#also I got a fic for Yall but I keep getting too nervous to post it sjsjsjsjjshdsj
moonbeamjeon · 2 years
My hobbies include reading fics clearly labeled slow burn and then getting mad that they’re not fucking in the first 3 paragraphs
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princesachicana · 1 year
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 pt.2
a/n: it's finally here!! how long has it been?! first things first i want to say thank you to everyone who's been rooting for this fic!! I honestly hit a huge writers block and had no motivation to write!! but all the sweet messages from people saying they enjoyed my work has made me so happy!!! SO ONCE AGAIN THANK U AND I HOPE U ENJOY!! I tried my EXTRA HARDEST SO I HOPE THIS GIVES U THE CLOSURE YALL WANTED I LOVE YOU SM! ALSO THIS IS NOT PROOF READ SO PLEASE EXCUSE ANY MISTAKES!! I JUST WANTED TO FINALLY POST FOR U GUYS!!
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It took a lot out of you not to stay in bed the next morning. The softness of your bed wrapped around your body gives you some sort of comfort. But of course, staying in bed would only make you feel worse. At least if you got up it would be easier to fake happiness. To no surprise, your phone was flooded with missed calls and texts from both Steven and Belly. Of course, you only responded to belly telling her that you'll explain your reasoning for ditching your "date" with Steven later.
Why did Steven even bother leaving you so many texts last night? If you were such a bother to him? Annoying. That's what he thinks you are. And what if you never heard those disgusting things he said about you? and went on the date with him? Would he just continue to lead you on?
Steven: waiting for you by the pool.
Steven: ur late
Steven: u look pretty even though i can't even see you. pls im starving
Steven: is belly holding you hostage?
Steven: it's been 18 minutes cmon.
Steven: the guys are going to laugh at me for being stood up I'm getting nervous.
Steven: did something happen are you okay?
Steven: belly is worried as well lmk.
You laughed at the messages blinking back angry tears that threatened to fall. Gosh! he was so fake. You could only imagine how relieved he must have been to not hang out with you.
Belly: have funnnn
Belly: no funny business!!
Belly: wait where did you go?!
Belly: Steven keeps pacing back and forth waiting for u
Belly: what’s going on?
Belly: just let us know ur okay
Belly: y/n ??!?!??
Y/n: hey, something came up last night sorry I had you worried. can u come over?
Belly arrived 20 minutes later. You spent the time together watching reruns of your favorite Disney show. “Do you want to talk about it?” Belly asked after a while, noticing something was bothering you.
“I overheard the guys talking about me last night.” You fiddled with the throw blanket that was on your lap. “At first it was just them teasing Steven about our date or whatever.” You took a deep breath upset that you felt like crying. “But Steven only agreed to hang out with me…” You paused blinking back tears. Belly moved closer immediately pulling you into a hug. “He only agreed to hang out with me…so I could stop annoying him! I honestly don’t know what I did wrong?” You pulled away from belly’s arms wiping your tears that had fallen.
“Maybe I was too forward? but I just wanted to see if he felt the same way…it was dumb.” You shrugged. Belly shook her head “Nope my brother is a fucking idiot!” she stood up taking your hand in hers and pulling you up. “I won’t let you mope around all day because of him!” You sighed “I don’t even have a choice do I?” Belly laughed shaking her head. “What do you say we go to the boardwalk? Taylor’s coming in today too” she smirked.
“And maybe someone would be happy to see you I don’t know” she whispered with a grin. “What are you talking about?” You questioned. “Well you know Xavier..the one that works the lemonade stand?” You nodded your head yes. “Well, he totally has the hots for you.” You cringed at her word choice. “He does not!” You laughed. “Oh, he does! you were too busy ogling my brother last summer you didn’t notice him ogling you.” she poked your side teasingly.
“Now let’s go!”
“Stay still before I poke your eye out” Taylor groans finishing up your eyeliner. You were now at the Fisher’s beach house getting ready to go down to the boardwalk. You laugh pulling away “I think that’s enough…if you make my eyeliner any thicker I’d cry!” Taylor playfully pushes your head away. “Sorryyyyy i want to make Xavier fall to his knees when he sees you!” You frown when she brings that name up. Sure, Xavier was a nice guy…and he was cute…but he wasn’t Steven.
You’d always imagined Steven being your first everything. First kiss, first date, first time. It was something you’d dreamt of all this time.
“Yeah…im going to get a snack before we head out do y’all want anything?” You ask heading towards the door. Both girls gave you a sympathetic smile shaking their heads no.
As you reached the kitchen you stopped in your tracks. Steven turned from looking into the fridge. You made eye contact for about 5 seconds before you beelined for the cabinets. “Hey,” Steven broke the silence as you pulled out a granola bar. You felt the warmth of his stare and turned finding him now leaning against the counter. “Hey…” you whispered looking anywhere but his face. “So you gonna tell me what happened last night?” Steven crossed his arms around his chest.
“Just didn’t feel up for it anymore ..” You shrugged nonchalantly. “That’s it?” Steven scoffed. “Yeah…that’s it” you whispered about to walk away. “What’s going on? I’m like so confused right now.” Steven gently gripped your arm. “Nothing just forget it…it’s not like you wanted to go anyways.” you rolled your eyes. “And what makes you think that?” He muttered eyes scouring your face for the truth. “Um, I don’t know let’s see …you quite literally ignored me this entire week!” You responded sarcastically.
“I didn’t mean to. I had a lot of shit on my mind alright?” Steven uttered softly. It almost felt genuine. The words he spoke just last night almost became liquid. “Yeah like what?” You whispered eventually looking into his eyes. “You can tell me..” You spoke gently stepping into him closer. No matter how much he’s hurt you. Steven would always make you melt. “Nothing let’s just forget about it…he pulled away opening up the fridge once again.”
It was like a switch was flipped. How he went right back to that cold shoulder he had been giving you all week. “You're a fucking asshole” You spewed, already ready to walk out of the kitchen. “Where are you going?” He abruptly spoke again. “The boardwalk…you know? so I won’t annoy you here.” With that, you left a confused and remorseful Steven behind.
“Hey, look y/n why don’t you go get a lemonade?” Belly suggested with an eyebrow raise. Shit. you were hoping they forgot about that. “Guys I don’t feel up for this..” You pouted looking between both Taylor and Belly. “Noooo go talk to him! you look hot as fuck.” Taylor gently grabbed your face giving you a mini pep talk.
“What if Xavier wants to hang out..I cant just ditch you guys?!?” You were stalling and they knew it. “We’ll be here waiting for you” Belly smiled. “Just try to have fun alright? But hey if you don’t really want to do it …we’ll back off” She narrowed her eyes at Taylor. “No…I’ll go” You laughed giving both of them a hug “Thank you guys.i really appreciate this.” You’d definitely still be moping around in your room about Steven if it wasn’t for Belly and Taylor. They both wished you luck as you headed straight for the lemonade stand.
As soon as he spotted you. The biggest smile spread across his face. “y/n? damn, it’s been so long” Xavier greeted you with a hug. “It’s only been a year!” You playfully ruffled his curly hair that sat atop his head. “That’s way too long…I enjoy seeing pretty girls year-round.” He spoke smoothly, he definitely knew how to talk to girls. “Shut up” You laughed pushing him away with not that much force.
“I have an hour lunch break…you up for arcade games?”
“So…you seeing anyone?” Xavier asked as he ate a scoop of his mint chocolate chip ice cream. You thought about it for a moment. Technically no you weren’t seeing anyone. But you knew you were still hung up on Steven. A day at the boardwalk with Xavier wouldn’t change that. “It’s complicated…I guess” Xavier sighed “I've been there…it’s rough” You nodded you were curious as to what he meant but you didn’t want to be nosey.
“Hey, look they have street fighter..” Xavier smirked. “Want to go a couple of rounds?” You nodded immediately pulling him towards the game. “Mhhm loser buys the winner a funnel cake!” You suggested with a chuckle. “Ouuu im so down y/n” Xavier squeezed your hand that held his quickly striding towards the arcade game.
Just two more steps, Just two more steps and you’d be fine. The rowdy yelling completely threw you off. You stopped in place looking behind you where the voices were coming from. You had no time to move out of the way, no time to prevent this from happening.No time to stop the trio of boys that you knew all too well. Suddenly a body collided with Xavier, the force immediately making your intertwined hands lose. “Dude, what the fuck?” Xavier groaned. It was then that you snapped back into reality. Eyes wide when you noticed Xavier’s ice cream now all over his shirt.
“What’s up? how are we doing?” That voice full of humor made you scoff. Steven stood tall a smile on his face. You hated that it kind of made your heart flutter. “Steven, what is your problem?” You gestured towards Xavier’s now ice cream stained shirt. “He’ll be fine y/n it’ll wash out.” Steven laughed, but once he noticed you didn’t find this funny at all he frowned. “I’m sorry man, I just came over to say what’s up..” You ignored Steven’s apology not believing he meant it. “Hey want me to help you get cleaned up?” You asked Xavier voice full of concern.
“No.I got it…I’ll see y’all later.” Xavier spoke nonchalantly as he walked away. When he was out of eyesight you brushed past steven heading out the door.
“Y/n” Steven immediately followed behind you. His long legs make it easier for him to catch up with you. “You embarrassed me” You stopped outside the arcade, letting him pull you to the side. “Embarrassed? sorry to interrupt your little date” Steven scoffed. “It's not a date we were just hanging out, why do you care?” You groaned running your hands down your face. “Maybe because just yesterday you were supposed to hang out with me?” Steven spoke definitively.
“Oh my god, just earlier you agreed to forget about it,” you said with an eye roll. “It was dumb, stop acting like you care just go home Steven I did you a favor.” He shook his head “What are you talking about right now?” Steven pulled you in closer, one of his hands placed on your waist. The other coming to the side of your face, willing you to look at him.
“I heard you.i heard everything,” you spoke up voice hoarse. Steven’s heart carried pain at the tears that stood brimming in your eyes. The realization was clear when he made the connection. “And you know..who cares what Jeremiah and Conrad think! what hurt the most was you.” You shrieked. You hated that you were crying in front of him. You hated that when he hauled you against his chest you felt secure.
“I'm sorry baby... I'm sorry” Steven sounded voice vulnerable. Leaving kisses atop your head. “Why would you say that?” you sobbed breaking down in front of the boy who caused it. “I didn't mean any of it” Steven brought your face between his hands once again. “But you said it..it still fucking hurts Steven.”
You wiped your face getting prepared to pull away and walk back home.
“Wait, please let me talk to you.” Steven begged. “okay” you replied being prepared to cry all over again. “My head has been all fucked up..and that isn't an excuse I know” Steven looked down as if he couldn't construct the next words. “Please don't shut me out.” you pleaded gently. “I want you...i have all this time.” Steve confessed for the first time.
“—And I didn't want to fuck anything up we've..been so close all our lives if I ever messed that up I would never forgive myself.” It's as if you were dreaming, the boy you loved stood in front of you disclosing his feelings for you. “And what? this whole week of you acting cold towards me, were you trying to avoid your feelings?” Steven bobbed his head “Yes, if I lied to myself it would make lying to everyone else easier because the fucking truth is I want you so bad” You didn't tell him but at that moment you forgave him.
“And you called me the annoying one?” You giggled pushing on his chest gently. “Right now we could have been making out on the beach….but noo you had to be a brooding boy” Steven tickled your side, causing you to squirm in his arms. “Yeah, my fault can I kiss you now? been practically wanting to my whole life.” Steven threw his head back fake pouting setting one hand over his chest. You figured you'd throw his words right back at him. “You're so desperately desperate”
Steven smirked “Yeah for you? I am” Those words welcomed a whole lot of beautiful feelings. At that moment is when Steven bent down bringing his lips down onto your own. As your lips moved together, butterflies erupted in your belly. You smiled against his lips when you both needed a breath. “Hey, by the way, your not off the hook.. I'm still sort of pissed at you.” You declared pointing a finger into his chest.
“Yeah, I figured” He laughed wrapping his arms even tighter around you. “How about I make it up to you this whole week? I'm taking you out on dates…ill even get on my knees if I have to. I'm going to follow you around like a puppy.” Steven rambled on. You laughed out loud covering your mouth with your hands. “Oh, it's funny?” Steven raised an eyebrow suggestively. “Yeah, you're such a loser.” You joked.
