#already that is going to give me a jaw or heart infection
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Chapter 12 - Watch You Work the Room
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist
Author's Note: Dean in a suit chapter for the whores (me. I'm the whores). Enjoy!
Chapter title from The (After) Life of the Party by Fall Out Boy
Word Count: 17.2k
Chapter Summary/Warnings: You and Dean go on a mission, Sam breaks into some cars. Usual warnings.
Tags: Dean Winchester/Female Reader, enemies to friends to lovers, canon divergence, slow burn, angst, fluff, pining, action
Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
Read on A03!
“Are you-“ San cleared his throat from across the room, and Dean didn��t bother to look up. “Dude, are you reading?”
“You got eyes, Sammy?”
“You know I-“
“Use ‘em.”
Sam sighed. “I- Why are you reading?”
“Because I’m not fucking talking to you.” Dean grunted, glaring at Sam over the top of the book. “And it’s not like-“ He glanced at the bathroom door, and dropped his voice to a whisper. “How to get out of demon deals is going to be on the Cable TV.”
It wouldn’t be. Dean would know.
He’d already checked.
He’d been looking everywhere. He’d gone to libraries and bookstores, stolen Sammy’s laptop, and really started to fucking look. Anywhere that could be somewhere, with anything he could get his hands on. He’d called Bobby six times just this week, with possible leads that didn’t pan out, but could have.
Dean could get out of this. If he really fucking tried, he might make it out of this year alive.
Bobby and Sam had noticed the change. Bobby had been the one to bring it up—over the phone at midnight, when Dean was crouched in the parking lot—and Dean hadn’t been able to give a reason anyone wanted to hear.
“What’s the sudden change of heart, boy? You suddenly not borderline suicidal and stupid?” Bobby’s question had been firm, and Dean had run a hand over his face with a long breath.
“I was never suicidal-“
“You were all but rollin’ over and waitin’ to die, Dean. Now Sam’s tellin’ me you’ve been workin’ harder than he has. And I got a suspicion to what changed your tune, but I wanna hear ya’ say it.”
Dean had swallowed. “Bobby, there’s nothing going on-“
“Then why’re you defendin’ yourself-“
“Cause if I don’t, you’re gonna drive down here and put me on the barrel of a shotgun!”
“I’m only gonna do that if it’ss what I think.” Bobby had grunted. “And if you’re breakin’ her heart-“
“I’m not-“
“If you are.” Bobby had snapped, and Dean had flinched, pulling the phone a little further away from his ear. “You’re gonna end up a lot worse than shot. Demons are gonna have to find your body scattered ‘cross Montana.”
“Gee, thanks, Bobby-“
“I’ve been warnin’ you, Dean.” Bobby had let out a long breath. “Ain’t a single thing on this earth I wouldn’t do for that girl. And if what Sam’s sayin’ is true-“
Dean’s jaw had clenched, and he’d glowered at the pavement. “Don’t listen to what Sam’s saying. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.”
There had been a brief, static pause through the speaker, and Bobby had let out a long sigh. “You boys still fightin’, huh.”
Dean had just shrugged where Bobby couldn’t see it, and kept the conversation moving back to the empty lead they’d found yesterday.
And they were. Still fighting. But telling Bobby why would’ve led to another fight Dean knew he wouldn’t win, and he’d be stuck with two people helping him that he wanted to strangle.
Because Bobby would always choose Her. And Dean understood that. She was awesome, and cool, and he was still a little haunted by Bobby’s expression when he’d seen Her bleeding out and infected in Dean’s arms.
But Sam was supposed to choose Dean. He wasn’t supposed to keep tight-lipped and shut down about whatever the hell had happened in that motel room. About why Dean had come back to find Her trying to strangle Herself, why she’d collapsed onto Dean’s chest with ragged breathes and a small, strange sound that had been echoing around Dean’s head ever since.
Dean knew better than to push Her about what had happened. She’d said she didn’t want to talk about it, and that meant she wouldn’t talk about it. He could’ve tried to drag it out of Her with a fight, but that had never really worked before, and She’d looked so small. Fragile and panicked, almost feral as he’d pulled Her back into bed, and she’d fallen asleep in his arms.
He didn’t want to fucking lose that. He never wanted to lose Her. It had been the final straw on the whole if he died, he died thing. She might be able to live a life where Dean was only a pained memory, but he’d fucking carve out his heart from his chest and ship it to Lilith in a box before he became another thing that caused Her pain. He was finally something that mattered to Her, even if it wasn’t everything She was to him.
And Dean could admit She was a little more than everything to him. Just in his head, he could acknowledge that when he looked at Her and crashed down into the depth of all Her silver light and furious beauty, it was because She was just more. The most.
And he wasn’t going to lose Her. Not now. If have the short end of three months left to live was offering Dean anything, if was fucking clarity. He wasn’t going to lose Her.
But Sam was going to get himself fucking punched. Because Dean had cornered him that night while She’d been showering, and demanded to know what the hell had happened, and Sam had given him fucking nothing.
“It’s-“ Sam had swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing around the motel room for an escape route. There wouldn’t be one. Dean had been really fucking careful about that. “Nothing happened, dude-“
“Bullshit.” Dean had hissed. “We both know those things don’t just happen-“
“I mean, they kinda do-“
“But there’s always fucking something. And that,” Dean had pointed to the bathroom door, his eyes narrowed. “Was the worst one I’ve seen in damn years, Sam. What the hell did you say to her-“
“We- uh, we were just talking about the arrowhead. She lost it, and we needed to figure out what to tell Ruby-“
Dean had scoffed. “She would not fucking cry about Ruby-“
“I don’t know what you want to hear, Dean, that’s what happened-“
“No, it fucking didn’t.” Dean had taken a firm step forward, and Sam had a least had the decency to look worried. “You fucking said something, Sam, and I’m willing to bet my Baby that it was something bad if you won’t even damn tell me-“
“So ask her.” Sam had his raised his chin, crossing his arms. “If you think it was that bad, she’ll tell you, won’t she?”
Dean had gone rigid, started to weigh how valuable Sam’s nose was, and the door to the bathroom had opened.
The fight had been put on hold as She returned. But it hadn’t stopped.
Sam kept refusing to tell Dean what the hell had happened. Dean couldn’t—wouldn’t—ask Her..
But yhey were both keeping something from Dean. Something about that fucking arrowhead, something about Ruby, something about Her episodes that Dean wasn’t allowed to know about. And he wanted to loathe Her for not trusting him, but She did. She slept at his side and let him walk one step behind Her, let Dean order Her food at diners when she was too invested in a book and always smiled at him when he walked into a room.
He couldn’t hate Her. That was another piece of the near-death clarity. Dean really needed to stop trying to hate Her, because he was bad at it. She was too beautiful to hate. It was like trying to hate the stars for shining so bright and not just moving into Dean’s hands to be held.
And She did let Dean hold Her. She let Dean touch Her, causally and without cringing or running away. So Dean couldn’t hate Her. He wouldn’t trust himself with something delicate and important either. And maybe, if he made himself a useful enough tool for Her disposal, She would tell him.
It wasn’t like he wasn’t keeping a worse secret from Her, anyway.
And fucking Sam kept reminding him of that. Kept telling Dean that they’d far past the point where She needed to know, and every day that stuttered by was another one that She could’ve been helping, but wasn’t.
Dean didn’t want Her to help. He didn’t want this to be Her problem. And he knew She’d disagree, and likely try to stab Dean for keeping it secret at all, but he didn’t care. Dean had cursed himself to go even deeper than the mud. He’d doomed himself to end up surrounded by fire and pain for the rest of time.
So no matter what Sam said, Dean wasn’t going to fucking tell Her.
And if they did their damn jobs, the deal wouldn’t even matter, and Dean would be able to bring it up as a joke in a few years. He’d poke Her in the side and tell Her funny story about 2008, Princess, and She’d shove him but be glad he was alive, and then he’d wrap his arm around Her shoulders and haul her over his body, into a long and deep kiss because he’d be alive and she would’ve stayed-
Dean couldn’t think about that now. He’d figure it out after he fixed this, but he couldn't cross the line until then. When he did—because he would, it was becoming more and more obvious as Dean's will weakened and She only grew more beautiful that Dean would end up damning it all and crashing into Her in a way that stuck—it needed to be when he could keep Her. When he could prove to Her over and over that he was barely more than a weapon, but he was Her weapon and not one single shining, stardust-forged son of a bitch would ever serve Her the way Dean could. He'd send the rest of his damn life proving that She'd been right to—for reasons Dean would never understand—stay, when it would've been so easy for Her to leave him. Dean would've left himself, if he could. And he would've hated Her for abandoning to be as he should be, alone, but She fucking hadn't.
And when She'd run, she'd always come back. To Dean.
So he'd prove, when this was done, that She hadn't been wrong. He'd dedicate himself to it, and he wouldn't have to mold or break at all because She'd only ever stayed for him as he was.
He didn't understand it. He'd never understood it.
He was kind of done fucking trying to.
So all that was left to do was find his way out of the deal, and figure out how to keep Her near him all the damn time.
It was why he was reading. She'd gone into the bathroom to get changed for their next case, and he didn't have anything better to do, so he'd grabbed one of Sam's huge, dusty books and started to comb through it. Going page by page like a nerd, looking for some sort of highlighted sentence that told him this would be fine. That was a neon red exit sign out of a crossroads deal, and promised that He wouldn’t have come so close to having Her, only to have everything crumble and fall through his fingers.
At this point, part of him wanted to tell Her. Not because it was a good idea, but because Sam was, annoying, right. She’d probably have this worked out in an afternoon, pointing to a single sentence Dean, Sam, and Bobby had already read but citing it’s completely different meaning, making them all feel like idiots and fixing it in a heartbeat.
But that only managed to solidify that Dean could not tell Her. He had to work this out himself, if he was going to try and pretend to be worthy of Her. If She did this for him, there’d be no reason for Her to stay. She didn’t need Dean. Nobody needed Dean. So he had to bank of Her wanting him, and why the hell would She want Dean if he needed Her, if he craved Her and followed Her everywhere like a dog that only took Her scraps and never offered anything but gnashing teeth and pointless labor-
It wouldn’t be pointless. Dean would make sure the labor he did for Her meant something. That every bullet shot was a promise that, when She started to breathe to fast and clawed at Her skin, he’d take care of her, keep her safe, and serve her however she asked.
Even if that meant reading old books that gave him a headache, and wearing this stupid tie, and fidgeting with the cuffs of his shirt like they were shackles.
“She’s taking a while,” Sam muttered from his chair, frowning at the bathroom door. “You think she-“
“She’s fine.” Dean grunted, flipping another page. “It’s not like you’re in there to freak her out.”
Sam sighed. “Dean-“
“We’ve talked about this-“
“I didn’t say shit,” he shrugged, shooting Sam a glare. “And she always takes this long. She’s doing girl shit, and unless you wanna get stabbed, I wouldn’t interrupt her.”
“What’s girl shit-“
“I dunno, I’m not a freakin’ girl-“
“Then how to do you know she’s doing girl shit-“
“Cause she walked in there with her fancy bag, and she’s gonna come out looking…” He shook his head, giving Sam a pointed look. “It’s fucking witchcraft, Sammy.”
Sam frowned. “You mean makeup?”
Dean didn’t know what he meant. Maybe that every time She’d go through Her whole girl routine, she’d come out looking pretty much the exact same, but with little features highlighted to make Her look damn near godlike. The witchcraft was mostly how the hell she knew how to use all the tubes and sprays and brushes that Dean had seen in Her hands.
So Dean just glowered at Sam—trying to find a way to answer the question that didn’t sound stupid—when the door opened, and his heart stopped.
It made sense why She’d taken so long.
That was more than just some of Her features highlighted. Every already perfect part of Her had somehow been carefully enhanced, and Her hair seemed to be absorbing all the light in the room before throwing it out twice as bright, and Dean didn’t know where the hell She’d gotten that dress, but his brain was already memorizing every dip of the fabric and curve of Her body and-
“You look, uh-“ Sam cleared his throat, glancing at Dean with an almost worried expression. “Ready.”
“I am.” She shrugged like it was nothing, like She wasn’t half glowing, didn’t look exactly like that fallen star She always lit in the pit of his body, and Dean wasn’t going to lose his mind. “And look.” She raised the dress with a wide grin, revealing Her knife, strapped to her thigh. “You can’t even see it. I fucking love this dress.”
Dean loved it too. For very different, inappropriate reason that were going to keep him in his chair for at least a few more minutes.
“You’re, uh-“ He coughed, trying to force his voice back from a rasp into at least a casual drawl. “You gonna be able to run in those?”
He nodded to Her heels, and She rolled her eyes.
“Of course I can, I’m not a child. Plus,” She kicked one heel off, catching it in Her hand with practice grace and pointing the stabby end at Dean with a grin. “That’s three weapons.”
Sam frowned. “Three-“
“Knife,” She pointed back to Her thigh, and Dean’s grip on his book became white-knuckled. “Two shoes. Are you reading?”
Dean blinked at Her, then scowled, slamming his book back onto the table. “Am I not allowed to broaden my horizons, Princess-“
“You are.” She hummed, crossing to room to stand only one tug of Her waist away, and She was so pretty, and She smelled so good- “But this is like, half in Latin. And about demons.” She raised Her brows at him. “Lilith?”
“I, uh- Yeah. Lilith.” Dean gave Her his best smirk, and pretended he couldn’t see Sam’s pointed glare. “I got bored, sweetheart. Figured I might as well try to get something before we headed out-“
“Which we should’ve done,” Sam jumped in, frowning at his watch. “Like, a half hour ago. We won’t be late, but I wanted to be early, while the crowd was small-“
She shook Her head, rubbing Her thumb over her palm. “No, that would be suspicious. Our backstory is already rocky, being early would draw attention we can’t afford. If we’re on time we’ll be just another pair of faces in the crowd. Easier to slip past everyone for Dean and I, easier for you to navigate around security. But we should go soon, are you guys-“
“Born ready,” Dean grinned at Her, pushing out of his chair and keeping his gaze firmly on Her face. He couldn’t look down at Her body—or else they’d be here another hour while he calmed himself down—and Her face was a better alternative, but She was still so fucking gorgeous, and looking at Dean, right at Dean, like She could really see him, but she wasn’t moving away-
Sam snorted. “You’ve been bitching about your tie for like, an hour-“
“It’s choking me.” He snapped, fidgeting with the knot around his neck. It was too much like a noose, too great a reminder of how stolen his every breath had become. “And it looks fucking stupid-“
“No, it doesn’t.” She said, waving Dean off with a hand as She scanned around their motel room, not noticing the way Dean’s heart started to burst out of his chest, how his gaze locked on Her like she was a magnet. “And you can take if off as soon as we’re out, but everyone’s going to be wearing a tie-“
“Why?” He half-whined, pulling at his shirt. It was white. Inappropriate for hunts, prone to being stained, almost see-through white. He felt like a piece of meat.
She only shrugged, shooting him a small, world-ending smile. “Because, Deano. That’s what happens when we take cases with rich people.”
“I didn’t take this case,” he grumbled, letting Her start to herd him towards the door. “Sammy took it. I just got dragged along-“
“We can leave you at home,” She suggested, nodding to Sam as he grabbed his bag, and they all moved outside, “I can put on some TV, leave you some snacks until we get back-“
“Shut up.”
She giggled, pulling away from Dean as they reached the car and he wanted Her to come back. He didn’t want to do this case at all—it was a waste of time that any hunter could take care of, and a reminder that he would never have the gross luxury he was likely about to witness—but if he had to, he didn’t want to be away from Her side.
Not when She looked like that.
Dean had really never seen anything more beautiful. It was distracting. He looked in the rearview mirror far more than he needed to, but he couldn’t stop himself. Light would catch off of Her in all the best ways, and he’d fall a little further whenever She’d shift in her seat and her soft skin would almost shimmer in the dark. Like She was really just a spirit or vision or figment of Dean’s imagination, an incarnation of every single part of him that had ever dared to want something he shouldn’t be allowed to have. He’d think She was an early torture sent to fuck with him, but She was very real.
He could smell Her perfume, and it was the sweet and sugary vanilla one She’d been using for years, but it still wasn’t strong enough to overpower the fruit. The fucking fruit. The only part of Her that haunted Dean more than her voice.
Her beautiful, musical, taunting voice that followed him on the wind, that called him down, down, down into wherever She’d stray or wander, and kept his attention on Her words, no matter how they confused him.
And sometimes, they’d really fucking confuse him.
“The Lord isn’t actually supposed to be in attendance, so as long as we remember our cover stories and keep out of larger conversations, this should be really simple.”
Dean frowned at the road. “What’d you mean, Lord. America doesn’t have lords, sweetheart, we got senators and the Kardashians-“
“It’s a British lord,” Sam explained, shrugging in his seat. “I told you already, dude, that’s the whole case-“
“What, killing him?”
“No, Dean-“
“Only if he gets in the way.” She cut Sam off with a grin, and Sam rolled his eyes.
“Don’t encourage him,” Sam said Her name in an almost scolding tone, and Dean had to bite down a chuckle as She wrinkled her nose in the backseat. “And no, Dean. We’re not killing anyone. This artifact is said to drive people to insanity, and it’s supposed to go on display at this party, so we need to get it out before the night ends in a half orgy, half bloodbath.”
Dean grimaced slightly. “Damn, Sammy, ease a guy into it-“
“I did, five hours ago, but you weren’t fucking listening to me-“
“Sam,” She said from the back, leaning over the bench with a wrinkled brow, and Her arm was half on Dean’s shoulder. He was going to fucking explode. “Did you ever work out what the artifact was-“
Sam shook his head. “I’ll keep trying while you guys get inside, but I think as long as neither of you touch it, we should be fine.”
She nodded slowly, and Dean could feel Her attention shift to him. “You don’t remember our cover, do you.”
He shot Her a glare, and Sam smirked like a little bitch in his seat. “You know, Princess, we need to have a conversation about how little freakin’ faith you have in me-“
“So you do?” She gave him a teasing smile—beautiful lips curling up and lashes fluttering slightly—and Dean felt his will fold in a heartbeat.
“No.” He muttered, scowling out at the street. She couldn’t be that pretty and be Herself. It short-circuited his whole fucking brain. “I was reading.”
She hummed, propping Her chin on the back of the bench. “That can be dangerous.”
“Shut up-“
“Are you paying attention now?”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m kind of a captive audience, sweetheart-“
“You could turn up the radio-“
“You see me reaching for the dial?”
He dared a glance at Her, raising his brows in a silent challenge, and he didn’t know how to deal with the bright, satisfied smile on Her face. It was mesmerizing, in the shifting and flashing lights of the highway, with Her hair perfectly framing her face and her makeup making Her look like a fucking goddess and this wasn’t fair. Dean wanted to grab Her and tangle his whole body into Her’s, forever, until he was always glowing, always full, always alive-
If Sam hadn’t coughed, he might have lost his mind entirely and crashed the damn car.
Dean turned back to the road and cleared his throat, his grip on the wheel almost painful and the shadows of the night only barely hiding his need for Her in his pants.
“Hit me, Princess.”
“You’re Dean Bishop, and I’m your wife,” She said Her own name, and Dean was going to crash the car. She couldn’t do that, couldn’t offer him that thought, because now it would plague him forever. “These people won’t have any idea who we are, so we can use our real names. You,” she poked his arm, shooting him a blinding smile that pulled at his own lips. “Work in stocks. And nobody knows what that means, so if people ask, just start saying words that sound like they’re related to money. You met Lord Appleton-“
Dean snorted. “Appleton?”
“Yep. British.” She shrugged. “You met him at Oxford. Oh, and I’m just a trophy wife.”
Sam sighed, shaking his head. “I still don’t think trophy wife is a good cover-“
“This is an old money, occult-obsessed family of fucking weirdos. Trust me, Sam.” She let out a long breath that stuck to Dean, crawling over his skin as Her voice dropped from a confident drawl to something heavy. “They won’t see women as people. Trophy wife will work.”
Sam shot Dean look he didn’t miss—he knew it was mirrored on his own face—but didn’t acknowledge, either.
It was another thing Dean would work out when this was over. He knew Her family was old money. And he’d be consumed by the way She’d said that with an almost tragic, haunted certainty, but he’d have to live to fix that for Her.
He would fix it.
But after.
For now, he needed to get this dumbass case over with, so he could go back to looking for his out.
The plan would be simple. Sammy would work out where the artifact was being kept—and, ideally, what it was—and She and Dean would slip out of the party and grab it the moment they had the chance.
Until then, they’d just be wandering through a crowd of rich douchebags, waiting for Sammy to do his job.
They stopped a few blocks away from the Lord’s mansion so Sam could switch into the driver’s seat and Dean could move to the back. She said rich people didn’t drive themselves, and this way Dean could keep Baby out of the hand of some random fucking asshole trying to park his car, and in the hands of Sam.
“Listen,” he hissed as Sam pulled up to the entrance, leaning over the bench with a scowl. “I see one scratch, one stain, one fucking spot of dirt-“
“You’ll kill me, Dean, I know.” Sam said Her name, and his voice was not nearly afraid enough for how Dean was promising to dismember him. “I’ll text you when I have the location, and I’m going have to park close to the building to get a connection to their security system, so if you need me-“
“I’ll call.” She nodded, smoothing out Her dress as she frowned out the window. “De, are you- wait-“
Dean frowned as She leaned down, shifting through Her bag. He could see the shape of Her waist and small of Her back, and he wanted to touch Her-
They were on a case. They were working. He needed to keep himself the fuck together.
“What’s up-“
“Here.” She sat back up, dropping something in his hand and starting to move Her rings around on Her fingers. “For our cover.”
It was a wedding band. She was giving Dean a wedding band, and it was for their cover, but it felt pretty damn real—catching gold in the light and cool on his palm—and he was going to fucking die, from this alone and nothing else-
“You, uh, you just have these?”
She shrugged, sliding a matching one onto Her own finger. “I’m prepared, Winchester. Ready?”
He was not ready. No part of Dean was ready for how right that ring felt when She was wearing a matching one, for how She felt when she hooked her elbow into his and gave him a perfectly sweet and adoring smile—maybe for the show of the other partygoers, but still seeming so real—and for how She looked in full, shimmering light of candles and chandeliers.
There wasn’t another word for it. Dean didn’t believe in heaven, but he sure as fuck believed in Her, and that was the only word that came close to describing it. How the world more than moved for Her. How it was designed for Her, as if everything had only ever been made to make her more beautiful, more happy, more bright.
She was so fucking bright.
He was just a shadow in Her wake. Dean was leading her through the crowd, and he was really just a fucking stain or shell of a body, clinging to Her glory and there to spill blood in Her name. And he didn’t hate that. For what he’d been born, what he’d done, how he should’ve been stuck in the mud for the rest of his life and never spared Her glance, let alone Her trust and loyalty—because Her hand had move to hold his arm and Her body was leaning into his side, as if she was trying to shield Herself from the world with Dean and Dean alone—he knew he was long gone from hating Her for how simply awesome she was.
But that didn’t mean he could hate everything else about this. Hate how this crowd was filled with people who could be worthy of Her, who could steal Her attention and whisk Her away from Dean side with promises of the riches and luxury She deserved. She should have. She should be treated like a Queen, and all these assholes where literal fucking royalty—wearing dresses and suits that probably cost more money than Dean had ever seen, but still didn’t compare to the way Her dress looked like it was a second, colorful and shining skin—so why the hell would She ever stay with Dean.
Maybe this would be the straw. It wouldn’t be a fight about a lie, or the consequences of the deal, or a fatal injury that tore Her away from Dean. It would be one of these suit and tie sons of bitches—eyeing Her on Dean’s arm like She was nothing more than food when She was a fucking predator, a force of nature that could probably kill them with a spoon—offering Her comfort hunting could never provide, riches Dean would never have, and most of the world to Her on a silver platter, and Dean would never be able to blame Her for choosing them.
If it was up to him, She’d have all the world. It was made for Her. It was only right that it belonged to Her too.
“How expensive do you think that champagne is?” She whispered, nodding to the sleek, polished bar, and Dean shot Her an amused look.
“You drinking now, Princess?”
She rolled Her eyes, elbowing him in the ribs. “I’m bored. And we could probably buy like, a fucking house or something with just one bottle of it.”
Dean knew that face. Narrowed eyes as She bounced slightly on Her feet, watching the barkeeper with an intensity that could brand someone—Dean would know—and a spark in Her eyes that was almost like a flaring warning sign.
He ducked his head to mutter in Her ear, and forced himself to ignore how She shivered slightly against him. “You distract him, I’ll take three bottles. We’ll head to Vegas and triple our money.”
She turned to him with an adorably wrinkled nose, and fuck, She was so close. Dean could see Her pretty flush, and every undertone of Her skin, and all the hidden colors in Her eyes-
“We aren’t going to Vegas, De.”
“Not until after we steal the champagne-“
“We’re not stealing the champagne-“
“You were thinking about it.” He smirked at Her, and there it was. Hitched breath. “I know you, Princess, you were ready to kick that guys ass and run off with his fancy bottle-“
She scoffed. “I was not going to run off.”
“Yeah, you were-“
“I would’ve taken you with me,” She snapped, kicking Dean’s shin lightly. “It’s not running off if I stay with you.”
She’d won. Whatever fake argument they’d been having, She’d just won by a damn mile, because all Dean could do was stare at Her. She couldn’t keep just saying things like that. Over and over and over, like Her staying with Dean was a given, like he was as easy for Her as she was for him.
“You, uh,” he cleared his throat, trying to force his head back into focus. They had a job to do, and it needed to be done so Dean could get back to his real work. To finding a way to keep Her. “You want a drink?”
She glances at the bar, and shook Her head. “I-“
“I saw a Pina Colada on the drink list.” He raised his brows, offering Her a small grin. “I can make them mix it without the fun stuff.”
“The- Oh.” She swallowed, but nodded. “Yes, please. Do you want me to- I can go find some food?”
Son of a bitch, She was perfect.
Dean nodded, forced his body to detach from Her’s and moved to the bar. He managed to get through the order without tugging at his tie or losing Her in his periphery, right up until they served his drink, he turned his back for one damn second, and She was gone.
He couldn’t see Her. It was a crowded room, and everyone was trying to take up more space than was owed, but Dean couldn’t see Her.
He grabbed the drinks with barely a nod in the bartender’s direction and started to shove through the crowd as his heart began to pound in his throat. She wasn’t in danger. Every bit of Dean’s logical brain knew She wouldn’t be in danger, because this was not a place where danger would pass unnoticed and She was more dangerous than vulnerable, but he still kept envisioning Her on fire on the ceiling, or bloodless and pale and choking on a green-eyed demons blade or Her own hand. Every damn time he’d ever lost Her had been after he’d left, during a fight or to buy something to just to grab fucking ice or coffee or-
She was fine. Dean was just a pathetic, clingy idiot, and She was fine.
She was more than fine. She was cornered at the long table—full of food that looked more fancy that actually edible—by a man with a slick haircut, a straight nose, and suit that likely hadn’t been stolen from a rental store by his little brother. Haircut was flirting with Her. Leering over and smirking down at Her, angling his body to half cover her’s and matching her every pace down the table as she filled her plate-
One plate. Why did she only have one plate.
Dean couldn’t move. He was truly fucking weak, truly fucking selfish. He wasn’t moving to take Her back to his side like Dad would’ve told him to—you see a pretty girl, you make sure she knows it, son—but his stomach was twisting because this was it, he’d have to go back to Sammy and tell him She’d gone to be mixed with diamonds and sand and beauty like She deserved-
Haircut said something, and reached for Her arm, and Dean felt fucking sick but he was frozen-
She shrugged Haircut’s touch away, turning to where Dean could see Her profile and saying something he could hear, but he still understood. Her smile was too sweet, too careful, too measured. It wasn’t the wide, happy one She’d always offer Dean that made him crash further into Her.
It was the one She used on every case. Sincere until you knew Her.
And Haircut didn’t know Her, so he moved closer once more, and She took a step back. Held up Her hand for Haircut to see, scanned over the crowd, and met Dean’s eyes with a wide smile.
A real smile.
And he couldn’t stop himself from grinning back.
It was like he’d just gone through a factory reset. His legs moved on their own, pulling him back to Her. He leaned down and kissed the side of Her head, passed Her the Pina colada, and grinned at Haircut like he’d won the fucking lottery.
He had. He’d kissed Her. Not fully, but more than She’d allow anyone else to.
“Hey, dude.” Dean extended his now free hand to Haircut, and he didn’t think most rich people said dude, but he also had Her and she looked like She’d been made to be here, so he wasn’t too worried about blowing their cover. “Dean Bishop. I see you met my lovely wife?”
Haircut mumbled something Dean didn’t really care about and excused himself, and this case was awesome. The champagne was kind of shit, and Sammy was taking way to damn long on the detail they needed, but She was staring at Dean with wide, pretty eyes, drinking Her Pina colada with Her lips wrapped nearly around the straw, and swaying slightly on Her feet, so Dean got to wrap his arm around Her waist to keep her steady, and he never wanted to go back to normal hunts again.
“What a douchebag,” he grinned down at Her, jerking his head to where Haircut had disappear. “You think his hair was real?”
She swallowed, Her voice softer than usual and sparking right through Dean’s whole body. “I- What?”
