#also I KNOW this won't be the opinion of literally everyone in either group but there are trends to these things aren't there?
nostalgia-tblr · 4 months
oh wow i was ONLY JUST mentally wondering "do the lokius shippers hate the thorki shippers?" but not wanting to just ask on tumblr In Case Drama and now an answer comes straight to my dash! what perfect timing!
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lilacsareinbloomagain · 9 months
Heyo! May I request platonic yandere chain with reader? But instead of isekai like normal the reader is actually a destructive spirit or deity that was reawakened by either Dark Link or Ganon? Anywhoooo I hope you’re having a great week- mine was filled with exams lmfaooooo
Thanks for requesting anon! I really hope you had good results from those exams!
Notes: My week was okay, thank you for asking!!
I really let out my imagination out on this one, hope you'll like it.
BTW, take this as a part on the back for getting through your week.
I feel like I made the yandereness on this one so light, I'm sorry
-> Reader can't bring themselves to remember anyone's names so just remembers their most striking characteristics in their opinion.
-> It's been a while since I've read the comic, so Time keeping FD's mask on his belt for safety measures (since it's the most dangerous one and he can't lose it) is merely a headcanon of mine.
-> Reader is a menace who has questionable intellect (AKA a chaotic, pyromaniac, destructive entity being forced to be nice to others by the good guys™).
-> I left the end ambiguous, so you guys can decide if reader was either truly tamed or is still a menace who Time has to keep on check so they won't be too cruel on their "pranks".
-> Reader also magically rearranged Time's ocarina so each hole would play different a different sound at some point, so he literally had to re-learn where each note was so that he could go back to playing his songs again.
-> Reader slept for more than Time and Wild both and doesn't know a thing about the Zelda lore other than the Golden goddesses.
TWs: Light platonic yanderism, mention of burns, mentions of fire and arson, mentions of loud noises, basically just reader being an absolute hazard to anyone and everyone.
Platonic yandere! Chain x Reader
Debt to pay.
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People from your time used to say that one could sooner move a mountain from it's resting place rather than tame your natural ways.
You wouldn't say you were a deity, per say, you thrived on chaos and setbacks, a living annoyance to the poor living things that breathed the same air as you, and roamed the earth by the same time you did.
It was in your nature to be destructive, yes, but you never wanted destruction, at least not full extinction. The darkness and the light were both two sides of the same rupee, they were one just like the other, beings of both sides would react the exact identical way to having their butts lit on fire. So, of course, you weren't one to pick and choose who you'd go after each day.
Thing is, most people didn't understand that —if anyone at all— so everyone just assumed you were a being of pure darkness, even if you actually saw yourself as more of a dark gray entity from a moral chart perspective.
And that was how you got yourself “killed”, if that's even the right thing to call it.
Somehow, no one seemed to care much when you lit whole villages on fire and made all of the walls of full-on castles start dissing out pure electricity, but they almost dislocated their jaws the moment you decided to do a silly trick and turn all of their lovely goddesses statues upside down for a day.
As if those same goddesses hadn't just ignored all of their prayers in the last hundreds of years you spent freely making their lives miserable.
You were stored in a vase. Not even a cool cool one. A plain clay vase deep within a temple under the ground. If you could choose, you'd have preferred something more majestic and up to the level of your power, but then again, it wasn't like you were in place to say anything in your defense.
Sometimes you just wondered how your small group of worshipers were. They probably weren't the best people out there, if you could say so yourself, but you were still curious if they ended up having similar fates to yours.
A long, long time later, you were "revived", for the same reason you were "killed".
Not the best choice on the part of whoever went through the trouble of doing all that, but who were you to judge? Or even to complain?
From what you could get from the boring evil monologue the guy in front of you was giving after having just woken you up from the longest nap you've ever had —since you couldn't really die— the guy wanted you to aid him in his quest to kill some other guys and take over the world or some boring nefarious plan like that.
You couldn't recall any of the names he just said, though, so you could only guess that you had either slept for a pretty damn long time, or you were in an entirely different world on itself.
Before you could fully decide on one of the two possibilities, the red guy sent you to fight against that group of guys he was talking about, seven men with varying shades of blonde hair along with two guys who weren't blond at all.
Perhaps you could have admired the strength of the red guy's magic, to just bring you out of your sleep like that and already straight up teleport you.
Thing is, you didn't really care enough to do that, you just did whatever you wanted the moment you realized you were fully conscious and in a physical body once again.
Were you chaotic and very much possibly evil? Yes. Were you stupid, however? Kinda No.
So the moment the opportunity presented itself, you followed those guys around, gathering information. Taking notice also of that one shadow looking dude, who was following them around just like you, seemingly with the intention of making their lives hell.
Maybe he'd be an interesting being to interact with, if he wasn't as prickly as a damn cactus. You swore you couldn't even approach the guy without him reacting like a startled cat, pointing his flimsy sword straight to your face. You swore to yourself you'd break that thing in half one of these days.
And so you set your sights fully on the blond —and the not so blond— guys, taking your time to also play around with the villages they went to and toy with the monster camps they passed by.
Of course, you couldn't just ignore the massively ominous aura drifting from the masks that one of the taller blondies carried around. Your hands itched to get a grasp on those things, whatever was sealed inside it was magical and possibly powerful, and the possibilities sent your mind on quite a dangerous frenzy.
The thing that made you a bit disappointed, however, was how long it took for them to notice your presence.
At some point you decided to start giving them some more obvious hints that what was following them wasn't friendly.
They seemed to really like bomb bags, which wasn't exactly safe for them when you could randomly activate those at will.
Also, you couldn't control the rain or storms, of course, but you definitely could attract lightning, especially since they all seemed to enjoy carrying around those identical metal swords.
Sometimes you just liked to pull on their hair and make knots on them, given that some had really long hair.
The wolf guy had a horse, one you could just startle really easily. Although you didn't have the result you wanted, since the wolf guy wasn't sent flying the moment his horse went crazy.
You caught him later, though. Making loud, high pitched noises to absolutely blow away his senses the moment he turned into a wolf to try and chase you down.
The fire that the short guy was using to mend a weapon randomly became overly strong, enough to have burned his whole arm, if he hadn't pulled away quick enough.
The scarf of the other one just one day became a bit too hard around his neck. It's a good thing for him that he was quick enough to pull it off his neck before he suffocated.
You watched as the one with pink hair almost had a breakdown, as all his colorful, shiny little trinkets and accessories having become dulled, turning completely pitch black, no traces of their original colors or magic left.
The kid tried to control the wind, only to have it blown straight back to his face, bringing leaves and sand with it.
You made sure their cook accidentally poured a bit too much pepper in their food, or salt, even sugar, if you felt like it.
The brown haired one suddenly lost control of his magic, what was supposed to heal their wounds ended up dyeing their hair blue for days on end.
That other guy who always overslept felt his pillow being pulled from under his head at random times through his nights.
And the tall guy's masks have all suddenly decided to disappear.
“Okay. Something is going on here. And it's not something natural.” Time sighed, looking around the camp, tired and worried, concerned.
Wild’s hair was an absolute mess and seemed to have caught on fire at some point, Warriors was glaring at his scarf, keeping it as far from his —almost purple— neck as possible. Wind had his hair almost as messy as Wild's, full of leaves and dirt, he was pretty sure there were also some bugs around it, his cheek had a thin cut from a sharp little rock.
Twilight was occupied comforting Epona, although the both of them seemed quite shaken up by something.
Four had some burns around the tips of his fingers, his hair usual blond hair now stained with blue, Hyrule sitting beside him with a frown, bandaging his hands rather than using his healing magic like he normally would.
Sky wasn't far from the two, almost dozing off despite the migraine that had settled behinds his eyes, which were now dotted with heavy bags from sleepless nights. Legend's terrible mood did not seem to disturb his need for a nap.
“Oh, really?” Legend almost growled back, positively fuming with barely contained rage gleaming in his eyes.
“Vet, I am not your enemy here, but once we find out who is doing this, you can direct your anger towards whoever they are.” Time shot a look to the other.
“That is, if it's even a person doing this. It might be some kind of monster.” Warriors commented.
“One thing we're sure of is that there's magic involved in this.” Hyrule spoke up, finished with the bandaging.
“I don't even know why you're so mad, Leg, you were possibly the least affected by this.” Four complained, eyebrows furrowed with stress. Even as a blacksmith, he was never a fan of getting burned, especially not being caught off guard like that!
