#alongside plenty of other amazing deals
discount--dracula · 3 months
ayy someone is selling a rainbow 2023 in polish for a bearable price :3
i have a Very Vivid Idea of how to customize one of those, so i might actually go for it
0 notes
queen-of-the-avengers · 2 months
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: angst
Summary: You're given a gift that will allow you to help others. You try to use this gift for good and you never make anyone feel like a charity case. However, when you meet Bucky Barnes, you know you have to do something or he'll live the rest of his life in pain.
Squares Filled: graveyard (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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The thing you love most about New York is not everywhere is like the city. If you travel far enough outside of it, it turns into any normal town like any other state has. You’re on your way to visit your parents at the New York State Veterans Cemetery since your father was a soldier in World War II. Your mother requested to be buried alongside him even though she was never in the military, and they let her.
It’s a four-hour drive from the city where you live, so you take this moment to yourself and think about your purpose on Earth. About once a month, you get like this because you’re not normal. You were born with the ability to see people’s pain above their heads in numbers ranging from zero to sixty. One is not in any pain at all and sixty is the worst pain a person can be in.
You’ve been to plenty of hospitals around New York, so you’ve seen people who are in a tremendous amount of pain, but no one has ever been above sixty. You’ve been on this Earth for thirty-three years and never have you seen someone with a sixty-one above their head. Why were you born with this ability? You’re not sure but you know you can do a whole lot of good with it. 
It’s why you became a licensed therapist as well as a social worker. You take on jobs that will help as many people as you can. While you can’t heal anyone physically like a nurse or a doctor, you can help with their emotional and mental trauma which is where most of the pain lies. You’re the only person without a number above your head but it’s likely your powers don’t work on you.
You look at the taxi driver and see the number twenty-five above his head. He’s seen some stuff in his life, that’s for sure. He must be a taxi driver to get away from it all, to just coast through life without having to deal with a lot of stress. You’re guessing but it’s not like you’re going to ask the man what kind of trauma he’s been through in his life.
He drops you off at the cemetery and drives away once you’ve paid him. You like to spend hours with your parents and tell them all that you’ve seen and the people you helped, and that usually takes a few hours at the least. You clutch your mother’s favorite flowers and walk into the cemetery, keeping your head down out of respect.
You sit down right across from their graves and break the bouquet into two so both your parent can have flowers.
“I helped a teenager last week escape his abusive parents,” you begin. “They didn’t care about him and often used him as an outlet for their rage. His pain was at a thirty. Thirty. At age fifteen. I went to go visit him in his new home and his pain was at a twenty-seven. He’s healing and I’d like to think I had something to do with it. I wish you guys were here to see this. It’s amazing to see someone’s number go down because of something I did.”
You look up and scan the area when you notice a man standing by himself near one of the graves. The wind is knocked out of your lungs and you have to brace yourself on the ground so you don’t fall over. The man isn’t saying anything to the grave, just standing over it. Above his head is a whopping five hundred. If you saw someone with an eighty, you’d be floored. The fact that this man has a five hundred over his head… how is he still alive? It’s clearly not physical wounds that hurt him.
Who is this man? Even the most depressed people never go above sixty. You once got involved with a woman who was passed around in the sex trafficking ring and she didn’t even go above sixty. This man has five hundred.
Five hundred.
He says something to the grave before leaving, and you’re too shocked to get up and follow him. What would you even say to him? He had to have been broken down to the very last piece only to be put back together. Over and over again. That’s probably why he’s at five hundred. You don’t want him to feel like a charity case but you have to know that man. To think he’s walking around in such profound pain brings you pain.
“Mama, I think I found someone who might need my help. I’ll let you know how it goes next week.”
Since the cemetery is four hours away from the city, you’re hoping that he is from around here. You spend the next several days walking around Central Park just watching for that five hundred to show up again. You know exactly who the man was. You got a glimpse of his face as he was leaving the cemetery, and you knew he’d never leave New York. This is his home.
You know who he is and after some research on him, you know why he has a five hundred above his head. The following Saturday, you’re walking around Central Park in hopes of seeing this man again. You’d like to think because he has a five hundred, he has his humanity back. He’s feeling the guilt of everything he’s done so you know he isn’t dangerous.
Two women job past you laughing at what one of them said, and you notice how one of the women has a two above her head while the other has a fifteen. Maybe the fifteen did something her friend doesn’t know about and the guilt is starting to eat her alive. A young couple is sitting on the grass with a picnic between them, and both of them only have a five above their head. They must be in love. An elderly couple walks past them with both of them having a forty above their heads. Guess love doesn’t always work out for people in the end.
Central Park gets around six thousand daily visitors, and none of them have a number above sixty. You’ve traveled across the country for your job and non one has ever surpassed sixty. Not until him. You walk further into the park where a cluster of benches are, and you stop when you see that thick five hundred number again.
There he is. Sitting all alone.
Now’s your chance. You walk up to him who barely acknowledges your presence.
“May I sit here?”
He looks up and sees the book in your hands thinking you’re going to mind your business and read silently. He doesn’t say anything but nods so you sit across from him and open your book. You pretend like you’re reading it when really, you’re looking at him from over the top of your book. He has gloves on his hands and it’s not wintertime yet.
There’s a reason why he is wearing gloves.
“My name is Y/N. What’s yours?” you ask gently.
“That’s an interesting name. Is it short for something?”
“My middle name is Buchanan. My friends call me Bucky.”
“Nice to meet you, Bucky.” You go back to reading only to put the book down several minutes later. “Do you live around here? Or are you visiting someone?”
“No, not visiting someone.”
He’s clearly not into the conversation but you’re not going to give up. He’s not another project. You’re genuinely interested in getting to know him. Sure, his number enticed you to want to talk to him but you’re going to treat him like you would anyone else. It’s going to take a lot more than one conversation for him to open up to you.
The next day, you find him sitting in the same spot with the same five hundred above his head. You walk over to him and don’t ask to sit down, you just do. He lifts his head and notices the book first before looking into your eyes.
“Hi, Bucky. Do you mind if I sit here again?”
“No,” he shakes his head.
Today, you let him get used to your company. You don’t say anything to him except for when you part ways at the end of the day. You want him to be comfortable around you otherwise, he won’t talk to you. Every day after that, you keep sitting across from him reading the same book, allowing him to feel comfortable around you.
“So, what’s your book about?” he asks on the fourth day of sitting across from him.
“It’s called The Maze Runner. I know, it’s for an audience a bit younger than me, but I love the movies. It’s about a young man who wakes up with no memory of who he is and is stuck with a group of boys who also have no memory of who they are. They’re stuck in this maze-like area and they have to try and figure their way out of it that no one has ever survived. There are three movies but there are five books.”
“Sounds interesting. I’ll have to read it.”
“Here,” you close your book and hand it over to him, “take this.”
“No, that’s yours.”
“This is my fifth time reading the series.”
“I can’t just take your book.”
“Then consider it a loan. Give it back when you’re done. Plus, it’ll give me an excuse to come and talk to you again.”
Bucky smiles for the first time since you’ve met him, and God, what a beautiful smile it is.
“Thank you.”
“Look, I have to get going, but here is my number.” You write down your number on a spare piece of paper and hand it over. “If you ever want another good book recommendation or the second book in the series, give me a call. Or, you know, if you just want to talk.”
“Okay,” he nods.
You don’t have to look back to know he’s watching you walk away. The next time you see him is a couple of days later. He hasn’t used your number which is fine because you don’t want to rush anything with him.
“Did you finish it?” you ask and sit across from him.
“Yeah, I did. It’s really good.”
“I brought the second one just in case.”
You two exchange the books and he smiles at you.
“Thank you. Would you like to go on a walk with me? Just around Central Park.”
A walk around the park usually takes two hours if you’re leisurely enough about it, and there is no rush to go anywhere else. You want to ask Bucky a million things about his life and where he came from but you don’t pry into his life. You can get that information online if you want to, but you want this relationship to grow naturally.
Though, you’re not sure you understand why someone like him can be this sad about who he is.
“So, this might be a weird question but how do you feel?”
“Why is that a weird question? I’m fine.”
“It’s just… you seem so sad sometimes.”
“Honestly? There’s not a whole lot to be happy about these days.”
“You’re alive, right? That’s a pretty damn good day to me.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes, I wish I wasn’t.”
“Well, if you weren't, I wouldn’t have met you. I think you’re a great guy.”
“That’s because you don’t know who I am. If you did, you’d be smart to run,” he sighs.
“I know who you are. I know about the Winter Soldier. I lived in DC when everything happened with Steve.” He looks at you and uncertainty swims in his eyes. “It doesn’t matter to me. I’ve read about what you have done. Hell, I’ve seen it, but that doesn’t make you a bad person.”
“It doesn’t?” he asks with a thick voice filled with emotion.
“Come on, there are a lot of people worse than you like child molesters and rapists. On that spectrum, you’re not so bad. What makes a person bad is the fact that they know what they’re doing is wrong and still continue to do it. When someone wakes up and stops doing what made them bad, that’s not being bad. When someone is manipulated into doing bad things but doesn’t do those things anymore, that’s not being bad. I’m sorry, am I making any sense?” you chuckle.
“Yeah, you are,” he chuckles back. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for the walk but I need to go now. I have to get to work. Can I take you out? You know, a place that’s not Central Park? I can show you my favorite bookstore with books like The Maze Runner.”
“I’ll text you.”
“Great. I look forward to it.”
You start to walk away from him knowing he is watching you walk off. When you get to the busy street, you look back and notice something that brings a bright smile to your face. That five hundred above his head? It’s now at four hundred and ninety-nine.
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kingofbodyrolls · 11 months
BTS fic recs: my 30th birthday special
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Shit. I’m turning 30 today (I still feel like I’m 18 lol) 😯 So I wanted to make this special recommendation list for you, as a birthday present from me 💜 This includes some of my all time favorites (no, I’ll never stop screaming about those!!!!) and also, some good old ones that I’ve never gotten around to rec at the time. 
I also have another birthday present for you (wish is also why I didn’t finish my reading list and why ‘Friendcation’ is on pause until after my birthday). I wrote a short one-shot, so if you’re in the mood for that, check it out → ‘Say that Again (I Dare You)’ [reader x jjk (ft. pjm)].
I actually didn’t get to finish my reading list for this special rec list, so I’ll add the rest of my recommendations as I read them (I’ll specify which I haven’t re-read yet) and the rest will be posted to this month’s regular rec list.
I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell or contains dark themes, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post 💜And if you want more fic recs you can follow me to stay updated 🙂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (💜) | Dec (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻.
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⭐All Night by @luaspersona // knj x f.reader // college!au, brother’s best friend!au, s2l // 🥵
📝 When your brother bails on you, you have to find another way to entertain yourself for the night and Kim Namjoon just so happens to be a great company.
🗨️ This was the most perfect, pure masterpiece of fucking gold writing 🤌🏾🥵 it is insanely filthy, so deliciously smutty!! Like I think my soul has left my body 🥵 the writing, story and the characters were brilliant ✨ this is hands down one of my new favorites and I WILL read this again soon, I promise you! Don’t sleep on this sweet bad boy Namjoon, okay 🥵 such an easy recommendation for me to make - do yourself a favor and read it if you haven’t (and if you have, then read it again!) ♥️💯
⭐All Aboard! (the passion express) by @ve1vetyoongi // knj x f.reader // office worker!namjoon // 🥵
📝 There were not many things that got your blood boiling in the same way that two simple words could. Kim Namjoon. The name of your irritating and (unfortunately enough, as the universe would have it) incredibly handsome co-worker. Which is exactly why you never expected to find your self on your knees for him on the train home.
🗨️ Holy fuck, fuck, fuck this was so incredibly filthy (in the best way possible) 🥵 the tension between reader and Namjoon was perfect, the build up was so satisfying 🌟 what’s not to like ✨😍
⭐The Wedding Arrangement by @sugaurora // knj x f.reader // ‘enemies’ to friends to lovers, wedding!au // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 Unfortunately, he’s just gotten engaged to someone who isn’t you. Even more unfortunately, he expects you to help plan the wedding alongside Kim Namjoon, his other best friend and, based on your first meeting, just another judgmental jerk. Putting aside your distaste for the sake of your friend’s happiness, you both set about giving Seokjin the wedding of his dreams. Following a rough and satisfying affair at the caterer’s, you strike an unusual deal: you and Namjoon will be enemies with benefits until the wedding is over. And after six months of wedding planning, you both just might learn that weddings aren’t usually the end, but a brand new beginning.
