#also Hello Fellow Wren :)
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draconym · 15 days ago
What's a movie you love but would discourage anyone else from watching?
I love this question but it's really hard for me to answer because I love inflicting bad movies upon people. I once hooked up with someone while watching Mega Shark Vs. Crocosaurus. So I may not be the right person to ask.
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incongruence-osaf · 8 months ago
Hello!! It is time for me to officially post the first two chapters of my first ever multi-chapter fanfiction story, The Incongruence of Stars and Flowers!!!
So far the word count has reached over 8,000 words, roughly 21 pages at 1.15 spacing (including the current WIP of Chapter Three). This was a huge challenge for me that I am so glad to have started. I'd been keeping this (mostly) a secret for many months during a collaborative creative process.
It started when I saw an application for Sonic Big Bang 2024 zine on Tumblr. Around 300 participants of fellow writers, artists and readers were sorted into secret groups of 2-4ish for developing writing and artwork surrounding story submissions! I had the pleasure of being paired with wonderful artists who made beautiful sketches, concept art, and illustrations based on my writing, linked here: @major-wren (ART) (ART) and @pastelspindash (ART)
Go check out their awesome art (and writing) as well as all the other amazing creatives featured in the zine on the official blog page @sthbigbang! My awesome and very helpful beta readers were/are @starredfishing (Tumblr) and @zaffretension (Instagram) who gave me excellent advice about dialogue, pacing, and plot. THANK YOU!!!
And also a big THANK YOU to the moderators of this expansive event for keeping it running so smoothly, for organizing everything, and for encouraging all of us in one of the most supportive and energizing creative environments I've ever been apart of!!! I have talked to many cool and talented people and I love the community that we have all been growing as a massive group.
I am excited to continue the adventure of learning, reading, and writing to see where this adventure goes with familiar characters. If you are too, I hope you enjoy <3
Without further ado, below is the summary for The Incongruence of Stars and Flowers.
This alternate universe combines the vibrant world and history of Sonic the Hedgehog with our very own, resulting in a version of Planet Mobius that’s both familiar and distant. Yet, this altered reality is neither idealized nor greater than the sum of its parts. 
Anthropomorphic beings, humans, and animals of Mobius are struggling to rebuild their cityscapes, ecosystems, communities, and personal lives in the wake of the cumulative devastation of the Perfect Chaos Flood and the Black Arms Invasion. Shadow the Hedgehog takes a leave of absence from G.U.N. to temporarily settle down in Station Square, laying low after the world-shattering encounter with his alien DNA donor Black Doom. While the cityfolk around him undergo the growing pains of instability, nonconformity, sociological upheaval, and corruption, so too does the alien hybrid. With the support of unyielding friendship in aloof activist Sonic the Hedgehog and cultured confidante Rouge the Bat, Shadow coasts in this new life chapter while feeling profound pulls to unravel memories surrounding his loving creator, Professor Gerald Robotnik and solve mysteries within his environment, mind, and body.
Past and present perspectives interweave to show slices of unordinary lives, drawing from early-to-mid 2000s culture shifts/natural disasters/political tensions, U.S. and European history, and various fields of science as inspiration for this multi-chapter science-fiction drama mystery.
Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, Professor Gerald Robotnik, Maria Robotnik, Black Doom(?), Commander Abraham Tower, Helen (from Sonic X)?, and new original character(s)
Body dysmorphia and dysphoria, racism/speciesism, internalized xenophobia, mentions and possible depictions of police violence, generational trauma, trauma and imagery from medicalized settings, processing grief
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biggestqiblifan · 24 days ago
im shakyra, wren's irl friend
i see you are very very veyr cool according to them
and im here to say hello new friend!
(also i hope the qibli is from wof because i too love wof and qibli is very cool)
You seem super super super cool too, you pop up a lot on my dash when I come through Wren's posts lol, and tbh, your url is so real
Also thank you??? Omg :D
@thylocalbard , what do I hear about you calling me very very very cool?
Qibli is indeed from Wof!!! I love the series so much, but I haven't really it in a while lol. Fellow Wof lovers!!!!!! My blog is sooooo on brand right?
*I call across the chasm seperating us, well, a warm friendly screech would be more accurate* WHATS UP COOL NEW FRIEND :D
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autism-purgatory · 10 months ago
hello hello hello....
hypothetically, where may I read sneak peeks of Fluff & Tendrils?
also hypothetically. may I get a lore dump. if that's possible. because I Want To Understand this creation of yours. it looks bloody fantastic so far & I'd adore more information
I might put in on AO3, and I’ll happily put a snippet here!
“Oh, and let me know if you dissect a fellow organic! I haven’t gotten to do that in centuries!” Zur yelled from the car. Jesse cringed and gave a subtle thumbs up, then bolted into school before his embarrassment sunk in further. He shuffled his way through the cluttered halls. He recognized patterns in the crowds even with their diverse clothes or complexion, yet none truly felt like him. Everyone was so similar yet so distant to the point of him sticking out. He shoved his thoughts away once he entered his classroom. His desk was at the left end against the windows. The morning mix of orange and yellow spilled onto it and the desks near him. After dropping his backpack next to his seat, he sat and slouched into his hoodie. He relished in the warmth and feeling of wool against his skin. His stimulation was interrupted by the buzz of his phone. “New kid new kid new kid new kid. He’s approaching your class now.” A text from Hannah read. Jesse sighed, “So? What’s so special about this one?” He responded. “Idk. There’s something off about him. Not bad, just kinda weird, like you.” “Thanks?? I’ll believe it when I see it.” He replied, taken aback by her bluntness. By the time he put his phone away, the class had settled and prepared the low-quality TekBooks from under their desks. Jesse did the same. Mr. Wren came in soon after. “Alright, students, before we begin, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself,” he said in his dry, deadpan voice. The new kid slowly entered, and Jesse felt like he was struck by lightning. He was already lost in their tan complexion. The student scratched their stark black, curly hair before speaking. “Hey everyone! I, um…My name’s August!” Most of the class was silent. August nervously chuckled and sat at his desk, which was at the very back. Some classmates gently waved or muttered “Hi, August.”
