#also I'm interested in drawing some ships that have been fun for the last 5 years
buttercupshands · 2 months
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my friendship with canon ended now fanon is my new best friend
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but first a cute bird
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basically my mind decided that it's now free to draw whatever AUs and stuff that I want including random stuff like this
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and this!
I think my way of coping with 423 is just... ignoring it ever existed so now it's just this and an occasional canon stuff
but good for him he deserves to have all the fun fanon can offer
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fun fact: this was the first sketch out of all of them in this post!
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lady-wallace · 5 months
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Alright, it took me longer to get this up than intended, but mostly because I've actually been busy working on stuff behind the scenes for the paperbacks/merch the last couple weeks.
Thanks to everyone who sent in their feedback for the project! It really gave me some fun ideas for the merch that will be included.
First of all, I'm excited to announce that the 3rd title you all voted on will be FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS
(now I get to draw a lot of shirtless Abbacchio, thank you <;3)
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Our full lineup for this round of paperbacks will be:
-Time in a Bottle -All Along the Watchtower -For Whom the Bell Tolls
All three will be released in both paperback and PDF copies, fully illustrated and with full edits/ possible additions. Time in a Bottle is getting a new one-shot addition involving Dio showing up at Giorno's graduation.
With the breakdowns from your feedback, this is what I have come up with for the merch options.
REGULAR MERCH: (these items will be included in the base price of the paperbacks)
-Stickers -Prints -Bookmarks -Exclusive One-Shot PDF
BUNDLE MERCH: (these items will be available for the upgraded bundle option in addition to the items listed above. Please note that all of these items will show up in some form but not all of them will be available for every bundle, i.e. you might get an acrylic keychain with one book bundle, but an acrylic pin with another. I may also make a couple of these items into an add-on you will be able to add to any order)
-Acrylic Keychain -Washi Tape -Notebook -Stationary Set -Acrylic Pin -Buttons
The full merch packages will also be available as an upgrade for people purchasing just PDF copies or PDF bundles
Official pricing is still TBD as I will have to figure out base costs of items to make sure I can fit everything into the voted on price range if possible, but the aprox range of costs for each item is listed below (not including shipping):
-PDF (no merch) $5-8 -PDF (with base merch) $8-12 -PDF (with bundle merch) $15-18 -Paperback (with base merch) $15-20 -Paperback (with bundle merch) $45-55
Since an exclusive one-shot will be part of the merch pack, I am looking for ideas for the story. If you have an idea you would like to see, please submit it in the form below! I'm mainly looking for Part 5 based ideas--they can be related to one of the stories or they can be totally original. If I choose your idea, I will be crediting you in the author's note of the story.
This form will be open through mid-March so if you can't think of anything right now, you can come back to it later :)
In other news, considering the votes on the interest check, the Vampire Hunter AU will be next up on the docket for a paperback edition.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via tumblr asks!
More news will be coming within the next month, but if you want to stay up to date or get to see things early, come join my discord server (we also just have a lot of good fandom chatting going on over there)
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thelocalmuffin · 7 months
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Hello everyone! I wanted to share my accomplishments in 2023 before the year ends with a little bit of self reflection notes. You can enjoy everything in the read below.
Some fandoms highlighted include DGS, nintendo, and pokemon.
First off, this year has been hard for me. It's been a lot of self reflection and figuring my goals out after some became unattainable.
With that being said, I did accomplish a lot this year. I published my first recipe in a zine, finishing my first zine, improved my writing a lot, and picked up drawing once again. I also was able to get some actual help with some issues I have struggled with for years.
I want thank you all for your support. It means a lot that you enjoyed my artworks, writing, and ambition. Now here are my highlights for each month.
January: Foxtrot - An Asoryuu kitsune AU. One of the stories I took in when I was at my lowest last year and sparked a lot of my interest to keep writing. Plus Kitsune Kazuma.
February: Encore - A hassius story about motivation and being patient about the creation process. Though this was more or less my thoughts on this topic in general, this story literally inspired me to take my own advice and pick up drawing again.
March: The Memories that Lie - This was one I actually finished, but am glad I did. It's an asoryuu vampire story I was actually planning on scrapping, but ended up finishing anyway out of sheer stubbornness. To finish it, it took me completely restarting five chapters, but it came out a lot better than the original draft had mapped out.
April: This is when I took my hiatus and started to draw again in my free time. I was worn out, stressed, and collapsing under the pressure. This was my first piece that I posted.
