#ally green
mw-537 · 1 year
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Nike Cosmic Unity 3 Campaign Photography by Ally Green
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chungledown-bimothy · 6 months
note: i'm deliberately not including clutch nat 20s or other rolls. i'm specifically talking about character abilities/items that players used to fuck brennan's shit. this is for having read the book, not being blessed by the dice gods.
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paladinsbrainrot · 6 months
happy 53rd birthday to this dork hope he falls down some stairs next
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beautifulpiquerisms · 4 months
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I Have No Mouth and I Must Smoke Weed.
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frownyalfred · 4 months
I love when JL fics hit you out of the blue with a healthy and polite relationship between Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne…like, word?
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cardicoven · 8 months
🌿Plant Spirit Devotional: 15 Day Exercise
Here's my concept for a method to facilitate bonding with a Plant Spirit or Herbal Ally over the course of a month. Obviously this practice takes far longer than a month to create a lasting bond with a plant spirit but hopefully this exercise helps provide some structure to the practice of bonding with a Herbal Ally. Feel free to use this outline yourself or modify it to your own needs.
15 days of Plant Spirit Devotion. Day 1: Introduction to the chosen plant. Day 2: The plants native habitat. Day 3: Cultivation, Foraging and Preparation. Day 4: Mundane properties (Culinary, Medicinal, Poisons etc). Day 5: Art inspired by / incorporating the chosen plant. Day 6: Magical correspondences. Day 7: Folk names and their origins. Day 8: Folklore and associated myths. Day 9: Deity / Spirit associations. Day 10: Plant's role in ritual: Cultural and Spiritual Significance. Day 11: Tarot / Oracle associations: Card spotlights. Day 12: Personal Sigil for the Plant Spirit. Day 13: Current Relationship with the Plant Spirit. Day 14: Personal goals when working with the Spirit. Day 15: Exercise conclusion, Take-aways and final overview.
My current plan with this exercise is to complete it each month for a different plant spirit / herbal ally, starting with Rosemary during February. Generally my plan is to spend the first half of the month bonding with the herb and researching it and the latter half of the month completing this exercise.
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This Exercise was inspired by this post: link by @noctivague about a 15 day deity devotional. Thanks for the amazing idea!
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sudaul · 1 month
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hellishfig · 1 year
watching brennan make the intrepid heroes feel the most bittersweet emotions when riz is with his dad in “my green heaven” is so funny
bc literally everything brennan says is so beautiful and sad and they simply cannot deal
lou’s “oh, shut up” and ally’s “goddammit brennan” when brennan reveals that pok hangs out at his grave in heaven so he can listen when riz visits to talk to him… they are both me in that moment
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Failing to combat transmasculine erasure is supporting transphobia. People don't seem to understand that transphobes are leveraging the general publics ignorance of transmasculine people to their advantage. An ignorant person is much more likely to support the information they receive first- do you want them to learn about transmasculine history and struggles? or do you want them to "learn" about ROGD and social contagion?
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vela-pulsars · 1 year
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Bought Spore because I couldn’t in 2008 (got the one on NDS tho) and brought my first specie from cell to space stage !
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i’m genuinely shocked by this:
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how can someone miss the point by such a large margin that they end up implying that Rhaenyra’s cause would have had no positive impact on the women of the realm?
how can one’s thought process be so far removed from the actual reality? is this the inconsistent logic one must tangle in to become a green? have these people never sat in a history class before?
jeyne arryn anyone? does she not exist to them? a point actually made in the book (not one twisted by the greens to advance their agenda) was that her rulership of the vale would’ve been seriously endangered and put into question if the greens won. but that is conveniently ignored by these interesting… folks.
i can understand the anger this person has with the horrible dance of the dragons adaptation and its treatment of female characters. and i mean it. especially when i say female characters. because alicent isn’t the female character who’s actually getting the shortest end of the stick. it was rhaenyra and rhaenys who were the most grievously declawed. rhaenyra is queen. her council is supposed to be her council. the war is supposed to be her war for her throne, not for some stupid prophecy that should’ve logically been lost a long time ago. and rhaenys is a baratheon with a temper and a dragon rider who would’ve burnt the greens and melted their bones if she had the chance. but for some reason the show decided to make a whole new character and slap rhaenys name on it.
to be clear: rhaenyra and rhaenys were powerful in their own right. they had dragons and were a part of the royal dynasty with claims to the throne. their power is theirs. it is derived from them.
alicent’s power is derived from the power of the men she is related to. that’s literally what the queen dowager title means. her influence is dependent on if the men in her life and her children listen to her. they don’t have to, and many characters don’t listen to her in the book, which is why i say she wasn’t the most grievously declawed.
it’s also hilarious that this person considers the queen dowager position to be the most powerful position in the greens court. they must have never read a cersei chapter as she faces her loss of power, which showcases the fickle nature of the power women hold in the westerosi patriarchy.
the correct sequence of power in the greens court is: the usurper king. then the hand. then the princes, specifically the usurper kings brothers, and then the queen consort, as they have dragons and claims to the throne. then the lords who can call on armies and fleets and have coffers that run deep. then the queen dowager, who has little influence outside of kings landing and therefore not as much influence in court as others.
the case the screenshotted post tries to make is that non-targ women’s positions aren’t advanced by rhaenyra being queen, which, as i pointed out above, is not true, nor is it what rhaenyra is fighting for. rhaenyra fought for her throne, which she had a legal claim to. that’s all. many houses joined her instead of joining the usurpers because of many different reasons, but, imo, three of the most important reasons for joining the blacks/staying neutral were 1) women’s inheritance rights (and women in general) should be respected 2) the head of the houses heir and the heirs right to inherit should be respected 3) oaths should be respected.