Before Steven could respond you tugged him into another kiss. Perhaps everything wasn't one hundred percent fixed. But you and Steven were finally here together. You and Steven were finally in each other's arms that's all that mattered. You’d figure out the rest together.
tags 🤍: @gillybear17 @snowsharkk @tesssastle @conradsupporterr @alyssa-cabrera @eranthisphiny @xoxoloverb @lostaurorax @lanisdreams @alexzluvz @lalaland-notfound @liltimmyst @unsaidjaelineose @buckys2thicc @lilygreennn @t8lzw @medusaslilsister @1-800-stilinski @yazmi710 @j-brielmalfoy @ashcannotwrite @colbysbrocks @exonct07 @multilover19 @mimisparkle12
@littlefreaksatellite @vintagebitc @lexi-2004 @melllinaa @xcallmetaniax @brizzlessizzler @haroldpotterson @livinginaglasspalace @delicatekidpeanut @queenanababy
@drinkawinchester @sarahbutnot @salvatoremikaelson54 @furiouscopsherduniversity @marrigold-2002 @angeliquelunasstuff @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @daphnen21 @ietss @imanaforever @itsreynasworld @she-is-a-happy-girl @joeybandthings
@kateisintrouble @stvrdustalexx @fictionisjustbetter @whezzy223
@conradssupporterr @clubmeredith13 @fatduck45 @trampstampz @fangirl-kimora
@just-let-me-fangirl-in-peace @reenfluffmarshmallow @kaz-mf-brekker
@yazmunson @bookg1rl @hockey-lover86
@just-a-pink-lady @moo-b1tch
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seijorhi · 1 year
Hey, god it’s me again. 😔 LOL
I think that at this point of my life your beautiful and flawless fic ‘means to an end’ has physical intertwined with me. It is a part of my mind, soul, and body. 😩 Everything about it is chefs kiss.
I wish I could just kiss that beautiful big brain of yours for coming up with such delicious ideas. The way it’s on my mind daily since the moment I read it is SICKENING (in a good way obvi 😏).
I will go through my day and out of nowhere something will remind me of it and along will come a question. You did this to me Rhi 🫵.
NOW I know you’re very busy with getting your new fic ready (absolutely excited btw, I love Gojo and knowing your beautiful mind , anything you write will be to die for!!!!) but I wanted to ask a couple questions (I know, shocker right?). Since I know you’re busy, don’t feel obligated to answer these questions. In fact, I’ll be very happy if you even reply with a heart. (I simply just wanted to let you know deeply I appreciate/admire your work.)
But here are my troublesome questions:
- Did the guys on their volleyball team know about their obsession with the reader?
- I know you mentioned Atsumu having girlfriends through highschool but did that apply to Osamu too? (Especially since he liked the reader first?)
- This is sort of like my first question but did the girlfriends know as well? And if they did, did they feel any jealousy? (Jealousy from their boyfriend giving his attention to someone else.)
- Since there was a long period of time of not seeing the reader, did they have hopes of seeing her again? (before Atsumu found ame)
- While in that period of time did the twins still date around?
That’s all but please if you have anything else to add , it’s definitely welcomed. 🫶 (also I’m sorry if these questions sound silly or stupid but they’ve been taking up my mind for awhile and I’m sorry to everyone for constantly bringing up ‘means to an end’ but that fic has a strong grip on me yall. Like I’m down bad on my knees for this version/fic of the Miya twins 😔.)
OFF TOPIC: I’ve been trying very hard to be more active with my favorite writers to show love and support but still find the idea to be very scary. I still get nervous sending in messages or asks but I’m trying to take baby steps. I also want to gain the confidence of not having to press the anonymous button because I want you to know who I am but as a second baby step , I will now be signing my post with my nickname since I want you to (sort of) know who I am ☺️ (and not just some crazed fan lol.)
-🌬️🌫️ katia
(I keep on forgetting which emojis I used on the previous questions I sent but I hope I got it right this time 🥲)
(Edit: you’ll probably see the same message again but that’s because I’m sending it to you again because I forgot to mention this in the pervious one 😰.
You’ve inspired me to start taking a more darker route in my writing. I began writing maybe a month ago and it’s a romance novel. (So far I’ve got two chapters 🫠).
But these past couple days I’ve been REALL REALLY wanting to write more darker content (like the kind you write, you’ve inspired me a great deal with your writing technique).
But the problem is I don’t know how to write yandere/horror/gore. So I was wondering if it wasn’t to much of a bother, if you could give me some tips or advice. (Im very new to writing and I have my struggles but I want to branch out to more darker themes, like you and fairy.) Still learning the ropes but I hope with your guidance, I’ll get there 🫡. )
hello my love!
okay so first of all if ur gonna keep being so cute and complimentary i will melt into a soft gooey puddle and be of no use to anybody so be warned.
as for your questions:
i would say that most people who spent a decent amount of time around the twins, i.e. their teammates and classmates, would have at least an inkling about their interest in bullying her. the miyas are many things, subtle isn't one of them. having said that, i think out of everyone, suna was probably the only one who saw it for what it was
hookups yes, 'girlfriends' no
again, anyone who spent a significant amount of time around the twins was bound to eventually put two and two together. which isn't to say that they were all blind going in – some undoubtedly thought they could snag his attention once they were officially dating, only to find themselves bitterly disappointed
they 100% both kept tabs on the reader, it was more a case of biding their time and waiting for the right moment
yes. not serious, long term relationships (aside from ame) as neither one of them would be capable of faking it for more than a few months but relationships all the same
advice wise, i dug up this old post which hopefully will be at least a little helpful??
beyond that, all i can really say is that for me, good yandere/horror fics balance emotion with tension, and the build up of both. the characterisation is also really important – what makes you love to loathe them, or alternatively, not see them coming until it's entirely too late. nothing bores me more in a yan fic than when the writer hasn't bothered to give their yan a personality beyond a cookie cutter obsession.
but congrats on getting started with writing! i'm proud of you bby <33
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mizurush · 1 year
A small little modern au domestic and parenting vaxleth ficlet ?
Super nervous posting this but my best friend said I should and I wanted to cheer someone up so here's a little (very far off) snippet of a modern au ive been working at. its a university au so this is like in the future. im new at this so 
also thanks to my best friend for proof reading it I couldn't decide between robin or Crowe as a name and I think they fixed all the misnames.
Description: Vax and Kiki have twin babies and they’re adorable and love their parents and have discovered a quicker mode of transportation to get to them and its domestic and happy for like a page. 
it doesn't have a title bc if it did im in a joke mood and it would be “they see me rollin”
edit: I really just posted my lecture notes instead of the fic sorry yall its fixed 
“Im home.” Keyleth cheered into the house as she shut door and toed off her shoes. There was  a muffled “Mama’s home!” from the living room before there was an odd sound, almost like an office chair rolling over their wooden floors. Soon theres her little twins, each in a a round table like contraption with their little bodies in the middle, their little legs and some wheels pushing them forward,  rounding the corner were bouncing their way towards her cheering for their mama, repeating one of the few vet very valuable words they knew.
Keyleth could not help the laugh that came out of her. The sight of her children so excited to see her, and trying to figure out their legs to get to her quickly was a source of happiness and love she never imagined she’d have. It was too sweet, and too funny.  Vax trailed behind them with a laugh.
“Hi my baby birds!” She chirped crouching down to their level and ignoring the contraptions banging into her as she moved to pepper kisses over both of the twins. The babies shrieked with happiness at her kisses and finally seeing their mother after such a long day at work. “What are these things?!” She asked with extra excitement to keep their excitement. They continued to giggle and shriek, Raven reaching out towards Keyleth to be held, Robin slapped at the table in front of her. Keyleth picked up Raven out of his toy as she stood.
“Vex thought it was imperative that they have these exersaucers, and that we have one for each of them. Got a surprise delivery today and put them together before Vex came up here herself begging to see them.” Vax laughed. “She’s been begging for a video all day, but I thought mommy deserved to see first.” He would have moved to greet her proper, but his way was currently blocked by his barely one year olds and their vehicles. Instead he reached to grab her bag and hang it on the coat hanger beside her.
“They’re so cute. And funny. But when they’re out running us I’m blaming her.” Keyleth cooed and balanced Raven on her hip as he cuddled into her. She attempted to wave Robin into the house.“Come on. Come inside.” Keyleth encouraged the twin still in the toy to go back into the living room and she happily bounced along.
“Oh certainly. Minxie is slightly terrified. They are much faster than when they crawl and they take up more space.” Vax laughed.
“Oh no my poor Minnie.” Keyleth pouted looking for the feline around the room but it seemed like she had excused herself.  Robin started to fuss and reached out towards Keyleth who moved to take a seat on the couch. Robin, had learned quick and scooted her saucer closer to Keyleth allowing her to reach up and bring Robin into her lap as well. Vax dragged the second toy along behind him, ditching it in front of the couch.
“They’re even more adorable.” Vax chuckled meandering his way onto the couch beside Keyleth. “They’re gonna have legs like Grog.” He shook his head. There was a soft “mama” from one of the twins as they played with her hair.
“Yes my loves.” She replied giving either of them a kiss to the head and a tighter hug.
“They were both good today, very excited about their new toy. Im sure they’ll sleep well tonight.” Vax finally leaned in to give his wife a quick kiss to the lips. “I should probably go put dinner on. Do you have a preference?” Vax spoke softly as he stood.
“No preference. I’ll come help. Just give me a second.” Keyleth responded cocking her head towards to the toddlers clinging to her and Vax gave her a toothy smile.
“Take your time.” He replied heading to the kitchen. Raven watched as Vax exited the room and started fussing on Keyleth’s lap reaching out to they abandoned rollers. Keyleth carefully balanced both twins on her lap and reached over to grab the toy that was on the saucer and tried to hand it to Raven.
“Mr. Dino?” She offered but Raven only grunted and kept reaching out to the saucer, now trying to scoot on Keyleth’s lap. Keyleth giggled getting the idea and dragged it closer with her foot before placing him inside. Robin made a noise of interest as her twin bounced and started to scoot away before reaching out to the other toy. Keyleth placed the other twin in the other saucer and Robin scooted over to her brother before they both started scooting away.
“Where are you going?” Keyleth whispered, standing a little confused watching her toddlers scoot away down the hallway. She heard them start shrieking  and chanting “Dada!” Before she heard Vax laugh. Ah yes, the kitchen.
and thats it bye 
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Louanna for the ask meme
HAH omg louanna….. yall got me pegged…. its all over once i post that louanna and heinkel fic man all my louanna hcs are in there.
Sexuality Headcanon: HEAR ME OUT but she seems like an unbothered queen to me. no labels she falls for whoever she falls for. except for moronsexual. thats why she fell for heinkel.
A ship I have with said character: heinkel/louanna of course!!! i think you gotta be at least a little insane and have lots of love in your heart to marry into the ASTREA family of all families. like theres so many other people out there and she MARRIES into the baggage filled house thats the astrea family??? she mustve been Something alright. thats dedication to heinkel right there.
A BROTP I have with said character: hmmm…. i always wonder how theresia and louanna interactions could be like. like theyre their respective husbands Only emotional support. they seem to be the ones keeping strong for everyone more Emotionally u know? louanna def doesnt seem like a fighter physically. and also heinkel and wilhelm are both STUPIDLY emotionally constipated and have their weird little dynamic with each other, so theresia and louanna bonding time it is?? T^T
ok also louanna meeting felt would be funny. i just like the idea of louanna being amused about felt and her Loud personality…. that and felt wants to take down the government thats been breathing down the astreas’ necks. louanna was the closest person to heinkel so im sure she knows about All his insecurities. so im sure she can get behind felt. that, and heinkel is a similar kind of Loud and Passionate and Honest so im sure louannas probably fond of those types. and felt is a good friend to reinhard!!!! felt can get the louanna stamp of approval!!
