#alright thank you for reading byebye
are you even old enough to be here?
hello ! its nice to meet you too ! i dont know why youre making assumptions about my age but i would encourage you to review tumblrs tos before making comments like this in the future 💞 i assure you that i am in fact using this website legally 💖 if youre curious qabout where to find more information, here's a helpful link ! https://www.tumblr.com/policy/en/terms-of-service hope this helps !
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hey maggots, it's Asmi again at half past 2 am, I think I may have just got a lung infection and stomach infection. if i don't reply to you via asks/dms/etc just know this is why. im so sorry for the ramble, the meds are here as well as the sickness now, and it's way too late. oops.
i'm making a post here because if i disappear mid-chat/DMs with any of you all, don't worry about me, okay? my body since today afternoon has been seizing up periodically due to whichever infections and it genuinely feels like I might faint when it happens. needless to say, i have to rapidly leave whatever chat i'm on to try and fix it. just wanted to tell you all now because it might happens without warning, my immune system is fucked up (read: I don't take care of my body) and i don't take kindly to being ill.
it's kinda bleurgh.
this is why i hurt whenever i see crowley, well, at least one of the reasons. no one goes and hugs him when the bentley is one fire.
i'm usually the one doing the comforting, and it feels kind of miserable right now. my mum's handling too much on her own so i can't lean on anyone irl for comfort.
i just want to say thank you all, because for the first time I've felt comforted. and right now that is so important to me, because my body is suddenly a wreck and there isn't anyone who'll just by me and give me a hug and tell me how everything will be fine. but you all keep reminding me that i'm loved and cared for.
that means a lot. i love you all.
i wanna type more but it's better that I go to sleep before another bought of nausea/pain. i can already hear you yelling at me, maggots, i will see the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't abate, i promise. okay?
alright running on borrowed time i love you all please take of yourself better than I do of myself. this has got very sentimental it was supposed to be a practical update about the DMs replying thing. oops. but i mean all of it.
byebye i hope it doesn't get worse this kind of is awful.
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fiorella-a · 1 year
A secret to be kept
Streamer! Aged up! Future! Kenma x Reader
-While playing a horror game full of jumpscares, he blurted out something– and that something was supposed to be a surprise for you.
-Gn! Reader
-Some cussing here and there
•Kodzuken is online
•Kodzuken's stream will start in 1 minute!
•Kodzuken is now live, click to join!
"Hello Everyone. Good evening, afternoon or morning to each of you here. Today we are playing a game called?"
"The hunt!" You say excitedly, "Me and Kenma are in a call because I'm currently visiting a friend."
Kenma smiles at the camera while nodding at your words.
:Heard that's a scary game
:Start! Start! Start! ✊✊✊
Kenma pauses while reading the chat, "alright Calm down and let's play the game, Y/n do you wanna read the game's information?"
"This game is in beta and is currently being observed for issues or bugs, please leave your reviews on what should be changed or whatnot.
Warning: this game will contain jumpscares out of nowhere. For those with weak hearts, please exit the game immediately.
You and your friends (recommended to play in multiplayer) decided to go camping out in Icho Woods, that's famous for it's haunted stories. Finding out there is no such thing as Icho Woods, you are now stuck in the middle of nowhere and desperately surviving. But hey! At least the haunted stories are true, though.
The game is fictional, anything that references in real life is pure coincedence."
After reading, you breathe in and out, "that was breathtaking. Now let's go on, shall we?"
Kenma nods his head before replying to you, "let's go."
:Hi! One of the developers here, hope you enjoy it :)
:Blessing to be in this stream fr 😩
"Okayyy we spawned in" you say in a surprised tone
"One of the creators of the game is here. I recommend adding a short cutscene of how we got here." Kenma looks at the camera and smiles politely.
:The smile‼️‼️
:We're working on it! We're also planning on adding more lives for the players.
A crawl was heard along with the sound of cracking bones. "What the hell was that? If i could be an emoji, it'd be the crying one" You say as you laugh nervously
Kenma chuckles at you, "No need to be af– THE FUCK?" Kenma swears as he gets killed.
:We're working on that bug! If you stay at the spawn too long it'll kill you, promise we're working on it.
:Developers sweating nervously 💀
"Okay, I got killed too, yay!" You say still clearly nervous.
"Alright, follow me, love. I see a shed over there" Kenma says as he goes in first before your character follows along.
"We won't get killed here, right?" Kenma says jokingly
:Nope! ☺️
Kenma smiles at the chats.
"There's a battery here, i think it's for a light? A car? I'm not sure." You say to Kenma and at the chat.
"Oh, is that all?" "Yeah" "Alright, let's go out."
As Kenma opens the door at the shed, the monster was lurking around and spotted them. Giving them a thrill-chase. The monster climbs onto a tree before finally ending them.
:As developers, we didn't expect to help in a marriage.
Kenma coughs as he realizes what he said "Let's exit the game."
"Sure, sure." You agreed and followed along with him.
Once you both left the game, Kenma spoke again "Once you get home from your trip, we can talk about what I said" He says as he turns off his camera at the stream.
"Alrighty, Love."
"I'll end the stream now, don't worry, we'll leave in a review afterwards. Goodbye, chat"
"Babye, everyone!" You say with excitement.
