#also Death of Gilgamesh called Enkidu as Gilgamesh's close friend
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What I really don't understand about ancient Epic of Gilgamesh 1300 B.C rework is why, among 5 Gilgamesh Sumerian poems, Sîn-lēqi-unninni chose to add "Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Netherworld" on 12th Tablet of Standard version instead of "Death of Gilgamesh". The former notably disrupted the continuity of the Epic, hence why some academics ignored it, while the latter can be perfectly aligned with the story.
Or maybe that's just my bias because as we can see Death of Gilgamesh composition is too pretty to not be added into the main Epic. My favorite among 5 Sumerian Gilgamesh poems.
this fragmented part of the death of gilgamesh is like poetry to me
(source: ETCSL)
#the epic of gilgamesh#Sîn-lēqi-unninni#I mean I feel like it's a missed opportunity#Enkidu Netherworld journey is so awkward to be added in the main epic#while Death of Gilgamesh can be a nice conclusion for the story#not that Tablet 11 conclusion is not nice tho#also Death of Gilgamesh called Enkidu as Gilgamesh's close friend#which perfectly aligned with the other 11 Tablets of Epic#but on Sumerian Enkidu is Gilgamesh' servant?#makes me want to have a time machine and asked Sîn-lēqi-unninni in person#sorry I reblog your post with an essay
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Some started called gay men achilleian as in emphasize the same term lesbians give on the term "Sapphic love" which doesn't make ANY SENSE.
Firstly Sapphic comes from the Greek poet Sappho who lived on the Greek Island Lesbos and was famous for her romantic poems.
Achilles is just a character in a story by Homer written thousands of years ago mostly remembered for his complex character, his rage. His love for Patroclus may be for debate, but soulmate love is also platonic as it is romantic.
Achilles was never a gay icon before Miller's fiction book and the Iliad is a masterpiece of literature and his character is waaay more than his sexuality which also isn't labelled or certain either so why people are having a YA novel be the source material for his sexuality?
Interesting question.
I do not believe Miller to be responsible for the queering of Achilles. In fact, if you listen to interviews with her, her reasons for a queer interpretation are thoughtful and thorough. Namely, that a “bomb seems to go off” when Patroclus is killed. She believed his consequent actions to be most aligned with those of a grieving husband.
The novel’s earliest draft actually began as an academic essay after she directed Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, which characterizes Patroclus as more effeminate than Homer’s representation. Miller’s narrator is more closely aligned with Shakespeare, actually.
If you go further back, you have other ancient Greeks commenting on and disputing not whether or not Achilles and Patroclus were having sex, but who topped.
Returning to the Iliad itself. I believe it is most accurate to say both men were bisexual. They live together in fairly close quarters. If they aren’t partners, they are at least comfortable performing sex acts in front of one another with their concubines. I would say that Miller’s version where they “rescue” the girls but never sleep with them is a bit far fetched. However, there is also some implication that the two men shared a bed. I’d ask yourself, if this were a man and a woman, would I be thinking this hard as to whether they were a couple? Probably not.
There is finally the issue of the word “philtatos” itself. The -tos suffix is superlative. There’s no way around the translation “most beloved.” I am dubious of Victorian scholars who were bent on inserting “comrade” or “companion” in there. I call censorship.
So yes, I think queer interpretation really is an interpretation and not a fetishized, contemporary theory.
However, I’d like to address your point of platonic love and it’s societal value. To the understanding of many, (actually, Aristotle) “philia” between two men was the most fulfilling relationship possible. This creates a bit of a confusing wrinkle in ancient literature, doesn’t it? Gilgamesh and Enkidu’s behavior certainly queer-codes in 2023, but they come from a context which de emphasized women and their capacity to relate to male partners. So sure, maybe Patroclus and Achilles are meant to be broing out this whole time mainly because Briseis is too stupid and too afflicted by wandering-womb to understand them. I guess that’s the book you could read.
Maybe you wish to shelf that criticism and what you saw was a rich friendship. To challenge my own point above about if they were a straight couple, we accept completely different behavior from two women. There’s no reason friends can’t share profound intimacy and physical affection without any sexual connotation. You can’t say the death of a dear friend isn’t big enough to serve as the poem’s crisis point. You’re right — especially considering that these boys were raised together and have been living together and at war together their whole lives. The same could be said of David and Jonathan, another popular queer speculation. A sexual relationship is not needed to validate such a bond.
I still think they were having sex. I am sorry to have nothing to cite but remember my own mother explaining a queer reading of the Iliad to me before The Song of Achilles was even published. I believe she was teaching the Aeneid at that time but doing some background research. She mentioned specifically reading that sex was normal and encouraged between specifically infantry and charioteers. The idea was that by forming a sexual/romantic bond, those men would be more effective as a team. The point being, this is nothing new.
I want to speak to your comparison to Sappho, because it is pertinent. The prose of The Song of Achilles is heavily inspired by Sappho’s style. Her intention with that particular project was to focus on the perspective of a sidelined character and give him an intimate, lyric voice. That was the point. For her purposes, Achilles is a sexual and romantic icon because of who is telling the story. Contrast even the openings, “Sing, muse of rage of Achilles,” to, “my father was a king, and the son of kings.” One is invoking Calliope to tell us an epic about an angry little man and the other sets the expectation that you’re going to get his life story. If you read this book, you will get a subjective one-to-one experience of Achilles as a primary love interest and sexual partner. If that’s not for you, I recommend Pat Barker’s work.
A fair question, and I don’t know the answer, would be when did guys start referring to themselves as Achillean? Personally, I don’t really care. I think other people should describe their sex lives how they like. Hypothetically, even if the term were responsive to Miller’s fiction, I still don’t care.
And here’s where we get to what I really have to say. The Homeric tradition is oral— no one really “wrote” the Iliad in accordance with modern standards of intellectual property. We carry that tradition today. Here is the part where I disagree with you: Achilles is not just a character in a book written by Homer thousands of years ago. He is ours. Fluid and thriving, part of culture. If the myths of Achilles continue another millennium, carried by tumblr girlies and esoteric gay men, then great. It’s as it should be. It’s how fiction works.
#thank you#anonymus#the song of achilles#tsoa achilles#achillean#saphhic#greek mythology#homer#tagamemnon#the iliad#oral tradition#madeline miller
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I know I might sound crazy but hear me out, gilmiya is actually pretty romantic conceptually.
One thing that's canonically establish about Gilgamesh and Emiya is how Gil despises Emiya's practice of creating fakes from original treasures which he also owns, calling him Faker in disdainful manner. And I guess that's it. But it always bothers me that this one thing is left unexplored between them, which is Gil's whole reasoning in attempting to release All The World's Evil to the world, to let the hell loose and allow the natural selection process run its course because he hates the current modern society for being weak and for each individual lacking value of their own.
Meanwhile Emiya is someone who, as stated by Nasu, was born in the wrong part of history. Were he born in the age where heroes were created and heroic life flourish, he would've successfully lived the way he desired as a hero. But because he was born in modern era, his heroism and altruism stood out as strange, his hardline ideals alienated him, and he was shunned for it, leading to his death. He would've been the kind of human that Gil would respect among the people of modern society, yet it never came up. And then they made Gil inexplicably 'respects' Ritsuka who lacks any meaningful writing devoted to build them up in any way resembling an actual character, let alone an interesting one, sure thing nasu
Gil (theoritically) appreciates people like Emiya who chose a hard, tumultuous, heroic life among people living in modern world he deemed as weak and seemingly live without having to embody any meaning of their own, and the whole Gilgamesh owning every treasure in the world including weapons and Emiya whittling his existence down into a sword, a tool, a weapon, it writes itself. A weapon-slash-treasure belonging to Alaya, and a king with a bold claim towards every single treasure in the world desiring that of which belongs to the world itself, that's one hell of a setup to a (probably initially a bit nonconsensual bc Gil is an inconsiderate asshole and Emiya hates him) star-crossed love story.
Oh and don't forget Emiya's parallel to Enkidu who is a self-proclaimed weapon taking an appearance of a human, and how apparently he also creates weapons as a part of his ability, which is said to be the representation of humanity's craftmanship. Though I'll have to say, I can't see Enkidu bring more interesting dynamics with Gilgamesh compared to Emiya. He's undoubtedly very important to Gil, but their interaction feels... established, for the lack of better term. They're the bestest of friends, and we know Enkidu challenges Gil and equals him in a way no one could, and his death is a huge catalyst for Gil's journey but that's all there is to it. They're so close and their bond so unbreakable it also makes them static. Regardless of the circumstances around them, they'll never change towards each other. Part of it maybe because their budding process has already gone by, it has happened in the past, any conflict that might have existed between them has been resolved. The most interesting they could've been was when Enkidu has already long since died and it's never been Enkidu to begin with.
I admit it might just be me being hyperfocused on Emiya, which I can't do anything about, but I guess it comes down to personal interest, and gilkidu isn't really a dynamics that interests me.
These are the how interesting Gilgamesh and Emiya pair could be and how they theoritically could bring the best and worst out of each other to explore their character depth which is disappointing it isn't explored anywhere it seems.... Why aren't you seeing this Nasuuuu *shake fist towards the cloud*
On the side note, I really like the idea of hedonist Gilgamesh dragging Emiya along in his lavish lifestyle, forcibly humanizing Emiya in the process. The maybe three (yes it's sad) fanfics that I found on this pairing all have this particular part, which I think is essential to this pairing for that sweet sweet payoff of watching Emiya struggling to get used with normal life again, to be human again, for him to realize in the end that he is human, that he's allowed to appreciate all life has to offer, and I love every bit of it.
#fate series#fate stay night#fate grand order#archer emiya#archer gilgamesh#heroic spirit emiya#gilmiya
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I have 12 different pilots in CompCon right now, all planned to LL6, none of which I’ve gotten the chance to use because I currently have nobody to play Lancer with. Also, something I like to do with my characters is always include some sort of unresolved hook in their backstory for GM’s to pull on down the road. I’ll just give three standouts:
Cerise ‘Longlegs’ Desroches: A spaceborn ignoble Karrakin salvage worker/serf-in-all-but-name who’s body has been warped massively (through both natural and artificial means) to cope with multiple generations of living almost exclusively in zero-g, and who got forcibly removed from the only community she’s ever known for daring to be implicated in unionization efforts. She’s 6’6”, has worryingly low blood pressure, and will shank the first noble she sees. Also, after 22 years of living almost entirely in zero-g, she still tends to forget that things usually fall when she lets go of them now. She has a Lancaster 3/Kidd 3 Fomorian Frame Taraxacum called ‘Spacewalker’ with a MULE Harness, a Cable Winch, Expanded Compartment, AND Forge-2 Subalterns so that she can be the battlebusiest battlebus to ever battlebus.
Kawasaki ‘Wildcat’ Sayuri: An ex-idol from an Armory world in the Dawnline Shore who got kicked out of her agency with zero warning and even less explanation when she turned 20. The agency publicly insisted that it was her choice while barring her not just from interviews, but from even seeing any of her idol friends. This was an even worse thing for her than it already sounds because she’s an orphan who was practically raised by the agency, and her manager sorta decided to get her addicted to Kick (a stim mentioned in the core rulebook) in order to (quoting directly from my CompCon notes here) “cope with being run ragged during idol training and as an extreme weight-loss measure” (on top of all the other gene mods and minor cosmetic surgery the agency already forced on her, like ‘natural’ glitter on much of her body). So, jobless, addicted, with no friends to turn to, and rapidly running out of money, she finally got a stroke of luck when she panicked and ended up hiding in an abandoned chassis during a raid by ‘pirates’ with a suspicious amount of training and Karrakin tech, and discovered that she both had a natural talent for mech combat and got concerningly horny whenever she tore somebody limb-from-limb. She gets a Tokugawa 3/Gilgamesh 2/Genghis 1 Enkidu called ‘Big Cat’ so she can go sicko mode with Lucifer, Plasma Gauntlet, Superthermal Blade, and Explosive Vents.
SSC-P-AP-42 ‘Four-Two’ Deer: AKA Smith-Shimano Corporation, Pilot, Amber Phantom, Number Forty-Two. ‘Deer’ is the name ‘he’ gave ‘himself’ (we’ll get back to that later) after escaping. The 42nd instance of a top secret, hyper illegal SSC super soldier program to create the optimal pilot for the Amber Phantom frame being developed in concert with the program (originally this character was gonna tied to the Dusk Wing, but then the Amber Phantom came out and the lore fit perfectly) in order to act as Constellar Midnights. Their body conforms to traditional SSC male beauty standards as closely as possible while still exactly fitting the dimensions and ergonomics of an Amber Phantom (or rather, they would look like that, if only they were properly fed). They ran away and (poorly) faked their death on a mission, and now they’re being pursued by an SSC asset retrieval team which they’re confident includes some of their ‘brothers’. Also, now that they’re thinking for themselves for the first time, they’re soon gonna have to deal with a gender crisis on top of all of this that’ll eventually result in them going from ‘he’ to ‘she’, but not without a whole lot of angst in the meantime. Obviously, they get a Metalmark 3/Mourning Cloak 3 Amber Phantom called ‘Apple’—nothing too fancy here, mostly giving her Mourning Cloak teleport shenanigans on top of the standard Metalmark invisibility shenanigans.
lancer players, what’s your favourite pilot concept you’ve ever come up with, I love seeing how creative people are
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God I can't believe it took me so long to ask , Gilgamesh/Enkidu for the ask game. Ah but with a twist , you have to specify Enkidu gender you know him be asexual , shape shifter and all that.
Gilgamesh x Enkidu - SHIP IT
Ah yes, humanity’s original ship. I was wondering when I would get this ask. And honestly, kind of intimidated, but I hope I can give a thorough enough expression of my feelings. I expect this will be quite long, so go get some snacks. :)
Enkidu is very fluid in my mind, they can be both or neither or one or the other or somewhere in the in-between, depending on their mood. Whether they are asexual or not depends on the media, but either way I don't think it really matters to Gil. They are loved regardless of form, identity, or preference.
What made you ship it?
When Fate had started to become an obsession for me, the fics I was reading already included Enkidu, before FSF even took off. During this time, Enkidu was more of a fanon thing, an adapted personality from the little mention we have in Fate Material plus the actual Epic of Gilgamesh. At the time, I was leaning more toward Diarturia (before my mind opened to the real possibilities) and Gil was more antagonistic to me, so I was incredibly interested in this character that was an ally to Gilgamesh and not against him.
Also, around this time, I was in high school and we took up The Epic of Gilgamesh in English class. Even my young mind, my embarrassingly un-enlightened mind, back then called bullshit when they said Enkidu was just a "best friend". So, I went on my own little mini-expedition to find out what I could outside of class and went on to read translations of the Epic, even if the prose confused little old me.
When Enkidu made it into the Fate Universe, however, there'd been different interpretations of them depending on the writer. They do share similarities that build up into a good enough character that I cannot be disappointed, though, especially in the portrayal of how important they are to Gil.
You could say I ended up shipping it thanks to a combination of the above: the epic fanfics I read that included Enkidu, and the Epic of Gilgamesh itself.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I'm going to start with the biggest reason of them all
There are no exact words to describe just how much Gilgamesh treasured Enkidu. Enkidu is more than a best friend, and yet to write off their relationship as romance is still far too shallow. There was a love between these two that transcends such petty human relationships, that our minds just cannot process the incredible connection that bloomed between the arrogant King of Heroes and the beastly tool sent to temper him.
Even calling them soulmates will never measure up. It comes close but it just doesn't.
You haven't known agony 'til you read how Gilgamesh grieved their death, and how Enkidu regretted leaving their king all alone. Damn, just thinking about it, I feel like crying I-
Enkidu was so damn significant to Gilgamesh that he promised to never have another friend, such that the meaning of that title would not diminish.
Despite their insistence on being a tool, Gilgamesh is adamant about them meaning more than that.
Enkidu will always and forever be the only one out there that Gilgamesh will consider his equal.
But I knew all this before Babylonia ever existed. Post-singularity, we have the ff. additional points
We get to see the lasting impact of the loss of Enkidu in action, because we are introduced to a wiser, better king who may have moved past Enkidu's death but never truly stopped grieving it.
Hell, their love was so great that even Siduri, Ishtar, and Gilgamesh's people knew the sheer magnitude of Enkidu's influence.
Within Kingu, Enkidu's love for Gilgamesh was so potent and lasting it made Kingu hurt whenever the King of Heroes was around.
And due to that love, Gilgamesh would still save Kingu and call Kingu a friend in honor of the one he went on various adventures with.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about your ship?
I was kind of surprised about Enkidu's design but it grew on me so damn fast.
I thought they'd have more Chaldea interactions, ngl.
They should be cried about more. If I physically can't re-watch ep 16 of FZ, then for Babylonia there's a hell of a lot I can't re-watch or re-read without reaching for the tissues. I shed a tear just writing this.
Thank you for asking me this. I still think the above doesn't illustrate all the feelings I have for them, but I hope I wrote well enough to give you an idea of what goes on in my head.
#akampana asks#gilkidu#gilgamesh#casgil#caster#caster gilgamesh#enkidu#fate grand order#lancer#babylonia#fgo#fate#oh on another note#enkidu was on rateup around a few weeks after i started playing#and I had gil#so i used all the sq accumulated from the singularities id finished#and farmed the sq from redoing the free quests in those singularities#desperately hoping#and on the last three farmed sq#they came home#i cried so hard because i thought i coudlnt reunite them#long post#sorry
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More than Gold (Caster Gilgamesh x Reader)
Summary: There was something she didn’t realized over the course of time she stayed, and it was that from the moment she arrived, there was not a single woman coming out his chamber anymore.
Category: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Only forced kissing if that counts
A/N- This was the one I so far liked the most out of the three, so thank you for reading and hope anyone likes it!🦋
(Also I wrote this in one night and by the end my brain was malfunctioning :v )
The first time he saw her was when Enkidu was still alive. Claiming to have lost her way from a place called Chaldea, she didn’t know how to get back and fortunately saw the city of Uruk from a distance. Mind you, this was also at the time Gilgamesh had no shame in bedding any woman he wished for, married or not. Did he had the same plans for her when he saw her so lost and nowhere to reside? At that moment, yes he did, but this time he somehow wanted to take his time taking her to his chambers, not forcefully but willingly.
Plans change however. She was more defiant, although not in an overbearing, annoying way that would get someone else executed. She was full of sarcasm, and rejected any type of advances from his in a smooth way that even left him dumbfounded. Her retorts were always given with a small, cocky smile, as if she was the one laying the cards in the table, winning the game.
By that point, the king had mostly given up on his initial plan and overtime just let her stay, unconsciously getting used to her presence.
Everything was serene until after his best friend’s death. It left him numb, and afraid of dying himself, losing everything in the process. Everyone around noticed the change in demeanor. Most of the time, it looked as if he was lost, but no one dared say anything. She was the exception though.
It wasn’t the first time she had seen his chamber, he had sometimes been insistent that she wake him up, and lately it wasn’t because he had other intentions but simply because he wanted to hear her. But now the situation was different. It started with her checking up on him and ended in having the king’s wrapped around her waist and neck.
“You won’t do it” he heard her say calmly. For the position they were in, she didn’t look scared at all. “And what makes you think that? I’m not in my right mind at the moment and I can do what I please with anyone, including you” He sneered, holding her more tightly.
“Because it wouldn’t make it any better, it won’t really satisfy you” She managed to choke out as his grip on her neck was getting stronger. Gilgamesh stared at her for a couple of seconds, as if completing his next move. A moment later, she could see he had made a decision and before he took action he simply said, “Then you’re the most foolish woman” He smashed his lips against hers, rough and immediately pushing his tongue past her closed teeth aggressively, wanting to taste her more. She wasn’t reciprocating at all but wasn’t pushing him away, just letting him kiss her to his whim. His grip on her neck had loosened, and after pulling away for air not before pulling on her lower lip and started trailing kisses down her jaw and neck. It was when he placed in her shoulder blade that she felt it. Trailing down her arm slowly, she felt as tear by tear started falling and he had stopped nay ministration on her body. His hands were holding onto her wrist, head laying on her shoulder as he let the tears fall silently.
Feeling for him, she hesitantly raised a hand and placed it in his blonde locks, slightly stroking. Gilgamesh was holding tightly onto the fabric of her dress like a lifeline and didn’t let go until calming down and he was able to speak, more rationally this time. “I don’t know what to do, y/n, if to go and kill that cursed goddess or just stay until death eventually takes me as well. Tell me, what do I do”
She felt his anger, his frustration, but most of all she felt how much the king missed his friend, the one that he could ever see as equal now taken away so cruelly. Even remembering Enkidu’s soft expression and light smiles, it felt like a pierce through the heart. it had affected everyone who knew him, but everyone knew it inwardly destroyed the young king. As y/n continued stroking his hair, she stared outside at the now dark sky. Trying to find her words, she started, “I believe that answer can be found by only you. You can go and kill her, you can stay still. Scream, cry, curse. Or- you can choose to be a king, protect your people even from the gods and watch as your city grows. I don’t know what he would’ve wanted, I can’t put my words in his mouth, but he understood you as you did he. I’m sure you would want to fulfill any promise left. And I know he wouldn’t have wanted you to be alone, which is why Siduri and I are here. We cant replace him, of course, but we’re here in our own way, Gilgamesh. Whatever you decide to do, this time I won’t defy.”
Moments passed as he contemplated. What did HE wanted to do? As he though about it, he raised his head and came to his decision. Instead of letting death take him, he would find a way to win over it. He had a duty, and it was to see the life of humanity and its progressive path. He couldn’t do that if he died before it ended. Making his decision, he fully looked at y/n. “I’m not dying. Even if it takes me to the underworld, I will find a way to live until it’s the end for everyone. I’m going away for a while. I trust you and Siduri will take care of things here for me, so just hold still until then.”
“I won’t dare ask how long its going to take, so alright. This time I’ll follow orders from you, your majesty” He knew that tone, the one she used to lighten the mood whenever he was tense. It seems it never failed as it pulled a small smirk form him. “Look at you so obedient, I would’ve hoped you were like that regarding other things too.” He retorted suggestively. She knew however, it wasn’t a serious implication as it used to be before and laughed mockingly, “Ha! Right, I would’ve been out of the ziggurat by now if I gave in so easily”
He huffed indignantly, “You would’ve been the first woman I wanted to keep” She stayed quiet at that, sort of put off and not knowing how to take that comment, didn’t even noticed he had a hold of her hands, “You... still kept me here though”
“At first it was still in attempt to lure you in, but I must admit I now have other reasons I won’t tell until I come back” He stated, looking at her quiet curiously with a glint in his eyes. “Keeping me in suspense I see” she sighed and continued, “Alright, I’ll wait here then, not like there’s an alternative. But promise me this” Eyeing her curiously, he answered, “Making commands now?”
“A promise I said. I want you to not only come back, but to come back being you, being who you find yourself to be out there, and knowing that we’ll be the first ones to see you back in Uruk. Looking ahead and finally figured out what you need to do in reality, not what duty was assigned to you.” He looked at her incredulously, having expected to ask something for herself. “You aren’t greedy at all, aren’t you”
“I am, believe me for what I’m asking you, I am. But that’s also something I won’t say until you come back.” She said shaking his hands holding hers. “Fine, I’ll grant you that one wish as much as I can” Y/n smiled at his answer and held his hands tighter. “I’ll be waiting here then, how long it takes, Gilgamesh” before letting go of his hands, she leaned in quickly and placed a chaste kiss in the corner of his lips. She hurriedly walked to the door outside, and before leaving, she swore she could hear the words, “I won’t lose you to them either.”
A long time passed until y/n saw Gilgamesh coming back from his journey, and as promised, her and Siduri were the first ones he saw. He was different, longer hair and much less clothes than he worse before. But it wasn’t only that. She could see it, something had indeed changed in him and just from that, y/n could tell he came through with his promise. The king didn’t obtain immortality, but he realized it wasn’t something he needed any longer.
After more time passed, y/n hadn’t seen the king much after he came back until the particular morning Siduri woke her up and said Gilgamesh wanted to see her at his throne. When she got there he still was not there and waited a few minuted. When she heard footsteps and looked up, greeted by a different sight she expected. He looked different with purple markings on both his shoulders and a horned garment atop his head. He still minimum clothing, that hasn’t changed. Although a bit shocked, nonetheless she knew it was him, and she let a soft smile take over as he walked up and sat on his throne. Leaning his hatching on his left hand, he offered his right one to you. “Standing a few feet away, she questioned, “Yeah, before that, you haven’t told me what you said you were gonna keep until now”
“You tell me yours first and I will” Y/n grunted, persistence in her gaze, but after seeing he wasn’t going to let up, she silently agreed. Taking a deep breathe and preparing to say what she considers the most embarrassing thing, she answers. “It was you. I said I was greedy because I wanted you to be back, and I wanted to be the first one to see you, and that’s why I wanted you to promise that. Because despite how you were before and the certain intention you had with me, you allowed me to see more than that. You allowed me to see a vulnerable side and less harsher side, the side that felt lonely and the side that could actually consider someone else a friend. I know you had more than the king who took everything for himself, and I honestly found all sides admiring in a way. But that’s why I’m greedy, because I wanted you back no matter how many years it took, and because honestly I’ve been wanting to feel you in not just one way, but I had more pride than i allowed myself to show.” After she finished, y/n noticed Gilgamesh’s still stretched hand. He was still waiting for her to take it after all that, “My answer is short, by taking my hand and standing beside me you should know it, so stop stalling woman, and I’ll make sure to make you more greedy as you spend your life with me” widening her eyes slightly, she gaped at him, a little bit of red on her cheeks. Collecting herself, she walked up and took his hand, rough and calloused.
She intertwined hers finger with his and held tightly as he as he pulled her to stand beside his throne. They both looked ahead as the sun was becoming brighter and brighter, still loosely holding hands.
“You and him. Indeed you are more than all the gold I could ever have”
#fate grand order#fate go#caster gilgamesh#gilgamesh#caster gilgamesh x reader#gilgamesh x reader#fate series#angs#romance#writing#fanfic#one shot
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Supernatural Season 15 & Sufjan Stevens' “The Ascension”
Teaser: there’s a song on this album called "Die Happy” where the lyrics are just “I want to die happy” for 5 minutes and 45 seconds. yeah. yeah.
Disclaimer: yes it’s all a stretch and I’m overthinking it but also… am I? (yes)
long post time! know that reading ahead may hurt you and yes it does get worse the further down the track list you get 💕 have fun kids
So just to start off, I think it’s funny that something Sufjan’s discography & Supernatural have in common is the 15+ years of the internet arguing if it’s gay or not, and the answer ending up being yes. PLUS there’s the obvious connection of American mythos + mythology + calvinist themes (I am hissing) + religious trauma prevalent in both.
If you’re a fan of both like I am, it’s easy to connect them— notable connections being songs like “John My Beloved” and “The Owl and the Tanager” or even “John Wayne Gacy Jr.”, but I’m going to focus on Sufjan's 2020 album, “The Ascension” since even the arc itself seems so connected to season 15 of Supernatural, specifically.
At least in my head it does <3 enjoy
When interviewed about the meaning of this track, Sufjan explains that this song is about asking God, “what do you have to say for humanity?” That it’s about desperation, creation, and devastation. It’s about frustration with divinity. Also the vibes are 10/10. Need I say more
This song is beautiful, it makes me want to sit in some grass and stare at the sky.
Some lines that make me Dean/Cas crazy are the two lines in verse 1 and verse 2 that mirror each other by being in the same place melodically:
Verse 1: they will terrorize us / with new confusion / with the fear of life that seeks to bring despair within
Verse 2: I will bring you life / a new communion / with a paradise that brings the truth to light within
Yeahhh so the words “Despair” and “The Truth” were mirrored in this song yes it was coincidental yes I’m clinging to it. It fascinates me
But this song is about begging someone to stay with you.
sweet falling remedy / come run away with me / you’re all I ever need
My first thought when I heard this song was about how it was such a song for enneagram 4s. If you don’t know what that means, I think Dean is a 4 and wrote a post about it here.
AND @trapperjohnmcintyre also made the connection between these lyrics and Dean in this post, and honestly I don’t need to say much more than that??
The song is about feeling paranoid and angry that God is controlling your every move and you can’t escape it (aka hating the doctrine of predestination). Of course it’s also about not wanting to follow societal scripts.
You just want to have an easier life instead of the weight of good and evil resting on your back!!!
I don’t want to put the devil on a pedestal / I don’t want put the saints in chains / I just want to make my life a little easier / I don’t want to play your video game
Also these painful lines, as a treat:
I don’t want to love you if you don’t receive it / I don’t want to save the world that way
Oh, I almost forgot, also. At the end, the narrator gives up. He’s like well I guess I can’t escape. Gotta follow the procedure. Gotta be a puppet.
I don’t want it to go down that way / but in a way you gotta follow the procedure / so go ahead and play your video game
I don’t have much to say about this one but this line always makes my heart ache idk:
I was only thinking of human kindness
Here we gooooooo. Y’all aren’t ready.
Thesis: Tell me you love me despite the primordial darkness about to overtake me. And even if you don’t, I’m going to love you.
15x18 Despair anyone??
I want to just paste the whole song but, here—

Yep, "Die Happy" immediately follows "Tell Me You Love Me." Yes, the lyrics are just “I want to die happy” over and over for almost 6 minutes.
First of all, the repetition mirrors the end of the song Fourth of July, from Sufjan’s previous album Carrie & Lowell, where Sufjan sings “we’re all gonna die” over and over.
Parallels, baby.
But I noticed something else about this recently though— in Die Happy, if you are listening to it in your headphones, there’s this weird sound that sounds like a wasp flying around your head (it made me uncomfortable which is why I noticed it, haha). After I felt unnerved for a moment, I had a realization— that this could be referencing one of Sufjan’s most beloved songs, “The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out To Get Us!!” (yes that’s a real song title lol)
The Predatory Wasp is about how Sufjan fell in love with his best friend at the Bible Camp he went to as a teenager. The wasp is a metaphor for internalized homophobia and also his love and how he fears his love will hurt the boy he’s in love with.
So, Die Happy references an iconic song from Illinois (2005) with these notable lines:

I want to die happy vs. I can’t explain the state that I’m in / the state of my heart / he was my best friend
Here’s an Despair photoset with Predatory Wasp lyrics via @toneelspeelster.
So your best friend has just died happy by being in love with you. You feel like the primordial darkness is on YOU now:
I woke up in stereo—I spent the day in vertigo / I could not get the spirit off my back
You’re once again tossed in the waves of thinking that God is fucking with you. But either way you just want to be tranquilized at this point.
Is it all for something? Is it all part of a plan / tranquilize me, sanitize me, Ativan
Is it all for nothing? Is it all part of a plan? / make my death wish, mind my business / do the best I can with what I am
Ativan asks, was the true leading woman all this time… substance abuse??
Ativan / my leading woman
Long story short, you’re drunk on communion wine, asking the shadows to come back.
fill me with the blood of Jesus / clean my plate 'til he receives us / separate the colors from the black / ... / tell the shadows near us to come back
Not a lot to say about this (even though I love these songs) so I’m gonna skip mostly, but the narrator has decided he wants to love you, he can’t help it <3
Oh boy.
I mean you kinda know what’s coming because of the title. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the world’s oldest piece of epic world literature, and Gilgamesh was “the first hero of human history.”
In the world’s oldest story, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh and Enkidu are “very close friends” (their relationship is very homoerotic and this is barely disputed). Gilgamesh calls Enkidu his brother, and they are mutually selfless towards each other but when Enkidu dies, indirectly because of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh has a breakdown and mourns him like that of a spouse and then has to come to terms with his own mortality.
The meta level of this is so obvious I’m not even going to go into it. Anyways… here are lyrics that make me want to scream!

the repetition of “my heart”... the concept of singing a eulogy.... saying your heart is chained to Your Angel............ it hurts
Star Wars reference my beloved. Like many of these songs this has Fuck You God energy.
what you call the human race / expedite the judgement day / it’s your own damn head on that plate
vandalize what you create / ... / witness me resist your fate / it’s your own damn head on that plate
This song is a bop honestly
When the lyrics were released a bunch of Sufjan fans contrasted Goodbye To All That’s here I am alone in my car / hopelessly infatuted / and I’m driving to wherever you are to Sufjan & Moses Sumney’s song, “Make Out in My Car”.
Yeah, I know, we’re all thinking of this:

Make Out in My Car is basically where Moses gave Sufjan a horny car guy chorus and told him to write the verses, and Sufjan proceeded to write the most liturgical shit ever (and we love him for it). ANYWAYS… Goodbye To All That also reminds me of Dean’s depression and the weirdness that started in 15x19 and goes into 15x20. For some reason he makes it seem more upbeat and happy than it is...
Despite this song being a bop, the lyrics are depressing. He’s alone in his car. He’s hopeless. He realizes it’s too late to have died a young man.
He’s going to try to move on, even though nothing is left of him, he’s begging someone to turn around and show me his shadow.

