Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
"We gotta roll"
Well we finally did it! It was going to be just Audrey on a two - three week vacation but Christain REALLY wanted to go too so off we went. We took off Sat, July 7th, early afternoon. I balked about leaving because Steph and Henry were still there until Wednesday. Keith kept reminding me of just HOW FAR Chicago was and that we HAD to get going!! I knew he was right but hard to pull myself away.
The kids were beyond excited and ready to get spoiled. The first stop of course was to get our "Eat n drink on". So chips and soda in hand, we were off!
We drove 438 miles the first day. Audrey challenged me again to a Hubba Hubba bubble blowing contest, so we made sure to get some gum at our first stop.
Our stop for the night was Lime Oregon, population 5. The man that bought Keiths property a few years ago lets us stay at the house when we come through. He only uses it for an office. He leased some property above and is putting windmills up there. Pretty smart guy selling energy!!
When we got there, Keith had already told the story of the old school house that's still standing a few hundred feet away. "Years ago this old school house was only open for one year. It's told that the principal went crazy and killed himself and everyone in the school one morning. Nobody ever knew why"!! Of course, I hate scaring kids in any way other than coming around the corner and spooking them but wouldn't ya know pappa Keith thrives on the spooky story stuff!! It might have been fun to go along with but I just couldn't do that to my babies. So before we even entered the house, we had to go in and see the "haunted" school house. Audrey and I kept our safe distance not wanting any of what Christian was SURE to get. They opened doors very slowly, neitherone knowing what to expect. Poor Christain didn't have a chance when pappa Keith shouted "watch out!" in his booming voice. Audrey is so brave, she wanted in on opening the doors to see. I mostly wanted out because of knowing their MUST be snakes!!! It was fun and the kids were laughing until on the way into the house, pappa told them this was where the principal lived! They stayed close to grandma as we looked the house over..;)
I reminded them AGAIN that none of it was true. It was about 9pm, we found some baked beans in the pantry and bread in the freezer and ate like the cowboys did on the cattle drives. We played a game of Trouble. Audrey kicked our butts and was over joyed.We talked of another game but I knew how early "The Driver" would be rounding us up to hit the road, so I sent them off to shower and we bedded down for our first night.
We left about 6:30am Sunday morning. The kids were awake and happy to be on to the next adventure. When we past Farewell Bend, I googled the history which is something Keith and I do a lot. It's fun to learn what life must have been like people hundreds of years ago... I hoped that on this trip the kids would learn an appreciation for our history and our ancestors who never let fear keep them from experiencing life and going forward to make their dreams come true. We talked a bit about how the pioneers were sad to say goodbye to the Snake River that they had followed for so long, thankful for all it had to offer in keeping them alive. I'm sure they all were fearful of what lay ahead by leaving the security of that river.
We passed the Van Orum historical marker, I Googled it and we learned "The Utter-Van Ornum party left Wisconsin in May 1860, most heading for Oregon’s Willamette Valley. The wagon train—which consisted of eighteen men, five women, twenty-one children, twelve wagons, and one hundred head of livestock—arrived at the abandoned Fort Hall on August 21, 1860, encountering no major difficulties along the way. A company of U.S. Army dragoons had been stationed near the fort earlier that year to escort wagon trains through the Snake River country, but they escorted the Utter-Van Ornum party for only six days, purportedly because the commanding officer was upset with members of the train. About ten days after parting from the dragoon escort, the Utter-Van Ornum train was attacked by approximately one hundred Indians, probably a mixed group of Shoshone and Bannock, perhaps accompanied by several white men." The attack and its aftermath are described in detail in the accompanying newspaper article. Eleven emigrants were killed during the first two days, after which the survivors abandoned their wagons and fled, splitting into several groups. The Van Ornums and three other emigrants were later killed in mid-October near present-day Huntington, (which is only 5 miles from where we stayed our first night) Another group stayed along the Owyhee River. They were finally rescued by the U.S. Army forty-five days after the initial attack. Of the original forty-four members of the Utter-Van Ornum party, only sixteen survived, including one of the Van Ornum children who was rescued from the Shoshone two years later.
We stopped a few miles down the road to grab Arbyes breakfast. The kids watched Clifford then read a bit. They also spent hours playing with little man too. I'm glad we have such a great dog for my grandkids.
The time seemed to go fast on our drive through Idaho. When in Utah, we watched maybe a hundred rafters lazily floating down a river. We stopped to take pictures at the Devils Slide, a really unusual rock formation that always amazes me every time we pass it. It consist of two parallel limestone strata that tilt and come hundreds of feet down the Mountain. The rock formation protrudes 40 feet out from the mountain, erosion happened more quickly in the middle so about 25 feet across all the way down, there is hardly any rock. The kids thought that was very cool. Audrey thought it would be fun to slide down. She's definitely the adventurous one!!
We got down the road and just knew it was ice cream time, so the Flying J was a welcome site for weary travelers....
We hit Wyoming and things started winding down, not much to look at so we put a western on to watch. Well, not really a western, "Centennial" is more about pioneer history. Before the cowboys and civilization in the west when trappers were trading with theIndians. Can't say at first they were thrilled, but you put two kids in a truck, take away the "Game Devices" and they find a whole new appreciation for the simpler things in life.
We passed historical markers and would talk about some of them. Pappa Keith went off the beaten path so we could see one of the original, "Overland Stations" where people rode a stagecoach for days in unbearable heat, bouncing around on wood seats, covered in dirt by the time they arrived. After a meal and fresh horses, they would get back on the trail for hours, sometimes days, enduring until the next station.
