#along with everything ELSE UUUGH
steampoweredwerehog · 2 months
Homophobic of my body to hurt & keep me from drawing. My mind is spinning and swimming with my Little Guys.
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swndmehelp · 4 months
I am very bored so I will be rambling about my dragon age hero’s just because. Maybe just talk about how they get along with each companion. I’ll add a photo or doodle of them so you know what they look like.
It’s all under the cut, I wrote a lot more than I thought I would. I’m so sorry.
Vara Surana (Hero of Fereldan):
My favorite one, if I’m honest. I probably just like her so much because she’s from the first game, and I LOVE Origins. I love all the characters, the story, though I hate to admit it, it’s the only of the three games I haven’t finished. I’m working on it I promise.
Her romance is Alistair (hes my favorite, basic I know). She doesn’t make him king and they live happily ever after. Honestly I just LOVE their romance, makes me all giddy and everything. I have a thing for good relationships in games. I love it when you get Alistair to talk about the Warden in Inquisition and he just talks about how much he loves her and how he wants to make her life easier. I LOVE HIM AHDBDOS.
Anyways, Vara loves all her other companions. She gives Sten his cookies before he goes back to the Qun, a lot of cookies. She’s with Oghren at Ameranthine so she does things often with him. Writes Wynne and Leliana as much as she can. Wynne is her grandma, being raised in the circle she never had a real family (except Irving), Wynne was the group grandma. Zevran probably bothers her as much as he can until she disappears. And Morrigan, uh, idk, she probably doesn’t talk to her until they meet again at the Inqusition.
Vara, uh, she’s pretty decent. She’s probably got PTSD from everything that happened before, during, and after the blight. Her life was a shit show from the start. It just got worse when she became a Gray Warden. That’s probably why Alistair says he wants to make things easier for her, that she deserves that much. (I FUCKING LOVE ALISTAIR UUUUUGGH).
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Maya Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall):
Uuugh Hawke, I love Hawke. She’s a goofball up until Anders (spoilers) BLOWS UP THE FUCKING CHANTRY. She is altered man. Part of it is probably because she was romanced to Anders, at first I was doing Fenris then on my second play through, already knowing what was happening I purposely romanced him just for the angst. I forgot to mention I also love doomed romance. Anyways Hawke fucking killed Anders, poof, dead.
I think the only companions she really ever stays in contact with is Varric and Merrill. Everyone else is just gone, done with Hawke and everything else. Given Gameln is her only living family, and he doesn’t exactly like her especially after her mothers death, she doesn’t talk with him. Varric is her bff though, Merrill coming in a close second.
Okay, I know Hawke didn’t get a lot of writing and I’m sorry. (If people are even reading all my yapping lmao). Anyways, Hawke has SEVERE survivors guilt. First her sister died, she got blamed for that by both her mother and brother (though Carver apologized right after and I love him so I’ll never be mad at him for it), the Carver died, she definitely blamed herself for that, then her mother. She probably didn’t leave her estate for a week after her mother died, probably didn’t even leave her room. Then she killed Anders, that was her breaking point. Her guilt took away whoever she was before and just makes her absolutely miserable all the time. I love her, she deserves better (I made everything that happened to her happen to her, I had complete control over it :)) ).
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Sorry I don’t have any good photos of Hawke on hand, this is a very old drawing. She doesn’t look like this anymore.
Ayla Levellan (Inquisitor):
Finally Levellan, my absolute sweetheart of an elf. She’s probably the nicest of the three hero’s, trying her hardest (but failing to) avoid violence. If anyone was mean to her she would probably cry, for example when she was talking to Dorian for that quest where you have to talk with his father she says she thinks he should go talk with him and Dorian says, “I didn’t ask what you thought, did I?” Ayla would have sobbed in her quarters right after that, if not in front of him. I’m just happy Dorian apologized right after, I love their dynamic.
Ayla absolutely adores all her companions and advisors. She’s romanced to Cullen (basic again I KNOW), I just feel like they’re a perfect fit. Cullen is so sweet to her and I just feel like they just click. If she were a male inquisitor the romance would be Dorian, sue me.
Anyways. She didn’t let Backwall get killed even after his betrayal, she loves doing pranks with Sera just because. Though she does always feel bad after. She reads the Swords and Shields with Cassandra. Iron Bull tries to train her, she’s always sore after that. Her and Cole running around helping people, her favorite being the time they gave flowers to everyone. She’s terrified of Solas (trespasser messed her up). She’s also scared of Vivienne but for different reasons. Josephine and Vivienne dress her up, like pick her clothes for her everyday, Ayla is Dalish and has no sense of style. I like thinking Vara came to the Inquisition just because I said so, so her, Hawke, and Ayla all hand out.
Dorian and Ayla’s relationship is so dear to me. They’re like siblings, it’s awesome. The whole inquisition feels like some sort of a whole found family trope, more so than all the other games. I just love it. But I love the relationship between Ayla and Dorian, they’re just so dear to me I can’t. And Ayla and Varric’s relationship reminds me of a sort of parent-child relationship, almost like how Varric and Solas are to Cole. Wholesome I know.
When Hawke is with in Inquisition she normally stays with Vara or Varric, they’re tight. Or she bothers Cullen just because. Vara normally stays with Alistair but she also talks with Leliana or Morrigan, also Ayla and Hawke. Really she’ll talk with anyone who talks with her. Though Vara is definitely terrified of Morrigan’s little demon baby, no matter what she will be scared of that little 10 year old boy. She’ll shit herself.
Neither Hawke or Alistair die because I said so, shut up. I love Au’s where everyone lives and is happy.
My Inquisitor is definitely very anxious all the time, but I also like to think (just how I play her and everything) she any be on the spectrum. Just a thought though.
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Another old photo, I really gotta redraw these losers omg.
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honeymilkj · 3 years
Ateez || freckled s/o ♡
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written by someone with a lot of freckles herself!
warning: tooth aching fluff uuugh.
✿hongjoong ✿
your angel kisses brought out your features so well, he tells you all the time
he knows that freckles are rare, and he finds them pretty fascinating
he likes to rub his thumbs along your arms and knuckles and admire the random spots
when you go out & ur freckles get more pigmented he just loves it
he thinks they look like little stars on ur face
✿seonghwa ✿
honestly i don’t know if he would think too much about them
but still loves them ofc
really really embaraces all of you, never excluding your freckles !!
kisses the little strawberry marks on your collar and neck before smooching your speckled lips
his favorite place to kiss you is on your nose, he thinks your beauty spots look so cute there
✿yunho ✿
he’s just such a love bug in general
he would smother his s/o anyway, but he thinks your freckles are so stinkin cute
doing things soft things 24/7 like lifting u up and kissing all over your face
calls you his little strawberry when he gets u flustered
then literally treats you like you are one
‘i’m gonna eat you!’
‘aHH’ kiss kiss kiss
✿yeosang ✿
thinks your freckles are soo pretty
if you’re insecure about them he will rant
but would where you’re coming from, at times he’s felt a bit insecure because of his birthmark
he likes them cause they’re rare to have
he believes they make you more unique
sometimes he’ll lazily trace his finger on the spots on ur arm
✿san ✿
ofc he will be soft bc of your freckles come on
i think he likes the little ones he has on his neck, so i already see him loving yours a lottt
you find him gazing a lot
‘uh- what? why are you looking at me?’
‘i was counting the freckles on ur face and you made me lose count. also yr really pretty. c:’
he always counts your freckles!!
but always loses count
u always hear a faint ‘1..2..3.. did i count that one already?’
✿mingi ✿
when u first met ur freckles either weren’t dark enough to notice or u covered them with makeup
so when he saw u without makeup he goes ö
falls in love all over again
squishes ur face and says shit like “you have sprinkles on ur face :D”
cute ass
when u cover them up he never fusses of course, but will make a fake pout like :C
✿wooyoung ✿
he loves them
he fucking loves them
swear he could eat you up
one of wooyoung’s favorite things ever are the little freckles on your lips
when u guys have conversations he often goes back and forth between looking at your eyes & down to your lips
shit makes you stutter like crazy uuujsjaajs
same as san, he tries to count, but fails
same as seonghwa, he doesn’t think too much about them at first
but falls for them along with everything else
sometimes he’ll find himself admiring and gazes over them in adoration
he’s not always a kissy person, but sometimes he’ll absolutely smother u & tries to kiss every single freckle
again, it’s kinda rare but really cute
fake pouts like mingi when they’re covered
“it’s okay, they’re still there” huff
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movieexpert1978 · 3 years
Dragon’s Fire Ch. 2
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Ch. 2: Getting Settled
Here is ch. 2. Even though I had work today I had plenty of free time to type the chapter on my phone. This is a bit more domestic stuff between Horvath and Amethyst. I hope it’s not too sappy or anything like that. Please feel free to comment too!! Horvath isn’t my character. 
Horvath had to wake up Amethyst the next morning.
"Uuugh...best sleep I've gotten in awhile." She mumbled as she got up. "Hey come help me make the bed." She said.
"Excuse me?" He nearly growled.
"Hey it's your one normal thing for the day remember? I figured you'd like to get it over with quickly. Besides, honestly it does help me start my day." She explained. He frowned but nodded. He put the cane down and helped her. It did make the room look tidy again. "Thank you." She smiled.
"You're welcome." He nodded. He wasn't sure what to think. She was dressed and they went over to her place.
"Ok, I'll admit this is where I cheat." She said. She packed her clothes and belongings into cardboard boxes and made them small and light. Kitchen and other utensils were in another box. She shrunk the food so it could fit into one big reusable bag. Her bed sheets and a few books went into another box that she folded and fit into her backpack. Her laptop had its own bag that she swung over her shoulder. "Tadaa!" She laughed.
"Mmm...very good." He said. She obviously wasn't going to take the furniture. They both had a box and Horvath took the food bag as they went to his car.
"I have a curious question." She said.
"I might have a curious answer." She smirked at that.
"Is Maxim short for anything like Maxwell or Maximilian?" She asked.
"No, just Maxim." She nodded and was quiet for the drive back. It was lunch time when she unpacked everything. She had two bagels by the fireplace.
"Are you that cold?" Horvath asked confused.
"Yeah...usually happens after a fight with those stupid 'wonder' twins." She huffed. Horvath felt her hand and looked at it puzzled. He touched her forehead and that felt cold too.
"Does it go away?"
"After a day or two."
"Does it only happen after you use that dragon power?"
"Mmm...you put all your energy into the fire. You have to be careful with that. I understand why you want to do it, the more energy the stronger the fire, but if you don't want to get weakened like this then you have to control it." He explained.
"Sounds reasonable." She nods.
"You still need more rest." He says getting up.
"I'll be fine." She protested. He attacked and she was flown backwards, gasping as the air was knocked out if her.
"You have to be on your guard all the time. You can do that with no energy." He stated. She blinked back her tears of shame and slowly stood up.
"Sorry." She whispered.
"Don't be." He said, helping her up. He saw something in her eyes. "This isn't something to be ashamed of. Sorcerer's that experience this are more in tune with their power. It makes you stronger." He said encouragingly.
"Funny...everyone else says the opposite." She said quietly. She looked away from him. "They said my magic was a disease and that I wasn't worthy of it." He turned her face back towards him and saw her tears. He wiped them away gently.
"That couldn't be further from the truth." He said kindly. He opened his palm to show her an amethyst crystal and it made her smile as she took it. "Now you need to take a nice, hot, bubble bath."
"I can't even remember the last time I had a bubble bath." She said. He leads her along to the full bathroom and turns the water on. He flicks his cane and a little fire flickers at the bottom of the tub.
"It'll keep it nice and warm. Soak in it for an hour." She picks up some soap and drops it in.
"The great Horvath taking a bubble bath. I need to get a picture of that." She laughed.
"When you've live in an era where people barely bathed once a month or so, you learn to appreciate technology." He said trying to keep a straight face.
"Do you make yourself a little bubble hat?" She teased.
"Ha, ha, very funny." He said sarcastically before he left. She grabbed a towel and undressed. She groaned in relief as she sat down in the bubbles. This did feel amazing. She put an alarm on her phone and leaned back closing her eyes.
Amethyst groaned when her alarm went off. She didn't want to get out of the warm water, so she took her time getting out and dressed again. She walked out and found Horvath reading the paper.
"Feeling better?" He asked, putting it down.
"Yes, thank you." He went over and touched her forehead again.
"You should be better by tomorrow." He said satisfied.
"You read?"
"I need to keep up with current events. Sometimes something small can indicate a magical incident." He explained. She nodded and made herself comfortable on the couch.
"It's so quiet." She said, staring out the window. "Compared to my place, you could hear a pin drop here."
"It helps you clear your mind."
"So what are you going to do now that Morgana is dead?"
"I still want to kill Balthazar that's for sure." He stated.
"You wouldn't understand."
"Well can you tell me?"
"NO!" He snapped making her jump.
"Ok, I get it!" She said quickly. "I heard Merlin put a enchantment to keep his pupils immortal until Morgana was defeated." She said changing the subject.
"I found my own immortality charm." He stated. "I've traveled the world over. Don't you think I would have picked up a thing or two along the way." He said irritated.
"Ok sorry!" She said defensively. "I just...I don't have a history book or an Encantus I think it's called and I would like to learn more."
"Oh idiot." Horvath said to himself as he got up. That would explain a lot and he hadn't even bothered to ask if she had one. He came back with a thick book and handed it to her. "History 101 as the school's say."
"Thank you." She nodded. For most of the afternoon she read from the book and asked questions when she was stuck. It seemed to calm things down. She finally got up and stretched, heading for the kitchen. "Hey, do you know how to cook?" She asked as she took stuff out.
"Maybe." He said following her.
"Ok, how about cooking lesson 101." She smirked. "I'm going to make chicken and rice. Trust me it's good for days when you're on a budget." He eventually gave in and nodded. Forty minutes later they were eating chicken thighs with white rice. Horvath had to admit it was good and he was getting a little curious with the cooking. She had shown him the steps as she worked. "You need to get some ice cream!" She whined as she started to clean up. He actually dried the dishes without protest and it impressed her a little.
"Does that mean we have to go grocery shopping?" He moaned in despair.
"I mean, I could do it after my lessons , but that means you have to eat what I make." She countered.
"As long as it doesn't look like coal I can manage." She had to laugh at that. After a little reading they went off to bed for an early start with magic tomorrow. 
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trashogram · 4 years
Smut I’ll probably never finish; we’ll call it practice: Killer Croc/Reader
Edit: Warnings for painful sex, slight gore/blood, and violence 
I didn’t expect people outside of those who humor me on this blog to actually read this, but I appreciate everyone who did! I’m putting up a few warnings by request if anyone else is interested.  
“You really meant it, huh?” He asked.
The guttural voice gave you shivers, up and down your spine. Your legs tightened around his waist, bare skin rubbing over the scaly texture assuredly.
“Yes.” You confirmed, knowing that you had to choose your words carefully, otherwise you’d offend him. At least, that was how you thought you would react if you were a killer crocodile man getting a taste of intimacy after God knows how long.
Your slight movements actually managed to push him forward slightly, more out of surprise than your own strength. Again, you weren’t some super-strong mutant, able to lift cars and topple buildings.
He grunted, leaning down until his upper body was atop yours and his enormous hands were on either of you. He stared down at you with yellow eyes that mezmerised; they were unnatural looking and yet still so human - full of little flickers of emotions. The lust was obvious and it made the heat between your thighs that much more intense, but Croc was also questioning. His hesitance shouldn’t have surprised you, but you found yourself melting just a little at the fact that he was waiting for you to change your mind.  
Your hand rose, reaching out toward his chest and sliding up from his pectorals all the way to his jaw. He was scaly from head to toe, but there were parts of him that were softer than others. His neck was strangely fragile, like the underbelly of a reptile rather than their hide.
“Can I kiss you?” You whispered, swallowing at the way his brow arched.
“Kiss?” He said, tone slightly incredulous. “You wanna… kiss me…?”
“Oh, do you not want… do you not like them?” The statement didn’t take into account that Croc had possibly never been kissed in his entire life, and you’d put it like that on purpose. He didn’t exude any kind of touchy-feely behavior to suggest he’d been given the chance to decide if he liked physical touch like that at all.
His mouth closed, teeth hidden behind a set jaw. “If it’s what you want, lady. Go for it.”
You smiled softly, and raised yourself up just enough to be within kissing distance. Your lips puckered and you pressed them against his straight as a line mouth, noting that this area was hard but not rough. There was give to it, reminding you more of human flesh as his lips parted slightly.
You moaned, accepting the quick draw and release of his breath into you. You could feel his coarse chest against yours, and the heart inside beating quickly as he let himself relax. He groaned into your mouth finally, humming as if he were tasting something particularly delicious while you coaxed his tongue into your mouth.
You pressed your forehead against his before breaking away for air, letting him know without explicitly saying it that you just needed to breathe and weren’t trying to escape. Not that you could from underneath him.
Croc panted with you. “You sure you ain’t never killed a man before? Probably could, if you kissed ‘em like that.”
You closed your eyes and laughed, feeling lightheaded. Your fingers stroked over his cheek and along his jawline as you felt his grip around you tighten up. He squeezed you, carefully but with purpose, holding you firmly.
Leaning down, you kissed the criminal again while balancing yourself with your hands pressed down over his ribcage. Pushing the hair away from your face before rising again, you reached back and easily found his cock and aligned yourself with it.
You inhaled slowly, determination strengthening your resolve as you continued to sink down onto him. The head was fully inside, but you were still far and away from taking all of his length.  
He growled, claws tensed around your waist. It was enough to make you brace yourself with a hand on his forearm.
You grunted. “Tell me how it feels, big guy. Please. I wanna know.”
The sweet request took a while to get through to his brain, but Killer Croc eventually came back to reality. His eyes were glazed over, but you could still see your reflection. You were the only thing in his world.  
“‘S like heaven.” He murmured.
The praise made you blush. Your stomach unclenched as a new sense of confidence flooded your senses, and you went back to working your way down so that he could have more. It was very much work, even as the crocodilian man helped by taking some of your weight. He held you up when you needed to pause, though it became evident that he’d started shaking.
You dragged one hand from his abdomen to your center, circling your clit. It sent a jolt of electricity through your body, reminding you to let yourself feel this experience.
       Your walls clenched around Croc, and you whimpered. It was completely drowned out as the beast under you snarled at the sudden vice. You jerked back as his hips moved upward in a shallow thrust and suddenly you were there. Your ass was seated firmly on his hips.
He was in bliss, head tossed back against the cell floor. “Ahh, that’s … uuugh, real good.”
You giggled affirmatively, allowing yourself a moment to bask in the triumph of taking all of him. You felt beyond full, stretched to a limit many women couldn’t likely accommodate lest they risk injuring themselves.
You were nice and durable, though. Even as you pressed back down on his chest for leverage and began to lift yourself halfway up again. You looked down between your legs and saw how shiny the base of his cock was already, then lowered back down. Again, and then again.
The wetness was a blessing. You were sliding up and down within a minute, unending fullness that kept you walking the line between pleasure and pain.
You cried out as Killer Croc made another attempt at thrusting. It was still slight, but there was no way for it to go unnoticed. He continued to growl, letting one claw grip onto your thigh while the other left you entirely to dig into the floor.
It was so easy to get overwhelmed, and yet the noises you made seemed to egg him on. He got into a disjointed rhythm, really trying to fuck you in earnest.
He was too big. The thrusts felt like being shivved in the pelvis while he hit the farthest he could go inside of you. Yet, you couldn’t do more than squeal and shriek as you bounced violently.
The nails on your thigh dug in and pierced your flesh. You covered your mouth to muffle a scream at the pain, but Croc took advantage. He pulled you forward, squeezing you to him and thrusting faster.
The danger of this getting out of hand had been reached and you felt dizzy and helpless. You couldn’t focus on any one thing whether it be the blood sliding down your leg or the stab of him against your cervix. You sobbed, eternally grateful for your bodily resilience as you were split apart.
This wasn’t going to kill you, even if it felt exactly like that.
“Fuck! I’m, ugh!” His words were punctuated with fast, shallow thrusts. Howling out, he completely immobilized you and buried himself to the hilt before you realized that he’d cum.
Heat filled you, stinging as it joined the static sensation of hurt and tingling inside. You could barely feel the rest of your body, only noting that the base of your spine felt like it was being shocked.
Croc’s relief sounded like a combination of deep growl and a nasal grunting. His hold on you went lax as soon as he had emptied everything inside you.
The sound was distant, faraway thunder that still shook the ground beneath. It was simultaneously comforting and bizarre feeling the earth beneath you giving and taking. Not to mention the strange texture - inconsistently smooth until your arms lowered over its slope and you touched a much harder surface underneath.
Were you lying in some kind of plateau? Or a strange rock that was smooth at its peak and jagged at the base?
Eyelids fluttering, you squinted. There was harsh, ugly light above you, casting a glare against the thick glass before your eyes. It was a wall of glass, thicker than the thickest plaster wall you could find in an apartment in the Narrows.
You connected the dots then, and your head rose with a bit of effort so that you could confirm that you were still laying on Killer Croc.
Yes, he was still there and still breathing. And so were you.
Thank god.
Your lower half felt numb, except for the thick object still lodged inside of you. You grimaced a bit trying to pick yourself up with the added weight of his arms still embracing you, but his softening cock eventually slipped out of you.  
The cum was thick and white, no different from a completely human man’s. The feel of it dripping out of your core was just as satisfying while you struggled to catch your breath.
You were quivering when you felt Croc’s arms drag over your back, pleasantly scraping over your soft skin as he kept your body atop his own securely. He clearly didn’t give a shit about being covered in your combined fluids.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Kiibo X SHSL Survivalist (reader insert) One-shot: Anything You Can Do, I Can’t Do Better
Instead of sitting around waiting for a request I’ve decided to take it upon myself to take hold of my fate, yet again, and kick off this blog with an imagine and one-shot. This is the one-shot. I hope you enjoy.
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Though class had yet to begin, Kiibo found himself standing by the window of said room, watching the hordes of teens come marching through the campus. It was several stories above ground level, so he was able to get a good view of the front of the campus. It was an illogical endeavor really. Even if he had spotted his friend, it wouldn’t make them be by his side any sooner. Yet there he was glancing out searching for them.
The Ultimate Survivalist had left with Rantaro two months ago to go on one of his trips, this time to Ittoqqortoormiit in Greenland, one of the most remote towns in the world. Supposedly getting there was quite the quest itself, a guide being a necessity to get there. Should one get lost, who better than the Ultimate Survivalist to have by one’s side. They were supposed to have returned a month ago. Still neither had appeared, even with the bells threatening to toll any minuet now, signaling the start of class.
Though Kiibo himself should have been taking his seat, he was unable to keep still, pacing around. ‘Where are they? Why aren’t they here yet? Did something happen to them? What is taking them so long? Are they safe?’ Those questions seemed to be the only thoughts that could form in his mind. The Ultimate Survivalist was his best friend after all, it was only natural he’d be worried, right? Especially after having no contact for a little over two months, of course he was worried.
Suddenly the tap, tap, tapping of a pencil against his desk snapped him from his thoughts. “Survivalist!” Pure relief seeped from his tone, seeing his dear friend standing before him. “Wait, why is your leg broken!?” A cast covered the whole thing, and in their hands a pair of crutches. After a sigh escaped them, a nervous chuckle seeped out. “Yeah, on the way back from Ittoqqortoormiit a sudden snow storm hit, separating Rantaro and I from our guide, and during the confusion I… may… sort of have… uh…” Kiibo knew them hesitating like this never meant anything good. “g-gotten trampled by someone’s dog sled. BUT I’m alright so you don’t need to worry about me!” They pumped a fist into the air as if that would prove their point, but in the process almost fell over before swiftly regaining their balance. “Here Survivalist, have a seat, please.” The Survivalist practically fell onto the seat Kiibo had pulled out for them. “But enough about me, catch me up on everything I missed out on, Kiibo.”
With his dear friend finally returned to his side, the day seemed to flash by and before Kiibo knew it, the school day had already come to an end. The whole time his thoughts were still on his friend, wondering what they were going to do after class. It seemed that they always spent every second of everyday training and exercising, rarely did they ever do anything else. “Survivalist, why don’t we go to the library to study together?” Looking up to the robot they saw he held a hand out to them. “Oh, sorry Kiibo, but I’m going to my dorm room to work on my own. I have lots to get done after all.” For a moment Kiibo paused, perplexed by the statement. “Are you sure about that? I can help you catch up with all that you missed! It will be no problem for me.” They lightly shook their head. “I’ll be fine, Kiibo. Thank you though.” Using the desk for support they stood up, leaving the classroom surprisingly quickly. Seemed that even with an injury they weren’t slowing down for anything. It did Kiibo’s heart good to see they hadn’t changed one bit, even with such a setback.
The next day Kiibo found himself in a similar position as the last but instead of the window, he kept looking towards the door. The evening prior he came to the conclusion that even if they didn’t want it, it would be best that Survivalist had some assistance with their studies. Even before leaving for that trip they often struggled with schoolwork and having been gone for so long, catching up would be all the more difficult. At the very least if they would not accept Kiibo’s assistance, they needed someone to tutor them. And so there he sat, looking towards the door. Then finally they appeared.
“Survivalist? You’re pale and panting, what happened?” Quickly he pulled out a seat for them. “Heh, I may need some better pain meds. No big deal though, I’m going to have a chat with the Ultimate Pharmacist and see if she can give me anything.” Taking his own seat, Kiibo nodded in agreement. “That sounds like the best course of action. Speaking of best courses of action, I wish to speak to you abou-” Before Kiibo could even finish the bells tolled, signaling for class to begin… It was fine, Kiibo would just speak with them later.
The moment the bells for break rang out the Survivalist stood from their seat and were somehow already by the door. “Wait, Survivalist! Allow me to accompany you. You’re going to the Ultimate Pharmacist’s lab, correct?” “Heh, yeah, I’d love for you to come along.” Seeing their smile with the crow’s feet in the corners of their eyes made the most pleasant and warm feeling to weld up under Kiibo’s breast plate. In that moment Kiibo realized just how much he missed this person.
“Uh, I believe their lab is on the… fifth floor?” Quickly flipping through the small handbook, the Survivalist searched for the map of the school. “Here, let me handle that. You need to focus on walking with your crutches.” Dismissively they waved a hand at Kiibo before continuing to slowly hobble along down the hall. “I got this. You don’t need to worry about me. Surviving and being independent is literally my specialty. Super High School Level Survivalist, remember?” There was this laughter in their tone which bubbled through, revealing the comment held no malicious intent and was simply a tease. Although as if on que the moment those words had finished slipping out from their lips their footing slipped out from under them, and they were suddenly getting very intimately acquainted with the floor. “Survivalist! Are you alright? How is your leg?” Kiibo kneeled before them, collecting their fallen items. Their breath hitched and quaked, almost sounding as if it were being cut off at times. With a groan they propped themselves with an arm and lightly rubbed their slightly stinging face. “Y-yeah, I’m fine.” They reached out looking for something to brace themselves on. “Surv-Hey, wa-AAAH” It was too late, with a loud crash Kiibo too got acquainted with the floor. “Kiibo! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to use you as support, I thought you were a locker or something! And I guess I forgot you just have the strength of an old man. I’m so sorry! You okay!?” “Yes, I’m alright. It takes a lot more than that to hurt me.” Though Kiibo said that so confidently he still looked wounded, his pride being what was afflicted most likely.
As they walked once more, Kiibo made sure he was in charge of the map and that they were walking at a slower pace much to the Survivalist chagrin. “I only fell because I was looking at the book. We can go faster now.” “No, absolutely not. You are injured enough as it is and putting any strain on that leg will only worsen your condition. Besides, at our pace we will make it there in plenty of time before class starts again.” “Uuugh, not that it matters anyway. We can just be as late as we want to in this place. And I’m not going to go to class if I have no reason to anymore!” Kiibo raised a brow at the comment. “No reason to anymore?” “Yeah. I don’t need to go to class if you’re here and not there.” “… Survivalist, what does my location have anything to do with-” “Hey, there’s the lab! It has to be the door with the pills and beaker painted on it!” Picking up their pace they practically skipped to the door. “Hey, wait! What does my location have anything to do with attending class? And more importantly, slow down you’ll fall again!” The Survivalist couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of the slightly flustered robot.
Feeling their footing getting wobbly they threw themselves at the door for support. When they tried twisting the handle, they found the door was locked. “Oh, is no one here?” Kiibo audibly huffed, showing his disapproval at the Survivalist’s behavior before responding. “It appears so. I suppose they could be somewhere else.” “That’s pretty rarer in this place. Most everyone is so passionate about their talent that they can’t stand to do anything else.” “Survivalist, that’s just you.” “Yeah, so.” “Survivalist, not everyone is willing to skip meals to keep exercising and rock climbing in their lab.” “Well, then everyone else should just get more passionate about their talent.” “Not to your extreme, you do so to the point of it being unhealthy!” “Kiibo, it’s fine.” “No, it’s not, humans need to eat regularly!” “And I do! Eating is very important for survival you know! I just skipped the one day because I was so excited to test out my repaired lab!”
Placing their hands on the door they adjusted themself so they could get a better view through the window finding the lights were off in the room beyond it. “Well, if not here, where else could they be?” “Their classroom perhaps? Or their dorm room would be the other two most logical places to look next.” Suddenly a third, unfamiliar voice chirped up. “Excuse me, but are you looking for the Ultimate Pharmacist?” The Survivalist eagerly turned to them. “Yes! Know where they are?” “Oh, sorry, but she’s sick today.” Both the Survivalist and Kiibo looked to one another in suspicion. “The Ultimate Pharmacist got sick?... Maybe it was a good thing I didn’t get medicine from her.” “I’m not so sure about that, Survivalist. As odd as it sounds, all humans are susceptible to getting sick. And though rumors should not be taken at face value I have heard many accounts of her drugs working wonders.” “Kiibo you’re so lucky! You never get sick! It’s not fair!” Placing his hands on his hips Kiibo looked awfully smug and proud. “Well, let’s see if I can get something from the nurse’s office.” “This sounds like a reasonable plan.”