Fluff & Tendrils is about Jesse, an outcast autistic kid with divorced parents, and he ALSO recently realized he’s gay. Did I also mention his dad is the ruler of the 4th dimension, named Zur’Guran? Yeah he had a child with a human, seeing it as an alliance with the corporeal realm. Jesse’s mom is a lawyer and Zur went “ah yes the perfect person, surely this will strengthen my ties to all earthlings”
Zur has only recently re-entered Jesse’s life, when he’s a junior in high school. It doesn’t make him feel any less othered by everyone, and he also doesn’t want his dad to find out he’s been practicing eldritch spellcasting while he’s been away. Jesse only has two other friends (one is secretly undead), but this all changes when a kid named August recently moves into town (and it turns out he’s a werewolf)
anyways lore dump!
There’s stuff like Aliens, eldritch horrors, werewolves, vampires, cryptids, ghosts, undead, the works. All have some connection to the lovecraftian. It’s usually because someone or a group of people pissed off the 4th dimension gods and got cursed. Vampirism is an alien parasite that integrates itself into your bloodstream, altering your dna bit by bit. It can’t be inherited by birth, rather, you have to infect someone by injecting a bit of the parasite via your fangs. There are dozens of strains of vampirism, but the “main” one originates from Eastern Europe sometime in the 15th century. Same applies to werewolves, except the “main” strain originates from Mycenaean Greece. There’s also a butt ton of different monsters based on the region. Also the main aliens are called the Cru’zra, who got their homeworld eaten by a 4th dimension god and are responsible for the vampirism parasite. There’s plenty of other aliens who come to earth, hiding among the masses. Also eldritch magic exists and can be taught via Skin Grimoires, which can be used to summon plenty of spooky entities or cast certain spells, but you’ll be disintegrated unless you’ve bound yourself to a 4th dimension god or (by some miracle) are related to one like Jesse.
August has the “main” strain of lycanthropy, and its symptoms are 10x worse if you’re going through puberty such as excessive body hair growth and inconsistent distribution of testosterone (this applies to all werewolves not just male ones). Also they look more and more wolf-like depending on the moon phase. They only look like a full blown werewolf on the full moon. August gets it from his mother who immigrated from Greece.
thank you for asking and for letting me infodump :D
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lv-iceprince · 1 year ago
🖤...overall ship...🖤
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ahhh hello hello hello! thank you so much for your everlasting patience and it was such a joy to come back and do this ship for you, i just had a really great time writing this!
i also just love having fellow libras come to my blog. I'm actually on the 12th like Jongho but i'm a year older!
anyways enough of me, here is one extra special ship <3 <3
wren xx
~ateez~ seonghwa🖤
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I must come clean…. I changed who I was going to ship you with as soon as we got gifted with MATZ and THE stage performance.
MATZ demonstrated Seonghwa’s dynamic personality. He has the most duality known to man, and I truly believe you would be a match made in heaven.
While neither of you fully embrace the bad boy/bad girl persona  you both have enough spice (in both personality and appearance) to be so raw, sexy, and passionate.
I will get into it, but you are both such a good match and what makes it even better is the fact that you are literally compatible on every level, personality, physically and even the stars have aligned because my god astrologically this is such a powerful pairing!
It’s giving the bad boy prince meeting the edgy but soft princess, equally elegant as it is showstopping. If you fell to your knees for him, he would meet you on the floor since he would gladly be on his knees for you.
I’m breaking out of the lavish fanfic-esque aspects of this ship because it would be a colossal mistake if I didn’t address how good your visuals look together, siren adjacent. There is so much depth and unpredictability in both of your eyes, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is apparent that you both have a very dynamic almost-4d personality. In short there is more to both of you than meets the eyes.
Though this ties into your personalities it is also just very complimentary, on the surface it makes sense the two of you would be attracted to each other. It seems presumptuous but you just make sense, even without any in depth explanation, but I will try and describe it.
Both of you are so pretty in a way that can and is lethal but you’re also so pretty and delicate in terms of your features. It’s really a pairing that evokes awe and is bound to evoke minor levels of jealousy from some people around you. Just so perfect and beautiful so endearing as far as visuals go.
I may have fumbled myself through that because I can’t put it into words how good you’ll look together but personality-wise? Strap in because oh my god?! I love love love this pairing, astrologically speaking Libra and Aries can be a very good pairing, you level each other out, making up for each other’s shortcomings but something that is literally so awe-inspiring is how both of you encourage the other to show just how strong they are.
You’re such an open and expressive person who possesses much creativity and this sense of openness to experience and life is something that reinforces that Seonghwa is a fool in love.
Both of you have very passive traits but together you have such bold personalities, you bring out something in each other where you don’t fear anything that could come your way, this could come in the form as big things- random life events, or small things- the words of others that seem to fall to the ground like rain.
I rambled a lot through this but your love of the arts, fashion and the more enjoyable aspects of life is addictive to Seonghwa. Even when he has his more domestic moments he still finds that he positively overreacts to everything you do, he is absolutely in love with everything you stand for .
He can come across as cocky by showing off your relationship he is only doing so because he is absolutely in love with you and he can’t even begin to comprehend what other worldly input some being had to help him find the love of his life.