A NOTP I have with said character: anyone other than heinkel :(((( do not separate them!!!!!! she needs to wake up from her coma :((((((
A random headcanon: she tops. look at heinkel really quick bc like does that look like a man who ISNT topped by his wife??
ive been thinking about what kind of person she couldve been!! like what was her personality like??? i was thinking about it and i was like she Had to have been a complement to heinkel… bc heinkels like. once upon a time in lugunica describes him as honest and naive to the core—he used to be hard working and earnest you know? but hes also always been reckless and emotional i think, so i think louanna has more of a calmer personality to balance each other. EXCEPT i also think louanna was more intelligent than heinkel!! you cannot tell me that having wilhelm as your dad makes you very emotionally intelligent wkdnd so yes. smart louanna all the way. perhaps with a bit of a silver tongue… but i also like to hc she and heinkel had a lot of mischief and banter together!! she had to have added Some sort of levity in his life. i like to parallel her with felt bc its like. astrea men (heinkel and reinhard) and their emotional support adventurous blondes!!! so yes i hc that louanna was definitely more confident than heinkel, and also bold in her own ways—you know, to match him and also because he is Literally a nervous wreck all the time. i think theyd be the only people they can really let their guard down around and finally let go of like—pretense. they were a young married couple with a kid too—like around 18-19?? so i feel like with each other they could ALSO still be the young adults they are instead of being so uptight and trying to follow all these expectations all the time. or at least, thats what i think about how their relationship was. he clearly loved her a lot, so she definitely loved him back too.
that, and… well she probably got Nerfed by her coma because if she was still awake, stuff with heinkel and reinhard probably wouldnt have gotten This bad. hence why i think louanna was a pretty capable person with her own strengths. and i think shes capable of being Angry like her husband, but while he burns hot, her anger would be Cold imo.
General Opinion over said character:
louanna seems like she was probably a very sweet person, and i Definitely want her to be at least a little unhinged. and i ALSO JUST WANT MORE CONTENT OF HER TAPPEI…. PLEASE. WE DONT EVEN KNOW HER PERSONALITY……
and ALSO the fact that shes in a coma and Not Dead makes her a ticking time bomb…. shes gonna wake up someday. and i am Excited and Horrified for the absolute shit storm thats gonna happen when she wakes up and twenty years have passed and her husband and son and their whole family are an Absolute Mess.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years
ugh aegon babytrapping his girl in the childhood friend au is so !!!!! her finding out she’s pregnant and him taking her in his arms and convincing her to keep it, that he would take care of them both and that they might as well just get married by now… he would be so excited to be a dad too, literally dragging her to every stores baby section and gushing over everything! he would so be in love with the little shoes and outfits🫣 also he would be so possessive like it should have calmed down ever since he got her pregnant but honestly it’s only heightened more if possible…
omg he’d have baby fever overload. imagine him baby shopping, he won’t be able to contain himself, he’ll buy everything and anything that he adores!!!! But I 100% think his protectiveness would be heightened, fuck. He won’t even let y/n lift a finger up. makes sure she attends ALL dr appointments & ultrasounds. could you imagine how hard it would hit him when he hears the baby’s heart beat for the first time, fuck me…
the man wouldn’t be nervous for fatherhood with his childhood sweetheart because he knew all along it was bound to happen!!!!
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🎀 and 💝
ask me fic writer asks!
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing
OKAY WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE SENT ME THIS SPECIFIC ONE WKDNWKDKEKWJDJEJ YALL ARE OUT HERE TRYING TO KILL ME..... i will do this one and then i am ditching the rest of those specifically bc i wanna answer other questions and not just compliment myself all day WHEEEEZE
Okay uhhhhhh so i really enjoy the imagery i put in my fics!! Ive had a lot of people say thats the strongest aspect of my writing to them, and i think being able to so clearly visualize everything in my head like im watching a movie reel helps that come across real well!!! I also do a lot of deliberate and sometimes odd word choices to really hammer in the imagery im trying to get across (and also because i want the rhythm of my sentences to read very smoothly-- every day i think abt the word aquine which is not a real word but is in fact smth i made up bc it sounds Pretty and within the context does tell you that it means "something that is aqua in colour")
💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Okay this feels like cheating but i swear its true i did NOT expect hunger au to get this kind of traction like. Ever. I think i underestimated the fandom's love for angst 😂😂😂 but also i just wasnt super used to being noticed to this degree!!! i fully expected like a small handful of already-invested people to read litd and go "oh neat!!" and when i say the sudden barrage of comments completely caught me off guard i mean it. Pov u are fairly small fry writer and suddenly you have like 30 comments on a single chapter within a few hours of posting and they keep coming. Like what. What. How.
Anyway all this to say im insane over the attention litd is getting and im just?? Very grateful??? That people are so kind and like it so much?? I was initially really nervous to post it and the reception has been overwhelmingly positive, and im really enjoying everyone's investment and being able to provide some good entertainment :]
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So I kinda wrote a prologue for a potential fic I'm writing. I've written fanfic before, but this is the first one I'm posting for the whole world to see. Kinda nervous but I hope yall like it. (It's a bit long so it's going under a cut. Yes it's an LPS: Popular fic).
“Yeah, yeah, I get that” Savvy chuckled over the phone. “How’s school going by the way?” Brooklyn giggled. “I start high school tomorrow! Thank god. Middle school SUCKED”. She heard Savannah chuckle over the other side of the line. “I bet,” she stated “I hope high school turns out so much better!” It had been two years since Brooke moved to California. Tomorrow was Brooke’s first day of Freshman year. And she knew she would be a lot more busy compared to middle school. She probably wouldn’t have enough time to talk to Savannah anymore. Nonetheless she was determined to keep their friendship alive. “You should really consider yourself lucky to be homeschooled, Savannah”. Brooke said after a long pause. “Middle school is a one way ticket to hell. And I can imagine high school is another one way ticket to superhell”. Savannah laughed. “Oh Brooke, you’re funny!”. Brooke smiled softly. Savannah always knew how to stay positive. “Oh! There is one more thing I forgot to mention!” Brooke suddenly shouted. “Did I ever mention I got a boyfriend?” “Wait. Really?” Savvy exclaimed in shock. “Yep!” Brooke replied excitedly. “He’s so sweet. He’s one of few people I’ve been able to vent with. Oh, and two new friends who act similarly to you! Well, not really”. “I’m so happy!” Brooke heard Savvy say. “I’m glad he’s treating you well. And your friends seem really nice too!” Brooke purred. “I hope you get to meet them one day. They are in fact really nice, I assure you.” “But they’re not the same as you”“It might also explain why I haven’t been talking as much, which by the way, sorry about that.” Brooke continued, apologetic. She had been spending more time with Sage, and her two new friends, Rachel and Alicia. As a result, she never really had much more time to talk to Savannah. And when she did, their conversations were shorter than usual. It didn’t help that her mother was restricting her screentime a lot more lately. “It’s okay, Brooke.” Savvy whispered softly through the phone, yet still loud enough for Brooke to hear. “I promise, I haven’t replaced you.” affirmed Brooke. “I know,” Savannah reassured. “I know you’re busy. And I’m glad you have more people to talk to! Trust me! I’m happy for you!” Brooke’s smile softened more. “Thank you.” She wanted to say more, but she had heard her mom shout her name. Growling in frustration, she spoke once more to Savvy. “Sorry, I have to go. My mom’s calling for me.” “Okay!” she heard Savvy exclaim. “See you tomorrow!” “Bye Savannah”. Brooke bid. “And remember, Best Friends for Life. BFFLs!” “BFFLs!” Savvy shouted, before the two hung up on one another. Putting away her phone, she ran downstairs, not wanting her mom to wait any longer. Her mom didn’t like waiting. “What is it mom?” Brooke said immediately after entering the living room. Her mom, sitting on the couch, sighed, and just declared:
“We need to talk, Brooklyn”.
0 notes
strititty · 2 years
it’s stridercest week yall!!! for day one (firsts) i’m posting a lil prequel ficlet for my transfem davecest fic. it’s slightly less fluffy, slightly more addressing the ‘what’s the deal with bro (spoilers: he still ain’t good) and why does dave live with D’, and i’ll probably make a much bigger more polished fic of it at some point but you know. for now! here you go.
The first night after your uncle snatches you up is a whirlwind of too many feelings for one human being to deal with. Like, you’re ice cold, aight, you’re absolutely frigid, but a guy gets whisked away somewhere like this? Shoved into a bedroom that doesn’t belong to you, listening to half a conversation on the other side of the door? It’s sudden, not like Cal to the face or a fresh set of bruises--sudden like a shock to the system, dunked in freezing water with no way out.
“What else was I supposed to do? I couldn’t just leave him there.”
You sit with your back against the door, listening to his voice echo up the hall while you stare down at your arm. The cast is red underneath the masterpiece of black sharpie scribbles featuring characters you co-opted from the uncle currently trying to keep a private conversation. Bro used to be so good about not leaving marks. Just enough hurt to drive home the point and not an inch more. 
There’s a nervous, slightly unhinged laugh. “Could have sent him to Roxanne. She’s the one who noticed, and she’s got his sister. They’re fuckin’ twins, Rose, they should be together. Hell, they’re named after us. Totally inseparable.”
The idea of facing Rose - your Rose, not the aunt you were only loosely aware you had - makes your blood boil. Anger? Embarrassment? Shame?
“No, I know she’s got a problem--Christ, woman, give me a break. Of course I want to keep him. He’s my nephew.”
She ratted you out. 
“I just don’t wanna fuck him up more than he already is, alright? I’m doing bad enough with Hal and Dirk and work. Might as well slap a sign on my forehead that says not suitable for children or some shit. Hide your kids, hide your wife.” 
You kind of wanted her to.
Your uncle’s quiet for a long time, except for little sounds of acknowledgement. Uh-huh. Okay. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Softer, softer still, winding down until you can’t hear him at all and you’re only looking at your ragged nails.
The call must end, or maybe you fall asleep, or maybe you lose time - which is fucking weird, because you can guess time down to the minute - but you jolt up at the sound of a tap-tap-tap just behind you.
That’s what people call knocking, huh. 
“Dave?” asks your uncle, and you hop to your feet right quick.
“Yo, whaddup,” you say, cool as you please. 
He cracks open the door and it’s a little like looking yourself in the face, if you were also twenty years older and dressed in a rumpled suit with no shoes. This is the least put together you’ve ever seen him, not that that’s saying much, because you’d met him maybe once when you were five or six. Him and Bro had what you in the business call a ripsnorting blowout of a cage match and Bro got his nose broken.
It’s the first and only time you saw him bleed, and you don’t even remember what it was about. You, probably, or maybe money. Kids and money are where it’s at in the world of conflict.
“Gonna order some food--whatcha want? There’s this good Chinese place that’ll deliver past the paps, or about a hundred pizza joints, or Dirk’s favorite sushi place, or Hal’s favorite sushi place, which are two different places, for the record, cuz those two won’t agree on anything. Have to order from both on sushi nights just to keep them from tearing each other’s throats out.”
“Holy shit, Cain instinct,” you say. 
Your uncle snorts. “Yeah, they got it bad. You’ll see when they get back from Rose’s--uh, y’know. Roxy’s place. Your aunt Rose, your cousin Roxy. Pretty insane that I got you when they weren’t here. They’re gonna be all over you when they show up, sorry in advance.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m used to being covered in bitches,” you say, and your uncle snorts. There’s some force behind it that makes you feel warm with his approval, if in fact this is approval. The smile he flashes suggests that it might be.
“I should scold you for that, but I ain’t gonna. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
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buoyantsaturn · 2 years
13 17 21!
hiiiii katherine!!!