The kids explored some of the ruins asking questions. We walked around it looking in the windows. Audrey decided it would be more fun to climb in and see how it looked from "the inside out". I wasn't to excited, it looked creepy with the dirt floor and who knows what crawling around!!! But if my girl is brave enough and i don't really see danger, I gotta let her experience life...:) We walked up the hill a ways to where there were the graves of six nameless travelers that were killed by outlaws, One was supposedly the infamous. "Jack Slade"!! Amazing how far we've come, I think it's good to remember those that endured hardships to pave the way. I guess the "knowing" makes us appreciate what we have!
That second day we drove a long one, 778miles. When finally stopped at around 11:30 I knew this night was not really going to be all about sleep, really more about survival. I tried to imagine all day HOW we (dog included) were all going to "sleep" in this truck!! I knew I would have the coveted spot ("The Bed") for the night but knowing how much I toss and turn I just couldn't see a child fitting into the picture. By the time we stopped, I really didn't care I just wanted a bed. Pappa Keith pulled to theback of a Flying J where it seemed perfect. Dark, no trucks (yet) and quiet. Once we pulled in, got the towels over the windows, (don't laugh, you do what you have to do as a trucker) Audrey announced that she had to poo poo! Soooo, we took the towels down and drove over to the station so Audrey could go.
We settled in for our long night in Laramie, Wy. thankful to have a truck to call "Home". I crawled in the back and we put Little Man outside on the tank (for the first time in his life). I wasn't really sure how that would go!? First we put Audrey with me but that just didn't seem like it would work. We decided that she was just the right size to stretch out across the middle console in between the seats, her pillow on the closed computer. Her feet stretched into the back onto my belly. It all seemedperfect. How this little girl would not wake up in total pain was beyond my imagination. It could only be attributed to her young, healthy body. Although, I think even that would have its limits sleeping on that hard surface. Christian, seemed excited about sleeping in the passenger seat tilted back. He might have had second thoughts when he realized his seat was not going to lean back as far as pappa Keith's! Not only wouldn't, it couldn't because Grandma's head needed some room! I really do "Trucker Up " as much as I can, but with Keith's seat practically laying on my feet, and me mentally having to remind myself "This is not a sardine can", I cringed at the thought of Christian coming back one more inch.
They stretched one sleeping bag over all three of them with no worries, it's Wyoming in the summer. We laughed at how we looked, towels stretched across the windows, dog outside on a blanket, us all sprawled "Every Which Way, But Loose". And the night wasofficially started! I woke up about 10 times. I'm not really sure if any of the four hours counted as "a night's sleep". I wanted to keep checking to make sure the kids were covered up and not to cockeyed so as to have a neck ache in the morning. The first time I looked, Audrey was turned kind of in a backwards "L" shape and was using pappa Keith's belly for a pillow. NICE!! I knew then she was set for the rest of the night with sweet dreams. I found Christian a few times with his head on the middle console where Audrey might have been if she hadn't found a softer landing. In the middle of the night, Little Man decided to come sleep with me. I woke up feeling something tugging on the sheet. His whole bottom half, slid down between the passenger seat and my mattress. I pulled him up and he never even woke up. I think he was extra tired from playing with the kids. We all survived it and chalked it up for "A Memory"! I keep telling the kids, "It's fun to experience new things".
We woke up the next morning and there were some low lying clouds making everything look spooky. The sun wasn't up yet and it was a little chilly. Christian said, "Grandma LOOK, that motel looks like a ghost house!". It really did too. The fog wrapped itself around the Marriott Motel, coming up half way. It stood there looking like a mystic castle against the empty background of Wyoming. So our day began and we stopped for breakfast. When pappa Keith pulled into Micky Ds, I knew I wouldn't be the ONLY one cringing. Audrey had already explained back in Walla Walla how they "used the whole chicken for the nuggets" not only that "but all the sick ones too"! Needless to say, hunger and pappa Keith at our heels made for a speedy "Pit Stop" without complaining. We did what needed done at the time but I knew when we got to our destination, I WOULD get to a Walmart for some healthier food!! Sorry, Mom and Dad, we gotta "Trucker Up" at times.
We had another "Pit Stop" in Gothenburg, Nebraska. Keith and I stop here all the time. It has a Museum with an old Sod house in the back. It happened to be opened that day which was neat other than we were still in a BIG hurry. I took the kids back to see the inside of the house. They excitedly rushed around saying, "Grandma, look at this!". We read the little sign that told about how the pioners had to build their houses out of whatever was available on the land. For the lack of timber or other building supplies like daddy uses, they used mud and straw, white washing the inside with several layers to keep the insects out. It was all one room with a dirt floor, bed to one side and wood stove and eating table on the other. Very primitive. Life had to have been so hard for them but don't ya just wonder if they may have been happier than a lot of people today? We went into the museum and the lady told us that back in the 1860s the government was giving away 160 acres to whoever got there first. One of the things that had to be done right away was to build a structure of some kind. The government still owned it for five years of "proofing " before they could legally call it their own. Fun stuff we were learning out here!
Our next day was a little shorter. Pappa got us a motel with a pool in Avoca, Iowa. We had so much fun!! First we stopped and got some dinner (Mexican) then headed to the Motel 6. The kids chowed down and we headed to the pool. I didn't have a suit so I watched which totally works for me because I really don't care for swimming. Pappa Keith came in and totally shocked us by jumping in fully dressed! There were five teen age kids down at the other end that were as surprised as we were...haha. We all laughed and squealed with surprise cheering him on!
I was laughing so hard at them playing, Keith was throwing them high up and then they started pretending to be WWF wrestlers. I was snapping pictures not wanting to miss a great shot. Later I thought, "WOW, he just burned a memory onto this page of their lives!! How awesome is that?!" I definitely wont pass up one of "those" moments again! It really was a great time.
