#almost gave her pointe shoes but decided against it. for now...
hedgehog-hell · 5 months
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Girl moment
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0o-junebug-o0 · 15 days
First Meeting
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summary: You're having difficulty with some code so you stop by Penelope's house for help, unaware that she has a guest. Spencer takes one look at you and is immediately head over heels.
genre: fluff
cw: meet cute (is it a meet cute?) completely gn!reader (reader is not described at all), no use of y/n, autistic!spencer (because every spencer is autistic!spencer), season 1 spencer, university/college student reader, talk about research and coding, pov switch from reader to spencer
wordcount: 1.5k
a/n: this is an actual error I had this summer when writing my spectra analysis code
You lean back in your chair with a sigh, scowling at the code you’re trying to write. You’re still relatively new to coding, the first time you ever took a class on it was just under two years ago, so this code has taken you significantly more time to write than it would have taken Penelope. But you’ve written it. You read through the code again and rerun it. Everything runs fine, the code should work, but it doesn’t. 
You rub your eyes and groan with frustration. You should be able to get a wavelength solution out of this. The professor you’re doing research with told you what you need to do to get the wavelength solution and then how to use it to find the redshift of the lensed galaxy and the foreground lensing galaxy, but nothing is lining up!
You’ve opened the data, plotted the variation in flux for each line in the image, fit a Gaussian to it to get the brightest point, and converted the pixel value of that point to vacuum wavelength, but none of the wavelengths you’re finding match up with what lines should be present in the spectra for this lamp type!
You briefly consider emailing your professor but decide against it. Even though he told you that asking things wouldn’t bother him and that it’s his job, you don’t want to take up more of this time than you already have. 
You look around your apartment for anything that might help. Your eyes land on your keychain and the spare key Penelope gave you because she enjoys it when you stop by. You quickly shut your laptop, tucking it under your arm, grab your keys, slip on a pair of shoes, and make your way down the hall to Penelope’s apartment, not bothering to lock the door behind you. 
Spencer sits awkwardly on one of Garcia’s kitchen stools, tapping his fingers on the Tardis mug she had filled with tea and given him. He’s not exactly sure why Garcia invited him over. She said she wanted to bond, but they’ve known each other for almost two years now, and Spencer considers her a good friend, so he doesn’t really know what bonding entails. So far, Garcia has just been bustling around her kitchen preparing snacks and drinks for their Doctor Who marathon.
The lock clicks and Spencer’s head whips toward the door just in time for it to burst open. Spencer freezes and stares at you in awe and confusion. 
“Penny!” you cry, your voice a mixture of a shout and a whine. 
Garcia calls your name with a surprised look. “What happened? Are you alright?”
“What?” you ask. Then you wave your hand flippantly. “Yeah I’m fine, I just need help with some code.” Your eyes land on Spencer and he can feel his heart rate increase. He really hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you had someone over,” you say. “I can, um, I can come back later.”
Spencer watches as your posture stiffens slightly and you start to fiddle with your keychain. 
Spencer opens his mouth to reassure you but Garcia beats him to it. “No, no, it’s fine,” she says. “I’ve been wanting you two to meet anyway.” You shoot Spencer a small, awkward smile and wave from across the room when Garcia shares your name. When she introduces him, your eyes widen and you look toward Garcia with an expression Spencer can’t decipher and whisper something to her that makes her laugh loudly. 
Spencer can feel himself flushing at your reaction and takes a sip of his tea to hide his face.
“Anyway!” Garcia says cheerfully. “Do you mind if I help them real quick?”
“Go ahead,” Spencer responds, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. It’s difficult with you there, though, all his thoughts suddenly seem much harder to grasp. Like your presence is forcing them aside. 
Your eyes seem to linger on him for a moment before you head over to the counter and set your laptop down. “Right,” you mutter, opening it and entering the password. Spencer listens intently as you describe to Garcia what your code should be doing and he can’t help but smile at the clear passion in your voice. It sends butterflies to his stomach. 
“What do you study?” Spencer blurts out. 
You close your mouth and cock your head at him for a moment. “I’m, uh, I’m studying astrophysics. Specifically strong gravitational lensing. I’ve already made preliminary models of the system and I’m just working on analyzing the spectra now.”
Spencer nods and leans over to look at your code. 
“Do you want to help Penny find the issue?” you ask. You sound a bit nervous and Spencer looks up and smiles what he hopes is a soothing smile.
“I would if I could. I really don’t know how to code, though.”
“Seriously?” you ask. Spencer cocks his head at the tone of surprise in your voice. “Sorry, it’s just that Penny has told me a lot about you and about how you’re a genius and have three PhDs, which is insanely impressive by the way, so I guess I’m just surprised you don’t know something.”
“There’s a lot I don’t know,” Spencer admits. “Coding and other technological things are some of it. I don’t know too much about astrophysics either.” That’s not exactly true but it isn’t a lie either. He’s read papers on several astrophysical topics but he’s never come across one on strong lensing before. But the truth of the statement is irrelevant, the only reason he said it was to find an excuse to spend more time with you.
You smile and Spencer’s stomach feels like it does a backflip. “I won’t be much help teaching you how to code, Penny would be better for that, but I can tell you about some astro stuff at some point.”
“Alright, lovebirds,” Garcia teases and Spencer’s face burns. “Let’s focus.” You nod, clearly also a bit embarrassed, and turn back to your laptop.
“How about I go line by line and tell you what it should do and you let me know if something doesn’t do what I think it does,” you say. Garcia nods and both she and Spencer follow along as you point to and describe each line of code. You get to a printed image of the data file you’re analyzing before Garcia stops you.
“Can you open the file on your computer?” she asks.
You nod and open the file in a new application and move it so it’s side by side with the image in your code. “Wait,” you mutter, glancing back and forth between the two images. “Is that seriously the issue?” Spencer leans forward to get a closer look, the x-axes of the images are flipped. 
You throw your head back with a groan and change the rotation of the file in your code. “I swear, if this works,” you growl. The clear exasperation in your tone makes Spencer chuckle slightly. 
You rerun the code and compare several of the outputs to a list of wavelengths before groaning again and letting your head fall onto the counter. “I hate Python,” you grumble. “Why does it have to switch the axes!” 
Garcia laughs and pats you on the back. You raise your head off the counter and tap your forehead against her shoulder in a gesture Spencer assumes expresses gratitude. “Thanks, Penny,” you sigh. “You’re the best.”
“Of course I am!”
“Oh, and Spencer,” you say, turning to look at him. “We should get lunch sometime. I can tell you about astrophysics and you can tell me about all the crazy things you know.”
“I-I would love that,” Spencer stutters, unable to speak clearly with you looking into his eyes. He's hardly able to wrap his head around the fact that someone as beautiful as you would want to spend more time with him. Spencer's not sure whether you’re asking him on a date or just to go out as friends, but he doesn’t care either way as long as he gets to spend more time with you.
“Great!” you say happily. You stand and cross the room to quickly grab one of Garcia’s pens before returning. You hold the fluffy pink pen with a smile on your face and hold out your hand to his. “May I?” you ask. 
Spencer’s eyes widen and he nods, setting his hand in yours despite his usual aversion to touch. The contact makes his heart feel like it’s about to burst from his chest. You scrawl your number across the back of his hand before handing Spencer the pen and holding out your hand for him to do the same. He writes his number on your hand and watches in a sort of daze as you gather your computer and keys and wave goodbye before leaving.
Spencer jumps slightly as Garcia ruffles his hair. He looks over at her to see a knowing smile on her face. Spencer blushes and hides his face in his hands. “Shut up,” he grumbles, embarrassed.
“No way,” she laughs. “Derek’s going to have a field day with this. Boy genius has a crush!”
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girlgenius1111 · 5 months
might just love you 'til the end
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post... that match. a bit of angst, mostly fluff. alexia is not pleased after her performance against chelsea. you aren't quite sure what she needs from you. you decide to give her space, but that isn't really what she needs. alexia tells you... eventually.
It was a long day, a tiring and difficult match, and Alexia probably would have resorted to one of her coping mechanisms, if she hadn’t missed that last shot on goal. It seemed to take something out of her, and even from your place sitting on the bench, you could see how angry she was acting. Underneath that, though, you could tell that she was really just disappointed in herself. 
Watching her blink back tears as she made her way around the pitch was almost too much for you. You wanted nothing more than to grab her hand, pull her into the tunnel, and hug her until she wasn’t sad anymore. You knew better than to try to comfort her now, though. Alexia hated nothing more than seeming weak, especially in front of the team. Anything she needed or wanted from you would have to wait until you both got home. And even then, you weren’t sure what to expect. Sometimes she’d just shut down after a bad game, go to sleep, and wake up with a new passion the next morning. Sometimes she’d shut down, but her fury at herself would linger for days. Very rarely did she talk about it. Only when she really reached her breaking point, which was admittedly a lot harder to reach than other people’s were, would she let you make her feel better.  
It wasn’t necessarily a healthy array of options that she normally went with, but you couldn’t argue that it didn’t work. It worked for Alexia, and that was what was important. Even if giving her space until she asked for something else hurt, you knew it was what she needed. 
She acted pretty much how you expected her to as you both made your way into the locker room and headed for the showers. The blonde gave you nothing more than a high five and a weak smile, before she launched herself into her post match routine. You did the same, icing various parts of your body that hurt after a rather physical game. You kept your eyes on your girlfriend, though, watching the hollow way she brushed through her hair and the mechanical way she laced up her shoes. You were done before her, sitting in your locker looking at your phone, trying to figure out how bad the social media situation was going to be for her, when her white nikes appeared in front of you. You looked up at her with a smile, though it fell slightly when you took in the completely emotionless look on her face. She’d shut down, then, like you’d expected her to. You knew it was coming, but it didn’t make it easier that she wouldn’t let you help.
“¿Lista?” She asked roughly, not meeting your eyes. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” You replied, getting to your feet, grabbing your bag, and giving Mapi a reassuring look from where she sat waiting for Ingrid to be ready to go. You knew your girlfriend’s best friend worried about her, and that she had tried to talk to her after the match, but it hadn’t really gone anywhere. You were surprised when, as soon as you were out of the locker room and had walked a ways down the hall, Alexia dropped her bag to the ground and pulled you into a tight hug. 
You returned the hug, sighing into her shoulder, feeling her bury her face in your slightly damp hair. The hug was for you, you could tell. To make you feel better, even when Alexia wouldn’t allow you to do anything to make her feel better. She held herself a bit tensely, and when she pulled away, her eyes searched yours, her worry clear on her face. 
“Te amo,” she whispered, pressing a light kiss to your cheek. “I am proud of you, always.” 
“I love you, Ale,” you replied, a thousand more words on the tip of your tongue. You wanted to tell her you were proud of her, too, that it wasn’t her fault, that she didn’t need to deal with today all by herself, but you knew she wouldn’t accept it right now. Instead, you grabbed her hand in yours and squeezed tightly. 
The captain kept her hand in yours as you both walked to her car, and though you expected her to pull away from the contact, you were glad that she was letting herself have something to make herself feel better. The car ride home was silent, and you predicted the rest of the night to be the same.
You knew to let Alexia deal with it how she dealt with it, but you did put your foot down on a couple things. When she headed right for the couch, going to put the match replay on the TV and take notes, you shook your head, taking the remote out of her hand. 
“Not tonight. It won’t make you feel better.” 
“I have to watch,” she argued, but you cut her off. 
“You can watch tomorrow. Tonight we are going to watch a movie, order dinner, and go to bed early.” 
“Amor,” Alexia sighed, her brow furrowed, no doubt thinking about how she could convince you to let her do this. 
You switched tactics, knowing there was one sure way to get your girlfriend to agree with you. “Please? For me? I don’t want to watch that again right now.” 
The blonde softened, nodding her head at you. Satisfied, you flopped down on the couch next to her, grabbing her arm and draping it over your shoulder. 
Alexia smiled despite herself, leaving a soft kiss on the top of your head. She was still practically silent as you picked out a movie, but she pulled you close to her, slipping her hand up the front of your shirt and  running her thumb back and forth across your skin. 
Even if she was only letting this happen because she thought she was comforting you, it was still better than nothing. Better than the rare occasions that she’d sleep on the couch, almost as a punishment for herself when she didn’t perform the way she thought she should’ve. The blonde had gotten better since getting together with you, mostly because you pointed out the inconsistencies in how she treated you after a rough game, and how she treated herself. Some rough days sent her spiraling back to her bad habits, though, and you were glad you could pull her away from those, at least for today.
“Cariño,” Alexia whispered, jostling you slightly. “Let’s go to bed, vale?” 
“Hmm?” You mumbled, barely opening your eyes. “‘M not asleep.” 
“Oh, sure. You are just watching the movie with your eyes closed?” 
“Sí,” you sighed, turning against her slightly until your head was laid on her chest. It vibrated under you as she laughed, and the sound woke you a bit more, glad to hear something even remotely joyful come out of your girlfriend’s mouth. 
“Venga, amor, it is time for bed.” She insisted, gently sitting up and easing you into an upright position. You pouted at her, wishing the smile on her face would reach her eyes. When it didn’t, you rose from the couch, grabbing Alexia’s hand, and pulling her towards the bedroom. 
You both made quick work of your nighttime routines, and you were glad to slide into the bed, undeniably exhausted from the physically and emotionally draining day. Alexia slipped in next to you, though she didn’t really get comfortable; she remained halfway sat up, staring at the ceiling above her. You tucked yourself into her side, burrowing under the covers until you were surrounded by soft fabric and Alexia’s sweatshirt. She seemed wide awake, and you laced your fingers with her, rubbing your thumb comfortingly along the back. 
“Sleep, baby. You need rest. Everything will feel better in the morning.” Alexia nodded mechanically, giving you a half smile that you didn’t buy for a second, before her eyes fluttered shut. “I love you. You’re my favorite person.” You whispered. 
She opened her eyes again at your words, softening slightly. She turned on her side and pulled you into her chest, wrapping you up tightly in her arms. “Te amo, mi niña, eres perfecta.” She whispered. 
You fell asleep easily. Alexia, evidently, had not. You realized this when you rolled over in the middle of the night, seeking out your girlfriend to curl up against, and only felt cold sheets next to you. 
It woke you up, and you opened your eyes, in your sleepy haze worried Alexia had gotten sick or something. You looked around the room, and towards the bathroom, but no lights were on. You sat up in the bed, forcing yourself to wake up more. Once you had thought about it for a minute, you had a sneaking suspicion about where your girlfriend had disappeared to in the middle of the night. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand, checking Alexia’s location, and sure enough, her little profile picture was at a park a few blocks away. It had a football pitch, and Alexia sometimes slipped away there when she wanted to clear her head, but not deal with seeing people she knew at the Barça training ground. 
You dragged yourself out of bed, even though you had half a mind to call Ale’s mom and get Eli to deal with her, knowing she could scold her daughter much more effectively than you could. It was the middle of the night, though, and you knew that Alexia may need a softer approach. You weren’t really sure what headspace she’d be in when you found her, and it was at this thought that you began to move faster, pulling on joggers and a shirt, and rushing down the stairs. You could visualize what she’d be doing, taking shot after shot on goal, but you couldn’t figure out how she’d be acting. Upset, or sad, or angry, or still completely blank. You grabbed your car keys, not really wanting to waste a second longer than possible by walking to where Alexia was, although it wasn’t far. 
It only took a few minutes to arrive, and you pulled into the parking lot with your attention completely fixed on the figure across the park, running down the pitch with a ball at her feet. As you got closer, you took in how exhausted Alexia looked, as if she’d been at this for hours.
“Ale?” You called, finally arriving at the pitch and trying to get your girlfriend’s attention from the sidelines. She didn’t look over at you, too caught up in her own thoughts, trying to angle her shot in just right. 
You moved closer, and finally she saw you, just out of the corner of her eye. She stopped what she was doing, turning to face you. “Amor?” She questioned. “What are you doing here?” 
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at her question. “Really? You’re asking me what I’m doing here?” Your girlfriend had the decency to look slightly embarrassed. “It’s the middle of the night, Alexia. What are you doing?”
“I could not fall asleep.” Alexia told you, walking over to you, her ball abandoned behind her. 
“Why didn’t you wake me?” You asked, brushing a few pieces of flyaway hair off her forehead. She melted into your touch, her body slouching down towards you, giving you even more of an idea of how exhausted she was. 
“I wanted you to rest.” She said quietly, and it was a perfectly believable explanation, but for some reason you had a feeling that there was more to it than that. You fixed her with a look, raising one eyebrow. The blonde sighed again, grabbing your hand in hers. “Can we go home?” 
“Only if you promise to talk to me when we get there. Otherwise I’ll make you stand in goal while I shoot.” You teased, happy to see a small smile on your girlfriend’s completely drained face. 
“Promise.” She said, giving your hand a squeeze as you both began to walk towards the park exit. 
You sent Alexia to shower upon arriving home, sitting on the couch until she was done, absolutely sure that if you got back in bed, you’d instantly fall back asleep. Alexia very timidly walked out of the bathroom 20 minutes later, all bundled up in a sweatshirt and sweatpants even though it was rather warm out. 
Alexia looked weirdly nervous as she sat down next to you, her eyes everywhere but on yours. She reached for your hand very hesitantly, relaxing slightly when you intertwined your fingers with hers easily. 
“What’s wrong, Ale?” You asked. 
“I am sorry about today. Really sorry, amor.” 
You opened your mouth, prepared to tell her that you forgave her for sneaking away in the middle of the night instead of waking you up, but you stopped when you looked at her closer, and found tears in her eyes. Something about the way she’d phrased it, too, that she was sorry about ‘today,’ didn’t sit right with you. 
“What are you sorry about?” You asked, frowning when Alexia chewed on her lower lip instead of answering. 
“I disappointed you today.” She said finally. 
“Alexia,” you rushed to contradict her, but she cut you off. 
“No, I know I did. I am sorry, I will do better, mi amor, I promise.” 
“Love, you did not disappoint me.” You insisted, cradling your girlfriend’s cheek and wiping away a stray tear. She shrugged, like she didn’t believe you. “You could never disappoint me, Alexia, especially not by missing a shot. Why do you think that?” 
Her eyes flicked up to yours, finding only sincerity there, as she took a deep breath, and spoke. “I told you I was proud of you.” Alexia mumbled, her cheeks flushing. “You did not say it back. And you normally give me a hug after matches in the locker room, but you did not, not until I hugged you.” 
You were sure you felt your heart crack in two. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” You said, reaching to pull her into a hug. She shrugged out of your grasp, though, and you were furious with yourself in that moment. 
