#along w number 4 on the first list
cultofsappho · 7 months
In honor of AGCD 🤠, a list of my berserk findings in roughly chronological order RE: A RWRB Sequel:
1. When the movie come out, Casey did an AMA on Threads for both Alex, then Henry. In Henry's AMA, they posted this:
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Meaning at the very least they'd be open to writing/sharing/creating more for Alex and Henry, if not a direct sequel [more from the AMA: X]
2. Casey also had an interview with Out Magazine in Nov '23 where they were asked if the want to write a sequel and they said "Of course I'd love to! 😉 I don't think i'm allowed to say anything more than that.😊" They're so fucking precious. We all know what 'not allowed to say' means. [twitter video: X]
3. Taylor has had a bunch of interviews recently, mostly as an ambassador to the SAG awards. He's been asked a dozen times about a RWRB sequel and everytime he says something along the lines of "Anything could happen! But I don't know, they don't tell me these things aha! 🤪 Give me a call!" And he's so unbelieveably obvious that his interview clips have already been compared to Andrew Garfield denying having any role in Spider-Man: No Way Home: [tiktok: X]
4. PrimeVideoUK has been bringing up RWRB & Firstprince more on social media recently. It could be for any number of reasons, it's their movie they can market however they feel like. Especially since Nick has a bunch of projects releasing rn (one of which, The Idea Of You is also releasing on Prime this summer), they may want to capitalize on the attention on him. Or, it could be to test RWRB's engagement #s... [tweet: X] [tweet: X] [twitter poll w/a rwrb sweep: X] [tiktok: X] And all the comments on these posts (and more) are begging for a sequel. So, if their social media manager is passing on the message... 👀
5. This is def a reach, so if you don't mind, i'm pulling out the red string for this conspiracy corkboard. But Casey was recently in London, it could have been a trip for literally anything. But, the first movie was filmed (and maybe produced idfk) in London. [insta post: X] they sold the movie rights for RWRB before the book was released, if I'm remembering that right, but maybe they retain rights to sign off on a sequel.
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so anyway i was thinking about all those little things adding up in my head and thinking i was on to some kind of conspiracy then Nick goes and does press for Mary & George (which i just started, and is amazing btw) and says this shit:
6. Nick confirms in an interview with HitsRadio that they're talking about a RWRB sequel. Just flat out: "Yeah obv conversations are happening, duh! 😇" energy. God bless him. He says there have been conversations about a sequel. And, they're all on the same page that the script needs to be right and "all the components" need to be right. [X minute 15:50 they bring up the rwrb sequel, but the whole interview is great and you should watch it!]
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ANYWAY i'm in a land of delusion, gnawing on the iron bars of my enclosure, etc, but also maybe not bc they're talking about a sequel and now we just need to wait for the greenlight
And (pseudo point #7), it would be a dumb business decision for Prime to not make a sequel. RWRB did way too well for an LGBT product, releasing during a dual actors and writer's strike, with little to no promo and zero press tour. From the RWRB Wikipedia page: "For the first three weeks after its release, it was the top watched film worldwide on the platform and provoked what Prime Video described as "a huge surge" of new subscribers." [X] And subscribers are all these streaming services care about.
I can't wait to reblog this with a screenshot when they inevitably post an offical confirmation for a sequel movie...
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cosmerelists · 10 months
Randomly Paired Cosmere Characters On A Date
I have a list of 112 Cosmere characters I feel vaguely comfortable writing for and a random number generator. Let's see what happens!
(Upon my honor, I did not finagle with these results beyond rerolling any repeat characters and not allowing Tien to go on a date with Gaz because gross.)
[Spoilers for the end of Mistborn Era 1!]
1. Eshonai & Teft
Eshonai: I am excited. This is the first date I've been on with a human! Teft: Sorry you got stuck with someone like me, then. I'm...not the best example that humanity has to offer. Eshonai: Really? You have an Honorspren, though. That speaks highly of you! Teft: I- How did you know I had an Honorspren?? Eshonai: She's behind you, giving me a thumbs up. Teft: Phendorana! I said I didn't need a wingman! Eshonai: You clearly do, though.
2. Marasi & Blushweaver
Blushweaver: Oh my...you're cute. I love the buttoned-up look! Blushweaver: I can't wait to get them all undone. Blushweaver: Oh that's quite a blush! Do you like me? Marasi: W-WE HAVEN'T EVEN ORDERED FOOD YET
3. Galladon & Bleeder
Galladon: You got crazy eyes, friend. Bleeder: Yeah, I kill people a lot. And I already have a man. Galladon: Shall we eat in slightly hostile silence then? Bleeder: Works for me. Galladon: Not the worst date I've been on.
4. Lopen & Shallan
Lopen: You know, I used to have only one arm. I kinda miss it! Lopen: You know why? Shallan: Because back then, you were always all right? Lopen: ... Lopen: I LIKE you, gancho! Shallan: Thanks! I'm pretty quick on the uptake...not that there's anything wrong with being stumped of course. Lopen: I may be in love.
5. Szeth & Lightsong
Lightsong: Well you have an...intense air about you. Lightsong: What do you do for fun? Szeth: There is no fun for one such as me. Szeth: ... Szeth: I guess I talk to my sword, sometimes. Lightsong: Oh, I'm gonna need to be drunk-drunk for this one.
6. Ann & Sazed
Ann: And after I got these spectacles, I got way better at firing guns AND cannons! Ann: My crewmates no longer fear ol' Ironeyes when I line up a shot, ha ha! Sazed: ... Sazed: ... Sazed: W-What was that? Ann: Hmm? What was what? Sazed: C-Can I ask you a billion questions about your planets mythology and religions, please?
7. Demoux & TenSoon
Demoux: So...this is just a little weird, right? Demoux: I mean, we were both there, back in the day, with Kelsier and Vin and all of them. Demoux: And we both seemed to die but didn't and we're still out there, bein' in books and stuff. We have so much in common! Demoux: But it's still weird. Demoux: ...It might be because you're in your wolf body. TenSoon: Humans love dogs. Demoux: I don't think this is going to work out.
8. Cord & Parlin
Parlin: That bow...it's amazing. Cord: Thanks! It's a Shardbow. Very flashy. Cord: Yours is nice too, though. Simple, but i can tell how well made it is. And well cared for! Parlin: Thank you. I think you can tell a lot about a person by how they care for their weapons. Cord: So true! Man, can you believe we BOTH brought our bows on a first date? Parlin: Do...most people leave their weapons at home or something? Cord: Actually, yes. Parlin: Strange. Cord: I know, right?
9. Gaz & Dockson
Gaz: ...So yeah, that's how I ended up with that lady, Shallan. Now I work for her--well, when she actually has something for me to do. Dockson: I can see why my stories about Kelsier made you think of her. They both seem like charismatic, damaged people. Dockson: Heh, do you think your Shallan and my Kelsier would get along? Gaz: ...Somehow, I feel like they'd try to kill each other. Dockson: You could be right.
10. Radiant & Adolin
Radiant: Tell me all the tales of your bravery in war! Radiant: I will not ask you about pooping, even a little! Adolin: Aww, but I kinda liked it when Shallan asked me about pooping. Radiant: Yes, and after this date proves to be much more stilted, I'm sure Shallan will feel all the more secure that she is meant to be with you, poop questions and all. Adolin: So this is a date about helping ease Shallan's lingering insecurities about how our first date went? Radiant: Well, yes. Adolin: Yeah, that tracks.
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oceansssblue · 6 months
Graphic detailed smut with submissive cute Echo and dom female reader.
Little fluffy oneshot with fives/pregnant freader
3. ONE POWERFUL BITE –TBB&FREADER (no romantic pairing) 📩💔💖
Alternative universe where the Batch are monster hunters. Tragedy ensues when freader get's bitten and turns to one. (Happy ending).
Short sexy Hunter smut where our poor sarge gets caught red-handed.
Small melancholic drabble where female reader is woken up by a nightmare and Hunter arrives to give a little comfort.
First part: short drabble where Wrecker gets sicks and has to get used to not being always the strong one.
Second part: short drabble where reader discovers Echo's longing to have a family of his own and chat with him about it.
Small fluffy oneshot. Fives has always been a player. Now he has a change of heart.
You get separated in battle. As a result, you end up with a collection of scars. Tech doesn't think you any less.
(First kiss fluff)
Mayday survives Barton IV w Cross and you get worried asf.
Omega opens up about her experiences of Kamino and Tantiss.
Check out the list for part 2 of this requests in my main masterlist!!
&more to come!
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cow-stealin-gal · 1 year
SUBJECT 31: The beginnings
An official first chapter...
Chapter 1: The Jailbreak
Commander: she/her
Soldiers 1-4: guys
Subject 19: it
Subject 27: it
Subject 29: he/him
Subject 31: she/her
"The rain was pouring when it happened.
It was a cold bloody 2:29 AM attack."
The facility was hit with an enormous explosion that broke apart a sizable chunk of the roof and the alarms rang immediately.
Moderately trained soldiers arrived to the scene.
Commander: "Man your stations men!"
Their goal was simple.
