Thank you to @themandilorian for thinking of me!
Three ships: God, I am not feeling romantic ships lately.  Uh, Enjolras/Justice, JVJ/a sense of peace, Favourite/the room for some personal introspection.
Last song: I was trying a new Spotify playlist and gave up mid-song, so คิดถึง by Chatchai Sukkawadi
Last movie: Probably Fire Island again, hahahah.
Currently reading: If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio (and, as always, Les Mis)
Currently watching: Star Trek: the Original Series.  I keep picking it up and putting it down, there are so many episodes.  ^^;
Currently consuming: water
Currently craving: Sleep and a return to my current knitting project and audiobook
@perihelionicarus , @eldritchw1tch , @thepiecesofcait , @cynical-sirius , @almondmisery , @thecandlesticksfromlesmis , @racetrackthehiggins , @the-march-hair : if you are up for it, please give me a life update! (but also, no pressure/rush)
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Les Mis Fandom Calendar -- December 2021
Plenty of fun things coming up on the calendar and currently going  on!  Offerings and bidding for the Bishop Myriel Fundraiser just started yesterday, Yuletide and Les Mis Holiday Exchange reveals are happening soon (or have happened recently), and Joly Week is coming up at the end of next month!
More information can be found on the calendar, but we all know how tumblr is about adding links to posts these days…  
December 2021: 18: Bidding begins for the Bishop Myriel Fundraiser Auction ( @bishopmyrielfundraiser ) 25: Yuletide Works Revealed – I’ve included Yuletide this year because Arm Joe is in the tagset for anyone who might be interested.
January 2022: 18: Bidding ends for the Bishop Myriel Fundraiser Auction (bishopmyrieldfundraiser) Jan 30 - Feb 5: Joly Week ( @jolyweek; mod: @almondmisery) – tag: #joly week
February 2022: Jan 30 - Feb 5: Joly Week (jolyweek; mod: almondmisery) – tag: #joly week 13-19: Ace Mis Week ( @acemisweek; mod: @eirenical) – tag: #ace mis week
April 2022: 22-24: Barricades Con ( @barricadescon)
May 2022: 1-8: Same-Prompt Fic Challenge 2022 ( @lesmissamepromptficchallenge ; mod: @shitpostingfromthebarricade)
As  always, if you are interested in running a fandom event or know of a fandom event that isn’t on the calendar, please let me know so I can add it! (Preferably use the @ function or send an ask. Tags are unreliable at best, these days, and this is a side blog now so I’m not sure messages work.  Thanks! ^_^)
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scalproie · 2 years
happy yaoi friday
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sakuatsu · 3 years
ya i get to see u play mind genshin every day...my favorite mindgenshin twitter streamer maya
the mind genshin got so bad that i think i accidentally got one of my irls to dl genshin . they don’t know anime or anything they’re just a guy
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eirenical · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if there was anything akin to a general Les Mis Ladies Week going on in the next year or so? And if not, do you think there'd be interest?
I... am not aware of such a week?  But I’m sure there would be interest!  Maybe try making a post and float it out into the tags to test the waters?
What do you think, everyone?  Any interest in a LM Ladies Week?  ^_^
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foragings · 4 years
I was so excited to get my sunglasses in the Ray Ban Sunglasses Official Charity Event! Where'd the post go? :(
maybe you’ll be lucky enough to be able to offer the opportunity to your mutuals too!
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alicedrawslesmis · 4 years
(for the color asks) Coconut, pecan, plum! :)
Thank you so very much!!!!
Coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about:
I honestly enjoy learning about anything, like any given subject the more I learn about it the better
plum: a food you've never tried
I've never had corn on the cob. I don't even fully understand what it is.
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
Blue Monday by New Order
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jewishbowser · 5 years
@almondmisery hey there! im your secret santa this year!!! I hope you enjoy this drawing of the bbs cuddling up on Christmas :)
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thelesmisbigbang · 4 years
Regarding the ask about the time zone: There aren’t any locations on PST because we’re in daylight time now! Spring Forward just happened, so we’re in PDT now :) just letting y’all know if you were still confused
Good to know, thanks! Accurate results still come up if you google “Time in PST” though, so I’m guessing anon’s browser was glitching.
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taffetizer · 3 years
just found out marzipain url is taken. my disappointment is immeasurable my day is ruined
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almond-gallery · 4 years
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sigh. they really got to me
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Tag People you would like to get to know better - I was tagged by @secretmellowblog , thank you friend!
1. Three ships: Empereur's Mercy, Empereur's Candlesticks, The Reader x Enjolras's Mom
2. First ever ship: Karin/Kazune
3. Last song: "Visions of Gideon" by Sufjan Stevens
4. Last movie: if stand-up specials count, Neal Brennan's Blocks; if not, I'm genuinely not sure
5. Currently reading: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
6. Currently watching: Nothing, I don't think.
7. Currently consuming: oxygen as I wait at 4AM to pick my neighbor up from a bus station
8. Currently craving: sleep would be pretty fucking chill, and also some time to be alone in my house and get caught up on personal projects
Tagging other people: @almondmisery @fionacreates @surefireshore @opens-up-4-nobody (no pressure!)
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almondmisery · 4 years
in case i interact with anyone on ao3, i’ve just changed my ao3 username! formerly dead_almond_walking, i am now ao3 user marzipain
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jolyweek · 4 years
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Hey all! Joly Week is officially on, and will be occurring from January 31st to February 6th. The tag is #joly week, though with the way tumblr tags tend to work (or don’t work), you may also want to @ this blog. All entries will be reblogged to the @jolyweek blog.
All SFW fanworks are welcome--any AU, any medium, shippy or gen--as long as they have a focus on Joly, it’s all good!
There is also a completely optional prompt list included, for inspiration! There are two prompts for every day, for more options. Feel free to use only one, none, or mix and match prompts however you like--anything goes!
Day 1 (January 31): Cane | First Meetings
Day 2 (February 1): Lucky | Sharing a Meal
Day 3 (February 2): Seasons | Hurt/Comfort
Day 4 (February 3): Colors | Gift Giving
Day 5 (February 4): Fly | Dreams
Day 6 (February 5): Stars | Confessions
Day 7 (February 6): Animals | Fashion
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send an ask or a DM to this blog. You can also contact @almondmisery​ (the mod for this event.) Can’t wait to see all the lovely creations!
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sakuatsu · 3 years
swagalicious to see you back maya
LOL u say this as if u haven’t seen me absolutely losing my mind on twt 40 times a day. hello
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milfbro · 3 years
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I was tagged by @stepmommyamos ! Thank you I haven't done one of these in ages lol
Lock screen, last selfie and last song
(I hate spotify, it didn't let me listen to the actual song I had to go to my playlist and wait for the song to start playing at random. Great platform)
I'll tag @thenineofus @alfredsnightmare and I never know who to tag in these things. If you guys feel comfortable @oilan @enjoloras @almondmisery @adorablecrab
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