And with that said they were off for the nurse’s office. This time Kiibo making absolutely sure that the Survivalist did not rush off ahead. Once there they found there was no one but the Super High School Level Health Committee Member fallen on the ground in a rather precarious position. “WWWAAAAAHHH! I’m so sorry!” She quickly scrambled onto her feet. “U-um, what’s your ailment?” “My broken leg hurts. Have any pain meds you could give me?” “U-um, I need your medical file first, what’s your name?” “… I’m the Ultimate Survivalist.” “Okay, have a seat on the bed as I go get it.” “I actually have a doctor’s note.” They pulled out a piece of paper from their pocket and handed it to the girl. “It says how powerful of pain meds I can get; I think? I don’t understand half of the jargon on it.” With a nod she passed the note back and made her way for the giant cabinet filled to bursting with pill bottles.
Having only searched for a few minutes the girl fell down again. The Survivalist and Kiibo both came to the conclusion that it’d likely take her a while to get the medicine. Wiping some sweat off their brow they looked over their shoulder towards the window behind themself. “It’s awfully warm here. Should we close the window curtains or open the window?” “O-oh, I’m so sorry! The air conditioning broke! But It will be repaired by tomorrow!” “Ugh.” Taking a glance to his friend, Kiibo pondered whether or not he should ask them that question… It couldn’t hurt to ask, right? “Uh, Survivalist, would you embrace me for a moment?” “What?” Kiibo stiffened under their confused gaze. “I believe I can alleviate you of this issue with a function of mine!” “Okay!” “Huh-AH!” Kiibo was tackled into a hug, but thankfully not with enough force to knock him over. Being so close to the robot the Survivalist could hear a light humming come from him. “Hmm? You’re suddenly so cold!” “Yes! I have internal fans for cooling off my more delicate parts, but while you were away Miu gave me an upgrade that allows me to control my outer layer’s temperature.” It was quite odd feeling Kiibo’s freezing form but seeing his cheeks flushed with a fiery hot red.
Eventually the medicine was gotten and- “Just a single pill, and it’s hardly done anything!” They groaned, burying their face into the notebook that was placed before them. “I understand you’re upset, but please, pay attention. You can keep complaining about it, but it won’t make anything better.” Sitting back up the rows upon rows of bookshelves that were lined up behind Kiibo caught their eye. “Look, Kiibo, I’m going to level with you. I only agreed to study with you ‘cause I thought this’d lull me to sleep so I could sleep through the pain, but that hasn’t happened yet, so let me complain! It’s the only solace I have left!” Kiibo simply gave his friend a deadpan stare. “… Survivalist, enough with the theatrics please. You missed a lot and I sincerely doubt you can get work with your survivalist skills alone, so you need a full high school education.” “Okay, okay. I’ll stop. Where were we?” “We just sat down.” “UUUGGGGHHHH! Can’t we go for a run or something?” As if instinctively with how instantaneously he did so, Kiibo made an ‘X’ sign with his arms and shook his head. “No. Absolutely not! Not in your condition! We are going to take it easy and not partake in any strenuous activity.” The Survivalist sighed, knowing their friend was right… but that didn’t increase their motivation to do this anymore so.
Finally, they took a closer look at the notebook that was passed to them moments ago. The handwriting was extremely neat, not a line out of place, and not an eraser mark or any blemish could be found on a single page. As pretty as it all was, the Survivalist immediately noticed something off with the notes. “Kiibo, did you literally write everything that was said in class?” “Yes? Do you not do the same when taking notes?” “… Kiibo.” “What!? What’s with that look!?” They gently facepalmed themself before pinching the bridge of their nose. “… Well, now I know why you always look like a mad man when taking notes.” “What’s wrong!?” “Boy, you just need the important stuff, not literally everything… Though, you are a robot, so I suppose you’d have a better memory than a human. Wait but then why take notes a-” “Survivalist! I thought you were better than to stoop to the low of making such robophobic remarks!” “How was that robophobic!? It was a compliment! I was saying you have a good memory!” “Bold and robophobic of you to assume I have a good memory!” “… how do I even respond to that.” “Yes, my memory is sharper than humans’, every memory of mine is a perfect reflection of what truly happened, but that does not mean I remember absolutely everything! My memory banks do not have the capacity to do so. Dr. Idabashi specifically created me in such a way where I have the average memory storage capacity of a human, but all my memories are completely accurate, that is the only difference! Memories that are deemed to be the least important compared to others are deleted!” “Okay, let’s do an experiment then. What day is today?” “Wednesday.” “The date?” “15th of July.” “Who am I?” “My best friend, the Survivalist.” “… Aw… Thank you…” “Though I may have to reconsider that given your blatant robophobia.” “Hey! I’m trying to prove my innocence right now!” “I fail to see how th-” “What time did my plane to Greenland depart at?” “5th of May, at 6:00 was when it was supposed to depart but due to, and I quote “stupid delays, like seriously I should hope that planes are able to fly let alone take off in wind. Also, that was said sarcastically Kiibo, please don’t think I’d actually complain about safety.” it left two hours late at about 8:09 instead.” “AH-HAH! See! You have a much better memory than a human! No person would bother to remember all that over a phone call!”
Ah… no person huh…
no person would…
I suppose recalling such a trivial detail is ridiculous.
I suppose their exact words aren’t all that important either, just the message it conveyed.
“Hello? Kiibo?”
… This is just like looking out the window before.
“Uhh, Kiibo? You okay, buddy?”
Or even before then when I counted down the seconds till the date they were to return.
“Kiibo, you just staring off into space like this is kinda worrying me.”
A person… would not do that… but I di-
“KIIBO!” “AAHHH! Survivalist!?” They were leaning over the table, their breath heavy, their hands on his shoulders, holding them in a firm grip. “What are you doing! You’re putting pressure on your broken leg!” Quickly Kiibo pushed them back, though it didn’t do much and they simply sat back on their own. “Thank goodness, you scared me there for a moment.” “Scared you!? You’re the one being reckless!” “Well you just shut off or something?! What the heck was I supposed to do? Scooch out of the chair, get my crutches, and hobble all the way around this stupid long table? Hell no! That would have taken far too long! What if you were over heating or whatever else can just freeze a robot like that! If you needed help, I wouldn’t take my sweet-ass time!” After a moment, a small sigh escaped Kiibo.
Maybe… maybe it was just an accidental robophobic remark. They are still pale, and their breathing is unstable, maybe the pain is making it so that they can’t think straight. I should be more lenient on them.
At least, that was what Kiibo kept telling himself in his mind, but… thinking of all the possibilities, a part of him couldn’t help but doubt his own reasoning.
“Anyway, we’ve gotten way off track! We’re supposed to be studying right now. Here, just let me tutor you.” Kiibo quickly made his way around the table and sat beside the Survivalist. “So, let’s get started!”
And that they did. “Uh, so I would now divide the twelve?” “No, Survivalist, you need to multiply by three to get X then you divide by the twelve.” “Huh? Wait but then what about the five from the beginning, we still haven’t done anything with it.” “No, it’ll come back later.” “Really?” “Yes, just ignore it for now.” “This is hopeless. We’ve been at this for hours and I still don’t understand!” “It’s only been an hour.” “Can we take a break, please?” “Yes it-” Kiibo was then suddenly interrupted when everything around began to violently shake. “Earthquake!?” As the lights in the room began to flicker moments later the Survivalist and Kiibo ducked under the table, placing a hand on a leg of the table and their free arm over the back of their neck. All around them booming and crashing sounds rang out. Even with bracing themselves they could feel the table they hid under sliding about.
When that loud rumbling and thumping ended, when the quaking finally stopped the pair stayed hidden under the table, but when no aftershock came, they took a look around at the damage. “Survivalist, is my vision malfunctioning or is the room pitch black?” “No, the lights must have gotten busted. Eh, no big deal. This is certainly much better than a cave-in… unless a bookshelf fell in front of the door then I guess this is kinda like a cave-in. Eh, still better since I know there aren’t any sink holes here. Here, take my hand. I’ve already memorized the layout of this place.” “There’s no need for that! I have a function that is perfect for just this occasion! Besides, there are probably so many books scattered on the floor, it wouldn’t do for you to lead the way, only to slip and fall over.” “HEY! I’m the Ultimate Survivalist! I can take care of myself in a situation like this even with an injury, thank you very much!... Though using your flashlight function is the best idea for now… Tch, I can already see that smirk on your face.” “You can?” “In my mind. I know you! You always get so haughty when your special functions are useful.” “Heh! Survivalist, close your eyes, just in case, I don’t want to blind you.” “Go ahead, eyes closed!” “… Okay, you can open now.” It was a bit of a strain on the eyes given how extraordinarily bright Kiibo’s flashlight eyes were, but they certainly come in handy. Taking a quick glance around they could see many of the heavy bookshelves had toppled over and all the books in them were strewn about making the place look as if it were ransacked. “Huh?” That was all they could see before the eye lights suddenly shut off that is. “Kiibo?” “Uh, u-uh… It… it appears the lights broke.” “What, how?... Wait! Did they break when I accidently slammed you into the ground before?” “W-what!? No! I’m not that fragile!” “Well, it’s fine, I can just use my phone.” WHAT!? Absolutely not! Don’t compare me to such a simple machine!” “I’m not! You and a phone are nothing alike! The phone doesn’t have confidence issues.” “Hey, I don’t have confidence issues!” “Boy, you do! Don’t even kid yourself.” Even if there was that lovable and irritable teasing tone, Kiibo really didn’t care for those comments. “Just give me a moment, I’ll have my eyes on in a flash!” “Oh? In a flash you say?” “Yes! Just… come on…” “I’m just gonna use the phone.” “No, you don-” “Too late! Let’s go now and get to the field before we get in trouble for not following the earthquake procedure.” Thankfully for Kiibo since he was still hidden in shadow the Survivalist couldn’t see how the robot glared so intensely at the small device in their hand.
After having finally escaped the room and getting to the field outside of the school they had to go through the usual rigmarole of making sure each and every person was present and accounted for, an especially exhausting task considering it was the middle of summer. Thankfully for the Survivalist, Kiibo was willing to use his cooling function to make the process just a bit more bearable.
A heavy sigh of relief escaped the Survivalist having heard the count was finally finished. They took out their phone, checking the time as they leaned into Kiibo’s back a little more, loving that cooling feeling amongst the heat. “Heh, hey Kiibo guess what.” “Uh… I don’t know, what?” “Class ended ten minutes ago.” “Class is over? Huh, am I still going to get a maintenance check today?” “Maintenance check?” Wrapping their arms around Kiibo, they nuzzled into him wanting to keep cool while speaking with him. And they also wanted to see the red that spread across his cheeks. “Yes, I was to visit Miu in her lab after class today for a maintenance check.” “Oh, go see her then. And make sure she fixes your eyes.” Taking the crutches Kiibo was holding the Survivalist took a few steps back. “I don’t know, I was thinking about delaying it to another day.” “What! Why!? I probably broke your flashlight eyes! You’re hurt, you need to get fixed!” “Well…” Kiibo took a moment to collect himself, wanting to word his feelings clearly. “You were gone for months, I missed you, and you are hurt too. I don’t want to just leave you but in your current state you really shouldn’t be walking too much more, you got out of breath just getting to this field from the library, I don’t think dragging you around to Miu’s lab then to wherever else we’d go after would be good for you.” So tenderly they smiled at hearing those words. “Kiibo, we have the rest of our lives to hang out. Go get that check-up with Iruma and come see me when you’re all better and no sooner! Besides even if I’m hurt, I can be good on my own! You don’t have to worry about me! Do you think this is the first time I broke a bone?” A light, hearty chuckle bubbled up from deep in Kiibo’s chest. “Knowing you, I’d be more surprised if you never have before.” “See! I know what I’m doing. So, go get healed up buddy, we’ll see each other later.” “… Where will you be?” “My dorm probably, or maybe my lab since it’s so roomy, at least much more so than the tiny dorm.” “… Alright, you’ve convinced me. I’ll see you later.” Giving Kiibo a pat on the back they disappeared into the crowd.
Thankfully for Kiibo, Miu was always more than ready to do some work on him. “Hey, Kiibo, are you sure you don’t want any new functions? I can give you some real bal-” “Nope! I’m fine. I don’t need any more additional functions. But Miu, must we go through this conversation every time I get a maintenance check?” … And that was the last thing Kiibo remembered. One moment Miu was pinned against him doing her work then in the next she was sitting at a table fiddling with something. “Miu? What happened?” “For fuck’s sake, finally!” She spun around on the chair, adjusting her goggles. “You were out for so long I thought you were having one hell of a wet dream. Anyway, some dip shit after shock happened and you shut down due to your maintenance failsafe.” Taking a quick glance around the room he saw how many of the items were knocked over, even a shelf. “You’re all done so you can go if you want.” “Thank you so much Miu! But how big was the aftershock?” “Huh? The aftershock? Why the fuck would you want to know that?” “Please just tell me Miu.” “It was about the same.” A feeling of absolute dread weighed on Kiibo. Immediately he sprinted out of the room.
Suddenly he stopped himself, remembering that he has a phone. He quickly shot the Survivalist a text asking if they were all right. The earthquake was large enough to knock over the giant bookshelves in the library, it likely had enough force to knock over much of the equipment in the Survivalist’s lab. The place was like a fusion of the harshest environments and a personal gym. Likely anything that could have fallen over would already have done so in the first earthquake, but it was possible that some of the even bigger equipment could have come loose in the first quake and then actually toppled over in the aftershock… Right on top of the Survivalist! If they weren’t hurt Kiibo would have no reason to worry, but they could hardly even walk in-
Nope! NO! Kiibo shook his head trying to stop thinking of such things. Dwelling on the possibilities would do nothing to help them and just make him worry and in an unfocused state he’d be even less of help to the Survivalist! Now in an all-out sprint Kiibo charged for the Super High School Level Survivalist’s lab. Once there he discovered the lights were shut off and the door was locked. The dorm, he ran for their dorm room.
The moment he reached it he knocked on the door discovering it was unlocked. “Survivalist?” He got no response. “Uh… Survivalist, are you in there?” Kiibo stood there but still got no response. Recalling he sent them a text he checked his phone, finding he got no reply. “I’m coming in now!” Kiibo tried opening the door but found something blocked the way. “S-Survivalist! Are you in there?” He froze when taking a peek past the door. He was only able to see a little bit given how little the door opened but he saw his friend face down on the ground. “SURVIVALIST!” They didn’t move. Kiibo pushed the door open with all his might. He had to open it! He NEEDED to open this STUPID DOOR! HE NEEDED TO OPEN IT RIGHT NOW! “SURVIVALIST!” Taking several steps back he dashed into the door slamming into it. It didn’t budge. It seemed doing this caused a glitch and Kiibo fell to his knees. Why? WHY CAN’T HE HELP THEM!? WHY CAN’T HE GET TO THEM!? Wait, the phone! Kiibo whipped out his phone and raced to the contacts. “Gokuhara! Gokuhara, where are you?!” There were some shuffling noises on the other line before Kiibo got an answer. “Gonta is at his lab. But Kiibo sounds so worried, what happened?” “It’s Survivalist. I think they’re hurt; they’re just laying on the ground not responding, but I can’t get into their dorm, something is blocking it. They need help right now!” “Survivalist is hurt! Gonta be there right away!” Then the call ended.
A soft thud rang out as Kiibo just dropped his head and his forehead hit the door that stood just inches before him.
All was silent except for the soft humming of those fans just barely being able to keep Kiibo from overheating. Why can’t he help them? Even with all these functions that were inside of him, he couldn’t do a thing to get to them. All he could do was wait and think. Think about asking Dr. Idabashi if Kiibo could have a failsafe function where in emergencies he could be much stronger than a senior citizen. Think about how if only he had better functions. Think about that if he got too many more functions, his body would have to be changed, how it was possible he wouldn’t be recognizable. Think about how he was only useful with those functions and nothing else. Think about how these functions though useful are probably what make him be seen as… as not a person. Think about how maybe, if he didn’t have flashlight eyes, or a perfect memory, or the ability of willfully changing his external temperature he’d be accepted. Maybe, without all his functions and if he were given the strength of an average teenager he’d be seen as more than a human shaped Swiss Army Knife. Maybe… he’d actually be helpful. Maybe he could be beside his friend. Maybe he’d… they’d…
Kiibo tried telling himself that thinking such thoughts was not going to help the situation, but he found no reason to stop this process either, so he continued.
“Kiibo! Gonta is going to open the door so Gonta needs you to move!” Without a second thought Kiibo jumped to his feet and backed up. Effortlessly Gonta pushed the door open. Kiibo dashed past the giant man and dove straight into the room. Thousands of scenarios ran through his head, but what he saw was not one he even thought to consider. There they were, earbuds in, the volume on full blast, a small folded towel clenched between their teeth… DOING PUSHUPS!
“What are you doing!?” With a single swift tug, the earbuds came out, finally getting their attention. “Heevo? En v-” “Oh! No! You are going to answer my questions first.” Having the strength of an elderly man Kiibo was not able to physically stop the Survivalist so instead he ripped the sheets and pillows off the bed and placed them all in a crumpled heap under them. “Survivalist, you can’t put pressure on your leg like this, what are you doing?” Guiltily his friend looked behind themself for a moment before looking back to Kiibo and taking the small towel out of their mouth. “Uhh… push-ups?” “… What, no! Why are you doing this, you’re just hurting yourself.” Suddenly Gonta towered over Kiibo, looking down at the Survivalist absolutely worried and scared. “Survivalist? You’re okay? Kiibo told Gonta you were very seriously hurt!” Before the Survivalist could question the situation Kiibo came to a blood boiling realization. “Wait… This is why you wanted the pain medicine!? No wonder your leg is hurting! You did this yesterday too, didn’t you!” Unable to look the concerned robot in the eye, they instead looked to the wall. They were absolutely out of breath, even gasping at times. “I… Just let me explain.” Kiibo didn’t dare move, simply waiting for this ‘explanation’. Gonta helped the Survivalist get into a more comfortable position before they began to speak, shakily hugging themself. “Look… You probably figured it out by now, but Rantaro and I were late getting back because we were caught in the snowstorm. My leg broke around the time the storm began, so by the time I got to a hospital, maybe a week later, it was really messed up. I was forced to stay there several weeks because of it! And Because I was in a hospital, I wasn’t allowed to move at all! Kiibo, if I don’t keep moving and exercising, I’ll become weak! I’ve already been forced to rest for so long, I’ve lost so much progress! I can’t just do nothing anymore! I need to get my strength back!” “I still don’t understand. You’re making your injury even worse, forcing you to rest even longer. You’re hurting yourself!” “Well, yes, but at least I’m doing something and not nothing!” “Survivalist, your arguments make no logical sense. For now, let’s get you to the nurse’s office an-” “NO! You don’t need to do that, I’m fine, please don’t tell the nurse!” Sitting up just a bit too quickly the Survivalist yelped out, clutching their hands on the cast. Their entire form trembled, tears percolating in the corners of their eyes as they doubled over. “Judging by that reaction I believe you need to seek help right away.” “Gonta will carry Survivalist to the nurse!” Before they could further protest Kiibo and Gonta ran with them cradled in Gonta’s arms.
After explaining what had happened to the nurse and Super High School Level Health Committee Member, Kiibo and Gonta were asked to stay out of the room as to not get in the way of the examination. Understanding though a little reluctant Kiibo stayed away. At least this gave him the opportunity to more closely examine his friend’s words instead of telling them their reasoning made no sense. Though he didn’t do so for to long. “Gonta’s worried about the Survivalist. Gonta’s not sure what happened to them, but they looked bad.” “Oh, yes, Gokuhara. Thank you so much for your help.” “Gonta is always ready to help a friend! And it’s the gentlemanly thing to do!” “I think they should be alright now, so you can go if you want to.” “Ah, well…” Gonta’s eyes lingered on the door before looking back to Kiibo. “Gonta’s worried, but Gonta doesn’t know much about this and doesn’t want to get in the way, so maybe it would be better if Gonta left.” “I’ll call if we need you again.” “Yes, please do! Bye Kiibo.” “Bye Gokuhara.” And Kiibo was left alone again.
He found his eyes drawn to the window; the sun was setting. Kiibo wondered how late it was… How long had it been? If he had been stronger, would they have gotten help sooner? Could Kiibo have stopped them from further injuring themself? If Kiibo wasn’t so fragile and needed maintenance maybe he could have stopped them from acting so recklessly. “Oh, good you’re still here.” It was the nurse. “Yes I am.” “Would you be a dear and get the Survivalist’s wheelchair for me? They really shouldn’t be using those crutches when they have such bruised ribs and lungs.” “Bruised ribs and lungs? They never mentioned that. And a wheelchair? They have one?”
Sure enough, when he went back to their room, he found a disassembled wheelchair in a corner. Upon seeing the thing Kiibo came to a conclusion he found preposterous, but it was the only logical answer. Whatever pushed his friend to do pushups with their various injuries was the same that compelled them to use crutches they bought instead of a wheelchair given to them by the hospital. “Survivalist just what is making you do this?” When he had gotten back, he was told the Survivalist would be staying overnight for observation. So he was indirectly being told to scram. Unfortunately, he didn’t understand this at first just standing outside of the room waiting for his friend before directly being told to just leave.
It was night by the time Kiibo got back to his dorm room. Under normal circumstances Kiibo would study, go to sleep mode or shutdown and recharge, but this was not a normal night. He simply laid on the bed just staring at the ceiling. He needed to figure out some things. His emotions just kept swirling around and he couldn’t tell what they were. Mad, happy, relieved, scared? He had no idea what he was feeling and towards who. Was it himself, or them, or both? And… did he mean it? Everything he thought when sitting at their door. Did he truly believe all that? In that moment all he truly knew was… everything hurt, so, so much.
The next morning, sitting at his desk he found himself in the same position prior, just looking at the door, waiting for the Survivalist to show up. Of all things Kiibo just wanted to talk to them, to just figure out why they were doing what they did. Why they downplayed their injuries and out right omitted some? Did they have even more he wasn’t privy too? He just wanted to focus on them… Then the bells rang. They still hadn’t shown up. Kiibo waited a little longer in case they did show up and were just late. Half an hour in and Kiibo shot up his hand, saying that he was leaving class. Kiibo then immediately dashed for the nurse’s office. But when he arrived only the Ultimate Health Committee Member was there. “Excuse me, but where’s the Survivalist?” “Oh, they were discharged this morning. I even brought them to their dorm room. They should be resting in bed.” Was the Survivalist actually resting? Not wanting to risk his friend doing something foolish and accidently further injuring themself Kiibo ran as quickly as he could to their dorm.
As he did so something caught his attention, almost causing him to trip over himself. The door to the Super High School Level Light Music Club Member’s lab was open, and he heard the Survivalist singing? Taking a peek inside he found himself in a world for the brightest lights and the darkest shadows. The owner of the room wailed away on her guitar beside the Survivalist who was sitting on their wheelchair with a microphone in hand.  Side by side they were on a stage, a myriad of bright colors flashed over them, a huge contrast to the blank black that was the rest of the room.
All too quickly the song had come to an end and the moment it did the Survivalist and Kiibo locked eyes. “Survivalist? Why aren’t you at class? I… When you never showed up, I got worried. I thought your injury may be worse than what you told me prior.” The musician jumped up to Kiibo with a hand raised. “Oh, oh! Ibuki knows! Survivalist asked Ibuki to train with them! Train in a way that wouldn’t hurt their leg!” Kiibo simply looked at his friend in complete bafflement. Even when they were completely out of breath, they tried speaking. “Well… okay, look…” “OOOOOH! Ibuki knows!” The musician hopped back up on stage and quickly helped the Survivalist get down. “Ibuki suddenly remembered she promise to hang out with a friend right now! Bye you two!” And just like that she was gone. She probably felt the stagnant, awkward air that surrounded the two.
“… You were right. Training like that with injuries was dumb but…” They paused for a moment trying to figure out how to verbalize this whirlwind of emotions. “You know how this school works. We’re here because we’re Ultimates. We’re here to improve our skills and become the best at our craft. Hell, they care so little about grades and stuff and only on talents we don’t even have to show up to class, that’s how we’re able to be here right now! But like THIS, I… I can’t.” Looking the robot directly in the eyes, they showed Kiibo the aw and fear that was rooted deep inside themself. “Kiibo, I wish I was like you.” That comment caught him completely off guard. “I… Well, I am the Ultimate Robot, the culmination of Dr. Idabashi’s work, but what exactly do you mean?” “Kiibo, once you get an improvement or new function you get to keep it forever! When I take a break for even one day my muscles and body lose some of the improvement I had gained yesterday or even more. I have to constantly push myself lest my skills and body get rusty from lack of use for even a short time and getting back to the high proficiency I was at before is so extremely difficult. The human body is ridiculously temperamental and decays so quickly when not in use, while you don’t have to worry about such things. And I even have to focus on specific parts and not just my whole body, like singing to increase lung capacity. That’s all I can do now aside from weightlifting. And Kiibo the improvements you can gain are limited only by the imagination while the human body is much more restrictive. You, you could fly, or get x-ray vision, or I don’t know! You could even have a built in ray gun or something, but me, a human, even if I wanted any of that, I can’t, there’s no way for me to be able to do any of that, but with the right parts and whatever, you could! You can be so much greater than me or anyone else at this school! Kiibo you are amazing! Even not taking possibilities into consideration you are amazing! You… you’re amazing Kiibo.” That spark of aw that was in their eyes quickly faded, leaving only a pained expression. “Look at me, I can’t even properly be a survivalist in this state. While you, even if you get hurt, you can be fixed and be properly working much sooner while I have to just be broken for four months! You, you were able to get fixed and I… I couldn’t stand just doing nothing seeing you! I want to be fixed just like you! It’s why I ignored your text! I-I couldn’t stop for even a moment, I have to get better, I don’t want to fall behind!” “Survivalist…” Their body and breath quaked and wavered. Their hands were clenched into fists. They couldn’t bear to look Kiibo in the eyes anymore, not wanting their rage and jealousy to taint their view of him. Ever since they got back Kiibo had been nothing but kind, constantly doing whatever he could to help them. How could he be so kind? How was he so amazing without even trying? How could they want to hurt him with such a petty act? “… My singing is lacking, dangerous as Shuichi puts it. Even if I practice it won’t get better. I want to improve, but I can’t. The only way I can, would be with help from someone like Miu or Dr. Idabashi. I…” Feeling those feelings and thoughts from the night prior welding up again, Kiibo placed a hand on his chest as if trying to press them down as to not overflow. After all, his friend didn’t need to hear of such things in that moment. “I am a robot, I can never improve myself on my own, but you can! I find that to be an amazing ability, but even more so is how you work so hard for that. Yes, what you did was rash, but how you so fervently chase after improvement has always impressed me, even from the day we met… The moment I existed, I have had one goal, one function, to be the embodiment of human curiosity. In pursuit of that goal I’ve learned a great many things about others and myself and… I’ve come to learn that you are the Survivalist. You’ve made it through much worse situations time and time again. It may be difficult, but you’ll make it through this, and you’ll come out better than before!” The Survivalist simply stared at him. They didn’t say or do anything for what felt like an eternity. Then their expression shifted, but Kiibo never saw another like it. He had no idea what it meant, if it was good or bad, hurt or joy. Then they spoke, but their voice was so quiet and their lips just barely formed the words Kiibo almost missed it. “… survivalist, huh.” “Is something the matter?” “… Let’s just get to class, alright? I’ve missed enough schoolwork as it is.” “O-oh! Certainly! Let’s go!”
Kiibo found himself looking back at that day quite often, in particular those last few moments. He just couldn’t figure out what it meant. Since that conversation the Survivalist wasn’t quite the same. They were a bit quieter and calmer. They also didn’t try anything rash. It was likely due to accepting that they had to just stop and not train much outside of a very select few exercises.
Months passed and there they were in the middle of November. The wind blew past sending a chill through the air. Walking beside the Survivalist Kiibo saw how they stopped spinning those wheels for a moment and shivered. “Is it cold out now?” “Nah, just a little chilly.” All around the world was baren and only the warmest of colors were spread across the ground and carried along by the wintery wind. “We should be expecting snow soon. Perhaps you should put on warmer clothing?” “I’m fine Kiibo.” Taking a step closer to them he placed the back of his hand against their cheek, the action causing Kiibo’s own cheeks to light up with the same bright colors as the fallen leaves. “Ahh, nice and warm.” “If you think the warmth of my hand feels nice, I would highly suggest that you at least get a scarf.” “Kiibo you don’t need to babysit me. I’m fine, truly… I guess I should be thanking you though.” “Hmm?” They stopped and turned to face the open horizon where forest covered mountains stood. Eventually, Kiibo turned to face the view as well, instead of his companion. “You’ve been looking after me this whole time like that. Even when I do something stupid you try to help me… I wish I could thank you somehow, but… I don’t know how too. I can’t see myself being helpful to you in any way unless I dedicated myself to robotics and offered to do maintenance for you.” “You don’t need to do that. Just… j-just keep spending time with me like this. This is a-all I could ever ask for.” “Heh, really? That’s all. Kiibo, you need to learn how to take advantage of opportunities better!” “W-what!?” The Survivalist couldn’t hold in their laughter at seeing how flustered their companion had become so quickly. “Yeah! Me being with you is a given, obviously we’re going to hang out so you should have asked for something less likely, like… Uh… OH, I know! You could have asked me to do what ever you told me to for a day, so I’d actually do things like get a scarf!” “Survivalist you should be taking care of yourself on your own without my say so.” “Excuse me! I do take care of myself! The only reason why you feel like my babysitter is because you follow me everywhere, even to my check-ups at the hospital!” “I don’t feel like your babysitter. You just say I babysit you a lot of the time.” “Ugh, whatever! My point still stands.” Kiibo felt an overwhelming joy course through him seeing the Survivalist banter with him like this. Moments like this became so scant after that conversation in the music room.