They need to stop them from leaving.
Soldier 1: "do we have clearance to terminate rouge Subjects?"
Commander: "Negative!"
Commander: "They specifically recommended tranquilizer darts to subdue them! The researchers need them alive for the cure."
Soldier 2: On your left!
*pew pew pew pew
The group of soldiers take down a cougar snake hybrid, the snake head took the place of the cougar's tail while the cougar head was two inches longer. It also sported muscular scaly legs, which had the tattoo of its designated number and icon brand.
Commander:[Subject 19 is subdued] *bzzt
Soldier 3: "You said that there was a cure."
Soldier 3: WHAT CURE?!?!"
Commander: "All they mentioned is that one of the Subjects could have a cure to the disease brought by the asteroid!"
Soldier 2: "There's too many lose in the wild!"
Soldier 1: ON YOUR 6!
*pew pew pew pew
*pew pew pew
*they took down the large seemingly lackluster reptilian man. They wore overalls. The tattoo of the fellow are on the back of his neck.
Commander: [Subject 29 is subdued]
Commande: "I KNOW THAT!"
Soldier 3: "Then why not kill them off?!"
Commander: "That's not our directive!"
The group reloads their darts before proceeding to the next room.
Soldier 1: "Enough, we have a town to protect!"
Commander: "If we fall, the townsfolk will be the next ones on these fucker's hit list.
*tap tap tap tap tap tap
The group runs towards the side doors.
Soldier 4: "Up ahead!"
A tiny, speedy chicken with a larger beak, four legs, and a long thin tail that sported a hook scattered across the ceiling. One could hardly witness its terrifying speed and live to see to the day.
The little shit ran across the ceiling.
*pew pew pew
pitter patter pitter patter
Soldier 2: "Shit!"
Commander: "Keep your aim steady!"
Soldier 4: 'We get it!!"
the creature continuously evades the darts.
*pew pew
pitter patter
*pew pew
pitter patter
The soliders are nearly running their ammo dry.
pitter patter
*pew pew
Solider 2: "Finally!"
Upon a closer look, the chicken had their designated number and icon brands tattooed on their wings.
Commander: [Subject 27 is subdued]
The group reloads their darts again.
Soldier 1: "So what now?"
Commander: "We keep going. That's the only thing we can-
Solider 3's words bought them little time despite the early start.
C r a s h.
The group immediately dodged the flying doors, ducking on either side.
The gaping door frame revealed a large golden reptile who had red and brown bat wings, a blue tied-up bikini, a tattoo of her designated number along with the brand icon on both her her tail and her thighs.
She especially sported a long tail that branched off into two twin blade tails.
Commander: "SUBJECT 31 IS ON THE LOOSE!"
Soldier 4: "NO! NOT HER!"
The group immediately fires at Subject 31.
But her twin tails deflect every shot.
*pew pew pew pew
*pew pew pew pew
*ping ping ping ping
Their darts were quickly dwindling.
Soldier 3: "FUCK!"
*pew pew pew pew
*ping ping ping ping
*pew pew-chink-chink
*ping ping
w h o o s h
Commander: "NO!"
Subject 31 rushed forward
She slammed Soldiers 2 & 4.
She slammed her right tail onto Soldier 3.
Soldier 1 desperately shot at her wings.
*pew pew-
*ping ping
Subject 31 slammed him with her right tail upon turning around.
Then rushed forward.
Commander only had milliseconds to embrace herself
Commander was nearly out of commission...
Vision blurry, stomach dying.
Commander picked up her weapon and shot Subject 31's leg.
Subject 31: Raghhh.
Subject 31 slammed her left tail onto the Commander.
Commander: "URKKK"
Subject 31 began walking away.
Commander: "she's...getting...away"
flap flap flap flap flap
Subject 31: ack..it's so damn cold and wet.
Subject 31: My wings are starting to get heavy
pitter patter pitter patter
Subject 31: I should get somewhere dry...
Subject 31: where tho
Subject 31 was forced to fight to keep themselves in the air while seaching for shelter.
The constant rain put pressure on her wings, as such, she was quickly growing tired.
Until suddenly, a flash of lighting revealed...
a dark spot in the ground.
followed by:
Subject 31: HOLY-
The loud noise distracted her long again to lose grip on her wing strength, leaving her to tumble down on the ground.
Subject 31: Ah-fuc-AGHHH-
She slipped and slid...right into the cavern.
Subject 31: AHHHhhhhhh
Frantically trying to flap her wings was no use.
Subject 31: ughhh....
Exhausted from the ordeal, she went into a deep sleep.
The end...
for now
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comfy-whumpee · 1 year
Safe From Harm
I’ve been on holiday but I have some bits to contribute to the BBU Community Day 3, Discipline (and technically Day 4, Facility). Thank you @bbu-on-the-side​!
@neuro-whump​, @rosesareviolentlyread​, @whumper-in-training​, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @whumpsday, @firewheeesky, @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question, @highwaywhump
Handler Gisemba always arrived on time. 831010 knew she did, because she always scolded him for not being ready on time. “What are you doing?” she’d snap, as he scrambled to stand and present himself properly. “You have been wasting so much time. There is work to do.”
Handler Gisemba always had work for him to do. Her hands were full of it, her sleeves rolled back from it, her hair kept tightly-wound away from it. Sometimes it was cleaning, other times cooking, or laundry, or gardening, or handywork. Handler Gisemba oversaw his attendance to a majority of the household upkeep courses, along with the other trainees she managed. Every day she watched over them as they worked at the direction of the instructor, and came to inspect their performance. At the end of each week, she announced her rankings.
831010 was a new trainee when he first saw the rankings posted. Huddled among the others, arms tight around his knees and collar heavy around his neck, he watched the Handler set a list of numbers on her whiteboard in their training room. From top to bottom she wrote, and 831010 glanced around as the others smiled and relaxed, then tensed and flinched, depending on how long it took for their number to appear.
In that sea of white shirts and soft, white trousers, which almost everyone had managed to keep pristine through all the work they’d done, proving their dedication to clean and diligent work, 831010 felt like an outlier. He had a yellow stain on one knee. He had dirt under his fingernails. His body ached and his joints screamed as he tried to hold the same neat position as he others.
His number was written at the bottom of the list. It had only been a few days since he started. But there he was, mercilessly condemned.
Handler Gisemba stepped back from the board, turning. She set down the pen with a click. Only then did 831010 realise how silent the room had become. He could almost feel the group holding its breath and he had no idea what for. He couldn’t remember anything like this ever happening to him. He was along in this cold, white place, while the people around him acted like he wasn’t there, only their incidental body heat providing him any comfort.
Handler Gisemba was the only person who looked at him. “831010” she said, her voice soft but heavy. 831010 rose painfully from his knees, fighting not to shiver under her stare. There was a chill in the room, now that he’d left the safety of the trainees huddled together. His head throbbed dully in the way it always did, a constant pressure wrapped around his skull.
The Handler watched his approach. Her eyes were deep pits of disappointment, her frown two thick lines struck through her forehead. She was the same height as him, but in her boots, she outmatched him by inches, and he knew she wouldn’t hesitate to order him to kneel if she wanted to tower over him further.
The thought came to him that he should kneel anyway. Everyone else did. Nobody had explained the rules to him, but he was a trainee, he was here to learn, and if he couldn’t do that, he would never amount to anything.
“831010,” Handler Gisemba said again, her disappointment palpable. Her tone remained calm. “Would I be happy, if I was in your family?”
Her eyes bore down on him, and he bent his head. “No, Handler.” His voice crackled dryly. They had come here straight from the last class, and he hadn’t had any water in hours.
“Would I think you were worth bringing into my home?”
“No, Handler.”
She turned to the rest of the group. The room stopped breathing. From the pouch at her waist, she took a small black case, barely shorter than her forefinger, with a white button on its top. She held it out, button facing the group.
“Who can tell me how 831010 failed?”
His heart beat loudly in his chest, blood burning under his skin. Was it that obvious that everyone knew?
“458948,” she said. Someone else’s number.
458948 rose stiffly from her place on the floor and approached with averted eyes. Her voice issued wispy but level, sure of her words: “He didn’t keep his clothing clean while working.”
458948 ducked her head slightly, twitching it down in acknowledgement. One hand reached out and pressed the button down.
831010 jumped as pain jolted through him, burning his muscles with convulsions. It passed as quickly as it had come, leaving him gasping.
“What else?” She paused. 831010 stared at his knees, eyes watering. “594209.”
831010 shivered as he listened to another person rise and approach, more hesitantly this time. “He, um, h-he didn’t finish the crystalware with the right cloth.”
Hadn’t he? What was the right cloth? He’d been copying someone else, had he mixed up the steps? Had they?
The pain arrived as suddenly as before, a spike through his nerves, tearing him inside, leaving him tattered.
“Very good.” 594209 got back down onto his knees on the floor. Handler Gisemba didn’t pause. “What else?”
There was more. How much more?
Someone else rose. “He worked slowly.” Agony, sharper than before, his body an open channel for the raw hurt.
“Good. What else?” She didn’t need to pick numbers anymore. People called out.
