#alright I'm gonna go write fic to express these feelings now
meanbossart · 5 months
I appreciate how you write Astarion so, SO much. I feel like way too many fic writers infantilize him to a point where I honestly start wondering if I'm the one who misinterpreted him so badly.
I'd love to know more about what you think of his character and his arc. Personally I saw him and immediately went "oh god this guy is gonna be the irritating tumblr sexyman of the year🙄" and it took me until Araj basically to warm up to him. What were your initial thoughts and did they change much while playing the game?
OH thank you so much!!! That's a shame if it's the case, and a little surprising to me, to be honest! While he's definitely written be an aloof jerk a lot of the time, I always found him to be surprisingly mature and introspective whenever he's not dishing out witty remarks. He comes off to me as the kind of person who learned to benefit from seeming dumber than he actually is, overall.
HAHA I had a VERY similar experience, not just towards Astarion but all the characters, really (I really disliked Shadowheart at the beginning, too). I had only seen pictures of him and pretty much expected a vapid character that was being carried to stardom because of a talented VA - and because people go nuts for anne rice style vampires lol.
While I was definitely enjoying his voice lines from the start (Again kudos to Neil) I definitely wasn't expecting much else. He piqued my interest after so devastatingly turning my character down at the tiefling party without me even having inquired, and that's when I, the gamer, was like "well, alright, I GOTTA fuck this guy now" (this is also where DU drow's personality began to come out as you can probably guess)
Obviously, if you have two neurons to rub together you can gather pretty quickly that he's not trying to woo you because you're so interesting and wonderful, so I started getting curious! With that dynamic being so different from what you usually expect of romances in these types of games, plus the charming way in which he is written, I started being won over.
I think what really did it was how gradually his attitude changed when responding to new, mostly trivial dialogue options and doing his greetings as you earned his trust, and ESPECIALLY with how he responds to your tav when you express any kind of fear or insecurity during his romance - which was with a lot of sincerity and confidence in his resolve to support you, and in you as a person, a complete 180 from his usual front - Which, again, makes me all the more surprised to hear that he's often painted with such an immature brush.
And obviously he has a DEEPLY ugly side to him (if you've read ANE, hopefully it's clear that I know this, and that I like to explore it just as much as anything else lmao) but it's very interesting to me how it seem to always come in the form of outbursts, rather than a constant evil-streak, usually followed by a glimpse of self-awareness. It feels very much in line with someone who's actually making a great deal of effort to manage their RAMPANT emotions and going through a lot of internal conflict in the process.
GAH. Yeah if you can't tell by this friggin' thesis I just wrote, I love the way they wrote this character a lot and I was definitely proven PROFOUNDLY wrong in my first impression of him - which, if that's not irony at it's finest I don't know what is.
And as an aside! I also very much appreciate that he's a "queer" coded character who's effeminate (in the Old Homo kind of way, but I digress) and flamboyant, but taken Dead Fucking Seriously. With as much progress as we've made in LGBT rep in media, I still often feel like gay men will only get that kind of treatment for as long as they "Aren't That Gay" (I know Astarion doesn't have a set sexuality - But lets not mince words: stereotypes exist, and he fits into most of them) and as a thin-wristed gay guy who's a little too found of linen shirts, I can honestly say that experiencing a character like that helped me with my own confidence.
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coriolantha · 3 months
‧˚₊•୨ Patience ୧•‧₊˚⊹
mike schmidt x GN! reader
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summary: mike comforts you after you've had a long day₊˚⊹:˚。⋆୨୧˚
tags: fluff, mike being a sweetheart (as always), anxiety, reader has bad self image, insecurities, reader is overwhelmed and needs a break (so real), hugging, cuddling, comfort
wc: 1.1k
notes: hii this is my first fic i've posted on here. ngl i'm... scared. im not proud of this but i can't scrap it this time otherwise i'm never gonna get anything posted LMAO. please leave any criticism in the comments if you'd like, feel free to share any opinions, i want to improve the quality of my writing! thank you sm for reading! 🫶
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today has been punishing.
rain trickled down the foggy window, making soft tapping sounds as they hit and fell, reluctantly racing down to gather in the weep holes. the rough, scratchy carpet beneath you beginning to burn as you shuffled around your desolate home.
exhausted, you gave up trying to distract yourself from your main task; your bedroom.
your eyes darted around your cluttered room, glossing over as you noticed every individual piece of clothing that wasn't hung up, organized, and neatly put away. you began to have a headache thinking about where to even begin. you felt like a filthy slob, your surroundings perfectly reflecting how you've felt all day.
you flicked the lights off, the warmly lit room now becoming pitch black, except for the small gleam of light that came through the open door. you sat on your bed, absentmindedly kicking your various pants and t-shirts away from you to give yourself some room to lay down.
mike wouldn't be back home for a while now. it was only 12:45am, which gave you 5 hours and 25 minutes to attempt to sleep before having to get ready for your office job... which would leave little to no time to spend with mike.
fuck mondays.
turning over to your side, you hugged your knees, shivering. no amount of blankets could fix how cold you felt. the truth was, you missed your boyfriend; longing for his cozy hugs and soft, gentle kisses he'd press against your cheek as he consoled you.
you missed him more than anything in the world.
with a blink, the tears that have been collecting in your eyes came down your flushed face at once. laying there, you accepted your pitiful reality, slowly drifting off into unwanted slumber, in solitude.
the time was around 2am when you felt a dip into the bed. panicking, you quickly awoke, shuffling to sit up as fast as possible. although you didn't know of the time, something felt off. mike wasn't supposed to be home yet, that's for sure.
panic turned into confusion as you heard mike, obviously feeling guilty for having jumpscaring you so badly.
"oh, shit- baby, it's me," he whispered apologetically, reaching his hand out to cup your cheek. turning on the dim lamp, he quickly turned back to face you. his eyes bore into yours, scanning to make sure you were going to be alright.
all day he was desperate to see your face, even after his shorter-than-usual-shift. mike couldn't get enough of your perfection, although you always brushed him off whenever he ever mentioned this to you.
he noticed your terrified expression which started to wear off, beginning to blend into relief.
"it's just me... you don't need to worry about anything, okay? i'm right here, no one's gonna hurt you," he muttered, leaning over to press a chaste kiss on your lips, lingering longer than usual.
weight lifted off your shoulders as you began to put pieces together. now, all you needed was an answer to your burning question.
"mike, why did you come home so early? did something happen?" you asked anxiously, looking right back at your boyfriends affectionate, adoring eyes.
"oh, sweetheart..." he soothed, "i got let out early today. nothing worth worrying about. i guess they didn't need me as much as i thought they did," he let out a quick, dry laugh, shaking his head dismissively.
"fuck, i've missed you all day, i'm so damn glad i could leave that job early. anything to see you, my love," he cooed, brushing a strand of hair out of your face, delicately tucking it behind your ear
you were in awe; it was a miracle he came home early, especially today. you were fighting to hold your tears back, mouth quivering as you bit your bottom lip. mike noticed your change in emotion immediately.
"hey hey hey," he whispered urgently, quickly grabbing your hand and giving it a light squeeze, "what's wrong?" his voice drowned in concern.
"i did nothing all day. the only thing i've done is just stand around and... thought of doing something, but i couldn't. i was so tired, but of what? like, why didn't i clean our room? and the worst part is, you have to come home, tired as hell, ready to go to sleep, only to see your messy room and your partner who still hasn't done anything about it," you quavered, sniffling softly as warm tears fell from your eyes.
mike said nothing, but you could sense how hurt he felt after you talked so badly about yourself. he sighed, laying down on the plush mattress. he patted his chest, inviting you to rest your head there. you did so immediately, closing your eyes as you listened closely to his heart beat.
"you know i love you, right?" he asked gently. you stayed quiet, knowing he wasn't expecting an answer.
"i love everything about about you. but the only thing i don't love is how badly you talk of yourself. i hate it. it doesn't make any sense to me," he stressed, stroking your hair soothingly.
"so what if our room is messy? i don't think about that when i come home. all i think about is how i can finally be with you. i'm not going to let some clothes on the floor get in the way of us, ever. or anything, in fact."
you nodded in agreement silently, your tears dry on your cheeks.
"we can tackle this room together. we can do this however you want- i can pick up your clothes while you organize them into whichever area they go to, and i'll pick up my clothes too, but you won't have to organize that, i'll take care of it. how does that sound?" he asked delicately.
you instantly felt a huge weight lift off your shoulders.
"thank you so much, mike. you don't know how much i needed you today," you exhaled, "really."
he looked down lovingly at you, curled up beside him. he kissed your head tenderly, rubbing up and down your back.
goosebumps spread across your arms. you felt so loved and safe.
"the real question is," you suddenly asked, "how are you so perfect? were you made in a factory or something?"
"says you," he laughed, holding you tighter.
the two of you basked in the love you had for one another for a while. no words were exchanged, only him occasionally rubbing his thumb against your arm, while you began to doze off, which caught his attention.
"want me to turn the light off?"
you nodded, wrapping your arm around his stomach.
he turned over once more, pulling the cord of the lamp light, the room now pitch black.
"i love you," he whispered, turning to his side a little more so he could be pressed closer against you.
"i love you too, mike. always," you mumbled back, the two of you drifting off to sleep.
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dividers by @f-loqweres 🫶
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sansaorgana · 4 months
Hi! Can you write a Buck Cleven x female reader where they met and fell in love while he's in England and on one of the missions she's told they think his plane went down and she's really upset but it turns out they just got separated from the rest of the group and she just runs to him as soon as he gets out of the plane? Angst and then fluff?
I loved your other Buck fic!
thank you so much, sweetheart 🍭 this time I've read the request like 10 times before starting to write to make sure I haven't misread anything lol 🤣
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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"You're gonna come back to me, baby, am I right?" you pressed your forehead to Buck's and you closed your eyes to inhale his scent and memorize it. Your fingers played with the hem of his jacket as you were pulling him closer and closer.
"Always," he answered in that deep voice of his that usually made you dizzy.
"That's a promise that a gentleman cannot break," you giggled as you opened your eyes but his expression was as serious as ever. He only smiled gently and it made your heart skip a beat. "What's wrong?" you asked.
"You're pretty, you know that?" Buck raised his hand to fix a reckless hairstrand and get it off of your cheek.
"Yes, sir," you nodded. His seriousness was contagious. It was almost as if he had a bad feeling about the upcoming mission but he didn't want to say it out loud. "Go," you leaned in to kiss his cheek and patted his shoulder. "Go, don't be late."
Buck saluted you and went outside as you followed him. You watched him running up to his boys and getting on the plane. You have watched that many times before but this time it really felt different.
"Everything alright, miss?" Colonel Harding furrowed his brow at the sight of your face.
"I'm fine, Colonel," you took a deep breath in to stop your tears from falling.
"Go, busy yourself with something," he nodded.
"Colonel…" you grabbed his sleeve desperately and very unprofessionally. He looked a little surprised but not angry with you at all. "Please, let me know about him… If something happens… I want to know first."
"That would be against the procedures, miss," he explained and you clenched your fingers even harder.
"You see, I'm going crazy here every time he's up there," you tried to explain.
"We're all going crazy, miss," he was a stubborn man. You gave up and saluted before leaving to find yourself something to do.
You were assigned to copy some official papers in Colonel's office but you were more and more frustrated with each given moment. You spent hours by that typewriter and haven't managed to copy one single document. You kept on doing typos and stupid mistakes that forced you to start all over again.
Colonel Harding walked in nervously all of a sudden and you could see that something had been not right but he was excellent at hiding it.
"Colonel," you greeted him.
"What are you still doing here?!" he snapped.
"I'm copying documents."
"I'm stuck on the first one, sir," you confessed as your bottom lip trembled. "I… I'm sorry, I can't focus."
"Get out of here," he ordered and you nodded before getting up as fast as possible and trying to clean up the desk a little. "Go!"
"Yes, sir," you whispered and left in a hurry. Before you closed the door, you could see that he was reaching for a phone. You took a look at your watch and your heart skipped a beat when you realized that Buck had to be above Germany for some time now.
"You're still here?" Colonel's much softer voice made you turn around and face him.
"I'm sorry, sir, I can't seem to focus on anything today…"
"Here, come here," he put his hand on your arm and guided you back inside before gently helping you to sit down. "There's something I must tell you. I shouldn't but…"
"What is it?" your eyes widened and your heart started to pound in your chest as your hands got sweaty.
"Buck's plane went down. There were no parachutes... we're not sure. We lost him."
His voice was firm and loud but to you it sounded like you were sitting behind a glass as the time slowed down.
"N-No…" you shook your head. "No, this can't be, no… Colonel, you see, he's made me a promise. Gentlemen don't break their promises," you kept shaking your head like a maniac.
He didn't say anything and gave you a while to cry and try to catch a breath. You didn't even know what to feel at that moment, what to think. Your body started to tremble and there was a stinging pain inside your chest but your head was empty. You could only remember the taste of his warm lips on yours, the feel of his leather jacket under your fingertips, the way his hair would tickle your forehead when you kissed, the smell of his aftershave and the depth of his voice. And then you realized that you would never ever experience any of that again…
You stood up immediately and ran out of Colonel's office, straight to the bathroom. You needed a splash of cold water and to stand in front of the mirror, staring at your smudged make up as your hands clutched on the sink.
"The boys are back!" you heard someone shouting after a long while but you didn't even flinch. There was no point to go outside. No point of watching every single one of the boys who had survived and not finding your Buck amongst them. No point of seeing with your own eyes that there was a plane missing on that field.
You sobbed and cried as your hand reached underneath your blouse to find a small chain with Buck's ring hanging from it. He gave it to you a few weeks back when you became more serious. You kept it safe for him every day and kept it warm with your body. The ring was warm now, too, as you played with it. And it was a very physical reminder of the man you loved. Of the man who would not come back to you…
It was loud outside for an hour or so; everyone was busy with the boys coming back. They had to rest, get a proper meal, make reports and the planes needed to be fixed. You kept sitting on the cold bathroom floor with your head hid in your hands. You didn't have any tears left for quite a long time now but you still had troubles breathing and standing still without feeling dizzy. Your body kept shaking uncontrollably as well.