May: Was a huge month for me. I launched the @blossominglovezine that you can enjoy here and published my first recipe in The Grand Adventure to Make the Perfect Cake for the @tgaacspringzine
June: I made my first icon! I was really busy this month planning for the trip of my dreams and doing some irl side work that ended up being permanent employment.
July: So I went to Las Vegas for a foodie tour. When I had a moment, I decided to draw the lovely Unicorn Goddess outfit.
August: This is when I did the Timmverse art study. This month was more of finishing up some logistics of zine work and getting a story out in the wild.
September: Goes to the Princess Peach Showtime piece I did! This piece really cemented my current style. And yes, I keep calling it Princess Peach Spotlight. Also wanted to mention I helped successfully launch the @dgscrimezine
October: Goes to my OC piece. CW for blood, but this piece was made for Halloween and the shading was really on point. I love this design for this OC.
November: I'm going with the fact I completed a ship week, asoryuu week. I got everything done at a reasonable time and was able to create so many fun pieces. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I had to skip day 6 because I ended up having an emergency. I also started pre-orders for my first for purchase zine, @desire-asoryuu-zine. This is still in pre-orders, so I wasn't sure if I was going to add it, but this is a big accomplishment for me.
December: I actually haven't been able to do much this month due to the holidays and getting distracted by Pokemon DLC, but I did draw this super cute Yuma!
Other highlights do include being accepted to multiple zine projects as a mod and contributor, which has been very exciting for me. You can check out that list here.
This upcoming year, I'll be helping with more projects and the @aawlwminibang events! I really want to do a personal project that I've been building up my skills for before pursuing, but now I think I'll be able to handle it. I won't announce it yet since it's still very much in development, but I hope I can in 2024.
Thank you all for your support this year. It has meant a ton.
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idleglowingpixels · 3 months
It's 12am and I'm sitting here debating which fanfic WIP I should work on again q-q
The two Monster High AU ones could honestly be released interchangeably so I could work on either or (I mean, Trapped In The Rain happens after BOTH of these fics in the timeline so it's not like I'm hyperspecific about chronological releases). Though the Clawdeen POV fic takes place a few months before the start of freshman year and the Frankie POV fic starts even further back, but is mainly based on their first week's experiences being in a public high school for the first time, the beginning acts almost like a prologue. Also debating whether or not it should be written in 1st person to emulate Frankie's narrations throughout the G1 films (Also kinda reminds me of Cady's narrations in Mean Girls 2003, it fits the "fish out of water" trope so well).
But the PPG fic is JUST A SMIDGE AWAY FROM THE BEST FREAKING PART FOR ME TO WRITE IN THIS PARTICULAR BATCH as if Chapters 8, 9 and 10 weren't already absolute BANGERS to work on and have at least one scene that made me go "THAT'S THE ONE DUDE I AM COOKING" y'all are not ready cause I'm sure not lol. And I literally have like 2 1/2 chapters left to write before getting to my editing drafts, and I've been dying to share what I've got and finally update the fic after...I don't even wanna know how many months. :'D Definitely over 6 at this point, I am SO SORRY.
The last thing is a super secret 4th thing (and no it's not the potential Miraculous rewrite, that's debatable on whether I'm making it as of right now but we'll see cause I still have enough ideas and interest for it, just wanna get through this long-term WIP first). I'm probably not gonna share it on the blog or my AO3 but that's only because it's a different kind of WIP (also different fandom than any of my previous works) and idk I'll just keep it at that. But I've been working on it 5+ years (even earlier than the first XXY drafts back in 2019) and my LORD do I want to just complete the mfkin first draft that I'm only like 50 scenes away from finishing bhngvfdcfgvbdcx ugh
Also I've been drawing a lot more lately so expect some MH and/or PPG art whenever I complete more than a sketch lol. I LOVED making my little title cover thing for Trapped In The Rain back in October (the perfect excuse to let my shipping brainrot go feral) & sharing my AU version of Stitched In Style Frankie art (which btw idk if I ever mentioned it but my cousin is the GOAT and bought her doll for me as a Christmas gift!!! She's hanging out in-box with my G3 dolls). Having art to go alongside chapter updates for XXY and oneshot uploads for my MH AU is something I have a lot of fun making and it's something I would like to be consistent with moving forward. I will also probably make art covers for Chs. 1-7 of XXY too because I had felt like doing it at the time of uploads but just got too busy with life stuff. Last year was awful for me besides these fics and my blog. :') Also istg I need to make that Instagram account for my art that I share here! Maybe someday, if I do I'll let y'all know.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