:*Gets onto knees* will u marry me bb? LMAO
:Bye for the two of you <33
:Looking forward to the reviews! Thank you and enjoy your happy life ❤️
•Stream ended 13 seconds ago
•Kenma is offline
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satoruzlove · 2 years
i feel like gojo would be in a ‘hot chocolate x green tea’ relationship.. his partner is very funny but more of the sarcastic humor and he pretends to be offended but he never actually is. his partner is his sense and is the person who tells him to stop eating so many sweets and maybe get in some protein, makes sure that he sleeps well and tells him not to take missions when he’s sleepy. and when they do all this he wants to cry because he never got that time when he was babied becs he had to grow up so quickly. his partner has this older , mature energy about them and it makes him feel so different- not like he has to impress anyone or have anybody’s back. because hes finally being taken care of with no strings attached, and it feels so good to him. OH LETS NOT FORGET HOW HE WILL BE THE KINDEST PERSON EVEN TO HIS PARTNER!! because they’ve done all this for him and he wants to now buy you the entire earth or say the most disgustingly kind things to you.
like if you so much as tell him to have a good day , to be careful and that you love him he stops dead in his tracks and goes. , “thank you !! i love you more!! you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!! byebye yn!!” while he’s walking out , and his voice is getting farther and farther but he’s also getting louder because you MUST know how special you are. the good you’ve done. how much of a good person you are. you HAVE TO. and don’t get me started when you’re sad. because when he’s sad he doesn’t know how to express it properly so he makes these atrocious jokes that leave you so concerned, but you still comfort him anyway, and he loves you so much for it. so he’ll hug you tight but doesn’t know what to say at all😭. so he’s holding you and rocking you side to side and just saying , “i’m here, it’s alright, i’m right here,” because that’s all he really knows how to do but he PRAYS that it’s enough for you because he will literally wither away if it isn’t. gojo n his more emotionally smart, mature but still chaotic partner </33
aND LASTLY. everyone hates when you two are together because it’s so chaotic , you can’t even get out a sentence because every word you seem to say has some kind of dumb ass inside joke or something. like you once read a book that mentioned a baseball bat being heavy and he was so distraught . he kept going ,” heavy????? 😏 baseball bat???????? 😏” and now whenever anyone brings it up or it’s on tv you both topple over laughing. megumi is done cus he thought you were supposed to be the mature one 😕😕😕💔💔
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
HIHI THIS ISNT RLLY AN ASK,, MORE LIKE A SMOL MESSAGE (sorry if it gets in the way of actual asks 😞)
Just wanted to drop by and say that I hope you are doing well and are taking care of yourself!! You are one of my favourite tumblr accounts (sephiroth love letters mmm yes I read them religiously 🤭) and I’m always happy when you post/reblog something new!! Still have to catch up bc I havent been on tumblr as much tho hjsjsjs
Anyhow, wishing you good health and a very nice day/night Oreana! Muah byebye💞💞
Aww you don't have to feel that way at all, anon! ♥ I love any and all asks/ comments/ ect. ♥ And this one is a treasure, so thank you~!
Maww, thank you so much~! That means a lot to me. And I'm so happy you enjoyed those love letters!
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I'm doing alright so far! Still hanging in there best I am able, and I hope you're taking care of yourself too!
Have a good one, my dear! Thanks for the lovely words!
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theherooverthere · 2 years
Why Iono should have Larry on Iono Zone, a long post (I originally posted to Twitter):
Concept: A talk show-like segment featuring Iono asking Larry questions about himself to boost rati— I meeean, to pander to the Larry lovers!
Ready? Here we gooooooo!!! ~☆
So we all know Larry isn't the most flashy, he himself admits that, nut I imagine Iono keeps begging and pleading for him to come onto her stream and so he–begrudgingly–agrees to it order for her to stop bugging him.
During her usual Iono Zone, she announces she has a special guest and that they're changing things a bit for this segment (Mostly to pander towards Larry's simplicity and normalcy)
The Segment? A talk show, featuring Iono as hostess
So here's an example of how the question segment would go down, featuring Larry's Bluntness:
Iono: "So, Mr. Larry! What brought you onto Iono Zone today?"
Larry: "You kept telling m—"
Iono: "Next question! ____ asks, "Larry, what do you like to do for fun?"
Larry: "Work."
Iono: "No silly! Like what do you do when you're not working?"
Larry: "....I guess visit the Treasury Eatery? They have good food."
Iono: "I see we have a culinary enthusiast here everyone!"
"Next question: ____ asks, "Larry what's your favorite color?" Well Larry, what's it?"
Larry: "Gray, maybe beige...both are simple colors."
Iono: "Seems a bit bland, but I suppose it suits you!"
Larry: "Thank you."
Iono: "Alright, we'll do one more question before wrapping up today's Iono Zone, sheesh there's a LOT coming in, why don't you choose one, Larry?"
Larry: "Okay."
Iono: "Ooo! ____ asks, "Larry, why do you use Normal Type Pokémon?", I'm also curious to hear this answer."
Larry: "...They portray me very well."
Iono: "Could you PLEASE give more details?"
Larry: "They're not over the top, unlike some other types of Pokémon."
Iono: "What's that supposed to mean?!"
Larry: "..."
Iono: "Anyways, that wraps up today's Iono Zone everybody! Don't forget to subscribe for more amazing content! Byebye! ~☆"
Larry: "Bye."
Thanks for reading, any questions? Leave a comment!
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Kingdom - 73: Revolution
Hinata: Uwaa, you seriously won?
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Auditorium
Hinata: Uwaa, you seriously won?
Congratulations, transfer student-san! Aahhh, how enviable, I'm jealous! It's a good thing you won, be sure to thank us properly for going along with you one day ♪
Rei: …*Sigh* As expected, that was nerve-wracking. I was fearful until the very end.
