#alpheus’ library
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alpheuslibrary · 4 months ago
“ Don’t think, Master Jim. Become. “
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I bring upon ye—Jim fanart!
Not sure what possessed me at this moment but I just thought it’d be cool to do something with him (and give him cool armour ehehheeh).
Obligatory fellow Tales of Arcadia Enthusiast mention: @alchemisticramblings
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komiloves · 10 months ago
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౿  ׂ   ִ        ⁀   ˳ ⊹⠀- General HCs ! || Ijekiel Alpheus, Lucas x Reader ⁀   ⊹⠀ Note: New writing style, no one cheered 😔 I barely see any WMMAP x reader and I'm deprived of it right now. Time to put tumblr on use 😹😹
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Ijekiel is the gentlemen every girl could dream of. That sounds much more cheesy than I thought it would be. Seriously though, his calm and soft face? His gentle yet can be teasing personality?? Whoa dude, it's 1 in the morning why is the sun so bright already? Wait, that's not the sun!
Imagine standing alone at the grand ball Obelia had held and then suddenly someone bumps to you and when you look up, it's the son of Duke Alpheus himself, apologizing and that singular apology escalated into a whole night chat. Since when did you get the main character syndrome?!
Ijekiel loves practicing ball dances with you. Gently holding you with his pair of warm hands while he teaches you how to coordinate your steps. He lightly teases you when you accidentally made a mistake such as stepping on his foot.
He loves doing your hobbies with you. Oh you like sleeping? He'll nap with you. Oh you like to chew on snacks? He'll bring you some. You like drawing? He'll watch you draw and compliment you even as simple as you drawing lines. You like to read? He'll bring you to the library and have a quiet pleasant date with you there. You like to gossip a lot? He'll listen to you the whole time with affirmative nods. You like to shop? He'll bring you to your favorite place and offer to carry your bags even if you insisted that you can do it yourself.
Ijekiel definitely introduce you to his family, even if you told him that he doesn't have to. The meeting felt like him proposing to you and asking his family for support.
Ijekiel would learn stuff for you. Oh you can't cook? Suddenly you're greeted by some delicious dishes on the table when you come over at his place. You fell asleep on your desk after doing some stuff overnight? When you wake up, you suddenly found some flowers with a letter on it tinted with his scent. He loves acting on assistant for you.
When he gets jealous, all he simply does is shoot the person you're paying attention to a passive aggressive smile before gently pulling you away from them, claiming that the two of you have some stuff to do.
Overall, a really sweet sweet sweet man. Ijekiel is a really gentle guy with you, he loves to show you that he adores you with his whole life.
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Lucas is a massive asshole with you. This man would stubbornly stand on his point. What point you ask? His denial of being in love with you.
Lucas has been alone and so unattached of his feelings for hundreds of years and suddenly a simple person like you who he would definitely belittle of is making him feel things?
He would definitely deny his feelings at first. The butterflies? Probably just his stomach rumbling. His heart beating fast? Could be a sign of fever, aaand you name it. At the end, he couldn't help but succumb to it. Your smile is more than enough to light his days up and he secretly really loves it.
This man is the opposite of Ijekiel. He shows his worries to you with snarky yet light remarks. "Holy shit, you looked uglier than yesterday with those eye bags. Did you get enough sleep at all??" And then you two proceeded to banter like you usually do.
Believe it or not, Lucas is very needy when it comes to your attention. When he wants your attention, he will do stuff and then make it seem like he didn't do it on purpose (he sucks at it). Accidentally twisting and knotting his tie so that you could undo it for him and put it back on his collar, his earring fell off so you have to put it back on his ear, and more.
This man somehow knows what you like and what you dislike, even if you didn't directly tell him. He catches you staring extra longer at a stuff displayed on a shop? You'd find that thing in less than a week in your room.
He loves using you as an arm rest. No matter how tall you are, Lucas will somehow look taller than you just for the sake of teasing you and using you as his arm rest when he's standing up.
When he gets jealous, he will make it clear that he does NOT like the person you're paying attention to. Send them death stares, glares, unamused yet condescending looks that says "I'm way better than you" before finally dragging you away, with the sarcastic excuse of "Oh sorry, they're busy, do you mind???"
No matter how flustered he himself could be when faced with his own feelings, Lucas absolutely, definitely, truly loves flustering you. He just loooves the sight of you denying your embarrassed state when it's as clear as an open book.
Overall, Lucas is the type of person to be conflicted of his own feelings while secretly enjoying the butterflies you gave him.