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peachie-wren13 · 9 months ago
Hello fellow Wren
(Don't mind me, just browsing the wren rambles tag to pester people with the same name as me)
Hiya! Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I always love meeting people who share our name. Here are a selection of bird wrens to appreciate our namesake
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these are Splended Fairywren, they're native to Australasia and they're wildly polyamorous.
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these are Musician Wren or Organ Wren, named for their elaborate song and they're native to South America in the Amazon Rainforest! There are also Flutist Wren and Song Wren, apparently scientists like to name wrens after their notorious musicality!
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These are Cactus Wren, they're native to the deserts of South Western America and Mexico. They're the state bird of Arizona and the largest Wren species in the US!
I hope you enjoyed my little selection of the birdies we're named for and thank you for giving me a reason to research something new!
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bungiri · 2 years ago
ask and you shall receive....
ANYWAYS question for your oc wren uhh just give me any facts abt her, i mean anything, as much as you can actually (i will eat it all up)
(you can probably guess who i am, maybe not, who knows 😜)
HELLO 👁️ i think i know who u are AND THANK U FOR ASKING 🫂
omg idk where to start with her cuz i've been brainstorming a whole backstory (the wreniverse if u will) and her relationships w everyone IT'S BEEN FUN
before i start w some random facts, here's a doodle of her cuz i felt like i needed to draw her idk
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ANYWAY, my rambling is under the cut RAHHH ‼️
— she is a half witch on her bio mother's side ! it's assumed that her bio father is a human that her mom had a summer fling with while traveling
— she's always been able to use magic ever since she was a little girl, but has very little control over it due to not having anyone to learn from + just not being able to practice it whilst growing up in the city
— however, she Did encounter a woman who claimed she was a fellow witch and was given a spellbook from her. she doesn't understand most of the spells inside though and hasn't attempted any besides the very basics
— her natural hair color is dark brown, but she uses her magic to change it to orange (á la that one scene in the craft)
— wren was adopted at 4 years old by two Very Loving and overprotective dads. she also has a brother who has a career as a well known street artist in the city
— she has reason to believe that she's related to mr. qi in one way or another DON'T LAUGH...DON'T LAUGH...SHE TAKES IT VERY SERIOUSLY (he neither confirms or denies it and his extreme vagueness frustrates her)
— before moving to pelican town, she used to work at McJoja (u can't tell me joja wouldn't have a fast food chain like...) but was fired due to a conflict with a customer and the manager was rly just fed up with her antics in general
— when she moved to the town, wren avoided haley and alex for a good week because she recognized them from high school. she was on the cheerleading team with haley, they weren't too close in hs, and alex was obv a popular gridball player
— her farm's name is deergrave farm and it's believed to be haunted. although she doesn't believe it herself, she likes to use its reputation to entertain the kids with spooky stories or creep abigail, sam, and sebastian out
— she has a big fat crush on lance who either returns or rejects her feelings depending on which route i take her story in 🤔 if she's rejected, they stay very good friends and something else happens with someone else i'm Sure u can guess who
— another route is the Vanilla route where stardew expanded is disregarded and in that route she ends up with haley !
— even though she adores jas, vincent, and kids in general, wren doesn't want any of her own. she's very adventurous and a kid requires a lot of attention that she feels she won't be able to provide. she's more than content with her dog and krobus who she eventually gets to come live with her as her roomie
THIS WAS A LOT IM SORRY i just love her already‼️
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synthbug-rot · 1 year ago
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wraenata · 2 years ago
Hi wren-idkfeather! Wren is a great name isnt it?
So Wren is actually the name I give myself in video games for many years now. It's actually based on my middle name which is based on my great grandma.
My great grandmas parents wanted a boy to name Ray, but they got a girl instead. So they named her Raenata so they could call her Rae.
However the traditional spelling is actually Renata which is how my parents accidentally spelled it. So my name is spelled wrong but also spelled right 😅
I'm a big bird lover so Renata evolved to Wren 🪶
I think someone has the wrenata username so wraenata works for me as well as it's how my name was originally meant to be spelled!
And thats the origin of my name ❤️
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wrensemptydiary · 2 years ago
post yes & no's, plus characters I'll write for!! (and even more info abt my writing style and a tiny introduction)!
hi!! my names wren, you can call me wren or any variation of wren like wrenny, etc etc. i use he/him pronouns and im very fruity 😩 i also use texting tones because YES. this is my quick and tiny introduction, but i hope you enjoy my content. NOW... heres my yes and no's for writing, plus characters I'll write for and all that good stuff! have a great day, and hopefully a good time reading<3
yes's :
fluff (ya know, the casual cuddling, long talks, vents, rants, everything like that! per say, a character vented to another character and they cuddled afterward. that would be considered fluff under my page :]])
angst (i feel like everyone already knows what this is, and i also feel like it would be the same on everyones' pages, but ya know, just in case! per say a character death, someone cries into someone else's arms, a break-up, arguements. stuff like that is considered angst on my page!)
smut/nsfw (do i really have to explain this...)
slight smut/slight nsfw (nothing too serious, not an actual smut fic, but if characters made out in it or some serious fucking tension (or something sexual was implied), that would be a reason why one of my posts would have slight smut/slight nsfw on it!)
kinky shit (smut/nsfw but bring it to a wayyyyyyyyy bigger level. BY THE WAY. i will always put a warning and all of the kink/turn ons that will be in my nsfw posts before the actual fic!!)
i will write custom ships, depending on the characters ages and if the ship is actually appropriate
i will be taking submissions/requests (like i said for custom ships, if its an appropriate request. pls don't request bad stuff lmao.)