He also references substance abuse again—
love me / and leave me / intoxicated
The music video? Iconic. The mom of a family is making a pie, or she’s trying to. She ends up rubbing the filling all over her face, crushing the fruits, the oven catches on fire.
But she does it! She makes the pie.
Meanwhile the other family members are in their rooms, overindulging in sugar in all its forms. And then as she and her family eat around a dining table, occassionally being seemingly marrioetted by some unseen force, she looks angrily over her family, they all seem to kind of lose it, then the house starts to come apart until the chandelier falls on the dinner table.

It’s the making pie + overindulgence in sugar + marionetted family metaphors for me ❤️
Ultimately, the song is about begging for affection, being desperate for domesticity, but you feel doomed, you feel like your defeat is predestined, that you can’t escape it.
You just don’t want to be heartbroken & you don’t want to be angry anymore!!!!

So you may be asking… does this guy get the domesticity he’s longing for?? Does he get his love back??
No. He dies. :/
The Ascension begins with just that. He’s dying.
THEN Sufjan decides to rhyme “confess” with “confess”, in two lines that mean almost opposite things:
When I am dead / and the light leaves my breast / nothing to be told / nothing to confess / let the record show / what I couldn’t quite confess
So does this guy have something to confess or not??? 👀
Moving on…
He goes back to thinking about how his life was predestined all along, and now after all that, he’s dying. So he thinks about all the times he was kind of like this Mythological Icon. That he always had to be the one to show what was right, to lead by example. That that had been his entire identity.
And he realizes he needs to answer for himself.
Then he is frightened— realizing he was always asking what everything meant, what it all was for, but that all along he was just angry and depressed.

But even though he feels a like he should have just resigned himself to meaninglessness, that he only thought he could change the world for the better… it strengthened him to know the truth.
And even through the absolute shit of it all, and even though God & others did things from a place of so-called holiness and hopelessness...
He did everything out of love ❤️

So then he dies 🙃

So, as the end of The Ascension asked, what now?
The album ends on this long track, which Sufjan describes as a protest against all that America has been and has become.
It’s a protest against capitalism, of destroying humanity for the sake of some cold machinery.
I have worshipped / I believed / I have broke your bread / for a splendor of machinery
And in true Sufjan fashion, he makes this song about protesting somehow both horny and religious, god bless
I have loved you / like a dream / I have kissed your lips / like a Judas in heat
I have worshipped / I have cried / I have put my hands in the wounds on your side / I have tasted of your blood / I have choked on the waters / I abated the flood / I am broken / I am beat / but I will find my way / like a Judas in heat
I am fortune / I am free / I’m like a fever of light / in the land of opportunity / don’t do to me / what you did to America / don’t do to me / what you do to yourself
to finish out, here’s a DeanCas post by @eggcessive with lyrics from America ❤️ I HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY WEBWEAVING :)
#sufjannatural#sufjanatural#destiel meta#spn#deancas#sufjan#here it is.... my masterpiece#this didn't take as long as you'd think considering all of this has been on the tip of my tongue for months#<3 I hope others freak out along with me <3 I'm obsessed with the album and his voice#I feel kinda weird posting this bc this album also had like a ton of personal spiritual significance to me.... but it's fine#those things can be connected
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A Friend’s Curse Pt 2 (Gilgamesh, Hakuno, Enkidu, Siduri)
He didn’t believe it, was what he said.
But Enkidu found all of Gilgamesh’s favorite jewelry being brought to the woman’s chamber as she slept. Enkidu found that Gilgamesh had set her up in his favorite chamber, one that no one had ever been permitted to use or remain in for longer than a moment.
The jewels on the ornate candelabras shone brightly onto the walls, splashing the room in an array of colors that were warm and welcoming. Each was placed just right, hitting at the top of the carved green stems that came up from the floors to various points on the walls. The ceiling, designed and done by the king himself, was a mural of his gardens, right at the peak of its bloomings.
The room’s fabrics were unlike any other’s, made up of silken fabrics that had been brought at great cost to merchants from the east, where talk of great journeys and nonexistent animals were spoken of. The cushions were made from the finest of the flocks of Uruk and the richest fabrics.
He’d created the most astounding room for a suitor, allowing no woman to set foot in this room…
Until her.
No, the king could say that he didn’t believe that this woman was his.
He could deny that he had any interest in this affair.
“She is your responsibility while in my palace,” he had told him.
“You fool,” Enkidu murmured to himself, watching the woman lay in the midst of the king’s room of pining and longing. She was buried in those furs and fabrics. She’d been bathed and lotioned with soaps and lotions from the king’s treasury. She was dressed in a thin fabric that would let her rest and toss peacefully in her sleep.
“She’s quite beautiful here.”
“She is exactly what I wished for the king,” Enkidu told the assistant, watching her bring in a basin of water and some simple foods.
“I heard that she was nearly drowned in the river Euphrates.”
“Gilgamesh saved her.”
The woman nodded, setting the tray down by the bed and looking around at the room. “In all my years being at the king’s side, I never expected that he would allow anyone in this room.”
“You didn’t?”
The woman shook her head. “He has it known that this room needs to be destroyed at the moment of his death, so that no one can use it for anyone he deems unworthy.”
Ah, troubling.
They looked around at the room again, taking in the way the sun rose into the room. The king had been clever, setting a window to the east and the west so that the sun would hit the walls rather than the bed.
He’d built this room to stick out enough for the rise and fall of the sun.
“Enkidu,” Siduri smiled at them. “Just tell me she’s spoken to you. The king needs someone-“
“She spoke of mana.”
The assistant looked down at Hakuno, a hand going to her veiled face as she seemed to almost bounce on her feet.
“She speaks of the magician’s tongue.”
“Effectively,” Enkidu told her. “She seemed well versed enough to keep up with their talk.”
“She’s a genius then.” The assistant lowered her hood and veil, looking down at the slumbering woman in pure awe. In fact, she had to move lower, kneeling beside the bed and taking one of those hands into her own to kiss. “Praise Enlil and Ninsun for their gift.”
It was more their doing than the gods, but Enkidu kept their mouth shut.
The woman was stirring now.
Siduri set her hand back into place and hesitated, noting the change as well.
The woman turned, her eyes opening gently with the rising sun.
“Where am I?”
“Welcome to the palace, Princess.” Siduri bowed politely, ever in step with her own plans and manners. “It’s a pleasure to have you at last arrive in Uruk. My name is Siduri. If you have need for anything and Enkidu is not with you, merely ask a guard for Siduri, the right hand assistant to the King of Uruk.”
The woman stared at her blearily, not awake enough yet for this.
“Thank you, Siduri,” Enkidu replied for her. “Please be sure to let the king know that the woman has awakened.”
“Of course.” Siduri smiled at them, hurrying off.
The door closed before Hakuno was sitting up.
“I don’t know where I am,” Hakuno told them. “Yesterday I was… somewhere. Now I’m being called princess.”
It was because Siduri could not yet call her queen. Princess was as close as they could do for a respectful title. It also lent proper reasoning for her to be housed in the palace.
She would need a patron god or goddess to protect her in case of trouble, but they could get to that later.
For now-
“Here,” Enkidu poured her some coffee and a date tart, handing the drink to her a moment before the treat. “Take a moment to pull yourself together. You nearly died last night.”
“That, I remember,” Hakuno told them. She wrinkled her nose at the bitter drink, handing it back quickly.
She liked sweets. The exact opposite of the king.
How amusing, they noted, dropping some sugars and milk on the tray into her drink.
“Are you the Enkidu that Siduri spoke of?” Hakuno asked them.
“I am.”
“…I think you were there last night.”
“I was. You climbed over to me when the king-“
She nodded. “That was the king?”
“He was the one that saved you and helped you start breathing again. Go easy on him.”
Please, they begged mentally.
They hadn’t intended to harm the king with their request to the stars. They had merely wanted to encourage the gods to find him a good woman.
The woman looked around, holding her blankets closer to herself. “…My undergarments are missing.”
“Your clothes were strangely torn up,” Enkidu told her. “The slip underneath your clothing had lost most its fabric and your dress had torn right in the middle.”
“I see.”
She frowned though.
“There is plenty of fabrics in here for you though. The king would like for you to remain a few days, to ensure that you weren’t harmed and feel better.”
“Are you sure?”
They’d play the two towards one another slowly that way.
They’d wished for her specifically for the king, after all.
“Thank you.”
Enkidu looked over at her.
“For saving me as well,” Hakuno told them, smiling. “You seem like you’ve been sitting there ever since the water.”
Ah, they did need to change. Looking down, they could see some mud still on their attire.
“Come with me,” Enkidu bid, taking her by the hand and helping her from the bed.
For now, they wrapped her in a thin robe and placed one of the jeweled headdresses onto her hair, tying it back.
“Let’s eat with the others. It may help clear your head a little. Maybe it will help you with your memory.”
The door was opening, two guards holding both doors open as the king stepped into the room and paused.
He would choose the best moment, Enkidu thought, having stepped back to look at their handiwork.
The woman looked as royal in ways as Gilgamesh himself.
However, against his well designed room, she looked far from plain.
The king’s fists were clenching, his smile fighting to stay in place.
“Hakuno and I were just about to come eat,” Enkidu told him. “Perhaps you would like to escort her?”
“She is fine here,” he told them, turning. “Guards, you are finished for the day. Return home and speak nothing of this.”
Hakuno frowned as the king retreated.
She’d been too pretty, Enkidu thought.
They were going to have great fun with this.
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Magic God Gilgamesh (To Aru Michi no Imagine Breaker)

