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the-mortuary-witch · 4 months ago
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ACACIA: exorcism, banishing, money, love, to be burned for alter offering, aiding in psychic powers, meditation, and protection.
ACORN: strength, money and wealth, and protection.
ADAM’S AND EVES ROOTS: (TOXIC) attract love and happiness.
ADDERS TONGUE: healing and divination.
AFRICAN VIOLET: protection and promote spirituality.
AGARIC: (TOXIC) encourage fertility.
AGRIMONY: protection, banish negative energy-entities, reverse spells, break hexes, promotes sleep, psychic protection, and returns spells to their senders.
AGUE ROOT: protection and break hexes.
ALDER: whistles entice the elemental earth, water magic, and strength.
ALFALFA: abundance, prosperity, money, anti-hunger, frugality, and providence. Place in the kitchen.
ALKANET: repel negativity, attract prosperity, and purification all heal-mental powers.
ALLSPICE: money, luck, healing, prosperity when burned, courage, magickal power, love, and lust.
ALMOND: prosperity, success in business ventures, money, wisdom, love, and anger management.
ALOE: protection, luck, money, repel evil, healing, beauty, success, and peace.                           
ALOESWOOD: love, spirituality, money, protection.
ALTHEA: protection, psychic power, and attract good spirits.
ALYSSUM: protection and to calm anger.
AMARANTH: healing, protection, healing heartbreak, and invisibility.
AMBER: healing.                                       
AMBERGRIS: lust and sex.
ANEMONE: health, protection, and healing. 
ANGELICA: protection, exorcism, remove curses and hexes, healing, visions, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house, increases life energy bringing warmth of Fire element, and wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house.                          
ANISE: divination, psychic awareness, joy, dreams, luck, love, enthusiasm, Winter Solstice, and entices the spirits to aid in spells.
APPLE: love, healing, garden blessing, buried in the garden on Samhain as food for the departing spirits, to be shared with one you love,  immortality, happiness, luck, broken heart, spirit food, and the goddess.
APRICOT: love. 
ARABIC GUM: purification, spirituality, and protection. 
ARBUTUS: exorcism and protection. 
ARROWROOT: protection. 
ASAFETIDA: purification, protection, and exorcism. 
ASH: Prosperity, protection, healing, love, wands, leaves for prophetic dreams, sea rituals, longevity, peace, luck, purification, study, enhances magic, and besom.
ASPEN: protection, eloquence, and anti-theft. 
ASTER: love.                     
ASTRAGALUS: fortification, and strength. 
AVENS: exorcism, love, and purification. 
AVOCADO: beauty, love, and lust. 
BALM OF GILEAD: (TOXIC) love, manifestations, ease a broken heart, protection, and healing.
BAMBOO: protection, luck, break hexes, and wishes.
BANANA: prosperity, fertility, and potency.
BANYAN: luck and happiness.
BARLEY: healing, protection, and love.
BASIL: exorcism, love, protection, prosperity, wealth, repels negative energy, sympathy, wealth, flying, courage, business, fertility, healing relationships, and ensure faithfulness on masses.
BAY: psychic powers, protection, healing, purification, strength, wish magick, wisdom, good luck, fertility, banish negativity, energy, insight, divination, victory, prosperity, employment, mental power, and burn for psychic powers.
BAYBERRY: employment.
BEAN: love, protection, exorcism, wart charming, reconciliation, and potency.
BEECH: creativity, wishes, fertility, and balance mental health.
BEET: love.
BELLADONNA: (TOXIC) visions, astral protection, and divination.
BENZOIN: purification, prosperity, astral projection, confidence, and protection. 
BERGAMOT: success, money, confidence, protection, prosperity, employment, and unwanted advances.
BETONY: love, healing, burn at Litha for purification, protection; place under pillow to be rid of nightmares; sprinkle around doors to ward off despair, and psychic awareness.
BIRCH: purification, protection, exorcism, cleansing, beauty, catalyst, blessing, health, besom, and beginnings.
BISTORT: fertility and psychic powers.
BITTERSWEET: (TOXIC) protection, healing, and broken heart.
BLACK COHOSH: courage, love, protection, and potency.
BLACK HELLEBORE: (TOXIC) invisibility, exorcism, and astral projection.
BLACK PEPPER: courage and protection.
BLACK SNAKEROOT: love, lust, and money.
BLACKBERRY: healing, protection, prosperity, money, and pies for Lughnassadh.
BLACKTHORN: returns evil to its sender.
BLADDERWRACK: psychic powers, protection, money, water or sea spells, wind spells, travel, and psychic clarity.
BLESSED THISTLE: protection, animal healing, and abundance.
BLOODROOT: (TOXIC) love, purification, and protection.
BLUEBELL: luck and truth.
BLUEBERRY: protection.
BLUE COHOSH ROOT: courage, balance, and protection.
BLUE FLAG: (TOXIC) money, wealth, and success in business.
BODHI: wisdom, fertility, protection, and meditation.
BONESET: protection and exorcism.
BORAGE: courage, psychic powers, and carry leaves for protection.
BRACKEN: protection, healing, fertility, prophetic dreams, and rune magick.
BRIAR: add to tea for clairvoyant dreams and protection.
BRIONY: (TOXIC) mage magick, protection, and money.
BROMELIAD: protection and money.
BROOM: (TOXIC) divination, wind spells, purification of the circle, and hung indoors for protection.
BRYONY: (TOXIC) pleasure and reveal secrets.
BUCHU: prophetic dreams and psychic powers.
BUCKEYE: luck, divination, money, wealth, prosperity, and gambling.
BUCKTHORN: protection, exorcism, wishes, and legal matters.
BUCKWHEAT: protection and money.
BURDOCK: protection, healing, wards off negativity, purifies, protects (washing floors or dried root on red string around the neck), happy home, clears space & holds the space safe, and spirit of north.
CABBAGE: luck.
CACTUS: protection and chastity.
CALAMUS: (TOXIC) luck, protection, healing, money, and purification.
CALENDULA: stress management , opening to the 3rd Chakra, and helps energy move outward from centre of body extending in all directions.
CAMELLIA: prosperity, wealth, and luxury.
CAMPHOR: (TOXIC) healing, divination, chastity, past lives, prophetic dreams, purification, psychic awareness, and unwanted advances.
CAPER: lust, love, and potency.
CARAWAY: protection, lust, healing, mental powers, repel negativity, psychic healing, vitality, energy, magickal power, and anti-theft.
CARDAMON: lust, love, and burned in love spells and in love sachets.
CARNATION: protection, strength, healing, altar offering to the goddess, strength.
CAROB: protection and health.
CARROT: fertility, lust, vision, and the God aspect.
CASCARA SAGRADA: protection, money, and legal matters.
CASHEW: prosperity, money, and communication.
CASSIA: psychic awareness, and spirituality.
CASTOR: (TOXIC) protection and repel negativity.
CATNIP: love, beauty, happiness, power, courage, positive cat magick, friendship, joy, anger management, depression management, and familiars.
CAT TAIL: lust.
CAYENNE: exorcism and healing.
CEDAR: healing, purification, money, protection, cleansing, courage, stopping sexual harassment, prosperity, aura field, and space.
CELANDINE: joy, protection, happiness, escape, legal matters, and depression management.
CELERY: lust, psychic powers, mental clarity, concentration, and peace.
CENTAURY: snake removing.
CHAMOMILE: purification, tranquility, money, sleep-rest (tea), love, luck, meditation, prosperity, incense for the God, gambling, hex breaking, legal matters, peace, dreams, dexterity, and protection.
CHAPPARAL: Fire element rituals, protection, and Spirit of South.
CHERRY: love, divination, burn chips at sabbats, creativity, and victory.
CHICKWEED: love and fidelity.
CHICORY: favours, frugality, remove obstacles, invisibility, frigidity, and liberation.
CHILI PEPPER: fidelity, love, and break hexes.
CHINA BERRY: (TOXIC) luck and change.
CILANTRO: health.
CINCHONA: protection and luck.
CINNAMON: prosperity, success, spirituality, healing, lust, protection, love, psychic powers, passion, power, dreams, strength, astral projection, courage, money, purification, and personal empowerment.
CINQUEFOIL: money, protection, sleep, prophetic dreams, purification, lust, prosperity, and divination dreams.
CITRON: healing and eaten to increase psychic powers.
CIVET: love, lust, and sex.
CLOTH-OF-GOLD: animal communication.
CLOVE: protection, exorcism, purification, love, money, mental clarity, burn for wealth, wards off negativity, counter spells, cleansing, divination, luck, depression management, psychic awareness, prophetic dreams, happiness, and gossip.
CLOVER: success, protection, money, exorcism, love, fidelity, consecration, beauty, luck, youth, healing, faeries, and prosperity.
CLUB MOSS: protection and power.
COCONUT: purification, protection, chastity, and water.
COHOSH (BLACK): courage, protection, potency, and menopause.
COLTSFOOT: love, psychic visions, healing, wealth, and prosperity.
COLUMBINE: courage and love.
COMFREY: (TOXIC) money, root or leaves for healing, carry for safe travel, protection, stress management, safe journeys (Worldly or through Meditation), and Winter Solstice.