honestly, this all depends on how frisky im feeling, but i most likely, probably will write x reader stories/one shots. its a maybe. (maybe most likely means yes)
here are yes's for the type of people i want on my page
criminal minds fans
the matrix fans (I LOVE U ALL)
supernatural fans (if u ship wincest i hope you fall into a cliff)
monster drinkers
people who edit (omg same bestie)
people who can actually handle jokes 😇
arctic monkey fans
lgbtqia+ community (ilyasm hello fellow lgbees)
life is strange fans (PLEASE INTERACT ILY ALL SM)
mcu fans (y'all are one of my favs ily)
bookworms 💕
SALLY FACE FANS. (hand in marriage rn)
MCU fans
character's i will write for :)
neo (the matrix)
trinity (the matrix)
bugs (the matrix)
niobe (the matrix)
finn (the 100)
bellamy (the 100)
octavia (the 100)
sam (supernatural)
dean (supernatural)
ryan (life is strange: true colors)
chloe (life is strange)
max (life is strange)
alex (life is strange: true colors)
rachel (life is strange: before the storm)
steph (life is strange: before the storm/life is strange: true colors (plus wavelengths))
warren [this is a maybe,....] (life is strange)
spencer reid (criminal minds)
aaron hotchner (criminal minds)
derek morgan (criminal minds)
emily prentiss (criminal minds)
JJ (criminal minds)
kaeya (genshin impact)
diluc (genshin impact)
aether (genshin impact)
[possibly] lumine (genshin impact)
rosaria (genshin impact)
lisa (genshin impact)
xiao (genshin impact)
zhongli (genshin impact)
tartaglia/childe (genshin impact)
venti (genshin impact)
kazuha (genshin impact)
HELLO HI SO,,,,, it is literally 3 am rn so my brain is not working at all, i will do way more characters than this, i just can't think of any off of the top of my head (spare me the embarrassment) so yeah! and depending on the circumstances, I'll even write for characters that arent on here. or on the no list! all you have to do is request and ill see,,, eventually........ /j
before the no's, here's my writing style!
so, for any people wondering, yes i do write correctly whenever im writing a fic. i do capatalize my i's and capatalize the first letter of every sentence, plus names (sometimes, unless its just not a very serious fic or oneshot then i wont pls no bullying xoxo). i just don't do all of that when im not writing, and sometimes i even do it by accident because its imprinted in my brain to write grammatically correctly. so, let me write a little paragraph about some random crap and show you guys that im not as horrible of a writer as i seem !
emily had never seen hotch in such a vulnerable state like this, holding onto lexi's cheek while she was in his lap as his tears fell onto her almost lifeless body. but before lexi could protest about how it was definitely a girl, the medics arrived in the room and took a look at her wounds before taking her out to the ambulance, hotch of course following with and going in the ambulance with her.
YEAH HELLO IM BACK YOOOOOO,,,, that was a little thing i wrote with my oc. so i only write in third person (most of the time) and that is because writing in second or first person is super hard for me?? with the amount of y/n stories i read it should be easy, but i guess not.
obviously when i have actual inspiration i will write probably 10x better than usual, whenever i dont have motivation or inspiration it feels like all my writiny abilities fall into a void (REAL, NOT CLICKBAIT)
and now...
no's :
i honestly only need a paragraph or two for the no's so
i wont write anything sexual for any type of incest or underaged characters, i wont write anything that actually disgusts me in general, and the basic no's. i wont write for certain characters in movies, shows, or video games because i either dont like to, havent seen the show/movie or havent played the game, or i just dont know how to write out that characters personality. i hope you guys understand!!
THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND READING THIS FAR!! this will be pinned on my page for anyone who decides to request me and wonders what my yes and no's are, so yeah :] xx
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storytella-bella · 1 year ago
The Joy of Life Challenge S2 - #1
Aspen has just unpacked his stuff in his new dorm room! He of course had to have all his photos of his best friends hanging up, except for his ex, obvs.
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Shortly after that, his housemates came to say hello.
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This is Lucinda O'Gallagher. She is currently majoring in Culinary Arts, just like Aspen! She's childhood best friends with a fellow housemate, who you'll meet shortly.
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This is Lorcan Alexander. He is majoring in biology, in the hopes of becoming an athlete. He is, of course, on the UBrite athletics team, but he also has an interest in music, particularly piano.
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He introduced himself and got to know his housemates a little more.
Then he met Annika!
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This is Annika Grant. She is best friends with Lucinda, and she's majoring in Art History. She is very creative, but is also really good at parenting / teaching.
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Aspen & Annika played on the gaming sytem that Aspen brought from home.
There's also an amazing outdoor area at this student housing!
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He took a bike ride to the UBrite kiosk to buy a text book, he sure has the money for one due to his scholarships! It was such a beautiful day for him to stop for a coffee, too.
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When Aspen got home, he saw that Lorcan was doing homework, and decided to join him.
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After his homework was complete, he was feeling a little peckish. He decided that making a meal for his new roomates would totally help them all get along!
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He got to cooking, and Lorcan joined in helping him cook (as much as he could).
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It was almost like his family meals back home, except with people he didn't really know. But he's already getting to know them more and more, and he's excited for the friendships that could come of this!
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Before bed, he gave his parents a ring, telling them how he's settled in already, and is excited to start class the next day.
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The next morning, Aspen did some laundry and made himself cereal, and he maxed the cooking skill!! He was such a natural at cooking, AND had April as a mother, so, I'm honestly not surprised he's maxed it already.
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Then, he got a text from Eleni. Clearly, Sophia told Eleni about the breakup, and Eleni quickly told Aspen that she didn't like the way he went about it.