You are still lacking. It was a victory as if walking on thin ice, however a win is a win ♪
And thank you, my wish that the clock of this school would move again has been granted. There isn't anything that would make me happier, kukuku ☆
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Nazuna: It feels as if we have already reached the end, but! The winning unit will perform one last song as the encore as per the regulations!
Everyone from Trickstar! Go ahead!
Everyone in the audience as well, please all stay where you are! Let's get drunk on their performance as we celebrate their victory!
It's the start of the banquet! Hey, everyone from Ra*bits, come up the stage as well! Let's perform as backup dancers!
Let's spend this time dancing, what a joyous occasion ☆ Thank god, we're gonna be sharing in this joy ♪
Rei: You're right. UNDEAD too, ascend this stage! Yuta-kun as well, come on over! It's the victory we grasped together, we should celebrate with everyone ♪
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Keito: … …
Rei: Hey there, Hasumi-kun. Where are you going? Being defeated by their juniors is the honor of their senior… Let us celebrate together, or would saying that be too harsh?
I won't sympathize with you but it will surely be hard on you from here on out ♪
Keito: That's what I want to say.
Be merry for today, get drunk on the glory of this banquet.
…Whatever else I say will just be taken as the wails of the loser. The defeated will just get off the stage.
I will not forget this humiliation.
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Subaru: Byebye ☆ Alright, we won, we've won!
Hokuto: I can't believe it. It's as if I'm dreaming… Now, after all this time, I'm beginning to tremble.
Mao: Walk properly, Hokuto. Do you want me to hold you up?
You sure are lacking in the important parts. Walk properly, this isn't the path to the gallows, it's the path that leads to the throne. We've won.
Even though we won, it would be uncool to blunder at the encore performance. We're going to fulfill our duty as idols until the end.
Makoto: Um, um? To be honest we haven't thought at all about what we should do if we'd win, I didn't even know we had to sing one more song. Which song should we sing?
Hokuto: You're right. Let's sing our new song. It has highlights for all of us. The lyrics… the melody expresses our feelings right here and now the best.
Let's shine. With that song that is so very like us. Transfer student, don't get off the stage just yet either, okay?
I want you to smile at the center of this brilliance.
Subaru: Well, then let's go! Thank you for the encore! Thank you for voting for us! Thank you for celebrating with us!
No matter how much we thank you, it isn't enough!
Your smiles, your cheers showed us our path!
We'll sing this with all our feelings of gratitude, ONLY YOUR STARS!
With your cheers and our singing voices, let's fill this world with radiance!
Really, thank you for today! Every single one of you, we love you ♪
[ ☆ ]
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nubie-imber · 3 years
Introduction Things!
Hey there! Welcome aboard this ship, we’re heading straight down :) 
So, lemme explain- About a year or two ago I had noticed I became less... Alone, up in my head. It wasn’t just me anymore! Now I had a few companions, and man, it was confusing. I felt weird, out of place, I’d never heard anyone talk about having a similar experience before. Having entirely seperate people up in my brain wasn’t something I’d ever really experienced before, and before I knew it more and more started to show up, and now we’re one big dysfunctional family! But still, up in my head. 
The entire reason we created this account was to try to figure out things, try to figure out what we are, because we’re having trouble fitting under any labels- And we’re not in the current position to talk to a doctor or a therapist. So, next best thing, strangers online!.. If you consider that the next best thing. We’re just figuring things out, so I hope you have fun coming along for the ride with us.
But enough about that, lemme introduce everyone! Only the ones who want to be introduced, of course, not everyone really wants to be contributing to this little account of ours. Anyways, here we go!
Nubie/Nebula- Main person! The begininning of all this! Any pronouns, neos are  Chaos/Slaughter/Vanilla/Void/Cloud
Apricot- (Lovingly nicknamed Appy) The scrunkly. The scrimbo. A babey. Life of the party, when she wants to be! Very loved and protected by everyone. She has a typing quirk, by the way, every s is replaced with a z when she’s typing things. She/He (High preference for she/her)
Toxi- A (somewhat loveable) dumbass. His entire humour comprises of “your mom” /hj. He’s almost never serious, everything is a joke to him unless it’s a dire situation. In a relationship with Einan! He/Him
Einan-  Pissed off and angry constantly, extremely grumpy. He never really looks at anything in a positive or optimistic light, and is pratically disappointed in everyone’s actions. We don’t really know how hiss ended up in a relationship with Toxi, but here we are! He/They/Hiss
Jasper-  A father figure to everyone. He’s fairly quiet, only really active when someone needs him. Strives for proper grammar and sentence structure, and they’re pretty good at giving lectures. He/They
Paint Bucket- Pretty quiet as well, doesn’t really talk all that much, prefers to stay in the background but shows up occasionally to make a point or two, gets jealous fairly easily. They/Them
Rosemary-  Mother figure! Not in any sort of relationship with Jasper or anything, but they do co-parent sometimes. She’s very sweet, very quick to try to cheer up anyone who’s sad. She/Her 
XD-  Very... Similar to her name. Similar to Toxi she doesn’t really take anything seriously, and they love making quotes and references to vines and memes. She/They
There’s more of us but nobody else really wants to contribute to this little account at all. That’s alright, their loss :) Thanks for reading! We hope you stick around. Oh, and, we’ll try to indicate who’s making what post in the tags! So keep an eye out for those, so things are clearer! Have a lovely day now, byebye <3
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gassybimbo · 2 years
Lil Intro
Hey guys!! Call me Star. I'm new to the eprocto/omo community...
I'm generally very shy about reaching out to others so if you're more out going (and 18+) shoot me a dm!! (Although this doesn't mean I'm chill with unsolicited pics/vids/sexts being sent my way.)
