#Team LEMN
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hawkytawky · 1 year ago
An Arc's Chance Part 1 (Old)
One morning, while cooking breakfast, Taiyang got a call from a certain dusty old crow.
Taiyang: What do you need?
Qrow: I can't just call to talk?
Taiyang: When have you ever done that?
Qrow: ...
Taiyang: Exactly. So, what do you need?
Qrow: You remember Louisa Arc?
Taiyang: Wasn't she the leader of that team we shadowed during senior year? Team... LEMN? (Lemon)
Qrow: That's the one.
Taiyang: Please tell me you aren't sleeping with her... and that she isn't pregnant.
Qrow: What? No. I'm not really into blondes.
Taiyang: Good. So, what does she have to do with whatever you need.
Qrow: I need her help on a mission and she had a few demands before she would agree.
Taiyang: And what do I have to do with that?
Qrow: Well, she has a son. Jaune. He's Yang's age and this mission is going to last for awhile. A few months at the very least.
Taiyang: So, she won't be able to finish her son's training before you leave, and your mission is too dangerous to bring him along with.
Qrow: Right.
Taiyang: I guess she wants me to get him into Signal then. That shouldn't be too hard if he stacks up to the Arc reputation at least.
Qrow: And there's the problem.
Taiyang: He isn't as good as the rest of the family? Well, I can still get him in if he can pass the entrance exams.
Qrow: He doesn't have any training.
Taiyang: ...What?
Qrow: Louisa didn't train him. Hell, she's only unlocking his aura today.
Taiyang: So she wants to get her untrained son into the last year of combat school? Is she insane? He's not going to be able to pass the entrance exam, let alone survive the year!
Qrow: He doesn't need to pass that test. Officially, he's transferring from Pharos.
Taiyang: Qrow I swear to the brothers, if you forged his transcripts-
Qrow: I didnt.
Taiyang: Good.
Qrow: Torchwick did.
Taiyang: You still talk to him!?
Qrow: Listen Tai, I just need you to agree to train the kid. Don't worry about the details.
Taiyang: Qrow, if someone finds out about this we'll both be in a federal prison for life.
Qrow: Than it's a good thing this is a secure line, and nobodies going to find out about it.
Taiyang: ...Does Oz have anything to do with this? Because if he's trying make this kid into another Su-
Qrow: No. He isn't involved.
Taiyang: ...Then why are you?
To be continued
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notesonfilm1 · 6 months ago
Red Sun (Terence Young, 1970) The kind of movie Quentin Tarantino likes: lots of action, excitingly filmed, with characters that are all attitude and swagger, visual sweep, dead-pan tough-guy humour and not much substance. This one is sumptuously mounted and directed by Terence Young, fresh of his recent successes with Bond (Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Thunderball) and others (Wait Until Dark), to take advantage of its sometimes snowy, mountainous Spanish locations. One of the ways you can tell it was filmed in Spain is that when the characters are eating you find the traditional bread, lemns and a big serrano ham on the table. The great Henri Alekan makes the most of the stars, the locations and the light: it looks gorgeous throughout. The director and cinematographer combine to incite real visual pleasure in the light, the mountains, the way the horses move in the landscape, a great shoot-out near the end filmed through reeds. Charles Bronson had not yet headlined and American production. But this is one of a series of films that would make him into an international box-office star without yet having made a dent at the US box office; something akin to what happened with Clint Eastwood a little bit earlier, and Bronson, approaching 50 was much older. This film is clearly indebted to Leone’s Westerns in various ways, particularly in Maurice Jarre’s attempt at personalising a Morricone style in the score. It’s great to see Alain Delon as a villain—a rare treat -- all in black, with a silver tooth, much attitude and no scruples. Ursula Andress is the prostitute who loves him. Capucine is very charismatic as a Madam. Toshiro Mifune is one of the last of the Samurais who uneasily teams up with Bronson to return a sword intended as a gift from the Japanese emperor to the President of the United States in order to save the honour of Japan (and the Ambassador’s and the Samurai’s). Bronson only wants the money. There are many things to admire in this film: it moves beautifully, looks smashing, and is exciting to watch. It’s also one of those films in which every woman is either a prostitute or an innocent about to be raped; Mexicans are all victims; Comanches unknowable but for their violence and brutality. A blu-ray that looks terrific but with sound levels bouncing all over the place is still available; an indication that whatever its ultimate merits, the film has become a landmark or classic of some kind.
The kind of movie Quentin Tarantino likes: lots of action, excitingly filmed, with characters that are all attitude and swagger, visual sweep, dead-pan tough-guy humour and not much substance. This one is sumptuously mounted and directed by Terence Young, fresh of his recent successes with Bond (Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Thunderball) and others (Wait Until Dark), to take advantage of its…
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fangirlfromdownunder · 7 years ago
You know, it was a Topaz prompt that brought me to your blog in the first place, so I’d like some more Topaz! Adoption AU? Instead of Cinder finding/corrupting Emerald, our favorite gem is found by a young Jaune and the two become odd friends. As such, the Arc clan takes her in as their ward. How does living with Jaune and his family change her and how close does she get to the blond goof? Going to Beacon, how does she feel about Jaune chasing Weiss and Pyrrha secretly pining for him?
Hiya! So in this one, their relationship is platonic. This is because Emerald is like his sister. And dating your adopted sister is just as bad as dating your actual sister in my mind. I hope that’s okay!
It was shortly after her family had left her that he found her, shivering in the street hugging herself. Trying to be as small as she could.
He came over because everyone else was ignoring her and that’s not okay!
His sisters freaked out when they realized he was missing
But they found him with his new friend
Feeling bad for her they invited her to stay with them, at least for the night
And from there she became a part of the family
They trained her how to fight alongside Jaune, who was now like her brother
She would be eternally grateful for the day he found her
Unfortunately, she surpassed him in many ways. She took this as a sign that she had to protect him
Her personality is much different from what it is in the original timeline. She’s kinder, more patient. She’s more open with her feelings and doesn’t feel the need to manipulate others, and she’s become very aware of how people feel.
And if the sentence is defined by someone’s upbringing and personality her’s has most likely changed. I imagine it to be something empathic. 
When they began to attend Beacon the first person they met was Ruby. 