“Agreed.” Wild was the next to speak, not bothering to brush the soot out of his hair. It wasn't quite the first time he almost been exploded, after all, even though the experience didn't get any better no matter how many times he went through it.
“You're really saying that, even though the kid only got a burst of wind to the face.”
“Ay! Mind your own business, Legend!” Wind sprung up in defense of himself, already looking to be tense prior to the attack, as the two began arguing.
While the group was in quite the mess, you took your chances to go ahead and approach stealthily to attempt to take the mask you were so curious about. Said mask being the last one you hadn't stolen borrowed yet, since the tall guy seemed to have noticed his other masks disappearances and decided to take extra means of protection towards that one.
In your opinion, your risks were all carefully thought out and calculated, however, you seemed to have completely forgotten about a certain wolf guy at the edge of the camp, standing beside his horse and looking straight at you.
You managed to grab the mask from the taller guy's belt! But at what price..?
Before you could even manage to turn around and run away with it, a hand shot out, hooking on the back of the collar of your shirt, pushing you to the ground in a second. And in another second, there was a blade shoved right in front of your face.
You barely paid any attention to all the yelling, too occupied hugging your newly acquired possession tightly to your chest.
“Hand me that mask. Now.” A voice right behind you demanded, yet you still didn't move.
The sword in front of you seemed to inch just slightly closer to your neck.
“At least tell me what it is, first!” You asked, a bit more squirmy, not at all comfortable with the vulnerability you had right now, since it seemed like that long sleep left you with a bit less power than you used to have, clearly a precaution, should you ever gain you body back. It was smart from your captors, but very much annoying for you.
“None of your business, now give me back my mask!” The tall guy —now in front of you— stressed. You could tell that his restlessness was hinting towards just how near he was to the end of his wits.
“If this piece of porcelain is as powerful as it seems, then yes, yes it is my business!”
It wasn't, not really, but you were too curious to just give up on information just like that.
The tall guy went quiet for a second before he finally replied, going with a question instead of actually giving you an answer like you were expecting from him.
“How do you know how powerful it is?”
“None of your business.” You threw his own words back at him and now the dull side of the sword was suddenly pressing up pretty uncomfortably against your skin, burning you. “Okay, fine, I'll tell you.”
And that was how you met the Links, and also how you became chained to them, unable to leave. After all, you did have to pay them back for all that you did to every single one of them.
But, for some reason, that simple dept seemed to only to get bigger the longer you spent time with them, despite the fact you weren't doing anything entirely wrong…
At least, that was the excuse they gave to you, yet something in you made you feel like that wasn't the full truth.
Extra (This happened)
Time: give me back my shit
Reader: nuh-uh
Time: fym nuh-uh
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mixelation · 8 months
i will also share with u the absurd toxicity (reborn au au (tm)) rpf lore developed with @waffliesinyoface
point one: obito would not be naturally drawn to fandom, but he IS a troll who likes absurd things, and it's important to him to know what's up with the people in his life. he has read the entirety of icha icha (more than once!) for the simple pleasure of sniping kakashi with a well-placed reference. when tori gets fixated on ninja rpf, he also obviously starts reading it so he can have fuel to tease her.
unlike kakashi's brand of obsession (which is PRIVATE, obito, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS), tori's obsessions crave interaction. you want to talk rpf with her? she is going to drag you down into a terrible vortex of rpf fixations
obviously "driven to making insane decisions for petty reasons" tori is obito's favorite tori. he is SO supportive of her ongoing war against the sasori girls.
obvious outcome of point one: obito becomes a kakashi girl
tori is SO supportive of his psychosexual kakashi obsession. she thinks him working through his feelings like this is good for him. also she likes reading fic
obito is not well-liked in kakashi fan circles when he's writing in under a pen name because he keeps writing kakashi as a damsel in distress in constant need of rescuing due to chakra exhaustion. fangirls hate this because kakashi should be cool and badass all of the time???
point two (horrible realization): in this au, obito retains his uchiha pretty privilege. he's also the infamous loose canon of the yellow flash's students. there's ABSOLUTELY insane fic about him
obito's favorite ship is obviously him/kakashi, but NO ONE writes it right???
yes he and tori are dating. no she doesn't care he keeps looking up kakashi/him. she knows what she signed up for.
in fact, tori inspires him!! if tori can go hunt down a random sasori rpf writer to argue with her, OBVIOUSLY he can go have a converastion with some obito writers and gently push them in the right direction!!
but he has to do it cool and mysterious, see, so they get him. he shows up in the dead of night in his super dramatic madara personality. he just wants to talk. he gives a dramatic speech and throws in some killing intent for Effect
obvious outcome of point two: everyone stops writing obito fic because they're terrified.
tori: realizes there's still READERS for obito fic but no writers
tori: that's free real estate
she's converting. she's an obito girl now. (obito: babe that's SO sweet of you)
NO ONE likes her obito fics either because she writes him as a deeply pathetic whackjob who cries during sex. she gets multiple replies that are like "when will obito show up to murder THIS writer"
instead of being normal she's like "FYI he DID show up in my bedroom but that won't stop me because I AM NOT A COWARD"
third, miscellaneous point: obito is shunned by fandom when he's a faceless person writing in. at in person meet-ups, people love him despite his rancid opinions because he is hot. :'(
obito in kakashi cosplay??? with kakashi's real clothes he stole???
i thought about writing a joke about them going to an in-person fic exchange and people not realizing they're together to mirror the ANBU Party Debacle. however i do not think this is the mood for Torito because they cannot physically resist bothering each other for more than 90 seconds at a time. obito shows up holding her hand so he can swing their arms like literal children. if he doesn't pay attention to her for long enough, tori WILL tug his hair/loose clothing/etc. he attempts to sit in her lap at least twice. they're both super into the other person's rancid headcanons. they are so fucking obnoxious
no one ever matches obito-in-person with obito-showing-up-to-harass-fic-writers because of the insanely different personalities
people are okay with obito in person despite his personality because he is. hot. and a man. and they're a group of mostly women who are attracted to men. do you see? but they still fucking hate tori
a rumor starts that the reason tori can write bonkers obito fic without him murdering her is that when he showed up to threaten her over it, she slept with him. so not only is she annoying, but she cheated on her hot boyfriend (obito) with famous ninja uchiha obito! she doesn't deserve either of them!!!
(obito: that's exactly what happened tho. i gave you my super cool and scary "write better fanfic" speech and you slept with me. <3 / tori, who will never EVER admit she found his stupid "madara" personality kind of hot: (tea kettle noises))
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djljpanda · 1 year
Hydrogen Anon, I know I'm back rather quickly, but I'm gonna talk about Creme Republic in the Self Aware AU because it's my favourite location in the game.
Some Cookie Odyssey Spoilers--
The Creme Republic would probably first take notice of Gingerbrave and company sometime around Chapter 10, possibly before, seeing as at the start of Cookie Odyssey, it's established they had tabs on the Ancient Heroes. Though the small group of people with access to this information would all be rather confused..
How are a group of young teens with a thief no less, able to go to all these locations and manage this?? So they keep even closer eyes on the group, maybe even sending some cookies to watch them in their travels. This is when they find out about MC, which is seemingly this mysterious sentient being, hiding away, yet advising them every time they get into a fight..
I also imagine that if MC ever ends up in Earthbread by some ridiculous circumstance, this would probably be a very, not bad per se.. (there is duskgloom and beast yeast after all). But just not great place to land in. You're in a city with no money, and people are giving you weird looks because you clearly aren't from here and don't know where you're going.
(Going thru some characters) - beware very ooc.
I feel like Clotted Cream would just be completely thrown for a loop, it kind of made sense until he was told that the cookies had never actually heard this figure "speak", MC just guided them into a battle formation and then they'd win. It sounds completely ludicrous. I think that CCC wouldn't suspect MC to be a higher power initially, but would suspect MC, whatever they were, had some level of strategic genius to lead a group that effectively, all while never actually being seen.
Financier and Madeleine don't initially think MC is a celestial or anything, that's jumping the gun a little, in fact when the Council of Heroes happens they find MC a little unnerving, MC has eyes everywhere, nobody can see them, and they never say anything. MC just keeps watching. By the time Ch.2 and 3 roll around they get convinced though. MC literally guided all of them, helping in fighting the masked cookies, as well as defending the republic when DE attacked, when they finally witness MCs bizarre guidance in person they walk away with a really different perception, MC being some kind of celestial isn't completely impossible.
