#allison eggleston
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hatgame · 23 days ago
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protomichael · 3 months ago
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pen doodle from work of tripposting playing littlest pet shops together. i think michael would be really chill about playing girl toys with allison bc he likes her so so much
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handsome-john · 2 months ago
I cooked okay, never again though
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supercrazyangel4 · 11 months ago
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tripposting inspired by sinclairstrange
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lonesomejester · 2 months ago
Guy whose only ever played YIIK and seen Hadestown: “hm, I wonder if these two things are connected…”
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(Planned unintentional michrory)
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bubbie995 · 11 months ago
Why do you wanna know my name?
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I wanna know who I’m looking at.
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yiikcourse · 10 months ago
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nightmarinarting · 3 months ago
three persons, one body...
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read more for fullish version of the conspiracy board + some minor commentary
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so turns out, maybe you SHOULD take a picture of your homemade conspiracy board BEFORE you add stupid amounts of yarn onto it. sowwy everypony!!!
why is yiik the thing making me create my weirdest pieces of art, i don't think i'll never know. but i'm really glad it makes me do that.
i can't wait to make even weirder stuff when i play iv!!
now, if you'll excuse me, i'll go explode
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ezcatart · 11 months ago
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we met in a dream
a world slipped through the seams
i don’t want to go
i don’t want to leave
happy (late) 4/04!
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goponylover · 3 months ago
Thoughts on the YIIK Nameless Psychosis Demo Part 4
Approaching the house with 'Eggleston' written on it gives us this text:
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Ok. So, this is firmly establishing the parallel between Alex and Rory. Alex is the 'bad brother', and Rory is the 'good brother', with both of their sisters embodied in Nameless Child. Rory clearly cared very deeply for Carrie as his struggle to accept her loss and move on is (supposed to be) the crux of his character. And well, we haven't really seen evidence of how Alex is as a brother yet, but the fact that she's barely mentioned at all in YIIK 1.0 could perhaps speak to some kind of falling out.
But don't think I'm giving the writers credit with that. Even if Alex doesn't talk about her, his mom should have at least mentioned her more than once. Or we should at least have had some idea of where she was during the entire events of the game! But anyway, what I find more interesting is the line that comes after that:
"He pushed you from the tower."
I found this line strange because, if you'll remember, Nameless Child wasn't pushed from the tower. She fell. If the man chained there truly was Alex, he couldn't have pushed her. He was chained up, right? But let's go back to that scene for a moment.
When the man sees Nameless Child on the ledge, his eyes widen and then dart away. Almost as if he knows what's going to happen. Almost as if... he's ashamed?
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The surrealist imagery here is clearly not meant to be taken at face value, so is there some sort of betrayal on Alex's part towards Allison that he feels guilty about? I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the full game holds for us on that front.
Oh, and I'm sure you've noticed by now that we have a new card in the corner of our screen. We got it when we stepped on that weird Dali faced thing.
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Yup. So every step we take now has an obnoxious sound effect behind it. Look, I never said all of these ideas were good ones. Anyway, if we chase off in the direction Rory went, we find our path blocked by our friend Handsome Krow, who tells us we aren't on the guest list, calls us a nobody and tells us to get lost. Wow, maybe not so much of a friend after all.
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No sign of Rory either, so we have no choice but to go back the way we came and try that grassy path we saw. But I will say that parties and celebrations do seem to be becoming a bit of a recurring theme here.
Down the grassy path, we find a collection of towering rock structures. Maybe this is what our furry yellow friend was referring to earlier? Regardless, we have nowhere else to go, so we venture behind them.
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You enter a room that looks remarkably similar to the one we saw Alex sleeping in during the character scroll. Only Alex isn't the one sleeping in the bed here. His model looks remarkably similar to Proto Alex from YIIK 1.0 so maybe we can draw some conclusions as to why he's here?
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Additionally I will say that if you go into this room before speaking to Krow and try to interact with him, then you will get some text telling you he is 'pretending to be asleep' and to come back later. And if you try to look at the poster on the wall, the giant head from before will pop up and scold you for looking at his 'private things.'
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We haven't even been properly introduced to this guy, and already I get the sense that he's deceptive, creepy, and off-putting. But we'll have to save that meeting for the next part.
