#almost 100 degrees with 80% humidity
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gaysetokaibas · 2 years ago
Kyoto temples. Praying for better days.
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dbtucson-blog · 4 months ago
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It has been hot. Not June hot when it’s like a very dry oven, but monsoon hot. Small humidity when you’re from other parts of the country but stifling combined with the heat. 
The heat is what pumps the monsoon moisture our way and for the bulk of the entire summer we have had much higher than normal monsoonal moisture to deal with. Typically it will rain for a few days to a week or two, then dry out for a few days and back into it. This year it has been relentlessly sticky. And when the humidity is high our temperatures don’t drop at night like they do when it’s dry. For weeks we were lucky if the nighttime low fell below 80.
At 71 years old, Tumamoc Time is an important part of my life. It gets me back in shape when I fall ill or suffer a physical injury. In shape or not it inspires me day or night with a front row “seat” to the beauty of the desert and the changes of the land, plants, animals and sky over the course of the day, and the year.
People ask, “When do you go up Tumamoc.” I say, “When it’s closest to 70 degrees.” Lately the closest has been still above 80 and sweaty so my trips to the hill have been fewer. But when I get back I can feel the change almost immediately, even if it takes me a month or more to make it to the top again. And I AM back on the hill, albeit in the dead of night.
Yesterday felt like June for the first time since May. And the continually damp weather has stalled a desert mission I’ve been trying to get done, well, since June I guess. 
I’ve been working on a ten-year project with performance artist Laura Milkins called The Forty Seasons. Each season we do an environmental portrait somewhere in southern Arizona. Logistically it’s stressful but it’s always so much fun when it’s happening. We might have an idea going into it that goes straight out the window once we get to the location. Laura is a superb improvisor who finds grand and intimate things to do in a landscape. Occasionally I manage to keep up. My work mainly comes later.
In the spring we ended up improvising both the location and the rest, and as typically takes place, a half dozen or so distinct improvisational segments  took place that were worth editing. Without spoiling it, one involved a particular saguaro that just happened to be where we decided to start shooting. And what happened was spontaneous and beautiful. Just shot at the wrong time of day. Still, it gave me an idea for our next shoot. And so I went back to see if I could find one saguaro in a forest of them.
Cut to the chase, I did not.
In the northern part of the Ironwood National Forest is a striking mountain range that almost looks like the back of a Stegosaurus. I used to see this armor plated, jagged hunk of rock from Avra Valley in the 1970s when I was a geology student at UA doing field work for a geomorphology and remote sensing class. About seven years ago I figured out how to get there. And on average I’ve been back about once a week wherever possible ever since. There’s a lot to take it and it looks so different from various locations on the stretch of dirt road that runs alongside. A tiny bit of elevation shows you what a forest of saguaros this is. But there’s so much more.
In the past couple of years I’ve started to notice the ripple of ridges that parallels its length, each rise growing higher and higher as you approach the mountain from the road. The crests are  only 100 feet or so high, but that’s 100 feet higher than the one before. So you’re climbing constantly, trying to avoid cholla and prairie dog holes and rattlesnakes and the critters that are watching you that you likely will have no awareness of unless the wind shifts and you catch their scent. 
Naturally this was the backdrop to my needle in the haystack quest. And it was around 100 degrees when I headed there in the late afternoon, also seeking to know when the shadow of the mountain would overtake that saguaro. So I was working against the clock, and all common sense.
Going into today’s attempt I knew where I had parked and had a GPS anchor to take me there. I knew that we had started walking straight in from the road toward the mountain. Things were fairly familiar at the start because I’ve worked from this parking spot before. But the further out you get, the more uncertainty there is about how far off to the north or south you might have traveled. That was the challenge.
And then there was the actual experience.
I love the last couple of hours of the day in the desert, particularly toward the end of summer. It’s less intense than at the solstice but still beautiful in the way it touches the highest parts of the landscape at different times and changes your whole perception of where you are. 
As it turns out, that section of the desert floor wasn’t shaded by the mountain this time of year at all. Good to know for a future dusk shoot. Yes, I could look this up in the Photographer’s Ephemeris but there’s no substitute for using your own eyeballs to watch the transition into dusk and darkness.
My job was to find the saguaro and see how things looked when shadows started to engulf that section of landscape. But I was carrying an actual camera and a phone with a good camera, and I did need to stop to wheeze now and then. The shots I took are not the best. More of a quick snapshot thing rather than a seriously composed shot. But weak as they are they carry a little bit of the beauty of the rapidly changing light in the desert in early September, in a year when the desert has been made “lush” with above average rain.
Looking forward to expanding my search. Patience and endurance are the secret superpowers of the elderly. 
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
In 2010, a 19-year-old migrant farmworker from Mexico arrived at a sugarcane plantation in Louisiana unknowingly carrying a deadly virus. His symptoms were mild at first: fatigue, shoulder pain, and numbness in one of his hands. As his condition worsened, he was admitted to a hospital in New Orleans.
There, he spiked a fever. His lungs filled with fluid. His pupils became fixed and dilated, and he was soon unresponsive. Doctors suspected swelling in his brain, and ran a test that showed antibodies to the rabies virus in his blood. Rabies is almost always fatal in humans if left untreated, and in this case, it was already too late; the man died shortly after. Postmortem testing revealed that the virus was in his brain tissue, and public health officials later learned he had been bitten by a vampire bat before leaving Mexico.
The case marked the first rabies death in the United States due to a vampire bat. Though these bats don’t currently live in the US, their territory in Latin America has been slowly expanding northward. They thrive in warm, humid areas where temperatures do not dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. As average temperatures increase with climate change, experts predict that the common vampire bat, or Desmodus rotundus, is likely to cross the US southern border in the next several years. In recent years, the species has been documented within about 30 miles of Texas.
A new study published in the journal Ecography last week found a strong relationship between changes in climate over the past 100 years and the gradual expansion of vampire bats to the northern hemisphere. “We expect invasion of vampire bats to US soil between five and 20 years in the future,” says Luis Escobar, an assistant professor of wildlife conservation at Virginia Tech. Other climate models have also predicted their move into the southern parts of Texas and Florida. As the bat’s territory spreads, so will the variant of rabies it carries.
Escobar says that vampire bat rabies isn’t necessarily a bad thing—it helps control their numbers, and that may benefit the greater ecosystem. “Rabies can reduce populations of bats from 10 to 80 percent. Imagine if we had too many vampire bats because we didn’t have this virus,” he says. Because bats are social animals that tend to roost together and form colonies, rabies spreads easily among them. But the disease never wipes them out. “Rabies has been in bats for a very long time,” he says.
The problem is when the virus spills over to domestic animals or humans. Many animals can carry rabies, including raccoons, foxes, skunks, and dogs. In the US, human cases are rare, only one to three a year. Contact with bats is increasingly the main cause, although most bats—even rabid ones—rarely bite people. They only strike when they feel threatened.