i also want to point out that women, most obviously targaryen women, did lose power after rhaenyra’s death and due to the concessions made to the greens and their ideology by the blacks for peace along with anti-rhaenyra propaganda that set women’s inheritance rights and the general power they could hold back by quite a lot.
and funnily enough, we see this first with jaehaera, who, while was a queen, was most likely murdered by the character who was supposed to be guarding her because no one gave a shit about a targaryen girls status and the potential consequences of killing her because they knew they could get away with it; and her death directly led to alicent’s line ending. the reality is that there were practically no consequences, as it seemed to have been easily covered up as a suicide, because the targaryens lost so much power after the dance, which directly put the targaryen women in the line of fire. if the targaryen women couldn’t be used they’d be discarded. and jaehaera, a simple girl who’s entire family was all dead besides one, and who’s father was greatly disliked by many, was an eyesore to those who wished for more power. so she was killed. brutally.
and the reason the women of house targaryen were so vulnerable? it’s because they had no claim to anything anymore! no one could try to use jaehaera for power so no greedy lords sought her favor nor did any want to protect her! and jaehaera is just the start because afterwards we get the maidens in the vault, then viserys ii is installed over daena, and then everything about naerys and her horrid husband, maekar over daenora, and eventually everything concludes with young princess rhaenys and rhaella over a hundred years later. tragic.
it’s literally downhill after rhaenyra’s death.
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riacte · 10 months
silly concept: martyn has to fight through ren’s league of evil greens in order to date him, everyone thinks the Big Bad is doc bc he looks evil and intimidating, but then doc is defeated and BOOM out comes the one. the only. iskallMAN
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I need Hank, Ally "slam down big style" Beardsley and Emily "I disguise myself as him" Axford to be at a table together. I wanna watch Brennan be truly broken by the sheer volume of shit from way out of left field.
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lailoken · 3 months
Rejoicing a Treasure Conserved
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As some of you may know, I am currently dealing with an especially difficult Faerie Physic case right now—possibly my most vexing to date—and it has taken a lot out of me. Between this work, and my paying work that I still have to keep up with to make a living, I have been burning the candle at both ends. In this time of stress and danger, I felt strongly compelled to turn to my chief Herbal Ally—the Ghost Pipe.
Despite the population of Ghost Pipes that I spent years stewarding in a devotional capacity being entirely depleted last year in what I believe was an unethical foraging harvest, I felt a strong call to revisit the site and look for any plants that may have managed to survive somehow.
After making my way to the forested site mentioned above, I began my search along all the places I previously saw colonies growing, but dishearteningly, I found nothing. Finally, I remembered the time a year ago that I felt called to spread seeds from the previous year's pods along areas that I intuitively felt would support Ghost Pipe cultivation. At the time, I didn't realize how fortuitous this act of sowing would be, as it was only a few months later that the area was ecologically divested. Remembering this, I went to a particular spot that I remember spreading an especially large amount of seed powder in, and I was literally choked up to discover, not only a young colony of Ghost Pipes just beginning to peak their heads above the soil, but a small snailshell (which have an especially powerful and longstanding role in my tradition as Fae Omens of the wild).
After lowering myself to the ground in worship and offering up prayers of gratitude and joy, I carefully concealed the area with bracken ferns and marked it with a subtle arrangement of sticks that I implanted in a nearby mound of earth. As a lovely bonus, I stumbled upon a small patch of Gnome Plants while marking the area for later notice—with these plants often showing up in my Craft as meaningful Fae Omens in their own right.
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I will be returning often to check on and nurture this population of nacent Ghodt Pipes, as well as doing whatever I can to conceal and protect it.
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islandoforder · 1 year
i know it’s not gonna happen bc he’s so busy all the time but i think my dream sidequest is murph dming (read tiredly babysitting) for a bunch of raucous nightmare goblin brat players* like emily, brennan, aabria, lou, hank green, erika, ally, etc
*before you say this is just naddpod i know but i want that x100 and also to see his exasperated facial expressions in person
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cardicoven · 7 months
🌿Plant Spirit Devotion: Herbal Altars
So this is alittle unorthodox but I've been keeping/tending an Altar specifically for my current Herbal Ally, atleast for the duration of my active devotional to that Plant Spirit (my post about Plant Spirit Devotionals). Currently my altar is set up for Rosemary pictured below. The Purpose of these altars is not to worship or revere the Spirit in the same way that my Persephone Altar exists to venerate the goddess. In my mind a Herbal Altar exists as a dedicated space for the spirit which acts as a reminder of the spirit throughout the day, while the aromatics of the Herbs themselves and the general energy of the Plant is allowed to suffuse the area.
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My Rosemary Altar pictured above contains the following:
Fresh Rosemary: Personally I think the most important thing on a Herbal Altar should be the plant itself, ideally a living plant but when that is unavailable the best alternative is fresh plant matter.
Dried Rosemary: Failing fresh plant matter, dried herbs can work just as well.
Rosemary Essential Oil: An essential oil or similar product made using the plant represents the myriad forms the Herbal Ally can take in your Practice.
A Herbal Flash card for Rosemary: This card not only has beautiful artwork depicting the Herb but on the opposite side contains information revolving around Rosemary's mundane and magical properties allow with a short botanical dossier. This is a representation of the Plants properties and what you can learn from it.
An associated Tarot/Oracle card: In My case I like to have a representative Tarot card for my Herbal Allies, I use the Bottanical Deck by Jessica Bott which happens to have a Card for Rosemary.
A tea light candle dressed in Rosemary oil and dried Rosemary: A representative of the Herb role in rituals, and in my broader practice. I plan on burning this on the last day of my devotional.
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