"Buck's back!" someone shouted and at first you didn't even react to that. You thought that your brain made that up. But then someone shouted it again and again and you were sure that it had to be some sort of mishearing. You just wanted to hear this, right? Running outside, looking for him, it would make a fool of you... but who cared… You were desperate.
You pushed the bathroom door open as loud as possible and you ran outside. People you passed on the corridor looked at you like you were crazy. Your hair was a mess, your makeup was all over your face and a few buttons of your blouse were undone with a ring on a small chain hanging from your chest.
Cold outside air made you catch your breath finally as you looked up. Indeed, one of the planes was just preparing to land. Its engines were damaged and it looked poorly but it was there.
"Colonel!" you ran up to Colonel Harding who observed the landing. He looked at you with pity in his eyes. "Is that right? Is he…?"
"It's his plane," he answered. "That's all we know. Maybe they got lost somewehere. We still know nothing, we lost connection with Buck some time ago."
"And now? He's not saying anything through the radio?" you kept asking.
"The connection's been lost, miss," Colonel was slowly trying to explain. Your heart skipped a beat as you watched men jumping out of the plane.
And then you spotted him. You'd spot that golden shade of hair everywhere.
"Buck!!!" you screamed and started running towards him. You had quite a big distance to make but you didn't even feel tired. It felt like flying more than running.
He smiled at the sight of you and despite being exhausted, he started running, too.
"Baby!" he greeted you in the middle as he lifted you up and spinned you around.
"Buck!" you laughed and cupped his face. "Oh, Buck!"
"You look like hell, baby," he chuckled.
"Well, you've given me the worst time of my life, you arse!" you pushed his shoulder. "Where have you been? They told me you were dead!"
"I'm sorry," he leaned in to give you a hungry, loving kiss. You heard some men cheering in the distance but you didn't care at all. You were just happy to have Buck back in your arms. You kissed him back, getting lost in the salty taste of sweat and blood. You tangled your hands in his hair and pulled on it gently, like you were checking if he was real.
"How could you do that to me?!" you sniffed the tears back and he pressed his forehead to yours.
"Hey, hey, shh, hey…" he helped you to calm down and catch a breath again as he held your hands to squeeze them reassuringly. "Always, remember? Always."
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starry-eyedblog · 7 months
pain meds
ghost/soap/female reader
wordcount: 3,591
warning/tags: 18+ smut, non con, sexual assault dark themes, taking advantage, medications, lying, manipulation, gaslighting, pussy eating, grinding/humping
authors note: first long fic here, woohoo! pls do not read this if it's nae yer cup of tea. i'm trying to write darker themes and nae feel guilty, and here was the first thing my brain made so pls enjoy! also am i projecting a bit? aye, but it's fine!
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it’s been a rough, tiring day and your body just cannot handle it anymore. you’re currently sat in the lounge, curled up on the worn out couch. you’ve been wanting to go to your bedroom for twenty minutes now but every time you move to get up, pain spikes through you. seems you’ll have to bite the bullet soon though.
“ye awright hen? yer lookin’ a bit peely-wally.” soap comments as he walks into the lounge with ghost behind him. you don’t bother to move your head up to stare into their eyes, keeping your face pressed into one of the flat cushions.
soap sits across from you, while ghost takes the space next to you on the couch, your knees pressing together due to him man spreading. “am fine soap, just sore.” you shrug him off, desperate to just get into your bedroom where your meds are. “c’mon, tell us what’s up.” ghost responds, his voice gruff and slightly muffled from his balaclava.
you want to shrug him off too, but now that both men are staring down at you with concern, theres no point trying to lie or ignore them. “it’s just my chronic pain. been really bad all day.” you say quietly. both men let out soft exhales at your answer, but soap is first to speak up. “need anythin’?” he asks, not taking his eyes off of you.
a light groan leaves you as you move slightly on the couch and pull your face out of the pillow, looking over at soap. “my pain meds, been wanting to get off the couch for ages now to lay down and take them.” you chuckle weakly and ghost is fast to answer. “want me to grab them and bring them through?” he asks, looking down at you with beady brown eyes.
“no no it’s alright, need to take them in my room.” you say weakly, pushing the blanket off of your body as you try stretch your legs out which sends a sharp pain through you. “why can’t you take them through here?” ghost questions, his eyebrow raising slightly. “long story short, they get me high off my face and i only feel comfortable taking them in my room.” you answer truthfully, looking at ghost.
“fit are ye on?” soap asks innocently, smiling kindly at you which makes you feel warm inside. “codeine, strongest dose.” you tell him, to which soap makes a low whistle. “yer on the proper strong stuff.” he chuckles, glancing at ghost who returns the eye contact. “assuming that you don’t take it often then.” ghost chimes in, looking down at you as you try stretch your limbs out.
“god no, wouldn’t be able to function. only take them when it’s real bad, can barely think let alone focus on them. it’s like my brain goes fuzzy.” you explain, all your words sinking into both mens minds and being stored away. “and you’re all alone when you take them?” ghost asks curiously. “yeah? i mean, the meds make me drowsy and tired so i wouldn’t be good company.” you chuckle before you’re pushing yourself off the couch and stretching with a low whine.
a few of your joints crack loudly as you stretch out a little, the pain spiking and ebbing away a few times. “well, i’m gonna go take them now. i’ll see you in a few hours.” you say softly, waving at both men who watch you. “dinnae be silly hen, we’re nae leavin’ ye alone in that state.” soap responds, standing up and stepping towards you as ghost gets off the couch.
“what are you on about?” you ask with a raised eyebrow and confused expression. “just like soap said, we’re gonna take care of you. would be pretty awful of us to let you suffer alone like that.” ghost answers, his voice stern to let you know theres no way of changing his mind. “that’s very kind of you guys but i can deal with it myself, like i have been for the past year.” you answer with an amused chuckle, but both men don’t laugh or smile which causes you to stop.
neither man speaks, and for a moment there is this uncomfortable tension that has you desperate to scurry away. “we’re teammates, gotta look out for one another.” ghost responds, and you feel your heart flutter slightly. they just want to help, look after you for a bit. and god, does that sound good. even though you can handle it usually, it’s still a whole ordeal to go through, and to have not one, but two of your close teammates help just a bit. it sounds really good.
“you sure?” you ask, wanting to know for definite. “aye hen, we’re sure.” soap responds, taking another step forward to wrap a strong arm around your waist and guiding you back to your room. well, no turning back now you think. ghost follows behind, watching soap support you back to your bedroom. once you make it, you feel soap’s arm pull away and you sit down on your neatly made bed, a sigh leaving you as you fall back and lay down on the clean duvet.
“just tell us what you need, we’ll get it for you.” ghost mumbles, looking around your room and spotting the packets of pills on your bedside table, as well as the full boxes of the codeine that has several warnings in red on it. “you really weren’t kiddin’ when you said they were strong, huh?” ghost comments, looking back at you as you lay on your bed.
a soft chuckle leaves you as you shake your head slightly, not saying anything as you push yourself up and rearrange your blankets and pillows to get comfy. “if you could make a hot water bottle and grab me a bottle of water, that would be perfect.” you say, looking up at both men that tower over your bed. ghost nods, grabbing the empty hot water bottle from your bed and leaving, making his way to the kitchen.
“so chronic pain eh? first time a’ve heard of that from ye.” soap says as he sits down on your bed, next to you but with his legs hanging off the side, feet firmly placed on the floor. you look over at him and shrug your shoulders sheepishly. “just never felt the need to tell anyone aside from price. it only gets really bad when i’ve pushed myself way too far.” you explain and soap nods in response. “were ye born with it?” he asks, head tilting to the side slightly and all you can see is a puppy when you look at him, his big blue eyes staring into yours with curiousness.
“yeah, so not much i can do about it.” you smile, a bit of sadness behind your words that soap notices but doesn’t say anything on. he doesn’t reply, unsure of what to say and instead sits a little closer to you. “well at least we can take care of ye, eh? deserve a break.” he says comfortingly, placing his hand on your thigh to give it a light pat which sends a soft blush across your face.
soon enough, ghost is making his way back into your bedroom with a hot water bottle and a fresh water plastic bottle. he doesn’t say anything, placing the plastic bottle on your bedside table and the hot water bottle next to you on the bed. you thank him softly, sliding the hot water bottle behind your back and pressing it into your lower back as you sit propped up with your pillows.
without a word, ghost is grabbing one of the half empty packets of your codeine tablets and handing it to you, where you pop too white pills out and swallow them down with the water. “so, how long till they kick in?” ghost asks, sitting down on the comfortable chair at your desk you use frequently. “uhm, around fifteen to thirty minutes. and when they hit, they hit strong.” you explain with a chuckle.
“we’ll keep ye company, pet.” soap says with a smile, still sat on the bed near you, his hand no longer touching your thigh. you’ve known these two men for about a year now, worked several missions together and trained together. you’ve gone for drinks, attended parties and events but somehow, never spent time in the others bedroom for more than five minutes. even though you’re nervous, to be around others on your meds, you have an underlining trust with them. after all you’ve gone through in your line of work, you kind of have to.
during the twenty minutes from when you swallowed down your pills, the three of you engage in casual conversation, talking about work and family life. it’s mostly soap talking but ghost chimes in enough for it to feel like a three way conversation that has you relaxing. once it hits around half an hour, you can feel the codeine take affect, your eyes unfocusing slightly and your brain feeling fuzzy around the edges. your body goes limp against the covers, shoulders untensing.
both men notice the change, how your sentences start to become more simpler and how it takes you longer to respond to the conversation. “that codeine kicked in then, hen?” soap asks with a chuckle and you groan, curling into your self a little as the drug starts to dig it’s claws in deeper and make you feel disorientated. “yeah,” you mumble, grabbing for your water to chug the cool beverage that feels like heaven sliding down your throat.
ghost and soap exchange a look that you miss as you chug the water bottle, soon putting it back on your bedside table as you feel weight on your bed beside you. was someone in your bed? when did that happen?
you look over, ghost now beside you while soap stays sat on the edge of your bed. “huh?” you ask, confused as to why they’ve moved closer. “grounding, will help keep you calm.” ghost murmurs as he wraps his strong arms around your frame and pulls you back so his chest is flush with your back, legs entangled on the duvet. a soft whine leaves you, not understanding what’s really happening and why ghost is holding you.
but it feels really nice, god it feels better than that. to have this shred of comfort while you’re in this state, it’s soothing and you’re grateful for it. you don’t answer, instead sinking into his touch as you lay there and let the codeine suck the pain away. soap watches on silently, taking in the sight before one warm hand is being rested on your calf, not moving.
“yer oot of it, aren’t ye?” soap asks as your eyes flutter shut and you press your face into the pillow for the cool relief it provides. “huh? no m’not.” you grumble after the words finally sink into your fuzzy brain, taking longer than normal. both men laugh at this, knowing it’s a lie.
“sure love,” ghost mutters into your shoulder, his balaclava brushing against your skin and causing you to flinch, your sense of touch heightened from the drugs which makes soap grin. “sensitive wee lass.” he says as his hand now moves up your calf and to your thigh slowly, rubbing at the warm skin which makes your thighs twitch and subconsciously try to shut, but soap’s strong hand stops them.
“eager, aren’t you mactavish?” ghost teases, looking at soap from over your shoulder, his eyes showing smugness. “fuck off ye bawbag, ah ken you are too.” he mutters, glaring at ghost as his hand grips at your thigh a little tighter which pushes a confused whine out of you. “shh, you’re okay.” ghost whispers, his voice gravely and sending a pulse straight down to your core.
“wh-what are you guys doing?” you groan, your eyesight slightly blurry around the edges as you slowly open your eyes and push yourself up a little to look over at soap who sends you a cheeky grin. “takin’ care of ye pet, lay back doon.” soap commands in a sickly sweet voice, and who are you to deny him?
ghost presses a flat palm to your chest and pushes you back down into the bed, his arm then coiling around your waist giving you no room to move or wiggle. “just needed someone to look after you, eh?” ghost rumbles quietly, watching the way soap’s hand teases at your thighs, dipping into your inner thigh for a moment or two before pulling back. “go on then, touch her.” ghost orders with stern eyes, which makes soap’s head perk up.
“you heard what i said, touch her.” ghost repeated, his voice a little lower as he watches the words compute in soap’s brain. soap isn’t one to disobey orders, and soon his hand is ghosting over your crotch, lightly pressing on your clit. you gasp and whine, face pressing into the pillow. your meds have always made you sensitive, made you feel like an exposed, raw wire.
soap’s pressure soon becomes harsher, pressing harder and harder onto your clit as you gasp and whine pathetically, trying to writhe in ghosts hold. “want more hen? huh?” soap chuckles, looking up at you as he cups your crotch. the codeine starts to sink in even further, meddling with your brain and for a moment you stay silent, trying to convey a sentence or even a couple words.
“words, love.” ghost whispers into your ear, his balaclava pressing against your flushed ear. “wh-why do i feel..” you trail off, trying to find the word somewhere in your drug induced state. “good?” you finish after a moment, and both men chuckle condescendingly at your words. “wonder why.” ghost comments as soap begins to pull your pyjama shorts off.
it doesn’t take long for soap to get them down and off your legs, thrown to the side without care as he leans down between your thighs and brushes his thumb slowly down your clothed cunt. all that lies between the two of you is your simple black underwear, making the touch even stronger. you gasp out as he pressed down on your clit, his other arm wrapping around your thigh to get closer.