COPAL: love, purification, exorcism, protection, spirituality, earth element, sets sacred space, and allows guides and guidance to come.
CORIANDER: love, health, healing, protection, and longevity.
CORN: divination, protection, luck, and money.
CORNFLOWER: psychism.
CORNSILK: Water element and stimulates flow.
COTTON: luck, healing, and protection.
COWSLIP: youth, healing, treasure finding, luck, love, and psychic dreams.
CRANBERRY: healing, energy, and abundance.
CROCUS: love, visions, and wisdom.
CUBEB: love.
CUCKOO-FLOWER: love and fertility.
CUCUMBER: healing, fertility, and chastity.
CUMIN: exorcism, protection, prevents theft, fidelity, and love.
CURRY: protection and exorcism.
CYCLAMEN: fertility, protection, happiness, lust, and broken heart.
CYPRESS: healing, protection, comfort, longevity, peace, sleep, and liberation.
DAFFODIL: love, luck, and fertility.
DAISY: love, lust, luck, depression management, faeries and elves, and happiness.
DAMIANA: divination, love, lust, sex magick, dreams, visions, psychic powers, and opens door between worlds.
DANDELION LEAF AND ROOT: purification, divination, wishes, and calling spirits.
DATE PALM: potency and fertility.
DATURA: (TOXIC) protection, sleep, and break hexes.
DEERS TONGUE: (TOXIC) lust, psychic powers, and gossip management.
DEVIL’S BIT: love, protection, luck, and exorcism.
DEVIL’S SHOESTRING: protection, luck, gambling, power, and employment.
DILL:  love, lust, seeds draw money, leaves for protection, and flowers for love.
DITTANY OF CRETE: manifestations and astral projection.
DOCK: money, healing, and fertility.
DODDER: love divination and knot magick.
DOGBANE: love.
DOGWOOD: protection and wishes.
DONG QUAI: health, vitality, and fire element rituals.
DRAGONS BLOOD: power, protection, exorcism, potency, love, courage, fortune, catalyst, magick power, strength, purification, stimulates action of other herbs in incense blend, and stimulates movement of energy.
DULSE: harmony and lust.
EBONY: protection and power.
ECHINACEA: strengthening spells, health, strength, and wards off negativity or undesirable energies.
EDELWEISS: invisibility and bullet-proofing.
ELDER: (CAUTION: SEEDS ARE TOXIC)  money, wishes, theft protection, exorcism, healing, prosperity, sleep, wards negative thoughts when used as wind chimes, blessings, do not burn the wood of elder for it is sacred to Hecate, see fairies in the trees at Litha, flowers used as an alter offering, berries for esbat wine, flowers added to candle spells directed at Hecate during the new moon, cleansing, and offering.
ELDERBERRIES: prosperity, protection, sleep, joy, visions, banishing, energy, ancient wisdom, contact with elementals, and invoke magic.
ELDERFLOWER: purifying and healing.
ELECAMPANE: love, protection, psychic powers, and anger management.
ELM: protection, love, and attracts elves.
ENDIVE: love and lust.
ERYNGO: peace, love, lust, and traveler's luck.
EUCALYPTUS: (TOXIC) healing, protection, joy, purification, and air element rituals.
EUPHORBIA: (TOXIC) protection and purification.
EYEBRIGHT: joy, psychic powers, mental clarity, mental ability and clarity, and visions.
FALSE UNICORN ROOT: connection to magical realm, and contains energy and intention.
FENNEL: protection, exorcism, healing, purification, virility, sacred to the God, hung over doors at Litha, strength, courage, and money.
FENNEL SEED: stimulates movement.
FENUGREEK: prosperity, wealth, money, mental powers, and clearing.
FERN: (TOXIC) money, wealth, eternal youth, protection, outside for rain, luck, riches, health, and exorcism.
FEVERFEW: protection, wards sickness, and wards accidents in traffic.
FIG: divination, fertility, and love.
FIGWORT: protection and health.
FIR: health, prosperity, and birth and rebirth.
FLAX: luck, money, protection, purification, beauty, psychic powers, healing, health, and initiates flow.
FLEABANE: exorcism, protection, and chastity.
FORGET-ME-NOT: mental powers.
FOXGLOVE: (TOXIC) faeries and elves, lust, and grow in garden for protection of the house and yard.
FRANKINCENSE: exorcism, purification, protection, spirituality, power, meditation, blessing, concentration, banishing, courage, divination, healing, love, purification, consecration, sets sacred space, sets safe space for guides to come in, and spirit of East or North.
FUMITORY: money and exorcism.
FURZ/EGORSE: burn at Ostara for protection and as a preparation for any conflict.
FUZZY WEED: love and hunting.
GALANGAL: protection, legal matters, lust, health, money, psychic powers, break hexes, energy, strength, and courage.
GARDENIA: love, peace, healing, spirituality, and psychic awareness.
GARLIC: protection, healing, health, exorcism, lust sacred to Hecate, flowers for altar offerings, cloves for protection, anti-theft, wishes, and relief from nightmares.
GENTIAN: power, love, break hexes, wishes, and theft.
GERANIUM: (TOXIC) courage, abundance, health, love, protection, and fertility.
GIANT VETCH: fidelity.
GINGER love, money, success, power, aphrodisiac, psychic ability, apathy, lust, good health, magickal power, fire element rituals, brings into existence, bringer of the manifestation, 3rd chakra vitality, inner strength, stimulates flow of energy, and spirit of south.
GINSENG: longevity, sexual potency, protection, healing, love, lust, wishes, beauty, vitality, fertility, desire, encourages a long lasting affect, and strength.
GOAT’S RUE: healing and health.
GOLDENROD: prosperity, money, divination, and luck.
GOLDENSEAL: money and healing.
GORSE: protection and money.
GOTU KOLA: meditation.
GOURD: protection.
GRAIN: protection.
GRAINS OF PARADISE: love, lust, luck, money, and wishes.
GRAPE: mental clarity, money, fertility, garden magick, and happiness.
GRASS: psychic powers and protection.
GROUND IVY: divination.
GROUNDSEL: health and healing.
GUM MASTIC: magickal power.
HAWTHORN: happiness, fertility, powerful wands, protection, chastity, fishing magick, faeries and elves, purification, business, depression management, purity, and cleansing.
HAWTHORNE BERRIES: 4th chakra strength and vitality, love, and contentment.
HAZEL: luck, fertility, protection, wishes, nuts strung on cord in house or ritual room to invite the help of plant fairies, used for wands, healing, anti-lightning, love, aphrodisiac, wisdom, divination, mental powers, intelligence, and inspiration.
HEATHER: luck, protection, red to start or end an affair, white for protection, purple for spiritual development, use at Samhain to invite spirits to visit, rain making, and spirituality.
HELIOTROPE: (TOXIC) exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth, invisibility, money, spirituality, prosperity, and psychic awareness.
HELLEBORE (BLACK): (TOXIC) protection.
HEMLOCK: (TOXIC) astral projection, diminish libido, power, purification, charging, and alignment.
HEMP: healing, love, visions, and meditation.
HENBANE: (TOXIC) love, luck, divination, and invisibility.
HENNA: healing, health, love, change, and dying material.
HIBISCUS: love, lust, divination, and 5th chakra.
HICKORY: legal matters.
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR: (TOXIC) strength, confidence, health, love, money, success, happiness, break hexes, increase strength, legal matters, anointing, and victory.
HOLY THISTLE: purification and break hexes.
HOLLY: protection, luck, dream magic, anti-lightning, balance, dreams, enhances magic, holiness, consecration, and beauty.
HONESTLY: money and protection.
HONEYSUCKLE: protection, money, psychic powers, confidence, broken heart, luck, happiness, healing, and depression management.
HOPS: healing, sleep, stress management, and opens the channel in and out of the body in relationship with the universe.
HOREHOUND: exorcism, healing, purification, protection, mental clarity, balance, banishing, and opens air element within body and in the world, opens channel for clear communication.
HORSE CHESTNUT: (TOXIC) healing and money.
HORSERADISH: exorcism and purification.
HORSETAIL: fertility.
HOUSELEEK: love, luck, and protection.
HUCKLEBERRY: protection, luck, dream magic, and break hexes.
HYACINTH: (TOXIC) business, court cases, sleep, depression management, love, protection, and happiness.
HYDRANGEA: break hexes.
HYSSOP: healing, protection, purification, wards negativity, prosperity, money, banishing, and dragon energy.
IRIS: purification, wisdom, courage, reincarnation, spirituality, and happiness.
IRISH MOSS: luck, money, protection, opens throat, and opens channel for clear communication.
IVY: (TOXIC) divination, protection, healing, fertility, love, and fidelity.
JASMINE: divination, love, money, prophetic dreams, sleep, prosperity, spirituality, visions, confidence, broken heart, astral projection, business, and court cases.
JIMSON WEED: protect against evil spirits.
JOB’S TEARS: luck, wishes, and healing.
JOE-PYE WEED: love and respect.
JUNIPER: protection, love, exorcism, health, anti-theft, banishing, peace, wishes, aphrodisiacs, sets sacred space, and spirit of north.