“… So winter’s gonna get here soon. I wonder what being in a wheelchair in the snow will be like. I bet it sucks.” “You won’t have to deal with it for long though. You’ll finally be able to get your cast off in three weeks. Just in time for the holidays and winter break!” “Yeah that’ll be… be nice I suppose…” At the end of their sentence the Survivalist trailed off, their voice becoming quiet. “Is something the matter?” “N-no, no. I just got lost in thought for a moment there. Anyway, I’m guessing you’ll go be with Dr. Idabashi?” “Yes, he practically insisted that I come back home for it.” “… That must be nice.” “What about you? Visiting family?” “… I don’t…” “Survivalist?” “Ah- Sorry, sorry. I’m not doing anything exciting. Just staying here and training. I need to build up my talent as much as I can before our finals. Building up my muscles in time for that will take a long time and will be very difficult. I’ll probably have to even skip class for a while, maybe even for the rest of the school year to even catch up!” Seeing that strained, forced smile felt so unnerving to Kiibo. “Survivalist, is something wrong?” “… Uh… OH! Look!” They pointed upward. Small white dots speckled the view of the gray sky as they twirled and spun about. “Ah, snow. Now I must insist that you get a scarf.” “Fine, fine. Let’s go… RACE YOU THERE!” Before Kiibo could respond the Survivalist was already far down the path, kicking up the leaves and snow as they went. “Slow down! You’re going to fall over!”
And then, for Kiibo at least those weeks flew right by and before he knew it, it was winter, and there he sat on pins and needles in the waiting room. It was finally the day that the Survivalist would get that cast off! Kiibo kept an eye on those doors, prepared to leap out of his seat and catch the Survivalist before they could run and jump around and injure themself. He could already imagine them running straight for the lab the moment they get back to the campus. It was certainly going to be a handful for a while, but Kiibo couldn’t wait to see the Survivalist back in action. Then, when the doors opened, the moment he saw it was his friend, Kiibo raced up to them. “Heh, glad to see you too Kiibo. I’m all set so we can go straight back to school.” “Okay!” Expecting his friend to immediately bolt Kiibo braced himself to stop them, but they held up a cane to him. “Uh, mind taking this? It’s throwing off my balance.” “… Alright.” Slowly they took a few steps forward, shaking like a newborn deer. A few times they almost fell but they were able to catch themself. “How come you’re just standing there? Let’s go!” “Oh, yes! But, are you sure you shouldn’t be using the cane?” “No! I need to build up my muscles and train. I can’t climb or run if I can’t even walk! The cane would just be a crutch. This may be hard, but I’ll be able to walk normally sooner instead of relying on that thing.” “… If you fall, I must insist that you use the cane.” “So don’t fall, got it!”
The world around them was completely and utterly caked in white, the only splashes of color were from the people who walked past. Kiibo’s gaze was locked onto the person beside him; the puffs of fog that seeped from their every breath, the crimson which dusted their cheeks and tips of their ears, their gloved hands which were held out searching from support despite none being wanted. “Did the doctors say anything about your other injuries?” “When I can walk, I can exercise. That’s all I needed to know, and I didn’t bother remembering anything else they said unless it had to do with physical therapy.” “… I see.” After a few more steps they suddenly came to a stop. “Kiibo.” “Yes?” “I’m sorry.” “What ever for? There’s too many reasons to count.” They chuckled, lifting up the downcast mood which seemed to surround them. “Someone’s feeling sassy today.” Sighing, they pulled up their scarf to cover their face just a bit more. “For not telling you how injured I truly was when I got back. I knew you’d be worried and insist I rest, but… I wanted to still push myself and regain my strength. I was panicking then and… I’m still scared now. Trying to train and seeing truly just how much I’ve deteriorated… I’m scared, but that fear was and is no excuse to hold back the truth. I’m sorry.” A cold wind rushed past causing them to hug themself and shiver. “Survivalist… I’m glad you see your faults in past actions, and thank you for apologizing… I truly was worried and scared for you then. So, you’ll be completely honest with me from now on, alright?” “Yeah, as long as you do the same. I don’t want this becoming one sided and I just dump all my issues on you… You can tell me about any troubles you’re having, okay.” “Yeah, I will. And since we’re being completely honest there is something I-I’d like to say.” Kiibo’s cheeks suddenly flushed and he kept looking at anything other than his companion. “W-well… I realize that you want to walk without assistance, but… uh… Y-you look rather cold and I… would want to… warm you up? B-by holding your hand.” “Ah… sure.” Kiibo made a small squeak like noise as he froze in place hearing the reply. “O-oh, okay.” Hesitantly he reached his hand out to their own. The pads of their fingers just barely touched, and the palms of their hands hovered apart. The Survivalist looked to Kiibo, hearing how his internal fans were working on overdrive despite there being the crisp cold air which surrounded them. Gently the Survivalist slid their fingers next to Kiibo’s and curled them down, closing the distance between their palms. Moments later Kiibo followed suit. “You okay, Kiibo?” “Y-yes! I’m fine!” The Survivalist then placed their hands into their coat pockets, pulling their companion closer and causing him to make some sputtering noises. “What about this? You alright with it?” “A-ah, uh, y-yea- yeah! A-absolutely!” The heat which radiated from the robot was a familiar warmth, the kind one could only find on summer days which tingled the skin. A lovely warmth.
For the next few days Kiibo and the Survivalist walked side by side, hand in hand, not daring to leave the other. Quickly the Survivalist was walking around like nothing had happened. Seeing this, Kiibo was not surprised that they had not shown up to class, they did say that when they could walk, they would go back to training. By the time class had come to an end Kiibo had decided to check up on them. Before they got injured the Survivalist was always so health conscience, always making sure they took breaks when needed and always ate the healthiest of meals. Kiibo also knew how reckless they could be so he wouldn’t be surprised of they had not taken any breaks either. And so, he made his way for their lab. Sure enough the door was unlocked signaling that someone was inside and the he found the Survivalist panting and running on a treadmill. “Hey, Survivalist. Have you taken any breaks today? You look rather worn out.” “Y-yeah.”
The next day the Survivalist didn’t show up to class again. When Kiibo went to visit them, they basically had the exact same interaction, only difference being the Survivalist was doing curl-ups. And the next day, and the day after and the day after that, it was all the same. By the morning of the eighth day Kiibo decided to just spend the day with them. Admittedly having been so close for five months Kiibo missed being with them, and even before they were injured, they’d hang out with Kiibo no matter how much they were training. There were even times where they dragged the unsuspecting robot into a week long camping trip in the mountains without any equipment, teaching him how to hunt or find north or to tell the difference between poison ivy to other plants or how to make a tent with nothing but tree branches or how to make a raft or how to make tools or food from every single part of an animal or even how to just stop, breathe, look at the stars and not think a thing at all. Now they were just held up in their lab.
As the Ultimate Survivalist and from having been on several survivalist expeditions with them, Kiibo knew they woke up when the sun raised and slept when the sun set so Kiibo tried to catch them at their dorm room when the sun rose, but… No one appeared. Did they go on an expedition and he just wasn’t told? Did they decide to sleep in their lab so they could start training as soon as possible? Well, there was only one way to find out so off Kiibo went to the lab. Upon reaching it Kiibo found the door to be unlocked. So they did stay there all night? Then he spotted them laying on the ground… They hadn’t woken up yet? It must have been because there were no windows in the room, and they couldn’t see the sun. Their skin was almost snow white and sweat dripped off of them. Kiibo placed a hand on their shoulder and gently rocked them. “Survivalist? Wake up, please.” They didn’t respond. “Survivalist! You need to wake up now!” Still no response. “Survivalist!” Not this again! Why this again!? At least he could get past the damn door this time around.
The next moments were but a blur. Kiibo remembered what happed. He remembered calling the nurse’s office. He remembered the nurse getting there and checking them, finding out they had fainted from exhaustion. He remembered Gonta being called to carry them to their room. He remembered all that, but it just happened, like he was watching some T.V. show. It wasn’t real, he was just a third-party observer, and yet, there he was, sitting on the edge of their bed, just waiting for them to wake up. He didn’t have to stay, the nurse said they only needed rest and nothing more, and yet… Kiibo couldn’t keep himself away. What had the Survivalist done to themselves this time?! They were smarter than this he thought! Yes, they were reckless, but not to the point of stupidity, were they!? They were fine now! They could train properly now, so what was wrong!? Why were they hurting themself again!? What was wrong? What could it be? They said they’d be honest, that they wouldn’t hide anything, so WHY DID THEY DO THIS!? Why? “why…”
Did they just say that to placate me like some child? Or… or did the promise mean nothing to them? Were they just saying some words to an inanimate object? Was… was that all that moment meant to them? Did this not matter? Do I not matter to them? I suppose a person would keep their promise to another person, but to something not a person… is that all they see me as?
“K-Kiibo?” “Survivalist!” Sitting up they looked around in confusion. “What happened? Why am I here?” There was a slight panic in their tone and with Kiibo already in an emotional state placed him very off kilter. “You fainted.” “What!? But, but I just got started working out after a break! I should have been fine!” “You weren’t pushing yourself?” “No!” “There’s nothing wrong you haven’t told me?” “I-I didn’t think so!” Though those words placed a part of Kiibo at ease the sheer fear emanating from the Survivalist shook him. “I should have been fine! I have to be fine! I-I’ve been training for days building up myself to my normal pace! I wasn’t even halfway there, and I faint!?” Their breathing quickened, and their pupils dilated. “No. Nonononoonoonononono! I can’t be this far behind! There’s only two and a half months till finals! I can’t be this far behind! I, I can’t! I CAN’T CATCH UP IN ONLY TWO AND A HALF MONTHS!” “Survivalist calm down. Breathe.” “This can’t be happening! It can’t be!” “Survivalist, everything is alright.” “No! No, it’s not alright! I can’t be this far behind! I can’t fail! I’m losing everything! I-If I can’t pass the finals, If I can’t prove I’ve improved this past year I’ll be kicked out! If I’m kicked out, I can’t be anything! I’ll just be left on the streets to rot and die! What the hell will I be then!? If I’m not recognized as the Ultimate Survivalist, then what am I!?” Their breathing became this warped choked out laughter that echoed through the small room. Tears cascaded from their eyes as their entire body trembled. “Survivali-” “Exactly! There, right there! You just called me Survivalist! Kiibo, what’s my name!?” “… your name?” Kiibo thought but couldn’t remember anything. “W-what?” He manually searched though all his memory files. “I forgot your name!?” “N-no. That’s it. I don’t have a name! I’m just the Survivalist! A-and if I’m not the Survivalist, who am I!? If I don’t even have a name, I can’t be anything or anyone else! What do I have if I’m not the Survivalist!? If I’m not the Ultimate survivalist I’m not anything, not even a person, I’m just nothing! I’m a failure! I’ll be completely useless and worthless! I’m just going to be jobless and die! I can’t go anywhere else! I don’t even know if I have a name! I don’t know if I have a family! I don’t even know if I have a favorite color! I don’t know anything about myself! I only know how to be the Survivalist! Nothing else! Only that! What will happen to me if I’m kicked out!? I-If I IF I CAN’T BE THE UNTIMATE SURVIVALIST WHAT AM I!? WHAT DO I HAVE!? WHO EVEN AM I!? WHO AM I!?” They tried speaking more but their words just kept getting caught on spit and tears. In the end all they could do was cry and wail till their voice broke and shattered into nothing. Nothing, nothing just and endless void of nothing.
Suddenly, in that moment, everything clicked and fit together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. Why they always pushed themself to train before the accident, why they were so desperate to train after it, why they…
Kiibo had no idea what to do at all. All he knew in that moment was just that he wanted to help and support you in any way you needed.
Amongst the panic, the fear, the tears and screaming for dear life something cut through. So tenderly he placed his hands atop his friend’s then squeezed them as tightly as he could. Though metal they were undeniably warm. “… My friend. Please look at me.” Seeing those eyes flicker towards him for even a moment was enough for Kiibo. “Being the ‘Ultimate Survivalist’ is not all you have. You have me, this friendship, your work ethic and determination. The ‘Super High School Level Survivalist’ is not all you are. You are you.” “what?” Though your mind was racing your breathing slowed just the smallest bit. You needed to slow down. You were desperate to truly hear his words. You could hear them. He spoke slowly and clearly but you wanted to understand them, not just hear them. Finally, you let go of the quilt you had clutched so tightly to the point of ripping it with how deeply you had dug your nails into it and you held his hands. You focused on Kiibo, and only him. You felt all the separate pieces of metal that made his fingers and palms. How only on his right hand, in the middle of his palm was this circular engraving with a slant through it. How when you squeezed his hands, he did the same to you. You… “You are just you. You are nothing more, nothing less than you. And you are an amazing person who I cherish and am so glad I can call my ‘friend’. You may be my friend but most importantly you are you. You are entirely what got you into this academy in the first place. You are just you and only you, so you can keep yourself here if you want to. But you don’t have too. That’s something I’ve always found so incredible about you. You can do whatever you want because you were strong enough to get yourself to this point in the first place. And you don’t have to have one sole objective in life. I know being a survivalist is all you know but that doesn’t mean it defines you. No matter what happens, if you pass the finals or not, I know you will be alright because you are not only a survivalist or the ultimate survivalist. You are just a person and a person is not just one sole thing. You are not just one sole thing. You and other people can do and be whatever you want. I know you’re scared now. You probably feel lost, but for right now, please take a moment to breathe. You’ve been focusing on this for almost half a year now, and it’s understandable. You clearly want this if you’ve stuck it out for so long. And I’m not saying you shouldn’t try to keep your title as the Super high School level Survivalist. I just want you to know that it’s not all you are or all you have. You have me, our friendship, you’re my friend, but most importantly you are you, nothing else. The world is not coming to an end. Even should the worst happen, and you get kicked out, you still have yourself and you will keep living. And even if the best happens and you keep your title, it’s not all you are. You are you, and that’s it.”
Your heart felt as if it were lodged in your throat. Tears threatened to pour from your eyes. You couldn’t stop your hands from shaking yet… Yet you could breathe. It felt like you were breathing for the very first time. It hurt, each and every breath was heavy and so raspy. With each breath you could feel it scratching your throat. But you were breathing. You were here. You were actually here. Though blurry you could see the room. You could see the wooden desk against the wall adjacent to you. You could see wooden floorboards and the blue quilt with white sheets. You could see Kiibo. You could see his spiky white hair, and his blue-gray eyes. You could see the tender concern in them. you could see his smile, how his lips quivered seeing you crying again… You tried seeing more but everything was too blurry now. You could feel his soft warmth, how it seemed to surround you in a tight secure embrace. You’re here now. For so long, ever since the accident everything felt wrong. Everything was out of control and there was nothing you could do, like you were reading some book or watching a movie. Like life just kept moving on and you were dragged along. Like you were some third party watching from the outside, like you were not even here. But you were now. You were here… And you felt so exhausted. Your entire body felt so heavy. Slowly, you leaned forward, resting your head on Kiibos’ shoulder. Yes, it wasn’t the most comfortable, but it was warm. You could feel it and know you were still here. You are here.
“My friend?” Kiibo felt how very quickly more and more of your weight was leaning on to him. Knowing he wasn’t strong enough to keep you up, Kiibo gently pushed you back, placing you back into bed. Tears percolated in the corners of your half-lidded eyes. Your eyelids kept drooping lower and lower. Gently Kiibo placed a hand on your cheek, with his thumb wiping those tear streaks away. He then pulled up the quilt and sheets. “kiibo” You shifted ‘till one of your hands were free. “O-oh.” Despite feeling himself overheating Kiibo took your hand into his own, intertwining your fingers. You then pulled your hand back, also pulling Kiibo closer. He laid next to you… Your breaths were so small and shallow now. Absolutely sound asleep. All that must have taken such a toll on you. Kiibo was glad to finally see you take a break.
Then suddenly everything hit him. How he held your hands without asking you, him caressing your cheek, tucking you into bed, and now laying on a bed with you in it… Internally he was screaming in an entire whirlwind of emotions as his entire face turned beat red. What was he doing!? Kiibo took advantage of his friend when you were in an emotionally vulnerable state, and a part of him liked it! He was a horrible person! … At least that’s what Kiibo was thinking as he laid frozen beside you as you unconsciously pulled him closer to you with the smallest of smiles curled on your lips.
When you woke up you found no trace of exhaustion, in fact, you felt refreshed. Sitting up with a stretch you felt the bed shift. “Kiibo?” The robot’s face was completely flushed and for a moment you were confused as to why until you realized you were holding his hand as you stretched, pulling him so close to you, you were only inches apart. “Kiibo! I’m sorry!” Immediately you let go and Kiibo backed up, but only a little bit. “No, my friend, I should be apologizing!” “Kiibo, how long has it been.” “Huh? It’s been a full twenty-four hours.” “… Was I holding your hand the whole time?” “… Y-yes.” “So, I should be the one apologizing, not you. You still get so flustered from physical contact, and I held your hand for so long. I made you uncomfortable, didn’t I?” “N-no! You don’t need to! It’s okay! I… liked it. WAIT! No, that’s not what I wanted to say I-” “Awww! Kiibo, do you have a crush on me?” “I-I That- May we please discuss this later!” “Okay, okay. No teasing. You want to say something?”
Kiibo took a moment to compose himself. Despite this his cheeks were still tinted red and his internal fans were on full blast. “My friend, while here I did a lot of thinking and I’ve come to realize that… I am a robot, and as a robot, I can do things humans can’t do. I can get modifications and new functions. I could get functions to moderate your heart rate, blood sugar levels, and many other vitals. With a sensor on your wrist and one over your heart I can keep track of such things and I can process them much faster than any equipment in the medical field thanks to Dr. Idabashi’s and Miu’s engineering. With this information I can help you! You can work and I’ll keep track of everything else. I can see when you will faint and stop you just before it would happen, and then we can keep pushing past that threshold in small increments and make sure you are making progress each time you go train. This way you won’t have to do any guess work or push yourself to the point of exhaustion again! I can truly help you! What do you think of this?” “Uh, what I think?” Kiibo simply gave you a nod in reply. “… I don’t know about this. I mean, I appreciate the sentiment and it would be very useful but… It feels wrong.” “How does this feel wrong?” “I mean… What do you think about this? I know you thought about this for a while, but those functions would solely be for me. Would you be comfortable with that? When you got new functions before they weren’t solely for another person, were they? You’re so kind, at times I worry you might sacrifice yourself for another and not take your own feelings into consideration. You stayed by my side the whole time my leg was recovering, you always walked with me when I was trying to train my leg, and you were even with me after I fainted and guided me and held my hand through my panic. You are a person too, so you shouldn’t do something just because it’s useful to someone else.”
Kiibo sat there, not moving. The light from the window behind you shone on Kiibo, reflecting off of him and light up the room. “… you see me as a person?” Kiibo still had hardly moved, only parting his lips just enough to form the words. “Uh, yeah? You’re my best friend. Of course, I see you as a person.” “My friend, please let me embrace you!” “Kiibo!?” Your friend looked to be on the verge of tears and his body shook, something you didn’t think a robot could do. “No.” You then pulled Kiibo into a hug. “We both get to embrace.” So tightly and securely Kiibo held you. Burying his face into the crook of your neck, you could feel the heat from his blush radiating off of him. “… It’s settled then. I’m getting Miu to install the new functions and make the sensors as soon as possible.” “You’re absolutely sure?” “Affirmatively!” “… You’re too kind, Kiibo. But I just want to make sure you’re absolutely sure. It may take me a long time to get back to how I used to be.” “All the more reason then. I want you to be happy. And… a-and I want to be with you to see that happiness for myself. I want to be able to be by your side for years to come. Even if it takes years, I won’t mind because I’ll be with you. I told you before, didn’t I? … All I want is to spend time with you… And I’d love to stay by your side after you get back to your old strength. I’ll stay with you for as long as you’ll have me.” “…” For once it was your turn to blush. “… Uh… would it be silly to say I’m already practicing for what it might be like to have the new functions? Because I can feel your heart beating so quickly right now.” You wondered how one person could be so sweet and kind as you tried hiding your blushing face against Kiibo’s frame.
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obiwanobi · 5 years
same anon here who asked about the training bond! (your answer was so great by the way) another question for you! do you think anakin was the love of obi-wan’s life? i don’t doubt that obi-wan loved satine with his whole heart... but i think anakin’s betrayal broke his heart a thousands more than satine’s death ever could and he realized too late that anakin was it for him. what do you think? thanks for letting me ramble here :D
awh thanks! It’s always a bit stressful for me to answer because english is not my first language and I’m afraid that I’m not going to be very coherent because my grammar is not perfect, but I’m always happy to try anyway! 
So, was Anakin the love of Obi-wan’s life? Once again my first instinct is to say YES 100% YES AND THIS IS WHY THEIR STORY IS SO TRAGIC. But I need to stay at least a bit objective, really think about it and try to prove my point. 
One thing no one can deny is that Anakin was the most important person in Obi-wan’s life. 
We see Obi-wan talking about how Jedi should behave towards others and restrain acting on their emotions, but we all know that his main struggle as a Jedi is his attachments too.
He almost left the Order for Satine, and I like the parallel it creates with Anakin and Padmé: you can see what might have happened if Padmé had chosen duty over Anakin, like Satine. The difference here is that Obi-Wan and Satine are not as…intense as Anakin and Padmé, and both knew that staying in the Order and ruling Mandalore was way more important for the galaxy than their love for each other. In a way, Obi-Wan made up his mind about her a long time ago and even if Satine’s death affected him a lot, he didn’t let his emotions get the better of him. He was even ready to talk about it later with Anakin (in tcw season 6) to help him open up about his relationship with Padmé. 
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And that’s what brings me to Anakin. 
I think what makes Anakin so special is that Obi-Wan will always make him his priority. Sure, he will never say it, but his actions always speak for him. It’s actually understandable when you remember that Obi-Wan grew up alongside anakin, in a way. You can’t burden a padawan with a kid and tell him ‘so just to be clear, this is probably the chosen one, the one with a destiny greater than anyone and we know that you didn’t choose this but you have to raise him and make him the best jedi in the order to fulfill your master’s dying wish, no mistake allowed, good luck” and then not expect him to be just a little bit obsessed with giving his best to the kid. And that’s not going to stop once Anakin is knighted because at this point, Obi-Wan can’t stop caring and being proud of how well his padawan is doing. It’s almost like he dedicated his Jedi carrier to make Anakin what he is, and he clearly doesn’t regret it because it also made him a better man.
Obi-Wan could have chosen to stop there. Make Anakin the best Jedi he could, and forever stays the master that trained him, staying on good terms but now with more distance between them. Simple, clear Jedi-appropriate feelings between a Master who did his job and a new Jedi Knight. 
Except. Obi-wan chose to be a close friend too.
I’m reading Wild Space again, and right after Geonosis Yoda tells Obi-Wan to not become friends with Anakin and stays a distant master, because that’s what Anakin needs. Obi-Wan’s reaction? “counter-offer: how about I DON’T do that and become his best friend instead” and then he goes to comfort anakin and holds him as he cries. Yes. I know. In the same chapter he actually tells Padmé that he loves him too. And that’s okay for a Jedi, they’re supposed to love! But the way he says it? 
“If I did not… love…him,” he said, his voice unsteady, his back turned, “I would not be here now.”
Slowly, one word after the other. It seems so hard to get him to say it out loud and he doesn’t like it because he knows it’s too much. He knows it’s not just the typical ‘love everyone and everything equally’ type of feeling, it’s attachment. After Geonosis, he already knew he cared too much about Anakin. But he still chose to ignore Yoda’s advice and get even more involved in Anakin’s life. 
If we’re only talking about canon, tcw and rots showed us that Obi-Wan and Anakin got along so well that they were an item during the war and everyone knew it: “Master Kenobi. Always chasing after Skywalker. How predictable.” or “Be wary. Where there is Kenobi you will always find Skywalker not far behind.” They’re literally the two best friends you never see apart and when they’re, surprisingly, alone for once, they can’t shut up about the other, they’re so annoying and I love it
Also, I’m pretty sure Obi-Wan would not be comfortable with everyone knowing how close he is with someone if it wasn’t Anakin. He even says it himself during the Rako Hardeen arc in tcw: “Everyone knows how close we are.” And if I remember correctly he’s saying that to Windu and Yoda and no one bats an eye, it’s amazing 
Obi-Wan has so much faith in Anakin, he’s so loyal, it’s not even funny. Yes, he chastises Anakin, criticizes him, he’s a bit too harsh sometimes. But in front of other people? He is Anakin #1 supporter. If someone expresses even the slightest doubt about him, you can bet Obi-Wan’s going to go all ‘I would trust him with my LIFE, with THE ENTIRE GALAXY he’s the best Jedi and the greatest HOPE of this order!!!!!!”  just like during the scene in rots where he’s talking to Yoda and Windu who are doubting Anakin (…with reasons) and the SECOND Windu says he doesn’t trust Anakin, Obi-Wan snapped because how. dare. you. 
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Of course, of course we need to talk about the most heartbreaking moment in rots for me. 
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“He would see his friend, his student, his brother, turn and kneel in front of a black-cloaked Lord of the Sith. His head rang with a silent scream.
[…] Fumbling nervelessly, Obi-Wan somehow managed to shut down the holoscan. He leaned on the console, but his arms would not support him; they buckled and he twisted to the floor. He huddled against the console, blind with pain.Yoda was as sympathetic as the root of a wroshyr tree.“Warned, you were.“Obi-Wan said, “I should have let them shoot me…”
So yeah, his first reaction is ‘I would prefer to be dead than seeing this”. He’s not saying this after learning about the new sith lords around. Not even after seeing the dead younglings and an empty temple. No, he falls to his knees because of Anakin. And let’s not forget the “Don’t make me kill Anakin, he’s like my brother”. Because after all of this? Obi-Wan still doesn’t want to do it. But what he doesn’t realise is that it’s not a question of ‘don’t want to do it’, but ‘can’t do it’. He can’t kill Anakin, he’s not physically capable of doing it, because he loves him too much. 
“Murderer. Traitor. Fallen Jedi. Lord of the Sith. And here, and now, despite it all…Obi-Wan still loved him.” 
….so you know. I think it’s safe to say that Anakin is the only person that Obi-Wan can still love after this. 
And like you said anon, no one could have broken his heart like Anakin did. The way he yells that he loved him on Mustafar? Pretty sure no one else can get this kind of reaction (and desperation) from him. Through some details of the books, series and movies, you can kind of guess that Obi-Wan knew he loved Anakin way more than what was appropriate for a Jedi, but he probably didn’t want to think too hard about it (No point in thinking about something you cannot change, right?). 
I was going to end this by saying that it doesn’t really matter if we’re talking about platonic love or romantic love, because clearly, Anakin was the one he could never stop loving more than anyone. BUT THEN I remembered a scene from the Kenobi novel to soothe my obikin needs. The scene takes place after rots, and it’s… well: 
“Are you telling me you’ve never had to deal with a real-life situation? Where you had to make a decision about someone else?”Finally seeming to sense her frustration, Ben looked away. “I’m human,” he said. “There was someone, once. It wasn’t to be.” “And you gave up and moved to the Jundland Wastes?” She laughed. “I’d say you didn’t find the right person.”“Perhaps I did,” Ben said, looking back at her from beneath his hood. “But I wasn’t the right person.” 
I mean. I MEAN. WE KNOW IT’S ABOUT ANAKIN, RIGHT. It’s like he’s talking about his unrequited love that ended with a tragic heartbreak and that’s why he swore to himself to never fall in love again WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO WITH THIS NOW THAT I KNOW HIS LOVE FOR ANAKIN KEPT HURTING HIM UNTIL THE END
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The Unholy
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Warnings: she/her pronounced reader, very detailed making out, hickeys, some dry humping, Tae and Hobi being horndogs, mentions of blood and biting, i was too lazy to edit it through so yeah
Pairing: bts ot7 x reader, nun! reader, princess! reader, vampire! Jin x reader, hybrid! Namjoon x reader, hybrid! Yoongi x reader, vampire! Hoseok x reader, vampire! Jimin x reader, hybrid! Taehyung x reader, hybrid! Jungkook x reader
Parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
Authors note: uuugh so part 2 is finally up! I’m sorry I’m so bad at getting things done, please don’t yell at me); anyways I’ve been really excited to make this! But tbh, I have no idea where this story is going, this is just kinda what pops into my head! But still, I hope you’ll enjoy the story nonetheless!
(Updates; every Sunday)
The king and queen, your mother and father, rules the southern kingdom. The eastern and the western are ruled by kings and queens alike, but the northern are ruled by the most unholy of creatures. Or so you’ve been told.
Every citizen in the three kingdoms, have been warned about the creatures of the north, and it is with good reason they’re all terrified. All your life, your parents have tried to keep the knowledge of the northern creatures from you, but that just made you more curious.
Everyday, you would sneak down to the castle library, and read everything you could about the north, wanting to know the secret behind the unholy land. That of course didn’t go well with your parents, and when they found out they decided to send you to the most holy of places, to forget about everything you’ve read. One of the biggest church organizations in the south agreed to take you in, to rehabilitate you and learn you that you should never question such things as the northern creatures.
By day, you follow the strict prioress around as she lectures you about the holy and the unholy, and by night, you have to go on patrol alone through the church as a punishment for reading about the unholy.
But one night, everything changes, when you find the prioress dead, with bite marks all over her body. Of course, you have read about this, and you know exactly what killed her. But what happens when that exact creature you’ve read about, shows up right in front of you?
(please dm me of you want to be added)
(Also I am so sorry if I missed someone)
@sweetcrvture @boononx @i-am-supermerwholoked221b @karissassirak @bvblackarmy @queenbianca-7 @someslightobsessions
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The carriage bumped yet again, and you flew forward for the fifth time already. Quickly, steadying yourself with a string of embarrassed coughs.
Not a word had been spoken between you and Seokjin, since the arrival of the black carriage you now were sitting in. You weren’t quite sure were the carriage at come from, and how the driver knew that it was needed; you weren’t even sure it was actually Seokjin’s, but anyhow you ended up sitting stiffly inside it, trying not to stare too much at the vampire before you.
He hadn’t made a move the entire ride, not even a facemucsle did he move, the only thing showing that he was actually alive and not a statue, being his Adam’s apple that would bop almost violently every few minutes. You wondered what he was thinking about.
Your eyes followed the almost hypnotic motion of his Adam’s apple, focusing intently on the way it seemed to grow bigger in his throat before helplessly plopping down again in a swollowing motion.
Your mind instantly flashed to when he had taken your blood, just a couple hours earlier, how it must have bopped even more violently as he sank big mouthfuls of your precious red liquid down.
The thought made a strange sensation shoot through the two wounds on your neck, your hand absentmindedly coming up to delicately brush your fingertips against the slowly healing surface. The pain that once had almost numbed your entire body, was now a dull ache. It felt almost nice, the throbbing sensations in your wound running out to the rest of your body, feeling almost like a second heart.