🗨️ This was so amazing 🥹 the characters had so much depth and ugh! It was just so, so good. It was a pleasure reading their love unfolding 🥰 aish, I’m soft! It’s filled with plenty of soft, slight heartbreaking angst at times, but oh so fluffy and smutty too! It was perfect 👌🏾 💯 please don’t sleep on this one, okay? 🥹
⭐Roommates by @automnesleaves [AO3] [119K] // myg x f.reader // roommates!au, covid!au, slice of life // 😂🥰🌩️
📝 February 2020: Your best friend Jimin’s roommate recommendation, IT guy Yoongi Min, moves in with you. March 2020: Covid Lockdown.
🗨️ This is really, really good! I remember being so hooked on this, that I stayed up multiple nights to finish chapters. It was hard to put down, and so interesting to read how readers luck slowly turned – also, the dynamic between reader and Yoongi is great and there’s just so much lovely slice of life in it 💜
⭐Three Tangerines [series; ongoing] by @kithtaehyung // myg x f.reader // fuckboy!yoongi, brother’s best friend!au, age gap!au // 🌩️🥵
📝 Throughout high school, you sometimes caught glimpses of your brother’s older friends: some of them were sweet, some of them were smart. but the one closest to him? that guy was a total f*ckboy from day one. after a foray of horrid relationships spanning years - ending with one that broke up with you for an alarming reason - you needed advice on what the hell you were doing wrong… and this wasn’t a conversation for anyone sweet or smart.
🗨️ Yes. This is here again. It is one of my all-time favorites and I will not stop screaming about how fucking good this is! You just have to join the 3tan party or you are severely missing out, Doll. 💖✨
⭐Oh, darling! [series; completed] by @yoongiofmine // myg x f.reader // university!au, non idol au, professor!yoongi, student!reader // 🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Starting your second semester at one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities should be stressful enough. Between juggling classes, good grades and a social life, your plate was full. Hoping to spice up your academic career, you thought it was a good idea to enroll as an assistant for your literature professor, whom you’ve held a very secret and very forbidden crush on for the past several months. What will happen now that you’re forced to work closely together? And what if your crush isn’t as one sided as you thought? 
🗨️ Holy fucking shit 🥵🫣😳 This is just one of my favorites series, EVER 💜 This is in my top 10, no questions! ✨
⭐Fate Doesn’t Exist by @whenIseeUsmile [AO3] [47K] // jhs x myg (mxm) // pilot!au, formula1!au // 😂🌩️
📝 Yoongi is a pilot. Hoseok is a Formula 1 driver. Jungkook's a fanboy and Jimin is oblivious.
Yoongi hates people but likes one-night-stands. One in particular but he doesn't like the fact that he's famous. He really shouldn't get involved with Hoseok. He does it anyways.
🗨️ I’ve read this multiple times! And it will forever be one of my favorites! I just love how their personality compliments each other, and how they keep meeting each other (also can’t stay away from each other). Plus, the side couples, both Jungkook x Jimin and Namjoon x Seokjin are just fucking hilarious – everything about this is golden, so if you’re into mxm it’s a really good read! 👏
⭐Flight 18 by @noona-la-la-la [9.5K] // jhs x f. reader // flight!au, idol!au // 🥵😂
📝 Korean Air Flight 18 leaves daily from Los Angeles traveling to Seoul.  You’ve taken this flight before, but this time you’ve got an irritating passenger in the neighboring seat.  Little did you know that he would end up giving you the ride of your life.
🗨️ This was just really really amazing; utterly funny (like I was laughing at certain points), so much sexual tension that evolves into satisfying smut 😗
⭐The Airport Couple: P[ass]anger from Hell + Drabble by @dovechim & @jimlingss [8K] // pjm x f.reader // e2l, frequent traveler jimin x tsa agent reader // 😂😂😂🥰
📝 As a TSA agent, you expect your job to be relatively easy, most passengers these days follow the rules to the T in order to avoid prolonging their custom checks. But not a certain Park Jimin, who seems to have a problem understanding what 100ml is, or the very simple fact that gadgets must be taken out of the bag, and bomb jokes are strictly off limits. Frequent traveller Park Jimin is your nemesis, but darn is he a cute one.
🗨️ This is just so fucking hilarious, don’t get me started. I laughed from beginning to end 😂 And it’s still as good as I remember, if not even better??? Like ✨ I’ve highlighted a few of my favorite parts from the fic. I don’t want to give too much away, but these lines are just so damn hilarious! Please go read it, it’s one of my faves 💯
⭐The Airport Couple: Park Jimin’s Cock[pit] by @jimlingss & @dovechim [12K] // pjm x f.reader // pilot!au, bf2l, coworkers!au // 😂🥰🥵
📝 Talk about Angry Birds, and most people would immediately think of the mobile game app. But within your circle of friends, it stands for something else. It’s synonymous with Park Jimin, one of the most talented pilots from your batch who also just happens to have anger issues, or in other words, air rage. He is your best friend, but when you get teamed up with him as his co-pilot, you can only pray that things don’t go south… literally. 
🗨️ I remember reading this a few years ago, and I loved it then and I still do ✨ It is incredibly funny, has good banter and dialogue to match. The chemistry between reader and Jimin is just priceless, their friendship is just pure giggles 🥹 It’s also fluffy and will tug on your heartstrings in the best way possible. Just really, really good and definitely also one of my all-time favorites 💯💜
⭐Since We Met by @inkjam-moon [9.2K] // pjm x f.reader // roommate!au // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 Your in love with your roommate, so you think maybe trying to date someone else will help you get over him, but when your roommate shows signs of jealousy, you begin to wonder; could he like you back?
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐Turbulence by @yminie [9.3K] // pjm x f.reader // flight!au // 🥵🥰
📝 On your first flight the cute boy next to you helps to sooth your nerves, and on the second flight he soothes something else.
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐Accelerate by @yminie [8.9K] // pjm x f.reader // flight!au // 🥵🥰
📝 Jimin comes to retrieve his jacket on the condition that you then accompany him for dinner, and you can bet he satiates every hunger.
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐Beneath the Water by @jungshookz // pjm x reader // fantasy!au + mermaid!au // 🌩️🥵🥰😂
📝 His legs were sparkling. You looked up from his face slowly and towards his legs, your head tilting in confusion when you were met with the sight of… well, it certainly wasn’t a pair of legs. What the fuck?
🗨️ This is just perfect; a tiny bit angst, gold certified comedy and fluff (with a sprinkle of smut). There’s also a bullet point drabble of this, so please check that out too (here).
⭐Make Me by @jikookiekosmos // pjm x reader // office!au, boss!jimin/employee!reader + dom/sub themes // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 After a bad breakup, you decide to go out one night and drink your sorrows away - that is, until you see your now ex-boyfriend there with someone clinging to his arm. To get your mind off of things, you go back to your job after hours; what you don’t expect is for your boss and CEO of the company, Park Jimin, to show up and offer you help in ways you didn’t know you needed.
🗨️ It has heavy dom/sub themes (which I’m normally not into, but imma switch for this one!). It is incredibly hot and so, so damn perfect 🥵
⭐Pay Attention by @jikookiekosmos // pjm x reader // office!au, boss!jimin/employee!reader + dom/sub themes // 🥵🥰
📝 You’d mentioned it in passing once before, your fantasy about blowing your boss - and now boyfriend - under his desk during one of his important CEO business meetings. So what happens when you want to turn that fantasy into a reality, and he wants it just as much?
🗨️ This is a sequel to ‘Make Me’ (but can be read as a stand-alone) - and it is just pure dirty smut. The dynamic between reader and Jimin is just so good ✨
⭐The Wedding Planners by @gukyi [28K] // jjk x f.reader // e2l, wedding!au // 😂🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Jeon jungkook is three things: cocky, terrible, and your worst enemy. then your best friend hoseok gets engaged to the love of his life, and suddenly jeon jungkook is four things: cocky, terrible, your worst enemy, and the man you will be spending the next seven months with in order to plan your best friend’s wedding. 
🗨️ I also remember reading this a few years ago and it was just a very funny and pleasant reread 💜 What I love about this is one, is definitely the slow-burn and the enemies to lovers aspect too. The banter between reader and Jungkook is just so priceless and reading how their relationship slowly unfolds and develops through the months of the wedding planning was just everything 💯 Hoseok and Yoongi’s personality in this also makes this fic truly amazing.
⭐Secret Slut (1) by @jeonsweetpea [7.7K] // jjk x f.reader (ft. pjm) // office!au, pa!jungkook x ceo!reader // 😂🌩️🥵
📝 Jungkook accidentally gifts you, his boss, a sex toy for Secret Santa.
🗨️ I remember reading this a few years ago and now I see that there’s even a part two to it, that I haven’t read! This one is really funny, like straight up hilarious – really made me laugh at times and then it got so freaking smutty 🥵 Really good!
⭐Secret Slut (2) by @jeonsweetpea [18.1K] // jjk x f.reader + pjm x f. reader // office!au, pa!jungkook, pa!jimin, ceo!reader // 🌩️🥵
📝 After being fired, Jungkook finds himself a new job only to realize he misses you too much. He comes back to discover you’ve hired a new personal assistant, Jimin. You offer him the only job position available, which was being the assistant’s assistant. Being demoted results in Jungkook feeling inadequate and he soon learns what it means to be jealous.
🗨️ I was so speechless after reading the last part of the series, like 🥵🥵🥵🥵 There’s so much smut in this, you’re like swimming in it, lol! And then something happens, that I won’t spoil because I actually didn’t expect that to happen (even though I should have seen it coming, because the build-up was there). So, a really good read! 
⭐Departure by @nomnomsik [6.2K] // jjk x f.reader (ft. jimin) // pilot!au, coworkers!au // 🥵🥰
📝 As a flight attendant for Korean Air, you’re scheduled for a thirteen-hour flight to Japan. However, things get intimate between you and your partner and co-pilot, Jeon Jungkook, when he realizes Park Jimin, the famous idol from Korea, broads the plane and blatantly flirts with you. 
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐Something Like Love by @iamtaekooked [8.4K] // jjk x f.reader // cop!au, police office!au // 🥰
📝 It was meant to be a regular day at the hospital. That is until you get kidnapped in broad daylight. Meanwhile, the famous detective Jeon Jeongguk who also happens to be your best friend, just wanted a normal day free of world’s bullshit, but he couldn’t even have that.
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐The Forgotten Spaces [completed series] by @oddinary4bts // jjk x reader // college!au, dancer!au + e2l // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 you’ve been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
🗨️ This is truly a masterpiece! The writing is perfect and the characters have so much soul, dimension, hurt and love. It is exceptional 👏🏾♥️ you just have to read this gem 💎
⭐Two point Five (2.5): pt2 + pt3 [series] by @bratkook // jjk x f.reader // handyman!jk, s2f2l // 🥵🥰
📝 Who would have thought booking a handyman from an app would lead to this. sure, you wish he’d mount you instead of just your television, but you could totally be friends. Right?
🗨️ This is also one of my all time favorites! 💎There is just something incredibly hot about handyman JK 🥵 It is so good, juicy, smutty and there's comedy in it too! Please don’t be sleeping on this one.
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Okay, okay, okay. So the list got out of hand! And I know I say “this is in my top 10” but I can’t even pick my top 10 because I have waaaay too many favorites 😂
I hope you have an awesome day, are happy and stay healthy! I’ll go and enjoy my birthday with a chill day, birthday dinner with my family, probably some reading and watching the finale of Loki  🥳 🎂 Thank you so much for liking, commenting or reblogging my rec lists, it means a lot to me – remember to reblog, comment and/or like the fics you like on the list to the the lovely authors know you love their stuff 💜
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Guided By Voices - Canal Street Tavern, Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 2, 1994
Sometime about 30 years ago, I started reading things about Guided By Voices — primarily in Spin Magazine, I think. That's where a 15-year-old had to go for these things back then, kids! Nothing too huge, just a staff mention here, a single review there. Charles Aaron reported: "GBV singer-songwriter Robert Pollard writes jittery, surging, sideways tributes to John/Paul, Syd Barrett, Lou Reed, Ray Davies, et al, like a teenager in full flush." Sounded enticing!