“You do not need to be sorry, I understand.” She said, albeit rather miserably, looking so angry and upset with herself, when she really should have been directing that at you. 
“No, Alexia, look at me.” You insisted, gently tilting her head to look at you. She was barely holding back tears, her lip wavering sadly. “Oh, my love. I didn’t say it back because I didn’t think you’d want to hear it. You never listen after rough games, I was trying to let you have your feelings for the night, and then try to make you feel better tomorrow. I didn’t think you’d want comfort, Alexia, not today. I am so proud of you, Alexia. Every day, I am proud of you, especially today. You did everything you could do, I know that. It just wasn’t our day. Estoy tan orgullosa de ti.” You emphasized. 
Alexia nodded slowly, but you could tell she didn’t fully believe you. 
“Would you ever be disappointed with me for missing a shot?” You asked, slightly amused when the blonde whipped her head up to look at you, a frown set on her features. 
“No. Never.” Alexia said quickly, appalled at even the idea.
You smiled at her sadly. “Can you not imagine that I feel the same way about you, Ale? That I love you just as much as you love me? 
Your girlfriend swallowed roughly, reaching to pull you into her lap, and into a hug. You let her manhandle you the way she wanted, wrapping your arms around her and kissing the side of her head repeatedly once she grabbed on to you. 
“It is hard to believe sometimes. It is… too good to be true. That you love me like I love you. I do not always feel like I deserve it. Especially when I am grumpy all day after we lose, and I sneak out of our bed, and make you come find me in the middle of the night.” Alexia said, her voice dripping with insecurity. 
You pulled back just slightly, pressing your forehead to Alexia’s, threading your fingers through her hair. “You always deserve it. Always, Alexia. And I would get out of bed in the middle of the night to come find you every day if you needed me too. I’d get on a plane in the middle of the night and fly halfway across the world to find you, if that’s what you needed.” You whispered, leaning forward to press your lips to Alexia’s. 
She kissed you back, hard, trying to tell you how much everything you’d said meant to her. 
“I’d rather not, but I’d do it.” You mumbled against her mouth, feeling her smile against your own lips. 
“Okay.” She said finally, and it was clear to you that she believed you a bit more now, and that she’d believe you even more tomorrow. “I will keep my fleeing of the country to a minimum.” 
You laughed. “Good. Because I want to go to bed.” 
Alexia nodded enthusiastically, rising up off the couch with you held securely in her arms. “Me too.” 
She carried you towards the bedroom, already physically more relaxed than she’d been all day. 
“If you set an alarm for the morning, I will make you sleep at the park tomorrow night.” You told her, letting out a rather undignified squeak when she gently threw you down on the bed. 
She smiled at you mischievously, her bad day completely forgotten. How could she think about her performance when you were so perfect, and so pretty, and she was so tired.
“No alarm.” She promised, turning her light off and collapsing onto the bed next to you. It had been a mistake, not waking you up before. Because when you pulled her into you and began to scratch lightly at her back, she went completely limp, and she knew you were all she needed to fall asleep. Alexia didn’t need to practice her shots until her legs were numb. She just needed to lay her head on your chest and hear your heartbeat in her ear, and she’d remember that everything would be okay. 
hope you enjoyed :)
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strawberrynull · 5 months
──⯎ ˙💌 ̟ hallway crush (Ep.1)
엔하이픈 | Enhypen | Nishimura Riki
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──Pairing: idol!niki x afab!idol!reader
──Genre: fluff, angst
──Synopsis: Hybe is home to many idol groups including Enhypen and Jung Y/n's group, Star Stride. Most of the idols are friends from being a part of the same company. Suddenly, Nishimura Riki is enamored by the beauty of a girl who has never even thought about him.
──Warnings: cursing
──A/N: Thanks so much for the request! I know this was meant to be a oneshot but I had too many ideas and now it's being turned into a series. Whoops... FOLLOW FOR CHAPTER 2 !!!
──Word Count: 1.5k
masterlist part two
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Nishimura Riki strode through the halls of the Hybe building. The sounds of footsteps and typing coming from the big open staff room. An exhausted sigh fell from his lips. He had just gotten finished with his private dance lessons and was on his way back to his dorm. The other Enhypen members had been waiting to serve dinner. It was already 8:46pm. Before Riki had started taking extra dance lessons, the members would eat together at 8. Despite telling them to just eat without him, they decided against it and stated that they would all wait for him to get home every weekday. Now Riki was rushing down the hallway to get home so him and everyone else could eat.
The boy quickened his steps. He didn't want the other members to wait for him for too long. Looking down at his phone, he almost didn't notice the girl he was about to run straight into. As soon as he lifted his head, he was face to face with the girl, only a few inches away from colliding. Riki quickly weaved to get out of her way. The gaze of her big pretty eyes flickered to him only for a split second as they both stepped to the side to avoid running into each other. In the passing moment he had seen her, he got a glimpse of just how gorgeous she was. She bowed quickly before running off. Her hair bounced slightly with each lively step she took. She was absolutely breathtaking.
Then it hit him that he had never even seen that girl before. His mind began racing with the endless possibilities. Could she be a staff member? She was way too pretty and fashionable to be a staff member. So then was she an idol? If so, he had never even noticed her up until now. He was so sure that he knew all the other Hybe idols. After a lot of thought, he decided to safely assume that she was from the new group that had debuted a few months ago.
In a hurry, he made his way back to the dorm where the other members had been waiting. Though he was no longer concerned with how long he had made them wait. All he wanted to do was figure out who that girl was. As soon as the door slammed open, Riki was already yelling to his band mates from the doorway.
"What's that new girl group that debuted this year?" He asked, throwing off his shoes.
"Star Stride. We literally have a show with them in two weeks." Jake yelled back, telling him to pay better attention. The others laughed at his ignorance.
"Star Stride... great. Thanks." He said quickly.
"Dinner is on the counter. I just took it back out of the oven because it-" Without another word, Riki made his way to his dorm room. He cut Heeseung off, shutting the door behind him. "...got cold. God damn it Riki." The rest of the members gave acrimonious groans, and sighs as he left them there to eat alone after they had waited for him for an hour.
In his room, Riki plopped down onto his bed, already searching for Star Stride on his phone. He opened Spotify and pressed play on their most recent album. While the music played, he began looking up the members, hoping to find the girl from the hallway. Of course he had to find out who you were. Star Stride had 5 members since a star has 5 points. Finally, after looking up 4 other members, he had looked up Star Strides main rapper. The girl was identical to the girl he had seen in the hallway. Riki quickly sat up in his bed, eyes wide as he scrolled through pictures of her.
"Jung Y/n. She's even the main rapper?" he muttered to himself, cupping a hand to his face to hide the smile creeping onto his lips. He was already flustered by the similarities the two of them shared. With his heart racing in his chest, he couldn't help but stare at the beautiful pictures of her from Star Strides most recent album. He was so focused on her that nobody could get him to leave his dorm room for the rest of the night. Not even to eat the dinner that they had all waited to eat.
For the next few days, Riki would roam the hall he had last seen Jung Y/n in. He would patrol that one hallway from 8:30pm until 9 o'clock in hopes to see her again. While pacing the halls, he would plan what he would say to the girl the next time he saw her strolling down the same hallway. The other members were already mad at him for skipping dinner last night. Now they were even more frustrated when he had started coming home even later than he had promised. Riki had better plans than sitting and eating dinner at a reasonable time. His infatuation had become a concern when he had skipped dinner for the third day in a row. He just had to see Y/n again. There was no way he could calmly eat without seeing her again.
It had been around a week since he had seen y/n for the first time. He hadn't seen her again yet but Riki wasn't giving up hope. In the past week, he had come up with a whole script for what he would say to her. He had even planned out how to look cool so maybe she would think he was handsome. What a sly boy.
Then he saw the same beautiful girl round the corner. There she was. Walking in the same direction she had been walking the last time Riki saw her. She was stunning. Her hair was now in a high ponytail that swayed behind her as she strode down the hallway. Her pretty eyes were focused on the stack of papers in her arms. She was quickly getting closer to Riki. This was his chance to talk to her. She was only a mere 10 feet away from him. Then 5. Then 2. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He was completely frozen in place. He could only mutter a small "ah-". Y/n saw Riki and bowed, giving a quick hello before walking off just like the last time.
He had screwed up his one chance to talk to her. Riki had waited a whole week for this moment and of course he had to choke up and let the chance slip through his fingers. Giving a heavy sigh, Riki slapped a palm to his forehead. Going after her would be weird and calling out to her would disrupt the staff room. He was at a dead end. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he shoved his hands into his pockets, walking back to the dorms in defeat.
About to round the corner to the staircase, he huffed in frustration before he felt a small tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a timid Y/n staring up at him through thick dark lashes. His mouth went dry and all the moisture had gone to his palms which were sweating profusely. He gulped almost comically and he worried that she had noticed his nervousness. It was really her, Jung Y/n, and she was right in front of him. She had purposefully stopped him to talk to him! Riki felt like he was dreaming. She cleared her throat before speaking, breaking Riki from his trance.
"Uh.. You're Nishimura Riki from Enhypen, right?" She asked formally. Her voice was small and shy. The complete opposite of what he had expected from the main rapper of Star Stride. She was also insanely cute and petite compared to his height. He expected a rapper to be more mature in looks. But this girl looked sweet and fragile. When he didn't answer, she tilted her head slightly, awaiting a response.
"O-oh yeah. Just call me Riki. You don't have to speak formally." he chuckled nervously, looking anywhere but at the girl in front of him. If he gave in and looked at her, he feared he might get lost staring at her features once again.
"I just wanted to tell you that it's an honor to be on a show with Enhypen next week." She explained, bowing deeply. Rikis eyes widened at how kind and pure-hearted she was. But before he could even respond, Y/n was off in the direction she had been going before.
Suddenly he was overjoyed to have Enhypen featured on a show with Star Stride.
(Riki talks about speaking formally because, even though this is written in english, they are speaking korean. In korea, you are expected to speak formally to everyone unless you are extremely close. Of course Y/n and Riki aren't close so Y/n uses formal speech. Riki tells her to speak casually but until stated otherwise, she will continue to speak formally with honorifics.)
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© strawberrynull, 2024. Do not copy my work. Please DM for permission before translating or reuploading. Thank You
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coveredinsweetpea · 1 year
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A/n: I let the whore out for this one 🤭 and I'm not even ashamed? I wanted to make it more filthy but I decided to not push it 😬 but lemme know if you liked this one!!! I'd love to write more!! Summary: just the story of perv!bouncer!Eddie x dumb!ice-cream vendor!reader and the little white lie he used in order to get you where he wanted you. (KINKY) 4.6k Warnings: so first off, perv!Eddie (he's a bit of a meanie) and dumb!reader, ok? He takes advantage of you, oopsie. Humiliation, degradation, lying and gaslighting, pet names, groping, very strong D/s vibes although not established, spit kink, a hint of dubcon? (only if you squint). Needless to say, 18+!! (also I wrote this in one go don't @ me if it's shitty)
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You shouldn't have worn heels - it was late at night, you were running late and while the rain had stopped, the mud still managed to splash its way up to your ankles. And come to think of it, the skirt hadn’t been that good of an idea either, not for the metal concert you were attending at least, but you were two blocks away and it was too late to turn back now.
Before entering the venue, you stopped at the corner, fixed your hair and your shoes with a napkin you found around your purse, and prayed to the gods that even though the concert should have already started, the bouncer would still be there to give you a ticket and allow you inside.
“Eddie!” you exclaimed relieved. He was just about to stand up from his little booth when you burst inside the building, and his eyes widened when he realized who you were.
While it truly hadn’t been that long since you last saw each other, it surely felt like it. The last time you saw him was at his graduation, one week after you finished junior year. Currently, almost two years had passed since you yourself were done with school.
“Y/n, wow. I haven’t seen you in ages, how are you?”
“Good, good, I’m good” you huffed, getting ready to fish the money for the ticket out of your purse. “You work here?”
“Yeah. I’m a bartender but something came up and our guy had to leave for a bit. I’m just covering for him.”
“Oh, ok. Cool”
“Did you come for the concert? It’s about to start”
“Yeah, mhm. I know I’m a bit late.” you said, picking out the dollars out of your purse one by one. When you decided your bag should be cute and fit your outfit rather than actually be useful, you didn’t imagine you’d have to embarrass yourself like this. “Here’s 7 dollars-” you mumbled handing him the money, “Wait, I have three more, just give me a second”
“Y/n…” Eddie said as he hesitated to take it from you. “It’s 30 dollars.”
“30 what?” you gasped. “I thought it was 10”
“It was 10, until like an hour ago. You should’ve bought it in advance, tickets are always more expensive at the door”
“You must be kidding me” you cried, “I can’t pay 30$ for a concert of a band I barely even heard about”
“Then don’t” Eddie chuckled, “It’s not that big of a deal, it’s only going to last one hour tops”
“Yeah but my friend likes the vocalist. I promised her I’d be there”
“Then pay?”
Instead of going back to explaining why you really didn’t feel like doing that, you straightened your back and grinned. “Eddie…”
“I’m not interested," he laughed in a heartbeat, fully aware of the tactics you might want to try on him.
“Free ice cream for the whole month!” you belted, grabbing his shoulder to help you get your point across. “You know you can’t say no to that”
“I never even bought ice cream from your shop, Y/n, no”
“Two months!”
“Baby girl, buy the ticket or wait for the concert to end. I can’t just let you in”
“Yes, you can” you scoffed, stomping your foot against the floor. “Since when do you care about the rules?”
“Since my job is at stake, sweetheart”
“Who’s gonna know? Right, no one. So pleeeeease, Eddie! Pretty please with a tiny and sweet cherry on top?”
He was thinking about it, it was obvious the wheels were turning. His eyes traveled along the length of your body as he licked his lips, and that gave you hope. But unfortunately, when he looked back up into your eyes, he shook his head, “I’m sorry, I can’t”
“You can” you pouted, “You just don’t want to”
Eddie tapped his chin, “I guess that’s true. There’s nothing in it for me, so…”
“Asshole!” you giggled and hit his side. “Just tell me what you want, you got it”
“Anything I want?”
“Anything, anything?” Eddie laughed.
“Just say it, you jerk”
But he didn’t really say it. What he did however was lean behind his little desk and then stand back up with a small camera in his hand. With one eyebrow raised, he motioned with his head to one of the small back rooms to the side, and that should’ve been your cue to at least try offering him ice cream again. 
"I can't believe I'm doing this" you nervously giggled as you placed your purse on one of the chairs you found laying around. More things crossed your mind while you took your jacket off but you kept quiet, only turning around to face Eddie when you were left in your tank top and skirt. "This is stupid. I'm being stupid, right?"
"It's just a little bit of fun" he smiled, moving the camera from one hand to the other. "You absolutely don't have to do it if you don't feel comfortable"
"Comfortable getting naked for a stranger to take pictures of me?" you laughed in disbelief.
"Are you?"
His raised eyebrow and the confidence he had made you unconsciously rub your thighs together. "Don't hold this over my head, ok?"
"It's just a few pictures, Y/n, no big deal"
"I know" you pouted and crossed your arms in front of your chest. "But I don't want you to think I'm a slut or something. I don't do stuff like this"
"There's a beginning for everything, sweetheart. What if you end up loving it and want to take more?"
"Yeah, right" you rolled your eyes and felt a very strong urge to look anywhere else but at him. "Ok, how do you want them?"
He thought about it for a second. "Take your top off, we'll see from there"
The little bit of conscious thinking still present inside your mind had a very hard time accepting just how fast your hands worked to remove your shirt. The second that piece of clothing went over your head, your cheeks started burning and a very painful but familiar feeling awakened in your core. Half naked and maybe a little bit confused, you turned to look at Eddie - who was grinning from ear to ear, getting ready to snap the picture. 
"Say cheese!"
You didn't say it, but you did straighten your back, smiled, and even put on a cute pose with your hands beside your cheeks. 
"You've done this before?" Eddie laughed after taking the picture as he waited for it to slip out of the device.
"No, why?"
He quirked an eyebrow. "It's a nice picture"
"Let me see" you said and bubbled over to him, looking at the picture as it exited the camera. "Oh, yeah. You're right! It really is cute"
"Told you, sweetheart" Eddie grinned and grabbed your chin.
You instinctually followed and tilted your head up to look at him, shame spreading across your body as you reveled in his little words of praise. "What next?"
"Bend over that desk over there"
Without as little as a hint of hesitation, you walked over to the desk, planted your chest on top of it and pushed your skirt up over your ass. 
"See why I'd think you've done this before?" he laughed and slapped your ass. "I didn't even tell you to lift your skirt"
"You were about to anyway, I'm just ahead of you"
"Such a good, little girl" 
As much as you hated to admit, the way he groped your ass, and his fingers - rough and digging into your skin, it all made you squirm under his touch. You remained motionless and sat there quietly, only your feet wobbling a bit from the uncomfortable position as you allowed him to do his thing. "Can I take these off?" Eddie asked, his pointer finger already hooked behind the little piece of fabric that covered your cunt. 
"Yeah, mhm" you nodded eagerly. "Do what you want"
Maybe you shouldn't have said that. But a part of you forgot about the concert and was too focused on Eddie's touch, on his presence behind you, the fact that you couldn't see him making all your senses go off the rails. 
But a deal was a deal and Eddie wasn't about to break it… that much. After pushing your underwear to the side, the cold air hit your already heated and sensitive core. "Can I see how wet you are, doll?"
You nodded. 
And his finger slipped right in, knuckle deep, his big, silver ring barely visible between your damp, puffy folds. 
"How about two?"
"Three? Can you take three?" Eddie asked, slipping his fingers inside without wasting time to hear your answer. 
A soft moan broke past your lips and your back arched the way he was filling you up, little tears of pleasure gathering at the corners of your eyes. "Eddie" you cried.
"Yeah, puppy?" 
But only a grunt escaped your throat as you let your forehead fall against the desk. 
When he didn't get an answer from you, he just chuckled and the next thing you heard was the sound of the camera going off. 
"Cute" Eddie said, retracting his hand from your pussy. 
The sudden feeling of emptiness made you whine, "That's all?"
"What? Did you want more?"
"I- I thought-" you mumbled, turning around to face him, "I thought you were gonna, I don't know…"
"Do you want me to, doll?"
The way the words almost slipped out of your mouth was pathetic. But you managed to control yourself, and just pushed yourself up and shook your head. "No" you lied. And he could tell. 
"You sure, kitten?"
"Yeah, no. Just take the next pic"
"Ok, last one, sweetheart. Can you get on your knees for me?"