Then, I discovered that Aspen's roomate won the lottery?! §1,000,000 BTW!!!
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The rest of the day went like this:
Wren payed Aspen a visit! How cute! Aspen went to the UBrite commons after taking notes in class, and got himself a meal.
Then, he saw a sim that he kinda fancied...
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Her name is Ruth Logan, a drama major. And they seem pretty damn compatible.
(I didn't have Jade from victorious in mind when I made her but, that's what she ended up reminding me of, lol!)
He talked to her, asking about her degree and getting to know her etc. and even autonomously flirted with her.. 👀
I'd say he's had a pretty successful first two days!!
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askalexsandrkallus · 2 years ago
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What's Going On?
Hello and welcome to the RP blog dedicated to everyone's favorite ISB Agent-turned-Rebel-spy! This is a canon-based Ask RP, supplemented by a few head canons along the way to fill in the gaps canon has left.
What is an Ask RP?
Ask RP is designed to receive questions and to chatter back and forth with other RP'ers in-world (or anyone that wants to send an ask) as opposed to creating full, fanfic-styled threads like a traditional RP. That doesn't mean there will never be a case where this account chooses to work with another RP'er on a traditional RP thread, but it's a case by case basis.
Who Can Send an Ask?
Anyone! I'd love to see other Rebels and/or Star Wars RPs, but absolutely anyone can send an ask! And don't worry if Kallus is a bit prickly at first. He warms up slowly (and after hard questions posed while stuck on an ice moon 😅)
The mun is over 18, but please don't send sexually explicit asks. Just a preference.
All posts will be tagged with #Ask Alexsandr Kallus in case someone needs to blacklist the tag. They may also be tagged with #Star Wars Rebels RP and #Star Wars RP as well. Any announcements (like this one) will be tagged #Mun Announcements and general out of character posts (edits, art, metas, etc etc... reblogs) will be tagged #OOC Post .
Fellow Rebels RP
Sabine Wren - @themandalorianartist
Kanan Jarrus - @kananjarrusjediknight
Hera Syndulla - @thespectrepilot
Ezra Bridger - @lothal-cat-jedi
Chopper - @chopper-the-metal-menace
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stephschoices · 4 years ago
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Hello !! I’m Steph (she/her , 28) !! I make edits/gifs/gfx/art and this is my side blog for playchoices, romance club, interactive fiction, visual novels, and otome/amare games. And for all my mcs that go with them ^_^  
Sometimes I may also post about other ocs from anime, video games, movies, etc. ~
❕ Main blog I follow/like from: @sweetchaosyk​ 
Commission info​
⬇️⬇️ links & recs & tags below ⬇️⬇️
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!! every separate character tag on this blog will either be “mc: name” or “oc: name”
my edits
my art
my characters tag (interactive fiction)
my characters tag (video games, movies)
answered asks
picrews of my mcs
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where to find me:
main blog that I follow/like from: @sweetchaosyk
vav sideblog: @softgeumhyuk​
my main/kpop twitter: softstvan
my oc/if/vn (18+ no minors pls) twitter: stephschoices
my insta: softstvan
my pinterest: softstvan
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interactive fiction I play:
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
💜 = canon mc if I have more than 1 listed
🔞 = very nsfw / only 18+ should read
a bard's tale by abardstale - ( mc: vallen - ♡aspen )
a comedy of manors by sviyaginthegreat - ( mc: morgan - ♡tony )
a mage reborn by mage-parivir - ( mc: yeona - ♡leon )
a moon so cruel by amsc-if - ( mc: yurei - ♡kade )
a tale of crowns by ataleofcrowns - ( mc: mirarî - ♡dara )
abyss by abyss-if - ( mc: soobin - ♡jinho )
an elemental existence by beeanca-writing - ( mc: aurora - ♡sydney )
arcadie: second-born by sofia-d-asb - ( mc: grace - ♡cyril )
attollo by attollogame - ( mc: wren - ♡operator )
the bastard of camelot by llamagirl28 - ( mc: mordred - ♡gawain )
⭐ beyond empty eyes by beyondemptyeyes-if - ( mc: piper - ♡keir )
blood moon by barbwritesstuff - ( mc: jazmine - ♡marco )
⭐ body count by bodycountgame - (💜mc: daphne - ♡griffin💜 || mc: dakota - ♡charlie || mc: delaney - ♡atticus )
⭐ buried love by buriedlove - ( mc: marina - ♡alex )
⭐ circuit by circuit-if - ( mc: akali - ♡roman )
conspiracy in emerson by emersonfreepress - ( mc: annie - ♡jack )
crème de la crème by hpowellsmith - ( mc: briar - ♡patrice )
dark as night by cereuscross - ( mc: parker - ♡taj )
🔞 degrees of ledity by vrelnir 
dereliction by dereliction-if - (💜mc: makaela - ♡solas💜 || mc: marin - ♡havu || mc: avena - ♡gareth )
diaspora by diasporatheblog - ( mc: cailin - ♡sangarinus )