Back at the room, they showered and we watched some "Redneck" TV. Some reality show where this redneck family in the deep south became rich on making duck caller gadgets. It was pretty funny. The CMA awards were on too so we introduced them to some good ol country music! Hate to tell ya, cause I know some reading this might revolt at the idea but they LIKED it, they REALLY LIKED it! When TV was off, Pappa and Christian proceeded to entertain us again with their nightly WWF wrestling competition. Audrey always ends up getting in on it too, silly girl... I know better after 5 years being "wrestled" with. As for kids, someone always seemed to get hurt in the end...guess who that was??!! I keep my distance now.
We got to sleep after some tossing and squirming, but for some reason it never seems like enough sleep. Funny, but theses kids have even been taking naps which I'm sure they hate to take at home. We'd been rolling pretty hard. But it was all worth it. Our fun stop this day was the biggest truck stop in America in Walcott, Iowa. They were AMAZED walking through this huge building that seemed to go on forever. They were allowed to climb up into the big 18 wheeler show trucks displayed, pretending to be truckers. Our plan was to come back through on Thursday, depending on where our loads might take us. They'd be having their annual Trucker Jambererie! That might be one of those events you just GOTTA see to believe...haha.
We grabbed some ice cream and headed East, getting closer to our destination. We hit Illinois. When we went through Chicago, (well the outskirts, we always try to avoid getting too close as the traffic here is a mess most the time) the kids were playing ontheir games so I made it a point to look at the city out in the distance pointing out the tallest building in the USA, The Sears Tower.
We got to the Horizon yard early afternoon in Wakarusa, Indiana. Keith had to go into the office to hand in our paper work so we went fishing in the pond way in the back lot. I had bought a good amount of food at Walmart, so we fixed some sandwiches quickly and got to what was! Audrey ran to the other side first to feed the geese. Christian and I fished. I knew it was not the right time of day but as a line in this new song by Toby Keith goes, "She thinks we're just fishin". In this case "they" meaning, they just think its fishing, but really what it is, is creating a whole lot of great memories! My heart was exploding with all this love and with the great memories thatI'm hoping my babies can have forever. If i could have a wish, I think it would be to somehow be present in "spirit" when they share the stories with their own kids. "The summer vacation of 2012", traveling from the west coast to east then down south having the time of their lives with Grandma and Pappa Keith, living like gypsies (ok "Truckers"). Gypsy just sounds better for some reason. Having fun, not really planning too far ahead for the next Adventure - just being able to say, "Hey, that would be fun! Yeah let's DO THAT"!! Oh how I wish I could be that "little fly on the wall" when the stories are retold. I can only wish.
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Grandma's tiny truckers
Dearest Christian and Audrey,
I've laughed remembering the funny things, then cried thinking of moments when love and pride overwhelmed me for the two amazing children I'm blessed to call my grandkids!
You were always ready and willing for any NEW adventure that came our way. You amazed me over and over again, by NEVER COMPLAINING, even during the rough times, and we did have a few of those but did you even notice??
Anything I've written can't come close to expressing the complete and utter JOY I felt waking up each morning, being able to see your perfect little faces.. (which always seemed to be smiling by the way). These stories, though I tried, won't be able to expressthe fun we really had but they need to be shared. They need to be REMEMBERED!! These three weeks have been burned deep in my heart forever.
I'm sure if you kids were to write the story there might be things you found more exciting. Things that, to you, seemed more memorable, but these stories are through MY eyes. Even though we all shared the memories, These are Grandma's stories about A road trip with two of my best little friends.
I wanted to give you something to remember our trip by, but I also wanted to give you a piece of Grandma to take with you.
A book full of pictures and stories that I like to think will be shared with your children and who knows, maybe their children. Where you'll tell them about the summer you spent traveling across country with your Grandma, Papa Keith and Little Man, like gypsies... OK, maybe as TRUCKERS, but we had the time of our lives, didn't we?
"I love you more today than yesterday
But not as much as tomorrow"
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Singing out loud
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Ok so yes I love to travel, and yes it’s very very interesting seeing new places, new people also always excited at what the next day will bring….Wellllllll„ this week was a certainly not going to disappoint us bringing a few surprises….lol I’ve always looked forward to seeing the fall colors of the east coast so when we delivered in Harrisburg Pa last week It was so beautifulllll I just wanted more! We were offered the job of shuttling 4 motar homes (each) from Hairsburg to Rochester NY, we said YES!!! How amazing, I can’t tell you in words how pretty it was. No picture can really capture the beauty. Now, during the drives Keith mentioned that the truck was making a noise, (yukkkkk, not again)!! we had just spent $2700 on the transmistion last mo.:( We were concerned but thought if we could just get it back to Indiana where they did the work, they could figure it out..:) WELL, when we got there the very nice man told us that the transfer case was SERIOUSLY damaged and we needed to leave it with them. Hmmmm, that’s not music the the ears of a “Trucker”…lol Ok so the nice man gave us a ride to the beautifullll Red Roof Inn,( always glad to stay where our puppy can come to…:) This is where we got the great Idea that hey, why sit at the motel for 4or5 days, lets see if they have any drive always we can both do. Keith jumped on line and yahhhh, two units going to Florida. But Wait! I forgot to tell you that before the nice man took us to the “Beautiful RED Roof Inn” we drove over and emptied EVERYTHING OUT of the truck so we could organize and do wash.:) Ohhh the joy of a bed and a few days just resting…. HA HA. NOT!!! Just as I was getting ready to jump in the shower, that “Great Idea” came to life! Before I I could turn on the faucet or the TV, it was time to head out…:( Jay, Keiths son just so happened to be on his way out of Indiana going our way. So with moist eyes and heavy heart, along with two BIG BAGS of dirty clothes, we loaded it ALLLL back up and Jay took us about 89miles to another motel, not pet friendly so wrapped up like a baby we snuck in…:} Early before I was up, Keith hiked about a half a mile, cold wind blown and no jacket, to get his RV, came back to get me and ALLLLL our stuff (clean clothes this time) and we went back to get mine. Off we went to Florida. Following my husband is always a challenge anyway because of traffic or maybe just because I leave everything up to him and just FOLLOW!!!