When news of the weird entity reaches the elders, they've all got radically different perceptions of MC, (I won't go thru them all it will take forever) - I think Caviar wouldn't care in the slightest what they were, if they really are some higher power, and so far, mute, they probably won't be telling anyone anytime soon, speculation is fine, but the more important issue is if they're a threat or not, and so far, despite their suspicious demeanor they haven't *really* done anything bad.
Honestly I have no idea where Oyster would stand on this, wherever she stands though, she probably keeps her opinion very secretive, though. Or holds off on making assumptions until they have more information.
I'll do Expresso too, screw it. He subscribes to the belief that you're a cookie with incredibly powerful magic, plain and simple. (I could also see him not caring either, but in this case I imagine curiousity getting the better of him).
Though--out of the lot he finds MC the most unnerving, for exactly that reason. If they are a cookie, why do they never show themselves or speak, even in emergencies??
I hope you liked my *very* out of character rambles about the Creme Republic, use these HC how you want, they aren't very good lmfao.
Hello again Hydrogen, welcome back.
I do believe that CCC are very confused about Mc and want to find some understanding not liking how they know nothing of them.
I think when Mc first landed in Earthbread I felt like everyone at first could see them but for right now so unknown things happen where they are not invisible but only those they chose can see them.
And I think that the Mc can talk but when that unknown thing happened it kind of messed up their way of speaking. Kind of like tinkerbell where all you hear are bells when she speaks or they don't need to say anything but yet they still know what they are saying, or some form of sign language.
Just imagine those cookies shocked and confused when they see Mc leading them to battle. But I think Mc really cares about the main squad as to them they are also confused about this new place.
But I do think after Mc helps out with fighting the masked cookies more about their existence started to be talked about.
I do like your self aware hc better than what I can do, does make me want to write oneshots.
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mins-fins · 1 year
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SUMMARY . . . gunwook loves his members, but specifically a certain one the most.
PAIRING . . . park gunwook x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff, somewhat angst
WARNINGS . . . none!
WORD COUNT . . . 1k
NOTES . . . pretty basic but i just really love gunwook so take this :))
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gunwook hates that y/n is under appreciated.
to him, y/n is everything but untalented, in his honest totally non-biased opinion, y/n is one of the most talented members and people he's ever met. he doesn't even know why people go on about y/n being the 'black sheep of zerobaseone'.
none of the members understand either, it's a generally known fact that y/n, despite being one of the youngest, is one of the most hardworking members in the whole entire group.
but the thing with y/n is, he always wants to prove himself.
gunwook knows he's seen the comments, because it's like he has this incentive to stay at practice for almost ten hours to prove a point.
usually, the older members are able to persuade him to not to stay longer than he should, and even with how stubborn he is, y/n would always give in after trying his best to put up an argument.
but today, y/n is insistent that he'll be okay.
he keeps putting up arguments, saying that it's better that he practices for longer so that he doesn't screw up at the debut showcase and embarrass himself.
everyone knows those are just his inner most thoughts messing with him, and all the hate comments he's been getting have messed with his already little confidence.
no matter how much they tried to convince him to not stay late, y/n stood his ground and simply smiled, saying he'd be fine, and it wouldn't be for long.
it has been three hours, and gunwook is done.
he tried to wait, he did. he tried to be patient, but he knows, he can't leave y/n there alone, he can't just let y/n overwork himself.
he's very very worried.
so, he grabs his sweater, and whilst he's getting ready to leave, gyuvin the walks by and pauses.
"going to get y/n?"
"yes" gunwook sighs, tired. gyuvin stares at him for a moment before giving a knowing smile, which confuses him. "what?"
gyuvin giggles, clearly having an idea in his head that he didn't want gunwook to know. "nothing, nothing" he snickers. "just make sure you don't come back late".
"it's already late".
"then later".
gunwook rolls his eyes, but gives gyuvin a smile. when he exits the dorm, he sighs at the fact that y/n is probably gonna put up another fight once again. he's lucky the wakeone building isn't that far away, but he also hates the fact that he has to drag y/n away from the practice room again.
gunwook isn't that surprised when he sees y/n still in the practice room, letting out a frustrated groan as he stomps on the floor.
said boy immediately flinches at the sound of his name being called, letting out a sigh of relief. his shoulders slump as he sees gunwook, and he's clearly very tired, but he tries his best to stand.
"gunwook, why are you here?"
"to take you home y/n" gunwook states obviously. he takes his arm but y/n shakes his head, resisting against his grip.
"no no no" y/n says, and gunwook literally can't believe that he still wants to stay late. "i— i still have to perfect this move then i'll finally be done and prepared—"
"y/n, it's almost midnight! you've been practicing almost all day, you need your rest!" gunwook exclaims, and y/n looks hesitant.
"i just— i have to make sure that i don't do anything wrong because then i'll mess it up for the whole group!"
y/n sighs, his shoulders slumping. "gunwook, it's just a few more minutes, i just— it won't take that long".
"y/n" gunwook's voice softens, he tugs his hand, wanting to convince him that it was okay to take a break. "you've been here for almost 10 hours, you have to get your rest".
y/n pauses, he bites his inner cheek, a frown comes to his lips as his mind races. "i don't wanna mess anything up, like misstep, or step too early, or not dance at the correct time".
gunwook sighs.
y/n isn't usually like this, well wasn't usually like this before he actually acknowledged the things people said about him online. he remembers hearing him cry into junhyeon's shoulder because of how much it was taking a toll on him.
gunwook's face falls as he thinks about it, y/n shouldn't have to feel like this. he's talented, he deserves to be recognized for that, he shouldn't have to be recognized for stuff that isn't even true, all the rumors people would gossip about when the cameras weren't on.
it upsets him how much people dislike him even though he did nothing wrong.
"your not going to" gunwook states, but y/n just sighs, shaking his head. "stop— don't shake your head, i'm serious y/n, your going to do great".
"but what if i—"
"stop, stop it" gunwook cuts in. "y/n, your talented, creative, smart, funny, pretty, and anyone who disagrees with that is stupid, you don't have to practice for ten hours to prove how amazing of an idol you are, i know your gonna do great, i don't wanna hear you deny that".
y/n pauses again at the blatantly honest words, they're so genuine that his face goes a little red as gunwook continues to hold his hand. gunwook gives a small smile, poking his cheek.
y/n finally sighs after a set of silence, he pretty much stumbles forward because his muscles feel sore from all the dancing he's been doing. he simply wants to fall into gunwook's arms and fall asleep, but he can't do that, he can't be a burden.
gunwook smiles, pulling y/n by his hand, as the boy can finally stand up right due to gunwook supporting him. he lets go of his hand to wrap an arm around his waist, keeping him up.
y/n couldn't deny, everything about this felt nice. he'd always felt this warmth, comfort around gunwook, no one else could really bring him the kind of comfort that he did.
gunwook was just the kind of person who could calm him down, the one kind of person that y/n could just relax around.
"let's go home, okay y/n?"
y/n nods tiredly, giving gunwook the fondest of smiles.
home, that's what park gunwook felt like, home.
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mademoiselle-cookie · 11 months
Is Étoiles a bad leader?
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No. If you just wanted to know that, my answer is no. You don't have to read the rest.
So in my completely impartial and not at all biased opinion, I'm going to explain why we are actually lucky to have him as a leader. (it will probably poorly age)
But first yes, this question does not come out of nowhere. This first day was hell for the Green Team and their chat (at least Étoiles' chat). I was watching his stream before stopping before the “teamwork” part. If it had been later, I wouldn't have watched the VOD. I literally put the last stream in accelerated, because it wasn't pleasant to watch and Étoiles was clearly not having a good time. It ruined my good mood and I abandoned the stream on the 2nd day because I wasn't in a state to enjoy it, even though it seemed to be exactly like the solo part of Étoiles during the 1st day, but vocally with the Blue Team, so without the stress of teamwork.
