#also ‘One-Shot O’Shea’
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kissmefriendly · 1 year ago
Oh my god the Sharpe reference and excerpt in the latest episode.
“Poor Contessa…”
“Why, what happens to the Contessa??”
Also “Swift’s Hurrah” come on. I want to transcribe that whole snippet it’s (hah) Gold
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messrmoonyy · 1 year ago
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All my works set in the RDR2 universe in one place.
Request are currently open for hcs, drabbles and OS
Mainly looking to write one shots for Arthur and Sadie rn but will write shorter things ( drabbles and hcs ) for some other characters just ask ☺️
☆ - smut ♡ - fluff ☾- angst
Also check my photomode captures for rdr here
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The Gilded Cage ☆
Dutch believes bringing some of the girls along to the mayors party will make them seem more agreeable. Arthur brings you along, but gets a little jealous at the attention you receive.
The forbidden fruit ☆ ♡
After Dutch’s affections for you start to simmer down, you seek solace in the arms of Arthur Morgan
Give me my sin again ☆ ♡
Arthur keeps you secret in some hopes of keeping you safe. But it does means weeks pass before he sees you again
Low honour vs high honour nsfw hcs ☆ ♡
Colter Drabble
Drabbles: one / two / three / four
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Sadie as your gf hcs ( sfw/nsfw )
Drabbles: one / two / three
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What they’re like as your gf/bf (nsfw/sfw)
Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch Van Der Linde, Sadie Adler, Molly O’Shea
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bluecanvasshoe · 2 days ago
Our General is Cool??
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AU where The Order of the Phoenix is an actual army! *This is an introduction to the characters' roles and the theme! If this is enjoyed, i'll consider writing a bit more about it!*
Pairings: Slight Wolfstar, Jily
Content warnings: mentions of war (Wizarding War and very very slight mention of WW2), mention of lice, slight angst, Sirius and James are both kinda sad, Peter is acting a little suspicious, cigarettes, smoking, allusions to killing (looting)
Summary: A new mission is on the horizon; one that G Company doesn't have enough soldiers for. However, it seems that this is among many responsibilities of 20 year-old soldiers amidst a war.
DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to portray the army from any country accurately. This is a fantasy world, and the representation of the military MAY BE WRONG. This is also not meant to discredit the seriousness of war itself!
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: hey........... i'm alive................ and it's my birthday!!
James and Sirius walked through the hallways of another Order headquarters nestled into an unsuspecting magical English town. Other wizards were loitering in the hall, awaiting orders or information. They’d been stationed there until further notice, as a push was planned on a Death Eater outpost.
“The Death Eaters we found,” James started, glancing at Sirius briefly. “They talked?” 
Sirius huffed, tilting his head as he stared down the dank hallway. “Eh… so I’ve heard. They talked about supply troubles, You Know Who's bloody dinner party… I heard some of the higher-ups are pretty chuffed we even got anyone from that mission, though.”
James, picking up his pace just a little more, reached the door to an office. He held it open for Sirius, shrugging. “Better than nothing, huh?” He smiled, “At least we’re the favourites.”
“Favourites, yeah,” Sirius mumbled, walking into the room. He crossed his arms, looking at a woman of a higher rank who sat behind a wooden desk. 
Based on what he’d heard, she was a muggleborn of Irish descent, though her dad was American. The woman was of average height with broad shoulders and frizzy hair that had been pulled in a bun. She looked beyond stressed, purple bags weighing down the pale skin under her eyes.
The room itself was lit by the warm glow of a desk lamp. The blinds were drawn, heavy brown curtains blocking the dim light of dawn. The old wallpaper had noticeable water stains, but it seemed to be in good enough condition, considering it wasn’t peeling from the walls. The building seemed to be relatively old, brown wooden crowning framing the upper edges of the room and matching the trimming that lined the bottom of the walls. The floors were dark, polished hardwood in every part of the command point.
James closed the door behind him, standing next to Sirius. “Evening, Lieutenant O’Shea,” James said politely.
Lieutenant O’Shea was G Company’s first lieutenant. She was kind but had always been a bit of a hardass. However, she still understood that the soldiers fighting in the war were yet to be full adults, and she sympathised with their situation. She protected her soldiers as best as possible.
“Black, Potter,” she said, looking up from a mission report. “I take it you’re filling in for McConnell and Matisse?”
“Yes, ma’am,” James replied, “they’ve been sent on a last-minute patrol. F Company’s general’s been working with ours, and I guess they’ve decided intelligence is more important.”
The woman nodded, looking between the two men. “Alright… Well, either way, we need men for this patrol. You know of it, yes? …Good. I trust you two, but we need at least five soldiers on this mission.”
Sirius raised a sharp eyebrow, looking at James briefly. “Are we going to be choosing our squad, or is that up to you?” He asked with a thinly veiled layer of annoyance, receiving a questioning look from James. 
Lieutenant O’Shea sighed and shot Sirius a look. “That’s up to you, but I have recommendations.”
James stepped in front of Sirius, sensing his increasing frustration. “Who do you think we should bring?”
She picked up the report she was reading through, putting it aside and opening a folder. “Well, we can start with Anderson,” she began, “then maybe Dupont and Khalili. They work well together. Durchdenwald is reliable, quiet. Uh… aside from that, it’s up to you. Choose who you want to be a part of your roster, and tell them at 1200 latest; I want your team’s roster by 2000 tonight. The patrol is at 0200 hours.”
James looked at Sirius, nodding for the both of them. “Yeah, alright.”
The lieutenant returned the nod, taking a moment to look at the two of them briefly. “Alright. Dismissed.”
Sirius and James left the office and returned to the hallway.
“Be honest,” James started, “what’s going on with you?”
“What?” Sirius replied, looking at him quizzically. 
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t.”
Perhaps this was an inappropriate conversation to be had amongst other soldiers, but James didn’t mind. He was always like that; his feelings were often shared with those around him. He didn’t like to hold things in. And he especially hated it when his friends held things in.
Sirius scoffed, rolling his eyes. He’d appreciate James’ forwardness on a normal day, but today was not a normal day. 
“Later, James,” was Sirius’ reply. His avoidance worried James, considering the fact that they were so close.
A few soldiers glanced at each other, their eyes drifting to the two.
Being in a war, it seems, spreads a lot of gossip. It’s a break from the seriousness of everyday duties, and an enjoyable pastime when guarding a station with a fellow soldier. It branches connections, allowing for people who normally wouldn’t interact to bond over the shared hatred of another person or scandalous rumours they’d picked up from the barracks or latrines.
James, despite his growing concern, was not willing to be the center of some new, company-wide gossip, lest he end up like Lieutenant Martin.
James nodded, giving him an awkward smile. Things usually weren’t awkward between them. “Alright… yeah, okay.”
Remus was in the dank basement of the same headquarters. Other soldiers flitted about around him, cigarettes dangling from their lips as they moved about.
The room itself was cramped, with low ceilings and walls made of red bricks lightened by warmly-toned light bulbs. Shelves with boxes lined the walls and crates were waiting to be unloaded. Some people were grabbing supplies from the basement and bringing them back upstairs.
Remus was usually found in supply areas. He wasn’t an official supply officer, per se, but was often given the task of taking note of necessary deliveries, their dates, and what was needed. He took stock of supplies and was trusted with that job by most NCOs.
Beside Remus stood a man named Ernest Hallward. He was known to most as Hall, though. “My dad, y’know, he fought in a war. A muggle one. They’re rough.”
The lycanthrope next to him hummed. He was in between zoning out and listening but was desperately hoping to be left alone. However, he couldn’t bring himself to turn the man down. He was always like that; a bit of a doormat.
Focusing back on the conversation, he saw Hall’s expectant look. “Uh…” Remus muttered, “Yeah, um, yeah. I don’t… know much about muggle wars.”
Hall was, unfortunately, given a window for more conversation. He smiled, thin lips curving upwards in obvious excitement to go on yet another rant. 
“They’re awful, I tell ya. My dad never talked too much about ‘em, but you can infer, ya’know? So, it was between America, England-”
Hall was, thankfully, cut off by Remus’ name being called.
The man in question pushed off of the wall, peering through the crowd. Marlene was the one who called him.
She walked over, giving Hall an odd look. He returned it with a confused raise of his brow. She, however, looked away from Hall, her expression melting away to offer Remus a smile. 
“James and Sirius are waiting at the first CP. Come on, Sirius’ll throw a fit if you don’t get moving.”
The sky was grey, the sun blocked by thick clouds. Sirius and James were at a tent where schedules were laid out. The chatter of soldiers filled the damp air, most still tired from waking up not much earlier than this current moment. 
Looking over the schedule, the two could see that a few good soldiers had night watch later that night, and would therefore be unavailable. A couple of replacements could do the job, but considering they were inexperienced and yet to abandon the title of Private, that was out of the question. 
The mission was simple in theory. A quick in and out to retrieve a prisoner or two more than they had gotten the night before.
You see, not far from where they were stationed, Death Eaters were holding the line. They hadn't made an attempt to cross the prairie over to where The Order had been held up, which raised a few questions and theories. 
Despite the curiosity of the soldiers, they valued too much the rare occurrence of a bed, warm food, and hot showers. Besides sporadic bursts of fire from the Death Eaters and light retaliation from the Order, a full-blown attack hadn’t been launched on The Order yet, so things were relatively peaceful. For now, the Captain of G Company had been making arrangements for ‘patrols’ that would cross the prairie in the dead of night with the goal of taking a few Death Eaters for interrogation. Despite how proud the general had been about the success of the previous mission, he still demanded more out of the company.
“Baümer isn’t available,” said James, “neither is Liebgott. Merlin, why is everyone busy?”
“They picked the worst bloody night for these stupid goddamn missions,” Sirius muttered, fiddling with a dirtied box of cigarettes. James gave him a worried look but respected his wishes to talk later.
Remus, who had told Marlene he’d be okay to walk alone, approached two of his friends. “Marlene told me I was needed,” he said, causing the two men’s heads to snap up towards him. “You lot better be happy, you know. I left my riveting conversation with Hall to be here.”
James snorted. “Hall? Sorry, mate. Would you like to go back?”
Remus scrunched his nose, silvery scars curving at the movement. “I think I’m alright here. What am I needed for?”
“A roster. We need to make one, Sirius and I, but can’t. There’s another patrol at 0200 tonight.” 
Remus found his spot next to Sirius and peered around his shoulder at the book. “Looks busy tonight. Are you sure the patrol is today?”
Sirius huffed, “Of course it’s today. Why would the NCOs ever make anything easier for us?”
Sparing a glance at the long-haired man, Remus looked to James with a worried incline of his brows. James shook his head in return, sighing.
“Um, anyways,” Remus murmured, “Beavin would be a good addition…”
On the very far left, the farthest point any Order member in G Company of the 51st Infantry regiment could travel to was a small schoolhouse in a magical town called Wendhill. This schoolhouse had been turned into the 3rd command point, or, as it was better known, the 3rd CP.
Lily Evans, a witch known for her good nature, talent, and title as the First Sergeant of G Company, was sitting at a desk in an office behind the main schoolhouse’s room. She was stressing over the next few missions that had been sent out.
The Order was becoming desperate. Nothing had happened for a week; they’d gotten information, but nothing worth their time or attention. So, because the war effort in the West had begun to let up, they were now pushing demanding, risky operations.
Bleak sunlight poured in through the window, the grey sky’s light clashing with the warmth of the candle next to Lily. A small watch sat on the table, an expensive thing that’d been looted earlier. It ticked rhythmically, displaying the time as 10:34.
“I wish we knew what he was thinking, You Know Who,” she said, her head resting in her hand as she looked down at a piece of paper. “Would’ve saved us the trouble. Nothing from the spies, either; this is exhausting.”
Peter Pettigrew was sitting at a chair he’d pulled up in front of the desk. He furrowed his brows almost unnoticeably, glancing away towards a window. His small eyes seemed tired recently; they’d gradually become more sunken in and dark. “Yeah,” he agreed meekly.
“I mean, we’ve lost so many men. G Company went into our last battle with 130 soldiers; we’re now at 80. How many more can we lose?”
“And it doesn’t help that-”
The door was shaken by a knock.
Lily looked up and snapped out of her rambling. “Come in,” she called.
James stepped into the room, alone.
Lily instantly looked relieved, sinking into her seat with a sigh. “James,” she greeted. 
The man in question smiled at her, only looking at Peter when he heard the loud breath the boy let out. Was he nervous?
“Wormtail,” James called, “Sorry mate, but could I have a moment with Lily?”
“Uh, yeah,” Peter nodded, fleeing from the room as soon as he was given the opportunity. James looked at Lily, shrugging with an odd facial expression. 
Lily shrugged back, raising her eyebrows momentarily. 
Walking over, James sat in front of the desk in the rickety wooden chair that Peter had just been sitting in. He propped his elbows onto the table, holding one of Lily’s hands in his and supporting his head with the other. “We have another mission tonight,” James muttered.
“Yeah. A patrol for prisoners, I ‘sppose.”
“Another…” she shook her head. “We can’t sacrifice more men. We should send a letter to General Beavin.”
“I heard he’s proud of our-”
Another knock sounded at the door.
The two groaned, separating their hands and looking to the door. “Come in!” Lily called again.
G Company’s captain, accompanied by Major Williams, walked into the room.
Major Williams was a tall man, his hair barely on the edge of being considered ginger. His uniform was always crisp, and his face was always shaven. Williams had been with them since training camp and proved himself to be a good and reliable combat leader.