Japanese ギルガメッシュ
Rōmaji Girugamesshu
King of Heroes
Hero-King Gilgamesh
The Oldest King
Personal Info
Status Alive
Nationality Babylonian
Age 5,000+
Gender Male
Height 182 cm
Professional Status
Magic God
Sirrush (True)
(Operative member)
[Babylonian Magic]
(バビロニア魔術 Babironia Majutsu, lit. "Babylonian Magic")
[Gate of Babylon: King's Authority]
(王の権限 (ゲート・オブ・バビロン) Ō no Kengen (Gēto Obu Babiron), lit. "King's Authority") Equipment Ea
Sword of the End, Enki
Numerous seized magical artifacts and relics
Gilgamesh is a tall and dignified young man with golden hair standing up like a blazing flame. He is described as handsome with an elegant face, and his eyes, crimson like blood, are visibly not those of a human and give off a mysterious radiance that makes people wither. He has a "perfect, Golden-proportioned body" described as emanating majesty that makes flames surrounding him afraid to come close, and his very soul glows golden. He normally wears golden armor that makes a heavy first impression on those he encounters.
Gilgamesh greatly differs from most of the sovereigns and leaders in the history of humanity. He placed himself before his nation and the people, and he had neither the curiosity nor desire to conquer, possibly because he had too much in the beginning. He takes the time to enjoy himself, mastering every treasure and every pleasure. With a conviction to treat good and evil equally, he has no need for other ideologies and ways of life when the absolute basis is "himself." His actions and way of life left him alone, so Enkidu compared rectifying his attitude to rectifying his solitude.
He follows a simple style of ruling, acquiring worthy treasures and guarding them. He exterminates those that stand in the way of his enjoyment without exception. All living beings are "something that is about to die" or "something that will one day die." If he decides that there is a "being that should die this moment", he will simply execute the sentence no matter if they should be a sage or a god. If it is an astute judgment synonymous to universal truth, or even a misrule during a drunken stupor, anything carried out by him, the absolute king, becomes the indisputable sentence of the king.
He is extremely arrogant and selfish, believing himself to be the sole potentate and only king of the world even many millennia after his death. He cannot acknowledge the authority of anyone, including that of other kings and especially that of the gods. He considers all those around him as inferior due to this fact, viewing all other kings and heroes as a collection of mongrels, and loathes any individual who would try to be on the same level as him. The only exception is Enkidu, who he considered to be his equal and only friend.
He believes that all who look upon him when he honors them with his presence, should be able to recognize him instantly, and feels that the ignorance of not knowing him is worthy of death. If anyone so much as looks upon him with a "lowly and filthy" gaze, it is an intolerable disgrace for a nobleman who claims the title of the king more so than anyone else. This is enough to make that person a complete malefactor in his eyes, instantly marked for death (Except Merodach, which was his leader). He doesn't view the modern world as worthy of having him rule over it because humanity has become too weak.
Gilgamesh has a natural disposition to collect magical artifacts for his treasury, which lead to collecting all the treasures of the world. The treasures he amassed went without use until his fight with Enkidu, causing him to develop the "bad habit" of utilizing them as projectiles. The act of collecting is something that has never brought him true joy due to essentially being on the same level as breathing to him, but he still persists at it nonetheless. He lives by the Golden Rule, only accepting the finest of luxuries, and those who fall to it are utterly blinded by money.
He is prone to underestimating his opponents and views combat as a game of amusement. His gigantic ego prevents him from acknowledging his opponent as a real threat and he does not battle them seriously. He will properly fight those he respects, or simply utilize more power than necessary on a whim depending on the situation.
He was often told by people that his nature is cruel and heartless. Never hearing people's opinions, a tyrant who holds only his own standards as absolute. Pretentiously displaying an extremely gaudy golden armor, this exceptional magician releases his excessive treasures as if abundant water.
Gilgamesh is a collector of treasures. His favorite phrase is "I've assembled all treasures in the land", but that is not a metaphor. He has assembled, stored and sealed away every sample of technology that was developed in his age. His argument is "humans are foolish, but there is value in the tools, the civilization that humans create".
Gilgamesh can be said as one of the most ancient magicians on Earth, as he was walking on the continent for more than 5,000 years, he also had the ability to absorbed "Power of the World" (世界の力(せかいのちから) Sekai no Chikara?) into his own body by the Clothes of Kishar ever since, making his own mana reserve increased over and over to adapted the mana from the core like when the intestine received more food than normal so it expanded itself to contained that amount more easier the next time. Gilgamesh claims that his current mana reserve was so vast that it can comparable to at least 20,000 average magicians. In other words, he's nigh-fallible from mana exhaustion. Moreover, over the course of 5 millennia absorbing the Power of the World had made Gilgamesh possessed the 'connection' between himself and the core. Gilgamesh described the 'connection' like an umbilical cord that sends nutrition and oxygen (Mana) to himself, it can be said that Gilgamesh has an infinite amount of mana from the 'connection' as long as he intends to open the connection to him. The 'connection' was also able to grant Gilgamesh's longevity (and if he still had the 'connection', Gilgamesh can be virtually immortal from the infinite mana source) and also regeneration to the extent that its power was only a step lower than a Magic God. However, the 'connection' between himself and the core was unstable, as sometimes he received too little mana or on the other occasion he received too much that his body almost exploded from trying to contain it. As such, he orders the blacksmith of Babylon to created the relic called the Key of Anu to control the flow of mana from the core, making the refilled process stable. The 'connection' could also be 'disrupted' through Touma's Imagine Breaker, but only for the very short amount of time until the 'connection' returns to him, Gilgamesh stated that even if the connection has been annihilated, he would only receive minor backslash or there's nothing that disadvantages him at all.
In his reign as the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh has learned through every profession possible, strategy, politics, construction, psychology, martial arts, and any other profession ever created by humanity. Making him as the 'king' of the jack-of-all-trades. Gilgamesh had also learned the arts of magic in Babylon and had mastered it enough that he can be the replacement of the הקוסם העליון (Sorcerer Supreme) of Uruk, even though he clearly denied it as 'I, who was the king, shouldn't and never taken the role of mere commoners' and right now he holds the title of Magic God itself. Gilgamesh stated later that numerous artifact in his Treasury was enough to give him 100% success for any magic he used, making him one of the very dangerous threats in Sirrush, and the one that should be eliminated the most since he holds every power and knowledge of an entire world.
Gate of Babylon
Gate of Babylon: King's Authority (王の権限 (ゲート・オブ・バビロン) Ō no Kengen (Gēto Obu Babiron)?, lit. "King's Authority"): Is the phase created unintentionally by Gilgamesh. It was unknown when Gilgamesh possessed the unique type of phase in his command, but he first realized it when he was ruling as the King and training his sorcery. When he first trying to tamper it, Gilgamesh had somehow been sucked into the phase and stuck in it for a very long time until he able to get out through sheer desire of 'wanted to get out'. Gilgamesh later discovered that the phase can be manipulated into any appearance or functionality as he desired, the resulted phase Gilgamesh created in the Gate of Babylon are showed in this list:
1. Gate of Babylon: King's Treasure (王の財宝 (キングストレジャー) Ō no Zaihō (Kingusu Torejā)?, lit. "King's Treasure"): Is the primary phase and the phase Gilgamesh uses the most. In this phase, Gilgamesh puts all of his and the others Magical artifacts and relics he had at his disposal into it, making it literally the King's Treasury. With the use of Bab-ilu (and later on through his own will alone), he connects the real world to the phase, opening an "invisible door" that allows for the contents to pass through upon the user's command. Allowing for the easy access to the items of the treasury, he is able to pick and utilize them as he pleases. The items that pass through the gate forming glowing ripples in the empty air as they appear. He can summon items directly into his hand, pull out weapons from directly behind him, or prepare numerous weapons in the air, loaded like bullets. The treasury can be said as the infinite "ultimate expression of overwhelming force." as he can ready numerous weapons, letting their hilts stick out when he is waiting and instantly showing the blades when about to fight. They move and take aim at the target according to Gilgamesh's will, allowing him to fire without having to even touch them.
Gilgamesh can send out as little as one or two weapons or enough at a single time that it becomes comparable to a torrent of "gushing water" directed at the opponent. He will increase the amount depending on the situation, opening the Gate wider to reflect his anger or when forced to become more serious. He will generally use weak treasures unless the situation should call for his highest class of treasures, such as in the case of Ollerus's Hliðskjálf. He can prepare and launch dozens, hundreds, and even thousands if he is serious. Upon firing them, he can allow them to pierce the ground after striking the target, causing a large amount of destruction with each weapon that is comparable to something being blown up by an explosive blast, or he can instantly return them to the vault before they hit the ground at such a speed that they appear to have been illusionary. He utilizes a Magical artifact to retrieve any weapons left on the battlefield, instantly dissipating and returning them to the vault. He can also leave them out if he wishes, such as when they have been "broken" from Kamijou Touma's Imagine Breaker contact.
Upon snapping his fingers or without even a gesture, the weapons can be continuously launched at the opponent without a break. Each weapon has the ability to cause certain death to an opponent, and they are shot with enough force to repel a swing from Marian's Surtr summon. While it is possible to block many of the strikes, to do so without knowing the abilities of the weapons can be seen as suicidal. He will generally fight at long range while shooting projectiles from behind him directly at the opponent, but he can also freely move while the portals also moving with him. He can freely deploy the portals mid-air while piloting Vimana or using Armor of Nintinugga's float function as well. When fighting at extremely close range, he shows the ability to loose weapons from above, below, and to the side of the opponent. He can also summon weapons completely around the target for a full 360-degree barrage that should generally leave not even a single trace of flesh from the opponent. When closed upon by a target, or simply to play with the opponent, he can freely draw weapons into his hands for melee combat. The ability to handle them depends upon the user's capability. Gilgamesh makes use of the many unknown abilities of the weapons, and constantly switches them to keep his opponent off-guard.
2. Gate of Babylon: King's Everdistant Utopia (王の全て遠き理想郷 (キングスユートピア) Ō no Subete Tōki Risōkyō (Kingusu Yūtopia)?, lit. "King's Everdistant Utopia"): Is the phase where Gilgamesh created as his 'ultimate defense'. Gilgamesh claims that if he can enter the phase before his consciousness had gone completely any damage he received before (ranged from just a plain fatal damage, irreversible curse, onto erased/deleted from existence.) would be immediately healed and automatically rendered his body to be at its best condition. Not only that the phase
King of Uruk's utopia phase in the form of Babylon city.
grant Gilgamesh's 'instant absolute regeneration', but it also completely shields and isolating its user from the real world beyond the words of 'defending' or 'reflecting'. Gilgamesh stated that the phase was automatically 'created' another phase inside itself like a layer on top over and over and over an infinite amount of times, making even Othinus's ability of phase manipulation or Aleister Crowley's attempt completely futile to breakthrough into the utopia. The individual is shielded from all destructive interference in the physical realm, from possible parallel worlds, and multidimensional communication as far as the twelfth dimension. It is on the level of Magic God's magic, that not even another Magic God themselves could interfere with it.
However, the 'instant absolute regeneration' can only be fully used when he's in the phase, and that he cannot stay in the phase at all times. So he instead creates the armor called Armor of Nintinugga that can partially holds the power of the phase in the real world like a substitute of the phase itself to the extent that the wearer of the armor is granted with potent healing, allowing for a critical and fatal wound to be rapidly repaired to restore the wielder's health.
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Instead of Doing My Homework I Have Opted to Write Four Pages of Notes and Analysis for the 2007 Film Ratatouille. You Are Welcome.
Ratatouille, Released: on June 29, 2007
Directed by: Brad Bird
Notes and Analysis:
Describes the garbage as ‘close to godliness’ as a direct metaphor to the film as a whole
Fan Theory:
The lightning strike at the beginning turned them into gods
Remy fears no god, bitch went into the kitchen
Old lady is a redneck with a gun
The hero’s journey as shown through Remy’s life from the start of the film to the end is a beautiful example of the archetype along with being a metaphor for human life and human nature.
Gusteau is Remy’s god like figure
Gusteau = Christ Figure????
The old lady doesn’t fear death
The rat society we see at the start of the film is remarkably advanced with escape boats and plan, proving both Remy’s dad’s prowess as a leader, and the fact that Remy is an angsty unappreciative little shit
Look up probability of a rat surviving being washed down a storm drain
Results: everyone who studies rats hates them but still uses cute pictures also pretty damn good
Similar to in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Remy latches onto the book as Gilgamesh did to Enkidu, for he has lost his family and friends and refuses to leave the spot he washed up on
Remy is inspired after speaking to Gusteau
Shadow of dog looks like the one in Up
No really go look it does
‘What can I do I’m a figment of your imagination’ Fake angel shoulder Gusteau is a fucking icon
Brain power of a rat look up
The title of an article that I didn’t read was ‘Rats can be Smarter than People’ so I think they’re at least better at geometry than me
How distracted is a chef look up
Due to my laziness results were inconclusive but from first hand observation I’d say very
Can a rat do acrobatics?
Linguini watches trash tv
Trash tv used to set the scene
Linguini wanted to put a rat near his dick. Linguini is kinky as fuck.
Everyone thinks Linguini was screaming at the veggies in the fridge
The head chef has a past with vegetables as concluded from his comment ‘one can get too familiar with vegetables’ the head chef is kinky as fuck
The french are kinky as fuck.
Linguini got that BREAD
Colette is a hardcore feminist and I am HERE for it
On the letter it has Linguini's mothers last name as Linguini which means his last name is Linguini which means THIS BITCH HAS A FIRST NAME AND THEY ALL WILLINGLY CALL HIM LINGUINI THAT OR THIS HOES REAL NAME IS FUCKING LINGUINI LINGUINI
The sue chef is not to be fucked with
Everyone in the kitchen should be in jail
Paradise: Remme at the old lady’s house
Paradise lost: Remme losing his family
Paradise: Remme working in the kitchen
Edit: Paradise lost: Linguini is a rich dick
The racks in the kitchen can support the weight of a grown man (the head chef) the fuck are they doing to reinforce those
Fan Theory:
The head chef is a midget which is why he’s so angry
Remy gives into temptation and rejects his morals
Remy’s brother is the real god like figure, an icon, a rat for the people
That musical rat is only plucking on that paper clip yet he still holds it up to his mouth as if that will do something
There’s a rat band which means there are rat musicians which means there are a wide range of professions in the rat world so Remy’s chef dream shouldn’t be as controversial as it is portrayed as being
Remy is deadass a savage
Remy is stirring nothing and Colette doesn’t notice
Colette thinks first that Linguini has an STD and then that he’s crazy
Again: the french are kinky as fuck
Remy is #1 wing man
Tall dark and daddy issues critic guy is named ‘The Grim Eater’ and I’m now able to commit un-oxygen
*spits wine* *looks at label* *swallows the rest* that kids is a prime example of a big mood
The Grim Eater is the blatant symbol of death in name and character design
Colette needs to calm the fuck down with that spoon
From the spoon in question we now know Colette is a thot to be slain
Remy is driving the poor man insane (head chef)
Remy and Linguini are horrible
Remy experiences peer pressure
This is hilarious
Emile is a both a Christ figure and the antichrist
Emile is a little shit
Alfredo, as seen in the fucking letter from his mom to the head chef, this fucking cunt’s name, is, cannonly, Alfredo Linguini
I'm done
I’m so done
The chef is a reckless driver
Either the chef is a slow driver or Remme is Ratisn Bolt
No one gave Linguini a better picture for the paper
Linguini is suddenly a millionaire
That one cook is a pyromaniac
he only thing Linguini can do is rollerblade
Remy suddenly wants recognition
Linguini is a jackass
Remme is a jealous hoe
The Grim Eater real name and translation
Maybe I just didn’t dig deep enough because there’s nothing
“If I don't like I don't swallow”
Kill me
The head chef when seeing Linguini yelling at a rat doesn't immediately think he's insane, and without context of it to suspect, on the spot concludes this rat is the chef
Remy is a vindictive asshole and the rats are amazingly well organized
Rat special ops exists fight me in that fact
Remy and Linguini are both horrible
Emile is the antichrist
Emile is literally the cause of most problems
Emile is a little shit
Linguini has anxiety fight me in that too
How many traps did the head chef set and how many other rats did he catch before Remy??
There is underlying racism in the 2007 film Ratatouille. In this three part essay I will prove-
He's not a rat he's not a human
He's a god
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AU where Caren Ortensia summons Enkidu as her servant in the fifth holy grail war please?
Caren Hortensia & Enkidu (Lancer) AU
A/n: I am terribly sorry for delaying your request for so long even though this was one of the first requests I’ve received. I just didn’t know anything about her so I had to research a ton and think about her even longer until I felt like I could grasp her character - i really hope i didn’t end up portraying her or mud friend too ooc - and since i didn’t really know what you expected i’m sorry that this is so short
Requested by: innersuperhero
unlike Gil, Enkidu wouldn’t be wary nor afraid of Caren, despite remarking her twisted and sadistic personality from the start
they’d never actively seek her presence but also won’t keep their distance of her too much, simply fulfilling his duty as ‘her tool’ whenever she calls for them
despite gaining a proper soul and personality through their friendship with Gilgamesh, they would accept every order from her, no matter how cruel, without any doubt or complaint
Caren meanwhile probably tried to use her Shroud of Magdalene on Enkidu upon summoning them, just to discover that Enkidu has no gender
- much to her demay, as she realizes that neither her natural charm nor snappy remarks will leave much of an impression on them
it irritates her even more that it seems like Enkidu doesn’t possess any fears or insecurities, making it impossible for her to exploit any of their vulnerable points and use them for her own amusement
even when she threatens Lancer, should they try to turn against her it will also result in their own death would never faze them, leading to Caren being immensely frustrated and pleased at the same time, since she never needs to fear betrayal but can’t toy with them either
i kind of headcanon that regarding all this, their relationship will neither be very close nor highly reserved but simply that of Master and Servant in the most literal way
- Mod Silver
#i know this isn't good but oof i tried..#i know i apologize too much#but gods i'm so sorry for letting this rot in my drafts for so long :/#Caren Hortensia#Enkidu (Lancer)#Fate Grand Order#Fate imagine#SFW#Mod Silver#innersuperhero
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Was Jesus a Mythical Figure Based on the Giant Orion? Um, NO, and Here Is Why:
Like the ancients, people in the modern world are fascinated by constellations. Whether its Hercules, Draco, Hydra or the Southern Cross (the latter only seen in the southern hemisphere), our minds come alive with imagery, legend and mystery when we see them or hear their names.
Perhaps the most famous of all is Orion.
Orion, aka The Hunter, stalks the night skies, as if on a perpetual quest for game. One could imagine him holding a lion in one hand and a sword in another, or perhaps a bow and arrow. Two other constellations, Canis Major and Canis minor, were thought by some to he his dogs, aiding their master in the hunt. The constellation Orion is one of the most marvelous sites in the heavens, but who was it named after? What is the myth that it was said to evoke among the ancient Greeks?
In Greco-Roman myth, Orion was the giant son of Poseidon and the gorgon Euryale. He grew to be a hunter, one who boasted that he would wipe out all the animals of the earth. Gaia, goddess of the Earth, didn’t like that idea, so she created an animal that could rival him; a giant scorpion.
Like Godzilla and King Ghidorah, these two behemoths clashed in the wilderness. One can only imagine Orion firing his colossal bow and then later wielding an equally colossal sword while the scorpion counterattacked with its stinger and pincers, their collective roar shaking the earth. Eventually, however, the scorpion prevailed, leaving its foe bleeding and decaying on the battlefield.
A true Clash of the Titans!
Honoring their bravery, Zeus made both of them constellations.
Like with many myths, there are several variant versions of Orion’s tale, in particular pertaining to his birth and death. Nevertheless, each is a fascinating story, a great myth that is sadly known to only a relative few today. Indeed, such ignorance can lead one to be easily deceived about it, as well as to draw wrong conclusions about the myth.
Enter Jesus Mythicists.
Jesus Mythicists are fond of trying to argue that Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, was a mythical figure instead of a historical one. Indeed, they claim that the story of Jesus was based on pagan myth, that some ancient Jews repackaged pagan myth into a new Hebrew myth. There are many gods and demigods that they try to harken to as candidates for Jesus being a rip-off from, anyone from Horus and Hercules to Romulus and Inanna. Orion is one of these.
Let us now further explore the myth, in order to see why this is a stupid idea.
1. Born of a virgin?
There are two versions of Orion’s birth. The first is that mentioned above, of Poseidon and the gorgon Euryale being his parents (sex was involved). The other tells of how Zeus, Poseidon and Hermes (Roman Jupiter Neptune and Mercury respectfully) visited King Hyrieus of Thrace. Since the king showed them proper hospitality, the gods told him that they would give him anything he wanted. For a long time, King Hyrieus wanted an heir, but his wife had died years ago and he vowed to marry no other. So, he asked the gods for a son. The gods granted it…in one of the most unusual ways possible.
You see, King Hyrieus had recently sacrificed a bull. Hermes grabbed the bull’s hide and put it on the ground. Then, all three gods peed on it.
Yep, I had that reaction too.
Finishing, they buried it in the ground, and ten months later…Orion emerged from it.
True, there is no sex involved in this myth, no sexual encounter that conceived Orion, but this doesn’t = a Virgin birth, unless you want to call the earth a “virgin”. Course if you went that far, the sky, wind, rocks, trees, seas, paper, cars, DVDs, TVs and computers would be called “virgins”. Plus, one has to remember that in Greco-Roman myth, the earth was personified. It was considered living.
And what was the name of this personification?
The Romans called her both Terra and Tellus.
The Greeks...called her Gaia.
Indeed, Pseudo-Apollodorus, an ancient mythographer, stated bluntly that she was his mother.
And was Gaia a virgin?
Indeed, long before Orion, indeed before the gods and the titans, Gaia had married Ouranos, god of the starry sky. Together, they brought forth the Cyclops, Hechatonchires and Titans.
And how did they do this?
I know, shocking right?
Thus…Orion was not virgin born.
2. Born on December 25th?
BTW: Jesus wasn’t said to be born on December 25th in the Bible, that idea being a later extra-biblical idea. And before you try to say “Oh uh that’s something that they have in common!” : Do you realize how many religious and mythological figures were not said to be born on December 25th?
Some “similarity”
3. Visited by shepherds?
4. Visited by Wise Men?
No. He was conceived by three male gods and a female god in one version of his myth, but that’s it. I could see Jesus Mythicists trying to (pitifully) try to argue that King Hyrieus is comparable to Joseph, Gaia is comparable to Mary and Zeus, Hermes and Poseidon are comparable to the wise men, but…it would be utter stupidity to do so. Joseph was a carpenter, not a king, Gaia was neither a virgin nor married to King Hyrieus and the three gods were Orion’s fathers, not mysterious magi from the east (BTW: the Bible never said that there were three wise men; it only mentions that they had three gifts (Matthew 2:1-12).
I could also see them (once again pitifully) trying to state that since King Hyrieus would have went to Orion shortly after he was born, therefore this myth gave rise to the story of the three kings who visited Christ shortly after he was born. After all, in both stories, a divine infant was visited by royalty, right? However, the Magi are never called “kings” in the Bible. Indeed, they were simply astrologers, neither gods nor kings. The idea that they were kings is a later, extra-biblical invention.
Plus, in the main version of the myth, Orion was the son of Poseidon and a gorgon.
Repeat; they conceived him by having sex.
5. Did miracles?
While Jesus did a wide variety of miracles, Orion could only do one kind of miracle that didn’t involve super strength (see below). Jesus was a miracle worker, while Orion was a hunter.
Big difference.
6. Walked on water?
Both actually did walk on water. Orion was given the power to walk on water by his father Poseidon.
Does this mean that the story of Jesus walking on water was derived from the Orion myth?
Its odd that Jesus Mythicists will ignore the fact that Yahweh, in the Old Testament, is likewise depicted in Psalms as...walking on water.
“He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.”
Job 9:8.
“He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.”
Considering that this passage indicates that only God can “tread on the waves of the sea”, and that Jesus walked on water...we can therefore conclude biblically that Jesus is therefore...God, which was the point of the miracle of walking on water!
Jesus Mythicists will cry foul at this point, ranting and raving about how the next verse mentions Orion. Well, let’s look at Job 9:9, shall we?
“He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.”
The Hebrew word translated here as “Orion” is “Kesil”. There are several kesils in Hebrew, but this particular one refers to the constellation Orion (repeat, the constellation, not the giant demigod)...as well as to its adjoining constellations.
I.e. constellations that are close to it.
And which constellations are close to Orion?
Um, not that strong of a connection.
Plus, not all cultures in the ancient world believed that the constellation Orion represented Orion the giant demigod, and indeed most didn’t even call it “Orion” (Kesil and Orion are obviously not the same word, and the former is not the Hebrew name of the mythological giant Orion, only the name of the constellation that the Greeks called “Orion” (along with constellations adjoining it). The reason we use “Orion” for the constellation is because we simply borrowed that name from the Greeks). As I pointed out in one of my other articles, ancient Egyptians believed that the constellation depicted the god Osiris, not the demigod giant Orion (their myths are VERY different). In Mesopotamia, the constellation was thought to depict Anu, the Babylonian sky god (whose myths are FAR different from those of Osiris and Orion).
Question If an ancient Hebrew read the word “Kesil” in a book, would they have initially thought of their OWN interpretation of the constellation...or that of the pagan Greeks?
However, let’s assume that the story of the giant Orion is somehow being alluded to or referenced in the passage. Not only would this NOT debunk the fact that the story of Jesus walking on water had Job 9:8 as its basis (whether you believe that the story is true or not) , but the Hebrew writers often repackaged elements of pagan belief and turned them on their heads in a monotheistic context. Before Leviathan was written about in Hebrew scripture, he was well known in Canaan and Ugarit . Behemoth likewise was derived from Atik, a mythical bull who was given the slight misnomer “El’s Calf” or “Calf of God”, even though it was considered a full fledged bull. He was possibly also derived from the Bull of Heaven in the Epic of Gilgamesh, a monster slain by Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu. The biblical writers took these monsters of pagan myth and repackaging them, in order to prove monotheistic points. Likewise, as I mentioned in another article, Zechariah 5:9-11 borrows elements of the myth of Pandora, in order to prove a monotheistic, non-pagan theological point (the links to both of these other articles will be in the sources section below).
So even if the myth is being referenced, it isn’t an instance of Old Testament paganization: the Hebrew writers would simply be taking elements from a pagan story and applying them to Yahweh, to show that he, and he alone, had power over the waters, that he alone could walk on them.
Thus, even if Job 9:8-9 repackaged pagan ideas, that doesn’t = that the story of Jesus walking on water was derived from pagan myth; Job 9:8, where God walks on water, is still the basis of it, not the myth of Orion. Remember, Christianity derived from Judaism, not ancient Greek religion, and thus would be expected to have a Jewish instead of Greek cultural background.
Thus, we cannot invoke a pagan origin for the story of Jesus walking on water.
7. Healed a blind man?
No, Orion was blinded, only to be healed miraculously by the sun god Helios.
8. Son of God?
Not in the way Jesus is.
When Jesus is called “Son of God”, he is not being called a demigod like Orion. Nor does the term mean that he was created, without being born, like Adam and the angels were in the Bible (Genesis 6:1-4, Luke 3:38). It means that he is God the Son, a part of the Trinity of God. While Orion was half god and half man, Jesus is fully God and fully man.
9. Turned water into wine?
10. Multiplied bread and loaves?
11. Preached?
12. Prophesied?
13. Carpenter?
14. Crucified?
No. In the mainstream version of the myth, he’s killed by a scorpion. In several others, the Greek goddess Artemis kills him with her arrows.
Dying from arrows or scorpion stings…is a tad different from death by crucifixion, to say the very least.
15. Resurrected?
No, he was turned into a constellation after death.
This didn’t include a physical resurrection. Indeed, no monster or hero was physically resurrected in order to become a constellation. The Nemean Lion, for example, was slain by Hercules, who used its super strong pelt as armor. This pelt didn’t vanish when the Nemean Lion was placed in the heavens as the constellation Leo. Indeed, we have no evidence that the rest of its body was done in the same manner. Likewise, the magic ram whose golden fleece Jason and the Argonauts sought after had died, its famous hide stripped from it. The ram became the constellation Aries, and yet…the hide was still on earth, something that shouldn’t have been if it had been physically resurrected into a constellation. Indeed, Hercules died without a physical resurrection (he was turned into a god, but his body was totally vaporized by his funeral pyre), and yet he in turn was also a constellation, which indicates that physical resurrections were not involved when it came to being made a constellation. The Hydra itself never really died, its immortal head buried after it was defeated by Hercules, and yet it also became a constellation…despite the fact that it was still alive, not having the rest of its body attached. This should also be indicative that being made a constellation didn’t involve a physical resurrection or attaining a new physical body.
Plus, if people and animals were physically resurrected when turned into constellations, then why where constellations seen as spirits by the ancient Greeks? Why were they not seen as flesh and blood beings? Sure, Hydra was still a flesh and blood creature, but its constellation wasn’t.
Thus, Orion wasn’t resurrected.
16. Called “Savior of the World”?
17. Will rule a future age in a new earth?
Out of 17…Orion only got one right.
Not much of an inspiration for the Gospel, eh?
Orion is a great myth and a great constellation.
Jesus is the Son of God, King of the universe.
Pseudo-Apollodorus “Bibliotheca”, 1.25-27
Pseudo-Hyginus “Fabulae”, 195
“Apollodorus Library and Hyginus’ Fabulae: Two Handbooks of Greek Mythology” by R. Scott Smith and Stephen M. Trzaskoma, 4, 164
“The Penguin Dictionary of Classical Mythology” by Pierre Grimal, 314
“The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology” by Arthur Cotterell and Rachel Storm, 79, 265
“Titans and Olympians: Greek and Roman Myth” by Tony Allan and Sarah Maitland (Consultant: Dr. Michael Trapp), 22-26, 79-80
“Mysteries of the Unknown: Mysterious Creatures” by Time Life Books, 13
“KJV, Know the Word Study Bible, Ebook, Red Letter” By Thomas Nelson, 720
“The Portable Seminary” by David Horton (General Editor), 93-95, 120, 124-146
“Systematic Theology Volume Two: God, Creation” By Dr. Norman Geisler,597-99
“Apologetics Study Bible” (HCSB translation), 1822
“The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament”, by John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews and Mark W. Chavalas, 500
“Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: Second Edition” by Edward W. Goodrick and John R. Kohlenberger III, 843, 1425
(Mis)interpreting Genesis” by Ben Stanhope, 21-46
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This is the team from my Emerald Arc au
Laghan Brunswick:
His first name is derived from the Irish god of light. His last name is a shade of greenHe’s based on the story of Cu Chulainn
He has warm eyes like honey, tanned skin, auburn air, and wears warm greens and dark yellows
His weapon is a spear that has fire dust infused into it
His symbol is a spear with a wolfs head behind it
He’s a dog fanus with dog ears that are a little droopy
His family comes from the agricultural district in Vale. It’s just him and his mum because his father died shortly after Laghan’s birth
His father was a hunter before his death, hearing stories about all the people he protected is what pushed Laghan to attend Beacon
He has a strong desire to protect people and is very loyal to his allies
But he holds a strong grudge against anyone who crosses him or his friends
He likes to goof around a lot and has a general disregard for rules and this gets him in trouble with Ms. Goodwitch
His semblance allows him to see his opponents move before they act, however, he’s still training it and often misinterprets what he sees
Emerald Arc:
She is the adoptive sister of Jaune Arc and often acts as his defender or ward
She is thought to be based on Alladin or Cleopatra
We all know what Em looks like right?
She wears a lot of white and gold to match with the Arc family, but she has some deep greens here and there to add her own personal flair
Her weapon is two daggers on chains
Not a gun or infused with dust
She’s often questioned over her use of such a simple weapon
She’ll still kick most peoples asses
Her symbol is the same as in the original show
She’s loyal to Jaune to a fault but also her friends
She has a patent and understanding personality
She’s a good student despite not having the best grades, her favorite class it is Professor Oobleck’s because she finds history interesting
Her semblance is empath, she is able to see what someone is feeling by touching them
Magnolia Lacus
Her first name is a cream shade as well as a flower that is white and sometimes has some pink in it. Her last name is the Latin version of the word lake
She is based on the Lady of the Lake in the legend of King Arthur
She has very pale skin and dark blue hair that falls to her mid back. Her eyes are a beautiful crystal blue
Her clothes are mainly white with shades of blue, she wears a necklace around her neck that is a simple pink flower. It was a gift from her mother. She also wears heels all the time
Devil shoes!
She comes from the upper class in Vale. Her mother came from a wealthy family who made jewelry, and her father came from a well-known hunter family. The two met when they attended Beacon together and Magnolia has similar hopes for her time here
Magnolia is normally level-headed and calm, much like the calm water of a lake. However, many people seem to forget how destructive a lake can be. When needed she can be very violent and harm any who get in her way
Her weapon is a sword that uses mainly water dust, however, she has also been known to use the secondary types of steam and ice
Her symbol looks a lot like ripples in water along with a flower blossom in the middle
She’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of meeting her prince charming
Her sentence is the ability to see peoples potential. This is useful when deciding who to fight, making her the main strategist of her team
Based on Enkidu from the Epic of Gilgamesh
He has dark skin and hair, and his eyes are a warm brown-red color much like terracotta clay.
He is a lion fanus and has the tail of a lion
He comes from Vacuo
While most view Nickle as they type of person to be brutish, immature, and an idiot due carefree and often rash nature he can actually be quite intelligent and gentlemanly when he wants to be
When Magnolia first discovered this she began to have a crush on him until he revealed he was already in a relationship
They’re soulmates
They’re based on Gilgamesh so they have to be
While he has a weapon, a spear that doubles as a gun, he prefers hand to hand combat and enjoys getting in his opponents personal space to mess with their head
His symbol is a pot with water flowing from it
His semblance is the ability to mimic anyone’s movements given he’s seen them for at least ten minutes
Team LEMN:
Emerald and Nickle are partners and Laghan and Magnolia are partners
When Emerald and Nickle bumped into each other she groaned because it means she’s not guaranteed to be with Jaune
Nickle was not amused by this reaction
“I’m not that horrible to look at am I?!”
Magnolia and Laghan’s first meeting was less annoyance filled as they helped each other not die to a grim, they had each other’s backs and have been closed since
Although Magnolia doesn’t view him as a possible love interest due to his disregard for rules
They are all very loyal people so if you hurt one of them they’re all coming for you!
Nickel’s partner attends Haven academy and he introduced his team to them when they came for the Vytal festival
During the festival Emerald experienced her first ever crush, that being on a boy called Mercury from haven
They danced together at the party in Vol2 and she was over the moon
Someone help her she’s got it bad. She’ll stay up all night thinking about him
Then the fall of Beacon happens and she’s heartbroken over his involvement
Her team is pissed
Magnolia likes to drag Emerald shopping with her, Emerald looks good in a lot of colors so she likes to try out different styles on her for reference
Magnolia has an interest in fashion design and uses Emerald as her muse
Nickle and Laghan like to cause trouble together. They pull pranks a lot and the girls have to get them out of trouble
That’s it for now. I might do some more but I’m not sure on what.
anyone got any ideas on what romances could happen, or just ideas hit me up
#RWBY#Team LEMN#Laghan#Laghan Brunswick#Emerald#emerald sustrai#emerald arc au#magnolia#magnolia lacus#Nickle
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Narratology: Final draft
Analyse your chosen narrative with close reference to the Hero’s Journey or another appropriate template
For this essay I have chosen to talk about the narrative structure of the 2017 film My Little Pony: The Movie. I will be making a structural analysis with reference to the Quest plot type as described in Cristopher Booker’s The seven basic plots. [Booker, 2005] I will be taking a look at how the animation enriches the narrative through choice of design.
The movie was produced by DHX media in collaboration with AllSpark pictures using Toon Boom Harmony production software [2] which specialises in integrating 3D elements with 2D characters. [3] The film emphasises traditional animation and is supported throughout with modern 3-D solutions. This was a change from the flash-animated TV show and along with this change of animation software there also came a change in art style. To quote Art Director Rebecca Dart; “for the feature film, the characters became more volumetric overall, meaning they have more of a roundness and softness for the 360 degree world of Equestria and beyond that we created for the movie.” [Dart, 2017, pg 22] This extract from the ‘art of’ book shows a comparison of the two styles.As shown In figure. 1.

Figure. 1 [Dart et al, 2017 pg 20]
These small changes really make the difference. They allow the characters to feel more emotion and convey more emotion. This movie can be identified as a quest type narrative. to paraphrase Booker; in any quest story there is always a priceless goal which drives the hero’s passion to succeed. The hero and some companions must embark on a perilous journey filled with monsters, temptation and helpers, to reach their goal. The story is unresolved until the overriding objective has been secured.[Booker 2004 pg 69]
The plot of the movie is as follows; Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity embark on an epic journey to save Equestria from the tyranny of the Storm King. Along the way, the Mane 6 meet new friends and face challenges as they travel beyond Equestria for the first time ever. At the start of the film we get introductions to our characters, including spike, to show a little of their personality. This is important because it makes the characters seem more real. They’re not just an accessory to Twilight's adventure, they’re individuals and they’re part of it in a big way. Twilight Sparkle, the unofficial leader of the friend group, is being true to character and is worried that the festival won’t be perfect. As the Princess Of Friendship the pressure is all on her to make sure that everypony has a good time at the friendship festival. Twilight’s friends rally around her in an attempt to reassure her that everything will be fine in the form of the song We Got This Together.
This song highlights the mane six’s teamwork and interpersonal relationship as strong. This Song also carries heavy foreshadowing as it implies that everything is certainty not going to go to plan. With dark clouds suddenly appearing, without any influence from the weather ponies, we are introduced to our first antagonist, Tempest Shadow. A jaded unicorn motivated by anger and a wish to be whole again. Her primary objective is to deliver the four princesses to the Storm King so he can siphon their magic using the Staff of Sucannas. Tempest doesn’t fit into this candy-coloured pastel world where friendship is the most powerful thing and her design is reflective of that. Her coat and mane are darker than that of the mane six making her different to the characters we know and trust.
The ponies refuse to surrender so Tempest turns the 3 princesses into obsidian statues, as shown in figure.2 and figure.3, forcing the mane six make a daring escape over one of the waterfalls that make up Canterlots’ architecture. Unequivocally this is what Booker refers to as the call [Booker, 2005 pg 70] Tempest's arrival and disruption is the reason why the mane six must embark on the quest. The Friendship Festival has gone terribly wrong and the stakes are high. Twilight and her friends have to make this journey to set things right. As said in ‘The Seven Basic Plots’, “surrounded by an atmosphere of menace and construction, the Quest hero and her friends feel under intense compulsion to get away.” [Booker 2005, pg 71] This is exactly what has happened to the mane six and we now have a definite goal which is to save Equestria from the Storm King and Tempest Shadow.

Figure 2. [5]

Figure 3. [5]
Because this is a quest narrative, Twilight is accompanied by her friends who each have their own virtues and abilities that contribute to the success of the adventure. Or to the detriment. Pinkie pie is a particularly important part of Twilights company as she represents one of the 4 basic forms that a hero’s companion should be. A subtle alter-ego whose role is to serve as a foil, displaying qualities of the opposite of those shown by the hero.[Booker 2005 pg 72] for example in the ‘Epic Of Gilgamesh’ whenever Gilgamesh displays assets of courage and confidence it is Enkidu, his brother, who expresses fear and doubt. [Unknown, C.1800 BC tablet 2] In the MLP Movie when Twilight shows concern and worry, Pinkie Pie is only concerned about how much fun can be had and she derails the situation with her silly antics.
Booker notes that there should be a distinct challenge that the hero must face. For Twilight it’s a temptation. The Mane six find themselves in Seaquestria, the underwater world that the hippogriffs were forced to inhabit to hide from the Storm King. The Queen of the hippogriffs used a magic pearl to turn her subjects into sea ponies. Twilight begs for the pearl as she believes it is the key to defeating the Storm King. Novo refuses to give her it. The mane six go to leave but notice that Skystar is sad because she’s never really had friends before . Twilight, surprisingly, encourages Pinkie pie to cheer her up with a song. When the song is finished we find out that this was just a ploy so everyone would be distracted whilst twilight tries to steal the pearl. (As shown in figure.4)