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
relationship angst is actually very difficult for me bc like. i dont know whats reasonable for couples to fight about bc ive never been a part of a couple lmao. like whats a disagreement and whats a fight and whats enough to break you up like yeah i know the red flags and whatever but i genuinely am the last person who should be writing romance fics lmao.* easy is usually anything where people are just like joking around and picking on each other although i WILL say that i take a million years to workshop jokes and yes my mutuals suffer from it. that being said the ass eating joke in the camp counselors au is still the funniest thing ive ever written and i still cry laughing every time i go back and reread the conversation that made that joke happen in alabanda
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
my CURRENT wip (technically 2 most current wips) are secrets. the things that i Can tell you include: wip #1 is an extension of something i absolutely ADORED writing but continuing it makes me nervous bc like. you know how sequels are rarely as good as the original? i suffer greatly from that syndrome in my writing imo so it might be 1. worse for people to read (and yes i know i know yall will read whatever i write and will love it with your whole hearts but thats not the point) and 2. less enjoyable for me to write :/ but im having fun planning it right now at least!! i even got a new idea for it right when i got home from work so that was just jotted down in the planning doc :3
and wip #2 is a surprise! it is a very very new idea that is also technically not even My idea but i Got the idea by reading two entirely different fics (like not even both by the same author, and i doubt the two people even know or know of each other) and it was kind of like. what if i take THIS aspect of this writing decision and incorporate it into THAT storyline to explore how things might differ. and i have no idea how the end result is going to turn out bc i did Most of the planning at 11pm last night after working a 9 hour shift and then practicing my bass for like 2 more hours so. i might have to rework the whole thing anyway and may not even post it at all <3 we shall see <3
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
i will admit i have Thought about quitting. I could never quit writing Altogether bc like ive said before ive been writing fun little stories literally for my entire life but like. right after i graduated college i was like. i should really stop paying so much attention to fandom and fic writing and focus more on like. finding a real job that isnt at a tourist trap that doesnt respect me and i kept telling myself not to plan too much further ahead in the year with my fics because who even knows if i'll be writing fic come october or november of 2021 (lmao) so like. i kind of did try to at least slow down my writing and that. failed miserably lmao. but i have decided that actually no i do not want to stop! writing makes me happy and its something that i enjoy doing and i think it keeps my brain active and gives me something worthwhile to do while im relaxing on the rare chance that i get a day off from work. i DO wish i could write more of my own original stuff but i simply do not have the brain space for creating original characters and relationships and such which is why i feel so comfortable putting the pjo characters into so many wildly insane new situations. at least that way it FEELS like i'm being original and creative even if im just playing around with the same puppets in front of a bunch of different cartoon backgrounds <3
thanks for asking!!
send me numbers!
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soulwillower · 4 years
long way home • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested:  please please please do a richie x reader about long way home by 5sos
warnings: nothing really, some mentions of canonic trauma but its really vague and underaged drinking
i was happy to write this bc it def got me out of my slump! lmk if yall want more fics
(also i loved 5sos so much back when the self titled album came out in like 2014. i was such a huge fan in middle school so this was so nostalgic to write!!) 
[reader + losers are in their first year of college, set around early summer 1995.]
2.9k words
"i don't really know what else to do. we have an hour and a half until we meet everyone." you say, breaking the momentary silence that had fallen upon the car after bev had climbed out the back. you hum, settling back against the passenger seat, head lulling to meet richie's gaze.
 you can't help but smile. he's looking at you - just staring, fingers drumming against the steering wheel. he hums, too, turning his head, arm grabbing the shoulder of your seat as he backs up the car. "i have an idea. let's just go - what?" he asks, smiling with a chuckle as he catches you staring at him.
you blink as you flush, "i don't know. just really missed you." you say with a laugh, shaking your head as memories flood your mind. his face flickers for a second and he shakes his head, hair bouncing slightly in his flattery. "gee, i missed you too. it kinda sucks that we all went to opposite sides of the country." 
you blow air from your lips gently in agreement as richie starts to drive somewhere east. "yeah. not seeing you for six months is, surprisingly, pretty shitty." you say, causing richie to snort. "you could barely handle it." he says, hand shifting gears as he stops at a stop sign. 
you roll your eyes, but you don't tell him the truth: he's right. "let me tell you, when i got the bear last, i sure wanted to forget all about you." you say, kicking your feet up on his dash. 
you and the other losers all split ways after graduation. of course, you all still kept in touch with phone calls, letters, and that of the sort. but you all had found a favorite way to all still feel close together: a toy canvas bear bev found that you all signed and drew on, shipping it around the country and letting it stay with each person for a week. 
you'd all been printing photographs of the bear with yourselves at various places around all your campuses and sending them along with the bear as little post cards. the most recent from richie had the tattooed-bear propped next to him at a party, smirking with the bear in a vulgar position that had made you roll your eyes so hard you almost got a headache.
 that was in april, and you spent the month and a half after that missing richie and your other dumbass friends so much it hurt. 
richie smiles, "oh, yeah. that bear had some fun times with us up in the ol' N-Y-C."  "-don't call it that."  "-anyways, i did miss you guys, i wish you could meet my roommate, charlie, he's a hoot. i almost wanted to stay up there and have you come to me, y'know?"  you nod, all too familiar with that feeling. "yeah, i wanted to do that too. there was some kind of-" you stop, frowning. do you really want to admit this to anyone? will they think it's weird? but then you remember it's richie. "-i don't know, some kind of dread i felt at having to come back here." 
it's quiet for a second, and you think you said something wrong, but richie's knuckles tighten slightly and he nods, "me too. i have...bad feelings from this place. i didn't want to say anything, but- i don't know. i feel like something's..." but the thought seems to swim away from his voice, getting lost in the dredges of his brain.  
and then as if on cue, the old car bumps its way over a speedbump and you cross past old neibolt street near the tracks. 
 a sick shiver runs down your spine as your eyes fall on the long road, fading away and extending as far as your eye can see...almost into a foggy dark haze, the train tracks running parallel making you feel desolate. 
clouds suddenly move to cover the sun in the sky and you feel cold - you feel like something happened here, something important - but you have no idea. it makes you anxious, so you just swallow, saying nothing and instead looking ahead. richie does the same, and his knuckles are pale against the wheel. 
"the only reason i came back was so i could see everyone." you say. it's quiet, but you know richie's agreeing with you. 
the car rumbles on, eventually pulling past your old high school. you perk up, pointing to the glass and laughing. "wow, look at that shithole." 
"swore we'd never go back there, didn't we? when we left?" richie says, amusement lacing his tone. you're clearly both relieved to have changed the subject, and you nod, chewing your lip. "yeah. you know, i know it was really terrible and stuff, but i have some pretty fond memories from that place." 
humming, richie nods and slowly pulls into the parking lot. “remember those days?” he says, “kickin back in the ol’ schoolyard during lunch.” 
you do remember those hot days, richie, bill and bev smoking cigs while you and eddie play a game of marbles or scramble to copy richie’s math homework. ben reading a book, mike eating stan’s sandwich. the heat barreling down on the eight of you... 
he stops the car next to the football field and you snort slightly at its misery in the dying purple and blue of the summer twilight. "remember those bonfires that were always over in the woods right there?" he points a chipped nail towards the dense trees on the other side of the field, and you can see it. 
the crackling of the wood, the orange glow reflecting the light strands of stan’s dark curls. there’s a sea of students from your class and the class above, everyone rowdy with drunken fun. there’s laughter drowned out by the boombox placed on the outskirts, blasting a salt-n-peppa song that has eddie bouncing around with some kids from track. over to the side, you can nearly see bev's lips curl around a note as richie strums on someone else's guitar, putting together some surprisingly pleasant chords while mike throws twigs into the fire, singing softly with richie and bev. 
you can almost smell the smoky hot air from those nights and you remember the odd sensation of feeling invincible back in those days, when your greatest fear was nothing more than coming across your parents when you were too hungover to remember anything the next morning. 
it’s almost melancholic, the realization that you’ll never have those years again. you’ll never have your friend group in the same way as you did in high school, and it was barely over a year ago. it hurts a bit, until you realize you’re here, in the car with richie. 
but still, despite the feeling, you grin. “why did we think it was a good idea to party so close to the school?” 
richie chuckles, “it was safer. for some reason.” 
it makes you smile, "i wonder if those pabst cans are still hidden in all those hollow logs." you muse, a gentle smile splaying over your lips. richie huffs a small laugh at the memory of jorge garcia drunkenly stuffing the empty beer cans quickly into the log when the cops came. 
a car pulls into the vacant lot behind you, and richie takes the liberty of driving away again, still not really sure where you're going. 
the trees roll past, and soon you're passing through the downtown section of derry, causing the two of you to fall silent as your eyes flick up and down the nearly desloate streets. the aladdin passes by quickly and you remember going to see so many films with the others for less than five bucks a pop, richie slipping an arm around your shoulders and whispering in your ear about the weird worker who always gave you the eyes. 
you smile lightly as your eyes fall to look ahead, passing the corner store. you remember how many times you and richie and stan stopped there after classes or during lunch to grab slushes while the workers weren’t looking. you remember the sticky fingers and bright blue tongues. 
then as you stare more at the ugly front of the store, memories from middle school scratch the surface of your brain. "didn't the boys..." you say, perking up as you turn and watch it pass, richie looking at you attentively. "-eyes on the road, rich." you say absent-mindedly, "...didn't they... steal stuff from there? i can't remember why... it was for ben. tissues?" you ask, tilting your head. richie's brows furrow. "i had to stay outside with him, all i remember is bein' pissed i couldn't go in. dunno why, though." he mutters. you hum, sinking back in your seat. 
"crazy, how quickly you forget your childhood." he says quietly. 
the town slowly fades away before your eyes, and its just then that you realize you're going the opposite way from bill's. then it's plain grassland and marshes, dipping into the barrens. your lips twitch and the silence, while pleasant, makes you feel nervous. 
you look to richie, all nervous slowly releasing from your body. 
you feel stupid for thinking it, and you don't dare say it, but there's something really sweet about being in the middle of nowhere with him. 
you feel like driving along this ugly, terrible road on the outskirts of a truly ugly and terrible town with someone as beautiful and captivating as richie is such an important moment; as if the roads along here are a place only you and richie share to yourselves. 
"i kind of like taking the long way home with you." you let slip instead, instantly feeling hot and panicked as the words leave your mouth. "y-you know, because i just really didn't want to- er, i don't like being-" 
as you stutter out some excuses, he leans forward towards the wheel, face turning to you with a smirk. "oh?" he asks. you feel flustered, your hands sweating and heart tingling as you stare at his handsome face. 
"god, sorry." you say, feeling flushed, "i don't know why i keep rambling. it's so awkward." 
"y/n, you could talk about anything." he says with a laugh, and you look at him, trying to ignore the sheer zoo of animals parading around in your stomach and instead escaping this moment with a sarcastic, "even dead squirrels?" 
he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, his hair glinting in the light. "yeah, whatever baby. i just don't wanna be wasting my time alone when i could be here with you. that's what i'm trying to say." 
and the stupid pet name almost makes you snort but you also get butterflies, the words that he's said making you smile so wide you're almost embarrassed. "yeah, well." you say bashfully, "i guess spending my time with you is, like... the best part of coming back home." 
you avoid eye contact, staring out the window as you pass the house of your junior year bio partner. "hey," richie nudges your jaw and you almost jump at the feeling of his cold ring against the warmth of your skin. he speaks softly. "i'd never let you down, you know." he says, mischief in his eyes. you smile against his hand and look at him, his blue eyes warm and inviting and looking like home. 
your eyes fall back towards the windshield and you see a sign up ahead. shifting, you look at richie again to find him still staring. 
he's got such a terrible habit of watching you instead of the road (he has since high school), and that combined with his lead foot (also since high school - wentworth tozier was a menace on the streets) has you conditioned into reminding him of every obstacle that he may run into while driving. 
"stop sign, richie." you mutter, knowing in his ramble he won't notice it (it happened way too many times as high schoolers). he seems to not really hear it, and you say again, "stop sign!"
just before it's too late, the car lurches as he slams the breaks and you just barely hit the white line, your hands bracing yourself against the dashboard. "oh my god." you hiss, shaking your head. richie's laughing. 
"we've been hitting every red light. can't i just have one pass to not stop at one of these things?" richie says. you roll your eyes with a slight head shake. you can't believe him. 
"you'll be the death of me, tozier." you mutter. richie's still laughing quietly and then he takes a big sigh, hand reaching out. you lean forward, hand reaching for the volume knob on the stereo just as richie does the same, and your hands brush by accident. you feel warm and instead of pulling away, his hand covers yours and he gently turns your hands, bringing up the volume of a green day song. it's seemingly just in the background as you watch your hand in richie's, then slowly turning your gaze up to his face. 
he just stares at you as you stare back, wanting so badly to kiss him but wondering if he feels the same. 