You noticed how the two wounds seemed much warmer than the rest of your body, swallowing hard, as the tips of your fingers seemed to create a delicious friction against the itchy exterior of the wounds.
The nice feeling, making heatwaves rediate off the wounds, shooting directly down into your belly, creating even more warmth.
Slowly, you let your fingertips slip away from the wound, as your hand tiredly fell down into your lap, where the other one was already resting. Carefully, you tipped your head, leaning it against the cool window, trying to escape some of the heat that had now also travelled to your head.
You let your eyelids fall down and rob you off your vision, as the weight of the last few hours began to weigh you down. So much had happened, and so much was about to happen, but one thing was for sure; you could never return to your old life again.
You knew that if your parents, or anyone else found out you had willingly ventured into the north, and not even alone but accompanied by one of the creatures from said place, you would be executed the moment you sat foot in one of the other regions.
The princess who traveled to the land of her kingdoms most feared enemy.
The thought of worry were quickly being pushed aside, by the continuing thumps and throbs shooting through you like a clock. You didn’t get scared by how hard the throbs had gotten, quite on the contrary it calmed you and you let out a content sigh, focusing completely on the way your wound warmed you up.
Not long after, your eyes fluttered for the last time, and your breathing became heavier by the second, lulling you into a peaceful, heavy sleep, your mind going out like a light as drifted off to nothingness.
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You awoke by the feeling of cold hands gripping you, and soft, smooth fabric against your hands, as you subconsciously gripped it harder, sliding your fingers over it.
Your mind was foggy, as you tried to open your eyes, feeling like you should be alarmed by your current situation, but your mind wouldn’t let any worrying feelings shine through, and the only feeling there was, were the warmth you had fallen asleep with, accompanied by the cold hands locked around you.
Slowly, tiredly, your eyes fluttered open, and you were met by the mop of Seokjin’s black hair, as he stood bend over you, trying to as carefully as possible, to tuck your body into the awaiting bed.
He felt so cold. Why was he cold?
Worryingly, you furrowed your eyebrows, mind still fuzzy as you tried to figure out how he was so incredibly cold, and why you were so amazingly warm.
“Lie down. Sleep. I’ll be back soon, don’t leave this room, understood?”
He asked, face expressionless, as he let you drop down into the soft pillows and blankets, merely nodding in response, as the bed consumed your body whole, making you even more tired and fuzzy, fog already clouding your eyes.
He asked again, tone more commanding this time, and you wanted nothing more than to answer him, like you would of it weren’t for the fog completely numming your brain.
With slurred words, you almost vomited the words out, and watched as he nodded once, before turning to leave. You felt like crying, as he slowly disappeared, trying to remember how to beg him to stay. You couldn’t remember the words, you couldn’t remember any words really, only pathetically lifting your hand from the pillows, making grabby motions towards his back.
The further he got from you, the clearer your mind got, until you could remember everything vividly, how he had sucked you almost dry, how he had killed all those men on the square and how he had forbid you to leave the room just a couple minutes ago.
You sat up in the bed, the tiredness disappearing along with the fuzzyness. You exhaled, a breath you didn���t even know you had been holding, as you carefully swung your legs over the side of the big, queen sized bed, freeing yourself of the almost suffocating, dark red covers.
What had just happened?
Did Seokjin do something to you? You were almost sure he did, but what exactly did he do?
You pressed your palm against your forehead, sticky from sweat, as a pounding began, feeling like your brain slammed against your skull with every thud of your heart.
You groaned, and stood up fully, to slowly walk yourself over to a full body mirror in the corner.
You gasped.
You looked like you had been dragged through a battlefield, tied to a wild horse. You black dress was ripped and dirty, blood splatters everywhere, especially visible on the white sleeves of the dress you wore under. Your hair that was once pinned back neatly, looking almost like a lions mane, all tangly and big. But worst of all your face, you were pale, white as a ghost, with multiple bruises covering you, trailing downwards to the bitemarks on your neck, two red dots almost glowing red, but not leaking blood anymore.
You sighed in annoyance, trying to comb your hands through your hair, fingers instantly getting stuck, ripping painfully at your roots.
You gave up, just as your stomach began to grumble impatintly. You began to contemplate, the last time you had gotten food was the morning before your night shift with the prioress, which was about two days ago.
Surely, Seokjin wouldn’t leave you here to starve?
Restlessly, you began scanning the area for something eatable, which you found none. It wasn’t that the room lacked anything, it had almost too much, but the only thing you could spot was something that looked suspiciously a lot like alcoholic drinks standing on a table in the corner.
He said he would be back soon, right?
You thought back, trying to remember his words, maybe he’ll bring food?
With an annoyed huff, you slumped down on the bed, your dress sprawling across the silk sheets, the most illogical solution would be to wait. And so you did.
But a few minutes soon turned into hours in your head, and your tummy continued to grumble unhappily.
And so at last, you decided it would be best to go look for food yourself, doing exactly the opposite of what Seokjin had ordered you to do.
Your fingers curled around the golden handle, and you hesitated a moment before slowly turning it, deciding if this was really worth it. But surely Seokjin wouldn’t have abandoned you, if there really was something dangerous outside. You shook the thought off you, before stepping out into a beautifully decorated hallway.
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You looked down, where you could see another hallway and a staircase forming, a smile curling on your lips. The room you had been staying in, was located at the end of a fairly long hallway, littered with other rooms alike, but in your rush to fill your empty belly you didn’t have any time to explore further.
Lifting your dress up, you began carefully walking down the staircase, afraid you might trip in the long garment, alarming whoever else was in the house, which to you seemed like a very bad idea.
The big staircase, let down to what seemed to be the main entrance of the house, or should you say mansion, you were in. You stood there a little, unsure of where to go amongst the many doors, rooms and hallways, when your eyes landed upon another staircase, leading down to a room that you could only assumed was the kitchen, or at least some kind of food storage.
Your stomach grumbled in response, and you were quick to make your way down the stairs, cool air hitting your face the further you got down to the cellar.
The cellar were covered in all consuming darkness, expect for the candles hanging far apart on the stone wall, reminding you too much of the church where you had met Seokjin just a couple hours ago.
Grabbing your skirt once more, hoisting it up just above your ankles, you began to hastily walk further into the room. After just a few meters, your were met with a big door, slowly pushing it open, your eyes shined with delight, when you were met with a big kitchen before you.
Luckily, windows were installed into the walls, so natural daylight shined through, lighting up the big kitchen, which to your disappointment seemed to be almost emptied of all eatable things.
Your belly growled angrily, as you began to sulk, desperately going through empty cabinets and closets. Suddenly, a big barrel cut your eyes, and you internally prayed that just the smallest crumbs of something worth eating would be stored in there.
You quickly ripped the lid off, only to take a few steps back in horror. The barrel was filled to the brim, with something way worse than you could imagine, at was filled with red, metallic smelling blood. You dropped the lid, with a loud thud, echoing through the halls of the empty kitchen.
You suddenly felt sick, thinking about how much blood was in there, and how many people that must have died to fill it. You could have been one of those people. Suddenly, the idea of coming here didn’t seem so good, now that you knew you could be turned into a barrel filled with blood at any moment.
“Why can’t the brat get it himself?”
A deep, unfamiliar voice suddenly ripped through the silent, making you freeze in your spot and your heart race in your throat.
“He’s sick, you know that,”
A second voice responded, and you quickly began to look around for a hiding place, putting the lid back on the barrel, eyes frantically scanning the place as voices and footsteps approached you.
“I know, but-“
The voice stopped abruptly, as both males reached the door, already unlocked, and instantly spotted you, trying to hide yourself inside a cabinet.
With big eyes, you stared at them, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, scared out of your mind, for what they would do. Maybe they were the reason you had to stay in the room, maybe they were dangerous? Your heart pumped in your chest, and you were sure that they both could here the blood splashing around inside your body.
One of them, the slightly taller one inhaled deeply, looking directly at you with a look that spiraled between intense hunger and confusion. You knew the game was over for you, and decided that if they were to kill you right here and now, you would at least crawl out from the cabin first.
“Taehyung, I know what you’re thinking, don’t,”
The other male, put his hand on Taehyung’s arm, sniffing around the room himself. You noticed how both of them got a strained look on their pale faces, looking like they were about to swallow everyone and everything whole.
They were wearing similar clothes, dark robes, also similar to what Seokjin had been wearing, both of them had jet black hair, the closer you got, the more you noticed the unmistakable beauty of both of them, skin just as white as Seokjin’s, your mouth suddenly went dry. They couldn’t be the other rulers Seokjin had told you about, could they? They sure did look like they both belonged on a throne, mighty and intimidating.
“She looks like a scared bunny,”
Taehyung mused, a dangerous grin stretching his plump looking lips, completely ignoring the other, taking a step forward, while you hesitantly took a step back.
“Who are you? And why are you here?”
The male you still didn’t know the name of, swallowed hard, taking a step towards you as well, before he spoke, eyes everting from you to glare at the barrel by your side instead.
“I-I’m (y/n), Seokjin brought me here,”
Your voice was just above a whisper, breath coming out short and laboured, as you felt the warmth from the one called Taehyung emit off of him and creep around you like a suffocating blanket, strangely he wasn’t cold as Seokjin but warm, even warmer than you.
Taehyung closed his eyes and let out a hum, gradually stepping closer to you, backing you up against to counter as the other male slowly followed.
“Shit, Taehyung we can’t- you can’t, she’s hyung’s,”
He swallowed harshly, making Taehyung groan, a sound that sent chills down your spine, as you felt his breath hit your face.
“Hyung can share, Hoseok. He shouldn’t be this selfish, locking her in a room, forgetting to pay proper attention to her,”
Taehyung snapped, fists curling around the counter on either side of you.
Hoseok, looked at you with hazy eyes, stepping up besides Taehyung and completely caging you against the counter.
“Poor little bunny, did Seokjin neglect you?”
Taehyung pouted af you, mockingly, a dangerous shine in his eyes, as he looked down at you, pupils blown wide.
You swallowed, looking away from Hoseok to stare up at Taehyung’s crimson orbs, and when he smiled again, you saw not only one, but two sets of fangs, he seemed a lot different from both Hoseok and Taehyung, but somehow still the same.
Suddenly, Taehyung leaned down, nosing viscously up and down the side of you neck where Seokjin at bit you, inhaling and exhaling deeply, pressing his body into yours.
He let out a loud groan into your neck, pressing a open mouthed kiss to your two wounds, making you slightly shudder, contemplating wether to push him away or pull him in.
“She smells so sweet, I bet she tastes even better,”
Taehyung drawled into your neck, as you shut your eyes tightly, and desperately tried not to enjoy the feeling of Taehyung’s lips on your neck, but holy hell, it was one of the best feeling you had ever expirenced.
Hoseok groaned loudly, somewhere behind you, sniffing the air close to you, licking his lips with a torn expression.
“T-Taehyung, we should stop, hyung’s going to kill us-“
Taehyung cut him off with a sharp growl into your neck, pressing kiss after kiss to your wound.
“I don’t care what hyung’s gonna do, just smell the air, she was made to be fed on by us,”
Taehyung whined, slowly straightening himself up, so he once again was on eyelevel with Hoseok. Silently, he took Hoseok’s hand and placed in over your two bite wounds, licking his lips viciously.
Hoseok groaned again, strained and torn, as he finally got a good glance at you. He felt bad for you, he really did, he wanted to help you out of here, or at least offer you some food, but the intense flames of lust swallowing him allowed him nothing, but to feed from you like he was meant to. He was meant to feed from you, and you were meant to be fed on.
“She smells too much like Seokjin,”
Hoseok finally complained, the torn expression long gone and replaced by the hunger of a beast.
“Let’s change that, yeah? She should smell like us, she were meant to be ours,”
Taehyung growled, and turned his lustful gaze towards you.
“Would you like that, bunny? Would you like to be properly fed on, and properly cared for? Would you like to smell like us, let everyone know who you belong to?”
Taehyung’s voice came out husky and even deeper and raspier than before, as his wide smile and intoxicating eyes filled your mind, and the only thing you could do was helplessly nod.
Seokjin wouldn’t mind, right? Like Taehyung said, he could share.
“I need you to say it bunny,”
Taehyung’s eyes were closed, brows furrowed as he desperately held himself back, and you swallowed again, hard, making eye contact with Hoseok and slowly nodding.
“Y-yes, I would like that,”
You breathed, and immediately, Taehyung grinned at you, lifting you up like you weighted nothing, and almost slamming you down on the counter, quickly stepping between your legs and grabbing your wrist.
Hoseok stepped closer from the other side, slowly sliding his long, cold fingers around your hips, gripping hard and kneading the flesh just above your bottom to hold you in place, as he began to kiss and suck on your neck like a man possessed, making a galaxy of purple and blue bruises appear.
You let out a little squeal, as Taehyung grabbed your wrist, and extended your arm, kissing all the way from the top to the bottom, leaving hot trails of salvia all the way down to your wrist.
Hoseok began to suckle particularly hard right where your neck meets your shoulder, and you had to fight the urge to moan at the sudden sensation, instead letting out a breathy whine, as he tilted your head a little to the side, sharp fangs poking your fragile skin.
Taehyung did the same with your wrist, tongue running all over before his two pairs of fangs sharpened, and he bit down, sinking his fangs into your wrist.
This time, the pain you were prepared for didn’t come, instead the sensation of blood flowing through you and into him filled you, making you let out a sudden moan at the surprising pleasureble sensation.
You felt Taehyung smirk as he sucked, groaning and panting like a animal, only spurring your quiet moaning on, as you lost yourself in the feeling of him.
That’s when Hoseok decided it was his turn, nosing up your neck, and planting hot, open mouthed kisses all the way down leaving a shiny path of salvia, and he finally bit down right at the base of your neck, making you cry out in pleasure, even surprising yourself by how loud you were.
His fangs sank in your neck smoothly, sinking as deep as they could, until his gums hit your neck, and you shuddered. You felt their salvia mix with your blood, as they lapped up everything they could, and you could almost feel how good you tasted on their tongue, how well they were being fed by you.
They continued to suck your life essence, only being spurred on by your small moans and whines, as you reached out to grab what you could; their hair, and slightly tucking, the pleasure almost overwhelming you.
They only stopped, when their cheeks were nice and round, and they both looked and felt well fed, more alive.
Hoseok was the first one to part from you, the feeling of his fangs sliding slowly out of the fresh made wound, making you cry out again, as he with half lidded eyelids and bloodstained lips, delicately curled his long fingers around your chin, turning your head to him and kissing you deeply.
The kiss took you by surprise, but not that you minded, instantly you let go of Taehyung’s hair to grip Hoseok’s hair tightly, and tugging him closer, closer, closer.
Hoseok’s soft tongue poked at your bottom lip, and you instantly opened up for him, tasting your own blood on his tongue, tasing how good you were for him, letting him feed on you. Unholy slurping noises escaped the both of you, and you moaned more and more into the kiss, forgetting that you were sitting with too vampires in a underground kitchen, in the middle of a land where humans like you would surely be eaten alive is anyone saw you.
You whined, as he quickly parted from you, a string of salvia connecting the two of you, as he looked at you with a burning desire, igniting all sorts of flames in your lower belly, and you wanted more, more, more.
Taehyung, suddenly jealous with the attention you have Hoseok, parted from your wrist, as he began to abuse your neck with his rough kisses, biting, licking, sucking, making you moan out his name instead, as he reached down and wrapped your legs around his waist, hips pressing against yours.
Hoseok resumed kissing you, lips smoothly gliding over yours, swallowing every moan and noise you made, as Taehyung began to slowly, but harshly rut himself against your clothed heat.
First, you felt Taehyung’s hardness against your core, but then you began to feel Hoseok desperately rutting his own member against your other thigh, whines and groans leaving him.
You began to almost pant, thinking of how they might just take you right here, in the kitchen.
They seemed to both battle each other, who could get the loudest moans from you. When Hoseok had made you moan and whine, Taehyung went harder and faster with his hips making you cry out louder, and you were sure that by now, all residence of the house had heard you, but the three of you were too lost to really care at this point, only craving more, more, more.
Just as Taehyung began to lift up your many skirts, and feel up your legs, the door slammed against the wall, and both Hoseok and Taehyung hazely craned their necks back to see the interrupter, making you let out a whine of protest.
“Stop it, both of you,”
Seokjin’s sharp voice cut through the air, instantly making both boys straighten their posture, looking shamefully at the floor.
“I sent you to get blood for Jeongguk, and when you don’t return after almost thirty minutes I expect you to be hurt, or lost, but here you two idiots are, trying to shimmy your way into my bunny’s dress?”
He spat, full of venom, as he looked angrily at your almost fucked out expression, eyes glossy and hickeys littering your neck, and the little bit of exposed skin on your chest.
“Come on, Hyung! She smelled so good, we couldn’t resist, why can’t you just share?”
Taehyung whined, voice still thick with lust, as he now could smell both your blood and arousal, Seokjins nose flared.
“She’s my feeder, and you two dipshit’s nearly drained her, look at her,”
Seokjin gestured to you, even paler than before, due to the loss of blood.
“Not fair! You already drank from her yesterday, we’re hungry too hyung,”
Taehyung continued to whine, while Hoseok just stood there, already knowing from the start that he was gonna get in trouble.
“You know how it is, Taehyung, you’re better off with animal blood, she’s my only feeding source,”
Seokjin sounded more tired than angry now, bags under his eyes that definitely weren’t there yesterday.
“But hyung-“
Taehyung protested, but was quickly cut off by Seokjin.
“Enough. Go to your rooms, both of you. I’ll send Namjoon or Yoongi to get you later,”
Seokjin turned to you, both boys angrily stomping out the door, and you swallowed, prepared for what was about to come.
“And as for you, didn’t I tell you to stay in my room?”
He asked, voice cold and eyes hard as he looked at you, like you were a ruined toy, stepping closer, taking the spot between your legs were Taehyung once stood.
You nodded, slowly.
“Y-yes, sorry, I-“
“Spare me your apology, there’s a meal waiting for you back in my room, I’ll escort you this time, make sure you don’t run in to anyone else.”
He replied coolly, wrapping his arm tightly and forcefully around you waist, hoisting you down from the counter, and setting a quick pace, which you almost had to run to follow along with, his arm never leaving your waist as the two of you made your way upstairs to his room.
..to be continued
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melody-fox · 4 years
For all you fanfic writers and readers out there, I’m curious to know what are some of your favorite AUs?
Thanks for the tag @pocketramblr! And sorry this took a minute, I got thoroughly distracted with.. well, everything.
Okay here we go. Favorites. And I’m on my laptop so things are actually capitalized today whoop-dee-doo
College AUs - lol I’m in college it's fun to read about other people’s perspectives of and experiences with college and university
Harry Potter AUs - legit those books consumed my teenage years I’m not even joking. There’s a certain magic (heheh) that comes along with this ridiculously large universe and you can somehow find a way to fit all your favorite characters into this story and create a whole new one that speaks to someone else in a specific way.
Have I mentioned that I just really love the creativity of fans everywhere? Y’all are brilliant, gosh.
Time Travel AUs - I love these. Like, one character goes into the future and gets to see what’s coming or something, or someone from the future visits the past and just… characters stuck in bad or not necessarily great situations getting to see that yes, things will get better, you’ll find your family, you’ll be loved and happy and sure it may not be right now, but the wait will be worth it because these are just the greatest people they will ever meet and uuugh love it.
This is totally random, but here’s a thought. You know those fics where the author goes into kinda unnecessary but totally interesting detail about a particular thing and it’s apparent that it’s something that the author knows a lot about and cares a lot about, it’s not truly the character but it kinda is at the same time, and you’re getting to see a bit of the writer and uugh it’s adorable I love seeing people shine through their art.
Hurt/Comfort & Whumps - I would sell my soul for a good written whump or hurt/comfort. Tom_Tomorrow, you literally own my soul I’m not even kidding (go find them on AO3 they’re amazing idk their tumblr though, someone tag them if they know)
Fix-It fics - I’m not so subtly looking at most of the fandoms I’m in. Which is actually really funny, but hey, some stories just have a lot of potential that the creators either don’t have the time or support or (yes let’s pause and look at the CW) ambition to actually follow through on, and that’s okay. That’s where fandom comes in, and honestly, I have loved all the fix-it fics I’ve read. I love getting to see where the fans would have taken the story if they were driving the car, and it’s interesting to see it alongside canon. I have way too many different versions of the same stories in my head, and that’s okay. I love the originals, and I love the fanfics. So much to love.
There Was Only One Bed - need I say more?
Okay I need to go to sleep. (will I really?)
Tagging: @butimaloneandfree @aqueenthatisfrozen @deadbiwrites @thingsanddreamsandstuff
5 notes · View notes
Title: Love, Maybe? {27}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Slow, Smoldering, Torturous Burn 😊
Word Count: 5K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️  ❤️ ❤️
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Chapter 27: Boston Bound
  -One Week Later-
  You should have said no. You should have said it was way too soon for this and not felt guilty that you’d had her all to yourself for two years. You should have been selfish. If you had, then you wouldn’t be here right now; in a private jet with your parents, Nexus, Chris, Dodger, and Ella more than halfway to Boston. You certainly wouldn’t be nervous enough to shit bricks. You wouldn’t have all these thoughts and worries about what it would be like coming face to face with Chris’ family. You would be chilling in LA, or San Fran for your little girls’ birthday party.  
  “You just had to be the bigger person, huh. Had to give in to that need to make up for your actions. Uuugh, damn dummy!”
  You closed your eyes and tried to push away the voice—your voice in your head.
  “I can survive a week in Boston. I survived doing all this on my own. I survived being a new mother and opening a restaurant for the first time. I survived pregnancy while going to culinary school and working full time. I am a badass; I can survive this.”
  “How you holding up?”
  “I can survive!” Everyone in the cabin looked at you as if you were crazy. Nexus snorted as she sat across from you.
  “Relax, it’s no big deal, Vix.” You rolled your eyes.
“Nex, I am meeting his family. He’s told them about me, told them who I am and what I did.”
  “So? If he’s not trippin’ about it anymore, why should they? If he's moved on and forgiven you, why should they hold a grudge?” She had a point, but for some reason, you couldn’t get past the possibility that they would hate you.
  “They are going to love you. As sick as it is, you are beyond lovable Vix. Just own what you did, let it be known you regret it and want to move forward for the best interest of Ella. If they can’t do that, then you know they aren’t thinking about Ella or Chris.” You took a deep breath and slowly released it. “I just took a DNA test--.” Nexus began, you snorted and looked around to make sure no one was watching.
  “Turns out, I’m a hundred percent that--.”
  “Language you two.” You and Nexus giggled together, and when you looked over, Chris was watching you with a content smile on his face.
  Once you landed, everyone quickly piled into the truck, then Chris got in the driver’s seat. You weren’t surprised really you’d seen him drive before. He tipped his hat lower and looked at you. “Ready?” You nodded because words failed you, he looked so damn good. When he smiled, the butterflies in your belly took off. Quickly you looked away and tried to get a grip.
  “You can’t lose your shit now, you still have seven more days,” you whined.
  The drive was a nice one. After fifteen minutes of going through the city, Chris pointed out every sight to everyone in the car. You could tell he was a proud Bostonian; it was cute. When he passed Dodger stadium Chris pointed it out, and Ella shouted out “doder,” which made Dodger bark up a storm. Everyone laughed like it was the cutest thing in the world. It felt almost normal, and again that scared you.
  When he left the city, you fell silent and got lost in your own thoughts while everyone else fell into conversation.
  “You are never quiet pumpernickel. What’s wrong?”
  “Nothing, I’m fine. Maybe just jet-lagged,” you lied. Chris studied you for a moment before his eyes went back to the road. When everyone else fell back into their conversation he spoke.
  “If you’re feeling up to it later, there’s something I wanna show you.”
  “Something like what?” Chris smiled again, and again your belly fluttered.
  “For me to know and you to find out. Honestly, where’s your sense of adventure? I remember you used to have a huge one.” You smirked.
  “I remember you being at the top of Vegas’s version of the Eiffel tower, and you stripped right there.” You gasped loudly and covered your mouth. You couldn’t believe he just said that. You looked around to see if anyone heard him but saw no one was focused on you at all. Chris snorted and laughed just as you released yours.
  “Oh my god, how do you remember that?”
  “I told you, I’m an actor. I have a great memory.” You smiled and looked out the window again completely mortified. He probably remembered exactly what you look like naked ad remembered just what you did to each other at the top of that fake Eiffel tower. That thought sent a blazing heat down your spine. You remembered what he looked like too, you remembered very well.
  “So?” You smiled to yourself and decided just to do it.
  “Okay.” Chris smiled as if he’d won some type of award then looked back to the road, repeating the same word you just said. You smiled to yourself and watched the views of trees pass you by.
  Another fifteen minutes passed, and Chris was pulling into a long driveway that led to a house that looked like it was on a hill. It was at this moment you began to regret letting him convince you to stay at his place rather than a hotel. Everyone petitioned that it would be a better way for him and Ella to spend even more time together. You felt if you would have declined you would have come off as a bitch. So, again, you caved.
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“Wow, this is so great. This is yours, Chris?”
  “Yes. I come out here every chance I get when I’m not working.”
  “Do your parents live close?”
  “Well, they each live about twenty-five or thirty minutes away. I have a closer place that is in the city, but I thought this would be a more low key place for the princess’ birthday party.”
  You remained silent, a little amazed how normal it all sounded. It was as if three years hadn’t passed, and he’d been in her life all along. You wondered if it should have felt that natural. Shouldn’t there have been some—adjustment time, some form of awkwardness? Your family got out the car and looked around the front lawn. It was a beautiful property, and it looked well maintained. As they talked amongst themselves you walked to the back and took Ella out her car seat. Once out she planted a big wet kiss on your cheek.
  “Thank you, baby.”
  “My mama.” You smiled and kissed her all over her face. She erupted in giggles as she wiggled in her seat. Once you lifted her into your arms you turned to see Chris watching on with a soft smile on his lips. “Da-da.” His smile widened as he approached. He bent and kissed her on the forehead as you watched. Ella touched your cheek with one hand and Chris’ with her other. “Mama. Da-da.” You peeped up at Chris, who in turn did the same to you. For a few moments, the three of you stood there, no speaking just—being. You were the one to step away first.
  “I’ll show you guys around and come back for the bags,” Chris informed.
  The six of you and Dodger walked inside where Chris gave the tour of his traditional style farmhouse. It wasn’t exorbitantly decorated or even disgustingly pretentious. It was tastefully done, and it looked like it fit his personality. It looked like he could host dinner parties one night with his Hollywood friends, but the next night chill on the couch in front of the fireplace and drink a beer. It screamed him. One by one, he showed each of the members of your family their rooms until it left just you and Ella.
  “So, for you princess, I have a surprise.”
  “Prise, prise, I wuve prise. Eye-cweam?”
  Chris snorted and shook his head. “No, not ice cream.”
  “Pony.” You pinched your lips. She’d been trying to swindle a pony from you since the day she learned the word. Chris looked at you confused.
  “She wants a pony?”
  “What little girl doesn’t?” He smiled.
  “Uh—no princess, not a pony.” The three of you came to a stop in front of a closed door.
  “Mama told me how much you love unicorns, and mermaids--.” Chris began. Ella enthusiastically nodded her head, clearly excited for whatever his surprise was.
  “So, here we go.” Chris opened the door and revealed the girliest, most unicorn and mermaid filled room you’d ever seen. Ella’s face lit up, and she squealed with glee as she wriggled free from your arms. Placing her on the floor, she bounced around the room from item to item.
  “Oonicwon, mowmaid, oonicwon, mowmaid, pink!” Everything she touched, she squealed. You stood in the doorway, just looking around at all the effort he’d put into things. The walls were a pinkish, light orangish sherbert mesh. It reminded you of the softest sunset. It was a beautiful color. On one wall her name was written in cursive letters with a dainty crown right above it. You gulped down the emotion threatening to bubble over.
  “Schwing.” You looked back to her as she climbed into the swing that was off to the side of the room hanging from the ceiling. She tried to push herself and grunted when she couldn’t get as high as she wanted. As quickly as she got on she jumped off and bounded to the unicorn teepee that was set in a corner next to a beautiful window. The room was fit for a princess and absolutely breathtaking. Looking at Ella you knew she loved it. When you looked to Chris he was watching her with the biggest smile on his face.
  Ella ran to you and crashed into your legs. “Mama, ooo see?” You nodded.
  “Yes, my love, I see. It’s amazing.”
  “Mazing,” Ella repeated. You bent down to her and whispered in her ear. She smiled and ran across to Chris and crashed into his legs.
  “Uuugh, you’re going to take me down one of these days.” He lifted her into his arms just as she threw her tiny ones around his neck.
  “Ank oo.”
  “You’re welcome, princess. Do you like it?” She nodded her head while still holding him close. It melted you. Chris looked to you, and the look on his face made yet another Teflon layer of your wall crumble.
  “God damn it!”
  Ella wiggled her way free to the floor and ran out of the room and down the hall, no doubt about to tell everyone about her amazing room. You smiled and wrapped your arms around yourself. You could feel yourself drifting to him like he were some sort of magnet and you the polarized matter. Chris walked to you slowly, and you held tighter and hoped it was enough to keep you in check.
  “Is it too much?” You looked around the room again and saw for the first time a massive dollhouse-like playhouse. It was the cutest thing you’d ever seen and knew Ella would spend countless hours in there. You scoffed and shrugged.
  “Have you met your daughter? This is the child who wore head to toe pink sparkles to the park the other day. Do you remember that?” Chris laughed, and you smiled and nodded. “There is no such thing as too much.”
  You walked into the room a little more walking around him in a way that created the most distance. You stopped in front of the swing and sat, hoping to god it didn’t break under your weight. “This though—might not be the best idea. I can see her sneaking out of bed to swing and hurting herself. While she seems super advanced for her age let’s not set her up to fail.” He smiled and nodded.
  “Got it mama bear. I’ll take it down before bedtime.” You nodded and looked around again.
  “This is great though. It screams—permanence.” You looked down at the carpeted floor and shuffled your feet.
  “I mean—that’s the idea—right? Did I overstep?”