“His hair, Princess-“
“I heard you,” She frowned, passing Her already empty glass to a passing waiter. “Why wouldn’t it be real-“
“I dunno,” He shrugged, shooting Her a wink. “I’m thinking we could start a real bet, though.“
She smiled, Her body relaxing slightly in Dean’s arms, and he’d never seen anything better. “Stop thinking, De.” She traded Dean’s glass for Her plate, but held the arm around Her on her hip. “You’re bad at it.”
Dean’s grin was almost painful on his face, and if anyone else had said that the words would’ve stung, but it was Her. She said them with a teasing smile, and She was so close, and he knew that nothing hateful or mocking behind them. If She was striking to kill, he’d know it. He’d feel it, cracking up his spine. And She never bit unprovoked. Every time they’d struck each other like that it had been because Dean was a fucking idiot, and couldn’t hold something beautiful as She was and not ruin it. Couldn’t have something so good and destroy it.
But he had Her—in the moist vague and loose sense of the word, Dean had Her—now. For at least this night, where She was right against him and had chosen to be there, Dean had Her.
He’d be damned, further down than he already was, if he broke that.
“You, uh,” he cleared his throat, glancing down to the plate in his hands. “This all for me?”
She hummed, nodding thoughtlessly as She started to sweep over the room. “Do you think Sam will be mad if we start to just search the mansion-“
“No.” He squeezed his hold on Her, and She looked up at him with wide eyes. “But I’m not letting you just fuck around, Princess, I’m taking this job seriously-“
She gave him a flat, amused look. “You just want to party, Winchester.”
“Gotta pass the time somehow-“
“I can search alone, you know-“
“And there’s no damn way I’m letting you.” Dean shoved the plate under Her nose, hold her gaze. “Eat a fancy grape, sweetheart. We’ll move when Sammy calls you.”
She narrowed Her eyes at him, but grabbed a grape with a pouting frown that made Dean feel things. “You think you let me do anything?”
“No,” he shrugged. “But I could tackle you and stop you from wandering. Gimme some of my champagne.”
“Get your own fucking champagne-“
Dean drawled Her name, giving Her an amused grin. “You’re holding my glass.”
She flushed, glanced between the champagne in Her hand and Dean’s hand on Her hip, and Dean was ready for her to shove him away. He was braced for it, for how he’d have to grab his glass as She shoved it into his hands, but he’d need to keep full balance because She’d—hopefully—loop their arms back together and drag him after Her, wherever She wanted to go-
Dean almost fell to his knees as She rolled Her eyes, muttered something under Her breath he couldn’t make out, and pressed Dean’s glass up to his lips. All while holding his fucking gaze, glaring at him like he’d broken something or done something incredibly wrong, and keeping his arm around Her body.
She stayed pressed right against Dean, and he didn’t need to damn champagne. He could get drunk on just Her, shining in the light and there and real and fucking intoxicating.
He didn’t know how he’d gotten here.
He never wanted to leave.
“You wanna stand in a corner and make fun of people?” She raised Her brows, taking the glass back from Dean’s mouth, and if the hellhounds came for him here, he’d die a happy man.
She was so fucking awesome.
“Aw,” he smirked at Her as he said Her name, let the high feeling of Her overtake his body, and pressed anther kiss to the side of Her head. “I thought you’d never ask.”
She rolled Her eyes, but there it was. Flush. Hitched breath. Parted lips.
“I’m not asking you to the prom, Winchester.” She muttered, starting to move them through the crowd but still holding on to Dean. “Calm down.”
“I’m perfectly calm, sweetheart. And I’ll have you know we would’ve killed it at the prom-“
She snorted. “Who’s we?”
“C’mon, Princess.” He wiggled his brows at Her. “You’ve got the bossy, hot, popular girl thing down-“
“I-“ She stared at him, and Dean couldn’t fully read the expression on Her face. “That’s- Never say that sentence again. To anyone.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Dean frowned at Her as they stopped in a corner, scanning over Her hardened, beautiful features and tightened brow. “Did you go to prom?”
“I didn’t go to high school, De.”
“I- what?”
She shot him an incredulous look. “You knew that. I was a runaway, my family had a bounty on my head, I couldn’t exactly enroll in Sioux Falls public school system.”
“But you’re…” Dean trailed off, his words bubbling and dying in his throat as he searched for words he didn’t have. She was brilliant, and clever, and a genius who he’d bet on in every situation, She spoke so fast and with such power, She was the only person he knew who was close to as smart as Sammy, and that kid was a fucking genius. “You’re you.”
“I’m aware.” She drawled. “But I learned most of what I know by watching PBS and reading. I got bored. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house, it was like-“
“Bobby didn’t let you leave the house?”
“I didn’t let me leave the house.”
“Cause of, uh,” he cleared his throat, watching Her carefully. “The sickness?”
“Yeah.” She mumbled, frowning at Her own hands. “The sickness.”
“Did you go to like, elementary school?”
“I went up to the first half of third grade. Then I ran away.”
Dean nodded slowly, and he wasn’t sure where the line was. She’d never told him much about Her family. She’d never had the chance, after that fight in Colorado. He’d never grown the balls to push Bobby on it, and he knew that wouldn’t have worked anyway.
All Dean knew was that Bobby had found her wandering. That She’d been sick. That whoever Her family was, they were hard to speak of.
And he wouldn’t ruin the chance to hear about them. For Her to trust him like that, with skeletons She seemed to try and ignore and bury, but kept clawing out of the dirt to make Her scratch at Her skin and pick at Her nails.
Dean bumped Her hand with his plate, stilling Her picking without a word, and just watched Her. She’d say what She wanted, and Dean would—for Her—shut the fuck up.
“I, uh,” She cleared her throat, Her gaze fixed on a button of Dean’s shirt. “They were a lot like this. These people. Kind of worse, actually. A lot worse. And I- I still don’t understand most of it. Most of what they did, or why they did it, or-“ She took a shaking breath, running Her thumb over the scar on Her palm. “I just- I knew- I know it was wrong. That was why I got out, and- I don’t know. They were-“
She took another, almost too shallow breath, and there was a darkened expression on Her face. That wrinkle in Her brow as her fingers flexed against her and her hands shifted slightly, moving up before flinching down.
Dean needed to mend this. Whatever was making Her look like a hollow shadow, because She was supposed to be lit up from within and he couldn’t fucking stand to see Her in pain.
He set down his plate without a thought, squeezed his arm around Her waist, and ran his thumb down the bridge of Her nose until the wrinkle was well and truly gone. Until She was blinking softly at Dean, still not smiling but nowhere near tearing at whatever seams held Her together.
Dean gave Her a small grin. “You wanna play a game?”
She blinked at him for a second, but Dean knew She understood. That he’d heard enough, and She never needed to say more if She didn’t want to. Even if Dean was going to spend a long time—when he finally had some of it to spare—trying to track down Her family and introduce them to the barrel of his gun, She’d never have to say another damn word about them. Dean would stay here, with Her, no matter what.
She relaxed against his side, returning his grin with teasing words. “No, De. You never have real games-“
“This is a real game,” he shrugged. “Winner takes all-“
“What’s all?”
“Whatever they want.” He winked at Her, and she shook her head.
“I’m not betting my favor, Winchester. And you haven’t even said the fucking game-“
“I’m getting there. See all those assholes?” Dean jerked his head out to the crowd, and She nodded with a frown. “We’re gonna watch them, place our bets on their lives, and then go work out whatever we can. Closest bet wins.”
“Their lives?“ She stared at him, shaking Her head. “What-“
“Names, occupations, personal lives?” Dean suggested, and She nodded slowly.
“Personal lives like marital status and kids?”
“Sure. Same first letter counts for the name guess-“
“And most correct guesses wins.” She finished. “We pose as the married couple getting to know people until we work out the information.”
Dean nodded, and a smile crept over Her gorgeous face.
“What are we betting?”
Dean knew what he wanted. It was an old desire. One that would be stuck on his brain until it was fulfilled. “I win, I get to hear you sing, Princess.”
“You- why?”
He shrugged, just shooting her a wink. Flush. Breath. Lips. “How about you?”
“I-“ She paused, a small smile crossing Her face, and raised Her chin. “I want to dance. Together.”
Dean scoffed. “No. I don’t-“
“That my bet, Winchester.” She raised Her pinky, giving him a pointed look. “Take it or leave it.”
He’d take it. He was fucking pissed about it, but it was Her, so Dean would take it in a heartbeat.
He rolled his eyes, but hooked his pinky through Her’s.
“That’s rude, Dean.” She fluttered Her eyes at him, and if She wanted Dean mobile and functional, she needed to stop fucking doing that. “No way to talk to your fake wife.”
He shrugged, even as his traitorous fucking heart started to pound in his ears. “You’re the one who fake married me.”
“No,” She let out a dramatic sigh, pouting up at him “The man I fake married would’ve never called me bossy, you’ve changed, and I’m leaving you for the pool boy-“
Dean pinched Her side, grinned at the high squeak that escaped Her lips. ”You’re having too much fun with this, Princess.“
She shrugged. “Well, my husband’s neglecting me, I need to find fun wherever I can-“
“I think,” he drawled, leaning down slightly, unable and unwilling to stop himself. He was drowning in Her. Crashing into Her. So fucking close and for the first time he didn’t feel like She was going to vanish into air, and he could fucking smell Her it was a drug. “You will find that I’m the funnest son of a bitch here. I think you’re gonna forget about your pool boy by the time the night is over, sweetheart.”
“You-“ She swallowed, staring at Dean with slightly glossy eyes, and right fucking there. “Funnest isn’t a word.”
“Uh huh.” He smirked at Her, tilting his head with a grin. “You ready for target one?”
A small, pouting frown crossed Her face, and whatever spell Dean had managed to pull off there vanished in a second. “Why do you get to choose the first target-“
“Because it’s my game.”
“Nope. Target one.” Dean pointed over the crowd to a man wearing what seemed to be a bowler hat, grinning down at Her. “Richard. Single. Failed supervillain.”
She giggled, “That’s not a real job, Winchester-“
“It is to me. Your move, your highness.”
Her eyes narrowing in focus, and Dean had a sudden feeling he’d made a mistake with this game. “Jonathan. Married but she’s not here, she’s home with the kids. Banker.”
They moved up to the man, acting drunk and dumb and asking carefully questions as if they were interrogating a vic, and She’d been on the money.
James. Married with two kids. Not a banker, but not a failed super villain either.
And Dean knew he’d made a mistake, because She was amazing at this. She was wiping the fucking floor with him, and Dean was starting to suspect everyone here was in on it. That She was somehow saying things that hadn’t been true an hour ago, but then She’d demand they were and they just… would be. She said everything with that mind-numbing, easy confidence like it was fact, and Dean was pretty sure if she looked him in the eyes and said the sun is actually blue, Deano, he’d believe it. Then he’d wake up in the morning tomorrow, and the sun would be blue.
And She won. By a fucking mile. They stopped in a small corner of the room, and didn’t even bother to compare scores because She’d won. And Dean could’ve said he was just off his game, but She was smiling at him and bouncing on Her feet, looking so fucking happy, and he didn’t know how to do anything but stare at Her.
She’d called him Her husband almost a hundred times tonight.
It was going to haunt him, well past the grave.
“You owe me a dance,” She said, watching Dean like She always had, like he was worth looking at, and Dean would give Her anything.
“Guess so,” he took a long step forward, smirking at Her, and if he played this right he’d be able cast that spell on Her again. Make Her feel half of what he did, when he was trapped in Her orbit with no desire to escape. “You think you’ll be able to keep up?”
“Keep up-“
“I don’t like to dance,” Dean drawled Her name, leaning down. Just a little further down. Flush. Breath. Lips. “But I can. I’m gonna blow your mind, Princess-“
The ring of Her phone cut through the air, and they blinked at each other. Stuck time for a brief, infinite moment before She cleared Her throat, and outstretched Her hand.
Her phone was in Dean’s pocket.
He didn’t remember putting it there. But he also hadn’t really been thinking about anything but Her.
“It’s Sam,” She muttered, frowning at the screen when he passed it to Her. “I’m gonna, uh-“
Dean nodded, fidgeting with his cuffs as he watched her, and something had grown. Dean wasn’t losing his mind, something had become suddenly heavy and potent in the air, and he knew She could at least feel that too. She was leaning forwards into him, Her fingers moving in an awkward motion on the screen where She was always so deliberate and careful, and She may have never felt the pull but Dean was damn sure She could feel this-
“Hey, what’s-“ She frowned into the air, and Dean could hear Sam’s slightly muffled voice over the speaker.
He frowned, lowering his voice to breathe and holding Her gaze as he mouthed at Her. “What-“
She held up a finger, giving Dean a stern glare as she spoke to Sam. “Yeah, I guessed that, where-“
Sam started talking again, and Her brow drew into that adorable, concerning wrinkle.
“Are you-“ Sam said something, and She sighed. “Okay. Get the car started, we’ll probably have to make a run for it-“
“A run for it-“
She kicked Dean in the shin as Sam snapped something through the speaker, and She nodded, dropping the phone from Her mouth.
“Sam says to shut up.”
Dean scowled. “Tell him to shut up.”
She grinned, and raised the phone back to Her mouth. “Dean says you should shut up.”
Sam grumbled something, and Her gaze never broke from Dean’s as Her grin grew.
“Sam says you’re a child.”
“He’s the child-“
“Dean says you’re a child-“
Sam snapped, and She rolled her eyes.
“I am not encouraging him- Yeah, fine, tell me.”
Dean moved a step closer, trying to overhear what Sammy was saying to Her, but she went tense, and he froze.
“Sam.” Her voice had dropped to a firm, almost harsh tone, and that was never a good sign. “There’s no way- There’s not-“
Whatever Sam said sounded like an apology, and She shook her head, frowning at the air.
“Then I’m not-“
Another pause for Sam to speak. Dean was going to lose his mind.
She let out a long breath, the wrinkle fully on Her brow. “You’ve got to be fucking me.”
There were more of them. You’d destroyed the arrowhead and almost lost your mind over it, but there were more of them.
Those stupid fucking solemn oath weapons. Jo had said there was an arsenal of them, but they were supposed to be rare. That had been a big part of your fight with Sam, after Dean had eased you back together and you’d fully adapted to Sam knowing.
“What about the arrowhead?” Sam had snapped, his voice hushed even though Dean was out getting food. “You just destroyed something that’s like, thousands of years old, and irreplaceable, do you not even care-“
“No.” You’d hissed. “I don’t, Sam, you know why? It was fucking dangerous, and we don’t need any more of that.”
“They’re rare!” He’d snapped, narrowing his eyes. “That might have been the only one discovered in our lifetime-“
“Good. I hope that’s true.” You’d raised your chin, not breaking your ground, and the fight had, eventually, waned off.
Sam wouldn’t tell Dean. He was still a little pissed you’d broken the arrowhead, but as the weeks had passed and he still hadn’t told Dean, you’d decided he could know more. What the arrowhead did. What the episodes were, and everything you knew about the green demons, and why you couldn’t risk anything. Nothing could be a game, or a gamble, or a chance. You had to place bets you knew you’d win.
Otherwise everything that was already hanging on such a thin fucking line would fall apart, and you lose Dean.
You couldn’t lose Dean. He’s annoyed that you and Sam won’t talk about the episode in the motel, but he’s still here. Still sharing your bed, in a way that’s not everything but still more than you’d ever dreamed. Handsome in the light of the party and making your knees weak, grinning at you when he says a joke, laughing at your side and making every Silver.
And you’d never said it, but Sam still knows. You can see it in his eyes—when he looks between you and Dean shoving and teasing each other with an odd expression—that Sam’s painfully aware that when you’d described everything to him, you’d glossed over Dean for a reason. Because he’s more. He’s golden and peaceful to exist in the gravity of, and you couldn’t lobotomize him out of you if you tried.
You can’t lose Dean.
And there shouldn’t have been another solemn oath weapon.
But here you are, moving silently through the halls with Dean one pace behind you, and you keep checking over your shoulder that he’s still there, because you can never fucking get what you want.
Dean hisses your name, grabbing your wrist and stopping you in your steps. “Sam said left.”
“I-“ You glance around the abandoned area, and shake your head. “He said left after the big cat painting-“
“Yep.” Dean points back down the hall, right to an oil painting of a massive, winged lion. “You’re off your game, Princess-“
“Shut up.”
You stomp past him, your nails digging into your skin, and he’s right. Your head is spinning around Dean’s warm, almost caring eyes on yours at the party and the fact that these weapons were supposed to be fucking rare, and you’re distracted.
Sam had been right. These things were supposed to be once in a lifetime. Not pop up every other month at the worst possible times, ruining your perfectly good chance to crash further into Dean, to make everything about him a little more permanent that just a mark of him on everything you see and a spiderweb of pure, iridescent light in your body.
That was something you haven’t told Sam. Or Jo. Definitely not Bobby. Since the motel room, since the fractured pieces sealed back together and Dean stayed, the White hasn’t been aching and pulling for him. The pain is still strong and blinding and horrible, but the Darkness seems to have soothed by the light of Dean that moves through your whole body like blood.
You don’t know what it is. The spiderweb. You don’t really have time to figure it out, and it’s terrifying and amazing. It hums and refracts around all the time, and sings when Dean is near, and when he’s gone there’s no anguish or whining plea to be near him again. It like he’s stuck into it, and every bit of you is assured that he will come back. Dean, physically, may come and go, but he always comes back. He may glower and grumble about pointless things, and leave the motel with Sam to research Lilith without you, but he always comes back.
It’s like he’s faithful. He’s not even yours, but he’s still a geyser that you always know with burst up with cooling water and shifting colors in the sunlight, and he’ll come back.
At least you have that. If you can’t have reasonable lack of dangerous weapons and one moment without some kind of pain in your life, at least you have Dean.
Still a pace behind you, walking in perfectly matching time with your steps and keeping his voice hushed as he says your name.
“You sure you-“
“I know where I’m going, Winchester.” You shoot him a glower, and he just shrugs.
“What does that mean-“
“It doesn’t mean anything. I’m just saying okay-“
“No, you said okay-“
Dean grunts your name, taking a large step forward until he’s right at your side, looking down at you with an annoyingly amused expression. “Deep breath, Princess. I said okay. And if you’re wrong, I’ll just pick you up and take you wherever Sammy said the, uh- Thing is.”
It’s impossible not to lean a little into his side when he’s grinning at you like that. Like it’s easy, and nothing is really all that wrong in the world, and he does trust you. You still haven’t told him what you are, and why this is making you lose your mind, but Dean trusts you and that’s going to kill you more than any weapon could.
And he’s baiting you. Giving you a reason to spar back and forth with him, and not dwell on how fucking annoying this is.
It’s never hard to fall for him. It’s impossible not to, when he’s all but asking.
You raise your brows at him, your mouth pulling up slightly. “The thing?”
Dean shrugs, his attention returning to the hallway as he walks at your side. “You didn’t freakin’ tell me what it is, sweetheart, and I’m not a mind reader-“
“It’s a-“ You sigh, sorting out every word carefully before you speak. “Sam thinks it’s like the arrowhead.”
“Like the arrowhead?”
You hum, nodding slowly. “Same kind of weapon. He said it looks similar, on the camera feed, and the event invitation had a picture-“
“Invitation?” Dean frowns. “I didn’t see an invitation-“
“That’s cause we’re party crashers, De, we didn’t get an invitation-“
“Then how-“
You shrug, shooting Dean an amused look. “Sam can be sneaky. I think he might have broken into some cars.”
Dean snorts. “Don’t know how he ever manages stealth cases, he’s a freakin’ mammoth-“
“It’s easy to commit crimes when no one’s watching,” you shrug, bumping your shoulder into Dean’s with a grin. “That’s why we’re doing so well.”
He rolls his eyes. “And I thought we were just a good team-“
“Two things can be true, Deano. And Sam-” You scan around the hall with a frown. “Do you remember if he said left or right?”
“Right.” Dean’s hand rests on your back, turning you in the right direction as he shoots you a wink. “I thought you were leading us, Princess-“
“Shut up.”
“Bos- Shit-“
Dean groans as you elbow him in the gut, and you can’t stop the giggle from escaping your lips.
“Do you want to hear about the artifact or not?”
“I thought we were done talking about it,” he grumbles, his hand finding your back once more, almost like a fucking magnet. “C’mon, we can’t stall.”
You shrug, but let Dean keep moving you down the hall. You’d let him move you anywhere. “I wasn’t the one stalling-“
“Artifact, sweetheart. What else is so damn important for me to know about-“
“If you don’t want to know, just say-“
Dean grunts your name, shooting you a glare, and you fucking giggle again.
This is fucking serious. This is, in several ways, your worst nightmare. But Dean’s here, and he’s adorable and touching you and here, and you can’t stop giggling. Not as the spiderweb seems to cling to every drop of his attention and grow stronger, and your head starts to feel light and easy as the pain eases, and the world blurs to Silver.
And Dean’s just watching you. Not snapping for you to focus or get it tougher. Just moving you down the hallway and scanning from door to door, his hand still on your back, and small grin pulling at his face.
His gaze flicks between two doors, his brow furrowing slightly, and you tug on his arm.
“Three more doors.” You say, angling your head down the hall. “It might be locked, but I can pick it-“
Dean shakes his head. “I’ll just break it down-“
“Do not break it down, Dean.”
“Ooh, Dean.” He shoots you a wink, and you meld a little further into his touch. “You’re serious-“
“Shut up or you get elbowed again.” You mutter, he opens his stupidly pretty mouth with shining eyes, and you wrinkle your nose at him. “You say bossy, and you get stabbed.”
He chuckles—the sound rolling through your whole body—and looks back around the hall. “You actually gonna tell me about the artifact, Princess, or am I just that charming and distracting?”
He is.
He doesn’t get to know that.
“Sam says we’re not supposed to touch it.” You hum, hitching up your dress as you move over the awfully dusty hallway carpet. “It’s- He said it’s like the arrowhead because it has all the same writing, and looks about the same age, and that means it’s dangerous. I brought a napkin.”
Dean shoots you an odd look. “Where-“
You reach over, patting his suit jacket, and he scowls.
“You know, sweetheart, in another life you’re a fantastic criminal-“
You grin at him. “I’m a fantastic criminal now.”
“So you are a criminal?” He smirks, stopping you in front a large, polished, wooden door. “Years of saying you’re not stealing shit, and-“
“Stabbed, Winchester. Gonna get stabbed.”
He laughs, loud and echoing through the empty hall, and you’re too drunk on the sound to remind him you’re supposed to be sneaking around. You just roll your eyes, pull out the bobby pin you’d kept in your dress, and drop to your knees in front of the door.
“No touching anything.” You remind him as you work the door, looking up with your best stern expression. “I’m serious.”
“Yeah- uh. No touching. Got it.” Dean shifts on his feet, rubbing his neck and suddenly looking very uncomfortable, and you frown at him.
“What’s wrong with you.”
He shrugs. It’s not convincing. “Nothing, Princess-“
“I said nothing-“
“Liar.” You hum, the lock clicks, and you grin up at him. “Ready?”
He blinks at you, nodding, and you tilt your head at him.
“De, you’re being weird-“
“Just open the damn door.” He grumbles, fidgeting with the cuff of his jacket. “C’mon, Sammy’s waiting.”
You wrinkle your nose at him, but push to your feet, and Dean steadies you with a hand on your back. Your lower back. Right where the depression for his touch had never fully mended or faded, sending a rush of lightning up the spiderweb and making you stand a little taller.
“Ready?” He grunts, his expression suddenly steeled and firm, and you nod a little stupidly.
You’re not. Dean gives a firm nod—his spare hand wandering to where you know he’s keeping his gun—and you didn’t think you could’ve been ready. Not as you open the door and see it.
It’s not an arrowhead this time. It’s a knife. Made in a blatantly similar style to the arrowhead, with all the same writing carved over the blade and handle, but clean. It’s not dusted and faded like the arrowhead was, it’s polished and shining in the low light of the room, and it’s like a flame. The words that you can read shift as they always do—the glint of the metal entrancing and bright—your breath catches in your throat as if the blade had been driven through your neck.
It looks like it was made to be held. The hilt looks almost identical to that of the knife on your thigh—the knife Dean had bought you, the knife that was yours more than anything else ever has been—and you think, if you held this knife, it would fit perfectly in your hand. No callouses or oddly places fingers. An extra limb, easing everything further to Silver.
The Silver wants to feel it. The knife is calling you forward, and you can vaguely hear someone important and golden and critical calling your name, but you can’t look anywhere but the knife. The closer you move, almost gliding across the room, the more you know that you have to hold it. You can’t read the Latin that well, or the Hebrew and Arabic at all, but the shifting words are all familiar too.
For the Woman of the high, promised of Him.
Your brain feels as if it’s being muffled. Thoughts of woman, not women, and Him flash over your brain with brief scrutiny, but they shrivel up within a second. Every part of you feels like it’s being suffocated by the almost glowing knife, and the spiderweb is bursting like fireworks through your body, trying to vault you back where you belong, but you have to keep moving forward. It’s like there’s a phantom behind you, pushing you forward, whispering in your ear that it’s yours, made for you, take it because it’s been waiting thousands of years for you, and He’s been waiting longer, and all of this is made for you so take it-
Something louder shatters the spell. For half a second there’s a roar of your name from something that feels weaker than the phantom—but louder than your heart and more vital that the blood in your body—rushing your vision into focus and that’s Dean, colorful and running through your blood and over your bones and a little to the right of your heart and Dean-
You almost turn to see him, almost stop moving to the weapon, but the phantom shoves you forward, and you’re gone.
Your hand wraps around the knife, the Silver flares and flashes and consumes your body. You feel some part of your body give out—you’re not sure, everything feels like you and you don’t know what’s your body and what’s just the rest of the universe—and right before it all gets too big you see a flash of white, radiant light dissipate into the air.
And then you’re gone.
The whole world booming out and out and out, and you’re the gravity of the earth and the heat of its core and the flood and turning water in every ocean and the infinite loneliness of every star, and everything is-
It’s too much. Too big. You can’t bear it. You can’t really see anything, but you can see everything and you feel thin, stretched apart, not your own.
There’s no pain in your body for half a second, and you grit your teeth and squeeze your eyes shut to drag yourself back down as something curses and shouts around you and you crash back down into your own body like a comet.
And the pain returns. It hits you, blows right into your guts and rips at your skull as you choke on the Darkness, and it’s still too much. The knife is still in your hands and you can’t drop it, and someone is grabbing you and they feel right but something is wrong-
You choke out a word, and you don’t know what it means but it’s a prayer. A name.
Dean. Where’s Dean-
“I’m here,” the same low voice says your name, and a rough finger in pressed to your brow, running down your nose and easing the world back together. “I- Shit, we gotta go, there’s an alarm-“
You shake your head, repeating the word because it’s making things better. Dean. Dean. Dean-
“I know, I’ve gotcha, just- c’mon-“ Something steady grabs your face, and everything keeps mending as the spiderweb catches the touch and spins it into illuminating color in your body. “Son of a- Sammy said not to touch it, Princess, why’d you-“
You grab the hands over your face, keeping them where they’re supposed to be, and you can see him.
He’s beautiful. Golden. Better than the Sun, or that strange white light from before.
“Dean.” You whisper, and it pulls you a little further down. “You’re- Dean-“
“Yeah, I got that. Sweetheart, we need to go and if I gotta carry you, I will.”
You think he’s scanning over you for injury, but you can’t really tell because he’s just Gold.
Almost just Gold.
There’s something else. Something you’ve never seen on him before, even when he’s only been this same, striking Gold. It’s like a stain, or a scratch, or a wound. A mark on the Gold that’s wrong, because it’s seeping and pulsing like an infection, and it’s not yours. All of the Gold feels like it’s a little bit you. This dark red, bloodied mark doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to something steel gray and wrong and demonic-
Something clicks in your brain. Snaps into place and rushes through your whole body, and the sound that leaves you isn’t fully human.
“Dean.” You choke out, and you think your nails are digging into his skin but you don’t care, he’s going to turn to ash and blood but you need him, you can’t fucking lose him, not now, fucking God, no-
He mutters your name, and you shake your head frantically.
“What-“ You swallow, your gaze fixed on the brand. It’s a brand.
A claim.
“What did you do.” You whisper, and you can’t really hear yourself over the blood in your ears, but you know he can hear you. You know because he freezes. Because the spiderweb is aching and howling, and-
“What did you do?!” You’re half screaming. You don’t care. “Dean- you- why?! Why the fuck-“
He grunts your name, but there’s no fire and fight behind his voice. He sounds pained and worried, and it’s too much-
“I don’t- You’re freakin’ me out, I need you to tell me what wrong-“
You shake your head, almost clawing at his skin. “Why. Dean, why-“
“I don’t-“
Something bursts through the ringing and pounding in your head. Something loud and blaring, and Dean freezes again, turning away from you, and he’s going to leave, you’re going to lose him, he’s going to go away and you’re trying to grab at the brand and remove it but everything hurts and you can’t fucking breathe-
“No.” Something drags your hand from your throat—you don’t even remember putting it there—with a firm grip, and suddenly you’re rising. Not on your own legs, shaking and weak and not fully yours, nothing in you is yours but the Silver and the spiderweb, and they’re whining with pain because why, why the fuck would Dean do something so stupid- “We’re not doing that, we need to move. Hold on.”
The words feel like a commandment, and you listen to them without thought. You wrap your arms around Dean’s neck, and everything slowly begins to come back into focus as he holds you.
He’s warm. Solid and warm, panting slightly in your ear as he hauls you down the flashing hallway, and there are red lights flashing around you but they’re not as bright as Dean.
Still Golden.
Still about to be lost.