Still visibly disappointed with how he left you hanging, you wordlessly kneeled in front of him. Your hands flew up to grip his thighs and your head fell back, your eyes on his. "Like this?"
"Exactly like that, puppy. You're so good, you know that?" Eddie said, nonchalantly licking your juices off his fingers. "And you taste so sweet, baby"
"Thank you" you weakly smiled as he caressed your cheek. "What, um… what do I do now?"
"Open wide for me, just like that. Can you stay like this for a bit?" Eddie commanded. 
All you could do was nod and follow him with your stare, your heart nearly beating out of your chest when he lowered himself in front of you and grabbed your chin. 
"Do you like this?" 
Yes. No. Fuck, you squeezed your eyes shut for a second then then, much to his absolute pleasure, nodded yes. 
The sheer embarrassment you felt from not being able to answer him as your mouth hung open made the pressure between your legs grow even more unbearable. You wanted him to do something, anything, touch, or at least talk to you, but he just left you there, hanging pathetically and waiting. 
"How about this for the last picture?" Eddie questioned and then shoved his fingers into your mouth. Ring deep and with no warning, he forced your jaw open as he pushed his fingers as far as they could go, making your eyes snap wide open in shock. 
"Easy, sweetheart. Stay still for me, ok? Don't fight it"
But it was impossible, with your airway partially blocked and your gag reflex threatening to act up, your hands found his wrist and squeezed as all you could do was look up into his eyes. 
"Do you like being like this, angel? All good and dumb for me?" 
Your answer came in the form of a blink, your eyebrows also arching upwards, before a cough broke in the back of your throat.
"Easy, doll. Slow down, stop fighting it. Relax, you can do it, you can do it, baby" but he was not helping you, instead pushing down harder onto your tongue, making your eyes water from the lack of oxygen. 
But still, you didn't try to fight him, to pry his hand away or to even distance yourself. You just stood there, choking on his fingers, painfully awaiting the moment he'd figure you'd had enough. 
While he didn't let you off easily, when your throat constricted around his fingers again, he finally retracted his hand. Drunk on the so dearly needed breath of fresh air that rushed down your throat, you fell forward, your cheek against his thigh as you struggled to regain your composure. 
"So good for me, puppy. You listen so well" Eddie cooed, brushing your hair as you refused to pull away from your leg. 
"Eddie…" you pouted, "You didn't take the picture"
"That's ok, doll. How are you? Are you good?"
Still unwilling to move, you nodded against his leg. "Yep"
"What do you want to do next, sweetheart? You can choose for the last picture"
"I don't wanna choose" you shook your head, "Just tell me what to do"
"Is there nothing you want, angel? Not even one thing that crossed that pretty, little head of yours?"
"Then open up for me again, sweetheart" 
Lazily, you shuffled to the side and settled back into your position on your knees in front of him. This time, he only pried your mouth open a little bit, much for the aesthetic of it all, his fingers on your tongue and his heavy rings against your bottom lip. 
When he brought the camera up, you looked directly into the lens, eyes wide and soft, as you were all but drooling. The way you squirmed once you heard the click of the camera was probably pathetic, but he enjoyed it and you wanted more.
"That's enough" Eddie said, placing the device to the side and squatting down in front of you. "Can you swallow for me?"
You blinked in confusion but burned with enthusiasm, almost moaning out loud when you saw him tower over you and spit down onto your awaiting tongue. 
You didn't question it, didn't even flinch, you just closed your mouth and swallowed as he told you. 
Once done, Eddie helped you up and waited for you to change. Back out at his little security desk, you waited patiently for him to put the yellow bracelet around your wrist. "Thank you"
"Pleasure doing business with you, doll"
Despite rolling your eyes, you couldn't also hide the way your lips curled at the little pet name, suddenly getting to you in a way half an hour ago you couldn't have even imagined. 
"Come with me to the bar, I'll fix you something to drink. On the house" 
"Where was this generosity before?" you teased and stepped inside as he held the door open for you. 
"Don't push it," he playfully threatened. Once inside, Eddie grabbed your hand and guided you back behind the bar. "What do you want to drink, sweetheart?"
You knew what you wanted, but the annoyed looks of the people impatiently waiting their turn distracted you. Eddie noticed it in a heartbeat, the distress in your eyes saying it all. 
"Fuck them" he scoffed, raising his middle finger in their direction as he shielded you with his body. "Just tell me what you feel like drinking"
"Um, a screwdriver, please"
"Coming right up" he said and got to work, only to have you follow him closely like a lost puppy. Too many pairs of judgemental eyes still followed your every move, and without Eddie's attention on you, they felt even more intrusive than before. 
"Eddie, I want to pay for it" you said as you opened your purse, "I feel bad"
"I'm not taking your money, Y/n"
"They're looking at me as if I've committed a crime. I'm not going out there with my free drink that I didn't even have to wait for. Just take my money, Eddie, please!"
That sounded like it pissed him off. Not you, though. They did. You sounded genuinely worried, and he didn't like that. After he finished making your drink, Eddie placed it in front of you and then turned to face the customers. "Before you all get your panties in a bunch, she didn't cut to the front, you're waiting to get served by my colleague, I haven't even started my shift. And even if she had cut in front of you, that would've been fine too, because I said so. If any of you even looks at her the wrong way, you're getting kicked out and banned. Thank you!"
Despite his rant having done its job perfectly since no one dared comment or even keep staring, you barely found it in you to look at him. "Eddie… you didn't have to do that"
"If anyone bothers you, come find me" he said, as if he hadn't even heard you. He just grabbed your glass and placed it between your hands, "Go enjoy the concert, sweetheart"
"Thank you" you meekly said.
"No problem, doll" he grinned and slapped your ass as you turned to walk away. 
Luckily enough with the soundcheck and stage preparations, you managed to find your friends before the second song even started. 
While the music wasn't necessarily your favorite, you still danced your soul out and used the little breaks between songs to listen to your friend vent and fangirl over the vocalist. Tall, long hair and a leather jacket - another thing whose appeal you didn't think you'd see any time soon. 
But the whole thing turned out to be a blast, no one interrupting your dancing sessions and by the time the concert was over, you were all spent, barely able to maintain your balance on your aching feet. 
After collapsing in the nearest booth you found available, one friend who made the happiest choice of the night regarding the shoes and chose a pair of sneakers, sacrificed herself and made her way to the bar while you all waited for her at the table. 
Mostly, the conversation circled around everyone's surprise with how enjoyable the concert actually was. A few other topics had been touched, such as whether they'd party at this bar or not, or if any of the members were single, but when the subject of the price rolled around, you felt personally attacked. 
Without explaining, you excused yourself from the table and stomped your way to the bar, walking behind it like the place belonged to you.
"Eddie, I need to talk to you"
"Not now, sweetheart. I'm a bit busy" he hurriedly spoke, unable to even look at you as he balanced 7 shot glasses between his hands. 
"Now, Eddie!"
"It's gonna have to wait, have a seat" he huffed and dragged a stool over to his side of the bar. "Wait" 
The only thing that kept you from making a scene right then and there was the number of people that were waiting for their drinks. And while you would've very gladly given Eddie a hard time, those people had nothing wrong. So, with a pout and a frown on your face, you sat down and proceeded to wait. 
"What's wrong? Can you tell me what happened?" Eddie eventually said in between orders, still visibly busy and not giving you all the attention you required.
"No" you crossed your arms, "Not like this"
"Did something happen?" he questioned, sounding genuinely worried. He threw the towel in his hand over his shoulder and leaned closer, softly touching your thigh as he spoke. "Tell me if-"
"I'll hit you" you snapped and shoved him. "Take a break"
And that was what he did. As soon as he got a little window of time, he asked his colleague to cover for him and then guided you out from behind the bar, and over to a more secluded corner.
"Ok, what happ-"
"Asshole!" you slapped his cheek - as hard as you could but nowhere near hard enough to do any real damage. "Fuck you!"
"Whoa!" Eddie gasped as he recoiled from the blow, instantly grabbing your wrist to stop you from delivering another blow. "What the hell happened?"
"30 dollars!? You lied to me!"
"Oh, that…"
"Yes! That! You're a fucking asshole!"
"Hey, now. Don't go there" Eddie calmly said, arms going up in a defensive position despite still holding onto your hand. "It was just a bit of fun. You had fun too, didn't you?"
"That's not the point"
"You didn't deny it!"
"Asshole!" you snapped again, this time using your free hand to hit his side. But he grabbed onto this wrist too, pulling you closer to him despite your protests. "Eddie, let me go!"
"No, you're gonna hit me again"
"Yes, I am. You lied to me"
"Ok, I lied" he raised his shoulders and rolled his eyes, "So what? We both had some fun, and you got in for free and also got a free drink. I think it's fair"
"No, it's not fair!" you tried to free yourself but his grip was iron strong. "It's not fair because it wasn't 30 dollars, you lied!"
"It was still 10 dollars, which you didn't have to pay, now did you?"
"I would've paid 10 dollars!"
"But you didn't. I saved you some money. I think you should just thank me, doll" 
"You're unbelievable" you scoffed, turning your head to the side so that you wouldn't have to look at him. 
Eddie however, had a different idea. As he let your wrists go, he cupped your cheeks into his hands so that you'd face him. Despite the annoyed look on your face, your hands traveled up to his sides, grabbing onto his leather jacket as he held you close. 
"Come on, you can't really be upset with me right now, sweetheart."
"Well, I am," you frowned. 
"I'm sorry, dove. It wasn't my intention. I never meant to upset you"
"You wouldn't have lied if you didn't want to upset me"
"I didn't think you'd find out" he chuckled, which deepened your frown. "Hey, look at me" 
"No" you pouted and turned your head to the side, making Eddie have to lean from left to right multiple times in order to meet your eyes.
"Angel, look at me, come on"
"No, Eddie, leave me alone!" you protested, but the smile was audible in your tone. He knew he got to you. 
"Hey, come on. Look at you, all smiling"
"I'm not smiling!" you said, trying to sound serious, but eventually giggled when you finally looked at him.
"There you go! That's my girl!" Eddie laughed and brought you closer, "You forgive me, doll, right?" he asked, lightly rubbing your chin with his thumb.
"You're a bad liar, sweetheart. I think you didn't even mind in the first place, did you?"
"I did!"
"Then why were you so wet for me, huh?" he grinned.
"I'm mad you lied to me" you sighed, not showing any signs of wanting to distance yourself from him anymore. "You didn't have to do that"
"How was I supposed to know you'd say yes?"
"You should've asked!"
"I'm sorry, baby. I really am" he said softly and then nudged your forehead with his. "Kiss me to make it better?"
"I don't want to kiss you, Eddie, I'm still upset"
"No, you're not" he laughed and leaned in, his lips brushing against yours a couple of times until you couldn't help it anymore. 
"You're an asshole, you know that?" you shook your head in disbelief, unable to contain your nervous laughter. But despite your words, you were still pressed against him, your hands on his waist and your lips inches away from his. 
"I'm fun, sweetheart. Just kiss me"
"Ok, but you're not going to lie to me again!"
"Never!" he swore, all wide eyed and not at all grinning as he did so. 
But you didn't pay too much attention. That promise, however empty, was enough for you to feel completely content with going in for a full kiss. He welcomed you fully, one of his hands finding your ass in no time, squeezing hard enough to bruise. But it only riled you up further as you clung onto him, breathing him in with every single brush of your tongue against his. 
"Ah! My lipstick!" you whined as you pulled away for air. 
"It looks alright, it didn't smudge, don't worry" Eddie smiled, looking at you in awe as you tried to make sure your lipstick didn't get all over your face. 
"The girls said it's blowjob proof, I guess they were right" you giggled when you saw no color transferred to Eddie's lips or your fingers. "That's 5 dollars well spent" 
"See?" Eddie grabbed your ass as he proudly spoke, "And now, thanks to me, you can get two more. I can even help you try them all out. Multiple times, see if they really are blowjob proof."
"How nice of you" you mocked.
"I know, right?" Eddie chuckled and then kissed your temple. "I have to go back to work now, though. You can hang out with me, if you want"
You were about to follow him, but right before he reached the bar, you tugged his sleeve. "Eddie? Can I ask for a favor?"
He blinked in curiosity. "Sure, sweetheart. What is it?"
"You know I told you I have this friend who likes-"
"Who likes the vocalist, yes, I remember"
"Yeah, well… I was wondering if you could introduce them?"
"Yeah, doll. No problem" Eddie said and looked around, "I think they're still in the back, come with me"
And you did. You followed him wordlessly and reveled in the privilege of walking through the "employees only" door. The dark and sticky corridor Eddie dragged you through had absolutely no reason to make you feel as important as it did, but you loved it. And once outside, in the parking lot you yourself had crossed earlier on your way to the concert, as you and Eddie approached the band's van, you still managed to feel important, as if there was business to attend to.
Even talking to the band you couldn't care less about felt empowering, especially the way each member went to shake your hand as Eddie did the introductions. But despite all of them being nothing but a happy and laid back bunch, you still felt the need to cower behind Eddie as he conversed with the vocalist.
Even though they were all heading inside for some well deserved post concert drinks, Eddie made sure to mention the one fan the man absolutely had to meet. 
"This one?" the vocalist, whose name you found out to be Joe, or Joey, asked, pointing at you.
Your eyes went wide, but Eddie only chuckled. "No, she's with me. It's one of her friends, though. She's inside" 
While the band still had a few minutes worth of organizing to do, you and Eddie headed back towards the bar. 
"I'm with you?" you giggled, almost feeling the need to cover your mouth at how giddy his words made you. 
"Aren't you?" Eddie laughed.
"I guess I am" you smiled and resumed your spot on the chair he had brought for you earlier. "Can I help you with stuff? Or is that allowed? I don't know"
"Everything's allowed, sweetheart, but don't worry. Enjoy yourself, I don't need any help. Sit there and be pretty for me"
"I can do that" you wiggled your legs in the air. "And thank you for speaking to Joey. She's gonna be so happy, I'm never going to hear the end of it"
After sending you a knowing smile, Eddie put his arm around your shoulders and kissed your forehead, "Anything for you, sweetheart"
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d1xonss · 9 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 22 ~ Scars
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 5.4k
⚠️ TW : Mentions of attempted suicide & SH scars
In this chapter ~ When Rick and Shane decide to take Randall away from their people to drop him and fend for himself, things seem to go wrong on the other end. Beth becomes suicidal after witnessing the death of her mother just days prior, leading Rose to comfort her in a time of need. However, the heaviness that followed was a lot more than she anticipated, though luckily for her, Daryl helps her pick up the pieces.
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It had been about two days since they brought Randall back, and he eventually woke from his unconscious state. Since then the place had been chaotic.
The group was constantly going around and around in circles about what to do with this guy, so much so it gave me a pounding headache. Because most of the time the arguments wouldn't go anywhere. People would just repeat the same things that had already been said, causing us to feel stuck in the same place as no one really had a solution.
Until Rick just made the final decision to do what he wanted to since the beginning, take the man far away from the farm and drop him off on his own.
So now that the man was finally able to walk and balance decently on his own, Rick and Shane took a car to drive him out in the middle of nowhere, leaving the rest of us nervously waiting for their return. Everyone eventually seemed to agree with the plan despite the possibilities of him coming back, but it's not like we had much of a choice.
I for one was trying to keep myself busy all day, helping Lori with some laundry, staying to keep watch on top of the RV, I even made a run into town earlier that morning with Glenn. We had found a few different stores in a small part of town that had some useful things in them. But there was a little something else I found that I was extra excited about besides the food and supplies.
When we walked into the last store, I saw it. The perfect thing to give to Daryl. I had never gotten him something in return when he gave me my sketchbook and watercolors, but now I had something that I thought would suit him quite nicely. It was a black leather vest with stitched angel wings on the back.
In my mind, I hoped he would really like it and I had planned to give it to him later that night. Once we all knew Randall was taken care of.
Currently I was washing dishes with Maggie, occasionally talking about random things, trying to get our minds off of what was happening today. I could easily tell she hadn't stopped thinking about it since it happened either, the anxious feeling of the man somehow making his way back to her own home couldn't have been easy to deal with. But I had hope that everything would work out just fine and things would begin to move smoothly again.
She wordlessly handed me the last plate that was in the sink, water dripping off of the edges as I took the towel in my hands to dry it. She leaned her back up against the counter as she stared down at her shoes, the sound of me stacking the final plate in the cabinet brining her out of her thoughts as she glanced back up to me nervously.
"Can I talk to you about something... more serious?" she asked.
I only nodded my head as I listened, throwing the towel back down on the counter to give her my full attention as I copied her stance.
"Well, Glenn's been avoiding me lately, and he told me that when he was out there trying to fight those guys, he froze at one point. He was saying that since I told him I loved him... that's the reason he froze, and my dad had to save his life. He said he was afraid to die... thinking about how it would affect me." she finished almost a little shamefully.
My eyes widened a bit as I was a little thrown off and not expecting that, but I was still quick to respond and reassure her. "Listen, I know that it might not feel too great that he's avoiding you, but the truth is he loves you too. I don't think he should be avoiding you, I think he should be cherishing these moments he has with you, but y'know he's a guy." I pointed out, giving her a look she would be able to read.
She laughed quietly to herself as she nodded her head in silent understanding, "But he'll come around, I promise. You just gotta give him a little time." I finished.
She pressed her lips together and nodded gratefully, "Thank you." she said, "I feel like I can really talk to you ya know? I'm glad you're here."
I smiled, "Yeah, me too." I spoke, opening my mouth again before closing it back up quickly. My dumbass almost slipped up and said something about how I was glad that I stayed, but I bit my tongue before it could come out.
My eyes then absentmindedly panned over towards the tray of food that Maggie had set off to the side a few minutes ago, "Is this for Beth?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.
She followed my gaze and nodded, "Oh yeah, I was about to bring that up to her when we were done."
"Oh I got it, I was going to check on her soon anyways." I said, moving towards the counter.
She smiled gratefully, "Thank you. You know Beth really likes you. Ever since you taught her how to play those few songs on the guitar it's really all she can really talk about. I think seeing you would cheer her up."
"Yeah, I had fun teaching her, I'm sure she'll be ready to learn some more in no time." I reassured her.
Maggie nodded her head and I fully picked up the tray in my hands, walking out of the kitchen to head upstairs and into Beth's room. It seemed quieter than usual as I made my way up the familiar stairs, something seeming a little off. But I mostly blamed it on Rick and Shane's absence, still not here even after leaving early this morning.