  “No, no, don’t—uuugh. I’m sorry, no, you didn’t. This is great, this—you’re great for doing this.”
  “I sense a but.” You stood and walked to him then touched his hand, hoping the action would make your words believable.
  “There is no but, you’re her father, you wanted to—.”
  “Show you that I’m taking this serious, to show you I want this, I want her, I want everything it means Vixen, all of it.”
  Biting your bottom lip, you held his gaze. You saw his pupil dilate and even felt his hand radiate with more heat than normal. Chris stepped into you and closed the appropriate space between you, and you could feel the air around you become thin and dense. Every hair on your body stood up, and then you saw his face move closer to yours.
  “Shit, he’s gonna kiss me.”
  You jumped at the sound of your mother’s voice and backed away from Chris as if you’d just been caught doing something dirty. A few seconds later, your mother appeared at the doorway. She looked between the two of you, and you walked to her. “Yeah mom.”
  “Ella found the pool and is begging to get in.” Chris laughed.
  “That was quick.” You smiled and nodded.
  “I told you, she’s a mermaid.”
  “I’ll bring up the bags,” Chris said as he walked past you and your mother. Once alone, your mother gave you the look she always did when she expected an explanation. You stood your ground and remained silent.
  “So you are forever connected to a superstar celebrity by the child you share. What do you plan on doing about it?”
  You gaped at her. She had the guts to bring this up. You expected it, hell, some part of you was waiting for it. “What do you mean do about it?”
  “Vixen, you’re a beautiful woman, you have a lot to offer. Why not take things—further?” You scoffed and shook your head.
  “Mom, wow.”
  “Tell me you haven’t thought about it. Tell me you’ve never looked at him and wanted more. He is a handsome man sweetie. Maybe this is your chance.”
  You couldn’t believe your ears. She never seemed to amaze you. She had a one-track mind, and right now, you were it. “Chance for what mom?”
  “Love, maybe?” You snorted and laughed.
  “Love? She’s insane.”
  You shook your head just as Chris walked back in with bags. “Thanks.”
  “Mama, poowl pwease.” You smiled and nodded to her.
  “Come on, let’s pick a pretty bathing suit and get you all ready little mermaid.” Ella clapped her hands and went to the bags. “If you guys would excuse us, we have a fashion montage to start.”
  “Yayyyy!” Chris and your mother smiled at each other and walked out of the room so you and Ella could begin
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Fifteen minutes later, you and Ella walked out to the backyard where the pool awaited you. She squealed with excitement, you smiled and put down the towels you held. Ella went to the edge and looked into the water. “Kristella Raelle, away from the edge, please.” She quickly backed away to a safe distance. You peeled off the t-shirt you wore and walked to the steps of the pool.
  “Ready baby?” She ran to you, and you grasped her hand to lead her into the water. Once she stepped into the water, she let loose a loud laugh. You smiled thoroughly enjoying her happiness. Once you stepped off the last step and sunk into the water you held your arms out for her.
  “Wedy mama?”
  “I’m ready, baby!” Ella squealed again and smiled, and Chris walked out, wearing a pair of swim trunks. Your eyes quickly scanned his exposed muscle and really liked what you saw. Again, the theme song for Baywatch played in your head.
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“Da-da, watoh, come.” Chris smiled and sat at the edge of the pool and watched.
  “Wook!” Ella jumped from the step into your arms, and you spun her around. Chris clapped and lowered himself into the water.
  “Want to swim to da-da?” She nodded, and you set her in front of you then let her go. She did a quick little doggy paddle to an exhilarated Chris. Once she reached his arms he scooped her up and held her in the air. Ella laughed and posed as if she were Baby from Dirty Dancing.
  “Good job, princess.” You smiled. He turned to you as if to ask if you saw her. You nodded and swam to them. The three of you swam around and enjoyed the time together.
  Ella and Chris played in the water, and he seemed to love it, every second that passed he seemed to become more of a big kid, Ella loved it. He let her ride his back like he was a seahorse, and she was the sea princess. Chris let her ride his shoulders while he swam underwater like the whale and she was a talented whale rider. He pretended to be the dolphin complete with dolphin noises while Ella played the dolphin whisperer. They even played Marco Polo once Chris explained it to her, this she loved because every time Chris rocketed from underneath the water when she screamed “maco” he wiggled like a fish diving above the waves and every time he did a belly flop right in the water. Soon they drew the attention of your entire family who sat around the pool watching with adoring looks on their faces.
  After an hour, you’d had enough of the water, and after forty minutes you’d had more than your heart could take of the cuteness. You disappeared into the house to the kitchen and examined the contents of the fridge. Soon after, you busied yourself with cooking some dinner. It took no time at all before you got lost in the chopping, mixing, measuring, layering and a plethora of other actions that allowed your brain to stop.
  You were thankful for it because if it continued you were sure you’d go insane with the constant debate; it was now a three-way fight. Your head, your body and your heart all wanted different things. Your head spoke of shoulds, your body spoke of coulds, and your heart—that traitor was the worst of all, it spoke of woulds. Where your mind and body didn’t question, your heart had plenty. They were questions you didn’t have answers to, questions you would only find the answer to from him, and you weren’t quite brave enough—yet.
  “I should have known this is where you disappeared to.” You looked up from your bending position and saw Chris standing on the other side of the island. He was still shirtless, and your eyes noticed. Slowly they traveled down his torso and took in every detail. The two tattoos on his chest looked like perfect decorations for the well-formed muscle. Your palm itched to touch him. When your eyes trailed down his abs to his oblique indentations, that urge intensified. Unintentionally you squeezed the piping bag in your hands, sending white icing oozing out the tip and right onto your face. It was all so perfectly suggestive.
  “Oh fuck!” You stood and looked around for a cloth. Chris walked around the island to you with the item in his hand.
  “Here.” He lifted his hands to your face and began wiping off the icing. After a few deliberate swipes of the cloth, his movements slowed until they stopped altogether. He was now standing before you with your jaw gently held with one hand a cloth in the other. “There, perfect again. although—you’ve been perfect since—the day—I—I—I met you.” By the time he finished his sentence he was whispering. Chris grazed his thumb along your cheek, and the soft touch sent your belly fluttering.
  “I have something to tell you,” Chris began. His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped.
  “What?” Your voice was a breathy whisper; you couldn’t muster anything else.
  “Uh---well--,” Chris began again.
  “Vix?” You looked from Chris to Nexus, who’d entered the kitchen.
  “Yeah.” Walking to her, she looked between you and Chris. You shook your head signaling for her to let it go.
  “Ella, she missed her nap so--.”
  You sighed. “Yeah, she’ll be a grumpy mess in an hour. We’ll have dinner now and hopefully avoid the meltdown to get her in bed.” Nex nodded and slowly turned to walk out.
  “Ready, I was just--.”
  “Uh-huh, I see what you were doing.” With that, Nex walked out of the room, and you sighed before you cleared your throat.
  “If you wanna take a quick shower, dinner will be on the table in ten,” you informed. Chris slowly nodded then walked out where Nex did. Once you were alone again you sighed and finished the touches to the cake you were icing.
  After dinner, you tucked Ella into her new bed in her new room. She fell asleep quickly which left you sitting there just staring at her. You knew if you did this to any other kid it would be creepy, but she was yours; it was normal. You’d spent so many nights watching her sleep marveling at the tiny human you were blessed with. Before you knew it two hours had passed, and you were still being a creeper.
  Walking out the room and down the hall to your own you quickly stripped and took a hot shower. The steam helped de-stress you, and the hot water did wonders for your need to be comforted. You worked to keep Chris off your mind. It was hard, but no matter what, after a few minutes, he came right back into your head. It was frustrating. Nex would say it was a sign you were also on his mind. You wondered if that were true.
  Once you stepped out wrapped in a plush towel, you stared at the canopy bed and just like that you were back in Vegas again. It was like he was trolling you with little details from your time together. this was yet another similarity from your exhausting wedding night. You sat on the window seat in the room and looked out to the sea of dark trees. It was peaceful out here, and you knew why he’d chosen this spot. It had nothing in common with LA. As you lotioned your skin, you stared up at the moon and marveled at how big and bright it looked here. A spark of fire caught your eye, and you peered more closely out the window. Chris stepped out onto the grass and walked to the clearing of trees. You watched him climb into the hammock that was just out of sight. Once he was in it all you could see was the tips of his feet and occasional peeks of his head.
  Soon you saw clouds of smoke weft into the air, and you knew he was smoking, you bet it was weed. A nostalgic smile decorated your lips. He began swinging in the hammock, and every time he did, you saw him in full sight. He had a faraway look on his face, but somehow he still looked perplexed. You wondered what he was thinking about so seriously. You had the thought to go down to him and split that blunt but knew if you had weed in your system your inhibitions would soon be lowered and with it your panties.
  “That’s if you wear panties, honey.”
  You smirked and shook your head at the thought. Sometimes you wondered if you were your own worst enemy. Sighing, you looked back to the moon once last time. When you were a child, your mother always had you make a wish on the moon every night. It must have been some old hippie practice because every single night, you’d made a wish on the moon. Some came true instantly, and others took time. You glanced back down to Chris who looked to be looking up at the same moon and closed your eyes.
  Taking a deep breath, you had the perfect wish, the one your heart, head, and body all agreed on. “If it’s meant for me, let it be.”
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sparrowwritings · 4 years
Writing Challenge Day Four: Waste
Day Three -- Masterpost -- Day Five
“Just what do you think you’re doing?”
Rose froze in place. She quickly pocketed her stolen goods before turning to face her mother. “Nothing.” Basil’s advice whispered to her and she kept her gaze steady, as if she really was telling the truth.
Cadence Highbottle narrowed her green eyes. There was a tense moment where Rose was sure she was going to get her haul taken, when the older halfling just gave a deep sigh. “I don’t have time to deal with your shenanigans today. If you’re going to cause trouble, do it outside of the house.” In Rose’s shock, she realized that her mother’s long, blonde hair was done up in the elaborate braided hairstyle that she wore when there was business to be had that day. She literally didn’t have the time to scold her daughter. 
Before the girl could scamper away, Cadence grabbed one of her arms firmly. “I mean it, I don’t want to hear even a squeak while the meeting’s going on. Understood?” 
She squirmed a little, but eventually relented. “I got it, mom.”
“Good. Now where’d the other rascal run off to...” She muttered to herself. The minute that her arm was released, Rose took off to the nearest exit that led outside. 
“What took so long?” Neola complained as Rose made her way to the border between the Highbottle and Beddye vineyards. Even accounting for dodging Willow, her dad, and the other workers in the fields, Rose was still late for their get together. There was a hole in the fence that separated the land--too small to be noticed by anyone on either side, but just big enough for a young halfling to crawl through. This was how one of the Beddye children was able to be on Highbottle land despite the ongoing rivalry between the families. 
“Mom almost caught me while I was going out.” She reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out one of the pastries she had grabbed from the kitchens. “Got us a snack, though.” 
Neola rolled her eyes, but accepted the flakey, sugary treat. “She’s good at catching you, but not that good.” After spending a moment to eat and then lick her fingers, she asked the important question. “Think the fort’s still safe?”
“It’s gotta be. I saw Jack going out there with old blankets just yesterday.”
“Uuugh.” The shorter halfling girl dramatically leaned against the sturdy fence separating the land. Her curtain of auburn hair somehow stayed perfectly straight. A harsh contrast to Rose’s far messier bob of wavy brown. “I know we gotta share it since he’ll blab if we don’t, but if I wanted to be around a baby I’d bring Tezor along.”
Rose couldn’t help but giggle. “Don’t tell him he’s a baby to his face, he’ll just pout. And c’mon! He can be fun!”
“His dog can be fun, more like.” Neola pouted. Despite her complaints, she allowed herself to be taken by the hand to the fort. 
Said fort was really a collection of scraps of wood put together as a small, vaguely square shape. It only resembled a building in that there were four walls and a couple of planks used for a roof. It was hidden among the bramble of as-yet untamed land that the Highbottles owned and thus all of the children who knew about it (all three of them) knew it wouldn’t live for very long. Still, there was a far shorter trek to the flimsy construction than there was to the cave at the edge of Vineshade that Neola and Rose stayed in most often. As a bonus, the girls could really pretend they were adventurers hiding out from all sorts of imagined baddies. If they were sitting down and ignored the sounds of workers in the field, that is.
Just like Rose had mentioned, there were indeed old blankets spread out on the floor of the fort as the girls made their way inside. Even the appearance of Jack and his puppy Spot were things that the two of them expected. What neither of them had predicted was that Rose’s older brother Basil would be there.
He gave a wide, lazy grin and waved at the girls. “Rosey! Neola! Care to join our party?”
Jack looked up from a paper he had been scribbling on and gave a dopey smile himself. “Yeah! Come join our party!” Spot, hearing how excited his master was, sprung up from his curled up position to bark his approval.
Rose blinked several times in confusion. “Basil? What’re you doing here?”
“What’s it look like I’m doing?” He took a couple of other pieces of paper and set them and some charcoal in the middle of the room. “It’ll be a tight squeeze, but the four--I mean five--of us should be able to hide out in here. Plus, we’re playing adventurer.” 
“I’m a ranger!” Jack announced, proudly holding up his paper. On it was a crude drawing of what appeared to be an older Jack, with something large and with four legs and spots that must have been a bigger, older Spot. “We’re out hunting goblins!” The dog barked again and got down on his forepaws and wagged his tail.
“Well, resting before we go hunt goblins.” Basil indicated the fort. “Can’t fight them when you’re too tired.” 
“You’re just saying that ‘cuz you’re gonna go sneak off and kill them yourself.” Jack frowned. “That’s what rogues do.”
“True! But! They can also wait for their party in case things go wrong. We wouldn’t want *that* right? So resting’s a good way to make sure the party’s all going to be safe.”
While the young boy contemplated his older brother’s logic, Rose finally got over her shock enough to realize what he was doing. “Weren’t you supposed to be at that meeting that mom’s going to today?”
To his credit, Basil’s lazy grin turned sheepish. “I didn’t really see the point in going. Feels like a waste of time when Reed’s going to take over when mom di--” He stopped himself, glanced at Jack and then clearly switched words. Both he and Spot tilted their heads at the same time. “Decides to step down. And Willow’s happy enough to keep up the vineyard forever, and Melody loves all the hard lifting work, and mom clearly wants YOU to be in charge of our marketing.” Rose made a face at that. “I know what she wants me to be, but I’m not so sure that that’s what I want to be, you know?” He stared off into the middle distance as he finished speaking. 
Rose wasn’t sure what to make of it. There was a ring of truth to everything he was saying that hit her in a way that she wasn’t sure she liked. It felt...familiar, almost. She just hadn’t been able to put her feelings into words before. Before she could think too hard about it, Neola finally spoke up. “You’re already the best prankster around, Bas. You don’t need to be anything else.”
He blinked and then laughed like he wasn’t bothered by anything at all. “True! Very true!” He tapped at the papers on the floor. “You still haven’t told me what you’re bringing to the party, girls!”
Jack, his wide coppery eyes having refused to move from his brother until now, snapped out of his stupor. He also grinned, glad that the serious moment was over. “Yeah, we need more people! There might be a lot of goblins!”
Neola plopped down on her knees next to the paper nearest Basil and took one of the pieces of charcoal to get started. “I think I’ll be a fighter or maybe a wizard.” She paused in her sketch and frowned. “Do you think it’s possible to be both?”
Basil shrugged. “Maybe? We’ll work it out as we go.”
“What about you, Rosey?” Jack looked up at the still standing girl. “You wanna play?” 
There was a lot churning in her head. What Basil said, her own feelings about her place in life, anything to do with adventuring...and then her eyes met her older brother’s. There weren't a lot of things that all of the Highbottle siblings shared, but Rose had a similar shade of brown eyes as Basil. So when he smiled and they warmed up considerably, she knew that her own were doing the same and she felt a little better.
“Yeah, I wanna play.” She sat down on the blanket with a plop. “So ranger, rogue, fighter/wizard...you guys are missing a healer.” Rose took her own piece of charcoal and started drawing. “I’ll be the cleric.”
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pengychan · 5 years
[Good Omens] Winging It - Job 39:13
Summary: Shockingly, attempting to destroy an angel without consulting God first comes with consequences. There is more than one way to fall, and a thousand more ways to inconvenience an angel and a demon who just wanted to be left in peace. Characters: Gabriel, Crowley, Aziraphale, Beelzebub, Michael. Rating: T  
Prologue and all chapters are tagged as ‘winging it’ on my blog.
A/N: Well, someone’s in for a rude awakening.
“... What the Heaven.”
“What the Heaven indeed,” Aziraphale murmured, but Crowley barely heard him; he was too busy staring down at dark, jagged scars over Gabriel’s shoulder blades while he rested, motionless, on a mattress on the ground. Those had been open wounds, Aziraphale had said, before he’d healed them and miracled away the blood; Crowley was rather glad he hadn’t been there to see the mess. Maybe all that trouble with traffic had been a blessing in disguise. 
Well. Not a literal blessing, of course, he didn’t do those unless absolutely called for - which was to say, not unless Aziraphale asked - but still, a lucky coincidence. Even without witnessing the worst of it, seeing the scars was enough to make his plan of grabbing him and kicking him all the way out of the bookstore, whether Aziraphale agreed or not, seem… a little less viable. 
In theory, he could still do it. Gabriel deserved it and if he’d simply become a demon the way he had, then he wouldn’t have held back. But he wasn’t a demon, was he? He was human, in a bad shape, with marks on his back that made Crowley mightily uncomfortable every time his gaze fell on them. His own wings - which were always there, if not necessarily on the same plane of existence, black as coal but whole and functioning - ached at the thought. And yet...
Shut your stupid mouth and die already.
Maybe just a couple of swift kicks, or a bout of intestinal parasites... 
None of this would have worked out if you weren't, at heart, just a little bit a good person.
In the end, Aziraphale’s voice in the back of his head was stronger, as always. Biting his tongue to keep himself from cursing aloud, Crowley tore his gaze away from Gabriel’s back to look at Aziraphale. “What were they thinking?” he asked, knowing full well his angel likely had no clue whatsoever. “Wasn’t he the golden boy? And-- they let Satan keep his wings, for Hell’s sake.”
Aziraphale shrugged. “I don’t have the foggiest idea, I am afraid. He didn’t tell me much of anything. Well, couldn’t tell me much of anything. But I think… I think Michael did this.”
Uuugh, Crowley thought. “Michael’s a wanker,” he muttered, glancing down again. He had little doubt that Michael could subdue Gabriel if so she chose; she was a warrior, the one who had personally cast Lucifer out of Heaven during the first War, while Gabriel had always been the bureaucrat and messenger. And a poor one, too - official accounts glossed over how badly he’d freaked poor Maryam out with the Annunciation. Still… “Can’t have been just her decision.”
“No,” Aziraphale agreed. Deciding to destroy him - well, that was one thing. He wasn’t precisely high up, and he supposed that what he had done did amount to treason. Gabriel was… not quite as high up as it gets, obviously, but still a big name. “No angel could just do something like this to him without consequences. It must have been an order from above. I just can’t imagine why.”
Crowley made a face. “And it’s been just a week. They turned on him quicker than a traffic light,” he muttered, and slid a foot beneath Gabriel, turning him on his back so that he wouldn’t have to look at those scars any longer. There was no reaction; he was out like a light, eyes shut as his head rolled over his shoulder, face pale. “Look at that, two nipples. Shadwell would be relieved.” Or disappointed, come to think of it. “Is he unconscious, or asleep?” 
“Ah, uh… asleep. I made sure he slept - he really needed it.”
“And gave him the most wonderful dream?” Crowley joked. Aziraphale shifted, causing him to groan. 
“Not the most wonderf-- just reasonably pleasant,” Aziraphale defended himself. Crowley rolled his eyes before snapping his fingers to conjure up some water that was decidedly not holy.
Time to wake up the sleeping beauty and find out what in the seven Heavens was going on.
Gabriel had never, in the entirety of his existence up to that day, slept. 
He never had any need to; angels do not get tired and consequently need no rest. He was rarely idle at all, with the work of millions of angels to oversee across the universe on a daily basis, and it was fine with him. Idleness bred laziness, and he was meant to be an example of virtue. No place for that in Heaven, as there was no place for any of the seven deadly sins.
He attempted to take God’s judgment upon himself. A crime born of pride. Seize him.
Metatron’s voice thundered somewhere in the back of his mind and almost, almost made it through to his consciousness along with everything that followed - his sentence and the punishment, the hands holding him down and the stony faces and the pain - but it did not. A reasonably pleasant dream was what Aziraphale had bestowed upon him, and a reasonably pleasant dream was what he was having. 
“You doodled on the report again,” Michael was muttering, raising an eyebrow at him in that way of hers that showed polite annoyance and hid her amusement. 
Gabriel shrugged. “There was a lot of blank space.”
“There is a lot of blank space everywhere here, but you don’t see me writing on the walls.”
“Only because I haven’t caught you in the act yet.”
“Very funny.” A roll of her eyes, and Michael looked back at the sheet. “What is it supposed to be, anyway? One of those primates on Earth?”
“It’s Sandalphon. He has a sandal in one hand and a phone in the other.”
A quiet stare. Gabriel shrugged again, grinning. “I think it’s funny.”
“... Of course you would.” A quick half-smile, and Michael placed the sheet in the folder under her arm. “Anything else? No more forms?”
“Uh, no,” Gabriel muttered, leaning an elbow on the form he’d actually finished filling in. Best to miracle the doodles off them before handing them over going forward. Or give them to someone who’d appreciate his frankly flawless sense of humor. Sandalphon usually did, only that he was a little bit sensitive about his name.
“All right. I’ll see you at the meeting.”
Once alone again, Gabriel picked up the form and looked down at it. From his serious expression as he tapped the pen against his chin, anyone looking would have thought he was giving some serious consideration to important matters. And in a way, he was. How many flies were usually buzzing around Beelzebub’s head - a couple dozens? He couldn’t remember. They had last met about a century earlier, so he’d have to go on a guess.
A couple dozens, then. Gabriel clicked the pen, and began adding dots around the head of a caricature with red eyes and long fangs. Did flies have fangs? They probably didn’t have fangs and Beelzebub didn't either. Maybe he should send an official letter downstairs, just to ask. They were reserved for important communications, and the Lord of the Flies would probably answer with insults, but--
“Wakey wakey!”
“Crowley, wait--”
Something cold suddenly hit him, splashed over him, and in an instant everything - the form and the doodle and the pen in his hand, the desk he sat at and the reassuring whiteness all around him - was gone. Gabriel opened his eyes, blinking out water and sputtering, to see old dusty bookshelves all around him, and a demon towering over him with a grin. What in the world…?
“Hey, Gabe,” the demon Crowley said, grin widening. “Tell me, how did the landing go?”
"Hell can't claim him." 
Uriel spoke with the utter certainty of someone who’s stating the tenets of the universe, and with more than a hint of outrage at the mere idea. Which was how they all spoke, really; there was an abundance of certainties in Heaven. However Michael couldn’t help but think that, over the course of the past week, a good chunk of them had been crumpled, and tossed in the waste bin.
Yes, in theory, Hell had no claim on humans over the course of their lives; they could try to influence them, both sides did, but that was about the scope of it. In theory, the fact this one particular human had been an angel until only a short while ago should make no difference. Not until his human life, that ridiculously short lifespan, ran its course. 
But, in theory, none of this should be happening either. The Great Plan was supposed to be the same as the Ineffable plan and they were in the right to try all they could to see it through, following the one and only plan they’d ever known of. In theory, they had done everything right. 
And yet, they had failed. It was disconcerting and downright worrisome; without certainties, you start questioning. And questioning was dangerous… but apparently, so was sticking to the plan.
Please, no! Please! I did everything right! I followed the Plan! I did everything right! 
“Of course it can’t claim him,” Michael spoke, trying to ignore Gabriel’s screams in the back of her mind. She could at least pretend to be certain of that, even if the world should have ended a few days earlier and then… didn’t. It kept existing, a world where the Antichrist refused to bring forth the Armageddon; where Holy water did not kill a demon and Hellfire did not kill an angel; where obedience was harshly punished and rebellion was not. "He didn't Fall the way they did."
"Right. It's more like what happened with Adam and Steve,” Sandalphon agreed.
Uriel frowned a little. "Wasn't it... Ava? Ada?"
"Maybe, something like that. Never met them,” he said, and made a face. Sandalphon didn’t have strong feelings for humans one way or another, but the few times he’d actively interacted with them, things hadn’t generally gone very well for the mortals - Sodom and Gomorrah being the prime example.
To be entirely fair anyone would have been more than slightly miffed in his place. Get on Earth with another couple of angels in human disguise to see if the city is redeemable, get hospitality from some weirdo called Lot, and suddenly a mob is outside demanding that Lot lets them meet his guests. A biblical meet and greet, so to speak; not the sort where you sit down to study the Bible, clearly, but rather the kind where you plainly do not sit down for several days afterwards.
If you’re human, of course, and Sandalphon was not human. He was an angel with very little understanding of humans, their customs and their base instincts, but even he could tell that trying to force said base instincts on anybody unwilling was bad enough to spectacularly fail God’s test - regardless of the shape or form of your intended target. 
And failure came with a hefty price tag, which was why Sandalphon took very great care to never fail. They all did, and they had never failed to not fail, not once in six-thousand years… until they had, in some way and for some reason they didn’t even understand. 
But only one of them had paid the price. Someone who’d been loyal and obedient and steadfast in his duties, to see that everything went according to the Great Plan and ended with the triumph of the Heavenly forces, the triumph of good. And some thanks he got for his trouble.
A dangerous thought, that. Almost unthinkable. And yet Michael suspected she wasn’t the only one to battle with it, or else that little meeting wouldn’t be happening at all and they would have moved on, forgetting Gabriel’s name like they had forgotten those of the Fallen so long ago. 
“It’s not like with the Fallen,” Uriel spoke up, as though she’d just read her mind. She was tapping a finger on the table, staring at it rather than look up at them. “God must have a plan for him. Some sort of plan.”
“Ineffable plan?”
“So we don’t know what it is, and Gabriel doesn’t know what it is,” Sandalphon muttered, folding his hands on the table. “What will he do? Out there as a human, alone, with no plan to follow?”
Michael held back a sigh. “God might give him a sign as to what he should do. I suppose--”
“We could check on him,” Uriel spoke up suddenly, causing her to trail off and turn to look at her. Her finger was still tapping on the table. “It shouldn’t be too hard to find him.”
“There isn’t supposed to be any unnecessary contact with--”
“With the Fallen, no. Except that we did have contact, and we were not the ones who got cast out. And Aziraphale - he’s been fraternizing with one for millennia, and he received no punishment either. But either way, Gabriel is not a Fallen. He is a human - contact with him is not prohibited.”
“Unless it is and we don’t know it, Uriel,” Michael snapped. She hated that uncertainty, the fear of doing the wrong thing without knowing it. She wanted nothing more than having normalcy back, with Gabriel among them and the certainty of being in the right in the great scheme of things. Until the botched Armageddon, back when they had the Great Plan to stick to, all of their choices had always been so easy they were hardly even choices. “And we might pay the price.”
“Then I will, if it comes to that,” Uriel said, and finally looked up. Still, she did not look directly at Michael. She was staring at the wall beside her, as though she saw something there no one else could. “You were not here, when Aziraphale stepped in the Hellfire.”
Michael nodded. “No. But I was there when the demon Crowley splashed in Holy Water asking for a towel . I know what happened - nothing.”
“No, something did happen. Here. With Aziraphale,” Uriel replied. The light tapping on the table stopped. “He blew Hellfire towards us. Barely missed, and only because we retreated.”
“More like scrambled,” Sandalphon muttered, sounding more than slightly embarrassed.
Michael frowned. “Hellfire would have destroyed you if it touched you. Anyone would have, as you put it, scrambled in your pla--”
“Gabriel threw out his arms,” Uriel cut her off, causing Michael to turn, taken aback. Uriel finally looked up from the table to meet Michael’s gaze. “When the fire came towards us. He threw out his arms in front of us, to pull us back with him. You see, this is what’s gnawing at me. It’s not only that he was the only one to face punishment for something we all did.” Her features twisted in something bitter that might have looked like a smile to the untrained eye, and yet was anything but. “He shielded us. And we tore out his wings.”
“No. I did.” Michael’s voice was collected, distant. In the back of her mind there was the glint of the blade, the pulling and tearing, the cries and thrashing as he tried to escape. He’d suffered, but he hadn’t bled until the end, until he was an angel no longer. “I tore out his wings.”
And I pray I’m not made to tear out yours. If the order came, she… wasn’t sure she’d obey, not again. It was a terrifying thought, disobeying God. Never before had it entered her mind. 
“We held him down for you. We’re in,” Sandalphon said quietly, and that sealed the matter. 
None of them paused to consider that maybe, just maybe, Gabriel may not be happy to see them.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s not happy to see me.”
“Crowley, please--”
“I mean, it was cute how he tried to smite me like he can still do that, but…”
“My dear boy--!”
“Fine, fine. Shutting up. For now.”
Huddled against a wall, a blanket tangled around his legs, Gabriel struggled to even grasp their words. He could have if he focused, probably, but there was so much going on, too much. The pain was gone, at least that, but there were the rush of blood in his ears and the rhythmic pumping in his chest, the ache in his throat caused by the scream that had left him, the way the room seemed to spin around him, how his body shivered against the cold water his skin - so many sensations he was unaccustomed to, and so many other things, familiar things, that were missing. Things he dared not name.
You know what is missing. 
Two pairs of hands grabbing him, holding him down. The weight on him, the grasp, the glint of a blade and the plea in his ear.
“Be still. You’ll make it easier, Gabriel. Please, be still.”
But he hadn’t been still, had he?
“Can you stand?” Aziraphale’s voice cut through his frantic thoughts, snapped him out of the memory. He looked up to see him holding out a hand, towering over him. He stared at it, but didn’t take it. 
“It’s not permanent,” was all he could say, his voice raspy. 
“Wonderful,” the demon muttered. “All the more reason to be quick and kick you while it lasts.”
Aziraphale ignored his comment and nodded. A gesture of his hand, and the cold water soaking Gabriel’s hair and skin dried up; a white shirt appeared to cover his torso.
