clarkkantagain · 10 months
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beto fragola and nicolas diaz in almamula, 2023
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legend-collection · 1 year
If a woman had improper relations with one of the relatives of Almamula, he would punish that woman by transforming her into a series of different forms. First, the woman was transformed in a bogey that would stroll about in the night, seducing, murdering, and devouring any men that she encountered who were alone. Later, Almamula would transform the woman into a mule. The woman, in mule form, would be forced to drag chains during nights on which there were thunderstorms. Finally, Almamula would turn the unfortunate woman into a gigantic black dog with teeth of fire.
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wherever-i-look-blog · 11 months
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Almamula (2023)- Review and Summary https://tinyurl.com/yvavgb7n
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unblogparaloschicos · 5 months
Cine: Almamula (2023)
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La religión y la mitología del interior argentino son factores fundamentales en esta película, conocida en áreas angloparlantes como "Carnal Sins" ("Pecados carnales") y dirigida por el también guionista Juan Sebastián Torales, quien dota el filme de una angustiosa atmósfera de misterio, drama y fantasía. Es una experiencia visual en la que el espectador siempre espera que algo tenebroso termine por aflorar definitivamente sobre la pasmosa seguridad de los personajes principales.
La primera escena muestra una espantosa paliza que deja al apocado Nino (Nicolás Díaz) con el rostro cubierto de heridas, pese a lo cual el barrio entero le pide a su madre, la muy religiosa Elsa (María Soldi), que haga algo con su hijo, cuyas inclinaciones sexuales son, a su juicio, una mala influencia para los chicos. La familia entera, entre las que se incluye a Ernesto, esposo de la mujer (Cali Coronel) y Natalia, la molesta hermana de Nino (Martina Grimaldi), van a su estancia en Santiago del Estero. La idea es pasar dos o tres meses, hasta que la situación el el barrio se tranquilice un poco. Allí toman conocimiento de la desaparición de Panchito, nieto de la vecina María (Luisa Lucía Paz), según se cree, causada por "Almamula", una figura espectral maldecida por Dios que secuestra a aquellos que cometen faltas carnales graves.
Nino asíste a la catequesis del padre César (Adrián Ramallo) para recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, pero la idea del Almamula comienza a obsesionarlo al punto de desear ser raptado por ese ser maléfico mientras, siempre víctima de las burlas de su hermana y asustado por la culpa religiosa, mira con constante deseo al trabajador que visita asiduamente su casa (Malevo, interpretado por Beto Frágola) y realiza otros actos un tanto herejes para asegurarse la visita del Almamula.
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laserpinksteam · 2 years
Film after film: Almamula (dir. Juan Sebastian Torales, 2023)
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There's too much Catholic religion and too little monster in this film, whose protagonist is moved away from a city to the countryside after being violated by a group of homophobic peers. His mother and sister are walking tropes: superficially religious and pretending they do not, in fact, constantly fantasize of touching the sinewy body of a male helper and of kissing boys, respectively. There are a few beautiful images, particularly the ones that shortly reveal the actual monster, lurking somewhere at the film's peripheries. The last scene, with Nino matter-of-factly disrobing Christ's figure is the masterful final stroke.
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manusilvestre · 8 months
Bue, gente. Creo que ya tengo suficientes para empezar con el torneo de criptidos argentinos. Voy a empezar la primera ronda en algunos de estos días. Estos son los criptidos que van a participar, voy a poner un resumen de la leyenda en los posts, pero manden propaganda si quieren.
El Pomberito/Pombéro
El Pitufo Enrique
El Nahuelito
El Cabralito
El Yaguarete-Aba
El Lobizón
La Luz Mala
El Almamula/Mulanima
La Pelada de la Cañada
La Dama de Blanco de la Recoleta
La Chancha con Cadena
El Familiar
El Oókempam
El Ngen
El Futre
El Zupay
El Coquena
La Telesita
El Basilisco Criollo
El Carpincho Blanco
El Yaguarón
El Cuero Vivo
El Yasy Yateré
Los Pillán
Si tienen algunos más que pueda agregar porfa díganme. Gracias!!
Van a estar con el tag "torneo argiecryptids".
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prontaentrega · 10 months
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Historia de lo oculto
Algo que pasó en año nuevo
Muere Monstruo Muere (no me gustó pero no deja de ser una peli de terror argentina)
Demonio eclipse rojo (same as above)
Terror 5 (same as above)
Almamula (todavía no la vi pero la tiro)
ehhh mutuals ayuden
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betogun · 6 months
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"Ignorance is Bliss (II)" -  Fotograma de “Almamula” (2023) de Juan Sebastián Torales.
