bound, it can never be broken or undone. They’ll be part of each other’s lives for all eternity.”
“I see. That sounds… Really romantic.”
“No doubt about that,” said Boomer, happily.
Brick and Boomer hold hands.
“So you think we might be this Anon Cupla?” asked Ace.
“Well, that’s what Mimi thinks,” said Rosa-Maria. “It’s rare to find your soul twin. My parents are actually Anon Ceangal. They only unified to save my mother’s parents because they were poor, despite how good they are at Farming Magick. They said I was the only good that came out of it. And they’re real good friends. Of course, my family said I shouldn’t settle for Anon Ceangal and not give up hope for finding my Anon Cupla.”
“But how could it be me? I’m not a witch.”
“Our Supreme says that Anon Ceangal and Anon Cupla are not limited to just witches. It could be with anyone. My friend, Lila, her Anon Cupla is a werewolf. They’ve been together for 5 years.”
“I see.”
Though, Ace wasn’t sure. Rosa-Maria is pretty as far as witches go, but can it really work out? Only time will tell.
“But I shouldn’t focus on that right now,” said Rosa-Maria, going back to her potion. “Right now, I need to focus on my training. Love and romance can wait.”
Rosa-Maria and Ace smile at each other.
“By the way, Rosa-Maria, what kind of potion are you working on?”
“It’s one of Abuelo’s. It’s the Butterfly Conjuration Potion. If I can get it right, it’ll conjure a swarm of beautiful butterflies.”
“And if you get it wrong?” asked Boomer.
“I’d rather not find out. Okay, now we just need a pinch of basil.”
“Here you go.”
Boomer handed Rosa-Maria the basil. She adds pinch of it to the pot and a puff of orange smoke came out.
“Now for the last ingredient. One whole milkweed flower.”
“Uh ho,” said Richie. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Rosa-Maria, but milkweeds don’t grow around this area. But I did find some blueblossums. They’re the closest to milkweed. Will that work?”
“Abuelo said that I shouldn’t use substitutes. But I guess this will have to do.”
Richie gave Rosa-Maria the blueblossums and added them to the pot which let out a loud bang and a puff of grey smoke.
“Odd. When Abuelo makes this potion, the smoke comes out white. Okay, now for the incantation… Llamo a los espíritus para que traigan mariposas para llenar el aire. ¡Concede tu poder, Santa Muerte!”
Then, in a loud bang and a puff of smoke the filled the entire kitchen, something came out of the pot… But it wasn’t a butterfly… It was a bat! Rosa-Maria and the Bozos all panic. Buttons just waved at the strange flapping creature she had never seen before. Fortunately, the bat vanished in a puff of smoke.
“I see what your gramps meant,” said Shifty, catching his breath and trying to maintain his human form.
“I guess Potions isn’t my Skill, either,” said a disappointed Rosa-Maria.
“Don’t give up,” said Ace with a smile. “I’m sure you’ll find it.”
Rosa-Maria smiled at what Ace said. She knows he’s right. She’ll find out what her Skill is before her year-long training is done.
What happens next? … Well, why don’t you guys decide that.
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Reply Post Work Of Ages - For Rosa
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “Final version of my summer palette sim! Holiday Guava Smoothie (or...”
She's so pretty ♥️
Thankies :3
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I'm so happy ;___;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: *fangirling intensifies*”
Same Blaze same
so you’ve been there for their original selves? :o sometimes I feel like it’s been an actual lifetime! (no offense to their mum)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: Why did they not let me bring my child…”
That's too bad :c
Well I snuck in a pic a while ago ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Surprise guest! This lovely lady actually made her way into TS4 xDI...”
I KNEW IT (see I checked it out :p)
YOU DID tumblr only showed me a small bit of these but now my crazy activity line makes more sense xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meet the last baby of gen 5 (and our heiress), Monarch! Thanks to...”
Here's another adorable child ;__; ♥️
that you’ve seen before :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Father and son ;_;”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Pointy grew ♥”
Too cute ♥️
she was highkey my fave for quite a while tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Bryony found this pirate and his first mate at the library! Sadly, no...”
A bit disappointing but it makes sense they came there to read xD
*gasps* how dare
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Glow had a bad day at school :/ he was stressed about an exam and then...”
Aww poor baby :c
I have a lot of feels for him ♥
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Telling an adventure story.”
Why are they all so cute ;____;
Idk man. The Miracles have always had a certain kind of magic about them...
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: *gasps* That good? F: *laughs* Quite. I think it’s good that you’re...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Aureus? Could you come over here for a moment?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Please, save me.”
He grew up so fast ;___;
he actually did because I never have any patience xD longer life spans would mean 3 times as many pics as I have now, and I could not handle posting that.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “GUESS WHO GOT AN A”
I love him ♥️
duuuude same
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “rly”
How can you actually reject this adorable tiger ;___;
Idk man, Shimmer had some serious issues as a tot...and I’m talking REAL serious.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Now he’s shy.”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Oh man, that movie though! Shine please, I really need a hug. S:...”