Just wanna get out of the way that minors are absolutely not welcome here. I trust that you respect my wishes and leave me alone. This is not a community that's safe for you to interact with. I'm also pretty uncomfortable with individuals with no age indicators in their bio or pinned post, so pls dni until you've confirmed your age.
Also pls don't interact with me if you're into ageplay, it's a kink that I'm personally very uncomfortable with. :(
Aight, now that that's out of the way, here's some kinks that I'm into/not into!!
♡ eprocto
♡ omo
XNot IntoX
X ageplay
X diaperplay
X burps
X vomit
X feeding
X weight gain
X scat
X slob stuff
Alright I think that just about covers it! Thanks for reading, I look forward to creating content and making cool friends in this community
Byebye 4 now ♡♡
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do you have a distraction or something? music isn't enough right now :( what did you do with your day? read any good books lately? (no pressure!)
aaaaaa immmm not sure when you sent this so! sorry! i hate when music isn't enough </3 it's like. alright there goes my only positive coping mechanism smh
today i! went to school! it was pain :') but my chorus teacher is lovely and my best friend was wearing yellow and she hugged me and i made a stupid pun in english class and then couldnt stop laughing so maybe it was alright
time to tell you about the stupid pun! so our teacher was talking about abstract concepts vs concrete concepts and to do that she told us to draw a table. and then after that she told us to draw beauty. and then we discussed that. and i drew a table, right, little sloppy rectangle thing. and then she said to draw beauty. so i drew a person holding a bee with an arrow pointing at the person's eye. because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder hehe
and then i was laughing for the rest of class. so fun
i have! a marelliana fic! that i want to work on but i keep telling myself not until homework is done and homework is never done or by the time homework is done i am too drained (usually from homework) to write. rip all my wips (especially the smell of petrichor, im SO CLOSE to being done and i just! cant find time, when i do have time i dont have energy/motivation, i can't get it right, something... auahughfhggjfhj).
i think yellow is my new favorite color. because purple isn't doing it like it used to. and yellow is doing what purple used to. which like. as i'm sure you're aware, i have MANY colors that i love equally more or less but like. yellow <3
i have had the book winnie the pooh every day of this school year so far. thank you pooh bear <3 emotional support book <3
and i. have not opened siege and storm in like. a month. maybe more. hahahahah. reading is not something i am doing at the moment, sadly :') attention span and reading comprehension have said byebye unless it's like. fanfiction or something and even then it's a 50-50
i have rambled! hopefully it was distracting! if not we can talk, i'm sure i'll find something to talk about haha. how've you been? what did you do today? read any good books lately? or good songs?
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talkfastromance4 · 3 years
hi hailey 💖 how you're doing, my love? hope everything's alright with you 💐
oooh btw, welcome officially to the seb stan madness train, hope you're having fun 🤭 been in love with this cutie dumbass for longer than i can remember, so anytime you wanna yell about him to someone, i'm here ✌🏻😌
& i'm also leaving here my encouragement to you to write about him, cause i loved that lil piece you posted recently && would absolutely love to read more of him written by you 🥺💛
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also leaving this here to hopefully make you smile 😌 byebye 😚💖
Hi bby! I’m doing all right, taking it day by day haha. I hope you’re doing well!💕
And thank you thank you, he just kinda snuck up on me and those damn blue eyes….usually I’m a brown eyed girl but man. 😵‍💫 he got me feeling some type of way that’s for sure.
And thank you!! I’ve been writing like crazy but I will post when I’ve finished the story! (But will I ever finish a story or will it just continue on🤷🏻‍♀️)
Funny story: the gif was blocked for sensitive content😂😂 seb and puppies IS too much for me to handle but I like this pain😌😌
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pidayforpi · 4 years
(Um...This is...a rather sad post, for me and many others affected. Please feel free to skip it if you may feel overwhelmed.)
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This month, an admirable artist of mine passed away.
Just this afternoon, when I was on Twitter, I learnt of the news of her passing from another artist I follow.
I am not an artist, and will probably never be one. Aesthetic of visual arts is never my talent. I have learnt this shortcoming of mine since I was little.
Therefore, I respect people with a gift in drawing a lot. I may be able to convey a message through words, but more often than not, a single piece of artwork speaks much more than a passage or a story.
I have followed the artist since I was in early secondary school, from Deviant Art before to Twitter now. What attracted me is what was also her best-known work: A webcomic in progress.
She pitched the idea of it long before I had got to know her, and I have since waited for the realisation of this aspiration of hers: A sci-fic story involving a team of four. I remember having a blast just looking at the designs, reading the biographies of the protagonists and that one charming antagonist. Her unique, wacky art style combined with a creative mind always made me happy, excited for what masterpiece she might have next. I anticipated her dream coming-true, and I know I was not the only one.
She was quite popular among artists, as well. I remember seeing other talented people drawing those characters of her, asking her about her project and giving their support and appreciation. I recall her being especially good friends with a certain artist. They always drew one another’s characters in their own art style, like a gift exchange among artists, a mutual encouragement between dream-chasers.
But me and her? It was a strange bond.
She didn’t know me. I barely knew her. I was extremely shy at that time. I didn’t comment on her artwork. I didn’t even leave a like. Of course she wouldn’t know me.
Living in two places separated by land and water, there’s no way we would had seen each other in real life. Except if a chance encounter had happened during our travels, unbeknownst to both of us.
But it was a connection across space. A string held together by a common interest. She might not know it, but her artwork once brought many joyful moments to an anonymous stranger. She would not know it, but an anonymous stranger once sent her his silent support and gratitude.