“put that tongue to good use, yeah?” ghost says smugly, looking at soap who growls quietly before he’s ripping your underwear off and delving into your cunt like a starved man. you cry out, back trying to arch as your fingers frantically grab at your duvet. soap runs his wet tongue over your slit, making his way up to your clit while ghost combs one of his big hands through your hair. “feels good huh? you like johnny between your legs, isn’t that right?” he whispers into your ear, his hand thats wrapped around your wait tightening ever so slightly.
you let out a high whine, groaning as you turn your head to the side quickly which causes you to feel dizzy and fazed, panting softly into the pillow. is… is johnny eating you out right now? god you can’t even wrap your brain around that right now, your drugged mind too fried by the pleasure to think much. short, pathetic whimpers leave you as johnny continues to eat you out with no remorse, your wetness dripping down his chin and soaking his face.
your hips buck up several times without you realising, your eyes rolling back as you drool onto your pillow. soap is groaning into your slick cunt, his fingers digging painfully into your thighs so you can’t escape even if you wanted to. his tongue is thrusting into your soaking hole, paying no attention to your clit as he enjoys your whines and gasps. he isn’t doing this for you, he’s doing it for himself.
ghost watches the scene before him, his trousers growing tighter and tighter around his crotch. (he was already hard at the idea of you powerless against him and soap). he slowly runs his big hand up to your chest, sneaking under your t-shirt and bra to reach your puffy nipple that he meanly tugs on. a soft cry leaves you, the touch too rough causing you try squirm away but it’s useless. he chuckles softly at your reaction, resting his chin on your shoulder as his hips roll up and grind against your arse.
a quiet sigh of relief leaves ghost as he grind his hips up, finally getting some touch to his neglected cock as he continues to toy with your nipples. your entire body is boneless between the two soldiers as you take all they are giving you. it’s too much, your mind unable to fully comprehend if this is real or some wet dream you’re currently having after being knocked out by your pain meds.
you’re not sure if it feels like five minutes or five hours, soaking in the pleasure and mean touches while your mind fizzles away from the codeine. soon enough it grows too strong and you’re falling asleep with soap’s tongue inside you and ghost’s bulge against your backside. they watch as the meds lull you into a deep sleep, head pressed into the pillow and mouth agape. this doesn’t stop soap though, he stays between your thighs for several more minutes, his hips soon grinding down into the mattress and humping like a dog in heat until both men are coming in their boxers.
the two of them tidy you up and tuck you into bed with your underwear and shorts back on, not leaving a single trace of themselves as they exit your room and go off to do their own separate stuff. it’s not until a few hours later that you wake up groggy and alone, your room now dark. you squint your eyes, looking to your left and making out the half drunk bottle. you waste no time in snatching it and gulping down the water before clumsily climbing out of bed.
you try to recall what happened before you were knocked out, vague memories of soap between your legs and ghost behind you. they sexually assaulted you… right? or was it all just a twisted wet dream? you’re sure you really felt them touching you but you’ve woken up all alone without a single bit of evidence to back up your accusation.
you saunter out of your room, not looking too good as you try track down both men which doesn’t take long as you find them in the lounge, quietly talking between themselves. “oh, there ye are hen. were ye takin’ a nap like?” soap asks, seeing you walk into the room with a confused expression. they take in how disoriented you are and do their best not to laugh. in their eyes, you look just like a lost puppy.
“what? you knew i was asleep. the both of you took me through to my room and.. and you touched me after i was all drugged up.” you frown, accusing them while you stand in the doorway. ghost chuckles quietly, staring up at you. “bad dream?” he asks, causing soap to laugh.
“fit de ye mean drugged up? did ye take somethin’? is that why yer accusing us of being perverts?” soap asks, a questioning expression on his face as your face contorts to confusion. “huh? i told you guys, how i take codeine sometimes for my chronic pain?” you say, not sounding totally convinced as you slowly sit down on the couch across from them. “codeine? chronic pain? first time a’ve heard of that love.” ghost replies, leaning forward a little to look at you a bit more intently which has goosebumps rising over your skin.
“i told you guys this already, and then yo-you took advantage of me. i remember it.” you mumble, feeling more and more defeated as the conversation continues. “think those meds have scrambled yer brain a tad pet, that never happened. codeine is pretty strong, sure it’s nae just them messin’ wit ye?” soap responds, concerned as he looks at you and it makes you feel even worse, the guilt starting to eat up at you as you see how sincere they are. did you truly just make all this up in a dream? it’s common for your meds to blur the lines between dream and reality, you’ve fallen victim to it many a time.
you feel absolutely mortified now, rushing out of your room to accuse two of your close friends of sexual assault, thank god no one else was around to hear your accusations.“…i gu-guess so. i’m really sorry guys, my meds they always play with me. make things feel real and make other things feel like dreams. im-im so sorry for accusing you of that.” you usher out, the embarrassment washing over you. both of them shake their heads, “it’s okay darlin’. we forgive you, ain’t that right johnny?” ghost says, glancing over at soap who smiles. “course, nae hard feelings hen.” he responds and looks over at you.
you let out a sigh, your hands running through your hair as you close your eyes. “can’t believe i thought that was real.” you chuckle weakly, leaning back into the couch and soap laughs softly. “so you gonna tell us fit happened in that wee dream of yers then?” he teases playfully and you flush pink, shaking your head frantically. “god no,” you utter and soap laughs again at your embarrassment, ghost joining in.
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teddy06writes · 3 months
Lost Words
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Alfie Solomons x gn!autistic!reader
Warnings: I guess the way I describe readers feelings/emotions? (all based on personal experience)
Prompt: I had a bad day at work, and this is a coping mechanism
Premise: After a long day at work stress you out to the point of shutting down, Alfie helps you calm down.
{I swear I'm gonna write hurt comfort for Alfie with the roles reversed I just need more motivation}
{also I'm thinking of doing an Alfie fic based on Much Ado About Nothing if anyones interested in that}
From where you were hiding inside your blanket cocoon, you heard the door to the house creak open, and Alfie calling to you that he was home. Cyril, who had been leaning against you, let out a whine, and shuffled to all but slide off the bed, before trotting off to greet his other owner.
You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut and trying to burrough further into the blankets. What only seemed to be a moment later, you heard Alfie entering the room, still cooing at Cyril.
"You alright my dove?" His voice was surprisingly gentle, coming from somewhere near the foot of the bed.
You couldn't find it in yourself to respond, and you heard him move closer, before he was gently pulling the comforter away from your head, humming worriedly, "Dove?"
You peeled your eyes open to find him peering down at you, concerned etched onto his face. Alfie's hand reached out to brush hair from your face, almost automatically before he caught himself, muttering, "RIght- sorry, love, sorry..."
He ran a hand over his beard, "You're havin' a quiet day then? Lost all your words cause of work, hm?"
Slowly you nodded, and he hummed again, muttering something to himself before disappearing from your field of vision. When he reappeared a moment or two later he'd stripped down to his shorts and undershirt, and began to gingerly climb into bed beside you, careful not to touch you.
"You just take your time then, love, and when you get all your words back you can tell your Alfie what's going on, yeah, dove?"
Alfie waited patiently, looking at you, not quite expectantly, but with some sort of reverence you couldn't place. Slowly, one of your hands snuck out from where it had been tucked firmly under your chin, to grab his hand where it rested on the mattress.
When you looked back up at him in aprehension, he seemed to understand, nodding, "'s alright, love."
You squeezed his hand tightly, and he squeezed back, albeit a bit more gently. It was times like this that you felt you could never truly express how grateful you were to have Alfie, who seemed to be the only person who ever truly understood you complex feelings, and never misunderstood what you meant just because you were 'wired different'.
Slowly you worked your way closer to Alfie, until he was able to wrap his arms around you, squeezing you just tightly enough to provide relief from the itch that had worked its way under your skin. You buried your face in his chest, absently running your fingers over the soft fabric of his undershirt.
"That's it love," He murmured, his chest rumbling, "You just take your time, my dove. Aflie's got ya."
Eventually, when you would find your voice returning, you would tell Alfie about your day, rambling on about the good and the bad about how it all became to much, and he would listen. But for now, you were content with laying in comfortable silence, the two of you lost in your own little world.
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queenendless · 10 months
❤️‍🩹 Period (Adult!Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader) ❤️‍🩹
A/N: So much chaos happened at home last Friday in tune with my time of the month. Things are better now. And today's newest episode ... oh God. Next week and beyond is gonna crush my soul.
Ergo writing self indulgent comfort fics to quell the soul. Just period stuff, fluff, comfort, basically Gojo being the #1 boyfriend/husbando~
All credit to characters and image below goes to Gege sensei. PLEASE DON'T STEAL OR COPY MY WORK, RATHER LIKE AND REBLOG. I hope you enjoy.
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Menstrual cycles are quite the monthly hassle.
The first day came today.
Curled up on the couch, trying to relax despite the mixed emotions coursing through your hormonal state when your phone pinged about a notification.
You could imagine his cheery, upbeat voice singing it out loud that made you smile at least at the thought of it.
(Missions are done! Errands done! Souvenir shopping time~! Ya want anything?)
You whined weakly as your hand clutched your now swollen tummy.
(Can you pick up some pads and or tampons and pain relievers on the way back?)
(Mother nature calling?)
(KK. Imma get the munchies. Sweet? Salty?)
You texted him your preferences.
You smiled, sending him one more message.
After being gone for 10 days straight, you couldn't wait to see him again.
After changing in the bathroom, you had closed the door behind yourself when you felt a familiar cursed presence appear behind the front door of your shared apartment, followed by the clacking sound of dress boots being taken off.
"Y/n~! I'm home~!"
The boosted hormonal wave crashing into you had you tearing up at the sight of your blindfolded giant sorcerer lover before barreling over into a tight bear hug.
"Oya oya~ What is this~?" Gojo lifted you up under your arms, bringing your blubbering face right in front of his, teeth gleaming in that smug ass smile. "My sweet angel is shedding tears for me~? Oh I'm flattered~!"
You wacked your fists and feet into him — though Infinity was making sure they did not connect. "You can go off on your ego boost after I lay down, god damn Toru!"
Gojo's enriching deep chuckle left you fuzzy as he carried you up in one arm, waving his bag of goodies in your face. "Okie dokie!" He plopped you down on the couch, dropping the bag in your lap, then dipped his head down. "Time for kissies~!"
His deep smooch was smothering – in a sweet laced good way.
"Gojo," His giant hands cradled your face, tilting you as he kissed you from a different angle, making it very difficult to focus. "Uh–!" His many tender pecks peppered many times on your lips, feeling his warm breath brush your moistness. "My heating pad." You giggled as his lips wandered to your cheek, then your neck, your mental processing faltering from his insisting distracing lips. "Please?"
His disappointed whine dispersed as your hands ruffled his propped up spiky snow white hair, kissing his cheek. "Alright alright." His exasperated sigh was betrayed by his mirthful expression as he pecked your nose then stalked off to your shared bedroom, startling you from his shouting voice down the hall. "Uh sweetie?! The battery in this is dead!"
You swore under your breath, whimpering as a finicky upset kiddie from the cramps, before pulling a small capped bottle of Ibuprofen out of the bag. "Could you go out and buy a replacement?" You asked as you downed two small capsules with water from your water bottle.
"Hmm … I could … OR!"
Feeling tall lean firmness behind you made you nearly flail off the couch hard, caught by those dark blue sleeved arms of his.
"Toru! One of these days, warping is gonna give me a heart attack, I swear to God!"
"Unless it's by a Death Note, I think not."
"God." You grumbled as he snatched your small Roku control before turning on the big HD TV as you rummaged out a small package of your munchies. "What about my heating pa – ?"
You stopped speaking, shuddering as his giant hand slid underneath the hem of your top, resting on your bulging tummy, rubbing his fingers soothingly slowly around your bulge.
"You were saying?" His sultry voice purred in your ear.
You shakily breathed at how hot he sounded.
You felt yourself melting against him, his skin being more than enough to chase the discomfort away. "I never thought I'd find a blindfolded giant so hot." You shyly, shamelessly admitted.
"And you're my warm marshmallow." Gojo laughed.
You rolled your eyes, grinning as you ripped the bag open, offering some of it to him behind you, knowing whatever you ate he'd want as well. "Stuff that mouth of yours already, you goof."
His delighted hum, nuzzling his head atop yours, cradling your belly softly, it all relaxed your hormonally effed up nerves.
Binging Netflix, eating some snacks, cuddling on the couch, this is what you missed.
Gojo especially missed this.
For even the strongest sorcerer of the modern age was also the loneliest man there ever was. Exorcizing curses, flipping off the stingy higher ups, watching his students progress from afar, so much done and yet he would stay restless until he felt you in his arms again.
Chewing on more munchies by the handful, he felt your form laxing. Looking down, vocally aweing at the sight of your open mouthed self, your form slowly and softly rising then descending as you breathed, nodding off in the middle of watch time.
He knew these monthly visits from Mother Nature meant you'd be more moody, more drained, so a relaxed sleeping Y/n was the better outcome to receive.
Even in this corrupted present world, he hoped his students, friends and allies would one day be at his level to help him bring down the current world and make it anew. Better for the good souls out there.
Especially for the one that's been filling the emptiness left inside him the most.
Lowering down the volume, he set the remote aside on the coffee table before the couch, watching as you mumble slurry discontent at having his hands leave you.
Gojo Satoru. Your resident heating pad. Noted.
Wiping his hand with some stray napkins you left on the table then leaving the opened half empty snack bag there as well, he turned you carefully on your side so your front would mesh with his, absorbing his warmth into you, the pinched frown on your face melting into that smile he adores so much, nuzzling your cheek into his jacketed chest.
Sliding his hands beneath the hem again, he began rubbing circles in your back, eating up the sight of the shivers your dreaming self gave off, firmly kissing the side of your head as he became lost in your scent.
Lost in this slice of heaven as the troubles of his life and the rest of this world seemed to wash away, he drifted off to nap-ville only to meet you there himself, murmuring words to imprint his biggest constant thought in all your time spent apart.
"I missed you too."
Ah, it's good to be home.