…:0 I don’t mind and seem to do it ever so willingly but this day something seemed off. Why we’re we getting off and back on the freeway???? Ahhhh yessss, It’s SUNDAY, you know, as in, SUNDAY FOOTBALL!! He was franticly looking for a sports bar or ANY place that had a TV… We found one in a the little town of Ardmore TN. Sidelines sports bar with it’s THIRTEEN flat screen TVs was a happy site for a crazed football fan and wiry worn out Crazy Mother Trucker who thought hmmmm a couple glasses of wine sounded REALLLLLY GOOD! NOT!! seems like the Gods were only showering Keith with blessings today… As usual, when we decide to stop early and have dinner it’s a freaking DRY COUNTY:( Can you believe it, they could ONLY serve beer in that town!! Ok, so I was desperate, I down three beers and thought “WHY”?? I’ll just say this, “Beer is way over rated”!! Well as I was going to head back out to my computer with a movie, this little place starts filling up with bikers. Now after three beers, I was inclined to stay a bit longer and see what this was about?! Then to our surprise, a band started setting up. Bartender, give me another one….lol:) Here’s where it got really funny, the band consisted of three acoustic guitars serenading us with the Beatles, eagles, and simon and garfunkle. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of them but I was four beers and a nacho in at a biker bar this all just seemed WRONG!!!.. Monday we couldn’t deliver so we found a parking lot that had a wonderful little sports bar. HELLOooo, Monday night football don’t ya know?! Upon much begging keith convinced me to come in and assured me they had wine….:) So cleaned up, hungry, and a song (red red wine) on my heart I joined him at the a sports bar. Now this was something I had never seen before, a glass room that they called the “Fish Bowl” get it, Florida Miami Dolphins…:) Anyway it had a GIANT TV, and men that were VERRRRY SERIOUS about football, I guessed that’s why they had to enclose them in they’re own little room:) Now you all know me and must know how very excited I was about a gooood glass of wine. Oh and by the way, when a “Crazy Mother Trucker” says, a “Good” glass of wine, It could mean anything from Red Diamond to columbia crest… What’s not acceptable, is whatever the HELLLLL they served me trying to pass it off as the Vino that I know and love… After shivering down the first glass I tried the other of the two they had. What was I thinking??? I decided to go back out and watch a movie, that was the highlight of my evening for sure… TO BE CONTINUED
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2,200 Miles In Three Days....Story 4
Ok So it was really 31/2 days but to me even that seems insane. After our stay at the most disgusting Motel we have ever seen and the set back with the horse trailer, we said good by to Elkhart In. As the miles passed and I saw less and less of the Amish buggies, I knew it was for real this time and that our trip had officially began!
Me in my big brown truck and keith pulling what we would call home for the next three days...) Always thankful to follow behind, knowing I have a bed for the night..:)
Of course my husband always wants to get as far as he can when he hooks up. So we DROVE and we drove... Sometimes he tells me that" we HAVE to get past this or that weigh station or, we need to get past this city to miss the traffic"! I know he knows best but already my butt was on fire because UPS really don't want the drivers sitting around, so they put in these incredible uncomfortable seats... We got past the scales, got past the city and thank God he got tired.
We stopped a little earlier to get some propane. We waited and waited for someone to come out and help us but after 20min keith went in to see if they forgot us, they did!! So we waited about 20 more min and FINILY they got it done!!! When your tired every thing just seems to get under your skin.
I already had the bed made so all washed up and earplugs in, down I went. Keith crawled in to bed telling me for some reason the heat wouldn't work! Of course it didn't, It's still Oct don't ya Really wasn't funny, just really COLD!
The next morning Keith woke me up with our next comedy act. The truck wouldn't start!! GREAT!! Didn't we just put $5000 in that baby this Month? He asked me for my keys so he could warm my truck and try and jump his.
I've come to the conclusion that God is on a mission with my husband and I. I have NO DOUBT whatsoever that Oct is character building Month for Mr and Mrs, Keith Thomas! This awareness didn't just come to me when I went looking for my keys, oh NO!. I've had deep suspicions way early in the month...:/ So as I frantically dumped my purse out, searched desperately in my truck, his truck, the RV, a light bulb went off in my head. Oh please God, No PLEASEEEE tell me I did NOT lock them in behind the magic sliding door(mail room)???!
For all that know my husband, then I know your taking pity on me at this moment! On my way out of the store for the second time, asking if someone had turned them in last night. I thought I might have laid them down in the bathroom. When two managers and three workers told me twice that "No Keys turned in" I knew it was time to face the dragon!
"I guess I must have layed them down while I was getting my stuff out of the back" .:( Let's just say, he was not a happy camper and just couldn't believe I could do that... After agreeing, I couldn't either, I said well, "It was my turn to mess up He didn't laugh.