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crystallizedkingdoms · 2 months ago
walks over while clearly being a horse.. haayyy can u talk about yiik iv
omg hi horsie!!! if you have anything specific you want me to talk about feel free to send me another ask but for now im gonna talk about my feelings of I.V in general and my favourite additions!! spoilers under the cut
let’s start this off by saying i am Not 100% done with I.V. ive gone through the whole main story and NG+, but i have yet to go through NG++ nor have i begun any search for the third ending (but i really wanna!!) so i will be speaking from that perspective.
but here’s what I think in general, and i say this with no exaggeration: I.V has elevated YIIK to one of my favourite games of all time. legitimately top 3. I.V balances between strengthening and improving on plot points in 1.25 that existed in a limited aspect, and adding entirely new things that make it so much fucking bigger than i ever expected it to be. Everything about Benevolent Psychosis had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, being in completely new territory yet understanding how it tied in with the original story made it so incredible to experience.
I am absolutely in love with the Nameless segments. I really looked forward to playing her every time i was nearing a chapter end. learning about Allison and Carrie through this vessel and learning to question her presentation, and those she interacts with (God of Hope im looking at you) is the most fun ive had in a long time, and i love picking through my multiple interpretations of her character and her sections. especially the Hell House segment. the level of dread i felt when i realized what i was playing genuinely made me so happy, and the gameplay of that moment really fucking enhanced it.
also. Michael. what theyve done with Michael is fucking genius and i am in honest shock of how theyve managed to expand on him. he was easily my least favourite character of the main cast in 1.35, not because i disliked him, but because I honestly felt Nothing about him. as much as i did end up enjoying 1.25 after letting go of my irony poisoned interaction with the game, i still hold the belief that Michael simply wasnt written that well. but holy shit does I.V rectify that. All the extra context we have of him now, from his relationship with the Camera and the Red Room, his younger existence in the Nameless sections, his strengthened connection with Chondra, and his diary entries in BP are honestly phenomenal. hes become such a central character in I.V and now easily one of, if not The favourite character of mine in all of YIIK. his relationship with the Egglestons will ruin me for years to come
Another thing that i am such a big fan of is the dive into memetics that I.V takes. I will not act like i am super well versed in philosophy, but seeing the concepts and characters (namely Kisage X) brought from Deviation Perspective to I.V was really really fun, and learning about Memes in the context of Original Sins/Wins was really incredible. I feel like it’s genuinely taught me about some things in life, which imo is what a fucking phenomenal story does.
but. if there was One thing about I.V that i did not like, even if it’s ultimately really minor… it’s the Mind Dungeon. dear god navigating the Mind Dungeon is an absolute total nightmare, despite how cool the area itself is. I’m lucky im not sensitive to eye straining visuals (in fact i personally love it) but Jesus Christ how does this game not have a warning for it. the camera is very wonky in that area and i for the life of me do not understand how or why the dash button is also the “teleport yourself to the main hub section” button. What the fuck. also I don’t think I ever figured out all the skills or even that one floating platform in the distance but that’s entirely user error on my part
so uhhh yeah those are some of my thoughts. again feel free to ask for anything in particular . here’s a sugar cube if you read all of this
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yatescountyhistorycenter · 1 year ago
Spending the summer at Camp Arey
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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These days, you could still spend the summer along Keuka Lake at Camp Arey – just as youngsters could for nearly four decades from about the turn of the 20th century until the outbreak of World War II. However, with all due respect to the owners and residents of what is nowadays a seasonal vacation community, these summer homes on the lake seem a far cry from the natural science camp of yesteryear.
The Yates County History Center recently heard from a descendant of Dr. Albert Arey, who started the natural science camp. I knew the name of the camp and that it had been a summer camp for boys and girls, but that was about all I knew. I didn’t even know where the camp was located, except that it had been on Keuka Lake. Naturally, for those who know me or at least know my writing, this communication led me to research Camp Arey and learn more about it.
The first thing I learned is Arey, described in our sources as a Rochester science teacher, initially established his camp on the west side of Canandaigua Lake at Tichenor Point – in the town of Canandaigua in Ontario County. A lover of the natural world, the professor started his camp in 1890 so his students would have a place to explore such fields as geology, botany, and taxidermy. As Allison Cooper wrote in a “Time and Again” column in the May 15, 2006 Daily Messenger, “So he leased the plot of land from the Tichenor family, his wife sewed two tents out of sturdy canvas and the Natural Science Camp was born.”
The Natural Science Camp, as it was called then, was set up like a military camp and considered the first of its kind in the United States featuring tent camping. “A bugle horn sounded the wake-up and bedtime calls and at meal time the boys marched two by two to the mess tent,” Cooper wrote. “Dinner was at noon and the campers snacked on barrels of ginger snaps and Smith Butter Crackers, which were made in Canandaigua. They consumed sixty gallons of milk per day.”