She did not know it, but her passion and talent made a certain childhood more colourful.
I have no right to be sad. A lot of people are much more affected than me, people who have been with her the entire time. I had left for a few years, and when I saw the news, it is already time to bid farewell.
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A dream to be continued, but a sweet dream nonetheless. The journey might not be completed, but how grateful I am for what it had given me.
It is too late even for a parting gift, but please allow me to send this gift to somewhere without an address.
Thank you, Yark.
ふっ切るはずの心に そっと横切る風は優しく
向かい合って握った手と手を いつもの黄昏が包み 溶かしてゆく
おかしいね これぽっちも貴方と私の微笑 今では
The breeze gently passes through the air, blowing towards the heart that should have been broken.
Enveloping those crossed, held hands in the everyday dusk, slowly disappearing.
Strange, isn’t it? Our smile never looked the same.
But now, it seems like I am looking at my own reflection.
悲しまない 平気だからね
何気ない挨拶に隠れてる "ありがとう"
さよならbyebye 元気でいてね
私から切り出したけじめだから キャッチしてよ
I won’t be sad. Because it’s nothing.
Hidden under those nonchalant greetings is my “thank you”.
Farewell. Bye bye. Please do take care.
Because this is a request I proposed first, please firmly catch it.
ついさっきまで まともに 未来のこと話せないでいた
実らない想いの数 増えるほど 優しくなってきたけれど
今では 少しくらいは とがりたくて・・・
Not long ago, we never talked about the future.
Although I am getting gentler, as wishes that cannot be granted accumulate.
But now, for only a bit, please let me throw a little tantrum...
悲しまない そろそろ行くよ
他愛ない挨拶と間違えて 振り返る
さよならbyebye 元気でいてね
年に二枚くらいの葉書なら キャッチするよ
I won’t be sad. It’s time for you to go.
Contradicting my cold salutations, I turned around.
Farewell. Bye bye. Please do take care.
If you write me a postcard or two every year, I will surely catch it tightly.
きっといつか いつか会える
いいよ 返さなくていいよ CDも ブルースハープも
Someday, I am sure we will meet again...
(It’s alright if you keep it. Whether it is the CD, or the harmonica...)
悲しまない 悲しまないで
不意打ちを食らう顔 見せないで ピっとしなよ
さよならbyebye 元気でいてね
おめでとうと どちらか言えるとき 会ってみたい
I won’t be sad. Please don’t be sad as well.
Don’t let me see that devastated expression, and cheer up.
Farewell. Bye bye. Please do take care.
I hope that when we congratulate each other, we can meet again.
悲しまない 平気だからね
何気ない挨拶に隠れてる "ありがとう"
さよならbyebye 元気でいてね
私から切り出したけじめだから キャッチしてよ
I won’t be sad. Because it’s nothing.
Hidden under those nonchalant greetings is my “thank you”.
Farewell. Bye bye. Please do take care.
Because this is a request I proposed first, please firmly catch it.
さよならbyebye 元気でいてね
年に二枚くらいの葉書なら キャッチするよ
さよならbyebye 元気でいてね
私から切り出したけじめだから キャッチしてよ
Farewell. Bye bye. Please do take care.
If you write me a postcard or two every year, I will surely catch it tightly.
Farewell. Bye bye. Please do take care.
Because this is a request I proposed first, please firmly catch it.
——— 馬渡松子 ≪さよならbyebye≫
Mawatari Matsuko “Farewell, Bye Bye”
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hoshimoridefense · 6 years
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CARD STORY: Hoshimori Flora: Scattered Destruction Mari
“Together... forever!”
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Mari: The Holy Tree… accepted me…? Mari: Then now, I… I won’t lose to anything!!! Mari: Haaaaaaa!!!
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Irousu: GYAAAAAA!!!
Mari: Haa haa haa haa… I- I did it… Mari: Thank you, Icchan, Fuuchaaan! Mari: I love youuu!!!
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Itsuki: Jeez~ if it’s Mari… I love you too. Fuuran: Yeah yeah! I like you lots too, I loooove you!
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Narration: …… Mari: Ehehe… Itsuki: Ahh, what is it, Mari? Mari: Hm? Ohh, it’s nothing! Fuuran: You sure? Are you worried or somethin’? Mari: Really, it’s nothing! It’s just… Mari: Everything is so peaceful now… Fuuran: Ohhh… Itsuki: Fufuu, you’re right.
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Elementary School Boy: Oh wow! It’s the『Strongest Hoshimoriiii』!!! Fuuran: Ohhh? Hi there, what’s up? Elementary School Girl: Kyaaa, You’re so coooool!!! Itsuki: W-Well… Kindergarten Girl: Hey big sis, you’re a real hero! Can I shake your hand?! Narration: She gives her a hug! And shakes her hand! Mari: A-Ahaha… thank you. Middle School Girl: Ah!! Look look, over there, the『Strongest Hoshimori』all together!
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Mari: W-Wow, we’re surrounded by a crazy amount of people… Itsuki: Cornered like this… we’re never going to get out, are we. Fuuran: Alright, if it’s come to this… Itsuki, Mari, we should run! Itsuki: Y-Yeah… Elementary School Boy: Wha- you’re leaving?! Mari: I-I’m sorry! Byebye now, I’ll see you around! Narration: They run off!
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Narration: …… Mari: Haa haa haa haa… we made it out… Fuuran: Whew… Fuuran: Hahahahaa, seems like we’re pretty famous. Itsuki: Haa haa haa haa… i-it’s no laughing matter… good grief. Fuuran: Why can’t we laugh about it? If it’s me, I could beat any pack of dogs down easily, couldn’t I? Fuuran: Somehow, that’s how I felt running away from fans, ahahahahahaa! Mari: B-But… it makes me happy, for whatever reason… to have everyone giving us their support and all.