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Hi, just want to ask. Had there been no Ana-Mr. Ancestor's resurrection thingy and Obelia stayed peaceful, how would LP!Jennette, as empress, fare with nobility and the court? Especially if Claude passes away from black magic usage?
I think Jennette would make a decent Empress if she is surrounded by the right people. Before Athy went on her spiritual journey to the world tree she entrusted Jennette with Obelia in case something happened to her which meant she had trust in her abilities. LP Athy and Jennette were taught alongside each other after Jennette was accepted as a princess and Athy taught her about the palace life. I imagine that unlike Lucas, Athy was being a good teacher as almost everything she does comes easy to her and Jennette would have been an adept student. I used to think that after the death of her family Jennette would fall into a deep depression and push the work on Ijekiel, but based on Jennette's reaction to the blows of fate the manhwa dealed out to her (aunt Rosalia's death, Claude's illness, Ijekiel's rejection, her discovery that she's a black magic baby and Anastacius is her father) she is someone who bounces easily back and forgives and forgets.
I have the impression that Jennette is the type of person who would listen more to the opinions of the council and would be hesitant to make any major decisions without taking in the opinion of as many people as she can, which could complicate matters because Jennette would want to please everyone and leave no one unsatisfied. Giving the council more political power could lead to corruption, bribery and even murder among those who have a seat in the council or wish to be elected as the next member. Assassinations of nobles and mock trials would be on an all time high and this time no one would target the Empress' life since everyone would view her as a doll easily to be controlled. The lives that will be in danger are of the ones who pull her strings. The fortune of the house Alpheus and Judith might as well become their downfall if they are not strong enough to hold their position.
During the period of mourning Jennette would rely alot on Ijekiel who would see to it that no greedy noble would have Jennette's ear. I assume Athy told Ijekiel in her letters to take care of Jennette, should anything befall her on her mission and lp Athy may have said something similar which lead Ijekiel to go through with the decision to marry Jennette although he was angry at Rosalia and technically giving her what she wanted, but he felt obliged to respect the wish of the dead princess/his first love and didn't want Obelia to fall into the wrong hands either. Ijekiel may still view Jennette as this soft hearted princess who needs to be protected and cannot do anything on her own. His underestamination of her abilities would cause him to baby her and do much of Jennette's work that she could have theoretically done on her own or used to learn how to do it on her own with the right guidance. I imagine he would give her some paperwork and when he is finished with his own he would offer to do hers because it's faster and Jennette would agree because Ijekiel probably knows better than her. She'd feel guilty wasting his time asking too many questions and often when she doesn't understand something she'd just nod along, thinking she'd already asked too many questions today and would plan to look up the answers in private later. She might become a frequent visitor of the library and stay in touch with Athy's former teachers through letters.
Seeing that Jennette was raised on fairytale books, I think she would make a great effort to become a good Empress who improves the lives of the commoners by building orphanages and sponsoring the education for the lower classes, but because she was raised so old fashioned I fear it wouldn't occour to her to do something about women's rights unless her attention is called to a particular bad case of misogony.
Unlike Athy who is comfortable at the castle, Jennette, who feels nervous in the big luxurious rooms of the palace, would spend much time outside and do activities that happen to be great PR for her, like giving alms, praying in the public church, visiting the public library, theatre plays or going shopping in the town rather than sending for a tailor who comes to the palace. She'd give a flower to a street musician or buy sweets at the market place or gift a doll to a crying child and these people will tell the story for the rest of their lives how they met the lovely princess and how kind and generous she was just like the rumors said.
Jennette would be closer to commoners, she's the kind of person who'd become friends with her maid or the errant boy, these ties to the "other" world would open her eyes to the struggles of the working class and make her see where change is necessary, but Ijekiel would be the real power behind the throne, I think. She'd tell him what she wants to change and Ijekiel would have to find a way to translate her wishes into reality. Which can be often frustrating for Ijekiel. I think Ijekiel would find her naive in her thinking, her ideas unrealistic and might not even try as hard as he could. Because even though Ijekiel is kind, the world was made for someone like him. An aristocratic man would not feel the same pressure to reform old laws that made his own life easier. The real problem is how would Jennette be able to convince Ijekiel of her skills and make him stop coddling her? Some big event has to happen that would force Ijekiel to change his way of thinking and give up power to Jennette. Ijekiel needs to accept Jennette as his partner and not some kind of burden he has to carry on his back for the rest of his life. There might be bitterness in Ijekiel that has intensified over the years and would create tension in moments like these. Jennette had never expressed interest in ruling before, ignored her duty when Claude was ill and let others deal with the work and suddenly she wants to play the good Empress and dismantle part of the whole system that made sure people like them stayed in power?
