howlonomy · 6 months
What would a species swap of the cast look like? Like we already go Monster Clover, but how about Human Ceroba, Starlo, and Marlet? Possibly a Human Kanako (Would she still be an Amalgamate??)
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a fun lil exercise :3
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monstraduplicia · 1 year
jacking off literally solves every problem why do we have war when we could just rub one out about it instead
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autocann1bal · 2 years
giys i need u to make mt decisions for me should i make a lockwood specific playlist
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thedreamparadox · 2 years
The Nightmarens know the concept of a God but do they also know what the Devil is?
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In a vague sense, probably? Historical depictions of the devil as a thing and devils as a species have drifted all over the place over the years. They probably know enough to use it for scaring dreamers but don't really get what the big deal is. Some of them probably go "oh, this is kinda what humans think we look like, isn't it?" with some of the weirder kinds of devils and demons out there.
So they wouldn't really get the religious connotations, but they'd understand the aesthetic ones.
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novagrayvanelders · 2 years
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Title: Slugat
A silly little doodle of an animal mix. Slug and cat! Slugat saw you, you better run. . .
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lemmydemonz · 4 months
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is it an almalgamation of my own fixation? door after door i found it is just a digital hallucination... i want to find a way out but im stuck here day after day inside this digital hallucination...
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moodymermaid3690 · 26 days
"Bridge Kids" - Larissa (Fan-Child)
Let me start by apologizing for my lack of skills in drawing in the "Bridge Kids" style. This is only my second piece in the style, so practice is sorely needed.
To prevent this post from appearing too long for people scrolling through, I'll post the drawing and then explain a bit of her lore under a Keep Reading break.
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To be completely transparent, my darling girlfriend, Abbey (@busyasabbey) drew Larissa first and named her. Since then, she (along with another fan-child that I'll draw in the future) has become a co-creation between the two of us. Abbey came up with the names and designs, while I came up with the back-stories.
So, I've had the head-canon of Isaiah being trans-masc since the beginning. I also ship him with Lars, and wanted to expand on how their (and the other characters') lives would be in the future - an AU of sorts.
Lars and Isaiah weren't planning on having children, considering Isaiah's sights were set on having his gender-reassignment surgeries. However, at one of his check-ups in preparation for top surgery, Isaiah is rejected. At first, he's livid and feels discriminated against, but Lars reminds him not to jump to conclusions.
When the doctor returns, they explain that the surgery is only going to have to be postponed because blood-work reveals that Isaiah is pregnant. Knowing how much it means to Isaiah to transition, Lars (reluctantly, yet supportively) assures Isaiah that it would be okay if he decided to terminate the pregnancy.
Isaiah, however, becomes rather defensive because, while children weren't in their plan, their baby was part of each of them. The conversation is sappy, but goes along the lines of: "are you kidding me?! They're part of you! Part of us! But... uh, let's just make sure this is our first and last...? Okay?"
And, that's essentially how Larissa comes to be in mine and Abbey's future-AU.
Her outfit is an almalgamation of hand-me-downs from both parents (hence Lars' shirt being turned into a dress) and her Uncle Marc Anthony.
We also have a second fan-child for Moe and Fugger. Unlike Larissa, however, their child is adopted. Her name is Maggie, but I won't delve into her lore until I finish drawing her.
A few other head-canon ideas we have include:
• Lars and Fugger host a podcast together; Lars' main job being at a convenience store and Fugger's being a librarian. Fugger is also studying to become a history teacher.
• Lars and Isaiah have two pets, a turtle named Kurt (Kurt the Turt as a joke) and a ferret named Cobain. Their names are a clear nod to Kurt Cobain, while the animals themselves are because we think Isaiah looks like a turtle and Lars looks like a ferret.
• Isaiah tutors children in music while studying to become a psychologist.
• Moe and Skid actually get their rap career off-the-ground, but often use Isaiah as a ghostwriter for their lyrics.
There are many more, but I'm running on little sleep, blood loss, and what's either severe allergies or possibly COVID. 🙃
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koukaaa-descent · 4 months
I like your silly and whimsy energy
Also realllly really love indigo and the idea of like being an almalgamation of various dead things brought back to the company thats so cool i love it and i love their tragic story like.... Doomed from the start but they still have love and joy in their life with monsoon, those happy little moments wheee there isnt much in the facility and quotas already been reached i feel like they should get to frolic in a field for all theyve been through
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I suppose, in another world.
(More below the cut.)
Throughout the entirety of their story, Indigo does not experience much in the way of truly vivid emotion. He was quite literally born to die, and was not 'born' with the capacity to automatically interpret and understand emotion. So, in comes Monsoon, a little beast nestled in the foliage of Vow.
This little thing, small enough to hold with one hand. By holding it, he experiences a warmth utterly foreign to him. It chirrups, chitters, and croaks. And then it has grown up to his knees, and then up to his waist, and up to his chest. Suddenly, in the span of just over a week and a half, Monsoon towers over him where it had once curled up inside of the nest his scarf had made.