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jhoneybees · 6 months
I love your writing! It’s very pretty and I love to scroll mindlessly thru your account. Could you do a lil fic where the reader is really sick with a cold? I think 50s Elvis would B ideal for this but it’s your choice who you pick ❤️
— N
Sorry for the wait! I love this idea! And thank you for requesting ☺️
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Characters: Elvis X fem!reader
Warnings/triggers: Sickness
When you're dating Elvis, something out of the ordinary happens regularly, both good and bad. Which this time, after a long day of travelling to the next hotel during Elvis’ tour, you begin to have a runny nose and a cough. Your boyfriend being the kind to get worried about you easily, you attempted to be discreet with your coughing and carrying on but that didn’t last long until he noticed your hand on your forehead as if to check the temperature of a fever. “Are you sick darlin?” his voice laced with concern as he walked over to you after excusing himself from the conversation with the guys, knowing it wouldn’t be convincing you shook your head anyway. “No.. just a lil tired ‘s all” Elvis gave you a look “Ya lyin’ aren’t ya?” you sighed “Yes Elvis I’m lying, I’m sick” he replies with a nod, kneeling on one knee in front of you being sat in the passenger's car seat and taking your hands into his. “Fever?” he asks, you shook your head “No just a runny nose and a-” a scratchy cough interrupts making Elvis furrow his eyebrows. “Cough…” finishing your sentence. Elvis nods again “Let’s get ya inside” you appease by nodding and carefully standing up on your feet, Elvis reassuringly holding your hand.
Leading you inside the hotel room, Elvis directs you to sit on the bed while he gets you a glass of water. “Drink some water, it’ll help” you silently nod and take the glass. He lays a hand on your forehead while you drink and clicks his tongue. “Seems like you got a fever too honey” he states, you were feeling a bit hot during the drive. “Yeah..” is all you could say, leaning over to rest your head on his lower abdomen, you feel tired. Elvis smiles small, stroking your hair silently. “Do you want to take a bath?” you close your eyes while shaking your head. Elvis grins “Alright, let’s getcha in your pyjamas then”
After swiftly helping you into your nightgown, Elvis pats your knee “Get ya self comfortable, imma call room service” you shuffle up to the headboard of the bed and get yourself under the covers. Half an hour later, the chicken soup arrives. Elvis rests himself on the edge of the bed, beginning to scoop some soup, blowing it gently earning a scoff when he takes the first bite. “Looked tasty, had to try it” he chuckles ,you playfully roll your eyes.
Just as you take another bite, a knock comes to the door. Elvis quickly answers, discovering he had 2 hours to get ready before he leaves for tonight's concert. He closes the door after a brief chat and walks back to sit on the bed, the concerned expression Elvis had earlier returns on his face “ I’ve got 2 hours before I go, are you gonna be alright without me?” you hum quietly “I’ll be alright, you go get ready” Elvis smiles softly before he gets up to prepare himself.
Elvis quickly changes into his gold lame suit and stands in front of the full body mirror on the wall, making sure his collar is neatly folded and combing back his gelled up hair. Elvis turns around to face you “How do I look?” Scanning him from head to toe, you hum softly with a soft smile “Handsome” a sly grin creeps onto his face “Thank ya darlin’” a knock comes to the door again and a voice “Are ya done EP?” Elvis sighs “Yeah I'm done, be there in a bit!” Just before he leaves, Elvis leans down to give you a delicate kiss on the lips “wish me luck” you nod with a smile.
The group of cars finally leave and you're now alone at the hotel, you decide to sleep since there's nothing else to do. An hour into your sleep, you wake up to the sound of the phone ringing. Sleepily as you get out of bed and walk to the phone, yawning before you speak “Hello?” at the other end you could hear the faint sound of a crowd “Hi Honey, it's Elvis… are you feelin' alright?” wiping away sleep from your eye “Hi baby, yeah I'm alright.. I was just sleeping” after hearing what you said, Elvis feels bad for waking you up “Oh, M’sorry dear you go back to sleep” you giggle softly “Alright, see you after the concert okay?” Elvis hums, ending the call with a “goodbye, I love you” and you go back to bed.
Elvis waits around backstage, he bites his nails quietly. Yes he's nervous to go up on stage but also the thought of you all alone without him there to take care of you is itching at him. Of course you can look after yourself, it's not the end of the world but the secure feeling of actually seeing you sleeping peacefully in bed is what he wants at this very moment. He shouldn't call you but he can't stop thinking about his lingering thoughts.
what if you got to go to the bathroom and just suddenly fainted? What about if you vomited and you're too tired to clean up the mess? Oh it's eating him alive, he has to call you now.
The phone rings again and you sigh, getting out of bed to answer the call “Hello?” Your voice is evidently tired just by your unusually quiet voice. “Darlin'? Are you alright? I-I got worried” your eyes begin to droop “Yes Elvis I'm alright, I was sleeping sweetie…” you repeat your words again to hint at him that you just want to sleep with no disruptions “I figured you would be… sorry honey, I got worried about ya.. you go back to sleep, I'm sorry” a tired hum leaving your mouth “Don't be sorry baby, I love you…see you later” the call ends again.
Just when you begin to fall into deep sleep…the phone rings…again.
“Elvis, I'm alright honey, I'm alright” a relieved sigh comes from his end “Okay..good, I love you” you sigh “I love you..”
For the fourth time.
“Elvis, I know you're worried about me but please I just want to sleep Honey” you tiredly spit out. Elvis nods “A-alright alright m’sorry I wanted to make sure you're safe… I love you” you hum “I love you Elvis”
Before you could say a word, Elvis cuts in “I'm sorry baby, m’sorry I can't stop worrying about you, ya sure you're okay?” His voice is shy and apologetic. “Yes dear, I'm okay I was sleeping, I'm still in the hotel room. I haven't fainted or anything I'm okay” another sigh from Elvis' end “Okay…okay..o-ok that's good” one of the stage managers calls for Elvis “I-I gotta go now honey..” you smile softly “Okay, go have fun” you can feel his hesitation so you reassure him quietly “and don't worry Elvis, I'll be right here in the hotel room. I won't go anywhere” he nods quietly “A-alright…” your smile grows a little “I love you” “...I love you”
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buckybuckyboo · 2 months
Written on my phone cause I'm in bed and I don't think this will be long enough for a full fic so here we go.
Warnings: Pregnancy scare, crying, worried Bucky, doctors and blood tests, fluffy.
Waking up was tough. You felt like you had been run over by a train but you were stone cold sober. Bearly able to lift your head off the pillow. Your head hurt, your body hurt but you pulled yourself up and sat up in bed.
You looked around the lightly lit room from the morning sun creeping in through the cracks of the curtains. You see a note left on Buckys pillow "Gone for a run with Steve. I'll make you breakfast when I get back. Love you"
You smiled and layed back down on his pillow, Smelling his colone as you drifted off back to sleep. When you woke again, you could faintly hear the radio on in the kitchen and the faint smell of bacon. The feeling you had earler had seemed to pass and you felt better.
You sat up in bed and stretched, suddenly you felt nauseous and rand to the bathroom where you were sick. Bucky with his super hearing had heard the commotion and ran to your side kneeling beside you and holding your hair. "Hey, okay try to breath you're okay I got you" while he rubbed your back.
"I'm sorry, I have no idea why I'm sick. I did feel off earler when I found your note but I thought it was gone"
"It's okay sweetheart, just take it easy. Deep breaths for me"
When you had calmed down, he sat you back against the little wall beside the shower. The cold tiles felt nice against your back. Bucky got up and got a face cloth you wipe your face. "How are you feeling now baby girl?"
"Better. Thank you baby"
"You're welcome" He smiles. "Would you like to try eat something?"
"Something light maybe? Some scrambled eggs maybe?"
"Coming right up, unless you want me to stay?"
"No no I'm fine baby no need to worry" you smile "I'm just gonna wash my face and brush my teeth"
Bucky helps you up and hugs you tight and goes back to making breakfast. Leaning over the sink and washing your face, then grabbing your wash bag for your toothbrush. Moving things around and noticing you're low on tampons/pads. "Need to go shopping very soon" you think to yourself.
In the middle of brushing your teeth you freeze and grab your wash bag again looking at the tampons/pads. "Wait, when- oh shit-" you run out of the bathroom and back into your bedroom grabbing your phone and opening the calendar. Bucky soon follows and sees you kneeling on the bedroom floor. "Sweetheart? What's wrong?"
"No no no no no". He immediately kneels beside you wrapping his arm around you "baby what's wrong?"
"I'm- I'm late"
"Late? Late for what?"
"No um- my period its late"
"Oh, how late?" His expression was worried.
"3 or 4 weeks? How did I not notice!? God I'm an idiot!" You shout as you start to cry
"Hey hey shh it will be okay baby. I'll go get one of those tests"
"No I don't trust them. They give false results"
"Then how do we do this?"
"Blood test"
"Okay, let's get dressed and go to the hospital"
You nod frantically and get up and quickly get dressed. Both of you made your way to the hospital, checked yourself in and then sat in the waiting room for your name to be called. It felt like it was taking forever. Bucky holding your hands in his and kissing the back of your hand every few minutes.
"Y/N Y/L/N" the nurse calls. Both of you get up and follow the nurse back to a room.
"What can we do for you today?" The nurse asks.
"I need a blood test done to see if I'm pregnant please?"
"Of course, have you tried an at home test?"
"No, I don't trust them I want to know for sure"
"Alright but it will take a couple of hours for the results. When was your last period?"
"About 3 or 4 weeks ago."
"Okay" as she writes some stuff down "Have you been ill recently?
"Not till today"
"Okay, we will take some Bloods and run some other tests too just to make sure everything is okay"
You sit back in the chair as the nurse gets everything ready and takes the Bloods she needs "Okay all done, you can take a seat back in the waiting room. It will be a long wait though"
"Okay thank you" Bucky says and walks with you back to the waiting room. Time seemed to go slower waiting around. People came and went and it felt like time stood still. After hours and hours of waiting you finally heard your name. A mix of dread and relief washed over you.
The nurse showed you to the room and you waited again for a few minutes for the doctor to come in. "We are waiting for the doctor so that must mean I'm pregnant right? Like the nurse could have told us if everything was okay."
"Baby please relax" He kisses your forehead. "Whatever the doctor says we will handle it, together" He smiles. "Really? You're not scared?"
"Oh I'm terrified sweetheart but if there's a baby we can handle it because we've got each other"
He smiles and kisses you softly. You hear the door open and watch as the doctor walks in and takes a seat.
"Hello miss Y/L/N. We have your tests back and your pregnancy test came back negative but your other tests show a viral infection so that's probably why you were sick this morning. Have you been stressed lately?"
"Yes, work has been a nightmare"
"That could be why your period is late and cause of the infection. I'll write you a prescription and I recommend lots of rest and fluids"
The doctor hands you the piece of paper and you thank him, then he leaves the room. "Let's get you home and back into bed hm?"
"That sounds good Buck. Hey, I'm sorry"
"For what baby?"
"The scare. I guess I panicked"
"It's okay doll I understand why you panicked. Now is not the right time" He smiles at you.
"Yeah we are too busy right now but someday"
Bucky smiles and kisses you softly "someday baby girl, let's get you home"
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asocialangel · 1 year
Hello !! I saw that your requests were open so I wanted to know how you think the bllk would react if their s/o asked for a break or a break up with them ?? Actually i read your work on it and it was very well written (hurts my heart ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ) so I was curious about that.
Anyway have a good day~~
“let’s break up” - how the bllk boys would react
Hello lovely ! Are you doing great ? Was my response quick enough ? Anyways, i wrote short fics instead of headcanons, i feel like they are more suited. But if you wish, I can write them in hc forms ! Specific characters can also be requested for a part two~  enjoy and don’t cry too much~~
Blue Lock angst: breaking up with Isagi Yoichi and Itoshi Rin
Isagi - swear words, toxic behaviors from both ends, no one is right\an example to follow tbh TT - 1,2k
It had been a while. That Isagi was ignoring you. Your hugs, your texts, the cooked meals you always put aside for him. You lifted your head and looked in front of you. It was so dark now it hurt your eyes. The afternoon had gone by in a blink of an eye. You had sat on the couch and next thing you know you’re on the floor, back against the living room rug, still crying. Everytime you dried up your tears, a few minutes of thinking were enough for them to start rolling down your cheeks again. Purposeful or not, did it even matter ? And you had rehashed thoughts and fake conversations so much by now, that you started convincing yourself he avoided you deliberately, to have fun and make you cry. 
The dim sky barely lit up the room, it was hard for you to distinguish the furniture around you. Everything was a grayish blue. Inside and outside. You and your surroundings. When you heard keys in the lock, you took a deep breath, eyes closed. The door creaked open. 
“Hey ba-” The voice that started talking with so much enthusiasm abruptly stopped. “Why’s it so dark ?” Without even warning, Isagi turned the switch on. Ow. It hurts your eyes so much. Yet you continue blankly staring at the coffee table. “Practice was so tough today. Hum, Y\N where are you ?”. You could feel him searching left and right for you. So used to it huh, you greeting him the second he arrives, a warm smile on your face, the table set behind you. There was a last time for everything, but none of you knew that yesterday was the one. “Oh well.” Quickly giving up, you heard his duffle bag hit the floor. He left everything as it was, heading for a shower. 
“I’m here.” Your expression still being as empty, not even looking in his direction, you got up. Your hand helping you lift your weight, you finally revealed yourself to him. From your peripheral vision, you could see his smile getting wider as he saw you. Not that you cared. You didn’t even bother to look at him when you pronounced that dreadful sentence: “We need to talk”.
“Do we ?” Isagi’s smile instantly dropped. But it made you furious. Instead of an apprehensive, concerned expression, he seemed annoyed. That bitch is gonna complain again right ? That’s probably what he was thinking. Couldn't he at least fake being scared for your relationship ? “Well i must. I’ll tell you something. Although I'm surprised you have nothing to tell me. Nothing’s been bothering you ? Everything alright, a-ok ? La vie en rose ?” You still didn't look at him, though you were walking in his direction, your eyes were empty. “What, does something seem wrong to you ? To me nothing h-” Ugh ! He was so ! Infuriating ! Why was he acting all cool, all unbothered, disdainful ? “Something ?! Something ?! Everything !”