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Itsuki: You’re right… we should be thankful. Fuuran: Whaaaat? Is that an erotic book I just saw fall out of your bag? Mari: Heeey, Fuuchaaaan! That’s not it at allll! Fuuran: Hahahaa! I’m just teasing!! Mari: Hey hey, look at that flower! Isn’t it cuute?! Fuuran: A flower? Ohh, that lil’ blue guy? Itsuki: Oh, wow… I wonder what kind of flower it is? Fuuran: Hm? Cool… the petals look kinda like stars. Mari: For whatever reason, I really feel like this one suits the Hoshimori. Mari: Plus, this one has a pretty meaning in the language of flowers!
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Itsuki: Really? You know what flower this is? Mari: Yup! I just stumbled across it by chance in a magazine the other day. Mari: In the language of flowers, this one means『True Friendship』, or something like that! Itsuki: Wow! Well isn’t that cool. Fuuran: Woaaah. Then, what does this flower here mean? Mari: U-Uhhh… that one’s, uh… Mari: I don’t actually remember the name of it… Fuuran: Oh… hm… Itsuki: It’s not all that important, is it? Mari: A-Ahahaa… Itsuki: Well, why don’t we go read up on it at the library after this?
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Fuuran: Uh- the library? Itsuki: That’s alright, isn’t it? And we can study for our test while we’re there. Fuuran: ABSOLUTELY NOT! Mari: There there. Fuuchan, calm down. Fuuran: Tell another joke! Itsuki and the library- ha, you think I’m gonna calm down...  Fuuran: Who knows how long I’ll end up tied to a chair in that place! Fuuran: I WON’T DO IT, I WON’T GO! Itsuki: Ah- HOLD UP, FURAAAAN!!! Itsuki: MARI! AFTER HER!!
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Mari: FUEEEE?! Mari: A-Ah… um… Icchan and Fuuchan, please wait, waaait! Mari: After that, the three of us went to find out the name of that flower…
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Narration: …… Mari: Haa haa haa haa… Mari: Icchan, Fuuchan. The three of us are supposed to be together forever! Mari: No matter when, no matter where, any time at all…
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Mari: From that mountain, we swore on it’s radiance admist the dark setting sun...
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Mari: Seen by that river, on the『Forget-me-nots」, we swore…
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Mari: (『A promise of『True Friendship』forever, forever… foreeeever…) Mari: HIII-YAAAAAAAA!
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possessednest · 3 years
Mobile Friendly Rules
GUIDELINES (RULES LAST UPDATED, JUNE 2ND, 2021.) INTRO Hiya, you can call me Neth. Thank you for taking the time to read my rules! There isn’t much to cover, since I’m pretty easygoing with most things, but there are certain writing/rp aspects that I should address. THREADS I’m not picky when it comes to response length, but I do ask that you trim your threads. If you wanna start a thread with me, just message me, or just tag me in a starter. The mun is overage, but I would prefer nsfw threads to have some chemistry between the characters first. If I don’t reply to our thread, there is a 99% chance that I’ve lost it. So just lemme know! MUSES If you wish to interact with a specific muse, say so in a reply to a post! Or simply message me. Anyway that lets me know is just fine. Otherwise I’ll either choose a random muse, or simply not reply at all. ICONS Since this is an oc multi, icon use will come and go. I’m sourcing from my own artwork, and part of the motivation for this blog is to draw my oc’s more. So sometimes they’ll be icons, sometimes there won’t be. You are also not obligated to use icons if I do! MEMES & ASKS Are we mutuals? Are you an rp blog? Well good news! You can send in memes. Just make sure I’ve reblogged said meme so I know what is going on. GODMODDING/POWER PLAY Sorry, but if you do this you can say byebye to our thread. SHIPPING I’m perfectly alright with shipping our characters if we’re mutuals! I’m a ship-o-holic, so don’t be afraid to come to me requesting ooy-gooy shippy stuff. VERSES You can find information on these on the verses page! I’m also open to brainstorming how to throw him into a verse of yours, if you have one you prefer. PLOTTING Hey bro– we be mutuals? Then lets plot stuff. Come at me with those sick ideas/ship/heartwrenching plots. aus & crossovers You wanna do an au thing? We mutuals? LETS DO IT. FOLLOW BACKS & SELECTIVENESS Now in days, I’m pretty selective with who I regularly write with. This is due to the sheer volume that I tend to write,(My go-to is novella, so that probably gives you a good idea) as well as just basic writing chemistry. That isn’t to say I’m against finding new writing buddies though! If I follow you back, then that’s an open invitation to come and discuss rp things with me. NSFW & TRIGGERS Triggers will be tagged in their accordance when it comes to nsfw stuff. Did I miss one? Lemme know! I won’t get offended, I promise. Although please, please, PLEASE, don’t just randomly make the thread sexual. It’s a different story if we discuss it prior, but randomly springing that on me is a surefire way to get me to stop replying. Because of the themes that will be on this blog, I’m making it strictly 18+. THE MUN I’m p much a dork that doesn’t go outside sooooooooooooo don’t be intimidated by me in the slightest. I’m generally nice and won’t bite. I’m an artsy guy who just gradated from college with a degree in animation, so feel free to poke my brain about animation stuff! The mun is overage, 22 to be exact. I’m not new to Rp, and have been doing it for about… uhhhh probably more than 8 years at this point. My default writing style is novella, but I can do smaller multi-para or single para replies if writing large volumes is something that doesn’t click. CREDITS & DISCLAIMERS The theme, (and by that I mean artwork) header, and any icons I make in the future of this character are done by me unless stated otherwise. Any posts of artwork that I’ve done will also be tagged as such. Reblogs of my artwork are welcome, but reposting is prohibited.