The first year, 40 boys showed up to the camp; 15 years later, when Camp Arey prepared to leave Canandaigua Lake and head to new quarters on Keuka Lake, 150 boys per season was the norm. They came from New York City, Albany, Pittsburgh, and Syracuse as well as locales around the Finger Lakes. Their average age was 18. As well as studying science, the boys formed a baseball team and played against teams around the area. They also swam, sailed, and rode horses.
In January 1905, Arey purchased Eggleston’s Point on Keuka Lake in Barrington from Cornwell Bros. through Goodspeed & Miller’s Real Estate Agency and planned to move the camp there. “It is expected that large and permanent buildings will be erected and this point become one of the liveliest places on the Lake,” the Yates County Chronicle asserted on January 25, 1905. On May 5, 1905, the Penn Yan Democrat proclaimed the camp’s new location to be an economic boon for Penn Yan and Yates County – with 150 campers likely making the total camp population 200 including the staff and providing people ready to spend money. A Canandaigua man estimated that area’s merchants’ loss at $30,000 per year when the camp left.
Each year, the camp was to run from July 1 through September 1 – essentially, from the time school let out until it opened again. In 1905, tuition and board for a full term cost $100; shorter periods cost $12 per week. An “athletic tax” of 25 cents per week was also levied on each camper to pay for the equipment and expenses related to the camp’s teams. “While the Science Camp is a big summer school, text books are not every much in evidence,” the Democrat described Camp Arey ahead of its opening. “Nature furnishes many interesting studies, and botany and entomology, geology, taxidermy, etc., are some of the things that will be taught. There will be a shop for electrical demonstrations. The athletic program will consist of track athletics, base ball, basket ball, swimming, boating, riding, and sailing. There will be a dark room for those interested in photography. A dramatic club will be organized the first week of the Camp, and the plan is to produce several plays during the season, and a minstrel show in July. … Large army tents are provided for sleeping quarters. They have wood floors raised from the ground, and a water-proof ‘fly.’ Each tent accommodates three pupils, and has an electric light.”
As the camp prepared to open on Keuka Lake, arrangements were in the works to have the camp’s baseball team play some of its games in Penn Yan. There was also talk of field trips from the camp to Niagara Falls, the Thousand Islands, and Watkins Glen. Visitors were welcome to the camp at any time, through the arrangement of the commandant. All of the coaches and instructors at the camp had college degrees, and some had served in the U.S. military.
Various sources point to the different reasons for Camp Arey’s change in location. More campers meant the camp needed a larger property. Indeed, the Democrat on July 4, 1906 announced the beginning of the camp’s first season on Keuka Lake with 275 boys and young men. At the same time, the Tichenor family’s price to purchase the Canandaigua Lake site was too high for Arey. Keuka Lake offered more land at a cheaper price.
Various sources also provide different dimensions for the camp’s property. An unidentified source states Arey organized the camp on Keuka Lake on 125 acres with 2,000 feet of lake frontage. An outline of Camp Arey’s history put its at 160 acres. Notes left behind by former Yates County Historian Frank Swann list the parcel at 140 acres. The Democrat in 1906 described buildings upon 165 acres of land – an assembly hall large enough to accommodate the entire camp, a 50-by-75 mess hall, an office building, a shop containing the electrical plant, a number of smaller buildings, and the farmhouse, barns, and carriage house.
Camp Arey even had its own post office, to serve the camp as well as locals during the summer season. Campers raised their own vegetables and supplied milk from their dairy. The property eventually expanded to 230 acres when Arey purchased more land for the camp. Though only boys were admitted in early seasons, later on girls were allowed at the camp; boys came for half of the season, and then girls came for the remainder.
Arey himself continued to run the camp until 1912, when he apparently accepted a position in the science department of a girls high school in Brooklyn at twice the salary of his position in Rochester. Moving his family to Brooklyn, Arey sold the camp to his son-in-law and daughter, Andrew and Mildred Fontaine, who operated the property as a girls camp until 1939. The Fontaines in turn sold Camp Arey to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patin, of Cleveland, Ohio, who continued to oversee the girls camp for a few more years.
The World War II years put a strain on the camp, while living patterns and outlook changed. During the 1940s, the Rockefeller family purchased the property as an executive retreat but apparently kept the Camp Arey name. In the 1950s, there was an effort to make Camp Arey the site of a state park, as at that time there were only two state parks in the Finger Lakes at Taughannock Falls and Cayuga Lake. That effort, however, faced much opposition and failed to come to fruition.
You can still spend your summer at Camp Arey if you so wish. You just won’t be staying in a tent and studying the natural sciences as youngsters once did.