"hey." he whispers, quiet for the first time possibly ever. "hey." you respond softly, watching as he comes a bit closer. his hand is still in yours. "i am so happy to be home. with you." he says sincerely, his eyes wide and honest behind his glasses and his smile soft.  your breath catches slightly and you smile, "me too. i always feel like this is the way it's supposed to be. u-us." 
something in richie's eyes change, a light of sort, and then he's leaning into you and you're kissing. 
his hand that isn't in yours falls to softly rub your thigh and you're taking a shuddering breath as your lips touch his. he tastes like mint chapstick and those stupid red-hots he was eating earlier, his lips slightly cold but his tongue warm as he slowly pulls you closer to him. 
your mind almost falls blank as the world melts away, the only thing in your mind is how long you've missed out on this - richie is kind of unexpectedly a fantastic kisser. you pull him closer by his hair as his tongue grazes yours, his thumb tilting your jaw for a better angle. 
but suddenly a horn honks loudly behind you and you both spring apart, your stomach panging with anxiety at the noise.
"shit." you hiss as you remember you're at a stop sign. richie snorts slightly, a smirk on his face despite the blush on his high cheekbones, feet going back to the gas pedal and clutch. his hand leaves your thigh as he drives forward and you clear your throat as the car turns behind you at the intersection, leaving you two back in the middle of nowhere with just you two. 
it's tense for a few minutes, neither of you two really talking and you can tell the tension is going to kill richie, his hand twitching on the shift and his leg bouncing. 
you break the silence after a couple more moments, "did you want to pull over-"  "-yes." he says quickly, car almost swerving as he pulls off the road near the quarry. you laugh and grip the handle of the car as you slide to a stop and he laughs too, the feeling of glee unmatchable. 
you both unclick your seatbelts after gaining a few breaths, and then you're leaning over the console to kiss richie hard enough on the lips that he falls back towards the window. he holds your face with his hands and he laughs a bit into the kiss, teeth grazing your bottom lip before tugging it. "goddamn, you're eager." he mutters into your mouth. 
you smirk, pulling back. "fine, i don't have to kiss you. we have to be at bill's soon, anyways." you say, feigning a fake dismissive voice. 
"wait, no, no. we've still got 20 minutes." richie defends after glancing at the stereo on the dash. his eyebrows raising in a plea. you giggle, leaning towards him and bringing your arm over. he's beaming as your face nears his and he moves to kiss you but you turn your head, instead letting his lips graze your neck as you lean to turn off the headlights.
"tease." richie mutters hotly against the skin of your neck before biting down softly, kissing over the skin. "i thought you said i was eager?" you say with a teasing smile. he hums, "y'know, it's pretty unfair to be teasin' me, toots. i've been eager to kiss you since we were seventeen." he says, and you can't help but smile, pulling him in to a kiss as his hands slide up your thighs and yours tangle in his messy curls.
you pull away slightly, "you want to get in the backseat?" 
taglist:  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier​  @sft-core @clownsloveyou  @moon-shine-baby​ @trashedfortozier  @daughter-of-the-stars11 @oceandog13​ @chl0bee @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @screammin @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @five-motherfucking-hargreeves @sassy-uris @loverloserrr @hauntingkaspbrak @soph-ec @hockslutter  
© all content belongs to soulwillower 2020. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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julemmaes · 4 years
Possible continuation of the cass-defending-nesta au prompts?: “i got your back. Always.” Or perhaps, “they can shove it, i love you. All of you.” or maybe something involving soda slushies (that’s just cause I kinda want one rn)
Got your back (2)
Cassian and Nesta Archeron modern au
A/N: Please, read the A/N at the end of the post, this is really important for me. I didn’t put it here cause it’s very long, but still, I think everyone should read it.
So, the oh-so-awaited part two for the Nessian fic. This is mainly Cassian having an existential crisis (me every day basically) and some Nessian domestic fluff. I guess you’ll get a third part, cause I can’t leave you and them like this, I hope you’re thrilled by the idea just as much as I am. I’m sorry if I forgot to tag anyone. I hope yall enjoy!
part one
Word count: 2,590
The second Cassian got into the car the world fluttered.
He closed his eyes, inserting the key into the patch and then stopped.
A lump formed in his throat and when he tried to breathe, he realized he was struggling to do so.
What had he done? He opened his eyes and his vision blurred again.
His hands were shaking and his breathing was now erratic.
"Fuck!" he cried, as a tear slipped down his cheek.
He started the engine and set off as he tried to hold back the tears he knew were building up.
He took the highway after a few minutes and as soon as he was on a side road, without too much traffic, he pressed his foot on the accelerator trying to feel so much adrenaline that he went numb.
He was not going towards Nesta's house. No. To get to her apartment he would have had to take the third exit right after passing the walls of Velaris. But he knew that the second he saw her he would burst into tears if he couldn't let go of some of the anger in his mind.
Anger that was now mingling with guilt.
Shit, shit, shit.
He screamed, cursing once again, banging his fist against the steering wheel. The car skidded suddenly and Cassian hit the brake in a desperate attempt not to finish beyond the guard rail and in the middle of the fields. The screeching sound of the wheels wearing out on the asphalt remained in his head even after he had stopped. Both hands tightened around the steering wheel and his gaze fixed on the dark road in front of him, lit only by the headlights of his car, while his breathing became more and more uneven.
A sob broke the silence.
And then another, and yet another, until Cassian found himself desperately crying and hitting the steering wheel repeatedly.
His face buried in his hands and his body shaken by the sobbing, Cassian thought about what he had just done. What it meant to have told everyone about Nesta's problem.
He opened the door, getting out of the cockpit to get some fresh air, but as soon as he was out of the car, the crying got worse.
"You fucking idiot," he muttered to himself.
God, what have I done?
These last few days had been difficult for him. Stressful.
Nesta was in one of those periods they called "shitty periods". These were days, sometimes in rare cases weeks, when Nesta could not get out of bed. Moments in which every reason for living seemed pointless, in which even the slightest input from outside could destabilize her so much that she had several panic attacks in a single day.
Cassian had tried to stay close to her all the time, keeping the phone close to him in case she called him. He had stocked her fridge with food and went to her house for most of her lunches and dinners to cook her something and make sure she ate.
These weren’t completely bad days. There were times when Nesta smiled, or when she could see the good in the middle of all the shit, but there were still days when Cassian came home exhausted, looking for solutions to problems he couldn't solve, without being able to talk to anyone.
He had thought many times about what would happen if one day he took his brothers aside and explained everything to them. If he explained to them why Nesta was not well, by bringing the psychological explanation into the conversation, maybe they would start to treat her like a human being and not like a monster. But in that case he would have betrayed Nesta's trust.
If she had not yet had that conversation with her family, how could he do that with his own? Who was he to take that freedom away from his girlfriend? There were reasons why Nesta hadn't yet taken that step, reasons that Cassian knew perfectly well.
After all, he had experienced the same things a few years before.
That was people's main problem.
When they asked you what the reason for your actions was and you gave a logical explanation, maybe even saying that you were getting professional help, there were two possible answers: either they told you that you were doing it for attention or they told you things like "then don't be sad", "then stop worrying”, "then stop getting angry about everything". As if it were that simple. As if the traumas and situations you've lived through for years and years of your life and the consequences that come with those can be easily healed by not doing specific things.
And now Cassian had to show up at Nesta's house, pissed off with his family and feeling terribly guilty for telling her sisters what the real problem was.
He slammed his fist on the roof of the car repeatedly, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
He rubbed his hand over his face, wiping away the tears that were now flowing undisturbed.
He couldn't even talk to her about why he had exploded.
If he explained to her that he had confessed everything because he had been exhausted because of the last week he'd spent taking care of her, Nesta would have pushed him away. Not because she would have been offended that Cassian was struggling between college, work and her, no, that wouldn't have been the case. More likely she would have thought she was weighing too much on him and would have stopped talking to him when she needed him most.
Cassian couldn't allow such a thing to happen. Nesta had only him.
He could bear it, for her.
"You fucking fuck. Don't bear it," he shook his head, starting to walk back and forth, "you don't have to bear anything. You are doing all this for her, you have to respect her needs and the path will not be easy, but the day will come when she will get better and happy and it will be easier." he often spoke out loud when he was thinking about the matter.
No, he couldn't have told her that this was slowly killing him. He had to stay strong and do it for her. He would apologize to his family and allow them to talk to Nesta - always keeping civil tones - if she wanted to.
Maybe he had made things even worse.
Maybe now they would have thought that Nesta was morally blackmailing him and that he was only doing it out of pity. And maybe they would have started to offend her even more, saying horrible things about her.
"Jesus Christ," cried Cassian to heaven. I will talk to everyone, he thought. He breathed.
He would talk to Nesta first and tomorrow morning, when everyone would be sober, he would also talk to the others.
For now, he just had to stop crying and get to her apartment safe and sound.
He looked at the time on the phone and sent a quick message to his girlfriend, warning her that he would be there in twenty minutes. Without waiting for an answer, he got back behind the wheel and made turned to get back on the highway.
True to his words, twenty minutes later he found himself at the door of her apartment. He had the keys and could have entered easily by himself, but he decided to knock. After all, she hadn't read the message; if she heard someone come in at 11:54 p.m., she could have easily attacked him.
When Nesta opened the door she had one eye closed and the other only slightly open. She scratched her cheek yawning, "Cass, what are you doing here?" she asked in a hoarse voice. Cassian blinked a couple of times and Nesta must have noticed his gaze because she stiffened, "Are you alright? Did something happen?" she put her hands forward and Cassian threw himself into her arms, holding her to his chest.
He sobbed and Nesta took a few steps back, carrying him with her as she closed the door behind him. She rubbed her hand on his back, stroking his arms, trying to calm him down.
"I am so sorry," he murmured in her hair. Nesta held him tighter.
"What happened Cass? Is everyone okay?" he nodded and felt her relax in his arms.
Something in Cassian's chest broke. Obviously she had immediately thought of the others. She was always thinking of their families. He broke off the hug and looked her in the eyes. Eyes that were now full of worry.
God, he was so stupid. Nesta already had enough problems of her own, now she would have to fight with the rest of their friends because of him.
"I screwed up," he whispered to her, holding her hand. Nesta put her hand on one of his cheeks, rubbing a thumb under his eye to remove the tears and nodded.
"What do you say you come into the kitchen and we'll talk about it while you drink some water, hmm?" she asked, pulling him towards the hallway. Cassian narrowed his eyes, thinking what would be best to do now.
He didn't want to tell her that her family insulted her almost every day. He didn't want to be the person to remind her of such an evil thing. Nesta wasn't stupid, she knew that one of the main topics of their evenings was her, but that didn't mean that Cassian wanted to open the subject right now.
She handed him a glass full of water and when he drank it in a single long sip, Nesta looked at him concerned, filled it again and handed it to him. Cassian just took it, looking at the liquid.
"You're making me nervous," Nesta whispered, leaning one hip to the kitchen island and crossing her arms to her chest, "it's past midnight and you showed up here crying, Cassian. If you don't want to talk about it now, that's fine -" the man almost laughed, a few months ago she would have forced him to talk until he exploded and they would have argued until the next morning. "we can do it tomorrow, but you are obviously shocked by something and if I can do anything to make you feel better, I want to do it." she tilted her head to the side, offering him a weak smile.
Cassian sighed, placing the glass on the counter and rubbing his face, "I fucked up."
"I figured that," she jokingly said. Cassian glanced at her and she whispered an apology smiling.
She was immediately serious when he said, "I told your sisters you're ill."
Her arms fell to her sides, and her eyes widened slightly.
Cassian leaned forward, leaning with his elbows on the counter and taking his head in his hands. Before she could answer, he had already resumed. "I've been tired lately and stressed about studying," yes, this white lie could go unnoticed, "and by the time I got home they were all drunk and started talking shit about you out of nowhere and I couldn't help it." He took a deep breath without crossing her gaze.
"I said that we are together - or rather, Amren told everyone that we are dating and I didn't deny anything. And then Feyre started blaming all the faults of your bad relationship on you and I couldn't stop talking".
"Did you specify anything?"
He still couldn't look at her, "No, I just said they should behave better and... Nesta, forgive me, Mor and Rhys were there too and I had to say something to them too and-" he froze when he felt a hand of hers resting between his shoulders.
He looked up at his girlfriend and she was looking at him with a loose expression on her face. He wrinkled his forehead. Nesta chuckled silently and ran her thumb between his eyebrows.
"Calm down, Cass." she whispered to him, lowering herself to his height and placing her lips on his temple. Cassian closed his eyes, "I'm sorry," he said to her, taking her hand and carrying it to his chest. He pulled himself up, positioning himself so that she was standing in front of him.