Figure.4 [5]
This leads to The mane six’s forced exit from seaquestria and more importantly Twilights downfall. Because Pinkie Pie was able to cram a lifetime of fun into one song the hippogriffs were going to give them the pearl as a thank you. Twilights lack of faith in her friends causes a big argument between her and Pinkie Pie which leaves twilight sitting alone on a greyscale beach. This makes her look even more isolated and alone as she is the only colourful thing in the scene. She is captured by Tempest who has been on the group's tail since the start. Tempest shares her backstory with Twilight. This gives us an insight into tempests motivation and creates a vulnerability in her. and she is taken back to Canterlot where we finally see the Storm King in full glory as he is able to steal the magic from all four princesses, channelling it through the Staff of Succannas, becoming omnipotent in the process. The Storm King casts Tempest aside, refusing to restore her horn as he had promised he would.
This is part the final ordeal Where the heroes come to the edge of their great goal [Booker 2004 pg 78] Twilight’s friends engage in an epic battle against the storm creatures with the help of Skystar and others. Near the end of the battle the staff creates a wretched Storm that takes Twilight, the Storm King and the staff away. This is the part in the story where our hero has her last “thrilling escape from death” [Booker 2005 pg 83] and returns with the staff to settle the skies. It is revealed the Storm King also survived the storm. And just when it seems like he has the upper hand and is about to turn the mane six into obsidian statues. Tempest jumps in to save them, reforming herself and pushing the Storm King over the edge of the balcony so he smashes to pieces.
To conclude; The mane six’s ordinary world is disrupted so they are forced on a journey to save it. The journey is fraught with in-known lands and temptation. Our hero is at one point on the edge of failure but in the end was able to overcome the threat that hung over them before. This is what makes this movie a quest narrative. The movie fits this narrative well and wouldn’t be as effective as it is had it been told with the template of hero’s journey or voyage and return in mind. Twilight doesn’t refuse the call and she is not alone on her quest so these two templates just wouldn’t work with the story and with this movie it’s more about expanding the world of Equestria and beyond and it’s focused more on the journey not the pony taking it as the other two templates would be.
[1] - Booker, C (2005) The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories, continuum
[2]- My Little Pony: The Movie (2027 film) available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony:_The_Movie_(2017_film)
[3]- Toon Boom Harmony animation production software available at:
[4]- Hasbro. Dart, R,et al (2017) The Art Of My Little Pony The Movie, VIZ Media LLC
[5]- My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) Directed by Jayson Thiessen [DVD] United States, AllSpark Pictures
[6]- Unknown. (C.1800 BC) The Epic Of Gilgamesh, Ancient Mesopotamia, self published Clay tablet. Pdf available at:
I actually wasn’t expecting this draft to be the final one. I do think this is an improvement though. I got the word count down to 1,509, just by cutting out some necessary dribble that I realized wasn’t needed.
0 notes
fate goes (to the club)
Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he's... writing in a notebook while sprawled across the floor. Just because you live here now doesn't mean you can become part of the scenery.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, Merlin. Are you writing a story? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Nope! Sheepy: Bedi: Do you mind if I join you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: You sure can. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, that's a good idea. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Isn't it? Sheepy: Bedi: Mhm. I probably should do that as well, but I've never needed to remember things for a long period of time. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I only do it for fun, so it doesn't really matter. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, I see. Sheepy: Bedi: Well, please enjoy yourself. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'll consider it! Sheepy: Bedi: Um, well, it's not an order or anything. Sheepy: Bedi: If you don't want to have fun, you don't need to. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I was kidding? Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I wasn't being serious when I said I'd consider it.. Sheepy: Bedi: ...Oh. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You take me so seriously! It's so cute. Sheepy: Bedi: Th-thank you. *he seems a little flustered...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he leans over and nuzzles against Bedi* Anytime~ sheepy: Bedi: *he returns it, and then pauses to think.* Oh, Merlin, you said you'd contact Dr. Roman about Kay. Did he say anything about that? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... .... It's not really allowed. He can pass a message on, but that's about it. sheep: Bedi: Huh? sheep: Bedi: What do you mean...? sheep: Bedi: "Not allowed"? Arsé-kun: Merlin: He can't hand out phone numbers n' stuff all willy nilly. sheep: Bedi: Then, maybe we could pass on that we're here and would like to speak again. sheep: Bedi: Potentially, we could say a place and time...... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Righto! sheep: Bedi: If that's banned, we could encrypt it in a riddle! ... Although. I don't think Sir Kay could solve it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Yeah. sheep: Bedi: Hmm.. We could ask. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We should. sheep: Bedi: When? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Lets just get it out of the way now. sheep: Bedi: That's fine. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Then lets go nab it! Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he jumps up and offers Bedi a hand to get up* C'mon, before the doc goes on lunch break! sheep: *Bedi takes his hand and stands* Thank you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: O'course! Sheepy: *They go!* Arsé-kun: *... Accidentally leaving the journal behind. Oops!* Sheepy: *Gil sees a shiny! He wants it. He takes it.* Arsé-kun: *Gil obtained the shiny journal.* Sheepy: *He walks off with it. Time to take a read!* Arsé-kun: "xx/xx/xx I dreamt of Bedivere's death yet again. When will They be cruel and steal him away again? It is inevitable... Much like the first time. I do not wish it to happen. I have decided to do all in my power to keep him with me. Even if it makes me suffer. Even if I have to bring mortals into Avalon. Even if I act against Them and the Gods. Let me have this one person in my life forevermore. Please." Arsé-kun: *Gil, you seem to have stolen a diary. .. Flip to another page?* Sheepy: *Yes.* Arsé-kun: "XX/xx/xx Who will tell the doctor..? We can't go on this way. An entire organization can't go on lying to one man. He deserves to know who he is and what he went through. ... But I don't know what will happen if he knows. It may kill him again.... He's a great friend- It'd hurt to lose him again. At minimum, I'd like to have an idea of what WOULD happen but even I cannot see it... Which scares me greatly." Sheepy: *Gil is curious. He continues.* Arsé-kun: "xX/XX/xx Remember when I said I'd write down more happy things? Yeah, forget it. This journal is exclusively for worries and fears I may come across in my journey of life. What happened to Sir Lancelot to make him this way...? I had barely an interaction, but nothing was right. I knew the false claims of betrayal had gotten to him, but I had figured he would recover post-slaying via our King- and my little girl. He absolutely has not, even with his beloved at his side. I'll look into this myself. The pains of the Table are mine as well." Sheepy: *Gil decides that Lancelot just has problems in general. Next page.* Arsé-kun: "xX/XX/xx ... Mistakes were made~~~ I harmed myself more than anyone else, thankfully. It also allowed Lance time to be himself, so I cannot truly complain. Mission accomplished? I wonder if the one turned to Ruler realized what they were? Hehe. ~~~~ So Runes still affect my magic... That is good to know. I've never been compatable with rune magic and it always causes problems. I can't wait to nearly kill someone on accident.." Arsé-kun: "XX/XX/xx All of these new friends... And I already know things that will happen to some of them. The magus musician will be rendered comatose from his research going awry. The king of heroes, encased in stone, his truest desire feet away as his life fades. The depressed knight of songs will be permitted to operate a fast moving machine, capable of killing a crowd with ease. The silver sheen of a dagger, firmly in one's chest. Much bloodshed, crazed laughter, the grins of the psychotic. While I'm excited to spend time with these people, I worry about the future. I want to tell, but that only leads to worse futures. I shall stay silent once again." Sheepy: Gil:....?! Arsé-kun: *That's... worrying. But didn't Merlin make a comment about being in stone earlier this week?* Sheepy: Gil:......... Sheepy: Gil: *Maybe... there's more info?* Sheepy: *Gil flips to the next page.* Arsé-kun: "Xx/XX/xx .... While I am not one to have many fears- Especially of other people- I find myself rather nervous when faced with Medusa. Is it her ability to petrify others? It calls to mind how I found Bedi.... That's probably it. She was unrelated to that event, so I've decided to get to know her better when I have the time. That should solve the problem. I hope." Sheepy: Gil: *So, the useless knight of the round was stone at one point as well? That's comforting.* Arsé-kun: *Continue?* Sheepy: *Yes* Arsé-kun: "xX/XX/xx Master has already adjusted so well.. He's speaking more and it's only been a few hours! But I can't shake the feeling that something just went wrong... .... I'll add more later. I better go make sure everyone is all right..." Sheepy: Gil: *Thrilling. Is there anything else?* Arsé-kun: "xx/XX/xx (it's today!) I don't know what to say. I don't usually make entries one after another like this, but.. Some events are close. I wasn't remotely prepared to deal with any of them yet. There's no way I can believably warn them.... His Majesty would completely and utterly kill me if I told him his friend would cause a massive problem..... Or at least, be heavily involved in it. I want to warn him, I really do. If I do, though... It'll happen faster, and wildly out of my control- Or anyones. It feels disastrous...." Sheepy: Gil:...... Sheepy: Gil: *he frowns* Problem? Sheepy: Gil: What problem? Arsé-kun: Medusa: What's the issue today, your royal high ass? Sheepy: Gil: I found a book. Sheepy: Gil: It says thay Enkidu will be responsible for a massive problem. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Let me see. Sheepy: *Gil gives it to Medusa* Arsé-kun: *Medusa quickly reads through the contents..* Arsé-kun: Medusa: .... Whatever is going to happen, I want to say in advance that I didn't do it. Sheepy: Gil: Good. Arsé-kun: Medusa: And it doesn't say I can't ask what's up. Sheepy: Gil: Sure. I'll watch at a distance. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Sounds good. Lets go commit a good deed or something and return this. sheep: Gil: Good idea. sheep: *They return the diary and go to speak with Merlin!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he's on his way BACK as this happens* ...? Sheepy: Gil: We've got questions, mongrel! Arsé-kun: Merlin: ..... Why were you in my room? Sheepy: Gil: Your... room? ... Anyway! We've got questions! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Shoot. Sheepy: Bedi: As do we, like why you were breaking the rules of hospitality by intruding into our privacy. Arsé-kun: Medusa: I followed Gil. Is there anything you'd care to share with us, Merlin? Sheepy: Gil: What she asked. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...... Sheepy: Bedi: ? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ........... Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, are you alright? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...... Were you looking through my...? Sheepy: Gil: Mark your things better, you untidy mutt! Arsé-kun: Merlin: .......... *he shakes his head* I can't talk about it, I'm sorry. Sheepy: Gil: Why not? I am the king of heroes! I have the right to know! Arsé-kun: Merlin: It doesn't matter! It's already ruined..! You've been warned, technically by myself, so everything's going to go wrong! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin? Sheepy: Gil: It does matter. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I apologize, there's no longer anything I can do about it... I may as well, then! There's going to be a giant fight involving yourself.. Multiple, actually. Sheepy: Gil: Giant fight? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Y-yes. Sheepy: Gil: That is obvious, you geezer! Sheepy: Gil: Fights are like breathing for me! Sheepy: Gil: Your information is almost as useless as the worst knight of the round. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ..... ....... You will get nothing more from me, you arrogant fool. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Now you've been warned and you, you know, still think it's no problem. I'm leaving. sheep: Gil: Your warning is synonymous to, "Gilgamesh, you will breathe today!" sheep: Gil: Plus! A king is meant to be arrogant. sheep: Bedi: A king is meant to make an effort to understand his people and treat everyone with kindness. A king is there to lead his country to peace and prosperity, not order it around to do his bidding and make his life alone easy. sheep: Bedi: A tyrant does not deserve Merlin's wise words. sheep: Gil: What do you know, mongrel? You know nothing about being a knight, let alone ruling a country. sheep: Bedi: I apologize. I thought you were the type to listen to facts. sheep: Gil: I am, but both your and his words are full of nonsense. Turning to stone? Wuhahahaha! No one is going to turn the King of Heroes to stone! Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he goes past them and goes into his room. And closes the door. Sorry, Bedi* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin... Arsé-kun: Medusa: .... You know, Gil, I don't think that told us anything of use. Maybe we should head back now, before we frustrate somebody. Arsé-kun: *And Medusa steers Gil Away From Bedi* Sheepy: *Bedi watches, briefly contemplating chasing them down and smacking Gil upside the head. However, he keeps his temper.* Sheepy: Gil: Why are these wizards always useless? Arsé-kun: Medusa: It did say warning us made it worse. sheep: Gil: Hmm. sheep: Gil: I wonder how it'd make it "worse". sheep: Gil: Technically, it was inevitable based on the entry, correct? So really, we did nothing wrong by demanding extra information. I dislike people who keep all problems to themselves and won't tell others no matter how much they're pushed. sheep: Gil: What is the point of worrying about a problem if you won't even bother to try to find a solution for it? Worry means you're concerned. If you don't look into it our of your own laziness, are you truly concerned? Arsé-kun: Medusa: ... I'm unsure. sheep: Gil: Who should we ask next? Arsé-kun: Medusa: .... Maybe Emiya might know? sheep: Gil: Archer? sheep: Gil: Archer knows things? Arsé-kun: Medusa: About cooking, yeah. But he's got clairvoyance, right? sheep: Gil: ... I guess he could give us one of his idiotic ideas. At times, they're even correct. Arsé-kun: Medusa: ... I don't have any better ideas. Lets go ask. sheep: *When they arrive, Emiya is busy mopping.* Arsé-kun: Medusa: Yo, shitlips sheep: Emiya: Do you know who's been tracking mud inside? Arsé-kun: Medusa: No idea, don't care. I need you to stop being mom for ten minutes and listen up, Archer. sheep: Emiya: What is it? *he pauses mopping and looks over at the two* Arsé-kun: *Medusa explains the situation, but keeps the entire part about Gil turning into a fucking statue out of it. Because Emiya would just clean the statue.* sheep: Emiya: Ah. sheep: Emiya: That's fortunate. sheep: Gil: What do you mean, fortunate?! sheep: Emiya: My English is very bad. sheep: Emiya: Anyway, what do you want me to do about it? Arsé-kun: Medusa: ... The only other person with Clairvoyance is you. Be of use, will you? sheep: Emiya: What, do you want me to perform palm reading? Give you a $20 fortune? sheep: Gil: Take this seriously, mongrel! Arsé-kun: Medusa: If even the court wizard seems worried, it'd be good to have even an idea of what's happening. sheep: Emiya: Can I just tell you one thing, Rider? sheep: Emiya: Yes? Thanks. My clairvoyance doesn't let me see the future. sheep: Emiya: It lets me shoot people with better accuracy. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Shit. sheep: Emiya: So, again. What do you want me to do about it? sheep: Emiya: Knock Gilgamesh upside the head so he can't do something stupid? I'd love to. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Save that for later. sheep: Emiya: Unfortunate. Arsé-kun: Medusa: This being the case... If something is happening, do cut in. The less that happens, the better. sheep: Emiya: Sure. I'll make sure to aim for Gilgamesh. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Just don't kill him. sheep: Gil: Now what? Do we ask that detective? Who do we ask? Arsé-kun: Medusa: We may as well ask him. sheep: *Sherlock is sitting in a reclining chair, seemingly on his way to dreamland. He looks up at the two upon them entering.* sheep: Sherlock: Hullo. What're you in need of? sheep: Sherlock: If it's for detective work, Sherlock Holmes is out right now. If it's to figure out who's stalking you, I haven't a clue who that green-haired individual is. How about you introduce yourself? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: A-ah..! *he caught you, buddy. don't be so surprised* My apologies... My name would be Enkidu. sheep: Sherlock: I am Sherlock Holmes, a simple detective. sheep: Gil: Enkidu, why were you following me at a distance? You don't need to be shy. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ..... I wasn't sure if you'd mind me following you around so pitifully, my lord. sheep: Sherlock: Ah, I lied. sheep: Sherlock: You don't mind, right? sheep: Gil: I wouldn't. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... Was that to myself? sheep: Sherlock: Yes. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... Both of you were speaking to me? I'm dreadfully confused now. sheep: Sherlock: I lied by saying that I didn't know who you were is what I'm saying. sheep: Sherlock: Actually, I did, but I just wanted to see your reaction by putting you further on the spot. sheep: *He laughs...* sheep: Gil: ...Anyway, I wouldn't mind you following me around. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Ha... I understand now. And thank you for your permission, my lord. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I'm detecting large amounts of incoming sass. sheep: Gil: What do you want? Arsé-kun: Andersen: I'm just here for the show, grumpy king. I'm just going to seat myself in this bookshelf. sheep: Gil: Stay there and stay quiet, you third-rate author. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I thought you had books of mine in your great library. You wouldn't keep third rate trash. sheep: Gil: *he huffs* Shut it, mutt. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: My lord..! Be polite! Arsé-kun: Andersen: *SENPAI HAS NOTICED ME* Arsé-kun: Andersen: *not really but effect is the same* sheep: Sherlock: Although, I don't think I'd fit in the bookshelf. sheep: Gil: He's never polite to me, so why should I be polite to him? sheep: Gil: Besides. I don't have to be polite. sheep: Sherlock: I can sit by it. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: But... A king has to be kind.. sheep: Gil: Why? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You need to treat everyone with respect and try to understand others. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: It's what a king does. sheep: Gil: A kind king is a dead king. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... ..... *his brows are Furrowed and he looks unhappy* Gilgamesh.. sheep: Gil: A king must be strict and keep those around him in line. Otherwise, he will be overthrown. Teach them their place before they try to steal yours is how I see it. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Like anyone wants to sit anywhere you placed your pompous ass. sheep: Sherlock: Make sure not to make physical contact with him. You may catch his ego. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ..... sheep: Sherlock: I am sure that there'd still be traces wherever he sits. sheep: Gil: What is it? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... You told me you treat others with respect. You even said being kind was a king's duty. .... Did you lie to me? sheep: Gil: As I said, I treat them with the respect they deserve. sheep: Gil: So, I did not lie to you. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Is kindness a kings duty, or does it get him killed? Make up your mind. sheep: Gil: I treat them with the kindness they deserve, as well. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he leans down some and stares up at Gil. He's still angry, so it doesn't have the intended effect of making Gil uncomfortable* So what you are telling me is that personal bias plays a part. I, an animated clump of mud, get more respect than others? It is not a king's duty to do such things. sheep: Gil: Because you're my friend. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... .... Arsé-kun: Andersen: Am I hearing things, or was that sentence just uttered? sheep: Gil: It was. Arsé-kun: Andersen: That's... Almost unbelievable. sheep: Gil: Shut up. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I didn't say it was impossible. sheep: Gil: You're acting like it's an incredible thing that I have friends. sheep: Gil: It's not. sheep: Gil: I would be impressed to hear that you have friends, however. sheep: Sherlock: It's okay, Gilgamesh. I'm terrible at making friends too. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I'd be hurt if I cared. I didn't even know you had the ability to be nice to people. Sheepy: Gil: Shut up. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Shutting. Sheepy: Gil: Good. Arsé-kun: Medusa: *she's not getting involved, fuck no.* Sheepy: Gil: Anyway, I don't need you to preach about being a good king. I am one but not a kind one. Arsé-kun: Andersen: ..... .... mmmmmmmhm. Sheepy: Sherlock: Ahah. A good king throws a fit over hair gel. Arsé-kun: Andersen: With all due respect, are we allowed to discuss that and get away with our lives..? Sheepy: Sherlock: Don't worry. Sheepy: Gil: It was not a fit! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Attacking an innocent person over a trivial matter wasn't a fit..? Sheepy: Gil: He was not innocent! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Kintaro was completely uninvolved from your own problems. What was it you said...? Sheepy: Gil: Excuse me? Sheepy: Sherlock: Actually, Andersen is correct. Upon hearing about it, I... "questioned" everyone. I came to the conclusion that Lancelot was the one responsible. Arsé-kun: Andersen: .. Oh, I remember now! "I'll punish a person of my choice! It doesn’t matter if you’re responsible or not if it’s intended to make a statement!" Sheepy: Gil: Of course. Arsé-kun: Andersen: ... .... Should... Should we tell him? Sheepy: Sherlock: Hmm. Maybe. Arsé-kun: Medusa: *she.. gets out of the way. Is this the "Bad" Merlin was worrying about?* Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah, but maybe if he ignores it, the problem will go away. Arsé-kun: Andersen: But we're still talking about it. Sheepy: Gil: The problem isn't going away. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Own up to your mistakes. Sheepy: Gil: The problem is that you won't shut up! Arsé-kun: Andersen: You keep giving me ammunition..! Sheepy: Gil: No, THIS is ammunition! *he launches a sword at Andersen!* Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he's got no time to react, and so gets pinned to the bookshelf- and the wall- by the sword lodged in his chest. It certainly shut him up, but now he's coughing up blood as books fall off the shelf. Said books land on Andersen or the sword, making everything worse.* Sheepy: Sherlock:?! Sheepy: Sherlock: Andersen! Sheepy: Sherlock: If I remove it, the bleeding will get worse... Sheepy: Sherlock: Andersen, I'll get Merlin. Just hang on. *he runs off* Arsé-kun: Medusa: Gil...... You might want to, uh... *she gestures behind him* Sheepy: Gil: What? *he looks behind him* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *He is officially ENRAGED. His anger is so intense that it's nearly radiating off of him. It's causing his hair to blow around. And he didn't have cracks on his snarling face before, did he?* Sheepy: Gil:...?! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Just who do you think you are?! Sheepy: Gil: Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: No, you're not! Was that heroic in any way, tyrant?! Sheepy: Gil: Excuse me? Tyrant? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: There is no kindness left in you! What respect you showed me was a lie! Sheepy: Gil: Incorrect. Sheepy: Gil: It wasn't a lie. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Why should I trust you?! You might strike me down if I say something you dislike! Sheepy: Gil:...?! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Someone else might commit a crime and you might decide, hey, fuck the mud! He's not responsible, but it doesn't matter who you harm if it's for an example! Sheepy: Gil: I wouldn't! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I don't believe you! I don't even think you are Gilgamesh! The man I was friends with would never do this! Sheepy: Gil:..... Sheepy: Gil: I... Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Shut up! Sheepy: Gil:.... Arsé-kun: Enkidu: If you're not my lord and friend, then I don't know you!! Sheepy: Gil: *he seems... horrified.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Get out, you stranger! Get out, get out! Sheepy: Gil: *he turns and walks out.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *they focus their glare on the wall. Fortunately, they don't drill anY HOLES INTO IT* Sheepy: *And fortunately Gil doesn't come back.* Arsé-kun: *Good, because Enkidu would break his own hand punching Gil's face. That's how hard she would hit Gil. And then his hand would break off, and someone would have to clean up a muddy pile of mud on the carpet.* Sheepy: Sherlock: -He's in here. Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah, Gilgamesh is gone. That's fortunate. You can focus on healing Andersen. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he surveys the damage with a distinct look of fear, and without a word moves to Andersen's side* Sheepy: Sherlock: How does it look, Doc? Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... Bad. Sheepy: Sherlock:.... Sheepy: Sherlock: Of course, you can do something about it, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... I can take care of it, or at least make sure he survives. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Medusa: ... I have a question. What the fuck just happened? Sheepy: Sherlock: Is there any way I can help? Sheepy: Sherlock: And, to answer your question. Sheepy: Sherlock: Gilgamesh was getting more and more frustrated. Sheepy: Sherlock: I could tell this. Sheepy: Sherlock: He eventually blew up and attacked Andersen. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Oh, so could I. I didn't mean that part. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was hoping he would attack me instead. I may be a caster, but Iam an experienced fighter. Sheepy: Sherlock: Then what? Arsé-kun: Medusa: Just now. After that. Sheepy: Sherlock: I missed it Arsé-kun: Medusa: I have never seen Gil so terrified in my life. Sheepy: Sherlock: I assume of Enkidu. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Yeah. Didn't think he could get so.. Explosive. Sheepy: Sherlock: You learn something new every day. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *she's still engaged in the glaring contest with the wall. Still mad, but not as much as before.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... ....... Is it still socially unacceptable to plan a murder? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll keep your secret. Sheepy: Sherlock: What is on your mind? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: This wasn't like him at all! Is he really Gilgamesh..? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... Sheepy: Sherlock: He is definitely Gilgamesh, but he is not necessarily your Gilgamesh. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ..... I don't understand. Sheepy: Sherlock: Servants are born from aspects of a myth or person. Basically, a belief concerning that person. Sheepy: Sherlock: Since Gilgamesh is a complicated character, there is not one but rather many Gilgameshes. Sheepy: Sherlock: However, they are all equally him. Sheepy: Sherlock: The wise king and the kind child are both examples of this. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... Then who is...? Sheepy: Sherlock: Who is this? Sheepy: Sherlock: The king who hated both men and deities equally. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ..... But that's the Gil I met.. .... Sheepy: Sherlock: Then, this is your Gilgamesh. Perhaps, you were expecting more of him than could be achieved. ... However, Enkidu. Sheepy: Sherlock: I have potentially useful information for you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Take this as you will. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... What. Sheepy: Sherlock: That Gilgamesh is not just the evil man you just witnessed. Sheepy: Sherlock: Due to Merlin's magic backfiring, I learned something. Sheepy: Sherlock: The kind child is trapped inside of him. I believe the term "hibernating" fits here. Sheepy: Sherlock: I know that it's not an answer to how to make him change his ways, but it may help. Sheepy: Sherlock: Any way I can help? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... ..... Sheepy: Sherlock: ... Sheepy: Sherlock:...? Sheepy: Sherlock: What is it? Arsé-kun: *It seems like Enkidu's calmed down, at least.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ..... .......... Arsé-kun: *Now that he isn't seething, he's able to reflect on everything that just happened.* Arsé-kun: *And while our #1 mudman is crying us a muddy river through his hands (and he IS classified as a "he" in the original tale), Merlin is slowly removing the blade while quietly incanting spell after spell after spell.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Incorrect. Sheepy: Sherlock: You didn't commit physical harm. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Anyway, I think that the reason why your king has changed is because of the kind king. Sheepy: Sherlock: Potentially, it causes chemical unbalances. That is my current theory. Sheepy: Sherlock: However, I most likely am incorrect. Sheepy: Sherlock: Anyway, we could hunt him down and discuss the matter with him. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Unless you fear that you hurt the kind child. In which case, I am not confident that he's fully aware of his surroundings. Sheepy: Sherlock: Personally, I think he'd enjoy you pulling Gilgamesh down a peg. Considering that he hates bullies like Goldie. Sheepy: Sherlock: But if you want me to help, I can. Sheepy: Sherlock: Also, Merlin. Do you need help? I could potentially give you assistance. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Kind of. Grab the hilt for me. I need both hands. sheep: Sherlock: Like this? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes, thank you. sheep: Sherlock: No problem. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... All right, pull it out. sheep: *Bedi arrives!* Arsé-kun: *Welcome to the disaster zone, Bedi.* sheep: Bedi: ...! Merlin! *he bends down next to him* What is going on? What can I do? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... It's part of what I was trying to prevent. ... Do inform Eiji I won't be going to work today. sheep: Bedi: I'll tell him. Do you want me to stay home with you as well? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No. It should be fine.. And I don't want you in harm's way if anything happens. sheep: Bedi: If...anything happens? sheep: Bedi: You're worrying me. sheep: Bedi: ...I've decided: just this once, I'm taking the day off. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... I guess I can't stop you. Sheepy: Bedi: No, you can't. If you didn't want me to stick around, you shouldn't have implied that you may get hurt. Sheepy: Bedi: I will inform Eiji that you won't be able to go. Anything else? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I meant that you might get hurt.. Sheepy: Bedi: That's fine. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... Oh, fine. sheep: Bedi: I am here as the "glass cannon". Simply, I keep you safe. ... That's what I am, right? That's the term? Arsé-kun: Merlin: N... No.. sheep: Bedi: Then what am I? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Not that! Figure it out later! sheep: Bedi: Oh, I forgot. I'll be back. *He leaves!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...??? *he sets down his staff and gently picks up Andersen, who looks moderately dead inside. Or drugged. Both? Magic? Who knows* sheep: Sherlock: Ah. He's definitely seen better days. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I can't disagree with that. sheep: *...Bedi comes back soon.* sheep: Bedi: I told him. He knows now. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh, that's what you left for. Uh. Could you take my staff? sheep: *Bedi takes it* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Thank you. sheep: Bedi: *he's giving it a curious look but doesn't comment.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... All right, one more thing to take care of. sheep: Bedi: What is it? I will remember it for you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he looks towards Enkidu* Arsé-kun: *Enkidu has (mostly) calmed down, and is just kinda sprawled across the floor. Being mud is suffering* sheep: Bedi: ...! Are you alright? *He approaches Enkidu* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... Emotionally or normally? sheep: Bedi: Um, both. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: No and yes. sheep: Bedi: Is there any way I can assist you in your struggles? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... I... I don't know. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I didn't mean to drive him out.. I just got so mad.. Sheepy: Bedi: I understand how you feel. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: If anything happens because of this, I'm very sorry. I will take the blame for it. Sheepy: Bedi: We could look for him. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I would like to, please. Sheepy: Bedi: I will help you then. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Thank you very much Sheepy: *So, they go to find Gil! ... He's not right outside the house.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Gilgamesh..? Are you here..? Sheepy: *Nope.* Sheepy: Bedi:...It doesn't seem like he is. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah! We can ask that dog to find him! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Ah! Yes, we could ask Lobo! Sheepy: Lobo: *he heard his name. what is going on?* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: There you are! Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Can you please help us, dear Lobo? Sheepy: Lobo: *he nudges Enkidu with his snout. Is that a yes or just a "you smell funny"?* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You will? Thank you. Sheepy: Lobo: *he gives Enkidu an expectant stare. What is he meant to do?* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I chased my lord off but I didn't mean to.. I'm not sure where he went and we need to find him. Sheepy: *Lobo stares, expecting a trace of Gil to sniff.* Arsé-kun: *ask and ye shall receive. somehow.* Arsé-kun: *by which I mean Enkidu doubles back to get something* Sheepy: *It's fairly easy to get something. Gil has a lot of clothes. Lobo gives the object a few curious sniffs upon Enkidu's return.* Sheepy: *Lobo begins sniffing around and leading them to Gil!* Sheepy: Bedi: Dogs are extremely smart... Sheepy: Bedi: Are you good with animals, Enkidu? Lobo generally doesn't listen to people based on what I've seen. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I suppose so. That, or Lobo smells the zoo wolves on me. sheep: Bedi: Oh, that may be it. sheep: Lobo: *he suddenly stops and lifts his head up* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... Are we close, Lobo? sheep: Lobo: *boof* sheep: *...Lobo takes off!* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... Woah, wait up..! sheep: *Lobo slows down* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Thank you..! sheep: Lobo: *He continues on his way.* Arsé-kun: *So Enkidu and Bedi continue following him* sheep: *Gil is nearby!* Arsé-kun: *There's someone with Gil, speaking with him. The team is too far away to hear most of it..* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ...? Arsé-kun: ?: ----for me will more than likely do wonders for you. *a necklace is put on Gil. Gil doesn't try or bother to stop this, which is weird enough on it's own. This is followed by this other guy noticing they have company, and turning tail to flee. Adios Senior* sheep: Bedi: Ah! There he is!...And who was that sketchy person? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... I don't know. I did not recognize them. sheep: Bedi: Anyway, we should go speak with him. sheep: *Lobo is staying back...* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... Is something wrong, Lobo? sheep: Lobo: *whine* sheep: *...Actually, why have those Gates to Babylon opened, anyway?* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ..... ..... Gilgamesh? I wanted to apologize to you- sheep: *...He fires various weapons at the group!* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he squeaks and pushes Bedi away* Gilgamesh! sheep: Bedi: ! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Is this my fault..? I'm sorry! sheep: *Gil grabs a sword from one of his Gates to Babylon...* sheep: Gil: *With a scream of rage, he throws himself at Enkidu with the intent to stab him with the sword!* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *oh dear. he's been impaled.* !! sheep: Gil: *he twists it. he's baring his teeth and his eyes are full of pure anger.* sheep: *Bedi approaches to get Gil off of Enkidu! ... Have Gates to Babylon to the face, buddy.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he nearly shrieks in pain, meanwhile* M-my lord...! sheep: *This knocks Bedi down. He stands once more to assist Enkidu, but Gil's response to shoot more weapons at him. Gil turns his attention back to Enkidu, lets go of the sword, and pulls another weapon out of the Gates to Babylon.* sheep: Gil: *He lets out another screech and plants the weapon into Enkidu. Gil. Gil please.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Stop, please..! sheep: Gil: *he doesn't appear to register that Enkidu is there fully, let alone actually hear him. There's a growling noise coming from his throat as he pulls another weapon out.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... I'm sorry! *he summons chains to wrap around Gil's arms* Stop! sheep: Gil: *he starts struggling against the chains, growling as he does. He's glaring through Enkidu.