His touch and the smell of grass and spice are grounding you in your body, but the Silver won’t stop roaring. The Gold isn’t all yours. It’s supposed to be twined and fit with you, but Dean’s marked to be taken away, and it’s all you can do not to burst into tears. Every breath is forced and mechanical. You know you might strangle Dean with your grip, might mark him with your nails sunken into his skin, but then maybe you’d get to keep him. Maybe your stain would be greater than the one on the Gold, and you’d get to keep Dean.
You don’t notice when the blur begins. Not until it’s too late, and the only thing louder than your blood in your ears and the pounding of the Silver against your heart and ribs is the Darkness. Tearing from the Silver and reaching out, an instinct engraved deep onto your nerves that something is wrong, there’s a danger and it’s coming and Dean-
The first one arrives before you can screech and choke a warning in Dean’s ear. All you’re doing is blinking in a frantic, rapid double-pattern, but he’s looking ahead at the hall and can’t see you anymore that he can see the demon. Almost materializing out of the blood-red shadows, raising a knife from Dean’s back and grinning at you like it knows, like it can see what’s making you fall apart and it’s reveling in it.
The blur slams into you full force, and before you can think you’re scraping out of Dean’s hold, shoving him away just as the venomous, raging and violent shape of green crashes into him.
It’s close, but the demon misses. Just barely. It stumbles forwards but recovers fast, and you’re still too much and not enough, feeling all the demons fury and the frantic pulse of the alarms and the ache of the creaking floor under your feet.
Dean shouts your name, and you hear it over the blur, but you can’t move. You’ve pressed yourself up to the wall as the Darkness starts to rip out of your control, you weren’t ever supposed to stop moving but you’re frozen. Everything hurts. Dean is roaring for you but you’ve already lost him and you’re horrible anyway, you never could’ve kept him, but it just fucking hurts-
He’s fighting. You can hear gunshots echoing in what sounds like the distance, but is barely a few feet away, see through the blur that Dean is swinging punches and slamming the rioting green into walls. They’re attacking him. Not you. None of them are even sparing you a glance, they’re all focused on Dean, and you can’t lose him. You need to get to him but you can’t move. You’re going to lose him and you’re not you and he’s not yours but you can’t fucking lose him, and you’re caught in a loop but you don’t know how to pull yourself out without letting the Darkness over take you, and if you do you’ll hurt Dean, and you can’t hurt Dean, not like this, not with the cancerous pain that always infected him but never made him leave for good, but you’re going to lose him for good and you can’t lose him and he’s gone but he’s right there and you can’t fucking breathe, can’t lose Dean, can’t hurt him, can’t move-
The blur freezes. For one quick second everything is captured stasis, and you can see everything so clearly it feels fake.
Three wrathful shapes of green, backing Dean into a corner as he swings a vase he must have grabbed from one of the pedestals in the hall, his face set in determination but something flashing in his eyes that you recognize.
A crack in the armor.
But it’s not aimed inward. It’s not caving into and crushing the Gold, not a knowledge that he’s surrounded, the vase isn’t useful against the demons, and his gun is lost down the darkened hall. It’s fear that’s screaming and reaching to get to you, sunken back down to the floor and choking yourself with a firm hand.
He’s not looking at the demon that has its knife raised, aimed right for his chest.
He’s looking at you.
And when everything rushes back, it moves to fast. You’re not breathing enough, so you can’t scream. You’re frozen, so you can’t move.
The demon’s blade sinks into Dean, just a little to the right of his heart, and you don’t care that you’re not you anymore. You don’t need to be you for this.
The Darkness is let out with your will. You urge it on, letting it turn you into more than just a panicking girl in a corner.
You don’t really know what you are. You don’t really care.
All that matters in the weak noise of pain that left Dean when he fell to the ground, and the fact that you want something to suffer for it.
You’re more than the Darkness this time, though. The White is just as savage, and violent, and righteous. You’re something that makes the Green balk. Cower. Fucking retreat.
They don’t get three steps away before they’re nothing. Not killed. Not exorcized. Eliminated. Crushed and folded and turned into just another part of the sheer power you can feeling, rushing through the world and bigger than anything. It’s a part of you. It’s too much and you don’t care, because it more than you should be able to handle, but you’re not overwhelmed. It feels right. Whatever you’re meant to be, it’s this. Silver and vast and furious and-
The spiderweb in your body pulses weakly, and something smaller and concentrated makes a noise that sounds like your name. It sounds important. It’s golden and barely a spot on everything you can see, but it’s the only thing stronger than you are and you’re looking through everything for it—even as something pure and White tugs your further into whatever you’re turning into—because you need it, more than anything you need whatever is calling you-
The noise repeats, and the spiderweb is white-hot with pain, and you see him.
Everything falls back into you. And it’s loud—alarms blaring and people shooting from somewhere in the distance—but it’s just you and Dean in the whole world. You fall to your knees at his side because there’s never anywhere else to be, and you don’t know if you’re choking on the darkness, or the air, or your own heartbeat when you see the blood over his chest.
He’s supposed to have time. You’d seen it, on the mark, that he had time. Not enough time, but time. You still need to scream at him for being an idiot, and you need to pretend you hate him for doing this to you when it really just hurts, and you need more time-
He’s making strained sounds that still sound too much like your name, but he’s so pale, and his eyes are barely open, and when your hand finds his brow he’s already cold.
And the Darkness is still bubbling at the surface. And you might hurt him but he’s always half-gone, and you won’t lose him. Not like this.
“Dean,” you whisper, and you think you can feel your heart cleaving in half at the moan that escapes his lips. “I- I’m sorry. I didn’t- You’re- If this hurts, I’m so sorry. Just don’t leave. Please don’t go- I- Here-“ You grab his hand, and his fingers through your like it’s an instinct, but his grip isn’t as tight as it’s been before. “Don’t go. You’re not allowed to go, so fucking don’t. And I-“ You take a shaking breath, and you’re choking on the pain. The Darkness rotting and molding around your lungs, trying to claw out and fix this.
You’ll let it. Just this once, to keep him, you’ll let it.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, and you know he doesn’t hear you. He doesn’t even move. “I’m sorry, Dean. But I won’t- I won’t.” Another stronger breath. No other way.
You just need more time.
Your head bows to his chest, you press your brow to his shoulder, take a ragged breath that’s just to keep yourself together, and you let go. The Darkness falls out of you, right into Dean. Not just a drop. All of it.
It’s not painful. It takes you a second to realizes, but there’s no pain at all.
And it’s not the Darkness, it’s the Silver. Flowing out of you like a breath and rushing through the Gold—driven on by the spiderweb and moving a little deeper into Dean’s body than you’ve ever known existed—as the stench of metal fades.
When you lift your head back up, Dean’s eyes are fully closed, but his wound is gone, his breath is even, and his heartbeat is steady under your hands.
But there’s something new. You blink at him, looking so peaceful—his face relaxed and full of color like nothing ever happened at all—and right next to that brand, there’s something that hadn’t been there before.
It grooved and running over him like little cracks of iridescent color. Glowing and pulsing and rushing through his whole body, and they don’t look wrong but there something deep, deep under them. Shifting and humming and-
You marked him. More than just one small spot, more than just condemnation. There’s Silver in the Gold because you’d lost control and marked him, and it doesn’t seem to be painful but you never should’ve fucking lost yourself, you should’ve found another way, should’ve tried harder to only let less of the Silver out, should’ve just called-
Sam shouts your name, and you hear him barreling down the hallway behind you. Dean shifts a little against you, leaning closer to your body, and you don’t know what to do.
The knife is discarded on the floor, the hilt pressed right against your shin.
All you can work out is that Sam can’t touch it. You remove your own knife from against your thigh—keeping one hand tangled in Dean’s—and replace it with the new, dangerous one, right as Sam stops at your side.
This is going to be hard. And complicated. And painful.
But you don’t know what to do.
So you’re glad Sam is here.
“What the hell happened?” He breathes, and you take a deep breath, brushing your hand over Dean’s brow.
He’s warm again, and something loosens in your chest.
“We got jumped,” your voice is soft, but you’re afraid that you’ll wake Dean, and he needs rest. “The Assassins. But they went for Dean, and he got hurt.”
Sam drops to your side in a fraction of a second, and you don’t need to look at him to know he’s panicking. “Fuck- Where’d they-“
“He’s fine.” You mumble. “I fixed him.”
“You-“ You can feel Sam’s gaze on you as he says your name. You don’t really care. You don’t want to look away from Dean. “What did you do.”
“I fixed him.” You repeat, and Sam sighs.
“You didn’t use the-“
“I did.”
“And the demons-“
“I destroyed them.” You don’t like how passive you sound about it, but they hurt Dean. He’s the world, and they hurt him, and no guilt festers in your gut.
You hope it hurt. You hope that they didn’t end up wherever dead demons go. You hope that they spend the rest of eternity sufferings as a million disbanded particles, feeling the pain of everything the same was you always have.
Sam repeats your name, and there’s a caution in his voice that he’s not very good at hiding. “I thought you said you weren’t going to use it-“
“I know.” You shrug, finally tearing your attention for Dean’s pretty, consuming face and meeting Sam’s eyes. “And I don’t care.”
“Look, I-“ Sam glances down at Dean, running a hand over his face with a shake of his head. “I know you care about him, a lot. Like, so much I don’t really understand it, but-“
“Sam.” You say, keeping your voice so neutral it rots on your tongue, because this is going to kill you, but you can’t let it. Not when you still have time. “When is it going to happen?”
He blinks at you, his expression faltering slightly. “When-“
“When is his time up.” You whisper. “When are they coming for him.” and Sam flinches, but doesn’t deny it. You’d prayed you were wrong.
You’re not that lucky.
“I- did he tell you-“
You shake your head, and every movement is too much. “I saw it. When.”
Sam just stares at you, and you swallow.
“Please, Sam.” You’re begging. There’s nothing else to do. “I- I need to know. Please.”
“Three months.” He mutters, and he won’t meet your gaze. “We- We should go. We can’t stay here, and this is-“ He sighs, shooting Dean’s sleeping body a glower. “This isn’t the place to do this.”
You nod, everything in you feeling a little numb, and help Sam haul Dean up between your body, shuffling him out a back door to the Impala.
Sam could’ve carried him. Dean’s not small, but Sam’s bigger and stronger, and it might have been faster to just toss Dean into Sam’s arms.
But you think Sam knows now isn’t the time to pull Dean from your side. Not as your head continues to spin around three months. Dean has three months.
You can’t lose him.
But he only has three months.
You’ve never been so purely numb like this. There’s still the pain—increased tenfold and almost knocking you to your knees as the Darkness shreds itself apart—but everything else is numb. Not numb like nothing. Numb like too much. Numb like the spaces between the stars, filled with something but too big for it to be identifiable. The world suddenly too much in a way you’ve never experienced before, where it’s vast and cold and lonely like a pit left in your chest by something you’d never know was removable in the first place.
It’s numb like grief.
But Dean isn’t gone yet. He has time. You’d marked him in a way you know you’ll never forgive yourself for, and you’re almost strangling the Darkness to keep yourself upright—with nails and bitten lips and held breaths, by fucking force because there’s no other way—but you’d bought Dean more time.
And he’s here. He’s still here. Just for now Dean is slumped into your side on the Impala’s back bench, his head pressed into your stomach as he holds you like you’re a buoy in an invisible storm, breathing heavily but still breathing.
You can hear him breathing. You can feel him holding you. You can run your fingers through his hair and feel him almost relax from the movement, and you can see every shadow of the road dance over his handsome face. You don’t need to grieve him now because he’s here, and he has time.
You have time.
“I got the blade.” You mumble, tracing over the line of Dean’s cheekbones. “It’s in my- fuck-“ Your breath catches in your throat, and you look up to Sam as panic start to seize over your chest. “Sam, my knife-“
“I grabbed it.” He mutters. “It’s in my jacket. I know it’s important to you. It’s- Dean got it for you.”
You nod, hoping Sam can feel your gratitude, because you don’t know what to do. To say or figure out, and you’re stuck in loud noise and too much color like a broken TV, and you’d talk to Sam but you really can’t look at him, because he’s still one shade wrong, and you don’t know what to do-
“How’d you work it out?” Sam asks, his voice barely audible over the engine, and you swallow.
“I told you, I saw it. It was like a- sort of- I-“ You take a shaking breath, shaking your head. “I don’t want to talk about it. Please.”
Sam grunts, and time stretches so slow. You don’t speak again until you’re parked back at the motel, until Dean’s hauled back into bed—your bed, the bed you share, if you lose him you’ll have to learn to sleep again without Dean, and you don’t think you ever really knew how—and Sam drops in a chair, running a hand over his face with a long breath.
“I wanted to tell you.” He mutters, and you look up from the dresser with a frown.
“I swear,” he says your name, and there’s something in his voice that so desperate you can’t look away. “I told him, over and over again that he needed to tell you, but he- It’s Dean and he, I think he was worried you- Shit, he thought you’d leave-“
“I know.” You pull out the new blade from your thigh, turning it over in your hands. The words are still shifting, they still read the exact same, and the Darkness wants it almost as much as the White and the spiderweb are screaming for you to return to Dean’s side. “I have a theory about something. I’ll need to run it past Jo and Bobby, but I think I’m right.”
Dean would laugh and say you always think you’re right.
Sam just blinks at you. “A-“
“Theory.” You shrug, grabbing a spare, dirty shirt from the top of the dresser. “I’ve told you about all the colors, like with the arrowhead-“
“Yeah, but-“
“I think I worked out what they are. It- It really makes a lot of sense, and I don’t know how we’d confirm it, but-“
Sam says your name, his voice firm as you wrap the Blade in the shirt. “Why are we talking about this?”
“Because.” You whisper. “I- I need to.”
“But now that you know, you can help us-“
“I don’t know how, Sam.” You flinch at your own tone, and you have to brace a hand on the dress to keep yourself from the ground. “I- I can’t fix this, I’ll make it worse, I’ll make Dean worse-“
Sam mutters something, and you can’t hear him over your own short breaths or the ringing into your ears.
“I hurt him, Sam. I’m going to hurt him and I don’t know what to do- I don’t know what to do-“
You can’t breathe. Sam moves like he’s going to try to help you, but he’s too slow and too hesitant and you stumble back with a strangled, weak sound.
“I can’t- Please- I don’t- I can’t-“
You’re pressed back into the wall when Sam reaches you, and you’re too tired to fight. Too frozen to claw and scream, only able to take uneven breaths and sob into Sam’s shirt as it sinks further into you.
You’d hurt him, and you needed him like he could never need you, but you were going to lose him. Forever. No coming back, no spell or ritual or scream of his name to the sky bringing him back to your side. You marred Dean with the Silver, you’re going to lose him, and he didn’t trust you-
That one’s new. Dean didn’t trust you, and the broken sound you make is almost inhuman. Sam knew. Bobby probably knew. And Dean didn’t want you to know.
He thought you’d leave. He didn’t trust you enough to know you couldn’t drag yourself away from him—not permanently, not in a way that razed every piece of your body more that it hurt him—if you tried.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You whisper, leaning a little further into Sam’s hold. “I- If we talk about it, it’s real. Please.”
Sam sighs your name, and when he pulls back his expression on yours unreadable, but he nods all the same. “You need to promise you’ll talk about it with him. For my sanity. Please.”
“I will.”
You’re not lying.
You will. You need to.
Because you kick your dress of like it’s poison on your skin, and take a burning shower until your skin is raw, and scrub your body with sugar until everything stings, and the Darkness is totally under your control, but there’s a thin layer of grime over your organs that’s made of Dean.
Dean didn’t trust you. He wants you enough to keep you around, but he didn’t trust you. He thought you’d leave. He obviously can’t feel he pull—if he did, he know truly leaving is impossible—and that should remind you that you can never really have him, but it just hurts.
It worms and whines over your heart, and it hurts. More than just pain in your body, pain in something deeper, a little to the right of your heart and bursting will dulled colors because this hurts.
Dean’s right not to trust you. You wouldn’t trust you. You still haven’t told him about how wrong you are, but that knowledge doesn’t help. Knowing never helps.
It just makes this hurt more.
And you should get through this. You’ve always gotten through it.
But you can’t say that with certainty. This is too much, and you don’t know what to do.
You’ve always known what to do. And sometimes it was pain and isolation and suffering but it was something. And you’d known Dean was fine. Safer, even, without you there.
But you hadn’t been there, and you’d lost him without knowing it. If you’d been there you might have stopped it. You don’t know what it is, but you could’ve found another way because there’s always another way. You’ve always gotten through it, and you’ve always found another way, and you’re caught in the loop again, but you don’t know what to do-
You don’t know how you end up there—the world blurring in and out as you shuffle around, trying to find something that can keep you busy—but you’re lying flat on the bed, right at Dean’s side. Staring up at the ceiling and caught in the loop with no sign of breaking out.
Sam said he was going out for a drink, and to call him if you need anything.
He just doesn’t want to be here when Dean wakes up.
When you hear a throat clear, and a low groan escape his lips, and turn your head to find him already watching you. Looking right through your neutral expression with a small frown, shattering whatever composure you’d had in a just a second, just by existing.
Dean opens his mouth to say something.
He doesn’t get the chance.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He blinks at you, frown deepening as he scans over your face. “I- uh-“
“The demon deal.” You whisper. “I know, Dean. I- Why?”
You don’t know what you’d expected him to do. Fight. Deny. Lie and spin his way around it.
But he just… caves.
“Sammy tell you?” He mutters, and you’ve never heard him sound more hollow. No charm lining his tone, no fury laced through his every word. Just heavy exhaustion. “I told him not to tell you.”
“Why.” You repeat, pushing up on your palms to stare down at him. “Why, Dean, why didn’t you want him to tell me- I-“
“You didn’t need to know-“
“You don’t get to make that choice for me!” You half scream, and he doesn’t even flinch. “I- I don’t know why, Dean, I just need to know why-“
“You didn’t need to know. It’s not like you’re the one that’s dying, Princess.” He snaps, but there’s still no fight in it. You wish he would fight.
Because you want to scream at him. You need to tell him that you’re furious because you are the one that’s dying. Some part of you that you’ve never understood is going to fucking die because Dean’s-
You can’t say it. You can only be caught on repeat, curling into yourself as you shake your head over and over, repeating the only thing you can think of.
“Why what?” He grunts, and it’s still not angry enough. “Why’d I do something so stupid? Why’d I sacrifice everything for the one person I got left? Mom’s been gone, Dad was gone, you left-“ He pauses, blinking at you with a small shake of his head. “I- It was just Sam, he can live a life-“
“You can live a life!” You protest, digging your nail into your skin to keep yourself from reaching for him, and he scoffs.
“Yeah, okay-“
“I mean it-“
“I know you do.” He mutters. “But that’s not how this shit works-“
“I don’t care! I don’t care how anything works, I don’t care why you did it, I care that you didn’t fucking tell me-“
“Why, you gonna save me, Princess? Gonna work one of your best hunter tricks and pull one over on Lilith for my soul?” He raises his brows at you, and blink.
The Darkness is riot in your body, but caged all the same, and the Blade is over on the dresser, but you can see Dean. Right into him. Past the skin and bone and tissue, right into him.
He’s vulnerable. There’s something that’s deep, deep in his eyes that you’ve never seen in full light before, but something is shifting and it’s like a floodlight has pushed right through it. As if all the stars concentrated into one thing and aimed to the ocean, looking right down into its trenches and pits and seeing every bit of life hidden under.
There’s so much color. It’s luminescent and strange and lonely, but there’s so much. It’s beautiful. Dean’s beautiful. Even when you want to fucking murder him, he’s beautiful.
He’s waiting for you to leave. You can see it. How he’s tensed to build up some barricade to prevent a flood of burning gold. How those cracks you’d left on him are already festering, preparing for your departure.
And that’s something you can do.
You can prove him fucking wrong, and keep him, and save him.
He’d said it like it was a joke.
You mean every single word that spits out of your mouth.
“You’re not going to die.”
He grunts, still just staring at the ceiling, and you lean over to eclipsed the ceiling light. He needs to see you.
“I’m not fucking leaving.” You hiss, and he stares at you with a slightly parted mouth. He’s Golden. He’d have to toss you away with his bare fucking hands and bullets, and even then, you’d still crawl back.
Dean says your name slowly, and you shake your head.
“Partners, Winchester.” You snap. “Safer together, remember? You’re not dying on my watch, so suck it the fuck up.”
Something strange flashes in his eyes, and his voice slightly hoarse. “You should go. Now. Before Sammy gets back.”
“It’s your best shot-“
“I don’t fucking care. You’re fucking stuck with me, asshole, and we’re getting you out of this if it kills all fucking three of us. Got it?”
He scans over your face, then down your body, and you don’t understand the expression on his face at all.
“No.” He mutters, his gaze stealing slightly as it meets yours, and there it is. The fucking fight. “You’re not dying, Princess.”
“You’re not the boss of me-“
“Yeah, I got that, but if you die, and I’m dragging you to hell with me. Swear you won’t die.”
He raises his pinky, and you blink. He looks like he wants to kill you.
He’s making you pinky promise.
You raise your own slowly, but narrow your eyes and yank it back at the last second.
“Anything else you need to tell me, Winchester?”
“Nah.” He shrugs. “Deal’s kind of a limit one per customer thing.”
He’s smirking. You don’t laugh.
“We’re doing this my way.” You snap. “Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You keep something like that from me again, I’m killing you myself.”
“Got it. You gonna just keep making demands about my death-“
You hook your pinky through his, and shake it firmly.
“Stop calling it your death.” You snap, leaning back to lie at his side. Keeping your pinky hooked. “You’re going to be fine, you fucking idiot.”
He chuckles. “Bossy.”
You roll your eyes, and decide to strangle him later. After this is done, you’ll shout at him all you want.
But you have three months, and it’s not enough time, but you’ll make it enough time. The only thing you won’t do is use the Darkness—you won’t hurt him further, and he still doesn’t know, and that’s too fucking dangerous and complicated to touch—but you won’t need it.
You only need Dean. And he’s not allowed to die.
So you’re not going to fucking let him.
End Note: That might have been the most Babylon chapter I've Babyloned yet.
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“You had better tie me up, darling…” very nsfw (f*ck or die) update for Rogue Astarion in part 7 “Bites in the Night”

Astarion x F!Reader |E| 5.5K F*ck or Die Smut
Summary: He isn’t well… something he’s consumed… the blood of a Succubus in the heat of battle by mistake. He needs release… help… or else undead won’t be an accurate description of your vampire rogue any longer.
CW: rough sex, bondage, Sex Pollen Trope but blame those Succubi, feral rutting, blood kink (does that go without saying yet?), implied shared infection, tongue bath, raunchy and yet sweet confessions from his undead lips.
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Better get your rope…
Sunset always brought the demons out to play… and this time it had been real. Everything about the Shadow Cursed Lands fit the name… but you had all made it at last to the Last Light Inn.
Not without blood spatter and slaughter, fear and relief once victory over the Hellspawn was won.
Now at last, you can take your rest. In peace.
Most of your companions still drink and eat to their heart’s content. Of course, not your Rogue. After the fight, he had looked… gaunt. Tired. You had promised to come and let him feed, but first you needed your fill. He had flashed his smile at you before heading up the creaking stairs.
That was an hour ago. Now, you make your way to those same stairs, only to catch Shadowheart hustling down with wide eyes, Gale looking much the same as he follows.
“Come with us,” they whisper, leading you up the stairs in a hurry.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, anxiety darking your tone.
“It’s Astarion, he’s… unwell.” Gale… always so vague and polite.
“He’s in a rut,” Shadowheart snips back, exactly. “Literally.”
“What?” you startle.
“During the fight, he must have bitten and drank Succubus blood.” Gale rubs his fingers at his temple. “He’s locked in his room, but I fear he will claw his way through the door until he finds… relief.”
“Sex, you mean?” you can’t help but correct him too.
“It’s bad,” Shadowheart presses her lips together. “The blood is ten times worse than the spittle. Like, if he doesn’t find relief soon he could expire. Again. It’ll last him a full day to work out of his system.”
Your eyes go wide, your stomach sinking as well as your jaw. “Isn’t there some countermeasure? Some spell or… or potion?”
Shadowheart opens her hands, a small scroll in it. “Not for him, but for…”
“Me…” you realize. Your body tingles with the idea, that heady mix of fear of death and thrill of fucking with him. It always swims in your system before you go to his bed, but this time. It feels… more… exhilarating. More deadly. Riskier.
“It’s a scroll of Greater Protection… just in case he gets carried away.” Gale’s face screws into a look of discomfort.
“Keep your cunny from giving out on you.” Shadowheart winks.
That sinches up the knots in your stomach now. And by the time your cleric recites the spell, the dust in the air swirling into your lungs, you know you can’t turn back. You can’t forsake him.
You take a breath once they both wish you good luck, reassurances that the spell should be enough to keep you safe… but that they would come running if needed. That’s when Shadowheart stops you one more time, behind Gale’s back. She makes her face shush you silently as she shoves something into your hands.
A coil of rope. It tingles… enchanted probably for extra strength… that it could hold a deranged, sex-crazed vampire if worse came to worse.
That’s when you head up another flight of stairs, your heart beating faster with each step. Especially as you hear the grunts and growls that crescendo as you reach the landing. It’s easy to tell which room is his, the light under the door burns bright… the sounds of his voice raw and feral…
You hover your hand over the knob, sensing the magic that’s sealed him in. But you stop… that sound inside, you can tell already how he’s plagued. Rough, wet, and fast. The slap of his own hand tending to his… need.
You swallow, the beating of his fist on his cock already making you wet. Hells below… if there wasn't part of you that was just… tantalized. A small part, mostly cloaked in that heady fear to preserve your life.
But you feared no danger. And you by now… he would listen.
One last squeeze of the chord in your hand, you gripped the charged metal of the door, throwing it open.
He is naked, sitting on the edge of the bed at the back of the little room. His teeth glint in the firelight, his ivory skin glowing with sweat. Gods, if he had blood in his body, you are sure he would be beet red. His profile cut like the masterpiece he was. His throat bobbing as he swallows, the muscles of his arm bulging as he pleasures himself at a terrifying pace.
The sound as you shut the door behind him finally draws his attention.
He is… wild. Feral. Eyes so dilated, you can barely make out the ring of scarlet in them. His face shines from his exertions, he growls… like an animal… the second he sets eyes on you. His nose sniffing so hard at your scent… you can watch it open and close.
“Out!” He snarls, rising to his feet. That’s when you take in the full extent of his… suffering. He’s so erect, bigger than you have ever seen him. Harder. Throbbing so hard you witness it… where it stands almost vertically. Those intricate veins that usually rise subtly from his length strain dark, a web over his pale skin. “I’ll not hurt you, darling. Not you. Get out! I won’t have you!” He snaps his jaws. Every muscle in his body straining as he stands in place.
As if he’s fighting with himself.
“You will have me,” you snap back. “You don’t have a choice, do you?”
“Of course I do!”
“Not if you want to keep yourself in this realm. Undead you might be, but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you alive… undead…”
That made him smile. Dark, wicked and still slightly manic. But it was there.
His eyes rake down your body, devouring you as he dares to let himself take one step. His eyes fall to your hand, the tangle of rope hanging visibly at your side. “Seems someone had the wisdom to not to send you in here defenseless and you stink of protective magic. Good,” he shudders as he talks. That voice sounding hollow. Pressed. Barely above a snarl. “I haven’t said this to many… but you had better tie me up, darling…”
He groans, forcing his body to move stiffly to the bed. The wood frame creaks and cracks as he crawls in, his rigid frame laying down.
That erection makes your mouth water, despite the obvious agony your vampire is enduring. But you can’t help but be mesmerized by how tall it stands as he pants on the bed. You cross to him, he can’t look at you, holding his hands out for you to bind.
Your hands work quickly, securing his arms firmly together, wrapping them to the scrollwork of the headboard.
His breathing is rough, ragged. His body twitches, shuddering each time your fingers barely grazie his arms and wrists. “Please,” he groans. “If you’re going to do this, then by the hells do it!”
His eyes are wide as he strains to look at you.
Your body aches, sympathy pains twitch down your spine to watch him quivering on the sheets. Your skin feels hot, your own body breaking into a sweat. He’s licking his lips, “Gods, if you go any slower getting something on this cock of mine, I can’t promise your safety, darling…”
You reach for that straining length, the second you wrap your fingers around it, he throbs and groans and twitches. His hips bucking into your hand, legs propped up so he can fuck anything you can get around his cock. You beat against his thrusts, that hardness unrelenting even as you move quicker than you usually do. Looking into his face, you move even faster, his face contorted in agony, his teeth biting so hard into his lips he’s bleeding.
He thrusts and groans and cries as he comes. Spurts of his seed drip down his shaft, coating his already damp lap, trailing milky streams as far as his belly.
But his breathing eases for a moment, his muscles softening just a bit perceptively. And Astarion gives a single contented sigh. “All that with just your hand. You little minx… pacing yourself?” he purrs. “Won’t you at least kiss me hello?”
You give him a small grin, at least he sounds like himself. His eyes are a bit more focused, his voice a bit more silken.
What harm could one kiss do?
You lay alongside him, pressing your lips to his.
The moment you touch, you can feel it, the heat, the lust, and the agony roaring full force through his veins. He’s straining on his bonds, trying to claw you into him. His mouth consumes you, sucking your lips inside his mouth, drawing them deep enough for him to bite. The tang of blood covers your tongue. And his.