For some reason the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth, sensing something might go wrong out there, not necessarily with Randall. But with each other.
After what happened with the barn and the whole fight that came after that, the two had been at each other's throats ever since. It was way far off from how they used to act around each other, seeming more like brothers than friends. But something just clicked and now they almost acted like strangers. Though it was none of my business, I still noticed.
Pushing my thoughts aside, I made it up the long staircase and lingered by the closed door, knocking softly a few times before I entered. To my surprise, I heard her soft voice from the other side invite me in, causing me to open the door as best as I could with the tray still balanced in my hands.
"Hey hon, it's just me." I announced as I walked in, "I brought you something to eat, and to see how you were doing."
Her gaze panned over towards me, and my breath hitched slightly in the back of my throat. I knew that familiar look all too well. I tried to not let it affect me too much in case I was wrong, but I had a feeling I wasn't. She looked utterly broken and depressed, much more pale with bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep. She had just lost her mom, I came to find out that she was the walker Beth ran to after everything happened. I'm pretty sure I couldn't have felt worse for her after finding that out, now more than ever seeing her like this.
"You can just set it down here." she said, pointing over towards the side table next to her bed.
I did what she asked and stood there for a moment as she stared at the sandwich on the plate, "Do you want me to stay, or do you want some space."
"Some space. If that's okay?" she asked.
"Yeah of course," I said immediately, "Just...call if you need anything." I finished with a smile.
She barely gave me a noticeable nod before I turned on my heel to give her some time alone, but I couldn't just brush off the vibe I picked up. It again could be nothing, just being paranoid over something I was reading too much into. But in case I was right, I didn't just want to keep it to myself.
I ventured back down the stairs, peeking in the kitchen again to see if Maggie was around, but the room was empty by the time I got back. A sigh left my lips as I turned back around to try and find her, but I managed to spot Lori entering the house right as I was about to come down the hall.
"Oh hey, Lori?" I called out as I approached her.
She turned towards me with a small smile, hanging up her jacket, "Hey, what's up?" she asked.
My eyes glanced back up the stairs momentarily before turning back to her, slightly lowering my voice, "I just...I'm worried about Beth. She just seems a little off and I was going to find Maggie to let her know but-"
"I can tell her." she offered with a nod, "I'll keep an eye on her until she comes back."
"Yeah that would be great." I spoke gratefully, "She's just up in her room and wanted to be left alone... but I don't know I think Maggie should know."
"Absolutely." she agreed instantly, "I'll tell her the next time I see her, okay?"
I nodded, "Thanks." I said with a small smile, passing her as I moved to exit the house.
I felt a little bad not telling Maggie about it myself, but knowing someone else would keep an eye out for Beth gave me a little piece of mind. I didn't want to hover over her or pick up any overprotective instincts even though in the back of my mind I knew it was inevitable. I just wanted her to be okay.
The rest of the day passed by slowly, leaving nothing much to do around camp and everyone simply doing their own thing for the day. After not being able to find Maggie, looping around the farm a couple of times, I assumed she was back in the house at this point. So I took the much needed time to myself.
A few hours passed by with me just laying down in the yellow tent trying to relax as best as I could. Spending most of the time reading the book Daryl had stolen from me when he got hurt and it actually turned out to be pretty good, only drawing me more in with each chapter. The details were amazing and I loved the plot. I didn't plan on giving this back to him anytime soon.
I hadn't seen him for most of the day because he decided to go out hunting fairly early in the morning, leaving camp before the sun even rose. He offered for me to come with him, but I declined as I needed to go out on that run with Glenn to get some things for myself, and he understood. I just hoped he would be back soon along with Rick and Shane who continued to be gone for far too long.
Damn it was like everyone was missing today.
After closing in on the last chapter, I finally shut the book after what felt like forever, blinking my eyes a few times to adjust them. For hours I had been reading tiny words on these pages and I felt that it was time for a break. So, I placed the book back in my bag, standing to leave the tent and walked outside a little to stretch my legs, leaning from side to side as I was hunched over for many hours.
I glanced around the small camp to see who was around, before my eyes suddenly stopped on Carl sitting by the RV. He seemed distant as he glanced at the comic book sitting in his lap, barely reading over the pages as he sloppily flipped through them. A pain in my chest suddenly dispersed upon seeing him like this, knowing that he hadn't been the same since he witnessed Sophia coming out of that barn. But who could blame him?
He was grieving in his own way, separating himself from the others as much as he could for just some time alone to think. I hadn't had a proper conversation with him since that day everything went wrong, keeping my distance as that's what he seemed to wish for. But I shook my head as I began to walk over towards him, wanting to talk to him for the first time in what felt like too long.
"Hey kid." I greeted him.
He glanced up and gave me a slight smile, "Hey." he spoke as he closed the book to give me his attention.
I moved to take a seat next to him on the ground, "So, what're you reading? Tell me about it." I said.
His eyes lit up "Really?"
I chuckled a little, "Yeah, why not. Who's this?" I asked, pointing to some sort of superhero.
His excited demeanor never faltered as he went on to tell me everything that was happening in this comic book. Who all of the characters were, what their powers were, and what their mission was. This was one of the first times I had seen him get excited about something in what felt like forever, and it warmed my heart at just the sight. He began to slowly open up a little bit more the longer we talked, changing the subject a few times to talk about his favorite cartoons he used to watch before the outbreak.
I enjoyed watching him smile, it felt like it had been some time since it last happened, and I was just glad to distract him even if it was only for a few minutes. A kid his age should never have to go through half the shit that's he's been through, though he was tougher than I ever could've imagined.
After we finished talking for a while, I left him to read it in peace after that. I wanted him to have his space too, and I never wanted to overstep any boundaries, especially when it came time to grieve someone.
I found myself heading back into the house to grab something to eat afterwards, but as soon as I walked in, I jumped a little as I suddenly heard screaming from just up the stairs. I didn't hesitate for a second before I was rushing up the steps two at a time, jogging into Beth's room to see Maggie and Lori were yelling and banging on the bathroom door.
"Woah, woah, what's happening?" I asked.
Maggie's head whipped around to face me, "Beth...Beth tried to kill herself and now locked herself in the bathroom, I heard glass." she spoke quickly, continuing to pound on the door, pleading with Beth to listen.
Panic flooded through me. She tried to kill herself? And was now attempting again? I stood in the doorway frozen in shock as I felt as though I couldn't move a thing. But then my eyes quickly darted around the room, looking for something to get the door open. Lori had moved to search the room for the key, frantically looking through her drawers as fast as she could, but I spotted a metal rod sitting in the corner of the room. I didn't think twice about it as I stepped forward, picking it up in my hands before telling Maggie to move out of the way quickly and she jumped back.
Sticking the thing in between the lock and the wood, I pushed on it as hard as I could in an attempt to pry it open. There was a sudden crack after a few seconds before the wooden door suddenly flew open, revealing Beth standing there with her hand over her wrist, blood pouring out of it. Her head whipped over to us frantically as soon as she heard the door breaking, tears streaming down her face and her heart no doubt racing out of her chest.
"I'm sorry." she sobbed, and Maggie didn't waste anymore time as she went in to pull her close.
I ditched the metal rod in my hands, stepping inside the bathroom only to realize how severe the cut actually was. Blood was now running down her arm and onto the tile floor, the amount of pressure she was putting on it clearly wasn't enough. I quickly placed my hand on Maggie's shoulder to get her attention, gently pulling Beth out of her hold.
"Go get your dad, he's going to need to stitch this up." I said, trying to hide the panic in my tone.
But she caught it even though it was disguised, quickly nodding her head as she left right along with Lori to try and find Hershel as fast as possible. Beth looked up at me and opened her mouth to speak, but only a sob came out as she ducked her head, causing me to immediately shush her and bring her into a hug.
We all had different experiences with mental health, everything was dealt with differently, but I somewhat knew how she was feeling. I had been in her position not that long ago and seeing her standing there when I first opened the door, brought all the memories back, so fast it was like a tidal wave. The whole situation nearly knocked me off my goddamn feet.
After standing in place for a while as she sobbed into my arms, I slowly started to bring her back into her attached bedroom, sitting her down on the bed so she could try to relax and focus on her breathing as she put more pressure on the wound.
Hershel frantically came in soon after that with a needle and thread and started to stitch his daughter up as she cried. I stayed by her side the whole time, holding her hand to offer her some type of comfort I was able to give. Though it was heartbreaking hearing her cry, and even more heartbreaking seeing Hershel try to pull himself together as he worked. I tried to think over the right things to say to her when the time came, but I felt that there was no right thing to say. What could you say after something like this?
After Hershel was done he said he would talk to her later and soon left the room in a hurry to no doubt let a few tears fall, leaving Beth and I alone again. She slowly laid down on the mattress after he left, her cheeks still stained with tears as she tried to calm herself down, with me rubbing her back towards the end of the bed. The silence slowly becoming deafening.
"Are you mad at me too?" she suddenly asked. I could feel the pain in her voice.
I whipped my head to look at her, "Oh my God honey no, I'm not mad at all. And neither is Maggie or your dad, they just love you so much. Seeing you like this... it hurts them, you know?"
She sighed as she shook her head, "I just feel so alone in this, like they don't even understand. Nobody does." she muttered.
"You're not alone." I said with a shake of my head, "I can promise you that."
"How do you know?" she was quick to ask.
My breath caught in my throat as I thought back to my own experiences, so different, yet so similar to hers. I debated in my head for a long time in the dead silence, letting the seconds turn into minutes if I really wanted to do this. I had never dared to show anyone the things I kept only to myself, ashamed of what others might think if they caught a glimpse of them. It made me feel vulnerable, weak, and that was something that I hated, but I needed to show her that someone here understood what she was going through.
So with a heavy breath, I hesitantly lifted my shirt sleeves to reveal my deeper scars on my wrists, trying to ignore the twist in my stomach as the cold air hit my arms. Her eyes followed my movements, immediately seeing them and I watched her eyes get wider with each passing second.
"I know." I assured after the agonizing silence.
She shook her head in disbelief, "You-"
"Yeah." I interrupted her, almost like I didn't want to hear her say it.
"It was uh... at a really hard time in my life. I won't bore you with the details but someone in my life was making me feel worthless. He told me that so much I started to believe it myself, and I got really depressed. Eventually I thought that... doing this was my only option so I... tried. But I regretted it as soon as I saw the blood, kind of like you did. So I called for help and I... saved my own life that night."
She stared at me so intently, listening carefully to every word that came out of my mouth. I knew I could trust her to not say anything to anyone, just as she knew I wouldn't judge her for trying to do what she did. It was like a silent agreement that we had at that moment.
"Look, my point is I don't know exactly how you feel and I never will. But we were in the same boat you and me, we're fighters and I know you'll make it through this. You just proved that today when you stopped yourself." I said.
Her eyes refilled with tears as she looked at me with utter sadness, "I didn't realize...I'm so sorry Rose."
I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, not wanting her to see me cry as I smiled sadly, "I'm sorry too." I whispered before bringing her into a hug.
She clung onto me tightly as the new fresh tears fell down her face, sobs erupting from her lungs. All the emotions mixed with the exhaustion was truly taking a toll on her body, but I was prepared to hold her for as long as she needed. Just like I wished someone had held me.
Once her cries quieted down after a few minutes, I spoke quietly to her, "I am always going to be here for you, okay? You're never alone in this. Never." I assured as I held her tighter.
"Okay." she whispered, hiccups building in the back of her throat.
Although I couldn't see her face as she spoke, I knew now that she believed me, and knew that I wasn't going anywhere. Hell, I would be at her beck and call always if that meant saving her life. I somehow knew then that everything would be okay, maybe not at first but it would be. Beth was strong and I could see that so clearly, even if she couldn't see it yet herself, she was going to be okay.
After I knew for sure she was okay for the night, her assuring me multiple times, I said my goodbyes and walked out to send Hershel back in the room to talk to her. Nothing could've probably prepared him for the things that man had to do today, but I just couldn't get over the look on his face. It was like he had seen a ghost when he first burst into the room, and it was devastating.
After I walked out of her bedroom, I found him just sitting a few feet away outside, telling him he was good to head in, but before I could walk away he caught my arm to stop me.
"Thank you for...comforting her at a time like this. I just... I don't know what to say to her once I go in there. But just know I appreciate you Rose, thank you so much." he said with visible tears in his eyes.
I took his hand off my arm, squeezing it tightly, "Just be there for her, okay? Let her do the talking first. And it's no problem, I care about all of you so much."
He nodded and then suddenly did something I didn't expect, he hugged me. I sighed to myself before I was soon hugging him back for a few moments before letting him go after a few short seconds so he could talk to Beth. After watching him go, shutting the door behind him to leave only a crack, I made a beeline down the stairs and out of the house. I practically jogged all the way back to the tent, tears threatening to fall from my eyes as I desperately tried to keep myself together. But the moment I zipped up the entrance, finding myself completely alone, I let it all out.
Seeing Beth like that was too much for me, but I wouldn't dare let her know that. She needed me and I was going to be there for her, however it just brought back painful memories from my past that I so desperately tried to avoid. I just sat there and cried quietly as I hugged my arms around my middle from the slight chill in the night. Rethinking everything that had happened today, I couldn't help but wonder how it could've been different if I had just stayed inside that damn house. How I could've prevented something from happening if I had tracked down Maggie myself. Maybe things could've been different.
But suddenly the zipper of the tent was being opened quickly, and Daryl was making his way inside as he finally returned from his hunt. I quickly looked away from him while frantically wiping my eyes, knowing he hadn't heard me crying, not even noticing I was in here at all at first from how silent I had been.
"Oh, hey." he greeted once his eyes raised from his boots, "I was bout to look for-" he then stopped himself noticing immediately the state that I was in, "Rose? Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, coming to kneel in front of me.
I tried to pull myself together, "Nothing, I'm okay." I said as I looked to the side, basically anywhere but his face.
I couldn't look at him, I just knew I would break down if I did. I could already feel the new tears building up in my eyes as I felt him gently take my hand in his and rub the back of it lightly with his thumb.
"Talk to me." he said in a soft voice.
I didn't say anything. I didn't even know where to start, today had just been painfully long and all I wanted was to go to sleep so it would be finally over. It seemed like we couldn't catch a break. And as if it couldn't get any worse, I saw out of the corner of my eye Daryl's eyes were staring down at my wrist as he still held my hand in his. I froze with widened eyes and suddenly didn't know what to do, I couldn't move.
"Rose." he said softly while looking at the scar, moving to take my opposite hand to see the other. But I quickly pulled both hands away from his grasp so he couldn't get a better look.
"Damn it." I cursed silently as I pulled my sleeves back down harshly, wiping my eyes with them as I tried desperately not to look him in the eye. I didn't know what I wanted, for him to leave or stay, when all I could feel now was just utter embarrassment.
He made no sudden movements for what felt like years, until I felt his finger and thumb gripping my chin gently to lift my head to look at him. His thumb rubbed softly on my chin as I finally brought myself to look into his blue eyes.
"Talk to me." he repeated.
That's when the sudden floodgate broke loose, my tears only falling more freely than they did before. I couldn't stop them, there was just so many emotions I was feeling about everything, and I couldn't get all of it out before he came back, so now he was witnessing it firsthand. I felt mortified about crying so much lately, it seemed like all I was able to do, like it was all I was good for these days.
His hands then moved to my cheeks when it began to be too much, his thumbs gently wiping my fresh tears away. He leaned in close to place a soft kiss on my forehead, waiting patiently for me to start talking whenever I was ready. And I did.
I told him what happened with Beth and how she tried to end her life. I ranted about how I should've been there sooner and not just sitting in the tent all damn day, but I didn't know. I should've known, the feeling I had alone was a good enough reason to stay close, but I truly didn't know. Regrettably I also when on to explain my situation as well, seeing as I couldn't really avoid it because of what he barely saw through the darkness.
I told him almost every bit of the conversation I had with her, though it made me the most uncomfortable, I didn't want her to believe she was alone in this. Informing him also that seeing her like that brought back too many memories for me and that's why I had been crying in the first place...and then we sat there. There was just silence. He didn't try to talk one time. He just listened.
After seeing that I was done, not having anything else to say, he finally broke the silence, "Yer one of the greatest people to walk on this earth, ya know that?" he asked.
I was slightly taken aback at what he said, a scoff leaving my lips as I shook my head, "Believe me I'm far from that." I responded, no longer looking at him.
"Look at me." he said softly.
I slowly tore my eyes away from my hands and met his again, almost burning under his gaze. I almost couldn't believe how much I was cowering away from someone I truly trusted, but then again this conversation was one that I didn't want to be having with anyone.
"What ya did for Beth, bein there for her, that's the best thing you can do for her. And showin her she isn't alone through all this, it's amazin what ya did for her today...now about you..." he trailed off, looking back down at my hands sitting in my lap.
He then gently grabbed both of them and slowly rolled both of my sleeves all the way up to the middle of my arm. I tensed when he did this and he noticed, but yet he didn't stop. He raised my left wrist up to his lips, and began to leave soft kisses over every inch of the scar. Then moved to my right wrist and did the same exact thing, leaving goosebumps on my skin, but a warmth in my heart.
He held both of my hands tightly once he was done, looking back up at me as he spoke again, "Yer so strong, and ya never have to be ashamed of these. They're just marks on yer body to show that ya made it, even when things were really hard. I get yer ashamed of showin em, but you don't have to be. Not with me." he finished.
I stared at the man in front of me in awe. Nobody had ever spoken so beautifully about me like this before. Nobody had ever complimented the thing that I was the most insecure about. No one had ever kissed the places I had once hurt so badly. Nobody except him.
Tears built up back in my eyes, but this time for a completely different reason. I was quick to take my hands out of his, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to bring him into a hug as I felt I could finally breathe.
I heard what sounded like a sigh of relief come from him as he quickly wrapped his arms around me as well. Maybe he was worried about what he had said upset me, but it did quite the opposite. It made me relieved. Relieved that someone cared enough for me to not only see the good side of me but also the bad.
But with the way he spoke, and the way he was hugging me back so tightly, it almost made me question if he knew the feeling as well. The feeling of being ashamed or insecure because of something marking you from your past. And maybe he did. But I wasn't going to ask. I would wait until he felt comfortable enough to tell me, like he did for me just moments ago.
~ Thanks for reading!
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 months
June of (minimal) Doom 2024 Day 7 - What happened?
Warning for abuse and referenced child abuse.
Satoru curses as he slowly makes his way to Suguru’s apartment. His ribs hurt like a bitch and even though by now he knows the difference between broken and bruised he still had Shoko check him out for any worse injuries. She declared him healthy apart from the bruises, and even though Satoru could tell from her look that she wanted to ask, she had kept quiet.