While she does find the girls upbeat nature a little overwhelming she isn’t upset by it
She actually quiet likes Ruby and likes that she’s so kind to Jaune
When they’re all preparing to make their teams in the locker room Emerald overhears Jaune talking to Pyrrha and Weiss
Her reaction is to roll her eyes and drag him away saying something along the lines of “Come on, Romeo”
Her aim was to be on a team with Jaune. This does not work out as planned
Instead, she ends up on team LEMN (lemon)
Yes I will write about them
She keeps a close eye on Jaune and Team LEMN becomes close with teams JNPR and RWBY
Everyone calls her Em now
She doesn’t like Weiss. She’s mean to Jaune and she doesn’t understand why he likes Weiss
Pyrrha is right there Jaune. Date her
A member on the Jaune defense squad
This consists of Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, Ruby, and Emerald
Will actually kill Cardin if he touches Jaune
Her team makes it to the second round during the Vytal festival
Joins team RNJR/JNRR along with the rest of her Team
There will be more once I work out team LEMN
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catboy-lover-archive · 4 years ago
Obey Me Romanian MC
idea inspired by @/harunayuuka2060 (too shy to tag them)
Nu ştiu ce inspirație supraomenească m-a lovit dar am început asta la 2 dimineața și am terminat-o la 6.30
Im sleep deprived bc I stayed up all night doing this, enjoy gagicile mele
[added translations]
(under the cut bc this bitch is long af)
Lucifer: Are you not enjoying your meal?
MC: This food isn't even good. Next time I'm bringing my bunica to make you guys sarmale best thing you ever tried 👩‍🍳👌😘 mwah
MC: I'm not gonna go out with Satan, Beel, Asmo or Belphie.
Asmo: Awww
Beel: :(
Belphie: What?!
Satan: Why?
MC: Why date a guy who's favorite color is not in romanian flag? 🤔🇷🇴
Asmo: But I thought you could-
Levi: Ohhh!!!! So are you like familiar with Castlevania-
MC: We don't talk about that *cries in disappointed*
Solomon: What is this weird potion.
MC: *puts bottle of țuică (plum brandy) on the table*
MC: This is not a potion, but a solution to all of your problems gagica 💖
MC: *talking to Lucifer* Oh iubire (love), stop crying over Diavolo again. Why cry over guy who would wear vagabond everyday in my country?
MC: Tsch tsch tsch
Lucifer: What the fuck is Vagabond
MC: Only the worst of streetwear existent. Only f-boys use it
Lucifer: Fair enough
Beel: Why do you want to try out for the sports team?
MC: Because Steaua, my country's team, disappointed me 😔
MC: Mammon! Asmo! Let me show you guys a thing called ✨manele✨
(after the Belphie incident)
MC: Does anybody have a belt.... a belt so I can...no reason...papuci de casă (slippers) works too
MC: Hey Belphie! Did you enjoy your punishment? 😜
Belphie: My butt still hurts...
MC: Next time it's the lingură de lemn ♡ (wooden spoon)
*MC dancing to Braşoveanca*
Mammon: W-what's that???
Satan: Some sort of ritual I suppose
Asmo: *joining in* It's fun!
MC: Doi✌paşi🦵înainte➡️şi😱doi😩înapoi⬅️ (two steps forward two steps back)
MC: Who has summoned me?
Satan: Belphie isn't feeling well and the medicine didn't really do it's job.
MC: Everyone watch closely because I'm going to teach you guys a sacred ritual called ✨Frecție cu Oțet✨
Satan: You're just pouring vinegar on his wrist.
MC: Now here comes the fun part. *maggages his wrists*
Belphie: Someone please kill me this is unbearable
MC: Am I allowed to say Tatăl Nostru (Lord's prayer) or is that too....uhhh weird since yall are demons and stuff-
Barbatos: MC...
MC: I'm sorry but crossing myself after I finish a meal is implemented in my brain. It's in the default settings.
Barbatos: What happens if you don't cross yourself?
MC: Lingura de lemn (wooden spoon) *shivers*
Diavolo: Do you like my castle?
MC: Baby, Peleş puts you to shame.
MC: Also, too much current (swift). Close the damn windows
Lucifer, giving up on life: Oh not again...
MC: Real music here 😌
MC: There, there gacica (girlfriend). Don't cry. *pats him on the back*
Lucifer: Do you got any more țuică...
MC: That's the spirit!
MC: I know I technically didn't die, but can we please have a funeral??? There is this really tasty cake just for this special occasion called colivă. Beel is okay with it so- hey don't ignore me! wait guys this is important- wAIT!
Satan: I hate Lucifer because he is my father.
Belphie: I hate Lucifer because he sucks in general.
MC: I hate Lucifer because Favorite color is red which is COMMUNISM COLOUR 😡‼
Solomon: See?? MC likes my cooking!
MC: Piftie...Caltaboş...
MC: Solomon, you would make a very good romanian housewife. Say, have you ever considered getting a 701st wife...?
Beel: *munching happily on the food MC makes*
Lucifer: *getting a fucking break*
MC: *making grătar(barbeque) cu mici*
MC: Everybody loves 1 Mai!
MC: Beelphiiieee!!!! I have a spell for you 😊
Belphie: Please not the lingură de lemn-
MC: *boop on the nose* ✨du-te dracu✨ (go to hell)
Lucifer: How did you make everyone behave?
MC: *looking at the papuc de casă in hand*
MC: You either die a hero...or live enough to become the villain...
Lucifer: Interesting, can you teach me?
MC: The secret is to use your wrist-
MC, whispering: Psst! Mammon! How's the sarmale trading going?
Mammon: Its okay, but why can't you just give me the recipe?
MC: E din moşi strămoşi (it's from older generations) I can't give it to you
MC: Hey pisi, want a ride in my Dacia?
Simeon: ...what? :)
MC: Come on gagica(girlfriend)! We are going to visit my family they will love you!
MC: You can also bring Luke. Just uhhh don't let him drink from the "juicebox" ok? It's not- It's not juice in there
MC: But you can drink. I won't tell anyone.
Diavolo: MC you can't leave yet. Not even for a quick visit back home.
MC: Auzi, da du-te-n p- (well why don't you fuck yourself on my dic-)
MC: *sigh* Sometimes I wish Satan was wearing Vagabond instead of...whatever that is
Asmo: Ouch, but yeah I guess we are that desperate.
Satan: I'm never tutoring any of you again.
MC and Luke, just vibing honestly: ⬇️Intră-n👇apa🌊mării🐚şi🐋nu🐟te🙄teme😱ai😳să-nveți🤯să-noți🐠printre🤔sirene🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️
(go in the sea's water and don't you be afraid you'll learn to swim among mermaids)
MC: No Asmo, I have a date to the ball he's right here *points at țuică bottle*
Belphie: *misbehaving*
MC: Vai, vai, vai. Sărumâna Belphie 😃 ( well, well, well good day Belphie)
MC: *grabs the papuc (slipper)*
MC and Luke, vibing yet again: POVEȘTI DIN FOLCLORUL MAGHIAR!!! (maghiar folklore stories!)
