#also I feel bad because I he to blank out Lucy and Kat's faces and to me it looks really strange but it was only way I could make it :(
eggy-the-boy · 1 year
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Is it my most accurate text post? Probably not. Is the thought of them saying this extremely funny to me? Absolutely. 
(this has been sitting in my drafts for so long help)
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gaiyofanfiction · 6 years
Misfortune Chapter 2
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Prologue - Prologue Pt. 2 - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Idol!Jaebum x Solo Idol!Reader
Drama/Slight comedy
A/N: YAY SECOND CHAPTER. Thank you to everyone who’s supporting us and this fic. We’re enjoying writing it very much ^^ Here you go!
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. The name of the idol (reader) as well as the fandom name are fake and made up by us. The real life idol’s personalities portrayed in this fic are also made up by us. To our knowledge, the idols in real life are total sweethearts. We do NOT condone fandom wars or trashing idols in the SLIGHTEST. We are hoping this story will bring awareness to how stupid and toxic fandom wars can be.
Trigger Warning: Anxiety attacks, flashbacks and depression for the most part. Toxic fandom wars and bullying (Which we’ll explain further into the story). May be something later.
Stepping on stage, you scan upon the colorful sea of people. ‘Smile, girl, ya gotta smile.’ You shake off your nerves and anger for JB and focus on your act.
You purr into the mic. “Hello KCON! Where my Kittens at, huh?” You hear cheers coming from all around. Suddenly it becomes illuminated with purple lights.
“Ahhh I see my Kittens have my purple Kitty Lightstick! Don’t you just love it?” The crowd cheers some more, but you also hear some booing. It gets louder and louder.
You set your gaze on the pit and see a lot of angry fans. One was even holding up a sign that said ‘Skin the cat!’ and another one nearby said ‘JB is our King!’ 
You roll your eyes and clear your throat. “Well, no reason to keep you all waiting. I will be performing my debut single, Trust.”
The lights change leaving only three lights beaming over you. They were three different shades of purple. Your favorite color. It felt like a warm, soft blanket. You felt a sudden boost of confidence. ‘I got this.’
The song starts and the words begin to flow right out of your mouth. You nailed every step, every word, every tune. The crowd was loving it. You even see Jimin and BamBam cheering for you off to the side of the stage. It was probably the most dabs you've ever seen BamBam do.
You were finally halfway through your song and the most important part was about to come up. But something caught you off guard from the corner of your eye. An anti was stealing one of your fan’s lightstick and snapped it in half.
Suddenly you trip and fall on stage. Several gasps filled the room. Quickly you get up and try to get back in sync, but you were still off beat. The song finishes and there were scattered claps then an uproar of boos.
You take a quick bow and disappear into the curtain. Your back smacks the wall and you pant loudly. The sudden panic attack made you sick to your stomach. ‘Oh god, I’m going to vomit.’
Sliding down slowly to the floor in a crouching position you hug your knees and take slow deep breaths. You hear footsteps approaching you, but you don’t look up.
“That was quite a performance, KAT.”
You didn’t even need to look up to know that was JB standing right over you.
“It’s KIT. J-Babo.”
“HA! That’s cute. Did you come up with that all on your own? Just like that little stumble of yours?”
You jump right up and get in his face. “I wouldn’t have messed up if I hadn’t seen one of your silly little fans steal one of my fan’s lightstick and break it in half right in from of them. What kind of star encourages that behavior?”
“A shining star. Me. A rising King in the Kpop world,” he says sinisterly as he flicks your forehead.
You smack away his hand. “Don’t you dare touch me!”
“Heyyyyy! Woah!” says BamBam as he shoulders his way in between you and JB.
“Don’t worry. I was just leaving. Unlike some people I have my dignity intact.” Your back is turned already as you start to exit the backstage.
Just before you exit, JB scoffs. “Pretty sure you lost your dignity when you fell on stage.”