Then there was Jim Greer, in his A Year In The Life of Rock 'n' Roll column, closing out a long musing on the recently departed Kurt Cobain with this: "I listen a lot these days to 'Exit Flagger' by Guided By Voices, an amazing song written by 37-year-old schoolteacher Robert Pollard in the middle of nowhere, where I live too, like most people, without a whole lot to go on. I quoted part of the lyrics at the beginning of this piece because however Pollard intended the song, it's come to mean a lot more to me since Cobain's death. The song's lyrics end on a tag line after the chorus, which I have never been able to decipher properly. Just before the guitars begin their quick, cathartic crescendo to the fadeout, Pollard can be heard singing either 'Promise to lead you,' or 'Promise to leave you.' Or maybe both. So far it's the closest thing I've come across to a clue in all this mess."
Oddly, Greer would've been able to ask Pollard what those lyrics were very soon; the writer joined GBV as bassist sometime in the summer of '94. He was also engaged to Kim Deal! Jim was leading some kind of indie rock charmed life, it seemed (of course, him and Kim never got married and he didn't last all that long with Pollard and co., but hey).
And what about me?! Well, after reading all of this and more, I finally came across a copy of Bee Thousand that fall at Go-Boy Records in Redondo Beach and took a chance — I don't think I'd heard a note of Guided By Voices yet. And though I was confused at first when I dropped the needle on that bright-red vinyl, by the end I was more or less head over heels. It's hard to re-create in my mind the weird, mysterious beauty of hearing that LP for the first few times, trying to figure out what was going on, but I know it unlocked something. Parallel lines on a slow decline, the story of our lives.
Anyway, here we are 30 years later, and I'm listening to GBV play a typically rowdy hometown show that's packed with Bee Thousand tunes, plus plenty of Alien Lanes tunes (then called Scalping The Guru, as Bob notes), alongside a host of classic numbers that still sound like they've been beamed in from some other, better universe. "Guided By Voices are fucking pussies!" Pollard exclaims bewilderingly in between songs. Hell yeah they are.
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yantalia545 · 5 months
Can we also get reader trying to divorce the axis with the similar reasons as the allies' darling?
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Well, how...unfortunate for you. He had to pull a lot of strings and ask for backhand favors to push you to become his wife in the first place. He's not going to let that go all to waste. You're one of the few people he can actually stand and he's not about to let that go.
Don't you enjoy being his wife? Is there something that he's doing wrong? Whatever it is Japan is more than happy to work on it for you. He knows he's not much for physical contact but if you would like more of that then he'd be more then he'll push that boundary just for you.
Even though you will want to be friends, Japan still feels like you're trying to pull away from him. You better not be divorcing him because you're in love with someone else. Japan can't stand that thought. Why else did he work so hard to obtain you in the first place?
He wants to make sure you're his and only his. Japan may be a bit more closeted about his obsession but he definitely can be possessive over you.
He will show his much darker side after this fight the two of you had over a divorce. You won't leave him. Japan may even try to pull more strings to keep you bound to him. The house may be a bit tense after that but if it keeps you here then he's fine with it. After all, there's no way you can stay mad forever and if you dare try to drag someone else into your marriage dispute then he'll be forced to take even greater actions. He'll kill them brutely right in front of you to make a point. There most certainly will be no other lover.
I could definitely see Japan calling treason against your divorce. The two are you are together to strengthen your countries and your backing out would forfeit your end of the deal. This would lead to a whole mess of things where you'll be blamed every step of the way.
This is all your fault, you know. The two of you could have stayed a happy couple in a fair marriage, but if you want to be a brat a cause more trouble for him then so be it. Japan won't lose on this one. He'll shelter you in a dimly lit room to keep you in place if he has to.
Japan wouldn't let you go unhealthy though. It's his job as your husband to take care of you. You'll be given plenty of meals and exercise alongside him just as long as he's not forced to withhold them as punishment.
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Here comes the tears. Italy's first line of defense will always be crying. He'll cling to you all while begging for you to tell him what he did wrong and how can he fix it.
He was so happy being married to you. It was like a dream come true. Why would you ever want to leave something so amazing?
Again, Italy will make you look like the bad guy here. Guilt tripping you to the max in hopes that you'll just forget about everything and stay. When you still try to leave he'll latch on to you and cry into your legs. Probably sending you falling to the floor. The more you struggle, the more he cries. You can practically hear his heart breaking on the spot. Try to fight him off if you'd like, but when he's determined for something, Italy can be surprisingly strong. His grip on you is just so tight.
"We can talk about this (Y/n). Please don't go." He sobs pitifully.
You can try to coax him to calm down and release you, but you'll have to stay for the night. Either way, you'll end up in your shared bedroom with a locked door rather than Italy snuck out in the middle of the night to lock it on you, or he dragged you in there and then shut the door.
Italy will be paying Germany a late-night phone call, begging for his help with his marriage. He'll do anything to make you stay. He doesn't care how long you have to stay in your room or the number of hug therapies he needs to give you.
The two of you will fix this marriage.
Italy will gather anything and everything to fix your marriage from connection exercises to marriage counselors that are, of course, tailored to fit only his side of the argument. You're the only bad guy here. It's all your fault that he has to go to such lengths in the first place. There's no way his cute self could ever be capable of doing any wrong. Even if he is keeping you hostage in his small villa apartment.
If you ever want to feel the grass between your toes or the wind brushing through your fair again you better give in and fix your problem.
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Germany was in need of some serious comfort and support from you after he had lost everything in a grave war. He swore that you were the only thing he had left, and your stupid boss was trying to take you away from him.
Just the other day he informed you of filing for diverse and it was up to you to break the news to your disheveled husband. Some boss he was. Since Germany has quite a bad reputation for himself as of late, your boss thought that it was wise to withdraw your alliance from him to protect yourself.
And so, here you were in Germany's office with diverse papers in hand. You felt a sour taste in your mouth when you finally handed the papers over to the poor man. He was your friend. Someone you held dearly, but denying your boss wasn't really an option for nations.
Germnay's face hallowed as he quickly glanced at the papers bestowed before him. He should have known this was coming. He couldn't support you like he used to. However, he was selfish. He wasn't going to let you leave without a fight.
It wouldn't be long after Germany built up his forces that would he be knocking at your door. Demanding for your hand in marriage again. Your damned boss who thought to separate him from his love would be brought before you; shriveled and beaten. You were horrified as you were forced to sign the marriage contract Germany had conjured up for you.
And just like that, you were bound to him again. Germany, making sure you'd never slip through his fingers again.
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janicho88 · 1 year
When It All Falls Apart -Chapter 8
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Pairing- Jensen x ex!Padalecki Reader
Word count- 2,736
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N- I'm hoping the tags work this time, I typed them all out this time instead of copying them like the last two chapters. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
Once you arrive back in Austin after the 4th of July family trip, you have some cleanup to do.  There are now two trips worth of dirty clothes in your room, the car is a mess, and you should see what else you managed to collect in your suitcase.   You spend the rest of Tuesday evening working on those things.
Wednesday morning, Gen and Jared leave for L.A.  They have meetings out there with the studio for Walker today and tomorrow.  A few last minute things have to be hammered out before filming begins two weeks from today. 
When it’s time to get lunch for Tom, you go through the cupboards, but don’t find much that interests the two of you.
“Buddy, I think we might need a grocery store trip,” you tell him with a frown.
“Do we have to?” he whines.
“Unless you want to eat radishes for lunch.”
He shakes his head with such disgust you can’t help but laugh.  After grabbing your purse, the two of you are off to the store.  As you are pushing a cart down the first aisle, you pass the bakery section.  
“That cake looks good, doesn’t?” you ask your nephew who is riding in the front of the cart.
He just nods his head.  You pick it up and set it in the cart, along with some fruit that Gen isn’t growing in the garden, and a gallon of milk for Tom.  Going down the snack aisle, Tom sees the boxes of goldfish crackers.
“Those are Unca Jensen’s favorites.”
You look at where he’s pointing, and a sad smile appears on your face.  “You're right buddy, they are.”
“We should get some for when he comes over.”
“I don’t know if he’ll be over anytime soon though.”
“How come?  I miss him.”
“I get that buddy, I really do.”
“Why don’t we see him anymore?  I used to get to see you and him when you were workin’ like daddy.”
“He’s really busy right now.”
“Can we try and call him later?”
Looking at Tom giving you the dang puppy dog look he inherited from Jared, you find it very hard to say no.  But, you know you aren’t going to be able to dial that number.  
“I’m sorry buddy, but he can’t talk right now.  Maybe he’ll be able to when your dad gets back.”
He looks like he might tear up, so you let him get the box of goldfish to give to Jensen the next time he sees him.  Walking further down the aisle, you see a bag of cheddar popcorn, you throw that in the cart, then some pretzels.  Passing by the freezers, a new tub of ice cream joins the party.  Standing in the checkout, a few candy bars. 
Loading the car, you realize you really didn’t get much in the way of actual food for Tom’s lunch.  You stop and grab fried chicken and some mashed potatoes on the way home.  There’s plenty to have leftovers for dinner too.
The next day, the two of you take a trip to the park.   The pizza and ice cream you picked up on the way home was totally Tom’s idea, after you may have mentioned it to him.  Back at the house, there is pizza, breadsticks, cheese fries, popcorn, pretzels, cake, Oreos, and some fresh baked cookies spread out on the table in front of the couch. Tom picks out Hercules and the two of you settle in to watch and pig out.
About halfway through the movie, you look over at your nephew still munching on popcorn.  “Hey Tom, do me a favor and don’t tell your parents we ate all this. Okay?”
“Okay, Aunt Y/N.”
The movie is over and you are working on cleaning up all the food when the front door opens.  You quickly get Tom behind you as you are slowly moving forward to get a peek at the entrance when your brother comes into sight.
“Hey gang!” He greets you both.
“Jare, I didn’t think you were coming back until later tonight.”
“The meetings went quicker than anticipated, and we found an earlier flight.”
“Great,” you tell him, slowly looking back over your shoulder.
Gen comes walking up behind you, having entered from the back and gone through the kitchen.  “Did we have a party guys?  There’s a lot of food here.”
“Guess what we had to eat?” Tom excitedly tells her everything he had the last two days.
“Really Tom? Thanks a lot buddy.”
“I only got one ice cream from the place, but Aunt Y/N, got two.”
“One was a drink.”
“It was ice cream.” Your nephew counters. 
“I’m going to finish cleaning up.”  You move back to the kitchen before anyone else can say a word.
Mess cleaned up, you are up in the bedroom laying on your bed with the bag of popcorn and the cookies when Gen knocks on the door.
“Hey,” you greet her.
“Hey, yourself.  Can I join you?”
“Sure, it is your house after all.”  You move to sit back against the headboard as she walks in.
She sits down beside you and grabs a cookie.  “I don’t know if I should be worried that you are taking your nephew through this breakup binge with you, or mad that you didn’t ask the pregnant lady to join?”
“It’s not a binge, it’s nothing.  Just some snacks.”
“It’s not you.  The crazy baking and cooking.  I saw all the food you cleaned up in the kitchen today.  When Jay first left to shoot the movie and you started staying here, you did something like this for a few days.  But it wasn’t to this extreme.”
“Gen, it’s…”
“Don’t tell me nothing.  This breakup is hitting you harder than you want to admit.  Honestly, I’m not sure you even realize it.”
She waits for you to say something, but you remain quiet.
“You haven’t gotten the rest of your stuff out of his place yet.  I think a part of you is still trying to hold on.  I know you were together a few years, but I don’t want to see this drag you down.”
“I didn’t want to tell mom we broke up, because that made it seem really real.  So will cleaning my stuff out of his house.   I still wake up some mornings and hope it was all just a nightmare, and I’ll call him up and he’ll tell me I was crazy for even dreaming that.”
“You tried to work it out, but decided ending things was the best option for you.  The more you fight moving on, the more it’s going to hurt you.” 
“I don’t know why it’s hitting so hard.  It's not like I saw him much the last few months anyways.”