She smiled at him again, "Listen to me, as long as you tell me you didn't say anything too specific is fine with me. If they don't realize that I'm sick, that I'm not well mentally, that's not our problem right now".
Ours. Cassian took a deep breath.
"I should have kept silent anyway, it wasn't up to me to say..."
"Did you tell them that I am going to therapy?"
Cassian shook his head to deny it, "No, of course not."
Nesta wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoeing and putting her lips on his. Cassian kissed her in turn. "That's alright then," she murmured on his lips.
"I'm so sorry, Nes." He caressed her side and she leaned closer to him.
"I’ve got your back and you have mine, remember?" she asked him.
Cassian nodded only once. "You have my back, and I have yours. Always." he repeated like a mantra. She kissed him one more time, then placed her head on his shoulder and hugged him.
"I love you."
"I love you," he repeated.
They remained in that position, one close to the other, for a very long time. So much so that when Nesta spoke, Cassian jolted, making her laugh and detach from him.
"Sorry," she said with a tired smile on her lips, "When I saw you at the door so upset I thought you had come to break up with me."
It was Cassian's turn to laugh. "You know I would never do that, don't you?"
"Yes, I know."
She said it in such a relaxed tone, so familiar, that Cassian couldn't help but look at her and hold her face in his hands, kissing her again.
"What are you going to do with the others?" he asked her as they both dragged themselves to her bedroom. Nesta grimaced, scratching the back of her neck.
"I don't have the slightest idea, I guess if-" her phone vibrated on the bedside table. Nesta raised an eyebrow, " What the..?" She took the phone in her hand and when she read what was written on it she opened her eyes wide, looking up at Cassian. "It's Feyre, she asked me if we can meet tomorrow. Us and... her, Rhysand. Everyone."
He nodded, starting to undress and opening one of the drawers where he kept some of his stuff. "And are you going to go?" when she didn't answer immediately, Cassian turned around and saw her holding the phone in her hands and looking at the screen, looking focused. "Nes?"
"You know that if you don't want to talk to them, you don't have to? No one is forcing you to do..."
"No, I think they deserve it. I owe them some explanations..." she stammered, clutching the phone even tighter.
"And they owe you an apology." grunted Cassian.
She nodded with conviction, as if she hadn't heard what he had just said, and placed the phone on the bedside table. "I'll answer tomorrow though, they may suffer a little more if the things they said tonight were so bad as to make you explode".
They slipped under the sheets and when Nesta's back pressed against Cassian's chest, they fell asleep, one lulled by the other's breath.
A/N: What I wrote here is probably the most personal thing I will ever write in my entire life. The few people who know me and with whom I've talked with even just once in "dark" moments know that, for me, talking about how I feel, what I feel in certain situations, is really hard. Not so much to tell the thing itself, as to have to say how my mind reacts to a precise thing. In short, I don't know how to talk about emotions.
I have a friend, a friend who I really care about and who is part of my family. She is special in the best way, the problem is that I am the only one who really knows her. She is my Nesta. Or at least, as far as this specific ff is concerned, I am this Cassian and she is this Nesta.
I've never known anyone who was really committed to know her. I have never known anyone who would try to get over that first wall, so high that sometimes you would think it has no end. She is good. She has a heart of gold. And there are those rare cases, like Azriel in my ff, who believe me when I say that she is not like that. Who believe me when I say that it is not her fault if she is forced to behave in a certain way. That she’s working on her problems, but it takes time and they need to be patient.
Most of the world though, is obviously filled with Feyres and Rhysands and Morrigans. And it's hard to reason with these people when Nesta presents herself as... well, as Nesta. But that doesn't give them the right to call that person a whore, bitch, heartless. It does not give them the right to treat a person as if they were less just because they don’t understand their traumas.
And the weight that I carry on my shoulders every day for her, to protect her from people who would treat her less for her issues, unfortunately crushes me as much as it crushes her.
I have no Cassian.
I cannot rely on anyone.
Her problems are so big that my brain, however open to this kind of thing it is, is not able to find solutions. And I cannot let off steam because her problems are secret. And she has asked me, me rather than 7 billion other people, to keep these secrets. I can’t just simply look for answers in others’ minds cause that’s not how it works.
And the fear that I feel every day. The terror of not being enough to be able to help her, is excruciating.
But I would never want her to know I think these things, cause I know for a fact that it would hit her to the core and she’d think she’s just trouble and that I don’t wanna be there for her. That’s how it would turn out for us and I know it, and I can’t change that cause there’s a balance that need to be maintained.
So, for all those who are out there, who carry the weight of others on their shoulders without being able to share it with anyone else for fear of hurting their Nesta, you are not alone.
acotar taglist (if you want to be added/removed send me an ask or dm me)
@tottenhamboys20 @sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien29 @ireallyshouldsleeprn @messyhairday-me @observationanxioustheorist @my-fan-side @booksstorm @maastrash @sayosdreams @thedarkdemigod @courtofjurdan @thewayshedreamed @silvermindwarrior
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aerixlee · 3 years
Hi, I love After Sunset and have reread it multiple times lol. I wanted to ask if you had any particular method to writing Azula for the fic? I usually don't like the more off the rails depictions of her in fiction but something about the way you write her is viscerally enjoyable to me.
*shows up 3 months later with no hesitation bc getting this ask made me vibrate out of existence with excitement* hello :)
the timing for this ask couldn't have been any better - it genuinely made me so unbelievably happy to read? this exact topic is one of the main things i was (am?) worried about in after sunset, specifically that i wasn't doing it right. i've been nervous since the very beginning that i was writing azula in ways that was difficult to read but fuck this is such a fantastic question and i'm so excited to answer it - this is going to be.... a really really long answer. i definitely got a little (a lot) carried away. sorry in advance lmao
(also it never fails to make me emotional when i hear that people are still rereading) (i might've cried a lil) (just a bit) (i can't believe people haven't forgotten about this fic) (to everyone who has stuck around: i love you more than anything)
for context, i put like..... a lot of thought into how i was going to go about writing azula. like i have pages and pages of notes analyzing her so i could write her character properly and do her justice - i still think i could've done a better job, but it was important to me that i at least do my best. my main thing when i was writing azula was keeping in mind that she is a 14 year old, a child, one who has been the victim of an extreme amount of abuse and emotional manipulation. i posted a response to a comment under chapter 15 back in january that asked for writing advice regarding azula that i think sums up my thoughts fairly well if you want to take a look at it. azula is a traumatized teenager first and foremost; she's not going to accept help easily or trust anyone easily, and i planned her arc out in a way that has multiple ups and downs. it really does get worse before it gets better, and if i end up writing more for this fic, i can promise that the worst has yet to come. we're nowhere near the height of azula's arc yet, and i don't even mean that in a dramatic breakdown sort of way. this has been part 234978 of me wishing that i could skip ahead in my own fic so i could post the scenes that were written months before we even reached the search......... kill me
and i said this in my comment: progress isn't possible unless the person who needs to heal is willing to heal. force doesn't work, coercion doesn't work - it has to be a decision that the person in question makes in order for them to actually take steps forward. healing isn't linear. neither is progress. that's the most important thing to keep in mind.
azula's breakdowns were definitely the most emotionally taxing parts about writing her. i personally tend to avoid reading fics that show azula's breakdowns to the extent that i wrote them for some reason? and i was very hesitant to write it myself, so i was really really careful in how i approached it. i didn't want to take things too far, but i also knew that i had to push the boundaries of what i tackled a lot more than i already was. i needed to show how bad she was getting, not just tell it, and i needed to justify the reason behind each moment of her behavior. not sure if i did it right, but i tried.
(as a side note, i wrote a lot of this fic during a time in which things were uhhhh not so great mentally for me, so azula and zuko are written in a way that is very very close to my heart. that could also have something to do with the way scenes are written, so i thought it was worth mentioning.)
azula is an incredibly calculated individual. her breakdowns, by contrast, show her doing things out of pure instinct, doing what she "wants" to do rather than what she's put a lot of thought into doing. and that fascinated me to no end when i was reading the comics; i thought the authors' approach was really interesting despite some of the less favorable aspects of her portrayal. in other words: catharsis!!!!! i wrote those scenes to be cathartic to azula specifically!!!!! not for the reader, not for me as the writer: for azula, the character, and what that meant for her in the scene and the moment - especially within a larger context. and it was so so so fucking emotionally draining to write, but that's what it was. i did my best to ramp up the emotional intensity to the max, and i also tried to make sure that every single thing that azula said or did had that element of reasoning behind it. because yeah, she's not thinking everything through like she would if she wasn't in full breakdown mode, but she's still azula. and azula doesn't do anything without reason, even if those reasons are superficial and weird and vaguely questionable. i tried to make sure that nothing azula did or said was without motive, and i'm not quite sure if i managed to pull it off, but hey, that was my goal.
hopefully all of that makes sense? i'm not quite sure if it does or not but i could genuinely talk about this fic for hours. i might be writing other things now, and i might be mortified by the absolutely horrible writing of the earlier chapters, but i will still talk forever about literally anything with this fic. that's a threat and a promise.
i reread some comments and looked through my inbox bc of this ask and now i'm emotional lmao wow i miss this fic and you all sm. also specifically to anon: i hope this answered your question! and if you wanted clarification on anything, feel free to shoot me another ask - i know a few things here are probably a little confusing lmao i was rambling a lot out of excitement. and thank you again for the ask!!
anyways. love yall <3
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oga-for-oga · 4 years
fuck it, i’m posting the small part of the scene i plan to later include in my reader fic because you know what? i specifically felt like i finally got the characterization mostly right in that scene (the swedes are difficult to write yall) and also because i had a terrible terrible week where my knee started acting up like all hell again, 2 years after the last surgery and i was ready to burst into tears at any given moment bc of stress. so i’m 100% indulging myself.
fair warning, it’s not edited and i just wrote it in a moment of inspiration so there is a chance it’s going to be changed slightly to fit where i decide to put it in the fic timeline. it’s an otto scene, and the context is that you picked up a book on historical swedish hairstyles. (also, i listened to “perfect duet” by ed sheeran and beyoncé while writing this)
Soft music is playing in the background.
The book is opened beside you, and you look over once in a while to confirm that what you were doing is right.
You hum along with the song as you take another section of Otto’s hair, parting it, and starting to work on another braid.
You peer over at him to check how he’s doing. He looks relaxed and possibly like he’s enjoying himself. You smile fondly, passing a gentle finger over his jaw before passing one strand over the other, continuing with braiding.
You give him privacy to react to your gesture as he wishes, secure in the thought that it was not unwelcome.
He no longer freezes up when you touch him. The fact fills you with warmth, spreading from your chest up to the tips of your fingers.
You continue working on his hair, the silence only broken by you occasionally humming softly along with the songs you recognize.
Once you’re done, you adjust the braids with your fingers, making sure they are in the right place and secure.
“I’m done,” you say as you trail your hand on the back of his neck, seeing the goosebumps the action causes.
You let him get up to walk over to the bathroom mirror, following after his towering form.
He pauses when he catches the sight of himself from the doorway, before walking forward to examine his hair up close.
You lean in the doorway, slightly nervous, watching as he turns his head this and that way to see all of it.
Remembering something, you bend around him to get a smaller compact mirror from one of the cabinets, before holding it up behind him, so he can see the back of his hair.
“Do you like it?” You ask, trying to keep your voice even.
Otto glances over to meet your eyes in the mirror in front of him.
“Yes,” he pauses, looking like he thinks what he said was not enough. “I like it.”
You grin at him, and your heart stops as he gives you his first real smile.
Goosebumps start spreading over your skin like wildfire, heart slowly picking up it’s pace. Your face heats up, blush rapidly spreading up your neck and over your cheeks, while also trailing down over your chest as you watch him smile, his beautiful eyes still connected to yours.
“Thank you,” your voice is slightly hoarse, and you lower the mirror to hug it to your chest, smiling shyly.
He turns to face you fully, peering down at you, and you’re not sure what’s worse for your health, him watching and smiling at you in the mirror or him looking down to you from where he’s towering over you, so close.
He smiles the tiniest bit wider, and you’re sure it’s going to be the death of you. You’re only waiting for your heart to give out on you.
Axel passes by the bathroom, pausing and walking backwards to see what you were doing, snapping you out of your trance. Your blush refuses to die down.
“Is it good?” You ask when you see him examining Otto’s hair.