He’s frenzied for more, biting you again and again. Drinking the blood that leaks from your kiss. Then you feel it, his legs, untethered, grip around your waist, sliding you to cover his naked, throbbing body. “Astarion!” you cry, muffled by his mouth. But he has you pinned between his thighs. Not unlike that first day in the wreckage.
His erection presses into your belly, he’s grinding it against the linen of your shirt. Rough and aggressive. As if he means to tear a hole in the soft fabric. He keeps you there, humping and riding into your abdomen. Grinding against your mound. Sucking and drinking your kiss as long as you let him.
Not that you have much of a choice, caught in his legs. “Easy,” you breathe, managing to steal your mouth back for the moment. “Easy…” you soothe again, making your body bear down against where he dry fucks against you.
“There is nothing I have in mind to do to you that would be easy…” he hisses. His voice almost sounds… not of this realm. And you press out of the clutches of his fangs. But he just raises his head higher, eyes crazed at the sight of the wounds he’s made on your bleeding and split lips.
“Sorry,” you murmur as you catch his throat under your palm. “It’s for your own good.” You feel his breath rasp, the ragged swallows of spit under your palm.
“The minx has claws…” he growls as you keep his head down.
“Only when you make me use them, Astarion,” you smirk. “Now, if you can keep your mouth to yourself, I’d be more than happy to put mine to other uses.”
“Gods, yes,” he moans. “It’s unbearable, the lust, the need to drive into you. Please put me out of this agony, darling. Please…”
The second you wrap your lips around that fleshy, pulsing head, his cock twitches out of your reach. With a smile and a lick of your tongue, you grip his straining, iron length, holding it steady as you run from base to bulging tip. The bitter tang of his cum fills your mouth. Making you swallow. Making you realize just how used to it you will be before the day of this torment is through.
You manage to still him enough with his squirming and bucking to get your mouth around him. Gods, it’s like stone in your mouth, every vein dragging over your tongue and you suck. You manage to bob your head up and down, avoiding the way he’s thrusting to get more of him down your throat.
The noises from his throat sound pained… agonized panting for more. “That’s it…” he’s hissing as you swirl your tongue around that ridge of his head. “Gods, do that again.” You do, laughing in your throat as you run your tongue over that seeping slit in his tip… so tight as you lap the stains of his cum. You feel it under your hand that works the base of his cock, that thickening, quickening spasm.
He howls, jamming his length into your pursing lips. And this time, you let him. His seed spills down your throat, spurting over your tongue and dripping in your cheeks. More with every pulse as he slowly begins to still again.
One last suck, you swallow him down. Greedily. Wondering if that succubus magic isn’t somehow in your system too. It’s heady, intoxicating. The way he’s glaring at you with his flame-kissed, glistening sweaty face.
But for now, he’s calmer. For now. “Darling…” he’s sighing as he tries to ease into the bed. “You… didn’t have to do this, you know. It’s still such a risk… if I didn’t… care for you… who knows how much of your body would be in one piece when this finally passes.”
“Oh I’m sure I’d leave in one piece… but maybe mostly bloodless and unable to walk straight…” you laugh leaning over him, placing a kiss on his dampened lips.
He slips his tongue in right away, searching for the taste of him in your mouth. He growls again, that throbbing suffering of lust raging beneath his skin again. “I want to see you,” he snarls. “I want to take you naked this time, my pet.” You shiver at the echo of pure desire in his silken voice. As if it doesn’t always drip with seduction. This… you shiver. This was even more wild, unchecked, feral. The need to rut. To fuck.
He looks at you with those heavy-lidded eyes, so dark with his lust, his attraction for you, you feel your own arousal dripping between your thighs. He purrs,“I want to be inside you, darling…”
Your hands couldn’t tug your clothes off fast enough, cursing the practicality of breeches. At last, you stood as he wished. Bared. Ready.
You scramble on the bed, throwing your legs around him. He seems… steadier. Still harder than rock, but less desperate. He strains against his binds, wriggling his lean and wiry body beneath you. So beautiful, every etched line of his muscles, every rise of his stomach, every vein that protrudes in his arms.
You caress him, once on his chest. So damp with sweat. Running your tongue up the center of those muscles, he shivers. The salt of his body makes your mouth water again.
“Hells, are we sure you haven’t ingested the same as me, my sweet?” He croons with a soft little laugh. “Or is this just all for me, darling, to ease my suffering.”
“To keep you alive? I’d do so much more than just lick the sweat from your body,” you taunt back, your voice so low and sultry, you barely recognize it.
He flashes his fangs at you, licking his lips. “Like slipping that sweet cunt on me? Riding me until you are dripping again?”
Ugh… you moan. “Yes,” you pant, “like that.”
The moment he feels your drenched folds hover over his cock, he spears into you. He screams at your union. “Sweet hells,” he groans, voice rasping and sore. “Yes, darling, give me everything. I can take it all…”
You lean over him, your hair cascading down in a curtain as you splay your hands on either side of his head. Barely brushing against his damp, unruly silver locks. You give the smallest rise of your body, the steadiest drag of your walls around his cock. He cants his hips beneath you, timing just right to shove up into your cunt as you settle back down.
A chorus of groans escape you both. He’s sputtering, “Please, darling, again,” over and over. Each time you give him what he wants, only to have him careening up into you harder. Begging for you to go faster.
Soon, your pace is breakneck, your own body shimmering in sweat as you buck and writhe and groan.
His eyes never blinking, those dark black pupils are wide as he watches your face twisting as you chase your own climax, flickering to the swaying of your breasts as they slap together each time you fuck him. They dart to watch where you are joined, where his stiffening cock pierces between your thighs, drenched in his cum and your arousal with every loud, squelching slap you make.
He’s merciless, finally hitching his hips to drive the hardest into you yet. You feel it when he comes inside you now, the sheer volume of his spew, hot and dripping from inside those walls where he’s buried in deep. Your belly aches from where he’s hammering against the end of your channel. More cum with each twitching spurt you feel. He screams like one wounded, his orgasm drawn out as you chase your peak yet. But he’s panting beneath you, catching his breath as he licks his lips.
Even more limp this time.
You’re relieved in your heart, even if your loins ache from the friction, the need to still release your own bliss. His brows furrow, his lips pouting as he looks into your eyes. “I’m… I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be,” you gasp, even as your arms quiver and your thighs shake with the need to continue.
“No,” he squirms and tugs at the tethers. “Infernal rope. If you just let me free, I swear I’ll make it up to you…”
Your mouth waters. He would probably just find a way to break it or chew through that rope if he had to. A smirk plays across your lips, leaning forward to reach your knots. His cock slips out from inside you as you do, making him groan again.
The rope tugs apart in your fingers. Instantly his hands pull free, he shoves you over his face, so close already as you lean forward. He growls, his tongue slipping into your folds. His hands claw into your, gripping at the backs of your knees, spreading you wider as he eats into your cunt with all the hunger you feel raging in his body.
Starving, he feasts on you, and it takes all your strength to hold yourself up, hands splayed on the mattress over his head. That swirl of his tongue… that sucking of his lips on your clit, you already creep closer and closer to that swirl of heat simmering ready to consume you. It sweeps through you, cresting and tearing from your core up your spine.
And then, the world spins. His arms clutch around your legs, throwing you over. You're screaming, still spasming and clenching around nothing. Until your back is sprawled on the bed… until he’s shoved his cock into the last dregs of your orgasm. It makes you whimper his name once more, until you feel another spasm ripping through you.
Only this time, he’s pounding into you, thrust by thrust. Giving you something long and hard and cold splitting you in two as you go limp beneath him. His mouth descends on yours, sucking your breath from your body even as he traps your lips, your tongue with his own.
Manic, driven, he fucks you like one possessed, eyes wide as he finally pins you beneath him. Having his way with you as he chases that required release.
You lay back, still swollen and numb from your pleasure. But he is nowhere near close, not as his hands claw down your side, latching around your legs to make you wrap around his narrow waist. “Gods, you’re so tight, so wet… there have been none like you, darling. None I have wanted as badly as you.” He growls, fingers reaching around the backs of your ass, clamping into your cheeks. He raises you just enough to drag his length all the deeper. Making you keen and mewl and sputter incoherently.
Every nerve in your body hums, every patch of pleasure between your thighs feels him inside you. Gods, if it wasn’t for that scroll, you are certain you would pass out, lying there unconscious while he works this tainted blood from his own body.
By using yours.
By using you.
It makes you smile. Twisted and delighted to be so at his disposal. You were used to his fangs in your neck, his cock plowed into your cunt and his hips clenched between your thighs… but this…
This was intoxicating. Unbridled, unihibited fucking.
For his own sake of course.
That tainted blood and its magic being burned up with each time he filled you to bursting with his seed.
And as if his fixated eyes, hazy with his lust, can read your thoughts, he groans as he thrusts the harshest into you yet. So deep and hard and wild, you wriggle and claw against him as if you could shove him away from where he prods at the end of your cunt. But he only laughs. A laugh swallowed up as he is thrown off by another climax, another spilling of his cum that runs down your body and sticks to your skin. He pants as he looks straight into your face, manic and depraved.
“By the time this is through, your belly will swell from me, won’t it, darling? So filled with my cum, gods, you’ll be leaking for a week. For a fortnight.” He kisses into your neck, your body shivering at the chill of his breath on your skin. “And I’ll have the pleasure of smelling it, of remembering every time you took it so well, darling. I’m so very pleased…”
You look at him, half lidded and panting as he lifts his mouth from your flesh. “As I am…” you hum, running your hands up the ridges of his back, over those mysterious lines of Infernal, to thread your fingers into his damp silver hair.
He purrs as he kisses your lips, a sigh of his satisfaction as he tangles his tongue with yours. You taste yourself still in his mouth. Always so hungry, he is. It makes you wonder… “Aren't you going to beg me to feed, Astarion?”
“Hmm, if the offer is on the table, I’d love nothing more than to sup on… all… that you have to offer…”
He slowly slinks down your body. Your breath quickens, heart racing as he wraps his arms around the backs of your thighs. “Sweet hells, you're going to…”
The lap of his tongue up your seam again unravels you immediately. Your hands fly into his hair, pushing him away and pulling him deeper into your cunt with equal measure. You don’t know which you want more. He’s feeding on you, humming in delighted pleasure as he licks his cum from your folds, his eyes gazing up into your face as you pant and watch. Mesmerized by every dart and swirl of his pink tongue.
He licks his lips, “There is only one thing sweeter than the taste of us,” he purrs, low and deep in his throat, before he laps in a long, wet streak up your thigh. “Your blood, darling, my first living blood, and the last I ever want to drink in the realm…”
Your heart skips a beat, his words sweetening the pain of his bite into your thigh’s supple flesh. “Yes, love, yes,” you feel the wave of your joining… your connection by blood as you now fill him as he has filled you.
“That’s why I call you my sweet, you know… my little treat. None I have tasted… nothing comes close to how your blood sings in my veins like the way your body trembles beneath me.”
He bites you again and again up and down your thigh… little nips of his fangs, making blood drip down the softness of your skin as he licks every tiny trickle.
And all the while, he growls hungrily as he feeds.
It isn’t pain that fills you… not even pleasure. It is pure rapture. Pure bliss that rides up and down your spine. His fingers slowly, languorously curling into your folds, catching on that secret spot just inside that he knows so well.
“You’ve been so generous,” he purrs, letting the low rumbles of his voice shake into your already throbbing folds. “So good to help me through this. Giving me everything.” He glances up from between your thighs, pure wicked delight on his handsome face. “Well, I hope you haven’t given me everything. I think this tainted blood is going to take much, much more before it’s through…”
He pauses his sweet words to circle your clit, sucking it hard in time with the pulsing of those long, cold fingers inside you.
“You will come for me again, won’t you?”
You can’t even get a word in before he builds you to bursting. Driving you to shatter on his hand, under his mouth, as that voracious tongue laps at the arousal that spills from you. Your world spins, nothing but his touch on your skin, his fingers still clenched deep in your cunt.
You’re floating, limp as your muscles flood with warmth and pleasure. Steadied only by the bed at your back and the little sucks of his lips and the wet passes of his tongue over the blood on your thighs.
“Mmm,” he hums as he draws himself up to sit between your outstretched legs. “Every time with you is just perfect. And not just because it’s chasing the devil from my veins, you know…”
He shifts over you, dragging that heavy, cold, unyielding body across your skin. Making you shiver. Spasm. Making you reignite with desire for more of him again and again. That knee… that wicked, provocative knee… it creeps beneath yours to hook you, to spread you wide again as he glides his cock through the mess of your unions already drenching you.
“Seems you still have some of the devil in you, needing to be driven away, hmm?” you flirt, trying to maintain some composure, until he grinds against your already overstimulated folds, your aching clit, reducing you to nothing but moans and spasm.
And he laughs. “Why, my darling, it seems your body is as raging as mine.” His hands stroke against your cheek, fingers teasing their tips into your errant strands of hair that stick to your face. “Why, if I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were the one infected, if I didn’t still have this raging erection needing release…”
You catch him by surprise, buckling your knees around his waist, the wetness of your cunt almost drawing him inside you as you buck against him.
He groans, just a little thrust of his hips and he’s sheathed, so deep and already pulsing with that tainted, blinding need to fuck again.
You giggle, watching his eyes darken, his lids lowering to gaze with all the raging lust in his body upon the one he desires. The only one. As he is yours. You sigh, running your hands up those intricate scars of his back, “I am infected too, you know. Infected by my need for you, perhaps.”
His kiss descends to cover your lips, but it is one of tenderness. Longing. Unsated need softened by the affection that brims in the way he takes you this time.
He is slower, deliberate. Each thrust an offering of adoration for your body. Each drag of his cock inside your folds an expression of his gratitude, his devotion.
His proclamation that you are, in fact, perfect.
Your body rides his, melting into every motion your legs tight around his narrow waist, his arms slinking around your shoulders, pressing your face into the broadness of his shoulder. You gasp against his neck, wrapped in his pleasuring of you, as if you could pull him into your very being more.
That rhythm, that rocking, it begins to sweep you away, binding you to his body. Claiming you for his own. That same fever crawls in his veins as he clutches at you, that tempo increasing harsher. Faster. Until he’s groaning with all his feral drive again.
He pulls out from you, only to slam himself into your cunt, every inch of that long, pulsing length of his filling you to bursting.
He can’t take his eyes off you, raised up in his hands now. His crimson glare consumes your every reaction, every twitch and grin and grimace of painful bliss that he commands from you. Pummeling into you over and over again, your hands claw into his shoulders, slipping down his back to savor the feeling of every undulation of his hips into your core.
“So good… so perfect…” he purrs, ravenous in his gaze, “my only blood… my living blood…” the hard lines of his body ride over every nerve in yours. Your body burns. On fire. Consumed. His words tingle in your ear, caressing your heart that raps in your chest, pattering in time with his merciless thrusts.
It’s brutal, it’s unrelenting.
It’s wonderful. The sliding of his sweat soaked body over yours, your skin flaming and damp. “Hells,” you groan as that thick head of his cock presses and drags over that sweet spot in your channel. “Astarion…” you moan his name, almost incoherent aside from all he is.
“Mmmm darling,” he rasps, “no sweeter sound than my name on your lips… well,” he hums giving you thighs and extra hard slap that squelches with all your sweat and arousal, “aside from the way your body sounds as you take me over and over again so eagerly…”
Your eagerness peaks, your body ripping in two around the rapid plundering inside you. You sputter his name again, a moan that tears from your throat, a scream that makes his handsome face twisting in ecstasy as he rams hardest yet, pulsing and hitching and forcing his eyes to stare as you unravel. Sopping and drenched, the warmth of your fresh slick mingles with his, coating your thighs and his as it seeps from where you couple.
He groans, dropping his weight on you, blanketing you in his scent and sweat and panting frame. He places his damp forehead against your cheek, his cool breath making you shiver as he finally seems to relax. Even if his cock is still hardened and buried inside you.
You feel the rigid planes of his body slipping across yours with every one of your combined breaths. Signing in relief, you relish just how dirty you feel.
How dirty you’ve been.
“Once this has worked its way from your system, you will need to bathe me,” you pant. Your fingers linger and stray through the damp and sweaty curls of silver that stick to his face.
“That can be arranged…” those eyes, that face suddenly twisting again with all the depravity he still has simmering under his skin and in his mind. “Or would you settle for my tongue instead, darling?”
You shake your head, face bright, amused and skeptical. “As if you could accomplish that without bending me over in your state…”
“Mmmm,” he nuzzles against you, tilting his face to run the cold, damp pad of his tongue up your jaw. Laughing as you tremble. “You assume I could accomplish such a feat as resisting your charms without this suffering of tainted blood…”
He slips his cock from inside you, and you moan into his mouth, turning to bring that taunting smirk against your lips. Just for a moment kissing him, before he returns to lapping and caressing your sweat soaked cheek. You sigh with relief, stretching your legs, clenching them together to relieve the throbbing of your muscles.
And this was with that magical healing to sustain you.
You shake your head, in amused, affectionate irritation. Feeling his still erect cock beginning to rub against your hip. His tongue darts across your neck, the unvoiced question in the deliberate lapping and dragging of his fangs on your flushed and pulsing neck.
“For the love, please,” you pant, arching into him with your feverish body, your lust still matching his each time it rises, even as your muscles and marrow scream for reprieve. “Just a bit of rest, love, surely that tainted blood’s hold on you is lessened…”
“But what of your hold on me, hmm?” he rasps into the rapid pulse of your neck. “What if it’s not the succubus whose magic has consumed me, driven me mad and feral, making me no more than a rutting beast…” he gives that low throated giggle. “Your fault, you know, my sweet.”
You breathe heavily, aroused and exhausted in equal measure. “I take full blame,” you laugh weakly, “but it’s only because you’re so beautiful…”
“And witty… and passionate…” he adds a roll of his hips as he utters that last word, grinding that still hardened cock against your side.
“Just… a breath,” you plead. “Just a moment. You don’t seem to be so near death’s door now…”
“I’ll try not to take offense at that barb, given how good you’ve been and how much I’ve fucked you senseless,” he chides.
You laugh again, a bit of a whine in your voice. “Can’t you take care of just one by yourself…”
He murmurs in your ear. “Darling, I’ll take my pleasure from you in every way, in every hole, until this tainted blood is burned up in the blaze of my lust for you,” he groans, “or until I’ve completely exhausted you, leaving you spent and heaving. And then I’ll simply seek my own pleasure just at the sight of you sleeping.”
You stretch, clenching your whole body hoping for that release and rest. If he lets you have it for a moment. “Mmmm, well love, sounds like I’ll really need that bath in the morning any way you come at it…”
He giggles again. Naughty. Dirty. His hand now wrapped firmly around his cock, rubbing for himself, letting it beat against your skin softly. “Oh… I’ll come at it, don’t you fret… darling.”
#astarion smut#astarion x female reader#astarion x reader#astarion x you#astarion x f!reader#reader x astarion#fuck or die#sex pollen#but let’s blame the succubus blood#astarion baldurs gate#baldurs gate astarion#baldur’s gate astarion#baldur's gate 3 astarion#bg3 astarion#astarion bg3#astarion#vampire rogue#astarion romance#astarion fanfic#astarion fic#bg3 smut#bg3 spoilers#baldur’s gate iii#baldursgate3#baldurs gate smut#baldur’s gate 3#baldur's gate#baldurs gate 3#baldur's gate 3#baldurs gate
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The Weight of Words We Can't Take Back
pairing: asshole! ellie x Joel’s adoptive daughter!reader
Summary : You’re Joel’s adoptive daughter, living in Jackson, Ellie and you have been dating for 2 years and everything’s going well until it isn’t causing Ellie to snap and give you the silent treatment.
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Warnings: Angst, Mean Ellie and the silent treatment + fluff at end.
Very Mean! Ellie x Sunshine! Reader coded.
Requests open!
The Tipsy Bison buzzed with its usual evening crowd when everything fell apart. You and Ellie had been together long enough - two years of shared breaths, stolen kisses, and promises whispered under starlit skies - that everyone in Jackson knew you as a unit. The sunny-natured girl who'd stolen Joel's heart and his brooding, fierce adopted daughter. A perfect balance, they said.
Until tonight.
It started with patrol routes, like many of your arguments did. But this was different. The mountain pass had claimed three lives last month - good people, experienced fighters. The kind of loss that left holes in Jackson's tight-knit community.
"I'm taking the mountain route tomorrow," Ellie announced over your shared plate of Seth's famous fries. Her tone was casual, but you knew that set of her jaw. "There's been infected activity reported, and I'm the best shot we've got."
Your heart dropped. "El, no. Maria specifically said that route's off-limits until the snow melts. Even Dad agreed—"
"Joel doesn't make my decisions," she cut in, that familiar defensive edge creeping into her voice. "And neither do you."
"This isn't about making decisions," you countered, trying to keep your voice level. The couple at the next table was already stealing glances. "It's about being smart. Being safe. What happened to Danny and the others—"
"Happened because they weren't prepared!" Her voice rose slightly. "I'm different. I'm immune, remember? If anything goes wrong—"
"Being immune doesn't make you bulletproof!" The words burst out louder than intended. A hush fell over the nearby tables. "What about last summer? When you came back half-dead because you thought you could handle that bloater alone?"
"That was different—"
"No, it wasn't! You spent three weeks in the infirmary. I had to watch while you—" Your voice cracked. "While you fought for your life because you're so damn determined to prove something!"
Ellie's eyes flashed. The whole bar had gone quiet now, watching the unfolding scene. "I don't need to prove anything. I need to do my job, which is protecting this place. Protecting you."
"And what about the people who love you? What about Dad? What about me?" You could feel tears threatening. "Do you have any idea what it does to us every time you throw yourself into danger?"
"Oh, that's rich," Ellie laughed, but it was a harsh sound. "Coming from Little Miss Sunshine herself. You think just because Joel took you in, because everyone loves your perfect, optimistic ass, you get to tell me how to survive? I was surviving long before you showed up with your fucking rainbows and happy endings!"
The silence in the bar was deafening. You saw Jesse start to rise from his seat at the bar, saw Dina's hand fly to her mouth. But Ellie wasn't done.
"You want to know something?" She stood up, her chair scraping against the floor. "Maybe I'm tired of pretending. Tired of playing house and family dinner and whatever the fuck this is. Maybe some of us don't get happy endings. Maybe some of us are just too fucked up, too broken to—"
"Ellie!" Joel's voice cut through the bar. He must have just walked in, but the look on his face said he'd heard enough.
But the damage was done. You stood slowly, your whole body shaking. The tears you'd been holding back spilled over, and for the first time since you'd known her, Ellie's face showed a flash of immediate regret.
"Y/N," she started, reaching for you, all the anger suddenly gone from her voice. "I didn't—"
"Fuck you, Ellie Williams," you whispered, the words foreign on your tongue. You never swore, never spoke with anything but kindness. But this - this was different. "Just... fuck you."
You ran. Past Joel's outstretched arm, past Dina's concerned face, past the whispers and stares. Out into the cold Jackson night, where the stars that usually held so much wonder now seemed to mock your tears.
That was the beginning of the silence.
[First Silent Treatment - Day One]
The morning after the fight, you woke up in your old room at Joel's. He hadn't said a word when you showed up crying, just opened his arms and held you like he did the day he found you - half-dead from infected, but still fighting. Still hoping.
You spotted Ellie at the stables during morning patrol assignments. Your heart did that familiar dance - leaping at the sight of her, then remembering why it shouldn't. She was gearing up, checking her bow with mechanical precision, when you approached.
"Ellie?" Your voice was soft, hopeful despite everything. You held out her favorite travel mug - black coffee, two sugars. A peace offering. "Can we talk about last night?"
She stiffened. You saw her fingers tighten on the bow, saw the muscle in her jaw jump. For a moment, something flickered in her eyes - pain, regret, longing. Then nothing.
She shouldered past you, the coffee untouched, leaving nothing but the ghost of her presence and the scent of pine needles that always clung to her clothes.
The mug slipped from your fingers, shattering on the stable floor. Jesse appeared from nowhere, already sweeping up the pieces.
"She didn't mean it," he said quietly, gathering ceramic shards. "Any of it. You should have seen her after you left. She punched a wall so hard she broke two fingers."
"Then why won't she talk to me?"
Jesse sighed, looking older than his years. "Because Ellie's got this way of punishing herself. And right now? She thinks hurting you is what she deserves."
[Second Silent Treatment - Day Two]
The greenhouse had always been your sanctuary. Today, the warmth felt stifling. You were replanting those strawberry seeds - the ones you'd been saving for the garden you and Ellie had planned behind your shared garage. Your shared everything, until now.
The door creaked. Your heart stopped.
Ellie stood there, looking lost in a way that made your chest ache. Dark circles under her eyes matched the bruises on her knuckles. She needed supplies - the greenhouse was the only source for certain medicinal herbs.
"The yarrow's fresh," you said, voice trembling slightly. "I... I remembered you were running low."
She moved like a ghost through the rows of plants, past the tomatoes you'd grown together, past the herbs she'd helped you name. When she reached the yarrow, her hand brushed yours. For a split second, electricity sparked between you.
"El," you breathed. "Please."
She yanked her hand back like she'd been burned. The door slammed behind her with such force that leaves trembled from nearby plants.
Dina found you crying among the strawberry sprouts.
"She's not sleeping," Dina said, sitting beside you. "Keeps walking past Joel’s house at night. I caught her standing there at 3 AM, just... staring at your window."
"I miss her," you whispered. "Even when she's right in front of me, I miss her."
[Third Silent Treatment - Day Three]
Family dinner at Joel's had been sacred for two years. Even during your worst fights, you'd both shown up, kept the peace for Joel's sake. But tonight, the empty chair beside you felt like an open wound.
Joel had made his famous venison stew - the one that always made Ellie smile, even on her darkest days. The bowl sat untouched before her empty seat.
The front door opened. Ellie stepped in, freezing when she saw you. Her hair was wet from patrol, her jacket dusted with snow. Something dark stained her sleeve - blood? Your heart lurched.
"You're hurt," you said, already standing.
She turned and fled, the door banging shut behind her.
"Goddammit," Joel muttered, throwing down his napkin. "Baby girl," he said to you, using the nickname that always made you feel safe. "Stay put. I'm gonna talk some sense into that stubborn—"
"No," you stopped him. "She's not ready."
He looked at you with sad eyes. "You're too good for this world, you know that?"
"That's what Ellie used to say."
[Fourth Silent Treatment - Day Four]
Movie night at the community center. Your heart was already in pieces, but seeing her walk in with Dina, deliberately avoiding your usual seats - it felt like those pieces were being ground to dust.
You'd found "Jurassic Park" - her favorite movie. Had planned to use it as a peace offering. Now you sat alone in the front row, the empty seat beside you a monument to everything falling apart.
Throughout the movie, you felt her eyes on you. Every laugh from the crowd made you think of her commentary during previous viewings. The way she'd squeeze your hand during tense scenes, even though she'd seen it a dozen times. How she'd whisper facts about dinosaurs in your ear, her breath warm against your skin.
Jesse found you in the projection room later, rewinding the film with shaking hands.
"This has to stop," he said, pulling you into a hug. "You're both drowning without each other."
"I don't know how to fix it," you sobbed into his shirt. "I don't know how to reach her when she won't even look at me."
"She looks at you all the time," he said softly. "You just can't see it because you're too busy looking at the ground. She watches you like she's dying of thirst and you're the last drop of water in the world."
[Fifth Silent Treatment - Day Five]
The final straw came when you took the mountain pass patrol - her route. The very thing that had started this whole mess. Maybe it was stupid, maybe it was reckless, but you needed to understand. Needed to know what drew her to these dangerous paths.
You didn't expect to find her there, perched on a ridge, watching your approach with wide eyes that quickly turned to fury.
"What the fuck?" She broke her silence at last, voice raw with disuse and emotion.
"What are you doing here?"
"The same thing you do," you answered steadily. "My job."
She moved toward you like an approaching storm. "You can't— This isn't—" She stopped, chest heaving. "You shouldn't be here."
"Neither should you."
Something broke in her expression. For a moment, you thought she might finally talk - really talk. Instead, she turned away, shoulders shaking.
"If you won't talk to me," you called after her, your voice carrying across the snow, "at least talk to Joel. We all miss you, El. Even if you don't miss us back."
You saw her pause, saw her hand come up to wipe roughly at her face. Then she was gone, leaving you alone with the wind and the weight of all the words you couldn't take back.
That night, after your confrontation on the mountain pass, the storm that had been threatening all week finally broke. You sat in your old room at Joel's, watching lightning illuminate the mountains where you'd seen Ellie hours before. The thunder reminded you of her - wild, unpredictable, earth-shattering.
A knock at your door. Joel.
"She's at the water tower," he said softly. "Been up there for hours in this rain."
"Let her freeze," you muttered, but your hands were already reaching for your coat.
"Before you go," Joel caught your arm, his eyes serious. "Found her in the garage earlier, starin' at that guitar you two fixed up together. She was cryin', baby girl. First time I've seen her."
Your heart clenched. "Dad—"
"Just listen. Remember when I found you? Half-dead in that old library, surrounded by infected but still readin' stories to those kids you'd protected?"
You nodded. It was the day that changed everything - the day you gained a father and, eventually, a love you never thought possible.
"Knew right then you were special. Same way I knew about Ellie. You two... you're like those strings on her guitar. Different notes, but they make something beautiful together. Even when one's out of tune."
The rain was freezing when you stepped outside, but you barely felt it. Your feet carried you to the water tower automatically - how many nights had you and Ellie spent up there, counting stars, sharing secrets, planning futures?