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eriki · 1 year
"Almamula" | Trailer | Berlinale 2023
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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that-spider-witch · 3 years
The Fair Folk: Fairy Myths Around The World
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🦋 The following list contains different names used for Fae or Fae-like creatures and spirits around the world, as well as the place/culture they are from. Since the European Fae are the most well-known of the bunch (and there’s a lot of them), this list shall mainly focus on what I think are the less known ones.
WARNING: This list was just made with the intent of gathering more information about them and as a writing resource/inspiration. It is NOT meant to be used as a “beginner’s guide” to contact with these spirits for witchcraft purposes or anything like that. For those wanting to work with spirits, Fae or otherwise, witchcraft-dedicated blogs have already made some really good posts about the subject. Some of these spirits also belong to closed or semi-closed cultures. Please, always do your own research.
(Germanic and Romance) European Fae:
Aos Sí (Ireland): “People of the Mounds” Umbrella term to describe most of the Celtic faeries and nature spirits. 
Alp-luachra (Ireland): “Joint-eater” A type of fairy who would adopt the form of a newt to consume half of a person’s food or nourishment.
Brownie (Scotland): Household spirits said to inhabit the unused corners of the home and aid in tasks around the house.
Bluecap (England): Cavern spirits known for helping miners with their work.
Caoineag (Scotland): Female spirit whom, like the Banshee, weeps and wails to foretell death and misfortune.
Cat sìth (Scotland and Ireland): Feline fairy said to resemble a black cat with a white spot on its chest.
Cù sìth (Scotland and Ireland): The Cat sìth‘s canine counterpart. They are said to resemble large hounds with shaggy, dark green fur.
Clurichaun (Ireland): Male fairies with a taste for alcoholic drinks. Known for their tendency to haunt breweries, pubs and wine cellars.
Dobhar-chú (Ireland): Water spirit said to resemble a dog, an otter or a half-dog, half-fish creature.
Duende (Spain): Small house spirits known for their mischiveous trickery, but some can also be helpful and kind to humans. 
Fachan (Scotland): Mountain spirit described as having a single eye in the middle of its face, a single hand protruding from its chest instead of arms, and a single leg emerging from its central axis.
Far darrig (Ireland): Small fairies described as having dark, hairy skin, long snouts and skinny tails, as well as wearing red coats and caps. They are sometimes associated with rats.
Kelpie (Scotland): Water spirits said to haunt lochs and lonely rivers. It is usually described as appearing as a horse but is able to adopt a human form. Mostly known for tales of them tricking humans into riding them, after which they’d take them to the water to drown.
Púca (Ireland): Shapeshifting nature spirits, which can take the appearance of horses, goats, cats, dogs, and hares. While able to take human form, animal features usually remain, such as ears or a tail.
Trasgo (Spain): A chaotic type of Duende that its mischiveous and playful at their best, malevolent and hateful at their worst.
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Américan Fae:
Almamula (Argentina and Uruguay): “Mule soul/Mule ghost” Malevolent female spirit described as a black mule or donkey able to breathe fire. Associated with wildfires, droughts and sexual urges/lust.
Caipora (Brazil): "Inhabitants of the forest" Forest-dwelling, dark-skinned fairies. They are said to demand smoke and tree-bark offerings from hunters before allowing them to have any luck in their hunting.
Chaneque (Mexico): “Those who live in dangerous places” or “The owners of the house” Spirits of the soil, found on forests, lakes, rivers and jungles. Similar in many aspects to the European Goblin and the Duende, they are described as having child-like faces and voices, as well as tails. 
Curupira (Brazil): Nature spirits described as having red hair and feet turned backwards, they are said to be vengeful against poachers and hunters that take more than what they need of the forest.
Momoy (Venezuela): Small male faeries who are described as bearded men who wear tall hats, similar in appearance to the Scandinavian Dwarf. Associated with rivers, fog and agriculture, the Momoyes are peaceful water spirits who are said to be helpful to those farmers who treat them with respect.
Sisimique (Costa Rica): Earth spirits described as having the face of a human and the body of a monkey, as well as just having four fingers on each hand. They are said to inhabit caves and caverns.
Wefuke (Chile): Mischievous spirits who feed on negative emotions, said to sometimes be malevolent in nature but who are also known to punish wrong-doers. They are an important part of Mapuche witchcraft traditions, as they function as ‘Familiar’ spirits to the Calcu (Name given to those Mapuche witches who choose to specialize on baneful magic and hexes, as opposed to healing shamanic magic or Machi). These Wefuke are said to stay loyal to a human bloodline for generations: A Calcu will sometimes inherit the Wefuke companion of their mentor or family member after they pass away.