“Your hair won’t bother you anymore.” Axel comments, nodding approvingly. “It looks nice.”
Oscar appears at the door too, coming to take a look himself. “It’s good,” he says, sibling rivalry preventing him from giving a nicer compliment.
You notice Otto discreetly shifting his weight, and realize he might be feeling uncomfortable under the scrutiny, in spite of appreciating the comments.
“Okay, shoo,” you wave your hands at Axel and Oscar, keeping your voice playful so they don’t take offense. “I still need to adjust a few things,” you lie through your teeth.
Amused, they listen, going away.
“Thank you,” Otto says softly once they’re gone.
You simply stoke his cheek for a second, passing a thumb over the bottom of his scar before retracting your hand.
“Do you really like it?” You ask softly, the intimacy of the moment making you feel safe enough to show your vulnerability.
He nods, quite eagerly for his standards, before deciding to speak up again. “I do.”
You truly appreciate him making an effort to speak more for you. You never insinuated that you wished he did, because he is completely enough for you as he is. But seeing him make an effort, because he wanted to, makes your heart clench, overflowing with fondness.
“If you want me to, I can do it again before missions so your hair doesn’t get in your face in the middle of action. We can try different styles until we find the one you like the most,” you offer.
He nods eagerly again, and you allow a fond smile to show on your face. “Okay,” you say quietly.
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millennialfangirl · 4 years
Kind and Generous (mid & post 7x10 oneshot)
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Fandom: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Daisy x Daniel
Rating: Mature & NSFW
Word Count: 3,027
Author’s Note: Hello, all! This is my first foray into Dousy mature content (aka smut). I’m really excited about it, but also nervous, because it’s been several years since I’ve written smut, or much of anything. 
This title and fic are inspired by the song “Kind and Generous” by Natalie Merchant (hello 90′s), and the sheer pure goodness of one Agent Daniel Sousa. I hope yall enjoy! Comments are treasured!
~Kind and Generous~
Daniel takes the large duffle that’s a lot heavier than she made it seem. He smiles to himself at convincing her to let him take it off her shoulders, and heads down the hallway in the direction of the bunks. Once he reaches them, he places his bag in one, and then goes out to look for a bunk for Daisy. Realizing he doesn’t know which one she might want, he turns back in the direction of the lab room he had left the two women in. 
He doesn’t mean to eavesdrop, but just as he’s approaching the door, he hears his name. The next thing he hears takes his breath away, causing him to pause outside the door, and stay hidden.
“You kissed Agent Sousa?” Simmons exclaims in a loud whisper. 
“Hey, hey, keep your voice down. Nobody knows, not even him.”
Daniel ponders what could possibly be wrong with Daisy, because he damn sure would know if they had kissed. The desire and thought of doing it had been lingering in his mind since she saved his tail back on the train, assuring him that they were, in fact, the good guys. Why would she fabricate something like that and share it with Agent Simmons?
“How is that possible? What do you mean he doesn’t know?”
“Remember the whole time loop situation I was just in...yea.”
“What does this mean? Do you like him? Are you going to tell him?”
Even outside of the room, he can hear Daisy take a deep breath before sighing. He can’t believe that they had kissed, and he had the dumb luck of forgetting it. 
“Of course I like him. He’s a good man. Even if the SHIELD files didn’t prove that, he was by my side in every time loop, even sacrificed himself a couple of times just so I wouldn’t die and reset my memory. He’s solid...and it doesn’t hurt that he’s got that James Dean, Cary Grant Hollywood vibe going.”
“He is rather dreamy. That’s so exciting...why do I feel like there’s a but?”
“Because...you know my past. Look at how many people that get near me die. I barely know him, but somehow I don’t think I could lose him. And besides, we just ripped him from his home, everything he knew. For all I know, he’s in love with someone back in 1955.”
All he can hear is Simmons’ exasperated, “Daisy,” as he backs away from the door, back to the bunk he had put his things in. He takes the time to think over everything he heard while putting away the few things he has on his person. 
He’s lost in thought when he hears the thud of familiar combat boots approaching his door. Daisy knocks on the door frame softly, and he looks up to see her in the doorway looking calm and collected.
“So, where’d you put my stuff, then I’ll be out of your way so you can get some rest.” 
He gestures to the floor by the door where he had dazedly put her duffle. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know which bunk you wanted. I was going to come find you after I got settled.”
 “That’s alright,” she brushes off as she moves to grab the bag. 
He’s there in an instant, picking it up and hoisting it on his shoulder.
“Show me the way.”
She gives him a once over, clearly scrutinizing his actions before shrugging.
“I was thinking I’d just go right across the hall, actually.”
He follows her the few steps across the tile hall and into the room. Without being told, he deposits the large duffle on her bed. 
“That was easy enough,” he says, wiping his hands together as if he had just lifted fifty bales of hay. 
“No problem...actually, do you mind if we talk for a minute.”
“Sure. You doing alright? Are you ready to abandon ship and try to go start a new life?”
Daniel finds it incredibly sad that her first assumption is that he wants to leave. He finds it sad that she doesn’t seem bothered by it, more like she was expecting it. He can see the careful mask she’s placed to hide her fears. 
“I’m doing great actually, and I think I’m right where I need to be.” 
Daisy startles, and her mask of kind indifference drops. 
“Oh...okay. Um, in that case, what did you need?”
He takes a couple of steps closer while carefully deciding what he should say. He doesn’t want to spook her. He doesn’t want to push her. He just wants her to know that he’s there, available, waiting for the right time. 
“I just want you to know that there’s no one special back in ‘55. No one to write home to. I kind of married the job, resigned myself to bachelorhood,” he says while crossing his arms. He clears his throat before continuing, because he can see that she’s at a loss for words.
“Of course, I had close friends, family. My pop was still around. So when I say there are people I wish I could have said goodbye to, that’s who I’m talking about.” 
He can see the faintest blush rise on her cheeks, and he loves the way it makes her skin glow. 
“And um, why did you think I should know that?”
“So that when I tell you that I think you’re amazing, and that I want to get to know you better, and that I want to take you to dinner and see a film, if that’s something people still do in the 21st century...that you’ll believe me.” 
She brings her fingers up to her mouth, maybe remembering the kiss they had shared, or maybe covering up the grin that’s breaking through. Most importantly, she’s not backing away or rejecting his plans. If anything, she’s inched closer to him. 
“That’s a good reason.” 
“I thought so,” he agrees.
He takes her free hand, holding it in his. He lifts it to his mouth, brushing his lips softly against the top of her knuckles.
“I’m going to show you that you deserve good things. I promise,” he mumbles against her skin, turning and kissing the delicate underside of her wrist too, the promise of so much more implied.
She looks at him in awe, and he’s proud to have rendered her speechless. He lets her hand fall from his as he slowly backs up and turns to the door. Just as he’s about to walk out, he turns back around at the last minute.
She’s still standing there, staring at the place he once stood. 
“And Agent Johnson,” he starts, waiting for her to look up and meet his eyes. “I’d really like to kiss you on the lips and remember it, if that’s something you might be amenable to one day.”
He knows he’s playing dirty, but he loves the way her whole face goes red, realization that he’d heard their conversation dawning on her face. 
“I think I can be amenable to that.” 
“Good. I’ll go get some of that rest now.”
He turns on his heel, and can’t help the light whistle he blows as he moves to his room, closing the door behind him. For the first time since he woke up on the Zephyr, he feels like he’s got something to look forward to. 
Over the next few weeks, he does just that. He reminds her of what it is like to have a partner, to have someone to lean on. He picks her up after every fall, and he stands by her side in every fight.  And it isn’t like the almost simple, repeated tasks of the time loop. It’s the heavy, habitual pattern of everyday life, and the constant fear of the unknown. He is steady through it all.
They fall into like...into friendship...and then an instant anticipation of more. Secret glances and whispered conversations between missions. They can feel the hum of something big just underneath the surface. Daisy knew that as soon as the fighting stopped and the team could take a break, they would collide with each other like two trains on the same track. They were never supposed to cross paths, but someone, God, the universe...maybe time itself, switched their paths. Somehow, he’s everything she didn’t know she needed, and more. 
Their time of respite comes. They’re in a new future, one that’s unknown to them both, and their team, but the Lighthouse is still there. For better or worse, it’s their home for now. The team disperses, each of them seeking out long hot showers, comfort food, and the welcoming arms of someone they love. Daniel finds her combing through her wet hair, water droplets clinging to her skin. 
“We did it.”
“You did it,” he replies immediately.
But as kind and generous as that is to say, she knows she wouldn’t be here without him.
“No, we did it.” 
He silently acquiesces with a nod. 
She stands up, tugging the thin robe she had put on after her shower more tightly around her. She pivots to place her brush on the outdated, built-in 70’s dresser. 
She can feel the air shift, and she’s only a little surprised to find him right in front of her when she turns back around. 
“You feeling okay? You hurt much?” he asks, always concerned, his eyes raking over her body.
“No. Just a little tired," she assures him.
“Good,” he replies, like she placed the last puzzle piece or connected the last dot. 
She is surprised when he grasps her waist and pulls her flush against him. Without hesitation, their mouths meet, and it’s so much better than her memory of the time loop. He’s giving so much to the kiss, exposing himself down to the bones.
“I made you a promise.”
He lifts her wrist up and starts a slow ascent up her arm, sliding the sleeve of her robe up as his mouth picks up where he left off weeks ago.
“I’d like to follow through on that now, if it’s okay with you.” 
She can barely nod as he gently pulls the knot loose that’s holding her robe closed. He doesn’t pull it off, he doesn’t look, he just places a warm hand on her bare stomach, and then moves his lips to her cheek. 
Her eyes sting under his careful touch. She’s never been touched like this. 
Where there was once an impassioned frenzy, now there’s a languid tenderness. Exploration, experimentation. Admiration. Daisy can feel it all coming off of him in waves, all tactile devotion. 
She needs this. She needs to feel loved, not for her power, or her fighting, but for her soft edges and fragile heart. 
Suddenly his arms are wrapped around her tight, one hand protectively on her back, the other buried in her hair, cradling her head. She can’t help but sag against him, feeling the last vestiges of fight or flight leave her system, a heavy weight unburdening itself from her shoulders. Somehow, this hug is more intimate than anything she’s experienced. They stand there for a minute, soaking up the silence and peace.
And then she’s in the moment, and she can feel him pressed against her everywhere, strong and solid and safe. Static crackles over her skin as he dips his head to her neck. Everything but his touch disappears, and her robe drops to the floor.  
He picks her up like he did in the barn, and they settle on the bed with her in his lap. His lips are back on hers, and his fingers are brushing down the side of her face, then her neck. She whimpers when they finally graze her breast, a gentle swirl over her nipple. He becomes reacquainted with her neck then, sucking and nipping while his fingers trace the sides of breast. He cups her whole, his hand encompassing her entirely. That long forgotten warmth draws down to her abdomen, and her inner walls clinch in anticipation. 
“So beautiful,” she can hear him murmur into her neck while his hand continues to massage her rhythmically. 
Weeks of want and anticipation since that first forgotten kiss has her desperate. The sudden shock of his affection wears off, leaving room for her to pull his face back up so she can kiss him properly. His responding moan delights her when she slips her tongue in his mouth. His gentle control waivers, and she’s rewarded with a slightly painful pinch to her hardened nipple. Her hips buck and her legs spread, begging for attention. 
He’s still cradling her head as he leans back from the kiss to look into her face. It’s not her lack of clothing making her feel vulnerable, rather the intense stare he maintains as his hand finds its way to her parted legs. A strangled gasp leaves her at the first touch of his fingertips to her entrance. She can see his eyes dance around her face, watching every reaction to his exploration. 
A digit gathers moisture, and circles her entrance. She can’t help but let her eyes slip closed as that finger disappears within her. He goes shallow at first as he maps her out. 
“Daniel…” she hears herself whimper, and she’s not sure she’s ever heard herself sound like that before.
Her hand grips his forearm, nails digging in as she looks up at him in wonder and need. 
“Whatever you need,” he quietly promises.
And she feels that burning sensation behind her eyes again. Her hand slides down to his.
“Don’t stop,” she instructs while gently pushing him deeper. 
A tear escapes down her cheekbone as he starts to circle her deep inside. 