Not even five days after this revelation, they die together.
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michoislost · 9 months
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ENTRY NUMBER 17 monsters' physical forms can't handle "determination" like humans' can. with too much determination, our bodies begin to break down. everyone's melted together...
Some angst with my human design for Alphys </3 She was watching while Undyne melted just like the almalgamations...
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boiboiperson · 5 months
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Did a drawing bored with my friend Dasmores. Including:
Drag queen murdoc
2ds failed top surgery
Tiny Goober doodles from Dasmores
Oc stuff
Almalgamation creature
Lil murdoc
Oncleh aaron
Dasmores slowly dying
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rickslabcoat · 11 months
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Alright, dear professor Peach, this question can be interesting for cause it kinda about mew-kind:
Besides Mew, the only pokemon that able use 'Transform' is Ditto. That pokemon dex entry says: "It can freely recombine its own cellular structure to transform into other life-forms."
Then, there's Eevee, with unstable DNA. "Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element stones."
Mew were the ancestors of all pokemon. So my theory is: what if ditto is natural simbiotic species for mews? What if ancient mews and ditto fused and created eevees? And that's the way how pokemons got so many different species. I mean, espeons have some similarities with mews after all, so...
Peach: I think you need to lay off the sweets.
Peach: You're theories in general are valid but you're overthinking it way too much but trying to fit puzzle peices together that arent apart of the same set.
Peach: Ditto's are human made pokemon, made to try and create a Mew by fusing an almalgamation of DNA. Ditto was originally fitted to be after their image. That is something we know.
Peach: I personally believe that Eevee's 'unstable' DNA isnt true, ive seen Eevee's ive checked them, they arent unstable, its malleable so take that how you will.
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yandere-toons · 2 years
JTHM part 4!! Also, i've made my ao3 acc and i will be putting the fic on there soon!! archiveofourown.org/users/filler_bunny
Devi stared at the almalgamation of paint strokes on her canvas, unsastified with her work. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she threw her paintbrush across her living room and collapsed on an armchair. Pulling her knees up to her chest, the woman wondered if Tenna was right. It pained her even so much as think to entertain her friend's repetitive suggestion, but it might be what she needed.
Devi's contemplation was interuppted by the sound of loud, metallic thumps passing by on her fire escape. They started to fade as whoever or whatever was making the racket supposedly decended.
Devi knew. Devi knew she shouldn't check the source.
But, the boredom and frustration and creative blockage clouded her judgement, making her do things that she normally wouldn't.
Maybe this city was getting to her after all.
Not all hope was lost for Devi D., however, as she immediately sobered upon seeing the perpetrator of the noise. It was a man she had never hoped to see again.
Johnny C.
Devi immediately yanked her head inside the apartment again as if she was witnessing a bear in her tent deep in a forest, doing it with such force that her body rolled until it hit the wall, causing a loud thump to echo throughout the apartment.
The wind had been knocked right out of Devi's lungs, and through her hyperventilating, she recalled that Johnny had been forcing somebody into his car.
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calormen · 2 years
today i'm thinking about calormen and its rich topography of rivers and oasises and grand cities plucked straight from a dreamer's head. i think about their craftsmanship, their displays of mosaics, of stained glass that reflects onto handcrafted tile and dyes the world in a flurry of colour. i think about their culinary crafts and the wonders they can do with a sweet pallet. i think about the almalgamation of culture that reflects in their generations of doorways to other worlds, and how g-ds were born from it, cultivating their rich pantheon. i think about their jewellers who work with the dwarves on their side of the mountain ranges, i think about their pantheon's statues reaching to the skies and set with said jewels from deep beneath the mountain's feet. i think calormen is a land rich in culture, diversity, and progress, guided by forward thinkers, artists and the hands of their g-ds.
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ask-sawtooth-and-co · 9 months
Sawtooth: Boot up computers
-He's not too sure why he's doing this. The memos give him plenty of updates to roll with, and Dirk often updates him on anything important. -Maybe the android is just getting bored in his old age? Could be that. He's like...how old now? -Sawtooth, proceed to not think about the fact that you're father fuckin' time at this point. -Let's just scroll some blogs, check the memos, and see what the day brings us before a certain little rabbit decides he wants to cause chaos on this fine day. ------- Sawtooth is one of Dirk's androids! In this AU, they were all thrown onto a fucked up almalgamation of a planet. It's like a sick joke from the game, a final *Fuck You* in the face of the players. This world is full of random alternates, portals and rifts in space, and most of the players are around the world trying to solve the riddle of who the fuck thought this was a funny joke, haha game fuck off. Sawtooth was thrown back as his normal self, an android from his timeline. Standing at a solid 7'1", this bot is tanky and intimidating but a huge softie. Loves kids, especially his (Alphas and Striders), and currently takes care of a human Lil Sebastian! No one knows why some bots and non-human entities are getting spat back out as human, but hey, he's gonna roll with it. He enjoys being a dadbot again. Makes him remember the good old days with baby Dirk. (Asks Are Open!)
- Mod Crow
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