It had been a while since Satoru needed her to check him out after a visit to his family and that fact wasn’t lost on Shoko either. Of course she’d be curious.
Satoru hadn’t said anything though and so she had sent him on his merry way with just a few painkillers. He had already taken two at her place and Satoru was under strict instruction not to overdo it with them, but he had to admit that the rattling sounded real tempting right about now.
Breathing was hard.
Satoru really had forgotten just what a bitch bruised ribs are and he could have done without the reminder.
Still, he sets one foot in front of the other, because he’s already late to his meeting with Suguru and he absolutely refuses to cancel it outright, injuries or not.
Satoru does eventually make it to Suguru’s apartment, letting himself in with the key Suguru gave him a few years back and instantly, all the stress falls off him. His ribs barely hurt anymore, either, that’s the kind of effect this apartment–Suguru’s home–has on him.
“Welcome home!” Suguru calls out from what sounds like his bedroom and Satoru briefly closes his eyes against the traitorous stinging.
“I’m back,” he calls back, as if he was living here, as if this was his apartment too, and with how much time he spends here it might as well be.
“And only half an hour late,” Suguru says with a smile as he comes around the corner—that, too, is one well-practiced dance between them—and Satoru gives him a sheepish grin.
He wants to say that he would have been on time if he hadn’t made a detour to see Shoko but then Suguru would ask about that and Satoru can’t have that. He’s not going to explain his injuries to Suguru any more than to Shoko.
“Sorry.” Satoru says apologetically as he toes off his shoes, glad that this is completely the norm for him.
Bending down to properly untie his shoes might have just killed him today and so this really is the best he can do.
“Satoru,” Suguru sighs out, clearly disappointed but in a way that speaks of utter defeat because he knows Satoru is never ever going to properly untie his shoes.
Why would he, if he has Suguru who does it for him?
“Just leave them,” Satoru says, even though the fact that Suguru is bending down to undo the laces on his shoes and properly put them away is going to make things so much easier when Satoru has to leave again.
“I won’t,” Suguru gives back, and this is practiced as well.
Suguru has been cleaning up after Satoru for years at this point, after all, and much to Satoru’s amazement—and never-ending gratitude—he doesn’t seem to be tired of it yet.
“You’re such a mess,” Suguru then says, a fond smile on his face and Satoru allows himself to lean forward, until he can rest his forehead against Suguru’s shoulder.
It makes breathing easier for a few seconds, because Suguru is there, Suguru is warm and Suguru is slightly hugging him. Honestly, Suguru is all the good things wrapped in one and how could Satoru ever let his family bad-mouth him.
“Ready for the movie?” Suguru asks after a long moment and Satoru forces himself to move away from Suguru, covering his slight wince up with a blinding smile.
“Absolutely,” he decides because this is something he has looked forward to almost the entire day—and especially when his father had really laid it in on him—and so he impatiently drags Suguru over to the living-room.
Everything is set up already, because of course it is, and with a sigh Satoru sinks down on the couch.
“Are you okay?” Suguru asks with a frown as he sits down next to Satoru who lets out a weary sigh.
“Peachy,” he says, and since he’s not even trying to hide the fact that he’s lying, it’s no surprise that Suguru frowns at him.
“What’s wrong?” he wants to know, one hand reaching out to lightly circle around Satoru’s wrist as if the physical contact could tell him what’s wrong with Satoru.
“Just—it’s been a long day,” Satoru sighs out, and then pushes and prods Suguru until he’s scooted all the way over to the end of the couch.
“Satoru, what the hell,” Suguru complaints but he doesn’t do anything to stop Satoru and instead moves easily to where he wants him.
As soon as Satoru deems Suguru positioned enough, he carefully twists around even though his ribs protest the move vehemently, and he lays down, his head in Suguru’s lap.
“I just want to stay like this,” Satoru says, blinking up at Suguru, who puts a hand into his hair almost instinctively.
“Satoru, are you sure everything’s okay?” Suguru asks, quieter this time and Satoru closes his eyes and turns his head until he can hide his face in Suguru’s stomach.
“I’m just tired,” Satoru mutters, feels how Suguru breathes and thinks he could die happily right here.
There’s a brief silence before Suguru lets out a sigh.
“Alright, fine,” he agrees, clearly not believing Satoru, but evidently deciding against pushing it for today and Satoru is grateful for it.
He’s certain that Suguru is going to keep a close eye on Satoru for the entire night, in case he can spot anything out of the norm, but that only means that Suguru’s attention will wholly be on Satoru, which is something he absolutely doesn’t mind.
Satoru’s ribs are aching something fierce now, pounding in time with his heartbeat and Satoru forces himself to relax, to melt into the couch.
It would probably be better if he could put some ice on them, but he can’t ask for that without having to come clean to Suguru and there is no way in hell he’s going to do that.
Suguru doesn’t need to know what happened, because it would only make him worry again, it would make him beg Satoru to stop talking back to his family and that is something Satoru is not going to do.
Sure, he got good at it, taking whatever insult his family hurls at him without arguing back, without provoking them into beating him, but this is something he can’t stay quiet about.
It’s fine if his family degrades him, but Satoru won’t allow them to do the same to Suguru, there’s no way in hell. If he has to take his father’s fists for it again, then so be it, but he’s not going to stay quiet when they hurl abuse at Suguru.
“You’re going to miss the movie like this,” Suguru mutters, his hands scratching at Satoru’s scalp and if he really wants Satoru to pay attention, then he shouldn’t be doing this.
“It can be a podcast,” Satoru gives back, arching into Suguru’s touch as if he’s a cat and it makes Suguru chuckle.
“Sure, whatever you say,” he indulgingly says and continues his movement even as the movie begins to play.
“Thank you,” Satoru whispers, and he means so much that he nearly chokes on the words.
“You’re welcome,” Suguru easily replies, because for him, it really is that easy and Satoru moves, turns on his side and moves slightly upwards until he can press his face more firmly into Suguru’s stomach and sling his arms around him.
It strains his ribs badly and he’s not sure how long he’ll be able to stay like that but with Suguru’s hand in his hair and the other on his shoulder, keeping him close, keeping him warm, he thinks he might be able to hold this position for as long as he has to.
If only Suguru never lets go of him.
~ * ~ * ~ 
Satoru winces. His face hurts with every step that he takes and there’s still the taste of blood in his mouth. He carefully prods his lip with his tongue and of course that causes it to split open all over again. Just his luck, Satoru supposes.
He unsurely comes to a stop in front of Suguru’s house because going there now definitely means spilling everything, since there’s no way he can hide his injuries. Not when they are this prominent on his face. He can barely look out of his right eye and he knows it’s going to be one hell of a shiner in just a few hours.
Still, Satoru aches to see Suguru, because he always makes things better, no matter what, and Satoru is not in the habit of denying himself this comfort.
He only dreads the look on Suguru’s face and how angry he’s going to be with him once he finds out what happened.
Satoru really needs to learn to keep his mouth shut, especially in front of his family.
He takes a deep breath before he makes his way up to Suguru’s apartment and even though he has made his mind up about this he still can’t help but to be as quiet as possible as he lets himself into Suguru’s apartment.
It’s useless of course, because of course Suguru hears the door but it gives Satoru a few more precious seconds to figure out how to lie convincingly to Suguru. Not that it’s going to work, but it’s nice to pretend.
“Satoru?” Suguru calls out, clearly surprised to by his visit but his voice is followed by hurried footsteps. “I didn’t know you were–” his voice trails off as soon as he comes around the corner and his eyes fall on Satoru. “What happened?” he breathes out, immediately stepping closer, his hands fluttering as if he’s afraid to reach out to touch Satoru. “Satoru, what happened!”
“Hi,” Satoru weakly says and steps into Suguru’s hands. 
Suguru’s hands are featherlight on Satoru’s cheeks and there’s still the sting of pain, even from this, but Satoru doesn’t care about that. He steps even closer, until he can sling his arms around Suguru and he drops his head on Suguru’s shoulder. 
“Satoru,” Suguru whispers again, “are you okay?”
Tears immediately spring to Satoru’s eyes, because this is such a Suguru thing. He could demand to know what happened, could demand an explanation but he’s not doing that. He’s concerned like no one else in Satoru’s life ever has been for him and Satoru buries closer to Suguru, no matter how much his face is protesting that move.
“Better now,” he admits because being here, being in Suguru’s arms is definitely helping.
Suguru lets out a weary sigh, though he keeps his arms around Satoru.
“Do you need to see Shoko? Any other injuries?” Suguru asks after a while and Satoru shakes his head.
“It’s—all bruises,” he says, admitting to the fact that there are still more injuries on him and he can tell that Suguru realises what he just said by the way he flinches.
“Alright. Come here, we’re going to get you sorted out,” Suguru softly says and steps away from Satoru, though he does keep a hand on him as if Satoru could run at any moment.
Satoru is not going to run, not now and not ever, not from Suguru, but he doubts that Suguru would listen to him at the moment.
This is probably all about comfort for him as well, anyway.
Suguru leads Satoru to the bathroom where he still keeps a fully stocked first-aid kit at the ready. Satoru hasn’t needed it in quite a few years but he knows that Suguru keeps everything in there up to date, just in case.
And clearly he was right to do so.
Satoru obediently tilts his head when Suguru puts careful fingers to his chin and he doesn’t think too hard about the harsh breath Suguru sucks in when he sees his face in all its bruised up glory. Suguru wants to ask, Satoru can tell by the way he clenches his jaw, but for now he keeps silent and concentrates completely on Satoru’s injuries.
He has gotten good at treating them over the years and even though he has gone rusty, the skills are clearly not lost because whatever he does barely even stings.
“All done,” Suguru finally says, his voice quiet, and he levels Satoru with a look. “Any other injuries I have to take care of?” he then wants to know and Satoru shakes his head, though he does get up and lifts his shirt, showing that while there are some bruises there is no split skin anywhere.
“Some ice might help, though,” Satoru offers, knowing that Suguru always does better when he has something to do and he immediately runs off, leaving Satoru to put the first-aid kit back together.
Suguru comes back with two ice-packs, one for Satoru’s ribs and one for his eye and then he ushers Satoru into his bedroom, completely skipping over the comfortable couch in the living-room.
This is absolutely not only for Satoru’s benefit and he feels bad once he realises that he didn’t consider Suguru’s feelings on this matter at all. Of course it would leave him rattled to see Satoru hurt like this again.
They had moved past this years ago and to have all of that brought up again must be horrible for Suguru, too.
“I’m sorry,” Satoru whispers and regrets ever opening his mouth when Suguru flinches.
“Do not say that,” he hisses, glaring back at Satoru who immediately shakes his head.
“No, I mean—” he cuts himself off, taking a deep breath. He has moved past blaming himself for what his family did to him, mostly thanks to Suguru, and so he gets why Suguru would be this angry right now, but that’s really not what Satoru meant.
“I just mean—I didn’t consider how this must be for you. I’m sorry I brought all of it back here,” Satoru quietly explains and it does nothing to lessen Suguru’s glare.
“Satoru, I would rather have you bring all of this here than not knowing what’s going on, than not being able to help, however little. So please, don’t ever say you’re sorry for this,” Suguru pleads and Satoru’s next breath is a little bit wobbly and maybe a bit wet, too.
“Alright,” he whispers, squeezing Suguru’s hand that is still tightly clutched around his and then he slides into bed when Suguru nods towards it.
Suguru is right behind him and this too is familiar in a way Satoru doesn’t like to think about. Back when it was really bad with his family he spent almost more time in this bed than not. Suguru scoots close until he can rest their foreheads together and then they simply are, for a blissful moment, but Satoru knows it can’t last forever.
Suguru has questions.
“You didn’t get into a fight,” Suguru eventually whispers and Satoru gives him a wry smile.
Of course he didn’t get into a simple fight. He got pretty good at fighting, almost always comes out unscathed no matter who provokes him, but he never did quite find the strength to fight back against his family.
“I didn’t,” he simply says, trusting Suguru to fill in the gaps and going by the pained look on his face he comes to the right conclusion.
“Why?” he asks and Satoru sighs.
“I got good at ignoring that they say about me,” Satoru admits and Suguru nods because he knows that already. “I can take it, no matter what they say about me. Because it’s not true.”
The last part is more of a question than he would like but it seems as if his raring insecurities are still there.
“Of course it’s not true. Nothing what your family says about you is true,” Suguru immediately reassures him and Satoru closes his eyes because he does not want to see Suguru’s face when he speaks again.
“I can’t stay quiet when they talk about you, though,” he admits, breathes the words into the scant space between them and he feels how Suguru goes stock-still.
“What?” Suguru’s voice shakes and when Satoru opens his eyes again the look on his face is so pained that it makes Satoru’s eyes burn.
“They started talking badly about you a few weeks back,” he explains. “And while I have gotten so damn good at ignoring what they say about me, it turns out I can’t do the same when it comes to you.”
“Satoru, no,” Suguru gets out. “No! You got hurt like this because of me?”
“It’s not—Suguru,” Satoru rushes out because this is so not what he meant. “It’s not because of you! It’s just—you’re so important to me that I simply cannot stand them badmouthing you.”
“You have to! Satoru, you absolutely have to! What does it matter what they say about me? You can’t get hurt like this because of that. You need to just accept it if you can’t fight back!”
“Sorry, Suguru, can’t do that. It’s not right, what they say about you, and I will not allow it. They don’t get to do that. I don’t care what happens to me but they cannot talk about you like that.”
“I care what happens to you!” Suguru almost yells out and Satoru is taken aback by the sheer panic in his eyes. “You think I want to see you like that? You think this is easy for me? And to know that it’s because of me? Satoru, please, please don’t ever talk back to them again, don’t ever even go there again, I can’t see you get hurt like this again.”
“You know I have to go there once a month,” Satoru replies because he’s not getting out of that arrangement any time soon.
“Then learn how to fight back!”
Satoru doesn’t say anything to that because it’s been so long now and he still can’t find it in him to hit his father like he hits him. He has the strength, he has the speed and the technique, but he can never bring himself to do it. Shoko once accused him of being a sentimental bastard and for all the Satoru hates his family, she’s probably at least somewhat right.
Or maybe he just doesn’t want to be like them.
Suguru seems to interpret his silence correctly because his face falls.
“Then at least just accept it. Satoru, it doesn’t matter what they say, just take it and then leave. We can go for a spar afterwards so you can get it all out of your system, but please—”
“No.” Satoru’s voice doesn’t allow room for argument. “I will not allow them to do that.”
The things they say about Suguru—about the one person who has always had Satoru’s back—are so vile that Satoru doesn’t even want to repeat them here and he is absolutely not going to overlook it either.
That’s just not in his nature.
“Satoru,” Suguru breathes out, his voice shaking again and Satoru scoots close.
“I can’t, Suguru, don’t you understand. They are talking bad about you and that’s just—no. I won’t allow it.”
“I’m not more important than your health, Satoru,” Suguru gives back, fisting his hands in Satoru’s shirt and even like this he’s mindful of Satoru’s injuries.
“To me you are,” Satoru simply says, because it’s the truth and maybe it’s finally time that Suguru hears it. “You are everything to me. Of course this is important.”
Suguru blinks at him, once, twice, and then he lets out a shaky laugh.
“This is how you confess now? Bruised and beaten and with me scared out of my mind for you? Really? That’s the moment you chose?”
Satoru shrugs awkwardly. He knows it’s bad timing, and he knows it’s not that important anyway, because they already are everything to each other and a confession is hardly going to change anything, but since it seems that Suguru doesn’t understand—or doesn’t want to understand—it felt important to say it now.
“Better late than never?” he tries and Suguru closes his eyes as he moves even closer.
“I would take never over having you hurt,” Suguru confesses quietly and for a split second Satoru thinks that he was living in a delusion all these years, that he doesn’t mean as much to Suguru as Suguru does to him but then he realises just what Suguru said.
Satoru is so important to him that he would never address this thing between them if only it meant he would always be healthy and unhurt.
“Agree to disagree on that,” Satoru mutters and tilts his head so he can press a kiss to Suguru’s mouth.
“This is not something I’m going to let go. You are going to learn to ignore what they say about me,” Suguru tells him and it sounds so much like a threat that Satoru is taken aback for a moment.
“Or what?” he then dares to ask and Suguru gives him a wicked grin.
“No kisses when you are bruised,” is what he replies with and immediately Satoru pouts, making his lip break open again.
“Shit,” he hisses and Suguru raises a hand to cup his cheek in it.
“I’m sorry,” he apologetically says but Satoru isn’t about to let a split lip keep him back from what he really wants.
So he leans in and this time he captures Suguru’s lips in a real kiss.
“I have to know what I could be missing in the future,” Satoru says when they part and it’s enough to make Suguru snort out a breath at least.
It almost feels as if things are okay, even as his ribs continue to hurt.
“Satoru,” Suguru whispers and Satoru just knows that another argument is going to come out of his mouth so he quickly closes it up with his own again.
“Later, okay?” He’s under no illusion that Suguru is simply going to let this go but for now he’s had enough.
He’s tired.
“Alright,” Suguru immediately agrees and pulls Satoru closer, slots him against his body as if he belongs there and Satoru melts against him.
It’s the best place in the entire world, Satoru is certain of that, and he wouldn’t trade this for anything.
There will be more talks and probably even a fight or two with Suguru later but for now Satoru is safe and warm in the arms of the only person he has ever felt that way with and what more could he really ask for.
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ador3sturniolo · 1 year
Hii!! I was wondering if you could do Matt or Chris being rude(I know they aren’t like that irl) and hurting the readers feelings, then realizing he messed up and apologized and being really clingy?? Take your time ml. xo
I love you, I’m sorry
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An - First Post! Love this request 🫶🏼 NOT PROOFREAD
Paring - Chris Sturniolo X FemReader
Summary - Chris gets mad and made reader upset but he made up
Requested - Yes!
Warnings - Kissing, Language 
Word count - 1k ish
It’s been a couple days since you last saw Chris. He seemed upset the last time you saw him so you left him alone for a day. Now it’s three days later and he’s still not answering your calls, texts, or snaps.
You decide to text Matt to see what Chris is doing.
You - Hey matt, what’s chris doing right now?
Matt - He’s just on his phone
You - Oh. Alr
Matt - Is everything okay?
You - Yeah it’s all good. Is it okay if I come over?