So we were stuck, the truck wouldn't start and I had no keys.. I knew things were bad but I really was hearing God, I knew Keith didn't want to hear my babble about how it could be worse so I thanked God to myself. I've stated being thankful in all the bad situations that come our way. I really believe, letting it crush you and getting all mad only makes a bad situation WORSE... I thanked God that we were alive this morning, I didn't know what the plan was but I refuse see anything short of death worth throwing a fit and falling apart over. I looked at this as another lesson in "What Don't Kill You, Will Make You Stronger"
While I was sending out prayers, my smart husband called the local UPS service and told them of our delima. They said they would send some one to help...See, I knew it would work out...:)
The rest of the trip went faily uneventful other than me almost running out of Gas twice. Hey, I let the master know when I'm on 1/4 of a tank and the rest is up to him....One of my famous last words are, "I Work For You"
The end of the trip was the worst, somehow when you know it's almost over, your body seems to start shuting down. When we got about to hood river, I was READY to stop. Not the DRIVER! he wanted to deliver mine that night and be on the way to Seattle for his delivery. I put up some sort of a fuss but knew it was a losing battle and so I tuckered up! We got to the UPS plant about 9:45. I told keith I was to tired for any training that night so could he please do the paper work with them? Just my luck, He couldn't go in with me. I found the building and a mechanic was sorry the reg guy wasn't there to help me. Me too, I was exhausted and just wanted to be done. Another mechanic came up and wanted to help so the "Three Blind Mice" went about getting all the paper work done. It was only my second time delivery at a UPS plant so I wasn't completely clear on what needed done. Forty Five min later I was escorted out and off we went to find a place to sleep.
It was Halloween night so when keith parked in a dark lot, I felt a little uneasy and suggested we find a Wal Mart. We drove for another 30 min, the Wal Mart was no longer where it use to be so we settled for a different parking lot...
The next day was heaven for me my sweet daughter in law came and picked me up and for two days I got to love on my sweet little babies....
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I felt like I was in a Steve marten movie, “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”…. seems these days we really never know what we might be driving from one day to another. All we really knew is that we WANTED our truck back!!
On arriving back in Indiana with the prayer that our beloved truck would be done and we could get back to normality (what ever that might be)J ! It seems as though the Month of Oct would be giving us more “Tricks” than “treats”…and we were in for a ride… I’ve noticed the UPS trucks at the yard and Keith has mentioned that I might have to drive those someday if I couldn’t get a class c motor home but to be honest, I really never thought it would happen to little ol me.. Not wanting to sit in a motel losing money Keith joyfully announced that he got us two UPS trucks. His going to Syracuse NY, mine to Massachusetts. So paper work signed, off we headed. The wind was blowing and the rain was coming down in sheets, it was about 7pm and my mind couldn't grasp the thought of venturing out in those conditions at that hour. All this was a concern but the one at the TOP of the list as I drove off the lot, "where will we sleep tonight"?? Not a subject my husband likes to address because the Mighty Keith Thomas, THE DRIVER! Can sleep ANYWHERE...:) So thinking I was being very brave and "Tuckered up", I suggested that we go to Wall Mart and buy some sleeping bags and rent a blowup mattress. (you know just till we we're done with this trip) I know, I know, it's a little sketchy, but if you haven't had to sleep sitting up in a pickup yet you can't understand what desperate measures one will go to while sleep deprived. He gladly agreed, knowing it would save us in Motels. So, bed made, log books ready, food stash on board, off we went on one of the craziest trips we have been on!
Remember when I said, "Wind and Sheets Of Rain"? That might have putting it lightly:( This was a full blown STORM and for the first hour I was following behind as I faithfully do, saying out loud "Oh My God, Oh My God"! ( Well, out loud but I couldn't hear myself because of the tin can rattle trap I was driving) Mostly when the big trucks went by sucking me in and spitting me back out almost in the ditch at times.
We were on a Toll road so there was NO escape, you can't pull off the side of the road anytime you want to. Even if I could, I knew that was not an option in my husbands book...:/ What could I do? I started singing of course. Thank God for all the musicals I've watched . I can't count the times they have saved me. I told little man to "Hold On, Here We Go"!! and started singing "I have confidence in sunshine, I have confidence in rain, I have confidence that spring will come again".....It's a wonderful song from the sound of music. I don't know all the words but I had fun making up some of my own...:)
About 10:30 I caved and asked if "we could PLEASEEEEEEE stop"? We pulled into a very nice rest area, actually there called service centers on the toll roads. Kind of like a little mini mall. Food courts, few little shops, restrooms. Nice but I couldn't wait to slid onto my cozy little blowup…
Ok I’m not gonna dwell on how crappy our night of sleep or should I say NOOOO sleep was in he UPS trucks. I did mention we both had one, Keith got the nice small one that was a real live ford truck with a box on the back. Anyway, after our nightly spat brought on by extreme stress and sleep deprivation , he settled in his truck and I on the rented mattress from Wal-Mart. I’ll just say after three hours of tossing and FREEZZING I texted Keith and said, “Anytime you want to roll, I’m all for it“! It was obvious sleeping was NOT going to happen that night… Of course at that moment I’m complaining to myself that this is the worst night I’ve had so far! But then I thought back to my favorite other sleepless moments…
Ah yes, the year was 2008, Medicine bow Wyoming. Keith and I weren’t married yet . It was 5 below zero, a blizzard from hell and 12:30am… we couldn’t see the road anymore so we turned around and stayed in the parking lot of the old Virginian motel. (I still wonder why we didn’t get a room)?? Anyway, Even with the truck running we FROZEEEEE. I couldn’t have slept anyway, unlike my husband, that can “Sleep Anywhere” my body simply refuses to sleep sitting up.....