“That’s good to know. Care to tell us what happened?”
Oh no, no, absolutely not. If he allowed himself to think back of it, to remember what had happened from the moment Metatron had spoken to the instant he’d blacked out before Aziraphale’s store, Gabriel was fairly certain he’d have gone insane. He stood on shaky legs, feeling ridiculously faint, and let himself drop on the nearest chair before shaking his head. 
“... All right. You don’t have to.”
“What? No, no, he absolutely has to!”
“This may not be the right moment--”
“It is for me!” The demon - Crowley - stepped forward. Gabriel tried to sit up straight, so that he wouldn’t tower over him so much, but his head spun and he could barely lift it. “Look, I was nice enough not to kick you into the stratosphere, so how about you thank me by explaining--”
A sudden rumbling noise caused Crowly to trail off, taken aback. Both he and Aziraphale could only stare as Gabriel let out a groan, hands folding over his stomach. It took another grumble for Crowley to realize what it was… and when he did, he laughed. It was just too funny, he couldn't help it.
Of course, Gabriel didn’t laugh, too stuck-up to see the humor of the situation. He glared up at him, almost folded in two. His features twisted in agony. “You– you did this, demon! What is it?”
Before Crowely could reply that he’d be doing so much worse if he felt like hurting him, Aziraphale spoke. 
“I believe it is hunger, Gabriel.”
A confused look. “Hunger?”
“Happens when humans go hungry,” Crowley supplied helpfully, with some frankly unnecessary emphasis on the word 'human'. Aziraphale did his best to ignore it. Very little seeed to make sense, and keeping a cool head would be easier if his demon and his former superior didn’t keep squabbling like especially ill-tempered roosters. 
“When was last time you ate? Or drank?” 
That gained him a disgusted look. “You know full well I do not–” 
“You no longer get a choice, I’m afraid,” Aziraphale cut him off, calm but not going out of his way to be sympathetic. From what he’d seen in the past six-thousand years there were plenty of drawbacks that came with being human… but getting to enjoy food was not one of them. “If you need something filling, I could recommend–”
“I refuse to sully my celestial body with gross matter!” he protested, gaining himself a sigh from Aziraphale and a very loud snort from Crowley. 
“I haaaaate to break the news, Gabe,” the demon said as everything in his voice, expression and body language spelled absolute delight over the situation, “but right now you and your body are about as celestial as Schubert’s Ave Maria sung by a band of drunk capuchin monkeys.”
If looks could discorporate, Crowley wouldn’t have discorporated at all because Gabriel was terrible at glaring. He supposed that ‘give the evil eye’ was not part of the insufferably self-righteous Archangel job description, which meant he’d had no practice whatsoever in the longest time. 
Possibly ever since the battle that had preceded the collective nosedive of fallen angels from Heaven, but Crowley couldn’t be sure, because he hadn’t really taken part to it. He’d just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it turns out that ‘oh, hey guys, I was just leaving’ is not enough to get heavenly forces off your case. He’d been cast out before the actual battle even really started.
“This is temporary!” Gabriel snapped, and stood. His attempt at pretending his wobbly legs were not wobbly at all wasn’t very successful. “I don’t need to eat and-- and I have nothing to tell you.”
Crowley made a face. “Oh yes, I’m afraid you do.”
“What do you even care?” he snapped. Crowley stared at him a moment, then tilted his head on one side. 
“Oooh, I see. It seems we had a little bit of miscommunication, so let me clear this one up, yes?” Crowley leaned in, right in his face, yellow slit eyes staring at his own. He hissed more than he spoke, and never mind most of the words he uttered had no sibilants at all. He still pulled it off, somehow. “I don’t care that you got your wings ripped off. I don’t give a single blessing about you or what you’re going to be doing going forward, believe me. What I want to know is why. Because if something is going on, I’d really rather know before it happens to an angel I actually… Er. An angel I kind of give a toss--”
Aziraphale clearing his throat caused the demon to pause. He turned to glance at him, and so did Gabriel. He had both eyebrows raised. 
Crowley let out a sigh. “Really now?”
Aziraphale said nothing, but his eyebrows climbed further towards his hairline. 
A groan. “Oh, keep ruining my reputation, why don’t you,” the demon muttered, and turned back to glare at Gabriel. Behind him, Aziraphale looked rather smug. “... Sorry, where was I?”
Gabriel blinked, too confused to even ask and still desperately trying not to let the words - got your wigs ripped off - sink into his brain. If he thought of that for one moment, of what had happened, he’d scream. “If… something is going on?”
“Oh, right, right.” He cleared his throat, and the threatening hiss was back. “Because if something is going on, I’d really rather know before it happens to an angel I care about.”
Gabriel’s eyes shifted from Crowley to Aziraphale, who refused to look away. Aziraphale had expected a reprimand, disapproval, something - but instead, all he got was an empty gaze. “Nothing will happen to you. God wants you safe. That much was made painfully clear.”
… Wait. Wait a moment. Had the order come from God? And had it been because of what he’d tried to do… to him? “What-- the reason they did this to you-- you don’t mean…?”
“It is all wrong!” Gabriel snapped, and his voice was nowhere as firm and he probably would have liked. Under Aziraphale’s stunned eyes, he burrowed his face in his hands. “It’s all wrong. I followed the plan, enforced the rules. I did everything right. You broke all of them - you traitor - something had to be done! Someone had to!”
Crowley raised an eyebrow. “Am I hearing you say God got it wrong? That you know better than the Almighty?” he asked, causing Gabriel to wince and tear his hands off his face, outraged and terrified at the same time. Metatron’s words - God’s words, by extension - echoed in his ears.
A crime born of pride.
“No! I would never!”
“Sounds an awful lot like you said it. Or you admit that God got it right, and you deserve this? You can't have it both ways, Gabe. M aybe you did go against the Ineffable Plan, after all.”
Gabriel's features twisted in anguish. “How was I supposed to-- I didn’t know-- I couldn’t know!”
“No, you couldn’t. Sucks when the game is rigged against you, huh? No plan that you know of, everything is a choice, every choice you make could be the wrong one, and you won't know which it is until it knocks you down. Welcome to humanity, ssssucker. Can I offer-”
“Huh, hello? Is the store open? I’d like to have a look around, is anybody there?”
Three things happened in only a few moments. First, Aziraphale told himself that he should really learn to shut that door properly. Second, Crowley thought that Aziraphale should really learn to shut that door properly. And third, the moment they turned Gabriel stood and ran - through the shop, past a bewildered potential customer and through the door. He yelled something that sounded a lot like ‘thanks for the pornography!’ over his shoulder as he disappeared, which made Crowley suspect something was wrong with his hearing. 
Aziraphale groaned. “It’s best if we go stop him.”
“Why? I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
“He doesn’t know how to human, he could get himself hurt.”
So what?, Crowley almost asked, didn’t. “Naaah, I'm sure he’ll be fi--”
There were screams coming from outside, screeching brakes and a loud crash, followed by more screams, and cries for an ambulance. Aziraphale’s gaze slowly shifted towards Crowley. 
“... Well, look at that,” Crowley said, tilting his head on one side. “Maybe he already found his way back.”
“Tell me you didn’t--”
“Nope, not me. He ran into the road. Did everything by himself,” he pointed out. Aziraphale sighed and they ran outside as well, leaving behind a very confused man muttering, in a small voice, that maybe he should return another day. 
“The wings of the ostrich wave proudly, but are they the pinions and plumage of love?" Job 39:13
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hockeytrashgoblin · 5 years
Camping Prt 3 - AustonxAshley
A/N: I posted this on the wrong fucking tumblr because I’m an idiot but here you go yall. sorry for not posting for a while, life is kicking my ass.
The alarm went off at 7:30. I turned it off with a groan going over to open the curtain to let light in. Auston as per usual was still sleeping. I took a few minutes to shower and get ready for the day. After I was completely finished getting ready I went over to Marly’s room to wake her up only to find her sitting up awake already.
“Hi darling whatcha doin?”
“I was waiting for someone to wake up. I’m very excited.”
“How long have you been up?”
“Since the big hand was at the 5.”
“Silly girl you’re going to be sleepy today once we get there and start setting up camp.”
“No I won’t I promise mommy!”
“Okay Marly, we’ll see. How about we get ready to go and then we can go wake up daddy?”
“Okay!” I helped her get dressed in some cute flower shorts and a bluejays t-shirt. I put her light brown hair up in two french braids and helped her tie on her hiking boots.
“Look at my happy little camper! You looks so cute Marzbar.”
“Thank you Mommy. Can we go wake up Daddy now?”
“Of course what are we waiting for?” we tiptoed down the hall together, Marly giggling the whole way there, and once we got to my room we turned on the light and started jumping on him and the bed yelling.
“Daddydaddydaddydaddy waaaaake up!!!!” Marly yelled shaking him as hard as her little 3 year old body could manage.
“Marlyyyyy get off.”
“Aus, be nice. She’s very excited. Get out of bed. Get in the shower.”
“Yeah!” Marly yelled making Auston laugh.
“You think that’s what I should do huh?”
“Yes. Mommy’s the boss.”
“You’re right as ever. She is the boss.” he let out a very over dramatic sigh. “I guuuuess I’ll get up and get ready to go. You go get some snacks to bring in the car okay?”
“Okay!” She ran out of the room.
“She looks so damn cute.” he said after she left.
“I knooooow! Auston I’m so excited come on so we can get going I actually can’t wait!” I say to him very quickly and mumbled together.
“Now you look so damn cute. All excited and happy to share your favourite thing with me and Marly.” he said brushing a piece of hair out of my face before kissing me softy. I push him away though.
“I love you but GO. GET. READY.” I crawled over behind him and started pushing him up. He groaned but got up anyway. I smacked his butt of course, as I do. “Go team.” I winked running out of the room to go find Marly.
“Mommy do I have to have only healthy snacks?”
“It’s morning time darling, I would prefer it. We’ll be there before lunch time.”
“Okay.” I go through all my lists to make sure we’ve got everything. “Mommy is applesauce a car snack?”
“Not with Daddy in the car it’s not.”
“Excuse me?” Auston asked from the kitchen door.
“What?” I asked pretending to be oblivious as he boxed me in against the counter with his arms.
“Did I just hear you say that Marly eats applesauce in the car when I’m not there with you?”
“Um no you probably did not hear that at all.”
“You’re both lucky I love you so much.” he leans back and grabs his keys from the hook. “Are we ready to go?”
“I’m good to go what about you guys?” they both nodded to me. “Marly go to the bathroom.”
“Uuugh mommy I don’t have to let’s just goooo!”
“Marly Marie-Paul stop whining. Go to the bathroom right now quick before we leave.” Auston said and she just sighed and left, she wasn’t going to fight with Auston. A few minutes later Marly is strapped in and we are on the road listening to my celtic thunder inspirational cd full blast. Marly and I were singing loudly together while Auston just smiled at us. From the ground up came on a little while later after Marly was taking a nap. I took Auston’s hand and held it up to my face and kissed it while I sang the song looking at him.
“I love you so so much Auston. More and more everyday. You don’t even understand.”
“I love you too baby. Someday we’ll be just like that pretty song. We’ve already got a head start. A beautiful baby looks just like you.” 
“Stooop.” I said smiling big and blushing at him.
“Cutiepie.” he kissed my hand this time. “Can we listen to something else now?”
“Yeah sure.”
“I think you’re playlists are all on my spotify if you want to pick something from there.” 
“Why are all my playlists on there?” I ask scrunching my face in confusion looking through them all.
“I like to listen to your music while I’m away. It feels like you and Marly are there with me singing and dancing in the other room like at home.”
“Aus, that might be the most precious thing I’ve ever heard in my life. You make my heart so happy.”
“Good I’m glad. You do that to me too you know. Make my heart all happy.”
“Can I put on the 80’s playlist?”
“Of course cutie.” we listened to it for a while until Billie Jean came on and Marly woke up.
“I knew I heard Billie Jean!”
“Good morning sleeping beauty.” Auston said chuckling at his daughter. Marly and I both sang along to more of the songs until Wham came on and Marly squealed in her seat kicking her little feet.
“I loooove this one!” 
“I know you do baby.”
“Miss Marly if there are little footprints on the back of my seat I’m not going to be very happy.”
“Would you believe that Uncle Mitch made them?”
“Okay.” I saw out of the corner of my eye her quickly brush them off his seat. “Mommy will you turn it up?”
“Of course darling.” I cranked it, getting an annoyed look from Auston but that look look quickly disappeared and turned into a smile when he heard Marly start singing.
“You put the boom boom into my heart!” She sings at the top of her lungs. “Wake me up before you go-go, cuz I’m not planning on going solo.” I joined her for that part and we sang loudly to the rest of the song with Auston looking at us fondly. He eventually started singing along with us at the end. I always loved it when Auston just let go and had fun and sang along with us. It made me the happiest because it meant he was relaxed and not stressing.
“Okayokayokay who’s ready for some Don’t Stop Believing?”
“ME!!!!” Marly squealed again.
“Oh you best believe I’m ready.” he said shaking his head laughing.
We all had a lot of fun singing loudly with the windows down driving down the road. Marly was doing air instruments in the back which made us laugh.
“Okay Marly we’re getting pretty close.”
“We have to look out though. There are santa signs. You gotta watch for them and let us know when you see them okay?”
“Okay I can do it!”
“Can we listen to the b-52’s before we get there?” Auston asked quietly.
“Of course baby.” I put on love shack and Aus started singing along in funny voices making Marly laugh so hard I thought she was gonna pee her pants. I took a little video of it because it made my day and I wanted to remember it. When rock lobster came on though then I was having a lot of fun doing a little dance in my seat.
“What in the world are you doing Ash?”
“It’s a dance I learned in scouts.”
“Can we listen to THE song?” Marly asked with a giggle.
“What is THE song?” Auston asked raising an eyebrow.
“We sure can Marly. Daddy will love it.” I put on living on a prayer and Auston just stared at me.
“Oh my goooood.” he groaned making Marly laugh. “Ash I swear to god..”
“Too bad uncle Mitch isn’t here huh Daddy?” Marly said reaching to pat his arm with her little hand.
“Be quiet, you rugrat.” he said laughing with her. “Will I ever be able to get away from this song?”
“Hey! Are you recording this?”
“Fuck it whatever.”he said and Marly yelled “Bad word Daddy!” but Auston just sang over her making her quickly forget about it.
“Mommy we can’t let him sing by himself!” and with that I turned the camera so that all of us could be seen and we all sang loudly.
“We love yoooou.” I said to Auston after the song was done.
“Yeah well lucky for you two  I love you more than anything.”
“Mommy I just saw a santa sign!!!”
“Oooh we’re getting close! Are you excited Marly?!”
“Yes yes yes!!! I can’t wait!” she clapped her hands being an absolute cutie looking out the window. The car was quiet again until she started yelling the words of bohemian rhapsody. “Thunderbolts and lightning very very frightening! LET ME GOOOOO MAMA MIA MAMA MIA. FOR ME FOR FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEE!” 
“Oh my good god!” I exclaimed laughing so hard I was crying.
“She’s so you’re kid.” Auston said laughing too.
“Marly I love you so much.”
“I love you too Mommy.”
“Oh baby look at the houses!”
“They’re chistmas houses!!”
“We’re on the road that gets us right to the campsite!”
“Aus stop up here so we can get signed in and stuff okay?”
“Alright sure.” he pulls up and I get unbuckled. 
“Can I come in?”
“Of course hun. Auston will you come too? I can’t carry the firewood back to the car.”
“Yeah for sure babe.” I got out and went around to get Marly out of her seat. I kept her up on my hip while he went into the main office. We got checked in relatively quickly and the girl gave me a map to show where to go to get to the campsite. She kept eyeing Auston but I didn’t really care, lots of people eyed my boyfriend all the time. He was Auston Matthews, it was to be expected. We got firewood and listened to the rules before we left and got back in the car and drive through the camp to our site. We were relatively out of the way which he liked and had wanted. 
“Okay guys, welcome to your first camping experience! This is going to be our home for the next few days.”
“Wow! This is so pretty Mommy!”
“I know! This is the same campsite I stayed at when I came when I was 6.”
“Wooooooah! That’s so neat!”
“Yeah we’re close to bathroom’s, showers, the pool, there’s a big field right over there, and a playground not too far away. It’s great!”
“That sounds perfect Ash.” Auston said smiling at me as he started unloading the car. “What do we need out right now?”
“Um the tent first. And the ropes and stuff.”
“Okay sure.” I took out the tarp and laid it on the ground.
“What are you doing mommy?”
“I don’t want the tent to get a hole in it so I’m gonna spread this tarp so if there’s any sticks it won’t ruin our stuff.”
“Can I help?”
“Of course! Here take a corner.” we got it all spread out and I got the tent unrolled on the tarp. Marly was excited and having a good time and when I looked up to see how Auston was liking it he was leaning on the car on his phone. Marly noticed me looking at him and got sad.
“Why doesn’t daddy want to help us? He’s just on his phone..” she asked pouting.
“I don’t know Marzbar. Let me go talk to him.”
“Okay..” she was sitting on the tarp looking kinda bummed out.
“Hey what’s up babe?” he asked as I got closer.
“What’s up with you? Why won’t you come help us?”
“Marly is bummed out and sad because you won’t come help us. That you’re too busy on the phone to spend time with us. What’s so important right now?” I asked crossing my arms.
“I was just texting the guys..”
“Aus come on. What is the problem?”
“I just-” he let out a big sigh. “I just don’t know how to do any of this. I feel useless and I don’t know how to help. I’m not helping because I don’t know what to do and it feels weird for once to be the one who isn’t 100% sure of what’s going on.”
“Auston that’s crazy.” I pulled him in for a hug. “We’re here so that you can learn. Of course you don’t know how, I’m going to teach you. No one is here to laugh at you or make you feel bad. We want to all have fun together as a family without distractions.”
“And by distractions you mean phone right?”
“The boys can last a week without being in constant contact babe. As a matter of fact I want to do something. Gimme your phone.”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“Yeah I guess.” he hands it over and I send out a big group message telling the boys Auston is not going to be able to be reached for the next 7 days. I changed the setting to airplane and I changed his passcode.
“Here you go. A very expensive clock/camera.”
“Yes. I want you to be in this moment with us. It’s important to me that you’re present and not missing out on this.”
“If it’s important to you okay. I’ll do it. Now how can I help?” we smiled at each other and I dragged him over to Marly who got a big smile on her face and came to hug him. 
“Alright guys let’s start with the poles first. Just grab them and click them in. Be careful not to pinch your fingers Marly.” I showed them how to do it and we all did it fairly easily. Once we were done Marly lifted hers over her head and started hitting Auston making lightsaber noises. “She’s so your kid.” I say chuckling. “Okay now for the slightly harder part. We have to put the poles in the sleeves. Aus help Marly with hers.” we got the poles in and I tied the top while they clipped the sides. We hooked one of the poles in and Auston had to do a lot of helping to get the other one in but once we did, our tents main room was standing. We did a similar process to the entrance way. Once we we were done that Marly went around and hammered in the pegs to hold the tent down while I took pictures of her with my camera. Once that was done we had to put the tarp on the top of the tent.
“Why do we have to do this mommy?”
“So that if it rains we don’t get wet while we’re sleeping.”
“Oooh that makes sense.”
“I’m glad you think so.” we struggled with that part the most and after about 20 minutes, a lot of laughter, and one bathroom break for Marly we were done setting up the tent.
“Mommy can I play?”
“Of course Marly. Come here first though so I can put bug spray on you okay?”
“I guess. But I don’t like the smell.”
“I know it’s not very nice but it’ll help keep the bugs away from you so you aren’t itchy.”
“Cover your face with your hands and spin around for me.” she did as she was told and I sprayed her down with the bug spray. “Okay if you go into the car your backpack is in there and there are toys in there for you.” with that I sent her off. She took her bag from the car then went and sat under a tree with some of her Barbies. “Auston do you want to learn a knot so we can hang this clothesline?” 
“Um sure but why do we need a clothesline?”
“For our towels and bathing suits silly. We don’t have a dryer here.”
“That’s fair enough. Teach me your ways babe.”
“Okay so this is a Siberian hitch. We’re gonna tie this at one end and a variation of a slipknot on the other tree over there.” I taught him how to do the knots. He wasn’t very good at it but with a few rounds of practice and lots of reassurance and support he got it and we got the clothesline up and secure. “Good job baby.” 
“Why thank you. I have a good teacher.” I gave him a kiss and we went back to the car to start unloading other gear
“Marly come here sweetpea!” I called from inside the tent.
“I’m coming!!” she ran over to the tent door.
“Okay so tent rule number one: Take off your shoes miss missy.”
“Ugh but we’re OUTSIDE!” She said whining a little bit.
“Hey now. We might be outside but we’re sleeping in here. Do you want to sleep on mud?”
“No I guess not..” she sat down on the tarp that was poking out and took her shoes off before crawling in and sitting in front of me. “Now what?”
“Tent rule number two: No food in the tent. We do not want raccoons or skunks in our tent got it?”
“Got it.”
“Tent rule number three: No fire lantern inside.”
“In fact campsite rule: Marly’s are not allowed to play with the fire things.”
“Boooo.” she crossed her arms.
“Hey no boo listen to your mother.” Auston said opening the tent zipper. He came in and left the door wide open.
“Tent rule number four: Do not leave the door open. Close it as soon as you get in. We want no mosquitos in our tent while we sleep. We will wake up very very itchy.”
“Okay Ash this seems like a lot of rules.”
“Auston you’re gonna be hatin it if you don’t listen.”
“Uuugh fiiiiine.” he said rolling his head back as Marly went to go sit on his lap. “We’ll listen to mommy won’t we Marzbar?”
“I suppoooose.” she said leaning her head back too.
“You guys are nuts.” I said rolling my eyes laughing at them. “Okay Marly what side of the tent belongs to you?”
“I get to choose?”
“Yup which side do you want?” she gets up and walks around the tent one arm crossed and the other tapping her chin with one finger while she looked for the best side.
“I want this one. There’s a pocket for my light and my dolls.” she said touching the pocket.
“Okay baby you can have that side. Do you want to set up your side?”
“Aus can you go get the mattresses and the air pump? I don’t know where you packed them.”
“Yeah for sure babe.”
“Oh and the Extension cord!” I called out the tent.
“Will do. I’ll plug it in too.”
“You wanna hear a funny story Marly?”
“Sure Mommy.”
“Okay so the first time I came here to camp I was six years old and Aunt Amy was four. It was our first time camping so we were a little unprepared. Grandma and Grandpa bought me and Aunt Amy pool floaties to sleep on instead of air mattresses because we couldn’t afford them. So we had little pool toys to sleep on. We had to go over and blow them up over by the bathroom too. So every night we went marching like little ants with these things balancing on our heads so it wouldn’t drag on the ground.”
“How come Uncle Josh didn’t go?”
“He wasn’t born yet baby.”
“Oooh gotcha.” 
“Okay here’s all the stuff Ash.”
“Thanks bean. Let’s set stuff up shall we Marzbar?”
“We shall.”
“And what will I do?” Auston asked.
“Sit there and look pretty.” I said sticking my tongue out at him.
“Hmm not so easy since you two are the pretty ones but I guess I could try.”
“You’re a goof.” I say throwing his pillow at him laughing.
Marly and I finally got the air mattresses blown up. It was made harder by Auston being a nuisance. He kept unplugging the pump and blowing the air into Marly’s face as well as laying on them before I got the plug in.
“Daddy stoooop!” “AUSTON!” me and Marly yelled at the same time as he did it to us again. He was dying of laughter but we were not having as good of a time.
“I’m sorry guys I’m just having fun.”
“It’s okay Daddy it’s not your fault you’re annoying.” I died. Me and Auston were both laughing so hard at that comment.
“And who’s fault is it babygirl?”
“Uncle Mitch.”
“I believe that 100%.” I said still giggling. We got all our stuff figured out and our beds setup. “Do you guys want to go swimming?”
“Yeah yeah yeah!!” Marly exclaimed.
“Shouldn’t we eat first it’s getting close to lunch time..” Auston said looking at his phone.
“Marz, you hungry?”
“Then nope.”
“Wait but-what?” Auston asked all confused.
“Don’t worry about what time it actually is. We eat when we’re hungry, we sleep when we’re sleepy. That’s how camping works. The only time we need to know the time is for Santa’s village and campsite activities.”
“So we’re following no schedule?”
“Absolutely none whatsoever.” I say giving him a kiss. I helped Marly get changed then went into my sleeping bag to get changed.
“Ash what in the world are you doing?”
“We could leave.”
“It’s fine.”
“There’s literally a bathroom not 40 feet away from us.”
“I know.”
“You can’t get changed completely under a bag.”
“Yes I can. You’d be surprised what I can do in a sleeping bag.”
“You’re ridiculous. Completely and utterly ridiculous. But I love you to pieces.”
“Love yooou.” I got out of the sleeping bag fully changed. “Let’s go Marly so Daddy can get changed too.”
“Okay Mommy.” we exit the tent and she started walking around 
“Marly come here and put sunscreen on.”
“I don’t wanna.” she said stomping her foot and crossing her arms. 
“We’re gonna go swimming you need to protect yourself from the sun sweetpea.”
“I gueeesss.”
“Good girl.” I made sure she was completely covered before starting on myself. Auston came out of the tent and my jaw dropped as always. I went over to him, put my hands around his waist and looked up at him. “Hey, hey, hey babe. What’s cans spelled backwards?”
“Sssnac-oh my god.” he laughed and rolled his eyes.
“You’re annoying. Let’s go swimming.”
“Not so fast Auston put some sunscreen on.”
“Pfft I don’t need sunscreen I’m The Auston Matthews.”
“Wow Marly imagine that. Daddy thinks he’s tougher than the sun.” both of us beside each other are crossing our arms.
“That’s funny. Nice try Daddy. Nothing is tougher than the sun.”
“You guys are both annoying.”
“If you don’t put it on we’ll spray you with it in weird patterns.” I say. “Then not only do you get sunburnt still, but it’ll be incredibly uneven.”
“Fine I’ll put it on.” he mumbled rubbing the white lotion on his skin. “You guys are no fun.”
“I know.” Marly said laughing.
“You guys look awful cute you know. In your matching bathing suits. I like them. Can I take a picture of you guys before we go over?”
“Sure baby.” I said giving him a kiss on the head. He went back into the tent to get his phone and then me and Marly posed for him for a couple pictures.
“Enough Daddy.”
“Have you had enough?”
“Yes. I want to swim.” 
“Okay sweetie let’s go.” I put towels, phones, and keys in my backpack. I grabbed my pool noodle and Marly’s toy before we make our trek over to the pool.
“Ash do you seriously need the noodle? I thought you could swim now?”
“Aus I like the noodle. Leave me be. You taught me kind of. I still feel better with a noodle though.”
“Even Marly can swim..” he mumbled quietly.
“Yeah because she’s been in lessons.” I eased into the water which was a little bit cold but not too bad. “Come here Marly.”
“It’s cold.”
“You haven’t even touched the water silly girl.”
“Oh yeah.” she says with a giggle coming over and jumping into my arms from the side of the pool. “It’s warm.” she says matter-of-factly.
“I know silly I’m in here too.” Auston jumped into the deep end just then splashing me and Marly.
“Daddy no!” Marly yelled laughing.
“Let’s go get him baby!” we swam over to him, Marly with her flutterboard and me with my pool noodle. You can’t blame me. I never learned how to swim. Auston tried to teach me once on vacation but we ended up fooling around more than swimming.
“Aah my girls, what may I help you with?” Marly and I looked at each other before we both just splashed a whole lot water in his face. “I guess I deserved that.”
“Yes you did.” Marly said grinning. We stayed at the pool for quite a while alone until another family started walking towards the pool area in bathing suits. They were still quite a ways away but there wasn’t anyone in the field yet so you could see far away. Marly and I were playing catch when Auston come up behind me.
“Get rid of the noodle.” he tried to pull it away from me.
“What no! Why?” he kept trying to get it away. “Auston I can’t swim what are you doing?”
“There’s another family coming.”
“So? Who cares?”
“What if they know me?”
“Ugh who cares? Everyone knows you.” I asked rolling my eyes
“It’s embarrassing okay? That’s a kids pool toy. You’re an adult Ashley.”
I ignored him moving over a bit to grab the ladder.
“Sorry for embarrassing you Auston Matthews.” I spit out quietly calling him Auston Matthews in the way I knew he hated. I pushed the ball hard against his chest and climbed out of the pool.
“Mommy where are you going?” Marly asked swimming over to the side closest to the chair our stuff was on while I wrapped a towel around me wiping my eyes too while I was at it.
“I’m getting out of the water for a bit hun, play catch with Daddy.”
“Okay.” she said swimming away. Auston was fuming and I just stared at him with a raised eyebrow. The other family came in just then. They had two little kids a girl around Marly’s age and a boy a little bit older.
“Hi there!” the overly friendly mom said as they walked in.
“Hey, how’s it going?” I respond with a kind smile.
“It’s great! I love camping!” she said sitting her stuff down on a chair beside me before she took a seat too.
“Is it your first time as a family?”
“Yeah it is. Emmie finally old enough to actually enjoy it, I think, and Alex wanted to come so here we are. It’s my first time here though. What about you?”
“I’ve been here before a lot as a kid. This is Auston and Marly’s first time camping all together though. I finally got him to agree to let us all come.”
“I understand that feeling. My husband, Mitchell, didn’t want to come either. I’m the boss though so here we are.” we both shared a laugh at that as we watched them have fun.
“My name is Ashley.” I tell her after I was done laughing.
“Oh hun I know.” I must have looked at her funny because she very quickly added. “Mitchell is a huge leaf’s fan. He’s gonna flip that we’re staying somewhere with Auston Matthews. I’m sorry that must of sounded so creepy at first I didn’t mean it like that. I’m Eva.”
“It’s nice to meet you Eva.”
“You too Ashley.” we fell into easy conversation after that. It was like we had been friends for a long time and it was great. It definitely helped that we were both 23. Auston kept looking over at me with an angry look on his face while he swam and let Marly play with Emmie and Alex. 
“It looks like Marly and Emmie are really getting along well.”
“They are! It’s so cute! Camping buddies.” we laughed and Auston glared again. “Man Auston sure does seem annoyed..”