MC: Where is my țuică? :)
Everyone: *quiet*
MC: I won't get mad :)
MC: Foaie verse de trifoi~ *papuc reappears* Dați băi țuica înapoi (green leaf of clover, give the țuică back you fucker)
Everybody: *runs*
MC: Mândruțelor (girls), come back until I'll put this to good use
Levi: *exists*
MC: *in love with him bc his fav color is in the Romanian flag and not in the commie flag*
MC: Te las să te lingi cu mime în parcare la lidl (I'll let you french kiss me in the Lidl market parking lot)
MC: Lucifer you don't understand!
MC: Sandu Ciorbă cured my depression!
MC: Muie cretinii pământului (fuck y'all stupid asses) my țuică is back and I'm not sharing anymore
Asmo: We're doing hot girl shit tonight
MC: Ne curvim rău (we're hoeing)
MC: futu-ți cristelnița mătii (fuck your mother's font) Simeon you're the one that drank all my țuică
MC: I'll let it slide this once, if u take me for shaorma(shawarma) in Piața Victoriei (Victoria's market)
Solomon: Whoops, I accidentally messed up the sarmale recipe
MC: Aşadar războiu alesu l-ai (So you have chosen war)
Mammon: MC, how do you say "I hate you" in romanian?
MC: Dar eu sunt mândru că sunt twink. (I'm proud to be a twink)
Mammon, clueless: ok thanks
MC, to Belphie: I had such a rough day, please fute-mi una (fuck me over) and not the way I like
Mammon: What would be a quick way to make money?
MC: Gagica(girlfriend), listen. Culegător de sparanghel (asparagus picker) in Spain is your go-to.
Asmo: *blasting manele vechi (old manele).2006*
Asmo: Please love me!
MC: *already in wedding attire*
MC: Beel! Here, try this! Yeah yeah its completely fine!
MC: ...what do you mean it looks like Solomon's cooking?
MC: *dragging them all by the hand to therapy*
MC: Păi aşa-i hora pe la noi măi bade- (This is hora to us well my mans)
MC, talking to Lucifer: Măi omu lu dumnezeu îți fut una de nu te vezi (listen God's man I'll fuck you over that you'll not see again) if u lay a finger on my țuică again
MC: I don't care that you have daddy issues, this is MINE now thank you very much.
MC: Doamne cu ce ți-am greşit? (God, what have I done to you?)
MC: tanti Lilith, ia-mă cu tine gagicuțo milf ce ești (Miss Lilith, take me with you you milf girlfriend)
MC: Chiar și culesul de căpșuni din Spania era mai ok dacât (even strawberry picking in Spain is better than) Therapist Simulator hell edition
Diavolo: *exists*
MC: Vrei să-ți fiu a ta mireasă? (Do you want me to be your wife?)
Simeon: *exists*
MC: Vrei să-ți fiu Ileană Cosânzeană? ( Want me to be your fairy wife?)
Belphie: Every time I doze off they say this weird phrase...
MC: Dormeo(mattress company) ! Noapte bună! (good night!)
MC: What do you mean im not allowed to have a cross around my neck?
MC: My dead grandmother would kill me it's Sfântu Andrei for fucks sake
MC: The law is law we gotta put garlic and salt everywhere around the house
MC: This is what you get from taking my țuică away AGAIN
MC: I mean, at least i dont have to take the bacalaureat and face the woman-hating-Ion-Creangă-fucking-twink-looking-nightmare-inducing Eminescu so
MC: *drinks a Mona Spirt (rubbing alcohol) bottle in one go*
MC: that works wonders for me
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elleleh · 7 years ago
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Esmeray Yang Belladonna
Nickname: Esme, Essi, ‘Kitten’ by Jet when they’re older
Age: 14 (22 when she and Jet begin their romance)
Gender: Female/Cis
Siblings: None
Parents: Yang (Mom), Blake (Mommy, Biological Mother), Jaune (Biological, Surrogate father)
Orientation: Heterosexual
School/Year/Team: Plans for Beacon Academy/Will be first year at age 17/ Will be on team LEMN
Aura: Purple
Semblance: Intangible, this Semblance allows Esme to phase through solid objects.
Weapon: Fighter Glove Gauntlets that reveal blades when extended on her arms. Named ‘Bursting Lavender’.
Personality: Outgoing, Charismatic, Kindhearted, Thoughtful, Analytical, Adventurous, Pushy, Stubborn, Short-Tempered, Independent
Voice: Myriam Sirois (Akane Tendo, Ranma ½)
Esmeray has been told since she was young that Jaune may have helped make her and was indeed her “father”, he was not her Dad. Instead of calling him “Dad”, Esme chooses to call him “Uncle Jaune”. He comes around on Birthdays and special occasions to see her and give her presents, but doesn’t see her as anymore his kid as Mars or Morgen are.
Esme grows up wanting to fight and be a huntress like her “cool mommies”.
She is a snuggler and loves to curl up with a book under a warm, toasty blanket.
Esme, holding a strong personality, is usually a ‘take charge’ type of woman, not willing to wait around on others to do something that she could easily do herself.
She looks up to both Xing and Lapis when she is small, wanting nothing more than a big sister. The older girls often braid her hair, play dress up, and teach her all about make up and video games. 
On the flip side, Esme and Jet hate one another since they first met. Jet views her as a little, annoying brat and Esme just sees a big, mean jerk. As children, they’d often get into arguments and fights, throwing insults and barbs at one another.
The irritation seems to melt, however, when Jet the two see each other again during Xing’s birthday party years later, Esme being 22 and Jet 28. The yelling and insulting turns into playful banter and teasing. Through some more interaction and exchanging numbers, Esme takes advantage of his contact information and gets good information as to where to eat and sleep all around Remnant. Coming home and spending a night on his couch, she wakes up annoyed by the continued pleasant vibe. After starting up a fight with him, they begin to battle with one another. Heated moments and tensions running high, the two go from fighting to making out, and proceed to be intimate with one another. 
Their relationship will start off seemingly casual, Esme coming and going whenever she wants, until suddenly she stays for days at a time and Jet feels nothing is wrong with the situation. Growing serious about one another, they decide to keep their romance a secret lest Yang kills him.
Esme knows how to read Jet like a book and neither questions their relationship. They don’t bother with titles, simply and silently falling in love with one another. The pair seem to understand one another on a deep, personal level that doesn’t even require words or Jet’s Reaching.
Esme loves sushi and sashimi. Her favorite thing to do is read poetry and classic novels. She always loves having warm or draped clothing over her, such as her cardigan or Jet’s tops.
She’s 5′7″, smaller like her Mommy Blake.