“He kept staring at others.” Pain.
“He didn’t focus.” Pain.
“He didn’t look like he cared.” Pain.
Each one praised by the handler. Each one met with the question of what more they could say to him, until everybody had said something to criticise him. Each one punctuated by a shock that left him half-slumped, shaking, panting and in tears from the barrage.
When silence finally fell, the weight of all the condemnation was stifling. The whole room seemed to hate him. Nobody spoke. Nobody made any noise. He couldn’t stop gasping.
Only pure fear stopped him, when Handler Gisemba leaned down over him, turning his head up with the end of her baton so that he met her eyes.
“Your family will love you,” she promised, her voice sincere, almost gentle. “But only if you are perfect.”
831010 nodded, miserable and terrified and grateful. She would make sure he was perfect. They would all make sure. If he was anything less, he would hurt. “Thank you, Handler.”
She let the baton drop, turning instead to the rest of the trainees. He looked with her, but kept his eyes low, skipping away from faces that he didn’t know.
“Now, 831010.” He tensed to hear her speak again. It wasn’t over. “Who else made a mistake today?”
His thoughts fled in shock. The question rang in his ears. It didn’t make sense. He looked into someone’s face accidentally and didn’t recognise the fear there as they looked suddenly away from him. Everyone was, he realised, looking out over the pale, drawn faces, the white clothes and black collars. Everyone was pleading with him not to pick them.
“I don’t know everyone’s number, Handler,” he whispered, apologetic. He shivered with another aftershock, shoulders burning from being so tense.
“Point to them.”
That felt worse. Much worse. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, and picked the only person he knew anything about.
“185025,” the handler provided.
“185025 - um, used the wrong finishing cloth. The s-same one as me.”
The black box with the white button stared him suddenly in the face. There was no question to it. It was a given. His hand shook. One shock to trade for all of his. Take a dozen, hand out just one. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right. But none of them had even hesitated to cut him down on demand.
He turned his eyes away, and pressed the button. Even with the slightest, briefest press, he saw the violent jerk of 185025’s body in the stillness of the room. In the silence, he heard their gasp of pain.
His heart burned. He glanced upwards at Handler Gisemba for the relief of approval, but she showed none. Behind her, he saw the numbers on the board. 185025 was second from the top.
Nobody was perfect yet, it seemed. Nobody was safe.
Shame weighed on him heavier than pain, as he crawled back to his place in the group, and followed the handler to the canteen for dinner. In the corridors, the posters glared out, bright promises. Help at Home provides safe, happy pets for your household. Help at Home keeps pets healthy and intact so they can live their best life with you. Help at Home Handlers train with positive reinforcement and never harm our products.
The smallest text at the bottom of the poster were the ones they were never supposed to say out loud.
Help at Home cannot be held responsible for harm pets may do to each other.
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imperitvs · 3 months
How are Osians relationship with the other Origins? Any thoughts to share? Bonus if you add thoughts of Originals you follow (Please don't add Ceres in there I really just see what kind of person he is; how he interacts with other Originals and how he thinks of others! + Spread some love)
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// Okay, so I've thought about this here and there so does need development, but Osian would definitely connect to some more than others. To preface; Osian is generous and kind but it doesn't mean he'll build strong friendships easily. He prefers to keep a little bit of a distance so he can concentrate on his studies. However, it all goes out the window as personalities start showing and they spend more time together as a group. He's only interacted with a couple of Original's so far so I haven't had the chance to develop his friendship with them yet - including Ceres. But I'd love to make a bigger list one day!
// I'll put each one under the cut in order of who he'd get along with most to least and why.
(1) Finn:- From the human who saved him from that burning pod, supporting him through the horrors of their trek to the man he fell in love with - obviously Finn would be Osian's number one when it comes to seeking company. He challenges Osian's mindset on being selfless to the point of stupidity and helps him learn how to be confident in himself. In return, Osian provides a safe space for Finn to express and discover who he really is.
(2) Gale:- Osian learned of Gale of Waterdeep when he researched into archmages, and idolises the man. For some time, he put Gale on a pedestal. However as time passes he realises it's rather detrimental and starts realising Gale is a person first, and a myth second. If anything, this helps him connect with him all the more. Obviously a love for magic binds them, but their interests elsewhere help keep a friendship going. Osian is horrified about the orb and would stop at nothing to ensure Gale is free of it. Despite understanding the lure power of the Weave can have, he is very much against Gale ascending to become a God.
(3) Wyll:- Osian may have heard of the Blade of Frontiers here and there but it wasn't necessarily a legend her heard much of. However, meeting Wyll he finds it very easy to get along with him. He admires the bravery Wyll had at such a young age to protect the city at the cost of his own life - in a way. Osian could listen to Wyll's stories of monster hunting all day. He'd also be interested in how Warlock pacts work, though just to learn from it rather than an interest in it. He even asks Wyll to help him learn some basic sword work as a way to protect himself should his spells fail him. Wyll's kindness helps put Osian at ease, especially in Act 1 when he's at his most nervous.
(4) Alaara and Karlach:- Both of these ladies would be placed around here. He'd see them rather equally. Intimidated by their prowess at first, he quickly realises that covers are certainly not to be judged. After some time, he would definitely enjoy sitting with them at the campfire. He'd enjoy listening to Karlach's tales, and certainly love listening to Alaara's music and learning about her culture. Karlach won Osian over with her story of her engine, Osian striving to find a way to fix it - as most of the camp does. He is always on the look out for infernal iron. Would also play his flute alongside Alaara if she asked very, very nicely.
(5) Shadowheart:- Osian really struggles with Shadowheart. He worships Mystra and Corellon due to his followings in magic (and Rillifane as his patron deity of Wood Elves). So he knows of Shar and her followers. Plus, Shadowhearts cold, snippy attitude puts him on edge. So he avoids her for the post part. He is heavily against killing the Nightsong and only starts bringing down some barriers if Shadowheart frees Nightsong. When her attitude settles a little, Osian will be neutral with her. He'd probably never be too buddy buddy, but he'll talk animals with her over wine if she so wanted around Act 3.
(6) Astarion:- Astarion really puts Osian on edge throughout most of the adventure. Especially in Act 1. The flirtation doesn't work on Osian. He's very much made uncomfortable by it. Unable to really say 'no' to people when it comes to helping - he allows Astarion to feed off him but he GREATLY dislikes it. Tries to convince Astarion to drink either from a container he'll bleed into, or from their enemies for the most part and Osian as a last option. However, if Astarion starts to respect this - and Osian's boundaries when it comes to flirtation and touching (no no's) - Osian can certainly come around. Despite Astarion making him wary, he wouldn't want the man to suffer. Doesn't approve of the deal with Raphael, but will gladly help take down Cazador. Would HATE the Ascension, and would rather release all the Spawn. If Astarion backs off and calms down, Osian could be found having a full conversation with him in Elvish.
(7) Lae'zel:- Osian is outright terrified of Lae'zel for a huge part of Act 1. He's heard of all the sterotypes and horror stories of Githyanki and their ruthlessness and Lae'zel certainly proves them to be true. The creche doesn't help this huge concern since they turn out to be liars as well. Though he softens when he realises they lied to her moreso. He may always be on edge around her, since ruthless, blood-thirsty killing is extremely off-putting for Osian - but he would want to be honest and truthful with her when it comes to discoveries about Orpheus and the Emperor. He would want to free Orpheus to give her people a chance and wish her all the best in the Astral Plane. But he doubts they could ever agree enough to be friends.
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duggardata · 2 years
[More–or–Less] Confirmed: Lauren and Kendra Both Gave Birth in 2022
On October 30, 2022, Joy (Duggar) + Austin Forsyth posted a video on their YouTube, which documented them telling their families that they were expecting Baby #3. About 5½ Minutes in, Joy Facetimes Jim Bob and tells him the news. She asks what 'number' grandchild this one is, and Jim Bob says: "Number 30."
Up until Joy's video, Duggar Data had 27 GrandDuggars on the list— 25 Already Born, and 2 In Utero (Duggar–Wissmann #1, Forsyth #3). For months, it has also been widely speculated—but annoyingly, not confirmed—that Lauren and Kendra had had their 2nd and 4th Child, respectively, earlier this year.
Now that we know Forsyth #3 is GrandDuggar #30—and thus, that our list is missing not one, not two, but 3 Grands—it is clear that we were on to something with our speculation... From now on, Duggar Data considers Duggar–Swanson 2 (Baby C) and Duggar–Caldwell #4 to be "confirmed" births.
When did they give birth, exactly? Good question! We don't know, and the data is very limited, but here's my best attempt to estimate with what we've got...
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Baby C Was Probably Born In March.
Let's start with Josiah + Lauren. Here are the three major facts we have to work with...
Josiah + Lauren didn't attend Jer + Hannah's Wedding on March 26, 2022. They weren't in any of the photos or video, plus Josiah was conspicuously absent from the wedding party. (The Duggar Boys closest to Jed's age, from Joe to James, were groomsmen, but Si was inexplicably skipped.)
While at church on April 3, 2022, Josiah + Lauren were seen with an infant car seat at their feet. We'll call this the Car Seat Photo.