Even if Jennette learned to be a decent ruler in a short amount of time, it's likely her reign would be marked by political instability and social unrest. Jennette has the ability to control people's emotions but only of those close to her. Think of the neighbouring kingdoms that are not friendly with Obelia and that Claude kept in check until now. Claude's sudden death is the golden opportunity to declare war on Obelia. All the enemy nations see is a weak little girl that doesn't even have mastery over her magic. Ijekiel is a statesman. He's learned the machinations of the nobility inside Obelia and a bit of diplomacy in Arlanta but he's neither a mighty warrior nor the best wizard on the continent. Like Jennette he has no experience with war. They were both raised during an era of peace. Obelia might meet the same fate of every Empire that has become too big to control and collapse.
I'd say manhwa lp Ijennette have the potential to be a good team, and novel Ijennette could have been an even greater power couple but from the few glimpses I got, I have the feeling they would eventually start to resent each other. Novel Ijekiel would bottle up his feelings and force himself masochistically into the role of her doting husband, all while blaming Jennette internally for lp Athy's death and robbing him of the life he could have had. One day he'd snap and their relationship would never be the same again. Depending on how Jennette approaches Rosalia's punishment when her involvement in the poisoning affair has come to light, there might be hope that their relationship would change for the better and Ijekiel could recognize that Jennette has finally grown up and has gained the strenght to make difficult decisions on her own. But I don't know if Jennette is ready to lose another family member. Novel Jennette's punishment for Claude who has murdered her parents was that he should be a good father to her and spoil her. Would her punishment of aunt Rosalia have been similar? And manhwa Jennette was so ready to believe the thing with Anastacius has just been a terrible misunderstanding.
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dknuth · 5 months ago
Today was the visit to the leading ancient site of the cruise, Ephesus.
Ephesus was a Greek and Roman city founded in the 10th century B.C. on an earlier Arzawan settlement site. It was one of the region's principal cities based on its port, location on a river providing access to the interior, and sanctuary to Artemis.
We first stopped at the local museum, which contained sculptures and artifacts from the site. Some of these, like the Minoan pottery, attest to the early occupation.
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Ephesus also developed coins early, using the local electrum ore. The first coins had images of a bee.
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Most of the statuary was Roman. Only a few Greek statues remain for two reasons: their age and the fact that most Greek statues were bronze, which was melted down and reused, both for decorative items and weapons.
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However, the most significant statues were of Artemis. Greek Artemis was the equivalent of Roman Diana, the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, nature, vegetation, childbirth, child care, and chastity. The local version was equated to the earlier Great Mother Goddess and portrayed quite differently than the Roman version. A chart on the wall showed the development of the Great Mother Goddess images over time.
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In Ephesus, she was portrayed in a a very dramatic manner.
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There is a lot to unpack here. Starting at the top, she wears a crown with the city on top. She has wild animals on either side of her head.
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She has a lion on each arm; the most noticeable thing is all those protuberances. There has been much debate over what they represent. Breasts reflecting the abundance of the Great Mother? Stories say she was often hung with bull's testicles, and there is undoubtedly a resemblance there. Other sources indicate her statues could be hung with gift bags. We don't know, but it is undoubtedly a memorable image.
Her skirt is covered with the wild animals she was also a protector of.
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There was also a slightly smaller statue. Here, you can see the two hunting dogs accompanying her as the goddess of the hunt.
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In antiquity, the Temple of Artemis was one of the Wonders of the Ancient World. The last and greatest version was built starting in 356 B.C. It stood for 600 years until it was destroyed by the Goths in 268 AD. With the coming of Christianity it was finally abandoned.
The stones were, of course, recycled into other buildings. Today almost nothing remains.
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The one lone, sad column was haphazardly re-erected in modern times from odd bits left around the site.
There was a model in the local museum.
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Antipiter of Sidon described the temple thus in his Seven Wonders:
"I have set eyes on the wall of lofty Babylon on which is a road for chariots, and the statue of Zeus by the Alpheus, and the hanging gardens, and the colossus of the Sun, and the huge labor of the high pyramids, and the vast tomb of Mausolus; but when I saw the house of Artemis that mounted to the clouds, those other marvels lost their brilliancy, and I said, "Lo, apart from Olympus, the Sun never looked on aught so grand".