You finally looked at him. Right in the eyes. You hadn't realized that anger had taken over your sadness. “How can you dare to pretend things are going right ? Have some respect, for me, and yourself !” “Okay okay, what will you whine about today ?” Isagi answered right away. “My fangirls ? How you wanna meet my friends ? The fact you’re convinced my parents dislike you ? Everything we’ve been through again and again.” He had an arrogant tone, almost laughing at you. “You always have something to bring up. I’m getting tired of your childish complaints”. 
Right where it hits the most. You scoffed. “Okay. Okay then. You’ll be so glad to hear what I've got to say”. You too started putting on a derisive expression. “At first I was sad. But now I'm thinking, how could you let yourself be treated this way, love ?” You were walking around the living room, in a theatrical way, gesturing to yourself and raising your eyebrows faking concern. “Isagi. You looked at him. I’m not gonna let you neglect me again, let alone pretend I'm the one who’s wrong. You and I… We’re over”. You looked at him almost satisfied. You-from-4-hours-ago would've never believed that, out of all the feelings you could have felt when asking to break up, amusement would have been the one.
And what you saw was even more delightful. Isagi’s expression turned from scoffy to utterly shocked. He did not see that coming. After all, to him, you had become someone who would just complain… Not actually take action. Little did he know everything he took for granted was going to disappear. As quickly as you would. Suddenly his whole world fell upon his feet.
You smiled, walking closer and closer to him. His sad expression.. It was almost fulfilling now. So taken aback, Isagi couldn't move, he only looked you in the eyes, full of despair. His eyebrows were wavering, his eyes were starting to get glossy from tears welling up, he tried to blink. You approached your face dangerously close to his. Your noses were almost touching, but you didn't budge though. You looked at him deep in the eyes, feeding on his pain. “Can you finally feel what I felt ?” Your tone was full of resolution. You stayed for a few seconds, just to pressure him, until you stepped back. You took each of his arms, and looked at his face again. “It’s okay. You’re a resilient boy, you’ll get through this”. You put on a fake pout, mocking compassion. “It’s not like I mattered much to you anyway, right ?”. 
You violently let go of him, shaking his arms with strength, your smile fading away. “Now go”. You walked right past him, took your keys, your bag and left. It was his apartment, and you still had some stuff left. After all, it’s not like you had planned to break him up today, he just brought it upon himself. The way you moved made it look like you were unaffected. You swiftly opened the door and exited. You walked with resoluteness, steady walking, chin up through the hallways, up until the elevator. 
On his side, it took Isagi a few seconds to register what had just happened. He was still standing there, blankly when you left, not even trying to get you back. So confused. Until it hit him. It hit him so hard. Tears started rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably as he fell to the ground. What had he done ? How did he allow himself to lose you ? The corny saying that you ‘only notice something when it’s gone’ finally had meaning. As he played in his head every little thing he was already missing from you, a crushing feeling of remorse dawned upon him. Finally, he realized everything he’d done wrong while going out with you, and to add to the burden he now bore, he finally saw that that’s what you had been complaining to him about. Everything you had said, you were right. 
Knees to the ground and hands shakily wiping off his tears, Isagi thought he’d never see the end of it. He wanted you back. Maybe if he called you, apologized, no, maybe if he, ugh it was in vain. He just wanted to tell you he’s sorry. But was he ? Maybe the two of you were not meant to be. He looked at his hands and got up, wiped his tears. Actually… you were wrong. He did everything right. But you were an ungrateful lucky lover. 
Obviously, it’d end up like this. You broke down crying in the elevator. How foolish were you, to think he’d be affected. Like it always happens, you were the one hurt, and he didn't question himself. If just once it could’ve been reversed. 
Rin - 1k2 words
Even though the lights were bright and the crowd was loud, it's like you weren't there. Everyone around you was keenly embroiled, but you could barely distinguish the players on the field. You had come to watch your boyfriend play, just like you’d watched every other game of his from this season. But this time, you couldn't force yourself to get into it. Your vision was blurry, you know, when you can't focus your eyes on something ? You see it happen from afar, you’d like to catch every detail of it, but your eyes just won’t let you. It happens when you’re tired, or when you don’t put in enough effort. You could not concentrate, too busy thinking.
You were sitting in the vip spot, all alone, unfilled seats surrounding you, an empty, almost sad, look on your face. You knew what would come after the match. And as boring as the game felt to you today -even though it wasn’t- you didn't want it to end. Because it finishing meant you also had to finish something. Something you had to say to Rin. He scores, smiles faintly and glances at your direction. 
But you weren’t looking at him anymore. When you watch him these days… You don’t feel anything anymore. If you could force yourself to do so, you would have already done it a while ago. Every candle you blow is accompanied by the same wish, to restore the feelings you once had for him. It would feel so much easier if you could continue on pretending. What’s wrong with you ? He’s the dream guy…
You stared into space, and suddenly your ears rang louder than before. You looked up to see that the match had ended. You take a deep breath, faintly smile as you know your boyfriend is looking at you, and get up. Time to face reality. As you make your way to the backstage to meet him, you start thinking. You still have that surreal, high on over-stimulation feel, but your thoughts start clearing up: this might be the worst time to do what you’re about to do. He had just won a match, almost single-handedly carrying his team, and his season was far from over. It would most likely break his spirit. But you just felt like being selfish… Once again. Feigning this much, you can't do it longer. There was nothing left anymore that made you want to stay, apart from the objectivity that Rin himself, is what anyone would wish for. Even that was obvious to you, but it wasn’t enough anymore. Nowadays looking at him is like looking at a dessert when you’re not hungry. You don’t even want it, it wouldn’t satisfy you. 
You feel the coldness of the metal stair rail you’re trailing your fingers on. It brings you to where you ought to go. “Y\N”. His voice is just as cold. You used to dig that, though. “I did good, didn’t I?” “You sure did”, you answer, looking at the floor. “Look Rin, there’s something I wanna tell you. I’m sorry for being brutal. I want us to break up”. 
The whole room paused. Oh yes, because at this point, I might as well do it in a room full of people. They were bound to find out anyway. Rin’s feeble smile totally faded. His mouth was even slightly opened from shock. “Le-let’s take this elsewhere”. Rin had put a serious face on and sharply grabbed your wrist, dragging you rather inconsiderately in the staircase. No one came here ever. The sound resonated so well, it was almost scary. If someone were to pass by, they would hear everything. “Why so sudden ?”
You were so ashamed. You frenziedly shook your hand off his grip, still looking at the floor. “I don't know. It’s been on my mind a while. It just took me some time to muster the courage”. Lies. “That’s odd. It’s selfish, but I wish you’d never told me”. Rin took his hand to your chin, raising your head up so you’d look him in the eyes. You tried to escape, and look left or right, but you felt emeralds piercing right through your eyes. You looked straight up. You were most definitely going to miss this perfect face. His cold hands and towering stature. “Tell me the truth now”. He commended and you obeyed, as always:
“I dont love you anymore”. You glossy lips rested pouty. It was almost criminal, saying this while staring at him dead in the eyes. He roughly let you go with a ‘tch’, making you lose your balance. “That’s it huh ?” His back was turned but you could feel the disappointment in his voice. Not sad, just let down by your lack of effort. He was right though, if you were to end it, you could’ve done it nicely. You didn't know what to do as he wasn't speaking anymore. “Are you okay with that ?” What stupid thing to say. You looked at him, waiting for an answer. “Okay. Let’s break up”. Rin finally turned to you. You felt your heart fall to your chest, so heavy. Why now ? You’d rehearsed this conversation over and over, you knew well you didn't have feelings for him anymore. So why is it hurting ? Why now ? Rin walked to what you thought was closer to you, but shifted before. He was going for the door. “Tomorrow, come pick up your stuff at my place. If you can’t, please text my maid, she’ll get it sent to your address”. You started feeling tears welling up and your throat itching. “Is that all ?” You got walking too, to reach Rin. 
Pushing Rin’s chest with both your hands, you felt your eyes getting heavier and heavier. But he barely budged. Your voice cracked: “Come on, react ! I don't know, throw a fit, cry, disrespect me, act like you care ! Grab my shoulders and shake me, shove me to the wall !” You were totally breaking down. Tears were now rolling down your flushed cheeks, your hands were shaking, rested on his chest. 
“Is that wrong for me, to love you so much I'll accept everything you do to me ?”. You looked up, surprised to hear him answer. “If you want to break up, I'll accept, because I'd do anything and everything for you. I love you like that ! I’m so hurt but I'm trying to keep it cool so you don’t regret your decision. If you came to realize how terrible you’re treating me right now, you would feel bad. Let me pretend I'm the bad guy so you walk away with a clean conscience.” His words sunk into you. “What, did you, on top of treating me like this, expect me to plead with you to stay, to change your mind ? I’m all yours, but I'm no beggar.”
Rin finally pushed you off him, looking down on you. “It’s over, goodbye”. The sound of his voice and the door shutting closed resonated in the staircase. It felt so alone. You stood there shaking from the cold and crying. It might be better like this.
A\N: ngl, these are borderline corny, ooc, and took me way too long to write TT. Next time i'll write HC maybe. Advices anyone ?! not rly proud of these.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
hi there, 1st of all, really like all your fics, they are really enjoyable!
2nd of all, i hope you still are taking requests (feel free to ignore this if not!),
may I request a good old angsty filled rollercoaster ride where it's the reader that picks out the queen card instead of Nat?
obvs reader and Nat have some kind of relationship, will leave that up to you how serious it would be!
And all giving you free reign whether the reader survives, or javi still dies for the reader (could be pretty fun if the mistyxnat situation would happen, but it would be Nat dragging reader away from saving Javi), or reader dies and gets eaten, whatever you'll feel like writing when the idea sparks♡
thank you so much in advance and have a lovely rest of the week
A/N: OMG!? thank you sm for taking the time to write such a polite and detailed request!! I love this idea and I hope you'll enjoy the one-shot I wrote!!
Warnings: literally the hunt scene from yellowjackets, basic yellowjackets warnings
Hunters and queens
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It all happened so fast.
After the "accident" with Lottie and Shauna the whole cabin was concerned, Lottie was in terrible conditions and, just like everybody else, extremely undernourished.
Nat and Travis couldn't find any game even after searching and searching for miles on their long hunts.
Something had to be done.
And just like that, you all stood in a big circle inside the dimly lit living room, Van was mixing the cards, holding up the queen card and showing it to the others.
Natalie's hand tightly clasped in yours, her eyes lingering on you, while you looked back at her. Scared.
And then it all started.
Everyone took a card out of the deck, when it was Javi's turn he was trembling, picking a card, and once realized he was safe, running into his brother's arms. That made you faintly smile, happy that the poor boy was saved.
But the little glimpse of relief didn't last long, because soon, it was Natalie's turn, her hand cautiously picking up the card, you heard her take a deep breath and then, she showed it to the group, seven of diamonds.
She was safe, she was okay.
But now, it was your turn.
Like everyone else did, you took a card and the moment you turned it around to reveal your fate, an horrified expression formed on your face, silently, a tear slipped out from your eye, and even before you showed the card, Natalie knew what was coming.
The Queen of hearts.
Everyone looked at you, not sure how to proceed, that's when Shauna stepped up "Come here" she said
Before you could do anything you felt a hand on your shoulder "That's insane, you aren't going to kill her, you can't kill her" it was Natalie, her voice firm, terrified, but firm.
"Back off Nat" Shauna spat at her, Natalie simply stepped forward, keeping you behind her.
Your mind wasn't there at that moment, you were frozen on your spot, shaking. The moment Natalie was torn away from you by Van was the moment you realized that it was really the end for you
"Turn around" was the last thing you heard, paired with the feeling of a cold blade placed at your neck. The last thing you heard before a loud thud on the ground followed by yelling and shouting "Run y/n, go! It'll be alright, just run!" , Natalie.
You did as she said, slamming the door open and diving into the snow, deep into the wilderness, you could hear howling and grunting, another day your mind could've thought those were wolves, but today, that didn't even cross your mind, those were your friends, and you, were their pray.
Suddenly, while you were running, someone grabbed your forearms and steadied you, instantly, you screamed
"No no no shhhhh" Natalie shushed you, it was just her, trying to protect you like she always did "Nat..." you whispered with tears streaming down your face, she was crying too but she was also trying her best to be strong for you "I know" she tried to reassure you "Javi...he told me about this place, it's like a cave, I'm gonna bring you there" in that moment you realized that Javi was there too, looking as scared as the both of you.
Then you three ran, faster than ever, until you reached a land with no trees "We are near" Javi announced and walked in front of you and Natalie, while running her hand tightly held yours, afraid that someone could separate the two of you again.
Crack. You furrowed your brows, and one second later, just feet away from you, the surface under Javi's feet broke.
It wasn't a land, it was the lake.
"JAVI!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, yanking you hand away from Nat's and running to him.
"Hold my hand!" You yelled while offering your freezing limb to him "y/n!" He begged "Help!", your two hands clasped and in a moment of weakness, you slipped, ending up in the cold icy water.
And just like him, you were gasping for air and slowly freezing to death for what felt like forever. Then, when you were barely conscious, you were pulled away from the water and back up to the surface.
You instantly felt a pair of arms wrapping around your shaking frame and brushing your wet hair away from your face
"Javi!" You cried out, sobbing, "it's okay, shhhh, you're safe... you're safe baby" Natalie mumbled pulling you to her chest.
You looked around, the other girls were there too, but they weren't even looking at you, they took Javi out of the lake, "thank God" you thought, but then you noticed his blue skin and his wide open eyes, he was gone.
It should've been you.
You were so tired, and soon even the strength to cry left your body, so you just relaxed in your girlfriend's arms, knowing that whatever happened to Javi was your fault and your fault only.
That night everyone ate, but you didn't, you stayed in a corner by the fire, still feeling shivers all over your body and deep inside your bones, and only half of them were from the cold.
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allmoshnobrain · 4 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 33 of 35 | masterpost
word count: 2597 | ao3 link | fic's playlist
I could feel his heart tapping against my fingertips, a bit quicker now, a subtle blush coloring his cheeks. His blonde eyelashes looked almost see-through in the sunlight, his blue eyes sparkling and locked onto mine, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. I brought my hands up to his face, running my fingers over it slowly. He let out a sigh, lightly shutting his eyes like he'd been waiting for my touch his whole life.