This is too adorable ;___;
ikr ;_; I need to make a ‘fave Flame/Aur parenting moments’ poll XD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “dun dun dunnnnnNNN”
Gotta love him ♥️
say it louder for the anti ts4 ppl in the back ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
They're seriously too cute ♥️
now I feel like I need to play them again and like a whole lot but I can’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Wow, I can’t believe I once was in there, too!”
That's deep Glow xD
Glow’s a philosopher ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photo
She's just perfect ♥️
Is it bad that I feel the same way even tho she’s my own sim
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A little private celebration ;_;”
I love them ;_;
me too man they give me life...to think Aur noped out of the whole thing at first is like...what
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Look daddy! I no throw food this time! Daddy proud? F: !!”
It's impossible to stay mad and not be proud ;___;
especially if you’re Flame, he’s the most chill dad
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
An adorable dad ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Oh, you mean this? G: *giggles* Dad noooooo! F: Ah, I understand....”
akdjfkddfjirk my heart oh god ♥️
;_; trust me I died writing these
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “LANI LOOOOVES YA”
And I love her ;_; ♥️
good ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “He was right. F: How exactly is this baby coming out now? Dear...”
This is a question no one wants to answer xD
seems that way, looking at the comments xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
too precious ;_;
not exactly sure what this was about, but I’m assuming Flame, so yes
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Confident bump watch.”
I never knew I needed pregnant Flame in my life so much before this ;____; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: G-greetings, uh, Berryverse…this is…no, this is not clickbait, I...”
As if Aur could leave you forever!
Flame believes that, but at the same time there’s always this really small voice in your head you know? I mean, four children later he’s quite sure xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: And that would be my clue to leave.”
Poor Jewel xD
nah, they’re cool about it xD like it was them and Bonsai who made Aureus rethink his priorities, so. I’m sure these two will have a fangirling moment once Jewel gets home and tells Bonsai about how cute they are.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
zkdjkkfrild look at him ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “But don’t worry, I’ve got a feeling nobody can dislike Aur for too...”
Is it even possible to dislike him :o
Idk man, he has quite some opponents in politics too xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “I could watch them play all day, honestly.”
Same ♥️
Good thing they do it professionally xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Greetings, Berryverse! This is it, the moment you’ve all been...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Introduction in some brighter light xD It was indeed four legs as you...”
afkdkdjfirk I know I've already seen them but they're so adorable ♥️
they are the preshest ;_;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Solely for bump watch purposes.”
She looks so good while pregnant ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: The car…you fixed it. I-I like the colors. E: Let’s…not talk about...”
You freaking idiot x_x
he’s quite pathetic at times, it’s just part of his personality to use big phrases and to feel sorry for himself I guess xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “C: You know, with you…I think this whole immortality thing might not...”
My heart ;___; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Uuuuuuu… F: Girl. This better not be a scary time sickness, because...”
We all know what's going on
suuuuure but let me try at least xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “CALEB DON’T BE MEAN TO ADDIE ;_;”
Addie doesn't deserve this :c
well I mean she’s dating a chipmunk and still has impure thoughts about a moth so maybe she does
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meanwhile back home…”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I’m sorry, Ally. I should’ve never kissed you, hell, I should’ve...”
why u gotta do this ;__;
cause I gotta
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: It’s getting late. When are we going to sort out that stuff that...”
Gosh I'm so glad the queue didn't end on me xD
ah dammit you ruined everything xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I DIDNT KNOW YOU DANCED SO WELL!! A: NEITHER DID I! YOU SEEM TO...”
why are they so precious ;__;
cause I want them to be :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
akjfkjskzkj she's too cute ;___;
ngl this pic is actually one of my faves (it was Ally sniffing the flower I checked)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Your best friend is always more important than housework.”
Sometimes I feel like anything is more important than housework (plz don't think I never clean my house xD)
you’re right tho
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Is it just me, or is something going on here…?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
So beautiful ;____;
she’s a very pretty Caleb clone
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I think now is the time to stop ignoring it, Ally. A:...”
akfjdkdjfkgkg HE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS I'm just dead
he does sometimes, when my brain cooperates
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Please. Can we just cuddle and not think about anything that...”
akfkjdkdjfkfjdkf EUGENE OMG
he knows just how to woo the Allies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Button needs some soul food to process all this.”
Plz protect this child ;_;
I’m sure she’s safely hidden under someone’s bed ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Fable, I think Victoria might have adopted you… V: SHE’S SO SQUISHY!!...”
Who wouldn't want to adopt Fable tho
Idk man I could use her pro skills
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “V: Oh my, what a huge mess. I didn’t expect such a thing to ever...”
Capri Sun you pure soul ;__;
Capri Sun is the best and it’s gonna get better (wait spoilers? shhh you didn’t see anything)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Capri Sun, are you in? CS: Positive. Copying relevant data to your...”
I like Fable too ;____;
Idk why I thought she needed this part, but I’m glad I did because otherwise she would’t have gotten so big and I wouldn’t have had the idea for her story either!
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