Alas, all we saw was a barren field and a poor column.
Then, it was on to the city itself. The most impressive part of the city was its marble-paved streets.
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A gate on the street, consisting of two statues of Hercules, narrows the passage, apparently to stop the use of carriages.
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What at first looks like a theater is a bouleuterion, or city council chamber.
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It is so much larger than any others we've seen we al thought it was a small theater.
The most famous structure in Ephesus is the library.
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It's a beautiful and impressive building front, but it is all restored. Before the restoration, only the column bases and lower parts of some columns were standing. The restorations Türkiye does are controversial. Some archeologists believe that everything should be left as found. Some people want to rebuild. I think that some restoration is beneficial for people to understand the ancient sites. Of course, they need to be done accurately and respectfully. Also, not all sites or structures should receive this treatment. It's costly and does some damage to the materials. But I certainly agree with the restoration of the Library in Ephesus.
Throughout this entire area, archeologists from various European countries did excavations. They also took may of the best artifacts and buildings back home. So museums in London, Berlin, and Paris have the absolute best of these ancient cities.
Completing our visit was the road down to the agora, theater and harbor.
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One area I had not heard about was the "Terrace Houses." These are a series of huge Roman houses on the hill above the main street. They are decorated with marble paneling, frescoes on the walls, and mosaics and marble on the floors. Even the second floors of the houses had frescoes and mosaics. The one even had private bach and toilet.
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Cleary Ephesus was an influential and wealthy city with some very wealthy residents.
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httyd-nerd · 2 months ago
Ant Benthos au x age swap au
Alpheus though Antaeus was loud. Good loud but still loud. The Guardians looked at the two of them differently. Very differently. They seemed to hate him. He's never even met them before why did they hate him? Nereus seemed nervous around him. Did he do something wrong?
"Alpheus? Are you alright?"
"I'm ok."
Antaeus smiled.
"Come on! I'll show you my room! Maybe you can get one next door!!"
Antaeus started dragging Alpheus away from the library they'd been in. Smiling. Well, atleast Antaeus didn't hate him. Maybe this place wasn't so bad.
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ddivilove · 2 years ago
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─────── SAY YOU'LL SEE ME AGAIN. . .
━━━━ ijekiel alpheus. manhwa. who made me a princess
‣ fluff. slight angst midway! . ୨:୧
‣ m.list . recent works . wmmap ━━━━
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“Here!” You smile as you propped a flower crown on Ijekiel's head. You two sat on the grass, under the cool shade of a tree. The two of you were having a picnic together.
The plates of food around both of you were half-eaten. Ijekiel had been reading a book while you were working on the crown, but the moment it came to contact with his head he looks up. His golden eyes sparkle. He looks so precious with crown on.
“Thank you, Name.” He smiles sweetly while you smile back and take up your own crown and wore it.
“No problem!” That was how your childhood went.
But then you were now sitting on the couch in the library. Everyone around you seemed so solemn. In front of you, Ijekiel was perched on a seat. Both of your eyes seem to have a question.
What were you two doing here?
A minute, then ten, then thirty minutes pass... No one spoke. As though they were waiting for one of you two to speak. Your hands play with a loose thread in your dress as you anxiously wait for someone to speak.
Ijekiel suddenly spoke the question that both of you now settled with. “Why have you brought us here, Father?” He asks.
The two fathers seemed to be relieved that at least one of you spoke. ���We have news for you two.”
You were anxious. Would it be that you two could no longer see each other? If so, what could we have possibly done for them to do such a thing? You tried reasoning with yourself but it failed.
Luckily, the news was far better than what you had thought of. “You two will be betrothed.”
Your eyebrows furrow as you attempt to remember what that word meant but Ijekiel takes note of your thinking hard and answered for you. “It means we will be married when we are older, my lady.” Oh. That was way better than being separated. You tried remaining positive. You smile gratefully towards Ijekiel as you still hadn't be able to recollect your voice that had simply vanished the moment you entered this room.
Both of the grownups were shocked and their faces betrayed their emotions. Perhaps it was because they didn't think you two would take this so...so easily.
As if it was a dream come true to both of you. Which for one of you it was, but for the other it was just a better alternative. I'm sure you could tell who thought which.
Then that was decided. At first, you had to adjust to the statement of him being your betrothed but sooner or later you got used to it.
Soon too you started falling in a pit of love for him and he to you. It doesn't take long before your easy rapport turned i to a rather easy romance between one another.