But vampire bats represent a new threat because they feed on the blood of other animals. Their usual victims are livestock, and occasionally wild mammals and birds. Using their sharp front teeth, they make a small incision in their victim’s skin and lap up a teaspoon or two of blood with their tongues. The bites don’t kill, but if a vampire bat is carrying rabies, the disease eventually will.
Vampire bats are a particular menace to the cattle industry in Latin America. “There's a lot of cattle on landscapes where they exist,” says Toni Piaggio, a research biologist with the US Department of Agriculture’s National Wildlife Research Center, who has conducted genetic analyses on vampire bats to confirm their northward spread. “It’s probable that vampire bats have been able to survive in areas where they couldn't in the past, because humans have put so many cattle on the landscape.”
In Mexico, vampire bat rabies costs the livestock industry more than $46.7 million per year, according to a 2020 USDA report. And there’s the risk to human health. Infected cattle can spread rabies to people who come into contact with them. “Our real concern is about people being exposed to rabies through livestock,” says Mike Bodenchuk, Texas director of the USDA’s Wildlife Services division, and an author on that report.
The USDA’s National Rabies Management Program has been anticipating the vampire bat’s eventual arrival. According to a government report released in September, officials have inspected 500,000 cattle at livestock sales, dairy farms, feedlots, and ranches in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Florida since 2016 for evidence of vampire bat wounds. So far, no bites have been found. The agency has also been carrying out a campaign on both sides of the border to educate ranchers and livestock producers on how to spot the bites and signs of rabies.
Bodenchuk says the wounds can often be found around the neck or tail. Because animals keep bleeding for a while after being bitten, dried blood can be a telltale sign. Other signs are neurological: The virus travels to the brain and spinal cord, so infected cattle become disoriented and can’t move their hindquarters. They can become aggressive and charge at people.
In the US, cattle owners are taking notice of the vampire bat’s northward spread. “This bat species causes a lot of concern in agriculture due to its ability to transmit diseases, injure livestock, and cause infections. Rabies is the most obvious issue because of livestock welfare and potential to infect humans,” says Gary Joiner, a spokesperson for the Texas Farm Bureau. “It’s a difficult situation that we’d like to address as soon as possible, so vigilance is crucial.”
In Latin America, governments have long used poison to cull vampire bats and prevent rabies transmission. This can be effective in places where rabies hasn’t already been detected. But a study published earlier this year found that poisoning can backfire in areas where rabies is circulating, because the surviving bats tend to flee, carrying the virus further.
In some parts of Latin America, including Colombia and Mexico, livestock owners regularly vaccinate cattle against rabies. The pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim manufactures an injectable vaccine, called Imrab, for dogs, cats, horses, cattle, sheep, and ferrets. The company also makes an oral version that is used to vaccinate raccoons and other land-dwelling wild animals.
In the US, vaccinating cattle against rabies isn’t common, but it may be the best option to prevent the spread of the virus once vampire bats arrive. “They’re not going to come across the border by the millions,” Bodenchuk says. “It's going to be a slow trickle for a while. But landowners will want to consider whether or not to vaccinate their animals.”
Some researchers are trying to develop vaccines for bats. One approach is applying a jelly-like dose to wild bats that have been caught, which are then released back to their natural habitats. The bats would ingest the gel and spread it to others in their colony when they groom each other.
But Escobar says efforts to vaccinate bats should proceed with caution. “We don't know what the ecological effects of disrupting the circulation of this virus in bats are going to be,” he says. Vaccinating the bats could mean there will be more of them, because rabies won’t thin their populations. And even if they aren’t able to get rabies, they can still carry other diseases that they could pass on. Plus, their bites will still be a nuisance to ranchers, because they can weaken livestock and make them vulnerable to other infections.
Vaccine testing in the wild also raises ecological questions for bat species that are in decline. While vampire bats aren’t threatened, others are, and many of them are helpful members of their ecosystems. Most bats are insectivores that eat mosquitoes and other agricultural pests, or act as pollinators and seed spreaders.
“They have an important role, whether they pose a human health risk or not,” Piaggio says. “If we got rid of everything that posed a human health risk, then there wouldn't be anything left.”
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quartz-components · 1 year ago
DHT22 is a popular temperature and humidity based digital sensor. This is the upgraded version of the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. The sensor uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor based temperature sensor to measure the ambient humidity and temperature. The humidity sensing ranges from 0% to 100% with ±1% accuracy and the temperature sensing ranges from -40 degrees to the 80 degrees Celcius with ±0.5°C accuracy. The sampling time of this sensor is 2 seconds almost.
This Temperature and Humidity Sensor uses digital pins to communicate with the microcontroller unit and does not have any kind of analog pins. The module also has the inbuilt pull-up resistor and additional filter capacitor to support the DHT22 sensor. Thus the module is available in ready to go mode and can be directly connected with the microcontroller unit without using any kind of additional components.
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rjalker · 1 year ago
sigh. I am once again e-begging for mutual aid. August 24th 2023 for the record.
Click here to see the most updated version of this post.
You know how I've been complaining that the power company raises the rates of electricity in the hottest parts of summer "to encourage people to use less AC?"
Well, with our shitty appartment's AC unit not even able to lower the temperature past 80 degrees when we have excessive heat warnings because it's over 100 degrees outside with high humidity, even with all the doors shut, in this tiny fucking appartment...
Our electric bill for August is over $380.
Almost four hundred dollars. For air conditioning. For a tiny fucking appartment with all the doors shut and the blinds closed. That didn't actually keep us cool. While we were constantly drinking cold water and eating cheap frozen popsicles to stop from overheating inside the appartment.
And of course the fucking landlord didn't warn us about any of this before he offered to let us move into this one from the one on the second floor. Even though there's literally no fucking way he doesn't know that the AC unit in here is outdated and doesn't fucking work and will cost you an arm and a let to simply not fucking drop dead from heat stroke inside your own living room with blackout curtains up in shorts and a tank top.
Venmo, cashapp, and paypal are all "Rjalker", with the same icon of a flower and wasp as my icon is here.
You should also be able to "tip" though tumblr itself but I don't even know if that's still working with all the changes they keep making.
Progress: 0/380. Click here to see the most updated version of this post.
If you are able to donate, please feel free to comment how much you donated on this post so other people can see if I haven't gotten a chance to update the post yet!
Please check out my Threadless store where you can buy mostly pronoun pins, some art, and some photography.
I'm too disabled to work and still applying for disability SSI, so @walks-the-ages, my twin, has to use her paycheck for all the bills.
We also still need help with covering the costs of socializing the feral kittens and their mom we caught. The kittens are growing really fast, which means they're eating tons of food each day, and using a lot of litter.
A medium-sized bag of cat food (this Walmart doesn't have any bigger ones) is $15, a bucket of cat litter is $19. We're going through a bag of food every few days with the rate at which these kittens scarf it down, along with the rest of our cats.
We applied for getting them fixed for free, but we still haven't heard anything back from the organization that's running that.