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kindofsharethat · 7 years ago
listen, i was here as RBB&SBB posted LIVE and IN ACTION... and lemne just say it was the wildest time in my larrie career lol. for harry to allow his "team" to associate themselves with stuffed animals as tour mascots.. says something. im intrigued to see what they turn into honestly bc wow i rlly miss those bears
i'm just imagining harry making suggestions like "have you considered dressing them to give them some dignity" "make sure if they eat chocolate cake it doesn't get on their fur it's a bitch to wash out"
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ginapaulaagape · 5 years ago
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Noi suntem Simdoor , o echipă de oameni pasionați! Ușile sunt pasiunea noastră, fiind mai mult decât o intrare într-o locație. Echipa Simdoor are ca obiectiv comercializarea de uși metalice pentru exterior, iar pentru interior uși din lemn de cea mai bună calitate! Ușile se deosebesc prin diversitate în design, cu linii și detalii elegante, diverse dimensiuni disponibile fiecărui model și varietate în culori. Calitatea fiecărei uși scoate în evidență implicarea și profesionalismul întregii echipe! Gama noastră de uși conține: *Uși interior echipate standard *Uși interior echipate cu toc reglabil *Uși interior duble echipate standard *Uși exterior În curând vom adăuga și alte produse complementare. Urmărește pagina noastră de Facebook și fii la curent cu noul trend în materie de uși! We are Simdoor, a team of passionate people! The doors are our passion, being more than an entrance in a location. The Simdoor team has as an objective selling metallic doors for outside, and wooden ones for inside. They are the best quality! The beauty of each piece is given by diversity in design, clear lines and elegant details, different dimensions and a variety of colors. The quality of each product is outlining the implication and professionalism of the whole team. Follow our Facebook page and be in touch with the new trend of models! Simdoor https://www.instagram.com/p/B3v3SWHhKla/?igshid=1sveihhypoine
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aly126 · 8 years ago
BTW here are two interesting articles about it. prosport(.)ro/sport-life/special/interviu-eveniment-bunicul-mi-adus-lemn-mi-l-pus-doua-taburete-casa-inceput-exersez-barna-dezvaluirile-catalinei-ponor-video-scoala-flamanda-dorul-cei-patru-pereti-cantonament-14157897 (Cata talks about Sandra) and here dcnews(.)ro/nicolae-forminte-ameninta-cu-dezvaluiri-despre-gimnastica-romaneasca_266951(.)html Forminte talks about B&B and being accused of having favored Sandra over Cata.
Thank you! Ok, so the first article is a really long one, from 2015, when Catalina was coming back. I’m just gonna translate the part about her and Sandra, if anyone is interested in more, let me know.
When you decided to come back in 2011, everyone was talking about your rivalry with Sandra Izbasa. You were part of different generations, had strong characters, were ambitious. Now she said you motivated her to get back in the gym... At the end of the day, this rivalry is an advantage, it depends on how each person sees it. Me being the ‘rival’ might’ve been a motivation for Sandra, we weren’t rivals, we were just competing with each other. We had no shared events except floor, she was doing vault and floor, and I was doing beam and floor, but at the same time it was a competition that helped us both. The results showed at the Olympics, where it was still us the ones to get medals.
Did you and Sandra get closer after the comeback in 2011? You know how it works, any family has conflicts, too. After London was over and we got to relax, we sat down and talked, asked each other what do we have against one another, only to find out that information has been passed around wrong from one side to the other. That open discussion made us closer and communication improved, we stopped seeing eachother as rivals. (x)
The second article is from 2013, and it’s about Forminte leaving the team after Beijing. He says that once he’ll decide to cut the ties to Romanian gymnastics he’ll reveal a lot of things about how he was dismissed. He denies the accusations of having favored Sandra Izbasa, admits she was and will always be like a daughter to him, just like the other girls on the team. Despite being accused of favoritism, he says he always tried to behave with each gymnast in the way he saw fit in order to make her give her best. (x)
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laresearchette · 5 years ago
Sunday, May 17, 2020 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHEN CALLS THE HEART (CBC) 6:00pm: Elizabeth confronts Nathan about his parenting style; Bill is offered a judgeship, but is unsure if he wants to take it; Rosemary hosts a girls-only night; Faith and Carson's romance blooms; Jesse finds surface oil, but can't afford to drill.
I DO, REDO (CTV) 7:00pm: Sometimes the only way to realize the depth of love for someone is to lose them; after separating, Amanda and Jeff rediscovered their love and are ready to say "I do" again.
MARY'S KITCHEN CRUSH (CTV) 7:30pm:   Mary and Aaron host their friends with a Canadian-inspired menu.
GOOD WITCH (W Network) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  As Cassie and Sam prepare to celebrate their first wedding anniversary, Cassie welcomes Grey House guest Joy, who seems to be spying on the Merriwicks.
TEMPTED BY DANGER (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: A successful attorney begins a new relationship with an executive who becomes increasingly obsessed with her.
JUNIOR CHEF SHOWDOWN (Food Network Canada) 9:00pm: The junior chefs pair-up for their first team Skills Test to make a delicious brunch staple, then sweeten things up with chocolate desserts.
SCOTT'S VACATION HOUSE RULES (HGTV Canada) 9:00pm: Real estate expert and contractor Scott McGillivray shows homeowners how to take their vacation property purchase and unlock its full rental potential.
FATHER BROWN (BBC Canada) 9:00pm: Father Brown must discover who's out to kill a tortured artist before it's too late.
MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: When the media gets wind of the FBI's "hero-bomber" theory, a media firestorm erupts, engulfing Richard and his family; ATF agents raise doubts as bombings continue.
THE HEAT: A KITCHEN (R)EVOLUTION (Documetary) 9:00pm: Seven female chefs rewrite the rules of kitchen culture.
PORTRAIT ARTIST OF THE YEAR (Makeful) 9:00pm: Lemn Sissay
BAR RESCUE Paramount Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):   Two absentee owners who see their bar as more of an investment than a business refuse to engage with the staff or customers until Jon Taffer intervenes.
LOVE GOALS (OWN Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Renowned family and relationship therapist Spirit counsels celebrity couples who are at crossroads in their relationships.
SHAKESPEARE AND HATHAWAY: PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS (BBC Canada) 10:00pm:  Frank and Lu enter the competitive world of hairdressing and find themselves combing through a tangled web of backstabbing and deceit.
q (CBC) 12:00am: Lizzo talks about her latest album; Jaleel White on how "Family Matters" changed his life; Sara Bareilles talks about writing her award-winning musical, "Waitress"; SonReal performs.
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turistprinro · 5 years ago
Covasna, Ținutul conacelor și al apelor minerale, a fost o atracție pentru noi, în această vară. Am fost încântați de bogăția acestei zone, care pe lângă peisajele oferite, ne-a bucurat sufletul dornic de cunoașterea a istoriei.