But then he had to go to school in another nation. You had frantically begged him to stay only for him to say he did not have a choice which was likely the truth but the pain was unbearable.
The joyful air turned into a depressing mist for you. You missed him.
His smiles, his hugs, his kisses... (on the cheek by the way).
It had grown on you so much but then for all of it to be pushed away hurt more than it should.
The longer he was gone, the more you worried. What if he forgets of your existence?
What if you'll be let alone in the dark once again no longer being able to see the sunshine that was your fiancé. Such thoughts brought overwhelming pain to you.
You try to cling on though. You do. You know he wouldn't want you wavering too much at the negativity of your own fragile and ever wavering mind.
So you try to keep up with what the others want. In your mind your motivation is him. Even if he isn't home.
Then the day finally comes for you both. The day that decides it all. Did he or did he not forget?
Being secluded to your thoughts and trying to keep from acting anything other than neutral was hard especially when there's a nerve-wracking truth that could behold in your eyes.
The moment he steps out of the carriage in which he had once left from, his golden eyes sparkled as they once did at the sight of you.
Time seemed to stop.
Everything seemed to be in a pause. As if the world had grown favour of you both. He could only take two steps forward before you rushed into his arms.
The impact in his warmth was so overwhelming. So endearing.
The tears that had held themselves for so long fell during this sweet and sensational momentum between you two.
He lifts you and spins you around, a kiss pressed onto your soft and delicate lips.
"I missed you." He whispers softly as he carried you in his arms, his fingers wiping your stranded tear away.
"I missed you too."
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─────── NOTE?!
For the birthday girl!! Sorry it's short 😭
@lvmxlee , @primordixl
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memoria-99 · 8 months ago
Wizardess Heart: My fiction profiles
Erin Leiado
I wanted to make someone whose personality resembles mine a bit. Wanted to dig more into Leiado's duty as well.
Name: Erin Leiado
Appearance: Silver hair, black eyes
See here
Specialty: Playing the piano, Spellsinging, Controlling people's minds
Class: Day Class Vir Ingeniosus
Roommate: Heidi Alpheus
Alias: Songstress Diva
Alive Relatives: Mother, younger sister, Saella(distinct ancestor), Cerim Leiado(paternal cousin)
In Class: Quiet listener, but tries different way rather than copying the textbook. Often gets pinned on one point and is trapped in that thought. Reads other books when bored, only to get scolded when found out.
Her father was brother of Cerim's father. However, after a certain incident when he nearly lost his daughter, he refused to take the Leiado's duty and cut the ties with the other Leiado family so was eventually killed by the knight ghosts. Since her father passed away early, her mother had to take care of two daughters all by herself. She knows what Cerim does when not taking classes, and her relationship with him is a bit odd. She has a strong repulsion to the duty and feels bad for him. However, ever since her father passing away, she regularly suffers from nightmare, now being the knight ghosts' target. She was born with marvelous spellsinging ability and also good at spellbinding people through songs, particularly because her mother was a siren, who gave up her life as a siren after the marriage. She eventually became the second Songstress Diva after Princess Saella. She looks expressionless, but her eyes lighten up when something catches her interest. Also being a massive bookworm, she spends more than half her time in the library. She seems to know a lot of things that are impossible for her to know in current state. Actually, she was a 'player' of the game set in this world in her previous life, who accidentally died from car accident while playing it. On the verge of her death, she met the so-called Almighty of this world saying "Welcome, honored visitor from the otherworld", then found herself as a young kid of this not-so-blessed family. After a few years later, she met this being again who said sending her soul to this body was a system error. He said he meant to give her a better life, so as a sign of apology he gave his 'bless' to her. It was this so-called bless that protected her from the knight ghosts, otherwise she might have been long dead. But it couldn't completely block the ghost in her dreams and that was the cause of her nightmares.
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dreams-of-delirium · 1 year ago
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Apogee Academy
Paragon Police
Red Lotus Theatre
Gin & Rum Casino
Clan Zero
Deep Red
Mafia of the Den
1812 Concert Hall
Circus of Memories
The Starfarers
Slumbering Village
Umbra Mines
Library of Souls
Marina Kingdom
Corpus Archipelago
Council of Asphodel
The Purgatory
The Train Station of Dreams
The Elysian Field
Alpheus’ Adventurers Association
Lotus Fractal
Jade Obelisk
Calabash of Clouds
Flowers of Ephemera
Blade of Neidon
Riverside of Serenity
Sierra of Eternity
Electrum Down
Cascade of Liyu
House of Hedonism
Azura III
Choir of Totality
Apocalypse Inc
Sinne Corps
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alicehattera03 · 3 years ago
"How long have I waited for this?"