If you know anyone in the Savannah, Georgia area and you are looking for a "free" (you'd have to pay to get them fixed/vaccinated if we haven't done so yet) indoor-only kitten or their mom, let me know. There's four kittens and their mom. All are now successfully friendly and brave around people, and three out of the four kittens are now certifiable lap cats.
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queerpyracy · 3 years ago
Victoria Ruddy paced in front of a pickup truck in the parking lot of a Bi-Mart discount store in Sunnyside, a farming town in the Yakima Valley, a vast semi-arid desert just east of the Cascades and the heart of Washington’s agricultural industry. It was barely 8 a.m., and the temperature was already in the 80s. Heat radiated off dirty concrete, mixing with gritty wildfire smoke to form an oppressive haze. About two dozen students, farmworkers and United Farm Workers Union staff stood nearby, loading gear into the truck. It was Aug. 12, 2021, and the second major record-shattering heat wave of the year had just struck the Pacific Northwest.
Over the next few days, temperatures crept into the triple digits. In Oregon, emergency rules to protect farmworkers go into effect when the heat index reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit. In California, additional rules are triggered at 95 degrees. But in Washington, which is second only to California in producing labor-intensive crops like apples, asparagus, hops and berries, the mercury has to hit 100 before employers are required to provide shade or guarantee rest breaks. In an industry notorious for not complying with labor standards and workers’ rights statutes, Ruddy, the UFW’s regional director for the Pacific Northwest, was skeptical that those rules would be enforced. So she and the others had organized a heat caravan: They would visit farms around Sunnyside to hand out water, Gatorade, KN95 masks and information on avoiding heat-related illnesses.
Before they left, everyone gathered around the truck. It was now 85 degrees, and the ice in a large blue bucket in the back of the pickup had already started to melt. Ruddy looked out at the anxious, excited crowd, and read three names from a list.
“Ricardo Sotelo,” Ruddy said, naming a farmworker who died picking blueberries in Washington on June 30, 2015, in 107-degree heat. “Presente,” the crowd responded, their voices muffled by their face masks.
“Sebastian Francisco Perez,” she said, speaking more forcefully now, referring to a farmworker who died in Oregon on June 26, the day after his 38th birthday, while moving irrigation lines during the previous heat wave. “Presente,” the crowd called back, louder, angrier.
“Florencio Gueta Vargas,” Ruddy yelled, her voice firm and clear.
“Presente!” the crowd shouted, their calls reaching a crescendo.
Gueta Vargas, a married father of six, had died only two weeks earlier outside the nearby city of Toppenish, under the kind of conditions climate scientists predict will become more common and extreme. He woke around 3:30 a.m. as usual, made coffee with cinnamon, pocketed the fresh tortillas his wife had made him, and drove to his job at Virgil Gamache Farms. He tended rows of hops, a crop notorious among farmworkers for being hard to work in high temperatures.
Hops are fast-growing leafy vines with pinecone-shaped buds, which contain a resin that gives beer its distinctive hazy citrus flavor. It’s a lucrative crop in the beer-obsessed Northwest; the Yakima Valley alone produces around three-quarters of the nation’s hops. But the plants also trap the sun’s warmth and humidity, raising the heat index by several degrees. There’s scant shade during the hottest part of the day, when the rows turn into sticky, humid tunnels of heat.
On July 29 — when almost all of eastern Washington was under a National Weather Service heat advisory — Gueta Vargas collapsed toward the end of his shift and died. The official cause was atherosclerotic disease, or problems with his arteries, but the coroner noted that environmental conditions were a contributing factor; it was around 101 degrees when he died.
[Continue Reading]
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lastlycoris · 11 months ago
Honestly, I don't think they are. People are moving back and forth between the two worlds without any sort of decontamination procedure. There's probably going to be some sort of plague sooner or later.
And this subway station isn't the only passage to another world either; every subway station in the city seems to have been affected by the phenomenon - and to a lesser degree, it's also occurring outside the city. Heard even China, which is on the other side of the world, has been affected too.
The only thing in our favor right now is that these plants are unable to live without the light of the green sun. Every plant specimen that crossed the boundary has inevitably died after a couple days. Unfortunately, this also includes the people that have been parasitized by the belly vines / hell bananas too. Someone tried to use that as a treatment, and the parasitized people died after suffering severe brain hemorrhage, which makes sense since those hell bananas send roots of some sort into the brain. I'm assuming some sort of immune suppression is also involved, since these things are definitely very foreign.
I'm in agreement with you. This place doesn't really follow the typical plant biology, though I haven't really tested the red-brown soil. It doesn't look like bog soil at any rate. The whole supplemental mutualistic organisms thing just kinda reminds about the whole theory on how groups of prokaryotes became a single cell / eukaryote except now I'm seeing it on a macro scale.
Environment-wise, it's humid. Very humid, like I wouldn't be surprised if the air burst into water type of humid. Like the temperature is only around 75-80 here, but it feels like it's the 100s if I move around more than a bit. Despite the humidity, I haven't seen it rain though, and there's no clouds in the sky either. Then again, I've only been there for three days.
Insect-wise, I've seen fist-sized flies, the horse-sized mosquitos, and something that's a cross between a dragonfly and an earthworm - that one was almost human-sized. It's hard to observe the flies and dragonworms because they stay further away from camp. As for the mosquitos, well, I think they've learned that humans are far squishier than the plants, so they're starting to attack the camp.
I don't know about pollination or reproduction. The only things resembling fruits that I've seen are the hell bananas, which attack when something moves under it - and then they go parasitize the mammal that did it. They don't react to the insects though.
@pyxisastronautica has replied to your post:
L: Doctor, may I ask a few questions about this ecosystem?
Sure, but keep in mind that I haven't really made it past the entrance. Most of what I say is based on my observation, some recordings, and a couple autopsies.
I believe I've met Quebec and X-Ray. Are you Lima then? I'm Euri.
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bookwormswillruletheworld · 4 years ago
Dear all those north of us,
I just want to know who thought it would be fun to deep freeze the south?? And before people start saying “oh it’s not that cold” yes yes it is it was colder at my house this morning that in anchorage fucking Alaska so yes indeed it is cold. We aren’t built for this shit and there’s more coming??
Normal snow days in the south go “oh there’s going to be some snow and we’re concerned about back roads and bridges so we’ll call the day and see you tomorrow” it snows a little bit and predictablely doesn’t stick for more than a few hours we’re back the next day. It hasn’t broken freezing in almost a week the ground is frozen quiet well now anything will stick to it there’s five inches of snow/sleet/ice in my backyard it’s not the stuff you can make snowmen or forts out of it’s solid ice. It is NOT pleasant.
We know what to do with things like tornados and thunder storms admittedly stupid things like take pictures of the rotation and post it on Instagram or look up at the sky during a thunderstorm and go nah it’ll be fine it’s not dark enough. Snow on the other hand has frozen the entire region.