⭐ disenchanted by disenchantedif - (💜mc: isabelle - ♡viktor💜 || mc: leliana - ♡lucien || mc: kamry - ♡avery || mc: elena - ♡theodore || mc: rumaiza - ♡amrit || mc: monah - ♡harlow  || mc: tabitha - ♡cameron  || mc: savannah - ♡araselis   )
the eight years revolution by eight-years-revolution - ( mc: savea - ♡ajmal )
⭐ esper by esper-game - ( mc: nari - ♡leith )
everything is blue by everythingisblue-if - ( mc: sapphire - ♡milo )
the exile by exilethegame - ( mc: juniper - ♡sabir )
⭐ fallen lights by fallenlightsif - (💜mc: cora - ♡florian💜|| mc: inola - ♡orion || mc: mirielle - ♡emil || mc: nadya - ♡dimitri || mc: yvette - ♡julian  )
⭐ fate unwritten by fateunwritten-if - ( mc: elodie - ♡ivan )
fellow traveler by robotvampire - ( mc: macie - ♡sameer )
fernweh saga by lacunafiction - ( mc: leah - ♡beckett )
fields of asphodel by chrysanthemumgames - ( mc: persephone - ♡hades )
the fog knows your name by clio yun-su davis - ( mc: elsie - ♡rex )
⭐ god of the red mountain by friendlybowlofsoup - ( mc: "rabbit” - ♡spider )
⭐ golden by milaswriting - (💜mc: kendall - ♡blaze💜|| mc: adaline - ♡kaidan )
⭐ the golden rose by anathemafiction - ( mc: arya - ♡hadrian )
greenwarden by fiddles-ifs - ( mc: larken - ♡marc )
hollowpass town mysteries by hollowpass - ( mc: mitchie - ♡maxwell )
the hunt: demon eyes by thehunt-if - ( mc: cara - ♡bas )
⭐ in deeper tides by indeepertidesif - (💜mc: seraphine - ♡haakon💜 || mc: irelia - ♡thorne )
⭐ infamous by infamous-if - (💜mc: mina - ♡seven 💜|| mc: rian - ♡sebastian )
⭐ ink & laces by inandlaces-if - (💜mc: jade - ♡pepe 💜|| mc: archer - ♡anders || mc: dove - ♡fernando  ||  mc: quinn - ♡foley )
keeper of the sun and moon by keeperofthesunandmoon - ( mc: hayden - ♡altair )
larkin by larkin-if - ( mc: delia - ♡cyrus )
🔞 love for sundown by godsamael 
the lure of the gallows by lureofthegallowsgame - ( mc: emma - ♡leo )
the masked defenders by ian-lythe - ( mc: brooklyn - ♡emerson )
⭐ mind blind by mindblindbard - ( mc: blaire - ♡gray )
⭐ more things in heaven & earth by morethingsgame - ( mc: ophelia - ♡hamlet )
 murder at play house by murderatplayhouse - ( mc: blake - ♡nate )
the nameless by parkerlyn - ( mc: arabella - ♡the healer )
⭐ next in line by nextinline-if - (💜mc: calia - ♡constantine💜 || mc: cerys - ♡frederick )
the northern passage by northern-passage - ( mc: mercy - ♡lea )
⭐ novaturient by kalorphic - (💜mc: seulki - ♡noah💜 || mc: sage - ♡kalan )
an ode to dying starts by dyingstars-if - ( mc: alora - ♡krios )
ofna: birds of a feather by ofna - ( mc: maya - ♡jeremy )
olympus: secret services by ekgfiction - ( mc: tahmina - ♡louis )
the overtaken by theovertaken - ( mc: maria - ♡immanuel )
⭐ the passenger by the-passenger-if - (💜mc: ava - ♡roach💜 || mc: destiny - ♡jonny )
⭐ paved in ashes by pavedinashes-if - (💜mc: indigo - ♡felix💜 || mc: saskia - ♡michael || mc: beatrix - ♡sparks || mc: mallory - ♡francesco || mc: este - ♡dima  || mc: sabine - ♡alex )
⭐ perfumare avulsion by pdrrook - ( mc: natalie - ♡reed )
perfumare amalgam by pdrrook - ( mc: lexie - ♡flavio )
project hadea by nyehilismwriting - ( mc: callisto - ♡nash )
raiders of the caravan by leftski-if - ( mc: taya - ♡ruokar )
⭐ reaper’s bay by reapersbayif - (💜mc: fallon - ♡striker💜 || mc: teagan - ♡kai || mc: arany - ♡adrianus || mc: laina - ♡finn  || mc: giselle - ♡marius )
the reaper watches me by thereaperwatchesme - ( mc: makani - ♡sable )
royal affairs by hpowellsmith - ( mc: sofie - ♡asher )
⭐ scout: an apocalypse story by anya-dev - ( mc: zoey - ♡oliver )
sentinel by nyehilismwriting - ( mc: naomi - ♡levi )
⭐ shepherds of haven by shepherdsofhaven - (💜mc: ellery - ♡blade💜 || mc: arainia - ♡red || mc: halle - ♡trouble || mc: kellen - ♡briony )
the soul stone war by intimidatingpuffinstudios - ( mc: seobi - ♡morkai )
speaker by speakergame - ( mc: raina - ♡rory )
⭐ the spirited: origins by yuveim - (💜mc: payton - ♡derek💜 || mc: xavier -  ♡levi )
spring panic by ange-writes-ifs - ( mc: odessa - ♡aspen )
the sun chasers by elleryfiction - ( mc: narelle - ♡taran )
⭐ supernatural in new york by llamagirl28 - ( mc: sky - ♡dom )
swan song by swansong-if - ( mc: rosalie - ♡odile )
the sword of rhivenia by theswordofrhivenia - ( mc: abigail - ♡xavier )
thicker than by barbwritesstuff - ( mc: sunhi - ♡iliya )
time’s legacy by legacies-game - ( mc: talay - ♡eilert )
tournament of souls by maxdes - ( mc: reya - ♡euric )
triaina academy by leo-interactive-fiction - ( mc: averie - ♡matthew )
⭐ the unseelie by theunseelieif - (💜mc: cyra - ♡morgan💜|| mc: sokki - ♡kiran || mc: avalon - ♡auberon || mc: haelyn - ♡kendall || mc: june - ♡camilo )
⭐ unwilling souls by unwilling-souls-if - ( mc: fleur - ♡xander )
virtue's end by virtues-end -  ( mc: anika - ♡shea )
the wayhaven chronicles by seraphinitegames - ( mc: clara - ♡nate )
⭐ we all bleed red by lost-kiwi-dev - ( mc: alina - ♡chengyi )
when twilight strikes by evertidings - ( mc: carmen - ♡rylan )
the whisper in the mist by ellawrites-if - ( mc: noelani - ♡ciaran )