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LP!(or wmmap amnesia arc) Athy being sent to war because it's obvious she'll fail to do anything and Claude wants a reason to push her away even further. But contrary to expectations, she returns victorious, and Claude, amused at this eyesore of a princess for once, "I will grant you one thing." and Athy doesn't even blink before she requests for Ijekiel Alpheus' hand in marriage.
Of course there's a huge uproar, he's already engaged, but Athy is a war hero now, and it isn't like she hasn't taken all the necessary courses for the heir seat. Whispers start to go around, was she planning on a rebellion? Did she want the throne now? After all these years of being the wallflower?
Athanasia looks up at the golden throne and stares at the dark mist that clouds around her father as she turns a blind eye at his ailing health. Ijekiel couldn't show that he was over the moon, but he goes to standby Athanasia's side when she announces this and his father spies an opportunity for the tide to change.
She's going over some documents in the library when an aide rushes in, out of breath, and she rises, as if having waiting for this moment for a very long time. She can drink her tea without sugar and milk now. Not that her father ever cared.
And now? Never will.
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 3 years ago
i wonder if people ever think kiel is like. boring? if people assumed it because he looked so well mannered and bland or too perfect but ! when you see him interact with characters and just the little hints 🥺 you can tell this boy respects women sooo much. also those smiles full of mirth that he pulls? trespassing the library and teasing the princess? it was so funny 😭 he’s really so cheeky. there’s just not enough screen time for him 😔i have this headcanon that he’s pretty funny. he makes horrible puns too. just to mess with people, even though he’s shy and quiet he uses it to his advantage. a little sarcastic, perhaps? sassy too. he will tell embarrassing stories about jenny when her girlfriend is around just to mess with her 😭 i also hc that my son is bi jdsjjddj i think it fits tbh. chaotic bi. also we didn’t even see how truly intelligent this boy is? big nerd. sometimes will ramble about something he’s super passionate about (unfortunately didn’t pursue it because he was always destined to become the heir to house alpheus) but perhaps with a little push he will continue his studies like he wanted because he’s more than capable 👉👈 i also really love how he begins to show more of his own agency when athanasia gets humiliated by claude by standing up to his father. he’s kind of... technically powerless in that situation? standing up to him must have taken a lot of courage. like. in the previous timeline he ended up in a marriage, unhappy because that’s what he was expected to do. but this time, i think standing up for himself and doing things alone in order to help his father and athy was a big step and i was so proud of him! going into a room alone with aeternitas? even though aeternitas is insanely powerful and kiel can’t use magic. and even devising his own plan? BOY 🥺🤧 also i like his serious and angry side too. when you mess with the people he loves, too. ugh idk. i like characters with golden retriever vibes like that. with their little dark side. do you have any hcs bestie? 😳👁
Dark Ijekiel, heh? Let me think...I have this one headcanon that novel Ijekiel would "accidentally" shot Athy's suitors during the hunting competition (non fatally though). And afterwards he'd have the audiacity to act like he was sorry "Does it hurt alot?" he'd say as he presses his hand on their wounds and the guy in question hisses in pain, causing Ijekiel to fight hiding a smirk. Ijekiel would totally gaslight them into believing it was their own fault for jumping from their horse in the big animals hunting area and getting shot. I can imagine him rushing Cabel to the nearest healer while apologizing/chiding Cabel to be more careful, and Cabel is just thankful that he has such a caring friend.
tbh I also don’t think novel Ijekiel truly sees Cabel as a friend. Their friendship seems to have been encouraged because they are both nobles and attend the same academy. Ijekiel probably finds him amusing and pleasant to be around but ultimately he didn’t hesitate to let him get almost killed by Lucas so...yeah I think it’s a very noble type of friendship born out of convenience. Cabel on the other hand seems to truly like Ijekiel probably even putting him on a highly idolized pedestal. I’d headcanon them to have this “I’d die for you” “Then perish” kind of dynamic.
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alpheuslibrary · 5 months ago
Hello, hello—sorry to be dead and not give you guys something. But hey! I made some Claire fanart!
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This is my Future!Claire design, as you can tell (if you’ve seen my original post on her.) And I just randomised the incorrect quote generator and got this now.