G Company’s captain, Captain Katz, was similar. He had an American accent, the sound of which had become familiar in the army. Wizards from around the world had joined the war effort, not just the UK.
Lily and James jumped up from their seats, standing at attention with a salute. Major Williams smiled. “At ease,” he said dismissively, walking into the room with his hands behind his back.
“Sergeant Evans,” he looked to Lily, “Sergeant Potter. …I’m aware of the mission later tonight, and I know we can’t… risk another potential battle until more replacements arrive.”
The two looked at him expectantly. Captain Katz was called further into the schoolhouse and closed the door as he left.
“The thing is, I want everyone in G Company and F Company to have a full night’s rest.”
James’ eyes widened. “What?”
Lily’s eyebrows furrowed. “Pardon?”
“I will tell General Beavin that a patrol went out at 0200 hours tonight,” Major Williams continued, “and we were unable to retrieve any prisoners. No casualties.”
“...Sir, you wouldn’t be suggesting-”
“Potter, debrief the soldiers on your roster and tell them about the change in plans. I trust that they wouldn’t tell anyone, yes?” Major Williams continued, “And uh, tell your soldiers to visit the nearest delousing station.”
Lily huffed in embarrassment.
James giggled. “Understood, Sir.”
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 months ago
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arrow | she/her | isfp | hobby writer | a menagerie of ocs 
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Side Blog: @arrows-unofficial-ocs
⤷ find ocs that aren’t in the hp or bridgerton: next gen universes there
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general disclaimer: book spoilers abound! show spoilers too, but i’m using more of book canon than show canon. so, yes, ~95% of my bridgerton works involve book canon superseding show canon.
*under construction*
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general disclaimer: do not support or agree with jkr’s views or actions, but not here to explicitly discuss my personal or political views. canon storylines are utilized mostly for the hphm ocs. also quick note that all linked profiles are under construction until further notice, so published information may be outdated.
oc x oc connections: 1870-1960 • 1961-2010 • minor ocs
𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲 𝐞𝐫𝐚
Orla O’Rourke | profile
Cillian Lynch | profile
Tadhg Lynch | profile
Niamh Kelly | profile
Vincent Fitzroy | profile (wip)
Brianna O’Rourke | profile
Fankids (wip)
𝐡𝐩 𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐫𝐚
Maxwell “Max” Pembroke | profile
Georgie Parsons | profile
Edmund Kennedy | profile
Minerva Kennedy | profile
Simon Battersea | profile
William Devlin | profile
Fankids (wip)
𝐡𝐩 𝐰𝐰𝐢 𝐞𝐫𝐚
Ophelia Lovell | profile (wip)
Linus Sullivan | profile
Colm O’Shea | profile
Minor OCs → Eugene Lovell • Ralph Myers • Enid Baudelaire • Malachy Lynch
Fankids (wip)
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐞𝐫𝐚
Rory O’Neill | profile
Aisling Lynch | profile
Fankids (wip)
𝐡𝐩 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐫𝐚
Oscar Lynch | profile (wip)
Fankids (wip)
𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐞𝐫𝐚
Ruth Rosen | profile
Ryan O’Donnell | profile
Cara O’Donnell | profile
Sara O’Donnell | profile
Conor O’Donnell | profile
Cian O’Donnell | profile
Fankids (wip)
𝐡𝐩 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬
Nicholas Wraxall | profile (wip)
Fankids (wip)
𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐫𝐚
Finn MacKade | profile
Nate MacKade | profile
Jack Whitten | profile
Thea Whitten | profile
Minor OCs → Paddy MacKade • Owen MacKade
Fankids (wip)
𝐡�� 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐫𝐚
Sophie Power | profile (wip)
Luke Battersea | profile
Declan O’Donnell-Lee | profile
Jude Cozens | profile (wip)
Fankids (wip)
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In Which William Bridgerton Is Born Prematurely
I’d Still Dance with You
To See My Son Become a Father
You Belong Somewhere You Feel Free
You Must Know You Are Beloved
The Aftermath
Bridgerton Writing Requests (closed)
HP 12 Months of Magic (2023) one-shots
30 Day (2020) OTP Challenge
Valentine’s Day 2022 Challenge
Spring Break 2022 Challenge
Summer Break 2022 Challenge
Back to School 2022
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allthishumanityforfree · 11 months ago
From X - sightings in London yesterday.
"My friends and i were gonna go to see challengers for free tonight at the cinema where one of my friends works but we postponed til wednesday… my friend who works at a cinema has just texted us that paul mescal is there"
Was wondering who he went with. Hoping Andrew, but later this tweet:
"i saw paul mescal and finn o’shea holding hands on top of a boat in hackney"
Andrew and Paul have both acted with Fionn, and he's the third man in some gay club birthday photos.
Who knows......
I am on a work deadline and this is very distracting!
I have wondered about Paul and Fionn. Mainly because of the half naked hotel room tattoo photos.
I have never gotten the energy from them from the photos; the hugs came across as very platonic, but it would not surprise me if they were going out.
The real Challengers were Fionn/Andrew/Paul all along.
Also, a new Paul rumored girlfriend dropped yesterday, Gracie Abrahms, although that was immediately shot down as she was with someone else the night before.
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marybeth-was-lesbian · 3 years ago
— Ask Rules | <3
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hello! i figured i should make some rules & such for sending me asks and also let everyone know what i will and won’t write. i’ll always encourage asks though,
What I will write:
one-shots, headcanons, lemon, fluff, angst, etc.
character x character ships (depending on what ship)
character x reader ships (prefer to write these)
kinks, within reason
gore is alright in small amounts :)
gxg, bxg and FLUFFY bxb. i don’t feel comfortable writing bxb smut because i feel it’s not my place as a cis woman. (that’s just me though)
What I won’t write:
gross kinks or anything i’d feel uncomfortable writing
anything homophobic and or transphobic unless absolutely essential to the story (however i won’t detail it)
rape (unless it’s readers backstory. i won’t write character backstories like that though. also i won’t write actual rape scenes)
People In RDR2 I’ll write for(not limited to):
arthur morgan
dutch van der linde
javier escuella
sean macguire
molly o’shea!!!
hosea matthews
john marston (sort of?)
charles smith
sadie adler
abigail marston
marybeth gaskill
People in TWDG I’ll write for:
literally mostly anyone.
Thank you for reading!
i’ll always encourage you to send asks, no matter how angsty or fluffy it is! there’s a lot of things i can write for, so don’t worry!
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novaiya · 4 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if I could request some headcanons (sfw and nsfw if you don’t mind) for Molly O’Shea x fem!reader? Thank you! :)
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She’s not into PDA. The farthest she’ll go is holding hands by the campfire/while walking (and even that will take some convincing). There’s absolutely nothing you can do to get her to kiss you while the two of you are in sight of  someone else.
But once you’re away from everyone else, that’s a whole ‘nother conversation. She loves holding your hands in hers while the two of you look at the water or over the heartlands. She also enjoys when you lay your head on her lap. She would run her fingers through your hair, the small act often lulling you to sleep.
“You’ve fallen asleep again, haven’t you,” she would whisper when she notices your light snorts.
Being from a wealthy family, she’s had a great education. She's very intelligent and enjoys discussing a variety of different topics with you, from philosophy to literature to biology. Often enough, at night, the two of you can be found in your shared tent, one of you reading a book to the other.
She’s a very passionate lover. (NSFW below)
In the bedroom, she’s quite vocal, which can sometimes be a problem if you’re doing the deed in the camp (especially during the day) You’d have to keep your mouth on her to muffle at least some of her noises.
Absolutely, without a doubt 69s.
Most of the time, you would be on the bottom, and her on top, her cunt against your lips. Her face would be between your legs, and she would alternate between fingering you and sucking on your clit.
Surprisingly, she can be very dominating and teasing.
Most of the time your sex life is more or less vanilla, but sometimes (after a shot of whiskey) you would see a different side of Molly.
“Strip now,” she would say. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
She would straddle and ride your face until she cums. If you’ve been particularly bad, she would tease you, make you think you were getting your release, only for her to remove yourself from you, leaving you high and dry.
“Be good, and maybe next time I’ll let you cum,” she’ll say, removing her fingers from you before kissing your temple and starting to put on her clothes.
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vanillasakura · 4 years ago
I first got into Red Dead around late July or so when I watched my friend and her dad speedrun the game, and one of the first things I came across for this fandom was Sapphic Week, so I’m very very happy to be able to contribute this year, especially as I’d be lying if I said the lovely ladies in this game weren’t the main reason I initially got into it and ended up buying it for myself.
Once again, a HUGE shoutout to @rdrsapphicships and Aldrig for hosting this event! I’m so excited to see what everyone creates <3 Without further ado, let’s get into it!
RDRSW21 Day 1: Music 
Title: Close Your Eyes (As it Eats at Us)
Words: 1857
Pairing: Abigail Roberts/Molly O’Shea
Warnings/Notes: Slight John bashing I’m sorry but this takes place early chapter 2 so... slightly warranted 
(Title from Close Your Eyes by The Midnight Club)
ao3 link
Don't you know, when your eyes are closed, you see the world from the clouds along with everybody else?
Indeed, Molly was on her own much of the time. Dutch could only afford her so much attention, and when he was away from camp or otherwise occupied, there wasn’t anybody who really came up to her on their own will. Not exactly like she could blame them, Molly wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. Growing up, she’d always assumed otherwise, but after seeing how Karen and Tilly had told her to stop coming up to them and “being a bitch for no good reason”, she began to wonder if everyone back home was nice to her because they had to be. Even if Molly herself wasn’t a picture-perfect example of politeness, being anything but an angel to the O’Shea daughter could have been considered blasphemy. 
It was lonely, terribly so, but Molly wasn’t quite sure what she could do to remedy the situation. She wrote poetry, she read books, she went on walks in circles around camp, she looked out over the valley (Horseshoe Overlook really hadn’t gotten its name from nowhere), but more than anything, Molly watched.
She watched how Reverend had gradually stopped bothering pretending to read the bible, instead choosing to start downing drinks earlier and earlier. She watched how Bill devoured Kieran with his eyes, all but confirming her suspicion that the man did indeed want to bed the new camp member. She watched how Karen would clench her jaw when Mary-Beth asked how things were going with Sean, but would then take his hand later and pull him out of camp, the pair slipping away to either do each other or to do nothing at all. She watched how Arthur hadn’t bothered to take down the photo of the woman who did nothing but cause him pain even after Hosea had told him to do so, instead still glancing at it longingly every now and again while he cleaned his guns in his tent. She watched Josiah practice speaking in all sorts of different accents on the outskirts of camp, correcting himself out loud whenever something wasn’t quite right. She watched how Jack would try and weave flower crowns for his mother, small hands shaking as he attempted to tie the stems of various blooms together, putting the ones he had broken too short or knocked a petal off of in a pile to his left. She watched how John admitted to Javier and Pearson that, if he could, he would kill Abigail and never think twice about it. 
The comment shouldn’t have startled Molly as much as it did. She knew that John was a good man deep down, but the way that he uttered the confession without so much as a second thought as to if what he was saying was okay made her sick. Abigail was nothing if not kind, hard-working, and strong, nothing like the type of woman you would imagine deserved those kinds of threats. What made John that angry at her, Molly didn’t know, and she wasn’t quite sure that she cared to. 
After that night, Molly didn’t just stop watching. She’d heard people say worse things, many times, but there was something about the raw earnesty in which John had spoken that made his words haunt Molly like nothing else had. She decided to start watching Abigail more, justifying it by telling herself that it was for the other woman’s safety, even though realistically, there wasn’t much protection that Molly could offer her. 
And one of the first things that Molly noticed as she began watching Abigail was that the woman could sing. 
Abigail had this habit, whenever she was sitting in her tent on her own while working on something that needed to be done, where she would hum a tune, letting her own voice pop in here and there with the words that she knew. It was an uncoordinated affair, but it was never intended to be anything but. 
It was also adorable.
So adorable, in fact, that Molly decided that maybe she didn’t just need to watch anymore, maybe she could actually go and sit with Abigail. After all, much like her, Abigail was alone, more often than not. What harm could come of it?
“You need any help?” Abigail looked up from her work, pausing her humming as Molly stood by her, close, but not so much so as to suffocate the other woman. 
“Didn’t know you offered that.” Abigail responded, expression unreadable. 
“Hasn’t been something I’ve extended before.”
“With all due respect, Miss O’Shea, I don’t need anyone’s help if they only do so because they take pity on me, especially someone who ‘isn’t anyone’s servant girl’.” Abigail’s eyes turned cold, her brow furrowed, and Molly felt anxiety beginning to set in. 
“That wasn’t my intention whatsoever, I just…” she trailed off, and Abigail cocked her head, “I just don’t want to be alone. Is it okay if I enjoy your company? Just for a short while.”
Abigail sighed, chewing on her lip. “I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t know that feelin’ all too well. Truth be told, you’re the first person who’s come up to me in weeks.”
“I have no idea why that is, though.” Molly picked a sock out of the basket by Abigail’s feet, grabbing a needle and some thread along with it. “You’re such a nice person, it truly is a shame that others don’t recognize it.”
“ ‘Nice person’? Miss O’Shea, you hardly know me.” 
Molly felt the same dreadful wave of anxiety begin to rise inside of her again. “I may not have talked to you much in the past, but I’ve watched.”
“Watched? Me?”
“I watch everybody.” Molly admitted, stabbing the cotton with her needle. “Although I must confess, I do enjoy watching you. I know that isn’t exactly polite, though.”