⭐ the wrath of sekhmet by sekhmetswrath-if - ( mc: nailah - ♡elija )
you live and fern by beetlebethwrites - ( mc: river - ♡matt )
zombie exodus: safe haven by Jim Dattilo - ( mc: fiona - ♡jaime )
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visual novels I play: 
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
💜 = canon mc if I have more than 1 listed
🔞 = very nsfw / only 18+ should read
aloners by sonnet009 - ( mc: rowan - ♡trash )
⭐ andromeda six  by wanderlust-games - (💜mc: nayel - ♡june💜|| mc: aeris - ♡vexx || mc: cassia - ♡damon )
blooming panic by robobarbie - ( mc: angelite - ♡xyx )
⭐ 🔞 college craze by collegecraze - ( mc: fawn - ♡undecided )
ebon light by underbliss - ( mc: merra - ♡vadeyn )
it lives within by itlivesproject - ( mc: summer - ♡abel )
monstrata fracture by astralore - ( mc: ivy - ♡cailean )
the neptune diaries by meduzagames - ( mc: felicity - ♡ren )
⭐ our life beginnings & always by gb-patch - ( mc: melody - ♡cove )
⭐ perfumare by pdrrook - ( mc: natalie - ♡reed )
⭐ when the night comes by lunaris games - ( mc: bellamy - ♡alkar )
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playchoices stories I play:
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
blades of light & shadow - ( mc: daya - ♡tyril )
the elementalists - ( mc: jennie - ♡beckett )
foreign affairs - ( mc: kennedy - ♡blaine )
the haunting of braidwood manor - ( mc: alessia - ♡victor )
⭐ it lives beneath - ( mc: rose - ♡parker )
⭐ it lives in the woods - ( mc: dallia - ♡connor )
nightbound - ( mc: charli - ♡cal )
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romance club stories I play:
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
⭐ arcanum - ( mc: selena/lilith - ♡liam )
⭐ heart of trespia - ( mc: eden - ♡wyatt )
heaven’s secret - ( mc: violet - ♡lucifer )
hell and high water - ( mc: laney - ♡chand )
kali: call of darkness - ( mc: amala - ♡amrit )
love from outer space - ( mc: amber - ♡todd )
⭐ the one v1 - ( mc: cassie - ♡evan )
psi - ( mc: lou - ♡kay )
sails in the fog - ( mc: adelaide - ♡sebastian )
⭐ seduced by the rhythm - ( mc: miki - ♡brandon )
shadows of saintfour - ( mc: serena - ♡michael )
sins of london - ( mc: ivy - ♡glashtyn )
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other story based apps I play:
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
the arcana by nix hydra - ( mc: juliet - ♡muriel )
⭐ duskwood by everbyte studio - ( mc: aspen - ♡jake )
obey me! by shallwedate - ( mc: hani - ♡belphegor )
⭐ love island the game by fusebox games - ( season 1 mc: rose - ♡levi || season 2 mc: lily - ♡bobby || season 3 mc: iris - ♡ciaran || season 4 mc: daisy - ♡bruno || season 5 mc: clover - ♡suresh || season 6 mc: aster - ♡lewie || season 7 mc: holly - ♡alex || season 8 mc: dahlia - ♡jack )
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tteokdoroki · 2 years ago
🥀but genuinely, i need help pretty girl
i’ve been extremely burnt out n getting really overwhelmed n like so easily too like hello ???
n i wanted some serotonin n i also wanted to comm. someone! do you know any artists w their comms open as of right now? i know u boost artists all the time but i’ve been crawling through your tags to find someone😭
HI BABY!!! happy to help :D please rest up and i hope you feel better soon<3
so i think @//touyaspeach has flash commissions open at the moment!
@//your-fellow-passerine has a studio special event going on!! im not sure when they next plan to open them but wren does them quite frequently so i would ask first!! they’re so cute
and @//galair also has their commissions open at the moment !!! <3
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mochimiyaas · 2 years ago
a fellow infp that listens to the genshin ost instead of real music??? i think we might be the same person
hello hellooooo! yuhh! i love the genshin soundtrack! as a liyue supremacy fan, the harbor music and jueyun karst music have a special place in my heart. but port ormos music, aranara lullaby, and all the dragonspine music are all so cool and fun and beautiful! i love most music genres including movie and game soundtracks. but genshin definitely is one of those that're at the top of my list!! what are your fave genshin soundtracks, wren??
AND YEAH! ANOTHER INFP! hi hi! i noticed in previous tags other writer mutals are also infps lmaooo i never meet any infps. :(( you an introvert too or is that me? lol
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scnteria · 4 years ago
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( alex wolff, cis male, he/him, muse b ) oh snap! is that THEODORE “TEDDY” WELLS ? they work over at high volume where some of the other employees have labeled them as THE MISCREANT. that’s probably because they can be a bit ( affable ) but also pretty ( misguided ). they’re 22 and they’ve been living in woodstock for FOUR YEARS. it must be their shift because i totally hear RADIOHEAD blasting from the record store. 