Matt - Sure :)
You - Okay great! I’ll be there in 10
You sighed as you put your phone down as you got up to get ready. You popped on a pair of leggings and Chris hoodie that he gave to you. You brushed your hair and put on your shoes and was through the doorway before you knew it.
Chris POV :
“Hey Chris, y/n is coming over.”
Matt said as he sat up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.
“And you didn’t ask me first?” I said with annoyance
“I didn’t think I had to..?” Matt said as he walked to his room.
I rolled my eyes and walked to my own room. It’s not that I don’t like her. I love her, more than anything. I’ve just been feeling recently that she deserves way more than me, and that I’m not good enough. I’ve been ignoring her on everything, and I feel like a big dick for not just talking to her about it yet but I guess I’m just to scared too. I hear her car pull into the driveway, and I start freaking out. Is she going to yell at me? Is she mad? I’ll just play it off then and act like nothings wrong.
Your POV :
I pulled Into their driveway, scared if Chris is going to be mad at me, and if that’s why he’s been ignoring me. I build up the courage to walk inside and see Nick in the kitchen.
“Hi Nick!” I say pulling him into a hug.
“There’s my favorite girl.” He says as I chuckle.
“Um so where’s Chris?” I say getting a bit nervous. He points to his room and I walk towards the door. I knock softly and I creak the door open.
“Chris?” I say walking in slowly. Laying my eyes on him laying down in his bed on his phone.
He doesn’t say anything, just nods.
“You haven’t been responding to my texts or calls, is everything okay?” I ask walking closer to him.
“Fuck Y/n, can you just leave me alone for a bit, and not try to text me?” Our faces dropped in realization of what he said.
“Wait I di-“
“No I-it’s okay. I’ll just go.” I say turning around and walking out, tears begging to fall from my eyes. I could hear him leaving his room walking after me.
“Y/n wait, I can explain”
I was about to walk out when he grabbed my wrist to prevent me from leaving. He turned me around and pushed me up against the door.
“Im sorry. Just please let me explain”
“Do you want to break up with me?” I say looking up at him with watery eyes and a shaky breath.
“No! I would never! I love you too much”
“Then why have you been so distant lately? No answering my texts or calls” I say almost about to break down.
“Because I’m insecure. Okay? I’m scared that your in love with someone else. I feel your too good for me and I don’t deserve you.”
My face lightens up and I wipe my tears away as I grab his cheeks and pull him close, and just before I know it our lips were smashing into eachother. I pull back ready to talk.
“Chris. There is no way in hell would I love anyone else other than you. And you do deserve me, you treat me so well and you’ve been nothing but nice to me. I only love you and no one else.” I pull him in for a hug as he wraps him arms around my waist to deepen the hug.
“I’m sorry for being distant and yelling at you. I didn’t mean any of it.”
“It’s okay, I forgive you. I smile lightly.
“You look great in my clothes, you always do, make you look hot.”
I blush a little and turn away to hide my face. Chris grabs my face and turns me to look at him.
“Don’t be embarrassed.” He says, but it sounded more like a demand. He yanks my hand and takes me to his room. He pulls me into him once we’re in and starts to kiss me. We plop down together on his bed. His head in my lap and my fingers in his hair playing with it. He looks up at me with the most pretty eyes.
“Your so pretty. How’d I get so lucky.” I bush at that comment.
“Your not to bad yourself.” I say as I kiss his forehead
An - Hey guys! I Hope you liked it! Please leave more requests for me to do! Sorry if this one is short! And sorry if he’s not that clingy at the end :( 🫶🏼
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Day Seven of @steddie-week - free space / free space / freedom
find the previous day here :)
Fifty years old, and Eddie was doing this. 
He didn’t think he’d ever do this. But here he was, doing this. 
He took a deep breath and willed away his goddamn tears, and he felt Dustin pat him on the shoulder as the music picked up and everyone stood. 
He looked down at himself, fixing the sleeves of his suit and making sure it was buttoned properly, sweeping the long greying hairs out of his face. 
He gave Wayne a very excited smile before turning to face everyone. 
He took another shaky breath, so fucking nervous. 
Down the aisle pranced a little girl, dressed in a pink fluffy princess dress, with her hair done in buns like Princess Laya’s because that’s what she insisted on. She was eight and a half years old, and Eddie couldn’t believe it. She skipped along in her sparkly red shoes - the ones she coaxed Eddie into buying because “they look just like Dorotheys, Daddy!”, and Eddie still didn’t know how to say no to her. She lit up at the sight of Eddie, bright and smiling, she waved at him very excitedly, almost bursting into a run to get to him. Eddie smiled at her and imitated throwing things out of a basket with a wry smile, and she gasped, stopping dead in her tracks. Eddie couldn’t help but laugh. She reached into her little basket and pulled out a handful of confetti and tossed it into the air, and she continued that as she did her fancy aisle walk towards Eddie. 
When she got to him, Eddie dropped to his knee and gave her a little kiss on the cheek, “Good job, Princess.” 
“Thanks, daddy.” She beamed, plucking out some confetti and tossed it in the air over Eddie, “Do you like the sparkles Auntie Nancy put on me?” 
“Hell yeah, kid, you look so cool.” 
She giggled and showed off her sparkly skin some more. Oh, Eddie remembered when they first got her, they were there in the delivery room. They got to name the beautiful girl and everything. Her name was Chrissy, and she channels every bit of the dancer Chrissy used to be. 
She closed her eyes, “Do you like my eyeshadow too, daddy?” She asked, flashing the bright blue that she’d picked that stood out strong against her dark skin, “I wanted to be like Robin.” 
“Looks beautiful, kiddo.” He winked at her, “Now, go stand over there, where we practised, remember?” 
She nodded and kissed Eddie on the cheek, leaving a glossy stain in her wake. She skipped over to where she was supposed to stand, and Nancy, who was in the front row, pointed her from where she’d decided to stand into the actual right place. Eddie chuckled softly. 
He stood just in time to see his other kid making their way down the aisle. They got Alice ten years ago, when adoption became a possibility for them. She was six when they got her, standing tall at sixteen now. She’d just buzzed their hair off the other week, after coming out to them as Gender Fluid. It took Steve and Eddie a little while to properly understand what it meant, but…. He was a cool kid, and they embraced it. They looked so cool in the suit he’d picked out for herself, green velvet with patterns she embroidered themself all over it. 
Eddie winked at him as she went to meet her sister on the other side of the altar. 
And then came Steve. He had his arm looped through Robins, who was giving him away in a lovely silk green dress. Steve looked as handsome as ever, if not more, if that was even possible, dressed in a sweet yellow suit. Eddie blushed very bright, he’d told Steve many years ago that it had quickly become his favourite colour after Steve had tossed that goddamned jumper at his face, and then was wearing that same colour when Eddie woke up in the hospital. Steve looked lovely in yellow, and it matched him so perfectly. It was such a happy colour, full of brightness and positivity, and that’s exactly what Steve had bought into his life. Steve’s wardrobe was primarily yellow these days. 
He smiled so brightly at Eddie, his hand reaching to find Robins to squeeze when their eyes fixed on eachother. Eddie had to wipe away a tear. They reached the altar, and Robin kissed Steve on the cheek and shot finger guns and a wink at Eddie before going over to stand with Chrissy and Alice. Steve stepped up to the altar and faced Eddie with a wet smile. 
They both couldn’t believe they were here, doing this. 
This life, the one they had now, seemed impossible all those years ago, but they stuck together anyway. They stuck together, and now Eddie could give Steve his dream. Now they could have normal, in the most unnormal way possible. 
They were so happy. 
Marriage for them only became legal two days ago, and in that time, Nancy, Steve, Robin, and their girls had worked double time to set up the perfect impromptu wedding. Eddie offered to help, but they all insisted he didn’t because he and Steve would just distract each other with sappy flirtation, and Chrissy insisted her dad had zero taste. Alice promised that if Eddie could find someone to marry them, he’d pull for some metal to play during the reception. 
Eddie asked Wayne… immediately. 
They both spent five hours sitting behind Steve's computer, trying to figure out how to get ordained online, because Alice said it was easy. It was not easy. Eddie was old, and Wayne was even older. They’d called Scott over to help at one point, because he was super smart and a scientist, but he couldn’t figure out the computer either. 
Alice ended up getting it done in ten minutes for them when she got home. 
He called them a bunch of “old fucks”, and the three of them went off on a tanget about “this damn younger generation, they think they know everything! I bet you don’t know how to use a VHS tape.” 
Alice didn’t give them a bar of it, the sassy kid they were. 
Wayne started his speech, and Eddie took his fiance's shaky hands. They had smiles pinned to their faces the whole time, because how could they not. 
“Now, do you have vowels?” Wayne asked. 
“I gave mine to Steve last night.” Eddie said, and Wayne pulled a very dissatisfied face, “Ew, no!” 
There was a laugh from the crowd. 
“I wrote him a song and performed it, you oaf.” 
Steve laughed, “It was very sweet.” 
Eddie smiled bashfully, still feeling like the twenty year old he was when Steve first swept him off his goddamn feet and carried him off into the sunset. 
“I’ve got some.” Steve muttered and squeezed Eddie’s hand’s as he cleared his throat, “Twenty five years ago to this day, you and I got ‘pretend’ married, as we called it.” 
Eddie sniffled as he laughed. 
“I gave a very long vow to you then, so… I’m gonna keep this one super short.” Eddie laughed again, oh how he loved this man. Steve smiled, croaky with wet eyes as he shrugged, “I told you, that night that you proposed, the same thing as I’d told Robin earlier in the day, that you couldn’t give me normal. That I’d gone my whole life with this dream of a wife and six kids- but then I met you, and ‘normal’ seemed like the worst fucking idea on the planet. You were… such a fucking weirdo, and you still are, and I love you so much for it, Ed’s.” Steve smiled and shook his head, “Why would I wan’t ‘normal’ when I can have every bizarre day with you? Every morning I wake up and wonder what weird shit was going to happen today, and everytime I am so delightfully surprised by it. I wanted you, and only you, and that’s all that mattered to me.” 
Eddie was ugly crying again, and Steve had to wipe away his goddamned tears that were tinted black from his eyeliner. 
“I was happy with it being just us, with our silly little fake marriage, for the rest of our lives- because it was real to us. It was more than enough for us.” He smiled, “But then we got Alice, and Chrissy, and we got more than I could have ever asked for… and now I’m here,” He sobbed a little too, “and were getting married for real. And I love you, from the moment you shoved me up against that boathouse wall with a bottle to my neck, to right now, to forever, I love you.” 
“I love you too.” Eddie sobbed, and they kissed, even though they weren’t supposed to yet. 
They heard Chrissy shout out, “Ew!” and it made them break away with a laugh, and it gave them a strong sense of deja vu to that time in the hospital, when Dustin woke up to the pair of them having a moment. 
It fits very nicely in this moment. 
“Getting a bit ahead of yourselves there, boys.” Wayne nodded.
They laughed. 
“Hey, kiddo.” Wayne looked over to Chrissy and winked, “You got somethin for ya dads?” 
Chrissy gasped and looked up at her big sibling who reached into their pocket to hand something to the little girl. She skipped over with the box and handed it to her grandpa with a bright smile, “Happy wedding, dad and daddy!” 
They loved this damn kid. 
She skipped back over to her spot, and Alice gave her a big hug and smiled up at their dads. 
Wayne held open the ring box, and Steve reached in to take the silver band, and Eddie took the gold one. The same bands Eddie had bought twenty seven years ago, they held too much meaning to switch up. Eddie slid the ring onto Steve's finger for a third time, and Steve slipped one onto Eddie’s, and they were holding hands again. 
“You already donnit, but ah… you may kiss the groom.” Wayne grinned, and gave Steve a little wink before stepping over beside Eddie’s groomsmen. 
Eddie didn’t hesitate before grabbing Steve and giving him the kiss of his life, dipping him just as he’d done at their non-official wedding all those years ago. Chrissy started gagging at the sight again, and Eddie started laughing into Steve's mouth, and they could both hear Alice trying to shut her up. 
And when they stood back up, they were married. For real. They had two beautiful kids, and the house Eddie had bought for Steve (which had rendered Steve in tears and then they had some of the best sex of their goddamned lives whilst breaking the place in) that had a garden, and an open kitchen, and four bedrooms, and a study, and the bed they shared every night. 
They still had their bad days; day’s Eddie felt so horrible in his skin that he couldn’t be touched, Steve still got migraines that could render him useless for days, and a lot of the time they fought, though, over little things like the dishes or laundry or what time the kids were supposed to be picked up that afternoon, and some days their fights were a little worse. But they were together, and they were happy, and they had a life and a family and a place of their own. They had a home with each other, and that’s all they needed. 
They could drag each other to Hell and back, Eddie didn’t care, just as long as they were together. 
thank you for joining me on this years steddie week! it is currently 10.30 in the morning and i have not slept because i've been writing the entirety of my steddie week all night. seriously don't know why i do this to myself, anyway.
if you'd like to read my other steddie week submissions you can find them here :)
\/ here's some dodgey art for you to look at \/
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romeoandjulietyouwish · 10 months
Chapter 3: Waltz of the Snowflakes (The Nutcracker, presented by the Emon Ballet Company)
TW: discussion of abusive relationships, references to child abuse
The apartment that Percy, Keyleth, and Cassandra share is incredibly small.
When Cassandra moved in, she was given the smallest bedroom. Previously, it was only used for storage. Keyleth's box of old pointe shoes is still hidden under her bed.
Cassandra’s bed takes up most of the bedroom. It’s shoved into the corner, piled high with the blankets. The window never seems to close all the way so there's always a cold draft. There’s just enough room on the floor for Cassandra to sit and do stretches.
The walls are bare save for an old picture of her and her parents, a tapestry of a forest that Keyleth gave her, and a dirty mirror. Old pointe shoes are shoved half under the bed. Ribbons and lace are all over. Cassandra blames Minxie, the cat is obsessed with any type of string. Her closet is mostly filled with leotards and skirts and old dance costumes rather than her normal clothes.
When she left the Briarwoods, it had been a sudden decision. She had been afraid of losing her nerve or them finding out. As a result, she had to leave most of her possessions behind. Not that there were many to begin with.
Since she arrived, Keyleth and Pike seem to have made it their life’s mission to decorate her room. They’ve presented her with everything from quilts to little animal figurines to books. Cassandra has never been able to figure out how to properly thank them.
Sitting on her bed, Cassandra taps her fingernails against her mug of tea. Minxie is curled up at her feet, purring up a storm at the gentle scratches Cassandra provides. Laid out in front of her is an open textbook, her pen keeping her place. Her notebook is on her lap. The page is filled with her nearly incomprehensible handwriting.
Despite the fact that she already has a career in ballet, Percy is forcing her to get a high school diploma. It’s ridiculous in her opinion, she hasn’t been in school in three years. The Briarwoods thought her time would be better spent rehearsing and dancing. But since she’s a few months shy of turning eighteen, it’s up to Percy as her guardian. And Percy decided that her little free time was worth spending on online high school. Though she made her protests due at first, she’s come to realize there’s no point.
In the kitchen, she can hear Keyleth listening to festive music as she bakes cookies for rehearsal the next day. The apartment is filled with a wonderful aroma. Cassandra has half a mind to abandon her homework and go join Keyleth.
Percy stayed late at the studio to rehearse with Vex, and Keyleth won’t tell on her for not doing her homework. Cassandra has almost talked herself into it when something catches the corner of her eye.
She turns to look and her eyes widen in surprise.
Outside the window, all she can see is flurries of fluffy snow. Through it, the streetlights look magical, shining between the snowflakes. Snow lands heavily on the roads and sidewalks and the cars parked on the street. Even though it's dark outside, it almost seems like the sky is glowing.
Cassandra leans forward, almost pressing her face to the freezing glass. The smile that crosses her face is almost childlike, filled with joy and wonder. For the first time this winter, it finally feels like Winter’s Crest is near.
It might be her imagination, but snow looks better here than anywhere in the world.
“Cassandra, did you see the snow?” Keyleth calls, just as excited as Cassandra.
“Yeah!” She shouts back.
Cassandra curls her legs to her chest, leaning against the window. Her smile is more reflective now.
She can almost imagine that she’s back in Whitestone. She's sitting in the penthouse as her mother and Julius sing carols. She can almost hear herself begging Vesper or Percy to go outside with her and play in the snow.
Another memory tickles the edge of her mind, though not a happy one. Freezing cold snow landed on her shoulders as she heard the news. Percy’s hand was like ice in hers. Her tears turned to icicles on her cheeks.
The edges of her mind start to curl in on itself, like the burning edges of paper. Burning, burning, smoke and ash. Fouettee after fouettee, the world spinning around her. Never good enough. Blood and bruises and a stinging cheekbone. Smile, Cassandra, you need to keep smiling-
Minxie meows softly, stretching towards Cassandra. The cat headbutts her stomach, demanding her attention firmly. Taking a breath, Cassandra smiles and scratches the cat’s head.
continue reading on ao3 <3
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sakurapika · 11 months
How the landfolk do their hair
Author's note: This, along with my previous short story, "Rose-Tinted Ego," are from an Azurido fanfic I started writing a couple of months ago. I'm not sure if I'll finish it (it's over 11k words long and I'm not even halfway done with what I planned), so I decided to post excerpts of a few of the parts I like the best for now!
Context: Over winter break, the Queen is hosting a gala and has specifically requested for the Rosehearts family to attend. Mrs. Rosehearts has come to NRC to collect Riddle, who she hasn't spoken to for months. Azul volunteers to come with Riddle, claiming that he would like to take the chance to learn magic from the perspective of a different member of the Great Seven. Is he coming for his own gain, or is he making an excuse because he is concerned for Riddle? Who knows? Mrs. Rosehearts agrees, pleased with the idea of another NRC student (one from a different dorm, at that) looking up to her son. At this point in the story, the three are about to set off.
One final note: Brief mention about Azul's dieting and Mrs. Rosehearts being strict about food. It's very mild, but I'd rather not make anyone uncomfortable, just in case.
Azul was nothing if not prepared for nearly every possible scenario. Although being dragged along on a whirlwind trip with his academic rival and his academic rival’s mom was not something he anticipated this winter, he still had some basic plans. “Floyd,” he said while collecting four of his best pairs of shoes, “You must keep everyone outside of my office. Don’t touch any of my personal belongings, or else I’ll make a big batch of unagi nigiri out of you.”
“You’re going to play at kingyo-chan’s house?” Floyd threw himself at the edge of Azul’s bed and began to bounce. “Without us?”
“What did I just say about touching my personal belongings?”
“Well, teeeeechnically, your bed’s the property of Night Raven College.”