“Yeah, but now you know you won’t be together when he comes back.  It’s hard, but sweetie you need to move forward.”
You sit there a minute, “yeah I guess I do.”
Gen sits with you watching How to Lose a Guy and eating the snacks, until Tom calls her away. You know she’s right, but it’s hard to close this chapter of your life.  
After dinner the next night, you ask Jared if he has a minute to talk.
“For you little sis, I might have two.”
“You’re hilarious, Jare.”
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He takes a mock bow before sitting on the couch across from you.
“I need to get the last of my stuff from Jensen’s place, but I really don’t want to go alone.  Do you think you could come over with me tomorrow?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“And um, Tom was asking about calling him some time.  I don’t think I can do that.”
“Understood.  I can take care of that sometime.”
The next morning the two of you take your SUV and Jared’s truck over to Jensen’s.  You have an empty suitcase and duffle bag with you, plus you think you have another bag at his place.  Walking in the door, you pause and take a look around.  Chances are this will be the last time you are here.  It didn’t really feel like your place, but maybe you just never gave it a chance to.
“Want me to break some of his stuff while we’re here?” your brother asks, standing behind you.
“No, Jare.  Behave.”
“Where do you want to start?”
“I don’t know.  Maybe upstairs with my clothes.”
He follows you up to the master bedroom.  As you get your clothes out he starts stuffing them into the suitcase.  When he fills one, he takes it outside and loads it up.  The bathroom things you have left here are next.  Then there are your boxes sitting in the guest room.  Since you never unpacked them, you don’t have to worry about repacking.  Walking around the house you pick up a few things here and there that are yours.  You water the houseplants as you move around.  When you are fairly certain you have everything, you come meet Jared back in the living room.
Looking around the room, the case of the last DVD you watched together is still laying in front of the tv.  You go over and pick it up, turning to Jared. 
“I never thought him leaving for work would turn out like this.”
“I know.  I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.”  
He doesn’t say anything, just comes over and gives you a hug.  
“I’ll meet you outside okay?”
“Yep,” he responds, taking the last bag out with him.
Standing at the kitchen counter you remove Jensen’s house key from your keyring and set it with the garage remote on the counter.  Looking around the house one more time, you whisper “bye Jens.”
Setting the alarm, you lock the bottom lock on the inside of the door, and use the keypad to lock the deadbolt outside.   Jared pulls out of the drive first and with one more look behind you, you turn and follow him back to the house.  
He helps you unload your things back at the house, some of the boxes stay in the garage, some of the bags need to go upstairs.  That night you are thinking about what Gen said about moving on.  Getting your things out of Jensen’s place was the first step.  The next was going to be leaving your brother’s house.  When you started spending a night here and there with them, it wasn’t meant to turn into living with them.�� You really should get out of their hair. 
Monday morning you call a realtor and schedule a meeting for later that afternoon.  When you go in you explain what you are looking for, and some of the areas around town you would be okay with moving to.  Amy, who you will be working with, tells you she will put a list together and get back with you soon. 
Gen asks that evening what kept you busy all day, you tell her you had some errands to run.  You don’t want to mention moving out yet, slightly worried they would talk you out of it easily.  Jensen and Jared might not be on the best of terms because of you right now, but there was no doubt in your mind they would get past it.  Once again the two of them would be hanging out, you didn’t want to be here for that.  You couldn’t be. 
You were outside with Gen late Wednesday morning, when your phone went off.  Amy was calling to let you know she had some places to show you.  She told you to let her know when you were ready to look at them.  
“Are you free this afternoon?” you ask.
“Let me check,” you catch her a little off guard at wanting to go out and look so quickly.
“I’ll be free after 2:30. I can meet you at the first place then?”
“That will work.”
She gives you the address before hanging up. The first place is the closest to Jared and Gen’s, Nalle Woods of Westlake apartments.  They only have 2 bedroom units available right now, that doesn't matter too much to you though. The place just wasn’t you.  Stopped at a red light on your way to the next location, you take a look around.  The restaurant you and Jensen had your first Austin date at is just up ahead.  
The second stop is a condo on Lennox Drive, but it requires a 12 month lease minimum.  You aren’t sure if you want to commit to a place for that long right now.   Leaving there you drive by Lady Bird Lake.  You and Jensen had enjoyed going there and walking the trails. 
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The Ridgeview apartments you looked at next were nice, but they didn’t come furnished.  Since you had sold your furniture before moving you would need to start all over again there. 
Signs for the Austin Zoo catch your eye on the drive to the next place.  It brings back memories of the time you and Jensen took your nephews and niece there for a day. 
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Turning on the radio to distract yourself you leave the station on Prime Country when you hear Garth singing.  The next single bedroom apartment is newly listed, you have hope it will work out. The drive takes you past Peter Pan Mini Golf, where you have had a few date nights.  This apartment you stop at is another unfurnished one, and the more you have seen today tells you that isn’t what you want right now.
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The last place you check out is an apartment building on Congress Ave.  You can lease these apartments for as short as a month.  That seems more like you are looking for right now.  They come fully furnished, even having housewares and linens.  There is a pool, gym and laundry room for tenants to use.   The downside is they are a little cramped, but if it’s just you what’s the problem?
You thank Amy for her time and let her know you need to think some things over but would get back to her soon.  Leaving the last apartment, you drive over the Congress Avenue bridge.  Jensen had brought you out here one night to see the bats, and you had been freaked out at first as they all flew out.  
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So much of this town just screams Jensen to you, it is going to make your fresh start a little hard.  Apparently, the radio agrees with you, LeeAnn Womack comes on singing, “Little Past Little Rock.”
“I had to leave my life in Dallas
That town will always be you
In every crowd, on every corner,
Every face I'd see you
So with nothing more than a tank of gas
I drove away without looking back…”
“I know exactly how you feel LeeAnn.  He’s everywhere here.  I’ll even have to drive by his house every time I go to Jared and Gen’s.”
“Don't know where I'll go
Or what I'll do
I'm a little past Little Rock,
But a long way from over you
These headlights on the highway
Disappear into the dark
And if I could have it my way
I'd go back to where you are…”
“I’d just like to go back in time, maybe I could have changed my schedule and gone with him.  Maybe then things would have worked out differently.”
“Too late to change my mind
I've got to keep my heart out of this
And both hands on the wheel
I'm learning more with every mile
Just how leaving feels
It's a lonely stretch of blacktop
Out into the blue
Don't know where I'll go
Or what I'll do
I'm a little past Little Rock,
But a long way from over you…”
“Austin just might be my Dallas.  He’s the main reason I came here.  Maybe I should be leaving here and heading back to L.A.  It wouldn’t be the first time I lived away from my family.  It would be a clean start.”
As you pull back in the driveway at your brother’s place, you are thinking more and more that getting out of town is going to be the way to go.  You can’t right away because of Walker, but maybe you could see about them reducing your role in the future.  Today has given you a few things to think about.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 9
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2​ ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013​  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510 @perpetualabsurdity @mellyie @fiftyshadesgrl @jessicalynnann
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This was so fun to write! I hope you enjoy part 2!
Pairings: Jake Kiszka X Danny Wagner *ssslash
Warnings and tags: 18+ only, no minors! Adult themes including: partner death (past tense), fatal illness, brief mentions of depressive attitudes, some drinking, little bit of flirting, dad Jake AU, uncle Danny AU
Word count: 4k
Another end to a week and soon it was Saturday. Jake was back on the field with the kids, jogging backwards alongside them as he taught them how to attempt making passes with the balls. It wasn’t exactly going well, but he didn’t expect much from only the second day of practice.
The kids were having fun and that was all that really mattered so he wasn’t hard on them at all. He was having a good time watching their little feet and legs try to maneuver the checkered balls, giggling himself when one of them would trip up and he’d have to quickly catch them before they surly ate some grass.
There was to be no crying on the field under his watch.
A few parents had come to see their kids learn the sport, though most just sat in their folding lawn chairs and clapped from the sidelines. Emma’s mom was here. She’d made it a point to come up to Jake before practice started and invite him over for lunch afterwards, to which he said he’d consider it.
Honestly, he hadn’t had much time to think about Danny since the other day, but he’d suddenly gotten a strange feeling in his gut when walking over to the field this afternoon. He had no idea if Danny would be there today, and he wasn’t sure if he’d mentally prepared himself to deal with any antics today. It was a relief to see he wasn’t there, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be at the house for lunch.
“Can I go play at Emma’s house? Pleeease?” Luna asked in her sweetest, trying to pull on her dad’s heartstrings, voice.
“Michael has been outside grilling all afternoon. We’ve got plenty of food” Emma’s mom sweetened the deal with the promise of barbecue, and after that little cardio workout Jake had to admit he was pretty hungry.
“Oh all right, just for a little while” Jake finally agreed and both kids squealed with excitement.
“So how’s it going with the foundation?” She casually made small talk as they all started their walk back towards the houses.
“It’s been going. We hit a few snags with securing some donations out on the west coast. Thought for a second I was going to have to go out there myself to get it all sorted out, but my team came through in the end”.
“That’s good to hear. It’s great what you guys do for musical education”. She almost always asked Jake about his job when she got the chance to chat with him. Jake didn’t mind, he loved his job, a legacy left behind.
“By the way, I’ve been thinking about putting Emma in some piano lessons” she continued, “you wouldn’t happen to know anyone would you?” Though she didn’t come right out and ask him, the look she gave him and the tone in her voice suggested what she really meant was would he teach her. “I’ve seen that beautiful piano in your house”.
“That was June’s” Jake informed her that the piano she mentioned wasn’t exactly his, but his late wife’s. “I could teach her how to play guitar” he chuckled nervously, fidgeting with the strap of his backpack, “but piano might be a little out of my expertise”.
“Oh, I see” she trailed off, almost sorry she’d unintentionally brought up a possibly sensitive subject.
Jake offered her a warm smile in return, trying to show her he didn’t mind at all. He liked talking about her, and actually he kind of wished people would ask about her more often so he could feel free and happy to reminisce instead of everyone just trying to tiptoe around it.
“I really wish I could’ve met her. I bet she was an amazing woman”.
She was the most amazing woman he’d ever met, Jake thought to himself. They had met at an event for the foundation he now worked for. He was only nineteen at the time, still just a kid in the eyes of the seasoned professionals he was so anxious to be getting a chance to mingle with.
Being a freelance musician, Jake was just trying to book whatever he could with the help of his manager, who happened to be friends with some people also invited to this party. Jake hadn’t expected much of anything to come from that night. Maybe have a few (nonalcoholic) drinks with some like natured musicians, learn some tips of the industry, if he was lucky and smooth talked enough maybe score his next gig. What he never expected was meeting June.
They spent practically the whole night standing at a high top table at the corner of the room together, just getting to know each other. He told her he played the guitar and she modestly revealed that she was a singer who also played a few instruments of her own. She was twenty-one at the time so she was drinking sparkling wine and Jake couldn’t tell if the flush in her cheeks was from him, or the glass in her hand. Either way he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
At the end of the night he gave her his number, praying she would give him a call. After two long days of beating himself up for not just asking for her number instead, she called him and they set up a lunch date.
It was then he found out she was the only daughter of the owners of the foundation who’s party they’d met at. She had spent most of the past two years traveling around with them going to events like the night before, meeting musicians and trying to fundraise money for musical programs in schools.
She had decided now that she wanted to settle down for a bit, write some pieces and even possibly work on an album. Jake was extremely excited when she invited him to the studio with her, and before he knew it they were collaborating and eventually dating as well.
Two years of hard work and their album was finally hitting the market. The combination of Jake’s crafty acoustic and effortlessly executed electric guitar riffs, with her smooth powering vocals and elegant instrumentals made for popular reviews. They toured together for a while, most of their shows profits giving back to her family’s foundation.
Jake and June never denied the dating rumors. It was blatantly obvious with the palpable chemistry between them both on and off stage, and as soon as touring was over they were eloping up in the mountains of her family home.
It seemed so unreal looking back on the way it all happened. Jake was crying tears of happiness when he found out she was pregnant with Luna, but the tears soon turned sorrowful when all the blood testing along with early pregnancy confirmed June’s worst nightmare, her diagnosis.
