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unblogparaloschicos · 9 months ago
Cine: Almamula (2023)
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La religión y la mitología del interior argentino son factores fundamentales en esta película, conocida en áreas angloparlantes como "Carnal Sins" ("Pecados carnales") y dirigida por el también guionista Juan Sebastián Torales, quien dota el filme de una angustiosa atmósfera de misterio, drama y fantasía. Es una experiencia visual en la que el espectador siempre espera que algo tenebroso termine por aflorar definitivamente sobre la pasmosa seguridad de los personajes principales.
La primera escena muestra una espantosa paliza que deja al apocado Nino (Nicolás Díaz) con el rostro cubierto de heridas, pese a lo cual el barrio entero le pide a su madre, la muy religiosa Elsa (María Soldi), que haga algo con su hijo, cuyas inclinaciones sexuales son, a su juicio, una mala influencia para los chicos. La familia entera, entre las que se incluye a Ernesto, esposo de la mujer (Cali Coronel) y Natalia, la molesta hermana de Nino (Martina Grimaldi), van a su estancia en Santiago del Estero. La idea es pasar dos o tres meses, hasta que la situación el el barrio se tranquilice un poco. Allí toman conocimiento de la desaparición de Panchito, nieto de la vecina María (Luisa Lucía Paz), según se cree, causada por "Almamula", una figura espectral maldecida por Dios que secuestra a aquellos que cometen faltas carnales graves.
Nino asíste a la catequesis del padre César (Adrián Ramallo) para recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, pero la idea del Almamula comienza a obsesionarlo al punto de desear ser raptado por ese ser maléfico mientras, siempre víctima de las burlas de su hermana y asustado por la culpa religiosa, mira con constante deseo al trabajador que visita asiduamente su casa (Malevo, interpretado por Beto Frágola) y realiza otros actos un tanto herejes para asegurarse la visita del Almamula.
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kaseyhillauthor · 8 years ago
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#qotd #writer #writing #poet #poetry #poem #author #kaseyhillauthor #theeclecticquill#soulonfire #tatteredwings #bittersweetsymphony #depression #anxiety #midnightramblings #poetsofinstagram #quoetry #free #shackles #carnalsin #snake #venom
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adorahorton · 7 years ago
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Devil tarot reminds us how easy it is to forget that we are “spiritual beings having a human experience” & not the other way around. ...👁👂🏽☝🏽The Devil tarot card does not represent the devil as an actual being, but our illusions & misconceptions – 💫💫💫those that DISTRACT us from our spiritual journey. • The Devil symbolizes the distorted image we have of ourselves, the universe, &God. • On Earth 🌏 we are learning to distinguish between pure joy & reckless pleasure. • Beware is the trappings of religious conditioning & learn to recognize a true SPIRITUAL experience. • Instead of ALLOWING the limitless, eternal light from the divine source, the artificial light of the torch held by the devil is dazzling, but it is temporary....👂🏽☝🏽🤷🏽‍♀️🌏• Devil tarot card represents ATTACHMENT to temporary pleasures 🤑🤑🤑& ILLUSION. THINGS ARE NOT AS THEY APPEAR. 👀👀 Ambitious Capricorn, 🥂🏆💴💰associated with the Devil card, has taken you to the highest (worldly) peaks of what you thought possible, but there’s a catch : something is missing. 🤔🤔🤔this creates complications at every level of your consciousness: spiritual, intellectual, emotional – even physical. ••••Noted occultist Eliphas Levy wrote that “misguided devotion is the MOST POTENT of all magical poisons.” 👁🙏🏽You may be able cite chapter & verse from your favorite holy book, but does your life reflect the spirit of your faith? 🙏🏽Quite literally, the Devil tarot is a caricature of misunderstood spirituality. • Becoming too wrapped in temporary pleasures can lead to dysfunctional behavior patterns & psychological or physical addiction. Also beware of individuals (false prophets), offering to teach knowledge he or she hasn’t yet sufficiently understood... - #awordoftruth #message #devil #carnalsins #vices #materialism #attachment #blackpsychics #atl #atlpsychics #baphomet #theillusion #thedeviltarot #tarotcardreadersofinstagram #bruja #witchesofinstagram #witchesofcolor #message #falseprophets #kemet #kmt #knowthyself #tarotoftheday #materialism #tarotoftheday #divineadoratrice
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lastnightslove · 8 years ago
I have everything I need. It’s what I want that terrifies me.
Sue Devi
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watchmanis216 · 4 years ago
Spiritually Minded Book of Romans pt14 @warnradio
Spiritually Minded Book of Romans pt14 @warnradio; #Spiritually #Minded meets the life of carnal behavior. The Apostle tells his readers that now because they have #believed in #Jesus [Yeshua] #Christ here, they find themselves with no curse..
Spiritually Minded meets the life of carnal behavior. The Apostle tells his readers that now because they have #believed in #Jesus [Yeshua] #Christ here, they find themselves with no curse, no condemnation, no error. For the former things should be gone and that life of #carnalsins and #lusts are far removed. For they were set free from the #lawofsin and #death. The #righteousness of the #law is…
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jointhekvlt · 10 years ago
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Be aware of what feels natural and indulge in it. The simple act of being human is just that, simple. Encourage thought, encourage indulgence. #kvlt #kvltapparel #antonlavey #joinus #carnalsins #sinsoftheflesharesimplyhumanactons
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