We’re being asked to lower the heating in our houses, and not do things like run the dishwasher or washing machine to conserve power and not tax the grid or alternatively don’t heat as much and don’t run the dishwasher to conserve gas so the pressure won’t decrease and we can keep heating.
Also what the fucking hell is thunder sleet or thunder snow?! It sounds like a bad supervillain name which it very well may be what am I supposed to do with that??
So I think I speak for the entire region when I say we’d like to go back to our old arrangement where we complain about the cold and you say it isn’t that cold because it isn’t really and y’all complain about the heat and we say it’s not that hot because it’s not really.
If these terms aren’t met and we continue this weather exchange we’ll be forced to send 100+ degree heat with 80%+ humidity to increase the heat and misery 10 fold
A very cold southerner
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universalautogarage · 4 years ago
7 Awesome Advantages Of Teflon Coating For Your Vehicle
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Almost 80 million cars sell overall yearly. As underdeveloped nations like India keep coming into monetary flourishing, we hope to see that number keep on rising. 
Something that we speculate will likewise develop close by car possession's prevalence is Teflon coating. 
For the unenlightened, Teflon is a manufactured fluoropolymer that individuals have been putting over their vehicle's surface for quite a long time. Doing so brings a few extraordinary preferences that are getting progressively pertinent as a dangerous atmospheric deviation makes temperatures and conditions harsher. 
On the off chance that you've never been acquainted with the favorable circumstances that Teflon can bring to a car, continue perusing. Beneath, we stall why you should think about spending too much on putting a Teflon coat for your vehicle. 
1. Your Car's Paint Will Look Vibrant 
While not the most common sense of the favorable circumstances, it's significant that the second you get your car out of the shop after Teflon has been applied to it, it'll look fabulous. 
Teflon has a specific sheen to it that makes your car seem as though it has been waxed. The huge distinction is that Teflon is considerably more sturdy than car wax which permits cars to hold that new search for quite a long time instead of a couple of days. 
2. Security Against Humidity 
In the event that you live in a damp territory, you know the harm that the dampness noticeable all around can unleash on your car's body. Throughout the span of long stretches of dampness presentation, rust starts to raise its head which can destroy your vehicle's look, obstruct its usefulness and maybe even decrease the degree of insurance that it offers in case of an accident. 
Teflon coating goes about as a dampness obstruction. At the point when water is noticeable all around contacts your car's surface, with Teflon there to ensure it, the dampness never genuinely comes into contact with your vehicle which implies your potential for rust is decreased if not killed inside and out. 
3. Pungent Air Will Have a Lessened Impact on Your Vehicle 
There's nothing better than living by the sea shore. You can take your car on travels here and there, the sea, you can stroll to the water and, in certain zones, get a-list tan at whatever point you want to. 
Lamentably, your car doesn't partake in your veneration of the sea shore. 
Not exclusively does the dampness noticeable all around cause rust (like we referenced in our last point) however the additional danger of salt blowing around can disintegrate your car's paint. Teflon coating can secure your vehicle against both of those aggravations. 
4. Teflon Could Improve Your Vehicle's Aerodynamics 
Not every person is excessively worried about how streamlined their vehicle is. All things considered, your center when driving most likely isn't to race with different drivers. 
There is additionally a logical explanation concerning why a streamlined car is a decent one however. That reason is mileage. 
With gas costs taking off across numerous pieces of the world, Teflon coating permits your car to slice through wind opposition better which could cut down the yearly measure of cash that you spend on gas impressively. 
5. Teflon Buffers Against Hot and Cold Temperatures 
At the point when you're driving and it's 100+ degrees outside, your motor is in danger of overheating. At the point when you need to drive and it's underneath freezing, you will have a hell of a period kicking your car off. 
Teflon can help protect your car's motor which can keep it at a level temperature when you're confronting inexcusably hot or cold seasons. 
6. Your Car Will Have a Much Harder Time Getting Dirty 
Do you actually consider how your car gets so grimy constantly? 
A few people know the response to that question since they subject their vehicles to things like earth streets. For most of us however, we utilize our cars to get to and from work and still locate that a couple of days after a wash, they look soiled. 
Teflon coating can break that cycle. 
Teflon is a non-stick coating which implies that soil and grime will have a lot harder time choosing your car. That will decrease the measure of outings that you need to take to the car wash during the time which will spare you huge loads of time and a lot of cash. 
7. Getting Your Car Coated Is Cheap and Easy 
Indeed, even with the entirety of the advantages that Teflon coating brings to vehicles, if the way toward getting your car covered was a problem, it would be difficult for us to suggest. 
Luckily, Teflon coating services are performed at pretty much any trustworthy body shop. The expense of getting covered is additionally acceptable thinking about how long a layer of Teflon will last you. 
Simply be certain that the supplier you're utilizing is really Teflon coating your car when they sell you that service. Some temporary shops guarantee that they're Teflon coating cars however are simply waxing them which doesn't give similar advantages. 
Teflon Coating Can Only Help Your Car If You Take the Leap and Get the Job Done 
Getting a layer of Teflon for your vehicle is modest, simple and gives a flock of advantages that can improve the look and usefulness of your car. Need we state more? 
In case you're wavering about Teflon coating, we suggest getting off of it. Our group has a solid inclination that you will love making your first interest in Teflon.
For more reference:
Auto Repair Workshop | Audi Service Center| Car Painting Workshop
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queennicoleinboots · 5 years ago
Swamp Ass
A/N: Alternate Reality. Shit just happens.
It was yet another 80 degree-Fahrenheit day in Georgia. But 80 degrees is not 80 degrees in Georgia. It's really closer to 100 degrees when you factor in humidity and radiation from cell phone towers. I was sweating (and eating) like a pig.
My husband, Joebear, was growling because his butt was sweating. He hated having swamp ass. So he turned on the air conditioner. He also had a fan blowing in his face. The bear needed to be cool in order to not go bear shit on the world.
Speaking of bears, Colonel Mac, a gray bear, was riding over swamp land in his power wheelchair. His wheels were getting stuck in the swamp bog, so he kept having to ride one foot forward and two feet back. He was also grumbling about having a swamp ass because it was sweating in the chair. Clearly, he was having a fucked-up day.
Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing also had a terrible case of swamp ass. He was taking a huge shit on some documents he needed to get rid of because his shredder stopped working. His angry brown bear wife named Megara thought his swamp ass was being put to good use. She had swamp ass, too.
I also had swamp ass. I was sitting under a tree in the swamp and eating vegetable soup and chocolate. I was also waiting on my husband's meatloaf to finish cooking so I could eat that. It had swamp ass, too.
Paul the Goat was trying to mow the swamp with his lawn mower because he was sick of the bog. His lawn mower broke. He started bleating with a deep voice and beating the hell out of the lawn mower. Apparently, he would scratch his butt every now and then. He lacked air conditioner and hot water. He had a case of swamp ass, too.
