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p-redux · 6 years ago
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The face I make when I see a post that I’m dying to comment on with some BTS truths, but doing so would burst some people’s bubbles, so I just bite my tongue and internally go “Eek.” Some things are better left unsaid. 
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womenscraftbeer · 7 years ago
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🔗~~all that glitters is not gold~~🔗 Sweetest baby pewter hop drop earrings available year round in our little shop 👆🏼 #pewter #silverearrings #williamshakespeare #allthatglittersisnotgold . . . . . . . #beerdoesabodygood #beernerd #beerdrinker #beerblogger #drinkcraftnotcrap #drinklocal #drinkbeer #drinkcraft #drinkup #beergeek #beerbusiness #craftbeerlife #craftbeer #womenthatbrew #sandiegobeer #sdbeer #womenwhodrinkbeer #womenscraftbeercollective #beerjewelry #hopjewelry #jewelrykit #jewelrydesigner #jewelrymaking #swarovskicrystals #beerfashion #sdbeergirl (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnFFLEYl7ES/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rqfwg32zwpll
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daringhope · 4 years ago
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#pleasethink #forgodssake #think #consult #research #allthatglittersisnotgold #ask #guide Picture contribution https://unsplash.com/s/photos/thinking Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/hope-daring-xhg6/quotes/talk-so-much-yet-it-more-like-begging-manipulating-begging-cc01as https://www.instagram.com/p/CTL7x8sBH2P/?utm_medium=tumblr
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laurajk32 · 5 years ago
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Today's card is 4 of Wands. There are people that you can trust, and there are people that you can't. Know the difference and set your boundaries accordingly. #trust #friends #boundaries #FreeWill #freedom #oncebittentwiceshy #intuition #bekind #staysafe #nodiscrimination #respect #liveyourbestlife #inspirationalquotes #alwayslearning #alwayswinning #allthatglittersisnotgold #tarot #tarotreadings #taroteveryday #tarotmessage #commonsense #cardoftheday #tarotcardoftheday #everydaywitchtarot #bournemouth #dorset #Laurajk32 (at Bournemouth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLUQX9n75q/?igshid=ippfvo5hwqc0
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detroityoga · 7 years ago
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Although considered a basic posture, #revolvedtriangle takes many hours to polish. And I do not mean hours spent in class...I mean hours spent on Revolved Triangle. What ultimately ends up getting polished is the character of the person doing the work. #patience #persistence #consistency #commitment #hardwork An advanced technique is a basic one that’s been mastered. #allthatglittersisnotgold #ashtanga #vinyasa #yoga #ashtangayoga #vinyasayoga #igyoga #parivrttatrikonasana #detroityoga #michiganyoga #tostillthemindisyoga #bestillandknow (at Detroit Yoga)
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preachateacha · 5 years ago
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MERCILESS OPERATION SOUND Est. 1993 and still going strong. Never played any other sound although there were many offers. Had my highs and lows along the way. Seen many come and go but like a ships captain always stuck with my vessel. Believe in your passion and if it's to be it'll be! #loyaltyisroyalty #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #allthatglittersisnotgold #investinself #behumble #constructivecritismcounts And most importantly... ALWAYS KNOW YOUR WORTH AND NEVER LET ANYTHING OR ANYONE DEVALUE YOU OR YOUR BRAND! (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8SDvaylDXj/?igshid=1js4nngxgu6cm
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rezagrats · 7 years ago
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All that glitters is not gold. #jipang #japan #localscene #localsight #rural #local #ruralscene #ruralsights #walker #munakata #宗像 #fukuoka #lateautumn #lateautumncolors #earlywinter #earlywinter #japanesehouse #paddy #allthatglittersisnotgold #散歩 #stroller (at Munakata-shi, Fukuoka, Japan)
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markelton · 5 years ago