I'm not saying that Étoiles is perfect. It is obvious that he was not elected for his leadership abilities, but because he is the strongest (and he is green). He is kind, doesn't like to impose himself, speaks softly and is an introvert whose social battery runs out quickly (I'm an introvert myself and let me tell you it goes down very quickly in stressful/in unusual company/unpleasant situations). It also often happened that the other players talked over him (except Fit, no? It seemed to annoy him)
But I attribute the majority of their difficulty to two points:
Lack of luck A) Decisions which are good on paper but the circumstances of the event make them bad
It's a survival game. Taking your time to prepare is super important if it's possible. It's literally what allows you to survive properly after that. The Green Team farmed items, obtained and enchanted armors and weapons, collected food, made sure everyone had what they needed, created a well-hidden base... They then left as a group because it is more cautious and stronger... The problem is that not everyone plays like that. The other teams were much weaker (at this moment) so the fights weren't tense at all, they got lost very often due to their numbers, the majority of interactions among teams took place while they were preparing so they arrived too late for that ...
B) Lack of balance
The Green Ninjas are way too strong. There is Étoiles, the strongest on the server who is used to this type of game, Fit, who is also used to this type of game but with even more experience, Roeir who is much stronger than he looks like… In comparison, the Red Team doesn't have half its team and those remaining are mostly lore players, not pvp or survival. What would it have cost to take Étoiles or Fit and trade him for a red player who never comes? There would have been fewer calm and experienced people among the Greens but a penalty is not a problem at this stage. Etoiles were just complaining that they were too strong and that it wasn't fun.
(And really, at least the Reds are with people they're used to being around (the Twitch Rivals members are all there except Etoiles) and they're the crowd's favorites. The Green Team is either people who know their stuff and are quite solitary (Fit and Etoiles) or don't come in general (Kameto), or won't come much anymore because it's not their type of game (Antoine and Ironmouse). So it's less fun to watch. Imbalance is not just in the difference in strength.)
C) Languages
It's like that for everyone but on the Green Team, only Fit is a Native English Speaker, the language that everyone uses. Finding words is complicated, understanding others is complicated, and all that, added to the stress, made the situation even more difficult than necessary.
Hell is other people A) It's stressful
The players were teleported to an unknown island completely run by a person who hates them and wants to make them suffer, without their stuff, with one less heart line, to save their children, taking into account that an (unknown) team is corrupted and its defeat means the death of some eggs. Survival games aren't for everyone either, so some really fall completely short. Game or not, it's a stressful situation. And humans don't perform well under stress, and that makes us more aggressive and difficult to get along with. For teamwork, it's a real obstacle.
B) These players do not meet often
Apart from a few exceptions, the members of the Green Team do not often hang out together. They get along well but are usually with other people. Obviously, the bonds are less strong, and the knowledge to understand and manage others is lesser.
C) It's the 1st day
The first day of an inherently stressful and frustrating event, where team members do not necessarily know each other well. Obviously it's a disaster. We rarely perform really good the first time. At least the Greens didn't kill each other or go crazy.
But honestly, we judge the Greens on their teamwork because they were the only ones to do it. The Blues were working, but mostly on their own, the Reds acting as a team but they did not really "work".
But why are we lucky to have Étoiles as a leader? Because he's the nicest. He wants to play fair. He apologizes after killing someone, didn't want to kill Tina because the fight was way too unfair, asked his team not to burn other people's stuff because it's really annoying. This team is the strongest on the easy server if they try. Étoiles almost won on the 2nd day while being all alone. He would have succeeded if Elquackity hadn't messed up (chances are it was done on purpose to boost the morale of the Red Team). Roier wants blood, so does Fit. Yet Étoiles managed to keep them calm enough to farm and maintain some morals. If he decided to be completely wild, it wouldn't be a pretty sight.
The Reds went completely crazy from day 1, while the Greens had enough preparations for a solid foundation when they reconnect. The Bolas might be the most fun to follow, but if you were stuck on the island, which team would you prefer? The crazy cannibals who eat each other or the strongest who help each other even if it’s boring?
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lovethetasteofnothing · 11 months
Hello! If you can, I would like a headcanon of Task 141 with a tiktoker s/o and see them doing a dance, you know, some tiktok trends. Thank you so much! <3
my apologies for this being so late, i haven't touched tiktok for months and have no idea what trends are currently popular
the clock app vs task force 141 | price, ghost, gaz, soap
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includes: captain john price; simon "ghost" riley; kyle "gaz" garrick; johnny "soap" mactavish
gn!reader, gender neutral terms of endearment
warnings: nsfw content, mentions of breeding kink (implied), brief smutty descriptions, horny jokes (it's all in price's hcs)
word count: 1k, aprox. 250 words/ character
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Captain Price
is so confused every time you start recording, like what are you doing?
you were just laying in his arms and decided to film a cute little tiktok because you wanted to join in the trend with your lovely husband
you looked back at it and you knew you couldn't post it, this man had the most confused face the whole time
"youngsters these days..." before picking your phone out of your hand and demanding cuddles
you tried on multiple occasions to show him tiktoks that you found funny
he just stared blankly, trying to figure out what you found funny at them
but you show him one dad humor tiktok and he's daying laughing??
watches tiktoks over your shoulder while you cuddle him
since he won't do trends with you, you might as well do them alone
so you decided to record a very pg 13 lies tiktok trend in front of him
just to spite him
we can all agree he has a breeding kink, yes? good luck with that mating press, soldier
and because you love him so much and respect his opinion so dearly, you ask him opinions on which tiktoks you should post
doesn't see the point of this but is supportive nonetheless
you use the opposite of what he chooses, sorry pop
until you accidentally stumble across some older thirst traps you recorded
he just stares at you, makes you send them to him
for safe keeping yk
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
"tiktok is for kids, luv" you just stare at him in disbelief for a minute (in my mind he's like early 30s)
you tried to explain that it's almost the same thing-
pretended not to hear you and went on with his day
but oh it's no longer a kid's app when you started doing the dancing trends
literally watches you doing them from the corner of the room
"you're not posting that, are you?"
he'd probably take your phone and delete it for safety but he doesn't know how to
you also try and make him do couple trends
random stage fright where he just 🕴️and doesn't move at all
confuses you because you have seen him scold a whole group of recruits before and then bark out orders to them with no problem
but you put a little phone with some music on it in front of him and he just error 404s
god forbid you have one good attempt and put this man on the internet
you dragged him into ONE trend and the video went viral
never again, you had to turn off comments
didn't even show him because... i mean we know, you're not feeding his ego any more today
its already so high, he doesn't need to see the step on me daddy comments
he also watches tiktoks over your shoulder, tells you to slow down because you're swiping too fast and he can't read
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
type of person to have cooking videos appear when he's hungry and can't eat (me)
also type of guy who has random facts on his fyp but he actually goes to check if they're accurate
he either sends you 20 tiktoks in five minutes or 3 in two weeks
he actually does send you good tiktoks, i'll give him that
fairly normal feed (for your standards at least)
he'd argue with people in the comments about random misinformation
does cute tiktok trends with you
makes you get all dressed up for them because he wants everyone to know what a cute partner he has
i feel like he'd have a fairly large number of followers just because he's a man in uniform-
you both giggle at the simping in his comments
kisses you while telling you you're the only one who can have him
posts you so so much because he just loves to have little memories with you in his posts
i feel like he does the different outfit trends with you
overdressed bf x overdressed partner energy
knows all of the slang, trends, sounds and references them randomly
they appear on his feed before they do on yours
randomly pulls you aside and uses those "which blank are you" filters
redoes them because he's not happy with his result, also goes into a random analysis as to why it doesn't match him
"it's just a filter, kyle" you tell him because he won't stop until he gets his favorite thing
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Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
this man right here sends the wackiest tiktoks with no explanation
like you just wake up with 10 tiktoks in five different genres and one of them is a poorly edited 3d animation (iykyk)
and if you ask him he just says it's funny???
also the type of person to find random misinformation about his field of work and send it to you complaining
doesn't last long
he finds another weird video and sends it right after the rant
starts recording randomly while you're talking to him
you don't notice until he shoves the phone in your face and records you mid sentence
he loves to see you doing trends (went wild for American horror show when you did it)
this man learned the dance with you and did it better
biggest fan of you posting thrist traps
there's just something about knowing that other guys are thirsting over you but he's the only one who can have you
helps you pick the best one to post and reads the comments with you
makes you post a couple tiktok right after, his account tagged and everything
has the weirdest profile pic and username
that plank/pushup training filter that was trending a while ago?
he did it like five times to impress you, makes you watch each one and give him your opinions
doesn't post anything, lets you do the bragging
he and gaz stole your phone once and recorded like 20 tiktoks with the same sound
all of them were showing how they almost burned you guys' kitchen down
they were used as proof against them
divider cred: @/cafekitsune
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ticklepinions · 6 months
I agree that everyone has the right to their beliefs and opinions but no one should be forcing their opinions on others. What is wrong with people? Quit being so insensitive! Why is it so hard for them to be peaceable and kind? They need to focus on themselves before judging anyone else because that attitude is disgusting! Get therapy and fix your attitude! There are far worse problems in this world we don't need your toxic behaviour here. This is supposed to be a safe space for people. There is a lot that I personally don't agree with, but I won't share it as it will hurt people and I won't treat them any differently either to anyone else. But unfortunately not many people are mature enough to do that
Imma need some more clarity with this ask chief! (Edit: I think I know now so sorry for the way I replied to the ask but I'll keep it as is since it has good stuff)
Cause the way I'm interpreting it rn is not it. I don't think people not wanting to die for their own identity is insensitive. I find it insensitive that people are so caught up on being called out for saying things that hurt their fellow human beings, that they automatically dismiss taking any form of responsibility. No one should ever feel ok with targeting hate towards a group.