The doctors assured them that the pregnancy didn’t put her or the baby at risk, but Jake could tell when she started getting sick because she didn’t sing anymore. She just didn’t have the strength in her lungs to do so.
Thankfully Luna did arrive perfectly fine, and they’d had nearly a full year together before June took a turn for the worst. She was bedridden on their daughter’s first birthday, and Jake couldn’t stand to see the pain it caused her to not be able to be the mother she always wanted to be.
The next thing he knew, she was gone and he was navigating life as a parent alone. He decided making music and playing shows couldn’t be a stable job for a toddler, so he inherited his wife’s shares of the foundation where he started to work full time.
“She would’ve loved you guys, especially Emma and Luna getting so close. She always wanted a big family since she was an only child”. Jake smiled again as he watched the kids chase each other through the yard once they finally reached the house. “Are you an Michael thinking about having anymore?”
She turned quiet herself this time, shrugging her shoulders as she held the door open for him after the kids plowed through to get to playing in the backyard. “We’ll see” she replied, absently like it wasn’t a topic she really preferred to get into right now.
Jake followed her through their home to the French doors that opened up onto their back patio. Emma’s dad was finishing up at the grill so they started setting up the table with napkins, cups and utensils, some chips, everything you’d need for an afternoon barbecue.
“Is there anything I can help with?” Jake asked, feeling awkward about just standing there as they worked. He’d had plenty of meals at their house, and shared his dining room with them as well, so he wasn’t uncomfortable but he still considered himself a guest and offered his assistance.
“Oh I’ve got some potato salad in the fridge, would you mind grabbing that and some ice from the kitchen?”
Without hesitation Jake made his way back inside, easily navigating his way to his destination, stopping dead in his tracks when he rounded the corner and saw the kitchen wasn’t as empty as he’d expected it to be.
“Looking for this?” Danny smirked as he held what looked like the bowl of potato salad he’d been sent for.
“No” Jake blurted out, his mind too preoccupied with trying, and failing, to look away from the man standing in front of him. He was in black jeans again, maybe even the same ones from their first encounter, and another t-shirt. Only this t-shirt instead of having the sleeves cut off had the last two inches chopped away so that the hem hung just above his belted waistband.
All he had to do was shift a bit and Jake was getting a peak at his navel, decorated with a patch of dark hair. There was something else too, something silver just barely hidden underneath the cotton. A belly button piercing? He couldn’t be sure, but he absolutely was not getting any closer to get a better look or letting himself get caught staring.
“Ice” he spoke in another one word sentence, but didn’t move a muscle to retrieve said ice.
“Here, I got it” Danny set the bowl down on the island that separated them and stepped over to the cabinets. He had his back facing Jake now, but as he opened the cabinet and reached onto the top shelf for a metal container for the ice Jake could see how far the shirt rose with the stretch, exposing smooth tanned skin and a pair of back dimples.
Jake continued to watch in silence as Danny filled the bucket up before turning back around. “Want to take that and I’ll take this?” He raised his eyebrows and nodded his head slightly towards the bowl on the counter.
“Okay” Jake approached the island like a skittish cat. One wrong move from Danny and he’d be scurrying off. Danny only waited patiently for Jake to reach over and slide the bowl across the granite then he wrapped his arm around it and held it close to his body.
“Your hair looks nice by the way” Danny muttered quietly when Jake was closer.
Jake brows furrowed in confusion before he could catch himself. He’d let his hair down from the clip he’d thrown it up in at practice, but all he’d had was his fingers to haphazardly comb through it. He couldn’t imagine that it looked ‘nice’ right now.
“It looks good down is what I mean” Danny elaborated, moving past him to head outside before someone came looking for them.
“There you are! I was sure you didn’t get lost just going to the kitchen” his sister called them over to the table when she spotted them through the door.
She had the kids already rounded up, sitting together at one end with a plate each and barbecue sauce already smeared on their faces. Practice must’ve made them just as hungry as Jake was.
Jake took a seat next to Luna, Michael sat at the end of the table and his wife to his right. That left the seat across from Jake open, and the seat next to him on Michael’s left. Great, either he’d be trying to avoid looking at Danny while he ate, or he’d be sitting right next to him.
He turned to check on Luna making sure she had a napkin and enough water before he planned to get back up and make a plate for himself. The seat next to him was drug across the concrete as Danny pulled it out to take a seat, but then the sound of a plate sliding across the table made Jake look over.
Danny sent him a smile as the plate ended up right in front of Jake, setting his own plate down in front of his chair next then leaving to get drinks.
“Thanks” Jake mumbled when Danny handed him a water as well.
“You know Danny plays the guitar too” his sister commented as she watched their little interaction, stabbing her fork into some of the potato salad.
“Really?” Jake replied, too polite to ignore her conversation. “Is he any good?” What he could do though was talk to her like their subject wasn’t nearly brushing shoulders with him as he picked up his fork.
“He is. At least from what I can remember he hasn’t played in a while”.
“That’s because my Gibson got stolen” Danny interjected.
“I don’t see how that’s anyone’s fault but your own” she scolded him.
Jake was able to get a few bites in as they argued back and forth for a moment when he noticed Michael was being unusually quiet. He chalked it up to letting Danny and his sister have their moment. He himself knew how family bickering could go.
“I’m thinking about getting a new one though. Maybe when I do I could come over and we could jam”.
Jake nearly choked on his water at Danny’s bold suggestion, but he somehow managed to swallow it down and look his way. “Umm, yeah that could be cool”. Shit, why did he agree?
“Cool” Danny flashed another smile and Jake focused on his plate again, already thinking of excuses he could use to get out of that.
“Daddy, I’m done” Luna tugged on Jake’s arm to get his attention after a little while of eating and chatting. “Can we go play in Emma’s room?”
“Ask Emma’s mom if she can be excused from the table” he answered her as he gathered up her mess.
“Of course, you kids run along and play, I’ll be right back” she quickly replied as she got up to grab something from inside. Danny jumped up to help Jake clear the kids plates, stacking them and all the trash together and carrying it to be thrown away, the kids following behind him.
“Have any interesting cases right now?” Jake asked Michael when it was just the two of them left outside.
“Nothing really interesting, just a lot” he replied simply.
“I hear you’ve been having to stay late quite a bit, I’m always happy to help with Emma”. He watched as Michael nodded, though his attention seemed to be focused behind Jake. Looking over his shoulder just barely in view behind the glass doors Danny and his sister seemed to be deep in discussion again.
Like she could sense their eyes on her, she quickly came back out, carrying a wine bottle and two glasses. “A client gave this to us, you have to try it at least once” she insisted as she poured herself and Jake a glass.
They talked for a while longer, one glass turning into two before Jake had to cut himself off, but she went ahead and finished the bottle with her third. At some point Michael had gotten up and went inside. Jake found it odd he wasn’t socializing at all today, but maybe he was just overworked and needed a break. God knows he knew what it was like to need a break.
“Well I better get Luna and head home. We still have homework she didn’t want to do last night”.
“Go ahead, I’m going to clean up a little bit out here. It was good catching up”.
“It’s always a pleasure” he replied, then got up feeling his head rush a little bit with the motion. It’s a good thing they only had a short walk home because that wine was potent, three glasses would’ve definitely gotten him into some trouble.
When he was back inside he could already hear the giggling of the children coming from the living room instead of the hallway with the bedrooms. “Luna? Time to go sweetheart” he called out.
He was right, they were in the living room, and so was Danny who looked up at him from where he sat on the floor in front of a kids play desk. He had about a dozen rainbow butterfly clips fixed in his curls, and his hands were spread across the tiny desk while Emma painted them silver with sparkles.
“Daddy! Can I see your phone?” Luna jumped up from the couch that had hair accessories scattered across its cushions, no doubt the next pieces to be added to Danny’s look.
“What for?” He asked, letting her grab onto his hand and pull him further into the room.
“Danny said we can add him as a friend on TikTok” she answered him, already trying to pry his phone from his front pocket.
“Is that so?” Jake retrieved his phone first, looking over at Danny in question.
“Only if you send me those slime scooping videos. Those are my favorite” he told her to which she jumped up and down giggling.
Jake reluctantly unlocked his phone and opened the app he’d only installed so that he and Luna could watch cute farm animal videos on and such, she loved those. He let Danny tell him his username and added him as a friend. “Alright can we go now?”
“Bye Emma! I’ll see you at school on Monday!” Luna waved to her, then to Danny.
“Careful!” Emma scolded him when he tried to wave back, checking his nails for smudges when he quickly obeyed and put his hand back down.
Later that night Jake laid in bed getting caught up on some reading and waiting for Josh’s call when he got a notification on his phone. He’d almost forgotten about the TikTok add when he saw that Danny followed him back, and shortly after sent him a video. He debated ignoring it, but ended up deciding to check and make sure he wasn’t sending anything weird where Luna could see.
A pleasant little tune came across the speaker when it started with a title to the video on the screen that said ‘rating the scoopability of this week's slimes’. He actually watches this? Jake thought as he let the video play on, an orange ‘slush’ slime, whatever that was, up first. Next was a deep blue one with purple flash and gold stars. Wait, he kind of liked that one, and why was this kind of relaxing? Finally there was a green translucent slime, this one had lots of tiny little charms in it which Jake had to squint his eyes at to see that some of the charms were tiny soccer balls.
Was Danny thinking about him when he sent this video?
Jake closed the video and stared at the white background of the nearly empty inbox before he curiously clicked on the bubble that took him to Danny’s profile. He didn’t have anything posted, but there was a link to his instagram account.
The link took him immediately to the other app, and Jake lied to himself saying he hoped his account was private. It wasn’t.
A grid of pictures of Danny flooded Jake’s screen in the usual instagram manner. Being nosey he scrolled a little bit, finding one interesting enough to click on and enlarge. He looked like he was in a tattoo shop, and he was in a position that showed off his forearm while he pretended to flex- not that he had to try very hard.
What looked like brand new ink by the irritation of his skin banded around his arm in bold black lines. How had he missed this when they met? He could remember what Danny was wearing, but clearly he’d been trying to avoid looking at him too much if he’d not seen the tattoo.
He stared at the picture for a bit longer, studying the marking and the unfamiliar symbol they made when he was interrupted by his awaited phone call.
“Hey” he answered, trying to sound normal- like he wasn’t just creeping on someone's social media.
“What were you doing?” Josh asked, too intuitive to not notice he’d caught Jake off guard.
“Nothing” Jake replied, his voice turning up a bit at the end.
“What were you watching porn or something?”
“What? No! I absolutely was not” Jake groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose at his brother's brazen questioning.
“I wouldn’t judge you if you were. How else are you supposed to release some stress without getting a little… well, release?”
“Please stop talking. The only thing stressing me out right now is you”.
“How was practice today?” Josh asked instead, sounding a little too eager to get the updates about ‘practice’.
“Really good” Jake replied, only adding to Josh’s delusion of what really good meant.
“So you got to see a certain someone again?”
Of course, this conversation was actually about that.
“Not at practice. We had lunch at Emma’s house”.
“Wait…” Josh stopped him in confusion. “So the person who hit on you is?”
Jake debated for a moment about telling Josh about Danny. Besides he was just some random guy he had to put up with right now since his family was close with Emma’s, right? He figured Danny’s living situation with his sister wasn’t permanent, so eventually he’d leave and everything would go back to normal, right?
“Jake, come on if you don’t tell me I’m just going to imagine what I want to then” Josh read his mind.
Knowing leaving it up to Josh’s imagination was not the best course of action- that could get out of hand fast, Jake gave in. “His name is Danny. He’s Emma’s uncle”.
The other end was silent for a moment as his brother took in this information. Jake knew that Josh didn’t care that this crush was someone of the same sex, having been with his boyfriend for nearly a decade now. “This is… interesting”. Jake could hear Josh’s grin, knowing he was probably planning out how he could meet Danny as soon as possible.
“Don’t be weird about it. It’s nothing”.
“Yeah, just a crush” Josh giggled mischievously. “Jake has a crush”.
“Shut up I don’t”.
“Oh, wait till Sam gets a hold of this”. Jake knew Josh wouldn’t actually tell him if he didn’t want him to, but it was also fun to tease him with it.
“I’m hanging up now”.