“Oh, you want to be a little smarty-pants right now?” Sighing, he turned to Jade leaning against the door of his bedroom. “Jade, you’re in charge. Keep your brother in check, will you?”
Jade nodded. “That goes without saying.”
As he finished collecting his clothes, he retrieved a lengthy document from a locked drawer in his desk and gave it to Jade. It contained every single contingency plan for how to operate the dorm in his absence. There shouldn’t be much of a problem, given that most of the students were away for the break. Jade was fairly experienced as a vice-housewarden, so he knew that he was reliable. Floyd was…Floyd. If he felt bored, he could burn down the dorm for his own amusement. Azul hoped that he’d at least find students in other dorms, like Scarabia, to terrorize before such a dreadful thought crossed his mind.
After they had finished packing, Mrs. Rosehearts had immediately sent for another ferry out of Sage’s Island. It was seldom that such boats came to the island during the off-season, but for a woman with status, anything was possible. Realizing that the journey was long, Azul was almost going to mention the fact that they could easily teleport by magic mirror.
“Don’t,” Riddle grabbed his arm and whispered, “Or she’ll make me visit more often.”
The ferry had dropped them off at the Cite des Fleurs in the Shaftlands; from there, they took a first-class train all the way to the Queendom of Roses. The train was fast and impressive, traveling both on land and through a series of underwater tunnels. In the meantime, the passengers were served a complimentary dinner.
When the waiter approached Azul, he had said, “It is our deepest pride and greatest honor to serve the finest foods in all of the Shaftlands--please, be our guest!”
The hospitality was certainly memorable; the tableware was enchanted, and the train waitstaff cast spells to make the spoons and forks dance and sing. Throughout the whole affair, Azul was fiercely taking mental notes. Could they pull off something like this in the Mostro Lounge? The food, however, was abysmal, but that was his own doing. He had spotted a million lovely dishes on the menu, and ended up with the simplest salad known to man and merfolk. By all means, the ingredients were fresh and the dressing was well-made, but Azul had eaten plenty of salads every day, and they all tasted like nothing at this point.
“See,” Mrs. Rosehearts remarked, pointing to Azul, “he’s eating something nutritious.”
Riddle pushed around a chunk of aubergine in his ratatouille. His own meal was made of vegetables. How much more healthy was it supposed to get?
Although he kept silent, Mrs. Rosehearts continued to berate him. “Look at you, you’re using the wrong fork. That’s a salad fork, not a dinner fork! Have you forgotten your dining etiquette? And your meal simply has too much oil in it. You know what? I’m telling the waitstaff!” 
Mrs. Rosehearts took Riddle’s plate and chased down one of the poor staff members as he made his way into the next train car. Riddle looked at Azul helplessly and said, “I could have sworn I picked up the right fork. See, look, my dinner fork is where my salad fork should be. Maybe something happened during the dinnertime show.”
He looked so helpless, like a boy who was lost to this world. For the millionth time that day, Azul surprised himself by speaking up. “You used the wrong fork, huh? You know, under the sea, we don’t really have forks, or spoons. We mostly eat things with our hands, fins, tentacles, by phagocytosis…you get the idea.”
“Really? How curious. Well, I suppose that’s the etiquette there.”
“Yes, that’s just how it is. I didn’t even have a chance to see how landfolk actually use forks until I immigrated to…erm, the land. I used to go to restaurants and treat forks like complimentary combs! I collected a few and would sometimes use them to comb my bangs like this," he gave an exaggerated demonstration of curling the ends of his seafoam-white hair. "Jade didn’t know any better and collected forks for me, but Floyd…oh, that sucker, he knew this whole time and didn’t say a word, no matter how many times people stared at me! He never bothered to say, 'hey Azul, that's not how the landfolk actually do their hair.' I would even sing to myself while sitting in front of the vanity…good grief.”
Riddle allowed himself a small smile. “Wow, my mother would see you a bit differently if she knew that.”
“Just a bit?”
“You’re right. She’d chuck you off this train if she could.”
They laughed together, just for a nice, long moment, until they grew self-aware. What were they doing here, two students from an elite school, who were constantly head-to-head on the exam leaderboards? They weren't even friends. Aside from discussing classwork once in a while and attending housewarden meetings, their paths seldom crossed. Why now did Azul have to be so involved in something so embarrassingly personal to Riddle, such as his family’s affairs?
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avalanchesumich · 11 months
(had a horrible day because of one of my classes, so i needed to project)
cam was fighting back tears as she got back to her dorm. she just got back an exam that she had studied more hours than she could count, with a nice F circled in the top right corner. On top of that, she got assigned to do a group presentation with a girl who never shows up to class, so she’s worried that shes going to get a failing grade on that assignment too.
cam dropped her bag on her desk chair, kicked off her shoes, and climbed into her bed, ignoring the look val gave her.
“i’m fine,” cam grumbled. “just tired.”
“okay, babe,” val said slowly. “i’ve got class. you gonna be okay?”
“yeah,” cam said shortly, curling up into a ball and turned to face the wall, not letting her friend see the tears falling. she pulled out her phone seeing a text from gabe.
“okay, see you later, cam.”
gabe: hey pretty girl, how was class?
cam: it was fine
cam: i think i’m gonna have to cancel on lunch. i have to get a head start on this group assignment
cam: i’m sorry
gabe: that’s okay baby
gabe: call me later?
cam: sure
cam sighed and tossed her phone aside, deciding she would just take a nap before having to deal with any of her problems.
about two and a half hours later, cam was gently shaken awake. she whined and curled further into herself. “leave me alone,” she grumbled sleepily.
“baby, you gotta wake up,” gabe said softly. “your family hasn’t heard from you all day. taylor’s about three seconds away from driving down here himself.”
“what?” cam asked, rubbing her eyes. she sat up and looked over at gabe, who was standing beside her bed, his hand on her thigh. “what’s going on?”
gabe frowned when he saw her swollen eyes. “you tell me, cam,” he said, trying to not sound angry with her. but he was worried. “it’s almost six thirty. i haven’t heard from you since three something. your family hasn’t heard from you all day. we’ve all been worried.”
“sorry, i’m sorry,” cam whispered, scrambling for her phone.
sure enough she had countless missed calls from her parents, cale, and taylor. she even had some calls and a few unanswered texts from some of cale’s teammates, asking if she was alright.
“fuck me,” she said under her breath, sending a quick text to the family group chat that she was fine and that she’d call them all later. she turned to gabe, who was watching her with furrowed brows, worry clouding his usually bright eyes.
“baby, what is going on?”
“it’s stupid,” cam shook her head. she moved back so her back was against the wall. she brought her knees up to her chest and she looked any where but him as she focused on not crying. “i just failed the test i’ve been studying so hard for. and then in that same class, i have to do a group presentation with a girl who comes to class once a month. and it’s a group grade, not individual grade. so i’m basically fucked in that class.”
“you’re not fucked,” gabe shook his head, finally understanding what’s got his girlfriend so distraught.
he pointed to the spot next to cam, silently asking if he could climb up. when she nodded, he did.
“i know you studied hard for this test, but it’s okay,” he said softly. “it sucks, i know. and i know you don’t want to hear this, but it happens. it’s okay. you’ll do better on the next one,” he looked down at her, slightly upset that she still won’t look at him. “baby, hey. please look at me,” he begged. his hand gently grasped her chin, turning her face to angle up at him. “there she is,” he smiled sadly. he cupped her face with both his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away at the tears that continued to fall.
it took her a moment, but cam’s watery blue eyes locked with his. “now for this project, what’s this girl’s name? i’ll hunt her down and make her do her part, myself.”
cam let out a little, weak laugh at this. she shook her head, leaning into his hand. she wrapped her fingers around his wrist, just holding it. “please don’t,” she said, her voice hoarse. “i’m sorry i wasn’t answering.”
“that’s okay, sweet girl,” gabe shook his head. he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “but please don’t ever do that again. if something’s bothering you, come to me. it’s what i’m here for.”
cam nodded. “i will,” she said. she turned her head to the side when her phone started buzzing. it was cale.
“you answer that and call the rest of your family. tell them you’re okay,” gabe explained. “then me and you are going to get dinner.”
cam nodded, not having the energy to tell him she wasn’t even hungry, knowing he’d force heed her right now if he had to.
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shsl-box-worshipper · 6 months
Hi, @marshmallowgoop! I decided to make your gift both a prank fic and a fic full of Miyano angst! I loved the idea of Akemi being a bit of a prankster...but you know me, I also demand tears be involved!
Also serves as a kind of sequel to THE BREACH. So, Enjoy!
A little girl walks the lonely road at midnight, the moon her only companion and the clothes on her back the closest thing she has to home. She shivered as the night grew longer and the silvery orb of perpetuatance lit her path forward. Despite this, she did not give. Did not succumb to the cold that surrounded her. Her name is, or rather was, Shiho Miyano. Shiho hasn't interacted with another person proper for several months now. For she was not to exist at all. In one life, she was an unaware and unwilling prisoner and trainee of a group of individuals she came to fear as time grew longer, their black coats filling her sleeping thoughts as replays of horrible things warped and meshed on each other like a distorted film.
However, during that time, she had her sister. Akemi Miyano. The greatest big sister Shiho could've asked for.
Sadly, as Shiho looked to the sky above, she recollected the moments that led to her supposed rebirth.
She was freed from the crows that had toyed with her all her life, but it came at the cost of her sister's life.
Akemi Miyano was just 13 years old. And Shiho was only 10.
Still, as she walked the lonely road, Shiho couldn't help but think of her sister as someone older. Someone wiser than a woman becoming of her age.
Shiho smiled as she thought about her sister in life, reminiscing on her happiest moments with her before it came to a burning and bloody end.
...She was getting tired. Akemi told her to never stop running, and so she did. She constantly hitch-hiked and walked toward one town and the next, doing whatever she could to get food, money, and a place to sleep.
She hasn't seen another car in ages. And she was getting tired.
...She could probably sleep on the grass nearby. It was not like police or the crows came this far out. She had moved across prefecture borders at this point. Anyone searching for a missing little girl of her description at this point would venture this far.
So, knowing she was possibly at her safest at the moment, she stopped her continuous walking, her knees begging to buckle under her.
She turned around and spotted a little grass field marked by a few trees off the side of the road. Finally, something soft.
She walked off the craggly pavement and stepped her holey shoes into lush grasses that tickled at her feet.
Shiho yawned as she promptly sat her behind on the softest patch of grass she could find. She was so tired.
She could barely feel her body as she promptly flopped onto the prairie, not even caring or stirring as the resulting trampled blades of grass rubbed against her skin.
Not even bothering to move from her current position, Shiho looked up to the sky as a light breeze brushed over her, gazing at the sky above as the calming beauty of nature absorbed her.
The chirping of cicadas, the soothing cool winds, the twinkling of the stars above.
She could almost swore one of them was moving...as if coming towards her.
For a brief moment, panic right through Shiho as she remained petrified against the grass.
What was-
She then saw it blinking...before slowly disappearing from her view.
She couldn't believe a helicopter gave her that much of a jumpscare.
She sighed as her adrenaline immediately subsided. Even as she was getting used to the outside world, she was still often naive when it came to what was and wasn't normal physical phenomena.
...Though it did remind of a memory. A memory of long ago.
Before the world was so cruel. Before she was free from the crows.
Before her cherished sister became just another splatter of blood in humanity's well of hatred.
...Her eyelids were getting heavy. She felt so tired.
Maybe now...is the time to sleep. And with it, Shiho shut out the world as she knew it.
The first thing she heard as came home from school was a bloodcurdling scream. And all at once, her body froze in place. Her breath hitched and everything she had thought of before had left her mind. Shiho recognized the scream. That being the familiar, often calm and soothing voice of her sister.
And with it, she bolted to the living room.
She didn't even take the chance to drop off her bag or change out of her shoes as she went after her sister's voice. She was scared, terrified even. The sound of her shoes hitting the mats that lined the floor filled the air around her.
And then, she stopped.
Instead of being filled with light, the living room she had so grown accustomed to was dark. The windows were shuttered and the lights were off. It was so dark that she could barely see the outlines of the furniture that filled the room.
Shivers went down her spine as she gulped and took a nervous step forward. Any agency that was left in her had faded at this point, and the only light in the room came from the entrance light bleeding into the living room.
Her footsteps creaked against the tatami mats that covered the floor, her hands gripping the straps of her bag tightly as beads of sweat rolled down her face.
"O-Onee-chan?" she called out in a meek voice.
...But nothing responded.
She continued walking forward regardless.
She stretched out her hand to get a feel for her surroundings. After a few more steps, her hand brushed up against ragged cloth, firm with a rough texture.
She immediately concluded that she was feeling the back of Vermouth's couch, since she could recognize the rough cloth from anywhere.
She sighed with relief for a moment, knowing where she was in the universe putting her mind at ease.
But then, it all came crashing down.
Suddenly, something popped up from in front of the couch, screaming at Shiho. Fear flooded her veins as her head snapped up to look at the visage.
Sharp yellow fangs, red eyes, giant horns, black skin, a monstrous visage!
All staring at her and growling with its mouth wide open.
It only took a milisecond for Shiho to join the monster in screaming.
It scared her so bad that she fell on her rear, frozen in place by the terror that flooded her veins.
Her heart felt weak as her throat went sore from screaming.
And then, the lights came back on. The monster from the couch was gone.
Still panicked, she looked around for what turned on the lights...only to see Akemi, an amused look on her face as her fingers let go of the light switch.
"Haha, I got you good, didn't I?"
...and on the side of her face...was a monster mask.
Exactly like the monster that had made her jump and scream.
It didn't take her long to realize what was going on. And with it, fear turned into outrage.
"Onee-chan, that was NOT funny!"
Meanwhile, Akemi just laughed. Not like the fake laughter that the Miyano sisters had to do to appease the adults around them, but a wholehearted, belliful laugh that was so strong that it caused Akemi to hold her stomach.
"HAHA, wow, look at your face! You looked SO scared, hahaha!"
Meanwhile, Shiho was about to lose her mind. And in that moment, rage pumping through her entire body, she ran at Akemi.
Despite the anger present in her little body, there was always one thing that stuck out to her as she began baby-slapping her guffawing older sister:
Akemi's smile.
Unlike any smile she had seen before or after that day, it was whole, bright, and genuine.
A rare smile in Shiho's life. A smile she only saw on those that she saw as truly happy.
But it was a smile that, despite the emotions she felt at that moment, she carried with her.
Even as this moment became a memory, she knew that smile was special. And she always remembered the face Akemi made when the prank went through.
Because, at the end of the day, despite Shiho's anger, that scare was ironically the safest the Miyano sisters have ever been and ever will be.
But only in her dreams...can Shiho really live through that safety again. For that safety no longer existed in her rebirthed life. For now, that memory only served as an echo of future past.
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leeannsparksauthor · 1 year
Are You Lonesome Tonight
A/N: So this is a little angsty one-shot that I wrote a while back because I mean come on look at that man! Also this is still a Joel x Reader but it’s in first-person.
Warnings: Brief mentionsof depression and suicide.
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“What the fuck were you thinking!?” Joel’s voice echoed around the room, ringing in my ears. I could feel his anger like a punch at the center of my bruised chest. He had every right to be angry with what happened, I could have gotten us all killed, I almost did. Ellie was trying to calm him down, but he wasn’t listening, sometimes he never does. 
She had brought over a half full bottle of water which I took sips of in between Joel’s beratement and resting my head between my knees. Trying to regain the breath that I’d lost earlier. “Come on Joel, lay off her…”
“No, Ellie, you stay out of this!” He said with a finger pointing in her direction. It wasn’t fair to her, she shouldn’t be getting blamed for my mistake. Even though it wasn’t a mistake, not really, I mean we’re all alive aren't we? “I want you to tell me right now just what the fuck were you thinking?!” His focus was back on me again, needless to say he was attractive even when he was yelling at me. 
I took one more sip from the water bottle before closing the lid on it, “I guess I wasn’t thinking.” I figured that would be a reasonable enough answer for him, for now at least. Exhaustion was practically stewing in the room we were in. One of the safe houses along the path we were taking, it was nice considering the less than safe area we were in before. I picked up my bag off the floor and made my way upstairs, taking two at a time, anything to get me away from this conversation. 
Even though I had the desire to slam the door like I was a teenager again I resisted, I’m not that fucking stupid apparantly. Once the door was shut my body seemed to deplete every last bit of energy it had, making me slide along the rotten wood until I was on the ground. Eerily similar to a position I found myself in not even two hours earlier. 
It was meant to be an easy trip, a familiar one, one that Joel and I had taken so many times. Only difference was Ellie tagging along for this one, she insisted, saying she ‘needed to know about it anyway.’ Everyone was skeptical, including Tommy and Maria, ultimately Joel was the deciding factor and what he says goes. 
We never meant for it to get out of hand. We also never expected five clickers to be waiting in the caved-in structure beside the building. Everything just happened so fast, the shelf that we were moving broke apart. Which sent dust flying everywhere, specifically over to me and my weak asthmatic lungs. No one ever tells you how shitty survival in the apocolypse can be when your own body works against you. 
My coughing is what brought them to us. What caused us to be pushed to opposite ends of the room, in struggling silence, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I knew what I had to do, it was simple, the moment that Ellie’s foot shuffled and the clicker roared over at the noise she made, I knew. 
I called out to them from my corner causing all five of them to turn towards me before I took off towards the staircase. I didn’t get the chance to see Joel or Ellie’s reaction. I could only hear the sound of gunshots following me up the four flights of stairs. On the last flight my foot had slipped causing me to ram into the handrail directly into the center of my chest. I thought that was it for me, my lungs were already working at max capacity, they didn’t have anything left in them. 
The only thing I could hope for was that the door I slammed shut behind me would be enough, it had to be enough. My body struggled to keep the door closed, my feet dug into the ground as best as I could against the clicker who pounded against the metal. It seemed like everything I had left gave up in a single split second. The soles of my shoes slid against tile, the door swung open and the clicker stood in the center of it above me. 
Then it was over, a gunshot rang out and the infected dropped in the doorway. I was heaving on the ground, each breath felt like inhaling shards of glass. My lungs constricted, and my vision was blurring around the edges. I could barely make out what Joel and Ellie were saying, too desperate to get some fucking air back in my body. It only got better when Joel pressed his fingers to the center of my chest and spine, a trick that my doctor back in the day had given me. One which Joel learned when he saw me through the first asthma attack I had around him. 
Now I’m here, desperately wishing that I wasn’t. 