“You’re right in that it ain’t, but I suppose I’m a hypocrite, so what does my opinion really matter?”
“You, a hypocrite? How so?”
“Gets lonely when nobody comes up to make conversation. Sometimes, you’ve gotta get your fix by watching others.” Abigail laughed. “You never really feel like a part of the group, but it can help alleviate the pain sometimes.” 
“Have you ever seen how Karen and Sean sneak off all the time?” Molly asked. “Lord only can imagine what shenanigans they get up to.”
“If I know either of them, they’re probably finding some tree to fuck up against.” Abigail said, a smile appearing on her face. “Although, on second thought, maybe not, given what happened at his welcome party.”
“At the welcome party? I guess you must have seen something I didn’t. Mind sharing?” Molly asked, her interest thoroughly peaked. 
Abigail snorted. “Well, you saw how the two of them were all over each other that night, right?”
“Would’ve had to be blind as a bat to not have.” 
“Well,” Abigail continued, “at some point, I saw the two of them go into John’s tent, and given my proximity to them, it wasn’t hard to hear what was bein’ said and fill in the gaps.”
“So they slept together at the party? Can’t say that I’m quite surprised.” Molly tied up the thread as she reached the end of the tear, reaching for a handkerchief to work on next. 
“They sure did, but that ain’t the good part.” Molly watched as Abigail’s eyes laughed, full of a mischief that she had never seen present before in her usually quiet companion. “Sean has got to be the quickest quick shot I’ve ever seen, and given my history, that’s sayin’ somethin’.”
“No.” Molly covered up her mouth, stifling a laugh. 
“Yes! Poor Karen never even got hers, it had to have been the most pathetic thirty seconds in her entire life.” Abigail smiled, and Molly’s heart twitched. Why?
“Thirty seconds? Wow, if that’s so, then maybe they aren’t all over each other when they go out, and you’re right.” 
Abigail laughed, smiling at Molly. “Well, who’s to say, I’m not sure there even is such a thing as a constant when those two are involved.”
“You may be right there.” Molly puffed one of her cheeks out, trying her best to figure out what to bring up next. She was having a lot of fun, she should do this more often, especially as Abigail also seemed to appreciate the time they were spending together. “Okay, now is it just me, or does Bill look at Kieran a little too often for it to be considered friendly?”
“Oh, it’s not just you, no worries. I’m just a little surprised that out of everyone, he decided to be sweet on Kieran.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I mean, he’s nothing like the kind of men Bill’s been sweet on in the past.”
Molly stopped in her tracks. “Wait, you’ve known about Bill before this?” 
“Yeah, it ain’t that hard to figure it out if you know what to look for.” Unable to gauge Molly’s reaction, Abigail continued on. “I mean, I don’t have a problem with it, whatever makes you happy makes you happy, y’know? And if that means lovin’ somebody of the same sex, I sure as hell don’t see a problem with it.”
“We’re in agreement there.” Molly smiled, going back to her work, her heart beat now more palpable. “I mean, as nice as it can be to see everyone here fall in love-”
“Or lust.” Abigail interjected, a smirk on her face.
“Or lust, that’s true-- I still think that my favorite person to observe is you.”
“Hm? And why is that?” Abigail still had that smirk on her face, raising an eyebrow. “What about me is so interesting that you’d prefer to watch me than whatever the latest addition to the Sean and Karen saga is?”
“I, uh,” Molly flushed, suddenly aware of what she was saying and how weird it could be considered. “I just, I like watching you hum and sing whenever you work. Something about it is just, I dunno, very relaxing.”
Abigail clicked her tongue. “You really do notice a lot, huh?”
“Yeah.” Molly replied sheepishly.
“I guess it’s only fair that I tell you that I find watching you write poetry is quite calming.”
“You saw me doing that?” 
“How could I not? Both of us do a lot of watching and thinking, we’re both very similar in that regard.” she said, unbothered by Molly’s embarrassment. 
“I’m… glad, you can find comfort in something that I do.” Molly settled on. 
“The more we talk, the more I’m beginning to think that I just find comfort in you. Somethin’ about you just makes you easy for me to talk to.” Abigail smiled. 
“The same goes for you.” Molly sighed, nibbling on her lip. “We should do this more often. I’m having a good time.”
“So am I.” Abigail agreed. “It’s much better to be with you than to be alone.”
“It really is.” Molly shifted a bit, turning more towards Abigail. Maybe working wasn’t so bad after all.
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spooky-luvur · 5 years ago
Hi! So i was the anon who requested the Dutch with a male s/o who had a abusive family. Can you do a part 2 with the reader just having PTSD and cuddle/fluff shit ensues
I told myself I would start working on this right when I got it, like I did with the first part, but I got distracted replaying Oblivion all day, so I felt bad and put this together after that
Forgive me if I get something wrong. I personally don’t have PTSD, but my sister does, so I hope I have enough to go off of
(Warnings: ptsd, mentions of abuse, language)
(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)
At first, everyone was skeptical. But after seeing how you flinched at nearly every sudden move and have to constantly be by Dutch or else you start panicking, they decided to lay off.
Dutch had taken you in, brought you to his camp, introduced you to his family, and told you no one would ever touch a damn hair on your head again or he would bring them hellfire.
He’d saved you from a fate worse than death. You owe him everything. (suppose we can guess what choice (m/n) makes at the end of chapter 6)
Everything was fine, but...there were a few members you were more wary of than others.
Micah Bell and Molly O’Shea.
You and Dutch hadn’t...done anything...to make it seem like you were together. But the way he’d talk to you...look at you...it made those two stare. For different reasons.
The ladies of the camp had told you before you got here, Molly and Dutch were together. But just the day before, that ended, for reasons unknown to the camp. Now, the woman would give you odd stares from across camp. It made you tense, but Dutch would lay a hand on your shoulder and steer you away.
Now, Micah, was a different story.
Sometimes he would follow you around camp, just to see you duck and hurry away. It would make him laugh to see you scared.
He was like pa.
Today, Dutch and Hosea, another kind soul, had gone into town to attempt to rob some other poor fool. It was the first day without Dutch, and so at first, you only stayed in the tent. Until there was a voice from outside.
“Mr. (M/n)?”
You perk up. It was the young boy, Jack.
You see he’s holding something colorful in his hands once you exit the tent.
“Hi, Jack.”
“Hiya (M/n). I was gonna make necklaces. Do you wanna help me? You looked sad. Is it because Uncle Dutch isn’t here?”
“I’ll be okay, Jack. Don’t worry,” you give the boy a smile. “Now how about those necklaces?”
“You gotta twist the stems like this, see?”
“Got it.”
You and Jack sit by the fire in peace for a few more minutes, twisting and twirling the flowers around each other before there’s a loud scoff. Both of you look up, but you immediately duck your head back down.
Micah narrows his eyes, looking between you and the boy. His lips curl intro a mean grin.
“Careful Jacky boy, I wouldn’t spend too much time with ol’ (M/n) here. Wouldn’t want him to *rub off* on you the wrong way.”
Jack looks uncomfortable, and so you glance up and do something you know you’ll regret,
“Leave him alone, Micah.”
He laughs, loudly, attracting the attention of nearby gang members.
“Finally grew some balls, did ya??”
Jack stands, you following a moment later. The boy glances at you before running to get John.
“Didn’t think you’d have it in you to do much of anything, ‘specially since Daddy Dutch isn’t here to baby you.”
He steps closer, nearly making you fall back into the fire.
His hand suddenly snaps up as if he’s about to hit you, and this time, you do fall back. But strong arms catch you before you get burned, pulling you away.
You don’t feel it. You can’t hear the yelling around you. Your ears are ringing, everything’s muffled like a shot just went off right by your head. Your arms are wrapped tightly around your head, blocking off anything and everything.
When Micah raised his hand, you saw your Pa. In that split second, you saw all the times when he would do the exact same. Heard all the yelling, all the cursing. Felt all the beatings. Felt all the blood. The bruises. The cuts, the scars.
For several moments, you thought you were back there. Back at that horrible place, surrounded by those horrible people. Someone yells your name. A hand grips your arm, and you let out a terrified shriek, curling up tighter, away from the touch.
A choked sob leaves your lips as your arms are pried away and warm hands grip the sides of your face.
All the fear melts away once your eyes meet Dutch’s. He’s talking, his lips are moving, but you don’t hear it. All you can focus on are his wide, brown eyes.
“...kay, son, you’re okay.”
You blink, eyes overflowing with tears. It takes you several moments to regain yourself. It also takes you several moments to realize you’re no longer in camp, but further away, surrounded by trees.
“(M/n)? (M/n),” you’re lightly shaken.
Eyes still wide and brimming with tears of fear, you finally face Dutch, his name leaving your mouth, sounding like a kicked puppy.
He only looks at you with a tight face, but before he can say anything else, you slump against him, sobs racking your body. He sits back against a tree, pulling you between his open legs. He lets you bury your wet face into his chest, one hand stroking your back and the other buried in your hair.
You stay like that for several minutes, no words being exchanged.
After a long while, you stop crying. Your breath is still ragged, and you feel weak and tired, but you have enough strength to lift your head.
“I’m so sorry, Dutch, I-“
“No, son, don’t you be sorry,” he lets your head, being uncharacteristically gentle and kind. “Your reaction, with what you went through, was natural. I...apologize for Mr. Bell. I will speak to him.”
You sniff, pushing your face into the mans neck. He smelled of whiskey and cigars.
Dutch sighs. “I promise you, from now on, you’ll have a good life. Not always an easy one, but a better one.”
“Thank you, Dutch.”
“Of course, son.”
posted 7-1-20
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letterboxd · 5 years ago
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Pride: 25 Queer Films To Love.
Dating Amber writer and director David Freyne introduces our London correspondent Ella Kemp to 25 of his favorite LGBTQIA films.
A coming-out, coming-of-age film, David Freyne’s Dating Amber follows “baby gays” Eddie (Fionn O’Shea) and Amber (Lola Petticrew), who act as each other’s beards in order to stop speculation about their sexualities. Released on Amazon Prime Video in the UK for Pride month, it’s winning praise from Letterboxd members as a “charming” and “gentle” comedy-drama “full of loveliness that extends beyond the Irish accents”.
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Lola Petticrew and Fionn O’Shea as Amber and Eddie in ‘Dating Amber’.
As the number of films by and about the gay and trans community expands, we asked Freyne if he could narrow down a list of ten favorites for us. The answer was no—instead, we got 25!
“There are so many extraordinary queer films beyond this list, but all of these films just really affected me when I saw them. Some were the first time I saw queerness on screen, while I deeply identified with others. And, as a filmmaker, each of them makes me braver to fight to tell stories that aren't always easy to get made.
“They are in no particular order because I don’t want to bump into Barry Jenkins (which is obviously going to happen) and have to explain that he is number five on that list (that he will definitely read) for no specific reason. It’s just a technicality.”
David Freyne’s 25 Favorite LGBTQIA+ Films
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My Summer of Love (2004) Directed by Paweł Pawlikowski
Paweł Pawlikowski’s film feels like a dream that sweeps you up along with it, helped along by incredible early performances from Natalie Press and Emily Blunt. The hypnotic use of Goldfrapp's ‘Lovely Head’ is probably my favorite use of a song in any film ever. Their drug-fuelled dancing was a massive inspiration for Eddie and Amber’s baby steps into Dublin’s gay scene in Dating Amber.
Weekend (2011) Directed by Andrew Haigh
I never fail to cry buckets at the end of this heartbreaking gem. It’s small in the best sense of the word. Two people fall in love over one intimate weekend. Their gayness is both incidental and totally fundamental. It’s so delicate and moving. Andrew Haigh is a master.
But I’m a Cheerleader (1999) Directed by Jamie Babbit
Jamie Babbit’s debut is a brilliant, campy comedy about a cheerleader sent to a conversion therapy camp. I love it for all the reasons many critics (at the time) disliked it. It is subversive, quirky and defiantly upbeat. And it stars Natasha Lyonne and Clea Duvall. Enough said.
Paris is Burning (1990) Directed by Jennie Livingston
I’m not saying anything new when I say that Paris is Burning is necessary viewing. It’s a hilarious, moving and eye-opening look at the (mostly) Black trans women in New York’s ball scene. It is a glimpse into the lives of these extraordinary people who risked everything to live authentically, for themselves and each other. And at a time when our trans family is so under attack, it is vital to see such iconic figures from our community. You’ve probably seen it. Re-watch it. Also those end notes will make you cry.
Happy Together (1997) Directed by Wong Kar-wai
As with all Wong Kar-wai’s work, it is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. It’s a tough watch, a portrait of a toxic, failing relationship. But it looks beautiful. They’re miserable and co-dependent. It’s abusive and awful. But it’s great. It really is a great film. I’m not selling this one well. Just watch it.
Moonlight (2016) Directed by Barry Jenkins
Definitely worth watching after Happy Together. Not just because it will make you feel better, but because Barry Jenkins has noted it as a big influence. Also, Moonlight is a masterpiece. You know that, of course. Side note: I realize I’ll never be able to create a hand-job scene as powerful and tender as Jenkins did here, but, in Dating Amber, I made three comedy hand-jobs. Take that Jenkins!
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God’s Own Country (2017) Directed by Francis Lee
You can feel Francis Lee in every frame of this film. It’s personal filmmaking at its very best, with wonderful performances from Josh O’Connor and Alec Secăreanu. And it has the most beautifully romantic ending that you only realize we lack for LGBTQ characters when you see it laid out so wonderfully. When we were trying to finance Dating Amber and people suggested it was too Irish, I’d just reference God’s Own Country, which is so defiantly Yorkshire, and they’d shut up. Also, Secăreanu’s jumper with a thumb hole is my style icon. Bring on Ammonite!