What's funny is there's always that one person who is like be peaceful! Be nice! I was one of them, and I was heavily misinformed and burdened with my own things to unlearn. We've BEEN nice. We've TRIED to be peaceful. That doesn't work. We continue to be ignored and ridiculed. Y'all LOVE to hype up war and how great it is for fighting for your country. Y'all are dick riding an entity that isn't built to support you. However, when we are fighting the real wars on racism, gen0cide, queer liberation, people's rights to their own bodies, literally anything worth fighting for, y'all are SO quick to shut it down.
And certain people are also real quick to be like don't force you ideologies onto us uwu! While they literally do that daily, and get laws that are passed to support them. And more marginalized people die, or are put in harms way. But on the other hand, if we all learned to be more accepting, no, more fucking human and have empathy and want equity for all, we wouldn't be where we are right now. So yeah I'm gonna shove my ideologies that maybe we should idk, fucking take care of one another!?!? Because that at least leads down a path where we all grow and come together as a community.
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bobgoesw00t · 9 months
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I wanna take a moment to talk about a few things in regards to the comments and discussions this post on twitxter has brought up, as basically 99.99% of the comments are all the same thing over and over and over again.
A. First off, if you plan on boycotting the final season because of the various things Noah Schnapp has been up to in his personal life/social media when it comes to the conflict in Gaza...don't even fucking bother. Stranger Things is on its final season now so there's literally NO POINT IN BOYCOTTING IT AS IT'S ALREADY AT THE FINISH LINE!!!!!!! If this happened even before the last season, then I would understand the need to boycott it, but we're not...we're on the FINAL SEASON....so if you don't want to watch it, please SHUT THE FUCK UP, DON'T WATCH IT, AND LET THOSE OF US WHO WANT TO SEE HOW IT ALL ENDS ENJOY IT!!!!!
B. Seeing as how all of this "boycott the final season" crap is stemming from Noah's stance on the Gaza conflict and that he's a Zionist, all of you dumb fuckers are forgetting one VERY CRUCIAL ASPECT: THE CONFLICT IS ONE OF THE LONGEST (if not THE LONGEST) TUG-OF-WARS BETWEEN RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN THE HISTORY OF OUR PLANET!!! This debate over which religious folk deserves the land has been happening for centuries now, and there are SO many layers to it that it's gotten to the point where unless someone builds a time machine to go back to when the core issue of the conflict happens, witness it and bring back irrefutable proof for all to see...the only real "answer" (if there even is one right now) is that both sides are neither right nor wrong...just in some sort of weird purgatory. Hell, even if someone DID use a time machine to go back and bring proof, there would be a good chunk of people who would disagree with what was brought forth.
C. Noah Schnapp isn't a god...HE'S FUCKING HUMAN AND HUMANS ARE NOT PERFECT!!!!!!! Everyone, AND I MEAN EVERYONE makes mistakes and has their own thoughts on various things that are a part of the world we live in today. Just because ONE PERSON says or does something you don't agree with, and/or their friend/s agree with them or remain friends with them, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. In the event it happens to be a celebrity of a wildly popular show on Netflix, feel free to say your stance on the issue, then please SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! No one is FORCING YOU TO WATCH THE SHOW/MOVIE OR SUPPORT ANYONE WHO WORKS ON IT. Not to mention EVERYONE IN ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION.
My personal stance on the crap that's happening in Gaza is that as someone who doesn't have all the facts but believes humans should learn to accept one another regardless of any differences we may have...I don't actually have a stance, rather I'm very neutral and find both sides to be at fault. Same thing with Noah Schnapp, I don't know him personally, and the only time I really hear anything about him or other celebs is if they're trending on tumblr and I just randomly happen to check that part of the website. Therefore, I can't agree with his actions, but I also can't condemn them as I don't have all the facts and I really don't care that much about what he does in his personal time.
More people need to learn how to separate celebs from other aspects of life and remember that they're human just like the rest of us, they make mistakes and either learn from them or don't. ...I also feel like people need to avoid social media more often as it tends to be a place where negativity festers into something that can consume you until you're nothing but a toxic husk of who you once were.
Now despite what I first said, feel free to boycott the final season of Stranger Things if you want to, I won't stop you just like you can't stop me from watching it to see how the journey all these characters have been on concludes. Let people make their own decision on if they want to boycott or not, and if they decide not to, respect their decision and don't harass them about how, "THEIR SUPPORTING GENOCIDE" especially when BOTH SIDES ARE GUILTY OF THAT!!!
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silusvesuius · 1 month
hold on i'm about tos tart spitting facts right now, My nelvas in t*lltale twd setting i was thinking about for a bit; as i said........... they have a perfect imbalanced dynamic dats fun to play with so they obviously would do 'Good' in a zombie apocalypse too......UUUUUUUUUUUU 😭UUWAH😭WWWWWWA😭AHHHHHHHH NELVAAS anyways:
i just spent minutes writing a calmer caption for this but tumblr threw that take away so we're left with what we have above. anyways i wrote most of this riding a high. 🤗
first off talvas always gives me spiraling med student vibes so that's what he is. he's like ~24 as i always label him, so probably getting a masters. that won't matter soon though lol. something to do with surgery so that it's convenient to the setting and his 'role' in a group. (logically it would make more sense for him to be into engineering and such, but that's not alldat interesting for this or any setting at all imo)
and then obviously neloth wud be a professor perhaps or just someone talvas sees on the regular for educational purposes. i'm just gonna say he's pushing 70 but still not retired for some reason (he's a Tryhard). i honestly get the feeling he would carry the same level annoyance people get from Larry of s1 except he doesn't really start fights + has no actual 'good' reason to be that unbearable unlike Larry, who did have crumbs of a tragic past/loss. he's big on researching stuff at his own alone time and has an extensive record of abusing and testing on animals i BET! but it gets covered up pretty easily, or no one really wants to get into that debacle with him. everyone knows that if he could he'd test on people too.