KAVA KAVA: lust, protection while traveling, astral projection, visions, luck, visions, protection, love, and opens one to receiving guidance and guides.
KELP: wind spells, psychic powers, protection, connection to divine source through the physical and spiritual, unity, life-force strengthening, and spirit of centre.
KNOTWEED: health, binding spells, and protection
LADY’S MANTLE: love and self control.
LADY’S SLIPPER: protection.
LARCH: protection and anti-theft.
LARKSPUR: protection and health.
LAVENDER: protection, call in good spirits, love, sleep, longevity, happiness, peace, healing, burn for purification, peace, use in bath for purification, burn at Litha as an offering, psychic awareness, chastity, liberation, menopause, childbirth, grief or loss, youthful vigour, stress management, travel, anger management, and attracts elves.
LEEK: exorcism, love, and protection.
LEMON: purification, love, friendship, longevity, cleansing, healing, peace, success, broken heart, anger management, and devotion.
LEMON BALM: love, success, healing, depression management, aphrodisiac, and soothes emotional pain after relationship ends.
LEMON VERBENA: protection, purification, love, power, beauty, youth, happiness, peace, mental and emotional balance, and Summer Solstice.
LEMONGRASS: psychic powers, mental clarity, lust, and repels snakes.
LETTUCE: love divination, sleep, protection, chastity, and luck.
LIQUORICE: love, lust, fidelity, aphrodisiac, meditation, and harmony.
LIFE-EVERLASTING: health, healing, and longevity.
LILAC: exorcism, protection, purification, beauty, love, peace, and psychic awareness.
LILY: protection, exorcism, repel negativity, truth, break love spells, strength, purification, and breaking hexes.
LILY OF THE VALLEY: (TOXIC) mental clarity, happiness, insight, depression management, and peace.
LIME: healing, love, protection, cleansing, happiness, and purification.
LINDEN: healing, protection, luck, love, sleep, bark for protection, leaves and flowers for immortality, good fortune, youth, attraction, and longevity.
LIQUID AMBER: protection.
LIVERWORT: love and protection.
LOBELIA: (TOXIC) healing and love.
LOOSESTRIFE: peace, protection, harmony, and purple restores harmony and brings peace.
LOTUS: protection, spirituality, love, lock opening, liberation, and mental powers.
LOVAGE: love, attraction, cleansing, and purification.
LOVE SEED: love and friendship.
LUCKY HAND: protection, luck, money, travel, and employment.
MACE: psychic powers, mental clarity, and divination. 
MAGUEY: lust. 
MAGNOLIA: fidelity, past lives, peace, sex, broken heart, beauty, and wisdom. 
MAHOGANY: anti-lightning. 
MADIENHAIR: beauty and love. 
MALE FERN: luck and love. 
MALLOW: love, protection, and exorcism. 
MANDRAKE: (TOXIC) potency, exorcism, protection, fertility, money, love, health, protection, catalyst, prosperity, divination, increase psychic powers, aphrodisiacs, cursing enemies, building, banishing, and protection in the subconscious, unconscious and underworld. 
MAPLE: money, longevity, and love. 
MARIGOLD: prophetic dreams, protection, legal matters, marriage spells, enhanced psychic powers, pick in full sun, business and legal matters, clairvoyant dreams, and mixed with water and rubbed on the eyelids to see fairies. 
MARJORAM: protection, love, happiness, health, money, depression management, and prosperity. 
MARSHMALLOW: healing, friendship, boundaries, love, protection, strength, and emotional balance. 
MASTERWORT: protection, strength, and courage.  
MASTIC: psychic powers, lust, manifestations, love, and magick power. 
MAY APPLE: (TOXIC) money and prosperity. 
MEADOW RUE: love and divination. 
MEADOWSWEET: love, divination, peace, happiness, harmony, and 3rd chakra. 
MESQUITE: healing. 
MILK THISTLE: creativity, protection, dispel, and transformation. 
MIMOSA: love, protection, prophetic dreams, purification, past lives, and visions. 
MINT: exorcism, protection, money, lust, healing, travel, alter offering for helpful spirits , love, luck, anger management, dreams, abundance, prosperity, and rejuvenation. 
MISTLETOE: (TOXIC) Healing, protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism, hunting, success, catalyst, lust, liberation, and sexual potency. 
MOLUKKA: protection. 
MOONFLOWER: liberation. 
MOONWORT: love, money, and divination. 
MORNING GLORY: (TOXIC) peace, happiness, and depression management. 
MOSS: luck and money. 
MOTHERWORT: balances within, self empowerment, and 2nd chakra. 
MUGWORT: astral projection, strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, divination, rub fresh herb on crystal balls and magick mirrors to increase their strength, pick on full moon night, clairvoyance, purification, sex, renewal, fertility, clearing, sleep, visions, opens one to the teachings of the subconscious and unconscious self, and 6th and 7th chakras. 
MULBERRY: protection and strength. 
MULLEIN: exorcism, health, protection, courage, love divination, calling spirits, dreams, and opens life energy flow through the body. 
MUSK: purification and sex. 
MUSTARD: fertility, protection, mental clarity, health, and money. 
MYRRH: spirituality, purification, protection, healing, exorcism, wards negativity, burn for purification and consecrations, banishing, sets sacred space, and ancient wisdom. 
MYRTLE: peace, money, love, youth, fertility, sleep, healing, and prosperity. 
NARCISSUS: peace. 
NASTURTIUM: healing. 
NEROLI: love. 
NETTLE: exorcism, protection, healing, lust, abundance, 3rd and 6th chakra, banishing, stress management, and gossip management. 
NIAOULI: protection. 
NORFOLK ISLAND PINE: protection and anti-hunger. 
NUTMEG: protection, money, health, luck, fidelity, break hexes, burn for prosperity, love, psychic awareness, and relief from nightmares. 
NUTS: fertility, prosperity, love, luck, use for tips on wands, gifts, and communication. 
OAK: protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck, the God, wands, burn leaves to purify the atmosphere, acorns draw money, burn wood for good health, acorns draw money, power, balance, and prosperity. 
OAK MOSS: court cases, money, and protection. 
OATS: money, offering to the god, and stress management.  
OLIVE: healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust, victory, and spirituality. 
ONION: exorcism, healing, protection, purification, money, prophetic dreams, and lust. 
ORANGE: love, divination, luck, and money. 
ORANGE BERGAMOT: prosperity, success, energy, joy, friendship, success, prosperity, psychic awareness, peels for love, and incense for good fortune. 
ORCHID: love and psychic powers. 
OREGON GRAPE: money and prosperity. 
ORRIS: divination, protection, love, prosperity, money, clairvoyance, sex, and psychic awareness. 
PALMAROSA: healing and love. 
PALM DATE: fertility and potency. 
PANSY: love, divination, rain magick, mental powers, and strength. 
PAPAY: protection, love, and wishes.  
PAPYRUS: protection, wisdom, and self-insight. 
PAROSELA: hunting.  
PARSLEY: purification, protection, lust, love, fertility, and prosperity. 
PASSION FLOWER: peace, sleep, friendships prosperity, increase libido, popularity, anger management, and stress management. 
PATCHOULI: money, fertility, lust, break hexes, incense for drawing money, earth, underworld, business, confidence, court cases, love, desire, prosperity, protection, success, sex, and enemies. 
PAU D'ARCO: fertility, wards off negativity,  and clears. 
PEA: money and love. 
PEACH: exorcism, love, fertility, wishes, longevity, broken heart, and youth. 
PEAR: love and lust. 
PECAN: money, employment, prosperity, dreams, and discipline. 
PENNYROYAL: exorcism, consecration, strength, protection, peace, and healing. 
PEONY: exorcism, protection, and purification. 
PEPPER: exorcism, protection, use in amulets or grow for protection, and wards off negativity. 
PEPPERMINT: purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers, divination, money, apathy, exorcism, insight, lust, menopause, and clears energy and space. 
PEPPER TREE: protection, purification, and healing. 
PERIWINKLE: (TOXIC) Protection, money, love, lust, and mental clarity. 
PERSIMMON: healing, luck, changing sex, and insight into others. 
PETITGRAIN: protection. 
PILOT WEED: protection. 
PIMENTO: love. 
PIMPERNEL: protection and health. 
PINE: (TOXIC) protection, exorcism, money, healing, fertility, brush outdoor ritual area with a branch to purify and sanctify, burn for cleansing, needles in money spells, spirituality, gambling, dreams, cleansing, banishing, purification, prosperity, employment, birth, rebirth, strength, life and immortality. 
PINECONE: magic, human enlightenment, resurrection, strength, internal life, health, fertility, and regeneration.
PINEAPPLE: luck, money, chastity, hospitality, and protection. 
PIPSISSEWA: money and calling in good spirits. 
PISTACHIO: breaking love spells. 
PLANTAIN: protection, healing, strength, and snake repelling. 
PLUM: protection, love, healing, and self-confidence. 
POKE: (TOXIC) courage and breaks hexes. 
POMEGRANATE: divination, luck, wealth, wishes, and fertility. 
POPLAR: money, astral projection, and success. 