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018) Directed by Marielle Heller
Marielle Heller is such a brilliant filmmaker. This film is based on the memoir by Lee Israel who forged letters by famous people to sell. It’s a genre piece that feels like it could have been made in the 70s. But what I love about it the most is that it is a rare example of a film that centers the friendship between a lesbian and a gay man. Why do films usually treat us like we exist in totally separate worlds? Anyway, it’s a joyous watch.
Tangerine (2015) Directed by Sean Baker
I’m obsessed with tightly plotted films and Tangerine doesn’t waste a frame. It’s 88 minutes of pure wit, charm and entertainment in line with the best of old-school Hollywood. You instantly forget that Baker’s film is shot on an iPhone and just get swept up in the extraordinary performances of Mya Taylor and Kitana Kiki Rodriguez. It’s such a mystery they don’t work more. (Reader: it’s not a mystery. It’s because they are Black trans women, and the industry is shit.)
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Portrait of a Lady On Fire (2019) Directed by Céline Sciamma
We all bow at the alter of Céline Sciamma. This film is perfection. The sparse-but-powerful use of music, exquisite photography and extraordinary performances that burn beneath the stillness. The final shots of Adèle Haenel will feed your soul for a year. (Side note: face masks have never looked so stylish.)
Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971) Directed by John Schlesinger
This was John Schlesinger’s follow up to his best-known film, Midnight Cowboy. A middle-aged gay doctor (Peter Finch), and a divorced woman (Glenda Jackson), are both in an open love triangle with a younger, bisexual sculptor (Murray Head). It’s quite low-key and far tamer now than when it was released, but it’s a beautiful film and Schlesinger’s most personal. He was one of the few openly gay directors of his time. And Jackson’s performance steals it.
Far From Heaven (2002) Directed by Todd Haynes
Todd Haynes’ stunning film will make you immediately go out and discover all of Douglas Sirk’s glorious technicolor melodramas. Julianne Moore’s performance as a wife who discovers her husband is gay will break you. Dennis Quaid is also terrific as her closeted husband.
The Watermelon Woman (1996) Directed by Cheryl Dunye
Cheryl Dunye’s low-budget debut is a seminal queer film. A video store worker and documentarian (played by Dunye) starts a new relationship while becoming obsessed with ‘the watermelon woman’, a Black actress forgotten by history. It’s lo-fi, funny and a, far too rare, film about race and sexuality.
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My Beautiful Laundrette (1985) Directed by Stephen Frears
It may have been the first time I saw gay characters on screen and, at the time, it petrified me. But what an amazing film about love, acceptance and the power to change. Fun fact: Daniel Day-Lewis spent a year as a tumble dryer in preparation for his role.
Beautiful Thing (1996) Directed by Hettie MacDonald
Hettie MacDonald’s coming-of-age film is so lovely, honest and tender. James Harvey adapted it from his own play of the same name. The soundtrack is almost entirely The Mamas and the Papas. I am surprised some cigar-smoking West-End mogul hasn’t attempted a musical adaptation. Or maybe they have, I don’t know.
Pride (2014) Directed by Matthew Warchus
Such a purely entertaining film while being urgent, political and deeply moving. Beresford’s script is a masterclass in plotting and if you don’t cry at the end then you are dead inside. Sorry but that’s just science. Also it has the most emotional postscript coda since, well, Paris is Burning.
Love is Strange (2014) Directed by Ira Sachs
Ira Sachs is one of my favorite current filmmakers and criminally underrated. I mean, he’s appreciated, but he needs to be lauded. Love is Strange is such a charming and quietly devastating love story about an older gay couple who lose their apartment and have to couch surf with relatives. It’s one of the most effective films in dealing with the rental crisis in big cities, something he does equally brilliantly in the follow-up, Little Men.
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A Fantastic Woman (2017) Directed by Sebastián Lelio
Sebastián Lelio’s film is a beautiful story about one trans woman’s grief after the unexpected death of her older partner. But what makes this film so spectacular is the captivating performance by Daniela Vega. We need to see more of her on screen.
BPM (Beats per Minute) (2017) Directed by Robin Campillo
It’s a film about the AIDS activism of Act Up in 1990s Paris. What makes this so incredible is how joyous it is. Strobe-doused dance scenes punctuate this film that will make you want to take to the streets and fight for your rights.
The Queen of Ireland (2015) Directed by Conor Horgan
This documentary by Conor Horgan follows Ireland’s most famous drag queen, Panti Bliss (aka Rory O’Neill). It’s about his life, a legal battle (a bunch of homophobes sued Rory for calling them homophobes on national TV) and the staging of a show in his hometown. Central to all this is Ireland’s historic vote on marriage equality, something that Panti was a powerful figure in. If you want to laugh and have your heart soar in seeing confirmation of how a once painfully conservative country moved to love and equality, watch this.
The Kids Are All Right (2010) Directed by Lisa Cholodenko
Lisa Cholodenko’s feature is a warm, witty and realistic look at a lesbian couple and their children. Every performance is pitch perfect. I can’t believe it’s a decade old and that we have had so few similar films since.
Booksmart (2019) Directed by Olivia Wilde
We need more joyous films with queer leads and Olivia Wilde’s debut is just that. Set over one night of belated partying, we follow best friends Molly and Amy (Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever), one of whom happens to be a lesbian. It is just so much fun to watch.
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All About My Mother (1999) Directed by Pedro Almodóvar
I mean this list could just be an Almodóvar filmography, but All About My Mother just happened to be the first of his I saw and it blew my little gay mind. It’s simply about love in its truest sense. Almodóvar said it best with his dedication, “To all actresses who have played actresses. To all women who act. To men who act and become women. To all the people who want to be mothers. To my mother.”
Female Trouble (1974) Directed by John Waters
You can’t have a queer film list without John Waters, and this 1974 classic is my favorite of his. It follows Dawn Davenport (played by the legendary Divine) from teen delinquent to the electric chair. It’s hilarious, irreverent and distasteful in the ways only Waters can be.
Saint Maud (2019) Directed by Rose Glass
Rose Glass’s debut film isn’t out yet and so technically shouldn’t be on the list. But I saw at a festival last year and loved it, so there. It’s a horror film about a private nurse (rising star Morfydd Clark) who tries to save the soul of her deviant and lesbian patient (the always-brilliant Jennifer Ehle). It’s eerie, stylish and the sort of debut all us filmmakers wish we had. Shut up, you’re jealous!
Related content
MundoF’s Opening the Vault: a chronological history of queer interest and LGBTQ+ cinema.
Leonora’s list of Films by Transgender Writers and Directors.
Out of the Closets and Into the Cinemas!: meeting queer folks in dark rooms.
New Queer Cinema
Queer Films Everyone Must See
Queer, Black, 21st Century: A Pride 2020 List
Autostraddle’s Top 200 Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies of All Time
Brianna’s list of LGBT+ Animation
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ohmrbell · 5 years ago
Finding Peace (Micah Bell x reader) Chapter 3
WARNING NSFW! Smut exists in this chapter I’m sorry don’t even know how I came up with this XD
Also Micah will be in the next chapter just needed to get some back story in here!
The next morning at Colter moved at a snails pace, the freezing air and harsh terrain left spirits low in camp and with most of the group away taking on the O’Driscoll’s an eerie silence had fallen over the area, with all that could be heard was the gentle swaying of the evergreen trees and heavy creaks of the wooden structures. I was put on guard duty with Karen and Uncle each of us posted at a different entrance to the abandoned shacks. It had been a few hours now since the boys left and their arrival should be soon. Suddenly I heard the heavy hoofs of horses bounding towards me, snapping my head to the left I was able to see Dutch up front riding in with the rest of the boys thanks to the weather being much clearer today. They all began to hitch their horses and dismount gathering all their belongings they took with them, Dutch approached me looking rather pleased placing a firm grip onto my shoulder, “My dear, I have once again found a way to save us all, handed to us by our very own enemy, we won’t be in these mountains much longer, I have a plan” he trailed off his voice dropping to a deep growl. As long as I have been with the gang I will never get used to the random outbursts Dutch provides doused in pure dominance and confidence. I’m caught off guard by a certain phrase he spoke to me and simply mumble, “sounds good boss”. He gives me a wink and walks past greeting everyone who had gathered in a small group behind me. Miss O’Shea is baring into my soul with a sharp emerald glare clearly bothered by her lovers actions to me. Not that I am interested in being with Dutch, not again anyway...
Once a few years back when the gang was much smaller I was around 20 years old at the time, everyone in the gang seemed to be all loved up, John and Abigail, Arthur and Mary, Hosea and Bessie, hell even Tilly had been flirting with a smart young man in town and miss Grimshaw was getting action! It was hard for someone like me, I had a hard time learning to trust everyone and relax. I had to learn to be an adult and survive long ago. I never had the chance to even feel love for anyone, never kissed someone I had a crush on, never danced with a man, never slept with someone who cared.
That night at camp I was sitting down through the shrubs in a small clearing that had a large boulder in the centre that was great to hide behind. It was a tiring day and I was drained mentally and physically, I cried hard that night wishing things would be a different way, that I wouldn’t be so alone. Then came Dutch, walked straight past me and didn’t even know I was there, he leaned on a tree ahead of me and let out a defeated sigh, dropping down to a crouch he removed his hat and started running his fingers through his black mane his slicked back hair became loose and small curls began to fall softly around his face. He let out a shaky sigh which caught in his throat and I saw a single tear slide down his hollowed face shining in the moonlight. As soon as I saw it I felt a pang inside of me of sadness at the man in front of me. He is as I’ve never seen him, completely vulnerable when normally he holds himself high with pride, a man of power and respect who never appears as weak. My own sorrow and yearning to be held took over “Dutch” I whispered softly his head shot towards me in a second but he didn’t move. he stared into my own tear filled Y/E/C eyes as two more slid down his face.
What happened next occurred so fast I didn’t even think about it, he was pulling off my red checkered shirt while I started unbuttoning his silk vest struggling with his various items of golden jewellery that were entwined in the black fabric. Once I was free of my shirt he began to rip off his own while I hastily unbuttoned my stiff trousers. In a matter of seconds I was bare in front of my leader him only remaining in his slacks and boots. We exchanged no words as he hungrily devoured my neck sucking and biting all over until finding the spot that made me sing. He bit harder on my skin causing me to let out a scream, I grabbed onto his throbbing member and gave it a few pumps smearing his precum around his pink tip, he stopped biting and raised up to meet my face. his His own eyes had become dark with lust but when he looked at me he become gentler almost. He rubbed his large thumb over the tender wound he left on my neck causing me to whimper. I moaned his name as he pushed inside of me, the pleasure that had become foreign to me returning with full force. He let out a deep grunt then started going faster each thrust reaching further each time. My body was completly submissive to him yet he was still soft with me kissing down my body and my face, but he kept his grip on my waist strong. I could feel my high building fast and couldn’t stop moaning all sorts of profanities, I felt myself begin to clench around him “I-I’m gonna cum D-Dutch”
“Let me hear you, my dear” he purred into my ear causing me to go over the edge. I spasmed beneath him, milking his cock causing him to growl as he shoved himself in deeper holding himself to me as he came elongating my high. We both moaned for each other during our release. After a few moments he pulled out and sat next to me, pulled up his pants and pulled me into his side.
He covered me in his white shirt and kissed the mess of Y/ H/C hair on my head. Still we didn’t speak just panting and regaining our breath and taking into consideration what had just happened. I don’t love Dutch, I don’t want to be with Dutch I just needed him in the moment. “Thank you, my dear” he spoke “thank you” I replied back. He gave my side a squeeze “I don’t want you to believe that I am regretful Y/N but what happens after this “ he gestured in between us “it don’t have to be nothin’ Dutch, we just needed each other that’s all” he smiled and just sighed. It seems stupid but that is really all the happened we didn’t speak anymore about the matter both of us didn’t want that. We were just there at the right time, it could have been anyone. We stayed there for a while longer before eventually going back to the camp. We said our good nights and it never happened again. No one knew except Arthur because well apparently he heard us. He swore to me he wouldn’t tell anyone and I left it at that. Man’s so goddamn nosy sometimes. Of course by the end of the week everyone knew, they whispered sure but it was soon silenced when Dutch caught wind of it. And since it’s Dutch people actually shut their damn mouths, for once. Yet to this day Dutch occasionally will call me the name he did when we were intimate, “my dear” and he always says it in the same tone. I know he’s just being Dutch and is trying to be playful by pushing my buttons but I don’t want people to start thinking a certain thing, especially since there’s someone else I feel some type of way for...
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awesomejustgotawesome · 4 years ago
So I wrote out a lot of my thoughts on Godzilla vs. Kong and it ended up quite long, so it’s under this keep reading thing. The summary is I liked it but there’s a few things including one major storyline I really, really, really, really, really didn’t like hahah. (spoilers for the whole film of course)
So while I enjoyed it, I think Godzilla vs. Kong was easily the weakest of the 4 MonsterVerse films. Rewatching the first 3 yet again yesterday, I just love how each one has it’s own awesome style that’s unique to the series, especially Godzilla & Kong: Skull Island. It’s just so good. And while GvsK had the same MonsterVerse vibe all the films have, it didn’t reallly have any style like the others. The action was great, some cool shots/moments, and it was quite colorful at times. But there was just a lack of something the others had. A big something.