i'm not gonna start making up entire lifestories rn so let's get to the zombie part. they obviously end up together involuntarily, talvas isn't really overjoyed but doesn't detest it either, since he respects neloff deeply and trusts his judgement (sometimes). neloth just keeps him around because he knows he can't just be walking around free at his old age in an apocalyptic world and needs a meat-shield with him at all times, especially someone young that has more energy/physical abilities than him. but obviously talvas is not always able to be big help to him just cause he's pretty "Soft" and wasn't ever prepared for anything like this. he's still stressing over his finals or soemthing bruh. they develop a strong 'bond' @ some point just cause neloth isn't liked by anyone and nobody is actually willing to stick with him thru it all but talvas. just bc it's easy for him to cling onto someone that reminds him of the normal past. when neloth realizes that someone is willing to look past his nasty behavior or practices, or is just afraid to voice their own opinion, he starts being pretty open with that person (talvas in this case), a form of trust. it's not just cause talvas is a lil bitch, but also cause he himself shares some opinions that neloth has on other people's lives/their worth/morality. it's something that would stick out from his personality in any setting at all but here it's even more important from all the deaths happening around them, especially when they're grouped up with other people. their apocalypse journey is just 90% talvas trying to do damage control and apologizing for neloth's behavior by saying he has a (NPD) diagnosis he has never taken care of before the whole zombie thing happened so u should be patient with him
so obvi the best part of this all would definitely be seeing how they would gel with a group of other survivors. it's funny too because talvas is literally always the only reason nobody throws neloth out to die or just blows his head off clean bc they had enough. talvas takes on the role of a medic like Katt in s1, and is 'high ranking' just cause of that. neloth is a 1000001% even more capable of taking on that role, but i just Know......he would just refuse to do it cus he doesn't feel like it. he'd probably try and separate himself from the group or any discussions they might have because he doesn't value anyone's opinion on anything at all. the only thing keeping him in a group would be talvas begging him to stay (neloth not being able to separate from him for reasons listed above) and him finding something to do to keep himself occupied. and Happy at that 😍 it goes like this: (talvas voice) hey remember your wife that turned last week so we had to put her down ? Yes about that i;m sorry to bring her up, Yeah stop crying i'm sorry, anyways as i was saying.. Sir neloth dug her out of that grave and is currently ripping of her skin tidbits to lab test them, just thought you should know.. don't tell him i told you anything please he'll get really mad at me okay . also your son that you didn't have the heart to put down and just left him for us to deal with? Tied to a bed, he already turned so it's no big deal, sir neloth broke his jaw off so he can't do anything to you if you feel like seeing him. Sir neloth chops his limbs off to see what happens sometimes. it's smells like crazy in there tho so wear this mask if you wanna go in, just warning you.
can't say there'd be an apparent motive that others see in his experimental, kinda unethical, ventures, but talvas assures everyone that there is one. nobody knows. But honestly neloth is too smart of a guy to just be testing on people out of pure curiosity, it might be him trying to blow out his ego to an unimaginable degree by trying to figure out how the whole infection works, how to stop someone from turning or how to cure someone who's been bitten. tasks very ambitious but keeping him busy and away from everyone else. he mostly only communicates and shares 'secrets' with talvas because talvas has faith in him and doesn't see anything wrong with what he's doing. bonus: the whole group hates neloth even more because he keeps using the generator power to have talvas shave his head even though that should be his last priority. neloth is in seventh heaven the whole time (not showing it) just cause his dream of getting to experiment on people without being thrown in jail became true
cute fact: if they ever got into a St. John's dairy type situation and were confronted with the fact that they committed cannibalism.... they rly wouldn't gaf especially neloth. i can see talvas turning to look at him just to see how he feels (and form his opinion on the situation around his reaction) and neloth is just chilling getting his stomach full. talvas wud be disgusted by the food but then eat regardless. feels Funny for the remainder of his life after that. it really doesn't bother neloth tho. i had other situations in mind for them but they slipped out of my mind for now lmfao
neloth would have the most insane plot armor of all time to the extent that even though he's always working closely with the undead he'd never get bitten or just get killed. his ego is shielding him from everything because he values his life so much that it works in his favor. talvas latches onto that plot armor just because he's the 'closest' person to neloth but he's too nice of a person to actually survive for a very long time. he'd get Bitten😂😂😂😂 #FlyHigh but actually the nicest thing(s) neloth has ever done for him would happen after that occurrence... i feel like they'd hide that fact from everyone as a team and neloth would try to do something about it. but talvas dies anyway bye king. love you
wait Update: i forgot i wanted to write down some of this here as a bonus too. skyrim would still be in warfare but it just gets paused for zombies. i really want (we all want something don't we damnn) for elenwen and all her thalmorlings to be stuck together with some imperials in a military base perhaps. doesn't matter. just leading up to the fact that thalmor would have free reign to commit cannibalism (not every single one of them is into the idea but they're not that disgusted by it) while the imperials just try to survive on actual supplies. Elenwen: Back on summerset isles we were always taught not to waste 🤓🤓. they have the most civil agreement where the thalmor would promise not to eat any imperials if they let them eat outsiders as they pleased.
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tonberry-yoda · 4 months
I think people/your followers are just happy to see you around even if you don't post fics/your writing anymore! Knowing you're alright is enough in my book!
Oh yeah, it's lovely when the team just doesn't want to cooperate no matter how many times you spam "group up!", and they just rush at the grouped up enemy team alone. Fun times.
I recently learnt how to fade jump with Moira and it's so much fun 😈
They really should make either a series or movies about the lore like Riot did, the lore is quite fascinating and intricate in my opinion, it'd be a shame not to put it out there even more (but I've also heard Blizz fired their lore team, so uhh...it's also a shame they scrapped the PvE missions, when it was one of the main "selling points" of the new OW)
That's so sweet T^T Literally I loved the community I made and love everyone I met on here over the past couple years now. It's been great, and who knows, maybe I'll really be back to write!
AND NO LITERALLY UGH Overwatch is something I have a love hate relationship with
and moira is just the coolest support character, no one can change my mind
And I totally agree. They actually had plans to make a series on netflix, but it didnt go through, which is a bummer. And that's such a bummer that they don't really have their lore group anymore. I wanted story and then heard that there really won't be any so I became pretty uninterested in the game. That being said, though, Arcane is one of my favorite shows of all time and I don't even play League. It would be rad if they made an overwatch show and I would be so here for it. I mean, I can't get enough of the cole cassidy and ashe mini movie lol
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nounpolycule · 2 years
Why are those "what your favorite companion/Doctor says about you" posts always so specific, like even more than those astrology posts that are like "Things the signs need to hear: Virgos, you are loved even if you're not 'useful'. Libras, if you don't pay your roommate back that $1000+ you owe them in the next two months then you're a piece of shit." What is this discourse you're talking about why are you assigning me sides why are your pitting bad bitches against each other why do you think Rose fans are soooooooo unwilling to multiship like c'mere let me indoctrinate you into the world of riverrose so I can prove you wrong. Like I can play that game too.
If your favorite Doctor is Six, your passion shines bright, even if you can't see that light. You deserve the compassion and respect you give others, and also maybe a hug and a free car.
If your favorite Doctor is Eight, your obsession outweighs your audio processing disorder.
If your favorite Doctor is a different Classic Who Doctor, idk we probably haven't spoken, hmu if you've got correct Rose Tyler opinions. If you don't have correct Rose Tyler opinions that's fine but don't hmu.
If your favorite Doctor is Nine, you're either butch or have so much love and respect for the butches in your life. You're not deterred by "bad" CGI, and you think stories should be driven by the characters - they're the heart of it, after all. You don't understand people who think you should skip Nine, or people who think people need to earn the right to have their basic needs met.
If your favorite Doctor is Ten, then I am giving you a kissy and biting everyone who has wronged you. You've watched other media specifically for David Tennant. You've got an episode or six that you think deserve a lot more love. You deserve a lot more love too, probably. Sometimes people think you're annoying for how much you talk about loving Ten, but you know the truth (they're annoying for how much they talk about hating him).
If your favorite Doctor is Eleven, you either have no trouble distinguishing between the concepts of "best" and "favorite", or you suck to be around. If it's the former, you're willing to acknowledge that the Eleven that lives in your head is different than the one that lives on your television screen, and you won't hesitate to rip things like Eleven kissing Jenny Flint or the entirety of the episode Let's Kill Hitler apart. If it's the latter, you think it's a bigger deal for someone to say that something you've said is antisemitic than for Jewish people to have to listen to you repeat conspiracy theories in the middle of a conversation about people being antisemitic in different ways.
If your favorite Doctor is Twelve, you're a dyke. You've considered learning to play a song to impress a girl, maybe you've even gone through with it. You owe the "she/her-ing pre-Thirteen Doctors" jar so much money. You don't like Regina from Once Upon a Time. You've tried and failed to find good electric guitar covers of Beethoven to study to and honestly that's so disappointing bro. You think Murray Gold is a genius.
If your favorite Doctor is Thirteen, you're either right about everything or literally nothing at all. Chances are if you haven't seen Jodie Whittaker in Antigone, you're in that second category :/. If you're in the first category, though, you understand the value of tragedy and catharsis.
If your favorite companion is Rose, then her outfit in The Unquiet Dead awoke something in you - that something, you would go on to realize, is called "attraction to women". You get angry when people say or imply Rose is too uneducated, too stupid, too selfish, too poor for the Doctor, or in general, because they're wrong and also missing the point. You know that the correct way to engage in shipping in this fandom is to figure out both the best and funniest polycule (though it's up to you whether those are the same or different). You're disabled - if you're hesitating to ask the group chat "is [thing your joints/organs/whatever do] normal?" because you think they might say "no", then you already know the answer. Don't forget you have therapy tonight at 7.