Her right arm wraps around his waist while her left hand continues to cling to his, feeling him push in and out of her in steady, sure strokes. She holds him tightly and can’t help but arch up against his ministrations, which makes it easier for his head to tip down and latch onto a nipple. A light wave travels through her, and she knows she’s already getting close. 
He must know it too, because his middle finger becomes more sure of itself as he curls it up. He pulls away from her breast, and kisses the tear away. He watches her as she starts to come undone, his thumb circling her clit, lighting her up in a whole new way. 
She bites her lip, and her legs tense up waiting, and waiting for that drop. Her stomach quivers, along with a few things around the room. His finger works her over faster and harder.
“C’mon, come for me. Let go.”
Her stomach shakes and she gasps out a broken cry. Her walls flutter and collapse around him.
“That’s it...that’s it. Just like that,’ he encourages her.
She rides out her release in blissful fulfillment. 
She should feel shy and embarrassed as she comes down from her high, but there’s no room for that when she meets his kind eyes and flushed cheeks. He’s smiling, wide and happy, and Daisy’s never been the girl to feel giddy and romantic, but she does. 
He slowly withdraws from her, and she can feel her dampness on his hand as it trails back up her body. He lays her down finally, and kisses her softly, almost timid. 
He props up on an elbow and looks down at her. 
“Was that…” he tries to get out, clearing his throat.
“Was that good? Did you enjoy it?”
She can’t help the toothy, silly grin that splits her face, or the tired, satisfied stretch she lets out as she nods in affirmation.
“It was perfect.”
“I’m glad.”
He leans down and nuzzles her nose, peppering soft kisses across her face. 
But then he’s getting up, pulling back the starchy sheets and blanket. Before she realizes it, he’s tucking her in, his hand brushing her hair out of her face. 
“Hey...where are you going? I want to take care of you,” she whines while pulling on his arm.
He sits on the edge of the mattress and tangles their fingers together. He kisses them lightly while gazing down at her. 
“There’ll be plenty of time for that later. In fact, I’d like to take you out on a date, remember?”
“You should be resting.”
She’s not pleased with the turn of events, but even she can admit how heavy her eyelids are getting. She doesn’t want him to leave though. She’s selfishly wanted him back by her side, sleeping next to her, just like he did with the healing pod.
“Okay, but will you stay?” she asks. And maybe she bites her lip and gives him her best puppy dog eyes.
She knows he’s caved, the minute he sighs and let’s his head drop down in a rueful grin. 
“I knew you were going to be trouble, with a capital ‘T’.”
She laughs and excitedly slides over, pulling back the sheets for him. She feels a rush of pride when she sees him falter, staring at her still naked form. He blinks out of his daze and immediately pulls the basic t-shirt he’s wearing over his head.
It’s her turn gulp when he hands it to her.
“I’ll stay, but you gotta put that on,” he demands as he turns around.
“You are such a square,” she teases, but does as he says. 
He turns back as she settles back into the bed.
“I’m going to go grab some water. Want some?”
So, so kind and generous. 
“Yes, please.”
“You got it. I’ll be right back.” 
She watches him go and relaxes. Fatigue settles into her bones. She must have drifted off, because she startles awake when she feels someone settle behind her on the mattress, the room dark and quiet.
“It’s just me,” he reassures her, and tugs her close against him. 
She smiles into the darkness when he kisses her cheek. 
“I’m going to thank you properly, Agent Sousa...for everything.” 
“I look forward to it, Agent Johnson.”
Ta Da! 
Would anyone like a follow up with a first date?
(pssst...there’s probably going to be a smutty first date follow up)
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whootwhoot · 4 years
»»—— 𝘛𝘛𝘛𝘊 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 2: "𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘴" ——««
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Akaashi Keiji x Fem! Reader
author’s notes: holy shit im so sorry for the not posting in such a long time ;-; i had stuff i needed to clean up + i was lazy- anyways this is the second chapter for my first long fic “Third Times The Charm” sorry for the delay ^^ compared to the previous one this one involves more conversations since im not good at writing movements lmAO enjoy uwu
☕ synopsis: Iwaizumi Y/n, a student who goes to Aoba Johsai as well as the second year manager for the school’s male volleyball team. What happens when she sets eyes on the cute setter from Fukurodani?
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[ CHAPTER 2 - First texts ] 
“Oh shit.” 
Your phone screen fades to black as you sit there biting your lip. Baffled by how stupid you were, you slam your face into the pillow next to you.
“You had one chance, one chance and you did what? You forgot about it, your stupid brain forgot about it. Are you kidding me?”
You let out a loud groan as you sit back up, the bed sheet wrinkles while you release that breath of air you’ve been holding. Your hands wandered around your phone’s keyboard, too nervous to reply but too anxious not to. 
Akaashi seems like a genuine guy, he doesn’t show off or boast about himself. He’s just always there, the way he smiles when he successfully makes a perfect set, the way his delicate hands toss the ball, his eyes only focusing on you…
“Y/n! Get a grip! What are you even thinking?!” a couple more groans and turns on your bed and you are more awake than before. 
Honestly you never expected a reply from him at all. Sure, the idea of that crossed your mind, maybe more than several times but the thought of it actually happening? There’s no way.  
“It’s like my brain short circuited somehow.” you whisper while sitting up, leaning against the headboard of your mattress. 
Maybe the impression of you from your previous lover affected you more than you want to admit. “You’re annoying.” “Undeserving of love.” “No one can even stand a clingy person like you.” 
Your vision turns blurry as you feel cold tears gently running down your face. You wipe them away, hoping to erase the emotions bubbling up inside of you away too. 
The insecurities you try to push away seem to have formed a wall, a never ending wall that just stacks higher and higher. Just when you thought you have gotten over it, the tiniest shard of the most fragile moment can make you fall back down again.
The creaking sound of your room door makes you jump as your brother peeks his head inside your room. 
“Haji? It’s 2am you, you should be sleeping!” 
“You didn’t close the lights in your room so I thought I’d check up on you.”
“Your eyes look reddish, are you okay?” 
You lift your shoulders in a shrug, Hajime comes into your room and stands right in front of you and folds his arms. 
“Is this the older brother's lecturing time?” you ask while raising your eyebrow
“And for the record, I’m fine. You don’t have to-”
“I think I do.” Hajime stares at you intensely 
“You should've gotten over that jerk ages ago.”
“I know, I know” you release your breath and repeat the sentence he once told you  “The first love cuts the deepest, but not every cut leaves a scar.” 
“Well, I don’t know but just… what makes you think I deserve love?”
“Iwaizumi Y/n, you are my sister. No one knows you better than I-”
You laugh in amusement while Hajime licks his lips as his mouth forms a small smile. 
“Ok but the point is, you’ll find someone who’ll love you as much as you love them eventually. No one in the world is undeserving of love.”
You rest your chin on your palm while eyeing and slyly grinning towards your brother.
“Eww since when have you learned to be so cheesy?” 
“It’s called quality love advice, you should try them sometime.”
He ducks just in time to avoid the pillow you flung at him. 
“Stop yelling or the neighbours are going to hear you!”
He continues to laugh while rushing to the door. He stands at your door and gestures his hand at the light switch.
You grab your blanket and nod your head while laying down, the bed softly creaking causing him to chuckle. Hajime closes the lights and leaves your room quietly.
His warm words hang around  in the cold room as you slowly drift off to sleep. 
“Thanks Haiji-nisan.” 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Hello, it’s me  😓
The girl who was randomly texting you last night 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
No reply
You furiously type on your phone while staring at the screen intensely in hopes that he sees your messages. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I forgot about that photo 😓 😓 , I'm sorry if it seemed weird or uh rude
And uh i just hope that maybe we can get to know each other
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
Okaayyy he replied,  so that’s a good sign… right? 
Biting your lips, you place your thumb on the phone to prevent the screen from fading and eventually closing. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Soooooooo I’m Iwaizumi Y/n  😇 😇
Akaashi Keiji.
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
“God damn it, he’s such a conversation killer.” you mumble under your breath 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I’m from Aoba Johsai!! 
You’re the spikers younger sister? Iwaizumi?
Well duh  😂
Where are you from? 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You ran your hand through your hair, cringing at how hard you're trying. 
Maybe you could just tell him, you know like “Hey hot stuff, I think you attracted me with your stunning good looks so I want to date you.” you mock while pointing finger guns at the mirror. 
Just then, the familiar ringtone of your phone notification rings and you scramble to see who it was. 
���═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
El is best girl:
Heyyyyy, you got the text yet? 
El is best girl:
Daaaaaaamn I take it you're disappointed that it wasn't him who appeared on your notification?  😔 😔
I love texting you  😘
El is best girl:
Awhh save it lmAO 
Did you text him back?
😤 He’s not giving anything to work with here 
El is best girl: 
Pshhh I mean just ask him how his day was or like 
At least try to keep the conversation going 
El is best girl:
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You hurriedly press into your chat with Akaashi
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I’m from Fukurodani.
Isn’t that just a few minutes away from my school 😮 ?
I think so.
Um how was your day?
“Akaashi is typing”
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
“I can’t decide if he’s typing really slow or he’s sending a long text…” You decide to place your phone down and doodle on your papers while waiting for his reply. 
“Bokuto-san, she asked me how my day went.”
“Don’t reply to her anymore! Let her wait for you to text back, it builds a sense of mystery.” 
Bokuto suggests while winking. 
“Bokuto-san it’s not really nice to leave people on read.”
“Akaashi, I’m the ladies man, listen to me and your love life this time wouldn’t end like the last two.”
Akaashi can’t help but grin at his confident “wingman”, it’s no secret his past relationships were… well not that good, but to ask for Bokuto for help? 
“Hey you were the one who asked for help when a girl texted you.” “Plus, didn’t you find her cute too? The short girl manager watched our match at camp.”
“You were staring when she wasn’t looking, and after the first time you saw her from the bus you were trying to get to know which school bus it was.”
Akaashi’s jaw almost drops at his friend's observant nature that he didn’t know existed, apparently when it comes to love Bokuto isn’t as… well, dumb, as he seems. He tries to form words to deny Bokuto’s accusation but he can’t seem to find a reason to do so. 
“Also just play hard to get, girls love a challenge.”
“...” “Maybe I’ll wait a little longer before I reply to her.”
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Um Akaashi?  😅
Uh  😅 😅
You know, if you’re not interested in talking to me you could’ve just said so
Sorry I was busy, I had volleyball practice.
I didn’t know you have practice on weekends ;-; 
It’s all right.
Anyways how’s practice^^ was it fun?
Yeah, it was like usual.
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You scream inside your head while holding yourself back from banging your head on the table. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Do you think we can maybe, meet up?  👉 👈
Uh  😶
NO NO  😲 
I mean we never met of course not haahahahaha 
Meeting up just to get to know each other then?
Ah yes that’s it, like a gathering
If you don’t mind 
I’ll see if I’m available. 
Cool! Is next Sunday fine?
We’ll see. 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
El is best girl:
Wowww playing hard to get huh 
He sure is a tricky one
I don’t think I like where this is going
El is best girl:
It lowkey kinda ruins the impression you have of him huh 
Ah well 
It’s probably his first time or something
Have a little hope  😔  
I have one week to prepare 
El is best girl:
Hell yeah 
Any thoughts on where you’re taking him 
If you don’t I mayyyyy have suggestionsssssssss 
God damn it El 
We’ll just be talking okay 
I do have a place in mind though
El is best girl:
Go on
You know the ice cream shop? At the street? 
El to is best girl:
Ohh an ice cream shop 
Very intriguing  🥺
Don’t tell me it’s because of that article 
I mean
El is best girl:
LMAO you 
You seriously believe you can tell someone’s personality by their favourite ice cream flavour?
Grow a brain Y/n 
You’re one to talk  🙄 🙄
Anyways I’m off to prepare dinner for tonight
El is best girl:
Owh Iwaizumi-kun teaching you to cook again
Let’s hope you don’t bring the kitchen down with you okay dear
Sometimes I wonder how we’re friends
El is best girl:
Nah it’s simple really
You looooooooove me uwu
Go away 
El is best girl:
😳 😳 😳
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
- end of chapter 2 -
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(author’s end notes: i hope yall enjoyed this lmAO its pretty long ^^ anyways im writing their texts from y/n’s POV so the nicknames she gives her contacts might change owo)
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