#alnst fan season round 6
season39 · 1 month
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( Please select your preferred contestant . )
VERMILLION & AURIEN : hanahaki syndrome
[ Please secure perimeter and distribute guards to the stage afterwards . ]
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lookatmysillies · 1 month
Round 6: Eddy POV
Eddy's first thought when the contestants took the stage was how pretty they were.
The girl, Aurien, was more eye-catching than the night itself with her dark hair and equally endless eyes. A haunting sound erupted from her throat when she began to sing, and Eddy leaned so far over on the rooftop they perched at, binoculars in hand, that they almost toppled right over the edge. Just when Eddy thought to itself that she had to be the winner, the other contestant, the boy with the red hair, began his verse. And oh. Oh. He was beautiful too. His voice echoed around the stadium deeper than Aurien's, richer, maybe, and sent an excited shiver up Eddy's spine.
It had never seen a live Alien Stage performance before. Technically, it wasn't even here to watch, but how could it help itself? This was the most stunning thing Eddy had ever seen. The lights, the sounds, and the sights combined into a beautiful orchestra of music and color. The contestants sang of such devastation that Eddy could feel it in its skittering heart, pounding against its ribs.
Eddy had wondered in the past what their life might have been if they were pretty enough to be on a stage, too. They pondered what it would feel like to be on that stage dressed in a glittering outfit with a crowd cheering its name. It was too easy to imagine such a life now that it was right in front of Eddy's eyes. Would its classmates at Anakt Garden have liked it? Would they look at it with as much emotion as Aurien and Vermillion regarded one another with as they moved around the stage like a sweeping, swirling wind? It was hard not to wonder.
Eddy loved their own life. They loved Arol, who treated them with love and did his best to compensate for the loneliness Eddy dealt with. They loved Blob, their big Waygein who was getting too chubby from all the food Eddy fed him. They loved their job and they loved how important they were in their job.
But to live a life like that...
Well. It wasn't meant to be for someone like Eddy.
Eddy swept its gaze over the crowd once they reminded themselves of their purpose here. Solei. Eyes out for Solei. If Solei came, Eddy was to find them and take them alive. It would return Solei to their home, where they belonged and where Eddy never would.
A blare of sound nearly startled Eddy into dropping their binoculars. They jolted and snapped their head around. The flash of a red light. The whine of that sound again. The alarm.
A panicked voice spoke through the earpiece in Eddy's ear. Then it crackled and cut out.
Eddy's eyes widened. Was Solei actually here? Did they come back? Its employers had warned it that Solei was likely deranged from spending time on the run, that they could be dangerous. This was bad. This was bad.
The stage was where Aurien belonged. Why would Solei try to take that away from their friend?
They had to find Solei.
(Solei belongs to @solei-eclipse; Aurien belongs to @aurienneirua; Vermillion belongs to @subzeromoron)
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ivanttakethis · 1 month
Before Round 5 - Tov’s Log
Rose (?) vs. Sai (?) -> ??? Win
Cassio arrived home well after midnight.
They murmured a soft greeting and goodnight before retiring to their room.
Tov was still on the couch, trying in vain to process all of the events of Round 4.
She kept coming back to that image of Himei, covered in blood that wasn’t her own. The lost look in her eyes.
Her heart twisted painfully.
Tov needed to talk to her. She wouldn’t be able to sleep if she didn’t.
She turned off all the lights in the living room, quietly shut her bedroom door behind her, and punched in the number for Himei’s room phone.
She’d memorized the number off of a contestant call sheet Cassio left lying around.
Tov tried not to think about whether Cassio left the paper out on purpose or not as the line rang.
And rang.
And rang.
And rang.
Finally, a soft click.
“…Hello?” It was Himei.
But it also wasn’t Himei.
Her voice was too hollow, too flat and distant to be that of the friend Tov knew so well.
“Tov?” Himei sounded surprised. “Are you still here?”
Tov frowned. “At the competition? No. I’m at home.”
“Cassio brought me back here after my— incident at the end of Round 3. They wouldn’t let me come back for Round 4 to see you perform.” She continued.
Himei didn’t respond.
The only reason Tov knew that the line was still connected was because she could hear Himei’s uneven breathing.
Tov waited.
She was used to waiting out lulls in conversations. They never made her uncomfortable.
“I won.” Himei said blankly.
“I know.” Tov said. “I saw.”
“I… I won.” She still sounded far away, but not in space. In time.
She was stuck in a loop. Stuck back on that stage. Stuck reliving Min’s death over and over again.
Tov needed to break her out of it.
“Where’s Tallis?” She asked amidst another long stretch of dead air.
The silence stretched longer.
Himei shifted on the other end of the line, her voice no louder than a murmur, “He doesn’t think he’ll win his round.”
Tov closed her eyes and sighed.
“He will.”
He has to.
If Tallis died, part of Himei would die.
Part of Tov would die too.
She couldn’t patch them both back up.
When Tov opened her eyes again, her gaze was drawn to the window.
Azure, Moran, and Stasya’s constellations adorned the dark sky just outside.
Tov hadn’t had a chance to tell Himei about them yet. That gave her an idea.
“Can you see the stars from your room window?” She asked.
“Uh, yeah. I can.” Himei sounded caught off guard, but a little bit more like herself.
“I named some more constellations after our late classmates.”
“Stasya… and Moran.” She said, her voice tinged bittersweet.