Walking away, you throw up your middle finger. You take a deep breath in and sigh. ‘Let it go, don’t become the very thing you hate.’ Quickly exiting the stage tears start to form in the creases of your eyes.
Just as you take a sharp turn around the corner you bump into someone real hard.
“HEY! WHAT THE- Oh! Jimin… I’m so sorry. I’m-” Your voice cracks.
Jimin immediately brings you in for a tight hug. “Girlfriend, I know, I know. Let’s not talk about it. Let’s just unwind, okay? How about we go to the bar and grab a couple drinks tonight, hm? My treat!”
You really could use a friend right now. Especially after everything that’s been going on.
“Yes, please! I really need it,” you say as you muster up a smile for Jimin.
“Atta girl! LET’S GET TURNT WOOP WOOP!” Jimin says as she jumps up and down.
The both of you burst out laughing. This girl always knows how to make you feel better. “Alright, alright, let’s not get too crazy ya goof.”
The two of you meet up at a local bar. After you two enter, you see a handful of people scattered throughout the bar, but no one you recognize. Sighing in relief, you pick a table to sit at and start to look at the drink menu.
The bartender comes up. She didn’t seem to recognize you, so that was a good sign. Even in America, your anxiety about antis gets the best of you.
“Hey girls! What would you both like today?”
You stare at the menu and look up at Jimin with a blank stare.  Jimin nods and smiles. She then looks to the bartender, “give us two tequila sunrises!”
The bartender nods and starts to make you the drinks.
“You’re really trying to get me effed up tonight, aren’t you?”
Jimin giggles, “girl, you need it. Besides, tomorrow is your day off!”
Glancing around the bar, you notice something. A familiar girl was sitting in the corner with a solemn look on her face. You tilt your head, trying to figure out where you know her from. You look at the table where she's staring and notice your KITbong, broken into two pieces.
‘That's the girl who got her light stick broken at the show.’
Your eyes soften. It hurt you to see your fans look so upset. You turn to Jimin. “Hey, I'll be right back, okay?”
She nods, a confused look on her face. You grab your bag and gently walk up to the girl. You tap her on the shoulder, trying to get her attention. She looks up, wondering who was bothering her now. Her eyes widen when she sees you, putting a hand over her mouth.
You smile, “hi there. May I join you for a moment?”
She quickly nods her head, standing up immediately to pull out your chair. You giggle and raise your hand to stop her.
“It's okay, don't worry! Thank you for the kindness.”
You pull the chair out and have a seat next to her. She just stares at you, wide eyed. Not believing you're actually sitting here with her.
You tilt your head, “are you okay, sweetie?”
She nods her head, hyperventilating. “Oh my god, you’re KIT. Actually sitting here. With me. Right now.”
You laugh, “so I take it you're a fan?”
She nods her head faster. “I'm a HUGE fan. Kittens are my favorite fandom. You're my ultimate bias!”
Your eyes widen in surprise. You place a hand over your heart and take one of her shaking hands into yours. She stiffens at the contact before relaxing into the touch.
“You're so sweet. Thank you so much, you have no idea what it means to me. What's your name, hon?”
You giggle. “Well Lucy, I have a confession. I came over here because I noticed at the concert that someone had taken your light stick and broke it.”
Her eyes turn from shock into sadness at the memory. “Yeah, I was devastated. I can't believe they did that, it was my favorite light stick.”
“Well, I think I have something for you.” Still holding her hand, you reach into your bag and retrieve your light stick. “I wanted to give you this. It's my personal light stick and I really want you to have it.”
The girl's eyes widen shaking her head. “N-No! I couldn't do that! That's yours!”
You smile and take out a sharpie. You write ‘To my biggest fan, Lucy. Love, KIT’ signing your autograph.
“Well, now it's yours!”
The girl takes the lightstick with shaky hands. Her lip starts to quiver, tears falling down her face. She jumps out of her chair and hugs you tightly. You laugh and hug her back, just as tight.
“T-thank you so much. You're amazing, I love you so much.”