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Slavic and Scandinavian Fae:
Bauk (Serbia): Large fae, described as being bear-like in appearance, whom inhabit dark places, holes, or abandoned houses and are scared away by light and loud noises. Said to enjoy the taste of human flesh, parents used to scare their children with tales of these creatures.
Hulder (Norway and Denmark): Female spirits described as beautiful women with hollow backs and with a cow’s tail. Said to lure human men into marrying them to kill them later, but folktales of Hulders seducing human women to spirit them away into their realms also exist.
Iele (Romania): Nature spirits who are portrayed as wearing bells at their feet and dance in circles to enthrall humans. If you approach them as a man, then you are forced to dance with them untill your feet bleed for their amusement. If approached as a woman, you dance with them until sun rise without being hurt. If you run away after seeing them, they are said to hunt you down. The place where the Iele had danced would after remain carbonized, with the grass incapable of growing on the trodden ground, and with the leaves of the surrounding trees scorched. Later, when grass would finally grow, it would have a red or dark-green color, the animals would not eat it, but instead mushrooms would thrive on it.
Leshy (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Poland): Nature spirits who rule over the forest and the hunt. Masculine and humanoid in shape, but also said to be able to assume any likeness and can change in size and height. Sometimes portrayed with horns and surrounded by packs of wolves and bears.
Mavka (Ukraine, Austria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary): Nymph-like female spirits, most commonly associated with the Carpathian Mountains. They are described as being eerily beautiful, as well as not casting a shadow nor reflections.
Nisse (Norway): Brownie-like creatures (As in, the European fairy, not the chocolate cake), whom live on farms and are said to help farmers with taking care of animals and keeping the soil bountiful. Though mostly benevolent, they're still Fae, and they are said to cause mischief when disrespected, including killing/harming the animals and/or turning the soil infertile. Their Swedish equivalent is called Tomte.
Rusalka (Russia): Female water spirits, described as having long, wet hair and pupiless eyes. Similar to the Greek sirens and the mermaids in that they are said to seduce humans with their singing and dancing to bring them into the water, where they then drown them and eat them.
Samodiva (Bulgaria): Woodland faeries commonly depicted as ethereal maidens with long, loose hair, and in some cases, wings. They are often described as blonde, tall, slender women with pale, glowing skin and fiery eyes, typically dressed in free-flowing, feathered white gowns.
Underjordiske (Norway and Scandinavia as a whole): “The Underworldly”, “The One Living Underground” or “Those who live down below” Umbrella term to describe most Scandinavian faeries.
Vila (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria): Female faeries described as young-looking girls with bird or butterfly-like wings, golden hair, white dresses and armed with bow and arrows. Some tales have them as being fearsome warriors despite their cutesy appearance, and that they could be seen riding elk or wolves into battle. Associated with dew, certain flowers and rainbows.
Vittra (Sweden): Nature spirits who live underground and are indifferent towards human affairs, but who are said to be fearsome when enraged.
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fernysattic · 4 years
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WIP of a local legend, the Almamula. A woman punished for her perceived sins by turning into a ghostly mule with mouth and eyes pouring internal flames, and a heavy set of chains beating against her as she desperately gallops through the steppes. I wonder how many mules and horses must have resembled this spirit while running away from the fires that still rage in Cordoba. Having committed no sin at all. #almamula #mulanima #argentina #cordoba #fuego #fires #ghost #myths #leyendas #fantasma #duende #artistalatino #artistaargentino #latinoartist
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legend-collection · 1 year
Headless Mule
The Headless Mule is most popular in the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, but is well known throughout the country. Similar myths (the Muladona and the Almamula) occur in the surrounding Hispanic countries.
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Pic by Gusatvo Casagrande
The Mule's appearance varies greatly from region to region. Its color is most commonly given as brown, sometimes as black. It has silver (or iron) horseshoes that produce a hideous trotting, louder than any horse is capable of producing.
Despite being headless, the Mule still neighs (usually very loud), and sometimes it moans like a crying woman. It also has a bridle tied to its non-existent mouth, and spews fire through its non-existent nostrils (or, in some versions, from its severed neck).
According to most reports, the Mule is condemned to gallop over the territory of seven parishes each night (just as the Brazilian version of the werewolf). By some accounts, its trip begins and ends at the parish where the sin was committed.
Transformation usually occurs at a crossroads. Depending on the source the headless mule may have a placeholder head and mane, made of the fire it spews, to which a red-hot iron bridle is tied.