Hollywood, his horse that joined the Secret American Society of Sexually Frustrated Goats literally a second ago, also just took a sloppy, green dump on the lawn mower. His leg was in severe pain and needed an X-ray specifically done by a sexually frustrated goat veterinarian. Hollywood also had swamp ass.
Joebear realized that he could smell the horse shit. He sniffed the air and asked, "Whoa! What the fuck is that bullshit smell?" He squinched his nose and looked around to see Paul the Goat peeing on the lawn mower to rinse the horse shit off of it. The smell of the piss and shit was being caught in the fan. "Oh my God I'm braindead!" Joebear turned off the fan and stuck his head in the computer screen. "Actually braindead." Joebear scratched his head. He laughed. "That's fucked up. That's very much fucked up. And sometimes I wonder why I'm fucked up."
I laughed at my husband and said, "I'm sorry, bae. I'm fucked up."
Colonel Mac ran into a tree when he was backing up. The tree was moist and left a wet streak on Colonel Mac's back. "What the fuck is wrong with this tree?!" he screamed as he went forward and looked behind him as he shook his fist at the tree. "DOES IT NEED A MASSAGE?!" Even the tree had swamp ass.
"Apparently," I said. "I need a forehead massage to deal with all of this swamp ass!" I started to massage my own forehead.
"OH MY GOD!!!!!! FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!!!!" Joebear screamed at his computer. Apparently, it had swamp ass, too.
Colonel Mac tried to ride over to me before the damn wheelchair got caught on a fuckass tree root and sent him flying toward me. "HOLY SHIT!" he yelled in a strong Southern accent.
"All right. Time to get around this guy's dumb shit. Mother fucker!" Joebear growled as he referred to the tree with swamp ass and glared at his computer screen.
"I managed to get around the guy's dumb shit!" Colonel Mac screamed as his body ended up going through my forehead at Ludacris speed. He went physically through a tree before screaming as he landed right between Joebear and me. Then, Colonel Mac got up and started dancing a gig to the Chicken Dance song.
"Goddammit fucking horse!" Joebear screamed before Hollywood ran his bear ass over. The horse then kicked the shit out of the oven where the meatloaf was. "Ugh. Calm that shit down!" Joebear rolled over and growled.
Colonel Mac farted as he danced. Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing farted as he ate a piece of a chicken. I farted as my ass was now foggy bottom.
The oven threw out the meatloaf and flew into Joebear's bear ass. "Just random kids! Why are they writing stories about my dinner going in my ass? Let's get rid of this dumb shit." On that note, Joebear took a shit. He also cussed out Black Desert Online and Magic the Gathering as he played them on his computer. He tried to play League of Legends, but he kept getting matches where he was 4 versus 5.
Colonel Mac also took this moment to take a shit to finish the dance. His ass was now a swamp. His shit literally consumed all of us. Now we were located in Swamp Ass Mac in Logantown, Georgia. This man hugged everyone as dudes do. No homo. No gay shit.
Skipjacks were swimming around in Mac's shit. Peter, my curly-haired jerk ex-client with green eyes, was sitting on a toilet that was on top of a shit wave that crashed near us.
Peter growled. "Dammit! Over a year later, and it happened again. Explosive diarrhea. Fuck me. I'm a zombie who has been radiated by nearby cell phone towers. OH AND I HAVE COVID-19!" he screamed as he remained on the toilet.
Joebear ate a piece of meatloaf before looking at him. "Dude, you're fucked up."
"Oh God. My long lost cousin's sister's brother's former college roommate almost had Covid a month ago. You're the first asshole who has it this month," Colonel Mac said. "Something tells me you're a swamp asshole."
"WHO IS HE TO YOU?!" Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing sang randomly.
"Absolutely nobody," Colonel Mac said with a hearty laugh.
"What was the point of mentioning it then?" Megara asked as she threw her left hip to the side.
"The son'a bitch was a Democrat!" Colonel Mac said with a snort laugh.
"Really? I heard almost all Democrats had it," Peter said as he blinked.
"Yep. Only liberals have it," I said as I poked his right shoulder repeatedly.
"Oh fuck you, Xara!" Peter said as he rolled his eyes and poked me repeatedly. "Everything's political with you!"
Joebear ate a fish that was in Peter's shit wave. "What am I going to do about my balls?"
"I don't know, bae. You have swamp balls," I said.
"Swamp balls? What the fuck are those?" Joebear asked.
"They're like swamp ass. You have sweaty balls," I said.
Joebear stared at me with his bear brown eyes. "... Girl. You fucked up," he said.
Colonel Mac growled in agreement.
A random song from the 80s, "Hi! ho! Let's Go!" started playing in the swamp.
"Shut the. Fuck. Up. Shut the. Fuck. Up," Joebear sang along. "Let's stick our dicks in a blender and see what happens."
I laughed so hard I had a headache.
"Why not? I can't have sex when I have Covid. Might as well stick my dick in a blender and feed it to these fish," Peter said with a shrug.
The skipjacks immediately began to swirl around Peter while making goofy noises. They were hungry. And they had swamp ass.
"Fuck off. I was being facetious. And it's a fucking oven out here! It's almost as bad as when my old Ford Lincoln had no AC. Thank God that fucking car caught on fire," Peter spoke.
"That's nothing. I abuse my dick three times a day and have sex. And fuck that car indeed," Joebear said as he growled and started masturbating.
Paul the Goat bleated and had to excuse himself.
"There are too many penises and swamp asses in this story!" Colonel Mac shouted. "This is gay!"
Joebear growled loudly and realized that Colonel Mac was correct. "You're right, dude. I need sex!" Joebear screamed.
Everyone bleated except me. I was eating more vegetables. I needed to shower. I had swamp ass.
"Bae Whuhhh!!! Let me eat! Let me shower!" I shouted happily as I ate.
"Hurry up. I need to release seed. In fact, I need to eat, too. I am going to eat a sandwich!"
So Joebear took his sandwich and remaining piece of meatloaf and went in the woods to await me.
Colonel Mac tried to get out of this story, but he managed to tweak his right knee. "Oh fuck! I can't even get out of this sausage fest story! I'm fucked. Sigh!" he complained as his right leg was completely consumed by the swamp. It had swamp ass.
"Story of my life," Peter said with a giggle. "You would positively DIE if you knew half of the horrible shit I'VE gone through. Especially in the last three years. Holy Shit being around Xara is a curse!"
I giggled and ate the last bite of soup. Then, I walked over to fish out Colonel Mac's leg from swamp ass and patted his knee. "I'll give you the transcripts," I said to Colonel Mac as I poked the knee once.
"Feels good," Colonel Mac said. "Okay. Send the transcripts."
"Fuck you," Peter said as he folded his arms over his chest and glared at me with menacing green eyes.
"Haha. You're a dick, Peter," I said as I left the swamp.
Ted the Alligator then drained the swamp. Peter was going down a toilet while he remained on the toilet. Colonel Mac also was flushed down the toilet. Paul the Goat bleated, and Hollywood winnied as they were also flushed down Swamp Ass Mac's drain. Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing randomly sang in opera, "SWAMP ASS!!! MY ASS PASSES GAS" as the end credits to this story.