Where was I, OK Well we drove for about three more hours. Thank God, the rain had stopped and just a small wind was left. I felt like it was my last chance to get some sleep before it got light out. We pulled over and traded vehicles. I crawled into what felt like heaven, (what, how can it be, Karen sleeping in a truck, on the seat, snuggling into the sleeping bag, feeling giddy)??? There’s a few words I NEVER say any more, and that’s one of them…! Because with this job, you just NEVER KNOW what you’ll have to ask your body or your mind to endure …:/ Waking up two hours later I felt thankful that that night was over…After we delivered keith's the next day we continued on him riding in the cute little jump seat that we decided was not for long trips but for trainees. I have to say, I was glad to be driving and not having to ride in that seat for several hours!! My husband took mercy on me and got us a room for the night...;) Tired, dragging, dirty, we pulled into Red Roof Inn. I grabbed the key with the clicker to open the sliding door that held every SINGLE possession we had brought. I clicked and I clicked, my heart sank to a depth I wasn't sure any song could bring me out of this time. I mean COME ON!! Keith banged, pushed, cussed but we we're doomed! When I say EVERYTHING, that meant, clean clothes, toiletries, computers, my phone, our chargers, my purse with a women's most valuable possission LIPSTICK!!! I told myself, "Be thankful, you have a hot shower and bed. Everything will look brighter in the morning". As I drug myself up the stairs I begged God, PLEASE let there be those little shampoos and lotions. PLEASE let there be a hair dryer!!! Oh No, this trip had so much more to teach me about survival and endurance…God wanted to show me that I've been very spoiled in my life and was way to vain! Still trying to sing my happy tunes and trying to see the positive, I washed my hair with SOAP(yucky). Towel dried it, crawled into bed.... My body crying out for lotion, feeling shocked I'm sure. I can count on one hand the times I've showered and NOT put lotion on...:( The next morning I just knew the magic door would open.. It didn't!! Keith had gone to pick up his next load, a very nice pick up with an airstream trailer going to Florida. I very bravely said "Ok, I can do this day but I have got to stop for two items, lotion and lipstick" I think he might have seen a look in my eyes that spelled CRAZY if his answer was anything but YES!!! Target was just down the street thank God... Now this is where the fun really starts. As I've said I "Follow ever so willingly" as I should! But on this day, after I found my happy self again, I looked up after chatting a bit to long with the man at the toll booth, and the road in front of me split. As I pulled out panic hit and I had all of 30 sec to make the decision, North or South!!! Of course I took the wrong way and within seconds as I rounded the curve and didn't see my sweet husband, I knew I was in trouble...:( Even though I knew he was going to be mad I thought oh well, Get off, get turned around going North, how bad could it be??? For about 2 full min I might have panicked! I had NO PHONE remember even if I had my purse with the chargers in it, I couldn't have charged it. They don't put cig lighters or even radios in these trucks. So there I was going who knows where with NO way to communicate with the Master GPS man. To be perfectly honest, I really thought it best not to chat with him for about an hour...:) I knew I had it coming for not watching to see which way he had gone but I was feeling pretty bad at that moment and needed only POSITIVE input...: Of course this is where I start singing, When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I’m feeling bad, I simply remember my favorite things (my grand babies smiles) and then I don’t feel sooooo bad! Hey, this really works for me so don’t laugh. Then what happens? My gas light comes on! My purse is in the back, I have NO idea how much further to deliver and where is my husband? I then remembered I had $7 change from the toll booth. I sang louder and felt confident that all was good. I pulled into a gas station feeling positive that this whole nightmare trip would be over within the hour Then miracle of miracles, the door behind me just opens!! I couldn’t believe it! I jumped up and gabbed my purse and phone. Keiths phone was dead but he had stopped at a store to charge it( all he had was a wall charger from lost and found at motel) At that very moment my door sprang open, he thought to look on Latitudes to see where I was. I’m sure he couldn’t believe I had actually found my way and was in fact, in front of him…J Oh man of little faith!! Anyway, he caught up to me, I delivered and we we’re on our way to Florida with the Airstream. RENTAL CAR Almost ready to deliver, we started brainstorming on how we would get back to Indiana. Thought we could fly or take a bus but when we looked in the back seat at our sweet little puppy, we knew a rental car was our only option. We rented a NICE 2011 Dodge journey that I wouldn't have minded keeping..J Again this was not one those lucky times where I would sleep in a bed so with the “Driver” driving I took a couple advil Pm and drifted in and out of sleep. Keith woke me at 2:15am telling to “come on, we were at Tina’s (his sister) in North Carolina.
We decided to leave little man in the car because he’s obsessed with marking alllll over tina’s house (It’s a male thing) Anyway, Keith no more than laid his head down and asked me “Do You Have The Keys To The Car”?? NOOO, they’re in the side of the door! Now the reason for this is because on this rental you had to push a button to start or stop it. little man had already proved his amazing ability to look car doors when we were in Montana last year to the tune of $50!! Keith woke me up with the bad news. The locksmith almost seemed sorry to hand us the $140 bill…
We started packing all our stuff in Tina car so we could take the rental car back and get our school bus. Yes our very first school bus. Can we still be called “Trucker’s” or are we bussers now? Who knows, all I know is some days life is just a little to crazy for me and I'm not sure what I might be called… Feeling good that we could finally get going now, Keith went to close the glass hatch of Tina’s rodeo and POW!!! The window exploded! Tina had wedged a piece of wood in it because the hinges were broken.. Ya know, there’s a breaking point to every man and when this happened my husband had just had enough!!! You either have to cry or laugh and we had already laughed at several things this week so tears were due! Ok, got the bus, headed for Indiana…. But wait, the craziness wasn't over yet. 30min into the trip two cars spin out right in front of us…. We Inched our way out of that mess and not 20min down the road a hose busted….Ya know, I really do believe that what you put out is what you get more of, so even at the worst of times I try and stay positive!! But COME ON, I thought we were either in the twilight zone or Bloopers!!