During church on September 26, 2022, Lauren was seen with an unknown baby on her lap. The baby wasn't wearing a bow. We'll call it the Baby On Lap Photo.
Additionally, many of y'all suspected that Lauren was expecting at Truett's Sex Reveal (October 4, 2021).
With the lack of a bow, the Baby On Lap Photo suggests Baby C is a boy. (This isn't confirmed.) Regardless, we know from the Car Seat Photo that he had arrived by April 3, 2022. Duggar Data thinks that he was born fairly close to then, and that that explains Si + Lauren's absence from Jer + Hannah's Wedding. (If Lauren was full–term, or had very recently given birth, they might've been reasonably unable or unwilling to travel so far, even for a wedding.) Given this, Duggar Data estimates that Lauren gave birth in March of 2022. The Sex Reveal photo also fits w/ a March arrival. Lauren would've been 4.5 Months Along—and very possibly "showing"—at the time.
So, we'll estimate that Lauren gave birth in March. Given my usual rule for estimating vague data like this, Duggar Data will use March 16, 2022—i.e., the midpoint of the month—as an Approximate DOB for Baby C, until and unless we get better data.
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Duggar–Caldwell #4 Was Probably Born In May.
Moving on to Joe + Kendra... Here's the evidence that Baby #4 has arrived—
On or around June 16, 2022, Reddit discovered a photo of Joe + Kendra at a restaurant with their 3 Children, plus an unidentified infant (~3 Weeks Old) in a stroller. We'll call it the Stroller Photo.
On or around October 15, 2022, Christina Caldwell posted to FB and referenced having "grandbabies"—not just one grandbaby—born since February 2021.
Christina's October 15th Post also included photos, including one where you can see a woman in the background nursing. While her face isn't visible, her feet are and Reddit believes they're Kendra's feet. We'll call this the Nursing Photo.
Additionally, many of y'all thought Kendra looked pregnant at Jer + Hannah's Wedding on March 26, 2022.
Christina's October 15th Facebook Post references "grandbabies"—plural, rather than "grandbaby," singular—that have been born since February 2021. Honestly, this makes no sense unless Kendra + Joe have had a 4th Child. Brooklyn was born in February 2021, so she's the first "grandbaby" born in or after February 2021. And, we know she is not the only one, because Christina said "grandbabies." And, there's no one else who could've produced the other grandchild, as Kendra is the only Caldwell Sibling who is married. Barring an out–of–wedlock birth, which is so unlikely, it must be Kendra + Joe's.
As for when Baby #4 arrived... Assuming s/he is the baby from the Stroller Photo, it must've been some time before June 16, 2022. In the photo, the baby was said to be 3ish Weeks Old. Since we don't have anything else to go on, let's just assume the baby was 21 Days Old on June 16, 2022... That gives us an Approximate DOB of May 26, 2022.
None of the other evidence is overly helpful as far at the DOB goes; however, all of the evidence could be consistent with a birth in May. At Jer + Hannah's Wedding in Late March, Kendra looked pregnant. If she had the baby in Late May, she would've been 7 Months Along and obviously showing. The Nursing Photo could also be consistent with a May birth. We don't know when that photo is from, but there is a good chance Kendra is still nursing if she gave birth in May—so, there's no reason to think it can't be her in that photo.
TL;DR We don't know exactly when Lauren and Kendra gave birth, but Duggar Data is using the following Approximate DOBs—
Duggar–Swanson #2 March 16, 2022
Duggar–Caldwell #4 May 26, 2022
Both of these are rough estimates; however, I'm fairly sure the birth order was Lauren, then Kendra.
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handern · 1 year
so fucking pissed and I don't know who to turn to about it and idk how to make it go away
colleagues are absolutely incompetent and keep squirming around like inefficient assholes
one of them wasn't there for all of July and at a meeting when out boss asked how the workload was in july was she was like 'oh it's so invigorating when there's lots of people isn't it!' I want her dead so bad she takes full hours of breaks and disappears as soon as we need help
she's supposed to be in charge of something with a guy who never does ANYTHING and that man dared to complain that something went wrong w what they're in charge of while she was gone for a month like SIR YOU LET THAT THING ROT OF COURSE IT WENT WRONG and I'm double pissed about it bc it didn't go as wrong as it should have bc I was preventing it from falling apart completely but neither of them acknowledged it at all calling us all lazy and useless in the meeting like die die die die die
another one keeps gossiping like hell under the guise of being soooo nice and polite and cute and empathetic and friendly, she just learned something super personal about someone else and immediately repeated it to me making it about herself I want her dead so bad she keeps going to people telling them "did you know X said so and so about you" like girl this isn't a fucking playground we're colleagues we're not friends we're allowed to not go along and complain
and now I hear the rumor is that someone else than me might be "first choice" to get a long term contract w this place and it's making my blood boil not bc he wouldn't deserve it but bc I know it's only a rumor and I'm supposed to be the first choice so it either means our supervisors are lying to me or that nobody in this fucking place realizes that I work well and that I'm over qualified for this shit which, genuinely, I'm fed up of being overlooked by my colleagues
but the worst of the worst is still completing ten whole missions and being told that the guy who completed one whole mission since February and had to have it done by 4 different people bc he wasn't able to write down one letter and one number on some cards on his own, is n°2 on the list
which isn't true either but SMH everyone falls for his act of being overworked and super efficient and he's getting rewarded by our superiors who KNOW he doesn't fo shit, they're going to pay him like 30 hours of overtime he CAN'T justify since he had only one mission to do and missed his FOURTH deadline for the completion of it
and that's only scratching the surface of the bullshit happening here
and I GUESS it's on me for working too hard, which, by the way, I don't, I'm exactly at my personal limit between "overworked" and "so underworked my brain is eating itself" but the thing is, I had SOME hope that people would at least notice that I work well instead of praising these jackasses out there like MAYBE it's on me for being a naive idiot and wanting at least recognition for my fucking work
if it wasn't for the promise of a long term contract I would let them all rot and explode this place too
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1ovestay · 1 year
bias tag game! tagged by @boobzi thank u this looks fun!!
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
my list:
mark lee
lee know
1. between 7 and 5, who did you bias first? haechan, like early 2018 when i first got into nct i think? i didn't get into twice as a group much until a bit later i mainly just listened to them 2. between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to? at the moment definitely seungmin 3. if you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do? 1 so sorry seulgi but i need to spend a day w mark i dont even care what we do. maybe go for a day trip drive along the coast and listen to fun music and talk in the car <3 4. what is your favorite physical feature about 9? ooo... his knee tattoo and his uneven blink <3 5. what is your favorite part of 6's personality? he is so very warm and kind and loving... i constantly think about this quote... like so true love is the point of it all!
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6. if you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them? not sure.. maybe some kind of joke i would just like 2 see him laugh/smile 7. between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid? 1 i think..? honestly neither but i'll steal some of marks hoodies 8. what is a style that you want to see 3 try? please give me punk seulgi looks.. 9. between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height? lee know, we r both 172cm 10. between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best? oh this is very hard... im gonna say key bc i love his solo discog and shinee's discog is obviously incredible... but 2016-2019 mx discography u will always slay
that was fun 2 do thanks again for tagging me! tagging @sandgembeach @dreamerology @marktual @love4eva @sunmisbf @iringeuk @puppymocchi @jentlemahae @bewby if u want to!
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the-phantom-otaku · 2 years
Bayonetta 3: Witches' Ingredients Farming Guide
The biggest issue I ran into while farming seeds to buy Rodin was the constant need to make Midas Testaments since you don't find any in chests like you did in 2. While farming, I found some chests of interest that helped speed the process along a little, so I’ve written them down. I also note the two spots I went to most to farm seeds.
Phenomenal Remnants
Here’s a list of the Phenomenal Remnants that will give you an assortment of ingredients for completing it again. There are also chests like this littered throughout the levels, but listing the Phenomenal Remnants is easier. Plus, they’re shorter so you can just do the same one or rotate through all these to get lots of ingredients in a short span.
Phenomenal Remnant 4 - Collect the chest pieces
Phenomenal Remnant 6 - Fight Beloved, Affinity, & Fortitudo 
Phenomenal Remnant 7 - Collect the chest pieces
Phenomenal Remnant 9 - Fight Baal on the balancing scales
Phenomenal Remnant 10 - Fight Cirrocumulus & Cirrostratus (the dragon Homonculi from Egypt)
Phenomenal Remnant 13 - Fight Mic (the bat)
Chapters w Ingredients
Mandragora Root - Chapter 6, 7, & 8
Unicorn Horn - Chapter 8, 9, & Phenomenal Remnant 8
Baked Gecko - Chapter 7, 8, & 11
Note: Chapter 8 is the best imo bc you can get large amounts of each ingredient in that one level. It's the one I went back to the most.
Farming Spots
You get plenty of enemies on the boat, so you can use a Midas Testament and then CMW's Astounding Touch to get a lot of seeds. I'd suggest mashing the button to make the attack last as long as possible. You can also equip Gaze of Despair so they'll beeline for you. Makes it easier to hit all of them.