On top of that, I do think it was also the weakest of the 4 in terms of story/characters. Again I still enjoyed it, but the biggest problem that really brought this film down so much lower than the previous ones was the fact that Madison, Josh and Bernie’s entire storyline was pointless. They did NOTHING the entire film. They were just there to discover Mechagodzilla, which they really didn’t need to be. It was quick to show us Bernie had no knowledge and was probably not going to do anything, and as the film kept having all three of them not be doing anything it just became infuriating. What they did at the end again could have been done by absolutely anyone. Josh says “if I can guess the password” and then constantly talks about how unbelievably incompetent he is, yet Madison or Bernie don’t leave the fucking room and get anyone, anyone at all, who works there to help. I don’t remember them showing the door behind them being blocked or anything. And it’s not like the employees are evil henchmen, heck the main guy would have helped to stop it once he saw it was not under their control and killing innocent people. But no, just let Josh guess a password and then pour a drink on it, like what the fuck was that.
Millie & Kyle’s characters 1000% should not have returned for this movie. I think if they did a film exploring the Hollow Earth a few years from now, that would have been perfect to bring Millie back when she’s older and can be working for Monarch on her own or something.
Speaking of Monarch, despite four characters who work for them being in the film it feels like Monarch wasn’t really there unlike the previous Godzilla movies. Like Lance Reddick was apparently a Monarch director but, if I remember, the film doesn’t tell us that and he has no role at all. Like why waste a good actor like that. Also Serizawa’s son is in this but it’s barely talked about, they could have been unrelated characters and it’s baffling they weren’t.
The storyline with Madison, Josh & Bernie 100% should have been replaced with one featuring Monarch and Military personal. Not sure why Bradley Whitford, Zhang Ziyi, Joe Morton, Aisha Hinds, O’Shea Jackson Jr, and David Strathairn weren’t in this film reprising their roles. All those characters were great. Also I think Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s character would have been perfect for a return here. Heck I still would have loved aged up versions of Brie and Tom. The post-credits scene of that film hinted they’d be more important but than I guess they did nothing.
This storyline should have been a bit more on par with something from the 1st film, or at least the 2nd, not three characters (two just for comedic reasons) doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The other storyline with the new characters was fine, and great, like previous films. Those characters had purpose, and did SO MUCH. Nothing wrong there, but the fact this other storyline (not including the new bad guy with Mechagodzilla) added nothing really brings the film down. Again though, Millie appearing older working for Monarch in a future Hollow Earth film could have been a great return for the character. Not this though.
Then there’s the two main stars, Kong and Godzilla. Everything with Kong I loved, they nailed all that. Godzilla not so much, I feel like him fighting Kong just never felt justified. Like the previous films I could tell what Godzilla was thinking, but this just seemed to be done for no reason. Like Kong takes one foot off Skull Island and Godzilla beats the guy up? I know the film explains this rivalry legend between them but it still doesn’t work well, unlike Ghidorah who was actively trying to take over from Godzilla. Kong was just taking a trip. Kind of made Godzilla to feel like a bit of an asshole in my opinion. Like he’s so insecure another King is there he has to fight him? Kong didn’t show any sign whatsoever of wanting Godzilla’s title of KotM the way Ghidorah did.
So yeah overall I liked it, but it was the weakest one. And it is disappointing considering how easy it could have been better. Just replace a completely pointless storyline with one that matters and adds something besides comedic characters. Not the best ending to the series, but an okay entry. Really hope they make more though.
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flamehairedwritings · 5 years ago
The Fire In Your Eyes: Chapter Five
Characters: Arthur Morgan x Original Female Character
Rating: The whole series will be E, 18+ ONLY for violence, gore, character deaths, animal deaths, parent deaths, swearing, grief, sexual themes and sex.
Summary: Saved by Arthur Morgan when her town is attacked, a young woman’s past comes back to haunt her when she has no choice but to join the Van der Linde Gang.
The Fire In Your Eyes Masterlist
Please don’t copy, steal or re-post my work; credit does not count.
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The Knock on the Cage
The next morning, restless from a sleepless night of turning over Micah’s words in her mind and her irritation at Arthur, Ada offered to take Karen’s morning watch, something that had delighted the other woman. 
Sadie had suggested she offer to take a watch a couple of days ago, to which Ada had politely dismissed under the pretence Miss Grimshaw needed her assistance, but now she was itching to do something else besides sewing and washing and cleaning. 
And what better way to prove her newfound loyalty to this camp than protecting it? Especially as she’d already proven what she could do.
Her ‘show’, as it was now being called, was still being discussed by the time dinner had come round, and she had batted away questions about how’d she’d been taught with humble answers of being raised to hunt.
It was a familiar story to them, some of the group having been raised the same way, so they didn’t press, just taking it as she was damn good. It was almost as if her ‘show’ had broken the last barrier between her and the group, like they had found the box they could put her in to and what purpose she served. It was almost as if she’d finally found her place, too. Most of the men, probably seeing her as more useful now that they knew she could do more than sew and clean, held easier conversations with her that night and Charles and Javier had even politely extended an open invitation to her to join them in a hunt one day. She’d accepted gladly.
Now, though, she was left alone to guard the camp on the north side, a rifle in her hands and a gentle breeze on her face.
It was peaceful, and she hadn’t minded that the hours had passed slowly. Stood under the tall trees, she listened and watched for any sign of movement, occasionally spotting a hare or squirrel rustling amongst the bushes. 
She tried not to think about how easily she had been riled yesterday. Usually she found it more infuriating to someone in an argument to be the calm one, to walk away, but something about Arthur just made her want to prove him wrong. Who the hell did he think he was, judging and—
“Good mornin’.”
She’d heard someone approach but hadn’t expected that voice to belong to them. Turning her head, she smiled politely.
She was the only camp member she hadn’t spoken to, having only glimpsed her sitting in Dutch’s tent or down on the other side of the bank, writing or combing her hair. The other women and even some of the men had remarked under their breath about how lazy and entitled Miss O’Shea was, and Ada had been able to see that for herself.
So quiet alarm bells had started to ring that Molly O’Shea, who kept herself to herself and hadn’t bothered to introduce herself previously, had come to seek her out.
“Good morning, how are you?”
“Ah, I’m grand, thank ye, you?” the Irish woman answered, a gentle smile on her lips as she wandered closer, a cigarette between her fingers.
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“Grand.” Molly exhaled a breath of smoke. “I just thought I’d come to let ye know Javier’s comin’ to take over from ye in a few minutes.”
Oh, did you now.
“Thank you, Molly.”
“No worries. I’ll walk back to camp with ye, if ye like. He shouldn’t be too long.”
Can’t really say no to that now, can I.
“Sure, that would be nice.”
Lowering her hands, Ada kept the rifle grasped in one as she fell into step with Molly, her curiosity over exactly what Miss O’Shea wanted causing her to fall silent.
She didn’t have to wait long.
"You’ve got lovely hair. Just like mine. Ye got any Irish in yer family?”
There we go.
“Yes, my father was. He’d come here as a child, though.”
“And yer mother?”
“American. From Virginia. They met at a local dance one night and fell in love. Much to the dismay of my grandparents, apparently.”
“Oh, really?” Molly smiled as she did, her eyes remaining intently on her.
“Yes, but they loved each other so it didn’t matter to them.”
“Ah, that’s lovely. Very romantic.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Forgive me for askin’ but I take it he passed away?” she asked, lowering her voice to a sympathetic tone.
“Yes, when I was a child.” Ada smiled faintly, making sure the recollection of tragic memories was clear on her face. “A few years after that my older brother died. We moved to Strawberry shortly after, my mother and sister and I, to live with my uncle, for a fresh start.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Annie. You’ve been through so much.”
Ada just maintained her small smile, looking at the ground. They slowed as they reached the camp and Ada lifted her head to nod at Javier as he passed, a light smile on his lips.
“Look,” Molly continued gently. “I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself to ye sooner, Annie. I thought I’d give ye a bit of space after all the awful things ye went through.”
Of course you did.
“It’s fine, Molly, I appreciate your kindness.”
Molly’s sweet smile widened a touch before she gestured at Ada’s face with her fingers holding the cigarette. “Did that happen in the attack?”
Ada frowned genuinely for a moment before she realised what she was referring to, involuntarily touching her cheek and the small, healing bruising that spread across her cheekbone. Nobody else had mentioned it, perhaps out of respect.
“Oh, yes, my Repeater hit me as I fired a shot. It was much worse when I arrived.”
It was far too sympathetic a look the woman was giving her. She also seemed to be steering them in the direction of Dutch’s tent and, upon glancing at it, Ada spotted Micah sat outside it, cleaning his revolver.
Christ, what is this? They’re not going to interrogate me, are they?
“And your neck, there, that from them, too?”
Ada caught herself before she cursed, tensing just slightly.
She’d meant to find a neckerchief before dressing but it had slipped her mind as it had been so full with cursing Micah Bell and Arthur Morgan.
“Oh, no, I got this when I was a child, from an accident.”
She resisted the urge to brush her finger tips against the thin, four inch scar that lay horizontally at the base of her throat. Up until now she’d kept her hair down and the blouse Miss Grimshaw had given her had a high neck which had hidden it. But now, with her hair swept up and wearing the new brown and white striped blouse that she had bought which had a lower neckline, it was on show for all to see, if one were to look close enough. Miss O’Shea was very observant.
“Goodness, how did it happen?”
What exactly was she searching for? All Ada could think about was that this was Dutch’s woman, but was she digging for her own benefit or for Dutch’s? Had her little gun show yesterday drawn more interest than she’d thought? Or was Molly just incredibly curious?
Ada was saved from resorting to one of her lies, however, by none other than Arthur Morgan.
“Hey, Molly, where’s Dutch?”
Her head lifting quickly, Ada found the man suddenly stood before Micah, ignoring whatever the other man was rambling on about, that eternally exasperated expression on his features.
Miss O’Shea’s mood soured quickly. 
“I don’t know, I’m not that man’s keeper, apparently.” Throwing her hands up dismissively, she strode away, muttering under her breath.
So much for my new friend.
Passing the rifle to her other hand, she suddenly didn’t quite know what to do with herself, standing there a little awkwardly. Follow after Molly and perhaps continue to be interrogated by her or very obviously turn away from these men and stride away like she’d found a pit of snakes? Well, that wouldn’t be far from the truth.
“... that line of thought serves you or me very well,” Arthur answered to whatever Micah had said. And then he looked at her.
“Miss Sawyer, have you seen Dutch?”
“No, I haven’t.”
He sighed and looked around again, which needled her.
There, he’s just silently dismissed you for being useless, now go.
“Well, that’s because, cowpoke,” Micah continued, “you are a man of profoundly limited intelligence. Isn’t that right, Miss Sawyer?”
She glanced at him, finding him giving her that smile she hated so much.
Irritating Arthur by siding with Micah she certainly hadn’t stooped to yet.
“At least he doesn’t pretend to be the fount of all knowledge.”
Arthur’s gaze darted to her as Micah laughed.
“Defending the idiot, huh? How noble of you, Miss Sawyer.” His attention returned to Arthur. “But while you and the old man and Dutch have been running around, digging us ever deeper into shit, old Mr Pearson might have gone and lightened the load a little. Pearson!”
Now her curiosity certainly wouldn’t allow her to walk away.
“Ain’t you curious?”
She almost answered him before she realised he was talking to Arthur.
“I guess.”
Ada took a slight step to the side at the sound of Dutch’s voice behind her, turning her head. He strode towards them, looking resplendent as always.
“Dutch,” Micah called out eagerly, excited to share whatever he had, gesturing at Pearson who had nearly run over to them, smoothing down his thinning hair, also excited. “You tell him, fat man.”
Ada arched an eyebrow and found herself glancing at Arthur, who was already looking at her, and they shared the briefest of bemused looks. She swiftly returned her attention to Pearson as he spoke.
“It’s peace, Dutch, the O’Driscolls. I mean, I think there’s a way.”
Ada stilled, bemusement falling from her features. Arthur frowned, stepping aside as Dutch stepped into his tent.
Dutch didn’t seem too impressed either. “What on earth are you talking about?”
“Get the words out properly, fat man,” Micah prompted with thinly veiled frustration, giving Pearson a slight shove into the tent.
Pearson cleared his throat and took a breath, lifting his gaze to Dutch’s back as the older man reloaded his revolver. “I met a couple of the O’Driscoll boys on the road into town. Things were about to get ugly, but you know how I am in a fight, huh? Like a cornered tiger!”
From the corner of her eye, Ada saw Micah look at Arthur, a smirk pulling at his lips, but she didn’t dare pull her attention away from Pearson.
“Anyway, somehow it didn’t, but...” Pearson cleared his throat again as Dutch lit a cigar, still not having gained his full attention and very much aware of it. “We got to talkin’ and they suggested a parley to end things. Like gentleman.”
“Gentlemen?” Now he had Dutch’s attention. “Colm O’Driscoll?” He advanced towards Pearson, who backed out of the tent, his mouth moving slightly. Dutch looked between Micah and Pearson. “... Have you lost your minds?”
“You’re always tellin’ us, Dutch,” Micah interjected before Pearson could, “do what has to be done, but don’t fight wars ain’t worth fightin’.”
“They want a parley?” Hosea’s voice suddenly sounded from behind them and they all turned, finding him sat at the table, a newspaper in his hands. “It’s a trap.”