POPPY: fertility, love, sleep, money, luck, healing, and invisibility. 
POTATO: healing, image magick, astral projection, separation, foundations, and earth energy. 
PRIMROSE: protection and love. 
PURSLANE: protection, love, happiness, luck, and sleep. 
QUASSIA: love.
QUEEN OF THE MEADOW: power and protection.
QUINCE: protection, love, and happiness.
RADISH: protection and lust. 
RAGWEED: courage, faeries, and elves. 
RAGWORT: protection. 
RASPBERRY: healing, visions, protection, love, alleviates labor pains, spirit of centre, and spring equinox. 
RATTLESNAKE ROOT: protection and money. 
RED CLOVER BLOSSOMS: abundance, love, money, protection, success, and summer solstice. 
RED ROOT: clears energy and dispels. 
RHUBARB: health, protection, and fidelity. 
RICE: protection, money, fertility, rain, blessings, and weather magick. 
ROOTS: protection, divination, and power. 
ROSE: beauty, protection, purification, love, psychic powers, healing, divination, peace, luck, courage, catalyst, sex,  sleep, prophetic dreams, anger management, love divination, abundance, attraction, and prosperity. 
ROSE GERANIUM: protection. 
ROSE HIPS: healing, luck, call in good spirits, abundance, strength, and fall equinox ceremony. 
ROSEMARY: exorcism, protection, healing, love, lust, mental clarity, sleep, youth, burn for purification, wards negativity, love, blessing, consecration, cleansing, strength, wishes, dreams, beauty, theft, healing, psychic ability, spirit of south, grow to attract elves, and blessing. 
ROWAN: protection, success, psychic powers, healing, power, wands and amulets for knowledge, incense of leaves and berries for divination, fires to call upon spirits for help, grow for protection of the home, inspiration, wisdom, enhances magic, and attracts faeries. 
RUE: exorcism, protection, purification, break hexes, health, mental clarity, healing, blessing, consecration, use in altar oil, love, money and wealth, and gossip management. 
RYE: love and fidelity. 
SAFFRON: love, lust, healing, strength, happiness, psychic powers, wind raising, and depression management. 
SAGE: purification, protection, wisdom, longevity, wishes, health, immortality, intuition, divination, luck, prosperity, money, spirituality, menopause, psychic ability, clears, inner guide, longevity, and vision.
SAGEBRUSH: exorcism, protection, purification, joy, and peace. 
ST. JOHN’S WORT: (TOXIC) exorcism, protection, courage, strength, happiness, health, love divination, burn at Litha to send away negativity, wear for invincibility, willpower, gathered at Litha, power, and stress management. 
SALTPETER: unwanted advances. 
SANDALWOOD: protection, exorcism, purification, wishes, healing, spirituality, full moon esbats, wards negativity, spirit offering, luck, sex, banishing, astral projection, business, success, and mental powers. 
SARSAPARILLA: love, money, inner strength, grounding, and purification. 
SASSAFRAS: money, health, and healing. 
SENNA: love. 
SERPENTARIA ROOT: love and aphrodisiacs. 
SESAME: money, success in business, lust, happiness, and gambling. 
SHALLOT: purification. 
SHAMROCKS: faeries and elves. 
SHEPHERDS PURSE: sleep, depression management, and healing. 
SKULLCAP: peace, love, fidelity, stress management, and anxiety management. 
SKUNK CABBAGE: good fortune and legal matters. 
SLIPPERY ELM: halts gossip, aids verbal communication and development, enemies, friendship, and ends disputes. 
SLOE: exorcism, protection, and banishes negative energy/entities. 
SNAKEROOT: money, luck, break hexes, love, and lust. 
SNAPDRAGON: protection, break hexes, exorcism, prophetic dreams, prosperity, gossip management, and money and wealth. 
SOLOMON’S SEAL: love, exorcism, protection, and an offering to the elementals for their aid. 
SOUTHERNWOOD: love, lust, protection, and faeries and elves. 
SPANISH MOSS: protection. 
SPEARMINT: healing, love, and mental clarity. 
SPIKENARD: health, fidelity, love, luck, strength, wisdom, and mental powers. 
SQUILL: protection, money, break hexes, and business. 
STAR ANISE: psychic powers, luck, good fortune, and spiritual powers. 
STILLENGIA: psychic powers. 
STRAW: luck, attracts fairies, do not burn magik infused straw, it will bring ill-fortune, used as an image to protect an area, image magick, and fertility. 
STRAWBERRY: love, luck, joy, and broken heart. 
SUGAR CANE: love, lust, prosperity, and sympathy. 
SUMBUL: psychic powers, love, luck, and health. 
SUMMER SAVOURY: mental clarity and strength, and mental powers. 
SUNFLOWER: wisdom, health, wishes, fertility, happiness, friendship, and prosperity. 
SWEETGRASS: calling in good spirits, bringer of positive energy, clears, seals In, burned after white sage which clears, and spirit of east. 
SWEET PEA: strength, courage, friendship, chastity, truth, and love. 
TAMARIND: love. 
TAMARISK: exorcism and protection. 
TANGERINE: magickal power. 
TANSY: healing, health, and longevity. 
TEA: strength, courage, prosperity, riches, and health. 
THISTLE HOLLY: purification and hex breaking. 
THISTLE MILK: exorcism, protection, healing, strength, break hexes, and snake enraging. 
THYME: purification, courage, psychic powers, sleep, wards negativity, burn for purification, healing spells, love, renewal, youth, divination, prophetic dreams, faery folk, and romance. 
TI: protection and healing. 
TOADFLAX: protection and break hexes. 
TOADSTOOL: (TOXIC) rain making. 
TOBACCO: (TOXIC) healing, purification, and offerings. 
TOMATO: protection, prosperity, and love. 
TONKA: (TOXIC) courage, love, money, wishes, luck, friendship, and prosperity. 
TORMENTIL: protection and love. 
TREFOIL: decorate altar, protection, luck, when taking one, and leave a bit of ginger or milk poured into the ground as payment to the fairies. 
TRILLIUM: love, luck, and money. 
TUBEROSE: love, lust, peace, and psychic awareness. 
TULIP: protection, prosperity, and love. 
TURMERIC: purification (used with sea salt), fortification, strength, and clears aggression. 
TURNIP: protection, endings, and banish negativity. 
UVA URSA: (TOXIC) psychic powers. 
VALERIAN: protection, purification, love, sleep, prophetic dreams, peace, sex, friendship, anxiety management, and self esteem. 
VANILLA: love, lust, mental clarity, money, confidence, attracting people, magickal power, prosperity, success, and wishes. 
VENUS FLYTRAP: protection and love. 
VERVAIN: sleep, protection, purification, love, money, peace, healing, gather/burn at Litha, altar offering, brings riches, creativity, wards psychic attack, youth, chastity, astral projection, unwanted advances, anger management, and prosperity. 
VETCH GIANT: fidelity. 
VETIVERT: love, luck, money, break hexes, wards negativity, anti-theft, exorcism, wishes, peace, protection, prosperity, and divination. 
VIOLET: protection, healing, love, lust, luck, wishes, peace, sleep, insight, and visions. 
WAHOO: (TOXIC) courage, success, and breaks hexes. 
WALNUT: health, mental clarity, wishes, infertility, spirituality, and travel. 
WATERCRESS: healing. 
WAX PLANT: protection and power. 
WHEAT: money, fertility, and prosperity. 
WHITE WILLOW BARK: healing, blessings, binding, sacred earth connection between human and earth and spirit, protection, and spirit of east. 
WILD LETTUCE: love divination, protection, sleep, opens to the deeper consciousness, and attunes to deeper meanings. 
WILD PLUM: healing. 
WILD YAM: fortification, grounding, release, and 1st chakra. 
WILLOW: protection, healing, love, burn bark with sandalwood for divination, vitality, energy, ending pain, moon magic, wishing, spirits, death passage, besom, inspiration, and psychic energy. 
WINTERGREEN: protection, healing, break hexes, strength, good fortune, and opens channels. 
WINTER’S BARK: success. 
WISTERIA: spirituality. 
WITCH GRASS: exorcism, happiness, love, and lust. 
WITCH HAZEL: protection, chastity, healing, beauty, and unwanted advances. 
WOLF’S BANE: (TOXIC) protection and invisibility. 
WOOD BETONY: love, purification, and protection. 
WOOD ROSE: luck. 
WOOD SORREL: healing, and health.
WOODRUFF: protection, money, victory, add to Beltane wine to clear away barriers, success, changes, psychic awareness, and prosperity. 
WORMWOOD: (TOXIC, BURN IN WELL VENTILATED AREA, PREFERABLY OUTDOORS) exorcism, protection, love, psychic powers, calling spirits, protection while traveling, evocation, divination, scrying (stronger when combined with Mugwort) at Samhain, sacred to the moon, good luck, clairvoyance, divination, and safety in cars. 
YARROW: healing, divination, exorcism, protection, courage, love, psychic powers, happy marriage (wedding bouquet), wards negativity, defense, protection, gather at Litha, happiness, fidelity, broken heart, prophetic dreams, spirit of south, clears, and stimulates movement. 
YELLOWDOCK ROOT: clears stuck energy and fortification. 