You stand up and bow your head. “I hope to see you again soon, Lucy. Take care. And remember to be a fierce kitten wherever you go.”
You wink at her, making her blush and head back to Jimin. “What was all that about?” she asks, confused.
You sigh and tell her the story of how one of JB’s fans decided to snap her poor lightstick in half. You wanted to make her feel better. Jimin smiles, patting your head.
“You're amazing, you know that?”
Happy with how the meeting with your fan went, you were finally able to relax and have fun with some good company. Of course for you, though, your happiness always comes to an abrupt halt.
In the distance you hear a familiar tune. Your heart skips a beat. ‘I-It’s...my song.’
You and Jimin turn around to see a group of young girls doing karaoke to your latest hit. The girls are dancing around and smiling. They turn to you and wink. You almost choke on your drink.
The one girl holding the mic points to you and says, “this one is for a special someone!”
Nervously smiling, you’re unsure how this is going to go down, but you have a bad feeling it’s not going to go your way.
The girl starts to sing your song, but it was completely out of tune. She screams into the mic horribly and even mixed up your words. The whole bar starts to laugh. It felt like you were on stage again being humiliated.
In the middle of it all, she decides to walk over to your table. “This is for the worst song of the year written and sung by the shittiest artist!”
She swiftly grabs your drink and pours it over your head. Your face read disbelief. You felt every drop of that drink slowly waterfall over you.
Jimin immediately takes the mic and shoves the girl out of the way. She puts the mic up to her lips, “and here’s to the crazy anti fans who think they’re better than everyone else. Get. A. Life.” She glares at the young girls and does a mic drop.
“C’mon, who needs ‘em.” She puts an arm over your and escorts you out of the bar.
Jimin hurries you back to the hotel to clean you up. Your anxiety took over, causing you to not be able to help yourself. You completely shut down. As she helps you undress and get into the bath, you didn’t say a word. What could you say? You didn’t know how to feel, and if you did, you wouldn’t know how to say it.
You had a flashback of an incident that happened a few months after you left JYP, right after JJProject debuted. You were sitting in a café by yourself, trying to come up with an audition for FNC Entertainment. As you were trying to pick out a song, you suddenly get Americano dumped all over you. You turn around to see a girl with a smirk on her face, who, of course, happened to be wearing a JJProject t-shirt.
Sliding down into the tub, the bottom half of your face covered by the bubbles, you wonder if all your misfortune would ever cease.
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
Luko Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
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Canon has been broken
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Name: Luko G. Heartfilia
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Nickname: Luko / Lu-kun / Lukonatic Race: Human Age: 24 (X791) Sex: Male Height: 5’11” Weight: 194 lbs Eye Color: Teal Hair Color: Blond
I have a bad feeling.
-Personality- Protective = He his extremely protective toward his friends and family. He will also protect stranger if they are in trouble without even knowing if they are enemies or not. Show off = He tend to show off at some point, that is either his awesome magic or his physic or anything that he can show off, he’ll probably do it. Caring = He cares too much xP Bad temper = He tend to anger himself quite easily if something goes wrong or he doesn’t like it Self-Confident = He is confident in his abilities to do things or what needs to be done (This + show-off = OUCH!! XD)
So he's all caring and nice, but hurt someone he cares about, and boom. He will hurt you.
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-History- At birth, Luko got seperated from his family due to his Father, he never wanted an addition to the family other than Lucy. But Layla didn’t agreed, she prefered to gave him to another family instead. So one night, Layla went to town alone with Luko in arms and knock on the door of the first house she thought was good enough. A young man opened the door with his wife by his side, they were confused by why this woman came to their house with a newborn child in arms. “Please, take care of this boy for me! Or else he might die!” asked Layla to the strangers. Without knowing who that woman was, they accepted with pleasure. Before leaving, his mother place a hand on his head and said; “I will come see you as often as I can my dear Luko…Heartfilia!”