Chapter 4: Worlds Apart
This is another great one for seed farming. Verse one has three Genitus (the trees that spawn Stratus) and each one of those will make two Stratus. Use a Midas’ Testament after the Stratus have spawned and are beginning to make their way over to you (I also equip Gaze of Despair so they’ll beeline for me) and use Color My World’s Astounding Touch and/or Concussion Step to hit many of them at once. I’d also suggest using Wink Slave bc demon attacks cause them to drop larger seeds that are worth more.
After verse 1, there should be a chest to the left of the broken bridge. It’s always given me Halos, so if you’re looking for those, you can always hit that chest up.
Chapter 1-3
The Tokyo levels are all great for gathering ingredients. The sheer number of objects around that you can destroy make it easy. Go in, find a place during the chapter where there are a lot of cars or other things that can be destroyed and repeatedly summon your demon to destroy the objects. The only downside is that it’s all random, but it will get you some of what you need. I’d suggest using Gomorrah for his bulk (he’ll send more stuff flying) or Madama Butterfly since she also quite a bit flying once summoned. Labolas, Phantasmaraneae, and Baal also work. Chapter 1 is the best one for finding large quantities of shit to break, but all of them have some collection of cars somewhere. Chapter 2 is also great for the large parking lot of cars not far into the level (the parking lot where you scare the cats). The Phenomenal Remnant is great for this as well. You can get the cat parking lot, but you also have access to the arena where you fight the Boar Homonculi. Only this time, the verse won’t begin until you touch the green stuff, so you’ll be free to clear out all the vehicles in the area first.
Chapter 3 also contains a chest of ingredients at the very start. Once you’re in control, it’ll be right on your left moving around the roof of a destroyed building. There’s yet another chest containing a bunch of Witch’s ingredients a little later in the level. After verse 5, there should be a staircase at the back that’s blocked by clouds of erasure. Past the clouds is a chest. You’ll want to use Mic’s (the bat) ranged attack to break it open bc any demon will desummon if they get too close.
Chapter 6: Off the Rails
In this chapter, there’s a big chest that you’re going to use your demons to open. It’ll give you a handful of Madragora Root and a big green lollipop, so if you happen to be low on the green, this is where you’ll want to go. 
The chest is located in the area after verse 4 on the big bridge that breaks apart after the boss makes the volcano erupt. There should be an open space where you can see an angel verse. Go there and there should be stairs to your right. Chest should be at the bottom along with one of the magic fountains so you won’t run out of magic.
Chapter 7: Burning Sands
During the section where you have to find water as Cheshire, there’s a large chest buried in the sand that contains a handful of Mandragora Root and a large green lollipop. Go through the little tunnel to the main area with the clouds of erasure and the small, self-destructing Pannus. There should be a dig spot pretty close to the tunnel, and that’s where the chest is. 
There’s another chest you might want to grab while you’re here. Get to the sand river and go behind the flowing sand. There’s a chest that’s pretty hard to miss. It’ll give you a small green lollipop, but more importantly, it’ll give you ~5 Baked Gekkos.
Chapter 8: Croaking Chorus
This one in particular is great for getting the yellow ones. The Baked Gekko was the hardest for me to come by. I guess they have it spawn less from just breaking objects since you craft invincible lollipops from them. Anyway, this chapter contains two chests that will give you some Baked Gekkos for busting them open. The first is a small one located near the windmills. Go past the angel verse until you see the metal square. Then climb up to a ledge located right beside that windmill. There should a chest that you can bust open. It will give you a small green lollipop, but more importantly, it will give you 4-5 Baked Gekko. 
That’s not the only chest you should grab, though. A little further down, there should be a massive chest located in the sand. Use Madama Butterfly. Summon her, have her jump and glide over to the rock so she won’t sink, and then have her use her shoot attack. If it doesn’t land, just move a little closer to the edge. Once open, the chest will give you a handful of Baked Gekko and a large yellow lollipop! 
This chapter is also great for Unicorn Horns. Once you’re in the Venom’s Caress, beat Jeanne and you’ll be able to roam around freely. Go break all the red crystals you can. They drop Unicorn Horns or seeds exclusively, so you can really load up there. This applies to the next chapter, too. The Venom’s Caress just has a lot of them and doesn’t take long to get to, so that’s the place I always use. I haven’t found any chests that give you a lot of Unicorn Horns, but I think the Venom’s Caress is better. (Edit: I have found a chest that contain Unicorn Horn. You get the chest by beating Phenomenal Remnant 8). By destroying all the crystals, I’ve gotten ~30 Unicorn Horns, way more than what I’d get if there was a chest full of them.
And that’s still not it! In the same room where you use Baal’s poison rain, there’s a large chest that once again requires a demon to break. Once opened, it’ll give you some Mandragora Root and a large green lollipop. 
Phenomenal Remnant 8
So this is something I'm adding to the guide after the fact. Initially, I thought there was no chest in the game that gave you lots of Unicorn Horn, but this isn't true. Phenomenal Remnant 8 will give you a large red lollipop and a handful of Unicorn Horn if you've already gotten the initial reward. In Phenomenal Remnant 8, you're also able to access the Venom's Caress once again, so you can really load up on Unicorn Horn here.
Chapter 9: Learning to Fly
Once you get to the tower, climb it and grab the chest you see up top. It has ~5 Unicorn Horns and a big green lollipop. 
Chapter 11: A Familiar Dance
This chapter is also good for Baked Gekkos. After traveling through the dark tunnel with Mic (the bat), you’ll find one of those metal squares that break into platforms. Bust it and then climb up until you see a chest. Break that too and it’ll give you a fountain of magic. You should see a large chest moving by at some point. Summon a demon and break it (I use Madama and her shoot attack). It’ll then give you ~10 Baked Gekkos and a large yellow lollipop. It’s basically another chest like the one in chapter 8. 
That's pretty much the extent of what I found. Hopefully this helps others on their grind for Rodin.
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
Dimension 20 Neverafter FPE (Fairytales Per Episode): The Numbers
I’ve been updating the original version of this post since Ep. 3, and as such it has a lot of theories/additions/explanations/ramblings. This is just the numbers. Every fairytale, nursery rhyme, or piece of folklore included, referenced, or alluded to across the series (that I found).
For some of these, I was unable to determine one specific tale, and for some of these, I am unsure as to whether the reference was intentional. I’ll put that if that’s the case. It is what it is, baby. Enjoy!
Full list beneath the cut, by episode.
Ep. 1
The PCs (and their backstories)
 Mother Goose (+1)
Mother Hubbard  (+1)
jumped over the Candlestick (+1)
and the Beanstalk (+1)
Ylfa (Little Red Riding Hood) (+1)
“Huff and puff, little one” = 3 little pigs allusion (+1)
Pib (Puss in Boots) (+1)
Pinocchio (+1)
Cinderella (+1)
stepmother’s official art says “Cinderella...” at the bottom
Rosamund (sleeping beauty/briar rose) (+1)
Gerard (the princess and the frog) (+1)
Snow queen (mentioned by Elody) (+1)
the rest of the episode
the little red hen (+1)
Ol king Cole (+1)
The little old lady who lived in a shoe (+1)
(alluded to) Alice n Wonderland (+1)
rabbit pulling a teapot
total tale count: 16
Ep. 2
Herr Drosselmeyer (+1)
The Nutcracker
Snow White (+1)
(alluded to) Beauty and the beast (+1)
furniture coming alive
total tale count: 3
Ep. 3
.........nothing new to report
tale count: 0
Ep 4
the fairy with the turquoise hair is actually not exclusive to Pinocchio - she has her own book*.
*I found out later that this is not true, hence no +1
(alluded to) the little mermaid (+1)
“a dancing princess who either cannot or will not speak near a beach.”
there’s. So many rabbit and fox tricksters in the world.
One specific tale for Fox is alluded to, so he gets (+1)
a reply to the original post mentioned a character named Reynard the Fox from medieval French literature that might be the reason that the Fox speaks with a French accent.
“Isengrim” is the name of the daggers Pib gets. There’s a tale called Ysengrimus from 1152 CE where Reynard the Fox (along with a certain Wolf) appears.
No specific tales for Rabbit are specifically referenced except for Pinocchio’s story, but if Fox’s French accent is an allusion to Reynard the Fox, I’m taking Rabbit’s Cockney British accent to be an allusion to Peter Rabbit (the most famous British trickster rabbit I can think of.) He gets a (+1)
There are surely other rabbits that inspired Brennan, but I’m not qualified to sift through all trickster rabbits ever.