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watusichris · 4 years ago
Leon Russell Au Naturel
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When Les Blank’s A Poem is a Naked Person, his long-suppressed feature about Leon Russell, was finally exhumed some years back, I wrote about the film for the Night Flight web site. The story has since been scoured from the web. The film is airing Monday on TCM at the ungodly hour of 7:15 a.m. PT, as part of its Labor Day music movie marathon, so I decided to dig up my old piece and re-post it to supply some back story. It’s quite a picture, but it is not for the impatient or the squeamish. ********** Virtually unseen for more than 40 years, A Poem is a Naked Person, Les Blank’s portrait of Leon Russell, receives a formal Los Angeles premiere on July 8 with a screening at the Theatre at the Ace Hotel; a week of showings at Cinefamily, under the auspices of Allison and Tiffany Anders’ Don’t Knock the Rock Festival, commences on July 10. The reason for the picture’s long suppression is simple: Russell and his Shelter Records partner Denny Cordell commissioned Blank to make a promotional movie, and he gave them an art film, and not a flattering one at that. Therein lies a very interesting rub.
Some slightly convoluted back story is necessary. By 1972, when Blank was hired to create his portrait of the musician, guitarist-keyboardist-songwriter Russell had risen to a position of commercial eminence after years as one of L.A.’s top studio guns. Graduating from work in the house band of the weekly TV rock showcase Shindig! and record dates with such diverse clients as Phil Spector, the Byrds, and Herb Alpert, the Tulsa-born musician moved into the spotlight as musical director for Delaney and Bonnie Bramlett’s stomping R&B- and gospel-infused group and Joe Cocker’s huge, circus-like Mad Dogs & Englishmen unit.
Dubbed “The Master of Time and Space,” Russell began a fruitful label partnership with British producer Cordell with the inauguration of Shelter in 1970, a year before a high-profile appearance in the house band at George Harrison’s Concert For Bangla Desh. He bumped into the U.S. top 20 with his second solo album in 1971, but the 1972 LP Carney soared to No. 2 and spawned the No. 11 single “Tight Rope,” which was animated by Russell’s rolling keyboard work and rough yet affecting singing. The three-LP concert collection Leon Live would reach the top 10 and cement his position as a solo star in 1973.
Russell and Cordell doubtlessly envisioned a conventional feature surveying the musician’s stage show and sessions for a forthcoming country album when, on the recommendation of the American Film Institute, they commissioned Blank. By then active in Northern California for a dozen years, the director had made his rep with earthy short features about a pair of Texas musicians, bluesman Lightnin’ Hopkins (The Blues According to Lightnin’ Hopkins, 1968) and songster Mance Lipscomb (A Well Spent Life, 1971).
For nearly two years, Blank and his collaborator Maureen Gosling set up shop at Russell’s home and studio complex on a lake outside Tulsa, where they filmed the performer at work and play, and also cut their footage of Louisiana zydeco musicians Clifton Chenier and Boisec Ardoin into the pungent short films Hot Pepper and Dry Wood. The filmmakers humped their gear to gigs in Anaheim, New Orleans, and Austin, and to studio rehearsals at Bradley’s Barn in Nashville for the album Hank Wilson’s Back, the sincere and soulful 1973 country project that bewildered his core fans, essentially marking the end of Russell’s tenure as a top-flight rock attraction.
After an abortive attempt to screen A Poem is a Naked Person at the 1974 Cannes Film Festival – the print wasn’t ready – Russell and Cordell basically put the feature on semi-permanent ice, allowing it to be screened only by permission, with Blank in attendance. It remained an elusive commodity until the director’s death in 2013. At the urging of Blank’s son Harrod, Russell reconsidered the matter of its availability; a screening at this year’s South By Southwest Film Festival prefaced a national theatrical release, and a DVD from the Criterion Collection, distributor Janus Films’ home video line, is anticipated.
Russell has long been mum about his reasons for keeping the picture out of circulation; queried in recent interviews, he has glibly replied, “I don’t know,” or “I don’t remember.” But it seems obvious that the producers’ intentions and the filmmakers’ execution were widely divergent. If Russell and Cordell thought they were going to get a puffy documentary that would push their product, they were sorely disappointed.
A Poem is a Naked Person bears a striking resemblance, in style if not entirely in content, to a pair of quite radical contemporaneous films. The most obvious analog is Cocksucker Blues, Swiss-born photographer and indie filmmaker Robert Frank’s notorious backstage look at the Rolling Stones’ 1972 U.S. tour; a jumpy saturnalia of sexual escapades, heroin abuse, and hotel-room boredom, with occasional concert footage, it scandalized the band, who have enforced restrictions similar to those imposed on Blank’s movie upon its exhibition. Photographer William Eggleston’s long-gestating Stranded in Canton, which features pianist Jim Dickinson and musician/bank robber Jerry McGill among its cast of Memphis and New Orleans weirdoes and eccentrics, was shot on portable video equipment ca. 1973 and finally cut into something resembling finished form by Bluff City writer-documentarian Robert Gordon in 2005. It’s an incandescent rebel depiction of life on the distant fringes of art and music.