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Request Rules
It's disgusting and never want to see it in ask box. EVER. My apologies for my rudeness or if I offended anyone at all.
I just very strongly dislike NSFW. And I am also a minor. So please never mention NSFW to me. Thank you.
> No bad ending angst of any sort. I'm okay with starting with angst, but ending with it I am not okay with. So please never request it. Otherwise I will have to delete your request.
> No abusive Yanderes. I'm alright with Yanderes in general. I love reading yandere in fact if I'm being honest. But I don't like abusive Yanderes. I much prefer soft one's. When I mean no abusive Yanderes I mean no insulting, no degrading, no physical abuse and no punishments either. Same goes for the No Yandere abuse and no Dear abuse. And absolutely under no circumstances will I allow either of them to harm one another and yes that includes killing each other!
> As I've stated in the text above I said no abusive Yanderes. Did you think I would allow abuse otherwise without the Yandere or someone else saving the victim from it?
My answer: NO! Under no circumstances will I ever allow that unless I state otherwise.
So until then do not I repeat DO NOT SEND REQUESTS LIKE THAT IN MY ASK BOX. My apologies if hurt, offended you or seemed rude. I just wanted to get my point across of how serious I am about this. My greatest apologies.
That will be all for now.
Good byebye for now everyone!
I hope you have a good day,night, evening, afternoon or morning!
Good byebye everyone!
- 🎀 Ghostie 🎀
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Episode 4: “Just gotta try to wiggle myself in some where”- Austin
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I kinda wish our tribe would lose just so I could see where the lines are tbh. Also I have a bad feeling that at a swap/merge our tribe is gonna be picked off because we’re going in with the most numbers and on a base level that’s dangerous; however, I do think it could be deeper than that because of the preconceived relationships and I’m looking forward to seeing who goes home tonight and where we go from here.
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This round was a little wild for me. Austin has been my fave since the beginning and we finally created an alliance. We both liked eve so that was easy but we wanted one more person. This is where things got a little complicated. Him and eve both liked isaac but honestly i wasnt feeling isaac and love pat. But i didnt want to push too hard so we just went ahead with isaac. 
BUT we also talked to pat and will have ANOTHER alliance with him (so austin, pat and me). SO basically im working with everyone right now except keaton. Im glad our tribe has been killing it because that means no TC wooo 
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We tribe swapped so that is fun. It's always interesting to have a switch up. I have still yet to be screwed by a tribe swap in my entire history of playing ORGs which is something I am happy with. This is one of the best iterations of a tribe I can think of actually. I can forge a closer bond with Xander and Dylan, because now if we lose I won't need to vote one of them out, they become my core 3. So, right after the swap I made an OG Malakoff chat with myself, Xander, and Dylan. I just wanted the immediacy to show that I was serious in wanting to stick to that, which I am. I have communicated several times that I want to work with Isaac, so ideally Austin will go in the event that we lose. I feel bad because he is a sweetheart, but he doesn't fit into my strategy, and if anyone understands game being game, he does.
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I love my new tribe??? Not only is nick still here so that gives me a safety net, the sammy I like is here. Pat is here. No idea who eve is but that’s okay too. I’m loving this. Inb4 I get voted out next Bc they actually really fucking hate me :^). Byebye payton it was nice kinda knowing you? Hello ~hopefully~ friends <3
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I forgot Austin has a date with Mary Jane daily so Im gonna have to cut him some slack.
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Tribe swap....just what I didn't want to happen . I dont ha e my #1 ashley with me but at least I got issac here. Jared is on my tribe now too so that could go either way for me because he knows how I play the game. Gonna have to pull something out if my ass here .
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This is for Alyssa you dumb ugly fat white bitch why you keep asking me for a confessional with trifling dirty white racist ass big fat bitch x Anyways. Made an alliance with Pat and Sammy! V excited to work with them but we’re snapping in immunity so, I don’t see why we would need to vote off Vi.... I mean someone at tribal! Hehe
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Well....we got our last handed to us. I'm not happy going to tribal bc I feel I'll be the one going. I talk with jared and issac the most but I feel jared will stick with xander and dylan. Just gotta try to wiggle myself in some where.
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I have been busy the past couple of days so this challenge being a endurance/speed comp was a struggle. And it looks like my team didn't do much. To help... It's fine we can get out one of these other two dead weights. Speaking of them. Im glad the swap merged me with two allies but the other two just suck to talk to... And that's coming from me .. Jess knows what I'm talking about. Anyways I don't want them here and want them gone. As for my allies. I like Jared a lot we are getting along and enjoying ourselves. He's definitely the one I trust most in this game and hopefully it gets me to merge where I can start phase 2 and hopefully get far. Dylan is fine .. he's offline a lot but he's from old tribe so like it helps. 
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Just finished the challenge, OH MY GOD i suck at trivia but thankfully sammy snapped and we won, thank u sammy love u so much!!! Still dont believe he is straight tho x IM JOKING PLS DONT KILL MEDFHNSJFDH
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I hate confessions. That’s my confession for the round... jkjk. Eh there isn’t much to talk about now that it’s tribal time. I hope whoever from our og tribe stays safe but I forgot who is there so oops. Sammy killed it. I still call bs on the centipede question but oh well. It wouldn’t have changed the result. It would have just made the gap close by 1. 