* sheep: Gil: *he summons more Gates to Babylon, directing them at Enkidu* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: What is wrong with you, Gilgamesh?! *he returns to being mud with a whine..* sheep: *Lobo grabs Gil by the arm and starts shaking him. Gil shrieks and points the Gates of Babylon at Lobo instead. Now is your chance, Enkidu! To do something!* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he reforms himself next to the sword and pulls it out of the ground before lunging at Gil. He's clearly unhappy about this* sheep: *The sword lodges itself into Gil! He screams, but still continues to struggle. He launches things at Lobo, who begins shaking him again.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he summons an energy lance to his hand, using it to smack Gil in the head* There! sheep: *Gil cries out!* sheep: Gil: *He lets out a snarl and starts wrestling with the chains again...* sheep: Gil: *Some struggling later, he manages to break the ones binding his free arm!* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he tries to grab for the necklace!* sheep: *Gil is more preoccupied trying to get his other arm free by stabbing at Lobo. Enkidu successfully grabs it!* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he rips it off of Gil's neck and throws it away* Now stop! sheep: Gil: Ggghhh! *He lets go of the stabby tool that he was using on Lobo, his arm falling limply at his side* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... *he raises his eyebrows as he thinks of something and dives into one of the Gates! ... And he returns, armed with a lance and a shield* Are you quite done, Gilgamesh?! sheep: Gil: Gghhhhhhhh......... sheep: Gil: .......................... sheep: *A Gate to Babylon opens behind Gil!* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he raises the shield, warily eyeing the Gate* sheep: *...An axe comes flying out of it at top speed, hitting Gil in the back and causing him to cough up blood.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ..!! sheep: *The Gate to Babylon fades. Gil's droops. He's bleeding from the mouth, occasionally making a coughing, choking, or sputtering noise, but otherwise showing no signs of life...* sheep: Lobo: *he drops Gil, yawns, and starts scratching his side with his back foot.* sheep: *Speaking of showing no signs of life, Bedi hasn't gotten up again. He's unconscious and irrelevant.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Gil! *he easily cuts through the chains, tossing the lance and shield away to catch Gil in his arms* sheep: Gil: *He (figuratively) melts in Enkidu's arms. He's out cold.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he sinks to the ground, carefully cradling Gil in his arms. Step two: Try not to cry. FAILED STEP TWO* sheep: Lobo: *he nudges Enkidu with his snout* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... Yes, yes, I'll be fine.. *he sniffs* sheep: Lobo: *he doesn't fully seem to understand the crying. so, he decides to join in! he lifts his head up and starts howling.* sheep: Bedi: Ughhh... sheep: Bedi: It's just a scratch, Bedivere... Just get up... You're needed... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Here! They're here... Bedivere! *he rushes to Bedi's side, dropping to his knees and sliding the last three feet* I'm here..! sheep: Bedi: Merlin...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: M-hm. Here, I've got this.. *he picks up his staff and stands up to cast Avalon! the ground is covered in flowers..* sheep: Bedi: I... failed. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'll hear no such thing. sheep: Bedi: Focus on them.............. Arsé-kun: Merlin: No need. *he looks over to the others* sheep: Bedi: They're hurt... mine is just a scratch. Arsé-kun: Merlin: M-hm. sheep: Bedi: *he slowly sits up* Thank you, anyway... just... give me a minute. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Of course. Arm yourself, as well. I don't believe it's over yet. sheep: Bedi: *he picks up his sword* sheep: Bedi: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... You'll know when you see it. sheep: Bedi: ...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he looks back at Enkidu and Gil. Is everything okay here?* sheep: *Gil seems to be doing better thanks to Avalon. He appears very confused.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... .... ..... *he pulls Gil closer, putting his face on Gil's shoulder. Please stop crying, Enkidu. You did so well.* sheep: Gil: Enkidu, why are you crying? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I hurt you... I hurt you so much, I'm sorry..! sheep: Gil: Ha, think nothing of it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *seeming satisfied, he turns his head the other way to look at the incoming party* sheep: *Rider is making a beeline for Lobo. Emiya is with Medusa.* Arsé-kun: Medusa: *she makes this disgusted face upon seeing the shield* sheep: Emiya: What is it, Rider? Did you spot Gilgamesh? Arsé-kun: Medusa: Very funny, Archer. *she kicks the shield* Get this away from me. sheep: Emiya: If I pick it up, will I die? Arsé-kun: Medusa: Just don't look at the front of it too hard. sheep: Emiya: Gilgamesh, I have something to shove into your bank. *he picks up the shield and approaches Enkidu and Gil* sheep: Gil: ...Later, Archer. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... I dropped that, I apologize... Oh! If anyone finds a necklace on the ground, don't touch it! sheep: Emiya: Got it. Arsé-kun: Medusa: .... So is there a protocol for it attaching itself to my leg...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... *he sighs, loudly* Beat it off of you, followed by getting it out of this realm. sheep: Emiya: Ah, I could shoot it for you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's inevitable at this point. Go ahead. sheep: Emiya: *He points his bow at the necklace* Arsé-kun: *.. and it now has a snake blocking it.* sheep: Emiya: Ah. sheep: Emiya: Well, have fun dealing with that. sheep: *Emiya walks away...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... Get back here! sheep: Emiya: Good luck. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Get your red ass back here and help us deal with... *he trails off, realizing What the Primary Issue of his visions and the day officially is.* This... Gorgon.... oh fuck. sheep: Bedi: Gorgon...? Arsé-kun: *Bedi, you have eyes. Behold, the Gorgon.* sheep: Bedi: What do we do? sheep: Gil: *he stands* Ha! I won't let some silly snake interrupt my moment with Enkidu. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Beware my warning. Have at her. sheep: *Gil summons some Gates to Babylon!* sheep: Bedi: *He readies his sword* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he's quickly at Gil's side, having retrieved the lance and shield* sheep: Bedi: I've already been turned to stone once before. I... should have a resistance to it, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes, but don't do anything rash! sheep: Bedi: I'll do my best to keep you safe. sheep: *Rider has hopped onto Lobo's back. They're ready!* sheep: Lobo: *he snarls at Gorgon* sheep: Bedi: We're aiming for the necklace, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes, but don't get too close! And for the love of all that is holy, don't look at her if that blindfold comes off! sheep: Bedi: But someone has to get close, right? To rip it off. sheep: Bedi: ......................... Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... *he takes a few steps back and starts applying buffs* sheep: Gil: ...Hah, I see. sheep: Gil: Look at me, rat-breath! sheep: Gil: Behold my golden body! sheep: Bedi: *he begins looking for an opening* Arsé-kun: Gorgon: ... ... *she hisses at him, as does at least half of her snakes* sheep: Gil: Do you want a piece of this bod?! I bet you do! sheep: Lobo: *he's snarling...* Arsé-kun: Gorgon: *she and her snakes begin charging up individual lasers, many of which are fired in Gil's direction. Bedi is, as well, noticed and fired at.* sheep: Bedi: ?! sheep: *Bedi hops out of the way. Gil does his best to avoid them.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Gooor-goooooooon!~♫ *he blocks Gil with the shield. shield is a good shield that functions.* sheep: Lobo: *he barks* Arsé-kun: *Lobo is fired at. If it moves, it's a threat.* sheep: Lobo: *he takes it, growling loudly* sheep: Gil: Yoo-hoo! Reptile brain! Arsé-kun: *Gorgon has so many potential targets. So many targets, so little time- okay fuck that guy.* sheep: Gil: *he launches a few weapons at Gorgon* sheep: *Bedi keeps sneaking forward...* Arsé-kun: *Gorgon hisses loudly, firing off attacks of her own* sheep: Gil: Wuhahaha! sheep: Gil: Your pitiful attacks can't hurt me! Arsé-kun: Gorgon: *she starts to coil herself with her snakes...* sheep: Gil: ...Hm? sheep: Bedi: *snakes aren't important. finding the necklace is.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... I've seen this before! *he holds the shield up a bit and frowns* Noble Phantasm incoming! sheep: Gil: Thank you, Enkidu. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Of course, my lord! Keep your head down! Arsé-kun: *Pandemonium Cetus is fired at Gil and Enkidu! Since he's protecting Gil, Enkidu takes the brunt of the blast. leaving him cursed and slightly dazed* Sheepy: Gil: Enkidu! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I'm... I'm okay.. I don't need to shut down just yet.. Arsé-kun: Gorgon: *she moves in, slithering up to Gil and Enkidu while she starts undoing her blindfold...* Sheepy: *Gil looks up and sees this! He quickly covers Enkidu's eyes* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Oh..! Sheepy: *Bedi goes for the necklace! An arrow appears and is on the course to hit Gorgon...!* Arsé-kun: *And it sure fucking does hit her* Arsé-kun: *Keep your eye on the prize, Bedi! It's right there!* Sheepy: *Bedi grabs it with his metal arm and pulls it off!* Arsé-kun: *It tries to attach to his arm, and promptly starts smoking and burning.* sheep: Bedi: Merlin, it's been dealt with! Arsé-kun: *Gorgon is losing her snakes.. and her height.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: What's happening?? Gilgamesh, move your hand! sheep: *Gil doesn't.* Arsé-kun: *Enkidu reaches up to grab Gil's hand... it's very cold. and hard.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... ..... Gilgamesh? Sheepy: *There's no response.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Oh no.. *he leans back and turns his head to look at Gil* Sheepy: *Gil's stoned now.* Arsé-kun: *FUNNYYYYYYYYYY JOKE!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: You'd think a guy would listen. *he shakes his head and gets closer* Sheepy: Bedi: ...Merlin, did I fail my mission? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... You did fine. .. You think Goldielocks will listen next time I tell him to do something? Sheepy: Bedi: I hope so. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, about that necklace. ... I'll wait until you're done dealing with him being stoned. Sheepy: Rider: ............................. Sheepy: Rider: ................................................................. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Great. Give me a minute. *he puts his ear to the statue and lightly knocks on it* Sheepy: *There's the sound of him gasping for air...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... Ah, I got this. *he fetches an axe from the ground and tests its weight, before swinging the flat side of it at Gil's face. to break the rock. AIR!* Sheepy: Gil: *AIR!!! HE CAN BREATHE!!* Sheepy: Bedi: Good thinking, Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... Y'know, I might have to keep doing that. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, about the necklace. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'll take that after. .. How bad does it smell? Sheepy: Bedi: We saw the individual who gave it to Gilgamesh. Their hood made it impossible to recognize them. Sheepy: Bedi: Not as bad as the burnt area of my arm, also. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Nasty. *He smacks Gil with the axe again, not in the face. rocks fall, Gil tries not to die* Sheepy: Gil: ...Wizard... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes, King? *he puts the axe down* Sheepy: Gil: Surely, you can do something about the true problem on hand. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Perhaps. Sheepy: Gil: The brat who hitched a ride. Sheepy: Gil: He puts me in such a vile mood with his constant complaining. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'll give it a shot, but not this minute. Sheepy: Gil:...Fine. It must be soon. Sheepy: Gil: He awoke due to the breath of fresh air when our classes switched. Sheepy: Gil: He had given up a little before then. Arsé-kun: Merlin: No wonder... That does explain why you seem to be gobbling up mana just by standing still. Sheepy: Gil: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Both you and he need mana to exist, so you need almost double.. Sheepy: Gil: So, if we cut off his source of mana, he'd go away? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... I had a better idea. Sheepy: Gil: What? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'll tell you later. Priority one is still, you know. This. Sheepy: Gil: Of course. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, Tristan can track people. Sheepy: Bedi: Maybe he could use the necklace for that purpose? Arsé-kun: Merlin: He sure can. We can give Lobo here a well deserved break! Sheepy: Lobo: *he licks Enkidu. is he helping?* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: !! *he snaps back to reality, having zoned out to escape feeling somewhat Traumatized.* Oh, uh, thank you.. Sheepy: *Rider is sitting on Lobo's back, petting him* Arsé-kun: *Lobo did such a good job. Lobo earned steak dinner tonight* Sheepy: Lobo: *he nudges Enkidu once more. he's doing his best!* Sheepy: Emiya: I'm back. Arsé-kun: Merlin: No, you're Emiya. Sheepy: Emiya: Ah. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Bedi, c'mere. I need your metal arm of power. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Could you.. *he guides Bedi's metal hand to the edge of some rock* Pull it off..? Sheepy: *Bedi pulls it off* Arsé-kun: *None of the rock enjoys contact with that metal. None of it.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, it's working. Sheepy: *Bedi goes on to remove the rest of the rock.* Arsé-kun: *Gil is Free.* Sheepy: Gil: Good work, you two. Sheepy: Gil: Now. Enkidu, how are you? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... Terrified. Sheepy: Gil: What is there to be afraid of? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You almost dying, you almost dying again, the rest of us being almost killed or shut down, and I don't have good memories of the Gorgon. Sheepy: Gil: Hm. Sheepy: Gil: Well, get used to this sort of thing. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... Hhhoo boy. Sheepy: Gil: These are the type of missions Chaldea gives us. Sheepy: Gil: However, once the wizard removes this brat, I should be able to focus better on my combat. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Speaking of.. Maybe we should send the remains over there. Let them figure it out. Sheepy: Bedi: A smart idea as always, Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Not all of my ideas are smart, and you know it! Sheepy: Bedi: Most are. Sheepy: Bedi: Anyway, we need to get back. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I can help with this! Arsé-kun: *Enkidu resumes being mud- oh thats a horse. of course* Sheepy: Gil: Hm? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Hm? Sheepy: Gil: Oh! You're a horse! Meaning that I can ride you home. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Yes, exactly. Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs Enkidu* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: It's still me, Lobo. Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I gotta say. That is a fantastic idea. *he hands Bedi his staff again and turns himself into a horse. actually, a unicorn. same thing. sparkly.* Sheepy: Bedi:...! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! You're a unicorn! Arsé-kun: Merlin: *horse noise* Sheepy: Bedi: Are you sure...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Quite. Sheepy: Bedi: *he sits on his back* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you, Merlin. Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs Merlin* Arsé-kun: *there two horses are joined by Bellap- Bellarph- ... PEGASUS.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he quickly loses interest and goes to investigate the pegasus.* Arsé-kun: Bella: *they lean away from Lobo. mmmnope* Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Medusa: Archer, hop on. Sheepy: *Emiya hops onto pegasus* Arsé-kun: *and now everyone can go home. hooray* Sheepy: *they go home! bedi conks out during the trip. bedi why.* Arsé-kun: *because he's fucking tired.* Sheepy: Satoru: It's a flock of horses. Arsé-kun: Minako: Sure is. Sheepy: Satoru: There's so many, but Lobo is the best of them. Sheepy: Satoru: He's a good horse. He's my best friend. Arsé-kun: Minako: He's not even a horse and he's the best horse. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Satoru: The blindfold lady has a bird horse. A pegasus. Arsé-kun: Minako: Yep. That's Bella. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Bedi has a cow horse. A unicycle. Arsé-kun: *background mephisto is having a giggle thar mate* Sheepy: Satoru: They go "moooo~" and grant wishes. Sheepy: Satoru: People ride them at the circus. Arsé-kun: Minako: Wh. What Sheepy: Satoru: Mooooo. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to pet the unicycle. Arsé-kun: Andersen: ... I just lost some IQ. Arsé-kun: *and andersen takes the time to explain the differences between an elephant, a horse, a unicorn, and a cow.* Sheepy: Satoru: Thank you, Andersen. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to go pet the unicorn. Sheepy: Satoru: It's pretty. Sheepy: Lobo: *he joins Satoru and Minako, giving Minako a hesitant sniff before licking Satoru. why.* Sheepy: Gil: We have returned! Sheepy: Lobo: *he lets out a bark and plops down next to Satoru. his city now* Arsé-kun: Merlin: And we all survived! Arsé-kun: Medusa: .. That was a shitshow. Sheepy: Satoru: I hope you had fun at the movies. Arsé-kun: Minako: Sure was! I felt like three NPs go off! What was that all about?? sheep: Satoru: NP? sheep: Satoru: NP... No Problem? Arsé-kun: Minako: Noble Phantasm. Really strong attacks, basically. sheep: Satoru: They go super saiyan and release their hadouken. Arsé-kun: Minako: Sometimes! sheep: Satoru: Like the characters from Naruto. sheep: Satoru: ... I know that isn't right. Arsé-kun: Andersen: ..... You're killing me, kid. sheep: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Medusa: .... Is just repeating "it was a mess" an exc- Arsé-kun: Minako: No. sheep: Satoru: I just wanted to see your reaction. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Awful. sheep: Bedi: Minako. Arsé-kun: Minako: Yo. sheep: Bedi: Please keep an eye on your servants. sheep: Bedi: No, nothing is your fault. sheep: Bedi: This is a warning. sheep: Bedi: Gilgamesh was given a necklace that made him go mad. Arsé-kun: Minako: Now I'm just concerned. *she looks towards Gil* sheep: Bedi: It attached itself to Medusa after we fought a berserk Gilgamesh. sheep: Bedi: It tried to do the same for me, but thankfully, it chose my prosthetic arm. Arsé-kun: Minako: That does explain a lot.. You guys okay? sheep: Bedi: Watch out for a hooded man. Arsé-kun: Minako: Vague. sheep: Bedi: We don't know his...her...their identity. Arsé-kun: Merlin: At least, not yet. sheep: Bedi: Yes. sheep: Bedi: By using Tristan's tracking skills and Chaldea's technology, we may find them. sheep: Gil: More importantly, Enkidu and I are fine. Arsé-kun: Minako: What's this "may" stuff? ...Are you, Gil? sheep: Gil: Of course. Arsé-kun: Minako: .. Oh, yeah. If you're gonna run off again, at least tell me you're leaving. sheep: Gil: I couldn't. sheep: Gil: Because I had no plans of returning. sheep: Gil: I intend to stick around just long enough to deal with the hooded man. Arsé-kun: Minako: Wow, did anyone else hear something stupid? sheep: Gil: It's things like this that only push me further into my decision. Arsé-kun: Minako: If you left, what am I supposed to do with your stuff? Rub my filthy peasant hands all over it? sheep: Gil: You already do. Arsé-kun: Minako: .. Okay, that wasn't as funny as I hoped. C'mon, dude. sheep: Gil: When the time comes I'll see if I change my mind. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he rolls his eyes in the bg. Drama king Gilgamesh much.* sheep: Gil: I prefer being a solo servant. Anyway, there's someone who wants to be your servant more than I do. sheep: Gil: He is the reason why I take up so much mana. Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Yeah, what's up with that, anyway? You wanna share? sheep: Gil: It's all his fault for getting stuck to me in the first place. Arsé-kun: Medusa: ... *exits scene right. today was a Day* sheep: Bedi: Merlin, what are your plans? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I thought we discussed that already? sheep: Bedi: For today? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes? sheep: Bedi: I don't recall this. My apologies. sheep: Bedi: However, I trust your word. sheep: Satoru: Eiji has a job, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sure does. sheep: Satoru: When does he leave? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Later. Why? sheep: Satoru: That's when I'll go back to my house when he leaves Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. .. Wait. Leaves for work or leaves work?? sheep: Satoru: Leaves for work. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh! He should have left already. sheep: Satoru: Okay. I'll go to my house then. sheep: Satoru: I'll come back when he's back. sheep: Satoru: Sakura has the same schedule too, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Uh... I don't think so? sheep: Satoru: Huh? Is she here still, then? sheep: Satoru: It's too risky. I may come into contact with them if I go over there. sheep: Bedi: What's wrong with talking with them? sheep: Satoru: I don't like them. sheep: Rider: *he picks up Satoru and walks back home* sheep: Satoru: Noooooo.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: That works too. Hey, King. sheep: Gil: Hm? sheep: Gil: What is it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'll come take care of the thing later for you. That okay? sheep: Gil: Good. sheep: Gil: Do it well, wizard. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Of course. It'd be ill advised if I only half-assed it. sheep: Gil: Of course. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Great. Come on, Bedi. sheep: Bedi: *he follows Merlin* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Hey, Gil? sheep: Gil: What? Arsé-kun: Minako: .... Next mission we get, you wanna lead the team? sheep: Gil: Fine. I will provide you with this honor. Feel grateful, mongrel! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, I am! sheep: Gil: Finally, someone understands what a miracle this is. Arsé-kun: Minako: So, what? Am I living with a miracle too? sheep: Gil: Yes. sheep: Gil: With how the Chaldea system works, I actually chose you! sheep: Gil: Understand what this means, mutt! Arsé-kun: Minako: That I was the only one who you could bear to tolerate? Gotcha. sheep: Gil: If you act anything but stellar, I will confiscate your command seals. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'd like to keep my arm! sheep: Gil: I don't need your arm to take them. Arsé-kun: Minako: .. Well, good! I use that! sheep: Gil: I know this. Arsé-kun: Minako: While I'm at it, know this too! I care about you! sheep: Gil: Hm? Arsé-kun: Minako: Getting it out there if you didn't already know! sheep: Gil: Do not lie to me, mongrel. Arsé-kun: Minako: D:< Sheepy: Gil: I have yet to see any proof of this, mutt. Arsé-kun: Minako: It's hard to when you brush it off like this! Sheepy: Gil: Hard to what? Arsé-kun: Minako: I can't believe you're making me get up! The horrors! *she gets up and (attempts to) pull Gil into a Hug.* Sheepy: Gil: ...! Sheepy: Gil: *he seems stunned...* Arsé-kun: *Critical hit.* Sheepy: Gil:...M-Minako. Arsé-kun: Minako: Yes..? Sheepy: Gil: You don't need to push yourself. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'm not, don't worry. Sheepy: Gil: Fine. Arsé-kun: Minako: Fine! Sheepy: Gil: I will keep a closer eye on your attempts to please me, mongrel. Arsé-kun: Minako: Fine, mongrel! Sheepy: Gil: *he seems proud of Minako's use of mongrel...* Arsé-kun: *Bond points gained.* Arsé-kun: *Gil, your friend is slowly melting into Lobo's fur. Might wanna do something about that* Sheepy: Gil: Enkidu, are you alright? Sheepy: Lobo: *he is sniffing Enkidu* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Yes... *he raises his arm to pet Lobo* Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: *How eloquent* Sheepy: Gil: What are you doing? If you're going to sleep, don't sleep there. The wolf is nasty. Sheepy: Lobo: *he stares at Gil* Sheepy: Gil:...... Sheepy: Lobo: ..... Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ..... Sheepy: Gil: Enkidu? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... .... I nearly dozed off. I'm awake, I swear. Sheepy: Gil: As I said, don't sleep there. Sheepy: Gil: The wolf is violent - vicious. Sheepy: Lobo: *stare* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: He's not bad. *he gets up and pets Lobo* Sheepy: Gil: He tried to dislocate my arm. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You tried to take my muddy heart out of my chest. Sheepy: Gil: I was under the influence. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Don't do drugs. Sheepy: Gil: Of that necklace you fool. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Don't do any kind of drugs. Sheepy: Gil: I wasn't doing drugs Arsé-kun: Andersen: Or steroids. Or any other kind of enhancement, unless your Jekyll, and he's an idiot. Sheepy: Gil: I did none of those. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Madness Enhancement. Stop accepting random drugs on the street, m'lord. Sheepy: Gil: I didn't accept it! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Do I know this? I wasn't there. I was busy getting the giant sword gash healed. Thanks. Sheepy: Gil: I thought it was specified. Sheepy: Lobo: *he eyes Andersen curiously. sword gash? Sheepy: Gil: Anyway, I lost control and you happened to be stabbed in my fit of rage. Sheepy: Lobo: *Ah! So Gil stabbed this child that looks like Satoru! That's no good. What if it's Satoru next? Lobo weighs these options as he makes eye contact with Gil.* Arsé-kun: Andersen: I could have finished my work and gotten paid by now. I could have gone and bought myself a beer and now look what you've done. Sheepy: Lobo: *he licks Andersen's face. it's okay Andersen! Lobo is here for you!" Arsé-kun: Andersen: oh god its on my glasses Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head* Arsé-kun: *and now andersen has to clean his glasses* Arsé-kun: *MEANWHILE* Sheepy: Bedi: Today was exhausting... Arsé-kun: Merlin: It was.. It's not even that late yet. Sheepy: Bedi: This means I need to push myself more. Train on a regular basis. Sure, my job is important, but I am not here to be another source of income. Sheepy: Bedi: I am here to defend, and if I can't even do that, my presence is unneeded. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he sighs* You did fine, Bedi. Sheepy: Bedi: Within two hits I collapsed. Arsé-kun: Merlin: To a grail enhanced, madness enhanced archer. I'd like to count today as an exception. Sheepy: Bedi: ...? Sheepy: Bedi: Grail? Arsé-kun: Merlin: That necklace... I think it was made out of grail mud. Sheepy: Bedi: ! Sheepy: Bedi: Who was that person... to be able to get a hold of that...?! Sheepy: Bedi: ...I guess there's no point thinking about it now. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't know. It's rather worrying. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But you're right. Lets worry about it later. Lets go clean up! Sheepy: Bedi: *he nods* Sheepy: Bedi: It'll help us think better. Arsé-kun: *and so, after putting the necklace in 3+ layers of tupperware and a heavy sweater, they go to shower. bedi is messy.* Sheepy: *of course. he was beaten up and his arm activated. neither are clean.* Arsé-kun: *or burn free* Sheepy: *exactly.* Sheepy: *Bedi is very happy to finally be clean.* Arsé-kun: *And Merlin just needed to wash his hair. Which took longer than anything else* Sheepy: *Merlin this is a sign that youve gotta cut your hair.* Arsé-kun: *Absolutely not. Never. Not until after winter ends, at least* Sheepy: *You mean like how Bedi will never leave the shower unless nagged to?* Arsé-kun: *Yes* Sheepy: *Because hes not.* Arsé-kun: *Get out of the shower Bedivere* Sheepy: Bedi: *no* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Bedi, don't make me come in there. Sheepy: Bedi: ...Just give me a minute. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... *he goes back in and turns the sink on.* Sheepy: Bedi: Sorry, sorry.......... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Are you? Are you really? Sheepy: Bedi: *he grabs a towel and starts getting dried off* Yes. Sheepy: Bedi: But... you didn't have to freeze me out like that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he turns the sink off and helps Bedi* I sure did. Sheepy: Bedi: Why? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Because we're not the only people in this house, Bedi! What if someone needed to take a piss? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, good point. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm still used to living with people other than you again. My apologies. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Accepted. Sheepy: Bedi: Let me get dressed and then we can decide on our plans for today. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Do we have to? Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Do we have to plan more than "cuddle"? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, no... Sheepy: Bedi: But we have a whole day ahead of us. Sheepy: Bedi: We should have more plans than that... Sheepy: Bedi: Every day is a gift, and to waste one is, well........ Arsé-kun: Merlin: We spent part of it fighting, and I honestly don't have any ideas. Sheepy: Bedi: ...That's true. Sheepy: Bedi: Well, just this once... Sheepy: Bedi: I'll go with a plan that is not a plan at all. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hooray! Sheepy: Bedi: Were you hoping for that? I wasn't aware. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't care what you decide, I just want to do that. Sheepy: Bedi: That's fine. Arsé-kun: *and so, Merlin more or less throws himself on the bed and just kinda lays there for a minute. Bedi, there's a carpet on the bed* Sheepy: *Bedi joins Merlin.* Arsé-kun: *Merlin is Pleased* Sheepy: Bedi: Do you also worry that Sakura's transition to living in this household will be difficult? I was hoping that I could coax her son into interacting with her, but he ended up deciding to go to the zoo with the explicit purpose of getting away from her. Sheepy: Bedi: Am I doing something wrong? I don't understand children too well. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't think it'll be too bad... Just give it time. Sheepy: Bedi: You understand children better than I, since you often act like one. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I hope I don't! Children shouldn't have sex... Sheepy: Bedi: Not then. Sheepy: Bedi: Like, what's an example......... Sheepy: Bedi: ........................................ Sheepy: Bedi: When you flirt with people who clearly aren't interested? Arsé-kun: Merlin: But it's fun! Sheepy: Bedi: It makes others uncomfortable. Arsé-kun: Merlin: So does being an ass, but people do it anyway. Sheepy: Bedi: ...Merlin... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Merlin is busy holding a childish argument, you wanna leave a message? Sheepy: Bedi: It's not an argument. Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize if it sounded like one. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's okay, Bedi. Sheepy: Bedi: I do not mean to offend. I'm just skilled at it, I've heard. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You are. I fear the days you do it intentionally. Sheepy: Bedi: I never find myself in a situation where words speak louder than actions. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Good. You don't want to. Sheepy: Bedi: Especially now that you've given me the Airgetlam, I find it faster to silence them instead of dealing with an argument. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You can't just bash your way out of everything! Sheepy: Bedi: No, no, of course not. Sheepy: Bedi: The way to get out of Sir Kay and King Arthur's bad ideas is to talk them in circles until they give up. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But Sir Kay sometimes does it out of frustration. Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Kay? Violent? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No, enact his bad idea. Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm. Sheepy: Bedi: We will see if I've improved at the art when we meet him again. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Or if he's grown the other half of his brain? Sheepy: Bedi: He is smart. Sheepy: Bedi: But he's also dumb. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Schrodinger's bullshit. Sheepy: Bedi: Um... no. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We don't know if he's gonna say something profound or idiotic until he opens his mouth. Sheepy: Bedi: Profound? Such as? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Some mathematical equation that hadn't actually been invented yet, just so he can sort out booze money. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, that sounds like him. Sheepy: Bedi: I found that I always had the funds that I needed without asking for it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I wonder why. Sheepy: Bedi: As do I. Sheepy: Bedi: However, my needs are inexpensive. Sheepy: Bedi: Food. Water. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Done. Sheepy: Bedi: The former becomes a nice to have when you're travelling. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sure does. Sheepy: Bedi: Clothes, shelter, and a warm bath or shower are also nice, but unneeded. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And by "warm", you mean "scalding" Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Scalding...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: HOT. Sheepy: Bedi: Why do you say that? Sheepy: Bedi: It's comfortable. Arsé-kun: Merlin: How do you not burn yourself?? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, is it too hot for you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: A bit, yes! Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies. We can run it at a temperature you desire in the future. Sheepy: Bedi: Due to my talking, we haven't even begun what you had planned. Sheepy: Bedi: Sorry. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he shifts closer to Bedi* It's good enough. Sheepy: Bedi: *he rests his head up against Merlin* If you say so. Sheepy: Bedi:...Thank you for helping me today. Sheepy: Bedi: And... I'm sorry for ignoring your warning. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Apology accepted. If you hadn't been there, it may not have gone so well.. Sheepy: Bedi: ...I guess so. Sheepy: Bedi: I feel as though you're always helping me but I can't think of a way to make it up to you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You already have~ Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Merlin: You put up with me and stay with me. Therefore, I owe You. Sheepy: Bedi: I wouldn't call it putting up with you. Sheepy: Bedi:...And, is there really nothing I can do? I feel as though I'm taking advantage of you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Just keep doing your best! Sheepy: Bedi: I'll try to do better than my best. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Atta boy. Arsé-kun: *So Bedi and Merlin continue what they're doing until someone gets hungry. You need food to live* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, um, excuse me, sorry. Do you want anything? I'm going to get something to eat. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Absolutely. I'll come with you Sheepy: *They head over to the kitchen!* Arsé-kun: *there is Food. You need it to live* Sheepy: *Bedi gets food!* Arsé-kun: *As does Merlin. He wants a biscuit but Minako is guarding them with her LIFE. HER BISCUITS* Sheepy: Bedi: If you ask politely, there's a chance you'll get one. Arsé-kun: Minako: *she makes eye contact with Bedi and stuffs one in her mouth. No* Sheepy: Bedi: I am not exactly sure I understand your insistence to keep everyone from eating them. There's a surplus of food, correct? So there is no need to protect it. ...And, hopefully you'll eat more than that for dinner. *There's an innocent smile plastered on his face, but... is he actually confused?* Arsé-kun: Minako: I want to, but I can't. I'm not gonna name any names, but someone forgets to eat food sometimes. I'm gonna shove these in his face. Sheepy: Bedi: Whom? Sheepy: Bedi: I will get them to eat. Arsé-kun: Minako: His name starts with the letter L and he's being grumbly again. Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot? Arsé-kun: Minako: Yep. Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: I will deal with it. Sheepy: Bedi: What measures may I take? Arsé-kun: Minako: Whatever you see fit! Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, do you want to join me? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I think I'll opt out of this one. Sheepy: Bedi: Where is Sir Lancelot currently? Sheepy: Bedi: I wish to speak with him. Arsé-kun: Minako: Uh? .... Upstairs? Probably holed up in his room like usual. Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: I will return when I have succeeded. Sheepy: *Bedi walks off to Lance's room* Arsé-kun: *It's certainly where Lance is. He's just sitting on the floor. Nice progress on doing nothing* Sheepy: Bedi: Hello, Sir Lancelot. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he grunts. hello.* Sheepy: Bedi: I have been informed that you haven't been eating. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... mmmmmhm. Sheepy: Bedi: And so, I've come to make sure you eat. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he grumbles but otherwise doesn't move. the floor is REAL interesting this time of year* Sheepy: Bedi: It is my job to ensure that all knights get the nutrition that they need. This is the job that King Arthur has entrusted me with. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he utters a low growl* Sheepy: Bedi: And so, it is my job to make sure you eat. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he folds his arms and finally looks towards Bedi. Tired.* Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *another grunt* Sheepy: Bedi: I may have made it seem like there is a choice in the matter. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... ... Sheepy: Bedi: I promised that I would return once I am sure you have eaten. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Thhhhhen... .. You're nnnot leaving... Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot. Arsé-kun: Lance: Whhh. Sheepy: Bedi: I don't believe you understood me. Sheepy: Bedi: I said that there is no choice in the matter. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... ..... Hmph. Sheepy: Bedi: *he approaches Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he watches Bedi carefully* Sheepy: Bedi: We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Sir Lancelot. Sheepy: Bedi: The only outcome of this is that you end up getting the nutrition you need to stay healthy. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he starts to growl again when he's interrupted by a louder growl. Hello, this is your stomach calling. Feed me.* ... Sheepy: Bedi: Will you come willingly or not? Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Fff.. fffffine. Sheepy: Bedi: Good. Let's go to the kitchen. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he drags himself to his feet. This is as ready as he'll ever be.* Sheepy: *Bedi gently takes Lance's hand in his right hand - the Airgetlam. He is taking no chances.* Sheepy: Bedi: Let's go. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... mmph. Sheepy: *They go to the kitchen. Bedi holds his hand the entire way.* Arsé-kun: *Lance doesn't try to escape. Good?* Sheepy: Bedi: We have returned. Arsé-kun: Minako: You sure did! Good job, Bedivere! Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Minako: Lancey, eat something. And not just one thing, you big jerk! Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he looks around and hums. So much food. So many choices. Difficult* Sheepy: Bedi: *he watches Lance closely...* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he knows he's being watched, and it isn't helping any* Sheepy: Bedi: *whoops. time to act innocent.* Arsé-kun: *You know when you're hungry, but you're really just not feeling the idea of eating? That's Lance rn.* Sheepy: *Bedi would normally be understanding of that, but not today.* Arsé-kun: *... Lancelot eventually gives in to enormous pressure (thanks bedi) and gets something Decent to eat* Sheepy: Bedi: *GOOD* Sheepy: *Satoru enters.* Sheepy: Bedi: Hello- Sheepy: Satoru: Goodbye. *He opens one of the bottom cabinets, enters it, and then closes it.* Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh. Okay, bye? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm hiding here so I'm not actually here if anyone asks. Sheepy: Bedi: Why are you sitting in there? Sheepy: Satoru: Satoru can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep. ... ... Beep. Arsé-kun: Minako: ... All right, so he absolutely doesn't exist. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. I don't exist. I'm a figment of your imagination. If I tell you I'm not here you won't know that I'm here. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm really good at hide and seek. Arsé-kun: Minako: Gotcha. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm hiding because Rider keeps trying to get me to interact with them. Rider has been at it since he got back. I don't like him. He's mean. Arsé-kun: Minako: That's rude. Arsé-kun: *In the background, Lancelot has sat down in a chair and is eating while watching all this* Sheepy: Satoru: But he's being mean to me. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like him. Sheepy: Satoru: He keeps forcing me to interact with them and he can go through walls so not even my room is safe. Sheepy: Satoru: He can also see through walls. Arsé-kun: Minako: How can he see, anyway..? Sheepy: Satoru: With his eyes. Arsé-kun: Minako: Does he have those? Sheepy: Satoru: No. Arsé-kun: Minako: Then how the heck Sheepy: Satoru: He sees with his vision. Arsé-kun: Minako: You lost me. Sheepy: Satoru: His vision is what he uses to see. Arsé-kun: Minako: How does he have vision if he doesn't have eyes? Sheepy: Satoru: He sees. Arsé-kun: Minako: *she is so confused.* Sheepy: *Someone taps Minako's shoulder...* Arsé-kun: Minako: ...? Sheepy: Rider: "Do not question my ability to see. It's a sensitive topic." Arsé-kun: Minako: ... ?? Sheepy: Rider: "It's sensitive. Sensitive." Arsé-kun: *Minako is Confused! Minako hurt herself in her confusion!* Sheepy: Rider: "Sensitive." Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies, Minako. I don't understand either. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sensitive. That's what he said. Hello, I am here now. Sheepy: Bedi: That...that's all? Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's all I saw! Sheepy: Rider: ................................... Sheepy: Rider: .................................................................................. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sorry! Sheepy: Rider: "The topic of my ability to see is sensitive." Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ah. *he repeats it* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, I see. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Joke here. Applause. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I was gonna make a joke but lets not. Sheepy: Bedi: Well, okay. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Anyways, good news. I have done the Thing. Now we wait for Gil to scream. Sheepy: Bedi: Thing? Arsé-kun: Merlin: the thing I had to do. Sheepy: Bedi: I don't understand but I understand. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I was being vague. You know what I had to do. Arsé-kun: Merlin: On the other hand, Minako. *he looks to her* Does it feel as if anything has changed? Arsé-kun: Minako: Uhm... No? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Excellent. Then I performed admirably, and probably will not do so again until tomorrow. Sheepy: Bedi: You always perform well. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Thanks. Sheepy: Gil: *from his room...* Get out! Arsé-kun: Merlin: There it is. Sheepy: *A young, blond kid runs in, pursued by Gil.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ...?! Sheepy: Child: Master, Goldie's bullying me! Sheepy: Gil: Don't show your face around here ever again, you little brat! Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey, hey! No fighting! Sheepy: Gil: He is a trespasser! Dispose of him at once, mongrel! Sheepy: Child: I may be a trespasser in your eyes, but at least I wouldn't beat up a kid and enjoy it like you! Arsé-kun: Minako: Shut up, mutt! What I do is up to me and me alone! *minako grins. how much of it is forced is hard to tell* Thank you for loudly informing me of the situation and rushing in to do so! Sheepy: Gil: You don't understand! Sheepy: Gil: This stupid kid has been nagging me ever since you summoned me. Arsé-kun: Minako: Yes, and now he can leave you alone. You don't have to deal with him if I handle it. Go back upstairs. Sheepy: Gil: Fine. Sheepy: *Gil turns and storms off...... Sheepy: Child: ...........You handle him really well! Arsé-kun: Minako: ... I had no idea if that would work or not. What shall I be calling you? Sheepy: Child: You can call me Gil-kun. I'm not Goldie and Goldie isn't me. We may be the same person but we aren't each other. Arsé-kun: Minako: Sure, but won't that get confusing..? Sheepy: Child: Then, what do you propose? Arsé-kun: Minako: Well, you're kid Gil, so... Small Gil? Shota Gil? KoGil? Sheepy: Kogil: I like the last one. Sheepy: Kogil: So, from now on, I'll go by KoGil. Arsé-kun: Minako: Kogil it is, then! Sheepy: Kogil: Mhm. I'm the one who originally answered your call. Sheepy: Kogil: But, Goldie has it out for me and shoved me out of the way so I couldn't join you. Arsé-kun: Minako: I think you guys answered it at the same time. It broke the machine. Sheepy: Kogil:...? Sheepy: Kogil: I have a lot of people to apologize to on behalf of Goldie. Arsé-kun: Minako: If you want to. ... *she takes a biscuit and shoves it in her mouth. and offers one to Kogil* Brphkit? Sheepy: Kogil:...OK. Arsé-kun: *Merlin and Lancelot are both watching Kogil. Merlin seems pleased. Lance looks... Kind of confused* Sheepy: Kogil: *He looks over at Lancelot* You, first. Sheepy: Kogil: Sorry for Goldie going after you at every given opportunity. Sheepy: Kogil: Goldie is doing it because you embarrassed him once. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he bows his head to Kogil for a moment, mostly to get his collective shit together* .... I see. .... 'Ccept your apology. Sheepy: Kogil: Great! Also, thank you for freeing me, wizard! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Quite welcome, young king. Sheepy: Kogil: Oh, you know me... Sheepy: Bedi: King? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk- that is Babylonia. He's also called the King of Heroes due to having been one of the earliest heroes of myth. He may or may not let this get to his head. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, I'm aware. Sheepy: Bedi: However, this is a child. So, then... Gilgamesh was a king from the very start...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: That would be correct. Sheepy: Bedi: Then why is the older one such an awful king? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Fantastic king. Awful personality. At least, that he shows. Sheepy: Kogil: It was destiny. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Destiny can kiss the whitest pa- *merlin has a crumpled up napkin thrown at him. This would not be enough to do damage, so it was KoO powered. Shut up merlin* Sheepy: Kogil: ? Arsé-kun: Merlin: *owch. He rubs his head* All right, moving right along now! Sheepy: Kogil:???????? Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot. Please don't throw dirty napkins at Merlin. Clean ones are fine. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... 'Twas clean. Sheepy: Bedi: It's fine then. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... *he crumples up another one and throws it. This one is not KoO powered, and doesn't even make it to Merlin* Arsé-kun: Lance: ....... Disappointing. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to try. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What is this, throw napkins at the wizard day? Sheepy: Satoru: I've never heard of that day. Sheepy: Satoru: Today is bear day. Every day is bear day. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I just made it up, because the wizard- me- is getting napkins thrown at him. Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro said that there's a very special bear day. It's my bearthday. Sheepy: Satoru: But that's far away. Sheepy: Satoru: I think. Sheepy: Satoru: Masato never celebrated it so I'm not really confident what day it is. Sheepy: Satoru: But I want to celebrate throw napkins at wizards day. Arsé-kun: Lance: .............. *he throws another KoO'd napkin at Merlin, maybe a bit too hard.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Are you putting rocks in those things?! Arsé-kun: *this particular "rock" lands near Satoru* Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: *He picks it up* Sheepy: Satoru: *After inspecting it, he lightly tosses it at Merlin.* Arsé-kun: *It behaves like a napkin would, and softly brushes against Merlin. He just kinda watches it* Sheepy: Satoru: I did it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You did it- Sir Lancelot, do not hit me with that entire bag of napkins! Turn that knight of it's mine now off before I die! Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he does not put it down or turn it off. He seems to have other plans, but at least he isn't whaling Merlin with it* Sheepy: Satoru: Knight of it's mine? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Whatever that skill is called! Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, it's just napkins. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he takes Bedi's (metal) arm and holds it out a little. and then gives it a solid WHACK with the bag.* Sheepy: *It knocks the Airgetlam clean off of him!* Sheepy: Bedi:?! Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Bedi is a robot. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... *he turns KoO off and smacks Bedi's other arm. It does as much damage as a bag of napkins, that is to say, nothing* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... You need a hand and an arm, Bedivere? Sheepy: Bedi:...........*He is blankly staring at the fallen Airgetlam....* Sheepy: Satoru: That was his brain. Sheepy: Kogil:...Hellooooo~? Are you alive? Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he bends down to pick it up* Beeeedi~ Sheepy: Bedi: ...Oh. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Sorry. Sheepy: Bedi: It just shook me up a little. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he lightly hits Bedi with the napkins again. he is sorry* Sheepy: Bedi: Really, it's fine... Arsé-kun: Lance: *he puts the napkins down and slightly bows his head. feels bad man* Sheepy: Bedi: You don't have to worry about it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he casually reattaches Airgetlam. experience* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Welcome. Carrying on. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Didn't know that would happen. Meant to just show you what he was referring to... Sheepy: Bedi: Again, it's fine. Sheepy: Bedi: It just startled me... Sheepy: Bedi: It wasn't too heavy for you to carry, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Of course not. Arsé-kun: *sorry lancelot is sorry* Sheepy: Bedi: You didn't pull your back or anything? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No? It's light. Sheepy: Bedi: It's 22 pounds. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Beh. Sheepy: Bedi: Beh? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Fouey. Sheepy: Bedi: Fouey.... Sheepy: Bedi: You've lost me. Sheepy: Satoru: *He gently tugs on Bedi's shirt* It's okay. I found you. Arsé-kun: *and so, Merlin has to define Phooey. and use it in a sentence.* Sheepy: Bedi: Are you being serious? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Huh? Yes! That's a real word! Sheepy: Bedi: No, about it being light. It's 22 pounds. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Was I joking? Sheepy: Bedi:...Probably. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Good call! Sheepy: Satoru: I'm more than 22 pounds. I'm at least 23. Sheepy: Satoru: But people can carry me around just fine. Arsé-kun: Minako: *she looks down to Kogil* Youuuu ready to go? Sheepy: Satoru: Where are you going? Sheepy: Satoru: Wherever you decide to go, I'm still staying with Uncle Bedi and the Wizrad until they go talk to Eiji or Sakura. Once they do that, I'm going to hide. Arsé-kun: Minako: We're just going to go around really quickly! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Have fun. Sheepy: Kogil: Do you think people will instantly dislike me because of Goldie? Arsé-kun: Minako: Possibly, but I hope not. Arsé-kun: *so Minako and Kogil go on their way* Sheepy: Kogil: Who should we speak to first? Arsé-kun: Minako: Whoever is closest! Hey, Emiya! Sheepy: Emiya: What is it? Arsé-kun: *Emiya, you have eyes. Please observe the small child. It's him.* Sheepy: Emiya: If it's to babysit the kid, I already babysit you. No. Arsé-kun: Minako: No, no! Sheepy: Emiya: Then what? Sheepy: Emiya: He looks like Gilgamesh. Sheepy: Kogil: I'm not Goldie but I am Gilgamesh. Sheepy: Emiya: Whatever witchcraft you've partaken in this time, master, leave me out of it. Arsé-kun: Minako: We now have a grand total of two Gils- Hey, I didn't do it! Sheepy: Emiya: Can you get rid of the big one? Sheepy: Emiya: I didn't get summoned to cook for him on a daily basis. Arsé-kun: Minako: No! Anyway, we technically had both of em from the beginning, so not much has changed? Arsé-kun: Minako: And if you threaten to stop cooking again, I hope you like ramen! Sheepy: Emiya: I'm not surviving off of ramen. Sheepy: Emiya: I am taking the role of a teacher. Sheepy: Emiya: ...Actually, the thought of you cooking makes me afraid. Arsé-kun: Minako: We all remember last time. Sheepy: Emiya: Unfortunately. Sheepy: Emiya: As long as you don't act like Gilgamesh, welcome to the team. Arsé-kun: Minako: He doesn't. Speaking of which! Since we got them apart, Gil Prime should be a bit better. I hope. Sheepy: Emiya: Hmm. Sheepy: Emiya: There's no "better" with Gilgamesh. There's just hair gel Gilgamesh and tacky leather jacket Gilgamesh. Arsé-kun: Minako: What's up with that, anyway? Does the jacket mean it's his day off from being king or something? Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Not that it's very different. Sheepy: Emiya: I've heard rumors that there was one master he cared about, but I don't believe them. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'll ask about it eventually. Sheepy: Emiya: Otherwise, he just uses people until they lose their purpose and then throws them away like used rags. Arsé-kun: Minako: Mmmhmmm... *this doesn't seem to be the first time she's heard this* Sheepy: Emiya: .......Again, if I were you, I wouldn't trust him. Arsé-kun: Minako: ... *she makes a mental note to talk to Emiya about his trust issues* Arsé-kun: *BUT NOT NOW* Sheepy: Emiya: If all you wanted as for me to acknowledge his existence, I've done it. Arsé-kun: Minako: Great. When you're done cleaning up, will you take a darn break? Sheepy: Emiya: This is how I spend my breaks. If you took me out to fight more often, I wouldn't have to combat germs to get the same feeling of accomplishment. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey, I can only do that when we've got something to do..! Sheepy: Emiya: Find work, then. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'll check the mission board tomorrow, all right? Sheepy: Emiya: Fine. Sheepy: Kogil: Who next? Arsé-kun: Minako: Uh.. Lets go upstairs and find out. Sheepy: Kogil: Sounds good. Sheepy: *So, they head upstairs.* Arsé-kun: *Things we will now skip: Most of the crew meeting Kogil. A lot of it is repetition. Mephisto decides Kogil is very cute.* Sheepy: Kogil: That's everyone, right? Arsé-kun: Minako: Uh.... I think so? Sheepy: Kogil: I'm sure you have something you want to do, so if it's your desire, I can leave you be, big sis. Arsé-kun: Minako: *big sis?! oDo* I've got nothin'! Sheepy: Kogil: OK! Then let's do something fun. Arsé-kun: *and so, vidya gaes. i guess* Sheepy: Kogil: You're really good at this. Sheepy: Kogil: So I'll learn from you. Arsé-kun: *And now, a timeskip.* Sheepy: Gil: Don't keep me waiting, mongrel! Arsé-kun: Minako: It's been five minutes, mutt! Did you want me to waltz out here without pants? ... Don't answer that! Sheepy: Gil: I don't care if you have pants or not. I'll be the one fighting. Arsé-kun: Minako: Righto. I'd join you, but I doubt you'd allow me to. Sheepy: Gil: What could you even do? Arsé-kun: Minako: Get a weapon and start swinging? Sheepy: Gil: That's not how it works. Arsé-kun: Minako: You'd know better. One day I'll be of more use in fights. Sheepy: Gil: We're here so you can afford to be useless in fights. Arsé-kun: Minako: That makes it sound like it's your only purpose or something! Sheepy: Gil: Your purpose is to entertain me. Sheepy: Gil: Meanwhile, I'm only helping you because I find it amusing. Sheepy: Gil: So make sure to spice things up sometimes or I will grow bored of you, mutt. Sheepy: Gil: Now, do you finally have your pants on so we can go? Arsé-kun: Minako: Yes, Gilgamesh, I have my pants on! Sheepy: Gil: Good. We're going now. Arsé-kun: Minako: We certainly are. Nobody else get into trouble, you hear? Especially you, Mephisto! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: aw man Sheepy: Emiya: I'll deal with anyone who does. Sheepy: *Gil rushes out...* Arsé-kun: Minako: H-hey, wait up! Sheepy: *Gil waits up briefly before going on his way. He's very eager to fight!* Arsé-kun: *Luckily for him, it's a very combat-heavy mission. He gets to clean house on daemons and stuff. Skeletons are dumb, and boring, not important. Will also die.* Sheepy: *Meanwhile, Rider is staring very hard at Merlin. Or he would if he had eyes.* Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile, Merlin's sitting outside, inadvertently making a garden around him. He knows he's being "stared" at but is ignoring it* Sheepy: Rider: *he makes a hand motion across where his neck would be, implying decapitation.* Sheepy: Bedi:...What are you waiting for anyway? Arsé-kun: Merlin: For Chaldea. They said they'd send someone to pick this *he picks up the tupperware sweater ball of protection* up. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah. Did they say when they'd get here? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Just "today". Sheepy: Bedi:....Ah, they sound unreliable. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Being more exact would sound rather creepy. Sheepy: Bedi: Would it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I learned that saying "we'll be here at exact time" and doing so is considered weird. Sheepy: Bedi: You can say, "I'll be there around three"... Sheepy: Bedi: Or whatever time. Sheepy: Bedi: 2:15. 4:30. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Right. And if they're being so vague, then are they sending some kind of ruffian..? Sheepy: Bedi: Possibly. Arsé-kun: Bedi: Perhaps. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... .... *he glances to his left. Bedivere. he glances to his right. Bedivere. What the heck?* All right, which of you knows the last movie I watched? Sheepy: *...The Bedi who was pointing out that it's unreliable not to state a time suddenly gets a wide grin* Sheepy: Not Bedi: *In a very different voice* Probably some porn movie, knowing you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wow, you really have a lot of faith in me, Yan! Also, you're wrong. Sheepy: Bedi: Sword in the Stone. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Have I told you today that I love you? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't think so. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I have now! Sheepy: Yan: *Poof! Not Bedi has become Yan Qing* Ahaha! I've come to collect! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Just you? No babysitter? Sheepy: Yan: Mmm, he's probably around here somewhere. Sheepy: Bedi:...Um. Sheepy: Bedi: Why did he look like Lucan? Sheepy: Bedi: Except, with Airgetlam... ... So maybe me...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: It was indeed you. Anyways. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Bedi, this is Yan Qing. He works with Chaldea for extractions and infiltrations, as well as doing that to people. Sheepy: Bedi: So then, why was he calling himself unreliable? Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he shrugs* Yan, this is my boyfriend, Bedivere. Imitate him again and you'll be back in the throne of heroes before you know it. Sheepy: Yan: Eh?! Sheepy: Yan: You can't trust an outlaw like me not to mess with a clean cut guy like you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Me? Clean cut? *he laughs* Said the outlaw to the incubus! Sheepy: Yan: You were born that way. I chose my way. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And you chose to be a little shit. Sheepy: Yan: Choose fast what piece of me you get when you send me to the throne of heroes because the headless guy has already placed dibs on my head. With locks like these and a face that makes all the women fawn over me, why wouldn't he want it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: You know, I might consider getting you laid if you'd shut your mouth. Sheepy: Yan: Eh? What's keeping me from that is opening my mouth in the first place. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Isn't that counterproductive? Sheepy: Yan: It's not all about looks. It's about if they love you for you. Sheepy: Yan: That's my love advice for you. Remember it well. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I literally just told you I have a boyfriend! Sheepy: Yan: Any more love advice will cost you a salary's worth. This is just a free sample. Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he's arrived, meanwhile, and he's just standing behind Yan. Press X to disapprove of Yan talking* Sheepy: Yan: You remember that advice too, lady. Arsé-kun: Merlin: He's a guy! Sheepy: Rider: *he looks over at Tepes* Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he looks back* .... Sheepy: Yan: Ah, so he's the boyfriend you meant. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You literally just turned into him..! Did you not register he's a man..?! Sheepy: Rider:....*he gestures to Merlin and Yan, and then makes a decapitation hand motion again* Sheepy: Yan: Eh? Well... Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he shakes his head while gesturing to Merlin. points to Yan and shrugs* Sheepy: Yan: Not really? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Fair enough. Sheepy: Yan: I don't know, I don't really register that stuff. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Are you done yet? I would like to return back to my wife. Sheepy: Yan: Then go return to your wife. I've got allll day. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I'm not part of the extraction team. You have to do it or you won't get paid. Sheepy: Yan: Uhuh. And I'll do it. Sheepy: Yan: Later. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Are you? Sheepy: Yan: I'm an outlaw. Why expect an outlaw to follow a fit schedule? Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he picks up the ORB OF PROTECTION.* I don't. I expect to be paid for your job. Sheepy: Yan: Oi, I'm going to return it. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Are you? Sheepy: Yan: I am. Arsé-kun: *And then the front door swings open. It's Vlad, and he looks downright Angry* Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... Ah. Isn't it a bit early for you to be up-? Sheepy: Yan: Ah, this looks fun! Arsé-kun: Vlad: Get the hell off my property, rotten bloodstain! Sheepy: Yan: Nobody is getting off of anybody's property 'til I get the thing to return. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Ignoring that. Pardon my intrusion, Berserker. I will be leaving momentarily. Sheepy: Yan: I'm not missing out on my fair share of the cash because your paws were the ones holding it when it was returned. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Then get your ass off the grass before it's buried. Sheepy: Yan: *he stands* You've always nagging people. How are you ever happy like this? Arsé-kun: Tepes: It amuses me. Sheepy: Yan: Life is about taking everything one step at a time. Sheepy: *Someone tugs at Tepes's shirt..* Arsé-kun: Tepes: ...? Sheepy: *It's Satoru!* Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Well. Good morning, little one. *he bends down to pat Satoru's head, but stops when Vlad growls. Loudly.* Sheepy: Satoru: I'm Satoru. You look like my dad. Who are you? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Your...? *he looks at Vlad again, and back* Well, I'd be your honorary uncle, then- Sheepy: *Satoru is blissfully unaware of Vlad's strong dislike of Tepes...* Arsé-kun: Vlad: No you are not! Sheepy: Satoru:...OK! Arsé-kun: Tepes: Calling us both Vlad would be moderately confusing, so you may call me Tepes. *he's decided to ignore Vlad's growling, tucking the ORB under his arm.* Sheepy: Satoru: Nice to meet you, Uncle Tepes. Sheepy: Rider: ........ Sheepy: *Rider is slowly closing the distance...* Arsé-kun: Tepes: You as well. Sheepy: Satoru: The headless guy is Rider. He's been mean recently. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Do tell me that you do not mean he is violent. Sheepy: Satoru: No, he's not. Sheepy: Satoru: None of my friends hurt me on purpose, but sometimes Lobo does on accident. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Then why approach? Do you intend to tell me something? Sheepy: Satoru: No, you look like my dad so I like you. Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... Run that by me again? Your what? Sheepy: Satoru: My dad. Vlad is my dad. Arsé-kun: *Tepes looks at Vlad in surprise. Vlad puffs up with pride. He did it. He is the father figure.* Sheepy: Satoru: He's really strong and protects me from those who hurt me. He's a very good dad. Why do you seem surprised? Arsé-kun: Tepes: That's.. Very impressive for us, actually. So different from the bloodthirsty monster he is. Arsé-kun: *Vlad frowns at the last part, but doesn't complain. He'll take the compliment. For now.* Sheepy: Satoru: He's not a bloodthirsty monster. Bloodthirsty monsters don't make Halloween outfits for dogs. Sheepy: Satoru: So he's changed. Arsé-kun: Tepes: he what Sheepy: Satoru: He's changed. Arsé-kun: Tepes: No, no, before that. Sheepy: Satoru: He makes Halloween costumes for Lobo. Lobo is so big. Sheepy: Satoru: *he outstretches his arms as much as he can* Lobo is this big. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Since I doubt I can go near, do tell him for me that I applaud his improvements. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Tepes says that be applauds your improvements, Dad. I don't really get it but he does. Arsé-kun: Vlad: So I heard. *he then turns and leaves. It's too early for this.* Sheepy: Satoru: Bye, Dad. Arsé-kun: *Speaking of "bye", both Yan and Merlin have run off somewhere* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, your friend left without you... sorry. Sheepy: Lobo: *he pops his head out of the door. why was vlad out here?* Sheepy: Satoru: There he is. He's so tall. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo, can you find Uncle Tepes's friend? Sheepy: Lobo: ? Sheepy: Satoru: He has long hair and a dragon. Sheepy: Lobo: ? ? Sheepy: Satoru: He had green eyes. Sheepy: Lobo: ? ? ? Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks Tepes over* Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he avoids eye contact* Sheepy: Satoru: Sorry, it doesn't seem like Lobo wants to help. Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he idly floats in, moderately bored and looking around* Yoohoo, it's clown hour. Is anything happening in here? Sheepy: Yan: *he looks to Mephisto and grins.* Clown hour? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: The clown is in. You the only person in here? Sheepy: Yan: Mhm. I don't know where Merlin went. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: To wizard land? I don't know. You wanna mess with people? Sheepy: Yan: I was going to mess with people with Merlin, but you're a good enough replacement. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: :D ! Arsé-kun: *there is now a disturbance in the force. it's these two* Sheepy: Yan: Here, here. Sheepy: Yan: Watch, I'll spice things up. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Go on ahead! Sheepy: *Poof! Yan is Mephisto now!* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: How exciting this is! Sheepy: Yan: Ahaha, we should mess with someone. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh, certainly! But how shall we go about this? Sheepy: Yan: No idea. Arsé-kun: *they take a few minutes to brainstorm a Plan* Sheepy: Yan: Nope, I've got nothing. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hmm! This is harder than it should be! *he turns upside down. he has turned his frown upside down* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: We can get around being out of character by saying nothing at all! Sheepy: Yan: Good idea. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Thank you! Sheepy: Yan: Let's enter a room and do it. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Yes, lets! You go first! Sheepy: *Yan chooses a room at random!* Arsé-kun: *The room entered has Liz. And anyone else you want* Arsé-kun: *and apparently tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: *he is busy playing the harp....* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she's watching him intently* Sheepy: Yan: *stare...* Sheepy: *There's a huge grin plastered on Yan's face....* Sheepy: Tristan: *he finishes* Are there any other songs you want to hear? Arsé-kun: Eliza: Could you play the one you were playing for Wolfy? Arsé-kun: *Mephisto quietly joins Yan, grinning also* Sheepy: Tristan: The dog? Arsé-kun: Eliza: No, that's Lobo! Sheepy: Tristan: Then whom? Arsé-kun: Eliza: Wolfgang? The composer guy. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, him. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. I can play that one. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Thaaaank youuu! Sheepy: *Tristan begins to play the song! Arsé-kun: *Nobody interrupts. Troublemaking has been put on pause* Arsé-kun: *The MOMENT Tristan is done, Mephisto moves in to pull on Eliza's hair.* Sheepy: *Yan decides to come into Liz's line of vision to make Mephisto's next action more concerning.* Arsé-kun: *Which happens to be hugging her from the side. While this would normally be acceptable to Elizabeth, the fact that Mephisto is Right There is a detractor* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. I smell something odd. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Why's there two of you?! Whose idea was this?! Sheepy: Yan: Ours, clearly! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That's all you're getting from us! Sheepy: Tristan: Hm. Your voice is annoying. Sheepy: Tristan: It grates on my very soul. Sheepy: Tristan: My heart cries out for an escape. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I'll give you one along with them if they keep this up! Sheepy: Tristan: Will you? Sheepy: Tristan: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I'll sing at you awful cows! Right here, right now! Arsé-kun: *Mephisto looks to Yan. Should they chance it?* Sheepy: Tristan: I would like to hear you sing. Sheepy: Yan: *UHHHH* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Okay, let me warm up really quickly! Sheepy: Yan: *OH NO* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *IT'S TIME TO LEAVE!* Sheepy: *The two flee!* Arsé-kun: *and right into a more occupied room. It's awkward for a moment* Sheepy: Yan: ........... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ........... *he grins and resumes causing trouble, moving closer to Yan and making faces* Sheepy: Kogil: Is everyone a clown around here? Arsé-kun: Andersen: No, but I'm perfectly willing to die now. Sheepy: Kogil: Something about him makes me feel very unsafe. Arsé-kun: Andersen: And that's just one of them. Looking at two gives me a headache. Sheepy: Kogil: They're staring pretty hard... Arsé-kun: Andersen: Say something, damn it! Sheepy: Yan: ............... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .................. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I now wish I was killed by that sword the other day. What kind of hell is this? Sheepy: Kogil: Maybe we should find someone who's good at dealing with clowns. Sheepy: Kogil: Enkidu should be good at that, considering he's friends with Goldie. Arsé-kun: Andersen: He's more of a court jester than a clown. One of these is certainly a clown... The other is just embracing the title. Not sure which is which. Sheepy: Kogil: Ask them nosy questions to find out. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I would, but their current silence doesn't make me very willing. Maybe neither of them is the real one. Sheepy: Kogil: Hmm.. okay. Sheepy: Kogil: Maybe one is an assassin who has come to kill Minako, so he muted Mephisto in order to erase a witness. Sheepy: Kogil:...No, any assassin who'd disguise himself as a clown wouldn't go after Minako. He'd have bigger fish to fry. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Right out. Mephisto wouldn't go with it under any circumstances. Sheepy: Kogil: So then maybe it's a prank? Arsé-kun: Andersen: That's the most in-character. Sheepy: Kogil: If that's the case, they can keep staring. Arsé-kun: Andersen: They sure can. I'm going to ignore them. Sheepy: Kogil: Good idea. Sheepy: *Yan quickly grows bored...* Arsé-kun: *As does Mephisto....* Sheepy: Yan: *he changes back* Way to take the fun out of it. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That didn't work at all. Sheepy: Yan: What now? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Find something better to do. Go harass someone else. Sheepy: Yan: Ugh... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Maaaan! Sheepy: Yan: But I might be picked up soon and the fun hasn't even began. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Quickly! Go annoy the others before word gets around! Sheepy: Yan: Shoot, I need to think of ideas... Sheepy: *Yan becomes Sherlock and goes to harass Mori.* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Get out. Sheepy: Yan: Eh? Why? Sheepy: Yan: Is a friendly meeting between rivals really impossible? Arsé-kun: Mori: Absolutely. Sheepy: Yan: You crush my heart. Sheepy: Yan: In a way, you're running away from your problems by actively avoiding me. Sheepy: Sherlock: Ahaha, I agree completely. Arsé-kun: Mori: Excuse me...? *he looks up and looks downright horrified* Out! Sheepy: Sherlock: No, no, now that you're involved, I'd like you to know. Which do you think is the real one? Sheepy: Yan: Ah, good idea. Since you are so hateful of my face, certainly, you must know the identity of the one you hate. Arsé-kun: Mori: I think I'd rather die about now. Sheepy: Yan: If you don't, you have no excuse to complain about my presence if I wear something over my face. Sheepy: Sherlock: Even a fake mustache would change my appearance enough, I'd think. Sheepy: Yan: Or maybe I could grow out a real one. What do you think? Arsé-kun: Mori: .... *he puts his head in his hands* Take a wild guess of why I don't want to talk to either of you. Sheepy: Yan: Because of Reichenbach. Sheepy: Sherlock: Because you tried to murder me and I defended myself? Sheepy: Sherlock: It's fine. I understand. It was wrong of me to protect myself. Sheepy: Yan: Yes, it would've been more socially acceptable to let you murder me. Sheepy: Yan: I was very rude. My apologies. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he glances up and squints* No, but that did not help at all. Sheepy: Sherlock: Then why? Arsé-kun: Mori: Do you think I'll simply tell you? Arsé-kun: Mori: Who do you think I am? An open person? Sheepy: Sherlock: It adds more intrigue if you don't tell me. Do you want me nosing into your reasons? Arsé-kun: Mori: Go ahead. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll only keep nagging you and snooping around for answers if you don't give me the reason. Arsé-kun: Mori: You're the real one. Sheepy: Yan: ...Ah. Sheepy: *Yan turns back!* Sheepy: Yan: It was fun while it lasted. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Now, why did you take my face and who are you? Sheepy: Yan: That's a secret. Arsé-kun: Mori: Not for long. Sheepy: Yan: Huh? Arsé-kun: Mori: Holmes? Sheepy: Sherlock: That was a trick question, Yan Qing. Arsé-kun: Mori: Did you have your fun, Assassin of Shinjuku? Sheepy: Yan: Ahah. Archer of Shinjuku, you act so formal. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'll take that as a yes. What business do you have here? Arsé-kun: Mori: If it's an assassination, I'll have to stop you. Unless it's Holmes. And even then, I'm under obligations to do something about it. Sheepy: Yan: Actually, I don't know if you knew about it, but in your household was a very, very dangerous possession. Sheepy: Yan: Capable of even making Gilgamesh go berserk, whatever that means. Arsé-kun: Mori: Ah, that. Yes, I was informed. Why, are you lost? Sheepy: Yan: No, but I lost Merlin. Arsé-kun: Mori: You lost a technicolor wizard. Sheepy: Yan: He disappeared. Arsé-kun: Mori: So instead of asking like a normal person, you did that. Sheepy: Yan: I was having fun. Arsé-kun: Mori: I see. Sheepy: Yan: Which is a concept that you should learn! Arsé-kun: Mori: I did have my own fun. Did you not realize the size of the house? Sheepy: Yan: Nah, not really. Arsé-kun: Mori: Go look again. Sheepy: Yan: Like, I noticed it, but I didn't care. Arsé-kun: Mori: I may have stolen an entire house. Sheepy: Yan: Cool, cool. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he strides in, wearing completely different clothes. of absolutely no note is his tshirt, which just says "SLUT" on it* There you are! Sheepy: Yan: Hey. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hey. Sheepy: Yan: Nice shirt. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Thanks. I think it sums me up pretty nicely. Sheepy: Yan: Wow. Are there any other boyfriends or girlfriends I should know about before I accidentally disguise myself as them and give you reason to kill me? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Actually, yes. Come on. *he grabs Yan's arm* Sheepy: *Yan follows* Sheepy: Yan: Whom? Arsé-kun: *and so, Yan is half dragged to Lance and Guin, who are doing their own thing.* Sheepy: Yan: You're dating a couple who's dating? ... OK. Sheepy: Guin: ...What're you saying about us, Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No, nono no! That's not what I meant at all! *he pulls on Yan's arm* Don't be either of them, 'cause the other one will probably kill you! Sheepy: Yan: Oh. Okay. Sheepy: Yan: Good to know. Sheepy: Guin: ...? Arsé-kun: Lance: ....?? Sheepy: Yan: Don't worry about it. Arsé-kun: Lance: *that served to concern him More* Sheepy: Yan: It's nothing. Sheepy: Guin: What is going on? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm setting down the rules for who he's not allowed to pretend to be. Sheepy: Guin: I see. Pretend to be Satoru and I'll crush you where you stand. Arsé-kun: Merlin: N-noted! Sheepy: Yan: Ahaha....... okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: Do not... Be my master, either. I may lose my temperrr... Sheepy: Yan: You two are pretty picky. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he growls* Sheepy: Yan: Hey, calm down. It's a joke. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I am calm. Sheepy: Yan:...Sure. Arsé-kun: Merlin: All right, lets move on! Sheepy: Yan: Right. Arsé-kun: *they move on* Arsé-kun: *And by Move On, I mean Merlin drags Yan back outside* Sheepy: Haku: ...Oh, there he is. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Are you quite done messing around? Sheepy: Yan: Aww~ But I had such fun... Arsé-kun: Tepes: I'm glad you had fun on your playdate. Now can we go? Sheepy: Yan: Ahah, outlaws don't have playdates. Arsé-kun: *in the background, Vlad is back at the door. And still very unhappy* Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he notices this* .. We don't have the time for this. Sheepy: Yan: We don't? Sheepy: Haku: ...Who's that? Did you make them mad, Yan Qing? Sheepy: Yan: Why do you blame me? No, it's Tepes. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Recall how it was mentioned there was a second of myself..? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Don't worry, his violent rage would be directly purely towards myself. Himself? Confusing matter. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Either way, he is not at all permitted to meet y- *and then Tepes is shoved into a bush by Vlad* Sheepy: Haku: Tepes? Arsé-kun: Vlad: You met my son, I meet your wife. It's completely fair, you unshaven sadsack. Sheepy: Haku: ...But you have a mustache and beard too. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I at least take care of it. Pardoning that, I, like him, am Vlad Tepes. A pleasure to meet you, dear lady. Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he looks her over for a moment or so* I can see why he likes you so. Don't let him do anything stupid. *with that, it's time to go back inside* Sheepy: Satoru: He can't be you because you're right here. Arsé-kun: Vlad: It's complicated. Sheepy: Satoru: That's what Auntie Guin always says when I ask why Sakura left. Sheepy: Haku: "Don't let him do anything stupid..." ... *she mumbles something along the lines of, "He already is by trying so hard for me" and then turns to the bush Tepes was pushed into.* Sheepy: Haku: Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Yes. Slightly frustrated because I heard that, but fine. Sheepy: Haku: You could've been summoned by a ton of different happy people out there but instead you chose me. I'll never understand your choice. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I chose you because I like you. It's like how you like leather chairs. How do you tolerate them? Sheepy: Haku: Because I like them. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Then no judging my tastes. Sheepy: Haku: I guess. Sheepy: *There's harp music...* Arsé-kun: Tepes: There you are, Tristan. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, you spotted me. I was hoping to imitate Sir Bedivere's stealth capabilities, but it appears that I've failed. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Playing your harp is not stealthy. Sheepy: Tristan: ?! Sheepy: Tristan: Once again, I have abandoned my duty. Sheepy: Tristan: I bring no meaning with my presence. I wandered here on a whim. Sheepy: Tristan:...Perhaps, I have gotten too comfortable, and as a punishment for my failure to protect her, I should leave once more... Arsé-kun: Tepes: I understand. I'm not going to make you leave. Sheepy: Tristan: Since my reason to be summoned was only that, and since I could not, it is cruel to enjoy the reward of a new opportunity. Sheepy: Tristan: I am a coward. I cannot return. Arsé-kun: Tepes: No. Things out of our control are going to happen. It is what it is. As well, it is good for you to socialize with others. Sheepy: Tristan: ... Arsé-kun: Tepes: Stay here. Sheepy: Tristan: You're treating me so well. I don't understand... Arsé-kun: Tepes: You did your best and no one blames you for what happened. Except for yourself, apparently. Sheepy: Tristan: I didn't do my best. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Stop that. You absolutely did. If you hadn't, it would have ended worse. Sheepy: Tristan: It's not a grab for pity. It's the truth. Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... Haku, Yan, go back without me. I'm going to stay put for a bit. Sheepy: Haku: Are you sure? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Certainly. *he puts the ORB in Yan's hands* Go get paid, you moron. Sheepy: Yan: Thanks. I'll give you a little. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Wonderful. Sheepy: Haku: Try not to stay out too late. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I won't, dear. Sheepy: Haku: Good. I'd get worried otherwise. Sheepy: *Yan and Haku head back..* Sheepy: Tristan:...? Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he sits down and pats the grass next to him* Do sit down. Sheepy: *Tristan sits next to him* Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... While you may not have done your best, letting it continue to bother you is not going to make it better. Sheepy: Tristan:..But... Arsé-kun: Tepes: No buts. Arsé-kun: Tepes: You let things bother you years after they've past. Let it go. Sheepy: Tristan:... Sheepy: Tristan: They haunt me. Sheepy: Tristan: I know if I had done something differently everything would have worked out well. Arsé-kun: Tepes: And it happens. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Being bothered by past mistakes is not unusual at all, no matter the cause. It is only an issue when it actively affects you... Which it does, yes? Sheepy: Tristan:...Yes. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Then that is a problem. Sheepy: Tristan:...Yes, but what can I do about it? Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... Uhm. That is an excellent question. Sheepy: Tristan: There is nothing. Sheepy: Tristan: There is nothing but punishment and deprevation. Arsé-kun: Tepes: No, no, don't be like that. It won't end if you accept it like this. Sheepy: Tristan: But what can I do but punish myself? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Let it go. Sheepy: Tristan: It's harder than you seem to think. Arsé-kun: Tepes: You're telling me. I'm not called Vlad the Impaler for fun, you know. Sheepy: Tristan: I've committed the same crimes you have. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Not for the same reasons. I did what I did out of my own desire. You did not. Sheepy: Tristan:..........At this point, I don't know. Arsé-kun: Tepes: That may take time to work out. I can assist in lessening the pain, but I cannot take it away. Sheepy: Tristan: I wanted to right my past mistakes then. But slaughtering townspeople... listening to her wholly... betraying my best friend, was it the answer? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Perhaps, or perhaps not. Did it end on a favorable note? As well... It is a singularity you refer to, yes? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Then all the people you killed would be fine. No harm, no foul. Sheepy: Tristan: ...Really? Arsé-kun: Tepes: I believe so. I may be wrong, and I apologize if I am. Sheepy: Tristan: ...I see. Sheepy: Tristan: I saw Mayumi as the same way. Sheepy: Tristan: A way to right my past wrongs. Sheepy: Tristan: I abandoned King Arthur because of his inability to understand the common person. Sheepy: Tristan: My words shook Sir Lancelot up very badly. Next thing I know... two of my close friends despise each other, the king is having a war with his son, my best friend's brother is dead, and I'm in love with a woman who was never mine to love. Sheepy: Tristan: Surely, I should have been there dealing with those problems than dealing with my love life. Sheepy: Tristan: Mayumi was an opportunity to show me that if I make all of the right decisions, the one I swore my loyalty to wouldn't die. Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... I wouldn't know. It was your life. If you want to right your wrongs so much, why not simply try to even out the score? Sheepy: Tristan: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Tepes: I mean, lets say something is bothering you. Like... Having left Arthur. Now, to correct this mistake, you would want to apologize to them, yes? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: Tepes: After that, the wrong would be cancelled out by having done the right thing. Sheepy: Tristan:...Yes. Sheepy: Tristan: But...I don't know where he is. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Nor do I. I may be able to do something with the connections I have from Haku's position, but I don't know. Sheepy: Tristan: I have heard rumors of him working at this eatery, but upon arriving, the chef who called himself King Arthur was not King Arthur. Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... Ah, the other one. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lucan was there as well, but... Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lucan... it's complicated. Sheepy: Tristan: His brother is my closest friend, but... Arsé-kun: Tepes: If there was a wrong done, what could you do to fix it? Sheepy: Tristan: Apologizing doesn't work here. Sheepy: Tristan: I... Sheepy: Tristan: Well, damaged his brain. Arsé-kun: Tepes: But was it intentional? Sheepy: Tristan: During a fight King Arthur coordinated. I have narcolepsy. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Then I would not blame yourself so harshly. Even today that is still difficult to deal with. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes, but he still actively avoids me even now. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Fair, I suppose. Has an effort been made to explain that it was not intended personally? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Then give it time. Sheepy: Tristan: He is aware of this. Sheepy: Tristan:...How is Mayumi doing? Sheepy: Tristan: I want to visit her... but I'm afraid. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Still alive. Her health has been rather stable, but there have been a few small dips. Have you been taking care of yourself? Sheepy: Tristan:...No. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Boy... Take care of yourself before someone does it for you, and trust me that is humiliating. Sheepy: Tristan: You have experience? Arsé-kun: Tepes: In humiliation? Certainly. Sheepy: Tristan: In being taken care of. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Sure. I've gotten a bit greedy in battle before and ended up in a bad place. Sheepy: Tristan: I see. Are you sure it wasn't to have Haku shed her outer, "I don't actually care about you or anything" personality? Arsé-kun: Tepes: .... I'm almost offended by that statement. No, it was not. She wasn't always like that. ... Enough about me, though. Sheepy: Tristan: She wasn't? Arsé-kun: Tepes: She wasn't. Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... We're about to be cut short. Perhaps now is the time to stop. Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? Arsé-kun: *Tepes stands up, and tosses the incoming Vlad into the bushes* Arsé-kun: Tepes: I've overstayed my welcome. Sheepy: Tristan: Then...make sure to visit again. I want to be at Mayumi's side again, but right now I don't think I'm emotionally prepared. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be there when she awakens. ... Safe travels back home, anyway. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Thank you. Vlad, if you bite him, I'll take your fangs out with my bare hands. Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, it's the other one. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I'll consider it. Sheepy: Tristan: Well, thank you. Sheepy: Tristan: Once again, safe travels, and please... ... ... please...... Sheepy: Tristan:...................... Sheepy: Tristan:..................*his head droops a little...* Arsé-kun: *Tepes and Vlad exchange looks. Without anything being said, Vlad picks up Tristan and goes to bring him in while Tepes leaves* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, you brought the harp guy in. Is he dead? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Fell asleep. Did I miss anything? Sheepy: Satoru: Not really. Sheepy: Satoru: I like Tepes. He seems nice. Arsé-kun: Vlad: .... I guess. Sheepy: Satoru: But like you more. Sheepy: Satoru: Why don't you want me around him? If he's you, do you not want me around you either? Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... We don't get along. I don't want anyone in the crossfire. Sheepy: Satoru: ...? Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he drops Tristan on the sofa* Carmilla! I'm going! Get up here before I leave without you! Sheepy: *Carmilla comes upstairs* Sheepy: Carmilla: Geez, what's up with you? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Bad experience. Don't care if it's too early. Lets go. Sheepy: Carmilla: You're like some lady who eats ice cream when they're stressed. Arsé-kun: Vlad: You'd know better on that topic than I would. Sheepy: Carmilla: I guess it's nice to get it out of the way... Sheepy: Satoru: Bye. Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he pats Satoru's head and exits. bye* Sheepy: *Carmilla follows Vlad* Arsé-kun: *While this is happening, I feel it is worth noting that Elizabeth has wings. This seems to be forgotten a lot (by me) despite the fact that she keeps them out. Oh, yeah, and she's following them* Sheepy: Carmilla: What're your plans today? Arsé-kun: Vlad: The same as they are every night. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Try and take over the world? Sheepy: Carmilla: Eh? You followed? Arsé-kun: Eliza: Yes! *she gives Carmilla her best, award winning, fanged smile* Sheepy: Carmilla: Oh, cool. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Just don't run off. I'll get you a leash if I have to. Sheepy: Carmilla: My question, also, is where we're going. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Where do you think? Sheepy: Carmilla: Camping site? Arsé-kun: Vlad: We can check there too. Sheepy: Carmilla: Then where? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Some of the alleys. Maybe head inside if we need to. Sheepy: Carmilla: Sure. Arsé-kun: *so they start heading for the campgrounds* Sheepy: Carmilla: Hmm. Robin is at home sleeping so... Arsé-kun: Vlad: So there's no chance of accidentally jumping him. Sheepy: Carmilla: Yes. Sheepy: Carmilla: What's bugging you anyway? Arsé-kun: Vlad: The Lancer version of myself was present. Arsé-kun: Vlad: .... I don't feel like cleaning up the line between things I've said and the truth. Sheepy: Carmilla: Hmm. Sheepy: Carmilla: Just don't bring that up with him, silly. Sheepy: Carmilla: And if he's rude to you, I'll maul him. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I didn't mean to him. Sheepy: Carmilla: Huh? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Never mind. Sheepy: Carmilla: To Satoru? You think he cares? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Do you care? Sheepy: Carmilla: Nope. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Oh. Well then. Sheepy: Carmilla: What is a lie? Sheepy: Carmilla: A lie isn't necessarily something that doesn't reflect reality. Arsé-kun: Vlad: It was in that case. Sheepy: Carmilla: If everyone believes what you say, technically, it becomes a "truth". Sheepy: Carmilla: Even if it's fake. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Unfortunately. Sheepy: Carmilla: So why should I care about if you lie? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Because I need to stop doing it. Sheepy: Carmilla: I can slap you every time you lie. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Okay, maybe not that. Sheepy: Carmilla: So picky... Arsé-kun: Vlad: Use your nails. That'll leave a mark. Sheepy: Carmilla: OK! Arsé-kun: Vlad: Lets start with how I said I wasn't a vampire as a Lancer. ... Absolutely was. Still hated it. Sheepy: Carmilla: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... And we forgot about Elizabeth. Sheepy: Carmilla: ..Oh. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Oops. Sheepy: Carmilla: Eliza! Where are you?? ... Also, Vlad, you haven't eaten! Arsé-kun: Vlad: I know that. Sheepy: Carmilla: Go eat before I kick your butt. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I'd love to. Do you see people? No? Great. I'm not drinking a squirrel dry. It takes too much work. Sheepy: Carmilla: You're really bad at planning things. Look, here's what we'll do. We'll find Eliza, skedaddle home, and see if the other servants will let us feed on them. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Unless we get lucky, but fine. Sheepy: Carmilla: Gramps is probably banned but everyone else should be okay. Sheepy: Carmilla:...Now that I think about it, the favoritism kinda hurts. Arsé-kun: Vlad: No, no, I understand why. ... And if I do, I'll be shot. Sheepy: Carmilla: Yeah, but you're second favorite. Sheepy: Carmilla: You can't complain about favoritism. Sheepy: Carmilla: ...And then Lobo's third. But I came third... Arsé-kun: Vlad: I entered his life second. At least you aren't last. Sheepy: Carmilla: Yeah, at least I'm not Robin and currently Rider. Sheepy: Carmilla:...Wait, Eliza, right! Elizaaa! Where are youu? Arsé-kun: Eliza: *from far away* I found karaoke! Sheepy: Carmilla: So food?? Arsé-kun: Vlad: oh my god Sheepy: Carmilla: Karaoke means food right Arsé-kun: Vlad: Well, there are people... We'll have to be careful. Sheepy: Carmilla: I guess. Let's go, at least to get Eliza. Arsé-kun: Vlad: m-hm. Sheepy: *they go to karaoke!* Arsé-kun: *Thankfully, nothing is on fire. Liz is on stage singing and dancing, having the time of her life. People are watching her and throwing stuff on stage. This is notable because nothing is being thrown AT her. She's not the greatest singer, sure, but she's better than half the people who come into this neon-lit hellhole. Oh, yeah, and there's a dazed security guard.* Sheepy: Carmilla: Seems like she already got to the security guard....aaah, I'm hungry... Sheepy: Carmilla: Wh Sheepy: Carmilla: Why is everyone doing that? Sheepy: Carmilla: Should I join in? Arsé-kun: Vlad: That wouldn't be very subtle of you. Sheepy: Carmilla: ...True. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... We'll start in the back. Take a strangler or two. Sheepy: Carmilla: Good idea. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I see where I am going to start. Do you? Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... No? Good luck. *he slips away, aiming for the back* Sheepy: Carmilla: Heyheyhey, I never said no! But those people are probably greasy...! Arsé-kun: Vlad: Suffer. Sheepy: Carmilla: You're greasy like them, you can't complain! Sheepy: Carmilla: Personality wise at least! Sheepy: Carmilla: I don't know nor care if you physically are greasy. I haven't paid close enough attention nor do I want to. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ..... *he comes back* It could be so much worse, you know. Sheepy: Carmilla: Whaddya mean? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Nastier. More gross. Just find someone before you starve. Sheepy: Carmilla: Fiiiine... Sheepy: *Carmilla goes and feeds.* Arsé-kun: *As does Vlad* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Miss Carmilla! I didn't know you came here! Sheepy: Carmilla: I don't, I actually followed you here because I was concerned when you up and disappeared. Arsé-kun: Eliza: You guys said hunt for food, so I did! Sheepy: Carmilla: Yeah, but..... Sheepy: Carmilla: Say something next time, okay? Arsé-kun: Eliza: Aw, okay! Sheepy: Carmilla: Don't sound so disappointed. You helped. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I helped? Did I help Uncle Vlad, too? Sheepy: Carmilla: Did she help you, Vlad? Arsé-kun: *Vlad has not quietly approached the group to liste- Oh, there he is. He came because he heard his name.* Sheepy: Carmilla: There you are. Sheepy: Carmilla: Did she? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I wasn't done... *he wipes his mouth with his sleeve* Did she what? Sheepy: Carmilla: Help you. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I suppose so, yes. Sheepy: Carmilla: Okay. Go, shoo, finish your business. Arsé-kun: *Vlad leaves, tailing someone..* Arsé-kun: *and comes back about twenty minutes later, trying not to drain anyone in his way. Bloodlust+berserker=bad. berserker+understanding when to stop=good* Sheepy: Carmilla: You didn't kill anyone, right? Arsé-kun: Vlad: .... I don't think so. Sheepy: Carmilla: ... Think? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Not right now I'm not. Sheepy: Carmilla: Now let's head home before people worry about us. Arsé-kun: Vlad: M-hm. Sheepy: *So they begin to head home!* Sheepy: Carmilla:... ... ... Hey, do you hear that? Arsé-kun: Vlad: ..... I don't want to. Sheepy: Carmilla: What is it? Sheepy: Carmilla: It sounds awful... do we have to go that way? Arsé-kun: Eliza: I'm not! Not until it stops! Sheepy: Carmilla: What do we do? Arsé-kun: Eliza: Go around? Sheepy: Carmilla: Good idea, let's try that. Arsé-kun: *attempt made. did not help* Sheepy: Carmilla:...Let's call home and see if they know about this. Arsé-kun: Eliza: ... Good idea. *and so, she calls home!* Sheepy: Satoru: Hello? Is this pizza? Uncle Mozzy is dead and we didn't order pizza so you need to call back later. Arsé-kun: Eliza: N-no? This is Elizabeth! Uncle Vlad and Aunt Carmilla are here, too! Sheepy: Satoru: It's not pizza? Arsé-kun: Eliza: No, this isn't pizza! Sheepy: Satoru: That's okay. Pizza is expensive and I don't like it anyway. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy is dead and so is everyone else at this point. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Why? And what is that noise?! Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like pizza or delivery food because it was Masato's solution to dinner when Sakura wasn't home. Sheepy: Satoru: Unless you mean why everyone is dead. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Yeah, that! Sheepy: Satoru: It's Uncle Mozzy's song. Arsé-kun: Eliza: That's no song! Sheepy: Satoru: Everyone liked it so much that they died. Arsé-kun: Eliza: They better not be dead! Sheepy: Satoru: It's loud but otherwise okay. Sheepy: Satoru: If you shake a dead person they come back to life, like Cu. Arsé-kun: Eliza: And I thought I was tonedeaf! Sheepy: Satoru: Tone death? Sheepy: Satoru: Everyone is tone death. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Just... Just work on making the noise stop! Sheepy: Satoru: Wake up, Cu. That's no place to die. Where's Cu's on switch? Shaking him isn't working. Sheepy: Satoru: Usually it's on the back, right? Sheepy: Satoru: Also, I got close to it and found it deeply disturbing. Arsé-kun: Eliza: ... Uncle Vlad says it'd be a bad time for us to come in, then. Sheepy: Satoru: Cu stuck things in my ears before dying so the noise isn't too bad. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Lucky you. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know how to turn it off and Uncle Mozzy is dead. Arsé-kun: Eliza: So you need someone stubborn enough... Make Gilgamesh do it! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Gilgamesh, turn off the thingy. Arsé-kun: *Except Gil isn't present in that room. Gotta find him.* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, I need to find him. Good night. I hope you find a nice place to stay now that you're moving out until it's a good time, Dad. I'll miss you. Bye. Sheepy: Satoru: Bye, Eliza. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Uh, bye. Sheepy: Satoru: *he goes looking for Gil. He finds Gil with Enkidu.* Sheepy: Satoru: Hi, Gilgamesh. Turn off the thing that's playing the sound. Sheepy: Gil:...Hmm. You're ordering me around, pup? What guts you have! Sheepy: Satoru: *he takes Gil's hand* Let's go. Sheepy: Gil: No. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go. Sheepy: Gil: No, pup. I don't want to get near that. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go. Sheepy: Gil: Enkidu. You can go with him, right? I'll try to censor it. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: ... I can and shall do so. Sheepy: Satoru: *he lets go of Gil's hand and takes Enkidu's* Let's go. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Yes. Lets. Sheepy: *They go!* Arsé-kun: *they start to go. Enkidu fashions himself some earplugs from his own mud and calls it a day* Sheepy: *guitar noise!* Arsé-kun: *A distressed werewolf peeks out from under a table. what that* Sheepy: *It's guitar noises! Also, Cu is still 'dead'* Arsé-kun: Proto: *he whines and nudges Cu* Sheepy: *Cu groans some...* Arsé-kun: Proto: rooo.. Sheepy: *Guitar noise! Cu puts his hands over his ears.* Arsé-kun: Proto: *he helps out by putting a paw on Cu's hand. Is he helping* Sheepy: Cu: What's that noise...?! Arsé-kun: Proto: Rot rhatever rit was refore Sheepy: Cu: Ehhh? Arsé-kun: Proto: Gil. Sheepy: Cu: *he clumsily gets up, covering his ears* OI, SHADDUP YOU GLITTERY GOLDBRICK! Arsé-kun: Proto: *he barks and tries to howl along. it's fukkin wonderwall* Sheepy: Cu: He calls that music?! Pah! Clearly, he knows nothing about music! SHUT! UP! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Stop yelling! It's so we can't hear the other noise! We're going to turn it off! Sheepy: Cu: What "other noise"?! All I hear is that and it's awful! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You don't want to! Come along, Satoru. Where is it we are going? Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy's room. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Lead me on, please. Sheepy: *Satoru leads Enkidu to Mozart's room.* Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy is dead so just shake him to revive him. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: That's not how... Death works... Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he slowly pushes the door open* Sheepy: Satoru: See? He's dead. Arsé-kun: *Mozart's passed out on his desk, his hand resting on the volume control. Ah.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: He's not dead...! Sheepy: Satoru: But he's obviously dead. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: No! *he goes over and... blankly stares at the speakers before pressing the button on it. The noise Stops. We're saved!* Sheepy: Satoru: Thank you. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy, it's okay to come back to life again. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Whew. *he takes the earplugs out* That was getting grating.. Sheepy: *The guitar has stopped as well! Replaced with Cu and Gil bickering about priests and how terrible the other is.* Arsé-kun: *Which is FAR more tolerable, to be honest* Sheepy: *Satoru gently shakes Mozart.* Sheepy: Satoru: Wake up, wake up. Sleeping there is bad for you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... .... mmn? *he finally wakes and turns his head towards Satoru* ..?? Sheepy: Satoru: You fell asleep when the song you made started to play. It's okay to rest after hard work but make sure to take care of both your mind and body. Sheepy: Satoru: So don't sleep at your desk... it's bad for you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I see... Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Being blind wouldn't be fun. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It certainly wouldn't... Sheepy: Satoru: You seem tired. You should go to bed. Is there anything you need? Arsé-kun: Mozart: To never listen to that again. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Don't listen to it again. Sheepy: Satoru: It killed Cu. Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... Did it actually, or did he just keel over..? Sheepy: Satoru: He fell over. Sheepy: Satoru: He gave me earplugs so I was okay. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: He was not dead either. He did "Keel over" as you say. Sheepy: Satoru: Dad called and he's moving away until it's a good time to come back. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I don't blame him. Sheepy: Satoru: I miss him. Sheepy: Satoru: But if he's happier not here that's okay. He seems sad and I want for him to be happy. You seem tired too. You should go to bed. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I intend to... Do apologize at my behalf for the noise. Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. Sheepy: Satoru: You had a reason. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... *he sits himself up and bows his head to Satoru before going to bed. He's very tired* Sheepy: Satoru: Good night. Sleep tight. Don't die. Sheepy: Satoru: Enkidu, let's check on Grandpa. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't need you to come with me, though, so if you want to go back to Gilgamesh, that's okay. Sheepy: Satoru: But I'm worried about Grandpa. He has a bad hip. He might have fallen and can't get up. Sheepy: Satoru: And if he's fallen, I can't help him because I'm too small. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I will come with you just in case. sheep: Satoru: *he leads Enkidu to Mori.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he's taken residence downstairs with some of the others. By "downstairs" I mean "in the basement" At least he's in a chair* Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Arsé-kun: Mori: Well, hello. Is it over? Sheepy: Satoru: Yup. Uncle Mozzy apologized, so it's okay. Arsé-kun: Mori: Thank goodness. Was it you both that ended the noise? Sheepy: Satoru: He ended it and I provided moral support. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: We're saved! *powerslide, followed by giving Satoru a big grateful hug* Sheepy: Satoru: ...Huh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: No one else could do it! *Satoru is let go. Enkidu is smothered in clown* Sheepy: Satoru: But Enkidu did it, not me. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Teamwork! Sheepy: Satoru: But I didn't do anything besides showing him where Uncle Mozzy was. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You still did it! Sheepy: Satoru:...... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Okay! So! *he lets go of Enkidu and turns upside down to look at Satoru* You did a thing, that lead to another thing, that ended the problem! Therefore, you helped! Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy made the noise happen, which lead to Enkidu turning it off, so he helped, too. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Sure did! Sheepy: Satoru:...Okay... he helped fix the problem by causing it? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: No, but that'd be kinda funny Sheepy: Satoru:........ Arsé-kun: Andersen: My brain is melting and I'm going to go insane if I sit here another minute. *bye andersen. he attempts to ascend the stairs two at a time, and holding the rail, because he is small* Sheepy: Satoru: Bye. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Bye Arsé-kun: *and then Andersen is almost hit by a Vlad. beep beep motherfucker* Sheepy: Satoru: It's Dad. He decided that it was a good time to come back. Sheepy: Satoru: I thought you were leaving forever. Arsé-kun: Vlad: That's absurd. Are you okay? Sheepy: Satoru: The clown keeps saying I did something I didn't do and I don't appreciate it, but otherwise I'm fine. Sheepy: Satoru: Enkidu turned off the music thing and Uncle Mozzy is sleeping now. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You diiiiiii~iiiiiid! Sheepy: Satoru: But all I did was show him where it was. That's not helping, that's me getting someone to deal with problems I should be fixing. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Enough. Everyone out of my basement. *except satoru, who gets vlad's hand on his shoulder* Sheepy: Satoru: Even me? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Not you. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies. This was the safest place. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Excused. Sheepy: Bedi: Master, do you feel up to climbing the stairs yourself, or do you want us to help? Sheepy: Eiji: Uh...y-yes. Sheepy: Bedi:...Please give us a moment. Master Eiji has problems with his nerves. ...You don't have to worry about Satoru inheriting that. It's not genetic. Arsé-kun: *Merlin goes to pick up Eiji, when Herc just grabs Eiji [insert stock squeaky noise] and leaves. okay* Sheepy: Satoru: Good. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That worked too! Arsé-kun: *and so, everyone else pisses off. shoo. be gone from the vampire lair* ~~~~~BONUS!~~~~~ Meow Mix: *And now, a timeskip to December! NOW WE HAVE A DATE WRITTEN DOWN, DAMMIT* Meow Mix: *Meanwhile in chaldea, also known as hell by minako, servants! they exist. so many of them. wowza.* sheep: Kintaro: And that's when I suplexed a bear. Meow Mix: Andersen: That was a wild ride from start to finish. That could be a novel. sheep: Kintaro: I think someone wrote a story about it. Actual Toaster: *suddenly. BOOK.* Meow Mix: Andersen: oh fuck no sheep: Kintaro: That's not the book. Actual Toaster: *but its book.* Meow Mix: Andersen: It's not. That's Nursery Rhyme. Actual Toaster: *nonsense that is clearly a book* Actual Toaster: *a regular ordinary copy of alice in wonderland* Actual Toaster: *that is a normal, non magical, non sentient, copy of alice in wonderland.* sheep: Kintaro: Ah, it's a book about cats. sheep: Kintaro: Do you think it's a picture book? Meow Mix: Andersen: Oh, it is a picture book. But lets avoid it. Actual Toaster: *what you are just going to leave an innocent book on the floor to be stepped on and ruined?* sheep: Kintaro: There's no bears so I'm not interested. Meow Mix: Andersen: That is fine. Perhaps someone can return this to the library. Actual Toaster: *why don't you do it, andersen, its a normal book* sheep: Kintaro: I'd do it but I don't know decimals! Meow Mix: Andersen: That's.. Great. *he edges around the book* Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: *She bursts out of the book to punch andersen in the face* End your books better!!! sheep: Kintaro: There was a kid in the book! Meow Mix: Andersen: Using pain to support your argument makes no sense! Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Well you're a bad listener!! sheep: Kintaro: And I'm Sakata Kintoki, but you can call me Kintaro or Golden! sheep: Kintaro: I like bears! Meow Mix: Andersen: .... Why don't you talk to him, Rhyme? He enjoys good endings like you do. sheep: Kintaro: I like bears! Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: I don't know any stories about bears sheep: Kintaro: That's too bad. I can't read! Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: ....not at all? sheep: Kintaro: Not well. But I like picture books! The ones about bears are golden cute! Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Are they actually picture books though...? sheep: Kintaro: Huh? Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: or are you ignoring the words to look at pictures? sheep: Kintaro: I don't understand those words too well so I just skip over them! The pictures tell me enough. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: ... Do...you want me to teach you how to read? sheep: Kintaro: I don't like difficult things. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: We can start simple. sheep: Kintaro: OK. Meow Mix: *Andersen is slowly edging away* sheep: Kintaro: A very very golden thank you! In which case, in return, I'll teach you and Andersen a very important lesson! sheep: Kintaro: Bears! sheep: Kintaro: What they eat! Where they live! The different types of them! Meow Mix: Andersen: I believe you can do that quite well on your own. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: How much do you know about bears anyway...? sheep: Kintaro: I grew up with bears. sheep: Kintaro: They're my bearst friends! Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Oh. Meow Mix: *Andersen turns and runs. He's getting away* sheep: Kintaro: Have a safe trip! Don't fall! Meow Mix: *And then Andersen slams into Karna* Actual Toaster: Karna: ...? ..Ah, sorry. *he offers andersen a hand up* sheep: *Kintaro follows the two* sheep: *But walking.* Meow Mix: Andersen: Thank you. Please save me from this rabid book. Actual Toaster: *Nursery Rhyme is running as fast as her tiny little legs will allow.* Actual Toaster: Karna: Which rabid book? Meow Mix: Andersen: *he points to the impending book* Actual Toaster: Karna: Ah. Nursery Rhyme. Sure. *he just. picks up nursery rhyme.* Meow Mix: Andersen: My hero. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Let me at him!! I've got hands to throw! sheep: Kintaro: If you throw your hands away you won't have them anymore. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Metaphorically throw hands! sheep: Kintaro: Metaphorically.... Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: I'm gonna fight him! sheep: Kintaro: You use big words! Meow Mix: Andersen: I enjoy living! Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: *she throws a pencil at andersen* Meow Mix: Andersen: Ow! What gives?! Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: I'm gonna hit you for every bad ending! Actual Toaster: Karna: I don't think that's very kind. sheep: Kintaro: Don't use violence. That's my job. Meow Mix: Andersen: I've already been injured for my endings already! sheep: Kintaro: I do the heavy lifting and kids can stay safe and happy. Meow Mix: Andersen: I'm at least 90. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Then stop writing bad endings! Meow Mix: Andersen: I was going to, then you attacked me! Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Well good! sheep: Kintaro: No, no, you look a little like Chief! sheep: Kintaro: Endings don't have to be happy to be good. Meow Mix: Andersen: See, he understands! sheep: Kintaro: Without negativity, nothing would be positive. If it weren't for those unhappy endings, nothing would drive is to change our behavior for the better and improve the lives of those around us. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: That doesn't mean every ending he writes needs to be terrible! sheep: Kintaro: *He puts his hand on his face, thinking* sheep: Kintaro: Disney took what he made and made it happy. Meow Mix: Andersen: DON'T EVER MENTION DISNEY AGAIN Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Disney? sheep: Kintaro: W-woah! A very very golden apology! sheep: Kintaro: Chief doesn't seem to think much of them, but they make movies. Cartoon ones. Meow Mix: Andersen: They tarnished the snow queen.. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: I wanna see them... Actual Toaster: Karna: ...Try asking Doctor Roman. I imagine he might be able to... help. sheep: Kintaro: I like the one with the kid who lives in the jungle and has a bear friend. sheep: Kintaro: It's golden cute! There's a monkey too. I don't remember much else. Meow Mix: Andersen: That one is okay. sheep: Kintaro: Chief liked the one with the lions until the rhinoceros left and then he lost interest. Actual Toaster: Nursery Rhyme: Hm...
0 notes

