#Infel’s incense
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My incense order arrived! They even included an additional aloeswood incense as a bonus. I initially got curious simply because the fic I’m translating described Limbo as smelling like incense, and specifically kouboku (and blood lol), and I got curious, and I’m fond of incense smells to begin with. So I got a few that are focused mainly on that wood itself, and just smelling them as-is they’re all wonderful! And the packaging is so elegant too, I might legit get into this…
Oh yeah and those three tiny sticks in the gold package? Worth as much as the entire rest of the order, cause it’s kyara and that stuff is quite literally worth more than its weight in gold.
From left to right they’re
1- Tennendo aloeswood
2-Minorien sandalwood fu-in
3- Kikujudo kouboku ginmi sampler (2 sandalwoods and 3 aloeswoods)
4- Seijudo kyara enju
#I’ll probably save the kyara for really special occasions like perhaps when I finish the translation?#limbo smelling like it make a lot of sense for a Heian period monk….#also if anyone knows any sickenly real blood perfumes lmk LOL#I finally have a proper holder instead of salt in a mug now too….#I’ll probably try the minorien sandalwood today? I’m curious about why it’s described by everyone as ‘wet’#Infel’s incense
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I bought some incense just cause it was mentioned in a fic I love, and now I have a small collection and burn some pretty much every day, it’s all so good…
#Infel’s incense#I have some jinko kojurin burning now#the kurobou is because of the other fic of theirs I read too#next I’m gonna get some kneaded incense for that Heian period experience haha
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Third incense order! Made mainly cause I wanted to try kurobou….cause it was mentioned in kemono no hara as what Limbo smelled like. It is a Heian period scent so that makes sense too. I’d love to try kneaded incense at some point once I get some charcoal and a mica plate for that setup, but I found some in stick form which is a lot easier. I got the burner I was eyeing too and some ash for it.
The full order is-
Kurobou (Kyukyodo)
Jinko kojurin (Gyokushodo)
Frankincense (Tennendo)
Yamadamatsu high grade trial pack
And bonus is Tokusen Kobunboku (Baieido)
#Infel’s incense#….yes I got into this in the first place because of ratel’s other limbo fic#i needed to know what it smells like#(still looking for a blood perfume lol)#well limbo and his living self he recognized it cause it was the same as his own
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Oh yeah so far I’d say my top 3 incenses I’ve tried would be the minorien sandalwood, kunmeido Heian koh (an aloeswood), and seijudo kyara enju. Though shoutout to the Mt Koya premium sandalwood and the Indian sandalwood from the Kikujudo sampler as well, I need to try them back to back cause they reminded me of each other, and I really enjoyed both.
I’m excited to try the kyara ryugen I have too, but I’m saving it for when I’ve made any final corrections on the fic I recently finished translating as celebration of finally getting to share it with more people (though still privately unless I ask the author if I can post it publicly)
#Infel’s incense#which I did not tag my other posts but idk#enju is stupid expensive so it’s not one I’m gonna have often but the others are not too bad in price#I still have a few left to try of what I currently have#unburnt ryugen had some sharp scent that has me interested already
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My second incense order just came in! Got a bunch of temple incense, and some body powder and sachets as well so me and my clothes can smell good. They provided a generous sample as well, that one stick is a high end kyara.
They are
-Mt. Koya’s signature incense and premium sandalwood
-Ryouzen-ji temple incense
-Kunmeido’s reiryo koh and heian koh
-Seijudo’s shiragiku
-Minorien’s kyara ryugen
-Body powder is from Baieido
-Sachets from Shoyeido.
-Tennendo’s kyara enku (bonus)
They all smell great, can’t wait to properly burn them!
#…yes I got temple incense for exactly the reason you might expect#and especially the shingon temple named after vulture peak#I really do like sandalwood it smells so good#the ryugen has my early interest there’s a sharp scent when I open the box that caught my attention#Infel’s incense
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