“Azure too.” Tov added. “They’re up in the sky near ours. I can point them out to you, if you want?”
“Yeah,” Himei sniffed, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Do you want to name one after Min too?”
She was quiet again, but only for a moment. “I think… I think she saved my life.”
“Me too.”
“She thanked me, but I never got the chance to thank her in return.”
“This could be your thank you.” Tov said.
“You’re right. I’ll try.” She can hear the small smile in Himei’s voice.
Tov turned fully to her window and set her eyes on the sky, “Remember, use the North Star as our guide…”
This is basically End of Round 4 Part 2.
It spawned almost entirely out of my interpretation that Himei hallucinated seeing Tov after Round 4 in @lookatmysillies’s follow up log from Himei’s POV (so sorry if I misinterpreted what you wrote, my brain went straight to hallucination and would NOT let me go 😭)
Plus this gave me the chance to honor Min ( @starry-skiez ) since she saved Himei’s life, and therefore saved what remains of Tov’s sanity.
Himei and Tallis belong to @lookatmysillies and Min belongs to @starry-skiez.
Azure ( @azureitri ), Moran ( @geospiral ), and Stasya ( @billwasnot ) are also here haunting the narrative!
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season39 · 1 month
R O U N D 6
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S C O R E S :
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( Stay tuned for the upcoming ROUND 7, coming ou—
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———————————————————————————————————————————————————— [ ERROR :
[ SUBJECT 030718 IS HERE . SEND OUT GUARDS IMMEDIATE— ELI——TE S——JE—— 028——2 I——EDI——E—— . S—— —S T——IR W—AK P——NT ——— ] [ . . . ] ————————————————————————————————————————————————————
( Hint : Each one of these -> “ — “ is a space for a letter ! These, “ —— “ mean 2 letters ! Feel free to try to make out what’s wrote . )
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season39 · 1 month
[ . . . ]
[ SUBJECT 030718 and 028812 HAVE ESCAPED . ]
-> ( We cannot afford to post phone the bracket for them, and actively search for them at the time, but the stage security system and guidelines will be adjusted .
We have been too soft on the humans, and we apologize greatly for the inconveniences . We will not allow anymore of this . ) <-
( Because of 028812’s disappearance and loss, 157329 ( VERMILLION ) will move up accordingly . )
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( Stay tuned for the upcoming ROUND 7, coming out on :
[ 2024 . 8 . 11, 12 : 00 AM EST ] ! )
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lookatmysillies · 1 month
Round 6, Eddy POV - The Aftermath
Eddy’s vision was a blur.
“…infirmary! Contact its guardian!”
“What are those marks on its chest?”
“Does it matter if they’re gushing blood? Come on, we’re running out of time, AREPH will never let us live it down if this one dies.”
Lights. Color. Music. It had all faded to a dull, shiny spatter across their senses. Their hand twitched and reached out for something from the stretcher that was no longer there.
Blown pupils. A trembling frame.
The human had been very scared. Eddy wondered why they were so scared. It was just going to return them to safety. It was trying to help.
Wasn’t it?
Their fingers spasmed, and the outstretched arm fell back to the stretcher, a choked gurgling sound leaving their mouth.
One of the guards pulled their mask from their face to help them get air, and Eddy receded further into the hazy, swimming downpour of sensation around it, blocking out the brush of cool air against deformed flesh.
A new towering, skinny figure danced before their eyes with several sets of arms in eyes, shiny black skin stretched over its frame.
“Arol?” Eddy murmured, delirious. “Am I g’nna—g’nna be okay?”
One of the guards said, “…What did it say?”
Darkness settled over Eddy’s mind, and as warm and heavy as they felt, it was easy to fall into it.
For hours until they woke to spidery hands covering its sweaty forehead and bandaged, trembling chest in a loving apology, Eddy would know no more. Nothing but the mantra echoing in the back of their dreams.
Why were you
(If anyone couldn’t tell who the person in question is, it’s Solei, lmao. Solei belongs to @solei-eclipse. Thanks for a wild Round 6, guys)
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ivanttakethis · 24 days
Chronologically? We’re going into Round 16.
But emotionally? I’m still in Round 7.
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lookatmysillies · 1 month
this is late but..your other characters thoughts on r6.?
Starting with Cas since he has a personal investment in this with his love for Aurien: When Aurien’s numbers starting dropping, Cas just froze up. He felt like he was watching it happen in slow motion, helpless to stop any of it. To him, that’s his baby sister out there and she’s dying. Once the lights go out and the shot rings out, he’s squeezing his eyes shut, hand over his mouth so he won’t scream. And then Auri and Solei are gone and he has no idea if she’s alive but is convinced she isn’t. After the round, he and Nyx find each other and just silently hug. AHHH.
As for my other S39-ers, Himei was shocked and probably becomes even more emotionally numb after that round. For Tallis, it was a stark reminder of what he’s about to face in his own round (and he’s certain he’s doomed to death, so he’s already anticipating this fate, dreading it). Understandably, he can’t stop thinking of his own impending doom after R6 and was up the whole rest of the night in his room’s bathroom swinging back and forth between anxiety attacks and waves of sickness.
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ivanttakethis · 1 month
so how is tov doing 😭😭
I have no fucking clue anon. So much happened that even I’m confused 😭😭
At this point it really depends on how much she was able to see on the broadcast, since Cassio made her stay home for Round 5 and Round 6.
There will be a Tov’s Log entry about this once I figure stuff out TRUST 🙏
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