Why would Jude Heartfilia just give up his son? Why would he just want to keep one child but not the other? This makes no sense! 
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A few years as past since then and Luko was healthy. He was about nine years old at that time and he was happy with his new family; the Gravis. Earthor; his foster father was an Stone-make user while her foster mother was a writting of light user (Hikari no écriture). 
Just say Light Écriture. it's not hard.
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They both decided to have a child of their own only a few years after they took in Luko, her name was Kathyrina, she is four years old. His real mother; Layla, was seeing him now and there when she had the time but one day, she stop. Not because she didn’t wanted to see him, but because she past away.
three years later, he decided to go out with his sister Kathyrina for a walk. They were both alone in the woods but something happened, Luko started to hear some “roar” close to them so they hide in the bushes. “I’m scared Luko…” - “Don’t worry, i’m here! We’ll be fine. Just don’t look ok?” Only Luko had his head out and looked at what we could call, a Dragon Slayer using his magic on giant rocks. The sound of it made her sister cry and she was extremely scared of it, so they both ran off but has she kept on running, Luko stop and looked back once more. “I hate that kind of Magic…, it’s scaring my sister and I don’t like it!” He then runs off with a serious face and something on his mind. When he returned home, he asked his foster father to teach him Stone-Make Magic, so that one day he could deal with that kind of magic that is scaring people, Luko wants to protect people with that magic!
Would Jude even allow that?
And seriously? He hates all Dragon Slayer magic because it scared his four year old sister one time? Just "I will never forgive that person for using their magic and I will forever hate said magic because it scared my four year old sister. Therefore it is the worst kind of magic ever.” 
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Six years… after six years of intense magic training, he was good at it, but not only that but his foster mother also taught him writting of light. But he didn’t like the idea of doing this with a pen and in combat, so he decided to use it on Blank cards so he could use them later or when in need of it. “I’m set to go, thanks mother, father!”
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This makes zero sense. And what was his motivation? One Dragon Slayer? That's ridiculous.  
“I know your not our real son Luko but in our heart, you will always be part of the family.” said his foster father At that time, he remembered something that his mother Layla told him when he was younger. That he have a real twin sister called Lucy. 
Twin sister?
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“Maybe I need to find Lucy, she was with my parents the whole time, i’m sure I can learn new things about my real family!”
And so, at twenty-one, 
Nope. Nope. Lucy was 17 at the beginning of the series. He's TWIN brother apparently. He needs to be her age.
he left his home in search of his sister Lucy Heartfilia but he didn’t know where to go or how to reach it. One day, while on his adventure, he found a wounded young lady on the ground. With his nature of been protective, 
What's 'nature of been'?
he went to see if she was okay, but at the same time, a monster tried to eat the both body, and so Luko used his powerful Stone-Make Magic to push back the creature. He asked her if she was alright and she replied with a nod without speaking. Luko then asked for her name and she simply said; “Sigrun…” with a smile. He then unleashed one of his card with Writting of Light on it to ease the pain she was having and heal her wound. After this was done, they talked for a while without seeing the time pass.
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Only Wendy can do healing magic. Do not break canon any more than you already have or so help me.
Then two man approaches Luko and Sigrun, one of them had blonde hair while the other one had black hair. “Come on Sigu, we’re leaving!” said the blonde man but Luko’s intuition made him move in front of the young lady with protective motive but she then put a hand on his back telling him they were his guildmates. Understanding the situation, Luko let her go waving goodbye; “Hope we’ll see each other again!” yelled Luko. She looked at him and whisper; “I hope…”
I am so done with everything involving this Gary Stu.
Two years as past since then, at the age of 23, Luko was still searching for his Twin sister that he thought he would never see her again. He had no clue nor advice on where to search or anything at all, he just searched every corner possible of every town while asking Townfolks. But one day, something clicked! He remembered his Mother telling him that Lucy wanted to go in Fairy Tail when she was young right before she past away. So he then decided to go and search for the Fairy Tail Guild Hall!