With a chuckle still in his tone Josh wished him a good night. When the call ended Danny’s instagram pulled back up and Jake gave it one last scroll through before he sighed and closed all his tabs before plugging his phone back in and saving his place in his book. Setting them both on his night stand he turned out his light and settled into bed, one question left on his mind.
Did he have a crush?
Before today he would’ve said no, absolutely not, but he had to admit seeing Danny playing with the kids had done something to him.
A crush might’ve been a strong word at this point, but if he saw Danny again he didn’t think he’d mind it so much anymore.
Coming to grips with that Jake was able to easily fall asleep, knowing that he probably would be seeing him again.
Tags: @lyndz2names @gracev0609 @lipstickitty @sanguinebats
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Hey, can you write a little story where Gaz s/o is an artist, they both go on an artist date (painting together, visiting museums together). Just a big art day. Thank you ❤️
YES oh my god art dates are so cute 🥹 i used some inspiration from a museum date i went on a couple years ago. i hope you enjoy! thanks for the request pandora 💕
Gaz x GN!Reader: Sketching The Day
Trigger Warnings: none, all fluff
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“Hey love, do you want to go on a date today?” Kyle asked, looking across the table at you. You perk up slightly, smiling widely. “Yes, please! I’ve been wanting to go on a proper date with you for so long since you’ve come home.” you say. “Grand. I’ve got a good set of things we should do today before it’s over.” Kyle says. “Oh yeah? Are you gonna tell me what, or is this going to be one of those surprise dates?” you ask. “Hmm,” Kyle hums, tapping his chin with his finger before grinning and nodding at you, “definitely is. You’ll just have to wait and see. Now go get yourself ready, alright?” You can see the warmth on his face, and it makes you happy to be able to finally go on a date with Kyle.
His last mission was pretty tiring from what he was allowed to tell you and it didn’t help with the fact that it was one of those that took up more than half the year. Months had passed and finally, you were able to be with your beloved boyfriend again. After getting yourself all readied up an hour and a half later, you go back towards the kitchen and see Kyle’s already changed. You smile and give him a hug, inhaling a bit deeply because he put on a cologne you really liked. “All ready to go now love?” Kyle asks, giving you a kiss on the head. “Can I stand here and just smell your cologne a bit more?” you ask jokingly as you continue to sniff him. “You’ll have plenty of time to smell it once we get back, I promise,” he says.
Pleased with this deal, you pull away from him and the two of you head out to have what you considered your first “mystery date.” After a bit of driving, you see your first stop is what you assume to be a family-owned art supplies store. “We’re doing an art date, aren’t we?” you ask excitedly. It was something you had wanted to do for so long, and seeing Kyle surprise you like this made you happy that he remembered. “We are indeed! Now then, let’s get ourselves inside and get what we’ll need for the most important part of today’s date.” he says cheerfully. Kyle helps you out of the car and continues to hold your hand as you walk inside of the store. You’re amazed by everything inside, as there are paintings, sketches, and several other little art displays made by patrons and the owners themselves.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Kyle asks, chuckling softly at your amazement. “Yeah…and it smells so nice in here.” you say softly. “But does it smell better than me?” Kyle jokingly asks. “Nothing could ever smell as good as you.” you say, letting go of his hand and wandering off. Kyle stands there for a moment, a bit stunned despite the warm sensation in his heart before he follows after you. The two of you discuss whether or not to buy some watercolors alongside the sketchbooks that Kyle planned on purchasing for the both of you. “Have you tried using watercolors before?” you ask him. “I have, yeah. It’s a bit more tedious than I thought it’d be when I first tried it.” he says. “Would you be willing to let me teach you some more? I’m pretty good with watercolors myself, plus I think it’d be a fun way to bond some more.” you suggest.
Your lovely boyfriend then turns to you, the watercolor set still in his hands, “I reckon I’ll have to take you up on that then. Nothing better than getting to spend time with you.” Kyle says, giving you a wink. You fluster a bit, taking the set from him and putting it in the little basket you had grabbed. A bit more of looking around and gathering things you’ll need, the two of you then pay and make your way out and to what Kyle considered the most important part of your date: a museum that was the closest to your shared flat. Sketchbooks and pencils in hand, the two of you pay to enter the museum and begin your date sketching the various sculptures and paintings you see.
It definitely helps with your sense of perspective once again, as getting to see the bottom half of the sculpture gradually gets further and further away from you the larger it is. The shadows and highlights in the paintings also made for good practice in shading again while giving you that nagging question wondering why you had ever stopped focusing on it as much as you had. The two of you decided to fill up as many pages as you could before the museum closed, considering the two of you went a bit later in the day, heading out into the rain. “Tsk…typical England, am I right?” Kyle asks, making you laugh. “One learns to live with it,” you say as you carefully step further out to reach your hand out of the shelter of the porch of the museum and into the rain, “and thankfully it isn’t too hard. We’ll be able to make it to the car!”
Trusting you fully, Kyle then removes his coat and drapes it over you. “Even if the rain isn’t too bad, the cold definitely is. Let’s head home for a nice tea, yeah?” he suggests. Smiling and giving him a kiss on the cheek, you nod and the both of you quickly and safely make your way to the car. Kyle helps you in by opening the door and taking his coat off your back to put it in front of you to help you readjust to the cold interior of the car. Shivering a bit, you reach back and put your sketchbook into the backseat to make sure it didn’t get any more wet than it possibly was. Kyle then gets into the car and does the same before starting the car and letting it warm up.
“I had loads of fun today with you, Y/N. I’m so sorry that we can’t just have more of a normal life to do things like this more often.” Kyle apologizes, abruptly breaking the silence between you two. “Don’t be sorry. Whether you’re here or not I’ll always love any time I get to spend with you. Even if it’s something as simple as getting to just wander around a museum and sketching the things we see—any time I just get to have you makes me happy.” you say. Kyle smiles, leaning forward to gently cup your face with one hand before giving you a kiss. You kiss back, bringing a hand of your own up to caress his cheekbone with your thumb. “Let’s get home, I don’t want to risk you getting sick from the cold.” Kyle says once he pulls away.
You stare out the window a bit as you pass by the now dimly lit streets of England, watching the rain fall as it falls past the streetlights. The soft pitter patter combined with the lights and movement of the car relaxed you enough to cause you to fall asleep the way back home. Kyle glanced over at your sleeping form briefly, smiling softly to himself as he continued driving. Eventually arriving back at your shared flat, you’re carefully carried inside and woken up once you’re laid onto your shared bed. “Hm?” you hum softly as you come to, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. “We’re home. I’ll bring you your pajamas then help you to our room so you can get dressed. I just wanted to set you down real quick so you could try and sleep a bit longer while I got them.” Kyle says.
The amount of care in his voice makes you smile, reaching both your arms up to try and get him to embrace you. Kyle immediately clings to you carefully, rubbing your back and kissing your face all over. “I love you lots, Y/N…truly…I’ll be right back with those pajamas.” he says. You’re let go of and left alone for a moment as Kyle goes to the dryer and comes back with your pajamas. He made sure to warm them up a bit so you’d feel better after being in the cold rain earlier, and the amount of attention that Kyle put into caring for you showed you exactly why you stay with him despite him constantly being away. “You’re the absolute best boyfriend, Kyle. I really can’t express how much I love you but I wish I could…” you say sleepily.
Kyle flusters a bit and you just barely catch it, as you love the way his eyes just shine a little bit more than usual when he does. You yawn softly as you change into your pajamas; Kyle’s turned away completely from you so you don’t have to see him fluster again as you change in front of him. “Oh come on Kyle, you’re gonna see me naked someday. Maybe I could even let you sketch me nude for anatomy practice.” you tease. “I-I know that! It’s just…you know, rude of me to look at you without your permission…” he says, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. “I know, I’m just teasing! But do know, you most certainly always have permission to look at me when I’m changing.” you say. Kyle nods and sighs then gets his own pajamas and changes in another room, much to your dismay.
You liked when he took his shirt in front of you.
Kyle then steps back into your room and finds you laying down half asleep, the blanket resting halfway on top of your body. He smiles softly and turns the light in your room off before going to join you under the blanket. He readjusts it so it’s properly covering you and the action itself has you nuzzling up to him for extra warmth. Kyle chuckles softly, completely wrapping his arms around you. “Did the museum date really make you this tired, Y/N?” he asks. “Mhm…it was just so fun and relaxing…let’s do it again someday…” you mumble sleepily. “We will, I promise. Get some proper rest now.” Kyle says, kissing the top of your head as you nuzzle further into his chest.
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tootern2345 · 8 months
Watched me the 2009 indie stop motion black comedy film. Mary and Max and…. I fucking love it! It’s a work of art. The story is pretty amazing and has a lot of humorous and tear jerking moments. Some of the humorous moments I laughed at. 8 year old Australian girl, Mary Dinkle, is an outcast. Her parents are mainly neglectful and she finds comfort in food and cartoons. While 44 year old New York man, Max Horowitz, is an obese outcast who too, finds comfort in food and cartoons. Mary gets curious at a post office one day and writes him a letter and after staring in the window for 18 hours, Max writes back. After that, a whole lot happens. Including an adult Mary pissing Max off after she thinks that autism (referred to as Asperger’s here) can be “cured”. It takes Max, in a pure heat of the moment of blind, unadulterated rage against a homeless man unintentionally setting off max’s biggest pet peeve (littered cigarette butts) to realize that mary and humans ourselves, are imperfect. Mary finally gets to see max in the end but max has passed away peacefully, never forgetting the memories along the way as Mary cries tears of joy, with her infant son as well cause yeah.
I love the animation and the amount of detail it went into it. Stop motion is a highly underrated but purely amazing way of animating and animation as a whole. Especially the Typewriter used!
Also, as an autistic myself, I can relate to max and his personal struggles. This movie shows the more unfortunate parts of being autistic and especially being an autistic adult, and remember, the film does take place mainly during the 70’s and 80’s back when autistics could be easily rid of, shipped off to the ward in which they could be experimented on a lot (that’s what max went through once). And I too, got pissed alongside max when Mary showed him the book about “curing” autism. and the film does show that while us autistics may struggle to express emotions on the outside, we are showing a lot of emotion on the inside. Another thing I relate to, sadly, is not being able to cry a lot. There have been times a plenty in which I wanted to cry but just couldn’t get myself to do it. And it is sad that max got ridiculed for being Jewish. Antisemitism sucks ass, alongside ableism as well. Although, I do feel bad for Mary as well, her father works long hours at a tea factory and focuses more on taxidermy than his family and her mother is a drunken thief. Both of them end up dying a year within each other and seeing Mary’s ex husband, Damon, leaving her was pretty sad as well.
The film also shows that the school system doesn’t care about anyone that’s dealing with issues regarding emotion and bullying. Especially during the 70’s and 80’s. I loved it when Mary stood up against her bully. And I also loved it when Len, the agoraphobic, WWII veteran amputee neighbor, ended up saving the day right before Mary succeeded in her own death in her own darkest hour.
The voices and music are great as well and the vocal direction I also admire! Vocal direction/line delivery can make or break voices and in this case, it really makes the film tbh.
Overall, I rate this film a 10/10. I have nothing bad or flaws to say about it/with it. It’s amazing and I personally recommend ya’ll go watch it (although, the film is definitely NOT for kids)
Oh, a note, the film was partially based off a true story. The key plot of the film (Australian kid and Autistic American adult write letters to each other) was real. The other parts were luckily for show.
Que Sera, Sera to all. And to all, a good night!
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erasurehead-rp · 2 months
Dear Eraserhead
Hi! Um, you have no idea who I am but I’m a big fan of yours! I had no idea you had a tumblr account, but I follow Present Mic’s blog and saw he was following you and well, if I’m right that probably means you’re the real deal!
So uh, I just wanna tell you that I really admire you and think you’re an amazing hero. Your fighting style is super unique, and, I know it’s kinda weird to say since it’s so simple looking, but I also really like your costume! It just looks like it would be very comfy to wear (is it? I gotta know. If you don’t wanna answer that’s fine though!) as opposed to other pro-heroes costumes.
But yeah, just wanna say that you’re one of my favourite pros (alongside Present Mic 😅). I, don’t know how much you like having fans though, it’s probably weird for an underground hero like yourself. But hey, being underground and hardly having any media coverage means you’re a hero for a the right reasons, right? That’s part of what’s so awesome about you in my personal opinion.