✦ on this chapter: dave mustaine x female!oc, james hetfield x female! oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, angst, romance
✦ a/n: Hi, everyone! I posted this chapter a little later than usual because I was too busy today, but it's here! Sorry for the delay. Also, some of you may have already seen this, but: I missed writing about Dave and Nore happy together a lot these last few days, so I posted a small extra chapter set somewhere between chapters 16 and 17 for all my Dave and Nore enjoyers 🖤 You can read it here. Hope you liked reading, feedback is welcome!
✧ you don't have to leave, you could just stay here, with me / forget all the party police, we could find comfort in debauchery ✧
“I should've been there with you,” James's voice, annoyed and concerned, crackled through the phone pressed to my ear. “You shouldn't have dealt with this on your own. I should've been right there beside you.”
“James, it's alright,” I mumbled, sparking a cigarette, propping myself against the payphone stand. It was late afternoon, and I’d dialed James to tell him all about my disastrous mission in Los Angeles. If I wasn't in tears at the moment, it was only because I'd already exhausted my supply in the hours before.
“Of course, it's not okay!” he burst out, matching my frustration. “Did you check with the neighbors? Wasn't there some dude you knew living downstairs?”
“Yeah, Ellefson. He bailed too. Apparently, they moved out together last week. Left no trace for anyone to follow,” I finished the sentence with a tremor in my voice, eyes burning with fresh tears, but I wasn't going to break down now. Not while James was on the line, his concern clear in every word he spoke.
“Fuck. What a mess,” he muttered. “Hey, it's gonna be alright. I think I've got his mom's address; I can try reaching out to her. We'll find him, Nore.”
“Thanks, James,” I said, feeling a bit better knowing that even if the day had turned to crap, he still had my back.
“I'm sorry about all this Pat shit. Had no clue she'd pull a stunt like that.”
“It's fine…”
“No, Nore, it's not. You know, you said the right thing to her. I never want to see that girl again. But I can hop over to Los Angeles if it means making her apologize to you,” he declared, his voice carrying a slightly menacing edge that hinted he might have wanted to go beyond a simple apology.
“James, you really don't have to do that. It'd be just playing into her drama,” I let out a heavy sigh. “All I want is to find Dave and sort this mess out once and for all.”
“We'll track him down, Nore. I promise. Everything's gonna be fine,” James tried to assure me, and I managed a small smile. There was something kinda sweet about how he was going all out to cheer me up, genuinely putting in the effort to help me out, just because it'd make me happy. 
James was just impossible not to like.
“I know, Jamie,” I replied, letting the warmth of my smile show in my voice. “Thank you.”
The rest of February breezed by quickly; I suddenly realized that the one-year anniversary of my move to San Francisco had quietly passed. It seemed pretty wild how everything that had unfolded in the last few months had managed to cram into a year, shaping me in more ways than I could express. It was like I'd been a part of the boys’ life forever, like I couldn’t quite picture who I was without them in the frame.
March rolled in, bringing the end of winter closer and closer. As the days lit up and warmed, James and I kept our long-distance communication going. The phone calls from San Francisco to Long Beach, initially a bit spaced out, soon became almost a daily ritual, and I found myself eagerly anticipating those moments in an entirely new way. Sweet words of affection began to find their way into our conversations more frequently. I had to admit, I missed James more than I'd care to confess — not just the tour moments but also his touch, the sound of his voice and laughter, the blue in his eyes, and even the warmth of his kisses and the feel of his body against mine.
Being back at my parents' house had its perks: with no job on my plate and studies yet to kick in, I found myself drowning in free time. I dedicated most of it to diving into my studies and building up a solid portfolio in visual arts, gearing up for the application grind at the San Francisco Art Institute. The prospect of being in the same city as Cliff and the guys again had me stoked, but in a genuinely good way — I could barely contain my excitement for things to click into place.
Another thing gobbling up my time was my newfound camaraderie with Charlotte, one of my old high school friends. She’d been pouring her heart into her debut starring role in a theatre play, and I'd been chipping in as an unofficial production assistant, giving me a reason to hang out with her and break free from my parents’ house for a bit. On a bright Wednesday morning, the moment I stepped into the auditorium where the theater troupe was fine-tuning their craft, Charlotte threw me a curveball with an unexpected ask.
“Nore!” she squealed with excitement upon spotting me, rushing over and grabbing my hands in hers. Her green eyes looked almost teary, and her lips formed a small pout. “Thank goodness you're here. Everything's going haywire today, and I'm not sure if we can sort it out!”
“What’s going on, Charlie?” I inquired, intrigued, as I shrugged off my jacket, tossing it onto one of the chairs in the vacant audience area. “Did the dressing room light decide to bail on us again? You know I'm useless with those things.”
“Of course not!” she retorted, indignant, and I released a low chuckle.
“Just pulling your leg. What's up?”
“I need you to act in the play.”
I blinked, puzzled, furrowing my brow as I crossed my arms.
“You... Hold on, what? Charlie, the play is in two weeks.”
“I know!” she sighed, slumping into one of the chairs, defeated. “Why do you think I'm so desperate? One of the actresses can't perform anymore. And now the director wants to cancel the play because we won't be able to find a replacement on time!”
“And you want me to step in.”
“In a play that's premiering in fifteen days?”
“Nore, you've always been fantastic in our school's Drama Club…”
“No way, Charlie! How am I supposed to pull that off?”
“Nore, please, please, please?” she clasped my hand in hers, her eyes pleading. “It's my first lead role, I've been rehearsing for months! I promise to help you with the lines, I'll do anything!”
I sighed, resigned.
“Fine. But you owe me one,” I replied, and she let out an excited squeal before hugging me.
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret it, I promise!”
Well, she was right — I didn't regret it. Actually, practicing for the play turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought. Plus, scoring some free tickets to hand out to my friends and family made me care a bit less about the crazy deadline to cram all those lines into my brain. Charlie and I basically lived in that auditorium for the next few days; I'd roll in there in the morning and wouldn't bail until way into the evening.
When Saturday rolled around, I decided to escape to San Francisco. Stuff for the band was picking up speed after those European shows. After snagging a deal to record the second album at a studio in Denmark, the guys figured a bash was in order to toast to the good news, and obviously, I had to be there. I arranged with my parents to spend the weekend over at Cliff's place with the boys. Luckily, they had some San Francisco business on the horizon, and agreed to drop by and give me a ride back to Long Beach when it was time to head back home.
I let out a sigh as I hit the old house where I used to live with Cliff, Dave, James, and Lars. It was like nothing had changed, memories still stuck in every nook and cranny; the first chats with the guys, James getting less shy as we got tighter, my first kiss with Dave, the first time we slept together, drinking together, smoking together, laughing together, loving together. And it stung, a sharp and dry ache deep in my chest, with the gut feeling that things would never, ever be the same again.
I mixed with the crowd, strolling into the living room; the first familiar face I bumped into was James', whose eyes lit up seeing me, a grin breaking out. He hustled over, grabbing my face and planting a surprise kiss on my lips, leaving me gasping, my face heating up in a flash.
“James!” I blurted out, pupils dilated in shock as I took a step back.
“My bad. Was that a no-go?” he mumbled, a persistent grin suggesting he had no regrets about the kiss. “Just damn happy you showed up.”
“I’m happy to be here too,” I whispered, my face still warm from his gentle touch.
“Geez, you two are such a clingy couple,” Cliff chimed in, coming over. I blushed, pulling James's hands off my face and avoiding eye contact.
“We're not a couple, Cliff,” I muttered, voice low, his comment knotting something strange and uncomfortable in my chest. “Excuse me, I need a drink,” I spun around, heading for the kitchen.
“Nore, hold up,” Cliff tagged along, standing by my side as I raided the fridge for a beer. “What was that just now?”
“Nothing,” I grunted, popping the kitchen door open and stepping into the backyard. Cliff sighed but joined me, leaning against the porch railing.
“Nothing? Seriously? You're not gonna start keeping secrets from me now, after 19 years?” he came closer, tilting his head to be right in my line of sight, impossible to ignore. I sighed, rolling my eyes at his persistence. “Hey. You and James weren't, like, a thing or something?”
“It's not like that,” I grumbled. “It's just... There's just too much going on, Cliff...”
I told him everything then: how James and I had decided to give in to our feelings during the tour, how I’d tried to find Dave after coming back, how everything went wrong, and now I had no clue where he was. And maybe involving James in all this was a mistake because, frankly, with each passing day, I found myself liking him more while still stuck on my feelings for Dave.
“Well, that sucks,” he remarked after I spilled my story, prompting a nervous little laugh from me. “So, you do like James, then?”
“Of course I like him,” I replied, with a resigned sigh.
“You like him, and yet you were upset because he kissed you just now?” he pressed on, and I rolled my eyes.
“Cliff, it's not that simple…”
"No, I get it ain't," he said, sparking up a joint, taking a slow drag before locking eyes with me, dead serious. "I get you still love Dave. I get you're on this quest to find him, and I'm betting it's gonna happen, Nore. You and him, you'll cross paths again 'cause I know you're head over heels for the guy. I'm pretty damn sure you two will work things out. But..." He hesitated, and I shot him a puzzled look. Cliff usually had his words lined up tight. It wasn’t like him to be unsure about anything.
"But?" I prodded, curious. He let out a sigh.
"But things are changing at warp speed for us, Nore," He handed over the joint, and I grabbed it, taking a slow drag. "We're growing up, for crying out loud. I mean, we're about to cut an album in Europe, can you believe that? A year ago, who would've thought? Things are moving quick, do you really wanna skip the chance to catch some happiness along the way? You don't know when you'll stumble upon Dave. No idea how long it'll take to straighten things out with him. Are you gonna keep dodging happiness till then?"
"Cliff, what are you getting at?"
"What I'm getting at, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but fine, what I mean is maybe you should quit fighting what you feel for James. I mean, you liked him before, but let's be real, you rolled back from Europe completely in love with him, didn't you?"
In love. Those words set my face on fire, my heart doing a marathon, and a zillion butterflies doing somersaults in my stomach. My first instinct was to argue with Cliff, but deep down, he wasn't totally off, was he? If I already had a soft spot for James before, now it was more like a full-blown obsession. It felt like a hunger, like I needed him to fill some kind of void inside of me. And somehow, this crazy feeling coexisted with the love I held for Dave, for the empty space he’d left behind. Everything was so damn new that I could barely wrap my head around it, let alone figure out how to handle it.
"I'm not in love with him," I mumbled weakly, and Cliff chuckled, giving me a shoulder hug.
"You're a lousy liar, you know that?" he said, and I rolled my eyes.
"Hey," a familiar voice called, and I glanced up, blushing when I locked eyes with James, propped against the door frame with a beer in hand. "Nore, everything cool?"
"I'm gonna find Lea," Cliff announced, sidestepping and shooting me a suggestive look before leaving me solo with James. I watched him saunter away, feeling my face heat up, and then turned my attention to James, his blue eyes zeroed in on mine.
"You alright? Sorry about that kiss earlier. Didn't mean to upset you," he said, his voice low, stepping close enough for me to sense the heat of his body. His attentive eyes studied my face, as if trying to decode my feelings from my expression. I sighed, my heart racing in a totally new rhythm when he gently cupped my face, resting my hands on his chest as he leaned in.
"James," I murmured, my voice shaking, almost like I was saying his name for the first time. He gave me a slight smile, his gaze zeroing in on my slightly parted lips with poorly disguised desire.
"I don't want you thinking I'm here with you just 'cause I haven't tracked down Dave yet."
"I'd never think that," he whispered, edging even closer.
I could feel his heart tapping against my fingertips, a bit quicker now, a subtle blush coloring his cheeks. His blonde eyelashes looked almost see-through in the sunlight, his blue eyes sparkling and locked onto mine, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. I brought my hands up to his face, running my fingers over it slowly. He let out a sigh, lightly shutting his eyes like he'd been waiting for my touch his whole life.
"James," I murmured again, almost like a prayer, and the way I said his name seemed to light up something hungry in him. He yanked me closer, his mouth crashing onto mine with a deep, needy moan. I sighed, trembling, my fingers tangling in his hair as I surrendered to his kiss, the dawning realization that I couldn't resist him any longer.
Actually, that I didn't want to.
He backed off, peppering soft kisses on my lips before resting his forehead against mine. His hands clung to my waist, tugging me close enough for our bodies to touch.
"I think we should head to my room," he murmured, flashing a smile. I chuckled softly, throwing my arms around his neck, and pulled him into another kiss.
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✧ if you'd like to be tagged on the next parts, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! ❤ ✧
tag list: @killazilla777 @whatsupvic @70srogah @genswine9
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
My dearest darling,
May I please ask for
"kissing to try it out"
With the fearless leader himself 🤩💙
I would not be sad if this turned into something Blurple Just gonna throw that out there 😂
Pretty please, but also, no pressure 💙💜
I just love you and your writing so much - You're amazing! 😍🙌🏻
~The other Blurple Bitch
For you, my tagging buddy absolutely <3
A call for blurple is one that must be answered
Also, once again, everyone is ADULTS in this fic, no minors here!!!!
Leo x F!reader x Donnie (more so Leo x reader, but Donnie does show up)
No Pressure
Warnings: lots of kisses, established relationship, poly!Turtles (no tscest), spelling mistakes, making out, insecure!Leo my darling,
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"I'm sorry," you chuckle dryly, spinning your mug in your palms. "What exactly are you asking of me?"
Leo sighs, leaning back against the kitchen counters, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"I'm saying we should kiss," He doesn't meet your eyes.
"Hmmmm," You hum, taking a sip of your tea, elbows resting on the breakfast table. "And what was your reasoning, again?" It felt wrong to enjoy how flustered he was.
"To see if this is something we really want,"
You nod, knowing the true intention behind his words.
You and Donnie had been dating for over four months when you both realized Leo also had feelings for you. What started out as embarrassment turned into understanding and now you had the two most handsome boyfriends in the world.