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LOVE MY NEW TRIBE. So happy we swapped. I’m with actual love of my life ASHLEY!!! And Chloe is amazing too. Aidan popped off in the challenge. Keaton is Keaton. This is a good group and I’m glad they did rlly well in the challenge. I love this kind of thing but I wasn’t able to constantly be on my phone all weekend bc that’s rude :( so I’m glad it worked out. Hoping the tribe swap works out in our favor and Xander jared and Dylan stay together for the vote. Idk if Isaac and jared are friends??? I hope Isaac leaves because he knows I’m a ‘threat’ in games and because I think Ashley yelled at him once. Idk who Austin is but Ashley likes him. But idk how likely that is if Isaac and jared have a connection. As long as jared stays safe ifgaf who leaves.
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Yowza. We got absolutely wrecked in the challlenge. I don't WANT to lose any challenges, but I believe in the long run I should be happy to take this L. As another way to show my loyalty, I decided to give my idol progress in the chat with Xander and Dylan. I noticed Dylan never reciprocated so that gives me 1 reason to be wary. Then, Dylan posted a very inappropriate joke in the tribe chat in reference to Survivor Thailand, and the word "rape" was used, so that was the 2nd thing to make me uneasy. At first, Dylan and Xander had no opinion on who to vote, so I voiced that I would like to vote Austin- then Dylan remembered who Isaac is and said "he can go." I eventually got things back on track to target Austin, but Dylan better be careful- it's 3 strikes and you're out with me. I have a good relationship with Isaac so I wouldn't be surprised to see Dylan go if we lose again.
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Day 9 on the survivor tribe. My thoughts are about toes and only toes. They are consuming my entire day. I exist merely to think of toes. 
Also Chloe...
Okay so I’m just gonna throw down some of my thoughts right now since I’ve been very quiet in confessionals. I fucking hate these small ass fucking tribes. It makes the thought of going to tribal terrifying because your odds of going home are increased. Since the swap ive actually really been enjoying my time, I really like my new tribe and I feel I can actually connect with these people better than on my first tribe. I am glad to actually have Aidan with me because he’s like THE person I want to work with from my og tribe, along with Vi. I still have my reservations on Nick even though I think he’s nice I can’t trust him as far as I could throw him. I really feel that the trivia challenge brought us closer together as a tribe since what’s a better bonding experience than yelling at Jess that she’s wrong 50 times in one day. I think we’re all collectively quite strong and I really hope that means we can slide past for a while without going to tribal. 
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Honestly i always forget what i confess from last time but i still think I’m in a good position in the game. However I really do not want to go to tribal because I don’t want to show my cards. Eve and Pat both want me to work with them so we have an alliance and then Vi and Nick approached me and want to work with me as well. This was completely surprising to me bc I felt as if I would just be an easy vote out if we were to go to tribal since I’m a lone wolf. However I’m in the middle and I feel somewhat powerful knowing that people want to keep me and want to work with me. Me and nick have had a rocky relationship in past games but i think he’s a great person. He’s just a wildcard. I love vi and i think she’s the sweetest person to have ever existed but my gut is telling me to work with pat and Eve atleast for the first vote. Hopefully I don’t have to make the decision but who knows. That’s all I have for now other than I think the idol system isn’t anything I keep getting zapped. I feel like a fly in a southern home...ZAP.
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I couldn’t remember the day so I put 69. I hate this tribe with my whole heart and my whole bussy. Jared is the only one giving me any sort of shot at making it passed this round. Austin is a slime ball who will do anything to save his own skin, Xander is dead apparently, and Dylan has been tracking down places where famous people died. I feel like this is my own personal hell and while I’ve been assured that Austin is going home (which I wouldn’t be surprised was a lie) I still have to make a swap or a merge and with the clowns on this tribe being inactive and never talking about anything but Star Wars or not talking at all I don’t know how possible it is to win a goddamn challenge. 
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*insert Da'vonne pretends to be shoocked gif at a swap* Since it didn't happen at 16 I wasn't surprised too see it at 15 but I'm glad because three tribes provides for much more buffer. My initial reaction to my tribe was positive as I saw that I had Chloe and three new people in the mix. I'm not gonna lie that I was getting bored on my old tribe but I do hope that Nick is doing alright. He's one ally that I'd love to connect with again... Vi is alright too but I don't know how strong of a connection we fostered. First impressions of my new tribemates: Keaton - I heard he was fucking with my friend in another game so my guard was up but I tried and he seems aloof and random with his contributions but it makes sense since he's playing 4 games at once. Will probably work off of the others who contribute in challenges? We'll see. Ashley - Sweet and seems like a hard worker. Not too much of a read on her yet Owen - He seems nice and genuine but not much of a read from a game perspective yet. It seems the split is 2-2-1 on my tribe from previous tribes but I don't know how strict to tribal lines people are going to play but I can feel some aloofness with Keaton and Ashley is traveling so... that's that on that. If we were going to tribal I have no idea what the fuck would happen but I want to strengthen connections. Honestly I think we can make it to the merge without hitting an elimination but who knows. THANKFULLLLLLLY my ass had a lucky night on the railroads and jumped to spot number fifty and apparently found a STEAL A VOTE. This is what I DESERVE. Thank you Old West Gods for blessing me, the star, with this iconic power. I'm glad I have it in my back pocket and I'm not telling a fucking soul. If it needs to be used, it will be flaunted and I will pop shit. Hopefully I can save it for after merge but if I need to control a pre-merge vote just to get my way, I'm going to do it. 
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