Fiind tot pe drumuri, cu mintea plină de imagini fascinante pe care le-am văzut, simțit și memorat în decursul călătoriei noastre, a fost foarte firească alegerea pentru șederea noastră la Conacul Nagy din Coșeni, fiind în apropriere de Sfântu Gheorghe. Poziția conacului este destul de izolată, având doar câțiva vecini. Conacul se află la marginea satului, la o distanță de aproximativ un kilometru de drumul Brașov – Sfântu Gheorghe.
Conacul Nagy, Coșeni, județul Covasna
Înainte de intrarea în satul Coșeni, din E578, Conacul Nagy se vede în toată frumusețea sa, clădirea albă cu acoperiș roșu fiind pe partea stângă a drumului. Este lesne de ajuns deoarece din sat, peste drum de Biserica Reformată sunt amplasate indicatoare. Văzusem descrierea conacului de pe site și așteptările noastre erau ridicate. Căutam tradiție, căutam originalitate, dar și liniște. Căutam un loc deosebit.
Conacul Nagy, Coșeni, județul Covasna
Clădirea Conacului Nagy a fost ridicată în anul 1802, de familia de nobili maghiari Nagy. Rezultatul renovării este fabulos, reușind păstrarea și integrarea unor elemente din vechea construcție și aducând istoria locului în prim-plan. Permiteți-mi să vă descriu ce am descoperit aici, la Conacul Nagy și să vă spun despre răsfățul tuturor simțurilor de care profiți atunci când alegi să te cazezi aici.
Conacul Nagy, Coșeni, județul Covasna
La intrare, în parcarea generoasă a conacului, ne-a întâmpinat gazda, domnul Nagy, care a avut amabilitatea deosebită de a ne oferi un tur al proprietății.
Ne-a prezentat subsolul Conacului Nagy, unde vechea pivniță a fost transformată într-un bar. Aici, sunt vizibile părți din zidul original al fundației păstrate pentru a dovedi originea locației.
Barul de la subsolul Conacului Nagy
  Locul este intim și atmosfera de aici este de relaxare, fiind creată și de elementele de mobilier și accesoriile folosite. Într-un colț al barului Conacului Nagy, o veioză ce arată ca un vechi felinar dă o lumină difuză. Este impresionantă pardoseala care este acoperită cu țigla folosită la vechiul acoperiș. Aceasta a fost montată și lăcuită manual. Autenticitatea este încă o dată dovedită, pardoseala având patina de vechi, originală.
Barul de la subsolul Conacului Nagy
Barul cu aer vintage și restaurantul de la parter care oferă spațiu suficient pentru 70 de persoane sunt spații ideale pentru organizarea de team buildinguri sau conferințe, organizarea de degustări de vinuri sau pentru organizarea evenimentelor private.
Sala de mese a Conacului Nagy
La parter, se află restaurantul, o sală ce se întinde pe toată lungimea parterului. În dreapta, discretă, este recepția Conacului Nagy. O canapea elegantă, cu fotolii te lasă să te relaxezi după ce ai luat masa. Aici, în această sală se pot servi toate mesele zilei, la cerere.
Sala de mese a Conacului Nagy
Pe scara din fața recepției se face accesul la toate cele șapte camere. La etaj, Conacul Nagy are trei camere cu pat matrimonial, trei camere twin superioare și o cameră twin. Camera Reginei te răsfață cu un pat cu baldachin. În camerele twin sunt două paturi originale săsești. Orice cameră alegi, este clară intenția de păstrare a amprentei istoriei locului, mobilierul elegant din lemn masiv, accesoriile (lustrele, oglinda, veiozele, covoarele) dând atmosfera de eleganță și vintage.
Cameră la Conacul Nagy, Coșeni, județul Covasna
Camerele Conacului Nagy sunt spațioase cu dimensiuni de la 22 până la 35 metri pătrați. Modernitatea este prezentă în toate camerele: grup sanitar propriu, televizor, minibar, aer condiționat și acces wireless la internet.
Cameră la Conacul Nagy, Coșeni, județul Covasna
Este o experiență deosebită să dormi într-un pat cu baldachin sau într-unul dintre paturile săsești, să te bucuri de atmosfera elegantă de la bar sau atunci când la masă, seara se aprind lumânările, iar fiecare masă este luminată de un sfeșnic alături de care un buchețel de flori proaspete dă viață atmosferei elegante. Într-adevăr, parcă, ești transportat în timp, introdus în ambianța de început a secolului XIX. 
Articol scris de Adriana Roman
Fotografii de Adrian Satmaru
  Conacul Nagy, Coșeni, județul Covasna Covasna, Ținutul conacelor și al apelor minerale, a fost o atracție pentru noi, în această vară.
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pricetracker-blog · 6 years ago
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fangirlfromdownunder · 7 years ago
This is the team from my Emerald Arc au
Laghan Brunswick:
His first name is derived from the Irish god of light. His last name is a shade of greenHe’s based on the story of Cu Chulainn
He has warm eyes like honey, tanned skin, auburn air, and wears warm greens and dark yellows
His weapon is a spear that has fire dust infused into it
His symbol is a spear with a wolfs head behind it
He’s a dog fanus with dog ears that are a little droopy
His family comes from the agricultural district in Vale. It’s just him and his mum because his father died shortly after Laghan’s birth
His father was a hunter before his death, hearing stories about all the people he protected is what pushed Laghan to attend Beacon
He has a strong desire to protect people and is very loyal to his allies
But he holds a strong grudge against anyone who crosses him or his friends
He likes to goof around a lot and has a general disregard for rules and this gets him in trouble with Ms. Goodwitch
His semblance allows him to see his opponents move before they act, however, he’s still training it and often misinterprets what he sees
Emerald Arc:
She is the adoptive sister of Jaune Arc and often acts as his defender or ward
She is thought to be based on Alladin or Cleopatra
We all know what Em looks like right?
She wears a lot of white and gold to match with the Arc family, but she has some deep greens here and there to add her own personal flair
Her weapon is two daggers on chains
Not a gun or infused with dust
She’s often questioned over her use of such a simple weapon
She’ll still kick most peoples asses
Her symbol is the same as in the original show
She’s loyal to Jaune to a fault but also her friends
She has a patent and understanding personality 
She’s a good student despite not having the best grades, her favorite class it is Professor Oobleck’s because she finds history interesting
Her semblance is empath, she is able to see what someone is feeling by touching them
Magnolia Lacus
Her first name is a cream shade as well as a flower that is white and sometimes has some pink in it. Her last name is the Latin version of the word lake
She is based on the Lady of the Lake in the legend of King Arthur 
She has very pale skin and dark blue hair that falls to her mid back. Her eyes are a beautiful crystal blue
Her clothes are mainly white with shades of blue, she wears a necklace around her neck that is a simple pink flower. It was a gift from her mother. She also wears heels all the time
Devil shoes!