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gothicvalentine · 5 years ago
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I am totally not an outdoorsy person, but it's like 72 degrees outside and Friday evening with solidly blue skies, so I stopped at the local brewery to grab a craft brew or 3. 😉
Iowa is a state of extreme weather. Back in the early 80s I remember stretches of 100+ degree weather - topping out at 108 Fahrenheit where every night was nonstop tornado warnings and I'd take my boombox and Duran Duran stuff to the basement. I remember it was early June but we still had a couple of days in school and classrooms were not air conditioned so it sucked donkey balls. You almost wished to be sent to the principal where it was air conditioned!
I remember a cold spell where I think it got to 30 some degrees below zero and I think that was pre "wind chill" and "feels like" temps, but I was a kid so don't quote me on that. I do remember my parents delivering newspapers to area stores in their heated van, but my dad's Pepsi bottle in the console cup holder froze up anyway (which is why I was left at a great aunt's rather than helping them with the papers that Sunday).
And I've just come to the realization that if I had any doubt, I have officially become a really fucking old person because I've now moved on to the "back in my day . . ." stage. Christ!
Anyway -- my original point was to say that Iowa generally has pretty shit weather where it's too hot and humid or too cold. We have really short springs and falls, blink and you'll miss them, so although I'm rarely a grateful person (I know that's bad and probably explains my depression somewhat), today is a gift. 🌞
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merrysithmas · 6 years ago
I got tagged by the lovely @mandarinastronaut
1. Nickname: Ev
2. Zodiac sign: scorpio, i am 100% a scorpio. i fit this sign so well idk its my stars i guess
3. Height: 5′5′‘ with my GOOD VELCRO SNEAKERS ON haha
4. Hogwarts house: i think gryffindor??? but i never watched harry potter and only read the first one (didnt really enjoy it) and the half-blood prince (for school)
5. Last thing I Googled: “nina sergeevna gif” bc im really sad LMAO and i miss her
6. Favorite musicians: oh man oh man oh man i have an ENDLESS list of favorite music. literally endless. i am a huge classic rock fan, a huge synth fan, a huge vaporwave fan, i like classical music, indie shit, opera, traditional musics, i like soundscapes and meditation music, i like metal, i like blues, i like so much --like if it bops, it bops. IF IT BOPS IT BOPS!!! that’s facts
7. Song stuck in my head: surfer girl & dont worry baby by the beach boys , peace of mind by chicago, and just what i needed by the cars has been in my head since yesterday, also hocus pocus by focus, and the logical song by supertramp
8. Followers: 1098 (idk why anyone follows me im sorry my blog is a mess but its OUR mess k)
9. Following: 272
10. Do you get asks: not really? Lol talk to me though i love to talk about stuff
11. Amount of sleep: either 2 or 15, and no in between
12. Lucky number: lucky number 6 baby!!!
13. What are you wearing: just woke up and gonna go out skateboarding so teal cloth mini shorts and a ripped like 1980s style “boys” (clothes have no gender) tank top (its 103 degrees and like 75% humidity so)
14. Dream job: photographer for like natl geographic. or astronaut. basically jim kirk. or nothing. zero obligations is cool with me.
15. Dream trip: SPACE!!!! more than anything i want to go to space. hmmm i have hella mad wanderlust. i want to go literally everywhere. luckily (and with some finagling) and ive been a whole bunch of places, almost all usa major/minor cities and states, and several countries in europe and africa. so right now im focusing on Japan and Switzerland, but i also want to see India, Kathmandu, Tanzania, Mexico City, Patagonia, Alaska, Antarctica, Australia. im the energizer bunny i just keep goin
16. Instruments: the only thing i can successfully play mildly well is the ukulele. if i practiced i think id be a lot better.
17. Languages: english, broken but passable french, and like most americans some spanish (esp bc of when i lived in the southwest, where i lived most people did not use english so my Get By Spanish is pretty good).
18. Favorite song: Babe I’m Gonna Leave You by Led Zeppelin and about a trillion others
19. Random fact: i love spiders and snakes and bugs
20. Aesthetic: prob andro 80s rocker ish in general
tagging my  @epermochi !!
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unclogplumbing · 2 years ago
Liberia, Hollywood, FL, USA - Discover What To Expect
When you decide to move to a new city, one of the most important decisions you'll need to make is where to live. Whether you are relocating for business or for personal reasons, you'll want to discover what things you can expect from your new area. A good way to do this is by reading moving blog posts from people who have already moved there.
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Local Cuisine
The area is known for its large number of restaurants and eateries that cater to every taste.
The most popular cuisine in Liberia is American food, with over 100 restaurants serving American cuisine in this neighborhood alone. Other popular cuisines include Italian, Chinese and Thai food.
You can find almost any kind of restaurant you are looking for in Liberia - from fine dining to quick take out spots. The menu at many restaurants changes daily depending on what's fresh and available so you can expect an exciting dining experience every time you visit a restaurant here such as GNS Seafood Express and Sweeteheartz Community Cafe.
The GNS Seafood Express is a seafood restaurant located in Hollywood, FL. They have a variety of seafood options and their menu is very diverse. The food is delicious and reasonably priced. The restaurant has a nice atmosphere and there is always something going on in the area.
Sweeteheartz Community Cafe is a small community cafe that serves breakfast and lunch to the surrounding community. The menu has many different kinds of food items such as sandwiches, salads, soups and more. The prices are reasonable and the quality of the food is very good. The staff is friendly and welcoming, making it easy for you to enjoy your meal at this place!
Liberia is a city in Broward County, Florida, United States. The population was 11,756 at the 2010 census. It is part of the South Florida metropolitan area, which was home to 5,564,635 people at the 2010 census.
Liberia is located at 26°1'48" North, 80°11'16" West (26.039860, -80.184734).[4][5]
According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 7.3 square miles (19 km2), of which 0.05% is water (0.00 km2).
Fair Market Rents
Fair Market Rents (FMRs) are the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) estimate of what an apartment should rent for in a given area.
They are used to determine the amount of rent subsidy provided by HUD.
Fair Market Rent data is available for over 3,000 areas across the country.
Section: You can find the best rental deals on these sites.
Airbnb. This site offers properties from all over the world. Because it's so popular, you'll find a lot of choices and great prices. You can also use Airbnb to book rooms in hostels and hotels, which are another good way to save money while traveling.
HomeAway/VRBO. This site offers homes and condos for rent from homeowners who have been vetted by HomeAway/VRBO experts, so you know they're reliable.
Vacation Rentals by Owner (VRBO). This site is similar to HomeAway/VRBO but has fewer properties available at this time.
The average temperature in Liberia is 14 degrees Celsius and the average precipitation is 149.5 mm. The weather in Liberia is often humid with little variation in temperature throughout the year. Daytime temperatures can rise up to 30°C while night time temperatures drop down to 21°C. Liberia has two seasons: dry and rainy. The dry season lasts from December to April while the rainy season lasts from May to November.