YERBA MATE: love, lust, and fidelity. 
YERBA SANTA: protection, healing, psychic powers, beauty, and clears channel to divine life force. 
YEW: (TOXIC) Yule symbol for death and rebirth, used for dagger handles, raising the dead, psychic awareness, and spirits. 
YLANG YLANG: insight, love, past lives, peace, sex, and visions. 
YOHIMBE: (TOXIC) love and lust. 
YUCCA: protection, purification, and transmutation. 
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unhinged-simp · 9 months ago
I love the perfume HCs you did for Romeo and Subaru!! What specific colognes do you think they'd use? I was looking at perfumes the other day and now I can't imagine Romeo wearing anything other than Jazz Bar by Maison Margiella, for obvious reasons lol. He would wear the hell out of oriental notes too though, I bet he has different colognes for every season and they're all really complex (but only moderately intense) blends from high-end brands. Whereas Subaru seems like he'd the type to support more niche scents from local stores, but he 100% for sure has at least one scent that smells mainly like wisteria, considering it's his favourite in Hotarubi- or maybe, that means he wouldn't actually want to wear it too often, since he wouldn't want to desensitise himself? Either way, from what I've read, traditional perfume is a rly big thing in Japan comparable to tea ceremony and flower arrangement (it's really fascinating so I recommend searching it up if you're interested) so it's entirely likely that he even comes up with his own combinations! He probably has a few nioi-bukuro too, which are these really cute mini embroidered scent pouches that are kept inside clothes. Sorry that this is so long, there's just so much to think about :')
What perfume I'd think they'd wear(Romeo and Subaru)
Ooh this was interesting! I'm don't know much about perfume/cologne but this was fun. I did do some research of my own and picked out some that I'd think they'd wear. Romeo has actual perfume since I'd think he'd wear high brand/popular scents. Since I believe Subaru would shop/commission smaller stores, I put more about what kinda scents he'd wear rather than a specific brand. I do see him making his own nioi-bukuro, and he uses it to make his favorite scents.
(Not x reader, no reader mentioned)
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I do think he'd wear bold scents, and those high brand cologne and perfumes. 
Like you said he'd probably mostly wear Jazz Bar.
I could also see him wearing Armani Code by Giorgio Armani. It's an oriental perfume with a more citrus note, but it also has smokey and wooden undertones.
I feel like he'd wear Touch by Burberry occasionally. It’s more of a blend between spicy, aquatic, and woody scents.
Dylan Blue by Versauce is another one I’d see him use, though every once in a blue moon. It's a bit more in the aquatic scent but it also has a bit of spice and woodyness.
He'd also wear Obsession by Calvin Klein. It's another citrus scent that uses woody and spice undertones. I’d think he'd wear more often than some.
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I’d see him wearing a softer scent. He'd wear Japanese style scents rather than any other kind. He also seems like the character to prefer floral or nature scents.
He'd occasionally wear wisteria, definitely doesn't want to be desensitized. 
He probably commissioned a smaller store to make a cherry blossom or wisteria perfume. 
On the days he'd want to do a tea ceremony, he'd wear a aloeswood or sandalwood scent.
Since nioi bukuro is often scented with incense fragrances, he'd probably have a sandalwood or aloeswood one.
He’d probably also make his own nioi bukuro with floral scents, like wisteria, lotus, or cherry blossoms.
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hexehaus · 5 months ago
To Gather Daemons Incense
This is a very powerful blend and it is extremely fragrant. And smoky, so open the window! It really works. It helps you focus and draw the Demon when their enn is vibrated.
Dark Amber Resin
To make this blend, have the Aloeswood in powder form, which it usually is. If it is too expensive, buy some Aloeswood incense and powder it. Get the best Sandalwood powder that you can afford. Soma Luna is a great resource because they have a few choices available. Now, Amber is too soft and gummy to reduce to a powder and too hard to finely crumble, so do your best to reduce it.
This recipe smells divine, like the Demons are divine in themselves. This incense invokes their presence nicely. And their energy is palpable. Use for initiations and especially on the Rite to Eurynomous, Ba'alberith, and Babael because it draws Death Energy too.
Note: This incense does burn fast because there are no resins to prolong it. If you like, you may add some Copal Oro. This resin is better than something like Frankincense, Myrrh or Benzoin because Copal burns off. It doesn't go bitter like these other resins do and it also enhances Death Energy.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 6 months ago
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My incense order arrived! They even included an additional aloeswood incense as a bonus. I initially got curious simply because the fic I’m translating described Limbo as smelling like incense, and specifically kouboku (and blood lol), and I got curious, and I’m fond of incense smells to begin with. So I got a few that are focused mainly on that wood itself, and just smelling them as-is they’re all wonderful! And the packaging is so elegant too, I might legit get into this…
Oh yeah and those three tiny sticks in the gold package? Worth as much as the entire rest of the order, cause it’s kyara and that stuff is quite literally worth more than its weight in gold.
From left to right they’re
1- Tennendo aloeswood
2-Minorien sandalwood fu-in
3- Kikujudo kouboku ginmi sampler (2 sandalwoods and 3 aloeswoods)
4- Seijudo kyara enju
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marcus-x-shaw · 22 days ago
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Picture this: a dense, misty forest in Southeast Asia, where gnarled trees stand like ancient sentinels, their bark hiding a secret so valuable it’s been dubbed “liquid gold.” This isn’t some fantasy novel setup—it’s the real-life story of agarwood, one of the rarest and most expensive natural substances on Earth. If you’ve ever wondered why a tiny vial of oud oil can cost more than a luxury handbag or why this stuff has been obsession-worthy for centuries, buckle up. I’m about to take you on a wild ride through the world of agarwood—part science, part history, and a whole lot of wow.
Let’s start with the basics. Agarwood comes from the Aquilaria tree, a humble evergreen scattered across places like India, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. But here’s the twist: the tree itself isn’t inherently precious. It’s what happens to it that makes all the difference. When the tree gets injured—say, by lightning, insects, or even a sneaky fungal infection—it fights back by producing a dark, aromatic resin to protect itself. That resin is agarwood, also known as oud or aloeswood. It’s like the tree’s version of a superhero transformation—平凡 to phenomenal. This process can take years, sometimes decades, and it doesn’t happen to every tree. Only about 2% of Aquilaria trees naturally produce this resin, which is why you won’t find agarwood at your local farmer’s market. The rarity, combined with the labor-intensive harvesting, drives its price through the roof. A single ounce of high-quality oud oil can fetch thousands of dollars, and raw agarwood chips? They’re weighed like gold—sometimes literally.
If that origin story sounds intriguing, wait until you hear about agarwood’s resume. This stuff has been captivating humans for millennia. Ancient Egyptians burned it as incense in rituals, believing it connected them to the divine. In the Middle East, oud has been a status symbol since the days of desert caravans, its smoky, woody aroma wafting through palaces and bazaars. Buddhist monks use it during meditation, and it’s even name-dropped in religious texts like the Bible and the Quran. Basically, agarwood’s been the VIP of fragrances since before hashtags were a thing. Fast-forward to today, and it’s the backbone of the world’s most exclusive perfumes. Ever sniffed something like Creed’s Royal Oud or Tom Ford’s Oud Wood? That’s agarwood strutting its stuff—deep, complex, and a little mysterious, with notes that can range from sweet and leathery to earthy and spicy. It’s not a scent that screams for attention; it’s the kind that leans in close and whispers, “You’ll remember me.”
But here’s where the plot thickens. Agarwood’s skyrocketing demand—especially in the luxury perfume and Middle Eastern markets—has turned it into a double-edged sword. The trees are now endangered, with illegal logging running rampant in some regions. Poachers hack away at forests, desperate to find that resin-rich “black gold,” leaving devastation in their wake. Some countries have slapped strict regulations on the trade, but enforcement is tricky when the payoff is so huge. On the flip side, there’s hope. Sustainable plantations are popping up, where farmers intentionally “wound” the trees to trigger resin production. It’s a slow game—think 5 to 10 years before harvest—but it’s a lifeline for both the species and the industry. Still, purists argue the wild stuff smells better, richer, more authentic. It’s a debate that keeps the agarwood world buzzing.
So why does this matter to you? Maybe you’re not shelling out thousands for oud oil (yet), but agarwood’s story is a wild mix of nature’s ingenuity and human obsession. It’s a reminder that some of the best things in life take time, struggle, and a little chaos to create. Next time you catch a whiff of something woody and haunting, you might just be smelling a piece of this ancient magic. And if you ever get your hands on the real deal—whether it’s a chip to burn or a drop of oil—savor it. You’re holding a piece of history, a whisper from the forest, and a scent that’s been turning heads for thousands of years.
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cleolinda · 2 years ago
Tyrannosaurus Rex (Zoologist, 2018)
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(Zoologist Perfumes)
Zoologist Tyrannosaurus Rex is a gargantuan scent that sinks its teeth into the world of delicate fragrances and rips it wide open. Primitive woods and florals seize you and snatch you away to an ancient era. Smoky, charred wood warns of the danger of smouldering fire, setting your senses on edge, while droplets of metallic rose oxide offer a chilling premonition of blood-lust. The mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex is sometimes menacing, sometimes fascinating, but never, ever ordinary.