Frank’s and Eggleston’s highly personalized, jaggedly edited, impressionistic features, brimming with often appalling extra-musical incident, don’t fit the description of what we’ve come to call “music documentaries,” and neither do Blank’s pictures. The best-known films the director made before his encounter with Russell, though they boast musicians (Hopkins and Lipscomb) as their central figures, likewise operate well beyond the parameters of conventional music docs. Though there is a good deal of music-making and ass-shaking in them, they are at heart about the communities in which the music was made, with their indigenous landscapes, customs, cuisines, and spiritual concerns. An observer of folklife at heart, Blank was an unlikely, even incongruous, candidate to make a movie about a rock star – essentially, an industrial film for music consumers.
Like the subjects of Blank’s earlier films, Russell is witnessed at home a good deal, and the director slathers his film with super-saturated images of local color shot in and around the musician’s Oklahoma base – a pow-wow of the Tulsa Indian Club, a tractor pull, a holiday parade, a literal wild-goose chase, the implosion demolition of Tulsa’s ancient (and perfectly named) Bliss Hotel. But Russell – prematurely gray, long-haired and bearded, always bearing a glazed, slightly stoned mien -- appears before us as a man without a country, almost an alien, dislocated from his roots, ferried to his far-flung gigs in long limousines as black as hearses.
As a protagonist, Russell most resembles the central figure in a later Blank production, 1982’s Burden of Dreams. That unsettling feature follows the chaotic production of German director Werner Herzog’s film Fitzcarraldo in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon. The reckless and megalomaniacal filmmaker is seen slowly coming apart as, cut off entirely from civilization, he single-mindedly pursues his quixotic and extremely hazardous project, which entails the climactic hauling of a 20-ton boat up a steep incline; by the film’s end, Herzog appears as mad as the lunatic hero of his saga, who longs to build an opera house for Enrico Caruso in the middle of the jungle. Though Russell is never depicted in extremis, as Herzog is, Blank implies that, unlike the Southern musicians the director depicts so affectionately and respectfully, the Oklahoman is like Herzog also a man who has drifted too far from his native shore.
Music plainly is what brings Russell alive; it is at the heart of A Poem is a Naked Person, and it is often splendid, a saving grace. There are lovely cameos by George Jones (playing “Take Me” solo in Russell’s home studio) and Willie Nelson (essaying “Good Hearted Woman” at a gig in Austin, and accompanying fiddler “Sweet” Mary Egan on “Orange Blossom Special”). Several truncated yet forceful performances by Russell’s road band – augmented by a gospel-styled quartet, Blackgrass, led by Rev. Patrick Henderson – are on view. In one simple yet eloquent sequence, Russell’s deeply felt cover of Hank Williams’ “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” plays under footage of clouds drifting across the face of the moon, as they do in Williams’ lyrics; it’s obvious, but nonetheless affecting.
One of the bleaker streaks in the film can be found in some of the sequences shot during the sessions for Hank Wilson’s Back in Nashville. These scenes are not totally bereft of a certain joy: Russell takes obvious delight in the expertise of his A-Team accompanists. One delicious scene finds him in an awed duet with Charlie McCoy, a secret hero of Bob Dylan’s Nashville-based albums from Blonde On Blonde to Self Portrait; the bespectacled McCoy looks like an accountant on his way to a tee time, and he plays and sings his ass off. But some of the other Music City studio gunslingers’ envy of and contempt for their contractor – like themselves a session guy, but one who has hit the jackpot – is scarcely concealed. Hotshot pianist David Briggs – whose obscene rendition of the Beatles’ “Lady Madonna” was expurgated in later prints of the film at Russell’s insistence – says at one juncture, in a blatant dig at his session boss, “I’m the guy they call when you can’t do your own fucking piano work.”
There is also an ugly confrontation in the Nashville studio with folk singer-songwriter Eric Andersen, who was apparently barred from entering the facility for his own session by Russell’s security staff. Russell belittles and insults Andersen with an arrogant rocker’s noblesse oblige, drily telling him, “You write some very beautiful goddamn songs,” which prompts the reply, “You’re jiving.” For his part, Andersen voices skepticism about the legitimacy of Russell’s onstage thunder: “I couldn’t tell if you’re a revivalist man, trying to put something over, where it was coming from.” You find yourself asking if Blank may not harbor the same doubt.