She/her, 5'3", hella tomboy, most everyone I meet thinks I'm a butch lesbian but I'm like... Straight to a fault. Very short hair (shaved all around but the top is a little longer and usually styled pushed back in a kind of pompadour type thing) dyed a ruby color, almost always wearing a backwards snapback of sorts. I dress comfy/functional. Big whore for pockets. I've put on a few over the last couple years. I have a very petite frame, but with a little more lump around the midsection, and I've been told I carry myself like a hoodrat in a "don't fuck with me" sense. I'm very protective of those I care about. I'll go to bat for most anyone. Can be very confrontational if need be. Very sarcastic. Love poking fun. Main flaws: probably giving people more chances than they deserve. Or generous to a fault. Like.. generous when I have nothing. I'm very much one to look out for everyone else and never myself. Hobbies: I'm actually finding some new ones. But video games, drawing, painting, fixing things, building things, woodworking, crafting, I've been a drummer for over 15 years. Absolute lover of dogs. Very very ADHD, so I can be a little all over the place and jumping from interest to interest etc. #chasingthedopamine. ENFP, my enneagram was a four-way tie between 2, 5, 6, and 8 (my therapist was also very confused by this), and I'm a ravenclaw. Pet peeve is probably double standards or lack of loyalty. Love language is either acts of service or gifts (and this is being answered like.. as me. How I show love.) I'm an Aries/Taurus cusp. So you get the fiery, always down to fight side coupled with the "I'm just tryna lay on the couch in a bunch of blankets and pillows and have a candle going" Taurus, both of whom will have your back till the end.
From Band Of Brothers I Ship You With:
William "Wild Bill" Guarnere
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Ship dynamic:
*Punches you but like, romantically*™
«The moon asked me if I hated you or if I loved you; I couldn't lie to the moon."
Looks like only one of the toughest guys of the company would be a fair match to you darling, and we love that.
First proper interaction is probably a fist fight. This man being a mouthful and you being down to throw hands is not ideal. In addition, Guarnere is a Taurus. Honeyyy, you two are butting heads.
You're definitely the first to throw a punch because Bill is claiming he doesn't fight with girls, and that automatically fucks with you because that's a big ass double standard.
Get him babe. Now you gotta be ready to receive a blow yourself though.
After that, you two end up in the aid station while Easy Co. boys bet on how long is going to take you to get together.
Guarnere finds himself surprised at the fact that he loves how masculine you are? Also he low-key thinks that you not being afraid to get in a fight with him is hot. He won't admit it outloud.
He picks on your height. Remind him he's not that tall lmao smug bastard. Actually, he uses all the things he likes about you to pick on you. Way to go boy.
Constant fighting and banter, at first because you can't stand each other, but eventually you both just learned to push each other's buttons in order to have some kind of interaction.
It's a routine you two learn to enjoy?? And somehow you become an important part of one another's daily life??? Because you're??? Constantly at each other's throats?????
It's noticeable only when you two are separated, probably after operation Overlord. You find yourself worrying about where this asshole might be?? Mortifying, gurl. Just mortifying.
Bill is all over the place because of his brother, so it takes him a minute to realize that you're probably somewhere over the Cotentin Peninsula, and then he's adamant to find you. Again, mortifying, this time for him.
When you two come together again it's kinda awkward yikes. The both of you try to go "I'm glad you're okay" but it comes out as some kind of agressive banter accompanied by a frown or sarcastic comment.
You're most likely to get together around the time Operation Market Garden starts. Typical fight leading to a heated kiss.
Realization hits. You like each other. What do you do with that information? Tease him. What does he do? Kiss you more.
Some would think that you two would be all over each other once you get together but you're actually pretty chill about it. Maybe even keep up the banter.
This man grounds you when it comes to your ADHD, just enough for you to be functional.
Absolutely adores when you draw, secretly wants you to draw him.
Crafting and fixing things together is your number one activity, but also cuddling while wrapped in a blanket>>>>
Very soft around each other when you're alone. I'm talking smitten smiles, loving eye contact, sweet kisses, soft-spoken words, etc. Eventually, when you're with friends you're like that too.
Each other's ride or die. Please don't get yourselves killed.
You and Bill are equally generous, which is a double edged sword, because you'll go out of the way for each other and other people constantly. Please be selfish from time to time because someone might end up with a blown leg.
Also equally protective over each other. You two need to calm down.
He's your number one hypeman when you're playing the drums to the point that he's embarrassing but we love that for you.
Bill looks back, sees how he's grown as a person, and silently thanks you because he knows you've had a great part on that. He just hopes he did the same for you.
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shinvcho · 5 years
I heard you were talking about this fandom being salty and toxic? What is the problem people have in it? I'm really curious.