Joel found me an hour later, looking through the window of our safe house. “Come on pack your bag, we're scouting out a location for the next few days before winter sets in.” His tone left no room for arguing, he’s always been gruff even more so now given what happened. I’ve learned to walk beside him and the burdens he carries and I’ll keep doing so until I can’t anymore. Until he doesn’t want me to anymore.
Our supplies were gathered in silence, Ellie handed me another bottle of water which I tried to give back to her. “You need it more than I do right now, I’m good.” She was a good kid, I just wish she didn’t have to go through this shit. Joel said she was going to stay behind, code for I’m about to get my ass chewed out on the ride to the other location.
You could cut the tension inside the car with a knife, usually Joel is eager to sit in silence, not tonight though. “Do you wanna tell me what’s been going on?” That question threw me off, I was expecting him to yell at me some more. I secretly craved it, I wanted to be reminded of my fuck up, give me a reason to feel something, anything. “Can you at least tell me what you were thinking?” Yeah what was I fucking thinking huh?
I didn’t look over at him, the thing about Joel is that behind every rough jagged piece of him are his eyes. His eyes feel like they know everything, every small imperfect part of a person. Like they’re reflecting back every sin you can think of. “I guess I was thinking that we had to get out of there and there was an immediate solution so I took it.” 
He scoffed at my statement, “that’s fucking bullshit, we could have gotten out of there…”
I didn’t want to hear it, I didn’t want to hear about how my almost death could have been avoided. About how stupid it was, how reckless, how selfish. “Look, it happened, it’s done, I won’t try to be the hero anymore now can we move on?” Even at the end of the world you still want to try an be a hero, fucking pathetic.
“No we can’t, cause you almost got yourself killed.”
“I didn’t though, I’m right here, I’m still fucking here.” I don’t want to be, I really don’t want to be here anymore.
There was silence for a few more brief perfect moments, “what were you thinking?”
Fine, he wants to know, fine.“I was thinking…I was thinking that the whole world ended twenty years ago…and now I’m just waiting for it to take effect. But I’m just…I’m just tired of waiting now I guess. Fuck Joel you don’t know how many times I’ve thought about just going out there, alone. Maybe stepping on a patch of cordyceps and just waiting.” The waiting would be the scariest part I think.
“Why haven’t you?” If it were anyone else I would’ve thought they asked the question as a ‘well what are you waiting for’ type of situation. Not Joel though, no he wants to know so he can fix it. He can’t though, he’ll never be able to.  
My shoulders shrugged despite all of the weight I’ve put on them. “I don’t know, maybe I’m just too chicken shit. Maybe I’m still too scared of what comes after. Maybe I should have just put a bullet in my brain when all of this shit started, I don’t know why I didn’t.” I could feel tears start to well up in my eyes and it just made me angrier. Fuck now you’re crying, in front of Joel Miller of all people. 
“Don’t say shit like that.”
It was my turn to scoff at him, “you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it Joel.” Just about everyone I’ve met has thought about it at some point. Some were just more committed than others I guess. 
“Oh I have,” I know he has, it’s written on his face, in every line, every scar. Joel’s a survivor though, he always has been. If I had to put money on anyone making it to one hundred in this world it would be him. 
“So why haven’t you done it?”
It was his turn to contemplate that question, it’s not such an easy one to answer. “Fuck, I don’t know darlin’, I guess you stick around for family at this point.” The way he says darlin’, like every bad thing in the world magically vanishes when he says it.
I thought about everyone that I’ve lost, every single one of them. It fucking hurts, I keep waiting for the day that it stops. I don’t know what to do with the memories, with the love I had for them. “I don’t have that Joel, I haven’t had that in a long time.” I’ll probably never have it at this point. 
“Look at me…hey look at me,” I shook my head no, part of me knew what he was going to say. 
The soft sounds of the Elvis cassette playing seemed to bring even more sadness to our environment. Like a memory trying to resurface through pain. “Don’t do that to me Joel, please don’t,”
He stopped the car now, turning off the battery which was a stupid thing to do since there was a chance it might not start again. “Do what darlin’?”
I finally looked over at him and I was right, he sees me, and every faulty part. “Make me think that I matter, I don’t, I know don’t, nothing does.” Things lost meaning when the world stopped turning and they haven’t mattered since. 
“You matter to me, you’ve always mattered to me…I don’t want you to not be here. I want you right here, next to me.” I couldn’t help the ridiculous sobbing laughter that left me at his words. They meant more than he could ever know but in the end it’s not enough. Maybe I can be content with the life I still have to live in this world that was desperate to start over. Maybe I can even have brief moments of happiness. Or maybe I could step outside, maybe it might be the only choice I get in the end. 
“You gettin’ sentimental in your old age Joel?”
“Shut up and get over here.” He pulled me closer to him crashing his mouth against mine and we stayed like that until my lungs protested the lack of air. Every kiss we shared felt like the first time as cliche as it sounds. I think it’s just knowing the fact that it could always be the last one that makes me want to hold on tighter. 
This life isn’t worth living, but maybe it’s worth fighting for. For a little bit longer anyway. 
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mad-hunts · 4 months
@redvived sent🔪 to walk in on my muse standing over a dead body.
as counterintuitive as it might've seemed to some, if there was one way to immediately get on barton's list of 'people to kill,' it was messing with his family. so to say that he wasn't pleased when he found out that a detective was gathering evidence to build up a case against his 'darling daughter' from someone he had on the inside of the GCPD would be an understatement; barton was seeing red by the time he began ruffling through the files in a certain office of the GCPD under the guise of wanting to 'report a crime.' there was just so much material that this detective, a woman who went by the name marcela vega, had on her. thus, she must've been tracking matilda's movements for a while. and so marcela's fate was pretty much sealed at that point.
that brings us to today, which was when barton decided would be the best possible time to break into her house without being detected after he'd found out her address, after barton had spent several weeks carefully putting together a plan to kill her. marcela usually went out with her friends to a bar on tuesday's nights and both of her neighbors were out of the equation at the moment; so, she'd be getting home late and theoretically, this'd be the perfect time to do something nefarious to her. it only took barton about a minute to pick the lock on marcela's door. he had had plenty of practice with doing it, and the one she had wasn't particularly complicated. i guess she felt safe enough to not add a deadbolt or anything, but he had a feeling marcela would soon come to regret that.
because only a few minutes after she walked through the door, barton had hugged marcela from behind. and he did this in order to bring her body close enough to dig his knife into her heart. the pure shock and terror on her face when he did this was something he wished he could document for forever in his mind, in all honesty. the only explanation he gave her as to why he was here before she died was a gentle whisper, as he leaned into her ear and said, 'you should've stayed away from my daughter.' barton pulled out his knife from the wound and couldn't help but let a small, mocking smile form on his lips when her body fell limp to the ground. that was almost too easy. he started up a fire in the hearth she had in her living room and from there, he began to dispose of all of the evidence she had gathered on matilda that he had been able to find.
he had completely ransacked marcela's place, but barton had a feeling she had more evidence she was hiding somewhere. so he went back into her kitchen, where he killed her as no one would think to look there, really, and began rummaging through her cabinets. this was before barton heard the sound of very faint footsteps in the living room, though. who could that be? she didn't have a partner or any kids, so... he turned his head almost instantly to look at the figure by him that had now come into the light. they donned a red helmet, carried twin guns with them — ❝ interesting. you're him, aren't you? the red hood. i'm not a fan, but i guess it's admirable that you check up on the 'little people' when you don't have anything better to do. ❞
barton leaned down to grab the gun in marcela's bag before slinging her body out of his way with his shoe carelessly. ❝ if it makes you feel any better... this was personal, so i had to kill her, whether i really wanted to or not. she threatened my family. ❞ his milky white eyes squinted at the other through his mask and he rose the muzzle of the gun up to jason, ❝ and certainly even you believe in protecting them no matter what, don't you? ❞
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1-sasha-stuff-1 · 10 months
Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 6: Fever Dreams & Dinner
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After getting the address from Inko, I head home for the rest of the day until the time comes to show up at their apartment for dinner at 5:30. 
Once I arrived at the house, I unlocked the door and closed it back up right behind me, took off my shoes, and headed straight towards my room. Only halfway up the stairs do I start to suddenly feel lightheaded and in pain, ignoring it, I continue up the stairs until the pain starts to increase. 
“Yea no, I’m not doing this” I thought as I went back downstairs and into the kitchen.
As I arrived at the kitchen, my head started to pound and the pain increased tenfold, so I searched the kitchen, finding a plastic cup snatching it and filling it up with ice cold water from the sink. 
Drinking the cup of water, I was still not satisfied, so I drank more water. 
And more.
And more.
And more.
“Stupid head, stop it...”, setting down the cup in the sink after drinking some water, the pounding wouldn’t stop. 
Having the feeling that she would collapse any second, she decided against going to her room and to lay on her bed and agreed to just lay on the couch in the semi-finished living room. Upon seeing the couch, she practically dragged herself towards it and threw half of herself onto the couch with her hands on her head like a mad man.
“Damn it, why won’t it just stop?!”
Vision now blurry, she closed her eyes and sighed. 
“I guess it won’t hurt to sleep just a little……”, as those words left her mouth, she fell into a deep slumber that could rival Sleeping Beauty, but the pounding and pain in her head continued.
And continued
And continued………. Thump…………until it stopped…and voices were heard…….
Doctors were frantic as they pulled the h/c girl up from the floor where she fell from the rocking chair and onto the hospital bed where its sheets were turning a dark bloody red from her head injury, her breaths uneven and frantic as if having a panic attack. 
She needed oxygen and badly, she felt as if she’s suffocating.
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“-where going to need another scan on her just in case somethings up with her….”
“No, it can be that it might be that when she fell, she hit her occipital lobe……”
“I think it’s best to give her this medication for now, even though it’s not as strong as the last few we gave her but enough to still keep her conscious…”
“-upgrade her health report then, so we can infor-”
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Feeling the need to wake up, she opens her eyes, but all she can see are blurred up colors in front of her, having seen enough, she closes her eyes.
| | | |
“......I think she’s starting to wake up! Connect the I-”
“-damit man! You almost lost the poor thing god dammit!”
“-y/n be, okay?”
“She’ll be okay, she’s just hurt is all….”
“Ma’am, we’ll need your family to level the room to undergo-”
“-right, come on kids….”
| | | | “Ma?” | | | |
Opening her eyes, she sits up, gasping for air.
“What the hell…...”
The pain stopped and she was relieved. But, when she was asleep, everything felt as if she was in one of those fever dreams where it felt so real…...but yet, fake?
Not wanting to think about it in case she gets another headache of some sorts, looking for the time on the clock on the wall it reads 5:00. Deciding to finally get up from the couch, she went to get ready to head over to Midoriya's home.
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Placing the plate of freshly baked cookies in one hand, I use the other to knock on the door of the Midoriya apartment.
After Inko Midoriya gave me her address, I went back home to do other things such as watching netflix and just tidy myself up before I came over, on the way, I also stopped by the bakery in town tow grab a hold of some cookies for them as a ‘Thanks for inviting me!’ thing. And besides, it felt wrong not to get them anything for some odd reason but whatever. 
I also had time to think about what I’m going to get myself into. From this point and on, I’ll start getting myself involved in some certain canon events like it or not. With that said, I need to be careful on what I’m going to be doing and saying. I can’t just go up to Midoriya and be like Oh hey Midoriya, by the way, you're going to get a quirk in like 2 years or less from your favorite hero!’.
As I started to think of more ways to avoid any of this, the door opened up to reveal Inko.  
“O-oh, L/n! It’s nice to see you again, come in, please!”, 
“It’s nice to see you as well Ms. Midoriya!” smiling, she opened the door wide enough for me to finally come in. As I am going in, she closes the door behind her, and I take off my shoes and follow after her.
“I wasn't quite ready with dinner yet, so you can just sit tight right here, okay?”, as she makes her way towards the kitchen, I stand up and follow her.
“Wait, I can help you with dinner Ms. Midoriya!”
“Oh no! You're our guest and you should sit down!”
“Don’t worry ma’am, I'm fine with helping out with dinner, I insist.”
After a bit of hesitation, she seemed to have finally got an answer to me.
“Alright, if you insist. Why don’t you grab me a spoon, it’s in the first cabinet to your right.”
Nodding, I open the cabinet and give her the spoon. Time went by and we both were just talking and laughing while making dinner. All in all, it was really fun, it felt as if I were with my original mother back home. 
Over the years, I’ve realized that as time passed by, my memory was slowly starting to fail me, and I started to forget things from the world I used to live in. It started with little things that one would normally forget such as what my classes were at that school, favorite books, etc... It quickly escalated to the point where I forgot how my friends looked. That's when it hit me that I was losing my memories of my past life. I don’t want the day to come and not remember anything of my past, I want to keep remembering, not forget, so that's when I started writing things down in a notebook I got from my trip to the mall a few months back in Tokyo, drawing things also seemed to help me out as well, not to mention that fever dream also helped my memory of my family and life back then become much clearer. Maybe that dream was a sign of something? Something I'm not getting at here?
Inko seemed to have noticed my quiet demeanor and looked at me with a concerned look in her eyes. 
“L/n, are you alright?”
Shaken out of my thoughts, I throw a smile towards the adult women while mentally scolding myself.
“Stop it, you don't need to think about that right now.”
“Yup! I’m perfectly fine Ms. Midoriya, don’t worry!”
| | |
Feeling the sudden need to use the facilities, you turn to Inko and smile awkwardly.
“Ms. Midoriya, may I use the bathroom?”
“Of course! It’s down the hall on the first door to your left.”
“Thank you!”
After having used the bathroom, you leave and go back to the kitchen where dinner was almost ready and set. Humming a tune to yourself, you didn’t realize until you bumped into something, or someone.
With the cause of the impacts, you didn’t fall straight to the floor but rather just stumbled a few feet backwards as you say an apology.
“Oh! Sorry Ms. Midoriya, I didn’t see you there!”
“U-uh? My mom is in the kitchen...”
Having heard a new and familiar voice, you perk up and see that the person you bumped into wasn't Inko, but it was her son. 
“Izuku Midoriya”
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Midoriya was seen picking at his food as he stared down at his plate and looked back up to see his mother happily chatting with the guest at the table, who he learned that her name is Y/n L/n upon bumping into her. 
And after repeatedly apologizing to her for 5 minutes straight for bumping into her.
“Izuku, this is the nice girl I told you about earlier, she bought the computer and phone I picked out for you.”
“R-really? Oh! Thank y-you!”, standing up, he bowed her head down as Y/n tried to stop him from doing that, not fully accustomed to it yet despise being and living in Japan for about 13 years.
“Wait, don’t do that! It wasn't a big deal anyways! Please don’t do that…. Oh! I also brought over some cookies for the two of you! Just as a thank you for inviting me over to have dinner!”, you say as you take the cookie tray out from who knows where and set it on the table.
“Oh L/n, you shouldn’t have…”
“It’s no problem Ms. Midoriya! Really!”
“Alright then, how about you two go play a game while I clean up, huh?”
“I can help you clean up!” Midoriya and yourself both look at each other and you're both standing from your seats as you said those words at the same time. If you were both being honest, neither one of you two were really ready to interact with each other yet. 
One reason being that one person doesn't know how to start the conversation off, and the other person does not know how to talk to a girl.
Inko just smiled and waved us off as she began to pick up the dishes at the table.
“It’s alright, you two go have fun! I insist!”
With that, she left to do the chore and left the two pre-teens alone in an awkward silence, not knowing who would break the ice first. Surprisingly, Midoriya was the first to break.
“W-we can hang out in m-my room…If you want t-to of course! I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and you're our guestsoyoushouldhavethesayinwhereweshouldhangoutandallthat-”
“Yeah sure, let's hang out in your room, I don’t mind.”
He looks at you and nods his head as he leads you towards his room. Once at the door, you see the classic All Might themed sign on his door with his name written on it. You weren’t going to lie, but you were mentally preparing your mental health and eyes for what's about to come next, you know he’s a big fan of All Might and if you were being honest, you were too. In other words, you're not a super fangirl that covers her room in All Might merch head-to-toe, sure you may have a few posters or an action figure here and there but not a whole entire shrine dedicated to the man!
Midoriya finally opens the door and you both walk in, and he closes the door behind him while a million thoughts go through his mind.
“There's a girl in my room, there's a girl in my room, there's a girl in my room, there's a gir-wait…...my room…...my room!”
As you take a side glance at Midoriya, you see the panic on his face, so you do the first thing that comes to your mind to calm him down from exploding.
“Oh my gosh, you like All Might too?”
Midoriya freezes for a second and looks at your smiling form with a small sparkle in your e/c eyes. 
"You like All Might?"
"Um, yea? Who doesn't? He's like a super cool hero you know?"
"U-um, yea! Totally! He's super cool, and his strength is unbelievable!"
From there on, both yourself and the green-haired boy talked about All Might for a good while, and you both started to talk about other heroes as well. One question led to another and the two of got to know each other more about each other.
| | | "-ok I'll be there in like 20 minutes, right, bye mom see ya in a bit!", ending the phone call, Midoriya stares at me. We both ended up siting on the floor with his Hero Analyses notes lying around as he showed me a few.
"I guess I gotta go, my parents want me back home before it gets to dark outside."
"O-oh! okay."
The two of you leave his room and see that his mom isn't anywhere to be seen, due to being called in at work and having to leave the two of you alone.
Once at the front door with your shoes on and everything, you open the door and step outside as Midoriya follows suite and leaves the door open. 
"Well, I guess I'll see you at school?" (Yes, you told him what school you were going to, and he was going to the same.)
"Yea! I'll see you then!"
Smiling, you start to walk about three meters away from him until he called out to you.
Turning around, you look at him, "Yea, what's up?"
"I-I was wondering...."
Taking a deep breath, he says in a high and fast voice; "L/nDoyouwanttobemyfriend? It'stotallyokayifyousaynoIunderstandbecauseI'mquirklessandallbutIjustthought-"
Midoriya stopped talking and looked at the girl in confusion and surprised at the same time.
"W-wait, really?"
"Um, yea? Who wouldn't want to be friends with you! Besides, it doesn't matter to me that your quirkless, your still nice to hang out with. Oh, and you can call me Y/n."
"Then you can call me Izuku!"
Y/n smiled at him and walked closer to him until they were only a few feet apart now, his face all red and his heart pounding. 
"Alright Izuku, can I have your number? If we're going to be friends, I need a way to talk to you!"
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Finally, ya'll got to meet Shinsou, Bakugo, and now Midoriya, who should I have you guys meet next? I'm kind of thinking about a certain villain. 😏
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