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Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🦃🦃 I realized I haven't really shared this piece yet. "A Real Turkey", also known as "The Binding of Thought and Memory" first debuted at the 60th Midwestern Exhibition of Fine Art at The Rourke Art Gallery + Museum, and has been my most controversial piece - going so far as soliciting the inquiries of friends and family regarding my well-being. Given my belief that any meaning in art is subjective to the viewer, I won't discuss my perceived meaning in any of this. Needless to say, those who reached out seemed to infer some of my intended themes. For that, and the knowledge that they care enough to reach out, I am thankful. ♥️♥️♥️ What are you thankful for? How are you celebrating? And what, if any, meaning do you take away from "A Real Turkey: The Binding of Thought and Memory" 🎀 💭 📝 #thanksgiving #turkey #thankful #digitalart #digitalartist #digitalillustration #digitalillustrator #digitalpainting #digitalpainter #thought #memory #controversial #gilded #allthatglittersisnotgold #midwestern #rourkeartgallery #rourkeartmuseum #holidayart #holidays #ravens #huginn #muninn #tbt #throwback #throwbackthursday (at The Rourke Art Gallery + Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ag6rJj27J/?igshid=190x81e7auk5t
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tobiasgambaro · 8 years ago
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distant views - still lives
all that glitters is not art
tobias hildebrandt photography
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Such a good night at The Merchant Of Venice! Thanks @ciaragilbert84 for the tickets! #bardonthebeach #merchantofvenice #allthatglittersisnotgold #shakespeare #theatre #sofancy (at Bard on the Beach)
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wanderandrain · 6 years ago
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All that glitters is not gold because maybe it's copper. ✨ . . . . . . . . #allthatisgolddoesnotglitter #allthatglittersisnotgold #copper #treasure #goodies #babies #darlings #lotr #fantasyartist #feastfortheeyes #electroformed #electroplated #copperplated #missoulaart #missoulaartist #missoulamakers #missoulamontana #handmadeinmissoula https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvpe6tQH5Bp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15ydrbv2q4eb4
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litviral · 6 years ago
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😖😬😵OK, it's Throwback Thursday, 'rigghht?' #allthatglittersisnotgold . . We don't do a lot of Kardashian/Jenner news (because that would require a level of us caring about what they're doing which we do not have😶😑). However, let's not forget that all that glitters is NOT gold. 👈👌💯 Kylie & Kendall likely weren't born when this photo was taken, but you get the 'picture.' . . . . #throwbackk #kardashianjenner #kardashianmemes #litviral #kardashiankids #celebritymemes . . . Credit: Unknown https://www.instagram.com/p/BubCNeEhFU1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1br0poz3abxd5
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ladykelacy · 6 years ago
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Once Upon a Time... Things were not as they seemed. . . . . . #lifeisnotafairytale #adreamisawishyourheartmakes #allthatglittersisnotgold #ifonly https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs7E16YnxTS4_C4n3TD6DJXKK0exWIFZJFD71o0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u7k711iccmnu
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Look beneath the surface. Third Eye work. #allthatglittersisnotgold #ancestors #thirdeyeopen #findyourpath #spiritualityoverreligion #knowledgeofself #findyourroots #foundation #vibratehigher #eggun #spiritguides #africanculture #diaspora #Ifa #Yoruba #africanspirituality #Orisha #Orisa #Ori #Lucumi #Santeria #palo #blackgirlmagic #blackconsciousness https://www.instagram.com/p/BshKTIgHCHK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12na5jvf27mbq
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laurajk32 · 5 years ago
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Today's card is The Devil. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Check all the facts before making any decisions. Listen to what's NOT being said, that's where the devil is hiding. #tarot #tarotmessage #tarotguidance #tarotcommunity #tarotfriends #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #cardoftheday #modernwitchtarot #allthatglittersisnotgold #devilinthedetails #alwayslearning #alwayswinning #liveyourbestlife #staysafe #bekind #inspirationalquote #Laurajk32 (at Bournemouth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_RpaWpnLSd/?igshid=1uqeab6xscfxh
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jamsjanine-blog · 8 years ago
#Early #morning #kitty #snuggles ❤️ #Perfect #nailfie #accessory 😍😊 #glitternails #glitter #allthatglitters #allthatglittersisnotgold #MrDJJN #BacheloretteJN #gel #TruShine #Jamberry #nailsoftheday #nailsonfleek #nailaholic #nailsonpoint #iridescentnails #cat #furbaby #catlady
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