She was hunched at the edge, soaked to the bone, looking smaller than you'd ever seen her. Your approach wasn't quiet - it never was, she always teased you about that - but she didn't turn around.
"If you're here to yell at me," her voice was hoarse, "get in line. Pretty sure Joel, Jesse, and half of Jackson already have dibs."
"I didn't come to yell." You moved closer, careful, like approaching a wounded animal.
"I came because my stupid, stubborn girlfriend is sitting in a thunderstorm, probably catching pneumonia, and apparently being dramatic is contagious."
A sound escaped her - something between a laugh and a sob.
"You know what the worst part is?" She finally turned to look at you, her face streaked with rain and tears. "Every time I walked past you, every time I forced myself not to speak, not to reach for you... it felt like dying. Over and over again."
"Then why?" Your voice cracked. "Why put us both through this?"
"Because!" She stood suddenly, gesturing wildly. "Because I'm poison! Because everyone I love either dies or leaves or—" She choked on the words. "And then there's you. You with your sunshine smile and your stupid optimism and the way you make everyone fall in love with you just by existing. You're everything good in this fucking world, and I'm just... I'm just me."
"Just you?" You stepped closer, anger and love warring in your chest. "Just the girl who spent three weeks teaching the settlement kids how to read? Just the person who risks her life every day to keep everyone safe? Just the idiot who climbed through my window every night for a month because I had nightmares about the library?"
"That's different—"
"No, it's not! You want to know what I see when I look at you, Ellie Williams? I see the girl who hums while she cleans her guns. Who doodles dinosaurs in the margins of patrol reports. Who taught me to play guitar even though I'm terrible at it, and never once stopped smiling when I hit the wrong chord."
You were toe to toe now, both shaking from cold and emotion.
"I see the person who makes Joel laugh," you continued, poking her chest. "Who sneaks extra rations to Maria when she's working late. Who named every damn cat in Jackson and pretends not to care about them but always saves scraps from dinner."
"Stop—" she whispered, but you were on a roll.
"I see someone who survived hell and still manages to be gentle. Who acts tough but cries at sad movies. Who makes stupid puns just to see me smile. Who loves so fiercely it scares her."
"I see you, Ellie. All of you. The mean and the sweet and the broken and the healing. And I'm not going anywhere, so you can either keep pushing me away and make us both miserable, or you can kiss me in this stupid romantic rain and then come home before we both get sick."
For a moment, she just stared at you, water dripping from her eyelashes. Then her hands were in your hair, pulling you close with a desperation that took your breath away. The kiss tasted like rain and tears and coming home.
"I'm sorry," she breathed against your lips. "I'm so fucking sorry. For everything I said at the Bison, for pushing you away, for being such a—"
"Colossal idiot?"
"I was going to say ass, but yeah, that works too." She pressed her forehead to yours. "I love you. Even when I'm being impossible. Especially then, probably."
"Good," you murmured. "Because I love you. Even when you're giving me the silent treatment and making our whole family stress-eat Seth's cooking."
A genuine laugh bubbled out of her. "Dad stress-baked three pies yesterday. Three." You held up three fingers.
"I know. Dina and Jesse ate most of them while planning ways to lock us in a room together until we worked things out."
"Guess we saved them the trouble." You smiled looking into her eyes.
She pulled back slightly, her eyes serious. "I can't promise I won't get scared again. Or that I won't try to push you away when things get hard. But I can promise to try. To talk instead of run. To remember that you choose me, every day, even when I don't understand why."
"That's all I need." You brushed wet hair from her face. "That, and maybe a hot shower before we both turn into ice sculptures."
Later, wrapped in warm blankets in your shared garage Maria and Tommy gifted the two of you. Ellie traced the constellations of freckles on your shoulder - a habit you'd missed desperately these past five days.
"Hey," she said softly. "Remember what you said last month? About wanting to plant a garden?"
"The one with the strawberries? Yeah."
"I, uh, may have started it. During the... you know. When I couldn't talk to you. Figured if I couldn't say the words, I could at least grow something beautiful. Like you."
Your heart swelled. "Is that what you were doing in the greenhouse?"
"Among other things." She reached under the bed and pulled out a journal - one of her many. "I wrote to you. Every time I couldn't speak. Every time I saw you cry and hated myself for causing it. Want to read them?"
You took the journal with trembling hands.
"You sure?"
"Yeah," she smiled - that rare, soft smile reserved just for you. "After all, you're the only one who gets to see all of me, remember? The mean and the sweet and everything in between."
Outside, the storm had passed. Through the window, stars began to peek through clearing clouds - the same stars you'd spent countless nights naming together. And as you curled into Ellie's side, her heartbeat steady against your ear, you knew that some loves were worth the storm.
Even if they came with a side of dramatic water tower confessions and stress-baked pies.
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harpy shoko ieiri x f!reader
plot: while lost at sea, you find yourself saved by a monster yet unable to leave.
summary: as you recover, you find yourself bonding with a monster but her friends are cautious of your existence — a/n: this is yandere, so it will still feel unsettling at times.
chapter 2 of 5 • < previous chapter • next chapter > main masterlist • ao3
Chapter 2: Danger?
You stared at the bird-like, human-like hybrid that nestled before you with both caution and awe, battling between falling asleep and staying awake at the same time in a conflicting moment. Internally, your instincts begged for you to get away but your heart told you otherwise—claiming that this creature only wanted to help—to give in, to not fear the unknown.
As she woke up next to you, her attitude seemed almost… indifferent towards you, as if dissecting who you were, analysing your very being. It was ever so slightly unsettling, if you were honest but you tried hard to not let it bother you considering the bizarre circumstances otherwise.
Your eyes drifted around her form, taking in the coppery brown feathers that adorned her body with a sleek amber sheen; looking straight ahead into her deep, black eyes that you could have sworn absorbed all hope into exhausted nothingness and yet… there was a flicker of something just beyond what she let on.
Was it hope?
You couldn’t quite yet tell.
Slowly but surely over the last day or so, you worked with her to attempt to communicate that you couldn’t live the same way she could, only for her to share a common tongue with you. It was frustrating, but you had to wonder why she withheld such crucial information from you. There was otherwise the chattering from before, something akin to bird-like warbling and then there was an understanding, albeit with an outdated grasp of what you otherwise knew.
“Fire,” you repeated in an attempt to get her to understand, her initial response to the word was met with flinched retaliation, but as you continued to preach the requirement over and over, she warmed up to it. “I need… fire for warmth, to cook so that I can eat,” and just by looking at your leg, not knowing exactly what was going on beneath the bindings, you likely needed to cauterise the wound lest it got infected, too. You needed fire to do such a thing.
Tilting her head to the side, she then without warning leaned into your personal space with an intrigued sort of intensity. Her breath was warm against the cold air, generating a puff of steam as she spoke, “Fire… can’t happen,” she replied with a soft tone, tracing a path down your jaw with the back of her clawed finger, “you can get better with me.”
“But, but…” you piped up to argue, feeling ever stubborn, “I… humans,” you tried, pointing at yourself to convey understanding, “I need to cook my food and… and… I need warmth, I need to treat my wounds… I…”
Her eyes could only narrow as you listed off your demands for survival, seeming not quite annoyed but once again, perhaps a little apprehensive towards the admission of flames. She tried to help though, addressing one issue at a time, “Your wound?” she referenced first, lowering her hand and drumming a finger along the seaweed that wrapped around it. “It’s healing,” she stated as she unwound the makeshift gauze, revealing that it was looking quite better, almost impossibly so at the rate that had transpired, “it might feel… strange, because of the magic properties, so it tingles.”
You blinked, your brows knitting in slight confusion. “Magic…?” Were you dreaming, after all? Because otherwise, where exactly have you ended up where magic wasn’t just some make-believe concept found in stories?
She seemed to laugh a little at your surprise but nodded either way, her voice sounding assuring, “I can heal. It is my… ability. So you are safe with me.”
“O…kay,” you slowly replied, trying to accept the bizarre turn of events, the entire situation was already unreal, so you tried for now to accept the situation as it was laid out in front of you. “You’ll keep me healthy, right? But.. I still need warmth and the food issue…”
As you trailed off, she addressed the other point, aligning her body so that her form almost cuddled around you, enveloping you within her feathered form, her wings acting like plush blankets. You found yourself settling your back against her chest, finding that she provided a wealth of heat radiating from her being, surging an almost near-searing hotness that immediately stifled any goosebumps, that silenced any shivering.
“Oh…” you warily trailed off, “this… this is nice,” you admitted, settling into her body. In truth, you were still all sorts of terrified despite the comfort otherwise offered to you. You tended to run your mouth when you were nervous, never quite shutting up about what was happening around you, should an event be something you couldn’t understand nor feel safe in. It was a bad habit really, but you supposed that she didn’t see it as such, so this was already a pleasant change from what it was like back at home, where your inquisitive nature was often rather punished instead.
And instead of any conflicting response as you had so feared, this feathered creature didn’t once instruct nor snap at you to be quiet, nor even vaguely suggest it. Instead, she pulled you in tighter, allowing you to feel the full extent of the warmth she was capable of giving you. Although you couldn’t help but feel that there was something darker lurking beyond what she offered—at least when you caught fleeting glimpses of those eyes you couldn’t quite tear away from—no, there was something troubled deep down beyond what she let on, something… dangerous.
You tried your best to decipher the true meaning of what went on beyond that intensive stare but you couldn’t quite catch it. Instead, you just remained huddled tight against her, feeling as her fingers crept towards the seaweed, stroking delicate paths around the bindings until you felt something sharp. Her finger pushed a little too hard in, perhaps on accident, breaking through your tender skin. In response, you seethed out a whining gasp, jolting back in pained retaliation, at last snapping her out of the trance she seemed to be lost within.
“My apologies,” she replied in an almost blank tone before realising the extent of her damage, “I did not mean to…”
You furrowed your brows as you searched for a response, but before you could properly reply, she quickly parted away from you, covering you up in what made up her nest. Twigs, stray feathers, tufts of fur, and dried seaweed weaved over your body, planting her palms flat against your chest as a soft glow emitted from her own channeled healing energy. Slowly, you were lulled into what felt like a tired pull, something that anchored you toward an exhaustive state.
“Sleep,” she whispered, her voice like warm honey dripping smooth against your weary ears, “you will feel better again, and… I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Unable to fight the pull any longer, your eyes fluttered shut, feeling both in danger and yet comforted beyond your wildest comprehension at the same time.
Shoko ensured that you were secure and concealed within her nest, perfectly camouflaged and warm before she took a step back. She raised her fingernail that she scratched you with to her face, locking onto the remnants of your blood, feeling a surge of guilt sweep through her body.
You were just a human so why did she prolong your visit?
Sighing, she lept up and fluttered her wings with heavy fluttering beats, cruising herself back to the home island that wasn’t too far from the cliff she resided on. Surely, there must have been something edible that grew within the lush greenery that made up the land. Fire wasn’t an option, so perhaps something else would have to work for now. She tried to remember what humans liked, what they seemed to eat in contrast to her raw diet, understanding that you couldn’t eat the same way that she did, as frustrating as it was.
Slowly, she collected what looked to be suitable vegetation, but then she heard the landing whooshing flutter of the only two other beings that occupied the isles, scrambling slightly to hide the foraged contents under a cluster of fern nearby, pushing it back with her feet.
The first one landed first; a silvery bird-like man just like her with a sapphire sheen that reflected through his otherwise frosted feathers, regarding her with those stark crystal blue eyes that she had always found just a little bit unsettling. The other one followed suit, landing with a little less grace than his friend; the rolling gusts of wind generated from such heavy waves that the contents were revealed either way. She watched as he landed to a halt, pushing himself up from his knee to reveal his deep raven form with brooding amethyst eyes that stared right back at her.
“What are you up to?” the contrasting man spoke first in her own language; a complex string of cooing and chirping and whistling alike, his intense blue eyes catching wind of the fruits that gathered near where she stood. “What’s that?” he corrected his question, his voice adopting a playful edge as his curiosity got the better of him.
“It’s…” Shoko began, wondering where to even start.
Before she could continue though, he plucked a fruit from the ground, taking a bite and allowing for his expression to sour at the taste the second he processed it. “Ah,” he coughed, spitting out the contents onto the ground, “you wouldn’t like these, Sho.”
“It’s… not for me, Satoru,” she admitted with an unsure sigh, feeling apprehensive about revealing her findings—about revealing the concept of you.
“Then who is it for?” the darker-feathered man asked, his voice slightly more calculated, maybe even accusing as though sceptical about the company she kept.
“Do you have a new friend, Sho?” Satoru exclaimed with a thrilling buzz in his tone, almost naively so.
“You know we’re the only ones,” the other one replied, silencing his friend’s excitement before turning his sights back to her, “don’t tell me that they’re a…”
“Don’t question it too much Suguru,” Shoko replied, keeping her tone measured. “What I do in my own space isn’t for you to worry about.”
He scoffed a little, eying up the fruits and back to the direction she resided in. “Those pesky things had a wreck a while ago, that ship that littered itself into the seas. Surely you didn’t…?”
“A human?” Satoru interjected, seeming both curious and cautious at the same time. “But they…”
“Destroy,” Suguru completed his sentence for him, “they destroy, Satoru,” he then turned his sights back to Shoko, watching as she contemplated her next actions, his tone coming off as a little accusatory, but in his mind, rightfully so. “You know what those… things are capable of, right Shoko? Do you remember what they did to our home? I just can’t bring myself to understand… why you are looking after one… of… those?”
“I don’t know,” she murmured, “I just feel like there’s something different about this one.”
“Well,” Suguru sighed, “I’ll trust you to be careful,” he said as he gathered the fruits from the ground and gave them back to her one by one, “as long as you promise to return them at some point. You and I both know that they can’t stay here forever. They don’t belong here, after all.”
With that note, he lifted himself off the ground and flew away while Satoru lingered around for a moment longer, his playful demeanour fading away into something more sentimental, something more serious. “You have the best judgment out of all of us, you know? Whatever your decision is, even if Suguru doesn’t like it, will be the correct one, right?”
“Right,” she nodded, watching as he flew away too, leaving her with conflicted emotions as the weight of their words continued to linger in the air, inviting an almost suppressing aura of doubt. However, she too, soon returned to where she was prior, reuniting with you.
She emptied her findings in front of you, letting the contents spill over your lap as you slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. Shoko stifled a snort as she watched you find something you were familiar with, digging into it with deep-rooted hunger, finding that she quite enjoyed your reactions.
Humans were something of an anomaly to her, maybe even to Satoru. She understood why Suguru was cautious, especially after the incident, but there was something different about you. She was sure of it.
Maybe it was the odd mannerisms or the way you spoke and seemed to fret over every little thing, how you annoyedly plucked out branches and twigs that poked through your clothes, how… perfectly content you were to cosy up to her when she got closer to you.
She watched on with curious intensity as you wiped your mouth, ready to speak.
“Can you… take me somewhere… more familiar?” you asked, trying to find the right words. “When I get better? I can figure my own way back… probably.”
The question however caught her off guard, remembering Suguru’s words about needing to return you. But that much was only when you were better, right? That could be reasonable enough of a condition. Her eyes flicked over to the crusted maroon that clung to the edge of her clawed fingers, adopting a deep, dark idea.
Loneliness had invited selfishness to manifest and now you were here. Ah, what a troubling thought, but… if it meant spending time with you for longer, then…
“Yes,” she replied with a sickly sweet tone, feigning a promise, “when you are ‘better’, then I can help you reconnect.”
Knowing that deep down, she wasn’t about to let you go back.
Not if she could help it.
this is part 3 of lilac’s bite sized yandere nightmares
#shoko#ieiri shoko x reader#yandere shoko#mythical au#fantasy creatures au#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#harpy au#harpy x reader#monster x reader#monster x human#shoko jjk#shoko fanfic#ieiri shoko#jjk shoko#shoko ieiri#shoko x reader#shoko x you#shoko x y/n#jujutsu kaisen shoko#jujutsu shoko#shoko ieiri x you#shoko ieiri x reader#yandere x reader#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk x fem!reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x y/n#jjk x y/n
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pairing: leon kennedy x partner!reader summary: leon kissed you during a mission. you confront him, but leon struggles to tell you the truth. that he loves you. words: 861 words, short and sweet. warnings: pretty angsty! leon deals with his trauma & self hate badly. light suicidal ideations. notes: i originally wrote this with my resident evil oc in mind. but i re-wrote this to fit into a reader perspective for tumblr to hopefully enjoy. written from leon's pov in mind. ummm, not super proofread BUT yeah. idk. it just spilled! i have pt. 2 and 3 already written but not sure if theres much interest tisstiss
"Leon, the kiss-"
He knew that the kiss was going to haunt him, that he would never be able to take it back. He placed his lips on yours, feather-like; as if he kissed you too hard you’d crumble under him. That’s all it was, he defended. A moment of weakness. But it was gone all too soon.
He sat on the bed, defeated. His shoulders stiff as he leaned forward, resting his weight on the elbows that were resting on his heavy legs. He felt your eyes burn into him. You were upset, confused, your emotions swirled in your throat, and Leon just sat there, silent. He refused to look at you, he couldn't.
"Please." you plead.
And the guilt piles in his stomach once more. The canine teeth of his shame sinking in on his shoulders like pure poison, pumping his veins. He felt like he always made you feel like this, always selfishly hinging his feelings like bait, giving you bits of evidence to his true feelings whenever he felt like he would suffocate; whenever his heart burst at the seams. All he could do to defend himself was that this was for your own good, that it's nothing. You shouldn't know, you can't know, it would- it would- what would it...
That's what he thought about himself.
The truth was that Leon was scared of allowing himself to live in rose fields, let alone walk in them. After Raccoon City, he was so used to spending time in the dim and dark. The bright worlds felt foreign, forbidden; like something his mind and body had long forgotten. the light: it felt like a fantasy, you were like a fantasy. But Leon would rather let his heart waste away inside him than chase after a dream. His dream for safety, security, and knowing that his heart would be protected, shielded from his nightmares and guilt.
"Please, just talk to me."
But Leon kept his mouth shut, his head lowered to avoid seeing your silhouette. Had he given in, had he let his mouth confess his true feelings for his partner; he would have simply had to build another cage for his heart to live in: the inevitable fate of heartbreak, disappointing the one he loved the most. Leon had allowed himself to melt into his self-hatred long ago, feeding the insects at his feet and meeting the soil like honey. He would never admit that loudly, though. That would be thoughts he would sink with until the sticky soil met his broken body, his dampened soul melting into the stars. Or so he hoped.
Moments of silence pass, and as you stand in front of him, he notices your hands picking at each other (a bad habit, he knew that about you). For a brief moment, Leon allowed himself to marvel at you, to selfishly gaze at the only thing that mattered in his life.
The sun, he thought. He bit his tongue even harder, feeling his jaw clench tightly. Don't do this. Don't be so selfish, don't. What makes him think that he could ever pay off his mistakes, his sins that came back to haunt him every night; clawing at his back. The morbid pictures of Raccoon City were carved inside him, deeply imprinted into his body and mind. He couldn’t allow himself to lose another, especially if the person in question was you.
He had imagined it if you were there that night, if he had lost you to the memory of Raccoon City. In his scenario, he would clammer his hands tightly onto yours. You’ve been infected, sick and weeping as you rot in front of him, your body actively decaying as he tries to fix you, trying to squeeze his power into you. You cried, blaming him for your slow, painful death. But that wasn’t a reality, and it was something he avoided by not telling you the truth, by not admitting that he loved you. Desperately.
Maybe he was destined to be married to his work and not the person who stood in front of him. Had he thought about it? Absolutely, more than he would like to admit. Whenever he had trouble sleeping at night, his mind would wander into his better fantasies. He had played a ridiculous amount of scenarios in his head, all that would never come true. they would range from holding his partner's hand while they slept, to him taking photos of them as they explored the world together and the beauty that remained.
“Leon, please-”
You felt your heart in your throat as you begged Leon with desperate eyes to speak, to answer your questions and feelings. You were filled with warmth, and your warmth was all Leon wanted to indulge himself in, to dive into. He wanted to feel you, to allow you to sand down his bones and brain until all he could be was the remains of his love, your love.
And he could just taste it, the sweet taste in his mouth. It was unbearable. He felt himself shred his hearts walls, the sting burning its remains in his chest, and all he could spit out was,
"I love you."
#leon kennedy#leon kennedy x you#resident evil 4#leon kennedy x reader#leon x you#resident evil leon#idk anymore im sad LOL#suavemania#short n sweet drabbles
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In the Shadows of War [ Eiris ]
@erisweekofficial Day 5: War
A healer's heart. A soldier's promise. A tender moment between husband and wife as war wages on. / A Spirit Meets the Bones AU where Iris was already married to Eris during ACOWAR. / Read on AO3.
divider by @tsunami-of-tears
Iris was careful to keep her expression set, watching the scene before her.
Tents upon tents of soldiers. Some trying to rest, others trying to forget, the cries of the injured drifting between them all as death lingered over their shoulders, waiting.
She took a breath through her nose and then slowly released it to keep her nerves at bay. As one of the healers of the Autumn Court, she’d done everything she could to help those wounded. Carefully, and making sure Beron was kept unaware, she had hand-picked the best healers Autumn had to offer to join the trenches, for this fight would be a deadly one and Hybern certainly did not jest in his attacks.
Evening winds swept a strand of hair from her loose braid and Iris curled it back as her eyes searched for her husband.
With every soldier she’d healed, Eris sat at the back of her mind, the bond between them always checking, always confirming, that he was safe and he was alright. That he wasn’t hurt.
But Iris wouldn’t be reassured until she saw him. Until she touched him and checked every inch of him.
She waited as the sun slowly began to set, as more of their soldiers returned, half dragging themselves and nodding at her politely as she acknowledged them back.
But Iris stood in front of her own tent, until what felt like a lifetime later, she sensed him before she saw him and Eris finally crossed her line of vision, speaking rapidly with his brother, Emil.
Iris straightened and it was like Eris had sensed the movement, his eyes immediately finding her. His eyes never left hers as his mouth kept moving, giving orders to his brother and as he made his way over, Iris felt her pulse quickening.
Her expression hadn’t shifted and neither did his stoic one – it never would in front of an audience but Iris could tell her husband’s coldness wasn’t for show. Her Eris had not returned to her yet. This Eris was war-worn. This Eris was still on the battlefield.
Nodding to his brother who then disappeared with a thin smile to Iris, Eris stopped directly in front of her, the tips of his boots an inch away from her own.
He was a little roughed up. Dirt all over his armor, his hair tousled, and small scratches across whatever skin she could see.
Iris waited for a breath then another, swallowing before she asked softly, “Are you hurt?”
Eris seemed to struggle to find words. As if he was so exhausted, that answering this particular question was too much. After a moment, he took a breath through his nose and then answered, “A small scratch.” He nodded to his arm and Iris glanced down to where the armor had been torn, this cut deeper than the others. “It’s nothing.”
Iris’s lips thinned. “A small scratch can lead to big infections.”
The corner of his mouth lifted but his tired eyes remained cold. “I’m a grown male, wife. It would take more than a small scratch to kill me.”
The words felt like a knife to her gut.
Anything could kill him. He could die at any moment fighting a war sparked by a madman and her bottom lip trembled before she could control it.
It was at this that Eris’s eyes softened a fraction. “Iris –”
She turned on her feet without saying a word and a muscle feathered in his jaw as he followed her, stomping to their tent, and as he stepped inside, he felt the world finally go quiet. Silently, he reinforced the shield around the tent, his eyes on his wife who had her back to him, touching items he couldn’t see on their table.
He fidgeted slightly with his armor – he never could stand it when she was upset with him. But he was still reeling from what he had seen out there. All the chaos. All the noise. All of the violence and death.
Eris sighed softly and it was then, that she turned back to face him and he made his way over to her. He watched her, placing his helmet on the table and then glancing at the items laid out before them to find her healing supplies. The corner of his mouth ticked up as he gently touched the tin of ointment waiting for him.
Slowly, he let himself meet her gaze as she watched him and Eris found all of his worries – all of the chaos inside his own heart mirrored back at him.
Eris reached for her hand and gently clasped it in his. “I am not hurt,” he confirmed quietly. “It was a small scratch that has already healed.” He squeezed her fingers. “I am not hurt.”
Iris shuttered, closing her eyes as she squeezed his hand in return. “I’ve been so worried,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”
Eris shook his head, his thumb caressing the back of her hand. “I know,” he whispered in return. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
Iris shook her head, her throat bobbing. She couldn’t help watching him as he watched her, the coldness slowly leaking out of his eyes until he brought her hand to his lips, kissing it softly before letting go and slowly began to take his armor off.
But Iris took another step closer, placing her hand on his to stop him. “Let me,” she said gently and he glanced at her in silence, the heaviness in his chest a little lighter.
He desperately wanted to kiss her. He wanted to hold her until the death and destruction could be wiped from his memory. But Eris needed to wait. He needed to come back to himself first. To her question, he finally nodded, letting his shoulders drop.
Piece by piece, Iris worked to help him remove his armor. She let her fingers linger, caressing muscles as she went, feeling his skin, the blood pumping beneath it, assuring herself over and over again that he was fine. That he was alive and standing before her. Even as she wanted to launch herself at him, they needed a moment to get there. To be back together.
When he finally stood in only his trousers and undertunic, Iris swiped a washcloth across his face, her other hand following the movement to heal any small scratches she found and when she was done, Iris allowed herself to brush her thumb across his cheek, watching as he shuddered. It made her heart ache. “I have a bath prepared for you. Let me look at the cut on your arm then you can let yourself relax a little.”
“Relax.” Eris scoffed tiredly. “Death is at our doorsteps with this war. I can’t relax.”
“Well, death can wait,” Iris replied, her eyes hardening. “I need you here. With me.”
He found the corner of his mouth curling up against his will again, gently tugging on her hand until she moved closer to him. “You’ll fight the Grim Reaper, will you?” he murmured, his other hand tugging on her loose braid.
“For you?” she said and took a step into his arms, the softness in her eyes his undoing. “I’d fight every one of the gods if they tried to take you from me.”
Eris chuckled, her confession warming him inch by inch. “Death itself couldn’t keep me away from you, little gazelle,” he promised. “I’d crawl my way back to you.”
Her smile was gentle, one he could never quite get used to being directed at him but nonetheless, Eris felt his body melt into her as she curled into him.
“Then kiss me,” she demanded, her voice low, intimate. “So it’s always in the back of your mind who is waiting for you.”
Eris smiled slowly, a smile he reserved just for her, and pulled her fully against him. “As if I could forget the only person who makes me want to live.”
And so Eris sank his lips onto hers, and with her body flush against his, he knew he could get through anything – anything this war would bring, as long as she was the one he was coming home to.
#eris vanserra#eris vanserra fanfic#eris x oc#smtb#eiris#gfics#another short one today#hope you enjoy :)#erisweek2024
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Hiiiii, this is a snippet of a SuperBat Hanahaki AU I wrote up - it’s a bit weird and I don’t really know if I’ll go forward with this. It’s in Poison Ivy’s POV (lmao don’t ask me how I got here) and I LOVE this but I think I would have to go with a different version of the story I want to write if I keep this. So I’m posting this here for posterity and whatnot and I’ll probably re-write aspects of this into an existing project later. This has been lightly edited and is not beta’d. Enjoy!
Ivy doesn't get a lot of visitors. She gets plenty of wayward children and adrenaline-seeking teenagers that really liked to push the limits on her patience and graciousness. However, that plea deal she made with the city kept her a short, short fucking leash. And despite how easy it is to flick her wrist, send thorns and vines and venom towards intruders and disrespectful punks - she likes having the greenhouse. She likes keeping Robinson Park evergreen and yes, her sordid, traitorous heart was kept alight when she saw the young kids of Gotham gently step over tree roots and gaze in awe at her azaleas. That all being said - she's not quite a people person. And most people aren't approaching her unless they have a masochistic streak running through them.
"Ivy," grunts out the too familiar voice.
Ivy has a running theory that the Batman was, indeed, one of those people with said masochistic streak.
"Whatever mystery you're solving, I have no part in it," Ivy drawls, gently misting a particularly sad looking plant. She frowns. "You can check with your little Oracle - I'm sure she can scrounge up the camera footage somewhere. I've only been in my greenhouse."
"I'm here on business."
"And I just told you - I had no part of that business," Ivy says, sharper. The plant - the Passions Vine, maypop, Passiflora incarnata - begins to bloom anew beneath her fingertips. "You can't implicate me in anything."
"I wasn't planning on it," He says, with a strange lilt to his voice. Her ears twitch.
She turns, only slightly, in order to look at him. He's as imposing as ever, more of a shroud of inky darkness than a man. The white of his lenses and the faint curve of his pale jaw the only real visible parts of him in the dim greenhouse, especially in the shadows where he liked to linger. It's a familiar sight, which gives her a faint burst of nostalgia. How disgusting.
"Here on business, but not here to drag me off to Arkham?" She hums. "Color me intrigued. Do make it quick, though, you're interrupting my bedtime routine."
He only grunts. Ivy rolls her eyes, wondering how earth she found herself at the beck and call of this wretched creature. He finally steps under the blinking overhead light, awash in an orange glow. Without a word, he raises an upturned fist. When she arches a brow, he slowly unfurls his palm.
Three petals. Yellow, slim, long - flecked with blood. Helianthus annuus.
"Sunflower petals," Ivy remarks. Her eyes dart up to him. "But you already knew that."