Blank ladles further darkness, grotesquerie, and bile over the proceedings throughout. Using non-linear, densely layering techniques pioneered in the ‘60s by French New Wave director Jean-Luc Godard – whose ironic quote, “The day of the director is dead,” is seen on the film’s concluding title card, below Blank’s credit – the filmmaker atomizes the action, or comments on it, using a vocabulary of startling jump cuts, head-spinning juxtapositions, and dialog rendered as on-screen legends (“GET THOSE GOD DAMN CAMERAS OFF US”).
Thus, in one extraordinary sequence, footage of a wasted concertgoer being ejected from one of Russell’s gigs is intercut with shocking shots of a boa constrictor killing and devouring a baby chick. (The snake is the “pet” of artist Jim Franklin, who is seen elsewhere adorning the bottom of Russell’s swimming pool, after coolly collecting scorpions off its walls.) In another scene, a snippet of fiddler Johnny Gimble improvising a lively solo in the studio is abruptly interrupted by the screaming freakout of a bare-chested young man on a very bad acid trip in an unidentified hotel room.
Blank seems to imply that for all the tambourine shaking and Chautauqua-tent fervor of his sound, Russell makes music that only mimes the spiritual core of its sources. Nowhere is this more apparent than in a ragged jump cut from minister-musician Henderson playing at a Pentecostal church service to his group Blackgrass rocking the praise at one of Russell’s shows. The first performance, Blank suggests, is about true religion of the most devout order – the real thing, as it were -- while the second is no more than entertainment.
In the end, Blank says without a flinch, this music is about the dollars. At one point he trains his camera on a teenage hitchhiker outside one of Russell’s shows; with a guitar slung on his back and a cardboard sign reading, “Oklahoma City” in his hand, the deluded kid says, “I wanna make it in Hollywood like Leon does – make a million dollars playin’ gee-tah.” The most damning exchange in the entire picture comes when an acquaintance poses a question to Russell after his performance at a friend’s wedding. Russell repeats the question – “If I didn’t get paid for singing, wouldn’t I sing?” – and leaves it hanging in the air, unanswered.
One can easily understand why Russell and Cordell were mortified, even horrified, by Blank’s film and sat on it for four decades. A Poem is a Naked Person used the language of cinema to subvert the film’s intended purpose as a self-glorifying sales tool. Instead, it ended up being a probing and dialectical work that used Russell’s music much as Godard himself employed the Rolling Stones’ music (far less effectively or coherently) in his Sympathy For the Devil. As it often has over the course of time, great art – and Blank’s movie definitely qualifies as such – operates at cross-purposes to a patron’s wishes.  
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supercrazyangel4 · 3 months ago
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art by @iheartmyipod
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parkinsonismblr-blog · 6 years ago
TIM General Violence
Father, now a woman, gets 18-months for sexually assaulting daughter
Transgender female Twitter engineer charged with raping her estranged wife
Transgender Serial Child Rapist Arrested Again for Nude Images of Child: Nicola (née Ross) Florida
Trans-Identified Man Passes as Female Nanny to Rape, Kidnap Children: Synthia (née Dennis L.) Koopman | Women Are Human
Man Hides Past as Child Rapist by Becoming Transgender, Changing Name: Allison (née Dennis) Woolbert | Women Are Human
Male Transgender Impeached for Sexual Assault Allegations: Heather Dunn
Trans-identified Man Rapes Girl at Party: Dean Sawley
Trans-Identified Man Charged with Kidnapping, Raping Man: Jeffrey “Ciara” McEleveen
Trans-Identified Man Arrested for Molesting Adolescent Girl with Sex Toy: Tanner (a.k.a. Evelyn) Young
Vicious Child Rapist / Murderer Demands Sex Change & Freedom: Synthia China Blast
Three Men - Including Transgender - Sexually Enslave, Torture 14-Year-Old Girl
Trans-Identified Man Convicted in Gang Rape of Teen Girl: Lisa (née Louis) Massei
Two Male Transgenders Kidnap and Rape Underage Boy: Javoris “Aceiyana” Phillips
Police: Lowell Transgender Woman Sexually Assaulted 15-Year-Old Girl
Male Trans Activist who Identifies as Transgender Raped Woman to Impregnate Her with ‘Non-Binary’ Babies: Cherno Biko | Women Are Human
Trans Rights Activist Who Advocated Mixed-Sex Restrooms is a Serial Child Rapist: Chad Sevearance-Turner | Women Are Human
Popular trans activist Eli Erlick is a rapist