Full Harvest Moon
Hail ENKI unrelenting defender of all, hear us! This is the night of the Full Harvest Moon when are gathered, the Great Wheel turns yet again as Autumn comes strolling along in no great rush to get here understanding that everything happens in its own time. Such is the wisdom of Nature itself, that it does not hurry itself along to appease anyone no matter how much they complain! We wish the same could be said for those that we work with because sometimes humans can be incredibly unreasonable regarding how long things take to happen!
During this time many things begin to change, the Earth begins to prepare itself for its Golden Season when all the leaves on the trees will begin to change color and the air will get cooler and the ground will begin to harden signaling the time of the Great Harvest when the remaining crops will be gathered and the Earth will be put to bed so when the Death Season comes along those who work farms or have gardens of their own will have fresh soil to work with at the start of the Rebirthing Season. This is not unlike what we humans do all the time when it comes to our own situations regarding the people and organizations we deal with.
There are times when we are employed at places doing what we love and then after a while someone comes along and makes working there unbearable for one reason or another. When this happens we have the choice to simply quit (going from Summer to Winter, completely skipping over Autumn) and thus cause a collapse in the Seasons that make up our lives or like the Earth who takes its time to prepare for the harshness of winter by sending all wildlife that can't sustain to other areas or into hibernation and vegetation into a sort of suspended animation, we can seek alternate employment either at another location or with another company altogether.
If the Earth skipped Autumn and went straight to Winter, the entire ecosystem would collapse because there would be no food or shelter available to those who were not able to survive on what was available because sooner or later those resources will run out and starvation as well as freezing to death from having no shelter would be a constant threat.
ENKI, we all know that when you defied the Grand Council that you did so because your faith in us compelled you to insist that the humans you saved would take care of the island known as Earth and although there are many who think they can own the Earth because they have enough human currency to throw around, we also know that they can NEVER own Nature which is what truly governs it! The problem with the human condition is that over the years it has become VERY arrogant, oftentimes placing itself over the rest of the ecosystem and yet it is that very ecosystem that it relies on to keep it going! We have those who claim that if we truly cared for nature we would not eat animals but I contend that the ONLY reason that certain animals are here is BECAUSE they were meant to be a food source!
Just as the Lion eats the Zebra, just like the Spider eats the Fly, just like the Cat eats the Mouse, so do we humans eat Cows, Chickens, Pigs, Goats, Deer, Bison, Buffalo, Fish, Snails, Grasshoppers, Crickets etc, not because we are ABOVE them but because it's all part of the food chain and we humans are NOT above that either, in fact if a human were to get too close to an alligator or wander into the rainforest and run into a jaguar or even if were to get to close to an anaconda NONE of these creatures would think twice (or even ONCE for that matter) before making US dinner, nor would they feel any regret with having eaten meat instead of a nice salad! If people are to truly respect nature then they can start with not denying their own!
Hail NINHURSAG - Loving and Gracious wife of our Blessed NINGIZHEDA! You who are loyal to NINGIZHEDA and keeps his strength up (in more ways than one) we learn from you that faithfulness and fortitude are constant imperatives if anything is to survive the harshness of the Season! Sometimes it is not the Earth that turns cold but our own hearts and when this happens we must analyze the reason WHY it happened and if we conclude that the death of the relationship - be it personal or professional - is NOT our doing but that of the other party, then we need to decide if it is worth trying to save or if it is time to move on! Thankfully this has not occurred between the two of you and as such you are an inspiration to all to always stand by and fight with and for the one you love no matter who the aggressor might be!
Hail URURU - Eternal and Grand Creatrix of All Things - we pay our deepest respects to you! Without you the Multiverse would not have undergone the many transformations it has since it became aware of itself! Without you we would have no Hero named Gilgamesh! It was you who blessed him with the companionship of Enkidu after hearing the lamentations of the people as you knew that he was NOT heartless, he just did not understand what compassion was because he was raised to believe he was entitled to certain things in life and as such even HE had lessons to learn. So rather than give up on him, you provided the lesson through a new and dear friend who was for all intents and purposes the mirror image of himself!
Hail the Grand Council who brought down the flood! Am I praising the death and destruction generally speaking? Not at all. I AM however saying I can understand WHY it needed to happen. It occurred because ALL the living things of the time forgot themselves and became so corrupt that what happened THEN is really what is happening NOW - humans slaughtering animals for pleasure rather than food, destroying the Earth in the name of the Almighty Dollar because they felt entitled to do as they pleased with it rather than honor it as the home it was created to be and starting wars to kill off each other in senseless tirades that threatened existence itself yet again!
Do I feel it was a bit extreme to annihilate everything? Yes and No. I do because not everyone was guilty at the same time the punishment should fit the crime and with the extent of the damage the humans caused they left little room for ANY form of reparations to take place and what do you do when something you created ceases to perpetuate the creation as it was supposed to? You scrap the plan and you start over. If we are not careful this may happen again only this time it will NOT be at the hands of the Grand Council, it will be ENTIRELY at the hands of the humans who will bring it upon themselves and EVERYTHIHG ELSE! The point of the flood was to wipe the slate clean and give humans a fresh start in the hopes that they will get it right this time and yet once again we find ourselves in a similar cycle of senseless death and destruction! WE MUST WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR US TO REVERSE THE CURRENT SITUATION!
We see how the severe LACK of communication or acceptance of another person's lifestyle has caused MANY lives to be ruined if not all together TAKEN! This is NOT acceptable behavior especially not from a race who likes to think that it is on the top of the food chain! The human race is currently the LEAST enlightened of all species on the planet! I have no qualms saying this because even if a dog bites its owner, it USUALLY only does so if it has been mistreated, it does not care AT ALL what their owner believes or who they are dating or who they plan to vote for, all the dog cares about is giving and receiving love and being treated with the same respect the human would want for itself, otherwise why should it defend its human if its human doesn't give a damn about it as well?
Humans need to learn that it isn't always about them all the time, in fact our main job was and still is conserving and preserving the planet and the ecosystem for ALL future generation across the board just as our Father stuck his neck out to protect US when he could have just let the deluge annihilate everything as it was supposed to! This is the lesson we REALLY need to glean from what ENKI did, he put his own well being on the back burner and his life in danger to do what had to be done at the time! We see our military personnel do the very same whenever they are deployed no matter where they are stationed! We 'civilians' may not have military training HOWEVER we DO have the skills needed to take care of things at home which is what makes how our Veterans are treated when they return all the more despicable because the government limits what actions can be taken to assist our Vets and how do they determine this? MONEY!!! Apparently the government has no problem sending them to war zones, spending BILLIONS on the war because the WAR is worth it, but when it comes to taking care of those who actually fought in those wars, there simply isn't any money to spare! Imagine where we would be had ENKI taken that same stance!!
This is what I mean when I say we have to wake up before it's too late - right now our governments and even 99% of Clergy are as corrupt as those humans back then were and we will be the engineers of our own downfall! I am SICK AND TIRED of hearing people say ignorant bullshit like "I don't care, I'm not going to be around in x amount of years" WELL GUESS WHAT - if you have CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN - they WILL be here in x amount of years! So when you say you don't care just because of that, what you are REALLY saying to all of THEM is that you don't give a rats ass about them OR their future and that even as small children they are on their own! Think about that the next time you decide to announce your position on the planet and ITS future!
Now more than anything we need to eradicate that which is the underlying cause of the problem - we need to get more people to stand up against terrorist factions no matter WHAT religion they represent; this includes Islam as well as Christianity, Judaism and even some groups who call themselves Satanists but in NO WAY represent Satan, Satanism or even HUMANITY! Those who use their religion as a weapon of oppression, repression, misogyny, slavery, rape and murder need to be destroyed because they are so full of their own self-righteousness they don't care WHO they attack as they will even attack their own if those who may share the faith generally speaking do not adhere to the extremes that these psychopaths demand they do! World leaders who also terrorize their people into submission to the point where they are not allowed to even acknowledge the world beyond their borders must also be done away with! They are creating an environment where they deem EVERYTHING to be an act of aggression or war and putting their own people in harm's way and if the people DON'T pretend they agree with the so called leader then THEY will be arrested for TREASON! This is NOT why ENKI saved us, he saved us because he believed that we were better than what we had become and now we are reverting back to the very actions that made the Flood necessary!
There are a lot of things that need fixing in this world, but we need to take the time to work on ourselves as well because there is always room for improvement on our own parts as well! Personal evolution and growth are absolutely necessary in order to adequately provide not only for ourselves but our Families both Blood and Spiritual as well as those on the other side of the Great Divide and the planet itself! Our ever-loving Father ENKI is always willing to give his unwavering support to those who do what needs to be done in order to help Life carry on and maintain its course while they are doing what they need to do to advance their own living situations! They say that the only way to multiply happiness is to divide it and I agree!
This does not mean to glue rose colored glasses to your face and pretend everything is peachy when it isn't, it DOES mean that we should help one another out when we can by donating food to local shelters and food banks, those who own businesses can employ the homeless who are looking to improve THEIR situations and help them regain their self respect by becoming productive members of society! There are many smaller things that can be done to change the bigger picture and we all need to throw our hats into the ring to make it happen! No one person can do it all and its time we stopped acting like it’s everyone else's responsibility except ours!
This is not to say that everyone we try to help will be grateful or that it will even work out giving someone a job, there are people out there who only want to take advantage of someone else's good deed, this should NOT prevent anyone else from being afforded an opportunity to excel! The IMPORTANT thing is to put forth the effort so that at least the one who DOES want to go the extra mile has a fighting chance to do so! Unfortunately it has gotten to the point where the manipulators and lost causes have overshadowed those who just fell on hard times and are looking to do whatever they have to to get back on their feet again! We should help build one another up rather than tearing our communities down over paranoia that resulted from having been burned! Things happen but the ONLY people to blame are the ones who are holding the matches, not the one trying to put out the fire! If we work together we CAN change the human environment and maybe even IMPROVE on a thing or two while we're at it!
“We are Voyagers
Summoned by the mighty gods
Of this mighty ocean to come
We take up the good challenge to get ready
We know the ways of the sea
We look to the stars and other signs
To find our way to discover new lands
To make our home
Oh! Oh!
There is land up ahead
A bird in flight to take us there
Oh! Oh!
This beautiful land
The place we were looking for
We will make our home!
We read the wind and the sky when the sun is high
We sail the length of the seas on the ocean breeze!
At night, we name every star
We know where we are!
We know who we are, who we are!
Aue, aue!
We set a course to find
A brand new island everywhere we roam!
Aue, aue!
We keep our island in our mind
And when it's time to find home
We know the way!
Aue, aue!
We are explorers reading every sign
We tell the stories of our elders in a never-ending
Aue, aue!
Te fenua, te mālie
Nā heko hakilia!
Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una!
We know the way!
-Lin-Emanual Miranda (“Moana - We Know The Way”)”
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