"Yes," He says simply.
"Well, what do you need me for then?" Ivy asks, disdain coloring her tone.
"These were collected from an individual who appeared to have an upper respiratory infection," He says. "All the symptoms of a standard viral infection were present - sneezing, coughing, congestion. After five days of a normal course of cold medicine, symptoms began to evolve that indicated a lower respiratory infection. After three days of worsening symptoms -"
"Get to the point."
"The individual eventually coughed up these petals."
"...Excuse me?"
"The individual coughed up -"
"I heard you right the first time," Ivy puts her hand up. "But what in the world could cause that to happen?"
He curls his palm again, arm disappearing underneath his cape once more. "That is why I'm here."
Ivy blinks. "You thought I would know something about lower respiratory infections?"
"I assumed that, perhaps, in your tenure as an ecological terrorist, that this is a phenomenon you may have come across." He says, dryly.
"I can't tell if you're trying to be funny or not."
He just hums. "Can you tell me anything about this?"
Ivy stares, one part dumbfounded, and another part itching with the familiar sensation that comes with a near encyclopedic knowledge of plants and the urge to know and be right. How dreadful that the remnants of a competitive, perfectionist PhD student still lived within her bones somewhere.
"One moment," She says, and turns on her heel.
He waits, patient, like one of the city's many faithful gargoyles. She sits on a sturdy leaf with a little thank you and calls other vines to bring her old books out to her workshop table. She flips through a folder with old articles on diseases and infections, but that path is not fruitful. She skims a textbook, a section on herbal medicine and quickly shoves it away with a dissatisfied as another set of vines brings out her laptop and lab instruments.
Her eyes shoot to him. "Come here."
He moves, like shadow, like a piece of the night come alive. He hovers by the edge of the table, a curious tilt to his head. If she had any little bit of affection left, she would consider it adorable - he seemed like one of the many fruit bats that tried to nibble at her gardens.
"The petals." She holds out a glass microscope dish.
He shifts, then stops abruptly; there's an odd strain to his already grim face. If she hadn't known any better, she would've guessed he was hesitating. But the moment passes; he gently places the petals in her dish.
She adjusts the microscope, taking note of the regular aspects of the petals - protrusions she notes that are pollen tubes, the very odd cell structures - and briefly examines the blood specks. When she lingers too long on that aspect, her impromptu lab partner grunts disapprovingly.
"Do you have a problem?" Ivy asks, not taking her eyes off the microscope.
"Are they any irregularities with these petals?"
Ivy taps a green finger against the table. "Well, since you mentioned it - yes."
With a great of amount of self-convincing, she vacates her spot and gestures to the microscope. She can't tell what his eyes are doing under the mask but the air around him seems to fill with a general distrust. He looks into the microscope anyways; while he does, she motions for a come to pluck a petal off her own sunflower.
"Thank you for your service," She says to the little petal, and puts it into another dish. "The sunflower is a dicot, which means there are a number of expected cells within its makeup."
She switches the bloody petals for the standard one.
"Parenchyma cells, epidermal cells, xylem and phloem," Ivy waves her hand. "Things you would've learned in your elementary science class."
"However?" He prompts.
"However," She slides the bloody petals back in. "There is a mutation within these cell structures."
"Don't make a fuss, I'm getting there," Ivy says, as if speaking to an impatient toddler. "Patience is a virtue, you know."
Once more, he grunts.
"Do you see the spiraling vessel next to the xylem? They look almost identical. The difference, however -"
"This one is filled with blood."
"Not quite like a photosynthetic plant to absorb blood."
"What does this indicate?"
"Right now? Nothing," Ivy turns to her laptops and begins a new file dedicated to this particular sunflower petal. "I don't have a definite answer for you on what this is or what it means - or why your little friend is coughing up petals."
He grunts - one of the ones that clearly signals his dissatisfaction. "How soon can we know what exactly this is?"
"You'll know when I know - which is whenever I feel like it."
"This could be life threatening, Ivy," He says, urgency in his tone. She could scoff; everything was so urgent with him. Now or never. Save the city, save the world and all that bullshit. "I'd advise you to not waste time."
"Yeah?" Ivy puts her chin in the palm of her hand. "I'd advise you to take that stick out your ass."
"Ivy -" He stops abruptly. He takes in a deep breath and lets it out in a world-weary kind of way that makes him seem less like a statuesque figure of nightmares - and something more like an old man. She blinks.
"What would it take for you to...prioritize this?"
Let me out and let me raze the world in order to stare anew - and then that stupid, awful little voice that sounds suspiciously like Dr. Leland's comes in to grab her gently and say 'what can you change in front of you, right now?'
"Harley is out, but she's not allowed within Robinson Park," Ivy says. "Change the details of her pardon."
"You know I can't do that -"
"Bullshit," Ivy hisses, hands slamming against the table - and she feels it. The edges of her vision going green, how the smell of the poison in the very stems of the plants around her are present, how she could send the thorns of rose flying at his throat. How hungry her fly-eaters were for blood. It would be so easy. So easy.
"Aw, sugarplum, just think of all the good things when the green gets too big! The smell of roses, lavender, or um...um - I dunno much about flowers. Or maybe me! I'm as comfortin' as a daisy, aren't I?"
She breathes out. Slowly.
It would be easy. Getting freedom was not.
"That's all I ask," Ivy says, voice strained. "Just - let me see her. Somehow."
He stands so still. It's irritating. She despises this - how desperate she feels, all the power he has, and the embarrassment of it all. There was a time when she would send him flying to the rafters, wrapped in her vines. The poisons, the toxins, the pollens - all of her knowledge and power dedicated to trying to knock down the immovable force that was the Batman. And now here she was. Bargaining with him in order to see the woman she loved. Pitiful.
He shifts. His hand hovers in the air between them and she feels an edge of paranoia curl at the back of her mind. But then his hand settles, lightly, with his fingertips gently brushing her hand. It's...surprisingly gentle.
"I will see what I can do," He says. "
For a moment, Ivy thinks she can see his eyes. Behind the glare of those lenses, she thinks there's a human somewhere, underneath all of this. It makes something curl uncomfortably in her gut. But as soon as the moment has come, it is gone - and his hand is back beneath his cape. He's just a figure, a piece of the night, and the blight upon her existence. Familiar.
She doesn't say thank you. She already doesn't like how much of her current existence is in due part to his relentless crusade against violence - and the repeating, endless cycle of it. She doesn't want to admit that within the many hands trying to pull her away from her endless spiral downwards, his was amongst them.
She just juts her chin out, vines curling around her shoulders. "Scram, Bats. I've got work to do."
For once, he decides to take the normal way out. She watches, intently, as he makes his way to the greenhouse door, and without so much as a look back her way, disappears into the night. When she finally turns away, back to her work bench, the blood specked petals are gone.
#superbat#superbat fanfiction#superbat fic#poison ivy#fic writing#writing progress#like hanakai AU without my passive aggressive plant genius????#I think it’s a missed opportunity#But this makes me want to do something more Ivy focused…..eyes emoji#Once again…acting very active for a person who said they were gonna be inactive lmaooooo#Tag edit: atrocious that all I’ve done is post SuperBat wips in the tag and say I’m not coming back to them…silly behavior
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I saw you were wanting requests so I thought I'd stop by with an idea. A little back story for the idea, I had to have one of my molars pulled recently because it was broken and infected. So I was wondering how Sugawara would act in helping taking care of you after having a tooth pulled? Or maybe him comforting you over the anxieties of going to the dentist and having teeth pulled.
I hope this gives you ideas. No pressure to write it by any means. Feel free to ignore it if you want to. Anyways I hope you have a lovely day and remember to stay hydrated.
Hello! Thank you for the request, it took me a while because I had no idea how to approach it. There are so many ways to comfort someone during a scary situation; but at the end, I am just a fan of the mundane, making to much of a focus of things makes it harder to deal with.
I hope you enjoy this, Do let me know what you think!
A Moment of Gentle Care
In the quiet embrace of evening, you found yourself ensnared by the throbbing pain of a broken molar. Shadows of anxiety loomed large, whispering fears of the impending dentist's chair and the extraction to come. Sugawara, with his warm, steady presence, became your beacon amidst the storm. His eyes, a gentle silver, reflected understanding and concern.
As you lay on the couch, Sugawara knelt beside you, his hands tenderly cradling your own. The soft glow of the lamp cast a golden halo around him, making him appear almost ethereal. He spoke in soothing tones, each word a balm to your frayed nerves. "Hey," he murmured, his voice as comforting as a lullaby. "I know it's scary, but you're strong. You've faced so much already." His thumb traced reassuring circles on the back of your hand. "Remember when you cheered us on during our toughest matches? You were my strength. Let me be yours now."
The night wore on, with Sugawara sharing stories, his laughter a light breeze easing the tension from your shoulders. He brought you a cup of chamomile tea, its steam swirling like whispered promises of relief. As you sipped, he gently brushed a stray hair from your forehead, his touch feather-light yet grounding. His presence was a soothing balm, his every action a testament to his deep care for you.
Sugawara’s eyes sparkled with playful mischief as he recounted tales from their volleyball matches, drawing you into a world where the pain and fear seemed to melt away. "Do you remember the time Nishinoya tried to teach everyone how to do a rolling thunder? He ended up crashing into Asahi!" His laughter was infectious, a warm melody that wrapped around your heart, easing the ache within.
When the day of the extraction arrived, Sugawara was there, his presence a comforting constant. He held your hand as you entered the clinic, his grip firm and unwavering. "I’ll be right here," he promised, his eyes locking onto yours, a steadfast anchor in the sea of your anxiety. His voice was a soft murmur in your ear, weaving a cocoon of safety around you. "You're doing great," he whispered, "just breathe."
Through the procedure, you felt his support, a silent vigil beside you. When it was over, and the molar was gone, replaced by a tender ache, Sugawara was there to guide you home. He prepared a cozy nest of blankets and soft pillows, ensuring your comfort. He read to you from your favorite book, his voice a melodic rhythm that lulled you into restful slumber. His hand never left yours, a constant reminder of his unwavering presence.
In those moments of vulnerability and healing, Sugawara's care enveloped you, turning a painful experience into a testament of his unwavering love and support. The pain seemed distant, a mere echo in the presence of his comforting words and gentle touches. He stayed by your side, his warmth a steady flame against the chill of discomfort.
Sugawara’s dedication was unyielding. He monitored your needs, bringing you cool compresses for your swollen jaw and preparing soft, nourishing meals. His hands were gentle as he helped you sip water, his eyes never leaving your face. "You're doing so well," he would say, his voice full of pride and encouragement.
As you drifted in and out of sleep, you felt the weight of his care surrounding you. Sugawara’s love was a soft whisper in the darkness, a guiding star that led you through the haze of pain. His presence was a soothing melody, a symphony of support and tenderness that carried you through each moment.
In the days that followed, Sugawara's care never wavered. He was your rock, your safe harbor. The anxiety and pain that had once loomed so large now seemed small in the light of his unwavering devotion. His love was a gentle tide, washing over you, easing your fears and bringing you peace.
Through his actions, Sugawara showed you the depths of his heart. He was more than just a friend or a caretaker; he was a beacon of light in your darkest moments, a reminder that you were never alone. His love was a steady presence, a quiet strength that carried you through the storm and into the calm beyond.
#Haikyuu#Sugawara Koushi#Sugawara#Haikyuu fanfiction#Haikyuu x reader#Haikyuu imagines#Haikyuu fluff#Haikyuu comfort#Sugawara fluff#Sugawara comfort#anime#anime fanfiction#fanfiction#anime imagines#fluff#comfort#toothache#dentist anxiety#healing#supportive boyfriend#cute moments#requests
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Lincoln’s Sick | Brock & Nurse
The baby monitor crackled with the sound of Lincoln’s soft, congested whimpers. Brock was already awake, moving before she could even process what was happening.
“Babe—he’s burning up,” his voice was tight, urgent.
She blinked through the haze of sleep as he flipped on the bedside lamp. He was already halfway across the room, yanking a thermometer from the drawer, his whole body wound tight.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes. “How high?”
“I don’t know—he just feels hot,” Brock said, practically running back toward the baby’s room.
By the time she got to Lincoln’s crib, Brock was holding him against his chest, one hand cupped around the back of their son’s head, the other pressing against his tiny back like he was afraid he might disappear.
She reached out, taking Lincoln’s forehead between her fingers. Warm, but not alarmingly so.
“Brock, give me a sec,” she murmured, gently prying their son from his arms so she could check his temperature properly.
Lincoln let out a sleepy whimper, squirming but not fully waking. She swiped the thermometer across his forehead and read the numbers.
“101.2,” she said, exhaling. “Low-grade fever. Probably just a virus.”
“Just a virus?” Brock repeated, staring at her like she’d lost her mind. “Baby, he’s burning up. What if it’s something worse? What if he—”
“He’s okay,” she said, voice firm but calm. “Babies get fevers. It’s how their bodies fight infections.”
But Brock wasn’t listening. He was pacing now, running a hand through his hair, chest rising and falling too fast. “Should we take him to the hospital? Call the pediatrician? Maybe it’s an infection—”
He didn’t stop moving.
That got him to look at her. His eyes were wild, pupils blown wide with panic.
“Sweetheart, I need you to breathe,” she said, keeping her voice steady. “He’s okay. This is normal.”
“Normal?” Brock let out a sharp, almost bitter laugh. “Nothing about this is normal. Nothing about him being sick is normal. He was born early. He was so small, and he barely made it and—”
He stopped, swallowing hard.
“And I almost lost both of you.”
There it was.
The real reason he was unraveling.
She felt the words settle in her chest like a weight.
“Brock,” she said softer now. “I know.”
His jaw clenched, and he looked away, breathing unevenly.
“I think about it all the time,” he admitted. “I don’t know how to turn it off. Every time something happens—every time he sneezes or coughs or—God, he’s just so small, and what if I can’t—”
His voice cracked, and suddenly he was rubbing a hand over his face, blinking rapidly.
Her heart broke a little.
“Babe,” she whispered, stepping closer. “Come here.”
He hesitated, but she reached for him anyway, one hand resting over his heart.
“He’s okay,” she promised. “He’s strong. We’re strong.”
Brock’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, his eyes flicking down to Lincoln, still dozing in her arms.
“I just—I don’t ever want to go through that again,” he admitted, voice small.
She exhaled and nodded. “Me neither.”
For a moment, they just stood there—her holding Lincoln, him holding on to her.
Then, quietly, she said, “Come on, let’s go lay down with him. We’ll keep an eye on his fever, give him some Tylenol, and just… be with him.”
Brock nodded, finally exhaling, finally starting to come back to himself.
And as they curled up in bed with their son between them, Brock reached out—just barely, fingertips brushing against her wrist. A silent apology.
She squeezed his hand.
She understood.
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Porco Galliard - Tongue
Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “what about porco getting a piercing instead of reader?” - anon
Reader : male (you/yours)
A/N : Part ONE

Porco listened as the piercer told him what he was going to do. His heart was pounding in his chest, but he didn't let it show. He looked at you from time to time, as if to reassure himself everything was going well.
He didn't even know why he was stressed. He went through worse at war, so a piercing shouldn't be that bad. He repeated to himself his titan abilities would make it heal quickly, and he won't even have to worry about infections or cleaning it, all he had to do was to keep it so the hole wouldn't close back. Yet he couldn't help it but get anxious about it even though you had told him about how it felt when you got your piercings done so he'd know what to expect.
He glanced at you as you stood quietly in the same room as them, you smiled at him before he turned his focus back on the piercer in front of him.
“You're going to disinfect your mouth. Take this mouthwash. For 10 seconds.” The man said, giving the glass to Porco who took it. He stared at you while cleaning his mouth before spitting it in the sink.
“I'm gonna take a 14 gauge barbell-”
“You can take a smaller size.” You said. “His tongue won't get swollen.” You continued with a smile as Porco nodded. The man eyed him.
“Right. The jaw titan…” He said, taking a smaller size as you told him, and disinfected it as well.
“Stick your tongue out, please.” The man said and Porco did as asked. He placed a paper towel on it to dry it a bit before looking at his tongue, making some measurements, to finally put a mark on it.
“Keep your tongue out.” He said, taking off his gloves to put on another pair and grabbing his clamps, carefully placing it on Porco's tongue and squeezing it quite a bit. It wasn't painful, but definitely uncomfortable.
Porco looked at you when he saw the needle approach, but the piercer didn't give him much time to stress more as he pushed the needle in his tongue. You saw Porco's eyes twitch in pain before the man put on the piercing, removing the needle.
And voila.
“You can close your mouth.” He said, taking another paper towel to wipe Porco's chin, telling him the procedure to take care of it.
“I won't need it.” Porco says, cutting him off, grimacing. He can feel it in his mouth. “It'll heal in a matter of minutes.”
“Oh, right. Right.” The man said, throwing away what was needed and cleaning the rest. Then you went to his desk and paid him before walking out, waving the piercer goodbye.
“Let me see your tongue.” You said, stopping in front of him. It has already healed, some steam leaving his mouth.
“Cute.” You grinned, caressing his jaw and chin. Porco closed his mouth, blushing a bit.
“Does it still hurt ?” You asked, grabbing his hand.
“Lucky.” You grimaced. You remember the headache you felt for your bridge.
“I can feel it in my mouth. It's weird.” He said, playing with it a bit.
You hummed, pushing his hand in your hoodie’s front pocket, holding it with both your hands.
“Since your tongue won't swell, you might not have a lisp.”
“I better not.” He said, getting annoyed at the idea of getting a lisp. He would sound dumb, and that's not in his plans. “Or I take it off.”
“You did good, though.” You said with a snort and kissed his cheek. He said nothing for a moment, taking your compliment in before looking away, hiding his slightly red cheeks.
“Obviously. I've had worse.” He managed to let out.
“I know. But still.” You squeezed his hand and he did it right back, his pulse quickening at your affection as you placed your head on his shoulder, still walking.
“Will you show the others ?”
“No.” He said, before thinking for a moment. “Maybe Pieck. But I don't want people to know. I don't want my superiors to make me take it off.”
You hummed, nodding, kissing his shoulder, your thumb stroking his hand, and his grip on yours tightened.
“Normally, after a tongue piercing you can't do oral for a while.” You smirked, looking at him while wiggling your eyebrows. “Thanks to the jaw you can still suck my di-.”
“I can also bite it off.” He glanced at you, smiling innocently.
“I'd rather not, thank you.” You replied with a laugh, moving your head away from his shoulder but Porco pulled it back where it was, making you smile.
“Were you stressed ?”
“No. I told you, I went through worse.”
“Liar. I've seen you glance at me each time he said something. Or when he pulled the big needle.” You nudged him with your shoulder and Porco said nothing, looking away, slightly embarrassed. You chuckled, squeezing his hand.
“You're putting something in your body, of course you're gonna stress about it. I stressed for all of mine even though I knew how it felt.”
You felt Porco hesitate, wanting to say something but deciding against it.
“What is it ?” You asked.
“I'm the jaw, I shouldn't stress about it.” He admitted begrudgingly, looking away.
“You're still human, Porco. I would worry for your health if you didn't stress about anything, ever.”
“Not stressing doesn't mean being careless.”
“You know you have a tendency to be overconfident, right ?” You say, looking at him and he frowned. “That can be dangerous for you.”
“I just know my abilities, I worked hard for them.” He huffed, taking his hand away from you to cross his arms.
“A little stress does no harm, Porco. I'm serious.” You locked your arm with his so he wouldn't pull away too much. “It's natural to second guess yourself at times. Even for something as small as a piercing is for you. Yes, you've had worse pain, it won't get infected or cause more health issues, if you don't want it you can just take it off and the hole is gone in a second-”
“That's why I shouldn't need to stress about it.” He said.
“But you're human and you don't want to regret doing it and you know your parents aren't big fans. So it plays into it.”
“How do you know my parents aren't into it ?” He raises an eyebrow, finally looking at you.
“Oh please. Not a lot of parents like their child getting pierced. Do you think mine were happy with my septum ? Or snake bites ? Or bridge ?”
“You even have tattoos, they should get used to it.” He scoffed.
“Do you think your parents are used to you getting hurt even though you have the jaw ? Knowing people are shooting at you with the biggest of weapons ? Their only remaining child ? They never get used to it. Even for something as small as a piercing.”
He said nothing for a moment, not wanting to admit you were right.
“It's not really the same but… I see what you mean.”
“Even for you stressing a bit ?” You nudged him, smiling.
“Don't push your luck. I still think I shouldn't have stressed.”
You huffed, rolling your eyes, pulling him closer as you continued walking. Your place was in sight.
“Well, I still think it's normal.”
“I don't.”
“Oh please, I'm sure all the warriors would've stressed as well.”
“Don't dream. Maybe Reiner because he's a crybaby but not the others.” He said with a smile.
“Even Pieck would've stressed a bit.” You begin. “Sieg would make the piercer stressed with all his questions.” Porco nodded and you continued. “Reiner, yeah, definitely stressed about it. Colt too.”
“Yeah, totally.” He snorted, imagining Colt and Reiner's stressed faces.
“So you didn't do too bad compared to them.”
“No, I guess not…” He admitted after a moment, feeling embarrassed.
“Come on, you did good ! You could've backed away at the sight of the needle but you didn't ! Or you could've pushed him when you felt it against your tongue, but again, you didn't !” You grabbed him, shaking him.
“Stop that.” He said, a smile tugging at his lips.
“No ! Admit it, say it ! You did good !”
“I don't need to.” He said, trying to stop his cheeks for reddening. But you insisted.
“I need to hear you say it.” You continued, placing both hands on his shoulders. Forehead against forehead.
“Alright, alright. I… did good.” He finally said quietly, looking away. He could feel his cheeks get warmer in embarrassment, even his ears turned red.
“Yeah !” You yelled, grabbing his hands and throwing them in the air. He sighed, rolling his eyes as you intertwined your fingers together.
“No need to make noise about it…”
“I don't care. You did good.” You grinned, happy.
He hummed before walking once again, holding your hand.
#male reader#m!reader#snk#aot#aot x male reader#attack on titan x male reader#attack on titan imagine#attack on titan#shingeki no kyojin x male reader#shingeki no kyojin imagine#shingeki no kyojin#porco galliard x male reader#porco galliard x reader#porco galliard imagine#porco galliard
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truth woven within the venom

synopsis: even when she reached out he was pushing her away; after months of festering angst and a growing list of instances where they butt-heads, changbin and juyeon’s pent up feelings finally boil over in their first ever fight.
date: late september 2019
era: pre-double knot
word count: 1.5k
featuring: kang juyeon, seo changbin, bang chan mentioned, ot10 referenced
warnings: swearing, arguing, hurt/comfort?
a/n: eeek soooo happy to be posting again! i hope you like sweet & sour as much as i do (*^▽^*)
"but you don't listen! that's the problem! it goes in one ear and right out the other. why don’t you listen to me?"
in hindsight, it was really quite a minuscule issue that started this screaming match — but hindsight was always 20/20.
after dinner on this particularly cold september night, changbin and juyeon had been the poor souls to lose rock-paper-scissors against the rest, leaving the grumbling pair to wash dishes and throw away any trash left behind by the 8 full-bellied boys. and though the other members' eyes would all wearily shift to chan for guidance on the volatile pair now dragging their feet to the kitchen, he'd simply round them up before making up an excuse for them to be out of the house, hollering something about the studio before the door closing behind them echoed throughout the starkly silent walls.
"i'll dry, it's your turn to wash." juyeon would say shortly as she gathered the plates. she honestly half-expected the response from changbin.
"but — i washed them last week."
"right," she placed them in the sink with an already clenched jaw "but i washed dishes yesterday, so it's your turn."
the mahogany-haired boy then shook his head dissmisively. "i think you're remembering wrong."
and that's where it started; over who was going to wash the dishes and who was going to put them away. again, a minuscule issue that wouldn't have been a problem if not for the thinned patience this duo had with one another over the past few months. they'd been butting heads quite frequently, not big enough to actually create an issue but often enough for the other boys to notice, which is why the leader hurried the boys out to hopefully allow them to work it out on their own. however, not one of the members could have expected it to pan out the way it did.
"oh —" changbin nearly scoffed, arms folded over his chest as the dishes had now been long forgotten in favor of their argument "sorry i don't heed your every word, your majesty. i didn't know whatever you say was of the utmost importance."
juyeon huffed and rolled her eyes "you are such a baby sometimes. you know that's not what i said."
"it's what you want to say! so just say it! 'i'm juyeon and i'm just so fucking important that what i say goes.'"
"don't be a dick."
he nearly laughed now, the blissful victory on the horizon curling his lips into a condescending smile "see! 'don't be a dick, changbin. watch your tone, changbin — bend over backwards on my command, changbin.' you're so full of yourself that you can't see how fucking demanding you are."
this jab at the older girl quickly became apparent as a step in the opposite direction, as now she was the one smiling deviously, a dry chuckle escaping her bitten lips. "at least i'm not a whiny little bitch all the time! honestly," she laughed again "it's like you're always on your period or something. even my emotions are on thicker ice than yours."
"it's not me on thin ice, juyeon, it's you. you are just so —”
changbin’s face tomatoed as he searched for the words before ultimately giving up on accurately pinpointing what it was about her that drove him mad, instead deciding to return the putrid way she made him feel, throwing the oozing pus infecting his heart back in her face.
“you drive me insane! you drive me up the fucking wall every day, juyeon! i can’t stand you! i can’t stand living and working with a bitch like you! you are the worst thing to happen to me — truly. i would be relieved if you just fell off the face of the earth."
there was a brief beat before her response, and from his place across the livingroom changbin could see her demeanor shift; her furrowed brows softening along with the sharp gaze pointing daggers his way, replaced by the discernable crease of a frown in the corner of her lips, folded arms falling with the weight of sheer disappointment. “is that true?”
his own intensity reeled back at her reaction and changbin found himself grasping at the truth woven within the venom — the well-meaning feelings masked by the disease of lovesickness. and while the memories felt so distant by this point, that feeling juyeon afflicted him with still lingered, nurturing his yearning until it grew teeth and learned to bite.
“is it?” juyeon prodded “that i’m the worst thing to happen to you?”
it wasn’t — of course it wasn’t. “you…” he’d start, starkly gentler than before “you live in every corner of my mind, ju. i can't think without thinking about you. i just — i miss you."
now, from her place by the door where she'd threatened to walk out before turning around to bark back once again, juyeon watched as his eyes grew glossy while he fought to keep his composure. his previously broad stance had dissolved into that of a teenage boy caving into himself, and as his hands found the back of the couch to brace the weight pressing him into the mantle, changbin lowered his head to hide the humiliation boiling his cheeks. this image in itself had her own vision going blurry with the tears forming.
"you think i don't?"
changbin would only sniffle. juyeon took a step closer.
"changbin." she'd say almost sternly, his wet eyes peering up to look upon her call "you think i feel any differently?"
"how should i know? you've kept me at an arms length for months now."
now juyeon felt the nausea of shame. she gulped before nodding. "you know what? you're right; i have been distant for a while, and i'm sorry. but you are the one that's been pushing me away."
jisung always did boast how well of a communicator juyeon was. hell, changbin knew this himself, but it was still quite overwhelming when knelt before her authenticity. he knew he should mirror her — own up to his shit and apologize — but as the words failed to come out he noted the inability to fully be that vulnerable with her now; even when she reached out he was pushing her away.
changbin looked back down at the couch. the air in the room grew thick with each passing second of silence the older girl refused to fill leaving them both sniffling quietly, parallel with one another in the group's living room, oxygen in their lungs coagulating like soup. finally, after what felt like eternity of changbin's ears growing a deeper shade of red, she spoke again.
"when did we get like this?"
finally something easier to respond to. "like what?" he asked.
"like...guarded. there used to be nothing you couldn't — wouldn't say to me."
changin lifted his head, cheeks wet and eyes red from the tears he'd concealed from her, offering at least a step in the right direction. he found juyeon a step closer with her own tears dripping down her chin. "you know when."
he shook his head now, a dry chuckle almost escaping his glossy lips. "because —" changbin cut himself off. juyeon was then suddenly moving to sit on the couch with her attentive eyes peered up at him, waiting earnestly for him to continue. he inhaled sharply at the burn in his chest.
“because i hate how you make me feel. it feels pathetic — i feel pathetic. because you exist and suddenly i can't act right. and i have all this feeling inside and to you it’s only words — and i love you — like a monster like a beast; like something not worth loving back. and all i want is you but i can't have you, and it feels pathetic.”
for a moment just long enough for him to note her concentrated gaze fixated on his, juyeon sat and thoroughly sifted over his words before finally looking away. this, too, was only for a moment, as she soon looked back up to gingerly place her own hand on top of his.
“i told you; the love isn’t going anywhere, bin. it’s always here, even if i see you everyday, even if i never see you again. it’s not going anywhere. are you?”
it was changbin’s turn to marinate in her tender words. “n-no,” he sputtered “no.”
“then stop pushing me away. let me in, and be my friend again while the days pass."
"even after everything i said?"
juyeon would look up expectantly. "well...is there anything else you want to say?" he didn't need to be convinced this time, the older girl's transparency now came as a comfort than a threat. changbin placed his other hand on top of hers.
"i'm sorry. truly. i didn't mean any of it. i just...wanted you to hurt like i hurt."
finally, for the first time in months, juyeon's smile was directed at him; small and weak and honestly barely there, but it most definitely wasn't the frown he'd grown accustomed to. "we'll work on that." she hummed.
chan and the rest of the boys would return home an hour or so later with half-eaten ice creams in hand to find a completely clean kitchen.