Micah hissed out a slight breath, raising his hands. “Well, of course it’s probably a trap.” His voice softened a little as he returned to Dutch. “But what have we got to lose finding out?”
“Gettin’ shot,” Arthur drawled.
“We ain’t gettin’ shot because you’ll be protectin’ us,” Micah answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, patting him on the arm. “It’s a trap? You shoot the lot of them. If it ain’t a trap, that slim chance—”
“I don’t see the point in any of this,” Dutch cut in as he strode out of the tent towards Hosea, shaking his head, and they all followed after him, Ada included, at a slight distance.
“It’s a chance we gotta take,” Micah implored, walking a little faster than the others.
Dutch exhaled a short breath as he braced his hands against the table, leaning over it. No one spoke.
Suddenly pushing away from the table, Dutch straightened. “I killed Colm’s brother, a long time ago.”
Ada’s heart stopped as her lips parted. 
Oh my God...
Her blood ran cold.
“Then he killed... A woman I loved dear...”
This was why they hated each other so much. This was why so much blood had been shed. This was why... This... Because of... Because of this man stood before her...
Micah hummed sympathetically and leaned on the table. “As you say, it’s a long time ago, Dutch.”
Dutch fell silent once more, his jaw moving. He threw his cigar aside.
She couldn’t breathe.
She felt Arthur, stood beside her, looking at her.
Breathe, for the love of God, breathe...
Then, Dutch nodded.
“Let’s go.” The men all straightened as he pointed at Micah. “You and me, with Arthur protecting us, no one else.”
He started to walk away, and Ada heard herself saying, “I’ll go with you.”
They all paused, their eyes heavy on her.
Gentleman Dutch smiled politely as he turned to her. “Miss Sawyer, I can’t allow that.”
She swallowed hard, grasping the rifle a little more tightly. “Either you allow it, or I just happen to be heading the same way you do.”
Her boldness took them all by surprise, including herself.
“Miss Sawyer, it—”
“Because of that man my family is dead and my town destroyed. If he wants to talk peace and means it, I want to be there. For my family and the people of my town’s sake.”
“By that reasonin’ we should take Sadie, too,” Arthur interjected, frowning.
Her gaze cut to him. “I’d be delighted if she was to join us.”
Dutch’s smile lingered as his eyes swept over her and, after less than a moment, he nodded. “Fine, but you go with Arthur and watch from a distance until we know it’s safe.”
She nodded, knowing when to not push her luck.
As she strode passed him, Arthur stared at Dutch incredulously, opening his mouth to protest, but Dutch was already walking away, heading towards his horse.
Gritting his teeth, Arthur made his way to his own horse, watching Annie. She mounted quickly, holstering the rifle on her saddle, a grim determination on her features.
Lord, I hope she doesn’t shoot him the moment we see him... If he’s even there.
“Mount up, then, Morgan.”
Arthur glanced at Micah, a satisfied smile on his lips. Sighing heavily, he mounted his horse, his eyes returning to Annie as they headed out of camp.
Micah led the way, Dutch to his right and Arthur and Ada behind them.
“You know, I’ve been fightin’ Colm for so long now I can barely remember a time when it was different,” Dutch said bitterly.
Her gaze cut to him, her heart thumping against her chest. 
“And you’re still fightin’ him now, make no mistake of that,” Arthur answered from her left.
“Here he goes, Doubtin’ Thomas. Is there any plan you ain’t sour on?” Micah snorted.
Ada kept her gaze ahead, silent, her mind racing as they talked to each other. 
Think about something before you throw up.
But what else could she think about?
Peace? Why would O’Driscolls want peace? It, almost laughably, went against their very nature. It just seemed far, far too good to be true. Whatever was going to happen, though, whether it was a trap or not, O’Driscoll boys would be there, and she was going to kill them. And if Colm O’Driscoll was there, then—
“What about you, Miss Sawyer? Awful brave of you to want to come.” Micah’s voice brought her back to the present.
“I’m nervous, too,” she answered after a moment, echoing words she’d heard Arthur say.
“Look, you two ain’t even going to be the one’s in danger. We’ll get on over there, find a nice perch for you two to settle into, you both got rifles, ain’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Arthur muttered.
“Then me and Dutch walk right into the lion’s den with you to cover us. And you Miss Sawyer, we’ve all seen you’re a real good shot, I can imagine the damage you could do.”
What a shame if you were to get caught in any cross-fire, Micah.
“Okay, just keep calm. Unless I give you a reason not to,” Arthur answered before she could.
“Oh, we’ll be fine. We’ve got you two,” Dutch called back.
“We will do our best, won’t we, Miss Sawyer?” Arthur glanced at her as they rode over a dry river bed, the sun beating down.
She just hummed in response.
“Oh, my dear and trusted friend, with you watching over me, I would walk into hell itself,” Dutch said sincerely.
“As would I,” Micah added, so over-sincerely she would have laughed in any other situation.
They fell silent, until...
“Hey, up there, men on the ridge.” They followed the direction of Micah’s pointing finger, slowing 
“O’Driscolls, from the look of ‘em,” Duch murmured as they watched the four men ride up the ridge slowly, the man at the back, even from this distance she could see, looking down at them.
“I don’t like havin’ eyes on us.” 
She shared Arthur’s discomfort as they rode up the incline of the hill.
“We’re close, you’ll be the eyes soon enough,” Micah answered in what just about passed as a soothing tone. “Maybe he’s right, Dutch. Maybe I have pushed too hard. Got us into situations that... could have been safer. I just... I see all those mouths we got to feed, and I... I dream too big. Caring too much, that’s my problem.”
Ada wanted to laugh again.
“Carin’ too much? There’s no such thing.”
“This is horse shit, from both of you!” She was glad Arthur said it before she did.
“It might be! Micah might be full of shit. Colm O’Driscoll might be full of shit,” Dutch said, a quiet bite to his tone as the path flattened out and they reached the top of the hill. “The promise of this great nation, men created equal, justice and liberty for all, that might be nonsense, too. But it’s worth trying for. It’s worth believing in. Can’t you see that, friend?”
Arthur sighed. “I don’t know.”
“Try. All I ask is you try.”
“All right, cowpoke, and my lady,” Micah interrupted, “you’re gonna peel off up ahead. We’ll be meeting down on the plain. Find a spot just above us where you can keep an eye on things.”
“All right, all right. However this shakes out, let’s aim to meet back at the fork in the road afterwards.”
“We’ll be there, partner.”
They separated, Dutch and Micah heading down into the valley as Arthur and Ada cantered away up the rocky, grassy incline. Neither of them spoke until they reached the top.
“Slow up, just here,” Arthur murmured.
She slowed Faithful as Arthur slowed Ophelia, glancing at the nearby ridge. They dismounted, each shouldering their rifles, and she followed behind him, crouching a little as they moved towards the edge. They both kneeled and Arthur lifted the binoculars he’d retrieved from his saddlebag, peering through them at the scene below. Micah and Dutch had halted and dismounted, three horses cantering towards them. Where was the fourth? Probably doing exactly what they were. Ada looked through the scope of her rifle. They both watched as Dutch and Micah lay their hands on their weapons on their belts, and a grey-haired man in the middle dismounted his horse.
The wind faintly carried his voice as he spoke.
“Hello, Dutch. It’s been a while.”
She stiffened. Colm O’Driscoll.
“He’s old,” she couldn’t stop herself from saying.
“He ain’t that old.” Arthur muttered, lowering his binoculars and raising his gun. “Now be quiet.”
“Sure,” they heard Dutch say.
The other two men behind Colm dismounted and approached.
“So, uh, how’s your gang doing? They still believin’ in ya? Better world, pure world, hmm? How’s that comin’ along?” She could hear Colm’s smile.
“Just fine.”
“How’s that score you stole off us?”
“Which one?”
Arthur sighed.
For Christ’s sake...
Colm laughed suddenly. “Oh, I like that. It’s like I said,” he said to his men, “This a charismatic leader.” Turning back to Dutch, he neared, his head tilting. “Lot of heat on us this time. Both of us. Whole heap of trouble.” He smiled. “They offered me a price, Dutch, to bring you in.”
Dutch smiled. “Why didn’t you take it?”
“Well, still might.”
Dutch’s smile faltered slightly, and he seemed to exhaled a breath. “I am... sorry about your brother.”
Colm just continued smiling, shrugging. “Well, I never liked him much.”
Dutch stilled, and Arthur thought he could see the coldness in his eyes. “... I liked Annabelle.”
“You always loved the ladies, Dutch van der Linde, I like that about you,” Colm laughed, shaking a finger at him.
Dutch seemed to have had enough. “What are we doin’ here, Colm? Is this thing over?”
Ada hadn’t moved, desperate to hear every word, barely breathing. Arthur had been too busy focusing, too, to notice her distress, thankfully. The very earth seemed to fall into silence as they awaited Colm’s answer.
There was a sound behind her, suddenly. 
Before she could turn, white hot pain spread across the back of her head and everything went black.
Sounds waded in and out. Loud, so loud. His eyes opened and there were three moving shapes. Blinking, they focused into three men, strangers, who were staring down at him, laughing and calling out to him.
“Hello, sugar! You ain’t dead, is you? Not yet, anyway!”
The man who spoke slammed his boot down onto Arthur’s shin and he grunted, pain shooting up his leg. Then a fist slammed into his head, and a boot connected with his stomach. Something cracked against his head, and everything went black.
“.... handin’ him over to the law, it’s... I don’t know. Strange times...”
“They killed Seamus, fuck the whole lot of them...”
Arthur exhaled a quiet groan, trying to open his eyes. His vision was blurred and distorted voices came from somewhere but he couldn’t determine where or who. Closing his eyes, he tried to regulate his shallow breathing, his head pounding.
What the hell happened... Think, you idiot...
Mountain. He’d been up on the mountain, he’d been watching the O’Driscolls, then Annie had— Shit, Annie had been with him. She’d made a sound, then he’d turned and... Shit, an O’Driscoll had slammed a gun against his head.
It had been a God damn trap... Jesus Christ, where’s Annie?
Opening his eyes again, Arthur dragged his gaze up and there she was. He released a rasping breath as he tried to focus on her. She lay a foot or so away, her hair covering her face, motionless.
They can’t have killed her, they won’t have killed her or...
Of their own accord, his brain slow to catch up, his arms moved out and settled on the ground. Digging his fingers into the ground, he pulled himself towards her, gritting his teeth as he tried to be as slow and as quiet as possible. He still couldn’t place where the voices were, but they were starting to sound closer as he adjusted.
His fingers brushed against her hair, trying to push it aside to see where her face was. Then, she made a small sound and her head moved a fraction.
Relief eased the tightening of his chest.
“Annie...” he breathed, pushing more of her hair aside. “Hey, wake up, come on.”
She didn’t move or make another sound.
A horse’s whinny broke out across what he had now established was a clearing in a forest, and he’d recognise the sound anywhere.
Good girl.
He couldn’t whistle her closer for fear of alerting the O’Driscolls, but he couldn’t just do nothing.
“... he can play him...”
Slowly turning his head, Arthur found the source of the voices. He could only see two of them, sat on the ground several feet away, their backs to him. He was too weak to fight them, he knew that, and if they hadn’t killed him yet they wanted him for something. They hadn’t killed Annie either or seemingly done anything else, so...
If I could get away, get to Ophelia and get help... Shit, I can’t leave her...
Perhaps he could get to his guns on her, though, she hadn’t sounded too far off.
Turning away from Annie, he began to crawl, focusing on an incline up ahead. If he could stand, and then maybe run, maybe she was beyond it, maybe they wouldn’t notice him...
With what strength he had left, Arthur pushed himself up onto shaking legs as quietly as possible.
One foot in front of the other, come on, you big bastard...
"He’s escapin’! Shoot him!”
Oh, shit...
“Relax, relax! I got him, I got him...”
A gunshot sounded and he saw a bullet collide with the ground before him. He collapsed, his legs too weak, rolling onto his back.
“Did I kill you?”
The same three men from before appeared over him again as he groaned, fighting to keep his eyes open.
“Not... yet...”
They laughed, two of them still keeping their guns fixed on him.
“No, of course not. Not yet... But I will.”
A gunshot sounded again, and pain blossomed across his shoulder. His cry broke off as he passed out.
A roaring sound. Like when he was too near an explosion and his ears couldn’t adjust. His face was wet. Blood? Possibly. Yelling, too.
He groaned. God, pain everywhere.
Open your eyes.
It took all his strength to pry them open and he gazed down at... water. Running water. A river, a loud one. Something kept jolting him, too. On a horse, crossing a river. Every breath he took came out as a ragged exhale. Pained.
Still yelling.
Annie. He could faintly hear Annie yelling, but it was as if she was miles away. Cursing and hollering that was answered with laughter.
There was a cry, then, suddenly, silence.
He thought he heard an eagle’s call as he passed out once more.
She heard firewood crackling first. Low voices drifted over it. She felt warmth from something close by.
Then she felt the pain.
There was an unrelenting stiffness in her shoulders, arms and legs. It took her a few moments to realise she was kneeling on dry grass and her hands were tied above her head to a wooden pole that pressed against her spine, keeping her rigid. Her jaw and cheeks hurt, too. They throbbed, as did her right eyebrow. In fact her whole head ached.
She’d been hit, she remembered. Hit to pass out, hit to shut up, hit just for the hell of it. Hit by...
She mentally checked the rest of her body.
Fine, thank God... Well, besides the stiffness...
The voices rose a little higher for a moment, laughing, before stabilising again.
I don’t want to know where I am, I don’t want to know where I am, I don’t want to know where I am...