Trans Activist Jessica Yaniv wants to help 10 yr old girls put their tampons in
Man, Dressed as Woman, Charged With Sexually Assaulting of Boy
Convicted sex offender seeks access to women’s locker rooms through bathroom law
Man accused of posing as woman in sexual batteries found mentally unfit to stand trial      
Crossdresser given shops ban over Perth grope rap  
Crossdressing Suspect Arrested For Raping Woman
Convicted sex offender sues over sex change operation       
Joseph Patrick Bueche – Hit store clerk over the head with bottle for misgendering
Charles Norwood – Battery
Jarvis June “Lady Jae” Clark – Murder  
Maikobi Burks – Murdered mother, father, and sister
Emmagene Kaytlyn Cronin/Shawn Cronin writer for The TransAdvocate, battery, harasses women online
Chay’Im Ben­Sholom, claims to be transgender, murdered a woman
Richard Speck – Mass murder/rape of women
Veronica Bolina/Charleston Alves Francisco brutally beat elderly woman after invading her home
Derek Sinden, who identifies as a woman, assaulted/killed elderly woman after invading her home
Mark van N. – Dentist who killed his wife and mutilated the teeth of some 100 patients
Matthew “Maddie” Smith, murder
Dr. Richard Sharpe – Killed wife during divorce
Transgender woman arrested in Idaho bomb plot
Michael Adams – Shot and killed girlfriend
Psychotherapist Rita Powers murdered by her patient, a transwoman, because Powers didn’t think he was an appropriate candidate for sex reassignment surgery Note, in the link, that the transgender community blamed Powers for being murdered, saying that if she had just given her patient what he wanted, she would still be alive. In other words, ‘she asked for it.’ Sound familiar?
Transgender Activist Ordered To Stand Trial For Oakland Triple Murder
Cheryl Partsch punched in teeth for questioning cross-dressing man in women’s restroom. His punch cost her $60K in medical bills. Note that Patrick doesn’t identify as a woman, but still punched Cheryl in the teeth for being concerned about his presence in the women’srestroom, and called her questioning a “hate crime.”
Transactivist punches Mia Mac in face and neck, and breaks her camera, at Speakers Corner in London. Action for Trans Health London defended and excused the actions of the transactivist assailant. [See video further down the Masterpost ↓↓↓]  More info and screenshots can be found here.
A lesbian was jumped by a gang of transactivists outside of a gay bar. Her assailants then proceeded to brag about it on Twitter.
Feminists assaulted in Transgender Attack at Portland conference for Social Change
UK trans athlete Lauren Jeska, attempts to murder an official and attacks two other officials from British Athletics for reviewing the medals won while competing as a woman.  Lauren Jeska is male.
A minor female was assaulted by a transgender named Dakota Kern, apparently because she called him “dude.
Winthrop teen pleads guilty to murdering parents on Halloween morning 2016
Pasco: Cross-dressing man sentenced for battery
Disturbing Details in Shooter’s Social Media
Serial killer Donna Perry sentenced to life without parole | The Spokesman-Review
Trans-identified Man Kills Uncle to Fund “Gender” Surgery: Vonlee Nicole Titlow
Transgender Goes on Ax Rampage After Rejection, High on Transitioning Drugs, Alcohol & Cannabis: Karl “Evie” Amati
Trans-Identified Man Kills Girlfriend Because She Was Leaving Him: Michael Adams
Trans-Identified Man Poses as Woman to Lure, Blackmail, and Kill Man: Alhan Khan
Transgender female Twitter engineer, 32, is charged with raping her estranged wife the day after serving her with divorce papers
Trans activist Eli Erlick is a confirmed rapist
Male Trans Activist who Identifies as Transgender Raped Woman to Impregnate Her with ‘Non-Binary’ Babies: Cherno Biko
Trans-Identified Man Beats Up Firefighters Who Put Out Fire on His Property: Kate Lynn Blatt
Transgender and Prominent Trans Rights Activist Slaughters Long-time Friend: Gigi Thomas
Trans Rights Activist Who Advocated Mixed-Sex Restrooms is a Serial Child Rapist:
Robert Durst – Murdered wife, traded in real estate for high heels and lipstick, used transgender identity to stay hidden
Man dressed as woman robs Target with semi-automatic handgun
Arrest warrant issued for Transwoman in Montreal “sex change” clinic Arson
“Woman” killed neighbor before shooting self
Subway slasher caught blowing kisses on camera while vowing to ‘cut’ victims
Police: Stamford Resident Hit Woman In Face With Bottle After Gender Insult
Daryl Rasmussen – Murdered gay couple
Philip Walker Rosati, who identifies as a transgender woman, murdered wife
Kentucky Fairness Campaign’s Anthony G. Casebeer threatens lesbian feminists