She comes from the upper class in Vale. Her mother came from a wealthy family who made jewelry, and her father came from a well-known hunter family. The two met when they attended Beacon together and Magnolia has similar hopes for her time here
Magnolia is normally level-headed and calm, much like the calm water of a lake. However, many people seem to forget how destructive a lake can be. When needed she can be very violent and harm any who get in her way
Her weapon is a sword that uses mainly water dust, however, she has also been known to use the secondary types of steam and ice
Her symbol looks a lot like ripples in water along with a flower blossom in the middle
She’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of meeting her prince charming
Her sentence is the ability to see peoples potential. This is useful when deciding who to fight, making her the main strategist of her team
 Based on Enkidu from the Epic of Gilgamesh
He has dark skin and hair, and his eyes are a warm brown-red color much like terracotta clay.
He is a lion fanus and has the tail of a lion
He comes from Vacuo
While most view Nickle as they type of person to be brutish, immature, and an idiot due carefree and often rash nature he can actually be quite intelligent and gentlemanly when he wants to be
When Magnolia first discovered this she began to have a crush on him until he revealed he was already in a relationship
They’re soulmates
They’re based on Gilgamesh so they have to be
While he has a weapon, a spear that doubles as a gun, he prefers hand to hand combat and enjoys getting in his opponents personal space to mess with their head
His symbol is a pot with water flowing from it
His semblance is the ability to mimic anyone’s movements given he’s seen them for at least ten minutes
Team LEMN:
Emerald and Nickle are partners and Laghan and Magnolia are partners
When Emerald and Nickle bumped into each other she groaned because it means she’s not guaranteed to be with Jaune
Nickle was not amused by this reaction
“I’m not that horrible to look at am I?!”
Magnolia and Laghan’s first meeting was less annoyance filled as they helped each other not die to a grim, they had each other’s backs and have been closed since
Although Magnolia doesn’t view him as a possible love interest due to his disregard for rules
They are all very loyal people so if you hurt one of them they’re all coming for you!
Nickel’s partner attends Haven academy and he introduced his team to them when they came for the Vytal festival
During the festival Emerald experienced her first ever crush, that being on a boy called Mercury from haven
They danced together at the party in Vol2 and she was over the moon
Someone help her she’s got it bad. She’ll stay up all night thinking about him
Then the fall of Beacon happens and she’s heartbroken over his involvement
Her team is pissed
Magnolia likes to drag Emerald shopping with her, Emerald looks good in a lot of colors so she likes to try out different styles on her for reference
Magnolia has an interest in fashion design and uses Emerald as her muse
Nickle and Laghan like to cause trouble together. They pull pranks a lot and the girls have to get them out of trouble
That’s it for now. I might do some more but I’m not sure on what.
anyone got any ideas on what romances could happen, or just ideas hit me up
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imnotsebastiansten · 6 years ago
—LETTER D— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BREED OF DOG?: i love all kinds of dogs it doesnt matter WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT?: probably tiramisu
—LETTER E— WHAT IS YOUR ETHNICITY?: romanian —LETTER F— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOTBALL TEAM?: im not into sports WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER?: sun flower WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FRUIT?: banana —LETTER G— WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE GAMES?: monopoly, sims 4 WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TYPE OF GUM?: five with apple —LETTER H— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOCKEY TEAM?: im not into sports WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY?: photography i guess —LETTER I— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR?: chocolate —LETTER J— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE JELLY BEAN FLAVOR?: idk man  WHERE IS YOUR FAVORITE JUNK FOOD PLACE?: taco bell WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE JUICE?: with strawberries —LETTER K— HOW MANY KIDS DO YOU HAVE/WANT?: none —LETTER L— WHERE DO YOU LIVE?: romania WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LETTER OF THE ALPHABET?: hmm i never really thought about this, i think q —LETTER M— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MONTH?: hmm i like october because the wether is not too cold and not too hot, i also really like december and march tho WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE?: as you are, only lovers left alive, thor ragnarok WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE MUSICAL GROUP/ARTIST?: atm metallica, bring me the horizon and radiohead —LETTER N— FAVORITE NUMBER?: 11 WHAT IS YOUR NAME?: river —LETTER O— ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD?: no —LETTER P— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOUSE PET?: guinea pig but also cats even tho unfortunately i dont have one WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPING?: idk man —LETTER Q— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE?: i have way too many i cant choose only one —LETTER R— WHAT DO YOU READ?: a lot of genres WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT?: cuptorul cu lemne —LETTER S— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SNACK: doritos i guess WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO SIP ON?: idk WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO SHOP?: hmm well it depends what im looking for —LETTER T— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW?: the magicians and mr robot WHO IS/WAS YOUR FAVORITE TEACHER?: idk man —LETTER U— WHAT KIND OF UNDERWEAR DO YOU HAVE?: normal? WHAT BRAND OF UNDERWEAR DO YOU WEAR?: brand idk man —LETTER V— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE VEHICLE?: i dont really have one WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE VEGGIE?: vanata idk how its called in english WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE VEGGIE?: broccoli WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO ON VACATION?: finland, sweden and england —LETTER W— WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK?: saturday WHAT IS YOUR WEATHER?: cold WHO ARE YOUR FAVORITE WRITERS?: salinger, tolkien, rick riordan, etc —LETTER X— WHAT KIND OF QUESTIONS HAVE AN X?: the math ones —LETTER Y— WHAT YEAR DO YOU TURN 21?: 2022 WHAT YEAR DID YOU GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL?: im gonna graduate in 2020 WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR?: autumn —LETTER Z— WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN?: capricorn WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ZOO ANIMAL?: hmm zebra
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adadenman65535-blog · 7 years ago
2016 Celebration Program
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The Power from Verse and the Created Phrase: In this exclusive set from interviews, our team talk with Dr Maya Angelou (1928-2014, a celebrated writer, memoirist, storyteller, instructor, playwright, developer, actress, chronicler, filmmaker, as well as civil liberties activist), Andrew Movement (Writer Laureate from the United Kingdom from 1999 to 2009, Owner of the Verse Archive), Lemn Sissay MBE (Worldwide well-known artist, as well as Chancellor from the University of Manchester), Saul Williams (globally acclaimed rapper, artist and also star), George the Writer (Artist as well as communicated word performer), Yann Martel (multi acclaimed author, most ideal understood for his worldwide well-known job 'Lifestyle of Private eye') and also Tariq African-american Notion" Trotter (Grammy Award Succeeding Owner & MC of 'The Origins'). These instabilities have to be taken care of, specifically if environment improvements in a manner to minimize our items. Currently in their Third appearance at Idea Blister, and also with community honors trophies and 6 problems under their waistband, Crew Catsup are proud to present the Decrease in and Attract at Notion Blister 2016. Pop through Leeds Central Public library to view all the fantastic contestants off the Notion Bubble Comic Fine art Competition in an all new digital event! In the space of verse this are going to come forward, you can't hide responsible for songs, physical activities or anything else- you have to speak and also comprehended. Therefore among things our experts're carrying out currently, three opportunities a year our team are actually visiting have a little train right into the playground along with groups of little ones so they could really devote the day there certainly, possess a picnic lunch time and also view the animals. Held by Publisher from Graphic Comic books, Eric Stephenson. There are actually a lot of ways in order to get engageded in dealing with the water and also cleanliness problems past just contributing funds, although that is significantly essential to our goal! The South African historian Joel Modiri, nevertheless, just recently noted that one from the extra popular discoveries of the Fallist trainee movement has actually been its exposure from the mediocrity and also lack of knowledge - not from the pupils however from South African scholars". Movie critics from Nollywood have likewise defined the movies as enhancing Western side strereotypes of African primitivism," and complained about what they consider the crappy of the movies, and also their constantly reviewing the very same concepts. Prof Alioune Sall, Exec Director, African Futures Principle, Tshwane. Thrown by the LSE Collection, the Orwell Young people Reward and also LSE Literary Celebration.