“Uugh he is. He’s being stupid.”
“Why what’s going on?”
“I can’t swim. So I was using a pool noodle to play in the pool with Marly. I don’t really need it but it’s more of a comfort thing. Auston and I got in a fight while you guys were walking up because it was embarrassing to him to have me attached to him and be using a pool noodle.”
“That’s sooo dumb.”
“Right!! That’s why I’m just sitting here now. Working on my tan.”
“Man I don’t know how you look like that after having a kid. Not fair.”
“Lucky for me I didn’t gain like any baby weight. I only showed at the very end.”
“I was like that with Emmie but Alex was awful for baby weight. Which I know is totally backwards but that’s what happened.” I heard a little cough and I look up to find Marly dripping all over.
“Why hello little miss Marly.”
“Hi Mommy.”
“Marly this is Emmie’s mom Eva can you say hi?”
“Hi Eva.” she said with a sweet smile.
“Hi Marly nice to meet you. You’re a cute one aren’t you?”
“Yes. Just like Mommy.” Eva laughed and looked at me as I rolled my eyes.
“She spends too much time with her dad.” I say laughing. “What can I do for you hm?”
“Can we make some food? I’m hungry.”
“Of course we can Marzbar here dry off a little first though.” I wrapped her up in her towel and laid her down beside me on the chair. I tickled her sides causing her to squeal. “My sweet little burrito.”
“I’m not a burrito Mommy!”
“Of course not darling.” I pat her leg and turn back to my conversation with Eva. “Well it looks like we will be leaving soon. Where are you guys staying?”
“We might be staying right beside you. We’re lot 78.”
“We’re 77! That’s so exciting! Marly did you hear that? Emmie is camping right beside us!”
“Really?! And we can play?” she asked Eva who laughed.
“Yes of course you can play!”
“Yay thank you!”
“Oh here comes angery boi.”
“Okay when he comes over you can say stuff about who he is but like let him introduce himself first and please don’t get crazy. He hates it.”
“Well good thing my husband is in town getting some stuff we forgot lol.”
“Did you just say lol out loud?” she shrugged and we both laughed really hard.
“Hey Ash, who’s this?” he asked coming up and grabbing his towel from me.
“This is Eva! She’s our camp neighbor!”
“Hi Eva nice to meet you. I’m Auston.” he put his hand out for her to shake which she did.
“Nice to meet you Auston. You play a mean game of hockey.”
“Oh haha yeah I guess.” he says blushing.
“Um wow no need to get all blushy and shy it was just a fact boy.” she said laughing.
“Alright well we should get going and make this monkey some food. We’ll see ya later!”
“Okay bye.”
“Bye Emmie, bye Alex. See you later!” Marly said excitedly waving from Auston’s arms as we left. We walked by in relative silence, just Marly babbling about her new friends when we got to the tent Auston stayed outside so we could get changed first. “They’re really fun Mommy!”
“I know baby I saw you having fun with them in the pool!”
“Alex knew who Daddy was. He was too scared to say anything though. I thought it was funny.”
“Why did you think it was funny Marly? That’s not very nice.”
“It’s not funny, funny. It’s funny weird. I don’t know how anyone would be scared of Daddy, that’s all.”
“Ooh gotcha. That’s fair enough. Daddy is liked by a lot of people. He’s kind of a big deal right now.”
“Why?” she asked incredulously.
“Because he’s a leaf honey. Hockey players are a big deal. Uncle Mitchie is a big deal too ya know.”
“Isn’t uncle Mitch a little annoying to be a big deal?”
“A little.” I said laughing. “But they are. That’s something you’ll learn Marly a lot of people know him and think he’s incredible.”
“He is incredible.”
“He sure is. Okay. Now what do you wanna wear? It’s getting close to supper time so it’s gonna get cold soon so how about some pants?”
“I want my star pants.”
“Okay, and we’ll put your bluejays shirt back on too okay?”
“Okay!” I got her changed and sent her out to Auston while I got changed into some simple legging and my favourite cat shirt. I brought Marly’s brush out of the tent so I could brush her wild pool hair.
“Alright Aus go get changed and then we can start this fire and make some food.”
“K.” he got up and left.
“Why is Daddy mad?” Marly asked while I brushed her hair.
“He’s just mad at me because I’m embarrassing sweetpea, don’t worry. It’ll all be fixed don’t worry.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. No worries. This campsite is a worry free zone missy.”
“Okay.” she said shrugging.
“Do you want to learn how to set up a fire?”
“Okay come on.” I opened up the bag of wood and brought some pieces over to the fire pit. “Okay so we’re gonna make a little teepee okay? So let’s put three up together and make them stay.”
“This is impossible!” she exclaimed after a few tries.
“No it’s not here let me help.” I helped her and she got it eventually very proud of herself. “Now we just pile it on top of these three. Easy peasy.” we finished relatively quickly and she posed for me to take a picture of her with her fire set up.
“Easy peasy.” she said getting up. “Now what?”
“Well we need to rip up some paper to crumple up and catch on fire first before the wood will catch.”
“I can do that!”
“Okay baby here you go. Maybe rip and crumple half this little book okay?”
“Then we put it underneath like this see?”
“Ash can I talk to you.” Auston demanded.
“Marz do you think you can handle paper duty?”
“Duh.” she said rolling her eyes at me. Me and Auston walked a little ways away from her.
“Oh no Auston Matthews are you sure you can be seen with me right now? I’m not embarrassing you am I?”
“Stop calling me that.” he said getting angry. His jaw was doing the thing and I was dying. I love it when it clenches like that. “I want to talk like normal adults.”
“Fine then talk.”
“You’ve been in a mood.”
“You’ve been a dick.”
“What? How?”
“You said you were embarrassed by me and what I was doing.”
“No you listen to me Auston. If you can’t handle parts about me and are embarrassed to be seen with me tell me. Because this is shitty and I feel awful. I’m just trying to share a happy experience with my family and day one has been crappy because I’m embarrassing the love of my life and he’s ashamed of me.” I was crying again and he pulled me into his arms tight whispering to me.
“Hey no. You’re not embarrassing me and I have never ever been ashamed of you. I could never be. I love you so much. I fucked up. Bad. I didn’t mean to say it like that or make it seem like you’re bad for me to be seen with or anything. You and Marly are the only two I ever want to be seen with.”
“I mean it Ashley. I mean it with every fiber of my being. I’m sorry I made you feel so bad.”
“I forgive you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” I say giving him a smile and a jaw kiss. “Now come on Marly’s ready to start a fire.”
“Hey little one whatcha doin?” Auston asked sitting beside her on the ground.
“I ripped the paper and I think it’s ready. Mommy will you check?”
“Of course darlin.” I crouched down and moved some of the paper around a little bit before smiling at her. “You did a very good job Marzbar.” 
“Yay! Thank you!”
“Okay so now is the adult part. You stand back okay Marly?”
“Okay.” she said saluting very seriously and taking a few steps back.
“Alright Aus, time to learn how to start a fire. Grab those matches over there on the table?”
“Sure babe.” he brought them over and crouched down next to me.
“Alright so now we’re going to light all along the paper and eventually the wood will catch.”
“Why can’t we just light the wood?”
“Because Aus, it won’t catch right away. Tomorrow I’ll show you how to use fire starting cubes and sticks. It’ll be rad. But you always need some kind of starter.”
“Oooh okay.” Marly said nodding.
“Sorry Ash, that was a stupid question..” he said looking down and frowning a bit.
“Hey hey hey. Turn that frown upside down. There is no reason to be sad or apologize. It wasn’t a dumb question at all cutiepie.” I kissed his hand after to try to and get him in a better mood.
“Okay..let’s start this fire?”
“Okay baby.” me and Auston both took matches and started lighting all around the paper. Soon enough the wood caught and we had us a fire going.
“Marly what do you want for supper?”
“I want hotdogs!”
“Well that’s good sweetie, we’ll be eating hotdogs a lot this week.” I said chuckling bringing the cooler and the cooking utensils over to the picnic table. “Okay Marly I’m gonna teach you how to roast a hotdog. Are you ready?”
“Yes Mommy!!”
“Okay so here’s what we’re going to do. You take one and you jab it through onto this poker like this.” I demonstrated and she did the same thing. “Now come over here with me to the fire.”
“But you said camp rule no Marly’s by the fire.”
“I said no playing by the fire. You can cook and sit by the fire. I’m sorry darling I should’ve been more clear.”
“Um yeah you should’ve. It would be waaay more helpful.”
“Okay miss attitude come here.” she came over to where I was and stood there. “Now all you have to do is hold the hotdog in the flame. Close to the wood but try not to touch it, it’ll be a little yucky if you touch the wood with it.”
“Will you help me?”
“Of course babygirl.” I went behind her and helped her hold the poker and cook her food. All the while I could hear and see Auston taking pictures of the two of us.
“This is fun Mommy. I like this.”
“I’m really really glad Marly.” I said giving her a kiss on her temple. We stayed there cooking for a little bit before Auston made his way over.
“Is there room for me to come cook?” he asked Marly.
“Of course there is Daddy!” she said with a giggle. “Look at all the fire!”
“What if I want your fire?”
“No.” she said simply making Auston laugh.
“Like mother like daughter.” he said referring to the first time we met.
“Shut up.” I said rolling my eyes at him.
“Mommy I think it’s done!” Marly exclaimed.
“Yes it looks like it. Okay come back to the table. Be very careful not to trip with that.” she made her way over with no problems thank goodness. “I’m gonna take the hotdog off because if you touch the metal you will burn your little fingers.”
“Oh no!”
“We do not want that.”
“No that’ll hurt. Remember when uncle Mitch burned his fingers on the stove? He said bad words and cried!”
“Yes honey it really hurts so don’t touch okay?”
“Okay I’ll let you and daddy get it off then.” 
“Probably a good idea.” I said taking off her hotdog and putting it in a bun. “Ketchup or no?”
“Definitely ketchup!” 
“Okay darling, here you go. Let me set up the camp chairs so you can sit by the fire and eat.” I brought out a little chair and set it up far enough away from the fire that she wouldn’t be a risk to get hurt by it or fall in. I set up mine and Auston’s while we were at it.
“Thank you Mommy.” 
“You’re very welcome Miss Marly.” I ruffled her hair and went back over to where Auston was at the table.
“I made us both some food while you were helping Marly.” he said smiling at you handing over a plate of food.
“Baby you’re the best.” I went on my tip toes and gave him a kiss. “I’m so lucky.”
“You are really lucky.” he said in fake seriousness before laughing. “I love you.”
“I love you too Auston Matthews.” I said in a happy day dreamy voice.
“Now that is the way I like to hear my full name coming from your mouth.” he gave me another kiss and we went to sit and eat with Marly. While we were eating Leah and her kids came back to their site giving us a wave.
“Mommy can we invite them over to our campfire later?”
“Sure we can darling. Oh yeah Auston?”
“What baby?”
“Eva said her husband Mitchell is a really really big leaf fan. She’s going to tell him to behave but I just want to warn you he might be a little crazy.”
“Alright that’s okay I guess. I’m sorry I can’t get away from being a leaf Ashley, I know you wanted this to be about all of us as a family and not about leaf stuff..”
“Aus don’t be sorry. It’s who you are and no one can take that away baby. I’m so proud of you for all your leaf stuff. I just wanted to warn you so you aren’t surprised, my love.”
“Thank you Ash, you’re a blessing.” Marly coughed interrupting us.
“If you’re done being groooooss can I make some desert?”
“Do you want to go over and see if Emmie wants to come make smores?”
“Yes, yes, yes!!” she said clapping her hands in excitement. “Daddy will you come too?”
“I’m going to stay with the fire babygirl you go with mommy and bring her over.”
“Hey no boo. Let’s go little bean.” I took her hand and we walked through a couple trees to their side of the site line. It was starting to get dark but we could still see just enough to not need a lantern yet. “You hoo hi neighbours.”
“Oh hey Ash!” Leah said looking up from doing up the tent. “Hi Marly, what’s up?”
“We were wondering if you guys wanted to come over and have smores with us?”
“All of us? Including Mitchell?”
“Yeah of course! I warned Auston and he’s not really bothered.”
“Okay sure! Let me go get them, they’re at the playground.”
“Alright we’ll see you in a few.” I walked Marly back to the site and she sat down again.
“Are they coming over?” Auston asked Marly.
“Yes Daddy! I’m so excited I love marshmallows.”
“I’m happy for you Marzbar.” he said laughing. A few minutes later I heard some children laughing and looked up to find the family of four walking over.
“Don’t be crazy. I can see the crazy building and I’m telling you right damn now, do not be crazy.” I heard Eva mumble as she walked up holding her husband’s hand.
“Hey Eva!” I say walking over to them. “Hi, you must be Mitchell. I’m Ashley.”
“Yeah that’s me nice to meet you too. Eva’s been talking about you guys all day.”
“Yeeeah well you’ve been talking about him for like 6 years sooo who’s really the annoying one?” Eva said sarcastically back at him.
“Shut up.” he said blushing which made me and Eva laugh.
“Hey Emmie, Alex. Marly is veeerry excited to see you guys again.” I said crouching down to be at eye level with the little girl and boy holding their dad’s hand.
“Dad can we play?” Alex asked pulling at his dad’s hand.
“Yeah go ahead guys.” with that the two took off and went over to the picnic table where Marly was sitting, who got very excited and squealed in delight when she saw her friends coming over. Auston was just kind of awkwardly looking at everyone around while getting smore stuff ready for the kids. I forgot sometimes that he also got overwhelmed and nervous with new people. 
“Here come meet Auston.” I said leading the way over to my beautiful man. “Aus, babe meet Mitchell!”
“Oh um..” he was still visibly nervous, not to others but to me it was. He looked the same way when he met my grandma years ago. I went over and put my arms around his waist, squeezing for reassurance. “Hi Mitchell, it’s nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine dude. I’m a huge fan.” he said shaking his hand with a big smile on his face. Auston blushed but smiled too.
“Thanks man, I appreciate it.” 
“So did you get dragged here too?”
“Dude did I ever. Ash had been begging for months to go here.” auston said rolling his eyes.
“Hey! Don’t act like you aren’t having fun right now.” I said hitting his chest he just smiled at me but ignored my comment falling into easy conversation with Mitchell. Me and Eva went over to the campfire sitting in my and Auston’s chairs.
“Soo? Did you fix things with angery boi?”
“Yeah, I kinda cried at him and he apologized. He’s been having a hard time coming here.”
“How come?”
“Because camping is my thing and he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He really hates not knowing how to do things and this is all brand new for him.”
“Oh okay I understand.”
“Yeah so it kinda sucks but I’m trying to be patient with him because he’s just frustrated that he never got to learn how to do this ‘normal stuff’ when I got to learn it because he was too busy with hockey. He’s not mad at me.”
“But he is kind of taking it out on you.”
“That’s true, but I can handle it.”
“It didn’t seem like it earlier.” she said laughing at me.
“Well there is a reason for that.”
“Which is..?” she asked turning to look at me. I opened my mouth to answer but was interrupted by a couple little girls.
“Hello mommy.” Marly said sweetly.
“Hi pumpkin, what can we do for you two?” I asked pulling her up on my lap.
“Can we make smores now?”
“Of course Mar, let’s go. Daddy already has everything set up over there by the picnic table.”
“Alex won’t go over there.” Emmie said to us.
“How come Em?”
“He’s scared Mama. Auston is his favourite.”
“Oh my. Okay well you girls go over and ask them for help, we’ll talk to Alex.” I say sending them on their way before Eva and I walked over to where Alex was sitting on a blanket.
“Hey lil buddy, what’s goin on?”
“Mom did Em tell her that I’m scared?” he asked looking at me.
“She did tell me I’m sorry Alex. Why are you scared though?”
“He’s my favourite..what if he doesn’t like me?”
“Oh Alex that’s crazy talk.” Eva said brushing his shaggy brown hair from his eyes. “You’re a wonderful little boy I’m sure he’ll like you.”
“Auston is a very, very nice man. I used to be scared of him too you know?” I told Alex.
“What you? No way!”
“Yes way. He was my favourite too. I didn’t think he’d like me either, but then he did. In fact the first time I met him I accidentally punched him in the nose.”
“Woah. And he still liked you?”
“Yeah he did, very much.”
“Well if you can punch him and get him to almost marry you, I think I can meet him and be his friend.”
“You definitely can.” Eva said.
“For sure lil dude.” I stood up and offered my hands to his to pull him up. “Let’s go meet Auston and make smores with the girls okay?”
“Okay!!” he took both my and Eva’s hand and dragged us over to the rest of them but stopped short. “Ashley will you introduce me to him?”
“Of course darlin! Come on.” I walk over to Auston who had his back to us and faceplanted into his back to get his attention making him laugh.
“Hi cutie whatcha doing?” he asked laughing
“You are his favourite. He’s very nervous.” I mumbled into his back before he turned around.
“Auston this is Alex, Alex meet Auston.” I couldn’t help but smile at Alex’s wide eyed expression.
“Wow..Hi Auston Matthews..”
“Hi buddy, how are you doing?” Auston asked crouching down in front of him.
“I’m doing really, really good.”
“Do you want to come make smores with me?”
“YOU want to make smores with ME?” he asked incredulously.
“I sure do. Only if you want to though of course.”
“Yes! I would love to do that!!” he said jumping up and down with a big smile before giving him a hug which Auston returned with a chuckle.
“Okay little bud, come on!” he took his hand and led him over to the girls and Mitchell.
“That is so cute. Can I take pictures?” Eva asked me.
“Yeah of course! If you wouldn’t mind though don’t post them until we’re gone from here? We don’t want to be super bombarded ya know? Like just in case.”
“Oh yeah for sure. This is just a dream come true for both my boys and I want to capture it. Especially for Alex.” she said as she took a picture of Auston helping Alex roast the marshmallow.
“It actually warms my heart. Auston has always wanted a boy.” I said smiling fondly at the love of my life.
“Why don’t you have another?”
“I want to. I just don’t know if it’s the right time ya know?” I took a pause thinking. “Actually you know what I trust you. I’m  pregnant right now.”
“Woah what?!”
“You can’t tell anyone. I mean it.”
“Does Auston know?”
“Absolutely not. I found out when he was in the playoffs and he’s been in a mood since so I haven’t wanted to stress him out or upset him. I’m going to either tell him on this trip or once we get home.”
“How far along?”
“About 14 weeks.”
“Wow that’s so exciting! I’m happy for you!”
“Thank you. But remember no telling anyone until I tell Auston.”
“I promise on my kids lives not a word to anyone.”
“Thank you. I’m hoping it’s the little boy Auston has always wanted. He loves Marly to bits but it’s just not the same. He wants a little hockey boy.”
“I understand that. Mitchell always wanted a boy first to enjoy hockey with. Both of the kids love it but Alex more.”
“See the problem is that Marly is very, very much like me. She wants to be like him too but he only sees that she’s like me. It’s a shame because Marly wants to play hockey like him but he wants a hockey boy.”
“That really is too bad. Why don’t you sign Marly up anyway?”
“I already have for this september. I’ve been teaching her while hockey season is going in secret. She’s really good already. Definitely Auston Matthews kid, the talent is in the genes. It’s actually crazy honestly.”
“Oooh sneaky.” she said making me laugh.
“Mommy!” Marly called to me.
“What little bean?”
“Daddy is soooo bad at this!”
“Hey little missy I’m trying. Alex thinks I’m doing good right, buddy?”
“Yeah! He made mine perfect!”
“Yeah!” he gave Alex a high-five and they stuck their tongue out at Marly to which she folded her arms and let out a small ‘hmph’.
“I’m coming to help babygirl don’t worry.” me and Eva went over to the fire, her sitting with her daughter, husband, son, and Auston while I went to the other side to be with Marly. I grabbed more cookies and chocolate and she sat on my lap.
“I don’t even know what to do..” she pouted.
“Hey no pouty faces I will teach you. You see where the wood is glowing?”
“That’s the best spot to roast em, but don’t get too close or it’ll light on fire.”
“Oh no!”
“Yeah sometimes. I like mine on fire, but I don’t like them as much as you do. We’re just going to toast yours okay?”
“Sounds good Mommy.” she said smiling up at me.
“Okay monkey, let’s do it.” I helped her get it all nice and golden. “Okay take it away from the fire babybean.”
“Now what?”
“I’m gonna take these two cookies and give it the ol’ smoosheroo.”
“The ol’ smoosherooooo!” she repeated giggling as I put the cookies on either side on the marshmallow.
“You reeeeady?” I ask her as she nods frantically. “Smoosh!”
“Now what?” she asked after she finished giggling.
“I’m gonna give it a pull, hold on tight.” she nodded and I gave an exaggerated pull of the smore. I started taking a video, wanting to get her reaction to tryring her first smore. “Oh wow beautiful! Excellent smore! I have never seen such an amazing camp treat!”
“Thank you, thank you. I did it all by myself.”
“All by yourself huh?”
“Uh huh.” she said nodding.
“Okay sure no help anywhere to be seen right?”
“Of course not. I need no help, I’m a big girl.”
“Okay my big girl, take a bite!” she brought the treat to her mouth and took a little bite before her eyes went big.
“This is so good!! Mommy! Mommy this is so good!” she started jumping up and down in excitement.
“Do you like it Marly?”
“Yesyesyes!” she said with her mouth full and marshmallow on her face.
“You’ve got it all over your face sweetpea!”
“I don’t care.”
“I do.”
“It’s too yummy to care Mommy!” she said exasperatedly flinging her arms out. I stopped the video giggling at my daughter.
“You’re crazy monkey.”
“Daddy!! Daddy look at my smore!” she said excitedly running over to him.
“Cool Marly.” he said not looking at her.
“Try it! It tastes good! I did a good job!!”
“I’m sure you did.” he was just ignoring her which was making her sad.
“Can I try some Marly?” Eva asked, making her little face light up again.
“Yeah!” she ran back over to where I was. She got up on Eva’s lap and fed her a bite of smore.
“Wow you did a very good job Miss Mar.”
“Thank you!!” she said sitting on her lap kicking her legs happily looking at me eating the rest of her smore. After a little while Emmie and Alex started getting tired, both of them yawning and snuggling up, Em with her dad and Alex with Auston. Which was cute but Marly was sitting glaring at the two from between me and Eva which we both noticed.
“Alright, we better be getting going to put you guys to bed. It’s been a long day and I’ve got two sleepy heads on my hands over there.”
“No mum I’m awake.” Alex said rubbing his little eyes.
“Nope we’re going back to the tent to go to sleep. Get off Auston and let’s go.” she said sternly to her boy.
“I’ll bring him back over to the tent if it’s okay with you guys?” Auston asked Mitchell and Eva before she could answer though Mitchell did.
“Yeah sure dude! Thanks.” and the two of them got up with the kids in their arms and a lantern in hand to go over to their site. Once they were out of earshot Leah turned to me.
“I’m sorry.. I was trying to go so that Marly wouldn’t be upset but it looks like it’s just been made worse.”
“Eva it’s not your fault at all. Auston is just excited about there being a boy around.”
“Hey Miss Marly?” she said kneeling in front of the pouting little girl.
“I’m very sorry that Alex is taking your dad’s attention. Are you mad at us?”
“No I’m not angry. I’m sad. I just wanted to show daddy my smore..”
“I’m sorry hunny. Do you still want to play with Emmie?”
“Yeah! I don’t want Emmie to go! She’s my camp friend!”
“Okay I just wanted to make sure. Goodnight Marly, we’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay bye bye.” Eva got up and left with a wave to me and another quiet apology.
“Come here babybean.” I said sitting down in my chair with my arms out to her. She came over quickly and curled up on my lap. I had a blanket and wrapped it around us both while I sat rocking her in front of the fire.
“Will you sing to me mommy?” she asked quietly.
“Of course Marly.” I say putting on one of the songs that make her feel better which was Turning Page by Sleeping At Last. It always calmed her down and I loved it so it worked out well. I put it on repeat and sang it to her the first couple times. “Are you okay darling?”
“I’m alright Mommy. Just a little sad.”
“Well don’t be sad. Tomorrow Daddy will be spending all day with just us at the park.”
“No he’s gonna go with Alex..”
“No he isn’t.”
“Hey, who’s the boss?”
“Mommy’s the boss.” she said with a little smile poking me in the chest.
“Exactly. I’ll make sure Daddy comes with us.”
“Thank you Mommy.”
“I love you Marly. Forever and always.”
“I love you too.”
“Yeah? For real?”
“For really real.” she snuggled into my arms with Ingwaz that I hadn’t noticed her take out. “Can I go to sleep?”
“Of course Mar, I’ll bring you in to bed don’t worry.”
“Thank you Mommy. Goodnight, I love you.” she said quietly closing her eyes while I sang to her again. I put the playlist on shuffle though so it wasn’t the same thing the whole time. Not that it mattered much since she was out before the next song started. I sat there for a while before I saw a lantern coming over, I was hoping it was Auston so I could put Marly to bed without worrying about leaving the fire but it wasn’t. It was Eva again. I motioned for her to be quiet and to sit while I brought Marly to bed. I tucked her into her sleeping bag and put her light in her little pocket by her bed. I zipped up the tent and went back over to the fire, running a hand through my hair.
“I’m sorry. Auston and Mitchell are doing a full on play  out of green eggs and ham for Alex and Emmie. Although Em is already asleep.” she said chuckling. I put the fire out while she was talking.
“It’s not your fault. Auston is doing this not you. It’s not your fault you have a son. I don’t hold you accountable.”
“It still sucks and I still feel awful.”
“Let’s go lay over in the field?”
“Sure but what about Marly?”
“I’ve got the baby monitor just in case. Come on. I don’t want Auston to hear us.” I grabbed a lantern and Marly’s play blanket and we went over to the field spreading it out before turning off the lantern so I could look at the stars. “I didn’t recognize you without your red hair at first.”
“I was wondering how long it would take for you to remember.” she said with a chuckle.
“Literally as soon as you said lol out loud I knew for sure. You look a lot different without your piercings and stuff.”
“Yeah well babies like to pull things out of your face sometimes and I do not like it.”
“That’s fair enough dude.”
“So you aren’t mad about the whole Auston thing?”
“Of course not Eva, I’m just a little worried.”
“How come?”
“What if this baby happens to be a boy? Will Auston treat Marly like this if he has a boy of his own?”
“I hope not.”
“I genuinely don’t think Marly will be able to handle it. She’s already sad and thinks Auston is going to spend our family time with Alex.”
“He won’t. I’ll keep them all away if you want me to.”
“Are you guys going to the park tomorrow?”
“We were thinking about it. Why are you?”
“Then we won’t.”
“Eva come on you don’t have to do that..” I said feeling bad.
“No. I’m going to do that. There’s no reason that little girl should be scared all day that her dad is going to ditch her for some boy he just met.”
“Eva I actually can’t thank you enough. It broke my heart when Marly told me she thought it was just going to be me and her while Auston went with you guys.”
“No we aren’t breaking any hearts. We’ll stay away tomorrow at least from the park.”
“The next day or even after if you guys want a day together alone it’s the least we can do, but we can go as a group? We’ll pay. I just really want to give Marly a chance to enjoy it and have family time ya know?”
“I completely understand.” we got quiet for a few minutes just looking at the stars before she spoke up again. “I wouldn’t worry too much. About Auston I mean.”
“I just don’t want him to leave her out like he was today. That would be awful.”
“It would but I’m positive you wouldn’t let it happen and I promise now that I’m back he’s not going to. I’ll come to your house and fight him.”
“Dude actually do it.” I said laughing. It turned into a yawn though.
“Okay well now that you’ve figured out who I am and we’ve talked, you go to sleep. You and the little one need it. I’ll try my best to get your boy back to you as soon as possible.”
“Thank you so much.” we walked back over to my tent and I went inside waving bye. “See you tomorrow.”
“Have a goodnight Ash.” once she left I zipped the tent and got into pajamas before curling up in my sleeping bag on the far side so Auston wouldn’t have to crawl over me. I didn’t fall asleep, waiting for Auston. He didn’t come back for almost an hour after that. I was crying of course but it didn’t really matter, I cried a lot these days. The sleeping bag that had been unzipped and used as a comforter was now zipped for one. He came in and I kept my back to him while he got changed and came to the air mattress. 
“Babe what are you doing?” he asked in a whisper. I didn’t answer pretending to be asleep. “Ash I know you’re not asleep. That’s not how you breathe while you’re sleeping. Come ooon why won’t you talk to me?”
“Mmm what do you want?” I ask turning over to look at him.
“Cuddle meeeee.”
“Um wow needy.” I said with a laugh. I didn’t do anything but I let him unzip the sleeping bag and put it back like normal, too tired to fight but I still didn’t want to see him so I stayed facing away while he got situated and spooned me.
“Goodnight baby. I love you.”
“Goodnight Auston. Love you.” I said short before falling asleep.
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justatiredghost · 5 years
Unsolved Academy Ch9
Klaus and Dave are finally getting back to ghost hunting and the return of their every-day routine gives Klaus an idea he just can’t shake. We’re getting close to the end here, only a chapter or two left!
“Uuugh, do we really have to go?” Klaus asked where he lay sprawled out on the floor of his room. 
“I mean, it would be a little weird, hiding up here while everyone is downstairs,” Dave said, looking back at him in the reflection of the mirror as he finished buttoning up his shirt. “They’d probably just come up and pound on the door until we let them in.”
“If they don’t break it down first,” Klaus grumbled. “I can’t believe they’re using an actual family dinner as an excuse to check up on us.”
“They’re all just worried about us. Besides, it’ll be nice to see everyone, right?”
“I guess,” Klaus admitted grudgingly. He loved his family despite their flaws, he really did, and he was getting along with them more and more as time went on, thankfully, but sometimes they could be a lot. Especially if they were just gonna spend the evening scolding him. “It’s just weird is all.”
“What is?” Dave asked, coming to sit beside him. Klaus shifted so his head was in his lap, eyes closing as he felt fingers combing through his hair.
“I guess I’m just used to them not caring,” he said. “No, that’s not fair. Maybe they did care, but I’m sure even Ben was burnt out having to deal with my shit all the time. You’d think they would have learned their lesson. Stop hoping for more from me or whatever. Maybe they’re just here to make sure you’re doing okay.” 