On arriving back in Indiana with the prayer that our beloved truck would be done and we could get back to normality (what ever that might be)J ! It seems as though the Month of Oct would be giving us more Tricks than treats…and we knew we were in for a ride…
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GOING HOME (story 3)
When I said, "Never Say Never", the next day would be one of those time! Keith had already secured his load (Horse trailer) going to Oregon. So the search began for mine. It came to this, If I wanted to get back over to the Northwest where I was dieing to go so I could see my Grand kids and family, I would be driving a UPS truck again:( My only prayer as we approached the yard was, "Please Let It Be a Pickup Truck"... Not soooo lucky this time... Oh well, I was heading in the direction that I wanted to go and it had been two Months sense I had seen my sweeties and at that point I was willing to drive one of those Amish horse and buggies if I had to...:)
It was late when we got my truck, I followed faithfully AGAIN, We pulled out to go pickup Keith's horse trailer, To my surprise, he pulled into this little Motel thinking I might need a good nights sleep before the 2,200 mile trip! I was not only shocked but very happy. I parked and did something I really never do, I followed him into the little office to register. No surprise here, we knew Ronney Rajie was the owner!!! The strong smell of curry hit our noses and I think Keiths tummy was growling because he kept hinting about is "Dinner included with the room"
I'm not sure those lovey people from India have the same sense of hummer as we do!? When I came in behind Keith, he was trying to convince the man that our dog DID NOT SHED and was a great dog! I chimed in to confirm it. He finally relented but was still VERY concerned saying, "People say, they dog no shed, we have big time clean off dog hair" I grabbed the key before he changed his mind. Excited I thanked my husband for thinking of me.
Keith went to take the dog for a walk, I can't express the emotions that ran through me when I opened that door! I stood there thinking that man must have gave us the wrong room. This COULD NOT BE the one he was sooooo WORRIED about dog hair!!!!
First of all the decor looked like something out of the 70s. Plastic flowers haphazardly behind the ugliest pictures I've seen. The carpet, something I knew I wouldn't be walking barefoot on. There was an old chair by the door that looked like to many parties had gone on there... The door looked like it hadn't been washed maybe EVER!
I always go directly to the beds and throw back the covers, looking to make sure they changed the sheets! The bathroom didn't look to bad at first glance and that gave me some hope. I couldn't see a TV at first, which I really didn't care cause I knew football was all that would be on it. I stood there in disbelief that the owner could be concerned with "DOG HAIR"... I stood in the doorway like a frightened kitten wanting to run away when Keith caught site of me and said don't just stand there, come help me bring the stuff. How could I tell this man that really could care less where he lays his head, that had so thoughtfully stopped and got me a room, that I COULDN'T stay at this dump!!? My mouth opened, the words were on the tip of my tongue but when I looked at my husband coming across the parking lot, loaded down with my stuff, I cowered! Not only did I not want to hurt his feelings, I knew that would be the last warm shelter providing running water, I would see for a VERY long time if I complained....:(
It was about 8:45, I really had lost my appetite and don't like to eat that late but he wanted me to walk next door to the Chinese buffet with him. There are moments and places in your life that you really just have to look around and say "REALLLLLY"!! This was one of those moments or I should say, "Nights". We walked in to another "Blast From The Past" kind of a place. The decor of Chinese restaurants have always puzzled me anyway but I figure,"They get it, so just enjoy the food and shut up".
I was really glad I wasn't hungry because everything looked petrified! Keith grabbed a to go carton and picked out what he thought might still be edible. Ok so they were closing in 15 min but COME ON!!!! .... Why not at least give us the day old prices...:/
We got back to the room and I thought I might take a shower. After I laid towels from the bathroom to my bed, thinking I could avoid any critters hitchicking into my bed, I went in with toiletries in hand.
When I pulled back the curtain to turn the water on, I changed my mind. I cringed at the site of the wash rag tied around the shower nozzle that was a nasty brown color around the edges showing it's age...yucky! I turned around wanting to run facing another shocker. "How could I have missed all this"?
The curtains covering the little window,were made out of blue towels that obviously during some of those "Parties" people thought were the hand towels. All I could think of is, "I sooooo don't want to get in that bed! but I opened the door and Keith was all snug watching the old tube TV that was on a shelf above my bed, almost touching the ceiling...I put my pjs on and tip toed over the towels cringing as I lay down praying I wouldn't be taking any bed bugs with me!
In the middle of the night I started dreaming about being at a party and people kept going by me blowing smoke in my face. Some noise must have woke me and I thought "Is Someone Smoking In Our Room"? I drug myself up and grabbed another towel and shoved it in the base of the door that connected us to our new neighbors. I laid there for awhile talking myself into thankfulness that I had a bed and I was warm. I noticed puppy raised raised his head as though he heard something. I had ear plugs so I didn't care what was going on in the next room. Keith told me the next day that sirens woke him. He found out that just down the road a van with 10 family members, hit a deer. They must have stopped in the road and a big truck smashed into them killing eight and two in critical condition. Very, Very sad!!
I never thought I would be so glad to leave a motel room but I couldn't wait to get out of that dump. Keith saw the looks I tried to hide and said, "What a shit hole". I agreed and said "I feel like leaving a note or calling the owner. He tore off the lid of his "To go" carton and wrote a nasty note telling the owners to "Clean this Dump Up Or Tear It Down, They Should Be Ashamed"... With that we were on our way back to the land I knew and loved.
We stopped at a sweet little Amish Restaurant for breakfast. It so strange, you feel like you've wondered back in time. the men with white shirts tucked in to black pants held up by suspenders. Two little curls coming out of their hats poising as sideburns... Women in there plain dresses, I think all I ever see them wear is blue and green. Even the little girls with matching dresses and bonnets tied under their chin. I'm so in awe every time we pass a family in theirlittle buggies. I wonder if the men feel about their horses as our men feel about their cars, because every horse is magnificent. Sleek and steeping high as if saying, "look at me"!!