Crime Stats
The crime rate in Liberia is very low compared to other cities in Florida with only one reported incident per year according to city-data.com
Commute Times
Liberia is a small town located about 30 minutes from Hollywood, Florida. Liberia is a great place to live if you're looking for a quiet community with plenty of amenities and great schools.
Liberia has excellent public transportation and it's very easy to get anywhere in Broward County. If you need to get downtown, there are several bus routes that run through Liberia every day. You can also hop on one of the many buses that connect to Miami or other nearby cities like Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton.
The commute time from Liberia to Hollywood Beach is about 10 minutes and from Liberia to Fort Lauderdale is about 20 minutes.
The city is divided into neighborhoods and districts that are not officially designated. However, some of the more well-known neighborhoods include Hollywood Beach, Hollywood Beach South, North Beach, Hallandale Beach and Aventura.
The education system in Liberia is divided into pre-primary, primary and secondary levels. In primary school, students are usually aged six to 13 years old. The basic curriculum consists of English, mathematics and Liberia's official language, Kpelle.
The secondary level education system in Liberia is also divided into junior and senior high schools. Junior high school includes grades seven to nine and senior high school includes grades 10 to 12. Secondary schools provide a wider range of subjects than primary schools such as science and technology, arts, music and home economics.
In Liberia, there are 49 public secondary schools, two private secondary schools and seven international schools with an enrollment capacity of 27,000 students.
Demographic and Diversity Information
The population of Liberia is 5,832 people. The median age in Liberia is 31.4 years. The average household size in Liberia is 2.71 people. 39% of people are married and 61% are single. In Liberia, there are 1,456 men for every 1 women that lives in the city.
There are 1,045 families residing in Liberia with an average family size of 2.58 members. The racial makeup of the city is 85% Black or African American, 6% White, 5% Two or More Races, 3% Asian and 0% Native American/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. The average income per household in Liberia is $35k-39k annually with an average rent price of $950-$1k annually.
In Liberia, you can expect to find a warm and inviting community of people, with a diverse range of interests. They are most often willing to open their hearts and homes to you. This is more than just a city, and there is much more to discover here. If you are looking for somewhere new to explore, look no further than Liberia, FL.
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Kitchen Sink Drain Cleaning
Kitchen sink drain cleaning Liberia is a popular service offered by many local plumbers in order to keep drains running smoothly and prevent future blockages and clogs from forming inside of them. The process involves snaking out the drain and removing any debris that may be blocking its path through the pipes below your kitchen sink.
The main purpose of this service is to remove grease buildup from deep within the pipes below your sink so that you won't have another problem with clogged drains in the future. 
Unclog Plumbing 24/7 Hollywood Liberia (954)-994-2235 https://unclogplumbingservices247.com/
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dogtrainingfast · 2 years ago
How to Keep Dogs Cool in Summer
Summertime has many people heading outside to enjoy the warm days and sunshine. If you have a dog, though, you may worry about bringing him out in the heat.
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Fortunately, you can bring him along on almost any adventure as long as you take a few precautions. See our expert tips below on how to keep dogs cool in summer.
6 Tips to Help Keep Dogs Cool in Summer
1. Have Plenty of Fresh, Cold Water Available
Whether you’re taking your dog on a hike or just playing in the back yard, it’s important to make fresh, cold water available and accessible for him.
When you’re out and about, bring a portable, collapsible water bowl or a squirt bottle. Give him small amounts of water every 15 to 20 minutes during activity. Make sure you have enough cool water to last the entire time you’re gone.
If your dog starts panting excessively, get him to the shade and give him more water right away. Arleigh Reynolds, Purina Senior Research Nutritionist and Veterinarian cautions against giving too much water at once, though.
“For a forty-five to fifty-five pound dog, don’t let them drink more than four to eight ounces of water at a time. After they’ve had time to absorb it and get it out of their stomach, give them some more ten or fifteen minutes later.”
2. Play in the Water
A wet dog is a cool dog. Dr. Reynolds recommends planning outdoor summer activities with your pooch so they involve some water play—sprinklers, pools or lakes can all be fun and cooling.
“Take them someplace where, if you’re going for a run, you can stop and throw a stick and have him swim to fetch it. It’s amazing how quickly that can lower his body temperature and make him feel good.”
Just remember to bring some old towels to dry off after he’s done playing.
3. Avoid the Midday Heat
You and your dog can exercise outside any time of day depending on the heat and humidity. A mild, overcast day with low humidity might be okay for a midday walk or run.
If it’s sunny, 80 degrees and high humidity, it’s better to avoid the midday heat. If you do need to get some exercise in on those types of days, try to go early in the morning or later in the evening when it’s not as hot.
Remember to check the temperature of the pavement before you go. Even on milder days, asphalt can get extremely hot in direct sun. Dr. Reynolds suggests putting your hand on the pavement to test the temperature. You can also pour water on blacktops. If it immediately steams up, it’s too hot for your dog.
“You can get little boots for your dogs’ paws, but you have to be careful with those, too,” he says. “If they get hot, it will cause a problem anyway.” Dr. Reynolds prefers walking his dogs on trails. Because they aren’t hard surfaces and are typically shaded, they’re less likely to cause injury.
Plus, “It teaches the dogs, particularly as they age, to be better with their balance. They end up doing better later into life when they’re used to those types of surfaces.”
4. Never Sit in a Parked Car
Don’t leave your dog in a parked car—ever—even with the windows cracked. Even on milder days, temperatures inside the car can quickly rise to dangerous, life-threatening levels.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Cars parked in direct sunlight can reach internal temperatures up to 131°F to 172°F when it’s 80°F to 100°F outside.”
If you want to take your dog on a road trip this summer, Dr. Reynolds says, “In the car with air conditioning is fine. Keep an eye on him to see if he starts panting, though. If the dog isn’t acclimated to travel, the extra anxiety associated with traveling can be enough to put a dog over the edge.”
Dr. Reynolds trains his dogs from an early age so not only are they used to traveling, but it’s something they also look forward to.
5. Stay Out of the Dog House
Dog houses don’t allow for air flow, which makes them dangerous in the summer heat.
If you need to keep outside dogs cool in summer, give them plenty of shady areas to lounge in with fresh, cool water on hand. Adding ice to the water bowl can help, too.
6. Know the Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs
Any time you’re out and about with your dog, pay attention to his behavior, body language and more.
According to Dr. Reynolds there are a couple things to look for, including “panting and how excited your dog is to keep going with the activity. If your dog suddenly starts holding back on a walk or run, that’s a clear sign to take a break and cool off. Another thing to look for is the way he holds his ears and tail.
“If his ears are erect and he’s alert and looking around, great. If they start to droop, that’s worrisome. The same goes for the tail. I’ve noticed when a lot of dogs get warm, if they have a tail that’s normally up and wagging, it will start to drift down or even go all the way down, which is another warning sign.”