A groan escaped her, and the voices grew in volume, enough for her to hear.
“Shh, quiet... Is she awake?”
“About time.”
“Quick, make sure you’ve got a gag ready.”
They laughed and the sound of it irritated the throbbing in her head, making her groan again.
Someone suddenly gripped her chin and lifted her head. Opening her eyes a fraction, her cracked lips parted.
“You’ve taken a couple’a blows to the head, darlin’, you all righ’?”
She hummed out a sound, then made her eyes open a little wider. A man swam into focus, with brown eyes and black hair and moustache.
“Never been better,” she rasped.
The man laughed, making her wince.
“Fiery one, ain’t ye? I think I’ve got somethin’ to make ye quiet.”
“I wouldn’t. I’ve got strong teeth.”
He laughed again and released her, standing and patting the top of her head before turning away.
“She’s fine. Tell him.”
She watched him as he walked away to, she assumed, resume his place at a fire surrounded by three, four other men. Her sluggish mind tried to frantically make a plan as she attempted to rotate her wrists to test how loose the bonds were.
Not loose at all.
Slowly lifting her head higher, her neck so stiff, she leaned it back against the pole, her eyes drifting across the scene before her. The men sat to her right around the fire, and across to her left was a stone building of some sort, perhaps a cottage. She could hear the sounds of horses behind her, snorting and biting at the grass. Beyond the men was a ramshackle wooden shack, crates stacked around one side of it and...
No sign of Arthur.
Please, God, don’t let him be dead.
Closing her eyes, she willed herself, in her exhausted state, not to cry. They would just love that and she couldn’t lose hope because there was always, always a way out.
‘Somebody always makes a mistake somewhere, girlie’.
They couldn’t have killed Arthur. She’d heard the men talking about this being a trap to lure Dutch to them, so they won’t have killed him... Would they? Would it make much difference, if Dutch was going to come and they were all to be turned over to the law, anyway? Why was she still alive? She was no major gang member the law could use, oh, God, what did they want with her—
“Ah, our second guest.”
Her eyes snapped open at his voice. Carefully lifting her head off the pole, she watched him approach, a smile on his lips, a lantern in one hand and a stool in the other.
“Hello, sweetheart, how are you?” Colm O’Driscoll asked, setting the stool down and taking a seat opposite her.
He was dressed like a poor man’s version of Dutch. Waistcoat, shirt, trousers, all of them one step down from the kind of finery Gentleman Dutch wore. Where Dutch’s hair shone darkly, Colm’s was lank, grey, thin. His features were harsher, too, the lines in his face deeper. His blue eyes, however, were bright, and on her.
She swallowed hard and wet her lips, feeling each stinging split.
“Wonderful,” she whispered, not trusting the full strength of her voice.
He laughed softly. “They said you was a firecracker. You don’t sound so good, though, would you like some water?”
She couldn’t, and didn’t want to, stop herself from nodding.
“All right, then.” Placing the lantern down, he pulled a silver flask from his waistcoat pocket, unscrewed the cap and held it to her lips.
Tipping her head back as much as she could, he then poured the liquid into her mouth. She swallowed, and instantly started to cough. Turning her head to the side, she spluttered as the liquid burned her throat, her breaths ragged.
“Ah, shit, my mistake. Damn, you got some on me, sweetheart.” Colm tutted before taking a swig himself and screwing the cap back on, watching her as she started to cease her coughing.
Licking her lips again, wincing, she lifted her gaze to meet his. He smiled.
“I’ve just seen your boy Arthur,” he remarked, leaning a forearm on his thigh. “Oh he’s fine, don’t be so worried,” he continued as her eyes widened. “I told him you were... a little unwell. Still pretty, though, ain’t you? Yeah...”
He brushed the dirty strands of hair that fell over her face away before his fingers ran down her jaw, his smile widening a little more as his hand dropped.
She hadn’t jerked away but stayed silent, watching him, her heart pounding.
“He was goin’ to leave you, you know. He was makin’ a break for it.”
He couldn’t have missed the confusion that flashed across her features.
“Yeah, my boys saw him runnin’ away. Had to shoot him in the shoulder, they did. It’s lookin’ a little bad now, but I think it got the message through.” He waved his hand. “But, anyway, what’s a nice girl like you doin’ with a band of such cowardly outlaws, hm, Miss...? What’s your name, darlin’?”
She didn’t answer.
He leaned closer, his elbows on his knees. “Now we thought you was Dutch’s current lady at first, what’s her name, Molly? Yeah? But then we saw how young you was and... then I saw this ring...”
Her eyes darted down as he rummaged in his trouser pocket and pulled out a small, silver object. Holding it out to her in his palm, she clenched her teeth as she stared down at the ring.
“... now, I know this ring. Where’d you get it, darlin’?”
She returned her gaze to his.
“It was a gift.”
“Hm? Was it now? From who?”
“A boy in my town.”
“Oh...” He sat back, tilting his head. “... now I don’t believe that.”
Beads of sweat trailed down her back as she watched him turn it over with his fingers.
“See, this is a very special ring. A family heirloom, I think, one of a kind. I know someone who had one just like it.”
Her chin started to tremble as she exhaled a short, staggered breath. He met her gaze again.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Ann—Annie Sawyer,” she whispered.
He tilted his head again, his expression one of disappointment. “I don’t believe that, either.”
“My... My name...” Her voice shook, her eyes filling. “... is Annie Sawyer.”
“No, it isn’t...” He leaned closer once more, closing his fingers over the ring. “I think it’s Adaline O’Driscoll.”
Tears started to fall down her cheeks as all hope left her.
“Am I wrong, dear niece?”
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Tagged: @belfry-bat​​​, @sistasarah-sallysaidso​
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One of a Kind
This is a requested one shot from @rexburn12​ I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted! I loved writing this little piece and hope you all enjoy it! 
Someone has been hunting down KKK members and other gangs. The van der linde gang grow worried they’ll run into this threat soon. Whilst out around the area of Rhodes, Dutch and Arthur encounter the creature responsible. 
Word count: 2155
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The saloon was bustling with life. A man sat at the piano playing upbeat tunes that merry, drunken men sang along to. The bartender kept busy with serving the crowd in the building. Working ladies appeasing to some of the lonely gentlemen in the bar and disappearing with them up the stairs. Arthur and Dutch sat among the merry men and women. Both enjoying a drink and a laugh at the fools around them.
“I tell you son, these in-bred lot are something else.” Dutch chuckles before downing his glass of whiskey. Arthur chuckles in response and finishes his drink too.
The pair stand to leave the saloon, calling it a night to head back to camp. Neither man noticing the gaze that followed them as they left. A swig from the bottle and then its slammed back to the table as the figure stands and leaves the saloon out the back.
“Can’t wait to hear the nagging Miss O’Shea is going to give me this time.” Dutch grunts as he mounts onto the Count. Arthur chuckles as he mounts Walker, tapping his neck before they began the ride home.
“I’m sure half the camp is wondering that one, Dutch.” Arthur grins. Earning a side glare from the older gentleman.
They’re ride was smooth and quiet. The night sky full of stars and the full moon. All acting as their light on the road, leading them back home. With all the worries and stresses that had been going around the camp, the pair had enjoyed one evening drinking.
“Hey! Stop right there!” From the treeline appears four men in dirtied uniform. The stink alone from them made Arthur and Dutch pull their horses to a halt to avoid getting closer to them. The four men pointed their guns at the pair as they created a circle around them. Lemoyne Raiders.
“Now gentlemen, I’m sure we can make an agreement here.” Dutch begins. Raising a hand up to try and calm the situation. Arthur kept a keen eye on the two men beside him and in front of him. They were outnumbered by two and would have to think of something quick to get out of this.
“Which one of you have been killing our men?!” The man who spoke before shouted. His gun switching between Arthur and Dutch. The two men give one another a look of confusion. So there was something else hunting down gangs. But it certainly wasn’t them.
“Gentlemen there seems to a case of mistaken identity here.” Dutch chuckles as he looks at the man who spoke. “We are simply two friends enjoying the country-“
“Boss! Something is moving back here!” The man behind Dutch hollers as he turned to the treeline. A wave of panic seems to pass through the four men that surrounded Arthur and Dutch. Their horses were spooked by whatever the man claimed to be between the trees. Arthur patted Walked on the neck, trying to calm him down before he was bucked off.
“It’s the beast!” The man yells from behind Dutch. It is followed by a scream as a black figure dragged him into the shadows. This time Walker does buck Arthur off his back. Causing the man to crash to the mud with a grunt.
The remaining three men were firing round after round into the trees. Trying to save their friend from whatever had him in its clutches. When they stopped to reload, it was silent. Dutch  had dropped from the Count to help Arthur to his feet.
A growl tore through the air. All three men tensing and freezing in their place. Arthur and Dutch turned to look at the tree line.
There within the branches were two molten eyes. Burning into the three men that were now scared shitless. Another growl – or was it a roar – came from the creature. The three remaining Raiders started running. Dutch and Arthur still frozen in their place as the beast emerged from the shadows.
The colossal beast was stood on its hind legs. Black fur covered its frame, some standing on end along it’s back and arms. Three thick lines ran down its face, crossing from the right side, over its nose and to its mouth. The mouth parted, baring its teeth in a snarl. It leant down onto all fours, growling in warning as Dutch reached for his revolver. He quickly raised his hands in surrender. The beast turned its head in the direction the Raiders had darted away. A small huff of a satisfaction came from it before turning its eyes back to the two men in front of it.
The beast howled. Tilting its head towards the sky and arching its body. Arthur and Dutch stumbled backwards from the shock it sent through them. Then when the howl started to die down, their eyes widened as the beast before them began to slowly shift. Like smoke had surrounded the beast, entangling itself around its frame and shifting its bones into a new alignment. The creature shrunk half a foot in size, still towering over the two men. Its claws retracted to hands; its snort pulled back into a human face. The black fur reseeded itself behind the flesh of the man. Until it all stopped and before Arthur and Dutch stood a man.
The man stood bare before them. If they hadn’t have just seen this man change from a beast to man before their very eyes, they would’ve averted their eyes from his naked form.
“Relax. I can smell the fear dripping from you.” The man gave a deep chuckle. He slowly retreated to the trees, bending down to pick up trousers from the ground.
“The name’s Miller.” The man introduces himself as he steps into the trousers. “Logan Miller.” He gives a pleasant smile to the two dumb struck men. Dutch is the first to come out of their confused haze, trying to get a grip on what he had saw.
“Dutch van der linde.” He speaks, still keeping a close eye on Logan. “Mind giving an explanation, son?” Logan laughs at his words as he pulls a brown shirt over his shoulders.
“Gladly. Just don’t call me son again.” Logan chuckles and buttons up his shirt. Arthur was now coming out of his haze as well. He stood on the defensive, knowing he still probably couldn’t take on the man.
“Ever hear stories as child about the men who howl at the moon?” Logan asks as he slips on his boots. Dutch and Arthur look at one another again.
“Literature. Fiction.” Dutch responds.
“But very much real.” Logan sighs as he walks closer to the men. Logan was taller than Dutch and Arthur. The scars that lined his face were prominent and jiggered. His dark hair hung over his forehead and his sapphires were warm and welcoming. A complete contrast to the seven foot monster he just was.
“You the one that been hunting and killing folk?” Arthur speaks up. His voice wavered but didn’t crack with the unsettling fear that pooled in his stomach. Logan’s smile disappears and a frown takes its place.
“Only those who killed my kind. Or those who seem to think its okay with hurting innocent people.” He explains and crosses his arms over his broad chest.
“There’s more of you then?” Dutch inquires with a raised eyebrow. Logan shakes his head and a sadness washes over his features as he looks to the moon.
“I’m the last of my kind.” He mutters then looks back to Arthur and Dutch. “My pack was wiped out years ago by hunters. I haven’t come across any of my kind since.”
The air was solemn then. Arthur and Dutch at a lost for words whilst Logan watched their reactions.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Dutch nods his condolences with his words. Logan smiles and then his attention is drawn to the approaching woman on a horse behind the two men. Dutch and Arthur turn to see Sadie riding up to them with a rifle at the ready.
“You men okay? Heard the gunshots from camp.” Sadie says as she comes to a halt.
“Perfectly well, Miss Adler.” Dutch assures her and then gestures to the man beside him. “This young man saved our lives.”
Logan had been fixated on Sadie as soon as he saw her coming. A heavy feeling in his chest and a gravity pulling him towards her. Sadie climbed down from her horse and closed the distance to join by Arthur’s side.
“Logan?” Arthur and Dutch both snap their heads towards Sadie as she recognises the man before her.
“Miss Adler.” Logan smiles down at the woman. Arthur and Dutch share a look of confusion once again.
“Wait a damned minute.” Arthur speaks up. “You know each other?” He points between Sadie and Logan – who had suddenly become a bashful idiot under the gaze of the woman.
“Yeah. He saved my life when I was a kid.” Sadie replies and smiles fondly at the memory of the wolf that had saved her from a gang that terrorised her family. Logan seems to remember too as he looks down at his boots and scratches the back of his neck. “What are you going out this way? Thought you preferred the grizzles?”
“Followed a familiar scent out this way.” Logan replies and then points to the two dumbstruck men. “Led me to these two. I was quite disheartened when it wasn’t you.”
“Son,” Dutch clears his throat when Logan turns his attention to him. “If I might be so forward, would you care to join us back to camp? Maybe you and Miss Adler can make up for lost time.” Logan smiles at the offer and looks back at Sadie.