I’m sorry if it’s not a Cockney accent. That’s just what it sounded like to me. +1 for each of them seems fair regardless.
the golden goose (another Jack/Mother Goose tale not specifically mentioned before) (+1)
total tale count: 4
Ep. 5
hey diddle diddle (+1)
the dish ran away with the spoon + the cow jumping over the moon
itsy bitsy spider (+1)
first allusion to little miss muffet (+1)
(alluded to) goldilocks (+1)
”just enough” oats
first mention of Aesop (+1)
1001 nights (+1) (scherazade/The Endless Nights)
“spider queen”/scherazade’s spider (+1)
I cannot describe the lengths I have gone to to try and figure out who the mythical spider that fuses with Muffet is. there are many possibilities but none seem more likely than the rest. please, god, if you know which spider is being referenced here, let me know.
sinbad (+1)
“Sinbad the Sailor”
magical palace w the tapestries of starlight (+1)
there’s a fuckload of magic palaces in 1001 nights. idk which one this refers to but it does refer.
total tale count: 9
Ep. 6
No new tales - expands on ones already mentioned (muffet, scherazade’s spider)
first actual appearance of little miss muffet
total tale count: 0

Ep 7
the cloak of rushes (the gillesuit/haystack cloak) (+1) 

As of Ep. 9, we know that this is probably from the English fairy tale “Cap-o’-Rushes”
the golden bridle (+1)

some cursory googling indicates that this is most likely from the celtic tale of Guleesh.
In ep 13 & 14 (& the adventuring parties) they talk about what it does, and while nothing they say rules out Guleesh, it doesn’t really match up either. 

so…….maybe it’s not intended to be the one from the tale of Guleesh. I remain optimistic. 
the golden chair (+1)

a grimm fairytale with a weirdly christian bent
it is very possible that this was not an intentional allusion.
I have to mention here that the cloak of stars recovered from the spider’s den is a reskin of the DND 5e “Robe of Stars”
I spent multiple months trying to figure out what this cloak could be an allusion to. there’s nothing clear-cut. like the sword of truth, I believe this to be an archetype from no one tale in particular.
total tale count: 3
Ep 8
first actual appearance of Aesop!
the lion and the mouse (+1)
the boy who cried wolf (+1)
the scorpion and the frog (+1)
total tale count: 3
Ep 9
(alluded to) the princess and the pea (+1)
siobhan asks if anyone sees any stacks of mattresses without peas under them to sleep on
(alluded to) this little piggy went to market (+1)
it’s not in the captions but emily axford says ‘well there has to be a market, right? cause this little piggy went to market’
first actual appearance of 3 little pigs
total tale count: 3
Ep 10
(alluded to) peter and the wolf (+1)
the baron’s named peter and there’s a wolf. that can’t be a coincidence,
total tale count: 1
Ep 11
the emperor’s new clothes (+1)
“the naked emperor”
rumpelstiltskin (+1)
“the king of apogee“ and the rumor about him
Koschei the deathless (+1)
(alluded to) the binding of Fenrir (Norse mythology) (+1)
Ylfa puts her hand in the Wolf’s mouth to prove her and Mother Goose’ good intentions.
I didn’t catch this one at first - thank you to the many posts about it in the #neverafter tag!
total tale count: 4
Ep. 12
Rapunzel (+1)
The North Wind (+1)
from what I can tell, this is from "East of the Sun and West of the Moon"
I’m sure The North Wind is from other things too, though
first actual appearance of the little mermaid!
total tale count: 2
Ep. 13
no new tales - expands on the little mermaid & pinocchio
total tale count: 0
Ep. 14
the legend of the children of Lír (+1)
it is revealed in this episode that the sea witch is named Alba Mac Lír
“Mac Lír“ in Scottish Gaelic = son of Lír
thank you @twoeelsforsupper for this observation!
total: 1
Ep. 15
no new tales, unless you count Clara The Horse Princess
total: 0
Ep. 16
thumbelina (+1)
hans christian anderson tale from 1835, in the second volume of his Fairy Tales Told For Children series.
tom thumb (+1)
English folklore, there was a 1621 book called The History of Tom Thumb
Jack the Giant Killer (+1)
in ep 17 adventuring party, brennan talks a bit about the multiplicity of jacks, and clarifies that there are TWO separate Jack + Giants myths.
Jack and the Beanstalk - an English fairytale about a young boy who accidentally grows a beanstalk to the Giant World and only “kills” the giant at the end by cutting the beanstalk down, leaving the giant to fall to his (their?) death.
Jack the Giant Killer - a Welsh fairytale about a warrior named Jack who fights a bunch of giants with a huge club and wins
So, while we’ve already counted Jack and the Beanstalk, this episode does introduce a new variation on Jack - Jack the Giant Killer.
total: 3
Ep. 17
Fear Not (+1)
another grimm fairytale
the brave little tailor (+1)
aka “the guy who kills a bunch of flies with his belt”
Jack and Jill (+1)
three blind mice (+1)
total: 4
Ep 18
The Wishing Star (+1)
look there’s many stars you can wish on. “star light, star bright” has one but there are many others
Ep 19
no new tales - it’s finale time!
total: 0
Ep 20
so in the 1880s, Andrew Lang wrote a series of fairytale books named after fairies of various colors. I’m counting each fairy who has a book named after them as a new tale.
NOTE: the Blue Fairy (+1)
ok look i fucked up yall. The Fairy With Turquoise Hair is re-named “The Blue Fairy” in a lot of adaptations, so when I previously counted her separately from Pinocchio bc she had her own book, I was referring to “The Blue Fairy Book”
so we’re counting it here instead bc it’s the first appearance of the actual Blue Fairy
The Red Fairy Book (+1)
The Green Fairy Book (+1)
The Orange Fairy Book (+1)
The Yellow Fairy Book (+1)
total: 5
total series tale count: 62
allusions (aka ones where nothing is referenced by name e.g. Fenris): 17
could be unintentional: 8
direct, clear references: 37
have a good one yall!
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moonwritewastaken · 2 years
Tales of Christmas Day 3 - cc!Awesamdude x gn!reader
Genre - friends to lovers, Christmas
Word count - 567
This one is a little different but I really liked the idea!
- 🌙
You and Sam had plans to complete a Christmas film advent calendar of sorts this December and you were beyond excited. Christmas was the best time of year so who better to spend it with than your best friend? The only problem, however, was that you had a huge crush on him. Sam had come to you with a list of films he’d picked out and you couldn’t deny him. You both planned out the days you’d get together and what Christmas activities you’d do together.
A Wedding for Christmas, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, Love Actually and Let It Snow
Day 1 consisted of 4 films playing in succession whilst decorating Sam’s tree. You’d already decorated yours so it was decided his tree would get the festive treatment. It was so sickeningly domestic, watching movies together while decorating the tree was something you wanted to do every single year.
You Make It Feel Like Christmas, Operation Christmas Drop and Unlocking Christmas
The next time you meet is a few days later for films and baking/decorating. Picking a basic sugar cookie recipe, you and Sam spend almost 2 hours baking and then decorating using an array of festive designs. The films played in the background but the two of you were too engrossed in a mini flour fight.
Bad Santa and El Camino Christmas
Activity number 3 was writing cards and wrapping presents you’d bought. Because it’s such a menial task, you wanted to make it fun and get a Christmas chore out of the way at the same time. It turns out that Sam was actually skilled at wrapping presents, so he taught you an easy method while you laughed along to the Netflix playing on the tv.
Merry Madagascar, It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas, The Noel Diary and Elf
Because this was the last batch, you and Sam bought a whole bunch of Christmas snacks to eat while watching the films. The variety of genre kept you entertained enough to not cause a food fight like the cookie debacle. After the films, Sam turns to you.
“How’d you like my movie selections, y/n?” Even though the majority had been played in the background, you’d enjoyed what you’d seen. Plus you were with Sam so you didn’t really care what you did.
“They were great!” He seems pleased with your answer but there’s something else to his smile.
“Good, because there’s something else” you’re not sure what he’s referring to which is evident by the confusion on your face.
“I picked the films for a reason, y/n. Check the first letters but leave words like the out” now you were really confused but you take the list he hands you and do what he says anyway.
“W, i, l, l, y, o, u, b- Sam what the hell does this mean?” He laughs before telling you to continue. You sigh before doing just that.
“Where was I? Oh- b, e, m, i, n, e. Will you be mine? What?” This was so sweet and almost felt like you had been sucked into one of the romcoms.
“I really like you y/n” hearing him say it out loud was a whole different feeling.
“Sam! This was so sweet- I- I like you too!”
The rest of the day is spent watching more Christmas movies and eating snacks. However, now you could cuddle up with your boyfriend.
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topoillogical · 2 years
WARNING: ectremely weird and kind of angsty brag incoming
Got a 100% on my first regular stream (as opposed to the specialized math stream at my school, these courses are for econ students, CS students, etc) 300-level combinatorics course midterm, despite skipping a bunch of class and barely studying. Got a 90% on the second midterm despite skipping every single class between the two tests, not reading the textbook, and not studying. I just looked at the paper and figured out the answers.
God, it's weird. I'm in a pond with such big fish all the time in my math program. When I take the specialized courses I'm a fucking dunce. Even working for 40 hours on a problem set I cant outperform my peers who spend 10 hours. I struggle in lecture. I always score below average on tests. I nearly fail.