Perfumer: Antonio Gardoni Top Notes: Bergamot, Black Pepper, Fir, Laurel Leaf, Neroli, Nutmeg Heart Notes: Champaca, Geranium, Jasmine, Osmanthus, Rose, Ylang Ylang Base Notes: Resins, Cade, Cedar, Civet [synthetic], Frankincense, Leather [synthetic], Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vanilla
As is my wont, I read user reviews across various sites first. These reviews described Horrors. The word "barbecue" was used more than once. But once again, I look at this list of notes and I think, all of this sounds fine. Civet musk can be a little hard to handle; I haven't worn or smelled it much. But I actually like the scent of black pepper, that's fine. "Cade" seems to be smoky distilled juniper tar, and the Parfumo listing replaces the word cade with "Canary Islands juniper." Love a juniper, sounds good. Not sure what "resins" we're talking about, but I enjoy some incense, and "resins" are frequently in that ballpark. Let's give it a whirl.
For some reason, I opened the sample without gloves or even a tissue in my hand, which is what I usually do. I get perfume headaches, after all, and if I get one from just opening a vial, we're putting it back. So I wasn't really ready to wear it, but I was curious. Tyrannosaurus Rex got on my fingertips—
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(Troubled Birds)
—and there was nothing I could do about it.
T-Rex does not wash off. It doesn't. I went back to the notes to figure out why. And also, to figure out HOW it opens with a huge belch of slaughterhouse.
Like, I knew, I KNEW this was going to happen, I keep saying that I did my research and I knew what was going to happen when I put this or that fragrance on and then somehow I'm still left reeling when that's exactly what happens. The first thing—well, let's skip to the second thing right now. The Fragrantica note listing specifies "kyara incense" rather than "resins," and that's a precious Japanese incense that—ohhhh, it's oud. You have to follow this linguistic chain of kyara to aloeswood to agarwood to oud, but that's what it is.
Raw materials such as agarwood are becoming increasingly rare due to the depletion of the wild resource. [...] The highest regarded wood, ranjyatai, dates back to at least the 10th century and is kyara wood from Laos or Vietnam, and was used by emperors and warlords for its fragrance. It is said to contain so much resin that it can be used many times over. (Wikipedia: Incense in Japan)
If patchouli is the funk of kings, oud is the odor of emperors. It's not going to wash off, and perhaps more to the point, it would be an extravagant waste if you tried. Oud is valued in Indian perfumery, but it's particularly loved in Arabian fragrance—and I'm talking about both ancient traditions and modern industries here. It's been getting more popular in European and American fragrance for maybe the 10+ years or so, softened for the Western market as "the new patchouli." If I'd known that T-Rex was going to lead me here, I would have scoped out some oud fragrances and planned a whole deep-dive post; instead, we'll do that sometime in the future. For now, I'm aware that oud is—"polarizing," that's a good word:
Maybe you've had a whiff of some popular fragrances featuring oud, like Tom Ford Oud Wood, Byredo Our Immortel, or Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood. They're distinctively different compositions that all share telltale qualities that oud offers. For one, they last a long time. Even after an oud fragrance dries down on the skin, you can still detect a trace of it radiating from one's body heat — musky, earthy, woody, and a bit smoky, like an incense. It's difficult to describe, but once you've smelled oud, you can most likely recognize it anywhere. On its own, it's quite polarizing, but when combined with a fragrance's note composition, it can add depth and complexity to any kind of scent. (Allure)
To be blunt about it: what this article dances around is the fact that a lot of people think that some ouds smell "sweaty" or even "fecal." I've personally seen this over and over in English-language user reviews at Fragrantica, Basenotes, that kind of all-encompassing database site. And I think there could be a cultural lack of appreciation at play there; it’s also true that some things just do not work with some people, biochemically, no matter how open-minded they are. I wanted to fistfight some European aldehydes. It happens. It’s also true that oud genuinely contains indole, a chemical that also makes some jasmine, ylang ylang, and gardenia flowers smell unpleasantly animalic or, yes, like shit. (Notice that jasmine and ylang are also in T-Rex.) I've never had a problem smelling white florals as unpleasant—and I’ve had jasmine and gardenia plants in my yard—just strong as fuck. I’ve also been lucky enough that the "urine" note in Mitsouko doesn't come out on me. Maybe, in trying T-Rex, the chemistry odds will actually be in my favor.
And I have to say, as a disclaimer: "kyara incense" isn't the official wording on the Zoologist website; I don’t know where this information came from. But after smelling the perfume—I'm not very experienced with oud, but I'm going to say, it tracks. Especially if your goal is to make a—let's say, "confrontational" fragrance.
But I don't think indolic notes are really the big news in T-Rex. The first thing I got was the rose: "Droplets of metallic rose oxide offer a chilling premonition of blood-lust." Bear in mind that rust is iron oxide; T-Rex gives off a very similarly rusty, blood-coppery note from that rose oxide, rather like raw beef. And I can tell it's truly the oxide note, because I can smell actual rose kind of trailing behind it.
My first thought was, who the fuck has ever used rose oxide in a perfume before? Well, it turns out that it doesn't smell like an rogue episode of Hannibal broke out when it's used in a rose accord or a fruit context:
Rose Oxide is the perfect aroma chemical for [a] vibrating, elegant and pulsating rose scent. It is used in many fragrances and [has a] highly impactful high cis quality, fresh, radiant and powerful. It is ideal for all kinds of compounds, used as an ingredient in cosmetics, personal care products, fragrances, cleaners, detergents, home care, perfumes etc. [...] It also adds to the flavor of select fruits like lychee and Gewürztraminer [a wine grape.] Rose oxide is a flavor rich component and can be seen in some essential oils like the Bulgarian rose oil and in roses. Rose oxide is one of the important fragrance materials in creating rosy notes for perfumes. (essentialoil.in)
(That link includes a lot of actual chemical notation, if you're interested in that. Note: "Cis" in this context refers to the spatial arrangement of atoms, "all on one side," not in an opposing "transverse" setup. Today I learned!)
Along that line, the supplier Pell Wall describes their rose oxide as "Floral-rose, green-geranium, bright-clean, metallic, wet. Diffusive and powerful." You'll notice that geranium is also in T-Rex; I would imagine, to boost the rose note, but also to underline the green notes of laurel and evergreen that create a dark, earthy wilderness under the raw meat aspect. I'm guessing that the juniper tar (an interesting nod to the tar pits people associate, however incorrectly, with dinosaur bones) adds some volcanic smoke, although it doesn't actually blend with the "meat" for me. Animalic civet and indole notes must be what give some flesh to the blood. And then of course, you also have the leathery skin of the dinosaur, combined with that (synthetic) civet musk. I'm not sure if the black pepper functions as the darkness of the forest, the wearer's sensation of encroaching threat, or, uh, seasoning.
So, on my skin, I’m getting both a dark dinosaur habitat sort of foundation, and then also “bloodlust” lurching through, with perhaps also the indolic effluvia associated with an abattoir, and I am using fancy words to dance around how gnarly this is. I do not like the slaughterhouse accord. Somehow, who could have guessed, I do not like it. I don't get much leather in the drydown, but in my experience, my skin just eats leather notes, I never get them. The "habitat" base is not very Me, but I actually do enjoy it a little? I already had essential oils of half the notes; I’m down with a lot of them in theory. It’s mostly the oud, the black pepper, and the juniper tar that lend such a menacing tone, I think. It's kind of stony and green, but a very dark and trampled green; it reassures me that I could try more oud and be okay, probably.
And of course, The Funk of Kings is in there—a patchouli that may be as harsh and peppery as the one I got at the beginning of Coco Mademoiselle. Between the stay-funkt patchouli and the immortal oud, I never had a chance of washing this off. (In fairness to me, I tried it twice and I did ride out the second wear.) If you're going to try this, buckle up and commit to it. Tyrannosaurus Rex is the Fuck Around and Find Out of perfume, and I'm not sure who actually wears it for the sake of wearing it. Maybe that suits an extinct animal, on some level: it's stored in your fragrance collection to be exhibited now and then, a marvel of creation, but not given life very often on the skin. You know what would happen if you did—you saw the end of Jurassic Park, and this perfume did too.
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Perfume discussion masterpost
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muerteria13 · 2 months ago
The Living Altar Intensive
The altar in Muerteria is known as the "living altar." Yes, it is honoring the muertos, but it is very much alive. How? The energy of the candle flames and the water which sits upon it. This altar is similar to the boveda of La Regla Ocha, but it is very different. We do not honor our ancestors at this altar. If we choose to honor our ancestors, it is at a separate altar. No, Muerteria does not place a heavy emphasis on ancestor worship. It is up to the individual to do so. Some ancestors want to be left alone and this is also honorable.
Setting up the living altar is not terribly difficult, but you need certain items. Starting out with a set of nine glasses, whether you use all of them or not is a good idea. Nine is the sacred number of the muertos. There are setups for all kinds of purposes that utilize different numbers of glasses. Candles are the other important aspect of the living altar. Why water and flames?