Heatstroke is a serious risk for dogs on hot days. Puppies, senior dogs and those in poor health are at a higher risk. Following the above tips can help prevent overheating and heat stroke in dogs, but knowing what to look for is also critical.
Symptoms of heatstroke include:
Excessive panting and/or salivating
Obvious discomfort
Vomiting and diarrhea
If you notice any of the above symptoms, get your dog into a cooler environment as soon as possible and call your veterinarian for further instructions. Dr. Reynolds recommends carrying a digital thermometer with you so you can monitor your dog’s temperature.
“If your dog’s body temperature goes above one hundred and four degrees, it’s time to get them out of the sun and decrease the level of activity,” he says. A 104-degree body temperature isn’t dangerous, but it’s a threshold. A dog who’s handling the heat well may have a temperature of 109 degrees and within a minute it will drop to 104 and down to 102 in another minute.
When your dog’s temperature stays elevated, even after stopping activity and getting out of the heat, that’s a sign you need to intervene.
Dr. Reynolds recommends squirting your dog’s chest and armpits with cool water and rubbing it in. You can also rinse his mouth with water, which helps his internal cooling system work more efficiently.
Many signs of heat stroke may not appear for several days, so be on the lookout beyond your outdoor activities. Prompt veterinary care can prevent or treat some of these complications.
Learn more---https://bit.ly/3DbpXHe
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christopheribishop9 · 3 years ago
7 Painless (But Valuable) Things To remember About AC Repair Corpus Christi.
Achieve Better HVAC Success Because Of This Short Article
HVAC sounds like a complicated topic. That is because the device involves many components. However, you will no longer have to be in the dark as this information has some good advice to provide you started.
Before you make that repair call, be sure to know the specifics regarding your particular system. Be aware of model and logo and find it’s maintenance history, when possible. The contractor will more than likely need all of this information.
Clean the coils of your respective condenser fan on a monthly basis. Always turn off all capability to your unit for almost any work beyond superficial cleaning. Leaves and debris can develop inside of the unit and cause damage.
In the fall, leaves can gather around your HVAC. Whenever leaves are falling, consistently clean the fan grill. The fan must stay clear so that you can function, and if it gets blocked, you will need to contend with problems.
Some fan condensers might have oil parts, and when yours does, ensure it really is lubricated at least one time annually. These ports are normally engrossed in caps created from metal or rubber. You need to select an SAE 20 oil because it is lightweight and does not contain detergent. Make sure to use just 10 drops or more, or even your system may overfill.
Try to find shade when placing a compressor outdoors. Once the unit sucks in cooler air, then less work is necessary to cool it further which often raises the units efficiency.
Your computer must be checked every six months. The very best times to have the system checked is spring and fall, so you are certain everything is running at peak performance just before the heating and cooling seasons. Even if nothing seems wrong, checking it all out may help you find and repair potential issues.
Shut down your outdoor condenser whenever it becomes cold out.
When the temperature drops beneath 60 degrees, it’s time for you to shut down the unit to prevent damage. This could make your system doing work for years and save you plenty on repairs.
Never let the temperature at your residence to go up to your dangerously advanced level. It will take a significant while to cool a home by over 20 degrees. Should your home occurs to get near 100 degrees Fahrenheit, then you will only be capable of reasonably cool to around 80. This isn’t an extremely safe condition for a homeowner to rest in, particularly when humidity levels are believed.
To choose a HVAC contractor, it is essential to check their reputations. Talk with the BBB (Better Business Bureau), and search them up on review sites online to discover what past customers need to say with regards to their experience. Taking these steps will assist ensure you come up with a wise decision.
Getting knowledgeable about the HVAC unit is something that this article should have helped you with. You can start getting the best from your unit by deciding to adhere to the great advice outlined on this page. You’ll be happy you probably did when things start clicking in your mind!..
from Guilin Home Improvement Useful Source http://www.guilin-lvyou.org/7-painless-but-valuable-things-to-remember-about-ac-repair-corpus-christi/
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littleharpethcrossfit · 3 years ago
Saturday, 14 August     KBS Warmup.....Push Press.....”Laredo”.....MB Sit-ups.
We enjoyed temps near 80 degrees and with a humidity %  almost the same number, but with an overcast sky limiting the heat of the Sun.
Big Shane led the mobility and exercises to get us going.    
Warmup #2:
20 Kettlebell Swings  X  20 EMOM  For 5  Minutes.   Any KB will do.
Strength WOD
Push Press:     3  Reps   E 2 M O M  X  20 Minutes.  That’s 3 reps  X  10 sets.  Begin light, about 50% 1 Rep Max.
Shane=215     Andy=175 X 10 !     WG/Robert/Ed/Nathan/Jordan=175     Luke=155     Timmy=145     Darin/Lew=135     Tom/Andrew/Dana/Rodney=115        Elisa=105       Coach=85     Sue=75     SC/Sandy/Angel=55    Manny/LInda and others failed to post.
The WOD:
“LAREDO”            6 Rounds       
Partner-sharing of the 3 exercises encouraged for scalers.
24 Squats     ( E 50 lb Wreck Bag) 
24 Push-Ups
24 Walking Lunges     ( E 50 lb Wreck Bag)
 Run/Row 400/500m
Shane=34:38     Timmy=35:37-     Ed=41:16-
Robert=22:32     WG/Jordan=23:05     Dana=27:23     Sue=27:26     Darin=28:48     Luke=29:28 (+ 26 lbs)     Andy=31:36
Scaled Full:
Andrew=26:56     Rodney=29:04     Elisa=29:36
Nathan=25:45 (4 rounds)     Tom=4 Rounds     SC=29:00 (1/3)     Coach/Lew=30:30 (shared)     Angel=31:32 (1/2)     Sandy=32:45 (1/2)      Manny/Linda
100 Partner Med-Ball Sit-Ups     Most were too tired to consider this.
Jordan A.  came back to visit.  I still can’t believe it’s been 7 years since he left us to go to Med School at Harvard.  Now he has nearly finished his residency at the Brigham and is likely to settle in Nashville a year from now.  Jordan has obviously kept fit, and is attending CrossFit One Nation. Hopefully we will see him here again tomorrow.  I am already lobbying for his membership in 2022. 
I added the Wreck-Bags for “Elite” sorta as a joke, thinking that Brendan would be a sucker for the challenge.  Brendan wasn’t here, but a few other “suckers” took up the challenge.  They will regret doing today’s WOD if they show up for tomorrow.  They will see more Wreck-Bags and more squats.
If you can trust my memory (which Robert says he no longer can), the Hero “Laredo” induced labor for our dear friend and former regular attendee KATI.  
And if you can believe the Weight Percentage Prediction Charts (and I do) on the wall at the Barn, today’s Andy H  Push Press ‘s of 175 X 10 equates to a 1 rep max of 230.  The question is, does Andy H truly believe the prediction?  
Sunday at 1 PM.      
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