But then I take a step back into the regular world and I remember that I'm a FUCKING genius! Like, for example, one of the questions on the midterm was this:
Let G1 and G2 be two copies of the complete graph on 5 nodes (I.e. K5). Let f:G1 -> G2 be a bijection on the nodes of the graphs. Then define a new graph G, with the nodes of G being the disjoint union of the nodes of G1 and G2. The edges of G are the edges from G1 and G2, as well as a set of new edges between G1 and G2 determined by the given bijection: there is an edge between nodes a and b whenever f(a) = b. Find the chromatic number of G.
Okay, so, look. I've never done a question like this before. But I'm smart, and I have experience, and I know about bipartite graphs and the four color theorem. So I made an educated guess that "chromatic number" meant the minimum number of colors that it takes to color the graph with no two adjacent vertices being the same color. I was right, of course. I also got the right answer: it's 5. You color the vertices of G1 from 1 through 5, and then color the vertices of G2 in the following way: the color of w (a node in G2) is (n + 1) mod 5, where n is the color of v (a node in G1) and f(v) = w. I wrote something similar to that, at least.
Okay, heres another question from the test: Find the number of integer solutions to the equation w + x + y + z = 100, subject to the following rules:
1. w is greater than 0
2. x is between 1 and 3, inclusive
3. y is greater than or equal to 0, and even
4. z is greater than or equal to 0
Okay, so, apparently, in order to solve this, you're supposed to use generating functions. I only know that bc I mentioned it to a friend after. During the test I didnt know that, but that's fine. I just applied logic and figured it out on my own.
If these questions seem easy to you and therefore this brag seems silly, that's just because you're also a genius. The test averages weren't that high.
Hell, I mean, I was even critiquing the test as I was writing it! There was a question to list the integers between 1 and 100 inclusive that aren't divisible by 2, 3, 5, or 7. I solved it, and then was like, wow that was easy they REALLY should have just said 2, 3, or 5. Like the point is. This is kiddie math to me. It is so beneath my level. But it's real 3rd year uni math that people struggle with
THIS is why I'm so depressed and living in constant agony. I'm SO smart and SO talented. But the bar is just SLIGHTLY out of my reach
In the minor leagues, I am completely dominant. Life's a breeze. And that makes me yearn yearn yearn yearn yearn for the major leagues. And every time I play there, I get CREAMED. It's no contest. Among the normies I am genius, among the geniuses I am a wet paper towel. It almost makes me wish I was just dumb in the regular world too, as horrifically naive and stupid as that sounds. It just feels so awful being strung along like this
I'm smart!!!!! I'm so fucking smart!!! But not enough
This is why my whole life is centered around math, I'm easily in the 99.9th percentile of ability. I'm a prodigy. But higher math is chock full of prodigies and amongst the prodigies I'm nothing. Gahshdishshsm. Math is my calling, destiny, and purpose. And all the 99.99th percentiles are out here doing it better than I ever could, and so I'm worthless
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floorpancakes · 11 months
can you post what all the results to the quiz are & what charas they have? im just curious to see the answers to what i didn't get!
ok so ill probably add to this slowly but time for some stats and answers and stuff! obviously dont check this out if you dont wanna be spoiled (thread)
first, here's the actual amounts of each results people have been getting:
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when i say i had NO IDEA we'd get so many chuunis....watching the numbers go up the first few days felt like a fever dream haha
but its comforting to know that everyone is cringe and free! i for one welcome our new gothy overlords!
i was also really surprised that gimmick idols got some of the lowest scores 😭 the space that spans is so wide so i was expecting way more people to get that result since i figured it'd catch a lot of people, but i guess you guys are rare!
now its time to look at the archetype list:
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this was pretty tricky, especially cause i was working on the quiz for funsies at silly o clock in the morning for two nights while i was dealing with some sickness induced exhaustion lol. i wanted to include more (a few like the princely type nearly made the cut), but I found there was
1. a lot of crossover between archetypes (this even happened with some of the idols i chose for the results image!!! hanayo being average idoltwt user AND a harapeko type or minori being average idoltwt user AND fake it til you make it for example)
2. some archetypes that were only based on visuals or not on personality at all
3. kind of lowkey paradoxical (eg. someone might really fit the princely type, but often in idol shows they make it so that trait is pushed on them, but they secretly wanted to be feminine all along, which like, ok but then if someone actually fits the princely vibe I'd be slightly struggling for examples and we'd get all tied in knots unfortunately)
4. the amount of answers was already getting so long that if i added any more it'd start getting difficult to come up with more answers for some of the more concrete questions (like what you'd do post graduation etc)
...so I had to kind of draw the line somewhere. especially cause i thought like 3 of my idoltwt mutuals would take it and that's it 😭 maybe I'll make a part 2 or a more extensive quiz later who knows (guess who just remembered the 'rock is life' type idols and screamed into a pillow for only just remembering...)
so the idol archetype categories themselves are DEFINITELY things I've picked up on in multiple series, altho they may require a lil bit of explaining so I'll quickly summarise each one when we go thru the characters. i should probably mention that some of these (like the chuunibyou) are word for word archetypes that people use all the time, while some were just me trying to put words to the character types so the wording was just a descriptor (fake it til you make it queen), altho i hope they were useful! ive seen a few people online using these terms after taking the quiz which is super cute...🙇 let's take a look at these categories shall we?
(note: i have varying levels of familiarity w these characters, i wanted to make it reasonably varied and recognisable but some of them i kind of just knew what category they fit and that's it)
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to those who don't know, the chuunibyou is a pretty popular archetype beyond just idols, and tends to refer to people who are stuck in or going through their 'edgy phase'; chuu-ni being short for second year of middle school syndrome (think like, 13 or 14 year olds), but the general vibe tends to be associated with emo or goth phases, claiming to have an evil eye, being or being a servant of Satan, hiding a secret shy or self conscious side with edge, yaknow. average tween behaviour. it's not limited by age tho especially in anime media! one of the examples i used is a 26 year old grown man with a job. never too late!
Like with a lot of the other categories it was really hard to narrow down the results page characters, but from left to right:
1. Todo Yurika from Aikatsu!
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Yurika takes being a lifestyle lolita to the next level, being a gothic lolita and punk idol with the chuuni character of a vicious vampire, which she desperately tries to keep up as part of her career, only letting people see her quiet nerdy self once in a blue moon. She has a secret soft spot for garlic ramen and sings some of the best songs in the entire series (which is an achievement cause aikatsus songs are god tier).
music rec (won't do this for everyone, only ones i know well, but pls feel free to fill in the blanks in the comments/reblogs!): check out Glass Doll, Onegai Venus and Eternally Flickering Flame! She has two singing voices over the series, both of which are incredible.
2. Asselin BB II (Asselin Beelzebub the Second) from The Idolm@ster SideM!
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Asselin is a genius chef in his mid-twenties that ended up on the streets being kicked from countless jobs because of his ....quirks. He's a chuuni through and through, and its something a lot of the people around him didn't know how to handle, but when he gets taken in by Cafe Parade (both an idol group AND a real life dining establishment) to be their chef, he finally finds a place where he belongs. He's goofy and crazy while simultaneously being an introverted and nervous personality, and claims to be a servant of Satan, which just happens to be an adorable plushie that he carries around for comfort and finds difficult to be without, who gets painstakingly dressed up in matching outfits whenever he's included in a card! Don't be fooled by his softness though, this servant of satan has PIPES. You may recognise his voice, as he's played by well-known seiyuu Furukawa Makoto.
music rec: check out Waga Konton no Sabbath Marriage to immediately ascend, or Reversed Masquerade for a taste of the full CafePa experience.
3. Tsushima Yohane from Love Live Sunshine!!
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Probably the most famous on the list so I'll keep it brief! She's been at this chuuni business since she was a little girl, so she encountered a lot of loneliness before joining Aqours, but she's got a cute and clumsy personality and has a tendency to yell about being a fallen angel. She's an absolute sweetheart, despite claiming that she's angered God himself, and is always there at the scene to deliver an edgy pose or stunning vocals.
music rec: check out Kowareyasuki and Strawberry Trapper for peak Yohane vocals, honestly Guilty Kiss in general should be mandatory listening homework
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nordleuchten · 2 years
25 Days of La Fayette: December 5th - John E. Hagey
(A short notice before we begin; I really enjoyed researching Hagey - although he drove me crazy once or twice. First of all, everybody spelled his name differently. While Hagey is the most common spelling, there is also Hague, Hagar, Haguy, Hagie and what not all.
I first came across Hagey when I stumbled over his entry in the databank of the Valley Forge Muster Rolls. The muster rolls describe him as an aide-de-camp and a member of La Fayette’s lifeguard. While some other men we have looked at thus far had only served for a very short time as La Fayette’s aide-de-camps, Hagey might have served the shortest – if at all. I thought I had a pretty clear picture of the man’s life and the life of his descendants until I found his application for a pension – that document was a wild ride.)
John E. Hagey was born in 1748 in Strasburg and died on July 13, 1841 in Nashville where he was laid to rest in the Nashville cemetery. His grave is marked with a headstone bearing a short summary of his long and eventful life:
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The Nashville City Cemetery Association, Inc., Hagey, John E., Section 28.4, ID # 280352. (08/22/2022)
John E. Hagey
1748 – 1841
Born in Strasburg, Alsace, went to France 1777. Came
to America with Genera Lafayette. Chosen as a companion
and later a body guard for the General. Served in the
French Light Horse and became famous in the Battle
Of White Plains and the Siege of Yorktown and was dis-
charged at Newcastle, N. Y. Went to Harrisburg, Pa.