#♡ billie#♡ binchu#skz oc#stray kids oc#stray kids 9th member#stray kids imagines#kpop added member#kpop oc#kpop addition#seo changbin imagines#changbin imagines
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Okay but what if Solas gets freed earlier than the big bad final fight (like we speculate) and he uses his Dread Wolf form in occasional pinches of combat?
And what if he has a moment where he has to deliberately choose his commitment to Rook like he had to do with the Inquisitor? (I'll utilize mine for this case.)
Walk with me. (Spoilery drabble under the cut. Probably OOC tbh.)
They're in a darkspawn infested spot. The objective was to get something. They got it, but now they're retreating back to the eluvian because there are far too many blighted things for them to feasibly fight against—it has infested the place, and Davrin being the only one resistant to it does not accommodate the very real threat of the others possibly being tainted.
So Solas, as one with the most experience of command, calls for a retreat. The rest of the Veilguard have stumbled either through or to the eluvian, watching anxiously as the rest forfeit their hard-won ground to safely draw back to his position as he covers for them.
Rook does not agree.
"It is suicide to stay here!" Solas shouts at her from across the battlefield, his spells as percussive and punctuated as if the Fade was popping through the Veil at his summons. It makes her hair stand on end, raises frissons under her clothes, and the pressure in her ears reminds her of the air tensing before a lightning strike. "We must go!"
"We've almost got them pushed back!" she retorts, all the way on the other side. The steppe is the highest point in the mountainside, and she has been blasting off the darkspawn with shockwaves of arcane energy thus far. "We could recover other things from the ruins!"
"It is not worth it if lives are lost in the process!" Solas snarls, and Rook glances over her shoulder at him with arched brows.
In the middle of the fray, overwhelmed by the surge of darkspawn scuttling over the cliff face like swarming insects, Emmrich stumbles and falls with a yelp.
Rook struggles to concentrate between two points of focus. She is in the middle of her own combat, but her first instinct is to run to the necromancer's side. He's still casting, keeping the infected off of him, but they give no room for him to get back to his feet.
Solas moves, so quickly that Rook did not catch it. Magic surges, tingles on the back of her tongue, and in a flash the Dread Wolf falls into a sprint across the ground glistening with ichor and smattered with decaying flesh and rotting guts.
Rook blasts through the wave clambering to drag her down and watches, slack-jawed, as the great black wolf lunges over Emmrich with a snarl, standing squarely over him with enough room to spare the tall human to right himself and flee to the eluvian unharmed.
Fen'Harel's mighty jaws snap around darkspawn left and right, shaking them to shatter their bones and flinging the battered corpses like rag dolls. Soon enough his teeth are stained with inky, corrupted blood, bits of viscera wedged between his frothing gums, and his six lyrium-blue eyes meet Rook's, resolute and unflinching.
In that moment, Rook knows he will leave her there to save the rest.
A hurlock grabs her ankle. It is half disintegrated by her magic, yet it's still going, still gurgling, still strong enough to yank her foot out from under her. She lands roughly on her back and the air rushes out of her lungs in a pained whoosh, stunning her. Her vision blurs and swims. The steady drain of her mana had already weakened her, in addition to her wounds, but she had bashed her head on the ground, too.
The hurlock intends to bring her down the cliffside with it, she knows. She grits her teeth against the pain and vertigo and bashes the heel of her boot against its face, sending it careening off the edge. Her heart leaps when she rolls over to scramble back up onto her hands and knees and realizes—too late—how close it had dragged her.
Her legs drop out into open air. Her belly scrapes against the slickened stone. Her fingertips dig into the gravel, a biting anchor sure to leave her own blood behind. Her nails might not survive the weight of her entire body hanging on the precipice of a fathomless drop. When she peers down past her shoulder, eyes rounding, and there is nothing but mist and insurmountable depth.
She barely hears her cry of alarm over the sound of her own heart pounding in her ears. She does not recognize her own voice. She certainly does not anticipate calling out to the bane of her existence as a means to preserve it. "Solas!"
The wind is deafening, rushing past her as though it, too, flees the darkspawn she could sense clawing their way up the mountainside by the dread building in the base of her throat. The wolf had turned to deal with another cluster of darkspawn, but his ears angled towards her before his great head whipped around to spot her where she fell.
Her grip slips. She skids further down in a heart-lurching, precious, hands-breadth of distance. Her shoulders ache with the strain. Her chin drags the edge of the jagged stone. She cannot get a foothold with how the rock curves away from the ledge. She thinks she hears someone hollering her name, somewhere behind the wolf. One of her companions, or multiple—she isn't sure. She can see nothing save the glow of his eyes and the whites rimming them as he stares at her.
"Harellan!" she screams. The insult turned barb turned nickname seems the least fitting thing to use to entreat the man whom she had treated with such utter disdain and irreverence for the first portion of their acquaintance. But it is who he proved himself to be: a rebel with a cause. A man who stops at nothing to do what he feels is right.
One who does not flinch at the idea of sacrifice in favor of victory.
Rook's grip fails her. She scrabbles for purchase to no avail. The stone arches away from her, it seems, and she falls.
She does not see how deep the gouges the Dread Wolf's claws score into the stone when he launches into a sprint aided by his magic, frost fringing the ends of his pelt. She does not see the full stride of his legs stretching and hauling the ground closer to project himself into a lightning-quick gallop across the steppe. She does not see him nearly careen clean off the side of the mountain, barely skidding to a halt in time—back feet digging into the skittering gravel—as his upper half lunges over the edge. She does not see the massive maw of teeth engulf her because she has already squeezed her eyes shut in hopes that she won't know when the ground reaches her.
But the ear-ringing snap of his jowls jolts her out of her shock. If she had died, she could expect it to be dark. Maybe even warm. But wet?
Rook gasps as she's clamped tight in the mouth of the great black wolf. Her orientation becomes muddled, then—she has no concept of what direction is up, where he's going, or even what's going on around them. Any sounds are muffled. She thinks she hears the roar of a beast too big for them to handle in their current state of exhaustion. Her heart hammers against the inside of her ribs, and the rumble that surrounds her sets her nerves alight with prey instinct.
Fen'Harel runs. He leaps. He lands, and it is a jarring, uncoordinated crash into the ground—hopefully across the relatively safe bounds of the eluvian.
"Solas! Where's Rook?"
"Did you catch her? Is she—"
"Did you eat her?"
To answer the clamor of questions ringing in her ears, the wolf's mouth opens. She slides out and collapses on the ground in a gruesome heap of bodily fluids and remains.
"Remind me never to ask you for help again," she croaks. She reaches up and swipes the saliva off her eyelids so she can glare up at the Dread Wolf staring down at her in turn, every last eye trained solely on her. She thinks he is assessing her for damage.
His fur shimmers and she watches, disoriented, as the man reemerges from the shape of the wolf. His armor is battered and his shoulders sag from what is likely too prolonged of a mana drain, but he seems no worse for wear. She is momentarily distracted from him as her companions cluster around her and pull her into a seated position, their hands as busy as their mouths as they fret and curse and express their relief all at once in a raucous cacophony.
Her eyes snap back over to Solas struts promptly over to a hedge, yanks off one of his gauntlets, and proceeds to press a couple fingertips into his mouth and—presumably—onto the back of his tongue. He then wretches into the unsuspecting foliage.
The others fall abruptly silent, stricken and perplexed.
"I feel like I should take this as an insult," Rook remarks, scowling. "Surely I don't taste that bad."
Solas' eyes are red-rimmed and watery when he straightens, and if it weren't for that he would look as composed and dignified as ever. He snatches a potion from his belt and gargles it thoroughly, swishes it around his mouth, then spits it out. He swipes the back of his hand against his lips and scowls at her. "Forgive me if I would rather not be tainted by those blasted creatures!" he snaps, thoroughly rankled.
She knows it's not simply from how terrible darkspawn must taste.
She is proven correct when he stalks back over and kneels before her, the tension in his frame wound so tight she wonders how close he is to snapping his own spine. "Disrobe."
The others part like water at his demanding tone with varying levels of skepticism and disquiet, brooking no argument. But Rook is nothing if not contrary—she opens her mouth to protest, but Solas only lets out a terse, angry sound and reaches for the buckles on her armor.
"Stop!" she growls, slapping his hand away. She swears she sees the vein in his temple throb as he rears back as though she offended him. "What are you talking about?"
"Your clothes have been contaminated," he explains harshly. "The taint binds to organic materials. Being as that you were thoroughly inundated in blighted essence since you were too stubborn to fall back when I said to and relied upon an unfavorable means of rescue, we cannot risk you becoming infected!" He gestures to her clothes. "We will have to burn them. That goes for the rest, as well. I am certain Davrin already knows this."
"It's not exactly something you can wash out," the warden agrees.
"Oh, you have got to be joking!" Rook scoffs. "This is not the first time we've faced off against those bastards! What makes it so different this go around?"
"Your wounds, Fenalan!" Solas snarls. The intensity of his conviction as well as the rattled, unsettled tinge straining his voice makes her clamp her jaw shut. "If any ichor enters your bloodstream, you are doomed! You already tread upon death's door in your obstinance, but now you risk falling victim to something far worse!"
She frowns at him. She has a few scratches here and there, nothing so severe as to warrant such a reaction. She had been battered far worse before, endured wounds much more likely to do her in than hese. Something else had caused Solas to go overboard.
Her mind recalls the memory she had walked here in the Crossroads. The agent in Ghilan'nain's laboratory. The set of Solas' jaw when he had accepted the inevitability of his duty. He could not save her. There was no cure. He had no other option save to put her out of her misery before she truly suffered with the invented abomination.
The same fraught, wild glint in the eyes of his younger image peer directly into her own now. He is angry, yes, undeniably. But he is afraid, too. He does not want to make a sacrifice this day, she thinks.
Her hands shake as she begins to work the buckles loose. The others seem to take that as a sign to follow suit, removing the pieces of their armor that could be salvaged while piling the rest away from the vegetation encroaching upon the old paths winding around the network of mirrors. The metals could be decontaminated. The fabrics crackle and stink when Solas lights them with a curt snap of his hands. They are reduced to ash in seconds from the intensity of his ire, and he contorts the fabric of the Veil to crush that into powder that drifts, inert and harmless, off the ledge of the island in the wind.
The others group loosely together and head toward the Caretaker's dock when Rook tips her head towards it, helping each other along if they were weak or disoriented. No one had suffered grave injuries, thankfully, upon careful inspection. Most of the ichor had stained the outermost layers, so not all of it had to be destroyed, fortunately.
It was tough business, dealing with a mutated double blight.
Rook hung back a moment, waiting for Solas to turn away from the singed, blackened space below his feet. He is still drawn as tense as a bowstring, and does not move until she steps close enough to touch his arm. He pivots away from her hand and his gaze is cold on her.
"Ir abelas," she says. "I did not mean to worry you."
If Solas is taken aback by her admission, he does not convey it. But his shoulders loosen, just slightly. "That mistake almost cost your life, Rook," he says grimly.
"I know. I will endeavor to keep my head next time." She gestures towards the others, their low conversations carried by the breeze despite their distance. "Let's go wash all this shit off, yes?"
Solas looses a heavy exhale. They began to walk together.
"'Ma serannas," she tells him. "I did not think you would save me."
His stride falters briefly, then slows to accommodate her attention. The furrow between his brows eases into incredulity. "Why?"
Perhaps she expected him to confirm that it had not been his intention, that he had only done so because she was somewhat necessary to their mission's success, in the end. That he seems shocked she would even ask unroots her perception of him slightly.
"I rejected your orders," she says simply. "I got carried away. You had every right to leave me behind, but you didn't."
"I did not." Solas studied her for a moment, pensive. "I would not allow you to perish if I have a say in it, Fenalan," he offers after a moment. It is careful. It is measured. Yet she still notices the lack of bite to the words he normally wields when speaking to her. She had cultivated that response, she supposes, with how often she had exchanged verbal jabs with him in the beginning.
"Even if I don't understand your motivations," Rook sighs, "I thank you nevertheless." She swallows. "Ir abelas."
"Tel'abelas, ean'din. I am pleased to see you still live."
"Despite the perpetual headache I pose?"
"Despite that." Solas shakes his head. "I...do not think poorly of you. I would not see you fall into danger unnecessarily. That you can be so reckless and negligent of your own well-being at times is...disconcerting."
Rook cast him a side-eye. "Pot meet kettle. You stop throwing yourself on the line for the rest of us and I'll do the same."
The god of lies, treachery, and rebellion huffed what could have been a laugh. And Rook wonders if Varric would have any light to shed upon why the Dread Wolf was so protective of his unwitting pack, if he would ever admit to such a concept.
#fisara's scrawlings#dav#dragon age#dav spoilers#the dread wolf | solas#the rook#still debating on who I will ship fenalan with#possibly solas. we will see.#so there may be some underlying tension here bc of these internal debates ngl#I didn't mean for this to turn so long but#oh well#here we are#ean'din is my word for 'death bird' suggesting corvids#since...y'know...'rook'.#this is somewhat aimless but the action sequence seemed cool in my head#I don't normally write in present tense so if there's any past that doesn't fit I apologize
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WTF kind of bullshit is it that when I call a dentist office to make an appointment for a fucking abcess (and, as I strongly suspect, a root canal) they say all they can give me is fucking pain treatment bc they don't take new patients and then I need to go to my usual dentist (whom I don't have and who'd be in another city anyway since I'm out of town)? I've already got Ibuprofen, bitch, plus the tooth stopped hurting which, y'know, is a bad sign. I need treatment for the infection that might spread into my jaw and heart, now.
Not gonna call the next office, I'm just going to show up.
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Ultima Ex Nobis | ch. XVIII

-all rights reserved-
Nessian AU word count: ~2,5k words warnings: mentions death summary: Six years into a global pandemic which was caused by a mass fungal infection that turns hosts into zombie-like creatures and makes the whole of Prythian collapse, the former army general Cassian Cadell is tasked with one very special mission – escorting Nesta Archeron, one of the few immune survivors, across a post-apocalyptic Prythian to a group of people of the name L. Their identity is unknown but they can make an antidote.
“What do you hope for at the end of all this? What are your dreams, Nes?” Cassian’s fingertips circle Nesta’s belly button, his lips pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder. Nesta shudders a little, leaning further into Cassian. “I don’t know. I think I have never been a dreamer.”
She tilts her head and looks up at Cassian, her brows a little furrowed. So are Cassian’s. He places his palm flat on her belly, his skin warm. The early morning sunlight is peeking through the dusty windows of the trailer, veiling the inside of the trailer in a beautiful glow.
“Oh, Nes.” He kisses her head again and then smiles a little at her. “Different formulation then. What is the first thing you will do when this is over?”
“You really think that this will be over one day?” Nesta asks with a tone of wariness in her voice. She is unsure, has doubts, and it is etched into every fiber of her body. She thinks this whole thing won’t work out. That they might fail and Cassian hates this. He wants her to see how far they have already come, how far they made it, and how short the distance to their final target only is. He wants her to know that she can save the world, that it is her who can bring the end of all this. But in this very moment he also wants to get rid of the sad look on her face, the pout and the hurt in her eyes and so he kisses her — soft and slow. Nothing is rushing him, nothing is rushing them. Their lips melt together, explorative at first and then with a little more force, but still gentle and passionate. “You can bring the end to all of this,” Cassian whispers against her mouth, smiling so that his lips curl against hers. “And now tell me…what will you do first?”
“I guess kiss you some more?” Nesta chuckles a little and a content rumble courses through Cassian’s body. He gives Nesta a sideway squeeze, kissing the top of her head.
“And then I…then I would find Feyre and just…I would just hug her. And make up with her. And then would find Elain. And hold her tightly to me for hours. I would spend time with the two of them, just chatting and holding them. And then—“ Tears fill her eyes and Nesta finds it hard to speak through the dryness in her throat. She clears her throat, coughs a little and looks up at Cassian with glassy eyes. “And then I will kiss you some more, thank you over and over again for going on this journey with me, for protecting me.” “Nesta—“ “Don’t!” Nesta places her hand on Cassian’s hard pectoral. “I wasn’t keen on going on this trip with you, hated it at first. But it was no different for you. You risked your life for me. You went onto to this trip for…because Rhysand told you so. But if push came to shove, you could have always said no and find a way out. But you said yes and all throughout the trip you were nothing but kind and protective and I think I will never be able to thank you enough for that.” She softly pecks Cassian’s jaw, her hand still resting right above his heart.
“I am definitely a little more in love with you after this statement.” Cassian blinks rapidly and then a big grin parts his lips. But Nesta gasps, eyes going wide. He winks at Nesta, her expression still on the edge of flabbergasted. “You are—?” “I am going to give Az and Rhys a massive hug. Then I will go for a hike, maybe a trip to a mountain cabin, skiing for a few days. Hopefully with you. Do you ski, Nes?”
Her cheeks are a little flushed and Nesta laughs, shaking her head and burying her face in Cassian’s chest. “I can snowboard.” “That’s alright. So it is set. We rent a mountain cabin. Go there, ski and go for walks and have a lot of phenomenal cabin sex there?”
A silly snort slips through Nesta’s lips and she grins brightly. “I like the idea of that.”
Cassian has never seen her so happy and he could get drunk on the sight of her like this. He loves it, loves it so much. He likes seeing her happy, her mask finally breaking and for Nesta that she can finally and at least partly enjoy her freedom. He wants more of those moments, for the pandemic to be over, for normality to return and Nesta to live the life he deserves. For them to…have a life together. A future together. A life they both deserve. And he doubts that Nesta might not want to be part of his future, but her saying she loves the idea gives him hope. She wants to be part of his future.
“So Az and Rhys? If I remember correctly, you said Az is not your actual brother, but is Rhys?”
Cassian gives his head a little shake, his cheek and the stubble brushing against the top of Nesta’s head. She leans into him, and kisses his chest. The gesture is so small, so light, but it makes Cassian’s heart flutter and his cheeks warm. “No. We met in the army. We were in a team together. The three of us always stuck together, had each other’s backs, you know?” He smiles at the memories, the nostalgia and absently kisses Nesta’s head.
“Where did you work in the army? Like in which…ahm—” Nesta smiles a little sheepishly and feels her cheeks warm. She doesn’t really know much about military, only knows the Darkbringer soldiers. But she wants to know more, wants to know more about Cassian and find out all about him.
“Service?” Cassian asks with a bemused smile on his lips and Nesta nods. “Air force.”
After a look at his watch, Cassian says that it is only half past five in the morning and that they can stay in bed a little longer and so they decide to cuddle some more, just holding each other, talking softly and exchanging stories about their lives, their pasts, their families. Nesta learns that Cassian has never met his father and that his mother passed a few years before the pandemic due to an illness. Cassian says that it was more than painful to let her go, but he is happy that she did not have to experience the pandemic and the Cordyceps virus. Nesta tells Cassian that she has lost both her parents as well and Cassian holds her tightly when she cries a little. He comforts her, drying her tears with his thumb. They also talk a little more about Elain and Feyre and Nesta says that she regrets not always showing them how much she loved them, because she did, she really did.
∙ ∙ • ◦ • ◦ ∙ ∙
“Morning, lovebirds.” Eris says with a smile on his lips and heaves his dufflebag into the trunk of his car. “Talking about yourself?” Cassian fires back and clasps Azriel’s shoulder tightly, and with the index finger of his other hand points to his best friend’s neck. “Or am I mistaken and these are not hickeys but my brother’s neck is decorated with awful mosquito bites?” Cassian chuckles in amusement and he can practically feel the warmth fill Azriel’s cheeks. Eris only snorts a little and then closes the trunk, walking towards the driver’s side. “We needed to make up for all the time we missed,” he says with a wink and slides into the car and as much as Cassian’s wants to make a some feisty remark to that statement, his ears are filled with Nesta’s laugh and he can’t focus on anything else. The sound is so honest, so pure and so free-spirited. He wants to record it so he can listen to every time he feels sad. And most importantly he wants to see the look on her face, the glow in her eyes when she laughs. Cassian looks over his shoulder and watches her. Nesta walks up to car and claims the back seat that has somehow become hers. Only when the car door closes, Cassian let’s go off Azriel’s shoulder and heads for the car as well.
“You are truly in deep, brother,” Azriel tells him, but it is not said in a bad way or accusatory, Azriel says it with happiness in his voice.
Cassian sighs and then grins. “I am, brother. I am.”
The road is still a little wet, but at least the clouds in the sky start to clear and leave more sunlight through than on the days before. It almost seems like a beautiful day and Cassian says, that maybe for the first time in weeks they have a normal day without any occurrences. Azriel tells him to knock on wood to not curse it and so Cassian does as told.
After a while on the road Eris informs his passengers that they are about a 24h drive away from Spring, the southern-most county of Prythian and where Azriel has tracked L…or Lucien if it is truly him. Nesta can only catch a few words form the conversation between Azriel and Eris. They talk about Lucien and Eris having his hopes up high to finally see his brother again. She has to smile when he mentions that he would just hug him and that for a long moment because that is exactly what she would do. But her eye lids are heavy and Nesta feels tired — she hasn’t got that much sleep the previous night. She rests her head against the window, eyes trained on the outside world when she feels a hand clasp hers, holding it tightly. She does not look, but grins to herself and holds his hand just as tightly as he holds hers. The further they drive the drier the landscape gets. After around two hours there is no indication left that there have been rain storms these past days — dry hedgerows, weathered trees and patches of grass line the pathway. Nesta keeps looking at them, her lips a little pursed and her hand still in Cassian’s, until—
Nesta jerks up, her breath catching in her throat. “Can we stop her!”
Eris must have heard the panic in her voice, slowing down the car. “Please. Stop here!”
He pulls over, looks into his rear view mirror, checking that no one has followed them and kills off the engine. Nesta slips her hand out of Cassian’s and pushes the door open. “Oh God!” she expresses loudly.
She almost stumbles after opening the door, the sight in front of her so unbelievable and surreal she can hardly grasp it. Nesta’s eyes fill with tears and she folds her hand over her mouth in shock. She holds her breath, frantically shaking her head and then her knees begin to buckle. Cassian is there to catch her. She didn’t hear him approach but she is relieved to have him there, supporting her, steadying her. The sun his high up in the sky, almost gleefully shining down on them. It is hot and humid outside, smells like rot and decay. There is not even a little breeze blowing around them. It is awful, Nesta thinks and almost feels like she is getting suffocated. The sight in front of her, of the bones, the pieces of bodies and the torn clothes, is…she has no words for it. The content of her stomach sours, her chest squeezing and aching fiercely in her chest.
“Infected.” Cassian’s says with a shudder and pain in his tone.
“Not all of them. I knew a girl of the name Clare Beddor. They simply killed her because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.” There is disgust in Eris’ voice, and hurt, and frustration and fury. He steps up to them and shakes his head. “They purged through this area. Killed everyone thinking it could save the world. Most of those people were poor and never had contact to anyone outside and most definitely not to infected. But they were easy targets.” His voice quavers, and he cuts himself off, not continuing, and walks back to the car. Nesta and Cassian stay for a little longer. He gives her time. Nesta just stares until she says she would like to return to the car and they are ready to continue. There is no conversation for the first few miles after this, no one talks. No one wants to talk. They all need to let the images set, need to work through them on their own. So many innocent people have lost their lives. This has to find an end and Nesta, more than ever before, feels like she can do this. Like she can put an end to it. She knows she will do everything possible to end this. She would even give her—
She won’t let herself finish this thought. She had always kept it in the back of her mind, that she would do whatever needed. But now…now that there is the prospect of a future with Cassian, she wants to live. She wants to have this future with him. They would have a future together.
When the sun slowly starts to lower, Eris nervously checks the GPS and discusses with Azriel if they might have taken a wrong road as in front of them tower several huge factory buildings.
“What’s the problem?” Cassian’s asks as he leans forward, his right hand braced on the arm rest between Eris and Azriel. His gaze jumps between the two men, before he looks straight ahead. “I am not sure what this place is, what we can expect from it, but I know one thing for sure…” Eris trails of, squinting his eyes at the distance. “We need to drive through this, as there is no way —no road around it.” He points at the GPS screen. Now Nesta leans forward as well, onto Cassian as she looks at the screen, her brows drawn close together. She shivers and swallows around the lump around in her throat. “I assume we should get our guns ready?”
Slowly, Eris bows his head, his gaze trained on the tight road between then factory buildings. His hand moves to the gear stick, the fingers of his other hand curling tightly around the stirring wheel, his knuckles turning white. Azriel is already weighing his gun in his hand when Cassian pushes off from the seat and reaches into the trunk to gather his big rifle, and also handing Nesta her gun and her knife.
And then Eris starts to drive. Into the midsts of uncertainty, none of them knowing what will expect them in a few minutes, or rather seconds.
~~~~~~~~~~~ tags: @helhjertet @moonlightazriel@aayo-whatt @crushedcloudsx @brekkershadowsinger @girasoli-e-sorrisi @ignite-me @swifti-ed @cassiansbigwingspan @burningsnowleopard @headcanonheadcase @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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Of Heart And Sol: Part 2
~of feathers and flames~
The lot door slammed shut, and I stood there for a moment, considering what to do next.
I had called Yair and explained the situation in the Truck Yard, though I said nothing about the SolarWing. He told me to clock out for the night.
Very slowly, I turned back to face my small lot, eyes drawn to the white cage in the corner.
I owned a dragon
I owned a dragon.
There were so many wounds to asses. So many horrid ways this creature had been tormented. Scales had grown over the clamps set into his wings, removing them without further injury was impossible. The leather muzzle locked tightly over his jaws had worn down the scales, the skin beneath raw and infected. Truthfully, I wondered how the dragon had yet to give up. His body told thousands of stories, every tale marked by a hideous scar.
But I could fix him. I was certain of it. I simply needed him to hold on- to never stop fighting.
I spent the night dressing wounds, and setting bones with what little medical supplies I had. A small hand held x-ray device assisted me in my tedious work, but my supplies were old and worn. Technically it all belonged to Yair. Every salve and wrap I used, I stole. But I doubted Yair would mind. If all went as I figured, he wouldn't even know.
The dragon’s breathing was sharp and unpredictable. He needed nourishment, needed energy to keep fighting against the pain, and I knew this, but I tried to appreciate every peaceful moment, fully expecting the red dragon to become an absolute monster when he awoke- but instead, I found his demeanor to be quite the opposite.
It was early morning when the SolarWing woke, and I had been working on cleaning a deep, jagged wound on the dragon’s neck, the flesh a nasty, angry red- it wasn’t a terrible infection, but if left unattended, it would certainly grow worse.
I had already removed the scabs, and was washing out the wound with iodine when the SolarWing jerked back, slamming his head against the white, steel bars.
I practically fell out of the cage, a million regrets surging through my mind as I kicked the door shut, scrambling back on my hands and knees.
The SolarWing curled in on himself, his movements jerky and sluggish.
Slowly I stood, watching as the dragon pushed himself against the cage wall, cowering behind a massive wing.
I released a quick breath, glancing away for a moment before I silently approached the cage, feeling my heart ache for the trembling beast before me. He was truly a grand creature, but so very malnourished.
I reached for my bag through the cage bars, dragging the pack towards me. At the sound of movement. The SolarWing tensed, his body absolutely rigid as I dug through my bag, retrieving a slab of dried beef. Watching tremors rack up the massive wing, which the SolarWing hid behind, I silently wondered when the dragon had last unfurled his wings, the clamps, which I had removed, must have restricted the movement for months, and I could only imagine how painful the awakened muscles must feel.
For a moment, I stood beside the cage, a silent argument raging in my mind.
Often, I was too quick to trust, and this had yet to bite me back. But I was wary of this dragon, and I seldom felt such emotions towards any being.
The SolarWing shuddered. He needed sustenance. This fact pounded into my mind for a moment longer before I unlocked the cage door. The dragon pulled his outstretched wing against himself, his bony form jutting out behind the wing membrane.
“Hey, hey, easy,” I whispered in dragon, cutting the meat package open. I grabbed my water bottle. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”
The dragon did not react, his entire body heaving with constricting breaths. I set the slab of beef down, removing the shrink wrapped packaging as I placed my water bottle beside the meat. A distant feeling of unease lurked, but I chased the emotions back, leveling my gaze as I stared down the dragon. He was huge, yes, easily dwarfing me in size, but far too weak, far too injured to fight back.
With careful steps, I approached the SolarWing. Positioning myself between the cage door and the creature, I reached out with a gentle hand, my fingers barely touching the deep red scales before the SolarWing lurched back. He threw his entire body back, retreating to the right corner of the cage where he huddled behind his wing.
Determined, I pursued the creature, my confidence growing as the tight muzzle still clamped down on the dragon's snout flashed into view.
I needed the SolarWing to see me- to realize I was no threat.
With a caring touch, I pulled the dragon’s wing back, slamming my boot down on the loose muzzle straps when he tried to escape my touch. The dragon shuddered, jerking back with desperate horror.
I knelt down beside the dragon, pinning his snout with my knee.
He was terribly easy to hold down, too weak to do much but tremble, already having spent the little energy he had. I pushed the dragon’s neck up against the bars, his muscles spasming like a dying animal.
It was moments like this when I began to question my profession. When my emotions fed off the creature in my care, when I felt sick on behalf of my patient. Perhaps this was a good thing. I never wanted to grow used to this, never desired to belittle a life. I sucked in a sharp breath, calming my nerves as I held the dragon down, feeling his energy drain, his movement grow slower and slower.