The curse of the Headless Mule cannot be transmitted (unlike the vampiric curse), because it is acquired as a result of a sin committed willfully by the accursed woman.
The transformation can be reversed temporarily by spilling the mule's blood with the prick of a needle or by tying her to a cross. In the first case, transformation will be prevented while the benefactor is alive and lives in the same parish in which his feat was accomplished. In the second case the woman will remain in human form until the sun dawns, but will transform again the next time.
A more stable removal of the curse can be achieved by removing the bridle, in which case the woman will not shape shift again while the benefactor is alive. Tying the bridle back to the woman's mouth will return the curse.
Removal of the curse is a great relief for the woman because the curse includes many trials, so the grateful woman will usually repent her sins and marry the benefactor. In any case, when the mule changes back to human form the accursed woman will be completely naked, sweated, and smelling of sulfur.
A person who encounters the mule should not cross its path, or the mule will follow the offender and trample him down. Instead, one should either be brave enough to remove the bridle or spill its blood, or else just lay face down on the ground, covering teeth and nails (as well as anything that shines) and the mule will hopefully fail to notice the stranger's presence and trot away (because it has poor vision).
There is also a similar folk tale where the curse fell on the sinning priest. In this story, the priest's headless ghost rides through the night on a normal horse, much like the Headless Horseman in Washington Irving's story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Indeed, this variant of the myth may well be just a modern import of that 19th century tale.
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zarvabarroso · 6 years
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Día 23 - "Muladona" (Mitología Catalana). Llegar a la Muladona me ha hecho llegar a un imaginario que repite patrones y símbolos en varias culturas del mundo, siendo a veces un icono cultural en fiestas tradicionales: la Siguanaba (Mitología Guatemalteca), Almamula o Mulánima(Mitología Argentina), La Mula sin Cabeza (Mitología Brasileña) o la Condená (Mitología Chilota). Todas sus historias obedecen un patrón: castigar a una mujer que, o bien, ha llevado una vida sexual libre o que ha desobedecido y ha decidido salirse de las reglas que les imponía la sociedad. Sus actos le convierten en un ser mitológico como castigo, que a su vez sigue incitando al pecado o que maldice a quien lo comete. Que su iconología este relacionada con el caballo es un misterio pero es curioso que se repita en varios países. A día 23 de octubre son ya 23 historias que he leído y puedo decir que la mitología al igual que otras partes de nuestra cultura, es bastante machista y al igual que puede ocurrir con los cuentos, sus historias retratan nuestros miedos, pero también aleccionan y advierten sobre como debemos comportarnos y ser moralmente hablando. En mi caso, ya que estoy reinterpretando la mitología, he decidido unir a estas mujeres para que en ese mundo mágico universal cabalguen juntas y que aquello por lo que fueron condenadas sea lo que de lugar a su poder. Porque todo se puede revisar, reinventar y crear de nuevo.
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manusilvestre · 8 months
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La Luz Mala: también conocida como el farol del diablo. Es avistada en el noroeste del país, más especificamente en las áreas de campo. Tal como dice el nombre, es una luz que se aparece al atardecer en las épocas más secas del año. Está más activa el 24 de agosto(el día de San Bartolomé). No sé sabe muy bien qué es la luz. Algunos proponen que es un espíritu, mientras que otros proponen que es algo diabólico. Según las leyendas, acercarse a la luz o cavar en el lugar dónde apunta es muy peligroso y sólo invita mala fortuna a la persona y/o al lugar. Las personas que han cavado en esos lugares han encontrado artefactos antiguos pertenecientes a los pueblos indígenas del lugar(generalmente, urnas con restos). Se dice que si cavas y encontras uno de estos objetos, es mejor taparte la nariz y no olerlos, porque hacerlo puede causarte la muerte. Pero, tal como hay una luz mal, hay una luz buena. Una luz blanca, que si cavas en dónde apunta puedes encontrar objetos de valor.
El Almamula/Mulamina: leyenda urbana nativa del norte del país, más comúnmente en Santiago del Estero. Se dice que es el alma de una mujer que cometió incesto y que, antes de morir, fue maldecida a aparecerse como una mula con cadenas. Es muy agresiva y ataca a cualquiera que se encuentre. Si está cerca, se escucharán sus gritos de dolor, que son como una mezcla entre relinchos y llantos de mujer.
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latinotiktok · 3 years
Si de leyendas urbanas se trata, yo sólo quiero decir que el Almamula es lo mas Heavy Metal que hay 🐎🔥⛓🐎⛓🔥🐎
El caballo hardcore
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