Layla was dead before that happened. And if you watched the OVA 'Memory Days', you would know that. Layla died when Lucy was very little. And Lucy only found out about the guild because her older self stopped a runaway carriage with her inside on a hill in front of Magnolia which was facing the guild hall. 
I've said it once, I'll say it again:
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At last he found it after a few months! 
Literally ask anyone who doesn't live under a rock and they will tell you the Fairy Tail guild is in Magnolia.
But it was small and almost no member were there, not even Lucy. When Luko asked if Lucy was here, they all lowered their head in memory of her been gone for almost 7 years. While nothing he could do, he then put his faith in his fist and asked if he could join the Guild and they accepted it!
If this is during the x791 arc, then they would be surprised that anoyoen would want to join the now weakest guild in Fiore.
-Personnal Info- Like: Sigrun/Flirting/Sweets
Who is Sigrun? He met her once and now he likes her?
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Dislike: Dragon Slaying Magic/Bad attitude/Thunder
Wow, he is not going to like Laxus, Gajeel and Natsu. 
And Natsu is really protective of Lucy, so heck off, Luko.
Hobbies: Missions/Mess around with friends/Card Tricks Favorite Food/Drink: Sake and Pasta
I am losing my mind.
And it never described him meeting Lucy, so I don't know if she's going to be OOC.
-Social Info-
Family Twin sister Lucy Heartfilia - Alive Father Judes Heartfilia - Deceased Mother Layla Heartfilia - Deceased Foster father Earthor Gravis - Alive Foster mother Leona Gravis - Alive Adopted Little sister Kathyrina Gravis - Alive Friends: Sigrun, Nixus, Megumi and many more
Also, Megumi is apparently and Earth Dragon Slayer, just the thing he hates, and she's his friend. This makes no sense.
Girlfriend: I can’t confirmed it Rivals: Gray / Jirubaisu
Why Gray...?
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Roommates: None, lives alone -Profession- Guild: Fairy Tail Guild Master: Makarov Dreyar Rank: Normal member Guild Mark: On top of the left hand in dark yellow Teammates: None, can handle stuff on his own
His family is alive and he's of normal rank? Wow, that's refreshing. I've seen so many OCs who are S class and super edgy because their whole family died in a dolphin attack or something poorly thought out like that.
Also, Megumi is apparently and Earth Dragon Slayer, just the thing he hates, and she's his friend. This makes no sense.
-Magic Abilities- Magic: Stone-Make Magic Weapon: None Abilities: Able to create solid object or weapon with the earth elements. Can also create few living object but requires a lot more magic power to control. Attack -Stone-Make: Mace (Offensive) -Stone-Make: Javelin (Offensive range) -Stone-Make: Turtle Shell (Defensive) -Stone-Make: Mud Slide (Floor) -Stone-Make: Rock Fist (Offensive - For hand-to-hand combat) -Stone-Make: Gargoyle (Offensive creature - used mainly for flying opponent) -Stone-Make: Rock Golem (Ultimate ability, requires a lot a power to handle but deals massive amount of damage) More will come in my head ^.^ -Additional Abilities- Light Cards/Writing of Light: Blank cards with light inscription on them from his second magic power; Hikari no Ecriture (Writting of light). Although he almost never use it, he DOES put them on cards to keep effect for later uses that is for combat or outside. Writting of Light is a support kind of magic that can heal wounds and some other stuff, but Luko is far from using it all the time, he would rather keep it has a last resort or to save someone.
No. Only Wendy can use healing magic.
Enhanced Speed: Although is not has fast as Jet; his running speed is “Slightly” faster than any other human, and by slightly i dont mean alot…
Enhanced Reflexes: With his speed enhanced a little, so does his reflexes. The way to avoid enemie’s attack or magic will make this perk usefull.
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Okay, that's apparently it. 
I... I cannot even.
Anyone who wants to make a Fairy Tail OC, never make them related to a main character by blood directly. Just don't.
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