And one of them was clearly trying to sabotage it.
Leo hated the term, but he was insecure. He was worried you didn't actually like him back and was just using him. But he was also nervous because his brain still had yet to accept the fact that you were his girlfriend now, too, not just Donnie's.
"So you want to kiss to see if we really are meant for each other?"
He nods slowly. "So to speak,"
"Alright," You stood from your chair, it scraped across the floor as you sauntered around the table and toward him.
You really shouldn't have enjoyed how wide his eyes went and the scared expression on his handsome face.
You stood before him, looking up into his wonderful eyes.
He cleared his throat, uncrossing his arms and pushing off the counter. "Alright,"
You couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach. This would be your first kiss with the handsome leader in blue. After all you'd only been dating a week and a half.
Licking his lips, he quickly leaned forward and pressed a chaiste kiss on your lips, he pulled away before you could even close your eyes.
You chuckle, cupping his face in your hands, leaning close, letting your lips ghost his. "You're not taking this away from me," You mumbled, kissing him passionately and firmly.
He went stiff, his arms and jaw tensing: he was so nervous. You ran your hands down his jaw and neck, rubbing at his shoulders.
"I'm not going anywhere, Lee, I'm yours," You kissed each word on his lips, wanting him to give in.
And give in he did.
He churred loudly, one hand gripping your hip and the other grabbing the back of your head, preventing you from moving.
For how proper and clean Leo normally was, this kiss was messy.
It was quick, firm kisses, stealing the breath from your lungs and making your knees tremble.
You yanked yourself away, gulping down air, your face was bright red.
"God, you're gorgeous," He groaned, pulling you against him, turning you around and lifting you up onto the counter.
Your legs came up, hooking under his shell, holding him as close as possible.
He sucked your bottom lip, then licked it softly. With a moan you open your mouth and let him in.
He explores your tongue, being easy and careful, taking notes as to what you liked.
He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting you both. Coming back, he kissed and niped at your jaw and neck. One hand held your hip, the other was massaging your scalp, making your eyes roll back into your head.
You tilt your head back, a breathless whisper of his name leaving you. He churred against your neck.
Someone clearing their throat made you both jump, wide eyes looking to see Donnie standing at the kitchen doorway.
"Donnie, I-"
"We can explain-"
"Can you guys not make out on my coffee counter, please?" He interrupted, holding up his mug and gesturing to behind you.
Leo lifted you, turning and placing you on the island instead. You unhooked your legs, but Leo didn't move himself out of your thighs.
Donnie wordlessly pulled out his coffee maker and started to brew another pot.
"Are you okay?" Leo asked after a moment, eyeing his little brother.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Donnie shrugged, glancing over at the two of you.
"I just wanna make sure you're still cool with all of this," Leo scratched the back of his neck, turning to face his brother more.
"Are you trying to get permission to kiss your girlfriend?" Donnie laughed, filling his cup, and stirring in the creamer.
"No, I just-" Leo's scales turned darker as he tried to argue.
"Good," Donnie smiled, turning and looking at you. "Because the only permission you need is from her," Donnie stepped forward, giving you a quick kiss before heading toward the door.
Leo stared in shock for a moment before shaking his head. "Alright,"
Your and Leo's eyes met, a smirk playing on his lips. His hands traveled up the outside of your thighs, using just the right amount of pressure.
He leaned in and started kissing you firmly, your hands running up and down his arms.
"But, I will say -" Donnie came back in, mug in one hand, and the other pointing at the two of you. You both jerked again, you had to suppress a laugh at Leo's annoyed huff. "If things do escalate, I would like to be invited,"
"Got it, Don,"
"You also might want to move so no one else interrupts~" Donnie took a sip of his coffee, openly enjoying how flustered you looked.
You decided to play along: leaning in you lick a firm stripe up the side of his neck, whispering in his ear. "Perhaps your room?"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @happymoonangel @red-phoenixxx @sharpwindow @mysticboombox @dilucsflame33 @tmnt-tychou @sketch-and-write-lover
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defodisturbed · 4 months
Mastermind - Recoms x Singer!Recom!reader
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(A/N: heyy... hey.. im back :3. im sorry for leaving for SO LONG im dealing with a lot of personal stuff right now but im really trying to write more. i want to get faster at typing and i also needa feed my children. also most of this fic will be exposition and the events leading up to the climax like im not even joking its so long. hope yall enjoy this one. mwah) (and yes I based the songs on Taylor Swift and if you're gonna be in the replies being hateful, gtfo my page (kindly))
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
And now you're mine.
I had always hid my true past from my teammates. Practically everyone. I only really had a journal, and even that was locked away under my rug under my bed. Nobody knew it was there, and nobody could access it without waking me up or making some kind of noise. It was a sacred book to me. I could talk to... something with it. I could express my feelings of wanting to go back to the way things were, but never wanting to leave Pandora. Never wanting to leave my friends. And never wanting to leave my lovers.
I'm a recombinant for the RDA. When I died in my human body, they had my DNA and were already growing my new body to be revived. I have my memories of my past life, and it was awesome. Until... my mom found out she was drafted for the mission on Pandora. I, being the best kid ever, took her place. My fans were scared for me, and tried to convince me not to. They'd heard it all, how dangerous Pandora was. Especially for a singer with no military experience or knowledge. But I accepted my fate. For my mother. For my family. I had siblings back home, and with me going on tour all the time, I wouldn't be able to take care of them if my mother was gone. So I accepted the fact that I was most likely, if not definitely, going to die on this mission.
And I did. My family recieved the news, but also learned about Project Phoenix. They were relieved to know that their kid was going to be revived, just maybe not the same.
"Hey, ma. How're you?" Prager asked as I sat down at the table. It was lunch at the cafeteria. They pretty much just fed us protein-filled slop most of the time. Rarely, they would throw a cookie in there if it was a holiday on Earth.
"Oh, it's going alright, baby. Thanks. Hey, can I ask you a question?" I replied. Prager nodded and leaned in. "Do you think you could ask the Colonel if we could go out in the forest today and just... explore? He doesn't know this, but I actually have some science friends and they showed me some fruits and animals that we can harvest and safely eat. I tried some and Pandora food is good. Like, really good. I wanna surprise the team, and you know Colonel can't say no to you."
Prager agreed and once the Colonel sat at our table, he immediately started.
"Colonel, I was wondering if we could go out into the forest today and just have some fun. Explore, fuck around in some river or something?" Quaritch looked at Prager and gave that ONE sigh. (A/N: its giving "go get my purse") "Fine. But we ain't bringing a baby viperwolf home because Ja wants one." He glared at Ja. He was always the one to see a stray dog and say "please please pleaaaaase mom can we adopt it??" as a kid.
I silently thanked Prager for doing my bidding as always.
We were out in the forest, going over the rules we've memorized by heart now. Once the Colonel finished up, I immediately took off. I was so excited to get some nice food that I didn't realize the cliff drop below me. I was suddenly falling, the wind rushing past my body and feeling almost painful as it hit my face and went away so fast, over and over again.
I dived head first into a lake. The drop wasn't that bad, I realized. Alicia was first on the scene, peeking over the dropoff with a worried look on her face as she hoped to God I wasn't dead. I waved my hand up at her and called out.
"Get down here, this is so fun!! Don't be afraid to get a running start either!" my voice echoed. "Are you okay??" she shouted back. "I'm amazing!!"
Alicia ran over to the others and told them to watch her. She embraced her inner child as she ran as fast as she could and leaped off the cliff. She felt the wind rush past her face as I had, and splashed in the water with me. The rest of my team ran over and looked. We were... fine? Lopez was next. He gladly jumped and plooshed in with us. Then Prager, Zhang, Walker, Warren, Mansk, Lyle, Fike, and finally... Quaritch. He took a chance and jumped.
We were playing and splashing each other with water as we finally relaxed for once. Of course, we had fear of predators. But we didn't care as much anymore. We were playing like kids and it felt so good.
After we dried off and got back to the forest, I took off again. This time, more careful. I found an abandoned basket in pretty good condition and took it with me to collect fruits and veggies. I collected some yovo fruit, some other stuff I didn't know the name of but still knew was safe, and finally it was time to get some meat. I was looking to make some nice Pandora burritos for everyone. I found a nice bow and some arrows, perhaps forgotten by a young hunter excited to show their family their haul.
While I was gathering food, one of my favorite songs got stuck in my head while I was thinking about my life back on Earth. I started humming... then singing the lyrics... then full belting the long notes. I didn't realize Lyle was near, close enough to hear but far enough to stay hidden. He'd never heard my songs because he was in the military before I even debuted. I'm sure he was confused who I was singing.
I got some hexapede meat, some meat from hard fruits, and I also took down a lone viperwolf. I put the stuff in the basket to bring home.
"What the Hell is all of this? What've you been doing this entire time? Why do you have a bow? Did you encounter a native?" Colonel asked. I said I found it and saw no booby traps so I took it. I explained that my friends at the lab wanted some samples so I got some for them. Obviously it was a lie, but I couldn't spoil the surprise.
He allowed me to take my findings and harvest home. I thanked him and was so excited to make him and our team a good meal for once.
I got out my cutting board and my cooking knife and started chopping. I cooked some of that chicken-y stuff and some of that fruit. I thanked Mansk in my head for teaching me these things.
I radio'd everyone to come to my room. I said I had a surprise for them. "I swear to God, if we get there and you're on the bed naked again I will... actually not be mad." Lyle said back.
"This isn't that kind of surprise, Lyle. Just get over here!"
Once they all were in the room, I retrieved a tray with foil over it. The smell wafted into the room as I uncovered the gift. They were all so surprised and hypnotized by the burritos.
"For you guys! You deserve it. Take one, I insist!" I squealed. They all grabbed one and a paper towel and with the first bite, they relaxed their tense muscles and rolled their eyes back. They hadn't had a good meal like this in a good, long while.
"Hey, Y/N, what song were you singing in the forest? You were really loud... must've been one of your favorites or something. Is it on Spotify?" Lyle asked as he finished his first bite. My eyes widened. "You... heard that?"
"Yeah, I heard a little bit too. It was something about a new romantic or something like that." Zdinarsk added. "Yeah you were singing about something related to rings or something too." Mansk said. "I don't know, I could be wrong, but last time I checked, you weren't married." Lopez said.
"Um... can we forget all of that happened? Sorry, I was just getting carried away and I sang some of my own songs and-" I was soon cut off by the Colonel saying, "Wait- your songs?"
I soon shoved them out of my room, begging them to let it go and to not talk about it again. I closed the door behind me as I slid down the metal wall to the floor. I took some big, deep breaths and checked under my bed to check if my journal and hard drives were still there, even though I'd been with them the entire time. Phew! They're still there. I thought.
The next day, at dinner in the cafeteria, I brought my bag with me and sat down with everybody acting like nothing was wrong. Conversation sparked when someone asked, "So what's everyone planning on doing tomorrow? Ardmore gave us the day off." I said I was planning on bingeing my favorite show wrapped in my blankets with my favorite foods. They all agreed and said they would be training, sleeping, exploring, hooking up, or something fun/relaxing.
I suddenly got a call from my friend on the phone. I knew it was something important, because my phone was blowing up with texts while she was waiting for me to answer. I hurriedly ran off to my room for privacy, forgetting my bag full of personal stuff. Including my hard drives. Zdog decided it couldn't hurt to see what I carry around all day, so she started digging. She found my sunglasses, hairbrush/comb, an unopened soda can, some loose candy, and... hard drives?
"Hey does anyone know why Y/N has hard drives in her bag?" Z asked. Nobody knew, so she decided to take them and pass them out for them to watch later. It for sure wasn't porn, Ardmore would've never let it through. It's gotta be some home videos or something.
Zdog and the others piled onto the bed in her room and uploaded the drives onto her computer. They were numbered. They watched the first one and it was a black screen with the sound of a crowd cheering. It was around an hour long. They watched as a... stage appeared. A big one. It was a stadium full of people. A concert? Then appeared the person performing. It was... you. Some already made the connections, while others took a little bit. You were performing for around 70,000 people along with cameras so everyone could watch it live. they watched all of the hard drives all throughout the night, only falling asleep when they went through all of them.
You were in your room, hanging up the call. turns out it was just some cute guy flirted with her at a restaurant. Only then did you realize that you left your bag in the cafeteria. You immediately went back for it, checking everything was there because people just love to snoop. You realized all of your hard drives were missing. You soon were banging on the Colonel's door, asking if he'd seen anybody take them or had anything in their hands. He wasn't there. You knocked on everyone's door and nobody answered. You went back to your room, wailing into your pillow. Those drives were the last thing you had of Earth. Of your entire life before the military. Soon enough, you cried yourself to sleep. In the morning, you slept in. It was your day off, after all. You heard a knock on the door. You recognized it as Z. You opened the door and there she was. She came in without an invite and immediately sat on your bed.
"Y/N. I am... just so sorry. When you left your bag in the cafeteria, I looked through it when I should've respected your privacy. I found hard drives and took all of them to my room and the rest of the team and I watched all of them. In order. All the way through. I am so sorry for disrespecting your right to privacy and watching the videos that were obviously private." She closes her eyes softly, looking down toward the floor with her hands twiddling in her lap. Too embarrassed and disappointed with herself to even look at me.
"Z, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so secretive. Especially with the ones who love me most. The truth is, I was a very rich and famous singer on Earth. You probably know that by now. So does everyone else. But I'm trying to work through it and not be embarrassed to share my past."
"It's not your fault. I love you. We love you. You never have to hide anything from us, but if you don't want it to be shared, that's okay too. So... can we listen to some of your songs?" Z laughed. I said yes an radio'd everyone to come to my room. I had a surprise.
MWAH I love yall!!!! hope you guys enjoyed i've had this au stuck in my head since like last year :) 💋💋
@dyingofcookies ITS HERE BESTIE
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whimsymanaged · 5 months
FirstPrince Falling in Love 100 Different Ways (4/100)
OKAY, SO. What's different about this one is that I really want to expand it into a oneshot or a multichap? Super open to any ideas or things you'd want to see if this becomes a thing.