Now onto my next agenda: I should really draw other characters—
Oh and obligatory TOA enthusiast friend mention: @alchemisticramblings
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sakisaka · 4 years ago
wmmap magic academy au
imagine if athy, lucas, ijekiel, and jennette went to a magic academy together?
athy would probably be head girl, ijekiel would be head boy
lucas is athy's best friend, and they hangout together in athy's head girl room
lucas is the smartest kid in the year in terms of magic, but the dumbest in everything else (especially history, which athy tutors him in)
athy is 2nd in magic, and 1st in everything else her year
all the girls on campus have a huuge crush on ijekiel, who rejects them all politely because he has a secret crush on athy
ijekiel's locker is filled to the brim with valentine's day chocolate every year, which he shares with athy (one year lucas notices and makes a heap of chocolate out of thin air, telling athy to hang out with him instead)
claude is the headmaster, duke alpheus is chairman of the pta committee
people are scared of claude but agree that he’s a good headmaster
all the boys are too scared to give athy chocolate in case claude notices, athy doesn’t really care
lucas hisses at boys who lend athy pencils or erasers hehe
athy smacks him in the back of the head to quit it, just thinks he’s being protective even though he’s crushing HARD
lucas and kiel have many passive aggressive arguments whenever they meet (which is a LOT, they somehow always end up together for some reason)
when they go on a school trip, the two boys argue over who gets to sit next to athy
athy decides to sit next to the new transfer student jennette instead since she doesn’t seem to have many friends yet, leaving the boys to sit together (they are shook)
athy helps guide her around school and they quickly become best friends, jennette bakes a lot and shares it with athy, who shares it with kiel and lucas
they all study and hangout together in the library or in each other’s dorms, and eat jennette’s baked goods together
sometimes (most of the time) they hardly get any studying done
the four of them live out their school days happily~
(behind the scenes: anastacius as the pta parent always tryna kick claude out as headmaster)
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philosibies · 5 years ago
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One more if I may. Thanks to Alpheus Todd, who suggested fireproof iron doors, Library of Parliament was preserved from a fire in 1916 that destroyed the main parliament building. via /r/ArchitecturePorn https://www.reddit.com/r/ArchitecturePorn/comments/hvy8y7/one_more_if_i_may_thanks_to_alpheus_todd_who/?utm_source=ifttt
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noblessequay · 5 years ago
SBAPO - Spoiler - Volume 4, Chapter 12-12.5
I tested my luck and chose to buy the book starting from volume 4 with the hope that it is where the webtoon has caught up to and to save some money. While I was spot on with choosing this volume, my luck isn’t very good because my first purchase had an error and so I had to buy volume 4 AGAIN TwT So much for saving money ugh..... still, while I grumble about that, it’s actually pretty cheap so I urge anyone who might read this to buy a copy and support the author. I’m just a huge penny pincher so I’m crying over that 140 pesos.
Anyway, volume 4 starts with a scene we’ve seen in chapter 55(?) of the webtoon where Athy popped in Claude’s room in the middle of the night. Won’t go into detail about that.
The next scene goes to Athy looking for books. She’s doing research on Claude’s condition. She met a man who told her that she was cursed. I think this part was already shown in the webtoon, during Athy and Lucas’ little date. The man was a former black magician and Athy asked for help regarding black magic but since it is dangerous, the man refused her because ‘she has a lot to lose.’
After that event, Athy still continues her research, this time she went to a school library where she was spotted by the rumored 3rd ml, Cavel Ernst(?) IDK if that name’s accurate. Blame MTL lol. So in the meta novel, Cavel Ernst is in Jeanette’s reverse harem. Athy calls him ‘sub-guy’. How brutal hahahaha
Her thoughts trailed from pitying Cavel for being a sub-guy to being curious of how Jeanette is doing right now.
The scene jumps to another chapter we’ve seen in the webtoon already when Athy appeared in the Alpheus mansion and finding out that Jeanette’s aunt has died. I’ll skip from here because everything is as is in the webtoon.
12.5 features Lucas threatening a tree.
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rabbitcruiser · 6 years ago
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Library of Parliament, Ottawa
The Library of Parliament (French: Bibliothèque du Parlement) is the main information repository and research resource for the Parliament of Canada. The main branch of the library sits at the rear of the Centre Block on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and is the last untouched part of that larger building's original incarnation after it burned down in 1916. The library has been augmented and renovated a number of times since its construction in 1876, the last between 2002 and 2006, though the form and decor remain essentially authentic. The building today serves as a Canadian icon, and appears on the obverse of the Canadian ten-dollar bill.