It was strange seeing such an awesome terror in the SolarWing’s eyes- it left him helpless, completely incapacitated in fear. Tears welled and streaked his scales. He took shaking, quick breaths, too exhausted to cry properly.
Truly, it was sickening.
Three days passed.
I told no one of the SolarWing- not even Cersei, though she seemed rather suspicious when I turned down her dinner offer.
Every free moment I dedicated toward the dragon.
It took a lot to get him to eat or drink, and I could never tell how much went in and how much came back up. By the second week things seemed more hopeful. The dragon still cowered and retreated, but he could eat on his own, and I no longer had to deal with the tedious work of forcing food down his throat, forcing his weak jaws shut with the muzzle straps until he swallowed. But even when the first full month passed by and he had regained what little strength his healing body could muster, he never made a move to injure me in any way.
He was still terrified, yes, but he never responded with aggression- and I appreciated that.
One night I was returning to my lot after a late night at work. Cersei had been particularly close the entire evening, talking about Roe mostly, until I bid her goodnight, promising we would talk more on the matter tomorrow- not that I cared about Roe in the least bit, I simply wanted to appease Cersei and bring a possible end to her sudden clingy nature.
Cersei had offered to join me on my walk back to my lot, and, even though I politely turned down her offer multiple times, she followed me back anyway. I let her ramble on about Roe, a silent debate warring in my mind on whether I should show Cersei the dragon or not.
I had just come to a decision when I realized, with sudden embarrassment, that Cersei had asked me a question.
“Pardon?” I said with an apologetic glance, catching Cer’s concerned expression.
“I said-... Did I do something to upset you?”
I’m positive I blushed, clearing my throat and shaking my head quickly. “Nono, not at all. Why, Cer?”
She shrugged, stopping abruptly before she leaned up against the wall, and with sudden confusion, I realized we had already reached my lot door.
“I just… August, you look so tired, like, all the time, and we don’t speak outside of work, you’ve turned down my offers to come over… we don’t hangout anymore.”
Now this I saw an as absolutely absurd comment, and, with quick retaliation, I half snapped, “Cersei, I literally just spent the entire evening listening to you drone on about Roe-”
“Exactly.” She interrupted, blocking my path as I moved to unlock my lot door, “you hardly said a word! I don’t get it. Something’s changed. And I wish you would.. tell me. Like how I tell you all of my problems?”
I felt as though she were hinting at something more serious, more… relationship related. I bit my lip.
“That’s what friends do, August.” Cersei continued. “They help each other. Something’s wrong, right? What is it?”
I pushed past Cersei, sliding my thumb across the small scanner beside the door. The door opened, and I entered the lot, letting my backpack slide off my shoulder. I glanced at Cersei, who stood in the doorway for a few, silent seconds, then paced towards the lab cage, realization creeping across her features.
Sudden regret pounded through my mind as I watched her study the SolarWing, who, as predicted, had fled to the farthest corner of the cage.
This entire time I had been stealing medical supplies from Yair- I never could have afforded it on my own, I hardly made enough to pay for my own small lot and food. Cersei certainly knew this, and for a moment I truly regretted not spending more quality time with her as of recent, wishing I hadn't unknowingly upset her. But the worry faded when Cersei turned to me, her eyes full of concern.
“How long have you had him?”
I dropped my gaze, lugging my backpack over to the blankets in the corner of the lot. “It’s been a month.”
“A-.. month?”
I walked wordlessly to the cage.
“Where did you get him?”
“Truck Yard. Next to death. I saved his life. But-” I opened the cage door and took a confident step towards the dragon. He slammed himself against the bars with such force, the entire cage shifted, screeching against the cement. “I don’t know if I really did any good. He’s too frightened to think.” The SolarWing resumed his typical stance, shielding himself behind one wing. I approached, pulling his wing back just as I had done countless times, and he let me, dropping to the floor when I released him, his wing still propped awkwardly against the cage bars.
Cersei entered the cage, standing beside me. “Look.” She whispered, as the SolarWing shifted, watching us with wild eyes. “We’ve owned him before.”
I had realized this the first day while assessing wounds. The dragon had been owned by a wide assortment of people, many brands I recognized. The marks spanned the underside of the dragon’s left wing, an endless list which crawled from the shoulder up, and looped around down a second bone. I had never seen anything like it.
“Many people have owned him.”
I watched as Cersei approached the SolarWing.
“He won’t attack, right?”
I shook my head.
Cersei advanced, reaching her hand out towards the red dragon.
He cowered, his breaths quick and suffocating.
He was always this way, and I leaned against the cage bars, a certain despair festering in my mind. Would he always be like this? It was truly disheartening to see. But when Cersei began speaking in dragon, her soft tone echoing throughout the lot, all my previous thoughts vanished.
The SolarWing’s ears twitched, and he froze for a moment.
I released a startled breath, my gaze shifting back to Cersei when she stopped, and the tremors returned, racking the dragon’s spine.
“Well, there you go.” I whispered, grinning slightly. Even such a small, insignificant reaction meant everything. Cersei caught my astonished look, and she gave a kind smile, meeting my gaze. “Shoot,” I returned her grin, gesturing towards the SolarWing, “don’t stop.”
I think the fact that Cersei was a woman, her voice young and soft, was why he was suddenly so attentive to her words. I doubted the dragon had ever been spoken to in such a carefully gentle manner. He listened to Cersei for probably two minutes while I stood by, both shocked and jealous. Cersei’s words were laced with both comfort and promises, praising my name and assuring the dragon’s safety under my care.
It was like magic.
He held on to her every word, his eyes no longer wild with fear and pain, but calm and relieved.
He stayed in the tranquill state, even when Cersei's attention shifted from the SolarWing. She began asking me questions about the dragon, and I answered honestly, certain she had realized where I was gathering my medical supplies from. But Cersei made no comment on the matter, her questions fully devoted to the well-being of the SolarWing.
It was then that I realized the true significance of our friendship. My appreciation for Cersei grew immensely, my respect for the young woman completely, and forever, won.
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“Someone got lucky last night,” Derek responds with a grin. “It must be the hair. I heard that long hair gets all the ladies nowadays.”
Derek has a point there
“That’s not a bad thing,” he says through a laugh, swatting Emily’s hands away. “Being a gentleman. Some women prefer it over the whole macho act.”
“Don’t give me a moral dilemma, Hotch. This isn’t a hypothetical,” Spencer counters, finally finding the little device buried at the bottom of his satchel. “When I– when the incident with Tobias Hankel happened, she never gave up on me. She went out on a limb for me. I’m returning the favour.”
I love that Spencer has his priorities straight. I mean, this isn't morally right but he doesn't give a damn.
He tells himself to relax but how can he when he very well could die in here? He knows the statistics; only 55% of those who receive aggressive treatment survive. He doesn’t like those odds.
“Don’t bother, it’s not going to do me any good. I’m already infected.” Spencer knows that if you were still part of the team that you would be scolding him about being so stubborn. Hell, you’re not even on the team anymore and you still scold him about it.
In my case we would be two idiots fighting to see who can be more stubborn.
“I– uh– I need you to record a message. Two messages. One for my mother and the other for… for (Y/N). In case anything happens to me.” His voice cracks as he speaks, his hand trembling because oh God, this really could be the end. After everything he went through going to those Narcotics Anonymous meetings, getting clean, going to therapy… this is how it ends?
I KNOW nothing happens to Spencer but I can feel the pit in my stomach like when I saw the episode. My poor heart can't bear to think of something happening to this man!
Derek grimaces before finally saying, “What if (Y/N) were here? Would you tell her to go?” “(Y/N) wouldn’t mind seeing me naked.”
“You ass,” you respond tearfully, your voice cracking as you swat him lightly on the arm. “You refused treatment?”
The poor guy was about to die and that's what we tell him??? STOPPP
“I do,” he murmurs, his cheeks flushed and a giddy smile on his face despite where he is. He looks at you, you and his oversized CalTech hoodie. The hoodie in itself is ugly; a muted grey with a half-assed logo slapped to the front and Spencer has hated it ever since he bought it with what little funds he had back in college. Yet, for some reason, he doesn’t hate it so much when you wear it. “You look beautiful.”
He reaches a hand out to hold the back of your neck, his thumb stroking the line from your ear to your jaw. “I love you,” he says into the space between you, before kissing you again.
This is what I like, what my heart needs to feel full
Thanks, perfect again!!!
06 — untouchable
summary: “come on, come on, say that we’ll be together/”i’m caught up in you.” pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader genre: best friends to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, slow burn, warnings: rated 16+ for two mentions of nakedness, short blood mention, brief mention of dead things, mostly canon compliant (s4 e23 ‘amplification’), wc: 4.3k a/n: thank you again to the lovely @astrophileous for beta-reading <3 good luck on your thesis babes MWAH SERIES MASTERLIST // MAIN MASTERLIST
38 Hours Before the Phone Call – Monday, 8:42AM, BAU Office
Spencer arrives at the office with a stupidly giddy smile on his face. His cheeks are flushed as he grips a hot takeaway cup of coffee in his hands. He taps the cup idly with his fingers, bouncing on the heels of his feet as he steps out of the elevator unable to shake the smile off his face. It’s ridiculous and insane and borderline delusional but he knows it’s far from that. After all, he has a perfectly good reason as to why he is in such high spirits and that reason is you. After years of pining and psyching himself up (only to psych himself out) he managed to actually ask you out on a date. And, he reminds himself with a silly smile, he actually kissed you. And it wasn’t one of those platonic kisses, no, this was an actual kiss to the lips and he couldn’t be happier.
He thinks back to the previous night, visualising the way your cheeks grew warm and the way your lips felt against his. His own cheeks flush at the thoughts and he remembers committing that version of you to memory. How on earth are you so beautiful? Even while sleep deprived with dark bags under your eyes or unruly hair, he still thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.
“Pretty boy,” Derek comments in a teasing sing-songy voice as Spencer takes a sip of his coffee, trying to appear nonchalant. “Ooh, I know that look.”
Spencer chokes a little, wiping his mouth with a tissue in his bag. “What look?”
“Someone got lucky last night,” Derek responds with a grin. “It must be the hair. I heard that long hair gets all the ladies nowadays.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Spencer is quick to deny, walking through the big glass doors of the office.
“Who got lucky last night?” Emily asks, poking her head out of her little stall. Her eyes flit to Spencer and she grins. “Oh… I see how it is.”
“Nothing happened last night,” Spencer says adamantly, swiping a hand over his face. “It isn’t like that. Whatever we have is good. It doesn’t need to be–” He coughs quietly as blood rushes to his ears– “to be sexual. I like her. More than physically.”
Emily coos at his confession, twisting around her desk to ruffle his hair. “You’re such a gentleman, Reid.”
“That’s not a bad thing,” he says through a laugh, swatting Emily’s hands away. “Being a gentleman. Some women prefer it over the whole macho act.”
“Hey, I am plenty gentleman,” Derek says swiftly, holding a finger out. “And chicks dig the macho thing.”
14 Hours Before the Phone Call – Tuesday, 7:09AM, BAU Office
It was supposed to be a normal morning. It was supposed to be an average Tuesday with your average, run-of-the-mill serial killer with daddy issues but instead, JJ called the entire team in the early hours of the morning, saying to get to the BAU as quickly as possible.
“Case must be local. JJ said not to bring a go-bag,” Spencer says as they enter the office.
In moments they were met with a complete arsenal of military personnel, bustling around their desks and storming throughout the office. Others were answering and sending phone calls, demanding for processes to be sped up as Hotch speaks to a group of people in his own personal office, Rossi beside him.
“What’s the army doing here?” Derek asks, his brows furrowed.
“What the hell is going on?” Emily demands, eyeing the uniformed professionals as they splay casefiles across their desks.
They all enter the conference room where JJ was waiting for them, along with a neatly dressed Asian woman with her hair tied up in a ponytail and out of her face.
“Guys, this is Dr Linda Kimura, Chief of Special Pathogens at the CDC,” JJ introduces, filling up styrofoam cups with water and placing them around the round table.
“Hello. I’m sorry to meet under these circumstances,” she says as she places pills on a shiny metal tray.
Spencer frowns at that. “What circumstances?”
Hotch enters the room instantly, gripping a case file in his iron fist. “We need to get started.”
“Last night, twenty-five people checked into emergency rooms in and around Annapolis. They were all at the same park after 2PM yesterday. Within 10 hours, the first victim died. It’s now just past 7AM the next day, we have twelve people dead,” JJ explains as the rest of team look through the manilla files.
“Lung failure and black lesions,” Derek murmurs thoughtfully. “Anthrax?”
Spencer flicks through the papers, scanning the tox screen. “Anthrax doesn’t kill this fast.”
“This strain does,” Kimura says, an edge of fear in her tone.
“What are we doing about potential mass targets– airports, malls, trains?” Emily asks, turning to Hotch who shakes his head.
“There’s a media blackout.”
“We’re not telling the public.”
Derek looks over at Emily. “We’d have a mass exodus.”
“The psychology of group panic would cause more deaths than this last attack,” Rossi explains.
“Yeah, and if it does get out, whoever did this might go underground or destroy their samples,” Spencer says as he sifts through the papers.
“Or if they wanted attention and didn’t get it, they might attack again. Doesn’t the public have the right know that?”
“If there is another attack, there’s no way we’ll be able to keep it quiet,” Hotch says urgently. “Our best chance of protecting the public is by building a profile as quickly as we can.”
Spencer wets his bottom lip nervously, his thoughts drifting to you. You work indoors all day. You’ll be fine, you have to be. “What do we know about this strain?”
“The spores are weaponized,” Kimura explains, “reduced to a respiral ideal that attacks deep in the lungs. Odourless and invisible.”
Rossi nods, almost as if he wasn’t surprised at all upon hearing the news. “A sophisticated strain. Only a scientist would know how to do that.”
“These lesions are doubling in size in a matter of hours,” Derek points out, gesturing to the less than positive crime photos in their files.
“It’s not the lesions I’m worried about,” Kimura begins, taking an ultrasound scan of a patient’s lungs and presenting it to the team. “Its the lungs. We don’t know how to com2bat the toxins once they’re inside. And the reality is, we may lose them all.”
“The remaining survivors have been moved to a special wing at Walter Reed Hospital. Our offices will become a small command centre,” JJ tells them.
“We’ll be working with military scientists from Fort Detrick,” Hotch adds on.
“General Whitworth is coming here?” Rossi asks.
Hotch nods in the affirmative. “He’s in charge of sit containment and spore analysis. Determining what strain this is will help inform who’s responsible.”
“My team is in charge of treating all victims,” Kimura goes on to tell the team, looking at each person.
“Reid, go with Dr. Kimura to the hospital, interview the victims,” Hotch says, dishing out responsibilities. “Morgan and Prentiss, there’s a hazmat team that will accompany you to the crime scene. There’s Cipro. Everybody needs to take it before we go.”
Linda hands a small plastic container, each one having two round tablets resting inside. “We don’t know if it’s effective against this strain, but it’s something.”
Emily lets out a nervous breath as she toys with the rim of the container. “This… is really happening?
“We knew this could happen. We’ve done our homework. We’ve prepared for this. This is it,” Hotch says as reassuringly as possible before knocking his head back and taking the two Cipro tablets.
“Cent’anni,” Rossi toasts, holding the little container out. “May you live one hundred years.”
Everyone rushes about, gathering files and resources before the head off to complete their allocated assignments. Regardless of how much is at stake in this certain situation, Spencer feels his heart spike with anxiety. It’s against protocol, sure, but shouldn’t he call you? Tell you to take a sick day and stay at home, or to just stay indoors the entire time you’re at work. Maybe if he’s lucky he could get you into witness protection.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Hotch says slowly, seemingly appearing out of thin air behind him.
Spencer freezes, his hands pausing as they rummage through his bag in search of his cell. “I’m not.”
“You’re not thinking?” Hotch asks, raising an eyebrow. “I know what you want to do.”
“I can’t just– I can’t just keep her in the dark, Hotch,” Spencer insists, continuing to feel for his cell phone. “She could get infected and–” His mouth runs dry at the idea and he swallows thickly. “If I can protect her, then why shouldn’t I?
Aaron sighs, his forehead wrinkling as his eyebrows knit together. “I know you care about her and I know you’re worried, but she isn’t on this team anymore. If we all called home and used this information to give them the advantage that other people don’t have… is that really the right thing to do?”
“Don’t give me a moral dilemma, Hotch. This isn’t a hypothetical,” Spencer counters, finally finding the little device buried at the bottom of his satchel. “When I– when the incident with Tobias Hankel happened, she never gave up on me. She went out on a limb for me. I’m returning the favour.”
Hotch is quiet for a moment before finally, “What about the guilt?”
Spencer balks. “What?”
“If she is saved because of the information you gave her… can you imagine the guilt she would feel? She’s a selfless person, Spencer, and knowing her… well, you can guess what she would do,” Aaron says, glancing back to his office where Rossi is waving him over. “I’m sure you’ll make the right decision. Kimura is waiting for you.”
Hotch is gone before Spencer could say anything. He huffs quietly, guilty after hearing Hotch’s words. Even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he has to accept that his boss is right. The best way to keep you safe is by finding this UnSub before he could hurt any more people. He rubs at his eyes in frustration, stalking out of the BAU offices. Hopefully you’ll forgive him.
“Dr. Lawrence Nichols? Yeah, I read about him. He was highly respected doctor who studied anthrax prior to the attacks in 2001,” Spencer says as he gets into the passenger seat of Derek’s SUV. He rolls up the sleeves of his dark purple shirt, brushing some sweat from his forehead. “They think that he’s behind it?”
“There was a video of him at a conference with the with the National Defense Committee. He was paranoid after the Amerithrax attacks in 2001, proposing some crazy high budget to ‘protect the people of America’,” Derek explains. “He matches the profile exactly. Prentiss and Rossi are heading to his work. Apparently he got demoted into working with influenza.”
Spencer grimaces as he stares at the overgrowing rose bushes at the front of Dr. Nichols’s house, his nose scrunching up in distaste. Do people not hire gardeners anymore? He squeezes past a few bushes to follow Derek closer to the house, hissing when his hand gets caught on one of the thorns. He shakes his hand out, a scratch already blooming on the back of his hand with small droplets ot blood already emerging.
He continues to walk into the house as Derek’s phone rings, entering the house through a glass sliding door. The whirring of the fan above him grabs his attention and he frowns. The fan is on but the door is open… someone must have left in a hurry. He takes another step forward, jolting when he hears the sound of glass being crushed under his feet. Shit.
“Reid?” Derek yells, and Spencer jumps.
“Morgan, get– get back!” Spencer yells, slamming the sliding door shut so hard that the glass shakes. “Get back! Get out of here!”
Derek frowns, tugging at the handle. ‘What are you doing? What’s wrong?”
“No, don’t!”
“What’s wrong?” Derek asks again, tugging once more at the handle; Spencer is a lot stronger than he expected.
“What’s wrong?”
Spencer pushes his hair out of his face in frustration as he locks the door, turning back to his friend. “I’m sorry.”
It is in that moment that Derek’s eyes turn to the ground, his eyes widening in disbelief as he sees the white powder in the room leaking from a broken test tube with a bright yellow symbol for ‘biological hazard’.
It feels like hours before Hotch and the military arrive at the house, along with an ambulance and a hazmat team. The stench of Dr. Nichols’s dead body lingers in the air even though the air-con is blasting and the air is circulating through the room. He doesn’t even want to think about the dead animals and test subjects in the cages, his stomach churning at the mere thought. From what he could tell, the doctor was dead three days ago, meaning that he couldn’t have been the one to infect those people at the park. His head is pounding and his throat itches and all of a sudden he can’t breathe. He tells himself to relax but how can he when he very well could die in here? He knows the statistics; only 55% of those who receive aggressive treatment survive. He doesn’t like those odds.
“Hotch, I really messed up this time,” he says hoarsely into the phone, wiping the sweat off his upper lip.
“Reid, we need to get you out and to the hospital,” Hotch says firmly, and Spencer watches as he puts the call on speaker.
“What– no, I’m staying right here,” Spencer insists, frowning.
Derek interrupts swiftly, “No, you’re not, Reid.”
“I’m already exposed,” Spencer says, his voice straining as he turns back into Dr. Nichols’s makeshift lab. “It’s not gonna do me any good to stop working the case.”
General Whitworth grimaces in response. “He’s already infected. Now, if Nichols created the strain, he may have also created the cure.”
“My best chance is to stay here, see if there’s a cure, and try to figure out who killed Dr. Nichols,” Spencer insists as he searches through the lab for what seems like the millionth time.
Test tubes, files, and text books litter the lab, a flurry of papers splayed across the floor. The sight of them remind him of the first time he met you when you had ran into him on his first official day at the BAU. You were a swirling rainstorm as you practically slammed your head against his chest, the paperwork you were carrying flying into the air as you toppled over like a house of cards. In that moment, Spencer could have sworn that you were untouchable. You were like a fire, burning brighter than the sun, and he would be damned if he ever made that flame flicker away.
“Come on, Hotch, say something to him,” Derek tries again, worry laced in his tone.
Aaron hesitates as he considers his options before sighing. “He’s right. His best chase is inside. We’re gonna get a suit and mask in to you right away.”
“Don’t bother, it’s not going to do me any good. I’m already infected.” Spencer knows that if you were still part of the team that you would be scolding him about being so stubborn. Hell, you’re not even on the team anymore and you still scold him about it.
As he continues to try and search for more clues and filtering the information he finds through to Derek, his thoughts continuously drift back to you. You and your blissfully unaware state. He thinks of the way you smile and the way you felt in his arms that day. He is sure that the universe is playing tricks with him because the one moment he finally has you, you’re ripped away from him. His mind wanders back to the way your eyes lit up and the way your lips felt against his and in that moment he’s begging. He’s begging whatever higher power there is that he is part of the 55% of people who survive an anthrax attack after treatment.
“Hey, Reid,” Penelope’s voice echoes through the phone, sad and mopey. It’s unlike her, incredibly uncharacteristic and Spencer chokes out a quiet laugh.
“Reid? Wow, no, uh… no witty Garcia greeting for me?” He asks, running his fingers through his damp sweaty hair. It’s disgusting and gross and he hates it because he knows that it’s a symptom of the disease.
Penelope chuckles weakly from the other side of the line. “I can’t be my sparkly self when you are where you are.”
He doesn’t know how to respond to that so instead he asks, “Garcia, do you think you can do something for me?”
“I… I know I can’t call… I know I can’t call (Y/N) or my mother without, uh–” he coughs, wiping his face with the palm of his hand and feeling his clammy skin– “without alerting everyone.”
“What do you need?”
“I– uh– I need you to record a message. Two messages. One for my mother and the other for… for (Y/N). In case anything happens to me.” His voice cracks as he speaks, his hand trembling because oh God, this really could be the end. After everything he went through going to those Narcotics Anonymous meetings, getting clean, going to therapy… this is how it ends?
“Oh, nothing is gonna happen to you,” Garcia says, wholeheartedly believing it. “You’re gonna brilliantly find ut who did this and we’re gonna treat this strain.”
Spencer lets out a nervous breath. “I hope you’re right. But if you’re not, I just… I really want to make sure that they hear my voice. Both of them.”
“Okay. Just– just give me a second,” Penelope mumbles, clicking away on her keyboard.
“Are you ready?”
“This– um, it’s for my mum first…” He clears his throat, trying to keep his voice even. “Hi, mum. This is Spencer. I just– I just really want you to know that I love you, and– and I need you to know that I spend every day of my life proud to be your son.”
Penelope presses pause on that message, murmuring, “Okay. And– and for (Y/N)?”
“Is it on?” He asks quietly, coughing as the itchiness in his throat refuses to relent. “Hey, angel, it’s me, Spenc– Walter. It’s your Walter.” His voice catches in his throat as he speaks, tears slipping past his eyes as he tries to choke out the words. “If you’re getting this then something happened and I just wanted you to know that– that– that I love you. I didn’t get the chance to tell you that before but I do. I love you and I wish it didn’t turn out like this but I am– I am so glad that we had that moment.”
Dr. Kimura enters the room through the sliding door, clad in a bright red hazmat suit. “Prep the victim for transfer.”
“I gotta go,” Spencer says quickly, hanging up the call and pocketing his phone.
“Dr. Reid,” Kimura says, walking over to him.
“You look nice,” he says drily, staring at the uniform. It looks very similar to an astronaut costume and if he were in any other situation, he would have started to laugh.
Kimura chuckles quietly. “I haven’t been in this outfit for a while.”
“How… how are the patients doing?” Spencer manages to ask, and suddenly it feels as if all the air is kicked out of his lungs. His head throbs with each attempt he makes to take in a breath and sweat pools at the top of his lip.
“Let’s worry about you.”
“I actually… I feel fine,” Spencer lies through gritted teeth, the muscles in his shoulders aching with each heave of his chest.
Kimura nods, her concern palpable. “Okay, if you feel any pain, I can give you something.”
In an instant, the fear of losing all the progress he has made in the past year pools to his stomach and he shakes his head adamantly, ignoring the way the room spins. “No, I’d rather not take any pain medication.”
“We can at least make you feel more comfortable.”
“I am comfortable and I don’t want to take any narcotics!” Spencer says firmly, and he can see the realisation dawn in Kimura’s eyes.
“Okay… tell me how I can help.”
“I think the cure for this strain is in here somewhere,” he says through heavy breaths, sucking in a mouthful of air with every sentence.
It isn’t long before the hazmat team has Spencer in a decontamination tent, the smell of sterile plastic filling his nose. They’re hosing him down behind a clear plastic curtain, Derek standing in front of him. The feeling of the cold water splashing against his back is uncomfortable, and Spencer grimaces at the feeling of his clothes sticking to his skin. It’s gross and his work shirt is growing heavy from the waterweight, sagging down on his shoulders. The anthrax isn’t helping either. It’s too hot and too cold all at once, it’s too hard to breathe and it’s like his head weighs a million pounds.
“Go help Hotch,” Spencer croaks out to Derek, shivering as they continue to spray water on his back and front.
“Hotch has plenty of people helping him,” Derek dismisses.
Spencer shakes his head and regrets it immediately, his head starting to spin. “He needs you more than I do.”
“Reid, I’m gonna see you off to the hospital.”
“I’m about to get naked so that they can scrub me down. Is that something you really want to see?” Spencer deadpans.
Derek grimaces before finally saying, “What if (Y/N) were here? Would you tell her to go?”
“(Y/N) wouldn’t mind seeing me naked.”
Derek’s eyebrows shoot upwards at Spencer’s less than innocent words, immediately turning away. “We are having a conversation about this later. Take good care of him, please.”
The ambulance is stuffy and cramped, and the scrubs that he has to wear is itchy and uncomfortable. They’re menial thoughts that don’t even matter considering the severity of the situation, and Spencer wheezes out of a cough; a reminder that he might not even live to see the next day. The nasal cannula that is attached to Spencer’s nose isn’t doing much to assist him to breathe, and he coughs again.
“How are you feeling, Dr. Reid?” Kimura asks as she checks his vitals.
“My throats a little dry, but other than that I feel– I flee– feel…” He blanks. His mind knows the words but they get stuck on his tongue and he panics. It can’t end like this. He refuses for it to end like this. “Flee– fleel– I–”
Kimura nods in understanding, a sense of urgency behind her words. “Okay. Okay, you’re doing okay. Driver, faster!”
“Call–” Spencer tries again, the words spinning in his head. “Pelen– Penel… low… len…”
Call Penelope, he tries to say, the lights in the ambulance growing brighter and brighter. She needs to give (Y/N) the message, she needs to… she needs to…
All the sees is white.
The first thing Spencer notices when he regains consciousness is the smell of lavender and oranges overpowering the sterile scent of antibacterial wipes. It’s comforting and familiar and he wracks his brain as he tries to remember where he remembers it from. He doesn’t remember much; only getting into the ambulance and Kimura asking him questions. He shuffles around in his hospital bed, stretching his aching muscles. He forces his eyes open little by little, and he quints at the woman at the end of his hospital bed.
“You ass,” you respond tearfully, your voice cracking as you swat him lightly on the arm. “You refused treatment?”
He smiles a little, sitting up on the bed. “Hey, angel.”
“Don’t ‘hey angel’ me,” you sniffle, taking hold of his hand and stroking his palm with your thumb. “You scared me.”
Spencer hums softly in acknowledgement, squeezing your hand back. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Dr. Kimura said that you should be free to go in a couple of days but you need rest afterwards,” you tell him, brushing a strand of his hair behind his ear. “You owe me a date.”
“I do,” he murmurs, his cheeks flushed and a giddy smile on his face despite where he is. He looks at you, you and his oversized CalTech hoodie. The hoodie in itself is ugly; a muted grey with a half-assed logo slapped to the front and Spencer has hated it ever since he bought it with what little funds he had back in college. Yet, for some reason, he doesn’t hate it so much when you wear it. “You look beautiful.”
You roll your pretty eyes at him, moving your chair closer to him. “Liar.”
“Never,” he whispers. “Never to you.”
You smile at him again, bringing your lips to the back of his hand. “You told me you loved me. Is that true, too?”
“Love,” he corrects you quietly, “and I wouldn’t lie to you about that.”
Heat rushes up your neck at his words and you beam at him, kissing his cheeks. “I love you.”
He reaches a hand out to hold the back of your neck, his thumb stroking the line from your ear to your jaw. “I love you,” he says into the space between you, before kissing you again.
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#fic recommendation#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds#This is the kind of content I deserve
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