It's not actually nsfw but like, there are some nsfw words in it so I'm putting it below the cut.
“Precome already? Doesn’t seem likely.”
Henry clicks out of the Google Doc so vigorously that he almost bruises his finger. His heart is absolutely jackhammering as he whips around to face the owner of the drawling American accent. He’s sure his face is flaming red. “I beg your pardon. I believe I was minding my own business.”
“Oh, I don’t have that problem,” the ridiculously attractive man says, sliding into the empty seat beside Henry as if they know each other. Henry’s rendered momentarily speechless by the man’s inky black curls, ethereal eyelashes, and bright, open expression. That, and the fact that he’s just read the very explicit smut Henry was writing over his shoulder. The man points at Henry’s screen even though the smut is now thankfully out of view. “I’m just saying, if you’re trying to make it realistic…”
“Well, seeing as it’s a story set in the omegaverse where human males can go into heat, I don’t think that’s quite necessary.” Oh, God. Henry doesn’t know why he offered up that information, but the man’s face positively lights up.
“Hell, yeah! Sign me up for A/B/O fic.” The man sticks his hand out eagerly. “I’m Alex.”
“Henry.” Henry shakes Alex’s hand, his brain struggling to keep up. What on Earth is happening right now? “It’s, er, not a fic, actually. I’m writing a novel.”
Alex leans closer, eyes wide. “You’re gonna bring the omegaverse mainstream? Nice. Can I help?”
Henry blinks. “Help?”
“I write, too,” Alex says as if that explains everything. He scoots in so close that his jean-clad thigh presses against Henry’s. Christ, Henry has completely lost control of the situation. “I just hit a million words on AO3. I have, like, an average of 1k kudos per fic. I’m good, I promise.”
“That’s all very impressive, but why do you want to write with me? We just met two minutes ago,” Henry points out weakly. He feels like he should lean away from Alex, but unfortunately, he doesn’t want to. Not only does Alex smell amazing, but his thigh feels strong and warm against Henry’s, and honestly, Henry can’t be blamed for feeling this desperate when he’s just spent the past hour writing smut, alright? If anything, this is probably a side effect of the content that's been filling his brain.
“Because I stood behind you for, like, five minutes reading, and your writing’s amazing,” Alex says, then adds, “Aside from the whole premature precome thing, obviously.”
“Right. Well…” Henry’s caught between mortification and indignation. He can either end this conversation right now or invite the beautiful man to keep talking to him. 
The decision really doesn’t take more than a split second of thought.
Henry navigates back to the Google doc, letting it fill the screen in all its incredibly horny glory. He spots at least three instances of “cock,” two of “moaned,” and one of “thick blurt of precome appearing on the tip,” and he forces himself to jut his chin out and meet Alex’s eyes.
“Thoughts?” Henry prompts.
Alex’s grin as he reaches for the keyboard is absolutely wicked.
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landhoehoehoe · 2 years
sunshine state - Logan Sargeant
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this one is for @gracefuljeno :)
When you requested, I started writing a fic that was significantly longer than this drabble, but I started struggling with it so I thought I'd give you this as a small compensation bc I'm gonna have to take longer to write the other one. Hope you still like this short one <3
Thank you sm for 200 followers, i appreciate every single one of you!
warnings: none, some spice in the end
Logan Sargeant x reader; You try fishing for the first time on his boat in Florida, but some things go wrong
“Logan! Logan! Help me!”, you cried out, frantically pulling on the fishing rod he’d given you earlier. 
Something big had taken your bait and now you didn’t know what to do since this was your first ever time going fishing. 
You didn’t even know why you had agreed to try it out, but Logan wouldn’t stop bothering you until you’d said yes. 
So now you found yourself in your bikini on his speedboat off the coast of Florida, spending the summer break with his family. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming, calm down baby!”, he laughed as he quickly made his way over to where you were standing at the edge of the boat. 
“This isn’t funny!”, you whined, struggling to hold on to the rod. He kept laughing when he stepped behind you. Suddenly you felt his body pressed up against you and a second later his strong arms came around you to hold onto the fishing rod. 
You felt yourself relax instantly feeling the warmth of his bare chest against your back. 
Logan pulled on the rod, still with a smile on his face. 
However, it disappeared abruptly when even he himself couldn’t pull the fish out of the water. 
His head turned to look at you. “Are you even pulling?”, he asked with a strained voice, gathering an offended look from you.
“Excuse me? I’ve been holding this stupid fish this whole time!”, you replied, losing focus on the fish but rather focussing on Logan’s accusatory tone. 
“Alright, alright. It’s just….so heavy..”, he answered defenselessly, shifting his weight in the opposite direction, grounding his feet to get some grip on the slippery boat. 
Then he got an idea: He let go of the rod, his arms leaving you. 
“Logan!”, you complained immediately, already sliding forward towards the edge of the boat. 
However, his hands found your hips, giving him a better grip and more space for movement than when his arms had been around you. 
He pulled you back a little bit, and you thought you’d almost had it, but then suddenly you got catapulted forward again. 
Logan had slipped on the boat’s surface and lost his grip on your waist, leaving you exposed to the strength of the fish still pulling on the rod. 
“Y/n!”, he shouted when you lost your balance and slid towards the ocean unstoppable. 
You yelped, not able to react quick enough. 
Logan leaped after you and got his hands on your waist just in time to prevent you from falling into the water. 
Before you could let out a relieved sigh though, there was a sudden jerk on the fishing rod, finally pulling you into the water. 
Since Logan wasn’t prepared for it either, he tried saving you again, which ended up in him losing his balance, too. 
And shortly after you’d landed in the water, he crashed into it, too. 
Against your sun-warmed skin the water felt like a bucket of ice cold water being dropped on you.
When you came up to the surface, you gasped for air, coughing out the salt water that had got into your lungs.
Paddling to stay afloat, you couldn’t help but laugh: Logan’s expression when he resurfaced was just too priceless. 
“Great fishing skills, Mr. Sargeant!”, you giggled, watching him contort his face because salt water had gotten into his eyes. 
“That was an exception! Normally it’s easier than that!”, he defended himself, pouting when you still couldn’t stop laughing. 
“Yeah, sure. If your fishing trips always end like this I wouldn’t mind coming along just to watch you fall in the water!”
That had done it for Logan. With a wicked grin on his face he swam over to you, making you shriek hysterically as you tried to swim away from him. 
But you couldn’t reach the boat’s ladder fast enough before his arms were around you, turning you around in his arms. 
Immediately your legs wrapped around his torso.
“Have mercy, have mercy! Please!”, you giggle-shouted, hoping Logan wouldn’t dunk you. 
“And why would I do that?”, he asked, enjoying torturing you way too much. 
“I’ll make you smoothie bowls for the rest of our trip!”, you squealed when he pushed you back and held your head closer to the water. 
He contemplated for a second, then shook his head. “Not good enough.”
“I’ll make your favorite dinner?”
He pushed your head even closer towards the water so that you yelped again. 
“No, please, baby! I’ll be so good for you tonight!”, you shouted out when you could already feel the back of your head touching the water, closing your eyes in anticipation. 
He stopped his movements, pulling your head back out of the water. 
“That sounds tempting.”, he smirked, his hands wandering to your ass underwater, giving it a squeeze. You writhed, pushing your clothed core against the building bulge in his swimming trunks. 
“But I like seeing you get dunked more!”, he grinned, quickly pushing your head back and underwater. You gasped before you hit the water, then you were encased by the cold wet again. 
When you came back up you coughed, and your boyfriend laughed loudly. 
“Asshole.”, you muttered, opening your eyes slowly again. 
He still held you against his chest, but you were quick to wriggle out of his grip, swimming back to the boat. 
“I’m sorry, baby!”, he called out with a half-smile still on his lips as he swam after you. 
You climbed up the ladder without another word, trying to see how long he’d last under your faked annoyance. 
You knew he’d fold soon without your touch, since you were both riled up from the physical contact underwater. 
So you didn’t dare turn around to face him, or else you couldn’t keep up your facade and would crack a smile.
You heard splashing sounds behind you when Logan climbed onto the boat, then you felt a dry towel around your shoulders and a tight embrace from behind. You watched the water drops run down his toned arms, then his lips attacked the crook of your neck. 
You stretched your neck and tilted your head to give him more access, feeling him smirk against your skin. 
He spun you around in his arms, smiling at you with mischief in his eyes.
“We both know you’d be a good girl for me anyways.”, he whispered, a hand coming to your chin to tilt it upwards. 
“Who knows? Maybe I won’t suck your dick tonight.”, you responded, feeling cocky. 
He laughed, licking over the inside of his cheek when he looked away. 
“Maybe you’ll have to beg for my fingers then.”, he retorted, an equally smug expression on his face when his hand left your chin to squeeze your ass, pressing your core against his dick again. 
Both of you groaned at the feeling, the urge to fuck right here in the middle of the ocean almost too big to resist. 
“Or I can just get myself off with my own fingers.”, you stood on your tiptoes to suck on his neck and add another purple bruise next to the one from last night. 
He let his head fall back with a sigh, enjoying your touch. 
“You’ll be the death of me.”, he groaned, holding on to your waist tightly.
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alexthevillan · 10 months
I saw you needed something to write (relatable) so I present to you ✨️my idea✨️
okay so like mikey x reader (platonic, hurt/comfort) where the reader makes lots of jokes about their anxiety, depression, etc. and it gets mikey very concerned
then at some point reader has a breakdown because of their anxiety/depression/etc, and mikey gives reader comfort
I tried to make this general to allow for creativity, but here you go
BOOKIE THIA IS GONNA MAKE ME CRRRYYYY NOOOOO!! HOW DARE YOUUUUUU?!/j Besides that!! I will get right to writing your request! Here we go!
《This fic. will contain talks about depression and self hate! If you are ever feeling these things or ever think this about yourself, please talk to someone! It doesn't have to be me but please take care of yourself!! ^3^》
You frowned as you looked at your reflection. The thoughts that you despised threatened to rear their ugly head before someone called you.
"Y/n! We're back!"
"We also have pizza!"
You shook your head, seemingly to get rid of the thoughts before they appeared and plaster a smile on your face. Walking out of the bathroom, you found your brother's bantering in the kitchen. Letting the smile fall to something more manageable, you walked in.
"Y/n!! My bestie!!"
Mikey called out to you joyously. Sitting down beside him, you smiled at him softly. He was like your twin....So why couldn't you tell him how you felt...? You gently shook your head to rid the thoughts that plagued your mind and gave him a smaller smile. "Hey Mikey..."
He smiled brightly at you before handing you a piece of pizza. "Here ya go! Eat up sib sib.", he said afterwards. Leaning against him you sighed, "Man. My dumbself forgot it was pizza night. Guess it's on me, the joke!", you said with a slight giggle, kind of forgetting where you were as you let the horrid thoughts come back.
Felling eyes on you, you looked up and saw Mikey staring at you with a sad expression. You sat back up quickly and gave him a wobbly smile. "I'll be back, hon. Alright? Just goin to get something!", you say getting up, not letting him utter out a word as you jogged to your room.
Pulling your hair, your eyes darted around. 'Why would I say that?! Now Mikey probably knows!!', you thought as you squeezed your eyes shut. Trying to fight off your tears, you shook your head as the nasty thoughts came back.
'Why would you do that?'
'He probably already knew and just didn't say anything...'
'Probably cause he hates you! I know I do!'
'You are worthless! Honestly, I don't see how they put up with you..'
'It would be better if you never even!!-'
Hearing his shout, you breathed in a sigh as the thoughts finally stopped. Feeling hands grab yours, you let go of your hair and opened your eyes in surprise.
You say softly, finally letting the tears fall as you outright sobbed. Your face scrunched up as you pulled against his hands. "Let go Mikey! I'm not worth this! Let go!", you say as you yank and pull.
You're stopped short, however when you're pulled into his plastron. "...Why...why would you think that?...", Mikey asked as he hugged you tightly. "..I...I....I'm so sorry mike...", you sobbed out as you kept trying to pull away.
"...I think you're pretty worth it y/n.."
You're eyes watered as they widened, letting fresh tears fall as you hugged him back.
"There there, y/n...I've got you, sib..."
And that you did. You both sat there for what seemed like hours, as you sobbed and he held you, gently shushing you.
Wiping your eyes, you pulled back from the hug with a soft frown. "I'm sorry mike...", you said softly ad you sniffled. He smiled slightly. "Y/n, you've got nothing to apologize for!..And I get it...I hope you know your thoughts are wrong about you...but I promise I'll help you see yourself in a better light! Okay?", Mikey said as he pat your shoulder.
"Just don't run off like that again! Otherwise you'll have Doctor Delicate Touch to deal with!", Mikey said playfully as he sniffled with a pout. You stared at him with wide eyes for a moment before chuckling and shaking your head.
You tackled him in hug with a giggle. "Sure Mikey.", you said as you pulled back. Wiping your eyes with a sniffle, you looked to see him getting up off the floor. Reaching a hand out to you, he smiled. "How's about we go eat? I know I'm starving!", Mikey said with a teasing grin.
Taking his hand with a soft laugh, he pulled you up with ease. Wrapping an arm around your brother, you sighed with a smile. "Sure mike-star.", you say with a grin as you begin to pull him in the direction of your doorway.
Stopping as he stood still, you looked back to see him staring at you with a worried stare. "What's up Mike? Tell me, hon.", you asked as you turned fully to face him.
"Promise to tell me if those thoughts come back?...Please?", Mikey said as he slightly pleaded with you, having a soft pout. Smiling, you pulled him into a tight hug, like he did to you earlier.
"I promise Mikey. I promise"
《Oh wow I hated that-》
《I hope I did Mikey justice! Never written for him before and I hope he's not to occ. *pokes fingers together nervously*》
《I seriously do hope you like this work! And if anyone wants another rottmnt writing, please go ahead and request it! I will try my best to deliver my best work! And as always, I hope you had a great day or night and hope to see you soon!》
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