If your favorite companion is Mickey, you read at least two of the books that he's in. In your heart, "Mickey considered them firmly broken up before they even met Jack" is canon over "Mickey asked Rose about hooking up in a hotel room while seeing someone else" because Winner Takes All came out over two weeks before Boom Town did, actually. You know he's bi and don't know how other people don't get that. You understand that two people can be incompatible in a romantic relationship and take each other for granted while still working well as friends and caring about each other deeply.
If your favorite companion is Jack, you've had a dream in which you thanked John Barrowman for being part of your journey to realizing your sexuality, only to wake up and go "huh that's weird" and realize that it's actually true an hour later. You think treason is one of the most fun crimes a fictional character can commit, and that's part of why you love Tosh and Lois from Torchwood so much. You know that Torchwood: Children of Earth has some of the scariest Whoniverse monsters, and you're not talking about the alien. You've listened to the Big Finish audio Serenity more than once.
If your favorite companion is Martha, you deserve compensation. People in the wider fandom have a tendency to be weird about her at best and racist and misogynist at most frequent, even when they're defending her. You deserve better than this fandom has to offer and you know the same applies to Martha. Bonus points if you think she and Rose should kiss but you deserve your compensation either way.
If your favorite companion is Donna, you should pay your roommate back anything you owe them fucking ASAP to make sure they have money to pay for their half of rent in January. Like this will help you both.
If your favorite companion is Clara, you're either a classicist, someone who feels strongly about her memorizing the answers to Trivial Pursuit questions, or you're probably wrong about everything. You understand that Doctorification has an equal and opposite, Oswaldification.
If your favorite companion is Bill, you're autistic. You piss people off by asking "too many" questions but that's honestly your sexiest trait. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and while you might get a bit stuck in your opinions, you think it's important to talk things through. It breaks your heart every time you remember that the s10 soundtrack hasn't been released.
If your favorite companion is Graham - [gets knocked out before I can start shit]
If your favorite companion is anyone else idk man I got up at 6am to study for finals not to spend over an hour on a joke post.
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rena-yume · 1 year
1,8, 13 for RWBY?
A character that everyone gets wrong:
Salem, I don't know why everyone is treating her like someone who's life goal is to make Oz and the main characters suffer and wants world domination, and I've seen many people say that she doesn't have a clear goal and I'm like? Yeah sure the writing for her is bad and vague but all she's trying to do is basically just commit suicide
She doesn't want to destroy the world for fun or because she's evil, she literally just wants to kill herself, it's just she'll take everyone else with her because the brothers said so lol (honestly that's the biggest mood villain end goal ever and I hate how it's not being expanded upon but I won't ramble here)
Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about:
I'm tired of talking about Jaune so I'll take the 2nd worst: "Adam should've been the white fang leader from the start" and/or everyone ignoring Sienna's existence and focusing only on the black and white sides of the racism plot (either being a pacifist or an extremist) and Blake being the only one who's the closest to a middle ground
It should've been Sienna too even tho she's leaning more towards one side of the spectrum more than Blake, it would've added a wonderful 3rd party to the mix and she's in my opinion the most fit to be the anti-villain of the WF plot because Adam clearly went to crazy terrorist route regardless of what you think about him or the writing
To keep it short your beloved bull shouldn't be the only important person/part of the WF and racism in remnant, we have the leader of the entire group and the one who started the violence to begin with, use that to come up with a creative plot for once please
This part was probably too long but I couldn't help it lol
Worst blorbofication:
I don't really understand what this one means but according to what google told me
I think Adam? Not the fanon "better" version but whatever the hell we got in canon
Also Mercury and v8 Qrow idk
Ask me stuff
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shoujoboy-restart · 1 year
But is that your opinion or a fact? I guess the whole thing surrounding BLM and PragerU has me very confused since everyone else says some things about them and that they are not actually a university and then there's the fact that it's founder Dennis Prager said something that he thinks nothing wrong with indoctrinating children. Is that being taken out of context because every school's kind of does the same thing about schools teaching students to hate white people while being gay supposedly or is there some disagreement I'm not understanding?
it kind of feels like it's going to lead into that whoever I'm listening to are idiots and don't know what they are saying even though I can't just simply call everybody who thinks BLM and the civil Rights movements are somehow terrorist groups. It's like saying voting for DeSantis or Trump is better than Biden and everybody else is just fear-mongering about them even though I haven't been hearing good things about the Republican candidates and if we say something about Biden in the whole issue surrounding his son, honestly I'm starting to feel like the Hunter Biden stuff is too overhyped and I don't really think Joe Biden is involved in whatever dealing his son is involved as I'm not hearing anything major coming out of it and the Republicans are seemingly more focused on that then the sexual allegations against Biden or his whole deal with the classified documents which hasn't been brought up at often by either side. It's all Hunter this Hunter that and his father is involved in some crooked scheme needs to be impreached.
Let's go by parts.
My opinion is that Prager U uses of real and valid criticism of the organization calling itself BLM to attack people who are fighting against police brutality and racism, it is a fact the org BLM is a profit seeking with many of their CEOs having millions in their banks while not helping, the same way it's a fact that 94% of protest associatied or connected to BLM peaceful and the other 6% are still unfound on whether the violence and chaos was actually caused by protesters since there been multiple cases of confirmed infiltration by far-righters and cops.
I mean if the dude says "indoctrination bad" but then straight up says "actually indoctrination based" because it's for what he believes then ain't really much context that can save that lol most of the crying about "indoctrination" complaints are parents of highschoolers mad they can't obcessively control everything their child do and having a panic attack over the idea their kid won't be a carbon copy of them, I'm sure leftist parents do that as well but conservative ones actually demand their entire state to uphold that.
As a whole the Hunter Biden situation is just...pointless? Oh no, the son of a politician is a druggie and pays for prostitutes...and? Arrest the asshole or not for all I care, they are trying to claim that somehow this would have swayed peoples voting, It is republicans trying really hard to scrape the bottom of the barrel for reason to impeach Biden or attack his image, when as your self pointed out there enough to do just that, but again, since Trump also has allegations and shit.
Also I'm pretty sure the reason why Biden isn't being prosecuted and investigated for documents is because he actually did everything he should have done and the documents were literally a handful of documents in a safe, but on that I could be wrong, while Trumpie literally had boxes on top of fucking boxes in every corner of his damn home for some reason, together with multiple of the documents being classified, which as president at the time he could have just declassified them so it wouldn't be as much of a issue.
But if you want my advice as someone who used to be a anti-sjw? I didn't even stop being one at first because of how factually wrong the whole ideology was, is because almost every figure head I followed was becoming actual neo-Nazis, turning out to transphobic and homophobic while using gay and trans people as shields, constantly getting caught bold face lying(Blaire white) or just grifting as "apolitical" while having nothing but praises to the most extreme right wing lobotomites out here. Steven Crowder was having a 50 million contract and a extra 1 million whenever needed to just attack trans people 24/7, a lot of right wing content is unironically just corporate backed propaganda to regress society, the entire fox news teams was exposed for admitting they thought Trump and his supporters were loonies and that "election fraud" narrative is just bullshit they started talking because another right wing channel was syphoning their viewers whenever they said something like "Trump isn't a god and he made mistakes" in their lawsuit brought by Dominion.
I'm not saying you need to become luxury communism that believes in a 100 genders, but genuinely, the grift within the right is real, at least when leftists say some crazy shit, you have 90% they actually believe in what they are saying, while a right winger is probably just saying the shit to gain a chance of being employed by the likes of Prager.
If you want a really good channel to teach you some rhetoric and how to catch people saying shit without foundation I really recommend Mia's Rhetoric, she's not a bleeding heart leftist or anything, she's very progressive obviously but because of her knowledge in rhetoric she's really good at deconstructing arguments from fallacies to how people signage affects them, linking this video in specific to topical obviously.
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2bu · 11 months
least favorite things about roleplaying communities, in your opinion?
Throwing under the cut because oops I began to rant
I'm sure I've answered this before, but I really do loathe snobs and bullies, especially when they've formed a clique.