“Happily.” He replies and follows them to their horses.
It was easy say that Logan didn’t leave the gang after that night. Having found a pack that he could protect again made him feel whole once more. No longer lonely with the fact he was the last of his kind.
The camp was also very welcoming to him. A few of the women – Karen and Mary-Beth – swooned over him.
“Who wouldn’t swoon over that beast of a man.” Karen had said one morning whilst sat with the other ladies mending clothes. Watching a shirtless Logan chopping wood as though he was slicing butter.
Sadie and Logan were very much attached at the hip. Logan following her anywhere that she would go. A lost puppy following its new owner, as Arthur had put it.
The camp were especially pleased when Logan had revealed that Micah had ratted them out to the Pinkertons. Logan never liked Micah from the moment he stepped foot into the camp. Something had seemed off about how he was sulk about and then disappear. Logan followed him one night and saw him with Milton and Ross and was immediately enraged. He spoke with Dutch and it led to the man putting a bullet through Micah’s skull.
They all celebrated that night.
Logan was also the first to notice Arthur’s illness and offered to change him. He gave Arthur time to think it over and in the end, he accepted. It took some time for him to adjust to the changes that he was going through, but with Logan’s help he got through it.
It wasn’t long after joining camp that Logan and Sadie shared their first kiss. The attraction between them was almost suffocating and when they finally acted on it, it was heaven. Sadie also asked to changed. This took Logan sometime to consider, but he finally did, and they were soon mated.
The camp had become family to Logan. They were willing to become wolves after seeing Arthur and Sadie go through it. Logan was the alpha, with Hosea, Dutch and Arthur as his Betas. He finally had a pack again.
Years down the line, the Pinkertons had given up their search for the van der linde gang. They were freed from the previous life they knew. Some chose to become ranchers, like John, Abigail and Jack. Arthur would stay with them and his mate, Freya. Who he had saved from some gang out in the grizzles one winter. Some wanted families of their own and would go looking for their mate. Logan remembered when Tilly came back with a man that she was head over heels for and when the man wasn’t scared of what they were, Logan knew that he would change him for Tilly.
Sadie had given birth to twin boys, Noah and Henry. They were adventurous and brave like their father but compassionate and loving like their mother.
Logan was happy that he had followed Sadie’s scent that day years ago. He had finally gotten the family that he had always longed for. Things were finally okay again for the lone Alpha.
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crvmsdecorum · 5 years ago
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"ɪ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ sᴘᴇᴡ ᴘʀᴏғᴀɴɪᴛɪᴇs. ɪ ᴇɴᴜɴᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴄʟᴇᴀʀʟʏ, ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇᴍᴀɴ."
( COLIN O’DONOGHUE, 38, MALE, HE/HIM ) Was that CALHOUN O'FARRELL? I heard a rumor they work for the O'SHEA family, but who knows for sure ? They can be a bit TEMPERAMENTAL & CALLOUS, but I also heard they can be METICULOUS & STRAIGHTFORWARD. You’ll usually find them at CHICAGO THEATER in their spare time, when they’re not being an AFFILIATE. You may want to keep an eye on that one !
trigger warnings: death, murder, blood, beatings. 
Meet Lorcan Calhoun O’Farrell the second ; call him Cal or Calhoun for sort, he doesn’t like going by Lorcan. 
He is a true born Irish having being born to Lorcan O’Farrell and his wife, Niamh. Calhoun is their first born son and became BLESSED being never after his father. Though later in life Cal would argue he was cursed with the name instead. 
Despite being raised in Dublin, Calhoun frequently from a young age visited Chicago with his father. Lorcan Sr believed he should teach his son at a young age of the ‘family business’ aka serving the O’Shea family. His old man was a dear old friend of Mason O’Shea -- Calhoun’s godfather. 
From the constant trips to America Calhoun became acquaintances with each and every child Mason O’Shea fathered and despite having siblings of his own back home, Cal considered them his siblings too -- well, almost all of them. He still doesn’t know why and asks himself at times this, but Cal ended up getting a crush on Amelia. Cal honestly believes it’s because he would like to marry a woman like the oldest O’Shea. An honest cold hearted kind of gal, maybe minus the cold heart part. 
Even though he was trained from an early age with Lorcan Sr having hopes of Calhoun taking his spot when he was ready, the two never honestly got along with each other. Sure they would act as if they got along in front of Mason, but when not around him? Oh it was a bloody war. Nimah at one point told her first born it is because he is like Lorcan in so many ways. 
To the world Calhoun appeared as a rebellious boy who wanted to prove his worth to the Irish family, but behind closed doors? He took the beatings of his wrathful father. Calhoun even took the beatings for both his mother and siblings. There were many times he dreamed about just snapping the old man’s neck, but something always stopped him and he never knew what it was exactly. 
Straight out of high school Calhoun went to work full time for the O’Sheas and Lorcan couldn’t be anymore happier in his son. It was as if the man was born to be a part of something like this, he never cared to get his hands bloody just like his old man before him.
That brute personality of his and the way he knocked down his enemies went unnoticed. Calhoun rose through the ranks reaper, bone breaker and finally became a General at the age of twenty nine. This tickled Lorcan to death, but it was short lived when he realized that his own son had a higher position than him. 
Despite his position it never stopped Calhoun from going home for a week or two to see his family and check in on the O’Shea sector there. After all his sister was well respected there.
Just like his line of work, Calhoun’s love and sex life were fast paced as well. He hardly ever slept with the same person twice and became to be known as a Casanova. Through this though is how he learned of his father’s unfaithfulness to his mother. Oh what a sick way he learned too. Cal ended up sleeping with the woman that caused Lorcan to no longer be faithful to his marriage and this ENRAGED the eldest O’Farrell.
It was obvious Calhoun and Lorcan never got along with each other and never saw eye to eye, but this? This stirred the pot to the point to collapsed. With this information he came forth to his mother and watch their marriage come to an end. Nimah might’ve been a kind hearted soul, but she was also the kind of woman to not tolerate someone’s bullshit either. 
And so there was Calhoun on the night the papers were signed. He decided to help his mother pack up the remainder of her things and move somewhere else on O’Shea property (she was loyal to the irish fam). Though it seemed fate had another idea instead. 
Lorcan ended up busting through the front door, clearly drunk out of his mind and full of rage. His blood boiling and his words completely slurred he attacked Calhoun. As he wailed in on his first born the words of everything he thought of Cal came spewing out. Unlike his siblings, Cal was always the rebellious one to his father and Lorcan believed Calhoun was sent to show how weak Lorcan was to the O’Shea family -- to Mason. Before Calhoun could react to this is when Nimah stepped in to which Lorcan reacted by putting his hands on her. From that moment is when the first born saw RED and found himself slipping into a blackout. 
When Cal came out of this dark episode he stood over his father’s lifeless body and met the face of his mother who was pale as a ghost. Nimah informed her son of what he had done: he murdered Lorcan O’Farrell. His face was unrecognizable and his blood tainted the clothes they both wore. 
Afraid of what would happened to Calhoun, Nimah hatched the plan of getting rid of Lorcan’s body deep in the country side. To the family and the clan they made it look as if Lorcan abandoned them all together. 
When returning back to the States, Mason had asked him how he felt of Lorcan’s sudden departure. Calhoun’s response? The bastard’s dead to me for what he’s done, sir. 
Calhoun didn’t know if it was known to Mason of Lorcan’s violent side or not, but at times it did feel as if he knew about it for he never did question anything more on it. Not long after that word broke out that Lorcan was the one seeding himself a little money from the organization and with this information made many people believe even more he left high and dry. Still, no one questioned Cal for they all knew of how he felt about Lorcan. 
Fast forward to last year, to the day Mason O’Shea died and Calhoun felt as if it was his fault. He felt like a failure in not being able to protect the leader. After his funeral is when Calhoun was called into the leader’s office and the new leader wanted a word with him. Amelia O’Shea asked Calhoun if he would be interested in a HIGHER position within the Clan. Feeling unworthy of such a thing with the guilt of feeling as if he were a failure, Calhoun respectfully declined. ‘I am flattered, Amelia, really but I don’t believe I’m the lad for the job, besides I believe Ireland is callin’ me home so with your permission I’d like to return back there.’ His words exact and by the time night fell Calhoun was already on a plane to Dublin. 
Over the last few months Calhoun had changed with Mason’s death hitting him worse than Lorcan’s. He began to almost become your typically drunk Irish though that never did anything to his shot. Cal always had been gifted in guns and became a well known sharpshooter for the O’Shea family. 
His darkness though from that guilt only recently has gotten worse with his mother’s sudden death. It was very tragic. One moment Calhoun was having a breakfast with Nimah and his siblings, the next thing he knew was her falling to the ground in front of them. A brain aneurysm is what took her. 
Him brooding in his dark hole became short lived when Cal gained a call from the O’Sheas newest leader, Richard and let me tell you, he was shocked as hell with him sitting in the big man’s seat. He didn’t question it and knew Richie boy could handle it. The new leader ended up calling him to ask where his allegiance lies with Amelia leaving -- ah, the rumors were true. It pained the man to hear that and understood in why he asked such a thing. When Amelia came to Ireland, Calhoun escorted her from the airport to the base and spent a lot of time with the oldest O’Shea. 
After ending his conversation with Richard, it left Calhoun puzzled but also with this need to help them out in America. Cursing at himself the sharpshooting Irish found himself on the fist plane to Chicago. 
Personality;; He may appear to be an asshole which he is completely, more so a smart ass while he claims his little brother is the dumb ass, but Calhoun can be a goofy guy with a dark sense of humor. He is a loyal man and has showed multiple times he would die for the O’Shea family. Cal is also known to be a bit of a gambler and is still a Casanova though he seems to be more into booze now then men or women. 
Fun Facts;; He loves american western films, McLintock with John Wayne is one of his all time favorites. Cal has a younger twin sister who he calls the Devil incarnate, but like him is devoted to the O’Shea family. He completely loathes being called Lorcan. 
Wanted Connections;; former fwb, enemies, friends, those he’s sponsored, ties from the Ireland sector, anything tbh! If you think he fits it then hmu for it. 
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crimsxns-archived · 5 years ago
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gio’s intro was short and outdated so here’s a brand new one.
Was that GIOVANNI ROSSI ? I heard a rumor they work for the O’SHEA family, but who knows for sure ? They can be a bit INSOLENT & MANIPULATIVE, but I also heard they can be WITTY & CHARISMATIC. You’ll usually find them at SKYFALL BAR in their spare time, when they’re not being an GENERAL/PROFESSOR. 
fun facts
nickname: gio
birthday/zodiac (sun): march 24th/aries
age: 40
relationship status: engaged
favorite color: black
favorite coffee: black
guilty pleasure: star wars
hobbies: cooking, reading, boxing, teaching, collecting art, and going to the gun range
details (key details bolded)
life for gio wasn’t what most people call normal. to him it was. when you grow up with parents who are into guns and drug dealing you tend to forget what’s appropriate and what’s not. declan and eloise rossi didn’t hide their shady dealings from the four children. despite everything gio, nico, trix, and bella all had a tight childhood. they went to school like everyone else. had family game nights like everyone else. had a very large family that included drug dealing friends...unlike most people. the wholesome activities were laced with education on fighting, guns, and the rossi way to deal with problems. the family didn’t have arguments. they fought it out. their parents were loving but strict. 
gio had it the hardest out of all of them. as the oldest, he was pushed to get into the family business. the rossis grew up alongside the o’sheas. they were basically and extension of their own family. at the age of seventeen declan had pushed gio into joining which he was hesitant to do at first. mason was the one who pulled him in. somehow the eldest rossi managed to stay strong within the o’sheas while going to the university of chicago. he proved himself time and time again as he climbed up the ranks of the o’shea gang. 
at the age of nineteen gio started dating a classmate named sarai. she was captivating to him. everything to him at the time. by twenty they were engaged. everything was going great. the one hiccup was sarais ex-boyfriend who was obsessive. they had several verbal altercations. a year after their engagement sarai was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. that drove gio off the deep end. he acted in a fit of rage and hunted the man down, killing him with several shots to the chest. throughout that short span of time with the o’sheas gio had suffered injuries from fights. an assignment gone wrong had left gio in the med suite due to a gunshot wound in his shoulder. saoirse was there by gios side to help pick up the pieces.
one of the constants in his life with the o’sheas was saoirse. their friendship had a rocky start but when they finally clicked they stayed together. they were there for every major event in each others life. the engagements, the losses, the children that seemed to latch on saoirse like they saw her beautiful her soul was. gio saw it as well. after the incident with his ex he stepped back from everything but there was always a soft spot for sao. time went on and his feelings for saoirse grew stronger until he finally stepped up and asked her out. it was all uphill from there. 
all of this gang activity left gio wanting more from life. that’s why he continued his studies in the field of sociology. he was determined to keep a semblance of normalcy. years were spent in college to get his masters degree and ultimately become the sociology professor he is now. for some odd reason, gio was obsessed with society. which made sense considering what he does for a living. 
gios personality can be described as stern, he has an issue with respect, warm around the people that are closest to him. he’s a huge star wars fan but he keeps it on the down-low. his relationship with his siblings varies depending on which one it is.
additional details
currently engaged to saoirse o’shea
nico didn’t want anything to do with the family business so he’s currently on another continent
declan and eloise are on the run
autumn is gio’s half-sibling. declan told gio about it.
charlie is basically gio’s daughter. he helped raise her with sao.
hates being called anything other than giovanni or gio.
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