The water and flames feed the muertos. They give them energy to sustain themselves for the process of elevation - which is one of the most important aspects of Muerteria. We pray for our muertos elevation to Freedom (Heaven).
The way that the candles and water glasses are set up is very important because it is significant. Putting the glasses and candles in a circular formation is the most powerful. It flows the best. It is best if the candles and water glasses are set in an alternating fashion. Setting up the lights and glasses in an upward facing triangular pattern says that you have put your muertos to work (typically for clients). If the triangle is pointed downwards, it means that the muertos are staying with you. Never put the glasses and flames in a square pattern because the energy becomes blocked, and it does not flow.
One key thing is to never have more than 11 glasses and flames on the living altar. It is bulky for one. Also, it tends to jam up the energy and it just doesn't seem to want to flow correctly. I've used up to 10 and even that was a bit much. My ideal number is 8. I find that even numbers work well. For some reason, even numbers seem to have the most powerful current. But it is your choice. Just think about magnets having a north pole and a south pole. Hold them one way and they pull apart. Hold them the other way and they stick together. It is the same way with the energy of the living altar. You have to bring in the objects that pull in the muertos, not ones that push them away.
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Example of a flame and water glass filled altar for magic. Just look carefully, there's a lot going on here. The glasses and flames are not in any pattern because the altar needs too many other tools. This does not affect your muerto(s).
The care of this altar can be daunting, unless you decide to keep the number of glasses and flames down and only plan for a once-a-week cleaning like typical bovedas. I do my glasses every 3-4 days. Washing glasses by hand is preferred but the dishwasher is acceptable. And tap water is okay to fill glasses with. Sometimes I use spring water.
Sealing the living altar is also important. There is a Muerteria ritual just for this. The one I use is adapted from the Yoruba people and it works excellent.
If you are just beginning, I suggest that you use two glasses of water and two candles. Use the inverted triangle. That way, muertos will stay with you.
Other tips of the trade:
Incense: Muertos tend to enjoy incense (unless they are like my parents!). I suggest pure Copal Oro, Aloeswood, or Sandalwood to begin. Japanese incense in general, especially low smoke varieties are great for muertos because they are gentle and do not offend them.
Decor: Place what you wish on the living altar but be careful of the glasses and flames. Important items like vessels should be the most imperative items on the altar. Coffee cups, alcohol glasses, oil bottles, an ashtray, and totems of your muerto come first - then a skull of any type is a good addition. Crystals, symbols, rosaries, crosses, and bibles are other common items.
Be aware of where you place your living altar. If there is too much human traffic, your muertos may not appreciate it.
If you want to see your muertos, place a regular mirror that you can stand up on the altar. You may just see them.
Get used to activity. This altar will bring muertos around.
Do NOT use salt or keep it anywhere near your living altar. It is inimical to muertos. Same for Sage of any kind.
I may add more later as I think of things. Any questions, feel free to ask!
M.M. 💖💀💖
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lailoken · 1 year ago
Hey Lailoken. I'm trying to make something to help aggressively protect me (and to be specific that my luck isn't stolen) so I'm putting together a charm but am stumped at what to use. In terms of stones I'm thinking obsidian, malachite and would be open to the wooden beads depending on trees. What I see available for wood beads is: birch, boxwood, cypress dragon blood vera, oak, purple heart wood, rosewood, tiger's aloeswood, yew. In terms of symbolism for "protection" I think of mythical animals like dragons, griffins, unicorns etc. So maybe an image of that attached would help? Additional suggestions welcomed!
Based on what you're describing here, I would suggest using a mixture of materials associated with the respective virtues of protection and fortune. In particular, I would focus more on fashioning it as a ward against Energy Theft, and then work in Good Fortune as the secondary point of focus for your work. An example of this might be grouping together a bead of Tiger's Eye (for Luck) that's bracketed on either side with beads of Black Tourmaline (for Shielding.) Each of these groups of three could then be separated with counter beads of Pyrite, which is folklorically associated with both Luck and Shielding. If adequately empowered in a suitable ritual, a talisman using these materials could help to establish and sustain a Ward of the kind you describe.
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radical-revolution · 2 years ago
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The Knots Untie - Rumi
Fire is whispering a secret in smoke's ear,
This aloeswood loves me
because I help it live out its purpose.
With me, it becomes fragrance,
and then disappears altogether.
The knots untie and open into absence,
as you do with me, my friend.
Eaten by flame and smoked out into the sky.
This is most fortunate.
What's unlucky is not to change and disappear.
This way leads through humiliation and contempt.
— Rumi
Aloeswood is a very rare and exceptionally lovely incense
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whisperthatruns · 8 months ago
Just the other day, fire whispered to smoke, "No stick of aloeswood shuns me. From its gnarls and knots, my flames unfurl a honeyed musk of amber, fruit, and flower. It profits in perishing. It welcomes me, even thanks me. At the doorway to emptiness, all knots come loose." Cheers, my flame-eating friend and Love-slain victor. We saw you rise from the dead. We bow in awe. Look at the earth and sky, pawned to existence, one blind, one blue. Beyond them, emptiness---a gold mine. Joy streams from it. Why flee? Lose yourself to it. Turn the hard soil and break the clods open. Seeds will sprout. To stand elegant as a cypress, to caress a face, every seed must shed its coat. Churning and burning in the fiery gut, bread turns into soul and mind. What isn't transformed by fire is eaten up by envy. Smelt the gold and silver hiding in the rock. Glimpse what can't be glimpsed. Wherever the soul soared, fire was there first. Everything I don't know, Love will tell you.
Rumi (1207–1273), tr. Haleh Liza Gafori, Gold (New York Review Books, 2022)
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transgenderer · 1 year ago
Agarwood, aloeswood, eaglewood,gharuwood or TheWood of Gods, most commonly referred to as oud or oudh (from Arabic: عود, romanized: ʿūd, pronounced [ʕuːd]), is a fragrant dark resinous wood used in incense, perfume, and small carvings. It is formed in the heartwood of Aquilaria trees when they become infected with a type of mold (Phialophora parasitica) and secrete a resin to combat the mold. Prior to infection, the heartwood is odourless, relatively light and pale coloured; however, as the infection progresses, the tree produces a dark aromatic resin, called aloes (not to be confused with Aloe ferox, the succulent commonly known as the bitter aloe) or agar (not to be confused with the edible, algae-derived agar) as well as gaharu, jinko, oud, or oodhaguru, in response to the attack, which results in a very dense, dark, resin-embedded heartwood. The resin-embedded wood is valued in East and South Asian cultures for its distinctive fragrance, and thus is used for incense and perfumes.
First-grade agarwood is one of the most expensive natural raw materials in the world,[4] with 2010 prices for superior pure material as high as US$100,000/kg, although in practice adulteration of the wood and oil is common, allowing for prices as low as US$100/kg.[5] A whole range of qualities and products are on the market, varying in quality with geographical location, botanical species, the age of the specific tree, cultural deposition and the section of the tree where the piece of agarwood stems from.[6] As of 2013, the current global market for agarwood is estimated to be in the range of US$6–8 billion and is growing rapidly.[7]
The odour of agarwood is complex and pleasing,[24] with few or no similar natural analogues. In the perfume state, the scent is mainly distinguished by a combination of "oriental-woody" and "very soft fruity-floral" notes. The incense smoke is also characterized by a "sweet-balsamic" note and "shades of vanilla and musk" and amber (not to be confused with ambergris).[6
note: apparently "amber" is apparently not the smell of actual amber, its a specific combination of other scents called amber
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hexehaus · 6 months ago
Powerful Necromancy Incense
Copal Oro (invocation to the muertos)
Myrrh (invocation to the muertos)
Bay leaves (manifestation)
Lavender (essential for conversing)
Rose petals (their soft presence invokes ease with familiarity)
Aloeswood or Sandalwood (really not a replacement, aloeswood is tops)
Balm of Gilead buds (good will towards the muertos)
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 5 months ago
Oh yeah so far I’d say my top 3 incenses I’ve tried would be the minorien sandalwood, kunmeido Heian koh (an aloeswood), and seijudo kyara enju. Though shoutout to the Mt Koya premium sandalwood and the Indian sandalwood from the Kikujudo sampler as well, I need to try them back to back cause they reminded me of each other, and I really enjoyed both.
I’m excited to try the kyara ryugen I have too, but I’m saving it for when I’ve made any final corrections on the fic I recently finished translating as celebration of finally getting to share it with more people (though still privately unless I ask the author if I can post it publicly)
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butiki · 2 years ago
drinking mezcal neat, burnin aloeswood incense & listening 2 gamelan + bad bunny having a real moment feeling like Crayfish, 6th–7th century,  Moche (Loma Negra) 
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miryalle · 6 months ago
Agarwood/Oudh/Aloeswood encompasses every single one of these scents, depending on where it's from, how old it is, and how it was grown. I love incense.
🌸Describing Scents For Writers 🌸| List of Scents
Describing aromas can add a whole new layer to your storytelling, immersing your readers in the atmosphere of your scenes. Here's a categorized list of different words to help you describe scents in your writing.