Sorry for rambling so much, what you do just, means a lot to me. If I’m bothering you at all then I apologize.
Just an excited fan
No, don't apologize. I'm.. uh, flattered.
About the suit, it is pretty comfortable. It's easy to move in, covers plenty, and the material isn't uncomfortable. It's pretty universal and honestly straightforward. It doesn't draw attention and it doesn't hinder my performance.
I'm not surprised you found me through Mic either... He.. definitely gathers quite a bit of attention as well as being the one who got me on here.
And I appreciate your faith in my motives. It's been pretty tough for heroes, as of late..
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babiestbubbles · 2 years
Not sure if I already requested this here or not bc my memory is horrible, but do you happen to to have any Yuichi Usagi agere headcannons?
Oh absolutely! I only just started watching (so no spoilers pls) but I already have plenty
Yuichi Usagi agere HCs
Typically an older kiddo, usually around that 3-5 p toddler range, unless something rally bad's happened, in which case he's straight to baby space (1-2 typically) Very verbal. Constantly going on an on about his adventures and fantasies, but he needs his caretakers to be engaged in what he's saying. If they shut him down or seem disinterested he takes it really hard, sometimes he'll regress younger or go nonverbal.
This boy is ADHD personified and that only gets worse when he's little. If he's being asked to do something, or being instructed his caregivers have to level with him, make direct eye contact, and be clear with their instructions. If not, he's not going to listen, not because he doesn't care but simply because he's incapable. He actually does care, quite a lot, and feels incredibly bad for 'not listening'.
Going along with that, he suffers with crippling RSD(Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria). It's one of the few things that'll send him into baby space. He absolutely cannot deal with the idea that he's let someone down/disappointed them and needs constant reassurance.
When he is in baby space, he tends to be very quiet at first, sometimes entirely non verbal. He typically struggles to form words or sentences early on in his regression, which contributes to the quiet. A lot of it depends on why he's regressed so young.
If it's Rejection related (someone close to him is upset with him or ignoring him) then he tends to shut down and ends up not wanting to, or sometimes entirely incapable of, speech. He'll likely stay non-verbal until he feels better.
If it's some other stressor (such a major injuries or traumatic events) then he'll probably struggle quite a bit with communication. He used to stay quiet as a result (out of embarrassment), but as his caretakers have shown they can be trusted he's begun being more verbal with them, and will sometimes babble on and on endlessly. In this state, he's less worried about being listened to (because he's aware he's not always coherent) but his caretakers do make an effort to pay attention anyways, because he tends to get fussy if his needs aren't being met. He started regressing when he was still living with his Auntie. She was always going on about how he needs to grow up, and she is extremely tied to tradition, he knows she loves him but, even so, he knew she'd never approve so he had to be very secretive.
Spot was his number one lookout and impromptu caregiver during this time (mostly keeping him out of any major danger)
Tetsujin takes over as his caregiver when he moves to Neo Edo. Yuichi feels super safe in his presence Absolutely adores pacifiers, teether, etc. but always hides them behind a stuffie or blanket when he's using them, even when he's alone or around people who know about his regression. (A force of habit he picked up while regressing under his Auntie's roof.)
Super active when Little. He always wants to be doing something. He's easily pacified with cartoons but he gets bored of them after a couple of episodes, they're really only a temporary fix.
Big fan of toys. Especially baby toys, the shapes and colors make him so happy. He'll do the cutest little happy stims in response to them it's wonderful. Every time he interacts with them it's like he's doing it for the first time again. He's always so full of amazement and wonder.
Adores coloring, but needs music or a show playing in the background, or someone else there with him talking to him/coloring alongside him.
When he's happy he'll do bunny binkies (or his version) Just, the cutest little happy hops you've ever seen. His caregivers melt every single time.
That's about it for now, but I can totally do more if you'd like!
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kingofbodyrolls · 1 year
BTS fic recs: August 2023
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I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post 💜And if you want more fic recs you can follow me to stay updated 🙂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | Jul | 💜 | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (*) | Dec (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
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⭐All Aboard! (the passion express)💯 by @ve1vetyoongi // knj x f.reader // office worker!namjoon // 🥵
📝 There were not many things that got your blood boiling in the same way that two simple words could. Kim Namjoon. The name of your irritating and (unfortunately enough, as the universe would have it) incredibly handsome co-worker. Which is exactly why you never expected to find your self on your knees for him on the train home.
🗨️ Holy fuck, fuck, fuck this was so incredibly filthy (in the best way possible) 🥵 the tension between reader and Namjoon was perfect, the build up was so satisfying 🌟 what’s not to like ✨😍
⭐The Wedding Arrangement💯 by @sugaurora // knj x f.reader // ‘enemies’ to friends to lovers, wedding!au // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 Unfortunately, he’s just gotten engaged to someone who isn’t you. Even more unfortunately, he expects you to help plan the wedding alongside Kim Namjoon, his other best friend and, based on your first meeting, just another judgmental jerk. Putting aside your distaste for the sake of your friend’s happiness, you both set about giving Seokjin the wedding of his dreams. Following a rough and satisfying affair at the caterer’s, you strike an unusual deal: you and Namjoon will be enemies with benefits until the wedding is over. And after six months of wedding planning, you both just might learn that weddings aren’t usually the end, but a brand new beginning.
🗨️ This was so amazing 🥹 the characters had so much depth and ugh! It was just so, so good. It was a pleasure reading their love unfolding 🥰 aish, I’m soft! It’s filled will plenty soft, slight heartbreaking angst at times, but oh so fluffy and smutty too! It was perfect 👌🏾 💯 please don’t sleep on this one, okay? 🥹
⭐Knocked by @sailoryooons // ksj x f.reader // roommates to lovers // 🥵😂
📝 Living with people is difficult, but all things considered, your new roommate isn’t terrible. He cooks, he cleans, and if you had to be honest - incredibly attractive. But his habit of streaming until the early hours of the morning while yelling and making other questionable noises has pushed you to the limit. You’ve finally decided to risk your sanity and put it all on the line with a reckless bet in hopes of getting some peace and quiet at night.
⭐DreamCatcher by @jimlingss // myg x f.reader // s2l // 🥰🌩️
📝 When your dreams are more or less nightmares, monsters inside your head that eat you alive, it seems like the only person who can help you is Min Yoongi, professional dream chaser. 
🗨️ Aw, this was heart wrenching and beautiful 🥺 all those nightmares, readers mom.. Ugh 🥺 and then they can enter each other’s dreams 😭 they have a special connection! I was not prepared for Yoongi's nightmare at the end 😭😭 and the reader just gave up. Aish, it was really, really good 🌟
⭐Oh, darling! [completed series] 💯 by @yoongiofmine // myg x f.reader // university!au, non idol au, professor!yoongi, student!reader // 🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Starting your second semester at one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities should be stressful enough. Between juggling classes, good grades and a social life, your plate was full. Hoping to spice up your academic career, you thought it was a good idea to enroll as an assistant for your literature professor, whom you’ve held a very secret and very forbidden crush on for the past several months. What will happen now that you’re forced to work closely together? And what if your crush isn’t as one sided as you thought? 
🗨️ Holy fucking shit 🥵🫣😳 I am speechless. My soul have left my body 🥵 it’s so good! ‘Kay bye 🫣
⭐Sinful Lust [ongoing series] 💯 by @oddinary4bts // myg x jjk x f.reader // established relationship, bisexual boyfriend!Yoongi, slice of life // 🥵🌩️
📝In an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating…
🗨️  Holy 😱 😱 😱 this is just completely unadulterated sin 🥵🫣 like, I went to hell and I didn’t come back! On another note, I found their chemistry really interesting - but damn I felt sorta sorry for Jungkook at the end. ugh the feels, my heart is torn!
⭐Watch Yourself by @boymeetsweevil // jhs x f.reader // non idol au, pwp // 🥵
📝 It starts with an invitation from your ex. It ends with Hoseok’s hands down your pants in said ex’s kitchen.
🗨️ Oh this was hot alright 🥵
⭐You DTF? by @sailoryooons // pjm x f.reader // strangers to one-night stand, pwp // 🥵😂
📝 You’ve never had a one night stand. Jimin has had countless. You’re trying to experience new things. Jimin loves doing the same old shit. So when you meet the man going around the club inviting people to touch his ripped abs, you think perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to try new things. It’s Labor Day weekend at the shore - what can go wrong? 
🗨️ This is absolutely dirty in the best way possible 😝 fuckboy jimin is no joke 🥵🫣 the dialogues are funny, hilarious and a good throwback to the 2000s 😂 it’s really good 👌🏾 ♥
⭐In the Dark 💯 by @jksangelic // pjm x jjk x f.reader // f2l, threesome, pwp // 🥵😂
📝 “I can’t get a signal on my phone, the car is dead, and I’m fairly certain we are out of matches.” Jungkook and Jimin have a very short attention span, and when you three are lost in the middle of nowhere with a truck that won’t drive, they busy themselves with you.
🗨️  I was in the mood for a comfort fic (= one that I’d read before), with a threesome that was smutty as hell, and this is just that 🥵♥️ I just adore this so much, one of my all-time favorites 🌟
⭐Roomie 💯 by @jessikahathaway // pjm x f.reader // slice of life!au, roommates!au // 🥵😂
📝 After a disappointing slew of failed sexual escapades, you find yourself willing to do some crazy things. Falling for your roommate not included.
🗨️ Omg, this was fucking hot 🥵 💯
⭐Ribbons 💯 by @jamaisjoons // pjm x jjk x f.reader // threesome, established relationship, pwp // 🥵😂🥰
📝 Your boyfriend, jimin, arranges the best birthday present you could have ever asked for.
🗨️ Fuck, just what the fuck 🥵 I’m speechless. This was so incredibly sinful, like 😳🥵 I’m blushing 🫣💯
⭐Sunday Morning by @bangtsblossom // pjm x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵🥰
📝 The morning after he proposes to you.
🗨️ This was just so sweet and loving 💖
⭐Picking Petals by @cutechim // pjm x f.reader // idol!jimin, married couple!au, pwp // 🥵🥰
📝  You asked for a baby, so a baby is what you’re going to get. 
🗨️ Omg this was so fucking hot and good! ♥ 💯
⭐Farmer boy, I Love You by @strawberrynamjoon // kth x f.reader // farming!au, lowkey e2l // 🥵😂
📝 Needing change in your life you decided it would be a brilliant idea to move to your uncle’s small farm, helping him and your cousin Jimin with the daily work. What you didn’t plan was to fall in love with your beautiful yet very annoying neighbour Taehyung, who seemed to make it his personal mission to tease you every chance he got. And what you expected even less was that he seemed to like you too.
🗨️ This was just utterly sweet, so fluffy 🥺 I really liked this: the way that reader and Taehyung’s friendship deepens, their friends and their banter 🥺 everything was so good, soft, sad sometimes, and just really great and funny too 🤭
⭐Snow and Ice: pt1, pt2 [completed series] by @hayjeon // jjk x f.reader // friendswithbenefits!au, Snowboarder!JK and figure skater!reader // 🥵🌩️🥰😂
🗨️ Omg this is so good 😍 I love the dynamic between all the characters, their banter 👌🏾 and the relationship between reader and Jungkook is just outstanding 🌟 also, this couple is just GOLD 🥇 
⭐Pen pals by @gukyi // jjk x f.reader // f2l // 🥵😂🥰
📝 To put it simply, pretending to be jungkook’s pen pal when you were both eight just so he wouldn’t be disappointed was a bad idea, because now he’s in love with them. or, well, you, he just doesn’t know it. 
🗨️ Dammmmmmn that is a long time to keep up a lie 😂 reader has real dedication! It’s really good 👌🏾 it was interesting to see how the lie just keeps growing, and how that affected both the reader and Jungkook. The overall story is just really cute and fluffy 🥰
⭐Fact over Fancy by @dovechim // jjk x f.reader // ‘friends’ to lovers, dystopian!au // 🥵🌩️
📝 In this world, there are two types of people: those born with emotions, and those born without. Society is thriving in its emotionless state, productivity levels are at an all time high. Marriage serves only one function: to father the next generation. Those with emotions are considered to be defective, aberrations who can never be matched. What happens when there’s a glitch in the so-called perfect system and a defective and a “normal” person are matched?