Became a U.S. Citizen. Married Catherine Ault. Migrated
to Greensboro, N.C. Moved to Knoxville, Tenn. and
then to Nashville where he lived the remainder of
his life. In 1825, his work took him to Huntsville, Ala.
for a short period. While there he learned his old
General was to visit Nashville. He walked over 100
Miles to see Gen. Lafayette 44 years after his dis-
charge. He was 77 at the time. Arrived at Nashville
while the parade was in progress. Placing himself
Properly as the General approached, Mr. Hagey
bowed before him. Arose and was recognized and
emotionally embraced by Lafayette. The crowd was
moved to tears. John Hagey was member of
McKendree M. E. Church.  A devout Christian. He died
In the Faith July 13, 1841. Was given a military
funeral attended by 5000 people. Laid to rest
4 p.m. 7-14-1841.
Asleep in Jesus
The Nashville City Cemetery Association, Inc., Hagey, John E., Section 28.4, ID # 280352. (08/22/2022)
This marker was erected by Hagey’s great-great-great grandson Dwight Bennett. The homepage of the cemetery also mentions that the current marker is a replacement marker. It underwent restoration in 2008.
There are a few things I would like to mention concerning this stone. First, you see the spellings Catherine and Catharine equally often in official documents. For the sake of this post, I will go with the spelling that is inscribed on the marker. Second, I could not find any primary record of La Fayette and Hagey meeting again in Nashville. There is nothing in La Fayette’s correspondences nor in Auguste Levasseur’s journals. There are however a number of secondary sources mentioning and describing such a reunion.
John and Catherine had ten children, Mary (married Steven H. Cheek), Catherine (married Joseph Baker), Elizabeth (married Nicolas Becker), Susan (married Hiram W. Martin), John (never married), Sary (married James Nealy), Margaret (married Odle B. Thrift), Nancy (married John E. Wilson), George W. (never married) and Mariah (married “Jenkins”). It appears as if there were still some more children who sadly died young. The application for a pension mentions the name of the children listed above along with their spouses and ages. As, going from the given ages, some children have died prior to the pension application and some are still alive, these ages can not be linked to a certain date and are therefore rather unhelpful.
Some of John E. Hagey’s descendants however made quite a name for themselves and we find them and the family referenced in several, more local, history books. The following is written about the Reverend James Columbus Petrie:
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The History of Union County, Kentucky, Courier Co., 1886, p. 848-850.
Then there is this piece about the Honourable William Brown of the firm Brown & Bruner, bankers from Metropolis in Illinois:
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The Biographical Review of Johnson, Massac, Pope and Hardin Counties, Illinois, Chicago Biographical Publishing Co., 1893, p. 560-562.
All of these leads us to John E. Hagey’s application for a pension. His record has been transcribed and revised in 2015 and can be found along with many, many other pension records in various archives. The typed document is seven pages long, so while I will not include it in full, here is the link to the PDF document for everybody who wants to read it.
The record starts with a statement by Hagey himself, made on August 1, 1832 and then two affidavits. The first statement was made by Daniel McCoy (made on October 24, 1837) and the second statement was from Peter Jennings (also made on October 24, 1837). Next in the records is a letter from George W. Hagey from May 14, 1841 on behalf of his mother who was recently widowed and also an official statement from George, given on July 8, 1859. It follows an obituary for John E. Hagey, a letter form the Department of the Interior, dated November 2, 1859 and lastly an official document from the Senate of the United States.
Hagey’s claim for a pension was initially denied in 1832 because it was concluded that he was part of the French troops and not a regular member of the Continental Army. He was therefore not entitled to a pension from the United States. After his death in 1841, his widow Catherine (who lived to the ripe age of 106) applied for a widow’s pension and was in the end denied as well and on the same terms.
To make matters short, Hagey’s statements contradict with themselves and with the history of both La Fayette’s life and the American War of Independence. He claims to have been with La Fayette in places where La Fayette had not been at the stated date, he claimed to have been with La Fayette when he had been wounded – in a battle that the Marquis actually never participated in and so on and so forth. While some of these discrepancies can be attributed to old age and a failing memory (La Fayette himself confused some events from the War for Independence during his tour in 1824/25), others are a bit more confusing.
The whole application can be summoned up by this report, written by J. Thompson, Secretary in the Department of the Interior on November 2, 1859:
Sir [Hon. George C. Whiting, Comm’r. of Pensions],
I have carefully considered the claim of Catharine Hagie, widow of John Hagie, for bounty land under Act of March 3d 1855, &c, and also for pension under Acts of June 7th 1832, and July 7th 1838,upon which an appeal has been taken from your decision.
The soldier in the application he made in 1832 declares that he came over to this country with La Fayette, as a volunteer to assist the Americans in the Revolutionary war, and that he served as a private in the regiment of Light Horse under Col. Polorotski and Capt. Escaline, to the end of the war. His claim under the Act of June 7th 1832 was rejected, and since his death the widow has renewed it, and asserted in her own behalf her title to bounty-land and pension.
To justify the allowance of either of the claims for pension it is necessary that the soldier should have “served in the Continental line or State troops, volunteers or militia,” And to obtain bounty-land under the Act of 1855, that he should have been regularly mustered or paid by the United States.
His own statement shows that he could have come under neither of these conditions, for he served (if, indeed, he rendered any service) in the French Troops, and was paid by the King of France.
I am of the opinion, therefore, that these claims are bad, and accordingly affirm your rejection of them.
The papers which accompanied your report are herewith returned to your office.
I am, very respectfully,/ Your Obd’t. Serv’t.. J. Thompson, Secretary
Interesting, is it not? I started this research by think that John E. Hagey was, maybe only for a very, very short period of time, one of General La Fayette’s aide-de-camps and otherwise served as a lifeguard – a fascinating aspect of army life in and on itself and one that I have never really looked into. There were quite some interesting sources relating to Hagey and his case seemed to be a very simple one at first. Now, at the end of this post however, I am no longer entirely sure if Hagey truly served under La Fayette in the way that he had stated. I do believe however that he had been acquainted with La Fayette one way or another.
Opinions anybody?
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asahicore · 2 years
tagged by: @sseastar omg thank u for the tag this looks sm fun !!!
tagging: @ozymandia-s @seungkwan-s @end-hyphen if u guys want to do it <33
·˚ ༘ list your top 10 biases and answer the following questions ·˚ ༘
trsr asahi
trsr yoshi
trsr jaehyuk
enha sunghoon
enha jay
idle yuqi
idle minnie
stayc sumin
stayc yoon
svt dk
this was so hard.. no particular order except for asahi cause ofc he's number 1 also a most accurate list as of right now would be all 10 (</3) members of treasure but that wouldnt be fun
Q1: between 1 and 4 who would your rather kiss?
how fun both of my ults im sorry to sunghoon but even if i had a bf i'd choose asahi over him soo...
Q2: between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend?
yoshi is a sweetheart but i'm scared he would cry every time i teased him as a joke whereas minnie is a menace so we'd get along more in that sense
Q3: between 5 and 10 who has a better voice?
NOBODY STANDS A CHANCE AGAINST MY MAN DOKYEOM... sorry jay i love his voice its super versatile but dokyeom's voice is gold
Q4: between 1 and 8 who is the funniest?
omg sumin is literally so funny in the most endearing way ever but asahi has to win this one like his members have called him the funniest in their group.. thats my bf right there <3
Q5: between 6 and 9 who would you date?
LMAO between yuqi and yoon damn i mean just based on age i'd have to go with yuqi but even without that i think yoon would be too much to handle like i've got a lot of energy but she'd tire me out fr.. yuqi is also insane but chiller lmaooo
Q6: between 9 and 10 who would you do a collaboration with?
literally no idea what kind of collab even... i'll choose yoon cause i wanna be besties w her she'd bring a good energy to the set.. i mean dk too.. but .. yeah yoon
Q7: between 4 and 8 who is the better dancer?
hmm i like sumin's dancing but i have to go with sunghoon on this one he's mesmerizingggg
Q8: between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry?
BETWEEN JAY AND JAEHYUK ARE YOU KIDDING ME......... i feel like jae gives off first love vibes whereas jay is husband vibes so i'll go with him... oh my god
Q9: between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when they are sick?
once again i will always choose asahi like minnie you're grown take care of urself whereas asahi is my bf but also my son? so i would take care of him even when he isn't sick i just love him man asahi if u see this i'll tkae good care of u pls
Q10: between 2 and 3 who has a better smile?
oh my god that's a hard one... they're both so so sweet but i'll go with jaehyuk cause the way his cheeks like scrunch up (?) when he smiles is so fucking cute like the lion emoji suits him so well
Q11: between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with?
oh my god i have no idea... they would both be so fun.. ykw i'm not gonna choose ! we're having a girls' trip me n my besties yuqi and sumin 🥰
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