( @volumeupdates )
hi everyone !! phew i’m so hype to be here... hello... you can call me wren ! i’m in the est timezone and use she/her pronouns. a lil bit about me: i love making playlists and my silly little lattes every morning, i have two puppies at home that i love more than anything, and i’m currently watching ted lasso and falling in l*ve with jason sudeikis and no i do not think i named teddy after ted lasso but it might’ve been an unconscious thing idk
anyway, i’m going to try not to ramble too much about my boi teddy but you’ve been warned:
sweet boy theodore ! he mostly goes by teddy. i don’t think he minds being called theodore but he DOES hate the nickname ted. sorry to mr. sudeikis
he was born and raised in chicago but his father is from woodstock. he has some distant family here but growing up, it was teddy, his mom, dad, and older brother mccartney ( mick !! )
( alcoholism, hoarding disorder tw ) teddy’s older brother was like a refuge for him in a household that was pretty tough to live in. his mother is an extreme hoarder so teddy felt pretty trapped in his own home. on top of that, his father is a functioning alcoholic who had a tendency to pick fights when really wasted. ( end tw )
teddy shared a room with mick, so that was like their little escape from it all ! but mick left for college because he’s a Smart, Good Boy when teddy was fifteen ! so he took it super hard to be living alone in this environment
( depression tw ) naturally, at that age ( and with evident mental health issues running in the family ), teddy started to show signs of depression. in an attempt to alleviate that, his fam fulfilled a lifelong dream and adopted a lil border collie pup ! ( end tw )
he realized his home wasn’t suitable for him, his mental health, or his dog winnie. he saved up money by working odd jobs throughout high school and on his eighteenth birthday, he and his pup moved to woodstock.
his dog winnie is named after his celebrity crush, winona ryder ! he absolutely carries a polaroid photo of her in his wallet because truly that is his child and god bless you if you even mention dogs around him
he got the job at high volume four years ago so he’s been around for a bit ! jerry was actually really good friends with teddy’s father, so he’s known jerry pretty much his entire life. 
( drug use and alcoholism tw ) teddy has a chronic intestinal disease that basically attacks his immune system and can be preeeetty painful ! it’s manageable ofc and although teddy would say: “kurt cobain had it too so it’s fine,” it still Sucks to deal with. he is on medication for it, though another prescription works wonders for pain too...... and that ‘prescription’ is just Weed. he smokes a lot lol and also likes to drink, both as a source of self-medication and just because ! ( end tw )
( violence and ptsd tw ) oh haha also he saw jerry get shot in an alley but i imagine he is currently going through the many phases of ptsd at this moment. very much trying to keep it together but in reality, he’s a ball of pure anxiety and could crack at any given moment. definitely going through some bouts of denial and doubt ? jerry is not only his boss but he’s a family friend and someone he kind of looked up to, so it’s safe to say he’s not Doing Well ( end tw )
ok now more about his CHARACTER:
teddy is a sweetheart. he’s got golden retriever tendencies, i’d say ! verrrry sociable, loves to be around people.
he’s pretty independent and self-sufficient for someone who makes dumb decisions and doesn’t vibe with being alone  ! he has learned to look out for himself but at the same time, he’s one of those people that make you wonder how he got this far ??
overall, a pretty great friend to have. he’s a man of his word and basically likes to make people around him feel comfortable and happy ! 
kinda charming, an accidental flirt at times. like i don’t think he realizes when he’s flirting ? he’s a little oblivious and definitely does better with people who are direct with him. like if you’re dropping hints that you like him or need him to do something, he won’t pick up on it at all lol the boy is stuck in his own little world that has karma police playing on a constant loop
walking into a shift with him means you’ll either be: entertained, annoyed, distracted, or high lol
( drugs tw ) like he has shown up to work high before and probably has smoked outside during a slow shift i’m SORRY ( end tw )
messy, messy boy makes questionable decisions because he doesn’t quite think them through. he’s SO responsible with his dog, but himself ? a hot mess
perhaps he’s not ... wise when it comes to money... i’ll leave it at that for now :)
perpetually running late and rambles a good amount
weak-willed and self-destructive ! he’s easily swayed to do pretty much anything bc he’s kind of a happy-go-lucky kind of dude. pretty much does Not say no to plans and maybe he pushes his alcohol tolerance from time to time
he moved to woodstock four years ago and i wanna say he lives alone but tbh a roommate would be Cost Effective ( must like dogs tho )
that being said, if your character happened to grow up in chicago let’s do some childhood connections ! maybe an old friend, previous unrequited crush, etc.
pls give me a favorite coworker that just doesn’t get anything done when they’re working together
he absolutely will get on people’s nerves. he gets on MY nerves. so give me enemies of any sort lol
i don’t think he’s much of a relationship guy. i could see one longterm relationship in his past so an ex is a possibility ! 
a previous one-night stand is pretty accurate for him too, but i don’t see him thinking it’s weird or anything. i see him being pretty casual with hook-ups in general, so... do with that as you will
friends ! teddy is a talker and really likes to get to know people, so i can see him having friends of varying levels lol whether you’ve spoken twice but he’s like That’s My Guy ! or you regularly see him walking his dog or you just vibe at work... truly this man will talk to a wall. the possibilities are endless
a BEST friend ! i would very much like someone that teddy spews mostly everything to. he will indeed lay his life on the line for this person lol
party-goers, fellow druggies ! this is a scene teddy OFTEN dabbles in, whether you indulge yourself or provide. >:)
could definitely see him on the receiving end of a mom/dad/parent friend kind of relationship. like that john mulaney quote GET SOME REST, TALL CHILD
okay i seriously need to stop this got so long please end me anyway hit me up here or on discord for all of the plots. i really like to get into the nitty gritty of plots so if that’s your jam, let’s make some toast, baby ! i’m SO excited to get things going !
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