“Hey now, come on. They’re here because they know how hard you’re trying and they want to support you.” Dave said it so simply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but it left Klaus reeling. 
Everything he was doing, getting clean and holding down a job; he always thought his family saw it as the bare minimum when just existing could be a huge struggle. Dave understood, but then they told each other everything, celebrated each tiny shaky step that they both took. No one else really knew what he was dealing with, except maybe Ben who knew the signs and wouldn’t let Klaus shut him out. 
Honestly, he wasn’t sure how much his siblings even wanted to know. And if he did tell them, would they even understand? Maybe not, but maybe they could still see some sort of change in him. Whatever it was, it made them willing to try and that was more than Klaus had expected. It was surprisingly nice and he was grateful if a little overwhelmed. 
“Oh,” Klaus said, voice sounding small even to his own ears.
“You okay?” Dave asked.
“Yeah, sure,” Klaus cleared his throat, trying to ignore the swell of appreciation and affection, both for his siblings and for Dave for always being so patient and kind. “I guess you’re right. Let me just get out of my pjs and into some proper clothes and we can go downstairs.”
He crawled to his feet and went to the closet, sifting through a pile of clothes. Neither of them were very good about actually putting laundry away but at least it was clean. Eventually, he pulled out a shirt and examined it..
“Wait, is this yours or mine?” he asked, glancing at Dave over his shoulder. 
“Ah, I think that one’s mine,” Dave replied.
“Excellent,” Klaus said, pulling it on and Dave laughed.
Dave moved slowly and gingerly, his head still sensitive, and Klaus was still using his cane to get around (which he was rocking, by the way) but otherwise eating dinner with everyone made things feel normal again and let Klaus forget his concerns. Well, as normal as anything ever was for them all. It was loud of course, half his siblings arguing most of the evening, but the food was good and it was nice to see them mostly getting along.
“So Klaus, Dave,” Luther said eventually. Klaus had to give him credit, he managed to wait until they’d gotten halfway through the meal. Maybe that was his plan, waiting until it would be harder to escape. If he left now, he’d miss dessert! “How are you both holding up?”
“Oh, great,” Klaus said cheerily.  “Gunshot wounds and head trauma, nothing new there. Kinda reminds me of the good ole superhero days.”
“From what I hear, the three of you handled yourselves admirably,” Five said.
“Ben was amazing,” Dave said. “You shoulda seen him.”
“Oh, come on,” Ben said a little awkwardly. 
“I’m just sorry we left you guys there alone,” Allison said and Vanya nodded.
“Nah, he woulda just waited to jump us later,” Klaus said.
“I think we should start taking turns going with,” Diego said. “Having backup can’t hurt.” 
“What? Come on,” Klaus rolled his eyes. “We were fine, he didn’t stand a chance against Ben. Besides how often are we gonna witness a murder?”
“You are spending your nights in abandoned buildings,” Vanya pointed out. “Maybe it would be a good idea.”
“I have time at the moment, I can go first,” Five said to Klaus’ surprise.
“Don’t you think you guys are overreacting just a little?” Klaus said. “This is kind of ridiculous.”
“Normally I’d agree,” Luther said. “But you’ve already had one close call and it couldn’t hurt.”
“It is better to act on the side of caution,” Five pointed out.
“Don’t worry,” Dave leaned over and whispered to him. “I’m sure things will go back to normal and they’ll lighten up so long as we don’t almost get murdered again.”
“Aw, but where’s the fun in that?” Klaus replied.
Slowly but surely things were getting back to normal. While he still needed to take it easy, Dave had more or less been given a clean bill of health and they were finally getting back to work. It was a relief to both of them. Time off was great sometimes, but they both liked having something to do, a schedule and order to their life, and just the act of creating things meant a lot to them. It was also proof that Dave was getting better which put Klaus at ease.
Slipping back into old routines was nice as well. Sure, Klaus would often do his makeup just because, or maybe even for Dave, and they’d occasionally do their nails together, but it was nice to have an excuse. Knowing they were going to be on camera was a reason to wipe off the two-day old mascara and apply it fresh. Klaus still usually went with a messy look, but this time it was intentional.
Dave was of course perfectly capable of applying his own nail polish on the occasions when he wanted them done, but he liked it when Klaus did it for him so they were currently sitting on either side of an old wooden chest, Dave’s hands splayed out on top of it to give him more space to work. Dave was watching him with a fond sappy smile, too, which he was finding very distracting. 
“Finished,” Klaus announces eventually, screwing the lid back onto the bottle of nail polish. 
“It looks great, thank you, babe,” Dave said, keeping both of his hands where they were, always worried about ruining all of Klaus’ hard work even though he never showed the same care when he did his own. 
Dave leaned forward and Klaus could feel him smiling into the kiss. It was soft and warm and Klaus knew he had to be feeling just as excited and relieved that their lives were getting back to normal. They survived, got through it all. Together. Slowly the kiss deepened and when Dave lifted a hand to brush through Klaus’ hair, he saw it coming and caught his wrist. 
“Ah, ah,” Klaus scolded but he was grinning too. “You’re gonna get nail polish all up in my hair if you keep that up.”
“Sorry, got a little carried away,” Dave said, blushing adorably. 
“Hmm, that just might be an interesting game to play,” Klaus said, sliding the wooden chest aside. 
“What are you planning?” Dave asked suspiciously as he leaned back, hands flat on the ground as if to remind himself not to move them. 
“Seeing how long you can go until you forget,” Klaus knelt right in front of him, leaning against his chest as he came in for another kiss. 
“That’s just cruel,” Dave laughed but he leaned into him, into another kiss. 
“Oh wait,” Klaus said, pulling away again. “We gotta go soon and I still need to do my toes. Do you want me to do yours?”
“Nah, I don’t like going barefoot as much as you,” Dave said. “Wait, you’re not planning on wandering around an abandoned house barefoot, are you?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” Klaus winked at him before turning around to sit on the floor between Dave’s legs so he could lean back against his him. 
He braces his feet on the old wooden chest so he could get a good view of his toenails and pulled out the nail polish again. While he worked, Dave started placing kisses along his neck and shoulder.
“That’s very distracting, you know,” Klaus said. 
“We’ll call it revenge,” Dave chucked. “And hey, at least I’m not using my hands.”
Understandably, everyone was still a bit jumpy after everything that had happened so, true to his word, Five was there when they went to shoot at their next location. He met Klaus outside, approaching while the others started setting up.
“I’ll make sure you’re all safe while you film,” he said with a slight smile.  
“Hey, I think we did pretty well for ourselves,” Klaus pouted. Sure, they’d gotten hurt, but they weren’t incompitent or anything.
“I guess you’re not completely useless,” Five joked. “I just mean you shouldn’t have to always be looking over your shoulder. The Hargreeves look out for each other.” 
“Do we? I don’t think anyone has ever said that,” Klaus chuckled. “In fact, I’d say Dad sorta encouraged the opposite.” 
“Reginald is dead. We get to decide for ourselves what our name means.”
Klaus was struck by that and could only watch in silence as Five walked away. 
“Smart guy,” Dave said, coming up behind Klaus and putting his arms around him. “I’m glad you have family like him.” 
“Yeah,” Klaus said, leaning back against him. “He’s a good little old man.” 
“Now, accounts on this place vary widely depending on where you look,” Dave said to the camera as they entered the darkened building. “Some think there’s a malevolent demon living here. Others claim there’s a ghost of a woman who lures and seduces men. So, we’ve come up with a plan.”
“We’ve decided that I, your friendly neighborhood Pan, will flirt with the ghost,” Klaus said, turning to grin at the camera.
“Meanwhile,” Dave said. “I’ll flirt with the demon. Just to keep things equal.”
“I never thought I’d say this but I am insanely jealous of a demon right now,” Klaus said with a laugh.
“Don’t worry, Klaus, you know you’re the only one for me.”
“Wait a second,” Klaus said. “Are you not worried about me flirting with a ghost?”
“Oh, you’ll be taking me out to dinner to reassure me tomorrow,” Dave joked. 
“Hello, demon?” Dave called into the darkness. “I know you’re supposed to be the one doing the tempting, but maybe I can, um, tempt you tonight instead?”
“What a great look into the beginning of our relationship. He’s useless,” Klaus said to the camera, rolling his eyes. He turned back and walked over to Dave, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Step aside, and let me show you how it’s done.”
“Fine, fine,” Dave said, stepping back.
“Hey ghost, the person of your dreams is finally here! Why don’t you come out and take a look at this fine specimen here?” Klaus gestured to himself before putting on a couple different poses as he waited for a reply. 
Dave put his face in his hands, trying his best not to laugh.
“Hmm, she must not be here,” Klaus said after giving it a moment or two, coming back over to Dave. “So? Did that sexy display remind you of anything? Like my attempts to woo you, perhaps?” Klaus asked, waggling his eyebrows.
“Nah, there wasn’t nearly enough crying,” Dave joked.
“Ouch, now you’re just being cruel,” Klaus laughed.
“It’s actually a bit spookier, looking for demons,” Klaus said as they wandered down a darkened hallway. 
“They could be anywhere, around any corner, just waiting to jump out,” Dave said helpfully.
“I don’t know if I can even see them,” Klaus said. “Have I seen them before? Would I even know?” 
“I imagine they’d be pretty unsettling,” Dave said.
“All of them are unsettling,” Klaus laughed. “Maybe demons are so lame they don’t even stand out from the ghosts.”
“Wow,” Dave said. “Hear that demons? It sounds like you are super lame. Idiot demons.”
“That’s no way to talk to someone on your first date,” Klaus said.
“They could always come out and prove me wrong. I feel kinda like I’ve been stood up.”
“Hey,” Klaus said, pointing up to a hole in the wall near the ceiling. “Anyone wanna dare me to go up there and check that out? Maybe there’s a demon living in there.”
“Hell yeah,” Dave said, pumping his fist.
Ben was grinning while Vanya whispered, ‘oh no,” under her breath as Dave got into position. Leaning against the wall, he held his hands out, giving Klaus a boost up so he could reach the hole. 
“I can’t really see anything,” Klaus said. “Let me just shine my flashlight-- holy fucking glowing eyes, there is a demon in here!” 
“Wait, what?” Dave said, sounding alarmed but trying to keep Klaus steady.
“Oh wait, hang on, it’s just a racoon. Oh fuck, a racoon! And he looks pissed. Get me down, quick!” 
Dave nearly dropped him as Klaus tried to squirm away but they managed to get away before they heard the angry chittering, the racoon popping its head out to glare at them before retreating back into its home.
“In hindsight, that may not have been a very good idea,” Dave said.
“Worth it,” Klaus said. 
“Let’s just go before it decides it wants to eat us after all. That’d be an embarrassing way to go.” 
“I say we tell everyone it was possessed by a demon. They can’t prove it isn’t true.”
As they filmed, Klaus would often spot Five nearby, completely focused on his notebook, no doubt working on some contingency plan or other for when that time traveling police or whatever they were caught up to them again. He had to be listening do them, though, because occasionally they would say something and there would be the unmistakable twitch of his lips up into the briefest of smiles. 
Klaus very much doubted that Five watched their show, he just couldn’t picture it. But it was obvious that he was proud of them and that was certainly a new feeling. Pretty much Dave and Ben and maybe Diego once or twice had been the only people to express any sort of pride in him and Klaus didn’t know what to do with that. If Five of all people was proud of him, maybe he was doing something right with his life after all.
Klaus had always told himself that he didn’t care what his family, or anyone really, thought of him or his choices. That didn’t mean it hurt any less whenever they’d dismiss him, or when they gave up on him entirely, as if deciding all Klaus would ever be was a useless failure. This was a surprisingly nice change. He could get used to this.
“So how are you feeling?” Dave asked as he and Klaus sat in a cheap all-night diner near home. It was the first private moment they’d had together since they’d started filming even if Ben was just up at the register paying the bill. “Is it weird being back?”
“Nah, it feels kinda nice,” Klaus said. “I like having something to do, you know? What about you?”
“Yeah, it's good, I just--” Dave ran a hand through his hair, mussing it in a frustrated gesture. “I guess I keep looking for things in the shadows. Not ghosts or anything, sorry I’m sure you do that all the time, just. You know.”
Klaus took his hand where it rested on the table, squeezing gently until he looked back up at him. “Do you-- want to stop? Do something different?” 
It was hard, suggesting that. He didn’t want to give this up, not now that they had something that felt so good, a job that he was actually capable of doing. They were slowly building a life that they could live together and a future actually seemed possible for once. But none of it was worth it if it was making Dave miserable. 
“No, no,” Dave said, smiling as he leaned into Klaus, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as if sensing his thoughts. “I like doing this. Besides, even if we never left the house again, I’d still probably feel this way. I’ll get over it eventually. And despite everything, it is pretty nice knowing we stopped a murderer.”
“Yeah,” Klaus said enthusiastically, latching onto a positive in all of this. 
“I get why Diego does this. It’s nice to actually get to stop the bad guy,” Dave said, no doubt thinking about Vietnam. They’d all been told that they were fighting for good, but he’d always said it was hard to believe, knowing the people they were killing were just as scared, wanting nothing more than to go home. “Not that I want to make a career out of it, of course. I don’t like fighting. And our job is much more fun.”
“Yeah,” Klaus said. “It’s nice, creating something, making people laugh.”
“Seriously, I am really glad to be getting back to this,” Dave said, smiling at him so fondly. “I’m glad to be doing this with you.”
“Love you,” Klaus said, grinning like a fool as he kissed him. 
“Love you too,” Dave said, and he was grinning just as much. 
Mom and Pogo generally kept the fridge stocked these days, especially since the kids had all started visiting regularly, even beyond their monthly family dinners. Still, now that Klaus and Dave had some spending money of their own, it was nice to be able to shop for themselves, and there was the perfect little convenience store just a couple blocks away.
Today Klaus had gone by himself. It wasn’t as fun without Dave, but he’d been working hard processing footage all day and looked like he could use a rest. And Klaus wanted to surprise him with some of his favorite snacks. 
Arms now full, he headed for the checkout, struggling not to drop anything. As he passed by a display full of candy, however, one item caught his eye. The little package had ‘RingPop’ in bold yellow lettering across the front and it was so ridiculous and yet somehow perfect that that of all things gave him an idea that he couldn’t shake.
Marriage, or, well, a committed relationship in general, was one of those things Klaus had always figured was for everyone else, not him. He was too fucked up, or too weird, or too much. But then Dave has happened. It seemed impossible to find someone he fit so perfectly with, the two of them weaving their lives together so naturally that it felt like they’d always known each other. 
Klaus hadn’t even really believed in love until they’d met, and now here he was, completely head over heels. He knew what it meant to love and be loved, to think of someone else before yourself, to dedicate your life to taking care of each other. It wasn’t easy, of course. It could be hard and scary, but it was wonderful and amazing as well. 
Despite everything they’d been through, a part of him had still expected Dave to make a break for it the moment they were out of the war, to find someone better now that he actually had options and wasn’t trapped on the front lines. But no, Dave loved him and Klaus loved him back and some days Klaus thought it all had to be a dream. Except months and months had gone by and he still hadn’t woken up. 
There were still moments that took Klaus by surprise, moments when he’d be reminded of just how deeply Dave loved him. Like when they’d been attacked at the abandoned house. He’d never seen anyone fight for his safety like Dave had, desperate and obviously so terrified of losing him. Klaus couldn’t believe he could be so lucky, that someone could care so strongly for him. 
It left Klaus speechless, too shocked to fully wrap his mind around how much it meant to him, and how much he loved Dave. Nothing like a near-death experience to get one thinking about life and love and the future and all that. 
Not that that was why it was on his mind. Really, it was getting back to their everyday routine that reminded Klaus that this was it, this was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He wanted to wake up next to Dave every morning, to make a life they could be proud of together and fill it with as much laughter as possible. He always knew it, but somehow the mundane and the joy they managed to fill the days with just reinforced it in him. 
Marriage didn’t actually mean much to Klaus, and he didn’t need a ring to tell him that Dave felt the same. They’d already talked about it, about the future and commitment and all that, and neither of them needed an object to represent the sort of bond they had or the promises they’d made to each other. They’d already defied time and death for each other after all. 
But Dave had grown up in a time where marriage hadn’t even been an option. The whole ‘nuclear family’ thing had been more prevalent than ever and he’d been forced to look at that through his childhood and know he could never truly have that, not the way he wanted at least, with someone who wasn’t a woman at his side. But now he could. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better at least. And if Klaus had to go and figure out where in the hell you got those stupid white picket fences he would. 
Not that either of them actually wanted that, there was just something satisfying in metaphorically spitting in the faces of those who had made Dave believe none of this could happen, that there might be something wrong with him for even wanting it. Ultimately there was nothing traditional about Dave or Klaus and they certainly didn’t want to live their lives that way out of spite. They’d always done things their own way anyway. It was more fun. 
Which is why the idea of proposing with a candy sucker on a cheap plastic ring seemed so perfect. It would make Dave laugh and that was what this was all about, wasn’t it? Besides, if he waited to get an actual fancy rings, it would take forever. 
At the moment, most of their income went either into making the show better or their savings so they could move out. Klaus would have to dip into that which he’d never do without Dave’s agreement which would ruin the surprise, or he’d have to spend years saving up which would take much too long. He never was a patient person
Klaus had already been standing there staring for much too long so he quickly grabbed one, orange because it was bright and sunny and warm, and hurried to the counter. He knew he had a big goofy grin on his face but the woman who rang him up didn’t ask. Now Klaus just needed to figure out how he was actually going to propose.
(Next chapter)
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manchasama · 6 years
Yeah work was a-tiring~  So I have not forgotten, and here we have a drabble that I wrote while super tired~  Tired is a state of being~  But enjoy :)
Day 14: "I've got one word for you: sing-along!"
"I spy with my little eye, something green."
"Is it a tree?"
"What else could it be?" Vivi complained, kicking her feet up onto the dashboard and slouching down in her car seat.  Around them, endless trees passed by, the limited landscape providing nothing of interest to her bored mind.  "Uuugh, I hate to be that person but are we there yet?"
"Two more hours at least," Lewis replied, taking his eyes off the road briefly to give her a sympathetic look.  "Do you want to take a break?  There should be a truck stop somewhere along the way."
"Nooo," she moaned, dragging a hand down her face.  "That would just prolong the suffering.  Ugh."
"Well," Arthur chimed from the back seat, "You could find some way to entertain yourself."
Vivi sat up straight, twisting around so she could glare at him.  He was propped in the corner of the backseat, head bowed over the glowing screen of his phone as he focused on whatever game he was playing.  He had a little bit of his tongue sticking out, which was distractingly adorable, but Vivi wouldn't be swayed.
"Listen," she said, reaching out to poke a finger into his leg.  He made a noise of protest.  "Just because you can look at screens in a car doesn't mean we all can."
Mystery popped his head up.   "You could try sleeping," he muttered pointedly, looking blearily at her.  
"And not all of us can sleep the daylight hours away," she countered.  She poked his nose pointedly for good measure.  Giving a disgusted snort, he curled back up and ignored her.
Lewis reached a hand out to tug her back into her seat.  "Please sit properly."
"Yes dear," she sighed.
"I've got one word for you," Arthur said, looking up from his phone with a grin.  "Snacks!"
"Snacks?" Mystery yelped, sitting up sharply.  Arthur laughed at the excited puppy-dog eyes being aimed at him.
Vivi laughed too.  "Yes!" she cheered.  "Snacks make everything better."  
She and Mystery started to chant, "Snacks, snacks snacks," while Arthur moaned and groaned dramatically, and finally half climbed over the back of his seat to reach the bag of snacks in the back.
"Arthur!" Lewis protested, glaring at the flailing feet in his rear-view mirror.  "Sit properly!"
"In a minute!" Arthur hollered. "What do you guys even want?"
"Meat," Mystery rumbled, giving a toothy grin that was completely lost to Arthur.  
"How about the pastrami sandwiches?" Vivi suggested.  Her mouth watered at the thought.  "Lewis, did you pack those?  Please say you did!"
He sighed.  "Yes Vivi.  I packed your pastrami.  Arthur!" he snapped as Arthur used the driver seat as a brace.
"Sorry!  The cooler slid back.  And...got it!  Okay," he said, flopping back into his seat.  "Meat, meat, and more meat.  One with peppers, so warning Vivi."
"Roger," she saluted, taking the first sandwich and pushing it in Lewis' direction.
Lewis sighed.  "You all are a bad influence.  I'm supposed to be watching the road, you know."
"Yeah, the long stretch of road with, what, two cars in view?" Arthur countered around a mouthful of his own sandwich.
Vivi curled up happily with her food, moaning around the buttery smooth taste that melted on her tongue.  "Lewis, I swear I'm going to marry you someday for your sandwich making skills."
Lewis went bright red.  "Vivi!"
"Hey, don't hog his food all to yourself," Arthur protested, leaning over the back of the seats and slinging an arm across Lewis' chest.
"Guys, I swear if you don't let me concentrate on driving, I'm not going to make you food for a month."
"A real threat," Mystery said sotto voce.  Vivi and Arthur yelped in tandem, and quickly sat themselves properly.
The silence lasted all of two minutes before Lewis broke it with a guilty sigh.  "Okay, fine."
Vivi laughed, leaning into his arm and giving it a nuzzle.  "Hey, I have one word for you," she said slyly.  He looked down at her, raising an eyebrow.  "Sing-along!"
"Oh god no," Arthur wailed, but she ignored it as Lewis gave her a big smile, one that made her heart beat just a bit faster.
"Find me a good station, corazón."
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lysa-linden-blog · 6 years
The New Legends of Monkey
This post is mostly going to consist of my ramblings about why I think Monkey is the beautiful submissive I’m not even sure I’m worthy of having on my screen.
There’ll be some other random observations or TripKey squealing scattered throughout. (Preface almost everything I write here with “I think.” I’m sure there are lots of other wonderful interpretations of the characterization and there’s totally space for all of us! 😄 AKA, I realize this is all a little far-fetched, but it just makes me so happy I’m okay with my headcanon being different from the average.)
I... cannot believe how long this got. 
I think Monkey resists learning the gods language because he thinks he'll fail at it and disappoint his Master. He wants to prove himself with his physical skill, which is what he DOES feel confident in. (If he can be strong enough, fast enough, skilled enough --> then his Master will be pleased with him). He thinks of himself as a warrior and doesn't seem to believe he can be more than that, not really.
Monkey shows off the Master's form when fighting the demon in front of everyone, thinking he’ll impress his Master and the audience. The "I think we can all agree it was perfect" is arrogance, but also him WAITING to receive some kind of approval, because he can't understand why they're not happy with him. (He's such a good student who learned the technique perfectly even though he wasn't included in the lesson! Isn't that a good thing? Also he really felt kind of left out that he didn't get to be a part of the lesson but whatever, he's not pouting YOU'RE POUTING)
Davari is the one who gets in his head and convinces him that he's supposed to be a master. (I thought this was interesting, because at first it seems like a very arrogant move to ask if he's supposed to be a Master, but in reality he didn't arrive at that conclusion on his own.) And even when he's asking the Master if that's the plan, he starts to doubt and feel unsure of himself: "*Isn't* it?" Uuugh, the expression on his face when he says that!! The tiny cracks of vulnerability in his face just kill me, because it’s like his mask is so close to cracking in that moment.
Monkey decides that he doesn't belong because he's failed. ("Why did you bring me here to join the gods? You knew I would fail.") This feels like an important character point for him: he's not okay with failing. Somewhere along the way he developed the idea that he's not allowed to.
Davari convinces him to steal the crown, that he should be a king. Monkey trusts Davari, the only person who around here appreciates Monkey for what he is, so why wouldn't he take Davari's ideas to heart?
Yet as soon as his Master is hurt, he wants to stay and make things how they were (to do what he thinks his Master wants).
I think his Master had a point, that he wasn't able to give Monkey the guidance he needed. Monkey clearly WANTS to have a purpose, he wants to be good and have approval, but he struggles. He struggles with:
his own defensiveness (when Pigsy tries to tell him it wasn't a good idea to invite the tree pirates along)
his embarassment (when Tripitaka says she can read the language and he gets snippy, when he's finally forced to reveal he can't)
his NEED to impress others/gain their approval.
It makes him resistant to trying things he's not good at, it makes him lie or omit the truth to protect himself and his image (his attempt to try to keep affection, not be rejected).
His Master tells him to scatter the scrolls, and he does that rather than stay and defend himself (fulfilling the Master's wishes).
He resists joining Tripitaka at first, but can't help himself -- he comes to "save" her from Sandy. His mission/purpose is determined by someone other than himself.
I think that moment when they discuss how she controls the crown is really interesting, because there's never a second where it seems like she will FORCE him to go along, yet that's the first place HIS mind goes (and maybe there's a little part of him longs to be controlled????).
ALSO, how she uses the Sutra to connect with him when he's too deep in his mind, so the Sutra isn't just something to cause him awful pain. It's a link with his mind. (I am 1,000% fervently imagining ways in which this could feature in their sex life omgggggggggg what if the crown is like their version of a collar in this universe I CANNOT EVEN)
He loves his "tribe" because they make him feel wanted, and he's excited to make them happy, to bring them along and give them what they want - the chance to fight with him. So when Tripitaka confronts him, he's frustrated that she can't understand why he needs this, why she's treating him as if he's done something awful when his tribespeople are so happy with him. He WANTS to make everyone happy, but he can't.
I also think it's pertinent that he verbally attacks/questions the Scholar, which in a way could be him struggling with his grief over his Master. In both cases, it's men who've been killed who determine his path: the Master tasked him with hiding the scrolls, and now the Scholar has tasked him with reclaiming them. In some ways he wants to live up to their expectations, but he's also angry at them: partly that they can't be HERE with him, helping him and giving him the guidance he needs, and also for expecting more of him than he thinks he's capable of. I really feel like Monkey's outer shell is a veneer of confidence that's covering some deep-rooted insecurities. He's still very emotionally immature, and doesn't completely understand how to manage himself. He's terrified of failure, but because of that he's stagnant in some ways, resistant to pushing himself in new directions or taking emotional risks.
"Master. Forgive me." 1x06
"He used me." / "I was betrayed. The demon made a fool... OF ME!" You can see how hurt Monkey is, finding out he was used by someone he thought was his friend. I wonder if there are situations when he wants to be USEFUL rather than used -- to make people he loves and trusts proud of him, to stand by people who he knows will do the RIGHT THING with his strength. (Like his comment when Tripitaka doesn't bathe with them, "it's about doing the right thing," the way he points at her like he's acknowledging her moral fortitude - I love that!)
"Monkey, please, trust me. We have to go. Monkey! Leave it, Monkey, fight him another day." And it takes him a minute, for Tripitaka's voice to penetrate, but Monkey goes.
Sooooo the narrative wants us to lay the responsibility for the world being plunged into darkness on Monkey's shoulders, and I'm just... not seeing it. I mean, yes, he tried to steal the crown, but what does that have to do with Davari killing the Master? Just because Monkey happened to be distracting the Master when Davari decided to attack?
I think one way or another Davari was going to kill the Master, and one way or another he was going to get Monkey out of the picture. I mean... I don't know, yes, Monkey's behavior was impulsive, but stealing a crown IS NOT an automatic prelude to plunging the world into darkness. It's not as if he were warned "TOUCH THE CROWN AND CAUSE 500 YEARS OF MISERY." He had no idea what would result from his actions and had no way of knowing what was coming. It wasn't as if he was intentionally ignoring dire warnings.
It seems like when someone is in a solid leadership position that Monkey doesn't have a problem falling into line. Like when Gwen is leading them out of the kin forest, you don't see him vying to try and compete with her for the leadership position, he follows her because the rest of them have decided to trust her, and since he trusts his team, he goes along.
Or, when Tripitaka leaves them, and he tries to get Sandy and Pigsy to go along with his angry-reactionary-not-well-thought-out-plan, and starts getting angry with Pigsy. BUT as soon as Sandy comes up with a completely logical alternative, Monkey has no issue going along with it. Later on, he more than happy to go along with Pigsy's "tethered goat" idea.
"When I first came out of the rock, I didn't know what to expect. I thought, perhaps, a little more fanfare. But there was nothing. No gods, no welcoming ceremony... nothing. Just you. An insiginificant human. No, that... [sighs]. That's not what I mean, okay? This isn't coming out right. When my Master died, I thought I would never again have the chance to be a part of something that mattered. Until I met you." [he reaches out to touch her tentatively] "Don't die." [pats her awkwardly]
When Tripitaka realizes that Gwen died for her she goes to reach for her necklace. It's like her safety talisman, when she feels insecure she reaches for it.
"Forget about Tripitaka. Forget about the scrolls." So when he feels abandoned (Tripitaka secrety leaving them in the night), he shuts down and doesn't want to show even an ounce of how he's being affected by that feeling of abandonment/betrayal.
I also think it's cute how quickly he picks up the spitting gesture from the family. I think Monkey is much more absorbent/open to influence than he initially seems.
Two gods have died for Tripitaka: Gwen, who took on her poison, and the god they sacrificed to the abyss to try and motivate her to translate.
When Monkey asks Pigsy about whether he still trusts Tripitaka -- here we are again, Monkey, struggling with trust, and seeking out someone else's opinion to help guide him, since he's confused about his own feelings/what to believe. (Also, even when he's not sure if he trusts Tripitaka, he's STILL very concerned that the plan doesn't have a specific step dedicated to rescuing her because it’s IMPORTANT for REASONS which MONKEY CANNOT REALLY EXPLAIN WHAT THEY ARE OKAY BUT THERE ARE REASONS.)
In the last episode, we see signs of Monkey's affection for everyone in their group -- he's worried about rescuing Tripitaka when they infiltrate the banquet; he adjusts Pigsy's scarf right before he goes on stage; he says "good of you to make an appearance" when he and Sandy are fighting side by side, although when she says, "you missed me, didn't you?" he deflects by saying "I'm not so sure about that." Monkey, my beautiful baby, just beginning to feel safe enough to show tiny slivers of the massive amounts of love you have stored up inside of you, just waiting for the right people to come along!
Pigsy has to physically restrain Monkey from becoming physically violent more than once (when Raxion talks about executing him, when Davari is activating the immortality spell). When if Monkey needs that? Some kind of physical touch to ground him, bring him back from the edge? It also seems like Tripitaka's voice has this effect.
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