The library is overseen by the Parliamentary Librarian of Canada and an associate or assistant librarian. The Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate and the Parliamentary Budget Officer are also considered to be officers of the library.
Designed by Thomas Fuller and Chilion Jones and inspired by the British Museum Reading Room, the building is formed as a chapter house, separated from the main body of the Centre Block by a corridor; this arrangement, as well as many other details of the design, was reached with the input of the then parliamentary librarian, Alpheus Todd. The walls, supported by a ring of 16 flying buttresses, are load bearing, double-wythe masonry, consisting of a hydraulic lime rubble fill core between an interior layer of dressed stone and rustic Nepean sandstone on the exterior. Around the windows and along other edges is dressed stone trim, along with a multitude of stone carvings, including floral patterns and friezes, keeping with the Victorian High Gothic style of the rest of the parliamentary complex. The roof, set in three tiers topped by a cupola, used to be a timber frame structure covered with slate tiles, but has been rebuilt with steel framing and deck covered with copper.The initial overall combination of colours—grey Gloucester limestone and grey Nepean, red Potsdam and buff Ohio sandstones, as well as purple and green slate banding—conformed to the picturesque style known as structural polychromy.
Source: Wikipedia
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travellogforgreece · 2 years ago
Ancient Greek Olympics (494 BCE)
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The Ancient Olympic Games were a meaningful athletics event usually held in ancient Olympia. For the Greeks, it was a ceremonial event with tradition for many centuries. Pausanias' "Descriptions of Greece," how he describes some practices and rules in the Games, can show you what the Greeks were like regarding gender and sex roles. For example, a mountain before you cross the Alpheus is called Mount Typaeum. According to Pausanias, it is a "law of Elis to cast down it any women who are caught present at the Olympic games…" (Pausanias). It does not surprise me, as women did not have much of a role in the government or anything in ancient Greek society.
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that while we were watching the speech from Aeschines, the tall, lanky man in the trench coat and the matrix-looking sunglasses gave me an option to either take a red or blue pill to get my time machine back (he told me he was the CEO of Time, which is why he allowed me to get my time machine back). So, of course, I chose the blue pill because blue was the same color as my time machine! (and no, I did not steal the Doctor Who machine). So I decided to go to the Ancient Olympic Games in 394 BCE to try and enjoy some games. Like "Western Society" does the Olympics, the Greeks held them every four years between August 6 and September 19.
While traveling to Olympia, it was a beautiful, warm sunny day near Olympia. The grass fields and farmers' markets full of vegetables and fruits attracted me to try Greece's favorite foods. I decided to stop by a market near a farm filled with numerous hunched-back people struggling to hoe the grass under the heat. They resembled slave behaviors, so I decided to speak to one of them after getting my vegetables.
After getting my vegetables, which were fresh asparagus, cardoons, celery, fennel, cabbage, and onions, I decided to walk over to one of the enslaved people and ask them a few questions. An enslaved person named Angelo told me about his experience in agricultural labor near Olympia and the different Greek city-states, as Olympia has not been his first stop. He told me about certain farming practices and keeping the crops healthy, but he could not ignore the work part. He told me there was a "point of considerable stress during the agrarian cycle" when the farmers came under pressure to collect, process, and store crops before harvesting season ended (McHugh 208). I thanked him for his input into life, as I already knew from research that most of the evidence of communal labor, especially amongst the farmers during the Classical period, was lacking mainly due to no evidence. Historians have yet to find no evidence because of various factors, including education, social structure, and class structure.
After meeting with the farmer and getting my vegetables, I headed to the Colosseum. However, the games shut down when I arrived, as the Romans took over and thought the event was "pagan." The Romans allowed the games to go on, but the activities and everyday events which made the Games destroyed the value of the cultural phenomenon. It was a travesty to see how the event went down. From talking to the farmer to seeing how the Romans treated the Games were all confirmation that Greece was slowly losing its civilization, and I was unsure how the society would survive for the following centuries. 
Internet History Sourcebooks. (n.d.). https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/greekgames.asp
McHugh, M. (2019). To reap a rich harvest: experiencing agricultural labour in ancient Greece. World Archaeology, 51(2), 208–225. http://eznvcc.vccs.edu:2048/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=141659997&site=ehost-live&scope=site
(n.d.-b). The Academy Of Athens. Theoi Texts Library. Retrieved October 30, 2022, from https://www.theoi.com/Text/Pausanias1C.html
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