🌿 Fresh & Clean Scents
Morning breeze
Green grass
🌼 Floral Scents
🍏 Fruity Scents
Citrus burst
🍂 Earthy & Woody Scents
Forest floor
☕ Spicy & Warm Scents
🏭 Industrial & Chemical Scents
🍃 Natural & Herbal Scents
Green tea
Wild mint
Clary sage
🎉 Unique & Uncommon Scents
I hope this list can help you with your writing. 🌷✨
Feel free to share your favorite scent descriptions in the replies below! What scents do you love to incorporate into your stories?
Happy Writing! - Rin T.
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templeofthescarletstar · 14 days ago
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(the moon sigil and photo of the heptagram is available on my patreon. See below)
Journal of the 'Jacob's Ladder' Ritual and Synchronicities
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Consultation for Ritual Design: Recognizing an upcoming planetary alignment, I sought guidance from ChatGPT to craft a ritual aimed at establishing direct contact with the Divine Source. Due to the short notice, I was unable to allocate specific planetary days for the meticulous preparation of each incense blend.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Sigil Creation: Utilizing a Sigil Engine, I transformed the phrase "The Moon reflects all things; this is the gate" into a sigil.
Lunar Hour Activation: During the hour of the Moon, I digitally rendered the sigil in silver to enhance its lunar association.
Moon Triangle Pose with Chalice: Alongside the sigil, I placed a chalice of water and assumed the Moon Triangle Pose, reminiscent of Isis in mourning. This posture embodies the Hermetic principle of "As Above, So Below," symbolizing the Moon's role as a mirror reflecting the heavens.
Revelation: It became known to me the understanding of these things. The moon is the reflection of heaven and to pass through this gate one must be willing to look at one's true self with all deception stripped bare.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Mars Incense Preparation: At the hour of Mars, I crafted an incense blend of dragon's blood resin and cayenne pepper. During this process, I intoned the divine name and angel associated with Mars and practiced the warrior's pose to embody martial energies. (it should be noted that I had to use a cheap dragon's blood incense as I still haven't found a full occult shop in Las Vegas. They had the chime candles but no dragon's blood resin.) 
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Mercury Ritual: I performed my weekly planetary ritual from the Key of Solomon, invoking Raphael and other spirits of Mercury, and evoking the djinn Clauneck. This session incorporated the Hermes pose to align with Mercurial energies. Notably, this ritual was conducted before work, outside traditional planetary hours. I decided on using mastic as the incense as I have been for mercury workings for years, this required no additional blending so that night at work I focused only on hermes pose. I might also mention that due to financial success as the result of all previous Mercurial workings that Weds are incredibly busy, fast paced and requires great deal of mental focus at work… Fitting for Mercury right? At the same time it makes it difficult to use that Mercurial energy for loftier purposes.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Jupiter Incense Preparation: I dedicated the day to refining my Jupiter incense blend, a project spanning three years. The mixture now includes storax, benzoin, powdered lapis lazuli, ash tree seeds, fig, quill tip, and aloeswood. Most ingredients were sourced during appropriate planetary days and hours to ensure their potency.  Something has always felt missing from that mix however and I was glad of this ritual to give me the idea of adding oak leaves and most importantly Cedar to the mixture. It was a fragrance that seemed to be missing for me. However I did this mixture in my mortar and pesto at home which was also not in planetary hours I took some of the mixture with me to work in order to complete it in the next hour of Jupiter but again Thursdays at the club have become very busy as we now do oil wrestling almost every other week it seems. However I did burn some of it that night and as per usual now offered the events and festivities to Ba'al Zebul (more about that in other chapters).
Thursday/Friday 4am 
Menstrual Cycle Synchronicity: That evening, my wife began her menstrual cycle. It came early and unexpectedly to align perfectly with our ritual.
In various esoteric traditions, a woman's menstrual cycle is considered a potent source of magical energy, enhancing her abilities during rituals. Here's why menstruation is often viewed as powerful in such practices:
1. Personal Power and Connection
Menstrual blood is seen as a manifestation of personal power, deeply connected to a woman's life force and creative energy. Embracing this aspect allows practitioners to harness their innate strength and intuition during rituals.
2. Protective and Binding Properties
Historically, menstrual blood has been used in spells for protection and binding. For example, creating a witch bottle with menstrual blood and sharp objects can serve as a protective talisman against negative energies.
3. Alignment with Lunar Cycles
The menstrual cycle's alignment with lunar phases underscores its significance in rituals. Both cycles typically span approximately 28 days, symbolizing a deep connection between a woman's body and the moon's rhythms. This synchronicity is believed to amplify magical workings, especially those involving lunar energies.
4. Archetypal Energies
Menstruation embodies archetypal energies associated with the divine feminine, such as the Inner Sage or Inner Witch. Recognizing and embracing these aspects during one's cycle can enhance self-awareness and spiritual insight, enriching ritual practices.
Incorporating the menstrual cycle into ritual work allows practitioners to tap into a profound source of personal and universal energy, potentially enhancing the efficacy and depth of their magical endeavors.
It is literally the physical manifestation of the cycle of birth death in rebirth on the material plane.
Journal Entry: Jacob's Ladder Ritual – Friday, February 28, 2025
The morning of the ritual, the air felt different. Something was shifting, though I couldn’t yet put my finger on it. It wasn’t just anticipation—it was as if the day itself carried a weight, a quiet undercurrent of significance pressing against the edges of awareness. ( okay so that's a bit of an exaggeration but something did feel different. And it definitely wasn't morning because we wake up at about 3:00 in the afternoon.) 
I knew we should be preparing early, but I felt compelled to stall. By 3 PM, with the sun shining overhead, the pull to step outside was too strong to ignore. So we went. We walked until we found ourselves beneath an old oak tree, surrounded by roses, seated before a water fountain. In the distance, wind chimes stirred in the breeze. Earth, air, fire, and water—all four elements present, grounding us.
After all, how could we begin a journey like this without first starting at Malkuth?
Journal Entry: Jacob's Ladder Ritual – Friday, February 28, 2025, 5:39 PM
We were hungry when we returned. Having skipped breakfast, we felt the weight of the day pressing on us—especially my wife, who had been fasting since the night before. Fasting before a ritual is a common practice in esoteric traditions, used to heighten spiritual awareness and discipline the body and mind. It creates a state of receptivity, making it easier to channel energy and break free from the mundane.
In our case, however, we were on our third cup of coffee on empty stomachs, and I had recently replaced smoking cigarettes with vaping. The combination left us lightheaded and distracted as the sun sank behind the mountains. Time was running out.
I pulled out the stargazing app on my phone and mapped the heavens above us. Jupiter was directly overhead, Mars to the east, and Mercury to the west. This arc of planetary alignment would determine our ritual space—we would stand in the east and face the west.
My wife set to work crafting makeshift candle holders from tin foil to secure the chime candles we had purchased specifically for this ritual. Traditionally, planetary candles are acquired individually on their respective days and hours, but given the short deadline we were working under, we had bought them together in a single pack on a Tuesday. Tuesday, the day of Mars. Another thread in the pattern—perhaps an explanation for the strong Mars energy we would soon encounter.
While she worked, I gathered what we had in the house to finalize our incense blends: mastic for Mercury, frankincense and cinnamon for the Sun, and cypress with patchouli for Saturn. As I measured the patchouli, an unexpected spill spread it across the kitchen counter. Almost immediately, my wife began to feel ill, the scent making her nauseous and lightheaded.
Despite this, we pressed on. I moved to cleanse the ritual space, anointing the area with thyme oil and hyssop oil. My wife approved of the thyme, but the hyssop triggered another wave of sickness. The energy in the room was shifting, and I couldn’t ignore the rising tension. Time was slipping away, and by now, we had to be at least an hour past sunset. Anxiety gnawed at me—were we missing our window?
Journal Entry: Jacob's Ladder Ritual – Friday, February 28, 2025, 7:00 PM
My wife abandoned her original plan of drawing the heptagram on the mirror. Instead, she felt an undeniable pull—compelled to create the heptagram directly on the floor. There was no questioning it; the energy guided her hands. This would be the foundation of our ritual space.
The candles would serve as the Sephirotic Tree itself, each placed with purpose to mirror the celestial alignments overhead. She began constructing the heptagram using red electric tape, methodically tracing its shape across the floor. But midway through, the roll ran out. Without hesitation, she reached for the only alternative we had—blue-green duct tape.
As the last lines connected, the unexpected contrast between the red and blue-green tape gave the star a strange dimensionality. A 2D shape had transformed into something else—something more. The heptagram seemed to shift before our eyes, as if vibrating between two realities. It was like looking at an old 3D movie without the glasses. The effect was unintentional, but it felt significant.
This was no longer just a diagram. It was alive.
Are you interested in hearing what comes next? Leave me a comment below and tune in next week to find out. 
As always I would like to give a sincere thank you to the wonderful people who have donated to my Patreon.com you make all these efforts worth the while. 
Jsilley,Mary Grassrope,Dimmy Love and Joselyne Galaviz and of course anyone who has or is supporting my work. I love you all. If you would like to be mentioned in the comments just follow the link below and become a Patreon. Even if you can only pledge one dallar. It all really helps to keep the content coming.
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