// First of all, I do not speak of the fandom as a whole. - not even the rp side of things.  However, one thing people call the b.nha fandom is toxic - at last, it looks like tho a  person outside of this fandom
Why?Because this fandom is filled with sjw - who will complain about everything.And why - cause we western simply can’t make a clear difference between fiction and reality. And I’m not talking about anime/manga fans only, how many news are there that say that shooter will turn uns into mass murderer.
Well anyway -
1. You aren’t allowed to like certain fictional characters.E.ndevor, O.verhaul is a good example, like one of these two and you will be called an abuser. Oh the same counts for Bakugou, even if he is the most popular character in the show. And btw. I have been bullied FOR YEARS, so don’t even try to call me out on this. This guy changed, I really dod not like him in S1 either but I really started liking him in S3. 
I never have seen this in any fandom, that you straight up are forbidden to like problematic character’s- just because you like them doesn’t mean you agree with their action. I personally agree En.davor is a shit dad and abusive character but I still find him as character and fuel for the story rather interesting. Also, let’s ignore the fact that liking Shigaraki - a guy who was ready to kill children is totally okay (nothing against Shigaraki, I like him too this just a comparison liking him is okay but E.ndavor isn’t) 
2. You aren’t allowed to like a certain ship’s.Same as above, and I’m not talking about student/teacher ships, but certain ships between the student character. What happened with the mentally of - if you do not like a ship just scroll over it?
And before anybody says anything, I’m not talking about rp who have in their rules they do not want to interact with this as it makes them uncomfortable - that is not the same as what I’m talking about here.
There is seriously a trend within this fandom who they put banner under their artwork forbidding people from interacting with you if you like this and that and like…I just find that extremely rude, just let people enjoy your art without making them feel like shit. In 90% of the time you won’t interact with people who like/reblog your art anyway…
This also mentally unhealthy btw, you know how shitty I feel when I read people do not like Shinsou? How I seriously feel bad for liking him? Not only him, but also other characters I enjoy or ships.
So, good job for making people feel completely unwelcome here
3. Momo’s outfit.I agree it doesn’t look good but the among of complaints are tiering - especially within the manga, you bearly see her chest, the anime adds booty shots - not hori. Also by this complain I question if any of you saw any anime before. Cause there is worse fanservice out there. (Na.mi and R.obin from O.nePiece are after the time skip worse than any Midnight and Mount Lady fanservice, just saying. And I love O.nePiece still)
This is the argument people outside of the fandom see the most and are tired off - cause they know there is also the side in this fandom who likes lewd fanart of the male character as ship or not. And that their people who complain about Momo and like the other side of things isn’t as farfetched.
4. A good chucking of Kiri.baku shippers harassing the creator to make their ship canon even started a petition.While I question you guys want Hori to do that given this guy does obviously not know how to write romance this is just…idk, every fandom does that these days like have you guys nothing better to do?Not to mention, their now other shippers who are sorry for their behavior, I feel sorry for all of them.Leave the shipping to the fandom.
5: Changin a Characters desgin and claming it to better.listen, redesign a character for fun, or cause you think it looks better? Totally fine! I do myself as artists this too all the time, giving it my own touch. However, going around and be seriously like ‘The creator is a coward for not doing this and that’ (there might be reason he can’t do that, remember their editors and others who have the final word) but this not solely bnha, a lot of fans from jap stuff love to redesign things and be like ‘ haha hire me!!’ not as a joke but being serious
respectless much? I understand when their design who suck, but it is still tiring and you're not being taken seriously but the creators like this. 
Oh and fun fact, there serious people who will hate on you if you draw a character with their canon skin color, this the main problem here - if you like it and prefer drawing them like this? totally fine, have fun. But don’t force your hc/fanon onto others
7. Taking jokes a WAY to serious, you guys never have seen cartoons or other animes/mangas before?Like, b.nha jokes are harmless in comparison to some. And the joke I’m talking about is where Aizawa choked Shinsou - I still can’t believe their people who complained about this, besides he didn’t even choke him, there was actually a post explaining he didn’t as Shinsou mask was in the way, I might reblog that later actually.
6. Have any of you ever watched anime before?Like serious, some complains are like…in every anime fandom ever that it really makes you question if people are not tired asking the same things over and over.
B.nha isn’t perfect and I have arcs too, I do not enjoy. I’m not a fan either that he gives Deku so many quirks but the League gets quirks upgrades too as it seems like. His writing isn’t perfect, no story is. But I enjoy the characters and the story anyway?
And I did like to continue doing so without feeling bad for liking certain characters or ship dynamics.
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