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Incentives from Training Big Idea Trainees: When I take the children with ceramic, which is actually a lengthy procedure, and also they observe that all done they understand they have created something that lasts or is even valuable," she states. In the midst of spirits boosting joys and creative thinking activities, the Dallas ISD media crew filmed portion of the day's activities to use in their Today in Dallas ISD area of The Hub, the Dallas ISD weblog. In my thoughts forgiveness is extra a behavior and frame of mind than anything else since you can mention 'I forgive you' and yet function in a cruel way, or even you could point out 'I do not forgive you' and also function in a profoundly forgiving means. Available for interviews: Kristina Dove, senior companion relations supervisor, Significant Thought and feelings, may cover Dallas Urban area from Learning, a partnership of Significant Thought, the metropolitan area from Dallas and Dallas ISD to make sure that students possess access to top quality summer finding out courses that stem summer understanding reduction. This can easily have a substantial and harmful effect on their potential to take part in the economic climate - whether as business people or staff members. Business people must offer a return to ensure these organizations can pay for pension plans, staff members, or even supply funding elsewhere. If you loved this write-up and you would such as to obtain even more details pertaining to just click the following article kindly see the web-page. All 6 gaining entries are going to get the major prize of finding their job released in a comic that will be actually published worldwide by Photo Comics in 2018. Ahead of this year's LSE Literary Festivity which denotes the anniversary of Thomas Much more's Paradise, in a special controversy for BBC Broadcast 3's flagship program FreeThinking (@BBCFreeThinking ), political leaders and also historians question the harmony between optimism and also realism in politics, global connections and also political history. Sat 23 September, Brodrick Venue, Leeds Urban area Gallery, 12:30 -13:30, All Ages, Free. If authorities were the secret for growth in the 19th century, entrepreneurs are actually the foundation of the 21st century economy. They operate accelerator courses in San Francisco & Silicon Valley 4x yearly focusing on internet marketing and also customer customer, accomplishment and also style adventure, and also lean start-up techniques and also metrics. Having said that, the primary influencer on the indigenization has been the long-lived Ghanaian spirit to ruin totally free that dates back to the early conflicts with Europe and tone from scholarly works by Ghanaian historians in the 18th century via to the early 20th century, culminating in the restoring from freedom coming from the English in 1957 after English royal regulation since the 1900s. Sunshine 16th Nov, Speech Bubble Door Location, Leeds Dock, 1200-1250, totally free entry along with Saturday/Weekend convention successfully pass, any ages, however satisfy details: Thought and feelings Bubble carries out not console content. Instructor Muhammad Yunus Business people are trendsetters. These are the type of circumstances that have to be actually resolved through a strong Investor Arrangement as typically the financiers need protection from this kind of circumstance, along with a minimum of veto civil rights over this form of thing taking place.
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harlanweld549-blog · 7 years ago
Top 5 Trends In gel To Enjoy. For those who have any kind of inquiries concerning in which in addition to how you can work with sektoracla.info, you are able to call us from our own site.
The Electrical power from Poems and also the Composed Word: In this exclusive collection of job interviews, our company contact Dr Maya Angelou (1928-2014, a renowned writer, memoirist, writer, teacher, dramatist, producer, actress, chronicler, filmmaker, and also humans rights lobbyist), Sir Andrew Motion (Writer Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1999 to 2009, Creator from the Poetry Store), Lemn Sissay MBE (Worldwide well-known poet, and also Chancellor of the College from Manchester), Saul Williams (worldwide reputable rap artist, writer and also actor), George the Artist (Writer as well as spoken term performer), Yann Martel (multi award-winning author, most ideal known for his worldwide acclaimed work 'Life of Pi') and Tariq African-american Idea" Trotter (Grammy Award Winning Creator & MC of 'The Origins'). Having said that, medical professionals also face a practical challenge in that they perform not have or recognize of Ghanaian tags for the trend from behavior as well as signs noted (E. Dickson, private interaction, June 13, 2016). Yet another explanation is actually that of a straight communication in between Timbuktu academics and the people from Gold Coast (or Ghana) with trade. My preferred modis operandi for situations where I have actually need to work around racism is actually to do my work, acquire my outcome then appear my former critics heavily in the eye as well as smile as I carry on to greater as well as better factors. Yehuda Ben-Shahar, assistant instructor of the field of biology, studies the function of genetic makeups in engagement and mating actions. The very reduced chance that an african-american would keep B's specialized position is due in large component to bigotry. As yet someplace along the road, he recognized, a lot of youngsters receive dissuaded from pursuing occupations in scientific research - and this may be specifically correct for students off underrepresented histories. Business owners must be actually centering their initiatives on producing a much more equitable, simply, and maintainable future. Hosted by the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science as well as LSE Literary Event. Sat 5th Nov, Movie theater from War, Royal Armouries (2nd Flooring), 15.50-16.40, free entry along with Saturday/Weekend event elapsed, All Ages, yet please keep in mind: Thought Bubble carries out not control board information. Padraic Scanlan is actually Assistant Lecturer in the Division of International Past at LSE.