I really don't remember what we fought about but Keith jumped up before his breakfast came and went out to do log books. I liked the looks of his eggs for my toast better. I nibbled off both plates until I thought people hadn't noticed me sitting there alone. Paid and ready to roll!
I followed Keith in my big brown truck to pick up his horse trailer. I waited outside the gate getting organized. I looked up to see him coming without the trailer, what NOW!!? Great, the hitch was wrong so now we have to go back to the other yard ( there's two) to try and get something going "My" way. That's very Important so I'm not stranded..:) Mister pissy pants, thought "I" had forgot to pick up "HIS" sunglasses at the Amish place. We called and No, they hadn't found them. They were some his favorite glasses so he stomped back, well drove back to the horse trailer thinking he dropped them. He came back still mad at me but I've learned to just let him have that party by He wasn't back 10 min and when he went to look for something in the back of the truck, GUESS WHAT HE FOUND??? I wish I had a dollar for all the things we left(mostly HIM), on the back of the truck! We had to laugh as we always do at how smooth the truck rides. We have traveled hundreds of miles and gone back there to find some tool he left. Crazy!!
Anyway, I was off the hook, AGAIN! and we headed to hook up his little 32 foot sprinter that we would call "Home" for three days.....
To be Continued
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Ok so yes I love to travel, and yes it’s very very interesting seeing new places, new people also always excited at what the next day will bring….Wellllllll„ this week was a certainly not going to disappoint us bringing a few surprises….lol I’ve always looked forward to seeing the fall colors of the east coast so when we delivered in Harrisburg Pa last week It was so beautifulllll I just wanted more! We were offered the job of shuttling 4 motar homes (each) from Hairsburg to Rochester NY, we said YES!!! How amazing, I can’t tell you in words how pretty it was. No picture can really capture the beauty. Now, during the drives Keith mentioned that the truck was making a noise, (yukkkkk, not again)!! we had just spent $2700 on the transmistion last mo.:( We were concerned but thought if we could just get it back to Indiana where they did the work, they could figure it out..:) WELL, when we got there the very nice man told us that the transfer case was SERIOUSLY damaged and we needed to leave it with them. Hmmmm, that’s not music the the ears of a “Trucker”…lol Ok so the nice man gave us a ride to the beautifullll Red Roof Inn,( always glad to stay where our puppy can come to…:) This is where we got the great Idea that hey, why sit at the motel for 4or5 days, lets see if they have any drive always we can both do. Keith jumped on line and yahhhh, two units going to Florida. But Wait! I forgot to tell you that before the nice man took us to the “Beautiful RED Roof Inn” we drove over and emptied EVERYTHING OUT of the truck so we could organize and do wash.:) Ohhh the joy of a bed and a few days just resting…. HA HA. NOT!!! Just as I was getting ready to jump in the shower, that “Great Idea” came to life! Before I I could turn on the faucet or the TV, it was time to head out…:( Jay, Keiths son just so happened to be on his way out of Indiana going our way. So with moist eyes and heavy heart, along with two BIG BAGS of dirty clothes, we loaded it ALLLL back up and Jay took us about 89miles to another motel, not pet friendly so wrapped up like a baby we snuck in…:} Early before I was up, Keith hiked about a half a mile, cold wind blown and no jacket, to get his RV, came back to get me and ALLLLL our stuff (clean clothes this time) and we went back to get mine. Off we went to Florida. Following my husband is always a challenge anyway because of traffic or maybe just because I leave everything up to him and just FOLLOW!!!…:0 I don’t mind and seem to do it ever so willingly but this day something seemed off. Why we’re we getting off and back on the freeway???? Ahhhh yessss, It’s SUNDAY, you know, as in, SUNDAY FOOTBALL!! He was franticly looking for a sports bar or ANY place that had a TV… We found one in a the little town of Ardmore TN. Sidelines sports bar with it’s THIRTEEN flat screen TVs was a happy site for a crazed football fan and wiry worn out Crazy Mother Trucker who thought hmmmm a couple glasses of wine sounded REALLLLLY GOOD! NOT!! seems like the Gods were only showering Keith with blessings today… As usual, when we decide to stop early and have dinner it’s a freaking DRY COUNTY:( Can you believe it, they could ONLY serve beer in that town!! Ok, so I was desperate, I down three beers and thought “WHY”?? I’ll just say this, “Beer is way over rated”!! Well as I was going to head back out to my computer with a movie, this little place starts filling up with bikers. Now after three beers, I was inclined to stay a bit longer and see what this was about?! Then to our surprise, a band started setting up. Bartender, give me another one….lol:) Here’s where it got really funny, the band consisted of three acoustic guitars serenading us with the Beatles, eagles, and simon and garfunkle. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of them but I was four beers and a nacho in at a biker bar this all just seemed WRONG!!!.. Monday we couldn’t deliver so we found a parking lot that had a wonderful little sports bar. HELLOooo, Monday night football don’t ya know?! Upon much begging keith convinced me to come in and assured me they had wine….:) So cleaned up, hungry, and a song (red red wine) on my heart I joined him at the a sports bar. Now this was something I had never seen before, a glass room that they called the “Fish Bowl” get it, Florida Miami Dolphins…:) Anyway it had a GIANT TV, and men that were VERRRRY SERIOUS about football, I guessed that’s why they had to enclose them in they’re own little room:) Now you all know me and must know how very excited I was about a gooood glass of wine. Oh and by the way, when a “Crazy Mother Trucker” says, a “Good” glass of wine, It could mean anything from Red Diamond to columbia crest… What’s not acceptable, is whatever the HELLLLL they served me trying to pass it off as the Vino that I know and love… After shivering down the first glass I tried the other of the two they had. What was I thinking??? I decided to go back out and watch a movie, that was the highlight of my evening for sure… TO BE CONTINUED
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