🗨️ The dystopian theme in this was really interesting, and the build up tension between Jungkook and reader - and then the reveal! 🤡 The smut is really good and the ending scene had me going 😂 😂
⭐Date in a Box by @jimlingss // jjk x f.reader // s2l // 🥰😂
📝 If you’re in a hurry then we’re here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don’t fret, we’re here.
🗨️ This was just straight up hilarious!  😂 So funny and the fluff is cute  😍
⭐Two point five (part three) 💯by @bratkook // jjk x f.reader // handyman!jungkook, pwp // 🥵🥰
📝 Jungkook finally fixes your pipes, sure he gets distracted while doing it, but what else could you expect when you’re sitting on top of him looking like that.
🗨️ I just had to reread the first two parts, before reading this new one 🥹😍 I can’t get enough of this lovely couple! This addition was perfect. Jungkook is just so damn whipped 🥰💯
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Thank you so much for going through my recommendations! I hope you find something that you like and show it some love. I’m still going through my reading list from as far back as 2017, so don’t be surprised if I recommend something ‘old’ 😁 
Also, I might not be able to read (and recommend much) in September and October because I’m moving. My husband and I bought our first house, so the next months I’ll be packing and moving 🎉
Borahae 💜
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gingerweed-man · 2 years
Just finished playing Here Comes Niko. Played on Switch.
Honestly? 8/10 at worst.
Gonna get my biggest gripes outta the way first. The camera controls do not offer inverted axis options. This isnt normally a big deal, but for me personally, its possibly the most important part of 3D platformers. Secondly, pretty early on, I found myself getting stuck on the ground a lot and having to jump to get unstuck. While not a gamebreaking issue, it is annoying and a certain patch of land is basically impossible to walk across. Thirdly, the game needs an update to fix the achievement bug and make completion actually register and that update is incoming.
Now with that out of the way, onto the positives. Literally everything else. The characters, the story, the platforming, the controls, its all amazing and perfect. I literally cant think of things to improve apart from the 3 minor issues above. I mean it. Its hard to describe why its so good, but each challenge is fun and enjoyable. The playtime might be a bit short, but if you avoid using a guide for collectibles until you feel youve exhausted an area it definitely earns its time. There's also plenty of reason to revisit areas as the further in the game you go, more npcs will move into previous areas. Not just regular talking only NPCs, who I actually enjoyed talking to, but also Coin related NPCs who offer more challenges. Btw, some of these NPCs include gay turtles, a shirtless hamster mechanic, an edgy wolf rival, a pair of volley siblings who keep trying to 1 up each other, and a very Handsome Frog. The bottles hidden in each area also provide delicious story tidbits and alongside the voicemails that manages to convey a difficult, personal, and very painful story without being too specific and triggering.
Fucking play Here Comes Niko, honestly has a lot of potential to be my favorite 3D platformer. Not yet, but its damn close and an unshakable second place. First is still BFBB. But not by much.
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rayphotovideo · 4 months
Giving Pleasure: How to Pick the Best West Palm Beach Wedding Photographers and Videographers
You ought to jump all over each valuable opportunity immediately in light of the fact that your wedding day is truly remarkable. The beauty, emotions, and joy of your remarkable day will be safeguarded from here onward, indefinitely, assuming you pick the right wedding photographers West Palm Beach. West Palm Beach offers the best background for weddings with its amazing beaches, staggering settings, and fiery culture. For immaculately caught wedding memories, we will tell you the best way to find the best West Palm Beach wedding photographers and videographers.
Professional Photography and Videography: Why They're Significant
The interest in top-notch photographs and videography for the wedding is critical. Gifted wedding weddingphotographer West Palm Beach can catch the pith of your exceptional day by zeroing in on natural articulations, close discussions, and candid moments. Essentially said, a West Palm Beach wedding videographer will make a legitimate experience, capturing the vows, speeches, and chuckles in top-notch videos so you can recollect everything.
What to Look for in a Wedding Photographer and Videographer
Consider the accompanying details as you look for the perfect West Palm Beach wedding videographer and photographer:
•    Classy and Style: Undeniable style is a property of every photographer and filmmaker. While some might be fit for candid, photojournalistic styles, others might favor more customary, arranged shots. Make sure their work fits alongside your vision by looking at their portfolios. Your photographer ought to have the option to utilize the numerous scenic spots that West Palm Beach brings to the table, from seaside ceremonies to rich nurseries. •    Expertise and Experience: Experience is significant when catching weddings. A professional wedding photographer West Palm Beach will actually want to adjust to various lighting circumstances, keep everybody on time, and catch certified, unscripted moments. Likewise, from recording great audio to making consistent transitions, a professional wedding videographer West Palm Beach will have what it takes to create excellent videos. •    Testimonials and Reviews: Reviews and remarks from past clients can enlighten you a great deal regarding the dependability, professionalism, and quality of a photographer or videographer. Attempt to find fulfilled clients and trustworthy great input. Ask companions or family who, as of late, secured the bunch in West Palm Beach for proposals. Individual referrals could likewise be useful.
Where to Find Wedding Photographers and Videographers in West Palm Beach
In West Palm Beach, skilled wedding photographers and videographers can be found on social media stages like Instagram and Facebook. Numerous specialists feature their work on these stages, providing you with a thought of the quality and style of their work.
•    West Palm Beach Local Wedding Shows and Expos: Going to local wedding shows and expos in West Palm Beach is an extraordinary method for meeting videographers and photographers face to face. You can see their work, get some information about significant things, and converse with them straightforwardly about your thoughts. •    Referrals: Individual suggestions from companions, family members, or wedding organizers who have worked with local organizations can assist you with finding dependable wedding photographers and videographers in West Palm Beach.
The quality of the wedding photographs and video kept in West Palm Beach is enormously impacted by the decision of the photographer or videographer you make. Professionals who can cunningly catch your extraordinary day can be situated by considering factors including style, expertise, reviews, spending plan, and individual compatibility. Regardless of what attracts you to West Palm Beach, its amazing beaches, plentiful nurseries, or staggering scenes, your wedding videographer West Palm beachwill catch each second with perfection. Assuming you maintain that your wedding day should be remarkable, begin your quest for the ideal band at this moment.
0 notes
beth-louella-art · 2 years
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🧡Highs & lows... I guess the highest highs link in with the purpose of my art. It's great winning competitions & awards, getting special commissions and widespread recognition though my heart sings very loudly when I see/hear about the positive impact my art has on others. 🧡 🧡Sometimes these positive impacts are extremely powerful like helping someone to heal, giving someone peace, changing an important perspective and / or empowering someone. 🙌 🧡The lows? There are a lot of challenges in work like mine. Alongside the usual trials of self employment for a non-essential product, you're also impacted by unhelpful cultures such as the 'starving artist' myth and scarcity model. You have to be determined and develop a thick skin dealing with those & rejection which is a common occurrence working in the arts. 🧡 🧡I used to find failed creative experiments were a low - often feeling like a waste of time & resources BUT I shifted my attitude & started appreciating the amazing learning & development that happens in the process! 🙌🧡 I hope you're having a wonderful week so far & you have plenty of highs moving forward x 🧡🌈🙌🌈🧡 Thank you for the challenge @joannehawker 💛 Day 16 Highs & lows #marchmeetthemaker #marchmeetthemaker2023 [Image Description: Photo of Beth Louella laughing, she's outside wearing bright colours and flowers in her hair.] . . . . . . . . . . . . #beth_louella_art #artist #behindthescenes #artistsofinstagram #artofinstagram #bipocartist #nature #artstudio #art #artvideo #isleofman #laughing #colourful #positivevibes #catsofinstagram #joy #fridakahlo #betruetoyourself #artvsartist #inspiring #nativeamerican #high #ukartist #colour #americanindian #rural #paintingvideo #happy https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3F_ZxMXgi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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catboyhoward · 2 years
breaking bad analysis :3!!!
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Breaking Bad is a show that focuses on Walter White’s story, where a highschool chemistry teacher turns into a drug lord named Heisenberg. His journey to attain power and how it leads to his destruction. How his pride and ego led to his death, and the thing that started all of it. The show has plenty of themes, and one of the main ones being transformation and change. It also tells us that we all have the capacity for evil, and that it's a human thing. Humans can be selfish, doing things for their own benefit and hurting the people they care about because of it. We can have a bad day, and get mad at others because of it. We’ll all make bad decisions somewhere in our lifetime. The thing that's important is taking responsibility which is something Walter White never did. 
From the very start, he states that he’s making meth to provide for his family, but I feel like this is only partly true. If this is truly his only motivation, then he could have stopped a lot earlier after he got the amount of money that he needed. Its shown in the show that he enjoyed being a drug lord, and enjoyed cooking meth. He enjoyed doing something he was good at, something that made him happy. He felt like making meth was the start of his life, and it was something that gave him purpose. He wanted to die knowing that he did something good with his life, and got the power that he wanted. In the finale, Walt says this to Skyler (his wife, one of the people who got roped into it all) “I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And… I was… really… I was alive.” As you can see, he finally accepts the true reason on why he did it all. After making a complicated web of lies, he finally says something thats the truth. He’s lied alot to his wife, and I believe that he felt at peace after this scene.
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Protagonist to Antagonist:
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Most people know about the whole Chemistry Teacher that turns into a Drug Lord thing, and his evolution into it is so believable. In the first season, you can see him enjoying the thrill of doing something illegal. This connects with the final episode where he says he did it for himself. You understand his greed for power, the reckless abandon knowing that he’ll be dying soon, the addiction to money and how he gets mad when he finds out that he’ll survive cancer. I like to describe him as an icarus who flew too close to the sun. He got addicted to the power and wanted others to know that he was the one who cooked the blue meth, which led to his relationship with his family and anyone who cared about him to shrivel up and die.
At the beginning, you might feel sympathy for Walt. Aw, the poor chemistry teacher doesn’t have enough money and had to resort to making meth, but he’s always been a prick. You can see it with Jesse (his partner in all of this, who’s also one of the most tragic characters in my opinion), where he’s always been bitter to him about the situation that he put himself in. The situation where he blackmails his former student that he dislikes to pay for his treatment. Sure, he might have a few good moments alongside his moments of evil but I truly hated him when he killed Mike Ehrmantraut. This makes the audience feel confused or alienated about Walt, if they should keep rooting for him since he did start as the protagonist. The whole show can kind of be described as waiting to see when you stop rooting for Walt and start hating him as he turns into the antagonist of the show. As someone who’s currently on my 1st rewatch of the show, it’s been really fun to go through that journey again.
The character development might be amazing, but that's not what hooked me into enjoying breaking bad. It's him having to deal with the consequences of his actions, knowing that what he’s doing has weight to it and won't be dismissed by the writers. He’s like a black hole, destroying everything it touches until it evaporates.
The Tragedy of Jesse Pinkman:
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His character is so tragic, with his life spiralling downwards because of what Walt has done. I can't imagine the show without Jesse, and can't believe the writers planned to have him die in season 1. Because you have no knowledge of him at the beginning, you trust Walter’s perception of him. A meth dealing low-life that failed school, but as the show progresses you see that all he needed was a push in the right direction. 
Him getting manipulated by Walt is so sad to watch, to see this guy trust Walter and continue being with him even after all he’s done. Walter makes him kill someone, and he poisoned Jesse’s kid and acted as if he didn’t do it, but their boss did. You start rooting for Jesse once Walter turns more and more into Heisenberg. Him escaping prison, and finally get freedom from this type of life made me so happy. He gets to be in Alaska and ditch being Jesse Pinkman, and live normally. He gets the last laugh in the final episode, with Walt dead. He finally escaped the pain and suffering.
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(lyrics from ‘No Children - The Mountain Goats’ that describe walter's relationship w jesse :])
Final thoughts:
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I love the story, the characters and literally everything about it. The show doesn't spoon feed you information and doesn't try to force watchers to feel a certain way, and trusts them to know how they feel about what's happening. The music is superb, and highlights intense moments in the show. This show is brilliant and their other show, ‘Better Call Saul’, is amazing too. Bravo Vince :3!! (writer of the show)
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