This has always been a thing since roleplaying was invented, I'm sure, but it doesn't change how I feel about those kinds of pretentious writers who form a circle around themselves and parade around as self-important, spread malicious gossip or rumours/lies, judge others and either perpetuate drama or get looped into it over petty, trivial reasons. Or, like, it's their only hobby that they take way too seriously and make it miserable for everyone else. I get having boundaries, opinions, and even rules for interactions, of course, sure.
That's fine. I just don't like putting down others and I'm ashamed that sometimes, in order to try and fit in, I'd participate in such behaviour over the course of my years online in roleplaying communities (which literally, as previously mentioned, spans well over a decade). Like, I truly hate what those spaces have done to me and normalized for me! Looking back on it now, I'm genuinely upset that I, a victim of bullying, would have participated in smack talk or gossip about someone I don't even know over really, really REALLY dumb/petty stuff! This was more so back when I was a teenager, but even still, as an adult, I know I'm guilty of having done that and I'm just... not proud of that. No one should be, and I'm definitely working to not only change that but to stop participating in toxic environments that allow these things to take place be it publicly or behind the scenes.
I suppose, of course, it goes without saying that this isn't the biggest issue, no - racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia and a lot of real-world stuff is still an issue, and I especially avoid roleplaying communities entirely because of biases writers still very much have against writers of colour such as myself, who refuses to bend and appease anyone else but myself.
I also don't fuck with like, communities that are lead by people who clearly are not handling like, mod positions well or are just not experienced with balancing moderator responsibilities, a story/plot, worlds, assests, guides, etc. I'm not going to join your RP if there's absolutely nothing to show for it, and you're just waiting for people to join. I get that sometimes, these things won't be prepped until people join, but IDK, I'd rather not hold out for something that may never come to fruition, if that makes sense! Even for sandbox RPs and whatnot, I prefer there just be some level of... polish there, if that makes sense? That's just a personal preference, and has saved me tons of heartbreak and frustration in the past.
I think lastly, I'm also not a fan of incompetent mods. Some people are not meant to be moderators, and work best as like, DMs, or vice versa! Being both is great, and kudos to whoever can handle that, but it's rare I've personally found any people who can achieve both. Some mods are too lax on the rules for the sake of personal interests or just don't give a fuck about making the experiences fun and safe for others regardless of age, others are WAY too strict and sometimes cruel towards their members over trivial reasons and rules a reasonable person can't REALLY follow because it makes no sense, is hypocritical, or contradictory, or worse, unclear to begin with. There's no point in joining a community where I don't feel safe or feel like the rules harm me or others more than protect us. Rules vary of course, from community to community, yes - especially once you determine the target age groups you're trying to rope in, but even still, some rules just... aren't it for some of these places, and it bothers me even a whole decade later how some shit flies in certain places, and who gets away with shit.
I lied, this last bit also plays into what I've overall said and definitely said at the beginning, but favoritism. Loathe that shit, especially when it comes to mods allowing just any fucking bitchass nigga get away with breaking rules constantly, fucking around with members, their characters and plots, etc. I have no respect for bitchass mods who are more interested in upkeeping their high school bully cliques than fostering the welcoming environments for everyone involved, even people who they may not like/who plays characters they may not like/whose artists/writers they may not like/prefer. And honestly, maybe close off applications/interactions to people you aren't mutuals, friends with, or people you don't like to avoid taking responsibility like that? This was a big problem in the Mystery Skulls Animated fanbase and by fucking God, was I not there for it nearly a decade ago and I'm certainly not for it now.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk LOL
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
Bighit released a statement it seems
I'm a couple of days later but yeah, they released the same repetitive tired statement they've been giving since 2019, or even before. It doesn't confirm nor deny the photos, or the dating like they did in previously reports. Not to even mention that there's nothing "ill-intentioned" in dating rumours. They also don't make it clear who they're going against. My opinion is that they're not going against anybody. Nobody is getting sued by hybe, no sites are being closed, no legal notices are being sent.
Maybe it's too crazy for me (us) to have strong opinions on something we don't know the 100% of, and obviously none of us know how lawsuits work in hybe or who are they suing to begin with, but shouldn't there be some visible results by now? Why are they always giving out statements about suing people and dealing with the hate, but there's never... literally never been a statement about the hate actually having been dealt with.
Because this happened recently, it came to mind when I was talking about this with another army.
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Translation of the statement:
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They say that person has been making malicious posts against IU since 2019. This is what I mean when I say that we don't actually know how these lawsuits work, or when did they start the process, because it's been 3 years since 2019 and just now there's been results. Maybe we'll see BTS antis getting a sentence in 2025. I just really really really doubt that hybe is doing anything. I don't believe them anymore 🤷‍♀️ it's a "the boy who cried wolf" situation.
Either way, this is not the first or only time that I remember seeing statements like this from IU's firm. I was looking for more but there are so many tweets about her, and I suck at finding stuff. I came across this tho.
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And Heechul is not the only idol who thinks this way of her.
Also, while I'm at it and because there was another ask with a link to a twitter page against Jimin, not the death threat one, it was a different one. I wanted to say that I won't post anything that's just mindless, blind hate. Towards Jimin or towards any member. I can and I even encourage criticism, like I couldn't care less if you think a member is ugly or lazy or arrogant or whatever. I would probably be the first to call them that lmao. But with Jimin, things have been out of control for years and it won't stop. Jimin and Jungkook haven't been seen together or actually interacting since April and yet, taekookers, taehyung stans (the two are the same group of people btw) and to a lesser extent, jk stans are all still running their mouths and working harder on trying to defame him and his family. His family wtf!! So I hope it's even clearer for jikookers especially that it was never a "jikook anti" thing; they only hate Jimin. They don't actually gaf who is Jungkook sleeping with or not. Fortunately, Jimin doesn't seem to see any of it because he doesn't go online.
It was actually what Heechul said that made me think of that. He says that it doesn't matter how much help you get, you get brainwashed by reading the hate comments against yourself. As much as taekookers and the like talk on twitter, Jimin has never really had anything "happen" to him like what happened with his unpaid health insurance thing. And when that happened, even if he was releasing music at the time, he went MIA. I don't know if it was a coincidence, or not. But let's say it wasn't a coincidence. Many people even think that he told the members to not show support for the song the same way they did with everyone else on Earth. I disagree with this, but let's consider it for a while for the point I'm trying to make. Jimin is one of the members that's the most targeted in online communities, for whatever reason. Coincidentally, or not, he's also the only member who has talked about not going online at all. I can't know for a fact if there's a correlation between him not using social media and the hate, but I can make assumptions because he actually stopped being so active during the time the hate was getting worse. I know JK was MIA for a while too after some of the things about him people turned into scandals. Tho to be fair I do believe 2022 Jungkook doesn't deal with it the same way 2019 would've. Latest he's said is that he "monitors everything."
Now, on the other hand you have Taehyung who is comfortable enough to be on weverse 24/7, to browse twitter enough to find fanarts with less than 2k likes, to come online when there are photos of him and his girlfriend being leaked, to start a live in his own living room with his poster of a movie that many find very disturbing. He even said in 2020 that weverse was the place the went to looking for people's affection. And some people were sad about him, how he's so brave for smiling to fans and acting like nothing is happening. Have they considered the insane idea that maybe... He doesn't care at all? That maybe there's nothing he's scared of?
Maybe it speaks about the way each of them handles the things they have to see being said about themselves, or maybe it just speaks about the kind of things people say about them in the first place. For some it might've come to a point where they realized it's not even worth it to try and see what people are thinking about you, while for others they might've never actually come across anything that would make them step away completely. Maybe there's no correlation at all between all these events and I'm just seeing things where there isn't anything. But one thing I know is that nobody has ever trended #HappyBirthdayGorilla in Korea for Taehyung's birthday.
Either way, even if the whole thing about Jimin is all hypothetical, what Heechul said it's true. Jimin is not the only or the first and definitely won't be the last celebrity that doesn't use social media. Even people like Taylor Swift don't look up for people's opinions online. You get conditioned to thinking the worst of yourself if you're exposed for too much time to those type of comments. It doesn't even need to be online hate, it could be from your own family or friends or teachers.
Anyways, I don't really know what prompted all of this but that tweet about Jimin actually made me feel disgusted and kind of sad, and it's been a long while since I felt like that. I wouldn't even care if I thought people had actual, real reasons to hate him or call him the names they call him. But the sad thing about it is that they don't have any reason to. Everything bad they believe about him is in their heads and not anywhere else.
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