John “Johnny” Jacobson Jr/Skylar Deleon – Armed burglary and murder
Mrs. Doubtfire’s arsonist arrested
Armed trans woman arrested after 10-hour D.C. standoff
Greg Ward AKA Karisma Garcia is a Transgender Women currently incarcerated for robbing a person with cerebral palsy at knifepoint
Trans women charged with assault in Casa Ruby incident
Richard Chaperon/Synthia Kavanagh – Murder & threats of violence
Transgender woman savage beating/murder of partner
Lamar McQueen – First degree murder
Thomas Cross/Teresa Cross – Aggravated assault
Craig Hudson – Tortured/killed wife, fights to wear wig in prison
William Gray – Killed two women
Thomas Lamb – Kidnapping, rape and murder
Nouchie Vellon – first degree rape
Austin Christopher Wikels – Handcuffed woman to bed & forced her to perform a sexual act another woman, & sadomasochistic assault
Drunk ladyboy attempts to rape 72-year-old woman
Man Claims Rape Was Result of Gender Identity Crisis – raped unconscious woman
Transgender woman accused of giving fake breast exams
Gareth Mcpherson – transsexual, raped woman in vicious attack
Transgender male threatened to arrange for a “football team” to gang-rape a man if he didn’t submit to a homosexual encounter
Transvestite taxi driver faces a prison term after he was convicted of raping a drunken woman in the back of his car
Keith “Rebecca” Elmore – attempted rape of woman, admitted to having cannibalistic fantasies of killing and eating women
Vance Egglestone – brutal rape of woman
Richard “Sherri” Masbruch – serial torture-rapist who tied women up, tortured, and raped them. Raped female inmates after prison transfer
David John Harris – sexually assaulted women while wearing women’s clothing
Clare Lawton – rape of woman, inflicting grievous bodily harm, burglary and unlawful wounding.
Peter Steel – rape of woman, inflicting grievous bodily harm, burglary, unlawful wounding, damaging property:
Renell Thorpe – Broke into a woman’s home, raped her, and tried to flee while wearing her clothes:  
Cross-dresser branded ‘high risk’ to women, sexually assaulted while wearing skirt, attempted rape of woman in bathroom:        
Gregory Philip Schwartz – attempted sexually assault of woman while wearing Barbie doll dress inside a Big Lots bathroom:
“Terf Tracker” Allison Woolbert : outed as violent sex offender:  
Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina
Child Sex Predator Paul Ray Witherspoon, ticketed for using female restroom uses “Gender Identity” defense
Jonathan “Johanna” Adrian Wolf – convicted sex offender, raped deaf girl, became trans activist fighting for locker room access
Xena M Grandichelli/Jeffrey Willsea a registered sex offender convicted of rape, becomes trans rights activist
Trans activist outs himself as a pedophile rapist
Lynchburg transadvocate arrested after assisting at-risk youth
Luis Morales “Synthia China Blast” – brutal rape and murder of 13-year-old Ebony Williams
Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter
Sex offender uses crowdfunding to raise money for gender reassignment surgery – molested 13 year old girl
Plymouth transgender sex offender jailed after coming into contact with child
Duane LeRoy Fox/Jennifer Ann Jasmaine – Committed offenses against 14 year old
Transsexual who downloaded sickening images of child pornography escaped jail because a judge said prison would be too tough a place for her
Louis Massei – Gang rape of a 16-year-old girl
Registered sex offender arrested on suspicion of entering a school campus and using a false female name
William Karl Olsen – Sexually violent predator
James Joseph Allard – Sex penetration with foreign object of victim under 14 years of age
Lewis “Lennea Elizabeth”  Stevens –  charged with possession of child pornography
Convicted sex offender sues over sex change operation
Convicted Rapist Sues NJ Prisons Over Sex Change
Man in women’s clothing arrested for child porn
Cross dressing pervert was jailed after breaching the terms of his sexual offences prevention order
‘High risk’ sex offender locked up
Transgender Woman Arrested on Bestiality Charges: Placed Craiglists Ad To Arrange Sex With a Horse
David Megarry Jr. aka Sandra Jo Batista – convicted child rapist
Ronny Edward Darnell – repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl:
literally hundreds more examples here and here, and some more here
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bubbie995 · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
I guess pain will be the only thing
I ever get to bring
But I will send it through the air
Like a loosely-gripped baseball bat swing
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