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A Travelling Male 'Super Memory card Go!' memory card - our partner comic book store's devotion memory card for all Journeying Man outlets in Leeds, Manchester, York and Newcastle. Actually, discrimination against the non-religious is frequently created, certainly not through a need to harm atheists, yet by desire in order to help one or more religious beliefs. Lecturer Lawrence Lessig One of the most necessary component from a representative freedom is that it gives its own people the feeling that they're exemplified similarly, as well as can participate similarly in the economic situation. For Fuentes, The Concilio has actually made a big distinction not merely in her very own understanding and engagement along with her little ones' learning, however it has likewise improved her partner's link with his children's scholastic trip. To this extent, Amo has determined and also will certainly remain to determine Ghanaian psychology and psycho therapists. Below's things, our team possessed no experience, no connections, therefore I picked-up a Telephone directory (411) and started ringing all the storage space technology business in Silicon Valley- Quantum, Samsung, Seagate and also a lot more. Sat 5 & Sunlight 6 Nov, Drop in and also Pull Tables 58-62 Royal Armouries Hall, 10:00 -17:00, All Ages, FREE for under 12s yet an accompanying ticket-holding grownup needs to exist. Dealing with Thought and feelings Bubble since the very beginning, every year our team hold amazing celebrations along with a number of the greatest labels in witties. The conference more finds to construct links with establishments in all five African sub-regions, in addition to with essential Diaspora mental communities. The 6 best items and greatest victor are going to be actually presented at an exclusive 2000 AD profile customer review panel at the Notion Blister Comic Downside.
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Laurence Graff constructed his service (Graff Diamonds ) off nothing, after dropping out from school at age 14 and scrubbing lavatories as a jeweller's apprentice in Greater london's Hatton Backyard. At the G20 Africa Relationship expenditure meeting in Berlin last month, Germany bizarrely invited the innovators of Lilliputian Rwanda, Senegal, Niger, Mali, as well as Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, and also Egypt.
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toneygriffis7-blog · 7 years ago
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The Power from Verse and the Created Word: Within this exclusive collection from interviews, our team speak to Dr Maya Angelou (1928-2014, a famous writer, memoirist, novelist, educator, playwright, developer, starlet, chronicler, filmmaker, and also civil liberties activist), Mam Andrew Activity (Artist Laureate from the UK coming from 1999 to 2009, Creator of the Verse Older post), Lemn Sissay MBE (Around the globe reputable poet, and also Chancellor from the University from Manchester), Saul Williams (worldwide well-known rap artist, writer and actor), George the Poet (Writer as well as talked term performer), Yann Martel (multi acclaimed writer, well recognized for his worldwide well-known work 'Life of Private detective') as well as Tariq African-american Idea" Trotter (Grammy Award Gaining Creator & MC of 'The Origins'). This is actually because a new production from Ghanaian psychologists are gradually becoming aware of because psychological science is actually a science in which the 'psychology as well as theory' from the scientist influence how she/he carries out the scientific research. In 1999, in awareness from his study, McGrath was actually elected to a personal office chair of faith at Oxford College, with the label of Lecturer of Historical Theology". Sunday 16th November Only - Convention Events - Speech Blister Board Area. Our experts'll be actually introducing the victors reside on phase - as well as they'll come to find their work published in 2018's Thought Bubble Anthology coming from Picture Comics! Weili Dai I am actually a program geek, my husband is equipment nerd, and we began our company with the idea that the DNA from business people could possibly help us create much better technology that might make a genuine influence. Should you have just about any questions regarding where by and also the way to make use of freshcenters.info, you possibly can contact us at our web site. Lawrence Lessig is the Roy L. Furman Lecturer of Legislation and also Leadership at Harvard Law College. The label from Tranquility's poem, I Merely Thought You Should Know" became a writing exercise for the youngsters, one they will provide everyone else in that comfortably lit institution collection. Please details: Notion Blister performs not control occasion content, FREE.
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Away from our centre-piece convention, as well as linked signing celebrations around the nation, our operate in learning - with a focus on innovative fine arts as well as creating - reaches out to manies grownups as well as youngsters all over Leeds and also Bradford. With the aid of researchers like Sophia Hayes, associate lecturer of chemistry, brand-new innovations may make that possible to clear away the green house gas co2 from the ambience, transform it in to a sound, as well as outlet that in a safe atmosphere somewhere else. Actually in the 1960s, Lewis had actually required multi-party freedom in Africa's unique states involving relative representation; union federal government; and federalist devolution. The Principle combines the teaching advisers, modifying professionals, as well as investigation holdings from the Peirce Edition Job, the Santayana Version, the Frederick Douglass Papers, as well as the Facility for Radiation Bradbury Researches with relevant academic plans in American Studies, Expert Modifying, and also American viewpoint.
Like everybody else our company were actually amazed through Noelle's fascinating vision from just how witties may be and also would like to perform our component in obtaining her over. Maybe, that requires highlighting that if the 'new record' is actually vital from the 'old past history', at that point African important historiography is actually also important from the 'new record' from the West.
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The conversation was chaired by Prof Chris Landsberg, holder of the NRF Chair from Black Diplomacy and also Diplomacy. Historic sources suggest that the precursors (or even forefathers) of majority from modern Ghanaians moved southwards to their current resolutions from the old realms in Western Africa. That is the essence from Mafeje's (2000) Africanity and also Contentious Ontology as an African-centred decolonial standard to accomplish science in Africa. Lecturer Vikram Patel The building world is actually incredibly unique, and you may never grab the truth of all countries in a single response. I do not give that over 25-50 years before the children in Africa and Latin The United States or even wherever, are all seeing the exact same series. Created: Camp Succeed started in 1989 as a summer day camping ground plan. Professor Adam Riess Returning to the Greeks, our team assumed that our experts (the Earth) were at the center from deep space, as well as horribly crucial ... effectively, why definitely would not our company be! However the supreme target remains straightforward - to impact the lifestyles from kids in Dallas. I invite Professor Birzer to the College from Colorado Stone and also waiting to his additions to our neighborhood as the 2nd Exploring Intellectual in Traditionalist Thought and also Plan," said CU-Boulder Chancellor Philip P. DiStefano. With Thought and feelings Blister getting bigger each year, our company produced Bub's Cocktail lounge - a silent, tranquil region to leave the groups and also take a while far from the dynamic meeting halls. My hope is actually that business people prepare their sights high, to take on large issues and problems, as well as take that course of enthusiasm and perseverance to have substantial effect. The technique the ice crystals were, or even the snowfall ... or the building from the tower ... the gown from the gal - as well as how reasonable every thing was actually. As a supporter for business owners as well as open markets, Tim is actually on a regular basis included as a keynote audio speaker in business conferences throughout the globe, has been actually realized as an innovator in his area through various honors and also respects, and also has frequent TELEVISION, radio, and headline appeals.
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